Neuropathology Review
Neuropathology Review
Neuropathology Review
Richard A. Prayson, MD
Humana Press
2 Contents
Department of Anatomic Pathology
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH
4 Contents
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Cover illustrations: Inset gross picture depicts a brain with lissencephaly. The background microscopic picture is of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.
Artwork courtesy of Richard A. Prayson, MD.
Cover design by Patricia F. Cleary.
Prayson, Richard A.
Neuropathology review / by Richard A. Prayson.
p. ;cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-58829-024-7 (alk. paper)
1. Nervous systemDiseasesOutline, syllabi, etc. . 2. Nervous systemDiseasesExaminations, questions, etc. I. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Nervous System DiseasesOutlines. WL 18.2 P921n 2001]
RC347.P724 2001
616.80076dc21 2001016673
The scope of neuropathology continues to expand, as evidenced by increasing numbers of
multivolume and specialty texts that have been published in recent years. For those in the neuroscience
disciplines, the ever increasing amount of information one needs to assimilate and master can be challeng-
ing and even at times daunting.
Neuropathology Review attempts to summarize, in outline form, the essentials of neuropathology.
The objective is twofold: (1) to provide an overview of neuropathology, for those initially encountering
the discipline and, (2) to provide a framework for review for those preparing for in-service and board
examinations in the disciplines of neurology, neurosurgery, and pathology that require some knowledge
of neuropathology.
The text is divided into three main sections. The first part (Chapters 111) presents, in outline form,
basic information on the spectrum of neurologic-related disease. The second part (Chapters 12 and 13)
will present pertinent pictorial examples of a spectrum of neuropathologic conditions in a question format
with answers and brief explanation provided. The final section (Chapters 14 and 15) will include a series
of written questions provided with answers and explanations in order to review the material presented in
the first section of the text.
The author would like to thank Ms. Denise Egleton for her help in preparing this manuscript and to
acknowledge Dr. Caroline Abramovich for her review of the text.
Richard A. Prayson, MD
6 Contents
Preface .................................................................................................................................... v
1 Normal Histology .............................................................................................................1
2 Vascular Lesions .............................................................................................................. 7
3 Tumors ............................................................................................................................ 15
4 Trauma ............................................................................................................................ 35
5 Congenital Malformations, Perinatal Disease, and Phacomatoses ............................... 41
6 Demyelinating and Dysmyelinating Diseases ............................................................... 51
7 Metabolic and Toxic Diseases ....................................................................................... 55
8 Degenerative Diseases ................................................................................................... 59
9 CNS Infection ................................................................................................................. 65
10 Skeletal Muscle .............................................................................................................. 75
11 Peripheral Nerve ............................................................................................................. 85
12 Figures with Questions................................................................................................... 91
13 Answers to Figures with Questions ............................................................................. 185
14 Written Self-Assessment Questions............................................................................. 193
15 Answers to Written Self-Assessment Questions ......................................................... 211
Bibliography ....................................................................................................................... 217
Index ................................................................................................................................... 219
8 Contents
1 Normal Histology
Most common sites of venous thrombo- Causes: (1) lipohyalinosis, (2) occlusion of
small penetrating vessels, (3) dissection,
sis in superior sagittal sinus, lateral
(4) emboli
sinuses, and straight sinus
Small perivascular cavities common in
Septic thrombosis most common in cav-
basal ganglia and deep white matter; etat
ernous sinus, often due to contiguous lacunaire (gray matter) and etat crible
spread from soft tissue/sinus infection (deep white matter)
B. Determining the age of an infarct either F. Respirator brain
grossly or microscopically can only be done
within a wide range. The times given are Also known as (AKA) diffuse anoxic
guidelines rather than absolutes. encephalopathy
C. Gross pathology Permanent global ischemia due to nonper-
fusion of entire brain
Unequivocal alterations require up to 24 h;
early changes include edema, congestion, Brain perfusion depends on mean arterial
softening blood pressure exceeding the intracranial
pressure (cerebral perfusion pressure =
48 h: crackingseparation of the
mean arterial blood pressure intracranial
necrotic tissue from intact tissue
72 h: infarcted area usually clearly deline-
The most extreme form of stagnant anoxia
ated; cortex friable and soft
Grosslydusky brown discoloration of cor-
A 1-cm cavity takes 23 months to form
tex, blurring of graywhite junction, gen-
Once cavitation begins, it is difficult to eral friability of tissue (brain often does
determine the age of the infarct. not fix well in formalin)
D. Microscopic pathology Microscopicallyischemic neurons every-
Earliest changes: (1) astrocytic swelling, where infarcts
Organisms usually of low virulence, partic- Less compact than AVM or cavernous mal-
ularly Streptococcus viridans and Staphylo- formation
coccus aureus May have a large central draining vein
Mycotic aneurysms typically refer to fun- Varix is a single dilated/large vein
gal aneurysms; Aspergillus the most com-
mon organism responsible D. Cavernous malformation (angioma)
C. Fusiform aneurysms Large, sinusoidal-type vessels in apposition
to each other
Related to dolichoectasia (elongation, wid-
ening, and tortuosity of a cerebral artery) Little or no intervening parenchyma
Supraclinoid segment of internal carotid Compact malformations
artery and basilar artery most common Mineralization and ossification common;
sites occasionally massive
Fusiform aneurysm refers to dilated seg- May bleed
ment of artery E. Capillary telangiectasia
Seen commonly with advanced atheroscle-
Capillary sized vessels
Separated by normal neural parenchyma
IV. Vascular Malformations
Common in the striate pons
A. General information
True malformations result from the embry- Often an incidental finding at autopsy
onic vascular network V. Hemorrhage
Some increase in size by incorporating A. Common causes
adjacent vesselsrecruitment Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage,
Clinical symptoms include seizures, steal often ganglionic (caudate, putamen) related
phenomenon, hemorrhage to hypertensionmost common cause of
In children, excessive shunting may lead to nontraumatic hemorrhage
cardiac decompensation (especially vein of Ruptured saccular aneurysm
Galen malformations). Vascular malformation, particularly AVM
True incidence of hemorrhage unknown, and cavernous angioma
estimates = 510% overall Coagulopathy associated, may have both
A subset of malformations is of mixed platelet and prothrombin time abnormal-
type. ities
B. Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) Congophilic (amyloid) angiopathy
Admixture of arteries, veins, and intermedi-
Lobar hemorrhage
ate size vessels
Vessels are separated by gliotic neural Elderly
parenchyma Amyloid deposition in vessel walls both
Foci of mineralization and hemosiderin in meninges and cortex
deposition common Most commonly -amyloid type (chro-
Typically superficial, wedge-shaped with mosome 21)
the apex directed toward the ventricle
Associated with Downs syndrome and
Commonly found in surgical series; the Alzheimers disease
most common vascular malformation asso-
ciated with hemorrhage; peak presentation Highlighted on Congo red (apple green
2nd4th decades birefringence with polarized light), thi-
C. Venous malformation (angioma) oflavin S or T, and crystal violet stains
Veins of varying sizes Neoplasms
Vessels separated by mostly normal Blood dyscrasias (i.e., sickle cell anemia)
parenchyma Vasculitis
Grow slowly, low rates of cell prolifer- Origin still debated, most classify as an
ation astrocytoma (GFAP positive); Scattered
cells in tumor stain with neuronal mark-
Better survival with gross total or radi-
ers, recently described association with cor-
cal subtotal excision
tical dysplasia implies possible maldevel-
5 yr survival: 85%; 10 yr survival: opmental origin
79% Temporal or parietal lobes
Malignant transformation rare Cystic with mural nodule(s) configuration
Infiltration of the meninges does not Nodulessuperficial, in contact with lepto-
adversely affect prognosis. meninges
K. Protoplasmic astrocytoma Abrupt interface with adjacent paren-
Young patients (males > females) chyma
Mixtures of protoplasmic and fibrillary Microscopic pathology
cells Densely cellular central areas
Periphery less cellular
Cysts grossly and microscopically
Pleomorphic cells
Fairly well demarcated
Short processes, fibril poor Lipidization of astrocytes
GFAP immunostaining variable Perivascular lymphocytes
Favorable prognosis? Reticulin rich
L. Subependymal giant-cell astrocytoma Necrosis absent
Increased intracranial pressure (obstruction
Mitoses rare, generally low rates of cell
of foramina of Monro)
Associated with tuberous sclerosis
(<20 yr), can occur later in life Rare anaplastic lesions with increased
Males = females mitoses and necrosis exist
WHO grade I GBM in differential diagnosisnecro-
sis, mitoses, older age, vascular prolifer-
Elevated nodule, wall of anterior lateral
ation, reticulin poor
Often associated with smaller hamartomas, Generally favorable prognosis
which have been likened to candle drip- Rare anaplastic change (increased mitoses
pings and necrosis), malignant transformation or
Discrete grossly and microscopically recurrence in 1025%
Microscopic pathology N. Brain stem glioma
Giant cells with glassy eosinophilic Childhood, rarely adults
cytoplasm Generally unresectable
Smaller elongated cells in background Cranial nerve palsies, long tract signs, gait
disturbances, vomiting, and cerebellar
Coarsely fibrillar background
Rare mitoses Grossly may present as enlargement of
GFAP positive brain stem without a discrete mass
Good prognosis, low recurrence rate Bilateral or unilateral
M. Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma May be lobulated mass, may encircle
First two decades most commonly basilar artery
Seizures 1st decade of life Microscopic pathology
WHO grade II tumor Fasciculated and elongated cells
Radiation therapy of debated use, more Mitoses rare, low rates of cell prolifer-
likely to be chemoresponsive ation
May dedifferentiate with time Good prognosis, potentially curable with
B. Anaplastic oligodendroglioma complete excision
WHO grade III tumor E. Central neurocytoma
Pleomorphic nuclei WHO grade II tumor
Mitoses, often > 5 per high-power fields Another oligodendroglioma look-alike
Vascular proliferation Discrete, often partly calcified
Necrosis Intraventricular near septum pellucidum or
in 3rd ventricle
Increased cellularity
Rare examples of extraventricular neurocy-
Worse prognosis than low-grade tumor, toma have been reported including the pap-
median survival 34 yr illary glioneuronal tumor and cerebellar
Rarely can see glioblastoma multiforme liponeurocytoma
derived from oligodendroglial tumor Most frequent in young adults
1p and 19q chromosome deletions associ- Uniform nuclei with speckled chromatin
ated with increased likelihood of chemo-
responsiveness Perivascular pattern, pseudorosettes
C. Mixed glioma Fibrillary background
Clinically and radiographically similar to May be focally calcified
astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas Mitoses generally rare
Most frequently a mixture of astrocytoma Generally GFAP negative, synaptophysin
and oligodendroglioma (oligoastrocytoma), positive
2030% minor component Dense core granules on electron micros-
May have anaplastic tumor components copy (evidence of neuronal differentiation)
present (malignant mixed glioma) Surgical cure may be possible with com-
A subset of tumors have genetic alter- plete excision
ations similar to oligodendroglioma III. Ependymal Neoplasms
Prognosis may be intermediate between A. Rosettes
pure oligodendroglioma and astrocytoma
True rosettes (tumor cells themselves form
Rarely see mixtures of other glioma types a lumen)
(oligoependymoma and ependymoma
astrocytoma) Flexner Wintersteiner
Small lumen
D. Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor
Cuboidal lining
WHO grade I tumor
An oligodendroglioma look-alike
Young patients, childhood, chronic epi- Ependymal
lepsy history Ependymal lining
with trabeculae of eosinophilic and vac- Derived from notochordal tissue rem-
uolated cells in a myxoid background, nants (ecchordosis physaliphora)
WHO grade II tumor
Most arise in spheno-occipital region or
Clear cellcells with clear, glycogen- clivus and sacrococcygeal region
rich cytoplasm, WHO grade II tumor Bone-based tumors, lobulated, may
Papillaryperivascular pseudopapillary appear grossly mucoid
pattern, WHO grade III tumor May contain cartilage (chondroid
Rhabdoidrhabdoid-like cells with chordoma)
eccentric nuclei, prominent nucleoli and Microscopically consists of epithelioid
cytoplasmic inclusions of intermediate cells arrayed against a mucoid matrix
filaments, WHO grade III
Some cells with marked vacuolation
Atypical meningioma marked by increased (physaliphorous or bubble cells)
mitoses (4 or more mitotic figures/10 high
power fields or 0.16 mm2) or 3 or more of Immunoreactive for vimentin, cytokera-
the following features: increased cellular- tin, EMA, S-100 protein
ity, small cells, prominent nucleoli, sheet- Locally recur, occasionally metastasize
like patternless growth pattern, and foci of Gross total resection and young age
necrosis; WHO grade II tumor, more com-
(<40 yr) do better
mon in males; 4.77.2% of meningiomas,
more likely to recur than grade I tumors. D. Hemangiopericytoma
Malignant (anaplastic meningioma) Relatively rare sarcoma of CNS
marked by histological features of frank Men > women
malignancy, 20 or more mitotic figures Mean age of diagnosis 4050 yr
per 10 high power fields (0.16 mm2), brain May cause lytic destruction of adjacent
invasion (rarely seen in lower-grade bone, no hyperostosis
lesions), or metastases; WHO grade III
Grossly a solid, well-demarcated mass,
tumor, median survival less than 2 yr
tends to bleed during removal
C. Mesenchymal, nonmeningothelial tumors
WHO grade II or III tumors
Includes a variety of benign and malignant Histologically, highly cellular
lesions, histologically resembling their
extra CNS counterparts Cells randomly oriented
Numerous staghorn contoured vessels
Benign lesions one can see include lipoma
(adipose), angiolipoma (adipose and promi- Reticulin rich
nent vasculature), hibernoma (brown fat), Calcification/psammoma bodies not seen
fibromatosis, solitary fibrous tumor (CD34 Variably see mitotic figures, necrosis
positive), benign fibrous histiocytoma
Immunohistochemistry: most stain with
(fibrous xanthoma), leiomyoma (smooth
vimentin, CD34; EMA negative
muscle, AIDS associated), rhabdomyoma
(striated muscle), chondroma (cartilage), May be pericytic in origin
osteoma (bone), osteochondroma (bone), Decreased survival has been associated
hemangioma (capillary or cavernous) and with increased mitosis (5 or more mitotic
epithelioid hemangioendothelioma figures/10 high-power fields), high cellular-
Malignant lesions one can encounter ity, nuclear pleomorphism, hemorrhage
include a variety of sarcomas (lipo- and necrosis
sarcoma, fibrosarcoma, malignant fibrous Treated by surgery and radiation, most
histiocytoma, leiomyosarcoma, rhabdomyo- eventually recur, 6070% eventually
sarcoma, osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, metastasize
angiosarcoma, and Kaposis sarcoma) E. Melanocytic lesions
Chordoma Melanocytoma
Often large in size and well circumscribed Large cell variant marked by large, pleo-
at presentation morphic cells with prominent nucleoli
WHO grade IV tumor Medullomyoblastoma marked by focal
Mimics histologically the embryonic neu- myogenic differentiation
ral tube Melanotic medulloblastoma marked by
Papillary, tubular, or trabecular arrange- melanotic cells, often epithelial in appear-
ments of neuroepithelial cells which may ance and forming tubules
demonstrate neural, glial, or mesenchymal Many stain with synaptophysin antibody;
differentiation subset GFAP positive
Mitoses abundant, necrosis common Cytogenetics: about half with isochromo-
Generally poor prognosis, rapidly grow- some 17q, loss of part of 17p in 3045%,
ing, radiation may provide some benefit loss on 1q and 10q in 2040%
B. Ependymoblastoma 5-yr survival5070%
Rare, young children Poor prognosis associated with young age
(<3 yr), metastasis at presentation, subtotal
Most supratentorial, large in size
resection, large cell variant, melanotic
WHO grade IV tumor variant
Dense cellularity D. Cerebral neuroblastoma
Multilayered rosettes, outer cells of AKA: Supratentorial primitive neuroecto-
rosettes merge with adjacent undifferenti- dermal tumor (PNET)
ated embryonal tumor
Most arise in 1st decade
Prominent mitoses
Presentation with seizures, disturbances of
Grow rapidly, disseminate readily, poor consciousness, focal motor deficits
WHO grade IV tumor
C. Medulloblastoma
Histologically similar in appearance to
Peak in 1st decade, 70% occur in children medulloblastoma
<16 yr More than half calcified
Males > females May contain areas with terminally differen-
Most arise in vermis and project into 4th tiated cells (ganglion cells)ganglioneuro-
ventricle blastoma
Clinical presentation most commonly 5-yr survival (3040%)
ataxia, gait disturbance, headache, vom- E. Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor
Most arise in infants or children
WHO grade IV tumor
Slightly more common in males
Typical histopathology marked by densely
packed cells with high nuclear-to-cyto- About half arise in posterior fossa
plasmic ratio About a third present with metastases
Homer Wright pseudorosettes <40% of throughout CSF axis
cases WHO grade IV tumor
Mitoses frequent, apoptosis frequent Histologically marked by rhabdoid cells
with eosinophilic cytoplasm, eccentric
Necrosis common
nucleus, prominent nucleolus
Desmoplastic variant marked by nodular,
Cytoplasmic pink bodycorresponds to
reticulin-free zones (pale islands) sur-
collections of intermediate filaments
rounded by more densely cellular areas
(reticulin rich) May contain a small cell embryonal com-
ponent or mesenchymal component
Nodular variant marked by intranodular
nuclear uniformity, cell streaming, neuro- Mitoses and necrosis common
cytic-like cells Rhabdoid cells by immunohistochemistry
Cannot predict behavior of tumor based Cut section: necrotic debris, calcium,
on histology cystic oil often with cholesterol
B. Pineocytoma Spillage of the oil may result in chemi-
Most common in adolescence and cal meningitis
adulthood Microscopic pathology
Less prone than pineoblastoma to seed the Cells form compact masses or line
Survival information scanty
Assume an adamantinomatous pattern:
Microscopic pathology peripheral palisading of epithelial cells
Lobular, small cells admixed with a loose stellate retic-
Largely hypocellular zones of fibrillar- ulum
ity that resemble Homer-Wright Keratin-containing cells
rosettes (pineocytomatous rosettes) Histiocytes, calcium, and cholesterol
Fibrillary zones have neural nature (syn- clefts seen
aptophysin, neuron-specific enolase, Surrounding brain has intense gliosis
and neurofilament protein positive) and Rosenthal fiber formation
C. Germ cell neoplasms E. Pituitary adenoma
Occur along the midline, most commonly About 1020% of all intracranial neo-
suprasellar region and pineal plasms
Suprasellar tumors equally divided among Most common in adults
males and females, pineal tumors with
Women most often affected
male predominance
Seen incidentally in approximately 25% of
Most occur in 1st three decades
Common signs and symptoms: headache,
Microadenoma <1 cm in diameter
papilledema, mental status changes, gaze
palsies, precocious puberty Symptoms: related to endocrine dysfunc-
tion or visual disturbance
Diffuse dissemination occasionally seen
Most common secreting adenomapro-
Histologically the same as germ cell
tumors of the ovary or testis (germinoma,
teratoma, yolk sac tumor, embryonal carci- Microscopic pathology
noma, choriocarcinoma) Heterogeneous histologic appearance
Germinoma is the most common CNS Patterned sheets of uniform cells with a
germ cell tumor delicate vascular network
D. Craniopharyngioma Nuclei are round and have a delicate
Rare tumors of the sellar region chromatin pattern
Two peaks: 1st two decades and the Cells often have granular cytoplasm
6th7th decades
Lacks the normal acinar or lobular pat-
Local recurrence tern of the pituitary
Presents with disturbances in the hypo- Monotonous cell types
thalamicpituitary axis, visual symp-
Immunohistochemical staining for pitu-
toms, CSF symptoms (obstruction)
itary hormones will identify the secre-
May originate from squamous cells at tory products
the base of the infundibular stalk Rare examples of pituitary carcinoma
Macroscopic pathology (defined by noncontiguous spread)
Fill suprasellar region, displace or Apoplexysudden enlargement of ade-
attach to cranial nerves and vessels noma related to infarct/hemorrhage
Extracerebral lesions near the vertex may geal artery; secondary to a fracture (in 80
also be responsible 85%)
Downward displacement of the hemispheres In children, may be the result of impact
results in herniation of the thalamus and alone without skull fracture
midbrain Amount of bleeding results from a variety
Compression of the anterior choroidal of factors
artery with subsequent infarction of the Adherence of the dura to the inner table
globus pallidus and optic tract of the skull
F. Subfalcial herniation Depth of the meningeal arterial groove
AKA: cingulate or supracallosal herniation Relationship of the fracture to the vessels
Usually associated with mass lesions in the One-third of patients with epidural hema-
anterior portion of the cerebrum (frontal or toma have other traumatic lesions
parietal lobe)
Epidural hematomas may deform the under-
Displacement of the cingulate gyrus under lying brain with subsequent mass effect
the falx cerebri
Majority are acute and potentially lethal if
Anterior cerebral artery may be displaced not evacuated
with resultant infarction
B. Subdural hematoma
G. Tonsillar herniation
More common than epidural hematoma;
Cerebellar tonsils are displaced downward may produce symptoms referable to mass
into the foramen magnum effect or may present with fluctuating neuro-
Tonsillar tips are elongated and flattened logic signs and headache
against the medulla Result of tearing of bridging veins which
Prolonged tonsillar compression leads to transverse through the subarachnoid space
hemorrhagic necrosis of the tonsils Acute subdural hemorrhage associated with
H. Upward herniation skull fracture (50%) and diffuse axonal
Result of an expanding posterior fossa injury; high mortality (4060%) if subdural
lesion bleed and diffuse axonal injury combined
Upward protrusion of the cerebellum Amount of blood that is significant depen-
through the tentorial notch with grooving of dent on age and rapidity of accumulation
the anterior vermis and the lateral lobes Infanta few milliliters
May cause compression of the superior Children (13 yr)30 mL
cerebellar artery with infarction Adult100150 mL
May displace the overlying vein of Galen May be categorized based on the interval
I. External herniation between the hematoma and the traumatic
Displacement of brain tissue through a event
defect in skull (often caused by trauma or Acute: within 3 d of trauma
Subacute: between 3 d and 3 wk post-
Hemorrhagic infarct at edge of herniated trauma
Chronic: develops after 3 wk
II. Traumatic Hemorrhage
Microscopic dating of subdural hematoma
A. Epidural hematoma
1 wklysis of clot
Commonly seen post-trauma, occurs in
about 3% of significant head injuries 2 wkgrowth of fibroblasts from the
Most are frontal or temporal and associated dural surface into the hematoma
with a laceration of one of the meningeal 13 mosearly development of hyalin-
arteries, most commonly the middle menin- ized connective tissue
Coup and contrecoup contusions seldom May get avulsion of the pontomedullary or
cervicomedullary junction with severe hyper-
seen in children before age 34 yr
extension of neck
C. Diffuse axonal injury
May result from angular acceleration
AKA: intermediary coup lesions, Strich
lesions D. Fat emboli
Shearing injury of nerve fibers Fracture of long bones
Associated with traffic accidents (frontal, Fat globules in circulation
occipital or vertex impacts) and shaken Often presents with sudden onset tachypnea,
infants dyspnea, and tachycardia 13 d after injury
Deformation of brain in the anterior
Petechial white matter hemorrhages
posterior direction
Need to process tissue fresh to stain with
Damage to corpus callosum, fornix, corona
oil-red-O or lipid stain
radiata, superior cerebellar peduncles
5 Congenital Malformations,
Perinatal Disease, and Phacomatoses
Plaques firm, deep white matter, often mul- Most with acute onset, 50% die within
tiple months of clinical onset
Diffuse distribution especially periven- E. Tumor-like demyelinating lesion
tricular region, optic nerve, spinal cord Most present with a solitary lesion, radio-
graphically suggesting tumor
Cervical cord most common spinal site
Subset of patients are older (i.e., >55 yr)
Lesions often of different histologic age
Most improve with steroid therapy, most do
Acute lesionmyelin fragmentation, relative not develop additional lesions
axonal preservation, microglial proliferation
Pathology marked by demyelination (white
Subacute plaqueLoss of myelin and oligo- matter macrophages, reactive astrocytosis,
dendrocytes, macrophages, free neutral fat, perivascular chronic inflammation)
astrocytosis, perivascular lymphocyte
inflammation (T-cells) F. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Postvaccination, postinfectious (measles,
Remote/inactive lesionloss of myelin,
mumps, chicken pox, rubella, whooping
some axons and astrocytic processes remain,
cough, herpes simplex)
meningeal inflammation, iron deposits at
edge, adjacent white matter abnormal Sudden onset 514 d after viral infection or
Shadow plaquesborder between normal
and affected white matter where there are Generally good prognosis, death 10%
abnormally thin myelin sheaths, may repre- Immunological mechanism (resembles experi-
sent either partial/incomplete myelin loss or mental allergic encephalitis).
remyelination by surviving oligodendrocytes Pathology marked by perivascular demyelin-
May occasionally see plaques in the cerebral ation, perivascular inflammation (acute and
cortex chronic), microglial proliferation
Marburg type In acute phase, considerable edema (with her-
niation) and vascular congestion possible
Acute, fulminant multiple sclerosis
G. Acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis
Death, often between 1 and 6 mo after AKA: Weston-Hurst disease
onset of symptoms
Less than age 30 yr, males > females
Most plaques histologically acute/subacute
Incidence highest in spring and fall
Abrupt onset, pyrexia, neck stiffness, hemi-
Balo type plegia, seizure, coma, death in a few days
Concentric sclerosis Preceded by upper respiratory infection in
Acute onset, typically 2nd and 3rd decades about 50% of cases
Increased CSF protein, neutrophils
Most patients die in less than 2 yr from
presentation Etiology: ? immune complex mediated, peri-
vascular immunoglobulin and complement
Concentric demyelination
Pathology marked by swollen, soft brain,
Schilder type symmetrical white matter hemorrhages, necro-
Acute/subacute form with one or more sis of vessel wall, perivascular edema, neutro-
large plaques involving cerebral hemi- phils, perivascular demyelination, ball and
sphere and measuring >2 3 cm ring hemorrhages (thrombosed capillary in
Seen predominantly in childhood
H. Central pontine myelinolysis
Devic type
Pons (central part of upper and middle pons),
Neuromyelitis optica other sites may be affected
Loss of myelin, preservation of neurons tain dyes there is a shift in the absorbance
Oligodendrocytes lost spectrum of the dye
Reactive astrocytosis Electron microscopy
Associated with abnormalities of sodium Cytoplasmic bodies in oligodendrocytes,
(rapid increase from hyponatremic state) astrocytes, Schwann cells, 3 types
I. Marchiafava-Bignami disease Concentrically lamellar structures (tuff-
Visual symptoms early, motor signs later White cortical ribbon, discolored, loosened
Steady deterioration with death in 5 yr white matter
One-third with adrenocortical failure Diffuse demyelination
Arcuate fibers not spared
Cutaneous pigmentation
Rosenthal fibers
Some juvenile forms with long survival
E. Canavans disease
Adults may present with psychiatric
symptoms AKA: van Bogart and Bertrand spongy
Defect in long-chain fatty acid metabolism
Deficiency in aspartoacylase
(carbon chain length >22)
Subcortical arcuate fibers involved
Firm, gray colored white matter; occipital,
parietal, temporal lobes; atrophy symmetric Spongy change (spongy degeneration)
European Jews, autosomal recessive
Relative sparing of subcortical arcuate fibers,
band of Gennari, frontal lobe, brain stem, Most die in infancy, onset first 6 mo
and spinal cord Severe mental retardation, head enlargement,
Microscopically three zones hypotonia followed by spastic paralysis
Demyelination, Alzheimer II astrocytes
Destruction of myelin, axonal sparing,
occasional PAS-positive sudanophilic mac- Occipital lobe more involved
rophages F. Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease
X-linkedmost cases (Xq 21)
Myelinated and demyelinated axons,
inflammation, and macrophages Defect in gene for phospholipid protein
Classic (type I)
Dense gliosis, loss of oligodendrocytes,
myelin, and axons Onset infantile
Degeneration of geniculate bodies, hippo-
campal dentate nucleus Death within 5 yr
Electron microscopy: curvilinear inclusions Atrophic brain
(macrophages) Brain stem and cerebellum severely affected
Adrenals may show Tigroid demyelinationirregular islands of
myelin (perivascular) preserved (some degen-
Cortical atrophy, medulla spared erating fibers)
Relative sparing of zona glomerulosa Astrocytosis
Ballooned epithelial cells, lymphs G. Cockaynes disease
Inclusionsseen in testis (Leydig cells), Onset late infancy, autosomal recessive
Schwann cells, nodes, liver, spleen Sunken orbits, dwarfism, deafness, mental
deficiency, prominent straight nose
D. Alexanders disease
Completely shrunken white matter
Presents in infancy or childhood
Progressive dementia, paralysis, epilepsy
Small brain, atrophic optic nerves, fibrosed
Megalencephalic meninges
7 Metabolic and Toxic Diseases
Brain weight decreased, balloon neurons and age 30 yr with myoclonic epilepsy,
glial cells dementia, ataxia
Multiorgan involvement with type A, includ- Finnish typelate infantile onset (47
ing hepatosplenomegaly, cherry red spots of yr); chromosome 13q
macula, lung infiltrates Accumulation of autofluorescent lipopig-
May see ballooned ganglion cells in the gas- ments in neurons
trointestinal tract (Auerbach and Meissner Brain usually atrophic, skull thickened
Neuronal loss, gliosis, loss of myelin includ-
Nieman-Pick cellfoamy phagocyte storage ing subcortical fibers
cell seen in extra-CNS organs (sea blue his-
tiocytes) Electron microscopy: granular, curvilinear,
fingerprint patterns
Death age 12 yr
Biopsy: skin, rectum, or brain to diagnose;
E. Gauchers disease can evaluate lymphocytes in some cases
Autosomal recessive G. Mucopolysaccharidoses
Glucocerebrosidase deficiency, chromosome Classification
Type I Hurler-Scheie; -l-iduronidase
Accumulation of glucocerebroside in reticulo-
deficiency; chromosome 4p
endothelial cells and neurons
Three clinical types (I: adult, noncerebral; II: Type II Hunter; iduronate sulfatase defi-
infantile, acute cerebral pattern; III: interme- ciency; chromosome Xq
diate) Type III Sanfilippo; heparan N-sulfatase,
Brain gross appearance generally normal -N-acetylglucosamindase, acetyl CoA :
Hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy -glucosaminide acetyl transferase defi-
ciency; subset with chromosome 12q
Gaucher cells (RE cells) rarely vacuolated, abnormalities
fibrillary cytoplasm, crumpled tissue
paper, cells often perivascular in distri- Type IV Morquio; -galactosidase defi-
bution ciency; chromosome 16q in subset
Electron microscopy: distended, elongated Type VI Maroteaux-Lamy; N-acetylgalac-
lysosomes with stacks of lipid bilayers tosaminase-4-sulfatase deficiency; chromo-
Neurons shriveled and destroyed, especially some 5q
cortical layers III and V, Purkinje cells, den- Type VII Sly; -glucuronidase deficiency;
tate nucleus chromosome 7q
F. Ceroid-lipofuscinoses (Battens disease) Accumulation of dermatan sulfate or hep-
Most autosomal recessive aran sulfates
Five main clinical types Storage of mucopolysaccharides in lyso-
somes in multiple organ systems
Infantile typepsychomotor regression
starting at about 8 mo, visual loss, hypoto- Brains usually grossly normal
nia, ataxia, microcephaly, death age 310 Perivascular collections of foamy cells, peri-
yr, chromosome 1p vascular pitting in white matter
Late infantile typeseizures start Electron microscopy: zebra bodies, mem-
between 18 mo and 4 yr, death between 4 brane-bound lamellar stacks
and 10 yr H. Sialidosis
Juvenile typeretinopathy presentation Neuraminidase deficiency; chromosome 10p
between ages 4 and 9 yr, seizures, gait Cherry red spot of the macula, myoclonus,
disturbance, hallucinations, death late coarse facial features, skeletal dysplasia,
teens; chromosome 16p deafness, mental retardation
Adult type (Kufs disease)onset around Variable degrees of ballooned neurons, vacu-
pleocytosis, elevated protein, decreased ening of the intima and thinning of the
glucose media), which may lead to infarct
Culture still remains gold standard for diag- Pachymeningitis cervicalis hypertrophi-
nosis, molecular biologic techniques exist to canscervical fibrosis of dura to pia
identify the organisms General paresis
Use of special stains (such as Ziehl-Neelsen,
Brain invasionsubacute encephalitis
fite) on tissue sections has a relatively low
yield (<50%) Prolonged secondary stagefailure to pro-
Other nontuberculous mycobacteria may duce neutralizing/destructive antibody or
infect CNS failure of antibody to reach spirochete
Mycobacterium avium intracellulare typi- Earlybrain grossly normal
cally marked by perivascular macro- Laterfrontal atrophy
phages with organism; rarely presents as
Loss of neurons, astrocytosis, capillary
a tumor-like nodule with fibrosis
proliferation, perivascular inflammation,
G. Sarcoidosis microglia with iron
Noncaseating granulomas
Spirochetes may be hard to identify, 3-yr
Base of brain, posterior fossa course
Near vessels in meninges Lissauers dementia
Optic nerve and chiasm involvement Variant of general paresis
Epileptic or apoplectiform attacks
Course usually slow, may be rapidly fatal
Hydrocephalus, cranial nerve defects, hypo- Focal signs
thalamic symptoms Average 7 to 8-yr course
May have no apparent systemic disease Temporal atrophy with pseudolaminar
H. Whipples disesase degeneration
Caused by Tropheryma whippelii, a Gram- Tabes dorsalis
positive actinomycete Degeneration of spinal dorsal roots and
PAS-positive organisms in macrophages that columns
are often arranged in perivascular distri-
Lumbosacral and lower thoracic cord
I. Syphilis Dorsal root ganglia unaffected
Caused by Treponema pallidum May see meningovascular disease
Highlighted with special stains (e.g., Steiner, Optic atrophy
Warthin-Starry, Dieterle) Chronic pial inflammation, degeneration
Subacute secondary lymphocytic meningitis of nerve
Meningovascular Peripheral > central
Lymphs, plasma cells gummata (central Associated with tabes dorsalis
necrosis surrounded by epithelioid histio-
cytes, fibroblasts, and multinucleated
giant cells) Meningovascular with obstruction, hydro-
Do not usually see organisms with
gumma because it represents a hyperim- General paresisespecially cerebellum
mune form of tissue necrosis Rarely tabes dorsalis
Perivascular parenchymal inflammation J. Lyme disease
Arteritis, intimal proliferation, Heubners Caused by Borrelia burgdorferi (a spiro-
endarteritis obliterans (collagenous thick- chete transmitted by ioxodid ticks)
Associated skin lesions (erythema chron- or rarely direct extension from an orbital or
icum migrans) paranasal sinus infection
Lymphoplasmacytic leptomeningitis Pathology
III. Fungal Infection Granulomaabscess basal meningitis
A. General Septic infarcts secondary to vascular infil-
Immunocompromised persons at risk tration, hemorrhage
Secondary spread common Focal cerebritis, especially white matter
Hematogenous spread > contiguous E. Mucormycosis
spread Broad branching, nonseptate hyphae (1015
Granulomatous inflammation and abscess m)
are common patterns of injury Genera of Mucoraceae family, including Rhi-
Septic emboli, may result in mycotic zopus, Absidia, Mucor, Rhizomucor, Apo-
aneurysm physomyces, and Chlamydoabsidia
B. Cryptococcosis Entrynasal sinus, extension into orbit, aspi-
Budding yeast, thick mucopolysaccharide ration into lung
wall Pathology
Pigeon excrement Acute meningeal inflammation
Entrypulmonary > skin Hemorrhagic coagulative necrosis of
Pathology brain (ventral)
Leptomeningitis, gelatinous bubbly Vascular luminal and mural invasion
exudate F. Coccidioidomycosis
Macrophages Semiarid areas (South America and south-
Perivascular extension, may be quite west United States)
extensive and give the brain a honeycomb Double-contoured, refractile capsules with
look grossly endospores
Granulomas, torulomas (abscesses) Self-limited respiratory infection
Organisms highlighted with PAS, muci- 0.05% cases disseminate, CNS disease in
carmine stains 1025% of these cases
C. Candidiasis Pathology
Budding cells, branching pseudohyphae Basilar meningitisneutrophils, fibrinous
Entryskin, GI tract exudate
CNS disease as a result of systemic infec- Latergranulomas, fibrosis
tion or endocarditis Cranial osteomyelitis
Pathology Parenchymal granulomas rare
Chronic granulomas G. Blastomycosis
Microabscesses Males > females, agricultural workers
Rarely arteritis, basal leptomeningitis Acquired from contaminated soil, southeast-
ern United States
Organisms highlighted on Gomori
methenamine silver (GMS) or PAS stains Broad-based budding
D. Aspergillosis Protoplasmic body (1015 m in diameter)
Dichotomously branching septate hyphae No hyphae in tissue sections
Entryairborne lung infection followed by Lung and skin entry portals
hematogenous spread, may also get dissemi- Leptomeningitis and granulomas rare, often
nated from other organ system involvement presents as abscess
Large cells with intranuclear (Cowdry A) O. Human T lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1)
and cytoplasmic inclusions Retrovirus causing tropical spastic parapa-
May involve ependyma and subependy- resis
mal regions (hemorrhagic necrotizing ven- Myelin loss and axonal degeneration in spi-
triculoencephalitis and choroid plexitis) nal cord white matter, leptomeningeal
chronic inflammation and fibrosis, gliosis
M. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
(PML) Thoracic and lumbar regions particularly sus-
Immunocompromised states
May see demyelination of optic and audi-
Progressive disturbances in motor and men- tory nerves
tal function and vision
V. Parasitic Infections
Papova virus (JC, SV40)DNA virus
A. Toxoplasmosis
Demyelinationmultifocal, asymmetric
Caused by Toxoplasma gondii infection
Astrocytosis Congenital form
Alzheimer I astrocytesbizarre, atypical
Occurs only if the maternal infection is
astrocytes; probable viral cytopathic effect
acquired during pregnancy
Intranuclear inclusionsoligodendrocytes
Miliary granulomata
(Cowdry A)
Paucity of lymphocytes Necrosis
N. HIV Calcification
RNA retrovirus Meningitis, chorioretinitis
10% develop aseptic meningitis within Adult
12 wk of seroconversion May rarely encounter cysts in an incompe-
Meningoencephalitis often presents with tent individual
dementia, seizures, myoclonus and focal Space-occupying lesion(s)abscesses,
motor signs may demonstrate the same architectural
Chronic inflammation with microglial features of a bacterial abscess
nodules Scattered necrotic foci
Microglial nodules often contain macro- Rarely microglial nodules/encephalitis
phage-derived multinucleated giant cells picture
Virus can be detected in macrophages, CD4- B. Amebiasis
positive lymphs and microglia
Entamoeba histolytica or lodamoeba buet-
Areas most severely affected include deep schlii
cerebral white matter, basal ganglia, cerebral
Naegleriavia nasal cavity, often acquired
cortex, and brain stem
by swimming in contaminated water, puru-
Vacuolar myelopathy involving degeneration lent meningitis, rapidly progressive, severe
of spinal cord (worst in thoracic cord), espe- involvement of the olfactory area (often the
cially posterior columns; presents as point of entry)
progressive paraparesis, sensory ataxia, and Acanthamoebadiffuse necrotizing granulo-
incontinence; swelling between myelin matous encephalitis and meningitis
sheaths, reactive astrocytosis, macrophage
infiltrate and occasional multinucleated giant Often see trophozoites in tissue section
cells. C. Malaria
AIDS in children frequently marked by calci- 2% of cases of Plasmodium falciparum
fication of parenchymal vessels within basal Presents with headache, drowsiness, confu-
ganglia and deep cerebral white matter sion, coma, fevers
At risk for opportunistic infections Often see the organisms in peripheral blood
Grossly, see opacity of meninges, dusky col- Conformational change promotes further pro-
oration of the gray matter, edema, con- duction of the abnormal prion protein
gestion material
Capillaries filled with organism Prion protein inactivated by autoclaving or
Small foci of ischemic necrosis rimmed by bleach
microglia (Durcks nodes) B. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)
White matter petechiae 1/106 incidence
Can see granules of dark malarial pigment Subacute dementia
in red cells Myoclonus
D. Cysticercosis EEGbiphasic, triphasic spikes
Taenia solium (pork tapeworm) Onset > 30 yr; female : male 2 : 1
Larvae encysts in brain Duration < 1 yr
Inflammation, granuloma, calcification Can evaluate CSF for 14-3-3 protein to sup-
E. Schistosomiasis port diagnosis
S. japonicumcerebrum lesions Pathology
S. mansoni, S. hematobiumspinal cord Spongiform change
lesions Neuronal atrophy/loss
Necrotizing inflammation with neutrophils, Gliosis
eosinophils, giant cells
Granular layer degeneration
Fibrosis and calcification with healing
Kuru plaque 10% (extracellular deposits
F. Trypanosomiasis
of aggregated abnormal proteinCongo
African disease caused by T. brucei; red and PAS positive), prominent in vari-
acquired by bite of tsetse fly; may present ant CJD, which may be related to inges-
with fever, rash, edema, cardiac involve- tion of contaminated beef (mad cow
ment, anemia; meningoencephalitis occurs disease)
during late stages of the disease
Iatrogenic transmission documented (e.g.,
South American disease (Chagas disease)
pooled pituitary hormone preparations,
caused by T. cruzi; acquired from feces of the
dura mater and corneal grafts/transplants)
reduviid bug; brain with edema, congestion,
hemorrhages, microglial nodules, granulomas C. Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease
G. A variety of other parasites have been Ataxia
described to cause CNS pathology, including Behavioral change
Echinococcus, Spirometria (Spanganosis), Para- Late dementia
gonimus (lung fluke), Trichinella spiralis, Loa Autosomal dominant, onset > 30 yr
Loa, Onchocerca, and Strongyloides
Duration5 yr
VI. Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
1/10 million incidence
A. General
Corticospinal tract degeneration
Includes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease,
No/mild spongiform change and astrocytosis
Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker, Kuru, famil-
ial insomia Cerebellar plaques
Related to prion protein abnormalties D. Kuru
Prion protein is a normal 30 Kd cellular pro- Cannibalism: Papua New Guinea; Fore
tein present in neurons (chromosome 20) tribewomen and children
Tremor, ataxia, dysphagia, euphoria
In disease, protein undergoes conformational
change from normal -helix isoform to an Duration of disease < 1 yr
abnormal -pleated sheet isoform (PrPsc or Severe cerebellum diseasekuru plaques,
PrPres) axon torpedoes, granular layer degeneration
Myofibrillary network inside muscle tem and result in secondary changes in the
fiber muscle
Cytochrome oxidase D. Neurogenic changes
Mitochondrial enzyme Angular atrophic fibers (esterase positive)
Type I > type II Group atrophy
Fiber type grouping
Focal deficiencies exist
Target and targetoid fibers
ATPase (adenosine triphosphatase)
Nuclear bags
pH 4.6 (reverse) or pH 4.3
No necrotic or basophilic fibers
Type I dark
Minimal interstitial fibrosis
Type IIA light
No inflammation
Type IIB intermediate
No centralized nuclei
Type IIC light (pH 4.2)
III. Inflammatory Myopathies
pH 9.8 (standard)
A. Polymyositis
Type I light
3060% of inflammatory myopathies
Type II dark
Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH)
Adults (age 4060 yr), second peak in
Mitochondrial enzyme childhood
Type I > type II Male : female 1 : 2
A variety of other stains may be selec- Idiopathic versus connective tissue disease
tively performed including myophosphory- (SLE, rheumatoid arthritis associated)
lase, myoadenylate deaminase, phospho- An association with neoplasms in adults
fructokinase, etc.
Proximal muscle weakness, often painful
E. Tissue is often processed in glutaraldehyde or
Fatigue, fever, weight loss
other fixative for potential electron micro-
scopic evaluation CPK and aldolase elevated
F. In cases of suspected metabolic disease, extra Most respond to steroids or other immuno-
frozen tissue for assay purposes is warranted. suppressives
II. Myopathic Versus Neurogenic Changes EMGfibrillation potential in acute stage,
polyphasic short duration potentials
A. Myopathic processes include such disease
entities as inflammatory myopathies, muscu- Histopathology
lar dystrophies, congenital myopathies and Increased variation of myofiber size,
metabolic diseases central nuclei
B. Myopathic changes Inflammation (lymphocytes and macro-
Irregularity of fiber size phages), endomysial (surrounding indi-
Rounded fibers vidual muscle fibers)
Centralized nuclei CD4-positive lymphocytes more com-
Necrotic and basophilic fibers mon around vessels
Cytoplasmic alterations CD8-positive lymphocytes more com-
Interstitial fibrosis mon in endomysium
Absence of enzyme staining Degeneration
Inflammation Regenerationbasophilic staining cyto-
Storage of glycogen and lipid plasm, nuclear enlargement with promi-
C. Neurogenic diseases include those processes nent nucleolus
that affect the peripheral/central nervous sys- Vasculitis (lymphocytic, nonnecrotizing)
not get the expected elevation of blood Most are autosomal dominant, males >
lactate levels following exercise females
Vacuolar myopathytypically subsarco- Myotonia, relapsing episodes of hypotonic
lemmal blebs paralysis following exercise, exposure to
cold or high-carbohydrate meal
Vacuolar PAS positive, acid phospha-
tase negative Variants recognized associated with varied
serum potassium levels (normokalemic,
C. Lipid storage myopathies
hyperkalemic, or hypokalemic periodic
Resulting from deficiencies in the carnitine paralysis)
transport system or deficiencies in the mito-
Myotonia congenita form linked to the
chondrial dehydrogenase enzyme system
chloride channel (chromosome 7)
Related to deficiencies of carnitine, acyl-
Hyperkalemic forms and paramyotonia con-
CoA dehydrogenase, or carnitine palmitoyl-
genita form (childhood disorder marked by
transferase (CPT)
myotonia and hypotonia that increases
Carnitine deficiency may be either myo- with continued exercise, especially in the
pathic (limited to muscle) or systemic cold) linked to the sodium channel (chro-
Myopathic carnitine deficiency presents mosome 17)
with generalized weakness, usually starting PAS-positive vacuoles resulting from dila-
in childhood tation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum
CPT deficiency often presents with myoglo- Tubular aggregates, highlighted by NADH
binuria (rhabdomyolysis following stain
VII. Toxic Myopathies
Histologically marked by an accumulation
of lipid within predominantly type I myo- A. Rhabdomyolysis
cytes (highlighted with oil-red-O or Sudan Necrosis (degeneration)
black stain) Regeneration
D. Myoadenylate deaminase deficiency Scant inflammation
Intolerance to exercise with cramps, stiff- Rarely calcification
ness, or pain
Seen with drugs, metabolic myopathy,
Autosomal recessive condition viral myositis, malignant hyperthermia,
CPK levels high with exertion potassium deficiency, trauma/ischemia,
Type II fibers normally contain more of idiopathic
the enzyme than type I fibers Caused by drugs and toxic agents, include
Can stain for myoadenylate deaminase to alcohol, heroin, carbon monoxide, barbitu-
demonstrate deficiency rates, amphetamines, methadone, amphoter-
icin B
E. Malignant hyperthermia
Rapid and sustained rise in temperature B. Subacute necrotizing myopathyalcohol,
during general anesthesia AZT, clofibrate
Generalized muscle rigidity, tachycardia, Ethanol ingestion
cyanosis May also cause rhabdomyolysis
Extensive myonecrosis with subsequent Acute muscle pain that may be generalized
renal failure may develop or localized
Autosomal dominant condition C. Inflammatorycimetidine, procainamide,
Caffeine or anesthetic stimulation test on D-penicillamine
muscle strips in vitro D. Hypokalemicdiuretics, laxatives, licorice
Muscle pathology nonspecific E. Type IIb fiber atrophysteroids
F. Channelopathies F. Vacuolar chloroquine myopathy
Ion channel myopathies Proximal muscle weakness
slowest component of axonal transport nerve sheath and the misalignment of fas-
(2 mm/d) cicles
B. Distal axonopathy Regrowth may result in a disorganized mass
Dying back axonopathy of axonstraumatic or amputation neuroma
Entire neuron diseased Compression neuropathy related to carpal
tunnel syndrome (compression of the median
Initial changes seen in portion farthest away nerve at the level of the wrist)
from the cell body
In entrapment neuropathies, the compressed
Marked by axonal swelling, filamentous region narrowed with nerve expansion proxi-
inclusions, axonal atrophy, organelle alter- mal to and distal to the region, myelinated
ations, and Schwann cell networks fiber size decreased and may see evidence of
C. Demyelination (segmental) axonal degeneration and/or demyelination
Primary demyelination related to Schwann Other common sites of compression neuropa-
cell dysfunction (e.g. diphtheritic neuropa- thy the ulnar nerve at the elbow, peroneal
thy) or myelin sheath damage nerve at the knee, radial nerve in the upper
Degenerating myelin engulfed by Schwann arm, and interdigital nerve of the foot at
cells and macrophages intermetatarsal sites (Mortons neuroma)
Injured Schwann cells may be replaced by Radiation may cause fiber loss and fibrosis
cells in the endoneurium B. Guillain-Barre syndrome
Axons surrounded by degenerating myelin AKA: acute inflammatory demyelinating
or denuded myelin polyradiculopathy
Denuded axon provides stimulation for remy- Overall annual incidence of 13/100,000 in
elination United States
Newly formed myelin of thinner caliber Distal limb weakness, rapidly progressing to
more proximal weakness (ascending
Shortened internodal distances with remyelin-
Majority of cases with antecedent viral
With repeated episodes of demyelination and
remyelination, a layering of Schwann cell
processes (concentric layers of Schwann cell Deep tendon reflexes diminish
cytoplasm and basement membrane) around Decreased nerve conduction velocity
a thinly myelinated axon forms onion bulb Elevated CSF protein
With chronicity, some degree of axonal Mortality rate 25%, most commonly related
injury may occur to respiratory problem or autonomic insta-
May get secondary demyelination related to bility
axonal injury Pathology
Rare defects of hypomyelination (myelin Endoneurial and perivascular chronic
sheaths thin in all fibers [e.g., hereditary inflammation (lymphocytes, plasma cells
motor and sensory neuropathy type III]) and and macrophages)
hypermyelination (abnormal numbers of
myelin lamellae often related to folding and Segmental demyelination
reversal of the myelin spiral) C. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradicu-
III. Neuropathy Types lopathy (CIDP)
A subacute or chronic course (at least 8 wk)
A. Traumatic
Association with HLA-B8
May be caused by lacerations (cutting
injury), avulsions (pulling apart), or traction Typically marked by relapses and remissions
Regeneration of the transected nerve may be Most commonly a symmetric, mixed sensori-
slow, problems related to the discontinuity motor polyneuropathy
of the proximal and distal portions of the May respond to steroids or plasmapheresis
Question 1
Question 2
2. The most common cytogenetic abnormality associ- 4. This lesion presented as a lateral ventricular mass
ated with this lesion is related to chromosome in an 18-yr-old male with seizures and adenoma
A. 1 sebaceum. The lesion represents a
B. 6 A. Cortical tuber
C. 9 B. Subependymal giant-cell astrocytoma
D. 17 C. Hemangioma
E. 22 D. Neurofibroma
3. The most likely diagnosis is E. Hemangioblastoma
A. Metastatic carcinoma
B. Lymphoma
C. Glioblastoma multiforme
D. Meningioma
E. Medulloblastoma
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
5. These brightly eosinophilic staining, irregularly 6. The cells in the intravascular lesion stain posi-
shaped structures in a pilocytic astrocytoma are tively with CD20. The diagnosis
referred to as A. Metastatic carcinoma
A. Rosenthal fibers B. Metastatic pituitary adenoma
B. Granular bodies C. Vasculitis
C. Marinesco bodies D. Lymphoma
D. Tangles E. Histiocytosis X
E. None of the above
Question 7
Question 8
7. This lesion represents a pineal gland mass in a 8. This right arm lesion in an area of previous
17-yr-old male. trauma represents a
A. Lymphoma A. Neurofibroma
B. Pineocytoma B. Schwannoma
C. Germinoma C. Mortons neuroma
D. Pineoblastoma D. Traumatic neuroma
E. Epithelioid glioma E. Paraganglioma
Question 9
Question 10
9. The malformation illustrated is best denoted as 10. This lesion is best classified as a(n)
A. Lissencephaly A. Astrocytoma
B. Polymicrogyria B. Ependymoma
C. Schizencephaly C. Meningioma
D. Periventricular leukomalacia D. Metastatic carcinoma
E. Hydranencephaly E. Schwannoma
Question 11
Question 12
11. The numerous round to oval calcified structures 12. Collars of perivascular meningothelial cells mark
in this tumor are termed this lesion, which is most commonly seen associ-
A. Calcified parasite eggs ated with
B. Marinesco bodies A. Neurofibromatosis type I
C. Hyaline bodies B. Neurofibromatosis type II
D. Psammoma bodies C. Tuberous sclerosis
E. Corpora amylacea D. von Hippel-Lindau disease
E. Sturge-Weber disease
Question 13
Question 14
13. This lesion is extending into the dura from an 14. This lateral ventricular mass in a 32-yr-old male
adjacent sinus. The diagnosis is stains positively with synaptophysin and nega-
A. Mucor infection tively with GFAP. The diagnosis is
B. Aspergillus infection A. Oligodendroglioma
C. Squamous cell carcinoma B. Clear cell ependymoma
D. Meningioma C. Neurocytoma
E. Adenocarcinoma D. Subependymal giant-cell astrocytoma
E. Subependymoma
Question 15
Question 16
Question 17
Question 18
17. The structure marked by an arrow in this cerebel- 18. Cerebrospinal fluid cytology shows atypical cells
lar mass in a 6-yr-old is a from a 4-yr-old males cerebellar mass (synapto-
A. Fleurette physin positive). The diagnosis is
B. Homer Wright rosette A. Ependymoma
C. Flexner Wintersteiner rosette B. Pilocytic astrocytoma
D. Perivascular pseudorosette C. Medulloblastoma
E. None of the above D. Choroid plexus papilloma
E. Neurocytoma
Question 19
Question 20
19. The lesion illustrated in this 4-yr-old with cere- 20. The ultrastructural finding here is from a Tay-
bral palsy is most likely the result of a Sachs disease patient and is known as
A. Storage disease A. Whorled membrane bodies
B. Vascular insult B. Granular bodies
C. Tumor C. Fingerprint bodies
D. Hemorrhage D. Curvilinear bodies
E. Inherited syndrome E. Zebra bodies
Question 21
Question 22
21. The defect seen here is best classified as 22. The most likely diagnosis for this well-circum-
A. Agenesis of the corpus callosum scribed intramedullary spinal cord mass is
B. Partial agenesis of the corpus callosum A. Schwannoma
C. Polymicrogyria B. Meningioma
D. Dandy-Walker syndrome C. Astrocytoma
E. Schizencephaly D. Ependymoma
E. Oligodendroglioma
Question 23
Question 24
23. The most likely diagnosis in this 8-yr-old female 24. This intradural, chromogranin-positive mass in
with tuberous sclerosis is the cauda equina region represents a
A. Cortical tuber A. Paraganglioma
B. Cortical dysplasia B. Schwannoma
C. Subependymal giant-cell astrocytoma C. Myxopapillary ependymoma
D. Metastatic germ cell tumor D. Meningioma
E. Angiomyolipoma E. Chordoma
Question 25
25. The most common location for this lesion is 27. What is the diagnosis?
A. Frontal lobe A. Metastatic carcinoma
B. Parietal lobe B. Craniopharyngioma
C. Occipital lobe C. Pituitary adenoma
D. Temporal lobe D. Meningioma
E. Cerebellum E. Astrocytoma
26. The best diagnosis for this lesion is
A. Herniation
B. Duret hemorrhage
C. Chiari malformation
D. Brain stem glioma
E. Dandy-Walker syndrome
Question 26
Question 27
Question 28
28. The most likely diagnosis is 30. The most likely diagnosis for this tumor that is
cytokeratin AE1/3 negative, S-100 protein posi-
A. Colloid cyst
tive is
B. Rathkes cleft cyst
A. Metastatic lung carcinoma
C. Neurenteric cyst
B. Glioblastoma multiforme
D. Arachnoid cyst
C. Melanoma
E. Endodermal cyst
D. Lymphoma
29. The most likely location for this tumor in a
E. None of the above
12-yr-old is
A. Frontal lobe
B. 4th ventricle
C. Cerebellum
D. Lateral ventricle
E. Temporal lobe
Question 29
Question 30
Question 31
31. Which chromosome is affected in this disorder? 33. The abnormality seen is most likely associated
A. 17 with which of the following?
B. 9 A. Neu-Laxova syndrome
C. 16 B. Zellwegers syndrome
D. 3 C. Walker-Warburg syndrome
E. 22 D. Cerebro-ocular dysplasia
32. The most likely hormone secreted by this lesion E. Lissencephaly
would be
A. Prolactin
B. Growth hormone
Question 32
Question 33
Question 34
34. The hemorrhage seen here in the periventricular 36. The spinal cord tumor seen here ultrastructurally
region is most likely to occur in a(n) is best classified as
A. <32-wk-gestation premature infant A. Astrocytoma
B. Full-term infant B. Ependymoma
C. 1-mo-old infant C. Meningioma
D. 1-yr-old infant D. Schwannoma
E. An adult E. Paraganglioma
35. The lesion seen here represents
A. Multiple sclerosis
B. Huntingtons chorea
C. Multisystem atrophy
D. Agenesis of the septum pellucidum
E. Cavum septi pellucidi
Question 35
Question 36
Question 37
37. This temporal lobe tumor arose in a 14-yr-old 39. The changes seen here are most characteristic of
with a history of chronic epilepsy. The MIB-1 A. Dandy-Walker syndrome
labeling index was <1%. The most likely diagno- B. Chiari malformation
sis is
C. Brain stem glioma
A. Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
D. Dentate dysplasia
B. Glioblastoma multiforme
E. Downs syndrome
C. Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor
D. Pilocytic astrocytoma
E. Ependymoma
38. A reticulin stain highlights spindled cell areas of
this tumor. Nonspindled areas stain with GFAP.
The tumor demonstrates focal vascular prolifera-
tion and necrosis. The best diagnosis is
A. Malignant oligodendroglioma
B. Malignant ependymoma
C. Gliosarcoma
D. Metastatic carcinoma
E. Lymphoma
Question 38
Question 39
Question 40
Question 41
40. The ependymal-lined cavity in this section of spi- 41. This patient is likely to have all the following
nal cord is best termed except
A. Syrinx A. Lisch nodules
B. Syringobulbia B. Pheochromocytoma
C. Aqueductal malformation C. Sphenoid dysplasia
D. Hydromyelia D. Neurofibroma
E. Diplomyelia E. Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma
Question 42
Question 43
42. The gross appearance is most typical for a(n) 43. Which tumor is most likely to present like this?
A. Infiltrating low-grade glioma A. Low-grade astrocytoma
B. Encephalitis B. Low-grade oligodendroglioma
C. Demyelinating disease C. Ependymoma
D. Picks disease D. Ganglioglioma
E. Infarct E. Pilocytic astrocytoma
Question 44
Question 45
44. The best diagnosis for this lesion in a 77-yr-old 45. This GFAP-positive filum terminale mass repre-
male is sents a(n)
A. Remote infarct A. Subependymoma
B. Demyelinating disease B. Ependymoma
C. Glioblastoma multiforme C. Myxopapillary ependymoma
D. Hemorrhage D. Astrocytoma
E. Fat emboli E. Schwannoma
Question 46
Question 47
46. This 32-yr-old female has multiple white matter 47. The infant has megalencephaly with diffuse white
lesions that look like this. Her diagnosis is matter abnormalities. The most likely diagnosis is
A. Infarct A. Alexanders disease
B. Multiple sclerosis B. Adrenoleukodystrophy
C. Anaplastic astrocytoma C. Krabbes disease
D. Vasculitis D. Metachromatic leukodystrophy
E. Storage disease E. Cockaynes disease
Question 48
48. This mass arose in the floor of the 4th ventricle 50. The region denoted by the arrow represents
and was an incidental findings at autopsy. The A. Dentate
best diagnosis is B. CA4
A. Neurocytoma C. CA3
B. Ependymoma D. Sommer sector
C. Choroid plexus papilloma E. Subiculum
D. Subependymoma
E. Meningioma
49. The most likely diagnosis in this 28-yr-old immu-
nocompetent female is
A. Multiple infarcts
B. Vasculitis
C. Astrocytoma
D. Multiple sclerosis
E. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Question 49
Question 50
51. The patient is an 82-yr-old female with dementia. 54. The cell denoted by the arrow represents a(n)
The changes illustrated in this figure are character- A. Neuron
istic of B. Oligodendrocyte
A. Malformation C. Ependymal cell
B. Atrophy D. Endothelial cell
C. Tumor E. Microglial cell
D. Demyelinating disease 55. The organism denoted by the smaller arrow
E. Hemorrhage represents
52. (See Figure 51) The lesion denoted by the A. CMV
smaller arrows most likely represents a(n) B. PML
A. Infarct C. Toxoplasmosis
B. Malformation D. Amebiasis
C. Multiple sclerosis E. Cysticercosis
D. Low-grade astrocytoma 56. (See Figure 55) The larger arrow denotes an
E. Microglial nodule aggregate of cells forming what structure?
53. (See Figure 51) The lesion denoted by the larger A. Granuloma
arrow is B. Durcks node
A. Germinoma C. Microglial nodule
B. Part of a malformation D. Abscess
C. Colloid cyst E. Sulfur granule
D. Pineal gland
E. Pituitary gland
Question 54
Questions 55 and 56
Question 57
57. This patient is a 62-yr-old male with a history of 60. The structures seen here represent infection from
non-Hodgkins lymphoma who developed multi- A. Cryptococcus
ple white matter lesions in both the brain and B. Candida
brain stem. The most likely diagnosis is
C. Aspergillus
D. Mucormycosis
E. Actinomyces
C. Multiple sclerosis
61. (See Figure 60) All of the following organisms
D. CMV may have hyphae which look like this, except
E. Toxoplasmosis A. Rhizopus
58. The infectious agent represented in this photo- B. Absidia
micrograph is
C. Mucor
A. Cryptococcus
D. Apophysomyces
B. Candida
E. Fusarium
C. Blastomycosis
E. Papova virus
59. (See Figure 58) The process shown represents
A. Abscess
B. Ventriculitis
C. Meningitis
D. Infarct
E. Encephalitis
Questions 58 and 59
Questions 60 and 61
Questions 62 and 63
62. The best diagnosis for this 48-yr-old male with 65. The structures located in the cytoplasm of the neu-
rapidly progressive dementia and myoclonus is ron marked by the arrow represent
A. Alzheimers disease A. Pick bodies
B. Picks disease B. Granulovacuolar degeneration
C. Parkinsons disease C. Neurofibrillary tangles
D. Progressive supranuclear palsy D. Hirano bodies
E. None of the above E. Lewy bodies
63. (See Figure 62) The structure denoted by the 66. (See Figure 65) The lesion depicted here is most
arrow represents a(n) likely to be encountered in the setting of
A. Neurofibrillary tangle A. Alzheimers disease
B. Neuritic plaque B. Picks disease
C. Kuru plaque C. Parkinsons disease
D. Axon torpedo D. Corticobasal degeneration
E. Granular body E. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
64. The strucuture denoted by the arrow represents
A. Marinesco body
B. Hyaline body
C. Rosenthal fiber
D. Corpora amylacea
E. Alzheimer type I astrocyte
Question 64
Questions 65 and 66
Question 67
Question 68
67. This 29-yr-old female most likely has 68. The organism seen here represents
A. Multiple sclerosis A. Candida
B. Glioblastoma multiforme B. Aspergillus
C. Cortical dysplasia C. Mucormycosis
D. Leukodystrophy D. Blastomycosis
E. Cavum septum pellucidum E. Cryptococcus
Question 69
Questions 70 and 71
69. This GFAP-positive intramedullary spinal cord 71. (See Figure 70) The stains most useful to high-
mass represents a(n) light these structures include
A. Astrocytoma A. Bodian and Congo red
B. Ependymoma B. GMS and PAS
C. Meningioma C. GMS and Congo red
D. Medulloblastoma D. Bodian and PAS
E. Myxopapillary ependymoma E. Ziehl-Neelson and Congo red
70. The structures seen here represent
A. Pick bodies
B. Granular bodies
C. Neuritic plaques
D. Neurofibrillary tangles
E. Hirano bodies
Question 72
Question 73
72. The mucicarmine-positive organisms seen here 73. The organism present here represents
represent A. Amebiasis
A. Candida B. Malaria
B. Cryptococcus C. Toxoplasmosis
C. Aspergillus D. Cysticercosis
D. Nocardia E. Schistosomiasis
E. Actinomyces
Question 74
Question 75 and 76
74. The organism denoted by the arrow in this menin- 76. (See Figure 75) The inclusions seen here are
gitis most likely represents caused by the JC virus. Which of the following is
A. Meningococcus a likely finding on the biopsy?
B. E. coli A. Neutrophilic infiltrate
C. M. tuberculosis B. Alzheimer type I astrocytes
D. Nocardia C. Alzheimer type II astrocytes
E. Actinomyces D. Abscess
75. The lesions denoted by the arrows represent E. Microglial nodules
A. Microglial nodules
B. Cowdry type A inclusions
C. Cowdry type B inclusions
D. Cowdry type C inclusions
E. Cytoplasmic viral inclusions
Question 77
Question 78
77. The cytoplasm of these neurons in this normal 78. The viral inclusion seen in the neuron denoted by
brain section are filled with the arrow represents what infection?
A. Neuromelanin A. Herpes simplex
B. Lipofucsin B. Cytomegalovirus
C. Hyaline bodies C. Herpes zoster
D. Marinesco bodies D. SSPE
E. Hemosiderin E. Rabies
Questions 79 and 80
79. The structure denoted by the arrow on this Bod- 80. (See Figure 79) The structure seen here has been
ian-stained section represents described in all of the following conditions
A. Ganulovacuolar degeneration except
B. Neuritic plaque A. Alzheimers disease
C. Neurofibrillary tangle B. SSPE
D. Hirano body C. Parkinsons disease
E. Pick body D. Herpes encephalitis
E. Dementia pugilistica
81. All of the following are abnormalities evident in 84. The structure illustrated represents
this photomicrograph except A. Choroid plexus
A. Vascular congestion B. Choroid plexus papilloma
B. Herniation C. Choroid plexus carcinoma
C. Widening of the gyri D. Papillary meningioma
D. Narrowing of the sulci E. Papillary ependymoma
E. Meningeal clouding 85. The cell denoted by the arrow represents a(n)
82. (See Figure 81) All are potential complications of A. Astrocyte
the process seen here except B. Oligodendrocyte
A. Ventriculitis C. Neuron
B. Infarct D. Microglial cell
C. Hemorrhage E. Arachnoidal cap cell
D. Secondary glioma development 86. (See Figure 85) This cell is most likely to stain
E. Hydrocephalus positively with which antibody?
83. (See Figure 81) The most likely causative organ- A. GFAP
ism in a 78-yr-old individual who has not been B. Synaptophysin
recently hospitalized would be
C. Epithelial membrane antigen
A. E. coli
D. Common leukocyte antigen
B. Proteus
E. HAM 56
C. Listeria
D. S. pneumoniae
E. N. meningitidis
Question 84
Questions 85 and 86
Question 87
87. The most likely cause of hemorrhage in this 58- 89. (See Figure 88) The pattern of inheritance associ-
yr-old male is ated with this condition is likely to be
A. Hypertension A. X-linked recessive
B. Amyloid B. X-linked dominant
C. Vasculitis C. Autosomal dominant
D. Aneurysm D. Autosomal recessive
E. Oligodendroglioma E. None of the above
88. This leptomeningeal-based lesion is a common 90. The illustration most accurately represents a(n)
CNS finding in A. Tumor
A. Neurofibromatosis type I B. Embolized vascular formation
B. Neurofibromatosis type II C. Artery with vasculitis
C. von Hippel-Lindau syndrome D. Infarct
D. Tuberous sclerosis E. Aneurysm
E. Sturge-Weber disease
Questions 88 and 89
Question 90
Question 91
91. The large cell seen here in a patient with pro- 94. (See Figure 92) This tumor is most likely to arise
gressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy repre- in a(n)
sents a(n) A. 59-yr-old male, frontal lobe
A. Oligodendrocyte B. 60-yr-old female, temporal lobe
B. Neuron C. 14-yr-old male, pineal gland
C. Alzheimer type I astrocyte D. 15-yr-old female, pineal gland
D. Alzheimer type II astrocyte E. 82-yr-old male, pituitary gland
E. Cowdry type A inclusion 95. The lesion seen here represents a(n)
92. The lesion denoted by the arrows represents a(n) A. Arteriovenous malformation
A. Microglial nodule B. Cavernous angioma
B. Abscess C. Venous angioma
C. Secondary structure of Sherer D. Varix
D. Granuloma E. Capillary telangiectasia
E. Vascular proliferation
93. (See Figure 92) The lesion in this case is associ-
ated with what tumor?
A. Lymphoma
B. Germinoma
C. Meningioma
D. Metastatic carcinoma
E. Embryonal carcinoma
Question 95
96. The elongated structures (arrow) seen here rep- 99. The organism seen here represents
resent A. Amebiasis
A. Abnormal mitochondria B. Cysticercosis
B. Cilia C. Schistosomiasis
C. Blepharoplasts D. Trypanosomiasis
D. Melanosomes E. Toxoplasmosis
E. Birbeck granules 100. (See Figure 99) The organism causing this lesion
97. (See Figure 96) The most likely diagnosis is is
A. Ependymoma A. Taenia solium
B. Mitochondrial myopathy B. Trypanosoma brucei
C. Melanoma C. Entamoeba histolytica
D. Histiocytosis X D. Trichonella spiralis
E. Erdheim-Chester disease E. Iodamoeba buetschlii
98. (See Figure 96) The cells that contain these struc- 101. The pathology illustrated here represents
tures characteristically stain with antibody A. Oligodendroglioma
A. GFAP B. Astrocytoma
B. HMB-45 C. Ependymoma
C. CD3 D. Reactive astrocytosis
D. CD1a E. Lymphoma
E. HAM 56
Question 101
102. The structure denoted by the arrow represents 105. The area seen here is consistent with a(n)
A. Secondary structure of Scherer A. Caudate nucleus
B. Vascular proliferation B. Hippocampus
C. Necrosis C. Dentate nucleus
D. Vascular invasion D. Olivary nucleus
E. None of the above E. None of the above
103. (See Figure 102) The lesion seen here in a 76-yr- 106. (See figure 105) The fascicles of myelinated
old male represents a(n) fibers seen here (arrow) are referred to as
A. WHO grade I astrocytoma A. Lines of Baillarger
B. WHO grade II astrocytoma B. Stria of Gennari
C. WHO grade III astrocytoma C. Bundles of Wilson
D. WHO grade IV astrocytoma D. Polymorphous bundles
E. Ependymoma E. None of the above
104. The photomicrograph here represents what nor-
mal structure?
A. Pineal gland
B. Leptomeninges
C. Pituitary adenohypophysis
D. Pituitary neurohypophysis
E. Pituitary pars intermedia
Question 104
Questions 107
Question 108
107. The age of the patient here most likely is 108. The photomicrograph here was most likely taken
from which location?
A. 3 mo
A. Frontal lobe cortex
B. 3 yr
B. Frontal lobe white matter
C. 13 yr
C. Caudate
D. 30 yr
D. Hippocampus
E. 60 yr
E. Pineal gland
Question 109
Question 110
109. The elastic stained section here represents a(n) 110. The melanin pigmented neurons seen here belong
to which neuronal group?
A. Arteriovenous malformation
A. Dentate nucleus
B. Cavernous angioma
B. Substantia nigra
C. Venous angioma
C. Hypoglossal nucleus
D. Hemangioblastoma
D. Red nucleus
E. Capillary telangiectasia
E. Olivary nucleus
Question 111
111. What normal structure is represented here? 113. This 38-yr-old male has
A. Pineal gland A. Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
B. Arachnoidal cap cells B. Malaria
C. Choroid plexus C. Medulloblastoma
D. Skeletal muscle D. Amebiasis
E. None of the above E. Toxoplasmosis
112. The mass seen here represents a(n)
A. Astrocytoma
B. Infarct
C. Abscess
D. Granuloma
E. Demyelinating plaque
Question 112
Question 113
114. The organism seen here by electron microscopy 117. The findings in this lesion represent a(n)
represents A. Contusion
A. Cytomegalovirus B. Acute infarct
B. Toxoplasmosis C. Subacute infarct
C. Cryptococcus D. Remote infarct
D. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy E. Tumor
E. E. coli 118. (See Figure 117) The most likely age of this
115. (See Figure 114) In an immunocompromised lesion is
adult, the most common histologic manifestation A. 24 hr
of an infection by this organism is B. 48 hr
A. Granuloma C. 72 hr
B. Leptomeningitis D. 57 d
C. Abscess E. 3 mo
D. Demyelination
E. Microglial nodule
116. This luxol-fast blue stained section of periventric-
ular tissue shows areas of decreased white matter
staining in a 28-yr-old female. Cells that may be
seen in these regions include all of the following
A. Reactive astrocytes
B. Macrophages
C. Neutrophils
D. Lymphocytes
E. Microglial cells
Question 116
119. The cell shown here represents a(n) 122. (See Figure 121) The changes seen in the large
neurons is the result of
A. Neuron
A. Ischemia
B. Astrocyte
B. Central chromatolysis
C. Microglial cell
C. Lipofuscin
D. Oligodendroglial cell
D. Neuronophagia
E. Endothelial cell
E. Ferruginization
120. (See Figure 119) The process shown in this cell
represents 123. The accumulation of GM2 ganglioside material in
these cells is characteristic of
A. Ischemic changes
A. Gauchers disease
B. Central chromatolysis
B. Tay-Sachs disease
C. Ferruginization
C. Ceroid-lipofuscinosis
D. Neuronophagia
D. Hunters disease
E. Creutzfeldt astrocyte
E. Leighs disease
121. The section seen here is located where?
124. (See Figure 123) The cells in which the material
A. Frontal lobe cortex
has accumulated are
B. Thalamus
A. Astrocytes
C. Pons
B. Ependymal cells
D. Midbrain
C. Microglial cells
E. Cerebellum
D. Neurons
E. Oligodendrocytes
Question 125
125. The structure most likely to be encountered in 127. (See figure 126) All of the following conditions
these neurons in a patient with Parkinsons dis- are likely to result in the pathology seen here
ease is except
A. Neuritic plaque A. Chronic ischemic change
B. Hirano body B. Chronic epilepsy
C. Lewy body C. Alcoholism
D. Neurofibrillary tangle D. Infiltrating astrocytoma
E. Granulovacuolar degeneration E. Dilantin toxicity
126. The paler staining cells denoted by the arrow 128. The patient is a 12-yr-old female with a recent
represent measles infection. She now presents with seizures
and dystonia. The diagnosis on biopsy is
A. Purkinje cells
A. Oligodendroglioma
B. Granular cells
B. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
C. Lymphocytes
C. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
D. Bergmann astrocytes
D. Lymphoma
E. Corpora amylacea
E. None of the above
Question 128
Question 129
129. The meningioma seen here is best classified as 132. (See Figure 130) The pattern of inheritance associ-
ated with this condition is
A. Syncytial
A. X-linked recessive
B. Fibrous
B. Autosomal dominant
C. Invasive
C. Autosomal recessive
D. Metaplastic
D. Sporadic
E. Rhabdoid
E. X-linked dominant
130. This infant has diffuse white matter abnormalities
on imaging studies. The diagnosis is 133. The changes seen here are most likely related to
A. Alexanders disease A. Fat emboli
B. Metachromatic leukodystrophy B. Methanol ingestion
C. Globoid cell leukodystrophy C. Kernicterus
D. Adrenoleukodystrophy D. Ethanol toxicity
E. Canavans disease E. Arsenic toxicity
131. (See Figure 130) The lesion seen is associated
with a deficiency of
A. Arylsulfatase A
B. Galactocerebroside-B galactosidase
C. Aspartoacylase
D. Phospholipase
E. None of the above
Question 133
134. The lesion denoted by the arrow is a(n) 137. The lesion seen here most likely represents a(n)
A. Arteriovenous malformation A. Vascular malformation
B. Air embolism B. Contusion
C. Aneurysm C. Infarct
D. Venous angioma D. Air embolism
E. Moyamoya disease E. Aneurysm
135. (See Figure 134) Microscopically, the defect that 138. The cell denoted by the arrow represents a(n)
defines this lesion is A. Reactive astrocyte
A. A mixture of arterial and venous vessels B. Gemistocyte
B. Intimal fibroplasia C. Creutzfeldt astrocyte
C. Atherosclerosis D. Alzheimer type I astrocyte
D. Loss of arterial media E. Alzheimer type II astrocyte
E. Fragmented elastic lamina of the vessel wall 139. (See Figure 138) This cell is most likely to be
136. (See Figure 134) The other gross pathologic encountered in the setting of
abnormality evident in this picture is A. Tumor
A. Infarct B. Demylinating disease
B. Ganglioglioma C. Diabetic encephalopathy
C. Dandy-Walker syndrome D. Hepatic encephalopathy
D. Subdural hematoma E. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
E. Fat emboli
Question 137
Question 140
140. The darker areas have a yellow coloration in this 142. The lesion seen here represents a(n)
autopsy specimen from a 2-wk-old baby with a A. Vascular malformation
history of hemolytic anemia. The lesions seen
B. Acute infarct
C. Remote infarct
A. Multifocal infarcts
D. Multiple sclerosis plaque
B. Hemorrhage
E. Lacunar infarct
C. Bilirubin encephalopathy
D. Fetal alcoholism syndrome
E. Ponto-subicular necrosis
141. The changes seen here are the result of
A. Atrophy
B. Edema
C. Polymicrogyria
D. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
E. Lissencephaly
Question 141
Question 142
143. The most accurate diagnosis here is 146. (See Figure 145) The gene defect associated with
A. Contusion this lesion is located at chromosome
B. Epidural hematoma A. It is not associated with a gene defect
C. Subdural hematoma B. 22
D. Arteriovenous malformation C. 19
E. Meningitis D. 14
144. (See Figure 143) The lesion seen here is gener- E. 3
ally associated with the rupture of which vessel? 147. The lesion shown here in this 62-yr-old female
A. Middle meningeal artery represents a(n)
B. Bridging veins A. Demyelinative plaque
C. Vertebral artery B. Laminar infarct
D. Sagittal sinus C. Pseudolaminar infarct
E. Middle cerebral artery D. Abscess
145. The changes seen here are most consistent with E. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
A. Atherosclerotic vasculopathy
B. Moyamoya syndrome
C. Binswangers disease
E. Amyloid angiopathy
Question 147
Question 148
Question 149
148. The changes seen here are most likely related to 149. The changes seen in this vessel are most likely
the result of
A. Brain stem glioma
A. Lymphoma
B. Syringobulbia
B. Polyarteritis nodosa
C. Degeneration of corticospinal tracts
C. Granulomatous angiitis
D. Chiari malformation
D. Hypersensitivity angiitis
E. Olivopontocerebellar atrophy
E. Amyloid angiopathy
Question 150
Question 151
150. The organisms seen here represent 151. The leptomeningeal organism denoted by the
arrow represents
A. Trichinosis
A. Schistosomiasis
B. Cysticercosis
B. Malaria
C. Trypanosomiasis
C. Cysticercosis
D. Sarcocystis
D. Echinococcus
E. Toxoplasmosis
E. Strongyloides
152. The lesion seen here represents a(n) 154. (See Figure 152) The lesion seen here may be
A. Granuloma encountered in all of the following conditions
B. Microglial nodule
A. Listeriosis
C. Hamartoma
B. Sarcoidosis
D. Thrombus
C. Tuberculosis
E. Vascular proliferation
D. Wegeners vasculitis
153. (See Figure 152) Stains that may be useful in fur-
ther delineating the etiology of this lesion would E. Germinoma
A. GMS and PAS
B. GMS and fite
D. GFAP and fite
E. GFAP and Ziehl-Neelson
155. The midbrain lesion seen here represents 157. The abnormality shown in this cortical section
A. Vascular malformation from a 14-yr-old with chronic epilepsy represents
B. Duret hemorrhage A. No abnormality
C. Diffuse axonal injury B. Cortical dysplasia
D. Fat emboli C. Ganglioglioma
E. Lacunar infarct D. Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor
156. (See Figure 155) The midbrain lesion is often E. Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
seen associated with what other condition?
A. Uncal herniation
B. Central herniation
C. Subfalcial herniation
D. Tonsillar herniation
E. Upward herniation
Question 158
158. This partial lobectomy specimen is from a 12-yr- 160. The findings seen here are consistent with
old with tuberous sclerosis. The diagnosis is A. Infarct
A. Subependymal giant-cell astrocytoma B. Mesial temporal sclerosis
B. Cortical tuber C. Anaplastic astrocytoma
C. Metastatic rhabdomyoma D. Carbon monoxide toxicity
D. Lymphoma E. Wernicke encephalopathy
E. Hemangioblastoma 161. (See Figure 160) The underlying cause of the
159. The findings in this myelin-stained section of spi- pathology seen here is
nal cord are most consistent with A. Poor cerebral perfusion
A. Thiamine deficiency B. Not known
B. Wilsons disease C. Vitamin deficiency
C. Menkes disease D. Possibly suicide related
D. Subacute combined degeneration E. A risk from prior radiation therapy
E. Herpes myelitis
Question 159
Question 162
162. The changes in the hippocampus of this 8-yr-old 164. The GFAP immunostain seen here is highlighting
with intractable seizures is the result of what cells?
A. Hippocampal sclerosis A. Ependymal cells
B. Cortical dysplasia B. Astrocytes
C. Ganglioglioma C. Microglial cells
D. Cortical tuber D. Oligodendroglial cells
E. Neuronal heterotopia E. Neurons
163. The changes seen in the leptomeninges in this
68-yr-old male with bacterial meningitis represent
A. Granuloma formation
B. Abscess
C. Vasculitis with thrombosis
D. Infarct
E. Hemorrhage
Question 163
Question 164
Question 165
Question 166
165. The findings here are most likely related to 166. The pathology seen here in this 48-yr-old male
A. Infarct with endocarditis and atrial fibrillation most likely
B. Ethanol
A. Demyelinating disease
C. Carbon monoxide
B. Embolic acute infarcts
D. Aluminum toxicity
C. Air embolism
E. Manganese toxicity
D. Multiple organizing abscesses
E. Storage disease
167. The structure denoted by the arrow represents a 169. (See Figure 167) All of the following are likely
A. Muscle fascicle pathologic findings in this patient except
B. Neuromuscular junction A. Scattered type I hypertrophy
C. Muscle spindle B. Loss of neurons in Onufs nucleus
D. Blood vessel C. Increased muscle spindles
E. Sarcomeric unit D. Atrophy of anterior spinal roots
168. (See Figure 167) This biopsy is from a 3-mo-old E. Fascicular atrophy of the muscle
with hypotonia and tongue fasciculations. The
diagnosis is
A. Werdnig-Hoffmann disease
B. Central core disease
C. Duchenne dystrophy
D. Centronuclear myopathy
E. Pompes diease
Question 170
Question 171
170. The vessel seen here from a vastus lateralis mus- 171. The changes in the biopsy are most consistent
cle biopsy shows changes diagnostic of with a diagnosis of
A. Necrotizing vasculitis A. Polymyositis
B. Inclusion body myositis B. Dermatomyositis
C. Trichinosis C. Neurogenic atrophy
D. Dermatomyositis D. Vasculitis
E. Polymyositis E. Acid maltase deficiency
172. The pathologic findings on the ATPase pH 4.6 173. (See Figure 172) All of the following are associ-
stain are suggestive of ated with this disease process except
A. Dermatomyositis A. Arthralgia
B. Neurogenic atrophy B. Calcinosis
C. Muscular dystrophy C. Steroid resistance
D. Inclusion body myositis D. Malignancy
E. Spinal muscular atrophy E. Non-necrotizing vasculitis
174. The structures observed in the myofiber denoted 177. (See Figure 176) This change is a common fea-
by the arrow on this Gomori trichrome stain ture observed in
represent A. Polymyositis
A. A freeze artifact B. Neurogenic atrophy
B. Glycogen storage material C. Myotonic dystrophy
C. Rimmed vacuoles D. Mitochondrial myopathy
D. Nemaline rods E. Chloroquine myopathy
E. Viral inclusions 178. On this ATPase-stained section, the dark staining
175. (See Figure 174) The presence of this finding in fibers are
the setting of an inflammatory myopathic biopsy A. Type I
is highly suggestive of
B. Type IIA
A. Angiopathic polymyositis
C. Type IIB
B. Viral myositis
D. Type IIC
C. Fungal myositis
E. Type III
D. Inclusion body myositis
E. Myasthenia gravis
176. The NADH-stained section shown reveals
A. Ring fibers
B. Moth-eaten fibers
C. Target fibers
D. Targetoid fibers
E. Core fibers
Question 178
Question 179
179. The positive staining on this alkaline phosphatase 181. (See Figure 180) The structure denoted by the
stain represents arrow represents a(n)
A. Degenerating fibers A. I band
B. Regenerating fibers B. A band
C. Acutely denervated fibers C. H band
D. Ragged red fibers D. M band
E. A mitochondrial defect E. Z band
180. The fibrillary structures observed within the 182. The vacuolar structures seen here likely represent
nucleus of this myocyte are characteristic of what A. Glycogen storage disease
entity? B. Lipid storage disease
A. Mitochondrial myopathy C. Mitochondrial degeneration
B. Inclusion body myositis D. Core formations
C. Glycogen storage disease E. A freeze artifact
D. Amyloid
E. A parasite
Question 182
183. The abnormality seen ultrastructurally represents 185. The absence of staining on this cytochrome oxi-
an abnormality of dase stain is indicative of a possible
A. T system A. Glycogen storage disease
B. Mitochondria B. Lipid storage disease
C. Sarcoplasmic reticulum C. Viral infection
D. Ribosomes D. Mitochondrial myopathy
E. Golgi E. None of the above
184. (See Figure 183) The abnormality seen here is 186. The curvilinear bodies seen here ultrastructurally
most commonly associated with are most commonly associated with
A. Amyloid deposition A. Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy
B. Ragged red fibers B. Ceroid lipofuscinosis
C. Autophagic vacuoles C. Lafora body disease
D. Core fibers D. Globoid cell leukodystrophy
E. Nemaline rods E. Metachromatic leukodystrophy
Question 185
Question 186
187. The cystalloid structures denoted by the small 190. (See Figure 189) The most common mutation
arrow represent associated with the hereditary form of this condi-
tion involves what gene?
A. Renaut bodies
A. Thyroglobulin
B. Myelin
B. Notch 3
C. Schmidt-Lanterman clefts
C. Transthyretin
D. Pi granules of Reich
D. Notch 5
E. Corpuscles of Erzholz
E. None of the above
188. (See Figure 187) The structure denoted on the
left by the larger arrow is a(n) 191. The arrow corresponds to a(n)
A. Schwann cell A. Schwann cell nucleus
B. Collagen B. Endothelial cell
C. Unmyelinated axon C. Fibroblast
D. Myelinated axon D. Mast cell
E. Renaut body E. Renaut body
189. The finely fibrillar material (arrow) in the wall of 192. (See Figure 191) The pathology seen here is most
this epineurial vessel stains positively with Congo likely to be encountered in the setting of
red. The best diagnosis is A. Traumatic neuroma
A. Vasculitic neuropathy B. Amyloid neuropathy
B. CADASIL C. Vasculitic neuropathy
C. Amyloid neuropathy D. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
D. Adrenoleukodystrophy E. Thiamine deficiency neuropathy
E. Porphyria
Question 193
193. The changes seen in this teased nerve preparation 195. This muscle is from an 8-yr-old male who is
most likely would be seen in wheelchair bound. The most likely diagnosis is
A. Vasculitic neuropathy A. Polymyositis
B. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease B. Dermatomyostitis
C. Guillain-Barre syndrome C. Duchenne muscular dystrophy
D. CIDP D. Myotonic muscular dystrophy
E. Diphtheritic neuropathy E. Becker muscular dystrophy
194. The change seen here represents 196. (See Figure 195) Confirmation of the diagnosis in
this case would involve
A. Axonal sprouting
A. T-cell subset analysis
B. Demyelination
B. Serology testing for ANA
C. Remyelination
C. Sedimentation rate
D. Onion bulb formation
D. Dystrophin analysis
E. Renaut body
E. Emerin analysis
Question 194
197. The lesions seen on this NADH stain represent 199. The pattern of atrophy observed here is sugges-
tive of
A. Moth-eaten fibers
A. Dermatomyositis
B. Rimmed vacuoles
B. Spinal muscular atrophy
C. Nemaline rods
C. Inclusion body myositis
D. Target fibers
D. Steroid myopathy
E. Targetoid fibers
E. Diabetic neuropathy-associated neurogenic
198. (See Figure 197) This biopsy is most likely to be
seen in the setting of
200. The vacuoles seen here stain with acid phospha-
A. Myasthenia gravis
tase and are filled with PAS-positive material.
B. Lambert-Eaton syndrome The diagnosis is
C. Werdnig-Hoffman disease A. Carnitine deficiency
D. Neurogenic atrophy B. Myophosphorylase deficiency
E. Polymyositis C. Acid maltase deficiency
D. Succinate dehydrogenase deficiency
E. Phosphofructokinase deficiency
Question 199
Question 200
13 Answers to Figures with Questions
23. C (Chapter 5.III.C) The subependymal giant-cell 39. B (Chapter 5.I.B) The changes seen are most
astrocytoma seen here is associated with tuberous characteristic of a Chiari malformation.
sclerosis. 40. D (Chapter 5.I.A) Congenital dilatation of the
24. A (Chapter 3.X.A) The nested architectural pat- central canal is termed hydromyelia.
tern (zellballen), chromogranin positivity, and 41. E (Chapter 5.III.A) The axillary freckling and
location are classic for paraganglioma. cafe-au-lait macule are features of neurofibroma-
25. A (Chapter 3.II.A) The most common site of ori- tosis type I. All the listed lesions may be seen in
gin for oligodendroglioma is frontal lobe (it has this setting except subependymal giant cell astro-
the most white matter). cytoma (a feature of tuberous sclerosis).
26. D (Chapter 3.I.N) The lesion depicted here 42. A (Chapter 3.I.B) Obliteration of the graywhite
(asymmetrial enlargement of the brain stem) is junction is a gross feature of infiltrating gliomas
most consistent with a brain stem glioma. (in this case astrocytoma).
27. B (Chapter 3.X.D) Adamantinomatous pattern 43. B (Chapter 3.II.A) About 2% of oligodendroglio-
of a craniopharyngioma. mas present with evidence of hemorrhage.
28. A (Chapter 3.IX.A) The location and appear- 44. C (Chapter 3.I.F) The gross appearance is most
ance of the mass is most consistent with a colloid consistent with a glioblastoma multiforme.
cyst of the third ventricle.
45. C (Chapter 3.III.E) The lesion depicted repre-
29. D (Chapter 3.V.A) The lateral ventricle is the sents a myxopapillary ependymoma.
most likely location of choroid plexus papillomas
arising in childhood. 46. B (Chapter 6.I.D) Multiple white matter lesions
marked by reactive astrocytes, macrophages, and
30. C (Chapter 3.X.G) The sharp interface between perivascular lymphocytes are suggestive of multi-
tumor and brain parenchyma and immunohisto- ple sclerosis.
chemical profile is most consistent with mela-
noma (most glioblastoma multiforme show cross- 47. A (Chapter 6.II.D) Numerous Rosenthal fibers
immunoreactivity with cytokeratin AE1/3). in the setting of diffuse demyelination and mega-
lencephaly are suggestive of Alexanders disease.
31. E (Chapter 5.III.B) Bilateral acoustic schwanno-
mas are diagnostic of neurofibromatosis type II, 48. D (Chapter 3.III.D) Subependymomas are
which is related to a chromosome 22 abnor- marked by loose clustering of cell nuclei arranged
mality. against a fibrillary background. Microcystic
change is fairly common.
32. A (Chapter 3.X.E) The most common secreting
pituitary adenoma is a prolactinoma. 49. D (Chapter 6.I.D) Periventricular white matter
plaques are a characteristic feature of multiple
33. B (Chapter 5.I.D) Polymicrogyria, seen in the
figure, is associated with Zellwegers syndrome,
a peroxisome abnormality. 50. D (Chapter 1.I.H) The Sommer sector (CA1)
region is denoted by the arrow.
34. A (Chapter 5.II.I) The germinal matrix hemor-
rhage is most likely to occur in the premature 51. B (Chapter 8.III.C) The changes seen are charac-
infant. teristic of atrophyventricular dilatation, narrow-
ing of gyri, widening of sulci. This patient had
35. E (Chapter 5.I.F) The defect seen represents
Alzheimers disease.
cavum septi pellucidi.
36. B (Chapter 3.III.B) The cilia and ciliary body 52. A (Chapter 2.II.C) The partially cavitated lesion
attachments are characteristic ultrastructural fea- denoted by the small arrow represents a remote
tures of ependymoma. infarct.
37. A (Chapter 3.I.M) The histologic appearance 53. D (Chapter 1.I.H) The large arrow is pointing at
(pleomorphic astrocytic cells), clinical presenta- a normal appearing pineal gland.
tion, and low rate of cell proliferation are most 54. E (Chapter 1.I.E) The cell characterized by an
consistent with a pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma. elongated nucleus and scant cytoplasm represents
38. C (Chapter 3.I.H) The gliosarcoma consists of a microglial cell.
reticulin-rich sarcomatous areas and GFAP-posi- 55. C (Chapter 9.V.A) The smaller arrow is point-
tive glioblastomatous areas. ing at a Toxoplasma gondii cyst.
56. C (Chapter 9.V.A) Rarely, microglial nodules, 73. A (Chapter 9.V.B) The organism seen repre-
as seen here, are associated with Toxoplasmosis sents Amebiasis in a background of necrosis.
infection. 74. A (Chapter 9.II.C) The cocci seen here most
57. B (Chapter 9.IV.M) Multiple white matter likely represent Meningococcus.
lesions in an immunocompromised individual 75. B (Chapter 9.IV.A) The large intranuclear viral
should raise the possibility of PML as a diag- inclusions seen here represent Cowdry type A
nosis. inclusions.
58. D (Chapter 9.IV.L) The Cowdry A nuclear inclu- 76. B (Chapter 9.IV.M) Alzheimer type I astrocytes
sions seen here are most characteristic of CMV are a common finding in progressive multifocal
infection. leukoencephaly (result of JC virus infection)
59. B (Chapter 9.IV.L) The viral inclusions are asso- 77. B (Chapter 1.I.A) The intracytoplasmic material
ciated with the ependymal lining present and ven- in many of the neurons here represents lipofuscin
tricular space representing a ventriculitis. or aging pigment.
60. D (Chapter 9.III.E) The broad-branching, non- 78. E (Chapter 9 IV I ) The intraneuronal cytoplas-
septate hyphae seen here are characteristic of mic Negri body is characteristic of rabies.
79. C (Chapter 8.III.E) The neuronal cytoplasmic sil-
61. E (Chapter 9.III.E) Fusarium hyphae are mor- ver positive structure represents a neurofibrillary
phologically similar to Aspergillus in tissue sec- tangle.
80. D (Chapter 8.III.E) Neurofibrillary tangles are
62. E (Chapter 9.VI.B) The clinical history and not found in Herpes encephalitis.
pathology (cortical spongiform degeneration with
neuronal loss) are characteristic of Creutzfeldt- 81. B (Chapter 9.II.C) Herniation is not evident in
Jakob disease. this case. The brain is edematous and demon-
strates vascular congestion and meningeal cloudi-
63. C (Chapter 9.VI.B) The star-burst-like structure
ness consistent with a purulent meningitis.
represents a kuru plaque.
82. D (Chapter 9.II.C) Secondary glioma develo-
64. D (Chapter 1.I.B) The structure represents cor-
ment is not associated with purulent meningitis.
pora amylacea, a laminated basophilic polygluco-
san body associated with astrocytic foot pro- 83. D (Chapter 9.II.C) Streptococcus pneumoniae is
cesses. the most likely cause of community acquired bac-
terial meningitis in the elderly.
65. B (Chapter 8.III.G) The granules with a clear
halo represent granulovacuolar degeneration. 84. A (Chapter 1.I.F) The structure shown repre-
sents a normal choroid plexus, marked by fibro-
66. A (Chapter 8.III.G) Granulovacuolar degenera-
vascular cores lined by epithelioid cells.
tion is most likely to be seen in the setting of Alz-
heimers disease. 85. C (Chapter 1.I.A) The cell shown represents a
67. A (Chapter 6.I.D) The periventricular areas of neuron.
demyelination (plaques) is characteristic of multi- 86. B (Chapter 1.I.A) Neurons are most likely to
ple sclerosis. stain with antibody to synaptophysin.
68. B (Chapter 9.III.D) Dichotomously branching 87. A (Chapter 2.V.A) Hypertension is the most
septate hyphae is characteristic of Aspergillus. common cause of nontraumatic intracerebral hem-
69. B (Chapter 3.III.B) The presence of true ependy- orrhage.
mal rosettes and perivascular pseudorosettes in 88. E (Chapter 5.III.D) Leptomeningeal venous
this tumor is characteristic of an ependymoma. angioma is a common finding in Sturge-Weber
70. C (Chapter 8.III.F) The structures seen here rep- disease.
resent neuritic plaques. 89. E (Chapter 5.III.D) There is no pattern of inheri-
71. A (Chapter 8.III.F) A Bodian stain will high- tance associated with Sturge-Weber disease.
light the neuritic component of the plaque and a 90. B (Chapter 2.IV.B) The lesion illustrated repre-
Congo red will stain the amyloid core. sents an arteriovenous malformation that has been
72. B (Chapter 9.III.B) The thick mucopolysaccha- embolized.
ride wall of Cryptococcus stains with muci- 91. C (Chapter 9.IV.M) Large atypical astrocytes,
carmine. Alzheimer type I astrocytes, are commonly
encountered in the setting of progressive multifo- 109. A (Chapter 2.IV.B) The presence of arterial and
cal leukoencephalopathy. venous vessels with intervening neural paren-
92. D (Chapter 3.X.C) The collection of epithelioid chyma is characteristic of an arteriovenous
histocytes represents a non-necrotizing gran- angioma.
uloma. 110. B (Chapter 1.I.A) Melanin-pigmented neurons
93. B (Chapter 3.X.C) Granulomas may be seen in are seen in substantia nigra, locus ceruleus, and
germinomas. The large cells seen here represent the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve.
malignant germ cells. 111. E (Chapter 1.I.H) The nests of epithelioid cells
94. C (Chapter 3.X.C) Germinomas are most likely separated by fibrovascular septae is characteristic
to arise in young males in the pineal gland region. of the pituitary adenohypophysis.
95. B (Chapter 2.IV.D) The sinusoidal-type vessels 112. C (Chapter 9.II.D) The central necrosis rimmed
arranged in a back-to-back fashion is characteris- by a collagenous wall is characteristic of an
tic of a cavernous angioma. organizing abscess.
96. E (Chapter 3.VIII.B) The elongated tennis- 113. B (Chapter 9.V.C) The granules of darkly pig-
racket-like structures seen here represent Birbeck mented material within red cells in blood vessel
granules. lumina is characteristic of malaria.
97. D (Chapter 3.VIII.B) Birbeck granules are a dis- 114. A (Chapter 9.IV.L) The organisms seen here
tinctive feature of Langerhans cell histiocytes of have the characteristic ultrastructural appearance
histiocytosis X. of cytomegalovirus.
98. D (Chapter 3.VIII.B) Langerhans cell histio-
115. E (Chapter 9.IV.L) In an immunocompromised
cytes stain with CD1a antibody.
adult, cytomegalovirus infection most commonly
99. B (Chapter 9.V.D) The lesion seen here repre- manifests as microglial nodules.
sents cysticercosis.
116. C (Chapter 6.I.D) Neutrophils are not a salient
100. A (Chapter 9.V.D) The organism responsible feature microscopically of multiple sclerosis.
for cysticerosis is Taenia solium (the pork
tapeworm). 117. D (Chapter 2.II.C,D) Cavitary changes in the
cortex with surrounding gliosis and a relative spar-
101. D (Chapter 3.I.D) The mildly increased cellular-
ing of the molecular layer is consistent with a
ity and larger cells with abundant eosinophilic
remote infarct.
cytoplasm are characteristic of reactive astro-
cytosis. 118. E (Chapter 2.II.C,D) Remote infarct findings
102. B (Chapter 3.I.F) The lesion denoted here repre- are seen in association with the 3 mo of age
sents glomeruloid vascular proliferation. parameter.
103. D (Chapter 3.I.A) The prominent vascular prolif- 119. A (Chapter 1.I.A) The cell shown here repre-
eration in this astrocytoma is sufficient enough to sents a neuron.
warrant a diagnosis of WHO grade IV astro- 120. B (Chapter 1.I.A) Cytoplasmic swelling with
cytoma. loss and peripheralization of Nissl substance and
104. D (Chapter 1.I.H) The loose arrangement of eccentric nucleus are salient features of central
spindled cells is characteristic of the pituitary neu- chromatolysis.
rohypophysis. 121. E (Chapter 1.I.H) The section is from the cere-
105. A (Chapter 1.I.H) The area seen here may repre- bellum with the molecular layer to the left, and
sent either the caudate or putamen. two large Purkinje cells and smaller round granu-
106. C (Chapter 1.I.H) The fascicles of myelinated lar cells to the right.
fibers seen in the caudate are known as the pencil 122. A (Chapter 1.I.A) The Purkinje cells are marked
bundles of Wilson. by ischemic changesshrunken cell bodies with
107. A (Chapter 1.I.H) The presence of the external dark-staining nuclei and indistinguishable
granular cell layer of the cerebellum is a finding nucleoli.
most consistent with an age of 3 mo. 123. B (Chapter 7.I.B) The accumulation of GM2
108. B (Chapter 1.I.H) The photomicrograph repre- ganglioside material is a feature of Tay-Sachs
sents white matter parenchyma. disease.
124. D (Chapter 7.I.B) The distended cells repre- 141. B (Chapter 4.I.B) The changes seen (expansion
sented neurons filled with GM2 ganglioside of gyri and narrowing of sulci) are characteristic
material. of cerebral edema.
125. C (Chapter 8.IV.C) Lewy bodies are often 142. C (Chapter 2.II.C) The cavitary defect repre-
encountered in substantia nigra (neuromelanin-pig- sents a remote infarct.
mented) neurons. 143. C (Chapter 4.II.B) The hemorrhage seen here
126. D (Chapter 1.I.B) The proliferation of cells in represents a subdural hematoma.
the region of the Purkinje cell layer are the 144. B (Chapter 4.II.B) Subdural hematomas are asso-
Bergmann astrocytes. ciated with tearing of bridging veins which trans-
127. D (Chapter 1.I.B) Loss of Purkinje cells with verse through the subarachnoid space.
astrocytosis is associated with all of the listed con- 145. D (Chapter 2.VII.B) The thickened vessel
ditions except infiltrating astrocytoma. walls with granularity is highly suggestive of
128. C (Chapter 9.IV.G) The antecedent measles CADASIL.
infection with Cowdry A inclusions is typical of 146. C (Chapter 2.VII.B) The notch 3 gene responsi-
SSPE (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis) ble for CADASIL is located on chromosome
129. C (Chapter 3.IV.B) This meningioma is brain 19q12.
invasive, a feature some associate with malig- 147. C (Chapter 2.II.D) The lesion seen here repre-
nancy. sents an acute infarct surrounded by a zone of
130. C (Chapter 6.II.B) Collections of white matter edema in a pseudolaminar configuration (involv-
globoid cells is characteristic of Krabbes disease ing more than one cortical layer).
or globoid cell leukodystrophy. 148. C (Chapter 2.II.D) The asymetrical loss of corti-
131. B (Chapter 6.II.B) Krabbes disease is the result cospinal tracts is likely related to an ipsilateral
of a deficiency in galactocerebroside-B galacto- cerebral infarct.
sidase. 149. C (Chapter 2.VI.A) The changes seen are those
of a granulomatous vasculitis.
132. C (Chapter 6.II.B) Krabbes disease is inherited
as an autosomal recessive condition. 150. D (Chapter 10.III.G) The organisms seen in the
skeletal muscle represents Sarcocystis infection.
133. B (Chapter 7.II.B) The bilateral basal ganglia
hemorrhagic necrosis is a feature of methanol 151. E (Chapter 9.V.G) The elongated organism rep-
toxicity. resents Strongyloides in a patient who had dissem-
inated disease.
134. C (Chapter 2.III.A) The lesion denoted by the
arrow represents a saccular aneurysm arising 152. A (Chapter 9.II.F) The collection of epithelioid
from the posterior inferior cerebellar artery histiocytes and lymphocytes represents a gran-
(PICA). uloma.
153. B (Chapter 9.II.F) The best combination of
135. D (Chapter 2.III.A) Loss of the media defines
stains to further evaluate this lesion would be a
the saccular aneurysm.
GMS (for fungal organisms) and fite stain (for a
136. A (Chapter 2.III.C) There is evidence of friable, mycobacterial organism).
necrotic tissue consistent with infarct involving
154. A (Chapter 9.II.C) Listeria infection typically
the cerebellum.
presents with a suppurative leptomeningitis with
137. A (Chapter 2.IV.C) The lesion shown here repre- abscess formation, usually not accompanied by
sents part of a vascular malformation (venous granulomas. All of the other conditions may be
angioma). associated with granuloma formation.
138. E (Chapter 1.I.B) The nuclear swelling and chro- 155. B (Chapter 4.I.D) The midline brain stem hemor-
matin clearing is characteristic of an Alzheimer rhage represents a Duret hemorrhage.
type II astrocyte. 156. A (Chapter 4.I.D) The Duret hemorrhage is typi-
139. D (Chapter 1.I.B) Alzheimer type II astrocytes cally associated with uncal or lateral transtentorial
are most likely encountered in hepatic encephalop- herniation.
athy (elevated ammonia levels). 157. B (Chapter 5.I.C) The disorganized cortical
140. C (Chapter 5.II.O) The changes seen are charac- architecture is a common pattern of cortical dys-
teristic of bilirubin encephalopathy (kernicterus). plasia.
158. B (Chapter 5.III.C) The enlarged gyrus repre- 175. D (Chapter 10.III.C) Rimmed vacuoles in the
sents a cortical tuber. setting of an inflammatory myopathy are highly
159. D (Chapter 7.I.T) The findings seen here are suggestive of inclusion body myositis.
most consistent with those of subacute combined 176. A (Chapter 10.VIII.F) Ring fibers are marked
degeneration due to vitamin B12 deficiency. by a ring of myofibrils that is oriented circumfer-
entially around the longitudinally oriented fibrils
160. E (Chapter 7.I.S) Discoloration in the mamillary
in the rest of the fiber.
bodies with gliosis due to hemorrhage/hemosid-
erin and loss of neurons is seen in the setting of 177. C (Chapter 10.VIII.F) Ring fibers are a rela-
Wernicke encephalopathy. tively common finding in patients with myotonic
161. C (Chapter 7.I.S) Thiamine deficiency underlies
the pathologic changes seen with Wernicke 178. A (Chapter 10.I.D) The dark fibers are type I on
encephalopathy. ATPase pH 4.6.
162. A (Chapter 5.I.J) Focal neuronal loss and gliosis 179. B (Chapter 10.I.D) Regenerating myofibers are
in the hippocampus (especially CA1, CA4, and highlighted on the alkaline phosphatase stain.
dentate regions) characterizes hippocampal 180. B (Chapter 10.III.C) The tubulofilaments seen
sclerosis. within this myofiber nucleus are characteristic of
163. C (Chapter 9.II.C) The leptomeningeal vessel those seen in inclusion body myositis.
shows evidence of vasculitis and organizing 181. E (Chapter 1.II.G) The dark band marked by the
thrombus. arrow represents the Z band.
164. B (Chapter 1.I.B) The GFAP immunostain is 182. E (Chapter 10.I.C) The holes seen in all of the
highlighting astrocytic cells in the cortex. myofibers represent a freeze artifact sustained dur-
ing processing of the biopsy specimen.
165. B (Chapter 7.II.C) The cerebellar vermal atro-
phy seen here is most likely related to ethanol. 183. B (Chapter 10.VI.A) The paracrystalline inclu-
sions are observed in mitochondria.
166. B (Chapter 2.II.C) The areas of darker discolor-
ation represent multifocal acute infarcts, most 184. B (Chapter 10.VI.A) Ragged red fibers is a light
likely embolic in origin. microscopic finding also associated with mito-
chondrial myopathies.
167. C (Chapter 1.II.I) The lesion denoted by the
185. D (Chapter 10.I.D) The partial cytochrome oxi-
arrow represents a muscle spindle (intrafusal
dase deficiency may be indicative of a mitochon-
fibers enclosed by a connective tissue capsule).
drial abnormality.
168. A (Chapter 10.IV.B and Chapter 8.IV.N) The
186. B (Chapter 7.I.F) Ultrastructural evidence of cur-
rounded myofiber atrophy in this infant is charac-
vilinear bodies supports a diagnosis of ceroid lipo-
teristic of Werdnig-Hoffman disease.
169. B (Chapter 10.IV.B and Chapter 8.IV.N) There 187. D (Chapter 1.III.F) The cystalloid structures
is often sparing of Onufs nucleus in Werdnig- within the Schwann cell cytoplasm are pi gran-
Hoffman disease. ules of Reich.
170. A (Chapter 10.III.I) The changes seen in the ves- 188. C (Chapter 1.III.E) The structure denoted by the
sel are those of a necrotizing vasculitis (polyarteri- larger arrow is an unmyelinated axon.
tis nodosa).
189. C (Chapter 11.III.I) The congophilic material
171. A (Chapter 10.III.A) Chronic endomysial represents amyloid deposition.
inflammation in the absence of perifascicular atro-
190. C (Chapter 11.III.I) Mutations in the transthy-
phy is consistent with polymyositis.
retin or prealbumin gene are associated with
172. A (Chapter 10.III.B) The perifascicular pattern hereditary forms of amyloid neuropathy.
of injury is consistent with dermatomyositis.
191. A (Chapter 1.III.F) The cell nucleus is from a
173. C (Chapter 10.III.B) Dermatomyositis is usually Schwann cell.
responsive to steroid therapy. 192. D (Chapter 11.III.F) The onion bulb structure is
174. C (Chapter 10.III.C) The vacuoles seen repre- most commonly associated with Charcot-Marie-
sent rimmed vacuoles or autophagic vacuoles. Tooth disease.
193. A (Chapter 11.III.I) The fragmentation of 197. D (Chapter 10.IV.A) The three zones of staining
myelin is consistent with axonal degeneration, a (central pale, dark intermediate, and normal
prominent feature of vasculitic neuropathy. peripheral) is characteristic of target fibers.
194. A (Chapter 11.II.A) The changes here are consis- 198. D (Chapter 10.IV.A) Target fibers are a com-
tent with axonal regeneration (sprouting). mon feature of neurogenic atrophy.
195. C (Chapter 10.VIII.C) The marked variation in 199. B (Chapter 1.II.D) Fascicular atrophy is associ-
fiber size and fibrosis are most suggestive of a ated with spinal muscular atrophy.
dystrophic process. The clinical history favors
Duchenne muscular dystrophy. 200. C (Chapter 10.VI.B) The lysosomal associated
196. D (Chapter 10.VIII.C) Dystrophin analysis (acid phosphatase positive) acid maltase defi-
would be most useful in confirming the diagnosis ciency is associated with glycogen (PAS positive)
accumulation in vacuoles.
of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
14 Written Self-Assessment Questions
9. The alkaline phosphatase stain is useful for identi- 15. The most common site of origin for low-grade
fying fibrillary astrocytoma is
A. Degenerating myofibers A. Frontal lobe
B. Regenerating myofibers B. Parietal lobe
C. Acutely denervated fibers C. Temporal lobe
D. Mitochondrial abnormalities D. Occipital lobe
E. Amyloid deposition E. Spinal cord
10. Congenital dilatation of the central canal is 16. Cerebral edema as a result of an impaired cell
known as Na-K membrane pump is referred to as
A. Syrinx A. Vasogenic
B. Syringobulbia B. Cytotoxic
C. Hydromyelia C. Tumoral
D. Diplomyelia D. Transient
E. Myeloschisis E. None of the above
11. Histologically, all of the following are features of 17. Area cerebrovasculosa is associated with
multiple sclerosis except A. Anencephaly
A. Neutrophils B. Meningocele
B. Lymphocytes C. Chiari malformation
C. Reactive astrocytes D. Edwards syndrome
D. Macrophages E. Schizencephaly
E. Myelin loss 18. Acute-onset multiple sclerosis with prominent
12. All of the following features are characteristic of optic nerve and spinal cord involvement repre-
neurogenic muscle disease except sents which subtype?
A. Angular atrophic fibers A. Marburg type
B. Target fibers B. Balo type
C. Group atrophy C. Schilder type
D. Fiber type grouping D. Devic type
E. Ring fibers E. Concentric sclerosis type
13. Marinesco bodies are most likely going to be 19. Phosphorylated tau protein is associated with the
found in which cell type? development of
A. Neuron A. Neurofibrillary tangles
B. Astrocyte B. Neuritic plaques
C. Oligodendrocyte C. Amyloid angiopathy
D. Ependymal cell D. Granulovacuolar degeneration
E. Arachnoidal cap cell E. Hirano bodies
14. The most senstive neurons to anoxic damage are 20. All of the following are potential complications
in what region? of bacterial leptomeningitis except
A. Endplate of hippocampus A. Infarct
B. Sommer sector B. Hemorrhage
C. Cortex layer IV C. Demyelination
D. Thalamus D. Vasculitis
E. Pons E. Hydrocephalus
21. Which of the following is the most likely cause 27. All of the following are features of gliosis as
of meningitis in a 2-wk-old infant? opposed to diffuse astrocytoma except
A. Staph. epidermidis A. Rosenthal fibers
B. Staph. aureus B. Collagen deposition
C. Strep. agalactiae C. Microcystic change
D. Strep. pneumoniae D. Absent calcification
E. Listeria E. Reactive astrocytes
28. Kernohans notch is associated with which of the
22. Cyclopia is most commonly associated with
A. Downs syndrome A. Central herniation
B. Holoprosencephaly B. Subfalcial herniation
C. Chiari malformation, type II C. Uncal herniation
D. Dandy-Walker syndrome D. Tonsillar herniation
E. None of the above E. Upward herniation
23. Myofibers with basophilic cytoplasm, nuclear 29. All of the following are commonly associated
enlargement, and prominent nucleation are charac- with the Chiari type I malformation except
teristic of A. Cerebellar tonsillar herniation
A. Targetoid fibers B. Adult presentation
B. Degenerating fibers C. Syringomyelia
C. Regenerating fibers D. Klippel-Feil anomaly
D. Nemaline rods E. Arachnoidal adhesions
E. Moth-eaten fibers 30. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome is most typi-
cally associated with which organism?
24. All are characteristic of an axonal degenerative
process except A. Group B Strep
A. Axonal sprouting B. E. coli
C. Listeria
B. Myelin ovoids
D. N. meningitidis
C. Bands of Bungner
E. H. influenza
D. Macrophages
31. All of the following conditions are associated
E. Shortened internodal distances with granulomatous inflammation in the CNS
25. Bergmann astrocytes are found in the except
A. Basal ganglia A. Tuberculosis
B. Cerebral cortex B. Listeriosis
C. Subcortical white matter C. Sarcoidosis
D. Cerebellum D. Foreign body giant-cell reaction
E. Coccidioidomycosis
E. Hippocampus
32. All of the following are features of acute hemor-
26. Hypoglycemic neuronal necrosis preferentially
rhagic leukoencephalitis except
affects all of the following areas except
A. Cerebral edema
A. Cortexlayers II and III
B. Vessel wall necrosis
B. CA1 region of hippocampus
C. White matter hemorrhages
C. Dentate
D. Immunocompromised state
D. Caudate E. About half of cases present with antecedent
E. Purkinje cells upper respiratory infection
33. Neurofibrillary cytoskeletal alterations are a fea- 39. All of the following are genetic alterations associ-
ture of which toxicity? ated with diffuse astrocytoma except
A. Carbon monoxide A. p53 mutations
B. Aluminum B. Increased PDGFR alpha expression
C. Arsenic C. Gain 7q
D. Trisomy 22
D. Lead
E. Loss of heterozygosity 10p
E. Manganese
40. Which vessel may get compressed in lateral trans-
34. -Amyloid is encoded for on chromosome tentorial herniation resulting in infarct of the cal-
A. 1 carine cortex?
B. 14 A. Basilar artery
C. 19 B. Posterior cerebral
D. 21 C. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
E. 22 D. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
E. None of the above
35. All of the following are features of polymyositis
except 41. Hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis with cystic
dilatation of the 4th ventricle and agenesis of the
A. May be associated with rheumatoid arthritis corpus callosum would be most accurately termed
B. CPK often elevated A. Chiari type II malformation
C. Endomysial chronic inflammation B. Dandy-Walker syndrome
D. Autophagic vacuoles C. Cerebellar dysplasia
E. More common in females D. Holotelencephaly
36. The most distinguishing feature pathologically of E. Schizencephaly
dermatomyositis is 42. Which of the following stains is most useful in
A. Chronic inflammation highlighting mycobacterial organisms?
B. Myofiber degeneration A. Hematoxylin and eosin
C. Myofiber regeneration
D. Perifascicular atrophy
D. Ziehl-Neelsen
E. Fascicular atrophy
E. Dieterle
37. Rosenthal fibers may be encountered in all of the 43. Which of the following is true regarding meta-
following conditions except chromatic leukodystrophy?
A. Alexanders disease A. Chromosome 21q gene defect
B. Reactive astrocytosis B. Autosomal dominant
C. Fibrillary astrocytoma C. Arcuate U fibers not spared
D. Pilocytic astrocytoma D. White matter with macrophages filled with
E. Pineal gland cyst
E. Arylsulfatase A deficiency
38. Cerebral blood flow constitutes approximately
what percentage of cardiac output? 44. CERAD criteria for the diagnosis of Alzheimers
disease rely on which pathologic feature?
A. 5%
A. Neurofibrillary tangles
B. 10% B. Neuritic plaques
C. 15% C. Amyloid angiopathy
D. 20% D. Lewy bodies
E. 30% E. None of the above
45. All are features of dermatomyositis except 51. The most common glioma type in the CNS is
A. Steroid refractory A. Oligodendroglioma
B. Heliotropic rash B. Ependymoma
C. Gottrons papules C. Glioblastoma multiforme
D. Soft tissue calcinosis D. Low-grade diffuse astrocytoma
E. Association with malignancy E. Pilocytic astrocytoma
46. Miller-Dieker syndrome is associated with agyria 52. Rupture of the middle meningeal artery is associ-
related to deletion on chromosome 17 involving ated with
which gene?
A. Duret hemorrhage
A. LIS-1
B. Epidural hemorrhage
B. p53
C. Subdural hemorrhage
C. N-myc
D. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
D. Retinoblastoma gene
E. Parenchymal hemorrhage
E. None of the above
53. Cortical dysplasia is associated with all of the fol-
47. All of the following are common features of men- lowing except
ingovascular syphilitic CNS infection except
A. Tuberous sclerosis
A. Prominent plasma cell infiltrates
B. Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor
B. Gummata
C. Neurofibromatosis type I
C. Heubners endarteritis obliterans
D. Neurofibromatosis type II
D. Arteritis
E. Epidermal nevus syndrome
E. Demyelination
54. All are true regarding globoid cell leukodystro-
48. All are true regarding or seen with inclusion body
phy except
myositis except
A. Deficiency of galactocerebrosidase
A. Steroid resistent
B. Autosomal recessive
B. Caused by viral infection
C. Onset of symptoms in first year of life
C. Rimmed vacuoles
D. Tubulofilamentous inclusions ultrastructurally D. Sparing of arcuate subcortical fibers
57. The diabetic patient with a periorbital infection 63. All are features of metastatic carcinoma except
involving organisms with nonseptate hyphae is A. Discrete gross lesion
most likely infected with
B. Collagenous stroma
A. Aspergillus
C. Discrete cell borders
B. Candida
D. Cytokeratin immunoreactivity
C. Mucormycosis
E. Perinecrotic pseudopalisading
D. Blastomycosis
64. An acute subdural hematoma is associated with a
E. Actinomyces
skull fracture (in)
58. Lissencephaly results from defects in develop-
A. Never
ment that occur during the
B. 25% of cases
A. 5th7th wk of gestation
C. 50% of cases
B. 8th10th wk of gestation
C. 11th13th wk of gestation D. 75% of cases
69. Neurofibrillary tangles are best highlighted on 75. Eosinophilic granular bodies are a common
which stain? feature of
A. PAS A. Glioblastoma multiforme
B. Trichrome B. Pilocytic astrocytoma
C. Cytochrome oxidase C. Subependymal giant-cell astrocytoma
D. Bodian D. Nasal glioma
E. Congo red E. None of the above
70. The Huntington gene is located on which chro- 76. Traumatic basilar subarachnoid hemorrhage is
mosome? related to the tear of what vessel?
A. 1 A. Basilar artery
B. 4 B. Vertebral artery
C. 14 C. Subclavian artery
D. 19 D. Aorta
E. 21 E. External carotid artery
71. Infection with which organism is associated with 77. A brain weight of 2350 g is properly termed
sulfur granule formation? A. Megalocephaly
A. Coccidioidomycosis B. Schizencephaly
B. Blastomycosis C. Microencephaly
C. Actinomycosis D. Megaloencephaly
D. Nocardiosis E. Normal
E. None of the above 78. Other organ systems that frequently contain inclu-
sions in adenoleukodystrophy include all of the
72. Cowdry type A inclusions are typical of all the
following except
following organisms except
A. Testis
A. Polio virus
B. Peripheral nerve
C. Liver
C. Epstein-Barr virus
D. Lymph nodes
D. Herpes virus
E. Pancreas
E. JC virus
79. All of the following pathologies are typical of a
73. Ciliary body attachments in ependymal cells are CNS viral infection except
known as
A. Granulomas
A. Kinetoplasts
B. Microglial nodules
B. Chloroplasts
C. Neuronophagia
C. Microtubuloblasts
D. Chronic inflammation
D. Blepharoplasts
E. Central chromatolysis
E. None of the above
80. All of the following are true regarding subacute
74. What percentage of saccular aneurysms are sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) except
bilateral? A. Most present <15 yr of age
A. < 5% B. Most recover without serious sequelae
B. 10% C. The result of measles virus infection
C. 20% D. Causes demyelination
D. 50% E. Associated with neurofibrillary tangle
E. 85% formation
81. Fascicular muscle atrophy is most commonly asso- 87. All are features of the pleomorphic xanthoastro-
ciated with cytoma except
A. Myasthenia gravis A. Temporal lobe location
B. Kugelberg-Welander disease B. Cyst with enhancing mural nodule radiographi-
C. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
C. Reticulin rich
D. Polymyositis
D. Nuclear pleomorphism
E. Mitochondrial myopathy
E. Increased mitotic activity
82. Which of the following is a trinucleotide repeat
88. Langerhans cell histocytosis is characteristically
marked by which antibody?
A. Progressive supranuclear palsy A. CD1a
B. Diffuse Lewy body disease B. CD1b
C. Corticobasal degeneration C. CD1c
D. Hallervorden-Spatz disease D. CD4
E. Huntingtons chorea E. CD8
83. The most common site of a Mortons neuroma is 89. Raccoon eyes are associated with
the A. Hinge fracture
A. Median nerve B. Basilar skull fracture
B. Peroneal nerve C. Diastatic fracture
C. Radial nerve D. Frontal depressed skull fracture
D. Intermetatarsal nerves E. None of the above
E. Sural nerve 90. All of the following are characteristic of Downs
syndrome except
84. All are true regarding Negri bodies except
A. Reduced frontal lobe
A. Seen in Rabies
B. Narrowing of the inferior temporal gyrus
B. Intraneuronal
C. Small cerebellum
C. Intranuclear
D. Poor myelination
D. Eosinophilic E. Alzheimer-like pathology in middle-aged
E. Hippocamal neurons frequently involved adults
85. Which of the following immunostains is a useful 91. Which of the following is a characteristic feature
marker for microglial cells? of Alexanders disease?
A. GFAP A. Megalencephaly
B. Synaptophysin B. Arcuate subcortical fibers spared
C. HAM56 C. Eosinophilic granular bodies
D. S-100 protein D. Presents typically in the 2nd decade of life
E. Phospholipid protein defect
92. A grossly normal brain with gliosis in the caudate
86. All of the following are conditions associated and putamen translates into what Vonsattel grade
with saccular aneurysms except for Huntingtons chorea?
A. Tuberous sclerosis A. Grade 0
B. Polycystic kidney disease B. Grade 1
C. Coarctation of the aorta C. Grade 2
D. Marfans syndrome D. Grade 3
E. Ehler-Danlos syndrome E. Grade 4
93. The spread of which organism from the periphery 99. All of the following are true regarding ganglio-
to the central nervous system occurs primarily via glioma except
retrograde axoplasmic transport? A. Most commonly arise in temporal lobe
A. Poliovirus B. Associated with cortical dysplasia
B. Arbovirus C. Associated with chronic epilepsy
C. CMV D. Frequently contain small necrotic foci that do
D. Herpes virus not alter its good prognosis
E. PML E. Calcifications common
94. Hippocampal sclerosis is characterized by marked 100. A zellballen architectural pattern microscopically
loss of neurons in which location? characterizes which tumor?
A. Caudate A. Schwannoma
B. Neurofibroma
B. Amygdala
C. Ependymoma
C. Sommer sector
D. Paraganglioma
D. CA2
E. Chordoma
E. None of the above
101. The wounding capacity of a gunshot wound is
95. Circulating antibodies to the acetylcholine recep- most related to
tor are seen in
A. Size of bullet
A. McArdles disease
B. Shape of bullet
B. MELAS syndrome
C. Velocity of bullet
C. Myasthenia gravis D. Weight of bullet
D. Lambert-Eaton syndrome E. Size of gun
E. None of the above 102. Focal coagulative necrosis adjacent to the lateral
96. All are true regarding Guillian-Barre syndrome ventricles in a 30-wk-old fetus is best termed
except A. Ulegyria
A. Associated with HLA B27 B. Multilocular cystic encephalomalacia
B. Ascending paralysis C. Periventricular leukomalacia
C. Decreased deep tendon reflexes D. Diffuse lobar sclerosis
D. Endoneurial chronic inflammation E. Multiple sclerosis
E. Segmental demyelination 103. Congenital CMV infection is characterized by all
97. Layer III of the cerebral cortex is known as the the following except
A. Chorioretinitis
A. External granular layer
B. Gliosis
B. Internal granular layer
C. Hydrocephalus
C. Polymorphic layer
D. Megalencephaly
D. Outer pyramidal layer
E. Microcephaly
E. Inner pyramidal layer
104. All of the following characterize Lambert-Eaton
98. Dolichoectasia is associated with the development syndrome except
of which of the following?
A. Proximal muscle weakness
A. Fusiform aneurysm
B. Decreased neurotransmission with repeated
B. Mycotic aneurysm stimulation
C. Saccular aneurysm C. Autonomic dysfunction
D. Berry aneurysm D. Associated with small cell carcinoma of lung
E. Charcot aneurysm E. Antibodies to presynaptic calcium channels
105. The motor oil appearance of fluid in a cystic 111. Chemoresponsiveness in anaplastic oligodendrogli-
craniopharyngioma is the result of omas has been linked to deletions on which chro-
A. Cholesterol mosome?
B. Keratin A. 1
B. 3
C. Necrosis
C. 11
D. Calcification
D. 17
E. Glycogen
E. 22
106. Leprosy-associated neuropathy may be marked by
112. Static-loading blunt head injury is the result of
all of the following except
forces applied gradually to the head, such as
A. Granulomas with a
B. Schwann cell invasion by organisms A. Car rolling over a head
C. Perineurial fibrosis B. Hammer blow to head
D. Symmetric polyneuropathy C. Gunshot to head
E. Toxin-mediated response D. Trauma sustained in a landslide
107. Autosomal dominant transmission of Parkinsons E. Pedestrian hit by a car
disease is linked with what gene? 113. All of the following are common sites of bili-
A. Tau protein gene rubin deposition in kernicterus except
A. Dentate
B. Agitonian
B. Inferior olive
C. Ubiquitin
C. Cranial nerve nucleus VIII
D. -Synuclein
D. Claustrum
E. Substantia nigra
108. Nemaline rods are composed of
114. Canavans disease is the result of a deficiency in
A. -Actinin A. Arylsulfatase B
B. Dystrophin B. Lipophosphorylase
C. Emerin C. Aspartoacylase
D. Sarcoplasmic reticulum D. Proteolipid protein
E. None of the above E. Not known
109. The pencil bundles of Wilson are a feature of 115. All of the following are common features of the
which structure? congenital myopathies except
A. Substantia nigra A. Disorders of myofiber maturation/reorgani-
B. Dentate
B. Often fatal
C. Putamen
C. Retarded motor development
D. Locus ceruleus
D. Associated with skeletal dysmorphism
E. Hippocampus
E. Many show familial tendencies
110. The most common organism associated with the 116. All of the following are true regarding Lyme-
development of mycotic aneurysms is
associated neuropathy except
A. Mucor A. Caused by Borrelia burgdorferi
B. Aspergillus B. Acquired from a mosquito bite
C. Candida C. May be associated with arthritis
D. Cryptococcus D. Perivascular chronic inflammation
E. Blastomycosis E. Axonal degeneration
117. For those hard-to-identify Lewy bodies, which of 123. All are true regarding central neurocytoma except
the following stains would be most useful? A. Presents usually in young adults
A. PAS B. Most patients die within 2 yr of diagnosis
B. Congo red C. Synaptophysin positive
C. Ubiquitin D. Intraventricular location
D. GFAP E. Dense secretory core granules ultrastructurally
E. Gomori methenamine silver 124. A burst lobe represents an example of a
118. Which of the following is true regarding progres- A. Skull fracture
sive multifocal leukoencephalopathy?
B. Gunshot wound
A. Caused by RNA virus
C. Coup contusion
B. Most patients present <age 12 yr D. Contrecoup lesion
C. Alzheimers II astrocytes E. Gliding contusion
D. Gray matter microglial nodules 125. The neurofibromin gene is located on chro-
E. Oligodendroglial cell inclusions mosome
119. Vacuolar myelopathy is a feature of A. 1
A. Syphilis B. 22
B. HIV C. 3
C. HTLV-I D. 9
D. PML E. 17
E. None of the above 126. The salient pathologic features of Pelizaeus-
Merzbacher disease include all of the following
120. Ragged red fibers may be seen in all the follow-
ing except
A. Perivascular demyelination
B. Brain atrophy
C. Astrocytosis
C. Kearns-Sayre syndrome
D. Prominent cerebellar and brain stem
D. Inclusion body myositis involvement
E. Central core myopathy E. White matter macrophages
121. The endplate of the hippocampus (Ammons 127. Which of the following is not true regarding
horn) is referred to as HTLV-I infection?
A. Dentate A. Caused by retrovirus
B. CA1 B. Causes tropical spastic paraparesis
C. CA2 C. Myelin loss in spinal cord
D. CA3 D. Cowdry A viral inclusions
E. CA4 E. Demyelination of optic nerve
122. Which vascular malformation is characterized by 128. Paraneoplastic neuropathy is most commonly asso-
back-to-back vessels? ciated with which tumor type?
A. AVM A. Breast carcinoma
B. Venous angioma B. Lung carcinoma
C. Cavernous angioma C. Melanoma
D. Capillary telangiectasia D. Lymphoma
E. Varix E. Renal cell carcinoma
129. Where should one look for Lewy bodies? 135. The most important feature in predicting the out-
A. Neuronal nucleus come in ependymomas is
B. Neuronal cytoplasm A. Mitosis counts
B. Presence of necrosis
C. Astrocytic nucleus
C. Cellularity
D. Astrocytic cytoplasm
D. Vascular proliferation
E. Both neuronal and astrocytic cytoplasm
E. Extent of resection
130. All of the following may be seen with Kearns-
136. All of the following areas are common sites of
Sayre syndrome except
diffuse axonal injury except the
A. Deafness A. Midbrain
B. Acromegaly B. Corpus callosum
C. Ophthalmoplegia C. Fornix
D. Retinitis pigmentosa D. Corona radiata
E. Heart block E. Superior cerebellar peduncles
131. Straight filament (tau positive) tangles with glio- 137. Which of the following is a major diagnostic cri-
sis and neuropil threads in the basal ganglia and terion for neurofibromatosis type I?
brain stem region support a diagnosis of A. Six or more cafe-au-lait spots >15 mm in a
A. Alzheimers disease child
B. Progressive supranuclear palsy B. One plexiform neurofibroma
C. Striatonigral degeneration C. One Lisch nodule
D. Corticobasal degeneration D. Cousin with neurofibromatosis type I.
E. Facial freckling
E. None of the above
138. A distinguishing feature of myxopapillary ependy-
132. Type II glycogenosis is related to a defect on
moma versus ordinary ependymoma is
A. Pseudorosettes
A. 1
B. True rosettes
B. 12
C. GFAP positivity
C. 17
D. Mucoid stroma
D. 22 E. Papillary architecture
E. X 139. The most common pathologic manifestation of
133. Perifascicular atrophy is a feature of Toxoplasmosis infection in the CNS in an immu-
A. Dermatomyositis nocompromised adult is
A. Abscess
B. Polymyositis
B. Hemorrhage
C. Neurogenic atrophy
C. Infarct
D. Myotonic dystrophy
D. Leptomeningitis
E. Steroid use
E. Granulomas
134. The most common cause of nontraumatic hemor- 140. Glycogen storage diseases are manifested typi-
rhage is cally on a muscle biopsy by
A. Vascular malformation A. Myonecrosis
B. Aneurysm B. Vacuolar changes
C. Coagulopathy C. Extensive fibrosis
D. Hypertension D. Fascicular atrophy
E. Vasculitis E. Targetoid fibers
141. Durcks nodes are a feature of 147. Meningiomas with a high likelihood of recurrence
A. CMV include all of the following except
B. Toxoplasmosis A. Metaplastic
C. Amebiasis B. Rhabdoid
D. Malaria C. Papillary
B. Autosomal dominant A. 1
E. Nematode D. Glucocerebrosidase
145. The longitudinal boundaries defining the sarcom- E. Normal ischemic exercise test
ere are the 151. An oil-red-O stain may be most helpful in diag-
A. A bands nosing
146. All of the following are true regarding amyloid E. Central core myopathy
angiopathy except 152. Chagas disease is caused by
A. Associated with Downs syndrome A. S. japonicum
B. Cause of lobar hemorrhage B. T. gondii
C. Highlighted with a congo red stain C. T. brucei
D. Chromosome 21 abnormality D. T. cruzi
E. Associated with Picks disease E. T. gambiense
153. All are true regarding Tay-Sachs disease except 159. The most common cytogenetic abnormality in
A. GM2 gangliosidosis meningiomas involves chromosome
165. The prion protein gene is located on which chro- 171. Solitary fibrous tumor can be distinguished from
mosome? meningioma by immunoreactivity to
A. 1 A. Vimentin
B. 17 B. CD34
C. 20 C. S-100 protein
D. 22 D. Cytokeratins AE1/3
E. None of the above E. Actin
166. Dilatation of muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum with 172. A Duret hemorrhage is located in the
tubular aggregates is a feature of A. Frontal lobe
A. Myasthenia gravis B. Basal ganglia
B. Myoadenylate deficiency C. Mamillary bodies
C. Malignant hyperthermia D. Cerebellum
D. Periodic paralysis E. Pons
E. None of the above 173. All of the following are associated with tuberous
167. Which is true regarding Dejerine-Sottas disease? sclerosis except
A. Autosomal dominant A. Schwannoma
B. X-linked B. Adenoma sebaceum
C. Presents in young adulthood C. Angiomyolipoma
D. Nerve enlargement D. Cardiac rhabdomyoma
E. Primarily axonal degenerative disease E. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
168. Phytanoyl CoA -hydroxylase deficiency causes 174. Cherry red spots in the macula is a prominent fea-
A. Fabrys disease ture of all the following except
169. Intermediate filaments that link Z discs together E. They are seen in all of the above
in muscle are known as 175. Type IIb muscle fiber atrophy is a feature of
A. Actin A. Alcohol myopathy
B. Desmin B. Steroid myopathy
C. Myosin C. Chloroquine myopathy
D. Dystrophin D. AZT myopathy
E. Vimentin E. Cimetidine myopathy
170. The highest yield area to look for vasculitis on a 176. All of the following are true regarding primary
biopsy would be CNS lymphoma except
A. Leptomeninges A. More common in males
B. Cerebral cortex B. Most are B-cell type
C. White matter C. Most are diffuse small cell type
D. Hippocampus D. Most are parenchymal based
E. Basal ganglia E. Most are angiocentric histologically
177. von Hippel-Lindau disease is associated with all 183. Physaliphorous cells are a feature of which
of the following except tumor?
A. Pheochromocytoma A. Meningioma
B. Hemangiopericytoma B. Hemangioblastoma
C. Renal cell carcinoma C. Hemangiopericytoma
D. Secondary polycythemia vera D. Chondroma
E. Autosomal dominant inheritance pattern E. None of the above
178. Spinocerebellar degeneration with sensory neurop- 184. All of the following are autosomal dominant
athy as a result of chronic intestinal fat malabsorp- disorders except
tion is caused by deficiency of
A. Neurofibromatosis type I
A. Vitamin A
B. Neurofibromatosis type II
B. Vitamin B
C. Neurocutaneous melanosis
C. Thiamine
D. Tuberous sclerosis
D. Vitamin E
E. Vintamin K E. Sturge-Weber disease
179. A SOD1 gene defect on chromsome 21 is associ- 185. A trigeminal nevus flammeus is a marker of
ated with what disorder? A. Epidermal nevus syndrome
A. Beckers muscular dystrophy B. Cowden disease
B. Myotonic dystrophy C. Sturge-Weber disease
C. Refsums disease D. Gorlen syndrome
D. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis E. Tuberous sclerosis
E. Werdnig-Hoffman disease 186. Sea blue histocytes in the bone marrow are a
180. All of the following inclusions are seen fre- feature of
quently in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis except A. Tay-Sachs disease
A. Hirano bodies B. Niemann-Pick disease
B. Bunina bodies
C. Ceroid-lipofucinosis
C. Hyaline inclusions
D. Cystinosis
D. Basophilic inclusions
E. Lafora body disease
E. Skeins
187. Giant aneurysm is used to denote a saccular
181. Which of the following cells is a normal constit- aneurysm greater than
uent of the endoneurial compartment
A. 0.5 cm
A. Lymphocytes
B. 1.0 cm
B. Eosinophils
C. 1.5 cm
C. Mast cells
D. Basophils D. 2.0 cm
E. Neutrophils E. 2.5 cm
182. CADASIL is associated with a mutation on the 188. The most common site of origin of choroid
notch 3 gene located on which chromosome? plexus papillomas in children is
A. 1 A. Lateral ventricle
B. 17 B. Third ventricle
C. 19 C. Fourth ventricle
D. 21 D. Brain stem
E. 22 E. Spinal cord
189. Cowden syndrome is associated with which of 195. Secondary polycythemia vera is associated with
the following? A. Hemangiopericytoma
A. Medulloblastoma B. Hemangioblastoma
B. Cerebellar gangliocytoma C. Meningioma
C. Melanoma D. Solitary fibrous tumor
D. Lymphoma E. Choroid plexus papilloma
E. Melanotic schwannoma 196. The accumulation of autofluorescent lipopigments
190. Which of the following is the result of a defect in neurons resulting in granular, fingerprint, or
on chromosome 1q? curvilinear inclusions by electron microscopy is
known as
A. Niemann-Pick disease
A. Gauchers disease
B. Gauchers disease
B. Battens disease
C. Morquios disease
C. Mucopolysaccharidoses
D. Sialodosis
D. Cystinosis
E. Mucolipidoses E. Fucosidosis
191. All of the following are characteristic of Leighs 197. Neuronal-PAS positive deposits, skin telangiecta-
disease except sia, renal insufficiency, and autonomic dysfunc-
A. Associated with mitochondrial defects tion are features of
B. Autosomal recessive A. Sialodosis
C. Most survive to early adulthood B. Tay-Sachs disease
D. Vascular proliferation in periventricular gray C. Fucosidosis
matter (brain stem) D. Fabrys disese
E. Lactic acidosis E. Lafora body disease
192. Ethanol is associated with all the following 198. All the following are related to gene defects on
except the X chromosome except
A. Anterior vermal atrophy A. Fabrys disease
B. Peripheral neuropathy B. Duchenne dystrophy
C. Corpus callosum demyelination C. Adrenoleukodystrophy
D. Thiamine deficiency D. Hunters mucopolysaccharidosis
E. Neurofibrillary tangles E. Lafora body disease
193. Lamellated cytoplasmic structures located within 199. Loss of anterior horn cells, tongue fasciculations,
the Schwann cell cytoplasm that increase with and hypotonia in a 2-mo-old is most likely due to
age are referred to as a disorder associated with what chromosome?
A. Corpuscles of Erzholz A. 1
B. 5
B. Lipofuscin
C. 14
C. Schmidt-Lanterman clefts
D. 16
D. Pi granules of Reich
E. 17
E. Space of Klebs
200. The ratio of myelinated to unmyelinated axons in
194. Moyamoya is characterized by all of the follow- a sural nerve biopsy would be best approximated
ing except by which of the following?
A. Amyloid deposition A. 1 : 2
B. Peak incidence in the 1st and 4th decades B. 1 : 4
C. Females > males C. 1 : 6
D. May see hemorrhage D. 1 : 8
E. Vessel occlusion with intimal fibroplasia E. 1 : 10
201. The most common cause of aseptic meningitis 206. The single best immunomarker for medul-
is loblastoma is which of the following?
A. Bacteria A. Cytokeratin
B. Virus B. GFAP
C. Fungus C. S-100
D. Parasite D. Synaptophysin
E. Prion protein disease E. Chromogranin
202. All are true regarding familial insomnia syndrome 207. Poor prognosis in medulloblastoma is associated
except with all of the following except
A. Age >3 yr
A. Most patients survive 10-20 years
B. Metastases at presentation
B. Autosomal dominant
C. Subtotal resection
C. Associated autonomic dysfunction
D. Large cell variant
D. A prion-protein-associated disease
E. Melanotic variant
E. Thalamic gliosis
208. Which of the following are true regarding pri-
203. The saltatory conduction pattern in the peripheral mary angiitis of the CNS?
nerve is most closely related to which stucture? A. ESR may be normal
A. Node of Ranvier B. Most common in older adults, typically
B. Periaxonal space of Klebs >60 yr
C. Neurofilaments C. Veins involved more than arteries
D. Schmidt-Lanterman clefts D. Marked by prominent eosinophilia
E. Vasa vasorum E. Almost always granulomatosis
204. The major defining histopathologic feature of a 209. Melanotic schwannoma is associated with which
saccular aneurysm is of the following
A. Breaks in the internal elastic membrane A. Turcot syndrome
B. Absence of the media B. Cowden disease
C. Neurofibromatosis type I
C. Inflammation
D. Tuberous sclerosis
D. Atherosclerotic change
E. Carneys compex
E. Intimal fibroplasia
210. The most common form of hereditary amyloid-
205. Genetic alterations associated with medul- osis peripheral neuropathy is related to a mutation
loblastoma most frequently involve chromosome of which gene?
A. 1 A. Light chain
B. 10 B. Light chain
C. 17 C. -Amyloid
D. 19 D. Transthyretin
E. 20 E. Albumin
15 Answers to the Written
Self-Assessment Questions
1. B (Chapter 1.I.A) Nissl substance is composed of 15. A (Chapter 3.I.B) Frontal lobe (with the most
rough endoplasmic reticulum. white matter) is the most common site of origin
for the low-grade fibrillary astrocytoma.
2. B (Chapter 2.I.A) Carbon monoxide poisoning
represents an example of anemic anoxia (insuf- 16. B (Chapter 4.I.C) Cytotoxic edema is caused by
ficent oxygen content in blood). impairment of the cell Na-K pump.
3. B (Chapter 3.I.A) The pleomorphic xanthoastro- 17. A (Chapter 5.I.A) Area cerebrovasculosa (cystic
cytoma is a WHO grade II tumor. mass with vessels) is associated with anence-
4. D (Chapter 4.I.B) Cerebral edema causes expan- phaly.
sion of the gyri. 18. D (Chapter 6.I.D) Devic-type multiple sclerosis
5. A (Chapter 5.I.A) Meckel-Gruber syndrome is is characterized by predominantly optic nerve and
an autosomal recessive condition. spinal cord involvement.
6. C (Chapter 6.I.D) HLA-DR15 is associated with 19. A (Chapter 8.III.E) Phosphorylated tau proteins
the development of multiple sclerosis. are associated with the development of neuro-
fibrillary tangles.
7. E (Chapter 7.I.) Increased astrocyte number and
size are seen with normal aging. 20. C (Chapter 9.II.C) Demyelination is not a fre-
quent complication of bacterial meningitis.
8. C (Chapter 9.II.A) Streptococcus is the most
common cause of an intracranial epidural abscess. 21. C (Chapter 9.II.C) Streptococcus agalactiae
9. B (Chapter 10.I.D) Alkaline phosphatase stains (group B) is the most common cause of neonatal
regenerating myofibers black. bacterial meningitis (along with E. coli).
10. C (Chapter 5.I.A) Hydromyelia is characterized 22. B (Chapter 5.I.B) Cyclopia is most commonly
by congenital dilatation of the central canal of the associated with holoprosencephaly.
spinal cord. 23. C (Chapter 10.III.A) Regenerating fibers are
11. A (Chapter 6.I.D) Neutrophils are not a histo- marked by cytoplasmic basophilia, nuclear
logic feature of the multiple sclerosis plaque. enlargement, and nucleolation.
12. E (Chapter 10.II.D) Ring fibers are more com- 24. E (Chapter 11.II.A) Shortened internodal dis-
monly encountered in myopathic processes such tances is a feature of remyelination.
as muscular dystrophy. 25. D (Chapter 1.I.B). Bergmann astrocytes are found
13. A (Chapter 1.I.A) Marinesco bodies are intra- in the cerebellum near the Purkinje cells.
nuclear neuronal inclusions. 26. E (Chapter 2.II.I) The Purkinje cells of the cere-
14. B (Chapter 2.I.C) Sommer sector (CA1) neurons bellum are relatively spared in hypoglycemic neu-
are the most sensitive to anoxic injury. ronal necrosis.
27. C (Chapter 3.I.D) True microcystic degeneration 44. B (Chapter 8.III.J) The CERAD criteria are
is more commonly a feature of glioma than based on a semiquantitative assessment of plaque
gliosis. frequency in the neocortex.
28. C (Chapter 4.I.D) Uncal or lateral transtentorial 45. A (Chapter 10.III.B) Most patients with dermato-
herniation may cause a Kernohans notch (dam- myositis respond well to steroid or immunosup-
age to contralateral cerebral peduncle). pressive therapy.
29. D (Chapter 5.I.B) Klippel-Feil abnormalities are 46. A (Chapter 5.I.C) A LIS-1 gene defect is associ-
more typically a feature of Chiari type II malfor- ated with the development of Miller-Dieker syn-
mation. drome agyria.
30. D (Chapter 9.II.C) Waterhouse-Friderichsen 47. E (Chapter 9.II.I) Demyelination is not a typical
(adrenal gland hemorrhage) is most commonly feature of meningovascular syphilitic disease.
associated with Neisseria meningitidis. 48. B (Chapter 10.III.C) The etiology of inclusion
31. B (Chapter 9.II.A) Listeriosis does not usually body myositis remains unknown.
result in granuloma formationit more typically 49. A (Chapter 1.I.B) Alzheimer type II astrocytes
manifests as acute leptomeningitis with abscesses. may be prominently seen in hepatic diseases
32. D (Chapter 6.I.F) There is no predisposition of marked by elevated ammonia levels.
immunocompromised individuals to develop acute 50. B (Chapter 2.II.D) Macrophage infiltration in an
hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis. infarct begins at about 24 hr.
33. B (Chapter 7.II.D) Aluminum toxicity is associ- 51. C (Chapter 3.I.F) Glioblastoma multiforme is
ated with neurofibrillary cytoskeletal alterations. the most common glioma type.
34. D (Chapter 8.III.I) -Amyloid in Alzheimers 52. B (Chapter 4.II.A) Epidural hemorrhage is asso-
disease is encoded for on chromosome 21. ciated with rupture of the middle meningeal
35. D (Chapter 10.III.A) Autophagic (rimmed) vacu-
53. D (Chapter 5.I.C) Cortical dysplasia is not asso-
oles are not a salient feature of polymyositis but
ciated with neurofibromatosis type II.
are more suggestive of inclusion body myositis.
54. A (Chapter 6.II.B) Globoid cell leukodystrophy
36. D (Chapter 10.III.B) Perifascicular atrophy is
is the result of a deficiency of galactocerebroside-
the most salient pathologic feature of dermatomy-
B galactosidase.
55. C (Chapter 8.IV.M) Bunina bodies are more typ-
37. C (Chapter 1.I.B) Rosenthal fibers are fre- ically seen in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Lewy
quently seen in all the listed conditions except bodies may be encountered in a subset of Alzhei-
fibrillary astrocytoma. mers patients.
38. D (Chapter 2.II.A) Cerebral blood flow consti- 56. A (Chapter 9.III.B) Cryptococcus is a budding
tutes about 20% of cardiac output. yeast with a thick mucopolysaccharide wall.
39. D (Chapter 3.I.B) Trisomy 22 is generally not a 57. C (Chapter 9.III.E) The features described are
feature of diffuse astrocytomas. most likely attributable to Mucormycosis.
40. B (Chapter 4.I.D) Compression of the posterior 58. C (Chapter 5.I.D) Lissencephaly or agyria is asso-
cerebral artery in lateral transtentorial herniation ciated with developmental abnormalities which
may result in an infarct of the calcarine cortex. occur during the 11th13th wk of gestation.
41. B (Chapter 5.I.B) The constellation of findings 59. C (Chapter 9.III.G) A protoplasmic body is seen
listed is classic for Dandy-Walker syndrome. in Blastomycosis infection (fungal infection).
42. D (Chapter 9.II.F) A Ziehl-Neelsen stain is the 60. E (Chapter 8.III.K) Infarcts of >100 mL volume
most useful one listed in identifying mycobacte- are associated with the clinical development of
rial organisms. dementia.
43. E (Chapter 6.II.A) Metachromatic leukodystro- 61. C (Chapter 1.I.C) The fried egg appearance of
phy is the result of an arylsulfatase A deficiency oligodendrocytes is related to delays in formalin
(autosomal recessive on chromosome 22q). Arcu- fixation (an artifact).
ate fibers are preserved and white matter macro- 62. D (Chapter 2.II.E) The least common site for a
phages are filled with sulfatides. lacunar infarct is in the mamillary bodies.
63. E (Chapter 3.I.F) Perinecrotic pseudopalisading 83. D (Chapter 11.III.A) Mortons neuroma arises
is a feature more commonly observed in glio- associated with the interdigital nerve of the foot
blastoma multiforme than metastatic carcinoma. at intermetatarsal sites.
64. C (Chapter 4.II.B) About 50% of acute subdural 84. C (Chapter 9.IV.I) Negri bodies are intraneuro-
hematomas are associated with a skull fracture. nal cytoplasmic inclusions.
65. E (Chapter 5.I.D) The features described are 85. C (Chapter 1.I.E) Microglial cells are HAM56
most characteristic of the Walker-Warburg syn- positive.
86. A (Chapter 2.III.A) Tuberous sclerosis is not
66. E (Chapter 6.II.C) Most forms of adrenoleuko- associated with the development of saccular aneu-
dystrophy are X-linked. rysms.
67. D (Chapter 10.IV.A) Target fibers are associated
87. E (Chapter 3.I.M) Increased mitotic activity is
with neurogenic atrophy.
not a feature of the typical pleomorphic xantho-
68. A (Chapter 11.II.C) Diphtheritic neuropathy is a astrocytoma.
demyelinative neuropathy related primarily to
Schwann cell dysfunction. 88. A (Chapter 3.VIII.B) The Langerhans cell his-
tiocytes stain with CD1a.
69. D (Chapter 8.III.E) Silver stains (bodian) are
useful in highlighting neurofibrillary tangles. 89. B (Chapter 4.III.D) Raccoon eyes (periorbital
70. B (Chapter 8.IV.B) The huntington gene is ecchymoses) are associated with basilar skull
located on chromosome 4p. fractures.
71. C (Chapter 9.III.I) Actinomycosis bacteria are 90. B (Chapter 5.I.G) Narrowing of the superior
associated with sulfur granule formation. temporal gyrus is seen in Downs syndrome.
72. A (Chapter 9.IV.A) Poliovirus more typically 91. A (Chapter 6.II.D) Megalencephaly is a com-
results in Cowdry type B inclusions. mon feature of Alexanders disease.
73. D (Chapter 1.I.D) Blepharoplasts are the ciliary 92. B (Chapter 8.IV.B) Vonsattel grade I lesions of
body attachments in ependymal cells. Huntingtons chorea are grossly normal with up
74. C (Chapter 2.III.A) Approximately 20% of sac- to 50% neuronal loss in the striatum and gliosis
cular aneurysms are bilateral. in the caudate and putamen.
75. B (Chapter 3.I.J) Eosinophilic granular bodies 93. D (Chapter 9.IV.J) Retrograde axoplasmic trans-
are observed in a majority of pilocytic astrocy- port is associated with herpes virus.
tomas. 94. C (Chapter 5.I.J) Sommer sector (CA1), CA4,
76. B (Chapter 4.II.C) Traumatic basilar subarach- and the dentate are the areas most severely
noid hemorrhages are related to vertebral artery affected (neuronal loss and gliosis ) in hippo-
tears. campal sclerosis.
77. D (Chapter 5.I.E) A brain weight of 2350 g 95. C (Chapter 10.IV.C) Myasthenia gravis is char-
would represent megaloencephaly. acterized by the presence of circulating antibodies
78. E (Chapter 6.II.C) All of the organs listed may to the acetylcholine receptor.
contain inclusions in adrenoleukodystrophy 96. A (Chapter 11.III.B) Guillian-Barre syndrome is
except for the pancreas. not associated with HLA B27.
79. A (Chapter 9.IV.A) Granulomatous inflamma-
97. D (Chapter 1.I.H) Layer III of the cerebral cor-
tion is not a typical feature of viral infections in
tex is known as the outer pyramidal layer.
the CNS.
80. B (Chapter 9.IV.G) Most patients with SSPE 98. A (Chapter 2.III.C) Dolichoectasia (elongation,
die from the disease. widening, and tortuosity of the artery) is associ-
ated with the formation of fusiform aneurysms.
81. B (Chapter 10.IV.B) Fascicular atrophy is com-
monly encountered in muscle biopsies of patients 99. D (Chapter 3.I.U) Necrosis is distinctly uncom-
with spinal muscular atrophy, including mon in gangliogliomas.
Kugelberg-Welander disease. 100. D (Chapter 3.X.A) Paraganglioma is composed
82. E (Chapter 8.IV.B) Huntingtons chorea is a tri- of cells arranged in nests or lobules referred to as
nucleotide (CAG) repeat disorder. zellballen.
101. C (Chapter 4.V.A) The wounding capacity of a 121. E (Chapter 1.I.H) The endplate of the hippo-
gunshot wound is most related to the velocity of campus is designated CA4.
the bullet. 122. C (Chapter 2.IV.D) Cavernous angiomas are
102. C (Chapter 5.II.G) Periventricular coagulative characterized by back-to-back vessels.
necrosis in a premature infant is termed periven- 123. B (Chapter 3.II.E) The prognosis of central neu-
tricular leukomalacia. rocytoma is good. Most patients live well beyond
103. D (Chapter 9.IV.L) Congenital CMV infection 2 yr of diagnosis.
does not result in megalencephaly. 124. D (Chapter 4.IV.B) A burst lobe represents a
104. B (Chapter 10.IV.D) Enhanced neurotransmis- form of contrecoup contusion.
sion with repeated stimulation is seen with
125. E (Chapter 5.III.A) The neurofibromin gene
Lambert-Eaton syndrome.
(neurofibromatosis type I) is located on chromo-
105. A (Chapter 3.X.D) Cholesterol accounts for the some 17q.
motor oil quality of craniopharyngioma cyst
126. A (Chapter 6.II.F) A relative perivascular white
matter sparing (tigroid demyelination) in charac-
106. E (Chapter 11.III.D) Leprosy neuropathy is not teristic of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease.
a toxin-mediated process.
127. D (Chapter 9.IV.O) Viral inclusions are not
107. D (Chapter 8.IV.C) Autosomal dominant trans- seen with HTLV-1 infection.
mission of Parkinsons disease is linked with the
-synuclein gene. 128. B (Chapter 11.III.E) Paraneoplastic neuropathy
is most often encountered with lung carcinoma
108. A (Chapter 10.V.B) Nemaline rods are derived
(especially small cell carcinoma).
from -actinin or Z-band material.
129. B (Chapter 8.IV.C) Lewy bodies are intraneuro-
109. C (Chapter 1.I.H) The pencil bundles of Wilson
nal cytoplasmic inclusions.
are thin fascicles of myelinated fibers seen in the
caudate and putamen. 130. B (Chapter 10.VI.A) Acromegaly is not associ-
ated with Kearns-Sayre syndrome.
110. B (Chapter 2.III.B) Aspergillus is the most com-
mon cause of mycotic (fungal) aneurysms. 131. B (Chapter 8.IV.E) The features described are
111. A (Chapter 3.II.B) Chromosome 1p and 19q characteristic of progressive supranuclear palsy.
deletions have been associated with chemorespon- 132. C (Chapter 10.VI.B) Type II glycogenosis (acid
siveness in oligodendrogliomas. maltase deficiency) is caused by a chromosome
112. D (Chapter 4.V.B) Blunt head injury sustained 17q defect.
in a landslide is an example of static loading. 133. A (Chapter 1.II.D) Ischemia-related perifascicu-
113. D (Chapter 5.II.O) The least likely site of biliru- lar atrophy is a feature of dermatomyositis.
bin deposition in kernicterus is in the claustrum. 134. D (Chapter 2.V.A) Hypertension is the most
114. C (Chapter 6.II.E) Canavans disease is caused common cause of nontraumatic hemorrhage.
by a deficiency in aspartoacylase. 135. E (Chapter 3.III.B) Extent of surgical resection
115. B (Chapter 10.V.A) Most congenital myopathies is the most important factor in predicting out-
are nonprogressive or only slowly progressive. come in ependymomas.
116. B (Chapter 11.III.D) Lyme disease is acquired 136. A (Chapter 4.V.C) Midbrain is the least com-
from a tick bite. mon site (listed) of diffuse axonal injury.
117. C (Chapter 8.IV.C) The ubiquitin immunostain 137. B (Chapter 5.III.A) One plexiform neurofibroma
can be useful in identifying Lewy bodies. is a major criterion for the diagnosis of neuro-
118. E (Chapter 9.IV.M) Oligodendroglial cell fibromatosis type I.
Cowdry A inclusions are characteristic of PML. 138. D (Chapter 3.III.E) Mucoid stroma (mucin posi-
119. B (Chapter 9.IV.N) The term vacuolar myelopa- tive) is a distinguishing feature of myxopapillary
thy is used to described HIV-associated spinal ependymoma. All of the other features may be
cord changes. observed in ordinary ependymomas.
120. E (Chapter 10.VI.A) Ragged red fibers are asso- 139. A (Chapter 9.V.A) Abscess is the most common
ciated with mitochondrial abnormalities and are pathologic manifestation of Toxoplasmosis infec-
generally not seen with central core disease. tion in adults who are immunocompromised.
140. B (Chapter 10.VI.B) Glycogen storage diseases 159. E (Chapter 3.IV.A) Deletions on chromosome
are typically vacuolar myopathies. 22 are the most common cytogenetic abnormality
141. D (Chapter 9.V.C) Dhrcks nodes (foci of necro- in meningioma.
sis rimmed by microglia) are a feature of malaria. 160. C (Chapter 4.V.C) Diffuse axonal injury is mani-
142. B (Chapter 8.IV.F) Hallervorden-Spatz disease fested by punctate or streak-like hemorrhages and
is an autosomal recessive condition. retraction balls or spheroids.
143. A (Chapter 9.V.D) Cysticercosis is caused by 161. C (Chapter 5.III.C) The subependymal giant-cell
the pork tapeworm (Taenia solium). astrocytoma is associated with tuberous sclerosis.
144. C (Chapter 11.III.E) Anti-MAG antibodies are 162. B (Chapter 7.I.D) An accumulation of sphingo-
encountered in 5090% of cases of dysproteine- myelin and cholesterol as a result of sphingomye-
mic neuropathy. linase deficiency is a feature of Niemann-Pick
145. D (Chapter 1.II.G) The sarcomere runs from Z
band to Z band. 163. B (Chapter 8.IV.K) The most common cause of
death in Friedrichs ataxia is related to heart
146. E (Chapter 2.V.A) Amyloid angiopathy is not disease.
associated with Picks disease; it is associated
with Alzheimers disease. 164. D (Chapter 8.IV.K) Posterior column degenera-
tion is commonly seen in Friedrichs ataxia.
147. A (Chapter 3.IV.A) Metaplastic meningiomas
are less likely to recur than the other types listed. 165. C (Chapter 9.VI.A) The prion protein gene is
located on chromosome 20.
148. D (Chapter 5.III.B) The merlin gene of neurofi-
bromatosis type II is located on chromosome 22. 166. D (Chapter 10.VI.F) Dilated sarcoplasmic reticu-
lum and tubular aggregates are features of the
149. C (Chapter 7.I.B) Tay-Sachs disease is a result
periodic paralyses (channelopathies).
of a hexosaminidase A deficiency.
167. D (Chapter 11.III.F) Nerve enlargement is a
150. A (Chapter 10.VI.B) Type V glycogenosis
common finding in Dejerine-Sottas disease
(McArdles disease) is caused by myophosphory-
lase deficiency.
168. B (Chapter 11.III.G) Refsums disease is due to
151. C (Chapter 10.VI.C) An oil-red-O stain for lipid
phytanoyl CoA -hydroxylase deficiency.
would be most useful in diagnosing carnitine
deficiency (a lipid-storage myopathy). 169. B (Chapter 1.II.G) Desmin filaments link Z
discs together and join them to the plasmalemma.
152. D (Chapter 9.V.F) Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi)
is the causative agent of Chagas disease. 170. A (Chapter 2.VI.A) The leptomeningeal vessels
are the highest yield area to look for vasculitis on
153. E (Chapter 7.I.B) Visceral organ involvement
a biopsy.
including hepatosplenomegaly is not a prominent
feature of Tay-Sachs disease. 171. B (Chapter 3.IV.B) Solitary fibrous tumors, in
154. A (Chapter 8.IV.I) Multisystem atrophy includes contrast to meningiomas, are generally CD34
olivopontocerebellar atrophy, Shy-Drager syn- positive.
drome, and striatonigral degeneration. 172. E (Chapter 4.I.D) Duret hemorrhages are mid-
155. B (Chapter 9.VI.B) Microglial nodules are not a line brain stem hemorrhages associated with lat-
feature of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. eral transtentorial herniation.
156. B (Chapter 11.III.F) Abnormalities on chromo- 173. A (Chapter 5.III.C) Schwannoma is not associ-
somes 1, 17, and X are associated with Charcot- ated with tuberous sclerosis.
Marie-Tooth disease. 174. C (Chapter 7.I.E) Cherry red spots are not a
157. B (Chapter 1.II.B) Increased central nuclei (nor- salient feature of Gauchers disease.
mally <35% of all fibers) is not typically seen in 175. B (Chapter 10.VII.E) Steroid myopathy is
neurogenic atrophy. marked by a type IIb muscle fiber atrophy.
158. B (Chapter 2.VI.A) Wegeners vasculitis is com- 176. C (Chapter 3.VIII.A) Most primary CNS lymph-
monly associated with granulomatous inflam- omas are diffuse large B-cell type (REAL classi-
mation. fication).
177. C (Chapter 5.III.E) von Hippel-Lindau is associ- 193. D (Chapter 1.III.F) The pi granules of Reich are
ated with hemangioblastoma, not hemangioperi- lamellated structures that increase in number with
cytoma. increasing age in the Schwann cell cytoplasm.
178. D (Chapter 11.III.H) Vitamin E deficiency may 194. A (Chapter 2.VII.D) There is no amyloid deposi-
manifest as spinocerebellar degeneration with a tion associated with moya moya.
sensory neuropathy caused by fat malabsorption. 195. B (Chapter 3.IV.E) Hemangioblastoma may pro-
duce erythropoietin resulting in a secondary poly-
179. D (Chapter 8.IV.M) SOD1 gene defect on chro-
cythemia vera.
mosome 21 is associated with amyotrophic lateral
196. B (Chapter 7.I.F) The features described are
characteristic of Battens disease or the ceroid-
180. A (Chapter 8.IV.M) Hirano bodies are not a fre- lipofuscinoses.
quent finding in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 197. E (Chapter 7.I.L) All the features listed are
181. C (Chapter 1.III.B) Mast cells are normally pres- salient features of Fabrys disease.
ent in the endoneurium in small numbers. 198. E (Chapter 7.I.N) Lafora-body disease is associ-
182. C (Chapter 2.VII.B) The notch 3 gene of ated with a chromosome 6q defect.
CADASIL is located on chromosome 19. 199. B (Chapter 8.IV.N) The presentation is consis-
tent with Werdnig-Hoffman disease associated
183. E (Chapter 3.IV.B) Physaliphorous cells are a with a chromosome 5 abnormality.
feature of chordoma.
200. B (Chapter 1.III.J) The best approximation of a
184. E (Chapter 5.III.C) Sturge-Weber disease is not myelinated : unmyelinated axon ratio is 1 : 4.
an autosomal dominant condition. 201. B (Chapter 9.IV.D) Viral infections account for
185. C (Chapter 5.III.C) A nevus flammeus (port the majority of aseptic meningitis cases.
wine stain) in the trigeminal region is associated 202. A (Chapter 9.VI.E) Most patients with familial
with Sturge-Weber disease. insomnia syndrome die within a few years of
symptom onset.
186. B (Chapter 7.I.D) Sea blue histiocytes are a fea-
ture of Niemann-Pick disease. 203. A (Chapter 1.III.H) Discontinuous saltatory con-
duction is most related to the nodes of Ranvier.
187. E (Chapter 2.III.A) Giant aneurysms are >2.5 204. B (Chapter 2.III.A) Absence of the media
cm in size. defines the saccular aneurysm.
188. A (Chapter 3.V.A) The lateral ventricle is the 205. C (Chapter 3.VI.C) Medulloblastomas are associ-
most common site of origin of choroid plexus ated with chromosome 17 alterations.
papilloma in children; 4th ventricle in adults. 206. D (Chapter 3.VI.C) Synaptophysin is the single
189. B (Chapter 5.III.H) The dysplastic cerebellar best marker for medulloblastoma.
gangliocytoma (Lhermette-Duclos) is associated 207. A (Chapter 3.VI.C) Age <3 yr is associated
with Cowden syndrome. with a poor prognosis in medulloblastoma.
190. B (Chapter 7.I.E) Gauchers disease is caused 208. A (Chapter 2.VI.A) Erythrocyte sedimentation
by glucocerebrosidase deficiency related to a rates are often normal or only slight elevated in
defect on chromosome 1q. primary angiitis of the CNS.
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Index 219
A Amputation neuroma, 86
A band, 4 Amyelia, 41
A2B5, 21 Amyloid, 5960, 77, 179 (Fig.)
Abrasions, 38 Amyloid angiopathy, 10
Abscess, 66, 68, 69, 71, 145 (Fig.) Amyloid neuropathy, 89, 179 (Fig.)
Absidia, 68 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 63
Acanthamoeba, 71 Anaplastic astrocytoma, 16
Acid maltase, 80, 183 (Fig.) Anaplastic ependymoma, 23
Acid phosphatase, 75, 80, 81, 83 Anaplastic oligodendroglioma, 22
Actin, 4 ANCA , 11
Actinomyces, 69 Anemic anoxia, 7, 9
Activator protein deficiency, 55 Anencephaly, 41
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, 52 Anesthetic stimulation test, 81
Acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis, 52 Aneurysm (see saccular aneurysm)
Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, 81 Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum, 57
Adenohypophysis, 4, 144 (Fig.) Angiomatous meningioma, 24
Adenoma sebaceum, 48 Angiotropic large cell lymphoma, 29, 94 (Fig.)
Adrenoleukodystrophy, 5354, 88 Anti-MAG antibody, 87
Adrenomyeloneuropathy, 53 Anoxia, 7, 45, 149 (Fig.)
Agenesis of corpus callosum, 32, 44,102 (Fig.) Anoxic anoxia, 7
Agenesis of septum pellicidium, 45 Anti-Hu antibody, 87
Aging brain, 59 Antoni A/B patterns, 28, 99 (Fig.)
Agyria, 43, 96 (Fig.) APC gene, 49
AIDS, 25, 29, 7071 Aplasia of vermis, 45
Air embolism, 9 Apolipoprotein E, 59
Alcian blue, 24 Apophysomyces, 68
Alcohol, 47, 58, 81, 89, 168 (Fig.) Apoplexy, 31
Aldolase, 76 Aqueductal malformations, 42
Alexanders disease, 54, 117 (Fig.) Arachnoid cap cells, 3, 24
Alkaline phosphatase, 75, 174 (Fig.) Arachnoid cyst, 30
Alpha-actinin, 79 Arachnoiditis ossificans, 3
Alpha-fucosidase, 57 Arbovirus, 69
Alpha-galactosidase A, 57 Area cerebrovasculosa, 41
Alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase, 58 Arsenic, 58
Alpha-L-iduronidase, 56 Arteriovenous malformation, 10, 135 (Fig.),
Alpha-synuclein, 61 143 (Fig.)
Aluminum, 58 Arylsulfatase A, 53
Alzheimer type I astrocyte, 2, 71, 136 (Fig.) Aseptic meningitis, 6971
Alzheimer type II astrocyte, 2, 54, 58, 155 (Fig.) Ash-leaf patch, 48
Alzheimers disease, 10, 5960, 120 (Fig.) Aspartoacylase, 54
Amebiasis, 71, 128 (Fig.) Aspergillus, 10, 68, 126 (Fig.)
Ammons horn, 3 Astroblastoma, 20
220 Index
Z band, 5, 175 (Fig.)
Neuropathology Review
Richard A. Prayson, MD
Department of Anatomic Pathology
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH
As scientific research expands the scope of neuropathology, the amount of information that both student and practicing
pathologists must assimilate and master can be challenging, and at times even daunting. In Neuropathology Review, Richard
A. Prayson, MD, thoroughly summarizes in outline form the essential elements of the neuropathology curriculum for all
those seeking a concise up-to-date overview of the subject. Topics range from basic information on the spectrum of
neurologic-related disease to pertinent pictorial examples of many neuropathologic conditions. For each topic there are
self-assessment tests based on both textual and pictorial material, along with sample answers and explanations designed
to aid comprehension and understanding.
Concise yet comprehensive, Neuropathology Review provides an effective and easy-to-use refresher course for those
working pathologists wishing to update their skills, as well as for students and residents preparing to take board exams in
Normal Histology. Vascular Lesions. Tumors. Trauma. Congenital Malformations, Perinatal Disease, and Phacomatoses.
Demyelinating and Dysmyelinating Diseases. Metabolic and Toxic Diseases. Degenerative Diseases. CNS Infection.
Skeletal Muscle. Peripheral Nerve. Figures with Questions. Answers to Figures with Questions. Written Self-Assessment
Questions. Answers to Written Self-Assessment Questions. Bibliography. Index.
ISBN: 1-58829-024-7 9 781588 290243