Lubomira Kovalova
aus Presov, Slowakei
Diese Dissertation ist auf den Internetseiten der Hochschulbibliothek online verfgbar.
The presented doctoral study was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Juliane Hollender and Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat.
Wolfgang Dott at the Institute of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine at the University Hospital Aachen, Germany and at the
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG), Dbendorf, Switzerland.
The study was part of the AQUAbase project, a training site on Organic Micropollutants in Aquatic Environment -
Interdisciplinary Concepts for Assessment and Removal (2004 2007), which was a Marie Curie fellowship for early stage
research training hosted by RWTH Aachen University, Germany. It was supported by the European Communitys Sixth
Framework Programme under contract number MEST-CT-2004-505169 (http://www.aquabase.rwth-aachen.de ).
The study of sorption of micropollutants to activated carbon described in Chapter 5 was part of an AiF project Nano-filtration
kombiniert mit Adsorption an Pulverkohle zur Entfernung von organischen Spurenstoffen aus Klranlagen-Ablaufwasser (2006
- 2008), supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology through the German Federation of Industrial
Research Associations "Otto von Guericke under project number 14773 N1/2.
Chapter 1
1.1 Cytostatics: general characterization, classification,
and target selection 12
1.2 Target cytostatics: 5-fluorouracil, cytarabine
and gemcitabine 15
1.1.1 Indications and pharmacokinetics 15
1.1.2 Physical-chemical properties and impact on environmental
behavior and analytical procedure design 17
1.1.3 Current state of knowledge on environmental
occurrence, effects and fate 18
References 20
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
3.1 Experimental 30
3.1.1 Chemicals and material 30
3.1.2 Sample collection 30
3.1.3 Hydrophilic interaction chromatography 30
3.1.4 Solid phase extraction 31
3.1.5 Tandem mass spectrometry 31
3.1.6 High-resolution mass spectrometry 32
3.1.7 Quantification, identification and quality control 32
3.1.8 Safety considerations 33
3.2 Results and discussion 33
3.2.1 Hydrophilic interaction chromatography. 33
3.2.2 Solid-phase extraction 35
3.2.3 Mass spectrometry 37
3.2.4 Application 39
References 40
Chapter 4
4.1 Experimental 46
4.1.1 Sampling of wastewater in a Swiss cantonal hospital 46
4.1.2 Description of municipal WWTP and sampling
of its wastewater 47
4.1.3 Analytes and analytical methods 47
4.1.4 Stability tests in different wastewater matrices 48
4.2 Results and discussion 49
4.2.1 Occurrence in hospital wastewater and correlation
with pharmacokinetic data 49
4.2.2 Correlation between consumption data and emissions
in hospital wastewater 50
4.2.3 Stability studies 53
4.2.4 Environmental risk assessment 55
References 57
Chapter 5
5.1 Experimental 62
5.1.1 Adsorbents 62
5.1.2 Adsorbates 62
5.1.3 Solvents 62
5.1.4 Adsorption kinetics and isotherm set-up 63
5.1.5 Adsorbate removal prediction 63
5.2 Results and discussion 64
5.2.1 Adsorption characteristics on two activated carbons
in wastewater 64
5.2.2 Influence of various parameters on adsorption to
activated lignite HOK Super 67 Influence of the solution pH 67 Influence of ionic strength 69 Influence of temperature 69 Influence of competing compounds 69
5.2.3 Prediction of adsorbate removal from the wastewater 70
References 71
Chapter 6
Many pharmaceuticals have attracted the attention of environmental scientists and
are of concern due to their observed occurrence in surface water, ground water,
drinking water, sediment, and soil. Further investigations have considered their
removal efficiencies in wastewater treatment processes and their ecotoxicological
effects. Cytostatics are a class of pharmaceuticals used in the treatment of cancer
and have the potential to negatively impact the environment. It is hypothesized that
due to their mode of action, practically all eukaryotic organisms are vulnerable to
damage, with teratogenicity being the greatest concern at low ng/L levels. This
thesis will discuss the contributions to this field in the form of 1) development of a
method for chemical analysis of cytostatics in wastewater, 2) occurrence studies,
and 3) potential for removal with advanced treatment processes.
To expand the knowledge on the environmental occurrence of cytostatics and to
compliment a range of cytostatics for which occurrence data are available, a solid
phase extraction and HPLCMS/MS method was established for highly consumed
cytostatics 5-fluorouracil, cytarabine, and gemcitabine and the human metabolites
uracil 1--d-arabinofuranoside and 2,2-difluorodeoxyuridine. Hydrophilic
interaction chromatography (HILIC), a chromatography for polar analytes in
aqueous samples, was used to achieve a good retention of the polar analytes. Along
with the method development, retention mechanisms on the HILIC stationary
phase were studied. Both partitioning and adsorption play a role in the retention on
the tested sulfoalkylbetaine modified silica HILIC column material. The
contribution of these two processes changes over the 1.640% range of water in the
mobile phase. Although the specific break point is difficult to determine,
adsorption becomes more significant as the fraction of water in the mobile phase
decreases below approximately 16%.
Wastewater from a Swiss hospital was monitored for 5-fluorouracil, gemcitabine
and 2,2-difluorodeoxyuridine (metabolite of gemcitabine). The limits of
quantification were 5.0, 0.9, and 9.0 ng/L and the maximum concentrations
detected were 27, 38, and 840 ng/L, respectively. Emission levels within one day
and over several days were found to correlate with the pharmacokinetic excretion
pattern and the consumed amounts in the hospital during these days. On average,
1.1%, 1.4% and 3.7% of the total excreted amounts of the cytostatics
5-fluorouracil, gemcitabine and 2',2'-difluorodeoxyuridine were found in the
hospital wastewater, respectively. Due to low recoveries, stability studies were
performed and showed that the half-lives of the analytes in the raw wastewater are
very short: 1.0, 0.7 and 2.5 hours, respectively.
Environmental impact of 5-fluorouracil, gemcitabine and 2,2-difluorodeoxy-
uridine seem to be of minor importance, as the environmental risk assessment
quotients PEC/PNEC are protective (in orders of magnitude of 10-3 - 10-6).
Nevertheless, cytostatics are a special group of pharmaceuticals with carcinogenic
potency and until data with specific tests and end-points designed especially for
this class of pharmaceuticals are available, the precautionary principle should be
To study removal possibilities, sorption to powdered activated carbon was
investigated. Adsorption is an effective process for the removal of hydrophobic
substances from water. Employing it as a wastewater treatment process, polar
compounds may also be simultaneously removed to a certain extent. Laboratory
scale batch experiments were performed to evaluate the adsorption kinetics and
isotherm data of 5-fluorouracil and cytarabine on two powdered activated carbons,
Norit SAE Super and Activated Lignite HOK Super. The results of the adsorption
characterization were compared with those of two hydrophobic substances,
bisphenol A and 17--ethinylestradiol, produced with the identical experimental
conditions and matrix. A dose of 30 mg.L-1 of Norit SAE Super that resulted in
removal of the two hydrophobic control compounds below 1% was found to
remove 30 and 65% of 5-fluorouracil and cytarabine, respectively. Influence of the
solution pH, ionic strength, temperature, and presence of matrix compounds
competing for the sorption sites was studied on one of the tested powdered
activated carbons, showing that the extent of the competing compounds influence
is the greatest. Applying a pseudo single-solute isotherm and a concept directly
linking carbon dose with relative removal of the micropollutant, capacity of the
powdered activated carbon was successfully predicted for different initial
micropollutant concentrations.
Chapter 1
General Introduction
1 General Introduction
It has been proven and become common knowledge among environmental scientists, as
well as among a part of the general public, that endocrine disruptor compounds that
make their way into the aquatic environment are causing shifts in population of fish due
to the feminization of males (Sumpter, 2008), and that antibiotics in the environment are
causing an increase in bacterial resistance (Zhang, 2009). But until now, no one has
confidently stated whether or not cytostatics have an impact on the environment; though
the potential is there. Cytostatics are designed to damage DNA, inhibit DNA synthesis,
and interrupt cell replication. They act unselectively on all growing cells and
furthermore possess a carcinogenic potency which implies that no threshold values for
lowest effect concentrations can be estimated. It is hypothesized that due to their mode
of action, practically all eukaryotic organisms are vulnerable to damage, with
teratogenicity being the greatest concern at low ng/L levels (Johnson, 2008). On the
other hand, consumption of cytostatics is low compared to consumption of other
pharmaceutical classes. As an example, the annual consumptions of analgesics
acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, and metamizol reached in 1999 in Land Brandenburg,
Germany were around 24 000, 7 000, and 5 000 kg/year, respectively, for antibiotics
roxythromycin, ampicilin, and ciprofloxacin the annual consumption was around 900,
500, and 400 kg/year, respectively, while for cytostatics 5-fluorouracil,
cyclophosphamide, and ifosfamide consumption was only 22, 8, and 8 kg/year,
respectively (LUA BB, 2002). The wastewater concentrations are expected to be the in
ng/L range, and surface water concentrations presumably under 1 ng/L (Kmmerer,
2001). This was proven for the two, most studied cytostatics in the environment:
ifosfamide and cyclophosphamide. Wastewater concentrations up to 146 ng/L were
measured in Germany (Steger-Hartmann, 1996) and up to 11 ng/L in Switzerland,
where the surface water concentrations were as low as 50 to 170 pg/L (Buerge, 2006).
The Swiss study concludes that concentrations were orders of magnitude lower than the
concentrations at which acute ecotoxicological effects have been reported (mg/L) but
due to lack of knowledge on chronic toxicity and occurrence and effects of metabolites,
it was not feasible to perform a final risk assessment.
The cytostatics consumption data from University Hospital Aachen, Germany, were
kindly provided over last six years for the purpose of our study by the hospital
pharmacy, enabling us to point out the hot targets and to follow the trends in the
prescriptions. It is not known if hospitals act as point sources of cytostatic input into the
environment. To consider this possibility, the following chapter describes, along with
consumption and pharmacokinetics, the manner of administration and the trends in
in-patient or out-patient treatment of oncologic patients. Attention is furthermore paid to
identify the urinary excreted human metabolites, as they might also be environmentally
To understand the research needs and to recognize the gaps in the current knowledge,
the first chapter briefly summarizes the available information relevant to the topic
Cytostatics in the environment. Chapter 2, which follows this introduction, will later
list the objectives of this study the questions that have risen while reviewing the field,
and to which this thesis will provide the answers.
12 Chapter 1 General Introduction
Cytostatic drugs are used in chemotherapy of oncological patients, who suffer from
cancer - a disease of uncontrolled multiplication of the bodys own cells and spread of
abnormal forms within the body. Chemotherapy, together with surgical excision and
irradiation, is one of the three main approaches to treat established cancer. Cytostatics
prevent the growth and proliferation of cells although they are not specific to cancer
cells. According to their mechanism of action, they can be divided into eight groups:
DNA synthesis inhibitors, angiogenesis inhibitors, DNA intercalators/cross-linkers,
DNA-RNA transcription regulators, enzyme inhibitors, gene regulators, microtubule
inhibitors, and other anti-tumor agents. The Anatomical Therapeutic Classification
System (ATC), recognized and used by the World Health Organization, groups the
cytostatics under Class L - Antineoplastic and Immunomodulating Agents according to
their chemical structures and therapeutic properties (Table 1.1).
Chemotherapy doses are usually computed on the basis of body surface area and are
expressed in mg/m2. The majority of cytostatic administrations are intravenous and are
executed at a clinic or hospital. Other ways of administration include intramuscular,
intraosseous, intralesional, topical, or oral. The trend in cytostatic administration is
shifting towards increasing oral administration executed at home or external ambulatory
infusion pumps (e.g. for 7 days) installed at the health-care facility but taken home for
the time of treatment. Approximately 75% of oncology patients are out-patients,
receiving the treatment at the oncology wards and leaving for home after the infusion or
injection is administered (Johnson, 2008; Mahnik, 2007). Those patients may excrete
part of the cytostatics in the hospital, as the treatment takes up to a couple of hours and
the pharmacokinetics of some cytostatics is relatively fast. European hospitals use
around 50 different active substances to treat oncology patients (Johnson, 2008). Table 1.1
shows the variety of cytostatics used at University hospital Aachen, Germany in 2008.
[kg / year]
I fo
2003 - 2008
Figure 1.1 Ten cytostatics with the highest consumption at University hospital Aachen, Germany (1 510 beds) in
General Introduction Chapter 1 13
Table 1.1 Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC) of cytostatics. Example of an annual
consumption and expected emission (based on the consumption, urinary excretion rates, and assumption of 75%
out-patients) is given for a case of University hospital Aachen, Germany (1 510 beds) in 2008.
Hospitals annual consumption: Expected emission:
100 - 2 500 g/year 12 - 150 g/year
1 - 100 g/year 0.25 - 12 g/year
0.01 - 1 g/year 0.0025 0.25 g/year
no consumption ? urinary excretion data not available
The target cytostatics of this study were selected from the list of cytostatics with the
highest emission rates at the University hospital Aachen, Germany (2003-2004), with
the criterion that for some of them environmental occurrence data existed, while for
some not. They are three antimetabolites, all of them pyrimidine analogues:
5-fluorouracil; cytarabine; and gemcitabine. At the beginning of this work in 2004, there
have been a previously reported study on 5-fluorouracil in hospital wastewater (Mahnik,
2004), while no occurrence data existed at that time on gemcitabine and cytarabine.
Expected emission by
Consumption the hospital
ATC Drug
[g/year] [g/L]
Table 1.3
Cytostatic drugs with the highest L01BA01 Methotrexate 678 136 9.29
expected annual emission in 2008 L01AA06 Ifosfamide 908 91 6.22
by a University hospital Aachen L01BC02 Fluorouracil 2 212 55 3.79
(1 510 beds, 14 600 m3/year L01XA02 Carboplatin 214 37 2.56
L01AA01 Cyclophosphamide 736 37 2.52
water consumption) and their L01BC05 Gemcitabine 934 23 1.60
expected emission. Calculations L01CB01 Etoposide 245 18 1.26
are based on the consumption and L01BC01 Cytarabine 614 15 1.05
urinary excretion rates known from L01BA04 Pemetrexed 63 13 0.86
pharmacokinetics, assumption of L01AX04 Dacarbazine 178 9 0.61
75% out-patient treatment, and no L01XA01 Cisplatin 61 6 0.42
degradation of the drug in the L01XX19 Irinotecan 73 4 0.25
L01XA03 Oxaliplatin 24 3 0.20
General Introduction Chapter 1 15
-fluoro-ureidopropionic acid
-fluoro--alanine 5-monophosphate
5-fluorouridine- 5-fluorouridine-
5-diphosphate 5-triphosphate
Figure 1.2 Metabolic pathway of 5-fluorouracil in humans (Diasio, 1989), and plot of urinary excretion of ten
patients as reported by Heggie, 1987: total excreted radioactivity; -fluoro--alanine; 5-fluorouracil; and
-fluoro-ureidopropionic acid.
16 Chapter 1 General Introduction
cytarabine 5-diphosphate
excretion cytarabine 5-triphosphate
Similar to cytarabine, gemcitabine is more potent and the most novel of the three
antimetabolites, originally synthesized as an antiviral agent. It is used for treating lung
cancer, pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer, and breast cancer. Gemcitabine can be
administered intravenously or orally. The elimination is rapid, with a half-life of
approximately 8 min. The gemcitabine metabolite 2,2-difluorodeoxyuridine (dFdU)
has a long terminal phase, with biphasic elimination kinetics with half-lives between 2.5
and >24 h (Abbruzzese, 1991). On average, 5% of the total drug is recovered as
gemcitabine in urine, and it all appears within the first 6 h after treatment, and 60% of
the administered gemcitabine is excreted as the metabolite 2,2-difluorodeoxyuridine
by the urinary tract within 24 h (Table 1.4). The table further illustrates the excretion
variability of individual patients that is also typical for other target drugs and shows the
calculated metabolite-to-drug ratios discussed later in Chapter 4 (Occurrence and
Stability in Hospital Wastewater).
gemcitabine diphosphate
gemcitabine triphosphate
Figure 1.4 Metabolic pathway of gemcitabine in humans (SCM, 2007) and plot of urinary excretion of eight patients
with continuous infusion of 1000 mg/m2 gemcitabine for 30 min (Lin, 2004):
dFdU - 2,2-difluorodeoxyuridine; dFdC gemcitabine.
General Introduction Chapter 1 17
Table 1.4 Urinary excretion of gemcitabine and its metabolite 2.2-difluorodeoxyuridine by eight patients
(Abbruzzese, 1991).
790 1 12 10 7 0 29 30 12 29
5 55 - 6 9 70 75 11 14
10 74 2 5 5 86 96 7 9
1 000 5 30 2 5 5 42 47 6 8
3 18 3 9 2 32 35 6 11
4 66 2 5 1 74 78 17 19
7 44 26 0 9 79 86 6 11
5 34 27 6 4 71 76 7 14
AVERAGE 5 42 10 5 4 60 65 9 14
MEDIAN 5 39 3 6 5 71 76 7 13
MINIMUM 1 12 2 0 0 29 30 6 8
MAXIMUM 10 74 27 9 9 86 96 17 29
The physical-chemical properties determine the behavior and fate of the target drugs in
the environment. Further, they have a major impact on the design of the analytical
procedure. The relevant physical-chemical properties are listed in Fig. 1.5. The selected
cytostatic drugs are highly polar, with the logarithm of the octanol/water partition
coefficient for the un-ionized solute (log P) between 0.89 and 2.09. Further, they are
non-volatile and either acidic or basic compounds, but uncharged at pH around 6 (with
exception of zwitterionic FBAL that was not studied further in this work).
The high polarity and low volatility predetermines that the compounds are likely to stay
in the water phase and their sorption or partitioning to solids or air is not to be expected
in high fractions. Occurrence in wastewater is expected, as well as low or no sorption to
particles or sludge. 5-Fluorouracil was reported to be photo-labile (Alsarra, 2004).
For the solid phase extraction procedure design, the properties imply that the retention
of all target compounds together with a single procedure at pH 6 is possible. This may
be achieved using polymeric materials developed specially for retention of polar
compounds (polymers with a hydrophilic monomer or chemically modified polymers)
as has been previously reported for 5-Fu and CytR (Kiffmeyer, 1998; Mahnik, 2004;
Tauxe-Wuersch, 2006), or carbon-based sorbents. Alternatively, two different
procedures with different sorbent materials and sample pHs could be exploited: an anion
exchange sorbent for acids at high pH; and a cation exchange sorbent for bases at low
pH. The pKa values of the target analytes are not compatible with the pKa values of
common weak ion exchange sorbents and only strong ion exchange materials can be
High polarity is also the major issue in the selection of a chromatographic method that
would be suitable for the target cytostatics and metabolites. A classical approach of
applying reversed phase chromatography on C18 materials is not conceptually suitable
for highly polar analytes and another approach has to be selected.
18 Chapter 1 General Introduction
Figure 1.5 Physicalchemical properties of the three selected cytostatics and their major urinary excreted human
metabolites. (*) -Fluoro--alanine was not included in the analytical method described in the Chapter 3. Data
sources: estimated using EPI Suite v 3.20 software from US EPA [1]; estimated using ADME Boxes v 2.5 software
from Pharma Algorithms [2]; and experimental values from (Osol, 1975, p.1079)[3]; (Osol, 1980, p. 1088)[4]; and
(Romanova, 1996)[5].
The currently available data on the occurrence of the target cytostatics are limited to one
of the three drugs, 5-fluorouracil, and are listed in Table 1.4. The levels in wastewater
from an oncology clinic, connected exclusively to 3 toilets and 3 showers used by 18
patients reached up to 122 g/L (Mahnik, 2004). In two other European studies,
5-fluorouracil was not detected in hospital or municipal wastewater above the limits of
quantification of the analytical method used (Tauxe-Wuersch, 2006; Yu, 2006). No data
on the occurrence of cytarabine or gemcitabine in the aquatic environment, or on the
occurrence of any of the above described urinary excreted human metabolites, are
available, to our best knowledge.
Tests of the ecotoxicity and genotoxicity for the target cytostatics and their metabolites
were performed in parallel to this study at the Institute of Hygiene and Environmental
Medicine of RWTH Aachen by Radka Zounkova (Table 1.5).
General Introduction Chapter 1 19
The lowest observed effect concentrations (LOEC) of the ecotoxicity tests range from
micrograms per liter to milligrams per liter and are in general lower then the minimal
genotoxic concentrations (MGC), which are exclusively in milligrams per liter for all
compounds. MCG of 5-fluorouracil in the data set of Table 1.5 was not determined
because cytotoxicity of this compound was higher than its genotoxicity (growth
inhibition >50%). 5-Fluorouracil is showing the lowest EC50 concentrations in all
performed tests, except for the algae test, in which gemcitabine is slightly more
sensitive. Parent cytostatic compounds show higher toxicity than their metabolites.
No observed effect concentrations (NOEC) used later for environmental risk assessment
(Chapter 4.2.4) were chosen from Daphnia magna reproduction test data in Table 1.5,
as it was the most sensitive tested system. If NOEC value was higher than the highest
tested concentration, this concentration was taken as the worst case NOEC.
Table 1.5 Ecotoxicity tests (Pseudomonas putida - bacteria - endpoint growth, Desmodesmus subspicatus - algae -
endpoint growth rate, Daphnia magna - fresh water crustacean - acute test 48 h - endpoint immobilization,
reproduction test 21 days - endpoint reproduction), and genotoxicity tests (umu test minimal genotoxic
concentrations (MGC) with and without metabolic activation (MA)). (Zounkova, 2010, submitted to Chemosphere).
Zahn-Wellens test fate 2% biodegraded (17%) >90% biodegraded 45% biodegraded (50%)
(Kummerer, 1997) analysis DOC DOC DOC
mineral medium in deionised water
matrix mineral medium in deionised water mineral medium in deionised water
(effluent from communal hospital)
concentrations 1 g/L
time 50 days
Aerobic batch
fate 50% biodegraded
(Yu, 2006) analysis GC-MS
1:1000 diluted
waste activated sludge
concentrations 5 g/L
time 24 h
Elimination by activated
fate >95% biodegraded
(Mahnik, 2007) analysis LSC ([2-14C] 5-Fu )
municipal ww from local sewer,
8-18 g/L suspended solids
General Introduction Chapter 1 21
1.2.4 References
Osol, A., 1980, p. 1088. (Editor), Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences. Osol, A.,
1088, Mack Publ., Easton, PA, 16th ed.
Osol, A. and Hoover, J. E., 1975, p.1079. (Editors), Remington's Pharmaceutical
Sciences. Osol, A., 1079, Mack Publ., Easton, PA, 15th ed.
Romanova, D. and Novotny, L., 1996. Chromatographic properties of cytosine,
cytidine and their synthetic analogues. Journal of Chromatography B-
Biomedical Applications 675 (1), 9-15.
Steger-Hartmann, T., Kummerer, K. and Schecker, J., 1996. Trace analysis of the
antineoplastics ifosfamide and cyclophosphamide in sewage water by
twostep solid-phase extraction and gas chromatography-mass
spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 726 (1-2), 179-184.
Sumpter, J. P. and Johnson, A. C., 2008. 10th Anniversary Perspective: Reflections
on endocrine disruption in the aquatic environment: from known knowns
to unknown unknowns (and many things in between). Journal of
Environmental Monitoring 10 (12), 1476-1485.
Tauxe-Wuersch, A., de Alencastro, L. F., Grandjean, D. and Tarradellas, J., 2006.
Trace determination of tamoxifen and 5-fluorouracil in hospital and urban
wastewaters. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
86 (7), 473-485.
Yu, J. T., Bouwer, E. J. and Coelhan, M., 2006. Occurrence and biodegradability
studies of selected pharmaceuticals and personal care products in sewage
effluent. Agricultural Water Management 86 (1-2), 72-80.
Zhang, X. X., Zhang, T. and Fang, H., 2009. Antibiotic resistance genes in water
environment. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 82 (3), 397-414.
Chapter 2
2 Objectives
This work aimed at investigating cytostatics in aquatic environment, understanding how
their consumption and environmental concentrations correlate, and how can they be
eliminated. The main objectives addressed in this work are:
A: to develop a robust and sensitive analytical method for the analysis of the
selected cytostatics and their metabolites in wastewater;
Chapter 3
3.1 Experimental
Hospital wastewater from a Swiss cantonal hospital (415 occupied beds) was
collected automatically and flow-proportionally between April 30 and May 8,
2007. Composite samples of approximately 18-hours, were each prepared and
analyzed in duplicate. The samples were filtered through a 0.7 m GF/F glass-fiber
filter (Whatman, Dassel, Germany) and further through a 0.2 m cellulose acetate
membrane filter (Sartorius, Goettingen, Germany). Subsequently, the samples were
stored in glass bottles at -20C until analysis. For the method development, grab
samples of hospital wastewater from a University Hospital, Germany (1 510 beds)
were used.
A triple quadrupole mass spectrometer API 4000 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City,
CA) with a Turbo IonSpray source was used for MS/MS detection. The detection
was performed at source temperature 390C in multiple reaction monitoring
(MRM) mode with negative or positive electrospray ionization. The analysis was
separated into two HPLC-MS/MS methods. The HPLC gradient for analytes in
negative ion mode (5-Fu, dFdU, araU) and respective internal standards (Table 3.1)
was as follows: 0 min (88% B), 10 min (88% B), 19 min (35% B), 19.8 min (35%
B), 26 min (88% B) and finished at 37 min. The flux from the column was directed
by a 6-port Valco valve to the detector (2.6 23 min) or discharged to waste.
Sample injection volume was set to 5 L. The ion spray voltage and declustering
32 Chapter 3 Analytical Method Development
potential of the MS/MS were set to -3.7 kV and -40 V respectively. For the
analysis of GemC and CytR as well as the two internal standards (Table 3.1),
positive ion mode was used and following chromatographic gradient was applied: 0
min (77% B), 2 min (77% B), 10 min (26% B), 12 min (26% B), 20 min (77% B)
and finished at 30 min. The flux from the column at 4.2 30 min was directed to
the MS/MS. The sample injection volume was set to 2 L, the ion spray voltage
and declustering potential were 4 kV and 31 V, respectively. Table 3.1 lists further
the measured transitions, optimum values of collision energy and collision cell exit
potential, as well as time segments of the analysis.
Analyst 1.4.1 software was used for API 4000 instrument control and data
processing. Quantification was based on 1/x weighted linear regression calibration
curves of peak area ratio (analyte product ion 1 / internal standard product ion 1)
versus concentration. Comparison of retention times of internal standard and
analyte in the same chromatogram was used for identity confirmation.
Furthermore, two product ions of each analyte and internal standard were measured
and their ratio was calculated. This was not feasible for 5-Fu in SPE preconcentrated
wastewater samples due to interference in product ion 2 (see section 3.2.3).
Calibration standards were measured at the beginning and at the end of each
sequence, and one spiked real sample or calibration standard were measured
Table 3.1. HPLC-MS/MS parameters for the target substances and their internal standards. Product ion 1 was used
for quantification. Instrumental limits of detection were estimated from signal to noise ratio (S/N = 3) of a low
concentration calibration standard in mobile phase. tR - retention time, CE - collision energy, CXP - collision cell exit
potential, n.d. not determined.
15N 5-Fu 5.91 0.15 131.0 43.1 -30 -1 n.d. 59.0 29.6
araU 21.18 0.03 242.8 200.0 -14 -10 0.39 110.3 1.9
13C15N urd
12.5 - 22.5
2 20.44 0.09 246.0 110.9 -22 -6 n.d. 201.0 1.2
repeatedly throughout the sequence to check for signal stability. Blanks of mobile
phase with and without internal standards were used to check for possible carry-
over. Instrumental limits of detection were estimated from signal to noise ratios
(S/N = 3) of low concentration calibration standards in mobile phase. Method
limits of quantification were estimated from the signal to noise ratio (S/N = 10) of
a real sample. Run-to-run variations were assessed from 5 injections, day-to-day
variations over 3 days. Relative SPE recoveries were determined by spiking the
analytes and internal standards in wastewater prior to SPE. Absolute recoveries
were determined by spiking the analytes prior to SPE and internal standards
afterwards, prior to analysis. For the Isolute ENV+ method, the recovery
experiments were carried out in triplicates. The absolute recovery for the
combination of Speedisk H2O-philic SA-DVB and Isolute ENV+ were determined
for two replicates, relative recovery for 6 replicates.
The handling of hospital wastewater and cytostatic drugs requires safety measures
for the protection of personnel and the workplace from contamination from
pathogens and carcinogenic substances.
In Fig. 3.1, the logarithms of retention factors of the target compounds, log k, are
plotted against the volume fractions of water in the mobile phase, , in linear as
well as logarithmic scales. A linear relationship of log k = f()would provide an
evidence for partitioning, while linearity in the log k = f(log ) plot would fit the
adsorption model (Hemstrom, 2006). The results show linearity of the loglog plot
with the slope of the function changing at approximately 14% water (Fig. 3.1a).
The coefficients of determination, r2, of the linear regression at both regions (40
14% water and 141.6% water in the mobile phase) are between 0.9916 and
0.9996. The observed changes in the retention characteristics at around 14% water
apply to all five investigated compounds, albeit the change of the slope tends to be
less pronounced as the polarity of the compounds increase. The ratios of the slope
of the linear regression below 14% water and the slope of the regression above
14% water in the mobile phase are 1.2, 1.4, 1.8, 1.8, and 2.5 for cytarabine, uracil
1--D-arabinofuranoside, gemcitabine, 5-fluorouracil, and 2,2-difluorodeoxyuridine,
respectively. The linlog plots at 1.640% water are non-linear (Fig. 3.1b).
34 Chapter 3 Analytical Method Development
14 %
log k'
log k'
Considering splitting the plot into two regions at around 18% water in the mobile
phase, it can be observed that the less polar compounds, for which the change in
the slope of loglog plot was the most evident, show linearity at the region of
18-40% water in the mobile phase. This indicates that there is a change in the
retention mechanism as the relative contributions of partitioning and adsorption are
changing over the range 1.640% water, although it is difficult to assign a specific
break point.
Decreasing the fraction of water below 10% increases the retention times
dramatically. Though HILIC is defined in 1040% aqueous mobile phase (Alpert,
1990), below 10% water the chromatographic interaction in the column is already
out of the scope of that definition. Nevertheless, applying 100% of acetonitrile did
not decrease retention. On the contrary, it resulted in retention times larger than the
tested 420 min for all five analytes. Elution occurred when water was again
introduced into the mobile phase. This indicates either that the previously bonded
water molecules are strongly attached to the stationary phase and partitioning into
the water layer can take place or that in the absence of water there is an interaction
with the sulfobetaine stationary phase itself. Employed stationary phase of the
ZIC-HILIC column is based on silica modified with a covalently bound
zwitterionic polymeric material with a ratio of strong cation to strong anion
exchange groups one to one, resulting in zero surface charge. The zwitterionic
3-sulfopropyldimethylalkylammonio inner salt has a good water-binding ability
(Hemstrom, 2006) that can be exploited in HILIC to create an interactive layer of
stagnant aqueous phase into which polar solutes might partition. A partitioning
mechanism in which analytes do not interact directly with the stationary phase but
partition into the water layer attached to it was proposed for HILIC in 1990
Analytical Method Development Chapter 3 35
(Alpert, 1990). Recently, the evidence was shown that surface adsorption may also
play a role in retention (Hemstrom, 2006). Our results, presented above, for very
polar compounds of interest and ZIC-HILIC column confirm this evidence.
The effect of the water fraction on the retention was stronger than the influence of
pH, salt concentration or used organic solvent, acetonitrile versus methanol (data
not shown). At 90 or 95% acetonitrile, which were the initial conditions of the two
developed HPLCMS/MS methods, this effect was so pronounced that it resulted
in retention time fluctuations due to occasional changes in solvent ratio delivered
by pumps, operating at the margin of their range (at flow 0.1 mL/min).
Reproducible retention times were achieved with the same pumps by premixing the
eluents and increasing the eluent flow to 0.2 mL/min, which only slightly increased
the theoretical plate height.
Aqueous samples are not suitable for the injection as water is the strongest solvent
in HILIC. We found that the analysis of such samples is possible, when only a
small volume (2 L) is injected. Up to 20 L of calibration standard solution in the
initial mobile phase can be injected without deterioration of the peak shapes. For
the application to wastewater samples we consider an injection volume of 2 to 6 L
of SPE extract in the initial mobile phase composition as optimal.
The SPE screening test for retention with 10 mL of tap water spiked with analytes,
collected after percolation through a cartridge and analyzed, showed satisfactory
results of less than 10% of the spiked amount in the percolate for Isolute ENV+,
Speedisk H2O-philic SA-DVB, Speedisk H2O-philic SC-DVB, Strata XC and
Speedisk Narc-2.
(log P above 1), are considerably less polar than the studied cytostatics (log P from
-0.8 to -2.1). Superior performance of Isolute ENV+ in retention of studied
cytostatics suggests that the retention mechanism characterized by interactions
between delocalized electrons of the aromatic ring of the sorbent and the system
of the analytes is favored in the case of very polar aromatic compounds when
compared to other noncovalent interactions like van der Waals forces or hydrogen
Before testing retention on the carbon-based sorbent Bakerbond Carbon, a test for
evaluation of eluting solvents was performed. It has been reported that elution from
carbonaceous sorbents is difficult due to the strong - interactions as retention has
been shown to be strong for a wide range of compounds (Hennion, 1999). We
tested methanol, acetonitrile, methylene chloride, tetrahydrofuran, and their
mixtures and observed that analytes undesirably partitioned from the eluting
solvent into the carbon material. The most effective was the mixture methylene
chloride:methanol (8:2) with 2% of formic acid. Still, only two analytes were
recovered above 20%: dFdU (122%) and araU (63%). No efficient solvent for
eluting all analytes was found and therefore the material was not considered
Aside from Isolute ENV+, the tested SPE materials capable to retain the selected
antimetabolites are the ion exchangers. Using the Isolute ENV+ has the advantage
of retaining all target analytes with one cartridge. The drawback is a low degree of
clean-up owing to the ability of the Isolute ENV+ to retain not only a broad range
of chemicals of interest, but also matrix compounds.
Although the recoveries of the Isolute ENV+ method are satisfying, we have
occasionally observed a high ion suppression during MS/MS for all negatively
ionizable analytes eluting before 10 minutes. Figure 3a shows the extracted ion
chromatogram (XIC) of 5-Fu product ion 1 in the Isolute ENV+ preconcentrated
hospital wastewater sample spiked with cytostatics and injected to the HPLC-
MS/MS system. The same sample after a ten-fold dilution was again injected,
producing a signal of much higher quality and intensity (Figure 3.2b).
2e+3 129.0/58.9
Intensity [cps]
0 (b)
2e+3 129.0/58.9
0 0 0
-MRM -MRM 3e+4 m/z ( 3ppm) C4H3FN2O2
Intensity [cps]
129.0/59.0 1e+3 129.0/59.0
1e+3 129.0109
(b) (e)
0 0 0
-MRM -MRM m/z ( 3ppm) (?) C4H5N2O3
1e+6 8e+5
129.0/42.0 3e+5
3e+5 129.0/42.0 129.0309
(c) (f)
0 0 0
4 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6
Time [min] Time [min]
Figure 3.3 5-fluorouracil and an interfering unknown substance in MS/MS extracted ion chromatograms on
triple quadrupole (a-c) and MS extracted ion chromatograms on high resolution LTQ Orbitrap (d-f) of hospital
wastewater samples and hospital wastewater spiked with 0.6 g/L of 5-Fu. (a,d): internal standard 15N2 5-Fu,
(b): 5-Fu product ion 1, (c): 5-Fu product ion 2, (e): 5-Fu, (f): interfering substance
retention times on the ZIC-HILIC column (0.09 min) is not sufficient for
evaluation of the CytR signal. This is especially the case when the concentrations
of cytidine in wastewater samples are 2-3 orders of magnitude larger than the
expected environmental concentrations of CytR. The employed ZIC-HILIC column
does not enable baseline separation of the two epimers. Nevertheless, there have
been reported methods where RP chromatographic separation of CytR and cytidine
is possible employing 100% aqueous mobile phase (Romanova, 1996; Wermeling,
1989) , and other methods of CytR separation from an unidentified endogenous
6e+4 -MRM
4e+4 (a)
Intensity [cps]
0 (b)
Figure 3.4
a) Interfering isomer uridine (tR
20.52) in XIC of 242.0/200.0 of 5.0e+3
preconcentrated hospital waste-
water sample spiked with 2 g/L
of araU (tR 21.21); b) Internal 0.0
standard 13C15N2 uridine (tR 20.54) 16 18 20 22 24
in the same sample Time [min]
Analytical Method Development Chapter 3 39
compound, that we assume could be cytidine (Hsieh, 2007; Hsieh, 2007). The
consequences of the presence of naturally occurring epimer of araU, uridine, are
not as severe as in the case of CytR described above. The retention times differ by
0.7 min resulting in a separation factor around 1.2 for spiked 2g/L araU in SPE
pre-concentrated hospital wastewater (Figure 3.4).
Isobaric interferences of CytR, araU and 5-Fu are not of large concern in spiked
samples with the amounts of cytostatics in microgram per liter range or higher,
where no preconcentration by SPE is necessary (e.g. lab-scale experiments of
removal from wastewater or ecotoxicity tests).
3.2.4 Application
2e+3 7e+3
Intensity [cps]
1e+3 2e+4
0 0
2e+3 4e+3
4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 7 8
Time [min]
Figure 3.5 MRM chromatograms of two cytostatics (5-Fu, GemC) and the human metabolite of GemC (dFdU) in: a)
calibration standard in the mobile phase (7.5 g/L 5-Fu, GemC and dFdU); b) spiked hospital wastewater
preconcentrated by Speedisk H2O-philic SA-DVB on top of Isolute ENV+ by a factor of 500 (spiked: 15 ng/L 5-Fu
and GemC, 60 ng/L dFdU); c) hospital wastewater preconcentrated as above (calculated concentrations of 5-Fu,
GemC and dFdU: 20.0 ng/L, 1.0 ng/L and 68.3 ng/L, respectively).
40 Chapter 3 Analytical Method Development
Table 3.2. Method application to hospital wastewater samples. SPE preconcentration by factor 500 with Speedisk
H2O-philic SA-DVB on top of Isolute ENV+, method limits of quantification (LOQ) were estimated from signal to
noise ratio (S/N = 10) in real sample, precision based on 5 injections per three days. ND - no peak detected, <LOQ -
concentration between detection and quantification limit.
3.2.5 Refernces
Chapter 4
4.1 Experimental
The cantonal hospital has 415 occupied beds and produces a volume of 135 000
m3/year or 1 m3/(bedday) wastewater. It contains 1% out of a total of 41 215 occupied
stationary beds within Switzerland. This number is based on statistics of major hospitals
in 2004 (KSS, 2004) and additional calculation of beds for smaller hospitals based on
the official hospital typology of the Swiss Federal Office for Statistics. The sampling
location included all medical departments of interest, in particular radiology and
oncology institutes, and excluded laboratory chemical water, kitchen and laundry
wastewater. In case of rain events, storm water was discharged from roofs and from half
of the hospital parking area (0.13 ha). Therefore, dry weather conditions were chosen
for the sampling period in order to avoid sample dilution. The campaign was divided in
three successive phases as illustrated in Figure 4.1: a one-week test phase (flow
measurements), a 12-days sampling phase (18h- composite day-samples from 5:00-
23:00) and a one-day sampling phase (2-4 hours composite sample over 24 hours).
Table 4.1 lists the samples in which the concentration of cytostatics was determined.
The hospital wastewater flow rate profile was measured continuously during the test
phase, using a flow meter (American Sigma 950) triggering the auto-sampler (American
Sigma 900max). During the sampling period the average flow was 15.8 m3/h (min 4.0
m3/h; max 205.7 m3/h). Since concentration variations are a priori unknown and
expected to be high, samples must be collected with a flow- or volume-proportional
mode to obtain representative composite samples. Due to the sewer depth of eight
meters, at least 90 seconds of dead time is required between samples for back flushing
the tube. To achieve sufficient accuracy for the volume of an individual sample, a
minimum of 75 ml must be pumped each time. The auto-sampler was set to pump 75 ml
Test phase Sampling phase
Hospital wastewater flow (m /h)
Hospital wastewater flow (m /h)
240 05.05
220 10
Rain event
200 5
180 0
17.04 18.04 19.04 20.04 21.04 22.04 23.04 24.04 25.04 26.04 27.04 28.04 29.04 30.04 01.05 02.05 03.05 04.05 05.05 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 10.05 11.05
Monday Monday Monday
Figure 4.1 Hospital wastewater flow rate at the sampling point during the test phase (April 18 April 23, 2007)
and the sampling phase (April 29 May 10, 2007).
Occurrence and Stability in Hospital Wastewater Chapter 4 47
each time after 2 m3 of wastewater had passed the sampling station. This resulted in an
average sampling interval of eight minutes. The flow in the sewer during the nights of
the test phase was substantially higher than the flow during the day. This was caused by
back flushing the hospitals reverse osmosis installations. As the concentrations of
cytostatics were presumed to be non-detectable in diluted night or even 24-hour
composite samples, day and night samples were separated and only 18-hours day
samples were analyzed. For the constitution of the mass flow profile over one day, nine
2h- to 4h- composite samples were analyzed.
Sampling scheme
5-fluorouracil 5 150
uracil 1--D-arabinofuranoside - 250
gemcitabine 0.9 10
2,2-difluorodeoxyuridine 9 100
Stability tests of the target compounds were performed in the following matrices and
1. fresh grab-samples of wastewater from the University Hospital Aachen,
Germany (1 510 beds), 20C, 100 rpm (rounds per minute), 2 g/L
2. filtered (GF/F glass-fiber filters) fresh grab-samples of wastewater from the
same University Hospital, 4C, 2 g/L
3. filtered (GF/F glass-fiber filters) fresh grab-samples of wastewater from the
same University Hospital, -20C, 2 g/L
4. filtered (GF/F glass-fiber filters) municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent,
used in Chapter 5 for sorption experiment studies, 20C, 100 rpm, 200 g/L
The unfiltered wastewater was divided into 12 Erlenmeyer flasks (50 mL in each flask)
and spiked with 2 g/L of cytostatics (5-fluorouracil and gemcitabine). The contents of
the flasks were shaken in darkness in isothermal incubator (Multitron 2, Infors HT) at
100 rpm and 20C. Samples were taken as follows: t0 (duplicates), t30min, t1h (duplicates),
t2h, t4h (duplicates), t8h, t18h (duplicates) and t30h. After spiking with internal standards,
the exact time was recorded. The same procedure was applied for the metabolites (uracil
1--D-arabinofuranoside and 2,2-difluorodeoxyuridine), which were spiked separately
in another twelve Erlenmeyer flasks at 2 g/L level.
Stability tests at -20C and 4C for 2 days were performed with filtered hospital
wastewater. The aliquots of 50 mL were spiked with 2 g/L of cytostatics or
metabolites (as named above) and frozen or refrigerated in 250 mL glass bottles for two
days. After adjustment to room temperature, they were spiked with internal standards,
preconcentrated and analyzed.
Stability tests at 20C with filtered municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent, after
the sand filtration, were spiked with 200 g/L of 5-fluorouracil or gemcitabine and
agitated in isothermal incubator for 16 hours. Then they were spiked with internal
standards and analyzed without preconcentration.
Occurrence and Stability in Hospital Wastewater Chapter 4 49
The mass flow profiles of cytostatics show high daily variations (Figure 4.2). Well
detectable levels of all three compounds were measured between 11:00-20:30. In the
night fractions, no parent cytostatic compound was detected above LOQ, while the
human metabolite dFdU was observed also during the night. The measured mass flow
profile is in agreement with the pharmacokinetic knowledge (Table 1.4). The oncology
treatments are done during the day, and the major part of the parent compounds were
expected to be emitted also during the day, after 1 h for 5-fluorouracil and within 6 h for
gemcitabine. The profile of gemcitabine presents the excretion pattern of one hospitalized
patient the only patient treated with this substance (2300 mg) that day staying
overnight (Table 4.3). Assuming a morning treatment, he excretes the gemcitabine and
its metabolite dFdU in a first (09:35-11:45) and second period (14:25-17:05), which is
physiologically relevant. The metabolite is excreted in higher amounts:
dFdU-to-gemcitabine ratios are 10 resp. 3 in the two periods, which are comparable to
the expected ratio of 6-17 in the excreted urine within the first six hours after infusion
(Table 1.4). Longer elimination half lives for the metabolite dFdU explain the presence
of the metabolized form and absence of the parent compound, gemcitabine in the night
Figure 4.2 Mass flow profile of 5-fluorouracil, gemcitabine and 2,2-difluorodeoxyuridine over one day (Monday,
May 7, 2009). Points are the calculated values based on the measured concentrations within the composite
sampling time interval. Minimum and maximum of SPE duplicates are described with the error bars.
50 Chapter 4 Occurrence and Stability in Hospital Wastewater
Table 4.3. Exact consumption data from the oncology clinic of the investigated Swiss cantonal hospital over the
sampling period. The number of treated patients is in parenthesis. 5-fluorouracil data do not include the out-patient
treatment by pump infusion for 22 hours to 7 days.
The exact consumption amounts for the year 2006 (Table 4.4) and the exact
consumption amounts during the sampling period and numbers of treated patients
during that time (Table 4.3) were made available by oncology department of the
investigated hospital. On average, 3-4 patients per day are treated in oncology with the
investigated drugs. During the sampling period, 4 g/day of those cytostatics have been
consumed. Compared to the average consumption in the investigated hospital in 2006,
4.5 times less cytostatics are used.
Consumption Excretion rate [%] excreted amounts
[g/year] in urine and faeces
Urine Faeces [g/year]
5-fluorouracil 1 623.8 10 0
5-fluorouracil (from capecitabine) 4 518.0 0.54 0
methotrexate 92.4 81 15 88.4
cyclophosphamide 415.3 20 0 83.1
carboplatin 99.8 70 0 69.9
gemcitabine 498.4 5 0 24.9
etoposide 49.0 50 0 24.5
Table 4.4 irinotecan 27.6 22 33 15.2
Cytostatics excreted in the highest ifosfamide 41.0 34 0 13.9
amount in the investigated cantonal cisplatin 31.5 40 0 12.6
hospital in 2006 doxorubicin 22.0 10 45 12.1
Measured emissions and the comparison to their consumption in oncology clinic during
the sampling period are shown in Figure 4.3 and Table 4.5. The highest 5-fluorouracil
loads of 7.5 mg/d (Wednesday) corresponds also to the highest daily consumption
(Figure 4.3). The mass flow profile of 5-fluorouracil over the whole week correlates
linearly with the intravenous consumption pattern (r2 = 0.975, last point rejected, Figure
4.4). The consumption of capecitabine the oral form of 5-fluorouracil, only
administered to out-patients is not detected in the hospital sewer, as it was probably
Occurrence and Stability in Hospital Wastewater Chapter 4 51
14 6000
0 0
Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue
1.5 5000
1.0 3000
0.0 0
Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue
(human metabolite of Gemcitabine)
300.0 9000
2',2'-Difluorodeoxyuridine mass
Consumtion of GemC
flow [mg/day]
100.0 3000
0.0 0
Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue
Figure 4.3. Mass flow profiles in hospital wastewater over 9 days (horizontal lines) compared to total predicted
excreted amounts (bars) during the sampling period. Error bars of the measurement account for the analytical error
of the duplicate measurements. Prediction of excreted amounts of 5-fluorouracile formed from oral capecitabine is
represented by yellow bars, intravenous (i.v.) 5-fluorouracil is represented by orange bars.
52 Chapter 4 Occurrence and Stability in Hospital Wastewater
Table 4.5. Calculated average emission of drugs in cantonal hospital during sampling period and comparison with
measured emission. For 5-fluorouracil only i.v. applications was considered. The consumption of dFdU was set
equal to the consumption of gemcitabine considering the molecular weight difference*.Predicted loads were
calculated based on the consumption and excretion, not including the consumption by out-patients. Overall
uncertainties account for analytical, sampling and flow-measurement uncertainty and were calculated for each
day: minimum-maximum are given. Average, minimum and maximum recoveries were calculated based on
measured load relative to the predicted load for each day.
Average Duration Overall Average
Predicted average
consumption Excreted of full uncertainty recovery in
load load
in sampling amount excretion of measured hosp. sewer
[g/day] (min-max)
period [g/day] [h] load [%] (min-max) [%]
For gemcitabine and its metabolite, a weaker correlation exists between measured loads
and the consumption (Fig. 4.3). Measurable concentrations were found when a
treatment took place, and whenever gemcitabine is present, also dFdU was found. The
highest load of 9.7 mg/d for gemcitabine (last sampling day) was found when also a
relatively high daily consumption occurred. Such high variations of mass loads of
cytostatics in hospital wastewater were also observed in an Austrian study (Mahnik,
2007) and are caused by the low number of patients receiving chemotherapy. In average
over the 9 days sampling period, the amount of 5-fluorouracil detected corresponds to
1.1% of the excreted quantity; for gemcitabine 1.4% of excretion, and for its metabolite
dFdU 3.7% of excretion (Tab. 4.5).
Figure 4.4
Linear correlation between the
intravenous consumption of 5-Fu
at the hospital and the measured
emission of this compound in
hospital wastewater. The point of
the last Tuesday was rejected
(x,y)=(0 mg/day, 3793 mg/day).
Occurrence and Stability in Hospital Wastewater Chapter 4 53
There might be several reasons for the recoveries below 5% of the predicted load:
- excretion rates vary from patient to patient (Table 4.5)
- the oncology department provides a high amount of ambulatory treatments: for
5-fluorouracil, 63% were out-patients and 67% of the total quantity is
administered to out-patients; for gemcitabine, the percentages are slightly
higher (80% resp. 76%). Therefore, only about 30% of the administered dose is
fully excreted on-site into the hospital sewer, remaining 70% is excreted in the
hospital only partially.
- relatively high sampling uncertainty occurred due to the sampling procedure
and low number of treated patients in the hospital, as described in detail in
(Weissbrodt, 2009). Because only a few patients are contributing to the daily
load, the chance that at average sampling frequency of 8 minutes, some toilet
pulses were missed is high and an uncertainty of up to 120-130% was
calculated. This high sampling uncertainly is causing the large overall
uncertainties listed in Tab. 4.5.
- not much is known about stability of the target cytostatics in wastewater and
published data on biodegradability of 5-fluorouracil differ (Tab. 1.6)
A comparison for 5-fluorouracil can be done to the study performed by (Mahnik, 2004)
Vienna University Hospital. They sampled wastewater directly from the oncology in-
patient ward fed exclusively by 3 toilets and 3 showers (used by 18 oncology patients).
The concentrations of 5-fluorouracil were as high as 124 g/L and loads recovered were
in line with calculated loads when considering an excretion rate of 2%. In our study,
when using a 2% excretion rate (instead of the average rate of 10% used for our
calculation, Tab. 4.5), 5.5% of the expected excreted amount of 5-fluorouracil is
recovered in the hospital sewer.
Apart from hospital wastewater, we analyzed also influent and effluent of the receiving
municipal wastewater treatment plant. Target cytostatics were neither present above
limit of quantification in the 24-hours composite samples of the municipal wastewater
treatment plant influent nor effluent. This is for 5-fluorouracil in accordance with the
previously published study (Tauxe-Wuersch, 2006), Table 1.4.
To obtain information on stability of the target compounds, and confirm or disprove one
of the above stated hypothesis for explanation of losses in material balances of
cytostatics in hospital wastewater, tests were performed in different matrices and at
different conditions as described in section 4.1.4.
Filtered hospital wastewater samples stored at -20C are stable and contain after 2 days
89, 98, 93 and 95% of spiked amount (2 g/L) of 5-Fu, araU, GemC and dFdU
respectively (dashed blue lines in Fig. 4.5). No decrease of spiked concentration within
10% was also observed for the above analytes when the filtered samples were stored for
2 days at 4C. The same results were obtained for 200 g/L spiked 5-Fu and CytR at
20C for 24 hours in filtered matrix used for the sorption experiments described in
Chapter 5.
The four investigated analytes, 5-Fu, araU, GemC and dFdU, showed to be unstable in
raw hospital wastewater at the temperature relevant for wastewater in a sewer system
(Figure 4.5). As the figure shows, in case of 5-Fu and GemC, we can speak of first order
degradation reaction. The plot of araU shows slight increase in concentration within the
54 Chapter 4 Occurrence and Stability in Hospital Wastewater
Figure 4.5 Stability tests of four target compounds in raw hospital wastewater at +20C (symbols), filtered hospital
wastewater at -20C (dashed line), and first order kinetics fits (solid line). Limits of quantification are 8, 13, 1 and
5% of spiked concentration 2 g/L of 5-Fu, araU, GemC and dFdU, respectively.
first 5 hours, which could be caused by presence of CytR in the hospital wastewater
metabolizing into araU. This assumption was not confirmed. In case of dFdU, the first six
points fit the curve of the first order kinetics, but the concentration stays on a threshold value
and does not decrease to zero. The decrease in concentration is faster for cytostatics than
for metabolites. The half-times are around 3-5 times lower for cytostatic then for
metabolites, as well as the time when steady state is achieved (five half-times).
Occurrence and Stability in Hospital Wastewater Chapter 4 55
The human metabolite of gemcitabine, dFdU, was found to be formed from gemcitabine
in the raw hospital wastewater and its concentration was further decreasing after
showing maximum at approximately 1.5 hours after the start of the experiment.
Assuming that dFdU is not the only transformation product of GemC:
GemC k
k met 2
dFdU k
met 1
The literature reported stability of gemcitabine and dFdU in urine under refrigerated
conditions was at least 1 month and at room temperature was at least 1 week (Freeman,
1995). In the study at Vienna university hospital, 5-fluorouracil was reported to be
stable in wastewater at -20C for 28 days and for at least 7 days at 4C and room
temperature (Mahnik, 2004). If the reported stability tests were performed in filtered
wastewater, they are in accordance with our results. In another publication of the same
research group (Lenz, 2007) it is reported, that even though 5-Fu was detected in the
oncology ward wastewater in concentrations up to 120 g/L, no 5-Fu above the
detection limits was detected in the in-flow of the MBR-system, witch was fed by a
1 000-L tank with retention of approximately 24-hours. This report is fully in agreement
with our results. On the other hand, there is a contradiction between our results and the
results published in another study (Kummerer, 1997), where 5-fluorouracil was not
bio-degraded at all and gemcitabine was degraded to 50% in ready biodegradability, as
well as inherent biodegradability tests with concentrations in mg/L range (Tab. 1.6).
The biodegradation rate in the study was measured by non-specific parameters.
Our results described in this section indicate that the main reason for the recoveries in
hospital wastewater below 5% of the predicted load of cytostatics in the wastewater
revealed in sections 4.2.1-4.2.1 lays in fast biodegradability of the target compounds in
unfiltered raw wastewater. Collecting 18-hours composite sample from 5:00-23:00
implies that the sample is unfiltered for approximately 26 hours from the beginning of
the sampling until next morning when it is transported to the laboratory. Within that
time, as the results depicted in Figure 4.5 show, are most of the target compounds
Figure 4.6
Schematic drawing of factors and
flows considered in calculation of
the predicted environmental
concentration (PEC) in surface
water from the measured
environmental concentration (MEC)
in a Swiss hospital wastewater.
The exposure data of the target cytostatics in the aquatic compartment reported here
were related to the toxicity data of the most sensitive test organism from the test
systems listed in the table 1.5. The predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) in surface
waters was obtained by applying a conservative assessment factor of 100 to no observed
effect concentration (NOEC). The choice of an assessment factor influences greatly the
final results of the risk assessment. Factors of 10-1000 are usually employed, depending
on the degree of uncertainty in the extrapolation from the test data on a limited number
of species to the actual environment. The Guideline on the Environmental Risk
Assessment of Medicinal Products for Human Use published by EMEA (European
Medicines Agency) in 2006, recommends in the Tier A when using long-term toxicity
tests to employ an assessment factor of 10, accounting for inter-species variations of
differences in sensitivity, intra-species variability, and laboratory data to field
The risk quotients PEC/PNEC calculated in Table 4.6 are protective and environmental
impact of 5-fluorouracil, gemcitabine and 2,2-difluoro-deoxyuridine seems to be of
minor importance. Nevertheless, cytostatics are special group of pharmaceuticals with
carcinogenic potency which implies that in general no threshold values for lowest effect
concentrations can be estimated. Until data with specific tests and end-points designed
especially for this class of pharmaceuticals are available, precautionary principle should
be applied.
4.2.5 References
Chapter 5
5.1 Experimental
5.1.1 Adsorbents
Two commercially available powdered activated carbons were tested: Norit SAE
Super (Norit, Amersfoort, The Netherlands) and Activated Lignite HOK Super
(RWE Power - Rheinbraun Brennstoff, Frechen, Germany). The adsorbents were
dried in an oven for 3 hours at 150C (ASTM, 2003) prior to storage in glass
bottles with Teflon-coated screw caps. The pH of the point of zero surface charge
(pHPZC) was established using the mass titration method (Li, 2002). Table 5.1
summarizes the properties of the studied adsorbents.
Table 5.1. Characterization of the adsorbents. Values of pHPZC were determined in this study, remaining data
provided by suppliers.
5.1.2 Adsorbates
5.1.3 Solvents
Prediction of the adsorbate removal from the same wastewater matrix at different
initial adsorbate concentrations was performed using a pseudo-single solute
isotherm, derived from a simplification of ideal adsorbed solution theory (IAST),
q1 = K1 (n1 / n2 )c2(1, 0 n1 ) / n1 (c1, 0 c1 )( n1 1) / n1 c11 / n1 (1)
and the direct link between relative removal and the carbon dose
cc =
n2 (11 / n1 )
c2 , 0 (c1, 0 / c1 1)1 / n1 (2)
Experimental data derived from WWTP effluent on Norit SAE Super were used for
calibration of the model and were fitted by a nonlinear regression routine in RGui,
version 2.6.2, to Eq. (3),
q1 = A(c1, 0 c1 ) ( n1 1) / n1 c11 / n1 (3)
which is the pseudo single-solute isotherm (Eq. (1)) with the term
K1 (n1 / n2 )c2(1,0 n ) / n substituted by A. The two EBC parameters, c2,0 and 1/n2, in the term A
1 1
are correlated and their individual values can not be resolved independently (Qi,
2007). The parameters A and n1 determined by Eq. (3), were used in Eq. (4),
derived from the Eq. (2),
1 c1, 0 (4)
cc = ( 1) 1 / n1
A c1
to calculate the carbon doses for any initial adsorbate concentration c1,0 and a set of
c1 concentrations in the range (c1,010-4; c1,0). From the obtained data, adsorptive
capacities q1 were calculated,
q1 = (c1, 0 c1 ) / cc (5)
Figure 5.1
Polar versus apolar adsorbate. 1.0
Comparison of fraction adsorbate
remaining at equilibrium as a
function of carbon dose for polar
5-fluorouracil, and cytarabine versus
apolar 17--ethinylestradiol, and
bisphenol-A from WWTP effluent 0.5
on Norit SAE Super.
Experimental conditions: WWTP
effluent spiked with 200 g.L-1
(open or light solid symbols) or 0.8
g.L-1 (dark solid symbols) of a
single adsorbate, pH 7.8, 20C, 0.0
100 rpm, 16 h contact time.
5-fluorouracil, cytarabine,
0 50 100 150
bisphenol-A -1
carbon dose [mg.L ]
The single solute isotherms of the same four adsorbates in 5 mM phosphate buffer
fit well to a Freundlich isotherm. The Freundlich parameters (Tab. 5.2) of the
isotherms obtained on the second tested carbon, Activated Lignite HOK Super,
reveal that the difference in the Freundlich coefficient (KF) representing sorption
capacity of Activated Lignite HOK Super, is one order of magnitude lower for the
polar adsorbates when compared to the apolar ones. The Freundlich exponent,
determining the slope of the linear curve, is higher for polar then for apolar
adsorbates, resulting in a steeper slope for polar adsorbates which indicates bigger
differences between higher and lower carbon concentrations.
Table 5.2. Freundlich single solute isotherm parameters of HOK in 5mM phosphate buffer pH 7.8, c0=200g.L-1,
t=20C, 16 h contact time, 100 rpm. Isotherms are fitted at range c/c0 at which pH was not influenced by the
adsorbent addition.
KF Range c/c0
q = KF.c1/n 1/n R2
[(g.mg-1)( g.L-1)-(1/n)] [%]
Figure 5.1 further proves that the percentage of adsorbate removal is independent
of the initial adsorbate concentration, as shown for the two concentrations of
cytarabine and 5-fluorouracil, 200 and 0.8 g.L-1. This allowed for performing all
subsequent experiments at an initial concentration of 200 g.L-1, avoiding sample
preconcentration prior to quantitative analysis. For the tested micropollutants, the
proportionality between the powdered activated carbon (PAC) capacity and the
initial adsorbate concentration was at levels not influencing the adsorption of EBC
previously shown by Knappe et al., 1998 to be consistent with the IAST
(Sontheimer, 1985). The necessary assumptions are that the adsorbent surface
loading is dominated by the competing EBC (q2q1) and the Freundlich isotherm
exponents of both, micropollutant and EBC, are of the same range (0.1-1) (Knappe,
1998). The first assumption holds for the poorly adsorbing highly polar
micropollutants well. And as the typical Freundlich isotherm exponents are in the
range 0.2-1 (Qi, 2007), it can be assumed that the second assumption also holds.
66 Chapter 5 Removal by Activated Carbon
1.0 A
Figure 5.2 1.0 B 0 5 10 15 20
Adsorption kinetics of 5-fluoro-
uracil (circles), and cytarabine
(triangles) from WWTP effluent on
carbon dose [mg/L]
Norit SAE Super (A), and Activated 0.5
Lignite HOK Super (B) at two
carbon doses: higher dose (light
color), lower dose (dark color).
Experimental conditions: spiked 0.0
200 g.L-1 of a single adsorbate,
pH 7.8, 20C, 100 rpm. 0 5 10 15 20
q [g.mg-1]
Figure 5.3
Adsorption isotherms of 5-fluoro-
uracil (circles), and cytarabine
(triangles) from WWTP effluent on
Norit SAE Super (open symbols),
and Activated Lignite HOK Super
(solid symbols). 0.1
Experimental conditions: spiked 1 10 100
200 g.L-1 of a single adsorbate,
pH 7.8, 20C, 16 h contact time,
100 rpm. c [g.L-1]
The Solution pH, ionic strength, adsorbent pHPZC, and adsorbate pKa are the key
factors controlling the Coulombic adsorbent-adsorbate interactions (Newcombe,
2006). Figure 6A shows the adsorption isotherms of 5-fluorouracil and cytarabine
on Activated Lignite HOK Super from 0.1 M phosphate buffer at three different pH
values. In case of 5-fluorouracil, raising the pH above 6 increases the fraction of
negatively charged species (Figure 5.4) and it can be observed that the adsorption
capacity of Activated Lignite HOK Super at pH 9.6 is considerably lower than at
lower pHs. At the same time, increasing the pH also influences the ionization state
of the carbon, increasing the number of negatively charged functional groups and
thus the possibility of repulsion. However, the surface charge stays though on
average positive until the solution pH reaches the pHPZC of the carbon, in the case
of Activated Lignite HOK Super pH 10.0 (Table 5.1). Varying pH from 6.2 to 9.6
has no influence on the adsorption characteristics of cytarabine, as the adsorbate is
always in its neutral form in this range.
o pKa
neutral o
fluorouracil pHpzc
species PA
Figure 5.4
The addition of different carbon doses into unbuffered solution results in a gradual
change in the pH of the system. Performing the adsorption isotherm experiment on
Activated Lignite HOK Super in Millipore water (data not shown) resulted in a
curve overlapping the plot of pH 6.2 in Figure 5.5A when the pH was in the range
of 5-8 (low carbon doses) and the plot of pH 9.6 when the pH was in the range of
9.5-10.5 (high carbon doses). The part of the curve in between those two ranges
had a steep slope and represented carbon doses 150-300 mg.L-1. This implies the
fact that isotherms in unbuffered systems without pH control might lead to
substantial errors, as the possible change of solution pH after addition of increasing
doses of carbon influences both the ionization state of adsorbate and the net surface
charge of the carbon.
A pH ionic strength B
pH 6.2: Freundlich 1/n=0.39, K=0.44 5 mM: Freundlich 1/n=0.43, K=0.55
pH 7.8: Freundlich 1/n=0.36, K=0.51
10 10 100 mM: Freundlich 1/n=0.36, K=0.51
pH 9.6: Freundlich 1/n=0.34, K=0.28
q [g.mg ]
q [g.mg ]
5-Fu 5-Fu
1 1
pH 6.2: Freundlich 1/n=0.36, K=0.75 5 mM: Freundlich 1/n=0.43, K=0.67
pH 7.8: Freundlich 1/n=0.48, K=0.43
10 carbon dose [mg/L] 10 100 mM: Freundlich 1/n=0.48, K=0.43
carbon dose [mg/L]
pH 9.6: Freundlich 1/n=0.03, K=3.27
CytR CytR
1 1
30 50 100 200 30 50 100 200
c [g.L ] -1
c [g.L ]
C temperature matrix D
4C: Freundlich 1/n=0.15, K=1.87 5 mM phosphate buffer
10 WWTP effluent
10 20C: Freundlich 1/n=0.36, K=0.51
concentrated WWTP effluent
q [g.mg ]
q [g.mg ]
Table 5.5. Effects of pH, ionic strength, temperature and matrix compounds on adsorption isotherms of
5-fluorouracil (circles), and cytarabine (triangles) on Activated Lignite HOK Super. Freundlich isotherm coefficients
are listed for the single solute isotherms in a phosphate buffer (q = K.c1/n, K is listed in (g.mg-1)( g.L-1)-(1/n)).
Experimental conditions: (A)-(D): spiked 200 g.L-1 of a single adsorbate; 100 rpm; contact time 16 h.
(A): 100 mM phosphate buffers; pH 6.2, 7.8 or 9.6; 20C. (B): 5 or 100 mM phosphate buffers; pH 7.8; 20C. (C):
100 mM phosphate buffer; pH 7.8; 4 or 20C. (D): 100 mM phosphate buffer, WWTP effluent or concentrated
WWTP effluent; pH 7.8; 20C.
Removal by Activated Carbon Chapter 5 69
To determine the effect of the solution ionic strength on the adsorption process, the
adsorption isotherms of 5-fluorouracil and cytarabine were derived from two
buffers of different molarity at pH 7.8 (Figure 5.5B). Comparison of the
corresponding plots shows that the increase in the ionic strength decreases the
sorption capacity of 5-fluorouracil, while for cytarabine is the decrease apparent
only at low surface concentrations. This is due to the different ionization state of
the adsorbates and is in agreement with the theory presented in (Moreno-Castilla,
2004). At solution pH 7.8, the Activated Lignite HOK Super surface charge is
positive on average, 5-fluorouracil is partially negatively charged (less than 50%)
and cytarabine is in its neutral form. Screening of the attractive electrostatic
interactions between Activated Lignite HOK Super and 5-fluorouracil as well as
when surface concentrations of cytarabine are low, is more pronounced at higher
ionic strength conditions, resulting in lower sorption capacity.
A study was also conducted on the temperature effects on the adsorption capacity
of Activated Lignite HOK Super. The adsorption isotherms of 5-fluorouracil and
cytarabine were obtained at the same experimental conditions, but different
temperatures, at 4C and 20C. Figure 5.5C depicts the results showing that lower
temperature provides more favorable conditions for the adsorption of both solutes.
As adsorption is an exothermic process, decrease in temperature increases the
uptake, which is also expected from the adsorption theory (Moreno-Castilla,
2004). It should be noted that the extent of the influence is not negligible, but
comparable with the extent of the influence of the solution pH and ionic strength.
As shown and discussed in section 5.2.1., PAC capacity and the initial adsorbate
concentration are in case of the target adsorbates in the WWTP effluent
proportional even if the adsorption isotherms are not linear. This can be used for
prediction of adsorbate removal from the same matrix (wastewater) at different
initial adsorbate concentrations if the data for one initial micropollutant
concentration are available. Figure 6.6 shows the pseudo-single solute isotherm fit
(Qi, 2007) of the experimental data of cytarabine with an initial concentration of
200 g.L-1 in WWTP effluent on Norit SAE Super. No single solute isotherm data
are required for the employed approach. The two unknown parameters from
Eq. (3), A and n1, were determined to be 0.04860.0016 L.mg-1 and 2.0090.089,
Further, Fig.5.6 shows the predicted isotherms of cytarabine in WWTP effluent for
initial concentrations 33, 6.2 and 0.8 g.L-1 as well as experimental data for 0.8
g.L-1. Good agreement between experimental and predicted data confirms the
suitability of Eq. (1) and (2) for such a prediction and proves that the concept of Qi
et al., 2007 is suitable for highly polar adsorbates. This simple and powerful
approach might be used in wastewater treatment for prediction of minimal PAC
doses required for elimination of polar adsorbates to a certain concentration c1, e.g.
30 ng.L-1 as depicted in Fig. 5.7, or a certain c1/c1,0 ratio.
q [g.mg-1]
Figure 5.6
Adsorption isotherm predictions 0.1 c0=200 g.L
5.2.4 Conclusions
Figure 5.7
Prediction of the minimal Norit
SAE Super doses required to
remove cytarabine at different 0
initial concentrations from WWTP
effluent (TOC 5 mg.L-1, pH 7.8, 0 50 100 150 200
20C) to reach final concentration
30 ng.L-1. Initial cytarabine concentration [g.L-1]
5.2.5 References
Chapter 6
6 Conclusions
The main objectives of this work lied in: (A) developing a robust and sensitive
analytical method for the analysis of the selected cytostatics and their metabolites in
wastewater; (B) applying the analytical method for determination of cytostatic
concentrations in hospital and municipal wastewater; (C) assesing the environmental
risk caused by the selected cytostatics (and metabolites); (D) evaluating the sorption
behavior of cytostatics to powdered activated carbon as a surrogate for the removal of
polar micropollutants and as a potential wastewater treatment process. This concluding
chapter summarizes to which extent the objectives were achieved, points out the
novelties and highlights of this work, and gives a brief outlook for future work.
The method was applied for the determination of two cytostatics with high consumption
and one known human metabolite in the wastewater effluent of a Swiss hospital, along
with the influent and effluent of the corresponding municipal wastewater treatment
plant (WWTP). None of the measured analytes were present above the detection limits
in any of the municipal wastewater samples, while the concentrations in hospital
wastewater ranged between <5 and 27 or <0.9 and 38 ng/L for 5-fluorouracil and
gemcitabine, respectively. The gemcitabine metabolite 2,2-difluorodeoxyuridine was
detected in the hospital wastewater in concentrations up to 838 ng/L. To the best of our
knowledge, gemcitabine and its urinary excreted human metabolite 2,2-
difluorodeoxyuridine had never been previously monitored in wastewater or any other
compartment of the aquatic environment. Further, this is the first study to show that
they are present in the wastewater and that 2,2-difluorodeoxyuridine is a metabolite of
gemcitabine formed not only in human body, but also in wastewater. Apart from
measuring concentrations in the hospital effluent, the consumption data of 5-
fluorouracil and gemcitabine at the hospital were collected during every sampling day
(number of patients and doses applied). Good correlation of 5-fluorouracil consumed
and measured amounts (r2 = 0.975) was observed. Further, gemcitabine-to-metabolite
76 Chapter 6 Conclusions
ratios were calculated from concentrations in hospital wastewater samples at the time
periods when only one patient in the hospital was treated. The calculated ratios agree
with values in urine reported in medical literature dealing with pharmacokinetics of
gemcitabine. The target compounds were shown to be readily biotransformed in raw
hospital wastewater and degraded within 5 to 30 hours, which is not the case in other
Sorption to powdered activated carbon was chosen for investigation as one of the
possible solutions for removal of cytostatics from wastewater, during the wastewater
post-treatment process. Batch-scale experiments elucidated sorption of 5-fluorouracil
and cytarabine to Norit SAE Super. A 30 mg/L dose of the carbon, sufficient to remove
completely apolar micropollutants (bisphenol A and 17--ehinyl-estradiol) from a
municipal WWTP effluent, removes 25 - 65 % of the two cytostatics from the same
matrix. Prediction of minimal dose of powdered activated carbon, required to eliminate
the target compounds to certain concentration or ratio, is feasible using the pseudo single-
solute isotherm model.
Last but certainly not least I would like to express my big gratitude
2009 PhD. Environmental Chemistry
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Pharmaceuticals and their metabolites in aquatic environment - occurrence, fate, transport, as well as
wastewater treatment / post-treatment processes for micro-pollutant removal (mass-flow analysis, hospital
wastewater decentralized treatment, adsorption to powdered activated carbon, ozonation).
Retention mechanisms and analytical method development for determination of organic micro-pollutants in
aqueous matrices (MS-MS, HPLC, RP, HILIC, SPE).
Marie Curie fellowship for early stage research training supported by the European Communitys Sixth
Framework Programme under contract number MEST-CT-2004-505169. AQUAbase: Organic Micropollutants
in Aquatic Environment - Interdisciplinary Concepts for Assessment and Removal, (2004 2007).
Kovalova L., McArdell C.S., Hollender J. (2009). Challenge of high polarity and low concentrations in analysis
of cytostatics and metabolites in wastewater by hydrophilic interaction chromatography/tandem mass
spectrometry. J. Chromatography A, 1216, 1100-1108.
Weissbrodt D., Kovalova L., Pazhepurackel V., Ort C., Moser R., Hollender J., Siegrist H., McArdell C.S.
(2009). Mass flows of X-rax contrast media and cytostatics in hospital wastewater. Environ. Sci.
Technol. 43, 4810-4817.
Lehnberg, K., Kovalova, L., Kazner, C., Wintgens, T., Schettgen, T., Melin, T., Hollender, J. and Dott, W.
(2009). Atmospheric and Biological Environmental Monitoring: Removal of Selected Organic
Micropollutants from WWTP Effluent with Powdered Activated Carbon and Retention by
Nanofiltration (book chapter). Kim, Y. J., Platt, U., Gu, M. B. and Iwahashi, H., Springer, Heidelberg.
Kazner, C., Lehnberg, K., Kovalova, L., Wintgens, T., Melin, T., Hollender, J., Dott, W. (2008). Removal of
endocrine disruptors and cytostatics from effluent by nanofiltration in combination with adsorption on
powdered activated carbon. Water Science and Technology. 58, 1699-1706.