LVMH - Code of Conduct

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Code of Conduct
Foreword 04
Principles 08
Implementation and compliance 18
Reference texts and contacts 20
uccessful companies stand the test of time. LVMH knows this well.
Our companies excel in nurturing the value of their brands,
continually heightening their power to attract consumers with
audacity and respect for a prestigious heritage.

Equally important for long-term success is our unyielding commitment

to strong values in terms of ethics, social responsibility and respect for
the environment. As actors in economic and social life, we are called to
the highest standards of integrity, respect and engagement in our
behaviours, everyday, everywhere.

This conviction is not new for us. We adopted an Environmental Charter

in 2001. In 2003 we signed the United Nations Global Compact. And in
2008, we introduced a Suppliers Code of Conduct to ensure that best
practices are applied throughout the entire sourcing chain.

Today, we have taken another important step forward. The Code of

Conduct we are officially adopting provides a set of simple principles
and behaviours that should guide the Group and each of us in the
everyday conduct of business.

LVMH has a global dimension and the world in which we do business is

changing at a rapid pace. In the context of this continually evolving
business environment, this Code of Conduct constitutes a common
benchmark to guide individual initiatives and ensure greater consistency
in practices across the Groups companies and geographies.

My expectation is that all of our companies and people will embrace this
Code of Conduct as the best way to support our business and fulfill our
sustainable development responsibilities.

Bernard Arnault

foreword A vocation
The LVMH Group (LVMH) aims to be the undisputed leader of the luxury
goods sector. Its growth and long-term future are based on values and
principles which are part of its culture and which should inspire and guide
everyones actions.

This ambition is backed up by the five fundamental values shared by everyone

involved in LVMH:
- Innovation and creativity: because our future success will come from the
renewal of our product offering while respecting the roots of our Houses.
- Excellence of products and services: because we embody what is most noble
and accomplished in the artisan world.
- Brand image enhancement: because our brands represent an extraordinary
asset, a source of dreams and ambitions.

04 - Entrepreneurship: because this guarantees our ability to react and our

motivation to create and seize opportunities.
- LeadershipBe the best: because it is through continually excelling that we
accomplish the best and achieve the best results.

A galaxy of brands
First and foremost LVMH is a galaxy of brands which share the same culture
of excellence and creative spirit, serving the aspirations of our customers.

The brands are structured around larger entities, category business groups,
where a spirit of friendly competition fosters an exchange of ideas and
experiences. In accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, LVMH asserts the
primary position of the brands in the organisation and recognises the richness
and diversity of the models developed by each of them. It respects their unique
character and lines of development, and acts as the leader of a creative
community where knowledge is shared.

The principles set out in the following Code of Conduct constitute an ethical
and practical framework within which LVMH employees are invited to act and
exchange in order to realize the passion that binds them.

Respect for national and international laws, regulations and rulings, notably in
the area of social and environmental legislation, is a prerequisite for the
credibility of our procedures. LVMH invites its employees to use in a
responsible way, the values and principles hereby stated.

This Code of Conduct is inspired by the Groups values as well as the

principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Global Compact
and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

It provides the foundation on which our approach is based. More specific areas
are covered in the Environmental Charter and the Suppliers Code of Conduct.
Finally, this Code of Conduct does not aim to replace pre-existing ethical
documents at the brand or business group level, but sets out to serve as a
common base and source of inspiration. It unites the fundamental principles
which represent our shared commitment and serves as a guide for our
professional conduct on a daily basis. It evokes the principles of conduct that
drive us.
principes 09

principles 1/ Valuing talents

Enriching its talent pool
LVMH encourages a diversity of profiles and backgrounds in order to promote
its international image and to combine creative energy within its teams.
LVMH recognises the richness of talents and know-how of the men and
women in the Group. It is careful to ensure equality for all its employees in
the area of employment and development, providing equal opportunities on
objective criteria. Gender equality is a key aspect of its equal opportunity
policy. All forms of discrimination are prohibited.

Encouraging personal development

LVMH offers its employees a fulfilling working environment in order to
encourage trusting and collaborative relationships.

08 LVMH, therefore, specifically:

- encourages loyalty and mutual respect in professional relationships;
- does not accept any form of discrimination or harassment;
- does not accept any form of physical violence, or verbal or psychological
- respects employees private lives.
LVMH promotes for all employees the respect of a good balance between
personal and professional life.

Encouraging initiative
LVMH encourages individual responsibility in its employees, which goes hand
in hand with the creativity and initiative expected from individuals.

To this end, LVMH values:

- a high level of impartiality in inter-personal relationships;
- management by example;
- that employees demand of themselves the highest levels of quality in the
execution of their work;
- a good balance between initiative and the limits of professional expertise and
principles 11

Between employees concerned by a same event, function or mission, as well as

towards hierarchy, LVMH prohibits any deliberate indiscretion, withholding of
2/ Winning the trust of customers
information, denigration or refusal to collaborate. Sustaining the quality and safety of products
LVMH is continuously looking to offer its customers products of the highest
Maintaining and developing employment quality, through improvement and innovation and the highest of standards in
LVMH encourages the movement of its employees within the Group, ongoing the selection of materials and the implementation of expertise in its activities.
training and personal development. LVMH cares about the health and safety of its customers, notably in accordance
LVMH develops category-specific know-how through training initiatives. with the precautionary principle, in the design and manufacture of its products.
LVMH promotes the development of young talent within the Group, notably
through education, integration, training and mentoring. Respecting customers
LVMH complies with national regulations and legislation in the area of LVMH is committed to supplying its customers with sincere and clear
employment for the disabled and participates in initiatives which encourage information and to not making any misleading statements concerning
their integration into the workplace. its products and their methods of production.
LVMH is careful that personal information submitted by its customers is
Respecting fundamental rights and principles in the workplace treated with confidentiality.
LVMH respects and defends the principles of the Global Compact in relation
to fundamental rights and principles in the workplace, namely: Responsible communication
- elimination of professional and employment discrimination; LVMH is aware of the impact on society of its products and their image. LVMH
- freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective is therefore committed to the highest levels of vigilance in the advertising of its
bargaining; brands by implementing responsible communication which encourages its
- elimination of any form of forced or bonded labour; customers to use its products in an appropriate and reasonable manner.
- effective abolition of child labour.

Promoting dialogue with employee representatives

LVMH encourages quality dialogue and consultation with employee representatives
as well as the respect and consideration for employee representatives in each of 3/  Commitment to the preservation
the countries where it has a presence.

Looking after health and safety in the workplace

of the environment
LVMH cares about the health and safety of all its employees, makes sure that all LVMH acts to protect the environment, fighting climate change and
its activities respect current health and safety legislation and regulations and pays preserving resources. LVMH wants dynamic and continuous improvement
particular attention to implement best practice with regard to safety in the workplace. of the environment for the benefit of its customers, employees and society
in general. In this perspective, the Environmental Charter was introduced
in 2001.
principles 13

It is always LVMHs ambition to go beyond regulatory prescriptions, Implementing and promoting

responding to societys concerns, investing the necessary human and financial
resources. In all countries, the brands propose measures which aim to protect
the environment in accordance with international standards in force and
a responsible approach
the best practice of the sector. Responsible behaviour towards partners
LVMH is committed to maintaining equitable and loyal relationships with its
Promoting collective commitment partners (suppliers, distributors, subcontractors, etc.).
LVMH, through all of its brands, employees and partners, is committed to LVMH will inform all of its commercial partners of its ethical principles
continuously improving its practices with a view to maintaining the highest and expectations. LVMH asks its suppliers to comply with the principles
level of environmental performance. set out in the Suppliers Code of Conduct. This code specifies the demands
LVMH develops, with its partners, a spirit of cooperation in the face of in the areas of social issues (forced labour, child labour, harassment,
environmental problems. It participates with third parties in the production of discrimination, pay, working time, freedom of unions, and health and safety),
studies and initiatives to develop innovative solutions. environmental and operational issues (legality, custom tariffs, safety,
subcontracting and corruption).
Preserving natural resources and integrating the environmental
dimension into products Fighting against corruption
LVMH recognises that the long-term future of its brands and products is based LVMH prohibits any form of corruption. Any payment must reflect a service
on a constant desire to preserve and respect natural resources, the main raw and legitimate price as described in the contracts and agreements.
materials of a large number of its products. LVMH only authorises gifts and invitations in the usual social and commercial
LVMH develops manufacturing processes which consume fewer natural situations.
resources and less energy throughout the product life cycle. LVMH is committed to operating independently in public life. LVMH
In addition to an ambitious greenhouse gas reduction target, LVMH prohibits the payment of money to political parties, trade unions or cultural
encourages the use of renewable energies. organisations in an attempt to promote a particular interest or obtain or
maintain an advantage.
Anticipating environmental risks
Through scrupulous monitoring and the application of the precautionary Respecting competition
approach, LVMH is careful to manage its environmental risks through strict LVMH is concerned about preserving fair competition respecting laws and
respect of the best practices. practices in force, without any interference with competition rules.
LVMH prohibits any unlawful agreements, notably through understandings,
projects, arrangements or behaviours which have been coordinated between
competitors concerning prices, territories, market shares or customers.

Preventing conflicts of interest

All employees can find themselves confronted with situations in which their
personal interest, or that of private individuals or corporations with whom
principles 15

they are linked or close to, can come into conflict with the interests of the Demonstrating active solidarity
Group. Employees must, when taking stakes in other companies and in their LVMHs behaviour respects the cultures of all the countries in which the
activities outside the Group, do everything possible to avoid finding themselves Group has a presence. LVMH is keen to promote the best of local culture and
in situations of conflicting interests with LVMH or any other linked company. creativity.
LVMH leads youth-centred initiatives, notably to facilitate access to the
In this matter, it will be the employees responsibility to determine a course of richness of the worlds cultural heritage and to encourage the emergence of
action in all honesty and taking into account their duty of loyalty towards tomorrows talent.
LVMH, and if in doubt to consult their line manager. The employee must LVMH demonstrates active solidarity with humanitarian and social causes and
notify all conflicts of interest in writing. also provides continuous support for medical research on public health
challenges in France and the rest of the world.
LVMH also builds its commitment to society through sponsorship programmes
which reflect its historical and artistic heritage and its contemporary creativity

Acting as a socially aware

which is the basis of its success.

LVMH adheres to the principles of the Global Compact and supports the 6/  inning the trust of
Millennium Development Objectives. LVMH believes that in order to succeed
a company must show responsibility in relation to the major challenges of its
human environment and must translate this success into useful and constructive
commitments. Respecting shareholders
The rights of LVMH shareholders are protected by law and the principles of
Respecting and supporting human rights corporate governance which govern the way the Group operates.
LVMH respects and promotes human rights and makes sure that its activities The LVMH Board of Directors has a Charter which specifies, among other
do not encourage human rights abuses. LVMH intends to reflect its attachment things, its composition, missions, operations and responsibilities.
to human rights through exemplary behaviour in the operation of its business Two Committees, whose composition, role and missions are defined by internal
and to encourage, within its sphere of influence, the improvement of social regulation, exist within the LVMH Board of Directors:
conditions which constitute an essential factor in economic development. - The Performance Audit Committee ensures that the Groups accounting
principles comply with the standards in force, reviews the corporate and
Enhancing the local economic fabric consolidated financial statements and monitors effective implementation of
LVMH is committed to participating, through the location of its production the Groups internal control.
sites, in the economic and social dynamics of regions. LVMH notably - The Nomination and Compensation Committee proposes the remuneration
contributes to the development of employment in the regions where the Group of directors and provides advice on candidates and remuneration for key positions
has a presence. of the Group respecting applicable legislation and governance principles.

Ensuring the transparency of financial information

LVMH is committed to ensuring the simultaneous, effective and complete
dissemination of financial information which is relevant, accurate, true and fair,
disseminated in a timely fashion, and consistent with previous publications.
Only designated personnel are authorised to give information to the financial
LVMH is committed to accurately reflect its operations in its accounts.

Preventing insider trading

Any employee who, due to their professional activity, has access to privileged
information which could influence the Groups share price or that of another
company is bound by absolute confidentiality and is prohibited from buying or
selling shares in this company (or any financial instruments that are linked to
it) or from doing so through a third party so long as this information is not in
the public domain.

Maintaining the Groups heritage

LVMH ensures that each employee uses the Groups resources appropriately.
These resources include notably LVMHs intellectual property, equipment,
goods and financial resources.
LVMH is careful to protect any confidential information, within or outside the
LVMH defends its heritage and know-how by combating counterfeit. The
Group does everything in its power to protect its intellectual property rights
using a strategy to fight counterfeit which is focused on prevention,
information and communication. In addition to these initiatives, it is the
responsibility of each employee to defend LVMHs heritage.

implementation Principles of implementation

This Code of Conduct aims to ensure the effectiveness and fairness of LVMHs
operations. This Code, distributed throughout the Group, must be understood,

& compliance
accepted and applied consistently within the category business groups and the brands.

This Code and its principles, which should not be considered exhaustive, must be
respected by each employee, each brand and each business group of LVMH.

The LVMH Code of Conduct serves as a basis for the drawing-up of codes of
conduct at brand and business group levels, adapted to their context and their
sector. Thus the principles of this Code can, when appropriate, be developed
or specified in relation to local regulations and legislation, and, when they
exist, locally applied charters or codes.

18 Resources to support implementation

The functional departments of the Group, each in their respective area, will
support the brands in the implementation of the Code of Conduct with a view
to a consistent and uniform application of its principles.

LVMH encourages the sharing of experiences and best practices throughout

the Group, this being a source of progress for everyone.

Responsibility for implementation

The Board of Directors of LVMH, to which the Executive Management of the
Group submits each year a report on the implementation of the Codes
principles, will be the body which ensures its correct application.
In accordance with the principle of subsidiarity inherent to LVMH, the executive
management team of each operational and legal entity is responsible for compliance
with the principles of this Code. Any employee who notices a non-conformity to
one of the principles stipulated within the Code should inform his or her hierarchy.

Verification of implementation
Verification of compliance with the Code of Conduct is incorporated into the
internal control mechanism existing within LVMH and follows the procedures
in force in the Group.

reference texts International agreements

supported by LVMH

& contacts
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
United Nations Global Compact
OECD Guidelines
International Labour Organization conventions
Caring for Climate (voluntary and complementary action platform
for UN Global Compact)
Millennium Development Objectives
CITES Conventions (on International Trade in Endangered Species)
Kimberley Process

20 Additional documents
Environmental Charter
Suppliers Code of Conduct

LVMH Contacts
Sylvie Bnard, Environmental Affairs Department
Chris Hollis, Financial Communications Department
Christian Sanchez, Social Development Department
Bruno-Roland Bernard, Communications Department
Group Communications Department - Tel. 33 (0)1 44132222 LVMH 2010
Design and Production: Angie
January 2010

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