Multipurpose Programming Cable
Multipurpose Programming Cable
Multipurpose Programming Cable
The programming cable is intended to be used with the computer RS-232 port.
Schematic diagram
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Connection circuits (jacks for mobile radios are shown as they are plugged into sockets)
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VT1, VT3, VT4 transistors can be BC847 or similar, VT2 can be BC857 or similar. The higher the low
current beta value is the better. Fast silicon diodes of any type will do, for example LL4148 in
MiniMELF case. LP2950 IC is replacible with LM2931 (if input voltage is below 15 V), 78L05 is the
worst choice due to the high current consumption. It can fail to work in some cases.
Cable for RRxD and RTxD connections should be shielded. Multiwire cable with low mutual
capacitance among wires is also applicable. Otherwise TxD to RxD interference will result in
programming failure. It is important for some KENWOOD radios.
It is convenient to use an additional connector to attach particular radio jacks to the programming cable.
DB9 is recommended as a highly reliable one.
Cable connection to KENWOOD portable radios has a specific feature. Radio sockets have prominent
rubber rings, thus standard stereo jacks cannot be plugged in firmly. The jack flanges should be ground
off till 5 mm in diameter. The jack cases should be cut accordingly.
TK-353 radios are put in the program mode by holding the side button below PTT and C button while
powering the radio on. Hold the buttons until "--PC--" appears on its display.
In MOTOROLA GP300 onnector use 2 Ampere diode if you intend to transmit with the cable
connected or 1 Ampere diode otherwise. In MOTOROLA P040-P080 onnector grind off the jack
flange until the jack can be seated firmly. This connector does not need an external power supply if it is
provided from the port by a programming software.
MOTOROLA mobile CM series radios are programmed through the rear accessory connector. The
programming cable is not powered from the port. The power supply can be taken from the radio power
supply or the accessory connector if available.
In MOTOROLA GP-340 connector the output voltage is limited to approximately 3 Volts. The specific
jack is used, it is shown on Fig. 4.
VERTEX VXR-5000 and VXR-7000 programming software works improperly on modern computers
with fast processors. Computers with i80486 are recommended by VERTEX, iCeleron 433 MHz
processor may be also applicable.
A connection to devices with a non-standard processor supply voltage (cordless and cellular phones)
requiers a special connector. A TxD key power is taken from the phone, so the input logic levels cannot
exceed the processor supply voltage. For example SENAO SN-258 is attached by its test connector in
this way: TxD - cont. 1, RxD - cont. 2, GND - cont. 3, Vbat - cont. 5. R1 resistor may be omitted
because the phone RxD cirquit has an inner 47 kOhm resistor to the ground.
The cellular phones connector can be used for applying AT-commands to phones. There are no
hardware flow control cirquits in the connector. The Siemens phone socket pinout is from
The programming cable printed cirquit board was designed by Valery UA6LPG with non-chip
components. In order to print it save the GIF image to disk. Then open the GIF file with Adobe
Photoshop (or any other editor) and change the image resolution to 600 dpi (look for at Image/Image
size). Print it, it will be of the right size.
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Please note, that R12 is omitted on the PCB, Rind resistor and a LED are added between the DA1 output
and the ground to indicate the power. You can omit R12, Rind and a LED, the cirquit will work. Some
words are in Russian, the most significant words are translated. The recommended value of Rind is 4.3
kOhm to minimize the current consumption.
Siemens A35, A36, A40, C25, C35, C45, M35, M35i, M50,
ME45, MT50, S25, S35, S45, SL-42, SL45, 3118 cell phones pin-outs
Applicable to A/C/S/M/SL 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, x25, x35, 3508, s2588? Full pinout.
The author especially appreciates the collaboration of Sergey UA9UDQ, Yevgueny RA9MHL, Valery
UA6LPG, Alexander 'Gulliver' in verifying the schematics and testing radios.