3517 HSE Risk Koby

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Part of Oil & Gas IQs annual global series of HSE Risk Management events

2-Day Conference: 27-28 March 2007 Masterclass & Workshops: 26 & 29 March 2007
Prince Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
With a special keynote presentation from: Book and pay by
Datuk Peter Wentworth December 22nd 2006
BP Asia Pacific to enjoy
- Savings of up to US$4,000
via our 3-for-2 offer
Experience is the Best Teacher. - Early Bird Discount of
But in the world of HSE, no one wants to learn from experience. US$100 off your conference
You wouldnt want to have an accident in your facility just so you could learn from it, package
Because you know that every single disaster can be a devastating blow to your companys bottomline and
reputation. Dont miss these highly
So how confident are you that youve... interactive pre- and post-
Heard it all, conference sessions:
Explored all your options,
Learned everything there is to know, Pre-conference
Done everything you can Masterclass A
To ensure that YOUR rig, platform or plant DOES NOT get compromised? IMPLEMENTING
Attend this ALL-CASE STUDY-driven event and return to your organisation INTEGRATING BBS INTO
all set to: YOUR CURRENT
Apply fresh approaches to loss prevention, avoid accidents and minimise consequent downtime MINIMISE RISKS/LOSSES
in your facility
Transform your HSEMS standards into a living document ACTIVE SAFETY
Utilise risk management techniques that have been proven effective by your industry peers CULTURE
Make safety personal by creating a culture of involvement and participation
Use BBS to drive down accident rates and minimise risks/losses Workshops
Roll out a comprehensive HSE risk management programme that you can apply not only across
your corporate HSE department but throughout the organisation B: PRACTICAL
Featuring brand-new case studies to help you manage the risk before it PROCEDURES AND
becomes a crisis EVERYONE IS ON BOARD
With insights gained from operations in Southeast Asia, North Africa, the THE SAFETY EFFORT
Middle East, Northern Europe and North America C: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO

Website: www.oilandgasiq.com/AS-3517 Email: zhilong.teo@iqpc.com.sg Tel: 65-6722 9492 Fax: 65-6226 2941
Developed and Organised by Media Partners
Pre-conference Masterclass Monday 26 March 2007
Website: www.oilandgasiq.com/AS-3517 Email: zhilong.teo@iqpc.com.sg Tel: 65-6722 9492 Fax: 65-6226 2941

With different companies having different HSE cultures, it would be valuable Pre-conference Masterclass A
to hear how others have been progressing on their HSE performance and to Monday 26 March 2007
learn new techniques, strategies and perspectives for overcoming the biggest
stumbling block - achieving buy-in from all stakeholders. 09.00 16.00
Qatar Petroleum
Fact I: As oil and gas is recovered from more complex environments, YOUR CURRENT OPERATIONS TO
the risks to your workforce increase exponentially. MINIMISE RISKS/LOSSES AND DEVELOP
You know you cannot control the location of these reserves. What you can control are
the risks that your workforce faces daily. behavioural safety is not a cure allwhat
we are really trying to drive behavioural safety
Your Challenge: as a means of collecting proactive information
before somebody gets hurt so we can identify
How can you ensure that your asset does not experience fatalities and suffer from costly
and eliminate the causes of those unsafe acts
downtime as a result? How can you ensure high safety standards that protect your
to sustain change and improvement in health
workforce and meet current legislative requirements?
and safety.
- The Present and Future State of Behavioural Safety,
Fact II: The oil & gas industry has been expanding at a frantic pace Mark Taylor, Ryder-Marsh
and theres increased pressure to be more productive.
BBS has gained prominence as an extremely useful
Your Challenges: tool to health and safety management in the O&G
How can you ensure that your operation remains safe despite this pressure? - that industry. It is viewed as a means to gain total
even if your people have to work longer hours to achieve targets, they still have safety involvement and commitment to workplace safety.
foremost in their minds? that they dont compromise when it comes to their safety This full-day interactive masterclass will provide
and the safety of others? practical guidance for companies at the planning and
How can you get your green hats up to speed with regards to safety and safe implementation stage, as well as those that already
have a behavioural approach in place. Attend this
behaviour? session to:
Join us in Kuala Lumpur on 27-28 March 2007 for Oil & Gas IQs 3rd annual HSE RISK Learn where behavioural safety fits within your
MANAGEMENT IN ASIAN OIL & GAS 2007 to get to the heart of these and other critical overall HSE strategy and discover which approach
issues affecting HSE professionals today. is best for you
Understand the link: BBS = lower accident rates =
With an extensively-researched agenda actively supported by a practitioner-led lower risk = reduced operational costs
PROGRAMME ADVISORY BOARD*, youll definitely take away practicable insights
and benefit from the experiences of our brilliant line-up of speakers and your fellow Discuss implementation and integration challenges
Course Outline
I. Understanding Organisational Incidents
II. The Challenge of the Heart and Mind
III. Behavioural Modification
IV. Cognitive Behavioural Modification Techniques
(the new evolution in behavioural based safety)
V. Developing your own behavioural safety process
using the six-pillar model
VI. Case studies and exercises in behavioural based
> Peter Brown
About your masterclass leader:
Chief, Loss Prevention Engineering
Mark Taylor
PTTEP Technical Director
Mark is at the forefront of behavioural based safety and is
> Jonathan Smith considered one of the leading figures in safety culture
development. With his extensive knowledge of behavioural
Team Leader, EH & S and Social Responsibility safety processes and safety culture spanning over ten years,
Mark has led projects for clients including Shell, Maersk,
HESS CORPORATION National Gas Shipping Company, GlaxoSmithKline, Atomic
Weapons Establishment, BAE Systems, Mobil, BG Group and
many more. As Operations Director, he leads most of the
> Nabil Ahmed Mohamed Al-Manna major projects for Ryder-Marsh advising organisations how to
effectively drive a behavioural change in their safety culture.
Corporate HSE Manager In his capacity as Technical Director, he is also responsible for
the innovations of new techniques for improving safety
QATAR PETROLEUM performance. Most recently Mark has been involved in
developing a new wave safety climate survey tool that measures
key factors influencing safety performance. His previous work
includes developing new incident investigation processes,
> Peter Martin developing analytical means for predicting the occurrence of
Global HS & E Loss Prevention Manager incidents. At present Mark is completing doctorate research
on organisational and group determinants of individual safety
INTERNATIONAL LOGGING performance. He is a chartered occupational psychologist and
registered ergonomist.
Conference Day One Tuesday 27 March 2007
Website: www.oilandgasiq.com/AS-3517 Email: zhilong.teo@iqpc.com.sg Tel: 65-6722 9492 Fax: 65-6226 2941

08.30 Registration Frequent follow up and democratic management procedures

gives everyone responsibility for safety
09.00 Opening and Introduction of the Programme Advisory Board Hans Jrn Johansen
QHSE Manager - Danish Assets and Operations
09.10 Chairmans Welcome and Opening Remarks DONG E&P
There are several items that go into building a strong and resilient
safety effort. In this session, Peter will outline the critical 14.00 MEASURING HSE IMPROVEMENT: EXAMINING
Presentation transformational activities that need to be present in world class MEASUREMENT AND REPORTING CHALLENGES
safety organizations. These include: Reactive means of measurement measures of consequence
Supporting a "safety first" mindset such as LTAs, property damage, fatalities, incidents, etc. are fine.
Implementing safety as a value to create a powerful behavioural Sure, you didnt hurt people; but that doesnt mean youre safe.
culture Peter Martin, International Logging.

Putting in place a comprehensive HSE management system Join Peter in this session as he discusses:
Continually improving the process management system Using proactive means of measurement measures of control
that dont depend on losses
Datuk Peter Wentworth
CEO Setting parameters to determine how effectively your HSEMS
BP ASIA PACIFIC is being implemented
Issues and challenges associated with these measures:
Over the years, more and more jargon have been introduced into - Equipment inspections
the world of Safety and the Environment - Management Systems,
Behavioural Based Safety, Quantified Risk Assessments but - Safety meetings
the question still remains: Are we any significantly better at - Training programmes/workshops
preventing major accidents? - Health campaigns
In the offshore industry, lost time injury rates have come down Feeding the information back into the system to facilitate
significantly over the last 10 years but fatality rates remain at continued improvements
roughly the same levels as many years ago. So are we fooling
ourselves that we are any better at preventing the next big Peter Martin
accident? Global HS & E Loss Prevention Manager
In this presentation, Peter will draw from his extensive experience
as the Loss Prevention Engineering Chief at PTTEP to share his 14.45 ENSURING AND MAINTAINING QHSE STANDARDS IN
views and practical insights on the current challenges faced by
Peter Brown
Chief, Loss Prevention Engineering This presentation will detail a case study involving the speakers
PTTEP experience with an underbalanced drilling job in North Africa
wherein the client did not have the standard certified equipment
10.50 Coffee and Networking Break to ensure operational safety. As a principal service company, senior
management took the decision to abandon the $3 million job.
11.15 STRATEGIC HSE MANAGEMENT: GOOD RISK One month later, the necessary equipment that would ensure
MANAGEMENT AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF A safe operations were put in place by the client, and the same
SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS well was drilled underbalanced successfully. Issues to be covered
The Safety Case risk-based objective-setting regulatory system
was introduced into the Australian oil and gas industry in the early Preparatory requirements for underbalanced drilling
nineties. Over this period, the improvement in safety performance Step-by-step account of the events that transpired
is evident. As such, the Safety Case approach has been extended
to other Major Hazard industries in Australia, and a similar Conclusion and lessons
objective-setting regulatory approach has been adopted for Ibrahim B. Sharaf
environmental management. Regional HSSE Manager - Middle East & North Africa & QHSSE
Manager Abu Dhabi
Richard will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the WEATHERFORD
objective-setting regime compared to a prescriptive regulatory
regime. Aspects of good safety risk management - essential to 15.30 Tea and Networking Break
continuous improvement, will also be discussed including:
The value of and necessity for auditing 15.45 MITIGATING HEALTH RISKS IN THE OIL & GAS
Incidents involving slips/trips and major accident events INDUSTRY - TIPS TO STRATEGIC HEALTH
Changing safety hazards and risks MANAGEMENT PLANNING
Workforce involvement In this case study, Surya will discuss in-depth the following:
Ownership of the risk = Ownership of the Safety Case Identification and control - recognising health hazards in the
work environment and preventing occupational illnesses
Richard Craddock
Director - Petroleum and Major Hazard Facilities Safety Guidelines for initiating sound OH programmes and structured
PROTECTION (WESTERN AUSTRALIA) Planning your ideal health risk management system for distant
PREVENTING THEM TO INCREASE HSE Regional Manager, Asia-Pacific
In this presentation, Hans will share how following a minor incident,
DONG E&P decided to ensure a constant focus on safety and 16.30 ZEROING IN ON HEALTH RISKS AND EMERGENCY
the individual's role in accident prevention. A 3-day training PREPAREDNESS TO ENSURE BUSINESS CONTINUITY
programme was designed for all personnel in conjunction with In this presentation, Iqbal will share with you:
continuous training along with other subjects for another year.
The key is to achieve an open and honest reporting of unwanted Potential threats to health and security; what can be done?
events and observations to ensure that all daily risks are identified What are the requirements/regulations you need to adhere to
and reduced. Key issues to be covered include: in relation to foreign contractors working in your operations?
A training programme for management in understanding human Emergency preparedness in the wake of natural disasters
behaviour Managing injuries post-accidents
Enforcing the use of check lists and procedures to ensure that Business continuity in the face of pandemic diseases and
you work safely infections
Motivation to reporting of unwanted events and proposals for Mitigating security risks when going into foreign countries
Iqbal Gopalsamy
Rewards and a positive approach have so far given us a high General Manager, Corporate Health & Safety
reporting frequency PETRONAS CARIGALI
Simple check lists allow everyone to participate in planning of
his own work 17.15 Chairmans Closing Remarks and End of Day One
Conference Day Two Wednesday 28 March 2007
Website: www.oilandgasiq.com/AS-3517 Email: zhilong.teo@iqpc.com.sg Tel: 65-6722 9492 Fax: 65-6226 2941


09.00 Chairmans Recap
Hess E&P is in the process of developing a company-wide
approach to risk management. In this session, Jonathan will give
09.15 MAKING HSE CULTURE UNDERSTANDING THE KEY an update on their progress, lessons/pitfalls thus far and where the
TO REDUCING RISKS IN MULTI-CULTURAL journey has taken them. Specific issues to be addressed are:
The nuts and bolts of HSE risk management
By and large, HSE culture is about:
HSE risk management as a strategic element of overall corporate
How management interprets the HSE requirements - their strategy
behaviour and how they communicate the HSE
policies/procedures to the workforce; and Examining how risk affects the entire company as a way to get
employees to work together to lower the rate of accidents
How the workforce receives the message and chooses to
act/behave as a result Future outlook for the Hess initiative: What more needs to be
done and what resistance can be expected
Within a company, the HSE culture is more or less stable, but
Jonathan Smith
whether it is good or bad depends largely on managements Team Leader, EH & S and Social Responsibility
handling of the HSE policy. In projects where several contractors HESS CORPORATION
and/or foreign companies are working side-by-side, it is crucial
- for risk control purposes - to have a thorough understanding of 12.45 Networking Lunch
the cultural differences amongst the project participants.
Through examples, Sigurd will illustrate how important it is to 14.00 TRANSFORMING YOUR HSEMS STANDARDS INTO A
have this knowledge of the cultural differences as a means to LIVING DOCUMENT
control risks. He will also demonstrate a tool that can identify the
level/phase at which the projects HSE culture is in. In this presentation, Tran will focus on the following:
Sigurd K. Berg Key elements that go into building a strong and resilient safety
Senior HSE Engineering Advisor effort
AKER KVAERNER Putting in place a comprehensive HSE management system
that supports a "safety first" mindset
10.00 ACHIEVING CONTINUOUS SAFETY PERFORMANCE Practical case studies from Vietsovpetro
Tran Hong Phong
Initially driven by the sheer need to provide a safe working First Deputy of Safety Center and Environmental Protection Division
environment for its customers, offshore construction services VIETSOVPETRO
provider Global Industries has evolved to achieve world-class
HSE policies, procedures and performance. With its commitment 14.45 HSE IMPLICATIONS OF CLEAN DEVELOPMENT
to Safety Excellence and goal of Zero Accidents, BP Pipelines MECHANISM (CDM) PROJECTS
(North America) has recognised Global Industries Offshore for its
safety record and named it as a safe contractor at the 2005 BP Attend this session and listen to an in-depth presentation on:
Safety Forum. In this session, Eddie will detail how Global Gearing up for GHG (Greenhouse Gases) emission reduction:
Industries: Kyoto Protocol challenges and opportunities
Makes safety personal by creating a culture of involvement and How do CDM projects contribute to sustainable development?
Best practices and technologies for gas flaring reduction
Advises employees and customers on significant industry-
related safety, health, and environmental hazards and HSE considerations for carbon capture and storage for enhanced
recommending protective measures oil recovery (CCS for EOR) and other GHG mitigation measures
Works side-by-side with operators/customers to achieve Nabil Ahmed Mohamed Al-Manna
Corporate HSE Manager
accident and incident-free operations QATAR PETROLEUM
Develops pro-active elements to sustain accident-free operations
Creates responsible regulations, standards, and laws in 15.30 Tea and Networking Break
cooperation with local, state, and national governments
Senior Vice President, Health, Safety & Environmental DRILLING OPERATIONS
GLOBAL INDUSTRIES Daniel will give a brief introduction to underbalanced drilling and
its characteristics while highlighting a case study on an
10.45 Coffee and Networking Break underbalanced drilling project in China. He will also address the
Applying risk management to underbalanced drilling
Region QHSE/Training Manager, CPDS APR
In this session, Saiee will outline Petronas experience in dealing WEATHERFORD
with the many contractors it works with in the course of hundreds
of active projects every year. Areas to be covered include: 16.30 PURSUING SAFETY AND QUALITY AT POOL ARABIA:
Assessing systems, bridging documents and looking past the CASE STUDIES ON ITS DROPPED OBJECTS
basic statistical numbers that are presented at contractor pre- MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (DOMS)
qualification stage
In this session, Muslim will detail a key element of its HSEMS
Best-practice approaches to integrate your contractors safety the Dropped Objects Management System (DOMS) and discuss:
standards with your own
The rationale, benefits and purpose of the programme
Enforcing pre-agreed standards to ensure tasks are carried out
within the benchmarks Application of the programme
Improving standards by implementing safety-based performance Implementation process, issues and challenges
measurement Muslim M. Al-Heleimi
Saiee B Julaihi HSE & Training Manager
Principal Advisor, E&P Safety Management POOL ARABIA
17.15 Chairmans Closing Remarks and End of Conference

I found the conference particularly good in that interaction was encouraged and well
facilitated after presentations. Discussion and sharing of knowledge and experiences, together
with establishing contacts are essential elements to a successful conference.
Post-conference Workshops Thursday 29 March 2007
Website: www.oilandgasiq.com/AS-3517 Email: zhilong.teo@iqpc.com.sg Tel: 65-6722 9492 Fax: 65-6226 2941

Workshop B
09.00 12.00
The overwhelming success of Oil and Gas IQs previous
In this highly-intensive session designed to be both interactive and educational, your workshop HSE conferences is a living proof of our leadership
leader will provide a balance of presentations, case studies and discussions to address your and credibility in organising conferences on this critical
specific needs and challenges. Attend this workshop and get an opportunity to focus on your topic. Conferences are a perfect business development
particular implementation challenges. Walk away with a thorough understanding of how to: opportunity and we are here to provide you the best
platform to gain access to decision makers and HSE,
Create frameworks to improve the execution of day-to-day HSE safety responsibilities HSSE and HQSE champions from oil companies in
Define the required behaviours knowing what you want more than what you dont want the Asia Pacific and Middle Eastern regions are now
actively looking for products, solutions, services and
Benefit from simple systems, including checklists and analyses, to generate increasing expertise to help them extend ensure an accident-
acceptance on the rig floor free environment. Would you like to elevate your profile
and get quick buy-in? Sponsor and exhibit at this
Create the motivation to report unwanted events establishing a no-blame culture, the role event, be in the room, interact and strike business
of rewards and a positive approach deals with oil operators who are willing and ready to
Eliminate/lessen risk of non-compliance through programme monitoring and continuous auditing spend their budgets now. Please call Eng Lok Koh at
+65 6722 9388 or email: sponsorship@iqpc.com.sg
Use HSEMS effectively for management of different consequencesslips/trips vs. major
accident events
Refresh the safety message to build on a strong, existing safety culture and reinforce safe Marketing Partners

About your workshop leader:

Hans Jrn Johansen
QHSE Manager, Danish Assets and Operations
Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections (www.gasandoil.com) is a news and
information-website for the global gas & oil industry with a very extensive
Hans Johansen was educated in shipbuilding engineering and worked in Denmark and in developing countries free news-service and the subscription-based websites OGEL (Oil Gas
until 1982. In 1983 he started his career in the offshore industry and has participated in various development Energy Law), GPM (Global Pipeline Monthly), Contract & Tenders and the
projects in Denmark and in Norway, e.g. Oseberg, Draugen, Troll A. Hans has worked in construction, soon to appear A&A Energy Security Bulletin. The site offers also a large
amount of high quality industry-reports for sale, a very complete Calendar
commissioning, engineering and project management. Since 1997 he has worked for DONG E&P in Denmark of Events and a large Oil & Gas Directory with free registration. Since 1996,
in various functions as senior advisor to management regarding Quality, Health, Safety and the Environment; currently 170,000 visitors per month.
since 1999 he has also been responsible for the 2 line Emergency Response organisation.

Excellent conference with very useful topics! I gained a lot of tools and
knowledge which I could implement in our facilities.
In publication since 1989, the DEW (Drilling & Exploration World) Journal
holds the distinction of being the only monthly energy journal published
in India. Each issue is packed with technical write-ups, latest developments
Workshop C in oil and gas industry, conference/training previews, books/CD-ROM
reviews, new/updated software information, useful website brief, new
13.00 16.00 products information, technology trends, case studies and success stories
prepared by a wide group of researchers. Besides, the journal features
insightful interviews with energy industry professionals and executives.
Additional information about DEW Journal is available on the web page

The Safety Case is detailed documentation - prepared by the facility operator - that identifies the
key controls, mitigation measures and management systems that will be implemented to ensure
the continued safety of the facility and associated personnel. The Safety Case includes the hazard
identification and risk assessment studies, the management arrangements in place, etc. At the
centre of the petroleum safety case regime is the belief that corporate commitment and an GulfOilandGas is the leading B2B portal serving the Oil, Gas and
Hydrocarbons industries in the Middle East and Africa. Our award wining
objective-setting risk-based approach to safety management will significantly improve the safety portal attracts thousands of professional regular visitors each week. We
of all petroleum facilities, and control safety risks to As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). also send Monthly Newsletters to a large database of subscribers worldwide.
In view of our role in the online business communities, we are a major
This interactive presentation will provide participants with a clear understanding of what a Safety media partner for regional events with Energy focus in the in Middle East
and Africa.
Case is and what it includes. It will also look at the actual requirements of the contents as defined
in guidelines and expand on the need to demonstrate a 'case' for safety. Some examples from
case histories will be used to demonstrate deficiencies and requirements. Attend this workshop
to gain a better understanding of the advantages of a Safety Case approach and to actively
discuss the following key issues:
PTIT FOCUS MONTHLY is the only monthly magazine in Thailand that
Hazard identification and risk assessment: How risk that cannot be eliminated can be controlled provides updates on special issues, news, statistics, and progress on the
through the Safety Management System development of the petroleum, petrochemical, and energy related industries.
Keep close track of milestones and issues facing the industry without going
Consideration of the interaction of the facility with its surroundings and physical environment through news reports from so many sources. The statistics section is a
unique source of Thailand data.
The role of the Regulatory Authority in assessment and monitoring of the safety case through
the project life cycle
The need for involvement of the workforce in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and
review of the safety case
MEES is the product ofover forty five years ofaccumulated experienceand
The advantages and disadvantages of the safety case regime in developing countries as a expertise in theenergy and financesectors in the MiddleEast and North
Africa. Itis a foremost provider of timely, accurate and authoritativeinformation
means to drive improvement in safety on developments in these fields to decision makersaround the world. Its
subscriber base includes leading energycorporations, financial institutions
and governments both in theregion and globally. Contact us at: P.O.Box
About your workshop leader: 24940, 1355 Nicosia,Cyprus Tel: (357) 22665431 Fax: (357) 22671988
Richard Craddock Email: info@mees.comWebsite: http://www.mees.com
Director Petroleum & Major Hazard Facilities Safety
Conference was very focused on relevant
Richard has 25 years experience in the oil and gas industry, with 11 years working internationally including 8
years in North Sea operations. He has been with the WA petroleum regulator since 1996. This includes 9
issues and discussions. Industry needs this
years regulating Safety & Environment for the offshore and onshore petroleum facilities and E&P oil and gas type of open and frank interaction.
operations, and 2 years with DOCEP regulating safety for onshore petroleum and Major Hazard Facilities. - BP NORWAY
(65) 6722-9492
2-Day Conference: 27-28 March 2007
Masterclass & Workshops: 26 & 29 March 2007 2007 Fax:
(65) 6226-2941
IQPC Worldwide Pte Ltd
Prince Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
61 Robinson Road #14-01
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IQPC recognises the value of learning in teams. Group bookings
Koby Teo at the same time from the same company receive these discounts:
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Tel: +65 6722 9492 * 5 or more 10%
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Mobile: +65 9631 9587 This offer is exclusive of the early bird discount. Call us for a
Email: zhilong.teo@iqpc.com.sg special discount rate for teams of 10 and above. (NOT applicable
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