LS Mmse
LS Mmse
LS Mmse
Abstract- In this paper channel estimation techniques for Non-blind are further divided into two types: i) pilot-aided
Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial (DVB-T) based OFDM and ii) preamble. In pilot scheme, known information is
transmission and reception are investigated. Channel estimation transmitted together with data. While, in preambles known
based on comb type pilot arrangement is studied through information is transmitted over one or more OFDM symbols
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithm. The estimation of with no data. Preamble based channel estimation is used for
channel at pilot frequencies is based on Least Squares (LS) and slow fading channel, while pilot based channel estimation
Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) estimators while gives better performance in the fast fading environment. In
interpolation is done using linear and spline cubic interpolation. semi blind, both known and unknown data is required for
Existing channel estimation usually addresses the scattered and channel estimation.
continual pilot arrangement for DVB-T based OFDM systems.
The estimation of channel by using comb type pilot
Pilot based channel estimator presented here differs from
arrangement can be based on LS and MMSE estimators.
previous methods in a way that it is based on comb type pilot
MMSE has been shown to perform much better than LS in
arrangement, which accurately estimates the MSE in the
presence of COST 207 Typical Urban Reception (TU6) channel
term of MSE. But MMSE is considered more complex.
model. This paper shows that DFT-based algorithm can Considerable attempts have been done to improve the
improved the MSE of conventional LS and MMSE estimators performance of LS and MMSE.
by removing the impact of noise outside the maximum channel The interpolation of the channel for comb-type pilot
delay length. arrangement can depends on linear interpolation, second
order and spline cubic interpolation. In [5], second order
Keywords – LS, MMSE, DFT OFDM and DVB-T. interpolation outperforms the linear interpolation. Whereas
in [6] , it has been shown that time domain interpolation has
I. INTRODUCTION low BER as compared to linear interpolation.
Several different MMSE estimators of time-varying
Orthogonal Frequency division Multiplexing (OFDM) has channels that exploit the scattered pilot symbols for DVB-T
been applied widely in wireless communication systems due application are reported previously [7-9]. Similarly for LS
to its high data rate transmission capability with high estimator, most studies have only been carried out by using
bandwidth efficiency and its robustness to multipath delay. scattered and continual pilot symbols for DVB-T based
OFDM introduces Cyclic Prefix (CP), which eliminates the OFDM systems [10,11].
Inter-Symbol-Interference (ISI) between OFDM symbols [1]
and its high data rates are available without having to pay for The pilot based channel estimator presented here differs
extra bandwidth [2]. With these advantages, OFDM is from previous methods in a way that it is based on comb type
widely accepted in numerous wireless standards such as pilot arrangement, which accurately estimates the MSE in
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), Digital Audio the presence of COST 207 Typical Urban Reception (TU6)
Broadcasting (DAB), Wireless Metropolitan Area Network channel model. In this paper, we present the DFT-based LS
(WMAN) and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). For and MMSE channel estimation for DVB-T based OFDM
efficient design of coherent receiver, channel estimation systems, where MSE is improved significantly as compared
plays a vital role [3]. to conventional LS and MMSE estimators.
Efficient demodulation can be achieved by using dynamic This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, overview
channel estimation because the radio channel is frequency of pilot based OFDM system model is explained. Section III
selective and time-varying for wideband mobile is divided into three subsections: III.A described LS
communication systems. Channel estimation refers to the estimator, III.B presented MMSE estimator and III.C
estimation of transmitted signals bits using the corresponding introduced the DFT-based algorithm. Section IV presented
received signals bits [4]. comb-type pilot arrangement. Section V and Section VI
explained different interpolation techniques and
Mainly there are three types of channel estimation, which methodology respectively. Results and analysis are
are as follows: i) Blind ii) Non-blind and iii) Semi-blind. In discussed in Section VII. Conclusion of the work is
blind technique, there is no need for transmitted data for presented in Section VIII.
channel estimation. It saves the training overhead and also
excellent for applications where bandwidth is limited. On the II. SYSTEM MODEL
other hand it has the drawback of being extremely
computationally intensive. Non-blind channel estimation is OFDM system model block diagram in Fig. 1 begins with
another approach in which some portion of known “signal mapping” where binary information are mapped
information is transmitted to the receiver, which is then used according to modulation. Then serial to parallel conversion
for channel estimation. It has better results as compared to takes place. After that, pilot sub-carriers are inserted along
blind estimation. with data sub-carriers, which give samples X(k).
After serial to parallel conversion, removal of guard interval Where E{ } is expected value. As the channel and AWGN
takes place from yg(n). Then FFT block de-multiplex the are not correlated, we can rewrite above equation as
multicarrier signals and frequency domain samples Y(k) are
received as Hɶ M M S E = R H Y R YY
Y (12)
j 2 Π kn
1 N F F T −1 − Where RHH and RYY are the auto-covariance matrixes of H and
Y ( k ) = F F T { y ( n )} =
∑ y ( n )e N FFT (5) Y respectively. While RHY is cross-covariance matrix between
n=0 H and Y, which can be shown as
RHY = E{H Y } (13)
n = 1, 2 , ... N F F T − 1
R HY = RHH X (14)
Suppose that there is no ISI, because channel impulse H
response length is smaller than the guard band interval. The R YY = E {YY } (15)
output of the FFT block is Y(k), which can be represented as R YY = X R H H X H
+σ 2
(16) N
C. DFT-based Channel Estimation
DFT-based algorithm gives higher estimation accuracy as
compared to conventional LS and MMSE because it allows a
reduction of noise outside of the maximum channel delay (L).
Fig. 2 explains channel estimation based on DFT algorithm.
After estimating the channel transfer function HP(m) from
pilot tones, an efficient interpolation method is applied on
pilot sub-carriers and obtained NFFT points channel transfer
function Hˆ ( k ) . In this paper we have discussed two types of
interpolation methods, which are as follows:
Linear interpolation method shows a better performance
in term of complexity. In this method two consecutive pilots
Fig. 2. Channel Estimation based on DFT [14]. are used to estimate channel at data sub-carriers which are
located in between the pilots, as shown below:
DFT-based algorithm can be carried out in the following
steps [15]: Hˆ ( k ) = Hˆ (mN F + 1)
• Calculate HLS/HMMSE in the usual LS and MMSE manner. 1 (24)
Hˆ ( k ) = ( Hˆ P (m + 1) − Hˆ P ( m)) + Hˆ P (m)
• Convert HLS/HMMSE into time domain by using IDFT. NF
IDFT { H LS / MMSE [ k ]} = h[ n ] + z[ n ] ≜ h[ n ] (19) m = 0,1,..., NP −1
Spline Cubic interpolation method gives smooth and
n = 0,1, 2 ... N F F T − 1 better interpolation accuracy but the performance
improvement is not obviously proven. It uses higher order
• Eliminate the effect of noise in time domain. interpolation. Fig. 4 shows the higher order interpolation
(Spline Cubic).
h[n] + z[n] n = 0,1, 2...L −1
hDFT [n] =
0 otherwise (20)
• Convert hDFT[n] into frequency domain by using DFT.
H D F T [ k ] = D FT {h D F T [ n ]}
Fig. 4. Spline Cubic Interpolation.
In comb type pilot arrangement, pilot symbols are inserted
into sub-carriers with same interval as shown in Fig. 3. This Spline Cubic interpolation is represented as,
type of pilot arrangement is suitable when channel conditions
change from one OFDM block to the subsequent one. If NP Hˆ ( k ) = Hˆ ( kN F + l )
are numbers of pilot signals, then X(k) can be written as: = α1 Hˆ P ( m + 1) + α 0 Hˆ P ( m ) (25)
x (m ) l=0
X ( k ) = X ( mN F + l ) = P (22) + N F α 1 Hˆ P' ( m + 1) − N F α 0 Hˆ P' ( m ) ,
Data l = 1,..., N F − 1
m = 0,1,..., N P − 1
Where X(k) is the information, including pilots and data of all
sub-carriers, xP(m) is the mth pilot carrier value and NF Where Hˆ ' (m) is the first order derivative of Hˆ (m) and
represents frequency interval of inserted pilots (NF =NFFT/NP).
According to the pilot positions, frequency response of 3( N F − l ) 2 2 ( N F − l )3
corresponding sub-channel is calculated in the receiver. α1 = 2
NF N F3 (26)
Y p (m N F ) (23)
H p (m ) = 3l 2 2l 3
X p (m N F ) α0 = 2
NF NF3 (27)
Fig. 5. Comparing MSE performance of DFT-LS estimator with Fig. 6. Comparing MSE performance of DFT-MMSE estimator
conventional LS (Linear, Spline) estimator, when M = 16 with conventional MMSE estimator, when M = 16
in 6 taps channel model. in 6 taps channel model.
It is also observed that MSE for DFT-based LS is lower
In this paper, conventional channel estimation techniques than conventional LS (Linear, Spline) and it is improved up
(LS and MMSE) are compared with DFT-based LS and to 7.4 dB at 25 dB SNR. This is because DFT-based LS can
MMSE in the presence of COST 207 Typical Urban eliminate the noise outside the maximum channel delay
Reception (TU6) channel for DBV-T applications, whose length (L).
parameters are shown in Table-I. The taps of channel follow In Figure 6, legend “MMSE” represents the minimum
the Rayleigh statistics. MSE is used as a figure of merit for mean square error, while “DFT-MMSE” denotes the DFT-
channel estimation. It is assumed that there is perfect based MMSE. When SNR is low, both the DFT method and
synchronization between transmitter and receiver, so no conventional MMSE show similar values of MSE. However,
Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) and ISI are present in OFDM when SNR is higher than 12 dB, there is an evident reduction
symbols. in the values of MSE in DFT method. It shows that MSE
In channel estimation, we extract the pilot carriers from floor of DFT-MMSE is smaller as compared to MMSE and it
the received signals, and then estimate the channel transfer is improved up to 2.2 dB at 25 dB SNR, because DFT
by using known pilots at the receiver side. After that, channel algorithm can removed the impact of noise outside the
interpolation is done between adjacent pilot frequencies and maximum channel delay length. Hence, it can be inferred
finally estimate the NFFT points channel transfer function. that DFT-based estimator is more efficient as compared to
Then MSE can be calculated by using equation (11). OFDM conventional estimators.
simulation parameters are mentioned in Table-II. In In a nutshell above investigations prove that DFT-based
simulation, we have considered 1.05*10-6 sec as a RMS channel estimation gives better MSE performance as
delay spread (τrms). compared to conventional LS and MMSE, when the
VII. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS maximum channel delay L must be known in advance.
Figure 5 compares the MSE performance of DFT-LS with OFDM SIMULATION PARAMETERS
conventional LS (Linear, Spline). The legend “LS-Linear”
and “LS-Spline” denote the interpolation schemes with LS No of FFT points (NFFT) 2048 (2K-Mode)
estimator, while “DFT-LS” represents the DFT-based LS. Length of Cyclic Prefix (NG) 512
Number of channel taps used for simulation are 6 when
Signal Constellation (M) is set to 16. The general behavior of Total no of Subcarriers (NOFDM) 2560
the plots show that MSE decreases as the SNR increases.
The MSE of LS-Linear is high as compared to LS-Spline at Total no of Symbol (NSYS) 100
different values of SNR, because LS-Spline uses higher Pilots Spacing (NF) 4
order interpolation as compared to LS-Linear.
TABLE I Numbers of Pilots (NP) 512
Pilot Arrangement Comb Type
Tap Average Power Delay
Number (dB) (us) Data per OFDM Symbol 1536
1. -3.0 Signal Constellation (M) 16-QAM
2. 0.0 0.2
CE Techniques LS,MMSE and DFT
3. -2.0
Bandwidth 8 MHz
4. -6.0
Interpolation Linear and Spline Cubic
5. -8.0 2.3
Number of Channel Taps 6
6. -10.0 RMS Delay Spread (τrms ) 1.05*10-6 sec
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