Biology For The IB Diploma Chapter 9 Summary
Biology For The IB Diploma Chapter 9 Summary
Biology For The IB Diploma Chapter 9 Summary
Plant biology
Chapter summary a reminder of the issues to be revised
1 Internal transport within plants occurs by mass flow, but there
is no pumping organ. Two separate tissues are involved in
transport. Water and ions travel in the xylem, a system of vessels
connected end to end to form non-living tubes. Manufactured
foods are carried in a living tissue, the phloem, consisting of
sieve tubes and companion cells. The xylem and phloem make
up the vascular tissue that branches throughout the plant body
and serves roots, stems, leaves and growing points (buds).
2 Active uptake of mineral ions in the roots causes absorption
of water by root hairs from the soil solution, by osmosis.
Water is drawn up the stem from the roots by a force generated
in the leaves by the evaporation of water vapour from the
aerial system (transpiration). The adhesive property of water
and evaporation generate tension forces in leaf wall cells.
Transpiration follows an inevitable consequence of gas
exchange in the leaf. It is the cohesive properties of water
and the structure of xylem vessels that allow transport under
tension in stems and tree trunks.
3 The rate of water uptake by a leafy shoot, due to water loss by
transpiration from the leaves, is measured using a potometer.
With the potometer, the effect of temperature and humidity on
transpiration rates can be investigated.
4 Transport of manufactured food in the phloem is by active
transport, requiring living phloem cells. According to the
mass flow hypothesis, solutes flow through the phloem
from a region of high hydrostatic pressure to a region of low
hydrostatic pressure. Hydrostatic pressure is high in cells
where sugar is formed, the source area, but low where sugar
is converted to starch, in sink areas. The incompressibility of
water allows transport along these hydrostatic gradients.
5 Organic compounds, manufactured in the leaf cells as
products of photosynthesis, are actively loaded into sieve
tubes at this source area. The resulting high concentrations
of solutes in the phloem at the source lead to water uptake
by osmosis. Raised hydrostatic pressure causes the contents
of the phloem to flow towards the sinks.
6 Cell divisions of undifferentiated cells in the meristems of
plants allow indeterminate growth. A meristem is a group of
cells that retains the ability to divide by mitosis, followed by
cytokinesis. Apical meristems occur at the tips of the stem
(and root) and are responsible for their primary growth. Here,
the growth and maturation of these cells form all the mature
tissues of stems (and roots).
Biology for the IB Diploma, Second edition C. J. Clegg 2014 Published by Hodder Education
Chapter summary 2
Biology for the IB Diploma, Second edition C. J. Clegg 2014 Published by Hodder Education
Data handling questions 3
1 Present these results graphically in a way that makes clear the pattern of water uptake and
loss of water vapour during the experiment.
2 Describe the changing pattern of water absorption and transpiration in the plant during
the 24-hour period.
3 Explain how the processes of water absorption and water loss are related in the intact plant.
in the circumference
arbitrary units
of a tree over a
seven-day period
1 Describe and then explain the change in the circumference of the tree trunk during the
24-hour period. How do these observations relate to your explanation of the data in the
water absorption and transpiration experiment described above?
2 How does the circumference of the tree trunk change over the period of seven days at this
time of the year? What events within the tree trunk account for this?
Biology for the IB Diploma, Second edition C. J. Clegg 2014 Published by Hodder Education
Do and understand activities 4
first leaves
stem growing
food store
1 light stimulus is perceived by stem tissue at the stem apex 2 growth-promoting substance (shown to be auxin) is
formed at the apex and passes down the stem to
where the growth response occurs
mica sheet
unilateral inserted unilateral
light growth of below tip on light growth of
coleoptile illuminated side coleoptile
towards light towards light
3 auxin can pass through gelatine or agar blocks 4 an asymmetrically replaced source of auxin has the
same effect on growth as unilateral light
Biology for the IB Diploma, Second edition C. J. Clegg 2014 Published by Hodder Education
Do and understand activities 5
Look at the diagram carefully, focusing on the design of the experiments. Then respond to the
following questions.
1 In nature, the coleoptile is a stem-like plant organ that protects the young leaves and
terminal growing point in grass plants, as they push up through the soil. In what ways is
the selection of a coleoptile significant as the experimental organ for these investigations?
2 In nature, the coleoptile tip splits open as soon as it reaches the soil surface (the light).
What particular conditions must be maintained to ensure the coleoptile tip remains intact
during the experiments?
3 Why were small pieces of mica sheet used in some experimental steps?
4 Step 3 suggests that the growth-promoting substance produced by the tip of the coleoptile
could be taken up by and passed through thin gelatine blocks. In light of this, what did the
addition of the experiments shown in Step 4 hope to establish?
5 In addition to showing that a plant growth substance plays a part in the response of shoots
to unilateral light (sensitivity), what do these experiments imply about the role of plant
growth substances in extension growth of stems?
6 At a later stage, cut coleoptile tips were placed on gelatine or agar blocks and the plant
growth substance that diffused out of the tips was collected there. How might these blocks
be used subsequently to confirm the presence of a plant growth substance?
Biology for the IB Diploma, Second edition C. J. Clegg 2014 Published by Hodder Education
Further study 6
Further study
Web resource
Transport in plants:
Further reading
Articles in recent editions of Biological Sciences Review:
Biology for the IB Diploma, Second edition C. J. Clegg 2014 Published by Hodder Education