Emi Question Bank
Emi Question Bank
Emi Question Bank
4 - MARK
1 .a) What are the essential requirements of multipliers.
b) Define the terms i) Accuracy ii) Precision
2. a) Explain the construction of multi-range voltmeter.
b) Define the following terms i) Error ii) Resolution iii) Sensitivity
3. a) Explain different types of errors that occur in measurements.
b) Differentiate static and dynamic characteristics.
4. a) Describe with the help of circuit diagram the construction and working of a shunt-type ohm meter
b) Explain the fundamental principle on which DC voltmeter meter is constructed.
5. Explain how a multi-meter can be used as i) DC voltmeter & AC volt meter
ii) DC ammeter & ohmmeter
6. a) List the salient features of voltage ohmmeter.
b) A shunt type ohmmeter uses a5 mA basis D’Arsonval movement with an internal resistance of 50Ω. The
battery voltage is 3V.It is desired to modify the circuits by adding appropriate shunt resistance across the
movement.so that the instrument indicates 5Ω at the midpoint scale. Calculate: i)The value of shunt resistance.
ii) Value of current limiting resistance R1.
7. a) Explain the principle used in ohmmeters.
b) Explain with the help of circuit diagram the construction & working of a series type ohm meter.
8. a) How do we determine the performance characteristics of an instrument.
b) Explain the process of calibration.
9. a) Define sensitivity. Express sensitivity mathematically. What is deflection factor?
b) A particular ammeter requires a change of 1A in its coil in order to produce a change in deflection of the
pointer by 3mm.Determine its sensitivity and deflection factor.
10.a)what is precision .what are the Two characteristics of precision .Differentiate accuracy & precision.
b) A moving coil instrument gives a full scale deflection of 10mA when the potential difference across its
terminals is 100mV.Calculate: i) the series resistance for a full scale deflection corresponding to100A.ii) the series
resistance for a full scale deflection with 1000V.calculate the power dissipation in each case.
11)Draw the circuit of multimeter? Explain the operation of it?
4 - MARK
10 - MARK
1. Draw the neat diagrams of both vertical & horizontal deflection systems and explain briefly about their
2. a) Discuss about important CRT features.
b) Draw the block diagram of a dual beam oscilloscope & explain its working.
3. Draw the block diagram of a general purpose oscilloscope and explain function of each block
4. a)Explain with a block diagram ,the major parts of CRT.
b)What are the advantages of dual trace oscilloscopes over dual beam CRO.
5. a) Draw the block diagram of Delay line circuit and explain its working.
b) State the standard specifications of a sample CRO.
6. a) What is CRO. What is the use of CRO in the development of electronic circuits& the systems?
b) Explain how a two dimensional display is produced in a CRO.
7.a) Discuss in detail, the construction and working of a digital sampling oscilloscope.
b) Explain with a diagram how frequency can be measured using lassajous pattern method.
8. a) Describe in details the construction and working of an analog type storage oscilloscope.
b) Explain the principle of secondary emission.
9. a) Define astigmatism, focus & intensity.
b) State the various applications of an oscilloscope.
10.a) Explain the function of trigger circuit.
b)Explain about vertical amplifier used in CRO?
4 - MARK
10- MARK
1. a) With the help of block diagram explain the functioning of a conventional standard signal generator.
b) Write about fixed AF oscillator and variable AF oscillator.
2. a) Draw the block diagram of a function generator and explain its operation.
b) List the applications of random noise generator.
3. With a neat diagram discuss the operation of a pulse generator.
4. a).Discuss in detail about RF signal generator operation.
b) Explain the method of generate random noise.
5. a) Explain the working of a standard sweep generator with diagram.
b) What is sweep generator? Explain in detail.
6. a) With help of a neat sketch, explain the working of a frequency selective wave analyser.
b) What is the function of wave analyser?
7. a) Describe with diagram the operation of a digital Fourier analyser.
b) List the application of wave analysers.
8. a) Draw the circuit diagram and explain the working of a heterodyne type wave analyser.
b) What is distortion? What does a distortion analyser measure.
9. a) What is the function of harmonic distortion analyser.
b) Describe the diagram with operation of a harmonic distortion analyser using a bridge T-network
10.a) With a neat sketch explain the operation of logic analyser.
b) Explain how wave analyser can be tuned to a particular frequency with in the audible frequency range.
1) What is a bridge? What is the importance of a bridge? [CO4][L1]
2) What are the limitations of Wheatstone bridge? [CO4][L1]
3) Describe how a bridge can be used as an error detector? [CO4][L2]
4) What is the balance condition for a basic kelvin bridge? [CO4][L1]
5) Compare dc and ac bridges? [CO4][L1]
6) Differentiate between Maxwell’s and Anderson Bridge? [CO4][L2]
7) What is the difference between Schering and Kelvin Bridge? [CO4][L1]
8) What is meant by q-meter? [CO4][L1]
9) What are the different errors occurred in bridges? [CO4][L1]
10) State the 2 balancing conditions of Wein Bridge? [CO4][L1]
11) What are the precautions we need to take when using a bridge? [CO4][L1]
12) If the bridge arms are connected with R1=2.2K, R2=3.9K, R3=10K, Find R4? [CO4][L5]
13) List the precautions to be taken when using a bridge? [CO4][L1]
14) Interpret the applications of Wheatstone bridge? [CO4][L1]
15) Explain the sensitivity of a Wheatstone bridge? [CO4][L2]
16) Draw the circuit of Kelvin’s Double Bridge? [CO4][L1]
17) Why Wagner ground connection is used in bridges? [CO4][L2]
18) Compare Maxwell’s and Hay’s bridge? [CO4][L1]
19) Depict Anderson’s bridge with its components illustrated? [CO4][L2]
20) Why Hay’s bridge is suited for measurement of high Q coils? [CO4][L2]
1. With a neat sketch explain the operation of LVDT. What are the advantages & disadvantages?
2. Explain strain gauge for resistance measurement & its applications.
3. Describe the operation of i) resistive transducers ii) capacitive transducers.
4. a) What are the differences between the active & passive transducers.
b) Explain the operation of potentiometric transducer.
5. a) Define a transducer and list the applications?
b) Explain about Inductive transducers
6. a) Draw the diagram of Resistance Thermometer & explain briefly.
b) What are the functions of transducers?
7. Write short notes on i) LVDT ii) thermocouple iii)thermistor
8. a) With a neat sketch , explain the operation of piezo-electric transducers in detail.
b) Explain about photo electric transducer?
9. List the three types of temperature transducers &describe the application of each.
10. Define piezoelectric effect. Write the applications of piezoelectric transducer.
11. Describe about load cell and RTD?