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Data Modeling

Sybase PowerDesigner

Part number: DC38058-01-1500-01
Last modified: September 2008
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I Building Data Models vii

About This Manual ix

1 Getting Started with Data Modeling 1

Data Modeling with PowerDesigner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Creating a Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams 11

Introducing Conceptual and Logical Diagrams . . . . . . . . . 12
Conceptual Diagram Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Logical Diagram Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Data Items (CDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Entities (CDM/LDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Attributes (CDM/LDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Identifiers (CDM/LDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Relationships (CDM/LDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Associations and Association Links (CDM) . . . . . . . . . . 44
Inheritances (CDM/LDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

3 Building Physical Diagrams 57

Physical Diagram Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Tables (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Columns (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Keys (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Indexes (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Defaults (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Domains (CDM/LDM/PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Sequences (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Abstract Data Types (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
References (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Views (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
View References (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Check Parameters (CDM/LDM/PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Business Rules (CDM/LDM/PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Physical Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

4 Building Multidimensional Diagrams 193
Multidimensional Diagram Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Cubes (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Dimensions (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Attributes (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Facts (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Measures (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Hierarchies (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Associations (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220

5 Building Triggers and Procedures 223

Triggers (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Trigger Templates (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Trigger Template Items (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Stored Procedures and Functions (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Procedure Templates (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
SQL Code Definition Toolbars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Creating SQL/XML Queries with the Wizard . . . . . . . . . . 271
Generating Triggers and Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

6 Building a Database Access Structure 281

Introducing database access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Users (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Roles (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Groups (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Synonyms (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302

7 Building Web Services 309

Introducing Web Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Web Services (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Web Operations (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Web Parameters (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Testing Web Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
Generating Web Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Reverse Engineering Web Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328

8 Working with Data Models 331

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment . . . . . . . . . 332
Generating Other Models from a Data Model . . . . . . . . . 370
Checking a Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
Working with SQL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426

II Working with Databases 433
9 Generating a Database from a PDM 435
Connecting to a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
Generating a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
Using Test Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
Estimating Database Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
Modifying a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
Accessing a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513

10 Reverse Engineering a Database into a PDM 515

Getting Started with Reverse Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . 516
Reverse Engineering from Scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Reverse Engineering from a Live Database . . . . . . . . . . 520
Reverse Engineering Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
Reverse Engineering Database Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . 532

11 DBMS-Specific Features 535

Working with PowerDesigners DBMS-Specific Features . . . 536
IBM DB2 for z/OS (formerly OS/390) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
IBM DB2 for Common Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
Informix SQL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
Ingres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550
Interbase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
Microsoft Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
Microsoft SQL Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
MySQL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
NonStop SQL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
Oracle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620
PostgreSQL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
Red Brick Warehouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 648
Sybase AS Anywhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
Sybase AS Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
Sybase AS IQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
Sybase SQL Anywhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674
Teradata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678

12 Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner 687

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688
Writing SQL with the PowerDesigner GTL . . . . . . . . . . . 689
Writing SQL with the PDM Variables and Macros . . . . . . . 691
PDM Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693
PDM Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704
PowerDesigner Formatting Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716

13 Migrating from ERwin to PowerDesigner 717
Introducing the ERwin Import Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . 718
Preparing to Import your ERwin models . . . . . . . . . . . . 720
The Import Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721
After Importing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723
Getting Started Using PowerDesigner . . . . . . . . . . . . . 728

Index 731



This part explains how to use PowerDesigner to build Data Models.

About This Manual

This book describes the PowerDesigner Conceptual, Logical, and Physical
Data Models, including how to create a CDM, LDM, and PDM, build each
of the available diagrams, and generate and reverse engineer databases.
This book assumes that you are an experienced Windows user with some
experience with relational databases and SQL.
Documentation primer
For information about the complete documentation set provided with
PowerDesigner, see the Getting Started with PowerDesigner chapter of the
Core Features Guide .
Typographic conventions
PowerDesigner documentation uses special typefaces to help you readily
identify specific items:
monospace text (normal and bold)
Used for: Code samples, commands, compiled functions and files,
references to variables.
Example: declare user_defined..., the BeforeInsertTrigger
bold text
Used for: New terms.
Example: A shortcut has a target object.

Used for: Key names.

Example: Press the ENTER key.
Data Modeling Essentials
Graeme Simsion, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994, 310 pages; paperbound;
ISBN 1850328773

Information engineering
James Martin, Prentice Hall, 1990, three volumes of 178, 497, and 625
pages respectively; clothbound, ISBN 0-13-464462-X (vol. 1),
0-13-464885-4 (vol. 2), and 0-13-465501-X (vol. 3).
Joe Celko, Joe Celkos SQL for Smarties (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
Inc., 1995), 467 pages; paperbound; ISBN 1-55860-323-9.


Getting Started with Data Modeling

About this chapter This chapter presents the Conceptual, Logical, and Physical Data Models
and provides guidance for data modeling with PowerDesigner.
Contents Topic: page

Data Modeling with PowerDesigner 2

Creating a Data Model 5

Data Modeling with PowerDesigner

Data Modeling with PowerDesigner

A data model is a representation of the information consumed and produced
by a system. Data modeling involves analyzing the data objects present in a
system and the relationships between them. PowerDesigner provides
conceptual, logical, and physical data models to allow you to analyze and
model your system at all levels of abstraction.

Conceptual Data Models

A Conceptual Data Model (CDM) represents the logical structure of a data
system independent of any software or data storage structure. It gives a
formal representation of the data needed to run an enterprise or a business
activity, and may contain data objects not yet implemented in a physical
A CDM allows you to:
Represent the organization of data in a graphic format to create Entity
Relationship Diagrams (ERD).
Verify the validity of data design.

Generate a Logical Data Model (LDM), a Physical Data Model (PDM) or

an Object-Oriented Model (OOM), which specifies an object
representation of the CDM using the UML standard.
+ To create a CDM, see Creating a Data Model on page 5. For detailed
information about conceptual diagrams, see Conceptual Diagram Basics
in the Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams chapter.

Logical Data Models

A Logical Data Model helps you design a database structure and perform
some database denormalization actions independent of any specific DBMS
physical requirements.
You can use a logical model as an intermediary step in the database design
process between the conceptual and physical designs:
Start with a CDM containing entities, attributes, relationships, domains,
data items and business rules. If need be, you may develop the CDM in
several design steps starting from a high level model to a low level CDM
Generate an LDM. Create indexes and specify FK column names and
other common features

Chapter 1. Getting Started with Data Modeling

Generate one or more PDMs, each targeted to a specific DBMS

This design process allows you to keep everything consistent in a large
development effort.
+ To create an LDM, see Creating a Data Model on page 5. For detailed
information about logical diagrams, see Logical Diagram Basics in the
Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams chapter.

Physical Data Models

A Physical Data Model (PDM) is a database design tool suitable for
modeling the implementation of physical structures and data queries in a

Depending on the type of database you want to design, you will use different
types of diagrams in the PDM:
Operational PDM - You use PDM to design the structure of an
operational database. Usually, in data modeling, the physical analysis
follows the conceptual and/or logical analysis, and addresses the details
of the actual physical implementation of data in a database, to suit your
performance and physical constraints.
Business intelligence PDM - You can use a PDM to design the structure
of a data environment, which consists of:
Data warehouse or data mart database are populated with data
transferred from operational databases, and gather together all the
information that may be needed in an OLAP database, where queries
for business analysis and decision making are performed. The data
warehouse database gathers all the data manipulated in a company for

Data Modeling with PowerDesigner

example, whereas the data mart focuses on smaller entities in the

You use physical diagrams to design a data warehouse or data mart
database. Since these databases usually contain very large amounts of
data for storage, you do not need to design them for performance. You
may assign types (fact and dimension) to the database tables to have a
preview of the multidimensional structure in an OLAP database.
A multidimensional OLAP database - which is generally populated
with data that has first been aggregated in a data warehouse or data
mart (though sometimes it is transferred directly from operational
databases), and in which information is organized to facilitate queries
performed by different tools. Business analysts use OLAP databases to
send queries and retrieve business information from the different
dimensions existing in the database.
You use PDM multidimensional diagrams to design the different
dimensions and cubes within the OLAP database.

+ To create Physical Diagrams, see the Building Physical Diagrams

chapter. To create Multidimensional Diagrams, see the Building
Multidimensional Diagrams chapter.

Chapter 1. Getting Started with Data Modeling

Creating a Data Model

You can create a new CDM from scratch, by importing a Process Analyst
Model (.PAM) or an ERwin model (.ERX), or by generating it from a CDM,
PDM, or OOM.
You can create a new PDM from scratch, or reverse engineer the model from
an existing database.
+ For information about reverse engineering, see the Reverse
Engineering a Database into a PDM chapter.

v To create a new CDM, LDM, or PDM

1. Select File New to open the New dialog box.

2. Select one of the following model types:

Conceptual Data Model
Logical Data Model
Physical Data Model
3. Select one of the following radio buttons:
New model Creates a new, empty, model.
New model from template Creates a model from a model template,
which can contain pre-configured options, preferences, extensions, and
objects. For more information, see Model Templates in the Models
chapter of the Core Features Guide .
4. Enter a model name. The code of the model, which is used for script or
code generation, is derived from this name according to the model
naming conventions.

Creating a Data Model

5. [PDM only] Select a DBMS, and specify whether to:

Share the DBMS definition use the original DBMS file in the
Resource Files\DBMS directory. Changes made to the DBMS are
shared by all PDMs that share it.
Copy the DBMS definition in model make a copy of the DBMS file.
The copied DBMS is saved with the PDM and changes made to it do
not impact any other PDMs.
+ For more information on DBMS properties and customizing a
DBMS, see the DBMS Resource File Reference chapter of the
Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner manual.
6. [PDM only] Select the type of the first diagram. The diagram chosen
becomes the default for the next time you create a new PDM. You can
create as many diagrams as you need in a CDM, LDM, or PDM.

7. [optional] Click the Extended Model Definitions tab, and select one or
more extended model definitions to attach to your model.
+ For more information on using extended model definitions, see
Extended Model Definitions in the Resource Files and the Public
Metamodel chapter of the Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

8. Click OK to create the new data model in the current Workspace.

Demo example
Sample data models are available in the Examples directory.

Model properties
To open a model property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the model, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey its purpose to non-technical

Code Specifies the technical name of the item used for generating
code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not
include spaces.

Comment Provides descriptive information about the model.

Chapter 1. Getting Started with Data Modeling

Property Description

Filename Specifies the location of the model file. This field is empty if the
model has never been saved.

Author Specifies the author of the model. If you enter nothing, the
Author field in diagram title boxes displays the user name from
the model property sheet Version Info tab. If you enter a space,
the Author field displays nothing.

Version Specifies the version of the model. You can use this box to
display the repository version or a user defined version of the
model. This parameter is defined in the Title page of the model
display preferences

DBMS [PDM only] Specifies the DBMS attached to the model. Click-
ing the Properties tool to the right of this field to open the DBMS
file in the Resource Editor.

Database [PDM only] Specifies the database that is the target for the
model. You can create a database in the model by clicking the
Create tool to the right of this field.
If your DBMS supports multiple databases in a single model
(enabled by the EnableManyDatabases entry in the Database
category of the DBMS), this field is not present, and is replaced
by a list of databases in the Model menu. A Database category is
also displayed in the physical options of your database objects.

Default Specifies the diagram displayed by default when you open the
diagram model.

Database properties (PDM)

You can create a database from the General tab of the model property sheet
or, if your DBMS supports multiple databases in a single model, from the
list of databases in the Model menu.
A database has the following properties:

Property Description

Name Name for the database

Code Code for the database. This code is generated in database


Comment Descriptive label for the database

Creating a Data Model

Property Description

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-
DBMS DBMS for the database

Options Physical options available in the DBMS

Script Begin and end scripts that are inserted at the start and end of
a database creation script

Rules Business rules for the database

v To use a database in a physical option

1. Open the property sheet of an object with physical options.
2. Click the Options tab, select the in database (. . . ) option and click the
>> button.
3. Select a database from the list below the right pane.
4. Click OK.
When you use the in [<tablespace>] physical option, you associate a
predefined tablespace with a database using the following syntax:

For example, tablespace CUST_DATA belongs to database myBase. In the

following example, table Customer will be created in tablespace

Chapter 1. Getting Started with Data Modeling

You should not define a database together with a tablespace physical option
on the same object, this will raise an error during check model.
The database Dependencies tab displays the list of objects that use the
current database in their physical options.

Archiving a PDM
Archived models store all constraint names without making a difference
between user defined and calculated constraints. These models are used with
the modify database feature.
You can archive a PDM with the .apm file extension, using the following
Save a PDM as an archived model
Automatically archive PDM after database creation

v To archive a PDM
1. Select File Save As, select Archived PDM (bin) or Archived PDM
(xml) in the Save As Type list, and click Save.

Creating a Data Model

Select Database Generate Database, click the Options tab, select the
Automatic Archive check box in the After Generation groupbox, and
click OK.


Building Conceptual and Logical


About this chapter This chapter describes how to build conceptual and logical diagrams, and
how to create and modify the associated objects.
Contents Topic: page

Introducing Conceptual and Logical Diagrams 12

Conceptual Diagram Basics 13

Logical Diagram Basics 17

Data Items (CDM) 21

Entities (CDM/LDM) 24

Attributes (CDM/LDM) 27

Identifiers (CDM/LDM) 30
Relationships (CDM/LDM) 32

Associations and Association Links (CDM) 44

Inheritances (CDM/LDM) 51

Introducing Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Introducing Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

The data models in this chapter allow you to model the semantic and logical
structure of your system.
PowerDesigner provides you with a highly flexible environment in which to
model your data systems. You can begin with either a CDM (see
Conceptual Diagram Basics on page 13) or an LDM (see Logical
Diagram Basics on page 17) to analyze your system and then generate a
PDM (see the Building Physical Diagrams chapter) to work out the details of
your implementation. Full support for database reverse-engineering allows
you to take existing data structures and analyze them at any level of
For more information about intermodel generation, see Generating Other
Models from a Data Model in the Working with Data Models chapter.

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Conceptual Diagram Basics

A Conceptual Data Model (CDM) represents the structure of your database,
independent of any software or data storage structure. It describes entities
(things of significance to a organization) and their identifiers and other
attributes, along with the relationships and inheritances that connect them.
In the following conceptual diagram, the Teacher and Student entities inherit
attributes from the Person parent entity. The two child entities are linked
with a one-to-many relationship (a teacher has several students but each
student has only one main teacher).

In addition:
a teacher can teach several subjects and a subject can be taught by several
teachers (many-to-many).

a teacher can teach several lessons and a lesson is taught by only one
teacher (one-to-many).
a student attends multiple lessons and a lesson is followed by multiple
students (many-to-many).
a student studies multiple subjects and a subject can be studied by
multiple students (many-to-many).

Conceptual Diagram Basics

Conceptual diagram objects

You can create the following objects in a conceptual diagram:

Object Tool Symbol Description

Domain [none] [none] Set of values for which a data

item is valid. See Domains
(CDM/LDM/PDM) in the
Building Physical Diagrams

Data Item [none] [none] Elementary piece of infor-

mation. See Data Items
(CDM) on page 21.

Entity Person, place, thing, or con-

cept that is of interest to
the enterprise. See Entities
(CDM/LDM) on page 24.

Entity At- [none] [none] Elementary piece of informa-

tribute tion attached to an entity. See
Attributes (CDM/LDM) on
page 27.

Identifier [none] [none] One or many entity attributes,

whose values uniquely iden-
tify each occurrence of
the entity. See Identifiers
(CDM/LDM) on page 30.

Relationship Named connection or rela-

tion between entities (ER
modeling methodology). See
Relationships (CDM/LDM)
on page 32.

Inheritance Relationship that defines an

entity as a special case of
a more general entity. See
Inheritances (CDM/LDM)
on page 51.

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Object Tool Symbol Description

Association Named connection or as-

sociation between entities
(Merise modeling methodol-
ogy). See Associations and
Association Links (CDM)
on page 44.

Association Link that connects an associa-

Link tion to an entity. See Associ-
ations and Association Links
(CDM) on page 44.

Creating a conceptual diagram

You can create a conceptual diagram in an existing CDM in any of the
following ways:
Right-click the model in the Browser and select New Conceptual
Diagram from the contextual menu
Right-click the background of any diagram and select Diagram New
Diagram from the contextual menu.
To create a new CDM with a conceptual diagram, select File New, choose
Conceptual Data Model from the Model type list, and click OK.

Opening a v6 PAM into a CDM

You can open a v6 process analyst model (PAM) into a CDM, to recover
process modeling information, as follows:

PAM object CDM object

Business rule Business rule

Domain Domain

Data store Entity

Data item Data item

You can recover processes from a PAM by opening it into a BPM (see the
Business Process Modeling guide).

Conceptual Diagram Basics

v To open a PAM into a CDM

1. Select File Open and select the PAM file.
2. Click Open to display the Formats for ProcessAnalyst Model window.

3. Select PowerDesigner Conceptual Data Model and click OK to begin the

The recovered objects are imported into the CDM and appear in a default

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Logical Diagram Basics

A Logical Data Model (LDM) allows you to validate the relationships
identified in your CDM. The objects are similar to those in the CDM, but
primary identifiers migrate along one-to-many relationships to become
foreign identifiers, and many-to-many relationships, which are not permitted
in an LDM, are replaced by intermediate entities.
The following logical diagram represent the same system as that in our
CDM example (see Conceptual Diagram Basics on page 13).

Primary identifiers have migrated along one-to-many relationships to

become foreign identifiers, and many-to-many relationships are replaced
with an intermediary entity linked with one-to-many relationships to the

Logical diagram objects

You can create the following objects in a logical diagram:

Logical Diagram Basics

Object Tool Symbol Description

Domain [none] [none] Set of values for which a data

item is valid. See Domains
(CDM/LDM/PDM) in the
Building Physical Diagrams

Entity Person, place, thing, or con-

cept that is of interest to
the enterprise. See Entities
(CDM/LDM) on page 24.

Entity At- [none] [none] Elementary piece of informa-

tribute tion attached to an entity. See
Attributes (CDM/LDM) on
page 27.

Identifier [none] [none] One or many entity attributes,

whose values uniquely iden-
tify each occurrence of
the entity. See Identifiers
(CDM/LDM) on page 30.

Relationship Named connection or rela-

tion between entities (ER
modeling methodology). See
Relationships (CDM/LDM)
on page 32.

n-n Rela- [LDM only] Named cardi-

tionship nality represented with an
intermediary entity. See Re-
lationships (CDM/LDM) on
page 32.

Inheritance Relationship that defines an

entity as a special case of
a more general entity. See
Inheritances (CDM/LDM)
on page 51.

Creating a logical diagram

You can create a logical diagram in an existing LDM in any of the following

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Right-click the model in the Browser and select New Logical Diagram
from the contextual menu.

Right-click the background of any diagram and select Diagram New

Diagram from the contextual menu.
To create a new LDM with a logical diagram, select File New, choose
Logical Data Model from the Model type list, and click OK.

Importing a deprecated PDM logical model

If you have previously created a PDM with the logical model DBMS, you
will be invited to migrate to an LDM when you open it.

v To open a deprecated PDM logical model

1. Select File Open and browse to the PDM logical model to open.

2. Click Open to display the Import Logical Data Model dialog:

3. Choose one of the following options:

Convert the model to a logical data model Note that only tables,
columns, keys and references are preserved
Change the DBMS target to ANSI Level 2 and open it as a PDM
4. Click OK to open the model.

Restoring generation links to a converted LDM

A PDM with the logical model DBMS that had been generated from a CDM
will retain its links to the source CDM when you convert it to an LDM.
However, for any PDM generated from the old LDM, you will need to
restore the generation links by regenerating the PDM from the new LDM,
using the Update existing PDM option (see Linking and Synchronizing
Models in the Core Features Guide ).

Logical Diagram Basics

Importing multiple interconnected PDM logical models

If you have previously created multiple PDMs with the logical model
DBMS, and these models are connected by shortcuts and generation or other
links, you can convert them en masse to logical data models and preserve
their interconnections.

v To open multiple deprecated PDM logical models

1. Select File Import Legacy Logical Data Models to open the Import
Logical Data Models dialog:

2. Click Open, browse to the legacy PDMs you want to import, select them,
and then click OK to add them to the list. You can, if necessary, add
multiple PDMs from multiple directories by repeating this step.

3. When you have added all the necessary PDMs to the list, click OK to
import them into interconnected LDMs.

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Data Items (CDM)

A data item is an elementary piece of information, which represents a fact
or a definition in an information system, and which may or may not have any
eventual existence as a modeled object.
You can attach a data item to an entity (see Entities (CDM/LDM) on
page 24 ) in order to create an entity attribute (see Attributes (CDM/LDM)
on page 27), which is associated with the data item.
There is no requirement to attach a data item to an entity. It remains defined
in the model and can be attached to an entity at any time.
Data items are not generated when you generate an LDM or PDM.
Example In the information system for a publishing company, the last names for
authors and customers are both important pieces of business information.
The data item LAST NAME is created to represent this information. It is
attached to the entities AUTHOR and CUSTOMER, and becomes entity
attributes of those entities.
Another piece of information is the date of birth of each author. The data
item BIRTH DATE is created but, as there is no immediate need for this
information in the model, it is not attached to any entity.

Creating a data item

You can create a data item in any of the following ways:
Select Model Data Items to access the List of Data Items, and click the
Add a Row tool.

Create an entity attribute (see Attributes (CDM/LDM) on page 27). A

data item will be automatically created.

Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New Data

+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Data item properties

You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a data
item property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Data Items folder.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Data Items (CDM)

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users.
Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces.

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the data item.

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object
without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Data type Specifies the code indicating the data format, such as N for
numeric or A for alphanumeric, followed by the number of

Length Specifies the maximum number of characters.

Precision Specifies the number of places after the decimal point, for data
values that can take a decimal point.

Domain Specifies the name of the associated domain (See Domains

(CDM/LDM/PDM) in the Building Physical Diagrams chap-
ter). If you attach a data item to a domain, the domain supplies
a data type to the data item, and can also apply length, decimal
precision, and check parameters.

The following tabs are also commonly used:

Standard Checks - contains checks which control the values permitted for
the data item (see Check parameters (CDM/LDM/PDM) in the
Building Physical Diagrams chapter).
Additional Checks - allows you to specify additional constraints (not
defined by standard check parameters) for the data item.
Rules - lists the business rules associated with the data item (see
Business Rules (CDM/LDM/PDM) in the Building Physical Diagrams

Controlling uniqueness and reuse of data items

The following model options allow you to control naming restraints and
reuse for data items:

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Option When selected When cleared

Unique Each data item must have a Multiple data items can have the
code unique code. same code.

Allow One data item can be an entity Each data item can be an entity
reuse attribute for multiple entities. attribute for only one entity
If you do not select Unique Code, two data items can have the same code,
and you differentiate them by the entities that use them. The entities are
listed in the Used By column of the list of data items.

Item not visible in list

To make an item visible in a list, click the Customize Columns and Filter
tool in the list toolbar, select the appropriate check box from the list of filter
options that is displayed, and click OK.

v To define code and reuse options for data items

1. Select Tools Model Options to open the Model Options dialog box:

2. Select or clear the Unique Code and Allow Reuse check boxes in the
Data Item groupbox, and then click OK to return to the model.

Error message The following error message is displayed if you select the Unique Code
option, when data items are already sharing a name in the CDM:

Error message Solution

Unique Code option could not be Assign unique codes to all data
selected because two data items have items
the same code: data_item_code.

Entities (CDM/LDM)

Entities (CDM/LDM)
An entity represents an object about which you want to store information.
For example, in a model of a major corporation, the entities created may
include Employee and Division.
When you generate a PDM from a CDM or LDM, entities are generated as

Creating an entity
You can create an entity in any of the following ways:
Use the Entity tool in the diagram Palette.

Select Model Entities to access the List of Entities, and click the Add a
Row tool.

Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New

+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Entity properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
entity property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser entry
in the Entities folder.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users.
Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces.

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the entity.

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object
without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Number Specifies the estimated number of occurrences in the physical

database for the entity (the number of records).

Generate Specifies that the entity will generate a table in a PDM.

Parent En- [read-only] Specifies the parent entity. Click the Properties tool
tity at the right of the field to open the parent property sheet.
The following tabs are also available:
Attributes - lists the attributes associated with the entity (see Attributes
(CDM/LDM) on page 27).
Identifiers - lists the attributes associated with the entity (see Identifiers
(CDM/LDM) on page 30).
Rules - lists the business rules associated with the entity (see Business
Rules (CDM/LDM/PDM) in the Building Physical Diagrams chapter).
Subtypes [Barker only] lists the subtypes that inherit from the entity.

Copying an entity
You can make a copy of an entity within the same model or between models.
The following rules apply to copied entities. The indicated selections for
Unique code and Allow reuse apply to the model that receives the copied

Entities (CDM/LDM)

Data item options Result of copying an entity


Unique Code New entity with new name and code

Allow Reuse New identifier with new name code
Reuses other entity attributes

Unique Code only New entity with new name and code
New identifier with new name and code
New attributes with new names and codes

Allow Reuse only New entity with new name and code
New identifier with same name and code
Reuses other entity attributes

None New entity with new name and code

New identifier with same name code
New entity attributes with same names and codes

v To copy an entity within a model

1. Select an entity in the CDM/LDM, and then select Edit Copy and Edit

2. [alternatively] Press CTRL and drag the entity to a new position in the
The entity is copied and the new entity is displayed in the Browser and

v To copy an entity to a different model

1. Select an entity in the CDM/LDM, and then select Edit Copy
2. Select the new diagram or model and then select Edit Paste.
The entity is copied and the new entity is displayed in the Browser and

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Attributes (CDM/LDM)
In a CDM, attributes are data items attached to an entity, association, or
inheritance. In an LDM, there are no data items, and so attributes exist in
entities without a conceptual origin.
When you generate a PDM from a CDM or LDM, entity attributes are
generated as table columns.

Creating an attribute
You can create an entity attribute using the following tools, available on the
Attributes tab in the property sheet of an entity, association, or inheritance:

Tool Description

Add a Row Creates a new attribute and associated data item (with
the same name and code).
If you have enabled the Allow Reuse model option, the new data
item can be used as an attribute for other objects.
If you have enabled the Allow Reuse and Unique Code model
options and you type the name of an existing data item, it will be
automatically reused.

Add Data Item (CDM)/Add Attributes (LDM) - Opens a Selection

window listing all the data items/attributes available in the model.
Select one or more data items/attributes in the list and then click OK
to make them attributes to the object.
If the data item/attribute has not yet been used, it will be linked to
the object.
If the data item/attribute has already been used, it will be copied
(with a modified name if you have enabled the Unique code model
option) and the copy attached to the object.
+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Attribute properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
attribute property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Attributes
folder within an entity, association, or inheritance.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Attributes (CDM/LDM)

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users.
Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces.

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the attribute.

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object
without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Entity/ As- [read-only] Specifies the parent object. Click the tool to the
sociation/ right of the field to open its property sheet.

Data Item [CDM only, read-only] Specifies the related data item. Click
the tool to the right of the field to open its property sheet.

Inherited [LDM only, read-only] Specifies the parent entity from which
from the attribute is migrated through an inheritance.

Data type Specifies the data type of the attribute, such as numeric,
alphanumeric, boolean, or others. Click the question
mark button to open the list of data types (see Domains
(CDM/LDM/PDM) in the Building Physical Diagrams chap-

Length Specifies the maximum length of the data type.

Precision Specifies the maximum number of places after the decimal


Domain Specifies the name of the associated domain (See Domains

(CDM/LDM/PDM) in the Building Physical Diagrams chap-
ter). If you attach an attribute to a domain, the domain supplies
a data type to the attribute, and can also apply length, decimal
precision, and check parameters.
Primary [entity attributes only] Indicates whether or not the attribute is
Identifier the primary identifier of the entity.
Displayed [entity and association attributes only] Displays the attribute in
the object symbol.

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Property Description

Mandatory Specifies that every object occurrence must assign a value to

the attribute. Identifiers (see Identifiers (CDM/LDM) on
page 30) are always mandatory.
Foreign [LDM only, read-only] Indicates whether or not the attribute is
identifier the foreign identifier of the entity.

The following tabs are also available:

Standard Checks - contains checks which control the values permitted for
the attribute (see Check parameters (CDM/LDM/PDM) in the Building
Physical Diagrams chapter).
Additional Checks - allows you to specify additional constraints (not
defined by standard check parameters) for the attribute.

Rules - lists the business rules associated with the attribute (see Business
Rules (CDM/LDM/PDM) in the Building Physical Diagrams chapter).

Deleting attributes (CDM)

When you delete an attribute, model options determine whether or not the
corresponding data items are also deleted:

Model options selected Result of deleting an attribute

Unique Code and Allow Does not delete corresponding data item

Unique Code only Does not delete corresponding data item

Allow Reuse only Deletes corresponding data item if it is not used

by another entity

None Deletes corresponding data item

Identifiers (CDM/LDM)

Identifiers (CDM/LDM)
An identifier is one or many entity attributes, whose values uniquely
identify each occurrence of the entity.
Each entity must have at least one identifier. If an entity has only one
identifier, it is designated by default as the primary identifier.
When you generate a PDM from a CDM or LDM, identifiers are generated
as primary or alternate keys.

Creating an identifier
You can create an entity in any of the following ways:
Open the Attributes tab in the property sheet of an entity, select one or
more attributes, and click the Create Identifier tool. The selected
attributes are associated with the identifier and are listed on the attributes
tab of its property sheet.
Open the Identifiers tab in the property sheet of an entity, and click the
Add a Row tool.

+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Identifier properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
identifier property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Identifiers
folder beneath an entity.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Property Description

Name The name of the identifier which should be clear and meaning-
ful, and should convey its purpose to non-technical users.

Code The technical name of the identifier used for generating code
or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally
include spaces.
Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the identifier.

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-
Entity Specifies the name of the entity to which the identifier belongs.

Primary Specifies that the identifier is a primary identifier.

The following tabs are also available:
Attributes - lists the attributes (see Attributes (CDM/LDM) on page 27)
associated with the identifier: Click the Add Attributes tool to add an

Relationships (CDM/LDM)

Relationships (CDM/LDM)
A relationship is a link between entities. For example, in a model that
manages human resources, the Member relationship links the entities
Employee and Team and expresses that each employee works in a team, and
each team has employees.
An occurrence of a relationship corresponds to one instance of each of the
two entities involved in the relationship. For example, the employee Martin
working in the Marketing team is one occurrence of the relationship
When you generate a PDM from a CDM or LDM, relationships are
generated as references.
Relationships and Relationships are used in the Entity Relationship (ER), Barker, and IDEF1X
associations modeling methodologies. In the Merise methodology associations (see
Associations and Association Links (CDM) on page 44) are used to link
entities. PowerDesigner lets you use either relationships or associations
exclusively, or combine the two methodologies in the same model.
This section analyzes relationships in the Entity Relationship methodology,
for more information on IDEF1X, see Setting CDM/LDM Model Options
in the Working with Data Models chapter.

Creating a relationship
You can create a relationship in any of the following ways:
Use the Relationship tool in the diagram Palette. Click inside the first
entity to be linked and, while continuing to hold down the mouse button,
drag the cursor to the second entity. Release the mouse button inside the
second entity.
Select Model Relationships to access the List of Relationships, and
click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Relationship properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
relationship property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser
entry in the Relationships folder.

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users.

Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces.
Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the relationship.

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-
Entity1 Specifies the two entities linked by the relationship. You can
Entity2 use the tools to the right of the lists to create an object, browse
the complete tree of available objects or view the properties
of the currently selected object.

Generate Specifies that the relationship should be generated as a

reference when you generate a PDM.

Cardinalities Contains data about cardinality as the number of instances of

one entity in relation to another entity.

Relationships (CDM/LDM)

Relationship property sheet Cardinalities tab

The Cardinalities tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Cardinality Specifies the number of instances (none, one, or many) of an

entity in relation to another entity. You can choose from the
following values:
One-to-one (symbol: <1..1>) - One instance of entity A
can correspond to only one instance of entity B.
One-to-many (symbol: <1..n>) - One instance of entity A
can correspond to more than one instance of entity B.
Many-to-one (symbol: <n..1>) - More than one instance of
entity A can correspond to the same one instance of entity
Many-to-many (symbol: <n..n>) - More than one instance
of entity A can correspond to more than one instance of en-
tity B. To use n..n relationships in an LDM, see Enabling
many-to-many relationships in an LDM on page 38.

+ For information about the termination points of the relationships in each

of the supported notations, see Supported CDM/LDM notations in the
Working with Data Models chapter.
In addition, this tab contains a groupbox for both directions of the
relationship, each of which contains the following properties:

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Property Description

Dominant In a one-to-one relationship, you can define one direction of the

role relationship as dominant. If you define a dominant direction,
the one-to-one relationship generates one reference in the
PDM. The dominant entity becomes the parent table. If you
do not define a dominant direction, the one-to-one relationship
generates two references.
The relationship pictured here shows the one-to-one


In a PDM, this relationship generates the following

reference: Author is the parent table, and its pri-
mary key migrates to the Picture table as foreign


Role name Text that describes the relationship of EntityA to EntityB.

Relationships (CDM/LDM)

Property Description

Dependent In a dependent relationship, one entity is partially identified by

another. Each entity must have an identifier. In some cases,
however, the attributes of an entity are not sufficient to identify
an occurrence of the entity. For these entities, their identifiers
incorporate the identifier of another entity with which they have
a dependent relationship.
For example, an entity named Task has two entity attributes,
TASK NAME and TASK COST. A task may be performed in
many different projects and the task cost will vary with each
project. To identify each occurrence of TASK COST the unique
Task entity identifier is the compound of its Task name entity
attribute and the Project number identifier from the Project
A many-to-many relationship cannot be a dependent relation-
The relationship pictured here expresses this


The circle at the top of the triangle indicates that occurrences

of the Project entity do not require an occurrence of the
Task entity. But an occurrence of the Task entity requires an
occurrence of the Project entity on which it depends.

Mandatory Indicates that the relationship between entities is mandatory.

You define options from the point of view of the both entities
in the relationship.
For example, the subcontract relationship is optional from
customer to project, but mandatory from project to customer.
Each project must have a customer, but each customer does not
have to have a project.

Cardinality Specifies the maximum and minimum number of instances of

EntityA in relation to EntityB (if mandatory, at least 1). You
can choose from the following values:
0..1 Zero to one instances
0..n Zero to many instances
1..1 Exactly one instance
1..n one to many instances

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Relationship property sheet Joins tab (LDM)

A join is a link between an attribute in a parent entity and an attribute in a

child entity (attribute pair) that is defined within a relationship.
A join can link primary, alternate or foreign identifiers, or user-specified
attributes in the parent and child entities that are independent of identifier

v To define joins in a relationship

1. Double-click a relationship in the diagram to open its property sheet and
then click the Joins tab.
2. Select a key in the Parent Identifier list to create joins on its attributes. If
you select <NONE>, the attribute lists are empty and you must specify
your own attributes to join.
The attributes linked by the joins are listed in the Parent Attribute and
Child Attribute columns.

Relationships (CDM/LDM)

Changing a foreign identifier attribute linked by a join

You can change the foreign identifier attribute linked by a join by
clicking the attribute in the Child Entity list, and selecting another
attribute from the list.
3. [optional] If you selected <NONE> from the Parent Identifier list, click
the Parent Attribute column and select an attribute from the list, then
click the Child Attribute column and select a child attribute.
4. [optional] Select the Auto arrange join order check box to sort the list by
the identifier attribute order. If this option is not selected, you can
re-arrange the attributes using the arrow buttons.
5. Click OK.
Linking attributes in a For any relationship you can choose to link a primary or alternate identifier,
primary or alternate to a corresponding foreign identifier. When you select an identifier from the
identifier Joins tab of the relationship property sheet, all the identifier attributes are
linked to matching foreign identifier attributes in the child entity.

Changing a foreign identifier attribute link

A foreign identifier attribute can be changed to link to another parent entity
attribute, either within the identifier relationship, or independent of it.
Reuse and Migration You can use the following buttons on the Joins tab to reuse or migrate
option for a selected attributes linked by joins.
Tool Description

Reuse Attributes - Reuse existing child attributes with same code

as parent entity attributes.

Migrate Attributes - Migrate identifier attributes to foreign identi-

fier attributes. If attributes do not exist they are created.

Cancel Migration - Delete any migrated attributes in child entity.

Enabling many-to-many relationships in an LDM

In an LDM, many-to-many relationships are, by default, not permitted and

are represented with an intermediary entity. If you allow many-to-many
relationships, you can select the many-to-many value in the cardinalities tab.

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

v To display the many-to-many value in a LDM cardinalities tab

1. Select Tools Model Options to open the Model Options dialog box.
2. Select the Allow n-n relationships check box in the Relationship
groupbox, and then click OK to return to the model.

Creating a reflexive relationship

A reflexive relationship is a relationship between an entity and itself.
In the following example, the reflexive relationship Supervise expresses that
an employee (Manager) can supervise other employees.

Getting neat relationship lines

To obtain clean lines with rounded corners when you create a reflexive
relationship, select Display Preferences Format Relationship and
modify the Line Style with the appropriate type from the Corners list.

v To create a reflexive relationship

1. Click the Relationship tool in the Palette.
2. Click inside the entity symbol and, while continuing to hold down the
mouse button, drag the cursor a short distance within the symbol, before
releasing the button.
A relationship symbol loops back to the same entity.

Entity dependencies
In the Dependencies page of the entity, you can see two identical occur-
rences of the relationship, this is to indicate that the relationship is reflexive
and serves as origin and destination for the link

Relationships (CDM/LDM)

Defining a code option for relationships

You can control naming restraints for relationships so that each relationship
must have a unique code.
If you do not select Unique Code, two relationships can have the same code,
and you differentiate them by the entities they link.

v To define the Unique Code model option for relationships

1. Select Tools Model Options to open the Model Options dialog box:
2. Select or clear the Unique Code check box in the Relationship groupbox,
and then click OK to return to the model.
Error message The following error message is displayed when the option you choose is
incompatible with the current CDM:

Error message Solution

Unique Code option could not be Change the code of one relationship
selected because at least two re-
lationships have the same code:

Changing a relationship into an associative entity

You can transform a relationship into an associative entity (see Associations
and Association Links (CDM) on page 44) linked by two relationships, and
then attach entity attributes to the associative entity, that you could not attach
to the relationship.
The associative entity retains the name and code of the relationship, and the
two new relationships handle cardinality properties.

v To change a relationship directly into an associative entity

1. Right-click a relationship symbol and select Change to Entity Standard
from the contextual menu.
An associative entity with two relationships replaces the relationship.
The associative entity takes the name of the original relationship.

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

v To change a relationship into an associative entity using the

Change to Entity Wizard
1. Right-click a relationship symbol and select Change to Entity Wizard
from the contextual menu to open the Change to Entity Wizard.
2. On the Customizing Entity page, type an entity name and code, and then
click Next.

3. On the first Customizing Relationship page, complete the details for the
relationship that will be created between the first entity and the new
entity, and then click Next.

4. On the second Customizing Relationship page, complete the details for

the relationship that will be created between the new entity and the
second entity, and then click Finish.
The associative entity with two relationships replaces the relationship.

Relationship examples
This section shows the graphic representation of various relationship

One-to-many relationship Description

Each division may have zero

or more employees
Each employee may belong to
zero or one division

Each division must have one or

more employees
Each employee may belong to
zero or one division

Each division may have zero

or more employees
Each employee must belong to
one and only one division

Each division must have one or

more employees
Each employee must belong to
one and only one division

Relationships (CDM/LDM)

One-to-many relationship Description

Each division may have zero

or more employees
Each employee must belong to
one and only one division
Each employee is identified
uniquely by division number
and employee number

Each division must have one or

more employees
Each employee must belong to
one and only one division
Each employee is identified
uniquely by division number
and employee number

One-to-one relationship Description

Each team works on zero or

one project
Each project is managed by
zero or one team

Each team works on one and

one project only
Each project is managed by
zero or one team

Each team works on zero or

one project
Each project is managed by
one and one team only

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Many-to-many relationship Description

Each division may have zero

or more employees
Each employee may belong to
zero or more divisions

Each division must have one or

more employees
Each employee may belong to
zero or more divisions

Each division may have zero

or more employees
Each employee must belong to
one or more divisions

Each division must have one or

more employees
Each employee must belong to
one or more divisions

Identifier Migration along Relationships

Migrations are made instantaneously in an LDM or during generation if you
generate a PDM from a CDM.

Relationship type Migration

Dependent one-to- Foreign identifiers become attributes of the primary

many identifier of the child entity.

Many-to-many No attributes are migrated.

Dominant one-to-one Primary identifier migrate from the dominant at-

Mandatory one-to- If the child to parent role is mandatory, migrated
many attributes are mandatory.

Associations and Association Links (CDM)

Associations and Association Links (CDM)

In the Merise modeling methodology an association is used to connect
several entities that each represents clearly defined objects, but are linked by
an event, which may not be so clearly represented by another entity.
Each instance of an association corresponds to an instance of each entity
linked to the association.
When you generate a PDM from a CDM, associations are generated as
tables or references.
In the following example, three entities VIDEOK7, CLIENT, and STORE
contain video cassette, client, and store information. They are linked by an
association which represents a video cassette rental (K7RENTAL). The
K7RENTAL association also contains the attributes DATE and STAFF_ID,
which give the date of the rental, and the identity of the staff member who
rented out the video cassette.

When you generate a PDM, K7RENTED is generated as a table with five


Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

You can use associations exclusively in your CDM, or use both associations
and relationships.
Association links An association is connected to an entity by an association link, which
symbolizes the role and the cardinality between an association and an entity.

Creating an association with links

The easiest way to create an association between entities is to use the
Association Link tool, which will create the association and the necessary
links as well.

v To create an association with links

1. Click the Association Link tool in the Palette.
2. Click inside the first entity and while continuing to hold down the mouse
button, drag the cursor to a second entity. Release the mouse button.
An association symbol is created between the two entities.

Creating an association without links

You can create an association without links in any of the following ways:
Use the Association tool in the diagram Palette.
Select Model Associations to access the List of Associations, and click
the Add a Row tool.

Associations and Association Links (CDM)

Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New


Once you have created the association, you can link it to the relevant entities
by using the Association Link tool.
+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Association properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
association property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser
entry in the Associations folder.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users.

Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces.

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the association.

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Number Specifies the estimated number of occurrences in the physical

database for the association (the number of records).

Generate Specifies that the association will generate a table in a PDM.

Attributes Specifies the data item attached to an association.

Rules Specifies the business rules associated with the association.

Association link properties

You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
association link property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its
Browser entry in the Association Links folder.

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Entity Specifies the entity connected by the association link. You can
use the tools to the right of the list to create an object, browse
the complete tree of available objects or view the properties of
the currently selected object.
Associa- Specifies the association connected by the association link.

Role Specifies the label indicating the role of the association link.

Identifier Indicates if the entity is dependent on the other entity.

Cardinality Specifies the number of occurrences (one or many) that one

entity has relative to another. You define the cardinality for
each association link between the association and the entity.
You can choose between:
0,1 - There can be zero or one occurrence of the association
in relation to one instance of the entity. The association is
not mandatory
0,n - There can be zero or many occurrences of the associa-
tion in relation to one instance of the entity. The association
is not mandatory
1,1 - One occurrence of the entity can be related to only one
occurrence of the association. The association is mandatory
1,n - One occurrence of the entity can be related to one
or many occurrences of the association. The association is
You can change the default format of cardinalities from the
PowerDesigner <version>\
ModelOptions\Conceptual Options
CardinalityNotation=1 (0..1) or 2

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Creating a reflexive association

A reflexive association is a relationship between an entity and itself.

Associations and Association Links (CDM)

v To create a reflexive association

1. Click the Association Link tool in the Palette.
2. Click inside the entity symbol and, while continuing to hold down the
mouse button, drag the cursor a short distance within the symbol, before
releasing the button.
3. Drag the resulting association symbol away from entity to make clear its
two links to the entity:

In the example above, the reflexive association Manager expresses that an

employee (Manager) can manage other employees.

Defining a dependent association

In a dependent association, one entity is partially identified by another. Each
entity must have an identifier. In some cases, however, the attributes of an
entity are not sufficient to identify an occurrence of the entity. For these
entities, their identifiers incorporate the identifier of another entity with
which they have a dependent association.
Example An entity named Task has two entity attributes, TASK NAME and TASK
COST. A task may be performed in many different projects and the task cost
will vary with each project. To identify each occurrence of TASK COST the
unique Task entity identifier is the compound of its Task name entity
attribute and the Project number identifier from the Project entity.

When you generate a PDM, the TASK table contains the PROJECT
NUMBER column as a foreign key, which is also a primary key column.
The primary key therefore consists of both PROJECT NUMBER and TASK
NAME columns.

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Association link identifiers and associations

The same association can not have two identifier association links.

v To define a dependent association

1. Double-click an association link symbol to display the association link
property sheet.

2. Select the Identifier check box and then click OK to return to the model..
The cardinality of the association link is enclosed in parenthesis to
indicate that the association link is an identifier.

Changing an association into an associative entity

You can transform an association into an associative entity linked by two
associations. The associative entity gets the name and code of the
association. The two new associations handle cardinality properties.
Example Two entities PROJECT MANAGER and CONTRACTOR are linked by the

You can represent this association with an associative entity:

The two new associations can be represented as follows:

Associations and Association Links (CDM)

v To change an association into an associative entity

1. Right-click an association symbol, and select Change to Entity from the
contextual menu.
An associative entity that is linked to two associations replaces the
original association. The associative entity takes the name of the original

Creating an association attribute

The tools used for creating association attributes on this tab are the same as
those for creating entity attributes. For more information, see Creating an
attribute on page 27.

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Inheritances (CDM/LDM)
An inheritance allows you to define an entity as a special case of a more
general entity. The general, or supertype (or parent) entity contains all of the
common characteristics, and the subtype (or child) entity contains only the
particular characteristics.
In the example below, the Account entity represents all the bank accounts in
the information system. There are two subtypes: checking accounts and
savings accounts.

The inheritance symbol displays the inheritance status:

IDEF1X E/R and Merise Description


Mutually exclusive inheritance

Complete inheritance

Mutually exclusive and complete inheri-


Inheritances in the Barker notation

There is no separate inheritance object in the Barker notation. You represent
an inheritance by placing one entity symbol on top of another. Barker
inheritances are always complete and mutually exclusive. The supertype
lists its subtypes on the Subtypes tab (see Entity properties on page 24).

Creating an inheritance
You can create an inheritance in any of the following ways:

Inheritances (CDM/LDM)

Use the Inheritance tool in the diagram Palette (see Creating an

inheritance with the Inheritance tool on page 52).
Select Model Inheritances to access the List of Inheritances, and click
the Add a Row tool. You will be required to specify a parent entity.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Inheritance. You will be required to specify a parent entity.
+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Creating an inheritance with the Inheritance tool

You can use the inheritance tool to create inheritances between entities and
to join additional children to an inheritance.

v To create an inheritance link using the Inheritance tool

1. Select the Inheritance tool in the Palette.
2. Click the child entity and, while continuing to hold down the mouse
button, drag the cursor to the parent entity. Release the mouse button
inside the child entity.
The link is displayed between the two entities and has a half-circle in the
middle and an arrowhead that points to the parent entity.

3. [optional] To create additional child entities for the same link, drag and
drop an inheritance link from the half-circle to the additional child entity.
The symbol links all the child entities to the parent.

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Dragging an inheritance link to a different child entity

You can change the child entity at the end of an inheritance link by
clicking the inheritance link and drag one of its attach points to a
different entity.

4. [optional] Double-click the new link in the diagram to open the

inheritance property sheet, and enter any appropriate properties.

Inheritance properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
inheritance property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser
entry in the Inheritances folder.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users.

Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces.

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the inheritance link.

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Parent Specifies the name of the parent entity. You can use the tools
to the right of the list to create an object, browse the complete
tree of available objects or view the properties of the currently
selected object.

Mutually Specifies that only one child can exist for one occurrence of the
exclusive parent entity.

Complete Specifies that all instances of the parent entity (surtype) must
belong to one of the children (subtypes). For example, entity
Person has 2 sub-types Male and Female; each instance of
entity Person is either a male or a female.

Inheritances (CDM/LDM)

Inheritance property sheet Generation tab

The generation mode defines the physical implementation of an inheritance

structure by specifying which entities in an inheritance structure should be
generated as tables in the PDM.
The Generation tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Generation Specifies which parts of the inheritance will be generated. You

Mode can specify one or both of the following:
Generate parent - Generates a table corresponding to the
parent entity, which:
Inherits entity attributes of each child entity
Is affected by child entity relationships
Contains reference to any table which has a many-to-one
relationship with child entity
Generate children - Generates a table corresponding to each
child entity. The primary key of each child table is the con-
catenation of the child entity identifier and the parent entity
identifier. When this option is selected, you must choose
Inherit all attributes Each table inherits all the entity
attributes of the parent entity
Inherit only primary attributes - Each table inherits only
the identifier of the parent entity
Note that, if you do not select Generate Children, you can
control the generation of individual child tables using the
option Generate in the property sheet of each child entity.

Chapter 2. Building Conceptual and Logical Diagrams

Property Description

Specifying In the case of parent-only generation, you can choose to define

attributes a specifying attribute, an entity attribute that is defined for a
parent entity which differentiates occurrences of each child.
In the example below, the TITLE entity has two children,
As only the parent table TITLE will be generated in a PDM,
a specifying entity attribute PERIODICAL is defined for the
inheritance link to differentiate between the two child entities.
In the PDM, each of the child entity attributes will
generate columns in the table TITLE, and the spec-
ifying entity attribute PERIODICAL will generate a
corresponding column PERIODICAL. The values of this
column indicate whether an instance of TITLE is a periodical or


The tools available on this tab for creating specifying attributes

are the same as those for creating entity attributes. For more
information, see Creating an attribute on page 27.

Inheritance property sheet Children tab

The Children tab list the child entities attached to the inheritance.

v To add a child entity to an inheritance link

1. Open an inheritance property sheet and click the Children tab:
2. Click the Add Children tool to open a selection window listing all the
entities available in the model.
3. Select one or more entities, and then click OK to return to the inheritance
property sheet.
The new entity is added to the list of child entities.

Inheritances (CDM/LDM)

4. Click OK to return to the diagram.

The new child entity is linked to the inheritance symbol in the diagram.

Making inheritance links mutually exclusive

When an inheritance link is mutually exclusive, one occurrence of the parent
entity cannot be matched to more than one child entity. This information is
for documentation only and has no impact in generating the PDM.
To make an inheritance link mutually exclusive, open the inheritance
property sheet and select the Mutually Exclusive Children check box. Then
click OK to return to the diagram.
The mutually exclusive inheritance link displays an X on its half-circle
In the diagram below, the inheritance link is mutually exclusive, meaning
that an account is either checking or savings, but never both.

Identifier Migration through an Inheritance (LDM)

In an LDM, primary identifiers of a parent entity always migrate to the child
entity. The migration of other attributes of the parent entity depends on
which inheritance option is selected.
If a child entity is not generated, its attributes migrate to its parent entity.


Building Physical Diagrams

About this chapter This chapter describes how to build physical diagrams, and how to create
and modify the associated objects.
Contents Topic: page

Physical Diagram Basics 58

Tables (PDM) 62

Columns (PDM) 86
Keys (PDM) 95

Indexes (PDM) 103

Defaults (PDM) 111

Domains (CDM/LDM/PDM) 115

Sequences (PDM) 124

Abstract Data Types (PDM) 129

References (PDM) 138

Views (PDM) 152

View References (PDM) 169

Check Parameters (CDM/LDM/PDM) 174

Business Rules (CDM/LDM/PDM) 179

Physical Options 188

Physical Diagram Basics

Physical Diagram Basics

A physical diagram allows you to define a database structure from the
physical implementation point of view. It takes into account the physical
resources: DBMS, data storage structures and software, to describe the
structure of the database.
You build a physical diagram at the end of the data analysis process, before
you start the software programming. The physical diagram allows you to
define how data from conceptual model are implemented in the database.

Physical diagram objects

You can create the following objects in a physical diagram:

Object Tool Symbol Description

Table Collection of rows (records) that have

associated columns (fields). See Tables
(PDM) on page 62.

Column [none] [none] Data structure that contains an individ-

ual data item within a row (record),
model equivalent of a database field. See
Columns (PDM) on page 86.

Primary key [none] [none] Column or columns whose values

uniquely identify each row in a table,
and are designated as the primary identi-
fier of each row in the table. See Keys
(PDM) on page 95.

Alternate [none] [none] Column or columns whose values

key uniquely identify each row in a table,
and which is not a primary key. See
Keys (PDM) on page 95.

Foreign key [none] [none] Column or columns whose values de-

pend on and migrate from a primary or
alternate key in another table. See Keys
(PDM) on page 95.

Index [none] [none] Data structure associated with one or

more columns in a table, in which the
column values are ordered in such a
way as to speed up access to data. See
Indexes (PDM) on page 103.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Object Tool Symbol Description

Default [none] [none] [certain DBMSs] A default value for

a column. See Defaults (PDM) on
page 111.
Domain [none] [none] Defines valid values for a column.
See Domains (CDM/LDM/PDM) on
page 115.

Sequence [none] [none] [certain DBMSs] Defines the form of

incrementation for a column. See Se-
quences (PDM) on page 124.

Abstract [none] [none] [certain DBMSs] User-defined data type.

data type See Abstract Data Types (PDM) on
page 129.

Reference Link between a primary or an alternate

key in a parent table, and a foreign
key of a child table. Depending on its
selected properties, a reference can also
link columns that are independent of
primary or alternate key columns. See
References (PDM) on page 138.

View Data structure that results from a SQL

query and that is built from data in one
or more tables. See Views (PDM) on
page 152.

View Refer- Link between a table and a view. See

ence View References (PDM) on page 169.

Trigger [none] [none] A segment of SQL code associated with

a table or a view. See Trigger Overview
in the Building Triggers and Procedures

Procedure Precompiled collection of SQL state-

ments stored under a name in the database
and processed as a unit. See Stored Pro-
cedures and Functions in the Building
Triggers and Procedures chapter.

Physical Diagram Basics

Object Tool Symbol Description

Database [none] [none] The database of which the PDM is a rep-

resentation. See Creating a Database in
the Getting Started with Data Modeling

Storage [none] [none] A partition on a storage device. See

Tables spaces and Storages in the
Generating a Database from a PDM

Tablespace [none] [none] A partition in a database. See Tables

spaces and Storages in the Generating a
Database from a PDM chapter.

User [none] [none] A person who can log in or connect to

the database. See Users (PDM) in the
Building a Database Access Structure

Role [none] [none] A predefined user profile. See Roles

(PDM) in the Building a Database
Access Structure chapter.

Group [none] [none] Defines privileges and permissions for

a set of users. See Groups (PDM) in
the Building a Database Access Structure

Synonym [none] [none] An alternative name for various types of

objects. See Synonyms (PDM) in the
Building a Database Access Structure

Web service [none] [none] Collection of SQL statements stored in

a database to retrieve relational data in
HTML, XML, WSDL or plain text for-
mat, through HTTP or SOAP requests.
See Web Services (PDM) in the Build-
ing Web Services chapter.

Web opera- [none] [none] Sub-object of a Web service containing

tion a SQL statement and displaying Web
parameters and result columns. See
Web Service Operations (PDM) in the
Building Web Services chapter.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Creating a physical diagram

You can create a physical diagram in an existing PDM in any of the
following ways:
Right-click the model in the Browser and select New Physical Diagram
from the contextual menu

Right-click the background of any diagram and select Diagram New

Diagram Physical Diagram from the contextual menu.
To create a new PDM with a physical diagram, select File New, choose
Physical Data Model from the Model type list, choose Physical Diagram as
the first diagram, and click OK.

Tables (PDM)

Tables (PDM)
A table represents a collection of data arranged in columns and rows. Tables
may contain any of the following objects:
Columns are named properties of a table that describe its characteristics
(see Columns (PDM) on page 86).
Indexes are data structures associated with a table that are logically
ordered by key values (see Indexes (PDM) on page 103).

Keys are columns, or combinations of columns, that uniquely identify

rows in a table. Each key can generate a unique index or a unique
constraint in a target database (see Keys (PDM) on page 95).
Triggers are segments of SQL code associated with tables, and stored in a
database. They are invoked automatically whenever there is an attempt to
modify data in associated tables (see the Building Triggers and
Procedures chapter).
You can use database-specific physical options to specify physical
parameters for tables and many other objects (see Physical Options on
page 188).

Creating a table
You can create a table in any of the following ways:
Use the Table tool in the diagram Palette
Select Model Tables to access the List of Tables, and click the Add a
Row tool
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New Table
+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Table properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
table property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser entry in
the Tables folder. The following sections detail the property sheet tabs that
contain the properties most commonly entered for tables.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users
Code Specifies the technical name of the item used for generating
code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not
generally include spaces

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the table

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object
without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Owner Specifies the name of the table owner. You choose an owner
from a list of users. A table can only have one owner at a
time. This is normally the table creator

Number Specifies the estimated number of records in the table in the

physical database, which is used to estimate database size.
This box is automatically populated during reverse engi-
neering if you select the Statistics check box in the Reverse
Engineering dialog box (see Reverse Engineering from a
Live Database in the Reverse Engineering a Database into
a PDM chapter).
You can enter your own value in this field, or refresh its
statistics (along with those for all of the tables columns)
at any time by right-clicking the table symbol or its entry
in the Browser and selecting Update Statistics from the
contextual menu. You can also update the statistics for all
tables by selecting Tools Update Statistics (see Reverse
Engineering Database Statistics in the Reverse Engineering
a Database into a PDM chapter).

Generate Specifies that the table is generated in the database

Dimensional Specifies the multidimensional type of the table. You can

type choose between:
Dimension - see Dimensions (PDM) in the Building
Multidimensional Diagrams chapter
Fact - see Facts (PDM) in the Building Multidimen-
sional Diagrams chapter

Tables (PDM)

Property Description

Type Specifies the type of the table. You can choose between:
Object - for abstract data types
XML - for storing and retrieving data using an XML for-
mat. For more information, see Creating an XML table
or view on page 65

The following tabs are also available:

Columns - lists the columns associated with the table (see Columns
(PDM) on page 86).
Indexes - lists the indexes associated with the table (see Indexes (PDM)
on page 103).

Keys - lists the keys associated with the table (see Keys (PDM) on
page 95).

Triggers - lists the triggers associated with the table (see The Building
Triggers and Procedures chapter).

Procedures - lists the procedures associated with the table (see the
Building Triggers and Procedures chapter).
Physical Options - list the physical options associated with the table (see
Physical Options on page 188).
Preview - displays the SQL code associated with the table (see
Previewing SQL statements in the Working with Data Models chapter).

Linking a table to an abstract data type

Some DBMS like Oracle or DB2 Common Server support tables based on
abstract data types (ADT). A table based on an ADT uses the properties of
the ADT and the ADT attributes become table columns.
To link a table to an ADT you have to use the Based On list to select an
abstract data type. Not all ADT can be used, only ADT of type Object in
Oracle, or Structured in DB2 Common Server appear in the Based On list.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

+ For more information on abstract data types, see Abstract Data Types
(PDM) on page 129.

Creating an XML table or view

Some DBMS support tables and views of XML type.
An XML table is used to store an XML document, it does not contain
columns. It is possible to associate this table with an XML schema
registered in a relational database, in this case the schema is used to validate
the XML document stored in the table.
If you select the XML type in the Type list, the Column tab disappears and
the following additional properties appear in the table property sheet:

Tables (PDM)

Property Description

Schema Allows you to enter the target namespace or the name of an

XML model. The schema must be registered in the database to
be used for validating XML documents. You can:
type a user-defined schema name
click the Select a registered schema button to connect to a
database and select a registered schema
If you select an element from an XML model open in the Pow-
erDesigner workspace, the Schema property is automatically
initialized with the XML model target namespace. Note that
this schema must also be registered in the database to be used
for validating XML documents

Element Allows you to select a root element in the XML document. You
type a user-defined element name
click the Select an element button to select an element from
the XML models open in the workspace or from the schema
registered in the database

v To create an XML table

1. Right-click the Table category in the Browser and select New.
The property sheet of a new table is displayed.

2. Type a table name and a table code.

3. In the Type list, select XML.
The Columns tab disappears and the Schema and Element boxes appear
in the lower part of the General tab.
4. In the Schema box, type the target namespace or name of an XML model
or use the Select a registered schema button to select among the
registered schema in a selected database.

5. In the Element box, type the name of the root element of the selected

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

6. Click OK.

Naming a table constraint

A table constraint is a named check that enforces data requirements of check
Whenever you place a data restriction on a table, a constraint is created
automatically. You have the option of specifying a name for the constraint.
If you do not, the database creates a default constraint name automatically.
This name helps you to identify and customize a table constraint in scripts
for database creation and modification.

v To name a table constraint

1. Double-click a table in the diagram to display its property sheet, and click
the Check tab.
2. Click the User Defined button to the right of the Constraint Name box,
and type changes to the constraint name in the Constraint Name box.

Undo changes to a constraint name

You can always return to the default constraint name by re-clicking the
User-Defined button.
3. Click OK.

Tables (PDM)

+ For more information, see Check Parameters (CDM/LDM/PDM) on

page 174.

Creating external tables

You can create external tables when you need to access data in a remote
table. The external table has all the properties of the remote table but it does
not contain any data locally.
External tables are metamodel extensions defined in the profile category of
an extended model definition attached to a PDM. For example, in Sybase
ASA, external tables are called proxy tables and a specific extended model
definition is delivered to let you design these tables.
+ For more information on designing proxy tables in Sybase ASA, see
section Working with proxy tables in Sybase ASA in chapter DBMS-specific
+ For more information on designing proxy tables in Sybase ASE, see
section Working with proxy tables in Sybase ASE in chapter DBMS-specific

Denormalizing Tables and Columns

Database normalization consists in eliminating redundancy and inconsistent
dependencies between tables. While normalization is generally considered
the goal of database design, denormalization, the deliberate duplication of
certain data in order to speed data retrieval, may be appropriate in certain
Critical queries rely upon data from more than one table
Many calculations need to be applied to one or many columns before
queries can be successfully answered
Tables need to be accessed in different ways by different users during the
same timeframe
Certain columns are queried a large percentage of the time
When deciding whether to denormalize, you need to analyze the data access
requirements of the applications in your environment and their actual
performance characteristics. Often, good indexing and other solutions solve
many performance problems rather than denormalization.
Denormalization may be accomplished in several ways:
Horizontal partitioning is used to divide a table into multiple tables
containing the same columns but fewer rows

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Vertical partitioning is used to divide a table into multiple tables

containing the same number of rows but fewer columns

Table collapsing is used to merge tables in order to eliminate the join

between them
Column denormalization is used to repeat a column in tables in order to
avoid creating a join between tables
The following sections explain how to implement these denormalization
techniques in PowerDesigner.

Creating horizontal partitions

Horizontal partitioning consists in segmenting a table into multiple tables

each containing a subset of rows and the same columns as the partitioned
table in order to optimize data retrieval. You can use any column, including
primary keys, as partitioning criteria.
Example In this example, the table Annual_Sales contains the following columns:

This table may contain a very large amount of data. You could optimize data
retrieval by creating horizontal partitions by year. The result is as follows:

Horizontal partitioning has the following pros and cons:

Tables (PDM)

Pros Cons

Improve the query response time Requires additional joins and unions to
retrieve data from multiple tables

Accelerate incremental data Requires more intelligent queries to

backup and recovery determine which table contains the
requested data
Decrease time required to load Requires additional metadata to describe
into indexed tables the partitioned table
Horizontal Partitioning You can partition tables horizontally using the Horizontal Partitioning
Wizard Wizard.

v To partition a table with the Horizontal Partitioning Wizard

1. Select Tools Denormalization Horizontal Partitioning, or right-click
a table in the diagram and select Horizontal Partitioning from the
contextual menu, in order to open the Horizontal Partitioning Wizard:

2. Select the table to partition and select the check box if you want to keep
the original table after partitioning. Then click Next to go to the Partition
Definition page.
3. The Partition Definition page allows you to create as many partitions as
you need with the Insert and Add a row tools. The name of each partition
must be unique in the model. A table will be created for each partition

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

you specify, and will take the name of the relevant partition. Then click
Next to go to the Discriminant Column Selection page.

4. The Discriminant Column Selection page allows you to specify the

columns that will be used as partition criteria using the Add Columns
tool. These columns will not be included in the partitions. Then click
Next to go to the Partitioning Information page.
5. The Partitioning Information page allows you to specify a name and code
for the transformation object that will be created together with the
partitions. Then click Finish.
The table is partitioned, a horizontal partitioning object is created, and all
references to the original table are created on each partition table.

Creating vertical partitions

Vertical partitioning consists in segmenting a table into multiple tables each

containing a subset of columns and the same number of rows as the
partitioned table. The partition tables share the same primary key.
Example The table Customer contains the following columns:

This table can be divided in two tables corresponding to different aspects of

the table. You can use the Vertical Partitioning Wizard to split the table as

Vertical partitioning has the following pros and cons:

Tables (PDM)

Pros Cons

Improve the query response time Requires additional joins and unions to
retrieve data from multiple tables

Allows you to split data requiring Requires more intelligent queries to

different levels of protection, you determine which table contains the
can store confidential information requested data
in a special partition

Requires additional metadata to describe

the partitioned table
Vertical Partitioning You can partition tables vertically using the Vertical Partitioning Wizard.
Wizard The key columns of the partitioned table are duplicated whereas the other
columns are distributed among the partition tables. PowerDesigner verifies
that all the columns of the partitioned table are used in the partition tables.

v To partition a table with the Vertical Partitioning Wizard

1. Select Tools Denormalization Vertical Partitioning, or right-click a
table in the diagram and select Vertical Partitioning from the contextual
menu, in order to open the Vertical Partitioning Wizard:

2. Select the table to partition and select the check box if you want to keep
the original table after partitioning. Then click Next to go to the Partition
Definition page.
3. The Partition Definition page allows you to create as many partitions as

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

you need with the Insert and Add a row tools. The name of each partition
must be unique in the model. A table will be created for each partition
you specify, and will take the name of the relevant partition. Then click
Next to go to the Discriminant Column Selection page.
4. The Discriminant Column Selection page allows you to specify which
columns will be included in each partition table. Drag columns from the
Available columns pane, and drop them onto the appropriate partition
table in the Columns distribution pane, or use the Add and Remove
buttons at the bottom of each pane. When all your columns are allocated,
click Next to go to the Partitioning Information page.
5. The Partitioning Information page allows you to specify a name and code
for the transformation object that will be created together with the
partitions. Then click Finish.
The table is partitioned, a vertical partitioning object is created, and all
references to the original table are created on each partition table.

Creating table collapsings

Table collapsing consists in merging tables into a single table in order to

eliminate joins and to improve query performance.
The generated table gathers the columns of the merged tables. All incoming
and outgoing references to the input tables are preserved in the resulting
table. When the collapsed tables are related by references, the following
The parent column of the join is no longer needed, thus removed
The columns of the parent table are duplicated
The foreign keys of the children are removed, but their columns are
preserved in the resulting table
Example Tables Customer and Order are linked together.

Tables (PDM)

To optimize data retrieval in the database, you collapse both tables into a
single table to eliminate the join. The result is a single table (with 2
synonym symbols) with the primary key of the child table:

Table Collapsing Wizard The Table Collapsing Wizard lets you merge multiple tables into a single
table. You can collapse tables related to each other with a reference or tables
with identical primary keys.

v To combine multiple tables with the Table Collapsing Wizard

1. Select Tools Denormalization Table Collapsing, or right-click a
reference between the tables to collapse and select Table Collapsing from
the contextual menu, in order to open the Table Collapsing Wizard:

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

2. Specify a name and code for the target table to be created, and then click
Next to go to the Input Table Selection page.

3. The Input Table Selection page allows you to select the tables to collapse
with the Add Tables tool. Select the check box if you want to keep the
original tables after collapsing, and then click Next to go to the Table
Collapsing Information page.
4. The Table Collapsing Information page allows you to specify a name and
code for the transformation object that will be created together with the
table collapsing. Then click Finish.
The selected tables are collapsed, and a table collapsing object is created.

Denormalizing columns

You can denormalize columns to eliminate frequent joins using column



In this example, you want to have the division name printed on the pay slip
of each employee, however, you do not want to create a join between those
tables. You can denormalize columns in order to have column Div_Name in
table PaySlip:

Column denormalization eliminates joins for many queries, however it

requires more maintenance and disk space.
Column Denormalization The Column Denormalization Wizard lets you duplicate columns in a
Wizard selected table. The result is a replica of the original column in the target

Tables (PDM)

+ For more information about object replicas, see the Shortcuts and Object
Replications chapter in the Core Features Guide .

v To denormalize a column with the Column Denormalization Wiz-

1. Select Tools Denormalization Column Denormalization, or
right-click a table and select Column Denormalization from the
contextual menu, in order to open the Column Denormalization Wizard:

2. Select the table in which you want the denormalized columns to be

added, and then click Next to go to the Column Selection page.

3. The Column Selection page allows you to select the columns to replicate.
Select one or more columns to replicate, and then click Finish.
A replication is created for each selected column. You can display the list
of replicas from the menu command Model Replications. Each replica
has its own property sheet. For more information about object replicas,
see the Shortcuts and Object Replications chapter in the Core Features
Guide .
Removing a You can move and paste a denormalized column into another model or
denormalized column package in the standard way.
Reverting a You can revert a column denormalization by deleting the duplicated column
denormalized column from the target table property sheet. This automatically removes the column
replica. Note that you cannot revert a column denormalization by deleting a
column replica from the list of replications.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Denormalization object properties

A denormalization transformation object is automatically created when you

partition a table using the Horizontal or Vertical Partitioning Wizard or
collapse tables with the Table Collapsing Wizard.
To access this object, select Model Transformations to open the List of
Transformations, select the appropriate object, and then click the Properties
The following properties are available on the General tab:

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the partitioning object. It is rec-

ommended to provide a clear name in the Partitioning

Code Specifies the code of the partitioning object

Comment Specifies additional information about the partitioning


Partitioned table [partitionings only] Specifies the name of the table used
to create the table partitions.

Discriminant [horizontal partitionings only] Specifies the name and

Columns code of the columns used as partition criteria

Target table [table collapsings only] Specifies the name of the table
resulting from the collapsing of selected tables
Partitions tab The Partitions tab is only available for partitionings, and lists the tables
associated with the partitioning. The following actions can be performed on
this tab:
Open the property sheets of the partition tables.
Add more partitions and edit the properties of the corresponding tables.
Add comments to identify the different partitions
Delete partitions and their corresponding tables. When you delete a
partition, you are prompted to specify whether you want to delete the
corresponding table. You can delete a partition and keep its table, but you
cannot delete a table and keep an empty partition
Partition Columns tab The Partition Columns tab is only available for vertical partitionings, and
displays the distribution of columns between the partition tables. You can
drag and drop columns to reallocate them between tables.

Tables (PDM)

Source Tables tab The Source Tables tab is only available for table collapsings, and displays
the tables that were collapsed. These tables will no longer exist unless you
selected to keep the original tables in the Table Collapsing Wizard.

Example: Intermodel generation and horizontal partitions

When you update a PDM generated from another model, any horizontal
partitioning is preserved.
For example, the Sales CDM contains the entity Customer:

You generate the Sales PDM from the CDM, and the Customer entity is
generated to the Customer table:

You partition this table using City as the criterion. The City column is
excluded from the partition tables:

You modify the CDM by adding an Activity attribute to the Customer entity,
and regenerate the PDM in update mode. The partitions are taken into
account in the merge dialog box: The new Activity attributes are selected by
default, while the City criteria columns are not selected.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Example: Intermodel generation and vertical partitions

When you generate in update mode a PDM from a PDM, a CDM or an

OOM, vertical partitioning is preserved.
For example, you build a CDM to design the project management process,
this model contains entity Task:

The CDM is generated in a PDM, entity Task becomes table Task:

Tables (PDM)

You decide to split the table in two table partitions: one table contains the
details about the task, the other table contains the task schedule:

You modify the CDM and regenerate the PDM in update mode. The
partitions are taken into account in the merge dialog box as you can see in
the following dialog box: CDM changes (creation of the Task_Manager
attribute) are selected by default, and column modifications related to
partition creation are not selected.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Removing partitionings and table collapsings

You can remove partitionings or table collapsings and either keep or remove
the associated tables.

v To remove a denormalization and keep the associated tables

1. Select Model Transformations to open the List of Transformations.
2. Select the denormalization object, and then click the Delete tool.
The denormalization object (and, for partitionings, its partitions) are
deleted, but the corresponding tables are retained, and become
independent from each other.

Tables (PDM)

v To remove a denormalization as well as the associated tables

1. Select Model Transformations to open the List of Transformations.

2. Select the denormalization object, and then click the Cancel tool.

Cancel Transformation tool

The Cancel Transformation tool is only available if the selected denor-
malization object is based upon a table generated from another model.
You can recover the original table by regenerating it from the source
The denormalization object (and, for partitionings, its partitions) are
deleted, as well as the corresponding tables.

Moving denormalizations
You cannot move or paste a denormalization object to another model or

Using PowerBuilder Extended Attributes

When designing tables to be used in a PowerBuilder DataWindow, you can
manage the extended attributes which PowerBuilder uses to store
application-based information, such as label and heading text for columns,
validation rules, display formats, and edit styles.
PowerDesigner supports certain columns for two PowerBuilder system
tables, PBCatTbl (for tables) and PBCatCol (for columns), on the
Extended Attributes tab of tables and columns available in a model to which
the PowerBuilder extended model definition is attached:

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Attaching the In order to use the PowerBuilder extended attributes, you must first attach
PowerBuilder XEM the PowerBuilder extended model definition to your PDM:

v To attach the PowerBuilder extended model definition

1. In your PDM, select Model Extended Model Definition to open the
List of Extended Model Definitions.
2. Click the Import an Extended Model Definition tool to open the Extended
Model Definition Selection dialog box.

3. Select PowerBuilder and specify whether you want to share the XEM or
copy it to your model.
4. Click OK to attach the XEM and click OK to close the List of Extended
Model Definitions and return to your model.
The attributes are now available for editing on the PowerBuilder tab of
tables and columns.

Generating PowerBuilder extended attributes

You can update the PowerBuilder extended attribute system tables by

performing a PowerBuilder extended attribute generation.

Tables (PDM)

During generation, certain extended attributes may contain variables in their

values, which are translated during generation, for example to access object
properties. The following object properties are translated during generation:

Object Property

Table Comment

Column Comment
Initial value
This automated process uses the PowerDesigner generation template
language (see the Customizing Generation with GTL chapter in Customizing
and Extending PowerDesigner ).

v To generate PowerBuilder extended attributes

1. Select Tools PowerBuilder Generate Extended Attributes to open the
PowerBuilder Extended Attributes Generation dialog box.

2. Click the Connect to a Data Source tool to open the Connect to a Data
Source window.

3. Select a machine or file data source and click Connect.

The selected data source is displayed in the Data Source box in the upper
part of the PowerBuilder Extended Attributes Generation dialog box.
4. Select the tables you want to generate.

5. Click OK to start generation.

The Output window displays the generation messages.

Reverse engineering PowerBuilder extended attributes

The reverse engineering feature reads the PowerBuilder extended attributes

contained in a database and writes them into the appropriate tables and
columns in a PDM.
During reverse engineering, certain reversed extended attributes are
compared with the translated default values in the PowerBuilder extended
model definition. It these attributes match, the reversed value is replaced by
the default value from the extended model definition.
+ For more information about objects translated during reverse
engineering, see Generating PowerBuilder extended attributes on page 83.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

This automated process uses the PowerDesigner generation template

language (see the Customizing Generation with GTL chapter in Customizing
and Extending PowerDesigner ).

v To reverse engineer PowerBuilder extended attributes

1. Select Tools PowerBuilder Reverse Extended Attributes.
The PowerBuilder Extended Attributes Reverse Engineering dialog box
is displayed.
2. Click the Connect to a Data Source tool to open the Connect to a Data
Source dialog box.

3. Select a machine or file data source and click Connect.

The selected data source is displayed in the Data Source box in the upper
part of the PowerBuilder Extended Attributes Reverse Engineering dialog
4. Select the tables you want to reverse engineer.
5. Click OK to start reverse engineering.
The Output window displays the reverse engineering messages.

Columns (PDM)

Columns (PDM)
A column contains an individual data item within a row. It is the model
equivalent of a database column. A column is always defined for a table.
When you create a column, it must be assigned a name and code. You can
also select a data type for the column. This can be done directly from a list
of available data types, or by attaching the column to a domain.

Creating a column
You can create a column in any of the following ways:
Open the Columns tab in the property sheet of a table, and click the Add
a Row tool
Right-click a table in the Browser, and select New Column

+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Column properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
column property sheet, double-click its row in the Columns tab of a table or
its Browser entry. The following sections detail the property sheet tabs that
contain the properties most commonly entered for columns.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users

Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the column

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Table Specifies the table which contains column

Data type Specifies the form of the data corresponding to the column,
such as numeric, alphanumeric, boolean, or others

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Property Description

Displayed When selected, allows the display of the selected column in

the table symbol

Length Specifies the maximum length of the data type

Precision Specifies the maximum number of places after the decimal


Identity When selected, indicates that the data is auto-incremented

(not available for all DBMS)

Domain Specifies the name of the associated domain. You can use the
tools to the right of the list to create an object, browse the
complete tree of available objects or view the properties of
the currently selected object
Computed When selected, designates that the column is computed from
an expression using values from other columns in the table
(not available for all DBMS)

Primary key When selected, designates a column whose values uniquely

identify a row in the table

Foreign key When selected, designates a column that depends on and

migrates from a primary key column in another table
Mandatory When selected, indicates a column that must be assigned a
not null value
With default When selected, indicates if a default value is assigned to the
column when a Null value is inserted (not available for all

Column property sheet Detail tab

The Detail tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Null Values Specifies the number (or percentage) of column entries which
contain null values. You can enter a number or percentage
in this field or derive its value from database statistics (see
Updating Column Statistics on page 88).

Columns (PDM)

Property Description

Distinct Val- Specifies the number (or percentage) of column entries which
ues contain distinct values. You can enter a number or percentage
in this field or derive its value from database statistics (see
Updating Column Statistics on page 88).
For example, you generate a table with 2 columns and 10
rows. You set the percentage of distinct values to 100 % for
Column 1 and to 80% for Column 2. This implies that 10
rows will have distinct values in Column 1, and 8 rows in
Column 2.
When you apply a test data profile with a list generation
source to a column with a given percentage of distinct values,
PowerDesigner uses the values from the test data profile list.
If there are not enough values declared in the list, a warning
message is displayed in the Output window to inform you that
the distinct value parameter cannot be enforced due to lack of
distinct values in the list of values.

Average Specifies the average length of a value. You can enter a

Length number in this field or derive its value from database statistics
(see Updating Column Statistics on page 88).

Profile Test data profile selected from the list. Profiles can use
characters, numbers or date/time data types.
+ For more information, see Using test data section in
the Generating a Database from a PDM chapter.
Computed Computed expression typed directly in the Computed Expres-
Expression sion pane or defined with the SQL Editor (accessed with the
Edit tool) which helps you define more complex expressions.
+ For more information, see Creating a computed column
on page 89.

Updating Column Statistics

You can enter values in the Null Values, Distinct Values and Average Length
fields. Alternatively, you can automatically populate them during reverse
engineering by selecting the Statistics check box in the Reverse Engineering
dialog box (see Reverse Engineering from a Live Database in the Reverse
Engineering a Database into a PDM chapter).
You can refresh the value of these fields (along with those for all of the
tables columns) at any time by right-clicking the table symbol or its entry in
the Browser and selecting Update Statistics from the contextual menu. You

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

can also update the statistics for all tables by selecting Tools Update
Statistics (see Reverse Engineering Database Statistics in the Reverse
Engineering a Database into a PDM chapter).

Creating a computed column

A computed column is a column whose content is computed from an
expression using values from other columns in the table. The computed
column is then filled with the results.
Simple computed expressions can be entered directly in the Computed
Expression pane on the Detail tab of the column property sheet. For more
complex expressions, use the SQL Editor available through the Edit tool
found on the same tab.
Computed columns are not available in all DBMS.
Example Assume that you want to automatically fill a column with the total sales of
widgets. To do this, you can create a computed column that will use the
number of widgets multiplied by the widget price:

Column name Contents Action on data

Number of widgets Number of widgets sold

Widget price Price of widgets when sold

Widget sales Total widget sales Computed by multiplying

the first two columns
While our example is very simple, the SQL Editor allows you to define very
complex computed column expressions.
+ For more information on the SQL Editor, see Using SQL tools in the
Working with Data Models chapter.

v To create a computed column

1. Double-click a table to open its property sheet, and click the Columns tab.
2. Click the Add a Row tool, and then click the Properties tool to open the
property sheet for the new column.

3. On the General tab, select the Computed checkbox, and then click the
Detail tab.
4. Enter an expression in the Computed Expression box to define the
computed column. Alternatively,you can click the Edit with SQL Editor
tool to use the SQL Editor.

Columns (PDM)

In our example, we use the asterisk (*) as an arithmetic operator to

multiply the number of widgets by their price.

5. Click OK to return to the column property sheet.

The expression is displayed in the Computed Expression pane.
6. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Selecting a data type for a column

There are two ways to select a data type for a column:
Attach the column to a domain - The domain dictates a data type, a
length, and a level of precision, as well as optional check parameters
Manually select a data type - You select a data type along with a
length, a level of precision, and optional check parameters

About check parameters

Check parameters indicate data ranges and validation rules. You can set
check parameters for domains, tables, and columns.

v To select a data type for a column

1. Double-click a table to open its property sheet, and click the Columns tab.
2. Click the required column entry and then click the Properties tool to open
its property sheet.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

3. Select a data type from the Data Type list or click the Question mark
button to open and choose a data type from the Standard Data Types
dialog box.

4. If required, enter a data type length and precision.

Undefined data type

If you do not want to select a data type immediately, you can choose the
<undefined> data type. When you generate the database, this data type
is replaced by the default data type for your database, as defined in the
5. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Attaching a column to a domain

If you attach a column to a domain, the domain supplies the data type and
related data characteristics. It may also indicate check parameters, and
business rules.

v To attach a column to a domain

1. Double-click a table to open its property sheet, and click the Columns tab.

2. Click the required column entry and then click the Properties tool to open
its property sheet.

Columns (PDM)

3. Select a domain from the Domain list and then click OK.

Copying a column to another table

You can copy a column from one table and add it to another table. If the
table already contains a column with the same name or code as the copied
column, the copied column is renamed. For example, the column PUB_ID is
renamed PUB_ID2 when it is copied to a table which already contains a
column PUB_ID.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

v To copy a column to another table

1. Double-click a table to open its property sheet, and click the Columns tab.
2. Click the Add Columns tool to open a selection box listing the columns
attached to all other tables in the model.

3. Select one or more columns in the list and then click OK.
The copied columns appear in the list of columns for the current table.
4. Click OK.

Naming a column constraint

A column constraint is a named check that enforces data requirements of
check parameters.
Whenever you place a data restriction on a column, it generates a constraint
automatically. You have the option of specifying a name for the constraint.
If you do not specify a name for the constraint, PowerDesigner creates a
default constraint name automatically.
This name helps you to identify and customize a column constraint in scripts
for database creation and modification.

v To name a column constraint

1. Open the property sheet of a column and click the Additional Checks tab.
2. Type changes to the constraint name in the Constraint Name box.

Columns (PDM)

The User-Defined button at the end of the box is pressed automatically.

Undo changes to a constraint name

You can always return to the default constraint name by clicking the
User-Defined button.
3. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Configuring the display of the list of columns

You can sort the columns in the list in two ways:
By any property that is displayed in the title bar of the property lists
By alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order
The listed order is indicated by an arrow head that is displayed at the end of
the title bar of the property column. Each time you click a title bar, you
change the listed order for that column, according to the displayed arrow.
Each arrow type corresponds to the following list orders:

Arrow type Listed order

Down arrow Alphabetically

Up arrow Reverse alphabetically

For example, when you click the title bar Name, the columns are listed by
column name alphabetically when the down arrow is indicated, and in
reverse order when the up arrow is indicated.

v To configure the display of the list of columns

1. Select Model Columns to open the List of Columns.
2. Click a property title bar to sort the list by the indicated property.
3. Click OK.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Keys (PDM)
A key is a column, or a combination of columns, that uniquely identifies a
row in a table. Each key can generate a unique index or a unique constraint
in a target database.
The physical diagram supports the following types of keys:
Primary - Column or combination of columns whose values uniquely
identify every row in a table. A table can have only one primary key

Alternate - Column or combination of columns (not the same column or

combination of columns as for a primary key) whose values uniquely
identify every row in a table

Foreign - Column or combination of columns whose values are required

to match a primary key, or alternate key, in some other table
Example The TITLE table shown below has a primary, alternate and foreign key:

TITLE_ID is the primary key and consists of the column TITLE ISBN
which identifies each book title in the table
TITLE_NAME is an alternate key containing the columns TITLE NAME
and TITLE TYPE. It allows each title to be identified by its name and
type, The fact that it is an alternate key indicates that there is a constraint
that no two titles of the same type can have the same name
The TITLE table also contains the foreign key column PUBLISHER ID.
This column references the primary key column in the Publisher table.

Creating a Key
The method for creating a key depends on the type of key. See the
appropriate section:
Primary keys on page 96
Alternate keys on page 98
Foreign keys on page 99

Keys (PDM)

Key properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a key
property sheet, go to the Keys tab of its parent table, or double-click its
Browser entry.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear

and meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to
non-technical users

Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used

for generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated,
and should not generally include spaces

Comment Specifies the descriptive comment for the key

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or

Table Specifies the name of the table where the key is defined

Constraint Specifies the name of the key constraint. PowerDesigner

name automatically creates a constraint name for a key, it is used
during database creation and modification. You can modify
the default name, you can also cancel these changes and go
back to the default name
Primary key Indicates if the key is the primary key of the current table.
There must be only one primary key in a table, if you
select the Primary Key check box in a key property sheet, it
replaces an already existing primary key

Cluster Indicates whether the key constraint is a clustered constraint

(for those DBMS that support clustered indexes)

Primary keys
A primary key is the primary identifier for a table, and is attached to one or
more columns whose values uniquely identify every row in the table.
Every table must have a primary key, composed of one or more of its

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Example Employee number is the primary key for the table Employee. This means
that each employee must have one unique employee number.

You can define one or more columns as the primary key of a table from the
list of columns.

v To designate a primary key

1. Double-click a table in the diagram to open its property sheet.

2. Click the Columns tab, and select the check box in the P column for one
or more columns in the list.
3. [optional] Click the Keys tab and rename the key or select it and click the
Properties tool to access its property sheet.
4. Click OK.

Rebuilding primary keys

Rebuilding primary keys in a physical diagram updates primary keys for

Rebuilding primary keys is useful following the reverse engineering of a
database in which all of the primary keys could not be reverse engineered, or
if you did not select the rebuild option for primary keys when you reverse
engineered the database. The rebuild option for primary keys creates
primary keys for tables that have no key and a single unique index.
You can choose to rebuild all primary keys in your model, or select the
tables for which you want to rebuild the primary keys.

Keys (PDM)

v To rebuild primary keys

1. Select Tools Rebuild Objects Rebuild Primary Keys to open the
Rebuild Primary Keys dialog box, which lists all the tables in the current

Rebuilding primary keys in a package

To rebuild the primary keys in package, select the package from the list
at the top of the tab.
To rebuild the primary keys in a sub-package, select the Include Sub-
Packages icon next to the list, and then select a sub-package from the
dropdown list.

2. Select the tables containing the primary keys that you want to rebuild.

Selecting or clearing all check boxes

You can select all check boxes, or clear all check boxes, by selecting the
Select All tool, or Clear All tool, from the toolbar at the top of the tab.

3. Click OK.

Alternate keys
An alternate key is a key attached to one or more columns whose values
uniquely identify every row in the table, but which is not a primary key. An
alternate key can also be a foreign key. Each alternate key can generate a
unique index or a unique constraint in a target database.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Create key tool You can also select one or several columns and use the Create Key tool in
the Columns tab of the table property sheet.

v To designate an alternate key

1. Double-click a table in the diagram to open its property sheet.
2. Click the Keys tab, which lists all the keys defined for the table.
3. Click the Add a Row tool, and type a name for the newly created key.

Alternate key naming convention

The naming convention for an alternate key is AK followed by the
number of the key column code; for example AK1_CUSNAME.

4. [optional] Type a constraint name in the Constraint Name column.If you

do not specify a constraint name, PowerDesigner creates a default
constraint name automatically.

Displaying additional property columns

If you do not see the Constraint Name column, display it with the
Customize Columns and Filter tool. For more information, see Cus-
tomizing object list columns and filtering lists section in the Objets
chapter of the Core Features Guide .

5. Click the property tool and confirm the object creation in order to open
the property sheet for the new key.
6. Click the columns tab, which lists all the columns to which the key is
attached. At key creation, the list is empty.
7. Click the Add Columns tool to open a selection box listing all the
columns in the table (except those attached to the primary key).
8. Select one or more columns and click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Foreign keys
A foreign key is a primary key, or an alternate key, that migrates from
another table. Depending on selected model options, a primary key can be
automatically migrated to a child table as a foreign key at reference creation.
The columns that are defined in a foreign key can also be user-specified at
creation and changed at any time from the Joins tab of the reference property
+ For information about the auto-migration of a foreign key, see
Automatic reuse and migration of columns on page 139.

Keys (PDM)

+ For more information on defining references, see References (PDM)

on page 138.

Adding parent table columns to a key

You can add additional columns from the parent table to a primary key or an
alternate key.

v To add parent table columns to a key

1. Open the keys property sheet and click the Columns tab.
2. Click the Add Columns tool to open a selection box listing all the
columns in the table (except those already attached to the primary key).
3. Select one or more columns and click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Naming key constraints

Naming key constraints helps you to identify and customize key constraints
in scripts for database creation and modification. The constraint name gives
you greater flexibility for modifying keys in subsequent database
If you do not specify a constraint name, PowerDesigner creates a default
constraint name automatically.

Naming a primary key constraint

A primary key constraint is a named check that enforces the uniqueness and
the presence of values in a primary key column.
You can use the following variable in the name of a primary key constraint:

Variable Description

%TABLE% Code of the table

+ For a full list of all variables that you can use in PowerDesigner, see the
appendix Variables in PowerDesigner.

v To name a primary key constraint

1. Double-click a table in the diagram to open its property sheet.
2. Click the Keys tab, select the primary key, and click the Properties tool to
open its property sheet.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

3. Enter the required name in the Constraint Name box.

The User-Defined button to the right of the Constraint box is pressed
automatically. You can return to the default constraint name by
re-clicking the User-Defined button.

4. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Naming an alternate key constraint

You can use the following variable in the name of a alternate key constraint:

Variable Description

%AK% Code of the alternate key

%AKNAME% Name of the alternate key

%TABLE% Code of the table
+ For a full list of all variables that you can use in PowerDesigner, see the
appendix Variables in PowerDesigner.

v To name an alternate key constraint

1. Double-click a table in the diagram to open its property sheet.
2. Click the Keys tab, select an alternate key, and click the Properties tool to
open its property sheet.

3. Enter the required name in the Constraint Name box.

The User-Defined button to the right of the Constraint box is pressed
automatically. You can return to the default constraint name by
re-clicking the User-Defined button.
4. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Naming a foreign key constraint

You can use the following variable in the name of a foreign key constraint:

Keys (PDM)

Variable Description

%REFR- Name of the reference


%REFR- Code of the reference


%PARENT% Code of the parent table

%CHILD% Code of the child table

+ For a full list of all variables that you can use in PowerDesigner, see the
appendix Variables in PowerDesigner.

v To name a foreign key constraint

1. Double-click a reference in the diagram to open its property sheet.
2. Click the Integrity tab and enter the required name in the Constraint
Name box.
The User-Defined button to the right of the Constraint box is pressed
automatically. You can return to the default constraint name by
re-clicking the User-Defined button.

3. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Indexes (PDM)
An index is a data structure associated with a table that is logically ordered
by the values of a key. It improves database performance and access speed.
You normally create indexes for columns that you access regularly, and
where response time is important. Indexes are most effective when they are
used on columns that contain mostly unique values.
Example In a table called Author, you create indexes for the primary key Author ID
and the column Author name, but not for the column City. The values for
city, are not likely to be unique, nor searched regularly, and do not help
reduce query time.

Creating an index
You can create the following types of index:
A user-defined index - Associated with one or more columns
An index linked to a key - Automatically updated when the key column
or columns are modified. An index linked to a key is unique because it
uses the same unique set of columns as the key.

A function-based index - [if supported by the DBMS] Precomputes the

value of a function or expression based on one or more columns and
stores it in the index. The function or the expression will replace the
index column in the index definition. Function-based indexes provide an
efficient mechanism for evaluating statements that contain functions in
their WHERE clauses.

Index naming Use the following naming conventions for indexes:

Index Naming convention

Primary key Table code followed by PK; for example EMPLOYEE _PK

Foreign key Table code followed by FK; for example PROJECT _ FK

Alternate key Table code followed by AK; for example EMPLOYEE _ AK
Example A table contains a compound primary key. This is a primary key designated
to more than one column in a table. You create an index and link it to the
primary key. If one of the primary key columns is deleted, the corresponding
index associated with the column is also deleted.

Indexes (PDM)

v To create an index
1. Double-click a table symbol to display its property sheet and click the
Indexes tab.

2. Click the Add a Row tool and enter an index name and an index code.

3. Click the Properties tool to open the property sheet of the new index.

4. Type or select any appropriate index properties, and then click the
Columns tab.
5. To create a user defined index: click the Add Columns tool, select
one or more columns from the list, and then click OK
To create an index linked to a key: select the primary key, an
alternate key, or foreign key from the Columns definition list
To create a function-based index [if supported by the DBMS]: click
the Add a Row tool, then click in the Expression column and select the
ellipsis button to open the SQL Editor. Enter an expression in the editor
and then click OK

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

6. Select Ascending or Descending in the Sort column.

7. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Reverse engineering An index column with an expression has a LONG data type that cannot be
function-based index concatenated in a string statement during reverse engineering. The only way
to bypass this limitation and concatenate this value is to use variables in the
query executed to retrieve the adequate information.
In the Oracle 8i and Oracle 8i2 DBMS, the query SqlListQuery defined in
the Index category contains the following variable used to recover the index
expression in a column with the LONG data type.

+ For more information on the use of variables in reverse engineering

queries, see section Extension mechanism for live database reverse
engineering queries, in the DBMS Resource File Reference chapter of the
Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner manual.
Example Function-based indexes defined on UPPER(column_name) or
LOWER(column_name) can facilitate case-insensitive searches.
You want to define an index that will put all names in lowercase on the table
EMPLOYEE in order to ease search. You can define the following index

Indexes (PDM)

(syntax for Oracle 8i):


Then the DBMS can use it when processing queries such as:

+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Index properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
index property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser entry.
The following sections detail the property sheet tabs that contain the
properties most commonly entered for indexes.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users

Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the index

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Owner Specifies the name of index owner. You choose an owner

from a list of users, the index and table owners can be
identical or different. An index can only have one owner at a
time. This is normally the index creator.
Some DBMS allow you to define an index owner, either
identical or different from the table owner. If the DBMS
of the current model does not support index owners, the
table owner will be automatically assigned to the index after
switching to a DBMS that supports index owners.

Table Specifies the table to index

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Property Description

Type [Sybase IQ, and Oracle only] Specifies the type of index.
You can choose between:
Bitmap [Oracle] In a bitmap index, a bitmap for each
key value is used instead of a list of row Ids
HG [Sybase IQ] HighGroup indexes are used for
TINCT statements when data has more than 1000 unique
HNG [Sybase IQ] HighNonGroup indexes make equal-
ity comparisons, SUM and AVG calculations very fast
when data has more than 1000 unique values. Nonequal-
ity comparisons can also be done
LF [Sybase IQ] LowFast indexes are used for columns
that have a very low number of unique values. This index
also facilitates join index processing. It is one of the two
indexes allowed for columns used in join relationships
CMP [Sybase IQ] Compare indexes are used for
columns that store the binary comparison (<, >, or =) of
any two distinct columns with identical data types, preci-
sion, and scale
WD [Sybase IQ] Is used to index keywords by treat-
ing the contents of a CHAR or VARCHAR column as a
delimited list

Unique Specifies whether an index is a unique index

Cluster Specifies that the index is a clustered index. A table cannot
have more than one clustered index.
Note that clusters in Oracle 11 and higher are modeled as
extended objects with a <<Cluster>> stereotype. For more
information, see the DBMS-Specific Features chapter.

The following tabs are also available:

Columns - lists the columns with which the index is associated (see
Creating an index on page 103).

Rebuilding indexes
Rebuilding indexes in a physical diagram automatically updates any changes
that you have made to primary keys, foreign keys, or alternate keys in your

Indexes (PDM)


v To rebuild indexes
1. Select Tools Rebuild Objects Rebuild Indexes to open the Rebuild
Indexes dialog box.

2. Set the appropriate options.

3. [optional] Click the Selection tab to specify which tables you want to
rebuild indexes for.
4. Click OK. If you selected the Delete and Rebuild mode, a confirmation
box asks you to confirm your choice. Click Yes to confirm the deletion
and rebuild of the selected references.

Rebuilding index options The following options are available when rebuilding indexes:

Option Description

Primary key Rebuilds primary key indexes. The text box shows the
naming convention for primary keys. By default this is

Other keys Rebuilds alternate key indexes. The text box shows the
naming convention for alternate keys. By default this is

Foreign key Rebuilds foreign key indexes. The text box shows the naming
indexes convention for foreign keys. By default this is %REFR%_FK

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Option Description

Foreign key Specifies the minimum number of estimated records in a

threshold table that are necessary before a foreign key index can be
created. The estimated number of records is defined in the
Number box in the table property sheet. If the table has no
specified number of occurrences, the foreign key indexes are
generated by default

Mode Specifies the extent of the rebuild. You can select:

Delete and Rebuild deletes and rebuilds all indexes
presently attached to primary, alternate, and foreign keys
Add missing indexes preserves all indexes presently at-
tached to primary, alternate, and foreign keys and adds
any that are missing

PK index name variables You can use the following variables in the PK index names fields:

Variable Value

%TABLE% Generated code of the table. This is the table code

generated in the database. It may be truncated if the
code contains characters not supported by the DBMS

%TNAME% Table name

%TCODE% Table code

%TLABL% Table comment

FK index name variables You can use the following variables in the FK index name field. The
generated code of a variable is the code defined in the object property sheet,
it may be truncated when generated if the code contains characters not
supported by the DBMS

Variable Value

%REFR% Generated code of the reference

%PARENT% Generated code of the parent table

%PNAME% Parent table name

%PCODE% Parent table code

%CHILD% Generated code of the child

%CNAME% Child table name

Indexes (PDM)

Variable Value

%CCODE% Child table code

%PQUALI- Parent table qualifier


%CQUALI- Child table qualifier


%REFRNAME% Reference name

%REFRCODE% Reference code

Indexes in query tables

You can create an index associated with the columns of a query table, which
is a special type of view available in Oracle and DB2. These indexes are
called view indexes. Query table indexes behave like indexes defined on
tables, they are data structures that improve database performance and
access speed. You normally create indexes for columns that you access
regularly, and where response time is important.
For more information about query tables, see Creating a query table on
page 163.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Defaults (PDM)
A default is a value that can be assigned to a column or a domain in the
DBMS of the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise and Microsoft SQL Server
You select a default from the Default list in the Check Parameters tab of a
column or domain property sheet.
Example The default object citydflt is used to assign the same default value to all
columns of type city.

Creating a default
You can create a default in any of the following ways:
Select Model Defaults to access the List of Defaults, and click the Add
a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Default properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
default property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser entry
in the Defaults folder. The following sections detail the property sheet tabs
that contain the properties most commonly entered for defaults.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Defaults (PDM)

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users
Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces

Comment Specifies the descriptive label

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object
without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Owner Specifies the name of default owner. You choose an owner from
a list of users

Value Specifies the value of default object that will be generated

Default property sheet Preview tab

You can view the default creation order in the Preview tab of the default
property sheet.
create default CITYDFLT
as Dublin

Assigning a default to a column or a domain

You can select a default from the list of defaults and assign it to a column or
a domain from the Standard Checks tab of the column or domain property
+ For more information on check parameters, see Check Parameters
(CDM/LDM/PDM) on page 174.
If you only type a value in the Default list of a domain property sheet, it will
not be generated as a default object in the database. It is highly
recommended to use the Rebuild Default feature to create the default object
corresponding to this value.
+ For more information, see section Rebuilding defaults on page 113.

v To assign a default to a column or a domain

1. Open the property sheet of a column or a domain, and click the Standard
Checks tab.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

2. Select a default in the Default list in the Value groupbox.

Alternatively, you can type a default value in the listbox; this does not
create a default object in the model, it only assigns a default value for the
current column or domain. If you type a name that already exists in the
list, the default object is attached to the column or domain.
3. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Rebuilding defaults
You can generate defaults from domains and columns having default values.
The Default Rebuild feature uses the default values to create default objects
and attaches them to the appropriate domains and/or columns.

Upgrading models
When you open a model containing domains with default values and saved
in a previous version of PowerDesigner, default objects corresponding to
the default values are created in the model.
Default objects are also created when you change the DBMS of a model
containing domains with default values, to a DBMS that supports default
objects. The opposite process occurs when you switch to a DBMS that does
not support default objects: default objects are converted into default values.
Default name template You can define a template for the generated default names. This template has
the D_%.U:VALUE% value and supports the following variables:
DOMAIN for the code of the domain using the default
COLUMN for the code of the column using the default
TABLE for the code of the table that contains the column with a default

You can define one template for domain defaults and one for column

v To rebuild defaults
1. Select Tools Rebuild Objects Rebuild Defaults to open the Default
Rebuild dialog box.
2. Specify a default name template in the Domain and Column boxes.
3. [optional] Select the Reuse default with identical value check box this
option will reuse default objects with identical value among columns and
domains. If you do not select this option, rebuild creates one default per

Defaults (PDM)

4. [optional] Select the Delete and rebuild check box this option detaches
the default objects attached to selected objects and deletes them if they
are not used. If you select all objects, this option allows you to clean up
the model from all existing defaults and recreate new default objects.
5. [optional] Click the Selection tab to specify domains and tables for
default generation.
6. Click OK.
The defaults are automatically created and attached to the domains and/or

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Domains (CDM/LDM/PDM)
Domains help you identify the types of information in your model. They
define the set of values for which a column/entity attribute is valid. Applying
domains to columns/entity attributes makes it easier to standardize data
characteristics for columns/entity attributes in different tables/entities.
In a diagram, you can associate the following information with a domain:
Data type, length, and precision
Check parameters
Business rules

Mandatory property

Creating a domain
You can create a domain as follows:
Select Model Domains to access the List of Domains, and click the
Add a Row tool
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Domain properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
domain property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Domains folder.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users

Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the domain

Domains (CDM/LDM/PDM)

Property Description

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-
Owner [PDM only] Specifies the name of domain owner. You
choose an owner from a list of users. A domain can only
have one owner at a time. This is normally the domain

Data type Specifies the form of the data corresponding to the domain,
such as numeric, alphanumeric, Boolean, or others. The
<undefined> data type indicates a domain without a data
type. If an <undefined> data type is present when you
generate your database, it is replaced by the default data type
for your database

Length [where appropriate] Specifies the maximum number of

characters. In the PhysDataType list of available data
types (select Database Edit current database Script
DataType PhysDataType), a variable indicates where you
have to type a length or precision, as follows:
%n - length
%s - length with precision
%p - decimal precision
For example, if you are using Sybase Adaptive Server
Anywhere and you choose the data type char(%n), you
can choose a length of ten by typing char(10).

Precision [where appropriate] Specifies the number of places after the

decimal point, for data values that can take a decimal point

Mandatory Specifies that domain values are mandatory for all

columns/entity attributes using that domain

Identity (For Adaptive Server Enterprise, MS SQL Server and those

DBMS that support it). When selected, indicates that the
data is auto-incremented for columns using that domain

With default [PDM only] (For those DBMS that support it). When
selected, indicates if a default value is assigned to a column
using the domain, when a Null value is inserted

Profile [PDM only] Specifies the test Data profile assigned to the

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

The following tabs are also available:

Standard Checks - contains checks which control the values permitted for
the column/entity attribute (see Check Parameters (CDM/LDM/PDM)
on page 174)

Additional Checks - allows you to specify additional constraints (not

defined by standard check parameters) for the column/entity attribute.
Rules - lists the business rules associated with the column/entity attribute
(see Business Rules (CDM/LDM/PDM) on page 179).

List of standard data types

You can open the list of Standard Data Types by clicking the question mark
button to the left of the list of Data Types on the General Tab of a domain
property sheet.

Numeric data types The following numeric data types are available:

Standard DBMS-specific Content Length

data type physical data type

Integer int / INTEGER 32-bit integer

Short Integer smallint / SMALL- 16-bit integer


Domains (CDM/LDM/PDM)

Standard DBMS-specific Content Length

data type physical data type

Long Integer int / INTEGER 32-bit integer

Byte tinyint / SMALL- 256 values


Number numeric / NUM- Numbers with a fixed Fixed

BER decimal point

Decimal decimal / NUM- Numbers with a fixed Fixed

BER decimal point

Float float / FLOAT 32-bit floating point num- Fixed


Short Float real / FLOAT Less than 32-bit point

decimal number

Long Float double precision / 64-bit floating point num-


Money money / NUMBER Numbers with a fixed Fixed

decimal point

Serial numeric / NUM- Automatically incre- Fixed

BER mented numbers

Boolean bit / SMALLINT Two opposing values

(true/false; yes/no; 1/0)

Character data types The following character data types are available:

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Standard DBMS-specific Content Length

data type physical data type

Characters char / CHAR Character strings Fixed

Variable varchar / VAR- Character strings Maximum

Characters CHAR2

Long Charac- varchar / CLOB Character strings Maximum


Long Var text / CLOB Character strings Maximum


Text text / CLOB Character strings Maximum

Multibyte nchar / NCHAR Multibyte character Fixed


Variable nvarchar / NVAR- Multibyte character Maximum

Multibyte CHAR2 strings
Time data types The following time data types are available:

Standard DBMS-specific Content Length

data type physical data type

Date date / DATE Day, month, year

Time time / DATE Hour, minute, and second

Date & Time datetime / DATE Date and time

Timestamp timestamp / System date and time

Other data types The following other data types are available:

Domains (CDM/LDM/PDM)

Standard DBMS-specific Content Length

data type physical data type

Binary binary / RAW Binary strings Maximum

Long Binary image / BLOB Binary strings Maximum

Bitmap image / BLOB Images in bitmap format Maximum


Image image / BLOB Images Maximum

OLE image / BLOB OLE links Maximum

Other User-defined data type

Undefined undefined Undefined. Replaced by
the default data type at

Cascading updates to columns/entity attributes associated with the

When you modify data types associated with a domain, an update
confirmation box is displayed asking if you want to modify the
columns/entity attributes currently using the domain.

v To modify domain properties in a data model

1. Open the property sheet of a domain and edit its properties as required.

2. Click OK.
If the domain is used by one or more columns/entity attributes, an update
confirmation box is displayed asking if you want to modify domain
properties for the columns/entity attributes using the domain.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

The Data Type check box is selected or not according to the options set to
enforce non-divergence from a domain (see Enforcing non-divergence
from a domain in a data model on page 121).
3. Select any other properties that you want to update (Check, Rules,
Mandatory, Profile) for all columns/entity attributes using the domain.

4. Click one of the following buttons:

Yes - The columns/entity attributes currently using the domain are
modified according to the update
No - The columns/entity attributes currently using the domain are not
modified according to the update but the current modification is
accepted if domain divergence is allowed in the model options (see
Enforcing non-divergence from a domain in a data model on
page 121).
Cancel - The update is cancelled and nothing is changed

Enforcing non-divergence from a domain in a data model

You can enforce non-divergence between a domain and the columns/entity
attributes that use the domain.

Domains (CDM/LDM/PDM)

v To enforce domain non-divergence in a data model

1. Select Tools Model Options to open the Model Options dialog box. In
a PDM, you have to click the Column and Domain sub-category in the
left-hand Category pane to display the Enforce non-divergence option:

2. Select the check boxes of the column/entity attribute properties that are
not permitted to diverge from the domain definition. You can specify any
or all of:
Data type - data type, length, and precision
Check - check parameters such as minimum and maximum values
Rules business rules
Mandatory mandatory property of the column
[PDM only] Profile - test data profile
If you subsequently modify in your domain any of the properties
specified as non-divergent here, then the corresponding properties of the
columns/entity attributes attached to that domain are automatically
Column/entity attribute properties specified as non-divergent appear
dimmed and are non-editable in the List of Columns/Entity attributes and
Column/Entity attribute property sheets. If you want to modify a
non-divergent column/entity attribute property, you must detach the
column/entity attribute from its domain.
3. Click OK to close the Model Options dialog box.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

4. When you set the Enforce non-divergence options, you are asked if you
want to apply domain properties to columns/entity attributes currently
attached to the domain. If you click OK, the column/entity attribute
properties are modified in order to be consistent with the properties of the
domain to which they belong.

Sequences (PDM)

Sequences (PDM)
If your DBMS supports sequences, then you can create a sequence for a
A sequence is like an advanced form of an auto-incremented column. Where
the latter is a column whose values automatically increment by 1, sequences
allow you to define a more complex list of numbers. For example, you could
define a list of numbers ranging between two values with an increment by
any number (integer) you want.
Once you define a sequence, you can apply and enable it to a column. The
data type for the column receiving the sequence must be a numeric data
type. Such auto-incremented columns can be used in a key for a PDM table.
+ For more information on data types, see Selecting a data type for a
column on page 90.
Example Assume that you want to create a column listing the months of the year
when quarterly reports are published: March, June, September, and
December. The first report is published on the third month, the second on the
sixth, the third on the ninth and the last on the twelfth.
You can define the proper sequence by typing the following values for
sequence option parameters:

Parameter name Description Value

Start with March is the third month of the year 3

Increment by Look three months ahead to identify the 3

next month in the list

Maxvalue Stop when you have reached the last 12

month of the year
The sequence created with these parameter settings allows you to
automatically create the list of months in a year when quarterly reports are

Creating a Sequence
There are two steps to using sequences:
Create a sequence (including defining sequence options)

Apply and enable a sequence to a column

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

v To create a sequence
1. Select Model Sequences to open the List of Sequences.

2. Click the Add a Row tool and type a name for the new sequence.

3. Double-click the arrow to the left of the new sequence to display its
property sheet.
4. Click the Physical Options tab and enter any appropriate parameters.
These options are DBMS-specific. For more information on using this
tab, see Physical Options on page 188.

The above example shows the options and values to create a sequence of
months in a year when quarterly reports are published.
5. [optional] Click the Apply To button to open a selection list and specify
other sequences to which these same options will apply.

Sequences (PDM)

6. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

v To apply and enable a sequence on a column

1. Open the property sheet of the column to which you want to apply the
2. On the General tab, select a sequence from the Sequence list.
3. Click OK to close the property sheet.
4. Select Tools Rebuild Objects Rebuild Triggers to open the Rebuild
Triggers dialog box.
5. Click the Selection tab and select the table or tables containing the
column to which you want to attach a sequence.
6. Click OK.
The triggers are rebuilt and the sequence is enabled on the column.
+ For more information on rebuilding triggers, see the Building Triggers
and Procedures chapter.

Sequence properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
sequence property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Sequences
folder or its line in the List of Sequences. The following sections detail the
property sheet tabs that contain the properties most commonly entered for

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users

Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces
Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the sequence

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Owner Specifies the name of sequence owner. You choose an owner

from a list of users. A column can only have one owner at a
time. This is normally the column creator
The following tabs are also available:
Physical Options - lists the physical options associated with the sequence
(see Physical Options on page 188). For information about these
options, see your DBMS documentation.

Changing the DBMS of a model which contains sequences and

auto-incremented columns
If you create a sequence attached to a column in a DBMS supporting
sequences, such as Oracle 8 and higher, Interbase or PostgreSQL, or create
an auto-incremented column in a DBMS supporting this feature, and then
decide to change the target DBMS, the following effects occur:

Sequences (PDM)

DBMS change Defined in origi- Effect on sequence objects and

nal DBMS auto-incremented columns

DBMS supporting Sequence at- The sequence disappears and the

sequences to a tached to a col- column to which it was attached be-
DBMS supporting umn comes an auto-incremented column
auto-incremented in the DBMS

DBMS supporting Auto- The auto-incremented column is

auto-incremented incremented col- deleted and replaced by a sequence
columns to a umn object called S_TABLENAME
DBMS support- which is attached to the original
ing sequences column

Sequences and intermodel generation

When a CDM or an OOM is generated from a PDM, the data type of a table
column attached to a sequence is translated to a numeric data type in the new

PDM gener- Sequence is converted to

ated to

CDM A serial data type for an entity property. The data type
has the format NO%n where %n is a number indicating the
length of the data type

OOM A serial data type for a class attribute. The data type has the
format NO%n, where %n is a number indicating the length
of the data type

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Abstract Data Types (PDM)

An abstract data type (ADT) is a user-defined data type which can
encapsulate a range of data values and functions. The functions can be both
defined on, and operate on the set of values.
Abstract data types can be used in the following ways in a Physical diagram:

Abstract Description
data type

Created You can create an abstract data type of any kind supported
by your DBMS.
If you create an abstract data type of type JAVA, you can
link it to a Java class in an OOM to access the Java class
properties (see Linking an abstract data type to a Java class
on page 133).
Reverse engi- An abstract data type in a database can be reverse engineered
neered into a PDM.
If you also reverse engineer the JAVA classes into an OOM,
then the abstract data types of the type JAVA in the PDM
are automatically linked to the Java classes in the OOM
(see Reverse-engineering a PDM linked to an OOM on
page 137)
+ For more information on reverse engineering a database into a PDM, see
chapter Reverse Engineering.
+ For more information on creating and reverse engineering Java classes
into a PowerDesigner Object-Oriented Model, see the Object-Oriented
Modeling guide.
Depending on the current DBMS, the following kinds of abstract data types
can be created in PowerDesigner:

Abstract Data Types (PDM)

Type Description Example

Array Fixed length collection of VARRAY (Oracle 8 and higher)


List Unfixed length collection TABLE (Oracle 8 and higher)

of objects

Java Java class JAVA (Adaptive Server Any-

where, and Adaptive Server En-
Object Contains a list of at- OBJECT (Oracle 8 and higher)
tributes and a list of pro-

SQLJ Object Contains a list of at- SQLJ OBJECT (Oracle 9i and

tributes and a list of pro- higher)

Structured Contains a list of at- NAMED ROW TYPE (Informix

tributes 9.x, and IBM DB2 5.2)
Example An abstract data type for the Gregorian calendar which has functions defined
to do the following:
Read and write roman numerals
Convert dates from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar
Convert dates from the Gregorian calendar to the Julian calendar

Creating an abstract data type

You can create an abstract data type in any of the following ways:
Select Model Abstract Data Types to access the List of Abstract Data
Types, and click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Abstract Data Type.
+ See also Creating object and SQLJ object abstract data types on
page 132.
+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Abstract data type properties

You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

abstract data type property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the
Abstract Data Types folder.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users

Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces
Comment Specifies the descriptive label

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Owner Specifies the name of abstract data type owner. You choose an
owner from a list of users

Type Specifies the defining group that includes the abstract data type
Depending on its type, an abstract data type definition can also include the
following properties:
Data type, Length, and Precision
Size (for arrays)
Linked class name (for Java types)
File name and path, which contains the declaration of the class
Authorization (for objects): Invoker Right attribute used for DDL
Supertype (for objects): Parent abstract data type from which the current
abstract data type can inherit the procedures
Final and Abstract (for objects): When Final is checked, the current
abstract data type cannot be used as supertype by another abstract data
type. When Abstract is checked, the current abstract data type cannot be
instantiated. Final and Abstract are mutually exclusive
Java class (for SQLJ objects): Name of an external Java class to which
the SQLJ object points. Beside the Java class box, there is a list to select
a mapping interface (CustomDatum, OraData or SQLData)

Abstract Data Types (PDM)

Creating object and SQLJ object abstract data types

If you select the OBJECT (or SQLJ OBJECT) type for an abstract data type,
two additional tabs are displayed in the property sheet:
The Attributes tab allows you to specify an object (or SQLJ object) with a
number of attributes to which are assigned appropriate data types
The Procedures tab allows you to specify an object (or SQLJ object) with
a number of procedures to which are assigned appropriate parameters
Procedure inheritance An object abstract data type with a supertype can inherit non-final
procedures. You can use the Inherit Procedure tool in the Procedures tab of
the abstract data type to select a non-final procedure from a parent abstract
data type. Inheritance only applies to non-finale procedures.
Object example For example, you want to create an Address object with Street, City, and
ZipCode attributes, and a Location procedure.

v To specify attributes and procedures for an object (or SQLJ ob-

ject) abstract data type
1. Open the property sheet of the abstract data type and select either
OBJECT or SQLJ_OBJECT from the type list.
The Attributes and Procedures tabs are displayed.
2. Click the Attributes tab.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

3. For each attribute, click the Add a Row tool, and:

enter a Name and Code
select a data type class from the Data Type list
[optional] Select the Mandatory (M) checkbox

4. Click the Procedures tab:

5. For each procedure, click the Add a Row tool, and:

enter a Name and Code
[optional] Select the Final (F), Static (S) and/or Abstract (A) columns
6. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Linking an abstract data type to a Java class

You can specify a Java class in the PDM, and then link it to a Java class in an
OOM. The OOM must be open in the current Workspace to be available for
When you link an abstract data type to a Java class, a shortcut is created
which allows you to access the properties of the Java class from within the

Abstract Data Types (PDM)

v To link an abstract data type to a Java class

1. Create an abstract data type and select Java from the Type list on the
General tab of its property sheet.

2. Click the Ellipsis button to the right of the Class box to open a Java class
selection box, which lists all the Java classes that are available in the
OOMs currently open in the Workspace.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

3. Select a Java class and click OK.

The abstract data type is now linked to the Java class, and the class name
is displayed in the Class box.

4. Click the Properties button at the end of the Class box to open the
property sheet of the Java class.
If the related OOM is closed, then a shortcut property sheet for the Java
class is displayed, and you must click the Properties button to the right of
the Name box to display its actual property sheet..

Abstract Data Types (PDM)

If the related OOM is open, then the class property sheet is opened

5. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Reverse-engineering a PDM linked to an OOM

You can reverse engineer a PDM from a database that contains Java classes
and also reverse the Java classes into an OOM. The Java abstract data types
in the PDM are automatically linked to the Java classes in the OOM as
You should reverse engineer the Java classes in the database that are used
as data types for the columns and domains in an OOM
Then reverse engineer the database into a PDM
PowerDesigner automatically searches the open OOM for the Java
classes that correspond to the JAVA abstract data types in the PDM and
makes the corresponding links

The Java classes that are reverse engineered into the PDM are created
automatically as abstract data types of type JAVA.
You can access the properties of these Java classes from the property sheets
of the corresponding abstract data types in the PDM. For more information,
see Linking an abstract data type to a Java class on page 133.

References (PDM)

References (PDM)
A reference is a link between a parent table and a child table. It defines a
referential integrity constraint between column pairs for a primary key, or
alternate key, and a foreign key, or between user specified columns in both
When column pairs are linked by a reference, each value in the child table
column refers to an equivalent value in the parent table column.
Within a reference, each column pair is linked by a join. Depending on the
number of columns in the primary key, or alternate key, or the number of
specified columns, a reference can contain one or more joins.
A reference normally links primary key, or alternate key, columns to foreign
key columns.
Example The two tables SALE and STORE are linked by a reference. STORE is the
parent table and SALE is the child table. The reference contains a join which
links the primary key column STORE ID (the referenced column) to the
foreign key column STORE ID (the referencing column).

Creating a reference
You can create a reference that links a primary key, or alternate key, to a
foreign key, or user-specified columns in both parent and child tables.
Depending on its properties, a reference can link a parent table and a child
table in one of two ways:

Reference links Description

Primary key, alternate Primary or alternate key in the parent table is linked
key and foreign keys to a foreign key in the child table
User specified One or more columns in the parent table are linked to
columns corresponding columns in the child table. The linked
columns in both tables are specified by the user, and
are linked independently of primary key, alternate
key, and foreign key columns

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

You can create a reference in any of the following ways:

Use the Reference tool in the diagram Palette.
Select Model References to access the List of References, and click the
Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Automatic reuse and migration of columns

When you create a reference, PowerDesigner can automatically:

Reuse an appropriate existing column in the child table as the foreign key
Migrate the primary key column in the parent table to create a foreign key
column in the child table

v To auto-reuse and/or auto-migrate columns

1. Select Tools Model Options to open the Model Options dialog box.
2. Select the Reference sub-category in the left-hand Category pane to
display the Reference tab.

References (PDM)

3. Specify your choices for column reuse and migration as follows:

To auto-reuse existing columns in child tables as foreign key
columns when creating references - select the Auto-reuse columns
check box. Note that the column in the child table must have the same
code as the migrating primary key column, and cannot already be a
foreign key column for it to be suitable for reuse. If you want to reuse
a child table column that is already a foreign key column, you must do
this manually from the Joins tab of the reference property sheet.
To auto-migrate primary key columns in parent tables for use as
foreign key columns in child tables - select the Auto-migrate
columns check box. This will also enable the column properties check
boxes, allowing you to specify which of the parent column properties
to migrate.
To auto-migrate the properties of parent table primary key
columns - select the appropriate check boxes:
Check (check parameters)
Rules (business rules)
Last position (migrated columns should be added at the end of the
table column list. If the Last position option is not selected, migrated
columns are inserted between key columns and other columns which
implies that a child table must be dropped and recreated each time
you add a reference and modify an existing database.)
Note that, during intermodel generation, whether or not the Auto-migrate
columns check box is selected, any selected column property is migrated
from the PK to the FK.

4. Ensure that the Default link on creation option is set to Primary key.

5. Click OK to close the Model Options dialog box.


The following examples illustrate how using the auto-reuse columns and
auto-migrate columns options affects the creation of references.
Matching child table The following table shows the results of migrating primary key columns to a
column exists child table that contains a matching column for one of the primary key
columns. The original two tables are also shown below:

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Auto-reuse Auto- Result Description of

migrate child table

Selected Selected Col_1 is reused

and Col_2 is cre-

Not selected Selected T1_Col_1 is cre-

ated and Col_2 is

Selected Not selected Col_1 is reused

and Col_2 is not

Not selected Not selected No column is

reused and no
column is created
Matching child table The following table shows the results of migrating primary key columns to a
column is already a FK child table that contains a matching child table column that is already a
column foreign key column for another table. The original two tables are also shown

Auto-reuse Auto- Result Description of

migrate child table

Selected Selected T1_Col_1 is cre-

ated and Col_2 is

Not selected Selected T1_Col_1 is cre-

ated and Col_2 is

Selected Not selected No columns are

reused or created

Not selected Not selected No columns are

reused or created


References (PDM)

By default, only the properties of the primary key column are migrated to
the foreign key. If the primary key column is attached to a domain, the
domain will not be migrated to the new foreign key column unless the
Enforce non-divergence option model option is selected (see Enforcing
non-divergence from a domain in a data model on page 121).
The following table shows the results of changing references when you
have selected the auto-migrate columns option:

Action Result

Modify reference Migrate primary key in parent table to foreign key

attach point in child table
Delete unused foreign key columns
Modify reference join

Delete primary key Delete corresponding foreign key and reference


Migrate primary key in parent table to foreign key in child table

Delete unused foreign key columns
Modify reference join

Action Result

Modify reference Migrate primary key in parent table to foreign key in

attach point child table
Delete unused foreign key columns
Modify reference join

Delete primary key Delete corresponding foreign key and reference join
+ For more information on other model options for references, see
Setting PDM Model Options section in the Customizing the PDM
Environment chapter.

Reference properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
reference property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser
entry in the References folder. The following sections detail the property
sheet tabs that contain the properties most commonly entered for references.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users
Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the reference

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object
without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Parent table Specifies the parent table of the reference. This table contains
the primary key, or alternate key, linked by the reference.
You can use the tools to the right of the list to create an
object, browse the complete tree of available objects or view
the properties of the currently selected object

Parent role Specifies the role of the parent table in the reference. The
text is displayed in the diagram, near the parent table

Child table Specifies the child table of the reference. This table contains
the foreign key linked by the reference

Child role Specifies the role of the child table in the reference. The text
is displayed in the diagram, near the child table

Generate When selected, indicates to generate the reference in the


Reference property sheet Joins tab

A join is a link between a column in a parent table and a column in a child

table (column pair) that is defined within a reference.
A join can link primary, alternate or foreign key, or user-specified columns
in the parent and child tables that are independent of key columns.

v To define joins in a reference

1. Double-click a reference in the diagram to open its property sheet, and
then click the Joins tab.

2. Select a key in the Parent Key list to create joins on its columns. If you

References (PDM)

select <NONE>, the column lists are empty and you must specify your
own columns to join.
The columns linked by the joins are listed in the Parent Table and Child
Table columns.

Changing a foreign key column linked by a join

You can change the foreign key column linked by a join by clicking the
column in the Child Table list, and selecting another column from the
3. [optional] If you selected <NONE> from the Parent Key list, click the
Parent Table Column and select a column from the list, then click the
Child Table Column and select a child column.
4. [optional] Select the Auto arrange join order check box to sort the list by
the key column order. If this option is not selected, you can re-arrange the
columns using the arrow buttons.
5. Click OK.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Enabling the Auto arrange join order check box

To enable this check box, add an EnableChangeJoinOrder item to the
Reference category in the DBMS definition file and set the value to YES.
See the DBMS Resource File Reference chapter of the Customizing and
Extending PowerDesigner manual.
Default joins at reference Join creation is determined by the following Model Options:
Default Link on Auto-migrate Result
Creation Columns

Primary Key Selected Joins created between primary and

foreign key columns.
Not selected Joins created and linked to primary
key columns, but are incomplete. For-
eign key columns must be specified

User-defined Selected No joins created. Parent and child

table column pairs must be specified

Not selected No joins created. Parent and child

table column pairs must be specified
Linking columns in a For any reference you can choose to link a primary key, or alternate key, to a
primary or alternate key corresponding foreign key. When you select a key from the Joins tab of the
reference property sheet, all the key columns are linked to matching foreign
key columns in the child table.

Changing a foreign key column link

A foreign key column can be changed to link to another parent table
column, either within the key relationship, or independent of it.
Reuse and Migration You can use the following buttons on the Joins tab to reuse or migrate
option for a selected columns linked by joins.

References (PDM)

Tool Description

Reuse Columns - Reuse existing child columns with same code as

parent table columns

Migrate Columns - Migrate key columns to foreign key columns.

If columns do not exist they are created

Cancel Migration - Delete any migrated columns in child table

Reference property sheet Integrity tab

Referential integrity is a collection of rules that govern data consistency

between primary keys, alternate keys and foreign keys. It dictates what
happens when you update or delete a value in a referenced column in the
parent table, and when you delete a row containing a referenced column
from the parent table.
The Integrity tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Constraint Name of the referential integrity constraint. Maximum

name length is 254 characters

Implementation Specifies how referential integrity will be implemented.

You can choose between:
Declarative- Referential integrity constraints are de-
fined for particular references. When the reference is
generated the target DBMS evaluates the reference va-
lidity and generates appropriate error messages
Trigger - Referential integrity constraints are imple-
mented by triggers based on the integrity constraints
defined in the reference property sheet. The trigger
evaluates reference validity and generates appropriate
user-defined error messages

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Property Description

Cardinality Indicates the minimum and maximum number of instances

in a child table permitted for each corresponding instance
in the parent table. The following values are available by
0..* - A parent can have zero or more children. There
is no maximum.
0..1 - A parent can have zero or one children.
1..* - A parent can have one or more children. There is
no maximum.
1..1 A parent must have exactly one child
Alternately, you can enter your own integer values in one
of the following formats:
x..y - A parent can have between x and y children.
x - A parent can have exactly x children.
x..y, a..b - A parent can have between x and y or be-
tween a and b children.
You can use * or n to represent no limit.
2..n There must be at least 2 children.
10 - There must be exactly 10 children.
1..2, 4..n There must be one, two, four or more chil-

User-defined Indicates a user-defined constraint name

References (PDM)

Property Description

Update con- How updating a key value, in the parent table affects the
straint foreign key value in the child table. Depending on the
implementation and DBMS, you can choose between:
None - Update or deletion of a value in the parent table
has no effect on the child table.
Restrict - A value in the parent table cannot be updated
or deleted if one or more matching child values exists
Cascade - Update or deletion of a value in the parent
table causes an update or delete of matching values in
the child table
Set null - Update or deletion of a value in the parent
table sets matching values in the child table to NULL
Set default - Update or deletion of a value in the par-
ent table sets matching values in the child table to the
default value

Delete con- How deleting a row in the parent table affects the child
straint table

Mandatory par- Each foreign key value in the child table must have a
ent corresponding key value, in the parent table
Change parent A foreign key value can change to select another value in
allowed the referenced key in the parent table
Check on com- [Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0 and 5.5 only] Verifies refer-
mit ential integrity only on the commit, instead of verifying
it after row insertion. You can use this feature to control
circular dependencies

Cluster Indicates whether the reference constraint is a clustered

constraint (for those DBMS that support clustered indexes)

Rebuilding references
You can rebuild references to create default references between PK columns
in one table and columns with identical code and data type in another table.
Note that rebuilding is not possible between two tables with PK columns.
Rebuilding references is useful following the reverse engineering of a
database in which all of the references could not be reverse engineered.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

v To rebuild references
1. Select Tools Rebuild Objects Rebuild References to open the
Rebuild References dialog box.
2. Select a mode:
Delete and Rebuild - All existing references are deleted, and new
references built based on matching key columns
Preserve - All existing references are kept, and new references are built
based on new matching key columns
3. [optional] Click the Selection tab and specify the tables for which you
want to rebuild references. By default, all tables are selected.

Rebuilding references in a package

To rebuild references between tables in a package, select the package
from the list at the top of the tab.
To rebuild references between tables in a sub-package, select the Include
Sub-Packages icon next to the list, and then select a sub-package from
the dropdown list.

4. Click OK. If you selected the Delete and Rebuild mode, a confirmation
box asks you to confirm your choice. Click Yes to confirm the deletion
and rebuild of the selected references.

References (PDM)

Changing a table at either end of a reference

After reference creation you can change one table, or both of the tables,
linked by a reference, using one of the following methods:
Click the reference and hold down CTRL as you drag one of its attach
points to a different table.

Double-click a reference in the diagram to display its property sheet and

choose a different parent or child table from the lists.
Select Model References to open the list of references, and choose a
different parent or child table from the lists.

Modifying a reference graphically

You can modify a reference symbol as follows:

v To bend a reference symbol

1. Select Symbol Format to open the Symbol Format dialog box.

2. Click the Line Style tab and select the jagged line symbol from the
Corners list.
3. Click OK to return to the diagram.
4. Press and hold CTRL while clicking the point on the reference where you
want to insert an angle.
A handle is added to the reference at the point clicked.
5. Release CTRL. You can now drag the handle to create the desired angle.

v To straighten a reference symbol

1. Click a reference symbol that has one or more angles to make its handles
2. Press and hold CTRL while clicking a handle to remove the handle and

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

v To drag a reference to a different table

1. Click a reference symbol.

2. Press and hold CTRL while dragging one of the symbol ends to a new
You can set the global display mode for references by clicking Tools
Model Options and selecting a notation from the list. PowerDesigner
supports Relational, CODASYL, Conceptual and IDEF1X notations.

Views (PDM)

Views (PDM)
A view is an alternative way of looking at the data in one or more tables. It is
made up of a subset of columns from one or more tables.
You define a SQL query for each view.

Creating a view
You can create a view in any of the following ways:
Use the View tool in the diagram Palette.
Select Model Views to access the List of Views, and click the Add a
Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New View.

Select Tools Create View. For more details, see Creating a view from
the Tools menu on page 156. You can, optionally, pre-select one or more
tables and views in the diagram to create a view automatically populated
with their columns.

+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

View properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
view property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser entry in
the Views folder. The following sections detail the property sheet tabs that
contain the properties most commonly entered for views.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users
Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces
Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the view

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Property Description

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-
Owner Specifies the name of view owner. You choose an owner
from a list of users. A view can only have one owner at a
time. This is normally the view creator

Usage Specifies the use of the view: Query only defines a view
for consultation only, view cannot update tables; Updatable
defines a view for consultation and update, view can update
tables; and With Check options implements controls on view

Dimensional Specifies the multidimensional type of the view, that is

type Dimension or Fact

Type For those DBMS that support it, allows you to define the
type of a view. You can select materialized query table,
materialized view, summary table, or XML

Generate Includes view generation as part of database generation


User-defined When selected, makes sure the view query is not parsed by
PowerDesigner internal parser. This protects the view query
from any update using model objects and keeps its syntax
as defined by user. Otherwise, the view query is parsed and
modified according to model values

+ For more information on materialized views, materialized query tables,

and summary tables, see Creating a query table on page 163.
+ For more information on XML views, see Creating an XML table or
view on page 65.

View property sheet Columns tab

The Columns tab in a view property sheet displays the list of columns in the
view. This list of columns reflects the SELECT orders from the queries of
the current view. The only way to add or remove columns from this list is to
modify the query of the view.
+ For more information on how to define the query of a view, see
Creating, editing, and deleting queries associated with views on page 157.

Views (PDM)

If the view was created from one or several tables or views The name,
code, description and data type of the view column are those of the
corresponding column in the linked table or view.
If the view is user-defined It implies the view is not linked to another
object. The name and code of the view column comes from the column
name in the first query in the view definition. For example, MyView is
defined by the following queries:
select Name, Comment
from Property
select Signature, Body
from Method

Only the two columns of the first query are used to create the corresponding
view columns:

In this case, if you modify the view column code, the view creation script
will reflect the change. In our example, if you rename Name in ClientName,
the view creation script is the following:
create view MYVIEW (ClientName, "Comment") as
select Name, Comment
from Property

View column properties When you select a column in the list of view columns and click the
Properties tool in the toolbar, the view column property sheet is displayed.
You can define the following properties from the view column property

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the view column. This name is automat-
ically calculated. If you choose to modify the default name,
the User-defined button is selected and the Custom Name
column displays the user-defined name. You can recover the
default name by clicking again the User-defined button

Code Specifies the code of the view column. The code is automati-
cally calculated. If you choose to modify the default code, the
User-defined button is selected and the Custom Code column
displays the user-defined code. You can recover the default
code by clicking again the User-defined button
Comment Specifies the comment of the view column. This comment
is automatically calculated from the column comment in
the original table or view. If you choose to modify the
default comment, the User-defined button is selected. You
can recover the default comment by clicking again the User-
defined button

Stereotype View column stereotype

Data Type View column data type. This data type is automatically
calculated from the column data type in the original table
or view. If you choose to modify the default data type, the
User-defined button is selected. You can recover the default
data type by clicking again the User-defined button
Length Maximum length of the data type

Precision Maximum number of places after the decimal point

You can also define notes and business rules on a view column.
User-defined name or You can modify the name and the code of a view column from the list. If
code you need to recover the name or code default value, you have to clear the
corresponding cell in the list, the default name or code is automatically

View property sheet SQL Query tab

The SQL Query tab displays the SQL code for all the queries associated
with the view. You can edit this code directly in this tab or access the
property sheets of individual queries. For more information, see Creating,
editing, and deleting queries associated with views on page 157.

Views (PDM)

View property sheet Triggers tab

The Triggers tab is only displayed if your DBMS supports triggers on views.
View triggers can make the view behave like a table. You can define a trigger
to fire when one or more attributes of a table view column are modified.

v To create a trigger on a view

1. Open the view property sheet and click the Triggers tab.
2. Click the Add a Row tool, and then click the Properties tool to open the
property sheet of the newly-created trigger.
3. Click the Definition tab. The trigger time type will be set to instead of.

4. Write a trigger from scratch or select a trigger template. For more details
about writing triggers, see the chapter Building Triggers and

View property sheet Preview tab

The Preview tab displays the SQL code associated with the view. For more
information, see Previewing SQL statements in the Working with Data
Models chapter.

Creating a view from the Tools menu

You can create a view from the Tools menu. This method allows you to
automatically populate the view with columns from tables and other views

v To create a view from the Tools menu

1. [optional] Select one or more tables and views in the diagram. You can
select multiple objects by holding down the SHIFT key while you select

2. Select Tools Create View.

If you have not selected any tables or views, then a selection box opens,
allowing you to select the objects to be included in the view.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Select the appropriate objects and then click OK.

A view symbol is displayed in the diagram. It displays all the columns in
each of the tables and views selected for the view. The names for the
tables and views appear at the bottom of the view symbol.

Creating, editing, and deleting queries associated with views

You can edit queries associated with a view from the SQL Query tab of the
view property sheet.

Views (PDM)

Any number of queries may be associated with a view, and the totality of
their SQL statements is shown in this tab, linked by any of the standard SQL
constructs, such as Union, etc.

Editing query code in the SQL Query tab

You can edit the code shown in the SQL Query tab in any of the following
Edit the code directly in the tab

Click the Edit with SQL Editor tool to open the code in PowerDesigners
built-in SQL Editor. The SQL Editor provides a more complete query
definition environment than the SQL query tab, including access to
standard SQL constructs and syntax tools for functions and operators (see
Defining queries with the SQL Editor in the Working with Data Models

Click the Edit with tool (CTRL+E) to open the code in your favorite
Any edits you make in the SQL Query tab will propagate to the property
sheets of the associated individual queries (see Opening the property sheet
of a query on page 159).
Query list The individual queries associated with the view are available from the Query

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

list at the bottom of the SQL Query tab. You can create and delete queries
using the tools at the bottom of the tab.

v To create a new query in the Query list

1. Click the Add a query tool to the right of the Query list (you can specify
the way in which the new query will be linked with the other queries by
clicking the arrow to the right of the tool and selecting one of the
constructs listed below).
The new querys property sheet opens.
2. Enter the query code and click OK.
The new query is added to the Query list in the View property sheet SQL
Query tab, and its code is added to the tab.
The following SQL constructs are available for linking queries in
PowerDesigner (depending on your DBMS):

Construct Result Example

Union [de- Displays all the data retrieved by both the SELECT 1: ABC
fault] queries, except where results are repeated. SELECT 2: BCD
Result: ABCD

Union All Displays all the data retrieved by both the SELECT 1: ABC
queries, including repeated results. SELECT 2: BCD
Result: ABCBCD

Intersect Displays only the data retrieved by both SELECT 1: ABC

the queries. SELECT 2: BCD
Result: BC

Minus Displays only the data retrieved by one or SELECT 1: ABC

other of the queries, but not by both. SELECT 2: BCD
Result: AD

v To delete a query from the Query list

1. Select the query in the Query list.
2. Click the Delete tool to the right of the Query list.
The query is removed from the Query list and its code deleted from the
Opening the property sheet of a query

Each query associated with a view has its own property sheet, which
contains the following tabs:

Views (PDM)

SQL (see Query property sheet SQL tab on page 160)

Tables (see Query property sheet Tables tab on page 160)

Columns (see Query property sheet Columns tab on page 161)

Where (see Query property sheet Where tab on page 161)

Group By (see Query property sheet Group By tab on page 162)

Having (see Query property sheet Having tab on page 162)

Order By (see Query property sheet Order By tab on page 163)

You can manipulate each of these clauses using the lists in these tabs, and
any changes you make will propagate to the other tabs and the SQL Query
tab of the parent view (see Editing query code in the SQL Query tab on
page 158).

v To open a querys property sheet from the Query list

1. Select the query in the Query list.
2. Click the Properties tool to the right of the Query list.

Query property sheet SQL tab

This tab displays the SQL code for the query.

You can edit the code of an individual query in its SQL tab in any of the
following ways:
Edit the code directly in the tab

Click the Edit with SQL Editor tool to open the code in PowerDesigners
built-in SQL Editor (see Defining queries with the SQL Editor in the
Working with Data Models chapter).
Click the Edit with tool (CTRL+E) to open the code in your favorite
Any edits you make in the SQL tab will propagate to the querys clause
tabs and the SQL Query tab of the parent view (see Editing query code in
the SQL Query tab on page 158).

Query property sheet Tables tab

This tab lists the tables in the FROM clause, which specify where the query
data will be drawn from.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

You can add or delete tables as appropriate, and reorder the tables in the list
using the arrows at the bottom of the tab.Any changes you make will
propagate to the querys SQL tab and to the SQL Query tab of the parent

v To add a table
1. Click in the first empty row in the list.
2. Select a table from the list. To enter a more complex expression via the
SQL Editor, click the ellipsis button to the right of the list.

3. [optional] Enter an alias for the table in the Alias column.

Query property sheet Columns tab

This tab lists the columns in the SELECT clause, which specify what data
will be displayed in the query.
You can add or delete columns as appropriate, and reorder the columns in
the list using the arrows at the bottom of the tab. Any changes you make will
propagate to the querys SQL tab and to the SQL Query tab of the parent

v To add a column
1. Click in the first empty row in the list.

2. Select a column from the list. You can add all the columns in a table by
selecting a list entry with the table name followed by an asterisk. To enter
a more complex expression via the SQL Editor, click the ellipsis button to
the right of the list.
3. [optional] Enter an alias for the column in the Alias column.

Query property sheet Where tab

This tab lists the expressions in the WHERE clause, which restrict the data
retrieved by the query.
You can add or delete expressions as appropriate, and reorder the
expressions in the list using the arrows at the bottom of the tab. Any changes
you make will propagate to the querys SQL tab and to the SQL Query tab of
the parent view.

Views (PDM)

v To add an expression
1. Click in the first empty row in the list.
2. [optional] Enter a prefix in the Prefix column.

3. In the first Expression column, select a column from the list. To enter a
more complex expression via the SQL Editor, click the ellipsis button to
the right of the list.
4. In the Operator column, select an operator from the list.
5. In the second Expression column, select a column from the list. To enter
a more complex expression via the SQL Editor, click the ellipsis button to
the right of the list.

6. [optional] Enter a suffix in the Suffix column.

Query property sheet Group By tab

This tab lists the columns in the GROUP BY clause, which control how the
data retrieved by the query will be grouped.
You can add or delete columns as appropriate, and reorder the columns in
the list using the arrows at the bottom of the tab. Any changes you make will
propagate to the querys SQL tab and to the SQL Query tab of the parent

v To add a column
1. Click in the first empty row in the list.
2. Select a column from the list. To enter a more complex expression via the
SQL Editor, click the ellipsis button to the right of the list.

Query property sheet Having tab

This tab lists the expressions in the HAVING clause, which restrict the data
returned by a query with a GROUP BY clause.
You can add or delete expressions as appropriate, and reorder the
expressions in the list using the arrows at the bottom of the tab. Any changes
you make will propagate to the querys SQL tab and to the SQL Query tab of
the parent view.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

v To add an expression
1. Click in the first empty row in the list.
2. [optional] Enter a prefix in the Prefix column.

3. In the first Expression column, select a column from the list. To enter a
more complex expression via the SQL Editor, click the ellipsis button to
the right of the list.
4. In the Operator column, select an operator from the list.
5. In the second Expression column, select a column from the list. To enter
a more complex expression via the SQL Editor, click the ellipsis button to
the right of the list.

6. [optional] Enter a suffix in the Suffix column.

Query property sheet Order By tab

This tab lists the columns in the ORDER BY clause, which control the way
in which the data retrieved by the query will be sorted.
You can add or delete columns as appropriate, and reorder the columns in
the list using the arrows at the bottom of the tab. Any changes you make will
propagate to the querys SQL tab and to the SQL Query tab of the parent

v To add a column
1. Click in the first empty row in the list.
2. In the Column column, select a column from the list. To enter a more
complex expression via the SQL Editor, click the ellipsis button to the
right of the list.

3. In the Sort Direction column, select either ASC or DESC.

Creating a query table

A query table is a table whose data proceeds from the result of a query. In
PowerDesigner, you design a query table using a view with a specific type,
depending on the DBMS.
DB2 In DB2 CS7, you design a query table using a view with the summary table
type. In later versions of DB2, you should use the materialized query table

Views (PDM)

+ For more information on summary tables and materialized views, see

DB2 documentation.
Oracle In Oracle, you design a query table using a view with the materialized view
type. Materialized view is the new recommended name for snapshots that
were used before version 8i.
+ For more information on materialized views and snapshots, see Oracle
You define a view as a query table by selecting the query table or
materialized view type in the view property sheet.

The query creation order of DB2 summary table is of type:

create summary table VIEW_1 as

The query creation order of DB2 materialized query table is of type:

create table VIEW_1 as

The query creation order of Oracle materialized view is of type:

create materialized view VIEW_1 as

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

The query creation order of an Oracle snapshot is of type:

create snapshot VIEW_1 as

If you change the DBMS of a model containing query tables, these are
converted into regular views.
Physical options Query tables support physical options. When you select a query table type in
the view property sheet, the Options tab automatically is displayed to let you
define physical options for view generation.

Using extended dependencies for views

Extended dependencies are links between physical diagram objects. These
links help to make object relationships clearer between model objects but are
not interpreted and checked by PowerDesigner as they are meant to be used
for documentation purposes only.
You can complement these links by applying stereotypes.
You can type stereotypes directly in the Stereotype column of the object
property sheet or select a value from the list if you have previously defined
stereotypes in an embedded or imported extended model definition (.XEM).
You can use extended dependencies between a view and tables links in the
Example A view identified as Book Sales can have two extended dependencies
indicating that the view depends on the Title and Sale tables. The diagram
displays their extended dependencies and stereotypes.

Views (PDM)

For more information on extended model definitions, see Extended Model

Definitions in the Working with Data Models chapter.
+ For more information on extended dependencies, see Using extended
dependencies, in the Objects chapter of the Core Features Guide.

Defining a generation order for views

You can use extended dependencies to define an order in the generation of
Extended dependencies are free links between PDM objects. These links
help to make object relationships clearer between model objects. Usually,
these links are not interpreted and checked by PowerDesigner as they are
meant to be used for documentation purposes only. However, if you assign
the <<DBCreateAfter>> stereotype to an extended dependency between
views, it will be analyzed during generation.
The view from which you start the extended dependency is the dependent
view and the view at the other end of the link is the influent view. The
influent view will be generated before the dependent view.
Circular extended If you create a reflexive and/or circular set of extended dependencies with
dependencies the <<DBCreateAfter>> stereotype, an error message is displayed

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

during the check model. If you choose to ignore this error, the views will be
generated in alphabetical order, without taking into account the generation
order, which could cause errors in the creation of views in the database.
Example You create the view DEPARTMENT STORE from the table STORE. The
view retrieves information from the table as you can check in the SQL Query
tab of the view property sheet:

You decide to create another view called COMPUTER COUNTER to show

only part of the department store offer. This view is created from the view
DEPARTMENT STORE, and retrieves information from it.
By default views are generated in alphabetical order, so the generation of
from which it depends is not generated. To bypass this problem, you can
create a extended dependency with the <<DBCreateAfter>> stereotype

This allows you to set an order in the generation of views: DEPARTMENT

STORE will be generated before COMPUTER COUNTER.

Views (PDM)

You can create an extended dependency between views from the list of
views or from the diagram.
+ For more information on how to create views from a list, see Defining a
generation order for stored procedures section in the Building Triggers and
Procedures chapter.

v To define a generation order for views from the diagram

1. Select the Extended Dependencies tool in the palette.
2. Click inside the dependent view and while holding down the mouse
button, drag the cursor into the influent view. Release the mouse button.
3. Double-click the extended dependency link.
The dependent view property sheet opens to the Extended Dependencies
tab. you can check that the influent view is displayed in the Influent
Object column of the list of extended dependencies.
4. Click inside the Stereotype column, click the down arrow and select
<<DBCreateAfter>> in the list.

5. Click OK.
+ For more information on extended dependencies, see Using extended
dependencies, in the Objects chapter of the Core Features Guide .

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

View References (PDM)

A view reference is a link between a parent table or view and a child table
or view. It is used to define a set of predefined joins between the columns of
the parent and the child table or view.
View references are not generated in the database.
Example Table Orders is the parent of view Customer_Order.

Creating a view reference

You can create a view reference between two views or between a table and a
view. A view reference cannot link two tables.
You can create a view reference in any of the following ways:
Use the Reference tool in the diagram Palette.
Select Model View References to access the List of View References,
and click the Add a Row tool.

Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New View
+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .
+ For more information about manipulating view references, see
Changing a table at either end of a reference on page 150 and Modifying
a reference graphically on page 150.

View reference properties

You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
view reference property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its
Browser entry in the View References folder.

View References (PDM)

The General tab contains the following properties:

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users
Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the view reference

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object
without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Parent Specifies the parent table or view of the view reference. You
can use the tools to the right of the list to create an object,
browse the complete tree of available objects or view the
properties of the currently selected object

Parent role Specifies the role of the parent table or view in the view
reference. The text is displayed in the diagram, near the
parent table or view

Child Specifies the child table or view of the view reference. You
can use the tools to the right of the list to create an object,
browse the complete tree of available objects or view the
properties of the currently selected object
Child role Specifies the role of the child table or view in the view
reference. The text is displayed in the diagram, near the
child table or view

A view reference also includes joins, that are links between parent columns
and child columns.

Defining view reference joins

A join is a link between a column in a parent table or view and a column in a
child table or view that is defined within a view reference.
If you create a new view from existing views, the joins defined on these
views influence the WHERE statement in the SQL query of the new view.

View References (PDM)


French_Store is a view of table Store. You define a join between Store_ID in

the table and STORE_STORE_ID in the view.
Customer_Orders is a view of table Orders. You define a join between
Order_No in the table and ORDER_ORDER_N in the view.
You create a view reference between French_Store and Customer_Order in
which you define a join between ORDER_ORDER_STORE and
STORE_STORE_ID. This is to establish a correspondence between the store
ID and the store where the order is sent.
If you create a view from French_Store and Customer_Orders, you can
check in the SQL query tab of the view that the SELECT order takes into
account the join defined between the views. The SELECT statement will
retrieve orders sent to French stores only.

In the Joins tab of a view reference property sheet, you can use the Reuse
Columns tool to reuse existing child columns with same code as parent

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

v To define joins in a view reference

1. Double-click a view reference in the diagram to display the view
reference property sheet.
2. Click the Joins tab to display the Joins tab.

3. Click the Reuse Columns tool to reuse existing child columns with same
code as parent columns.
Click the Add a Row tool.
A join is created but you have to define the parent and child columns.

4. Click in the Parent Column column and select a column in the list.

5. Click in the Child Column column and select a column in the list.

6. Click OK.

Check Parameters (CDM/LDM/PDM)

Check Parameters (CDM/LDM/PDM)

Check parameters are set of conditions which data must satisfy to remain
There are three types of check parameters:

Parameter Description Can be attached

type to

Standard Common data constraints which define Columns/Entity

check pa- a data range. For example minimum and attributes
rameters maximum values for a column Domains
Additional SQL expression defining a data con- Columns/Entity
check param- straint using the %MINMAX%, %LIST- attributes
eters VAL%, and %RULES% variables that Domains
are instantiated with standard parameter

Validation Business rule that is defined as a server Tables/Entities

rule expression, and is attached to one of the Columns/Entity
following listed objects attributes

Setting standard check parameters for objects in a data model

Standard parameters indicate common data constraints. The following table
lists standard parameters:

Parameter Description

Minimum Lowest acceptable numeric value

Maximum Highest acceptable numeric value

Default Value selected from a list of default values or typed
in the listbox. The list of values is defined in the
Script\Keywords\ReservedDefault entry of the DBMS
definition file

Format Data format (for example, 9999.99)

Unit Standard measure

Lowercase Forces all alphabetical characters to lowercase

Uppercase Forces all alphabetical characters to uppercase

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Parameter Description

Cannot Modify Protects from changes, results in a non-modifiable col-

umn/entity attribute in the table when generated in the
List of Values Authorized values

Label String that identifies an authorized value in the list

+ For more information on defaults, see Defaults (PDM) on page 111.

v To set standard parameters

1. Open the property sheet of a domain or column/entity attribute and click
the Standard Checks tab.

2. Enter the appropriate standard parameters, and then click OK.

+ See also Managing quotation marks around values (PDM) on
page 178.

Defining additional check parameters for objects in a data model

You define additional check parameters for data constraints where standard
check parameters are not sufficient.

Check Parameters (CDM/LDM/PDM)

Example A table/entity in a data model for a clothing shop may contain check
parameters defined for a column/entity attribute SIZE, which depend on the
check parameters defined on another column/entity attribute CLOTHING
TYPE, as clothing size for a skirt in one country may be different from the
same size in another country.
In this case an expression is required to create a constraint which uses check
parameters defined for both columns/entity attributes.

v To define additional check parameters

1. Open the property sheet of a domain or column/entity attribute and click
the Additional Checks tab.

2. Type a SQL expression, which may include any of the following

%MINMAX% - Minimum and maximum values defined in Values
groupbox on Standard Checks tab
%LISTVAL% - Customized values defined in List Values groupbox on
Standard Checks tab
%RULES% - Validation rule expression defined on Expression tab of
the Rules property sheet
3. Click OK to return to the model diagram.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Using a validation rule in check parameters in a data model

A validation rule is a rule that validates data based on a corresponding
business rule. A validation rule can be generated as a check parameter when
the following conditions apply:
Validation rule is attached to a table/entity, column/entity attribute, or
Validation rule is defined as a server expression
At generation, validation rule variables are instantiated with the following

Variable Value

%COLUMN% Code of the column to which the business rule applies

%DOMAIN% Code of the domain to which the business rule applies

%TABLE% Code of the table to which the business rule applies

%MINMAX% Minimum and maximum values for the column or

%LISTVAL% List values for the column or domain

%RULES% Server validation rules for the column or domain

+ For more information on defining business rules, see Business Rules
(CDM/LDM/PDM) on page 179.

v To use a validation rule in check parameters

1. Open the property sheet of a table, domain, or column, and click the
Rules tab.
2. Click the Add Objects button to open a selection box, and select a
business rule in the list.
3. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Validation rule expressions

You must click the Rules button to modify the expression attached to a
validation rule. You can also modify validation rule expressions from
the list of business rules, by clicking the Define button.

Check Parameters (CDM/LDM/PDM)

Managing quotation marks around values (PDM)

For a domain or a column, standard parameters can indicate minimum,
maximum, and default values as well as a list of values.
In general, if the data type of domain or column is a string data type,
quotation marks surround its values in the generated script. The generation
of single or double quotation marks depends on the target DBMS.
However, quotation marks are not generated in the following cases:
You define a data type that is not recognized as a string data type by
Value is surrounded by tilde characters
Value is a keyword defined in the DBMS (for example, NULL)

In addition, if the value is already surrounded by quotation marks additional

quotation marks are not generated.
The following table shows the way a value for a string data type is generated
in a script:

Value for string data type Result in script

Active Active

Active Active

Active Active

~Active~ Active

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Business Rules (CDM/LDM/PDM)

A business rule is a rule that your business follows. This can be a
government-imposed law, a customer requirement, or an internal guideline.
Business rules often start as simple observations. For example, customers
call toll-free numbers to place orders. During the design process they
develop into more detailed expressions. For example, what information a
customer supplies when placing an order or how much a customer can spend
based on a credit limit.
Business rules guide and document the creation of a model. For example,
the rule an employee belongs to only one division can help you
graphically build the link between an employee and a division.
Business rules complement model graphics with information that is not
easily represented graphically. For example, some rules specify physical
concerns in the form of formulas and validation rules. These technical
expressions do not have a graphical representation.
During intermodel generation the business rules transfer directly into the
generated model where you can further specify them.
There are three ways to use business rules in a PDM:
You can apply a business rule to an object in the PDM
You can create a server expression for a business rule which can be
generated to a database
A business rule expression can also be inserted in a trigger or stored
procedure (see the Building Triggers and Procedures chapter)
Before you create business rules, formulate your rules by asking yourself the
following questions:
What business problems do I want to address?

Are there any mandatory procedures for my system?

Do any specifications set the scope of my project?

Do any constraints limit my options?

How do I describe each of these procedures, specifications, and
How do I classify these descriptions: as definitions, facts, formulas, or
validation rules?

Business Rules (CDM/LDM/PDM)

Creating a business rule

You can create a business rule in any of the following ways:
Select Model Business Rules to access the List of Business Rules, and
click the Add a Row tool

Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New

Business Rule
Open the property sheet of the object to which you want to apply the rule,
click the Rules tab, and click the Create an Object tool
For general information about creating objects, see the Creating Objects
chapter in the Core Features Guide .

Business rule properties

You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
business rule property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Business
Rules folder.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name The name of the item which should be clear and meaningful,
and should convey the items purpose to non-technical users
Code The technical name of the item used for generating code or
scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally
include spaces

Comment Descriptive label for the rule

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Property Description

Type Specifies the nature of the business rule. You can choose
Constraint a check constraint on a value. In a PDM,
constraint business rules can be generated in the database.
For example, The start date should be inferior to the end
date of a project.
Definition a property of the element in the system. For
example; A customer is a person identified by a name and
an address.
Fact a certainty in the system. For example, A client
may place one or more orders.
Formula a calculation. For example, The total order is
the sum of all the order line costs.
Requirement a functional specification. For example,
The model is designed so that total losses do not exceed
10% of total sales.
Validation a constraint on a value. For example, The
sum of all orders for a client must not be greater than that
clients allowance.

Attaching an expression to a business rule in a PDM

A business rule typically starts out as a description. As you develop your
model and analyze your business problem, you can complete a rule by
adding a technical expression. The syntax of expressions depends on the
target database.
Each business rule can include two types of expression:
Server - can be generated to a database. You can generate server
expressions as check parameters if they are attached to tables, domains,
or columns
Client - used mainly for documentation purposes. However, you can
insert both types of expression into a trigger or a stored procedure

v To attach an expression to a business rule in a PDM

1. Open the business rule property sheet and click the Expression tab.
2. Enter a server or client expression on the appropriate sub-tab.

Business Rules (CDM/LDM/PDM)

3. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Applying a business rule to a model object

You can apply a business rule to a model object from the objects property

v To apply a business rule to a model object

1. Open the model objects property sheet and click the Rules tab.
2. Click the Add Objects tool to open a list of available business rules.

3. Select one or more business rules and click OK.

The business rules are added to the object and appear in the list of
business rules for the object.
4. Click OK to return to the model diagram.

U Column in the List of business rules

When you apply a business rule to an object, the U (Used) column
beside this business rule is automatically checked in the List of business
rules to indicate that the business rule is used by at least one object in
the model. The U column allows you to visualize unused business rules,
you can then delete them if necessary.

Constraint business rules

A constraint business rule is used to manage multiple constraints on tables

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

and columns in a database for the DBMS that support this feature.
During generation, the variable %RULES% is evaluated in order to generate
a single constraint in the SQL script. This constraint is a concatenation of all
check parameters defined in the Check tab of a table property sheet, and all
validation business rules applied to the current table. You can preview the
result of the concatenation of checks and validation business rules in the
Preview page of a table property sheet.
+ For more information on the check parameters of a table, see Naming a
table constraint on page 67.
If you want to define distinct check constraints on tables and columns, you
have to define constraint business rules and attach them to objects. This type
of business rule allows to generate multiple check constraints on an object in
the database.
This feature is only available for DBMS supporting multiple check
constraints, and provided the EnableMultiCheck entry in the General
category of the DBMS is set to Yes.
+ For more information on DBMS entries, see the DBMS Resource File
Reference chapter in the Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner
Example Lets consider the table Project:

+ The following checks are defined for this table:

Check Description

Check parameter (in This check verifies that the customer number is
the Check page of the different from the employee number

Validation business rule PROJ_NUM to check that the column project

number is not null
EMP_NUM to check that the employee number is
not null

Constraint business rule DATE_CONSTY to check that the start date of the
project is inferior to the end date of the project

Business Rules (CDM/LDM/PDM)

+ When you display the table code preview, you can verify that the check
parameters and validation business rules are concatenated into a single
constraint, whereas the constraint business rule is displayed as a different
constraint in the script.

Creating a constraint business rule

v To create a constraint business rule in a PDM

1. Select Model Business Rules to open the List of Business Rules, and
click the Add a Row tool to create a new rule.

2. Enter a name and a code for the new rule, and click the Properties tool to
open its property sheet:

3. Select Constraint in the Type list, and then click the Expression tab.
4. Enter an expression in the Server page.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

5. Click OK to save your changes and return to the model diagram.

Applying a constraint business rule to a table or a column

You can attach a constraint business rule to a table or a column. You cannot
reuse a constraint business rule between different objects, so you must create
as many as needed for your model objects.
When you attach a constraint business rule to an object, the code of the
business rule will be used as the constraint name. If you wish to enforce
code uniqueness for constraints in your model, you have to set the
UniqueConstName entry in the General category of the DBMS to Yes. In
such case, the code of the constraint generated from validation business rules
and the code of the constraint business rules must be unique in the model.
+ For more information on DBMS entries, see the DBMS Resource File
Reference chapter in the Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

v To attach a constraint business rule to a table or column

1. Open the table or columns property sheet and click the Rules tab.
2. Click the Add Objects tool to open a list of available business rules.

Business Rules (CDM/LDM/PDM)

3. Select a constraint business rule from the selection list and click OK to
attach it to the object.

4. [optional] Click Apply to confirm the attachment of the rule and then
click the Preview tab to verify that the constraint has been created in the
5. Click OK to return to the diagram.

Generating a constraint business rule

Depending on the type of DBMS, the following is generated regarding check


Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Database type Generation result

Database does not sup- No constraint is generated

port any check con-
Database does not sup- Constraint business rules, check parameters, and
port multiple check con- validation business rules are concatenated into a
straints single constraint expression

Database supports multi- First, the check parameters and validation busi-
ple check constraints ness rules are generated into a single constraint,
then the constraint business rules are generated
into different constraints. Constraints are thus

Reverse engineering a constraint business rule

During reverse engineering, the constraint order is taken into account:

The first constraint is retrieved as check parameters (in the Check page of
the table property sheet)
Each constraint following the initial constraint is retrieved as a constraint
business rule

Physical Options

Physical Options
A physical option is a parameter (included at the end of a Create statement)
that defines how an object is optimized or stored in a database. Physical
options are not supported by all databases, and vary by DBMS. In ASA 6,
for example, you can define physical options for tables, columns, indexes,
tablespaces, and databases. Other DBMSs provide options for keys,
storages, and sequences.
The syntax for a physical option depends on the DBMS. For example:

DBMS Tablespace option syntax

Oracle 6.0 or higher Tablespace

Sybase Adaptive Server Any- In
+ For more information about the syntax of physical options and how they
are controlled in the DBMS resource file, see Physical Options in the
DBMS Resource File Reference chapter of the Customizing and Extending
PowerDesigner manual.
When you change DBMS, the physical option settings are applied as far as
possible to the new DBMS. If a specific physical option was selected in the
model, the default value is preserved for the option in the new DBMS.
Unselected physical options are reset with the new DBMS default values.
PowerDesigner allows you to set:
Default physical options for all the objects in the model (see Defining
default physical options on page 188)
Physical options for a specific object, which override the default physical
option values (see Defining physical options for individual objects on
page 191)

Defining default physical options

Default physical options define physical options for all the objects of a
particular type in the model. The default physical options are stored in the
DBMS definition file (see the Working with Data Models chapter).
The values you assign for default physical options can be included in a
database creation script that you generate from a PDM, or can be directly
generated in the target database. You select the appropriate default physical
options from the Selection tab of the Database Generation dialog box.

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Physical option default values can also be reverse engineered from a

database into a PDM.
You can view the script for a physical option in the Preview tab for the
object for which it is defined.

v To define default physical options

1. Select Database Default Physical Options to display the Default
Physical Options dialog box. There is a tab for each kind of object that
supports physical options. The Table tab opens by default:

2. The Syntax tab in the left pane lists the physical options available in the
DBMS, and the right pane contains the physical options that have been
selected for the object.

3. To add an option for the object, select it in the list in the Syntax pane and
click the Add tool between the panes to copy it to the Items pane. To add
only a sub-parameter for the option, expand the option in the Syntax
pane, select the required parameter and then click the Add tool.
4. To set a value for a physical option parameter, select the parameter in the
list in Items pane and enter or select the appropriate value in the field that
is displayed below the pane. The entered value will then be displayed
against the parameter in the Items list.

Physical Options

5. Repeat the above steps as many times as necessary to specified all your
required physical options. By default, these options will be applied to all
tables in the model. To specify that the options should apply to only
certain of the existing tables, click the Apply to button to display a
selection dialog. Select the tables that you want to apply the options to
from the list and then click OK.

6. Select the other tabs to specify physical options for other option types.
(Note that the Apply to button is not available on the Database tab).
7. Click OK to close the Default Physical Options dialog box.

The following tools are available for adding and removing physical options
to an object:

Tool Action when clicked

Adds physical option selected in Syntax tab (left pane) to Items tab
(right pane)

Aligns a selected physical option in the Items tab with the corre-
sponding physical option in the Syntax tab

Removes physical option selected in Items tab

Chapter 3. Building Physical Diagrams

Defining physical options for individual objects

+ You can set physical options for selected objects to override the default
physical options (see Defining default physical options on page 188).
+ There are two different interfaces for specifying physical options for
individual objects, both of which are accessible through tabs on the objects
property sheet:
Physical Options (Common) this tab is displayed by default (along
with the Partition tab, if applicable), and lists the most commonly-used
physical options in the format of a standard property sheet tab. You can
enter values for the necessary option parameters and click OK

Physical Options (All) this tab is hidden by default, and lists all the
available physical options for the object in a tree format. To display this
tab, click the Property Sheet Menu button and select Customize Favorite
Tabs Physical Options (All). You should follow the procedure in
Defining default physical options on page 188, to modify the
appropriate options.
+ Changes made on either of these tabs will be reflected on the other.

Tablespace and storage options

You can choose a tablespace or storage already defined in the model as
a value for a tablespace or storage that you define for a table. These are
listed in a list below the right pane in the Options tab. In DB2 OS/390,
tablespaces are, by default, prefixed by the name of the database attached to
the model (see the DBMS-Specific Features chapter). For more information
on defining tablespaces and storages, see the Generating a Database from a
PDM chapter.

DBMS-specific information
The following table lists the objects for which physical options are available
when working with a particular DBMS:

Physical Options

Database Objects supporting physical options

Sybase AS Anywhere Table, Index, Database, Tablespace

Sybase AS Enterprise Table, Index, Key, Database

IBM DB2 for Common Table, Column, Index, View, Storage, Tablespace

IBM DB2 for OS/390 Table, Column, Index, Database, Storage, Ta-

Microsoft SQL Server Table, Index, Key, Database

Oracle Table, Key, Index, View, Join Index, Sequence,

Database, Tablespace, Storage
For information about these options, see your database documentation.


Building Multidimensional Diagrams

About this chapter This chapter describes how to build multidimensional diagrams, and how to
create and modify the associated objects.
Contents Topic: page

Multidimensional Diagram Basics 194

Cubes (PDM) 198

Dimensions (PDM) 209

Attributes (PDM) 211

Facts (PDM) 214

Measures (PDM) 216

Hierarchies (PDM) 218

Associations (PDM) 220

Multidimensional Diagram Basics

Multidimensional Diagram Basics

A multidimensional diagram is a model of business activities in terms of
cubes and dimensions. It organizes business data into one or other of these
categories. Numeric values or measures such as sales total, budget limits, are
the facts of the business. The area covered by a business, in terms of
geography, time, or products are the dimensions of the business.
The multidimensional diagram is used to design the cubes in an OLAP
engine, together with the different analysis dimensions.
Business analysts use OLAP databases to send queries and retrieve business
information from the different dimensions existing in the database.
OLAP databases are populated with data from a data warehouse or data mart
database. This data transfer is implemented via a relational to
multidimensional mapping, the data warehouse or data mart database being
the data source of the OLAP database. The OLAP cube is designed to
support multidimensional analysis queries, it is organized according to
user-defined dimensions.
Multidimensional analysis queries usually involve calculated lists, such as
growth and decline rates and time-based comparisons. They aim at detecting
trends and relationships. These types of queries are supported by an OLAP
database, but not by an operational database.
+ For more information on the relational to multidimensional mapping,
see Defining a relational to relational mapping section in the Working with
Data Models chapter.
Example Sales data can have the dimensions product, region, customer, and store.
Facts, for example, the sales totals, are viewed through the user-defined
dimensions. When you retrieve the sales total of a particular product for a
particular region, you are viewing the sales total through the product and
region dimensions. The most common dimension is time because the
purpose of multidimensional analytical queries is to find trends.

Chapter 4. Building Multidimensional Diagrams

Multidimensional Diagram Basics

Multidimensional diagram objects

You can create the following objects in a multidimensional diagram:

Object Tool Symbol Description

Cube Collection of measures related to as-

pects of the business and used to carry
out a decision support investigation.
See Cubes (PDM) on page 198.

Dimension Axis of investigation of a cube (time,

product, geography). See Dimen-
sions (PDM) on page 209.
Attribute [none] [none] Used to qualify a dimension. For ex-
ample, attribute Year qualifies the Date
dimension. See Attributes (PDM)
on page 211.

Fact [none] [none] Group of measures used among cubes.

See Facts (PDM) on page 214.

Measure [none] [none] Variable linked to a fact, used as the

focus of a decision support investi-
gation. See Measures (PDM) on
page 216.

Hierarchy [none] [none] Organizational structure that describes

a traversal pattern though a dimen-
sion. See Hierarchies (PDM) on
page 218.
Association Association that relates a cube to a
dimension. See Associations (PDM)
on page 220.

Creating a multidimensional diagram

You can create a multidimensional diagram in an existing PDM in any of the
following ways:
Right-click the model in the Browser and select New Multidimensional
Diagram from the contextual menu
Right-click the background of any diagram and select Diagram New
Diagram Multidimensional Diagram from the contextual menu.

Chapter 4. Building Multidimensional Diagrams

To create a new PDM with a multidimensional diagram, select File New,

choose Physical Data Model from the Model type list, choose
Multidimensional Diagram as the first diagram, and click OK.

Cubes (PDM)

Cubes (PDM)
A cube is a collection of measures (see Measures (PDM) on page 216)
corresponding to values stored into each of its data cells. The measures are
organized into dimensions (see Dimensions (PDM) on page 209) to
provide for faster retrieval and drill-down.
Usually a cube is associated with a fact that allows to define and share
measures among cubes.
In a multidimensional diagram, the cube represents an OLAP cube. Cubes
need to be created and populated via a text file in the OLAP engine. This
text file contains a query used to extract data from a data warehouse or
operational database to fill the cubes in the OLAP engine, and is defined in
the Query tab of the cubes property sheet.

Creating a cube
You can create a cube in any of the following ways:
Use the Cube tool in the diagram Palette.
Select Model Cubes to access the List of Cubes, and click the Add a
Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New Cube.
Rebuild a cube from a fact table or view defined in a physical diagram
(see Retrieving Multidimensional Objects on page 199).
+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Cube properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
cube property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser entry in
the Cubes folder. The following sections detail the property sheet tabs that
contain the properties most commonly entered for cubes.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Chapter 4. Building Multidimensional Diagrams

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users
Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the cube

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object
without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Fact Specifies the fact used by the cube. You can use the tools to
the right of the list to create an object, browse the complete
tree of available objects or view the properties of the currently
selected object
The following tabs are also available:
Fact Measures - lists the Measures linked to the fact used by the cube (see
Measures (PDM) on page 216).
Queries - displays the SQL statement required to generate the cube data
text file that is used to populate the OLAP cube.

Retrieving Multidimensional Objects

During the design of a data warehouse, you will need to identify which of
your tables and views will represent facts, and which dimensions. In this
section, we will refer to both tables and views as being either:
A fact table which stores variable numerical values related to aspects
of a business (for example, sales, revenue, budget). These are usually the
values you want to obtain when you carry out a decision support
A dimension table which stores data related to the axis of investigation
of a fact (for example, geography, time, product). A dimension table
should be connected to a central fact table.
You can specify your tables and views individually as facts or dimensions, or
you can use Multidimensional Objects Retrieval Wizard to perform this task
automatically, based on the references connecting them:
Child tables or views become Fact tables or views

Cubes (PDM)

Parent tables or views become Dimension tables or views

The new type is indicated in the Dimensional Type field in the objects
property sheet, and a type icon is displayed in the upper left corner of its

Fact table Dimension table

v To retrieve multidimensional objects

1. Select Tools Multidimension Retrieve Multidimensional Objects to
open the Multidimensional Objects Retrieval Wizard.
2. Specify the objects to be retrieved. By default both Facts and Dimensions
will be retrieved.

Sybase AS IQ v12.0 and higher

If you are working with Sybase AS IQ v12.0 or higher, you can also
select to automatically rebuild join indexes after retrieving multidi-
mensional objects. For more information, see IQ join indexes in the
DBMS-Specific Features chapter.

3. [optional] Click the Selection tab to specify which tables to retrieve

multidimensional objects from..

4. Click OK to retrieve the multidimensional objects..

The selected tables are assigned a multidimensional type.

Rebuilding Cubes

Once the fact and dimension tables of the data warehouse schema are
designed, you can use this information to build the multidimensional cubes.
The Rebuild Cubes Wizard transforms fact tables or views into cubes, and
dimension tables or views into dimensions. You can then design the cubes
taking into account the different analysis axes of the dimensions. These
cubes will serve to generate the text files used to create and populate the
OLAP engine.
The Rebuild Cubes feature works only if there are tables in the physical
diagram with a multidimensional type (Fact or Dimension). You can assign
types either manually (see Table property sheet General tab in the
Building Physical Diagrams chapter) or via the Multidimensional Objects
Retrieval Wizard (see Retrieving Multidimensional Objects on page 199).

Chapter 4. Building Multidimensional Diagrams

The Rebuild Cubes Wizard creates multidimensional objects in a new or

existing multidimensional diagram as follows:

Physical object After rebuild cubes, creates

Fact table A fact with the name of the fact table.

A cube with the name of the fact table.

Column in a Fact A measure with the name of the column.

table (except foreign

Dimensions tables A dimension, named through the concatenation of

attached to the fact the dimension tables along the path to the child table,
table from the furthest to the closest.
A hierarchy that becomes the default hierarchy,
and which contains attributes corresponding to the
primary key columns of the tables converted into a

Column in a Dimen- An attribute, named through the concatenation of

sion table (except the dimension table name and column name if col-
foreign keys) umn names are ambiguous. Otherwise the name is
identical to the name of the column.

Reference between a A cube dimension association

fact and a dimension

Cubes (PDM)

v To rebuild cubes
1. Select Tools Multidimension Rebuild Cubes to open the Cube
Rebuild Wizard:

2. Specify a rebuild mode. You can choose between the following options:
Delete and Rebuild all cubes are deleted and rebuilt, including those
to which you have made modifications.
Preserve only those cubes that have not been modified are deleted
and rebuilt. Any cubes that you have modified are preserved.
3. [optional] Click the Selection tab to specify which tables or views will be
used to rebuild cubes. Only those tables and views that have a
multidimensional type are available for rebuilding.
4. Click OK to rebuild cubes.
A message in the Output window informs you that the rebuild is
successful. The cube and dimension are created and displayed in a
multidimensional diagram.

Generating Extraction Scripts

The Generate Extraction Script feature allows you to generate script files
that will be used to fill and update tables in a data warehouse or data mart

Chapter 4. Building Multidimensional Diagrams

The link between the operational database and the data warehouse or data
mart database is a relational to relational mapping.
+ For more information about relational to relational mapping, see
Relational to relational mapping in the Creating Mappings chapter of
the Core Features Guide .
You can generate a script file for each data source, you can also select the
tables in the data source which select orders will be generated in the script
file. The extraction scripts list all the select orders defined in the table

Cubes (PDM)

v To generate an extraction script

1. In the Physical Diagram, select Database Generate Extraction Script to
open the Extraction Script Generation dialog box.

2. Specify a destination directory for the generated file, and select the Check
Model check box if you want to verify the PDM syntax before generation.
The name of the script is identical to the name of the data source.

3. [optional] Click the Options tab and specify any appropriate options. For
more information, see Extraction Script Generation Options tab on
page 204.

4. [optional] Click the Selection tab, and select the tables that you want to
use in the script generation.
5. Click OK to generate the script files in the specified directory.

Extraction Script Generation Options tab

The Options tab allows you to specify the format for the script.

Chapter 4. Building Multidimensional Diagrams

The following options are available:

Option Description

Title Inserts the database header and the name of the tables
before each select query.

Encoding Encoding format to use for generation. You should

select the encoding format that supports the language
used in your model and the database encoding format.

Character Case Defines the character case in the generated text file.
No Accent When selected, disallows the use of accents.

Generating Cube Data

Cubes in an OLAP database have to be filled with data from a data
warehouse, data mart or operational database. PowerDesigner allows you to
generate a text file that will be used by an OLAP tool to create and populate
cubes using data from operational sources.

Cubes (PDM)

In a PDM multidimensional diagram, each cube is associated with a query.

There is one cube per mapping and per data source. The query defined on a
cube is used to extract data from a data warehouse or operational database to
populate the cubes in the OLAP database. The link between the data
warehouse database and the OLAP database is a relational to
multidimensional mapping.
+ For more information about relational to multidimensional mapping, see
Relational to multidimensional mapping section in the Creating Mappings
chapter of the Core Features Guide .
When you generate cube data, PowerDesigner produces one text file for each
selected cube and each selected data source. The name of the generated file
is a concatenation of the name of the cube and the name of the data source.
Each file contains the following fields:

Field Details

Dimension Lists the attributes of the cube

Member Lists the attribute values

Data fields Contains the values stored in the fact measures

Chapter 4. Building Multidimensional Diagrams

v To generate cube data

1. In the multidimensional diagram, select Tools Generate Cube Data.
The Generate Cube Data dialog box is displayed.

2. Define a destination directory for the generated file in the Directory box.
3. Select the generation options in the Options tab.

4. Select the cubes and data sources for which you want to generate a file
from the sub- tabs in the Selection tab.
5. Click OK.
The generated files are stored in the destination directory you have
Cube data generation You can customize the format of the generated text files from the Generate
options Cube Data dialog box.

Cubes (PDM)

Option Description

Header When selected, includes the name of the attribute at the

beginning of the generated text file

Extension Extension of the generated text file, you can choose

between .txt and .csv

Separator Separator used between columns

Delimiter String delimiter

Encoding Encoding format to use for generation. You should select

the encoding format that supports the language used in
your model and the database encoding format

Character Case Defines the character case in the generated text file

No Accent When selected, disallows the use of accents

Chapter 4. Building Multidimensional Diagrams

Dimensions (PDM)
A dimension is an axis of analysis in a multidimensional structure.
The dimension is made of an ordered list of attributes that share a common
semantic meaning in the domain being modeled. Each attribute designates a
unique position along the axis.

The dimension can be mapped to tables or views: this mapping allows to

transfer operational data to the dimension.
+ For more information on object mapping, see Mapping objects in a
PDM in the Working with Data Models chapter.
A dimension may have one or more hierarchies representing attribute sets.

Creating a dimension
You can create a dimension in any of the following ways:
Use the Dimension tool in the diagram Palette.

Select Model Dimensions to access the List of Dimensions, and click

the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New

+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Dimension properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
dimension property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser
entry in the Dimensions folder. The following sections detail the property
sheet tabs that contain the properties most commonly entered for
The General tab contains the following properties:

Dimensions (PDM)

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear

and meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to
non-technical users
Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used
for generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated,
and should not generally include spaces

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the dimension

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object
without changing its structure; it can be predefined or

Default Hierar- Specifies the dimension hierarchy used by default for

chy a cube to perform its consolidation calculations. The
hierarchy used by the cube is defined on the cube dimension
The following tabs are also available:
Attributes - lists the attributes that qualify the dimension (see Attributes
(PDM) on page 211).

Hierarchies - lists the hierarchies used to organize the dimension

attributes (see Hierarchies (PDM) on page 218).
Mapping - defines the mapping between the current dimension and a
table or a view in a data source.

Chapter 4. Building Multidimensional Diagrams

Attributes (PDM)
An attribute is used to qualify dimensions (see Dimensions (PDM) on
page 209) used in queries. For example, the Time dimension can contain
attributes Year, Quarter, Month, and Week.

Attributes can be organized in hierarchies (see Hierarchies (PDM) on

page 218).

Creating an attribute
You can create an attribute in any of the following ways:
Open the Attributes tab in the property sheet of a dimension, and click the
Add a Row tool.

Right-click a dimension in the Browser, and select New Attribute.

+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Attribute properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
attribute property sheet, double-click its Browser entry. The following
sections detail the property sheet tabs that contain the properties most
commonly entered for attributes.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Attributes (PDM)

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear

and meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to
non-technical users
Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used
for generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated,
and should not generally include spaces

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the attribute

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object
without changing its structure; it can be predefined or

Dimension Parent dimension of the attribute

Attribute property sheet Detail Attributes tab

A detail attribute participates in the definition of an attribute.

Detail attributes appear in the list of dimension attributes, but you can use
them to further define a given attribute. For example, attributes Cust_Name
and Cust_Address appear in the list of dimension attributes, however they
are used as detail attributes of attribute Cust_ID.

Chapter 4. Building Multidimensional Diagrams

v To define a detail attribute

1. Open the property sheet of a dimension, and click the Attributes tab.
2. Select an attribute in the list, click the Properties tool to open its property
sheet, and then click the Detail Attributes tab.
3. Click the Add Detail Attributes tool to open a Selection dialog listing the
attributes available in the model, select one or more, and then click OK.

4. Click Apply.

Facts (PDM)

Facts (PDM)
A fact corresponds to the focus of a decision support investigation. It is a set
of measures (see Measures (PDM) on page 216) manipulated by a cube
(see Cubes (PDM) on page 198). For example, Sale, Revenue, Budget
could be facts.

Facts can be reused among different cubes.

Creating a fact
You can create a fact in any of the following ways:
Select Model Facts to access the List of Facts, and click the Add a Row
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New Fact.

+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Fact properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a fact
property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Facts folder. The
following sections detail the property sheet tabs that contain the properties
most commonly entered for facts.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Chapter 4. Building Multidimensional Diagrams

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear

and meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to
non-technical users
Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used
for generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated,
and should not generally include spaces

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the fact

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object
without changing its structure; it can be predefined or
The following tabs are also available:
Measures - lists the measures manipulated by the cube with which the
fact is associated (see Measures (PDM) on page 216).
Mapping - contains the mapping between the fact and a table or a view in
a data source.

Measures (PDM)

Measures (PDM)
A measure is a variable that corresponds to the focus of an investigation.
Measures describe the meaning of the analytical values stored in each data
cell of a cube (see Cubes (PDM) on page 198).
Measures are most of the time numeric values like for example Price or
Measures can also be the result of an operation or calculation as indicated in
the formula box of the measure property sheet.

Creating a measure
You can create a measure in any of the following ways:
Open the Measures tab in the property sheet of a fact, and click the Add a
Row tool.
Right-click a fact in the Browser, and select New Measure.
+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Measure properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
measure property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser
entry. The following sections detail the property sheet tabs that contain the
properties most commonly entered for measures.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Chapter 4. Building Multidimensional Diagrams

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users
Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for
generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and
should not generally include spaces

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the measure

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object
without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Fact Specifies the parent fact of the measure

Formula Indicates if the measure is a computed expression and allows
to define this expression

Hierarchies (PDM)

Hierarchies (PDM)
A hierarchy defines one of two paths through a dimension (see
Dimensions (PDM) on page 209):
an organizational path - describes a traversal pattern through a
dimension, from the most general to the most specific attribute of the
dimension. It is an ordered subset of the attributes.
a consolidation path - represents a consolidation of attributes. For
example, a Time dimension with a base periodicity of days might have a
hierarchy specifying the consolidation of days into weeks, weeks into
months, months into quarters, and quarters into years.

Creating a hierarchy
You can create a hierarchy in any of the following ways:
Open the Hierarchies tab in the property sheet of a dimension, and click
the Add a Row tool.
Open the Attributes tab in the property sheet of a dimension, and click the
Create Hierarchy tool.
Right-click a dimension in the Browser, and select New Hierarchy.

+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Hierarchy properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
hierarchy property sheet, double-click its Browser entry. The following
sections detail the property sheet tabs that contain the properties most
commonly entered for hierarchies.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Chapter 4. Building Multidimensional Diagrams

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear

and meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to
non-technical users
Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used
for generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated,
and should not generally include spaces

Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the hierarchy

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object
without changing its structure; it can be predefined or

Dimension Specifies the parent dimension of the hierarchy

The following tabs are also available:
Attributes - lists the attributes associated with the hierarchy (see
Attributes (PDM) on page 211).

Associations (PDM)

Associations (PDM)
An association relates a cube (see Cubes (PDM) on page 198) to the
dimension (see Dimensions (PDM) on page 209) that defines it. It shows
the axis of investigation of the dimension in the cube.
For example, the Sale cube is linked to the Time dimension by the Sale -
Time association to analyze sales through the time dimension.

There can be only one association between a cube and a dimension.

Creating an association
You can create an association in any of the following ways:
Use the Association tool in the diagram Palette.

Select Model Associations to access the List of Associations, and click

the Add a Row tool.

Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New


+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .

Association properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
association property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser
entry in the Associations folder.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Chapter 4. Building Multidimensional Diagrams

Property Description

Cube Specifies the cube origin of the association. You can click the
Properties tool to view the properties of the currently selected
Dimension Specifies the destination dimension of the association. You
can use the tools to the right of the list to create an object,
browse the complete tree of available objects or view the
properties of the currently selected object

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Hierarchy Specifies the hierarchy used by the cube for the consolidation
calculation. You can click the Properties tool to view the
properties of the currently selected object


Building Triggers and Procedures

About this chapter This chapter presents triggers and procedures used to generate database
Contents Topic: page

Triggers (PDM) 224

Trigger Templates (PDM) 240

Trigger Template Items (PDM) 248

Stored Procedures and Functions (PDM) 255

Procedure Templates (PDM) 266

SQL Code Definition Toolbars 270

Creating SQL/XML Queries with the Wizard 271

Generating Triggers and Procedures 275

Triggers (PDM)

Triggers (PDM)
A trigger is a segment of SQL code associated with a table or a view, and
stored in a database. It is invoked automatically whenever there is an attempt
to modify data in the associated table with an insert, delete, or update
Triggers enhance the security, efficiency, and standardization of databases.
You can use triggers to enforce referential integrity, where declarative
constraints are not sufficient. You can also use triggers to implement
sequences for columns.
Trigger templates and A trigger template is a pre-defined form for creating triggers.
template items PowerDesigner ships templates for each supported DBMS. Depending on
the current DBMS, there are pre-defined templates for insert, update, and
delete trigger types.
A template item is a reusable block of SQL script that can implement
referential integrity, or do any other work on database tables. PowerDesigner
ships template items for each supported DBMS. A template item is inserted
into a trigger template script, or a trigger script. The template item calls a
corresponding SQL macro which can implement an insert, update, delete, or
error message constraint on one or more tables in the database.
You can use the PowerDesigner templates and template items, copy and edit
them, or create your own from scratch. For more information, see Trigger
Templates (PDM) on page 240.

Creating Triggers for Referential Integrity

You can create triggers automatically for one or more tables in a model,
when you specify that triggers are to be used to implement referential
integrity and for columns where the values depend on a sequence.

v To implement referential integrity between tables by triggers

1. Create a reference between two tables, and then double click the
reference symbol to open its property sheet.
2. Click the Integrity tab, and then select Trigger from the Implementation
3. Specify the form of Update and Delete constraints using the radio
buttons, and then click OK to return to the diagram.
4. If you have set the Automatically rebuild triggers model option, then
triggers will have been created automatically in the parent and child

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

tables. To verify this, double-click the table symbol to open its property
sheet, and then click the Triggers tab. If the triggers are not present you
will need to rebuild your triggers manually.
+ For more information about the Automatically rebuild triggers model
option and rebuilding triggers manually, see Rebuilding Triggers on
page 229.
+ For more information about selecting referential integrity options
from the Reference property sheet, see section Defining referential
integrity in chapter Building Physical Diagrams.
You can instruct PowerDesigner to implement referential integrity between
tables using triggers by default.

v To implement referential integrity between tables by triggers by

1. Select Tools Model Options and click Reference under Model Settings in
the Category list.
2. Select Trigger from the Default implementation list, and then click OK.
From now, when you create a reference between tables, referential
integrity will be implemented using triggers by default.

Creating Other Triggers

You can create your own triggers from the property sheet of a table (or view,
if supported by your DBMS).
You can write a trigger from scratch directly in its property sheet, but we
recommend that you use a trigger template and/or trigger template items to
define the trigger code. These allow you to create triggers in a modular
fashion, to make re-use of your trigger code easier and give your triggers
more portability.
+ For more information, see Trigger Templates (PDM) on page 240.
Creating a trigger from a template

You can create a trigger based on one of the PowerDesigner templates or on

a template of your own.

v To create a trigger from a template

1. Double-click a table symbol to open its property sheet, and then click the
Triggers tab.

Triggers (PDM)

2. Click the Add a Row tool to create a new trigger, and type a name and

3. Click Apply to commit the creation of the new trigger, and then click the
Properties tool to open its property sheet.
4. Click the Definition tab, and select a trigger template from the Template
The time and event fields will be set and the template code copied into
the definition box.

5. [optional] Modify the trigger definition code. You can add trigger
template items, use PDM variables and macros and various other tools
available from the toolbar (see SQL Code Definition Toolbars on
page 270).
If you edit the code, then the trigger will be marked as user-defined and
will be excluded from most forms of rebuilding (see Rebuilding
Triggers on page 229).
6. You can also modify the triggers other properties. For a full list of the
properties available, see Trigger properties on page 228.

7. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Creating a trigger from scratch

You can create a trigger without basing it on a template. However, we

recommend that you use a template as this will simplify reuse of your code
and make your triggers more portable.

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

v To create a trigger from scratch

1. Double-click a table symbol to open its property sheet, and then click the
Triggers tab.
2. Click the Add a Row tool to create a new trigger, and type a name and
3. Click Apply to commit the creation of the new trigger, and then click the
Properties tool to open its property sheet.

4. Click the Definition tab.

5. Enter the trigger definition code. You can add trigger template items, use
PDM variables and macros and various other tools available from the
toolbar (see SQL Code Definition Toolbars on page 270).
The trigger will be marked as user-defined and will be excluded from
most forms of rebuilding (see Rebuilding Triggers on page 229).
6. You can also modify the triggers other properties. For a full list of the
properties available, see Trigger properties on page 228.

7. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Editing triggers in Eclipse

When using the PowerDesigner Eclipse plug-in, you can right-click a
trigger in the Browser and select Edit in SQL Editor from the contextual
menu to open it in the Eclipse SQL Editor. You can optionally connect
to your database in order to obtain auto-completion for table names. The
trigger definition is added as a .SQL file to the Generated SQL Files list in
the Workspace Navigator.

Triggers (PDM)

Trigger properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
trigger property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Triggers folder.
The following sections detail the property sheet tabs that contain the
properties most commonly entered for triggers.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name The name of the item which should be clear and meaningful,
and should convey the items purpose to non-technical users
Code The technical name of the item used for generating code or
scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally
include spaces

Comment Descriptive label for the trigger

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Owner Name of trigger owner. You choose an owner from a list of

users. A trigger can only have one owner at a time. This is
normally the trigger creator

Table Table attached to trigger

Generate Indicates to generate trigger

User-defined [Read-only] Indicates that the trigger definition is modified

by user. You modify a trigger definition when you change the
trigger template script in the Definition tab of the trigger

Trigger property sheet Definition tab

The Definition tab allows you to enter code for the trigger. It contains the
following properties:

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

Property Description

Template Template on which the trigger is based

User-defined This button is automatically depressed when you modify the

definition of a trigger, that is to say the trigger template code.
You can click the User-Defined button to restore the trigger
definition as it is provided in the template
Time Time attribute of the template. The content of the list depends
on the DBMS
Event Event attribute of the template. The content of the list depends
on the DBMS
Order Firing order of trigger
Time and event You can customize the trigger time and event, and you can also handle
multiple events on a single trigger.
The time and event lists are filled with the values defined in the trigger
template and the values defined in the Time and Event entries in the Trigger
category of the DBMS editor. For example, if you define Select as an event
in the DBMS definition file, it will appear in the list of events.
For more information about triggers with multiple event, see Defining
triggers with multiple events on page 239.
For information about the Definition tab toolbar, see SQL Code Definition
Toolbars on page 270.

Trigger property sheet Preview tab

The Preview tab displays the SQL code associated with the trigger. For more
information, see Previewing SQL statements in the Working with Data
Models chapter.

Trigger property sheet Template Items tab

The Template Items tab lists the trigger template items available for use in
the trigger definition. For more information, see Trigger Template Items
(PDM) on page 248.

Rebuilding Triggers
You rebuild triggers in order to ensure that:
They are attached to all tables joined by a reference where referential
integrity is implemented by a trigger

Triggers (PDM)

Any changes to a trigger template or trigger template item are cascaded

down to all associated triggers

PowerDesigner can rebuild triggers either:

Automatically, whenever a relevant change is made, if you have enabled
the Automatically rebuild triggers model option
Manually, when you select Tools Rebuild Objects Rebuild Triggers
The Rebuild Triggers function creates new triggers based on template items
that correspond to trigger referential integrity defined for references and
sequence implementation for columns.
The Rebuild Triggers function does not use pre-defined template items
which are not applicable to trigger referential integrity or sequence
+ For information about rebuilding dependencies between triggers and
other objects, see Tracing Trigger and Procedure Dependencies on
page 257.

Rebuilding triggers automatically

PowerDesigner can automatically rebuild your triggers whenever a relevant

change is made.

v To enable the automatically rebuild triggers option

1. Select Tools Model Options to open the Model Options window.
2. In the Category pane, click on Trigger under the Model Settings node to
go to the Trigger model options
3. Select the Automatically rebuild triggers checkbox, and click OK.
PowerDesigner will rebuild all triggers and will, from now on, rebuild
triggers whenever you make a relevant change in the model.

Rebuilding triggers manually

You can rebuild triggers manually at any time.

v To rebuild triggers manually

1. Select Tools Rebuild Objects Rebuild Triggers to open the Trigger
Rebuild window.
2. Specify a rebuild mode. You can choose between the following options:

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

Delete and Rebuild all triggers attached to templates are deleted and
rebuilt, including those to which you have made modifications
Preserve only those triggers attached to templates that have not been
modified are deleted and rebuilt. Any triggers that you have modified
are preserved.
3. The Trigger selection box shows an expandable tree view of trigger types.
There are three levels in this tree:
All trigger types supported by the current DBMS
All trigger templates corresponding to the trigger types
All template items defined for each trigger template
For example, in the list below, the two template items
InsertChildParentExist and InsertTooManyChildren are used
in the BeforeInsertTrigger template that is, in turn, used in all
triggers with a time of Before and an event type of Insert:

You can select which trigger types, trigger templates, and template items
will be rebuilt by expanding the appropriate nodes and selecting or
clearing the check boxes as required.
4. [optional] Click the Error Messages tab to define the types of error
messages to generate. For more information about this tab, see the
Creating and generating user-defined error messages on page 278

Triggers (PDM)

5. [optional] Click the Selection tab. to specify which tables to rebuild the
triggers for.

6. Click OK to begin the rebuild process.

Progress is shown in the Output window. You can view the triggers that
have been created from the Triggers tab of the table property sheet, or
from the List of Triggers.

Which Triggers are Rebuilt?

Whether you use the automatic model option or rebuild triggers manually,
all triggers that are based on a trigger template are rebuilt. These include:
The default PowerDesigner triggers that are used to maintain referential
integrity between tables
Any other triggers that you have created via a user-defined trigger

Triggers are rebuilt when a change in the DBMS family is made

If you change the target DBMS family, for example from Sybase to Oracle
or IBM DB2, triggers are automatically rebuilt.
User-defined triggers When a trigger based on a trigger template is modified, it becomes
user-defined. The Rebuild Triggers function does not create a trigger
corresponding to a trigger template attached to a user-defined trigger if you
select the Preserve mode.
If you wish to recreate a trigger based on the same trigger template you can:

Click the User-defined button in the Definition tab of the trigger property
sheet to reset your edits. This removes the changes performed on the
trigger and reapplies the trigger template
Select <None> in the trigger template list in the Definition tab of the
trigger property sheet. This detaches the trigger template from the
user-defined trigger. The next time you will rebuild triggers, a new trigger
based on the previously mentioned trigger template will be created
For example, Trigger1 is based on template TrigTpl1. You modify Trigger1
so PowerDesigner turns it into a user-defined trigger. If you want to recreate
a trigger based on TrigTpl1 you can click the User-defined button in the
Definition tab of the Trigger1 property sheet: you restore the trigger
template code, but you lose the modifications on the trigger. You can also
keep the changes performed on the trigger by selecting <None> in the
trigger template list in the Definition tab of the trigger property sheet. The

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

trigger template is detached from the trigger and a new trigger based on this
trigger template will be created the next time you rebuild triggers.

Modifying Triggers
PowerDesigner provides various methods for editing a trigger. You can:
Edit the code directly in the Definition tab of its property sheet.

Attach a predefined trigger template or create and attach your own

reusable trigger templates

Insert predefined trigger template item code or create your own reusable
trigger template items

Always work on a copy of your DBMS definition file

If you modify the definition of a DBMS trigger template or template item,
you are modifying the DBMS definition file. We recommend that you only
ever work on a copy of the original DBMS definition file.

v To modify a trigger
1. Open the trigger property sheet in one of the following ways:
Open the relevant table property sheet click the Triggers tab, select the
trigger from the list, and then click the Properties tool
Select Model Triggers Triggers to open the List of Triggers, select
the trigger from the list, and then click the Properties tool
In the Browser, find the entry for the trigger, right-click it, and select
Properties from the contextual menu
2. Click the Definition tab to display the trigger code.

Triggers (PDM)

3. Enter the trigger definition code. You can attach a trigger template, add
template items, use PDM variables and macros and various other tools
available from the toolbar (see SQL Code Definition Toolbars on
page 270).
The trigger will be marked as user-defined and will be excluded from
most forms of rebuilding (see Rebuilding Triggers on page 229), if you
select the Preserve mode.
4. You can also modify the triggers other properties. For a full list of the
properties available, see Trigger properties on page 228.

5. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Inserting a template item into a trigger or trigger template

Template items are inserted in a trigger or trigger template definition using a

dot followed by the template item name. For example, the following script
contains two template items InsertChildParentExist and
/* Before insert trigger "%TRIGGER%" for table
create trigger %TRIGGER% before insert order %ORDER% on
referencing new as new_ins for each row
declare user_defined_exception exception for SQLSTATE
declare found integer;

v To add a template item to a trigger or trigger template

1. Open the property sheet of the trigger or trigger template that you want to
modify, and then click the Definition tab.

2. Click at the point in the code where you want to insert the trigger
template item, and then click one of the following tools:
Add Trigger Item From DBMS to open a selection box containing a
list of trigger template items defined in the DBMS definition file
Add Trigger Item From Model to open a selection box containing a
list of trigger template items defined in the model

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

3. Select the item to insert and then click OK to return to the definition tab.
The trigger template item will be inserted in your code. It will also
appear in the list on the Template Items tab.

Declaring a template item in a trigger definition

Certain DBMS require that a cursor and variables are declared for each
template item before the template item name is used in the script. This can
be a statement that calls a corresponding procedure. You can use the
following format to declare a template item: Decl template item name.

Triggers (PDM)

For example, the trigger definition for Oracle 8 contains the

.DeclInsertChildParentExist statement which declares the following
.InsertChildParentExist template item:
-- Before insert trigger "[%QUALIFIER%]%TRIGGER%" for table
create trigger [%QUALIFIER%]%TRIGGER% before insert
on [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE% for each row
integrity_error exception;
errno integer;
errmsg char(200);
dummy integer;
found boolean;
-- Errors handling
when integrity_error then
raise_application_error(errno, errmsg);

In a generated trigger script, .DeclInsertChildExist corresponds to the

following definition:
-- Declaration of InsertChildParentExist constraint for the
cursor %CURSOR%(.JOIN("var_%.L26:FK% %.L:COLTYPE%", "", ",", ")
select 1
where .JOIN("%PK% = var_%.L26:FK%", "and ")
and .JOIN("var_%.L26:FK% is not null", "and ", "", ";")

Trigger naming conventions

The pre-defined trigger templates that ship with PowerDesigner indicate
naming conventions for the trigger scripts that it generates. The naming
convention consists of a prefix indicating the trigger type followed by the
table code.
The default naming conventions include a variable (%L:TABLE). The name
of the resulting trigger script replaces this variable with a lower-case table
code. For example, a resulting trigger script may have the name ti_employee.
You can change the trigger naming convention in PowerDesigner

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

pre-defined DBMS trigger templates from the Trigger Templates tab of the
DBMS property sheet.

v To change trigger naming conventions in a DBMS trigger tem-

1. Select Database Edit Current DBMS to open the DBMS definition file
in the Resource Editor, and then click the Trigger Template tab.
2. Click a trigger template in the list, and then click the Properties tool to
open its property sheet .

3. Type a new trigger name in the Trigger Name text box at the bottom of
the tab.
For example, mytempl_%TABLE%
4. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Calling a related procedure in a trigger template

Some target databases do not accept code within a trigger statement. For
these databases, a trigger template can call a related procedure as a
parameter, which is defined in a procedure template. In these cases,
procedure templates are listed in the list of trigger templates.
Example Informix does not accept code in trigger templates. The template
InsertTrigger calls the procedure in the form of the variable %PROC%, as
-- Insert trigger "[%QUALIFIER%]%TRIGGER%" for table
create trigger [%QUALIFIER%]%TRIGGER% insert on
referencing new as new_ins
for each row (execute procedure %PROC%(.FKCOLN("new_
ins.%COLUMN%", "", ",", "));")

The template InsertProc defines the procedure, as follows:

Triggers (PDM)

-- Insert procedure "%PROC%" for table "[%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%"

create procedure %PROC%(.FKCOLN("new_%.14L:COLUMN% %COLTYPE%",
"", ",", ")")
define errno integer;
define errmsg char(255);
define numrows integer;


end procedure;

Multiple triggers
Some DBMSs allow you to have multiple triggers of the same type (time
and event) defined for any given table. Triggers of the same type are triggers
that are invoked for the same insert, update, or delete event.
Example A company is considering large numbers of candidates for new positions in
various posts. You want to ensure that all new employees will have a salary
that is within the range of others working in the same field, and less than his
or her prospective manager.
On an EMPLOYEE table, you create two BeforeInsert triggers ,
tibTestSalry1_EMPLOYEE to verify that a proposed salary falls within
the correct range, and tibTestSalry2_EMPLOYEE to verify that the
proposed salary is less than that of the prospective manager.
create trigger tibTestSalry1 before insert order 1 on EMPLOYEE
referencing new as new_ins for each row

[Trigger code]


create trigger tibTestSalry2 before insert order 2 on EMPLOYEE


[Trigger code]


For a specified table, you can indicate the order that a trigger executes, or
fires, within a group of triggers of the same type.

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

v To indicate trigger order

1. Click the Definition tab from the trigger property sheet.
2. Select a number from the Order dropdown list box to indicates the
position in the firing order that the trigger fires.
3. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Defining triggers with multiple events

Some DBMSs support multiple events on triggers. If such is the case, the
Ellipsis button to the right of the Event box on the trigger definition tab is
You can click the Ellipsis button to open the Multiple Events Selection box.
If you select several events and click OK, the different events will be
displayed in the Event box, separated by the appropriate delimiter.

Trigger Templates (PDM)

Trigger Templates (PDM)

PowerDesigner trigger templates and template items allow you to create
triggers in a modular reusable fashion.
PowerDesigner uses pre-defined trigger templates to create triggers to
implement referential integrity between tables. Trigger templates exist for
each type of trigger supported by the DBMS. Each template specifies:
a Time relevant to an event. One of:
an Event that can occur to a table row. One of:

Code that performs the trigger action. The code may contain references
to trigger template items, which are re-usable blocks of script.

You can create trigger templates and trigger template items in your DBMS
definition file or in your model. These elements will be available as follows:

Trigger template or template Available to

item created in:

DBMS (shared definition All models sharing the DBMS


DBMS (copied definition file Current model only

Model Current model only
+ For more information on the DBMS share and copied definition files,
see the Generating a Database from a PDM chapter.

Modifying DBMS template items

By modifying a DBMS template item, you modify the template item
definition in the current DBMS. You should only modify a DBMS that is a
copy of the DBMS shipped with PowerDesigner.
+ For more information on working with DBMS resource files, see the
DBMS Resource File Reference chapter of the Customizing and Extending
PowerDesigner manual.

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

Creating a trigger template

You can create a new trigger template in your DBMS definition file or as
part of your model. You can begin by copying an existing template or write
one from scratch.two types of trigger templates:

v To create a trigger template

1. To create a DBMS trigger template: select Database Edit Current
DBMS to open the DBMS definition file in the resource editor, and then
click the Trigger Templates tab:

To create a model trigger template: select Model Triggers Trigger
Templates to open the List of User-Defined Trigger Templates:

Trigger Templates (PDM)

2. Click on one of the following tools:

Create from DBMS trigger template opens a selection box listing
all the trigger templates available in the current DBMS. Select a check
box for the type of trigger template that you want to use as the basis for
your new template and click OK to return to the trigger template list.
The duplicate DBMS template has been added to the list.
Add a Row adds a new blank template to the list.

3. Type a new name and code for the new template and click Apply to
commit its creation.

4. Click the Properties tool to open the property sheet of the new trigger

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

5. Click the Definition tab and enter or modify the definition code. You can
add trigger template items, use PDM variables and macros and various
other tools available from the toolbar. For more information, see SQL
Code Definition Toolbars on page 270.
6. You can also modify other of the trigger templates properties. For a full
list of the properties available, see Trigger template properties on
page 245.
7. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.
If you have created DBMS trigger template, a confirmation box will
appear, asking if you want to save the changes to the DBMS.
Click Yes to confirm the template creation.

PowerDesigner pre-defined trigger templates

The pre-defined DBMS templates provided with PowerDesigner control
referential integrity constraints for insert, update, and delete events.
Depending on the current DBMS, there is a before and after event template
for each trigger type.
You can modify the code of these pre-defined trigger templates, but they
cannot be deleted or renamed.
The following templates types exist, but may vary by DBMS:
Insert templates

Trigger Templates (PDM)

Template type Generates trigger/procedure executing. . .

InsertTrigger With insert

Before insert

AfterInsertTrigger After insert

InsertProc When called by InsertTrigger

BeforeInsertProc When called by BeforeInsertTrigger

AfterInsertProc When called by AfterInsertTrigger
Update templates

Template type Generates trigger/procedure executing. . .

UpdateTrigger With update

Before update

AfterUpdateTrigger After update

UpdateProc When called by UpdateTrigger

BeforeUpdateProc When called by BeforeUpdateTrigger

AfterUpdateProc When called by AfterUpdateTrigger

Delete templates

Template type Generates trigger/procedure executing. . .

DeleteTrigger With delete

Before delete

AfterDeleteTrigger After delete

DeleteProc When called by DeleteTrigger

BeforeDeleteProc When called by BeforeDeleteTrigger

AfterDeleteProc When called by AfterDeleteTrigger

Modifying a trigger template

You can modify both your templates and those that are provided with

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

v To modify a trigger template

1. Open the trigger template property sheet in one of the following ways:
2. To modify a DBMS trigger template: select Database Edit Current
DBMS to open the DBMS definition file in the resource editor, and then
click the Trigger Templates tab.
3. To modify a model trigger template: select Model Triggers Trigger
Templates to open the List of User-Defined Trigger Templates.

4. Click a trigger template in the list, and then click the Properties tool to
open its property sheet.

5. Click the Definition tab and modify the trigger definition code. You can
add trigger template items, use PDM variables and macros and various
other tools available from the toolbar. For more information, see SQL
Code Definition Toolbars on page 270.
6. You can also modify other of the trigger templates properties. For a full
list of the properties available, see Trigger template properties on
page 245.
7. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.
If you have created DBMS trigger template, a confirmation box will
appear, asking if you want to save the changes to the DBMS.
Click Yes to confirm the template creation.

Trigger template properties

You can modify a trigger templates properties from its property sheet. The
following sections detail the property sheet tabs that contain the properties
most commonly entered for trigger templates.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name The name of the item which should be clear and meaning-
ful, and should convey the items purpose to non-technical

Code The technical name of the item used for generating code or
scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally
include spaces

Comment Descriptive label for the trigger template

Trigger Templates (PDM)

Property Description


Trigger time Time attribute of the trigger template. The list displays the
values defined in the trigger templates and template items
of the current DBMS

Trigger event Event attribute of the trigger template. The list displays the
values defined in the trigger templates and template items
of the current DBMS
Trigger name Name of trigger associated with template

Applies to ta- For those DBMS that support view triggers, it allows you
ble triggers or to define if the trigger template applies to table or view
view triggers triggers

Trigger template property sheet Definition tab

The Definition tab contains a field for entering its definition code. For
information about editing this code, see Modifying Triggers on page 233.

Trigger template property sheet Template Items tab

The Template Items tab list the template items that are defined in the trigger
template and that will be generated when a trigger is generated from the
A template item that is deleted from the Template Items tab is not deleted
from the trigger template definition. You can therefore limit the template
items available for generation by removing template items from the
Template Item tab, without having to remove them from the trigger template
Rebuild triggers When you use Rebuild Triggers to automatically create triggers for selected
tables, the template items that are listed on this tab are those available for
generation. Whether they are generated or not depends on the following:
Template items are generated in a trigger if they match the trigger
implemented referential integrity defined for a reference attached to the
Template items are generated in a trigger if they are user-defined,
regardless of trigger referential integrity constraints
Adding template items to You can add any template item from the model or DBMS to the Trigger
trigger template definition template definition by clicking an Add Trigger Item tool from the Definition

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

tab of the trigger template property sheet, and selecting a trigger item. It is
automatically added to the Template Items tab.

Trigger Template Items (PDM)

Trigger Template Items (PDM)

Trigger template items are named reusable blocks of script that can be
inserted into trigger templates or triggers.
In a generated trigger script, a template item calls a macro that implements a
trigger referential integrity constraint or does any other updating work on
tables in the database.
Example A trigger template for Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 6 contains the
.InsertChildParentExist template item, which corresponds to the
following definition:
/* Parent "[%PQUALIFIER%]%PARENT%" must exist when inserting a
child in "[%CQUALIFIER%]%CHILD%" */
if (.JOIN("new_ins.%FK% is not null", "", " and", ") then")
set found = 0;
select 1
into found
from dummy
where exists (select 1
where .JOIN("%PK% = new_ins.%FK%", "and ",
"", ");")
if found <> 1 then
message Error: Trigger(%TRIGGER%) of table
message Parent code must exist when inserting a
signal user_defined_exception;
end if;
end if;

Creating a trigger template item

You usually create a template item when an existing template item is not
suitable, or to create a repeatable block of code to do updating work on
tables in the database.
You can create a new trigger template in your DBMS definition file or as
part of your model. You can begin by copying an existing template or write
one from scratch.

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

v To create a trigger template item

1. To create a DBMS trigger template item: select Database Edit Current
DBMS to open the DBMS definition file in the resource editor, and then
click the Trigger Template Items tab:

To create a model trigger template item: select Model Triggers
Trigger Template Items to open the List of User-Defined Trigger
Template Items:

2. Click on one of the following tools:

Create from DBMS trigger item opens a selection box listing all
the trigger template items available in the current DBMS. Select a

Trigger Template Items (PDM)

check box for the type of item that you want to use as the basis for
your new item and click OK to return to the trigger template item list.
The duplicate DBMS template item has been added to the list.
Add a Row adds a new blank template item to the list.

3. Type a new name and code for the new template item and click Apply to
commit its creation.
4. Click the Properties tool to open the property sheet of the new template

5. Click the Definition tab and enter or modify the definition code. You can
use PDM variables and macros and various other tools available from the
toolbar. For more information, see SQL Code Definition Toolbars on
page 270.
6. You can also modify other of the trigger template items properties. For a
full list of the properties available, see Trigger template properties on
page 245.

7. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

If you have created DBMS trigger template item, a confirmation box will
appear, asking if you want to save the changes to the DBMS.
Click Yes to confirm the template creation.

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

PowerDesigner pre-defined trigger template items

PowerDesigner ships pre-defined template items for each pre-defined trigger
template defined in the supported DBMS. The Rebuild Triggers function
uses both pre-defined and user-defined trigger templates to automatically
create triggers for selected tables.
In the pre-defined trigger templates, each pre-defined template item
corresponds to a referential integrity constraint. Although a pre-defined
template item is defined in a trigger template, it is only generated in a trigger
script if it implements the trigger referential integrity defined for a reference.
Template items have the following generation conditions:

Template item is listed in. . . Template item is. . .

Template Items tab of trigger Available for generation

property sheet

Template Items tab of trigger Generated

template property sheet
You can modify the code for these pre-defined template items, but they
cannot be deleted or renamed.
The PowerDesigner pre-defined template items that are available depend on
the current DBMS.
Insert constraints The template items below implement referential integrity in insert trigger

Template item Integrity con- Description


Mandatory parent Parent must exist

DeclInsertChildParentExist when inserting a
InsertChildParentExist child

Cannot exceed Cannot insert a

DeclInsertTooManyChildren maximum cardi- child if maximum
InsertTooManyChildren nality constraint cardinality has
been reached
Select value in Select a value for
DeclInsertSequenceColumn sequence list for the column from a
InsertSequenceColumn column list of sequences

Trigger Template Items (PDM)

Update constraints The template items below implement referential integrity in update trigger

Template item Integrity con- Description


Mandatory par- Parent must exist

DeclUpdateChildParentExist ent when updating a
UpdateChildParentExist child

Change parent Cannot modify

DeclUpdateChildChangeParent not allowed parent code in
UpdateChildChangeParent child

DeclUpdateParentRestrict Restrict on up- Cannot modify

UpdateParentRestrict date parent if child

DeclUpdateParentCascade Cascade on up- Modify parent

UpdateParentCascade date code in all chil-
DeclUpdateChangeColumn Non-modifiable Cannot modify
UpdateChangeColumn column column

DeclUpdateParentSetNull Set null on up- Set parent code to

UpdateParentSetNull date null in all children

Set default on Set parent code

DeclUpdateParentSetDefault update to default in all
UpdateParentSetDefault children

DeclUpdateTooManyChildren Cannot exceed Cannot update a

UpdateTooManyChildren maximum car- child if maximum
dinality con- cardinality has
straint been reached

Delete constraints The template items below implement referential integrity in delete trigger

Template item Integrity con- Description


DeclDeleteParentRestrict Restrict on Cannot delete

DeleteParentRestrict delete parent if child

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

Template item Integrity con- Description


DeclDeleteParentCascade Cascade on Delete parent

DeleteParentCascade delete code in all chil-

DeclDeleteParentSetNull Set null on Delete in parent

DeleteParentSetNull delete sets child to null

Set default on Delete in parent

DeclDeleteParentSetDefault delete sets child to de-
DeleteParentSetDefault fault

Constraint messages You can insert the following template items in any trigger template. They
generate error messages that indicate the violation of an integrity constraint.

Template item Description

UseErrorMsgText Error handling without a message table

UseErrorMsgTable Error handling with a message table

Modifying a trigger template item

You can modify both your template items and those that are provided with

v To modify a trigger template item

1. Open the trigger template item property sheet in one of the following
2. To modify a DBMS trigger template item: select Database Edit Current
DBMS to open the DBMS definition file in the resource editor, and then
click the Trigger Template Items tab.

3. To modify a model trigger template item: select Model Triggers

Trigger Templates Items to open the List of User-Defined Trigger
Template Items.
4. Click a trigger template item in the list, and then click the Properties tool
to open its property sheet.
5. Click the Definition tab and modify the trigger definition code. You can
use PDM variables and macros and various other tools available from the

Trigger Template Items (PDM)

toolbar. For more information, see SQL Code Definition Toolbars on

page 270.

6. You can also modify other of the trigger template items properties. For a
full list of the properties available, see Trigger template properties on
page 245.
7. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.
If you have created DBMS trigger template item, a confirmation box will
appear, asking if you want to save the changes to the DBMS.
Click Yes to confirm the template creation.

Trigger template item properties

You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
trigger template item property sheet, access it via the List of User-Defined
Trigger Template Items List or the DBMS Properties window. The following
sections detail the property sheet tabs that contain the properties most
commonly entered for trigger template items.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name The name of the item which should be clear and meaningful,
and should convey the items purpose to non-technical users

Code The technical name of the item used for generating code or
scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally
include spaces

Comment Descriptive label for the template item


The following tabs are also available:
Definition - allows you to enter the SQL code for the template item. For
information about the tools available, see SQL Code Definition
Toolbars on page 270.

Declaration - contains the declaration for the template item in trigger

scripts. For information about the tools available, see SQL Code
Definition Toolbars on page 270.

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

Stored Procedures and Functions (PDM)

You can define stored procedures and functions for any DBMS that supports
A stored procedure is a precompiled collection of SQL statements stored
under a name and processed as a unit. Stored procedures are stored within a
database; can be executed with one call from an application; and allow
user-declared variables, conditional execution, and other programming
The use of stored procedures can be helpful in controlling access to data
(end-users may enter or change data but do not write procedures), preserving
data integrity (information is entered in a consistent manner), and improving
productivity (statements in a stored procedure only need to be written one
A user-defined function is a form of procedure that returns a value to the
calling environment for use in queries and other SQL statements.

Creating a stored procedure or function

You can create a stored procedure or function in any of the following ways:
Use the Procedure tool in the diagram Palette
Open the Procedures tab in the property sheet of a table, and click the
Add a Row tool

Select Model Procedures to access the List of Procedures, and click the
Add a Row tool

Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New

+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter
in the Core Features Guide .
You can create a procedure based on one of the PowerDesigner templates or
on a template of your own.

v To create a procedure
1. Double-click a table symbol to open its property sheet, and then click the
Procedures tab.
2. Click the Add a Row tool to create a new procedure, and type a name and

Stored Procedures and Functions (PDM)

3. Click Apply to commit the creation of the new procedure, and then click
the Properties tool to open its property sheet.

4. Click the Definition tab:

5. [optional] Select a procedure template from the Template list (see

Procedure Templates (PDM) on page 266).

6. Modify the procedure definition code. You can use PDM variables and
macros and various other tools available from the toolbar (see SQL
Code Definition Toolbars on page 270).

7. You can also modify the procedures other properties. For a full list of the
properties available, see Procedure properties on page 256.

8. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Editing procedures in Eclipse

When using the PowerDesigner Eclipse plug-in, you can right-click a
procedure in the Browser or diagram and select Edit in SQL Editor from
the contextual menu to open it in the Eclipse SQL Editor. You can
optionally connect to your database in order to obtain auto-completion for
table names. The procedure definition is added to the Generated SQL Files
list in the Workspace Navigator.

Procedure properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
procedure property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser
entry in the Procedures folder. The following sections detail the property
sheet tabs that contain the properties most commonly entered for procedures.

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Specifies the name of the item which should be clear and
meaningful, and should convey the items purpose to non-
technical users.

Code Specifies the technical name of the item used for generating
code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not
generally include spaces.
Comment Specifies a descriptive label for the procedure.

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Owner Specifies the name of the procedure owner.

Table Specifies the table to which the procedure is attached. You

can use the tools to the right of the list to create an object,
browse the complete tree of available objects or view the
properties of the currently selected object.
The following tabs are also available:
Definition - allows you to enter the SQL code for the procedure. For
information about the tools available, see SQL Code Definition
Toolbars on page 270.

Tracing Trigger and Procedure Dependencies

When you write a trigger or procedure, PowerDesigner automatically creates
dependencies to any table, view, procedure, or database package referenced
in the code. These dependencies are taken into account when performing an
impact analysis prior to deleting the trigger or procedure or objects on which
they depend. For procedures, if the procedure has a symbol in your diagram,
then any dependencies will be shown graphically by way of arrows linking
the procedure to these objects.
The diagram below shows a procedure, ProcChangeLocation, which is
dependent on a number of other objects:

Stored Procedures and Functions (PDM)

The Extended Dependencies tab of the trigger or procedure property sheet

lists the objects upon which it depends. The stereotype <<DBCreateAfter
(computed)>> specifies that PowerDesigner has determined that the trigger
or procedure can only be created after these objects.

The Dependencies tab of the Employee table property sheet shows that
ProcChangeLocation is dependent upon it.

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

If you were to perform an impact analysis prior to deleting the Employee

table, you would be warned of the dependency of the procedure upon it.

Stored Procedures and Functions (PDM)

Creating procedure dependencies manually

Since procedures have diagram symbols, you can manually add

dependencies for them. To do this, use the Link/Extended Dependency tool
in the palette. In the diagram below, I have added a dependency from
ProcChangeLocation to a new procedure, ProcOccupancy:

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

Since ProcOccupancy is not directly referenced in ProcChangeLocation, I

needed to manually add the stereotype <<DBCreateAfter>> to the
dependency in the ProcChangeLocation property sheet Extended
Dependencies tab:

Rebuilding trigger and procedure dependencies

Trigger and procedure dependencies are rebuilt automatically after the

following actions:

Stored Procedures and Functions (PDM)

Importing a PDM created with a former version of PowerDesigner

Reverse engineering a database into a PDM

Merging PDMs
You can also manually rebuild trigger and procedure dependencies at any

v To rebuild trigger and procedure dependencies

1. Select Tools Rebuild Objects Rebuild Triggers and Procedures
Dependencies to open the Procedures Dependencies window.

2. Specify a rebuild mode for each of Procedures and Triggers. You can
choose between the following options:
Delete and Rebuild all triggers and/or procedures attached to
templates are deleted and rebuilt, including those to which you have
made modifications
Preserve only those triggers and/or procedures attached to templates
that have not been modified are deleted and rebuilt. Any triggers
and/or procedures that you have modified are preserved.

3. [optional] Click the Selection tab and specify the tables, views,
procedures, and (for Oracle only) database packages for which you want
to rebuild dependencies. By default all are selected.
4. Click OK to begin the rebuild process.

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

Attaching a stored procedure to a table

You can attach a stored procedure to a table when your current DBMS
supports stored procedures. This feature lets you update the table or retrieve
information from this table.
For example, the stored procedure TABLE_ADDROW can be attached to a
table in which you need to insert rows.
Intermodel generation When you generate an OOM from a PDM, the procedures attached to a table
become operations with the <<procedure>> stereotype in the generated
class. By attaching procedures to tables, you are able to define class
operations in the generated OOM.
When you generate a PDM from an OOM, class operations with the
<<procedure>> stereotype become stored procedures attached to the
generated table. The operation body is generated as a comment in the
procedure definition.
You can attach a table to a procedure from the property sheet of a procedure
or the property sheet of a table.

v To attach a stored procedure to a table

1. Open the table property sheet and click the Procedures.
2. Click the Add Objects tool to open a selection box, choose the the stored
procedure you want to attach to the table and click OK.
The stored procedure is displayed in the list of stored procedures.

Stored Procedures and Functions (PDM)

3. Click OK.

Rebuilding procedures attached to tables

You can rebuild procedures attached to tables at any time.

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

v To rebuild procedures attached to tables manually

1. Select Tools Rebuild Objects Rebuild Table Stored Procedures to
open the Rebuild Table Stored Procedures window.

2. Specify a rebuild mode. You can choose between the following options:
Delete and Rebuild all procedures attached to tables are deleted and
Add missing table stored procedures adds procedures to any selected
tables that do not presently have them.
3. [optional] Click the Selection tab to specify for which tables you want to
rebuild stored procedures.
4. Click OK to begin the rebuild process.

Procedure Templates (PDM)

Procedure Templates (PDM)

PowerDesigner procedure templates allow you to create procedures in a
modular reusable fashion.
PowerDesigner provides certain basic procedure templates and also allows
you to write your own. You can create procedure templates in your DBMS
definition file or in your model. These elements will be available as follows:

Procedure template created in: Available to

DBMS (shared definition file) All models sharing the DBMS

DBMS (copied definition file) Current model only

+ For more information on the DBMS share and copied definition files,
see the Generating a Database from a PDM chapter.

Modifying DBMS template items

By modifying a DBMS template, you modify its definition in the current
DBMS. You should only modify a DBMS if you have already made a copy
of the DBMS definition file provided with PowerDesigner.
+ For more information on working with DBMS resource files, see the
DBMS Resource File Reference chapter of the Customizing and Extending
PowerDesigner manual.

Creating a procedure template

You can create a new procedure template in your DBMS definition file or as
part of your model. You can begin by copying an existing template or write
one from scratch:

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

v To create a procedure template

1. Select Database Edit Current DBMS to open the DBMS definition file
in the resource editor, and then click the Procedure Templates tab:

2. Click the Add a Row tool to add a new blank template to the list.

3. Type a new name and code for the new template and click Apply to
commit its creation.

4. Click the Properties tool to open the property sheet of the new procedure

5. Click the Definition tab and enter or modify the definition code. You can

Procedure Templates (PDM)

use PDM variables and macros and various other tools available from the
toolbar (see SQL Code Definition Toolbars on page 270).
6. You can also modify other of the procedure templates properties. For a
full list of the properties available, see Procedure template properties
on page 269.
7. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.
A confirmation box will appear, asking if you want to save the changes to
the DBMS.
Click Yes to confirm the template creation.

PowerDesigner pre-defined procedure templates

The pre-defined DBMS templates provided with PowerDesigner generate
SQL insert, delete, update, and select statement procedures.
You can modify the code of these pre-defined procedure templates, but they
cannot be deleted or renamed.
The following templates, which create procedures linked to tables, are
provided for those databases that support them:

Template type Generates procedure executing. . .

DeleteProcedure a SQL Delete statement

InsertProcedure a SQL Insert statement

SelectProcedure a SQL Select statement

UpdateProcedure a SQL Update statement

Modifying a procedure template

You can modify both your templates and those that are provided with

v To modify a procedure template

1. Select Database Edit Current DBMS to open the DBMS definition file
in the resource editor, and then click the Procedure Templates tab.
2. Click a procedure template in the list, and then click the Properties tool to
open its property sheet.
3. Click the Definition tab and modify the procedure definition code. You
can use PDM variables and macros and various other tools available from

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

the toolbar. For more information, see SQL Code Definition Toolbars
on page 270.

4. You can also modify other of the procedure templates properties. For a
full list of the properties available, see Procedure template properties
on page 269.
5. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.
A confirmation box will appear, asking if you want to save the changes to
the DBMS.
Click Yes to confirm the template creation.

Procedure template properties

You can modify a procedure templates properties from its property sheet.
The following sections detail the property sheet tabs that contain the
properties most commonly entered for procedure templates.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name The name of the item which should be clear and meaning-
ful, and should convey the items purpose to non-technical

Code The technical name of the item used for generating code or
scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally
include spaces.
Comment Descriptive label for the procedure template.

DBMS Current DBMS.

Function Specifies whether the template defines procedures or func-


Procedure Specifies the format of the resulting procedure names.


Linked to table Specifies whether the resulting procedure will be linked to

a table.
The following tabs are also available:
Definition - contains a field for entering its definition code. For
information about editing this code, see Modifying a procedure
template on page 268.

SQL Code Definition Toolbars

SQL Code Definition Toolbars

The following tools are available on the Definition tabs of trigger, procedure
and template property sheets:

Tool Description

Add Trigger Item From Model - [Triggers and trigger templates

only] Opens a dialog box to select a trigger template item defined in
the model for insertion in the trigger definition.
Add Trigger Item From DBMS - [Triggers and trigger templates
only] Opens a dialog box to select a trigger template item defined in
the DBMS definition file for insertion in the trigger definition.

Operators - Lists logical operators for insertion in the trigger


Functions - Lists group, number, string, date, conversion and other

functions for insertion in the trigger definition.

Macros - Lists macros for insertion in the trigger definition. For

more information on macros, see the Writing SQL Statements in
PowerDesigner appendix.

Variables - Lists variables for use with operators and functions

for insertion in the trigger definition. You can also use formatting
variables that have a syntax that can force a format on their values,
as follows:
Force values to lower-case or upper-case characters
Truncate the length of values
For more information on variables, see PDM variables in the
Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner chapter.

Edit with SQL Editor - Opens the SQL Editor dialog box. Pro-
vides object types and available objects for insertion in the trigger

SQL/XML Wizard - Opens the SQL/XML Wizard to build a

SQL/XML query from a table or a view and insert it in the trigger
definition (see Creating SQL/XML Queries with the Wizard on
page 271).
Insert SQL/XML Macro - Opens a dialog box to select a global ele-
ment in an XML model open in the workspace with the SQL/XML
extended model definition. Inserts a SQL/XML macro referencing
the selected element in the trigger definition.

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

Creating SQL/XML Queries with the Wizard

You can use the SQL/XML Wizard to insert a SQL/XML query in the
definition of a trigger, stored procedure, or function to store or retrieve data,
in an XML format, from relational databases supporting SQL/XML. The
wizard, allows you to select tables and views from a PDM to build a mapped
XML model. This XML model (which does not appear in the workspace) is
used to generate SQL/XML queries from global elements.

v To insert a SQL/XML query in the definition of a trigger

1. Open the trigger property sheet, click the Definition tab and position the
cursor in the trigger definition where you want to insert the SQL/XML

2. Click the SQL/XML Wizard tool to launch the wizard at the Tables and
Views Selection page:

Creating SQL/XML Queries with the Wizard

3. Select the tables and views that you want to include in your query and
click Next to go to the XML Hierarchy Design page:

On this tab, you construct the XML hierarchy that you want to generate:
The left-hand pane lists the tables and views that you have selected

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

The right-hand pane displays the XML hierarchy to be generated,

containing a default root element.
4. You can build your XML hierarchy using the following techniques:
Specify whether columns will be generated as elements or attributes by
using the radio buttons above the panes.
Drag and drop a table, view, or column onto a node in the XML
hierarchy. You must respect the PDM hierarchy: You cannot create an
XML hierarchy between two elements if there is no reference between
their corresponding tables, and a parent table cannot be placed
beneath one of its children.
Right-click a table, view, or column and select Add from the contextual
menu to add it to the last selected node in the XML hierarchy.
Rename an element or attribute by clicking its node and typing a new
Create new elements and attributes not in the PDM, and Sequence,
Choice and All group particles, by right-clicking an XML node and
selecting New object from the contextual menu.
Delete an XML node by right-clicking it and selecting Delete from the
contextual menu.
5. When you have finished building your hierarchy, click Next to go to the
Query tab:

6. Review your query and click Back, if necessary, to make revisions in

your hierarchy. When you are satisfied, click Finish to close the wizard
and insert the SQL/XML query in the trigger definition

Creating SQL/XML Queries with the Wizard

7. [optional] Add code to complete the SQL/XML query:

8. Click OK to close the trigger property sheet:

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

Generating Triggers and Procedures

You can create or modify database triggers to a script or to a live database

v To generate triggers and procedures

1. Select Database Generate Database to open the Database Generation
window, and specify the standard options, including whether you want to
generate to a script or to a live database connection.
+ For detailed information about using this window, see the
Generating a Database section in the Generating a Database from a
PDM chapter.
2. Select Triggers & Procedures (with Permissions) from the Settings set
list in the Quick Launch groupbox at the bottom of the window. This
settings set specifies standard options for generating triggers and
Click the Options tab and click on Trigger in the left-hand pane to display
the trigger generation options. Change the default options as appropriate.
+ For detailed information about settings sets, see Quick launch
selection and settings sets section in the Generating a Database from a
PDM chapter.

3. [optional] Click the Selection tab and select the Table or Procedure
subtab at the bottom of the tab. Select the tables or procedures that you
want to generate for. Note that if you want to generate a trigger script for
tables owned by a particular owner, you can select an owner from the
Owner list.

4. Click OK to begin the generation.

Defining a generation order for stored procedures

You can use extended dependencies to define an order in the generation of
stored procedures.
Extended dependencies are free links between PDM objects. These links
help to make object relationships clearer between model objects. Usually,
these links are not interpreted and checked by PowerDesigner as they are
meant to be used for documentation purposes only. However, if you assign
the <<DBCreateAfter>> stereotype to an extended dependency between
stored procedures, it will be analyzed during generation.

Generating Triggers and Procedures

The procedure from which you start the extended dependency is the
dependent procedure and the procedure at the other end of the link is the
influent procedure. The influent procedure will be generated before the
dependent procedure.
Circular extended If you create a reflexive and/or circular set of extended dependencies with
dependencies the <<DBCreateAfter>> stereotype, an error message is displayed during
the check model. If you choose to ignore this error, the stored procedures
will be generated in alphabetical order, without taking into account the
generation order, which could cause errors in the creation of stored
procedures in the database.
Example A publisher may decide to sell certain books at a reduced rate (15%) when a
customers order is above 10 000$.
In this model, one stored procedure GENERAL CHECK globally verifies
orders: check books availability, check the order amount, check if discount
rate is calculated, and applies discount rate to order bill. During the
execution of this stored procedure, the procedure DISCOUNT CALC is
called to calculate the 15% discount rate. It is important to generate
GENERAL CHECK before DISCOUNT CALC; you can define an extended
dependency to set the generation order between these two objects. To do so,
you have to open the property sheet of the dependent stored procedure, click
the Extended Dependencies tab and create an extended dependency with the
<<DBCreateAfter>> stereotype with the influent stored procedure.

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

v To define a generation order for stored procedures

1. Select Model Procedures to display the List of Stored Procedures.

2. Select a dependent stored procedure in the list and click the Properties
The property sheet of the stored procedure is displayed.
3. Click the Extended Dependencies tab to display the Extended
Dependencies tab.
4. Click the Add Objects tool.
5. Select the Procedure tab in the Add Object selection dialog box.

6. Select the influent stored procedure check box and click OK.
7. Select the <<DBCreateAfter>> stereotype in the Stereotype list.

8. Click OK.
The influent stored procedure is displayed in the Influent Object column
of the list of extended dependencies of the dependent stored procedure.
+ For more information on extended dependencies, see Using extended
dependencies, in the Objects chapter of the Core Features Guide.

Generating Triggers and Procedures

Creating and generating user-defined error messages

You can create user-defined error messages. The error messages are stored in
a message table which you need to create in your database. When you select
trigger generation parameters, you can choose to generate an error message
from this table.
In the generated trigger script, the message table is called in a SELECT
command. If an error number in the script corresponds to an error number
value in the table column, then the standard error message is replaced by the
message defined in the table.

Creating a message table

You create a message table which stores error message information.

v To create a message table

1. Create a table with columns to store the following information:

Column to store. . . Description

Error number Number of the error message that is referenced

in the trigger script

Message text Text of message

2. Generate the table in your database.

3. Select Database Execute SQL.
A dialog box asks you to identify a data source and connection

4. Select a data source and fill in connection parameters.

5. Click Connect.
An SQL query editor box is displayed.
6. Type an SQL statement to insert a message number and text in the
appropriate columns. You can use the following format for example:
insert into table values (error number,error message)
insert into ERR_MSG values (1004,The value that you are
trying to insert does not exist in the referenced

Chapter 5. Building Triggers and Procedures

7. Click Execute.
A message box tells you that the command has been successfully
8. Click OK.
You return to the SQL query box.
9. Click Close.

Generating a user-defined error message

You can choose to generate a user-defined error message from the trigger
generation parameters box.

v To generate a user-defined error message

1. Select Tools Rebuild Objects Rebuild Triggers.
The Rebuild Triggers dialog box is displayed.
2. Click the Error Messages tab.
The Error Messages tab is displayed.
3. Select the User-defined radio button.
4. Type the name of the table that contains the error message in the Message
Table Name box.

5. Type the name of the column that contains the error number in the
Message Number box.
6. Type the name of the column that contains the error message text in the
Message Text column.
Below is an example of the details for a table called ERR_MSG.

Generating Triggers and Procedures

7. Click the General tab and select the mode and triggers to create.

8. Click the Selection tab and select the tables for which you want to create
+ For more information on rebuilding triggers, see section Rebuilding
Triggers on page 229.

9. Click OK.
The trigger rebuilding process is shown in the Output window.
Select Database Generate Database to open the Database Generation

10. Select generation parameters as required.

11. Click OK.
+ For information on selecting trigger generation parameters, see
section Generating Triggers and Procedures on page 275.


Building a Database Access Structure

About this chapter This chapter explains how to manage access to the database using privileges
and permissions, and defining users, groups, roles, and object synonyms.
Contents Topic: page

Introducing database access 282

Users (PDM) 283

Roles (PDM) 298

Groups (PDM) 300

Synonyms (PDM) 302

Introducing database access

Introducing database access

In this manual, we group within the concept of database access, the objects
that are used to let database users carry out their jobs while preserving the
privacy and integrity of the information within the database.
Depending on the target DBMS, the setting up of a secure database
environment implies the following tasks:
Creation of users (see Users (PDM) on page 283)
Creation of groups (see Groups (PDM) on page 300)
Creation of roles (see Roles (PDM) on page 298)

Definition of system privileges (see Granting system privileges on

page 286)
Definition of object permissions (see Granting object permissions on
page 290)
Reverse engineering During reverse engineering by script, the permission and privilege grant
orders are reverse engineered only if the user, group, or role already exist in
the model or, in the case of a new model, if the user, group, or role creation
orders are in the same script.
These restrictions do not apply to reverse engineering from a live database

Chapter 6. Building a Database Access Structure

Users (PDM)
A user is a database object that identifies a person who can login or connect
to the database. Users may have:
a role that specifies their responsibilities (see Roles (PDM) on
page 298)
membership in a group that specifies their rights (see Groups (PDM)
on page 300)

privileges that control their level of access (see Granting system

privileges on page 286)

permissions that allow them to perform actions on objects (see Granting

object permissions on page 290)

Not all DBMSs support the concepts of user, role and group.

Creating a user
You can create a user in any of the following ways:
Select Model Users and Roles Users to access the List of Users, and
click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New User.

+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects Core
Features Guide .

User properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
user property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Users folder. The
following sections detail the property sheet tabs that contain the properties
most commonly entered for users.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Users (PDM)

Property Description

Name Name of the user

Code Code of the user used as identifier in the database

Comment Descriptive label for the user

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Password Password that may be used for database connection

The following tabs are also available:
Privileges - lists the system privileges granted to the user (see Granting
system privileges on page 286).

Permissions - lists the operations that the user is permitted to perform on

various database objects (see Granting object permissions on
page 290).

Assigning an owner to an object

In a database, the user who creates an object (tables, views, stored
procedures, etc) is the owner of the object and is automatically granted all
permissions on it.
When building a PDM, you must attach the user to the object in order to
make it the owner. Each object can have only one owner. In a model where
many users have access to the same objects, you can restrict object
modifications to the owner and define permissions for the other users.
Owners can also be used during generation: when you select to generate for
a selected owner, only the tables belonging to this owner are generated,
whereas when you generate as ADMIN, you generate all the tables on behalf
of all their owners.

Chapter 6. Building a Database Access Structure

v To attach an object to a user

1. Open the property sheet of the object.
2. Select a user in the Owner list. You can create a new user by clicking the
ellipsis button to the right of the Owner list.

3. Click OK.

Specifying default owners for object types

You can specify a default owner for each type of object that supports the
concept of ownership. The default owner will automatically be linked to all
the objects of this type that you create after making this change.

v To specify a default owner for tables

1. Select Tools Model Options and then select Table and View in the
left-hand pane.

2. Select a user in the Default owner list in the Table groupbox. You can
create a new user by clicking the ellipsis button to the right of the Default
owner list.
3. Click OK.

Users (PDM)

For more information, see Setting PDM Model Options in the

Customizing the PDM Environment chapter.

Granting system privileges

A system privilege is a set of rights assigned to a database user, group, or
role. You use system privileges to create user profiles with different levels of
influence over the database content.
System privileges are used in association with object permissions (see
Granting object permissions on page 290) to evaluate the rights of a user,
group, or role. For example, if a user has the modify privilege, he cannot
modify an object on which he has no update permission.

In some DBMS, system privileges are called permissions. In this manual,
the term privilege is used for any right granted to a user, a group, or a role.
Permissions are defined for objects.
System privileges vary according to the DBMS you are using. The list of
privileges also includes predefined roles (like connect, or resource) for an
easier use.
System privileges are granted to a user. A user with administrative profile is
also allowed to revoke a privilege in order to prevent a user from performing
certain actions over the database content.
The list of predefined system privileges allowed in the current DBMS is
available in the System entry under Script\Object\Privileges in the DBMS
resource file. The Privileges category also contains entries used to provide
the syntax for the different order corresponding to the DBMS privileges.

Granting system privileges to a user, role, or group

The procedure for defining privileges is identical for users, groups, and roles.

Adding a system privilege

You can add a system privilege to the list of available privileges from the
DBMS editor. To do so, select Database Edit Current DBMS, expand
categories Script\Objects\Privileges and type each new system privilege on
a new line at the end of the list of privileges in the Value box
Inherited privileges By default, a user belonging to a group or having a role inherits the group or
role privileges. Inherited privileges appear in the Privileges tab of the user
property sheet.

Chapter 6. Building a Database Access Structure

When you select specific privileges for the user, the list of privileges
displays the user privilege above the group privilege. The following table
summarizes the different privilege combinations:

Privilege com- Description


Privilege granted to user

Privilege inherited from group

Privilege inherited from group and revoked to user

Privilege inherited from group overloaded by with admin


v To grant system privileges to a user, role, or group

1. Open the property sheet of a user, role, or group, and click the Privileges
2. Click the Add Objects tool to open a selection box listing all the
privileges available in the DBMS.

3. Select one or more privileges and click OK to add them to the list of
privileges of the user, role, or group. By default, privileges are granted.

Users (PDM)

In the example below, the privileges in red are granted to the group to
which the user belongs.

4. [optional] To change the state of a privilege, click in the State column

until the desired state is displayed, or select one of the Privilege state
tools at the bottom of the tab:
Grant [default] Assigns the privilege to the user.
Grant with admin option - Assigns the privilege to the user, and allows
the recipient to pass on the privilege to other users; groups, or roles.
For example, you assign the CREATE TABLE privilege for user
Designer_1 and then click the Grant With Admin Option button to
permit Designer_1 to grant this privilege to other users.
Revoke Revokes the privilege inherited from a group or role for the
current user or group. This option is only available when the user has
inherited a privilege from a group or a role.
None - Cancels any state and cleans up the current cell.

Chapter 6. Building a Database Access Structure

5. Click OK.

Generating privileges

You can generate privileges to a script or to a live database connection.

v To generate privileges
1. Select Database Generate Database to open the Database Generation
window, and specify the standard options, including whether you want to
generate to a script or to a live database connection.
+ For detailed information about using this window, see Generating a
Database section in the Generating a Database from a PDM chapter.

2. Select Users & Groups (with privileges) from the Settings set list in the
Quick Launch groupbox at the bottom of the window. This settings set
specifies standard options for generating privileges.
Click the Options tab and click on User in the left-hand pane to display
the user generation options. Change the default options as appropriate.
+ For detailed information about settings sets, see Quick launch
selection and settings sets section in the Generating a Database from a
PDM chapter.

Users (PDM)

3. [optional] Click the Selection tab and select the Users sub-tab at the
bottom of the tab. Select the users that you want to generate for.

4. Click OK to begin the generation.

Granting object permissions

Object permissions are operations attached to particular database objects.
PowerDesigner allows you to define permissions on tables, views, columns,
procedures, packages, and other objects depending on your DBMS. Some or
all of the following may be available

Permission Description

Select To observe information contained in object

Insert To insert rows into object

Alter To alter table with ALTER TABLE command

Delete To delete rows from object

References To create indexes in tables and foreign key referencing


Update To update row in object

Index To create an index with the CREATE INDEX command

Execute To execute procedure or function

+ For more information on the permissions allowed in your DBMS, see

your DBMS documentation.
Object owner The owner of an object (see Assigning an owner to an object on page 284)
automatically has permission to carry out any operation on that object. These
permissions do not appear in the Permissions tab of the object property sheet
but they are implemented during generation and reverse engineering.

Granting permissions to a user, role, or group

The procedure for defining privileges is identical for users, groups, and roles.
Inherited permissions A user belonging to a group or having a role with permissions inherits these
permissions. You can display or hide users with inherited permissions using
the following tools in the upper part of the Permissions tab:

Chapter 6. Building a Database Access Structure

Tool Action

Adds users that inherit permissions

Hides users that do not inherit permissions

When you select specific permissions for the user, the list of permissions
displays the user permission above the group permission. The following
table summarizes the different permission combinations:

Permission Description

Permission granted to user

Permission inherited from group

Permission granted to group and revoked to user

Permission granted to group and overloaded by with

admin option

Permission granted to group and revoked with cascade to


v To grant permissions to a user, role, or group

1. Open the property sheet of a user, role, or group, and click the
Permissions tab. The columns in the list show the permissions available
for a given type of object in the current DBMS. A sub-tab is displayed for
each type of object supporting permissions in the current DBMS.
2. Click the Add Objects tool to open a selection box listing all the objects
of the present type in the model.

3. Select one or more objects and click OK to add them to the list of
permissions of the user, role, or group. If the current user belongs to a
group with permissions on the selected objects, these permissions appear
in red in the list.

Users (PDM)

4. [optional] To change the state of a permission, click in the appropriate

column until the desired state is displayed, or select one of the Permission
state tools at the bottom of the tab:
Grant Assigns the permission to the user.
Grant with admin option - Assigns the permission to the user, and
allows the recipient to pass on the permission to other users; groups, or
Revoke Revokes the permission inherited from a group or role for the
current user or group. This option is only available when the user has
inherited a permission from a group or a role.
Revoke with cascade Revokes the permission inherited from a group
or role for the current user or group and revokes any permission
granted by the user.
None - Cancels any state and cleans up the current cell.

Chapter 6. Building a Database Access Structure

5. [optional] For tables, you can specify permissions on individual columns

(see Defining column permissions on page 295).
6. Click OK.

Granting permissions for an object from its property sheet

You can also grant permissions for an object directly in its property sheet.

v To define permissions from the object property sheet

1. Open the property sheet of the object and click the Permissions tab. The
columns in the list show the permissions available for the object in the
current DBMS. Sub-tabs allow you to grant permissions to Users, Roles,
and Groups.

2. Click the Add Objects tool to open a selection box listing all the users (or
roles or groups) in the model.
3. Select one or more users and click OK to add them to the list of users
with permissions on the object. If the user belongs to a group with
permissions on the object, these permissions appear in red in the list.

Users (PDM)

4. [optional] To change the state of a permission, click in the appropriate

column until the desired state is displayed, or select one of the Permission
state tools at the bottom of the tab:

Chapter 6. Building a Database Access Structure

5. [optional] For tables, you can specify permissions on individual columns

(see Defining column permissions on page 295).

6. Click OK.

Defining column permissions

You can fine tune the permissions on a table by specifying permissions on a

column-by-column basis. The available column permissions are specified in
the DBMS resource file. Note that any new or modified permission may not
be supported during generation or reverse-engineering.

Users (PDM)

v To define column permissions

1. Open the property sheet of a table, click the Permissions tab, and select a
user, group or role:

2. Click the Ellipsis button beside the Columns box to open the Column
Permissions dialog box. The columns in the list show the permissions
available for each of the tables columns.

Chapter 6. Building a Database Access Structure

3. Click inside a column cell until the desired state is displayed, or select
one of the Permission state tools at the bottom of the tab.

4. Click OK to close the Column Permissions dialog box and return to the
property sheet. The cells corresponding to selected column permissions
contain ellipsis symbols. Click on one of these symbols to display the
associated column permissions information in the Columns box.

5. Click OK.

Roles (PDM)

Roles (PDM)
A role is a predefined profile that can be assigned to users, or roles in those
DBMS that support this concept. Roles are reverse engineered in your model
and you can also create user-defined roles.
Roles may have:
privileges that control their level of access (see Granting system
privileges on page 286)
permissions that allow them to perform actions on objects (see Granting
object permissions on page 290)

Creating a role
You can create a role in any of the following ways:
Select Model Users and Roles Roles to access the List of Roles, and
click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New Role.
+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects Core
Features Guide .

Role properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a role
property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Roles folder. The
following sections detail the property sheet tabs that contain the properties
most commonly entered for roles.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Name of the role

Code Code of the role used as identifier in the database

Comment Descriptive label for the role

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-
The following tabs are also available:
Privileges - lists the system privileges granted to the role (see Granting
system privileges on page 286).

Chapter 6. Building a Database Access Structure

Permissions - lists the operations that the role is permitted to perform on

various database objects (see Granting object permissions on
page 290).

Assigning a user to a role

Once you have created a role, you can assign users to it.

v To assign a role to a user

1. Select Model Users and Roles Roles to open the List of Roles.
2. Select a role in the list, click the Properties tool to open its property sheet
and then click the Users tab.
3. Click the Add Objects tool to open a selection box listing the users
available in the model.

4. Select one or more users and click OK to assign these users to the role.

5. Click OK.

Groups (PDM)

Groups (PDM)
Groups are used to facilitate the granting of privileges and permissions to
users. They prevent the time-consuming and error-prone process of
assigning privileges and permissions individually to each user.
Groups may have:
privileges that control their level of access (see Granting system
privileges on page 286)
permissions that allow them to perform actions on objects (see Granting
object permissions on page 290)

Creating a group
You can create a group in any of the following ways:
Select Model Users and Roles Groups to access the List of Groups,
and click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects Core
Features Guide .

Group properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
group property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Groups folder.
The following sections detail the property sheet tabs that contain the
properties most commonly entered for groups.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Name of the group

Code Code of the group used as identifier in the database

Comment Descriptive label for the group

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Password Password that may be used for database connection

Chapter 6. Building a Database Access Structure

The following tabs are also available:

Privileges - lists the system privileges granted to the group (see Granting
system privileges on page 286).
Permissions - lists the operations that the group is permitted to perform
on various database objects (see Granting object permissions on
page 290).

Inserting a user into a group

Once you have created a group, you can insert users into it.

v To insert a user into a group

1. Select Model Users and Roles Groups to open the List of Groups.
2. Select a group in the list, click the Properties tool to open its property
sheet and then click the Users tab.
3. Click the Add Objects tool to open a selection box listing the users
available in the model.
4. Select one or more users and click OK to insert these users into the group.

5. Click OK.

Synonyms (PDM)

Synonyms (PDM)
A synonym is an alternative name for various types of objects (table, view,
sequence, procedure, function, synonym or database package). Synonyms
are created to:
Mask the name and owner of an object
Provide location transparency for remote objects of a distributed database

Simplify SQL statements for database users

Example For example, table SALES_DATA is owned by user JWARD. A standard
select statement on this table would be:
SELECT * FROM jward.sales_data

The database administrator can create a synonym for this table and owner
and call it SALES. In this case, the SQL statement is simplified in the
following way:

In PowerDesigner synonyms are created for base objects. The base object is
the object used to create a synonym. Base objects support multiple
synonyms while each synonym must have only one base object. You can
view the synonyms depending on a base object in the Dependencies tab of
the base object property sheet.
If you delete the base object of a synonym, the synonym is deleted as well.

Creating a synonym
You can create a synonym as follows:

Chapter 6. Building a Database Access Structure

v To create a synonym
1. Select Model Synonyms to open the List of Synonyms.
2. Click the Create Synonyms tool to open a selection box listing all the
available objects in the model on various sub-tabs.

3. Select one or more objects and click OK.

Synonyms for each of the selected objects are created in the List of
Synonyms. By default, a synonym has the same name as its base object.
If the Base Object column is not shown in the list, click the Customize
Columns and Filter tool, select Base Object in the list of available
columns, and click OK.

Synonyms (PDM)

4. Click in the Name column of one of the rows and enter a new name for
the synonym. Alternatively, you can click the Properties tool to open the
property sheet of the synonym and edit its name and other properties

5. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects Core
Features Guide .

Synonym properties
You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
synonym property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Synonyms
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Name of the synonym (usually corresponding to a simplified

name of the base object)
Code Code of the synonym

Comment Additional information about the synonym

Chapter 6. Building a Database Access Structure

Property Description

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-
Owner Name of the synonym owner. You choose an owner from a
list of users. A synonym can only have one owner at a time
Base Object Name of the object origin of the synonym. The Ellipsis but-
ton displays a selection dialog box that lets you select objects
among all the models opened in the current workspace and
belonging to the same DBMS family as the current DBMS

Visibility Allows to define a synonym as public (accessible to all

database users) or private (available to a specific user)

Type For those DBMS that support it (for example DB2) you can
create an alias instead of a synonym. In PowerDesigner
synonyms and aliases are managed in the same way whereas
their behavior in the database may be different

+ For more information on aliases, see the DB2 documentation.

Creating a view for a synonym
You can create views for synonyms in the same way as you create views for
tables. The view query displays the content of the object used for the
synonym. For example, the ORDERS_PROD_DEPT table has a synonym

If you create a view for the ORDERS synonym, the view query displays the
select order of the table content:

Synonyms (PDM)

v To create a view from a synonym

1. Ensure that no objects are selected in the diagram and select Tools
Create View to open a selection box listing all the available objects in the
2. Click the Synonyms tab and select one or more synonyms to add to the
3. Click OK. The view is created in the diagram.
+ For more information about creating views, see Views (PDM) in the
Building Physical Diagrams chapter.

Generating synonyms
You can generate synonyms from the Database Generation dialog box. For
more information, see Generating a Database section in the Generating a
Database from a PDM chapter.

Reverse engineering synonyms

PowerDesigner supports the reverse engineering of synonyms.
When you reverse engineer synonyms, the link with the base object is
preserved if both objects are reverse engineered and if the base object is
displayed before the synonym in the script.
You can reverse a synonym without its base object; in this case you should
not forget to define a base object for the synonym.

Chapter 6. Building a Database Access Structure

For more information about reverse engineering, see the Reverse

Engineering a Database into a PDM chapter.


Building Web Services

About this chapter This chapter describes how to create, generate and reverse engineer web
services in the following databases:
Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 9 and over
Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15 and over
Sybase IQ12.6 and over
IBM DB2 v8.1 and over

Contents Topic: page

Introducing Web Services 310

Web Services (PDM) 311

Web Operations (PDM) 316

Web Parameters (PDM) 321

Testing Web Services 323

Generating Web Services 324

Reverse Engineering Web Services 328

Introducing Web Services

Introducing Web Services

Web services are applications stored on web servers that you can access
remotely through standard web protocols (HTTP, SOAP) and data formats
(HTML, XML. . . ), whatever the systems and programming languages.
In SOAP requests, queries are encapsulated into services, whereas in HTTP
requests, operations are invoked directly. In PowerDesigner, you can design
web services for both protocols.
PowerDesigner supports web services for the following databases:
Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 9 and over
Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15 and over
Sybase IQ12.6 and over
IBM DB2 v8.1 and over
Web services can be used to simplify access to databases. If you use web
services to query databases, you no longer need drivers to communicate with
those databases.
In the following example, you can see the result of an HTTP request for a
database web service:

Web services are made of a set of operations. Each operation contains a SQL
query for retrieving data from a database.

Chapter 7. Building Web Services

Web Services (PDM)

In PowerDesigner, web services are made of web operations which
themselves contain web parameters and result columns:
Web operations specify the SQL statements used to retrieve data from
Web parameters are the parameters which appear in the SQL statements
Result columns are the columns in which the results are displayed
These objects have no symbols, but they appear in the Browser tree view.

This structure is compatible with the definition of web services in the

supported databases.
Import Web service as You can import a web service as a service provider into a Business Process
service provider Model (BPM) to define the links between a concrete implementation of
service interfaces and operations and their abstract definition.
+ For more information, see Importing a service provider from an OOM
or a PDM in the Building Business Process Diagrams chapter of the
Business Processs Modeling guide.

Web services in Sybase ASA, ASE, and IQ

PowerDesigner supports web services for ASA 9 and over, ASE 15 and over
and IQ 12.6 and over. You must specify the type of the web service in the
Service type list on the General tab of its property sheet (see Web service
properties on page 313).
Web services can be invoked by either of two protocols:
A web service invoked via an HTTP request can have a RAW, HTML or
XML type.
When several web services concern the same table in a database, their
name usually starts with the name of the table, followed by a slash and a

Web Services (PDM)

specific name identifying the query (e.g. Customer/List,

Customer/Name). In that case, the name of the table is called the local
path (which is defined on the General tab of the web service property
PowerDesigner treats HTTP web operations which share a local path as
belonging to the web service with that local path name.
[ASA and IQ only] A web service invoked in a SOAP request can have a
SOAP or a DISH type.
PowerDesigner treats SOAP web services for these databases as web
operations belonging to a DISH web service.
Implementation (SQL When you create a web service, you must type a SQL statement to select
statement) which data you want to retrieve from the database in the Implementation
tab of the property sheet of its web operation(s). For DISH web services,
SQL statements are defined in the SOAP web services bearing their prefix

Web services in IBM DB2

PowerDesigner supports web services for IBM DB2 v8.1 and over.
In IBM DB2, web services are defined by Document Access Definition
Extension (DADX) files.
+ For more information about generating DADX files, see Generating
web services for IBM DB2 v8.1 on page 324.
A DADX file specifies a web service through a set of operations defined by
SQL statements or Document Access Definition (DAD) files, which specify
the mapping between XML elements and DB2 tables.
+ For more information on DAD files, see Generating a DAD file for
IBM DB2, in the Exchanging Data with Databases Supporting XML
chapter of the XML Modeling guide.

Creating a web service

You can create a web service in any of the following ways:
Select Model Web Services to access the List of Web Services, and
click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New Web
+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects Core
Features Guide .

Chapter 7. Building Web Services

Web service properties

You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
web service property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Web
Services folder. The following sections detail the property sheet tabs that
contain the properties most commonly entered for web services.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Name of the web service. Used in URIs to access the web
service. It can neither start with a slash nor contain two
consecutive slashes

Code Code of the web service

Comment Descriptive label for the web service

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or

Local path Name prefixing the web service. If you type a path, the
User-Defined tool (beside the Local path box) is pushed-in.
Click the User-Defined tool to recover the original path.
The default value is the name of the web service

Web Services (PDM)

Property Description

Service type [ASA, ASE, and IQ only] Specifies the type of web service.
You can choose from:
DISH - [ASA and IQ only] acts as a proxy for a group
of SOAP services and generates a WSDL (Web Ser-
vices Description Language) file for each of its SOAP
services. When you create a DISH service, you must
specify a prefix name (on the Extended Attributes tab)
for all the SOAP services to which the DISH service ap-
plies. PowerDesigner treats SOAP web services as Web
operations (see Web Operations (PDM) on page 316)
of DISH web services.
HTML [ASA and IQ only] the result of the SQL state-
ment or procedure is formatted as an HTML document
(with a table containing rows and columns).
RAW - the result of the SQL statement or procedure is
sent without any additional formatting.
SOAP - [ASE only] generates a WSDL (Web Services
Description Language) file.
XML - the result of the SQL statement or procedure
is sent in XML. By default, the result is converted into
XML RAW format.

Web service property sheet Operations tab

This tab lists the web operations associated with the web service (see Web
Operations (PDM) on page 316).

Web service property sheet Sybase tab

Only available with ASA, ASE, and IQ.

This tab displays the following properties:

Chapter 7. Building Web Services

Property Description

Port number Specifies the port number for the test URL.

Server name Specifies the server name for the test URL.

Name prefix [ASA and IQ only] Specifies the name prefix for DISH
(dish services services.

Database name [ASE only] Specifies the database name for the test URL.

Web service property sheet Security tab

Only available with ASA and IQ.

This tab displays the following properties:

Property Description

Secured con- If selected, only HTTPS connections are accepted. If

nection cleared, both HTTP and HTTPS connections are accepted

Required au- If selected, all users must provide a name and a password.
thorization When cleared, a single user must be identified

Connection When authorization is required, you can select <None> or

User a list of user names. When authorization is not required,
you must select a user name. Default value is <None>,
which means all users are granted access

Web service property sheet Namespaces tab

Only available with IBM DB2.

This tab displays a list of namespaces with their prefix, URI and comment.
An XML Schema can be specified where elements and data types used in
web parameters and result columns are defined.

Web Operations (PDM)

Web Operations (PDM)

A web operation is a child object of a web service. It allows you to define
the SQL statement of a web service and to display its parameters and result

Creating a web operation

You can create a web operation as follows:
Open the Operations tab in the property sheet of a web service, and click
the Add a Row tool.
+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects Core
Features Guide .

Web operation properties

You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
web operation property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the
Operations folder beneath the parent web service. The following sections
detail the property sheet tabs that contain the properties most commonly
entered for web operations.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Name of the web operation. In URIs, it comes after the name
of the web service followed by a slash. It can neither start with
a slash nor contain two consecutive slashes

Code Code of the web operation

Comment Descriptive label for the web operation

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-
Web Ser- Code of the web service containing the web operation. You
vice can click the Properties tool (beside the web Service box) to
display the web service property sheet

Owner [ASE 15 only] Specifies the owner of the operation.

Chapter 7. Building Web Services

Property Description

Operation [IBM DB2 only] Specifies the type of operation. You can
Type choose from the following:
call - invokes a stored procedure with parameters and result
columns for the web operation
query - retrieves relational data using the SQL select state-
ment in the Implementation tab
retrieveXML - retrieves an XML document from relational
data. The mapping of relational data to XML data is defined
by a DAD file with SQL or RDB as MappingType
storeXML - stores an XML document as relational data.
The mapping of XML data to relational data is defined by a
DAD file, with RDB as MappingType
update - executes the SQL update statement with optional
parameters. Parameters can be created from the Parameters
tab in the web operation property sheet

Web operation property sheet Parameters tab

This tab lists the web parameters associated with the web operation. These
parameters are part of the SQL statement defined on the Implementation tab.
They can be created on this tab, before generating a web service, or reverse
engineered from a web service (ASA, ASE, and IQ only).
You can use the following tools to add parameters on this tab:

Tool Name Description

Add a Row Adds a parameter to the end of the list.

Insert a Row Inserts a parameter above the current line in

the list.

Add Parameters [ASA, ASE, and IQ only] Display the param-

from SQL Imple- eters resulting from the reverse engineering of
mentation the web service .

Web operation property sheet Implementation tab

This tab displays the SQL statement for the web service. You can use the
following tools to type the SQL statement:

Web Operations (PDM)

Tool Name Description

Operators Provides logical operators

Functions Provides group, number, string, date, conversion

and other functions

Macros Provides macros to accelerate the creation of a SQL


Variables Provides variables for use with operators and


Edit with Opens the SQL Editor dialog box. Provides object
SQL Editor types and available objects to insert in the SQL

SQL/XML Opens the SQL/XML Wizard to build a SQL/XML

Wizard query from a table or a view, and insert it in the
SQL statement

Insert Opens a dialog box to select a global element in

SQL/XML an XML model open in the workspace with the
Macro SQL/XML extended model definition. Inserts a
SQLXML macro referencing the selected element
in the SQL statement
For example:

Chapter 7. Building Web Services

Web operation property sheet Result Columns tab

This tab lists the result columns associated with the web operation (see
Web Operation Result Columns on page 320).
You can use the following tools to add result columns on this tab:

Tool Name Description

Add a Row Adds a result column to the end of the list.

Insert a Row Inserts a result column above the current line

in the list.

Add Result Columns Display the result columns resulting from

from Executing SQL the execution of the SQL statement in the
Statement database.

Web operation property sheet Security tab

Only available with ASA, and IQ.

This tab displays the following properties:

Property Description

Secured con- If selected, only HTTPS connections are accepted. If cleared,

nection both HTTP and HTTPS connections are accepted

Required au- If selected, all users must provide a name and a password.
thorization When cleared, a single user must be identified

Connection When authorization is required, you can select <None> or a

User list of user names. When authorization is not required, you
must select a user name. Default value is <None>, which
means all users are granted access

Web operation property sheet Sybase tab

Only available with ASE.

This tab displays the following properties:

Web Operations (PDM)

Property Description

Alias Specifies the user-defined database alias.

Secure Specifies the form of security. You can choose between:

Clear Use standard HTTP

Web Operation Result Columns

Result columns are sub-objects of web operations. They are part of the SQL
statement defined in the Implementation tab of a web operation property
sheet, and belong to a table in the target database. They are listed in the
Result Columns tab of a web operation property sheet.
The General tab of a result column property sheet displays the following

Property Description

Name Name of the result column

Code Code of the result column

Comment Descriptive label for the result column

Data Type [IBM DB2 only] Select an XML schema data type from the
list, or click the Select Object tool to open a selection dialog
box where you select a global element in an XML model open
in the workspace

Is element [IBM DB2 only] Checked and greyed when a global element is
attached to a result column

Chapter 7. Building Web Services

Web Parameters (PDM)

Web parameters are child objects of web operations. They are part of the
SQL statement defined in the Implementation tab of a web operation
property sheet. They are listed in the Parameters tab of a web operation
property sheet.

Creating a web parameter

You can create a web parameter in any of the following ways:
Open the Parameters tab in the property sheet of a web operation, and
click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click a web operation in the Browser, and select New Web

+ For general information about creating objects, see the Objects Core
Features Guide .

Web parameter properties

You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
web parameter property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the
Parameters folder beneath its parent web operation.
The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description

Name Name of the web parameter.

Code Code of the web parameter.

Comment Descriptive label for the web parameter.

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Web Oper- Name of the web operation containing the web parameter.

Parameter Select in if you want the web parameter to be an input param-

Type eter. Select in/out if you want the web parameter to be both
an input and output parameter. Select out if you want the web
parameter to be an output parameter.

Web Parameters (PDM)

Property Description

Default [ASE only] Specifies a default value for the parameter.


Data Type [For IBM DB2] Select an XML schema data type from the list,
or click the Select Object tool to open a selection dialog box
where you select a global element in an XML model open in
the workspace.
[For ASE] Select a datatype from the list.

Is element [IBM DB2 only] Checked and greyed when a global element is
attached to a web parameter.

Chapter 7. Building Web Services

Testing Web Services

PowerDesigner provides a method for testing web services within the model
environment. You must be connected to the appropriate database.

v To test a web service

1. Right-click the browser entry for a web service of type DISH or SOAP
and select Show WSDL
Right-click the browser entry for a web service operation belonging to a
web service of another type and select Test Web Service Operation from
the contextual menu.

2. Review the generated URL and then click OK.

For a web service of type SOAP, the WSDL file will be displayed in your
For a web service of type RAW, the result will be displayed in your

Generating Web Services

Generating Web Services

You generate web services in order to implement them on target databases.

Generating web services for Sybase ASA, ASE, and IQ

You can generate database web services to a script or to a live database

v To generate web services for Sybase ASA, ASE, and IQ

1. Select Database Generate Database to open the Database Generation
window, and specify the standard options, including whether you want to
generate to a script or to a live database connection.
+ For detailed information about using this window, see Generating a
Database section in the Generating a Database from a PDM chapter.

2. [optional] Click the Options tab and click on Web Service in the left-hand
pane to display the web service generation options. Change the default
options as appropriate.
3. [optional] Click the Selection tab and select the Web Services subtab at
the bottom of the tab. Select the web services that you want to generate.
4. Click OK to begin the generation.
Note that for web services generated to a live database connection, you may
have to refresh the Web Services folder before they appear.

Generating web services for IBM DB2 v8.1

In IBM DB2, web services are defined by Document Access Definition
Extension (DADX) files.
A PDM with the appropriate extended model definition allows you to
generate a DADX file for each web service defined for IBM DB2.
You can attach the DADX extended model definition at model creation. In
the New dialog box, once you have selected Physical Data Model in the
Model type list, and IBM DB2 UDB 8.x Common Server in the DBMS list,
click the Extended Model Definitions tab and select DADX.

v To generate DADX files for IBM DB2

1. Select Model Extended Model Definitions to open the List of Extended
Model Definitions.

Chapter 7. Building Web Services

2. Click the Import an Extended Model Definition tool to open the

Extended Model Definition Selection dialog box, select DADX in the list
of extended model definitions and click OK.
DADX is displayed in the List of Extended Model Definitions.

3. Click OK to return to the main window.

4. Select Tools Extended Generation to open the Generation dialog box
with DADX selected in the Targets tab.

5. Click the Select a Path button, to the right of the Directory box, and
specify a path for the DADX files.

6. Click the Selection tab, and select the web services for which you want to
generate a DADX file.

Generating Web Services

7. Click OK to begin generation.

When generation is complete, the Result dialog box will be displayed
with the paths of the DADX files.

8. Select the path of a DADX file and click Edit.

The DADX file is displayed in the editor window.

Chapter 7. Building Web Services

9. Click Close in the Result dialog box.

You can now use the DADX files for SOAP requests in IBM DB2 UDB web
services Object Runtime Framework (WORF).

Reverse Engineering Web Services

Reverse Engineering Web Services

You reverse engineer web services from a database to a PDM, when you
want to reuse these web services in the PDM. Once reverse engineered, you
can modify and generate them in the database.
You can only reverse engineer web services from Sybase ASA, ASE, and IQ.
You can reverse engineer web services into a new or existing PDM from a
script or live database connection via the Database Reverse Engineering
dialog box.
+ For information about using the Database Reverse Engineering dialog
box, see the Reverse Engineering a Database into a PDM chapter.
The following list shows how web service objects in these databases are
treated in PowerDesigner:
Database HTTP web services with a common local path are grouped as
PowerDesigner web operations of an HTTP web service with the
specified local path:

Software Web service Type Web operation

name name

Database Customers/Name HTML

PowerDesigner Customers HTML Name

Database HTTP web services without a common local path are grouped
as PowerDesigner web operations of an HTTP web service named raw,
xml or html:
Software Web service Type Web operation
name name

Database Customers HTML

PowerDesigner html HTML Customers

Database SOAP web services with a prefix name are considered as

PowerDesigner web operations of a DISH web service with the prefix

Chapter 7. Building Web Services

Software Web service Type Web operation

name name

Database DishPrefix/Name SOAP

PowerDesigner Customers (with DISH Name

DishPrefix as pre-

Database SOAP web services without a prefix name are considered as

PowerDesigner web operations of a DISH web service without a prefix
Software Web service Type Web operation
name name

Database Customers SOAP

PowerDesigner WEBSERVICE_1 DISH Customers

Database DISH web services with or without a prefix name are

considered identically in PowerDesigner:

Software Web service Type Web operation

name name

Database Customers DISH

PowerDesigner Customers (with DISH

or without Dish-
Prefix as prefix)


Working with Data Models

About this chapter This chapter describes how to work with data models.
Contents Topic: page

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment 332

Generating Other Models from a Data Model 370

Checking a Data Model 381

Working with SQL 426

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

The PowerDesigner data modeling environment includes a set of parameters
and configuration options that define various aspects of the model content
and behavior. You can set these parameters:
At model creation
After creating a model with default options and parameters

When creating a model template

Setting CDM/LDM model options

This section explains how to set global options for the objects in your
CDM/LDM. These options apply only to the current CDM/LDM.
For information about controlling the naming conventions of your models,
see Naming Conventions section in the Models chapter of the Core
Features Guide .

Setting Model Settings

To set Model Settings, select Tools Model Options or right-click the

diagram background and select Model Options from the contextual menu.

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

The options on this tab affect all the objects in the model, including those
already created, while changes to the object-specific options on the
sub-category tabs only affect objects created subsequently.
You can set the following options on this tab:

Option Description

Name/Code Specifies that the names and codes for all objects are case
case sensi- sensitive, allowing you to have two objects with identical
tive names or codes but different cases in the same model.
If you change case sensitivity during the design process,
we recommend that you check your model (Tools Check
Model) to verify that your model does not contain any
duplicate objects.

Enable links Displays a Requirements tab in the property sheet of every

to require- object in the model, which allows you to attach requirements
ments to objects in your model. These attached requirements are
kept synchronized with your requirements model.
For more information, see the Requirements Modeling guide.

Enforce non- Enforces non-divergence between a domain definition and the

divergence attributes using the domain. You can select any or all of the
following attribute properties:
Data type - Data type, length, and precision
Check - Check parameters, such as minimum and maxi-
Rules - Business rules
Mandatory - Attribute mandatory property
When you apply these options, you are asked if you want to
apply domain properties to attributes currently attached to the
domain. If you click OK, the attribute properties are modified
for consistency with the domain.
When you modify the properties of a domain, the properties
of the attributes attached to it are updated provided they are
selected here.
When you select an attribute property under Enforce non-
divergence, that property cannot be modified in the lists of
attributes and the property sheets of attributes.
If you want to modify an attribute property that is defined as
non-divergent, you must detach the attribute from its domain,
or clear the appropriate Enforce non-divergence model option.

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

Option Description

Use data Specifies that the complete data type is displayed in entity
type full symbols.
Default data Specifies a default data type to apply to domains and attributes
type if none is selected for them.
Notation You can choose between the following notations:
Entity / Relationship [Default used throughout this man-
ual] Entity/relationship notation connects entities with
links representing one of four relationships between them.
These relationships have properties that apply to both en-
tities involved in the relationship
Merise - uses associations instead of relationships
E/R + Merise - both entity/relationship and Merise are
used in the same model
IDEF1X - data modeling notation for relationships and en-
tities. In this notation, each set of relationship symbols de-
scribes a combination of the optionality and cardinality of
the entity next to it
Barker inheritances are represented by placing the child
entities inside the parent entity symbol, and relationships
are drawn in two parts, each reflecting the multiplicity of
the associated entity role.
For more information about these notations, see Supported
CDM/LDM notations on page 361

Unique code Requires that data items or relationships have unique codes

Allow n-n [LDM only] Allows n-n relationships to be displayed.


Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Option Description

Allow reuse Allows the reuse of one data item as an attribute for more
than one entity provided the attributes have same name and
data type and do not belong to a primary key.
When deselected or when the attribute belongs to a primary
key, the data item cannot be reused. In this case, if the Unique
code check box is selected, a new data item with identical
name but different code is created, otherwise a new data item
with identical name and code is created.
When you delete an entity or entity attributes, these options
determine whether or not the corresponding data items are
also deleted, as follows:
Both deletes the entity attribute.
Unique Code only deletes the entity attribute.
Allow Reuse only deletes the entity attribute and the cor-
responding data item (if it is not used by another entity).
None deletes the entity attribute and the corresponding
data item.

Setting Migration Settings (LDM only)

To set migration settings, select Tools Model Options, and select the
Migration settings sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.

Option Description

Migrate at- Enables the domain, the checks or the rules to be kept when
tribute prop- an attribute is migrated.

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

Option Description

Foreign at- Specifies the naming convention for migrated foreign iden-
tribute name tifiers. You can select one of the default templates from the
list or enter your own using the following variables:
%PARENT% - Name/Code of the parent entity
%ATTRIBUTE% - Name/Code of the parent attribute
%IDENTIFIER% - Name/Code of the identifier con-
straint attached to the relationship
%RELATIONSHIP% - Name/Code of the relationship
%PARENTROLE% - Role of the entity that generated the
parent entity, this variable proceeds from the conceptual
environment. If no role is defined on the relationship,
%PARENTROLE% takes the content of %PARENT% to
avoid generating an attribute with no name
The following example checks the %PARENTROLE%
value; if it is equal to the parent name (which is
the replacement value) then the template %.3:PAR-
ENT%_%ATTRIBUTE% will be used, otherwise template
%PARENTROLE% will be used because the user has
entered a parent role for the relationship:
Note that customized naming templates reappear in the
generation dialog box the next time you open it, but are not
saved to the list of predefined templates.

Use template Controls when the primary identifier attribute name template
will be used. You can choose between the following radio
Always use template.
Only use template in case of conflict.

These options are available for relationships and automatic for inheritances,
except the Only use template in case of conflict option, which is always

Setting PDM Model Options

This section explains how to set global options for the objects in your PDM.
For information about controlling the naming conventions of your models,
see Naming Conventions in the Models chapter of the Core Features
Guide .

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Setting Model Settings

To set Model Settings, select Tools Model Options or right-click the

diagram background and select Model Options from the contextual menu.

The options on this tab affect all the objects in the model, including those
already created, while changes to the object-specific options on the
sub-category tabs only affect objects created subsequently.
You can set the following options on this tab:

Option Function

Name/Code Specifies that the names and codes for all objects are case
case sensitive sensitive, allowing you to have two objects with identical
names or codes but different cases in the same model.
If you change case sensitivity during the design process,
we recommend that you check your model (Tools Check
Model) to verify that your model does not contain any
duplicate objects.

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

Option Function

Enable links to Displays a Requirements tab in the property sheet of

requirements every object in the model, which allows you to attach
requirements to objects in your model. These attached
requirements are kept synchronized with your requirements
For more information about requirements, see the Require-
ments Modeling guide.
Notation Specifies the use of one of the following notation types for
the model. You can choose between:
Relational - Arrow pointing to primary key. This option
is the default, and is used in this manual.

CODASYL - Arrow pointing to foreign key.

Conceptual - Cardinality displayed in IE format (crows


IDEF1X - Cardinality and mandatory status displayed

on reference, primary columns in separate containers
and dependent tables with rounded rectangles.

When you change notation, all symbols in all diagrams

are updated accordingly. If you switch from Merise to
IDEF1X, all associations are converted to relationships.

Table and view model options

To set model options for tables and views, select Tools Model Options,
and select the Table & View sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

You can set the following options on this tab:

Option Function

Table: Default Specifies a default owner for the tables in your model from
owner the list of users (see the section Creating a user in the
Managing Database Users chapter). To create a User, click
on the ellipsis button to open the List of Users, and click
the Add a Row tool.
If the user specified is subsequently deleted, this option
(and the ownership of all associated objects) will be reset
to none.

View: Default Specifies a default owner for the views in your model from
owner the list of users (see the section Creating a user in the
Managing Database Users chapter). To create a User, click
on the ellipsis button to open the List of Users, and click
the Add a Row tool.
If the user specified is subsequently deleted, this option
(and the ownership of all associated objects) will be reset
to none.

Ignore identi- Specifies that the owner of a table or view is ignored

fying owner for identification purposes. Since, by default, both the
name/code and the owner are considered during a unique-
ness check, this option enables you to enforce distinct
names for these objects.
For example, if a model contains a table called Table_1,
which belongs to User_1, and another table, also called
Table_1, which belongs to User_2, it will, by default,
pass a uniqueness check because of the different owners.

Column and domain model options

To set model options for columns and domains, select Tools Model
Options, and select the Column & Domain sub-category in the left-hand
Category pane.

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

You can set the following options on this tab:

Option Function

Enforce non- Specifies that columns attached to a domain must remain

divergence synchronized with the selected properties, any or all of:
Data type, Check, Rules, Mandatory, and Profile.
Default data Specifies a default data type to be applied to columns and
type domains.
Column: Specifies that columns are created, by default, as manda-
Mandatory by tory.

Domain: Specifies that domains are created, by default, as manda-

Mandatory by tory.

Reference model options

To set model options for references, select Tools Model Options, and
select the Reference sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

You can set the following options on this tab:

Option Function

Unique code Requires that references have unique codes. If this option
is not selected then different references can have the same
code (except when two references share the same child

Auto-reuse Enables the reuse of columns in a child table as foreign key

columns columns if the following conditions are satisfied:
Child column has same code as migrating primary key
Child column is not already a foreign key column
Data types are compatible
For more information, see Automatic reuse and migration
of columns in the Building Physical Diagrams chapter.

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Option Function

Auto-migrate Enables the automatic migration of primary key columns

columns from the parent table as foreign key columns to the child
table. If you select both Auto-migrate columns and any
of the following sub-options, then the relevant column
property of the PK will also be migrated to the FK at
reference creation:
Last position
For more information, see Automatic reuse and migration
of columns in the Building Physical Diagrams chapter.

Mandatory Specifies that the relationship between child and parent

parent tables is, by default, mandatory, i.e., each foreign key value
in the child table must have a corresponding key value, in
the parent table.
Change parent Specifies that a foreign key value can change to select
allowed another value in the referenced key in the parent table.
Check on com- Specifies that referential integrity is checked only on com-
mit mit, rather than immediately after row insertion. This
feature can be useful when working with circular depen-
dencies. Not available with all DBMSs.

Propagate col- Propagates changes made to the name, code, stereotype,

umn properties or data type of a parent table column to the corresponding
child column.

Default link on Specifies how reference links are created. You can select
creation either:
Primary key automatically create links from primary
key to foreign key columns at creation
User-defined manually create your own links

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

Option Function

Default imple- Specifies how referential integrity is implemented in the

mentation reference. You can select either:
Declarative referential integrity is defined by con-
straint in foreign declarations
Trigger referential integrity is implemented by triggers
For more information on referential integrity, see Refer-
ence property sheet Integrity tab in the Building Physical
Diagrams chapter.

Default Con- Controls how updating a key value in the parent table will,
straints: Up- by default, affect the foreign key value in the child table.
date Depending on your DBMS, you can choose from some or
all of the following settings:
None no effect
Restrict cannot update parent value if one or more
matching child values exist (no effect)
Cascade - update matching child values
Set null - set matching child values to NULL
Set default set matching child values to default value

Default Con- Controls how deleting a key value in the parent table will,
straints: Delete by default, affect the foreign key value in the child table.
Depending on your DBMS, you can choose from some or
all of the following settings:
None no effect
Restrict cannot delete parent value if one or more
matching child values exist (no effect)
Cascade - delete matching child values
Set null - set matching child values to NULL
Set default set matching child values to default value

Sequence model options

To set model options for sequences, select Tools Model Options, and
select the Sequence sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

You can set the following options on this tab:

Option Function

Default Specifies a default owner for the sequences in your model

Owner from the list of users (see the section Creating a user in the
Managing Database Users chapter). To create a User, click
on the ellipsis button to open the List of Users, and click the
Add a Row tool.
If the user specified is subsequently deleted, this option (and
the ownership of all associated objects) will be reset to none.

Index model options

To set model options for indexes, select Tools Model Options, and select
the Index sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.
You can set the following options on this tab:

Option Function

Table: De- Specifies a default owner for the table indexes in your model
fault Owner from the list of users (see the section Creating a user in the
Managing Database Users chapter). To create a User, click
on the ellipsis button to open the List of Users, and click the
Add a Row tool.
If no default user is specified here, then the owner of the
parent table is used by default.
If the user specified is subsequently deleted, this option (and
the ownership of all associated objects) will be reset to none.

View: De- Specifies a default owner for the view indexes in your model
fault Owner from the list of users (see the section Creating a user in the
Managing Database Users chapter). To create a User, click
on the ellipsis button to open the List of Users, and click the
Add a Row tool.
If no default user is specified here, then the owner of the
parent view is used by default.
If the user specified is subsequently deleted, this option (and
the ownership of all associated objects) will be reset to none.

Join index model options

To set model options for join indexes, select Tools Model Options, and
select the Join Index sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

You can set the following options on this tab:

Option Function

Default Specifies a default owner for the join indexes in your model
owner from the list of users (see the section Creating a user in the
Managing Database Users chapter). To create a User, click
on the ellipsis button to open the List of Users, and click the
Add a Row tool.
If the user specified is subsequently deleted, this option (and
the ownership of all associated objects) will be reset to none.

Procedure model options

To set model options for procedures, select Tools Model Options, and
select the Procedure sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.
You can set the following options on this tab:

Option Function

Default Specifies a default owner for the procedures in your model

owner from the list of users (see the section Creating a user in the
Managing Database Users chapter). To create a User, click
on the ellipsis button to open the List of Users, and click the
Add a Row tool.
If the user specified is subsequently deleted, this option (and
the ownership of all associated objects) will be reset to none.

Trigger model options

To set model options for triggers, select Tools Model Options, and select
the Trigger sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.
You can set the following options on this tab:

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Option Function

Option Function

Table: De- Specifies a default owner for the table triggers in your model
fault Owner from the list of users (see the section Creating a user in the
Managing Database Users chapter). To create a User, click
on the ellipsis button to open the List of Users, and click the
Add a Row tool.
If no default user is specified here, then the owner of the
parent table is used by default.
If the user specified is subsequently deleted, this option (and
the ownership of all associated objects) will be reset to none.
View: De- Specifies a default owner for the view triggers in your model
fault Owner from the list of users (see the section Creating a user in the
Managing Database Users chapter). To create a User, click
on the ellipsis button to open the List of Users, and click the
Add a Row tool.
If no default user is specified here, then the owner of the
parent view is used by default.
If the user specified is subsequently deleted, this option (and
the ownership of all associated objects) will be reset to none.

Rebuild au- Automatically rebuilds the triggers on the child and parent
tomatically tables of a reference when you:
triggers change the implementation of a reference
change the referential integrity rules of a reference imple-
mented by a trigger
change the child or parent table of a reference imple-
mented by a trigger (new and old)
create or delete a reference implemented by a trigger
change the maximum cardinality of the references
Note: If this option is not selected, you can manually instruct
PowerDesigner to rebuild triggers at any time by selecting
Tools Rebuild Objects Rebuild Triggers.

Database package model options

To set model options for database packages, select Tools Model Options,
and select the Database Package sub-category in the left-hand Category

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

You can set the following options on this tab:

Option Function

Default Specifies a default owner for the database packages in your

owner model from the list of users (see the section Creating a
user in the Managing Database Users chapter). To create a
User, click on the ellipsis button to open the List of Users,
and click the Add a Row tool.
If the user specified is subsequently deleted, this option (and
the ownership of all associated objects) will be reset to none.

Setting Data Model Display Preferences

PowerDesigner display preferences allow you to customize the format of
object symbols, and the information that is displayed on them.
To set a data model display preferences, select Tools Display Preferences
or right-click the diagram background and select Display Preferences from
the contextual menu.

For information about changing the format of symbols, see Format display
preferences in the Customizing your Modeling Environment chapter of the
Core Features Guide . The following sections list the options available to
customize the information displayed on a data model object symbols. Note
that the objects available to be customized in the Display Preferences

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

window are dependant upon the current diagram type.

Default options
Click the Default button to display default display preferences. Click
the Set As Default button to set current display preferences as default

Association display preferences (CDM)

To set display preferences for associations in a CDM, select Tools Display

Preferences, and select the Association sub-category in the left-hand
Category pane.

Preference Display description

Attributes Displays the name of the association.

Display Limit Controls the maximum number of attributes displayed in


Stereotype Displays the stereotype of the association.

Comment Displays the comment of the association. When selected,

all other check boxes are deselected, except for Stereotype.
Association attributes

Preference Display description

Data types Displays the data types of association attributes.

Replace by Displays the domains of association attributes. You can

domains only display domains when the Data types check box is
Domains Displays the domain of association attributes. For details
of how this and the Data types preferences interact, see
Entity display preferences (CDM/LDM) on page 351.

Mandatory Displays the letter M beside mandatory association at-


Stereotype Displays the stereotype of association attributes.

Association display preferences (PDM)

To set display preferences for associations in a PDM, select Tools Display

Preferences, and select the Association sub-category in the left-hand

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

Category pane.

Preference Description

Name Displays the name of the association.

Hierarchy Displays the name of the hierarchy used to compute the cube

Stereotype Displays the stereotype of the association.

Association Link display preferences (CDM)

To set display preferences for association links, select Tools Display

Preferences, and select the Association Link sub-category in the left-hand
Category pane.

Preference Description

Role Displays the role of the association link

Cardinality Displays the cardinality of the association link

Stereotype Displays the stereotype of the association link

Cube display preferences (PDM)

To set display preferences for cubes, select Tools Display Preferences, and
select the Cube sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.

Preference Description

Fact Mea- Displays fact measures. When selected, you can additionally
sures specify whether to display all fact measures, or to limit them
to a given number.
Fact Displays cube facts.

Stereotype Displays the stereotype of the cub. You can also display the
stereotype of the cube measures and facts.

Dimension display preferences (PDM)

To set display preferences for dimensions, select Tools Display

Preferences, and select the Dimension sub-category in the left-hand
Category pane.

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Preference Description

Attributes Displays the dimension attributes. When selected, you can

additionally specify whether to display all attributes, or to
limit them to a given number.
Hierarchies Displays dimension hierarchies. When selected, you can
also specify whether to display <Default> beside the default
hierarchy in dimension symbols.

Stereotype Displays the stereotypes of dimensions. You can also display

the stereotype of the dimension attributes and hierarchies.
Dimension Attributes The following display preferences are available for dimension attributes:

Preference Description

Indicators of Displays the hierarchies indicators of dimension attributes.

Hierarchy When selected, you can also specify whether to display the
hierarchy level of dimension attributes.

Entity display preferences (CDM/LDM)

To set display preferences for entities, select Tools Display Preferences,

and select the Entity sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

Preference Display description

Attributes Specifies whether Attributes are displayed on entity symbols.

If selected, you can choose between displaying:
All attributes - All attributes:

Primary attributes - Only primary identifier attributes:

Identifying attributes - All identifier attributes:

Display limit - Number of attributes shown depends on

defined value. For example, if set to 5:

Identifiers All identifier attributes for the entity

are listed at the bottom of the entity


Stereotype Stereotype of the entity.

Comment Comment of the entity. When selected, all

other check boxes are deselected, except for


Entity attributes

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Preference Display description

Data types Data type for each entity


Replace by Domain for each entity attribute. You can only display
Domains domains when the Data type check box is selected.

Domains Domain of an attribute in an entity. This display option

interacts with the selection for Data types. As a result, there
are four display options:
Data types - Displays only the data type, if any:

Domains - Displays only the domain, if any:

Data types and Domain - Displays both data type and do-
main, if any:

Data types and Replace by domains - Displays either data

type or domain, if any, and domain if both are present:

Mandatory <M> indicators are displayed next to each mandatory


Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

Preference Display description

Identifier <pi> indicators are displayed next to primary iden-

indicators tifiers and <ai> indicators next to non-primary


Stereotype Displays the stereotype of the entity attributes

Entity identifiers

Preference Display description

Stereotype Displays the stereotype of the entity identifiers

Inheritance display preferences (CDM/LDM)

To set display preferences for inheritances, select Tools Display

Preferences, and select the Inheritance sub-category in the left-hand
Category pane.

Preference Description

Name Displays the name of the inheritance

Stereotype Displays the stereotype of the inheritance

Package display preferences (CDM/LDM/PDM)

To set display preferences for packages, select Tools Display Preferences,

and select the Package sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.

Preference Description

Stereotype Displays the stereotype of the package

Comment Displays the comment of the package

Procedure display preferences (PDM)

To set display preferences for procedures, select Tools Display

Preferences, and select the Procedure sub-category in the left-hand Category

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Preference Description

Owner Displays the names of procedure owners

Stereotype Displays the stereotypes of procedures

Reference display preferences (PDM)

To set display preferences for dimensions, select Tools Display

Preferences, and select the Reference sub-category in the left-hand Category

Preference Description

Name Displays the name or code of the reference depending on

whether the Name or Code radio button is selected

Constraint Displays the referential integrity constraint name


Join Displays the statement of linked columns between the two


Referential Displays the update and delete referential integrity con-

integrity straints as follows:
upd() - Update
del() - Delete
cpa - Change Parent Allowed
A letter between the parentheses indicates the type of con-
straint, as follows:
( ) - None
(R) - Restrict
(C) - Cascade
(N) - Set null
(D) - Set default
The referential integrity label shown below indicates the
Cascade on update
Set null on delete
Cardinality is 0..n (any number of children is accept-

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

Preference Description

Stereotype Displays the stereotypes of references

Role names Displays the role names for parent and child tables of

Cardinality Displays the minimum and maximum number of instances in

a child table that can appear for each corresponding instance
in the parent table.
The default cardinality labels for PowerDesigner indicate the
minimum and maximum number of children as follows:
[minimum ..maximum ]
For example, the cardinality label [0..n] indicates that
any number of children is acceptable.

Implementa- Displays the implementation mode of referential integrity,

tion declarative or by triggers

Reference display mode + For information about changing the notation of references, see Setting
Model Settings on page 337.

Moving text on a reference symbol

When a reference symbol displays text, the text position is based on the
position of handles. You can add a handle on the reference symbol by
pressing CTRL while you click the symbol.

Relationship display preferences (CDM/LDM)

To set display preferences for relationships, select Tools Display

Preferences, and select the Relationship sub-category in the left-hand
Category pane.

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Preference Display description

Name Displays the name of the relationship*

Role Displays the role of each direction in the relationship

Join [LDM only] Displays the statement of linked attributes

between the two entities

Cardinality Displays the minimum and maximum number of instances

that the first entity can have relative to the second entity

Dominance Displays the letter D on the dominant entity side of the


Stereotype Displays the stereotype of the relationship

Table display preferences (PDM)

To set display preferences for tables, select Tools Display Preferences, and
select the Table sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.

Preference Description

Columns Displays table columns. When selected, you can choose

between displaying all columns, only primary key columns,
only key columns, or limit the number of columns displayed
to a given number.

Indexes Displays all indexes defined for table columns

Keys Displays all keys defined on table

Triggers Displays all triggers defined for table

Owner Displays name of table owner

Stereotype Displays stereotype of the table. You can also display the
stereotype of columns, keys, indexes, and triggers

Comment Displays comment of the table. When selected, all other

check boxes are deselected, except for Stereotype
Table Columns display You can display information about columns in each table.
Keys and indexes are represented by indicators in the table symbol. Each
key and index indicator is assigned a number. You can use these numbers to
keep track of the different groups of alternate keys, foreign keys, and indexes
in your model.
You can display the following column information in a table symbol:

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

Preference Displays Example

Data types Data type for each column

Replace by Domain codes for each column

domains attached to a domain

Domains Domain of an attribute in the table. See Display domain

This display option interacts with and data type for op-
the selection for Data types. As tions and examples
a result, there are four display

Key Indica- <pk>, <fk>, and <ak> indica-

tors tors next to primary key, foreign
key, and alternate key columns
respectively. When the Keys pref-
erence is also selected, the key
names are listed at the bottom of
the table symbol

Index indica- <i(n )> indicator next to indexed

tors columns. When the Indexes pref-
erence is also selected, the index
names and corresponding numbers
are listed at the bottom of the table

NULL/NOT Column indicator: null, not null,

NULL identity, or with default (DBMS-

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Displaying foreign key indicator numbers

You can display foreign key numbers next to their corresponding foreign
key names on the references links between the appropriate parent and child
+ For information on displaying text with a reference symbol, see section
Reference display preferences (PDM) on page 355.
Display domain and data You can display the domain of an attribute in the symbol of a table. There
type are four display options available:

Preference Displays Example

Data types Only the data type, if it


Domains Only the domain, if it exists

Data types Both data type and domain,

and Domains if they exist

Data types If domain exists and data

and Replace type does not exist, then
by domains displays domain.
If domain does not exist
and data type exists, then
displays data type.

Default options
Click the Default button to display default table display preferences. Click
the Set As Default button to set current display preferences as default
Table notation + For information about changing the notation of tables, see Setting
Model Settings on page 337.

View display preferences (PDM)

To set display preferences for views, select Tools Display Preferences, and
select the View sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

Preference Description

Columns Displays the columns in the view. When selected, you can
choose between displaying all the columns, or to limit them
to a given number.
Tables Displays the tables in the view.

Indexes For those DBMS that support query tables, displays the
indexes in the views of type materialized view, summary
table or snapshot.
Owner Displays the names of view owners.

Stereotype Displays the stereotypes of views.

Comment Displays the comments associated with views. When se-

lected, all other check boxes except for Stereotype are
View column display The following display preferences are available for view columns:
Preference Description

Name Displays the view column names.

Expression Displays the SQL expressions for view columns.

Data types Displays the data type for view columns.

Index indica- For those DBMS that support query tables, displays the
tor indicator next to indexed columns.

View reference display preferences (PDM)

To set display preferences for views, select Tools Display Preferences, and
select the View reference sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.

Preference Description

Name Displays the name or code of view references.

Join Displays the statement of linked columns between the two

tables or views.

Stereotype Displays the stereotype of view references

Role names Displays the role names for parent and child tables or views
of view references.
View reference display + For information about changing the notation of view references, see

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Setting Model Settings on page 337.

Supported CDM/LDM notations

PowerDesigner supports the most popular data modeling notations in the
CDM and LDM via the notation model option (see Setting Model Settings
on page 332).
Entity/relationship In the Entity/relationship notation, entities are represented as rectangles and
notation divided in three compartments: name, attributes, and identifiers.

The termination points of relationships indicate the cardinality as follows:

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

(Note that the Merise notation uses associations instead of relationships):

Inheritance symbols indicate if they are complete and if they have mutually
exclusive children:

Complete Mutually exclusive Symbol

No No

Yes No

No Yes

Yes Yes

IDEF1X notation In the Idef1x notation, entity names are displayed outside the symbol, and
dependent entities are drawn with round corners.

Relationship symbols indicate the cardinality as follows:

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Inheritance symbols indicate if the inheritance is complete:

Complete Symbol



Barker notation In the Barker notation, entities are drawn with round corners, and
inheritances are displayed by placing children inside the parent entity.

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

Only attributes are listed and a symbol specifies whether each attribute is a
key, a mandatory or an optional attribute as follows:

Relationship symbols indicate the cardinality as follows:

The line style specifies if a relationship is mandatory:

Specifying the PDM DBMS

PowerDesigner can be used with many different DBMSs. Each supported
DBMS has its own DBMS definition file, which provides PowerDesigner
with the syntax for generating databases, triggers, and stored procedures for
a that DBMS.
+ For more information on the DBMS definition file, see the DBMS
Resource File Reference chapter in the Customizing and Extending
PowerDesigner manual.

Not certified resource file

Some resource files are delivered with Not Certified in their names.
Sybase will perform all possible validation checks, however Sybase does
not maintain specific environments to fully certify these resource files.
Sybase will support the definition by accepting bug reports and will
provide fixes as per standard policy, with the exception that there will be
no final environmental validation of the fix. Users are invited to assist
Sybase by testing fixes of the definition provided by Sybase and report any
continuing inconsistencies.

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Changing the target DBMS

When you create a PDM, you select a target DBMS (see Creating a PDM
in the Building Physical Diagrams chapter). You can change the DBMS of a
model at any time.
You may be required to change the DBMS if you open a PDM and the
associated DBMS file has been deprecated, or is otherwise unavailable. In
this case the Choose DBMS dialog box will open, inviting you to select a
DBMS from the list.
If you change the target DBMS, the model may be altered to conform with
the new DBMS as follows:
All data types specified in your model will be converted to their
equivalents in the new DBMS. For more information about data types,
see Script/Data Type Category in the DBMS Resource File Reference
chapter of the Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner manual.

Any objects not supported by the new DBMS will be deleted

Certain objects, whose behavior is heavily DBMS-dependent may lose
their values. You can choose to preserve the values associated with the
following database objects, if they are supported by the new DBMS:
Triggers and stored procedures note that triggers are always rebuilt
when you change DBMS.
Physical options - if the syntax of an option is incompatible with the
new DBMS, the values will be lost, even if you have selected to
preserve the physical option. For example, the physical option in used
by ASA is not supported by Oracle and any values associated with that
option will be lost.
Database objects: databases, storages, tablespaces, abstract data types,
Extended attributes

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

v To change the target database for a PDM

1. Select Database Change Current DBMS to open the Change the Target
DBMS dialog box:

2. Select a target DBMS from the list.

3. Select one of the following radio buttons:
Share the DBMS definition use the original DBMS file in the
Resource Files\DBMS directory. Any changes made to the DBMS
are shared by all linked PDMs.
Copy the DBMS definition in model make a copy of the original
DBMS file in the Resource Files\DBMS directory. The current
DBMS is independent of the original DBMS, so modifications made to
the DBMS in the DBMS directory are not available to the PDM. The
copied object language is saved with the PDM and cannot be used
without it.
+ For more information on DBMS properties and customizing a
DBMS, see the DBMS Resource File Reference chapter in the
Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner manual.
4. [optional] Click the DBMS Preserve Options tab, which displays options
for database objects that can be preserved or lost when the target DBMS
is changed:

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

5. Select check boxes for the objects and options that you want to preserve.

Preserve options selected by default

If you are changing target database within a database family, for example
between Sybase ASE 12.5 and 15, all preserve options available are
selected by default. The database objects not supported by the old and
new target databases are disabled.

6. Click OK.
A message box opens to tell you that the target database has been
7. Click OK to return to the model with the new DBMS.

Working with data model extended model definitions

Extended model definitions (.XEM files) provide means for customizing and
extending PowerDesigner metaclasses, parameters and generation. Extended
model definitions are typed like models in PowerDesigner. You create an
extended model definition for a specific type of model and you cannot share
these files between heterogeneous models.
Extended model definitions may contain:
Extended attributes for applicable objects in order to further define their

Customizing the Data Modeling Environment

Stereotypes to define extended dependencies established between model

+ For more information on extended dependencies, see Working with
data model extended dependencies on page 369.

Generation targets and commands to complement the generation of an

object model, or to perform an extended generation
When you create a new data model, or when you reverse engineer into a new
data model, you can select one or several extended model definitions and
attach them to the model from the Extended Model Definitions tab of the
New dialog box.

You can choose one of the following options:

Option Definition

Share Current extended model definition constantly refers to the ex-

tended model definition stored in the Resource Files\Extended
Model Definitions directory. Any changes made to the extended
model definition are shared by all linked XEM

Copy Current extended model definition is a unique copy of the ex-

tended model definition stored in the Resource Files\Extended
Model Definitions directory. The current extended model defi-
nition is independent of the original one, so modifications made
to the extended model definition in the Resource Files\Extended
Model Definitions directory are not available to the copied XEM.
This one is saved with the PDM and cannot be used without it
+ For more information on extended model definitions, see Extended

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Model Definitions in the Resource Files and the Public Metamodel chapter
of the Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner manual.

Working with data model extended dependencies

Extended dependencies are links between PDM objects. These links help to
make object relationships clearer but are not interpreted and checked by
PowerDesigner as they are meant to be used for documentation purposes
You can complement these links by applying stereotypes. Stereotypes are
used to define extended dependencies between objects in the PDM.
You can type stereotypes directly in the Stereotype column of the object
property sheet or select a value from the list if you have previously defined
stereotypes in an embedded or imported extended model definition (.XEM).
+ For more information on extended model definitions, see Extended
Model Definitions in the Resource Files and the Public Metamodel chapter
of the Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner manual.

Generating Other Models from a Data Model

Generating Other Models from a Data Model

You can generate the following types of models from CDMs, LDMs, and





v To generate a model from a CDM, LDM, or PDM

1. Select Tools, and then one of the following to open the appropriate Model
Generation Options Window:
Generate Conceptual Data Model. . . Ctrl+Shift+C
Generate Logical Data Model. . . Ctrl+Shift+L
Generate Physical Data Model. . . Ctrl+Shift+P
Generate Object-Oriented Model. . . Ctrl+Shift+O
Generate XML Model. . . Ctrl+Shift+M
2. On the General tab, select a radio button to generate a new or update an
existing model, and complete the appropriate options.
3. [optional PDM-PDM generation only] Click the DBMS Preserve
Options tab and set any appropriate options.
4. [optional] Click the Detail tab and set any appropriate options. We
recommend that you select the Check model checkbox to check the
model for errors and warnings before generation.
5. [optional] Click the Target Models tab and specify the target models for
any generated shortcuts.
6. [optional] Click the Selection tab and select or deselect objects to
7. Click OK to begin generation.

Generation options
For detailed information about the options available on the various tabs of
the Generation window, see the Linking and Synchronizing Models chapter
of the Core Features Guide .

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Generating other models from a CDM

The following table details how CDM objects are generated to other models:


Entity Class Table

Entity attribute Attribute Table column

Primary identifier - Primary or foreign key de-

pending on independent or
dependent relationship

Identifier - Alternate key

Association Relationship or associa- -


Binary association Association class -

with attributes

Inheritance Generalization -

Relationship - Reference

Persistent entities (OOM) All entities are generated as persistent classes with the Generate table
persistence mode.
When the Generate check box of an entity is not selected, the generated class
has the Migrate columns persistence mode.

Changing the name of a column automatically

Two columns in the same table cannot have the same name. If column
names conflict due to foreign key migration, PowerDesigner automatically
renames the migrated columns. The new name is composed of the first
three letters of the original entity name followed by the code of the attribute.

Generating PDM table keys from CDM entity identifiers

The type of key that is generated in the PDM depends on the cardinality and
type of dependency defined for a relationship in the CDM. Primary
identifiers generate primary and foreign keys. Other identifiers that are not
primary identifiers generate alternate keys:
A primary key is a column or columns whose values uniquely identify a
row in a table.

Generating Other Models from a Data Model

A foreign key is a column or columns that depend on and migrate from a

primary key column in another table.

An alternate key is a column or columns whose values uniquely identify

a row in a table, and is not a primary key.
Independent In independent one-to-many relationships, the primary identifier of the entity
one-to-many on the one side of the relationship is generated as a:
Primary key in the table generated by the entity on the one side of the

Foreign key in the table generated by the entity on the many side of the
The following CDM shows an independent relationship. Each division
contains one or more employees:

The following PDM will be generated:

Table Primary key Foreign key

Division Division number

Employee Employee number Division number

Dependent one-to-many In dependent relationships, the primary identifier of the nondependent entity
relationships is generated as a primary/foreign key in the table generated by the dependent
entity. The migrated column is integrated into the primary key if it already
The following CDM shows a dependent relationship. Each task must have a
project number.

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

The following PDM will be generated:

Table Primary key Foreign key

Project Project number

Task Project number/Task num- Project number

Independent In independent many-to-many relationships, the primary identifiers of both
many-to-many entities migrate to a join table as primary/foreign keys. The CDM below
relationships shows an independent relationship. Each employee can be a member of one
or more teams, and each team can have one or more employees as members.

The following PDM will be generated:

Table Primary key Foreign key

Team Team number

Employee Employee number

Member Team number/Employee num- Team number/Employee num-

ber ber
Independent one-to-one In independent one-to-one relationships, the primary identifier of one entity
relationships migrates to the other generated table as a foreign key.

Generating tables from entities with inheritance links

Two properties influence the generation of tables from entities with

inheritance links.

Generating Other Models from a Data Model

Object Property When selected generates

Entity Generate table Table for the entity (parent or child)

Inheritance Generation mode Parent and/or children as indicated

Generating Other Models from an LDM

The following table details how LDM objects are generated to other models:


Business rule Business rule Business rule

Domain Domain Domain

Entity Entity Table

Identifier Identifier Key

Entity attribute Entity attribute Column table

Inheritance Inheritance References

Relationship Relationship Reference

Generating Other Models from a PDM

The following table details how PDM objects are generated to other models:


Domain Domain Domain Simple Type

Table Entity Class Element

Table column Entity attribute Attribute Attribute or ele-


Primary key Primary identifier Primary identifier -

Alternate key Identifier Identifier -

Foreign key - - Keyref constraint

Stored- - Operation -

View - - Element

View column - - Attribute

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models


Index - - Unique

Abstract data type - - Complex type

Reference Relationship Association -

XML model naming conventions

If the code of the generated XML model objects does not correspond to
the target language naming conventions, you can define a code naming
convention script to convert object names into codes. For more information
on conversion scripts, see .convert_name & .convert_code macros in the
Models chapter.
XML Specifics Generation of column as attribute or element is controlled by generation
Foreign keys - When a foreign key is not a composition, it is generated as a
KeyRef constraint
Oracle 8 and Interbase When a CDM is generated from a PDM, the data type of a table column
sequence translation attached to a sequence is translated to a serial data type in the new model.
The resulting CDM serial data type for an entity property has the format
NO%n, where %n is a number indicating the length of the data type.
+ For more information on sequences, see sections on Oracle and
Interbase in chapter DBMS-specific Features.
OOM Specifics All tables are generated as persistent classes with the Generate table
persistence mode.
All abstract data types are generated as persistent classes with the Generate
ADT persistence mode.
Table - Class. The cardinality of a class is translated from the number of
estimated records in a table
Table with migrated keys from only two other tables - Class linked with an
association class between the two classes generated by the two parent tables
Stored-Procedures and stored functions attached to selected table - If the
parent table is generated as a class, the stored procedure or the stored
function is generated as an operation attached to the class

Generating Other Models from a Data Model

OOM naming conventions

If the code of the generated OOM objects does not correspond to the target
language naming conventions, you can define a code naming convention
script to convert object names into codes. For more information on
conversion scripts, see .convert_name & .convert_code macros in the
Models chapter.

Configuring the generated model options

When you configure the options of a CDM to generate, you may define
options diverging from the PDM options.
To avoid conflicts, PowerDesigner applies the following rule for default
values of CDM options: an option defined for the generated CDM should
respect the equivalent option of the PDM.
Equivalent Enforce non-divergence model options are available in both the
PDM and CDM.

PDM option CDM option Result in generated CDM

4 En- Enforce non-divergence in model according

force non- to PDM options. Data items and attributes
divergence attached to the domain cannot have divergent

4 En- Enforce non-divergence in model according

force non- to CDM options defined using the Configure
divergence Model Options feature
Relationships unique (CDM) Unique Code for relationships is not selected by default in the CDM
code options. However, if you select Unique Code for relationships in the CDM
options, relationships are renamed during the generation of a PDM to a
Options with no equivalent, like Enforce Profile in the PDM without any
corresponding option in a CDM, are generated using default values found in
the registry.
Options with no (OOM) Options with no equivalent, like Enforce Profile in the PDM without
equivalent in the models any corresponding option in an OOM, are generated using default values
found in the registry.

Generating an XSM from a PDM via the XML Builder Wizard

The XML Builder Wizard helps you build an XML model (XSM) that will
be used to generate SQL/XML queries for retrieving data from databases. It

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

is more powerful than the standard PDM-XSM generation, as it helps you to

customize the XML hierarchy to be built, and sets up the XSM to retrieve
data from relational databases supporting SQL/XML, and for generation of
an annotated schema (see the Working with XML and Databases chapter in
the XML Modeling guide).

v To generate an XSM from a PDM via the XML Builder Wizard

1. In your PDM, select Tools XML Builder Wizard to open the XML
Builder Wizard to the Model Selection page:

Select whether you want to create a new XML model or update an

existing XML model currently open in your workspace.

2. Click Next to go to the Tables and Views Selection tab:

Generating Other Models from a Data Model

Select the tables and views you want to generate. By default, all tables
and views are selected.
3. Click Next to go to the XML Hierarchy Design tab:

On this tab, you construct the XML hierarchy that you want to generate:
The left-hand pane lists the tables and views that you have selected

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

The right-hand pane displays the XML hierarchy to be generated,

containing a default root element.

4. You can build your XML hierarchy using the following techniques:
Specify whether columns will be generated as elements or attributes by
using the radio buttons above the panes.
Drag and drop a table, view, or column onto a node in the XML
hierarchy. You must respect the PDM hierarchy: You cannot create an
XML hierarchy between two elements if there is no reference between
their corresponding tables, and a parent table cannot be placed
beneath one of its children.
Right-click a table, view, or column and select Add from the contextual
menu to add it to the last selected node in the XML hierarchy.
Rename an element or attribute by clicking its node and typing a new
Create new elements and attributes not in the PDM, and Sequence,
Choice and All group particles, by right-clicking an XML node and
selecting New object from the contextual menu.
Delete an XML node by right-clicking it and selecting Delete from the
contextual menu.

5. Click Finish to generate the XSM.

In the case of an update to an existing XSM, your hierarchy will be

created as a new root in the model.
The SQL/XML extended model definition is automatically attached to
the XML model to enable you to generate SQL/XML queries from global
elements. For more information, see the Exchanging Data with Databases
supporting XML chapter in the XML Modeling guide.
XML Builder Wizard tools The following tools are available to help you build your hierarchy:

Generating Other Models from a Data Model

Tool Description

Properties Opens the property sheet for the selected table, view, or

Add Object - Adds the selected PDM object to the XML hierarchy.

Create Default Hierarchy for Selected Objects - Adds the selected

PDM objects to the XML hierarchy.

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Checking a Data Model

You can check the validity of your data model at any time. A valid data
model conforms to the following kinds of rules:
Each object name in a data model must be unique

Each entity in a CDM must have at least one attribute

Each relationship in a LDM must be attached to at least one entity
Each index in a PDM must have a column

Check your data model before generation

We recommend that you check your data model before generating another
model or a database from it. If the check encounters errors, generation
will be stopped. The Check model option is enabled by default in the
Generation dialog box.
You can check a data model in any of the following ways:
Press F4, or
Select Tools Check Model, or

Right-click the diagram background and select Check Model from the
contextual menu

The Check Model Parameters window opens, which allows you to specify
the kinds of checks to perform, and the objects to apply them to. For detailed
information about this window and correcting problems reported, see
Checking a Model in the Models chapter of the Core Features Guide .
The following sections document the data model-specific checks available
by default. For information about checks made on generic objects available
in all model types, see Checking a Model in the Models chapter of the
Core Features Guide .

Abstract data type checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on abstract data types:

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Abstract data Abstract data type names and codes must be unique in
type name and the model.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Abstract Data The code of the ADT is longer than the maximum
Type code maxi- allowed by the DBMS.
mum length Manual correction: Reduce the length of the code
Automatic correction: Reduces the code to a permissible

Instantiable ob- If an abstract data type of type Object (or SQLJ Object)
ject type must is instantiable (Abstract option not checked), then it must
have attributes have attributes and no abstract procedure.
and no abstract Manual correction: Define at least one attribute in the
procedures ADT Attributes tab and clear the Abstract option in the
procedures property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Abstract object If an abstract data type of type Object (or SQLJ Object)
type must not is not instantiable (Abstract option checked), then it must
have tables based not have tables based on it.
on it Manual correction: Set the Based on property to
<None> in the tables property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Abstract data type procedure checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on abstract data type

Check Description and Correction

Abstract data Abstract data type procedure names and codes must be
type procedure unique in the abstract data type.
name and code Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
uniqueness Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Abstract Data The code of the ADT procedure is longer than the
Type procedure maximum allowed by the DBMS.
code maximum Manual correction: Reduce the length of the code
length Automatic correction: Reduces the code to a permissible

Procedure cannot An abstract data type procedure cannot have the same
have the same name as an attribute.
name as an at- Manual correction: Change the name of the ADT proce-
tribute dure
Automatic correction: None

Abstract data An abstract data type procedure must have a definition.

type procedure Manual correction: Create an ADT procedure definition
definition empty in the Definition tab of the ADT procedure property
Automatic correction: None

Inconsistent re- If the abstract data type procedure is a function, a map

turn type or an order, you should define a return data type for the
function, map or order.
Manual correction: Select a return data type in the Return
data type list
Automatic correction: None

Association checks (CDM)

The following CDM model checks are made on associations:

Check Description and Correction

Association name Association names and codes must be unique in the

and code unique- namespace.
ness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code.
Number of links An association is isolated and therefore does not define a
>= 2 relationship between entities.
Manual correction: Define at least two links between the
isolated association and one or several entities.
Automatic correction: None.

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Number of links An identifier link introduces a dependency between two

= 2 with an iden- entities. An association with this type of link must be
tifier link binary.
Manual correction: Delete the unnecessary links or clear
the Identifier check box for a link.
Automatic correction: None.

Number of iden- An identifier link introduces a dependency between two

tifier links <= entities. There can only be one identifier link between
1 two entities otherwise a circular dependency is created.
Manual correction: Clear the Identifier check box for
one of the links.
Automatic correction: None.

Absence of prop- An association with an identifier link cannot have any

erties with identi- properties.
fier links Manual correction: Move the association properties into
the dependent entity (the one linked to the association
with an identifier link).
Automatic correction: None.

Bijective associa- There are bijective associations between two entities

tion between two when a two-way one to one association between the
entities entities exist. This is equivalent to a merge of two
Manual correction: Merge the entities or modify the
cardinality links.
Automatic correction: None.

Maximal cardi- An association with more than two links can only have
nality links links with a maximum cardinality greater than one.
Manual correction: Change the maximum cardinality of
such links to be greater than 1.
Automatic correction: None.

Reflexive identi- An identifier link introduces a dependency between two

fier links entities. An association with this type of link cannot
therefore be reflexive.
Manual correction: Change the relationship between the
entities or clear the Identifier check box for a link.
Automatic correction: None.

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Name unique- A many-to-many association and an entity cannot have

ness constraint the same name or code.
between many- Manual correction: Change the name or code of the
to-many associa- many-to-many association or the name or code of the
tions and entities entity. If you do not, PDM generation will rename the
generated table.
Automatic correction: None.

Association checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on associations:

Check Description and Correction

Existence of hier- Association names and codes must be unique in the

archy model.
Manual correction: Select a hierarchy in the Hierarchy
list in the association property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Attribute checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on attributes:

Check Description and Correction

Attribute name Attribute names and codes must be unique in the model.
and code unique- Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Column checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on columns:

Check Description and Correction

Column name Column names and codes must be unique in a table.

and code unique- Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Column code The column code length is limited by the maximum

maximum length length specified in the DBMS definition (MaxLen entry,
in the Objects Column category) or in the naming
conventions of the model options.
Manual correction: Modify the column code length to
meet this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the code length to the
maximum length specified in the DBMS definition

Domain diver- Divergence is verified between columns, domains, and

gence data types. Various checks and attributes are also exam-
ined. One or more of the Enforce non divergence model
options must be selected.
Manual correction: Select one or more of the Enforce
non divergence model options to enforce non divergence
Automatic correction: Restores divergent attributes from
domain to column (domain values overwrite column

Column manda- In some DBMS, the columns included in a key or a

tory unique index should be mandatory.
Manual correction: Select the Mandatory check box in
the column property sheet
Automatic correction: Makes the column mandatory

Detect inconsis- The values entered in the check parameters tab are
tencies between inconsistent for numeric and string data types: default
check parameters does not respect minimum and maximum values, or
default does not belong to list of values, or values in
list are not included in minimum and maximum values,
or minimum is greater than maximum value. Check
parameters must be defined consistently.
Manual correction: Modify default, minimum, maximum
or list of values in the check parameters tab
Automatic correction: None

Precision > Max- The data type precision should not be greater than the
imum length length. Note that some DBMS accept a precision higher
than the length.
Manual correction: Make the data type length greater
than the precision
Automatic correction: None

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Undefined data A model should not contain columns with undefined data
type type, all columns should have a defined data type.
Manual correction: Select a data type in the column
property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Foreign key col- Primary/alternate and foreign key columns involved in

umn data type a join should have consistent data types and constraint
and constraint parameters.
parameters diver- Manual correction: Modify foreign key data types and
gence constraint parameters to make them consistent
Automatic correction: Parent column overwrites existing
data type and constraint parameters in the foreign key

Column with se- Since a sequence is used to initialize a key, it should be

quence not in a attached to a column that is part of a key. This applies to
key those DBMS that support sequences.
Manual correction: Attach the sequence to a column that
is part of a key
Automatic correction: None

Auto- An auto-incremented column must have a numeric data

incremented col- type.
umn with data Manual correction: Change the column data type
type not numeric Automatic correction: Changes data type to numeric
data type

Auto- A foreign key column should not be auto-incremented.

incremented col- Manual correction: Deselect the Indentity check box in
umn is foreign the column property sheet
key Automatic correction: None

Missing com- A computed column should have a computed expression

puted column defined.
expression Manual correction: Add a computed expression to the
column in the Details tab of the column property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Cube checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on cubes:

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Cube name and Cubes names and codes must be unique in the model.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Existence of as- A cube must have at least one association with a dimen-
sociation sion.
Manual correction: Create an association between the
cube and a dimension
Automatic correction: None

Existence of fact A cube must be associated to a fact.

Manual correction: Click the Ellipsis button beside the
Fact box in the cube property sheet, and select a fact
from the List of Facts
Automatic correction: None

Duplicated asso- A cube cannot have more than one association with the
ciation with the same dimension.
same dimension Manual correction: Delete one of the associations
Automatic correction: None

Database checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on databases:

Check Description and Correction

Database name Database names and codes must be unique in the model.
and code unique- Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Database code The code of the database is longer than the maximum
maximum length allowed by the DBMS.
Manual correction: Reduce the length of the code
Automatic correction: Reduces the code to a permissible

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Database not The database you have created is not used in the model.
used Manual correction: Delete the database or apply the
database as a physical option to a table, an index, a key,
a column, a storage, a tablespace or a view (Options tab
of the object property sheet)
Automatic correction: None

Database package checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on database packages:

Check Description and Correction

Database pack- Database package names and codes must be unique in

age name and the model.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code
Database pack- The database package name and code length is limited by
age name and the maximum length specified in the DBMS definition
code maximum (MaxLen entry, in the Objects DB Package category)
length and in the naming conventions of the model options.
Manual correction: Modify the name/code length to
meet this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the name/code length
to the maximum length specified in the DBMS definition

Existence of A database package is an encapsulated collection of

package proce- related procedures. It should contain at least one proce-
dure dure.
Manual correction: Create one or several procedures in
the database package or use existing stored procedures
and duplicate them in the database package
Automatic correction: None

Existence of This check is to suggest that a database package can

package cursor contain cursors to define a work area and access its
stored information.
Manual correction: Create one or several cursors in the
Cursors tab of the database package property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Existence of This check is to suggest that a database package can

package variable contain variables to capture or provide a value when one
is needed.
Manual correction: Create one or several variables in the
Variables tab of the database package property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Existence of This check is to suggest that a database package can

package type contain user-defined data types called types.
Manual correction: Create one or several types in the
Types tab of the database package property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Existence of This check is to suggest that a database package can

package excep- contain exceptions to handle internal and user-defined
tion error conditions.
Manual correction: Create one or several exceptions
in the Exceptions tab of the database package property
Automatic correction: None

Database package cursor checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on package cursors:

Check Description and Correction

Package cursor Database package cursor names and codes must be

name and code unique in the database package.
uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Package cursor A package cursor must have a definition.

definition empty Manual correction: Create the cursor definition in the
Definition tab of the cursor property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Check for unde- You should define a return data type for a cursor.
fined return types Manual correction: Select a return data type in the cursor
property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Existence of pa- A cursor must contain parameters for input values.

rameter Manual correction: Create one or several parameters in
the Parameters tab of the cursor property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Database package exception checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on exceptions:

Check Description and Correction

Package excep- Exception names and codes must be unique in the

tion name and database package.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Database package procedure checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on package procedures:

Check Description and Correction

Package proce- Database package procedure names and codes must be

dure name and unique in the database package.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Package proce- A package procedure must have a definition.

dure definition Manual correction: Create the package procedure def-
empty inition in the Definition tab of the package procedure
property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Existence of pa- A package procedure must contain parameters for input

rameter and output values.
Manual correction: Create one or several parameters in
the Parameters tab of the package procedure property
Automatic correction: None

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Check for unde- If the package procedure is a function, you should define
fined return types a return data type for the function.
Manual correction: Select a return data type in the Return
Data Type list
Automatic correction: None

Database package type checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on package types:

Check Description and Correction

Package type Package type names and codes must be unique in the
name and code database package.
uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Package type A package type must have a definition.

definition empty Manual correction: Create the type definition in the
Definition tab of the package type property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Database package variable checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on package variables:

Check Description and Correction

Package variable Variable names and codes must be unique in the database
name and code package.
uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Undefined data You should define a data type for a variable.

type Manual correction: Select a data type in the variable
property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Data item checks (CDM)

The following CDM model checks are made on data items:

Check Description and Correction

Data item name Data item names and codes must be unique in the model.
and code unique- Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code.

Data item not There are unused data items. These are useless for PDM
used generation.
Manual correction: To use a data item, add it to an entity.
If you do not need an unused data item, delete it to allow
PDM generation.
Automatic correction: None.

Data item used There are entities using the same data items. This can be
multiple times tolerated if you defined this check as a warning.
Manual correction: Take care to ensure consistency
when defining data item properties.
Automatic correction: None.

Detect differ- There is a divergence between data items and associated

ences between domains. This can be tolerated if you defined this check
data item and as- as a warning.
sociated domain Manual correction: Ensure consistency when defining
data item properties
Automatic correction: Restores divergent attributes from
domain to data items (domain values overwrite data item

Detect inconsis- The values entered in the check parameters page are
tencies between inconsistent for numeric and string data types: default
check parameters does not respect minimum and maximum values, or
default does not belong to list of values, or values in
list are not included in minimum and maximum values,
or minimum is greater than maximum value. Check
parameters must be defined consistently.
Manual correction: Modify default, minimum, maximum
or list of values in the check parameters page
Automatic correction: None.

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Precision > max- The data type precision should not be greater than or
imum length equal to the length.
Manual correction: Make the data type length greater
than or equal to the precision.
Automatic correction: None.

Undefined data Undefined data types for data items exist. To be com-
type plete, a model should have all its data items data types
Manual correction: While undefined data types are toler-
ated, you must select data types for currently undefined
data types before you can generate a PDM.
Automatic correction: None.

Invalid data type Invalid data types for data items exist. To be complete,
a model should have all its data types for data items
correctly defined.
Manual correction: While tolerated, you must select
valid data types for currently non-valid data types to
generate the PDM.
Automatic correction: None.

Data source checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on data sources:

Check Description and Correction

Data source name Data source names and codes must be unique in the
and code unique- model.
ness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Existence of A data source must contain at least one physical data

physical data model in its definition.
model Manual correction: Add a physical data model from the
Models tab of the property sheet of the data source
Automatic correction: Deletes data source without
physical data model

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Data source con- The models in a data source should share the same
taining models DBMS since they represent a single database.
differing DBMS Manual correction: Delete models with different DBMS
types or modify the DBMS of models in the data source
Automatic correction: None

Default checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on defaults:

Check Description and Correction

Default name and Default names and codes must be unique in the model.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Default code The default code length is limited by the maximum

maximum length length specified in the DBMS definition (MaxLen entry,
in the Objects Default category).
Manual correction: Modify the default code length to
meet this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the default code length
to the maximum length specified in the DBMS definition

Default value You must type a value for the default, this value is used
empty during generation.
Manual correction: Type a value in the Value box of the
default property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Several defaults A model should not contain several defaults with identi-
with same value cal value.
Manual correction: Modify default value or delete
defaults with identical value
Automatic correction: None

Dimension checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on dimensions:

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Dimension name Dimension names and codes must be unique in the

and code unique- model.
ness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Existence of at- A dimension must have at least one attribute.

tribute Manual correction: Create an attribute in the Attributes
tab of the dimension property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Existence of hier- A dimension must use at least one hierarchy.

archy Manual correction: Create a hierarchy in the Hierarchies
tab of the dimension property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Dimension have Dimensions should not have duplicated hierarchies, that

duplicated hierar- is to say hierarchies organizing identical attributes.
chies Manual correction: Remove one of the duplicated hier-
Automatic correction: None

Dimension with- A dimension should have a default hierarchy.

out a default hier- Manual correction: Select a hierarchy in the Default
archy Hierarchy list of the dimension property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Dimension map- A dimension should be mapped to tables or views in an

ping not defined operational model in order to be populated by data from
this model.
Manual correction: Map the dimension to a table or a
view. You may need to create a data source before you
can create the mapping
Automatic correction: Destroys the mapping for the
dimension. This removes the data source from the
Mapping list in the dimension Mapping tab

Attribute map- Attributes must be mapped to columns in the data source

ping not defined tables or views.
Manual correction: Map the attributes to columns in the
data source
Automatic correction: None

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Incomplete di- All attributes, detail attributes and hierarchies of the

mension mapping dimension must be mapped to tables and columns. You
for multidimen- must map the dimension objects before generation.
sional generation Manual correction: Map dimension objects to tables and
Automatic correction: None

Dimension hierarchy checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on dimension hierarchies:

Check Description and Correction

Dimension hier- Dimension hierarchy names and codes must be unique in

archy name and the model.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Existence of at- A dimension hierarchy must have at least one attribute.

tribute Manual correction: Add an attribute to the hierarchy
from the Attributes tab of the hierarchy property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Domain checks (CDM/LDM/PDM)

The following model checks are made on domains:

Check Description and Correction

Domain name Domain names and codes must be unique in the model.
and code unique- Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Domain code [PDM only] The domain code length is limited by

maximum length the maximum length specified in the DBMS definition
(MaxLen entry, in the Objects Domain category) or in
the naming conventions of the model options.
Manual correction: Modify the domain code length to
meet this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the domain code length
to the maximum length specified in the DBMS definition

Detect Inconsis- The values entered in the Check Parameters tab are
tencies between inconsistent for numeric and string data types. Default
check parameters does not respect minimum and maximum values, or
default does not belong to list of values, or values in
list are not included in minimum and maximum values,
or minimum is greater than maximum value. Check
parameters must be defined consistently.
Manual correction: Modify default, minimum, maximum
or list of values in the check parameters tab
Automatic correction: None

Precision > max- The data type precision should not be greater than the
imum length length.
Manual correction: Make the data type length greater
than the precision
Automatic correction: None

Undefined data A model should not contain domains with undefined data
type type, all domains should have a defined data type.
Manual correction: Select a data type from the domain
property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Invalid data type [CDM/LDM only] Invalid data types for domains exist.
To be complete, a model should have all its domain data
types correctly defined.
Manual correction: While tolerated, you must select
valid data types for currently non-valid data types to
generate the PDM.
Automatic correction: None.

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Domain missing [PDM only] A domain cannot have a default value

default object without being attached to a default object.
Manual correction: Create a default object for the domain
or use the rebuild default feature
Automatic correction: Creates a default object for do-

Entity attribute checks (CDM)

The following CDM model checks are made on entity attributes:

Check Description and Correction

Entity attribute Attribute names and codes must be unique in the entity.
name and code Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code.

Entity attribute checks (LDM)

The following LDM model checks are made on entity attributes:

Check Description and Correction

Entity attribute Attribute names and codes must be unique in the entity.
name and code Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code.

Detect differ- There is a divergence between attributes and associated

ences between domains. This can be tolerated if you defined this check
attribute and as- as a warning.
sociated domain Manual correction: Ensure consistency when defining
attribute properties
Automatic correction: Restores divergent attributes from
domain to attributes (domain values overwrite attribute

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Detect inconsis- The values entered in the Check Parameters page are
tencies between inconsistent for numeric and string data types. Default
check parameters does not respect minimum and maximum values, or
default does not belong to list of values, or values in
list are not included in minimum and maximum values,
or minimum is greater than maximum value. Check
parameters must be defined consistently.
Manual correction: Modify default, minimum, maximum
or list of values in the check parameters page
Automatic correction: None.

Precision > max- The data type precision should not be greater than or
imum length equal to the length.
Manual correction: Make the data type length greater
than or equal to the precision.
Automatic correction: None.

Undefined data Undefined data types for attributes exist. To be complete,

type a model should have all its attributes data types defined.
Manual correction: While undefined data types are toler-
ated, you must select data types for currently undefined
data types before you can generate a PDM.
Automatic correction: None.

Invalid data type Invalid data types for attributes exist. To be complete,
a model should have all its data types for attributes
correctly defined.
Manual correction: While tolerated, you must select
valid data types for currently non-valid data types to
generate the PDM.
Automatic correction: None.

Entity identifier checks (CDM/LDM)

The following CDM/LDM model checks are made on entity identifiers:

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Entity identifier Entity identifier names and codes must be unique in the
name and code namespace.
uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code.

Existence of en- At least one attribute must exist for an entity identifier.
tity attribute Manual correction: Add an attribute to the entity identi-
fier or delete the identifier.
Automatic correction: None.

Identifier inclu- An identifier cannot include another one.

sion Manual correction: Delete the identifier that includes an
existing identifier.
Automatic correction: None.

Entity checks (CDM/LDM)

The following CDM/LDM model checks are made on entities:

Check Description and Correction

Entity name and Entity names and codes must be unique in the names-
code uniqueness pace.
Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code.
Entity name and The entity name and code length is limited to a maxi-
code maximum mum length of 254 characters specified in the naming
length conventions of the model options.
Manual correction: Modify the entity name/code length
to meet this requirement.
Automatic correction: Truncates the entity name/code
length to the maximum length specified in the naming

Existence of at- An entity must always contain at least one attribute.

tributes Manual correction: Add an attribute to the entity or
delete the entity.
Automatic correction: None.

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Number of serial An entity cannot have more than one serial type attribute.
types > 1 Serial types are automatically calculated values.
Manual correction: Change the types of the appropriate
entity attributes to have only one serial type attribute.
Automatic correction: None.

Existence of An entity must contain at least one identifier.

identifiers Manual correction: Add an identifier to the entity or
delete the entity.
Automatic correction: None.
Existence of rela- An entity must have at least one relationship or associa-
tionship or asso- tion link.
ciation link Manual correction: Add a relationship or an association
link to the entity or delete the entity.
Automatic correction: None.

Redundant inher- An entity inherits from another entity more than once.
itance This is redundant and adds nothing to the model.
Manual correction: Delete redundant inheritances
Automatic correction: None.
Multiple inheri- An entity has multiple inheritance. This is unusual but
tance can be tolerated if you defined this check as a warning.
Manual correction: Make sure that the multiple inheri-
tance is necessary in your model.
Automatic correction: None.

Parent of several An entity is the parent of multiple inheritances. This is

inheritances unusual but can be tolerated if you defined this check as
a warning.
Manual correction: Verify if the multiple inheritances
could not be merged.
Automatic correction: None.

Redefined pri- Primary identifiers in child entities must be the same as

mary identifier those in their parents.
Manual correction: Delete those primary identifiers in
the child entities that are not in the parent entity.
Automatic correction: None.

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Fact checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on facts:

Check Description and Correction

Fact name and Fact names and codes must be unique in the model.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Existence of mea- A fact must have at least one measure.

sure Manual correction: Create a measure in the Measures
tab of the fact property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Fact mapping not A fact must be mapped to tables or views in an opera-

defined tional model in order to be populated by data from this
Manual correction: Map the fact to tables or views. You
may need to create a data source before you can create
the mapping
Automatic correction: Destroys the mapping for the fact.
This removes the data source from the Mapping list in
the fact Mapping tab

Measure map- Fact measures must be mapped to columns in the data

ping not defined source tables or views.
Manual correction: Map the fact measure to columns in
the data source
Automatic correction: Destroys the mapping for the
measure. This removes the measures that are not mapped
to any object in the Measures Mapping tab of the fact
Mapping tab

Fact measure checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on fact measures:

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Fact measure Fact measure names and codes must be unique in the
name and code model.
uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Group checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on groups:

Check Description and Correction

Group name and Group names and codes must be unique in the model.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Group code max- The group code length is limited by the maximum length
imum length specified in the DBMS definition (MaxLen entry, in the
Objects Group category) or in the naming conventions
of the model options.
Manual correction: Modify the group code length to
meet this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the group code length
to the maximum length specified in the DBMS definition

Existence of user A group is created to factorize privilege and permission

granting to users. A group without user members is
Manual correction: Add users to group or delete group
Automatic correction: Deletes unassigned group

Group password Groups must have a password to be able to connect to

empty the database (for those DBMS that support passwords
for groups.)
Manual correction: Define a password for the group
Automatic correction: None

Horizontal partitioning checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on horizontal partitioning

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models


Check Description and Correction

Horizontal parti- Horizontal partitioning names and codes must be unique

tioning name and in the model.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Existence of par- A horizontal partitioning object cannot be empty, it must

tition contain at least one partition.
Manual correction: Delete the horizontal partitioning
object or create at least one partition in the horizontal
partitioning object property sheet
Automatic correction: Deletes empty horizontal parti-
tioning object

Unavailable tar- A partition should have a corresponding table. You could

get table delete a table that actually corresponds to a partition, this
check verifies that each partition has a corresponding
Manual correction: Delete the partition with no corre-
sponding table
Automatic correction: Deletes the partition with no
corresponding table

Index checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on indexes:

Check Description and Correction

Index name and Depending on the DBMS, a model or a table cannot

code uniqueness contain two indexes with identical name and/or code.
Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Index code maxi- The index code length is limited by the maximum length
mum length specified in the DBMS definition (MaxLen entry, in the
Objects Index category) or in the naming conventions
of the model options.
Manual correction: Modify the index code length to
meet this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the index code length
to the maximum length specified in the DBMS definition

Existence of in- An index must have at least one index column.

dex column Manual correction: Add an index column from the
Column tab of the index property sheet or delete the
Automatic correction: Deletes the index without column

Undefined index An index type must be specified.

type Manual correction: Specify a type in the index property
sheet or delete the index with no type
Automatic correction: None

Index column The current DBMS does not support more than the
count number of index columns specified in the MaxColIndex
entry of the current DBMS.
Manual correction: Delete one or more columns in the
index property sheet. You can create additional indexes
for these columns
Automatic correction: None

Uniqueness for- An index of HNG (HighNonGroup) type cannot be

bidden for HNG unique.
index type Manual correction: Change the index type or set the
index as non unique
Automatic correction: None

Index inclusion An index should not include another index.

Manual correction: Delete the index that includes an
existing index
Automatic correction: None

Inheritance checks (CDM/LDM)

The following CDM/LDM model checks are made on inheritances:

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Inheritance name Inheritance names and codes must be unique in the

and code unique- model.
ness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code.

Existence of in- An inheritance must have at least one inheritance link,

heritance link from the inheritance to the parent entity.
Manual correction: Define the inheritance link or delete
the inheritance.
Automatic correction: None.

Incomplete in- [LDM only] If an inheritance is incomplete, the parent

heritance with should be generated because you can lose information.
ungenerated an- Manual correction: Generate parent entity or define the
cestor inheritance as complete.
Automatic correction: None.

Join index checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on join indexes and bitmap join

Check Description and Correction

Join index name Join index names and codes must be unique in the model.
and code unique- Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code
Existence of base Join index must have a base table.
table Manual correction: Select a base table in the join index
property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Join Index tables The tables associated to a join index must have the same
owners owner.
Manual correction: Modify the join index owner or the
table owner
Automatic correction: None

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Join index refer- Join index references must be connected to selected table
ences connection on a linear axis.
Manual correction: Delete or replace references in the
join index
Automatic correction: None

Duplicated join Join indexes cannot have the same set of references.
indexes Manual correction: Delete one of the duplicated join
Automatic correction: None

Key checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on keys:

Check Description and Correction

Key name and Key names and codes must be unique in the model.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code
Key code length The key code length is limited by the maximum length
specified in the DBMS definition (MaxConstLen entry,
in the Object Key category).
Manual correction: Modify the key code length to meet
this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the key code length to
the maximum length specified in the DBMS definition

Key column ex- Each key must have at least one column.
ists Manual correction: Add a column to the key from the
Column tab of the key property sheet
Automatic correction: Deletes key without column

Key inclusion A key cannot include another key (on some columns,
regardless of their order).
Manual correction: Delete the key that includes an
existing key
Automatic correction: None

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Multi-column Since the column initialized by a sequence is already a

key has sequence key, it should not be included in a multi-column key.
column Manual correction: Detach the sequence from a column
that is already part of a multi-column key
Automatic correction: None

Package checks (CDM/LDM/PDM)

The following model checks are made on packages:

Check Description and Correction

Circular refer- [PDM only] A circular reference occurs when a table

ences refers to another table, and so on until a loop is created
between tables. A package cannot contain circular
Manual correction: Resolve the circular reference by
correcting the reference, deleting its source, or clearing
the Mandatory parent or Check on commit option
Automatic correction: None

Constraint name [PDM only] A constraint name is a unique identifier for

uniqueness the constraint definition of tables, columns, primary and
foreign keys in the database. You define the constraint
name in the following tabs:
Check tab of the table property sheet
Additional Check tab of the column property sheet
General tab of the key property sheet
A constraint name must be unique in a model.
Manual correction: Modify the duplicated constraint
name in the corresponding tab
Automatic correction: Modifies the duplicated constraint
name of a selected object by appending a number to its
current name

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Constraint name [PDM only] The constraint name length cannot be longer
maximum length than the length specified in the DBMS definition: either
in the MaxConstLen entry, in the Object category, or in
each object category.
Manual correction: Modify the constraint name to meet
this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the constraint name to
the maximum length specified in the DBMS definition

Circular depen- [PDM only] Extended dependencies with the stereo-

dencies type <<DBCreateAfter>> can be used between stored
procedures to define a generation order for stored pro-
cedures. An extended dependency with the stereotype
<<DBCreateAfter>> should not introduce a circular
dependency in the model.
Manual correction: Remove the <<DBCreateAfter>>
extended dependency
Automatic correction: None

Circular depen- [CDM/LDM only] A circular dependency occurs when

dency an entity depends on another and so on until a depen-
dency loop is created between entities. A package cannot
contain circular dependencies.
Manual correction: Clear the Dependent check box for
the link or delete an inheritance link.
Automatic correction: None.

Circularity with [CDM/LDM only] A circular dependency occurs when

mandatory links an entity depends on another and so on until a depen-
dency loop is created between entities through mandatory
Manual correction: Clear the Mandatory parent check
box or delete a dependency on a relationship.
Automatic correction: None.

Shortcut code Shortcuts codes must be unique in a namespace.

uniqueness Manual correction: Change the code of one of the
Automatic correction: None

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Shortcut poten- [CDM/LDM only] The package should not contain

tially generated associations or relationships with an external shortcut as
as child table of a child entity. Although this can be tolerated in the CDM,
reference the association or relationship will not be generated in a
PDM if the external shortcut is generated as a shortcut.
Manual correction: Modify the design of your model
in order to create the association or relationship in the
package where the child entity is defined.
Automatic correction: None.

Procedure checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on procedures:

Check Description and Correction

Procedure name Procedure names and codes must be unique in the model.
and code unique- Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Procedure code The procedure code length is limited by the maximum

maximum length length specified in the DBMS definition (MaxLen entry,
in the Objects Procedure category).
Manual correction: Modify the procedure code length to
meet this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the procedure code
length to the maximum length specified in the DBMS
Procedure defini- A procedure definition should have a body to specify its
tion body empty functionality.
Manual correction: Specify a procedure body from the
Definition tab of the procedure property sheet
Automatic correction: None

Existence of per- Permissions are usage restrictions set on a procedure for

mission a particular user, group or role.
Manual correction: Define permissions on the procedure
for users, groups and roles
Automatic correction: None

Checking a Data Model

Reference checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on references:

Check Description and Correction

Reference name Reference names and codes must be unique in the model.
and code unique- Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Reflexive and A reflexive reference exists should not have a mandatory

mandatory refer- parent which could lead to inconsistent joins.
ence Manual correction: Correct the reference by clearing the
Mandatory parent check box
Automatic correction: None

Existence of ref- A reference must have at least one reference join.

erence join Manual correction: Create a reference join for the
reference or delete the reference
Automatic correction: Deletes reference without join

Reference code The reference code length is limited by the maximum

maximum length length specified in the DBMS definition (MaxConstLen
entry, in the Object Reference category) or in the
naming conventions of the model options.
Manual correction: Modify the reference code length to
meet this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the reference code
length to the maximum length specified in the DBMS

Incomplete join Joins must be complete.

Manual correction: Select a foreign key column or
activate the primary key column migration
Automatic correction: None

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Join order The join order must be the same as the key column order
for some DBMS.
Manual correction: If required, change the join order to
reflect the key column order
Automatic correction: The join order is changed to
match the key column order
During a reference check, the following object controls
are made.

Relationship checks (CDM/LDM)

The following CDM/LDM model checks are made on relationships:

Check Description and Correction

Relationship Relationship names and codes must be unique in the

name and code model.
uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code.

Reflexive depen- A dependency means that one entity is defined through

dency a relationship with another. A dependent relationship
cannot therefore be reflexive.
Manual correction: Change or delete the reflexive de-
Automatic correction: None.
Reflexive manda- A reflexive mandatory relationship exists.
tory Manual correction: Deselect the Mandatory check boxes
for the relationship to be non-mandatory.
Automatic correction: None.

Bijective rela- There is a bijective relationship between two entities

tionship between when there is a two-way one to one relationship between
two entities the entities. This is equivalent to a merge of two entities.
Manual correction: Merge the entities or modify the
Automatic correction: None.

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Name uniqueness A many-to-many relationship and an entity cannot have

constraint for the same name or code.
many to many Manual correction: Change the name or code of the
relationships and many-to-many relationship or the name or code of the
entities entity. If you do not, PDM generation will rename the
generated table.
Automatic correction: None.

Consistency be- A dependent relationship between entities cannot also be

tween dominant a dominant relationship.
and dependent Manual correction: Select the Dominant check box on
relationships the other (correct) side of the relationship.
Automatic correction: None.

Relationship with External shortcut could be generated as child table.

child shortcut An entity that is at the many end of a one-to-many
relationship or which is non-dominant should not be an
external shortcut as the reference will not be generated
during the generation of a PDM.
Manual correction: Change the cardinality of the rela-
tionship cardinality or the entity, which should not be an
external shortcut.
Automatic correction: None.

Many-many [LDM only] Many-to-many relationships are not per-

relationships mitted.
Manual correction: Create an intermediary entity, which
contains the primary identifiers of the previous many-
to-many entities.
Automatic correction: None.

Role checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on roles:

Check Description and Correction

Role name and Role names and codes must be unique in the model.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Role code maxi- The role code length is limited by the maximum length
mum length specified in the DBMS definition (MaxLen entry, in the
Objects Role category) or in the naming conventions
of the model options.
Manual correction: Modify the role code length to meet
this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the role code length to
the maximum length specified in the DBMS definition

Existence of user A role is used to create predefined profile that can be

assigned to users or roles. A role that is not assigned to
any user or role is useless.
Manual correction: Assign role to users or delete role
Automatic correction: Deletes unassigned role

Sequence checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on sequences:

Check Description and Correction

Sequence name Default names and codes must be unique in the model.
and code unique- Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code
Sequence code The code of the sequence is longer than the maximum
maximum length allowed by the DBMS.
Manual correction: Reduce the length of the code
Automatic correction: Reduces the code to a permissible

Storage checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on storages:

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Storage name and Storage names and codes must be unique in the model.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Storage code The code of the storage is longer than the maximum
maximum length allowed by the DBMS.
Manual correction: Reduce the length of the code
Automatic correction: Reduces the code to a permissible

Storage not used The storage you have created is not used in the model.
Manual correction: Delete the storage or apply the
storage as a physical option to a table, an index, a key, a
column, a tablespace or a view (Options tab of the object
property sheet)
Automatic correction: None

Synonym checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on synonyms:

Check Description and Correction

Synonym name Synonym names and codes must be unique in the model.
and code unique- Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Synonym name The synonym name and code length is limited by the
and code maxi- maximum length specified in the DBMS definition
mum length (MaxLen entry, in the Objects Synonym category) and
in the naming conventions of the model options.
Manual correction: Modify the name/code length to
meet this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the name/code length
to the maximum length specified in the DBMS definition

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Existence of the A synonym must correspond to a model object. By

base object default, when you create synonyms from the List of
Synonyms using the Add a Row tool, they are not
attached to any base object.
Manual correction: Select a base object from the syn-
onym property sheet
Automatic correction: Deletes the synonym

Table checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on tables:

Check Description and Correction

Table name and Tables names and codes must be unique in the model.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Table name and The table name and code length is limited by the maxi-
code length mum length specified in the DBMS definition (MaxLen
entry, in the Objects Table category) and in the naming
conventions of the model options.
Manual correction: Modify the name/code length to
meet this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the name/code length
to the maximum length specified in the DBMS definition

Constraint name A constraint name of the table cannot be the same as an

conflict with in- index name.
dex name Manual correction: Change the name of the table con-
Automatic correction: None

Existence of col- A table should contain at least one column, one index,
umn, reference, one key, and one reference.
index, key Manual correction: Add missing item to the definition of
the table
Automatic correction: None

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Number of auto- Auto-incremented columns contain automatically cal-

incremented culated values. A table cannot contain more than one
columns auto-incremented column.
Manual correction: Delete all but one auto-incremented
Automatic correction: None

Table index defi- Identical indexes are indexes with the same columns,
nition uniqueness order and type. A table cannot have identical indexes.
Manual correction: Delete index or change its properties
Automatic correction: None

Table mapping When a table belongs to a model containing one or

not defined several data sources, it must be mapped to tables or
views in the data source in order to establish a relational
to relational mapping.
Manual correction: Map the current table to one or
several tables or views in the model belonging to the data
Automatic correction: Destroys the mapping for the
table. This removes the data source from the Mapping
list in the table Mapping tab
Column mapping When a column belong to a table in a model contain-
not defined ing one or several data sources, it should be mapped
to columns in the data source in order to establish a
relational to relational mapping.
Manual correction: Map the current column to one or
several columns in the models belonging to the data
Automatic correction: Destroys the mapping for the
column. This removes the columns that are not mapped
to any object in the Columns Mapping tab of the table
Mapping tab

Existence of per- Permissions are usage restrictions set on a table for a

mission particular user, group or role.
Manual correction: Define permissions on the table for
users, groups and roles
Automatic correction: None

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Table collapsing checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on table collapsing:

Check Description and Correction

Table collapsing Table collapsing names and codes must be unique in the
name and code model.
uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Existence of tar- A table collapsing must have a table as result of the

get table collapsing.
Manual correction: Delete the table collapsing object
Automatic correction: None

Unavailable tar- The table resulting from the collapsing should be avail-
get table able.
Manual correction: Delete the table collapsing object
Automatic correction: Deletes the table collapsing object

Tablespace checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on tablespaces:

Check Description and Correction

Tablespace name Tablespace names and codes must be unique in the

and code unique- model.
ness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Tablespace code The code of the tablespace is longer than the maximum
maximum length allowed by the DBMS.
Manual correction: Reduce the length of the code
Automatic correction: Reduces the code to a permissible

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

Tablespace not The tablespace you have created is not used in the model.
used Manual correction: Delete the tablespace or apply the
tablespace as a physical option to a table, an index, a key,
a column, a storage or a view (Options tab of the object
property sheet)
Automatic correction: None

Trigger checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on triggers:

Check Description and Correction

Trigger name and Trigger names and codes must be unique in the model.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Trigger code The trigger code length is limited by the maximum

length length specified in the DBMS definition (MaxLen entry,
in the Objects Trigger category).
Manual correction: Modify the trigger code length to
meet this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the trigger code length
to the maximum length specified in the DBMS definition

User checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on users:

Check Description and Correction

User name and User names and codes must be unique in the model.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

User code maxi- The user code length is limited by the maximum length
mum length specified in the DBMS definition (MaxLen entry, in the
Objects User category).
Manual correction: Modify the user code length to meet
this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the user code length to
the maximum length specified in the DBMS definition
User password Users must have a password to be able to connect to the
empty database.
Manual correction: Define a password for the user
Automatic correction: None

Vertical partitioning checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on partitions:

Check Description and Correction

Vertical parti- Vertical partitioning names and codes must be unique in

tioning name and the model.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Existence of par- A vertical partitioning object cannot be empty, it must

tition contain at least one partition.
Manual correction: Delete the vertical partitioning object
or create at least one partition in the vertical partitioning
object property sheet
Automatic correction: Deletes empty vertical partition-
ing object

Unavailable tar- A partition should have a corresponding table. You could

get table delete a table that actually corresponds to a partition, this
check verifies that each partition has a corresponding
Manual correction: Delete the partition with no corre-
sponding table
Automatic correction: Deletes the partition with no
corresponding table

Checking a Data Model

View checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on views:

Check Description and Correction

View name and View names and codes must be unique in the model.
code uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

View code maxi- The view code length is limited by the maximum length
mum length specified for the table code length.
Manual correction: Modify the view code length to meet
this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the view code length to
the maximum length specified in the DBMS definition
Existence of per- Permissions are usage restrictions set on a view for a
mission particular user, group or role.
Manual correction: Define permissions on the view for
users, groups and roles
Automatic correction: None

View index checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on view indexes:

Check Description and Correction

Index name and Depending on the DBMS, a model or a view cannot

code uniqueness contain two view indexes with identical name and/or
Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Index code maxi- The view index code length is limited by the maximum
mum length length specified in the DBMS definition (MaxLen entry,
in the Objects Index category) or in the naming
conventions of the model options.
Manual correction: Modify the view index code length
to meet this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the view index code
length to the maximum length specified in the DBMS

Existence of in- A view index must have at least one index column.
dex column Manual correction: Add an index column from the
Column tab of the view index property sheet or delete
the index
Automatic correction: Deletes the view index without

Index column The current DBMS does not support more than the
count number of index columns specified in the MaxColIndex
entry in the Index category of the current DBMS.
Manual correction: Delete one or more columns in the
view index property sheet. You can create additional
view indexes for these columns
Automatic correction: None

View index inclu- A view index should not include another index.
sion Manual correction: Delete the view index that includes
an existing index
Automatic correction: None

View reference checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on view references:

Checking a Data Model

Check Description and Correction

View reference View reference names and codes must be unique in the
name and code model.
uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Existence of view A view reference must have at least one view reference
reference join join.
Manual correction: Create a view reference join for the
view reference or delete the reference
Automatic correction: Deletes view reference without

Web operation checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on Web operations:

Check Description and Correction

Web operation Web operation names and codes must be unique in the
name and code model.
uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Web operation The Web operation code length is limited by the maxi-
code maximum mum length specified in the DBMS definition (Maxlen
length entry, in the Objects Web Operation category).
Manual correction: Modify the Web operation code
length to meet this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the Web operation code
length to the maximum length specified in the DBMS

Web service checks (PDM)

The following PDM model checks are made on Web services:

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Check Description and Correction

Web service Web service names and codes must be unique in the
name and code model.
uniqueness Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code
Automatic correction: Appends a number to the dupli-
cate name/code

Web service code The Web service code length is limited by the maximum
maximum length length specified in the DBMS definition (Maxlen entry,
in the Objects Web Service category).
Manual correction: Modify the Web service code length
to meet this requirement
Automatic correction: Truncates the Web service code
length to the maximum length specified in the DBMS

Working with SQL

Working with SQL

Generating a PDM produces SQL code for your target DBMS.
PowerDesigner provides tools to change and preview SQL code during PDM
development. These tools are:
The SQL editor
The SQL preview
The SQL editor allows you to define queries and the SQL preview allows
you to see a SQL query script before it is generated.

Defining queries with the SQL Editor

You can use the editing features of the SQL Editor to define a query. The
SQL Editor dialog box is divided into specific panes containing the
information shown below:

Information Pane location

Objects types Upper left part of the dialog box

Available objects Upper right part of the dialog box

Query script textbox Lower part of the dialog box

The list of available objects depends on the selected object type. You can
select individual objects from the list of available objects for insertion in the
query script textbox.
You can also define expressions by entering basic arithmetic operators such
as add, subtract, multiply, divide (+, -, *, /) and with the syntax tools shown

Syntax tool Content

Functions Provides group, number, string, date, conversion and other


Operators Provides logical operators

Variables Provides variables for use with operators and functions

Macros Provides macros to accelerate the creation of a template

item definition
These syntax tools allow greater flexibility in defining complex expressions.
The SQL Editor can be used for the following tasks:

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Defining a query for a view, a procedure, a trigger

Defining a computed column

+ For more information on defining views, see Defining a query for a view
in chapter Building Physical Diagrams.
+ For more information on defining computed columns, see Creating a
computed column in chapter Building Physical Diagrams.

v To define a query with the SQL Editor

1. Click the query script textbox where you want to insert the SQL script.

2. Select an object type from the upper left part of the dialog box.
For example, select Tables to display the list of available tables. The list
of available objects of this type is displayed in the upper right part of the
dialog box.
3. Double-click the available object that you want to add to the script.
The item is added to the query script.
4. Select a function or an operator to add to the script from the Function or
Operator lists.
The item is added to the query script.

5. Click OK.

Working with SQL

Previewing SQL statements

The Preview tab shows an SQL query script before it is generated. The
displayed script reflects the options selected in the Database Generation
dialog box. This script cannot be modified.
+ For more information on database generation options, see the
Generating a Database from a PDM chapter.
The text in the script preview is color coded as follows:

Text color Represents

Blue SQL reserved word

Black Statement body

Red Variable

Green Comment
You can use the following tools and keyboard shortcuts from the Preview

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

Tool Description Keyboard shortcut

Editor contextual menu S HIFT + F11

Refresh F5

This tool is available when at least one C TRL + F6

extended model definition flagged for
generation is linked to the model and
when it contains GeneratedFiles entries
for the current object. When available,
it displays the list of targets for the
current object. If you add a generation
target, the corresponding tab is added
to the Preview tab. If you deselect a
generation target, the corresponding tab
disappears from the Preview tab

Show generation options C TRL + W

Ignore generation options C TRL + D

+ For more information on extended model definitions used for

generation, see Extended Model Definitions in the Resource Files and the
Public Metamodel chapter of the Customizing and Extending
PowerDesigner manual.
Changing generation If you click the Change Generation Options tool, the Generation Options
options dialog box is displayed. You can change generation options and preview
their effect on the code.
Ignore generation If you click the Ignore Generation Options tool, the preview ignores
options generation options selected by using the Change generation options tool but
uses a predefined set of options.

Working with SQL

Selected tool Effect on generation Effect on preview


Change generation options You can select genera- Visible in Preview if

tion options options are applicable
Ignore generation options Generation options Only predefined op-
currently selected are tions are visible in
overridden by prede- Preview
fined set of options

Change generation options You can select genera- Changes ignored in

+ Ignore generation options tion options Preview
The predefined set of generation options selects these items:

Generation Option Tab Selected items

Tables and Views All items except drop options

Keys and Indexes All items except options represented dif-
ferently in some DBMS. For example, if a
database is auto indexed, the index options
corresponding to the keys are not selected

Database All items except drop options

Options All user-defined options are used

SQL script bookmarks In the SQL Editor or SQL Preview tab, you can add and remove bookmarks
at specific points in the SQL script and then navigate forwards or backwards
from bookmark to bookmark:

Keyboard Description

C TRL + F2 Adds a new bookmark. A blue bookmark box is displayed.

If you repeat this action from the same position, the
bookmark is deleted and the blue marker disappears

F2 Jumps to next bookmark

S HIFT + F2 Jumps to the previous bookmark

Note that bookmarks are not printable and are lost if you use the Refresh,
Change Generation or Ignore Generation options.

Chapter 8. Working with Data Models

v To preview the code of a table

1. Double-click a table in the diagram to display the table property sheet.
2. Click the Preview tab to display the Preview tab.

3. Click OK.

Working with SQL



This part explains how to link your Physical Data Models to your databases,
including how to generate a database from a PDM, and reverse-engineer a
PDM from a database.

Generating a Database from a PDM

About this chapter This chapter explains how to connect to a database, and to generate and
modify databases via scripts or a live database connection.
Contents Topic: page

Connecting to a Database 436

Generating a Database 438

Using Test Data 472

Estimating Database Size 500

Modifying a Database 506

Accessing a Database 513

Connecting to a Database

Connecting to a Database
PowerDesigner provides various methods for connecting to your database.
Before connecting to your database for the first time, you will have to
configure a PowerDesigner connection profile. Your choice will depend on
the interface that you have installed:

You have Configure a connection of type:

ODBC driver ODBC machine or file data source

DBMS client Native connection profile

JDBC driver JDBC connection profile

ADO.NET driver ADO.NET connection profile

OLE DB driver OLE DB connection profile

DirectConnect driver DirectConnect connection profile

+ For detailed information about creating, configuring, and using
connection profiles, see Connecting to a Database section in the Models
Chapter of the Core Features Guide .

v To connect to a database
1. Select Database Connect to open the Connect to a Data Source

2. Select one of the following radio buttons, depending on your chosen

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

method for connecting to your database:

ODBC machine data source
ODBC file data source
Connection profile (for native, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB or
DirectConnect connections)
You can use the tools to the right of the data source field to browse to a
new connection profile file or directory, and the Modify and Configure
buttons to modify or configure your data source connection.

3. Enter your user ID and password, and then click Connect. If prompted by
your database, you may need to enter additional connection parameters.

Connection time
You stay connected until you disconnect or terminate the shell session.

Displaying information about a connected database

The extent of information available about a database depends on the DBMS
and the connection profile in use.

v To display information about a connected database

1. Connect to a data source.
2. Select Database Connection Information.

Disconnecting from a data source

v To disconnect from a data source

1. Select Database Disconnect.

Generating a Database

Generating a Database
This section explains how to generate a database from a PDM.
PowerDesigner can generate a database creation script that you can run in
your DBMS environment or generate a database structure directly to a live
database connection.

v To generate a database
1. Select Database Generate Database to open the Database Generation
dialog box (for more information, see Database Generation dialog
General tab on page 440).

2. Type a destination directory and a filename for the script file in the
Directory and File Name boxes.
3. Select the Script generation or Direct Generation radio button.
4. [optional] Click the Options tab, and specify creation options for your
database objects (for more information, see Database Generation dialog
Options tab on page 443).
5. [optional] Click the Format tab, and specify format options for your
database objects (for more information, see Database Generation dialog
Format tab on page 456).
6. [optional] Click the Selection tab, and specify the database objects to be
created (for more information, see Database Generation dialog Selection
tab on page 458).

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

7. [optional] Click the Summary tab to view the summary of your settings
and selections (for more information, see Database Generation dialog
Summary tab on page 459).
8. [optional] Click the Preview tab to preview the database script to be used
(for more information, see Database Generation dialog Preview tab on
page 459).
9. Click OK to begin the generation.
If you are creating a database script: The output window shows the
progress of the generation process, and indicates the syntax for running
the script. At the end of script generation, a Result box is displayed. It
lists the file path of the generated script file. Click Edit to open the script
in a text editor or Close to close the Result box.
If you are generating a database directly: If you are not currently
connected to a database, a dialog box asks you to identify a data source
and connection parameters.

Select a machine data source or file data source, type your user ID and
password and then click Connect. You may be prompted for additional
connection parameters.

Advanced generation topics

Advanced users may want to further customize database generation by,
for example, customizing the order in which objects are generated, adding
scripts to run before or after generation, and generating their own ex-
tended objects. For information on these and other advanced topics, the
DBMS Resource File Reference chapter in the Customizing and Extending
PowerDesigner manual.

Generating a Database

Database Generation dialog General tab

The General tab is the main tab for controlling database generation.

You can set the following options

Parameter Description

Directory [required] Specifies the destination directory for the script

File name [required] Specifies the destination filename for the script file.

One file only Specifies that the generation script is created as a single file.
By default, a separate script file is created for each table.

Generation Specifies the type of generation to perform. You can choose

type between:
Script generation - generate a script to be executed on a
DBMS at a later time
Direct generation generate a script and execute it on a
live database connection

Edit genera- [available only when Direct generation is selected] Opens the
tion script generation script in a text editor for review or editing before
execution on the database.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Parameter Description

Check Specifies that a model check is performed before script

model generation.

Automatic Creates an archive version of the PDM after generation.


Quick launch selection and settings sets

The Quick Launch groupbox at the bottom of the General tab allows you to
load pre-configured selections and settings sets for use when generating the
Selection A selection comprises:
a set of selections of database objects made on the Selection tab (see
Database Generation dialog Selection tab on page 458)
To save a selection, enter a name in the Selection bar at the bottom of the
General or Selection tab and then click Save. The selection is saved as part
of the model file.
Settings set A settings set comprises:
a set of options selected on the Options tab (see Database Generation
dialog Options tab on page 443) and
the format options specified on the Format tab (see Database Generation
dialog Format tab on page 456)

v To save a settings set

1. Enter a name in the Settings set bar at the bottom of the General, Options,
or Format tab and then click the Save tool.
2. When the Settings location dialog box opens, specify whether you want
to save the settings set as either:
Inside the model
As an external file

Generating a Database

3. Click OK.
Managing settings sets You can review your settings sets at any time by clicking on the Settings Set
Manager tool to launch the Settings Set Manager:

The following tools are available:

Icon Use

Browse to the settings set directory.

Delete the selected settings set. Only available when an internally-

saved settings set is selected. You can only delete a settings set
saved to an external file through Windows Explorer.

Export the selected settings sets to an external file. Only available

when an internally-saved settings set is selected.

Import the selected settings sets to inside the model. Only available
when an externally-saved settings set is selected.

Note that settings sets should not be copied and renamed outside of
PowerDesigner. If you want to create a variant of an existing settings set,
then you should load it, make the necessary changes, and then save it under a
different name.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Database Generation dialog Options tab

The Options tab allows you to specify what script elements to generate for
each object type.
By default, there is an entry in the left-hand pane under the meta-category
All Objects for each object type present in your model, and all the possible
options are displayed in the right-hand pane. If you click on an object type
in the left-hand pane, then the options are restricted to that object type.

Depending on the objects present in your model, some or all of the following
options will be available.
You can save your option settings via the Settings set bar at the bottom of the
tab. For more information, see Quick launch selection and settings sets on
page 441.

Generating a Database

Database options

These options control the generation of the database.

Parameter Result of selection

Create Generates database


Physical op- Generates physical options for database


Begin script Inserts customized script before database creation

End script Inserts customized script after database creation

Open Opens database


Close Closes database


Drop Deletes an existing database, before creating new database


Tablespace options

These options control the generation of tablespaces.

Parameter Result of selection

Create ta- Generates tablespaces


Begin script Inserts customized script before tablespace creation

End script Inserts customized script after tablespace creation

Comment Generates tablespace comments

Drop ta- Deletes an existing tablespace, before creating a new ta-

blespace blespace

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Storage options

These options control the generation of storages.

Parameter Result of selection

Create stor- Generates storages


Comment Generates storage comments

Drop storage Deletes an existing storage, before creating a new storage

User options

These options control the generation of users.

Option Result of selection

Create user Generates users.

Physical op- Generates physical options for users


Drop user Deletes the existing user before creating the new user.

Privilege Generates privileges for users.

Group options

These options control the generation of groups.

Option Result of selection

Create group Generates groups.

Drop group Deletes the existing group before creating the new group.

Privilege Generates privileges for groups.

Role options

These options control the generation of roles.

Generating a Database

Option Result of selection

Create group Generates roles.

Drop group Deletes the existing role before creating the new role.

Privilege Generates privileges for roles.

Domain options

These options control the generation of domains/user-defined data types.

Parameter Result of selection

Create data Generates user-defined data types


Default value Default value for user-defined data type

Check Generates check parameters and validation rules for user-

defined data types
Comment Generates user-defined data type comments

Drop data Deletes an existing user-defined data type, before creating

type new user-defined data type

Business rule options

These options control the generation of business rules.

Parameter Result of selection

Create rule Generates rules

Comment Generates rule comments

Drop rule Deletes an existing rule, before creating a new rule

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Default options

These options control the generation of defaults.

Parameter Result of selection

Create de- Generates default object


Comment Generates default comments

Drop default Deletes an existing default before creating a new default

If the Create and Drop check boxes are selected, the default objects will be
created/dropped before domains and tables.
+ For more information on the default generation statement, see section
Default in the DBMS Resource File Reference chapter in the Customizing
and Extending PowerDesigner manual.

Abstract data type options

These options control the generation of abstract data types.

Parameter Result of selection

Create data Defines an abstract data type which is stored on a server


Begin script Inserts customized script before data type creation

End script Inserts customized script after data type creation

Comment Generates data type comments

Drop data Deletes an existing abstract data type, before defining a

type abstract data type

Install JAVA Installs a Java class which is stored on a server


Remove Deletes an existing Java class, before installing a new Java

JAVA class class
Permission Generates the permission statement for a given user during
data type creation

Generating a Database

Sequence options

These options control the generation of sequences.

Parameter Result of selection

Create se- Generates sequence


Comment Generates sequence comments

Drop se- Deletes an existing sequence, before creating a new sequence


Permission Generates the permission statement for a given user during

sequence creation

Creation parameters for tables & columns

These options control the generation of tables, columns, indexes, and keys.
Table options These options control the generation of tables.

Parameter Result of selection

Create table Generates tables.

Check Generates check parameters and validation rules for tables.
If selected you can choose between:
Inside Table - checks are generated during table creation
Outside - checks are generated with a separate SQL com-
mand, generally using an ALTER command after the cre-
ation of the table
The generation of checks outside the table is possible if the
AddTableCheck entry exists in the Table category of the
current DBMS.

Physical op- Generates physical options for tables.


Begin script Inserts customized script before table creation.

End script Inserts customized script after table creation.

Comment Generates table comments.

Permission Generates the permission statement for a given user during

table creation.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Parameter Result of selection

Drop table Deletes the existing table before creating the new table.

Column options These options control the generation of columns.

Parameter Result of selection

User-defined Generates user-defined data type for column

Default value Assigns default value to column at creation

Check Generates check parameters and validation rules for columns.

If selected you can choose between:
Inside Table - checks are generated during table creation
Outside - checks are generated with a separate SQL com-
mand, generally using an ALTER command after the cre-
ation of the table
The generation of checks outside the table is possible if the
AddTableCheck entry exists in the Table category of the
current DBMS.

Comment Generates column comments

Physical op- Generates physical options for column


Permission Generates the permission statement for the column during


Primary key options These options control the generation of primary keys.

Parameter Result of the selection

Create pri- Generates primary keys. If selected you can choose between:
mary key Inside Table - primary keys are generated during table
Outside - primary keys are generated with a separate SQL
command, generally using an ALTER command after the
creation of the table
The generation of primary keys outside the table is possible
if the Create entry exists in the PKey category of the current

Generating a Database

Parameter Result of the selection

Physical op- Generates physical options for primary keys


Comment Generates key comments

Drop primary Deletes an existing primary key, before creating a new

key primary key

Alternate key options These options control the generation of alternate keys.

Parameter Result of the selection

Create alter- Generates alternate keys. If selected you can choose be-
nate key tween:
Inside Table - alternate keys are generated during table
Outside - alternate keys are generated with a separate
SQL command, generally using an ALTER command af-
ter the creation of the table
The generation of alternate keys outside the table is possible
if the Create entry exists in the Key category of the current

Physical op- Generates physical options for alternate keys


Comment Generates alternate key comments

Drop alter- Deletes an existing alternate key, before creating a new

nate key alternate key

Foreign keys options These options control the generation of foreign keys.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Parameter Result of selection

Create for- Generates foreign keys. If selected you can choose between:
eign key Inside Table - foreign keys are generated during table cre-
Outside - foreign keys are generated with a separate SQL
command, generally using an ALTER command after the
creation of the table
The generation of foreign keys outside the table is possible
if the Create entry exists in the Reference category of the
current DBMS.

Decl. In- Generates declarative referential integrity for references that

tegrity have Declarative selected for referential integrity implemen-
tation in the reference property sheet. You can specify any
or all of the following:
Update constraint restrict
Update constraint cascade
Update constraint set null
Update constraint set default
Delete constraint restrict
Delete constraint cascade
Delete constraint set null
Delete constraint set default

Comment Generates foreign key comments

Drop foreign Deletes an existing foreign key , before creating a new

key foreign key

Index options These options control the generation of indexes.

Generating a Database

Parameter Result of selection

Create index Generates indexes. If selected you can choose between:

Inside Table - indexes are generated during table creation
create table customer (
customer_id int not null,
customer_name varchar(50)
unique index CustomerIdx (customer_
Outside - indexes are generated with a separate SQL com-
mand, generally using an ALTER command after the cre-
ation of the table
create table customer (
customer_id int not null,
customer_name varchar(50)

create unique index CustomerIdx on


The generation of indexes outside the table is possible if

the Create entry exists in the Index category of the current

Physical op- Generates physical options for indexes


Comment Generates index comments

Drop index Deletes an existing index before creating a new index

Index Filter You can specify from none to all of:
Primary key - Generates primary key indexes
Foreign key - Generates foreign key indexes
Alternate key - Generates alternate key indexes
Cluster - Generates cluster indexes
Others - Generates indexes for all key columns with a de-
fined index

Trigger options These options control the generation of triggers.

Parameter Result of selection

Create trigger Generates triggers

Drop trigger Deletes an existing trigger, before creating a new trigger

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Parameter Result of selection

Comment Generates trigger comments

Trigger Filter You can specify the creation of triggers:

For insert
For update
For delete

View options

These options control the generation of views.

Parameter Result of selection

Create view Generates views

Force column Generates a view with a list of columns, even if this list is
list identical to the corresponding columns in the SQL order.
Allows you to generate the list of view columns with the
view creation order. By default, the list of view columns is
generated only if it is different from the list of columns of
the view query. For example, in the following view query:
select a, b from Table1

columns a and b are view columns by default. The default

generation statement is:
create view V1 as select a, b from

If you select the Force column list option, the generation

statement will become:
create view V1(a,b) as select a, b
from Table1

Physical op- Generates physical options for view

Begin script Inserts customized script before view creation

End script Inserts customized script after view creation

Drop view Deletes an existing view before creating a new view

Comment Generates view comments

Generating a Database

Parameter Result of selection

Permission Generates the permission statement for the user during view

Synonym options

These options control the generation of synonyms.

Option Result of selection

Create syn- Generates synonyms.

Drop syn- Deletes the existing synonym before creating the new syn-
onym onym.
Synonym Fil- You can specify from none to all of:
ter Table - Generates table synonyms
View - Generates view synonyms
Procedure - Generates procedure synonyms
Synonym - Generates synonym synonyms
Database Package - Generates database package syn-
Sequence - Generates sequence synonyms

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Join index options

These options control the generation of join indexes.

Parameter Result of selection

Create join Generates join indexes


Physical op- Generates physical options for join indexes for those DBMS
tions that support it

Begin script Inserts customized script before join index creation

End script Inserts customized script after join index creation

Drop join Deletes an existing join index, before creating a new join
index index

Comment Generates join index comments

Procedure options

These options control the generation of procedures.

Option Result of selection

Create proce- Generates procedures.


Begin script Inserts customized script before procedure creation

End script Inserts customized script after procedure creation

Drop proce- Deletes the existing procedure before creating the new
dure procedure.

Comment Generates procedure comments

Permission Generates the permission statement for the procedure during


Database package options

These options control the generation of database packages.

Generating a Database

Option Result of selection

Create Generates database packages.

Drop Deletes the existing database package before creating the
database new database package.

Permission Generates the permission statement for the database package

during creation.

Web service options

These options control the generation of web services.

Option Result of selection

Create web Generates web services.


Drop web Deletes the existing web service before creating the new web
service service.

Permission Generates the permission statement for the web service

during creation.

Dimension options

These options control the generation of dimensions.

Option Result of selection

Create di- Generates dimensions.


Drop dimen- Deletes the existing dimension before creating the new
sion dimension.

Permission Generates the permission statement for the dimension during


Database Generation dialog Format tab

The options on the Format tab allow you to control the format of database
generation scripts.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Some of the following options may not be available, depending on your

target database.
You can save your format settings via the Settings set bar at the bottom of
the tab. For more information, see Quick launch selection and settings sets
on page 441.

Option Result of selection

Database pre- Table and view names in the script are prefixed by the
fix database name.

Identifier de- Specifies the characters used to delimit identifiers (for

limiter example, table and view names). Most DBMSs require a
double-quote character (), but some permit other forms of

Owner prefix Table and view names in the script are prefixed by their
owner names. For those DBMSs that support sequence
owners, this option will also prefix sequence names by their
owner names.

Title Each section of the script includes commentary in the form

of titles (for example, Database Name: TUTORIAL).

Generating a Database

Option Result of selection

Generate For those DBMSs that support comments, this option allows
name in to generate the name in the comment when the comment
empty com- box is empty. This option applies to tables, columns, and
ment views. The comment generated using the object name will
be reversed as a comment.

Encoding Specifies an encoding format. You should select a format that

supports the language used in your model and the database
encoding format.

Character Specifies the case to use in the script. You can choose
case between:
Upper - all uppercase characters
Lower - all lowercase characters
Mixed - lowercase and uppercase characters

No accent Non-accented characters replace accented characters in


Database Generation dialog Selection tab

The Selection tab allows you to specify individual objects to generate.

By default, all the objects in the model except for those that belong to a

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

package, or that are shortcuts from another model are listed and selected for
You can save your selection via the Selection bar at the bottom of the tab.
For more information, see Quick launch selection and settings sets on
page 441.
For more information about Selection windows, see Adding an item from a
selection list section in the Objects chapter of the Core Features Guide .

Database Generation dialog Summary tab

The Summary tab allows you to view a summary of your generation options.
The option summary is not editable, but you can search, save, print, and
copy its contents.

Database Generation dialog Preview tab

The Preview tab allows you to view the SQL script. The script is not
editable, but you can search, save, print, and copy its contents.

Generating a Database

Generating a Microsoft Access 97 database

PowerDesigner and MS Access 97 use .DAT files to exchange information.
These files are created from the PDM files via the script generation. The
access.mdb database uses or creates .DAT files to generate or reverse Access
You can define the database generation parameters from the access.mdb
database window.

v To generate an MS Access database from a PowerDesigner PDM

1. Generate the database script from PowerDesigner.
2. Double-click access.mdb in the PowerDesigner \tools directory.
3. Select Generate Access Database from PowerDesigner Script File.

4. Type the destination database in the Select Database box.

5. Type the file created by PowerDesigner in the PowerDesigner File.

6. Click on the Create button.

Configuring tablespaces and storages

Tablespaces and storages are generic objects used to represent the physical
location (in a named partition) of tables and indexes in a database or storage

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

a tablespace is a partition in a database

a storage is a partition on a storage device

For some DBMSs, a tablespace can use a specified storage in its definition.
The following table lists the DBMSs that support tablespaces and storages,
explains which concept they represent and indicates the commands that
implement PowerDesigner tablespace and storage options:

DBMS Tablespace represents. . . Storage represents. . .


IBM DB2 UDB tablespace buffer pool

Common Server create tablespace create bufferpool

IBM DB2 UDB table space storage group

for OS/390 create tablespace create stogroup

Informix NA NA

Ingres NA NA

InterBase NA NA

Microsoft Access NA NA

Microsoft SQL NA filegroup

Server alter database add filegroup..


Oracle tablespace storage structure (not

create tablespace physical storage)

PostgreSQL NA NA

Sybase ASA database space NA

create dbspace

Sybase ASE NA segment


Sybase AS IQ database space NA

create dbspace

Generating a Database

DBMS Tablespace represents. . . Storage represents. . .

Teradata NA NA

Tablespace or storage not applicable

When tablespace or storage options are not applicable for a DBMS, the
corresponding model menu item is grayed.

Creating a tablespace or storage

The lists of tablespace and storage options offer pre-defined parameters for
each DBMS where applicable. The lists show default values and value lists
for certain parameters which correspond to the recommended values for the
+ For more information on tablespace and storage options for a particular
DBMS, see its reference manual.

v To create a tablespace or storage

1. Select Model Tablespaces or Model Storages to open the List of
Tablespaces or List of Storages.

2. Click the Add a Row tool to create a tablespace or storage and then click
the Properties tool to open its property sheet.

3. Click the Physical Options tab, and select and set the necessary physical

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Simplified Physical Option tabs

PowerDesigner offers simplified physical option tabs for some DBMSs.
Consequently you may have the option of choosing between the Physical
Options (Common) and Physical Options (All) tabs.

For more information, see Physical Options in the Building Physical

Diagrams chapter.
4. [optional] Click the Preview tab to review the SQL code to be generated
for the tablespace or storage.

Generating a Database

5. Click OK.
The selected options appear in Options column of the List of Tablespaces
or List of Storages.

Customizing scripts
You can customize scripts as follows:
Insert scripts at the beginning and end of database creation script
Insert scripts before and after a table creation command

Customizing a creation script allows you to add descriptive information

about a generated script, or manipulate the script in such a way that is not
provided by PowerDesigner.
Examples If a development project archives all the database creation scripts that are
generated, a header script can be inserted before each creation script, which
may indicate the date, time, and any other information specific to the
generated script.
If an organization requires that generated scripts are filed using a naming
system which may be independent from a script name, a header script could
direct a generated script to be filed under a different name than the name
indicated in the creation script.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Access rights can be added as a footer to a table creation script.

Script toolbar properties

You can use the following tools and keyboard shortcut from the script

Tool Description Keyboard shortcut

Editor context menu S HIFT + F11

Edit With. Opens the default editor you CTRL +E

previously defined

+ For more information on defining a default editor, see section

Specifying text editors in the Models chapter of the Core Features Guide .

Inserting begin and end scripts for database creation

In a database creation script, you can insert the following scripts:

Script Where it is inserted

Begin script Before the command that creates the database

End script After the last command in the database creation script
You can use the following variables in these scripts:

Variable Description

%DATABASE% Name of the current PDM

%DATE% Date of script generation

%DBMSNAME% Name of the DBMS for the target database

%NAMESCRIPT% Filename of script file

%PATHSCRIPT% Filename and path of script file

%STARTCMD% Command that runs the script

%AUTHOR% Author of the current model

Generating a Database

v To insert begin and end scripts for database creation

1. Select Model Model Properties.
Right click the diagram background.
Select Properties from the contextual menu.
The model property sheet is displayed.

2. Click the Create tool next to the Database box.

A confirmation box is displayed asking you to commit the creation of the
database script object.
3. Click Yes.
The database property sheet is displayed.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

4. Type a name and code for the database.

5. Click the Script tab.
The Script tab opens to the Begin tab.
6. Type the DBMS-specific commands to insert in the beginning of the
7. Click the End tab at the bottom of the tab.
8. Type the DBMS-specific commands to insert at the end of the script.
9. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Inserting begin and end scripts for table creation

For each table, you have the option to insert the following scripts:

Script Where it is inserted

Begin script Immediately before the table creation command (after the
table title)

End script Immediately after the table creation command

These scripts can appear in database creation scripts and database
modification scripts.

Generating a Database

You can use the following variables in these scripts:

Variable Description

%COLNLIST% Column list

%DATABASE% Code of the current PDM

%DATE% Date of script generation

%DBMSNAME% Code of the DBMS for the target database

%NAMESCRIPT% Filename of script file

%OWNER% Table owner

%OWNERPREFIX% Owner prefix of table owner

%PATHSCRIPT% Filename and path of script file

%STARTCMD% Command that runs the script

%TABLE% Name or code of current table (based on display


%TCODE% Code of the current table

%TLABL% Label of the current table

%TNAME% Name of the current table

%AUTHOR% Author of the current model

v To insert begin and end scripts for table creation

1. Double-click a table symbol.
The table property sheet is displayed.

2. Click the Script tab.

The Script tab opens to the Begin tab.
3. Type the DBMS-specific commands to insert in the beginning of the
4. Click the End tab at the bottom of the tab.

5. Type the DBMS-specific commands to insert at the end of the script.

6. Click OK.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Inserting begin and end script for tablespace creation

For each tablespace, you have the option to insert the following scripts:

Script Where it is inserted

Begin script Immediately before the tablespace creation command (after

the table title)
End script Immediately after the tablespace creation command
These scripts can appear in database creation scripts and database
modification scripts.
You can use the following variables in these scripts:

Variable Description

%DATABASE% Code of the current PDM

%DATE% Date of script generation

%DBMSNAME% Code of the DBMS for the target database

%NAMESCRIPT% Filename of script file

%PATHSCRIPT% Filename and path of script file

%STARTCMD% Command that runs the script

%TABLESPACE% Code of the tablespace

%OPTIONS% Physical options of the tablespace

%AUTHOR% Author of the current model

v To insert begin and end scripts for tablespace creation

1. Double-click a tablespace in the list of tablespace.
The tablespace property sheet is displayed.
2. Click the Script tab.
The Script tab opens to the Begin tab.

3. Type the DBMS-specific commands to insert in the beginning of the

4. Click the End tab at the bottom of the tab.

Generating a Database

5. Type the DBMS-specific commands to insert at the end of the script.

6. Click OK.

Formatting variables in customized scripts

Variables have a syntax that can force a format on their values. Typical uses
are as follows:
Force values to lowercase or uppercase characters
Truncate the length of values

Enquote text
You embed formatting options in variable syntax as follows:

The variable formatting options are the following:

Format option Description

? Mandatory field, if a null value is returned the translate

call fails

n (where n is an Blanks or zeros added to the left to fill the width and
integer) justify the output to the right

-n Blanks or zeros added to the right to fill the width and

justify the output to the left

width Copies the specified minimum number of characters to

the output buffer

.[-]precision Copies the specified maximum number of characters to

the output buffer

.L Lower-case characters

.U Upper-case characters

.F Combined with L and U, applies conversion to first


.T Leading and trailing white space trimmed from the


.H Converts number to hexadecimal

.c Upper-case first letter and lower-case next letters

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Format option Description

.n Truncates to n first characters

.-n Truncates to n last characters

M Extracts a portion of the variable name, this option uses

the width and precision parameters to identify the portion
to extract

q Enquotes the variable (single quotes)

Q Enquotes the variable (double quotes)

+ For more examples on variable formatting, see section Defining variable

formatting options in the DBMS Resource File Reference chapter in the
Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner manual.

Using Test Data

Using Test Data

Test data is sample data that you can define and generate for one or more
tables in a PDM. When you generate test data, PowerDesigner automatically
generates rows of data in database tables.
You normally use test data to verify the performance of a database that is
being developed. You can use test data to do the following:
Verify the performance of the database when it is filled with large
amounts of data
Verify the performance of the database when it is accessed by different
applications or users

Verify the operational performance of the database when it is accessed by

different applications or users
Estimate the amount of memory space the database will take up

Examine data formatting in the database

You can generate test data for selected tables in a PDM, or for all the tables
in a PDM.
You can add test data to an empty database or to a database that already
contains data.
Test Data profile You generate test data for a table based on test data profiles. A test data
profile is a named class of data types that has a defined data generation
source. A test data profile can be assigned to one or more columns.
When you assign a test data profile to a column, it acts as a representative for
the data type of that column. Test data for the column is then generated
using the data profile and its defined data source.
You can also select a test data profile to apply to a domain. You can then
choose to have the profile automatically assigned to all columns that use that
A test data profile can use one of the following:

Example For a column named Employee Location, you create a test data profile
named Address using the Character class. You then define a test data source

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

for Address. You can also assign it to other columns, such as Store Location,
and Client Address.
Default test data profiles If you do not assign a test data profile for a column, a default test data profile
is assigned to the column when you generate test data for the table. You
define default test data profiles for each class used to generate test data.
Test data restrictions The following objects are not taken into account when you generate test data:
Alternate keys

Foreign keys
Business and validation rules

Binary, sequential, OLE, text or image data types

Trigger contents

v To set up a test data profile

1. Create a test data profile for one or more columns.

2. Define a test data generation source for each data profile.

3. Define column fill parameters for columns that need to be populated with
data in a particular way.
4. Assign test data profiles to all relevant columns.
5. Use the test data profiles to generate test data.

Creating a test data profile

When you create a test data profile you need to define the following

Property Description

Name Name of the profile

Code Code of the data profile

Profile class You can assign one of the following data type classes:

Using Test Data

When you define the profile class, make sure it reflects the DBMS
limitations, for example, someDBMS do not support dates prior to a certain
Generation source You define a test data generation source for each data profile. You can use
the following test data generation sources:

Generation source Test data values are generated

Automatic By PowerDesigner

List From a list of test data values

Direct From a live database connection

File From a source file

Each data generation source has its own set of options for defining
generation parameters.

v To create a test data profile

1. Select Model Test Data Profiles.
The List of Test Data Profiles is displayed.

2. Click a blank line in the list.

3. Type a test data Profile name and a profile code.

4. Select a data type class from the Profile Class list.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Display the column you need

If you do not see the column you need, display it with the Customize
Columns and Filter tool. For details, see Customizing object list
columns and filtering lists section in the Objets chapter of the Core
Features Guide .
5. Click Apply.

6. Double-click the new profile to display its property sheet.

7. Define generation source parameters.

8. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Automatic test data generation source parameters

There are different automatic test data generation source parameters for each
profile class.

Defining an automatic test data generation source for numbers

You have the following options to define generation source parameters for
the profile class Number:

Option Description

Random Indicates to generate random data

Sequential Indicates to generate sequential data

From/To Indicates the range for random or sequential data

Step Indicates interval between each sequential number step

Generate deci- Generates decimal numbers

mal numbers

Decimal digits Indicates the maximum number of decimal places to be

number generated

Using Test Data

v To define an automatic data generation source

1. Select Model Test Data Profiles.
The List of Test Data Profiles is displayed.

2. Double-click a test data profile using numbers.

The Profile properties sheet opens to the General tab.
3. Select the Automatic radio button.

4. Click the Detail tab.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

The Detail tab is displayed.

5. Specify test data generation parameters.

6. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Defining an automatic test data generation source for characters

You have the following options to define generation source parameters for
the profile class Character:

Option Parameter Description

Verify Valid characters List of authorized characters

All Accepts all characters

Invalid characters List of unauthorized characters

No accents Replaces accents with unaccented char-

Mask String of mask characters.

Case Upper Indicates authorized letter cases

First uppercase

Using Test Data

Option Parameter Description

Length Exact You indicate exact character length

From/To You indicate character length range

Character selection You can specify valid characters to accept and invalid characters to refuse.
You use a comma ( , ) to separate each single character, character interval, or
The following syntax applies to valid and invalid characters.

Character set Syntax Example

Interval of charac- Characters in single quotation

ters marks separated by a dash a-z

Single character or Characters in quotation marks

Character string "a" | "xyz"

Mask characters A mask character is a pre-defined character that indicates to users that they
need to type a particular piece of information. The test data that is generated
respects the following mask characters:

Mask Prompts to type


A Letter

9 Number

? Any character

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

v To define an automatic data generation source

1. Select Model Test Data Profiles.
The List of Test Data Profiles is displayed.

2. Double-click a test data profile using characters.

The Profile properties sheet opens to the General tab.
3. Select the Automatic radio button.

4. Click the Detail tab.

Using Test Data

The Detail tab is displayed.

5. Specify test data generation parameters.

6. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Defining an automatic test data generation source for date and time

You can define the following generation source parameters for the profile
class Date/Time:

Value Parameter Description

Date range From/To Indicates range of date values

Time range From/To Indicates range of time values

Step Date/Time step Indicates date and time intervals for sequen-
tial data values.

Values Random Indicates to generate random data

Sequential Indicates to generate sequential data

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

v To define an automatic data generation source

1. Select Model Test Data Profiles.
The List of Test Data Profiles is displayed.

2. Double-click a data profile using date and time.

The Profile properties sheet opens to the General tab.
3. Select the Automatic radio button.

4. Click the Detail tab.

Using Test Data

The Detail tab is displayed.

5. Specify test data generation parameters.

6. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Defining a list as a test data generation source

You can use information from a list to define a test data generation source
for a data profile.

v To define a list as a test data generation source

1. Select Model Test Data Profiles.
The List of Test Data Profiles is displayed.
2. Double-click a data profile.
The Profile properties sheet opens to the General tab.
3. Select the List radio button.

4. Click the Detail tab.

The Detail tab is displayed.
5. Select a Value profile.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

6. Type a value and label.

7. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Defining a live database connection as a test data generation source

You can use information from a live database connection to define a test data
generation source for a data profile.

v To define a database as a test data generation source

1. Select Model Test Data Profiles to open the List of Test Data Profiles.
2. Double-click a data profile to open its property sheet.
3. Select the Database Generation radio button, and then click the Detail tab.

4. Click the Select a data source tool beside the Data source box and select a
machine or file data source. For more information, see Connecting to a
Database section in the Models chapter of the Core Features Guide .
5. Type the login and password corresponding to your data source.
6. Type the name of the table and column to query in the data source.
The variables in the default query are replaced by the table and column

Using Test Data

You can also type a user-defined query in the Query box. The
user-defined button indicates when the default query has been modified.
You can click this button to recover the default query.

7. Click OK.
You return to the List of Test Data Profiles.
8. Click OK.

Defining a file as a test data generation source

You can import a CSV file to define a data generation source for a data
profile. You can define the following generation source parameters for the
CSV file:

Value Parameter Description

Values Random Indicates to import file lines in random order

Sequential Indicates to import file lines sequentially

CSV import restriction Each CSV file that you import for each data profile must come from the
same directory. If you have not previously used this directory as a CSV file
test data source, you will need to select the correct directory to define the file

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Example test data files

PowerDesigner provides example test data files in the \TESTDATA direc-

v To define a file as a test data generation source

1. Select Model Test Data Profiles.
The List of Test Data Profiles is displayed.
2. Double-click a data profile.
The Profile properties sheet opens to the General tab.
3. Select the File radio button.
4. Click the Detail tab.
The Detail tab is displayed.

A dialog box asks you to select a file.

Specifying the CSV directory

If you are importing a CSV file for the first time from a specific
directory, you need to select the appropriate directory.

5. Select a file and click Open.

You return to the Detail tab.

Using Test Data

6. Specify test generation parameters.

7. Click OK.
You return to the List of Test Data Profiles.
8. Click OK.

Defining column fill parameters

Fill parameters determine how a column is filled or populated with test
data. You can define column fill parameters when you assign a data profile to
the column, or as an independent procedure.
You can define the following fill parameters:

Value Description

Null values Percentage of column entries containing a null value

Distinct values Indication of the percentage of column rows that contain

unique entries. This is a maximum value, and can change
automatically depending on the referential integrity param-
eters of primary key columns. Alternately, a specific value
can be entered, without a percentage sign, to indicate the
exact number of column rows that contain unique entries.

Average Length
The Average Length box is only used for the Estimate data base size
function. The value that is displayed by default, is the maximum length for
the data type defined for a selected column.
Indicated column The following column properties are indicated on the Columns sheet:
Indicator Property When selected, indicates that. . .

M Mandatory Column must be assigned a value. The fill

parameter Null value is automatically defined as

U Unique col- Column is the only column in a primary key, al-

umn ternate key, or unique index. The fill parameters
Null Values and Distinct Values are automati-
cally defined as 0% and 100% respectively

F Foreign Column is a foreign key column. You cannot

assign a data profile to this column. It automati-
cally takes the data profile of the corresponding
primary key column in the parent table

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

v To define column fill parameters

1. Select Model Tables.
The List of tables is displayed.

2. Double-click a table from the list.

The Profile properties sheet opens to the General tab.
3. Select the Columns tab.
The Columns tab is displayed.

Using Test Data

4. Double-click a column name.

The Column properties dialog box is displayed.
5. Select the Detail tab.
The Detail tab is displayed.

6. Select or type Column fill parameters.

7. Select a profile from the test data parameters dropdown list box.
8. Click OK in each dialog box.
You return to the Columns tab.

9. Click OK.

Assigning a data profile

When you assign a data profile to a column, the data profile defines the type
of test data that you generate for that column.
You can assign a data profile to each column in a table, except for the foreign
key columns. The data profiles for foreign keys are assigned by default.
When you assign a data profile to a column that contains check parameters,
the generated test data respects the column constraints.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

There are three approaches to assigning data profiles:

Assign a data profile from the list of tables
Assign a data profile from the list of columns

Select a data profile for a domain, so that all columns attached to that
domain are automatically assigned the data profile.
+ For more information on how to select a data profile for a domain, see
chapter Building Physical Diagrams.

Assigning a data profile from the list of tables

v To assign a data profile from the list of tables

1. Select Model Tables.
The List of tables is displayed.

2. Double-click a table in the list.

The table property sheet opens to the General tab.
3. Select the Columns tab.
The Columns tab is displayed.

Using Test Data

4. Select a column in the list.

5. Select a test data profile from the dropdown list box.

Display the column you need

If you do not see the column you need, display it with the Customize
Columns and Filter tool. For details, see Customizing object list
columns and filtering lists section in the Objets chapter of the Core
Features Guide .
6. Click OK.

Assigning a data profile from the list of columns

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

v To assign a data profile from the list of columns

1. Select Model Columns.
The List of Columns is displayed.

2. Select a column in the list.

3. Select a test data profile from the dropdown list box.

Display the column you need

If you do not see the column you need, display it with the Customize
Columns and Filter tool. For details, see Customizing object list
columns and filtering lists section in the Objets chapter of the Core
Features Guide .
4. Click OK.

Importing a data profile

You can import data profiles in XPF format from another PDM. The
imported profiles appear in the list of profiles.

v To import a data profile

1. Select Tools Test Data Profiles Import.
A standard Open dialog box is displayed.
2. Browse to the EXAMPLES/TUTORIAL directory.

Using Test Data

3. Select or type a file name with the XPF extension.

4. Click Open.

Exporting a data profile

You can export data profiles to a XPF file. In another PDM, you can then
import the data profiles defined in this XPF file.

v To export a data profile

1. Select Tools Test Data Profiles Export.
A Selection dialog box is displayed.

2. Select one or more data profiles that you want to export.

3. Click OK.
A dialog box is displayed.
4. Type a file name with the XPF extension.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

5. Click Save.

Generating test data

You can generate test data for all the tables in a PDM, or for selected tables.
You can generate data for either an empty database or for an existing

Avoid generating triggers

Do not implement triggers if you generate a new database. It is also
recommended that you remove triggers from an existing test database.
Triggers can considerably increase the time required to generate the
database and can block insertions. In addition, they are not needed for the
type of test we are performing.

v To generate test data

1. Assign data profiles to the columns in each table for which you want to
generate test data (see Assigning a data profile on page 488).

Default values for data profiles

Test data generation is typically based on user-defined data profiles.
If you have no data profile definitions, you are automatically provided
with default values. The default number of rows is set to 20 and the
value <default> is displayed in each of the following three default
profile boxes.

2. Select Database Generate Test Data to open the Test Data Generation
dialog box.

Using Test Data

3. Specify a directory and filename for your test data file, and then choose
between Script and Direct generation. For more information, see Test
Data Generation General tab on page 494.
4. [optional] To change the number of rows to be generated for specific
tables, click the Number of Rows tab. For more information, see Test
Data Generation Number of Rows tab on page 496.
5. [optional] To modify script formatting options, click the Format tab. For
more information, see Test Data Generation Format tab on page 497.

6. [optional] To control which tables will have test data generated, click the
Selection tab. For more information, see Test Data Generation Selection
tab on page 499.
7. Click OK to start the generation.
If you are generating a test data script : then a Result dialog box asks
you if you want to Edit or Close the newly generated file.
If you are generating test data to a live database connection , then a
Connect to a Data Source dialog box opens.
Select a data source, and then click Connect.
A message in the Output window indicates that the test data generation is

Test Data Generation General tab

The General tab allows you to set general generation options.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

The following options are available on this tab:

Option Result of selection

Directory Specifies the directory in which the file will be


File name Specifies the name of the file.

Select the One file only checkbox to specify that
only a single file can be generated.

Generation type Specifies how the test data will be generated. The
following settings are available:
Script generation - in DBMS-specific syntax
Direct generation to a live database connec-
Data file as a set of values in a file

Using Test Data

Option Result of selection

Commit mode Specifies when the data will be committed. The

following settings are available:
Auto - automatically during script generation
At end - at end of script generation
By packet - at defined intervals during script

Data file format For use with the data file option. The following
settings are available:
CSV comma-separated values
Custom delimiter specify a custom delimiter

Delete old data Deletes existing data before generating new data..

Check model Checks the PDM before generating the test

database or script, and stops generation if an
error is found.

Automatic archive Creates an archive of any previous test data.

Default number of rows Specifies the default number of rows for table
Default number profile Specifies the default number profile for table

Default character profile Specifies the default character profile for table

Default date profile Specifies the default date profile for table

Test Data Generation Number of Rows tab

The Number of Rows tab allows you to specify the number of rows of test
data to generate. Enter the required number in the Test Number column.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Test Data Generation Format tab

The Format tab allows you to set script format options.

Using Test Data

The following options are available on this tab:

Option Result of selection

Owner prefix Specifies that an owner prefix is added.

Titles Specifies that each section of the script includes commen-

tary in the form of titles.

Encoding Specifies the encoding format to use for test data genera-
tion. You should select the encoding format that supports
the language used in your model and the database encod-
ing format.

Character case Specifies the character case to use. The following settings
are available:
Upper - all uppercase characters
Lower - all lowercase characters
Mixed - both uppercase and lowercase characters

No accent Non-accented characters replace accented characters in


Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Test Data Generation Selection tab

The Selection tab allows you to specify tables for which test data will be

+ For more information on selection windows, see Adding an item from a

selection list section in the Objects chapter of the Core Features Guide .

Estimating Database Size

Estimating Database Size

You can estimate the size of a database for all the tables in the model or for
only selected tables throughout the model.
Basis of calculation You obtain an estimate based on the following elements:
Estimated number of records in tables

Columns in each table

Indexes in the model
Tablespaces in the model

Database storage options

Estimation depends on parameters like DBMS type, physical options,
column data types, indexes and keys. The estimation formula used in this
feature proceeds from the DBMS documentation.

Records in tables
You indicate a number of records in each table in your model.
Columns The estimated database size for a column is based on the following:
Size of fixed length data types
Average size of variable length data types

Indexes The estimate of the database size includes all indexes including primary key
indexes, foreign key indexes, alternate key indexes and database-specific
indexes such as IQ join indexes.

Automatic index constraints

The automatic indexing of keys is DBMS specific. If the target database
supports the automatic indexing of keys, the resulting database size estima-
tion includes these indexes.
Tablespace size The size of a tablespace associated with a table is estimated by default, and
is displayed as a total of the following:
All tables in the tablespace
All indexes in the tablespace
+ For more information on how to associate a tablespace with an index or
table, see section Creating an Index in chapter Building Physical Diagrams.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Storage options Data storage options are DBMS specific. You define data storage options
supported by the target database. These are included in the estimate of
database size.

Indicating the number of records in a table

Before you estimate database size, you indicate the number of records in
each table that you generate.

v To indicate the number of records in a table

1. Select Model Tables.
The List of Tables is displayed.

2. Display the Test Number column.

Display the column you need

If you do not see the column you need, display it with the Customize
Columns and Filter tool. For details, see Customizing object list
columns and filtering lists section in the Objets chapter of the Core
Features Guide .
3. Type a value in the Test Number column for the table that requires an
indication of the number of records.

Estimating Database Size

4. Click OK.

Indicating average data type length

You can indicate the estimated average data type length for variable length
data types. This average length value is then used instead of the maximum
data type length when you estimate database size.

Average size must be carefully selected

The average length value is particularly important for strings or long binary
data types. A Binary Long OBject (BLOB) such as a picture can represent
the largest portion of the space actually taken by a table.

v To indicate average data type length

1. Select Model Tables.
The List of Tables is displayed.
2. Double-click a table name.
The Table Properties sheet opens to the General tab.

3. Click the Columns tab.

The Columns tab is displayed.
4. Double-click a column that uses a data type with variable length.
The Column Properties sheet opens to the General tab.
5. Click the Detail tab.
The Detail tab is displayed.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

6. Type a value in the Average length box.

7. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

Estimating the database size of a model

You can estimate the database size of all the tables in the model.

Estimating Database Size

v To estimate the database size of all the tables in the model

1. Select Database Estimate Database Size.
The Database Size Estimation dialog box is displayed.

2. Click the Include Sub-Packages button.

3. Select all the tables from the list.

4. Click OK.
The output list displays the estimated database size.

Estimating the database size of selected tables

You can estimate the database size of selected tables in the model.

v To estimate the database size of selected tables in the model

1. Select Database Estimate Database Size.
The Database Size Estimation dialog box is displayed.
2. Select a package from the list.
The list of tables in the currently selected package is displayed.
3. Select one or more tables from the list.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

4. If required, repeat steps 2 and 3 until all the tables of interest have been
selected throughout the model.

5. Click OK.
A confirmation box is displayed asking if you want to keep all previously
selected objects in the database size estimate.
6. Click OK.
The output list displays the estimated database size.

Modifying a Database

Modifying a Database
You can modify an existing database schema by synchronizing it with your
model. The existing schema can be in the form of:
an archive model
a live database connection
a script file
a model from the repository
The PDM (source model) and the existing database schema (target model)
are merged using a database synchronization window, which allows you to
choose which objects are added, deleted, or updated in the target.

v To modify a database
1. Select Database Apply Model Changes to Database to open the Apply
Model Changes to Database dialog box.
2. Type a destination directory and filename for the script file in the
Directory and File Name boxes.
3. Specify the type of generation to perform. You can choose between a
script and a live database connection.
4. Specify how PowerDesigner will obtain the database schema to modify.
You can choose between:
Using an archive model Click the button to the right to browse to the
archived model.
Using a data source Click the button to the right to connect to your
data source.
Using a script file Select a script from the list or click the button to
the right to browse to the script.
Using a model from repository Click the Change Model Version tool
to the right to browse to a version of the currently selected model.
5. If you want to retain your existing data, select the Backup Tables option.
If this option is not selected, then all existing data will be erased. For
details of this and other options on this tab, see Apply Model Changes to
Database dialog General tab on page 508.
6. [optional] If you want to change the default generation options, then click
the Options tab. For more information about these options, see Apply
Model Changes to Database dialog Options tab on page 510.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

7. [optional] If you want to change the format of your script, then click the
Format tab. This tab has the same functionality as in the Database
Generation window (see Database Generation dialog Format tab on
page 456).
8. [optional] If you want to control which database objects will be modified,
then click the Selection tab. This tab has the same functionality as in the
Database Generation window (see Database Generation dialog Selection
tab on page 458)
9. Click OK. If you are using a live database connection, then the Reverse
Engineering window will open, allowing you to select or clear check
boxes in the target model for objects that you want to include or remove
from the source model. Make your selections and then click OK to
10. The Database Synchronization window will open. Select or clear check
boxes in the target model for objects that you want to include or remove
from the model.

+ For more information on comparing and merging models, see the

Comparing and Merging Models chapter in the Core Features Guide .
11. Click OK.
If you are generating a script, at the end of generation a result box
opens listing the file path of the generated file. To open the script in a
text editor, click the file in the result box and click the Edit button. To
close the Result box, click the Close button.

Modifying a Database

If you are generating a database directly, a Data Source connection box

is displayed. Type your connection details and click the Connect
button. A message box shows the progress of the generation process.
At the end of generation click OK to close the box.

Modify Database options

The following sections give detailed information about the various options
that you can use to control database modification.

Apply Model Changes to Database dialog General tab

This tab controls the main options for database modification.

You can set the following options:

Option Description

Directory [required] Specifies the destination directory for the

script file.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Option Description

File name [required] Specifies the destination filename for the

script file.

One file only Specifies that the generation script is created as a single
file. By default, a separate script file is created for each
Generation Type Specifies the type of generation to perform. You can
choose between:
Script generation - generate a script to be executed
on a DBMS at a later time
Direct generation generate a script and execute it
on a live database connection

Edit generation [available only when direct generation is selected]

script Opens the generation script in a text editor for review or
editing before execution on a live database connection.

Obtains database Select the kind of schema that the model will modify.
schema You can choose between:
Using an archive model - Modified PDM is merged
with an archived PDM.
Using a data source - Modified PDM is merged
with a reverse engineered database schema for a live
database connection.
Using a script file - Modified PDM script file is
merged with an existing database script file.
Using a model from repository - Modified PDM is
merged with a selected version of a PDM consoli-
dated in the repository.

Backup tables Specifies that any existing table will be copied to

temporary backup tables during the modification, and
then restored to the updated tables. If this option is not
selected, then all existing data will be erased.

Always use create Select a radio button to specify whether create state-
statements/ ments should always be used to modify database tables,
Use alter state- or whether alter statements should be used where pos-
ments when possi- sible

Modifying a Database

Option Description

Drop temporary [available only when Backup Tables is selected] Speci-

tables fies that the temporary backup tables are removed after
script execution.
Use physical op- [available only when Backup Tables is selected] Spec-
tions for temporary ifies that the temporary backup tables are generated
tables with their physical options.

Check model Specifies that a model check is performed before script


Automatic archive Creates an archive version of the PDM after generation.

You can load option settings previously used for database generation via the
Settings set bar at the bottom of the tab. For more information, see Quick
launch selection and settings sets on page 441.

Apply Model Changes to Database dialog Options tab

This tab controls certain script options.

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

These options are dependent on the selected DBMS and certain of them may
be unavailable.

Option Result of selection

Inside/ Specifies whether and where various constraints will be gen-

Outside erated. Note that if alter statements are used to modify tables,
then constraints may be generated outside the table even if the
inside radio button is selected here.

Index Fil- Specifies which kinds of indexes to generate.


Comment Specifies whether comments are generated.

You can load option settings previously used for database generation via the
Settings set bar at the bottom of the tab. For more information, see Quick
launch selection and settings sets on page 441.

Apply Model Changes to Database dialog Format tab

This tab controls the format of your modification script. It has the same

Modifying a Database

functionality as the equivalent tab in Database Generation (see Database

Generation dialog Format tab on page 456).

Apply Model Changes to Database dialog Selection tab

The Selection tab allows you to specify individual objects to generate. It has
the same functionality as the equivalent tab in Database Generation (see
Database Generation dialog Selection tab on page 458).

Chapter 9. Generating a Database from a PDM

Accessing a Database
PowerDesigner allows you to display data from the database that
corresponds to your model, and to send SQL queries to a connected data

Displaying data from a database

If the database corresponding to the PDM already exists, you can display the
data that corresponds to a table, view, or reference in the PDM.

v To display data from a connected database

1. Right-click a table, view, or reference.
A contextual menu is displayed.
2. Select View Data from the contextual menu.
A dialog box asks you to identify a data source and connection

3. Select the Machine data source radio button.

Select a data source from the list.
Select the File data source radio button.
Browse to the directory containing the .DSN file.
Select the .DSN file.

Accessing a Database

4. Type your user ID and password.

5. Click Connect and, if prompted by your data source, type additional
connection parameters.
A Query Results windows list all the database records corresponding to
the selected table, view, or reference.
6. Click the Close button.

Executing SQL queries

You can send SQL queries to a database and display the results.

v To execute a SQL query

1. Select Database Execute SQL. If you are not already connected to a
database, the Connect to Data Source window will open. Choose your
connection profile and click Connect to proceed to the Execute SQL
Query dialog.

2. Type one or more SQL statements in the window, and click Run to apply
them to the database.

The query results are displayed in the Results window.


Reverse Engineering a Database into a


About this chapter This chapter describes how to reverse engineer database objects into a PDM.
Contents Topic: page

Getting Started with Reverse Engineering 516

Reverse Engineering from Scripts 517

Reverse Engineering from a Live Database 520

Reverse Engineering Options 524

Reverse Engineering Database Statistics 532

Getting Started with Reverse Engineering

Getting Started with Reverse Engineering

Reverse engineering is the process of generating a PDM (or certain PDM
objects) from an existing database schema. You can reverse engineer an
existing database schema into a new PDM or into an existing PDM.
There are two ways to reverse engineer a PDM from a database schema:

Generate Description

Script file The script will normally be the script used to generate the
database but can also include other scripts.
If you use more than one script files, make sure that the order
of the files respects dependencies among objects (for example,
trigger creation scripts must come after table creation scripts;
and grant permission scripts must come after both table and
user creation scripts.
For more information, see the Reverse Engineering from
Scripts on page 517 section.

Data You reverse engineer the schema for an existing database,

source specifying an data source, and connection information.You can
select to use administrator permissions in order to be able to
select the system tables that are reserved to a database admin.
For more information, see the Reverse Engineering from a
Live Database on page 520 section.

Set options appropriately

When you reverse engineer a database, whether from a script or a data
source, make sure that you set the rebuild options appropriately. Click the
Options tab and select or clear the checkboxes to rebuild references and/or
primary keys according to your needs. By default, no rebuild options are

Chapter 10. Reverse Engineering a Database into a PDM

Reverse Engineering from Scripts

PowerDesigner can reverse engineer a PDM for one or more SQL script files.

Reversing from SQL files in Eclipse

When working with the PowerDesigner Eclipse plug-in you can, in addition
to the procedure below, select any SQL file in the Navigator, right-click it
and select Reverse Engineer from SQL File. You will be given the option
to reverse into an existing or new PDM.

v To reverse engineer objects one or more script files

1. To reverse engineer a script into an existing PDM, select Database
Update Model from Database.
To reverse engineer a script and create a new PDM, select File Reverse
Engineer Database to open the New Physical Data Model dialog box.
Specify a model name, choose a DBMS from the list, and then click OK.
2. When the Database Reverse Engineering Options dialog box opens, click
the Using script files radio button.

Always place trigger script files after table script files

You can add as many script files as necessary to the list. The reverse
engineering process handles files sequentially. Trigger scripts must
always be executed after table scripts. This is the only constraint for
ordering your files in the list, but it is essential for a successful reverse
engineering of triggers. Use the Move tools to position the files correctly
in the list.

Reverse Engineering from Scripts

3. Click the Options tab to specify any reverse engineering options. For
more details, see Reverse engineering Options tab on page 524.

4. Click the Target Models tab to specify any external shortcuts. For more
details, see Reverse engineering Target Models tab on page 527.

5. Click OK to begin the process of reverse engineering. When the process

is complete, a confirmation message is given in the Output window. If
you are reverse engineering to an existing PDM, then the Merge Models
dialog box opens to help you merge the new objects into your PDM.
+ For more information on comparing and merging two models, see the
Comparing and Merging Models chapter in the Core Features Guide .

Script file tools

The following tools are available to help you to select script files:

Chapter 10. Reverse Engineering a Database into a PDM

Tool Description

Add Files Opens a dialog box to allow you to browse for scripts
files. You can add as many files as necessary.

Move Up Moves the selected file(s) up one row. This tool is

grayed if the selected file(s) are at the top of the list.

Move Down - Moves the selected file(s) down one row. This tool is
grayed if the selected file(s) are at the bottom of the list.

Clear All - Deletes all files from the list.

Reverse Engineering from a Live Database

Reverse Engineering from a Live Database

PowerDesigner can reverse engineer a PDM from a live database connection.

v To reverse engineer database objects from a live database con-

1. To reverse engineer from a live database connection into an existing
PDM, select Database Update Model from Database to open the
Database Reverse Engineering Options dialog box.
To reverse engineer from a live database connection and create a new
PDM, select File Reverse Engineer Database to open the New
Physical Data Model dialog box. Specify a model name, choose a DBMS
from the list, and then click OK.
2. When the Database Reverse Engineering Options dialog box opens, click
the Using a data source radio button.

Chapter 10. Reverse Engineering a Database into a PDM

Data source
A data source might be predefined, or you can type the name of an
existing data source. In both cases, when you click OK, a database
connection dialog box opens, if you need to specify additional connec-
tion parameters. Click Connect and the Database Reverse Engineering
dialog box is displayed. (Go to step 9)

3. Click the Connect to a Data Source tool to open the Connect to an

ODBC Data Source dialog box.

4. Select the appropriate source, type a user ID and a password, and then
click Connect to return to the Database Reverse Engineering Options
dialog box.

5. If you want to select tables reserved to the database administrator, then

you must select the Reverse using administrators permissions check
6. Click the Options tab to specify any reverse engineering options. For
more details, see Reverse engineering Options tab on page 524.

Reverse Engineering from a Live Database

7. Click the Target Models tab to specify any external shortcuts. For more
details, see Reverse engineering Target Models tab on page 527.
8. Click OK to open the ODBC Reverse Engineering dialog box. This box
allows you to specify a selection of objects to reverse engineer. Only
tables and triggers are selected by default.

For more information about selecting objects, see Database Reverse

Chapter 10. Reverse Engineering a Database into a PDM

Engineering Selection window on page 528.

9. Click OK to begin the process of reverse engineering. When the process
is complete, a confirmation message is given in the Output window. If
you are reverse engineering to an existing PDM, then the Merge Models
dialog box opens to help you merge the new objects into your PDM.
+ For more information on comparing and merging two models, see the
Comparing and Merging Models chapter in the Core Features Guide .

Reverse Engineering Options

Reverse Engineering Options

The following sections give detailed information about the various options
that you can use to control reverse engineering.

Reverse engineering Options tab

When you reverse engineer a database schema using script files or a data
source, you can define rebuild options after reverse engineering.
The rebuild options automatically perform the following tasks after reverse

Reverse options Description

Automatically re- Rebuilds references when no references are reverse

build references engineered. The rebuild references feature starts by
when no reference is detecting columns with identical name and data type
reversed in different tables. A reference is created between
each column belonging to a primary key and a col-
umn, with identical name and data type, that does not
belong to a primary or a foreign key in another table.

Automatically re- Rebuilds primary keys using unique indexes when

build primary keys tables have no key and only one unique index.
from unique indexes
when tables have no
key and only one
unique index

Automatically re- Reverse engineers the parents of the selected child

verse tables refer- tables in order to complement the definition of these
enced by selected child tables.

Chapter 10. Reverse Engineering a Database into a PDM

Reverse options Description

Create symbols Creates a symbol for each reversed object in the

diagram. Otherwise, reversed objects are visible only
in the browser.
The layout of the symbols in the diagram will be
automatically arranged. In cases where there are a
large number of objects with complex interactions,
the auto-layout feature is likely to create synonyms
of objects to improve the diagram readability. For
example, if a table has a large number of references,
the auto-layout feature will create a synonym of this
table in another location of the diagram in order to
improve the diagram presentation.

File encoding Specifies the default file encoding of the files to

reverse engineer. Click the ellipsis to the right of
the option to change the encoding (see Reverse
engineering encoding format on page 525).

Block terminator Specifies the end of block character for the reversed
script. By default, displays the value defined in the
DBMS, under Script\SQL\Syntax. You can modify
this value, in which case it will be saved in the
Registry for reuse in other models. You can restore
the DBMS value using the Restore from DBMS tool.

Command termina- Specifies the end of command character for the

tor reversed script. By default, displays the value defined
in the DBMS, under Script\SQL\Syntax. You can
modify this value, in which case it will be saved in the
Registry for reuse in other models. You can restore
the DBMS value using the Restore from DBMS tool.
Case sensitive Specifies that the database is case sensitive and
database enables the case sensitive option in the model.

+ For more information on indexes, rebuilding references and rebuilding

primary keys, see chapter Building Physical Diagrams.

Reverse engineering encoding format

If the code you want to reverse engineer is written with Unicode or MBCS
(Multibyte character set), you should use the encoding parameters provided
to you in the File Encoding box.

Reverse Engineering Options

If you want to change these parameters because you know which encoding is
used within the sources, you can select the appropriate encoding parameter
by clicking the Ellipsis button beside the File Encoding box. This opens the
Text Input Encoding Format dialog box in which you can select the
encoding format of your choice.

The Text Input Encoding Format dialog box includes the following options:

Option Description

Encoding hint Encoding format to be used as hint when reversing the


Detection mode Indicates whether text encoding detection is to be at-

tempted and specifies how much of each file should be
analyzed. When enabled, PowerDesigner analyzes a por-
tion of the text, and uses an heuristic based on illegal bytes
sequences and/or the presence of encoding-specific tags
in order to detect the appropriate encoding that should be
used for reading the text.
The following settings are available:
No detection - for use when you know what the encod-
ing format is
Quick detection - analyzes a small part of the file. For
use when you think that the encoding format will be
easy to detect
Full detection analyzes the whole file. For use when
you think that the number of characters that determine
the encoding format is very small

Chapter 10. Reverse Engineering a Database into a PDM

Option Description

On ambiguous Specifies what action should be taken in case of ambigu-

detection ity. The following settings are available:
Use encoding hint and display warning - the encod-
ing hint format is used and a warning message is dis-
Use encoding hint - the encoding hint format is used
but no warning message is displayed.
Use detected encoding - the encoding format detected
by PowerDesigner is used

Abort on charac- Allows you to stop reverse engineering if characters

ter loss cannot be identified and are to be lost in current encoding

Here is an example on how to read encoding formats from the list:

Reverse engineering Target Models tab

External shortcuts depend on their corresponding target objects located in
different models. When you need several models to design a single database,
you can use shortcuts to share objects between models.
During reverse engineering, PowerDesigner allows you to create external
shortcuts from target objects in target models. In the Database Reverse
Engineering Options dialog box, the Target Models tab displays the list of
detected target models containing target objects for shortcuts in the current
model to reverse.
This tab is always visible in the Database Reverse Engineering Options
dialog box, even if the model does not contain shortcuts.
This tab is empty when you reverse engineer into a new model. This is to let
you add target models and create shortcuts instead of duplicating objects.
You can use the Target Models tab in the Database Reverse Engineering
Options dialog box to manage target models using the following tools:

Reverse Engineering Options

Tool Tooltip Description

Change Target Displays a standard Open dialog box to let you

Model select another file as target model

Open Model Opens selected target model in current workspace

Add Models Opens a selection list with the models opened in

the current workspace. This tool is particularly
useful when you reverse engineer into a new
model where the target models are not defined

Delete Deletes the target model and the shortcuts in the

current model that reference the deleted target
When you reverse engineer a model, any target models should be open in
your workspace. If not, the following confirmation dialog box is displayed
to let you open the target models:

Reverse engineering All the create statements in the script create objects, provided the script
from script contains a full definition of the object.
When the script only uses an object and does not define it, this object is
sought among the target objects in the target models and an external shortcut
is created in the reversed model.
Reverse engineering When you reverse engineer from a live database connection, external
from data source shortcuts are created for all selected objects already existing in another target
model. These existing objects are deselected by default in the Selection tab
of the Reverse Engineering dialog box, except the target objects
corresponding to shortcuts already existing in the reversed model.

Database Reverse Engineering Selection window

When you reverse engineer a database from a live database connection, you
can choose to generate a PDM for all, or just selected objects. You make this
selection in the Database Reverse Engineering Selection window:

Chapter 10. Reverse Engineering a Database into a PDM

The object types that you can reverse engineer are DBMS-dependent.
Unavailable object types do not appear for selection.
Filters You can restrict database objects to reverse engineer by selecting an owner
or a database qualifier in the top area of the window:

Filter Description

Qualifier A qualifier is a database, or a partition in a database, that

contains one or more tables. When a qualifier is selected as a
filter, it restricts the objects available for reverse engineering to
the objects contained within the selected qualifier. For example,
the DB2 DBMS authorizes the use of the qualifier field to select
which databases are to be reverse engineered from a list.

Owner Normally the creator of a database object is its owner. When an

owner is selected as a filter; it restricts the objects available for
reverse engineering to the objects owned by the selected owner.
You can filter on a qualifier and/or owner in either of the following ways:
Select a qualifier in the Filter on object qualifier list and/or select a user
ID in the Filter on object owner list.
Click the Select Qualifier and Owner tool, and type a qualifier and/or
owner in the dialog box. This method is recommended if the selected
qualifier contains a large number of table owners, as opening the Owner
list may take a very long time.

Reverse Engineering Options

Note that only users that have creation rights are reverse engineered.

Selecting objects from multiple owners

To reverse engineer objects from multiple owners, you can select All users
as a filter from the owner list. All the objects belonging to all owners
appear in the list, and you can select the objects for reverse engineering
regardless of their owner.
Objects and options You access different object types to select by clicking on the appropriate

Tables and triggers

When you select tables containing triggers from the Table tab, the corre-
sponding triggers are automatically selected in the Trigger tab.
Certain object types have attributes, or options, that appear below the object
lists. These options depend on the selected object type and on the current
DBMS. Unavailable options appear grayed.

User-defined and abstract data types

You can reverse engineer user-defined and abstract data types. In the
generated PDM, the names of these data types appear in the List of
Abstract Data Types.
Selection list You can save your selections for re-use by entering a selection name in the
list at the bottom of the window and clicking the save tool to the right of the
list. Selections are saved with a .sel file extension, and are added to the list
for subsequent use. You can change the folder in which the files are saved by
clicking the folder tool to the right of the list.
+ For more information on selection windows, see Adding an item from a
selection list section in the Objects chapter of the Core Features Guide .

Reverse engineering a Microsoft Access 97 database

PowerDesigner and MS Access 97 use .DAT files to exchange information.
These files are reversed into the PDM. The access.mdb database uses or
creates .DAT files to reverse Access databases.

Chapter 10. Reverse Engineering a Database into a PDM

You can define the database reverse parameters from the access.mdb
database window.

v To reverse an MS Access database into a PowerDesigner PDM

1. Double-click ACCESS.MDB in the PowerDesigner \tools directory.
2. Select Reverse Engineer Access Database File to PowerDesigner Script.
3. Type the Access database name in the Select Database box.
4. Type the .DAT file to create in the PowerDesigner File.
5. Click the Create button.
6. Select DBMS Reverse Engineering Databases in PowerDesigner.
7. Select the newly generated script file to reverse.
8. Click OK.
Optimizing live database reverse engineering queries
Live database reverse engineering has been optimized in order to improve
performance. All queries run according to an optimization process rule. This
process uses the following registry keys:
RevOdbcMinCount defines a number of selected objects for reverse
engineering. The default number is 100
RevOdbcMinPerct defines a percentage of selected objects for reverse
engineering. The default percentage is 10
These keys do not exist by default, you have to create and edit them in the
Registry under:
Current User \Software\Sybase\PowerDesigner <version>\
FolderOptions\Physical Objects

During reverse engineering, PowerDesigner compares the total number of

current objects for reverse engineering to the value of RevOdbcMinCount.
If the total number of listed items is lower than the value of
RevOdbcMinCount A global reverse query is executed.

If the total number of listed items is higher than the value of

RevOdbcMinCount The process uses key RevOdbcMinPerct.
If the percentage of reversed items is lower than the percentage defined in
RevOdbcMinPerct, then the same query is executed for each object.
If the percentage of reversed items is higher than the percentage defined
in RevOdbcMinPerct, then a global query is executed.

Reverse Engineering Database Statistics

Reverse Engineering Database Statistics

You can reverse engineer statistics for an existing database, such as the
number of distinct or null values in a column or the average length of a
character field. These can provide helpful information when optimizing a
You can reverse engineer the statistics as part of the general reverse
engineering process by selecting the Statistics checkbox in the Database
Reverse Engineering window (see Reverse Engineering from a Live
Database on page 520), or update them at any other time, using the
dedicated Update Statistics window.

v To update database statistics

1. Select Tools Update Statistics to open the Update Statistics window (if
PowerDesigner is not presently connected to a database via a live
database connection, you will be required to connect):

2. On the General tab, select or clear the checkboxes to specify whether you
want to update statistics for tables and/or columns.
3. [optional] Click the Selection tab and select or clear checkboxes to
specify for which tables you want to update statistics:

Chapter 10. Reverse Engineering a Database into a PDM

4. Click OK to begin the update. Progress appears in the Output window.

For large updates, a progress dialog box opens, allowing you to cancel
the update at any time.
When the process is complete, you can view the updated statistics in the
property sheets of your tables and columns.


DBMS-Specific Features

About this chapter PowerDesigner can be used with a number of DBMS with specific features
often requiring special procedures for certain tasks. This chapter describes
these DBMS-specific features and associated tasks.
+ For more information on DBMS definition file contents, see the DBMS
Resource File Reference chapter in the Customizing and Extending
PowerDesigner manual.
Contents Topic: page

Working with PowerDesigners DBMS-Specific Features 536

IBM DB2 for z/OS (formerly OS/390) 537

IBM DB2 for Common Server 542

Informix SQL 549

Ingres 550

Interbase 551

Microsoft Access 552

Microsoft SQL Server 553

MySQL 617

NonStop SQL 619

Oracle 620

PostgreSQL 643

Red Brick Warehouse 648

Sybase AS Anywhere 649

Sybase AS Enterprise 655

Sybase AS IQ 659

Sybase SQL Anywhere 674

Teradata 678

Working with PowerDesigners DBMS-Specific Features

Working with PowerDesigners DBMS-Specific

This chapter provides information about the DBMS-specific features in
PowerDesigner provides customized support for a wide range of database
families through DBMS-specific resource files. These files have a .xdb
extension, and are located in the Resource Files\DBMS directory inside
your PowerDesigner installation directory.
Resource files support, among others, three kinds of customization for
PowerDesigner model objects:
Assignment of standard objects to the specific syntax of a DBMS

Definition of Extended Attributes for certain objects to allow for

DBMS-specific object properties
Definition of additional DBMS-specific model objects.
You can view and edit the resource file for your selected DBMS in the
Resource Editor by selecting Database Edit Current DBMS.
+ For more information about working with resource files and the
Resource File Editor, see the following chapters in the Customizing and
Extending PowerDesigner manual:
Resource Files and the Public Metamodel
DBMS Resource File Reference
Extending your models with Profiles

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

IBM DB2 for z/OS (formerly OS/390)

This section describes features specific to the IBM DB2 for z/OS family of

Deprecated versions
The DBMSs for IBM DB2 v5.x are deprecated.
The following table lists DB2 objects and their equivalents in

DB2 PowerDesigner

Bufferpool Storage

Database Partition Group Extended Object


Distinct Type Domain

Function Procedure of Function type

Index Extension Extended Object <<IndexExtension>>

Method Abstract Data Type Procedure

Type Abstract Data Type

SuperView SubView of a View

Trusted contexts
Using a trusted context in an application can improve security by placing
accountability at the middle-tier, reducing over granting of privileges, and
auditing of end-users activities.
Trusted contexts are supported for DB2 v9.x and higher for z/OS.
PowerDesigner models trusted contexts as extended objects with a
stereotype of <<TrustedContext>>.
Creating a trusted You can create a trusted context in any of the following ways:
Select Model Trusted Contexts to access the List of Trusted Contexts,
and click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Trusted Context.
Trusted context You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a

IBM DB2 for z/OS (formerly OS/390)

trusted context property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Trusted
Contexts folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the DB2 tab:

Name Description

Enable Specifies that the trusted context is created in the enabled

Scripting name: Enable
Authorization Specifies that the context is a connection that is established
by the authorization ID that is specified by authorization-
Scripting name: Authorization
Default role Specifies the default role that is assigned to a user in a trusted
connection when the user does not have a role in the trusted
If empty, then a No Default Role is assumed.
Scripting name: DefaultRole

As object Specifies that the role is treated as the owner of the objects
owner that are created using a trusted connection based on the
trusted context.
Scripting name: WithRoleAsObjectOwner

Default secu- Specifies the default security label for a trusted connection
rity label based on the trusted context.
Scripting name: DefaultSecurityLabel

Attributes Specifies one or more connection trust attributes that are

used to define the trusted context.
Scripting name: Attributes
With use for Specifies who can use a trusted connection that is based on
the trusted context.
Scripting name: WithUseFor

Auxiliary tables
Auxiliary tables are used to store large object (LOB) data, such as graphics,
video, etc, or to store rarely-accessed data in order to improve the
performance of the base table.
Auxiliary tables are supported for IBM DB2 v9.x and higher for z/OS.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

PowerDesigner models auxiliary tables as extended objects with a stereotype

of <<Auxiliary Table>>.
Creating an auxiliary You can create an auxiliary table in any of the following ways:
Select Model Auxiliary Table to access the List of Auxiliary Tables,
and click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Auxiliary Table.
Auxiliary table properties You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
auxiliary table property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the
Auxiliary Tables folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the DB2 tab:

Name Description

Database Specifies the database in which the LOB data will be stored.
Scripting name: Database

Tablespace Specifies the table space in which the auxiliary table is

Scripting name: Tablespace

Table Specifies the table that owns the LOB column.

Scripting name: Table

Column Specifies the name of the LOB column in the auxiliary table.
Scripting name: Column

Partition Specifies the partition of the base table for which the auxiliary
table is to store the specified column.
Scripting name: Partition

Tablespace prefix
In IBM databases for OS/390, the physical options for a table can specify the
tablespace in which a table resides, as well as the database name.
You declare a tablespace in a database and assign a table to a tablespace on
the Physical Options (Common) tabs of their property sheets.
If the tablespace is not declared in any database, then the tablespace is not
prefixed by any database name.

IBM DB2 for z/OS (formerly OS/390)

When you preview your table creation code, you can verify that the
tablespace is prefixed by the name of the database.

IBM DB2 extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the IBM DB2
Column The following extended attributes are available on the DB2 tab:

Name Description

Field pro- Defines the procedure that will be used as generator/cryptor of

cedure values.
name Scripting name: ExtFieldProcName

Character [up to v6.x] Specifies a subtype for a character string column

subtype (column with a CHAR,VARCHAR,or LONG VARCHAR
data type). The subtype can proceed from the list defined in
extended attribute type T_ForData.
Scripting name: ExtData

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Generated [v7.x and higher] Indicates that DB2 generates values for the
value column using the computed column function. If you select
Always, the server will send an error message if you try to type
a value in the column. If you select By Default, the server uses
the computed column value or the value typed for the column.
Scripting name: ExtGeneratedAs
Character [v7.x and higher] Specifies a subtype for a character string
subtype column.
Scripting name: ExtSubtypeData

Domain The following extended attributes are available on the DB2 tab:

Name Description

Character [v6.x and higher] Specifies a subtype for a character string

Subtype column.
Scripting name: ExtSubtypeData

IBM DB2 for Common Server

IBM DB2 for Common Server

This section describes features specific to the IBM DB2 for Common Server
family of databases.

Deprecated versions
The DBMSs for IBM DB2 v5.x are deprecated.
To see the comparison table between DB2 objects and their equivalents in
PowerDesigner, see IBM DB2 for z/OS (formerly OS/390) on page 537.

Database partition groups

Database partition groups are supported for DB2 v9.x and higher for
Common Server.
A partition group is a logical layer that provides for the grouping of one or
more database partitions. A partition can belong to more than one partition
group. When a database is created, DB2 creates three default partition
groups, which cannot be dropped.
Creating a database You can create a database partition group in any of the following ways:
partition group
Select Model Database Partition Groups to access the List of Database
Partition Groups, and click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Database Partition Group.
Database partition group You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
properties database partition group property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or
its Browser entry in the Database Partition Groups folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the DB2 tab:

Property Description

Database Specifies the database partitions that are in the partition group.
partitions When empty, the group includes all database partitions defined
in the database at the time of its creation.
Scripting name: DBPartitionNumList

Index extensions
Index extensions are supported for DB2 v9.x and higher, and are used with
indexes on tables that have columns of a structured or distinct type.
The following options are available on the DB2 tab:

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Property Description

Owner Specifies the index extension schema.

Scripting name: Owner

Parameters Specifies a list of parameters (with data types) that is passed

to the index extension at CREATE INDEX time to define the
actual behavior of this index extension.
Scripting name: IndexExtensionParameters

Key gener- Specifies how the index key is generated using a user-defined
ation func- table function. Multiple index entries may be generated for a
tion single source key data value.
Scripting name: KeyGenerationFunction

Parameter Specifies parameters for the key generation function.

Scripting name: KeyGenerationFunctionParameters

Search Specifies the list of method details of the index search. Each
methods detail consists of a method name, the search arguments, a range
producing function, and an optional index filter function.
Scripting name: SearchMethods

Source key Specifies the parameter (and its data type) that is associated
parameters with the source key column.
Scripting name: SourceKeyParameters

Target key Specifies the target key parameters that are the output of the
parameters key generation function specified on the GENERATE KEY
USING clause.
Scripting name: TargetKeyParameters

IBM DB2 extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the IBM DB2
Abstract Data Types The following extended attributes are available on the DB2 tab (v9.x and

IBM DB2 for Common Server

Name Description

Inline Indicates the maximum size (in bytes) of a structured type

length column instance to store inline with the rest of the values
in the row of a table. Instances of a structured type or its
subtypes, that are larger than the specified inline length, are
stored separately from the base table row, similar to the way
that LOB values are handled.
Scripting name: InlineLength

Without Indicates that there are no comparison functions supported for

compari- instances of the structured type.
son Scripting name: WithoutComparison
Cast (ref Defines the name of the system-generated function that casts
as source) a reference type value for this structured type to the data type
function representation type. A schema name must not be specified as
part of function name (SQLSTATE 42601). The cast function
is created in the same schema as the structured type. If the
clause is not specified, the default value for function name is
the name of the representation type.
Scripting name: RefAsSourceCastFunction

Cast Defines the name of the system-generated function that casts

(source as a value with the data type representation type to the reference
ref) func- type of this structured type. A schema name must not be speci-
tion fied as part of the function name (SQLSTATE 42601). The cast
function is created in the same schema as the structured type. If
the clause is not specified, the default value for function name is
the structured type name. A matching function signature must
not already exist in the same schema (SQLSTATE 42710).
Scripting name: SourceAsRefCastFunction
With func- Indicates that all methods of this type and its subtypes, in-
tion access cluding methods created in the future, can be accessed using
functional notation. This clause can be specified only for the
root type of a structured type hierarchy (the UNDER clause is
not specified) (SQLSTATE 42613). This clause is provided to
allow the use of functional notation for those applications that
prefer this form of notation over method invocation notation.
Scripting name: WithFunctionAccess

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Ref using Defines the built-in data type used as the representation (un-
derlying data type) for the reference type of this structured
type and all its subtypes. This clause can only be specified for
the root type of a structured type hierarchy (UNDER clause
is not specified) (SQLSTATE 42613). The type cannot be a
DBCLOB, DATALINK, or structured type, and must have a
length less than or equal to 32 672 bytes (SQLSTATE 42613).
If this clause is not specified for the root type of a structured
type hierarchy, then REF USING VARCHAR(16) FOR BIT
DATA is assumed.
Scripting name: RepType

Length/ Specifies the precision for representation type.

precision Scripting name: RepPrecision

Abstract Data Type The following extended attributes are available on the DB2 tab (v9.x and
Attributes higher) with the LOB data type:

Name Description

Compact Specifies COMPACT options for LOB data type columns.

Scripting name: Compact

Logged Specifies LOGGED options for LOB data type columns.

Scripting name: Logged
Abstract Data Type The following extended attributes are available on the DB2 tab (v9.x and
Procedures higher):

Name Description

Inherit iso- Specifies whether or not a lock request can be associated with
lation level the isolation-clause of the statement when the method inherits
the isolation level of the statement that invokes the method. The
Scripting name: IsolationLevel

Method is Indicates that the CREATE METHOD statement is being used

external to register a method, based on code written in an external
programming language.
Scripting name: ExternalMethod

IBM DB2 for Common Server

Name Description

External Identifies the name of the user-written code which implements

name the method being defined.
Scripting name: ExternalName

Transform Indicates the transform group that is used for user-defined

group structured type transformations when invoking the method. A
transform is required since the method definition includes a
user-defined structured type.
Scripting name: TransformGroup

Columns The following extended attributes are available on the DB2 tab:

Name Description

Lob option [up to v8.x] Specifies options for LOB data type columns.
Scripting name: ExtLobOption
For bit data Specifies that the content of the column is to be treated as
bit (binary) data. This is only applicable on columns with a
character datatype.
Scripting name: ExtForBitData

Expression [v7.x and higher] Specifies that the definition of the column is
based on an expression.
Scripting name: ExtGenExpr

Always [v7.x and higher] When set to True (generated always), indi-
Generate cates that DB2 will always generate a value for the column
value when a row is inserted into the table or whenever the result
value of the generation expression may change.
When set to False (generated by default), indicates that DB2
will generate a value for the column when a row is inserted into
the table, unless a value is specified.
Scripting name: ExtGenAlways

Compact Specifies COMPACT options for LOB data type columns.

Scripting name: Compact
Logged Specifies LOGGED options for LOB data type columns.
Scripting name: Logged

Tables The following extended attributes are available on the DB2 tab:

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Ptcfree Indicates what percentage of each tab to leave as free space

during load or reorganization.
Scripting name: ExtTablePctFree
Tablespaces The following extended attributes are available on the DB2 tab:

Name Description

Type Specifies the tablespace type, as defined in the extended

attribute type ExtTablespaceTypeList.
Scripting name: ExtTablespaceType
Views The following extended attributes are available on the DB2 tab (v9.x and

Name Description

View is Specifies that the columns of the view are based on the attributes
based on a of the structured type identified by type-name.
type Scripting name: ADTView
Structured Specifies the abstract data type that the view is based on.
type Scripting name: ViewType

Super view Specifies the view that the current view is a subview of. The
superview must be an existing view and must be defined using
a structured type that is the immediate supertype of the current
view type.
Scripting name: SuperView

Identifier Defines the object identifier column for the typed view.
column Scripting name: OIDColumn
Unchecked Defines the object identifier column of the typed view definition
to assume uniqueness even though the system cannot prove this
Scripting name: Unchecked

Additional Defines additional options that apply to columns of a typed

options view.
Scripting name: RootViewOptions

IBM DB2 for Common Server

Name Description

With row Specifies that an updated row is to be moved to the appropriate

movement underlying table, even if it violates a check constraint on that
Scripting name: WithRowMovement

Check op- Specifies the constraint that every row that is inserted or
tion updated through the view must conform to the definition of the
Scripting name: CheckOption

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Informix SQL
This section describes features specific to the Informix SQL family of

Informix SQL extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the Informix
Columns The following extended attributes are available on the Informix tab:

Name Description

Serial Start Defines the initial value of the column with a SERIAL
Scripting name: ExtSerialStart


This section describes features specific to the Ingres family of databases.

Ingres extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the Ingres
Columns The following extended attributes are available on the Extended Attributes

Name Description

NotDefault Indicates the column needs a value. This generates the not
default clause in the sql statement.
Scripting name: NotDefault
Users The following extended attributes are available on the Ingres tab:

Name Description

Default Specifies the default group the user belongs to.

group Scripting name: DefaultGroup
Expiration Specifies an optional expiration date associated with each user.
date Any valid date can be used. Once the expiration date is reached,
the user is no longer able to log on. If the expire_date clause is
omitted, the default is noexpire_date.
Scripting name: ExpireDate

External Allows a users password to be authenticated externally to

password Ingres. The password is passed to an external authentication
server for authentication.
Scripting name: ExternalPassword

Limiting Allows a security administrator to restrict the highest security

security label with which users can connect to Ingres when enforcing
label mandatory access control (MAC).
Scripting name: LimitingSecurityLabel

Profile Allows a profile to be specified for a particular user. If the

profile clause is omitted, the default is noprofile.
Scripting name: Profile

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

This section describes features specific to the Interbase family of databases.

Interbase extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the Interbase
Indexes The following extended attributes are available on the Interbase tab:

Name Description

Row sort Defines that the default value of the index (ascending
or descending) is defined on the index and not on the
Scripting name: ExtAscDesc
Sequences The following extended attributes are available on the Interbase tab:

Name Description

First value Specifies the sequence first value for Interbase generator.
Scripting name: ExtStartWith

Increment value Specifies the sequence increment value for Interbase

Scripting name: ExtIncrement

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access
This section describes features specific to the MS Access family of

Deprecated versions
The DBMS for Microsoft Access 95 & 97 is deprecated.

MS Access extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the Microsoft
Access DBMS.
Columns The following extended attributes are available on the Access 2000 tab:

Name Description

Allow Zero Specifies whether a zero-length string () is a valid entry in

Length a table column.
Applies only to Text, Memo, and Hyperlink table fields.
Scripting name: ExtAllowZeroLength

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Microsoft SQL Server

This section describes features specific to the Microsoft SQL Server family
of databases.

Horizontal partitioning
Horizontal positioning in MS SQL Server 2005 is a method for making large
tables and indexes more manageable by dividing them horizontally and
spreading them across more than one filegroup in a database.
PowerDesigner supports horizontal partitioning through the partition
function and partition scheme objects.

Partition functions
A partition function specifies how a table or index can be partitioned.
PowerDesigner models partition functions as extended objects with a
stereotype of <<PartitionFunction>>.
Creating a partition You can create a partition function in any of the following ways:
Select Model Partition Functions to access the List of Partition
Functions, and click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Partition Function.
Partition function You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
properties partition function property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its
Browser entry in the Partition Functions folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Input Parameter Specifies the data type of the column used for parti-
Type tioning. All data types are valid, except text, ntext,
image, xml, timestamp, varchar(max), nvarchar(max),
varbinary(max), alias data types, or CLR user-defined
data types.
Scripting name: InputParameterType

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

Interval Side Specifies to which side of each boundary value interval

the boundary_value [,. . . n ] belongs. You can choose
left [default]
Interval values are sorted by the Database Engine in
ascending order from left to right.
Scripting name: IntervalSide

Boundary Values Specifies the boundary values for each partition of a

partitioned table or index. All values must be separated
by commas.
Scripting name: BoundaryValues

Partition schemes
A partition scheme maps the partitions produced by a partition function to a
set of user-defined filegroups. PowerDesigner models partition schemes as
extended objects with a stereotype of <<PartitionScheme>>.
Creating a partition You can create a partition scheme in any of the following ways:
Select Model Partition Schemes to access the List of Partition
Schemes, and click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Partition Scheme.

Partition scheme You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
properties partition scheme property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its
Browser entry in the Partition Schemes folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Partition Func- Specifies the partition function using the scheme. Parti-
tion tions created by the partition function are mapped to the
filegroups specified in the partition scheme.
Scripting name: PartitionFunction

All Partitions Specifies that all partitions map to the filegroup specified
by the File Groups property.
Scripting name: AllPartitions

File Groups Specifies the names of the filegroups to hold the parti-
tions specified by the partition function. If [PRIMARY]
is specified, the partition is stored on the primary file-
group. If ALL is specified, only one filegroup name can
be specified.
Scripting name: Filegroups

Partitioning a table or an index

To partition a table or an index, specify a partition scheme and column on

the Microsoft tab of its property sheet.

Common Language Runtime (CLR) integration

CLR integration means that stored procedures, triggers, and user-defined
types, functions, and aggregate functions can be written for SQL Server in
any .NET language, such as VB .NET or C#.
PowerDesigner supports CLR integration with assemblies, aggregate
functions, CLR types, procedures, functions, and triggers.

CLR assemblies
An assembly is a DLL file used to deploy functions, stored procedures,
triggers, user-defined aggregates, and user-defined types that are written in
one of the managed code languages hosted by the Microsoft .NET
Framework common language runtime (CLR), instead of in Transact-SQL.
PowerDesigner models assemblies as extended objects with a stereotype of
Creating an assembly You can create an assembly in any of the following ways:
Select Model Assemblies to access the List of Assemblies, and click
the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New

Microsoft SQL Server

Assembly properties You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
assembly property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser
entry in the Assemblies folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Authorization Specifies the name of a user or role as the owner of the

Scripting name: Authorization

File name Specifies the local path or network location where the
assembly that is being uploaded is located, and also the
manifest file name that corresponds to the assembly. Can
be entered as a fixed string or an expression evaluating
to a fixed string.
Scripting name: FileName

Permission set Specifies a set of code access permissions that are

granted to the assembly when it is accessed by SQL
Server. You can choose between:
Scripting name: PermissionSet

Visibility Specifies that the assembly is visible for creating com-

mon language runtime (CLR) functions, stored pro-
cedures, triggers, user-defined types, and user-defined
aggregate functions against it. You can choose between:
Scripting name: Visibility

Unchecked data By default, ALTER ASSEMBLY fails if it must verify

the consistency of individual table rows. This option
allows postponing the checks until a later time by using
Scripting name: UncheckedData

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

CLR aggregate functions

An aggregate function performs a calculation on a set of values and returns a

single value. Traditionally, Microsoft SQL Server has supported only
built-in aggregate functions, such as SUM or MAX, that operate on a set of
input scalar values and generate a single aggregate value from that set. SQL
Server integration with the Microsoft .NET Framework common language
runtime (CLR) now allows developers to create custom aggregate functions
in managed code, and to make these functions accessible to Transact-SQL or
other managed code. PowerDesigner models aggregate functions as
extended objects with a stereotype of <<Aggregate>>.
Creating an aggregate You can create an aggregate function in any of the following ways:
Select Model Aggregates to access the List of Aggregates, and click
the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Aggregate function You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
properties aggregate function property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its
Browser entry in the Aggregates folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Owner Specifies the name of a schema as the owner of the

aggregate function.
Scripting name: Owner

Assembly Specifies the assembly to bind with the aggregate

Scripting name: Assembly

Class name Specifies the name of the class in the assembly that
implements the aggregate function.
If the class name is not specified, SQL Server assumes
it is the same as the aggregate name.
Scripting name: Class

Parameter name Specifies the name of the input parameter.

Scripting name: InputParameterName

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

Type Specifies the type of the input parameter. All scalar data
types or CLR user-defined types can be used, except
text, ntext, and image.
Scripting name: InputParameterType

Return type Specifies the return type of the aggregate function. All
scalar data types or CLR user-defined types can be used
as return type, except text, ntext, and image.
Scripting name: ReturnType

CLR user-defined types

The introduction of user-defined types (UDTs) in SQL Server 2005 allows

you to extend the scalar type system of the server, enabling storage of CLR
objects in a SQL Server database. UDTs can contain multiple elements and
can have behaviors, differentiating them from the traditional alias data types
which consist of a single SQL Server system data type.
Because UDTs are accessed by the system as a whole, their use for complex
data types may negatively impact performance. Complex data is generally
best modeled using traditional rows and tables. UDTs in SQL Server 2005
are well suited to the following:
Date, time, currency, and extended numeric types
Geospatial applications
Encoded or encrypted data
PowerDesigner models user-defined types as abstract data types.
Creating a user-defined To create a user-defined type, you must have already created an assembly
type (see CLR assemblies on page 555) and have an OOM containing an
appropriate class open in the workspace, in order to specify the supertype.

v To create a user-defined type

1. Create an abstract data type by:
Select Model Abstract Data Types to access the List of Abstract
Data Types, and click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Abstract Data Type.
2. On the General Tab of its property sheet, select CLR from the list of

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

3. Click the Select Object tool to the right of the Class field, in order to
specify a supertype.
4. Click the Microsoft tab and select an assembly from the list to bind to the
5. Click OK to close the property sheet.
User-defined type You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
properties user-defined type property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its
Browser entry in the Abstract Data Types folder.
In addition to the standard abstract data type properties, a user-defined type
has the following additional properties available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Assembly Specifies the assembly to bind with the abstract data

Scripting name: Assembly

Mandatory Specifies whether the type can hold a null value.

Scripting name: Mandatory

CLR procedures and functions

In Microsoft SQL Server 2005, you can write user-defined functions in any
Microsoft .NET Framework programming language, such as Microsoft
Visual Basic .NET or Microsoft Visual C#. PowerDesigner models CLR
procedures and functions as standard procedures that use a CLR template,
and are linked to a method from an associated OOM.
Creating a CLR To create a CLR procedure or function, you must have already created an
procedure or function assembly (see CLR assemblies on page 555) and you must have an OOM
open in the workspace, in order to specify an associated class method.

v To create a CLR procedure or function

1. Create a standard procedure or function.
2. On the Definition Tab of its property sheet, select CLR Procedure or CLR
Function from the template list. A Class method field will be displayed to
the right of the template list.
3. Click the Select Method tool to the right of the Class method field, in
order to specify the associated method.
4. Click the Microsoft tab and select an assembly from the list to bind to the
procedure or function.

Microsoft SQL Server

5. Click OK to close the property sheet.

CLR procedure or You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
function properties CLR procedure or function property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol
or its Browser entry in the Procedures folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Assembly Specifies the assembly where the class method is de-

Scripting name: Assembly

CLR triggers

The Microsoft SQL Server integration with the .NET Framework common
language runtime (CLR), allows you to use any .NET Framework language
to create CLR triggers. PowerDesigner CLR triggers as standard triggers that
use a CLR template, and are linked to a method from an associated OOM.
Creating a CLR trigger To create a CLR trigger, you must have already created an assembly (see
CLR assemblies on page 555) and you must have an OOM open in the
workspace, in order to specify an associated class method.

v To create a CLR trigger

1. Create a standard trigger.
2. On the Definition Tab of its property sheet, select CLR Trigger from the
template list. A Class method field will be displayed to the right of the
template list.
3. Click the Select Method tool to the right of the Class method field, in
order to specify the associated method.

4. Click the Microsoft tab and select an assembly from the list to bind to the
5. Click OK to close the property sheet.
CLR trigger properties You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
CLR trigger property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.
The following extended attributes are available on the SQL Server tab:

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Assembly Specifies the assembly where the class method is de-

Scripting name: Assembly

SQL Server 2005 uses a new security infrastructure that supports
hierarchical encryption and key management.
PowerDesigner supports encryption with certificates and asymmetric and
symmetric keys.

A public key certificate, usually just called a certificate, is a digitally-signed
statement that binds the value of a public key to the identity of the person,
device, or service that holds the corresponding private key. Certificates are
issued and signed by a certification authority (CA). The entity that receives a
certificate from a CA is the subject of that certificate. PowerDesigner models
certificates as extended objects with a stereotype of <<Certificate>>.
Creating a certificate You can create a certificate in any of the following ways:
Select Model Certificates to access the List of Certificates, and click
the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Certificate properties You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
certificate property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser
entry in the Certificates folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Authorization Specifies the name of a user as the owner of the certifi-

Scripting name: Authorization

Assembly Specifies a signed assembly that has already been loaded

into the database.
Scripting name: Assembly

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

Assembly File Specifies the complete path, including file name, to a

DER encoded file that contains the certificate. The path
name can be a local path or a UNC path to a network
location. The file will be accessed in the security context
of the SQL Server service account. This account must
have the required file system permissions.
Scripting name: AssemblyFile

Executable If the EXECUTABLE option is used, the file is a DLL

that has been signed by the certificate.
Scripting name: Executable
File Specifies the complete path, including file name, to the
private key. The private key path name can be a local
path or a UNC path to a network location. The file will
be accessed in the security context of the SQL Server
service account. This account must have the necessary
file system permissions.
Scripting name: PrivateKeyFile

Encryption pass- Specifies the password that will be used to encrypt the
word (private key) private key.
Scripting name: PrivateKeyEncryptionPassword
Decryption pass- Specifies the password required to decrypt a private key
word that is retrieved from a file.
Scripting name: PrivateKeyDecryptionPassword

Subject Specifies the value of the subject field in the metadata of

the certificate as defined in the X.509 standard.
Scripting name: Subject

Encryption pass- Use this option only if you want to encrypt the certificate
word with a password.
Scripting name: EncryptionPassword

Star date Specifies the date on which the certificate becomes

valid. If not specified, StartDate will be set equal to the
current date.
Scripting name: StartDate
Expiry date Specifies the date on which the certificate expires. If not
specified, ExpiryDate will be set to a date one year after
Scripting name: ExpiryDate

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Active for begin Specifies that the certificate is available to the initiator
dialog of a Service Broker dialog conversation.
Scripting name: ActiveForBeginDialog

Asymmetric keys

An asymmetric key is made up of a private key and the corresponding public

key. Each key can decrypt data encrypted by the other. Asymmetric
encryption and decryption are relatively resource-intensive, but they provide
a higher level of security than symmetric encryption. An asymmetric key
can be used to encrypt a symmetric key for storage in a database.
PowerDesigner models OBJECTS as extended objects with a stereotype of
Creating an asymmetric You can create an asymmetric key in any of the following ways:
Select Model Asymmetric Keys to access the List of Asymmetric
Keys, and click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Asymmetric Key.
Asymmetric key You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
properties asymmetric key property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its
Browser entry in the Asymmetric Keys folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Authorization Specifies the name of a user as the owner of the asymmetric

Scripting name: Authorization

Assembly Specifies the name of an assembly from which to load the

public key.
Scripting name: Assembly

Assembly file Specifies the path of a file from which to load the key.
Scripting name: AssemblyFile

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

Executable If the EXECUTABLE option is used, the file attribute

specifies an assembly file from which to load the public key,
otherwise the file attribute specifies the path of a strong name
file from which to load the key pair.
Scripting name: Executable

Algorithm Specifies the algorithm used to encrypt the key.

Scripting name: Algorithm

Encryption Specifies the password with which to encrypt the private key.
password If this clause is not present, the private key will be encrypted
with the database master key.
Scripting name: EncryptionPassword

Symmetric keys

A symmetric key is one key that is used for both encryption and decryption.
Encryption and decryption by using a symmetric key is fast, and suitable for
routine use with sensitive data in the database. PowerDesigner models
symmetric keys as extended objects with a stereotype of
Creating a symmetric key You can create a symmetric key in any of the following ways:
Select Model Symmetric Keys to access the List of Symmetric Keys,
and click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Symmetric Key.
Symmetric key You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
properties symmetric key property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its
Browser entry in the Symmetric Keys folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Authorization Specifies the name of a user or role as the owner of the

Scripting name: Authorization

Certificate Specifies the name of the certificate that will be used to

encrypt the symmetric key.
Scripting name: Certificate

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Password Specifies a password from which to derive a TRIPLE_DES

key with which to secure the symmetric key. Password
complexity will be checked. You should always use strong
Scripting name: Password

Symmetric key Specifies a symmetric key to be used to encrypt the key

that is being created.
Scripting name: SymmetricKey

Asymmetric Specifies an asymmetric key to be used to encrypt the key

key that is being created.
Scripting name: AsymmetricKey

Key source Specifies a pass phrase from which to derive the key.
Scripting name: KeySource

Algorithm Specifies the algorithm used to encrypt the key

Scripting name: Algorithm

Identity value Specifies an identity phrase from which to generate a

GUID for tagging data that is encrypted with a temporary
Scripting name: IdentityValue

Full text search

SQL Server 2005 supports full-text queries against a tables plain character
data. PowerDesigner supports this feature through the full text catalog and
full text index objects.

Full-text catalogs

A full-text catalog contains zero or more full-text indexes. PowerDesigner

models full-text catalogs as extended objects with a stereotype of
Creating a full-text You can create a full-text catalog in any of the following ways:
Select Model Full-Text Catalogs to access the List of Full Text
Catalogs, and click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New Full
Text Catalog.

Microsoft SQL Server

Full-text catalog You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
properties full-text catalog property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its
Browser entry in the Full Text Catalogs folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Authorization Specifies the name of a user or role as the owner of the full
text catalog.
Scripting name: Authorization

File group Specifies the name of the SQL Server filegroup (or storage)
of which the new catalog will be part.
Scripting name: FileGroup

Path Specifies the root directory for the catalog.

Scripting name: Path

Accent sensi- Specifies whether the catalog is accent sensitive for full text
tivity indexing.
Scripting name: AccentSensitivity

Default Specifies that the catalog is the default catalog.

Scripting name: Default

Full-text indexes
A full-text index stores information about significant words and their
location within a given column. This information is used to quickly compute
full-text queries that search for rows with particular words or combinations
of words. PowerDesigner models full-text indexes as table indexes with an
index type set to Full Text.
Creating a full-text index

v To create a full-text index

1. Create an index by opening the property sheet of a table, clicking the
Indexes tab and clicking the Add a Row tool.
2. Open the property sheet of the new index by clicking the properties tool,
and then select FULLTEXT from the list of Types on the General tab.
3. Click the Select Class tool to the right of the Class field, in order to
specify a supertype.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

4. Click the Microsoft tab and select a catalog from the list and then specify
the type of change tracking required.

5. Click OK to confirm your changes and close the property sheet.

Full-text index properties You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
full-text index property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.
In addition to the standard index properties, a full-text index has the
following additional properties available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Catalog Specifies the full text catalog where the full text index is
Scripting name: FullTextCatalog

Change Specifies whether or not SQL Server maintains a list of all

tracking changes to the indexed data. You can choose between:
off, no population
Scripting name: ChangeTracking

XML indexing
SQL Server 2005 provides improvements in indexing XML data.
PowerDesigner supports these new features through the XML index object.

XML indexes
PowerDesigner models XML indexes as table indexes with an index type set
to XML.
Creating an XML index

v To create an XML index

1. Create an index by opening the property sheet of a table, clicking the
Indexes tab and clicking the Add a Row tool.
2. Open the property sheet of the new index by clicking the properties tool,
and then select XML from the list of Types on the General tab.
3. Click the Microsoft tab and specify any additional options.

Microsoft SQL Server

4. Click OK to confirm your changes and close the property sheet.

XML index properties You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
XML index property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Primary Specifies that this is the primary xml index.

Scripting name: XMLPrimary

Primary index Specifies the primary XML index to use in creating a

secondary XML index.
Scripting name: PrimaryXMLIndex

Secondary Specifies the type of the secondary XML index.

XML index Scripting name: SecondaryXMLIndexType

Fill factor Specifies a percentage that indicates how full the Database
Engine should make the leaf level of each index page
during index creation or rebuild.
Scripting name: FillFactor

Max degree of Overrides the max degree of parallelism configuration

parallelism option for the duration of the index operation. Use
MAXDOP to limit the number of processors used in a
parallel plan execution. The maximum is 64 processors.
Scripting name: MaxDop

Pad index Specifies index padding.

Scripting name: PadIndex

Statistics no Specifies whether distribution statistics are recomputed.

recompute Scripting name: StatisticsNoRecompute

Drop existing Specifies that the named, preexisting clustered, nonclus-

tered, or XML index is dropped and rebuilt.
Scripting name: DropExisting

Sort in tempo- Specifies whether to store temporary sort results in tempdb.

rary database Scripting name: SortInTempDB
Allow row Specifies whether row locks are allowed.
locks Scripting name: AllowRowLocks

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Allow page Specifies whether page locks are allowed.

locks Scripting name: AllowPageLocks

XML data types

The new XML data type allows you to store XML documents and fragments
in a SQL Server 2005 database. PowerDesigner supports this through new
column properties and the XML schema collection object.

XML schema collections

An XML schema collection provides the following:
Validation constraints - Whenever a typed XML instance is assigned to or
modified, SQL Server validates the instance.
Data type information about the instance data - Schemas provide
information about the types of attributes and elements in the XML data
type instance. The type information provides more precise operational
semantics to the values. For example, decimal arithmetic operations can
be performed on a decimal value, but not on a string value. Because of
this, typed XML storage can be made significantly more compact than
untyped XML.
PowerDesigner models XML schema collections as extended objects with a
stereotype of <<XMLSchemaCollection>>.
Creating an XML You can create a XML schema collection in any of the following ways:
schema collection
Select Model XML Schema Collections to access the List of XML
Schema Collections, and click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New XML
Schema Collection.
XML schema collection You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
properties XML schema collection property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or
its Browser entry in the XML Schema Collections folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

Owner Specifies the name of a user, role, or schema as the

owner of the schema collection.
Scripting name: Owner

XML model Specifies a PowerDesigner XML model to link to the

Scripting name: XMLModel

Content Specifies the content of the xml schema. By default

this field contains the %xmlModelContent% template,
which represents the content of the linked XML model.
Scripting name: Content

XML table columns

You can create columns with a type of XML and store XML instances in
Creating an XML table
v To create an XML table column
1. Create a column by opening the property sheet of a table, clicking the
Columns tab and clicking the Add a Row tool.
2. Open the property sheet of the new column by clicking the properties
tool, and then select XML from the list of Data types on the General tab.

3. Click the Microsoft tab and specify an XLM schema collection and
content type.
4. Click OK to confirm your changes and close the property sheet.

XML table column You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
properties XML table column property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

XML schema Specifies an XML schema collection for the type.

collection Scripting name: XMLSchemaCollection

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Content type Specifies the nature of the content to be stored in the

column. You can choose between:
CONTENT [default] the data can contain multiple
top-level elements.
DOCUMENT the data can contain only one top-
level element.
Scripting name: ContentType

Database mirroring
SQL Server 2005 supports database mirroring, in which the principal server
sends, in real-time, blocks of its database log records to the mirror instance
which, in the event of failover, can be made available within a few seconds.
PowerDesigner supports database mirroring with the following model
Databases (Mirroring tab)

For information about creating a database object, see Creating a database
section in the Getting Started with Data Modeling chapter.
The following extended attributes are available on the Mirroring tab:

Name Description

Enable mirroring Enables mirroring for the database.

Scripting name: EnableMirroring

Partner/ Witness Specifies the role that the database will play in the
mirroring relationship. You can choose between:
Partner the database is either a principal or mirror
Witness the database acts as a witness to a mirroring
relationship. A SET WITNESS clause affects both
copies of the database, but can only be specified on
the principal server. If a witness is set for a session,
a quorum is required to serve the database, regardless
of the SAFETY setting.
Scripting names: Partner, Witness

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

Options Specifies mirroring options for the database. You can

choose between:
safety full
safety off
Scripting name: MirrorOptions

Server For partner mirroring, specifies the server network

address of an instance of SQL Server to act as a failover
partner in a new database mirroring session.
For witness mirroring, specifies an instance of the
Database Engine to act as the witness server for a
database mirroring session.
Scripting name: MirrorServer

Time-out [if partner is selected] Specifies the time-out period in

seconds. The time-out period is the maximum time
that a server instance waits to receive a PING message
from another instance in the mirroring session before
considering that other instance to be disconnected.
Scripting name: TimeOut

End points

An end point encapsulates a transport protocol and a port number, and

enables SQL Server to communicate over the network. PowerDesigner
models end points as extended objects with a stereotype of <<EndPoint>>.
Creating an end point You can create an end point in any of the following ways:
Select Model End Points to access the List of End Points, and click the
Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New End

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

End point properties You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
end point property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Owner Specifies the owner of the endpoint.

Scripting name: Owner

State Specifies the state of the endpoint at creation. You can

choose between:
Scripting name: State

Protocol: Name Specifies the transport protocol to be used by the end-

point. You can choose between:
Scripting name: Protocol

Protocol: Argu- Allows you to enter arguments for the chosen protocol.
ment Scripting name: ProtocolArgument

Language: Name Specifies the type of content to be sent. You can choose
Scripting name: Language

Language: Argu- Allows you to enter arguments for the chosen language.
ment Scripting name: LanguageArgument

Service Broker
The service broker manages a queue of services. Applications that use
Service Broker communicate by sending messages to one another as part of
a conversation. The participants in a conversation must agree on the name

Microsoft SQL Server

and content of each message. PowerDesigner supports service broker

through the following objects:
Message types - define the type of data that a message can contain.
Contracts - define which message types an application uses to accomplish
a particular task.
Queues - store messages.

Event notifications - execute in response to a DDL statements and SQL

Trace events by sending information about these events to a Service
Broker service.

Services - are specific tasks or sets of tasks.

Message types

Message types define the type of data that a message can contain. You create
identical message types in each database that participates in a conversation.
Message types specify the type of XML validation that SQL Server performs
for messages of that type. For arbitrary or binary data, the message type can
specify that SQL Server performs no validation. PowerDesigner models
message types as extended objects with a stereotype of
Creating a message type You can create a message type in any of the following ways:

Select Model Message Types to access the List of Message Types, and
click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Message Type.
Message type properties You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
message type property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Authorization Specifies a database user or role as the owner of the

message type. If the current user is dbo or sa, this may be
the name of any valid user or role. Otherwise, it must be
the name of the current user, a user that the current user
has IMPERSONATE permission for, or a role to which
the current user belongs. By default, the message type
belongs to the current user.
Scripting name: Owner

Validation Specifies how the Service Broker validates the message

body for messages of this type. You can choose between:
none [default] no validation performed
empty message must contain no data
well_formed_xml message must contain well-
formed XML
valid_xml with schema collection message must
conform to the specified XML schema
Scripting name: Validation

Schema Specifies the name of the schema to be used for validating

the message contents.
Scripting name: SchemaCollectionName

Contracts define the message types used in a Service Broker conversation
and also determine which side of the conversation can send messages of that
type. Each conversation follows a contract. The initiating service specifies
the contract for the conversation when the conversation begins. The target
service specifies the contracts that the target service accepts conversations
for. PowerDesigner models contracts as extended objects with a stereotype
of <<Contract>>.
You create an identical contract in each database that participates in a
Creating a contract You can create a contract in any of the following ways:
Select Model Contracts to access the List of Contracts, and click the
Add a Row tool.

Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New


Microsoft SQL Server

Contract properties You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
contract property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Authorization Specifies a database user or role as the owner of the

contract. If the current user is dbo or sa, this may be the
name of any valid user or role. Otherwise, it must be the
name of the current user, a user that the current user has
IMPERSONATE permission for, or a role to which the
current user belongs. By default, the contract belongs to
the current user.
Scripting name: Owner
The MessageTypes tab lists the message types included in the contract via
intermediary message contract objects. You can reuse an existing message
contract or create a new one, using the tools on this tab.
Once you have added or created a message contract, double-click its entry to
open its property sheet.

Message contracts

Message contracts are intermediary objects that are used to include a single
message in multiple contracts. Message contracts are modeled as extended
objects with a stereotype of <<MessageContract>>.
Creating a message You can create a message contract in any of the following ways:
Use the tools on the MessageTypes tab of a contract property sheet (see
Contracts on page 575).
Select Model Message Contracts to access the List of Message
Contracts, and click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Message Contract.
Message contract You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
properties message contract property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Sent by Specifies which endpoint can send a message of the in-

dicated message type. Contracts document the messages
that services can use to have specific conversations. Each
conversation has two endpoints: the initiator endpoint,
the service that started the conversation, and the target
endpoint, the service that the initiator is contacting.
Scripting name: Sender

Message type Specifies the message type of the contract.

Scripting name: MessageType


When a message arrives for a service, Service Broker places the message on
the queue associated with the service. PowerDesigner models queues as
extended objects with a stereotype of <<Queue>>.
Creating a queue You can create a queue in any of the following ways:
Select Model Queues to access the List of Queues, and click the Add a
Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New

Queue properties You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
queue property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Owner Specifies the owner of the queue.

Scripting name: Owner

Status Specifies that the queue is available. This is the default.

If a queue is unavailable, no messages can be added to
or removed from it. If you create a queue as unavailable,
then no messages can be added to it until it is made
available with an ALTER QUEUE statement.
Scripting name: Status

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

Retention Specifies that all messages sent or received on con-

versations using this queue are retained in the queue
until the conversations have ended. This allows you to
retain messages for auditing purposes, or to perform
compensating transactions if an error occurs.
The default is to not retain messages in the queue in this
Scripting name: Retention
Activation Specifies that a stored procedure is required to activate
message processing for the queue.
Scripting name: Activation

Status (activation) Specifies that Service Broker activates the associated

stored procedure when the number of procedures cur-
rently running is less than MAX_QUEUE_READERS
and when messages arrive on the queue faster than the
stored procedures receive messages.
This is the default.
Scripting name: ActivationStatus

Procedure Specifies the name of the stored procedure to activate to

process messages in this queue.
Scripting name: ActivationProcedureName

MaxQueueRead- Specifies the maximum number of instances of the

ers activation stored procedure that the queue can start at
the same time. Must be set to between 0 and 32767.
Scripting name: ActivationMaxQueueReaders

Execute as Specifies the user under which the activation stored

procedure runs. SQL Server must be able to check
the permissions for this user at the time that the queue
activates the stored procedure. You can choose between:
SELF - the stored procedure executes as the current
user. (The database principal executing this CRE-
ATE QUEUE statement.)
OWNER - the stored procedure executes as the
owner of the queue.
Scripting name: ActivationExecuteAs

File group Specifies the SQL Server filegroup on which to create

the queue.
Scripting name: FileGroup

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Event Notifications
An event notification sends information about a database or server event to a
service broker service. Event notifications are created only by using
Transact-SQL statements. PowerDesigner models event notifications as
extended objects with a stereotype of <<EventNotification>>.
Creating an event You can create an event notification in any of the following ways:
Select Model Event Notifications to access the List of Event
Notifications, and click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New Event
Event notification You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
properties event notification property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Applies on Specifies the scope of the event notification. You can

choose between:
database the notification fires whenever the speci-
fied event in the FOR clause occurs anywhere in the
instance of SQL Server.
server - the notification fires whenever the speci-
fied event in the FOR clause occurs in the current
queue - the notification fires whenever the spec-
ified event in the FOR clause occurs in the
current queue. Can be specified only if FOR
QUEUE_DISABLED is also specified.
Scripting name: AppliesOn

Queue Specifies the queue to which the event notification

applies. Available only if Applies on is set to queue.
Scripting name: Queue

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

With fan in Instructs SQL Server to send only one message per event
to any specified service for all event notifications that:
are created on the same event.
are created by the same principal (as identified by
specify the same service and broker_instance_-
specify WITH FAN_IN.
Scripting name: WithFanIn

Events Specifies the name of the event type that causes the event
notification to execute. Can be a Transact-SQL DDL,
SQL Trace, or Service Broker event type.
Scripting name: Events

Service Specifies the target service that receives the event in-
stance data. SQL Server opens one or more conversa-
tions to the target service for the event notification. This
service must honor the same SQL Server Events message
type and contract that is used to send the message. See
Services on page 580.
Scripting name: Service
Instance Specifies a service broker instance against which
broker_service is resolved. Use current database
to specify the service broker instance in the current
Scripting name: Instance

Services are specific tasks or set of tasks. Service Broker uses the name of
the service to route messages, deliver messages to the correct queue within a
database, and enforce the contract for a conversation. PowerDesigner
models services as extended objects with a stereotype of <<Service>>.
Creating a service You can create a service in any of the following ways:
Select Model Services to access the List of Services, and click the Add
a Row tool.

Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New


Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Service properties You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
service property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Authorization Specifies the owner of the service.

Scripting name: Owner

Queue Specifies the queue that receives messages for the ser-
vice. The queue must exist in the same database as the
Scripting name: Queue
The Contracts tab lists the contracts with which the service is associated.

Routes appear in the routing table for the database. For outgoing messages,
Service Broker determines routing by checking the routing table in the local
database. For messages on conversations that originate in another instance,
including messages to be forwarded, Service Broker checks the routes in
msdb. PowerDesigner models routes as extended objects with a stereotype
of <<Route>>.
Creating a route You can create a route in any of the following ways:
Select Model Routes to access the List of Routes, and click the Add a
Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Route properties You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
route property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Owner Specifies the owner of the route.

Scripting name: Owner

Remote service Specifies the name of the remote service to which the
route points.
Scripting name: Service

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

Broker instance Specifies the database that hosts the target service.
Scripting name: BrokerInstance

Lifetime Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that SQL

Server retains the route in the routing table.
Scripting name: Lifetime
Address Specifies the network address for the route. The next_-
hop_address specifies a TCP/IP address in the following
TCP://{ dns_name | netbios_name | ip_address } : port_-
Scripting name: Address

Mirror address Specifies the network address for a mirrored database

with one mirrored database hosted at the next_hop_-
address. The next_hop_mirror_address specifies a
TCP/IP address in the following format:
TCP://{ dns_name | netbios_name | ip_address } : port_-
Scripting name: MirrorAddress

Remote service bindings

Remote service bindings create a binding that defines the security

credentials to use to initiate a conversation with a remote service.
PowerDesigner models remote service bindings as extended objects with a
stereotype of <<RemoteServiceBinding>>.
Creating a remote You can create a remote service binding in any of the following ways:
service binding
Select Model Remote Service Bindings to access the List of Remote
Service Bindings, and click the Add a Row tool.

Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New

Remote Service Binding.

Remote service binding You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
properties remote service binding property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Owner Specifies the owner of the binding.

Scripting name: Owner

Remote service Specifies the remote service to bind to the user identified
in the WITH USER clause.
Scripting name: RemoteService
User Specifies the database principal that owns the certificate
associated with the remote service identified by the TO
SERVICE clause.
Scripting name: User
Anonymous Specifies that anonymous authentication is used when
communicating with the remote service.
Scripting name: Anonymous

Resource Governor
Resource Governor, available in SQL Server 2008, lets you limit resource
requests by workloads for CPU time and memory to optimize their
allocation. PowerDesigner supports Resource Governor through the
following objects:
Workload groups are containers for sets of similar session requests.
Resource pools represent the physical resources of the server.

Workload groups

A workload group serves as a container for session requests that are similar,
to allow the aggregate monitoring of resource consumption and the
application of a uniform policy to all the requests in the group. A group
defines the policies for its members. PowerDesigner models workload group
sas extended objects with a stereotype of <<WorkloadGroup>>.
Creating a workload You can create a workload group binding in any of the following ways:
Select Model Workload groups to access the List of Workload Groups,
and click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Workload Group.
Workload group You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
properties workload group property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.

Microsoft SQL Server

The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Importance Specifies the relative importance of a request in the

workload group.
Scripting name: Importance
Request maxi- Specifies the maximum amount of memory that a single
mum memory request can take from the pool.
Scripting name: RequestMaxMemoryGrantPercent

Request maxi- Specifies the maximum amount of CPU time, in seconds,

mum CPU that a request can use.
Scripting name: RequestMaxCpuTimeSec

Memory grant Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that a query

request timeout can wait for a memory grant (work buffer memory) to
become available.
Scripting name: RequestMemoryGrantTimeoutSec

Maximum degree Specifies the maximum degree of parallelism (DOP) for

of parallelism parallel requests.
Scripting name: MaxDop

Maximum re- Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous requests

quests that are allowed to execute in the workload group.
Scripting name: GroupMaxRequests

Resource pool Associates the workload group with the specified re-
source pool.
Scripting name: ResourcePool

Resource pools

A resource pool represents the physical resources of the server.

PowerDesigner models resource pools as extended objects with a stereotype
of <<ResourcePool>>.
Creating a resource pool You can create a resource pool in any of the following ways:
Select Model Resource Pools to access the List of Resource pools, and
click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Resource Pool.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Resource pool properties You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
resource pool property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.
The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

CPU percent Min Specifies the guaranteed average CPU bandwidth for
all requests in the resource pool when there is CPU
contention. The value is an integer, with a default setting
of 0.
Scripting name: MinCpuPercent

CPU percent Max Specifies the maximum average CPU bandwidth that all
requests in resource pool will receive when there is CPU
contention. The value is an integer, with a default setting
of 100.
Scripting name: MaxCpuPercent

Memory percent Specifies the minimum amount of memory reserved for

Min this resource pool that can not be shared with other
resource pools. The value is an integer, with a default
setting of 0.
Scripting name: MinMemoryPercent

Memory percent Specifies the total server memory that can be used by
Max requests in this resource pool. The value is an integer,
with a default setting of 100.
Scripting name: MaxMemoryPercent

PowerDesigner supports SQL Server 2005 synonyms through the standard
synonym object.
Synonyms can be created for the following types of objects:
Assembly (CLR) Stored Procedure
Assembly (CLR) Table-valued Function
Assembly (CLR) Scalar Function
Assembly Aggregate (CLR) Aggregate Functions
Extended Stored Procedure

Microsoft SQL Server

SQL Scalar Function

SQL Table-valued Function

SQL Inline-table-valued Function

SQL Stored Procedure


For more information about synonyms, see the Building Physical
Diagrams chapter.

SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services

The OLAP Services feature from SQL Server v7.0 is called Analysis
Services in SQL Server 2000. PowerDesigner supports analysis services
through an add-in.
For information about analysis services in SQL Server 2005, see Microsoft
SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services on page 592.
Analysis Services provide the following capabilities:
The Analysis server that manages, stores multidimensional information
and serves client application requests for OLAP data. The server stores
cube metadata (cube definition specifications) in a repository. Completed
cubes can be stored in a variety of storage modes: multidimensional
database files (MOLAP), tables in a relational database (ROLAP), or a
hybrid of multidimensional database files and relational tables (HOLAP).

A metadata repository that contains definitions of OLAP data objects

such as cubes and their elements.

The PivotTable Service, which is an OLE DB for OLAP provider that

connects client applications to the Analysis server and manages offline

An object model called Decision Support Objects (DSO), that provides

support for the Analysis Manager user interface and for custom
applications that manage OLAP metadata and control the server. DSO
uses hierarchically arranged groups of objects to define basic elements of
OLAP data. PowerDesigner creates and manipulates DSO objects to
manage metadata for OLAP data.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Source data for multidimensional cubes resides in relational databases where

the data has been transformed into a star or snowflake schema typically used
in OLAP data warehouse systems. Analysis Services can work with many
relational databases that support connections using ODBC or OLE DB.
+ For more information on SQL Server Analysis Services, see your
DBMS documentation.

v To enable PowerDesigner support for Analysis Services

1. Select Tools General Options, and select the Add-ins category in the
left-hand pane.
2. Select the Microsoft Analysis Services add-in (PdMsOlap.dll) and then
click OK to install it and return to the model.
+ For more information, see Managing add-ins in the Models chapter of
the Core Features Guide .

PowerDesigner and the DSO metamodel

DSO uses hierarchically arranged groups of objects to define basic elements

of Analysis Services data storage, as implemented by the Analysis server.

Microsoft SQL Server

The following table lists the mappings between the objects contained within
the DSO and PowerDesigner PDM metamodels:

DSO Object PowerDesigner PDM Object

clsDatabase Model
(Each model corresponds to a DSO Database.)

clsDataSource Data source

ClsDatabaseDimen- Dimension
sion (As in the DSO model, PowerDesigner dimensions
are shared among cubes.)

clsCube Cube
(Cubes managed by PowerDesigner are only local

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

DSO Object PowerDesigner PDM Object

clsCube Fact
(A Fact corresponds to a DSO cube in order to store

clsCubeMeasure Measure

clsDatabaseDimen- Dimension hierarchy

sion (Each dimension hierarchy is generated as a DSO
Database Dimension. Attributes of a dimension hier-
archy define levels of the corresponding DatabaseD-
clsDatabaseLevel Dimension attribute
clsCubeLevel (Attributes of a dimension or dimension hierarchy
define levels in a database dimension.)
clsCubeDimension Cube dimension association
(In DSO, when the name of a Cube Dimension
corresponds to the name of a Database Dimension,
the Cube Dimension is automatically associated
with the Database Dimension to be shared between

Generating cubes

The Microsoft Analysis Services add-in lets you generate cubes.

v To generate cubes
1. Select Tools Microsoft Analysis Services Generate Cubes to open
the connection dialog box.

2. Enter a name for the server and database, and then click OK to open the
Cube Selection dialog box, which lists all the available cubes. The state
column indicates if the cube has already been generated. Cubes already
generated are deselected by default.

Microsoft SQL Server

3. Select the cubes you want to generate, and then click OK.
The selected cubes are generated. If a cube already exists in the database,
it is dropped before being recreated. If a dimension already exists, the
selected cube reuses it. To be fully generated, a cube must have a
complete mapping to a table before being generated.

Reverse Engineering cubes

The Microsoft Analysis Services add-in lets you reverse engineer cubes.

v To reverse engineer cubes

1. Select Tools Microsoft Analysis Services Reverse Engineer Cubes to
open the connection dialog box.

2. Enter a name for the server and database, and then click OK to open the
Source Model Selection dialog box, which lists the models linked to the
selected data source.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

3. Select the appropriate source models and then click OK to open the Cube
Selection dialog box, which lists all the available cubes. The state column
indicates if the cube already exists in the current model. Cubes already
existing are deselected by default.

4. Select the cubes you want to reverse engineer, and then click OK.

Microsoft SQL Server

The selected cubes are created or updated in the current model. If a

dimension or a cube already exists, it is updated.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services

PowerDesigner allows you to retrieve multiple dimension objects in a PDM
in order to build cubes, and to create a new multiple-dimension diagram.
From this diagram, you can generate cubes to a Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Analysis Server (SSAS).

SQL Server 2005 Management Tools required

In order to use the analysis services add-in to generate and reverse-engineer
cubes, you must have installed the SQL Server 2005 Management Tools
client component.

v To enable PowerDesigner support for Analysis Services

1. Select Tools General Options, and select the Add-ins category in the
left-hand pane.
2. Select the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services add-in
(PowerDesigner.AddIn.Pdm.SQLServer.dll) and then click OK to install
it and return to the model.

+ For more information, see Managing add-ins in the Models chapter of

the Core Features Guide .

Generating cubes

The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services add-in enables the
generation of cubes.
Before generating cubes, you must define a data source with an OLE DB
connection that will specify from where the cubes will be populated.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

v To specify a data source for a cube

1. Create a data source in your PDM from the List of data sources or by
right-clicking the model in the browser and selecting New Data Source
from the contextual menu.

2. Select the OLE DB tab and specify the kind of data provider.

3. Click the ellipsis tool to the right of the connection string field to open
the provider-specific configuration dialog.

Microsoft SQL Server

4. Complete the parameters appropriately, click Apply to Connection String,

and then Test Connection. Then click Ok to return to the data source
property sheet.

5. Click OK to return to your model.

When you have created the appropriate data sources, you can proceed with
generating your cubes.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

v To generate cubes

1. Select Tools Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Generate

Cubes to open the wizard.

Click Next to continue.

2. Enter a server name, and select the database you want to generate to:

Microsoft SQL Server

Click Next to continue.

3. The Select Cubes page lists the cubes available in the model, along with
whether they currently exist in the database. Select the cubes you want to

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Click Next to continue.

4. The Generate Cubes page lists the cubes to be generated:

Click Finish to begin generation. Progress is displayed in the wizard,

which will close automatically after successful completion.
If a cube already exists in the database, it is dropped and recreated. If a
related dimension already exists, it is reused. To fully generate a cube,
your model must include a complete mapping to a table.

Reverse engineering Microsoft SQL Server 2005 cubes

The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services add-in enables the
reverse engineering of cubes.
Before reverse-engineering cubes, you should create one or more PDMs to
model the tables which provide its data. As part of the reverse-engineering
process, PowerDesigner will create links from the reversed cubes to these

Microsoft SQL Server

v To reverse engineer cubes

1. Select Tools Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Reverse
Engineer Cubes to open the wizard.

Click Next to continue.

2. Enter a server name, and select the database you want to reverse from:

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Click Next to continue.

3. The Select Cubes page lists the available cubes. Select the cubes you
want to reverse engineer and then click Next to continue:

Microsoft SQL Server

4. The Configure Data Sources page lists the data sources that are required
to populate the selected cubes. For each source, select the Physical Data
Model in which the tables are modeled, and then click Next to continue:

5. The Reverse Engineer Cubes page lists the cubes to be reversed:

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Click Finish to begin reverse-engineering. Progress is displayed in the

wizard, which will close automatically after successful completion.

Miscellaneous additional features

The following additional features are also available for SQL Server 2005:
User Schemas Use the schema stereotype to specify that a user is
actually a schema, belonging to another user (the principal).

WithOption Use the withoptions type to enable access to additional

physical options when working with views.

Support for multiple databases during live database reverse engineering.

MS SQL Server extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the MS SQL
Server DBMS.
Columns The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Do not val- Specifies that NOT FOR REPLICATION keywords are

idate check used to prevent the CHECK constraint from being enforced
constraints during the distribution process used by replication.
during repli- Scripting name: ExtCkcNotForReplication

Default con- Contains the name of the constraint that is used to apply
straint name a default value to the column. If empty, the constraint
keyword is not generated.
Scripting name: ExtDeftConstName

Identity seed Is a string composed of two integer values separated by a

and incre- comma.
ment First value is the seed value of the identity column, meaning
the value to be assigned to the first row in the table.
Second value is the increment to add to the seed value for
successive rows in the table.
Scripting name: ExtIdentitySeedInc

Identity value Indicates that the IDENTITY property should not be en-
not replicated forced when a replication login inserts data into the table.
Scripting name: ExtIdtNotForReplication

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

Not null con- Contains the name of the constraint that is used to apply a
straint name mandatory property of the column. If empty, the constraint
keyword is not generated.
Scripting name: ExtNullConstName

Row global [v2000 and higher] Indicates that the new column is a row
unique iden- global unique identifier column. Only one unique identifier
tifier column per table can be designated as the ROWGUIDCOL
Scripting name: ExtRowGuidCol

Collation [v2005 and higher] A single string that specifies the collation
name name for a SQL collation.
Scripting name: ExtCollation

XML schema [v2000 and higher] Applies only to the XML data type for
collection associating an XML schema collection with the type.
Scripting name: XMLSchemaCollection
Content type [v2005 and higher] - CONTENT:
Specifies that each instance of the XML data type in
column_name can contain multiple top-level elements.
CONTENT applies only to the XML data type and can be
specified only if xml_schema_collection is also specified. If
not specified, CONTENT is the default behavior.
Specifies that each instance of the XML data type in
column_name can contain only one top-level element. DOC-
UMENT applies only to the XML data type and can be
specified only if xml_schema_collection is also specified.
Scripting name: ContentType

Cubes The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Options [v2000] You can choose between the following:

PASSTHROUGH: causes the SELECT clause to be passed di-
rectly to the source database without modification by Pivot-
Table Service. If PASSTHROUGH is not specified, PivotTable
Service parses the query and formulates a set of queries equiv-
alent to the original that is optimized for the source database
and index structures. This set of queries is often more efficient
than the specified.
DEFER_DATA: causes the query to be parsed locally and ex-
ecuted only when necessary to retrieve data to satisfy a user
request. DEFER_DATA is used to specify that a local cube has
to be defined in the ROLAP storage mode.
ATTEMPT_DEFER: causes PivotTable Service to attempt to
parse the query and defer data loading if successful, or, if the
query cannot be parsed, to process the specified query immedi-
ately as if PASSTHROUGH had been specified.
ATTEMPT_ANALYSIS: causes PivotTable Service to attempt
to parse the query and formulate an optimized set of queries. If
the query cannot be parsed, PivotTable Services processes the
query immediately as if PASSTHROUGH had been specified.
Scripting name: Options

Storage [v2005 and higher] Specifies the storage mode for the cube.
mode Scripting name: StorageMode

Visible [v2005 and higher] Determines the visibility of the Cube.

Scripting name: Visible

Dimensions The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Hidden [v2000] Indicates whether the dimension is hidden from clients.

Scripting name: IsHidden

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

Options [v2000] Dimension options to manage member uniqueness and

specify their storage. You can choose between:
UNIQUE_NAME: Member names are unique within the di-
UNIQUE_KEY: Member keys are unique within the dimen-
NOTRELATEDTOFACTTABLE: Indicates that non-leaf
members cannot be associated with fact table data.
whether children of a single member in a hierarchy can have
identical names.
Scripting name: Options

Subtype [v2000] Indicates the subtype of a dimension. You can choose

PARENT_CHILD:Indicates that the dimension is a parent-
child dimension.
LINKED: Indicates that the cube is linked to another cube on
a remote Analysis server.
MINING: Indicates that the dimension is based on the content
of an OLAP data-mining model that has been processed for a
Scripting name: SubType

Template [v2000] Contains a template string that is used to generate

captions for system-generated data members.
Scripting name: Template

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Time [v2000] Indicates that a dimension refers to time (year, month,

week, day, and so on). You can choose between:
TIME: Year, month, week, day, and so on. The only valid
levels in a time dimension are those defined in the LevelTypes
The following values post-fixed by an asterisk (*) are additional
values that can be used by the add-in but do not exist in the MDX
syntax. You can choose between a dimension that contains:
ACCOUNT: (*) an account structure with parent-child rela-
BILLOFMATERIALS (*): a material/component break-
down. The parent-child relationship implies a parent com-
posed of its children.
CHANNEL (*): a distribution channel.
CURRENCY (*): currency information.
CUSTOMERS (*): customer information. The lowest level
represents individual customers.
GEOGRAPHY (*): a geographic hierarchy.
ORGANIZATION (*): the reporting structure of an organiza-
PRODUCTS (*): product information. The lowest level rep-
resents individual products.
PROMOTION (*): marketing and advertising promotions.
QUANTITATIVE (*): quantitative elements (such as exam-
ple, income level, number of children, and so on).
RATES (*): different types of rates (for example, buy, sell,
discounted. and so on).
SCENARIO (*): different business scenarios.
Scripting name: TimeDef

Type [v2005 and higher] Provides information about the contents of

the dimension.
Scripting name: Type

Storage [v2005 and higher] Determines the storage mode for the parent
mode element.
Scripting name: StorageMode

At- [v2005 and higher] Contains the caption, in the default language,
for the All member of the dimension.
berName Scripting name: AttributeAllMemberName

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

WriteEn- [v2005 and higher] Indicates whether dimension writebacks are

abled available (subject to security permissions).
Scripting name: WriteEnabled

Dimension Attributes The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Rollup [v2000] Contains a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) ex-

expres- pression used to override the default roll-up mode.
sion Scripting name: CustomRollupExpr
Format [v2000] Name of the column or expression that contains member
key keys.
Scripting name: FormatKey

Format [v2000] Name of the column or expression that contains member

name names.
Scripting name: FormatName

Hide val- [v2000] Options to hide level members. You can choose between:
ues BLANK_NAME: Hides a level member with an empty name.
PARENT_NAME: Hides a level member when the member
name is identical to the name of its parent.
ONLY_CHILD_AND_BLANK_NAME: Hides a level mem-
ber when it is the only child of its parent and its name is null
or an empty string.
member when it is the only child of its parent and is identical
to the name of its parent.
Scripting name: HideValues

Hidden [v2000] Indicates whether the level is hidden from client appli-
Scripting name: IsHidden

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Options [v2000] Options about member uniqueness, ordering and data

source. You can choose between:
UNIQUE: Indicates that the members of a level are unique.
UNIQUE_NAME: Indicates that their member name columns
uniquely identify the level members.
UNIQUE_KEY: Indicates that their member key columns
uniquely identify the level members.
NOTRELATEDTOFACTTABLE: Indicates that the level
members cannot be associated with fact table data.
SORTBYNAME: Indicates that level members are ordered by
their names.
SORTBYKEY: Indicates that level members are ordered by
their keys.
SORTBYPROPERTY <property names>: Indicates that
members are ordered by their property <property names>.
Scripting name: Options

Root val- [v2000] Determines how the root member or members of a

ues parent-child hierarchy are identified. You can choose between:
ROOT_IF_PARENT_IS_BLANK: Only members with a
null, a zero, or an empty string in their parent key column
are treated as root members.
ROOT_IF_PARENT_IS_MISSING: Only members with par-
ents that cannot be found are treated as root members.
ROOT_IF_PARENT_IS_SELF: Only members having them-
selves as parents are treated as root members.
MISSING: Members are treated as root members if they
meet one or more of the conditions specified by ROOT_IF_-
Scripting name: RootValues

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

Type [v2000 and higher] Identifies the specific type of level. You can
choose between:
ALL: Indicates the top (All) level of a dimension (the one that
precalculates all the members of all lower levels).
YEAR: a level that refers to years (Time dimension only).
QUARTER: a level that refers to (calendar) quarters (Time
dimension only).
MONTH: a level that refers to months (Time dimension only).
WEEK: a level that refers to weeks (Time dimension only).
DAY: a level that refers to days (Time dimension only).
DAYOFWEEK: a level that refers to days of the week (Time
dimension only).
DATE: a level that refers to dates (Time dimension only).
HOUR: a level that refers to hours (Time dimension only).
MINUTE: a level that refers to minutes (Time dimension
SECOND: Indicates that a level refers to seconds (Time di-
mension only).
Scripting name: Type

Member- [v2005 and higher] Determines whether to display data members

sWith- for non-leaf members in the parent attribute.
Data Scripting name: MembersWithData

OrderBy [v2005 and higher] Describes how to order the members con-
tained in the attribute.
Scripting name: OrderBy

Member- [v2005 and higher] Determines whether member names under

Name- the parent element must be unique.
sUnique Scripting name: MemberNamesUnique
IsAggre- [v2005 and higher] Specifies whether the values of the Dimen-
gatable sionAttribute element can be aggregated.
Scripting name: IsAggregatable

Attribute- [v2005 and higher] Determines whether an attribute hierarchy is

Hierar- enabled for the attribute.
chyEn- Scripting name: AttributeHierarchyEnabled

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Attribute- [v2005 and higher] Determines whether the attribute hierarchy is

Hierar- visible to client applications.
chyVisi- Scripting name: AttributeHierarchyVisible

Databases The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Primary Specifies that the associated file specification list defines the
primary file.
Scripting name: Primary
File Gets or sets the file specification.
Scripting name: FileListFileSpec

Filegroup Gets or sets the first filegroup name.

Scripting name: FilelistFilegroup

File (file- Gets or sets the Filegroup specification.

group) Scripting name: FileGroupFileSpec

Log on Gets or sets the log file specification.

Scripting name: LogOnFileSpec

Collation [v2000 and higher] Specifies the default collation for the
name database. Collation name can be either a Windows collation
name or a SQL collation name.
Scripting name: Collate

Attach Specifies that a database is attached from an existing set of

operating system files.
Scripting name: ForAttach

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

With [v2005 and higher] Controls Service Broker options on the

Service Broker options can only be specified when the FOR
ATTACH clause is used.
ENABLE_BROKER: Specifies that Service Broker is en-
abled for the specified database.
NEW_BROKER: Creates a new service_broker_guid
value in both sys.databases and the restored database and
ends all conversation endpoints with clean up. The broker
is enabled, but no message is sent to the remote conversa-
tion endpoints.
versations with an error stating that the database is at-
tached or restored. The broker is disabled until this op-
eration is completed and then enabled.
Scripting name: ForAttachWith

Attach re- [v2005 and higher] Specifies that the database is created by
build log attaching an existing set of operating system files.
Scripting name: ForAttachRebuildLog

Database [v2005 and higher] When ON is specified, the database can

chaining be the source or target of a cross database ownership chain.
When OFF, the database cannot participate in cross database
ownership chaining. The default is OFF.
Scripting name: WithDbChaining

Trust worthy [v2005 and higher] When ON is specified, database modules

(for example, views, user-defined functions, or stored proce-
dures) that use an impersonation context can access resources
outside the database.
When OFF, database modules in an impersonation context
cannot access resources outside the database. The default is
Scripting name: WithTrustworthy

Snapshot of [v2005 and higher] Specifies the name of the new database
Scripting name: AsSnapshotOf

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Load [up to v2000] Indicates that the database is created with the
dbo use only database option turned on, and the status is set
to loading.
Scripting name: ForLoad

For information about the extended attributes available on the Mirroring tab,
see Database mirroring on page 571.
Data Sources The following extended attributes are available on the OLE DB tab:

Name Description

Data Specifies the data provider. You can choose between:

provider .NET Framework Data Provider for Microsoft SQL Server
.NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle
Native Data Provider for OLE DB
Scripting name: DataProvider
Connection Specifies the connection string.
string Scripting name: ConnectionString

The following extended attributes are available on the configuration:

Name Description

Server name Specifies the server name.

Scripting name: ServerName

Authentica- [only for SQL Server] Specifies the Windows Authentication

tion and SQL Server Authentication types.
Scripting name: AuthenticationType

User name Specifies the User name.

Scripting name: UserName
Password Specifies the password.
Scripting name: Password

Initial cata- [only for SQL Server and OLE DB] Specifies the Initial
log catalog.
Scripting name: InitialCatalog

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

Database [only for SQL Server] Specifies a Microsoft SQL Server

File database file if you select an MSSQL connection.
Scripting name: MSSQLDatabaseFile

Logical [only for SQL Server] Specifies the logical name of the
name selected database file.
Scripting name: LogicalName

Data [only for OLE DB] Specifies the data provider.

providers Scripting name: DataProvider

Location [only for OLE DB] Specifies the location for OLEDB.
Scripting name: Location

Persist secu- [only for OLE DB] Specifies that security information be
rity info persistent.
Scripting name: PersistSecurityInfo

Use Win- [only for OLE DB] Specifies whether to use windows NT
dows NT Integrated Security or not.
Integrated Scripting name: UseNTIntegratedSecurity

Dimension Hierarchies The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Hidden [v2000] Indicates whether the hierarchy is hidden from client

Scripting name: IsHidden

AllMember- [v2005 and higher] Contains the caption in the default lan-
Name guage for the All member of a Hierarchy element.
Scripting name: AllMemberName
Member- [v2005 and higher] Determines whether member names under
Name- the parent element must be unique.
sUnique Scripting name: MemberNamesUnique

AllowDupli- [v2005 and higher] Determines whether duplicate names are

cateNames allowed in a Hierarchy element.
Scripting name: AllowDuplicateNames

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Fact Measures The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Format [v2000] Format used to display the values of the cube

Scripting name: Format
Cube measure [v2000] A value corresponding to the type of aggregate
function type function used by the cube measure.
Scripting name: Function

Hidden [v2000] Indicates whether the measure is visible to the

Scripting name: IsHidden

Member calcu- [v2000] Order in which the calculated member will be

lating order solved when calculated members intersect each other.
Scripting name: SolveOrder

Source column [v2000] Returns an OLE DB enumeration constant that

data type identifies the SourceColumn (in the fact table) data type.
Scripting name: Type

Aggregate- [v2005 and higher] Defines the common prefix to be used

Function for aggregation names throughout the associated parent
Scripting name: AggregateFunction

BindingType [v2005 and higher] Defines the binding type for the mea-
Scripting name: BindingType

Visible [v2005 and higher] Determines the visibility of the Fact

Scripting name: Visible
FormatString [v2005 and higher] Describes the display format for a
CalculationProperty or a Measure element.
Scripting name: FormatString

Indexes The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

Filegroup Specifies the name of the filegroup.

Scripting name: FileGroup

Partition [v2005 and higher] Specifies the name of the partition

scheme scheme.
Scripting name: PartitionScheme
Column [v2005 and higher] Specifies the partitioned column.
Scripting name: PartitionSchemeColumn

Fill factor Specifies a percentage that indicates how full the Database
Engine should make the leaf level of each index page
during index creation or rebuild.
Scripting name: FillFactor

Max degree of [v2005 and higher] Overrides the max degree of parallelism
parallelism configuration option for the duration of the index operation.
Use MAXDOP to limit the number of processors used in a
parallel plan execution. The maximum is 64 processors.
Scripting name: MaxDop

Pad index Specifies index padding.

Scripting name: PadIndex
Statistics no Specifies whether distribution statistics are recomputed.
recompute Scripting name: StatisticsNoRecompute

Drop existing Specifies that the named, preexisting clustered, nonclus-

tered, or XML index is dropped and rebuilt.
Scripting name: DropExisting
Online [v2005 and higher] Specifies whether underlying tables
and associated indexes are available for queries and data
modification during the index operation.
Scripting name: Online

Sort in tempo- [v2005 and higher] Specifies whether to store temporary

rary database sort results in tempdb.
Scripting name: SortInTempDB

Allow row [v2005 and higher] Specifies whether row locks are al-
locks lowed.
Scripting name: AllowRowLocks

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Allow page [v2005 and higher] Specifies whether page locks are
locks allowed.
Scripting name: AllowPageLocks

Ignore dup key Specifies the error response to duplicate key values in a
multiple row insert operation on a unique clustered or
unique nonclustered index.
Scripting name: IgnoreDupKey

If the index is not a cluster index, then the Include tab is displayed, allowing
you to specify the columns with which it is associated.
Keys The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Filegroup Specifies the name of the filegroup.

Scripting name: FileGroup

Fill Factor Specifies how full SQL Server should make each index
page used to store the index data.
Scripting name: FillFactor
References The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Do not validate Specifies that NOT FOR REPLICATION keywords are

foreign key used to prevent the FOREIGN KEY constraint from being
constraint dur- enforced during the distribution process used by replication.
ing replication Scripting name: ExtFkNotForReplication
Tables The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

File group Specifies the name of the filegroup.

Scripting name: FileGroup

Partition [v2005 and higher] Specifies the name of the partition

scheme scheme.
Scripting name: PartitionScheme

Microsoft SQL Server

Name Description

Column [v2005 and higher] Specifies the name of the partitioned

Scripting name: PartitionSchemeColumn

Text/Image on Specifies the name of the filegroup where text and image
are stored.
Scripting name: TextImageOn

Do not validate Specifies that NOT FOR REPLICATION keywords are

check con- used to prevent the TABLE CHECK constraint from being
straints during enforced during the distribution process used by replication.
replication Scripting name: ExtCktNotForReplication

Users The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab with the
stereotype <<schema>> (v2005 and higher):

Name Description

Schema owner Specifies the name of the database-level principal user

that will own the schema. This principal may own other
schemas, and may not use the current schema as its default
Scripting name: SchemaOwner
Views The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:

Name Description

Encryption Defines the encryption option of the view, respecting the

option view creation syntax.
Scripting name: WithOption

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

This section describes features specific to the MySQL family of databases.

Deprecated versions
The DBMSs for MySQL v3.22 and 3.23 are deprecated.
Note that when developing for MySQL and using double quotes as a
delimiter, it is necessary to set the sql_mode to ANSI_QUOTES:

MySQL extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the MySQL
Columns The following extended attributes are available on the MySQL tab:

Name Description

Character set Set of symbols and encodings.

Scripting name: CharSet

Collation Set of rules for comparing characters in a character set.

Scripting name: Collate

National A way to indicate that a CHAR column should use UTF8

character set.
Scripting name: National

Unsigned Indicates negative values are not allowed for the column.
Scripting name: Unsigned

Retrieve When displayed, the default padding of spaces is replaced

with lead- with zeros. For example, for a column declared as INT(5)
ing zeros ZEROFILL, a value of 4 is retrieved as 00004.
If you specify ZEROFILL for a numeric column, MySQL
automatically adds the UNSIGNED attribute to the column.
Scripting name: ZeroFill

Indexes The following extended attributes are available on the MySQL tab:


Name Description

Full text in- Indicates that the index is a full text index.
dex Scripting name: FullText
Keys The following extended attributes are available on the MySQL tab:

Name Description

Unique key When set to True, indicates that the key is unique. False
implies that the key allows duplicate values.
Scripting name: ExtUnique
Models The following extended attributes are available on the MySQL tab:

Name Description

Database Indicates the type of the database, as specified in the extended

type attribute type DatabaseType.
Scripting name: DatabaseType
References The following extended attributes are available on the MySQL tab:

Name Description

Reference Indicates the reference match type, as specified in the ex-

match type tended attribute type ReferenceMatchType.
Scripting name: ReferenceMatch

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

NonStop SQL
This section describes features specific to the NonStop SQL family of

NonStop SQL extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the NonStop
Columns The following extended attributes are available on the Extended Attributes

Name Description

[none] Specifies an extended type for columns, listed in extended

attribute type TExtType.
Scripting name: ExtType


This section describes features specific to the Oracle family of databases:

Deprecated versions
The DBMSs for Oracle v8 and v8i (8.1.5) are deprecated.

Special variables for triggers

You can use the following variables with Oracle:

Object and SQLJ object data types

Oracle v8 and higher allows you to specify a table type of Object, and to
base the table on an object or SQLJ object abstract data type, so that the
table uses the properties of the ADT and the ADT attributes become table
+ For more information on ADTs, see your Oracle documentation.

v To create an object (or SQLJ object) data type

1. Select Model Abstract Data Types to open the List of Abstract Data
Types, and click the Add a Row tool. Enter a name for the new ADT, and
click the Properties tool to open its property sheet.
2. Select OBJECT or SQLJ_OBJECT from the Type list.
Additional Attributes and Procedures tabs are displayed in the ADT
property sheet.
3. Click the Attributes tab, and create as many attributes, specifying a name,
a code, and a data type for each.
4. Click OK to close the property sheet and return to your model.
Now that you have created your new data type, you can base tables on it.

v To base a table on an object (or SQLJ object) data type

1. Open a table property sheet, and select Object in the Type list.
2. Select the new object (or SQLJ object) data type in the Based on list.
3. Click OK to close the property sheet and return to your model.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Bitmap join indexes

A bitmap join index is a bitmap index described through a join query. It is
defined on a base table, and stores the row ids from the base table along with
the indexed columns from the joined tables.
+ For more information about bitmap join indexes, see your Oracle
You can design a bitmap join index either automatically or manually.

Automatically creating bitmap join indexes through rebuilding

You can automatically generate a bitmap join index for each fact table and
the dimension tables that it references. Each generated bitmap join index
consists of the references that link a fact table to all the dimension tables
located on a single axis proceeding from the fact table.
A reference between two fact tables does not generate any bitmap join index.
A bitmap join index is constrained and can only be defined for tables that are
organized in a connected tree.

v To rebuild bitmap join indexes for all references linked to a fact

1. Select Tools Rebuild Objects Rebuild Join Indexes to open the
Rebuild Join Indexes dialog box, and select one of the following modes:
Delete and Rebuild - all existing indexes are deleted before join index
Preserve - preserves all existing join indexes in the PDM.
2. Click the Selection tab, select one or more fact tables in the list, and then
click OK.
A confirmation box asks if you want to continue.

3. Click Yes to generate a bitmap join index for each fact table.

Displaying automatically generated bitmap join indexes

Automatically generated bitmap join indexes appear in the list of join
indexes. To display the list, select Model Join Indexes.

Manually creating bitmap join indexes

You can manually create bitmap join indexes from the list of join indexes or
via the base table property sheet.


v To create a bitmap join index in the list of join indexes

1. Select Model Join Indexes to open the List of Join Indexes.
2. Click the Add a Row tool and enter a bitmap join index name in the
Name column.
3. Click the Properties tool to open the new bitmap join index property
4. Select a base table on the General tab, and then click the References tab.
5. Click the Add References tool to open a selection window, which lists the
available references depending on the selected base table. Select one or
more references in the list, and then click OK.
The selected reference is displayed in the References list.
6. Click the Columns tab, and then click the Add Columns tool to open a
selection window, which lists the available columns depending on the
selected references. Select one or more columns in the list, and then click
The selected columns are displayed in the Columns list.

7. Click OK to complete the creation of the bitmap join index and return to
the model.
You can create a join index or a bitmap join index from the Join Index tab of
a table property sheet. The bitmap join index will be based on the table.

v To create a bitmap join index from the table property sheet

1. Open the property sheet of a table and click the Join Index tab.

2. Click the Insert a Row or the Add a Row tool to create a new bitmap join
index associated with the table.
3. Click the Properties tool to display the new bitmap join index property
sheet. The Base table box is initialized with the selected table.

Bitmap join index properties

A bitmap join index has the following properties:

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Property Description

Name The name of the item which should be clear and meaningful,
and should convey the items purpose to non-technical users.

Code The technical name of the item used for generating code or
scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally
include spaces.
Comment Additional information about the bitmap join index.

Stereotype Sub-classification among bitmap join indexes.

Owner Name of the user who created the bitmap join index.

Base table Name of the table that stores the bitmap join index.
The following tabs are also available:
Columns tab - The bitmap join index stores information about the
columns used for the index. These columns are displayed in the Columns
tab of the bitmap join index property sheet.

Options tab - You can define physical options for bitmap join indexes
generation. These options override the default physical options defined in
the model. You can choose to generate these options by selecting the
Physical Options check box in the Join Index groupbox in the Keys and
Indexes tab of the Generation dialog box.

Adding a column to a bitmap join index

You can define the list of columns involved in the bitmap join index. These
columns proceed from the different dimension tables linked to the base table.
When you create a bitmap join index manually, you have to select columns
using the list of columns in the bitmap index property sheet.
When you create a bitmap join index using the rebuild join index feature, the
list of columns is initialized with all columns of the tables involved in the
join except foreign keys.

v To add a column to a bitmap join index

1. Open the bitmap join index property sheet and make sure the bitmap join
index has a base table.
2. Click the Columns tab and then click the Add Columns tool.
A selection dialog box is displayed, which lists columns to include in the
join depending on the selected references.


3. Select one or more columns in the list and click OK.

The columns appear in the list of bitmap join index columns.
4. Click OK.

Adding a reference to a bitmap join index

You can add a reference to any bitmap join index. You do this, for example,
when you create a new reference that you want to include in an existing
bitmap join index.

v To add a reference to a bitmap join index

1. Select Model Join Indexes to open the List of Join Indexes.
2. Select a bitmap join index in the list and then click the Properties tool to
open its property sheet.
3. Click the References tab, and then click the Add References tool.
A selection dialog box is displayed. It displays available references
depending on the selected base table.
4. Select one or several references in the list.
5. Click OK to add the new reference to the References list:
6. Click OK to close the bitmap join index property sheet.

Database packages
In Oracle, packages encapsulate related procedures, functions, and
associated cursors and variables together as a unit in the database. Packages
usually have two parts, a specification and a body. The specification is the
interface with your applications; it declares the types, variables, constants,
exceptions, cursors, and subprograms available for use. The body fully
defines cursors and subprograms, and so implements the specification.
Packages provide advantages in the following areas:
Encapsulation of related procedures and variables in a single named,
stored unit in the database. This provides for better organization during
the development process and makes privilege management easier.
Separation of public and private procedures, variables, constants, and
Better performance since entire package is loaded into memory when an
object from the package is called for the first time.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Creating a database package

v To create a database package

1. Select Model Database Packages to open the List of Database

2. Click the Add a Row tool to add a database package to the list, and then
click the Properties tool to display its property sheet.
3. Type a name and a code for the database package.
4. [optional] Select an Owner and/or Privilege for the database package.
5. Click OK to complete the creation of the database package.
A database package has the following properties:

Property Description

Name The name of the item which should be clear and meaningful,
and should convey the items purpose to non-technical users.

Code The technical name of the item used for generating code or
scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally
include spaces.

Comment Additional information about the database package.

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object

without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Owner Name of database package owner. You choose an owner

from a list of users. A database package can only have one
owner at a time.
Privilege Lets you specify whether the functions and procedures in
the database package execute with the privileges and in
the schema of the user who owns it (definer), or with the
privileges and in the schema of CURRENT_USER (invoker).
The following tabs are also available:
Procedures tab Lists the procedures associated with the database
package (see Database package procedures on page 627).
Variables tab - Lists the variables associated with the database package
(see Database package variables on page 628).


Cursors tab - Lists the cursors associated with the database package (see
Database package cursors on page 629).

Exceptions tab Lists the exceptions associated with the database

package (see Database package exceptions on page 630).
Types tab - Lists the types associated with the database package (see
Database package types on page 630).
Initialization tab - Lets you define initialization code for the database
package body. Typically initialization holds statements that initialize
database package variables. Initialization takes place after database
package creation and compilation in the server.

Inserting procedures in a database package

A database package is a set of related procedures. When you create a

database package, you have to declare the procedures it contains.
PowerDesigner differentiates between:
A procedure created in the model.

A procedure created in a database package. This procedure only exists in

the database package and disappears when you delete the package. In this
section, we call it package procedure. You can create a package
procedure from a model procedure using the copy feature.

v To insert procedures in a database package

1. Open the property sheet of the database package and click the Procedures
2. Click the Insert a Row tool if you want to create procedures in the
database package.
Click the Create from Procedure tool if you want to duplicate existing
procedures in the database package. Select the procedures and click OK.
The procedures appear in the list.

3. Select a procedure in the list and click the Properties button to open its
property sheet.
4. Specify any appropriate properties.
5. Click OK to close the property sheet and return to your model.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Database package procedures

A package procedure is created in a database package. If you delete the

database package you also delete the procedures it contains.
A package procedure has the following properties:

Property Description

Name The name of the item which should be clear and meaning-
ful, and should convey the items purpose to non-technical

Code The technical name of the item used for generating code
or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not
generally include spaces.

Comment Additional information about the package procedure.

Stereotype Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an

object without changing its structure; it can be predefined
or user-defined.

DB Package Name of the database package to which the procedure


Type Allows you to choose between procedure and function.

Return data Allows you to define the return data type of a function.

Pragma Allows you to type a compiler directive, that is, a string

for specifying compilation parameters for the procedure.

Public Allows you to declare the procedure in the package

specification and to permit use from outside the database
package. A private procedure (check box deselected) is
only defined in the package body.

The following tabs are also available:

Parameters tab Lists the input and output parameters required by the
procedure (see Database package parameters on page 631).

Definition tab - Lets you define package procedures. Package procedures

are not built using the structure of templates defined in the DBMS. You
have to type the entire package procedure definition. To do so, you can


use operators and functions to insert script items into the cursor

For example, the definition of the CREDIT package procedure is the

CREATE PROCEDURE credit (Account_number NUMBER, Amount IN
UPDATE accounts
SET balance = balance + amount
WHERE account_id = acc_no;

Database package variables

Variables can be declared within a package. A variable can be used in a SQL

or PL/SQL statement to capture or provide a value when one is needed.
For example, you can define the variable in_stock with a boolean data type
to verify if a product is available or not.
Variables have the following properties:

Property Description

Name The name of the item which should be clear and meaning-
ful, and should convey the items purpose to non-technical

Code The technical name of the item used for generating code or
scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally
include spaces.

Comment Additional information about the variable.

DB Package Name of the database package to which the variable


Data Type Data type of the variable. You can use the Question Mark
button to display the list of Standard Data Types.
Mandatory If selected, indicates that the not null clause is set on the
variable, thus making it mandatory.
Length Allows you to define the variable length.

Precision Number of places after the decimal point, for data values
that can take a decimal point.

Default value Default value of the variable.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Property Description

Constant Indicates that the variable is a constant. A constant has a

value assigned. For example: Credit_Limit constant REAL
:= 500 000;
Public Allows you to declare the variable in the package specifica-
tion and to permit use from outside the database package.
A private variable (check box deselected) is only defined in
the package body.

Database package cursors

A cursor is a multi-row query, which lets you name a work area and access
its stored information.
Cursors have the following properties:

Property Description

Name The name of the item which should be clear and meaningful,
and should convey the items purpose to non-technical users.
Code The technical name of the item used for generating code or
scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally
include spaces.

Comment Additional information about the cursor.

DB Package Name of the database package to which the cursor belongs.

Return Data Allows you to define the data type of a cursor result value.

Public Allows you to declare the cursor in the package specification

and to permit use from outside the database package. A
private cursor (check box deselected) is only defined in the
package body.
The following tabs are also available:
Parameters tab Lists the input and output parameters required by the
cursor (see Database package parameters on page 631).
Definition tab - lets you define the cursor. You can use operators and
functions to insert script items into the cursor definition.
For example, the following cursor allows locating in table emp, the
employee number, name, and function in a given department and for a given


employee number:
Select empno, empname, job FROM emp WHERE deptno=20 and empno =
num ;

Database package exceptions

PL/SQL allows you to explicitly handle internal and user-defined error

conditions, called exceptions, that arise during processing of PL/SQL code.
Exceptions have the following properties:

Properties Description

Name The name of the item which should be clear and meaningful,
and should convey the items purpose to non-technical users.

Code The technical name of the item used for generating code or
scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally
include spaces.
Comment Additional information about the exceptions.

DB Package Name of the database package to which the exception


Pragma Allows you to type a compiler directive, that is, a string for
specifying compilation parameters for the exception.

Database package types

A type is a user-defined composite datatype that encapsulates a data

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

structure along with the functions and procedures needed to manipulate the
data. You can also define subtypes of object types: a subtype contains all the
attributes and methods of the parent type, it can contain additional attributes
and can override methods from the type.
Types have the following properties:

Property Description

Name The name of the item which should be clear and meaningful,
and should convey the items purpose to non-technical users.
Code The technical name of the item used for generating code or
scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally
include spaces.

Comment Additional information about the type.

DB Package Name of the database package to which the type belongs.

Type Allows you to declare the type as type or subtype.

Public Allows you to declare the type in the package specification

and to permit use from outside the database package. A
private type (check box deselected) is only defined in the
package body.
The following tabs are also available:
Definition - Used to declare the type contents.
The following example defines the type bank_account:
acct_number INTEGER(5),
balance REAL,
status VARCHAR2(10),

Database package parameters

Database package procedures (see Database package procedures on

page 627) and cursors (see Database package cursors on page 629) can use
input and output parameters.
For example, in a CREDIT procedure, you could define the parameters
Account Number and Amount.
Parameters have the following properties:


Property Description

Name The name of the item which should be clear and meaningful,
and should convey the items purpose to non-technical users.

Code The technical name of the item used for generating code or
scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally
include spaces.
Comment Additional information about the parameter.

Parent Specifies the database package parent of the parameter. You

can see the database package property sheet by clicking the
Properties tool at the right of the field.
Data type Data type of the parameter. You can use the Question Mark
button to display the list of Standard Data Types.
Default Value Default value of the parameter.

Parameter Type of the parameter.


Rebuilding database package procedures

You can rebuild database package procedure dependencies (along with other
procedure dependencies) by selecting Tools Rebuild Objects Rebuild
Procedures Dependencies. For more information, see Rebuilding procedure
dependencies in the Building Triggers and Procedures chapter.

Generating database packages

You can define generation parameters for database packages in the Database
Package tab of the Triggers and Procedures Generation dialog box.
The following parameters are available:

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Parameter Resulting generation command

Create Create database package, as defined in the Oracle DBMS:

database pack- create package %DBPACKAGE% [authid
end [%DBPACKAGE%]/
[create package body %DBPACKAGE% AS

Drop database Drop database package, as defined in the Oracle DBMS:

package drop package %DBPACKAGE%

Permission Generate the permission statement for a given user during

database package creation.

+ For more information on the create and drop statements for database
packages, see the DBMS Resource File Reference chapter in the
Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner manual.

Reverse engineering database packages

You can select database packages to reverse engineer from the Database
Package tab of the Database Reverse Engineering dialog box.
When you reverse engineer a database package, the sub-objects (variable,
procedure, cursor, exception, and type) are created from the specification
and the body of the database package.

Reverse engineering tablespace physical options

In Oracle, you cannot reverse engineer tablespace physical options via a live
database connection without a login System.
If you do not have a login System, the list of tablespaces is reversed
without the physical options of the objects.
If you want to cancel the reverse engineering of tablespace physical options,


you have to clear the query SqlAttrQuery in the Tablespace category in

the Oracle DBMS.

Oracle dimensions
In Oracle, the columns of the dimension table are called levels of the
dimension hierarchy. These levels can have dependent columns. For
example, in the dimension Time, the level Quarter has a dependent column
called Number of business days.
The following mapping is established between dimensions in Oracle and

Oracle object PowerDesigner object

Dimension Dimension

Hierarchy Dimension hierarchy

Level Dimension attribute used in a hierarchy

Attribute Dimension attribute used as detail attribute

Oracle dimension creation and deletion orders can be generated and reverse
engineered in PowerDesigner. Both generation and reverse engineering can
be done by script or through a live database connection. For more
information, see the Generating a Database from a PDM and the Reverse
Engineering a Database into a PDM chapters.
+ For more information on dimensions, see the Building Multidimensional
Diagrams chapter.

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

Oracle 10gR2 provides Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), encryption that
is transparent for the user.
When encrypting a column, Oracle creates an encryption key for the parent
table and encrypts text data in the column with a user-specified encryption
algorithm. The table key is encrypted using a master key and placed in the
data dictionary. The master key is stored in a secure location called a wallet,
which can be a file on the database server. When a user enters data into an
encrypted column, Oracle retrieves the master key from the wallet, decrypts
the table key from the data dictionary, and uses it to encrypt the new data.

Creating a wallet password

In order to access the master key used to encrypt the table keys, you must

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

create a master password to open the wallet.

v To create a wallet password

1. Right-click the model in the Browser, and select Properties from the
contextual menu to open its property sheet.
2. Click the Oracle tab, and enter your wallet password in the Password
Encryption field.
3. Click OK to close the model property sheet. The password will be used
to create alter statements for opening and closing the wallet.

Creating an encrypted table column

You can create one or more encrypted column in one or more tables. You
can specify the encryption algorithm to be used, but all columns in a
particular table must use the same algorithm. If you create a second
encrypted column in a table, and specify a different algorithm, the last
specified algorithm will be used for all columns in the table.

v To encrypt a table column

1. Create a column and open its property sheet.
2. On the General tab, specify any of the following types, which support
3. Click the Oracle tab and select the Encryption checkbox.
4. Select an encryption algorithm from the list particular
5. [optional] Select the With salt checkbox in order to add some random bits
to the encryption key.
6. Click OK to complete the column definition.

A cluster is a schema object that contains data from one or more tables,
which have one or more columns in common. Oracle Database stores
together all the rows from all the tables that share the same cluster key.


PowerDesigner models clusters as extended objects with a stereotype of


Upgrading clusters from v10gR2 and earlier

Clusters in Oracle v10gR2 and earlier are modeled as indexes with the
Cluster check box selected. To upgrade such clusters to v11 or higher, you
must generate a new PDM with the appropriate DBMS target from your
original model. Simply changing the target DBMS will result in the loss of
any existing clusters
Creating a cluster You can create a cluster in any of the following ways:
Select Model Clusters to access the List of Clusters, and click the Add
a Row tool
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New

Cluster properties You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
cluster property sheet, double-click its Browser in the Clusters folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the General tab:

Name Description

Owner Specifies the owner of the cluster

In addition, the following tabs are available:
Columns lists the columns associated with the cluster
Indexes lists the indexes defined for the cluster

Database Links
A database link is a schema object in one database that enables you to access
objects on another database.
Database links are supported for Oracle 11g and higher. PowerDesigner
models database links as extended objects with a stereotype of <<Database
Creating a database link You can create a database link in any of the following ways:
Select Model Database links to access the List of Database links, and
click the Add a Row tool.

Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New

Database link.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Database link properties You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
database link property sheet, double-click its Browser in the Database links
The following extended attributes are available on the Oracle tab:

Name Description

Shared Specifies the use of a single network connection to create a

public database link that can be shared among multiple users.
If selected, you must also specify a user name and password
for the target instance on the remote server.
Scripting names: Shared, AuthenticatedBy, Authentication-

Connect to Specifies the user name and password used to connect to the
remote database using a fixed user database link.You need to
specify CURRENT_USER to create a current user database
link. The current user must be a global user with a valid
account on the remote database. If you do not specify a value,
then the database link uses the user name and password of
each user who is connected to the database.
Scripting names: Username, Password

Service Specifies the service name of a remote database. If you spec-

name ify only the database name, then Oracle Database implicitly
appends the database domain to the connect string to create a
complete service name.
Scripting name: ServiceName

Physical Specifies the PowerDesigner model that contains the objects

data model of the remote database. Use the buttons to the right of the
field to create, delete, select, or view the property sheet of the
Scripting name: LinkModel

Materialized view logs

When DML changes are made to master table data, Oracle Database stores
rows describing those changes in the materialized view log and then uses the
materialized view log to refresh materialized views based on the master
Materialized view logs are supported for Oracle 11g and higher.
PowerDesigner models materialized view logs as extended objects with a
stereotype of <<Materialized view log>>.


Creating a materialized You can create a materialized view log as follows:

view log
Open the property sheet of the table to which you want to attach the log,
select the Oracle tab, and click the Create button in the Materialized view
log groupbox.
Materialized view log You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
properties materialized view log property sheet, double-click its Browser entry or click
the Properties button on its parent table Oracle tab.
The General tab displays the master table name and the comment. The
following properties are available on the Partitions tab:

Name Description

Type Specifies the method for paritioning the table. You can choose
Range/Composite - Partitions the table on ranges of values
from the column list.
Hash - Partitions the table using the hash method.
List - Partitions the table on lists of literal values from col-
Reference - Equipartitions the table being created (the
child table) by a referential constraint to an existing par-
titioned table (the parent table).
System - Partitions the table by the partitions specified.
When you select a type, additional options are displayed, to
allow you to specify the appropriate parameters.

Oracle extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the Oracle
Abstract Data Types The following extended attributes are available for attributes of abstract data
Attributes types of type OBJECT or SQLJ_OBJECT on the Oracle tab:

Name Description

Declare REF Generates a REF modifier on attribute to declare references,

which hold pointers to objects.
Scripting name: RefAttribute
Columns The following extended attributes are available on the Oracle tab:

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Deferred op- Defines the deferred option of a column constraint check. It

tion of check is used in the definition or create and add items statements.
constraint Scripting name: ExtColumnDeferOption

Name of not [v8i and higher] Defines the name of the not null constraint
null con- for a column.
straint Scripting name: ExtNotNullConstraintName

Deferred op- [v8i and higher] Defines the deferred option of a column not
tion of not null constraint. It is used in create and add statement
null con- items definition.
straint An empty value means Not deferrable.
Scripting name: ExtNotNullDeferOption
Encrypted [v10gR2 and higher] Specifies if column is encrypted.
Scripting name: Encrypted

Algorithm [v10gR2 and higher] Specifies the algorithm used for en-
Scripting name: Algorithm

With salt [v10gR2 and higher] Specifies if encryption adds salt to

encoded data.
Scripting name: EncryptionWithSalt

Identified by [v10gR2 and higher] Identifies by password.

Password Scripting name: IdentifiedByPassword

Database Packages The following extended attributes are available on the Oracle tab:

Name Description

Add serially_- [v9i and higher] When set to True, defines that the
reusable pragma pragma serially_reusable clause must be applied on
on package specifi- the database package specification.
cation Scripting name: IsSpecPragma
Add serially_- [v9i and higher] When set to True, defines that the
reusable pragma pragma serially_reusable clause must be applied on
on package body the database package body declaration.
Scripting name: IsPragma
References The following extended attributes are available on the Oracle tab:


Name Description

Deferred option of Defines the deferred option of a reference. It is used

foreign key con- in the definition of create and add items statements.
straint Scripting name: ExtReferenceDeferOption

Exceptions into Specifies a table into which Oracle places the

ROWIDs of all rows violating the constraint.
Scripting name: ExceptionsInto

Rely [v8i and higher] Specifies whether an enabled con-

straint is to be enforced.
Specify RELY to enable an existing constraint without
Specify NORELY to enable and enforce an existing
Scripting name: Rely

Disable Disables the integrity constraint.

Scripting name: Disable

Validate Checks that all old data also obeys the constraint.
Scripting name: Validate

Tables The following extended attributes are available on the Oracle tab:

Name Description

Type Defines if the table is of type global temporary or not.

Scripting name: ExtTableType
The following extended attributes are available (for v11g and higher) on the
XML properties tab when the table type is set to XML:

Name Description

Object prop- Specifies that the properties of object tables are essentially
erties the same as those of relational tables.
However, instead of specifying columns, you specify at-
tributes of the object.
Scripting name: XmlTypeObjProperty

Storage type Specifies that XMLType columns can be stored in LOB,

object-relational, or binary XML columns.
Scripting name: XMLTypeStorage

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Basic file Use this clause to specify the traditional LOB storage.
Scripting name: BasicFile

Secure file Use this clause to specify high-performance LOB.

Scripting name: SecureFile

LOB segment Specify the name of the LOB data segment. You cannot use
name LOB_segname if you specify more than one LOB_item.
Scripting name: LOBSegname

LOB parame- Use this clause to specify various elements of LOB parame-
ters ters.
Scripting name: LOBParameters

Tablespaces The following extended attributes are available on the Oracle tab:

Name Description

Size specifi- [v10g and higher] Specifies whether the tablespace is a

cation bigfile or smallfile tablespace. This clause overrides any
default tablespace type setting for the database. You can
choose from the following settings:
bigfile - contains only one datafile or tempfile. The maxi-
mum size of the single datafile or tempfile is 128 terabytes
(TB) for a tablespace with 32K blocks and 32TB for a ta-
blespace with 8K blocks.
smallfile - a traditional Oracle tablespace.
Scripting name: SizeSpecification

Temporary Use this option to create a locally managed temporary

tablespace tablespace, which is an allocation of space in the database
that can contain transient data that persists only for the
duration of a session. This transient data cannot be recovered
after process or instance failure.
Scripting name: Temporary

Undo ta- Use this option to create an undo tablespace. When you run
blespace the database in automatic undo management mode, Oracle
Database manages undo space using the undo tablespace
instead of rollback segments. This clause is useful if you are
now running in automatic undo management mode but your
database was not created in automatic undo management
Scripting name: Undo


Views The following extended attributes are available on the Oracle tab:

Name Description

Super view [v9i and higher] Used in the UNDER clause to specify the
object superview the current object view is based on.
Scripting name: ExtObjSuperView
Object view [v8i and higher] Specifies the attributes of the object type
key that will be used as a key to identify each row in the object
Scripting name: ExtObjOIDList
Object view [v8i and higher] Defines the type of the object view.
type Scripting name: ExtObjViewType

Force When set to TRUE, allows you to create the view regardless
of the existence of the base tables or the owner privileges on
these tables.
Scripting name: ExtViewForce

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

This section describes features specific to the PostgreSQL family of

PostgreSQL base and composite type domains

PowerDesigner supports the following special PostgreSQL data types:
Base Type
Composite Type

v To create a base or composite type

1. Select Model Domains to open the List of Domains.
2. Click the Add a Row tool to create a new domain, and then click the
Properties tool to open its property sheet.
3. Select either BaseType or CompositeType from the Stereotype list and
click Apply .
4. An additional tab called either Base Type or Composite Type will be
displayed, allowing you to specify type-specific extended attributes. See
the relevant section in the PostgreSQL extended attributes on page 643
section, for details of these properties.

PostgreSQL extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the PostgreSQL
Database The following extended attributes are available on the PostgreSQL tab:

Name Description

Template The name of the template from which to create the new
database, or DEFAULT to use the default template.
Scripting name: Template

Encoding Character set encoding to use in the new database. Specify a

string constant (e.g., SQL_ASCII), or an integer encoding
number, or DEFAULT to use the default encoding.
Scripting name: Encoding
Domain (Base Type) The following extended attributes are available on the PostgreSQL tab:


Name Description

Array delim- Delimiter character for the array.

iter Scripting name: ExtTypeDelimiter

Array Ele- Specifies the type of the array elements.

ment type Scripting name: ExtTypeElement

Input func- Name of a function, created by CREATE FUNCTION,

tion which converts data from its external form to the internal
form of the type.
Scripting name: ExtTypeInput

Length Literal value which specifies the internal length of the new
Scripting name: ExtTypeLength

Output func- Name of a function, created by CREATE FUNCTION,

tion which converts data from its internal form to a form suitable
for display.
Scripting name: ExtTypeOutput

By Value Indicates that operators and functions which use this data
type should be passed an argument by value rather than by
Scripting name: ExtTypePassedByValue

Receive func- Name of a function, created by CREATE FUNCTION,

tion which converts data of this type from a form suitable for
transmission from another machine to internal form.
Scripting name: ExtTypeReceive

Send function Name of a function, created by CREATE FUNCTION,

which converts data of this type into a form suitable for
transmission to another machine.
Scripting name: ExtTypeSend

Domain (Composite The following extended attributes are available on the PostgreSQL tab:

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Definition The composite type is specified by a list of attribute names

and data types. This is essentially the same as the row type of
a table, but using CREATE TYPE avoids the need to create
an actual table when all that is wanted is to define a type. A
stand-alone composite type is useful as the argument or return
type of a function.
Scripting name: CompositeDefinition
Groups The following extended attributes are available on the PostgreSQL tab (v8
and higher):

Name Description

Group iden- The SYSID clause can be used to choose the PostgreSQL
tifier (id) group ID of the new group. This is normally not necessary,
but may be useful if you need to recreate a group referenced
in the permissions of some object.
Scripting name: SysId
Procedures The following extended attributes are available on the PostgreSQL tab:

Name Description

Language The name of the language that the function is implemented

in. May be SQL, C, internal, or the name of a user-defined
procedural language. (See also extended attribute type
Scripting name: ProcLanguage
References The following extended attributes are available on the PostgreSQL tab (v8
and higher):


Name Description

Deferrable Controls whether the constraint can be deferred. A constraint

that is not deferrable will be checked immediately after every
command. Checking of constraints that are deferrable may be
postponed until the end of the transaction.
Only foreign key constraints currently accept this clause. All
other constraint types are not deferrable.
Scripting name: Deferrable

Foreign key If a constraint is deferrable, this clause specifies the default

constraint time to check the constraint.
False means the constraint is INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, it is
checked after each statement. This is the default.
True means the constraint is INITIALLY DEFERRED, it is
checked only at the end of the transaction.
Scripting name: ForeignKeyConstraintDeferred
Tables The following extended attributes are available on the PostgreSQL tab (v8
and higher):

Name Description

Temporary If specified, the table is created as a temporary table. Tempo-

state rary tables are automatically dropped at the end of a session,
or optionally at the end of the current transaction.
Scripting name: Temporary
Tablespaces The following extended attributes are available on the PostgreSQL tab (v8
and higher):

Name Description

Location Specifies the directory that will be used for the tablespace.
The directory must be specified by an absolute path name.
Scripting name: TbspLocation

Owner Specifies the name of the user who will own the tablespace.
If omitted, defaults to the user executing the command.
Only superusers may create tablespaces, but they can assign
ownership of tablespaces to non-superusers.
Scripting name: TbspOwner
Users The following extended attributes are available on the PostgreSQL tab (v8
and higher):

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Create Defines a users ability to create databases.

database If TRUE, the user is allowed to create databases.
Scripting name: CreateDB
Create user If TRUE, the user is allowed to create new users.
This option also turns the user into a superuser who can
override all access restrictions.
Scripting name: CreateUser

Encrypted Controls whether the password is stored encrypted in the

password system catalogs.
Scripting name: EncryptedPassword

User identi- The SYSID clause can be used to choose the PostgreSQL user
fier (id) ID of the new user. This is normally not necessary, but may
be useful if you need to recreate the owner of an orphaned
Scripting name: SysId

Validity This clause sets an absolute time after which the users
password is no longer valid. If this clause is omitted the
password will be valid for all time.
Scripting name: Validity

Red Brick Warehouse

Red Brick Warehouse

This section describes features specific to the Red Brick Warehouse family
of databases.

Red Brick Warehouse extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the Red Brick
Warehouse DBMS.
Columns The following extended attributes are available on the Red Brick tab:

Name Description

Unique Declares that duplicate values are not allowed in the column.
Declaring a column UNIQUE does not enforce uniqueness
on the column; to enforce uniqueness, you must also build a
BTREE index on the column.
Scripting name: IsUnique
Procedures The following extended attributes are available on the Red Brick tab:

Name Description

Macro Type A macro can be temporary, public, or private: see MacroType-

List for details.
If neither temporary nor public is specified, a private macro is
created by default.
Scripting name: MacroType

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Sybase AS Anywhere
This section describes features specific to the Sybase AS Anywhere family
of databases

Deprecated versions
The DBMSs for Sybase AS Anywhere v7 and v8 are deprecated.
Note that from version 10, AS Anywhere is known as Sybase SQL
Anywhere (see Sybase SQL Anywhere on page 674).

Auto-increment columns
Auto-increment columns are equivalent to identity columns in those DBMS
that support identity columns.
If you switch from Sybase ASA to a DBMS that supports identity columns,
the Identity checkbox will be selected for each auto-increment column. On
the other hand, if you switch to Sybase ASA, identity columns will be
assigned the autoincrement default value.
When you reverse engineer a script containing identity columns (using
Sybase ASE-compatible syntax), these are automatically converted into
auto-increment columns in Sybase ASA.

Working with proxy tables in Sybase ASA and ASE

A proxy table is used to access data in a remote table, it has all the attributes
of the remote table, but it does not contain any data locally.
PowerDesigner can generate the script for a proxy table in order to run it in a
Sybase ASA or ASE database. To do so, you need to attach the ProxyTables
extended model definition to your model and then design proxy tables using
external shortcuts or replications.
After designing the proxy tables, you can use the build data source feature
that will create a data source for each target model of the current model.
Target models are models containing the target tables of the replica or
external shortcuts, they are also called remote servers.
Once the data sources are properly defined, you can use the extended
generation feature to generate the proxy table and remote server creation

Understanding the ProxyTables extended model definition

For an external shortcut or replica to be used as a proxy table you need to

Sybase AS Anywhere

attach the ProxyTable extended model definition to the model.

v To attach the ProxyTables extended model definition to an exist-

ing model
1. Select Model Extended Model Definitions.

2. Click the Import an Extended Model Definition tool.

A selection dialog box is displayed.
3. Select the ASA Proxy Tables or ASE Proxy Tables extended model
definition and click OK.
The extended model definition is displayed in the list.
4. Click OK.

Select ProxyTables XEM at model creation

You can also select the relevant Proxy Tables XEM in the Extended Model
Definitions tab of the New dialog box
The ProxyTables extended model definition contains generation templates,
extended attributes, custom checks and custom methods to support the
definition of external proxy tables.
You can double-click the ProxyTables extended model definition in the
Browser to display its properties in the resource editor. The following
extensions must be defined in the Profile category to fully support proxy

Generation template - for generating proxy tables.
Connection information custom check - verifies that the connection
information is sufficient to connect to the database. You must specify
the data source name, user login and password in the Database
Connection tab of the data source property sheet.
GenerateAsProxyServer extended attribute - when set to true, defines
the data source model as the proxy remote server.
[various templates] - used for proxy table generation.
Proxy Servers and Tables generated files - to generate proxy server and
table script files.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Menu provides a contextual menu for building data sources and

commands in the Tools menu for rebuilding data sources and
generating proxy tables.
BuildProxyTableDataSourcesand GenerateProxyTables methods - used
in the menu.
[various templates] - required for proxy server and proxy table script

Data source existence custom check - verifies that data sources are
defined for the shortcuts.

Proxy table is child of reference custom check - verifies that the model
replica is not the child of another table via a reference link.
[various templates] - required for proxy table, remote server and access
definition creation syntax.

Creating a proxy table

You use external shortcuts and/or replica to design proxy tables in your
An external shortcut is a non-modifiable reference to an object in another
model. For more information on shortcuts, see Shortcutsin the Shortcuts
and Object Replications chapter of the Core Features Guide .
A replica is an exact copy of an object that can be updated when the original
object is modified. For more information on replications, see
Replicationsin the Shortcuts and Object Replications chapter of the Core
Features Guide .
One interesting aspect of using replica, is that you can modify the replica
code in order to make it different from the target table. A custom check
verifies that replica are not used as child tables of a reference.

v To create a proxy table in a PDM

1. Select a table in a target model and drag it to the model where you want
to create proxy tables using the appropriate key combination to create
either an external shortcut or a replica.
2. Repeat this operation for each proxy table.

Sybase AS Anywhere

Defining the remote server of a proxy table

The remote server is the model containing the target tables of the external
shortcut or replica. The remote server is defined using a data source in the
proxy tables model; this data source provides access to the remote data on
the server.
Note: the same data source can contain information for several models that
share the same remote servers.
When you attach the ProxyTables extended model definition to the model
containing proxy tables, a specific contextual menu is displayed on the
physical data model item, this menu command is used for building the data
source of the proxy tables.
Note: This command does not build data sources for target models that are
closed in the workspace.

v To define the remote server of a proxy table

1. Create a new data source and set the GenerateAsProxyServer extended
attribute to True.

2. Add the target models in the Models tab of the data source property sheet.
You can also right-click the model that contains replica and/or shortcuts
in the Browser and select the Build Proxy Tables Data Sources command.
A data source is automatically created for each target model.
3. Double-click a data source in the Browser to display its property sheet.
4. Click the Database Connection tab, and define the data source name,
login and password.

5. Click OK.
6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for each data source.

Generating the remote server and proxy tables creation scripts

You can generate the remote server and proxy tables creation scripts in order
to run them in the database. Generation must be started from the model
containing proxy tables.
The ProxyTables extended model definition contains the creation script
syntax for ASA or ASE.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

v To generate the remote server and proxy tables creation scripts

1. Select Tools Proxy Tables Generate Proxy Tables to open the
Generation dialog box, and click the Options tab.
2. Set a value for the UserReplica and UserShorcut options to allow you to
generate the proxy tables corresponding to replica and/or external
3. Set the Generate proxy servers option to one of the following values:
True to generate proxy servers. You can deselect any proxy servers
you do not want to generate.
False to not generate proxy servers
4. Click OK to begin generation.
The generated script is displayed in the Result dialog box.
5. [optional] Double-click the generated SQL file or click the Edit button to
open the script in a text editor.
6. Run the script on your database in order to create the proxy tables.

Sybase AS Anywhere extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the Sybase AS
Anywhere DBMS.
Table The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab:

Name Description

Global tem- Defines if table is a global temporary table or not.

porary table Scripting name: ExtGlobalTemporaryTable
Web Services The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab (v9 and

Name Description

Port number Specifies the web service port number.

Scripting name: PortNumber
Server name Specifies the web service server name.
Scripting name: ServerName

Name prefix Specifies the web service name prefix (dish services only).
(dish services Scripting name: Prefix

Sybase AS Anywhere

Web Operations The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab (v9 and
higher) when the service type is not dish:

Name Description

URL Determines whether URI paths are accepted and, if so, how
they are processed.
Scripting name: Url

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Sybase AS Enterprise
This section describes features specific to the Sybase AS Enterprise family
of databases.

Deprecated versions
The DBMSs for Sybase AS Enterprise v11.0 and v11.5-11.9 are deprecated.

Proxy tables
For information about using proxy tables, see Working with proxy tables in
Sybase ASA and ASE on page 649.

Encryption Keys
Encryption keys are supported for ASE v12.5.3a and higher. PowerDesigner
models encryption keys as extended objects with a stereotype of
Adaptive Server authentication and access control mechanisms ensure that
only properly identified and authorized users can access data. You can
encrypt data at the column level, thus restricting your security measures to
only sensitive data, and minimizing processing overhead.
Encrypting columns in Adaptive Server is more straightforward than using
encryption in the middle tier, or in the client application. You use SQL
statements to create the encryption keys and specify columns for encryption.
Adaptive Server handles key generation and storage. Encryption and
decryption of data occurs automatically and transparently as you write and
read the data in encrypted columns. No application changes are required,
and there is no need to purchase third-party software.
Creating an encryption You can create an encryption key in any of the following ways:
Select Model Encryption Keys to access the List of Encryption Keys,
and click the Add a Row tool.
Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New
Encryption Key.
Encryption key You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
properties encryption key property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the
Encryption Keys folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab:

Sybase AS Enterprise

Name Description

Owner [v12.5.3a and higher] Specifies the owner of the encryption

Scripting name: Owner

Key length [v12.5.3a and higher] Specifies the size in bits of the key to
be created. Valid key lengths for AES are 128, 192 and 256
Scripting name: KeyLength

Algorithm [v12.5.3a and higher] Specifies the algorithm used to generate

the encryption key. Currently, Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES) is the only algorithm supported.
Scripting name: Algorithm

Initialization [v12.5.3a and higher] Controls the use of an initialization

vector vector when encrypting. When an initialization vector is used
by the encryption algorithm, the ciphertext of two identical
pieces of plaintext will be different, which would prevent the
cryptanalyst from detecting patterns of data but would render
the data on disk useless for indexing or matching without
Scripting name: InitVector

Padding of [v12.5.3a and higher] Specifies the use of padding of

datatypes datatypes whose length is less than one block. Padding
can be used instead of an initialization vector to randomize
the ciphertext. It is only suitable for columns whose plaintext
length is less than half the block length. For the default AES
algorithm the block length is 16 bytes.
Scripting name: Pad
Password [v15.0.2 and higher] Specifies a default key for use on all
phrase encrypted columns which do not have a keyname specified in
create table or alter table. This is a database specific default
key for use with tables in the same database. The default key
is stored in the database sysencryptkeys table, the same as
non-default keys.
Scripting name: PasswordPhrase

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Default en- [v12.5.3a and higher] Allows the System Security Officer to
cryption key create a default key for use on all encrypted columns which
do not have a keyname specified in create table or alter table.
This is a database specific default key for use with tables in
the same database. The default key is stored in the database
sysencryptkeys table, the same as non-default keys.
Scripting name: Default

Sybase AS Enterprise extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the Sybase AS
Enterprise DBMS.
Columns The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab:

Name Description

Store Java- [v12.0 and higher] Specifies whether a Java-SQL column

SQL column is stored separate from the row (set to False) or in storage
in row allocated directly in the row (set to True).
Scripting name: InRow

Computed Specifies that the computed column is materialized.

column is Scripting name: Materialized

Encrypted [v12.5.3a and higher] Specifies that the column is encrypted.

Scripting name: Encrypted

Encryption [v12.5.3a and higher] Specifies an encryption key name.

Key Scripting name: EncryptionKey

Keys The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab:

Name Description

Key index is Specifies if the index created for a constraint is to be created

descending in descending order for each column.
Scripting name: DescKey
Model The following extended attributes are available on the Encryption tab
(v12.5.3a and higher):

Sybase AS Enterprise

Name Description

Encryption Global encryption password.

password Scripting name: EncryptionPassword
Web Services The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab (v15.0 and

Name Description

Port number Specifies the web service port number.

Scripting name: PortNumber

Server name Specifies the web service server name.

Scripting name: ServerName

Database Specifies the database name used in the URL to access the
name web service.
Scripting name: DatabaseName
Web Operations The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab (v15.0 and

Name Description

Alias Specifies the name of the user-defined database alias.

Scripting name: Alias

Secure Security option. clear indicates that HTTP is used to access

this Web service. ssl indicates HTTPS is used to access this
Web service
Scripting name: Secure

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Sybase AS IQ
This section describes features specific to the Sybase AS IQ family of

Deprecated versions
The DBMSs for Sybase AS IQ v12.0 and v12.4.3 are deprecated.
Sybase Adaptive Server IQ (AS IQ) is a high-performance decision support
server designed specifically for data warehousing.
Sybase AS IQ provides benefits that allow an interactive approach to
decision support including:
Intelligent query processing using index-only access plans to process
only the data needed to satisfy any type of query
Truly interactive, ad hoc query performance on a uniprocessor as well as
on parallel systems. An ad hoc query is a query about which the system
has no prior knowledge and for which no explicit tuning is required. Ad
hoc queries are distinguished from standard or production reports, where
only pre-defined variables, such as dates, are used to generate pre-defined
reports on a regular basis.

Fully-flexible schema support

Efficient query execution without query-specific tuning by the System
Administrator (under most circumstances)
Fast aggregations, counts, comparisons of data
Stored procedures
Entire database and indexing stored in less space than raw data
Numerous index types

Join indexes to improve overall query performance. Join indexes

represent links between columns in different tables. They enable much
faster query processing on multiple indexes in a very large database, and
are usually applied instead of ad hoc queries.

IQ indexes
Before creating IQ indexes, you should consider the implications of various
types of indexes on the database server memory and disk space.

Sybase AS IQ

The set of indexes you define for any given column can have dramatic
impact on the speed of query processing. There are four main criteria for
choosing indexes:
Number of unique values

Types of queries
Disk space usage

Data types
It is best to consider all criteria in combination, rather than individually. To
decide on indexes, look closely at the data in each column.
Try to anticipate the number of unique and total values, the query results
users will want from it, and whether the data will be used in ad hoc joins or
join indexes.
+ For more information about choosing index types, see chapter Adaptive
Server IQ Indexes in the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and
Performance Guide.

Rebuilding IQ indexes

As you develop a PDM or modify an existing one, you may change data
types, alter the percentage of distinct values or change the number of values
in tables. You must then rebuild the IQ indexes to reflect these changes.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

v To rebuild IQ indexes
1. Select Tools Rebuild Objects Rebuild Indexes to open the Rebuild
Indexes dialog box:

2. Select a default name to generates IQ indexes. You can use the following
%COLUMN% - Column name
%INDEXTYPE% - Type of index to be rebuilt
%TABLE% - Name or code of table (based on display preferences)

3. Specify a mode to use. You can choose between:

Delete and Rebuild - All existing indexes are deleted before index
Preserve Indexes - Preserves all existing indexes
4. [optional] Select the Update statistics before rebuild checkbox to update
such statistics as the number of records in a table and the number of
distinct values in a column before performing the rebuild. Selecting this
option can help with optimizing the rebuild.

5. [optional] Click the Selection tab and select or clear checkboxes to

specify for which tables you want to rebuild indexes.

Sybase AS IQ

6. Click OK, and then Yes to confirm the rebuilding of your indexes.

Index types

When you rebuild indexes, PowerDesigner determines the index type based
on information contained from the table statistics. It uses the number field,
which indicates the estimated number of records per table, and the
percentage of distinct values to compute the number of unique values. If the
user has not specified a number of rows for the table, PD assumes that the
table will include at least 1 row of data.
Usually the rebuild process creates a FASTPROJECTION index for all
columns. Otherwise, the following rules are applied:

Criteria Index type

If no statistics are provided and the column has an No index is created

undefined data type

Low number of unique values in a column LOWFAST

Column used in join predicate

High number of unique values in a column HIGHNON-

GROUP BY queries required

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Criteria Index type

Column used in join predicate HIGHGROUP

High number of unique values in a column (more that
or GROUP BY queries
Column must enforce uniqueness

Column without numeric datatype No index is created

Column with date type DATE

Column with time type TIME

Column with datetime or smalldatetime type DTTM

For example (IQ v12.5, Table A contains 1500 rows

Column % Distinct Unique Rebuild indexes gen-

values values erates

Col_1 integer 100 1500 HG index

Col_2 integer 50 750 LF index

Col_3 integer 0 0 no index

Col_4 char (10) 100 1500 no index

Col_5 char (10) 50 750 LF index

IQ join indexes
A join index is a special type of index used in Sybase AS IQ, which
represents a full outer join of two or more tables. The query engine may use
this full outer join as a starting point for queries that include left outer, right
outer, and inner joins. A full outer join is one where all rows from both the
left and right specified tables are included in the result, with NULL returned
for any column with no matching value in the corresponding column.
Join indexes are defined from references. You can create a join index for any
set of columns that your users commonly join to resolve queries.
While some references are based on keys, Sybase AS IQ allows you to
create user-defined references to include the exact join required by your
foreseen queries.

Sybase AS IQ

You can define a join index:

Automatically, by creating join indexes from all references linked to a
fact table
Manually, by creating a join index in the list of join indexes

Facts and Dimensions A fact corresponds to the focus of a decision support investigation. For
example, Sales, Revenue, and Budget are facts. A table containing facts is
set as a fact table in the table property sheet.
A dimension defines the axis of the investigation of a fact. For example,
Product, Region, and Time are the axes of investigation of the Sales fact. A
table containing dimensions is linked to a fact table and is set as a dimension
table in the table property sheet.
+ For more information about setting table properties, see the Building
Physical Diagrams chapter.

Creating a join index from the table property sheet

You can create a join index or a bitmap join index from the Join Index tab of
the table property sheet. The join index is automatically based on the current

v To create a join index from the table property sheet

1. Open the property sheet of a table and click the Join Index tab.
2. Click the Insert a Row or the Add a Row tool to add a join index.
3. [optional] Click the Properties tool to open the join index property sheet
and check that the Base table box is initialized with the selected table.

Creating a join index in the list of join indexes

If you need to create more join indexes than those automatically created by
the rebuild process, you can use the list of join indexes.

Several references can be made at once

The following procedure shows how to create a join index in its simplest
form: using one reference at a time. Once you become familiar with join
index creation, you can select several references at once to reflect a more
complex query plan.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

v To create a join index in the list of join indexes

1. Select Model Join Indexes to open the List of Join Indexes.
2. Click the Add a Row tool, type a name in the Name column, and then
click the Properties tool to open the property sheet of the new join index.
3. Click the References tab to display the list of references of the join index.
The list is empty when you create a new join index.
4. Click the Add References tool to open a selection box listing all the
available references in the PDM, select a reference, and then click OK to
add it to the Join Index references list:

5. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes to complete the creation of the join

Join index properties

A join index has the following properties:

Sybase AS IQ

Property Description

Name The name of the item which should be clear and meaningful,
and should convey the items purpose to non-technical users.

Code The technical name of the item used for generating code or
scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally
include spaces.
Stereo- Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object
type without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-

Comment Descriptive label for the join index.

Base table Name of the table that stores the join index. You can use the
tools to the right of the list to create an object, browse the
complete tree of available objects or view the properties of the
currently selected object.

Rebuilding join indexes for all references linked to a fact table

You can automatically generate a join index for each selected fact table and
the dimension tables that it references. The rebuild process only applies to
fact tables selected in the Selection tab of the Join Index Rebuild tab.
Each automatically generated join index consists of the references that link a
fact table to all the dimension tables located on a single axis proceeding
from the fact table.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

A reference between two fact tables does not generate any join index.
A join index is constrained and can only be defined for tables that are
organized in a connected tree.

Parameter Result of selection

Delete and When selected all existing indexes are deleted before join
Rebuild index rebuild.

Preserve When selected, preserves all existing join indexes in the

The same feature applies to Oracle bitmap join indexes.
+ For more information on Oracle bitmap join indexes, see section
Automatically creating bitmap join indexes through rebuilding on
page 621.

v To rebuild join indexes for all references linked to a fact table

1. Select Tools Rebuild Objects Rebuild Join Indexes to open the
Rebuild Join Indexes dialog:
2. Click the Selection tab, and select one or more fact tables from the list:

3. Click OK, and then Yes to confirm rebuilding of the join indexes.
A join index is automatically generated for each fact table.

Sybase AS IQ

Displaying automatically generated join indexes

Automatically generated join indexes appear in the list of join indexes.
To display the list, select Model Join Indexes.

Adding references to a join index

You can add a reference to any join index. You do this, for example, when
you create a new reference that you want to include in an existing join index.

v To add a reference to a join index

1. Select Model Join Indexes to open the List of Join Indexes.
2. Select a join index in the list, and then click the Properties tool to open its
property sheet.
3. Select the References tab, and click the Add References tool to open a
selection box listing all the available references in the PDM. Select the
appropriate reference in the list and click OK to add it to the join index:

4. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes to complete the addition of the

reference to the join index.

Generating IQ data movement scripts

PowerDesigner provides the capability to generate data movement scripts to
populate your AS IQ data warehouse from your other databases. The script
can be used to:

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Generate a flat file for loading to the AS IQ data warehouse

Create Insert Location statements for use with a proxy data base (for ASE
and ASA only)
To create a data movement script, you must:

Add the Data Movement IQ XEM to your AS IQ model

Specify your data movement options

[optional] Create a data source linked to a model of the database from

which you want to draw the data to be moved

[optional] Specify mappings between the tables in your data source and
your AS IQ database

Generate the data movement script

v To add the Data Movement IQ XEM to your AS IQ model

1. Select Model Extended Model Definitions to open the List of Extended
Model Definitions.
2. Click the Import an Extended Model Definition tool, select the Data
Movement IQ and click OK to add this XEM to the model.
3. Click OK to close the List of Extended Model Definitions and return to
the model.

v To create a data source to populate your IQ data warehouse

1. Create a PDM to model your source database, and ensure that it is open
in your workspace.
2. In your AS IQ PDM, right-click the model name in the Browser and
select New Data Source.
3. Enter a name for the source and then click the Models tab.

4. Click the Add Models tool, and select your source model.

5. Click the Database Connection tab, and complete the fields to enable a
connection to your source database.
6. Complete the fields on the Data Movement tab and click OK.

Sybase AS IQ

Data Source properties The following fields are available on the Data Source properties sheet Data
Data Movement tab Movement tab:

Property Description

Remote Specifies the name of the remote server used in the interface
Server Name file for IQ server.

Remote Specifies the name of the remote database.


Data Source Specifies the label given to the data source in the sql.ini file.

Dump file Specifies the directory where the dump file (external flat
directory file), that contains the data to be imported, will be created.

Local user Specifies the database user name.


v To specify data movement options

1. Right-click the model item in the Browser and select Properties from the
contextual menu.
2. Click the Data Movement tab and enter the appropriate values for the
model as a whole.
3. [optional] To override these global data movement options for a specific
table, open its property sheet and enter table-specific values on the Data
Movement tab. This tab also allows you to specify a table-specific dump
file for importing into the table
Model properties Data The following fields are available on the Model properties sheet Data
Movement tab Movement tab:

Property Description

Field Delim- Specifies the delimiter to be used between fields in the dump
iter file.

Row Delim- Specifies the delimiter to be used between rows in the dump
iter file.

Maximum Specifies the maximum length of an image (or text) record, to

Image or which it will be truncated if necessary.
Text Size

Load file Specifies the directory where the load file is located.

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Table properties Data If the Data Movement Method generation option is set to Insert Location, a
Movement tab Data Movement tab is available on each Table properties sheet, containing
the following fields:

Property Description

Dump file Specifies the name of the dump file (external flat file) that
name contains the data to be imported.
Field Delim- Specifies the delimiter to be used between fields in the dump
iter file.
Row Delim- Specifies the delimiter to be used between rows in the dump
iter file.
Maximum Specifies the maximum length of an image (or text) record, to
Image or which it will be truncated if necessary.
Text Size

v To specify mappings between the tables in your data source and

your AS IQ database
1. Select Tools Mapping Editor to open the Mapping Editor.
2. Create the necessary mappings and then click OK. For detailed
information about using the Mapping Editor, see the Creating Mappings
chapter in the Core Features Guide .

v To generate the data movement script

1. Select Tools Extended Generation to open the Generation window.
2. Specify a directory in which to generate your data movement files.
3. [optional] Click the Selection tab and specify for which Tables and/or
Data Sources you want to generate a data movement script.
4. Click the Options tab and specify your data movement script generation
options. You can set the following options:
Use Mappings specifies whether any previously-created mappings
should be used for the data movement
Data Movement Method specifies which kind of script to generate.
You can choose between:
Insert Location [IQ or ASE only] PowerDesigner will create a
loadscript for connecting the source database to the IQ server. Note
that if the data source is not an IQ or ASE database, then no
loadscript will be generated.

Sybase AS IQ

External File PowerDesigner will create a dump file from the

source database together with a loadscript to upload it to the IQ
5. [optional] Click the Generated Files tab to review the names and
locations of the files to be generated.
6. Click OK to begin the generation of the data movement script.

Sybase AS IQ events
PowerDesigner supports Sybase AS IQ events for v12.7 and higher. For
details, see SQL Anywhere events on page 674.

Sybase AS IQ extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the Sybase AS IQ
Columns The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab (v12.4.3
and higher):

Name Description

Number of Defines the cardinality of the column (to optimize the

distinct value indexes internally).
(Iq unique) Scripting name: ExtIqUnicity
Tables The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab (v12.4.3
and higher):

Name Description

Global tempo- Specifies that the table is a global temporary table.

rary table Scripting name: ExtGlobalTemporaryTable
Web Services The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab (v12.6 and

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Port number Specifies the web service port number.

Scripting name: PortNumber

Server name Specifies the web service server name.

Scripting name: ServerName

Name prefix [DISH service type] Specifies a name prefix. Only SOAP
services whose names begin with this prefix are handled.
Scripting name: Prefix
Web Operations The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab (v12.6 and
higher) when the service type is not dish:

Name Description

URL Determines whether URI paths are accepted and, if so, how
they are processed.
Scripting name: Url

Sybase SQL Anywhere

Sybase SQL Anywhere

This section describes features specific to the Sybase SQL Anywhere family
of databases.
Note that Sybase SQL Anywhere is the new name for Sybase AS Anywhere
(see Sybase AS Anywhere on page 649).

SQL Anywhere events

This section also applies to Sybase AS IQ events.
Events allow you to automate and schedule actions. PowerDesigner models
events as extended objects with a stereotype of <<Event>>.
You can create an event in any of the following ways:
Select Model Events to access the List of Events, and click the Add a
Row tool.

Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New

You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open an
event property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser entry in
the Events folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab:

Name Description

Event is Specifies that the server carries out a set of actions according to
scheduled a schedule of times.
If selected, this option disables the Event is triggered option.
Scripting name: ScheduledEvent

Schedule Enter the schedule of event trigger times here. Click the New
definition button to launch a dedicated editor window.
Scripting name: SchedulesText

Event is Specifies that the server carries out a set of actions when a
triggered predefined type of system event occurs.
This option is the default and, if selected, disables the Event
is scheduled option.
Scripting name: TypedEvent

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Event type The event-type is one of the listed set of system-defined event
types. The event types are case insensitive. To specify the
conditions under which this event-type triggers the event, use
the WHERE clause.
Scripting name: EventType

Trigger Determines the condition under which an event is fired. For

condition example, to take an action when the disk containing the
transaction log becomes more than 80% full, use the following
triggering condition:
WHERE event_condition( LogDiskSpacePercentFree ) < 20
The argument to the event_condition function must be valid for
the event type.
You can use multiple AND conditions to make up the WHERE
clause, but you cannot use OR conditions or other conditions.
Scripting name: TriggerCondition

Handler Each event has one handler.

The actions of an event handler are committed if no error
is detected during execution, and rolled back if errors are
Scripting name: Handler

Enable By default, event handlers are enabled. When DISABLE is

specified, the event handler does not execute even when the
scheduled time or triggering condition occurs. A TRIGGER
EVENT statement does not cause a disabled event handler to
be executed.
Scripting name: Enable

At If you want to execute events at remote or consolidated

(databases) databases in a SQL Remote setup, you can use this clause
to restrict the databases at which the event is handled. By
default, all databases execute the event.
Scripting name: Database

Sybase SQL Anywhere extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the Sybase SQL
Anywhere DBMS.
Columns The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab:

Sybase SQL Anywhere

Name Description

Column is Specifies whether this column is stored in a compressed

compressed format.
Scripting name: Compressed
Tables The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab:

Name Description

PCTFREE Specifies the percentage of free space you want to reserve

for each table page. The free space is used if rows increase
in size when the data is updated. If there is no free space
in a table page, every increase in the size of a row on
that page requires the row to be split across multiple table
pages, causing row fragmentation and possible performance
The value percent-free-space is an integer between 0 and
100. The former specifies that no free space is to be left
on each page (each page is to be fully packed). A high
value causes each row to be inserted into a page by itself. If
PCTFREE is not set, 200 bytes are reserved in each page.
Scripting name: PctFree

Temporary ta- Specifies either temporary table is a global or a local

ble temporary table.
Scripting name: TemporaryTable
Indexes The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab:

Name Description

Virtual index The VIRTUAL keyword is primarily for use by the Index
Consultant. A virtual index mimics the properties of a
real physical index during the evaluation of query plans
by the Index Consultant and when the PLAN function is
used. You can use virtual indexes together with the PLAN
function to explore the performance impact of an index,
without the often time consuming and resource consuming
effects of creating a real index.
Scripting name: Virtual
Web Services The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab:

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Port number Specifies the web service port number.

Scripting name: PortNumber

Server name Specifies the web service server name.

Scripting name: ServerName

Name prefix [DISH service type] Specifies a name prefix. Only SOAP
services whose names begin with this prefix are handled.
Scripting name: Prefix
Web Operations The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab when the
service type is not dish:

Name Description

URL Determines whether URI paths are accepted and, if so, how
they are processed.
Scripting name: Url


This section describes features specific to the Teradata family of databases.

Transform groups
A transform is a mechanism for creating an external representation of the
UDT that is used when exporting and importing data between the client and
the Teradata server. This mechanism allows most Teradata client utilities and
open APIs to transparently move data to and from a UDT without the need
for special logic or metadata.
Transforms usually appear as a named pair of functions or methods (usually
referred to as To-SQL and From-SQL to indicate the direction of data flow
to and from the database) called a transform group. A transform group is
required if the type is to be used in a table.
Transform groups are supported for Teradata v2r6 and higher.
PowerDesigner models transform groups as extended objects with a
stereotype of <<TransformGroup>>.
Creating a transform You can create a transform group in any of the following ways:
Select Model Transform Groups to access the List of Transform
Groups, and click the Add a Row tool.

Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New

Transform Group.

Transform group You can modify an objects properties from its property sheet. To open a
properties transform group property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the
Transform Groups folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the Teradata tab (vV2R6
and higher):

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

UDT Specifies the name of the user-defined type associated with

the transform group.
Scripting name: UDT

To sql with Specifies the function name and parameters to be used as the
tosql routine for this transform group, and whether or not it is
Scripting names: ToName, ToParms, ToSpecific

From sql Specifies the method or function name and parameters to

with be used as the fromsql routine for this transform group, and
whether or not it is specific and/or instantiable.
Scripting names: FromType, FromName, FromParms, From-
Specific, FromInstance, FromUDT

Teradata database permissions

You can define multiple databases in a PDM for Teradata, and also define
permissions on the database object.
+ For more information on permissions, see the Building a Database
Access Structure chapter.

Primary indexes in Teradata

In Teradata, users tend to use indexes rather than key constraints.

v To create a primary index

1. Open the property sheet of an index from the Indexes tab of a table, or
from the List of Indexes available by selecting Model Indexes.

2. Click the Teradata tab and select the Primary Index checkbox.
3. Click OK to close the index property sheet.
When a primary index is based on a key, it is automatically unique. You
can make this primary index non-unique by detaching the index from the
key. To do so, select <None> in the Columns Definition list in the
Columns tab of the index property sheet, and set the PrimaryIndex
extended attribute of the index to True.
Once defined, you can decide to generate indexes or keys in the SQL
script, and you can also decide to generate them inside or outside the
table creation script.


Teradata extended attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the Teradata
Abstract data types The following extended attributes are available on the Teradata tab if the
type is distinct (vV2R6 and higher):

Name Description

Predefined Indicates that character column comparison uses character

data type case (upper and lower) to raise differences.
Scripting name: PredefinedDataType
Abstract data type The following extended attributes are available on the Teradata tab if the
procedures type is distinct (vV2R6 and higher):

Name Description

Return data Specifies the name of the data type returned by the method,
type which can be either a predefined data type or a UDT.
Scripting name: ReturnDataType

Self as result Specifies that the method is type-preserving. If so, then the
data type specified in the RETURNS clause for the method
must have the same name as UDT_name.
Scripting name: SelfAsResult

As locator Specifies that BLOB and CLOB types must be represented by

a locator. The Teradata Database does not support in-memory
LOB parameters: an AS LOCATOR phrase must be specified
for each LOB parameter and return value.
Scripting name: ReturnAsLocator

Character set Specifies the CHARACTER SET clause for character data
Scripting name: ReturnCharSet

Cast data Specifies a computed attribute that show the datatype and its
type length and precision.
Scripting name: CastDataTypeDisplay

As locator Specifies that BLOB and CLOB types must be represented by

a locator.
Scripting name: CastAsLocator

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Specific Specifies the specific name of the method whose signature is

method being added to the type definition for UDT_name.
name Scripting name: SpecificMethodName

Parameter Specifies the parameter style for the method defined by this
style signature.
Scripting name: ParameterStyle

Returns null Specifies that the method defined by this signature is not
on null input called if any of the arguments passed to it is null. Instead, it
returns a null.
Scripting name: ReturnsNullOnNullInput

Determinis- Specifies that the result of invoking the method defined by

tic this signature is deterministic.
Scripting name: Deterministic

Language Specifies the language (either C or C++) used to write the

source code for the method defined by this signature.
Scripting name: Language

Columns The following extended attributes are available on the Teradata tab (vV2R6
and higher):

Name Description

Case specific Specifies that character column comparison is case-sensitive.

Scripting name: CaseSpecific

Character set Specifies the character set to be used.

Scripting name: CharacterSet

System gen- Specifies that identity column values are always system-
erated only generated. You cannot insert values into, nor update, an
identity column defined as GENERATED ALWAYS.
If not selected, identity column values are system-generated
unless the user does not enter a non-null value.
Scripting name: ExtGenAlways


Name Description

Compressed Compresses specified values and nulls in one or more columns

values of a table to zero space. When the data in a column matches a
value specified in the COMPRESS phrase, then that value is
stored only once in the table header regardless of how many
times it occurs as a field value for the column, thus saving
disk storage space.
Attribute must be enclosed in parenthesis when it is composed
of multiple values.
Scripting name: Compress

Databases The following extended attributes are available on the Teradata tab (vV2R6
and higher):

Name Description

Account Specifies the account ID identifiers.

Scripting name: Account
After journal Specifies the type of image to be maintained by default for
data tables created in the new database.
Scripting name: AfterJournal

Default journal Specifies the default table that is to receive the journal
table images of data tables created in the new database.
Scripting name: DefaultJournalTable

Fallback Specifies whether to create and store a duplicate copy of

each table created in the new database.
Scripting name: Fallback

Owning Specifies the name of the immediate owning user or

database database. The default is the user name associated with
the current session.
Scripting name: FromDatabaseName

Journal Specifies the number of before change images to be main-

tained by default for each data table created in the new
Scripting name: Journal

Permanent Specifies the number of bytes to be reserved for permanent

space storage of the new user database. The space is taken from
unallocated space in the database of the immediate owner.
Scripting name: PermanentSpace

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Spool space Specifies the number of bytes (n) to be allocated for spool
files. The default is the largest value that is not greater then
the owner spool space, and that is a multiple of the number
of AMPs on the system.
Scripting name: SpoolSpace

Temporary Specifies how much space (in bytes) is to be allocated for

space creating temporary tables by this user. Note that temporary
space is reserved prior to spool space for any user defined
with this characteristic.
Scripting name: TemporarySpace

Indexes The following extended attributes are available on the Teradata tab:

Name Description

Primary In- Specifies that the index is the primary index.

dex Scripting name: PrimaryIndex

All Specifies that a NUSI should retain row ID pointers for

each logical row of a join index (as opposed to only the
compressed physical rows).
Scripting name: AllIndex

Index has Specifies that the index will be generated with its name (as
name Teradata allows index with no name).
Scripting name: NamedIndex
Tables The following extended attributes are available on the Teradata tab (vV2R6
and higher):

Name Description

On commit Specifies the action to take with the contents of a global

action temporary table when a transaction ends:
DELETE ROWS - clears the temporary table of all rows.
PRESERVE ROWS - retains the rows in the table after the
transaction is committed.
Scripting name: CommitRowAction


Name Description

Type Specifies whether the table to be created is a global temporary

table or a volatile table:
GLOBAL TEMPORARY - a temporary table definition is
created and stored in the data dictionary for future materi-
alization. You can create global temporary tables by copy-
ing a table WITH NO DATA, but not by copying a table
VOLATILE - specifies that a volatile table be created, with
its definition retained in memory only for the course of the
session in which it is defined.
Scripting name: GlobalTemporary

Duplicate Controls the treatment of duplicate rows. If there are unique-

row control ness constraints on any column or set of columns in the table
definition, then the table cannot have duplicate rows even
if it is declared as MULTISET. Some client utilities have
restrictions with respect to MULTISET tables.
Scripting name: SetOrMultiset

Users The following extended attributes are available on the Teradata tab :

Name Description

Owner Specifies the database (or user) that owns the current user.
Scripting name: DBOwner

Permanent Specifies the number of bytes to be reserved for permanent

storage of the new user database. The space is taken from
unallocated space in the database of the immediate owner.
Scripting name: PermanentSpace

Spool Specifies the number of bytes (n) to be allocated for spool

files. The default is the largest value that is not greater then
the owner spool space, and that is a multiple of the number
of AMPs on the system.
Scripting name: SpoolSpace

Temporary Specifies how much space (in bytes) is to be allocated for

creating temporary tables by this user. Note that temporary
space is reserved prior to spool space for any user defined
with this characteristic.
Scripting name: TemporarySpace

Chapter 11. DBMS-Specific Features

Name Description

Account Specifies the account ID identifiers.

Scripting name: Account

Fallback Specifies whether to create and store a duplicate copy of

each table created in the new database.
Scripting name: Fallback
Journal Specifies the number of before change images to be main-
tained by default for each data table created in the new
Scripting name: Journal
After journal Specifies the type of image to be maintained by default for
data tables created in the new database.
Scripting name: AfterJournal

Default table Specifies the default table that is to receive the journal
images of data tables created in the new database.
Scripting name: DefaultJournalTable

Database Specifies the default database name.

Scripting name: DefaultDatabase

Role Specifies the default role for the user.

Scripting name: DefaultRole

Character set Specifies the default character data type.

Scripting name: DefaultCharacterSet

Collation Specifies the default collation for this user.

Scripting name: Collation

Time zone Specifies the default time zone displacement for the user.
Scripting name: TimeZone

Date format Specifies the default format for importing and exporting
DATE values for the user.
Scripting name: DateForm

Profile name Specifies a profile to the user.

Scripting name: Profile

Startup string Specifies a startup string.

Scripting name: Startup


Views The following extended attributes are available on the Teradata tab (vV2R6
and higher):

Name Description

Lock type Specifies the type of lock to be placed.

Scripting name: LockType

Locked object Specifies the type (class) of the object to be locked.

class Scripting name: LockedClass

Locked object Specifies the name of the object to be locked.

Scripting name: LockedObjt

No wait Specifies that if the indicated lock cannot be obtained, the

statement should be aborted.
Scripting name: NoWait


Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner

About this appendix This appendix provides a short introduction to writing SQL scripts in
PowerDesigner and lists the variables and macros available for use in such
Contents Topic: page

Introduction 688

Writing SQL with the PowerDesigner GTL 689

Writing SQL with the PDM Variables and Macros 691

PDM Macros 693

PDM Variables 704

PowerDesigner Formatting Variables 716


PowerDesigner allows you to associate your own custom SQL statements
with many database objects.
You can write triggers and procedures, and also add begin and end scripts to
many database objects.
+ For more information, see:
The Building Triggers and Procedures chapter

The Customizing scripts section in the Generating a Database from a

PDM chapter
Instead of hard coding the names of tables, columns, and other objects in
your SQL statements, you can use the PowerDesigner Generation Template
Language (GTL) or the PDM variables and macros to obtain these values
from the model.
While you can perform many tasks using the PDM variables and macros, the
GTL is more powerful, as it allows you to access any information about any
object in the model.
+ For more detailed information about the GTL, see the Customizing
Generation with GTL chapter of the Customizing and Extending
PowerDesigner manual.

Chapter 12. Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner

Writing SQL with the PowerDesigner GTL

You can use the PowerDesigner Generation Template Language (GTL) to
write SQL statements.
In the following example, a trigger written using GTL is attached to the
Example table, and writes the contents of any insertion to HistoryTable.
See Writing SQL with the PDM Variables and Macros on page 691 for an
example of the same trigger written using the PowerDesigner macros and

The actual trigger code can be viewed on the Preview tab:

Writing SQL with the PowerDesigner GTL

+ For more information, see the Customizing Generation with GTL

chapter of the Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner manual.

Chapter 12. Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner

Writing SQL with the PDM Variables and Macros

You can use the PDM Variables and Macros to write SQL statements.
In the following example, a trigger written using the PDM variables and
macros is attached to the Example table, and writes the contents of any
insertion to HistoryTable.
See Writing SQL with the PowerDesigner GTL on page 689 for an
example of the same trigger written using the PowerDesigner GTL:

The actual trigger code can be viewed on the Preview tab:

Writing SQL with the PDM Variables and Macros

+ For lists of the available variables and macros, see PDM Macros on
page 693, PDM Variables on page 704, and PowerDesigner Formatting
Variables on page 716.

Chapter 12. Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner

PDM Macros
You can use predefined macros in trigger templates, template items, triggers,
and procedures. Macros perform specific functions.

Description Repeats a statement for each alternate key in a table

.AKCOLN("statement","prefix","suffix","last_suffix", "condition")

Argument Description

statement Statement to repeat for each column

prefix Prefix for each new line

suffix Suffix for each new line

last suffix Suffix for the last line

condition Alternate key code (if condition argument is left empty the
macro returns a statement for each alternate key in the table)
Example In a trigger for the table TITLEAUTHOR, the following macro:
message .AKCOLN("%COLUMN% is an alternate key column","", "",
"", "AKEY1")

generates the following trigger script:

message TA_ORDER is an alternate key column,

Column variable only

For columns, the macro AKCOLN only accepts the variable %COL-

Description Repeats a statement for each column in a table


PDM Macros

Argument Description

statement Statement to repeat for each column

prefix Prefix for each new line

suffix Suffix for each new line

last suffix Suffix for the last line

Example In a trigger for the table AUTHOR, the following macro:
.ALLCOL("%COLUMN% %COLTYPE%","",",",";")

generates the following trigger script:

AU_ID char(12),
AU_LNAME varchar(40),
AU_FNAME varchar(40),
AU_BIOGRAPH long varchar,
AU_ADVANCE numeric(8,2),
AU_ADDRESS varchar(80),
CITY varchar(20),
STATE char(2),
AU_PHONE char(12);

Description Defines a variable and initializes its value.
.DEFINE "variable" "value"

Argument Description

variable Variable name (without % signs)

value Variable value (may include another variable surrounded by %
Example In a trigger for the table AUTHOR, the following macro:
message Error: Trigger(%TRIGGER%) of table %TABLE%

generates the following trigger script:

message Error: Trigger(T_AUTHOR) of table AUTHOR;

Chapter 12. Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner

Description Defines a variable and initializes its value if the test value is not null
.DEFINEIF "test_value" "variable" "value"

Argument Description

test_value Value to test

variable Variable name (without % signs)

value Variable value (may include another variable surrounded by %
Example For example, to define a variable for a default data type:

Description Handles errors

.ERROR (errno, "errmsg")

Argument Description

errno Error number

errmsg Error message

.ERROR(-20001, "Parent does not exist, cannot insert child")

Description Repeats a statement for each foreign key column in a table


PDM Macros

Argument Description

statement Statement to repeat for each column

prefix Prefix for each new line

suffix Suffix for each new line

last suffix Suffix for the last line

Example In a trigger for the table TITLEAUTHOR, the following macro:
message .FKCOLN("%COLUMN% is a foreign key column","",",",";")

generates the following trigger script:

message AU_ID is a foreign key column,
TITLE_ISBN is a foreign key column;

Column variable only

For columns, the macro FKCOLN only accepts the variable %COLUMN%.

Description Repeats a statement for each parent-to-child reference in the current table
fulfilling a condition

.FOREACH_CHILD ("condition")



Argument Description

condition Reference condition (see below)

statement Statement to repeat

Condition Selects

UPDATE RESTRICT Restrict on update

UPDATE CASCADE Cascade on update

UPDATE SETNULL Set null on update

UPDATE SETDEFAULT Set default on update

Chapter 12. Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner

Condition Selects

DELETE RESTRICT Restrict on delete

DELETE CASCADE Cascade on delete

DELETE SETNULL Set null on delete

DELETE SETDEFAULT Set default on delete

Example In a trigger for the table TITLE, the following macro:

-- Cannot delete parent "%PARENT%" if children still exist in

generates the following trigger script:

-- Cannot delete parent "TITLE" if children still exist in
-- Cannot delete parent "TITLE" if children still exist in
-- Cannot delete parent "TITLE" if children still exist in

Description Repeats a statement for each column in the current table fulfilling a condition

.FOREACH_COLUMN ("condition")



Argument Description

condition Column condition (see below)

statement Statement to repeat

PDM Macros

Condition Selects

empty All columns

PKCOLN Primary key columns

FKCOLN Foreign key columns

AKCOLN Alternate key columns

NMFCOL Non-modifiable columns (columns that have Cannot Modify
selected as a check parameter)
INCOLN Triggering columns (primary key columns, foreign key
columns; and non-modifiable columns)
Example In a trigger for the table TITLE, the following macro:
-- "%COLUMN%" cannot be modified

generates the following trigger script:

-- "TITLE_ISBN" cannot be modified
-- "PUB_ID" cannot be modified

Description Repeats a statement for each child-to-parent reference in the current table
fulfilling a condition

.FOREACH_PARENT ("condition")



Argument Description

condition Reference condition (see below)

statement Statement to repeat

Chapter 12. Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner

Condition Selects references defined with . . .

empty All references

FKNULL Non-mandatory foreign keys

FKNOTNULL Mandatory foreign keys

FKCANTCHG Non-modifiable foreign keys

Example In a trigger for the table SALE, the following macro:
-- Cannot modify parent code of "%PARENT%" in child "%CHILD%"

generates the following trigger script:

-- Cannot modify parent code of "STORE" in child "SALE"
-- Cannot modify parent code of "TITLE" in child "SALE"

Description Repeats a statement for each primary key column, foreign key column,
alternate key column, or non-modifiable column in a table.


Argument Description

statement Statement to repeat for each column

prefix Prefix for each new line

suffix Suffix for each new line

last suffix Suffix for the last line

Example In a trigger for the table TITLE, the following macro:
.INCOLN("%COLUMN% %COLTYPE%","",",",";")

generates the following trigger script:

TITLE_ISBN char(12),
PUB_ID char(12);

Description Repeats a statement for column couple in a join.

PDM Macros



Argument Description

statement Statement to repeat for each column

prefix Prefix for each new line

suffix Suffix for each new line

last suffix Suffix for the last line

Example In a trigger for the table TITLE, the following macro:
where .JOIN("%PK%=%FK%", " and", "", ";")
message Reference %REFR% links table %PARENT% to %CHILD%

generates the following trigger script:

message Reference TITLE_PUB links table PUBLISHER to TITLE

Primary key, alternate key, and foreign keys variables only

For columns, the macro JOIN only accepts the variables %PK%, %AK%,
and %FK%.

Description Repeats a statement for each non-modifiable column in a table.
Non-modifiable columns have Cannot Modify selected as a check parameter.


Argument Description

statement Statement to repeat for each column

prefix Prefix for each new line

suffix Suffix for each new line

last suffix Suffix for the last line
Example In a trigger for the table TITLE, the following macro:
.NMFCOL("%COLUMN% %COLTYPE%","",",",";")

Chapter 12. Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner

generates the following trigger script:

TITLE_ISBN char(12),
PUB_ID char(12);

Description Repeats a statement for each primary key column in a table


Argument Description

statement Statement to repeat for each column

prefix Prefix for each new line

suffix Suffix for each new line

last suffix Suffix for the last line

Example In a trigger for the table TITLEAUTHOR, the following macro:
message .PKCOLN("%COLUMN% is a primary key column","",",",";")

generates the following trigger script:

message AU_ID is a primary key column,
TITLE_ISBN is a primary key column;

Column variable only

For columns, the macro PKCOLN only accepts the variable %COLUMN%.


Description Uses the client and/or server expression of a business rule in the trigger
template, template item, trigger, and procedure script.

.CLIENTEXPRESSION(code of the business rule)

.SERVEREXPRESSION(code of the business rule)

Example The business rule ACTIVITY_DATE_CONTROL has the following server

activity.begindate < activity.enddate

PDM Macros

In a trigger based on template AfterDeleteTrigger, you type the following

macro in the Definition tab of the trigger:

This generates the following trigger script:

activity.begindate < activity.enddate

Description Avoids typing a SQL/XML query in the definition of a trigger, a procedure
or a function. Use one of the following tools:
The Insert SQL/XML Macro tool opens a selection dialog box where
you choose a global element from an XML model open in the workspace,
mapped to a PDM, and linked with the SQL/XML extended model
definition. Click OK in the dialog box and the SQLXML macro is
displayed in the definition code, with the code of the XML model
(optional) and the code of the global element

The Macros tool, where you select .SQLXML( ) in the list. The
SQLXML macro is displayed empty in the definition code. You must fill
the parentheses with the code of an XML model (optional), followed by ::
and the code of a global element. The XML model, from which you
choose a global element, must be open in the workspace, mapped to a
PDM, and linked with the SQL/XML extended model definition

Chapter 12. Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner

After generation, the SQLXML macro is replaced by the SQL/XML query

of the global element.

.SQLXML(code of an XML model::code of a global element)

Note: the code of an XML model is optional.

Example In a trigger for the table EMPLOYEE, the following macro:

generates the following trigger script:

(select XMLAGG ( XMLELEMENT( NAME "Employee",

PDM Variables

PDM Variables
Many objects have both a code variable and a generated code variable.
The code variable is the attribute code that is defined in the object property
The generated code variable is computed from the attribute code according
to available generation options. The values for the code and generated code
variables can be different in the following situations:
When the Code is a reserved word or it contains invalid characters, the
generated code is quoted

When the code is longer than authorized by the database, the generated
code is truncated
To access variables of sub-objects (columns in a table for example) you have
to use loop macros or GTL macros to browse the list of sub-objects. For
example, in a trigger the following macro loops on table columns and for
each column with the CannotModify attribute outputs the code of the
column followed by cannot be modified:
-- "%Code%" cannot be modified


+ For more information, see Using macros in the chapter Building

Triggers and Procedures.
Common variables for all The following variables can be used for all named object definitions:
named objects
Variable name Comment

@OBJTNAME Object name

@OBJTCODE Object code

@OBJTLABL Object comment

@OBJTDESC Object description
Common variables for The following variables can be used in all object definitions:

Chapter 12. Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner

Variable name Comment

COMMENT Object comment. If no comment is defined the object

name is used

OWNER Generated code of the object owner, or the object parent

DBPREFIX Database prefix of object (name of database + . if

database defined)

QUALIFIER Whole object qualifier (database prefix + owner prefix)

OPTIONS SQL text defining physical options for object

CONSTNAME Object constraint name

CONSTRAINT Object constraint SQL body. For example(A <= 0) AND
(A >= 10)
RULES Concatenation of server expression for business rule
associated with object

Table variables The following variables can used in a table definition:

Variable name Comment

TABLE Generated code of the table

TNAME Table name

TCODE Table code

TLABL Table comment

PKEYCOLUMNS List of primary key columns. For example: A, B

TABLDEFN Complete body of the table definition. It contains

definition of columns, checks and keys

CLASS Abstract data type name

CLUSTERCOLUMNS List of columns used for the cluster

Variables for domain and The following variables can be used in domain check parameter and column
column checks check parameter definitions:

Variable name Comment

UNIT Standard check unit attribute

PDM Variables

Variable name Comment

FORMAT Standard check format attribute

DATATYPE Data type. For example int, char(10) or numeric(8, 2)

DTTPCODE Data type code. For example int, char or numeric

LENGTH Data type length. For example 0, 10 or 8

PREC Data type precision. For example 0, 0 or 2

ISRDONLY TRUE if the read-only attribute of standard check is


DEFAULT Default value

MINVAL Minimum value

MAXVAL Maximum value

VALUES List of values. For example(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

LISTVAL SQL constraint associated with a list of values. For

example C1 in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

MINMAX SQL constraint associated with minimum and maximum

values. For example(C1 <= 0) AND (C1 >= 5)

ISMAND TRUE if the domain or column is mandatory

MAND Contains the keywords null or not null depending on

if the attribute is mandatory or not mandatory

NULL Contains keyword null if the domain or column is not


NOTNULL Contains Keyword not null if the domain or column is


IDENTITY Keyword identity if the domain or column is identity

(Sybase specific)

WITHDEFAULT Keyword with default if the domain or column is with


ISUPPERVAL TRUE if the upper-case attribute of standard check is


ISLOWERVAL TRUE if the lower-case attribute of standard check is


Chapter 12. Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner

Column variables The following variables can be used in a column definition:

Variable name Comment

COLUMN Generated code of the column

COLNNO Position of Column in List of columns of Table

COLNNAME Column name

COLNCODE Column code

PRIMARY Contains Keyword primary if the column is a primary

key column

ISPKEY TRUE if the column is part of a primary key

FOREIGN TRUE if the column is part of a foreign key

COMPUTE Compute constraint text

Abstract data type The following variables can be used in an abstract data type definition:
Variable name Comment

ADT Generated code of the abstract data type

TYPE Type of Abstract data type. For example array, or list

SIZE Abstract data type size

ISARRAY TRUE if the abstract data type is of type array

ISLIST TRUE if the abstract data type is of type list

ISSTRUCT TRUE if the abstract data type is of type structure

ISOBJECT TRUE if the abstract data type is of type object

ISJAVA TRUE if the abstract data type is of type JAVA class

ADTDEF Contains definition of the abstract data type

Abstract data type The following variable can be used in an abstract data type attribute
attribute variables definition:

Variable name Comment

ADTATTR Generated code of an abstract data type attribute

Domain variables The following variable can be used in a domain definition:

PDM Variables

Variable name Comment

DOMAIN Generated code of a domain (also available for columns)

Business rule variables The following variables can be used in a business rule definition:

Variable name Comment

RULE Generated code of a business rule

RULENAME Rule name

RULECODE Rule code

RULECEXPR Rule client expression

RULESEXPR Rule server expression

Index variables The following variables can be used in an index definition:

Variable name Comment

TABLE Generated code of the parent of an index, can be a table

or a query table (view)

INDEX Generated code of the index

INDEXNAME Index name

INDEXCODE Index code

UNIQUE Contains keyword unique when an index is unique

INDEXTYPE Contains the index type (DBMS dependant)

CIDXLIST List of index columns. For example A asc, B desc, C asc

INDEXKEY Contains keywords primary, unique or foreign
depending on an index origin
CLUSTER Contains keyword cluster when an index is a clustered
INDXDEFN Used for defining an index within a table definition

Index column variables The following variables can be used in index column definitions:

Chapter 12. Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner

Variable name Comment

ASC Contains keywords ASC or DESC depending on the

sort order

ISASC TRUE if the index column sort is ascending

Reference variables The following variables can be used in a reference definition:

Variable name Comment

REFR Generated code of the reference

PARENT Generated code of the parent table

PNAME Parent table name

PCODE Parent table name

PQUALIFIER Parent table qualifier. See also QUALIFIER

CHILD Generated code of a child table

CNAME Child table name

CCODE Child table code

CQUALIFIER Child table qualifier. See also QUALIFIER

REFRNAME Reference name

REFRCODE Reference code

FKCON- Foreign key (reference) constraint name


PKCON- Constraint name of the primary key used to reference

STRAINT the object

CKEY- List of parent key columns. For example: C1, C2, C3


FKEY- List of child foreign key columns. For example: C1, C2,

UPDCONST Update declarative constraint. This can be any of the

following keywords
Set null
Set default

PDM Variables

Variable name Comment

DELCONST Delete declarative constraint. This can be any of the

following keywords
Set null
Set default

MINCARD Minimum cardinality

MAXCARD Maximum cardinality

POWNER Parent table owner name

COWNER Child table owner name

CHCKONCMMT TRUE when check on commit is selected on a reference

(ASA 6.0 specific)

JOINS Reference joins

REFRNO Reference number in the child table collection of refer-


Reference column The following variables can be used in reference column definitions:
Variable name Comment

CKEYCOLUMN Generated code of the parent table column (primary key)

FKEYCOLUMN Generated code of a child table column (foreign key)

PK Generated code of a primary key column

PKNAME Primary key column name

FK Generated code of a foreign key column

FKNAME Foreign key column name

AK Alternate key column code (same as PK)

AKNAME Alternate key column name (same as PKNAME)

COLTYPE Primary key column data type

DEFAULT Foreign key column default value

HOSTCOLTYPE Primary key column data type used in procedure decla-

ration. For example: without length

Chapter 12. Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner

Key variables The following variables can be used in a key definition:

Variable name Comment

COLUMNS List of key columns. For exampleA, B, C


ISPKEY TRUE when a key is the primary key for the table

PKEY Primary key constraint name

AKEY Alternate key constraint name

KEY Key constraint name

ISMULTICOLN True if the key has more than one column

CLUSTER Cluster keyword

Variables for views The following variables can be used in a view definition:

Variable name Comment

VIEW Generated code of the view

VIEWNAME View name

VIEWCODE View code

VIEWCOLN List of columns of a view. For example: A, B, C

SQL SQL text of a view. For example Select * from T1

VIEWCHECK Contains the keyword with check option if this option

is selected in the view property sheet
SCRIPT Complete view creation order. For example create view
V1 as select * from T1
Trigger variables The variables listed below can be used in a trigger definition. You can also
use owning table variables in a trigger definition.

Variable name Comment

ORDER Order number of Trigger (where the current DBMS

supports more than one trigger of one type)
TRIGGER Generated code of the trigger

REFNO Reference order number in the list of references for the


ERRNO Error number for standard error

PDM Variables

Variable name Comment

ERRMSG Error message for standard error

MSGTAB Name of a table containing user-defined error messages

MSGNO Name of a column containing error numbers in a user-

defined error table

MSGTXT Name of a column containing error messages in a

user-defined error table

SCRIPT SQL script of trigger or procedure.

TRGBODY Trigger body (only for Oracle live database reverse


TRGDESC Trigger description (only for Oracle live database

reverse engineering)

TRGDEFN Trigger definition

Database, trigger, and The following variables can be used for database, procedure, and trigger
procedure generation generation:
Variable name Comment

DATE Generation date & time

USER Login name of the user executing the generation

PATHSCRIPT Path where the file script will be generated

NAMESCRIPT Name of the file script where SQL orders will be written

STARTCMD Description explaining how to execute a generated script

ISUPPER TRUE if upper case generation option is set

ISLOWER TRUE if lower case generation option is set

DBMSNAME Name of the DBMS associated with the generated model

DATABASE Code of the database associated with the generated model

Reverse engineering The following variables can be used when reverse engineering a database
variables into a PDM:

Chapter 12. Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner

Variable name Comment

R Set to TRUE during reverse engineering

S Allows to skip a word. The string is parsed for reverse

engineering but is not generated

D Allows to skip a numeric value. The numeric value is

parsed for reverse engineering but is not generated

A Allows to skip all text. The text is parsed for reverse

engineering but is not generated

ISODBCUSER True if the current user is the connected user

CATALOG Catalog name that will be used in live database reverse

engineering queries

SCHEMA Schema that will be used in live database reverse engi-

neering queries

SIZE Data type size of a column or a domain. Used for live

database reverse engineering, when a data type length is
not defined in the system tables

VALUE One value from the list of values in a column or domain

TRGTYPE Variable used in the Create order of a trigger. Trigger

type uses keywords for each trigger type, for example
BeforeInsert, or AfterUpdate

TRGEVENT Variable used in the Create order of a trigger. Trigger

event uses keywords for each trigger event, for example
Insert, Update, and Delete

TRGTIME Variable used in the Create order of a trigger. Timing of

trigger uses the keywords Null, Before, and After

Database The following variables can be used for database generation when
synchronization variables synchronizing a modified PDM with an existing database:

Variable name Comment

OLDOWNER Old owner name of the object. See also OWNER

NEWOWNER New owner name of the object. See also OWNER

OLDQUALIFIER Old qualifier of the object. See also QUALIFIER

NEWQUALIFIER New qualifier for the object. See also QUALIFIER

PDM Variables

Variable name Comment

OLDTABL Old code of the table

NEWTABL New code of the table

OLDCOLN Old code of the column

NEWCOLN New code of the column

Database security The following database security variables are available:

Variable name Comment

PRIVLIST List of privileges for a grant/revoke order

PERMLIST List of permissions for a grant/revoke order

GRANTEE Name of the user, group, or role for a grant/revoke

ID Name of the user

GROUP Name of the group

ROLE Name of the role

OBJECT Database objects (table, view, column, and so on)

PERMISSION SQL grant/revoke order for a database object

PRIVILEGE SQL grant/revoke order for an ID (user, group, or


GRANTOPTION Option for grant: with grant option / with admin


REVOKEOPTION Option for revoke: with cascade

Metadata variables The following metadata variables are available:

Variable name Comment

@CLSSNAME Localized name for an object class. For example: Table,

View, Column, Index
@CLSSCODE Object class code. For example: TABL, VIEW, COLN,
DBMS, database options The following DBMS and database options variables are available:

Chapter 12. Writing SQL Statements in PowerDesigner

Variable name Comment

TABLESPACE Generated code of a tablespace

STORAGE Generated code of a storage

Variables for ASE & SQL The following DBMS specific variables are available for Sybase Adaptive
Server Server Anywhere and Microsoft SQL Server:

Variable name Comment

RULENAME Name of a business rule object associated with a


DEFAULTNAME Name of a default object associated with a domain

USE_SP_PKEY Use sp_primary key to create primary keys (SQL


USE_SP_FKEY Use sp_foreign key to create foreign keys (SQL

Sequence variable The following variable can be used in a sequence definition:

Variable name Comment

SQNC Name of sequence

Procedure variables The following variables can be used in a procedure definition:

Variable name Comment

PROC Generated code of a procedure (also available for trigger

when a trigger is implemented with a procedure)

FUNC Generated code of a procedure where the procedure is a

function (with a return value)
Join index variables (IQ) The following variables can be used in a join index definition:

Variable name Comment

JIDX Generated code for join index

JIDXDEFN Complete body of join index definition

REFRLIST List of references (for live database connection)

RFJNLIST List of reference joins (for live database connection)

PowerDesigner Formatting Variables

PowerDesigner Formatting Variables

Variables have a syntax that can force a format on their values, as follows:
Force values to lower-case or upper-case characters

Truncate the length of values

When a variable does not specify formatting, its values have the same format
as in the PDM.

Format code Format of variable value in script

.L Lower-case characters

.T Removes blank spaces

.U Upper-case characters

.c Upper-case first letter and lower-case next letters

.n Maximum length where n is the number of characters

n Justifies to fixed length where n is the number of characters

-n Right justify variable text to fixed length where n is the

number of characters
You embed formatting options in variable syntax as follows:

For example:

The table below shows formatted variables and their results in a script for the

Template statement with variable Resulting script statement

create trigger %TABLE% create trigger EMPLOYEE

create trigger %.L:TABLE% create trigger employee

create trigger %.U:TABLE% create trigger EMPLOYEE

create trigger %.4:TABLE% create trigger EMPL

create trigger %.4L:TABLE% create trigger empl


Migrating from ERwin to PowerDesigner

About this appendix This appendix explains how to migrate from ERwin to PowerDesigner. You
will learn about the differences between the two design environments and
how to import your models into PowerDesigner.
Contents Topic: page

Introducing the ERwin Import Process 718

Preparing to Import your ERwin models 720

The Import Process 721

After Importing 723

Getting Started Using PowerDesigner 728

Introducing the ERwin Import Process

Introducing the ERwin Import Process

You can easily import a model built with ERwin into PowerDesigner with no
loss of metadata. PowerDesigner allows complete flexibility through reliable
linking and synchronization between conceptual, physical and
object-oriented model approaches, providing outstanding model clarity and

File types
PowerDesigner supports the import of the following ERwin file types:
ERwin v3.x (.erx)
ERwin v4.x (.xml)
ERwin v7.x (.xml) the ERwin model must be saved as Standard XML
Format, and you must uncheck the Only save minimum amount of
information check box in the ERwin Save as XML File dialog box.
Versions 4.x or 7.x are recommended, as they contain more metadata.
ERwin and PowerDesigner implement database design in different ways.
An ERwin logical model can be imported into either:
a PowerDesigner conceptual data model (CDM), or
a PowerDesigner logical data model
An ERwin Physical Model is imported into a PowerDesigner physical
data model (PDM)

In the PowerDesigner Physical Data Model you can use two design levels:
the logical model allows you to design the database structure and perform
some database denormalization actions without taking into account any
DBMS physical requirement. The physical model allows you to design the
database taking into account the physical requirements of a given DBMS

Chapter 13. Migrating from ERwin to PowerDesigner

You cannot import the following ERwin objects:
ERwin triggers and stored procedures (not directly possible, but see the
process in Post-import checklist on page 725)

ERwin reports
ER1 files
ERwin data sources

ERwin target clients

While PowerDesigner can import all your object display preferences and
will retain color and font information, it does not support multiple colors for
columns in a single table. The default column color will be used during the

Preparing to Import your ERwin models

Preparing to Import your ERwin models

This section provides a list of suggestions for how to prepare your ERwin
files and set up your PowerDesigner environment:
We recommend that you import from an ERwin 4.x file (.xml) rather than
a 3.x file (.erx), due to the greater amount of metadata available in the
newer ERwin files.

Review your ERwin model to see if any model object names are
duplicated. It is good practice to avoid using duplicate names, and
PowerDesigner will automatically attach a suffix to any duplicate objects
that it encounters during the import process.

Chapter 13. Migrating from ERwin to PowerDesigner

The Import Process

PowerDesigner provides a wizard to automatically import your ERwin files.

v To import an ERwin model into PowerDesigner

1. Select File Import ERwin File.
2. Select or browse to the directory that contains the ERwin file, select it,
and then click Open.
3. If the ERwin file contains only a physical model, you will be prompted to
choose whether to import references as triggers. Select Yes or No to
begin the import.
Alternatively, if the ERwin file contains a logical model or a combined
logical and physical model, the ERwin model import dialog box opens:

The options available depend on the type of ERwin model that you are
importing. The traditional approach to data modeling in PowerDesigner
is to create a Conceptual Data Model synchronized with a Physical Data
Model. The full set of options is as follows:
A Conceptual Data Model can be created when you are importing an
ERwin Logical Model. It provides a platform-independent
representation of a system, giving an abstract view of its static data
structures, and permitting real normalized data structures with
many-to-many and inheritance relationships.
A Logical Data Model can be created when you are importing an
ERwin Logical Model. It allows you to resolve many-to-many and
super/sub-type relationships, de-normalize your data structures, and
define indexes, without specifying a particular RDBMS. In
PowerDesigner, a Logical Data Model is an RDBMS-independent
version of a Physical Data Model.

The Import Process

A Physical Data Model can be created when you are importing an

ERwin Physical Model. It is a representation of a real database and
associated objects running on a server with complete information on
the structure of the physical objects, such as tables, columns,
references, triggers, stored procedures, views, and indexes.
Select the checkbox for each type of models that you want to create.
4. If your ERwin model contains a logical model, and you want to create a
conceptual data model, then you can choose to merge identical data
items. This is a powerful metadata management technique that is not
available in the ERwin environment.
For example, your ERwin logical model may contain multiple entities
that contain an attribute address. By default, PowerDesigner will create
a separate data item for each of these entity attributes. However if you
select the Merge identical data items checkbox, then a single data item
will be created, and adjustments to it will automatically cascade down to
all the associated entity attributes.

5. If your ERwin model contains a physical model, then you can choose
whether to implement referential integrity using triggers.
6. Click OK to begin the import. When the process is complete, the
imported models will appear in the Browser.

Chapter 13. Migrating from ERwin to PowerDesigner

After Importing
This section describes what you should expect in your newly-imported

PowerDesigner object terminology

PowerDesigner and ERwin use a different terminology to speak about many
of their model objects. The following sections compare how these two tools
refer to model objects.

General PowerDesigner model objects

The import process converts general ERwin model objects into

PowerDesigner objects as follows:

ERwin PowerDesigner

Model Model
Stored display and subject Diagram
Business rule Business rule

Domain Domain

Symbols ( including symbol Symbols ( including symbol size and posi-

size and position) tion)

Description Description

Notes Annotation

Text block Text symbol

IE notation Entity/Relationship notation

IDEF1X notation IDEF1X notation

User-defined properties Imported as extended attributes stored into a

specific extended model definition embedded
in the model. The name of this extended
model definition is Imported Attributes, you
can manage it from the resource editor. For
more information, see Extended Model Def-
initions in the Resource Files and the Public
Metamodel chapter of the Customizing and
Extending PowerDesigner manual.

After Importing

PowerDesigner conceptual data model objects

The import process converts ERwin logical model objects into conceptual
data model (CDM) objects as follows:

ERwin logical model PowerDesigner CDM

Attribute Data item, entity attribute

Key group Identifier

Entity Entity

Relationship Relationship

Subtype relationship Inheritance link

Subtype category Inheritance

PowerDesigner physical data model objects

The import process translates ERwin physical model objects into physical
data model (PDM) objects as follows:

ERwin physical model PowerDesigner PDM

Column Column

Key Key

Table Table

Relationship Reference

Index Index

View table View

Fact, dimension, outrigger Table

Target database Current DBMS

Valid value Check parameter

Tablespace Tablespace

Segment Storage

Chapter 13. Migrating from ERwin to PowerDesigner

Post-import checklist
This section lists a series of recommended post-import checks and processes.
Import triggers: Triggers cannot be directly imported from ERwin. There
are, however, two methods for transferring your constraint trigger
information to PowerDesigner:
Automatically generate triggers: To do this, select Tools Rebuild
Objects Rebuild Triggers. Creating triggers in this way ensures that
they will be synchronized automatically by PowerDesigner, but the actual
code may be different from that which you are used to in ERwin.

Reverse engineer triggers: To do this, generate the triggers from ERwin,

and then reverse engineer them into PowerDesigner. Creating triggers in
this way ensures that they use exactly the same code as before, but they
will not be automatically synchronized by PowerDesigner.
Import procedures: Procedures cannot be directly imported from ERwin.
You can, however transfer them by generating the triggers from ERwin, and
then reverse engineering them into PowerDesigner.
Set up your object naming conventions and other model options: To
control the naming conventions of model objects in PowerDesigner, select
Tools Model Options, and then click on the object entry in the Naming
Convention category in the Category pane:

After Importing

You can control other object creation defaults by clicking on the object entry
in the Model Settings category:

Chapter 13. Migrating from ERwin to PowerDesigner

Differences to Expect
This section lists certain differences that you may encounter when working
with your imported ERwin model in PowerDesigner.
Why do I see errors in Check Model when my ERwin model was clean?
PowerDesigner performs stricter checks than ERwin. For example, duplicate
objects are not permitted in PowerDesigner, and the existence of orphaned
items will generate a warning.
Why do some of my object symbols appear with numeric suffixes? If an
object is required to appear more than once in a diagram (for, example, to
improve readability), PowerDesigner will create a graphical synonym to
represent it. Thus, if the table Purchase is displayed twice in a diagram,
the two symbols will be labeled as Purchase: 1 and Purchase: 2.

Getting Started Using PowerDesigner

Getting Started Using PowerDesigner

This section lists some common tasks that former ERwin users will want to
perform with PowerDesigner:
Objects How do I find objects? All the objects in the model are listed, organized by
type, in the Browser. PowerDesigner provides various methods for locating
your objects:
To find the symbol for an object in the Browser: Right-click the object
in the Browser and select Find in Diagram from the contextual menu.
To find the browser entry for an object symbol: Right-click the symbol
in the diagram and select Find in Browser from the contextual menu.

To search for an object: Type CTRL+F to open the Find Objects dialog
box. Enter the text to search for (you can use the asterisk as a wild card)
and click Find Now. Right-click any of the results choose whether to find
it in the Browser or Diagram.
How do I edit objects? You can edit the name of an object by selecting its
symbol in the diagram and typing F2. To edit other object properties,
double-click the symbol or the object entry in the Browser and enter the
necessary information in its property sheet.
How do I share objects? You can share objects between packages and
models using shortcuts and replications. For more information, see the
Shortcuts and Object Replications chapter in the Core Features Guide .
Packages/Subject Areas How do I create subject areas? In PowerDesigner, you can create multiple
views of your model by adding additional diagrams. You can also divide
your model into smaller subdivisions using packages.
To add a diagram to your model: Right-click the diagram background
and select Diagram New Diagram [Diagram Type] from the
contextual menu.

To convert a diagram into a package: Right-click the diagram

background and select Diagram Convert to Package. The Convert
Diagram to Package wizard will open, permitting you to name the
package and select objects to move into it. The package will appear in the
Browser with its own diagram and associated objects. For more
information about packages, see Packages in the Models chapter of the
Core Features Guide .
Reports How do I create a report? PowerDesigner provides wizards to create two
different types of report:

Chapter 13. Migrating from ERwin to PowerDesigner

To create a report about a specific type of object: Select Report List

Report Wizard and follow the wizard instructions.

To create a report about multiple object types or the whole model:

Select Report Report Wizard and follow the wizard instructions.
For more information about PowerDesigner reports, see the Reports chapter
in the Core Features Guide .
Databases How do I create a model from a database? Select File Reverse Engineer
Database and complete the dialog box. For more information, see the
Reverse Engineering a Database into a PDM chapter.
How do I update my model from a database? Select Database Reverse
Engineer Database and complete the dialog box. A Merge window will
open to allow you to verify the changes to be made before committing them.
For more information, see the Reverse Engineering a Database into a
PDM chapter.
How do I generate a database from my model? Select Database
Generate Database and complete the dialog box. For more information, see
the Generating a Database from a PDM chapter.
How do I update a database from my model? Select Database Apply
Model Changes to Database and complete the dialog box. A Database
Synchronization window will open to allow you to verify the changes to be
made before committing them. For more information, see the Generating a
Database from a PDM chapter.
Models How do I compare two models? Select Tools Compare Models and
complete the dialog box. For more information, see the Comparing and
Merging Models chapter in the Core Features Guide .
How do I merge two models? Select Tools Merge Model and complete
the dialog box. For more information, see the Comparing and Merging
Models chapter in the Core Features Guide .

Getting Started Using PowerDesigner


A apm 9
archive 9
abstract data type 64, 129
ASK column default 86
abstract object 381
association 44, 196, 220
attribute variable 707
cardinality 47
categories 129
change to entity 49
check model 381
check model 383, 385
create 130, 447
create 45, 220
drop 447
define 49
instantiable object 381
dependent 48
link to Java class 133
display preferences 349
properties 130
entity 49
use in PowerDesigner 129
entity attribute 49
variable 707
properties 46, 220
abstract data type procedure
reflexive 47
check model 382
association attribute 50
definition 382
association link
name conflict with attribute 382
cardinality 47
return type 382
define 45
Access 97 460, 530
display preferences 350
access.mdb 460
properties 46
add-in MS SQL Server 586
asymmetric key 563
administrator permission 516
attribute 27, 196, 211
association 50
alias 302
create 27, 211
delete 29
Alter (permission) 290
enforce coherence 332
alter (script) 506
identifier 29
alternate key 58
link to identifier 38
column 98
migrate 38
constraint 100, 101
properties 27, 211
define 95
reuse 29
designate 98
attribute (multidimensional diagram) 385
generate 448, 450
auto-increment column in Sybase ASA 649
generate index 107
auto-layout during reverse engineering 524
index 103, 106, 451
auto-migrate 139
name 99
check parameter 139
number 101
column 140
physical option 450
columns (model option) 342
variable 101
default join 37, 143
ambiguous detection in Java reverse engineering 525
domain 139
Analysis server (MS SQL Server) 586
validation rule 139
Analysis services (MS SQL Server) 586


auto-reuse columns 140, 342 cardinality

auxiliary table association 47
IBM DB2 538 define 34
define for an association link 47
B format 146
Barker notation 363 maximum 146
base object 302 minimum 146
bend reference 146, 355
reference 150 referential integrity 146
bend a reference 150 relationship 34, 41
bibliography ix case sensitivity (model option) 337
binary (data type) 119 CDM
bitmap association 44
index 106 association link 44
bitmap (data type 119 attribute 27
bitmap join index 621 check model 381
add reference 624 create 5
check model 407 data item 21
column 623 define environment 332
create 621 description 2
options in Oracle 622 display preferences 348
properties 622 domain 115
rebuild 621 enforce domain 332
table 622 entity 24
BLOB 502 Entity Relationship Diagram 2
block terminator 524 ERD 2
boolean data type 117 error 23, 40
buffer pool 460 identifier 30
build import 718
index 107 inheritance 51
reference 148 logical model 2
business rule 179 model options 332
apply 182 notation 361
create 180 open PAM 15
expression 181 option 22, 40, 332
business rule (PDM) relationship 32
apply 177 role 2
constraint 182 validation 381
domain 121 CDM/PDM pair 721
expression 177 certificate 561
properties 180 Change to Entity Wizard 40
validation 177, 446, 448, 449 character
variable 708 data profile 478
byte (data type) 117 format 457, 510
mask 478
C script 457, 510
check model
candidate key 95


abstract data type 381 vertical partitioning 421

abstract data type procedure 382 view 422
association (CDM) 383 view index 422
association (PDM) 385 view reference 423
attribute (multidimensional diagram) 385 Web operation 424
bitmap join index 407 Web service 424
CDM 381 check parameter
column 385 additional 175
cube 387 auto-migrate 139
cursor 390 column 93, 174, 177, 449
data item 393 constraint 67, 93
data source object 394 data profile 488
database package 389 data type 90
default 395 define 174
dimension 395 domain 121, 174, 177
dimension hierarchy 397 entity attribute 174
domain 397 generate 446, 448, 449
entity 401 properties 174
entity attribute 399 standard 174
entity identifier 400 table 67, 448
exception 391 type 174
fact 403 validation 177
fact measure 403 validation rule 174, 179
group 404 child table 101, 150
horizontal partitioning 404 circular extended dependency 166, 275
index 405 client
inheritance 406 expression 177
join index 407 CLIENTEXPRESSION 701
key 408 CLR
LDM 381 aggregate function 557
package 409 assembly 555
package procedure 391 function 559
package type 392 integration 555
PDM 381 procedure 559
procedure 411 trigger 560
reference 412 user-defined type 558
relationship 413 cluster
role 414 key 96
sequence 415 Oracle 635
storage 415 referential integrity 146
synonym 416 clustered index 103, 106
table 417 CODASYL 151
table collapsing 419 code
tablespace 419 data item 22
trigger 420 option 40
user 420 relationship 40
variable 392 unique 22, 40


collapse tables 73 table 448

column 58, 86 view 453
alternate key 98 computed column 86, 89
bitmap join index 623 conceptual data type 117, 365
check model 385 conceptual diagram
check parameter 174, 177, 449 association 44
check parameter variable 705 attribute 27
comment 449 create 15
computed 86, 89 data item 21
constraint business rule 185 entity 24
create 86, 448, 449 identifier 30
data type 90 inheritance 51
default 86 relationship 32
details 87 connect database 437, 513, 514
domain 91, 121 connection profile 436
duplicate 92 constraint
fill parameter 486 alternate key 100, 101
foreign key 86, 99 business rule 182
generate 448, 449 column 93
identity 86 delete 146, 252
indicated property 486 foreign key 100, 101
link to key 145 generate 98
migrate 145 insert 251
non-divergence from domain 121 link index 103
permission 293, 295 name 67, 93, 100, 101
primary key 86, 96 primary key 100
properties 86, 154 table 67
sort 94 unique 98
statistics 532 update 146, 252
validation rule 177, 449 constraint business rule 182
variable 177, 696, 706 apply to table or column 185
view 153 create 184
column denormalization 75 generate 186
delete replica 76 reverse engineer 187
duplicate columns 75 constraint name
replication 75 default 101, 102
revert 76 display 355
select column 75 label 355
wizard 75 contract 575
column mandatory by default (model option) 341 CSV file 484
command cube 196, 198
storage 462 check model 387
tablespace 462 create 198
comment display preferences 350
column 449 duplicated association 387
generate name for empty comment 457 existence of association 387
script 457, 510 existence of fact 387


generate cube data 205 data source 474

generate in MS SQL Server 589 date/time 475
generate in MS SQL Server 2005 592 define 472
properties 198 export 492
rebuild 200 foreign key 488
reverse engineer in MS SQL Server 590 import 491
reverse engineer in MS SQL Server 2005 597 data source in a PDM
cube data generation 205 automatic 475
data fields 206 check model 394
dimension 206 CSV file 484
member 206 database 483
text file 206 differing DBMS 394
cursor disconnect 437
check model 390 existence of PDM 394
database package 389 list 482
definition 390, 629 test data 474
in database package 629 data type 117
parameters 390, 629 average length 502
public 629 binary 119
return data type 629 bitmap 119
return type 390 BLOB 502
customize boolean 117
function 255 byte 117
procedure 255 character 118
script 444, 448, 464, 465, 467, 469 column 90
convert to conceptual 365
D create 446
date 119
data access 68
decimal 117
data fields 206
default 332
data item 21
domain 115, 121
association 50
drop 446
check model 393
float 117
code 22
image 119
copy 25
integer 117
create 21
length 117
delete 29
money 117
error 23
number 117
option 25
OLE 119
properties 21
precision 117
reuse 22, 29, 332
select 90
unique 332
serial 117
unique code 22
show full name 332
data movement script (Sybase IQ) 668
time 119
data profile
translate 365
assign 488
undefined 90, 115, 119
assign from table 489, 490
database 7
check parameter 488


access 282, 513 database mirroring 571

add user to group 301 database package 624
change 365 body 624
checks 388 check model 389
close 444 create during generation 632
connect 437, 513, 514 default owner 348
create 8, 438, 444, 464 define 625
define 7 define cursors 629
denormalization 68 define exceptions 630
display 437, 513, 514 define procedure 627
drop 444 define types 630
estimate size 500 define variables 628
generate 438, 464, 506 drop during generation 632
generate PDM 528 generate 632
generate privileges 289 insert procedure 626
group 283, 300 owner 625
information 437 privilege 625
modify 506 reverse engineer 633
MS Access 97 460, 530 specification 624
open 444 database package cursor 629
optimize reverse engineering 531 database package exception 630
options variable 714 database package procedure 626
owner 284 check model 391
parameter 508 definition 391, 627
permission 290 parameters 391, 627
physical option 444 public 627
prefix tablespace in DB2 OS/390 191, 539 replication of stored procedure 626
preserve object 365 return data type 627
privilege 286 type 627
properties 7 database package procedure dependencies 261
quick launch 441 database package type 630
reverse engineer 516 check model 392
reverse engineer tablespace physical options in definition 392
Oracle 633 database partition group 542
role 283, 298 database space 460
script 438, 506 DATE 662
select 365 date
settings sets 441 data profile 475
size 500 data type 119
statistics 532 DB2 537
synchronization variable 713 column default 86
target 365 reverse engineer 528
test data 483 DBCreateAfter 166, 275
user 283 DBMS 364
variable 712 editor 364
database link non supported object 365
Oracle 636 physical option 188


trigger template 240 existence of attribute 397

decimal (data type) 117 disconnect data source 437
decision support object 586 discriminant column 70
default 111 display preference
assign 112 association 349
automatic rebuild 113 association link 350
check model 395 cube 350
column 86 dimension 350
constraint name 101, 102 dimension attribute 351
create 111, 447 entity 351
delete and rebuild 113 hierarchy 351
drop 447 inheritance 354
generate 447 procedure 354
physical option 188 reference 355
physical options objects 188 relationship 356
properties 111 table 357
rebuild 113 view 359
reuse 113 view reference 360
same value 395 display preferences
test data profile 473 package 354
value empty 395 diverge from domain 332
DEFINE 694 domain
Delete (permission) 290 check model 397
delete data item 29 create 115
denormalization 68 data type 115
column denormalization 75 define 115
horizontal partitioning 69 diverge from 332
table collapsing 73 enforce coherence 332
vertical partitioning 71 LDM 115
dependency modify 120
procedure 257 PDM 115
trigger 257 properties 115
dependent association 48 domain (CDM)
detail attribute 212 non-divergence 121
detail column 87 domain (LDM)
dimension 196, 206, 209 non-divergence 121
check model 395 domain (PDM)
create 209 assign default 112
detail attribute 212 attach column 91
display preferences 350 auto-migrate 139
generate for Oracle 634 business rule 121
Oracle 634 check parameter 121, 174, 177
properties 209 check parameter variable 705
dimension attribute (display preferences) 351 coherence 121
dimension hierarchy column 121
check model 397 data type 117, 121


define 115 entity 24

enforce 121 add to inheritance 55
length 117 association 49
mandatory 121 associative 40
non-divergence 121 attribute 29
precision 117 change from association 49
use 121 change from relationship 40
validation rule 177 check model 401
variable 177, 707 copy 25
Domain and Attribute option 332 create 24
domain mandatory by default (model option) 341 delete 29
dominant relationship 34 display preferences 351
drag a reference reference 150 entity attribute 25
drop generate table 373
abstract data type 447 identifier 25, 29
data type 446 inheritance 373
database 444 properties 24
default 447 wizard 40
foreign key 450, 452 entity attribute
index 451 add to identifier 30
join index 455 association 49
primary key 449, 450 check model 399
sequence 448 copy 25
storage 445 identifier 25
synonym 454 inheritance 54
table 448 properties 54
tablespace 444 relationship 40
view 453 specifying entity attribute 54
DSO metamodel 587 entity identifier 400
DTTM 662 entity/relationship 332
duplicate columns 75 entity/relationship notation 332
Entity Relationship Diagram 2
E/R + Merise 332
error message 695
script 465, 467, 469
data item 23
trigger 233
relationship 40
enabledbprefix 539
unique code 23, 40
EnableMultiCheck 182
user-defined 278, 279
encoding for reverse engineering 525
encryption 561
embedded extended model definition 718
encryption key
import 718
Sybase ASE 655
migrate CDM/PDM pair 721
end point 572
migrating from 721
user-defined properties 718
domain 121
non-divergence 121, 341


database size 500 new PDM 367

model database size 503 PowerBuilder 83
tables database size 504 external table 68
event 229 extraction script 202
EventDelimiter 239
multiple 239 F
trigger 229
fact 196, 214
event notification 579
check model 403
EventDelimiter 239
create 214
existence of measure 403
Sybase Anywhere 674
mapping not defined 403
Sybase IQ 672
properties 214
fact measure 403
check model 391
database package 389
file encoding in reverse engineering 525
exception (database package) 630
filegroup 460
Execute (permission) 290
fill parameter
execute query 514
define value 486
export data profile 492
indicated column property 486
business rule 177
float (data type)
client 177
PDM 117
server 177
force column list 453
extended attribute
DB2 537
IBM DB2 543
import PowerBuilder extended model definition
foreign identifier
change attribute 38
Informix 549
foreign key 58
Interbase 551
auto-migrate 139
MS Access 552
change column 144
MySQL 617
column 86, 99
NonStop SQL 619
constraint 100, 101
Oracle 638
data profile 488
PostgreSQL 643
define 95
PowerBuilder 82
designate 99
Sybase ASA 653
drop 450, 452
Sybase ASE 657
generate 448, 450, 452
Sybase IQ 672
generate from identifier 371
Sybase SQL Anywhere 675
generate index 107
Teradata 680
index 103, 106, 451
extended dependencies
name 103
circular 166, 275
number 359
PDM 369
referential integrity 146
stored procedures 275
variable 101, 700
view 165, 166
extended model definition 649
cardinality 146


character 457, 510 index 98, 107, 448, 451

script 457, 510 inheritance 373
variable 470, 716 inside table 448
full-text join index 455, 666
catalog 565 name for empty comment 457
index 566 options 428
search 565 options for test data 493
function outside table 448
create 255 PDM from database 528
custom 255 physical option 444, 448, 451
define 255 PowerBuilder extended attribute 83
edit with SQL editor 270 primary key 371, 448, 449
insert SQL/XML macro 270 primary key index 107
permission 293 privileges 289
SQL code 270 procedure 275
SQL/XML wizard 270 proxy table script 652
function-based index 103 public names 83
Oracle 8i 103 quick launch 441
Oracle 8i2 103 quotation marks 178
reverse engineer 103 reference 148
SqlListQuery 103 referential integrity 146, 448
use variables 103 rule 446
script 438, 444, 448, 457, 506, 510
G select object 458
sequence 448
general option 22, 40
settings sets 441
storage 445
alternate key 448, 450
stored procedures order 275
alternate key index 107
synonym 454
automatic archive 9
synonyms 306
automatic test data source 475, 478, 480
table 373, 448
CDM 376
tablespace 444
check parameter 446, 448, 449
test data 472, 482484, 493
column 448, 449
trigger 275
configure CDM options 376
validation rule 177, 446, 448, 449
constraint 98
view 448, 453
constraint business rule 186
views order 166
cube data 205
XML model via XML Builder Wizard 376
cubes in MS SQL Server 589
generated code variables 704
data source 83
database 438, 464, 506
permission 290
database package 632
privilege 286
default 447
Grant with admin option (privilege) 286
error message 278, 279
Grant with grant option (permission) 290
extraction script 202
group 283, 300
for MS Access 97 460
add user 301
foreign key 371, 448, 450, 452
assign role 299
foreign key index 107


check model 404 column in Sybase ASE 649

create 300 column in Sybase ASE 11, 12 655
privilege 286 Sybase 86
properties 300 image (data type) 119
H CDM 718
HG index 106 CSV file 484
hierarchy 196, 218 data profile 491
create 218 deprecated PDM logical model 19
display preferences 351 ERwin 718
properties 218 interconnected PDM logical models 20
HIGHGROUP 662 model 718
HIGHNONGROUP 662 web service as service provider 311
HNG (index) 106 XPF file 491
horizontal partitioning INCOLN 699
check model 404 index 58, 103
create 69 alternate key 103, 106, 451
MS SQL Server 2005 553 bitmap 106
object 77 change DBMS 106
preserve during generation 78 check model 405
properties 77 clear 107
remove 81 clustered 103, 106
wizard 70 column variable 708
create 103, 448
I drop 451
drop join 455
IBM DB2 estimate database size 500
auxiliary table 538 foreign key 103, 106, 451
database partition group 542 function-based 103
extended attributes 543 generate 98, 107, 448, 451
index extension 542 HG 106
trusted context 537 HNG 106
web services 312 key constraint 103
IDEF1X 151, 332 LF 106
identifier 30 link to key/reference 103
attribute 29 owner 106
child 54 primary key 103, 106, 451
copy 25 properties 106
create 30 query table 110
delete 29 rebuild 107
entity attribute 25, 30 rebuild option 107
generate key 371 table 103
link attribute 38 type 662
parent 54 types 106
properties 30 unique 98, 103, 106
identifier delimiter script 457 user define 103
identity variable 708
column 86


Index (permission) 290 primary key 143

index extension 542 reference 355
Informix 549 reuse attribute 38
inheritance 51 reuse column 145, 172
add child entity 55 table collapsing 73
check model 406 view reference 171
child 54 join index
create 51 check model 407
display preferences 354 create 664
entity attribute 54 define 663
generate 54 generate 666
generation mode 54 properties 665
mutually exclusive 56 Sybase AS IQ 663
parent 54 table 664
primary key 54 variable 715
properties 53, 54
insert K
constraint 251 key 95
procedure in template 237 add column 100
trigger template 237, 243 alternate 95
Insert (permission) 290 check model 408
inside table 449, 450, 452 cluster 96
install java class 447 code 96
instead of (trigger) 156 create 95
integer (data type) 117 define 95
Interbase foreign 95
extended attribute 551 link column 145
sequences 124 name 96
IQ index rebuild 659, 660 primary 95
properties 96
J variable 711
Java class key number (foreign key) 359
link 133
remove 447 L
reverse engineer 137 label
JOIN 699 constraint name 355
join referential integrity 355
change child attribute 38 LDM
change child column 144 attribute 27
create 37, 143 check model 381
default 37, 143 define environment 332
define 37, 38, 143, 145 display preferences 348
index 455 domain 115
index generate 455 entity 24
migrate attribute 38 identifier 30
migrate column 145 inheritance 51
primary identifier 37 logical diagram 17


migration settings 335 contract 576

model options 332 type 574
notation 361 metadata variables 714
relationship 32 migrate
validation 381 ERwin model into CDM/PDM pair 721
LF (index) 106 migrate from ERwin 721
link migration settings
Java class 129, 137 LDM 335
OOM 133 MINMAX check parameter 175
reverse Java class 129 model
list copy DBMS 5
column 94 create 5
test data 482 ERwin 718
LISTVAL check parameter 175 import 718
logical diagram open 15
attribute 27 option 22, 40
create 18 properties 6
entity 24 share DBMS 5
identifier 30 model option
inheritance 51 auto-migrate columns 342
objects 17 auto-reuse columns 342
relationship 32 change parent allowed 342
logical model 2 check on commit 342
loop macro 704 CODASYL 337
LOWFAST 662 column mandatory by default 341
conceptual 337
M data item 332
data type full name 332
database package default owner 348
default constraints delete 342
default constraints update 342
default data type 332, 341
trigger 693
default implementation 342
trigger template 693
default link on creation 342
manual creation of triggers 225
domain and attribute 332
mask character 478
domain mandatory by default 341
materialized query table 164
enable links to requirements 337
materialized view 164
enforce non-divergence 341
materialized view (index) 110
IDEF1X 337
materialized view log
ignore identifying owner 340
Oracle 637
join index default owner 346
measure 196, 216
mandatory parent 342
create 216
name/code case sensitive 337
properties 216
notation 332, 337
member 206
procedure default owner 346
Merise 332
propagate column properties 342
Merise notation 332
rebuild automatically triggers 340


relational 337 database mirroring 571

relationship 332 encryption 561
sequence default owner 345 end point 572
table default owner 340, 345 event notification 579
table trigger default owner 346 full-text catalog 565
unique code 342 full-text index 566
view default owner 340, 345 full-text search 565
view trigger default owner 346 generate cubes 592
money (data type) 117 horizontal partitioning 553
move reference to table 150 message contract 576
MS Access 552 message type 574
MS Access extended attributes 552 partition function 553
MS SQL Server 553 partition scheme 554
ActiveX 586 queue 577
Analysis server 586 remote service binding 582
Analysis Services 586 reverse engineer cubes 597
cube extended attributes 602 route 581
customize attributes 606 service 580
customize cubes 602 service broker 573
customize dimensions 603 symmetric key 564
customize hierarchy 612 synonym 585
customize multi-dimensional objects 601 user schema 601
data source 611 WithOption 601
data source extended attributes 611 XML data type 569
database 609 XML index 567
database extended attributes 609 XML indexing 567
decision support object 586 XML schema collection 569
dimension extended attributes 603 XML table column 570
DSO metamodel 587 MS SQL Server 2008 553
enable add-in 586 Resource Governor 583
extended attributes 601, 606 resource pool 584
generate cubes 589 workload group 583
hierarchy extended attributes 612 MS SQL Server 7.x 553
repository 586 multidimensional diagram
reverse engineer cubes 590 association 220
MS SQL Server 2000 553 attribute 211
MS SQL Server 2005 553 basics 194
asymmetric key 563 create 196
certificate 561 cube 198
CLR aggregate function 557 dimension 209
CLR assembly 555 fact 214
CLR function 559 hierarchy 218
CLR integration 555 measure 216
CLR procedure 559 retrieve objects 199
CLR trigger 560 user 283
CLR user-defined type 558 multiple database
contract 575 checks 388


IBM DB2 7 for reverse engineering 530

multiple triggers 238 general 22, 40
MySQL extended attributes 617 model 22, 40
physical 444, 448, 451
N relationship 40
NMFCOL 700 script 457, 510
non supported object 365 Oracle
non-divergence 121 add reference to bitmap join index 624
NonStop SQL extended attributes 619 bitmap join index 621
non-unique primary index 679 bitmap join index properties 622
normalization 68 cluster 635
notation create bitmap join index 621
Barker 363 database link 636
CODASYL 151, 337 database package 624
conceptual 151, 337 dimensions 634
Entity/Relationship 332 extended attribute 638
IDEF1X 151, 337 generate dimensions 634
Merise 332 materialized view log 637
model option (PDM) 337 object data type 620, 659
model options 359 rebuild bitmap join index 621
reference 151, 356 reverse engineer tablespace physical options 633
relational 151, 337 sequences 124
Notation option 332 special variables 620
number SQLJ object data type 620
alternate key 101 transparent data encryption (TDE) 634
data type 117 order trigger 238
reference 101 outside table 449, 450, 452
rows for test data 493 owner 106, 284
database object 290
O index 106

object P
attach to user 284
owner 284 package
PDM 58 check model 409
object abstract data type 132 display preferences 354
inherit procedure 132 PAM opened into CDM 15
object data type in Oracle 620, 659 parameter
OLE data type 119 generate test data 474
OOM modify database 508
link 133 test data source 475, 478, 480
link Java class 129 parent table 101, 150, 524
operation procedure 263 partition
option add 77
CDM 22, 40 corresponding table 77
code 40 delete 77
configure for generated CDM 376 horizontal 70
data item 25 manage 77


vertical 72 group 300

partition function 553 index 103
partition scheme 554 key 95
PBCatCol 83 reference 138
PBCatTbl 83 role 298
PDM synonym 302
archive 9 table 62
check model 381 user 283
create 5 view 152
database 7 view reference 169
DBMS overview 364 web operation 316
define environment 332 web parameter 321
display preferences 348 web service 311
domain 115 physical option
extended dependencies 369 alternate key 450
generate from database 528 default 188
object 58 define 188, 191
role 3 primary key 449
save as 9 query table 165
select extended model definition 367 storage 191
validation 381 tablespace 191
permission PKCOLN 701
Alter 290 PostgreSQL extended attributes 643
column 295 PowerBuilder
database objects 290 extended attribute 82
define for user 290 extended model definition 83
define from object property sheet 293 generate extended attributes 83
Delete 290 PBCatCol 83
Execute 290 PBCatTbl 83
Grant 290 reverse extended attributes 84
Grant with grant option 290 pragma
Index 290 database package exception 630
Insert 290 database package procedure 627
object owner 290 precision 117
References 290 preview
reverse engineer 282 bookmark 428
Revoke 290 change generation options 428
Revoke with cascade 290 keyboard shortcuts 428
Select 290 predefined set of options 428
Update 290 refresh 428
physical data type 365 SQL tools 428
physical diagram storage command 462
abstract data type 129 table 428
column 86 tablespace command 462
create 61 primary identifier
default 111 join 37
define 58 primary index


non-unique 679 OOM operation 263

Teradata 679 operator insert 270
unique 679 permission 293
primary key 58 properties 256
child 54 SQL/XML wizard 270
column 86, 96 stored 255
constraint 100 trigger template 237
define 95 variable 712, 715
designate 96 variable insert 270
drop 449, 450 procedure (database package) 626, 627
generate 448, 449 procedure dependencies 261
generate from identifier 371 procedure template 266
generate index 107 create 266
index 103, 106, 451 identify 268
inheritance 54 model 268
join 143 modify DBMS 268
name 103 modify model 268
physical option 449 properties 269
rebuild 97, 524 type 268
referential integrity 146 user-defined 268
variable 100, 700 properties
privilege 286 horizontal partitioning 77
create in DBMS editor 286 vertical partitioning 77
define 286 proxy table
define for group 286 create 651
define for role 286 define remote server 652
define for user 286 extended model definition 649
generate 289 generate script 652
Grant 286 Sybase ASA 649
Grant with admin option 286 Sybase ASE 649, 655
reverse engineer 282
Revoke 286 Q
attach to table 263
execute 514
check model 411
performance 68
custom 255
SQL 514
database package 389
query table
define 255
define 163
dependency 257
index 110
display preferences 354
materialized view 163
edit with SQL editor 270
physical options 165
example 237
snapshot 163
function insert 270
summary table 163
generate 275
view type 164
inherit in abstract data type 132
queue 577
insert SQL/XML macro 270
quick launch 441
macro insert 270
quotation mark to generate 178


R number 101
number of children 146
preference 150, 151, 355
bitmap join index 621
properties 142
cube 200
rebuild 148, 524
database package procedure dependencies 261
relational 151
defaults 113
reuse column 140
index 107
straighten 150
IQ index 659, 660
text 355
primary key 97, 524
variable 101, 709
procedure dependencies 261
view 157
reference 148, 524
References (permission) 290
trigger dependencies 261
referential integrity 146, 224
rebuild triggers
cardinality 146
create trigger automatically 224
cluster 146
delete and rebuild 232
delete 146
delete trigger 232
display 355
insert trigger 232
generate 146, 448
select trigger template 232
label 355
template item 232, 246
properties 146
trigger template 232, 246
update 146
update trigger 232
reflexive association 47
user-defined trigger 232
relational notation 151
reference 58, 138
relational to multidimensional mapping 205
add to bitmap join index 624
relational to relational mapping 202
add to join index 668
relationship 32
auto-migration 140
associative entity 40
bend 150
cardinality 34, 41
cardinality 146, 355
change to entity 40
change table 150
check model 413
check model 412
code 40
child table 146
create 32, 39
define 34, 40
column variable 710
dependent 34
conceptual 151
dominant 34
create 138
entity attribute 40
delete 148
error 40
display 150, 151
example 41
display preferences 355
mandatory 34
drag 150
option 40
generate 148
optional 34
join 355
properties 32
mode 150
reflexive 39
model options 356
unique code 40
modify 150
relationship display preferences 356
move to table 150
remote server 652
name 355
remote service binding 582
notation 151, 356


replication (PDM) 75 tablespace physical options in Oracle 633

repository in MS SQL Server 586 terminator 524
requirements (model option) 337 trigger script files 530
Resource Governor 583 user-defined and abstract data types 528
resource pool 584 variable 712
result column reverse engineering
data type 320 encoding 525
definition 320 file encoding 525
is element 320 statistics 532
retrieve Revoke
multidimensional objects 199 permission 290
WarehouseArchitect object 199 privilege 286
reverse engineer 282 Revoke with cascade (permission) 290
Access 97 530 role 283, 298
administrator permissions 516 assign role 299
auto-layout 524 assign to a group 299
block terminator 524 assign to a user 299
constraint business rule 187 check model 414
cubes in MS SQL Server 590 create 298
database package 633 privilege 286
DB2 528 properties 298
from a data source 520 route 581
from database 516 RULES check parameter 175
from script files 516
from scripts 517 S
generate PDM from database 528
Java class 137
alter 506
link Java class 129
begin 444, 448, 455, 465, 467, 469
optimization 531
comment 457, 510
options 524, 530
create database 438, 464
owner filter 528
create table 464
parent tables 524
customize 444, 448, 464, 465, 467, 469
permission 282
database create 444, 465
PowerBuilder extended attributes 84
edit 465, 467, 469
privilege 282
end 444, 448, 455, 465, 467, 469
public names 84
extraction 202
qualifier filter 528
format 457, 510
rebuild primary key 524
generate 438, 444, 448, 457, 506, 510
rebuild reference 524
identifier delimiter 457
retrieve number of rows in tables 524
model 444, 465
script 282
modify database 506
script files order 516
option 457, 510
shortcuts 527
preview 428
synonym creation 524
table 448, 467
synonyms 306
text color code 428
system login in Oracle 633
title 457, 510
table with triggers 528
variable 465, 467


security variables 714 define 191, 462

segment 460 drop 445
Select (permission) 290 generate 445
sequence 124, 224 not used 415
check model 415 preview 462
create 124, 448 select 191
drop 448 storage group 460
generate 448 stored procedure
Interbase 124 create 255
properties 126 extended dependencies 275
variable 715 generation order 275
serial (data type) straighten reference 150
PDM 117 subtype in database package 630
server summary table 110, 164
expression 177 Sybase AS Anywhere events 674
service 580 add reference to join index 668
service broker 573 create join index 664
service provider in web service import 311 data movement script 668
settings sets 441 define join index 663
shortcuts events 672
reverse engineering in PDM 527 extended attribute 672
size features 659
database 500 generate join index 666
snapshot 164 index type 662
snapshot (index) 110 join index in table 664
SOAP 311 join index properties 663
sort columns 94 rebuild IQ indexes 659, 660
source (test data generation) 475, 478, 480 Sybase ASA
special variables in Oracle 620 auto-increment columns 649
specifying entity attribute 54 define remote server of proxy 652
SQL query 514 extended attribute 653
SQL Server variable 715 generate script for proxy tables 652
SQL tools proxy tables 649
editor 426 web services 311
preview 428 Sybase ASE
SQL/XML wizard 271 define remote server of proxy 652
SQLBase column default 86 encryption key 655
SQLJ object abstract data type 132 extended attribute 657
SQLJ object data type in Oracle 620 generate script for proxy tables 652
SqlListQuery 103 identity columns 649, 655
SQLXML macro 702 proxy table 655
storage proxy tables 649
check model 415 web services 311
command 462 Sybase IQ web services 311
configure 460 Sybase SQL Anywhere
create 445 extended attribute 675


symmetric key 564 join index 664

synonym 302, 585 message 278
alias 302 modify trigger 233
base object 302 multidimensional type 199
check model 416 notation 359
code 302 permission 293
create 302, 454 physical option 448, 451
create view 305 preview code 428
define 302 primary key 96
drop 454 properties 62
filter 454 reverse engineer table triggers 528
generate 306, 454 script 448, 467
name 302 statistics 532
owner 302 validation rule 448
properties 304 variable 705
reverse engineer 306, 524 XML type 65
type 302 table collapsing 73
visibility 302 check model 419
syntax (variables) 470, 716 eliminate joins 73
System Administrator 298 input tables 74
system login in database reverse for Oracle 633 object 74
system privilege 286 references 74
system role 298 remove 81
System Security Officer 298 target table 74
wizard 74
T table generation 373
table 58, 62
begin script 469
alternate key 98
check model 419
attach procedure 263
command 462
based on abstract data type 64
configure 460
bitmap join index 622
create 444
check model 417
database prefix in DB2 OS/390 191, 539
check parameter 448
define 191, 462
comment 448
drop 444
constraint 67
enabledbprefix 539
constraint business rule 185
end script 469
create 62, 448, 464
generate 444
create trigger 225
not used 419
data profile 489, 490
preview 462
display preferences 357
reverse physical options in Oracle 633
drop 448
select 191
estimate database size 500
TDE 634
external 68
template item 248
foreign key 99, 139
add to trigger template 246
generate 448
create from existing template item 248
index 103
create new 248
indicate record 501


declare in trigger 235 column denormalization 75

define 224, 248 horizontal partitioning 69
identify 251 table collapsing 73
insert in trigger 234 vertical partitioning 71
insert in trigger template 234 translate data types 365
modify DBMS 253 transparent data encryption (TDE) 634
properties 254 trigger
rebuild triggers 246 check model 420
Teradata create 224
extended attributes 680 create automatically 224
primary index 679 create manually 225
primary key 679 declare template item 235
transform group 678 define 224
terminator 524 dependency 257
test data 472 edit 233
assign data profile 488 edit with SQL editor 228
automatic generation 475, 478, 480 event 229
column fill parameter 486 function insert 228, 233
data source 474 generate 275
distinct values 87 insert SQL/XML macro 228
export data profile 492 insert template item 234
generate 472, 493 instead of 156
generate from database 483 macro 693
generate from file 484 macro insert 228, 233
generate from list 482 modify 233
generate option 493 modify from table 233
generation parameter 474, 493 multiple 238
import data profile 491 multiple events 239
number of rows 493 name convention 236
restriction 473 operator insert 228, 233
triggers 493 order 238
use 472 overview 224
test data profile properties 228
assign 472 referential integrity 224
create 473 reverse engineer script files 530
default 473 reverse engineer table with triggers 528
define 472 same type 238
text sequence 224
reference 355 SQL/XML wizard 228
TIME 662 test data 493
time time 229
data profile 475 user-defined 225
data type 119 variable 711, 712
title script 457, 510 variable insert 228, 233
transform group view 156
Teradata 678 trigger dependencies 261
transformation trigger template 240


add template item 246 attach object 284

create 241 check model 420
DBMS 240, 241 create 283
declare template item 235 define 284
define 224 permission 290
delete 244 privilege 286
duplicate 241 properties 283
example 237 role 298
identify 243 vs owner 284
insert 237, 243 user schema 601
insert template item 234 user-defined
macro 693 error message 278
model 243 generate 279
modify DBMS 244 index 103
modify model 244, 253
name 236 V
procedure 237
properties 245
CDM 381
rebuild triggers 246
LDM 381
type 243
PDM 381
update 244
validation rule 174
user-defined 243
apply 177
trusted context
auto-migrate 139
IBM DB2 537
business rule 177
check parameter 177
database package 389
column 177, 449
type (database package)
define 177
definition 630
domain 177
public 630
generate 177, 446, 449
subtype 630
table 448
typographic conventions ix
abstract data type 707
U abstract data type attribute 707
undefined data type 90, 115 Adaptive Server Anywhere 715
unique all named objects 704
code (model option) 342 all objects 704
constraint 98 business rule (PDM) 708
index 98, 103, 106 check model 392
primary index 679 code 704
UniqueConstName 185 column 177, 696, 706
update column check parameter 705
constraint 146, 252 common 704
trigger template 244 constraint name 100, 101
Update (permission) 290 data type 392
user 283 database 712
add to group 301 database options 714
assign role 299 database package 389


database synchronization 713 generate 448, 453

domain 177 generation order 166
domain (PDM) 707 materialized query table 164
domain check parameter 705 modify column properties 154
foreign key 700 multidimensional type 199
format 470, 716 permission 293
generated code 704 properties 152
index 708 reference 157
index column 708 select table 156
join index 715 select view 156
justify 470, 716 snapshot 164
key 711 summary table 164
list 704 table 157
loop macro 704 trigger 156
metadata 714 type 164
primary key 700 variable 711
procedure 715 XML type 65
reference 101, 709 view index 422
reference column 710 view reference 169
reverse engineer 712 check model 423
script 465, 467 create 169
security 714 display preferences 360
sequence 715 join 171
SQL Server 715 properties 169
syntax 470, 716
table 100, 101, 705 W
trigger 711, 712
WarehouseArchitect retrieve object 199
view 711
Web operation 58
variable (database package) 628
check model 424
vertical partitioning 71
web operation 316
check model 421
create 316
preserve during generation 79
properties 316
properties 77
security properties 319
remove 81
web parameter 321
wizard 72
create 321
view 58, 152
properties 321
check model 422
Web service 58
column 154
check model 424
columns 153
in PowerDesigner 311
comment 453
local path 311
create 152, 448, 453
web service 311
create from synonym 305
create 312
define query 157
DADX extended model definition 324
display preferences 359
DADX files 312
drop 453
general definition 310
extended dependencies 165, 166
generate web services for IBM DB2 324
force column list 453
import as service provider 311


prefix name 311

properties 313
reverse engineer web services 328
types 311
with default (column properties) 86
WithOption 601
workload group 583
WSDL 311

data type 569
index 567
indexing 567
table 65
table column 570
view 65
XML schema collection 569
XML Builder Wizard 376
XPF import 491


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