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Article · January 2013


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3 authors:

Kamila Kotrasova Ioan Sorin V Leoveanu

Technical University of Kosice, Civil Engineerin… Universitatea Transilvania Brasov


Eva Kormanikova
Technical University of Kosice - Technicka univ…


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Assist. Eng. Kamila KOTRASOVÁ PhD1, Lecturer Eng. Ioan-Sorin LEOVEANU,

PhD2, Assoc. Prof. Eng. Eva KORMANÍKOVÁ PhD1
Technical University of Košice, Civil Engineering Faculty, Košice, Slovakia,
University „Transilvania” from Braşov

REZUMAT. În cazul rezervoarelor în care se stocheaza lichidele cutremurele au produs distrugeri sau daune majore,
daune raportate în întreaga lume. Aceste daune au constat în scurgerea apei potabile şi industriale stocate în
rezervoarele de apă sau de incendiu necontrolate sau scurgeri şi evaporări de substanţe toxice. Prin producerea şi
propagarea incendiilor alimentate de cantităţi mari de combustibil sau prin scăpările de gaze şi substante toxice, de
multe ori aceste pagube au depăşit pagubele produse de cutremurul însuşi asupra construcţiilor şi a căilor de acces.
Din această cauză estimarea forţelor şi a presiunilor dezvoltate pe pereţii rezervoarelor în perioada unui cutremur
reprezintă un proces foarte important în proiectarea unor rezervoare care să reziste acestor dezastre sau, în cel
mai rău caz, să prezinte daune minore, fiind prevenite scurgeri ale fluidelor stocate.

Cuvinte cheie: rezervoare dreptunghiulare, analiză seismică, eurocoduri de proiecatare.

ABSTRACT. As known from very upsetting experiences, liquid storage tanks were collapsed or heavily damaged
during the earthquake all over the word. Damage or collapse of the tanks causes some unwanted events such as
shortage of drinking and utilizing water, uncontrolled fires and spillage of dangerous fluids. Even uncontrolled fires
and spillage of dangerous fluid subsequent to a major earthquake may cause substantially more damage than the
earthquake itself. Knowledge of forces, pressures acting on the walls and bottom of containers during an
earthquake is important for good design of earthquake resistance structure/facility - tanks.

Keywords: rectangular tank, seismic analysis, eurocodes design.

1. INTRODUCTION Even uncontrolled fires and spillage of dangerous

fluid subsequent to a major earthquake may cause
Ground-supported tanks are used to store a variety substantially more damage than the earthquake itself.
of liquids, e.g. water for drinking and fire fighting, Due to these reasons this type of structures witch are
petroleum, chemicals, and liquefied natural gas. special in construction and in function from
Satisfactory performance of tanks during strong engineering point of view must be constructed well
ground shaking is crucial for modern facilities. Tanks to be resistant against earthquakes. There have been
that were inadequately designed or detailed have numerous studies done for dynamic behavior of fluid
suffered extensive damage during past earthquakes containers; most of them are concerned with cy-
[2-8]. lindrical tanks. But very few studies on the dynamic
Knowledge of forces, pressures acting on the response of rectangular containers exist.
walls and bottom of containers during an earthquake Hopkins and Jacobsen gave the first report on
is important for good design of earthquake resistance analytical and experimental observations of rigid
structure/facility – tanks, which are made from steel rectangular containers under a simulated horizontal
or concrete. earthquake excitation. Graham and Rodriguez udes
As known from very upsetting experiences, liquid spring-mass analogy for the fluid in a rectangular
storage tanks were collapsed or heavily damaged tank. Housner proposed a simple procedure for esti-
during the earthquake all over the word. Damage or mating the dynamic fluid effect of a rigid rectangular
collapse of the tanks causes some unwanted events container exited horizontally by earthquake. An
such as shortage of drinking and utilizing water, extended application of Housner’s concept in the
uncontrolled fires and spillage of dangerous fluids. sense of a practical design rule is given by Epstein.

120 Buletinul AGIR nr. 3/2013 ● iulie-septembrie


After these important studies some researchers are liquid mi is rigidly attached to tank wall at height hi
carried out about rectangular tanks. (or hi' ). Similarly convective mass mc is attached to
European Committee for Standardization prepared
a new code named Eurocode-8, in 2006. Part 4 of the tank wall at height hc (or hc' ) by a spring of stiff-
this code is related to tanks, silos and pipelines. But, ness kc. The mass, height and natural period of each
requirements for rectangular tanks are very limited SDOF system are obtained by the methods described
according to cylindrical tanks in this code [2]. There in [6,9].
is a statement related to rectangular tanks as „studies For a horizontal earthquake ground motion, the
on the behavior of flexible rectangular tanks are not response of various SDOF systems may be calcu-
numerous, and the solutions are not amenable to a lated independently and then combined to give the
form suitable for direct use in design” in this code. base shear and overturning moment. The most tanks
Therefore, it is explained that the method suggested have slimness of tank , whereby 0,3    3. Tank’s
by India’s IS 1893: (Part 2), in 2006 may by used as slimness is given by relation  = H/L or  = H/R,
an approximation for design. where H is the height of filling of fluid in the tank and
R is inside radius or 2L is insid width of tank [6 - 10].

2. DYNAMIC MODEL 2.1. Eurocode 8 - requirements

The motion of fluid contained in a rigid container For a ground supported rectangular tank, in which
may be expressed as the sum of two separate con- the wall is rigidly connected with the base slab, the
tributions, called “rigid impulsive” and “convective” natural period of the impulsive mode of vibration
respectively [2, 7 – 13]. The “rigid impulsive” Ti  T f in seconds, is given by [8, 13]
component satisfies exactly the boundary conditions
at the walls and the bottom of the tank, but gives Tf  2    d f g (1)
(incorrectly, due to the presence of the waves in the
dynamic response) zero pressure at the original posi- where df is the deflection of the wall on the vertical
tion of the free surface of fluid in the static situation. centre-line and at the heigh of the impulse mass, when
The “convective” term does not alter those boundary wall is loaded by a load uniform in the direction of
conditions that are already satisfied, while fulfilling the ground motion and of magnitude mi g 4 BH  .
the correct equilibrium condition at the free surface. Where B is the half with perpendicular to the direction
When a tank containing liquid vibrates, the liquid of loading (earthquake direction) and mi is the
exerts impulsive and convective hydrodynamic pres- impulsive mass. The mass can be obtained from the
sure on the tank wall and the tank base, in addition to equivalent cylindrical tank results and should include
the hydrostatic pressure. Seismic design of liquid the wall mass [13]. For tanks without roofs the
storage tanks has been adopted in [2, 3, 7, 8, 12 - 15]. deflection df may be calculed assuming the wall to
be free at the top and fixed on the other three sides.
kc/2 mc For a ground supported rectangular, in which the
wall is rigidly connected with the base slab, the
natural period of the convective mode of vibration
H hc
mi Tc  T1 , in seconds, is given by
( hc' ) hi
( hi' ) L g
T1  2   (2)
  H 
2L or 2R 2L or 2R tanh   
2 2 L
Fig. 1. Spring mass model. Total base shear V of ground supported tank at the
bottom of the wall can be also obtained by base
The dynamic analysis of a liquid – filled tank shear in impulsive mode and base shear in
may be carried out using the concept of generalized convective mode, eq. (3). Total base shear V’ of
single-degree of freedom (SDOF) systems representing ground supported tank at the bottom of base slab is
the impulsive and convective modes of vibration of given also by base shear in impulsive mode and base
the tank – liquid system as shown in Figure 1. For shear in convective mode too, eq. (4).
practical applications, only the first convective mode The overturning moment M of ground supported
of vibration needs to be considered in the analysis, tank immediately above the base plate is given also
mechanical model (Fig. 4). The impulsive mass of by, eq. (5) and the overturning moment M’ of

Buletinul AGIR nr. 3/2013 ● iulie-septembrie 121


ground supported tank immediately below the base 4

plate is given also by, eq. (6). 3
V  mi  m w  m r S e Ti   mc S e Tc  , (3) 2
h c ' /H

V '  mi  m w  mb  mr S e Ti   mc S e Tc  , (4) 1 h c /H

M  mi hi  m w hw  mr hr S e Ti   mc hc S e Tc  , H/R

M '  mi hi  m w hw  mb hb  mr hr S e Ti  
 , (6)
0 1 2 3

 mc hc' S e Tc   Fig. 4. Convective heights as fraction
of the height of the liquid in the tank.

where mi is the impulsive mass of fluid, mc – the The base shear and the moment on the foundation
convective mass of fluid, given in Figure 2 [8, 13]; may be evaluated on the basis of expressions (3) and
hi – height of wall pressure resultant for the impuls- (6). The values of the masses mi and mc, as well as of
ive component, given in Figure 3 [8, 13]; hc – the corresponding heights above the base hi , hc , hi' ,
height of wall pressure resultant for the convective
hc' , calculated for cylindrical tanks and given by Fig.
component, given in Figure 4 [8, 13]; hi' – height
2 - 4, (by using of Malhotra’s simple procedure for
resultant of pressures on the wall and on the base seismic analysis of liquid-storage tanks [8, 13]) may
plate for the impulsive component, given in Fig. 3
be adopted for the design of rectangular tanks as
[8, 13]; hc' – height resultant of pressures on the wall well (with L replacing R), with an error less than
and on the base plate for the convective component, 15% [13].
given in Figure 4 [8, 13]; m w – mass of the tank wall;
mb – mass of the tank base plate; mr – mass of the 2.2. IS 1893 - requirements
tank roof; hw – the height of center of gravity of wall
We consider ground supported rectangular tank
mass; hb – the height of center of gravity of base of lenght L and breadth B, where horizontal
plate mass; hr – he height of center of gravity of earthquake loading acting along lenght L. The
roof mass. S e Ti  is impulsive spectral acceleration, spring mass model for ground supported rectangular
is obtained from a 2% damped elastic response tank is based on work of Housner, (3, 14, 15).
spectrum for steel and prestressed concrete tanks, or mi tanh 0 ,866 L H 
a 5% damped elastic response spectrum for concrete  (7)
and masonry tanks; S e Tc  – convective spectral m 0 ,866 L H
acceleration, is obtained from a 0,5% damped elastic mc tanh 3,16 H L 
 0,264 (8)
response spectrum. m H L
1 hi
 0,375 , pre H L  1,5 (9)
0,8 m c /m m
hc cosh 3,16 H L   1,0
m i /m  1 (10)
m 3,16 H L sinh 3,16 H L 
H/R 0 ,09375
0  0 ,5  , pre H L >1,5 (11)
0 1 2 3

Fig. 2. Impulsive and convective masses as fractions hi' 0 ,866 L H

  0 ,125 , pre H L  1,33
of the total liquid mass in the cylindrical tank. m 2 tanh 0 ,866 L H 
 3  0,45 , pre H L >1,33 (12)
cosh 3,16 H L   2 ,01
h i ' /H
2 1 (13)
m 3,16 H L sinh 3,16 H L 
1 h i /H
kc  0,833 tanh 2 3,16 H L  (14)
0 H
0 1 2 3
The parameters showns in Figures 5 and 6 are
Fig. 3. Impulsive heights as fraction of the height slightky different from those given by Houser, and
of the liquid in the tank. have taken from ACI 350.3 in 2001. Equivalent masses

122 Buletinul AGIR nr. 3/2013 ● iulie-septembrie


mi and mc and heogts hi , hc , hi' and hc' of accelara- where C c is time period for convective mode. Value
ting liquid can be determined from Figurea 5 and 6 of C c can be ontained from (19) and Fig. 7, and L is
depending on 2L/H ratios, where L is inside lenght inside lenght of tank paralel to the direction of
of tank paralel to the direction of seismic force. seismic force.
Time period of impulsive mode
Ti  2    d f g , Cc  (19)
(15) 3,16 tanh 3,16H / L 
where d is deflection of the tank wall on the vertical We consider ground supported rectangular tank
centre-line at a height h , when loaded by un of lenght L and breadth B, where horizontal earth-
oformly distributed pressure q. quake loading acting along lenght L.
 mi 
  mw  g 6
q  (16) 5
Bh 4
mi h
hi  mw 3
h 2 2 (17) 2
 mw 1
2 H/L
m w is mass of one tank wall perpendicular to the 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3
diraction of seismic force, and B is inside width of Fig. 7 Coefficient of convective mode time period
tank. C c for rectangular tank
The base shear due to seismic forces applied at
the bottom of the tank wall shall be determined by
0,7 the following equation:
mi / m
Vi  Vw  Vr 2  Vc2
0,5 mc / m
V (20)
k c H / mg Bending moment M on the entire tank cross
section just above the base of the tank wall and
0,1 overturing moment M ' at the base of the tank,
including the tank bottom and supporting structure
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 are given as:
Fig. 5. Impulsive and convective masses as fractions of the total
liquid mass in the rectangular tanks versus ratio 2L/H.
M  M i  M w  M r 2  M c2 (22)

2 and M'  M i
 M w'  M ''r 
2 2
 M c' . (23)
1,6 We consider ground supported rectangular tank
hc / H
1,4 of lenght L and breadth B, where horizontal earth-
1,2 hc' / H quake loading acting along lenght L.
0,8 hi / H
2.3. hydrodynamic pressures and Resultant
0,4 hi' / H
Hydrodynamic impulsive and convective pressures
H/L distribution for tectangular tank wall and bottom and
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 resultants of hydrodynamic pressures.
Fig. 6 Impulsive and convective heights as fraction of the
height of the liquid in the rectangular tanks versus ratio 2L/H. 3. SOLUTION, RESULTS
Time period of convective mode of vibration, Tc AND DISCUSSION
in seconds, is given by
Let us have a ground supported rectangular end-
Tc  Cc L g , (18) lessly long shipping channel, dimension of L = 5 m

Buletinul AGIR nr. 3/2013 ● iulie-septembrie 123


and height Hw = 3 m. Walls have uniform thickness We consider only horizontal earthquake load-
of 0.25 m. The base slab is h = 0.4 m thick. Shipping ing by using of recording of real accelerogram
channel is filled with water to the height 2.5 m, Loma Prieta, California (18.10.1989) along x di-
Figure 10. There is no roof slab on the tank. The rection. We consider with 1 m lenght of shiping
tank is located on hard soil. chanel.

h i’


Fig. 8. Impulsive pressures and resultants.


Fig. 9. Convective pressures and resultants.

Impulsive mass, covective mass and equivalent Absolute Acceleration (g)

heights related to these masses, periods, base shears,
bending moments and height are given in Table 1. The 0,15

determined dynamic parameters and resultant forces 0,1

and moments considering requiments in Eurocode 8 0,05

t [s]
and IS 1893. 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45



H = 2,5 m Hw Fig. 11. Accelerogram Loma Prieta.

y x 20
Sa 0,5%
16 5%

L=5m 12


Fig. 10. Details of tank geometry.

f [Hz]

0 2,5 5 7,5 10 12,5 15 17,5

Fig. 12. Seismic response spectrums of the accelerogram Loma

Prieta, 5% damped and 0.5% damped.

Table 1. Determined dynamic parameters and resultant forces and moments

considering equiments in Eurocode 8 and IS 1893

Codes m i [kg] m c [kg] hi [m] hi' [m] hc [m] hc' [m] Ti [s] Tc [s] V [kN] M [kNm] M ' [kNm] d max [m]
7267 5723 1.094 1.871 1.607 2.032 0.041 2.63 12.81 16.58 28.76 -
IS 1983 7266 6124 0.975 2.000 1.530 2.173 0.041 2.62 12.89 15.83 30.18 0.051

124 Buletinul AGIR nr. 3/2013 ● iulie-septembrie


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About the authors

Assist. Eng. Kamila KOTRASOVÁ, PhD.,

Technical University of Košice, Civil Engineering Faculty, Institute of Structural Engineering
Graduated at the Technical University of Košice, Civil Engineering Faculty, study program - Building Construction.
After finishing of the university she started to work at RCB in Spišská Nová Ves as designer and then at the Technical
Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, study program – Applied Mechanics. The research
topics: seismic design of liquid storage ground-supported tanks, interaction problems of fluid and solid.

Lecturer . Eng. Ioan-Sorin LEOVEANU, PhD

University “Transilvania” from Braşov, Civil Engineering Department, Civil Engineering Faculty
Mechanical Engineer of the University Transilvania from Brasov, the Managerial Industrial Program with Welding
Especiality and PhD in residual stresses and strains modelling and technology optimisation. He worked at the
Industrial Tractors Design and Research Institute at ICPATT Brasov to havy and mediun Bulldozers prototips
design and other Earth Moving Machineries prototipes and series products. From 1988 he work at Transilvania
University at Materials Science and Engineering Faculty and from 2010 he work in the area of Civile Engineering
at Transilvania University. He publish monographis in the area of Optimization Technology and Transport
Phenomenon in Welding, Casting and Civil Engineering. Interest in welded strength structure elements buckling
and exceptional loads system dynamics, wind, earthquakes, explosions, etc.

Assoc. Prof. Eng. Eva KORMANÍKOVÁ, PhD.

Technical University of Košice, Civil Engineering Faculty, Institute of Structural Engineering
email: eva.kormanikova@tuke.sk
Graduated at the Technical University of Košice, Civil Engineering Faculty, study program - Building
Construction. After finishing of the university she started to work at the Technical University of Košice, Civil
Engineering Faculty, Department of Structural Mechanics as assistant. PhD. graduated at the Technical University
of Košice, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, study program – Applied Mechanics. Since 2009 she has worked at
Civil Engineering Faculty TUKE, study program – Theory and Design of Engineering Structures, as associate
professor. Her research topic is design and optimization of structural elements and structures made.

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