SAR Rules Govt of WB
SAR Rules Govt of WB
SAR Rules Govt of WB
Name of Officer :
HRMS Unique ID :
Year of Allotment :
1. Name of Officer :
2. HRMS Unique ID :
4. Date of Birth :
5. Year of allotment :
10. Date of submission of Annual Declaration of Assets for the previous year (as on 01-
01-2 ) as per the provisions of West Bengal Services (Duties, Rights and
obligations) Rule, 1:
Appraisal of Attendance:
(To be filled in by the Officer Reported upon)
(Please read carefully the instructions given at the end of the form before filling up the entries)
1. Brief Description of Duties in substantive post (objective of the position you hold and the
tasks you are required to perform, within 150 words):
Did you hold any additional charge during the tenure? Yes No
3.During the period under report, do you believe that you have made any exceptional
contribution, e.g. successful completion of an extraordinary challenging task or major
systematic improvement (resulting in significant benefits to the public and/or reduction in
time and cost):
5. Please State briefly the shortfalls in respect of your achievements. Please specify
constraints or handicaps that you faced
6. Details of the training programme (s), if any attended during the year under review
7. Indicate the specific areas in which you feel the need to upgrade your skills through
training programmes:
Place :
(During the period of Report)
PART-III Annexure-I
(Please read carefully the instructions given at the end of the form before filling up the
1. Please state whether you agree with the answers relating to achievement and
shortfalls. If not, state the reasons.
2. Please comment on the claim (if made) of exceptional contribution by the officer
reported upon.
Please record one of the following grades with the corresponding marks: Excellent
(8.01-10.00), Very Good (6.01-8.00), Good (4.01-6.00), Average (2.01-4.00),
Below Average (0-2.00).
1. State of health
2. Integrity
(Please see note below the instruction)
Place :
1. Do you agree with the assessment of the officer given by the Reporting Authority? (In
case of disagreement, please specify the reasons; Is there anything you wish to modify or
add in respect of item B of Part-III?)
2. Overall Grading (Please record one of the following grades with the corresponding
marks: Excellent (8.01-10.00), Very Good (6.01-8.00), Good (4.01-6.00),
Average (2.01-4.00), Below Average (0-2.00) :
Place :
Designation :
(During the period of Report)
2. Overall Grading (Please record one of the following grades with the
corresponding marks: Excellent (8.01-10.00), Very Good (6.01-8.00),
Good (4.01-6.00), Average (2.01-4.00), Below Average (0-2.00) :
Place :
Designation :
(During the period of Report)
General instructions for filling up the Self Appraisal Report for Group A Officers
(appended to the form of Self Appraisal Report)
1. Introduction:
1.1 The Self Appraisal Report (SAR) provides the basic and vital inputs for assessing the
performance of an Officer as well as for further advancement in his/her career. Its objective
is to develop an Officer so that he/she realises his/her true potential. The appraisal
mechanism should, therefore, be used as a tool for human resource development rather than a
mere judgmental exercise or fault-finding process.
1.2 It should be the endeavour of each appraiser to present the truest possible picture of the
Officer Reported Upon in regard to his/her performance, conduct, behaviour and potential.
Also, they should not shy away from reporting shortcomings in performance, attitude or
overall personality of the Officer Reported Upon.
1.3 The Officer Reported Upon, the Reporting Authority, Reviewing Authority and the
Accepting Authority should, therefore, undertake the duty of filling up the form with a high
sense of responsibility. The columns should be filled up with due care and attention and after
devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will
be easily discernible to the higher authorities.
1.4 Assessment should be confined to the appraisee’s performance during the period of
report only.
1.5 Time-schedule for writing and communication of SAR shall be strictly maintained at
each level.
1.6 In many cases, Officers may hold additional charge(s) for a considerable period of time
on the basis of order issued by the administrative Departments or District administration. In
such cases Officers who hold additional charge(s) for more than 3 (three) months, there
should be a reflection of his/her achievement with respect to the posts held by him/her
additionally. But the Officer Reported Upon need not send his/her Self Appraisal Report for
the post held on additional charge separately. Instead he shall provide information relating to
his/her additional charge(s) in the appropriate portions of the SAR format and send the same
to the Reporting Authority corresponding to his/her substantive post. While making
assessment, the Reporting Authority and subsequent higher authorities for the substantive
post will take into consideration his/her performance related to the post held in additional
1.7 If any of the authorities (Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting) is not present in the online
System then he/she can fill up SAR offline and the immediate next authority will upload the
same in the System. At the time of uploading the SAR by such authorities, there would be
scope in the System to record the marks awarded to the officers by previous authorities.
1.8 The Group ‘A’ officers posted on deputation will submit their SAR to the Reporting
authority offline. In the same manner the Reporting Authority will submit the SAR to
Reviewing Authority offline and in turn Reviewing Authority will submit it to the Accepting
Authority offline. For deputation posts the Custodian will upload the SAR in the System after
the same is accepted by the competent authority. At the time of uploading the SAR by the
Custodian, the marks awarded to the Officer Reported Upon by different Authorities shall be
entered by the Custodian in the System on an equivalent scale from 1 to 10 as in the online
SAR System. If the grading system for the SAR at the post where the Officer Reported Upon
is on deputation is in a scale different from the scale followed by the State Government in
online system of Self Appraisal Report, the grades shall have to be converted into an
equivalent scale from 1 to 10 as in the online SAR system.
2. (A) Filing up of Self Appraisal Report (Online mode):
(i) PART-I A
2.1 In this Section some of the data will be populated from the System automatically and
rest will have to be entered in the System manually by the Officer Reported Upon.
2.2 Period of report may either be the entire reporting year, namely, from 1st. of April to 31st.
March or a part of the year. If any Officer remains posted in different assignments in a
particular reporting year, the relevant entry in Part-IA should be made for each assignment
and the SAR of that Officer shall be split up as per each assignment accordingly.
(ii) PART-I B
2.3 Point numbers 1 to 5 of this part will be filled up by the Officer Reported Upon.
2.4 Point numbers 6 to 8 will be automatically calculated by the System.
2.15 The Reporting Authority is also required to comment on the general state of health of
the Officer Reported Upon.
2.16 Part-III requires the Reporting Authority to comment on the integrity of the Officer
Reported Upon.
2.17 The Reporting Authority is also required to record a descriptive pen-picture on the
overall qualities of the Officer Reported Upon including areas of strengths and lesser
strengths and his/her performance including his/her attitude towards Weaker Sections. The
pen-picture is also meant to be a qualitative supplement to the quantitative assessments made
about the Officer in this Part. It need not exceed about 100 words.
2.18 Finally, the Reporting Authority is required to record an overall grade with respect to
the Officer Reported Upon.
3.1 The Cadre Controlling Authority for the Cadre(s) under its control will decide whether
the SAR to be disclosed or not to the Officers Reported Upon.
3.2 If the Cadre Controlling Authority decides to disclose the SAR to the Officers Reported
Upon for the Cadre(s) under its control:
i. The Officer Reported Upon may agree with the assessment made in the Self
Appraisal Report or he/she may make a representation for re-assessment to his/her
Cadre Controlling Authority mentioning grounds for the same.
ii. On getting such a representation, the Cadre Controlling Authority will examine the
same and after considering the merit of the case, may allow for re-assessment by the
authority concerned. In that case, the Cadre Controlling Authority will send the Self
Appraisal Report to the Authority from whom re-assessment has been sought giving a
defined time-frame for such re-assessment. After re-assessment at one level,
subsequent steps will again follow and the process will be finally closed by the Cadre
Controlling Authority with disclosure to the Officer Reported Upon.
2. The task of the Nodal Officer is to specify the Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting
Authorities for a relevant period of the concerned Group A officers.
3. For the posts for which the comments of Reviewing / Accepting Authorities have been
dispensed with, the reporting channel shall be accordingly specified by the Nodal Officer.
4. During an Appraisal Year, if the Officer Reported Upon functions in any post for a period
of less than 3 months, no Self Appraisal Report will be required to be submitted for that
period. In such a case, the Nodal Officer will generate a ‘Not-Required Certificate’ for that
period, as per format given in Schedule-V, and send it to the Custodian directly with an
intimation to the Officer Reported Upon.
6. If any Officer remains on compulsory waiting, suspension, leave, during a period of report,
no Self Appraisal Report will be required for such period. In such case, after decision of
appropriate authority, a ‘Not-Required Certificate’ shall be generated by the Nodal Officer
for the relevant period.
7. In case of delays in submission of SAR by the Officer Reported Upon, the SAR may be
locked by the System. Locked SARs can only be unlocked by the concerned Nodal Officer.
8. During a particular posting of the Officer Reported Upon, if the post of Reporting
Authority is held by more than one person, the Self Appraisal Report may be split up, if
required by the Nodal Officer as per tenures of the respective Reporting Authorities.
Reason: Compulsory Waiting / Leave / Suspension /Posting for not more than 3
Nodal Officer