Elementarysigoals16 17
Elementarysigoals16 17
Elementarysigoals16 17
85% of all students will demonstrate a proficiency in skills and knowledge in mathematics by
meeting or exceeding state standards by 06/17/2022 as measured by universal screening data,
classroom, and state assessments.
1. Collaborative Scoring
All teachers will collaborate as grade level teams to rework the rubrics in the MAISA
units to be more teacher/student friendly, and align to report card expectations.
2. Writing Workshop
All writing teachers will participate in collaborative study groups and/or coaching
opportunities focusing on the essential elements of a writing workshop.
3. Instructional Coaching
All writing teachers will work collaboratively with their grade level team and/or an
instructional coach to implement the foundations of writing workshop and the MAISA
4. Weekly Writing
All writing teachers will provide structured time for students to complete weekly writing
activities to demonstrate their thinking throughout the curriculum areas (learning journals,
exit slips, etc.).
1. Instructional Practices
Teachers will strengthen instructional practices aligned with state standards
2. Content Literacy
Teachers will strengthen explicit content literacy strategies to improve
informational reading skills in Social Studies and Science
3. Visible Thinking
Teachers will be trained to use visible thinking strategies as part of the district's Cultures
of Thinking initiative.
4. Content Vocabulary
All teachers will instruct students in strategies to deepen understanding of content
specific vocabulary. Instructional time will be dedicated to increasing fluency with
vocabulary using word study strategies, word walls, technology, and writing activities
1. Instructional Practices