Annexure Ii: Design of Box Type Culvert

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1 Inside dimensions 3 x 3 m
2 Super imposed load 75537 N/m
3 Live load 24000 N/m
2 3
4 Weight of soil 13734 N/m wt. of water 9800 N/m
5 Angle of repose 25 Degree
6 Nominal cover top/bottom 50 mm Nominal cover Side 50 mm
6 Concrete M- 30 wt. of concrete 25000 N/m3
cbc 10 N/mm
2 m = 9.33
7 Steel Fy 415

1 Solution General
For the purpose of design , one metre length of the box is considered.
The analysis is done for the following cases.
(I) Live load, dead load and earth pressure acting , with no water pressure from inside.
(II) Live and dead load on top and earth pressure acting from outside, and water pressure acting from inside,
with no live load on sides
(III) Dead load and earth pressure acting from outside and water pressure from in side.

Let the thickness of Horizontal slab 300 mm = 0.3 m

Vertical wall thicness 300 mm = 0.3 m
Effective slab span 3 + 0.3 = 3.3 m
Effective Height of wall 3 + 0.3 = 3.3 m

2 Case 1 : Dead and live load from out side of while no water pressure from inside.
Self weight of top slab = 0.3 x 1x 1x 25000 = 7500 N/m
Live load and dead load = 24000 + 75537 = 99537 N/m
Total load on top = 107037 N/m
Weight of side wall = 3.3 x 0.3 x 25000 = 24750 N/m
Upward soil reaction at base = ( 107037 x 3.3 )+( 2x 24750 )= 2
122037 N/m
1 - sin 25 1- 0.422 0.578 1.156
Ka = = = = = 0.40647
1 + sin 25 1+ 0.422 1.422 2.844
Lateral pressure due to dead load and live load = Pv x Ka
p= 99537 x 0.406469761 = 40458.7806 N/m
Lateral pressure due to soil Ka x w x h = 0.406469761 x 13734 h = 5582.4557 h
Hence total pressure = 40458.78059 + 5582.455696 h
Lateral presure intensity at top = 40458.78059 N/m
Lateral pressure intensity at bottom = 40458.78059 + 5582.455696 x 3.3 = 58880.88439 N/m2
w= 107037 N/m2
Fig 1 show the box culvert
frame ABC D, along with the 40458.78059 40458.78059
external loads, Due to symmetry, A E B
half of frame (i.e. AEFD ) of box
culvert is considered for moment h 3.60
distribution. Since all the members
40458.78059 3.60
have uniform thickness, and uniform
5582.455696 h
diamentions, the relative stiffness
K for AD will be equal to 1 while the D F C
relative stiffness for AE and DF will 58880.88439 40458.78059 18422.104
be 1/2. w = 122037 N/m2

Fig 1

1 1/2
Distribution factor for AD and DA= = 2/3 Distribution factore for AB and DC= = 1/3
1+1/2 1+1/2
2 2
wL 107037 x 3.3 =
Fix end moments will be as under : MFAB= = -97136.0775 N-m
12 12

122037 x 3.3 =
+ = 110748.5775 N-m
12 12
pL WL Where W is the total triangular earth pressure.
MFAD = + +
12 15

MFAD = +
40459 x 3.3
+ 18422.1038 x 3.3 3.3
x = 43404 N-m
12 2 15
MFDA = - -
12 15

MFDA = -
40459 x 3.3
- 18422.1038 x 3.3 3.3 -36716 -10031
x = = -46747
12 2 10
The Moment distribution is carried out as illustrated in table
Fixed End Moments
Member DC DA AD AB 68991 107037 68991

110748.6 -46747 43404 -97136 73542

The moment distribution carried out as per for case 1

Joint Member D A 176611.05 176611.05

Distribution factor DC DA AD AB 73542

Fix end moment 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.33 40459 76714

110748.6 -46747 43404 -97136 A A

Balance -21334 -42668 35821 17911 68991 1.65

Carry over 17911 -21334 6901

balance -5970 -11940 14223 7111 3.3 m

Carry over 7111 -5970

balance -2370 -4741 3980 1990 80037 1.65

Carry over 1990 -2370 18422 D D

balance -663 -1327 1580 790 58881 90369 86086

Carry over 790 -663
balance -263 -527 442 221 201361 201361

Carry over 221 -263 90369

balance -74 -147 176 88

Carry over 88 -74 122037

balance -29 -59 49 25 Fig 2

Carry over 25 -29
balance -8 -16 20 10
Final moment 80037 -80037 68991 -68991

For horizontal slab AB, carrying UDL @ 107037 N/m .
Vertical reactionat a and B = 0.5 x 107037 x 3.3 = 176611.05 N/m2
Similarly, for the Bottom slab DC carrying U.D.L.loads @ 122037 N/m
Vertical reaction at D and C = 0.5 x 122037 x 3.30 = 201361.05 N
The body diagram for various members, including loading, B.M. And reactions are shown in fig.2
For the vertical member AD, the horizontal reaction at A is found by taking moments at D.Thus
( -ha x 3.30 )+ 68991 - 80037 + 40458.78059 x 3.30 x 3.30 x 1/2
+ 1/2 x 18422 x 3.30 x 3.30 x 1/3
-ha x 3.30 + -11046 + 220298.0603 + 33436.1184
From which, ha = 73542
Hence , hd =( 40458.7806 + 58880.88439 )x 3.30 - 73542 = 90369 N
107037 x 3.30 =
Free B.M. at mid point E = 145705 N-m
Net B.M. at E = 145705 - 68991 = 76714 N-m
122037 x 3.30 =
Similarly, free B.M. at F = 166122.8663 N -m
Net B.M. at F = 166122.8663 - 80037 = 86086 N-m
For vertical member AD , Simply supported B.M. At mid span
40458.78059 x 3.30 + 1/16 2
Simply supporetd at mid sapn = x 18422.1 x 3.30 = 67613.0595
80037 + 68991
Net B.M. = = 74514 - 67613.059 = 6901 N-m
3 Case 2 : Dead load and live load from out side and water pressure from inside.
In this case , water pressure having an intensity of zero at A and 9800 x 3.30 = 32340 N/m

At D, is acting, in addition to the pressure considered

in case 1. The various pressures are marked in fig 3 w= 107037 N/m2
.The vertical walls will thus be subjected to a net
40458.78059 40458.78059 40458.7806
lateral pressure of
2 13917.8962
Net latral pressure diagram

Intensity = 40459 N/m At the Top A E B

And = 58881 - 32340
= 26541 N/m2 at the bottom

58880.88439 58880.88439 26541
w = 122037 N/m2

Fig 3
2 2
wL = 107037 x 3.30 =
Fix end moments will be as under : MFAB= -97136.0775 N-m
12 12

122037 x 3.3 =2
= 110748.5775 N-m
12 12
pL WL Where W is the total tringular earth pressure.
MFAD = + +
12 10

MFAD = +
26541 x 3.3
+ 13917.8962 x 3.3 3.3
x = 31665 N-m
12 2 10
MFDA = - -
12 15

MFDA = -
26541 x 3.3 -
13917.8962 x 3.3 3.3
x = -29138 N -m
12 2 15
The moment distribution is carrired out as illustred in table.
Fixed End Moments
Member DC DA AD AB 62389 107037 62389

110748.6 -29138 31665 -97136 56200

The moment distribution carried out as per case 2

Joint D A 176611.05 176611.05

Member DC DA AD AB 62389
Distribution factor 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.33 40459 56200 83316

Fix end moment 110748.6 -29138 31665 -97136 A A

Balance -27204 -54407 43647 21824 62389 1.65

Carry over 21824 -27204 21576

balance -7275 -14549 18136 9068 3.3

Carry over 9068 -7275

balance -3023 -6045 4850 2425 71967 1.65

Carry over 2425 -3023 26541 D D

balance -808 -1617 2015 1008 54350 94156

Carry over 1008 -808
balance -336 -672 539 269 201361 201361

Carry over 269 -336 54350

balance -90 -180 224 112

Carry over 112 -90 122037

balance -37 -75 60 30 Fig 4

Carry over 30 -37
balance -10 -20 25 12
Final moment 71967 -71967 62389 -62389

For horizontal slab AB, carrying UDL @ 107037 N/m .
Vertical reactionat a and B = 0.5 x 107037 x 3.3 = 176611.05 N/m2
Similarly, for the Bottom slab DC carrying U.D.L.loads @ 122037 N/m
Vertical reaction at D and C = 0.5 x 122037 x 3.30 = 201361.05 N
The body diagram for various members, including loading, B.M. And reactions are shown in fig.3
For the vertical member AD, the horizontal reaction at A is found by taking moments at D.Thus
( -ha x 3.30 )+ 62389 - 71967 + 26540.88439 x 3.30 x 3.30 x 1/2
+ 1/2 x 13918 x 3.30 x 3.30 x 2/3
-ha x 3.30 + -9578 + 144515.1155 + 50521.9632
From which, ha = 56200
Hence , hd =( 26540.8844 + 40459 )x 3.30 - 56200 = 54350 N
107037 x 3.30 =
Free B.M. at mid point E = 145705 N-m
Net B.M. at E = 145705 - 62389 = 83316 N-m
122037 x 3.30 =
Similarly, free B.M. at F = 166122.8663 N -m
Net B.M. at F = 166122.8663 - 71967 = 94156 N-m
For vertical member AD , Simply supported B.M. At mid span
26540.88439 x 3.30 + 1/16 2
Simply supported at mid sapn = x 13917.9 x 3.30 = 45601.647
71967 + 62389
Net B.M. = = 67178 - 45601.647 = 21576 N-m
4 Case 3 : Dead load and live load on top water pressure from inside no live load on side.
in this case, it is assume that there is no lateral pressure due to live load . As before .
The top slab is subjected to a load of '= 107037 N/m
and the bottom slab is subjected to a load w= 107037 N/m2
= 1E+05 N/m2

Net latral pressure diagram

Intensity 25179 25179
Lateral pressure due to dead load = A E B 25179

1/3 x 75537 = 25179 N/m2

Lateral pressure due to soil = 3.30

1/3 x 13734 = 4578 N/m2 3.30

Hence earth pressure at depth h is =

25179 + 4578 h D F C
40286.4 40286.4 13917.8962

Earth pressure intensity at top = 25179 N/m2 32340 w= 122037 N/m2 32340

Fig 5
Earth pressure intensity at Bottom= 25179 + 4578 x 3.30 = 40286.4 N/m
In addition to these, the vertical wall ls subjected to water pressure of intensity ZERO at top and 32340
N/m2 at Bottom, acting from inside . The lateral pressure on vertical walls Is shown in fig 5 and 6

2 2
wL 107037 x 3.30 =
Fix end moments will be as under : MFAB= = -97136.0775 N-m
12 12

122037 x 3.3 =2
= 110748.5775 N-m
12 12
pL WL Where W is the total tringular earth pressure.
MFAD = + -
12 15

MFAD = +
25179 x 3.3
- 13917.8962 x 3.3 3.3
x = 17798 N-m
12 2 15
pL WL 22849.9425 - 5052.196322
MFDA = - +
12 10

MFDA = -
25179 x 3.3 -
13917.8962 x 3.3 3.3
x = -15272 N -m
12 2 10
The moment distribution is carrired out as illustred in table.
Fixed End Moments
Member DC DA AD AB 55457 107037 55457
110748.6 -15272 17798 -97136 =
The moment distribution carried out as per case 3
Joint D A 176611.05 176611.1
Member DC DA AD AB
Distribution factor 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.33 25179 90248
Fix end moment 110748.6 -15272 17798 -97136 A A
Balance -31826 -63651 52892 26446 55457 1.65

Carry over 26446 -31826 35444

balance -8815 -17631 21217 10609 3.3

Carry over 10609 -8815

balance -3536 -7072 5877 2938 65035 1.65

Carry over 2938 -3536 0D D

balance -979 -1959 2357 1179 13918 101088
Carry over 1179 -979
balance -393 -786 653 326 201361 201361
Carry over 326 -393 -30989
balance -109 -218 262 131
Carry over 131 -109 122037
balance -44 -87 73 36 Fig 4
Carry over 36 -44
balance -12 -24 29 15
Final moment 65035 -65035 55457 -55457

For horizontal slab AB, carrying UDL @ 107037 N/m .
Vertical reactionat a and B = 0.5 x 107037 x 3.3 = 176611.05 N
Similarly, for the Bottom slab DC carrying U.D.L.loads @ 122037 N/m
Vertical reaction at D and C = 0.5 x 122037 x 3.30 = 201361.05 N
The body diagram for various members, including loading, B.M. And reactions are shown in fig.6
For the vertical member AD, the horizontal reaction at A is found by taking moments at D.Thus
( ha x 3.30 )+ 55457 - 65035 + 25179 x 3.30 x 3.30 x 1/2
- 1/2 x 13918 x 3.30 x 3.30 x 1/3
-ha x 3.30 + -9578 + 137099.655 - 25261
From which, ha = -30989
Hence , hd =( 13918 x 3.30 )- 25179 x 3.30 - -30989 = -29137.1713
107037 x 3.30 =
Free B.M. at mid point E = 145705 N-m
Net B.M. at E = 145705 - 55457 = 90248 N-m
122037 x 3.30 =
Similarly, free B.M. at F = 166122.8663 N -m
Net B.M. at F = 166122.8663 - 65035 = 101088 N-m
For vertical member AD , Simply supported B.M. At mid span
25179 x 3.30 + 2
Simply supporetd at mid sapn = 1/16 x 13918 x 3.30 = -24802.0456
65035 + 55457
Net B.M. = = 60246 + -24802.05 = 35444 N-m

5 Design of top slab :

Mid section
The top slab is subjected to following values of B.M. and direct force
Case B.M. at Center (E) B.M. at ends (A) Direct force (ha)
(i) 76714 68991 73542
(II) 83316 62389 56200
(II) 90248 55457 -30989

The section will be design for maximum B.M. = 90248 N -m

for water side force
st = = 150 N/mm2 wt. of concrete = 25000 N/m

cbc = = 10 N/mm2 wt of water = 9800 N/mm


m = 9.33 for water side force

m*c 9.33 x 10
k= = = 0.383 K = 0.383
m*c+st 9.33 x 10 + 150
j=1-k/3 = 1 - 0.383 / 3 = 0.872 J = 0.872
R=1/2xc x j x k = 0.5 x 10 x 0.87 x 0.383 = 1.672 R = 1.672
Provide over all thickness = 300 mm so effective thicknesss = 250 mm
Mr = R . B .D
= 1.672 x 1000 x 250
= 104518418 > 90248000 O.K.
90248000 = 2759 mm
Ast = BMx100/stxjxD=
150 x 0.872 x 250
3.14xdia 3.14 x 20 x 20
20 mm bars
using A = = = 314 mm
4 x100 4
Spacing of Bars =Ax1000/Ast 314 x 1000 / 2759 = 114 say = 110 mm
Hence Provided 20 mm Bars @ 110 mm c/c
Acual Ast provided 1000 x 314 / 110 = 2855 mm
Bend half bars up near support at distance of L/5 = 3.30 / 5 = 0.70 m
0.1 x( 300 - 100 %
Area of distributionn steel = 0.3 - = 0.24
450 - 100
2 2
Ast = 0.24 x 300 x 10 = 729 mm area on each face= 365 mm
3.14xdia 3.14 x 8 x 8
mm bars
using 8 A = = = 50 mm
4 x100 4
Spacing of Bars = Ax1000/Ast = 50 x 1000 / 365 = 138 say = 130 mm
Hence Provided 8 mm Bars @ 130 mm c/c on each face
Section at supports :-
Maximum B.M.= 68991 N-m. There is direct compression of 73542 N also.
But it effect is not considered because the slab is actually reinforced both at top and bottom .
Since steel is at top st = 190 N/mm
concrete M 20
k = 0.329 J= 0.890222379 R= 1.4659
Ast = = 1632 mm
190 x 0.89022238 x 250

Area available from the bars bentup from the middle section = 2855 / 2 = 1427.27 mm
1632 > 1427
Fail , hence shear reinforcement will provided.
6 Design of bottom slab:
The bottom slab has the following value of B.M. and direct force.
Case B.M. at Center (F) B.M. at ends (D) Direct force (ha)
(i) 86086 80037 90369
(II) 94156 71967 54350
(II) 101088 65035 -29137

The section will be design for maximum B.M. = 101088 N -m

for water side force
st = = 150 N/mm2 wt. of concrete = 25000 N/m

cbc = = 10 N/mm2 wt of water = 9800 N/mm


m = 9.33 for water side force

m*c 9.33 x 10
k= = = 0.383 K = 0.383
m*c+st 9.33 x 10 + 150
j=1-k/3 = 1 - 0.383 / 3 = 0.872 J = 0.872
R=1/2xc x j x k = 0.5 x 10 x 0.87 x 0.383 = 1.672 R = 1.672
\ d = = 246 mm D = 296 mm
1000 x 1.672
Provide thickness of bottom slab D= 300 mm so that d = 250 mm
101087866 = 3091 mm
Ast = BMx100/stxjxD=
150 x 0.872 x 250
3.14xdia 3.14 x 20 x 20 2
using 20 mm bars A = = = 314 mm
4 x100 4
Spacing of Bars =Ax1000/Ast 314 x 1000 / 3091 = 102 say = 100 mm
Hence Provided 20 mm Bars @ 100 mm c/c
Acual Ast provided 1000 x 314 / 100 = 3140 mm
Bend half bars up near support at distance of L/5 = 3.30 / 5 = 0.70 m
0.1 x( 300 - 100
Area of distributionn steel = 0.3 - = 0.24 %
450 - 100
2 2
Ast = 0.24 x 300 x 10 = 729 mm area on each face= 365 mm
3.14xdia 3.14 x 8 x 8 2
using 8 mm bars A = = = 50 mm
4 x100 4
Spacing of Bars = Ax1000/Ast = 50 x 1000 / 365 = 138 say = 130 mm
Hence Provided 8 mm Bars @ 130 mm c/c on each face
Section at supports :-
Maximum B.M.= 80037 N-m. There is direct compression of 90369 N also.
But it effect is not considered because the slab is actually reinforced both at top and bottom .
Since steel is at top st = 190 N/mm
concrete M 20
k = 0.329 J= 0.890222379 R= 1.4659
Ast = = 1893 mm
190 x 0.89022238 x 250
Area available from the bars bentup from the middle section = 3140 / 2 = 1570 mm

1893 > 1570 Fail , hence additional reinforcement will provided.

Additional reinforcemet required = 323 mm
3.14xdia 3.14 x 8 x 8 2
using 8 mm bars A = = = 50 mm
4 x100 4
Spacing of Bars = Ax1000/Ast = 50 x 1000 / 323 = 156 say = 150 mm
Hence Provided 8 mm Bars @ 150 mm c/c throught out the slab, at its bottom.

7 Design of side wall:

The side wall has the following value of B.M. and direct force.
Case B.M. at Center (F) B.M. at ends (D) Direct force (ha)
(i) 6901 80037 201361
(II) 21576 71967 201361
(II) 35444 65035 201361

The section will be design for maximum B.M. = 80037 N -m, and direct force = 201361 N
80037 x 1000
Eccentricity = = 398 mm
proposed thickness of side wall '= 300 mm e/D 398 / 300 = 1.32667 < 1.5 OK
thickness of side wall is OK
Let us reinforce the section with 20 mm bars @ 180 mm c/c provided on both faces, as shown
in fig xxx . With cover of 50 mm and D = 300 mm
1000 3.14 x 20 x 20 2
Asc = Ast = x = 1744 mm
180 4
The depth of N.A. is computed from following expression:
b n D - dt - n + (m - 1)Asc 1 (n - dc)(D - dt- dc)
3 3 n D
= e+ - dt
b n + (m -1) Asc n - dc D - dt - n 2
- m Ast
n n

1000 n n 1744.44
300 - 50 - + 8.33 x x n - 50 x -100
or 2 3 n
1000 n+ 1744.44444 1744.4444
8.33 x x n - 50 - 9.33 x x 300 - 50 -n
2 n n

n -1453122.2
500 n 250 - + n - 50 x
3 n
= 398 + 100
14531 16275.66667
500 n+ x n -50 - x 250 - n
n n

2 -72656111.11
125000 n - 167 n + -1453122.222 -
= 498
726561.1111 4068916.67
500 n + 14531.22222 - - + 16275.667
n n
multiply by n
125000 n2 - 167 n3 + -1453122.222 n - -72656111.11
= 498
500 n2 + 14531.22222 n- 726561.1111 - 4068916.67 + 16275.667 n

125000 n2 - 167 n3 + -1453122.222 n - -72656111.11

= 0
249000 n2 + 15341831 n - 2388147933

-124000 n2 - 13888708 n - -2315491822 = 167 n

-744 n2 + 83332 n - 13892951 = n
Solwing this trial and error we get, n = 91.68 mm
8x 1744.444444 9.33 x 1744
c' = ( 500 x 91.68 + ( 91.68 - 50 )-
91.68 91.68
x( 300 - 50 - 91.68 )

or 45839 + 158.502794 x 41.68 - 177.5307408 x 158.32 = 24338

c' = = 8.27 < 10 N/mm
Stress is less than permissiable
m c' 9.33 x 8.27
Also stress in steel t = (D-dc-n) = x( 300 - 50 - 91.68 )
n 91.68
= 133.3 N/mm2 < 190 N/mm2 O.K.
Stress in steel is less than permissiable Hence section is O.K.

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