Form of Confidential Report of Clerk/Senior Clerk Jr. Assistant
Form of Confidential Report of Clerk/Senior Clerk Jr. Assistant
Form of Confidential Report of Clerk/Senior Clerk Jr. Assistant
1. Name :
2. Date of birth:
Nothing has come to my knowledge which casts any reflection on the integrity of Sh/Smt.
__________________________________________________ his/her general reputation of honesty
is good.
Name __________________________
Reporting Officer
Designation: ___________________
Note: The substance of an unfavorable report will be as a rule be communicated to the officer
reported on either orally or in writing as may be considered appropriate by the Reviewing Officer
and the fact of such communication noted on this Report before it is sent to the appropriate officer
for custody.
In exceptional cases, if the Reviewing officer feels the communications of unfavorable remarks will
serve no useful purpose and may only discourage the office reported on, he should submit the
matter for the orders of the next superior officer.
Office of the _______________________________________________________ Report
for the year/ period ending w.e.f _______________________________________ ( To be filled by
the Administrative Section of the office)
1. Name of Official :
2. Date of birth:
3. Designation/post held:
4. Date of continuous appointment to the present grade viz.
5. Whether permanent/quasi-permanent or Temporary:
6. Section in which served during the year under report and
period of service in each
7. Period of absence from duty on leave training etc. during the year:
PART-II A brief statement of the work handled by the official during the
year/ period under report: (To be filled by the Reporting officer).
NOTE:- This should indicate whether the officer reported upon is employed on task involving
initiative judgement or application of knowledge of rules and regulations or
professional techniques or on take of a simple nature and routine character.
PART-III: Assessment by the Reporting officer.
8. State of Health:
9. General Intelligence and keenness to learn:
NOTE:- Assessment under columns 10-13 below should not be indicated by tick marking but
should clearly expressed in suitable works.
10. Attention to continue aspects of work such as proper maintenance of Assistant Diary Guard
files, recording indexing and weeding of files:
(a) Excellent:
(c) Good:
(d) Average:
(e) Poor:
12. Knowledge of rules, regulations and instructions in general and with particular reference to
the work allotted to him:
(a) Excellent:
(b) Very Good:
(c) Good:
(d) Average:
(e) Poor:
(a) Excellent:
(b) Very Good:
( c) Good:
(d) Average:
(e) Poor:
(a) Excellent:
(b) Very Good:
( c) Good:
(d) Average:
(e) Poor:
(a) Excellent:
(b) Very Good:
( c) Good:
(d) Average:
(e) Poor:
19. Has the official done any outstanding or notable work meriting
commendation. Briefly mention them:
22. Has the officer any special characteristic and/so any outstanding merits of abilities which
would justify his advancement and special selection for higher appointment out of turn. If so
mention those characteristics briefly.
Ministry/office of ____________________________________________
Report of the year/period Ending ________________________________
1. Name of Official:
2. Date of birth:
3. Present Grade:
4. Date of appointment to the present grade:
5. Upto date academic/general qualifications:
6. Name of officers with whom employed during
the year and the period served with each:
7. Period of absence from duty on leave training etc.
during the year:
(If any of the items mentioned below does not apply, the Reporting officer should mention
this fact against the relevant item).
8. State of health:
9. Regularity and punctuality in attendance:
10. Proficiency & accuracy in stenographic work:
11. Intelligence, keenness and industry:
12. Trust-worthiness in handling secret and top
secret matters & papers:
13. Maintenance of engagement diary & timely
submission of necessary papers for meetings,
interviews etc.
14. General assistance in ensuring that matters
requiring attention are not last sight of:
15. Initiative and tach. in dealing with telephone
calls and visitors
16 (a) Fitness for promotion to higher grade (s) in his turn:
(i) Fit
(ii) Not yet fit
(iii) Unfit.
(b) Has the officer any special characteristics and/or any outstanding merits or abilities
which would justify his advancement and special selection for higher appointment
out of turn. Please mention these characteristics briefly.
(c) Recommendation regarding suitability for other spheres of work, vis
_______________ ______________-.
17 Has he been reprimanded for indifferent work or for other causes during the period
under report. If so, give brief particulars.
18 Remarks as to defects in character, indebtedness etc. which may militate against
efficiency and suitability.
19 General assessment of personality, character and temperament including relations
with fellow employees, amenability to discipline etc:
20 Integrity:
(This column should be filed as per instructions issued under Minister of Home
Affairs Office Memorandum No. 51/4/64-Estt (A) dated 21.6.1965).
7. State of Health
8. General intelligence and keenness to learn.
NOTE: Assessment under column 9 to 10 below should not be indicated by tick marking but
should be expressed clearly in suitable words:
(The col. should be filled as per instructions issued under M/O Home Affairs O.M.
No. 51/4/64-Estt dated 21.6.1965).
17. Has the officer been reprimanded for indifferent
work or for other causes during the period under report?
Please give brief particulars.
18. Has the officer done any outstanding or notable work
briefly mention them.
1. Name in full.
2. Date of birth:
3. Scale of pay.
4. Total Service:
5. Present pay:
6. Date of continuous appointment to the present post:
7. Educational and technical qualifications.
i) Intelligence.
ii) Energy and reliability,
iii) Punctual attendance.
iv) Behaviour: Does he show proper courtesy and good
manner towards all persons using the staff car?
v) Amenability to discipline.
vi) Technical knowledge and ability.
vii) Is he economical in the use of petrol/ Lubricant oil etc?
viii) Does he keep the car clean and tidy?
ix) Is he capable of attending to petty repairs of the car?
x) Does he take timely action for getting proper entries made
in the log book?
xi) Adherance to the traffic regulations and civil laws.
xii) No. of accidents, if any, in the year.
a) Minor ________________________
b) Major ________________________
Signature _____________________
Name in Block letters ____________
Designation ___________________
Date _________________________
DRAFTSMAN FOR THE PERIOD: ___________________
1. Name of official:
2. Date of birth:
3. Date of continuous appointment to the present grade viz:
4. Present posting and date of appointment there to:
5. Period of absence from duty on leave, training etc.
during the year.
6. Period for which the repartee has served under:-
Circle Head Draftsman/ Head D/man Years Months
9. A brief statement of work handled by the official during the year under report (to be filled
by the Reporting officer).
NOTE: This should indicate whether the official reported upon is employed on task involving
initiative, judgment or application of knowledge of rules and regulations or professional
teaching use or any takes of a simple nature of routine character.
NOTE: The assessment under columns 11 & 12 below should not be indicated by tick marking but
should be expressed clearly in suitable words.
(To be filled by the Officer reported upon and to be certified by the reporting officer)
3. Designation __________________________________________
8. (Brief statement of work handled by the official during the year under report ( to be filled by
the reporting officer)
Note: This should indicate whether the official reported upon is employed on task involved
initiative, judgments or application of knowledge of rules and regulations or professional
techniques or any task of simple nature or routine character.
Note: The assessment under columns 10 to 12 below should not be indicated by tick marking but
should be expressed clearly in suitable words.
17. PART-V: Counter signatures by the next higher officer with remarks, if any.
(To be filled by the officer reported upon and to be certified by the Reporting Officer):
8. (A brief statement of work handled by the official during the year under report ( to be filled
by the Reporting officer).
NOTE: This should indicate whether the official reported upon is employed on task involved
initiative, judgment or application of knowledge of rules and regulations or professional
techniques of any task of simple nature or routine character.
9. State of Health:
NOTE: The assessment under columns 10 to 12 below should not be indicated by tick marking but
should be expressed clearly in suitable words.
Name of Officer: _____________________________________________
(This column should be filled as per instructions
issued under Ministry of Home Affairms O.M.No.
51/4/64-Estt (A) dated 21.6.1965.
(To be filled by the officer reported upon and to be certified by the reporting officer)
8. Brief resume of the work, done by the officer reported upon during the period under report,
bringing out any special achievement of his work (to be filled in by the officer reported
9. Do you agree with the resume of work as indicated by the officer in Part-II of the report and
in particular regarding the special achievement, if any, indicate briefly the reasons for
disagreeing with it and the extent of your disagreement.
NOTE: The assessment under Columns 11 to 13 below should not be indicated by tick marking but
should be expressed clearly in suitable words.
b) Is he good termed?
c) Does he possess organizing ability?
d) Is he energetic and of active habits?
e) Is he observant?
f) Does he have initiative and drive?
g) Is he resourceful?
h) Was his behavior towards seniors good?
i) Was his behavior towards juniors good?
a) Is he imaginative?
b) Does he show any aptitude towards design?
c) Has he a good knowledge of constructional details?
d) Does he have a sound knowledge of materials?
e) Is his drafting good?
NAME OF OFFICER_______________________________________________________
9. Civil Engineering:
10. Surveying and leveling:
11. Drawing
12. Estimating:
13. Over work and accounts:
14. Stock maintenance.
15. Tool and plant maintenance.
16. Dealing with contractors.
17. Measurements and billing.
18. Efficiency.
19. Economically
20. Rapidly:
21. Character and habits.
22. Intelligence and judgement.
23. Tact.
24. Temperament.
25. Ability to command and dealing with subordinates.
26. Ability to obtain and control labour.
27. Dealing with public.
28. Reputation for integrity.
29. General trust worthiness and zeal.
30. General aptitude in the profession.
31. General remarks.
32 Was any warning given for carelessness or lack of interest.
in his work.
33. Has be taken steps during the year under report to remedy
34. Fitness for promotion (strongly recommended or not
35. Whether the officer is fit for confirmation, in the post.
Executive Engineer,
_______ Division.
Remarks by Accepting officer.
Superintending Engineer,
(To be filled by the officer reported upon, verified by the Reporting Officer and certified by the
Reviewing Officer).
NOTE: This should indicate whether the official reported upon is employed
on task involved initiative, judgment or application of knowledge of
rules and regulations or professional techniques or any task of a
simple nature or routine character:
NOTE: The assessment under columns 12 to 14 below should not be indicated by tick marking but
should be expressed clearly in suitable words.
Specific points such as special accomplishment during the period under report and any other
aspects not covered in the proforma given above which the Reporting officer considers
specially worth mentioning may also be indicated here).
1. Name of Officer:
2. Designation and office address:
3. Date of joining the service:
4. Date of birth:
5. Date of continuous appointment to present grade: Date Grade
6. Present post and date of appointment thereto: Date Grade
7. Period of absence from duty (on level training etc)
during the year:
8. Academic and Professional qualifications:
9. Departmental examination passed:
2.2.2. Physical
Targets Achievement
a) Houses: No.
b) Flats: No.
c) Plots: No.
v) Revised estimates:
a) No. of estimates required revision due to
expenditure the amount of A/A & S/S:
b) No. of revised estimates prepared and
forwarded for revised sanction:
ii) Specification & Codes:
3.3 Do you
i) Management, A B C D E F
Organization and
Sub-Division of works.
(b) Preventive maintenance:
b) ---------- A B C D E F
c) Disposal of establishment maters:
3.5 For planning units:
3.6 Co-ordination & General
3.10 Dependability:
(b) Diligence:
4.1 Do you have knowledge of the working of the officer reported upon:
b) If not, on which points do you disagree and give your own assessment:
c) Your own remarks about the personality and performance of the officer:
Signature ----------------
NAME --------------------
(in Block letter)
Designation --------------
Signature ----------------
NAME --------------------
(in Block letter)
Designation --------------
The columns should be filed with due care and attention and after devoting
adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will be
easily discernible to the higher authorities:
If the Reviewing Authority is satisfied that the Reporting Authority had made
the report without due care and attention he shall record a remark to that effect in
Part-V column 2. the Government shall enter the remarks in the Confidential roll of
the Reporting Authority.
Every answer shall be given in a narrative form. The space provided indicates
the desired length of the answer. Words and phrases should be chosen carefully and
should accurately reflect the intention of the authority recording the answer. Please
use unamnigous and simple language. Please do not use omnibus expressions like
outstanding very Good, Good Average, below average, while giving your
comments against any of the attributes.
The targets should be clearly known and understood by both the officers
concerned while fixing the targets, priority should be assigned item wise, taking into
consideration the nature and the area of work and any special features that may be
specific to the nature of the area of the work the officer to be reported upon.
Some posts of the same rank may be more exacting that others . The degree
of stress and in any post may also vary from time to time. These facts should be
borne in mind during appraisal And should be commented upon appropriately.
2.2.1 Financial:
i) Social Housing Scheme __________ _________________
ii) Self Financing Scheme ___________ _________________
iii) Deposit works/RHS ___________ _________________
2.4 Please state briefly the shortfall with reference to the targets/objective referred to in column
2.2 . places specify constraints, if any, in achieving the targets achievements in excess of
targets and any special achievements may also be stated in brief.
2.5 Please state whether annual property return of immoves-------- property of preceding
calendar year has been filed. A indicate the date of filling the property return.
c) Responding to observations by A B C D E F
higher officer.
a) Attending to maintenance A B C D E F
c) Preventive maintenance: A B C D E F
2. Date of Birth
3. Designation
8. Brief resume of the work, done by the officer reported upon during the period under report,
bringing out special achievement of his work (to be filled in by the officer reported upon)
NAME OF OFFICER ___________________________
(a) How has he managed the work during the year in regard to:
(i) Speed
(ii) Quality
(iii) Economy
13. Knowledge
(a) Is he imaginative?
(b) Does he/she show any aptitude towards design?
(c) Has he/she a good knowledge of constructional details?
(d) Does he/she have a sound knowledge of materials?
(e) Is his/her drafting good?
(Instructions contained in Minister of Home Affairs O.M. No:51/4/Estt(A)
dated 21.6.65 should be kept in mind)