Ei Assignment
Ei Assignment
Ei Assignment
Assignment Questions
UNIT - 1
M a e s u r e me n t E r r o r s
1. What is measurement? What are the two basic requirements of any measurement?
14. Define limiting errors. Derive the expression for relative limiting error.
15. A moving coil voltmeter has a uniform scale with 100 divisions, the full scale
reading is 200 V and 1/10 of scale division can be estimated with a fair degree of
certainity. Determine the resolution of the instrument in volt. [Ans. : 0.2 V] [jul 06,
16. A digital voltmeter has a read out range from 0-9999 counts. Determine the
resolution of the instrument in volt when the full scale reading is 9.999 [jan 05, 07.
J ul 0 9 ]
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Digital instruments
2. Explain with neat circuit diagrams the working of the following digital
voltmeter.[jan 05,07,09 jul 06,08]
Dept of ECE, SJBIT Page 2
Electronic Instrumentation 10IT35
iv) Voltage to frequency converter type integrating DVM and Dual slope
10. The lowest rt1llge all a 4~ digit DVM is 10 InV full scale. What is its sensitivity?
11. Explain how frequency is measured using the digital frequency counter.
(i) frequency, (ii) period, (iii) time interval, (iv) ratio of frequencies.
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1. State the various characteristics of P31 phosphor. Draw the block diagram of
general purpose CRO. Explain the functions of various blocks..
2. Draw alld Explain the block diagram of the vertical amplifier used III
3. Explain the functions of delay lille ill oscilloscopes. WllIch are the two types of
delay lilies 7
4. State and Explain vorlous front panel controls of a Simple CRO. [ all years asked
till now]
5. Explaill the followll1g modes of operatioll of time base generator [jan 06, 05, jul
6. Draw the block diagram of a trigger generator. Explain the various controls
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Special Oscilloscopes
2. Sketch and explain the block diagram of delayed time base oscilloscope.
6. Draw and explain the block diagram of digital storage oscilloscope.[jul 07]
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UNIT - 5
Signal Generators
1. State the requirements for systhesizer? [jan 07,09 jul 05, 08]
2. Draw the basic block diagram of signal generator. [asked in almost every
pa p e r ]
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4. Explain Weins bridge with a neat circuit diagram and mention its application
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Transducers I
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Transducers II
2. Explalll briefly the techniques used for power measurement at high equencies.
3. Write a note on power measurement at audio frequency.[jan 05,06, jun 07, 8,]
4. What are basic requirements of load & Write different forms of the dummy
0 5 ,0 7 ]
11. Explnin d.c. signnl conditioning system with the help of block diagraml.
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