Lgciu Ts Guide
Lgciu Ts Guide
Lgciu Ts Guide
6647 Series
Troubleshooting Guide
Introduction Page 3
Abbreviations . Page 6
A036 . Page 28
A037 . Page 28
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Ultra Electronics Controls is based in the UK with repairs stations situated around the
world. If you require support on our product then please contact us and we will be happy
to support you. We provide services on AOG, Technical Support, Spares, Repairs and
LGCIU trouble shooting.
Below is a list of contact methods by which you can contact us. All Service Bulletins and
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Email support@ultracontrols.aero
This document describes how the Troubleshooting data codes (TSD) relate to the
CFDS messages and ECAM warnings for the Landing gear Control & Interface Unit
LGCIU 6647 Series.
The LGCIU has 253 Troubleshooting data codes each one is individual and is made up
of a letter and a decimal number. The letter relates to what part of the LGCIU or
system is faulty and the number gives the type of fault.
For example H146 means Microprocessor card (H), Watchdog timer fault (146).
Table 1 identifies all of the LGCIU TSD codes and details of the failure condition
detected, it also includes information concerning the associated CFDS Messages and
ECAM Warnings applicable to LGCIU 1.
The notes on page 26 explain how to read across to LGCIU 2 CFDS Messages and
ECAM warnings.
For example the ECAM Warning "LGCIU 1 FAULT" for LGCIU 1 becomes "LGCIU
2 FAULT " for LGCIU 2.
Only one LGCIU is in control of the landing gear at any one time. If the LGCIU in
'control' is affected by a 'control fault' it will automatically transfer control of the
landing gear to the other LGCIU providing the other LGCIU is free of 'control faults'.
Where the Comment column states "Automatic Control Change over" this means that
the fault is a 'control fault' and control will be transferred from one LGCIU to the other
LGCIU not withstanding the previous sentence. For more details, refer to note A145 on
page 29.
Where the Comment column states "No Effect on L/G Control" and the ECAM
Warning column states "From Affected systems" it means that : This type of failure
has no LGCIU ECAM warning allocated to it. However, the Systems receiving this
information may be able to detect that an LGCIU interface signal has failed (for
example by comparing the signals from LGCIU 1 with LGCIU 2). These Systems may
then generate their own ECAM warning e.g. the Flight Control System may generate
Ce document dcrit les codes de pannes TSD ainsi que les messages CFDS et les
messages ECAM associs pour les Landing Gear Control & Interface Units LGCIU
dont le part number commence par 6647.
Ce document est un aide la leve de doute et au dpannage sur avion. Il rsume des
informations du CMM 32-31-39 qui reste la rfrence. En cas de diffrence entre le
CMM et ce guide, le CMM doit servir de rfrence.
Le LGCIU a 253 codes de pannes. Chaque code est constitu d'une lettre qui dcrit le
sous ensemble en panne (voir liste page 7), et d'un nombre qui dcrit le type de panne.
Par exemple, le code H146 indique une panne du timer Watchdog (146) sur la carte
Microprocesseur (H).
Le tableau 1 liste tous les codes de pannes du LGCIU, dcrit les pannes, les messages
de panne CFDS et les alarmes ECAM associes pour le LGCIU1.
L'extension et la rtraction des trains d'atterrissage ne sont contrles que par un seul
LGCIU la fois. Lorsque ce LGCIU a une panne de type "Control Fault", alors il
donnera le contrle l'autre LGCIU la condition que celui-ci ne soit pas affect
d'une panne similaire "Control Fault". Ceci s'applique pour tous les cas lists dans le
tableau ci-aprs o il est crit "Automatic control change over". Pour plus de dtails,
voir aussi le commentaire page 29 sur le code A145.
Les pannes dinterface entre le LGCIU et les autres calculateurs gnrent un message
CFDS mais pas toujours de message dalarme ECAM indiquant le LGCIU. Au
contraire, lalarme ECAM viendra du systme affect par la perte du LGCIU. Par
exemple, si le systme Flight Control dtecte un dsaccord entre deux signaux
provenant des LGCIU 1 et 2, alors, le message ECAM sera "F/CTL" et non pas
"LGCIU". Ces pannes sont dcrites dans les pages suivantes : la colonne ECAM
Warning comporte linformation " From affected system(s) " et le champ commentaire
prcise "No Effect on L/G Control ".
Dieses Dokument beschreibt, wie die Pannenkodierung des TSD (Trouble Shooting
Data Codes) mit den CFDS-Meldungen (Centralised Fault Display System) und den
ECAM-Warnmeldungen fr die LGCIU (Landing Gear Control & Interface Unit) der
6647 Serie zusammenhngt.
Das LGCIU hat 253 jeweils individuelle Pannenkodierungen, die aus einem
Buchstaben und einer Dezimalzahl bestehen. Der Buchstabe gibt an, welcher Teil des
LGCIUs oder des Systems fehlerhaft ist; die Nummer gibt Aufschluss ber den
Die Bemerkungen auf Seite 26 erklren, wie die LGCIU 2 CFDS-Meldungen und
ECAM-Warnmeldungen zu lesen sind.
Nur eines der LGCIUs ist fr den Betrieb des Fahrwerkes jeweils zustndig. Wenn das
zustndige LGCIU durch einen Kontrollfehler ausfllt, wird es automatisch durch
das andere LGCIU ersetzt, ausser Letzteres weist ebenfalls Kontrollfehler auf.
Wenn in der Spalte Bemerkungen die Angabe Automatic Control Change Over
vermerkt ist, bedeutet dies, dass der Fehler ein Kontrollfehler ist und die Kontrolle
von einem LGCIU zum anderen bertragen wird. Mehr Einzelheiten liefert die
Bemerkung A145 auf Seite 29.
Wenn die Spalte Bemerkungen die Angabe No Effect on L/G Control enthlt und
die ECAM Warnmeldespalte von fehlerhaften Systemen angibt, ist die Situation wie
Dieser Fehlertyp ist fr LGCIUs als interfacesignals eingestuft, d.h. es existiert keine
entsprechende ECAM-Warnmeldung fr die Fahrwerke. Jedoch knnte es passieren,
dass die Systeme, die diese Information erhalten, eventuell in der Lage sind, die Panne
des LGCIU-Interfacesignals festzustellen (zum Beispiel indem sie die Signale von
LGCIU 1 mit LGCIU 2 vergleichen). Diese Systeme generieren dann ggfs. ihre
eigene ECAM Warnmeldung. So knnte zum Beispiel die Meldung F/CTL durch
das Flugsteuerungssystem generiert werden.
Letter Codes
All TSD Codes that are produced by the LGCIU are prefixed by a Letter Code that
indicates which part of the LGCIU or System is affected (or is the source of the
failure message).
A = LGCIU Not affected LRU (Prox Sensor etc.) identified per Table 1
A012 Nose Gear shock absorber 322113 N L/G L/G SHOCK No Automatic
not extended after SHOCK ABSORBER change over of
commencement of ABSORBER FAULT control.
retraction, triggers retraction 2526GM L/G see note If shock absorber
inhibit. 3 seconds A012 L/G GEAR re-extends
confirmation time. NOT UPLOCKED retraction will
(after 30 NOT re start.
seconds) See Note A012
A013 Gear will not retract as 321115 L L/G L/G GEAR NOT No Automatic
bogie not aligned, after PITCH UPLOCKED change over.
retraction has started. 3 TRIMMER (after 30
seconds confirmation time 4076GM Seconds) See Note A012
(If bogies fitted)
A019 RH gear extended prox 323173 R L/G LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
sensor open circuit. See EXT PROX change-over
A018 above SNSR 20GA
A020 Nose gear uplock prox 323173 N L/G LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
sensor open or short circuit UPLK PROX change-over
A021 Right hand gear uplock prox 323173 R L/G LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
sensor open or short circuit UPLOCK PROX change-over
A022 Right gear door fully open 323173 R L/G LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
prox sensor open or short DOOR OPEN change-over
circuit PROX SNSR
A023 Nose gear downlock prox 323173 N L/G LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
sensor open or short circuit DNLK PROX change-over
A024 Right Hand Nose Door fully 323173 N L/G R LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
open prox sensor open or DOOR OPEN change-over
short circuit PROX SNSR
A025 Left Hand Nose Door fully 323173 N L/G L LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
open prox sensor open or DOOR OPEN change-over
short circuit PROX SNSR
A026 Left hand gear downlock 323173 L L/G LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
prox sensor open or short DNLK PROX change-over
circuit SNSR 15GA
A027 Right hand gear downlock 323173 R L/G LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
prox sensor open or short DNLK PROX change-over
circuit SNSR 14GA
A045 Right Hand bogie alignment 323173 R L/G LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
prox sensor open or short BOG ALIGN change-over
circuit PROX SNSR
(If Bogies fitted) 44GA
D083 Right bogie alignment, 323171 LGCIU1 LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
channel fault on Prox Card 05GA1 change-over
(If Bogies Fitted)
H139 Solenoids not disabled on 323171 LGCIU1 LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic Control
Power up 05GA1 change over
H140 Not Used
H141 ARINC chip transit buffer 323171 LGCIU1 LGCIU 1 FAULT Reference H138
not ready 05GA1 above.
H142 Not Used
H143 Not Used
H144 Not Used
A145 Non changeover of Landing 323171 LGCIU None Control remains
Gear control 2 05GA2 see Note A145.
(due to control circuit)
H146 Watchdog timer fault during 323171 LGCIU1 LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
initialisation 05GA1 change-over
H147 Watchdog timer reset audit 323171 LGCIU1 LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
trail fault 05GA1 change-over
H148 Watchdog timer reset 323171 LGCIU1 LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
software overrun 05GA1 change-over
J149 Software fault log pointer 323171 LGCIU1 LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
corruption 05GA1 change-over
A150 Right Hand gear extended 323173 R L/G F/CTL Prox sensor did
Prox sensor disagreement EXT PROX not agree for 30
SNSR 20GA secs or more
A151 Left Hand gear extended 323173 L L/G F/CTL Prox sensor did
Prox sensor disagreement EXT PROX not agree for 30
SNSR 21GA secs or more
A152 Nose gear extended Prox 323173 N L/G F/CTL Prox sensor did
sensor disagreement EXT PROX not agree for 30
SNSR 24GA secs or more
A153 Right Hand gear door fully 323173 R L/G None, however if Prox sensor did
open Prox sensor DOOR OPEN this LGCIU is in not agree for 4
disagreement PROX SNSR control L/G may secs or more for
32GA TGT POS not retract and stuck FAR or 30
trigger ECAM sec or more on
warning stuck NEAR
A159 Nose gear door closed 323173 N L/G None Prox sensor did
prox sensor disagreement DOORS not agree for 10
CLOSED PROX secs or more for
SNSR 30GA stuck NEAR or 30
TGT POS sec for stuck FAR
A160 Not Used
A161 Not Used
A162 Not Used
A163 Not Used
A164 Not Used
A165 Not Used
C166 Nose Gear Extended/ 323173 N L/G LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
centred signal conditioning EXT PROX change over
failure SNSR 24GA
C167 Right Hand Gear Extended 323173 R L/G LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
signal conditioning failure EXT PROX change over
C168 Nose Gear Uplock signal 323173 N L/G LGCIU 1 FAULT Automatic control
conditioning failure UPLOCK PROX change over
D183 Forward Cargo door safety 523115 FWD DOOR FWD This sensor is
mechanism signal CARGO DOOR CARGO used to indicate
conditioning failure (LGCIU SAFETY cargo door
1 Only) MECHANISM position on ECAM
D190 Aft Cargo door locking 523215 AFT DOOR AFT This sensor is
handle signal conditioning CARGO DOOR CARGO used to indicate
failure HANDLE PROX cargo door
(LGCIU 1 Only) SNSR 34WV position on ECAM
LGCIU 2 Messages
The messages from LGCIU 2 are very similar to the messages from LGCIU 1. The
tables below show exceptions.
LGCIU 1 LGCIU 2 Connector
FIN FIN Pins in
Cavity AA
24GA 25GA Nose Shock Absorber Proximity Sensor 3C, 3D
20GA 22GA RH Shock Absorber Proximity Sensor 3A, 3B
12GA 13GA nose Gear Uplock Proximity Sensor 2A, 2B
8GA 10GA RH Gear Uplock Proximity Sensor 1E, 1F
32GA 34GA RH Door Fully Open Proximity Sensor 4C, 4D
18GA 19GA Nose Gear Downlock Proximity Sensor 2G, 2H
36GA 38GA Nose RH Door Fully Open Proximity Sensor 4E, 4F
37GA 39GA Nose LH Door Fully Open Proximity Sensor 4G, 4H
15GA 17GA LH Gear Downlock Proximity Sensor 2J, 2K
14GA 16GA RH Gear Downlock Proximity Sensor 2E, 2F
30GA 31GA Nose Door Uplock Proximity Sensor 3J, 3K
26GA 28GA RH Door Uplock Proximity Sensor 3G, 3H
9GA 11GA LH Gear Uplock Proximity Sensor 2C,2D
21GA 23GA LH Shock Absorber Proximity Sensor 3E, 3F
44GA 46GA RH Bogie Alignment Proximity Sensor 5A, 5B
45GA 47GA LH Bogie Alignment Proximity Sensor 5C, 5D
05MJ Cargo Door Locking Shaft FWD Proximity Sensor 6C, 6D
30WV Cargo Door Safety Mechanism FWD Prox. Sensor 6C, 6D
12MJ Cargo Door Locking Shaft AFT Proximity Sensor 6E, 6F
32WV Cargo Door Safety Mechanism AFT Prox. Sensor 6E, 6F
27GA 29GA LH Door Uplock Proximity Sensor 4A, 4B
33GA 35GA LH Door Fully Open Proximity Sensor 4J, 4K
28WV Cargo Door Locking Handle FWD Prox. Sensor 6G, 6H
34WV Cargo Door Locking Handle AFT Proximity Sensor 6J, 6K
37CV 39CV LH Flap Alignment Proximity Sensor 5J, 5K
38CV 40CV RH Flap Alignment Proximity Sensor 6A, 6B
In simple terms, the LGCIU 1 monitors the cargo door position by monitoring the cargo
door safety mechanism and cargo door handle prox sensors.
The LGCIU 2 monitors the cargo door-locking shaft. When the locking shaft has been
manually unlocked it is safe to power open the door, so the LGCIU allows a hydraulic
pump to run such that hydraulic pressure is available through manual selector valves to
power open the door(s).
Hence there are different cargo door sensors for LGCIU 1 and 2, so the following Table 3
describes the BITE of the LGCIU 2 cargo door sensors.
The LGCIU BITE Test from the MCDU will not show Proximity Sensor Disagree faults
(e.g. code A154), because the disagree algorithm is running continuously hence any fault
will be shown in the LGCIU Ground Scanning Report. However the LGCIU BITE Test will
perform an accurate self test of the LGCIU internal proximity sensor interface card and
the proximity sensors, hence this may reveal additional faults which will be written into
the ground troubleshooting data page.
Triggered by the valve current exceeding 1 ampere for 1 second. This fault can only be
detected when the valves are energised.
Re-selection will allow lowering but not retraction. If the pilot selects up again and the
fault occurs again then the ECAM Warning L/G SHOCK ABSORBER will be triggered
because both LGCIUs will have set the ARINC 429 'Retraction inhibit' bit. If the fault
does not occur again then the healthy system / LGCIU will retract the landing gear.
If this code is stored on LGCIU 2 it means that the cargo Door forward lockshaft prox
sensor has electrically failed and the cargo door(s) will have to be hand pumped
If this code is stored on LGCIU 2 it means that the cargo door aft lockshaft prox sensor
has electrically failed and the cargo door(s) will have to be hand pumped open/closed.