Exam1 With Solutions
Exam1 With Solutions
Exam1 With Solutions
(b) The most probable macrostate is obviously 25 heads, 25 tails. The number of
microstates associated with this macrostate is:
(c) Probability for achieving 25 heads and 25 tails is p25:25 = W25:25/Wtot = 0.112.
p30:20 0.0419
Therefore, p30:20 = 0.0419, and = = 0.374.
p25:25 0.112
(e) Need to use a different method, because my calculator will not be able to handle the big
( 250!) .
p300:200 500C300
= 500 =
p250:250 C250 300!200!
The numbers are big enough that Sterlings formula should work. Therefore, take the
natural log,
ln 300:200 = 2 250ln 250 300ln 300 200ln 200 + (200 + 300 500)
= 2760.730 1711.135 1059.663 = 10.068
= e 10.068 = 4.24 105.
2. Consider a pure silicon nanoparticle that is placed in thermal contact with a heat bath
which is maintained at a constant temperature of 300.0 K. The nanoparticle contains
5.00 106 silicon atoms. Suppose that we have a method of instantaneously measuring
the temperature of this nanometer sized silicon particle. Calculate the ratio of the
probability for finding it at 300.1 K, versus at the bath temperature 300.0 K:
p(300.1)/p(300.0). Note: silicon has a specific heat capacity c = 7.05 kJ.K-1.kg-1 and an
atomic mass of 28.09 g.mole-1.
Important (also a hint): in order to solve this problem, you will at some point have to
find the difference between two very similar numbers; if you rely on your calculator, be
very careful to maintain enough precision in these numbers so as not to introduce errors
in your final calculation; if you prefer not to tax your calculator, you could use the fact
that ln(1 + ) 1/2 2, where << 1.
First find the entropy difference associated with the two macrostates, i.e. for the silicon
nanoparticle at 300.1 K and 300.0 K. Clearly, the entropy at 300.0 K must be greater, as it
corresponds to the equilibrium state. Thus, the increase in entropy upon cooling the
nanoparticle from 300.1 K to 300 K is given by the following expression:
TSi , f Qbath
S = C ln +
TSi ,i Tbath
Now, Qbath = CTSi = 0.1C, where C is the heat capacity of the particle. In the following, I
will let = TSi/Tbath = 0.1/300. Therefore,
p300.1 C 2
= e S / kB = exp .
p300.0 2k B
The reason for the minus sign is because we are ratioing the lower probability with that of the
higher one, i.e. a lower entropy state with a higher one. This process is associated with
statistical fluctuations, so it would violate the 2nd law, i.e. a fluctuation to a state having a
lower entropy. In order to finish the problem, we must calculate C.
dS 1 n 1 n N
= 2 Nk B 1 1 + ln 1 ln = 2k B ln 1
dn N N N N n
If the energy of a defect is , then the internal energy associated with the defects, U = n.
Since n does not depend on volume,
1 S dS dS dn N 1
= = = = 2k B ln 1 .
T U V dU dn dU n
1 = e / 2 k BT , or n= / 2 k BT
n e +1