Rail Vehicle Car Bodies (KTH)
Rail Vehicle Car Bodies (KTH)
Rail Vehicle Car Bodies (KTH)
David Wennberg
Doctoral Thesis
Stockholm, Sweden
Academic thesis with permission by KTH Royal Institute of Techno-
logy, Stockholm, to be submitted for public examination for the degree
of Doctor of Philosophy in Vehicle and Maritime Engineering, Monday
the 10th of June, 2013 at 10.00, in Kollegiesalen (plan04), Brinellvgen 8,
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
TRITA-AVE 2013:20
ISSN 1651-7660
ISBN 978-91-7501-751-8
c David Wennberg, 2013
Structures and material combinations, tailored for multiple purposes,
are within the reach of vehicle manufacturers. Besides reducing the en-
vironmental impact of the transportation sector these multi-functional
structures can reduce costs, such as development, manufacturing and
maintenance, and at the same time offer improved comfort to the pas-
sengers. This thesis sets out to develop multi-functional design algo-
rithms and evaluate concepts for future composite high speed train car
bodies with the objective of optimising the amount of mass needed to
full all functions of the structure.
In a rst step complete composite car bodies were developed, op-
timised and evaluated based on global stiffness requirements and load
cases. The knowledge gained in this step was used as requirements for
the strength and stiffness of panels during the continued development
of the multi-functional optimisation which, besides strength and stiff-
ness, later also considers sound transmission, thermal insulation, geo-
metric restrictions, manufacturability and re safety. To be able to in-
clude re safety in the analysis, a method for simulating the high tem-
perature response of layered composite structures was needed, and de-
Signicant weight reductions are proven when utilising carbon bre
in the load carrying structure of the vehicle, on component level as high
as 60%. Structures can be made signicantly thinner when using the
algorithms developed in this thesis and wall thickness is reduced by 5-6
cm. Analysis carried out and extensive literature surveys also suggest
signicant cost savings in manufacturing, maintenance and use-phase,
even thou the raw material cost can be signicantly higher as compared
to the conventional steel or aluminium alternatives.
Results from drive cycle simulations showed that the benet, with
respect to reduced energy consumption, is in the range of 0.5-0.8% per
reduced weight percentage, comparable to both automotive and air ap-
The algorithms and methods established in this thesis can be directly
applied for the development and analysis of future high speed train car
The work presented in this thesis was carried out within the Centre for
ECO2 Vehicle Design at the department of Aeronautical and Vehicle En-
gineering at KTH Royal Institute of technology. The funding from Vin-
nova, KTH and industrial partners (Bombardier Transportation, SAAB
automobile AB, Volvo AB, Creo Dynamics, Elitkomposit AB, Scania,
Trakverket, VTI, Yovinn) is gratefully acknowledged. A special thanks
to industry partner Bombardier Transportation, who not only provided
funding, information, software and hardware but also a workplace in
Vsters for the rst two year of the project. A number of specialist at
Bombardier have given input to the work carried in this thesis. Thank
It has been a privilege to be a part of the Centre for ECO2 Vehicle design,
thanks everyone in the centre for the discussions and debate about what
we are actually(!?) doing.
To everyone in the division of Rail Vehicle, and all other friends I have
made at the department, thank your for a great time! From work dis-
cussions to lunch breaks and "ka"s, and highly competitive and non-
competitive after-work activities, it has exclusively been a lot of fun!
Finally to my family and friends, a lot has happened over the past 4
years, when writing I can only recall good things! Thank you for this!
Natascha, thank you for all the support and love.
David Wennberg
Stockholm, 6th May 2013
This thesis is split into two parts: Part I gives an overview of the research
area and work performed. Part II contains the following research papers
Paper A
D Wennberg, P Wennhage and S Stichel: Orthotropic models of corrugated
sheets in Finite Element analysis. ISRN Mechanical Engineering, 21 March
Paper B
D Wennberg, S Stichel and P Wennhage: Substitution of corrugated sheets
in a railway vehicles body structure by a multiple-requirement based selec-
tion process. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part
F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, doi: 10.1177/0954409712467139,
November 15, 2012,
Paper C
D Wennberg, S Stichel and P Wennhage: Optimisation of sandwich pan-
els for the load carrying structure of high-speed rail vehicles. International
Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures, Volume 2, Number 1,
Paper D
D Wennberg, S Stichel and P Wennhage: Benets of Weight Reduction in
High-Speed Train Operations. ZEV rail Glasers Annalen, ISSN 1618-8330,
vol. 137, no3, pp. 77-87, March 2013
Paper E
D Wennberg, S Stichel and P Wennhage: Finite Difference Adaptation of the
Time-dependent, Thermo-mechanical Response and Decomposition of Layered
Composite Structures on Irregular Grid. Submitted for publication.
Paper F
D Wennberg and S Stichel: Multi-Functional Design of a Composite High-
Speed Train Body Structure. Submitted for publication.
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2 Car Body 9
2.1 Functions and requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 Composites 15
3.1 Composite materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 Sandwich Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3 Composite Sandwich designs in vehicles . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.4 Carbon bre and its application in industry . . . . . . . . . 36
5 Summary 49
5.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.2 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Bibliography 55
Part I
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
Within the EU-27 nations, transportation is the only mayor sector that
since 1990 has had a steady increase in CO2 emissions, cf. Figure 1.1.
Worldwide, transportation stood for 22% of all CO2 emissions 2010, and
projections show that the transport fuel demand will grow by 40% until
2035 [1].
Reducing the amount of transport and shifting to transportation driv-
en on renewable energy sources are two ways of achieving a more sus-
tainable transportation sector. Transporting less can mean to transport
shorter distances or to transport less mass. Reducing the weight of
vehicles is one way of transporting less, without actually reducing the
effective work performed by the transportation mode: transporting pas-
Normalised CO2 Emissions
Energy industries
1.1 Manufact. and constr.
1 Other sectors
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006
Figure 1.1: Normalised CO2 emissions by sector for the EU-27 nations [2].
sengers or cargo.
The environmental benets of weight reduction within the transport-
ation sector vary between modes and operating conditions. In a report
from the European TOSCA project weight reduction is noted as an im-
portant aspect in reducing energy consumption for all transportation
modes, including rail vehicles [3]. It is stated in [3] that for every re-
duced weight percentage, a 0.5 percent energy reduction can be achieved
for local city trains. However, for other types of train services this ratio
was claimed to be signicantly less, and for high speed trains almost
The study performed in Paper D of this thesis evaluates the correct-
ness of such gures. The study, which is based on the drive cycle ana-
lysis concept found in the automotive industry, showed that even for
high speed operations the ratio between reduced weight and reduced
energy consumption is in the range of 0.5-0.8, comparable with both
automotive and air transportation. For the specic high speed opera-
tions studied in Paper D the use-phase energy saving was 35 - 42 MWh
per year and percent weight reduction, which could be more than the
total energy consumption during production and raw material extrac-
tion phases [4, 5, 6]. Besides looking at reduced energy consumption
Paper D estimates yearly cost savings as function of reduced weight per-
centage, an example is given in Figure 1.2.
Alternative material choices in vehicle construction also have a signi-
Saved MSEK per year Scenario 1
2 Scenario 2
Scenario 3
3 7 10 14 20
Weight reduction (%)
Figure 1.2: Example of cost savings per year for high-speed train operations as function of
weight reduction. The different scenarios are different ways of utilising the weight reduc-
tion: Scenario 1: faster travel time, Scenario 2: Reduced top speed, Scenario 3: Reduced
motor power. For details see Paper D.
achieve a mode shift, more high speed lines and trains have to be built.
Construction of new high speed rail vehicles is, however, regulated.
Within the European union the allowed axle load is limited to 17 t for
vehicles running at speeds over 250 km/h. Furthermore, the total train
weight is limited to 1000 t for 400 m long trains [10]. These limits are
currently issues for vehicle manufacturers.
The price of rail cars per kilogram is relatively high. The main reas-
ons are short series and individual design for each customer, but also
conservative load assumptions have an impact. Composite design can
reduce manufacturing cost by reducing the number of parts, the number
of assembly steps and the assembly time [11, 12, 13].
Another benet of multi-functional body panel is reduce wall thick-
ness, an important selling argument from a manufacturers perspective.
Reduced structural thickness was demonstrated in Papers C and F. The
difference can be as much as allowing 2+3 seating instead of 2+2 or
simply increasing the comfort of each seat but keeping the same capa-
city. The results in Paper F show a decrease of 57 mm per wall for a
high-speed train car body, which is a signicant amount of extra elbow
room between passengers.
Weight reduction can also set off a weight saving spiral or downs-
izing of components and equipment which can give an additional en-
vironmental saving hard to realise from just studying weight saving.
Helms et al. claim that fuel savings per 100 km and 100 kg where four
times higher when a rear axle transmission was adjusted to match the
new power to weight ratio of a road vehicle after weight reduction than
compared with only the lowered weight [5]. A downsizing spiral would
undoubtedly also have several other economical advantages, e.g. sim-
pler brakes, dampers, traction equipment, etc., which could be utilised
to achieve the same performance level. A number of these benets are
concluded in the study in Paper D.
Besides the previously mentioned benets, reduced weight reduces
the inertia forces on the track and train. Not only does this reduce the
wear on the system but it can also reduce external and internal sound
levels, further increasing the comfort and appeal of trains.
1.2. GOAL
1.2 Goal
In the spring of 2009 the initial objectives for this PhD project were writ-
ten as (overview):
3. Studies with generic types of car bodies, e.g load cases, dynamic
properties, cost, manufacturability and acoustics.
Early in the project focus was set mainly on the load carrying struc-
ture, trying to simplify the current design and at the same time reduce
the weight of the vehicle. The goal was a 30% weight reduction on the
load carrying structure of a comparable steel car body. Literature re-
views hinted that difculties would lye in achieving sufcient stiffness
in an all composite design [14]. This was also found to be the case, ex-
cept when using carbon bre. For this reason material choice quickly
focused on use of carbon bre composites in the design.
Typical drawbacks that come up with carbon bre composites are the
raw material cost, limited automation in manufacturing; which is not
specic for carbon bre composites but all composites; and recycling.
To paraphrase a sceptical reviewer: the study is moot due to the high
price of carbon bre composites.
These concerns were well founded, and the use of these materials
in large scale, outside military application, has in the past not been ex-
tensive. This is, however, changing and more and more industries are
using these materials and the amount consumed per year is steadily in-
creasing, putting pressure on both industry and academia to solve the
1.3 Tools
A number of different computer software were used in this work:
MATLAB[15]R has been used to perform analytical calculations and
simulation throughout the thesis. Finite Element calculations where
mainly performed with the the software package HyperWorks R [16].
The software STEC [17] (Simulation of Train Energy Consumption) was
used for the energy consumption calculations of Paper D and the simu-
lations software MAINE 3A [18] was used for the acoustic transmission
calculations in Paper F.
2 Car Body
This chapter will briey present aspects of rail vehicle car bodies for
passenger transportation. A general discussion of characteristics and
functions are presented to give the reader an understanding of the re-
quirement and issues discussed in the following chapters and appen-
ded papers. In this sense car body refers to the load carrying structure of
the rail vehicle as well as additional insulation, inner- and outer-lining.
From this thesis perspective equipment, such as chairs, luggage racks
and technical equipment, are not included in the car body.
25 m z
Figure 2.1: General car body appearance, long and slender structure in x.
According to the TSI C(2008) 648, the nominal static axle load for high
speed trains (>250 km/h) is 17 t. And the maximum weight of the com-
plete train is 1000 t (400 m train) [10].
P (Pa) Stiffness
Car body roof
(line of symmetry)
Sound level Design space
Car body wall
T (C)
Fire safe
Thermal insulation
Limit vibrations
Car body floor
Strength y
Also stated in EN 12633 is that the car bodys natural frequencies should
be "...separated sufciently, or otherwise decoupled, from the suspen-
sion frequencies, so as to avoid the occurrence of undesirable responses
at any speed, vehicle loading, or suspension condition." [20]. This re-
Thermal insulation
Thermal comfort in trains is an important requirement. According to
EN 13129-1 the thermal insulation quality of rail vehicles is dened by
an overall heat transfer coefcient, which varies depending on climate
zone [21]. Some values are presented in Table 2.2.
Table 2.2: Upper limit of overall heat transfer coefcients for winter conditions and main
line operations [21].
Fire safety
A common norm used in the railway industry to dene re safety of
the vehicles is the German DIN 5510-1 [5]. The following breakdown of
protective measures can be summarised:
1. Prevention of re development from arson.
2. Prevention of re development in the passenger compartment as
a result of technical defects.
3. Delay and limitation to the spread of re in case measure 1 and 2
The meaning of the third measure is that it should be possible to rescue
passengers within a certain time determined from the operating condi-
tions and structural features of the rail car.
Figure 2.3: Typical eigen modes of a single deck car body. Frequency range 8-15 Hz.
3 Composites
4 UD lamina
1 2
1 laminate
[0 / 45 /90 ]
1 2
2 1
Figure 3.2: Example of a number of lamina creating a laminate with lay-up 0 /45 /90 .
Table 3.1: Typical Youngs modulus (E), strength () and density () for four composites
and two metals [14, 23].
mechanical performance and are thermally more stable. There are also
processing benets of being liquid form at room temperature. Thermo-
plastics offer other, sometimes better, processing possibilities, e.g. short
cycle times, good toughness and the ability to be reformed.
Using composites in the load carrying structure of the car body en-
ables custom material design. The composite laminates can be engin-
eered to optimise directional properties were needed, getting the most
out of the material. As an example, modal analysis was performed on
a single deck car body with composite laminates as the roof and oor
structure. The lay-up angles in the laminates were chosen as 0 ,
and 90 , with the 0 in the longitudinal x-direction of the car body, cf.
Figure 2.1. The angle was varied between 0 and 90 . Figure 3.3 shows
the rst ve natural frequencies of the car body as function of ply angle
(cf. Figure 2.3 for the general mode shapes).
Figure 3.3 illustrates how composite material can be engineered to
alter functions of the car body without altering the weight or shape of
the structure. In this example the stiffness of the car body was altered,
which in turn is directly coupled to ride comfort and safety.
14 Shear
Vert. bend
13.5 Lat. bend
Frequency (Hz)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 3.3: Calculated frequency of the rst ve natural modes of vibration of a high-speed
car body with composite laminates in the oor and roof structure as function of ply angle
. Laminates are carbon bre epoxy. Ply angles are 0 , and 90 . Thickness-fraction-
division between angles: 25 , 15 , 15 and 15 respectively. 0 is here aligned in the longitudinal
x direction of the car body.
by attaching beam like stiffeners and frame work to the structure. Both
of these can effectively increase the bending stiffness of the structure.
However, the mass per unit area is also increased.
Sandwich design is one of the most effective ways of increasing stre-
ngth and stiffness of a structure without increasing the weight of the
structure signicantly. This is why evolution has resulted in sandwich
design in several structures where the combination of high strength and
low weight is crucial, one example is the human skeleton. A sandwich
tf 1
d tc
tf 2
face/skin core
Mechanical properties
The sandwich structure functions in a similar manner as an I-beam in
bending, the outer faces are there to withstand the compressive and
tensile stresses like the anges of an I-beam and the centre core carries
most of the shear stresses. To better explain this a simple example will
be used, see Figure 3.6, which illustrates a beam of length L bent to a
radius of curvature .
Figure 3.6: Bending of a solid beam.
By using the nomenclature in Figure 3.4, and assuming that the face
sheets are identical, i.e. Youngs modulus E f 1 = E f 2 = E f and thickness
t f 1 = t f 2 = t f , the exural rigidity of the sandwich beam is given by
E f t3f E f t f d2 Ec t3c
D= Ez dA = + + = 2D f + D0 + Dc (3.3)
6 2 12
[23] where Ec is the core elasticity modulus and in accordance with Fig-
ure 3.4, d = tc + t f . The rst term on the right-hand side of Equation (3.3)
represents the exural rigidity of the two faces bending about their own
neutral axis. The second term represents the rigidity of the faces bend-
ing about the neutral axis of the entire sandwich beam while the last
term represents the exural rigidity of the core.
Since the direct stress given by Equation (3.1) depends on the Youngs
modulus E and coordinate z there is a "jump" in stress level at the inter-
face between core and face sheet. If E f >> Ec , the direct stress in the
core can often be neglected and, furthermore, if the face sheets are thin,
t f << tc , the stress distribution in the face sheets is approximately con-
stant. The faces and core then full different functions. During bending
of the structure the face sheets will carry most of the bending moment
as direct stress while the core mainly carries shear stress, preventing the
face sheets from sliding relative to each other. The approximate stress
distribution for a sandwich beam with these features (E f >> Ec and
t f >> tc , which is usually the case) in bending is illustrated in Fig-
ure 3.7. It is important to be aware of that a sandwich beam usually
Mx Mx Mx Mx
Figure 3.7: Approximate stress distribution in a sandwich beam in bending (red areas).
The top face sheet experiences compressive, negative, direct stresses, while the lower face
sheet experiences extensional, positive direct stress. The core carries the largest part of the
shear stress, which is approximately constant over the core cross-section.
exhibits a fairly high amount of shear deformation due to the low per-
formance core.
Typically for sandwich structures the term D0 of Equation (3.3) is
dominant, being magnitudes larger than both D f and Dc . This is be-
cause the exural rigidity of the sandwich panel is highly dependent
on the thickness d, cf. Equation (3.3). This characteristic is shown in
Figure 3.8, and is known as the Sandwich Effect [23].
A benet with the continuous stiffness offered by sandwich struc-
tures as compared to for example metal sheet stiffened by stringers, is
that it can radically reduce the number of parts of a structure, reducing
assembly time and cost. Figure 3.9 illustrates what this difference could
look like if applied to a rail vehicle car body. In this gure a typical steel
load carrying structure is compared with a rendered view of a composite
Thickness: d 2d 4d
Weight: 1 1 1
Bending strength: 1 6 12
Flexural rigidity: 1 12 48
d/2 d/2
Figure 3.8: The Sandwich Effect. Because of the low density core, the weight difference
between the structures is negligible.
sandwich car body. While the steel structure consists of 1000s of parts,
the sandwich car body could, in the most extreme example, be made as
a monocoque structure.
(a) Rendered sandwich car body. (b) Load carrying structure of steel car
body. Source: Siemens press picture
Figure 3.9: Illustration of the difference between the continuous stiffness of sandwich pan-
els (left) compared to that of a stiffened steel structure (right).
Sound transmission
The sound transmission through a sandwich panel is different from that
through a single leaf structure. Figure 3.10 illustrates the reected (Pr ),
dissipated (Pd ) and transmitted (Pt ) power of an incoming acoustic sound
wave (Pi ) acting on a panel. Transmission occurs when the incoming
wave excites the panel which begins to vibrate. The vibrating structure
excites air on the other side of the panel which results in sound. Power
is dissipated due to thermal losses in the structure.
Pi Pr
Figure 3.10: Sound transmission through a panel.
Table 3.2: Original properties of sandwich panel for transmission loss calculations, cf. Fig-
ure 3.11 and 3.12.
1 Several other wave types exist in a sandwich panel, however, in the frequency range
of interest, these are the waves that have the largest effect on the transmission loss.
40 40
1 mm 20 mm
35 35
2 mm 40 mm
30 3 mm 30 60 mm
4 mm
25 25 80 mm
5 mm
dB 100 mm
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
2 3 2 3
10 10 10 10
Hz Hz
40 10 GPa 40
24 GPa
35 35
56 GPa
30 133 GPa 30
25 316 GPa 25
20 20 20 MPa
15 15 47 MPa
112 MPa
10 10
266 MPa
5 5 631 MPa
2 3 2 3
10 10 10 10
Hz Hz
Figure 3.11: Transmission loss through sandwich panels with symmetric face sheets, dif-
fuse acoustic eld, changing t f , tc , E f , and Ec .
40 40
0.1 % 1%
35 35
0.325 % 3.25 %
30 0.55 % 30 5.5 %
0.775 % 7.75 %
25 1% 25 10 %
20 dB 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
2 3 2 3
10 10 10 10
Hz Hz
40 40
35 35
30 30
25 25
20 3
1000 kg/m 20 50 kg/m3
3 3
15 2000 kg/m 15 162.5 kg/m
3000 kg/m 275 kg/m3
10 10
3 3
4000 kg/m 387.5 kg/m
5 5 3
2 3 3 2 3 500 kg/m
10 10 5000 kg/m 10 10
Hz Hz
Figure 3.12: Transmission loss through sandwich panels with symmetric face sheets, dif-
fuse acoustic eld, changing f , c , f , and c .
Thermal properties
Another important function of the car body brought up in Chapter 2 is
thermal insulation. The law of heat conduction, for one dimension, is
given by
q = k (3.6)
where q is heat ux, T is temperature and k is thermal conductivity. Con-
sider the sandwich panel of Figure 3.4, assume identical face sheets, per-
fect contact between layers and a linear temperature distribution over
the thickness of each layer. For such a sandwich panel Equation (3.6)
can be used to derive the temperature difference between the two outer
surfaces as
1 tf tc 1
T1 T2 = q +2 + + (3.7)
a1 k f k c a2
[23] where a1 and a2 are convection coefcients between the air and sur-
faces of the panel. The thermal transmittance of the panel is dened
1 tf tc 1
K= +2 + + (3.8)
a1 k f k c a2
where t is time and C is specic heat of the material. Solving for a given
heat ux q at a surface z = 0 the analytical solution can be derived to
T(0, t) = T0 + 2q (3.10)
[12]. The above equation illustrates how the temperature rise is in-
versely proportional to kC and due to the nature of the thermal con-
ductivity and specic heat capacity of materials in general, given a cer-
tain heat ux q, the temperature will increase faster for light weight ma-
terials which in-turn increases the risk of re initiation (cf. Table 3.3 for
some typical values of thermal properties). This feature was of great
interest in the project Light Weight Construction Applications at Sea
(LASS) which considered light weight sandwich construction for sev-
eral different naval vessels [12].
The simplication of Equation (3.10), i.e. considering only one di-
mensional heat transfer, might under certain scenarios be be a good es-
timation, for example if considering relatively large heat sources. How-
ever, the risk of re initiation is often a local issue where the in-plane
heat transfer has a large inuence on the temperature rise at the point of
exposure. For FRPs the in-plane thermal conductivity is approximately
a magnitude larger than that through the thickness.
These qualities; low through thickness and high in-plane thermal
conductivity; gives the opportunity to design a well insulating structure
which at the same time has sufcient in-plane heat transfer to reduce the
risk of re initiation.
Table 3.3: Examples of thermal properties for some materials (T=20 C).
In this thesis the re safety function of the car body was studied
based on the requirement: If a re has initiated, the car body shall main-
tain structural integrity long enough to evacuate passengers.
To evaluate re conditions a time dependent, thermo-mechanical
model for layered composite structures was developed in Paper E. The
thermo-mechanical response of composites is complex, at around 150 C
the composite begins to soften, this is followed by pyrolysis of the resin
material around 300 C. The bres, on the other hand, are relatively in-
ert. The resin decomposes into char and pyrolysis gases. This is typic-
ally an endothermic reaction, absorbing heat from the re. Furthermore,
the ow of pyrolysis gas has a cooling effect on the structure [27]. These
properties delay the temperature rise in composites, cf. Figure 3.13 where
the calculated temperature rise for two glass bre/vinyl ester laminates
exposed to a 100 kW/m2 heat source are given. The difference between
the two composites is that one is considered as inert. A clear delay in
the temperature rise is shown for the decomposing alternative.
The model developed in Paper E takes the decomposition and ow
of pyrolysis gases into consideration. These are added into Equation (3.9),
giving a heat equation for decomposing composite material:
C = k Mg Cg (Q + h h g ) (3.11)
t z z z t
temperature (oC)
no decomposition
200 decomposing composite
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
time (s)
Figure 3.13: Calculated temperature rise at three locations through the thickness of a non-decomposing composite material and a decom-
posing composite material (both are glass bre/vinyl ester laminates). Exposure heat ux equal to 100 kW/m2 K.
t = 15 min
temperature ( C)
t = 1 min
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
Z coordinate (m)
Figure 3.14: Calculated temperature rise through the thickness of a ve layered composite structure. Exposure heat ux equal to 100
kW/m2 K. Vertical dashed lines represent boundaries between different material layers.
Figure 3.15: Examples of composite sandwich vehicle bodies. Left: Visby Corvette, source:
Kockums AB. Centre: Advanced Composite Cargo Aircraft, used with the permission of
Lockheed Martin Skunk Works. R Right: the South Korean Tilting Train Express (TTX).
Figure 3.17: Assembly of the Lockheed Martin Advanced Composite Cargo Aircraft
(ACCA) fuselage [29].
level, etc.
There are other examples of sandwich structures in other modes of
transport such as buses and people movers, where, again compared
to high speed operations, requirements are not as stringent. For high
speed trains it was found that the stiffness requirements of the struc-
ture are strongly dimensioning why the results of Paper B and C of this
thesis forced a carbon bre solution if signicant weight reduction was
to be achieved. Carbon bre is generally the material choice for more
demanding applications, e.g. all sandwich bodies in Figure 3.15 have
carbon as the reinforcing bre material of the face sheets. It is often ar-
gued, however, that carbon bre is unrealistic in rail vehicle applications
due to raw material cost and recyclability issues. Therefore, as part of
the work in this PhD project, a literature study on the topic of carbon
bre with focus on risks and opportunities with respect to manufactur-
ability, cost and recycling was carried out. An overview of the main
conclusions is presented in the following section.
Figure 3.18: The C20 FICAS metro train, manufacturer: Bombardier Transportation.
commercial aircraft
60 other aerospace
wind energy
Carbon demand (1000 tons)
50 automotive
other industrial
40 sporting goods
30 other
2011 2015 2020
Figure 3.19: Carbon demand forecast split over different industries [42].
The carbon industry has had its mayor growth from the early 1990s
up until today, cf. Figure 3.20. The world demand for carbon bre was
22,679 tonnes in 2006 [43]. By 2008 this gure had reach 35,000 tons, and
was estimated to increase with around 12% per year up to 2014 [44].
However, by 2010 the demand for carbon bre had already reached
50,000 tons [45]. Over these years (2006-2010) the amounts presented
Industrial use
30 Aircraft applications
10e6 kg/year
Sporting applications
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Figure 3.20: Carbon demand by industry, based on a report from 2007 [46].
Over 90% of all carbon bre is today produced by heat treatment and
pyrolysis of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) [45]. Drawbacks with PAN are that
it is relativity expensive and it is also petroleum based, which can have
a large inuence on the LCA/LCC of carbon bre structures [6]. An al-
ternative raw material for the production of carbon bre is lignin, a 100%
renewable source of carbon [47]. This is currently in the research stage
but promising results have been made by, for example, Oak Ridge Na-
tional Laboratory [48] which have produced a bre with 1.1 GPa tensile
strength and a Youngs modulus of around 70 GPa [47].
an all CFRP chassis F1 car in 1992. More recent activity is for example
BMWs i-series. This is BMWs rst all electric car, as well as the worlds
rst mass-produced all CFRP frame car.
Maritime applications are mainly focused in the extreme sport sec-
tion and navy, such as the Visby Corvette presented in Figure 3.15. An
example from the eld of research is the LASS project (Lightweight con-
struction applications at sea), which began in 2005 and was initially a
consortium of 20 different parties from ship owners, ship yards, mater-
ial manufactures, designers, military industry, universities etc. LASS de-
veloped several concepts for light weight composite marine crafts, one
of which was a 24 m long all composite passenger high speed craft [12].
Using carbon bre sandwich panels, as compared to an aluminium hull
structure, gave estimated weight savings of up to 50%.
In the rail way industry there is, to the authors knowledge, only one
large scale application of carbon bre: the South Korean Tilting Train
Express (TTX) which has an upper body structure made of a CF/epoxy
aluminium honeycomb sandwich panels [31, 35, 33]. The TTX car bodys
load carrying structure weighs approximately 4.8 tons. This is a weight
reduction of 38% on the upper car body as compared to the steel refer-
ence vehicle (28% if all load carrying parts are considered) [50]. Sim-
ilar weight savings were also found in the study performed in Paper C
of this thesis where the sandwich panels studied were CF/epoxy PMI
foam structures. Comparing only the replaced structures (walls, roof
and oor) the sandwich panels gave a weight reduction of 48%. Adding
also the weight of windows, bolster, etc, (sections not replaced with
sandwich panels) the weight reduction of the complete load carrying
structure was approximately 32%.
Already in 1995 Larrod et al. [11] not only illustrated that the light weight
potential of composite sandwich design in the load carrying structure of
bus design was over 50%, but also that is had exceptional cost benets.
Thou material price is higher the number of hours needed to manufac-
ture the composite alternative was signicantly lower.
In a study by Fuchs et al. [51] the manufacturing cost of using com-
posites (glass bre and carbon bre) for the body in white (BIW) of a
automotive vehicle was compared to that of a steel reference vehicle.
Results showed that for production volumes under 105,000 the glass
bre alternative was cheaper than the standard steel design, and for
volumes under 45,000 also the carbon bre alternative was superior with
respect to manufacturing cost. The main reason being that at low pro-
duction volumes the equipment costs for steel-stamping and tooling are
high per vehicle, while at high production volumes the material cost
of carbon bre and glass bre becomes more signicant. An extens-
ive sensitivity analysis was also performed on the cost modelling based
on, among other things, the cost of carbon bre, moving the break-even
point of a carbon bre BIW in the range of 30,000 90,000 units (carbon
bre price: $11/kg$40/kg), cf. Figure 3.21.
2500 Glass fibre
Unit cost ($ / body)
Carbon fibre
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Annual production volume (thousands)
Figure 3.21: Manufacturing cost for automotive BIW (carbon bre price: 22$/kg) [51].
Life Cycle Cost (LCC) studies performed in the LASS project [12]
showed, not surprisingly, that the efciency of the lighter vessel gives
an advantage with respect to fuel consumption. However, also the pro-
duction cost was found to be lower for the composite vessels. Material
cost was signicantly higher for the composite alternatives but a signi-
cant reduction in man hours was found to supersede the other costs.
In Figure 3.22 some of the results from [12] for a 24 m long, 15 ton (Alu-
minium version) hull, high speed craft are presented.
14000 CF
CF downsized
Cost (kSEK)
Material Manhour Equpiment Other Total
Cost elements
Figure 3.22: Construction costs of four 24 m high-speed naval vessels (complete ship) with
different hull structures: Alu: Aluminium, GF: Glass bre/vinyl ester PVC sandwich, CF:
Carbon bre/vinyl ester PVC sandwich, CF downsized: Carbon bre/vinyl ester PVC
sandwich with reduced motors [12].
Together with cost, recycling issues are often mentioned as one of the
main disadvantages with composites in railway applications. However,
the increasing use of carbon bre in the above mentioned and other in-
dustries will continue to put high pressure on industry and academia to
nd recycling alternatives for carbon bre and other composite materi-
als. Like rail vehicle manufacturers, Boeing has high goals on recycling
(90 to 95% recyclability of the the world eet by 2012 [52]), and began
tests on the use of recycled CFRP in 2004. Research has shown that the
recycled carbon bre is comparable with virgin bre and suitable for
high-end applications [52]. Most promising recycling methods produce
short bre, which have been recycled to produce 99+% clean bre with
a 95+% strength as compared to the virgin carbon bre [53].
3 The authors of [3] note that there is a lack of sources for reliable long term estimations
to this value.
4 Optimisation and
Acceleration force = F D
a(x) = mass m
3 Competitiveness
of mode Cvn(x) comfort
Running resistance D(x) = A + B v + C v2
Comfort Com f (x) (safety) (environment)
Mass m(x) = t l b
Safety S(x) = S(strength, stiffness, re, ...)
5 Environment E(x) = E(temperature, sound level, ...)
1 tc 1
Thermal transmittance K(x) = + 2 kf +
a1 kc + a2
i f
Sound transmission loss R(x) = 10 log Pti
The system in Table 4.1 quickly becomes complex and properties and
functions do not effect each other in a strictly hierarchical way. It is,
however, a valuable exercise for a designer to understand the impact of
a certain function, i.e. design goal, and how it can effect the overhead
functions of the system.
Multi-functional Optimisation
Multi-functional structures are designed to full several functions or
task and the best way to do this is by optimisation, where trade-offs
between the different functions are made based on requirements and
constraints on the design. Almost all structures contribute to multiple
functions without being multi-functionally designed. For example, a
typical steel load carrying structure is designed to provide strength and
stiffness to a car body while it also contributes to the sound level in the
car body as well as the re safety of the structure. However, the latter
two properties are secondary to the main function of the structure and
the structure is not designed or optimised with these in mind3 .
In Chapter 2 a number of car body functions where presented. The
available design space, which should support these functions, was il-
lustrated in Figure 2.2. If the design space considered is comprised of
a sandwich panel as shown in Figure 3.4 the design variables could be
expressed as
x = t f 1 t f 2 tc MAT f MATc
where MAT f and MATc are material specic properties for the face
sheets and core respectively.
Some of the desired functions of a sandwich panel can rather easily
be expressed analytically, for example lightness, which can be measured
by the area density given by
A (x) = A (t f , tc , f , c ) = 2 f t f + c tc (4.2)
x2,L f1(x1,x2)>b1
x1 x
x1 x1,G x1,L x1 x xG xL x
mensions, etc. The problem is then of the form given in Figure 4.1. For
such optimisations the optimum will not be a lowest point of the object-
ive function but rather the lowest point within the constraints, with at
least one constraint active at the optimum.
In general, rst order optimality is used to evaluate how close a solu-
tion is to an optimum. First order optimality is given by
= 0 (4.4)
5 2009
This thesis develops concepts for, and investigates benets of, large scale
composite multi-functional design applied to rail vehicle car bodies. The
main goals are reducing car body weight and simplifying the design.
The work has in general aimed toward the original goals set up in
2009, see Section 1.2. However, over time several additional research
topics have been studied and analysed, such as: orthotropic plate equi-
valents to corrugated sheets, use phase analysis, reaching new conclu-
sions on the benets of weight reduction on high speed trains, and de-
velopment of high-temperature response models for layered composite
5.1 Conclusions
Signicant weight savings have been shown to be feasible with use of
carbon bre composites as the main load carrying elements in the car
body. Weight savings over 30% are plausible, and on specic sections
signicantly higher lightness can be achieved (for the wall section of
Paper C a 68% weight reduction). By increasing the amount of func-
tions, and increasing the design complexity, the potential benet is also
increased (in this case a lighter and thinner design). This is the bene-
t of multi-functional design and is shown when comparing results of
paper B to C and C to F. Between these papers the number of functions
considered in the optimisation is increased, which in turn benets the
The importance and amount of material data needed for this type of
analysis is rather extensive. As an example the required properties and
number of parameters needed to perform the multi-functional optim-
isations of Paper F for a carbon bre/epoxy lamina is given in Table 5.1.
Besides the large amount of material parameters needed, the calcula-
tions performed for each function require their own set of assumptions
and boundary values.
The study of carbon bre in railway applications is not purely aca-
demic. The extensive literature review and run cycle analysis performed
in this thesis shows that even though material price is high, signicant
cost savings in other areas such as manufacturing and use phase can be
achieved with these new materials.
Table 5.1: Number of parameters needed for multi-functional calculations on carbon bre
epoxy lamina.
Vehicle prole.
The properties listed above can have a signicant impact on the possible
material choices. With the introduction of active suspensions the stiff-
ness of the structure can be reduced without compromising ride com-
fort. A lower stiffness requirement might allow for other materials be-
sides carbon bre. In any case, a reduced stiffness requirement can re-
duce the weight of the vehicle. For shorter and/or double deck car bod-
ies the relative importance of the bending stiffness of wall, roof and oor
panels is changed. Such alternatives might also allow the use of other
bres besides carbon bre composites in the load carrying structure.
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Part II