Brazil Ethanol Industry - Constanza Valdes - BIO02 - 2011
Brazil Ethanol Industry - Constanza Valdes - BIO02 - 2011
Brazil Ethanol Industry - Constanza Valdes - BIO02 - 2011
Introduction ........................ 2 Ethanol Feedstock, Industrial Processing, and Distribution ............... 4 The Contribution of Policies to the Development of Brazils Ethanol Sector ............... 21 Challenges for the Brazilian Ethanol Industry.......................... 26 Future Perspectives for Brazils Ethanol Industry.......................... 30 Conclusions ...................... 36 References ........................ 38 Appendix .......................... 44
The author thanks all reviewers for comments, feedback, and suggestions, including Mary Anne Normile, Molly Garber, Rip Landes, William Coyle, Erik Dohlman, Kim Hjort, and Fred Gale of USDA, Economic Research Service (ERS); Alan Hrapsky, Michelle DaPra Wittenberger, and Sergio D.S. Barros of USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS); David Stallings of USDA, World Agricultural Outlook Board, Ofce of the Chief Economist (OCE); and Hosein Shapouri of USDA, Ofce of Energy Policy and New Uses, OCE. Special thanks to Joel Velasco and Luciano Rodriguez from the Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association for a thorough review and helpful comments, which signicantly improved the study. Thanks also to Chris Dicken of ERS for geographic information system analysis and cartographic output, Heloisa Burnquist of the Center for Advanced Studies on Applied Economics for expert comments and sharing of data, and Douglas Newman of U.S. International Trade Commission for sharing ethanol trade data and expert review comments. The author appreciates and acknowledges the editorial and design assistance of John Weber and Curtia Taylor of ERS. Some information in this report was obtained through activities funded by the Emerging Markets Program of FAS.
Ethanola fuel produced from agricultural and other organic materials (biomass)is considered to be one of the best alternatives to petroleum for transportation fuel, as increased ethanol use reduces the levels of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions relative to fossil fuel use. Tropical sugarcane is also cited as the most efcient ethanol feedstock in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions avoided per hectare cropped per year (1 hectare = 2.47 acres). A recent study found that the use of sugarcane ethanol in Brazil resulted in a reduction of 600 million tons in CO2 emissions since 1975, an amount equivalent to about 7 percent of Brazils total CO2 emissions from the consumption of energy over the same period (UNICA, 2010a; EIA 2010a). Moreover, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) deems sugarcane ethanol an advanced biofuel that reduces GHG emissions by 61 percent, compared with gasoline GHG emissions (EPA, 2010). The ethanol energy yield ratio, which relates the energy output of ethanol to the fossil energy input used in its production, is often cited as evidence of the benets of ethanol derived from biomass. The energy yield ratio of sugarcane-based ethanol is 4 to 6 times greater than the energy yield ratio of corn-based ethanol (von Blottnitz and Curran, 2006; Macedo and Seabra, 2008; Shapouri et al., 2010). Because of these outcomes, many countries have implemented energy policies that call for increased ethanol use in their transportation sectors. Ethanol is used in blends with gasoline and in dedicated 100-percent ethanolfueled vehicles. Ethanol is produced from feedstock containing natural sugars or starch that can be readily converted to sugar. Feedstock used to produce ethanol includes sugarcane, corn, sugar beets, and wheat. Recent technological advances have identied other renewable energy products, including cellulose ethanol, which is derived from cellulosic feedstock crops such as switchgrass, mixed-species grass, restored prairie, miscanthus, poplar, sugarcane bagasse, straw, and other plant wastes (James et al., 2009). Ethanol produced in Brazil is derived from sugarcane. Brazils ethanol production in 2010 (31 billion liters) (1 liter = 0.26 gallons) was equivalent to 38 percent of worldwide ethanol production, second only to the United States (49 billion liters), the worlds leading producer since 2006 (EIA, 2010b). In Brazil, two types of ethanol are producedanhydrous (pure ethanol) and hydrous. Anhydrous ethanol is typically blended up to 10 percent with gasoline for use in unmodied engines, to a maximum of 25 percent in Brazil with modications to the engine calibration system to detect the higher oxygen of ethanol blends (UNICA, 2009). Hydrous ethanol (E100) is used in 100-percent ethanol-fueled vehicles and the newer ex-fuel vehicles, which are powered by gasoline (E25) and ethanol (E100, hydrous) in any proportion in a single tank of fuel. Ethanol accounts for more than 56 percent of gasoline use in Brazil (including hydrous plus anhydrous ethanol), compared with 8 percent in the United States. Production and use of sugarcane-based fuel ethanol in Brazil began in 1975 when the Alcohol Program (Prolcool) was launched in response to soaring oil prices and a crisis in the international sugar market. The program resulted in new commercial uses for sugarcane and made Brazil a pioneer in the use
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of ethanol as a motor vehicle fuel. Brazils development in this area was facilitated by the countrys availability of feedstock, a supportive ethanol policy environment, and efciency improvements in cane production and ethanol conversion processes. Until 1999, the countrys supply of feedstock was stimulated by decades of Government support provided through controls over producer prices for sugarcane: the Government set prices along the sugarcane and sugarcane products chain, established production and marketing quotas for both sugar and ethanol, and was the only domestic distributor and exporter of sugar and ethanol (OECD, 2005). To stimulate demand, the Government implemented ethanol legislation that established mandatory blending targets and subsidized continuous advances in the automobile industry for more efcient use of ethanol. Brazil is now challenged with sustaining production growth in the ethanol sector to meet increasing domestic demand and, at the same time, maintain its position as a major supplier of ethanol to world markets that are growing rapidly in response to their own ambitious targets for renewable energy use. This study examines the historical development of Brazils ethanol programs, the factors that gave shape to the current structure of the industry, and the potential challenges over the next decade.
Sugarcane Production
Sugarcane is cultivated in most Brazilian States. The spatial distribution of sugarcane in Brazil is divided into ve regions (Southeast, South, Center-West, North, and Northeast) dened by State boundaries and similar characteristics regarding climate, topography, soil, natural vegetation, and agricultural land use (g. 1). Sugarcane in Brazil is grown under rainfed conditions, and planting occurs year round, but 75 percent of planting takes place in January-June (Southeast, South, and Center-West), and May-October (North-Northeast) (CONAB, 2010). New cane cultivars with different maturation times allow for continuous harvesting over 8 months (April-November) across regions in Brazil, which contributes to low costs of production (IDEA, 2006). Sugarcane area has expanded considerably, growing 3.3 percent per year from 1975 to 2010, four times the annual average growth for total area harvested for all eld crops in Brazil. Harvested cane area rose from 4.3 million hectares in 1990 to 9.2 million hectares in 2010, equivalent to 15 percent of total area harvested in the country (IBGE, 2010a). Sugarcane is Brazils third-leading crop in terms of area harvested, after soybeans (23.3 million hectares per year) and corn (12.9 million hectares per year). About 68,000 farms in Brazil produce sugarcane (IBGE, 2010a). Growth has not been steady, as the expansion of area harvested to sugarcane has responded to policies affecting both the sugar and ethanol sectors, as well as external market circumstances. During the the rst 14 years of Prolcool (1975-89), area harvested to sugarcane grew at a rapid 5.6 percent per year, only to slow in the 1990s, particularly in the Northeast, because of nancing difculties (IBGE, 2010a). Since 2003, after the introduction of the rst exfuel vehicles in Brazil, sugarcane area has grown 9 percent annually, with close to 4 million new hectares added during the period (IBGE, 2010a). Brazils sugar industry was rst established in the Northeast region, which includes Alagoas and Pernambuco States;1 the region now (2010) accounts for 10 percent of the countrys sugarcane production. Characterized as a region with relatively low population and low per capita income, the Northeast has beneted from its geographical proximity to the U.S. market and the Brazilian Governments allocation of the U.S. sugar import quota to Brazil.2
reports that initially, the most productive region and site of the countrys rst sugar-producing center was the present-day Northeastern State of Pernambuco, run by Portuguese Crown appointee Duarte Coelho; eventually, sugarcane spread to areas in the present-day States of Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, and So Paulo (UNICA, 2010a).
2For scal year 2010, Brazils allocation was 152,691 tons.
Figure 1
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from IBGE (2006).
The Southeast-South regions, with better soils and climate than the other regions, are ideal for the cultivation of sugarcane and many other crops (e.g., coffee, citrus, feed crops). So Paulo, in the Southeast region, is Brazils leading cane-producing State and accounts for two-thirds of total sugarcane production (table 1). From 1990 to 2010, sugarcane area in So Paulo increased just under 5 percent per year, or more than 3 million hectares over the period. About 20 percent of this amount, or 644,000 hectares, was previously planted to coffee, corn, and soybeans. Typically, in any given year in the Southeast-South regions, about
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Table 1
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from IBGE (2010a).
12 percent of the cane is rotated to other crops (corn, soybeans, and peanuts) (IBGE, 2010a). Productivity increases are at the center of sugarcane growth. Continuous improvements in sugarcane productivity since the 1970s have boosted yields by almost 34 tons per hectare to the current (2010) national average of 79.7 tons per hectare (see table 1). Gains in yields, however, differ at the State level and across municipalities; in the most productive municipalities (located in the State of So Paulo) yields are 20-25 percent above the national average (IBGE, 2010a). Yield variation is linked not only to weather patterns and varieties planted but also to the own crops harvesting system. Cane harvesting is done by stem cutting, in which the rst cut is made 18 months after planting and then annually for 5 years, with yields decreasing for each of the 5 stubble cuts. Yields obtained for the 1-year-old sugarcane decrease 10-30 tons per hectare for the second, third, fourth, and fth cuts. In any given year, about 20 percent of the cane area on a farm is undergoing replanting, and 13 percent of sugarcane production is from the fth cut (MAPA, 2009a). The development of higher yielding cane varieties in Brazil has been a principal focus of research aimed at attaining higher sucrose content and higher stalk water content. Other characteristics of improved varieties include increased resistance to pests and diseases, upright appearance (more suitable for mechanized cutting), lower soil fertility requirements, upright leaves (permitting closer row-plantings), and higher drought resistance. Genetically modied (GM) cane varieties with higher sucrose yields have been available since the mid-1990s (Burnquist and Ulian, 2000), but there is still no approval of GM sugarcane in Brazil.
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As a result of gains in yields and area, sugarcane production in Brazil grew 9 percent per year from 2000 to 2010. Brazil is now the worlds largest sugarcane producer (730 million tons in 2010), accounting for one-third of world production, ahead of India and China (USDA/FAS, 2010). The participation of independent farmers in the supply of cane to the mills and distilleries remained fairly constant under Prolcool and throughout the early 1990s but has since decreased as Brazilian mills and distilleries now own two-thirds of total area harvested to sugarcane in the country (g. 2) (IBGE, 2010a). The average industrial yield measured as total sucrose content (total recoverable sugars, or TRS) is the basis used to determine the price to pay sugarcane suppliers. Before 1997, the Brazilian Government established sugarcane prices prior to the harvest based on regional cost estimates. After deregulation, the So Paulo mills established a new sugarcane payment system named CONSECANA,3 a private system that incorporates the TRS content in sugarcane (measured as the cane yield in kilograms of TRS per ton of cane) and the prices for sugar and ethanol in both the domestic and the export markets. This system, although not mandatory, is used in other major producing States, such as Paran, Alagoas, and Pernambuco (Burnquist, 2001). Large sugarcane farms can reduce production costs through economies of scale; Brazilian mills and distilleries are more responsive to sugar price changes than individual farmers (IBGE, 2010a).
Cane farmers
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from IBGE (2010a) and MAPA (2009a).
Figure 3
Cane Juice
Juice Treatment
Distillation Process
Hydrous Ethanol
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from CONAB (2008) and MME/EPE (2010b).
juice output is distilled and puried to obtain two types of ethanol: anhydrous ethanol (a gasoline additive) and hydrous ethanol (a gasoline substitute). On average, 1 ton of sugarcane produces 90 liters of hydrous ethanol and 85 liters of anhydrous ethanol. In terms of sucrose content (or TRS), 1.765 kg TRS yields 1 liter of anhydrous ethanol and 1.6913 kg TRS yields 1 liter of hydrous ethanol (MAPA, 2009a). A byproduct of sugar production is molasses, used as a raw material to obtain ethanol through fermentation (1 ton of sugarcane will yield 118 kg of sugar and 10 liters of ethanol from molasses) (UNICA, 2008). On average, about 75 percent of ethanol is produced from the cane juice and the other 25 percent comes from molasses (MME/EPE, 2010b). Vinasse, a potassium-rich byproduct of the distillation process, is recycled as a fertilizer and applied to cane elds. In the past, the disposal of vinasse at river basins posed a major environmental problem for the ethanol industry (de Olivera et al., 2006). Another sugarcane product is bioelectricity generated for use by the mills and distilleries from the crushed sugarcane stalks (bagasse) and cane trash. Most mills are self-sufcient in energy, and most are able to sell any excess amounts to the electricity grid; the bagasse itself can also be sold (see g. 3 for processes for converting bagasse through hydrolysis).
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For years, the ratio of sugarcane used for sugar and for ethanol production in Brazil was a policy instrument used to regulate sugar production to counter oversupply of sugar and low international sugar prices. The share of sugarcane crushed for sugar or ethanol production depends on the relative prices of sugar and ethanol. In the early years of Prolcool, sugar production accounted for a larger share of cane than ethanol. At times when international sugar prices are high, sugar production and exports take precedence over the production of ethanol. Currently (in 2010/11), around 55 percent of sugarcane crushed is being distilled into ethanol, and the remainder is used for sugar production. The ratio is set by millers before harvest and is based on expected prices and market demand. Mills have a 5- to 10-percent margin for change in the composition of production (CONAB, 2008). Most mills in So Paulo, the largest ethanol-producing State, operate under the 55-45 ratio for ethanol and sugar. In the States of Minas Gerais, Goias, Paran, and Mato Grosso, more sugarcane is distilled into ethanol than is used for sugar production. Products derived from industrial processing of sugarcane include sugarcane juice, molasses, bagasse, hydrous ethanol, anhydrous ethanol, and alcohol for industrial uses (plus raw sugar and rened sugar produced at the mixed distilleries/mills). Over 73 percent of total ethanol produced in Brazil is hydrous ethanol, and 27 percent is anhydrous ethanol. Since the introduction of ex-fuel vehicles in 2003, production of hydrous ethanol has increased about 25 percent annually, while production of anhydrous ethanol to blend with gasoline has declined 1 percent annually. Ethanol yields have more than doubled since the early 1970s, rising from 40 to about 100 liters of ethanol per ton of cane. Millers have increased industrial efciency by introducing new cane grinding systems, improving distillation processes, and reducing the ethanol processing time. Between 2000 and 2007, ethanol yields from sugar increased by 45 percent (CONAB, 2008). Innovations in industrial processes include the use of byproducts, such as cane molasses to produce ethanol and bagasse to generate heat and electricity. Molasses use for producing ethanol increased 9 percent annually in 2000-2009, and the use of bagasse grew 8 percent per year in the same period, which reects processors increasing use of cane byproducts for ethanol production (table 2).
Table 2
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from IBGE (2010a) and MME/EPE (2010b).
Brazils ethanol plants are concentrated in the Southeast-South region (g. 4). Most distilleries are located in So Paulo (53 percent), Minas Gerais (16 percent), and Paran (14 percent). These States include several large cities with high per capita incomes and large automobile industries. The Prolcool program helped attract domestic and foreign investment to these regions to establish sugar mills with annexes for the distilling of fuel ethanol and independent ethanol plants. The newest ethanol-producing region is the CenterWest (Gois, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Mato Grosso). The rapid growth of the industry in Brazil is evidenced by the large number of plants established over the past 5 years alone: since 2006, 138 new ethanol plants have come into production, with most (94) located in So Paulo (ANP, 2010). From 2000 to 2009, ethanol production increased 11 percent per year, reaching 26 billion liters in 2009 (ANP, 2010). In 2009, So Paulo distilled 15 billion liters of ethanol (58 percent of total production in Brazil), including 10.9 billion liters of hydrous ethanol used in ex-fuel cars (57 percent of total) and 4.2 billion liters of anhydrous ethanol for blending in gasoline (59 percent of total). In that same year, Minas Gerais and Paran distilled 2.3 billion liters and 1.9 billion liters of ethanol, respectively (table 3). Three-fourths of this amount distilled was for ex-fuel cars. In the Center-West region, output has increased 15 percent yearly since 2000, above the rates of growth for all other regions and Brazil as a whole, a reection of new investments in cane production and distilleries being set up in Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Goias.
Figure 4
Center-West Distribution of sugar mills, 2010 Sugar mills Distilleries Mixed plants Sugar mills only Hectares of sugarcane harvested by municipality Less than 5,000 5,001-10,000 10,001-20,000 Greater than 20,000
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from IBGE (2006).
of the raw material (sugarcane), as feedstock purchases represent the largest cost component. In 2009-10, feedstock purchases accounted for 60 percent of total ethanol production costs in Brazil (UNICA, 2010a). Average Brazilian ethanol production costs dropped from a high of $0.47 per liter in 1996 to average levels of $0.21 per liter in 1998-2002 (table 4). Distillers costs have since increased due to higher energy, fertilizer, and land prices, and they reached a new high of $0.48 per liter in 2008. Ethanol costs in Brazil vary across regions as wellcosts are lowest in the Southeast-South, where the bulk of the countrys sugarcane is produced and sugarcane costs are lower. The cost of producing ethanol also varies by the time of year, as supplies of the raw materials uctuate. Of signicant importance to cost competitiveness in the sector are gains in industrial efciency at the mill. Since 2000, industrial yields for ethanol production have grown 4 percent per yeardouble the rate in 1990-99, as farmers have continually adopted new and more efcient technologies (g. 5).
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Table 3
Sources: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from MAPA (2009) and MME/EPE (2010b).
Table 4
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from IBGE (2010b).
Figure 5
Tons of cane/ha
30 20 10 0
Delivery costs from the mills/distilleries to collection centers range from $0.10 to $0.14 per liter (SIFRECA, 2010), bringing total costs of ethanol delivered to the collection (wholesale) centers to $0.39-$0.43 per liter ($1.48 to $1.63 per gallon) in Brazil, compared with around $0.60 per liter ($2.45 per gallon) in the United States (EIA, 2010b). Current installed capacity for ethanol-only pipelines in Brazil is 10 billion liters, equivalent to just 2.4 percent of total global use (TRANSPETRO, 2009). An earlier study found that pipelines account for 76 percent of ethanol transported from the mills/distilleries to the collection centers, roads account for 16 percent, and waterways account for 8 percent. Ethanol is transported between collection centers by rail (61 percent), roads (31 percent), and waterways (8 percent). Trucks transport ethanol to distributors trucks (see Osrio Xavier et al., 2008). Delivery costs reect the regional clustering of ethanol production and the distribution logistics involving an extensive network of highways, railroads, and some waterways. At the lower end of costs are shipments from the Southeast region (So Paulo) to collection centers, with higher costs for deliveries in the Center-West region (ANP, 2010).
Ethanol Prices
Prior to 1997, the Government of Brazil capped ethanol prices at 60 percent of domestic gasoline prices. With deregulation, the Government eliminated the cap but is still intervening in fuel pricing through controls on gasoline prices and a preferential tax treatment on anhydrous ethanol. The Government provides a tax exemption on anhydrous alcohol to blenders as an incentive to ensure ample supply to meet mandated blend rates, but it taxes hydrous alcohol used in ex-fuel vehicles. In addition, ethanol exports are exempt from paying ICMS (value-added tax). Since 2002, average retail
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prices of ethanol and gasoline (not adjusted for ination) have risen sharply; ethanol prices have increased faster because gasoline prices are set by the Government and tend to vary less than ethanol prices. Regional variations in prices reect tax differences across States, supply conditions, and storage and distribution costs (table 5). For ethanol to be competitive with gasoline, the price of ethanol needs to be two-thirds lower than the price of gasoline (ANP, 2009). This estimate takes into account the lower energy content of ethanol (meaning that ethanol provides fewer miles per liter than gasoline). Since 2000, the nationwide price ratio of ethanol to gasoline has been below this margin, averaging around 60 percent (g. 6). The price ratio of ethanol to gasoline differs across States because hydrous ethanol is subject to different tax rates. So Paulo, which levies the lowest tax, has the lowest ethanol price in Brazil and serves as the benchmark for domestic and export values (app. table 1).
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from ANP (2009).
Figure 6
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from ANP (2009).
authorized distributors. Ethanol exports, on the other hand, are handled by mills/distilleries and domestic distributors (CONAB, 2008). Ten rms control 76 percent of the domestic distribution market, with BR (PETROBRAS retail network of stations) alone holding a 22-percent market share (ANP, 2009). Given the seasonality of ethanol production, distributors purchase ethanol throughout the year based on demand, leaving storage of off-season supplies to mills and distilleries. In 2007, Brazilian mills and distilleries totaled 11.6 billion liters of storage capacity (45 percent anhydrous and 55 percent hydrous ethanol), equivalent to 56 percent of total ethanol production in Brazil that year. So Paulo alone accounted for 56 percent of total mills storage capacity (CONAB, 2008). Storage capacity at the plants constructed under Prolcool is about 60 percent of production capacity, compared with 40 percent at new plants (Osrio Xavier et al., 2008). After receiving the ethanol from the mills and distilleries, distributors transfer the ethanol to any of PETROBRASs nine ethanol collection centers: ve in So Paulo and one each in Paran, Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, and Sergipe. Storage capacity at the collection centers is 105 million liters total, considered low by the Government of Brazil and a constraint to increasing output (ANP, 2009). At the collection centers, the anhydrous ethanol is blended with gasoline (gasoline A, transferred from the reneries to the collection centers by pipeline) at a ratio that ranges from 20/80 to 25/75 to obtain gasoline C. Subsequently, both gasoline C and hydrous ethanol (E100) are sold to 469 retail agents who will sell the product in 37,465 gas stations offering pure ethanol for sale side-by-side with gasoline C (E20 or E25) (BR owns 16,372 of these gas stations) (TRANSPETRO, 2010) (g. 7).
15 Brazils Ethanol Industry: Looking Forward / BIO-02
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Figure 7
SE BA MT Cuiab Terminal GO
Transportation infrastructure for ethanol, 2010 Ethanol collection centers Oil terminals Future oil terminals Ports Future ethanol pipeline Future oil pipelines Oil pipelines
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from IBGE (2006).
Table 6
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from MME/EPE (2010b).
The introduction of ex-fuel cars in 2003 revived hydrous ethanol consumption in Brazil (table 6). Owners of these cars may opt to run them on any fuel combinationfrom 100 percent ethanol to 100 percent gasoline (all gasoline in Brazil is already blended 20 to 25 percent ethanol) based on prices at the retail level. Brazils vehicle eet totals 26 million units (about 10 percent of the U.S. eet size), and ex-fuel cars (about 11 million vehicles) account for 60 percent of total ethanol demand in the country. About 87 percent of new cars and light trucks sold in Brazil are ex-fuel; the remainder (trucks4 and buses) run on diesel (ANFAVEA, 2009). Brazils hydrous ethanol consumption increased an impressive 27 percent annually in 2003-09. Over the same period, anhydrous ethanol consumption decreased 2 percent per year as the lower gasoline demand was not sufciently offset by increases in the blending rate of ethanol in gasoline. In 2009, hydrous ethanol consumption for fuel reached a high of 16.3 billion liters and anhydrous ethanol consumption reached 6.4 billion liters (table 6). Government policies have played an important role in increasing the demand for hydrous ethanol and for increasing Brazils ex-fuel vehicle eet. Automobile manufacturers have been given tax breaks to produce cars that run on hydrous ethanol: in 2004-08, the IPI tax was 6-7 percent lower on ex-fuel vehicles than on gasoline cars, and since December 2008, the new ex-fuel cars (engine displacement of 1,000 cc or less) are exempted from the IPI tax (ANFAVEA, 2009). BNDES-subsidized credit (estimated at $330 million in 2007) available to car manufacturers for operational and R&D activities has also contributed to increases in the ex-fuel vehicle eet and ethanol consumption (Casotti et al., 2008). Ethanol demand in Brazil is highest in the Southeast-South (80 percent of total ethanol consumption). The Center-West and the North-Northeast each account for 10 percent (ANP, 2009). Regional consumption mirrors the location of car manufacturing plants and reects the increasing importance of the newest consumer markets.
4During 1979-89, at the height of Prolcool, a small number of new trucks (10.8 million, or 1 percent of all trucks produced during the period) ran on ethanol.
Ethanol Exports
The size of global ethanol trade grew from about 550 million liters in the early 1990s to 6.4 billion liters in 2010, after peaking at 16.4 billion liters in 2002 (GTIS, 2010). This growth stemmed from a combination of various
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country regulations for national biofuels targets, incentives, and mandates for the replacement of gasoline consumption with ethanol. Due to increasing demand, mostly from the United States, Europe, and Asian countries, Brazil has expanded its role as a supplier of ethanol. Up until 2008, Brazil was the worlds largest supplier of ethanol, accounting for over 62 percent of the ethanol export market each year (Brazilian shipments reached a high of 5.1 billion liters in 2008) (GTIS, 2010). The value of Brazils ethanol exports increased 5 percent per year between 2005 and 2010, peaking at $2.4 billion in 2008 as a result of record exports to the United States, which accounted for 32 percent of Brazilian ethanol exports (in value terms) that year (g. 8). U.S. demand during that period was likely boosted by the effects of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which mandated the use of ethanol in transportation and the elimination of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) as an additive in gasoline blending in key markets such as California and New York (Westcott, 2007a). As a result, Brazils ethanol exports to the United States increased twice as fast as its exports to the world, despite the 45-cent-per-gallon tax credit for blenders who add ethanol to gasoline and a 54-cent-per-gallon tariff that increased the price of foreign (mostly Brazilian) imports. In 2009, a major shift ocurred as conditions changed in major markets and the United States became the worlds largest ethanol exporter. During the period, U.S. ethanol prices followed the downward trend in global oil prices, while Brazilian anhydrous ethanol prices remained high and became uncompetitive in world markets (LMC, 2011). Brazils decline as an ethanol exporter in 2009 and 2010 is attributed to factors other than the global nancial crisis that started in September 2008, including a strong domestic market, lower supplies due to increased sugar production, and increased sugar exports to India, in response to higher sugar prices. Also, direct exports to the U.S. market benetted from duty drawbacks, but these were effectively eliminated in October 2008 (Shapouri, 2010). Growing capacity and production of ethanol in the Unites States and the EU-27 further contributed to Brazils loss of global ethanol market share. As a result, Brazils ethanol exports in 2009
Figure 8
743 147
decreased 35 percent to 3.3 billion liters, whereas in 2010 they decreased 63 percent to 1.9 billion liters (GTIS, 2010). Brazil exports both anhydrous and hydrous ethanol, with hydrous ethanol representing 90-97 percent of the value of ethanol exports in most years. Brazil exports ethanol to more than 80 countries around the world; major markets in 2010 included the EU-27, South Korea, the United States, and Japan (table 7). Between 2002 and 2009, Brazilian exports of hydrous ethanol to the Central American and Caribbean countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago accounted for 52 percent of Brazils total ethanol exports. Brazilian ethanol shipped to these countries was re-exported to the United States as anhydrous ethanol under the duty-free Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI). This program allows a maximum of 7 percent of the United States previous years consumption of ethanol to enter duty free. In 2001-02, over 80 percent of Brazils ethanol exports (a record 21.6 billion liters) were
Table 7
1,338 1,013
3,296 1,899
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from GTIS (2010).
exported to Jamaica and subsequently re-exported back to the United States under the CBI (GTIS, 2010). During that period, CBI exports to such areas as Southern California and the Northeastern United States were less expensive than corn-based ethanol shipped to the same areas from production centers in the Midwestern United States (Moller, 2005). For 2010, the duty-free CBI import quota for ethanol producers and dehydrators was xed by the U.S. International Trade Commission at 2.8 billion liters (F.O. Licht, 2010). The 2005 Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTADR) with the United States kept the CBI conditions on ethanol imports by the United States for the signatory countries of the agreement. In addition, the CAFTA-DR agreement set specic duty-free quotas for Costa Rica and El Salvador within the overall CBI quota. In 2005-09, Brazils ethanol exports to CBI countries averaged 22 percent of total Brazilian ethanol exports but fell to less than 8 percent in 2010 (GTIS, 2010). Brazils ethanol exports to the EU have increased rapidly since 2007 in response to several market mandates with new blending ratios. A greater proportion of Brazils ethanol exports are going to Asia, where both India and South Korea are facing growing ethanol decits (F.O. Licht, 2010). Despite the large role of Brazil in global export markets, it exports just 13 percent of its total ethanol production. Brazils ethanol export operations are highly diversied: in 2008, 153 registered exporters and 126 large rms accounted for about 98 percent of the countrys ethanol exports (DECEX, 2009). Only four ports possess the infrastructure needed for ethanol exports: Santos in So Paulo (70 percent of the countrys exports), Paranagu in Paran (20 percent), Maceio in Alagoas (7 percent), and Rio de Janeiro (2 percent). The large role of So Paulo reects its large infrastructure of pipelines, storage, and port facilities. Brazils ethanol imports, which averaged less than 300,000 liters in 2004-08, have increased sharply to 3.1 million liters in 2009 and 22.2 million liters in 2010. In 2010, the U.S. supplied most of Brazils ethanol import needs (93 percent) (DECEX, 2009). Most countries use anhydrous ethanol when setting a fuel ethanol standard, but Brazil sets standards for both anhydrous and hydrous ethanol. While ethanol standards in Brazil and the United States have been in place since the 1930s (for anhydrous) and the 1970s (for hydrous), standards in the EU are still being developed in various member countries. Brazils National Petroleum Agency (ANP) species the minimum ethanol content of fuel ethanol to be 99.3 percent, with additional parameters limited to water, color, acidity, and copper content. The U.S. and EU industry standards include additional specications, and the limits for several of the parameters are different from those in the Brazilian standard, and from one another (ANP, 2009).
Table 8
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from BACEN (2010) and BNDES (2009).
in both current and real terms as has subsidized credit under the electricity cogeneration program, which increased 36 percent annually in 2006-10 (table 8). Opening of the Agricultural Frontier Although targeted credit policies have clearly beneted sugarcane production, the policies implemented in the 1970s and early 1980s for land clearing provided the greatest incentive for sugarcane cultivation, propelling Brazil to its current position as the worlds largest sugarcane producer. To facilitate the opening of the frontier, the Government provided subsidized credit for land clearing, machinery, and production through several regional programs to develop agriculture in the Cerrados (grassland/savannah lands). These programs, which had the most impact in the 1960s and expanded in the 1980s and early 1990s, are credited with the rapid increase in soybean area in the Center-West Cerrados region (Schnepf et al., 2001). The expansion of soybean cultivation in the Cerrados indirectly beneted sugarcane production, as the opening of the frontier facilitated the movement of oilseed production from the Southeast and South regions of Brazil and enabled sugarcane to move in (Wilkinson and Sorj, 1992).5 Harvested area of cane in the Southeast and South regions grew 4.4 percent per year in 19602008, increasing from 929,000 hectares in the 1960s to 2.3 million hectares in the 1980s, 4.0 million hectares in the 1990s, and 5.2 million hectares in 2008 (IBGE, 2009a).
5Wilkinson and Sorj indicate that during the 1960s, the Agronomic Institute of Campinas developed a variety, IAC2, for cultivation in the low latitudes typical of tropical and subtropical countries. This was the start of genetic improvements that made possible the expansion of soybeans out of the traditional southern States into the Cerrados region.
The opening of the agricultural frontier operated in conjunction with Brazils Corporation for Agricultural Research (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuria, or EMBRAPA), the agricultural research agency linked to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Supply. EMBRAPAs research has focused on developing high-yielding varieties specically adapted to the tropics of the frontier lands, developing pest-resistant/cost-reducing varieties, and nding new uses for agricultural products (ethanol from sugarcane, electricity from excess cane bagasse). In addition to the varietal improvements attained by EMBRAPA, other Government efforts included the creation of the Campinas Agronomic Institute (Instituto Agronomico de Campinas, or IAC) and the subsequent development of the IAC varieties. This was followed by the 1970s research program at Copersucara cooperative of mills and distilleries transformed in 2004 into the Sugarcane Technology Center (CTC), a private nongovernmental organization that developed the SP (So Paulo) varieties. Planalsucar (now Ridesa) developed the RB (Repblica do Brasil) varieties. The most recent program is the private program CanaVialis created in 2003one of the largest cane-breeding programs in the world (Macedo, 2005).
quality and prices charged at the pump by distributors of gasoline and fuel ethanol. In 2001, the Government introduced the CIDE (Contribuio de Interveno do Domnio Econmico) program that taxes gasoline C and diesel but exempts hydrous ethanol consumers from paying the tax. Monies collected from this tax are earmarked to fund policies to support the ethanol sector, subsidize transportation of ethanol, fund environmental projects related to the fuel industry, and nance transport infrastructure programs (Dolnikoff and Saes, 2009). Consumption of ethanol continues to be regulated indirectly through obligatory blending of ethanol with gasoline, which has averaged 24 percent over the past decade (MAPA, 2009a). More recently, a tariff of 20 percent on imports of ethanol levied in 2001 was removed in 2010. The 1970s oil crisis and the resulting rise in oil prices occurred when Brazil was importing over 80 percent of its oil needs. At the same time, the sugar sector in Brazil was stressed by low world sugar prices. Thus, in 1975, the Government moved to establish the alcohol program known as Prolcool. This program was designed to replace imported crude oil with domestically produced ethanol by adding ethanol to gasoline. The Government later implemented a policy to promote the use of hydrous alcohol as a gasoline substitute, with the rst cars running exclusively on hydrous alcohol introduced in 1979 during the second oil crisis. Prolcool set the mandated blend to 11 percent in 1976.6 The blend has uctuated between 11 and 25 percent since then, with the Government adjusting the mix requirement according to supply and demand conditions. In January 2010, the blend level was set at 20 percent, down from 25 percent, as a result of falling ethanol stocks (app. table 2). During the Prolcool program and throughout the 1980s, the Government nanced the installation of distilleries annexed to existing mills and distilleries around the country but principally in So Paulo. The program also provided incentives for the private sector to manufacture ethanol-using cars and for consumers to buy them, thus increasing demand for ethanol. This higher demand, however, could not be sustained once oil prices started to fall by the mid-1980s. The decline in ethanol demand was exacerbated by the Governments scal difculties and the reduction in subsidies to the sector. Compounding these difculties, the increase in international sugar prices in the early 1990s resulted in a larger share of Brazils sugarcane being used for domestic sugar production, leaving less for ethanol production. These factors led to severe ethanol shortages by the late 1980s and early 1990s and decreased demand for ethanol-fueled vehicles (MAPA, 2009a). Credit for Ethanol Production Financing for the ethanol sector has risen since the mid-2000s, with the amount of credit granted increasing rapidly and new credit programs being implemented. Funding for ethanol reached $904 million in 2010 (in constant 2000 prices). Over 94 percent of the credit was allocated to investments in distilling machinery and equipment, 3 percent went to operating capital, and 3 percent went to marketing (table 9).
6The Government of Brazil rst authorized the use of a 2- to 5-percent ethanol blend with gasoline in 1931, increasing the blend to 5, 10, and then 15 percent during the 1960s before reinstating the blending practice in 1975 with Prolcool.
Table 9
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from BACEN (2010).
Under the latest (2009-10) Brazilian farm bill, BNDES administered a new ethanol storage program (initiated in May 2009) to offer subsidized storage loans to millers, distilleries, and ethanol cooperatives at a preferential rate of 11.25 percent per year. The agricultural plan allocated $1.2 billion (R$2.31 billion) to nance the storage of up to 5 billion liters (MAPA, 2009b).
of the Brazilian real on foreign exchange markets was high relative to earlier years, and, by some measures, the currency was overvalued. In the aftermath of the Asian nancial crisis of the late 1990s, Brazil responded to pressure on world nancial markets by relinquishing the peg with the dollar in January 1999; its currency then depreciated signicantly. As a result, the cost of Brazilian products on world markets, including ethanol, has risen. Partly in response to the strengthening exchange rate, the Brazilian Government has moved to increase support to its ethanol sector.
7The term biome refers to the ecosystem that sustains native plants and animals.
planted U.S. acreage in 2009), and current estimates indicate that one-third of its area has been deforested (IBGE, 2010a). Activities contributing to the deforestation of the Legal Amazon include cattle ranching, timber extraction, and crop production (principally soybean production). Most of the deforestation is primarily in the State of Mato Grosso. Area planted to cane in the Legal Amazon increased by more than 100,000 hectares between 1996 and 2006, reaching 283,000 hectares in 2007, or 4 percent of the total for the country. Sugarcane expansion in the Legal Amazon has averaged 7 percent per year since 2000. About three-fourths of the expansion occurred in Mato Grosso, but other States in the Legal Amazon (Rondnia and Acre) have also seen increases in cane area since 2000 (IBGE, 2009a). Although the recent growth of Brazils ethanol industry has led to rapid landuse changes favoring sugarcane production, the bulk of land conversion has been in the Southeast and South regions. The Government projects that these areas will remain as the most dynamic regions in terms of land-use change (see next chapter in this report for detailed analysis of future area expansion for feedstock cultivation). To curtail the indirect effects from cane expansion (e.g., the transfer of livestock and crop (soybeans, cotton) production to the Amazons and Cerrados), the Government is enforcing regulations for clearing of the land. Brazils legal framework for the environmental sustainability of food and bioenergy production is included in the Forest Code (Cdigo Forestal) and its Legal Forest Reserve (Reserva Legal, or RL) directive. This directive mandates that farmers outside the Legal Amazon (but located within the Amazon biome) must conserve 20 percent of native vegetation as uncultivated land, while those in the Cerrados (savannah) areas along the frontier with the Amazon are required to keep a reserve of 35 percent; farmers located in the Legal Amazon must conserve 80 percent of the vegetation (MMA, 2008). But the most signicant measure implemented by Brazil to ensuring the sustainable production of sugarcane-based ethanol is the agricultural zoning database, commonly referred to as the Agricultural Zoning Program (AZP). Initiated in 1996 by Brazils Ministry of Agriculture and Food Supply (MAPA) and EMBRAPA, the AZP for sugarcane explicitly forbids cane area expansion in the most sensitive biomes (e.g., Amazon, Pantanal) or through deforestation of native vegetation (e.g., Cerrados) (Desplechin, 2010).
cultivation has been set at a 20-percent mechanization adoption rate by 2010, a 40-percent rate by 2014, and a 100-percent rate by 2017. Despite having positive effects on ethanol production costs, increased mechanization has negative social effects, particularly on cane laborers. In Brazil, harvesting of the cane is done either manually or with mechanical cutters (manual labor accounts for about 71 percent of the harvesting in the Southeast-South and 97 percent in the North-Northeast, employing close to 300,000 workers). The planned increases in mechanization use at harvesting times will affect the workers employed to cut cane. It has been estimated that each mechanical cutter could replace 81 laborers with present technology, but the planned doubling of mechanical cutters by 2015 is projected to lead to an even larger number of cane laborers being forced out of work (CONAB, 2008). To counter this negative effect, a consortium that includes UNICA, the private sector, and international organizations has put in place a retraining program for about 7,000 current and former cane cutters (Velasco, 2010).
Table 10
Cane area harvested 8,141,228 6,612,850 4,538,198 608,250 594,585 400,400 252,544 218,873 805,374 434,000 371,374 169,014 101,384 48,685 12,629 6,316
Cane expansion area in 20081 1,246,447 1,162,115 661,874 141,190 97,723 143,157 87,434 30,737 69,654 23,165 46,489 14,678 1,427 10,554 257 2,440
Area harvested to other crops 33,656,496 20,478,032 740,521 3,664,030 5,898,355 2,775,273 1,820,126 5,579,727 4,127,580 402,138 3,725,442 9,050,884 3,564,586 3,514,901 1,380,279 591,118
Pastureland 127,158,308 91,639,409 8,594,106 20,555,061 5,735,095 15,524,699 18,421,427 22,809,021 3,380,552 873,822 2,506,730 32,138,347 12,901,698 6,162,692 2,783,101 10,290,856
Forest area 67,531,310 42,249,693 2,321,255 8,805,707 3,172,889 5,239,876 4,951,044 17,758,922 1,672,395 223,476 1,448,919 23,609,222 9,301,335 4,641,773 4,415,465 5,250,649
Area expected in sugarcane by 2020 10,045,121 7,525,920 1,214,546 1,454,920 736,746 1,135,779 1,191,619 1,792,310 445,061 86,963 358,098 2,074,140 824,741 494,434 208,426 546,539
expansion area includes cane area with rst-time cane crops and area harvested to other crops for the past two or more harvest periods and currently harvested to cane. Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from IBGE (2010a).
resources with soybeans, corn, tree crops (principally coffee and oranges), and, to a lesser extent, cattle production. In the Northeast, sugarcane production competes with food crops (pulses, tubers, and vegetable crops), corn, and cattle production. In the Northwest region, 45 million hectares are available for agriculture (CONAB, 2008). The recent growth of Brazils ethanol industry has led to rapid land-use changes into sugarcane production. For example, in 2007, over 654,000 hectares of land were converted into sugarcane in Brazil (over two-thirds from converted pastureland), and most of this expansion (94 percent) occurred in the Southeast and South regions. In So Paulo, sugarcane area expansion replaced area planted to soybeans (42,185 hectares), oranges (30,397 hectares), corn (17,292 hectares), coffee (2,284 hectares), other crops/livestock activities (9,750), pastureland (242,146 hectares), and deforested land (7,931 hectares) (CONAB, 2008). The share of Brazils sugarcane being distilled into fuel ethanol is expected to be maintained at around 60 percent through 2019 (MAPA, 2009a). Technological Advances for Feedstock and Ethanol Production Since 2000, sugarcane yields per hectare in Brazil have increased by 33 percent, along with sugar content of cane, ethanol yield from sugar, and fermentation productivity (CONAB, 2008). Research on new varieties is
31 Brazils Ethanol Industry: Looking Forward / BIO-02
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expected to continue as mills and independent farmers endeavor to diversify their production mix to protect against pests and disease. Through the use of existing varieties, conventional cane yields are projected to increase 2 percent per year. Productivity growth is expected to continue at a rapid pace, particularly in the State of So Paulo, where the adoption of new cultivars has been the most dynamic. The development of new cultivars to counter the excess humidity in the Northeast-North is also expected to boost productivity (CONAB, 2008). Cana Vialis (a Monsanto group company) is developing new cane varieties with more ber to triple the value of biomass, thus obtaining larger production of ethanol from the same quantity of sugarcane. Brazils Sugarcane Technology Center (CTC) and Germanys BASF are jointly developing a GM cane, with yields up to 25 percent higher than those currently available. The future potential for GM cane is not only higher crop yields but a higher percentage of cellulose, which could be used directly to produce ethanol (MME/EPE, 2010a). Brazils current yields of 90-100 liters of ethanol per ton of cane are projected to increase by 80 percent based on new technologies: ethanol from cellulose and a new technology to further process the sucrose content for ethanol production (MME/EPE, 2010a). Production Capacity Expansion and Investment Plans Brazils ethanol industry is operating at 75 percent of the countrys 30-billion liter (7.9 billion gallons) per year installed production capacity. The production capacity of the United States is about 12-13 billion gallons per year (CONAB, 2008; EIA, 2010b). Planned investments include 105 new distilleries by 2013, at a cost of $33 billion (table 11). Since 2004, PETROBRAS has invested in 5 distilleries and plans to construct 15 more and build 2 ethanol pipelines by 2012: a 1,150-km-long pipeline from Buriti Alegre (Gois State) to the Port of So Sebastio (State of So Paulo) and a 525-km-long pipeline from Minas Gerais to the port in Rio de Janeiro. The new pipelines will allow for the transport of about 8 billion liters of ethanol at a cost of R$0.04, compared with the current R$0.13 per liter by truck (VEJA, 2007).
Table 11
Plant location regions/States Southeast So Paulo Minas Gerais Rio de Janeiro Espiritu Santo Northeast Alagoas Pernambuco Other Center-West Goias Mato Grosso Mato Grosso do Sul South Paran Rio Grande do Sul North Total number of distilleries Total production capacity
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from ANP (2009) and MME/EPE (2010a).
needs. Bagasse therefore has the potential to become an abundant and stable source of renewable energy, with the consequent global environmental and economic benets. Brazils renewable energy plan (PROINFA) projects that bioelectricity from sugarcane bagasse will supply 20 percent of Brazils electricity needs by 2018, compared with 16 percent in 2008 (MME/EPE, 2010a). World ethanol tradeestimated at 10 percent of world consumption in 2009 (GTIS)is projected to expand over the next decade based on both gasoline consumption forecasts and on renewable energy use mandates in the United States, Brazil, the EU, and other countries. Since 2004, several countries have set energy mandates that encourage the use of agriculture-based ethanol in their transportation sectors. Based on these energy mandates, global ethanol trade is projected to increase 18 percent per year in 2011-18, reaching 16.9 billion liters in 2018. Brazil is projected to supply close to two-thirds of this demand (table 12). A major market for Brazils ethanol exports will be the United States. The U.S. Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 includes provisions for a Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) to increase the supply of alternative fuel sources by requiring fuel producers to use at least 136 billion liters of
33 Brazils Ethanol Industry: Looking Forward / BIO-02
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Table 12
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from FAPRI (2008) and USDA/FAS (2009).
biofuels by 2022. The RFS provision establishes a level of 57 billion liters of conventional ethanol by 2015 and at least 80 billion liters of cellulosic (noncornstarch) ethanol and advanced biofuels (including ethanol from sugarcane and biodiesel) by 2022. Under this provision, Brazil has the potential to export ethanol to the United States. The United States currently imposes a 54-cent import tariff on imported ethanol and provides a 45-centper-gallon tax credit for blenders who add ethanol to gasoline. Findings in a recent study suggest that elimination of the tariff and the tax credit may reduce U.S. ethanol prices by 12 cents per gallon (3 cents/liter) in 2011 and 34 cents per gallon (9 cents/liter) in 2014, which, in turn, may lower prices for consumers (UNICA, 2010b). In the EU, the Biofuels Directive sets a mandatory minimum share of biofuels in total fuel consumption in the transport sector of 10 percent per member State by 2020. Ethanol consumption in the EU is projected to double to 9 billion liters per year by 2020 (FAPRI, 2008), and Brazil is projected to provide the bulk of the EUs 1.4-billion-liter import need, as well as feedstock for biofuel production.
Table 13
Total emissions in ethanol life cycle in Brazil (kg CO2 eq/1,000 liters)
2006 Sugarcane production Farming Fertilizers Cane transportation Trash burning Soil emissions Ethanol production Chemicals Industrial facilities Ethanol distribution Credits Electricity surplus Bagasse surplus Total -74.2 -150.0 268.8 -190.0 0 107.3 416.8 107.0 47.3 32.4 83.7 146.3 24.9 21.22 3.7 51.4 2020 232.4 90.6 23.4 26.4 0 92.0 21.6 18.5 3.2 43.3
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from Macedo and Seabra (2008).
The production and use of ethanol around the world as an alternative to fossil fuel has increased dramatically since early 2000. The volatility in oil prices, combined with energy policies and Government programs in countries around the world to provide economic incentives for ethanol production, are driving the large expansion in global ethanol production (Westcott, 2007b). Ethanol use increased by nearly 350 percent between 2000 and 2010, and world ethanol consumption reached 74 billion liters in 2010. Global ethanol trade increased vefold over the period. Due to increasing demand, mostly from the United States, Europe, and Asian countries, Brazil has expanded its role as a supplier of ethanol. Until 2008, Brazil was the worlds largest exporter of ethanol on an annual basis, supplying over 62 percent of the ethanol traded in world markets. Based on USDA Agricultural Projections to 2020, Brazilian sugarcane-based ethanol production is projected to rise 45 percent during the coming decade, with a growing share of ethanol production projected to be exported in response to demand from Europe, Asian countries, and the United States (USDA, 2011). Demand for ethanol in major consuming countries is on the rise. While Brazil may be best positioned to ll the growing world demand for ethanol based on its low-cost resource base for ethanol production and its ability to expand sugarcane area and increase productivity of both sugarcane and ethanol production, Brazils ethanol export supply depends on its domestic ethanol demand, world sugar and oil prices, its currency exchange rate, and the capacity of its infrastructure to move ethanol to ports. All these factors present challenges to the countrys ability to expand production to meet rising domestic and export demand. The expected level of world sugar prices and the prevailing price of ethanol in Brazils domestic market determine whether its sugarcane is milled for sugar or for ethanol. When world sugar prices are high relative to domestic and world ethanol prices, ethanol exports fall due to reduced supplies. Until 2008, that relationship favored ethanol over sugar. Brazils domestic ethanol prices depend on domestic demand, which has been rising due to increasing mandated blending rates and the increasing popularity of ex-fuel cars. Rising domestic demand pushes domestic ethanol prices to levels that are uncompetitive in the world ethanol market, with the result that less of Brazils ethanol enters export channels. This happened in 2009, when the United States replaced Brazil as the worlds largest ethanol exporter. U.S. ethanol prices followed the downward trend in global oil prices, while Brazilian ethanol prices remained high and became uncompetitive in world markets. U.S. ethanol exporters express concerns about corn price increases, which will have an impact on ethanol prices, and the linkage between biofuels and food ination; in contrast, Brazilian exporters are concerned about rising sugar prices and infrastructure bottlenecks. The complex Brazilian ethanol supply situation may benet U.S. producers. A more lucrative domestic market for Brazilian producers leading to higher ethanol sales in Brazil and lower shipments abroad, as occurred in 2010, may create export opportunities for U.S. ethanol producers. U.S. ethanol produc36 Brazils Ethanol Industry: Looking Forward / BIO-02
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tion is expected to continue to grow based on the recent change permitting use of E15 in cars made after 2007 and the renewal of the 45 cents per gallon ethanol blending credit through the end of 2011. Over the next 10 years, USDA projects a growing share of Brazils ethanol production to be exported, but the majority of Brazils ethanol production will continue to be destined for the domestic market. Brazils mills and distilleries project higher ethanol and sugar exports and higher domestic sales of sugar and hydrous ethanol (and lower anhydrous sales) during the period. As ethanol demand increases, land expansion and shifting of crop and pasturelands for feedstock production is expected to continue. Technological advances led by EMBRAPA and private institutions for higher yielding cultivars will continue to foster industry growth. Likewise, technological improvements in ethanol processing, such as the use of sugarcane bagasse to produce ethanol, will continue to lower costs. Industry concentration is expected to increase in the coming years, largely through mergers and acquisitions. These factors favor the ability of Brazilian ethanol producers to meet demand and ensure that Brazil will remain a dominant player in the world ethanol market over the decades ahead.
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Appendix table 1 ICMS value-added tax on biofuels Fuel ethanol Percent North Par: 30 Others: 25 Alagoas, Sergipe:27 Baha:19 Others: 25 Goias: 15 Others: 25 Espritu Santo: 27 Rio de Janeiro: 24 Sao Paulo: 12 Others: 25 Paran: 18 Others: 25 Biodiesel Percent 17
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from FAZENDA (2008).
Appendix table 2
1982 1984-88
1990 1992-97 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2006 2007-09 2010 2011
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from MAPA (2006).
Appendix table 3
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using descriptive information from MAPA (2006) and MME/EPE (2010b).