Radwag Mass Comparators

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Sawomir Janas1, Micha Solecki1, Tadeusz Szumiata2

Radwag Wagi Elektroniczne
Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom

Copyright by RADWAG Wagi Elektroniczne
Radom 2017
Edition I
RADWAG Wagi Elektroniczne
26-600 Radom, Bracka 28
Phone 48 3848800, fax 48 3850010
e-mail: radom@radwag.pl


1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 6
2. Mass Standard and Weight ................................................................................................... 10
3. Mass Measurements ............................................................................................................. 13
3.1. Buoyancy in Mass Measurements ................................................................................................. 14
3.2. Influence of Air Buoyancy on Calibration of Mass Standards and Weights..................................... 18
4. Calibration of Mass Standards and Weights ......................................................................... 20
5. Conventional Mass in Comparison Processes ....................................................................... 21
6. Traceability ........................................................................................................................... 22
7. Uncertainty During Mass Standards Calibration ................................................................... 23
7.1. Standard Uncertainty (Type A) ...................................................................................................... 25
7.2. Reference Weight Uncertainty...................................................................................................... 27
7.3. Uncertainty of the Air Buoyancy Correction .................................................................................. 28
7.4. Uncertainty of the Mass Comparator ............................................................................................ 29
7.5. Combined Standard Uncertainty of the Mass Comparator ........................................................... 31
7.6. Expanded Uncertainty of Test Weight Conventional Mass ........................................................... 31
8. Redefinition of the Kilogram ................................................................................................. 32
8.1. Watt Balance ................................................................................................................................ 33
8.2. Silicon Sphere - Avogadro Project ................................................................................................. 37
9. Mass Comparators ................................................................................................................ 41
9.1. Mass Comparators Classification .................................................................................................. 41
9.2. Mass Comparators with Full Electric Compensation Range ........................................................... 42
9.3. Mass Comparators with Limited Electric Compensation Range ..................................................... 45
9.4. Automatic Mass Comparators....................................................................................................... 47
9.5. Mass Comparators for Determining Mass Standards Density ........................................................ 50
9.5.1. Density Measurement of Weights ............................................................................... 51
9.5.2. Reference Temperature............................................................................................... 51
9.6. Vacuum Mass Comparators .......................................................................................................... 53
10. Selecting Appropriate Mass Comparator to The Accuracy of Mass Standards and Weights . 55
10.1. Basic Metrological Characteristics of Mass Comparators............................................................. 55
11. Susceptometer - Measurement of Weights Magnetism ....................................................... 58
12. The Influence of Calibration Automation on Measurements Accuracy................................. 62
13. Standard-specified Working Conditions for Comparison Processes...................................... 66
14. Environmental and Workstation Requirements.................................................................... 69
14.1. Optimal Workstation .................................................................................................................. 70
14.2. Temperature .............................................................................................................................. 72
14.3. Moisture Content ....................................................................................................................... 77
14.4. Air Flows..................................................................................................................................... 78

14.5. Ground Vibrations ...................................................................................................................... 80
14.6. Magnetism ................................................................................................................................ 82
15. RMCS Systems in Comparison Processes .............................................................................. 83
16. RADWAG Mass Comparators All Around the World ............................................................. 84
S.C. METROMAT S.R.L. Calibration Laboratory ..................................................................................... 85
NMI Moldova ................................................................................................................................... 86
Metricon S.A. - Greece ........................................................................................................................ 87
Laboratory for Mass Vage Ltd. ............................................................................................................. 88
HAEFNER - MASSCAL ........................................................................................................................... 89
CENTRAL OFFICE OF MEASURES - Poland ............................................................................................. 91
LCGC Trucal Lab................................................................................................................................... 93
HANSUNG INSTRUMENT CO. LTD. ....................................................................................................... 95
17. RADWAG Metrology Centre .................................................................................................. 97
17.1. Measuring Laboratory in RADWAG Metrology Centre ................................................................. 98
17.2. Automation of Measurement in the Measuring Laboratory ........................................................ 99
17.3. Computerisation of the Calibration Process in Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG MC ............. 102
17.4. RMCS system in Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG Metrology Centre ..................................... 102
17.5. THB Monitoring System ............................................................................................................ 105
17.6. Equipment of the Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG Metrology Centre................................... 106
17.7. Benefits Due to Automation and Computerisation .................................................................... 107
18. RADWAG and Science ......................................................................................................... 107

In this work we presented the issues related to mass measurement and the dependencies that apply
to this process. A special attention was given to the comparison process of weights specifying the
elementary sources of measurement uncertainty. The mass comparators were divided due to their
design with a focus on their advantages and disadvantages. The research demonstrated the
differences between automatic and manual comparison process. Also the importance of ambient
conditions for calibration was discussed determining the potential areas of increased risk. Several
places for mass comparator installation were presented as well as users opinions concerning
operation of this type of equipment. Two projects on kilogram redefinition were described: Watt
balance and Avogadro project (silicon sphere).

Key words: mass measurement, mass comparators, weighing, Watt balance, Planck constant,

1. Introduction
Mass and length measurements are the oldest types of measurements in the world. In accordance
with historical records, the first references concerning weighing instruments date back to 4000 B.C.
and were connected with the development of trade around the Euphrates, Tigris and Indus rivers.
The first weighing instruments made of limestone, linen ropes and wood were discovered on the
areas of ancient Mesopotamia. Similar weighing equipment, with an uncomplicated structure made
of beam with two ropes on each side of it can be found in some of the European museums of
weighing instruments. This type of a device was a progenitor of the beam balances which design did
not change much over 6000 years - they still use the same physical property connected with
gravitational acceleration.

Since ancient times until the second half of the XX century the design of weighing instruments did
not change much. The dynamic development of electronics caused revolutionary changes in design
and operation of the weighing instruments. As a consequence, the traditional beam balance can now
only be seen in museums. The second half of last century is an era of cheaper and more user-
friendly weighing equipment based on new technologies. Nowadays, the most common instruments
intended for mass measurements are electronic scales and balances in which the mass of weighed
load is compensated by magnetoelectric converter. In such case, the feedback between gravitational
force acting on the load and the force generated by the magnetoelectric converter is used. The
weighing systems tends to achieve balance, so the forces cancel each other out and the weighing
pan remains at state of equilibrium.

Example of different RADWAG-manufactured mechanical designs using feedback. Own work

Two physical phenomena occur during mass measurement. The first results from gravitational force
[FG] - the force with which sample mass is attracted by Earth. The second is the effect of buoyancy
force [FW] which is opposite to the direction of gravitational force. It can be said that the
measurement relates to a certain resultant force [6]. This force is converted to electrical signal by
converter's systems and presented as the measurement result. Converter, as measuring element,
features its own characteristics in terms of stability over time, resistance to temperature changes

By compiling all weighing factors, a complicated relation that is presented in numerous publications
can be obtained.
= [ (1 + )(1 + ] 1 +[ + + + ]+[ + ]

RD - indicated result

Section A*: FCAL - balance adjustment coefficient

f - coefficient of force converter for electric value

CZ - coefficient of force converter sensitivity to temperature

T - temperature changes since the latest sensitivity adjustment
mcz - indication of force converter sensitivity drift in time function
t - time since the latest sensitivity adjustment

* Section A is constant, results from the mass comparator design.

Section B: g - gravity force in the testing place (constant)

Section C: a - air density in the testing place

- the tested object density

Influence of air buoyancy on the result during standard weighing is insignificant. However, for comparison
processes, for which resolutions are very high, it is important. Some balances, such as RADWAG-
manufactured XA.4Y series, feature function of mass correction depending on air and object density. This
issue is described further down this publication.

Section D: m - tested object mass (specific feature, usually constant)

Section E: D - readability component (constant)

R - balance repeatability component (dependent on the external conditions and the
L - balance non-linearity component (constant)
ECC - eccentricity component (constant)

Section F: FZERO - coefficient of force converter zero point

CZZERO - coefficient of force converter zero point drift in time function

For traditional weighing instrument most of the above variables is insignificant, but for comparison
process Section C (influence of air buoyancy) and Section F (influence of ambient conditions on mass
comparator stability) are of the utmost importance.

Analytical (ultra and micro analytical) and precision balances are equipped with magnetoelectric
converters. The equation for mass measurement carried out with use of such converters is

presented below. They operate as a feedback loop which enables to obtain high resolutions. This is
very important for applications such as: analytical chemistry, biotechnology and high accuracy mass
measurements of small loads.

Another solution are weighing instruments using load cells. In such case loading the weighing pan
produces electric signal that is proportional to the weight of loaded object. Since they are
manufactured on a large scale, their prices are fairly low. Principle of their operation is based on
deformation of the measuring element (strain gauge). Change of strain gauge's R resistance is
proportional to mechanical stress.

= =
where: R - strain gauge's resistance without stresses;
k - strain gauge constant;
e - relative elongation;
- stress;
E - Young's modulus.

An advantage of such solution (apart from the

price) is possibility to design balances of high
maximum capacities. A disadvantage
(although not necessarily) is rather low
measuring accuracy. A typical resolution of
load cells is around 3 000 6000 units.

Load cell attached to the base with a weighing pan support

Through selection, optimization and program correction it is possible to design weighing equipment
of resolution of 60 000 units.

Regardless the converter solution used, the measuring signal is compared to a suitable mass
standard, scaled and expressed in mass units [6]. This is the so-called adjustment which is
periodically carried out during normal use of the weighing instrument.

Figure 1. Principle of adjustment

In the first half of the XX c., mechanical balances and scales were common solutions. The mass
measurement was carried out by means of comparing the object mass with a weight, mass of which
was determined with suitable accuracy. In the second half of the XX c., electronic weighing
equipment replaced this method of measurement. Many users of weighing instruments have
realized that the times of using weights have come to an end.

However, one main question remained: what guarantees that the electronic instrument indicates
correct value of the measured load mass? This question is crucial not only for legal metrology but
also for users who are not subjected to these requirements. Legal metrology is crucial for specific
measuring equipment and in determined applications. This is defined by relevant legal acts. The
actions of legal metrology that confirm the fulfilment of specific requirements, with respect to the
measuring equipment, are conformity assessment and re-verification.

The use of measuring equipment outside the legal system requires using different evaluation criteria,
usually a calibration or other approved procedure. These solutions are used in industrial metrology
which uses the methodology determined by legal metrology. The metrological activity in this case is
calibration of the measuring instrument, i.e. comparing it with international reference standard and
specifying its uncertainty. The recommendations and guidelines regarding metrological activities are
to be found in national and international normative acts. Certainly, both the testing methods and the
requirements have to be optimized taking into account own specific demands. Apart from these two
areas there is also Scientific Metrology which deals with maintaining and development of mass
standards and related values.

2. Mass Standard and Weight
When verifying the metrological characteristics of balances, scales and mass comparators, mass
standards and weights are used. Mass standards feature specified mass, measurement uncertainty
and traceability, while weights have suitable accuracy class. In accordance with section 3.7 of EN
45501 'Non-automatic weighing intruments' standard, the mass standards have to fulfil the
requirements of OIML R 111-1 recommendation. The essential requirements are specified in section
5.2.Expanded uncertainty:

For each weight, the expanded uncertainty, U, for k = 2, of the conventional mass, shall be less than
or equal to one-third of the maximum permissible error in Table 1 [15].


Certainly, in case of the process of selecting weights for testing one has to first take into account the
readability of tested object. The weight is defined by its dimensions, shape, material, surface
smoothness, maximum permissible error. This is due to the legal requirements. If the accuracy class
of a weight is known, then its maximum permissible error is not greater than the value given in table
1, OIML R111-1. Unfortunately its conventional mass is unknown, which in case of very accurate
measurements complicates possibility to use such a weight.

Set of weights Figure 2. Weight and mass standard

from 1 mg to 200 g basic differences

At the moment when the weight is subjected to calibration, which is a determination of its real mass
and uncertainty, it becomes a mass standard. Thus, two measuring instruments featuring same
design can be used simultaneously. An example of calibration certificate is presented below.

- 10 -
Calibration certificate example:

- 11 -

Mass standards are measuring equipment intended for defining, carrying out, maintaining or
reproducing a unit of mass. They can be of any shape and material which ensures the stability of
mass over time. Mass standards must have an identification and calibration certificate with
information on traceability and estimated measurement uncertainty. The elementary classification
for mass standards is based on measurement uncertainty that is estimated during calibration
process. Within the meaning of legal metrology, mass standards cannot be used as weights.

Weights are the units of measure. They are determined by the following documents: OIML R111-1
and ASTM E617. In the past, weights were also used for adjustment of weighing instruments of I and
II accuracy classes. The International Legal Metrology Organisation have specified metrological
requirements for weights regarding obligatory verification around the world. OIML R111 (2004)
refers to weights ranging from 1 mg to 50 kg. The requirements are specified with regard to accuracy
classes, material, shape, identification and protection. The accuracy classes E1 up to M3 are
determined in a hierarchical proportion 1:3, where E1 is the highest class and M3 is the lowest. Table
with the maximum permissible errors for weights is to be found at the end of this publication. It
should be noted that the user of measuring equipment, mass standards and weights, having
implemented quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001, has to obligatorily introduce
supervision over measuring equipment (section of ISO 9001). The supervision is carried out
as periodic tests and/or calibration. The results of such tests have to be documented.

- 12 -
3. Mass Measurements
Mass measurement using electronic weighing equipment and mass comparators is based on
determining the force with which the weighed object is attracted by Earth. This can be expressed by
the following equation:
where: FG gravitational force [N]
m object mass [g]
g gravitational acceleration [about 9.81 m/s2]

Figure 3. Gravitational force in the weighing process

In order to obtain weighing result, [FG] force, with which the load is attracted by Earth, has to be
equalized. Then the equilibration signal [FC] has to be measured and connected with specific mass
[6]. The signal that can be measured by means of the balance is voltage, resistance, pulse-width
modulation or other value which depends on weighing instrument design. All these activities are
carried out by the manufacturer during factory adjustment. The user receives already adjusted
weighing instrument which indications are correct.

Figure 4. Diagram of magnetoelectric weighing instrument operation

From the principle of measurement, that is used by electronic weighing equipment and mass
comparators, results the following:
there is a strong dependence between measurement result and the changes of gravitational
during the measurements, the buoyancy is not taken into consideration

- 13 -
3.1. Buoyancy in Mass Measurements
Buoyancy is a force that acts on an object immersed in a liquid or gas and acts against gravity.
Buoyancy is equal to the amount of liquid displaced by the object, in accordance with the following

density of the liquid or gas
g gravitational acceleration
V volume of the liquid which equals the volume of a part of the object immersed in it

Figure 5. The force system in a weighing process

Taking into account the above, the following force system is part of the weighing process:
FG gravitational force
FC force that equalizes gravitational force
FW buoyancy

Two variants of weighing are presented in Figure 5. In case 1, the measurement is carried out under
ambient conditions with buoyancy. In case 2, the measurement is carried out under vacuum, without
buoyancy. Certainly, weighing under vacuum cannot be carried out by most of the users due to the
complexity of the equipment needed. By analysing this system of forces it may be concluded that
gravitational force [FG] is constant in a given workplace. The equalizing force [FC] is the balance
reaction to the gravity force, so it is constant too. The only variable in this system of force is
buoyancy [FW]. This depends on the density of atmospheric air which in turn depends on:
humidity, and these values change dynamically.
Correcting the obtained result by the buoyancy force, we achieve the actual mass of a sample, like
during weighing under vacuum. It is possible to analyse drifts of mass over time, e.g. differential
weighing, eliminating error resulting from the buoyancy variable. It is essential as the measurement
is carried out with high resolution e.g. 200 g x 10 g 5g x 0,01 g. This problem is important for
notified bodies that deal with transferring mass units by their calibration.

- 14 -
The consequence of buoyancy occurrence in mass measurements is determination of two terms. The
first term is a conventional mass (mc) which is the mass of the object that is EQUAL to the weight of
mass standard, if the following conditions are met:
- mass standard density c = 8000 kg/m3,
reference temperature during measurement TREF = 20oC,
air density during measurement 0 = 1.2 kg/m3.

Figure 6. Conventional mass

The second is the physical mass defined as the amount of matter in an object. If the physical mass of
an object is known, e.g. is specified in a certificate, then the value of conventional mass can be
calculated, as it is presented below, in accordance with [14] OIML D 28 'Conventional value of the
result of weighing in air':
(1 )/
(1 )/

where: mc - conventional mass

- density of the measured object
- air density
C - reference density of the mass standard, 8000 kg/m3

For objects with density of about 8000 kg/m3 the difference between conventional mass mc and
physical mass m is small. On the other hand, while weighing objects of different densities, there are
significant differences between them. The relative deviation of conventional mass against physical
mass would be around -3x10-4 for aluminium and +10-4 for platinum. For a standard use it was
provided that the weighing instrument indication has to correspond with conventional mass, which
does not correspond with the real mass value. This is a due to the following:
- weighing equipment adjustment is carried out with use of steel mass standards of 8000
kg/m3 density,
- the density of weighed object can be different than the density of the mass standard.
It is worth mentioning that this 'defect' can be minimized using applications for weighing that correct
the indication of measured mass, taking into account buoyancy and density of weighed object [6].
Such software is available for RADWAG-manufactured 4Y series instruments such as XA 52.4Y
analytical balance. In such case, air density is calculated based on the readout from automatic
pressure sensor. Such sensor is a part of weighing instrument design. The principle of operation of
such software and the image of the instrument are presented in Figure 7.

- 15 -
Figure 7. The principle of operation of air buoyancy compensation

It is also possible to correct the buoyancy by measuring the steel standard and other standard, e.g.
aluminium, of known density. Masses of both standards have to be accurately specified during
adjustment carried out with traceability maintained. On the basis of obtained results, the weighing
instrument (balance, scale, mass comparator) calculates current air density. The disadvantage of
such solution is that the obtained density is real at the time of the measurement.

Figure 8. The principle of operation of function correcting air buoyancy with use of formulas

In each case it is required to enter density of weighed object in order to correct the weighing result.

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On the basis of the above it is clear that certain resultant force occurs during weighing. This force, as
a result of scaling and analysis, is presented as the measurement result. Thereby, the relationship
between the load (resultant forces system) and weighing instrument indication can be calculated
using the following equation [5].

= ~ (1 )
Source: Guidelines on the Calibration of Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments EURAMET/cg-18/v.02

where: I - weighing instrument indication

g - gravitational acceleration
m - object mass
0 - air density
- density of measured object

Measurement result is influenced by the physical relations (resulting from the environment) and by
characteristic of used converter. The converter features its own metrological characteristic analysis
of which is a rather complex process. Comprehensive evaluation of weighing accuracy requires
taking into account all factors. As a result, complex relationship can be found in many publications.


During routine measurements the buoyancy effect is not taken into account. Its contribution to
measurement process is very small. For vast majority of users buoyancy is irrelevant. It should be
noted that weighing instrument's reading unit determines magnitude of this phenomenon. The
second element is the size of weighed object. In case of a laboratory these are usually small masses.
Third and the most important element is the required tolerance. This concept has to be understood
as the maximum deviation of the observed result against the actual value. As many years of
experience show, compensation of the deviations, resulting from different densities of weighed
samples and variability of the buoyancy, is not a common practice. The above relations are taken
into consideration during comparing weights masses. This is specified in the recommendations
concerning these processes. Mass comparators used in the course of comparison process differ from
standard weighing equipment. The differences concern the design, principle of operation and
reading unit. More information can be found further down this publication.

- 17 -
3.2. Influence of Air Buoyancy on Calibration of Mass Standards and Weights
During calibration of high accuracy mass standards and weights it is necessary to implement
correction being a result of buoyancy. This is due to the fact that during measurement in the air only
conventional mass value is obtained. Conventional mass differs when comparing weights of the
same nominal mass but different densities. The procedure requires determining the actual mass of
the weights, i.e. mass under vacuum, by implementing correction resulting from the air buoyancy
difference, determined by the following equation:

= =( )

1 1
= = ( )

WB mass of air displaced by the test weight
Wk mass of air displaced by the reference weight
VB test weight volume
VK reference weight volume
air density
B test weight density
k reference weight density
mn test weight nominal mass

In practice, volume is not determined for mass standards and weights of E2, F1, F2, M1, M2 and M3
classes. Volume is calculated based on known density of the material used for mass standards and
weights design. The density of weights of particular nominal values is not determined. This is due to
the fact that material is usually not homogenous; weights feature adjustment cavities and various

As it was mentioned before, the correction resulting from the difference in air buoyancy is changed
depending on air density. For this reason, stable ambient conditions have to be maintained in the
room where measurements are carried out. It is assumed that stable ambient conditions are as
air temperature 20 C,
relative humidity 50 %
atmospheric pressure 1013,25 hPa
with such parameters maintained, air density is about 1.2 kg/m3.

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In order to standardize mass measurements and maintain traceability of the results, it is assumed
that the conventional density of weights is 8000 kg/m3 and the average air density is 1.2 kg/m3.
Accepting the conventional density of mass standards and weights eliminates the necessity to
determine correction resulting from the difference in air buoyancy. This simplifies calibration.
Weights made of various materials of different density, which mass was determined using
conventional density of 8000 kg/m3, compensate in air.

In order to assure specific accuracy of mass measurements it is required that the actual density of
weights is within determined thresholds against the conventional density. The density of mass
standards and weights should be selected in a way ensuring that change of air density by 10% of
average density value, which is 1.2 kg/m3, does not lead to error greater than 0.25 of maximum
permissible error (MPE) for given mass standard or weight (Table 1, R111-1 OIML).

min max (103 kg/m3)

Nominal value


E1 E2 F1 F2 M1 M1-2 M2 M2-3

100 g 7.934 8.067 7.81 8.21 7.39 8.73 6.4 10.7 4.4 3.0 2.3 1.5

50 g 7.92 8.08 7.74 8.28 7.27 8.89 6.0 12.0 4.0

20 g 7.84 8.17 7.50 8.57 6.6 10.1 4.8 24.0 2.6

10 g 7.74 8.28 7.27 8.89 6.0 12.0 4.0 2.0

5g 7.62 8.42 6.9 9.6 5.3 16.0 3.0

2g 7.27 8.89 6.0 12.0 4.0 2.0

1g 6.9 9.6 5.3 16.0 3.0

500 mg 6.3 10.9 4.4 2.2

200 mg 5.3 16.0 3.0

100 mg 4.4

50 mg 3.4

20 mg 2.4

Table 2 Minimum and maximum density values for weights and mass standards

- 19 -
4. Calibration of Mass Standards and Weights

Calibration of mass standards and weights is based on determining the difference between mass of
known reference weight (A) with test weight (B). The class of reference weight has to be at least one
higher than the class of standard or test weight. The mass is determined using mass comparators
and the following weighing cycles: ABBA, ABA or AB1....BnA. Minimum quantity of cycles for
different classes is specified by OIML R111:

Cycle Class
E1 E2 F1 F2 M 1 , M2 , M3
ABBA 3 2 1 1 1
ABA 5 3 2 1 1
AB1.BnA 5 3 2 1 1
Table 3 Minimum quantity of weighing cycles

The cycles ABBA and ABA are normally used when calibrating weights of class E and F. The cycle
AB1....BnA is often used when calibrating weights of class M, but generally not recommended for
higher classes. The type and quantity of cycles, the accuracy of mass comparators or weighing
instruments used for calibrating mass standards and weights, and the accuracy of reference weights
should be selected in such a way that the expanded uncertainty U with coverage factor k=2 during
calibration does not exceed 1/3 of maximum permissible errors specified by OIML R111-1 (table in
appendix 1).

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5. Conventional Mass in Comparison Processes
The process is based on comparing two objects in order to determine the differences between their
masses. As is known, there are no perfect measurements and perfectly stable objects and this rule
applies also to mass standards and weights. For this reason, average difference of weight and
reference weight conventional masses [15] for cycle or cycles (i) is determined using the following
= +

where: mc conventional masses difference

mct conventional mass of (B) test weight
mcr conventional mass of (A) reference weight
I i the difference of mass comparator indications, = It - Ir t - test weight, r reference weight)
C coefficient correcting the buoyancy

1 1
=( )( )
where: ai humid air density
0 reference air density 1.2 kg/m3
t tested weight density
r density of reference weight of m mass

Mean difference between conventional masses, being part of the comparison process, for any
quantity of n cycles is determined as:

Variable air density can be a factor that influences the difference between conventional masses The
other element influencing the variability of conventional mass is mass comparator repeatability. This
parameter is constant provided that ambient conditions are also stable. The concept of constancy is
to be understood as small drifts of measured values that cause variability of the mass comparator
metrological characteristics. Environmental factors in most cases are temperature and humidity, but
also ground vibrations which value has to be referred to the test weights masses. The following
dependency can be applied:

With the increase of test weights masses and the decrease of the mass comparator reading unit, the
weight of the base on which the work station is placed has to be significantly greater.

During testing, reference conventional mass is not always known. In such cases the nominal mass
value should be used.

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6. Traceability
Traceability is the characteristic of measurement or standard unit of measure that may be related to
specified references, such as national standards or international units of measure through an
unbroken chain of calibrations, each featuring specified uncertainty. Maintaining traceability is a
condition of measurement results uniqueness which enables to compare these results.

Figure 9. Traceability diagram

For users of weighing instruments and measurement standards the best way to ensure traceability of
such equipment is to calibrate it in accredited calibration laboratories. Another very important
activity is periodical inspections of balances, scales and mass comparators, which are carried out in
accordance with the schedule. The detailed way of ensuring traceability is determined by internal
schedules of calibrations and tests of the weighing equipment.

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7. Uncertainty During Mass Standards Calibration
While giving the result of physical quantity measurement, the quantitative information about its
accuracy should also be given. This is essential for everyone who uses such measurements in his
work, in order to estimate their credibility. Without such information, the comparison of
measurement results with the reference values given in technical specifications or standards does
not guarantee their correctness.

The concept of uncertainty as a quantitative characteristic is relatively new in the history of

measurements. Upon calculating all known or expected components of error and implementing
suitable corrections, there remains the uncertainty as to the correctness of the obtained result. It is
necessary to evaluate how well the measurement result represents the measured value. The perfect
method for estimating and expressing the uncertainty of measurement has to be universal, so that it
can be applied for all types of measurements and input data used in the measurements. The
uncertainty consists of a number of components that can be grouped into two categories according
to how they are calculated:

type A uncertainty is calculated using statistical methods based on a series of measurements,

- type B statistics is calculated using other methods.

Certainly, in case of many measurements, when estimating the uncertainty there are situations
when both types (A and B) of uncertainty occur. In such case, the value of combined standard
uncertainty is given, which is the square root of the sum of all uncertainties.
= ( ) +( )

The final uncertainty value is given as expanded uncertainty which specifies the range around the
measurement result. This range is expected to contain large part of the measured values
distribution. The commonly used coverage factor k is a value of 2 which corresponds to the level of
confidence of 95%.

where: U expanded uncertainty

k coverage factor
u standard uncertainty

As it was mentioned before, it is essential to correctly specify all sources of uncertainty, i.e. all areas
connected with measurement that can be responsible for measurement error. Three main areas can
be distinguished:
instrument (mass comparator)
- mass standard

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In each of these areas there are single elements that have to be evaluated and diagnosed in order to
determine their influence on the measurement result. This is presented in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Factors determining the uncertainty of mass measurement

Negative influence on measurement uncertainty of most of these factors can be minimized by

optimizing the workplace. Metrological parameters of the mass comparator are stable under stable
operating conditions. They may vary during dynamic change of the external operating conditions,
e.g. ground vibrations.

By analysing the way of calculating the measurement during calibration of mass standards and
weights in accordance with OIML R111-1, it is possible to extract the following uncertainties:
standard uncertainty of the weighing process (type A)
- uncertainty of used reference weight (type B)
- uncertainty connected with air buoyancy (type B)
- uncertainty connected with used weighing instrument, mass comparator (type B)

In the uncertainty budget of calibration of mass standards and weights, the uncertainties connected
with the reference weight are significant. During calibration, appropriate reference weight should be
used depending on the expected uncertainty. Another important factor is the weighing instrument
used. In case of mass comparators, the factors influencing the uncertainty value are reading unit d
and repeatability (standard deviation). The components of uncertainty are discussed further down
this publication.

- 24 -
7.1. Standard Uncertainty (Type A)
Standard uncertainty uW is determined by standard deviation of the difference between weighed
masses. For n cycles it is presented by the following equation [15].

( )
( )=

where: s(mci) - standard deviation of the difference between conventional masses of weight or mass standard.
n - measurements quantity

If standard deviation is unknown from the previous measurements (historically), then it may be
calculated as follows:
max( ) min( )
( ) =
2 3

The above relation applies to weights of F2, M1, M2, M3 classes and ABA, ABBA or AB1.BnA
methods. For E1, E2 and F1 classes, the variance of mass difference mc of the weighing process, s2
(mc), for n measurement cycles, with n-1 degrees of freedom is estimated:

( )= ( )
where: s2(mc) variance of the difference of masses
n - cycles quantity
mci - the difference between test weight and reference weight conventional masses
mc - the difference between conventional masses

In case of too small quantity of measurements, determination of the standard deviation can be
burdened with large error. For this reason, quantity of cycles has to be greater than 5. It is not a
problem in case of automatic mass comparators, e.g. AKM or UMA manufactured by Radwag Wagi
Elektroniczne, Poland.

- 25 -
UMA automatic mass comparators, d=0,1 g or d=1 g

During calibration, multiple measurement series are carried out, so mass difference variance mc
has to be calculated by combining the measurement series. Standard deviations of each series are
taken into consideration (J).

( )= ( )

with J (n-1) degrees of freedom

- 26 -
7.2. Reference Weight Uncertainty
In accordance with European co-operation for Accreditation EA-4/02 'Evaluation of the Uncertainty
of Measurement in Calibration' the procedure of determining measurement uncertainty during
calibration of mass standards starts with the following equation:

= + + + +

where: m0 conventional mass of the reference weight

m1 drift of value of the reference weight since its last calibration
m2 observed difference in mass between the reference weight and test weight
m3 correction for eccentricity and magnetic effects
m4 correction for air buoyancy

Upon taking into consideration the sensitivity coefficient (c) the equation is as follows:

( )= ( )+ ( )+ ( )+ ( )

The sensitivity coefficient specifies how the change of input quantity influences the value of output
quantity. Mass measurement is a direct measurement, hence the sensitivity coefficient in this case is

According to OIML R 111-1, uncertainty of the reference weight u(mccr)should be calculated based
on the information from the calibration certificate title. Expanded uncertainty U has to be divided by
the coverage factor k, and should be combined with the uncertainty due to the instability of the
mass of the reference weight, uinst(mcr).

( )= + ( )

where: u(mccr) - uncertainty of the reference weight

U - expanded uncertainty
k - coverage factor
uinst(mcr) - the uncertainty due to the instability of the mass of the reference weight

The uncertainty due to instability of the reference weigh uinst (mcr) can be estimated from observed
mass changes after the reference weight has been calibrated several times. If previous calibration
values are not available, the estimation of uncertainty has to be based on experience. If a verified
weight of F1 or lower accuracy class is used as a reference weight and it has an OIML R 111-1
certificate of conformity, the uncertainty can be estimated from the maximum permissible error, m
of that specific class:

( )= + ( )

- 27 -
7.3. Uncertainty of the Air Buoyancy Correction
The value of air buoyancy depends on current air density and density of weighed objects. For classes
F1 and F2 the densities of the weights have to be known with sufficient accuracy. For classes M1,
M2, M3 accurate information on the density is not required. The uncertainty due to air buoyancy
correction is negligible and can usually be omitted. If the air density is not measured, then the
uncertainty for the air density is to be estimated as follows:

( )= [ ]

For class E weights, the density of air should be determined. Its uncertainty is usually estimated from
the uncertainties of temperature, pressure and air humidity. For class E1, the CIPM formula
(1981/91) can be used for the calculation of air density.

= 1 (1 )
where: p - pressure
Ma - molar mass of humid air
Z - compressibility
R - molar gas constant
T - thermodynamic temperature
xv - mole fraction of water vapour
Mv - molar mass of water

The variance of the air density is:

( )= + + +

At relative humidity of h = 50 %, a temperature of t = 20oC and a pressure of p = 101325 Pa, the

following numerical values apply approximately:
= 10

= 10

= 3,4 10

= 10

where: hr - relative humidity as fraction

- 28 -
7.4. Uncertainty of the Mass Comparator
Determining uncertainty of the mass comparator requires number of tests. They should take into
account the diversity of masses and suitable intervals between successive tests. This allows obtaining
objective and complete information. During uncertainty estimation, records from previous
calibration can be used, provided that sensitivity drifts have been shown. The uncertainty
contribution due to sensitivity is:

( ) ( )
= ( ) +

where: Is - the change of the mass comparator indication due to the sensitivity drift
u(Is) - uncertainty of sensitivity drifts determination
( ) - the average mass difference between the test weight and the reference weight
ms - mass of the test weight resulting from sensitivity

The simpler method of evaluating mass comparator uncertainty is to refer to its reading unit (d), the
uncertainty is then calculated as follows:

= 2
The factor 2 is a result of test method, there are two readings: reference weight and test weight.

The eccentricity is the most important problem for manual calibration. Certainly, each reference
weight is being loaded onto the centre of the weighing pan. Eccentricity increases with the increase
of test weight value and the decrease of mass comparator reading unit. For this reason, the
contribution of eccentricity must be estimated and included in the uncertainty budget [15]. The
following equation is applied:

2 3

where: D the difference between maximum and minimum values, test performed according to OIML R 76-2;
d1 - the estimated distance between the centres of the weights
d2 - the distance from the centre of the load receptor to one of the corners

In case of mass comparators with an automatic weight exchange mechanism, the uncertainty
contribution uE is determined based on the difference between the indications before and after
changing the ballast.
| |
It is assumed that I1 does not equal I2, which may be interpreted as eccentricity error.

- 29 -
In most cases, the uncertainty connected with eccentricity is taken into consideration when it comes
to the uncertainty connected with weighing process. On the other hand, the versatility of automatic
mass comparators allows not taking into account the uncertainty connected with eccentricity, due to
the fact that the reference weight is always put onto the same place. This applies to calibration of 50
kg masses. For larger loads, self-centring weighing pans are used which significantly limit the
eccentricity. Such solutions are successfully applied in many Measuring Laboratories, e.g. in

Calibration of 200 kg test weight using self-

Automatic calibration of 20 kg test weight
centring weighing pan

An additional uncertainty source is magnetic susceptibility of the weight - uMA. The magnetic
interaction can often be reduced by placing a non-magnetic spacer between the weight and the load
receptor. The uncertainty resulting from magnetism can be omitted while it is not greater than the
value specified by OIML R111-1. It is assumed that the influence of magnetism during the
measurement of conventional mass should not cause a measurement error that is greater than 1/10
of the maximum permissible error for this mass.

= 1 10

In this case, the uncertainty associated with magnetism can be considered insignificant. If the error is
greater, the uncertainty has to be taken into account in the uncertainty budget. Magnetism is an
interaction between mass comparator weighing pan and the weight. Both elements may
demonstrate an excessive level of magnetization. The magnetism is measured using susceptometer.
The design of such instrument and the principle of its operation is discussed further down this

- 30 -
7.5. Combined Standard Uncertainty of the Mass Comparator
The combined standard uncertainty is determined as follows:

= + + +

where: us mass comparator uncertainty due to sensitivity

ud mass comparator uncertainty due to readability (reading unit)
uE mass comparator uncertainty due to eccentricity
uma mass comparator uncertainty due to magnetism

7.6. Expanded Uncertainty of Test Weight Conventional Mass

The combined standard uncertainty of the conventional mass of the test weight is given by:

( )= ( ) + ( ) + + +

where: uw(mc) uncertainty of the weighing process due to average difference between masses of test and
reference weights
u(mcr) uncertainty of the conventional mass of the test weight determination
ub uncertainty due to air buoyancy correction
uba uncertainty of the mass comparator

The expanded uncertainty of the conventional mass of the test weight contains all uncertainties
connected with weighing process, reference weight, air buoyancy and mass comparator. This is the
result of multiplying the combined uncertainty by coverage factor k, usually k=2.

( )= ( )

- 31 -
8. Redefinition of the Kilogram

In accordance with the challenges of redefining

basic units of measures that the General
Conference on Weights and Measure faced,
scientists announce that they are getting closer to
achieving their aim concerning kilogram. The
current prototype of the kilogram did not change
since 1889. This is the longest-maintained
standard in a physical form. [18] It is a cylinder
made of platinum (90 %) and iridium (10 %). Its
diameter is the same as height and is 39 mm. For
better protection, the prototype is stored under
three bell jars, but since the moment it was
designed it constantly loses weight. Within 100
years the prototype of the kilogram has become
lighter by about 50 micrograms, i.e. the weight of
grain of sand.
Prototype of 1 kg

Currently, there are about 100 copies of this mass standard and they are used all over the world. The
instability of the copies suggest that similar phenomena occur in case of the prototype of 1 kg. The
lack of stability prompted the scientists to look for alternative solution.

Source: http://www.bipm.org/en/bipm/mass/ipk/#verifications

As it is known, all other units of measure are already based on physical constants. The scientists
claim that they have found the solution and the kilogram will stop losing its weight. Two projects are
carried out:
determination of the Avogadro constant for silicon sphere
- use of Watt balance.

- 32 -
Redefinition of the kilogram, regardless selected method, gives a much greater uncertainty than the
currently used Pt/Ir prototype. Its uncertainty is an exact zero. After redefinition, the uncertainty
will depend on the individual components of the Watt balance or Avogadro constant experiments.
Currently, the best obtained uncertainty is connected with the traditional prototype and is around 2
x 108 (20 g per 1 kg).It is unlikely that this will be lower after redefinition carried out using Watt
balance or Avogadro constant (silicon sphere).

8.1. Watt Balance

As it was mentioned above, one of the currently carried out projects assumes that the mass standard
is to be based on the 'Planck constant'. The implementation is to take place using so-called current
balance, which was invented by Bryan Kibble [19] and is commonly known as Watt balance. Its
diagram is presented below.

Figure 11. Watt balance diagram, weighing mode

Source: Ian A Robinson, Stephan Schlamminger ,,The watt or Kibble balance: a technique for implementing the new SI
definition of the unit of mass" Metrologia 53 (2016) A46A74

Measurement principle: two experiments are carried out. Static experiment (figure 11), a current I is
passed through the coil. Electrodynamic force that occurs between two coils with wire is measured
and used for determining the intensity of current. The current in the coils, that is required to keep
the balance in equilibrium, is measured while the balance is loaded. In this way the mass standard
can be mapped using the magnetic field force. Units of current and voltage are defined by basic
physical constants such as speed of light and Planck constant. This allows defining the 1 kg according
to physical constants.

- 33 -
On a wire of length L in which the electric current flows perpendicularly to the magnetic field B,
Laplace force equal BLI is applied. In the Watt balance, the current is selected in such a way that the
Laplace force counteracts the force applied on the weight's mass m. This is similar to ampere
balance, so the principle of equilibrium can be as follows:

= =
where: m - mass
g - gravitational acceleration
B - magnetic induction
L - length of coil wire
I - current

In case of the dynamic experiment, the coil moves in the same magnetic field with known speed v,
but there is no current flow in the coil. Using the moving mode, which is the second measurement
stage in Watt balance, eliminates problems with measurement of induction B and the length of coil
wire L.

Figure 11-1. Watt balance diagram, moving mode

Source: Ian A Robinson, Stephan Schlamminger ,,The watt or Kibble balance: a technique for implementing the new SI
definition of the unit of mass" Metrologia 53 (2016) A46A74

- 34 -
When the coil wire moves at a known speed v in the magnetic field w then, according to the Faraday
magnetoelectric induction, the voltage U produced on the ends of the wire is as follows:

where: U - voltage
B - magnetic induction
L - length of coil wire
v - speed

The BL product can now be calculated from one of the equations and be substituted to the other.
The basic equation of Watt balance is obtained:

The left side of the equation enables to determine electric power, and the right side - mechanical
power. Both powers are expressed in watts, hence the name of the instrument - Watt balance.
Assuming that the values of voltage (U), current (I), gravitational acceleration (g) and speed(v) are
accurately measured, it is possible to obtain the exact value of mass (m). The source of Watt balance
high accuracy is that the result is independent from the length of coil wire L and the gravitational
acceleration B, which can be considered as the independence of this equation from coil geometry as
well as the value and distribution of magnetic field [17]. The product of current and voltage is
determined according to the equation, on the basis of mass measurements, speed and gravitational
acceleration. A sufficiently accurate measurement of the mass and gravitational acceleration (m and
g) is possible using automatic interferometers.

where: U - voltage
I - current
g - gravitational acceleration
v - speed


Watt balance enables to obtain relation between macroscopic mass m of the prototype of 1 kg and
Planck constant h. The m mass is the mass of macroscopic object, Planck constant is the basic
constant of quantum physics which describes the principles of microscopic world [19]. For this
reason, it is necessary to establish the link between two different domains: macroscopic and
microscopic. This is achieved using two macroscopic quantum effects: Josephson and quantum Hall.
The Josephson effect enables to determine voltage U within the range of microwave frequency f as

- 35 -

= =
where: h Planck constant
f frequency
e elementary charge
KJ Josephson constant

The Quantum Hall Effect generates the resistance that can be described by the following equation:

where: h Planck constant
n quantum number
e elementary charge

The common property of both effects is that they form a connection between macroscopic
measuring instrument for voltage and resistance and elementary constants: elementary charge and
Planck constant. Both effects are now widely used as standards for resistance and voltage metrology.
Current I is measured as the voltage drop U2 against resistance R. Resistance value can be
determined with respect to the quantized Hall resistance. Voltage can be measured with respect to
the Josephson voltage standard. Thereby, the electric energy can be expressed as follows:

where CEL - electric adjustment constant,

f1-2 - microwave frequencies of two Josephson voltage measurements
h Planck constant

Through the above equation, electric energy is connected with Planck constant. The mechanical and
electrical powers are of the same type. They have the same unit and can be compared to each other
and converted to one another. The equation for Watt balance can be expressed as follows [19]:

It is assumed that each laboratory using Watt balance will be able to measure mass with the same
accuracy as the Planck constant is currently measured. Except for voltage (U) and current (I)
measurement, speed (v) and gravitational acceleration (g) should also be measured. The total
accuracy depends on the accuracy of U, I, v and g measurements. Since there already exist very
accurate methods for measuring speed (v) and gravitational acceleration (g) then the measuring
uncertainty is dominated by UI measurement, i.e. the measurement carried out using Watt balance.
The new definition of kilogram can be as follows:

KILOGRAM is the mass of an object at rest, which in experiments comparing mechanical and
electrical power gives Planck constant 6,626 06891 x 10-34 Js. (source: Gluza J. ,,Towards a
redefinition of the kilogram, Postepy Fizyki, volume 58, issue 3, 2007.)
- 36 -
8.2. Silicon Sphere - Avogadro Project
Another research project concerning kilogram redefinition bases its theses on the quantity of atoms
of selected element (silicon) and Avogadro constant. Avogadro constant (NA) determines the
quantity of elementary particles in one mole of matter.

= 6,022140 10

One mole is the amount of a chemical substance that contains as many representative particles as
there are atoms in 12 grams of carbon-12C (the isotope of carbon with standard atomic weight 12 by
definition). This number is expressed by the Avogadro constant, which has a value of 6,022140857
1023. If we know, with high degree of certainty, the quantity of object (sphere) particles, then we
also know its mass, which allows redefining the kilogram.

In this case, the future kilogram prototype will be a sphere made of silicon isotope which diameter
will be selected in a way assuring that the quantity of silicon atoms will correspond to the Avogadro
constant. Due to some defects of the crystal structure of naturally occurring silicon isotopes, there
are some difficulties with accurate determination of atoms quantity [8]. It is necessary to carry out
isotopic enrichment of the silicon in order to obtain better crystal structure. Totalizing crystals of
enriched silicon using XRCD (X-Ray-Crystal-Density) method enables to obtain standard relative
uncertainty of 1.8 10-8. This is similar to the value obtained using Watt balance. XRCD method uses
relations that occur between the wavelength of X-radiation and crystal structure of the lattice. For
this reason, crystal lattice with no defects is required for the silicon sphere.

Figure 12. Silicon crystal lattice

Silicon crystal lattice can be measured while maintaining traceability with meter - the length unit [SI],
by combining the X-ray and optical interferometry. An individual silicon cell is a cube of edge length
a, which contains about eight atoms. If the macroscopic volume V of silicon crystal is measured, then
quantity of atoms in a crystal (unit cell) can be calculated as follows:

- 37 -
where: N - silicon atoms quantity
V - silicon crystal volume
a - silicon crystal edge length

The analysis using XRCD method concerns silicon sphere of 1 kg mass. Sphere volume V is
determined based on its diameter D. The calculations take into account the fact that silicon crystals
are usually coated with about 2 nm layer of oxide. Thereby, the sphere volume is evaluated without
surface layers. This enables to accurately count the quantity of its atoms. The volume of the sphere
core can be evaluated by measuring its diameter:

=( )
After determining sphere mass msphere and the mass of the surface layer mSL, it is possible to
determine the mass of sphere core mcore using the following equation:

Thereby, the mass of silicon atoms is as follows:

( ) = =

Assuming that the influence of crystal lattice defects is negligible, the relationship between the
micro scale density () and macroscopic density (m) can be described by the following equation

8 ( )
= = =

In the actual silicon crystal lattice the influence of contamination and point defects on core mass can
be significant. Natural silicon consists of three stable isotopes 28Si, 29Si and 30Si. Due to that, the
quantity of substance fractions x (iSi) of each isotope iSi

in the lattice has to be measured in order to determine the average molecular mass of the silicon.

= ( ) ( )

where: Mu - molar mass, Const = 0.001 kg mol-1

ix(iSi) = 1
Ar(iSi) = 1 relative atomic mass of each isotope

- 38 -
Therefore, the amount of the substance n is n = mcore / M, and the Avogadro constant is expressed as

= =
where: n - amount of substance
N - quantity of silicon atoms
M - average silicon molecular mass
m - density
a - distance between atoms in crystal lattice

This equation enables to determine Avogadro constant and to associate it with the mole definition.
Taking into account the relationships between physical constants, electron mass can be expressed as

= 2 /( )
where: h - Planck constant
R - Rydberg constant
c - the speed of the light in vacuum
- constant associated with the exact structure
Taking into account the above, the Planck constant is connected with Avogadro constant by:

( ) ( )
= = =

where: Me - electron molar mass

me electron mass

The largest contribution to the uncertainty budget is the constant connected with the structure of
silicon sphere [8]. The mass of silicon sphere can be determined using the following equation:

2 ( ) ( )8
= +
( )

electron mass

( ) ( )
( )
- average ratio of silicon mass to electron,

quantity of silicon atoms in the sphere

the influence of point defects (crystals) on core mass

- mass of the sphere surface layer

- 39 -

For the average user, redefinition of the kilogram is of little importance, since, as to value, the
kilogram will not change. However, problems arise in case of the highest traceability. In order to
maintain the traceability on the same level of accuracy as it is maintained today, many calibration
laboratories, especially NMI laboratories will have to reconsider their Calibration and Measurement
To ensure the highest traceability (for national 1 kg standards), NMI laboratories will need mass
comparators with reading unit of 0.1 g and appropriate repeatability of 0,5 0,8 g . The other
problem of many metrologists concerned with mass is the air buoyancy correction and ucertainty.
This problem can be minimized by placing the mass comparator under vacuum. RADWAG has
designed such instrument which is now being implemented.

In case of redefinition of 1 kg using the silicon sphere, the definition of kilogram may have the
following wording:

KILOGRAM is a mass of 5,0184458 x 10-25 (=103 NA/12) unbound, unexcited atoms of 12C (source:
Gluza J. ,,Towards a redefinition of the kilogram, Postepy Fizyki, volume 58, issue 3, 2007.)

- 40 -
9. Mass Comparators
Calibration is a process of comparing two objects or the same object that was subjected to specific
processes, e.g. heating or dusting the protective layer. The definition itself indicates which
parameter is relevant for such instrument. It is repeatability, assuming that mass comparator
sensitivity is constant. In case of weights and mass standards, mass comparator enables determining
the difference between test weight mass (B) and known reference weight mass (A). It should be
noted that accuracy between test weights depends on current operating conditions of the mass

The knowledge about this relation is crucial not only during use, but especially at the stage of
designing the laboratory or workplace. There are no scientific publications concerning this issue, so
the knowledge is the result of experience, which in turn is the result of numerous implementations
(installations) of this equipment, as in the case of RADWAG Wagi Elektroniczne, Poland.

9.1. Mass Comparators Classification

The principle of mass comparator operation does not differ significantly from the principle of
operation of a typical weighing instrument with the same processing system. Mass comparators can
be divided into several categories.
Taking into account the weighing range, there are mass comparators:
with full electric compensation range
- with limited electric compensation range

Taking into account working mode, there are the following mass comparators:

Taking into account quantity of automatic operations, there are the following mass comparators:
- two-position
- four-position
- multi-position

Taking into account mechanical design connected with supplementary weights, there are the
following mass comparators:
- without supplementary weights
- with supplementary weights (adjustable manually or automatically)

Taking into account mass comparator purpose, there are following mass comparators:
- determining difference of test weight masses
- determining difference of densities of test weight masses

Taking into account the work environment, there are the following mass comparators:
- operating under normal atmospheric pressure
- operating under vacuum
- 41 -
All of the above mass comparators types are used in RADWAG Metrology Centre. Many of them
have been installed in national institutes of metrology around the world.

9.2. Mass Comparators with Full Electric Compensation Range

The differences between mass comparators with full and limited electric compensation range are
presented in the following figures (13-14).

Figure 13. Mass comparator with full compensation range

Mass comparators with full electric compensation range measure the weight of mass standard in the
same way as traditional weighing instrument. When the weighing pan is unloaded, the mass
comparator indicates zero (0.00000 g). When the weighing pan is loaded, the mass comparator
indicates mass of the load e.g. 200.00004 g. This is the simplest mass comparator, which
unfortunately has some disadvantages. For such design it is impossible to obtain significant
resolutions while preserving assumed repeatability. This is mainly due to:
R = Max /d
where: R - dispersion of indications
Max - mass comparator maximum capacity
d - mass comparator reading unit

Assuming that mass comparator reading unit is 0.01 mg, the following resolutions can be obtained
according to the maximum capacity:

1. 50 g / 0.01 mg = 5 000 000

2. 200 g / 0.01 mg = 20 000 000
3. 1000 g /0.01 mg = 100 000 000

- 42 -
While options 1 and 2 are possible, option 3 is not. Certainly, such design is possible; however its
repeatability will not be satisfactory. This will limit the scope of its use to the comparison of lower
class standards only. From this it follows, that mass comparators are selected for different
applications and the selection is based on repeatability. Practical tests show that repeatability value
depends on the test weight, which should also be considered when designing a workplace for
comparison of mass standards.

It has been found that the comparison is a differential measurement, therefore sensitivity
adjustment is not required - the difference between masses is determined. However, the variability
of working conditions and the lapse of time (drifts of electronic and mechanic elements) can cause
some sensitivity 'offsets'. For this reason all mass comparators with full electric compensation range
feature adjustment system. Usually the system features so-called adjustment weight built inside the

UYA 5.4Y.KO mass comparator d= 0.1 g

Maximum capacity: 5 g, electric compensation range: 0 - 5.1 g
Automatic internal adjustment, calibration range: 1 mg 5

The principle of adjustment is implementing periodic sensitivity corrections [7]. With use of such
activities, the assumed accuracy of indications is always obtained. Figure 13 presents 3 variants for
the sensitivity. The first one is the perfect sensitivity (S=1), the second is the sensitivity reduction,
the third is the sensitivity increase. In cases first and third, the adjustment procedures eliminate the
error. The diagram of adjustment is presented in figure 14.

Figure 14. Principle of adjustment

- 43 -
Mass comparators with full electric compensation range, like other weighing instruments, are
equipped with traditional weighing pan. As a result, the negative influence of ambient conditions is
possible, i.e. excessive air movement. The large area of the weighing pan causes eccentricity, though
it is included into the uncertainty budget. An alternative are so-called self-centring weighing pans,
which 'bring' the centre of gravity to the geometric centre of the mass comparator design. This
applies to mass comparators of maximum capacity of 20 kg and more.

Self-centring weighing pan, HRP mass comparators

Such solutions are offered as additional equipment for RADWAG-manufactured APP.4Y and HRP manual mass


Mass comparators featuring full electric compensation range are quite common, especially in case of
large masses calibration. They are a universal instruments enabling to compare weights which mass
is lower than their maximum capacity. The repeatability of such instruments depends on the test
weight mass which has to be taken into account. The cost of purchasing mass comparator featuring
full electric compensation range is lower than for a mass comparator with limited electric
compensation range.

- 44 -
9.3. Mass Comparators with Limited Electric Compensation Range
Mass comparators with limited electric compensation range feature different design for which mass
standards weight is a preload. As a consequence, mass comparator is switched on with a reference
weight on the weighing pan. After switching on, the mass comparator displays zero indication. It is
not possible to operate the mass comparator after unloading the weighing pan. Therefore,
comparison of two standards is carried out while the mass comparator indicates zero, and not in the
place of quite wide range, as in case of comparators with full electric compensation range. Electric
compensation range is small, from -10 g to +10 g in regard to zero which is the mass of the reference

Figure 15. Mass comparator with limited electric compensation range

In figure 15, the real range of mass standards (weights) weighing is indicated by R symbol. This
results from the deviations occurring between reference weight A and test weight B. The following
electric compensation range: +10g to -10g is sufficient for carrying out sensitivity adjustment of the
mass comparator. On the other hand, it enables carrying out possible adjustment of weights.
Calibration of mass standards of different nominal values is possible due to internal supplementary
weights with which the mass comparator is equipped. Modification of their weight can be carried
out manually by an operator; the mass comparator resolution remains unchanged. This allows
comparing mass standards of 100 g, 200 g, 500 g and 1000 g using WAY 1000.4Y.KO mass
comparator. Thereby, one instrument features wide range of functions and meets the expectations
of potential users. Similar solutions are used in mass comparators of greater maximum capacities.

APP 30.4Y.KO mass comparator, d=1 mg, internal supplementary weights, adjustment using external mass standard

- 45 -
Mass comparators with limited electric compensation range are available in two versions: manual
and automatic. Clearly the automatic mass comparators assure more accurate measurements,
especially due to elimination of operator interference. This applies in particular to mass standards of
significant masses where the shock occurring while loading the weighing pan can be decisive.

AKM 20-2/20.1 mass comparator, d= 0.1 mg

Maximum capacity: 20.5 kg, electric compensation range: -500 g - +500 g
Internal supplementary weights, semi-automatic operation
Calibration range: 1 kg 20 kg (depending on the accuracy class)

WAY 500.4Y.KO - manual mass comparator, d= 10 g

Maximum capacity: 520 g, electric compensation range: - 10 g - + 20 g
Internal or external supplementary weights, semi-automatic operation,
Calibration range: 1 g 500 g (depending on the accuracy class)

- 46 -
9.4. Automatic Mass Comparators
A completely different group of instruments are automatic mass comparators. The operator's job is
to only LOAD THE MASS STANDARDS on the right places. The automatic mass comparators always
feature a limited electric compensation range. The comparison process is carried out in accordance
with selected method and cycle, for two or whole set of mass standards. Such approach provides
speed, reliability and significant comparison efficiency (which is a decisive factor in many cases). For
mass standards ranging from 10 g to 20 kg, the comparison usually refers to two standards, although
it is possible to modify this solution.

In case of smaller weights, ranging from 0.5 kg to 5 kg, three test weights are compared with a
reference weight, e.g. using RADWAG-manufactured AK-4/5000 mass comparator.

AK-5000 mass comparator, d= 0.01 mg

Maximum capacity: 5.05 kg, electric compensation range: - 10 g - + 50 g
Internal supplementary weights, semi-automatic operation
Calibration range: 1 kg 5 kg

The most advanced solution is UMA 100 mass comparator equipped with 36 magazine positions and
featuring readability of 1 g. UMA 100 is equipped with internal supplementary weights which are
automatically loaded and unloaded, depending on the compared mass. The versatility of this
instrument enables to automatically compare:

35 test weights with reference weight or

18 pairs of mass standards (reference / test weight) or
two sets of mass standards from 1 mg to 100 g or
any combination of mass standards

By design, this is a mass comparator with limited electric compensation range from -1 g to +10 g.
Calibration range of mass standards from 1 mg to 100 g forces the full automation of supplementary

- 47 -
weights, which is coupled with software interface, i.e. current method of comparison (in the scope of
load and ABA or ABBA cycles quantity).

UMA 100 mass comparator, d= 0.001 mg

Maximum capacity: 110 g, electric compensation range: - 1 g - + 10 g
External adjustment, internal semi-automatic supplementary weights, automatic operation,
Calibration range: 1 g 100 g

UMA 1000 mass comparator with 0.005 mg readability is a similar instrument, except that the
quantity of test weights is limited to 16 pieces. The calibration range of UMA 1000 includes mass
standards of all accuracy classes ranging from 10 g up to 1000 g. A third solution for automatic
comparison is UMA 5 automatic mass comparator with full electric compensation range. It is
designed to compare mass standards ranging from 1 mg to 5 g in any configuration concerning mass
and used methods.

UMA 5 mass comparator, d= 0.0001 mg

Maximum capacity: 5 g, electric compensation range: 0 g - + 5.1 g
Internal adjustment, automatic operation, calibration range: 1 mg 5 g

- 48 -
In each case the method and the cycle of comparison process are defined using mass comparator
operator panel or a computer application. The weighing pans always match the diameter of test
weights and the automation ensures the same position of the weight on the weighing pan. Thereby,
the eccentricity error of the mass comparator is irrelevant.

Openwork weighing pan Mass standard measurement

UMA mass comparators UMA mass comparators

Openwork weighing pan Openwork weighing pan

AK-4/100 mass comparators AK-4/1000 mass comparators

The documentation of comparison process contains printout, saving data to an instrument database
and the value displayed by mass comparator.


The main advantage of automatic mass comparators is the elimination of the operator from the
measurement cycle. Error resulting from human factor (shocks, errors, eccentric mass standard
loading) does no longer occur. Smaller uncertainty of the comparison process is obtained. The
second important factor is the increase of productivity. This results in economic effects - the
possibility to carry out more measurements. For commercial activities this means a greater income
to be invested.
- 49 -
9.5. Mass Comparators for Determining Mass Standards Density
As it was mentioned, the density of mass standards (weights) is not a constant value but it is
contained within strictly determined limits which depend on their accuracy class [15]. OIML R 111-1
indicates several methods for determining the actual density of mass standards. A brief description
of these methods is presented below.

Method A
The most accurate method. The weight is first measured in air and then in liquid (water) of known

Method B
Fastest and most suitable method, involves weighing in liquid. It is verified if balance indication is
within the tabulated limit values or if the density is calculated using balance indication and the
known actual mass of the test weight.

Method C
Separate determination of the mass and volume of the test weight. The mass is determined by
weighing, and the volume is determined from the increase in the balance reading when the weight is
suspended into a water bath placed on a balance pan.

Method D
This method is recommended for weights larger than 1 kg. The measurement is carried out using
special container of known volume that is filled with liquid. Two measurements are performed: for
the container and for the container with the weight placed inside it.

Method E
The volume of a weight can be calculated from its dimensions. This method is recommended for
weights featuring cavities in their design which make it impossible to carry out the measurement
using water.

Method F
This method consists in estimating the density based on the known composition of the alloy from
which the weight is manufactured.

A, B, C and D methods use water or other liquid to obtain the reference density. E and F methods are
suitable for balances of lower classes, or in cases when it is impossible to immerse the weight in a
liquid. Determination of the actual density of the weight should take into account the uncertainty of
such determination, which depends on the selected method.

- 50 -
9.5.1. Density Measurement of Weights
Determination of weights density requires specifying its mass during weighing in air and usually
during weighing in liquid. The following equation is used:

= =

where: Wair, water - virtual mass of the weight during weighing in air and water
M - mass
V - weight volume at reference temperature
- weight density at reference temperature
air, water - air and water density

9.5.2. Reference Temperature

Temperature is an important element during density determination of weights (mass standards). It
affects the thermal expansion of the objects, for this reason it should be monitored. The reference
temperature should be 20oC. In practice however, most laboratories operate at the temperature
ranging from 23 oC to 27 oC. In case when the measurements are carried out at a different than
reference temperature, the density has to be calculated using the following equation:

= ( ) 1 + ( )

where: - volume expansion coefficient of the material (volume)

tref - reference temperature (20oC)
tmeas - actual temperature during testing

The liquid in which the weights are tested does not influence the test result. Its density dependence
against temperature changes has to be known. Density of distilled water is presented in the table
t1 [oC] 1 [kg m-3] 1/t1 [kg m-3 oC-1]
18.0 998.593
18.5 998.499 - 0.190
19.0 998.402
19.5 998.303 - 0.201
20.0 998.201
20.5 998.096 - 0.212
21.0 997.989
21.5 997.879 - 0.222
22.0 997.767
22.5 997.652 - 0.232
23.0 997.535
23.5 997.414 - 0.242
24.0 997.293

- 51 -
Air density can be determined using the following equation [15]:

0,34848 0,009( ) exp (0,061 )

= [ ]

where: p - atmospheric pressure [mbar] or [hPa]

hr - relative humidity [%]
t - temperature [oC]

Weights featuring adjusting cavity can be problematic. They should not be tested using liquid. In case
of such mass standards, their volume has to be determined first. Air bubbles can distort the
measurement. They attach to the measured weight and the holder and need to be removed.

RADWAG Wagi Elektroniczne, Poland has designed its own mass comparator that can be used for
determining density of weights using A method. It is a 4 position automatic mass comparator
(reference weight + 3 test weights). Its diagram is presented in figure 16.

Figure 16. Diagram of mass comparator intended for testing weights density

- 52 -
9.6. Vacuum Mass Comparators
In 2018 new definition of kilogram will be introduced. Regardless the constant it will depend on
(Planck constant, Avogadro project), the measurement uncertainty will increase. Research is
currently underway; the result of it will be obtaining uncertainty that is within tolerable limits [1].

Figure 17. Measurement uncertainty for kilogram redefinition, determination of the Planck constant
Source: H Bettin, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), S Schlamminger, National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) ,,Realization, maintenance and dissemination of the kilogram in the revised SI"
Metrologia 53 (2016) A1A5

Figure 17 presents the results of determinations of the Planck constant and Avogadro constant with
the smallest uncertainties. Results obtained using Kibble balance (Watt balance) are marked green.
Measuring points are presented as open circles. Data presented as solid squares was obtained using
XRCD method (silicon sphere). The error bars denote the standard uncertainty reported by the team
carrying out experiment. The vertical black line denotes recommended Planck constant value based
on the adjustment of the constants according to the Committee on Data for Science and Technology
(CODATA, 2014) [10]. The grey area around the black line presents the standard uncertainty
connected with the recommended value. It can be seen from the graph that the measurement
uncertainty decreases over the years.

CODATA - Committee on Data for Science and Technology.

CODATA deals with all types of quantitative data obtained as a result of experimental measurements and observations
carried out in physics, chemistry, biology, geology and astronomy. A special attention is payed to the problem of
management of data common for different disciplines, and the data used in fields other than the fields in which they
were generated. CODATA's primary goal is to improve the quality and availability of data. CODATA also deals with the
methods used for obtaining, managing and analysing data.

- 53 -
Increase of measurement uncertainty, as a result of new definition of a kilogram, can be prevented.
One way is to reduce the uncertainty of other instruments (mass comparators) used to transfer the
unit. The simplest solution is to replace the mass comparators with ones that feature 10 times
smaller reading unit (0.1g) than currently used (1g). In addition to reducing reading unit, it is
advisable to use the mass comparators in a chamber that enables pumping a noble gas and obtaining
a vacuum of 10-6 mbar. Such solution (measurement under vacuum) eliminates the uncertainty
component connected with air buoyancy.
( )= [ ]

The influence of changes in air humidity to the weighed object is also irrelevant. Unfortunately,
when one component of the measurement error is eliminated by tests carried out under vacuum, a
new component appears - steam desorption from the weight surface. Research is still underway to
determine this value. The above solutions refer to the comparison process of mass standards of the
highest accuracy classes. For typical comparison processes, carried out for F2 class, these solutions
are irrelevant.

1 - vacuum chamber
2 - Door with sight glass
3 - Load-Lock
4 - Flanges of sensors
5 - Base
6 - Shut-off valve
7 - Vacuum pump
8 - Support structure
9 - Weighing module
10 - Weighing mechanism

Figure 18. RADWAG-manufactured vacuum mass comparator

RADWAG is currently developing and implementing a vacuum mass comparator. Its design is
presented above.

- 54 -
10. Selecting Appropriate Mass Comparator to The Accuracy of Mass
Standards and Weights

Determining the minimum requirements for mass comparators used for mass standards and weights
calibration requires:
a. information on the metrological characteristics of the comparator,
b. knowledge of OIML R111-1 recommendations,
c. simulation calculations of calibration uncertainty

If such information is unavailable or requires verification (qualification process), mass comparator

parameters can be determined experimentally. This process is part of a qualification which is always
carried out during the installation of mass comparator at its place of use. RADWAG also carries out
such activities.

10.1. Basic Metrological Characteristics of Mass Comparators

The metrological characteristics of the mass comparator are the following:
- reading unit d,
- Max capacity (maximum mass that can be calibrated)
- electric compensation range
- standard deviation of ABBA or ABA series, standard deviation of results of calculated
differences of ABBA or ABA weighing cycles (which cycles are performed for particular
number of series).
- standard deviation s characterizing the dispersion of n series of measurements indications of
the same measurand

( )

where: xi - - i-th measurement results

x - arithmetic mean of n measurements

while maintaining:
- constant ambient conditions (within acceptable limits)
- the same measurement procedure and the same operator
- the same reference weight,
- short period of time.

An exemplary calculation for repeatability of WAY 5.4Y.KO mass comparator is presented below:
- Max capacity 5 kg,
reading unit d = 0.1 mg,
- calibration of 1 kg, 2 kg and 5 kg mass standards

- 55 -
6 series of ABBA measurement were carried out for 1 kg load using reference weight (A) and test
weight (B).

No. A - reference weight B - test weight B - test weight A - reference weight

[g] [g] [g] [g]
1 0.0000 1.0001 0.9998 -0.0003
2 -0.0003 0.9999 0.9999 -0.0004
3 -0.0006 0.9995 0.9996 -0.0005
4 -0.0004 0.9998 0.9996 -0.0004
5 -0.0002 1.0000 0.9999 -0.0002
6 -0.0005 0.9997 0.9999 -0.0005

The differences between test and reference weights were calculated for each series for average
indications B and A
No. =
1 1.00010
2 1.00025
3 1.00010
4 1.00010
5 1.00015
6 1.00030

Average ri value was determined using the following equation:


Obtained result: 1.000167 g. The standard deviation for 6 ri differences was calculated as follows:

( )

s = 0.09 mg was obtained, this is the repeatability of mass comparator.

Based on the simulations carried out by RADWAG for different types of mass comparators, the
minimum requirements depending on calibrated mass standards were evaluated. They are to be
found in Table 4.

- 56 -
Weigh/mass standard class
E1 E2 F1 F2 M1 M2

d = 0.001mg
d = 0.001mg s = 0.004mg
s = 0.018mg
10mg d = 0.0001mg
s = 0.0003mg
20mg d = 0.01mg
d = 0.001mg s = 0.02mg
d = 0.001mg s = 0.006mg
s = 0.0036mg
d = 0.001mg d = 0.1mg
s = 0.0044mg s = 0.2mg
d = 0.001mg d = 0.001mg d = 0.001mg
s = 0.002mg s = 0.0052mg s = 0.008mg
d = 0.001mg
s = 0.0069mg
d = 0.001mg
s = 0.0086mg
d = 0.001mg d = 0.01mg
s = 0.0105mg S = 0.02mg d = 1mg
d = 0.001mg d = 0.01mg s = 1mg
d = 0.001mg s = 0.0130mg s = 0.04mg
s = 0.003mg d = 0.001mg
s = 0.0165mg
d = 0.01mg d = 0.01mg
s = 0.021mg s = 0.04mg
d = 0.01mg
s = 0.024mg d = 0.1mg d = 0.1mg
d = 0.01mg s = 0.1mg s = 0.4mg d = 1mg
s = 0.040mg d = 0.1mg s = 2mg
d = 0.01mg d = 0.01mg s = 0.1mg d = 0.1mg
s = 0.02mg s = 0.080mg s = 0.2mg
d = 0.1mg d = 0.1mg d = 0.1mg d = 1mg d = 1mg
s = 0.07mg s = 0.03mg s = 0.2mg s = 1mg s = 1mg
d = 0.1mg
d = 0.1mg s = 0.3mg d = 1mg d = 1mg d = 10mg
s = 0.1mg d = 1mg d = 1mg s = 2mg s = 2mg s = 10mg
S = 1mg s = 1mg
d = 1mg d = 1mg d = 10mg d = 10mg d = 100mg
s = 0.8mg S = 1mg s = 10mg s = 10mg s = 100mg
d = 1mg d = 1mg d = 10mg d = 10mg
s = 1mg s = 1mg d = 10mg s = 20mg s = 20mg d = 100mg
d = 1mg d = 2mg s = 10mg d = 10mg d = 10mg s = 200mg
s = 4mg s = 6mg s = 30mg s = 30mg
d mass comparator/weighing instrument reading unit
S standard deviation determined from 6 ABBA cycles

Table 4 Minimum requirements for mass comparators

- 57 -
11. Susceptometer - Measurement of Weights Magnetism
Professor Ph.D. Taduesz Szumiata, associate professor at the Mechanical Engineering of the University of Technology and
Humanities in Radom

The magnetism of materials used to manufacture mass standards and weights is an often neglected
factor. The magnetism can be a source of errors during comparison or adjustment processes,
especially in case of ultra-microbalances and mass comparators. Magnetic susceptibility and
polarization (residual magnetism) of the weight cause additional force to appear in the external
magnetic field of the environment (naturally produced by Earth and by ferromagnetic elements of
the weighing instrument and buildings).

The key issue is to minimize the influence of any magnetic effects that affect the measurement
accuracy. One way to achieve that is to reduce the intensity of the external magnetic field by
appropriately selecting the location of the weighing instrument (mass comparator) or using
magnetostatic shielding. In practice however, it is better to take care of more careful selection of the
material used for weights. The material should be characterized by the lowest magnetic
susceptibility (permeability) and residual magnetism. These properties can change unfavourably
during mechanical working. For this reason, the final control of the weight magnetic parameters is
essential. RADWAG has designed a magnetometer (susceptometer) intended for measuring the
magnetic susceptibility and polarization. The device was designed in accordance with section B.6.4 of
OIML R 111-1 published in 2004 by the International Organization of Legal Metrology (Organisation
Internationale de Mtrologie Lgale) . OIML R111-1 specifies susceptometer design and describes
the measurement method along with the procedure for calculating the magnetic parameters. The
project presented in OIML R111-1 was created by Davis [3,4] in the International Bureau of Weights
and Measures (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures) in Svres in the early 1990s, and further
developed and improved by Pan, Lu and Chang [9,16]. The diagram of measurement system is
presented in Figure 19. The system consists of a permanent magnet, a plinth (on the weighing pan)
and a height-adjustable table top on which test weights are placed.

h height of weight
Z1 distance from the top of weight to mid-height of
Z0 distance from mid-height of magnet to the base
of the weight
Rw radius of the weight
M - magnet

Figure 19. Susceptometer diagram

- 58 -
The permanent magnet in the susceptometer system is the source of magnetic field in which test
weights are placed. Due to the magnet's small size, it can be treated as magnetic dipole for which
the magnetic field strength at the vertical axis at the base of the weight can be calculated as
= ,

where: dipole magnetic moment of a magnet (measured in Am ),
distance from mid-height of magnet to the base of the weight

According to OIML R 111-1 section B.6.4, magnetic field strength should not exceed 2000 A/m, in
order to avoid generating additional residual magnetization of a weight that does not disappear after
removing the object from the magnetic field. field strength can be adjusted by changing the
distance. The weight placed in the magnetic is magnetized. The value of the magnetization
(measured in A/m) is as follows:

The value of magnetization is directly proportional to the magnetic field strength in terms of weak
fields. Factor of proportionality is the magnetic susceptibility of the weight material, which value
(in case when the weight is made of weak ferromagnet or paramagnet) is slightly higher than zero.
This means that value related to susceptibility, called the relative permeability, in this case is slightly
greater than one.

The magnetized weight in a magnetic field becomes the source of secondary magnetic field, which is
the source of the force acting on the magnet that, together with the plinth, is placed on the
susceptometer weighing pan. Therefore, the changes of balance indications are a response to the
weight magnetization. The greater is the weight susceptibility , the greater are the changes. The
force acting on the magnet, that is a magnetic dipole, is proportional to the non-uniform magnetic
field gradient produced by the weight.

Rysunek 19-1. Susceptometr general view

- 59 -
In the first approximation, the weight can be considered as a magnetic dipole, so that the
calculations of weight reaction to the magnetic field and determining the secondary magnetic field
of the weight are considerably simplified. OIML R 111-1 section B.6.4. recognizes such simplification
as too-far reaching and recommends the use of geometric correction factors which depend on the
height and radius of the weights.

According to the OIML R111-1, determination of magnetic susceptibility of a weight requires two
readouts of balance indication for two opposite magnetic poles and their averaging. This will
compensate the effect of the possible permanent and residual magnetization of the weight. The
difference between these two indications gives information about weight residual magnetism which
polarization (measured in teslas) is presented as .

It should be emphasized that the method of determining the polarization of the weight residual
magnetism using susceptometer requires knowledge of the intensity of the vertical component of
local magnetic field. For this purpose, it is necessary to have magnetometer with range of 100 A/m
(which roughly corresponds to magnetic field induction range of 100 T). Using magnetometer is
recommended not only when testing the magnetic properties of weights, but also when using them
for a calibration procedure. This allows obtaining information whether the external magnetic field is
weak enough to neglect its effect on weights of given magnetic susceptibility , previously
determined using susceptometer.

Section B.6.4.7 of OIML R 111-1 specifies the measurement uncertainty of the magnetic
susceptibility determined using susceptometer. For large weights, the typical total relative error is
10 %, and for smaller weights about 20 % [11,12,2]. Therefore, the susceptometric method
presented by the OIML R111-1 does not offer metrological precision in determining magnetic
properties of materials, but is practical and accurate enough to predict magnetic corrections in the
weighing process.

The main sources of measurement uncertainty are:

inaccuracies in determining the actual distance between weight base and mid-height of the
eccentricity of the weight placing and non-cylindrical shape of the weight,
spatial and temporal variability of the external magnetic field,
heterogeneity of the magnetic field.

An important element in determining the uncertainty budget of calibration procedure using weights
is to have reliable information about weights magnetic parameters (susceptibility and remanence)
and parameters of the magnetic field. Referring to the article [13] published in the bulletin of the
International Legal Metrology Organisation (Organisation Internationale de Mtrologie Lgale) )
additional vertical force acting on the weight (magnetic dipole) in the magnetic field can be
determined using the following equation:

- 60 -
= + ,

where: weight volume,

factor of proportionality
magnetic permeability
H magnetic field strength
oMz residual magnetism of the weight
/ vertical gradient of the external magnetic field.

For example, for weights of F2 class, the permissible values of magnetic susceptibility and the
constant residual magnetic polarization are as follows: = 0.05 and = 6 T [9]. Assuming
that the parameters of magnetic field have the following typical values: = 100 A/m, / =
5000 A/m ,hen for steel weight of = 100 g mass and 12 cm volume the additional
vertical magnetic force will be: 0.77 N.

Therefore, the indication of weighing instrument or mass comparator is changed by = /

79 g (where 9.81 m/s gravitational acceleration at the place of use) which means a relative
error of / 7.9 10 . Thereby, since RADWAG-manufactured manual and automatic mass
comparators of 100 g maximum capacity (WAY 100.4Y.KO and UMA 100) offer 1 g readability, then
in order to avoid much greater systematic error it is necessary to take into account the correction
connected with magnetic interaction.

- 61 -
12. The Influence of Calibration Automation on Measurements Accuracy

Automation of measurement processes in laboratories is growing in popularity and, from

metrological point of view, is becoming crucial. Analysis of the obtained results of measurements
carried out in RADWAG Laboratories proves that repeatability expressed by standard deviation is
significantly smaller for automatic mass comparators than for manual ones. It is due to a fact that
automatic mass comparators have properly optimized design and suitable algorithm of the
measuring system. This assures almost the same intervals between successive loadings.

It is possible to use the same parameters for manual mass comparators. The observations prove that
the decrease of repeatability is caused by human factor. In order to demonstrate the differences
between calibration carried out automatically and manually, a comparative tests were carried out.
Manual and automatic mass comparators of the same or similar reading units were used.

The same method was used for each test:

1. ABBA method
2. Repetitions quantity in a single ABBA cycle = 10
3. Quantity of ABBA cycles during test = 10

- 62 -
Comparing the accuracy of automatic and manual calibration
Mass standard's weight: 1 g and 5 g
UYA.4Y.KO and UMA 5 mass comparators

Mass comparator
Calibration type Automatic Manual
Mass standards
1g 5g 1g 5g
Median (SD) 0.2 g 0.3 g 0.3 0.3

Based on the obtained results it was found that there is no statistically significant difference in
standard deviation in ABBA cycles carried out for automatic and manual calibration. However, the
main benefits of calibration automation concern the test time and labour intensity. The manual
calibration takes several dozen hours. The automatic calibration was carried out in about 9 hours.
Obtaining the correct results of manual calibration depends on the operator's skills. These skills
should involve loading the weighing pan with mass standard while avoiding shocks. The dynamics of
ambient conditions changes influence the end result.

- 63 -
Comparing the accuracy of automatic and manual calibration
Mass standard's weight 10 g, 50 g, and 100 g
WAY 500.KO and AK 4-100 mass comparators

Mass comparator
WAY 500.4Y.KO AK-4/100
Calibration type Manual Automatic
Mass standard's
10 g 100 g 200 g 500 g 50 g 10 g
Median (SD) 0.009 0.014 0.011 0.013 0.001 0.0014

Based on the obtained results it was found that standard deviation for automatic calibration is lower
than for manual calibration. For weight of 10 g the value of standard deviation is 6 times lower. For
weights of other masses, the SD can even be reduced by an order of magnitude.

- 64 -
Comparing the accuracy of automatic and manual calibration
Mass standard's weight 500 g and 1000 g
WAY 1.KO and WAY 500.KO and AK 4-1000 mass comparators

Mass comparator
WAY 1.4Y.KO WAY 500.4Y.KO AK-4/1000
Calibration type Manual Automatic
Mass standard's
500 g 1 kg 500 g 1kg 500 g
Median (SD) 0.015 0.016 0.013 0.004 0.005

Based on the obtained results it was found that standard deviation for automatic calibration is lower
than for manual calibration. The value of standard deviation is:
a. 3 times lower for 500 g mass standard
b. 4 times lower for 1000 g mass standard

- 65 -
13. Standard-specified Working Conditions for Comparison Processes
Working conditions for comparison processes are determined by OIML R111-1. They specify the
maximum permissible temperature and humidity changes depending on the classes of calibrated
mass standards and/or weights. They are presented below.

Table 5 Ambient conditions during weights calibration (recommended values)

Temperature change during calibration
Weight class
per 1 hour per 12 hours
E1 0.3 C 0.5 C
E2 0.7 C 1.0 C
F1 1.5 C 2.0 C
F2 2.0 C 3.5 C
M1 3.0 C 5.0 C

Relative humidity change during calibration

Weight class
range of relative humidity max. per 4 hours
E1 5%
E2 10 %
40 % to 60 %
F 15 %

The above values relate to the air conditions in the laboratory. Another important aspect is the
temperature of weights. They have to be subjected to thermal stabilization. The stabilization time
depends on the weight class and nominal value. The difference between the air temperature and the
temperature of test weight should be as small as possible. The aim is to eliminate air thermal drifts
which occur when the weight temperature differs from the air temperature.

Figure 20. Reference weight temperature during calibration. Own work

Figure 20 presents the influence of too high temperature of the weight (no acclimatisation) on the
calibration result.

- 66 -
The standard deviation determined in such process will be too high in relation to the expected value.
This is caused by air circulation. They are caused by high temperature of the test weight's surface in
regard to the air temperature. Most likely the result of measurement of such weight will be smaller
than its actual value. The above phenomena are noticed only when instruments of very small reading
units are used in the comparison process and the calibration is carried out for weights (mass
standards) of large nominal values.

The mass comparator is the essential element of the calibration process. It also requires thermal
stabilisation. When the mass comparator is installed in its place of operation, it takes 24 hours to
achieve full stabilization of the mechanical and electronical elements (acclimatisation time). During
standard operation of the instrument, the manufacturer's recommendations concerning
temperature range and the dynamics of ambient conditions changes should be observed.

Figure 21. Mass comparator acclimatisation time. Own work

Figure 21 presents the course of phenomena that occurs during mass comparator acclimatisation.
Immediately after the mass comparator is connected to the mains its temperature dynamically
increases. An important element is the temperature difference between the comparator and the
environment in which it is located.

During this period, metrological tests are not objective. This is mainly due to the linear expansion of
elements inside the mass comparator. Usually, it causes changes of zero indication. This
phenomenon can be observed when there is large difference between temperatures and when the
mass comparator features relatively small reading unit. The mass comparator operation correctness
should be verified only when the full stabilisation (24 h) is obtained. t is a natural variation of
temperature of a room that may result from the technical aspects, such as air conditioning.

- 67 -
The size of these variations is a very important factor that may influence repeatability of indications
during calibration. Evaluation of this parameter (variation) should take into account the observation
of thermal changes inside the comparator.
Such observation is possible for almost each RADWAG-manufactured mass comparator. It can be
carried out using ambient conditions module. Its indications are visible on the main display. Also the
report for carried out calibration contains information about temperature and humidity.

Analysis of the influence of temperature variability on the mass comparator metrological possibilities
should take into account that the comparator features few mechanical shields. They significantly
reduce the thermal influence of the environment on the measuring transducer. In fact, operating
temperature should be stable. The only changes allowed should be relatively small, within the range
of 0.5oC/12 hours in regard to the determined value. These requirements depend on the mass
comparator type, its reading unit and accuracy class of the calibrated weights.

- 68 -
14. Environmental and Workstation Requirements

It has already been stated that comparison process consists in measuring the difference between
mass of two weights (mass standards). The measure allowing to access how accurately the process
has been carried out is uncertainty of the whole process, which uncertainty depends on the ambient
conditions. The conditions under which comparison is carried out influence weighed objects and
determine comparators ability to provide repeatable measurements. Documents such as standards
(OIML R 111-1) specify permissible temperature and humidity range, the standard-provided
specification should be regarded as minimum requirements that must be fulfilled.
For obvious reasons the OIML R 111-1 document does not describe relation between ambient
conditions and the comparator's repeatability. It is simply not possible to provide objective
assessment, which is among many reasons a result of various mechanical and electrical designs.
Standards do not refer to such factors as heavy air flows and vibrations. It is assumed that influence
of the above on the uncertainty is insignificant and can be neglected. However when it comes to
technical issues, the laboratory should be organised in a way providing that effect exerted by air
flows and vibrations is reduced to absolute minimum. The nature of the comparison process
requires taking into account both of the factors or a least making an attempt to estimate the impact
they exert on the whole process. This chapter analyses all ambient conditions that are crucial for
operation of mass comparator. It is commonly known that the greatest contribution into uncertainty
budget is due to mass measurement, therefore the information provided below is highly important
when it comes to practice.

- 69 -
14.1. Optimal Workstation
Stability of ambient conditions is a key characteristic of comparator's workstation.
In case of temperature, humidity or air flow it is possible to minimize their influence on the weighing
process by following particular behavioural habits and rules. When it comes to vibrations the
situation is much more complicated. Practice shows that operation of comparators of high resolution
in laboratories where the vibrations occur is impossible. Due to this in most cases it is recommended
to place such devices on the ground floor or in the basement (below the ground).

The best possible solution is to place the comparator on a special anti-vibration console table or a
concrete block (Figure 22, drawing A and B). It is assumed that the heavier the block is, the better
potential ground vibration dampening. Such workplace, i.e. special anti-vibration console table or a
concrete block, functions as thermal stabilizer which effectively reduces variations of the
temperature. It is advised to locate the workstation in a close vicinity of walls rather than in the
centre of a workroom. This refers especially to those laboratories that are placed on higher floors.
Typical features of high floors are deflections, vibrations, deformations resulting from the work of
ceilings. The workplace cannot be situated close to doors, passageways, corridors etc. The above
presented recommendations refer to all laboratories in general. They are fundamental when it
comes to very precise mass comparators. In fact, it is the mass comparator range, or rather its
discrimination, a scale interval, that determines where exactly the given comparator should be

Figure 22. Optimal location of mass comparator. Own work.

Figure 22 visualizes principles that should be followed while selecting place for comparator
installation. The best idea is to locate the workplace below the ground. This allows to eliminate
impact of potential vibrations of the building. The very spot where mass comparator is installed
should be isolated from the ground, see Figure 22 (drawing A).

- 70 -
Another acceptable solution (much less costly) is placing the mass comparator on a heavy concrete
block. In case of comparison carried out on high floors of the building, the results may deviate from
reference values. This may be a result of occurrence of vibrations of random nature which are
transferred onto the weighing instruments. Of course each case is specific, therefore each mass
comparator requires a little bit customised approach in the course of installation and during start-up

The laboratory room area (or rather cubic capacity) should be designed in a way guaranteeing that
effect of ambient conditions influence is limited to the minimum. When speaking of a laboratory
equipped with one mass comparator, analysis made on the basis of experience gained by RADWAG
Laboratories lead to a conclusion that the following guidelines can be adhered to:
minimum workroom dimensions shall be 3 m x 2,5 m (about 7.5 m2),
the workroom must hold no more than 1 person per 8 m2,
minimum 1-meter long distance between the mass comparator and a window/door is
top of the laboratory table intended for the mass comparator cannot get in touch with the
mass comparator must be placed on a stable table of robust design, equipped with an
appropriate stone-made top,
the room must be a vibration-free place, i.e. such place where there are no noticeable
ground vibrations,
the room must be a place where there are no noticeable air drafts,
the room must be a place where there are no windows, this is to prevent falling of sun rays
across the mass comparator; in case of window-equipped workroom it is necessary to place
the anti-vibration table in sunlight-free area, use of blinds is recommended,
the mass comparator must be placed away from devices that generate heat, vibrations, air
drafts and EMC interference,
if air conditioning is a necessity it is advised to apply solutions other than wall-installed
the workroom shall be located as low as possible - either basement or ground floor the best.

- 71 -
14.2. Temperature
It has already been stated that temperature stability should be understood as certain insignificant
deviations of values obtained in the course of measurement from a reference value. Due to this it is
necessary to consider temperature value changes occurring over particular time interval rather than
just a single temperature value. At this stage thermal stability of the mass comparator is not taken
into account. It is assumed that the mass comparator remains thermally stable as a result of so called
acclimatization. Requirements regarding acclimatization are specified by respective mass
comparator documentation, which provides the user with permissible temperature changes and
estimated stabilization time intervals.

The above makes one conclude that not all the places are regarded as appropriate for installation of
mass comparator. It is up to the temporary changes of the room temperature whether the selected
place is suitable for a particular mass comparator type or not. Hence, monitoring of temperature
change is required. In most of the laboratories, information concerning temperature and its variation
is commonly accessible. In accordance with what has been said in the previous section, the thermal
stability of mass comparator interior is of a great importance. Radwag Wagi Elektroniczne offer
includes solutions equipped with ambient conditions module. The module records temperature and
humidity variations occurring inside the mass comparator. The variations are recorded in a
continuous manner. Using the said module, also external ambient conditions can be monitored, this
is possible after connecting a customized external sensor. The ambient conditions module is an all-
in-one solution providing the user with complete information regarding the temperature of both the
device and the workroom where the device is operated.

When it comes to temperature and the comparison process, also heat generated by the operator has
to be taken into account. Operator's presence may cause room temperature increase, see the figure

Figure 23. Laboratory temperature variations, night shift and day shift. Own work.

Figure 23 shows that during the night the temperature stabilises approximately within 0.2oC range in
relation to the pre-set temperature value of 22.5oC. Presence of employees starting work at 6 a.m.
results with increase of the given value to 23.5oC. The above described process may negatively
influence operation of mass comparators with small scale interval (1 g or smaller). Solution to this
- 72 -
problem is comparison carried out in an automated cyclic manner, option preferred and
recommended by Radwag Wagi Elektroniczne, Poland.

Mass comparator is a weighing device that features mechanical and electronic components. Variable
ambient temperature, similarly like in case of other physical objects, causes linear changes that lead
to geometrical change of a mechanical system. This in turn brings about deterioration of
metrological aspects of the device (change of sensitivity, worse repeatability). Needless to say, this is
simply due to the fact that the importance of the thermal stabilization was neglected.

Another element to be considered along with the mechanical issues is the electronics. It is well
known that electronic systems have their own technical properties that are influenced by variation
of the temperature. It can be assumed that electronic systems stability is about 1 ppm/oC. In practice
it means that for a weighing instrument/mass comparator with resolution of 20 million scale
intervals, temperature change by approximately 1oC, occurring inside the device, will result with
measurement error of about 20 scale intervals. In case of processes where there is single mass
measurement, deviation of this range may be highly significant, but when it comes to differential
weighing, e.g. comparison, where the measurements are performed in short time intervals, this
defect does not matter. However, it is wise to maintain constant ambient temperature because the
temperature deviation has an impact on the objects that are being compared.

Manual mass comparator mechanical design. Own work.

The extent of negative influence of temperature change onto comparison process is mainly
conditioned by the comparator's resolution and its mechanical design. Mechanical design should be
understood here as an integrated electronics and mechanics system. In case of some designs, so
called COMPENSATION of error, being an effect of temperature change, is applied. Most weighing
modules of high resolution and mass comparators manufactured by Radwag Wagi Elektroniczne,
Poland, compensate temperature change errors.

- 73 -
Temperature change influence is tested in an automatic or semi-automatic cycle. In the course of
such test two parameters are analysed and assessed, change of sensitivity and change of zero. The
outcome of completed testing procedure is a coefficient correcting deviations of mass comparator's
indication (where: indication deviations as a function of temperature change).

Figure 24. Temperature compensation diagram. Own work.

Figure 24 visualizes how to test and compensate changes of weighing instrument indication for
enforced temperature changes. Key issues here are indications of the device for extreme
temperature values and stabilisation time intervals. The correction coefficient is determined
automatically on the basis of difference of both mass and temperature indications. After completed
determination process, verification takes place. Effectiveness of the applied coefficient is checked in
an automatic or semi-automatic cycle. The above described test is a measure allowing to check
measuring equipment quality and adequacy of applied technological process. It also serves as basis
for development in accordance with an implemented quality system, ISO 9001.

In order to guarantee thermal stability of the working environment any actions, except for such ones
that bring about increased air flows, can be taken. Maintaining thermal stability is a serious problem
especially in climatic zones where the regular ambient temperature is higher than 30oC. It is a
complicated case to obtain an expected temperature value of 20oC by improving the existing
infrastructure. The fundamental problem with regard to the above is selection of a proper air
conditioning system. Such system should supply air of particular thermal parameters wherein the air
flow nature shall be laminar. One shall realize that it is practically impossible to maintain stable
temperature for the laminar system when the room remains unseparated from the external
environment. Attempts aiming to provide more intense exchange of the air brings adverse effect, i.e.
it negatively influences the comparison process.

Radwag Wagi Elektroniczne, Poland, is a company experienced when it comes to designing air flow
systems that do not affect comparison. One of such was designed and installed in Measuring
Laboratory of RADWAG Metrology Centre. Figure 25 presents model system designed to supply the
air via more than one air distribution ducts. The system features separate modules intended for air
intake and distribution. By increasing the modules quantity it is possible to provide slow air flows, as
a result of such approach the same temperature is maintained throughout the whole laboratory

- 74 -
Figure 25. Diagram of air conditioning with multiple air distribution ducts. Own work.

Another aspects concerning working temperature are cubic capacity of the room, and number of
employees working simultaneously at the workplace. As it is known, the smaller the laboratory, the
more difficult it is to preserve stable temperature. Even seemingly insignificant interference disrupts
the stability. With reference to the above it seems to be obvious that laboratories characterised with
greater cubic capacity are the most preferred solutions. Use of automatic mass comparators surely
allows to reduce number of employees. Such solution has been applied in Measuring Laboratory of
RADWAG Metrology Centre. Not only did it help to eliminate source of heat increase but also
improved efficiency and performance.

Amount of heat emitted in the course

Amount of heat emitted by two Amount of heat emitted by one
of automated operation
operators operator
(no operators)
Photo taken in RADWAG Metrology Centre by means of a thermal camera.

- 75 -

In accordance with what has already been said, great temperature variation results with zero
indication drift. Used ABA or ABBA method indeed eliminates influence of zero indication change on
the measurement result, however in case of too significant variations this assumption turns out to be
inaccurate. The above described relations make the manufacturers specify permissible ambient
temperature change concerning their own products, regardless of information provided by OIML R
111-1 standard. It must be clearly stated that each and every mass comparator can be installed at
any freely selected location, however the repeatability parameter will not be equally acceptable. All
the above information is well worth to be remembered.

- 76 -
14.3. Moisture Content
Humidity is a natural phenomenon, it always goes with mass measurement process. This seemingly
unnoticeable factor may influence both the weighed object and the weighing instrument (mass
comparator). When speaking of comparison, the said weighed object is made of stainless steel,
therefore any variation concerning moisture content must be related to change in air buoyancy. In
case of most weights and mass standards of high nominal values the said humidity influence can be
neglected. However, for weights of class E1, it is significantly important.

Optimal working conditions of the mass comparator call for stable ambient humidity. Research and
tests show that dynamics of change is more important than the humidity value itself. Dynamically
changing humidity causes settling of additional water molecules on the mechanical design of mass
comparator. If the components with additional water molecules are subjected to weighing, then
equilibrium state gets disturbed. Due to the fact that the described phenomenon is of extremely
subtle nature it is hard to expect dynamic change of the weighing result. One shall rather be able to
observe gradual deterioration of indication repeatability. This kind of change may be noted while
working with mass comparators characterized with both very small scale interval and high sensitivity,
in this case 'high' means such one which allows to detect even very slight equilibrium variation.
Ability to interpret the obtained results is necessary. Both examination and analysis of the results is a
difficult problem even for experienced users.

The manufacturers do various tests, which aim to reduce the undue influence of humidity, often
coming up with innovative mechanical designs. One of such solutions is a hermetic cover of coil
placed in the magnetic field of a solenoid actuator. Tests carried out by Radwag Wagi Elektroniczne
proved that alternative means, i.e. impregnation of coil windings brings not enough satisfactory

While analysing the variation of humidity in comparison processes, one shall realise that potential
change of zero indication occurs with a certain delay. This is due to the fact that the moisture
content level rises quickly whereas absorption of the moisture by the mechanical design of mass
comparator is a slow process.


A solution to the problem of humidity and its influence on the comparison process is use of vacuum
mass comparator. This kind of a device is a special hermetic mechanical design, encasing mass
comparator, equipped with pump system function of which is to remove air form the inside. Such
solution helps to eliminate the effect of moisture-settling on the weight surface.

- 77 -
14.4. Air Flows

When it comes to comparison, it is generally assumed that environmental conditions necessary to

carry out this process are right, i.e. that no factors significant enough to disturb the process, which
would have to be taken into account while determining the uncertainty budget, occur. Unfortunately
the theory and practice not always go hand in hand. Speaking of weighing, there are two states of
each measurement. The first state is measurement for unloaded weighing pan, the second for
weighing pan loaded with the object mass of which is to be determined. This is how all mass
comparators operating within the whole electric compensation range work Figure 26 (A). For
remaining mass comparators, mass of the weight is treated as so called initial load, the indication for
it is zero (B).

Figure 26. Mass comparators with different compensation systems. Own work.

Regardless of adopted solution, one expects to obtain stable result in case of measurement where
the weighing pan is loaded. The notion of stability in this case is rather a notion of conventional
nature. Such conclusion can be drawn up after analysis of definition of stability. It is considered that
a measurement can be called stable if stability for certain number of scale intervals (or A/D
converter divisions) is preserved over specified time interval.

With regard to potential disturbance such as air flow, two mechanisms allowing to determine the
weighing result may be used:

a) stability criterion
b) constant time interval of the measurement

- 78 -
Undue working conditions cause greater dispersion of indications irrespectively of an adopted
comparison method. As for the whole process, completion of it takes more time. Since the above
processes are ones of physical nature their impact can be reduced only due to customized
mechanical designs. When it comes to mass comparators manufactured by Radwag Wagi
Elektroniczne, Poland, open-work weighing pans are applied along with anti-draft shields. The
weighing pans are designed to suit mass standards diameter.

It is obvious that the higher the resolution and the smaller scale interval of the mass comparator, the
more hermetic closure of the weighbridge is applied. This is mainly conditioned by a great sensitivity,
i.e. ability to respond to even insignificant mass variation.

Manual comparison process mass comparator equipped with an anti-draft shield

The problem of too intense air flow in practice always refers to the scale interval of the mass
comparator. With regard to the above problem, use of automatic mass comparators is
recommended. These instruments feature airtight anti-draft shield. Operation of manual mass
comparator requires opening and closing of the anti-draft chamber in a permanent manner. As a
result air inside of the chamber is exchanged continually which is a disadvantage. Another issue is
resistance of the comparator to dynamic changes of the air. Providing such resistance is a difficult

- 79 -
14.5. Ground Vibrations
Vibration can be defined as an oscillation of physical quantity occurring as a function of time,
wherein the function values move back and forth in relation to a particular point of reference. Such
phenomenon influences the weighing process negatively, which is due to a principle applied in the
weighing process. All types of mass comparators tend to maintain state of the equilibrium, Figure 27.
Equilibrium is realized through generation of signal of such value that compensates weight value of
load. Feedback allows dynamic response to all weight variations, even the slightest ones (weighing
instrument discrimination).

Figure 27. Vibrations in comparison processes. Own work.

Figure 27 visualises how vibrations influence the weighing process where mass of weight is
measured. When there are no ground vibrations then the mass comparator maintains equilibrium.
Comparison process result depends on mass comparator repeatability in such case, provided that
the remaining influence factors are stable. For measurement disturbed by vibrations, deflection of
equilibrium by or angle can be observed. These angles size depends on how intense the ground
vibrations are, and to what extend they can be dampened at the workstation. Vibrations variation
triggers temporary corrections that are generated by the weighing system in order to set new
equilibrium. The user observes the above as momentary weighing result stability. A consequence of
such operation is greater dispersion of indications and much longer measurement process.

Assessment of the effect exerted by vibrations onto the comparison process is more than just
complicated. This is among many reasons a result of vibrations changeability and diverse mechanical
designs of mass comparators. When attempting to carry out an in-depth analysis, also size of the
compared mass must be taken into account.

- 80 -
Sources of vibrations:

1. vibrating and pneumatic machines and devices,

2. means of transport (trains, trams, metro etc.),
3. heavy traffic (close vicinity to traffic junctions),
4. movement generated by employees going down/up laboratory passageways,
5. building-generated vibrations of random nature.

One of the means of elimination of vibration is selection of respective place for installation of the
mass comparator. Intensity of building-generated vibrations depends on the storey, more precisely
on its level. The least significant vibrations are noted at the lowest levels. The higher the floor the
more intense vibrations. In the laboratory the mass comparators should be located in the corners,
especially mass comparators of the highest resolution. The instruments that are less sensitive to
vibrations (lower resolutions) can be installed somewhere along the wall. It is not recommended to
install mass comparators in the very centre of a workroom. The best solution allowing to eliminate
vibrations impact is a customized anti-vibration table, frame of which is based on a solid block. The
tables can be entirely made of stone or steel. The worktop should always be stone-made component
of gravitational mass respectively selected to match the installed mass comparator.

About 3-tonne heavy concrete block comparison with d = 0.1 g

Alternative solution is a concrete base on which mass comparators are installed. The greater the
base weight, the better vibrations dampening.

- 81 -
14.6. Magnetism
Most converters used to design mass comparators that are characterized with high accuracy, feature
electromagnetic converters, main component of which is a solenoid with a magnet. While measuring
weights that have magnetic features, it may happen that the measured weight will interfere with the
magnetic field generated by the actuator. Also influence of the actuator installed in a mass
comparator on the weight may be disturbed. In a consequence the measurement result may be
affected by errors.

Figure 28. Magnetism in the course of comparison of weights. Own work.

In case of a typical weighing, this problem is solved by placing the weighed object, characteristic for
magnetic features, under the weighing pan or by providing a longer distance between the sample
and the weighing pan. Different kinds of brackets, aluminium holders etc., are used to achieve the
above. When it comes to weights, international regulations specify permissible polarization and
magnetic susceptibility. Respective maximum values of both of the parameters have been
determined in OIML R111-1 in relation to weight's class and mass.

- 82 -
15. RMCS Systems in Comparison Processes
Computer support of various processes regularly carried out in many organisations becomes more
and more popular these days, in some cases it is just a must. In a calibration laboratory there are
many areas of risk, analysis of which areas leads to a conclusion that optimization of the processes is
necessary in order to reduce their number. RMCS system (Radwag Multiple Comparator Software)
offered by RADWAG has been designed to enable performance of calibration procedures in the
laboratory holistically, i.e. from the moment the order is placed, through the procedure, to the
moment of issuing a certificate. The whole calibration process carried out with an aid of the
computer software improves productivity, guarantees reliable measurement results, offers complex
documentation and reduces labour costs. The RMCS software is intended for cooperation with mass
comparators manufactured by RADWAG. It facilitates performance of calibration processes using
ABBA and ABA methods. The main advantages of RMCS software:

complex support of the metrology laboratory, calibrating mass standards and weights
calibration carried out using ABBA and ABA methods
support of many computer workstations via Ethernet (MS SQL databases)
complex support of calibration
support of databases:
o test weights and reference weights
o customers,
o operators,
o users,
o manual and automatic comparators,
o calibration orders,
task management based on issued calibration orders
schedule of orders and tasks performance
possibility to test weights other that specified by an order
possibility to calibrate objects both manually and automatically
cooperation with automatic mass comparators manufactured by RADWAG
bilateral synchronization of data with RADWAG mass comparators
calibration process reporting
possibility to issue declaration or calibration certificate accordant with a pre-defined
export of reports results to various files: pdf, ms word, excel
record of events
record of orders and calibration certificates
archive of calibration protocols, orders, calibration certificates and results of ambient
conditions measurements
secured access to the software password-protected log in operation

Practical aspects of use of the RMCS software are presented in later sections of this publication, i.e.
in chapter focusing on the Metrology Centre.

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16. RADWAG Mass Comparators All Around the World

Mass Comparator Origin

There are barely few mass comparator manufacturers all around the world who produce high
resolution equipment, RADWAG is one of them. In the company's history there is a stage of design
and production of mass comparators. The first mass comparators were manufactured as a
consequence of started in 2001 production of adjustment weights that were intended for electronic
weighing instruments. Shortly afterwards, i.e. in 2003, works aiming to establish calibration
laboratory were taken up and the said laboratory started its activity in February 2004. Soon enough,
in November of the same year, it got accreditation of Polish Centre for Accreditation - Polish notified
body accrediting the laboratories, signatory of international agreements, ILAC member.

Mass comparators manufactured by RADWAG are operated worldwide in various calibration

laboratories. Obviously the first devices were installed in the RADWAG Measuring Laboratory,
however it did not take long for them to find global purchasers. The first mass comparators were
obtained by one of Romanian calibration laboratories in 2005. Then many other worldwide located
laboratories started to install our equipment. The map below shows range of RADWAG mass
comparators sales.

Figure 29. Places of installation of Radwag-manufactured mass comparators

- 84 -
S.C. METROMAT S.R.L. Calibration Laboratory
Operating range: Calibration & Metrology
Address: Sales & Service Department:
P-ta Libertatii ,No.2, 505600 Sacele, Brasov County, Romania
Tel +(40) 268 275 212 Fax: +(40) 268 276 807
Sales Department: sales@metromat.ro
Sales Manager: comert@metromat.ro

Our goal is to provide complete satisfaction to our

customers, ensure calibration services accordant with
applicable standards and deliver only high quality
measuring, testing and laboratory equipment. In the
course of our 23-year long existence and 50-year long
experience in measurement technique, we have
demonstrated that we are able to offer high quality
measurement services compliant with the industry
standards. Our current portfolio of measuring and testing
equipment meets our customers requirements in various.
Mr. Peter Mate

fields, providing quality first, affordable prices, fast delivery, warranty. Upon request, the
measuring equipment is delivered with accredited calibration certificates or ISO-compliant
certificates, with ensured traceability. Metrological fields in which we work: Length, Mass,
Pressure, Force and torque, Hardness, Volume, Flow, Temperature, Humidity, Electrical,
Time and interval frequency. In our Mass Laboratory, we have been using the RADWAG-
manufactured nonautomatic electronic mass comparator, WAY 5.3Y.KO, since 2014. We
are satisfied with it.

WAY 5.3Y.KO mass comparator

- 85 -
NMI Moldova
Operating range: Calibration & Metrology
Address: Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, MD2064 28, Eugen Coca str.

The National Institute for Metrology (NMI) of the Republic of

Moldova undertakes the mission to assure the traceability,
and accordingly, the trust in the measurements performed in
the Republic of Moldova at regional and international level. At
present, NMI has a complex structure of 7 laboratories that
constitute the basic capacity of the institute. The Mass and
Related Quantities Laboratory manages undertakes,
preserves and disseminates using its modern equipment,
the following measurement units: mass, pressure, force and
hardness. These units are imperative for the heavy industry,
Mr. Pianh Alexei

food,chemical, textile industry, medicine etc. The laboratory has a history of over 40 years. Its
main objective is to assure the uniformity and accuracy of measurements performed in the
Republic of Moldova in the area of mass and related quantities. This objective is reached through
a set of activities, including:
- Maintenance and development of the standards database and of the equipment owned;
- Participation in inter-laboratory comparisons for demonstrating its calibration capabilities;
- Dissemination, at national level, of measurement units in the area of mass and related
quantities, using the owned national and reference standards.
The accreditation range of the laboratory: (1 mg 20 kg), E2.
The equipment owned by the Laboratory includes the following RADWAG mass comparators:
-2/20, APP 25.4Y.KO, XA 200.4Y.A.KB etc. Date of installation: 07.01.2017. Opinion about
them: the comparators characterize with very high measuring characteristics. The software is
intuitive and well thought out.

XA 200.4Y.A.KB mass comparator APP 25.4Y.KO mass comparator

- 86 -
Metricon S.A. - Greece
The need to achieve maximum weighing accuracy is a condition
ensuring profitable trade, which contributes to smooth
functioning of global economies. In Greece there is currently a
significant shortage in the field of accredited calibration
laboratories, standard stations (weightlifting), balances, scales,
weighbridges and other weighing devices. Recognizing this need,
Metricon S.A. developed its own Accredited Calibration
Laboratory for calibrating weights, scales, weighbridges and
weighing arrangements, in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2005
International Standard. The laboratory employs highly trained,
skillful personnel and is equipped with four of the most modern
Mr. Konstantinos Nikolaou, Quality Mass Comparators, acquired from RADWAG, with a calibration
Assurance Manager range from 5kg up to 1000kg.

Moreover, the laboratory is also equipped with

weights of class F1 ranging from 1mg to 20kg and
with 1 ton weights of class M1/M2. The Accredited
Calibration Laboratory of Metricon S.A. performs
calibrations in full range of the Accreditation Field,
providing high quality services, and issues calibration
certificates bearing the logo of the Hellenic
Accreditation System S.A. (E.SY.D.). Our Laboratory
services can contribute to compliance and
enforcement of the new regulatory framework
(Verified Gross Mass weighing) imposed by IMO with
clear payback in quality improvement and
competitiveness of business. Calibration works are
being carried out in the Laboratory as well as
remotely, at the customers site. Some of the most
distinctive customers of Metricons Calibration
Laboratory include major corporations such as:
Aluminum of Greece S.A., Crown Can S.A., COSCO-
Piraeus Container Terminal S.A., Port of Patras
Authority S.A., Port of Heraklion Authority S.A.,
AKARPORT S.A., KYKNOS S.A., Hellenic Granite
Company S.A., Pavlidis Marble, Cretan Plastics S.A.,
Hellenic Electricity Company S.A. to name a few.

Metricons laboratory structure is based on a three-

person principle. Our experts among many are:
APP 20.KO mass comparator
Mr. Georgios Tsolkas, Calibrations Technician,
Mrs. Andriana Lampou, Technical Supervisor.

- 87 -
Laboratory for Mass Vage Ltd.
Operating range: Calibration & Metrology
Address: Koledovina 2A, Zagreb, Zagrebaka 10000, Hrvatska

Vage d.o.o. rests its business on a long-standing tradition in

the weighing business. (1947 Tvornica vaga Zagreb, 1951 Ivis,
1971 TTM, 1990 VAGE d.d., 2008 Vage d.o.o.) We are a leading
manufacturer, distributor and Service Company in Croatia in
the field of mass measurement. The company is 100% privately
owned and employs 45 professional and highly skilled workers.
Laboratory for Mass Vage Ltd. was founded in 2005, it emerged
from the department of Vage Ltd. We are accredited according
to 17025 standard since 2005 for calibration of non-automatic
Mr Petar Stoi, Manager Dipl.oec weighing instruments and weights.
Over the years we have expanded our scope of accreditation, and today we are accredited for
calibration of non-automatic weighing instruments to 20000 kg, calibration of weights in class E2
from 1 mg to 20 kg, in class F1 to 20 kg and in class M to 500 kg.
We are also accredited according to 17020 standard for inspection of weighing instruments and
weights. We have authorization from the State Office for Metrology for periodical verification of
weighing instruments and weights. We base calibration and verification of weights on Radwag
comparators. The first Radwag comparator was acquired in 2007 when we expanded the scope
of accreditation to the calibration of the weights in class F1. Today we have 5 comparators. It is
interesting to note that we experienced only one minor malfunction concerning comparators in
these 10 years of use. We also must mention that we have Quality System Approval Certificate
for our production issued by the Notified body MIRS (No. 1376).

WAY 500.3Y.KO mass comparator WAY series mass comparators

- 88 -
Operating range: Calibration & Metrology
Address: Hfner Gewichte GmbH, Hohenhardtsweiler Strasse 4
DE-74420 Oberrot, Germany

HAEFNER is one of the world leading manufacturers of

weights and mass standards. Weights and mass standards
made by HAEFNER are used all over the world for scale
testing, balance calibration and as primary and secondary
standards in NMIs, state offices and mass laboratories.
HAEFNER weights are manufactured using the best quality
standards of the industry. In 1933 company HAEFNER was
founded as a craft business for manufacturing weights of
mechanical scales. In a tradition of more than 80 years,
HAEFNER has gained great experience in the production and
Mr Martin Hfner, General Manager calibration of weights and mass standards.
Today, Hfner is a state-of-the-art manufacturing company with CNC-controlled machining
technology and automated surface processing. HAEFNER supplies high-quality weights with
nominal values from 1 mg to 5000 kg according OIML R111. The weights are available in classes
of E0, E1, E2, F1, F2, M1, M2 and M3. All weights are manufactured with reference and
traceability to the International Prototype Kilogram at BIPM (International Bureau of Weights
and Measures) All manufacturing processes are in accordance with HAEFNERs ISO 9001
registration. The basis of high quality weights is the used material. Therefore, HAEFNER is using
own special weight steels: HM1, HF12 and HE210. All used weight materials have special
technical specifications, which are strictly controlled to ensure compliance with standards and
international recommendations.

Radwag UMA 5: electric compensation range: 1 mg 5 g, readability: 0.1 g

- 89 -
All HAEFNER weights are adjusted in the upper tolerance range (plus-tolerance) of accuracy
limits. This provides a far longer working life time for the customer weights. As a further big
advantage, HAEFNER supplies weights also according customer specifications and needs with
special designs, free nominal values (e.g. Newton weights) and with specified customer

To prevent exchanging weights, user markings can be provided by HAEFNER to low costs.
HAEFNER has the possibility of laser-marking and engraving for this feature. HAEFNER marks
the weights with a special laser system and special engraving system. The surface quality and
mass stability is not affected by this kind of process.
HAEFNER provides the customers and users with a big portfolio of accessories. Ergonomic
weight handles, weight forks, special tweezers, different gloves as well as cleaning accessories
like cloths, dust bellows and dust brushes meet the highest requirements. For calibration
laboratories HAEFNER offers a complete portfolio of glass bells including antistatic and
antimagnetic bases for storing their reference weights.
HAEFNER offers a perfect calibration service to its customers by its own mass calibration lab
"MASSCAL". MASSCAL is accredited by DAkkS (German Accreditation Body) according to ISO
17025. The computer-generated calibration certificates are recognized all over the world by a
Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) of International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
(ILAC). With its calibration and certification service MASSCAL can assure full compliance to
industrial standards and international recommendations.
MASSCAL is using different manual and automatic mass comparators of different brands. UMA
5 from Radwag is used with great satisfaction for final testing and calibration procedures of
nominal values from 1 mg 5 g

- 90 -
Operating range: Calibration & Metrology
Address: Elektoralna 2, 00-139 Warszawa, Poland, www.gum.gov.pl

The Central Office of Measures combines two

functions, it is a central national administrative body
for legal metrology, and a National Meteorology
Institute, NMI, working on mass metrology issues for
the development of science and system of calibration
laboratories. The Office supervises Polish
Administration of Measures and Polish Assay Offices. It
takes necessary steps in the course of comparison
ensuring that national reference standards can be
related to international ones and guarantees
traceability when it comes to the process of
transferring the value of legal measurement unit from
Mr Wojciech Winiewski
national reference standards onto the measuring
Laboratory of Mass, being an independent organizational section, and more precisely the
Weighing Instruments and Mass Standards Workroom, plays a very important role when it
comes to comparison and traceability. The workroom is responsible for transfer of
measurement unit of mass, performance of tasks related to legal metrological control, carrying
out assignments ordered by Notified Body, which assignments concern tests regarding
approval of conformity of weighing instruments with NAWI and MID directives, it is also
responsible for carrying out type approval tests. Additionally the Laboratory conducts research
and development works in the field of mass. It designs and develops measurement methods,
performs inter-laboratory comparisons, calibrations, expertise and tests of measuring devices
with the aim to support Polish industry and regional measurement administration.

Automatic mass comparator UMA 5, d = 0.1 g, electric compensation range: 1 mg - 5 g

- 91 -
Currently the Laboratory of Mass
offers transfer of mass unit within 1
mg - 1000 kg measuring range, as
specified by International
Recommendation OIML R 111-1
Weights of classes E1, E2, F1, F2, M1,
M1-2, M2, M2-3 and M3 - Part 1:
Metrological and technical
requirements. Soon the range is
going to be expanded to 5000 kg.
Coming up to expectations of
customers of Administration of
Measures, and bearing in mind the
fact that it is a must to maintain high
metrological level, the Laboratory of
Mass has purchased 2 mass
comparators manufactured by
Automatic mass comparator AK -4/1000, d = 5 g, electric
compensation range: -10 mg + 50 g

APP 64.4Y.KO mass comparator

enabling to determine grain's
standard mass per storage volume,
and HRP 500.4Y.KO mass comparator
used for calibration of mass standards
in the range of 200 kg - 500 kg
accuracy class of which, in accordance
with OIML R 111-1, is F2. The
investment was realised competently.
Radwag employees provided the
Laboratory staff with a wholehearted
support, careful attention and
Automatic mass comparator HRP 500.4Y.KO, d = 0.5 g,
detailed feedback information.
electric compensation range: 0 mg + 510 g
Answers to all questions regarding
applied design solutions were given
with great care. RADWAG experts showed understanding and willingness to help. Supplied
mass comparators meet all the technical requirements and are accordant with all the
assumptions made by the Laboratory of Mass operating under the auspices of the Central
Office of Measures.

- 92 -
LCGC Trucal Lab
Operating range: Calibration & Metrology
Address: Head Office - Hyderabad
Plot.No.. 57, Road No. 5, ALEAP Industrial Estate, Near Pragatinagar,
Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 072

LCGC Trucal is a 1st Mass Calibration Laboratory in India, it has

been established by a weighing company long before the
leaders of weighing business realized the importance of it.
The lab was set up in 2010 with a vision of fulfilling the
requirements of the Pharma Industry in India for the mass
calibration services. The Calibration Laboratory is run by
professionals experienced in Mass and weighing Metrology
for more than 20 years now. The entire team of LCGC Trucal
consists of Engineering Graduates and employees certified
Mr V. MAHADEVAN Laboratory Head with Diplomas in Mechanical Engineering.

The team of LCGC Trucal was trained in many aspects like: ISO/IEC/17025, Internal audits, Calibration
techniques, Estimation of Measurement uncertainty, Traceability, LAB QMS etc. LCGC Trucal bought
5 Mass comparators from Radwag, including one Automatic Robotic comparator which makes the
lab a world class company. The comparators we use are:
UYA 5.KO - 5 g / 0.1 g
MYA 21.KO - 21 g / 1 g
XA 210.Ko - 210 g / 10 g
WAY 5.KO - 5.3 kg / 100 g
AKM 2-20 - 20 kg / 100 g

AKM series mass comparator in the course of operation

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UYA 5.KO mass comparator

We have been using RADWAG comparators for the last 7 years now and the performance of these
instruments is very satisfactory, using them we calibrate mass standards of class E1. Our lab is
accredited by NABL (ISO/IEC/17025). RADWAG balances are also used by us to calibrate Micro
Pipettes. The environmental conditions are monitored by Radwag, Thermo-hygro-barometer which
helps achieving the required 0.3 deg C temperature change. Radwags mass comparators have
helped us in setting up, and maintaining this lab at the international level.

- 94 -
Operating range: Calibration & Metrology
Address: Sin-a Bldg., 984-3, Siheung 3-dong, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, South Korea

In recognition of the successful completion of the KOLAS

evaluation process, accreditation was granted to
laboratory of Hansung Instrument Co., Ltd. Hansung
calibration laboratory got initial accreditation in 2008, and
in 2017 tried to extend calibration capacity from F1 class to
E2 class by using RADWAG mass comparators. Therefore in
April UMA 5, WAY 5.4Y.KO, APP 25.4Y.KO and XA
200.4Y.KB mass comparators and E1 mass standard with
mass & volume certificate (1 mg-20 kg) were imported
from RADWAG and installed. Since then we are able to
Mr Chulhyun Lim Laboratory Head achieve reasonable results of measurement.

To get approval from the government before the end of September, Hansung Instrument cooperates
with KRISS as a consultant who is teaching the technical skills providing precise measuring results for
calibrating E2 mass standard as well as high resolution balances.

Manual and automatic mass comparators

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Accreditation Ranges:
Auto-Hopper scale & balances (Max. 1 ton)
Counter beam balances (Max. 2 ton)
Digital platform scale balances (Max. 200kg)
Digital swing scale balances (Max. 1 ton)
Electric balances (Max. 50 ton)
Platform scale balances (Max. 5 ton)
Spring scale balances (Max. 200kg)
Trip balances (Max. 5 ton)
Weights (1mg-20kg/F1), (Max. 1 ton/M3)

WAY 5.4Y.KO mass comparator in the course of comparison process

- 96 -
17. RADWAG Metrology Centre

RADWAG Metrology Centre origins go back to 1997 when RADWAG Precision Mechanics Plant, today
known as Radwag Wagi Elektroniczne, was established and started its activity in the field of
measurement services. Growing demand for calibration and measurement services brought about
the necessity to set up an independent, specialised body providing the customers with professional
assistance. As a result, in 2003, the Measuring Laboratory emerged from the organisational structure
of the company. The laboratory aimed to offer high quality calibration and measurement services.

In 2004 the Measuring Laboratory was given accreditation by the Polish Centre for Accreditation
with which it could calibrate electronic weighing instruments, mass standards and weights (AP 069
Certificate). In 2009 the laboratory, as the first organisation in Poland, obtained accreditation for
calibration of piston pipettes. Along with the measurement services the laboratory started to offer
trainings. The training services have developed greatly throughout years. At the beginning the
company provided closed-door tuition which next formed into open seminars taking place all around
Poland, and finally started to be organized as workshops. Quite soon it turned out that next to
calibration and teaching, there is also a demand for other specialised services such as consultations,
audits or expertise.

RADWAG Metrology Centre students training

With regard to the above, on 25 November, 2012, Metrology Centre was established as an entity
operating in the RADWAG company structure. Activity of the Metrology Centre operating within
RADWAG company structure in Radom focuses on the following areas:

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ensuring measurement traceability when it comes to mass, volume and length,
organising trainings aiming to provide knowledge of metrology and management systems,
carrying out specialized audits when it comes to supervision over the measuring equipment,
and internal audits regarding various requirements,
carrying out complex supervision in various organisations over the measuring equipment
they operate,
undertaking research works,
disseminating metrological knowledge by organising open seminars and by active
participation of employees of the Metrology Centre in both national and international
organising inter-laboratory testing (PT/ILC) when it comes to mass measurement.

17.1. Measuring Laboratory in RADWAG Metrology Centre

Laboratory, which is an entity operating within Metrology Centre structure, continues the activity
started by RADWAG Wagi Elektroniczne in 1997 in the field of measurement services. In order to
provide independence of the Laboratory from the remaining bodies of RADWAG organisation, it was
intentionally established as separate organisational structure, supervised directly by RADWAG's
Managing Director. Currently the Laboratory employees professionals who have wide experience
regarding equipment for measurement of mass, volume, length and other physical quantities.

RADWAG Metrology Centre Measuring Laboratory, Volume Workroom

Over the last few years, the Laboratory has observed dynamic development when it comes to
performance of its services. The demand for the said services increases greatly year by year, and the
accuracy of carried out calibrations improves (lower uncertainty). When speaking of mass

- 98 -
measurement, the Laboratory carries out calibration procedures for 1 mg - 1000 kg mass standards
and weights, and calibrates the weighing instruments. RADWAG Measuring Laboratory is the first
laboratory in Poland, apart from the laboratory of Central Office of Measures (Polish NMI), which has
been given accreditation to calibrate 1 mg - 500 mg mass standards and weights of class E1.

17.2. Automation of Measurement in the Measuring Laboratory

Significant increase of accuracy that is offered by the Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG Metrology
Centre, is possible mostly due to use of automatic mass comparators. Currently the Laboratory owns
the whole line of automatic mass comparators by means of which calibration is carried out within 1
mg - 20 kg range for the highest accuracy classes.

RADWAG-manufactured UMA 5 mass comparator, presented in the course of international

Seminar organised by the RADWAG Metrology Centre

With use of UMA 5 mass comparator, the Laboratory has significantly improved the calibration and
measurement capability (CMC) for milligram mass standards. Due to this we can start calibrate mass
standards and weights in the highest accuracy class OIML E1.

After obtaining positive results of inter-laboratory tests (PT/ILC), the Laboratory has broadened its
accreditation with 1 mg - 500 mg mass standards and weights of class E1. Presently, due to use of
automatic mass comparators, the Laboratory is ready to perform calibrations for the highest
accuracy classes within 1 mg - 20 kg range. Our goal is to calibrate mass standards and weights
within 1 g - 1 kg range, wherein the calibration is to be carried out using automatic RADWAG mass
comparators of the following series: UMA 5, UMA 100 and AK-4/1001.

- 99 -
RADWAG-manufactured UMA 5, UMA 100, AK-4/100 and AK-4/1001 mass comparators
operated in Mass Workroom of Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG Metrology Centre

In order to obtain the lowest possible measurement uncertainty while calibrating 10 kg - 20 kg mass
standards, two-position mass comparator AK-2/20 is used. In case of this mass comparator,
automation significantly improved measurement repeatability which in turn resulted with lower
uncertainty of the measurement. When speaking of manual calibration of 5 kg - 20 kg objects, the
undesired factor negatively influencing the whole process is the operator. Due to automation not
only the repeatability did improve but it also turned out that instrument of greater resolution can be

RADWAG-manufactured AK-2/20 mass comparator operated in Mass Workroom

of RADWAG Metrology Centre (in the background)

- 100 -
For the purposes of calibration of mass standards and weights of lower accuracy classes, mass
standards weight of which is greater than 50 kg, and objects of atypical shapes and sizes, the
Laboratory uses manual mass comparators manufactured by RADWAG.

Manual mass comparators manufactured by Radwag in Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG Metrology Centre

HRP 4Y.KO mass comparators manufactured by RADWAG in RADWAG Metrology Centre

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17.3. Computerisation of the Calibration Process in Measuring Laboratory of
Most worldwide calibration laboratories operate with reference to and on the basis of requirements
specified by ISO/IEC 17025 standard. Laboratories competences are approved by accreditation
granted by national accreditation bodies. The whole calibration process performance must be well
documented from the moment the calibration order is placed until the calibration certificate is
issued to the particular device user or the person who put the order in. To effectively manage the
whole calibration process, RMCS system (Radwag Multiple Comparator Software) has been
implemented in the Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG Metrology Centre.

Figure 26. Diagram of calibration process

performed in Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG Metrology Centre, managed by means of RMCS system

17.4. RMCS system in Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG Metrology Centre

The system manages the whole calibration process, starting from the moment the order is placed,
through procedure performance, to the moment of issuing the calibration certificate. Carrying out
the calibration process with an aid of the computer software improves productivity, guarantees
reliable measurement results, offers complex documentation and reduces labour costs. The RMCS
software is intended for cooperation with mass comparators manufactured by RADWAG. It
facilitates performance of calibration processes using ABBA and ABA methods.

- 102 -
Diagram of RMCS system operation:

Figure 27. Diagram of RMCS system operation

After the order is placed, the Laboratory employee enters all data referring to the calibrated object:
order applicant data
user data
calibrated object data (mass standard, weight, supplementary weight etc., S/N,
manufacturer, specification: single weight or set of weights, weights set content, material,
misc. data (date, price etc.)
form of calibrated object delivery.
To enter all the above specified data, system-stored databases are used: calibrated objects, order
applicants and users.

On the basis of placed order that has been entered into the database, the Laboratory employee,
using RMCS system, prepares tasks to be carried out and assigns them to particular operators. For
the above purpose the said employee analyses and uses the following databases:
comparators database, where metrological characteristics are stored,
reference weights database, where metrological characteristics are stored,
operators database, where competency range is specified.
When all necessary data is entered, operator assigned and the task ready to be carried out, the
program prepares respective comparators installed in the Laboratory. The operator communicates
with the central computer, where all measurement results from particular comparators are sent
upon task completion. The operator-computer communication is established using the comparator's
touch screen.

- 103 -
After the order is accepted for realisation, the RMCS system sends the comparison procedure to
particular comparators. Comparators' screens display particular procedure steps.
The operator realises the order with use of a given comparator in accordance with a specified
prior the measurement start, the RMCS program automatically records start time,
temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure; the said data is taken from the Ambient
Conditions module that cooperates with the RMCS program; the operator carrying out
measurements confirms start time, ambient conditions, next he or she proceeds to the
measurement operation, which operation is carried out in accordance with adopted
calibration procedure;
after completion of the measurement, the RMCS program automatically records end time,
temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure; the said data is taken from the Ambient
Conditions module that cooperates with the RMCS program;
after confirmation of all measurements of particular object, the employee accepts the
obtained results which are next automatically acquired by the program, later, on the basis of
the accepted results, order-related calculations are done, and finally a calibration certificate
is prepared;
the program records also current laboratory ambient conditions, it can abort operation of the
devices if the permissible values of ambient conditions parameters are exceeded.


The system upon collecting all measurements results, regarding particular object or objects set,
generates calibration certificate. An authorised employee checks measurements results and system-
generated calibration certificate.
After completed check-up, the authorised employee accepts the measurements results
(measurements protocol) and a template of the calibration certificate.
The calibration certificate is printed and presented to the Laboratory manager for approval,
electronic version of both the measurements protocol and the calibration certificate is recorded in
Orders (Orders Log) database.

RMCS archives store all calibration protocols, orders, calibration certificates and ambient conditions
The program additionally provides metrological supervision over all reference weights and
comparators operated and used by the Laboratory.

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17.5. THB Monitoring System
Ensuring optimal ambient conditions in the Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG Metrology Centre is a
requirement set by a respective standard. Compliance with such a requirement guarantees precise
comparison results. THB monitoring system operating in the Laboratory ensures constant control
over ambient conditions of all laboratory workrooms where mass comparators are operated. The
temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure are measured by the THB system in the real time,
also in the real time air density is calculated. Ambient conditions of particular workstations are
measured using local sensors THB ambient conditions modules.

Measurement of temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure in the course of comparison

Due to communication between the module and the comparator, particular measurements state
and warnings regarding limit values are displayed directly on the module screen.

Figure 28. Monitoring of ambient conditions, carried out by RMCS program

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Measurement results recorded by particular THB modules are transferred in the real time to THB-R
recorder. The recorder supports all sensors (16 sensors maximum) ensuring an on-line monitoring in
many points located within 1200 m distance. THB-Multi software enables its users to display
measurement results on the computer screen. The software facilitates analysis of data, generating
the analysis and graphs, and record of the measurements in the database.

17.6. Equipment of the Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG Metrology Centre

The Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG Metrology Centre operates automatic mass comparators:
UMA 5 - within 1 mg - 500 mg range for accuracy classes E1 and lower,
UMA 100 and AK-4/100 - within 1 g - 100 g range for accuracy classes E2 and lower,
AK-4/500 - within 200 g - 500 g range for accuracy classes E2 and lower,
AK-4/1000 - within 500 g - 1 kg range for accuracy classes E2 and lower,
AK-4/5000 - within 2 kg - 5 kg range for accuracy classes F1 and lower, and
AKM-2/20 - within 10 kg - 20 kg range for accuracy classes F1 and lower.

For calibration of mass standards and weights of lower classes, and in the course of adjustment, the
Laboratory operates the following manual mass comparators:
UMA 5.4Y.KO - within 1 mg - 5 g range for accuracy classes E2 and lower,
WAY 500.4Y.KO - within 200 g - 500 g range for accuracy classes F1 and lower,
WAY 1.4Y.KO - within 200 g - 1 kg range for accuracy classes F1 and lower,
WAY 2.4Y.KO - within 500 g - 1 kg range for accuracy classes F1 and lower,
WAY 5.4Y.KO - within 2 kg - 5 kg range for accuracy classes F1 and lower.

For calibration and adjustment of mass standards and weights of greater nominal values, i.e. 10 kg -
1000 kg, the Laboratory operates the following manual mass comparators:
APP 25 4Y.KO - within 10 kg - 25 kg range for accuracy classes M1 and lower,
APP 25 4Y.KB portable - within 10 kg - 25 kg range for accuracy classes M1 and lower -
calibration carried out outside company premises,
APP 64.4Y.KO - for 50 kg objects of accuracy classes M1 and lower,
HRP 200 4Y.KO - within 50 kg - 200 kg range for accuracy classes M1 and lower,
HRP 1000 4Y.KO - within 500 kg - 1000 kg range for accuracy classes M1 and lower.

For loading the weighing pans with heavy mass standards, the Laboratory uses highly precise crane
which helps to lift and drop the weights with minimum speed of 0.7 m/min. This guarantees high
measurement accuracy.
In order to provide appropriate ambient conditions, the Laboratory has been equipped with
customized air conditioning system, designed by RADWAG engineers. The system ensures air
temperature and relative humidity stability, wherein the max temperature change is 0.2 C within
12-hour long period, and the max humidity change is 2 % within 12-hour long period. Ambient
conditions are recorded by THB system in a continuous manner.

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17.7. Benefits Due to Automation and Computerisation

Due to optimisation of the calibration process guaranteed by both automation and computerisation,
the Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG Metrology Centre was able to obtain the best possible
measurement performance when it comes to calibration of up to 20 kg objects. Adequate measuring
equipment, respective building facilities and appropriate ambient conditions ensure high accuracy of
carried out measurements (low uncertainty). Lacking even one of these fundamental elements is
The precise and reliable results are an effect of proper calibration process performance, good
managing, careful documentation, and both correct and complete calculation. It is great when the
possibility to recreate the whole calibration process (saved to archives) is offered. Use of RMCS
system allows the Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG Metrology Centre to minimize the risk of
carrying out measurements that are not accordant with the requirements, wherein access to archival
resources is provided.

Both automation and computerisation are of great importance when it comes to number of
performed calibrations. Currently the Laboratory is of the ability to perform tens of thousands
calibrations per year. Such impressive quantity, wherein metrological and operational quality are
preserved, is possible due to whole calibration process automation and computerisation. Human
resources are one of the most significant aspects of the whole system, it is crucial to mention their
influence. Professional competences of the laboratory personnel are constantly verified by means of
an in-house controls and external audits (PCA), and upgraded through participation in different kinds
of trainings, seminars and conferences. Our employees experience is praised by numerous institutes
and organisations. RADWAG experts get involved in the works of various associations and opinion
leaders whose activity concerns metrology and management systems.

18. RADWAG and Science

Within the recent years the scope of everyday RADWAG activity has expanded. The company has
gone far beyond designing, manufacturing and selling the weighing equipment. RADWAG as the
leading Polish manufacturer got involved in discussions concerning theoretical and practical aspects
regarding measurement, especially the measurement of mass. One of the most significant issues
discussed in Poland over the past few years is organisational structure of science metrology and
interrelated with it structure of legal metrology.

RADWAG actively supports actions taken by Polish and international bodies that work for the
benefits of metrology and business. The company mainly concentrates on actions concerning use of
metrology in practice, especially use of mass comparators. We find consultancy, when it comes to
selection of the most convenient weighing device, a very important issue. We advise, guide and
explain how to choose requirement-accordant instrument, how to interpret parameters provided by
technical specifications, we help to select the correct method of calculations and of analysis of the

- 107 -
measurement results, and last but not least we inform how to supervise the weighing equipment
and how to assess the ambient conditions influence on measurement quality, etc.
For many years RADWAG has been participating science and technology conferences organised
worldwide. The company cooperates with metrology-bound administrative bodies and
organisations. Among many there are:

Consultative Group for Metrology operating on behalf of the Minister for International
The group was established in 2007 on the authority of the contemporary Minister of
Economy. One of its main tasks is to prepare assumptions and conduct any related actions
aiming to change relevant metrology system that is valid in Poland.

Consultative Metrology Teams for Technology and Industrial Systems and for Market
Regulation operating on behalf of the President of the Central Office of Measures

The teams were established in 2016 on the authority of the management of the Central
Office of Measures.

The Society of Polish Research Laboratories POLLAB

Employees of the Metrology Centre participate in works of the
following POLLAB Sections and Committees:
Committee for Metrology,
Committee for Audits,
Calibration Laboratories Section

PKN Polish Committee for Standardization

Representative of RADWAG Metrology Centre is involved in works of
KT Technology Committee no. 257 for Metrology, operating under
auspices of PKN.
By active participation in Technology Committee of PKN the RADWAG
Metrology Centre can express its opinion of the scope of works
regarding standardisation issues

- 108 -
Annex 1

- 109 -
[1] Bettin H. , Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), S Schlamminger, National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) ,,Realization, maintenance and dissemination of the kilogram in the revised SI",
Metrologia 53 (2016) A1A5

[2] Chung J., Ryu K., Davis R. Uncertainty analysis of the BIPM susceptometer, Metrologia 38 (2001), pp.

[3] Davis R., New method to measure magnetic susceptibility, Meas. Sci. Technol. 4, 141147 (1993).

[4] Davis R., Determining the magnetic properties of 1 kg mass standards, J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol.
100, 209 (1995).

[5] Guidelines on the Calibration of Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments EURAMET/cg-18/v.02, January 2009

[6] Janas S. ,,Metrology in laboratory measurement mass and derived values Radwag, 2015

[7] Janas S. ,,Micro scale measurements, Radwag 2014,

[8] Fujii K., Bettin H., Becker P., Massa E., Rienitz O., Pramann A., Nicolaus A., Kuramoto N., Busch I. , Borys
M. ,,Realization of the kilogram by the XRCD method", Metrologia 53 (2016) A19A45

[9] Lu H., Chang C., Evaluating the magnetic property of one kilogram mass standard in Center for
Measurement, APMF'2003 Proceedings, pp. 57-60.

[10] Mohr P J, Newell D B and Taylor B N 2016 CODATA recommended values of the fundamental
physical constants: 2014 Rev. Mod. Phys. (arXiv:1507.07956)

[11] Myklebust, T. 1997 Intercomparison: Measurement of the volume magnetic susceptibility and
magnetization of two cylindrical (kg) weights. EUROMET project 324, Justervesenet (NO).

[12] Myklebust, T., Davis R., Comparison between JV and BIPM to determine the volume susceptibility
of one 20 g weight and two 1 g weights, Justervesenet (1996).

[13] Myklebust T., Kllgren H., Lau P., Nielsen L., Riski K., Testing of weights: Part 3 - Magnetism and
convection, OIML Bulletin, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 4 (1997) 5.

[14] OIML D 28 ,,Conventional value of the result of weighing in air" Edition 2004 (E)

[15] OIML R 111-1 ,, Weights of classes E1, E2, F1, F2, M1, M12, M2, M23 and M3, Part 1: Metrological and
technical requirements

[16] Pan Sheau-shi, Lu H., Chang C., "Instruments used for measuring the magnetic properties of one kilogram
mass standard in Center for Measurement Standards (CMS)", TC3 IMEKO2005 Proceedings, pp. 1-7.

[17] Robinson I., Schlamminger S. ,,,The watt or Kibble balance: a technique for implementing the new SI
definition of the unit of mass", Metrologia 53 (2016) A46A74

[18] Richard P., Fang H., Davis R., ,,Foundation for the redefinition of the kilogram", Metrologia 53 (2016)
[19] Stock M. ,,The watt balance: determination of the Planck constant and redefinition of the kilogram",
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), Pavillon de Breteuil
Downloaded from http://rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org/ on March 13, 2017

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