Obg P3 NVD
Obg P3 NVD
Obg P3 NVD
Conducting or managing a normal vaginal delivery involves the hand maneuvers used
to assist the baby’s births, immediate care of the newborn, and the delivery of the placenta.
1. To have the childbirth event take place in a prepared and safe environment.
2. To conduct delivery with least trauma to mother and baby.
3. To assist mother go through the process without undue stress, injury or complication.
4. To promote smooth and safe transition of new-born to the extra uterine life.
5. To avoid complications.
For mother:
For New-born:
1. Baby blanket or flannel cloth- 2; one to receive and dry the baby of excess secretions
and another to wrap the baby.
2. Neonatal resuscitation equipment checked and ready for use.
3. Oxygen source with tubing.
4. Suction apparatus and mucus extractor.
5. Cord clamp.
6. Bulb syringe for nasal and oropharyngeal suctioning of the baby.
Other articles:
articles, and pour cleansing solution in the
15. Perform surgical hand scrub and put on Reduces transfer of microorganisms.
sterile gown and gloves.
16. Drape the mother’s perineum and delivery Obtain a sterile field for delivery.
17. Clean the perineum in the following Proper cleansing makes the perineum
manner using one cotton ball separately free from microorganisms.
for each stroke.
Mons pubis zigzag manner from level of
clitoris upward.
Clitoris to fourchette one downward
Farther labia minora and then near side.
Labia majora farther side first and then
near side.
Thighs in long strokes away from the
Anus in one circular stroke.
18. Delivery of the head: as the head becomes
visible at the introitus, place the pads of
your fingertips on the portion of the vertex
at vaginal introitus.
19. As more of the head is visible, spread your Gives pressure against the foetal head
fingers over the vertex of the baby’s head, to keep it flexed.
with fingertips pointing upward toward the
20. Cover the hand not used on baby’s head Prevents contamination from the
with a towel and place the thumb in crease anus.
of the groin midway on one side of the
perineum. Place the middle finger in the
same way on the other side of perineum.
21. As the head advances, allow it to gradually Control of the head in this manner
extend beneath hand by exerting control will prevent explosive crowning and
but not prohibitive pressure. pressure on the perineum.
22. With the hand over the perineum, apply This support will prevent rapid birth
pressure downward and inward toward of head causing intracranial damage
each other across the perineal body at the to baby and laceration to perineum.
same time.
23. Observe the perineum in the space Detects signs of impending tear, such
between the thumb and middle finger as stretch marks beneath perineal
while offering head control and perineal skin.
24. Give an episiotomy if required when there Avoids injury to the anal spinchter
is bulging, thinned perineum during the and spontaneous laceration of the
peak of a contraction or just prior to perineum.
25. As soon as the head is born, during the Feel for cord around the baby’s neck.
resting phase, before the next contraction,
place the fingertips of one hand on the
occiput and slide them down to the level of
26. Sweep the fingers in both directions to feel Detects the presence of nuchal cord
for the umbilical cord. which can prevent the descend of the
foetus and the delivery of the body.
27. If the cord is felt and if it is loose, slip it Prevents the cord from becoming
over the baby’s head. If the cord is tight, tightened around the neck.
apply clamps about 3cm, apart and cut the
cord at the middle of the neck 9mother
must be instructed to pant while clamping,
cutting and unwinding the cord).
28. Wipe the baby’s face and wipe off fluid Facilitates breathing.
from nose and mouth.
29. Suction the oral and nasal passage with a Prevents aspiration of the fluid.
bulb syringe.
30. Delivery of shoulders: Wait for a Allows time for shoulders to rotate to
contraction and watch for restitution and the antero-posterior diameter of the
external rotation of head. outlet.
31. When the shoulders reach the antero-
posterior diameter of the pelvic outlet,
proceed to deliver one shoulder at a time
in the following manner:
Place a hand on each side of the head Avoids stretching of the perineum.
over the ears and apply downward
traction to deliver the anterior
When the axillary crease is seen, guide
the head and trunk in an upward curve
to allow the posterior shoulder to
escape over the posterior vaginal wall.
32. Grasp the baby around the chest and lift This allows the mother to
the baby toward the mother’s abdomen. immediately see her baby and have
close physical contact.
33. Note the time of birth. To document the moment of birth and
birth notification.
34. Place two clamps on the cord about 8- Covering with a gauze while cutting
10cm from the umbilicus and cut it prevents spraying the delivery field
between the two clamps while covering it with blood.
with a gauze.
35. Give the baby to the nursery nurse who Provides for continuity of care.
will place him in the designated area, dry
him, and carry out the assessment and
descending into the vagina.
39. When placental descend is confirmed, ask Bearing down simultaneously with a
the patient to bear down as utyerus contraction aids expulsion of the
contracts, as she did during the second placenta.
stage of labour (controlled cord traction
can be used to deliver placenta).
40. As soon as the placenta passes through the Avoids chances of breaking of
introitus, grasp it in cupped hands. membranes.
41. Twist the placenta round and round with Helps for complete expulsion of
gentle traction so that the membranes are membranes.
stripped off intact. If the length of the
membranes make the movements difficult,
catch the membranes with artery forceps
and give gentle traction till they are
stripped off and expelled intact.
49. Removes gloves and wash hands. Prevents spread of micro-organisms.
50. Record the details of delivery and Promotes communication among
condition of the mother and baby in the staff.
patient’s chart.
1. Jacob Annamma, R Rekha, Tarachand Jadhav Sonali. Clinical nursing procedures: the
art of nursing practice. 4th edition. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medcal Publishers.
2020. Page No. 686-691
2. Konar Hiralal. D.C. Dutta’s textbook of obstetrics. 7th edition. New Delhi: New
Central Book agency (P) Ltd.; 2013. Page No.- 211