Reflexes Neonatal
Reflexes Neonatal
Reflexes Neonatal
Normal PalmarGrasp
Abnormal PalmarGraspwborn_n_26.mborn_ab_26
Babinski(Plantar) Reflex
Stimulated by stroking the sole of the foot:
toes of the foot should fan out
the foot itself should curl in.
Emerges at 18 weeks in uteroand disappears by 6
months after birth (Grupen).
Normal Babinski
Normal GalantReflex
Abnormal GalantReflexewborn_n_24.mowborn_ab_24.m
Stepping Reflex
Neonate will make walking motions with legs and
feet when held in an upright position with the feet
touching the ground.
This reflex appears at birth, lasts for 3-4 months,
then reappears at 12-24 months.
The knee-jerkreflex,
stimulated by a tap on the tendon located just below the knee
while person is sitting
an involuntary upward swinging of the lower leg and foot is a
The acoustic reflex,
stimulated by loud noise.
The stapediusmuscle contracts in response to this stimulus to
protect the ear from possible trauma caused by loud sounds.
The pharyngeal reflex, or gagreflex
What Do Abnormal or Persistent
Primitive Reflexes Indicate?
The normal emergence and inhibition of primitive reflexes is
extremely important in neonates.
However, these reflexes should disappear and allow for
voluntaryskills to replace them.
Those children who exhibit abnormal reflex patterns most likely
suffer from a neurological problem which can result in..
delayed speech
reading problems
The reemergence of primitive reflexes in adults with a formally
mature and healthy neurological system can indicate a problem in
the central and/orperipheral nervous systems.
Thus, testing for the presence of primitive reflexes in adults can
determine if there may be neurological breakdown.
Childrens Health Encyclopedia (2006). Neonatal
Reflex.Retrieved September 19, 2007 from
Grupen, Rob. Developmental Reflexes and
Neurological Structure in Infant Behavior:
PowerPoint. Retrieved September 19, 2007.
Jacobson, Barbara H. & Johnson, Alex F.,
(eds.) (1998). Medical Speech-Language
Pathology: A PracticionersGuide. New York:
Neonatal Reflexes. Retrieved September 19, 2007 from
Larson, Paul D. & Stensaas, Suzanne S. (2005).
PedineurologicExam; A NeurodevelopmentalApproach. Retrieved
September 19, 2007 from