Doppler Effect: 1 Developments

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Doppler eect

observer than the previous wave. Hence, the time be-

tween the arrival of successive wave crests at the observer
is reduced, causing an increase in the frequency. While
they are travelling, the distance between successive wave
fronts is reduced, so the waves bunch together. Con-
versely, if the source of waves is moving away from the
observer, each wave is emitted from a position farther
Change of wavelength caused by motion of the source
from the observer than the previous wave, so the arrival
time between successive waves is increased, reducing the
frequency. The distance between successive wave fronts
is then increased, so the waves spread out.
For waves that propagate in a medium, such as sound
waves, the velocity of the observer and of the source are
relative to the medium in which the waves are transmit-
An animation illustrating how the Doppler eect causes a car ted. The total Doppler eect may therefore result from
engine or siren to sound higher in pitch when it is approaching motion of the source, motion of the observer, or motion
than when it is receding. The pink circles represent sound waves. of the medium. Each of these eects is analyzed sepa-
rately. For waves which do not require a medium, such as
light or gravity in general relativity, only the relative dif-
ference in velocity between the observer and the source
needs to be considered.

1 Developments
Doppler rst proposed this eect in 1842 in his treatise
"ber das farbige Licht der Doppelsterne und einiger an-
derer Gestirne des Himmels" (On the coloured light of
the binary stars and some other stars of the heavens).[2]
The hypothesis was tested for sound waves by Buys Bal-
lot in 1845.[3] He conrmed that the sounds pitch was
higher than the emitted frequency when the sound source
approached him, and lower than the emitted frequency
Doppler eect of water ow around a swan when the sound source receded from him. Hippolyte
Fizeau discovered independently the same phenomenon
The Doppler eect (or the Doppler shift) is the change on electromagnetic waves in 1848 (in France, the ef-
in frequency of a wave (or other periodic event) for an fect is sometimes called eet Doppler-Fizeau but that
observer moving relative to its source. It is named after name was not adopted by the rest of the world as Fizeaus
the Austrian physicist Christian Doppler, who proposed discovery was six years after Dopplers proposal).[4] In
it in 1842 in Prague. It is commonly heard when a ve- Britain, John Scott Russell made an experimental study
hicle sounding a siren or horn approaches, passes, and of the Doppler eect (1848).[5]
recedes from an observer. Compared to the emitted fre-
quency, the received frequency is higher during the ap-
proach, identical at the instant of passing by, and lower 2 General
during the recession.[1]
When the source of the waves is moving towards the In classical physics, where the speeds of source and the
observer, each successive wave crest is emitted from a receiver relative to the medium are lower than the ve-
position closer to the observer than the previous wave. locity of waves in the medium, the relationship between
Therefore, each wave takes slightly less time to reach the observed frequency f and emitted frequency f0 is given


by:[6] Assume that balls travel with constant velocity. If the

thrower is stationary, the man will receive one ball ev-
ery second. However, if the thrower is moving towards
( ) the man, he will receive balls more frequently because
c + vr the balls will be less spaced out. The inverse is true if the
f= f0
c + vs thrower is moving away from the man. So it is actually
the wavelength which is aected; as a consequence, the
received frequency is also aected. It may also be said
c that the velocity of the wave remains constant whereas
wavelength changes; hence frequency also changes.
vr With an observer stationary relative to the medium, if a
vs moving source is emitting waves with an actual frequency
f0 (in this case, the wavelength is changed, the transmis-
The frequency is decreased if either is moving away from sion velocity of the wave keeps constant -- note that the
the other. transmission velocity of the wave does not depend on the
velocity of the source), then the observer detects waves
The above formula assumes that the source is either di- with a frequency f given by
rectly approaching or receding from the observer. If
the source approaches the observer at an angle (but still
( )
with a constant velocity), the observed frequency that is c
rst heard is higher than the objects emitted frequency. f = f0
c + vs
Thereafter, there is a monotonic decrease in the observed
frequency as it gets closer to the observer, through equal- A similar analysis for a moving observer and a stationary
ity when it is coming from a direction perpendicular to source (in this case, the wavelength keeps constant, but
the relative motion (and was emitted at the point of closest due to the motion, the rate at which the observer receives
approach; but when the wave is received, the source and waves -- and hence the transmission velocity of the wave
observer will no longer be at their closest), and a contin- [with respect to the observer] -- is changed) yields the
ued monotonic decrease as it recedes from the observer. observed frequency:
When the observer is very close to the path of the object,
the transition from high to low frequency is very abrupt. ( )
When the observer is far from the path of the object, the c + vr
f= f0
transition from high to low frequency is gradual. c
If the speeds vs and vr are small compared to the speed These can be generalized into the equation that was pre-
of the wave, the relationship between observed frequency sented in the previous section.
f and emitted frequency f0 is approximately[6]
( )
where c + vr
f= f0
c + vs
f = f f0
An interesting eect was predicted by Lord Rayleigh in
v = vr vs his classic book on sound: if the source is moving toward
the observer at twice the speed of sound, a musical piece
Proof emitted by that source would be heard in correct time and
tune, but backwards.[7] The Doppler eect with sound is
( )
c+vr only clearly heard with objects moving at high speed, as
Given f = c+v f0
change in frequency of musical tone involves a speed of
we divide for c around 40 meters per second, and smaller changes in fre-
( vr ) ( )( 1 )
1+ c vr quency can easily be confused by changes in the ampli-
f = 1+ vs f0 = 1 + c 1+ vcs
c tude of the sounds from moving emitters. Neil A Downie
Since vcs 1 we can substitute the geometric expansion: has demonstrated [8] how the Doppler eect can be made
much more easily audible by using an ultrasonic (e.g. 40
1+ vcs
1 vcs
kHz) emitter on the moving object. The observer then
uses a heterodyne frequency converter, as used in many
bat detectors, to listen to a band around 40 kHz. In this
3 Analysis case, with the bat detector tuned to give frequency for the
stationary emitter of 2000 Hz, the observer will perceive
To understand what happens, consider the following anal- a frequency shift of a whole tone, 240 Hz, if the emitter
ogy. Someone throws one ball every second at a man. travels at 2 meters per second.
4.3 Radar 3

4 Application

4.1 Sirens
The siren on a passing emergency vehicle will start out
higher than its stationary pitch, slide down as it passes,
and continue lower than its stationary pitch as it recedes
from the observer. Astronomer John Dobson explained
the eect thus:

The reason the siren slides is because it doesn't

hit you.

In other words, if the siren approached the observer di-

rectly, the pitch would remain constant until the vehicle
hit him, and then immediately jump to a new lower pitch.
Because the vehicle passes by the observer, the radial ve-
locity does not remain constant, but instead varies as a
function of the angle between his line of sight and the
sirens velocity:

vradial = vs cos

where is the angle between the objects forward velocity

and the line of sight from the object to the observer.

4.2 Astronomy
The Doppler eect for electromagnetic waves such as
light is of great use in astronomy and results in either a Redshift of spectral lines in the optical spectrum of a supercluster
so-called redshift or blueshift. It has been used to mea- of distant galaxies (right), as compared to that of the Sun (left)
sure the speed at which stars and galaxies are approaching
or receding from us; that is, their radial velocities. This
may be used to detect if an apparently single star is, in star is receding from the Sun, negative that it is approach-
reality, a close binary, to measure the rotational speed of ing.
stars and galaxies, or to detect exoplanets. (Note that red-
shift is also used to measure the expansion of space, but
that this is not truly a Doppler eect.[9] ) 4.3 Radar
The use of the Doppler eect for light in astronomy de-
pends on our knowledge that the spectra of stars are not Main article: Doppler radar
homogeneous. They exhibit absorption lines at well de-
ned frequencies that are correlated with the energies re- The Doppler eect is used in some types of radar, to mea-
quired to excite electrons in various elements from one sure the velocity of detected objects. A radar beam is
level to another. The Doppler eect is recognizable in the red at a moving target e.g. a motor car, as police
fact that the absorption lines are not always at the frequen- use radar to detect speeding motorists as it approaches
cies that are obtained from the spectrum of a stationary or recedes from the radar source. Each successive radar
light source. Since blue light has a higher frequency than wave has to travel farther to reach the car, before being
red light, the spectral lines of an approaching astronomi- reected and re-detected near the source. As each wave
cal light source exhibit a blueshift and those of a receding has to move farther, the gap between each wave increases,
astronomical light source exhibit a redshift. increasing the wavelength. In some situations, the radar
Among the nearby stars, the largest radial velocities with beam is red at the moving car as it approaches, in which
respect to the Sun are +308 km/s (BD-154041, also case each successive wave travels a lesser distance, de-
known as LHS 52, 81.7 light-years away) and 260 km/s creasing the wavelength. In either situation, calculations
(Woolley 9722, also known as Wolf 1106 and LHS 64, from the Doppler eect accurately determine the cars ve-
78.2 light-years away). Positive radial velocity means the locity. Moreover, the proximity fuze, developed during

World War II, relies upon Doppler radar to detonate ex- (valvular regurgitation), and calculation of the cardiac
plosives at the correct time, height, distance, etc. output. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound using gas-lled
Because the doppler shift aects the wave incident upon microbubble contrast media can be used to improve
the target as well as the wave reected back to the radar, velocity or other ow-related medical measurements.
the change in frequency observed by a radar due to a tar- Although Doppler has become synonymous with ve-
get moving at relative velocity v is twice that from the locity measurement in medical imaging, in many cases
same target emitting a wave: it is not the frequency shift (Doppler shift) of the received
signal that is measured, but the phase shift (when the re-
f = 2v
f . [10] ceived signal arrives).
c 0
Velocity measurements of blood ow are also used in
other elds of medical ultrasonography, such as obstetric
4.4 Medical imaging and blood ow mea- ultrasonography and neurology. Velocity measurement
surement of blood ow in arteries and veins based on Doppler ef-
fect is an eective tool for diagnosis of vascular problems
Main article: Medical_ultrasonography like stenosis.
An echocardiogram can, within certain limits, produce
4.5 Flow measurement

Instruments such as the laser Doppler velocimeter

(LDV), and acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) have
been developed to measure velocities in a uid ow. The
LDV emits a light beam and the ADV emits an ultrasonic
acoustic burst, and measure the Doppler shift in wave-
lengths of reections from particles moving with the ow.
The actual ow is computed as a function of the water
velocity and phase. This technique allows non-intrusive
ow measurements, at high precision and high frequency.

4.6 Velocity prole measurement

Developed originally for velocity measurements in med-

ical applications (blood ow), Ultrasonic Doppler Ve-
locimetry (UDV) can measure in real time complete ve-
locity prole in almost any liquids containing particles in
suspension such as dust, gas bubbles, emulsions. Flows
can be pulsating, oscillating, laminar or turbulent, station-
ary or transient. This technique is fully non-invasive.

4.7 Satellite communication

Fast moving satellites can have a Doppler shift of dozens

of kilohertz relative to a ground station. The speed, thus
magnitude of Doppler eect, changes due to earth cur-
vature. Dynamic Doppler compensation, where the fre-
Colour ow ultrasonography (Doppler) of a carotid artery - quency of a signal is changed multiple times during trans-
scanner and screen mission, is used so the satellite receives a constant fre-
quency signal.[12]
an accurate assessment of the direction of blood ow and
the velocity of blood and cardiac tissue at any arbitrary
point using the Doppler eect. One of the limitations 4.8 Audio
is that the ultrasound beam should be as parallel to the
blood ow as possible. Velocity measurements allow The Leslie speaker, most commonly associated with and
assessment of cardiac valve areas and function, any predominantly used with the famous Hammond organ,
abnormal communications between the left and right takes advantage of the Doppler eect by using an electric
side of the heart, any leaking of blood through the valves motor to rotate an acoustic horn around a loudspeaker,

sending its sound in a circle. This results at the listeners Rayleigh fading
ear in rapidly uctuating frequencies of a keyboard note.

4.9 Vibration measurement

A laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) is a non-contact
7 References
method for measuring vibration. The laser beam from
the LDV is directed at the surface of interest, and the vi- [1]
bration amplitude and frequency are extracted from the
Doppler shift of the laser beam frequency due to the mo- [2] Alec Eden The search for Christian Doppler,Springer-
tion of the surface. Verlag, Wien 1992. Contains a facsimile edition with an
English translation.

4.10 Developmental biology [3] Buys Ballot (1845). Akustische Versuche auf der
Niederlndischen Eisenbahn, nebst gelegentlichen
During the segmentation of vertebrate embryos, waves of Bemerkungen zur Theorie des Hrn. Prof. Doppler
gene expression sweep across the presomitic mesoderm, (in German)". Annalen der Physik und Chemie
the tissue from which the precursors of the vertebrae 11: 321351. Bibcode:1845AnP...142..321B.
(somites) are formed. A new somite is formed upon ar- doi:10.1002/andp.18451421102.
rival of a wave at the anterior end of the presomitic meso- [4] Fizeau: Acoustique et optique. Lecture, Socit Philo-
derm. In zebrash, it has been shown that the shortening mathique de Paris, 29 December 1848. According to
of the presomitic mesoderm during segmentation leads to Becker(pg. 109), this was never published, but recounted
a Doppler eect as the anterior end of the tissue moves by M. Moigno(1850): Rpertoire d'optique moderne
into the waves. This Doppler eect contributes to the pe- (in French), vol 3. pp 1165-1203 and later in full by
riod of segmentation.[13] Fizeau, Des eets du mouvement sur le ton des vibra-
tions sonores et sur la longeur d'onde des rayons de lu-
mire"; [Paris, 1870]. Annales de Chimie et de Physique,
19, 211-221.
5 Inverse Doppler eect
Becker (2011). Barbara J. Becker, Unravel-
Since 1968 scientists such as Victor Veselago have spec- ling Starlight: William and Margaret Huggins and
ulated about the possibility of an inverse Doppler eect. the Rise of the New Astronomy, illustrated Edi-
The experiment that claimed to have detected this eect tion, Cambridge University Press, 2011; ISBN
was conducted by Nigel Seddon and Trevor Bearpark in 110700229X, 9781107002296.
Bristol, United Kingdom in 2003.[14] [5] Scott Russell, John (1848). On certain eects produced
Researchers from many Universities like Swinburne Uni- on sound by the rapid motion of the observer. Report
versity of Technology and the University of Shanghai for of the Eighteenth Meeting of the British Association for the
Science and Technology showed that this eect can be Advancement of Science (John Murray, London in 1849)
18 (7): 3738. Retrieved 2008-07-08.
observed in optical frequencies as well. This was made
possible by growing a photonic crystal and projecting a [6] Rosen, Joe; Gothard, Lisa Quinn (2009). Encyclopedia
laser beam into the crystal. This made the crystal act of Physical Science. Infobase Publishing. p. 155. ISBN
like a super prism and the inverse Doppler eect could 0-8160-7011-3. Extract of page 155
be observed.[15]
[7] Strutt (Lord Rayleigh), John William (1896). MacMillan
& Co, ed. The Theory of Sound 2 (2 ed.). p. 154.
6 See also [8] Downie, Neil A, 'Vacuum Bazookas, Electric Rainbow
Jelly and 27 other projects for Saturday Science', Prince-
Relativistic Doppler eect ton (2001) ISBN 0-691-00986-4

Dopplergraph [9] The distinction is made clear in Harrison, Edward Robert

(2000). Cosmology: The Science of the Universe (2nd ed.).
Doppler cooling Cambridge University Press. pp. 306. ISBN 0-521-
Fizeau experiment
Fading [10]

Photoacoustic Doppler eect [11] Evans, D. H.; McDicken, W. N. (2000). Doppler Ultra-
sound (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN
Dierential Doppler eect 0-471-97001-8.

[12] Qingchong, Liu (1999), Doppler measurement and com- The Doppler Eect and Sonic Booms (D.A. Russell,
pensation in mobile satellite communications systems, Kettering University)
Military Communications Conference Proceedings / MIL-
COM 1: 316320, doi:10.1109/milcom.1999.822695 Video Mashup with Doppler Eect videos

[13] Soroldoni, D.; Jrg, D. J.; Morelli, L. G.; Richmond, Wave Propagation from John de Pillis. An animation
D. L.; Schindelin, J.; Jlicher, F.; Oates, A. C. (2014). showing that the speed of a moving wave source does
A Doppler Eect in Embryonic Pattern Formation. not aect the speed of the wave.
Science 345: 222225. Bibcode:2014Sci...345..222S.
doi:10.1126/science.1253089. PMID 25013078. EM Wave Animation from John de Pillis. How an
electromagnetic wave propagates through a vacuum
[14] Kozyrev, Alexander B.; van der Weide, Daniel W. (2005).
Explanation of the Inverse Doppler Eect Observed in Doppler Shift Demo - Interactive ash simulation
Nonlinear Transmission Lines. Physical Review Let- for demonstrating Doppler shift.
ters 94 (20): 203902. Bibcode:2005PhRvL..94t3902K.
doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.203902. PMID 16090248. Interactive applets at Physics 2000
Lay summary (May 23, 2005).

[15] Scientists reverse Doppler Eect,, March 7,

2011, retrieved 2011-03-18

8 Further reading
Doppler, C. (1842). ber das farbige Licht der
Doppelsterne und einiger anderer Gestirne des Him-
mels (About the coloured light of the binary stars and
some other stars of the heavens). Publisher: Ab-
handlungen der Knigl. Bhm. Gesellschaft der
Wissenschaften (V. Folge, Bd. 2, S. 465-482) [Pro-
ceedings of the Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences
(Part V, Vol 2)]; Prague: 1842 (Reissued 1903).
Some sources mention 1843 as year of publication
because in that year the article was published in the
Proceedings of the Bohemian Society of Sciences.
Doppler himself referred to the publication as Prag
1842 bei Borrosch und Andr", because in 1842 he
had a preliminary edition printed that he distributed

Doppler and the Doppler eect, E. N. da C. An-

drade, Endeavour Vol. XVIII No. 69, January 1959
(published by ICI London). Historical account of
Dopplers original paper and subsequent develop-

Adrian, Eleni (24 June 1995). Doppler Eect.

NCSA. Retrieved 2008-07-13.

9 External links
Doppler Eect, [ScienceWorld]

Java simulation of Doppler eect

Doppler Shift for Sound and Light at MathPages

Flash simulation and game of Doppler eect of

sound at Scratch (programming language)

10 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

10.1 Text
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10.2 Images
File:CarotidDoppler1.jpg Source: License: CC BY 3.0
Contributors: Own work Original artist: Etan J. Tal
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tors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Doppler_effect_diagrammatic.svg Source:
diagrammatic.svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Image:Doppler eect diagrammatic.png Original artist: Tkarcher, improved by
File:Doppler_hattyu.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Own work Original artist: Ztonyi Sndor, (ifj.) Fizped
File:Dopplereffectsourcemovingrightatmach0.7.gif Source:
Dopplereffectsourcemovingrightatmach0.7.gif License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Lookang many
thanks to Fu-Kwun Hwang and author of Easy Java Simulation = Francisco Esquembre

File:Dopplereffectsourcemovingrightatmach1.0.gif Source:

Dopplereffectsourcemovingrightatmach1.0.gif License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Lookang many
thanks to Fu-Kwun Hwang and author of Easy Java Simulation = Francisco Esquembre
File:Dopplereffectsourcemovingrightatmach1.4.gif Source:
Dopplereffectsourcemovingrightatmach1.4.gif License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Lookang many
thanks to Fu-Kwun Hwang and author of Easy Java Simulation = Francisco Esquembre
File:Dopplereffectstationary.gif Source: License:
CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Lookang many thanks to Fu-Kwun Hwang and author of Easy Java Simulation
= Francisco Esquembre
File:Dopplerfrequenz.gif Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Contributors: Own work Original artist: Charly Whisky 18:20, 27 January 2007 (yyy)
File:Gnome-mime-sound-openclipart.svg Source:
Gnome-mime-sound-openclipart.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work. Based on File:Gnome-mime-audio-openclipart.
svg, which is public domain. Original artist: User:Eubulides
File:Question_book-new.svg Source: License: Cc-by-sa-3.0
Created from scratch in Adobe Illustrator. Based on Image:Question book.png created by User:Equazcion Original artist:
File:Redshift.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
File:Redshift.png Original artist:
Georg Wiora (Dr. Schorsch) created this image from the original JPG.
File:Speeding-car-horn_doppler_effect_sample.ogg Source:
Speeding-car-horn_doppler_effect_sample.ogg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Magickallwiz

10.3 Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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