Design Analysis & Comparsion of Intze Type Water Tank For Different Wind Speed and Seismic Zones As Per Indian Codes

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308



Nitesh J Singh1, Mohammad Ishtiyaque2

P.G Student, Civil Engineering Department, M.I.T, Maharashtra, India
Professor, Civil Engineering Department, M.I.T, Maharashtra, India

Any design of Water Tanks is subjected to Dead Load + Live Load and Wind Load or Seismic Load as per IS codes of Practices.
Most of the times tanks are designed for Wind Forces and not even checked for Earthquake Load assuming that the tanks will be
safe under seismic forces once designed for wind forces. In this study Wind Forces and Seismic Forces acting on an Intze Type
Water tank for Indian conditions are studied. The effect of wind on the elevated structures is of prime importance as Wind flows
relative to the surface of ground and generates loads on the structures standing on ground. Most of the designers consider the
wind effect and neglect the seismic effect on the structure. The Indian Standard Code IS 875(Part-3) 2003 and IS 1893-2000 for
Wind & Seismic effect is used in this study. The Elevated Structure is designed for various Wind forces i.e. 39 m/s, 44 m/s, 47 m/s
& 50 m/s and the same is cross checked with different Seismic Zones i.e. Zone-II, Zone-III, Zone-IV, & Zone-V by Response
Spectrum Method and the maximum governing condition from both the forces is further used for design & analysis of staging. It
is found from the analysis that the Total load, Total moments and Reinforcement in staging i.e. Columns, Braces & also for Raft
foundation varies for Case-1, Case-2, Case-3 & Case-4.

Key Words: Wind Load, Seismic Load, Intze Tank, and I.S.Codes etc

Water is life line for every kind of creature in this world. All Wind pressures acting at any height on a structure are
around the world liquid storage tanks are used extensively computed by the methods recommended by the IS code. The
by municipalities and industries for water supply, basic wind speed (Vb) for any site shall be obtained from
firefighting systems, inflammable liquids and other the basic wind map shown in IS 875 (Part-3) 2003 and shall
chemicals. Thus Water tanks plays a vital role for public be modified to include the following effects to get design
utility as well as industrial structure having basic purpose to wind velocity at any height (Vz) for the chosen structure:
secure constant water supply from longer distance with
sufficient static head to the desired location under the effect [1]. Risk Coefficient (k factor)
of gravitational force. With the rapid increase of human [2]. Terrain roughness, height and size of structure (k
population, demand for drinking water has increased by factor); and
many folds. Also due to shortage of electricity at many [3]. Local Topography (k factor)
places in India and around the developing nations, it is not
possible to supply water through pumps at peak hours. In Design wind speed (Vz) at any height can be calculated as
such situations elevated water tanks become an important follows: Vz = Vb k k k
part of life. India is highly vulnerable to natural disasters Where, Vz = Design wind speed at any height z in m/s
like earthquake, draughts, floods, cyclones etc. Majority of Vb = Basic wind speed for any site
Indian states and union territories are prone to one or k = Probability factor (Risk coefficient)
multiple disasters. These natural calamities are causing k = Terrain, height and structure size factor and
many causalities and huge property loss every year. k = Topography factor
According to seismic code IS 1893(Part-1):2000, more than k, k & k are calculated by means of tables in IS 875
60% of India is prone to earthquakes. (Part-3) 2003.The design wind pressure at any height above
mean ground level shall be obtained by the following
The main reason for life loss is collapse of structures It is relationship between wind pressure and wind velocity:
said that natural calamities itself never kills people; it is
badly constructed structure that kill. Hence it is important to Pz = 0.6 Vz
analyze the structure properly for different natural calamities
like earthquake, cyclones, floods and typhoons etc. Where, Pz = Design Wind pressure in N/m at height z,
1.1 Wind Effect Vz = Design wind velocity in m/s height z.

Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | September-2015, Available @ 291
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

1.2 Earthquake Effect never completely filled with water. Hence, a two- mass
idealization of the tank is more appropriate as
For the purpose of this analysis, elevated tanks shall be compared to one-mass idealization.
regarded as systems with a single degree of freedom R.K.Prasad and Akshaya B. Kamdi (2012): BIS has
with their mass concentrated at their centers of gravity. brought out the revised version of IS 3370 (part-1 & 2)
By treating the tank as a single degree of freedom after a long time from its 1965 version in year 2009.
system, the free period T, in seconds, of such structures This revised code is mainly drafted for the liquid
shall be calculated from the following formula: Free storage tank. This paper gives in brief, the theory
Period, behind the design of circular water tank using WSM
and LSM. Design of water tank by LSM is most
T=2 Where, economical as the quantity of material required is less
as compared to WSM. Water tank is the most
= the static horizontal deflection at the top of the important container to store water therefore, Crack
tank under a static horizontal force equal to a weight width calculation of water tank is also necessary.
W acting at the center of gravity of tank. Hasan Jasim Mohammed (2011), conclude that: An
g = acceleration due to gravity. application of optimization method to the structural
design of concrete rectangular and circular water tanks,
The design shall be worked out both when the tank is considering the total cost of the tank as an objective
full and when the tank is empty, the weight W used in function with the properties of the tank that are tank
the design shall consist of the dead load of the tank and capacity, width and length of tank in rectangular, water
one-third the weight of the staging. When full, the depth in circular, unit weight of water and tank floor
weight of concrete is to be added to the weight under slab thickness, as design variables.
empty condition. Pavan S. Ekbote and Dr. Jagdish G. Kori: During
The lateral force shall be taken equal to: earthquake elevated water tanks were heavily damages
Horizontal Load (P) = h.W or collapsed. This was might be due to the lack of
Where, weight W is calculated as below: knowledge regarding the behavior of supporting
h = design horizontal seismic coefficient system of the water tanks again dynamic action and
also due to improper geometrical selection of staging
h = Where, patterns of tank. Due to the fluid structure interactions,
the seismic behavior of elevated water tanks has the
= seismic zone factor = a
characteristics of complex phenomena. The main aim
coefficient depending upon the soil-foundation system
of this study is to understand the behavior of
I = a factor dependent upon the importance of the supporting system (or staging) which is more effective
structure under different response spectrum method with SAP
= the average acceleration coefficient which 2000 software. In this paper different supporting
systems such as cross and radial bracing studied.
correspond to the fundamental time period of the tank.
For tank empty: W = Wt. of container + 1/3 Wt. of 3. PRE PROCESSING DESIGN
staging For tank full: W = Wt. of container + wt. of
water + 1/3 Wt. of staging 3.1 Concept Of Domes
The lateral seismic force P calculated is to be applied A dome may be defined as a shell generated by the
at center of gravity of the tank horizontally in the plane revolution of a curve about a vertical axis. If the curve of
in which the structure is assumed to oscillate for the revolution about the vertical axis is a segment of a circle, the
purpose of carrying out the lateral load analysis. shell formed is termed as spherical dome. Hence in spherical
dome, a vertical section through the axis of revolution in any
2. LITERATURE REVIEW direction is essentially an arc of a circle. Similarly a conical
Various literatures has presented in the form of technical dome is obtained by the revolution of a triangle about a
papers till date on the Wind and Seismic analysis of vertical axis. Out of the two forms, spherical domes are
Elevated Water Tanks. Various issues and the points are commonly used.
covered in that analysis.i.e wind speed of various cities as
per seismic zones, hydrodynamic pressure, and dynamic
response of framed staging etc. Some of those are discussed

Khaza Mohiddin Shaikh and Prof. Vasugi K (2014)

conclude that: Analysis & Design of elevated water
tanks against earthquake effect is of considerable
importance. These structures must remain functional
even after an earthquake. Most elevated water tank are
Fig -1: Spherical Dome
Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | September-2015, Available @ 292
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

The domes are designed for the total vertical load only. The 3.2.2 The Top Dome And Top Ring Beam:
term total vertical load includes the weight of the dome slab
and that of covering material, if any, over the slab; the The dome and ring beam are assumed to be freely connected
weight of any other load suspended from the slab, and live to the cylindrical wall of the tank with the help of shear key.
load etc. No separate calculations are made for wind load We shall design the top dome and its ring beam on
and the effect of shrinkage and temperature changes because membrane analysis, considering these to be independent of
they are complex in nature and difficult to estimate. the tank wall which is assumed to be free at top.
However, their effect is compensated by assuming extra live
load to the extent of 1000 to 1500 N/sq. m of the surfaces of 3.2.3 The Cylindrically Wall:
the dome. Alternatively the allowance for wind load etc. is Let the diameter of tank be D and the height of cylindrical
made, by designing the dome with reduced value of portion be H. The walls are assumed to be free at top and
permissible stresses. bottom. Due to this, tank walls will be subjected to hoop
Whatever may be the result of the design, the minimum tension only without any B.M. Maximum hoop tension will
thickness of dome slab should not be less than 80 mm and occur at base, its magnitude being equal to W.h.d/2 per unit
the minimum percentage of steel in both the directions height. The tank walls are adequately reinforced with
(Meridonial and along the latitude) should not be less 2% of horizontal rings provided at both faces. In addition to this,
the area of concrete. In case of dome for water tanks, the vertical reinforcement is provided on both the faces in the
minimum percentage of steel should not be less than 0.3%. form of distribution reinforcement.

3.2. Intze Type Water Tank Design 3.2.4 Design Of Ring Beam At The Junction Of
3.2.1 General The Cylindrical Wall And Conical Dome:
It is found that for storing large volumes of water an Find hoop tension in the beam by the formula
elevated circular tank, provided with flat floor slab, works
out to an uneconomical design. It is mainly on account of H = H x + H x
the fact that the floor slab becomes too thick for large Where H is the horizontal component of the thrust T, due to
diameters tanks. Intze tank is best suitable under such w. w being the load transmitted through the tank wall at
circumstances. An Intze tank essentially consist of a top
the top of the conical dome. The value of H is given by
dome (roof), the cylindrical wall and the floor slab, which is
H = w tan ()
a combination of conical dome and bottom spherical dome.
And H is the horizontal force due to water pressure at the
Being subjected to direct compression the thickness of the
top of the conical dome and its value is given by
domical floor, works out to be much less and hence it proves
H = w x h x d
to be economical alternative to flat slab floor. The
Where d is the assumed depth of the beam and h is the depth
proportion of the conical dome and the bottom dome are so
of water upto the centre of beam.
arranged that the outward thrust from the bottom domed part
Having calculated H, the beam can be designed in a similar
of the floor balances the inward thrust due to the conical
manner as the top ring beam. It is desirable to keep the depth
domed part of the floor.
of the beam less, so as to get more width, which may serve
The diameter of the bottom dome should preferably be about
as walkway or inspection gallery around the tank.
65 to 70% of the diameter of the tank. From considerations
of economy, the inclination of the conical dome should be
between 50 to 55 with the horizontal. The proportions of 3.2.5 Design OF CONICAL DOME:
different components of the tank under ideal conditions are The steps to be followed in the design are:
given in fig. (2)
Find the weight of water on the conical dome by taking
average diameter and the corresponding depth of
water. To this value add the self-weight of the conical
dome slab and the load (w) transmitted through the
tank wall at the top of the conical dome.
Divide the total load obtained above by the perimeter
of the conical dome at base, to get load per meter run
at the conical dome base.
Find Meridonial thrust in the slab due to (w) by the
formula T =
Find hoop tension due to water pressure and self-
weight of the conical dome slab, we know that the
water pressure will act, normal to the inclined slab
surface. Let the intensity of water pressure at a depth h
Fig -2: Components of Intze Tank meter above conical dome base be p and let, Dh be
the diameter of the conical dome at this depth. Hoop
Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | September-2015, Available @ 293
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

tension is then given by a general formula, formula

H=( + q. tan ) Pw =
Where q is the weight of the conical slab per square Where, R = radius of the column circle. It is obvious that the
meter of the surface area. farthest column or the extreme column on the leeward side
With the help of the above formulae, find the value of will govern the design of columns. The column should be
hoop stress at bottom, mid height and top of the designed for
inclined conical dome slab and provide necessary hoop Maximum bending moment given by the equation
reinforcement. B.M. = x Max. Horizontal shear x Distance between
the bracing; and
3.2.6 Design Of Bottom Spherical Dome:
Total vertical Load = P + Pw
The bottom dome is designed in the similar manner as the
top dome, except that the load of the water above the dome
is added to the self-weight of the dome slab to get design 3.2.9 Design Of Foundations:
load for the dome. In order to obtain rigidity at the column base, combined
footing is generally provided for Intze tank. Depending upon
3.2.7 Design of bottom ring beam: the allowable soil pressure the combined footing may either
be in the form of solid circular raft or an annular circular
The steps to be followed in the design are:
Find the net horizontal force (P) on the ring beam
given by the formula,
P = T x cos ~ cos
If T cos > cos , the result will be net inward force The details of 675 Cu.m Intze type overhead water tank
per meter i.e. the force will be compressive in nature. considered for different wind and seismic analysis are
mentioned below:
Find hoop stress given by,
4.1 Structural Details
= x (compressive)
Being compressive in nature and normally very small in Storage capacity = 675 Cu.m
magnitude, its effect can be neglected. (In a well- Water Depth = 4 m
proportioned tank the net horizontal force should be much Free board = 0.30 m
less.) Height of staging = 20.0 m
Find vertical load per meter run, given by S.B.C = 8 T/m
= T cos x T sin Grade of concrete = M-30
Alternatively: Vertical load per meter can also be found by Grade of steel = 415 N/mm
dividing the total vertical loads by the perimeter of the Outer Diameter = 15.75 m
bottom ring beam. Internal Diameter = 15.45 m

3.2.8 Design Of Staging:

Design of columns: Let W be the total vertical load
(including live loads) due to tank and its contents above the
staging. If n be the number of columns in the staging: Total
load on each column = . Add to this the vertical force P
due to wind to which the column will be subjected to.
When the wind blows, the windward columns on leeward
side experience downward forces. The neutral axis can be
considered a line passing through the centre of the group of
column circle and at right angles to the direction of wind.
Let, Mw = Moment due to wind about the bottom of
columns and let r be the distance from any column to the
neutral axis.
r = Sum of the square of the distances of all the columns
from N.A. The vertical force in any column at a distance r
from N.A. is given by the formula
Pw =
Alternatively: The maximum force in the remotest or the
extreme column can also be calculated from the following Fig -3: Intze Type Water Tank
Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | September-2015, Available @ 294
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

4.2 Design of Intze tank as per IS:3370

Top Dome
Thickness = 100 mm
Force = 4.5 KN/m
Hoop Stress = 0.293 N/mm
Meridonial stress = 0.325 N/mm
Reinforcement = 350 mm

Top Ring Beam

Size = 400 x 400 (mm)
Meridonial Thrust = 32.5 KN/m
Hoop tension = 202.80 KN
Tensile stress = 1.30 N/mm
Reinforcement = 1770 mm

Cylindrical Wall
Height = 400 x 400 (mm)
Thickness = 150 (mm)
Hoop tension = 230.10 KN/m
Reinforcement = 2818 mm

Fig -4: 2-D Staad Model Intze tank
Middle Ring Beam
Size = 250 x 900 (mm)
Hoop tension = 375 KN
Reinforcement = 2885 mm
Tensile Stress = 1.49 N/mm

Conical Dome
Thickness = 250 (mm)
Meridonial thrust = 258 KN/m
Hoop tension = 416.50 KN/m
Tensile stress = 1.498 N/mm
Reinforcement = 3204 mm

Bottom Spherical Dome

Thickness = 150 (mm)
Meridonial thrust = 157.34 KN/m
Meridonial stress = 1.280 N/mm
Hoop stress = 1.156 N/mm
Reinforcement = 525 mm

Bottom Ring Beam

Size = 450 x 900 (mm)
Load = 346.0 KN/m
Hoop Compression = 156.20 KN
Hoop stress = 0.385 N/mm
Reinforcement = 2181.41 mm Fig -5: 3-D Staad Model Intze tank
Further the Columns, Braces and Foundation for staging is
designed using STAAD PRO V8i software for different 5. ANALYSIS AND COMPARSION OF RESULTS
wind speed as per IS 875 (Part-3)-2003 and seismic analysis
for different earthquake zones by Response spectrum FOR DIFFERENT CASES OF INTZE TANK
method as per IS 1893-2003. Following are the different
cases for which staging is designed and compared: For each case different model has been prepared and the
loading as per theoretical calculation has been entered and
Case-1 Wind Speed = 39 m/s Zone-II
analyzed in Staad Pro software to get total loads and
Case-2 Wind Speed = 47 m/s Zone-III
moments on different structural elements of staging.
Case-3 Wind Speed = 50 m/s Zone-IV Following are the results for different cases:
Case-4 Wind Speed = 55 m/s Zone-V
Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | September-2015, Available @ 295
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Table -1: Wind and Seismic analysis results (Case-1) Table -4: Raft foundation analysis results (Case-1)
Total Load 12792.50 KN
Wind Speed - 39 m/s Seismic Zone-II
Total Moment 3895.91 KN.m
WIND ANALYSIS Depth 700 mm
Total Wind Load 210.00 KN Ring Beam 450 X 1000 mm
Total Wind Moment 3308.05 Table -5: Wind and Seismic analysis results (Case-2)
Total Wind Moment 3152.4 KN (Staad Pro) CASE-2
Wind Speed - 44 m/s Seismic Zone-III
Applying 160 KN load at top 16 nodes of the frames
Deflection 2.26 mm Total Wind Load 292.34 KN
EARTHQUAKE ANALYSIS Total Wind Moment 4521.94 KN (Theoretical)
Tank Full Condition 121.13 KN Total Wind Moment 4334.55 KN (Staad Pro)
Applying 160 KN load at top 16 nodes of the frames
Tank Empty Condition 68.71 KN
Deflection 2.05 mm
Table -2: Bracing analysis results (Case-1)
Tank Full Condition 223.86 KN
Tank Empty Condition 133.29 KN
Typical Calculation For Lowest Braces:
Moment at Face 37.51 KN.m (Staad Pro) Table -6: Bracing analysis results (Case-2)
Torsional Moment KN.m (Staad Pro)
Typical Calculation For Lowest Braces:
Typical Calculation For Second lowest Braces: Moment at Face 50.00 KN.m (Staad Pro)
Moment at Face 36.49 KN.m (Staad Pro) Torsional
Moment KN.m (Staad Pro)
Torsional Moment 2.15 KN.m (Staad Pro) Typical Calculation For Second lowest Braces:
Typical Calculation For Third lowest Braces: Moment at Face 48.66 KN.m (Staad Pro)
Moment at Face 28.88 KN.m (Staad Pro) Torsional
Moment KN.m (Staad Pro)
Torsional Moment 1.78 KN.m (Staad Pro) Typical Calculation For Third lowest Braces:
Typical Calculation For Top Outer Braces: Moment at Face 38.12 KN.m (Staad Pro)
Moment at Face 18.674 KN.m (Staad Pro) Torsional
Moment KN.m (Staad Pro)
Torsional Moment 0.99 KN.m (Staad Pro) Typical Calculation For Top Outer Braces:
Moment at Face 24.36 KN.m (Staad Pro)
Table -3: Column analysis results (Case-1) Torsional
SIZE: 400 MM DIA 0.99
COLUMN DETAILS Moment KN.m (Staad Pro)
Lowest Column Height Ground i.e. 1st Storey Table -7: Column analysis results (Case-2)
Total Load 919.04 KN (Theoretical Value) COLUMN DETAILS SIZE: 450 MM DIA CIRCULAR
Total Lowest Column Height Ground i.e. 1st Storey
49.34 KN.m (Staad Pro Result)
Moment 967.78 KN (Theoretical Value)
Total Load
Permissible stress 1.27 < 1.33
Total Moment 67.65 KN.m (Staad Pro Result)
Middle Column Height i.e.3rd Storey
Permissible stress 1.31 < 1.33
Total Load 814.94 KN (Theoretical Value)
Middle Column Height i.e.3rd Storey
30.31 KN.m (Staad Pro Result) Total Load 912.34 KN (Theoretical Value)
Permissible stress 1.21 < 1.33 Total Moment 41.48 KN.m (Staad Pro Result)
Top Column Height Ground i.e. 4th Storey Permissible stress 1.08 < 1.33
Total Load 814.94 KN (Theoretical Value) Top Column Height Ground i.e. 4th Storey
Total Total Load 912.31 KN (Theoretical Value)
30.46 KN.m (Staad Pro Result)
Moment Total Moment 40.99 KN.m (Staad Pro Result)
Permissible stress 1.23 < 1.33 Permissible stress 1.07 < 1.33

Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | September-2015, Available @ 296
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Table -8: Raft foundation analysis results (Case-2) Table -12: Raft foundation analysis results (Case-3)
Total Load 13397.67 KN Total Load 13599.00 KN
Total Moment 5354.42 KN.m Total Moment 6014.48 KN.m
Depth 700 mm Depth 700 mm
Ring Beam 450 X 1000 mm Ring Beam 450 X 1000 mm

Table -9: Wind and Seismic analysis results (Case-3) Table -13: Wind and Seismic analysis results (Case-4)
Wind Speed - 47 m/s Seismic Zone-IV Wind Speed - 50 m/s Seismic Zone-V
Total Wind Load 326.59 KN Total Wind Load 376.88 KN
Total Wind Moment 5084.00 KN (Theoretical) Total Wind Moment 5865.36 KN (Theoretical)
Total Wind Moment 4872.45 KN (Staad Pro) Total Wind Moment 5623.76 KN (Staad Pro)
Applying 160 KN load at top 16 nodes of the frames Applying 160 KN load at top 16 nodes of the frames
Deflection 2.30 mm Deflection 2.67 mm
Tank Full Condition 253.2 KN Tank Full Condition 324.79 KN
Tank Empty Condition 155.6 KN Tank Empty Condition 239.86 KN

Table -10: Bracing analysis results (Case-3) Table -14: Bracing analysis results (Case-4)
Typical Calculation For Lowest Braces: Typical Calculation For Lowest Braces:
Moment at Face 55.97 KN.m (Staad Pro) Moment at Face 64.6 KN.m (Staad Pro)
Torsional Moment 3.21 KN.m (Staad Pro) Torsional Moment 3.7 KN.m (Staad Pro)
Typical Calculation For Second lowest Braces: Typical Calculation For Second lowest Braces:
Moment at Face 54.67 KN.m (Staad Pro) Moment at Face 63.1 KN.m (Staad Pro)
Torsional Moment 2.54 KN.m (Staad Pro) Torsional Moment 2.93 KN.m (Staad Pro)
Typical Calculation For Third lowest Braces: Typical Calculation For Third lowest Braces:
Moment at Face 43.07 KN.m (Staad Pro) Moment at Face 49.71 KN.m (Staad Pro)
Torsional Moment 2.09 KN.m (Staad Pro) Torsional Moment 2.41 KN.m (Staad Pro)
Typical Calculation For Top Outer Braces: Typical Calculation For Top Outer Braces:
Moment at Face 27.59 KN.m (Staad Pro) Moment at Face 31.86 KN.m (Staad Pro)
Torsional Moment 1.12 KN.m (Staad Pro) Torsional Moment 1.30 KN.m (Staad Pro)

Table -11: Column analysis results (Case-3) Table -15: Column analysis results (Case-4)
Lowest Column Height Ground i.e. 1st Storey Lowest Column Height Ground i.e. 1st Storey
Total Load 986 KN (Theoretical Value) Total Load 1014.62 KN (Theoretical Value)
Total Total Moment 89.03 KN.m (Staad Pro Result)
77.3 KN.m (Staad Pro Result)
Permissible stress 1.30 < 1.33
Permissible stress 1.30 < 1.33
Middle Column Height i.e.3rd Storey Middle Column Height i.e.3rd Storey
Total Load 915 KN (Theoretical Value) Total Load 921.31 KN (Theoretical Value)
Total Total Moment 53.9 KN.m (Staad Pro Result)
49.7 KN.m (Staad Pro Result)
Moment Permissible stress 1.18 < 1.33
Permissible stress 1.19 < 1.33
Top Column Height Ground i.e. 4th Storey
Top Column Height Ground i.e. 4th Storey
Total Load 921.31 KN (Theoretical Value)
Total Load 915 KN (Theoretical Value)
Total Total Moment 53.62 KN.m (Staad Pro Result)
46.45 KN.m (Staad Pro Result)
Moment Permissible stress 1.17 < 1.33
Permissible stress 1.16 < 1.33

Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | September-2015, Available @ 297
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Table -16: Raft foundation analysis results (Case-4)


Total Load 13853.43

Total Moment 6942.08 KN.m

Depth 900
Ring Beam
450 X 1000 mm

Following are the Comparison charts for total loads and

moments on staging as per analysis results for different
cases mentioned above:

Chart -3: Total load on Column

Chart -1: Moments at face of bracings

Chart -4: Total moments on Column

Chart -2: Torsional moments at bracings

Chart -5: Total Load on Foundation

Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | September-2015, Available @ 298
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Following are the conclusions based on the design and
analysis carried out in this project:

As the wind speed and seismic zone increases for the

same bearing capacity volume of concrete and quality
of steel both are increased.
We have seen that, as the wind speed increases the
wind force on staging goes on increasing for different
From chart-1, we analyzed that the wind load has been
increased by almost 15-18% in each case.
From chart-2, we come to know that the seismic load
in case-4 has been increased almost 3 times as
compared to case-1 in tank full condition. Similarly,
the seismic load in case-4 has been increased 4 times in
tank empty condition.
Chart -6: Total moments on Foundation From chart-3, we analyzed that for different cases the
moments at face of braces, from lowest braces to top
outer braces has been increased almost 2 times in each
Similarly, from chart-4, we see that the torsional
moment has been increased almost 3 times as the wind
speed increases.
From chart-5, we analyzed that the Total load on
columns in 1st storey goes on increasing in each case,
but the Total load on 2nd & 3rd storey remains almost
constant in each case.
From chart-6, we analyzed that the total moments on
column on 1st storey goes on increasing in each cases.
As the wind speed goes on increasing the load on Raft
Foundation goes on increasing in each case by almost
2-5 % from chart-7.,
From chart-8, we analyzed that the total moments on
Raft foundation has been increased by 15 % as the
wind speed increases in each case.
Chart -7: Total wind load on Intze tank As the Load and moments on foundation goes on
increasing in each case the size of Raft Foundation
goes on increasing.
In each case, as the wind speed goes on changing or
increasing the wind moment calculated manually and
analyzed from Staad Pro software differ by 4-5 %.

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