Design and Performance of A Hang Glider: The School of Mechanical Engineering

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Dr. Mazier Arjomandi

Group 11:
Design and Performance of a Hang Glider

Submitted By:

Heath Nankivell
Ashok Kaniyal
Max Robinson
Richard Meyer
Jayaprashanth Ramesan
Tom Hill



1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Comparisons of Early to Modern Hang Glider Design . . . . . . . . . . 2
3. Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4. Hang Glider Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4. Types of Hang Glider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5.1 Delta Wing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5.2 Flexible Wing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5.3 Single Surface Gliders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.4 Double Surface Gliders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.5 Topless Gliders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5.6 Rigid Wing Gliders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.7 Other Hang Glider Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6. Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6.1 Structural Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6.2 Wing Battens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6.3 Sail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6.4 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6.5 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
7. Flight Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
7.1 Changing Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
7.2 Lift Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7.2 Lift Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
7.4 Take Off and Landing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7.5 Interesting Behaviour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
8. Flight Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

8.1 Lift Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
8.2 Stall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
8.3 Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
8.4 Directional Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
8.5 Glider Flying Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
9. Design Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
9.1 Hang Glider Design Versus Conventional Aircraft . . . . . . . . . 28
9.2 Aerodynamic Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
9.3 Performance Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

1. Introduction
Hang gliders are an unpowered aircraft, designed to carry a maximum of two pas-
sengers suspended beneath its sail. Hang gliders unlike gliders do not look like
conventional aircraft but are powered by large sails or wings. Hang gliders are con-
ventionally launched from a high point and drift through the forces generated via
various meteorological phenomena to be discussed. Another important characteris-
tic of hang gliders is that they do not have any moving control surfaces but craft
control is achieved by the pilot moving his or her body mass in order to change the
system centre of mass. This report will describe and discuss changes between early
and modern designs, fabrication and materials used in hang glider construction.
The manner in which hang gliders are able to generate lift, control the craft among
other flight characteristics will be discussed further in the Flight Mechanics and
Flight Performance chapters. Another important part of hang glider design that
will be discussed involves the inherent stability of modern day hang gliders that
allow the pilot to be able to control the craft with far greater ease.

2. Comparisons of Early to Modern Hang Glider
Early hang gliders were crude machines; enthusiasts with limited knowledge of aero-
dynamic theory, inadequate materials and no thrust mechanism developed these
gliders that used the slope of the earth and gravity to become airborne. The first
aerodynamic advancements were made in the latter part of the 19th century and
this led to the first practical hang gliders. In this period Otto Lilienthal stud-
ied the lifting capabilities of cambered wing surfaces. Further from this Lilienthal
started experimenting with wings similar to modern day hang glider wings, where
he stretched cloth over willow frameworks. There are two main types of modern
hang gliders the flexible wing (Class 1) and rigid wing gliders (Class 2). The flexible
wing hang glider first developed by Rogallo (1951) was marketed as a simple and
inexpensive approach to recreational flying. The plan form of the Rogallo wing is
shown in Figure 1. The Rogallo wing as it is known was essentially a kite which
did not have any reinforcing members, that was able to be easily folded or rolled for
storage purposes (US Patent 61702). This kite is formed by a quadrilateral section
of material and uses the force of the wind to create an aerofoil. This shape was de-
cided upon following an iterative design process so as to ensure stability, structural
integrity and achieve the final goal of being able to carry a human pilots weight.
The Rogallo wing as it was adopted to the recreation of hang gliding was developed
from the delta wing which was originally proposed it as a plan form shape to be
used for returning spacecraft back to earth.

Figure 1: Rogallo wing (US Patent #61702)

The rigid wing hang glider on the other hand had its roots in a rigid wing biplane
configuration. The major difference between this type of hang gliders and the more
popular Rogallo wing was in the way directional control was achieved. Unlike most

current day hang gliders these rigid biplane hang gliders used control surfaces in-
cluding two pilot controlled ailerons at the wing tips and were maneuvered by levers.
These hang gliders need control surfaces for the pilot to be able to maneuver the
craft because of the stiffness of the rigid wing. The various components and design
of rigid wing hang gliders is discussed further.

3. Manufacturing

Figure 2: Parts of the fixed wing hang glider [21]

This section will detail the manufacture and the materials used in developing the
different parts of a rigid wing hang glider. A primary goal of the design of a hang
glider is obtaining good structural integrity and low craft mass concurrently. A rigid
wing hang glider consists of a wing or sail, triangular frame control bar, cable rigging
and other parts that hold these main components in place (refer Figure 2). The wing
section of the hang glider is usually draped over with a polyester cloth. An important
design characteristic that this cloth must meet is with regards to the porosity of the
material. Low porosity allows the wing to keep its aerodynamic shape and hence
generate lift efficiently. The wing of a hang glider is draped over by a kite material
which has one important characteristic, that of low porosity. Low porosity material
is a requirement for the wing to be able to retain its aerodynamic shape and hence
generate the required lift. The cut pieces of cloth, which number in their hundreds
are aligned in a pre determined fashion and then sewn together on industrial sewing
machines. This process is repeated until the required thickness and shape is achieved
(How Products Are Made, 2000). Upon being able to achieve the required shape
with the fabric, the required shape is achieved by carbon fibre luff lines. Luff lines
must have high stiffness so that they do not deflect significantly under high wing
loading. High aerodynamic wing loading can result in the aerodynamic camber and
spanwise twist to change significantly; hence resulting in the loss of aerodynamic
shape. Carbon fibre is used as the primary material in rigid wing hang gliders due
to their high strength to weight ratio. The frame of a hang glider, also known as
the airframe, is made from an aircraft grade aluminium alloy for its high strength
to weight ratio. The frame is made from aluminium alloy tubes and these are cut
to the required length and holes are formed at the points that the frame will be
held together. Figure 3 shows the method through which the various parts of the

frame are held together. The cables and the other rigging components that hold
the hang glider together are usually made from stainless steel cable. These usually
come in large spools and are cut to size as required. Lastly the entire craft is usually
disassembled for ease of storage and transportation. This will be discussed further
in Chapter 3 Hang Glider Design

Figure 3: The frame is formed by assembling the control bar and tubing. Stainless
steel nuts and bolts are used to hold the parts in place [21]

4. Hang Glider Design
The design of hang gliders has evolved greatly since their use for early manned
flight tests. The wood and fabric construction of early gliders has been replaced
with lightweight metal and composite frames covered with synthetic cloth. This has
served to greatly reduce the weight and greatly increase the performance of modern
gliders. In addition, improved understanding of the aerodynamic forces acting on a
hang glider has allowed designs to be modified to improve safety while keeping costs
low. The most noticeable difference between early gliders and modern performance
aircraft is the wing shape. Almost all modern hang gliders use a high aspect ratio
delta wing design. However, there are a number of variations on this design including
single and double surface gliders as well as rigid wings. The key design features of
modern hang gliders will be discussed in this section.

5. Types of Hang Glider

5.1 Delta Wing

The modern flexible wing hang glider is based on the self-inflating wing designed by
Francis Rogallo in 1948. The Rogallo wing is a delta shape supported by leading
edge struts, a central keel and a structural crossbar. An early hang glider based on
the Rogallo wing can be seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Early Rogallo Hang Glider [11]

Early Rogallo hang gliders were extremely simple in their design and construction.
The main struts were made from standard aluminium tubes and the sail fabric

was ripstop nylon. This allowed manufacturing costs to be minimised, however
performance did not compare with that of modern gliders. The wing itself did not
have any battens to provide it with camber, but instead relied on the self-inflating
design to maintain its shape during flight.
Rogallo wing hang gliders suffered from a number of design problems, the most
serious of which resulted in several fatal accidents in the 1970s and 1980s. Due to
the lack of any wing battens, the Rogallo wing could potentially deflate during flight
meaning it could no longer produce lift. This problem most commonly occurred
during high speed manoeuvres, particularly tight turns and dives. Deflation was
characterised by the trailing edge of the sail cloth flapping up and down instead
of remaining in tension. To overcome this problem, a series of lines were added
between the kingpost and the trailing edge. These luff lines were arranged such
that when the control bar was pushed completely forward, the trailing edge of the
sail was lifted upward providing a positive control surface to produce a rotational
motion to lift the nose. In this way, if the wing was deflated, the nose could still be
rotated upwards thus allowing the wing to reinflate.
Modern flexible wing gliders are still based on the delta wing shape but with a much
higher aspect ratio and more conventional airfoil shape. Early Rogallo hang gliders
had aspect ratios as low as 1 whereas modern topless gliders have aspect ratios in
excess of 8.

5.2 Flexible Wing

By far the most common type of modern hang glider is the flexible wing. These
gliders generally have a modified delta shaped wing which is formed from a series of
aluminium struts and covered with a synthetic fabric. Additional structural strength
is provided by a series of wires which also serve to change the shape of the wing
when the pilot changes his/her body position. The key parts of a flexible wing hang
glider are shown in Figure 5.
In most hang gliders the leading edge tubes, crossbar, keel and control bar are all
made from aluminium tubing. The leading edge tubes are generally extruded to
give them a cross-section suitable for the leading edge of the wing. The leading edge
tubes, keel and crossbar are the main structural members of the hang glider and are
rigidly fixed together. These members provide the basic shape to which the fabric
of the sail can be attached. The airfoil shape of the hang glider is achieved by using
a series of moulded plastic or aluminium battens which are stitched into the sail
fabric. The control bar and kingpost are attached to the keel of the hang glider and

Figure 5: Key Parts of a Modern Hang Glider [1]

are secured to the wing by a series of wires.

5.3 Single Surface Gliders

The most basic flexible wing gliders are single surface. This means that only a
single piece of sail fabric is used to form the wing. Generally, the wing battens
are placed in stitched pockets on the underside of the sail. The key advantages of
single surface gliders are the simplicity of the manufacturing process and the reduced
material requirements. Hence, these gliders tend to be lower cost, lighter and more
transportable. A typical single surface glider is shown in Figure 6.
The main disadvantage of single surface gliders is the reduced performance resulting
from the wing shape. Single surface gliders have a highly cambered wing profile. This
means that air flowing underneath the wing does not remain completely attached to
the surface and this produces turbulent flow and hence increased drag. In addition,
the cambered wing profile means that at high speed the flow separates from the
bottom surface of the wing and thus the lift it produces is greatly reduced. This
makes single surface gliders less suitable for sports or performance flying.

Figure 6: Single surface hang glider [3]

5.4 Double Surface Gliders

In 1980, Ultralight Products produced the first double surface hang glider, the
Comet. This glider differed significantly from existing designs because it used two
pieces of sail cloth to create an enclosed airfoil. This greatly improved hang glider
performance by reducing induced drag and hence improving glide ratio. A typical
modern double surface hang glider is shown in Figure 7.
Double surface gliders have a much more complicated construction and take longer
to setup and dismantle. As can be seen in Figure 4, the crossbar is located within
the airfoil and is set forward of the control bar connection point. This is known as
a free-floating crossbar arrangement because the control bar and crossbar are not
directly connected. The addition of the bottom wing surface also requires additional
wing battens to be installed. Generally, there are many more battens used in the
upper surface of the wing compared with the lower surface. This is because the
camber of the wing allows the bottom surface to be sufficiently tensioned between
the leading and trailing edges. The improved airfoil shape resulting from the use of
two pieces of sail cloth can be clearly seen in Figure 7 when compared with a single
surface or delta wing glider.
There are a wide range of double surface glider designs currently available. These

Figure 7: Modern Double Surface Hang Glider [5]

differ primarily in the extent to which the bottom surface covers the top surface
of the wing. The glider shown in Figure 7 is a 70% double surface glider because
the bottom piece of sail fabric covers approximately 70% of the area of the upper
surface. The further the bottom wing surface extends, the more accurate the airfoil
shape and hence the better the performance. However, this increased performance
results in a more complicated construction and hence greater cost.

5.5 Topless Gliders

The newest generation of flexible wing hang gliders are known as topless or kingpost-
less gliders. These hang gliders have been designed to eliminate the kingpost and
associated supporting wires in order to minimise drag. While a number of experi-
mental topless glider designs were developed in the 1980s, it was not until the advent
of carbon fibre and other composite materials in the late 1990s that topless gliders
became common. Removing the kingpost and associated wires from a hang glider
means that additional structural strength is required in the wing itself to resist any
downward forces. Topless gliders achieve this through the use of additional carbon
fibre struts in the wing. This material is extremely well suited to this application
due to its stiffness and high specific strength. A modern topless glider is shown in
Figure 8.
Topless hang gliders significantly outperform those with a kingpost. This is due to
the reduced drag of the aircraft and the increased stiffness of the wing. Virtually
all topless hang gliders are double surface and usually have a bottom surface which
covers in excess of 70% of the top surface. The increased performance of a topless

Figure 8: Topless Hang Glider [6]

hang glider comes at a significantly increased cost. In addition, topless gliders tend
to be less stable in flight and more difficult to land due to their higher speed.

5.6 Rigid Wing Gliders

Some of the earliest glider designs can be classified as rigid wings. Unlike modern
flexible wing hang gliders which can be manoeuvred by adjusting the position of
the pilots weight, rigid wing hang gliders use control surfaces to provide control
whilst in flight. Rigid wing gliders are the closest hang gliders come to conventional
aircraft and can be thought of as sailplanes without a cabin. A modern rigid wing
hang glider is shown in Figure 11.
Rigid wing hang gliders are so named because a large structural member is used for
the leading edge of the wing instead of a small tube. This can be seen in Figure 6,
where the leading edge member is almost 25% of the length of the wing chord. The
leading edge member is usually manufactured from a combination of fibreglass and
carbon fibre to provide great stiffness and structural strength. The remaining wing
surface is formed from standard sail cloth usually with a larger number of battens

Figure 9: Modern Rigid Wing Hang Glider [7]

than a flexible wing. Some rigid wing gliders incorporate carbon fibre wing ribs to
give the wing the optimum airfoil shape. However, these gliders tend to be more
expensive and significantly heavier.
Due to the stiffness of the wing, rigid wing hang gliders require control surfaces in
order to be manoeuvrable in flight. The most commonly used control surfaces on
rigid wing hang gliders are spoilerons. These provide both roll control and assist
in slowing the glider down during landing. Other rigid wing designs use ailerons
or a combination of spoilerons and ailerons to achieve roll control. Examples of
spoilerons and ailerons are shown in Figure 10.

(a) Spoilerons (b) Ailerons

Figure 10: Rigid Wing Hang Glider Spoilerons (left) [8] and Ailerons (right) [9]

Rigid wing hang gliders currently offer the best glide performance of all hang glider
types. However, they tend to be less manoeuvrable and not as fast as modern double
surface, topless gliders. This is because the flexible wings can be more radically
changed in shape to provide greater control authority and minimum drag at high

5.7 Other Hang Glider Designs

There are many experimental hang glider designs currently in operation. One of the
newest designs being trialled is based on a rigid wing glider but with the addition
of a boom and horizontal stabiliser or v-tail. An example of this design is shown
in Figure 11. The advantage of this design is that the aspect ratio of the wing can
be further increased without loss of pitch stability and control. Conventional hang
gliders without an empennage are limited in their aspect ratio because a wing with
a very narrow chord does not offer very positive pitch stability or control.

Figure 11: Modern Rigid Wing Design with V-Tail [12]

There are numerous other modifications to hang glider designs which have been
trialed. These include the use of canards, gull wings, forward swept wings, elliptical
wing profiles and various vertical and horizontal control surfaces. The main problem
with all of these design modifications is that they increase the complexity and cost
of the hang glider and reduce its portability. Since this is one of the key attractions
of hang gliding, it is unlikely that drastic modifications will become common except
in the highest performance models.

6. Materials

6.1 Structural Members

The majority of flexible wing hang gliders continue to use extruded or drawn alu-
minium tubing for the structural members of the aircraft. This includes the leading
edge tubes, keel, crossbar and control bar. Whereas early glider designs simply used
circular cross-section tubing for these elements, modern gliders have specially de-
signed cross-sections for the leadings edges and control bars which minimise drag.
The most common types of aluminium used are aircraft grade 6061 and 7075.
High performance flexible wing and all rigid wing gliders substitute aluminium for
carbon fibre in some of the key structural components. Flexible wing gliders designed
for competition often have carbon fibre crossbars and control bars but retain the
aluminium leading edges and keels. All rigid wing gliders use carbon fibre leading
edges due to their superior stiffness and specific strength.

6.2 Wing Battens

The wing battens in almost all flexible wing gliders are made from either moulded
plastic or aluminium. These offer good strength but are still reasonably light. Many
rigid wing gliders also use these materials for wing battens, however some utilise full
carbon fibre wing ribs to achieve the optimum airfoil shape. Such gliders are usually
designed for cross-country flying where glide ratio is the key consideration.

6.3 Sail
The material used for the sail of a hang glider must be strong, lightweight, resistant
to ripping and tearing, UV resistant and aesthetically pleasing. Early hang gliders
used canvas or cotton fabric treated with dope, however this tended to rip or tear
easily. The first Rogallo wing hang gliders were constructed from rip-stop nylon
which met a considerable number of the above requirements. Modern gliders use a
variety of synthetic sail materials, primarily various forms of polyester. The most
common cloth materials are Mylar and Dacron. In order to prevent deterioration
due to ultraviolet exposure, these materials are treated with titanium or zinc oxide.
These treatments still allow the cloth to be manufactured in any desired colour.

6.4 Safety
Hang gliding today is a safe and enjoyable form of recreation. When hang gliding
rose greatly in popularity in the 1970s and 1980s, there were many accidents. These
were primarily the result of a lack of any mandatory training or licensing for pilots
and of the limited understanding of glider design. Since the late 1980s, the number
of hang gliding accidents has dropped markedly although like all adventure sports,
accidents can still occur. Improved hang glider design means that most aircraft have
a large operational envelope and are extremely stable in both pitch and roll. The
move away from the early Rogallo delta wing designs means that wing deflation is
no longer a problem. Virtually all hang glider pilots now carry a parachute which
is designed to return the pilot and glider safely to the ground in the event of an
emergency. However, if operated within their design limits, modern hang gliders
can be just as safe as any other form of conventional aircraft.

6.5 Storage
Perhaps the key attraction of hang gliding is that the aircraft can be easily folded
up and transported or stored. This is one reason why flexible wing gliders remain so
much more popular than higher performance rigid wings. By simply removing the
control bar, kingpost and crossbar, the two leading edge tubes can be folded back
against the keel. This allows the hang glider to be placed in a long tube or soft
cover which can be easily stored or placed on the roof rack of a car for transport, as
shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Hang Glider Tube on Car Roof Rack [12]

7. Flight Mechanics

7.1 Changing Direction

Once airborne the pilot has the capability to change the direction of the hang glider.
Unlike conventional aircraft, where the pilot can use aerodynamic control surfaces
such as rudders, elevators, ailerons, etc, to change yaw, pitch and roll, a hang glider
pilot can not since such features do not exist on hang gliders. Instead the pilot has
to shift the centre of gravity (CG) of the vehicle to perform such operations. The
CG of the vehicle, depicted in Figure 13, is the resultant between the CG of the
wing, CGw, and the CG of the pilot, CGp.
Shifting the CG of a hang glider is quite simple due to its design. With reference to
Figure 13, the pilot is suspended from a cable, which is attached to the keel at the
hanging point and can change the orientation of the hang glider by applying lateral
or longitudinal forces or a combination of both to the A-frame (in flight, the A-
frames purpose is to serve as a steering wheel). Changing the orientation creates
an illusion to an observer that the pilots body has moved. Hence, colloquially
speaking, people say that pilots shift their body weight to control hang gliders.
So, if a pilot shifts body weight purely in a forward or backward direction, this
would mean that a longitudinal force is applied to the A-frame. This then would
cause the hang glider to pitch. An upward pitch occurs when the pilot shifts weight
backwards, or more correctly, by pushing against the A-frame. It is the converse

Figure 13: Hang glider body and coordinate system [14]

when the pilot wishes to cause a downward pitch. Now if the pilot shifts body weight
purely to the sides, a lateral force in imparted to the A-frame. In response to the
input, the hang glider will bank. If the hang glider banks to the right, this indicates
that the pilot has shifted their body weight to the right by means of pulling the
A-frame. The opposite occurs if the hang glider banks to the left, as shown below in
Figure 14. Combining the two modes of inputs, the pilot can cause the hang glider
to spiral downwards, spiral upwards, or circle.

7.2 Lift Generation

With the absence of both elevators and an engine, hang gliders are still capable of
producing lift, but in still air this is not enough to overcome the influence of gravity.
However, use of variable wind conditions can overcome this problem to allow an
increase of altitude.
The governing principal for a hang glider to generate lift is the same for other aircraft.
That is, air must flow over the wing area from the leading edge to the trailing edge.
The magnitude of the lift produced is controlled by the angle of attack. For a pilot
to increase the angle of attack an upward pitch input is required. Naturally, like any
other aircraft, there is a critical angle of attack before stalling occurs. This is unique
to each hang glider design and will be discussed further in the relevant section.
Depending on the wing design of the hang glider, the lift generated comes from dif-

Figure 14: Hang glider flying into the page and banking left [13]

ferent contributions. For rigid wing hang gliders, there is one contribution to lift due
to incidence. However, for flexible wing hang gliders, there are three contributions,
which are lift due to incidence, lift due to camber and lift due to the action of luff
lines. It is the latter wing design that is more complicated for determining the lift
generated, as there are more parameters to consider than for a rigid wing.
Considering flexible wings, the lift due to incidence is proportional to the angle of
attack, , when it is greater than the luffing angle of attack L. For angles of
attack below the luffing angle of attack, the lift due to incidence is proportional to
the square of the hang gliders air speed. According to Cook [14], the expression for
the lift coefficient due to incidence is,

where a1 is the lift curve slope and k4 and k5 are constants, all of which are deter-

mined empirically from experimental data.
The lift due to camber behaves in a different manner. As the angle of attack changes,
the pressure distribution on the wing, caused by the moving air, causes the shape of
the wing to alter slightly (this occurs because of the wing being flexible). Because
of the change of shape, loading on the wing is minimised and there is then a change
in camber. A change in camber presents a change in cross sectional area to the free
stream, which results in a change of lift. Hence, Powton [17] devised the following
equation for the lift coefficient due to camber,

(2) where a21 and a22 are the effective lift curve slopes accounting for changes in
incidence due to camber and k6 is a constant, all of which are determined empirically
from experimental data.
Lastly is the lift due to the action of luff lines. For all angles of attack below a
pre determined value, the luff lines become taut and consequently the flexible wing
adopts a reflex camber shape near the trailing edge, as shown below in Figure 15.

Figure 15: Taut luff line producing reflex camber region [14]

This reflex camber region produces a small negative lift component together with
an upward pitching moment. The predetermined angle of attack at which the luff
lines become taut is purely dependent on the incidence of the root chord of the hang
glider. According to Cook [14], the incidence of the root chord is unique to each
glider and is independent of the hang gliders velocity. The minimum incidence at
which the reflex region first forms is denoted by RL. The incidence at which the
reflex region is a maximum is denoted by 0 RL. Thus, Cook [14]established the
following formula for the lift coefficient due to the action of luff lines,
where a3 is the equivalent lift curve slope due to the action of the luff lines and is
determined empirically from experimental data.

7.3 Changing Air Speed
Changing the air speed of a hang glider is a simple matter of changing the pitch.
Causing the hang glider to pitch down will reduce the magnitude of lift and hence
increase the air speed. The longer the pitch down input is applied for the more air
speed will be gained. Once the input stops the inherent pitch stability of a hang
glider will cause it to return to trim flight at an increased air speed.
On the other hand, causing the hang glider to pitch up will increase the magnitude
of lift and hence decrease the air speed. If the input stops before the critical speed
(air speed at which stalling occurs) is reached, the hang glider will return to trim
flight with a lower air speed. If the hang glider is forced to fly slower than the critical
speed (which is about 10-20mph for most hang gliders) it will stall. This results in
the hang glider going into a nose dive to recover air speed. Once the air speed is
recovered, the hang glider will return to trim flight. The time taken for recovery
is between three to five seconds, and the altitude lost is between 50 to 60 feet [15].
During that period of time the pilot has no control over the hang glider.

7.4 Take Off and Landing

The ability for a pilot to take off or land successfully should require a thorough
understanding of how a hang glider operates and wind behaviour near the ground.
A thorough understanding is needed as most hang gliding related accidents occur
at one of these two parts of a journey.
For take off, there are different ways to achieve this. The most common ways are
either to perform a foot launch from a hill, or a tow launch from a ground based
tow system. Other, more sophisticated methods include slope soaring, aero-towing,
and hot air balloon drops. In the methods mentioned, one key aspect common to
all is that the air speed of the hang glider must be greater than the critical speed
in order to achieve lift. A common mistake made by pilots, in particular beginners,
when taking off from the ground is that they pitch up too early, i.e. before critical

speed is reached. As mentioned in an earlier section, this leads to stall and thus the
hang glider will nose dive into the ground, possibly causing damage and or injury.
Also, when pilots take off from the ground, they make sure they take off into the
wind. This is a safety precaution that helps to reduce ground speed.
For the same reasoning as take off, landing is also performed into the wind. After
the hang glider has manoeuvred into the correct alignment with the landing strip
and begins to descend the pilot has to consider various factors which include wind
gradient, air speed, critical speed and altitude. The wind gradient, which is a
boundary layer over the Earths surface, can vary in height from 30 meters to 60
meters [16]. The pilot should be aware of the height of the wind gradient either
by observation of surrounding features or a reading off a variometer. Awareness is
important because once the hang glider enters the wind gradient the wind speed
will inevitably decrease with decreasing altitude. Thus the pilot has to decrease
altitude at a rate such that the air speed will always be above the critical speed.
It is common practice for pilots to set up a landing approach at an air speed well
above the critical speed. If this is not performed a disastrous scenario may happen
in which stall occurs, and the altitude at which it occurs is less than the altitude
drop occurred after which the hang glider has stabilised. As mentioned earlier, the
pilot will have no control when this happens, and the out come will be that the hang
glider crashes into the ground.

7.5 Interesting Behaviour

As previously discussed, hang gliders are controlled by only two input axes, pitch
and roll. Regardless of the two input axes, yawing is still possible because hang
gliders are roll-yawed coupled, i.e. a roll motion always results in a corresponding
yaw change. Vehicles exhibiting this behaviour are said to have no pure yaw control.
The best example of when hang gliders demonstrate this behaviour is when they are
forced to perform a banking turn.
When a hang glider just enters a banked turn, yawing will begin to occur (this will
produce a 3-dimensional flow over the wing). Within 10 seconds the yawing will
stop and the turn will be established because hang gliders are inherently stable in
the yaw axis. Over the duration of the yaw motion the hang glider will undergo
spanwise translation. This spanwise translation is known as sideslip and is the result
of an airflow component over the wing, blowing from the lower wing tip to the higher
wing tip [13].

8. Flight Performance

8.1 Lift Generation

As previously mentioned, the lift which is required is to overcome the effects of
gravity on the hang glider and the pilot. Some hang gliders require the pilot to
run down a slope to launch the glider. This is done to get air moving across the
wing. This is the same for both flexible and rigid wing gliders. Although the pilot
is airborne, the glider and pilot are in reality descending at a low rate due to the
effects of gravity as well as the effects of drag. Unless the glider gains altitude, the
pilot and glider will continue to descend. There are a couple of processes which can
aid in the elevation, one of which being thermals. Thermals are raising columns of
hot air from heated mountain tops and different topography. The other form of lift
generation is called ridge lift or slope soaring. This occurs when the wind meets the
ridges it gets deflected up which in turn forms lift. Figure 16 shows the optimum
area of lift.

Figure 16: Optimum area of lift [1]

Another method of lift is generated is through the reaction of air hitting against the
hang glider. Lift is actually created as the air is deflected downward by impacting the
bottom surface of the wing and hence developing a downward momentum. Taking
into account Newtons Law of momentum which states that momentum has to be
conserved, the downward momentum of the air causes the aerofoil to have an upward
momentum of the same amount.

8.2 Stall
The definition of angle of attack () is the difference between angle of thrust line ()
and the climb angle (c). In figure 17, the angle of attack is depicted as the angle
between the angle of chord line and the angle of wind relative to the horizontal line.

Figure 17: Angle of attack definition

As the angle of attack is increased the lift generated will in turn gradually increase.
The increase in angle of attack is carried out to compensate for the loss in speed of
the hang glider. Slower the glider travels, higher the angle of attack has to be to keep
aloft until a point where the airflow over the top surface of the foil can no longer hold
a laminar system and breaks out, hence forming turbulence. This turbulence and
other loses generated is larger than the lift. At this point the angle attained is called
the stall angle and the speed is the stall speed and is usually between 10-15mph.
For the glider to gain lift again, the pilot will have pull back on the control bar
and pitches the nose downwards and hence regaining the flying speed required to
stay aloft. In the event of stall when airflow on one wingtip breaks off, a spin is
induced on the hang glider. This spin is not dependant on air speed but only on wing
angle of attack. However, spinning rigid wing hang gliders are often associated with
slow flying due to changing glider angle of attack, while the hang glider is spinning
gyro-forces are dominant and hence the pilot loses control and craft steering ability.
Nevertheless, it is still possible to recover from a spin with sufficient altitude (50-60
feet) reserved by pulling on the control bar and then steering against the rotation.
A disadvantage with rigid wing hang gliders is that it is far more difficult to recover
from spin as compared to a flexible wing hang glider. Due to this, pilots normally
fly at higher speeds at lower heights to avoid stall and crashing into the ground [20].
Theoretically, maximum speed could be obtained when the pilot is at zero angle of

8.3 Stability
Inherent craft stability is of paramount importance with regards to both rigid wing
and flexible wing hang gliders. This is due to the fact that any destabilising moments
within the craft will result in it pitching, yawing or rolling when unintended hence
resulting in loss of pilot control. Stability in all three planes of yaw, pitch and roll
are governed by various control surfaces, with respect to rigid wing hang gliders and
will be considered in this section.

Yaw stability is governed by the nose-angle, the sweep of the wings, and any vertical
control surface behind the craft centre of gravity (cg) such as a keel pocket or a fin.
If the glider begins to yaw, the drag increases behind the cg this causes a moment
which returns the wing to the nose straight position, much like a weather-vane the
glider in flight always points the nose into the airflow. The inherent yaw stability of
the nose angle links together roll and yaw, making yaw completely dependant upon
Inherent pitch stability is achieved through twist or washout in the swept-back wing
and from the curve upwards on the trailing-edge called reflex. If the nose pitches
down a little then the glider will pick up speed, due to the greater horizontal com-
ponent of lift being generated. Therefore higher craft speed will result in a reduced
angle of attack, resulting in washout at the reflex. Hence the centre of pressure will
move towards the cg resulting in the nose being returned to the equilibrium position.
Wing tip-struts ensure that the washout remains at higher speeds by stopping the
wing-tips deflating further than a fixed amount. Beyond this speed the wing-tips
will begin to have a negative angle of attack thereby producing negative lift behind
the cg, resulting in a moment that would pitch the wing to more positive angles of
With respect to flexible wing hang gliders, Luff-lines from the king-post perform a
similar function by retaining a minimum amount of reflex on the trailing-edge. At
faster speed the wings are stiffer and the reflex at the trailing edge is held, therefore
negative lift behind the cg again creates a moment pitching the nose up. Pitch
control is convergent around the trim-speed set by the pilots hang-position. If the
pilot pulls his weight forwards or back an increasing pressure is felt towards the set
neutral trim-speed. The swept-back washout and reflex built into the wing ensure
this to be so.
In order to achieve inherent roll stability two factors have to be considered. Most
apparent is the pendular stability of the pilot hanging below the wing and the
dihedral of the wing. Lowering the pilot by lengthening the hang-strap, will increase
roll stability, and vice-versa. Although the dihedral of the wing is not as obvious
a parameter when roll stability is considered it is just as important. On a hang-
glider the wing dihedral is set by the length of the side wires, or base-bar length.
Increasing either will angle the wings higher and thus achieve more roll stability
through dihedral. A wing dihedral creates a moment from one of the lifting surfaces
in order to return the craft to the equilibrium position. The reason is the same as for
yaw stability from the nose-angle. When the glider is disturbed in roll from a straight
glide, the lowering wing will encounter more air resistance, as the other, rising wing

encounters less. So the glider will tend to return to level flight. Inherent stability is
achieved in all three planes of yaw, pitch and roll through a combination of design
factors. Pitch stability through reflex and twist, yaw through nose-angle and fin, and
roll by pendular and dihedral factors. They each contribute to the overall stability.
Furthermore these effects are not mutually exclusive but operate simultaneously in
order to achieve inherent stability in full flight. However, in designing a hang glider
craft a performance penalty is incurred with increasing inherent stability.

8.4 Directional Control

Hang gliders have used various forms of pilot weight-shift control since the times of
Lienthal. This section will describe the mechanisms and the theory behind control
of both flexible and rigid wing hang gliders. Pilot weight-shift can change the pitch
and roll of a hang glider, ie the pilot moving his/her weight forward pitches the nose
of the hang glider down and moving his/her weight to the right makes the glider
roll so and vice versa. Yaw stability on the other hand is governed by airflow; that
is rolling the craft tends to cause a side slip in the wing where the airflow from the
side makes the craft yaw and hence turn. It is important to ensure inherent yaw
stability within the craft so as to make it easier for the pilot to manuever the craft.
Rogallo wing sails on the other hand control the pitch with a bridle that sets the
wings angle of attack. A bridle made of string is usually a loop reaching from the
front to the end of the center strut of the A-frame. The user ties knots in the bridle
to set the angle of attack. Mass-produced rogallo kites use a bridle thats a triangle
of plastic film, with one edge heat-sealed to the central strut.
Steerable Rogallo kites usually have a pair of bridles setting a fixed pitch, and use
two strings, one on each side of the kite, to change the roll. Rogallo also developed
a series of soft foil designs in the 60s which have been modified for traction kiting.
These are double keel designs with conic wings and a multiple attachment bridle
which can be used with either dual line or quad line controls. They have excellent
pull, but suffer from a smaller window more than modern traction designs.
The two most common mechanisms of weight-shift control in Rogallo wings are to
either fly while suspended from the underarms of the pilot by two parallel bars or
change the centre of gravity by shifting a payload. The payload shift is achieved
through suspending it from a single point underneath the wing and then moving
this pendulum to shift the weight and hence the centre of mass. However there are
no flight surfaces used to control the craft as is the case with rigid wing hang gliders.
The theory behind hang glider control is governed by aerodynamics. Shifting of the

weight results in the force vectors, both lift and drag being offset with respect to the
craft centre of gravity. Hence control moments are created, and the above implies
that these moments are created independent of altitude, given that the craft is flying
normally to the flow. However the maximum control moments that can be created
are limited by the geometry of the craft. The control sensitivity of a hang glider is
determined by a parameter known as the pilot moment ratio; this can be varied in
the design stage via varying the length of the hang strap and/or increasing the mass
of the pilot. The former option is more attractive however due to the performance
penalty associated with increased pilot mass. Specific details regarding flight control
in pitch, yaw and roll of rigid wing hang gliders is discussed in the stability section.

8.5 Glider Flying Conditions

Hang gliding in wind speeds above 50 kph result in unpleasant and turbulent flight.
This is due to the difficulties observed in travelling upwind and downwind. Travelling
upwind is hindered by the drag incurred, whereas travelling downwind the glider will
move very fast, at a speed equivalent to the wind plus the air speed. The best flying
conditions occur when in stable atmospheric conditions [19].
During neutral or unstable atmospheric conditions where there is very high me-
chanical and thermal mixing of air, causing turbulence in the atmospheric boundary
layer, will result in a rough flying experience. A soaring hang glider will gain little
height during stable conditions due to the lack of updraft created. For example on
a stable day air will tend to flow around a hill as opposed to up and over the hill
due to low convective heating and mechanical mixing, hence there being no warm
air currents. Whereas in unstable conditions a number of factors affect the degree of
turbulence created, which in turn will cause different magnitudes of updraft at dif-
ferent locations. There are many obstacles, such as trees, buildings and ridges that
will result in turbulence in the air. This may cause the air to be stable and unstable
at different altitudes. This is dependant on the degree of temperature inversion with
In conclusion, it can be said that the best conditions for hang glider flight are
achieved when there is low air turbulence, large updrafts and low mechanical mixing
of air.

9. Design Comparison

9.1 Hang Glider Design Versus Conventional Aircraft

There are a vast number of differences between conventional powered aircraft and
hang gliders. For hang gliders, gravity is the commanding force. In a steady gliding
flight, The total or resultant lift must act equally and oppositely to the total weight
for the glider to continues on its glide path. The total lift can be divided into two
components: the drag in line with the glide path, and the component perpendicular
to it, lift. These are the three basic forces acting on the glider in flight. Comparing
this with a conventional powered aircraft, powered aircraft also have a forth com-
ponent in the opposite direction to travel, thrust. This design comparison between
conventional powered aircraft and hang gliders will be focused mainly around flex-
ible and rigid wing gliders. Firstly, there are a number of important aerodynamic
comparisons that must be made.

9.2 Aerodynamic Comparison

The most striking difference between conventional fixed wing powered aircraft and
hang gliders is the difference is the yaw motion of the crafts. Conventional aircraft
have three axes of control, roll, pitch and yaw. However as previously discussed,
the yaw movement (or yaw axis control) for hang gliders is completely dependent
on the roll action, or couple yaw-motion. With the majority of the common flexible
wing hang gliders, the craft achieves full pilot control using only a flexible wing,
without using aerodynamic control surfaces such as ailerons and rudders. Rigid wing
gliders require some form or combination of ailerons and/or rudder. By contrast,
conventional aircraft almost exclusively use a combination of ailerons, elevators and
Interestingly, hang gliders are made stable in the roll axis in a very different way
to conventional aircraft. Most conventional aircraft have dihedral, that is to say,
their wingtips are higher than the root of the aerofoil. This results in inherent roll
stability in the design and an overall resistance to anything other than level flight.
For example, when the plane rolls a slightly, the wing rolled toward becomes more
horizontal, producing more force against gravity, since the lift vector is generally
perpendicular to the span of the wing. At the same time, the other wing produces
much less, so the inherent stability causes the plane to want to roll back to level
flight. Hang gliders however, are made with anhedral or with their wingtips below
the middle of the wing root. Roll stability in hang gliders is a combination of two

factors. Most apparent is the pendulum like stability of the pilot hanging below
the wing. This is then coupled with the inherently stable anhedral wing design.
Hence, roll stability is only maintained in most hang gliders if the pilot maintains a
constant weight balance. The hang glider will maintain level flight unless the pilot
pulls his or her weight to the side. With the pilots weight to one side, as previously
mentioned the glider banks in that direction, and for flexible wing gliders, the frame
flexes causing the sail to shift the load. This results in the angle of attack of the low
wing increasing slightly, and that of the high wing decreasing slightly. This causes
the low wing to slow down in response to an increase in angle of attack, while the
high wing speeds up, and a gentle turn is the result.
The Centre of Gravity, CG, and the Centre of Pressure, CP, are two very important
terms used for comparing the aerodynamic differences. Most people are familiar with
the concept of the centre of gravity as the point through which all the weight of the
hang glider can be thought to act. The centre of pressure, or sometimes called the
centre of lift, is a very similar concept. The centre of pressure is the point in which
the sum of the lift can be thought to act. Firstly we will consider these two points
applied to a hang glider. Considering these two points on the hang-glider, we can
begin to understand much of how the glider flies compared to a conventional aircraft.
In a hang glider, the CG is changed by the pilot moving his weight in relation to
the rest of the wing. Conventional aircraft have a fixed Centre of Gravity and to
achieve flight, all moments about the CG must be balanced. It is desirable that
when the pitch angle and angle of attack of a conventional aircraft is disturbed, the
aircraft should returns to its original pitch angle and angle of attack without pilot
input to change the control surface deflection. For an aircraft to achieve this, it must
have what is known as a positive longitudinal static margin. The longitudinal static
margin is defined as the distance from the CG to the CP. The center of pressure must
lie behind the center of gravity for a positive static margin and therefore inherent
static stability. If the center of pressure lies ahead of the CG, the aircraft requires
active inputs to the control surfaces are required to maintain stable flight. Hang
gliders are thus able to modify the longitudinal static margin by changing the CG
to achieve a pitching moment. In a stable flight or glide, the CG is assumed to
be directly below the CP. When the pilot alters his weight forward, this acts to
change the CG towards the nose, there will be a turning moment that acts to pitch
the glider nose down. In turn, an decreased angle of attack enables the glider to
pick up speed, and as the speed increases, the CP moves forward until it is again
above the CG. Hence, the glider is able to achieve a new faster stable glide position.
Conversely, conventional aircraft must use aerodynamic control surfaces to achieve

a pitching moment.

9.3 Performance Features

The most important measure of performance for a hang glider is the glide ratio.
Descent is similar to climb but uses a negative climb angle. Glide is similar to
climb but sets the thrust force to zero. The glide ratio is the ratio between hori-
zontal distance traveled and altitude lost, and is equal to the lift and drag ratio.
With each generation of materials and with the improvements in aerodynamics, the
performance of hang gliders has increased. This measure of performance allows for
comparison between conventional aircraft and hang gliders. Table 1 below compares
typical hang glider types to a conventional small powered aircraft.

Type Glide Ratio Speed Range Best Glide

Topless gliders 17:1 30 to >145 km/h 45 to 60 km/h
Rigid wing gliders 20:1 35 to >130 km/h 50 to 60 km/h
Sailplane 40:1 NA NA
Small powered aircraft 10:1 NA NA
Table 1: Typical Glide Characteristics [9]

It must be noted that ratios provided by the manufacturers are only approximate
as it is nearly impossible to measure them reliably. As the table shows, high per-
formance sailplanes are able to achieve glide ratios of 40:1. That is to say, they are
able to travel 40km for every 1km of altitude lost. Rigid wing hang gliders are able
to achieve comparable glide ratios of around 20:1. Maximizing the glide ratio of
a hang glider design allows for the range of the craft to be maximized. We must
also consider the sink rate when comparing the performance of hang gliders. The
sink rate is defined as the vertical velocity (acting downwards) of the glider. It is
commonly used to determine the time a glider may remain airborne. As previously
stated, soaring aircraft such as hang gliders need to be able to climb effectively if
there are available thermals. This normally limits the maximum tolerable sink rate
in the design of hang gliders to around 1.0 m/s. If a higher sink rate is utilised the
craft generally has much poorer climbing performance as it is requires thermal or
rising air to occur at higher rates, a less common phenomenon. The loss of height
can be measured at several speeds and plotted on a polar curve to calculate the
best speed to fly in various conditions, such as when flying into wind or when in
sinking air.
Sink-rates can vary from about 200 fpm, or when at minimum sink (just above stall
speed) to as much as 1500 fpm for much lower performance wings when at top speed.

The performance of a hang glider is mainly due to the aerofoil profile, aspect ratio
and percentage of double surface. For example, a thick cambered low aspect (e.g. 5.
5) wing with little or no double surface are generally slow and docile, usually with
great low speed characteristics for beginners. On the other hand, wider (e.g. AR >
7. 5), blade wings with over 80% double surface are designed for racing.


[1] 2005, How Hang Gliding Works, viewed 29 September

2007, <>.

[2] 2003, Hang Glider Rack for the Honda Element, viewed 29
September 2007, <>.

[3] ValleyVille Hanggliding Association 2003, Antique

Hang Glider Fly-In, viewed 30 September 2007,

[4] Wikipedia 2007, History of Hang Gliding, viewed 30 September 2007,


[5] Wills Wings Inc 2006, Wills Wing Sports 2, viewed 30 September 2007,

[6] Icaro 2000 2006, Laminar Z8, viewed 30 September 2007,


[7] Aerola 2004, Stalker, viewed 30 September 2007,


[8] Fly Atos 2005, Atos Modifications, viewed 30 September 2007,


[9] Glover, D 2005, Aeros Phantom Rigid Wing Hang Glider, viewed 30 September
2007, <>.

[10] Wikipedia 2007, Rogallo Wing, viewed 28 September 2007,


[11] Adventure Productions 1996, Hang Gliding Classics, viewed 30 September 2007,

[12] A-I-R 2007, Atos VQ, viewed 30 September 2007, <

[13] Aero Experiments 2004, viewed 27 September,


[14] Cook, M.V. and Spottiswoode, M. January 2006, Modelling the flight dynamics
of the hang glider. The Aeronautical Journal, 110(1103), 1-20

[15] Everything2 2001, Hang glider, viewed 30 September 2007,


[16] Everything2 2002, Wind gradient, viewed 30 September 2007,


[17] Powton, J.N. 1995, A Theoretical Study of the Non-linear Aerodynamic Pitch-
ing Moment Characteristics of the Hang Glider and its Influence on Stability
Control. MSc thesis, College of Aeronautics, Cranfield University.

[18] Wikipedia 2007, Hang Gliding, viewed 24 September 2007,

[19] Meteorology, South Downs Hang Gliding, viewed 30th September 2007,

[20] Flight theory, South Downs Hang Gliding, viewed 30th September 2007

[21] How Products are Made 2000, Hang Glider, viewed 30 September 2007,


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