Issue 299
Issue 299
Issue 299
NLD Lawyer Jailed for 6 months Upon Return From Exile to Burma
A delegation of Liberal International, composed of President Hans van Baalen MEP, Deputy
President Juli Minoves, past President Lord Alderdice and SG Emil Kirjas attended the Democratic
National Convention in Charlotte, USA, witnessing the nomination of President Obama for a new 4-year
mandate. Van Baalen characterised it as 'a very open and friendly convention - policemen are helpful,
citizens make you feel welcome; it's an inclusive convention as all segments of American society are
present in the packed arena'. Van Baalen characterised President Bill Clinton as 'one of the best
politicians in the USA', after he nominated President Obama for re-election. Clinton advocated bi-
partisanism, praising Obama for including opponents and competitors like Hillary Clinton, and stressing
that 'Obama is a cool man on the outside, but inside he is a burning man for America'. In yet another
impressive speech President Obama addressed controversial issues like gay marriage and the rights of
women for 'equal pay for equal work', echoed by the DNC. Van Baalen concluded: 'The fight has started,
it won't be an easy one, but Obama has the optimism and spirit to do the job'.
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Over 50 prominent liberal politicians from around the globe, led by LI President Hans van Baalen MEP,
were invited by the National Democratic Institute (LI cooperating organisation) to the Democratic
National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. They were welcomed by the LI President, who at a
reception organised by Liberal International said: ' As Liberal International continues to grow, so does
liberalism. LI today is a desired partner by many, including ministers and heads of state. The strong
liberal presence here is yet another proof of that.' Among the present were leading personalities from
LImembers and partners, including former Danish PM Lars Lokke Rasmussen. LI President Van Baalen
had high level talks with NDI Chairwoman Secretary Madeline Albright, Chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee Senator John Kerry, Zimambwe's Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, Macedonia's
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and Socialist International and former Greek PM George Papandreou.
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Deputy Chairman of Liberal International Human Rights Committee and Former Chairman of the US
Democrats Abroad Andy Sundbergpassed away last Thursday at the age of 71. Sundberg was a staunch
supporter of the LI HRC and has represented Liberal International at the UN Human Rights Council in
Geneva on numerous occasions. In fact, within the context of LI's Delegation to the 19th Session of
UNHRCin March this year he hosted a dinner attended by former US diplomats and representatives from
Human Rights Watch, ILO, EU, and UNHRC. His passion and commitment to liberal values was admirable,
having served as the worldwide chairman of Democrats Abroad from 1980 to 1985 and as a Member of
the National Democratic Committee from 1981 to 1988. In 1988 Andy Sundberg ran as a presidential
candidate in the worldwide overseas Democratic Party primary elections and came in third, having won
the vote in five countries. LI Deputy President Juli Minovesexpressed his deepest condolences
commenting Andy Sundberg was always a great inspiration to all of us and we will deeply miss him. He
left a deep mark in this world and he will be remembered fondly by his friends and all liberal colleagues.
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Two weeks ahead of the upcoming Dutch Parliamentary Elections, all non-confessional Dutch political
parties, including LI Full MembersVVD and D66, have signed a so-called Pink Electoral Accord'. In the
Accord, promoted by national LGBTQI advocacy organisations, all signatories promise to protect the
LGBTQI minority rights, and to progressively address and resolve the remaining judicial problems
surrounding the LGBTQI minorities in The Netherlands. The Accord promises to make education about
LGBTQI issues a compulsory part of the high school curriculum, and to legally recognise the gender
identity of transgender people. At Liberal International's 58th Congress, which will be held from 18 to 21
October 2012 in Abidjan, Cte d'Ivoire, the LI Human Rights Committee will be organising a special panel
on the Promotion of Inclusion and Anti-Discrimination of LGBT people'. A copy of the Congress
Programme can be found here. Liberal International has recently submitted a written statement on the
Deterioration of the State of LGBT Rights around the World' to the 21st Session of the United Nations
Human Rights Council.
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NLD Lawyer Jailed for 6 months Upon Return From Exile to Burma
The Vice-Chairman of NLD (LI Observer Member) Dr. Aye Kyaw has expressed clear dissatisfaction with
the decision of the Burmese government to prosecute and detain NLD lawyer Kyaw Kyaw Min. This
move is counter to the country's recent liberalization policy in regards to political activists and Burmese
citizens living in exile. Dr. Kyaw commented on the situation, saying: Saw Kyaw Kyaw Min who returned
to Burma was arrested and jailed for 6 months. He returned to Burma believing the words of
President U Thein Sein calling back the exiled Burmese. This incident shows that U Thein Sein's
government cannot be held to their words. As long as the general amnesty is not put into effect, there
still is uncertainty, insecurity and no legal protection for those who return to Burma right now. Mr. Min
was arrested for allegedly delaying the trial of democracy activists he represented back in 2007. He was
sentenced to six months in jail which makes him the first person to receive imprisonment after returning
from exile to Burma.
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Amr Soliman, Head of International Relations of the Free Egyptians Party (FEP), welcomed
Egyptian President Morsi's remarks on the civil war in Syria during a meeting of the Non-Aligned
Movement (NAM) in Teheran, Iran on 30 August. President Morsi told the summit that the Syrian
uprising is a revolution against an oppressive regime, arguing that the Non-Aligned Movement has an
ethical duty to support the uprising against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. His remarks caused the
Syrian delegation to walk out of the meeting, where some 130 countries were represented. Mr. Soliman
said: The Free Egyptians Party agrees with President Morsi's comments on this issue, and we have
repeatedly argued that al-Assad must step down. FEP activists also expressed support for the
President's speech on social media. The Egyptian President travelled to Teheran in order to hand over
the chairmanship of NAM to the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. NAM consists of 120
member states and 17 observers.
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