Plastic Cell Filled Concrete Road: A Review: MR - Piyush Madke, Prof. Shrikant Harle
Plastic Cell Filled Concrete Road: A Review: MR - Piyush Madke, Prof. Shrikant Harle
Plastic Cell Filled Concrete Road: A Review: MR - Piyush Madke, Prof. Shrikant Harle
Coarse Aggregate
Fig 3 Plastic cell after compaction
Locally available coarse aggregate of size
20 mm & 10 mm are used for laying of
sub-base & sub grade layers. Some
The cell walls get deformed after
standard tests were performed previously
compaction and the plastic cells induce
on the aggregates for determination of
elastic behavior in pavement and thus it
engineering properties of the coarse
can be called as flexible-rigid pavement.
aggregate and values are thus obtained
moreover the mean values of test are taken
from literature review as shown below.
30 and 600 minutes respectively. The road projects. Field moisture is convenient
standard tests such soundness, fineness test for village road projects. Field moisture
should be carried on the cement which is contents of sand and coarse aggregates
used for the construction of cell-filled were determined to be 3 and 1%,
block pavement. respectively. The optimum moisture
content for concrete mix was obtained as
Sand/ Fine aggregate 5% by weight of the total weight of coarse
Locally available fine aggregate or river aggregates, fine aggregates and cement
sand within permissible limits of bulk (MORD 2004). Concrete cubes of
density can be used if sand is not dimension 150mm x 150mm x 150mm in
available in much quantity then stone dust size (IS10086:1982) were casted. Steel
from quarry can be used as replacement cubical moulds 150 x 150 x 150 mm in
of sand. size (BIS 1959) were used for determining
the strength of mix proportions. The
Soil crushed aggregates of nominal sizes such
IS 2720 has laid some of the criterion in as 26.5 and 22.4 mm, 22.4 mm were used
terms of specific gravity plastic limit and in addition to single size pit run gravel was
liquid limit. The soil used for backfilling also considered to explore its use for rural
of the pavement and preparation sub-base connectivity at a lower cost since the
required beneath the pavement layers. material is cheap and easily available in
many adjoining areas. Cubical moulds
METHODOLOGY were filled with single size aggregates, and
Construction of test section of PCCBP cement-sand mortar was vibrated until all
Mix Composition and Strength of Cement voids were filled. Excess mortar was
Concrete removed by means of a straight edge. The
A minimum compressive strength of 30 cube strength was determined after 7 days
MPa is desirable for concrete block of curing in water. The average value of 7-
pavement for village roads (MORD 2004). day compressive strength was obtained as
Cement, sand and coarse aggregates were 38.6 MPa.
taken in the proportion of 1:1.25:2.5 by
volume as weigh batching is found Construction of Test Section
inconvenient in villages hence volume A test section with sub-base and surface
batching is generally preferred for village layers (cell-filled) was constructed. The
length and width of the section are 10 m (MDD) of the soil. Compaction was done
and 4 m, respectively. From studies of at the optimum moisture content (~12%)
( Singh several test sections of using a 100 KN three wheeled roller in
varying thickness were constructed of size three layers of 100 mm each, maintaining
2.7*5.3 m. cross and longitudinal slopes. After
compaction the surface was levelled
Excavation manually to bring the surface to the
The excavation of the existing pavement required profile.
for the construction was done using an
earth excavator. The upper layers of the
existing pavement were removed and a
trench measuring 15 m in length and 7 m
in width and approximately 450 mm depth
was excavated (Figure 4) till sub-grade
soil layer. After excavation the loose Fig.5 Laying and Compaction of sub-
materials were properly removed and the grade. .(Y.A.Singh
natural soil was properly levelled.
The field density and the moisture content
of the compacted sub-grade soil was
determined by core cutter method and
were found to be 1880 Kg/m3 and ~12 %
respectively. The percentage field
compaction was found to be ~98% of the
standard laboratory compaction value.
materials were manually placed and spread placed that the inner dimension should be
uniformly over the prepared sub-grade 4m x 10m.Inside this form work the
soil. Laying and compaction (Figures 6) placing of plastic cells and concreting is
was done as per MORTH (2001). Rolling going to be done.
with copiously sprinkling of water and
sweeping with brooms for WBM was Laying and Concreting of Plastic cells
continued until the slurry that is formed After fixing the form work plastic of
will, after filling the voids between section 4m x 1m is laid. Such 10 sections
aggregates form a wave ahead of the are prepared for 10m x 4m road. These
moving roller indicating that the voids are plastic sections are stretched by the help of
fully filled and the layer is properly steel bars. After stretching the diamond
compacted (CPWD, 1996). shaped box of size 0.212m x 0.212m
should be formed. At the joining of two
sections steel bars are provided so that
there should be proper bonding between
two sections.
Fixing of Formwork
After the leveling with the roller, form Fig. 8 Laying of Concrete.(Dagwal et al)