Evolución de La Calidad Total (Tarea 1) Ingles
Evolución de La Calidad Total (Tarea 1) Ingles
Evolución de La Calidad Total (Tarea 1) Ingles
Research work:
Total Quality Evolution
It presents:
Ortega Jaime Luis Alberto
INSTITUTO IRAPUATO ............................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 4
BACKGROUND ......................................................................................................................... 5
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .............................................................................................. 5
EVOLUTION OF TOTAL QUALITY ..................................................................................... 5
QUALITY CONCEPTS ............................................................................................................ 11
CHARACTERISTICS OF TOTAL QUALITY ........................................................................ 12
STRATEGIC APPROACHES FOR THE MODERN COMPANY ...................................... 13
CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................... 15
BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 1. Diagram of the Juran Trilogy:.6
Figure 2. Deming Circle.8
Figure 3. Quality Circle(Ishikawa) ....................................................................... 8
Figure 4. Quality Triangule ............................................................................... 10
Figure 5. Process to Total Quality .................................................................... 13
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a set of strategies that seek to increase the
performance and quality of a company, adjusting to what the client needs at the
moment. The total quality pursues the excellence within all the processes that a
company develops, in order to maintain itself thus in a high level of
competitiveness within the market. The total quality must be present in all
departments that make up a company, from the lowest employee to the senior
manager, everyone should have the objective of improving day to day internal
processes and thus provide the consumer with a quality product, reliable and
Satisfactory at low cost.
The terms Quality and Total Quality, have been used in all business activities
today, however man has felt the concern to use it over time, could say from the
beginning of time.
There are innumerable examples of the work of man on earth, so we have the
pyramids of Egypt and the Great Wall of China, as current evidence that the
project carried out in antiquity, lasts through the years, enduring the influences
of time and The attitudes of man that have conditioned wars, looting and the
painful historical reality forgotten by all.
Total quality processes evolved during the First World War. This led to huge
manufacturing efforts, which were often of poor quality. To correct this, quality
inspectors were used in the production line to minimize the level of failures.
After World War I, quality inspection became more common in manufacturing
environments, leading to the introduction of statistical quality control, a theory
developed by Edwards Deming based on sample selection. When it was not
possible to examine all the items, the quality of a sample was tested. Total
quality management is a strategy aimed at raising quality awareness in all
organizational processes and has been widely used in all sectors. It is called
"total" because it concerns the organization of the company considered globally
and the people who work in it. In other words, it is an approach that seeks to
improve quality and performance, in order to adjust or exceed customer
expectations by monitoring all quality measures used by a company, including
quality management and development, quality control and maintenance.
Various authors have defined total quality management, for Deming quality
means offering customers reliable and satisfactory products and services at low
cost, so the important thing is that the product or service is suitable for use, for
Crosby the quality is The fulfillment of the quality requirements of each
company, or in other words, fulfill the specifications.
Joseph M. Jurn was born in 1904, graduating in law and engineering, taught the
doctrine of Quality Management and helped the great Japanese power to
revolutionize his thinking and aptitude to use the products and services that
globalize the world. Among its contributions are concepts associated with
reducing the costs of non-quality, progressing in quality over time and correcting
chronic failures associated with lack of quality. Philip B. Crosby born in 1926,
created the concept of customer relationship supplier and the concept of "Zero
Defects" in the early sixties, contributions that are components of companies as
part of their management. He believed that the key to improving quality was to
change the mentality of top management. If what she expected was imperfection
and defects, she would have them, since her workers would impose similar
expectations on her work. But if it implied a higher performance and made good
communication at all levels, it was possible to get the "zero defects".
W. Edward Deming was born in the United States in the year 1900 and his
contributions include quality management through statistical control and the
improvement of the quality of products matched to the needs of consumers. In
1958 he was the promoter of quality management in Japan, being curious that it
took more than thirty years for American companies to realize quality
management. This contribution merited the institutionalization of the Deming
Prize in recognition of his works.
1. Create constancy of purpose.
7. Establish leaders.
4. Mobility of executives
Deming referred as quality to everything that made him save the company and
in turn meet the delivery of the product in time to the customer, it is cheaper to
make a new product than to correct it, he also stressed in observing the
production lines to observe where Was giving the problem and why and so
eliminate what was failing from root, so to achieve continuous improvement and
contribute to customer satisfaction.
Kaoru Ishikawa born in 1915 in Japan, he was an adviser to many Japanese and
American companies and he is the founder of "Circles of Quality" as well as
promoter of the diagram known as the cause - effect diagram, or fishbone. He
designed a quality circle based on six integrated stages, which are: defining the
objectives, defining the method, training, executing the task, controlling the
results and taking action. In addition, its contribution covers the principles of
quality based on the total commitment of management and middle managers, a
participative administration, the adherence of staff to quality objectives and
training on quality tools.
The main objective of a company when establishing a quality process is: Zero
defects. Prohibiting then the acceptable levels of quality that would go against
the theory without defects. For Crosby, there are two major problems causing
poor quality: those that are due to the lack of knowledge of employees and those
that originate in carelessness and lack of attention. The former can be easily
identified, measured and resolved, but the latter require a long-term managerial
effort to modify culture and attitudes. A commitment from top management is the
first step in improving quality. Achieving quality is only possible with a change of
thought and culture in the company, offering the worker a significant job with
sufficient income. On the other hand, Crosby points out that: the company that
wants to avoid conflicts, eliminate the breach of requirements, save money, and
keep customers satisfied must get vaccinated. This vaccine comprises three
administrative strategies that are:
A. Determination.
B. Education.
C. Implantation.
Determination: It arises when members of a work team decide that they are not
willing to tolerate an inconvenient situation any longer and acknowledge that their
own actions are the only instrument that will change the characteristics of the
organization. Hence the following principles originate:
Implantation: The implementation consists in establishing the process of
improvement within the organization in a methodical way. To achieve this
process, the following 14 steps are available:
1. Management commitment.
3. Measurement of quality.
5. Perception of quality.
6. Corrective actions.
8. Supervisor training.
12. Acknowledgments.
14. Do it again.
Total Quality has been in force in the world and many countries such as the
United States, England and Spain have developed models based on these
concepts and the evolution of Total Quality is now combined with other strategies
such as those associated with process management , The management of the
knowledge until the application in the technological businesses.
Quality has several meanings that depend on the context in which it is used. Thus
there are two types of quality that are internal, understood as the way an
organization manages the quality of its processes, products, services and
external quality, which is the perception of the customer, consumer or user that
has respect to the product or service Which buys or uses. Modern organizations
place much more emphasis on external quality through the reinforcement of the
concept of internal quality.
The evolution of the concept of Quality has been enriched by the contribution of
various authors and scholars, which are expressed as follows:
"Quality is the level of excellence that the company has chosen to achieve to
satisfy its key clientele." (Horovitz, 1995: 1)
"Suitability to use satisfying the client's needs" (Ruiz C., Lpez J., 2004, p.17)
"The quality is to satisfy the needs of the clients and their reasonable
expectations" (BERRY, 1995: 2)
A generally accepted definition is that which identifies Quality with the degree of
satisfaction offered by the characteristics of the product / service, in relation to
the demands of the consumer to which it is intended, ie a product or service is of
quality, when it satisfies the Needs and expectations of the customer or user,
depending on certain parameters, such as security, reliability and service
It can be said that the concept of Quality has been characterized by the efficiency
in the manufacture of the product or in the provision of the service, and that is
why the contribution of the masters of Quality have been gradually introducing
aspects related to the feel of the Customer and business efficiency; This is how
the concept evolves to that of Total Quality.
The term Total Quality (CT) is used to describe the process of making quality
principles part of an organization's strategic objectives, applying them to all
operations along with continuous improvement, and focusing on customer needs
to manufacture Things well done the first time.
It will be important for companies to take into account the seven characteristics
listed below:
Total Quality focuses on the quality of the processes that lead to the product or
Total Quality requires support from top management and the involvement of all
people in the activity, to achieve quality.
The companies must have products and services that the customers want, having
the capacity of competitive production, being efficient. It should not be forgotten
that the customer is now the one who happens to be the "boss" and is the one
who dictates the orders regarding what he wants to buy. For this it will be
necessary to take into account aspects such as:
Customer orientation
Continuous improvement and innovation
Leadership towards the transformation of total quality
Support corporate culture
Finally, communication with the client.
Total quality management brings a high amount of benefits for a company from
the reduction of production costs to the satisfaction of the customers, for this
reason it is necessary that the companies of the different industries, evaluate in
which situation they are and that process of The ones mentioned above can be
In this context, companies have to continue assuming the role that corresponds
to them to contribute to the growth and social and economic development of the
country, achieving greater efficiency and providing quality products and services.
Competitiveness means a sustainable profit for the business, as well as the result
of a continuous improvement of Quality and innovation. The strategy for Total
Quality, well applied, responds to the need to transform the products, services,
processes, structures and culture of companies, to ensure their future.
RUIZ Canela y LPEZ Jos La Gestin por Calidad Total, Ed. Alfa Omega,
Mxico, 2004.