Attacking The English Reti (Delchev, Semkov) PDF
Attacking The English Reti (Delchev, Semkov) PDF
Attacking The English Reti (Delchev, Semkov) PDF
Alexander Delchev
Semko Semkov
Chess Stars
Chess Stars Publishing
Current Theory and Practice Series
Printed in Bulgaria
ISBN: 978-619-7188-09-7
Bibliography 4
Introduction 5
9. l.liJf3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.b4 145
10. l.liJf3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.e3 159
11. l.liJf3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.g3 175
12. l.liJf3 d5 2.g3 c6 193
13. The King's Indian Set-np 215
14. l.g3 223
Index of Variations
The Modern Reti, Alexander Delchev, Chess Stars 2012
The English Opening Volume I, Mihail Marin, Quality Chess 2009
Mastering the Chess Openings Volume 3, John Watson, Gambit 2008
The English Opening, Zenon Franco, Gambit 2006
How to play the English Opening, Anatoly Karpov, Batsford 2007
Chess Informant
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This book aims to offer an active 1.g3 e5 2.i.g2 d5 3.d3 ltlf6 4.ltlf3
Black repertoire against The Eng i.d6 5.0-0 0-0;
lish Opening 1.c4, the Reti 1.ltlf3,
and their siblings that arise after
1.g3. More importantly, we try to
offer not only variations, but also
a philosophy of how to treat such
A century ago they called them
simply "irregular". Since then, no
body has revoked the importance
of the centre, but nowadays we
are so sweeped off by the torrents We apply the same approach to
which often refutes widely ac
cepted assessments. Many of our
main lines are nearly unexplored
and they are blank spots in theory.
Chapters 6 and 7 deal with a more l.g3 d5 e6 3.i.g2 i.d6 4.0-0
restrictive approach from White: li:le7 5.c4 c6 6.b3 e5 7.i.b2 f6
1.c4 e5! li:lf6! li:lc6
4.g3. This is played "by the ABC
book" and we have little ground
for an early activity here. Still, we
chose the most active options af
ter the move 4...i.b4. We do not
cover lines with 4...d5 at all.
Especially interesting is the line
5.i.g2 0-0 6.0-0 e4 hc3
8.bxc3 E1e8 9.f3. a6 9.d4 e4 f5 ll.f3
Chapter 1. 1.c4 e5 2.g3 lLlf6 3.i.g2 c6
Main Ideas
This is the most important chapter case, White does not actively attack
of our book. It presents a sharp at the centre.
tacking rep ertoire against White's I adhere to the classical school of
pop ular approach in the English chess. I believe in quick develop
Opening lately: ment and central strategy. A se
1.c4 e5 2.g3 quence of moves like l.c4 e5! 2.g3?!
defies my understanding of the
game. When I see the diagram posi
tion, I think we should immediately
switch to "p unishing mode" and try
to take over the initiative! The most
consistent retort, in my opinion, is to
occupy the centre by ...c6 and ...d5.
The big question is should we insert
2...lilf6 3.lilc3 and only then 3...c6,
or answer 2...c6. Both move orders
By delaying li:lc3, White leaves him are possible and have their own spe
self more options against the Re cifics. I discuss them in Chapter 1
versed Sicilian set-up when Black and Chapter 2 which propose two al
plays an early ...d7-d5. For instance, ternative, albeit similar, repertoires
after 2...lilf6 3.i!.g2 d5 4.cxd5 lilxd5 against White's fianchetto. Chapter
5.lilf3 li:lc6 6.0-0 lilb6 7.d3 i!.e7, 3 covers lilf6 3.g3 c6.
8.lilbd2 is preferred over 8.lilc3.
Another point against is 2 li:lf6 3.i!.g2 c6!
the line 3.g3 c6 4.d4 exd4
5.xd4 d5 i!.e6 when
would face 7...dxc4. Stayed the
knight on bl, White would have had
a4, li:lbd2 while from c3 it cannot re
capture the sacrificed pawn.
These two examples reveal the rea
son behind 2.g3. However, flexibil
ity always comes at a cost. In our
Chapter l
White has three major plans from Mastrovasilis played it in 2013 and
here: then it has occurred in practical
chess only 4 more times. Black has
1. White attacks the d5-pawn. scored a total of 4.5/5!
1.c4 e5 2.g3 <i:lf6 3.i.g2 c6
Black controls the centre. Grune 3 White is unable to preserve his beau
Hessenius-Grebenshchikov, ICCF tiful pawn centre after 14...te6;.
2014, shows his main plan - ...g5, After moving one of the pawns, his
...h6-h5-h4, but he should proceed dark squares will become sensitive.
carefully to forestall counterplay If White attacked our e4-pawn be
with d4-d5 or f2-f3. fore castling, we could leave it and
take over the initiative:
2. White attacks the e4-pawn. 11.<i:lf2 h6 12.txf6 <i:lxf6 13.<i:lfxe4
<i:lxe4 14.i.xe4 !le8 15.1Mi'd3 th3
4.d4 e4! 5.<i:lc3 d5 6.tg5 <i:lbd7
7.cxd5 cxd5 8.:f3
Chapter l
Theoretical status
Chapter 1
Step by Step
Chapter 1
8 'l!lxf6
is also good and Black's play is quite
similar to 8... 'il'xf6.
I will consider from here: Al. 9.'il'dl
andA2. 9.'il'd3.
Chapter 1
1.c4 e5 2.g3 tilf6 3.2 c6
tions after 9... tila6 10.h4 ic5 middlegame was roughly equal
11.h5 tilxh5 12.tilxe4 ie7 13.d3 - 13.1!1'c5 <;Ja6 14.1!1'xe7 l'lxe7.
0-0 14.if3 tilf6 15.tile3 <;Jxe4 More challenging is 12.l'ldl, in
16.he4 f5 17.if3 1!1'f6 18.1!1'b3+ tending 12...<;Ja6 13.\Wd6.
l'lf7 19.id2 <;Jc5 20.1!1'c2 tile6 6...ib4+ 7.<;Jc3 1!1'e7 8.0-0
21.5 g6 22.ic3 <;Jd4 23.Wa4 dxc4 was already really grim
ic5 24.<;Jc2 <;Jxc2+ 25.1!1'xc2 for Black in Gajewski-Erdos,
Wd6 26.if3 f4 27.gxf4 1!1'xf4 Dresden 2016 - 9.<;Jxe4 <;Jxe4
28.id2 We5 29.ic3 1!1'd6 30.1!1'a4 10.dxe4 ic5 ll.ie3 0-0 12.\Wc2
ie6 31.Wh4 id5 32.hd5 cxd5 hd4 13.hd4 c5 14.ie3 ie6
33.e3 d4 34.exd4 ib4 35.0-0 when 15.f4! f6 16.e5 fxe5 17.1!1'e4
l'laf8 36.l'lael hc3 37.bxc3 1!1'a3 <;Jc6 18.f5 W 19.h4 would have
38.1!1'e4 \Wxc3 39.\Wd5 1!1'xd3 promised a strong attack, e.g.
40.l'le7 Wf5 41.1!1'xf5 gxf5+) 10.d3 19...<;Jd4 20.ig5 1!1'c7 21.e3 <;Jc6
(or 10.<;Je3 0-0 11.1!1'c2 l'le8 12.b3 22.l'ladl h6 23.f6 hxg5 24.Wf5-+.
<;Ja6) 10...exd3 11.Wxd3 1!1'xd3 7.cxd5! and Black's pawn centre is
12.exd3=, Miraglia-Dias, ICCF busted.
email 2002. The queen sortie aims to reject the
6...exd3 d4-knight to a passive position.
6...dxc4 7.dxe4 ic5 8.e3 <;Jbd7
(8...0-0 9.0-0 l'le8 10.<;Jc3) 9.f4 6.<;Jc2
0-0 10.0-0 <;Jb6 ll.h3! - White's
kingside pawn horde looks dan 6.e3 d5
gerous. 6... ic5 7.<;Jb3 ie7 pushes back
6... ic5 7.<;Jb3 ib4+ 8.id2 the centralised knight, but at the
hd2+ 9.\Wxd2 cost of a passive bishop. It would
stand better on d6. Still, 8.<;Jc3
d5 9.cxd5 cxd5 10.0-0 0-0 ll.d3
was not too impressive, Thiede
H.Stefansson, blitz, Berlin 2015.
7.cxd5 cxd5
n.<;Jlxd2 e3 12.fxe3 <;Jbd7
13.h3'1;) ll.<;Jc3 0-0 occurred in
Girl-Balogh, Germany 2015.
White chose to prevent ...e3 by
12.1!1'e3 l'le8 and the queenless 8.0-0
Chapter 1
i.c"+ eo z.g;j 't.:lto 0..&gz co
6 . d5 7.cxd5
l.c4 e5 2.g312lf6 3.ig2 c6
bishop on f6, we could let him take cxd5 7.12lh3 h6 8.0-0 ib4 9.f3 0-0 -
on e4, but here best is to aim forthe see Chapter 2, line B3.
symmetrical pawn structure - 8...
exf3 9.exf3 id6! 10.0-0 0-0 11.lilf4
12lc6 when 12.lilfxdS 12lxd5 13.lilxdS
ixg3 14.hxg3 'li.1xd5 15.ie3 if5 is at
least equal as White's bishop pair is
Chapter 1
l.c4 e5 2.g3 ltlf6 3.ig2 c6
1.c4 e5 2.g3 12lf6 3.ig2 c6
C2. 8.e3 h6
LC4 eo z.g;; 'tltb ;5 .!:1.g Cb
21.!lfel unpins the knight and
threatens to meet 21...g5 by
A critical position for the gambit 22.d5! !lad8 23.12id4 so we
9...0-0. My analysis convinced me should anticipate this idea with
that it is balanced, but Black re 21...!ladS 22.12ic3 il.b3.
tains the initiative in all the lines. 21.!lfdl !lad8! 22.11.fl g5 23.!lel
His main task is to deprive the 'i!lg6 24.l!lhl l!lh8.
enemy of counterplay based 21.l!lh2 g5 22.!lgl is a passive
on d4-d5 or f2-f4. Then he can waiting stand. We can display
20 !ladS!=
1.c4 e5 2.g3 ltlf6 3.$.g2 c6
Chapter l
Chapter 1. 1.c4 e5 2.g3 lll f6 3.i.g2 c6
Annotated Games
15... Virb6?!
22... i.xf3. More stubborn is 18.e3 gc7 22.if3 gxbl ha2
ie4 19.1!\'e2 gc2+. The a2-pawn will id5 25.ga5 is a draw.
soon fall.
After 15...gcs White could also grab 20...gc2 21.M4 gd8!?
a second pawn: 16.hb7 gbs 17.ig2
1!\'d7 (threatening ...M5) 18.b3 MS A good try. It does not change the
19.111'c4 gfcs evaluation, but faces the opponent
with practical problems. 21...i.xf4
22.lilxf4 ha2 23.gxb7 g5 24.lild3
e2 25.gb2 gxb2 26.lilxb2 id5
27.lilc4! eliminates all the pawns.
2. Gagare - Dragun
20.lilxd3 Wch U20 Pune 14.1 0.2014
20.exd3 was easier to hold. The 1.c4 e5 2.g3 lilf6 3.ig2 c6 4.d4
pawns may be doubled, but they e4 5.lilc3 d5 6.ig5 lilbd7 7.cxd5
keep the black pieces at bay. The po cxd5 8.1!\'b3 id6 9.e3 h6 10.ixf6
sition after 20.exd3 gab8 21.hb7 lilxf6 11.lilge2
l.c4 e5 2.g3 1Zlf6 3.Ag2 c6
Chapter 1
change - 17. l'lxf6 1/Nxf618. iilxe4 'llie 7 coordinated and he is unable to stop
19. iilxd6 1/Nxd6 20.hb71'lb8 21..ig2. the distant passer on the queenside:
could just stay, hiding behind his liJxe3+ 39.IM:? cl='iN 40.liJxcl
pawn shield. .ixcl 41. b4 @f8 42.b5 liJc4
Gagare obviously missed the im 43.we2 l!le7 44.wd3 liJb6 45..ic6
portance of the moment and made f5 46.h3 wd6 47.g4 f4 48.l!le4
a trivial move which turns the tables g5 49.WfS .ie3 50.M'3 liJc4 51.b6
in Black's favour. liJd2 52.b7 @c753 ..id5 hd4 0-1
18 b5 19..ih3
.. e4 5.liJc3 d5 6.cxd5 cxd5 7 .ig5
24 lilhS!
Chapter 1
28 ...he2
42.'/;l'xe4 '/;l'xe4+ g3
44.!lel !lf8 0-1
Lc4 e5 2.g;; 'ilto :>.Jltg2 co
Chapter 1
ing more pieces on the board, but I At last I got serious counterplay!
lack space so I had to seek exchang
es. Correct was 27...axc5 28.axc5 32.qid3 '/;l'e6 (32 ...a2!+) 33.!lc7
!ld8 (28...'/;l'b3 29.dS) 29.'/;l'c3 h6. '/;l'g4
After my mistake my opponent
could have impose a total domina 33...'l;l'fS 34.!lxb7 ds 35.!la7 '/;l'h3
tion in the centre with 28.dS Ms gave more chances.
29.'/;l'c3. Fortunately, he preferred
the "solid": 34.!lxb7 d5 (34...'/;l'xd4=) 35.qif2
1!!'f5 36.!la7 !ld7 37.!lxd7 '/;l'xd7
28.'l;l'f2?! b3 29.!llc3 a5 (29... 38.'/;l'f4 fxe5 39.dxe5 !lf8
'/;l'b4!) 30.'/;l'e3?
30 a4 31.h4 f6
Main Ideas
ter 1 and formally, you could skip that our knight is not on f6 and it
it (and vice versa!). However, you cannot be pinned by .ig5. A logical
would improve your understanding answer is:
if you studied both. It is instructive 5....ib4!?
to observe the impact of the differ
ent move order on the plans in posi
tions with an identical pawn struc
ture. To facilitate comparisons, I
will consider the same three major
plans I focused on in Chapter 1:
Chapter 2
12.b:f6 12lxf6 13.fxe4 12lxe4 14.11!1d3 3. White does not play d4.
3 with the better pawn struc
ture, Alvarado Diaz-Ramiro Oveje 3.12l:f3 e4 4.12ld4 1il'b6!
ro, Vecindario 2013. It may seem that 4...d5 is strong
er than in Chapter 1. Indeed, after
Pros and cons: We can prevent 5.d3, we could already take 5...exd3
the pin i.g5 with ... h6, but that in (with i.g2 12lf6 inserted, White had
volves ...i.b4, beginning the battle the unpleasant intermezzo 7.cxd5!).
for e4. Play is more positional than Still, 6.1il'xd3 dxc4 7.1i!lxc4 is pleas
in Chapter 1 and Black does not ant for White due to his pawn ma
need to sacrifice a pawn. The choice jority in the centre. So we adopt
is a matter of taste. the same tactic of repelling the d4-
knight from its active stand. Only
5.12lb3 is of independent signifi
2. White attacks the e4-pawn. cance when 5...a5 is not effective in
view of 6.d3 a4 7.12l3d2 exd3 8.i.g2
3.d4 e4 4.12lc3 d5 5.12lh3 h6 (5... with an initiative.
12lf6!? is also possible) 6.cxd5 cxd5 5... 12lf6
7.i.g2 12lf6 8.0-0 ib4! 9.f3 0-0! is a
critical position which could arise
via several move orders. I analyse
it in Game 5 Nailer-Delchev, Ordu
l.c4 e5 2.g3 c6
Chapter 2. 1.c4 e5 2.g3 c6
Step by Step
l.C4 eb .g;; CO
Chapter 2
cxd5 9.iilc3
l.c4 e5 2.g3 c6
10 .ig2
Chapter 2
1.c4 eS 2.g3 c6
B. 3.d4 e4 4.lilc3
Chapter 2
4 ..d5
. may be playable, but Black lacks
an active plan. He should trans
fer his bishop to b6 via e7-d6-c7,
e.g. 12 ...tfs 13.E1cl i.d6! .
8.0-0 ltlge7 9.ltlf4 0-0 10.f3 f5
1L'!Wb3 hc3 12.1Wxc3 \Wd6 13.\Wc5
\Wxc5 14.dxc5 g5 15.ltlh5 h6 16.b3;!;
Markowski-Krasenkow, Warsaw
Bl. 5.cxd5; B2. 5.i.g2; B3. 5.ltlh3, 9.i.g5 ltlc2+ 10.lild2 ltlxal 1Lltlc7+
but have in mind that these lines of @d7 12.ltlxa8 h6 13.i.f4 i.b4+
ten interweave. 14.lilcl ltlf6 15.i.g2 lile7 16.ltlc7 i.d7
Bl. 5.cxd5 cxd5 6.Wb3
Chapter 2
Black has enough compensation line Cl, but this move is nnneces
following 10.ixe4 !le8 sary here.
l.c4 e!J .g0 cb
Chapter 2. 1.c4 e5 2.g3 c6
Annotated Games
Chapter 2
10 ...Ms
Perhaps it is better to keep the
queen in the centre, e.g. 10 ...We5
11.b3 0-0 12.ib2 .if5 13.ig2 lila6
14.!ldl lilb4 15.Wcl We7 16.0-0
30 ... a5
35 .ie6!
h6 8.0-0 .ib4 9.f3 0-0! 11.exf3 was roughly equal - 11 ... li:lc6 .ia5 13..ie3 !le8 14..if2 f5.
(see next diagram)! 12.e3?
1.c4 e5 2.g3 c6
Chapter 3. 1.c4 e5 2.ttJc3 ttJf6 3.g3 c6
Main Ideas
po: 6.lilb3 a5! 7.d3 a4 8.lild2 exd3 Note also the plan 6.e3 d5 7.1!1'c2
9.Ag2 d5! Ad7 8.a3
10.0-0 (10.exd3 Ag4; 10.cxd5 cxd5 Do not allow the idea b2-b4+c4-
11.0-0 Ag4) 10 ...d4 ll.lilce4 lilxe4 c5. We can forestall it with 8...
12.lilxe4 Ae7 13.111'xd3 f5! ? 14.lilg5 c5 ! 9.lilde2 dxc4 10. lilxe4 lilxe4
0-0 with mutual chances. 11.1!1'xe4+ 1!1'e6 12.1!1'xe6+ fxe6=.
Chapter 3. 1.c4 e5 2.tlic3 tlif6 3.g3 c6
Step by Step
1.c4 e5 2.lilc3 lilf6 3.g3 c6 5...d5 6.cxd5 icS looks also logical,
but then 7.IDb3 ib6 8.ig2 cxd5 9.d3
e3 10.ixe3 is sharp, but favourable
to White. If we leave the d4-knight
in piece for a while, we'll not be able
to shift it later at all, e.g. 6...cxd5
7.d3 icS 8.dxe4 dxe4 9.ie3.
A. 4.lilf3; B. 4.d4
13 f5!?
7.'lilb3 dxc4 8.ixc4 'lilxb3 9.ixb3
iila6 10.f3 exf3 11.iilxf3 ib4 12.a3
As usual, the space advantage as ixc3 13.bxc3 iilc5 14..ic2 ie6 15.sbl
sures Black of good chances, but he 0-0-0 was in Black's favour, Granda
must stay active. Instead in Yudin Zuniga-Jumabayev, Pavlodar 2015.
Jumabayev, Tomsk 2013, was 13 ... 7.'lilc2 id7 8.a3 would have been
c5?! 14.e3 iilc6 15.exd4 cxd4 when promising for White if he secured
16.if4 0-0 17.sfcl, intending c5, the d4-knight with b2-b4+c4-c5.
would have forced 17...sa5 with a
tenable, but passive position.
The text might look as a weakness,
but it drives back the e4-knight be
fore it had the chance to go to d6.
Chapter 3
10.tg2 tb4
l.c4 e5 2.lilc3 lilf6 3.g3 c6
White should not forget that 6.ig5 could be metby 6...ie7 7.cxd5
Black can castle long - 13.1/ijb3 cxd5 8.ig2 lilc6 9.1/ija4 0-0, but the
0-0-0. temporary weakness of b2 hints at
13 ... 1/ijd6 14.h3 if5 15.a3 (15.1/ija5 more challenging ideas as 9 ...1/ijb6!
lilb4) 15...g5 16.lile2 0-0 17.1/ijb3 lilc7 10.m5 0-0. The same attack is pos
18.lilc3 !lfc8 19.ifl a5 20.i.e2 b5 sible after 8.lilf3 (instead of 8.i.g2)
- 8 ... lilc6 9.1/ija4 1/ijb6!? 10.1/ijb5 0-0
ll.ig2 d4=.
6 .ie6 7.cxd5
--- - -- ------ - ----
Chapter 3
13... 1Zlg4 14.exd5 l'lxf2 15.l'lxf2 1Zlxf2 This position resembles the Tarra
with a perpetual. sch, but Black is a tempo up since
White's queen landed on a4 via
ll h6 12.hf6 lll'xf6
the triangle dl-d4-a4. Besides, this
square, as a rule, belongs to the c3-
knight to chase the active c5-bish
op. In the Tarrasch White occasion
ally employs the plan with g5, but
connects it with the idea of forcing
... d5-d4 which plugs the black dark
squared bishop. In the diagram po
sition Black is not obliged to com
ply. As a result, he preserves active
pieces and excellent chances. See
Grune 7 Neiksans-Kovalenko, Riga
Chapter 3. 1.c4 e5 2.llic3 llif6 3.g3 c6
Annotated Games
13.!ladl looks strange as the queen's Black enjoys very active pieces -
rook would be more useful on cl. 20 ...tg4 21.!lel g6 22.Wfb3 .ie6t.
Black can follow the same plan as in
the game - 13 ...!lfdS and if 14 ... !lacS 15."*'b5 qie5! 16."*'xb7
Vffe7 15.qia4 .id6 16.qid4 ltlxd4
17.!lxd4 a6 18.Wfb6 .ie5 19.!ld3 !lac8 It suddenly transpires that 16.qixe5
l.c4 e5 2.ltlc3 ltlf6 3.g3 c6
Chapter 4. 1.c4 e5 2.lll c3 lll f6 3.lll f3 lll c6
Main Ideas
Chapter 4
6.Ae2 does not seem any better - White is unable to capitalise on the
Black was fine after 6 ...tg4 7.0-0 pin.
Chapter 4. 1.c4 e5 2.tll c3 tll f6 3.tll f3 tll c6
Step by Step
Chapter 4
anyway due to the hit on e4 - 10 .e4 with mutual chances after 9.gbl
lilxe4 or d6 ll.e4 lilxe4. lild4 or 9 ... ge8 h6 ll.fixf6
fixf6 12.b4 axb4 13.axb4 fi.g7 14.b5
9 ... lile5 lilg6 11 .hf6 lile7 15.1ll'c2 c6.
Y;\1xf6 12.0-0 d6 13.gbl lile5 My only objection against this set
up is that the English adepts usually
Black's knight returns to the have plenty of experience with this
queenside via d7-c5 to underline plan. We can surprise them with the
the biggest flaw of doubled pawns poorly explored:
- the weakness of the square before
them. White is already on the de 4, ..e4!? 5.lilg5 Y;\1e7 6.d3 exd3
My game Delchev-Papa, Zuerich
2002, went on 7.e4 h6 8.lilf3 d5
B. 4.a3 9.cxd5 lilxe4 10 .fi.e3 lilxc3 11.bxc3
lile5 lilxd3+ 13.Wxd3 Wd8
I used to play this move ten years 14.0-0
ago in order to prevent
Black has a wide choice.
4...d5 leads to the Sicilian Reversed.
10.lild5 'INdS
10.lile4 hd2 11.'/Nxd2 b6 12.l'lacl
10 ... lilxc3 ll.bxc3 tc5=.
5.td2 0-0
Chapter 4
l.C4 eb Z."-lC:S "-lCb 0."-lt0 "-lCb
in the centre with ... Wd6, ...f6, 9.e3 if5 10.We2 occurred in
...ie6. Laznicka-Topalov, Novy Bor 2013.
ll.bxc3 !'1b8 12.Wc2 (10.Wc2 ixc3 11.hc3 lilb4 evens
In the event of 12.lild2, simplest the game outright.) After 10 ...!'leS
looks 12 ... lila5 (12 ...id7!?) aim 11.!'lfdl e4 12.dxe4 lilxe4 13.!'lacl
ing for a Mar6czy structure with simplest would be 13 ... lilxd2= .
...c5 - 13.Wc2 c5 14.lilb3 lilxb3
15.axb3 a5 16.M axb4 17.cxb4 9 .ic5 10 .e3 if5
12 ...ie6 13.lild2 Wd7 14.lilb3 b6 Two correspondence games saw
15.!'1adl ib3 16.e4 hg2 17.@xg2=, 10 ....ie6 11.Wc2 Wd7 12.lilh4 ib6
Ignatov-Mabling, ICCF 2006. (12 ...ib3 13.f4) 13.lila4 ia7 14.b4
ib3 15.b5 lile7 16.!'labl d5 17.c5
b) 10.id2 lild4 11.0-0 c6=.
hg2 18.@xg2 !'1fe8 19.ha5 c6
20.bxc6 lilxc6 21.ib4. Although
6 ... lild4!? 7.ig2 lilxf3+ 8.ixf3 is =#.
Black drew, I do not see any reason
My recommendation keeps more to give the enemy an initiative. It is
tension in the centre. More impor better to open the centre with ...e4
tantly, White's plan is not so clear as and display activity on the kingside.
in the open Sicilian structures. The The text is the most logical step in
pawn move preserves the bishop in that direction.
the event of 7.a3 ic5 8.lila4.
11.Wc2 B:e8 .ih7 13.b3!
7.ig2 d6 8.0-0 h6
Many correspondence games fea
ture 13.!'lfdl, but this move takes
away the only natural retreat
square for the c2-queen. That
could be underlined with 13 ...g5!? e4 15.dxe4 li:lxe4 16.Wa4 f5
with counterplay, e.g. 17.Wb5 f4 or li:le7.
Chapter 4
After 13.b3!, Black does not have ltlxe5 6.d4 il.b4 7.dxe5 ltlxe4 8.11!!1f3
a clear plan since 13...g5?! 14.ltlf3 ltlxc3 9.bxc3 il.a5
e4 15.dxe4 ltlxe4 16.11!!1dl f5 17.E1a2 Or d6 11.exd6 o-o 12.gd1
would neutralise his temporary ac il.d7.
tivity. Instead he should embark on 10 ... d6 leads to open piece play with
manoeuvring. equal chances. Ju Wenjun-Kosteni
uk, Chengdu 2015 went from here:
Galanov-Eckhardt, corr. 2011 went
13 ...11!!1d7
14.gfdl 11!!1g4 revives the break
...e4, for instance, e4.
White could repel the quen with
15.h3 11!!1d7, but the h3-pawn
would be a good target. Black can
then transfer his c6-knight to g5
via d8-e6 - (preparing
gbl) 16 ...ltld8 17.gbl ltle6 18.b4
(18.hb7?! gab8 ltlg5 11.0-0
20.g4 ltlxg4!) 18 ...fl.b6 19.ltle4 More prudent is:
ltlxe4 2 0.dxe4 11!!1e7 21.lilfS 11!!1f8 0-0 12.0-0 il.d7 13.exd6
with complex play. il.c6= or:
14... gab8 15_gd1 fl.b6 16.gbl ltle7 11.'l!lg3 il.f5 0-0=.
17.lilf3 il.f5 18.lile4 11!!1e6 19.b4, 11... dxe5 'l!lf6 13.11!!1e3 c6
14 .il.f3 il.b6 and White is yet to prove
enough compensation for the pawn.
5.d3 d6
D. 4.e4 il.b4
the same structure after 4.e3 !b4 6.g3 is strategically similar to the
5.1!1'c2 hc3 6.bxc3, see Chapter 5 main line as both allow the exchange
line B. ...!c8-g4xf3 - 6...tg4 7.h3 txf3
Carlsen chose against Ghaem 8.111'xf3 0,d4 9.11\'dl c6 10.!g2. Black
in Berlin 2015, 6...!cS 7.b4 !b6 has two possible plans now - either
8.'8a4 !g4 9.'8xb6 axb6 10..tb2 to stay passive on the queenside
(10.!e2 0-0 11.!b2 0,e7 12.0-0 with 10 ...a5 11.0-0 tcS, or to pre
'8g6=) 10 ...txf3 ll.111'xf3 0,d7 pare ...b5 with 10 ...a6 11.0-0 !cS
aiming for ... '8d7-f8-e6. Criti 12.l'lbl b5.
cal for his idea would be 12.111'g3!
1!1'f6 13.!e2 0,f8 14.f4! 0,e6 15.f5 In his rapid match against Karpov
with a space advantage. in Cap d'Agde 2015, Edouard first
7.bxc3 h6 ly tried 6.h3 a6 7.!e2 !cS 8.0-0 0-0
I'm not too sure that we need 9.!e3, but 9...'8d4 turned out to be
this prophylaxis. The plan with balanced:
7...a6 is also effective without it.
8.g3 0-0 9.!g2 a6!? (this is always
good against the setup with !g2)
Chapter 4. 1.c4 e5 2.tll c3 tll f6 3.tll f3 tll c6
Annotated Games
8. Edouard - Karpov
Cap d'Agde 2015
Chapter 5. 1.c4 e5 2.llic3 llif6 3.llif3 llic6 4.e3
Main Ideas
1.c4 e5 li:lf6 li:lc6 that White has spent too many
4.e3 .ib4 tempi on ambling around with the
queen and we should make him pay.
So: 10 il.fS!? 11.Ae2 0-0-0!
Chapter 5
B. 6.bxc3
This recapture makes sense only in
conjunction with e4, but that means
White will present us with a clear
6.bxc3 0-0 7.e4 d6
White puts his hope in f2-f4, but we
can easily hinder this idea. For in
8..ie2 ltlh5 9.d4 1l!'f6
11...c5 12.11!'h4 dxc4 13.hc4 .ie6=.
10.1l!'xd4 0-0
Step by Step
4...ib4 5.l!lc2
Chapter s
the king in the centre - 14..ie2 f4
l.c4 e5 2.'ilc3 'ilc6 3.'ilt3 'ilc6 4.e3
Chapter s
13 ...g5
White is in a positional bind, but
Black exploits the fact that 14.ic3 the following break gives him some
would drop the d3-pawn. counterplay:
l.c4 e5 2.lilc3 lilc6 3.lilf3 lilc6 4.e3
A2. 7 .ie 2 d5
Perhaps White should opt for the
exchange sacrifice with 16.a4 1/!llf7
17.!'!xc6 bxc6 18..
13 MS 14.f'3 .id3
Chapter 5
Or 14.4 exf4 15.d4 'll'g5
16.lild2 'll'g6 17.i.d3 i.h3 18.i.fl
b6 19.c5 dxc5 20.dxc5 lilg5.
8.i.e2 14...lilg5 15.f3, Suba-Rodriguez
Guerrero, Salobrena 2009, when
The older line 8.g3 offers Black an the logical continuation of Black's
additional plan, based on the break play would have been 15...h5 16.fl
...b7-b5. Of course, it should be h4 17.lile2 lilxe2+ 18.'ll'xe2 'll'f6 .
combined with . . .f5. It seems that b) 9.d4 lilg6 10.0-0 111'e7 11.i.d3 !le8
Black is fine regardless of the re White's setup with d4 is more
treat square the f6-knight chooses: active than in the previous ex
8 ... lild7 9.i.g2 lilc5 10.lilh4 a6
ample and it would be a mistake
11.0-0 b5 ;:, Khairullin-Svidler, Ch to follow in the same fashion.
ita 2015; For instance, Bocharov-Matla
8 ... a6!? 9.a4 lila5 10.d3 lild7; kov, Tyumen 2012 saw ll ...h6
Other possible moves are 8 ... lilh5
12.!lel lilh7 when 13.c5 would be
and 8 ...lile8. strong as 13 ...dxc5 14.lilxe5 fa
I chose against the most promi vours White. It is better to de
nent adept of this line, Suba, 8 ...
prive the enemy ofthis resource.
@h8 9.d3 lilg8 - see game ll Suba
12.!lel h6 13.lild2 c5.
Delchev, Albacete 2004.
Even the noncommittal develop 9.d4 'll'f6
ment 8 ...h6 9.i.g2 e6 10.d3 'll'd7 is
a fair option. Again the most straightforward
move - we attack d4.
8 . lilh5 9...exd4 allows 10.lilxd4
l.c4 e5 2.lilc3 lilc6 3.lilf3 lilc6 4.e3
Chapter 5. 1.c4 e5 2.tlic3 tlif6 3.tlif3 'll c6 4.e3
Annotated Games
9. Mastrovasilis - Hracek,
EU-eh Istanbul 01.06.2003
Black has active pieces and a pawn 21 a5 22.h4
h6 23.e4 a4
majority 3:2 on the queenside. That 24.Elh3?!
should allow him to neutralise the
bishop pair. He should aim to trade White does not realise that he can
one of them, for instance, 13.a3 li:Jb6 not survive with his king caged in.
14.e4 ie6. The rest is pathetic.
14 ... ElacS 15.ie2 li:Jb4 16.b:b4? 1.c4 e5 li:Jf6 li:Jc6
4.e3 .ib4 5.'1!1'c2 b:c3 6.%l'xc3
16.a3 li:Jc6 17.ic3 f6was about equal. %l'e7 7.a3 d5 8.d4 exd4
Black's plan is to push ...b7-b5-b4. li:Jxd4 10.%l'xd4 0-0
Chapter 5
1.c4 e5 2.<ilc3 <ilc6 3.<ilf3 <ilc6 4.e3
21... <ilxeS 29 d4
(29...@fS=; 29 ... !lxc3
30.\Wxc3 d4=) 30.hd4 <ilf5+
31.@f4 <ilxd4 32.exd4 \Wxe5+
33.@xe5 Ms 34.!lbl e7 35.!lb7
d7 36.!lxa7 l'lxh2 37.!laS
h6 38.!lgS hxg5 39.!lxg7 @e7
40.!lgS !le2+ 41.@d5 l'le3 42.a4
l'lxf'3 43. c6 l'lc3+ 44.b5 !lb3+
45.Wc4 !la3 46.Wb4 !ld3 47.a5
!lxd4+ 48.Wc5 !la4 49.Wb5 !lal
50.a6 Wf6 51.!ldS !lbl+ 52. Wc5
22.f'3 !lal 53.Wb5 l'lbl+ 54.Wc5 e5
22. Wd2!? was tried in a correspond
ence game and White failed to make
a draw after 22 ...'1<\'c6 23.!lacl !lc4
24.\Wxa7'1<!1g6, Bolda-Rattinger, corr. 11. Suba - Delchev
2005. My computer claims that best Albacete 05.09.2004
is 25 ..td4 !lb4 26.!lc2=.
1.c4 <ilf6 2.<ilc3 e5 3.<ilf'3 <ilc6
22 ...\Wc6 23 ..td2 l\l'b5 24.Wf2 4.e3 .tb4 5.1Wc2 hc3 6.bxc3 d6
\We2+? 7.e4 0-0 8.g3 Wh8 9.d3 <ilg8
Chapter s
1.c4 e5 2.illc3 illc6 3.illf3 illc6 4.e3
mind and offer to trade queens in a dxe5 40.cS i.d7 41.1:!4a6 i.b5
worse setting than 3 moves ago. The 42.l:la2 i.d3 43.cxb6 cxb6
cold-blooded attack on the e4-pawn 44.hb6 l:lxc3 45..ic7 l:le8
31...illf6! would have assured me 46.1:!2a3 l:lxa3 47.l:lxa3 he4
of an edge. The trick is that 32.g4 48.l:la5 hg2 49.@xg2 e4
is effectively parried by 32 ... 'l!\ldS! 50.e5 l:ld8 51.i.xf6 gxf6 52.g4
33.g5? illh7. Eld2+ 53.g3 l:ld3+ 54.M4 Elxh3
The rest is not too interesting: 55.xe4 g7 56.l:la8 l:lb3 57.@f4
@f7 58.l:lh8 g7 59.l:la8 l:lb5
32.'19xd8 l:lxd8 33.l:la7 l:lc8 60.l:lc8 l:lg5 61.l:la8 Draw.
Chapter 6. 3.tlif3 tlic6 4.g3 b4 5.tlid5
Main Ideas
1.c4 li:lf6 e5 li:lc6 knights with 8 9.cxd5 li:ld4
4.g3 ib4 hd4.
That's why first players prefer 8.e3
a6! 9.b3 ia.7 10.ib2 li:lxd5 11.cxd5
li:le7 f5:;:. You can learn
more about this line from the anno
tations to Gaxne 12 Agdestein-To
palov, Stavanger 2014.
Chapter 6
1 0?
Chapter 6. 3.Clif3 Clic6 4.g3 i.b4 5.Clid5
Step by Step
1.c4 lilf6 2.lilc3 e5 3.lilf3 lilc6 The first question which comes to
4.g3 ib4 mind is why Black led out his bish
op to b4 in the first place. Wasn't it
easier to play at once 4 ...ic5. One
reason is that 4 .. .ic5 5.lilxe5 ixf2+
6.@xf2 lilxe5 7.e4! is somewhat bet
ter for White. Another argument is
that after 4...ib4 5.lild5 ic5, Black
obtains counterplay by trading on
d5 and then undermining the d5-
pawn with ...c7-c6.
Or 8.d3 lilxd5 9.cxd5 lild4
5.lild5 (5.ig2 is covered in the next ixd4=.
chapter) 5 e4!?
8 ...a6! 9.b3 ia7 10.ib2 lt:lxd5
ll.cxd5 lt:le7 f5;:. I analyse
This rare move is risky, but it is this line in detail in the annotations
much more enterprising than the to Grune 12 Agdestein-Topalov,
Stavanger 2014. It could serve as a
established equalizer 5 ...ic5 6.ig2
0-0 7.0-0 d6 backup of our main repertoire.
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
3.lilf3 lilc6 4.g3 .ib4 5.lild5
14 ..ixffi lilxg3! gives Black a
strong attack.
14...lilxg3 15.l'1f3 lilxe4
Black owns the initiative, but proba
bly White can maintain the balance
with accurate defence after 16. 'i!lcl
(16 ..ixf8 l!?xf8) 16...f5+. White went
on to draw eventnally in Bnbnov 14.gxh4
Schunck, corr. 2011. The attack on h6 is easily par
ried: 14.'i!ld2 lile7 or 14.cxb6
The game McNab-Haik, Metz 1988, axb6 15.lilc2 l!?h7 16.'1!!1d2 lilg8.
saw 10.'i!la4 a5 14...l!?h8 1s.l!?h1 !lg8 16.f3 exf3
10 ...lilxd4!? ll.'i!lxb4 lilxe2+ 17.!lxf3 .ie6. A sharp position with
12.l!?hl c6 mutnal chances has arisen. The ac
tivity of Black's pieces compen
sate the enemy bishop pair. We can
even sacrifice the exchange, using
the fact that White's kingside is still
18..ib2 concludes the develop
ment. We can meet it by 18 ...
lilh5 19.'l!!lel lile7 20.'i!lf2 !lg6
21.!lgl 'i!ld7;.
sets more problems as the obvi 18 ... lile4 19.lilxh6 !lxg2 20.l!?xg2
ous 13.lilxf6?! '1!!1xf6 14..ie3 gxh4 'i!lxh4. The h6-knight has no retreat,
15.!ladl stnmbles into 15 ....ig4 but we cannot win it. Thus we have
with many threats. some sort of a fragile balance.
It is better to retreat - 13.lilc3 I have also analysed the somewhat
lilxcl 14.!laxcl gxh4 15.gxh4 slow:
Chapter 6
10 ...ta.5
Annotated Games
7.0-0 d6
Chapter 6
'!\1f8=. Note that Anand's rook lift 14..id2 f5 15.ha5 1lxa5 16.f4
...1lf8-f6-h6 is clumsy since White '!\1e7 17.!lel b6, Rogozenco-Ba
can easily prevent ...'!\1h5 with f4, logh, Germany 2009.
if3. 14...'!\1e7 15.e4. Here the game Ma
rin-Komarov, Cairo 2001, finished
b) The same idea could be modified in a draw, but Black obviously has a
by gaining space first with 15 ...g5 slight edge owing to his better pawn
16.f4 exf4 17.exf4 (17.gxf4 g4 18.e4 structure.
ie8 19.e5 h5:;:!) 17...g4 18 ..ic3 1le8
19.b3 h5 20.h4 (20 ..ib2 '!\1e7 21.'!!.1c3 s.. a6 9.b3
10.lilc3 h6 ll.h3 (ll.d5 lile7)
11 ...ifS 12.a3 (12.dxe5 dxe5)
12 ... lile4 13.lile2 exd4 14.lilexd4
(14.exd4 d5 15.cxd5 lile7 16.lilc3
14..ib2 lilxd5 17.Wb3 lildxc3 18.bxc3 c5)
1 1 ()
14 ... ltlxd4 15.ltlxd4 th7 leads to
normal play in the centre.
10.b3 exd4 11.ltlxd4 ltlxd4
12.exd4 ltlxd5 13.cxd5 id7
14.ie3 a5= is rather dull.
10 ... ltlxe5! ll.b3 ig4 12.ltlf4 ltle4
was equal in Kuzubov-Gupta, Iasi
lile7 12.lilh4
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
45 !le7?
Chapter 7. 3.'2lf3 '2lc6 4.g3 ib4 5.ig2
Main Ideas
I do notsay 6...d6 or 6...ge8 are bad,
but I will always choose the aggres
sive approach unless it's proven
wrong. And practice shows 53 per
cent in Black's favour!
7.liJg5 The other reasonable option is 9 ...
7.4.lel hc3 8.dxc3 h6 9.liJc2 d6 exf3 10.lllxf3 when most solid looks
10.liJe3 ges may be of equal worth. 10 ...'l:l'e7 (10 ...d5 seems to hold,
too, but I suspect that we could ex
pect surprises from White here),
although this idea is based on the
positional pawn sac ll.e3 lll e5
12.ill d4 d6! 13.d3 c5 14.lllf5 .\hf5
15.gxf5 d5! 16.cxd5 c4oo. It is a fair
alternative to 9 ...e3.
10.d3 (10.dxe3 'l:l'e7! ll.liJh3 'l:l'c5=)
10 ...d5
Chapter ?
Chapter 7. 3.lll f3 lll c6 4.g3 .itb4 5 .itg2 .
Step by Step
l.c4 e5 2.lilc3 lilf6 3.lilf'3 lilc6 d4. Tue best shaping of this idea is,
4.g3 b4 5.g2 0-0 6.0-0 however, the slower 7.d3 h6 8.lila4!
(8.lll d5 c5 9.e3 a6!) 8...a5 9.b3
6.llld5 e4 7.lilh4 d6 transposes to
the previous chapter.
Chapter ?
7. .hc3 8.bxc3
3.lilf3 lilc6 4.g3 .ib4 5 ..ig2
A. 9 ...e3!? 10 d5 11.\Wb3
12 ...b6!
White keeps his pawns connected.
The obvious threat is lile4, .ixe3 so This rare set-up is more active than
Black must quickly find targets in the well tested 12 ...c6 13.cxdS cxd5
order to distract the enemy from the 14.f4 lilc6
overextended pawn. 14....ig4 15.lilf3 lilc6 allows
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
lilg4 18.h3 1/iff5 19.!lxe2 1/ilxbl 15.lilxc4 1/ilg6 16.e4) 14...'/!ld6 (14...
20.1/ifxg4 1/ifxcl+ 21.@h2 ad8 ig4 15.'/!la4 1/ile7 16.Wxc4 '/!ld7)
22.1/ifb4 h6 23.c4 1/ifdl 24.af2 15.lild2 id7 16.lilxc4, Tomashev
1/ifel 0-1, Sigurjonsson-Smys sky-Gajewski, Berlin 2015.
lov, Reykjavik 1974.) 16...adS The common ll...lile4 is anoth
17.1/ifb5 ae5 18.l>l'h7 fili3. er way to prevent the pin from g5,
16.3 (16.'/!lxc6 hg2 17.'/!lxg2 but the knight is somewhat hang
'/!lg6) 16 ...'/!lxh3 17.'/!lxc6 aab8 ing on that square. For instance,
12.'/!lc2 dxc4 13.lile5 lilxe5 14.Wxe4
looks unpleasant: 14...lilg4 (14 ...
lilg6 15.'/!ld5 1/ife716.e4 c6 17.'/!lxc4)
15.'/!lf3, but 15...f5 16.1/ifd5+ Wxd5=
saves the day.
The text keeps more tension.
The game Girth-Scwenk, corr 2010, 12.1/ifc2 dxc4 13.if4
went on 18.af4 '/!lh5 19.h3 abdS 13.abl 1/ife7 14.ab2 'l!lle4 15.Wxe4
20.ad4 when 20 ...axd4 21.cxd4 (15.'/!la4 'l!lle6) 15 ... lilxe4 16.lile5
'/!la5! 22.icl axe3 forces a perpetu lilxe5 17.he4 lild7 leads to mas
al, but Black could certainly play on sive elimination of forces af
with 22 ... hs 23.a4 abs. ter 18.hb7 hb7 19.l'lxb7 axe2
20.!lxc7 lilf6 21.!lxc4 axa2
White has tried to improve on
12.lild4 with 12.ib2?!, but 12 ...ig4!
13... lile4 14.aadl
13.d3 1/ifa5 14.af2 aad8 is clearly in
After 14.lile5 lilxe5 15.he5, sim
Black's favour.
plest is 15 ... lilc5 (aimed against
Another attempt was 12.d3 '/!lc5+ 16.e4) 16.aabl tg4=.
13.@hl lilg4 14.'/!lel 1/ilh5!? 15.M4
(15.e4 f5) 15 ... lilce5 16.he5, Van
Wely-Ruck Los Angeles 2011, when
16 ...!lxe5! would have left Black with
a more mobile rook which could at
tack both h2- and a2-pawns.
3.ltlf3 'll c6 4.g3 ib4 5.ig2
16.e4 ib7 17.1/:l'e2 ltle7 18.hh6 16.axf3 1/:l'd5 17.ltlf5 ltle4 18.1!1'd3
was unpleasant, to say it mild 'll d6=.
ly, in Caruana-Anand, Moscow 14...ltla5 15.'ll'b4 ltle4 16.1/:l'a4 ig4
2016. In the postmortem Caru 17.1/:l'c2 f5 18.abl c6 is unclear,
ana also proposed 18.h4!) 16.e4 Musitani-Dorer, corr. 2010.
'llxfl 17.exf5 'llxh2 18.hh2 'llxe5
19.he5 1/:l'g5 should be tenable. 13.e4 xe4 (13...1/:l'c4!?=) 14.ltle5
Black could always sac the ex h7 15.ltlxc6 bxc6 16.Exf6
change and play with 3-4 pawns 16.hc6 is dubious owing to 16...
for a piece. For instance: ig4 17.1/:l'a4 ib3.
c6 21.f6 l'1xe5 22.dxe5 ae8oi;. 16...gxf6 17.hc6=.
However, at the press confer
ence in Moscow Caruana called 13.ltle5 1/:l'e6 14.ltld3!?
the position "resignable". 14.ltlxc6 bxc6 15.ael ltle4 16.'ll'd3
15.ltle5 ltlxe5 16.he5 ltld6 17.adel 'll'g6 17.if4 M5=.
(17.af2 is the same - 17...f6 18.id5+ 14...xe2 15.hh6
@hs 19.Exf6 gxf6 20.'!l'g6= J 17.. .f6 Or 15.1/:l'xe2 l'1xe2 16.hh6 ltle4=.
18.id5+ @h8 19.Exf6=. 15 ...1/:l'xdl 16.aaxdl ig4 17.ad2 ie2
18.axf6 gxf6 19.ltlc5 ic4
12.ltle5 ltlxe5 13.dxe5 axe5 is at least
equal after (14.if4?! ae8 15.cxd5
if5+) 14.cxd5 ig4.
12 1/:l'xd5!
Chapter 7
13 ...Ms 14.lild2
11... lile5
ltlf3 'll c6 4.g3 ib4 5.ig2 16.cxb5
In Karjakin-Eljanov, Baku 2015, 16.$.xa8 is risky - 16 ... l'lxa8
White played and of 17.cxb5 $.h3 18.l'lf4 c4 19.d4 l'i:Jd3
fered a draw. 20.l'lh4 li:le4 and all tbe fun is for
14...'l!Je5 15.d4 (15.e4 'l!Jxc3 16.l'lbl Black.
hf5 17.exf5 li:le5 18.l'lb3 'l!Ja5) 15... 16...d5 17.a4
'l!Je6 16.'l!Jd3 Ei:Je7 17.e4 Ei:Jxf5 18.exf5 17.d4 prevents the knight from
'l!Je2 19.'l!Jxe2 l'lxe2 20.ig5 l'lc2 leads reaching d3, but c4 is also a
to a balanced endgame. perfect stand for it - 17...l'i:Jc4
18.'l!!d3 l'lac8 19.a4 $.h5 20.$.xd5
12 ...d6! li:lxd5 21.'l!!xc4 when 21...'l!Je4 $.g6 is equal. 21...l'i:Jf6
This move, in conjunction witb 22.ia3 li:le4 23.dxc5 'l!Jg5 24.l'lf4
the pawn sacrifice on move 15, ef l'i:Jxg3= is more forceful.
fectively patches tbe 10 ...'l!Je7-line. 17...l'lac8 18.$.b2 c4 19.d4 li:ld3
The source game Kasparov-Karpov, 20.l'i:Jb4 l'i:Je4=.
Chapter ?
Chapter 7. 3.tll f3 tt:lc6 4.g3 i.b4 5.i.g2
Annotated Games
Chapter ?
3.'ilt3 'ilc6 4.g3 b4 5.g2
to push ...b5, he could have done it 16.c4?! lllde7! (eyeing f5) 17.g4?
without any preparation since 15 ...
b5 16.'1xb5? gb8 would be in his No matter the threats, one should
favour. However, this move would never make such moves.
be double-edged as it creates weak
nesses on the queenside. 17...b6 18.lll e4 ie6
Karjakin provokes c4 which weak
ens the square d4. It is indica
tive that the engines prefer for
White more restrained play on the
a) 16.gabl '1e7 17.lll e4 (17.c4 lllf6
18.lll a6 ga8 19.'1b5 gd8 20.'1c5
'1xc5 21.lllxc5 b6 22.lllb3 a5=) or:
b) 16.lll e4 b5 17.'1c2 'l:\le7
The opening is over and we can
take stock now. White has made a
novelty, then played all the obvi
ous moves, and ended down clearly
worse! To be sure, the engines eval
uate this position as nearly even, but
I guess that nobody would like to
contemplate such a hopeless bish
op on g2. It would be interesting
to know what went wrong with his
The best place for the queen is f7 home preparation. After all, Svidler
from where it is eyeing both c4 and is one of world's leading experts on
g6. Now the most principled conti the English Opening. He was obvi
nuation is: ously frustrated with his achieve
bl) 18.c4 lll db4 19.'l:\lcl bxc4 ments as his next attempt to resur
20.dxc4 lll e5! 21.id4 fxg3 22.hxg3 rect the poor bishop is almost los
lllbc6 23.he3 if5 with chaotic play ing. White adds to the bad bishop
where Black's pieces are very active. another positional drawback - an
even worse king.
More prophylactic approaches are:
b2) 18.gabl ie6 19.a4 a6 20.axb5 19.g5? h5?!
axb5 21.'l:\lcl 'l:\lf7 22.lllc5 .tf5oo.
b3) 18.Wcl '1f7 19.a4 fxg3 20.hxg3 Karjakin does not want to part
lll a5oo. with the sight of the sealed bishop,
but the position was ripe for deci
Black should play complexly, com sive action. 19... hxg5! 20.lllxg5 lllf5
bining threats on both flanks. was much stronger. 20.Wb5 if5
3.'ilt3 'ilc6 4.g3 b4 5.g2
21.xg5 does not help either owing takes which eventually led to a curi
to 21...d4 22.ixd4 Wlxd4 23.fili3 ous endgame:
c6 24.Wla4 ixh3 25.xh3 Wlf6.
26.Wle5 g6 27.Wd5+ e6
20.!lfdl d4?! 28.Wlxd7 .ixd7 29.h2= !!aS
30.3 hh3 31.xh3 !!a3
20 ...d7! 21.Wfa3 f5+ was a good 32.!!dcl !leas 33.!!c2 @f7 34.d4
introduction to ... d4. Now White !!dS 35.d5 e536.!lbl g6 37.d6
is still kicking. cxd6 38.!!xb6 h5 39.qixd6
!!daS 40.!!b5? (40.g6!) 40 ..
Chapter 8. Rare Second Moves
Main Ideas
Chapter s
Chapter 8. Rare Second Moves
Step by Step
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
5 dxc4
The text is more in the spirit of the 8..ig2 d6 9.0-0 l!e8 10.d3 h6 ll.llbl
book. li:lc6=.
6 .. 0-0!
Chapter 8. Rare Second Moves
Annotated Games
8.b4 discloses White's plans too
early and suggests a counter in
the centre with 8 ....ie6 9.b5 d5
10.bxc6 li:lxc6. It is not clear at
all that the advance of the b 13...idS
pawn is White's best idea. Cen Black is fully mobilised and well co
tral play with b3, f4 may be a ordinated.
more clever approach.
8 ...lila6 6.. d6 7.0-0
l.c4 e5
Rare second moves
I have played in one game 7...lila6, The best move order, however, is
having in mind to meet 8.!lbl by 8 ... 7... a5!? in order to exchange the a
c6 9.b4 lilc7 10.b5 i.d7, but this set pawus, and more importantly, to
up is a bit too passive. provoke !labl.
Chapter 8
l.c4 eo Kare second moves
14 g5
White chooses a plan with f4, but !lf6 21.lilgl lilhg7 22.lile3 5
Chapter s
34 bs
Chapter 9. 1.ctJf3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.b4
Main Ideas
1.lllf3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.b4 f6! 111'e7 ll.'l:!fxh8 iilf6 was winning for
Black as the queen remains en
trapped on h8. The same theme oc
curs in various lines ofthe 3.b4 sys
tem and it is worth remembering it.
Chapter 9
lilf3 dS 2.c4 d4 3.b4
Chapter 9. 1.lLif3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.b4
Step by Step
1.lilf3 dS 2.c4 d4 3.b4
Chapter 9
1.lilf3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.b4
In Demuth-Duda, Ruzomberok
2014, White decided to provoke
...b6 with 13.!lcl, but that only bol
sters Black's queenside. He was bet White's play might be characterised
as hypennodern, but it looks to me
ter after 14.1!1'b3 1!1'd6 15.lilbd2 0-0-0
16.lilh4 i.g6 17.!lel liled5+. simply bad. I propose to take over
the initiative with concrete play.
13.!lel i.xd3 14.i.xd3 lilxd3 15.i.xc5
lilxc5 16.1!1'c4 1!1'd6 17.lilbd2 leads to 6.!lbl
an equal endgame after 17... 0-0-0
18.!lacl b6 19.lile4 lilxe4 20.!lxe4 The other possible approach is 6 .a3
lild5 21.!lxd4 111'c5=. Instead, 17... c5 7.g3 i.e6
!ld8 18.!lacl b6 19.lile4 1/l'd5 and 7...e4 8.lilgli.d7 9.i.g2 f5 10.lilh3
17...d3 18.!lacl b6 are similar. i.a4 11.d3 is tangled.
8.d3 (8.b5 lilc7 9.d3 1!1'd7 10.i.g2
13 ...1!1'd6 i.h3oo) 8 ... 1/l'd7 9.!lbl lile7!?
More solid set-up is 9 ...i.d6
10.lild2 lile7 11.lile4 !lb8 12.b5
lilc7 13.i.g2 0-0 14.0-0 b6.
10.i.g2 th3 11.0-0 hS (11 ...i.xg2 !?
12.@xg2 h5)
Annotated Games
Chapter 9
11.lilbd2 j,,e7 12.lilel f5 13.lilc2 0-0 The ABC book recommends to fix
14.lilb4 j,,e6 (14...f4!?) 15.1/;l'c2 1/;l'd7 the enemy pawns on light squares
(15 .. .f4!) 16.!ladl !lad8 17.lildS @h8 and 19 ...h6 was a step in the right
18.!lfel f4 19.lile4 lilb3=, Iturrizaga direction. Instead, Black puts his
Wang Hao, Dubai 2014. own one on a "wrong" place, beg
ging to be stopped with 20.f4!.
9.a4 lilg6
20.'l!fc2 ha3 2t.!lxa3 !lf6 22.!lal
The engines prefer 9 ... lilf5, but f4
humans understand that Black's
only active plan in this structure is
...f6-f5-f4 so the knight should not
be hampering it.
Chapter 9
Chapter 10. 1.ttJf3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.e3
Main Ideas
In the last years Black has found
new ideas which cast doubt on
White's opening approach.
First of all, 4.exd4 lilxd4
"'1'xd4 c6 7.d3 lilh6! turns
out to be even slightly more pleas
ant for Black.
Chapter 10
Chapter 10. 1.lLif3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.e3
Step by Step
Chapter lO
16? d5 2.c4 d4 3.e3
Chapter 10
Black's knight from reaching d4, Salov, Hermanas 1995, when 12 ...
but 9 ...'/;l'eS+! (9 ...lilh4 10.ie3 Wf6 l;l'c7! 13.f4 tl.e7 14.fS hS 15.h3 hxg4
11.f4 eS 12 .fS) throws a spanner in 16.hxg4 c5 is balanced.
the works.
9 ... 'd8
Or 10.1/lfe3+ Wxe3+ 11.fxe3 td7
12.b5 a5=.
Black's pressure down the d-file and 10 ...te7 1/lfd7 12.E:xa7 1'1xa7
the active bishop on the main diago 1/lle6+ 14.te2 td7= .
nal promise him good counterplay.
It is difficult for White to organise 5.f:xe3 1Dxb4
an attack. For instance:
5...e5 has never been played, not be
18.a4 \t>b8! cause it is particularly bad, but be
cause it is better to take the sacri
Eliminating both tactical threats ficed pawn. The position after 6.b5
ha7 and d4 which were possible af li:lb4 .if5 8.e4 tg4 is strategi
ter 18 ...MS: 19.ha7 b6 20.a5 Wxa7 cally unbalanced and unclear.
Chapter 10
14 ...e4!+.
6 . e5
. .!?
10.a3 li.lxeS ll.axb4 could face
11 ...hb4!! 12.dxeS tf5 13.11!.la4+
c6 14.Wxb4 0-0-0+ 15.'i!fd6 8he8
16.g3 8xd6+ 17. el 11!.lh6 18.exd6 13.a3
a6. White's king will never find a Black manages to blockade the
safe haven so his defence should enemy pawns after 13.e4 Wg6
be unpleasant in a practical 11!.lxd6 15.a3 li.lc6 16.dS
game. Ii.lees 17.h3 li.lxf3+ 18.11!.lxf3 li.leS
10 ...11!.lh6 11.el c5! 19.11!.lg3 0-0.
1L.te6 12.8bl li.lxe3 13.Wa4+ 1i!fxd6 15.td3
td7 li.lec2+ 15.f2 'i!fg6 0-0 16.8a2 cxd4 17.exd4 li.lf6 18. f2
16.cS li.la6 is another crazy po tg4 19.te3 8ae8 20.l'lel
sition where White has at least This position is dynamically bal
two decent moves: anced, but Black can pose practical
168 d5 2.c4 d4 3.e3
ll ... ltlg4 12.g3 lilxf2 13.1/!!lf3 1/!!lf6 Black obtains an initiative thanks to
14.1/!!lxf6 1ilxf6 15.lflxf2 lile4+ 16.lflf3, the timely undermining of the ene
Mueller-Fier, Caleta 2014, 16 ...ltlc5 my centre: 13 ... c6 14.!lbl b5!, Nguy
offers Black a better queenless en-Steinke, corr. 2014.
9 .exd4! 10.exd4 .ie7 11.0-0
12 ..ie2
11..if4 0-0 12.d5 ltla5 13.ltlb5 is ef
12.1/!!ld4 lilfg4 13.!la2 d6 14.g3 fectively parried with 13...ltleS (or
1/!!lh6+. even 13....id6 14..id2 b6 15.ltlxd6
cxd6 16 ..ig5 h6 17..ih4 1/!ie7 18.0-0
12 lileg4 13.g3 lilxf2 14.gxh4
.. g5 19.M2 lilg4) 14.0-o c6.
lilxdl 15. lflxdl .ic5
11 0-0
White's pieces are too passive.
Chapter 10. 1.lif3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.e3
Annotated Games
ling the game. He should have tried 46.We2 \i!fgl+ 47.\i!fel \i!fd4+
to maintain the grip with 48.\i!fd2 Wgl+ (It is not easy to
Elf8 25.llihl when 25 ...b5 would al evaluate correctly 48...\i!fxe4! 49.d6
low 26.c5 e5 26.d5. After the text \i!ff3+ 50.\i!fe2 fill+ 51.\i!fel Wd5+
Black opens lines on the queenside 52.\i!fd2 il.d4 53.'/;!fg2 'l;!fh5+ 54.ll1d2
and should be confident for his fu c5+) 49.Wel \i!fd4+ 50.\i!fd2
ture. l!!'gl+ Draw.
Chapter 10
out of reach of the enemy forces. now tries to cover it with 16....@.h5
The c6-knight can always retreat to 17..@.d3 .@.g6 18.lll g5 b619..@.xg6 hxg6
a5 after d4-d5, then ...c6 will gener 20.lll d5 lll a5, White has 21.i;f3 and
ate counterplay. Remains to accom the idea 1/!!ic2-f2-h4 hints that it
modate the light-squared bishop. I is not very good to have doubled
prefer to put it on g6. The shortest pawns on g6 while White's knight is
route to this place is: still alive.
12 ....@.f5 intending 13.lllh4 .@.g6 with Perhaps Black should have braced
a stable albeit small edge. himself for 16 ...h6, but he stubborn
If White keeps the tension with ly avoids any pawn moves. It is dif
13 ..@.f4 .@.g6 14J'fa2 (14.lllb5 runs ficult to win a game without making
into 14...a6 15.lllxc7 i;c8 16.d5 lllh5), any committal move.
we could spend a tempo on prophy
laxis - 14 ...a6, planning to seek ex
changes with ...lll e4.
13 .@.e3 i;e8
Llilf3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.e3
It is obvious that Black cannot win Black's pieces are scattered around
without neutralising the enemy the board and that makes it impos
centre. Thus 21...cS appears logical, sible to convert the extra pawn.
but it would be a tactical mistake in
view of 22.dxcS hc5 23.hc5 bxc5 31...g5 32.c5 b3 33.hg6
24.fu:b8 'i!lxb8 25.lilgS. hxg6
It transpires that White's bishop
should be repelled first. Again, the
most straightforward attempt 21...
lilf4 22.e4 f5 is not convincing due
to 23.c6.
Thus we can conclude that we
should play something like 21...
d7, preparing ... lilf4 or ...c7-c6-
c5. Instead Black plays yet another
meaningless move.
34.lilxb3 l!lg8 35.lild4 i<b2
21 H4 22.a5! .id7 23.axb6
.. 36.l<e2 '1xe2 37.lilxe2 .ie5
axb6 24.l<bdl 'i!lcS 25.lilh4 @hS 38.lild4 f6 39.lil:f3 'i!lf4 40.d4
26.l<del 'i!ldS 27.lil:f3 c6 28 ..ie4 l<cS 41.b6 hd4 42.'i!lxd4
b5 29.cxb5 cxb5 30.d5 b4 xd4 43.lilxd4 l<c5 44.lilc6 hc6
31.lild4 45.dxc6 g5 46.Wgl l<xc6 Draw.
Chapter 11. 1.lll f3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.g3
Main Ideas
Chapter 11
bishop. A well tested alternative 12.!lbl does not make sense since
is 5... lilf6 6.0-0 a5 (preventing 5... 12 ... a4 13.b3 would only make a
!Jie7 6.b4!) 7.lila3 which I discuss in weakness on a3.
Grune 24 Azaladze-Gagunashvili, On the other hand, 12.b3 !Jif5 13.!lbl
Tbilisi 2009 or 7.e3 !lic5!?, see is too slow. Black could push 13 ... e4,
Grune 23 Hamitevici-Edouard, or aim for an attack with 13...h5
Montpellier 2015.
Chapter 11. 1.lll f3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.g3
Step by Step
A. 3...c5; B. 3 ...lilc6!
A. 3. ..c5 4.e3 lilc6 5.exd4 cxd4 16 ...bS, but White preserves some
6.Ag2 e5 7.d3 pull.
Putting a knight on c5 does not
change the pattern - 9.!lel Ae7
10.<i:la3! 0-0 as 12.b3 "l!fc7
13.!lbl <i:lc5 14.Aa.3 Ms 1S.hc5
Axes 16.a3 !lfe8 17.b4 axb4 18.axb4
Af8 19.bS li:laS, Krnic-Cruz Lopez,
Lyon, 1990,
Chapter 11
5 tb4+!?
New Delhi 1987) 8...0-0 The other plan,, gives more
(9.h:f6 M6 g4=, chances for a full-fledged fight -
Shariyazdanov-Vaulin, Kras 7... 0-0 ( is senseless
noyarsk 1998) 9 ... li:ld7 10.he7 due to the simple retreat 8...te7,
Wxe7 ll.lilc2, e.g. 9.e3 a6 dxe3 11.he3
li:lg4 12. li:lc2 f5)
1 Qfl
i.<ur::s ao z.c4 a4 ::s.g::s
10.'b3 ie6 ll.a3 bxa3 12.l'lxa3
l'lxa3 13.\Wxa3 'a8=, Cvitan
Barle, Rijeka 2010.
10...bxa3 ll.'b3 when ll ...$.e6
12.l'lxa3 transposes to the above
The text is more ambitious.
Chapter 11
10.lilxd4 12 ...ig4!?
Chapter 11. 1.ltif3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.g3
Annotated Games
Chapter 11
10.h3 0-0 ll.lilc3 l'le8 12.lilh2 h6 ward on a6: 12 ... l'la6 13.ie3 lilfS
occurred in Bu Xiangzhi-Ganguly, 14.1!1'a4 h6 15.l'ladl id7 16.Wla3 1!1'c8
Doha 2014. 17.lilh2=, Alf-Lange, corr. 2010.
15.hf4 tf5 16.g4 ig6 17.d2 25.gxh5 <l:lxh5 26.c5 <l:lf4 27.a3
!ld8?! ih5'3 <l:lxh3+ 29.h2
ixf3 30.\&xf3 <l:lg5 31.\&f4 d2+
A mundane move obviously made 32.\&xd2 <l:lf3+ 33.g3 <l:lxd2
by general considerations. Stronger 34.b4 <l:lc4 35.4 <l:lxa3 36.<l:lc3
was 17... h5! 18.g5 <l:lh7 killing three f8 37.<l:le4 <l:lc4 38.<l:lc3 e7
birds with one shot - Black makes 39.b5 e6 40.e4 f5+ 41.d4
a luft, gains the f5-square for his <l:le5 0-1
knight, and transfers the f6-knight
via the route h7-f8-e6. As a "bonus",
the g5-pawn could hang. 24. Azaladze - Gagunashvili
Tbilisi 2009
18.ic7 !ld7
1.<l:lf3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.g3 <l:lc6 4.ig2
e5 5.d3 <l:Jf6 6.0-0 a5 7.<l:la3 ic5
Apparently White missed the pin Black's only active plan in this
along the a-file. Indeed, moves like structure is connected with ... e5-e4
19 ...aS!, with the idea of 20.ib4 so the d4-pawn should be well pro
<l:lb3, are difficult to spot. tected end the e-file should remaiu
Correct was 19.ib6! with unclear opeu for a rook on e8. Another con
play. Edouard suggests 19 ...bd3 sideration is that ic5 discourages
20.xd3 <l:lb3 21.\&bl <l:lxal. In possible breaks in the centre. That
principle White's pieces should be said, 7...ie7 also has enough ad
stronger, but his naked king offers herents, but it is more prophylactic
Black counter-chances. than aggressive.
be impotent. Note that 10 ... lild7 lila5 17.lild2 f5 18.d4 c6 19.'/!ih5
ll.b:e7 '/!ixe7 could be attacked ie6+, Henderson-Krutous, ICCF
with 12.e3 or even 12.f4, as in Ri 2015. The c4 and a3-pawns are
vas-Romero, Alicante 1989. hanging.
Similarly, 8.lilb5 0-0 9.ig5 is par
9.lild2 if5 leaves White without
ried by 9...ie7 10.e3 h6.
sensible moves - he cannot play
lile4, 10.f4 is also dubious due to
8 ... 0-0 9.a3
10 ...e4. 10.b3 '/!lld6 would prevent
ia3. Remains 10.a3 when 10 ...
Another critical line is 9.ig5 h6
h6!?+ would be a good prophylac
10.ixf6 '/!lfxf6 11.lild2
tic move, aimed against the idea of
ThegameAdamski-Rausis, Lyn
gby 1989, saw ll.b3 '/!lle7 12.a3 ig5, as in the line 10 ...'/!id7 11.l'lbl
ie6 13.lild2 f5 and Black con a4 12.b4 axb3 13.lilxb3 ie7 14.ig5.
trols the board. White's attempt
to push b4 was instructively
9 . l'leS
l.'ilt::l <15 c.c4 <14 3.g3
V!Je7 14.iilxc5 V!ixc5 is also pleasant Black is all set for 16...e4 17.dxe4
for Black. The game Larsen--Short, \1!1g5, but the threat is stronger than
Hastings 1988, was eventually its execution!
drawn after 15.V!id2 M5 (Perhaps
15...iiJa5 16.V!Jb4 iiJb3 poses more 17.\1!1cl e4!
problems to White.) 16.!labl \1!1a5
17.liJb4 liJd8 18.!lbdl c6 19.e4 dxe3
20.fxe3 ,ig4 21.tf3 .th3 22.tg2 ig4
23.if3 i.h3 24.tg2, draw.
Chapter 11
25. Malakhov-Tomashevsky
Jurmala 08.03.2015
Hawkins-Pert, London 2015,
saw 9.Virb5 when 9 ... <l:lge7 was
too timid although Black went on
to win after 10.<l:lg2 1!1'd7 11.Wxb7
!'lb8 12.'l>lla 6 f5 13.if3 d3!.
He had more natural develop
ing moves like 9...id6 or even
9 ...lilf6.
Black obtains a nearly free, self 9...h4 10.d3,
conducting attack. 10.ixh3? \\!.lxh3 ll.'l>llxb7 l!ld7. d5 2.c4 d4 3.g3
Chapter 11
9 . '!Nd7
1.ltlf3 dS 2.c4 d4 3.g3
13 .i:f.3
Chapter 11
!<fe8 19.!<xeS+ !<xe8 20.i.e2 h5
21.'1Mfc2 .if5 22.'1Mfdl 1Mle7 30 !<hl 31.b3 qic5 32.l!lg2 !<el
Chapter 12. 1.ltJf3 d5 2 .g3
Main Ideas
Chapter 12
17..ie3 stumbles into 17 ... c5 and Stayed the g-pawn on g3, White
17.1'1dl could be met by either 17... might have hoped for some advan
c5, or 17.. .f6. tage in view of his pressure on d5.
But the weakened h2-b8 diago
b) It would be a moral victory for nal gives us excellent counterplay:
Black if White exchanged on d5 - 16 ....ic7! 17.'il'b3 'il'd6.
11.exd5 cxd5 12.g4 .ig6 13.lilh4 lilc5 To sum up, taking on d5 by e-pawn
14.lilxg6 hxg6 15.d4 lile6 16..ie3 leads to rich sharp play.
Chapter 12. 1.llif3 d5 2 .g3
Step by Step
1.ltlf3 d5 2.g3
only 6 ... ltla6, heading for c5, but 11.0-0 ie7 12.ltlbd2 0-0 13.ltlf3
the knight is misplaced there ltlc5 14.ltla5 ltlfd7) 8 ...ltld5 9 ..id2
- 7..ig2 ltlc5 8.1/i.lc2 ltlf6 (8...d4 f6 10.ltlc4 ltla6 ll ..ig2 ltldb4=.
9.b4;!;) 9.0-0 ie7 10.d4 ltlcd7 5... e6!
11.ltld2 0-0 12.b3 with a slight
advantage due to the bishop pair
although 12 ...c5 promises Black
counterplay.] 7.ltlc3 ltlf6 8.cxd5
1/i.lxb3 9.axb3 cxd5 10.ltlb5?!
d7 ll.E!xa7 E!xa7 12.ltlxa7 when
White's small material advan
tage will be short-lived - 12 ...
ic5 13.ltlb5 E!c8 14.f3 ltlc6, fol
lowed up by ...ltla5xb3.
5 1/i.ib6
.. 6.0-0
It is safer to trade queens. 6.cxd5 exd5 7.0-0 ltld7 8.d4 .id6
5...1/i.ld7 6.d4 offers White some (or 8...ltlgf6 9.ltlc3 ie7 10.h3 h6
initiative although the full con ll.Wb3 Wb6 12.1/i.ldl 1/i.ld8 13.1/i.lb3
trol of the blockading d5-square Wb6 14.Wdl 1/i.ld8 15.Wb3 draw,
neutralises all concrete threats. Pigusov-Dreev, Pavlodar 1987)
For instance: 6...dxc4 7.hc4 e6 9 ..if4 he5 10.dxe5 ltle7 11.ltlc3
8.ltlc3 ltlf6 9.0-0 ie7 10.E!el 0-0, ltlg6 12.e4 he4=, Kengis-Yako
Maletin-Pushin, Tula 2009. vich, Pinsk 1986.
6.1/i.lxb6 axb6 7.cxd5 cxd5 8.ltlc3 6 ... ltlf6 7.d4 ltlbd7 8.ltlc3 ie7=, see
e6=. Grune 27 Kazmierczuk-Carolei,
ICCF 2013
4.ltle5 .if5! 5..ig2
5.1/i.lb3 is already a strike at thin 4 ...e6
air due to 5...ltld7! 6.d4 ltlxe5
7.dxe5 1/i.lc7 8.cxd5 ie4 9.f3 hd5
10.1/i.lc3 g6!? ll.e6 lilf6=.
5.cxd5?! 1/i.lxd5 is a double hit to
hl and a2. White is happy to find
6.1/i.lb3 (6.d4 hbl 7.E!xbl 1/i.lxhl
8.Wb3 ltld7 9.ltlxf7 We4 10.E!al
Wxd4 11.ltlxh8 Wd5 12.1/i.lxb7
E!b8 13.\Wa6 ltlgf6+; 6.ltlf3 hbl
7.E!xbl Wxa2 8.1/i.lc2 ltla6-+)
when simplest would be 6...
ltld7=. 6...\Wxb3 7.axb3 ltlf6 is
also roughly equal after 8.d4 Main continuations now are:
(8.d3 ltlbd7 9.ltlc4 e5 10 ..ig2.ie6 A. 5.Wb3; B. 5.0-0; C. 5.cxd5
Chapter 12
In Romanishin-Delchev, Forni di So
pra 2014, I chose 10 ...M3 11.M3
Safer is ll ...1!1'xc4 12.lilxc4 !lc8
13.0-0 (13.ha7b5 14.lilb6 liJxb6
15.hb6 h3 16.0-0 lile7=) 13 ...
b6 14.!labl lilgf6 15.!lfcl ie7
16.a4 0-0 17.aS lild5 18.axb6
13 ...lilxdS!= (freeing f6 for the bish axb6 19.lilxb6 liJ7xb6 20.hb6
op) 14.Ml Wa7 15.lilxd5 cxd5 16.$.b5 lilxb6 21.!lxb6 c5=.
M6, Kozlov-Kharitonov, St Peters 12.!lbl !lb8 13.tc3 Wc7 14.1!1'a4
burg 1995. 14.ihS!? Wd6 15.liJe4 111'd5
16.1!1'xd5 exd5 17.lilgS liJgf6
6 ... lild7 7.$.e3 dxc4!? (17... lilh6 18.e) 18.hV+
Black has two solid alternatives: 14...lilgf6 15.111'xa7 when 15... lildS!?
7...ic5 8.hc5 lilxc5 9.Wc3 lilf6 is unclear.
10.lilbd2 aS 11.!lcl lilcd7 12.0-0 0-0;
7... 1!1'xb3 8.axb3 a6 9.lilbd2 lilgf6 One year later, Romanishin repeat
10.0-0 ie7=. ed the variation, but his opponent
1.lilf3 d5 2.g3
Marzano was apparently well pre White is yet to prove that he has
pared and opted for 10 .. .f6. The enough compensation, Romani
same idea works also after 10...1/!llxc4 shin-Marzano, Berlin 2015. Per
ll.lilxc4f6! (but not ll...lilgf6 12.!lbl haps best is 15.lile4 !lc7 16.f4.
with nasty pressure).
11.0-0 1/!llxc4 12.lilxc4 lilh6!? (12 ...e5 I analyse 6.b3 lilbd7 7.tb2 td6
13.te3 lilb6 14.lila5 0-0-0 15.!lfbl 8.d3 0-0 9.lilbd2 !leS in the anno
@c7 16.lild2 lile7 17.lildc4 liled5 tations to Grune 30 Janaszak-Dzi
18.lilxb6 lilxb6 19.!lb2 is roughly uba, Warsaw 2011. The same plan
equal as white will regain the pawn. is also discussed in the Chapter 14,
The knight move aims to repel the line B, but Black has an extra tem
d4-bishop from the gl-a7 diago po there since he pushes ...e5 in one
nal.) 13.!labl lilf5 14.tc3 !lbS 15.h3 step - on the first move!
M3 16.M3 lild6 and Black retains
the extra pawn although White has 6 ... lilbd7
probably sufficient compensation.
11 1/!llxc4 12.lilxc4 e5
Chapter 12
1.tilf3 d5 2.g3
Chapter 12
C. 5.cxd5 exd5
Chapter 12
b) 13 ..ie3 12le6 14.exd5 12lxd5 Eiel Eib8) 19 ... EibS 20 ..ic6 lile6 (20 ...
15.12lxd5 cxd5 16.d4 .ie7 17.\l!lf5 .ie2 .ic7!?) 21.1llld5 lilxd4=.
18.Elfel .ic4 19.12lf3 g6=.
14 hxg6 15.d4 lile6 16 .ie3
16 ..ic7!
The immediate 14.d4 could face 20 Eie7 21.f5 .ic7 22 ..igl lilf4oo.
14...lilce4 15.lilxd5 12lxd5 16.12lxg6
fxg6 17..ixe4 lilf4 with compensa White's position is dangerous in
tion, e.g. 18.1l!lf3 l!lh8 19 ..ixb7 (19. view of his naked king.
Chapter 12. 1.ctJf3 d5 2.g3
Annotated Games
14.h3 V;\'xb3
9.'l:l'b3 'l:l'b6
Black does not have enough corn- White should continue 15.Eifcl!
15 as
. c5 23.!lda4?! he3 24.fxe3
exd5 25.!lxa5 !lxa5 26.!lxa5 ie6
Sam Collins successfully defended 27.!lb5 !ld7 28.MS g6 29.g2
against K. Arkell and L. Gutman the f8 30.f2 e7 31.h4 d6
position after 15...liJf6 16.liJc5 hc5 32. e2 !lc7 33. d2 c6 34.!la5
17.dxc5 ie4. !lc8 35.!la4 @d6 36.!la5 !lc6
The text fixes the b3-pawn which 37.!lb5 !la6 38.e4 dxe4 39.he4
might prove useful at some point. !lal 40.@e3 !lel+ 41.@d4 id7
However, human players mistrust 42.!lb6+ Draw.
l.'ilt::S d5 L.g:;
Black the initiative. Perhaps best re
tort was 14...hf3 15.hf3 .id4, but
the retreat to e7 is also good enough.
13 ..if4
13 ....ib6!? (intending ...lilc5)
14.!lael occurred in the corres It was possible to eat the a7-pawn -
pondence game Ptak-Merlicek, 23.ha7 b6 24.1/llb3 .ic5 25.lilb5 e5
1997, when 14...dxe4 15.dxe4 hf3 26.a4 and White always has a5 to
16.hf3 lile5 would force the clumsy save the bishop - 26 ... !le7 27.!lecl
Chapter 12
ie8 28.a5 txf2+ 29.l!lxf2 axcl 39.'lilc4 ad4 40.'lifb3 l!lh7 41.'lilc3
30.axcl bxa5 31.ac5 l!lh7 32.lilc7 'lild8 42.lilc2 i.dl+ 43.ael
axc7 33.'i!rb6 ac8 34.'i!rxdS axd8
35.axa5 ac8 with a probable draw.
To avoid this line, Black should have
defended e6 with 22 .. if7oo.
23 b6 24.lilb5 ibS
Black takes over the initiative for a 1.lilf"3 d5 2.g3 c6 3.g2 g4 4.c4
small price. e6 5.cxd5 .ixf"3 6.ixm cxd5
208 d5 2 .g3
Chapter 12
Black has gained some advantage in Fixing the pawns on dark squares.
the centre which allows him to dis 21...1/!\1b6 22.b4 axb4 23.hb4 would
play activity on the kingside: be totally equal and Black should
17...h5 18.f4 even think about defence since 23 ...
18.h3 weakens g3 - 18 ...1/!\1b6 g6?! would run into 24.e4.
19.f4 lilf5 20.@h2 lll e3 21.fxeS
lilxfl+ 22.1lxflhe5 23.lila4 1/!\1c6+. 22 ..ib4 1/!\1d7 23.hc5 hc5
18 ...lilg4 19.e4 dxe4 20.lilxe4 (20. 24. VNd2 ll:c7 25.ll:c2 ll:fc8 26.ll:fcl
dxe4 lilb3) 20 ...fucl 21.hcl .ie7 g6 27 .if'31/!\1d6 28.1/!\1dl h5 29.h4
33 ... 'd6
1.lilf3 d5 2.g3
Chapter 12
Our general approach to this posi ever, concrete thinking reveals that
tion is to take on e4, but 12 ...d4!? Black could penetrate even deep
cannot be really bad. White has put er in the enemy camp as d3 is also
his bishop on b2 and the queen on available - 15...! c7
c2 so he will need 2 tempi to re 17.!ladl '/!1d3 18.'/!1xd3 li:lxd3
deploy them for the typical KI at !lad8 20.l!lg2 b6+.
tack. Other schemes have no ve
nom - a5 MS 15.f4 hxg6 17.!ladl '/!1c7
g6 exf4 17.gxf4 e2 18.!lf2 18.g2 !lads! li:le6
li:lh5 3 li:lxf4. 20.h4?! c5
13... a5
Chapter 12
Chapter 13. The King's Indian Set-up
Main Ideas
Black tries to provoke e4-e5 with Our aim is to reach a position of this
...$.g4-h5-g6 and retreats the knight type:
to es.
Chapter 13
The set-up with 5.d3 d6 6.e4 but further advance with e4-e5
lile7 is based on similar ideas, but will only give us a free hand on the
the e7-knight can counter lilh4 with queenside. We could take space with
... 12lg6. Another plus for Black is the ... a5, ... b5 while on the kingside we
option of ...f6, preserving the light a rock-solid.
squared bishop. For instance:
7.1!\'el 12ld7 8.h3 th5 9.12lh4 Pantsulaia-Dreev
Gjakova 2016
Chapter 13. The King's Indian Set-up
Step by Step
Chapter 13
9 ...e5
The King's Indian Set-up
ll.g4 Ag6 12.lilh4 !le8 is similar to (10 ... is also good) ll.1We3
the main line. Ac3 12.!lbl c5 d4 14.1Wel
li:lc6 15.f4 f6+, Iljin-Goganov,
11... !leS 12.lilh4 '&c7 Sochi 2015.
8 ...5 9.lilh4
Black will choose the right timing
for opening the d-file. White does
not have any attack so he commonly
ends up in a slightly worse position.
See Game 31 Maiwald-Sasikiran,
Dresden 2 005.
c. 5.d3 Ad6
Chapter 13
8.b3 0-0 9.b2 a5 10.a3 b5 11.c4 10.liJh2 e5! is already slightly better
ll.'!!:1e2 '!!:1b6 12.d4 (12.h3 5 for Black. The game S.Martinovic
13.g4 g6 14.e5 c7) 12 ...c5 Grachev, Sibenik 2011, went 11.l!ihl
13.a4 b4+. '!!:1c7 12.liJb3 !;1ae8 13.d2 when 13 ...
11 ...'!!:1b6 12.Wc2 !;1ab8 13.!;1abl e5 of f5 14.exf5 e4+ was the best option.
fers Black the better centre.
10... liJg6!
8 .ih5 9.'!!:1el 0-0
Annotated Games
Black stays beautifully, but he does Black has some initiative here. For
not have a clear plan yet. His saf instance:
est strategy is to open the d-file and 16 ...dxe4 17.dxe4 tg6
see what target White will offer him. 17...exf4 is probably less accu
Most probably, ...a5 will be a useful rate since it offers the g3-square
move, but it would be better to bring - 18.gxf4 tg6 19.11lg3 11lxe4
the rest of his forces to the centre 20.11ldxe4 f5oo, Kasimdzhanov
first. Li, Zagan 1997.
18.11lxg7! hg7 19.f5oo.
12 ...'\l\'c7!
13.a3 !lads 14.11lf5 i.fS 15.b4 a5
It transpires that White's inten 16.c3
tion to push f4 should be postponed
for a distant future since his centre Harikrishna-Smeets, Wijk aan Zee
would be hanging after 13.lllfS tfS 2008 saw 16.11lf3 axb4 17.axb4 c5
Chapter 13
Main Ideas
1.g3 is often used against concrete 1. To meet c4 by ... d4, although ...c6
opponents in order to exploit their is probably not worse;
narrow opening repertoire. For ex 2. To lead out our king's knight to
ample, the King's Indian adepts f6, although the set-up with .Jue7
should reckon with 3.e4, reach is also possible. A good example to
ing the Pirc. However, it does not follow is Grune 32 Venya-Bereza,
pose any problems to us and we email 2013:
can choose both 1.. .e5 or 1.. .d5 to 3 ...lilf6 4.c4 d4 5.lil:f3 d6 6.0-0
achieve the following position: 0-0 7.e3 c5!? (7...dxe3 is "only"
equal!) 8.exd4 cxd4
1. e5 2.g2 d5 3.d3
Chapter 14
to avoid total exchanges which 8.b3 a5! 9.a3 lllbd7 10 ..tb2 dxe4
could occur after White's d3-d4. 11.dxe4 Wlc7 12.lllh4 b5 13.illf5 MS
Black's further play has some nu
ances depending on the placement
of White's queen's knight:
Chapter 14. 1.g3
Step by Step
l.g3 e5 2 .tg2 d5
7...lilc6 (7... lilf6!?) 8.lilxc6 bxc6
9.b3 cxb3 10.axb3 h5! was the
curious miniature Hulak-Beliav
sky, Pula 2000: 11..W.a3 .W.b6
12.h4 lilh6 13.d4 e3 14.f4 .tg4
15.'l:!'d3 lilf5 16.0-0 !lh6 17.c4
dxc4 18.\We4+ @d7 19.lilc3 lilxg3
20.\Wc2 tf5 21.\Wcl lilxfl 22.@xfl
hd4 23.'l:!'dl @es 0-1.
9 ... lilf6 10.b3 0-0 ll.bxc4 dxc4
12.lila3 \Wd5+, Durarbayli-Kharlov,
Kazan 2013.
3.. lilf6
5... 0-0
8.a3 a5 9.b5 lii bd7 10.a4 ib4 ll.ta3
c5, or 8.11>\'b3 a5 9.b5 liibd7 10.liibd2
h6, followed by ...lii c5.
7... c5!?
? ? t'.
8... lilc6
9 .ic7!?
Chapter 14
less he plays e4, which would shut the initiative after 11.\!iic2 a5 12. li:lc4
off his only good piece. fil8 13.a4 b5 14.lila3 ia6 15.fill
10.\!!lb3 could be repelled by 10 ... l'leb8. Chekhov proposes as an im
li:laS. Another way to oppose Black's provement 11.b4, but then 11... li:lb6
dominance in the centre is: 12.\!!lc2 c5 13.b5 a6 14.bxa6 l'lxa6 fa
vours Black. In general, his pieces
10.d4 e4 11.lile5, are all targeted towards the queen
side so the plan with c3 only plays
but then both: into his hands.
u....ie6 bxc6 13.lila4 h6
By fianchettoing his bishop, White
14.if4 lild7 15.l'lcl l'lc8 16.\!!ld2 l'le8
hopes to mount a kingside attack.
17.l'lc2 Ms 18.\!!lcl, draw, Steinke
Gasanov, Lechenicher SchachSer
8...a5! 9.a3 lilbd7 10 ..ib2 dxe4
ver, 2012, and:
11 ...h6 12 ..txf6 .txf6, Seeman Logical alternatives are 10 ...d4 11.c3
Miezis, Tallinn 2005, are fine for c5 and 10 ...\!!lc7 ll.l'lel dxe4.
ilack. The latter game went 13.l'lcl? !
when 13 ....ixeS! 14.dxeS .ie6 would 11.dxe4 \!!lc7 12.lilh4
have even gained some advantage.
12.l'lel does not make sense any
more - the rook might be needed
on the f-file. Black can answer 12 ...
B. 6.lilbd2 !<e8 7.e4 c6 bS, followed up by ...a4, ... cS.
12 13.lilf5 MS
8.l'lel lilbd7 9.c3 aS 10.d4 exd4 Black's play on the queenside is eas dxe4 annihilates ier than White's attempts on the op
the centre. Perhaps that is the rea posite side of the board. See Grune
son why Karpov preferred: 33 Gabrielian-Riazantsev, Vladi
9 ...dxe4!? 10.dxe4 \!!lc7 to take over vostok 2014.
Chapter 14
Black had to decide how to meet the 12.a4 lilbd7 13.1'1fdl 1/i!e7 14.a5 lilc5
manoeuvre lilf3-h4-f5. I suggest to 15.h3 ie6.
simply ignore it and transfer our
own knight to e6 via c5 or c7. 9.h3 (9.lilh4 ig4=) 9 ... lilc7
10.lilh4 lile6 11.lilf5 ic7 12.ie3
Another possible approach is to
take f5 under control with ...g6:
Ricki-Benham, Adelaide 1990,
saw 8 ...1/!Ye7 9.lilh4 g6 10.ig5 1'1d8
ll.1/!Ye2 lilbd7 12.1'1adl?! (Strong
er is 12.f4! @g7 13.f5 ic5+ 14.ffihl
h6 15.fxg6 fxg6 16.id2 lilb6 with
complex play) 12 ...lilc5 13.1'1d2 lile6
14.ie3, when 14...b5 would have
passed the initiative to Black.
Nakamura-Harikrishna, Wijk aan
Zee 2013, shows another version
of this stand: 8...1'1e8 9.1/i!e2 ifS
10.lilh4 g6 11.ig5 ig7 In the stem game Rohde-Browne,
USA 1989, White chose to return
the knight disgracefully to h4 and
became worse. He should have opt
ed for 13.1/i!xdS 1'1xd8 14.lile7+ @g7
15.lbxcS with a roughly equal posi
Chapter 14. 1.g3
Annotated Games
9.c5 .ic7 10.b4 .ie6 11.b5
17.cxb6 axb6 18.a4 looks attractive
White's advanced pawns are not for White in view of the ''bad" bish
dangerous since they are not backed op on c7. In fact that bishop is quite
up by pieces. I think that quick de "good" since it protects both black
velopment like 11.l'lel lilbd7 12 ..ia3 pawns while the d3-pawn would
(defending c5 against the treat of turn very sensitive once Black puts
... a5) or ll..ig5 lilbd7 12.lilbd2oo was his knights to c5 and d5. The a4-
more to the point. pawn is also a potential target in
view of the idea ... l'la7, ...l'le-a8.
11....id5 12.lilbd2 l'le8 13.lilg5
17... a6 18.cxb6 hb6 19.l'lel
White decides to trade light-squared lilbd7 20.bxa6 lild5! 21..id2 f6
bishops in order to enable lild2-c4,
but that leads to destruction of his The d3-pawn is a cause of constant
queenside. concern and White cannot get rid
It is not easy to give a better advice of it. Still, his biggest problem is the
Chapter 14
37 !lab7
. s ...a5 9.a3 lllbd7 10.tb2 dxe4
11.dxe4 Wic7 b5 13.lllf5
Black's rooks threaten to invade the MS
third or the second rank.
1.e4 c6 2.d3 d5 3.llld2 e5 4.lllgf3 Black does not have any weakness
id6 5.g3 lllf6 6.tg2 0-0 7.0-0 es on the kingside and is very sta
!leS 8.b3 ble there. On the other part of the
board, he has a clear plan to open
In principle, this is a logical ap lines with a4 15.b4 c5.
proach - White develops his bish White might have had the idea of
op towards the enemy king. You opening the f-file, but now it tran-
20 ... illc5 21.illg4 illxg4 22.hxg4 Trading c4 for the c6-pawn would
give more chances for a draw. For
instance, the rook endgame should
not be a problem to hold. The bish
ops complicate White's task, but af
ter the exchange on e6, he is just
2.a3 c6 136
2.d3 ib4+ 135 (2 ...f5 140)
2.lllf3 e4 3.llld4 lllf6 138 (3...ILJc6 138)
2.g3 c6 3.lllc3 d5 (3...lllf6 64) 4.cxd5 cxd5 5.d4 e4 50
3.ig2 d5 50; 3...lllf6 15
3.lil:f3 e4 4.lild4 'm>6 44 (4...d5 44) 5.lilb3 45
5.e3 lllf6 45; 5.lll c2 45
3.d4 e4 4.lilc3 (4.d5 49; 4.lllh3 d5 5.lll c3 h6! 53) 4 d5 50
3.lilf3 lilc6 4.d4 exd4 75
4.a3 e4 76
4.d3 tb4 77
4.e4 tb4 80
4.e3 tb4 5.Wc2 (5.12ld5 87) 5...txc3 6.Wxc3 88
6.bxc3 92
4.g3 tb4 5.lild.5 e4 103 (5...tc5 103)
5.tg2 0-0 6.0-0 e4 (6 ...d6 117) 7.12lg5 (7.lilel 127)
7...hc3 8.bxc3 '1e8 9.f3 e3!? 119
9 exf3 10.lilxf3 d5 121
10 ...We7 124
The Reti
1.lilf3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.b4 f6 4.Wa4+ 148, 4.tb2 148
4.d3 148
4.e3 e5 5.c5 a5 6.Wa4+ 149 (6.tb5+ 149, 6.tc4
4.12la3 e5 5.12lc2 12la6 151
3.e3 lilc6 (3 ...c5 161) 4.exd4 162
4.b4?! 165
3.g3 c5 4.e3 12lc6 5.exd4 cxd4 6.tg2 e5 7.d3 td6! 177
(7... 12lf6 177)
3 lilc6! 4.tg2 e5 5.d3 (5.0-0 e4! 188) 5...tb4+
179 (5...12lf6 179)
2.g3 c6 3.c4 tg4 4.Wb3 txf3 196 (4...Wb6 196)
4.tg2 e6 5.Wb3 198
5.0-0 199
5.cxd5 exd5 202 (5...txf3 208)
3.g2 g4 4.0-0 e6 5.d4 217
5.b3 218
5.d3 219
1.g3 e5 2 .ig2 d5 3.d3 (3.12lf3?! e4 225) 3 lilf6 4.lilf3 (4.12ld2 225) 4
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