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LO 5 Lesson 3

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Lesson 3: Being familiar with the use of Formula, Sorting Data,

Converting Text to Table and Table to Text


This lesson covers one of the performances required in creating and

formatting table.

In this lesson, you will learn how to

sort data;
calculate values using formula; and
convert text to table and table to text.

To satisfactorily complete this lesson, you are expected to

become familiar with the use sorting data;

get a score of at least five (5) points in Activity # 1;
become familiar with calculating data using formula;
get a score of at least ten (10) points in Activity # 2;
become familiar with converting table to text or text to table; and
pass the Assessment of this learning outcome.

Internet and Computing Fundamentals | LO 5: Create and Format Tables

Information Sheet

Sort Data

You can sort information in ascending or descending order according to the values
in one or more columns. You can sort an entire table or selected cells (all data in
the table or range is realigned so that the data in each row remains the same, even
though the row might be placed in a different order than it was originally) or just a
column (data in columns outside the sorted column does not change order).

Sorting a Table

1. Click in the table to select it.

2. Under Table Tools, on the Layout tab, in the Data group, choose the Sort

3. In the Sort dialog box:

In the Sort by area, set up the first sort.

Choose the appropriate column heading in the left drop-down list.

If the table doesn't have column headings, the drop-down list
shows Column 1, Column 2, and so on.
In the type drop-down list, choose the type of sort:
o Text to sort normally.
o Number to sort by numbers.
o Date to sort by dates and times.
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Information Sheet
In the Using drop-down list, make sure Paragraphs is selected.

On the right side:

o Select the Ascending option button if you want an
ascending sort (A to Z, low numbers to high, early dates and
times to later ones)
o Select the Descending option button if you want a reverse
In the upper Then by area, set up the second sort using the same
In the lower Then by area, set up the third sort using the same
In the My list has area, make sure the Header row option button
is selected if your table has a header row. If not, select the No
header row option button.
If you need to make the sort case-sensitive, so that lowercase
letters appear before their uppercase equivalents, click the Options
button to display the Sort Options dialog window.

4. Select the Case sensitive check box, and then click the Ok button to close
the dialog window.

Sort a Single Column

You can sort a single column,

independent of the rest of the table, but
make sure that is what you want,
because there is no way to return the
table to the way it was originally.
1. Select the column you want to sort
(see the Quick Steps Selecting
Tables, Rows, Columns, or Cells).
2. In the Layout tab Data group, click
3. In the Sort dialog box, click Options.
4. In the Sort Options dialog box, click
the Sort Column Only check box.
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Information Sheet
5. Click Ok twice.

Sort by more than One Field in a Column

1. Place your insertion point in the table.

2. In the Layout tab Data group, click sort.
3. In the Sort dialog box, click Options. In the
Sort Options dialog box, under Separate
Fields At, click the character used to
separate the fields in a single column, or
click other and type the separator
character. Click OK to close the Sort
Options dialog box.

4. In the Sort dialog box, click the

Sort By down arrow, and click the
primary column that contains
multiple fields. Click the Type down
arrow, click an information type,
and click Ascending or Descending.
Click the using down arrow, and
click the record group, such as
paragraphs, or Field 1, Field 2, etc.
5. Use the Then by sections if you
want to sort by additional columns
or fields.
6. Click Ok when finished.

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Assessment Sheet
Activity # 1


Based on what you have learned from the previous lesson, you will perform the
task given in this activity.

You have 15 minutes to complete this activity.

Get a score of at least five (5) to pass this activity.
Inform your teacher after completing the procedure for checking and


1) Select the entire table except for the average row at the bottom.
2) From the Table Tools Layout tab on the ribbon click the Sort icon. The sort
dialog will appear.
3) Click OK. The list will now be sorted in order of the Student column.
4) Repeat the above steps to sort the list by the Total column in Descending
5) Save the file as Formatting Table # 3.

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Assessment Sheet
Acceptable Answers:

Student Year Mark Exam Total

Alfeo, S 24 29
Boringot, J 38 41
Brigino, D 45 42
Cruz, R 30 34
Dela Cruz, B 46 48
Doloque, J 31 29
Hazel, C Z 37 40
Myra, M 23 27
Nilo, N 28 32
Pascua, M 38 42
Reyes, A 24 22
San Antonio, M 28 35
Valderama, F 36 27

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Information Sheet
Calculate Values using Formula

Cell Formulas

The Formula dialog box provides following important functions to be used as

formula in a cell. Word formulas use a reference system to refer to individual table
cells. Each column is identified by a letter, starting with A for the first column, B
for the second column, and so on. After the letter comes the row number. Thus, the
first cell in the first row is A1, the third cell in the fourth row is C4, and so on.

Common Formulas used in Calculating Values

Formula Description
AVERAGE ( ) The average of a list of cells
COUNT ( ) The number of items in a list of cells
MAX ( ) The largest value in a list of cells
MIN ( ) The smallest value in a list of cells
PRODUCT ( ) The multiplication of a list of cells
SUM ( ) The sum of a list of cells

Following are useful points to help you in constructing word cell formula.

Cell References and Description

1. A single cell reference, such as B3 or F7
2. A range of cells, such as A4:A9 or C5:C13
3. A series of individual cells, such as A3,B4,C5
4. ABOVE, referring to all cells in the column above the current cell.
5. BELOW, referring to all cells in the column below the current cell.
6. LEFT, referring to all cells in the row to the left of the current cell
7. RIGHT, referring to all cells in the row to the right of the current cell

Using Formula in the Table

1. Consider the following table where we will have total of the rows. Click in
a cell that should contain the sum of a row.

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Information Sheet

2. Now click the Layout tab and then click Formula button which will
display a Formula Dialog Box which will suggest a default formula,
which is =SUM(LEFT) in our case. You can select a number format using
Number Format List Box to display the result, or you can change the
formula using Formula List Box.

3. Click the Number Format down arrow, and click the style you want
applied to the result.

4. Now click OK to apply the formula and you will see that left cells have
been added and its sum has been put in the total cell where we wanted
to have it.

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Assessment Sheet
Activity # 2


Based on what you have learned from the previous lesson, you will perform the
task given in this activity.

You have 20 minutes to complete this activity.

Get a score of at least ten (10) to pass this activity.
Inform your teacher after completing the procedure for checking and


1) Use the Formatting Table # 3 file to complete this activity.

2) In your list of students, add a formula to calculate their total mark. Click
in the Total column next to the first student (Alfeo, S).
3) From the Table Tools Layout tab click the Formula icon (on the end of the
ribbon). We will need to create a formula that adds together this students
year mark and exam mark which in the table cells B2 and C2 are. Word
will fill in the formula box with =SUM (LEFT). This formula will add all the
cells to the left of the current one together.
4) Click OK when done and the result will appear.
5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 so that each student has a total mark.
6) Click in the first cell for the Average row (this should be the average year
7) Add a formula. Delete the SUM (ABOVE), click paste function arrow and
then select AVERAGE. Type ABOVE inside the parenthesis and click Ok.
8) Repeat step 7 for the average of exam and total
9) Save the file as Formatting Table # 5.

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Assessment Sheet
Acceptable Answers:

Student Year Mark Exam Total

Alfeo, S 24 29 53
Boringot, J 38 41 79
Brigino, D 45 42 87
Cruz, R 30 34 64
Dela Cruz, B 46 48 94
Doloque, J 31 29 60
Hazel, C Z 37 40 77
Myra, M 23 27 50
Nilo, N 28 32 60
Pascua, M 38 42 80
Reyes, A 24 22 46
San Antonio, M 28 35 63
Valderama, F 36 27 63
Average 32.92 34.46 67.38

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Information Sheet
Convert Tables to Text and Text to Tables
Word can convert it to a table and similarly convert information in a table to
ordinary text.

Convert Table to Text

Converting a table to text converts the contents of each cell to normal text
separated by a character you choose, with each row becoming a separate

1. Click anywhere in your table. Look for the small move icon on the top left of
your table to ensure youve selected it.

2. Click the Layout Tab on the Word 2010 Ribbon and Click Convert to text.

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Information Sheet
3. In the newly appeared window you can choose with what to delimit your
text. The three default options are Paragraph marks, Tabs and Semicolons,
but you can delimit your table contents with a custom symbol of yours using
the Other option. So choose whatever you like and click the OK button.

4. The table is now converted to text.

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Information Sheet
Convert Text to a Table

Converting text to a table requires that the text be appropriately formatted with
tabs, commas, or another character between columns and a separate character,
like a paragraph mark, between rows.

1. Drag to select the text you want to convert to a table. In the Insert tab Tables
group, click Table and click Convert Text To Table.

2. The Convert Text to Table dialog box appears.

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Information Sheet
3. In the Convert Text to Table dialog box, under Separate text at, click the
option for the separator character that is in your text.

4. In the Number of columns box, check the number of columns.

5. Click OK when finished.

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Information Sheet

For Further Reading:

content/uploads/2011/01/SNAGHTML2005183.png http://office.microsoft.com/en-


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Assessment Sheet

Let us test what you have learned in this Learning Outcome


You have 30 minutes to complete the test.

Follow the instruction below to satisfactorily pass the assessment.
Inform your teacher after completing the task for checking.


1. Type the following data in your table:

Customers Name Fast Food Restaurant Order

Mavy MC Donald hamburger
Roland KFC fried chicken
August Greenwich lasagna
Amir Chowking lauriat
Sheryl Jollibee chicken joy
Reyes Shakeys pizza
Cayabyab Pizza Hut pizza
Villas Cindys ice cream
Ferrer Kennys roasted beef

2. Insert two (2) rows between customers name and Mavy.

Type the following data:
Erick Chowking Lauriat
Jenny Mang Inasal Halo-halo
3. Insert three (3) columns after Order column.
Type the following data in the previously inserted columns:

Price/Unit Number of Total

(Pesos) Pieces
42 6
112 4
39 2
50 7
55 2
109 3
61 9
65 10
66 7
29 3
79 6

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Information Sheet
4. Insert a row after Ferrer and type TOTAL in the first row.
5. Change the rows height of the tables to 0.25 inch and column
width to .8 inch.
6. Highlight the heading, in the Design Tab, choose Borders icon and
select Borders and Shading.
7. Under Borders tab, Choose your preferred color and select 1
width. Click Shading tab, select color for fill option. In the patterns,
choose Dk Grid and select your foreground color.
8. For the rest of the cells, use Borders and Shading options, then
click Shading Tab. Use dark blue: lighter 60% and 60% pattern
9. Create a formula to calculate the Total Cost from the Price/Unit
and # of pcs. Use PRODUCT function.
10. Calculate the total number of pieces and average the Total Cost.
11. Sort the data based on the TOTAL COST in descending order.
12.Copy the whole table and paste it on the next page.
13.Convert the copied table to text separated by tabs except the
heading part of the table.
14. Save your work as Assessment_your name file.

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Activity Sheet
Acceptable Answers:

Price/Unit Number of Total Cost

Customers Fast Food Order (Pesos) Pieces
Name Restaurant
Reyes Shakeys pizza 65 10 650
Sheryl Jollibee chicken joy 61 9 549
Ferrer Kennys roasted beef 79 6 474
Cayabyab Pizza Hut pizza 66 7 462
Jenny Mang Inasal halo-halo 112 4 448
Roland KFC fries 50 7 350
Amir Chowking lauriat 109 3 327
Erick Chowking lauriat 42 6 252
August Greenwich lasagna 55 2 110
Villas Cindys ice cream 29 3 87
Mavy MC Donalds hamburger 39 2 78
TOTAL 59 344.27

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Information Sheet

Price/Unit Number of Total Cost

Customers Fast Food Order (Pesos) Pieces
Name Restaurant
Reyes Shakeys pizza 65 10 650
Sheryl Jollibee chicken joy 61 9 549
Ferrer Kennys roasted beef 79 6 474
Cayabyab Pizza Hut pizza 66 7 462
Jenny Mang Inasal Halo-halo 112 4
Roland KFC fries 50 7 350
Amir Chowking lauriat 109 3 327
Erick Chowking Lauriat 42 6
August Greenwich lasagna 55 2 110
Villas Cindys ice cream 29 3 87
Mavy MC Donald hamburger 39 2 78

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