HMCost3e SM Ch12
HMCost3e SM Ch12
HMCost3e SM Ch12
1. The two dimensions are the cost dimension those costs caused by non-value-added
and the process dimension. The cost activities. An example is the cost of materials
dimension is concerned with accurate handling.
assignment of costs to cost objects, such as 6. (1) Activity elimination: the identification and
products and customers. Activity-based elimination of activities that fail to add
costing is the focus of this dimension. The value. (2) Activity selection: the process of
second dimensionthe process dimension choosing among different sets of activities
provides information about why work is done caused by competing strategies. (3) Activity
and how well it is done. It is concerned with reduction: the process of decreasing the
cost driver analysis, activity analysis, and time and resources required by an activity.
performance measurement. This dimension (4) Activity sharing: increasing the efficiency
offers the connection to the continuous of necessary activities using economies of
improvement world found in the advanced scale.
manufacturing environment.
7. A kaizen standard is the planned improvement
2. Driver analysis is concerned with identifying for the coming period. The kaizen subcycle
the root causes of activity costs. Knowing implements the improvement, checks it, locks
the root causes of activity costs is the key to it in, and then begins a search for additional
improvement and innovation. Once a improvements. The maintenance subcycle
manager understands why costs are being sets a standard based on prior improvements,
incurred, then efforts can be taken to executes, and checks the results to make sure
improve cost efficiency. Driver analysis is a that performance conforms to the new results.
part of process value analysis along with If not, then corrective action is taken.
activity analysis and performance
measurement. 8. Benchmarking identifies the best practices of
comparable internal and external units. For
3 Activity analysis is concerned with internal units, information can be gathered
identifying activities performed by an that reveals how the best unit achieves its
organization, assessing their value to the results; these procedures can then be
organization, and selecting and keeping adopted by other comparable units. For
only those that are value-added. Selecting external units, the performance standard
and keeping value-added activities bring provides an incentive to find ways to match
about cost reduction and greater operating the performance. (It may sometimes be
efficiency, thus providing support for the possible to determine the ways the
objective of continuous improvement. performance is achieved.)
4. Value-added activities are necessary 9. Activity flexible budgeting differs from unit-
activities. Activities are necessary if they are based flexible budgeting by using flexible
mandated or if they are not mandated and budget formulas based on both unit-level
satisfy three conditions: (1) they cause a and non-unit-level drivers. Unit-based
change of state, (2) the change of state is not flexible budgeting uses only unit-level
achievable by preceding activities, and drivers in its formulas.
(3) they enable other activities to be
performed. Value-added costs are costs 10. Planning should identify the purposes and
caused by activities that are necessary and objectives of an ABM system, its timeline for
efficiently executed. implementation, the assigned
responsibilities, the resources required, the
5. Non-value-added activities are unnecessary current and desired future competitive
activities or necessary activities that are position, the business processes and product
inefficient and improvable. An example is mix, and the ability of the organization to
moving goods. Non-value-added costs are
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implement the new system and learn how to information with which they are already
use the new information produced. familiar.
11. ABM focuses on improving the efficiency of 14. A financial-based responsibility accounting
activities and thus needs detailed descriptions system is characterized by four elements:
of what makes up each activity. Knowing the (1) a responsibility center, where
tasks that define an activity makes it possible responsibility is assigned to an individual in
to change the way the activity is done so that charge (responsibility is usually defined in
overall activity performance improves. financial terms); (2) the setting of budgets
and standards to serve as benchmarks for
12. An ABM implementation may lose
performance measurement; (3)
managements support if it takes too long or
measurement of performance by comparing
if it fails to produce the expected results.
actual outcomes with budgeted outcomes;
Often, the expected results do not
and (4) individuals being rewarded or
materialize because managers do not know
penalized according to management
how to use the new information, suggesting
a lack of training and education in the new
systems capabilities. If the advantages of 15. In an activity-based responsibility accounting
the new ABM system are not detailed, then system, the focus of control shifts from
managers are likely to resist the new responsibility centers to processes and
system. teams. Management is concerned with how
work is done, not with where it is done.
13. A lack of integration often means that ABM
is in direct competition or is perceived to be
improvement and process innovation are
in direct competition with other continuous
emphasized. Standards tend to be optimal,
improvement methods and the official
dynamic, and process oriented. Performance
accounting system. This state may cause
measurement focuses on processes and
managers to reject the new ABM
activities that define the processes. Finally,
approaches and rely on continuous
there tends to be more emphasis on group
improvement methods and accounting
rewards rather than on individual rewards.
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2. Both expediting and storing are unnecessary activities. Both use resources
without bringing about any change of state.
3. For receiving, cost reduction occurs only when the actual demand for
receiving orders is reduced by each block of 1,500 orders. For assembly,
each hour saved produces a savings of $15. Accordingly, reduction in
spending will likely materialize more quickly for assembly than for receiving.
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Cornerstone Exercise 12.2 (Concluded)
3. From Requirement 1, the savings per unit of product are $24.90
($498,000/20,000), indicating that the competitors price reduction cannot be
matched (or beat) without changing the unit profit margin that existed at the
beginning of the year. Another $2.10 per unit ($42,000/20,000) of non-value-
added cost must be reduced. I would recommend matching the price
reduction to ensure no loss of market share, with the expectation that the
next year improvement will produce at least another $42,000 of savings.
2. Setup standard: 6 hours per batch; Expected cost per batch: $120
(6 $20). After determining that the suggested improvement
works and is sustainable, the new level of performance is locked
in by revising the maintenance standard from ten hours to six
hours. The next step is to search for another improvement
opportunity that will then produce a new kaizen standard and
expected batch cost. The ultimate objective is to eliminate all the
non-value-added cost through a series of kaizen improvements.
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Cornerstone Exercise 12.4 (Concluded)
2. Activity-Based Performance Report
Budgeted Cost Budget
Activity Actual Cost (90% level)* Variance**
Fixed cost........................ $363,000 $348,000 $15,000 U
Variable cost................... 805,000 810,000 5,000 F
*$348,000 (fixed); $100 0.90 9,000 (variable)
**Actual cost less budgeted cost
3. Welding cost = $48,000 + $130X (The cost of welding equipment is fixed; the
variable cost is the $30 per hour of contract welding labor plus the $100
per hour for parts and supplies.)
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Exercise 12.6
1. Plantwide rate = ($5,400,000 + $3,600,000 + $1,800,000)/90,000
= $120 per machine hour
Unit overhead cost = ($120 50,000)/100,000 = $60
Activity rates:
Machining rate = $5,400,000/90,000 = $60 per assembly hour
Inspection rate = $3,600,000/45,000 = $80 per inspection hour
Rework rate = $1,800,000/45,000 = $40 per rework hour
Total overhead cost = ($60 50,000) + ($80 10,000) + ($40 7,500)
= $4,100,000
Unit overhead cost = $4,100,000/100,000 = $41
Improving the accuracy reduced the cost by $19, which is still less than the
$20 reduction needed. What this means is that although accuracy has a
positive effect on the price, it is not the only problem. It appears that
competitors may be more efficient than Harvey. This outcome then signals
the need to
reduce costs.
2. Since inspection and rework costs and their associated time are both
reduced by 50 percent, the activity rates remain the same, although the
amount of cost assigned to the Special model will change:
Total overhead cost = ($60 50,000) + ($80 5,000) + ($40 3,750)
= $3,550,000
Unit overhead cost = $3,550,000/100,000 = $35.50
The cost now is $24.50 less than the original, which allows management to
reduce the price by $20, increasing the competitive position of the Special
model. ABC is concerned with how costs are assigned, whereas ABM is not
only concerned with how they are assigned but also with how costs can be
reduced. Cost accuracy and cost reduction are the dual themes of ABM.
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Exercise 12.7
The following are possible sets of questions and answers (provided as examples
of what students may suggest):
Cleaning oil:
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Exercise 12.8
Comparing documents (state detection)$144,000 (0.12 $1,200,000)
Resolving discrepancies (rework) $876,000 (0.73 $1,200,000)
Preparing checks$120,000 (0.10 $1,200,000)
Mailing checks $60,000 (0.05 $1,200,000)
Exercise 12.9
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Exercise 12.10
1. A process is a collection of activities with a common objective. The common
objective of procurement is to supply bought and paid-for materials to
operations (e.g., the manufacturing process). The common objective of
purchasing is to produce a request for materials from suppliers; the common
objective of receiving is to process materials from suppliers and move them
to the operations area (e.g., stores or manufacturing); the common objective
of paying bills is to pay for the materials received from suppliers.
2. The effect is to reduce the demand for the activity of resolving discrepancies
by 30 percent. By so doing, Thayne will save 21.9 percent (0.30 0.73) of its
clerical time. Thus, about six clerks can be eliminated by reassigning them
to other areas or simply laying them off. (30 .219 = 6.57 clerks but only 6
can be eliminated or reassigned because they are lumpy resources). This
will produce savings of about $$240,000 (6 $40,000) per year. This is an
example of process improvementan incremental increase in process
efficiency resulting in a cost reduction.
Exercise 12.11
EDI eliminates the demand for virtually all the activities within the bill-paying
process. Some demand may be left for payment activities relative to the
acquisition of nonproductive supplies. Assuming conservatively that 90 percent
of the demand is gone, there would be a need for three clerks (30 (0.90 30)).
This would save the company $1,080,000 ((30 3) $40,000) per year for this
subprocess alone. Additional savings would be realized from reduction of
demands for purchasing and receiving activities. Switching to an EDI
procurement structure is an example of process innovation.
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Exercise 12.12
Exercise 12.13
1. Fixed activity rate = SP = $504,000/28,000 = $18 per setup hour
Cost of unused capacity:
$18 2,000 $18 28,000 $18 26,200
$36,000 $504,000 $471,600
$468,000 U $32,400 F
Volume Variance Unused Capacity Variance
The activity volume variance measures the non-value-added cost.
The unused capacity variance is a measure of the potential to reduce the
spending on an activity and, thus, reduce the non-value-added costs. In this
case, since the resource is acquired one person at a time, there is not
sufficient unused capacity to reduce the number of employees by one. The
favorable unused capacity variance does signal that the activity demand is
being reduced. Whenever the unused activity reaches 2,000 hours, then
resource spending can be reduced. (The objective is to reduce the number of
hours used to 2,000, eliminating all of the non-value-added cost.)
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Exercise 12.13 (Concluded)
2. Value-added costs = $18 2,000 = $36,000
Non-value-added costs = $18 26,000 = $468,000
A value-added cost report would be as follows:
Value-Added Non-Value-Added Actual
Setting up.................................. $36,000 $468,000 $504,000
Highlighting non-value-added costs shows managers where savings are
possible and emphasizes the need for improvement. In this case, reducing
setup hours to 2,000 will create unused capacity of 26,000 hours, allowing
the company to save $468,000 in salaries.
3. By reducing the demand to 4,000 hours, the unused capacity now equals
24,000 hours (28,000 4,000). Thus, the company has 12 more employees
than needed (24,000/2,000 = 12). Accordingly, the number of employees can
be reduced from 14 to two, saving $432,000.
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Exercise 12.14
1. Sanford, Inc.
Value- and Non-Value-Added Cost Report
For the Year Ended December 31, 2015
Value-Added* Non-Value-Added** Actual
Purchasing parts................. $ 780,000 $ 312,000 $ 1,092,000
Receiving parts.................... 1,014,000 507,000 1,521,000
Moving parts........................ 0 1,014,000 1,014,000
Setting up equipment.......... 0 1,216,800 1,216,800
Total................................. $1,794,000 $3,049,800 $4,843,800
Exercise 12.15
1. Sanford, Inc.
Non-Value-Added Cost Trend Report
For the Year Ended December 31, 2016
2015 2016 Change
Purchasing parts................................. $ 312,000 $ 156,000 $ 156,000
Receiving parts.................................... 507,000 253,500 253,500
Moving parts......................................... 1,014,000 331,800 682,200
Setting up equipment.......................... 1,216,800 304,200 912,600
Total.................................................. $3,049,800 $1,045,500 2,004,300
Note: The above amounts were computed for each year, using the following
formula: (AQ SQ)SP.
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Exercise 12.15 (Concluded)
2. For non-value-added activities, activity reduction can serve to reduce the
demand for these activities with the ultimate objective of reducing the
demand to zero. For value-added activities, activity reduction is used to
eliminate the non-value-added component.
Exercise 12.16
The ABM implementation is taking too long and is not producing the
results. It also appears to not be integrated with the divisions
official accounting system, encouraging managers to continue
relying on the old system (as evidenced by the continued reliance on
traditional materials and labor efficiency
variances). The fact that the ABC product costs are not significantly
different in many cases could be due to a lack of product diversity or
perhaps due to poor choice of pools and drivers. The lack of a
competitive cost state suggests the presence of significant non-
value-added costs. The emphasis on the absence of product cost
differences, lack of cost reductions, and the attitude about activity
detail and the value content of inspection all reveal that plant
managers have very limited understanding about ABM and what it
can do. There clearly needs to be a major effort to train managers to
understand and use activity data. At this point, no organizational
culture emphasizes the need for continuous improvement. This need
and the role ABM plays in continuous improvement needs to be
taught. The new ABM system also needs to be integrated to
maximize its chances for success.
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Exercise 12.17
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Exercise 12.17 (Concluded)
Situation 7: The financial-based system tends to ignore a firms activities and the
linkages of those activities with suppliers and customers. It is internally focused.
An activity-based system builds in explicit recognition of those linkages and
emphasizes the importance of the value chain. Furthermore, the assessment of
the value content of activities is explicitly related to customers. What goes on
outside the firm cannot be ignored.
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Exercise 12.18
Exercise 12.19
a. Inspecting and rework are both nonvalue-added activities and the total cost of
the two activities is $126,000.
Exercise 12.21
Exercise 12.22
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Problem 12.23
1. An activity driver measures the amount of an activity consumed by a cost
object. It is a measure of activity output. Activity drivers are used to assign
activity costs to cost objects. On the other hand, a cost driver is the root
cause of the activity and explains why the activity is performed. Cost drivers
are useful for identifying how costs can be reduced (rather than assigned).
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Problem 12.23 (Continued)
Welding subassemblies: This is a value-added activity. It causes a desired
state change that could not have been done by preceding activities and
enables other activities to be performed. If inefficient, then means should be
sought to improve efficiency. The goal is to optimize value-added activity
performance. Possible root causes of inefficiency include product design,
process design, and production technology. Changing either product or
process design could decrease the demand for the welding activity while
producing the same or more output. A change in technologybuying more
advanced technology, for examplemay also increase the efficiency of the
Moving materials: This is usually viewed as a non-value-added activity.
Moving materials and subassemblies from one point in the plant changes
location but not the state. But it does enable other activities to be performed,
and it is not a repeated action. If it is argued that changing location is a
change in state, then you could respond by noting that it is an unnecessary
change of state. Possible root causes include plant layout, manufacturing
processes, and vendor arrangements. Moving from a departmental to a
cellular structure, adopting computer-aided manufacturing, and entering into
contracts with suppliers that require just-in-time delivery to the point of
production are examples of how knowledge of root causes can be exploited
to reduce and eliminate materials handling cost.
Inspecting components: Inspection is a non-value-added activity. It is a state-
detection activity and is not necessary to enable other activities to be
performed. This activity should be reduced and eventually eliminated. A
possible root cause of inspection is the possibility of poor quality of parts
and materials. The company should work with suppliers to ensure high
quality (zero-defect parts).
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Problem 12.23 (Concluded)
3. Behavioral analysis:
Setting up equipment: Using the number of setups as a driver may cause a
buildup of inventories. Since reducing the number of setups will reduce
setup costs, there will be an incentive to have fewer setups. Reducing the
number of setups will result in larger lots and could create finished goods
inventory. This is in opposition to the goal of zero inventories. On the other
hand, if setup time is used as the driver, managers will have an incentive to
reduce setup time. Reducing setup time allows managers to produce on
demand rather than for inventory.
Performing warranty work: Using the number of defective units as a driver
should encourage managers to reduce defective units. Assuming that
defective units are the source of warranty work, this should reduce warranty
costs. Similarly, using warranty hours could encourage managers to find
ways to reduce warranty work by decreasing its causes. Alternatively, it may
cause them to look for more efficient means of performing warranty work.
Increasing the efficiency of a non-value-added activity has some short-run
merit, but it should not be the focus. Of the two drivers, defective units is the
most compatible with eventual elimination of the non-value-added activity.
Welding subassemblies: Using welding hours should encourage management
to find ways of reducing the welding hours required per product. This would
more likely induce managers to look at possible root causes such as product
design and process design than would number of welded subassemblies.
There is some value in looking for ways to reduce the number of welded
subassemblies, perhaps redesigning the product to eliminate welding.
Moving materials: Both drivers seem to have positive incentives. Seeking
ways to reduce the number of moves or distance moved should lead
managers to look at root causes. Reorganizing the plant layout, for example,
should reduce either the number of moves or the distance moved. Hopefully,
the activity drivers will lead to the identification of executional drivers that
can be managed so that the activity can be reduced and eventually
Inspecting components: Hours of inspection can be reduced by working with
suppliers so that greater incoming quality is ensured. Similarly, the number
of defective parts can be reduced by working with suppliers so that incoming
quality is increased. Hours of inspection, however, can be reduced without
increasing quality. This is not true for the number of defective parts. Using
the number of defective parts appears to be a better choice.
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Problem 12.24
1. First quarter: Setup time standard = 9 hours (based on the planned
improvement: 12 hours 3 hours of reduced time)
Second quarter: Setup time standard = 1 hour (based on the planned
improvement: 7 hours 6 hours)
2. Kaizen subcycle:
Plan (3-hour reduction from process redesign.)
Do (Try out setup with new design.)
Check (Time required was seven hours, a 5-hour reduction.)
Act (Lock in 5-hour improvement by setting new standard of seven hours
and using same procedures as used to give the 7-hour outcome;
simultaneously, search for new improvement opportunityin this case,
the suggested changes of the production workers.)
Repeat kaizen subcycle:
Plan (6-hour reduction from setup procedure changes.)
Do (Train and then implement procedures.)
Check (Actual time required was three hours, a 4-hour reduction.)
Act (Lock in improvement by setting standard of three hours and begin
search for new improvement.)
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Problem 12.24 (Concluded)
4. Non-value-added cost saved (eliminated) with 9 hours of reduced setup-time:
$600 9 = $5,400 per setup. Kaizen costing is concerned with improving
activity performance and uses root causes to help identify initiatives for
improvement. Thus, kaizen is a tool or means for implementing ABM
Problem 12.25
1. Formula
Resource Fixed Variable
Salaries........... $1,250,000
Lease............... 144,000
Crates.............. $1.80
Fuel................. 0.36*
Total........... $1,394,000 $2.16
*$3.60/10 cycles
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Problem 12.25 (Concluded)
Novo, Inc.
Performance Report
For the Year 20XX
Resource Actual Costs Budgeted Costs Budget Variance
Salaries...................... $1,290,000 $1,250,000 $40,000 U
Leases....................... 144,000 144,000 0
Crates......................... 118,200 108,000 10,200 U
Fuel............................ 24,000 21,600 2,400 U
Total...................... $1,576,200 $1,523,600 $52,600 U
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Problem 12.26
1. Activity-based management is a systemwide, integrated approach that
focuses managements attention on activities. It involves two dimensions: a
cost dimension and a process dimension. Key elements in activity
management include identifying activities, assessing their value, and
retaining only value-added activities. ABM connects with continuous
improvement by identifying root causes of non-value-added activities and
using these root causes to eventually eliminate non-value-added activities
and thus reduce costs. ABM also focuses on increasing the efficiency of
value-added activities.
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Problem 12.26 (Concluded)
4. Total potential reduction:
$1,278,000 (from Requirement 2)
225,000 (by automating)
Units........................ 120,000
Unit savings........ $ 12.53 (rounded to nearest cent)
Costs can be reduced by at least $10.50, enabling the company to maintain
current market share. Further, with the additional reductions, if all the non-
value-added costs are eliminated, then the cost reduction needed to increase
market share is also possible. Activity selection is the form of activity
management used here.
5. Current:
Sales.................................. $3,240,000 ($27 120,000 units)
Costs................................. 2,880,000
Income.......................... $ 360,000
$21 price (assumes that current market share is maintained):
Sales.................................. $1,680,000 ($21 120,000)
Costs................................. 1,376,400 ($11.47* 120,000)
Income.......................... $ 1,143,600
$18 price:
Sales.................................. $3,240,000 ($18 180,000)
Costs................................. 2,064,600 ($11.47* 180,000)
Income.......................... $1, 175,400
*$24.00 $12.53 = $11.47
The $18 price produces the greatest benefit.
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Problem 12.27
1. Non-value-added usage and costs (first year):
Non-Value-Added Non-Value-Added
Usage Cost
Molding.............. 2,700,000 2,160,000 540,000 $ 8,100,000
Engineering....... 144,000 86,400 57,600 2,016,000
*1.25 9 240,000; (4 18,000) + (10 7,200) (AQ for engineering represents
the actual practical capacity acquired.)
**9 240,000; (0.60 72,000) + (0.60 72,000)
Note: SP for materials is $15; SP for engineering is $35 ($70,000/2,000). There
are no price variances because SP = AP.
Unused capacity for engineering:
$35 144,000 $35 138,000
$5,040,000 $4,830,000
$210,000 F
Unused Capacity Variance
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Problem 12.27 (Concluded)
Materials.................... 2,600,000 2,538,000 62,000 $930,000 U
Engineering............... 120,000 126,720 (6,720) 235,200 F
*For engineering, the kaizen standard is a measure of how much resource
usage is needed (this year), and so progress is measured by comparing with
actual usage, AU, not AQ, activity availability. AQ AU, on the other hand,
will measure the unused capacity, a useful number, as is discussed below.
The company failed to meet the molding kaizen standard but beat the
engineering standard. The engineering outcome is of particular interest. The
actual usage of the engineering resource is 120,000 hours, and activity
availability is 144,000 hours. Thus, the company has created 24,000 hours of
unused engineering capacity. Each engineer brings a capacity of 2,000 hours.
Since engineers come in whole units, the company now has 12 too many!
Thus, to realize the savings for the engineering activity, the company must
decide how to best use these available resources. One possibility is to
simply lay off 12 engineers, thereby increasing total profits by the salaries
saved ($840,000). Other possibilities include reassignment to activities that
have insufficient resources. (For example, perhaps new product development
could use 12 engineers.) The critical point is that resource usage reductions
must be converted into reductions in resource spending, or the efforts have
been in vain.
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Problem 12.28
1. Current cost per unit = $28,800,000/20,000 = $1,440
Current profit per unit = $1,620 $1,440
= $180
Target cost (C) to maintain current profit and expand market share:
$1,404 C = $180
C = $1,224
2. Non-value-added costs:
Materials (900,000 855,000)$21............................. $ 945,000
Labor (216,000 205,200)$12.50.............................. 135,000
Setups (14,400 0)$75.............................................. 1,080,000
Materials handling (36,000 0)$70.......................... 2,520,000
Warranties (36,000 0)$100..................................... 3,600,000
Total....................................................................... $8,280,000
Units produced and sold.......................................... 20,000
Unit non-value-added cost.................................. $ 414
Current cost less non-value-added cost:
$1,440 $414 = $1,026
This is much less than the target cost of $1,224 or the Kansas City plants
cost of $1,260. Thus, matching the cost is possible and so is the target cost
for expanding market share. How quickly the cost reductions can be
achieved is another matter. Since the Kansas City plant has experience in
achieving reductions, it may be possible to achieve at least a cost of $1,260
within a reasonably short time. As plant manager, I would borrow heavily
from the Kansas City plant experience and attempt to reduce the non-value-
added costs quickly. I would also lower the price to $1,404 and seek to take
advantage of the increased market shareeven if it meant a short-term
reduction in profits.
3. Benchmarking played a major role. The Kansas City plant set the
standard and offered to share information on how it achieved the
cost reductions that enabled it to lower its selling price. The Tulsa
plant responded by accepting the offer of help and taking actions
to achieve the same or greater cost reductions.
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Problem 12.29
1. Actual Costs Budgeted Costs Budget Variance
Direct labor..................... $210,000 $200,000 $ 10,000 U
Power.............................. 135,000 85,000 50,000 U
Setups............................. 140,000 100,000 40,000 U
Total............................ $485,000 $385,000 $100,000 U
Note: Budgeted costs use the actual direct labor hours and the labor-based
cost formulas. Example: Direct labor cost = $10 20,000 = $200,000; Power
cost = $5,000 + ($4 20,000) = $85,000; Setup cost = $100,000 (fixed).
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Problem 12.30
1. Marston, Inc.
Performance Report
For the Year 2015
Actual Costs Budgeted Costs* Budget Variance
Direct materials.............. $ 440,000 $ 480,000 $40,000 F
Direct labor..................... 355,000 320,000 35,000 U
Depreciation................... 100,000 100,000 0
Maintaining equipment.. 425,000 435,000 10,000 F
Machining....................... 142,000 137,000 5,000 U
Moving materials ........... 232,500 240,000 7,500 F
Inspecting products...... 160,000 145,000 15,000 U
Total............................ $1,854,500 $1,857,000 $ 2,500 F
*Budget formulas for each item can be computed by using the high-low
method (using the appropriate cost driver for each method). Using this
approach, the budgeted costs for the actual activity levels are computed as
Direct materials: $6.00 80,000
Direct labor: $4 80,000
Depreciation: $100,000
Maintaining equipment: $60,000 + ($1.50 250,000)
Machining: $12,000 + ($0.50 250,000)
Moving materials: $40,000 + ($6.25 32,000)
Inspecting products: $25,000 + ($1,000 120)
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Problem 12.30 (Concluded)
3. Knowing the resources consumed by activities and how the resource costs
change with the activity driver should provide more insight into managing the
activity and its associated costs. For example, moving materials is a non-
value-added activity, and efforts should be made to reduce the demands for
this activity. If moves could be reduced to 20,000 from the expected 40,000,
then costs can be reduced by not only eliminating the need for four
operators, but also by reducing the need to lease from four to two forklifts.
However, in the short run, the cost of leasing forklifts may persist even
though demand for their service is reduced.
20,000 Moves 40,000 Moves
Materials handling:
Forklifts......................................................... $ 40,000 $ 40,000
Operators...................................................... 120,000 240,000
Fuel................................................................ 5,000 10,000
Total........................................................... $165,000 $290,000
The detail assumes that forklift leases must continue in the short run but that
the number of operators may be reduced (assumes each operator can do
5,000 moves per year). If the two forklifts could be subleased, then an
additional savings of $20,000 would be realized. Thus, the budget reveals
reducing the demands for materials handling to 20,000 moves can save
between $125,000 and $145,000 (relative to the 40,000-move level). It also
provides the additional amount that could be saved if the activity demand is
reduced to zero (up to $165,000).
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