Ijetae 1014 72
Ijetae 1014 72
Ijetae 1014 72
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2014)
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2014)
Moreover, there are plenty of appropriate technologies Concrete is filled up into a formwork of cells 150
for rural road construction and maintenance using locally mm_150 mm_100 mm made up of thin plastic sheets and
available materials as well as local agricultural implements. compacted to form flexible interlocked concrete blocks. It
was found that the blocks became interlocked and that the
II. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY block pavement displayed a very little amount of rutting
along the wheel path.
Evaluation of Functional and Structural parameters
B. B. Pandey et. al (2011) conducted a study of an
for the selected stretches of Village Roads.
investigation on cell filled pavements. They carried out
Identifying the merits of new technology over the
studies for investigating the structural behavior of different
conventional technology.
types of cell-filled pavements. The main objective of this
To quantify the structural and functional parameters study was to investigate the behavior of pavements
to be used for the further study on deterioration constructed by filling the cells with (a) cement concrete (b)
modeling in terms of Pavement Condition Index soil cement and (c) sand cement laid over two different
(PCI). types of sub-bases (moorum and soil cement). A
This Pavement Performance is taken up to study the comparison of costs of different types of cell-filled
behavior of conventional concrete, flexible pavement, pavements with those of traditional flexible and rigid
cell filled concrete of 100mm thick with different pavements designed for low traffic volumes indicates that
categories for the same traffic and to find out the cell-filled pavements are cost-effective compared with
economical construction of rural road for the conventional pavements, particularly in locations with
economical and social development of the rural scarcity of aggregates.
population. Y. A. Singh et. al (2011) conducted an experimental
study on Structural Performance of Plastic Cell-filled
III. SELECTION OF STUDY AREA Concrete Block Pavement (PCCBP) for Low Volume
In this case study, the rural road was selected in Roads. Experimental investigations into the structural
Sidlaghatta Taluk of Chikkaballapur District, Karnataka behaviors of different thicknesses of plastic cell-filled
state, which was constructed under the technology concrete block pavement (PCCBP) over 100-mm thick
demonstration project of PMGSY phase IX. The details of water bound macadam sub-base course were presented. In
the test sections of Anur Hunasenahalli to T-07 (2.16 km) this study, an attempt has been made to use waste stone
of Sidlaghatta Taluk are shown in Table 1. dust in place of the traditional river sand as fine aggregates
in concrete.
IV. LITERATURE SURVEY Haradhan Sarkar et. al (2014) conducted an experimental
Visser, A.T (1999) conducted a study on flexible study on Behavior of Interlocking Concrete Block
Portland cement concrete pavement for low volume roads. Pavement over Stone Dust Grouted Subbase. This paper
In South Africa Portland cement concrete filled geo-cells, describes structural behavior of interlocking concrete block
termed Hyson-Cells, have been used successfully in the pavement (ICBP) that is laid over a sub-base of grouted
provision of low volume roads and streets. The main single size aggregate with stone dust and confined by
conclusions were that there was no indication of stress plastic cell made from thin polyethylene. From the test
sensitivity of the unbound materials, and typical stiffness results it is evident that the pavement without jointing sand
values used in road pavement design could be used. deflects about 14% more than that with jointing sand. The
B. B. Pandey et. al (2005) conducted a study for determined equivalent elastic modulus of the pavement
evaluating the performance of cast in situ concrete block structure for subgrade soils, subbase and concrete block
pavements for low volume roads. layer without and with jointing sand are 59.58 MPa, 232
MPa, 470 MPa and 2352 MPa respectively.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2014)
Sl.No. Road Length in Km Sub-Total Technology Layer Layer Layer Overall Crust
(From & To) Length in Adopted details thickness in width in thickness
km mm M (mm)
VI. STRUCTURAL EVALUATION From the deflection values of the observation points
within each stretch, the standard deviation (d) was
A. Benkelman Beam Deflection Studies calculated. The characteristic deflection value, Dc has been
The rebound deflection value obtained at each point was worked out taking Dc = (m+d), for Village Roads, where
calculated making use of the initial, intermediate and final m is the mean deflection values. The average
rebound deflection values, after applying correction where characteristic deflection value for the two stretches is
ever necessary. The average of the rebound deflection shown in Table 3. The BBD test is conducted as per
values, at every 50/100 m interval over the entire stretch IRC:81-1997.
given for BBD studies was calculated.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2014)
B. Classified Traffic Volume Counts The vehicles are classified as representative vehicles
such as two wheelers, three wheelers, buses, 2 and 3 axle
Classified traffic volume counts were carried out for the
trucks, jeeps, cars, vans mini bus, mini trucks, tractors,
test stretches. A 24 hour traffic volume count was
bicycles, animal drawn carts (pneumatic tyred and iron
conducted on hourly basis for three days and the details
tyred). The averages of all class of vehicles were multiplied
were recorded.
with their respective PCU factor and PCU and average
CVPD were calculated. The abstract of PCU, CVPD and
MSA calculated are shown in Table 4.
C. Axle Load Surveys Only the axles with weight of 3 tonnes and above are
Axle Load Survey was conducted on the test stretches considered to have effect on the pavement performance,
for the determination of Vehicle Damage Factor (VDF). hence axles with weight of 3 tonnes and above were
The survey was conducted along with the traffic volume considered in the study. The average of vehicle Equivalent
count for 24 hours X 3 days. The axle load survey was Factors and their total avg. VDF are shown in the Table 5.
conducted in accordance with IRC: SP: 19-2001.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2014)
VII. FUNCTIONAL EVALUATION In this case study MERLIN measurements were made
w.r.t the technologies adopted viz., the MERLIN sheets
A. MERLIN Roughness Survey
were changed as the technology changed. The recording of
MERLIN Roughness survey was conducted on the roughness survey is done on a typical recording chart. The
stretches to estimate the roughness of the pavement surface. abstract of the MERLIN roughness value is summarized in
To determine the roughness of a section of road, 200 the Table 6. Analysis is as per TRL report (Cundill).
measurements should be made at regular intervals at a
distance of 0.6 m from the edge of the road.
VIII. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS The soil samples were collected from the respective
Soil investigations such as the soil classification, chainages shown in the table and tests were conducted in
Atterberg limits, OMC and MDD, CBR, and natural accordance with IS 2720 and MORTH specifications.
moisture content were conducted in the laboratory in order The results of these are shown in the Table 8.
to determine the soil properties and other engineering
properties of soil.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2014)
Compaction Moisture
Atterberg limits (IS- parameters (IS content (IS-
part 12,
Chainage (km) 2720 part 5, 1985) 2720, part 8 2720 part 2,
IS Soil 1983)
Sl.no 1983) 1983)
At 56 blows (%)
n (%) (%) (%) (g/cc) (%)
Anur Hunasenahalli to T-07
1 0.10 SC 32 20 12 1.875 10.5 6.25 5.0
0.0 to
1.0 km
2 1.00 SC 32 22 10 1.875 11.5 6.00 5.0
Constn. of 200 mm thick CC M30 over GSB+WBM G-3 Road (Conventional Concrete) Rs.47.12 lakhs
Construction of 100 mm Cell Fill Multi grade over GSB+WBM G-3 Rs.32.65 lakhs
Construction of 100 mm Cell Fill 20 mm d/z Agg. In CM 1:3 over GSB+WBM G-3 Rs.32.13 lakhs
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2014)
B. Functional Evaluation Cell Fill Concrete roads is a challenge in the rural
road construction with the effective diversion of
The MERLIN roughness value obtained from the traffic.
average of three cycles in terms of International
Roughness Index (IRI) is 2.95 m/km or 2950 mm/km REFERENCES
from table-6. Therefore the IRI value obtained is [1] Indian Roads Congress, Guidelines for Strengthening of Flexible
below 3 and has a good riding quality or riding road pavements using Benkelman Beam Deflection Technique, IRC:
comfort (as per TRL report (Cundill)). The cell-fill 81 (First Revision) 1997
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