RL - AM-,WWY-: TRV Rating Concepts and Iec Standards TRV Envelopes
RL - AM-,WWY-: TRV Rating Concepts and Iec Standards TRV Envelopes
RL - AM-,WWY-: TRV Rating Concepts and Iec Standards TRV Envelopes
^ O
Fig. 3.1 Fault on a feeder near circuit- breaker
R l
/\ -AM,WWY- /\
\/ \/
Fig. 3.2 Electrical equivalent circuit for the analysis of restriking voltage
Figure 3.1 shows a short circuit on a feeder beyond the location of the circuit
breaker. Fig.3.2 shows an electrical equivalent circuit where L and C are the
inductance and capacitance per phase of the system up to the point of circuit-breaker
location respectively.
When the circuit-breaker is closed, the short-circuit current flows thorough R, L and
the contacts of the circuit-breaker, the capacitance C being short-circuited by the fault.
When the circuit-breaker contacts are opened and the arc is extinguished, the current
i is diverted through the capacitance C, resulting in a transient condition. The
inductance and the capacitance form a series oscillatory circuit. The voltage across the
capacitance which is restriking voltage, rises and oscillates, as shown in figure 2.3.
The natural frequency of oscillation is given by
The voltage across the capacitance which is voltage across the contacts of the
circuit-breaker can be calculated in terms of L, C, f and system voltage.
The mathematical expression for transient condition is as follows:
di 1
dt C
Where E is the system voltage at the instant of arc interruption.
dt at
Where Vc = voltage across the capacitor
di - d2(cvc) _ Cd2Vc
dt dt dt2
LCs2Vc(s) + Vc(s) = -
/. Fc(5) E
_| r/~,_2 . -il E l
s[Q?2 +1]
* 4uc'
2 l
s(s2 + a> )
Vc(s)- (3.3)
\s2+<n }
Vc(0 =
& nE Jsin co nt
cos coj
As Vc (t) = 0 at t = 0, constant = 0
:.Vg(t) = E(l-coscont) ...................... (3.4)
= Restriking Voltage
The maximum value of restriking voltage occurs when oont = n
n _ n _ 1
a> 2nfn 2 /
Maximum value of RRRV occurs, when coj =
_ n _ n _ 1
fault is cleared, he, the 8F? has been extinguished, both the circuits oscillate at their
own natural frequencies, a composite double frequency transient appears across the
circuit breaker S.
L1 S L2
The frequencies are given by
f _ 2 x^LxCx f
-------an(J -------------------
The magnitude and the Waveform for the total voltage is proportional to the
inductances and is given by:
Etrv = E [aj (l-coscoi t) + a2(l-eoso)2t)]
1 1
___ *
As shown in Fig. 3.4
eni= peak transient recovery voltage
tm = time in microseconds between voltage zero and voltage peak,
Em = peak value of the recovery voltage in volts
Amplitude Factor =
The Natural frequency = ~ kHz
The terminal fault is defined as a fault occurring very near to the terminal of the
circuit breaker and that the reactance between the fault point and breaker is
Figure 3.5 shows a single phase representation of a terminal fault condition. Consider
circuit-breaker closed and a short circuit F occurs very near the breaker terminal so
that the impedance between the breaker and the fault is negligible. Under this
condition, the fault or short circuit current depends upon the source voltage and
source impedance, as the impedance between the breaker and the fault is negligible.
After the arc extinguishes at natural zero of the power frequency waveform, the
circuit recovers and transient recovery voltage (TRY) appears across the breaker pole.
Fig.3.5 Conditions representing terminal fault
The circuit being predominantly inductive, the power factor of current is low, about
0.1. The simplified waveform of transient recovery voltage is shown in Figure 3.5(b).
In practice, quite complex waveforms are possible. The frequencies of TRV vary from
several hundred to several thousand cycles under the condition of terminal short
As per DEC 62271-100, the rated characteristics of a circuit breaker include rated
transient recovery voltage for terminal faults. The rated short-circuit breaking current
is specified with reference to the rated TRV for terminal faults.
(b) Simplified TRV Waveform
Figure 3.6 represents a condition of a short-line fault and simplified TRV waveform.
Referring to Fig.3.6, source voltage cause short-circuit current I flowing through the
circuit comprising the following impedances:
coL = impedance of source
X - impedance per km length of the line
l = length of fine between breaker and the fault, km
The voltage appearing across breaker pole after final current interruption has two
The voltage v, has power frequency component and high frequency component and
reaches a peak value a/2 V shown in figure 3.6 (b). Whereas v2 has a saw-tooth
waveform and drops to zero after a few microseconds. The transient recovery voltage
Vs across the breaker pole is the sum of Vi and v2.
The superimposed high frequency component due to line frequency Fl has a value
of vp / 4 X, where vp is propagation velocity on the line and X is the impedance per
unit length of line. Fl may reach a value between 10 to 100kHz depending upon
length of line location of fault. The peak value of high frequency component is
reached in a few microseconds. Hence the rate of rise of TRV is very high.
The resulting TRV for short line fault appearing across CB pole is the vector sum
of the voltage from the source and the line side.
The interruption of fault current due to short line faults on overhead lines imposes
a serious duty on the CB. This is because the transient recovery voltage (TRV) across
the breaker terminals is accompanied by a high frequency line side component,
whereas the reduction of fault current due to the inductance of the short-circuited line
is only slightly less than that of a terminal fault. The transient voltage of a short-
circuited line is proportional to the magnitude of the fault current, and the frequency
is inversely proportional to the length of the short-circuited line.
The rate of rise of oscillations is quite high due to the effective surge impedance
of the short-circuited line. The RRRV is given as
RRRV = V2 co I Zo
3.3.3 Out of phase switching (Phase opposition switching)
When two systems are to be synchronized, it may happen that the breaker opens on
non-synchronous condition.
(b) Waveform of voltage across the breaker pole during out-of-phase opening
In Figure 3.7, if Vi and V2 ate not in synchronous during opening of breaker the
likely waveform of transient recovery voltage is shown in fig.3.7(b). Under certain
conditions, the voltage across pole may reach three times phase voltage or in extreme
cases it may reach twice line-to-line voltage.
The circuit-breakers used for synchronizing, should be capable of opening
satisfactory under non-synchronous condition. In such case the recovery voltage may
be much higher than that for other short-circuit duties. The magnitude of recovery
voltage depends upon the phase angle between the voltages on two sides of the
The recovery voltage has a maximum value when the two voltages are 180 out-of
phase, given by
Vs=W2Vj+ V2V2
= <2 (Vi+V2)
The influence of local capacitance on the source side of the circuit-breaker
produces a slower rate of rise of the voltage during the first few microseconds of the
TRV. This is taken into account by introducing a time delay.
Short eircuit tests require circuit with response specified by IEC standards shown in Fig,
Where kaf = 1,54 for terminal fault and short line fault, in the case of line systems;
= 1.4 for terminal fault in the case of cable systems;
kpp= 1.5 for terminal fault
= 1.0 for short line fault
Time delay:
td - 0.1513 for terminal fault in case of cable systems;
= 0.0513 for terminal fault and short line fault, in case of line systems;
TRV parameters are defined as a function of the rated voltage(Ur), the first-pole-to-
clear factor (kpp) and the amplitude factor(kaf) as follows:
ui = 0.75x (kpp)x U,
tj is derived from ui and the specified value of the rate of rise Uj/ti=RRRV.
t2 =4 ti for terminal fault and short line fault;
For rated voltages equal or higher than lOOkV, the time delay td = 2 ps for terminal
fault and short line fault;
Uc =kafXkppXUf
Fig.3.8 Representation by two parameters (Uc and t3) of a prospective transient recovery
voltage of a circuit
Fig.3.9 Representation by four parameters (ui and ti; Uc and t2) of a prospective
transient recovery voltage of a circuit: Case I
3.6 Method of drawing the envelope of the prospective TRV of a circuit and
determination of parameters [25],[30]
A transient recovery voltage wave may assume different forms, both oscillatory and
non-oscillatory. The wave may be defined by means of an envelope made up of three
consecutive line segments.
Drawing the envelope:
The following method is used for constructing the line segments forming the
envelope of the prospective TRV curve.
(a) the first line segment passes through the origin O is tangential to the curve
and does not cut the curve
(See Figures 3.9 and 3.10, segment OB and Figure 3.8 segment OA)
(b) the second line segment is a horizontal line tangential to the curve at its
highest peak
(See Figures 3.8 to 3.10, segment AC)
(c) The third line segment is tangential to the curve at one or more points
situated between the first two points of contact and does not cut the curve.
There are three possible cases for drawing this latter line segment:
(i) One single line segment can be drawn touching the curve at two
In this case, it forms part of the envelope (see Figure 3.9, segment BA)
The four parameters envelope 0,B,A,C is then obtained.
(ii) Several segments can be drawn which touch the curve at two points
(or possibly at more than two points) without cutting it.
In this ease, the segment to be used for the envelope is that
which touches the curve at one point only, situated so that the areas
on either side of this point between the curve and the envelope are
approximately equal. (See Figure 3.10, segment BA).
The four parameters envelope 0,B,A,C is then obtained.
(iii) No segment can be drawn touching the curve at more than one point
without cutting it.
In this case the following distinction should be made.
The point of contact of the first line segment and the highest peak
are comparatively close to each other.
This is the case for a curve representing a damped oscillation of
single frequency or a curve of similar shape.
In this case, a third line segment is not drawn and representation by
two parameters, corresponding to the first two line segments, is
adopted ( see Figure 3.8).
The two parameter envelope O, A, C is then obtained.
Determination of parameters:
Standard values of TRV for three-pole circuit breakers of rated voltages less than
lOOkV make use of two parameters. Values are given in Table 3.1 for line systems.
For rated voltages of lOOkV and above, four parameters are used. Table 3.2 gives values
for rated voltages of245kV and above.
The tables also indicate values of rate of rise, taken as ujtz and m/ti, in the two-
parameter and four-parameter cases, respectively, which together with TRV peak values
Uc may be used for purposes of specification of TRV. The values given in the tables are
prospective values. They apply to circuit-breakers for general transmission and
distribution in three-phase systems having service frequencies of 50Hz or 60Hz and
consisting of transformers, overhead line and cables.
Table 3.1 Standard values of transient recovery voltage for circuit breakers-Rated
Voltages equal to or higher than 12KV and less than IOOkV-
Representation by two parameters
Table 3.2 Standard values of transient recovery voltage for circuit breakers-Rated
Voltages 245kV and above for effectively earthed systems-
Rkprhsentation by four parameters