Cubli IROS2012 PDF
Cubli IROS2012 PDF
Cubli IROS2012 PDF
Abstract This paper introduces the Cubli, a 151515 cm Once the Cubli is balancing on its edge, the next two wheels
cube that can jump up and balance on a corner. Momentum are instantaneously stopped to make it stand on its corner.
wheels mounted on three faces of the cube (Fig. 1) rotate at high Finally, an inertial measurement unit (IMU) based state
angular velocities and then brake suddenly, causing the Cubli to
jump up. Once the Cubli has almost reached the corner stand- estimation is performed and the motor torques are precisely
up position, controlled motor torques are applied to make it controlled to make the Cubli continue standing.
balance on its corner. This paper tracks the development of the Whereas a relatively large portion of research tries to avoid
Cublis one dimensional prototype at ETH Zurich and presents impact or overcome the effects of it [10][12], only a small
preliminary results. portion [13], including the Cubli, takes advantage of it. While
I. I NTRODUCTION a non-impulsive force is limited by the actuator torque limits,
an impact gives forces that are well beyond the actuator
Inverted pendulum systems have a very rich history [1] and limitations.
have been widely used to test, demonstrate and benchmark
new control concepts and theories [2]. Furthermore, devel-
opment of new control algorithms for the pendulum system
itself is still an active area of research [3][5].
Compared to other 3D inverted pendulum test-beds [8],
[9] the Cubli has two unique features. One is its relatively
small footprint, (hence the name Cubli, which is derived from
the Swiss German diminutive for cube). The other feature 45
is its ability to jump up from a resting position without 35.3
any external support, not only an interesting concept for the
control engineer but also also an appealing demonstration for (a) (b)
the general public.
Fig. 2. The Cubli jump-up strategy: (a) Flat to Edge: Initially lying flat
on its face, the Cubli jumps up to stand on its edge. (b) Edge to Corner:
The Cubli goes from balancing about an edge to balancing on a corner.
and a free development environment for embedded systems
named ODeV [16], based on the Eclipse IDE, was used for
the software development.
Remote PC
Fig. 4. The CAD drawing of the RC servo-based braking mechanism: An IMU1 PPM RC Servo
RC servo is used to quickly collide a metal barrier (blue) with the bolt head
(red) attached to the momentum wheel. SPI2
Encoder TIMER
jump up trials were done with additional steel plates attached
to the pendulum body such that the mass and the inertia CAN CAN
properties are equal to the full Cublis face to edge jump as
shown in Fig. 8. Maxon motor controller
where x := (b , b , w ),
0 1 0
ey1 (mb lb +mw l)g Cb Cw
r1 A := Ib +mw l2 Ib +mw l2 Ib +mw l2 ,
ex1 2
ez1 (mIbbl+m
b +mw l)g
Ib +mw l2 CwI((I b +Iw +mw l )
w (Ib +mw l )
b 0
and B :=
Ib +mwl
2 .
Km (Ib +Iw +mw l2 )
r2 Iw (Ib +mw l2 )
ey2 A 20 ms sampling time was selected for the digital control,
ez2 considering the open loop unstable pole of (4) (637.4 ms)
ex2 and a safety factor of 30. Using this sampling time the
continuous time system given by (4) was discretized using
zero-order hold and the resulting discrete time model is given
Fig. 6. Illustration of the tilt angle estimation setup using two accelerom- x[k + 1] = Ad x[k] + Bd u[k], k N0 , (5)
eters: Two accelerometers were placed along the diagonal of the pendulum
body at distances ri , i = 1, 2 and the ratio between the distances is used to where Ad and Bd are the discrete-time counterparts of the
eliminate the dynamic terms, ri i , ri i2 , i = 1, 2 from the measurements.
continuous time state matrix A and input matrix B. For the
sake of simplicity we use the same notation to represent the
continuous and discrete time versions of the state x and input
B. Jumping Up
Assuming a perfectly inelastic collision i.e., a zero coeffi- Using the above discrete time model, a Linear Quadratic
cient of restitution, the angular velocity w of the momentum Regulator (LQR) feedback controller of the form
wheel required for jump-up is calculated using: (1) The
conservation of angular momentum during the impact u[k] = Kd (b [k], b [k], w [k]) (6)
by introducing a low-pass filter with state xf [k] and the
following dynamics:
xf [k + 1] = (1 )xf [k] + b [k], xf [0] = 0, (8)
where (0, 1) and the controller was modified to
u[k] = Kd (b [k] xf [k], b [k], w [k]). (9)
The closed loop system given by (5), (8) and (9) is stable
with = 0.02. Now, let ((b , b , w ) =: x, xf ) denote the
steady states of the system, which is the solution to
x = Ad x Bd Kd x Bd Kd1 (d xf )
xf = (1 )xf + (b + d).
This, with (8), gives
x = (I Ad + Bd Kd )1 Bd Kd1 (d xf )
Fig. 8. The picture shows another one dimensional prototype that was
0 built with a metal pendulum body with extra masses (on the left side of
= 0 (d xf ) (10) the pendulum body) to test the durability of the braking mechanism. With
Km Kd1 all the weights attached, it resembles the full Cublis flat to edge jump, the
Cw +Kd3 Km most critical jump for the Braking mechanism, in terms of mass and inertia.
xf = (1 )xf + (b + d). (11)
the proposed controller. Although the zero mean sensor noise 0.1
on the measurements were avoided in the formulation for the 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
sake of simplicity, the results are still valid under this type 10
of noise. 0
0.1 The Authors would like to thank Sebastian Trimpe and
10 for the graphics, and Tobias Widmer for helping with the
20 experiments.
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