Lesson Plan Guide: Make Them Up by Completing A Webquest and Creating A Graphic Organizer With The Learned Information
Lesson Plan Guide: Make Them Up by Completing A Webquest and Creating A Graphic Organizer With The Learned Information
Lesson Plan Guide: Make Them Up by Completing A Webquest and Creating A Graphic Organizer With The Learned Information
Grade and Topic: 4th Grade Life Science Length of Lesson: Approx. 7 Days
● List the specific content learning goals and objectives for the lesson.:
● Students will be able to identify whether a cell is a plant or animal cell and the building blocks that
make them up by completing a WebQuest and creating a graphic organizer with the learned information.
● Note any goals or expectations related to student participation in the lesson.
○ Students will be able to use creative tools and express their lesson
comprehension with technology.
○ Students will be able to utilize and understand Web tools in order to
complete a given assignment and organize information into future use with a Graphic
● List the State/District and/or Common Core standards addressed in the lesson. Also list ISTE’s NETS*S
standard if technology use is applicable.
● GLE 0407.1.1 Recognize that cells are the building blocks of all living things.
○ SPI 0407.1.1 Compare basic structures of plant and animal cells
● ISTE 6: Technology operations and concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and
Understand and use technology systems
Select and use applications effectively and productively
Troubleshoot systems and applications
Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies
● List of all materials you will use as part of the lesson.
○ Some of the needed materials for this lesson include the textbook, Unit
Instruction, Computer or tablet for online WebQuest, Kidspiration application for Graphic
Organizer, and follow up worksheet.
● If applicable, identify how and why technology will be integrated. Include a list of needed technology
and websites. If technology is being used for the creation of a product, include a sample of the product.
○ Technology will be integrated in two different ways in order to comprehend
information in an integrated way and connect the learned information into an organized
and creative format.
○ Site: http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=376961
○ Application: http://www.inspiration.com/Kidspiration
● Provide the formative and /or summative assessments that are part of this lesson.
○ The Graphic organizer completed through the Kidspiration application and
the completed worksheet will serve as the assessments for this assignment. Attached is a
copy of the worksheet to be completed after the Webquest and before the start of the
Graphic Organizer in order to contribute to the correctness of the content for the
● List specific modifications for students who did not master the objectives.
○ Students struggling with use of technology may have the WebQuest either
printed off or condensed into the teacher’s specific needed content for completion, or the
student may be allowed additional time in the computer hub/library. If the school allows
renting of school laptops that may also be available to students to allow them more time to
master objectives.
● List specific modifications for students who are ready for enrichment activities.
○ Students who are prepared for enrichment activities may be given additional
and more advanced information to contribute to their graphic organizer or may be
provided an alternate WebQuest intended for a higher-grade level that may better
challenge their learning and comprehension of the content.