Harrisons Neurology in Clinical Medicine PDF
Harrisons Neurology in Clinical Medicine PDF
Harrisons Neurology in Clinical Medicine PDF
Neurology in
Clinical Medicine
Derived from Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine, 17th Edition
Chief, Laboratory of Immunoregulation; Distinguished Hersey Professor of Medicine,
Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Harvard Medical School; Chairman,TIMI Study Group,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda Brigham and Womens Hospital, Boston
Neurology in
Clinical Medicine
Stephen L. Hauser, MD
Robert A. Fishman Distinguished Professor and Chairman,
Department of Neurology, University of California, San Francisco
Associate Editor
Scott Andrew Josephson, MD
Assistant Clinical Professor of Neurology,
University of California, San Francisco
New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City
Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto
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MHID: 0-07-174123-2
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Raymond D.Adams, MD
For Ray Adams, editor of Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine for more than three decades.
viii Contents
27 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other 42 Myasthenia Gravis and Other Diseases
Motor Neuron Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 of the Neuromuscular Junction . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
Robert H. Brown, Jr. Daniel B. Drachman
51 Opioid Drug Abuse and Dependence . . . . . . . . 696 Review and Self-Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
Marc A. Schuckit Charles Wiener, Gerald Bloomeld,
Cynthia D. Brown, Joshua Schiffer,Adam Spivak
52 Cocaine and Other Commonly
Abused Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702
Jack H. Mendelson, Nancy K. Mello Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739
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xii Contributors
Department of Internal Medicine,The Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, Baltimore [Review and Self-Assessment]
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The rst edition of Harrisons Neurology in Clinical Medicine problems. All of these forces, acting within the fast-
was an unqualied success. Readers responded enthusiasti- paced environment of modern medical practice, can
cally to the convenient, attractive, expanded, and updated lead to an overreliance on unfocused neuroimaging
stand-alone volume, which was based upon the neurology tests, suboptimal patient care, and unfortunate out-
and psychiatry sections from Harrisons Principles of Internal comes. Because neurologists represent less than 1% of
Medicine. Our original goal was to provide, in an easy-to- all physicians, the vast majority of neurologic care
use format, full coverage of the most authoritative infor- must be delivered by nonspecialists who are often
mation available anywhere of clinically important topics in generalists and usually internists.
neurology and psychiatry, while retaining the focus on The old adage that neurologists know everything
pathophysiology and therapy that has always been charac- but do nothing has been rendered obsolete by advances
teristic of Harrisons. in molecular medicine, imaging, bioengineering, and
This new edition of Harrisons Neurology in Clinical clinical research. Examples of new therapies include:
Medicine has been extensively rewritten to highlight thrombolytic therapy for acute ischemic stroke; endovas-
recent advances in the understanding, diagnosis, treat- cular recanalization for cerebrovascular disorders; inten-
ment and prevention of neurologic and psychiatric sive monitoring of brain pressure and cerebral blood
diseases. New chapters discuss the pathogenesis and ow for brain injury; effective therapies for immune-
treatment of headache, the clinical approach to imbal- mediated neurologic disorders such as multiple sclerosis,
ance, and the causes of confusion and delirium. Notable immune neuropathies, myasthenia gravis, and myositis;
also are new chapters on essential tremor and move- new designer drugs for migraine; the first generation of
ment disorders, peripheral neuropathy, and on neuro- rational therapies for neurodegenerative diseases; neural
logic problems in hospitalized patients. Many illustrative stimulators for Parkinsons disease; drugs for narcolepsy
neuroimaging gures appear throughout the section, and other sleep disorders; and control of epilepsy by
and a new atlas of neuroimaging ndings has been surgical resection of small seizure foci precisely local-
added. Extensively updated coverage of the dementias, ized by functional imaging and electrophysiology. The
Parkinsons disease, and related neurodegenerative dis- pipeline continues to grow, stimulated by a quickening
orders highlight new ndings from genetics, molecular tempo of discoveries generating opportunities for
imaging, cell biology, and clinical research that have rational design of new diagnostics, interventions, and
transformed understanding of these common problems. drugs.
Another new chapter, authored by Steve Hyman and The founding editors of Harrisons Principles of Inter-
Eric Kandel, reviews progress in deciphering the patho- nal Medicine acknowledged the importance of neurol-
genesis of common psychiatric disorders and discusses ogy but were uncertain as to its proper role in a text-
the remaining challenges to development of more effec- book of internal medicine. An initial plan to exclude
tive treatments. neurology from the rst edition (1950) was reversed at
For many physicians, neurologic diseases represent the eleventh hour, and a neurology section was hastily
particularly challenging problems. Acquisition of the req- prepared by Houston Merritt. By the second edition,
uisite clinical skills is often viewed as time-consuming, the section was considerably enlarged by Raymond D.
difficult to master, and requiring a working knowl- Adams, whose inuence on the textbook was profound.
edge of obscure anatomic facts and laundry lists of The third neurology editor, Joseph B. Martin, brilliantly
diagnostic possibilities. The patients themselves may led the book during the 1980s and 1990s as neurology
be difficult, as neurologic disorders often alter an was transformed from a largely descriptive discipline to
individuals capacity to recount the history of an ill- one of the most dynamic and rapidly evolving areas of
ness or to even recognize that something is wrong. medicine. With these changes, the growth of neurology
An additional obstacle is the development of inde- coverage in Harrisons became so pronounced that
pendent neurology services, departments, and training Harrison suggested the book be retitled, The Details of
programs at many medical centers, reducing the ex- Neurology and Some Principles of Internal Medicine.
posure of trainees in internal medicine to neurologic His humorous comment, now legendary, underscores the
xvi Preface
Review and self-assessment questions and answers were taken from Wiener C,
Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Jameson JL, Loscalzo J
(editors) Bloomeld G, Brown CD, Schiffer J, Spivak A (contributing editors).
Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine Self-Assessment and Board Review, 17th ed.
New York, McGraw-Hill, 2008, ISBN 978-0-07-149619-3.
The global icons call greater attention to key epidemiologic and clinical differences in the practice of medicine
throughout the world.
The genetic icons identify a clinical issue with an explicit genetic relationship.
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Daniel H. Lowenstein I Joseph B. Martin I Stephen L. Hauser
Neurologic diseases are common and costly. According symptoms restricted to the nervous system, or do they
to one estimate, 180 million Americans suffer from a arise in the context of a systemic illness? Is the problem
nervous system disorder, resulting in an annual cost of in the central nervous system (CNS), the peripheral ner-
over $700 billion. The aggregate cost is even greater vous system (PNS), or both? If in the CNS, is the cere-
than that for cardiovascular disease (Table 1-1). Glob- bral cortex, basal ganglia, brainstem, cerebellum, or
ally, these disorders are responsible for 28% of all years spinal cord responsible? Are the pain-sensitive meninges
lived with a disability. Most patients with neurologic involved? If in the PNS, could the disorder be located in
symptoms seek care from internists and other generalists peripheral nerves and, if so, are motor or sensory nerves
rather than from neurologists. Because therapies now primarily affected, or is a lesion in the neuromuscular
exist for many neurologic disorders, a skillful approach junction or muscle more likely?
to diagnosis is essential. Errors commonly result from an The rst clues to dening the anatomic area of
overreliance on costly neuroimaging procedures and involvement appear in the history, and the examination
laboratory tests, which, although useful, do not substi- is then directed to conrm or rule out these impressions
tute for an adequate history and examination. The and to clarify uncertainties. A more detailed examina-
proper approach to the patient with a neurologic illness tion of a particular region of the CNS or PNS is often
begins with the patient and focuses the clinical problem indicated. For example, the examination of a patient
rst in anatomic and then in pathophysiologic terms; who presents with a history of ascending paresthesias
only then should a specic diagnosis be entertained. and weakness should be directed toward deciding,
This method ensures that technology is judiciously among other things, if the location of the lesion is in the
applied, a correct diagnosis is established in an efcient spinal cord or peripheral nerves. Focal back pain, a spinal
manner, and treatment is promptly initiated. cord sensory level, and incontinence suggest a spinal
cord origin, whereas a stocking-glove pattern of sensory
loss suggests peripheral nerve disease; areexia usually
THE NEUROLOGIC METHOD indicates peripheral neuropathy but may also be present
with spinal shock in acute spinal cord disorders.
Locate the Lesion(s)
Deciding where the lesion is accomplishes the task
The rst priority is to identify the region of the nervous of limiting the possible etiologies to a manageable, nite
system that is likely to be responsible for the symptoms. number. In addition, this strategy safeguards against
Can the disorder be mapped to one specic location, is making serious errors. Symptoms of recurrent vertigo,
it multifocal, or is a diffuse process present? Are the diplopia, and nystagmus should not trigger multiple
TABLE 1-1 advancing visual scotoma with luminous edges, termed 3
PREVALENCE OF NEUROLOGIC AND PSYCHIATRIC fortication spectra, indicates spreading cortical depression,
DISEASES WORLDWIDE typically with migraine.
suggest MS or other inammatory processes; these chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Marfans syndrome and
disorders can occasionally produce new symptoms related collagen disorders predispose to dissection of
that are rapidly progressive over hours. Slowly pro- the cranial arteries and aneurysmal subarachnoid
gressive symptoms without remissions are character- hemorrhage; the latter may also occur with polycystic
istic of neurodegenerative disorders, chronic infec- kidney disease. Various neurologic disorders occur
tions, gradual intoxications, and neoplasms. with dysthyroid states or other endocrinopathies. It is
Introduction to Neurology
2. Patients descriptions of the complaint. The same words especially important to look for the presence of sys-
often mean different things to different patients. temic diseases in patients with peripheral neuropathy.
Dizziness may imply impending syncope, a sense Most patients with coma in a hospital setting have a
of disequilibrium, or true spinning vertigo. Numb- metabolic, toxic, or infectious cause.
ness may mean a complete loss of feeling, a positive 6. Drug use and abuse and toxin exposure. It is essential to
sensation such as tingling, or paralysis. Blurred inquire about the history of drug use, both pre-
vision may be used to describe unilateral visual scribed and illicit. Aminoglycoside antibiotics may
loss, as in transient monocular blindness, or diplopia. exacerbate symptoms of weakness in patients with
The interpretation of the true meaning of the words disorders of neuromuscular transmission, such as
used by patients to describe symptoms becomes myasthenia gravis, and may cause dizziness sec-
even more complex when there are differences in ondary to ototoxicity. Vincristine and other anti-
primary languages and cultures. neoplastic drugs can cause peripheral neuropathy,
3. Corroboration of the history by others. It is almost always and immunosuppressive agents such as cyclosporine
helpful to obtain additional information from fam- can produce encephalopathy. Excessive vitamin
ily, friends, or other observers to corroborate or ingestion can lead to disease; for example vitamin A
expand the patients description. Memory loss, apha- and pseudotumor cerebri, or pyridoxine and
sia, loss of insight, intoxication, and other factors peripheral neuropathy. Many patients are unaware
may impair the patients capacity to communicate that over-the-counter sleeping pills, cold prepara-
normally with the examiner or prevent openness tions, and diet pills are actually drugs. Alcohol, the
about factors that have contributed to the illness. most prevalent neurotoxin, is often not recognized
Episodes of loss of consciousness necessitate that as such by patients, and other drugs of abuse such as
details be sought from observers to ascertain pre- cocaine and heroin can cause a wide range of neu-
cisely what has happened during the event. rologic abnormalities. A history of environmental or
4. Family history. Many neurologic disorders have an industrial exposure to neurotoxins may provide an
underlying genetic component. The presence of a essential clue; consultation with the patients co-
Mendelian disorder, such as Huntingtons disease or workers or employer may be required.
Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy, is often obvious 7. Formulating an impression of the patient. Use the
if family data are available. More detailed questions opportunity while taking the history to form an
about family history are often necessary in poly- impression of the patient. Is the information forth-
genic disorders such as MS, migraine, and many coming, or does it take a circuitous course? Is there
types of epilepsy. It is important to elicit family his- evidence of anxiety, depression, or hypochondriasis?
tory about all illnesses, in addition to neurologic and Are there any clues to defects in language, memory,
psychiatric disorders. A familial propensity to hyper- insight, or inappropriate behavior? The neurologic
tension or heart disease is relevant in a patient who assessment begins as soon as the patient comes into
presents with a stroke.There are numerous inherited the room and the rst introduction is made.
neurologic diseases that are associated with multisys-
tem manifestations that may provide clues to the
correct diagnosis (e.g., neurobromatosis, Wilsons THE NEUROLOGIC EXAMINATION
disease, neuro-ophthalmic syndromes).
5. Medical illnesses. Many neurologic diseases occur in the The neurologic examination is challenging and com-
context of systemic disorders. Diabetes mellitus, plex; it has many components and includes a number of
hypertension, and abnormalities of blood lipids predis- skills that can be mastered only through repeated use of
pose to cerebrovascular disease. A solitary mass lesion the same techniques on a large number of individuals
in the brain may be an abscess in a patient with valvu- with and without neurologic disease. Mastery of the
lar heart disease, a primary hemorrhage in a patient complete neurologic examination is usually important
with a coagulopathy, a lymphoma or toxoplasmosis in only for physicians in neurology and associated specialties.
a patient with AIDS (Chap. 37), or a metastasis in a However, knowledge of the basics of the examination,
especially those components that are effective in screen- The mental status examination is underway as soon as 5
ing for neurologic dysfunction, is essential for all clini- the physician begins observing and talking with the
cians, especially generalists. patient. If the history raises any concern for abnormali-
There is no single, universally accepted sequence of ties of higher cortical function or if cognitive problems
the examination that must be followed, but most clini- are observed during the interview, then detailed testing
cians begin with assessment of mental status followed by of the mental status is indicated. The patients ability to
the cranial nerves, motor system, sensory system, coordi- understand the language used for the examination, cul-
nation, and gait. Whether the examination is basic or tural background, educational experience, sensory or
comprehensive, it is essential that it be performed in an motor problems, or comorbid conditions need to be
list immediately, (2) short-term memory is assessed by he or she sees one of your ngers moving. Beginning
asking the patient to recall the same three items 5 and with the two inferior quadrants and then the two supe-
15 min later, and (3) long-term memory is evaluated by rior quadrants, move your index nger of the right
determining how well the patient is able to provide a hand, left hand, or both hands simultaneously and
coherent chronologic history of his or her illness or per- observe whether the patient detects the movements. A
sonal events. single small-amplitude movement of the nger is suf-
Introduction to Neurology
Fund of information is assessed by asking questions cient for a normal response. Focal perimetry and tangent
about major historic or current events, with special screen examinations should be used to map out visual
attention to educational level and life experiences. eld defects fully or to search for subtle abnormalities.
Abnormalities of insight and judgment are usually Optic fundi should be examined with an ophthalmo-
detected during the patient interview; a more detailed scope, and the color, size, and degree of swelling or ele-
assessment can be elicited by asking the patient to vation of the optic disc noted, as well as the color and
describe how he or she would respond to situations texture of the retina. The retinal vessels should be
having a variety of potential outcomes (e.g., What checked for size, regularity, arterial-venous nicking at
would you do if you found a wallet on the sidewalk?). crossing points, hemorrhage, exudates, etc.
Abstract thought can be tested by asking the patient to
describe similarities between various objects or concepts CN III, IV, VI (Oculomotor, Trochlear, Abducens)
(e.g., apple and orange, desk and chair, poetry and sculp- Describe the size and shape of pupils and reaction to
ture) or to list items having the same attributes (e.g., a light and accommodation (i.e., as the eyes converge
list of four-legged animals). while following your nger as it moves toward the
Calculation ability is assessed by having the patient bridge of the nose). To check extraocular movements,
carry out a computation that is appropriate to the ask the patient to keep his or her head still while track-
patients age and education (e.g., serial subtraction of 7 ing the movement of the tip of your nger. Move the
from 100 or 3 from 20; or word problems involving target slowly in the horizontal and vertical planes;
simple arithmetic). observe any paresis, nystagmus, or abnormalities of
smooth pursuit (saccades, oculomotor ataxia, etc.). If
necessary, the relative position of the two eyes, both in
Cranial Nerve Examination primary and multidirectional gaze, can be assessed by
The bare minimum: Check the fundi, visual elds, pupil size comparing the reections of a bright light off both
and reactivity, extraocular movements, and facial movements. pupils. However, in practice it is typically more useful to
The cranial nerves (CN) are best examined in determine whether the patient describes diplopia in any
numerical order, except for grouping together CN III, direction of gaze; true diplopia should almost always
IV, and VI because of their similar function. resolve with one eye closed. Horizontal nystagmus is
best assessed at 45 and not at extreme lateral gaze
(which is uncomfortable for the patient); the target must
CN I (Olfactory)
often be held at the lateral position for at least a few sec-
Testing is usually omitted unless there is suspicion for onds to detect an abnormality.
inferior frontal lobe disease (e.g., meningioma). With
eyes closed, ask the patient to sniff a mild stimulus such CN V (Trigeminal)
as toothpaste or coffee and identify the odorant. Examine sensation within the three territories of the
branches of the trigeminal nerve (ophthalmic, maxillary,
CN II (Optic) and mandibular) on each side of the face. As with other
Check visual acuity (with eyeglasses or contact lens cor- parts of the sensory examination, testing of two sensory
rection) using a Snellen chart or similar tool. Test the modalities derived from different anatomic pathways
visual elds by confrontation, i.e., by comparing the (e.g., light touch and temperature) is sufcient for a
patients visual elds to your own. As a screening test, it screening examination. Testing of other modalities, the
is usually sufcient to examine the visual elds of both corneal reex, and the motor component of CN V (jaw
eyes simultaneously; individual eye elds should be clenchmasseter muscle) is indicated when suggested
tested if there is any reason to suspect a problem of by the history.
vision by the history or other elements of the examina-
tion, or if the screening test reveals an abnormality. Face CN VII (Facial)
the patient at a distance of approximately 0.61.0 m Look for facial asymmetry at rest and with spontaneous
(23 ft) and place your hands at the periphery of your movements. Test eyebrow elevation, forehead wrinkling,
eye closure, smiling, and cheek puff. Look in particular Tone 7
for differences in the lower versus upper facial muscles; Muscle tone is tested by measuring the resistance to pas-
weakness of the lower two-thirds of the face with sive movement of a relaxed limb. Patients often have dif-
preservation of the upper third suggests an upper motor culty relaxing during this procedure, so it is useful to
neuron lesion, whereas weakness of an entire side sug- distract the patient to minimize active movements. In
gests a lower motor neuron lesion. the upper limbs, tone is assessed by rapid pronation and
supination of the forearm and exion and extension at
CN VIII (Vestibulocochlear) the wrist. In the lower limbs, while the patient is supine
Check the patients ability to hear a nger rub or whis- the examiners hands are placed behind the knees and
resistance level T9) but not lower (T12) abdominal reexes, indi-
Full strength cating a spinal lesion between T9 and T12, or when the
response is asymmetric. Other useful cutaneous reexes
Noting the pattern of weakness is as important as include the cremasteric (ipsilateral elevation of the testi-
assessing the magnitude of weakness. Unilateral or bilat- cle following stroking of the medial thigh; mediated by
eral weakness of the upper limb extensors and lower L1 and L2) and anal (contraction of the anal sphincter
limb exors (pyramidal weakness) suggests a lesion of
Introduction to Neurology
tuning fork applied to the distal phalynx of the great toe similar test in the lower extremity is to have the patient
or index nger just below the nailbed. By placing a n- raise the leg and touch the examiners nger with the
ger on the opposite side of the joint being tested, the great toe. Another cerebellar test in the lower limbs is
examiner compares the patients threshold of vibration the heel-knee-shin maneuver; in the supine position the
perception with his or her own. For joint position test- patient is asked to slide the heel of each foot from the
ing, the examiner grasps the digit or limb laterally and knee down the shin of the other leg. For all these move-
tremor, chorea)
Brainstem Isolated cranial nerve abnormalities (single or multiple)
Crossed weaknessa and sensory abnormalities of head
and limbs (e.g., weakness of right face and left arm and leg)
Spinal cord Back pain or tenderness
Weaknessa and sensory abnormalities sparing the head
Mixed upper and lower motor neuron ndings
Sensory level
Sphincter dysfunction
Spinal roots Radiating limb pain
Weaknessb or sensory abnormalities following root
distribution (see Figs. 12-2 and 12-3)
Loss of reexes
Peripheral nerve Mid or distal limb pain
Weaknessb or sensory abnormalities following nerve
distribution (see Figs. 12-2 and 12-3)
Stocking or glove distribution of sensory loss
Loss of reexes
Neuromuscular Bilateral weakness including face (ptosis, diplopia,
junction dysphagia) and proximal limbs
Increasing weakness with exertion
Sparing of sensation
Muscle Bilateral proximal or distal weakness
Sparing of sensation
Weakness along with other abnormalities having an upper motor neuron pattern (i.e., spas-
ticity, weakness of extensors > exors in the upper extremity and exors > extensors in the
lower extremity, hyperreexia).
Weakness along with other abnormalities having a lower motor neuron pattern (i.e., accidity
and hyporeexia).
diseases are more likely than rare etiologies. Thus, even compression or other treatable mass lesions and arrange
in tertiary care settings, multiple strokes are usually due for immediate care.
to emboli and not vasculitis, and dementia with
myoclonus is usually Alzheimers disease and not due to FURTHER READINGS
a prion disorder or a paraneoplastic cause. Finally, the
most important task of a primary care physician faced BLUMENTHAL H: Neuroanatomy Through Clinical Cases, 2d ed. Sunder-
land, Massachusetts, Sinauer Associates, 2010
with a patient who has a new neurologic complaint is to CAMPBELL WW: DeJongs The Neurological Examination, 6th ed.
assess the urgency of referral to a specialist. Here, the Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005
imperative is to rapidly identify patients likely to have ROPPER AH, SAMUELS MA: Principles of Neurology, 9th ed. New York,
nervous system infections, acute strokes, and spinal cord McGraw-Hill, 2009
William P. Dillon
The clinician caring for patients with neurologic symp- acute ischemic stroke and is also useful in the detection
toms is faced with an expanding number of imaging of encephalitis, abscesses, and prion diseases. CT, how-
options, including computed tomography (CT), CT ever, can be quickly obtained and is widely available,
angiography (CTA), perfusion CT (pCT), magnetic making it a pragmatic choice for the initial evaluation of
resonance imaging (MRI), MR angiography (MRA), patients with acute changes in mental status, suspected
functional MRI (fMRI), MR spectroscopy (MRS), MR acute stroke, hemorrhage, and intracranial or spinal
neurography, diffusion and diffusion track imaging trauma. CT is also more sensitive than MRI for visualiz-
(DTI), and perfusion MRI (pMRI). In addition, an ing ne osseous detail and is indicated in the initial eval-
increasing number of interventional neuroradiologic uation of conductive hearing loss as well as lesions
techniques are available, including angiography; emboliza- affecting the skull base and calvarium.
tion, coiling, and stenting of vascular structures; and
spine interventions such as discography, selective nerve
root injection, and epidural injections. Recent develop- COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY
ments, such as multidetector CTA and gadolinium-
enhanced MRA, have narrowed the indications for con-
ventional angiography, which is now reserved for The CT image is a cross-sectional representation of
patients in whom small-vessel detail is essential for diag- anatomy created by a computer-generated analysis of the
nosis or for whom interventional therapies are planned attenuation of x-ray beams passed through a section of
(Table 2-1). the body. As the x-ray beam, collimated to the desired
In general, MRI is more sensitive than CT for the slice width, rotates around the patient, it passes through
detection of lesions affecting the central nervous system selected regions in the body. X-rays that are not attenu-
(CNS), particularly those of the spinal cord, cranial ated by the body are detected by sensitive x-ray detectors
nerves, and posterior fossa structures. Diffusion MR, a aligned 180 from the x-ray tube. A computer calculates
sequence that detects reduction of microscopic motion a back projection image from the 360 x-ray attenua-
of water, is the most sensitive technique for detecting tion prole. Greater x-ray attenuation, e.g., as caused by
12 TABLE 2-1
Acute parenchymal CT, MR
Subacute/chronic MRI
Subarachnoid hemorrhage CT, CTA, lumbar puncture angiography
Aneurysm Angiography > CTA, MRA
Ischemic infarction
Introduction to Neurology
Note: CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MRA, MR angiography; CTA, CT
angiography; T2W, T2-weighted.
bone, results in areas of high density, whereas soft tissue a helix of information that can be reformatted into
structures, which have poor attenuation of x-rays, are various slice thicknesses. Single or multiple (from 4 to 256)
lower in density. The resolution of an image depends on detectors positioned 180 to the x-ray source may result
the radiation dose, the detector size or collimation (slice in multiple slices per revolution of the beam around the
thickness), the eld of view, and the matrix size of the patient. Advantages of MDCT include shorter scan
display. A modern CT scanner is capable of obtaining times, reduced patient and organ motion, and the ability
sections as thin as 0.51 mm with submillimeter resolu- to acquire images dynamically during the infusion of
tion at a speed of 0.51 s per rotation; complete studies intravenous contrast that can be used to construct CT
of the brain can be completed in 210 s. angiograms of vascular structures and CT perfusion
Helical or multidetector CT (MDCT) is now stan- images (Figs. 2-1B, 2-2B, and 2-3B). CTA images are
dard in most radiology departments. Continuous CT post-processed for display in three dimensions to yield
information is obtained while the patient moves through angiogram-like images (Fig. 2-1C and see Fig. 21-4).
the x-ray beam. In the helical scan mode, the table moves CTA has proved useful in assessing the cervical and
continuously through the rotating x-ray beam, generating intracranial arterial and venous anatomy.
Intravenous iodinated contrast is often administered 13
prior to or during a CT study to identify vascular struc-
tures and to detect defects in the blood-brain barrier
(BBB) that are associated with disorders such as tumors,
infarcts, and infections. In the normal CNS, only vessels
and structures lacking a BBB (e.g., the pituitary gland,
choroid plexus, and dura) enhance after contrast admin-
istration. The use of iodinated contrast agents carries a
risk of allergic reaction and adds additional expense and
CT is the primary study of choice in the evaluation of
an acute change in mental status, focal neurologic nd-
ings, acute trauma to the brain and spine, suspected sub-
arachnoid hemorrhage, and conductive hearing loss
(Table 2-1). CT is complementary to MR in the evalua-
tion of the skull base, orbit, and osseous structures of the
spine. In the spine, CT is useful in evaluating patients
with osseous spinal stenosis and spondylosis, but MRI is
often preferred in those with neurologic decits. CT
can also be obtained following intrathecal contrast injec-
tion to evaluate the intracranial cisterns (CT cisternogra-
phy) for cerebrospinal uid (CSF) stula, as well as the
spinal subarachnoid space (CT myelography).
CT is safe, fast, and reliable. Radiation exposure depends
on the dose used but is normally between 3 and 5 cGy
for a routine brain CT study. Care must be taken to
reduce exposure when imaging children. With the
advent of MDCT, CTA, and CT perfusion, care must be
taken to appropriately minimize radiation dose when-
ever possible. The most frequent complications are asso-
ciated with use of intravenous contrast agents. Two
broad categories of contrast media, ionic and nonionic,
are in use. Although ionic agents are relatively safe and
inexpensive, they are associated with a higher incidence
of reactions and side effects (Table 2-2). As a result,
ionic agents have been largely replaced by safer nonionic
CT angiography (CTA) of ruptured anterior cerebral artery
aneurysm in a patient presenting with acute headache. Contrast nephropathy may result from hemodynamic
A. Noncontrast CT demonstrates subarachnoid hemorrhage changes, renal tubular obstruction and cell damage, or
and mild obstructive hydrocephalus. B. Axial maximum immunologic reactions to contrast agents. A rise in
intensity projection from CT angiography demonstrates serum creatinine of at least 85 mol/L (1 mg/dL)
enlargement of the anterior cerebral artery (arrow). C. 3D sur- within 48 h of contrast administration is often used as a
face reconstruction using a workstation conrms the anterior denition of contrast nephropathy, although other
cerebral aneurysm and demonstrates its orientation and rela- causes of acute renal failure must be excluded.The prog-
tionship to nearby vessels (arrow). CTA image is produced by nosis is usually favorable, with serum creatinine levels
0.51 mm helical CT scans performed during a rapid bolus returning to baseline within 12 weeks. Risk factors for
infusion of intravenous contrast medium. contrast nephropathy include advanced age (>80 years),
Introduction to Neurology
Acute left hemiparesis due to middle cerebral artery right middle cerebral artery (arrow). Reconstitution of ow via
occlusion. A. Axial noncontrast CT scan demonstrates high collaterals is seen distal to the occlusion; however, the
density within the right middle cerebral artery (arrow) associ- patient sustained a right basal ganglia infarction. D. Sagittal
ated with subtle low density involving the right putamen reformation through the right internal carotid artery demon-
(arrowheads). B. Mean transit time map calculated from a CT strates a low-density lipid laden plaque (arrowheads) narrow-
perfusion study; prolongation of the mean transit time is visi- ing the lumen (black arrow) E. 3D surface CTA images from a
ble throughout the right hemisphere (arrows). C. Axial maxi- different patient demonstrate calcication and narrowing of
mum intensity projection from a CTA study through the Circle the right internal carotid artery (arrow), consistent with ather-
of Willis demonstrates an abrupt occlusion of the proximal osclerotic disease.
TABLE 2-2 TABLE 2-4 15
SERUM CREATININE, 12 h prior to examination:
mol/L (mg/dL)a RECOMMENDATION Prednisone, 50 mg PO or methylprednisolone, 32 mg PO
2 h prior to examination:
<133 (<1.5) Use either ionic or nonionic at
Prednisone, 50 mg PO or methylprednisolone,
2 mL/kg to 150 mL total
32 mg PO and
133177 (1.52.0) Nonionic; hydrate diabetics
Cimetidine, 300 mg PO or ranitidine, 150 mg PO
1 mL/kg per hour 10 h
Immediately prior to examination:
into the information used to form an MR image. The subacute hemorrhage and fat-containing structures.
MR image thus consists of a map of the distribution of Many different MR pulse sequences exist, and each
hydrogen protons, with signal intensity imparted by both can be obtained in various planes (Figs. 2-3, 2-4, 2-5).
density of hydrogen protons and differences in the relax- The selection of a proper protocol that will best answer
ation times (see below) of hydrogen protons on different a clinical question depends on an accurate clinical history
molecules. Although clinical MRI currently makes use of and indication for the examination. Fluid-attenuated
Introduction to Neurology
the ubiquitous hydrogen proton, research into sodium inversion recovery (FLAIR) is a useful pulse sequence
and carbon imaging appears promising. that produces T2W images in which the normally high
signal intensity of CSF is suppressed (Fig. 2-5A). FLAIR
T1 and T2 Relaxation Times images are more sensitive than standard spin echo images
for any water-containing lesions or edema. Gradient
The rate of return to equilibrium of perturbed protons echo imaging is most sensitive to magnetic susceptibility
is called the relaxation rate. The relaxation rate varies generated by blood, calcium, and air and is indicated in
among normal and pathologic tissues. The relaxation patients with traumatic brain injury to assess for subtle
rate of a hydrogen proton in a tissue is inuenced by contusions and shear microhemorrhages. MR images
local interactions with surrounding molecules and can be generated in any plane without changing the
atomic neighbors.Two relaxation rates,T1 and T2, inu- patients position. Each sequence, however, must be
ence the signal intensity of the image.The T1 relaxation obtained separately and takes 15 min on average to
time is the time, measured in milliseconds, for 63% of complete. Three-dimensional volumetric imaging is also
the hydrogen protons to return to their normal equilib- possible with MRI, resulting in a volume of data that
rium state, while the T2 relaxation is the time for 63% can be reformatted in any orientation on a workstation
of the protons to become dephased owing to interac- to highlight certain disease processes.
tions among nearby protons. The intensity of the signal
within various tissues and image contrast can be modu-
MR Contrast Material
lated by altering acquisition parameters, such as the
interval between Rf pulses (TR) and the time between The heavy-metal element gadolinium forms the basis
the Rf pulse and the signal reception (TE). So-called of all currently approved intravenous MR contrast
T1-weighted (T1W) images are produced by keeping agents. Gadolinium is a paramagnetic substance, which
the TR and TE relatively short. T2-weighted (T2W) means that it reduces the T1 and T2 relaxation times of
images are produced by using longer TR and TE times. nearby water protons, resulting in a high signal on T1W
Fat and subacute hemorrhage have relatively shorter T1 images and a low signal on T2W images (the latter
relaxation rates and thus higher signal intensity than requires a sufcient local concentration, usually in the
brain on T1W images. Structures containing more form of an intravenous bolus). Unlike iodinated con-
water, such as CSF and edema, have long T1 and T2 trast agents, the effect of MR contrast agents depends
relaxation rates, resulting in relatively lower signal inten- on the presence of local hydrogen protons on which it
sity on T1W images and a higher signal intensity on must act to achieve the desired effect. Gadolinium is
T2W images (Table 2-5). Gray matter contains 1015% chelated to DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid),
more water than white matter, which accounts for much which allows safe renal excretion. Approximately 0.2
of the intrinsic contrast between the two on MRI mL/kg body weight is administered intravenously; the
cost is ~$60 per dose. Gadolinium-DTPA does not nor-
mally cross the intact BBB immediately but will
TABLE 2-5 enhance lesions lacking a BBB (Fig. 2-4A) and areas of
SOME COMMON INTENSITIES ON T1- AND the brain that normally are devoid of the BBB (pitu-
T2-WEIGHTED MRI SEQUENCES itary, choroid plexus). However, gadolinium contrast has
been noted to slowly cross an intact BBB if given over
time and especially in the setting of reduced renal
IMAGE TR TE CSF FAT BRAIN EDEMA clearance.The agents are generally well tolerated; severe
allergic reactions are rare but have been reported. The
T1W Short Short Low High Low Low
T2W Long Long High Low High High
adverse reaction rate in patients with a prior history of
atopy or asthma is 3.7%; however, the reaction rate
Note: TR, interval between radiofrequency (Rf) pulses; TE, interval
increases to 6.3% in those patients with a prior history
between Rf pulse and signal reception; CSF, cerebrospinal uid; of unspecied allergic reaction to iodinated contrast
T1W and T2W, T1- and T2-weighted. agents. Gadolinium contrast material can be administered
Neuroimaging in Neurologic Disorders
A. Axial noncontrast CT scan in a patient with left hemipare- volume map shows reduced CBV involving an area within the
sis shows a subtle low density involving the right temporal defect shown in B, indicating infarction (arrows). D. Coronal
and frontal lobes (arrows). The hyperdense middle cerebral maximum intensity projection from MRA shows right middle
artery (arrowhead) indicates an embolic occlusion of the mid- cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion (arrow). E and F. Axial diffu-
dle cerebral artery. B. Mean transit time CT perfusion para- sion weighted image (E) and apparent diffusion coefcient
metric map indicating prolonged mean transit time involving image (F) documents the presence of a right middle cerebral
the right middle cerebral territory (arrows). C. Cerebral blood artery infarction.
safely to children as well as adults, although these agents widespread brosis of the skeletal muscle, bone, lungs,
are generally avoided in those younger than 6 months. pleura, pericardium, myocardium, kidney, muscle, bone,
Renal failure does not occur. testes, and dura.
A rare complication, nephrogenic systemic brosis
(NSF), has recently been reported in patients with renal
insufciency, who have been exposed to gadolinium
contrast agents. The onset of NSF has been reported
between 5 and 75 days following exposure; histologic fea- From the patients perspective, an MRI examination can
tures include thickened collagen bundles with surrounding be intimidating, and a higher level of cooperation is
clefts, mucin deposition, and increased numbers of required than with CT.The patient lies on a table that is
fibrocytes and elastic fibers in skin. In addition to moved into a long, narrow gap within the magnet.
dermatologic symptoms, other manifestations include Approximately 5% of the population experiences severe
Introduction to Neurology
Cerebral abscess in a patient with fever and
a right hemiparesis. A. Coronal postcontrast
T1-weighted image demonstrates a ring enhanc-
ing mass in the left frontal lobe. B. Axial
diffusion-weighted image demonstrates restricted
diffusion (high signal intensity) within the lesion,
which in this setting is highly suggestive of
cerebral abscess. C. Single voxel proton spec-
troscopy (TE of 288 ms) reveals a reduced Naa
peak and abnormal peaks for acetate, alanine
(Ala), lactate (Lac), and amino acids (AA). These
ndings are highly suggestive of cerebral
abscess; at biopsy a streptococcal abscess
was identied.
claustrophobia in the MR environment. This can be is indicated in those with a history of metal work or
reduced by mild sedation but remains a problem for ocular metallic foreign bodies. Implanted cardiac pace-
some. Unlike CT, movement of the patient during an makers are generally a contraindication to MRI owing
MR sequence distorts all the images; therefore, uncoop- to the risk of induced arrhythmias; however, some
erative patients should either be sedated for the MR study newer pacemakers have been shown to be safe. All
or scanned with CT. Generally, children younger than health care personnel and patients must be screened and
10 years usually require conscious sedation in order to com- educated thoroughly to prevent such disasters as the
plete the MR examination without motion degradation. magnet is always on. Table 2-6 lists common con-
MRI is considered safe for patients, even at very high traindications for MRI.
eld strengths (>34 T). Serious injuries have been
caused, however, by attraction of ferromagnetic objects
into the magnet, which act as missiles if brought too MAGNETIC RESONANCE
close to the magnet. Likewise, ferromagnetic implants, ANGIOGRAPHY
such as aneurysm clips, may torque within the magnet,
causing damage to vessels and even death. Metallic for- MR angiography (MRA) is a general term describing sev-
eign bodies in the eye have moved and caused intraocu- eral MR techniques that result in vascular-weighted
lar hemorrhage; screening for ocular metallic fragments images. These provide a vascular ow map rather than
Neuroimaging in Neurologic Disorders
Herpes simplex encephalitis in a patient presenting with left medial temporal lobe and hippocampus (arrows). This is
altered mental status and fever. A. Coronal T2-weighted most consistent with neuronal death and can be seen in acute
FLAIR image demonstrates expansion and high signal intensity infarction as well as encephalitis and other inammatory con-
involving the left medial temporal lobe, insular cortex, and left ditions. The suspected diagnosis of herpes simplex encephali-
cingulate gyrus. B. Diffusion-weighted image demonstrates tis was conrmed by CSF PCR analysis. (Courtesy of Howard
high signal intensity indicating restricted diffusion involving the Rowley, MD, University of Wisconsin; with permission.)
the anatomic map shown by conventional angiography. intensity of moving protons in contrast to the low signal
On routine spin echo MR sequences, moving protons background intensity of stationary tissue. This creates
(e.g., owing blood, CSF) exhibit complex MR signals angiography-like images, which can be manipulated in
that range from high to low signal intensity relative to three dimensions to highlight vascular anatomy and
background stationary tissue. Fast-owing blood returns relationships.
no signal (ow void) on routine T1W or T2W spin Time-of-ight (TOF) imaging, currently the tech-
echo MR images. Slower-owing blood, as occurs in nique used most frequently, relies on the suppression of
veins or distal to arterial stenosis, may appear high in nonmoving tissue to provide a low-intensity back-
signal. However, using special pulse sequences called gra- ground for the high signal intensity of owing blood
dient echo sequences, it is possible to increase the signal entering the section; arterial or venous structures may
be highlighted. A typical TOF angiography sequence
results in a series of contiguous, thin MR sections
(0.60.9 mm thick), which can be viewed as a stack and
COMMON CONTRAINDICATIONS TO MR IMAGING manipulated to create an angiographic image data set
Cardiac pacemaker or permanent pacemaker leads that can be reformatted and viewed in various planes
Internal debrillatory device and angles, much like that seen with conventional
Cochlear prostheses angiography (Fig. 2-3D).
Bone growth stimulators Phase-contrast MRA has a longer acquisition time
Spinal cord stimulators than TOF MRA, but in addition to providing anatomic
Electronic infusion devices
Intracranial aneurysm clips (some but not all)
information similar to that of TOF imaging, it can be
Ocular implants (some) or ocular metallic foreign body used to reveal the velocity and direction of blood ow
McGee stapedectomy piston prosthesis in a given vessel. Through the selection of different
Omniphase penile implant imaging parameters, differing blood velocities can be
Swan-Ganz catheter highlighted; selective venous and arterial MRA images
Magnetic stoma plugs can thus be obtained. One advantage of phase-contrast
Magnetic dental implants MRA is the excellent suppression of high signal inten-
Magnetic sphincters
sity background structures.
Ferromagnetic IVC lters, coils, stentssafe 6 weeks
after implantation MRA can also be acquired during infusion of con-
Tattooed eyeliner (contains ferromagnetic material and trast material. Advantages include faster imaging times
may irritate eyes) (12 min vs. 10 min), fewer ow-related artifacts, and
higher-resolution images. Recently, contrast-enhanced
20 MRA has become the standard for extracranial vascular for processing an image is accumulated in 50150 ms,
MRA. This technique entails rapid imaging using coro- and the information for the entire brain is obtained in
nal three-dimensional TOF sequences during a bolus 12 min, depending on the degree of resolution
infusion of 1520 mL of gadolinium-DTPA. Proper required or desired. Fast MRI reduces patient and organ
technique and timing of acquisition relative to bolus motion, permitting diffusion imaging and tractography
arrival are critical for success. (Figs. 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6; and see Fig. 21-16), perfusion
MRA has lower spatial resolution compared with imaging during contrast infusion, fMRI, and kinematic
conventional lm-based angiography, and therefore the motion studies.
detection of small-vessel abnormalities, such as vasculitis Perfusion and diffusion imaging are EPI techniques
Introduction to Neurology
and distal vasospasm, is problematic. MRA is also less that are useful in early detection of ischemic injury of
sensitive to slowly owing blood and thus may not reli- the brain and may be useful together to demonstrate
ably differentiate complete from near-complete occlu- infarcted tissue as well as ischemic but potentially viable
sions. Motion, either by the patient or by anatomic tissue at risk of infarction (e.g., the ischemic penumbra).
structures, may distort the MRA images, creating arti- Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) assesses microscopic
facts. These limitations notwithstanding, MRA has motion of water; restriction of motion appears as relative
proved useful in evaluation of the extracranial carotid high signal intensity on diffusion-weighted images. DWI
and vertebral circulation as well as of larger-caliber is the most sensitive technique for detection of acute
intracranial arteries and dural sinuses. It has also proved cerebral infarction of <7 days duration and is also sensi-
useful in the noninvasive detection of intracranial tive to encephalitis and abscess formation, all of which
aneurysms and vascular malformations. have reduced diffusion and result in high signal on diffu-
sion-weighted images.
Perfusion MRI involves the acquisition of EPI images
ECHO-PLANAR MR IMAGING during a rapid intravenous bolus of gadolinium contrast
material. Relative perfusion abnormalities can be identi-
Recent improvements in gradients, software, and high- ed on images of the relative cerebral blood volume,
speed computer processors now permit extremely rapid mean transit time, and cerebral blood ow. Delay in
MRI of the brain. With echo-planar MRI (EPI), fast mean transit time and reduction in cerebral blood vol-
gradients are switched on and off at high speeds to cre- ume and cerebral blood ow are typical of infarction. In
ate the information used to form an image. In routine the setting of reduced blood ow, a prolonged mean
spin echo imaging, images of the brain can be obtained transit time of contrast but normal or elevated cerebral
in 510 min. With EPI, all of the information required blood volume may indicate tissue supplied by collateral
Diffusion tractography in cerebral glioma. A. An axial fast tractography superimposed on the image. This shows the
spin echo T2-weighted image shows a high signal intensity position of the internal capsule (arrows) relative to the enhanc-
glioma of the insular cortex lateral to the bers of the internal ing tumor.
capsule. B and C. Axial post-gadolinium images with diffusion
ow that is at risk of infarction. pMRI imaging can also 21
be used in the assessment of brain tumors to differenti-
ate intraaxial primary tumors from extraaxial tumors or NEUROGRAPHY
metastasis. MR neurography is an MR technique that shows promise
Diffusion tract imaging (DTI) is derived from diffu- in detecting increased signal in irritated, inamed, or
sion MRI techniques. Preferential microscopic motion inltrated peripheral nerves. Images are obtained with
of water along white matter tracts is detected by diffu- fat-suppressed fast spin echo imaging or short inversion
sion MR, which can also indicate the direction of white recovery sequences. Irritated or inltrated nerves will
matter ber tracts. This new technique has great poten- demonstrate high signal on T2W imaging.
Myelography involves the intrathecal instillation of spe-
cially formulated water-soluble iodinated contrast
medium into the lumbar or cervical subarachnoid space.
CT scanning is usually performed after myelography
(CT myelography) to better demonstrate the spinal cord
and roots, which appear as lling defects in the opacied
subarachnoid space. Low-dose CT myelography, in which
CT is performed after the subarachnoid injection of a
small amount of relatively dilute contrast material, has
replaced conventional myelography for many indica-
tions, thereby reducing exposure to radiation and con-
trast media. Newer multidetector scanners now obtain
CT studies quickly so that reformations in sagittal and
coronal planes, equivalent to traditional myelography
FIGURE 2-7 projections, are now routine.
Diffusion tractography in a healthy individual obtained at
3T demonstrates the normal subcortical ber pathways. The INDICATIONS
direction of the tracts have been color-coded (red, left-right;
green, anterior-posterior; blue, superior-inferior). (Courtesy of Myelography has been largely replaced by CT myelog-
Pratik Mukherjee, MD, PhD; with permission.) raphy and MRI for diagnosis of diseases of the spinal
22 canal and cord (Table 2-1). Remaining indications for arachnoid space. Seizures occur following myelography
conventional plain-lm myelography include the evalu- in 0.10.3% of patients. Risk factors include a preexist-
ation of suspected meningeal or arachnoid cysts and the ing seizure disorder and the use of a total iodine dose of
localization of spinal dural arteriovenous or CSF stulas. >4500 mg. Other reported complications include
Conventional myelography and CT myelography pro- hyperthermia, hallucinations, depression, and anxiety
vide the most precise information in patients with prior states.These side effects have been reduced by the devel-
spinal fusion and spinal xation hardware. opment of nonionic, water-soluble contrast agents, as
well as by head elevation and generous hydration fol-
lowing myelography.
Introduction to Neurology
treatment of some cerebrovascular diseases. The decision
Adamkiewicz (Chap. 30) prior to aortic aneurysm repair.
to undertake a diagnostic or therapeutic angiographic
The procedure is lengthy and requires the use of relatively
procedure requires careful assessment of the goals of the
large volumes of contrast; the incidence of serious com-
investigation and its attendant risks.
plications, including paraparesis, subjective visual blurring,
To improve tolerance to contrast agents, patients
and altered speech, is ~2%. Gadolinium-enhanced MRA
undergoing angiography should be well hydrated before
has been used successfully in this setting, as has iodinated
I Electroencephalography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
The EEG and Epilepsy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
The EEG and Coma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
The EEG in Other Neurologic Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
I Evoked Potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Sensory Evoked Potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Clinical Utility of SEPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Electrophysiologic Studies of Muscle and Nerve . . . . . . . . . . 28
Electromyography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
I Further Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
C3-P3 P3-O1
P3-O1 F4-C4
Fp2-F4 C4-P4
F4-C4 P4-O2
C4-P4 T3-CZ
P4-O2 CZ-T4
Electrodiagnostic Studies of Nervous System Disorders: EEG, Evoked Potentials, and EMG
C3-A1 F3-C3
P3-A1 C3-P3
O1-A1 P3-O1
P4-A2 P4-O2
A. Normal EEG showing a posteriorly situated 9-Hz alpha 300 V in other panels. (From Aminoff, 1999.) In this and the
rhythm that attenuates with eye opening. B. Abnormal EEG following gure, electrode placements are indicated at the
showing irregular diffuse slow activity in an obtunded patient left of each panel and accord with the international 10:20
with encephalitis. C. Irregular slow activity in the right central system. A, earlobe; C, central; F, frontal; Fp, frontal polar;
region, on a diffusely slowed background, in a patient with a P, parietal; T, temporal; O, occipital. Right-sided placements
right parietal glioma. D. Periodic complexes occurring once are indicated by even numbers, left-sided placements by
every second in a patient with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. odd numbers, and midline placements by Z.
Horizontal calibration: 1 s; vertical calibration: 200 V in A,
in video-EEG telemetry units for hospitalized patients episodic generalized spike-wave activity that occurs dur-
or the use of portable equipment to record the EEG ing and between seizures in patients with typical
continuously on cassettes for 24 h or longer in ambula- absence epilepsy contrasts with focal interictal epilepti-
tory patients has made it easier to capture the electro- form discharges or ictal patterns found in patients with
cerebral accompaniments of such clinical episodes. complex partial seizures. These latter seizures may have
Monitoring by these means is sometimes helpful in con- no correlates in the scalp-recorded EEG or may be asso-
rming that seizures are occurring, characterizing the ciated with abnormal rhythmic activity of variable fre-
nature of clinically equivocal episodes, and determining quency, a localized or generalized distribution, and a
the frequency of epileptic events. stereotyped pattern that varies with the patient. Focal or
The EEG ndings may also be helpful in the interictal lateralized epileptogenic lesions are important to recog-
period by showing certain abnormalities that are strongly nize, especially if surgical treatment is contemplated.
supportive of a diagnosis of epilepsy. Such epileptiform Intensive long-term monitoring of clinical behavior and
activity consists of bursts of abnormal discharges contain- the EEG is required for operative candidates, however,
ing spikes or sharp waves. The presence of epileptiform and this generally also involves recording from intracra-
activity is not specic for epilepsy, but it has a much nially placed electrodes (which may be subdural,
greater prevalence in epileptic patients than in normal extradural, or intracerebral in location).
individuals. However, even in an individual who is The ndings in the routine scalp-recorded EEG may
known to have epilepsy, the initial routine interictal EEG indicate the prognosis of seizure disorders: in general, a
may be normal up to 60% of the time. Thus, the EEG normal EEG implies a better prognosis than otherwise,
cannot establish the diagnosis of epilepsy in many cases. whereas an abnormal background or profuse epilepti-
The EEG ndings have been used in classifying form activity suggests a poor outlook.The EEG ndings
seizure disorders and selecting appropriate anticonvul- are not helpful in determining which patients with head
sant medication for individual patients (Fig. 3-2). The injuries, stroke, or brain tumors will go on to develop
26 F3-C3 occur after withdrawal of anticonvulsant medication
C3-P3 despite a normal EEG or, conversely, may not occur
despite a continuing EEG abnormality. The decision to
silence. However, complicating disorders that may pro- temporal relationship to the stimulus, is averaged out by
duce a similar but reversible EEG appearance (e.g., this procedure.
hypothermia or drug intoxication) must be excluded. Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) are elicited by monocular
The presence of residual EEG activity in suspected brain stimulation with a reversing checkerboard pattern and are
death fails to conrm the diagnosis but does not exclude recorded from the occipital region in the midline and on
it.The EEG is usually normal in patients with locked-in either side of the scalp. The component of major clinical
Electrodiagnostic Studies of Nervous System Disorders: EEG, Evoked Potentials, and EMG
syndrome and helps in distinguishing this disorder from importance is the so-called P100 response, a positive peak
the comatose state with which it is sometimes confused having a latency of approximately 100 ms. Its presence,
clinically. latency, and symmetry over the two sides of the scalp are
noted. Amplitude may also be measured, but changes in
size are much less helpful for the recognition of pathology.
VEPs are most useful in detecting dysfunction of the
visual pathways anterior to the optic chiasm. In patients
In the developed countries, CT scanning and MRI have with acute severe optic neuritis, the P100 is frequently lost
taken the place of EEG as a noninvasive means of screen- or grossly attenuated; as clinical recovery occurs and visual
ing for focal structural abnormalities of the brain, such as acuity improves, the P100 is restored but with an increased
tumors, infarcts, or hematomas (Fig. 3-1). Nonetheless, latency that generally remains abnormally prolonged
the EEG is still used for this purpose in many parts of the indenitely.The VEP ndings are therefore helpful in indi-
world, although infratentorial or slowly expanding cating previous or subclinical optic neuritis.They may also
lesions may fail to cause any abnormalities. Focal slow- be abnormal with ocular abnormalities and with other
wave disturbances, a localized loss of electrocerebral causes of optic nerve disease, such as ischemia or compres-
activity, or more generalized electrocerebral disturbances sion by a tumor. Normal VEPs may be elicited by ash
are common ndings but provide no reliable indication stimuli in patients with cortical blindness.
about the nature of the underlying pathology. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) are elicited
In patients with an acute encephalopathy, focal or lat- by monaural stimulation with repetitive clicks and are
eralized periodic slow-wave complexes, sometimes with recorded between the vertex of the scalp and the mas-
a sharpened outline, suggest a diagnosis of herpes sim- toid process or earlobe. A series of potentials, designated
plex encephalitis, and periodic lateralized epileptiform by roman numerals, occurs in the rst 10 ms after the
discharges (PLEDs) are commonly found with acute stimulus and represents in part the sequential activation
hemispheric pathology such as a hematoma, abscess, or of different structures in the pathway between the audi-
rapidly expanding tumor.The EEG ndings in dementia tory nerve (wave I) and the inferior colliculus (wave V)
are usually nonspecic and do not distinguish between in the midbrain. The presence, latency, and interpeak
the different causes of cognitive decline except in rare latency of the rst ve positive potentials recorded at
instances when, for example, the presence of complexes the vertex are evaluated. The ndings are helpful in
occurring with a regular repetition rate (so-called peri- screening for acoustic neuromas, detecting brainstem
odic complexes) supports a diagnosis of Creutzfeldt- pathology, and evaluating comatose patients.The BAEPs
Jakob disease (Fig. 3-1) or subacute sclerosing panen- are normal in coma due to metabolic/toxic disorders or
cephalitis. In most patients with dementias, the EEG is bihemispheric disease but abnormal in the presence of
normal or diffusely slowed, and the EEG ndings alone brainstem pathology.
cannot indicate whether a patient is demented or distin- Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) are recorded
guish between dementia and pseudodementia. over the scalp and spine in response to electrical stimu-
lation of a peripheral (mixed or cutaneous) nerve. The
conguration, polarity, and latency of the responses
EVOKED POTENTIALS depend on the nerve that is stimulated and on the record-
SENSORY EVOKED POTENTIALS ing arrangements. SEPs are used to evaluate proximal
(otherwise inaccessible) portions of the peripheral nervous
The noninvasive recording of spinal or cerebral poten- system and the integrity of the central somatosensory
tials elicited by stimulation of specic afferent pathways pathways.
is an important means of monitoring the functional
integrity of these pathways but does not indicate the
pathologic basis of lesions involving them. Such evoked
potentials (EPs) are so small compared to the back- EP studies may detect and localize lesions in afferent
ground EEG activity that the responses to a number of pathways in the central nervous system (CNS). They
28 have been used particularly to investigate patients with latency in many patients with dementia, whereas it is
suspected multiple sclerosis (MS), the diagnosis of which generally normal in patients with depression or other
requires the recognition of lesions involving several dif- psychiatric disorders that might be mistaken for demen-
ferent regions of the central white matter. In patients tia. ERPs are therefore sometimes helpful in making this
with clinical evidence of only one lesion, the electro- distinction when there is clinical uncertainty, although a
physiologic recognition of abnormalities in other sites response of normal latency does not exclude dementia.
helps to suggest or support the diagnosis but does not
establish it unequivocally. Multimodality EP abnormali- Motor Evoked Potentials
ties are not specic for multiple sclerosis (MS); they may
The electrical potentials recorded from muscle or the
Introduction to Neurology
between 5 and 15 ms, amplitude is between 200 V and
B 100 V
2 mV, and most are bi- or triphasic.The number of units
activated depends on the degree of voluntary activity. An
100 ms increase in muscle contraction is associated with an
increase in the number of motor units that are activated
100 V (recruited) and in the frequency with which they dis-
Electrodiagnostic Studies of Nervous System Disorders: EEG, Evoked Potentials, and EMG
C D E charge.With a full contraction, so many motor units are
normally activated that individual motor unit action
potentials can no longer be distinguished, and a com-
10 ms plete interference pattern is said to have been produced.
FIGURE 3-3 The incidence of small, short-duration, polyphasic
Activity recorded during EMG. A. Spontaneous brillation motor unit action potentials (i.e., having more than four
potentials and positive sharp waves. B. Complex repetitive phases) is usually increased in myopathic muscle, and an
discharges recorded in partially denervated muscle at rest. excessive number of units is activated for a specied
C. Normal triphasic motor unit action potential. D. Small, degree of voluntary activity. By contrast, the loss of
short-duration, polyphasic motor unit action potential such motor units that occurs in neuropathic disorders leads to
as is commonly encountered in myopathic disorders. E. Long- a reduction in number of units activated during a maxi-
duration polyphasic motor unit action potential such as may mal contraction and an increase in their ring rate, i.e.,
be seen in neuropathic disorders. there is an incomplete or reduced interference pattern.
The conguration and dimensions of the potentials may
also be abnormal, depending on the duration of the
into the muscle.The nature and pattern of abnormalities neuropathic process and on whether reinnervation has
relate to disorders at different levels of the motor unit. occurred.The surviving motor units are initially normal
Relaxed muscle normally is electrically silent except in conguration but, as reinnervation occurs, they
in the end plate region, but abnormal spontaneous increase in amplitude and duration and become
activity (Fig. 3-3) occurs in various neuromuscular dis- polyphasic (Fig. 3-3).
orders, especially those associated with denervation or Action potentials from the same motor unit some-
inammatory changes in affected muscle. Fibrillation times re with a consistent temporal relationship to each
potentials and positive sharp waves (which reect mus- other, so that double, triple, or multiple discharges are
cle ber irritability) and complex repetitive discharges recorded, especially in tetany, hemifacial spasm, or
are most oftenbut not alwaysfound in denervated myokymia.
muscle and may also occur after muscle injury and in Electrical silence characterizes the involuntary, sus-
certain myopathic disorders, especially inammatory dis- tained muscle contraction that occurs in phosphorylase
orders such as polymyositis. After an acute neuropathic deciency, which is designated a contracture.
lesion, they are found earlier in proximal rather than dis- EMG enables disorders of the motor units to be
tal muscles and sometimes do not develop distally in the detected and characterized as either neurogenic or myo-
extremities for 46 weeks; once present, they may persist pathic. In neurogenic disorders, the pattern of affected
indenitely unless reinnervation occurs or the muscle muscles may localize the lesion to the anterior horn
degenerates so completely that no viable tissue remains. cells or to a specic site as the axons traverse a nerve
Fasciculation potentials (which reect the spontaneous root, limb plexus, and peripheral nerve to their terminal
activity of individual motor units) are characteristic of arborizations.The ndings do not enable a specic etio-
slowly progressive neuropathic disorders, especially those logic diagnosis to be made, however, except in conjunc-
with degeneration of anterior horn cells (such as amy- tion with the clinical ndings and results of other labo-
otrophic lateral sclerosis). Myotonic dischargeshigh- ratory studies.
frequency discharges of potentials derived from single The ndings may provide a guide to the severity of
muscle fibers that wax and wane in amplitude and an acute disorder of a peripheral or cranial nerve (by
frequencyare the signature of myotonic disorders such indicating whether denervation has occurred and the
as myotonic dystrophy or myotonia congenita but occur completeness of the lesion) and whether the pathologic
occasionally in polymyositis or other, rarer, disorders. process is active or progressive in chronic or degenera-
Slight voluntary contraction of a muscle leads to acti- tive disorders such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Such
vation of a small number of motor units. The potentials information is important for prognostic purposes.
generated by any muscle bers of these units that are Various quantitative EMG approaches have been
within the pick-up range of the needle electrode will be developed.The most common is to determine the mean
30 duration and amplitude of 20 motor unit action poten- studies are performed by determining the conduction
tials using a standardized technique. The technique of velocity and amplitude of action potentials in sensory
macro-EMG provides information about the number bers when these bers are stimulated at one point and
and size of muscle bers in a larger volume of the motor the responses are recorded at another point along the
unit territory and has also been used to estimate the course of the nerve. In adults, conduction velocity in the
number of motor units in a muscle. Scanning EMG is a arms is normally between 50 and 70 m/s, and in the legs
computer-based technique that has been used to study is between 40 and 60 m/s.
the topography of motor unit action potentials and, in Nerve conduction studies complement the EMG
particular, the spatial and temporal distribution of activ- examination, enabling the presence and extent of
Introduction to Neurology
ity in individual units. The technique of single-ber peripheral nerve pathology to be determined. They are
EMG is discussed separately later. particularly helpful in determining whether sensory
symptoms are arising from pathology proximal or distal
Nerve Conduction Studies to the dorsal root ganglia (in the former instance,
peripheral sensory conduction studies will be normal)
Recording of the electrical response of a muscle to and whether neuromuscular dysfunction relates to
stimulation of its motor nerve at two or more points peripheral nerve disease. In patients with a mononeu-
along its course (Fig. 3-4) permits conduction velocity ropathy, they are invaluable as a means of localizing a
to be determined in the fastest-conducting motor bers focal lesion, determining the extent and severity of the
between the points of stimulation.The latency and ampli- underlying pathology, providing a guide to prognosis,
tude of the electrical response of muscle (i.e., of the and detecting subclinical involvement of other periph-
compound muscle action potential) to stimulation of its eral nerves. They enable a polyneuropathy to be distin-
motor nerve at a distal site are also compared with values guished from a mononeuropathy multiplex when this is
dened in normal subjects. Sensory nerve conduction not possible clinically, an important distinction because
of the etiologic implications. Nerve conduction studies
provide a means of following the progression and thera-
electrodes peutic response of peripheral nerve disorders and are
being used increasingly for this purpose in clinical trials.
Reference Ground
They may suggest the underlying pathologic basis in
individual cases. Conduction velocity is often markedly
slowed, terminal motor latencies are prolonged, and
Anode compound motor and sensory nerve action potentials
may be dispersed in the demyelinative neuropathies
Stimulating Stimulating (such as in Guillain-Barr syndrome, chronic inamma-
electrodes electrodes
tory polyneuropathy, metachromatic leukodystrophy, or
Stimulation certain hereditary neuropathies); conduction block is
site frequent in acquired varieties of these neuropathies. By
Wrist contrast, conduction velocity is normal or slowed only
mildly, sensory nerve action potentials are small or
absent, and there is EMG evidence of denervation in
axonal neuropathies such as occur in association with
elbow metabolic or toxic disorders.
The utility and complementary role of EMG and
nerve conduction studies are best illustrated by reference
to a common clinical problem. Numbness and paresthe-
elbow sia of the little nger and associated wasting of the
intrinsic muscles of the hand may result from a spinal
cord lesion, C8/T1 radiculopathy, brachial plexopathy
(lower trunk or medial cord), or a lesion of the ulnar
Axilla 5 mV
nerve. If sensory nerve action potentials can be recorded
10 ms normally at the wrist following stimulation of the digital
FIGURE 3-4 bers in the affected nger, the pathology is probably
Arrangement for motor conduction studies of the ulnar nerve. proximal to the dorsal root ganglia, i.e., there is a radicu-
Responses are recorded with a surface electrode from the lopathy or more central lesion; absence of the sensory
abductor digiti minimi muscle to supramaximal stimulation of potentials, by contrast, suggests distal pathology. EMG
the nerve at different sites, and are shown in the lower panel. examination will indicate whether the pattern of
(From Aminoff, 1998.) affected muscles conforms to radicular or ulnar nerve
territory, or is more extensive (thereby favoring a plex- stimulation of a motor nerve at 23 Hz with stimuli 31
opathy). Ulnar motor conduction studies will generally delivered at intervals after voluntary contraction of the
also distinguish between a radiculopathy (normal nd- muscle for about 2030 s, even though preceding activ-
ings) and ulnar neuropathy (abnormal ndings) and will ity in the junctional region inuences the release of
often identify the site of an ulnar nerve lesion: the nerve acetylcholine and thus the size of the end plate poten-
is stimulated at several points along its course to deter- tials elicited by a test stimulus. This is because more
mine whether the compound action potential recorded acetylcholine is normally released than is required to
from a distal muscle that it supplies shows a marked bring the motor end plate potentials to the threshold for
alteration in size or area or a disproportionate change in generating muscle ber action potentials. In disorders of
Electrodiagnostic Studies of Nervous System Disorders: EEG, Evoked Potentials, and EMG
latency, with stimulation at a particular site.The electro- neuromuscular transmission this safety factor is reduced.
physiologic ndings thus permit a denitive diagnosis to Thus in myasthenia gravis, repetitive stimulation, partic-
be made and specic treatment instituted in circum- ularly at a rate of between 2 and 5 Hz, may lead to a
stances where there is clinical ambiguity. depression of neuromuscular transmission, with a decre-
ment in size of the response recorded from affected
muscles. Similarly, immediately after a period of maxi-
F Wave Studies
mal voluntary activity, single or repetitive stimuli of the
Stimulation of a motor nerve causes impulses to travel motor nerve may elicit larger muscle responses than
antidromically (i.e., toward the spinal cord) as well as before, indicating that more muscle bers are respond-
orthodromically (to the nerve terminals). Such antidromic ing. This postactivation facilitation of neuromuscular
impulses cause a few of the anterior horn cells to dis- transmission is followed by a longer-lasting period of
charge, producing a small motor response that occurs depression, maximal between 2 and 4 min after the con-
considerably later than the direct response elicited by nerve ditioning period and lasting for as long as 10 min or so,
stimulation.The F wave so elicited is sometimes abnormal during which responses are reduced in size.
(absent or delayed) with proximal pathology of the periph- Decrementing responses to repetitive stimulation at
eral nervous system, such as a radiculopathy, and may 25 Hz are common in myasthenia gravis but may also
therefore be helpful in detecting abnormalities when occur in the congenital myasthenic syndromes. In
conventional nerve conduction studies are normal. In Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, in which there is
general, however, the clinical utility of F wave studies has defective release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular
been disappointing, except perhaps in Guillain-Barr junction, the compound muscle action potential elicited
syndrome, where they are often absent or delayed. by a single stimulus is generally very small. With repeti-
tive stimulation at rates of up to 10 Hz, the rst few
responses may decline in size, but subsequent responses
H Reex Studies
increase. If faster rates of stimulation are used (2050 Hz),
The H reex is easily recorded only from the soleus mus- the increment may be dramatic so that the amplitude of
cle (S1) in normal adults. It is elicited by low-intensity compound muscle action potentials eventually reaches a
stimulation of the tibial nerve and represents a monosy- size that is several times larger than the initial response.
naptic reex in which spindle (Ia) afferent bers consti- In patients with botulism, the response to repetitive
tute the afferent arc and alpha motor axons the efferent stimulation is similar to that in Lambert-Eaton syn-
pathway. The H reexes are often absent bilaterally in drome, although the ndings are somewhat more vari-
elderly patients or with polyneuropathies and may be able and not all muscles are affected.
lost unilaterally in S1 radiculopathies.
Single-Fiber Electromyography
Muscle Response to Repetitive This technique is particularly helpful in detecting disor-
Nerve Stimulation
ders of neuromuscular transmission. A special needle
The size of the electrical response of a muscle to supra- electrode is placed within a muscle and positioned to
maximal electrical stimulation of its motor nerve relates record action potentials from two muscle bers belong-
to the number of muscle bers that are activated. Neu- ing to the same motor unit. The time interval between
romuscular transmission can be tested by several differ- the two potentials will vary in consecutive discharges;
ent protocols, but the most helpful is to record with sur- this is called the neuromuscular jitter. The jitter can be
face electrodes the electrical response of a muscle to quantied as the mean difference between consecutive
supramaximal stimulation of its motor nerve by repeti- interpotential intervals and is normally between 10 and
tive (23 Hz) shocks delivered before and at selected 50 s.This value is increased when neuromuscular trans-
intervals after a maximal voluntary contraction. mission is disturbed for any reason, and in some
There is normally little or no change in size of the instances impulses in individual muscle bers may fail to
compound muscle action potential following repetitive occur because of impulse blocking at the neuromuscular
32 junction. Single-ber EMG is more sensitive than repet- may lead to uni- or bilateral loss of the response, and the
itive nerve stimulation or determination of acetylcholine ndings may therefore be helpful in identifying or local-
receptor antibody levels in diagnosing myasthenia gravis. izing such pathology.
Blink Reexes
Churchill Livingstone, 2005
Electrical or mechanical stimulation of the supraorbital BROWN WF et al (eds): Neuromuscular Function and Disease. Philadel-
nerve on one side leads to two separate reex responses phia, Saunders, 2002
of the orbicularis oculian ipsilateral R1 response hav- EBERSOLE JS, PEDLEY TA (eds): Current Practice of Clinical Electroen-
cephalography, 3d ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
ing a latency of approximately 10 ms and a bilateral R2
response with a latency in the order of 30 ms. The HOLMES GL et al: Clinical Neurophysiology of Infancy, Childhood, and
trigeminal and facial nerves constitute the afferent and Adolescence. Philadelphia, Butterworth Heinemann, 2006
efferent arcs of the reex, respectively. Abnormalities of KIMURA J: Electrodiagnosis in Diseases of Nerve and Muscle, 3d ed. New
either nerve or intrinsic lesions of the medulla or pons York, Oxford University Press, 2001
In experienced hands, lumbar puncture (LP) is usually a permanent nerve injury and/or paralysis. If a bleeding
safe procedure. Major complications are extremely disorder is suspected, the platelet count, international
uncommon but can include cerebral herniation, injury normalized ratio (INR), and partial thromboplastin time
to the spinal cord or nerve roots, hemorrhage, or infec- should be checked prior to lumbar puncture. There are
tion. Minor complications occur with greater frequency no data available to assess the safety of LP in patients
and can include backache, post-LP headache, and radic- with low platelet counts; a count of <20,000/L is con-
ular pain or numbness. sidered to be a contraindication to LP. Bleeding compli-
cations rarely occur in patients with platelet counts
>50,000/L and an INR 1.5. Patients receiving low-
molecular-weight heparin are at increased risk of post-
LP spinal or epidural hematoma, and doses should be
Patients with an altered level of consciousness, a focal held for 24 h before the procedure.
neurologic decit, new-onset seizure, papilledema, or an LP should not be performed through infected skin as
immunocompromised state are at increased risk for organisms can be introduced into the subarachnoid
potentially fatal cerebellar or tentorial herniation fol- space (SAS).
lowing LP. Neuroimaging should be obtained in these
patients prior to LP to exclude a focal mass lesion or
diffuse swelling. Imaging studies should include the spine
in patients with symptoms suggesting cord compression, Anxiety and pain can be minimized prior to beginning the
such as back pain, leg weakness, urinary retention, or procedure. Anxiety can be allayed by the use of lorazepam,
incontinence. In patients with suspected meningitis who 12 mg given PO 30 min prior to the procedure or IV 5
require neuroimaging prior to diagnostic LP, administra- min prior to the procedure. Topical anesthesia can be
tion of antibiotics, preferably following blood culture, achieved by the application of a lidocaine-based cream.
should precede the neuroimaging study. Lidocaine 4% is effective when applied 30 min prior to the
Patients receiving therapeutic anticoagulation or procedure; lidocaine/prilocaine requires 60120 min. The
those with coagulation defects including thrombocy- cream should be applied in a thick layer so that it com-
topenia are at increased risk of post-LP spinal subdural pletely covers the skin; an occlusive dressing is used to keep
or epidural hematomas, either of which can produce the cream in place.
34 POSITIONING After cleansing the skin with povidone-iodine or similar
disinfectant, the area is draped with a sterile cloth; the
Proper positioning of the patient is essential.The proce-
needle insertion site is blotted dry using a sterile gauze
dure should be performed on a rm surface; if the pro-
supine is 180 mm H2O in adults but may be as high as positional; it begins when the patient sits or stands
200250 mm H2O in obese adults. upright; there is relief upon reclining or with abdominal
CSF is allowed to drip into collection tubes; it should compression. The longer the patient is upright, the
not be withdrawn with a syringe. Depending on the longer the latency before head pain subsides.The pain is
clinical indication, uid is then obtained for studies usually a dull ache but may be throbbing; its location is
including: (1) cell count with differential, (2) protein and occipitofrontal. Nausea and stiff neck often accompany
Lumbar Puncture
glucose concentrations, (3) culture (bacterial, fungal, headache, and occasionally, patients report blurred
mycobacterial, viral), (4) smears (e.g., Grams and acid- vision, photophobia, tinnitus, and vertigo. Symptoms
fast stained smears), (5) antigen tests (e.g., latex aggluti- usually resolve over a few days but may on occasion per-
nation) (6) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplication sist for weeks to months.
of DNA or RNA of microorganisms (e.g., herpes sim- Post-LP headache is caused by a drop in CSF pressure
plex virus, enteroviruses), (7) antibody levels against related to persistent leakage of CSF at the site where the
microorganisms, (8) immunoelectrophoresis for deter- needle entered the subarachnoid space. Loss of CSF vol-
mination of -globulin level and oligoclonal banding, ume decreases the brains supportive cushion, so that
and (9) cytology. Although 15 mL of CSF is sufcient to when a patient is upright there is probably dilation and
obtain all of the listed studies, the yield of fungal and tension placed on the brains anchoring structures, the
mycobacterial cultures and cytology increases when pain-sensitive dural sinuses, resulting in pain. Although
larger volumes are sampled. In general 2030 mL may intracranial hypotension is the usual explanation for
be safely removed from adults. severe LP headache, the syndrome can occur in patients
A bloody tap due to penetration of a meningeal ves- with normal CSF pressure.
sel (a traumatic tap) may result in confusion with Post-LP headache usually resolves without specic
subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). In these situations a treatment, and care is largely supportive with oral anal-
specimen of CSF should be centrifuged immediately gesics [acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inammatory
after it is obtained; clear supernatant following CSF drugs, opioids (Chap. 5)] and antiemetics. Patients may
centrifugation supports the diagnosis of a bloody tap, obtain relief by lying in a comfortable position. For
whereas xanthochromic supernatant suggests SAH. In some patients beverages with caffeine can provide tem-
general, bloody CSF due to the penetration of a porary pain relief.
meningeal vessel clears gradually in successive tubes, For patients with persistent pain, treatment with IV
whereas blood due to SAH does not. In addition to caffeine (500 mg in 500 mL saline administered over 2 h)
SAH, xanthochromic CSF may also be present in may be effective; atrial brillation is an uncommon side
patients with liver disease and when the CSF protein effect. For patients who do not respond to caffeine, an
concentration is markedly elevated [>1.52.0 g/L epidural blood patch accomplished by injection of
(150200 mg/dL)]. 15 mL of autologous whole blood is usually effective.
Prior to removing the LP needle, the stylet is rein- This procedure is usually performed by a pain specialist
serted to avoid the possibility of entrapment of a or anesthesiologist. The mechanism for these treatment
nerve root in the dura as the needle is being with- effects is not straightforward. The blood patch has an
drawn; entrapment could result in a dural CSF leak, immediate effect, making it unlikely that sealing off a
causing headache. Some practitioners question the safety dural hole with blood clot is its sole mechanism of
of this maneuver, with its potential risk of causing a action.
needle-stick injury to the examiner. Injury is unlikely, Strategies to decrease the incidence of post-LP
however, given the exibility of the small-diameter headache are listed in Table 4-1. Use of a smaller cal-
stylet, which tends to bend, rather than penetrate, on iber needle is associated with a lower risk: in one study,
contact. Following LP, the patient is customarily posi- the risk of headache following use of a 20- or 22-gauge
tioned in a comfortable, recumbent position for 1 h standard (Quinke) needle was 2040%, compared to 512%
before rising, although recent data suggest that assum- when a 24- to 27-gauge needle was used. The smallest
ing a recumbent position may be unnecessary as it gauge needles usually require the use of an introducer
does not appear to affect the development of headache needle and are associated with a slower CSF ow rate.
(see below). Use of an atraumatic (Sprotte, pencil point, or non-
cutting) needle also reduces the incidence of moderate
to severe headache compared with standard LP (Quinke,
or traumatic) needles (Fig. 4-2). However, because
The principal complication of LP is headache, occurring atraumatic needles are more difcult to use, more
in 1030% of patients. Younger age and female gender attempts may be required to perform the LP, particularly
36 TABLE 4-1 TABLE 4-2
ARMON C, EVANS RW: Addendum to assessment: Prevention of
FIGURE 4-2 post-lumbar puncture headaches: Report of the Therapeutics
and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American
Comparison of the standard (traumatic or Quinke) LP
Academy of Neurology. Neurology 65:510, 2005
needle with the atraumatic (Sprotte). The atraumatic
ELLENBY MS et al: Lumbar puncture (video). N Engl J Med
needle has its opening on the top surface of the needle, a 355:e12, 2006
design intended to reduce the chance of cutting dural bers EVANS RW et al: Assessment: Prevention of post-lumbar puncture
that, by protruding through the dura, could be responsible headaches: Report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assess-
for subsequent CSF uid leak and post-LP headache. (From ment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology.
Thomas et al.) Neurology 55:909, 2000
FERRE RM, SWEENEY TW: Emergency physicians can easily obtain STRUPP M et al: Incidence of post-lumbar puncture syndrome 37
ultrasound images of anatomical landmarks relevant to lumbar reduced by reinserting the stylet:A randomized prospective study
puncture.Am J Emerg Med 25: 291, 2007 of 600 patients. J Neurol 245:589, 1998
LAVI R et al: Standard vs atraumatic Whitacre needle for diagnostic THOMAS SF et al: Randomised controlled trial of atraumatic versus
lumbar puncture: A randomized trial. Neurology 67:1492, 2006 standard needles for diagnostic lumbar puncture. BMJ 321:986,
RICHMAN JM et al: Bevel direction and postdural puncture 2000
headache:A meta-analysis. Neurologist 12:224, 2006 TURNBULL DK, SHEPHERD DB: Post-dural puncture headache:
STRAUS SE et al: How do I perform a lumbar puncture and analyze Pathogenesis, prevention and treatment. Br J Anaesth 91:718,
the results to diagnose bacterial meningitis? JAMA 296:2012, 2006 2003
Lumbar Puncture
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The task of medicine is to preserve and restore health stress response consisting of increased blood pressure,
and to relieve suffering. Understanding pain is essential heart rate, pupil diameter, and plasma cortisol levels. In
to both these goals. Because pain is universally under- addition, local muscle contraction (e.g., limb exion,
stood as a signal of disease, it is the most common symp- abdominal wall rigidity) is often present.
tom that brings a patient to a physicians attention. The
function of the pain sensory system is to protect the
body and maintain homeostasis. It does this by detecting, PERIPHERAL MECHANISMS
localizing, and identifying tissue-damaging processes. Since The Primary Afferent Nociceptor
different diseases produce characteristic patterns of tissue
damage, the quality, time course, and location of a patients A peripheral nerve consists of the axons of three different
pain complaint and the location of tenderness provide types of neurons: primary sensory afferents, motor neu-
important diagnostic clues and are used to evaluate the rons, and sympathetic postganglionic neurons (Fig. 5-1).
response to treatment. Once this information is obtained, The cell bodies of primary sensory afferents are located in
it is the obligation of the physician to provide rapid and the dorsal root ganglia in the vertebral foramina.The pri-
effective pain relief. mary afferent axon bifurcates to send one process into the
spinal cord and the other to innervate tissues. Primary affer-
ents are classied by their diameter, degree of myelination,
THE PAIN SENSORY SYSTEM and conduction velocity. The largest-diameter fibers,
A-beta (A), respond maximally to light touch and/or
Pain is an unpleasant sensation localized to a part of the moving stimuli; they are present primarily in nerves that
body. It is often described in terms of a penetrating or innervate the skin. In normal individuals, the activity of
tissue-destructive process (e.g., stabbing, burning, twist- these bers does not produce pain. There are two other
ing, tearing, squeezing) and/or of a bodily or emotional classes of primary afferents: the small-diameter myelinated
reaction (e.g., terrifying, nauseating, sickening). Further- A-delta (A) and the unmyelinated (C fiber) axons
more, any pain of moderate or higher intensity is accom- (Fig. 5-1). These bers are present in nerves to the skin
panied by anxiety and the urge to escape or terminate and to deep somatic and visceral structures. Some tissues,
the feeling.These properties illustrate the duality of pain: such as the cornea, are innervated only by A and C
it is both sensation and emotion. When acute, pain is afferents. Most A and C afferents respond maximally only
characteristically associated with behavioral arousal and a to intense (painful) stimuli and produce the subjective
Dorsal root 41
Peripheral nerve cord
Sympathetic preganglionic
Components of a typical cutaneous nerve. There are two ganglion. Primary afferents include those with large-
experience of pain when they are electrically stimulated; noninamed tissue. That is, they cannot be activated by
this denes them as primary afferent nociceptors (pain known mechanical or thermal stimuli and are not sponta-
receptors). The ability to detect painful stimuli is com- neously active. However, in the presence of inammatory
pletely abolished when A and C axons are blocked. mediators, these afferents become sensitive to mechanical
Individual primary afferent nociceptors can respond stimuli. Such afferents have been termed silent nociceptors,
to several different types of noxious stimuli. For exam- and their characteristic properties may explain how under
ple, most nociceptors respond to heating, intense cold, pathologic conditions the relatively insensitive deep struc-
intense mechanical stimuli such as a pinch, and applica- tures can become the source of severe and debilitating pain
tion of irritating chemicals including ATP, serotonin, and tenderness. Low pH, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and
bradykinin and histamine. other inammatory mediators such as bradykinin play a
signicant role in sensitization.
Nociceptor-Induced Inammation
When intense, repeated, or prolonged stimuli are applied
to damaged or inamed tissues, the threshold for activat- Primary afferent nociceptors also have a neuroeffector func-
ing primary afferent nociceptors is lowered and the fre- tion. Most nociceptors contain polypeptide mediators
quency of ring is higher for all stimulus intensities. that are released from their peripheral terminals when
Inammatory mediators such as bradykinin, nerve growth they are activated (Fig. 5-2). An example is substance P, an
factor, some prostaglandins, and leukotrienes contribute 11-amino-acid peptide. Substance P is released from pri-
to this process, which is called sensitization. In sensitized mary afferent nociceptors and has multiple biologic activi-
tissues, normally innocuous stimuli can produce pain. ties. It is a potent vasodilator, degranulates mast cells, is a
Sensitization is a clinically important process that con- chemoattractant for leukocytes, and increases the produc-
tributes to tenderness, soreness, and hyperalgesia. A strik- tion and release of inammatory mediators. Interestingly,
ing example of sensitization is sunburned skin, in which depletion of substance P from joints reduces the severity
severe pain can be produced by a gentle slap on the of experimental arthritis. Primary afferent nociceptors are
back or a warm shower. not simply passive messengers of threats to tissue injury
Sensitization is of particular importance for pain and but also play an active role in tissue protection through these
tenderness in deep tissues. Viscera are normally relatively neuroeffector functions.
insensitive to noxious mechanical and thermal stimuli,
although hollow viscera do generate signicant discomfort CENTRAL MECHANISMS
when distended. In contrast, when affected by a disease
The Spinal Cord and Referred Pain
process with an inammatory component, deep structures
such as joints or hollow viscera characteristically become The axons of primary afferent nociceptors enter the spinal
exquisitely sensitive to mechanical stimulation. cord via the dorsal root. They terminate in the dorsal
A large proportion of A and C afferents innervating horn of the spinal gray matter (Fig. 5-3). The terminals
viscera are completely insensitive in normal noninjured, of primary afferent axons contact spinal neurons that
42 Primary activation Skin
Viscus Anterolateral
tract axon
A The convergence-projection hypothesis of referred pain.
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
Midbrain to sustain serious fractures with only minor pain, and
Beechers classic World War II survey revealed that many
tract soldiers in battle were unbothered by injuries that would
Medulla have produced agonizing pain in civilian patients. Fur-
thermore, even the suggestion of relief can have a signi-
Injury cant analgesic effect (placebo). On the other hand, many
gered by very light touch.These features are rare in other essential (e.g., the postoperative state, burns, trauma,
types of pain. On examination, a sensory decit is char- cancer, sickle cell crisis). Analgesic medications are a rst
acteristically present in the area of the patients pain. line of treatment in these cases, and all practitioners
Hyperpathia is also characteristic of neuropathic pain; should be familiar with their use.
patients often complain that the very lightest moving
stimuli evoke exquisite pain (allodynia). In this regard it ASPIRIN, ACETAMINOPHEN, AND NONS-
is of clinical interest that a topical preparation of 5% TEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS
lidocaine in patch form is effective for patients with pos- (NSAIDS) These drugs are considered together
therpetic neuralgia who have prominent allodynia. because they are used for similar problems and may have
A variety of mechanisms contribute to neuropathic pain. a similar mechanism of action (Table 5-1). All these com-
As with sensitized primary afferent nociceptors, damaged pounds inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX), and, except for
primary afferents, including nociceptors, become highly acetaminophen, all have anti-inammatory actions, espe-
sensitive to mechanical stimulation and begin to generate cially at higher dosages. They are particularly effective for
impulses in the absence of stimulation.There is evidence mild to moderate headache and for pain of muscu-
that this increased sensitivity and spontaneous activity is loskeletal origin.
due to an increased concentration of sodium channels. Since they are effective for these common types of
Damaged primary afferents may also develop sensitivity to pain and are available without prescription, COX
norepinephrine. Interestingly, spinal cord pain-transmission inhibitors are by far the most commonly used analgesics.
neurons cut off from their normal input may also become They are absorbed well from the gastrointestinal tract
spontaneously active.Thus, both central and peripheral ner- and, with occasional use, have only minimal side effects.
vous system hyperactivity contribute to neuropathic pain. With chronic use, gastric irritation is a common side
effect of aspirin and NSAIDs and is the problem that
most frequently limits the dose that can be given. Gastric
Sympathetically Maintained Pain irritation is most severe with aspirin, which may cause
erosion and ulceration of the gastric mucosa leading to
Patients with peripheral nerve injury can develop a
bleeding or perforation. Because aspirin irreversibly
severe burning pain (causalgia) in the region innervated
acetylates platelets and thereby interferes with coagula-
by the nerve. The pain typically begins after a delay of
tion of the blood, gastrointestinal bleeding is a particular
hours to days or even weeks.The pain is accompanied by
risk. Increased age and history of gastrointestinal disease
swelling of the extremity, periarticular osteoporosis, and
increase the risks of aspirin and NSAIDs. In addition to
arthritic changes in the distal joints.The pain is dramati-
NSAIDs well-known gastrointestinal toxicity, nephrotoxi-
cally and immediately relieved by blocking the sympa-
city is a signicant problem for patients using them on a
thetic innervation of the affected extremity. Damaged
chronic basis, and patients at risk for renal insufciency
primary afferent nociceptors acquire adrenergic sensitiv-
should be monitored closely. NSAIDs also cause an
ity and can be activated by stimulation of the sympa-
increase in blood pressure in a signicant number of
thetic outow.A similar syndrome called reex sympathetic
individuals. Long-term treatment with NSAIDs requires
dystrophy can be produced without obvious nerve dam-
regular blood pressure monitoring and treatment if nec-
age by a variety of injuries, including fractures of bone,
essary. Although toxic to the liver when taken in a high
soft tissue trauma, myocardial infarction, and stroke.
dose, acetaminophen rarely produces gastric irritation
Although the pathophysiology of this condition is poorly
and does not interfere with platelet function.
understood, the pain and the signs of inammation are
TABLE 5-1 45
Indomethacin 2550 PO q8h Gastrointestinal side effects common
Ketorolac 1560 IM/IV q 46 h Available for parenteral use
Celecoxib 100200 PO q 1224 h Useful for arthritis
Valdecoxib 1020 PO q 1224 h Removed from U.S. market in 2005
Doxepin ++ + High Moderate Moderate Less 200 75400
Amitriptyline ++++ ++ High Highest Moderate Yes 150 25300
Imipramine ++++ ++ Moderate Moderate High Yes 200 75400
Nortriptyline +++ ++ Moderate Moderate Low Yes 100 40150
Desipramine +++ ++++ Low Low Low Yes 150 50300
Venlafaxine +++ ++ Low None None No 150 75400
Duloxetine +++ +++ Low None None No 40 3060
Antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and antiarrhythmics have not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treat-
ment of pain.
Gabapentin in doses up to 1800 mg/d is FDA approved for postherpetic neuralgia.
Note: 5-HT, serotonin; NE, norepinephrine.
The introduction of a parenteral form of NSAID, There are two major classes of COX: COX-1 is constitu-
ketorolac, extends the usefulness of this class of com- tively expressed, and COX-2 is induced in the inamma-
pounds in the management of acute severe pain. tory state. COX-2selective drugs have moderate anal-
Ketorolac is sufciently potent and rapid in onset to gesic potency and produce less gastric irritation than
supplant opioids for many patients with acute severe the nonselective COX inhibitors. It is not yet clear
headache and musculoskeletal pain. whether the use of COX-2selective drugs is associated
46 with a lower risk of nephrotoxicity compared to nonse- side effects. Because of this, initiation of therapy requires
lective NSAIDs. On the other hand, COX-2selective titration to optimal dose and interval. The most impor-
drugs offer a signicant benet in the management of tant principle is to provide adequate pain relief. This
acute postoperative pain because they do not affect requires determining whether the drug has adequately
blood coagulation. This is a situation in which the nonse- relieved the pain and the duration of the relief. The
lective COX inhibitors would be contraindicated because most common error made by physicians in manag-
they impair platelet-mediated blood clotting and are ing severe pain with opioids is to prescribe an inade-
thus associated with increased bleeding at the operative quate dose. Since many patients are reluctant to
site. COX-2 inhibitors, including celecoxib (Celebrex), and complain, this practice leads to needless suffering. In
valdecoxib (Bextra), are associated with increased cardio- the absence of sedation at the expected time of peak
vascular risk. It is possible that this is a class effect of effect, a physician should not hesitate to repeat the ini-
NSAIDs, excluding aspirin. These drugs are contraindi- tial dose to achieve satisfactory pain relief.
cated in patients in the immediate period after coronary An innovative approach to the problem of achieving
artery bypass surgery and should be used with caution adequate pain relief is the use of patient-controlled anal-
in patients having a history of or signicant risk factors gesia (PCA). PCA requires a device that can deliver a base-
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
for cardiovascular disease. line continuous dose of an opioid drug, as well as prepro-
grammed additional doses whenever the patient pushes
OPIOID ANALGESICS Opioids are the most a button. The patient can then titrate the dose to the
potent pain-relieving drugs currently available. Further- optimal level. This approach is used most extensively for
more, of all analgesics, they have the broadest range of the management of postoperative pain, but there is no
efcacy, providing the most reliable and effective reason why it should not be used for any hospitalized
method for rapid pain relief. Although side effects are patient with persistent severe pain. PCA is also used for
common, they are usually not serious except for respi- short-term home care of patients with intractable pain,
ratory depression and can be reversed rapidly with the such as that caused by metastatic cancer.
narcotic antagonist naloxone. The physician should not Because of patient variability in analgesia requirement,
hesitate to use opioid analgesics in patients with acute intravenous PCA is generally begun after the patients
severe pain. Table 5-1 lists the most commonly used pain has been controlled. The bolus dose of the drug
opioid analgesics. (typically 1 mg morphine or 40 g fentanyl) can then be
Opioids produce analgesia by actions in the central delivered repeatedly as needed. To prevent overdosing,
nervous system. They activate pain-inhibitory neurons PCA devices are programmed with a lockout period after
and directly inhibit pain-transmission neurons. Most of each demand dose is delivered (510 min) and a limit on
the commercially available opioid analgesics act at the the total dose delivered per hour.While some have advo-
same opioid receptor (-receptor), differing mainly in cated the use of a simultaneous background infusion of
potency, speed of onset, duration of action, and optimal the PCA drug, this increases the risk of respiratory
route of administration. Although the dose-related side depression and has not been shown to increase the
effects (sedation, respiratory depression, pruritus, con- overall efcacy of the technique.
stipation) are similar among the different opioids, some Many physicians, nurses, and patients have a certain
side effects are due to accumulation of nonopioid trepidation about using opioids that is based on an
metabolites that are unique to individual drugs. One exaggerated fear of addiction. In fact, there is a vanish-
striking example of this is normeperidine, a metabolite ingly small chance of patients becoming addicted to
of meperidine. Normeperidine produces hyperexcitabil- narcotics as a result of their appropriate medical use.
ity and seizures that are not reversible with naloxone. The availability of new routes of administration has
Normeperidine accumulation is increased in patients extended the usefulness of opioid analgesics. Most
with renal failure. important is the availability of spinal administration.
The most rapid relief with opioids is obtained by Opioids can be infused through a spinal catheter placed
intravenous administration; relief with oral administra- either intrathecally or epidurally. By applying opioids
tion is signicantly slower. Common side effects include directly to the spinal cord, regional analgesia can be
nausea, vomiting, constipation, and sedation. The most obtained using a relatively low total dose. In this way,
serious side effect is respiratory depression. Patients with such side effects as sedation, nausea, and respiratory
any form of respiratory compromise must be kept under depression can be minimized. This approach has been
close observation following opioid administration; an used extensively in obstetric procedures and for lower-
oxygen saturation monitor may be useful. The opioid body postoperative pain. Opioids can also be given
antagonist naloxone should be readily available. Opioid intranasally (butorphanol), rectally, and transdermally
effects are dose-related, and there is great variability (fentanyl), thus avoiding the discomfort of frequent
among patients in the doses that relieve pain and produce injections in patients who cannot be given oral medication.
The fentanyl transdermal patch has the advantage of physical or sexual abuse; and past or present substance 47
providing fairly steady plasma levels, which maximizes abuse.
patient comfort. On examination, special attention should be paid to
whether the patient guards the painful area and whether
OPIOID AND COX INHIBITOR COMBINA- certain movements or postures are avoided because of pain.
TIONS When used in combination, opioids and COX Discovering a mechanical component to the pain can be
inhibitors have additive effects. Because a lower dose of useful both diagnostically and therapeutically. Painful areas
each can be used to achieve the same degree of pain should be examined for deep tenderness, noting whether
relief, and their side effects are nonadditive, such combi- this is localized to muscle, ligamentous structures, or
nations can be used to lower the severity of dose- joints. Chronic myofascial pain is very common, and in
related side effects. Fixed-ratio combinations of an opi- these patients deep palpation may reveal highly localized
oid with acetaminophen carry a special risk. Dose trigger points that are rm bands or knots in muscle.
escalation as a result of increased severity of pain or Relief of the pain following injection of local anesthetic
decreased opioid effect as a result of tolerance may lead into these trigger points supports the diagnosis. A neuro-
to levels of acetaminophen that are toxic to the liver. pathic component to the pain is indicated by evidence of
nerve damage, such as sensory impairment, exquisitely sen-
Controlled trials demonstrate analgesia.
Controlled studies indicate benet but not analgesia.
important to individualize treatment for patients with
neuropathic pain. Several general principles should dependence. Drugs of different classes can be used in 49
guide therapy: the rst is to move quickly to provide combination to optimize pain control.
relief; a second is to minimize drug side effects. For It is worth emphasizing that many patients, espe-
example, in patients with postherpetic neuralgia and cially those with chronic pain, seek medical attention
signicant cutaneous hypersensitivity, topical lidocaine primarily because they are suffering and because only
(Lidoderm patches) can provide immediate relief with- physicians can provide the medications required for
out side effects. Anticonvulsants (gabapentin or prega- pain relief. A primary responsibility of all physicians is to
balin, see earlier) or antidepressants can be used as rst- minimize the physical and emotional discomfort of their
line drugs for patients with neuropathic pain. patients. Familiarity with pain mechanisms and anal-
Antiarrhythmic drugs such as lidocaine and mexiletene gesic medications is an important step toward accom-
can be effective (see earlier). There is no consensus on plishing this aim.
which class of drug should be used as a rst-line treat-
ment for any chronically painful condition. However,
because relatively high doses of anticonvulsants are
required for pain relief, sedation is very common. Seda- FURTHER READINGS
Headache is among the most common reasons that patients other factors (Chap. 5). In such situations, pain perception
seek medical attention. Diagnosis and management is based is a normal physiologic response mediated by a healthy
on a careful clinical approach that is augmented by an nervous system. Pain can also result when pain-producing
understanding of the anatomy, physiology, and pharma- pathways of the peripheral or central nervous system
cology of the nervous system pathways that mediate the (CNS) are damaged or activated inappropriately. Headache
various headache syndromes. may originate from either or both mechanisms. Relatively
few cranial structures are pain-producing; these include
the scalp, middle meningeal artery, dural sinuses, falx cere-
GENERAL PRINCIPLES bri, and proximal segments of the large pial arteries. The
A classication system developed by the International ventricular ependyma, choroid plexus, pial veins, and
Headache Society characterizes headache as primary or much of the brain parenchyma are not pain-producing.
secondary (Table 6-1). Primary headaches are those in The key structures involved in primary headache appear
which headache and its associated features are the disor- to be
der in itself, whereas secondary headaches are those caused
by exogenous disorders. Primary headache often results the large intracranial vessels and dura mater
in considerable disability and a decrease in the patients the peripheral terminals of the trigeminal nerve that
quality of life. Mild secondary headache, such as that innervate these structures
seen in association with upper respiratory tract infec- the caudal portion of the trigeminal nucleus, which extends
tions, is common but rarely worrisome. Life-threatening into the dorsal horns of the upper cervical spinal cord and
headache is relatively uncommon, but vigilance is required receives input from the rst and second cervical nerve roots
in order to recognize and appropriately treat patients with (the trigeminocervical complex)
this category of head pain. the pain modulatory systems in the brain that receive
input from trigeminal nociceptors
The innervation of the large intracranial vessels and
Pain usually occurs when peripheral nociceptors are stim- dura mater by the trigeminal nerve is known as the trigemi-
ulated in response to tissue injury, visceral distension, or novascular system. Autonomic symptoms, such as lacrimation
TABLE 6-1 TABLE 6-2 51
Worst headache ever
TYPE % TYPE % First severe headache
Subacute worsening over days or weeks
Migraine 16 Systemic infection 63
Abnormal neurologic examination
Tension-type 69 Head injury 4
Fever or unexplained systemic signs
Cluster 0.1 Vascular disorders 1
Vomiting that precedes headache
Idiopathic 2 Subarachnoid <1
Pain induced by bending, lifting, cough
stabbing hemorrhage
Pain that disturbs sleep or presents immediately upon
Exertional 1 Brain tumor 0.1
Known systemic illness
Source: After J Olesen et al: The Headaches. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Onset after age 55
Williams & Wilkins, 2005. Pain associated with local tenderness, e.g., region of
temporal artery
and nasal congestion, are prominent in the trigeminal auto-
nomic cephalalgias, including cluster headache and parox-
ysmal hemicrania, and may also be seen in migraine.These
autonomic symptoms reect activation of cranial parasym- The psychological state of the patient should also be
pathetic pathways, and functional imaging studies indicate evaluated since a relationship exists between head pain
that vascular changes in migraine and cluster headache, and depression. Many patients in chronic daily pain cycles
when present, are similarly driven by these cranial auto- become depressed, although depression itself is rarely a
nomic systems. Migraine and other primary headache cause of headache. Drugs with antidepressant actions are
types are not vascular headaches; these disorders do not also effective in the prophylactic treatment of both
reliably manifest vascular changes, and treatment outcomes tension-type headache and migraine.
cannot be predicted by vascular effects. Underlying recurrent headache disorders may be acti-
vated by pain that follows otologic or endodontic surgi-
CLINICAL EVALUATION OF ACUTE, cal procedures.Thus, pain about the head as the result of
NEW-ONSET HEADACHE diseased tissue or trauma may reawaken an otherwise qui-
escent migrainous syndrome. Treatment of the headache
The patient who presents with a new, severe headache is largely ineffective until the cause of the primary prob-
has a differential diagnosis that is quite different from the lem is addressed.
patient with recurrent headaches over many years. In Serious underlying conditions that are associated with
new-onset and severe headache, the probability of nd- headache are described below. Brain tumor is a rare cause
ing a potentially serious cause is considerably greater of headache and even less commonly a cause of severe
than in recurrent headache. Patients with recent onset of pain.The vast majority of patients presenting with severe
pain require prompt evaluation and often treatment. headache have a benign cause.
Serious causes to be considered include meningitis, sub-
arachnoid hemorrhage, epidural or subdural hematoma,
glaucoma, and purulent sinusitis. When worrisome SECONDARY HEADACHE
symptoms and signs are present (Table 6-2), rapid diag-
nosis and management is critical. The management of secondary headache focuses on
A complete neurologic examination is an essential rst diagnosis and treatment of the underlying condition.
step in the evaluation. In most cases, patients with an abnor-
mal examination or a history of recent-onset headache MENINGITIS
should be evaluated by a CT or MRI study. As an initial
Acute, severe headache with stiff neck and fever suggests
screening procedure for intracranial pathology in this set-
meningitis. LP is mandatory. Often there is striking accen-
ting, CT and MRI methods appear to be equally sensitive.
tuation of pain with eye movement. Meningitis can be
In some circumstances a lumbar puncture (LP) is also
easily mistaken for migraine in that the cardinal symptoms
required, unless a benign etiology can be otherwise estab-
of pounding headache, photophobia, nausea, and vomiting
lished.A general evaluation of acute headache might include
are present. Meningitis is discussed in Chaps. 35 and 36.
the investigation of cardiovascular and renal status by blood
pressure monitoring and urine examination; eyes by fun-
doscopy, intraocular pressure measurement, and refraction;
cranial arteries by palpation; and cervical spine by the effect Acute, severe headache with stiff neck but without fever
of passive movement of the head and by imaging. suggests subarachnoid hemorrhage. A ruptured aneurysm,
52 arteriovenous malformation, or intraparenchymal hem- Most patients can recognize that the origin of their head
orrhage may also present with headache alone. Rarely, if pain is supercial, external to the skull, rather than
the hemorrhage is small or below the foramen magnum, originating deep within the cranium (the pain site for
the head CT scan can be normal. Therefore, LP may be migraineurs). Scalp tenderness is present, often to a
required to denitively diagnose subarachnoid hemorrhage. marked degree; brushing the hair or resting the head on
Intraparenchymal hemorrhage is discussed in Chap. 21 and a pillow may be impossible because of pain. Headache is
subarachnoid hemorrhage in Chap. 22. usually worse at night and often aggravated by exposure
to cold. Additional ndings may include reddened, ten-
BRAIN TUMOR der nodules or red streaking of the skin overlying the
temporal arteries, and tenderness of the temporal or, less
Visual disturbances 36
Photopsia 26
the release of vasoactive neuropeptides, particularly cal-
Fortication spectra 10 citonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), at vascular termi-
Paresthesias 33 nations of the trigeminal nerve. Recently, antagonists of
Vertigo 33 CGRP have shown some early promise in the therapy
Alteration of consciousness 18 of migraine. Centrally, the second-order trigeminal neu-
Syncope 10 rons cross the midline and project to ventrobasal and
Seizure 4 posterior nuclei of the thalamus for further processing.
Confusional state 4
Additionally, there are projections to the periaqueductal
Diarrhea 16
gray and hypothalamus, from which reciprocal descending
systems have established anti-nociceptive effects. Other
Source: From NH Raskin, Headache, 2d ed. New York, Churchill
Livingston, 1988; with permission. brainstem regions likely to be involved in descending
modulation of trigeminal pain include the nucleus locus
coeruleus in the pons and the rostroventromedial medulla.
exertion; stormy weather or barometric pressure changes; Pharmacologic and other data point to the involvement
hormonal uctuations during menses; lack of or excess of the neurotransmitter 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; also
sleep; and alcohol or other chemical stimulation. Knowl- known as serotonin) in migraine. Approximately 50 years
edge of a patients susceptibility to specic triggers can ago, methysergide was found to antagonize certain peripheral
Dura coeruleus
salivatory nucleus
Magnus raphe
Brainstem pathways that modulate sensory input. The project in the quintothalamic tract and, after decussating in
key pathway for pain in migraine is the trigeminovascular the brainstem, synapse on neurons in the thalamus. Impor-
input from the meningeal vessels, which passes through the tant modulation of the trigeminovascular nociceptive input
trigeminal ganglion and synapses on second-order neurons comes from the dorsal raphe nucleus, locus coeruleus, and
in the trigeminocervical complex. These neurons in turn nucleus raphe magnus.
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
Positron emission tomography (PET) activation in migraine. Moreover, lateralization of changes in this region of the brain-
In spontaneous attacks of episodic migraine (A) there is activa- stem correlates with lateralization of the head pain in hemicra-
tion of the region of the dorsolateral pons (intersection of dark nial migraine; the scans shown in panels B and C are of
blue lines); an identical pattern is found in chronic migraine (not patients with acute migraine headache on the right and left
shown). This area, which includes the noradrenergic locus side, respectively. (From S Afridi et al: Arch Neurol 62:1270,
coeruleus, is fundamental to the expression of migraine. 2005; Brain 128:932, 2005.)
actions of 5-HT and was introduced as the rst drug FHM 2, are responsible for about 20% of FHM. Muta-
capable of preventing migraine attacks. The triptans are tions in the neuronal voltage-gated sodium channel
designed to selectively stimulate subpopulations of SCN1A cause FHM 3. Functional neuroimaging has
5-HT receptors; at least 14 different 5-HT receptors exist suggested that brainstem regions in migraine (Fig. 6-2)
in humans. The triptans are potent agonists of 5-HT1B, and the posterior hypothalamic gray matter region close
5-HT1D, and 5-HT1F receptors and are less potent at the to the human circadian pacemaker cells of the suprachi-
5-HT1A receptor. A growing body of data indicates that asmatic nucleus in cluster headache (Fig. 6-3) are good
the antimigraine efcacy of the triptans relates to their candidates for specic involvement in primary headache.
ability to stimulate 5-HT1B/1D receptors, which are located
on both blood vessels and nerve terminals.
Data also support a role for dopamine in the patho-
physiology of certain subtypes of migraine. Most migraine
symptoms can be induced by dopaminergic stimulation.
Moreover, there is dopamine receptor hypersensitivity in
migraineurs, as demonstrated by the induction of yawn-
ing, nausea, vomiting, hypotension, and other symptoms
of a migraine attack by dopaminergic agonists at doses
that do not affect nonmigraineurs. Dopamine receptor
antagonists are effective therapeutic agents in migraine,
especially when given parenterally or concurrently with
other antimigraine agents.
Migraine genes identied by studying families with
familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) reveal involvement
of ion channels, suggesting that alterations in membrane
excitability can predispose to migraine. Mutations involv-
ing the Cav2.1 (P/Q) type voltage-gated calcium chan- FIGURE 6-3
nel CACNA1A gene are now known to cause FHM 1; Posterior hypothalamic gray matter activation on positron
this mutation is responsible for about 50% of FHM. emission tomography (PET) in a patient with acute cluster
Mutations in the Na+-K+ATPase ATP1A2 gene, designated headache. (From A May et al: Lancet 352:275, 1998.)
TABLE 6-4 migraine (see Chronic Daily Headache, below). Migraine 55
SIMPLIFIED DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR MIGRAINE must be differentiated from tension-type headache (dis-
cussed below), the most common primary headache syn-
Repeated attacks of headache lasting 472 h in patients
with a normal physical examination, no other reasonable
drome seen in clinical practice. Migraine at its most basic level
cause for the headache, and: is headache with associated features, and tension-type headache is
At least 2 of the following Plus at least 1 of the headache that is featureless. Most patients with disabling headache
features: following features: probably have migraine.
Unilateral pain Nausea/vomiting Patients with acephalgic migraine experience recur-
Throbbing pain Photophobia and rent neurologic symptoms, often with nausea or vomit-
ing, but with little or no headache.Vertigo can be promi-
Aggravation by movement
Moderate or severe intensity
nent; it has been estimated that one-third of patients
referred for vertigo or dizziness have a primary diagnosis
Source: Adapted from the International Headache Society Classi-
of migraine.
cation (Headache Classication Committee of the International
Headache Society, 2004).
Once a diagnosis of migraine has been established, it is
Diagnosis and Clinical Features important to assess the extent of a patients disease and
disability.The Migraine Disability Assessment Score (MIDAS)
Diagnostic criteria for migraine headache are listed in
is a well-validated, easy-to-use tool (Fig. 6-4).
Table 6-4. A high index of suspicion is required to diag-
Patient education is an important aspect of migraine
nose migraine: the migraine aura, consisting of visual dis-
management. Information for patients is available at
turbances with ashing lights or zigzag lines moving across
www.achenet.org, the website of the American Council
the visual eld or of other neurologic symptoms, is
for Headache Education (ACHE). It is helpful for patients
reported in only 2025% of patients.A headache diary can
to understand that migraine is an inherited tendency to
often be helpful in making the diagnosis; this is also helpful
headache; that migraine can be modied and con-
in assessing disability and the frequency of treatment for
trolled by lifestyle adjustments and medications, but it
acute attacks. Patients with episodes of migraine that
cannot be eradicated; and that, except in some occasions
occur daily or near-daily are considered to have chronic
*MIDAS Questionnaire
INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer the following questions about ALL headaches you have had
over the last 3 months. Write zero if you did not do the activity in the last 3 months.
1. On how many days in the last 3 months did you miss work or school because
of your headaches? ............................................................................................... days
2. How many days in the last 3 months was your productivity at work or school
reduced by half or more because of your headaches (do not include days
you counted in question 1 where you missed work or school)? ............................ days
3. On how many days in the last 3 months did you not do household work
because of your headaches? ................................................................................ days
4. How many days in the last 3 months was your productivity in household work
reduced by half or more because of your headaches (do not include days
you counted in question 3 where you did not do household work)? ..................... days
5. On how many days in the last 3 months did you miss family, social, or leisure
activities because of your headaches? ................................................................. days
A. On how many days in the last 3 months did you have a headache? (If a
headache lasted more than one day, count each day.) ......................................... days
B. On a scale of 010, on average how painful were these headaches? (Where
0 = no pain at all, and 10 = pain as bad as it can be.) ..........................................
*Migraine Disability Assessment Score
(Questions 15 are used to calculate the MIDAS score.)
Grade IMinimal or Infrequent Disability: 05
Grade IIMild or Infrequent Disability: 610
Grade IIIModerate Disability: 1120
Grade IVSevere Disability: > 20
MIDAS Questionnaire. (From Innovative Medical Research 1997.)
56 in women on oral estrogens or contraceptives, migraine attack can be reduced signicantly by anti-inammatory
is not associated with serious or life-threatening ill- agents (Table 6-5). Indeed, many undiagnosed migraineurs
nesses. Recent studies have demonstrated an increased are self-treated with nonprescription NSAIDs. A general
number of cerebellar white matter lesions of uncertain consensus is that NSAIDs are most effective when taken
signicance in those with migraine with aura. early in the migraine attack. However, the effectiveness of
anti-inammatory agents in migraine is usually less than
Nonpharmacologic Management Migraine
optimal in moderate or severe migraine attacks. The com-
can often be managed to some degree by a variety of
bination of acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine has been
nonpharmacologic approaches. Most patients benet
approved for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
by the identication and avoidance of specic headache
effective approach to migraine management. Patients Oral Stimulation of 5-HT1B/1D receptors can stop an
with migraine do not encounter more stress than acute migraine attack. Ergotamine and dihydroergota-
headache-free individuals; overresponsiveness to stress mine are nonselective receptor agonists, while the trip-
appears to be the issue. Since the stresses of everyday tans are selective 5-HT1B/1D receptor agonists. A variety
living cannot be eliminated, lessening ones response to of triptans (e.g., naratriptan, rizatriptan, eletriptan, suma-
stress by various techniques is helpful for many triptan, zolmitriptan, almotriptan, frovatriptan) are now
patients. These may include yoga, transcendental medi- available for the treatment of migraine.
tation, hypnosis, and conditioning techniques such as Each drug in the triptan class has similar pharmaco-
biofeedback. For most patients, this approach is, at best, logic properties but varies slightly in terms of clinical
an adjunct to pharmacotherapy. Nonpharmacologic efcacy. Rizatriptan and eletriptan are the most efca-
measures are unlikely to prevent all migraine attacks. cious of the triptans currently available in the United
When these measures fail to prevent an attack, pharma- States. Sumatriptan and zolmitriptan have similar rates
cologic approaches are then needed to abort an attack. of efcacy as well as time to onset, whereas naratriptan
and frovatriptan are the slowest-acting and least efca-
Acute Attack Therapies for Migraine The
cious. Clinical efcacy appears to be related more to
mainstay of pharmacologic therapy is the judicious use
the tmax (time to peak plasma level) than to the potency,
of one or more of the many drugs that are effective in
half-life, or bioavailability. This observation is consistent
migraine (Table 6-5). The selection of the optimal regi-
with a large body of data indicating that faster-acting
men for a given patient depends on a number of factors,
analgesics are more effective than slower-acting agents.
the most important of which is the severity of the
Unfortunately, monotherapy with a selective oral 5-
attack. Mild migraine attacks can usually be managed by
HT1B/1D agonist does not result in rapid, consistent, and
oral agents; the average efcacy rate is 5070%. Severe
complete relief of migraine in all patients. Triptans are
migraine attacks may require parenteral therapy. Most
not effective in migraine with aura unless given after
drugs effective in the treatment of migraine are mem-
the aura is completed and the headache initiated. Side
bers of one of three major pharmacologic classes: anti-
effects are common though often mild and transient.
inammatory agents, 5HT1B/1D receptor agonists, and
Moreover, 5-HT1B/1D agonists are contraindicated in indi-
dopamine receptor antagonists.
viduals with a history of cardiovascular and cerebrovas-
In general, an adequate dose of whichever agent is
cular disease. Recurrence of headache is another impor-
chosen should be used as soon as possible after the
tant limitation of triptan use and occurs at least
onset of an attack. If additional medication is required
occasionally in most patients.
within 60 min because symptoms return or have not
Ergotamine preparations offer a nonselective means
abated, the initial dose should be increased for subse-
of stimulating 5-HT1 receptors. A nonnauseating dose of
quent attacks. Migraine therapy must be individualized;
ergotamine should be sought since a dose that pro-
a standard approach for all patients is not possible. A
vokes nausea is too high and may intensify head pain.
therapeutic regimen may need to be constantly rened
Except for a sublingual formulation of ergotamine, oral
until one is identied that provides the patient with
formulations of ergotamine also contain 100 mg caf-
rapid, complete, and consistent relief with minimal side
feine (theoretically to enhance ergotamine absorption
effects (Table 6-6).
and possibly to add additional analgesic activity). The
Nonsteroidal Anti - Inflammatory Drugs average oral ergotamine dose for a migraine attack is 2 mg.
(NSAIDs) Both the severity and duration of a migraine Since the clinical studies demonstrating the efcacy of
TABLE 6-5 57
Simple Analgesics
Acetaminophen, aspirin, Excedrin Migraine Two tablets or caplets q6h (max 8 per day)
Naproxen Aleve, Anaprox, generic 220550 mg PO bid
Ibuprofen Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, 400 mg PO q34h
Tolfenamic acid Clotam Rapid 200 mg PO. May repeat x 1 after 12 h
5-HT1 Agonists
Ergotamine Ergomar One 2 mg sublingual tablet at onset and q1/2h (max 3 per day,
5 per week)
Ergotamine 1 mg, Ercaf, Wigraine One or two tablets at onset, then one tablet q1/2h
caffeine 100 mg (max 6 per day,10 per week)
Naratriptan Amerge 2.5 mg tablet at onset; may repeat once after 4 h
Rizatriptan Maxalt 510 mg tablet at onset; may repeat after 2 h (max 30 mg/d)
Sumatriptan Imitrex 50100 mg tablet at onset; may repeat after 2 h (max 200 mg/d)
Frovatriptan Frova 2.5 mg tablet at onset, may repeat after 2 h (max 5 mg/d)
Almotriptan Axert 12.5 mg tablet at onset, may repeat after 2 h (max 25 mg/d)
Eletriptan Relpax 40 or 80 mg
Zolmitriptan Zomig 2.5 mg tablet at onset; may repeat after 2 h (max 10 mg/d)
Zomig Rapimelt
Dihydroergotamine Migranal Nasal Spray Prior to nasal spray, the pump must be primed 4 times; 1 spray
(0.5 mg) is administered, followed in 15 min by a second spray
Sumatriptan Imitrex Nasal Spray 520 mg intranasal spray as 4 sprays of 5 mg or a single 20 mg
spray (may repeat once after 2 h, not to exceed a dose of 40 mg/d)
Zolmitriptan Zomig 5 mg intranasal spray as one spray (may repeat once after 2 h,
not to exceed a dose of 10 mg/d)
Dihydroergotamine DHE-45 1 mg IV, IM, or SC at onset and q1h (max 3 mg/d, 6 mg per week)
Sumatriptan Imitrex Injection 6 mg SC at onset (may repeat once after 1 h for max of 2 doses
in 24 h)
Dopamine Antagonists
Metoclopramide Reglan,a generica 510 mg/d
Prochlorperazine Compazine,a generica 125 mg/d
Chlorpromazine Generica 0.1 mg/kg IV at 2 mg/min; max 35 mg/d
Metoclopramide Reglan,a generic 10 mg IV
Prochlorperazine Compazine,a generica 10 mg IV
Acetaminophen, 325 mg, plus Midrin, Duradrin, generic Two capsules at onset followed by 1 capsule q1h
dichloralphenazone, 100 mg, (max 5 capsules)
plus isometheptene, 65 mg
Butorphanol Stadola 1 mg (1 spray in 1 nostril), may repeat if necessary in 12 h
Narcotics Generica Multiple preparations and dosages; see Table 5-1
Not all drugs are specically indicated by the FDA for migraine. Local regulations and guidelines should be consulted.
Note: Antiemetics (e.g., domperidone 10 mg or ondansetron) or prokinetics (e.g., metoclopramide 10 mg) are sometimes useful adjuncts.
NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drugs; 5-HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine.
58 TABLE 6-6
the FDA for the rapid relief of a migraine attack. Peak
CLINICAL STRATIFICATION OF ACUTE SPECIFIC plasma levels of dihydroergotamine are achieved 3 min
after intravenous dosing, 30 min after intramuscular
CLINICAL SITUATION TREATMENT OPTIONS dosing, and 45 min after subcutaneous dosing. If an
attack has not already peaked, subcutaneous or intra-
Failed NSAIDS/ First tier
analgesics Sumatriptan 50 mg or 100 mg PO
muscular administration of 1 mg dihydroergotamine
Almotriptan 12.5 mg PO sufces for about 8090% of patients. Sumatriptan, 6 mg
Rizatriptan 10 mg PO subcutaneously, is effective in ~7080% of patients.
Eletriptan 40 mg PO
aggravate headache frequency and induce a state of
natural history of migraine.
refractory daily or near-daily headache called medication-
overuse headache. This condition is likely not a separate
headache entity but a reaction of the migraine patient
to a particular medicine. Migraine patients who have
two or more headache days a week should be cautioned TENSION-TYPE HEADACHE
about frequent analgesic use (see Chronic Daily Clinical Features
Headache, below).
The term tension-type headache (TTH) is commonly used
Preventive Treatments for Migraine Patients to describe a chronic head-pain syndrome characterized
with an increasing frequency of migraine attacks, or by bilateral tight, bandlike discomfort.The pain typically
with attacks that are either unresponsive or poorly builds slowly, uctuates in severity, and may persist more
responsive to abortive treatments, are good candidates or less continuously for many days. The headache may
for preventive agents. In general, a preventive medica- be episodic or chronic (present >15 days per month).
tion should be considered in the subset of patients with A useful clinical approach is to diagnose TTH in patients
ve or more attacks a month. Signicant side effects are whose headaches are completely without accompanying
associated with the use of many of these agents; fur- features such as nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phono-
thermore, determination of dose can be difcult since phobia, osmophobia, throbbing, and aggravation with
the recommended doses have been derived for condi- movement. Such an approach neatly separates migraine,
tions other than migraine. The mechanism of action of which has one or more of these features and is the main
these drugs is unclear; it seems likely that the brain sen- differential diagnosis, from TTH. However, the Interna-
sitivity that underlies migraine is modied. Patients are tional Headache Societys denition of TTH allows an
usually started on a low dose of a chosen treatment; the admixture of nausea, photophobia, or phonophobia in
dose is then gradually increased, up to a reasonable various combinations, illustrating the difculties in distin-
maximum to achieve clinical benet. guishing these two clinical entities. Patients whose headaches
Drugs that have the capacity to stabilize migraine are t the TTH phenotype and who have migraine at other
listed in Table 6-7. Drugs must be taken daily, and there times, along with a family history of migraine, migrain-
is usually a lag of at least 212 weeks before an effect is ous illnesses of childhood, or typical migraine triggers
seen. The drugs that have been approved by the FDA for to their migraine attacks, may be biologically different
the prophylactic treatment of migraine include propra- from those who have TTH headache with none of the
nolol, timolol, sodium valproate, topiramate, and methy- features.
sergide (not available in the United States). In addition, a
number of other drugs appear to display prophylactic
efcacy. This group includes amitriptyline, nortriptyline,
unarizine, phenelzine, gabapentin, topiramate, and The pathophysiology of TTH is incompletely understood.
cyproheptadine. Phenelzine and methysergide are usu- It seems likely that TTH is due to a primary disorder of
ally reserved for recalcitrant cases because of their seri- CNS pain modulation alone, unlike migraine, which
ous potential side effects. Phenelzine is a monoamine involves a more generalized disturbance of sensory modu-
oxidase inhibitor (MAOI); therefore, tyramine-containing lation. Data suggest a genetic contribution to TTH, but
foods, decongestants, and meperidine are contraindi- this may not be a valid nding: given the current diagnos-
cated. Methysergide may cause retroperitoneal or car- tic criteria, the studies undoubtedly included many
diac valvular brosis when it is used for >6 months, and migraine patients. The name tension-type headache implies
thus monitoring is required for patients using this drug; that pain is a product of nervous tension, but there is no
the risk of brosis is about 1:1500 and is likely to reverse clear evidence for tension as an etiology. Muscle contrac-
after the drug is stopped. tion has been considered to be a feature that distinguishes
The probability of success with any one of the antimi- TTH from migraine, but there appear to be no differences
graine drugs is 5075%. Many patients are managed in contraction between the two headache types.
60 TABLE 6-7
Postural symptoms
Contraindicated in asthma
Amitriptyline 1075 mg at night Drowsiness
Dothiepin 2575 mg at night
Nortriptyline 2575 mg at night Note: Some patients may only need a total dose of
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
Commonly used preventives are listed with reasonable doses and common side effects. Not all listed medicines are
approved by the FDA; local regulations and guidelines should be consulted.
Not available in the United States.
Because of the associated nasal congestion or rhinorrhea, 61
Treatment: patients are often misdiagnosed with sinus headache
TENSION-TYPE HEADACHE and treated with decongestants, which are ineffective.
The pain of TTH can generally be managed with simple TACs must be differentiated from short-lasting head-
analgesics such as acetaminophen, aspirin, or NSAIDs. aches that do not have prominent cranial autonomic syn-
Behavioral approaches including relaxation can also be dromes, notably trigeminal neuralgia, primary stabbing
effective. Clinical studies have demonstrated that triptans headache, and hypnic headache.The cycling pattern and
in pure TTH are not helpful, although triptans are effective length, frequency, and timing of attacks are useful in
in TTH when the patient also has migraine. For chronic classifying patients. Patients with TACs should undergo
TTH, amitriptyline is the only proven treatment (Table 6-7); pituitary imaging and pituitary function tests as there is
other tricyclics, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and an excess of TAC presentations in patients with pituitary
the benzodiazepines have not been shown to be effective. tumorrelated headache
There is no evidence for the efcacy of acupuncture.
Placebo controlled trials of botulinum toxin type A in Cluster Headache
chronic TTH have not shown benet.
Cluster headache is a rare form of primary headache
with a population frequency of 0.1%. The pain is deep,
usually retroorbital, often excruciating in intensity, non-
uctuating, and explosive in quality. A core feature of
The trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs) are a group cluster headache is periodicity. At least one of the daily
of primary headaches that includes cluster headache, attacks of pain recurs at about the same hour each day
paroxysmal hemicrania, and SUNCT (short-lasting uni- for the duration of a cluster bout. The typical cluster
lateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival headache patient has daily bouts of one to two attacks of
injection and tearing). TACs are characterized by rela- relatively short-duration unilateral pain for 810 weeks
tively short-lasting attacks of head pain associated with a year; this is usually followed by a pain-free interval that
cranial autonomic symptoms, such as lacrimation, con- averages 1 year. Cluster headache is characterized as
junctival injection, or nasal congestion (Table 6-8). Pain chronic when there is no period of sustained remission.
is usually severe and may occur more than once a day. Patients are generally perfectly well between episodes.
If conjunctival injection and tearing not present, consider SUNA.
Nausea, photophobia, or phonophobia; photophobia and phonophobia are typically unilateral on the side of the pain.
Indicates complete response to indomethacin.
Note: SUNCT, short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing.
62 Onset is nocturnal in about 50% of patients, and men TABLE 6-9
are affected three times more often than women. PREVENTIVE MANAGEMENT OF CLUSTER HEADACHE
Patients with cluster headache tend to move about dur-
ing attacks, pacing, rocking, or rubbing their head for
relief; some may even become aggressive during attacks. Episodic Cluster Headache &
This is in sharp contrast to patients with migraine, who Episodic Cluster Prolonged Chronic
prefer to remain motionless during attacks. Headache Cluster Headache
Cluster headache is associated with ipsilateral symp- Prednisone 1 mg/kg up Verapamil 160960 mg/d
toms of cranial parasympathetic autonomic activation: to 60 mg qd, tapering Lithium 400800 mg/d
conjunctival injection or lacrimation, rhinorrhea or nasal
eral and on the same side of the pain, rather than bilateral,
as is seen in migraine. This phenomenon of unilateral is used, it is most effective when given 12 h before an
photophobia/phonophobia is characteristic of TACs. expected attack. Patients who use ergotamine daily
Cluster headache is likely to be a disorder involving must be educated regarding the early symptoms of
central pacemaker neurons in the region of the posterior ergotism, which may include vomiting, numbness, tin-
hypothalamus (Fig. 6-2). gling, pain, and cyanosis of the limbs; a weekly limit of
14 mg should be adhered to. Lithium (600900 mg qd)
appears to be particularly useful for the chronic form of
Treatment: the disorder.
CLUSTER HEADACHE Many experts favor verapamil as the rst-line preven-
The most satisfactory treatment is the administration of tive treatment for patients with chronic cluster headache
drugs to prevent cluster attacks until the bout is over. or prolonged bouts. While verapamil compares favorably
However, treatment of acute attacks is required for all with lithium in practice, some patients require verapamil
cluster headache patients at some time. doses far in excess of those administered for cardiac disor-
ACUTE ATTACK TREATMENT Cluster headache ders. The initial dose range is 4080 mg twice daily; effec-
attacks peak rapidly, and thus a treatment with quick tive doses may be as high as 960 mg/d. Side effects such
onset is required. Many patients with acute cluster as constipation and leg swelling can be problematic. Of
headache respond very well to oxygen inhalation. This paramount concern, however, is the cardiovascular safety
should be given as 100% oxygen at 1012 L/min for of verapamil, particularly at high doses. Verapamil can
1520 min. It appears that high ow and high oxygen cause heart block by slowing conduction in the atrioven-
content are important. Sumatriptan 6 mg subcuta- tricular node, a condition that can be monitored by fol-
neously is rapid in onset and will usually shorten an lowing the PR interval on a standard ECG. Approximately
attack to 1015 min; there is no evidence of tachyphy- 20% of patients treated with verapamil develop ECG
laxis. Sumatriptan (20 mg) and zolmitriptan (5 mg) nasal abnormalities, which can be observed with doses as low
sprays are both effective in acute cluster headache, as 240 mg/d; these abnormalities can worsen over time in
offering a useful option for patients who may not wish patients on stable doses. A baseline ECG is recommended
to self-inject daily. Oral sumatriptan is not effective for for all patients. The ECG is repeated 10 days after a dose
prevention or for acute treatment of cluster headache. change in those patients whose dose is being increased
above 240 mg daily. Dose increases are usually made in
PREVENTIVE TREATMENTS (Table 6-9) The 80-mg increments. For patients on long-term verapamil,
choice of a preventive treatment in cluster headache ECG monitoring every 6 months is advised.
depends in part on the length of the bout. Patients with
long bouts or those with chronic cluster headache NEUROSTIMULATION THERAPY When med-
require medicines that are safe when taken for long ical therapies fail in chronic cluster headache, neu-
periods. For patients with relatively short bouts, limited rostimulation therapy strategies can be employed.
courses of oral glucocorticoids or methysergide (not Deep-brain stimulation of the region of the posterior
available in the United States) can be very useful. A 10- hypothalamic gray matter has proven successful in a
day course of prednisone, beginning at 60 mg daily for 7 substantial proportion of patients. Favorable results
days and followed by a rapid taper, may interrupt the have also been reported with the less-invasive approach
pain bout for many patients. When ergotamine (12 mg) of occipital nerve stimulation.
Paroxysmal Hemicrania minutes. Each pattern may be seen in the context of an 63
underlying continuous head pain. Characteristics that
Paroxysmal hemicrania (PH) is characterized by frequent
lead to a suspected diagnosis of SUNCT are the cuta-
unilateral, severe, short-lasting episodes of headache. Like
neous (or other) triggerability of attacks, a lack of refrac-
cluster headache, the pain tends to be retroorbital but
tory period to triggering between attacks, and the lack of
may be experienced all over the head and is associated
a response to indomethacin. Apart from trigeminal sen-
with autonomic phenomena such as lacrimation and nasal
sory disturbance, the neurologic examination is normal
congestion. Patients with remissions are said to have
in primary SUNCT.
episodic PH, while those with the nonremitting form are
The diagnosis of SUNCT is often confused with
said to have chronic PH.The essential features of PH are:
trigeminal neuralgia (TN) particularly in rst-division
unilateral, very severe pain; short-lasting attacks (245 min);
TN (Chap. 29). Minimal or no cranial autonomic symp-
very frequent attacks (usually more than ve a day); marked
toms and a clear refractory period to triggering indicate
autonomic features ipsilateral to the pain; rapid course
a diagnosis of TN.
(<72 h); and excellent response to indomethacin. In con-
trast to cluster headache, which predominantly affects
males; the male:female ratio in PH is close to 1:1. Secondary (Symptomatic) SUNCT
Indomethacin (2575 mg tid), which can completely SUNCT can be seen with posterior fossa or pituitary
suppress attacks of PH, is the treatment of choice. Although lesions. All patients with SUNCT/SUNA should be
therapy may be complicated by indomethacin-induced evaluated with pituitary function tests and a brain MRI
gastrointestinal side effects, currently there are no consis- with pituitary views.
tently effective alternatives. Topiramate is helpful in some
cases. Piroxicam has been used, although it is not as effec-
tive as indomethacin.Verapamil, an effective treatment for Treatment:
cluster headache, does not appear to be useful for PH. In SUNCT/SUNA
occasional patients, PH can coexist with trigeminal neural-
gia (PH-tic syndrome); similar to cluster-tic syndrome, each ABORTIVE THERAPY Therapy of acute attacks is
component may require separate treatment. not a useful concept in SUNCT/SUNA since the attacks
Secondary PH has been reported with lesions in the are of such short duration. However, intravenous lido-
region of the sella turcica, including arteriovenous malfor- caine, which arrests the symptoms, can be used in hospi-
mation, cavernous sinus meningioma, and epidermoid talized patients.
tumors. Secondary PH is more likely if the patient requires PREVENTIVE THERAPY Long-term prevention
high doses (>200 mg/d) of indomethacin. In patients with to minimize disability and hospitalization is the goal of
apparent bilateral PH, raised CSF pressure should be sus- treatment. The most effective treatment for prevention is
pected. It is important to note that indomethacin reduces lamotrigine, 200400 mg/d. Topiramate and gabapentin
CSF pressure.When a diagnosis of PH is considered, MRI may also be effective. Carbamazepine, 400500 mg/d,
is indicated to exclude a pituitary lesion. has been reported by patients to offer modest benet.
Surgical approaches such as microvascular decom-
SUNCT/SUNA pression or destructive trigeminal procedures are sel-
dom useful and often produce long-term complica-
SUNCT is a rare primary headache syndrome charac- tions. Greater occipital nerve injection has produced
terized by severe, unilateral orbital or temporal pain that limited benet in some patients. Mixed success with
is stabbing or throbbing in quality. Diagnosis requires at occipital nerve stimulation has been observed. Com-
least 20 attacks, lasting for 5240 s; ipsilateral conjuncti- plete control with deep-brain stimulation of the poste-
val injection and lacrimation should be present. In some rior hypothalamic region was reported in a single
patients conjunctival injection or lacrimation are miss- patient. For intractable cases, short-term prevention
ing, and the diagnosis of SUNA (short-lasting unilateral with intravenous lidocaine can be effective.
neuralgiform headache attacks with cranial autonomic
symptoms) has been suggested.
The pain of SUNCT/SUNA is unilateral and may be The broad diagnosis of chronic daily headache (CDH)
located anywhere in the head. Three basic patterns can can be applied when a patient experiences headache on
be seen: single stabs, which are usually short-lived; groups 15 days or more per month. CDH is not a single entity;
of stabs; or a longer attack comprising many stabs between it encompasses a number of different headache syn-
which the pain does not completely resolve, thus giving dromes, including chronic TTH as well as headache sec-
a saw-tooth phenomenon with attacks lasting many ondary to trauma, inammation, infection, medication
64 TABLE 6-10
(see below). Clinical trials using botulinum toxin in
CLASSIFICATION OF CHRONIC DAILY HEADACHE chronic migraine have failed to show any objective
PRIMARY benet.
Chronic meningitis headache history is typical, even when there is no
obvious index event. As time passes from the index
Includes postinfectious forms. event, the postural nature may become less apparent;
cases in which the index event occurred several years
before the eventual diagnosis have been recognized.
is useful. Intramuscular chlorpromazine can be helpful Symptoms appear to result from low volume rather
at night; patients must be adequately hydrated. If the than low pressure: although low CSF pressures, typi-
patient does not improve within 35 days, a course of cally 050 mmH2O, are usually identied, a pressure as
intravenous dihydroergotamine (DHE) can be high as 140 mmH2O has been noted with a docu-
employed. DHE, administered every 8 h for 3 consecu- mented leak. Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
tive days, can induce a signicant remission that allows [POTS (Chap. 28)] can present with orthostatic headache
a preventive treatment to be established. 5-HT3 antago- similar to low CSF volume headache and is a diagnosis
nists, such as ondansetron or granisetron, are often that needs consideration here.
required with DHE to prevent signicant nausea. When imaging is indicated to identify the source of a
presumed leak, an MRI with gadolinium is the initial
study of choice (Fig. 6-5). A striking pattern of diffuse
daily persistent headache (NDPH) is a clinically dis-
meningeal enhancement is so typical that in the appro-
tinct syndrome; its causes are listed in Table 6-11.
priate clinical context the diagnosis is established. Chiari
Clinical Presentation The patient with NDPH malformations may sometimes be noted on MRI; in
presents with headache on most if not all days; the
onset is recent and clearly recalled by the patient.The
headache usually begins abruptly, but onset may be
more gradual; evolution over 3 days has been pro-
posed as the upper limit for this syndrome. Patients
typically recall the exact day and circumstances of the
onset of headache; the new, persistent head pain does
not remit. The rst priority is to distinguish between
a primary and a secondary cause of this syndrome.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage is the most serious of the
secondary causes and must be excluded either by his-
tory or appropriate investigation (Chap. 22).
Low CSF volume headache In these syndromes,
head pain is positional: it begins when the patient sits or
stands upright and resolves upon reclining. The pain,
which is occipitofrontal, is usually a dull ache but may
be throbbing. Patients with chronic low CSF volume
headache typically present with a history of headache
from one day to the next that is generally not present FIGURE 6-5
on waking but worsens during the day. Recumbency Magnetic resonance image showing diffuse meningeal
usually improves the headache within minutes, but it enhancement after gadolinium administration in a patient
takes only minutes to an hour for the pain to return with low CSF volume headache. High-resolution T1 weighted
MRI obtained using voxel-based morphometry demonstrates
when the patient resumes an upright position.
increased gray matter activity, lateralized to the side of pain
The most common cause of headache due to persis-
in a patient with cluster headache. (From A May et al: Nat
tent low CSF volume is CSF leak following lumbar
Med 5:836, 1999.)
66 such cases surgery to decompress the posterior fossa Initial treatment is with acetazolamide (250500 mg
usually worsens the headache.The source of CSF leak- bid); the headache may improve within weeks. If
age may be identied by spinal MRI, by CT myelo- ineffective, topiramate is the next treatment of choice;
gram, or with 111In-DTPA CSF studies; in the absence it has many actions that may be useful in this setting,
of a directly identied site of leakage, early emptying of including carbonic anhydrase inhibition, weight loss,
In-DTPA tracer into the bladder or slow progress of and neuronal membrane stabilization, likely mediated
tracer across the brain suggests a CSF leak. via effects on phosphorylation pathways. Severely dis-
Initial treatment for low CSF volume headache is abled patients who do not respond to medical treat-
bed rest. For patients with persistent pain, intravenous ment require intracranial pressure monitoring and may
dard preventive therapies can be offered but are often
Primary Cough Headache
Primary cough headache is a generalized headache that
begins suddenly, lasts for several minutes, and is precipi-
tated by coughing; it is preventable by avoiding coughing
Hemicrania Continua or other precipitating events, which can include sneezing,
The essential features of hemicrania continua are moder- straining, laughing, or stooping. In all patients with this
ate and continuous unilateral pain associated with uctu- syndrome serious etiologies must be excluded before a
ations of severe pain; complete resolution of pain with diagnosis of benign primary cough headache can be
indomethacin; and exacerbations that may be associated established. A Chiari malformation or any lesion causing
with autonomic features, including conjunctival injec- obstruction of CSF pathways or displacing cerebral struc-
tion, lacrimation, and photophobia on the affected side. tures can be the cause of the head pain. Other conditions
The age of onset ranges from 11 to 58 years; women are that can present with cough or exertional headache as the
affected twice as often as men.The cause is unknown. initial symptom include cerebral aneurysm, carotid steno-
sis, and vertebrobasilar disease. Benign cough headache
can resemble benign exertional headache (below), but
patients with the former condition are typically older.
Treatment consists of indomethacin; other NSAIDs
appear to be of little or no benet. The intramuscular Treatment:
injection of 100 mg indomethacin has been proposed
as a diagnostic tool; administration with a placebo Indomethacin 2550 mg two to three times daily is the
injection has been recommended. Alternatively, a trial of treatment of choice. Some patients with cough headache
oral indomethacin, starting with 25 mg tid, then 50 mg obtain pain relief with LP; this is a simple option when
tid, and then 75 mg tid, can be given. Up to 2 weeks may compared to prolonged use of indomethacin, and it is
be necessary to assess whether a dose has a useful effective in about one-third of patients. The mechanism
effect. Topiramate can be helpful in some patients. of this response is unclear.
Occipital nerve stimulation may have a role in patients
with hemicrania continua who are unable to tolerate
Primary Exertional Headache
Primary exertional headache has features resembling
both cough headache and migraine. It may be precipi-
Primary Stabbing Headache
tated by any form of exercise; it often has the pulsatile
The essential features of primary stabbing headache are quality of migraine.The pain, which can last from 5 min
stabbing pain conned to the head or, rarely, the face, last- to 24 h, is bilateral and throbbing at onset; migrainous
ing from 1 to many seconds or minutes and occurring as features may develop in patients susceptible to migraine.
a single stab or a series of stabs; absence of associated cra- Primary exertional headache can be prevented by avoid-
nial autonomic features; absence of cutaneous triggering ing excessive exertion, particularly in hot weather or at
of attacks; and a pattern of recurrence at irregular intervals high altitude.
(hours to days). The pains have been variously described The mechanism of primary exertional headache is
as ice-pick pains or jabs and jolts.They are more com- unclear. Acute venous distension likely explains one syn-
mon in patients with other primary headaches, such as drome, the acute onset of headache with straining and
migraine, the TACs, and hemicrania continua. breath holding, as in weightlifters headache. As exertion
68 can result in headache in a number of serious underlying advice about ceasing sexual activity if a mild, warning
conditions, these must be considered in patients with exer- headache develops. Propranolol can be used to prevent
tional headache. Pain from angina may be referred to the headache that recurs regularly or frequently, but the
head, probably by central connections of vagal afferents, and dosage required varies from 40 to 200 mg/d. An alterna-
may present as exertional headache (cardiac cephalgia).The tive is the calcium channel-blocking agent diltiazem, 60
link to exercise is the main clinical clue that headache is of mg tid. Ergotamine (1 mg) or indomethacin (2550 mg)
cardiac origin. Pheochromocytoma may occasionally cause taken about 3045 min prior to sexual activity can also
exertional headache. Intracranial lesions and stenosis of the be helpful.
carotid arteries are other possible etiologies.
HYPNIC HEADACHE HEADACHE Classication Committee of the International Headache
Society: The international classication of headache disorders
Patients with hypnic headache generally respond to a
(second edition). Cephalalgia 24:1, 2004
bedtime dose of lithium carbonate (200600 mg). For LANCE JW, Goadsby PJ: Mechanism and Management of Headache. New
those intolerant of lithium, verapamil (160 mg) or York, Elsevier, 2005
methysergide (14 mg at bedtime) may be alternative LEVY M et al:The clinical characteristics of headache in patients with
strategies. One to two cups of coffee or caffeine, 60 mg pituitary tumours. Brain 128:1921, 2005
orally, at bedtime may be effective in approximately OLESEN J et al: The Headaches. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Williams &
one-third of patients. Case reports suggest that unar- Wilkins, 2005
SCHER AI et al: Migraine Headache in Middle Age and Late-Life
izine, 5 mg nightly, can be effective.
Brain Infarcts. JAMA 301:2563, 2009.
John W. Engstrom
The importance of back and neck pain in our society is The posterior portion of the spine consists of the ver-
underscored by the following: (1) the cost of back pain tebral arches and seven processes. Each arch consists of
in the United States is ~$100 billion annually, including paired cylindrical pedicles anteriorly and paired laminae
direct health care expenses plus costs due to loss of pro- posteriorly.The vertebral arch gives rise to two transverse
ductivity; (2) back symptoms are the most common processes laterally, one spinous process posteriorly, plus
cause of disability in those <45 years; (3) low back pain two superior and two inferior articular facets.The appo-
is the second most common reason for visiting a physi- sition of a superior and inferior facet constitutes a facet
cian in the United States; and (4) ~1% of the U.S. popu- joint. The functions of the posterior spine are to protect
lation is chronically disabled because of back pain. the spinal cord and nerves within the spinal canal and to
stabilize the spine by providing sites for the attachment
of muscles and ligaments. The contraction of muscles
ANATOMY OF THE SPINE attached to the spinous and transverse processes produces
a system of pulleys and levers that results in exion,
The anterior portion of the spine consists of cylindrical extension, and lateral bending movements of the spine.
vertebral bodies separated by intervertebral disks and Nerve root injury (radiculopathy) is a common cause
held together by the anterior and posterior longitudinal of neck, arm, low back, and leg pain (Figs. 12-2 and 12-3).
ligaments. The intervertebral disks are composed of a The nerve roots exit at a level above their respective
central gelatinous nucleus pulposus surrounded by a vertebral bodies in the cervical region (the C7 nerve root
tough cartilaginous ring, the annulus brosis; disks are exits at the C6-C7 level) and below their respective ver-
responsible for 25% of spinal column length (Figs. 7-1 tebral bodies in the thoracic and lumbar regions (the T1
and 7-2).The disks are largest in the cervical and lumbar nerve root exits at the T1-T2 level). The cervical nerve
regions where movements of the spine are greatest. The roots follow a short intraspinal course before exiting. By
disks are elastic in youth and allow the bony vertebrae contrast, because the spinal cord ends at the vertebral L1
to move easily upon each other. Elasticity is lost with or L2 level, the lumbar nerve roots follow a long
age. The function of the anterior spine is to absorb the intraspinal course and can be injured anywhere from the
shock of body movements such as walking and running. upper lumbar spine to their exit at the intervertebral
Posterior Posterior Anterior 71
Spinous process Superior articular Superior vertebral
process notch
Superior Intervertebral
articular Lamina Transverse foramen
process process
process Intervertebral
Transverse Pedicle
Spinal canal Body Vertebral anatomy. (From A
Gauthier Cornuelle, DH Gronefeld:
Inferior articular Inferior vertebral
Radiographic Anatomy Positioning.
foramen. For example, disk herniation at the L4-L5 level brosus of the intervertebral disk, epidural veins, and the
commonly produces compression of the traversing S1 posterior longitudinal ligament. Disease of these diverse
nerve root (Fig.7-3). structures may explain many cases of back pain without
Pain-sensitive structures in the spine include the nerve root compression. The nucleus pulposus of the
periosteum of the vertebrae, dura, facet joints, annulus intervertebral disk is not pain-sensitive under normal
circumstances. Pain sensation is conveyed partially by the
sinuvertebral nerve that arises from the spinal nerve at
each spine segment and reenters the spinal canal
3 Cervical through the intervertebral foramen at the same level.
Cervical (7) curvature The lumbar and cervical spine possesses the greatest
potential for movement and injury.
Thoracic (12) 8 4th Lumbar
9 pedicle 4th Lumbar
vertebral body
L4 root
1 L4L5 disk
5th Lumbar
2 vertebral body
L5 Root
Lumbar (5) curvature Protruded
4 L5S1 disk
5 S1 Root
Sacrum Sacral
S2 Root
Local pain is caused by stretching of pain-sensitive Pain associated with muscle spasm, although of obscure
structures that compress or irritate sensory nerve origin, is commonly associated with many spine disor-
endings. The site of the pain is near the affected part ders. The spasms are accompanied by abnormal pos-
of the back. ture, taut paraspinal muscles, and dull pain.
Pain referred to the back may arise from abdominal or Knowledge of the circumstances associated with
pelvic viscera. The pain is usually described as pri- the onset of back pain is important when weighing
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
marily abdominal or pelvic but is accompanied by possible serious underlying causes for the pain. Some
back pain and usually unaffected by posture. The patients involved in accidents or work-related injuries
patient may occasionally complain of back pain only. may exaggerate their pain for the purpose of com-
Pain of spine origin may be located in the back or pensation or for psychological reasons.
referred to the buttocks or legs. Diseases affecting the EXAMINATION OF THE BACK A physical
upper lumbar spine tend to refer pain to the lumbar examination that includes the abdomen and rectum is
region, groin, or anterior thighs. Diseases affecting the advisable. Back pain referred from visceral organs may
lower lumbar spine tend to produce pain referred to be reproduced during palpation of the abdomen [pan-
the buttocks, posterior thighs, or rarely the calves or creatitis, abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)] or per-
feet. Provocative injections into pain-sensitive struc- cussion over the costovertebral angles (pyelonephritis).
tures of the lumbar spine may produce leg pain that The normal spine has cervical and lumbar lordosis,
does not follow a dermatomal distribution.This scle- and a thoracic kyphosis. Exaggeration of these nor-
rotomal pain may explain some cases of back and leg mal alignments may result in hyperkyphosis of the
pain without evidence of nerve root compression. thoracic spine or hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine.
Radicular back pain is typically sharp and radiates Inspection may reveal a lateral curvature of the spine
from the lumbar spine to the leg within the territory (scoliosis) or an asymmetry in the paraspinal muscles,
of a nerve root (see Lumbar Disk Disease, later in the suggesting muscle spasm. Back pain of bony spine
chpater). Coughing, sneezing, or voluntary contraction origin is often reproduced by palpation or percussion
over the spinous process of the affected vertebrae.
Forward bending is often limited by paraspinal
muscle spasm; the latter may atten the usual lumbar
ACUTE LOW BACK PAIN: RISK FACTORS FOR AN lordosis. Flexion of the hips is normal in patients with
lumbar spine disease, but exion of the lumbar spine
History is limited and sometimes painful. Lateral bending to
Pain worse at rest or at night the side opposite the injured spinal element may
Prior history of cancer stretch the damaged tissues, worsen pain, and limit
History of chronic infection (esp. lung, urinary tract, skin) motion. Hyperextension of the spine (with the
History of trauma
patient prone or standing) is limited when nerve root
Age >50 years compression, facet joint pathology, or other bony
Intravenous drug use spine disease is present.
Glucocorticoid use Pain from hip disease may mimic pain of lumbar
History of a rapidly progressive neurologic decit spine disease. Hip pain can be reproduced by internal
Examination and external rotation at the hip with the knee and
Unexplained fever hip in exion (Patrick sign) and by tapping the heel
Unexplained weight loss
with the examiners palm while the leg is extended.
Percussion tenderness over the spine
Abdominal, rectal, or pelvic mass With the patient lying at, passive exion of the
Patricks sign or heel percussion sign extended leg at the hip stretches the L5 and S1 nerve
Straight leg or reverse straight-leg raising signs roots and the sciatic nerve. Passive dorsiflexion of
Progressive focal neurologic decit the foot during the maneuver adds to the stretch.
While exion to at least 80 is normally possible may be due to pain or a combination of pain and 73
without causing pain, tight hamstring muscles are a underlying true weakness. Breakaway weakness with-
source of pain in some patients. The straight legraising out pain is due to lack of effort. In uncertain cases,
(SLR) test is positive if the maneuver reproduces the electromyography (EMG) can determine whether or
patients usual back or limb pain. Eliciting the SLR not true weakness is present. Findings with specic
sign in the sitting position may help determine if the nerve root lesions are shown in Table 7-2 and are
nding is reproducible.The patient may describe pain discussed below.
in the low back, buttocks, posterior thigh, or lower
leg, but the key feature is reproduction of the patients LABORATORY, IMAGING, AND EMG STUDIES
usual pain. The crossed SLR sign is positive when ex- Routine laboratory studies are rarely needed for the
ion of one leg reproduces the pain in the opposite leg initial evaluation of nonspecic acute (<3 months
or buttocks. The crossed SLR sign is less sensitive but duration) low back pain (ALBP). If risk factors for a
more specic for disk herniation than the SLR sign. serious underlying cause are present, then laboratory
The nerve or nerve root lesion is always on the side studies [complete blood count (CBC), erythrocyte
of the pain.The reverse SLR sign is elicited by standing sedimentation rate (ESR), urinalysis] are indicated.
Reverse straight legraising sign presentsee Examination of the Back.
These muscles receive the majority of innervation from this root.
Straight legraising sign presentsee Examination of the Back.
74 structures, whereas CT-myelography provides optimal TABLE 7-3
imaging of the lateral recess of the spinal canal and CAUSES OF BACK AND NECK PAIN
bony lesions and is tolerated by claustrophobic Congenital/developmental
patients.While the added diagnostic value of modern Spondylolysis and spondylolisthesisa
neuroimaging is signicant, there is concern that Kyphoscoliosisa
these studies may be overutilized in patients with Spina bida occultaa
ALBP. Tethered spinal corda
Minor trauma
Electrodiagnostic studies can be used to assess the Strain or sprain
functional integrity of the peripheral nervous system Whiplash injuryb
pain, sometimes following minor trauma. Neuroimaging
studies reveal a low-lying conus (below L1-L2) and a
short and thickened lum terminale.
A patient with a complaint of back pain and inability to
The differential diagnosis covers a variety of serious doubled, for uncertain reasons. There are no large
and treatable conditions, including epidural abscess, prospective, randomized trials comparing fusion to other
hematoma, or tumor. Fever, constant pain uninuenced types of surgical intervention. In one study, patients with
by position, sphincter abnormalities, or signs of spinal persistent low back pain despite an initial diskectomy
cord disease suggests an etiology other than lumbar disk fared no better with spine fusion than with a conserva-
disease. Bilateral absence of ankle reexes can be a nor- tive regimen of cognitive intervention and exercise.
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
mal nding in old age or a sign of bilateral S1 radicu- Cauda equina syndrome (CES) signies an injury of
lopathy. An absent deep tendon reex or focal sensory multiple lumbosacral nerve roots within the spinal canal.
loss may indicate injury to a nerve root, but other sites Low back pain, weakness and areexia in the legs, saddle
of injury along the nerve must also be considered. For anesthesia, and loss of bladder function may occur. The
example, an absent knee reex may be due to a femoral problem must be distinguished from disorders of the lower
neuropathy or an L4 nerve root injury. A loss of sensa- spinal cord (conus medullaris syndrome), acute transverse
tion over the foot and lateral lower calf may result from myelitis (Chap. 30), and Guillain-Barr syndrome (Chap. 41).
a peroneal or lateral sciatic neuropathy or an L5 nerve Combined involvement of the conus medullaris and
root injury. Focal muscle atrophy may reect a nerve cauda equina can occur. CES is commonly due to a
root or peripheral nerve injury, an anterior horn cell ruptured lumbosacral intervertebral disk, lumbosacral
disease, or disuse. spine fracture, hematoma within the spinal canal (e.g.,
An MRI scan or CT-myelogram is necessary to estab- following lumbar puncture in patients with coagulopa-
lish the location and type of pathology. Spinal MRI yields thy), compressive tumor, or other mass lesion.Treatment
exquisite views of intraspinal and adjacent soft tissue options include surgical decompression, sometimes
anatomy. Bony lesions of the lateral recess or interverte- urgently in an attempt to restore or preserve motor or
bral foramen are optimally visualized by CT-myelography. sphincter function, or radiotherapy for metastatic tumors
The correlation of neuroradiologic ndings to symptoms, (Chap. 32).
particularly pain, is not simple. Contrast-enhancing tears
in the annulus brosus or disk protrusions are widely
accepted as common sources of back pain; however,
many studies have found that most asymptomatic adults Lumbar spinal stenosis describes a narrowed lumbar spinal
have similar ndings. Asymptomatic disk protrusions are canal. Neurogenic claudication is the usual symptom, con-
also common and may enhance with contrast. Further- sisting of back and buttock or leg pain induced by walk-
more, in patients with known disk herniation treated ing or standing and relieved by sitting. Symptoms in the
either medically or surgically, persistence of the hernia- legs are usually bilateral. Lumbar stenosis, by itself, is fre-
tion 10 years later had no relationship to the clinical quently asymptomatic, and the correlation between the
outcome. In summary, MRI ndings of disk protrusion, severity of symptoms and degree of stenosis of the spinal
tears in the annulus brosus, or contrast enhancement canal is poor. Unlike vascular claudication, symptoms are
are common incidental ndings that, by themselves, often provoked by standing without walking. Unlike lum-
should not dictate management decisions for patients bar disk disease, symptoms are usually relieved by sitting.
with back pain. Focal weakness, sensory loss, or reex changes may occur
There are four indications for intervertebral disk when spinal stenosis is associated with radiculopathy.
surgery: (1) progressive motor weakness from nerve root Severe neurologic decits, including paralysis and uri-
injury demonstrated on clinical examination or EMG, nary incontinence, occur rarely. Spinal stenosis can be
(2) bowel or bladder disturbance or other signs of spinal acquired (75%), congenital, or due to a combination of
cord compression, (3) incapacitating nerve root pain these factors. Congenital forms (achondroplasia, idio-
despite conservative treatment for 4 weeks at a mini- pathic) are characterized by short, thick pedicles that pro-
mum, and (4) recurrent incapacitating pain despite con- duce both spinal canal and lateral recess stenosis.Acquired
servative treatment.The latter two criteria are more sub- factors that contribute to spinal stenosis include degenera-
jective and less well established than the others. Surgical tive diseases (spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, scoliosis), trauma,
with stiffness. The relationship between clinical symp- 77
toms and radiologic ndings is usually not straightfor-
ward. Pain may be prominent when x-ray, CT, or MRI
ndings are minimal, and large osteophytes can be seen
in asymptomatic patients. Radiculopathy occurs when
hypertrophied facets and osteophytes compress nerve
roots in the lateral recess or intervertebral foramen.
Osteophytes arising from the vertebral body may cause
or contribute to central spinal canal stenosis. Disc
degeneration may also play a role in reducing the cross-
sectional area of the intervertebral foramen; the
descending pedicle may compress the exiting nerve
root. Rarely, osteoarthritic changes in the lumbar spine
A B are sufcient to compress the cauda equina.
Spinal stenosis. Sagittal T2 fast spin echo magnetic reso-
regain the ability to walk, thus early diagnosis is crucial. pression fractures occur in up to half of patients with severe
osteoporosis, and those who sustain a fracture have a 4.5-
INFECTIONS/INFLAMMATION fold increased risk for recurrence.The sole manifestation of
a compression fracture may be localized back pain or radic-
Vertebral osteomyelitis is usually caused by staphylococci, ular pain exacerbated by movement and often reproduced
but other bacteria or tuberculosis (Potts disease) may be by palpation over the spinous process of the affected verte-
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
responsible. The primary source of infection is usually bra.The clinical context, neurologic signs, and x-ray appear-
the urinary tract, skin, or lungs. Intravenous drug use is a ance of the spine establish the diagnosis. Antiresorptive
well-recognized risk factor. Whenever pyogenic drugs including bisphosphonates (e.g., alendronate), trans-
osteomyelitis is found, the possibility of bacterial endo- dermal estrogen, and tamoxifen have been shown to reduce
carditis should be considered. Back pain exacerbated by the risk of osteoporotic fractures. Fewer than one-third of
motion and unrelieved by rest, spine tenderness over the patients with prior compression fractures are adequately
involved spine segment, and an elevated ESR are the treated for osteoporosis despite the increased risk for future
most common ndings in vertebral osteomyelitis. Fever fractures; rates of primary prevention among individuals at
or an elevated white blood cell count is found in a risk, but without a history of fracture, are even less. Com-
minority of patients. Plain radiographs may show a nar- pression fractures above the midthoracic region suggest
rowed disk space with erosion of adjacent vertebrae; malignancy; if tumor is suspected, a bone biopsy or diagnos-
however, these diagnostic changes may take weeks or tic search for a primary tumor is indicated.
months to appear. MRI and CT are sensitive and spe- Interventions [percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP),
cic for osteomyelitis; CT may be more readily available kyphoplasty] exist for osteoporotic compression fractures
in emergency settings and better tolerated by some associated with debilitating pain. Candidates for PVP have
patients with severe back pain. midline back pain, palpation tenderness over the spinous
Spinal epidural abscess (Chap. 30) presents with back process of the affected vertebral body, <80% loss of ver-
pain (aggravated by movement or palpation) and fever. tebral body height, and onset of symptoms within the
Signs of nerve root injury or spinal cord compression prior 4 months.The PVP technique consists of injection
may be present. The abscess may track over multiple of polymethylmethacrylate, under uoroscopic guidance,
spinal levels and is best delineated by spine MRI. into the affected vertebral body. Kyphoplasty adds the
Lumbar adhesive arachnoiditis with radiculopathy is due inflation of a balloon in the vertebral body prior to
to brosis following inammation within the subarach- the injection of cement. Rare complications can include
noid space. The brosis results in nerve root adhesions, extravasation of cement into the epidural space (resulting
and presents as back and leg pain associated with motor, in myelopathy) or fatal pulmonary embolism from migra-
sensory, or reex changes. Causes of arachnoiditis include tion of cement into paraspinal veins.Approximately three-
multiple lumbar operations, chronic spinal infections, quarters of patients who meet selection criteria have
spinal cord injury, intrathecal hemorrhage, myelography reported enhanced quality of life. Relief of pain follow-
(rare), intrathecal injection of glucocorticoids or anes- ing PVP has also been reported in patients with vertebral
thetics, and foreign bodies. The MRI shows clumped metastases, myeloma, or hemangiomas.
nerve roots located centrally or adherent to the dura Osteosclerosis, an abnormally increased bone density
peripherally, or loculations of cerebrospinal uid within often due to Pagets disease, is readily identiable on
the thecal sac. Clumped nerve roots may also occur with routine x-ray studies and may or may not produce back
demyelinating polyneuropathy or neoplastic inltration. pain. Spinal cord or nerve root compression may result
Treatment is usually unsatisfactory. Microsurgical lysis of from bony encroachment.
adhesions, dorsal rhizotomy, and dorsal root ganglionec-
tomy have been tried, but outcomes have been poor.
Dorsal column stimulation for pain relief has produced
varying results. Epidural injections of glucocorticoids Diseases of the thorax, abdomen, or pelvis may refer pain to
have been of limited value. the posterior portion of the spinal segment that innervates
the diseased organ. Occasionally, back pain may be the rst The pain is referred to the sacral region. Endometriosis 79
and only manifestation. Upper abdominal diseases gener- or uterine cancers may invade the uterosacral ligaments.
ally refer pain to the lower thoracic or upper lumbar region Pain associated with endometriosis is typically premen-
(eighth thoracic to the rst and second lumbar vertebrae), strual and often continues until it merges with men-
lower abdominal diseases to the mid-lumbar region (sec- strual pain. Uterine malposition may cause uterosacral
ond to fourth lumbar vertebrae), and pelvic diseases to ligament traction (retroversion, descensus, and prolapse)
the sacral region. Local signs (pain with spine palpation, or produce sacral pain after prolonged standing.
paraspinal muscle spasm) are absent, and little or no pain Menstrual pain may be felt in the sacral region. The
accompanies routine movements of the spine. poorly localized, cramping pain can radiate down the
legs. Pain due to neoplastic inltration of nerves is typi-
cally continuous, progressive in severity, and unrelieved
Low Thoracic or Lumbar Pain with by rest at night. Less commonly, radiation therapy of
Abdominal Disease
pelvic tumors may produce sacral pain from late radia-
Peptic ulcers or tumors of the posterior wall of the tion necrosis of tissue or nerves. Low back pain that
stomach or duodenum typically produce epigastric pain, radiates into one or both thighs is common in the last
but midline back or paraspinal pain may occur if weeks of pregnancy.
pain. Most have purely mechanical symptoms (i.e., pain Education is an important part of treatment. Satisfac-
that is aggravated by motion and relieved by rest). tion and the likelihood of follow-up increase when
Observational studies have been used to justify a patients are educated about prognosis, treatment
minimalist approach to this problem. These studies methods, activity modications, and strategies to pre-
share a number of limitations: (1) a true placebo control vent future exacerbations. In one study, patients who
group is often lacking; (2) patients who consult different felt they did not receive an adequate explanation for
provider groups (generalists, orthopedists, neurologists) their symptoms wanted further diagnostic tests. Evi-
are assumed to have similar etiologies for their back dence for the efcacy of structured education programs
pain; (3) no information is provided about the details of (back school) is inconclusive; there is modest evidence
treatment; and (4) no attempt to tabulate structural for a short-term benet, but evidence for a long-term
causes of ALBP is made. benet is lacking. Randomized studies of back school
The algorithms for the treatment of back pain for primary prevention of low back injury and pain have
(Fig. 7-6) draw from published clinical practice guide- failed to demonstrate any benet.
lines (CPGs). However, since CPGs are based on incom- NSAIDs and acetaminophen (Table 5-1) are effective
plete evidence, guidelines should not substitute for clin- over-the-counter agents for ALBP. Muscle relaxants
ical judgment. (cyclobenzaprine, 10 mg PO qhs as initial dose, up to
The initial assessment excludes serious causes of 10 mg PO tid) provide short-term (47 days) benet,
spine pathology that require urgent intervention, includ- particularly at night if sleep is affected, but drowsiness
ing infection, cancer, and trauma. Risk factors for a seri- limits daytime use. Opioid analgesics are no more effec-
ous cause of ALBP are shown in Table 7-1. Laboratory tive than NSAIDs or acetaminophen for initial treatment
studies are unnecessary if risk factors are absent. Plain of ALBP, nor do they increase the likelihood of return to
spine lms or CT are rarely indicated in the rst month of work. Short-term use of opioids may be necessary in
symptoms unless a spine fracture is suspected. patients unresponsive to or intolerant of acetaminophen
Clinical trials have shown no benet of >2 days of or NSAIDs. There is no evidence to support the use of
bed rest for uncomplicated ALBP. There is evidence that oral glucocorticoids or tricyclic antidepressants for
bed rest is also ineffective for patients with sciatica or ALBP.
for acute back pain with signs of nerve root injury. Simi- Epidural glucocorticoids may occasionally produce
larly, traction is not effective for ALBP. Possible advan- short-term pain relief in ALBP with radiculopathy, but
tages of early ambulation for ALBP include maintenance proof is lacking for pain relief beyond 1 month. Epidural
of cardiovascular conditioning, improved disk and carti- glucocorticoids, anesthetics, or opioids are not indicated
lage nutrition, improved bone and muscle strength, and in the initial treatment of ALBP without radiculopathy.
increased endorphin levels. One trial of early vigorous Diagnostic nerve root blocks have been advocated to
exercise was negative, but the value of less vigorous determine if pain originates from a specic nerve root.
exercise or other exercise programs are unknown. Early However, improvement may result even when the nerve
resumption of normal physical activity (without heavy root is not responsible for the pain; this may occur as a
manual labor) is likely to be benecial. placebo effect, from a pain-generating lesion located
Proof is lacking to support the treatment of acute distally along the peripheral nerve, or from anesthesia
back and neck pain with acupuncture, transcutaneous of the sinuvertebral nerve. Therapeutic nerve root
electrical nerve stimulation, massage, ultrasound, blocks with injection of glucocorticoids and a local
diathermy, magnets, or electrical stimulation. Cervical anesthetic should be considered only after conservative
Acute low back pain Not improving over 4 weeks
Acute low back +/ leg symptoms Leg symptoms?
Yes No
Medical history and examination
Risk factors for serious etiology? Consult specialist;
EMG/NCV Risk factors for
neurologic examination No
Radiculopathy? serious etiology?
Yes No
Clear nerve root signs?
Pain relief necessary? Imaging study (MRI, or Specialist Evaluate
CT-myelography) follow-up; nerve and treat
No Yes Are imaging and neurologic root, plexus,
evaluations concordant? or CNS problem?
Follow-up at 2 weeks
Return to activity tolerance? Back and leg pain managed > 4 weeks
Focal neurologic deficit by examination or EMG
Focal pathology by spine imaging study
No Yes
Patient symptoms worse or not improving
Will patient consider surgery?
Review response to initial treatment Resume normal activity
Review risk factors Yes No
Modify symptomatic treatment
Spine surgery consultation to discuss:
Surgical procedure
Risks/benefits No Algorithm B at 1
Short-term and long-term outcomes
Follow-up 2 weeks later Yes Availability of second opinion
Return to normal activity? Does the patient choose surgery?
No Yes
Algorithms for management of acute low back pain, age blood count; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; UA, urinal-
18 years. A. Symptoms <3 months, rst 4 weeks. B. Man- ysis; EMG, electromyography; NCV, nerve conduction velocity
agement weeks 412. 1 , entry point from Algorithm C post- studies; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; CT, computed
operatively or if patient declines surgery. C. Surgical options. tomography; CNS, central nervous system.)
(NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drugs; CBC, complete
measures fail, particularly when temporary relief of pain adequate placebo control. Specic PT or chiropractic
is necessary. protocols that may provide benet have not been fully
A short course of lumbar spinal manipulation or dened.
physical therapy (PT) for symptomatic relief of uncom-
plicated ALBP is a reasonable option. Prospective, ran- CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN CLBP, dened as
domized studies are difcult to perform in part because pain lasting >12 weeks, accounts for 50% of total back
there is no consensus about what constitutes an pain costs. Risk factors include obesity, female gender,
82 older age, prior history of back pain, restricted spinal good evidence to suggest that one NSAID is more
mobility, pain radiating into a leg, high levels of psycho- effective than another. Bed rest should not exceed
logical distress, poor self-rated health, minimal physical 2 days. Activity tolerance is the primary goal, while
activity, smoking, job dissatisfaction, and widespread pain relief is secondary. Exercise programs can reverse
pain. Combinations of these premorbid factors have atrophy in paraspinal muscles and strengthen exten-
been used to predict which individuals with ALBP are sors of the trunk. Intensive physical exercise or work
likely to develop CLBP. The initial approach to these hardening regimens (under the guidance of a physical
patients is similar to that for ALBP. Treatment of this het- therapist) have been effective in returning some patients
erogeneous group of patients is directed toward the to work, improving walking distances, and diminishing
underlying cause when known; the ultimate goal is to pain. The benefit can be sustained with home exercise
restore function to the maximum extent possible. regimens. It is difficult to endorse one specific exercise
Many conditions that produce CLBP can be identied or PT regimen given the heterogeneous nature of this
by a combination of neuroimaging and electrophysio- patient group. The role of manipulation, back school,
logic studies. Spine MRI and CT-myelography are almost or epidural steroid injections in the treatment of CLBP
always the imaging techniques of choice. Imaging stud- is unproven. There is no strong evidence to support
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
ies should be performed only in circumstances when the use of acupuncture or traction. A reduction in sick
the results are likely to inuence management. leave days, long-term health care utilization, and pen-
Injection studies can be used diagnostically to sion expenditures may offset the initial expense of
help determine the anatomic source of back pain. multidisciplinary treatment programs. Studies of
Reproduction of the patients typical pain with hydrotherapy for CLBP have yielded mixed results;
diskography has been used as evidence that a spe- however, given its low risk and cost, hydrotherapy can
cific disk is the pain generator. Pain relief following a be considered as a treatment option. Transcutaneous
foraminal nerve root block or glucocorticoid injection electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) has not been ade-
into a facet has been similarly used as evidence that quately studied in CLBP.
the facet joint or nerve root is the source. However,
the possibility that the injection response was a
placebo effect or due to systemic absorption of the
glucocorticoids is usually not considered. The value of
these procedures in the treatment of CLBP or in the PAIN IN THE NECK AND SHOULDER
selection of candidates for surgery is largely unknown (Table 7-4)
despite their widespread use. The value of thermog-
raphy in the assessment of radiculopathy also has not Neck pain, which usually arises from diseases of the cer-
been rigorously studied. vical spine and soft tissues of the neck, is common (4.6%
The diagnosis of nerve root injury is most secure of adults in one study). Neck pain arising from the cer-
when the history, examination, results of imaging vical spine is typically precipitated by movement and
studies, and the EMG are concordant. The correlation may be accompanied by focal tenderness and limitation
between CT and EMG for localization of nerve root injury of motion. Pain arising from the brachial plexus, shoul-
is between 65 and 73%. Up to one-third of asympto- der, or peripheral nerves can be confused with cervical
matic adults have a disk protrusion detected by CT or spine disease, but the history and examination usually
MRI scans. Thus, surgical intervention based solely upon identify a more distal origin for the pain. Cervical spine
radiologic ndings increases the likelihood of an unsuc- trauma, disk disease, or spondylosis may be asympto-
cessful outcome. matic or painful and can produce a myelopathy, radicu-
An unblinded study in patients with chronic sciatica lopathy, or both. The nerve roots most commonly
found that surgery could hasten relief of symptoms by affected are C7 and C6.
~2 months; however, at 1 year there was no advantage
of surgery over conservative medical therapy, and
nearly all patients (95%) in both groups made a full TRAUMA TO THE CERVICAL SPINE
recovery regardless of the treatment approach. A large
Trauma to the cervical spine (fractures, subluxation)
observational cohort study of patients with lumbar
places the spinal cord at risk for compression. Motor
spinal stenosis showed surgery to be relatively safe,
vehicle accidents, violent crimes, or falls account for 87%
likely reducing pain at 2 years with little effect on func-
of spinal cord injuries (Chap. 30). Immediate immobi-
tion or disability.
lization of the neck is essential to minimize further spinal
CLBP can be treated with a variety of conservative
cord injury from movement of unstable cervical spine
measures. Acute and subacute exacerbations are man-
segments. A CT scan is the diagnostic procedure of
aged with NSAIDs and comfort measures. There is no
choice for detection of acute fractures. Following major
TABLE 7-4 83
C5 Biceps Over lateral deltoid Supraspinatusa (initial arm abduction) Lateral arm, medial scapula
Infraspinatusa (arm external rotation)
Deltoida (arm abduction)
Biceps (arm exion)
C6 Biceps Thumb, index ngers Biceps (arm exion) Lateral forearm, thumb,
Radial hand/forearm Pronator teres (internal forearm index nger
C7 Triceps Middle ngers Tricepsa (arm extension) Posterior arm, dorsal
Dorsum forearm Wrist extensorsa forearm, lateral hand
Extensor digitoruma (nger extension)
C8 Finger Little nger Abductor pollicis brevis (abduction D1) 4th and 5th ngers, medial
exors Medial hand First dorsal interosseous (abduction D2) forearm
These muscles receive the majority of innervation from this root.
trauma to the cervical spine, injury to the vertebral nerve root territory, and (3) the location of pain is the
arteries is common; most lesions are asymptomatic and most variable of the clinical features.
can be visualized by MRI and angiography.
Whiplash injury is due to trauma (usually automobile CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS
accidents) causing cervical musculoligamental sprain or
strain due to hyperexion or hyperextension. This diag- Osteoarthritis of the cervical spine may produce neck
nosis should not be applied to patients with fractures, pain that radiates into the back of the head, shoulders, or
disk herniation, head injury, focal neurologic ndings, or arms, or may be the source of headaches in the posterior
altered consciousness. Imaging of the cervical spine is occipital region (supplied by the C2-C4 nerve roots).
not cost-effective acutely but is useful to detect disk Osteophytes, disk protrusions, and hypertrophic facet or
herniations when symptoms persist for >6 weeks fol- uncovertebral joints may compress one or several nerve
lowing the injury. Severe initial symptoms have been roots at the intervertebral foramina (Fig. 7-7); this com-
associated with a poor long-term outcome. pression accounts for 75% of cervical radiculopathies.
The roots most commonly affected are C7 and C6.
Narrowing of the spinal canal by osteophytes, ossica-
tion of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL), or a
Herniation of a lower cervical disk is a common cause of large central disk may compress the cervical spinal cord.
neck, shoulder, arm, or hand pain or tingling. Neck pain, Combinations of radiculopathy and myelopathy may
stiffness, and a range of motion limited by pain are the also be present. Spinal cord involvement is suggested by
usual manifestations. A herniated cervical disk is respon- Lhermitts symptom, an electrical sensation elicited by
sible for ~25% of cervical radiculopathies. Extension and neck exion and radiating down the spine from the
lateral rotation of the neck narrows the ipsilateral inter- neck. When little or no neck pain accompanies cord
vertebral foramen and may reproduce radicular symp- compression, the diagnosis may be confused with amy-
toms (Spurlings sign). In young persons, acute nerve root otrophic lateral sclerosis (Chap. 27), multiple sclerosis
compression from a ruptured cervical disk is often due to (Chap. 34), spinal cord tumors, or syringomyelia (Chap. 30).
trauma. Cervical disk herniations are usually posterolat- The possibility of cervical spondylosis should be consid-
eral near the lateral recess and intervertebral foramen. ered even when the patient presents with symptoms or
Typical patterns of reex, sensory, and motor changes signs in the legs only. MRI is the study of choice to
that accompany specic cervical nerve root lesions are dene the anatomic abnormalities, but plain CT is ade-
summarized in Table 7-4; however, (1) overlap in func- quate to assess bony spurs, foraminal narrowing, or
tion between adjacent nerve roots is common, (2) symp- OPLL. EMG and nerve conduction studies can localize
toms and signs may be evident in only part of the injured and assess the severity of the nerve root injury.
Cervical spondylosis; left C6 radiculopathy. A. Sagittal T2 fast spin echo
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
OTHER CAUSES OF NECK PAIN lung apex. Injury to these structures may result in pos-
tural or movement-induced pain around the shoulder
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) of the cervical apophyseal and supraclavicular region. True neurogenic thoracic outlet
joints produces neck pain, stiffness, and limitation of syndrome (TOS) results from compression of the lower
motion. In advanced RA, synovitis of the atlantoaxial trunk of the brachial plexus or ventral rami of the C8 or
joint (C1-C2; Fig. 7-2) may damage the transverse liga- T1 nerve roots by an anomalous band of tissue connect-
ment of the atlas, producing forward displacement of the ing an elongate transverse process at C7 with the rst
atlas on the axis (atlantoaxial subluxation). Radiologic rib. Signs include weakness of intrinsic muscles of the
evidence of atlantoaxial subluxation occurs in 30% of hand and diminished sensation on the palmar aspect of
patients with RA. Not surprisingly, the degree of sub- the fourth and fth digits. EMG and nerve conduction
luxation correlates with the severity of erosive disease. studies conrm the diagnosis. Treatment consists of sur-
When subluxation is present, careful assessment is gical resection of the anomalous band. The weakness
important to identify early signs of myelopathy. Occa- and wasting of intrinsic hand muscles typically does not
sional patients develop high spinal cord compression improve, but surgery halts the insidious progression of
leading to quadriparesis, respiratory insufciency, and weakness. Arterial TOS results from compression of the
death. Surgery should be considered when myelopathy subclavian artery by a cervical rib; the compression
or spinal instability is present. results in poststenotic dilatation of the artery and throm-
Ankylosing spondylitis can cause neck pain and less com- bus formation. Blood pressure is reduced in the affected
monly atlantoaxial subluxation; surgery may be required limb, and signs of emboli may be present in the hand.
to prevent spinal cord compression. Acute herpes zoster Neurologic signs are absent. Ultrasound can conrm the
presents as acute posterior occipital or neck pain prior to diagnosis noninvasively. Treatment is with thrombolysis
the outbreak of vesicles. Neoplasms metastatic to the cervi- or anticoagulation (with or without embolectomy) and
cal spine, infections (osteomyelitis and epidural abscess), and surgical excision of the cervical rib compressing the
metabolic bone diseases may be the cause of neck pain. Neck subclavian artery or vein. Disputed TOS includes a large
pain may also be referred from the heart with coronary number of patients with chronic arm and shoulder pain
artery ischemia (cervical angina syndrome). of unclear cause. The lack of sensitive and specic nd-
ings on physical examination or laboratory markers for
this condition frequently results in diagnostic uncer-
tainty.The role of surgery in disputed TOS is controver-
The thoracic outlet contains the rst rib, the subclavian sial. Multidisciplinary pain management is a conservative
artery and vein, the brachial plexus, the clavicle, and the approach, although treatment is often unsuccessful.
BRACHIAL PLEXUS AND NERVES improved neurologic function are reasonable goals. 85
Pain from injury to the brachial plexus or peripheral Symptomatic treatment includes the use of analgesic
nerves of the arm can occasionally mimic pain of cervi- medications and/or a soft cervical collar. Most treatment
cal spine origin. Neoplastic inltration of the lower recommendations reect anecdotal experience, case
trunk of the brachial plexus may produce shoulder pain series, or conclusions derived from studies of the lumbar
radiating down the arm, numbness of the fourth and spine. Controlled studies of oral prednisone or trans-
fth ngers, and weakness of intrinsic hand muscles foraminal glucocorticoid injections have not been per-
innervated by the ulnar and median nerves. Postradia- formed. Reasonable indications for cervical disk surgery
tion brosis (most commonly from treatment of breast include a progressive radicular motor decit, pain that
cancer) may produce similar ndings, although pain is fails to respond to conservative management and limits
less often present. A Pancoast tumor of the lung is activities of daily living, or cervical spinal cord compres-
another cause and should be considered, especially when sion. Surgical management of herniated cervical disks
a Horners syndrome is present. Suprascapular neuropathy usually consists of an anterior approach with diskec-
may produce severe shoulder pain, weakness, and wast- tomy followed by anterior interbody fusion. A simple
ing of the supraspinatous and infraspinatous muscles. posterior partial laminectomy with diskectomy is an
Mark D. Carlson
Pathophysiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
I Causes of Syncope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Disorders of Vascular Tone or Blood Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
I Cardiovascular Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Cerebrovascular Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
I Differential Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Anxiety Attacks and Hyperventilation Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Seizures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Hypoglycemia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Hysterical Fainting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
I Further Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Syncope, a transient loss of consciousness and postural tone renin-aldosterone-angiotensin system. Knowledge of
due to reduced cerebral blood ow, is associated with spon- the processes is important to understanding the patho-
taneous recovery. It may occur suddenly, without warning, physiology of syncope. Approximately three-fourths of
or may be preceded by symptoms of faintness (presyn- the systemic blood volume is contained in the venous
cope).These symptoms include lightheadedness, dizziness, bed, and any interference in venous return may lead to
a feeling of warmth, diaphoresis, nausea, and visual blurring a reduction in cardiac output. Cerebral blood flow can
occasionally proceeding to transient blindness. Presyncopal be maintained if cardiac output and systemic arterial
symptoms vary in duration and may increase in severity vasoconstriction compensate, but when these adjust-
until loss of consciousness occurs, or they may resolve prior ments fail, hypotension with resultant cerebral under-
to loss of consciousness if the cerebral ischemia is cor- perfusion to less than half of normal results in syncope.
rected. The differentiation of syncope from seizure is an Normally, the pooling of blood in the lower parts of
important, sometimes difcult, diagnostic problem. the body is prevented by (1) pressor reflexes that
Syncope may be benign when it occurs as a result of induce constriction of peripheral arterioles and venules,
normal cardiovascular reex effects on heart rate and (2) reflex acceleration of the heart by means of aortic
vascular tone, or serious when due to a life-threatening and carotid reflexes, and (3) improvement of venous
cardiac arrhythmia. Syncope may occur as a single event return to the heart by activity of the muscles of the
or may be recurrent. Recurrent, unexplained syncope, limbs. Tilting a normal person upright on a tilt table
particularly in an individual with structural heart disease, causes some blood to accumulate in the lower limbs
is associated with a high risk of death (40% mortality and diminishes cardiac output slightly; this may be fol-
within 2 years). lowed by a slight transitory fall in systolic blood pres-
sure. However, in a patient with defective vasomotor
reexes, upright tilt may produce an abrupt and sustained
fall in blood pressure, precipitating a faint. A recent
Under normal circumstances systemic blood pressure is study suggests that susceptibility to neurally-mediated
regulated by a complex process that includes the mus- syncope is driven partly by an enhanced vascular response
culature, venous valves, autonomic nervous system, and to hypocapnia.
Transiently decreased cerebral blood ow is usually due I. Disorders of Vascular Tone or Blood Volume
to one of three general mechanisms: disorders of vascu- A. Reex syncopes
lar tone or blood volume, cardiovascular disorders 1. Neurocardiogenic
including obstructive lesions and cardiac arrhythmias, or 2. Situational
cerebrovascular disease (Table 8-1). Not infrequently,
however, the cause of syncope is multifactorial. Defecation
DISORDERS OF VASCULAR TONE OR 3. Carotid sinus hypersensitivity
BLOOD VOLUME B. Orthostatic hypotension
1. Drug-induced (antihypertensive or vasodilator
Disorders of vascular tone or blood volume that can drugs)
cause syncope include the reex syncopes and a number 2. Pure autonomic failure (idiopathic orthostatic
of conditions resulting in orthostatic intolerance. The hypotension)
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
color begins to return to the face, breathing becomes occurs predominantly in middle-aged and older men,
quicker and deeper, and consciousness is restored. Some particularly those with prostatic hypertrophy and
patients may experience a sense of residual weakness obstruction of the bladder neck; loss of consciousness
after regaining consciousness, and rising too soon may usually occurs at night during or immediately after
precipitate another faint. Unconsciousness may be pro- voiding. Deglutition syncope and defecation syncope
longed if an individual remains upright; thus, it is essen- occur in men and women. Deglutition syncope may be
tial that individuals with vasovagal syncope assume a associated with esophageal disorders, particularly
recumbent position as soon as possible. Although usually esophageal spasm. In some individuals, particular foods
benign, neurocardiogenic syncope can be associated and carbonated or cold beverages initiate episodes by
with prolonged asystole and hypotension, resulting in activating esophageal sensory receptors that trigger
hypoxic-ischemic injury. reex sinus bradycardia or atrioventricular (AV) block.
Neurocardiogenic syncope often occurs in the setting Defecation syncope is probably secondary to Valsalvas
of increased peripheral sympathetic activity and venous maneuver in older individuals with constipation.
pooling. Under these conditions, vigorous myocardial
contraction of a relatively empty left ventricle is thought
to activate myocardial mechanoreceptors and vagal affer- Carotid Sinus Hypersensitivity
ent nerve bers that inhibit sympathetic activity and Syncope due to carotid sinus hypersensitivity is precipi-
increase parasympathetic activity.The resultant vasodilata- tated by pressure on the carotid sinus baroreceptors,
tion and bradycardia induce hypotension and syncope. which are located just cephalad to the bifurcation of the
Although the reex involving myocardial mechanore- common carotid artery.This typically occurs in the setting
ceptors is the mechanism usually accepted as responsible of shaving, a tight collar, or turning the head to one side.
for neurocardiogenic syncope, other reexes may also be Carotid sinus hypersensitivity occurs predominantly in
operative. Patients with transplanted (denervated) hearts men 50 years. Activation of carotid sinus baroreceptors
have experienced cardiovascular responses identical to gives rise to impulses carried via the nerve of Hering, a
those present during neurocardiogenic syncope. This branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve, to the medulla in
should not be possible if the response depends solely on the brainstem. These afferent impulses activate efferent
the reex mechanisms described above, unless the trans- sympathetic nerve bers to the heart and blood vessels,
planted heart has become reinnervated. Moreover, neu- cardiac vagal efferent nerve bers, or both. In patients
rocardiogenic syncope often occurs in response to stimuli with carotid sinus hypersensitivity, these responses may
(fear, emotional stress, or pain) that may not be associated cause sinus arrest or AV block (a cardioinhibitory response),
with venous pooling in the lower extremities, which vasodilatation (a vasodepressor response), or both (a mixed
suggests a cerebral component to the reex. response).The underlying mechanisms responsible for the
As distinct from the peripheral mechanisms, the cen- carotid sinus hypersensitivity are not clear, and validated
tral nervous system (CNS) mechanisms responsible for diagnostic criteria do not exist.
neurocardiogenic syncope are uncertain, but a sudden
surge in central serotonin levels may contribute to the
sympathetic withdrawal. Endogenous opiates (endor- Postural (Orthostatic) Hypotension
phins) and adenosine are also putative participants in the
pathogenesis. Orthostatic intolerance can result from hypovolemia or
from disturbances in vascular control. The latter may
occur due to agents that affect the vasculature or due to
Situational Syncope primary or secondary abnormalities of autonomic con-
A variety of activities, including cough, deglutition, mic- trol. Sudden rising from a recumbent position or stand-
turition, and defecation, are associated with syncope in ing quietly are precipitating circumstances. Orthostatic
susceptible individuals. Like neurocardiogenic syncope, hypotension may be the cause of syncope in up to 30% of the
these syndromes may involve a cardioinhibitory response, elderly; polypharmacy with antihypertensive or antidepressant
a vasodepressor response, or both. Cough, micturition, drugs is often a contributor in these patients.
90 Postural syncope may occur in otherwise normal per- especially if the person is in the supine position. As the
sons with defective postural reexes. Pure autonomic heart rate decreases, ventricular lling time and stroke
failure (formerly called idiopathic postural hypotension) is volume increase to maintain normal cardiac output. At
characterized by orthostatic hypotension, syncope and rates <30 beats/min, stroke volume can no longer
near syncope, neurocardiogenic bladder, constipation, increase to compensate adequately for the decreased
heat intolerance, inability to sweat, and erectile dysfunc- heart rate. At rates greater than ~180 beats/min, ventric-
tion (Chap. 28). The disorder is more common in men ular lling time is inadequate to maintain adequate
than women and typically begins between 50 and 75 years stroke volume. In either case, cerebral hypoperfusion and
of age. syncope may occur. Upright posture; cerebrovascular
Orthostatic hypotension, often accompanied by distur- disease; anemia; loss of atrioventricular synchrony; and
bances in sweating, impotence, and sphincter difculties, coronary, myocardial, or valvular disease all reduce the
is also a primary feature of a variety or other autonomic tolerance to alterations in rate.
nervous system disorders (Chap. 28). Among the most Bradyarrhythmias may occur as a result of an abnor-
common causes of neurogenic orthostatic hypotension mality of impulse generation (e.g., sinoatrial arrest) or
are chronic diseases of the peripheral nervous system impulse conduction (e.g., AV block). Either may cause
that involve postganglionic unmyelinated bers (e.g., syncope if the escape pacemaker rate is insufcient to
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
diabetic, nutritional, and amyloid polyneuropathy). maintain cardiac output. Syncope due to bradyarrhyth-
Much less common are the multiple system atrophies; mias may occur abruptly, without presyncopal symp-
these are CNS disorders in which orthostatic hypoten- toms, and recur several times daily. Patients with sick
sion is associated with (1) parkinsonism (Shy-Drager sinus syndrome may have sinus pauses (>3 s), and those
syndrome), (2) progressive cerebellar degeneration, or (3) with syncope due to high-degree AV block (Stokes-
a more variable parkinsonian and cerebellar syndrome Adams-Morgagni syndrome) may have evidence of con-
(Chap. 28).A rare, acute postganglionic dysautonomia may duction system disease (e.g., prolonged PR interval,
represent a variant of Guillain-Barr syndrome (Chaps. 28 bundle branch block). However, the arrhythmia is often
and 41); a related disorder, autoimmune autonomic neu- transitory, and the surface electrocardiogram or continu-
ropathy, is associated with autoantibodies to the ganglionic ous electrocardiographic monitor (Holter monitor) taken
acetylcholine receptor. later may not reveal the abnormality. The bradycardia-
There are several additional causes of postural syn- tachycardia syndrome is a common form of sinus node
cope: (1) after physical deconditioning (such as after dysfunction in which syncope generally occurs as a
prolonged illness with recumbency, especially in elderly result of marked sinus pauses, some following termina-
individuals with reduced muscle tone) or after pro- tion of paroxysms of atrial tachyarrhythmias. Drugs
longed weightlessness, as in space ight; (2) after sympa- are a common cause for bradyarrhythmias, particularly
thectomy that has abolished vasopressor reexes; and (3) in patients with underlying structural heart disease.
in patients receiving antihypertensive or vasodilator drugs Digoxin, -adrenergic receptor antagonists, calcium chan-
and those who are hypovolemic because of diuretics, nel blockers, and many antiarrhythmic drugs may sup-
excessive sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, hemorrhage, or press sinoatrial node impulse generation or slow AV nodal
adrenal insufciency. conduction.
Syncope due to a tachyarrhythmia is usually preceded
Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia by palpitation or lightheadedness but may occur abruptly
with no warning symptoms. Supraventricular tach-
Syncope due to glossopharyngeal neuralgia (Chap. 29) is yarrhythmias are unlikely to cause syncope in individu-
preceded by pain in the oropharynx, tonsillar fossa, or als with structurally normal hearts but may do so if
tongue. Loss of consciousness is usually associated with they occur in patients with (1) heart disease that also
asystole rather than vasodilatation. The mechanism is compromises cardiac output, (2) cerebrovascular dis-
thought to involve activation of afferent impulses in the ease, (3) a disorder of vascular tone or blood volume,
glossopharyngeal nerve that terminate in the nucleus or (4) a rapid ventricular rate. These tachycardias result
solitarius of the medulla and, via collaterals, activate the most commonly from paroxysmal atrial flutter, atrial
dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve. fibrillation, or reentry involving the AV node or acces-
sory pathways that bypass part or all of the AV conduc-
tion system. Patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS may experience syncope when a very rapid ventricular
rate occurs due to reentry across an accessory AV
Cardiac syncope results from a sudden reduction in car- connection.
diac output, caused most commonly by a cardiac arrhyth- In patients with structural heart disease, ventricular
mia. In normal individuals, heart rates between 30 and tachycardia is a common cause of syncope, particularly
180 beats/min do not reduce cerebral blood flow, in those with a prior myocardial infarction. Patients with
aortic valvular stenosis and hypertrophic obstructive car- 91
diomyopathy are also at risk for ventricular tachycardia.
Individuals with abnormalities of ventricular repolariza- ANXIETY ATTACKS AND
tion (prolongation of the QT interval) are at risk to HYPERVENTILATION SYNDROME
develop polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (torsades
des pointes). Those with the inherited form of this syn- Anxiety, such as occurs in panic attacks, is frequently
drome often have a family history of sudden death in interpreted as a feeling of faintness or dizziness resem-
young individuals. Genetic markers can identify some bling presyncope. However, the symptoms are not
patients with familial long-QT syndrome, but the clini- accompanied by facial pallor and are not relieved by
recumbency. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the
cal utility of these markers remains unproven. Drugs
(i.e., certain antiarrhythmics and erythromycin) and associated symptoms such as a feeling of impending
electrolyte disorders (i.e., hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, doom, air hunger, palpitations, and tingling of the ngers
hypomagnesemia) can prolong the QT interval and pre- and perioral region. Attacks can often be reproduced
dispose to torsades des pointes. Antiarrhythmic medica- by hyperventilation, resulting in hypocapnia, alkalosis,
tions may precipitate ventricular tachycardia, particularly increased cerebrovascular resistance, and decreased cere-
in patients with structural heart disease. bral blood ow. The release of epinephrine also con-
In addition to arrhythmias, syncope may also occur tributes to the symptoms.
with a variety of structural cardiovascular disorders.
Episodes are usually precipitated when the cardiac out-
put cannot increase to compensate adequately for SEIZURES
peripheral vasodilatation. Peripheral vasodilatation may A seizure may be heralded by an aura, which is caused
be appropriate, such as following exercise, or may occur by a focal seizure discharge and hence has localizing
due to inappropriate activation of left ventricular significance (Chap. 20). The aura is usually followed by
mechanoreceptor reexes, as occurs in aortic outow a rapid return to normal or by a loss of consciousness.
tract obstruction (aortic valvular stenosis or hyper- Injury from falling is frequent in a seizure and rare in
trophic obstructive cardiomyopathy). Obstruction to syncope, since only in generalized seizures are protective
forward ow is the most common reason that cardiac reexes abolished instantaneously. Sustained tonic-clonic
output cannot increase. Pericardial tamponade is a rare movements are characteristic of convulsive seizures, but
cause of syncope. Syncope occurs in up to 10% of brief clonic, or tonic-clonic, seizure-like activity can
patients with massive pulmonary embolism and may accompany fainting episodes. The period of uncon-
occur with exertion in patients with severe primary pul- sciousness in seizures tends to be longer than in syn-
monary hypertension. The cause is an inability of the cope. Urinary incontinence is frequent in seizures and
right ventricle to provide appropriate cardiac output in rare in syncope. The return of consciousness is prompt
the presence of obstruction or increased pulmonary vascu- in syncope and slow after a seizure. Mental confusion,
lar resistance. Loss of consciousness is usually accompanied headache, and drowsiness are common sequelae of seizures,
by other symptoms such as chest pain and dyspnea. Atrial whereas physical weakness with a clear sensorium char-
myxoma, a prosthetic valve thrombus, and, rarely, mitral acterizes the postsyncopal state. Repeated spells of uncon-
stenosis may impair left ventricular lling, decrease cardiac sciousness in a young person at a rate of several per
output, and cause syncope. day or month are more suggestive of epilepsy than
syncope. See Table 20-7 for a comparison of seizures
Cerebrovascular disease alone rarely causes syncope but
may lower the threshold for syncope in patients with HYPOGLYCEMIA
other causes. The vertebrobasilar arteries, which supply
brainstem structures responsible for maintaining con- Severe hypoglycemia is usually due to a serious disease
sciousness, are usually involved when cerebrovascular such as a tumor of the islets of Langerhans or advanced
diseases causes or contributes to syncope. An exception adrenal, pituitary, or hepatic disease; or to excessive
is the rare patient with tight bilateral carotid stenosis and administration of insulin.
recurrent syncope, often precipitated by standing or
walking. Most patients who experience lightheadedness
or syncope due to cerebrovascular disease also have
symptoms of focal neurologic ischemia, such as arm or The attack is usually unattended by an outward display
leg weakness, diplopia, ataxia, dysarthria, or sensory dis- of anxiety. Lack of change in pulse and blood pressure or
turbances. Basilar artery migraine is a rare disorder that color of the skin and mucous membranes distinguish it
causes syncope in adolescents. from the vasodepressor faint.
92 The physical examination should include evalua-
Approach to the Patient:
tion of heart rate and blood pressure in the supine,
sitting, and standing positions. In patients with unex-
The diagnosis of syncope is often challenging. The plained recurrent syncope, an attempt to reproduce
cause may be apparent only at the time of the event, an attack may assist in diagnosis. Anxiety attacks
leaving few, if any, clues when the patient is seen later induced by hyperventilation can be reproduced read-
by the physician. The physician should think rst of ily by having the patient breathe rapidly and deeply
those causes that constitute a therapeutic emergency, for 23 min. Cough syncope may be reproduced by
including massive internal hemorrhage or myocardial inducing the Valsalvas maneuver. Carotid sinus mas-
infarction, which may be painless, and cardiac arrhyth-
specicity of this technique is lower in patients with systems, MRI, magnetic resonance angiography, and
normal hearts or those with heart disease other than x-ray angiography of the cerebral vasculature (Chap. 2).
coronary artery disease. Electroencephalography is indicated if seizures are
Upright tilt table testing is indicated for recurrent syn- suspected.
cope, a single syncopal episode that caused injury, or a
single syncopal event in a high-risk setting (pilot,
commercial vehicle driver, etc.), whether or not there
is a history of preexisting heart disease or prior vaso-
vagal episodes. In susceptible patients, upright tilt at an
angle between 60 and 80 for 3060 min induces a Treatment:
vasovagal episode. The protocol can be shortened if SYNCOPE
upright tilt is combined with administration of drugs The treatment of syncope is directed at the underlying
that cause venous pooling or increase adrenergic stim- cause. This discussion will focus on disorders of auto-
ulation (isoproterenol, nitroglycerin, edrophonium, or nomic control. Cerebrovascular disorders are discussed
adenosine). The sensitivity and specicity of tilt-table in Chap. 21.
testing is difcult to ascertain because of the lack of Certain precautions should be taken regardless of
validated criteria. Moreover, the reexes responsible the cause of syncope. At the rst sign of symptoms,
for vasovagal syncope can be elicited in most, if not patients should make every effort to avoid injury should
all, individuals given the appropriate stimulus. The they lose consciousness. Patients with frequent
specicity of tilt-table testing has been reported to be episodes, or those who have experienced syncope with-
near 90%, but it is lower when pharmacologic provo- out warning symptoms, should avoid situations in
cation is employed.The reported sensitivity of the test which sudden loss of consciousness might result in
ranges between 20 and 74%, the variability due to dif- injury (e.g., climbing ladders, swimming alone, operat-
ferences in populations studied, techniques used, and ing heavy machinery, driving). Patients should lower
the absence of a true gold standard against which to their head to the extent possible and preferably should
compare test results. The reproducibility (in a time lie down. Lowering the head by bending at the waist
ranging from several hours to weeks) is 8090% for an should be avoided because it may further compromise
initially positive response, but may be less for an ini- venous return to the heart. When appropriate, family
tially negative response (ranging from 30 to 90%). members or other close contacts should be educated as
A variety of other tests may be useful to determine to the problem. This will ensure appropriate therapy
the presence of structural heart disease that may cause and may prevent delivery of inappropriate therapy
syncope. The echocardiogram with Doppler examina- (chest compressions associated with cardiopulmonary
tion detects valvular, myocardial, and pericardial abnor- resuscitation) that may inict trauma.
malities.The echocardiogram is the gold standard for Patients who have lost consciousness should be
the diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and placed in a position that maximizes cerebral blood ow,
atrial myxoma. Cardiac cine MRI provides an alterna- offers protection from trauma, and secures the airway.
tive noninvasive modality that may be useful for Whenever possible, the patient should be placed supine
patients in whom diagnostic-quality echocardiographic with the head turned to the side to prevent aspiration
images cannot be obtained. This test is also indicated and the tongue from blocking the airway. Assessment
for patients suspected of having arrhythmogenic right of the pulse and direct cardiac auscultation may assist
ventricular dysplasia or right ventricular outow tract in determining if the episode is associated with a brad-
ventricular tachycardia. Both are associated with right yarrhythmia or a tachyarrhythmia. Clothing that ts
ventricular structural abnormalities that are better visu- tightly around the neck or waist should be loosened.
alized on MR imaging than by echocardiogram. Exer- Peripheral stimulation, such as sprinkling cold water on
cise testing may detect ischemia or exercise-induced the face, may be helpful. Patients should not be given
94 anything by mouth or be permitted to rise until the Although several clinical trials have suggested that
sense of physical weakness has passed. pharmacologic therapy for neurocardiogenic syncope is
Patients with vasovagal syncope should be instructed effective, the few long-term prospective randomized
to avoid situations or stimuli that have caused them to controlled trials have yielded mixed results. In the Pre-
lose consciousness and to assume a recumbent position vention of Syncope Trial (POST), metoprolol was ineffec-
when premonitory symptoms occur. These behavioral tive in patients <42 years but decreased the incidence
modications alone may be sufcient for patients with of syncope in patients >42 years, raising the possibility
infrequent and relatively benign episodes of vasovagal that there may be signicant age-related differences in
syncope, particularly when loss of consciousness occurs response to pharmacologic therapy.
in response to a specic stimulus. Tilt training (standing Studies of permanent pacing for neurocardiogenic
and leaning against a wall for progressively longer peri- syncope have also yielded mixed results. Dual-chamber
ods each day) has been used with limited success, par- cardiac pacing may be effective for patients with fre-
ticularly for patients with orthostatic intolerance. quent episodes of vasovagal syncope, particularly for
Episodes associated with intravascular volume deple- those with prolonged asystole associated with vasova-
tion may be prevented by salt and uid loading prior to gal episodes. Pacemakers that can be programmed to
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
persons: Implications for diagnosis of syncope and falls. Arch ican Autonomic Society. Circulation 113(2):316, 2006
Intern Med 166:515, 2006 VAN DIJK N et al: Quality of life within one year following presenta-
MAISEL W, STEBENSON W: Syncopegetting to the heart of the matter. tion after transient loss of consciousness. Am J Cardiol 100:672,
N Engl J Med 347:931, 2002 2007
Robert B. Daroff
Faintness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Vertigo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Miscellaneous Head Sensations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Global Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
I Further Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
maintenance of postural stability. Projections to the cere-
bral cortex, via the thalamus, provide conscious awareness lesion. The fast phases of nystagmus beat away from the
of head position and movement. lesion side, and the tendency to fall is toward the side of
The vestibular system is one of three sensory systems the lesion, particularly in darkness or with the eyes closed.
subserving spatial orientation and posture; the other two Under normal circumstances, when the head is straight
are the visual system (retina to occipital cortex) and the and immobile, the vestibular end organs generate a tonic
somatosensory system that conveys peripheral informa- resting ring frequency that is equal from the two sides.
and may cause a permanent disorder of equilibrium. Vertigo of Vestibular Nerve Origin
Recurrent unilateral labyrinthine dysfunction, in associa- This occurs with diseases that involve the nerve in the
tion with signs and symptoms of cochlear disease (pro- petrous bone or the cerebellopontine angle. Although
gressive hearing loss and tinnitus), is usually due to less severe and less frequently paroxysmal, it has many of
Mnires disease (Chap. 18). When auditory manifesta- the characteristics of labyrinthine vertigo. The adjacent
tions are absent, the term vestibular neuronitis denotes
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
Direction of associated nystagmus Unidirectional; fast phase opposite lesiona Bidirectional or unidirectional
Purely horizontal nystagmus without Uncommon Common
torsional component
Vertical or purely torsional Never present May be present
Visual xation Inhibits nystagmus and vertigo No inhibition
Severity of vertigo Marked Often mild
Direction of spin Toward fast phase Variable
Direction of fall Toward slow phase Variable
Duration of symptoms Finite (minutes, days, weeks) but recurrent May be chronic
Tinnitus and/or Often present Usually absent
In Mnires disease, the direction of the fast phase is variable.
LEIGH RJ, ZEE DS: Neurology of Eye Movement, 4th ed. New York,
Oxford, 2006, 7679; 559597
GLOBAL CONSIDERATIONS SAJJADI H, PAPARELLA MM: Menieres disease. Lancet 372:406, 2008
There are no epidemiologic studies indicating an STRUPP M et al: Methylprednisolone, valacyclovir, or the combina-
tion for vestibular neuritis. N Engl J Med 351:354, 2004
increased frequency of specic types of vertigo
, BRANDT T: Pharmacological advances in the treatment of
in different geographical areas. However, whereas neuro-otological and eye movement disorders. Curr Opin Neu-
BPPV of the posterior semicircular canal is overwhelm-
Michael J. Aminoff
Normal motor function involves integrated muscle weakness generally produce spasticity, an increase in tone
activity that is modulated by the activity of the cerebral associated with disease of upper motor neurons. Spastic-
cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum, and spinal cord. Motor ity is velocity-dependent, has a sudden release after
system dysfunction leads to weakness or paralysis, which reaching a maximum (the clasp-knife phenomenon),
is discussed in this chapter, or to ataxia (Chap. 26) or and predominantly affects the antigravity muscles (i.e.,
abnormal movements (Chaps. 24 and 25). The mode of upper-limb exors and lower-limb extensors). Spasticity
onset, distribution, and accompaniments of weakness is distinct from rigidity and paratonia, two other types of
help to suggest its cause. hypertonia. Rigidity is increased tone that is present
Weakness is a reduction in the power that can be throughout the range of motion (a lead pipe or plas-
exerted by one or more muscles. Increased fatigability tic stiffness) and affects exors and extensors equally; it
or limitation in function due to pain or articular stiff- sometimes has a cogwheel quality that is enhanced by
ness is often confused with weakness by patients. voluntary movement of the contralateral limb (rein-
Increased fatigability is the inability to sustain the perfor- forcement). Rigidity occurs with certain extrapyramidal
mance of an activity that should be normal for a person disorders such as Parkinsons disease. Paratonia (or gegen-
of the same age, gender, and size. Increased time is halten) is increased tone that varies irregularly in a man-
sometimes required for full power to be exerted, and ner that may seem related to the degree of relaxation, is
this bradykinesia may be misinterpreted as weakness. present throughout the range of motion, and affects
Severe proprioceptive sensory loss may also lead to exors and extensors equally; it usually results from dis-
complaints of weakness because adequate feedback ease of the frontal lobes. Weakness with decreased tone
information about the direction and power of move- (accidity) or normal tone occurs with disorders of motor
ments is lacking. Finally, apraxia, a disorder of planning units. A motor unit consists of a single lower motor neu-
and initiating a skilled or learned movement unrelated ron and all of the muscle bers that it innervates.
to a signicant motor or sensory decit (Chap. 15), is Muscle bulk is generally unaffected in patients with
sometimes mistaken for weakness by inexperienced upper motor neuron lesions, although mild disuse atro-
medical staff. phy may eventually occur. By contrast, atrophy is often
Paralysis indicates weakness that is so severe that the conspicuous when a lower motor neuron lesion is
muscle cannot be contracted at all, whereas paresis refers responsible for weakness and may also occur with
to weakness that is mild or moderate.The prex hemi- advanced muscle disease.
refers to one half of the body, para- to both legs, and Muscle stretch (tendon) reexes are usually increased
quadri- to all four limbs. The sufx -plegia signies with upper motor neuron lesions, although they may be
severe weakness or paralysis. decreased or absent for a variable period immediately
Weakness or paralysis is typically accompanied by after onset of an acute lesion. This is usuallybut not
other neurologic abnormalities that help to indicate the invariablyaccompanied by abnormalities of cutaneous
site of the responsible lesion. These include changes in reexes (such as supercial abdominals; Chap. 1) and, in
tone, muscle bulk, muscle stretch reexes, and cutaneous particular, by an extensor plantar (Babinski) response.
reexes (Table 10-1). The muscle stretch reexes are depressed in patients
Tone is the resistance of a muscle to passive stretch. with lower motor neuron lesions when there is direct
Central nervous system (CNS) abnormalities that cause involvement of specic reex arcs. The stretch reexes
TABLE 10-1 103
Babinskis sign Present Absent Absent
are generally preserved in patients with myopathic Lower Motor Neuron Weakness
weakness except in advanced stages, when they are
This pattern results from disorders of cell bodies of
Sh Trunk
d er
Wr ow
Fin ist
El b
um s
Th ger
Ankle Ne
B w
Red nucleus
Reticular nuclei
Vestibular nuclei
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
Lateral corticospinal
Reticulospinal tract tract
corticospinal tract
The corticospinal and bulbospinal upper motor neuron are involved in the execution of learned, ne movements.
pathways. Upper motor neurons have their cell bodies in Corticobulbar neurons are similar to corticospinal neurons
layer V of the primary motor cortex (the precentral gyrus, or but innervate brainstem motor nuclei.
Brodmanns area 4) and in the premotor and supplemental Bulbospinal upper motor neurons influence strength and
motor cortex (area 6). The upper motor neurons in the primary tone but are not part of the pyramidal system. The
motor cortex are somatotopically organized as illustrated on descending ventromedial bulbospinal pathways originate in
the right side of the gure. the tectum of the midbrain (tectospinal pathway), the
Axons of the upper motor neurons descend through the vestibular nuclei (vestibulospinal pathway), and the reticular
subcortical white matter and the posterior limb of the internal formation (reticulospinal pathway). These pathways influ-
capsule. Axons of the pyramidal or corticospinal system ence axial and proximal muscles and are involved in the
descend through the brainstem in the cerebral peduncle of maintenance of posture and integrated movements of the
the midbrain, the basis pontis, and the medullary pyramids. limbs and trunk. The descending ventrolateral bulbospinal
At the cervicomedullary junction, most pyramidal axons pathways, which originate predominantly in the red nucleus
decussate into the contralateral corticospinal tract of the lat- (rubrospinal pathway), facilitate distal limb muscles. The
eral spinal cord, but 1030% remains ipsilateral in the ante- bulbospinal system is sometimes referred to as the
rior spinal cord. Pyramidal neurons make direct monosynap- extrapyramidal upper motor neuron system. In all figures,
tic connections with lower motor neurons. They innervate nerve cell bodies and axon terminals are shown, respec-
most densely the lower motor neurons of hand muscles and tively, as closed circles and forks.
and into the transverse tubular system. This electrical within motor units.With muscular dystrophies, inamma-
excitation activates intracellular events that produce an tory myopathies, or myopathies with muscle ber necrosis,
energy-dependent contraction of the muscle ber (exci- the number of muscle bers is reduced within many
tation-contraction coupling). motor units. On EMG, the size of each motor unit action
Myopathic weakness is produced by a decrease in the potential is decreased, and motor units must be recruited
number or contractile force of muscle bers activated more rapidly than normal to produce the desired power.
Hemiparesis 105
neuron Hemiparesis results from an upper motor neuron lesion
above the midcervical spinal cord; most such lesions are
above the foramen magnum. The presence of other neu-
rologic decits helps to localize the lesion.Thus, language
disorders, cortical sensory disturbances, cognitive abnor-
malities, disorders of visual-spatial integration, apraxia, or
seizures point to a cortical lesion. Homonymous visual
eld defects reect either a cortical or a subcortical hemi-
Alpha and gamma
motor neurons spheric lesion. A pure motor hemiparesis of the face,
arm, or leg is often due to a small, discrete lesion in the
posterior limb of the internal capsule, cerebral peduncle,
or upper pons. Some brainstem lesions produce crossed
Motor end plates on paralyses, consisting of ipsilateral cranial nerve signs and
voluntary muscle
(extrafusal fibers) contralateral hemiparesis. The absence of cranial nerve
Cerebral signs
Yes No
UMN signs LMN signs*
* or signs of myopathy
If no abnormality detected, consider spinal MRI.
If no abnormality detected, consider myelogram or brain MRI.
An algorithm for the initial workup of a patient with neuron; NCS, nerve conduction studies; UMN, upper motor
weakness. EMG, electromyography; LMN, lower motor neuron.
that disturb upper motor neurons (especially parasagittal confusion, seizures, or other hemispheric signs, MRI of
intracranial lesions) and lower motor neurons [anterior the brain should be undertaken.
horn cell disorders, cauda equina syndromes due to Paraparesis may result from a cauda equina syndrome,
involvement of nerve roots derived from the lower spinal for example, following trauma to the low back, a mid-
cord (Chap. 30), and peripheral neuropathies]. line disk herniation, or an intraspinal tumor; although
Acute paraparesis may not be recognized as due to sphincters are affected, hip exion is often spared, as is
spinal cord disease at an early stage if the legs are accid sensation over the anterolateral thighs. Rarely, paraparesis
and areexic. Usually, however, there is sensory loss in is caused by a rapidly evolving anterior horn cell disease
the legs with an upper level on the trunk; a dissociated (such as poliovirus or West Nile virus infection), periph-
sensory loss suggestive of a central cord syndrome; or eral neuropathy (such as Guillain-Barr syndrome;
exaggerated stretch reexes in the legs with normal Chap. 41) or myopathy (Chap. 43). In such cases, elec-
reexes in the arms. It is important to image the spinal trophysiologic studies are diagnostically helpful and
cord (Fig. 10-3). Compressive lesions (particularly epidural refocus the subsequent evaluation.
tumor, abscess, or hematoma, but also a prolapsed inter- Subacute or chronic paraparesis with spasticity is caused
vertebral disk and vertebral involvement by malignancy by upper motor neuron disease. When there is associ-
or infection), spinal cord infarction (proprioception is ated lower-limb sensory loss and sphincter involvement,
usually spared), an arteriovenous stula or other vascular a chronic spinal cord disorder is likely (Chap. 30). If an
anomaly, and transverse myelitis, are among the possible MRI of the spinal cord is normal, MRI of the brain
causes (Chap. 30). may be indicated. If hemispheric signs are present, a
Diseases of the cerebral hemispheres that produce parasagittal meningioma or chronic hydrocephalus is
acute paraparesis include anterior cerebral artery ischemia likely and MRI of the brain is the initial test. In the
(shoulder shrug is also affected), superior sagittal sinus or rare situation in which a longstanding paraparesis has a
cortical venous thrombosis, and acute hydrocephalus. If lower motor neuron or myopathic etiology, the local-
upper motor neuron signs are associated with drowsiness, ization is usually suspected on clinical grounds by the
absence of spasticity and conrmed by EMG and nerve but the patient is alert, the initial test is usually an MRI 107
conduction tests. of the cervical cord. If weakness is lower motor neuron,
myopathic, or uncertain in origin, the clinical approach
Quadriparesis or Generalized Weakness begins with blood studies to determine the level of
muscle enzymes and electrolytes and an EMG and nerve
Generalized weakness may be due to disorders of the conduction study.
CNS or of the motor unit.Although the terms quadripare-
sis and generalized weakness are often used interchangeably, Subacute or Chronic Quadriparesis
quadriparesis is commonly used when an upper motor When quadriparesis due to upper motor neuron disease
neuron cause is suspected, and generalized weakness develops over weeks, months, or years, the distinction
when a disease of the motor unit is likely.Weakness from between disorders of the cerebral hemispheres, brain-
CNS disorders is usually associated with changes in con- stem, and cervical spinal cord is usually possible clinically.
sciousness or cognition, with spasticity and brisk stretch An MRI is obtained of the clinically suspected site of
reexes, and with alterations of sensation. Most neuro- pathology. EMG and nerve conduction studies help to
muscular causes of generalized weakness are associated distinguish lower motor neuron disease (which usually
with normal mental function, hypotonia, and hypoactive presents with weakness that is most profound distally)
the neuromuscular junction [such as myasthenia gravis istic of neuromuscular junction disorders. Asymmetric
(Chap. 42)], may present with symmetric proximal bulbar weakness is usually due to motor neuron disease.
weakness often associated with ptosis, diplopia, or bulbar Weakness limited to respiratory muscles is uncommon
weakness and uctuating in severity during the day. and is usually due to motor neuron disease, myasthenia
Extreme fatigability present in some cases of myasthenia gravis, or polymyositis/dermatomyositis (Chap. 44).
gravis may even suggest episodic weakness, but strength
rarely returns fully to normal. In anterior horn cell dis- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
ease proximal weakness is usually asymmetric, but may
be symmetric if familial. Numbness does not occur with Richard K. Olney, MD, was the author of this chapter
any of these diseases.The evaluation usually begins with in previous editions, and his contributions in the last three
determination of the serum creatine kinase level and editions of Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine are
electrophysiologic studies. appreciated.
Lewis Sudarsky
PREVALENCE, MORBIDITY, AND are widely distributed in the central nervous system.The
MORTALITY biomechanics of bipedal walking are complex, and the
performance is easily compromised by injury at any
Gait and balance problems are common in the elderly
level. Command and control centers in the brainstem,
and contribute to the risk of falls and injury. Gait disor-
cerebellum, and forebrain modify the action of spinal
ders have been described in 15% of individuals older than
pattern generators to promote stepping.While a form of
65 years. By 80 years, one person in four will use a
ctive locomotion can be elicited from quadrupedal
mechanical aid to assist ambulation.Among those 85 years
animals after spinal transection, this capacity is limited in
and older, the prevalence of gait abnormality approaches
primates. Step generation in primates is dependent on
40%. In epidemiologic studies, gait disorders are consis-
tently identied as a major risk factor for falls and injury. locomotor centers in the pontine tegmentum, midbrain,
A substantial number of older persons report insecure and subthalamic region. Locomotor synergies are exe-
balance and experience falls and fear of falling. Prospec- cuted through the reticular formation and descending
tive studies indicate that 2030% of individuals >65 years pathways in the ventromedial spinal cord. Cerebral con-
fall each year, and the proportion is even higher in hos- trol provides a goal and purpose for walking and is involved
pitalized elderly and nursing home patients. Each year in avoidance of obstacles and adaptation of locomotor
8% of individuals >75 years suffer a serious fall-related programs to context and terrain.
injury. Hip fractures often result in hospitalization and Postural control requires the maintenance of the cen-
nursing home admission. For each person who is physi- ter of mass over the base of support through the gait
cally disabled, there are others whose functional inde- cycle. Unconscious postural adjustments maintain stand-
pendence is constrained by anxiety and fear of falling. ing balance: long latency responses are measurable in the
Nearly one in ve of elderly individuals voluntarily leg muscles, beginning 110 ms after a perturbation. For-
limit their activity because of fear of falling.With loss of ward motion of the center of mass provides propulsive
ambulation, there is a diminished quality of life and force for stepping, but failure to maintain the center of
increased morbidity and mortality. mass within stability limits results in falls. The anatomic
substrate for dynamic balance has not been well dened,
but the vestibular nucleus and midline cerebellum con-
tribute to balance control in animals. Human patients
Upright bipedal gait depends on the successful integra- with damage to these structures have impaired balance
tion of postural control and locomotion.These functions with standing and walking.
110 Standing balance depends on good quality sensory TABLE 11-1
information about the position of the body center with ETIOLOGY OF GAIT DISORDER
respect to the environment, support surface, and gravita-
tional forces. Sensory information for postural control is
primarily generated by the visual system, the vestibular Sensory decits 22 18.3
system, and by proprioceptive receptors in the muscle Myelopathy 20 16.7
spindles and joints. A healthy redundancy of sensory Multiple infarcts 18 15.0
afferent information is generally available, but loss of Parkinsonism 14 11.7
Cerebellar degeneration 8 6.7
two of the three pathways is sufcient to compromise Hydrocephalus 8 6.7
standing balance. Balance disorders in older individuals
Toxic/metabolic 3 2.5
sometimes result from multiple insults in the peripheral Psychogenic 4 3.3
sensory systems (e.g., visual loss, vestibular decit, Other 6 5.0
peripheral neuropathy), critically degrading the quality Unknown cause 17 14.2
of afferent information needed for balance stability. Total 120 100%
Older patients with mental status abnormalities and
dementia from neurodegenerative diseases appear to be
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
aqueduct, and a variable degree of periventricular white
Parkinsonism and Freezing Gait matter change. A lumbar puncture or dynamic test is
necessary to conrm the presence of hydrocephalus.
Parkinsons disease (Chap. 24) is common, affecting 1%
of the population >55 years. The stooped posture and
Cerebellar Gait Ataxia
shufing gait are characteristic and distinctive features.
Patients sometimes accelerate (festinate) with walking or Disorders of the cerebellum have a dramatic impact on
decits. Such patients, often elderly and diabetic, have patients with extreme anxiety or phobia walk with
disturbances in proprioception, vision, and vestibular exaggerated caution with abduction of the arms, as if
sense that impair postural support. walking on ice. This inappropriately overcautious gait
differs in degree from the gait of the patient who is
Neuromuscular Disease insecure and making adjustments for imbalance.
Depressed patients exhibit primarily slowness, a manifes-
Patients with neuromuscular disease often have an abnor- tation of psychomotor retardation, and lack of purpose
mal gait, occasionally as a presenting feature. With distal in their stride. Hysterical gait disorders are among the
weakness (peripheral neuropathy) the step height is most spectacular encountered. Odd gyrations of posture
increased to compensate for foot drop, and the sole of with wastage of muscular energy (astasia-abasia),
the foot may slap on the oor during weight acceptance. extreme slow motion, and dramatic uctuations over
Neuropathy may be associated with a degree of sensory time may be observed in patients with somatoform dis-
imbalance, as described earlier. Patients with myopathy or orders and conversion reaction.
muscular dystrophy more typically exhibit proximal
weakness. Weakness of the hip girdle may result in a
degree of excess pelvic sway during locomotion.
hematoma. Many elderly patients with gait and balance active visual monitoring. Patients with higher level disor-
difculty have white matter abnormalities in the ders of equilibrium have difculty maintaining balance
periventricular region and centrum semiovale. While in daily life and may present with falls. There may be
these lesions may be an incidental nding, a substantial reduced awareness of balance impairment. Classic exam-
burden of white matter disease will ultimately impact ples include patients with progressive supranuclear palsy
cerebral control of locomotion. and normal pressure hydrocephalus. Patients on sedating
medications are also in this category. In prospective stud-
active forms of vitamin D: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled TINETTI ME: Preventing falls in elderly persons. N Engl J Med
trials. BMJ 339:3692, 2009 348:42, 2003
Normal somatic sensation reects a continuous moni- Negative phenomena represent loss of sensory func-
toring process, little of which reaches consciousness tion and are characterized by diminished or absent feel-
under ordinary conditions. By contrast, disordered sen- ing, often experienced as numbness, and by abnormal
sation, particularly when experienced as painful, is ndings on sensory examination. In disorders affecting
alarming and dominates the sufferers attention. Physi- peripheral sensation, it is estimated that at least half the
cians should be able to recognize abnormal sensations by afferent axons innervating a given site are lost or func-
how they are described, know their type and likely site tionless before a sensory decit can be demonstrated by
of origin, and understand their implications. Pain is con- clinical examination. This threshold varies according to
sidered separately in Chap. 5. how rapidly function is lost in sensory nerve bers. If the
rate of loss is slow, lack of cutaneous feeling may be
unnoticed by the patient and difcult to demonstrate on
examination, even though few sensory bers are func-
Abnormal sensory symptoms may be divided into two tioning; if rapid, both positive and negative phenomena
categories, positive and negative. The prototypical posi- are usually conspicuous. Subclinical degrees of sensory
tive symptom is tingling (pins-and-needles); other posi- dysfunction may be revealed by sensory nerve conduction
tive sensory phenomena include altered sensations that studies or somatosensory evoked potentials (Chap. 3).
are described as pricking, bandlike, lightning-like shoot- Whereas sensory symptoms may be either positive or
ing feelings (lancinations), aching, knifelike, twisting, negative, sensory signs on examination are always a mea-
drawing, pulling, tightening, burning, searing, electrical, sure of negative phenomena.
or raw feelings. Such symptoms are often painful.
Positive phenomena usually result from trains of
impulses generated at sites of lowered threshold or
heightened excitability along a peripheral or central Words used to characterize sensory disturbance are
sensory pathway. The nature and severity of the abnor- descriptive and based on convention. Paresthesias and
mal sensation depend on the number, rate, timing, and dysesthesias are general terms used to denote positive sen-
distribution of ectopic impulses and the type and func- sory symptoms. The term paresthesias typically refers to
tion of nervous tissue in which they arise. Because posi- tingling or pins-and-needles sensations but may include a
tive phenomena represent excessive activity in sensory wide variety of other abnormal sensations, except pain; it
pathways, they are not necessarily associated with a sen- sometimes implies that the abnormal sensations are per-
sory decit (loss) on examination. ceived spontaneously. The more general term dysesthesias
denotes all types of abnormal sensations, including painful spinal cord (Fig.12-1). From there the smaller bers 117
ones, regardless of whether a stimulus is evident. take a different route to the parietal cortex than the
Another set of terms refers to sensory abnormalities larger bers. The polysynaptic projections of the smaller
found on examination. Hypesthesia or hypoesthesia refers to bers (unmyelinated and small myelinated), which sub-
a reduction of cutaneous sensation to a specic type of serve mainly nociception, temperature sensibility, and
testing such as pressure, light touch, and warm or cold touch, cross and ascend in the opposite anterior and lat-
stimuli; anesthesia, to a complete absence of skin sensation eral columns of the spinal cord, through the brainstem,
to the same stimuli plus pinprick; and hypalgesia or analge- to the ventral posterolateral (VPL) nucleus of the thala-
sia to reduced or absent pain perception (nociception), mus, and ultimately project to the postcentral gyrus of the
such as perception of the pricking quality elicited by a parietal cortex. This is the spinothalamic pathway or antero-
pin. Hyperesthesia means pain or increased sensitivity in lateral system.The larger bers, which subserve tactile and
response to touch. Similarly, allodynia describes the situa- position sense and kinesthesia, project rostrally in the
tion in which a nonpainful stimulus, once perceived, is posterior column on the same side of the spinal cord
experienced as painful, even excruciating. An example is
elicitation of a painful sensation by application of a vibrat-
ing tuning fork. Hyperalgesia denotes severe pain in
mus, it is the (crossed) anterolateral pathway that is patient who has no neurologic complaints can be brief
referred to as the spinothalamic tract, by convention. and consist of pinprick, touch, and vibration testing in the
Although the ber types and functions that make up hands and feet plus evaluation of stance and gait, including
the spinothalamic and lemniscal systems are relatively the Romberg maneuver. Evaluation of stance and gait also
well known, many other bers, particularly those associ- tests the integrity of motor and cerebellar systems.
ated with touch, pressure, and position sense, ascend in a
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
TABLE 12-1
Note: D, diffuse ascending projections in ipsilateral and contralateral anterolateral columns; SpTh, spinothalamic projection, contralateral; Lem,
posterior column and lemniscal projection, ipsilateral.
Ophthalmic n.
Greater occipital n. 119
Greater auricular n. C2 Lesser occipital n.
Maxillary n. Greater auricular n.
Transverse colli n.
C2 Mandibular n.
Cutaneous branches of
C3 Great auricular n.
C3 dorsal rami of spinal nn.
Transverse colli n.
C4 Supraclavicular n.
C4 Supraclavicular nn. Lat. cutaneous branches
Intercostal nn. C5 T2 of intercostal n.
T2 1. Ant cutaneous rami T4 Axillary n.
2. Lat cutaneous rami T6 Post. brachial cutaneous n.
Axillary n. T8 Med. brachial cutaneous
and intercostobrachial nn.
T8 Med. brachial cutaneous T10
T1 Post. antebrachial
and intercostobrachial nn. T1
C6 T10 T12 cutaneous n.
T12 Med. antebrachial L1 Lat. antebrachial
C7 cutaneous n. L2 cutaneous n.
S4 Med antebrachial
L1 Lat. antebrachial cutaneous n.
cutaneous n. C6
S3 Radial n.
Joint position testing is a measure of proprioception, Vibratory thresholds at the same site in the patient and
one of the most important functions of the sensory sys- the examiner may be compared for control purposes.
tem.With the patients eyes closed, joint position is tested
in the distal interphalangeal joint of the great toe and n- Quantitative Sensory Testing
gers. If errors are made in recognizing the direction of
passive movements, more proximal joints are tested. A test Effective sensory testing devices are now available com-
of proximal joint position sense, primarily at the shoulder, mercially. Quantitative sensory testing is particularly use-
is performed by asking the patient to bring the two index ful for serial evaluation of cutaneous sensation in clinical
ngers together with arms extended and eyes closed. trials. Threshold testing for touch and vibratory and
Normal individuals can do this accurately, with errors of thermal sensation is the most widely used application.
1 cm or less.
The sense of vibration is tested with a tuning fork
Cortical Sensation
that vibrates at 128 Hz. Vibration is usually tested over
bony points, beginning distally; in the feet, it is tested The most commonly used tests of cortical function are
over the dorsal surface of the distal phalanx of the big two-point discrimination, touch localization, and bilat-
toes and at the malleoli of the ankles, and in the hands eral simultaneous stimulation and tests for graphesthesia
dorsally at the distal phalanx of the ngers. If abnormali- and stereognosis. Abnormalities of these sensory tests, in
ties are found, more proximal sites can be examined. the presence of normal primary sensation in an alert
120 cooperative patient, signify a lesion of the parietal cortex dysesthesias can also be an early event in an evolving
or thalamocortical projections to the parietal lobe. If polyneuropathy or may herald a myelopathy, such as from
primary sensation is altered, these cortical discriminative vitamin B12 deciency. Sometimes distal dysesthesias have
functions will usually be abnormal also. Comparisons no denable basis. In contrast, dysesthesias that corre-
should always be made between analogous sites on the spond to a particular peripheral nerve territory denote a
two sides of the body because the decit with a specic lesion of that nerve trunk. For instance, dysesthesias
parietal lesion is likely to be unilateral. Interside com- restricted to the fth digit and the adjacent one-half of
parisons are important for all cortical sensory testing. the fourth nger on one hand reliably point to disorder
Two-point discrimination is tested by special calipers, the of the ulnar nerve, most commonly at the elbow.
points of which may be set from 2 mm to several cen-
timeters apart and then applied simultaneously to the Nerve and Root
site to be tested.The pulp of the ngertips is a common
site to test; a normal individual can distinguish about In focal nerve trunk lesions severe enough to cause a
3-mm separation of points there. decit, sensory abnormalities are readily mapped and gen-
Touch localization is performed by light pressure for an erally have discrete boundaries (Figs. 12-2 and 12-3).
instant with the examiners ngertip or a wisp of cotton- Root (radicular) lesions are frequently accompanied by
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
wool; the patient, whose eyes are closed, is required to deep, aching pain along the course of the related nerve
identify the site of touch with the ngertip. Bilateral simul- trunk. With compression of a fth lumbar (L5) or rst
taneous stimulation at analogous sites (e.g., the dorsum of sacral (S1) root, as from a ruptured intervertebral disc, sci-
both hands) can be carried out to determine whether the atica (radicular pain relating to the sciatic nerve trunk) is a
perception of touch is extinguished consistently on one frequent manifestation (Chap. 7).With a lesion affecting a
side or the other. The phenomenon is referred to as single root, sensory decits may be minimal or absent
extinction. Graphesthesia means the capacity to recognize because adjacent root territories overlap extensively.
with eyes closed letters or numbers drawn by the exam- With polyneuropathies, sensory decits are generally
iners ngertip on the palm of the hand. Once again, graded, distal, and symmetric in distribution (Chap. 40).
interside comparison is of prime importance. Inability to Dysesthesias, followed by numbness, begin in the toes
recognize numbers or letters is termed agraphesthesia. and ascend symmetrically. When dysesthesias reach the
Stereognosis refers to the ability to identify common knees, they have usually also appeared in the ngertips.
objects by palpation, recognizing their shape, texture, The process appears to be nerve lengthdependent, and
and size. Common standard objects, such as a key, paper the decit is often described as stocking-glove in type.
clip, or coins, are best used. Patients with normal stere- Involvement of both hands and feet also occurs with
ognosis should be able to distinguish a dime from a lesions of the upper cervical cord or the brainstem, but
penny and a nickel from a quarter without looking. an upper level of the sensory disturbance may then be
Patients should only be allowed to feel the object with found on the trunk and other evidence of a central
one hand at a time. If they are unable to identify it in lesion may be present, such as sphincter involvement or
one hand, it should be placed in the other for compari- signs of an upper motor neuron lesion (Chap. 10).
son. Individuals unable to identify common objects and Although most polyneuropathies are pansensory and
coins in one hand and who can do so in the other are affect all modalities of sensation, selective sensory dys-
said to have astereognosis of the abnormal hand. function according to nerve ber size may occur. Small-
ber polyneuropathies are characterized by burning,
painful dysesthesias with reduced pinprick and thermal
LOCALIZATION OF SENSORY sensation but sparing of proprioception, motor function,
ABNORMALITIES and deep tendon reexes. Touch is involved variably;
when spared, the sensory pattern is referred to as exhibit-
Sensory symptoms and signs can result from lesions at ing sensory dissociation. Sensory dissociation may occur
almost any level of the nervous system from parietal with spinal cord lesions as well as small-ber neu-
cortex to the peripheral sensory receptor. Noting the ropathies. Large-ber polyneuropathies are characterized
distribution and nature of sensory symptoms and signs is by vibration and position sense decits, imbalance, absent
the most important way to localize their source. Their tendon reexes, and variable motor dysfunction but
extent, conguration, symmetry, quality, and severity are preservation of most cutaneous sensation. Dysesthesias, if
the key observations. present at all, tend to be tingling or bandlike in quality.
Dysesthesias without sensory ndings by examina-
tion may be difcult to interpret. To illustrate, tingling
Spinal Cord
dysesthesias in an acral distribution (hands and feet) can
be systemic in origin, e.g., secondary to hyperventilation, (See Chap. 30) If the spinal cord is transected, all sensation
or induced by a medication such as acetazolamide. Distal is lost below the level of transection. Bladder and bowel
function are also lost, as is motor function. Hemisection Thalamus 121
of the spinal cord produces the Brown-Squard syn-
Hemisensory disturbance with tingling numbness from
drome, with absent pain and temperature sensation con-
head to foot is often thalamic in origin but can also arise
tralaterally and loss of proprioceptive sensation and power
from the anterior parietal region. If abrupt in onset, the
ipsilaterally below the lesion (see Figs. 12-1 and 30-1).
lesion is likely to be due to a small stroke (lacunar
Numbness or paresthesias in both feet may arise from a
infarction), particularly if localized to the thalamus.
spinal cord lesion; this is especially likely when the upper
Occasionally, with lesions affecting the VPL nucleus or
level of the sensory loss extends to the trunk. When all
adjacent white matter, a syndrome of thalamic pain, also
extremities are affected, the lesion is probably in the cer-
called Djerine-Roussy syndrome, may ensue. The persis-
vical region or brainstem unless a peripheral neuropathy
tent, unrelenting unilateral pain is often described in
is responsible. The presence of upper motor neuron signs
dramatic terms.
(Chap. 10) supports a central lesion; a hyperesthetic band
on the trunk may suggest the level of involvement.
A dissociated sensory loss can reect spinothalamic Cortex
tract involvement in the spinal cord, especially if the
decit is unilateral and has an upper level on the torso. With lesions of the parietal lobe involving either the
Confusion, a mental and behavioral state of reduced Delirium is a clinical diagnosis that can only be made
comprehension, coherence, and capacity to reason, is at the bedside. Two broad clinical categories of delirium
one of the most common problems encountered in have been described, hyperactive and hypoactive sub-
medicine, accounting for a large number of emergency types, based on differential psychomotor features. The
department visits, hospital admissions, and inpatient con- cognitive syndrome associated with severe alcohol with-
sultations. Delirium, a term used to describe an acute drawal remains the classic example of the hyperactive
confusional state, remains a major cause of morbidity subtype, featuring prominent hallucinations, agitation,
and mortality, contributing billions of dollars yearly to and hyperarousal, often accompanied by life-threatening
health care costs in the United States alone. Delirium autonomic instability. In striking contrast is the hypoac-
often goes unrecognized despite clear evidence that it is tive subtype of delirium, exemplied by opiate intoxica-
usually the cognitive manifestation of serious underlying tion, in which patients are withdrawn and quiet, with
medical or neurologic illness. prominent apathy and psychomotor slowing.
This dichotomy between subtypes of delirium is a
useful construct, but patients often fall somewhere along
CLINICAL FEATURES OF DELIRIUM a spectrum between the hyperactive and hypoactive
A multitude of terms are used to describe delirium, extremes, sometimes uctuating from one to the other
including encephalopathy, acute brain failure, acute con- within minutes. Therefore, clinicians must recognize the
fusional state, and postoperative or intensive care unit broad range of presentations of delirium in order to
(ICU) psychosis. Delirium has many clinical manifesta- identify all patients with this potentially reversible cog-
tions, but essentially it is dened as a relatively acute nitive disturbance. Hyperactive patients, such as those
decline in cognition that uctuates over hours or days. with delirium tremens, are easily recognized by their
The hallmark of delirium is a decit of attention, characteristic severe agitation, tremor, hallucinations, and
although all cognitive domainsincluding memory, autonomic instability. Patients who are quietly disturbed
executive function, visuospatial tasks, and languageare are more often overlooked on the medical wards and in
variably involved. Associated symptoms may include the ICU, yet multiple studies suggest that this under-
altered sleep-wake cycles, perceptual disturbances such recognized hypoactive subtype is associated with worse
as hallucinations or delusions, affect changes, and auto- outcomes.
nomic ndings including heart rate and blood pressure The reversibility of delirium is emphasized because
instability. many etiologies, such as systemic infection and medication
effects, can be easily treated. However, the long-term prominent visual hallucinations, parkinsonism, and an 123
cognitive effects of delirium remain largely unknown and attentional decit that clinically resembles hyperactive
understudied. Some episodes of delirium continue for delirium. Delirium in the elderly often reects an insult
weeks, months, or even years. The persistence of delir- to the brain that is vulnerable due to an underlying
ium in some patients and its high recurrence rate may neurodegenerative condition. Therefore, the develop-
be due to inadequate treatment of the underlying etiol- ment of delirium sometimes heralds the onset of a pre-
ogy for the syndrome. In some instances, delirium does viously unrecognized brain disorder.
not disappear because there is underlying permanent
neuronal damage. Even after an episode of delirium
resolves, there may still be lingering effects of the disor- EPIDEMIOLOGY
der. A patients recall of events after delirium varies Delirium is a common disease, but its reported inci-
widely, ranging from complete amnesia to repeated dence has varied widely based on the criteria used to
reexperiencing of the frightening period of confusion in dene the disorder. Estimates of delirium in hospitalized
a disturbing manner, similar to what is seen in patients patients range from 14 to 56%, with higher rates
with posttraumatic stress disorder. reported for elderly patients and patients undergoing hip
Deciency of acetylcholine often plays a key role in Delirium Rating Scale; and, in the ICU, the Delirium
delirium pathogenesis. Medications with anticholinergic Detection Score and the ICU version of the CAM.
properties can precipitate delirium in susceptible indi- These scales are based on criteria from the American
viduals, and therapies designed to boost cholinergic tone Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Man-
such as cholinesterase inhibitors have, in small trials, ual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or the World Health
been shown to relieve symptoms of delirium. Dementia Organizations International Classication of Diseases
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
patients are susceptible to episodes of delirium, and (ICD). Unfortunately, these scales themselves do not
those with Alzheimers pathology are known to have a identify the full spectrum of patients with delirium.
chronic cholinergic deciency state due to degeneration All patients who are acutely confused should be pre-
of acetylcholine-producing neurons in the basal fore- sumed delirious regardless of their presentation due
brain. Another common dementia associated with to the wide variety of possible clinical features.A course
decreased acetylcholine levels, dementia with Lewy bod-
ies, clinically mimics delirium in some patients. Other
neurotransmitters are also likely involved in this diffuse TABLE 13-1
cerebral disorder. For example, increases in dopamine THE CONFUSION ASSESSMENT METHOD (CAM)
can also lead to delirium. Patients with Parkinsons dis- DIAGNOSTIC ALGORITHM
ease treated with dopaminergic medications can develop
a delirious-like state that features visual hallucinations, The diagnosis of delirium requires the presence of
features 1 and 2 and of either 3 or 4.a
uctuations, and confusion. In contrast, reducing dopamin- Feature 1: Acute onset and uctuating course
ergic tone with dopamine antagonists such as typical and This feature is satised by positive responses to
atypical antipsychotic medications has long been recog- these questions: Is there evidence of an acute
nized as effective symptomatic treatment in patients with change in mental status from the patients baseline?
delirium. Did the (abnormal) behavior uctuate during the
Not all individuals exposed to the same insult will daythat is, tend to come and goor did it
develop signs of delirium. A low dose of an anticholin- increase and decrease in severity?
Feature 2: Inattention
ergic medication may have no cognitive effects on a
This feature is satised by a positive response to this
healthy young adult but may produce a orid delirium question: Did the patient have difculty focusing
in an elderly person with known underlying dementia. attentionfor example, was easily distractibleor
However, an extremely high dose of the same anti- have difculty keeping track of what was being
cholinergic medication may lead to delirium even in said?
healthy young persons. This concept of delirium devel- Feature 3: Disorganized thinking
oping as the result of an insult in predisposed individu- This feature is satised by a positive response to this
als is currently the most widely accepted pathogenic question: Was the patients thinking disorganized
or incoherent, such as rambling or irrelevant
construct. Therefore, if a previously healthy individual
conversation, unclear or illogical ow of ideas, or
with no known history of cognitive illness develops unpredictable switching from subject to subject?
delirium in the setting of a relatively minor insult such Feature 4: Altered level of consciousness
as elective surgery or hospitalization, then an unrecog- This feature is satised by any answer other than
nized underlying neurologic illness such as a neurode- alert to this question: Overall, how would you rate
generative disease, multiple previous strokes, or another this patients level of consciousness: alert (normal),
diffuse cerebral cause should be considered. In this con- vigilant (hyperalert), lethargic (drowsy, easily
text, delirium can be viewed as the symptom resulting aroused), stupor (difcult to arouse), or coma
from a stress test for the brain induced by the insult.
Exposure to known inciting factors such as systemic a
Information is usually obtained from a reliable reporter, such as a
infection or offending drugs can unmask a decreased cere- family member, caregiver, or nurse.
bral reserve and herald a serious underlying and poten- Source: Modied from Inouye SK et al: Ann Intern Med 113:941,
tially treatable illness. 1990.
that uctuates over hours or days and may worsen at Other important elements of the history include 125
night (termed sundowning) is typical but not essential screening for symptoms of organ failure or systemic
for the diagnosis. Observation of the patient will usu- infection, which often contributes to delirium in the
ally reveal an altered level of consciousness or a decit elderly. A history of illicit drug use, alcoholism, or
of attention. Other hallmark features that may be pre- toxin exposure is common in younger delirious
sent in the delirious patient include alteration of patients. Finally, asking the patient and collateral
sleep-wake cycles, thought disturbances such as hallu- source about other symptoms that may accompany
cinations or delusions, autonomic instability, and delirium, such as depression or hallucinations, may
changes in affect. help identify potential therapeutic targets.
HISTORY It may be difcult to elicit an accurate PHYSICAL EXAMINATION The general physical
history in delirious patients who have altered levels of examination in a delirious patient should include a
consciousness or impaired attention. Information careful screening for signs of infection such as fever,
from a collateral source such as a spouse or other tachypnea, pulmonary consolidation, heart murmur,
family member is therefore invaluable.The three most or stiff neck. The patients uid status should be
disease but also in other dementing conditions such Liver failure/hepatic encephalopathy
as Alzheimers disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, Renal failure/uremia
and progressive supranuclear palsy. The presence of Cardiac failure
multifocal myoclonus or asterixis on the motor Vitamin deciencies: B12, thiamine, folate, niacin
examination is nonspecic but usually indicates a Dehydration and malnutrition
metabolic or toxic etiology of the delirium. Anemia
ETIOLOGY Some etiologies can be easily dis- Systemic infections: urinary tract infections,
cerned through a careful history and physical exami- pneumonia, skin and soft tissue infections, sepsis
nation, while others require conrmation with labo- CNS infections: meningitis, encephalitis, brain abscess
ratory studies, imaging, or other ancillary tests. A Endocrinologic conditions
Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism
large, diverse group of insults can lead to delirium, Hyperparathyroidism
and the cause in many patients is often multifactorial. Adrenal insufciency
Common etiologies are listed in Table 13-2. Cerebrovascular disorders
Prescribed, over-the-counter, and herbal medica- Global hypoperfusion states
tions are common precipitants of delirium. Drugs Hypertensive encephalopathy
with anticholinergic properties, narcotics, and benzo- Focal ischemic strokes and hemorrhages, especially
diazepines are especially frequent offenders, but nondominant parietal and thalamic lesions
Autoimmune disorders
nearly any compound can lead to cognitive dysfunc-
CNS vasculitis
tion in a predisposed patient.While an elderly patient Cerebral lupus
with baseline dementia may become delirious upon Seizure-related disorders
exposure to a relatively low dose of a medication, Nonconvulsive status epilepticus
other less-susceptible individuals may only become Intermittent seizures with prolonged post-ictal states
delirious with very high doses of the same medica- Neoplastic disorders
tion. This observation emphasizes the importance of Diffuse metastases to the brain
Gliomatosis cerebri
correlating the timing of recent medication changes,
Carcinomatous meningitis
including dose and formulation, with the onset of Hospitalization
cognitive dysfunction. Terminal end of life delirium
In younger patients especially, illicit drugs and
toxins are common causes of delirium. In addition Note: LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide; GHB, -hydroxybutyrate;
to more classic drugs of abuse, the recent rise in PCP, phencyclidine; CNS, central nervous system.
availability of so-called club drugs, such as methyl-
enedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy), -
hydroxybutyrate (GHB), and the PCP-like agent
ketamine, has led to an increase in delirious young it is withdrawal from alcohol that leads to a classic
persons presenting to acute care settings. Many com- hyperactive delirium. Alcohol and benzodiazepine
mon prescription drugs such as oral narcotics and withdrawal should be considered in all cases of delir-
benzodiazepines are now often abused and readily ium as even patients who drink only a few servings
available on the street. Alcohol intoxication with high of alcohol every day can experience relatively severe
serum levels can cause confusion, but more commonly withdrawal symptoms upon hospitalization.
Metabolic abnormalities such as electrolyte distur- It is very common for patients to experience delir- 127
bances of sodium, calcium, magnesium, or glucose can ium at the end of life in palliative care settings. This
cause delirium, and mild derangements can lead to condition, sometimes described as terminal restlessness,
substantial cognitive disturbances in susceptible indi- must be identied and treated aggressively as it is an
viduals. Other common metabolic etiologies include important cause of patient and family discomfort at
liver and renal failure, hypercarbia and hypoxia, vitamin the end of life. It should be remembered that these
deciencies of thiamine and B12, autoimmune disor- patients may also be suffering from more common
ders including CNS vasculitis, and endocrinopathies etiologies of delirium such as systemic infection.
such as thyroid and adrenal disorders.
Systemic infections often cause delirium, especially
TION A cost-effective approach to the diagnostic
in the elderly. A common scenario involves the devel-
evaluation of delirium allows the history and physical
opment of an acute cognitive decline in the setting of
examination to guide tests. No established algorithm
a urinary tract infection in a patient with baseline
for workup will t all delirious patients due to the
dementia. Pneumonia, skin infections such as celluli-
staggering number of potential etiologies, but one
tis, and frank sepsis can also lead to delirium.This so- step-wise approach is detailed in Table 13-3. If a
to manage risk factors for delirium, including cognitive FONG TG et al: Delirium in elderly adults: diagnosis, prevention, and
impairment, immobility, visual impairment, hearing treatment. Nat Rev Neurol 5:210, 2009
impairment, sleep deprivation, and dehydration. Signi- GIRARD TD et al: Delirium in the intensive care unit. Crit Care 12
cant reductions in the number and duration of episodes Suppl 3:S3, 2008
of delirium were observed in the treatment group, but INOUYE SK et al: A multicomponent intervention to prevent delir-
unfortunately delirium recurrence rates were unchanged. ium in hospitalized older patients. N Engl J Med 340:669, 1999
Allan H. Ropper
Coma is among the most common and striking prob- Yawning, coughing, swallowing, as well as limb and head
lems in general medicine. It accounts for a substantial movements persist, but there are few, if any, meaningful
portion of admissions to emergency departments and responses to the external and internal environmentin
occurs on all hospital services. Because coma demands essence, an awake coma. Respiratory and autonomic
immediate attention, the physician must employ an orga- functions are retained. The term vegetative is unfortu-
nized approach. nate as it is subject to misinterpretation by laypersons.
There is a continuum of states of reduced alertness, The possibility of incorrectly attributing meaningful
the severest form being coma, a deep sleeplike state from behavior to these patients has created inordinate prob-
which the patient cannot be aroused. Stupor refers to a lems. There are always accompanying signs that indicate
higher degree of arousability in which the patient can extensive damage in both cerebral hemispheres, e.g.,
be awakened only by vigorous stimuli, accompanied by decerebrate or decorticate limb posturing and absent
motor behavior that leads to avoidance of uncomfort- responses to visual stimuli (see later). In the closely
able or aggravating stimuli. Drowsiness, which is familiar related but less severe minimally conscious state the patient
to all persons, simulates light sleep and is characterized may make intermittent rudimentary vocal or motor
by easy arousal and the persistence of alertness for brief responses. Cardiac arrest with cerebral hypoperfusion and
periods. Drowsiness and stupor are usually attended by head injuries are the most common causes of the vegeta-
some degree of confusion (Chap. 13).A narrative descrip- tive and minimally conscious states (Chaps. 22 and 31).
tion of the level of arousal and of the type of responses The prognosis for regaining mental faculties once the
evoked by various stimuli, precisely as observed at the vegetative state has supervened for several months is very
bedside, is preferable to ambiguous terms such as lethargy, poor, and after a year, almost nil, hence the term persistent
semicoma, or obtundation. vegetative state. Most reports of dramatic recovery, when
Several other neurologic conditions render patients investigated carefully, are found to yield to the usual rules
apparently unresponsive and thereby simulate coma, and for prognosis, but there have been rare instances in which
certain subsyndromes of coma must be considered sepa- recovery has occurred to a demented condition and, in
rately because of their special signicance. Among the rare childhood cases, to an even better state.
latter, the vegetative state signies an awake but nonre- Quite apart from the above conditions, certain syn-
sponsive state. These patients have emerged from coma dromes that affect alertness are prone to be misinterpreted
after a period of days or weeks to a state in which the as stupor or coma. Akinetic mutism refers to a partially or
eyelids are open, giving the appearance of wakefulness. fully awake state in which the patient is able to form
impressions and think but remains virtually immobile and damage the RAS or its projections; (2) destruction of 131
mute. The condition results from damage in the regions large portions of both cerebral hemispheres; and (3) sup-
of the medial thalamic nuclei or the frontal lobes (partic- pression of reticulo-cerebral function by drugs, toxins, or
ularly lesions situated deeply or on the orbitofrontal sur- metabolic derangements such as hypoglycemia, anoxia,
faces), or from hydrocephalus. The term abulia is in uremia, and hepatic failure.
essence a milder form of akinetic mutism, used to The proximity of the RAS to structures that control
describe mental and physical slowness and diminished pupillary function and eye movements permits clinical
ability to initiate activity. It is also generally the result of localization of the cause of coma in many cases. Pupillary
damage to the frontal lobe network (Chap. 15). Catatonia enlargement with loss of light reaction and loss of verti-
is a curious hypomobile and mute syndrome that arises as cal and adduction movements of the eyes suggests that
part of a major psychosis, usually schizophrenia or major the likely location of the lesion is in the upper brainstem.
depression. Catatonic patients make few voluntary or Conversely, preservation of pupillary reactivity and eye
responsive movements, although they blink, swallow, and movements absolves the upper brainstem and indicates
may not appear distressed.There are nonetheless signs that that widespread structural lesions or metabolic suppres-
the patient is responsive, although it may take some inge- sion of the cerebral hemispheres is responsible.
nuity on the part of the examiner to demonstrate them.
For example, eyelid elevation is actively resisted, blinking
occurs in response to a visual threat, and the eyes move Coma Due to Cerebral Mass Lesions
and Herniations
concomitantly with head rotation, all of which are incon-
sistent with the presence of a brain lesion. It is character- The cranial cavity is separated into compartments by
istic but not invariable in catatonia for the limbs to retain infoldings of the dura.The two cerebral hemispheres are
the postures in which they have been placed by the separated by the falx, and the anterior and posterior fos-
examiner (waxy exibility, or catalepsy). Upon recovery, sae by the tentorium. Herniation refers to displacement
such patients have some memory of events that occurred of brain tissue into a compartment that it normally does
during their catatonic stupor. The appearance is super- not occupy. Many of the signs associated with coma, and
cially similar to akinetic mutism, but clinical evidence of indeed coma itself, can be attributed to these tissue
cerebral damage such as Babinski signs and hypertonicity shifts, and certain clinical congurations are characteristic
of the limbs is lacking. The singular problem of brain of specic herniations (Fig. 14-1). They are in essence
death is discussed later. false localizing signs since they derive from compres-
The locked-in state describes yet another type of sion of brain structures at a distance from the mass.
pseudocoma in which an awake patient has no means of
producing speech or volitional movement, but retains
voluntary vertical eye movements and lid elevation, thus
allowing the patient to signal with a clear mind. The
pupils are normally reactive. Such individuals have writ-
ten entire treatises using Morse code. The usual cause is
an infarction or hemorrhage of the ventral pons, which
transects all descending corticospinal and corticobulbar C
pathways. A similar awake but de-efferented state occurs
as a result of total paralysis of the musculature in severe
cases of Guillain-Barr syndrome (Chap. 41), critical ill-
ness neuropathy (Chap. 22), and pharmacologic neuro- A
muscular blockade.
function are located peripherally in the nerve). The foramen magnum, Fig. 14-1, D), which causes compres-
coma that follows is due to compression of the mid- sion of the medulla and respiratory arrest.
brain against the opposite tentorial edge by the dis- A direct relationship between the various congura-
placed parahippocampal gyrus (Fig. 14-2). In some tions of transtentorial herniations and coma is not
cases, the lateral displacement of the midbrain causes always found. Drowsiness and stupor typically occur
compression of the opposite cerebral peduncle, produc- with moderate horizontal shifts at the level of the dien-
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
ing a Babinski sign and hemiparesis contralateral to the cephalon (thalami) well before transtentorial or other
original hemiparesis (the Kernohan-Woltman sign). In herniations are evident. Lateral shift may be quantied
addition to compressing the upper brainstem, tissue on axial images of CT and MRI scans (Fig. 14-2). In
shifts, including herniations, may compress major blood cases of acutely appearing masses, horizontal displacement
vessels, particularly the anterior and posterior cerebral of the pineal calcication of 35 mm is generally associ-
arteries as they pass over the tentorial reections, thus ated with drowsiness, 68 mm with stupor, and >9 mm
producing brain infarctions. The distortions may also with coma. Intrusion of the medial temporal lobe into
entrap portions of the ventricular system, resulting in the tentorial opening may be apparent on MRI and CT
regional hydrocephalus. scans by an obliteration of the cisterns that surround the
Central transtentorial herniation denotes a symmetric upper brainstem.
downward movement of the thalamic medial structures
through the tentorial opening with compression of Coma Due to Metabolic Disorders
the upper midbrain (Fig. 14-1, B). Miotic pupils and
Many systemic metabolic abnormalities cause coma by
interrupting the delivery of energy substrates (hypoxia,
ischemia, hypoglycemia) or by altering neuronal excitabil-
ity (drug and alcohol intoxication, anesthesia, and epilepsy).
The same metabolic abnormalities that produce coma
may in milder form induce widespread cortical dysfunc-
tion and an acute confusional state. Thus, in metabolic
encephalopathies, clouded consciousness and coma are in
a continuum.
Cerebral neurons are fully dependent on cerebral
blood ow (CBF) and the related delivery of oxygen
and glucose. CBF is ~75 mL per 100 g/min in gray mat-
ter and 30 mL per 100 g/min in white matter (mean =
55 mL per 100 g/min); oxygen consumption is 3.5 mL per
100 g/min, and glucose utilization is 5 mg per 100 g/min.
Brain stores of glucose provide energy for ~2 min after
A B blood ow is interrupted, and oxygen stores last 810 s
FIGURE 14-2 after the cessation of blood ow. Simultaneous hypoxia
Coronal (A) and axial (B) magnetic resonance images from and ischemia exhaust glucose more rapidly. The elec-
a stuporous patient with a left third nerve palsy as a result of troencephalogram (EEG) rhythm in these circum-
a large left-sided subdural hematoma (seen as a gray-white rim). stances becomes diffusely slowed, typical of metabolic
The upper midbrain and lower thalamic regions are com- encephalopathies, and as conditions of substrate delivery
pressed and displaced horizontally away from the mass, and worsen, eventually all recordable brain electrical activity
there is transtentorial herniation of the medial temporal lobe ceases. In almost all instances of metabolic encephalo-
structures, including the uncus anteriorly. The lateral ventricle pathy, the global metabolic activity of the brain is
opposite to the hematoma has become enlarged as a result of reduced in proportion to the degree of diminished
compression of the third ventricle. consciousness.
Conditions such as hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, The postictal state produces a pattern of continuous, gen- 133
hyperosmolarity, hypercapnia, hypercalcemia, and hepatic eralized slowing of the background EEG activity similar
and renal failure are associated with a variety of alter- to that of other metabolic encephalopathies.
ations in neurons and astrocytes. Unlike hypoxia-ischemia,
which causes neuronal destruction, metabolic disorders Toxic DrugInduced Coma
generally cause only minor neuropathologic changes.
The reversible effects of these conditions on the brain This common class of encephalopathy is in large mea-
are not understood but may result from impaired energy sure reversible and leaves no residual damage providing
supplies, changes in ion uxes across neuronal mem- hypoxia does not supervene. Many drugs and toxins are
branes, and neurotransmitter abnormalities. For example, capable of depressing nervous system function. Some
the high brain ammonia concentration of hepatic coma produce coma by affecting both the brainstem nuclei,
interferes with cerebral energy metabolism and with the including the RAS, and the cerebral cortex.The combi-
Na+, K+-ATPase pump, increases the number and size of nation of cortical and brainstem signs, which occurs in
astrocytes, alters nerve cell function, and causes increased certain drug overdoses, may lead to an incorrect diagno-
concentrations of potentially toxic products of ammonia sis of structural brainstem disease. Overdose of medica-
metabolism; it may also result in abnormalities of neuro- tions that have atropinic actions produces physical signs
transmitters, including putative false neurotransmitters such as dilated pupils, tachycardia, and dry skin.
that are active at receptor sites.Apart from hyperammone-
mia, which of these mechanisms is of critical impor- Coma Due to Widespread Damage to the
tance is not clear.The mechanism of the encephalopathy Cerebral Hemispheres
of renal failure is also not known. Unlike ammonia, urea
itself does not produce central nervous system (CNS) This special category, comprising a number of unrelated
toxicity. A multifactorial causation has been proposed, disorders, results from widespread structural cerebral
including increased permeability of the blood-brain bar- damage, thereby simulating a metabolic disorder of the
rier to toxic substances such as organic acids and an increase cortex.The effect of prolonged hypoxia-ischemia is per-
in brain calcium or cerebrospinal uid (CSF) phosphate haps the best known and one in which it is not possible
content. to distinguish the acute effects of hypoperfusion of the
Coma and seizures are a common accompaniment of brain from the further effects of generalized neuronal
any large shifts in sodium and water balance in the brain. damage. Similar bihemispheral damage is produced by
These changes in osmolarity arise from systemic medical disorders that occlude small blood vessels throughout
disorders including diabetic ketoacidosis, the nonketotic the brain; examples include cerebral malaria, thrombotic
hyperosmolar state, and hyponatremia from any cause thrombocytopenic purpura, and hyperviscosity.The pres-
(e.g., water intoxication, excessive secretion of antidi- ence of seizures and the bihemispheral damage are some-
uretic hormone or atrial natriuretic peptides). Sodium times an indication of this class of disorder.
levels <125 mmol/L induce confusion, and <115 mmol/L
are associated with coma and convulsions. In hyperosmo-
lar coma the serum osmolarity is generally >350
mosmol/L. Hypercapnia depresses the level of conscious-
Approach to the Patient:
ness in proportion to the rise in CO2 tension in the
blood. In all of these metabolic encephalopathies, the degree of
neurologic change depends to a large extent on the rapidity with Acute respiratory and cardiovascular problems should
which the serum changes occur. The pathophysiology of be attended to prior to neurologic assessment. In
other metabolic encephalopathies such as hypercalcemia, most instances, a complete medical evaluation, except
hypothyroidism, vitamin B12 deciency, and hypothermia for vital signs, funduscopy, and examination for
are incompletely understood but must also reect nuchal rigidity, may be deferred until the neurologic
derangements of CNS biochemistry and membrane evaluation has established the severity and nature of
function. coma. The approach to the patient with cranial
trauma is discussed in Chap. 31.
Epileptic Coma HISTORY In many cases, the cause of coma is
immediately evident (e.g., trauma, cardiac arrest, or
Continuous, generalized electrical discharges of the cor- known drug ingestion). In the remainder, certain
tex (seizures) are associated with coma even in the absence points are especially useful: (1) the circumstances and
of epileptic motor activity (convulsions). The self-limited rapidity with which neurologic symptoms developed;
coma that follows seizures, termed the postictal state, may (2) the antecedent symptoms (confusion, weakness,
be due to exhaustion of energy reserves or effects of headache, fever, seizures, dizziness, double vision, or
locally toxic molecules that are the byproduct of seizures.
134 vomiting); (3) the use of medications, illicit drugs, or patient bilateral asterixis is a certain sign of metabolic
alcohol; and (4) chronic liver, kidney, lung, heart, or encephalopathy or drug intoxication.
other medical disease. Direct interrogation of family The terms decorticate rigidity and decerebrate rigidity,
and observers on the scene, in person or by tele- or posturing, describe stereotyped arm and leg
phone, is an important part of the initial evaluation. movements occurring spontaneously or elicited by
Ambulance technicians often provide the most useful sensory stimulation. Flexion of the elbows and wrists
information. and supination of the arm (decortication) suggests
bilateral damage rostral to the midbrain, whereas
extension of the elbows and wrists with pronation
temperature, pulse, respiratory rate and pattern, and
dysfunction of sympathetic efferents originating in
the posterior hypothalamus and descending in the
M tegmentum of the brainstem to the cervical cord. It is
V L Pons
F an occasional nding with a large cerebral hemor-
Vl rhage that affects the thalamus. Reactive and bilater-
Vlll ally small (12.5 mm) but not pinpoint pupils are
seen in metabolic encephalopathies or in deep bilat-
Medulla eral hemispheral lesions such as hydrocephalus or
Corneal-blink Reflex conjugate
reflex eye movements thalamic hemorrhage. Very small but reactive pupils
(<1 mm) characterize narcotic or barbiturate over-
doses but also occur with extensive pontine hemor-
neurons rhage. The response to naloxone and the presence of
reex eye movements (see below) distinguish these.
called somewhat inappropriately dolls eyes (which nal respiratory pattern of severe brain damage.A num-
refers more accurately to the reex elevation of the ber of other cyclic breathing variations have been
eyelids with exion of the neck), are normally sup- described but are of lesser signicance.
pressed in the awake patient.The ability to elicit them
therefore indicates a reduced cortical inuence on the
brainstem. Furthermore, preservation of evoked reex
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
eye movements signies the integrity of the brainstem LABORATORY STUDIES AND IMAGING
and implies that the origin of unconsciousness lies in The studies that are most useful in the diagnosis of coma
the cerebral hemispheres. The opposite, an absence of are: chemical-toxicologic analysis of blood and urine,
reex eye movements, usually signies damage within cranial CT or MRI, EEG, and CSF examination. Arter-
the brainstem but can be produced infrequently by ial blood-gas analysis is helpful in patients with lung dis-
profound overdoses of certain drugs. Normal pupillary ease and acid-base disorders. The metabolic aberrations
size and light reaction distinguishes most drug- commonly encountered in clinical practice require mea-
induced comas from structural brainstem damage. surements of electrolytes, glucose, calcium, osmolarity,
Thermal, or caloric, stimulation of the vestibular and renal (blood urea nitrogen) and hepatic (NH3) func-
apparatus (oculovestibular response) provides a more tion. Toxicologic analysis is necessary in any case of
intense stimulus for the oculocephalic reex but gives coma where the diagnosis is not immediately clear.
fundamentally the same information. The test is per- However, the presence of exogenous drugs or toxins,
formed by irrigating the external auditory canal with especially alcohol, does not exclude the possibility that
cool water in order to induce convection currents in other factors, particularly head trauma, are also contribut-
the labyrinths. After a brief latency, the result is tonic ing to the clinical state. An ethanol level of 43 mmol/L
deviation of both eyes to the side of cool-water irriga- (0.2 g/dL) in nonhabituated patients generally causes
tion and nystagmus in the opposite direction. (The impaired mental activity and of >65 mmol/L (0.3 g/dL)
acronym COWS has been used to remind generations is associated with stupor. The development of tolerance
of medical students of the direction of nystagmus may allow the chronic alcoholic to remain awake at levels
cold water opposite, warm water same.) The loss of >87 mmol/L (0.4 g/dL).
conjugate ocular movements indicates brainstem dam- The availability of CT and MRI has focused attention
age.The absence of nystagmus despite conjugate devia- on causes of coma that are radiologically detectable (e.g.,
tion of the globes indicates that the cerebral hemispheres hemorrhages, tumors, or hydrocephalus). Resorting pri-
are damaged or metabolically suppressed. marily to this approach, although at times expedient, is
By touching the cornea with a wisp of cotton, a imprudent because most cases of coma (and confusion)
response consisting of brief bilateral lid closure is nor- are metabolic or toxic in origin.The notion that a normal
mally observed. The corneal reexes depend on the CT scan excludes anatomic lesions as the cause of coma is
integrity of pontine pathways between the fth also erroneous. Bilateral hemisphere infarction, acute
(afferent) and both seventh (efferent) cranial nerves; brainstem infarction, encephalitis, meningitis, mechanical
although rarely useful alone, in conjunction with shearing of axons as a result of closed head trauma, sagittal
reex eye movements they are important clinical tests sinus thrombosis, and subdural hematomas that are iso-
of pontine function. CNS depressant drugs diminish dense to adjacent brain are some of the disorders that may
or eliminate the corneal responses soon after reex not be detected. Nevertheless, if the source of coma
eye movements are paralyzed but before the pupils remains unknown, a scan should be obtained.
become unreactive to light.The corneal (and pharyn- The EEG is useful in metabolic or drug-induced states
geal) response may be lost for a time on the side of an but is rarely diagnostic, except when coma is due to clini-
acute hemiplegia. cally unrecognized seizures, to herpesvirus encephalitis, or
to prion (Creutzfeldt-Jakob) disease.The amount of back-
Respiratory Patterns These are of less localiz-
ground slowing of the EEG is a reection of the severity
ing value in comparison to other brainstem signs.
of any diffuse encephalopathy. Predominant high-voltage
slowing ( or triphasic waves) in the frontal regions is Lumbar puncture should therefore not be deferred if 137
typical of metabolic coma, as from hepatic failure, and meningitis is a possibility.
widespread fast () activity implicates sedative drugs (e.g.,
diazepines, barbiturates).A special pattern of alpha coma, DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF COMA
dened by widespread, variable 8- to 12-Hz activity,
supercially resembles the normal rhythm of waking (Table 14-1) The causes of coma can be divided into
but is unresponsive to environmental stimuli. It results three broad categories: those without focal neurologic
from pontine or diffuse cortical damage and is associated signs (e.g., metabolic encephalopathies); meningitis syn-
with a poor prognosis. Most importantly, EEG recordings dromes, characterized by fever or stiff neck and an
may reveal clinically inapparent epileptic discharges in a excess of cells in the spinal uid (e.g., bacterial meningi-
patient with coma. Normal activity on the EEG, which tis, subarachnoid hemorrhage); and conditions associated
is suppressed by stimulating the patient, also alerts the with prominent focal signs (e.g., stroke, cerebral hemor-
clinician to the locked-in syndrome or to hysteria or rhage). In most instances coma is part of an obvious
catatonia. medical problem such as drug ingestion, hypoxia, stroke,
Lumbar puncture is performed less frequently than in the trauma, or liver or kidney failure. Conditions that cause
past for coma diagnosis because neuroimaging effectively sudden coma include drug ingestion, cerebral hemorrhage,
excludes intracerebral and extensive subarachnoid hemor- trauma, cardiac arrest, epilepsy, or basilar artery embolism.
rhage. However, examination of the CSF remains indis- Coma that appears subacutely is usually related to a
pensable in the diagnosis of meningitis and encephalitis. preceding medical or neurologic problem, including the
TABLE 14-1
1. Diseases that cause no focal or lateralizing neurologic signs, usually with normal brainstem functions; CT scan and cellular
content of the CSF are normal
a. Intoxications: alcohol, sedative drugs, opiates, etc.
b. Metabolic disturbances: anoxia, hyponatremia, hypernatremia, hypercalcemia, diabetic acidosis, nonketotic
hyperosmolar hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, uremia, hepatic coma, hypercarbia, addisonian crisis, hypo- and
hyperthyroid states, profound nutritional deciency
c. Severe systemic infections: pneumonia, septicemia, typhoid fever, malaria, Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
d. Shock from any cause
e. Postseizure states, status epilepticus, subclinical epilepsy
f. Hypertensive encephalopathy, eclampsia
g. Severe hyperthermia, hypothermia
h. Concussion
i. Acute hydrocephalus
2. Diseases that cause meningeal irritation with or without fever, and with an excess of WBCs or RBCs in the CSF, usually
without focal or lateralizing cerebral or brainstem signs; CT or MRI shows no mass lesion
a. Subarachnoid hemorrhage from ruptured aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation, trauma
b. Acute bacterial meningitis
c. Viral encephalitis
d. Miscellaneous: Fat embolism, cholesterol embolism, carcinomatous and lymphomatous meningitis, etc.
3. Diseases that cause focal brainstem or lateralizing cerebral signs, with or without changes in the CSF; CT and MRI are
a. Hemispheral hemorrhage (basal ganglionic, thalamic) or infarction (large middle cerebral artery territory) with secondary
brainstem compression
b. Brainstem infarction due to basilar artery thrombosis or embolism
c. Brain abscess, subdural empyema
d. Epidural and subdural hemorrhage, brain contusion
e. Brain tumor with surrounding edema
f. Cerebellar and pontine hemorrhage and infarction
g. Widespread traumatic brain injury
h. Metabolic coma (see above) with preexisting focal damage
i. Miscellaneous: cortical vein thrombosis, herpes simplex encephalitis, multiple cerebral emboli due to bacterial
endocarditis, acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis, acute disseminated (postinfectious) encephalomyelitis, thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura, cerebral vasculitis, gliomatosis cerebri, pituitary apoplexy, intravascular lymphoma, etc.
Note: CSF, cerebrospinal uid; WBCs, white blood cells; RBCs, red blood cells.
138 secondary brain swelling of a mass lesion such as tumor Demonstration that apnea is due to irreversible
or cerebral infarction. medullary damage requires that the PCO2 be high
Cerebrovascular diseases cause the greatest difculty in enough to stimulate respiration during a test of sponta-
coma diagnosis (Chap. 21). The most common categories neous breathing. Apnea testing can be done safely by the
are: (1) basal ganglia and thalamic hemorrhage (acute but use of diffusion oxygenation prior to removing the ven-
not instantaneous onset, vomiting, headache, hemiplegia, tilator. This is accomplished by preoxygenation with
and characteristic eye signs); (2) pontine hemorrhage (sud- 100% oxygen, which is then sustained during the test by
den onset, pinpoint pupils, loss of reex eye movements and oxygen administered through a tracheal cannula. CO2
corneal responses, ocular bobbing, posturing, hyperventila- tension increases ~0.30.4 kPa/min (23 mm Hg/min)
tion, and excessive sweating); (3) cerebellar hemorrhage during apnea. At the end of the period of observation,
(occipital headache, vomiting, gaze paresis, and inability to typically several minutes, arterial PCO2 should be at least
stand); (4) basilar artery thrombosis (neurologic prodrome or >6.68.0 kPa (5060 mm Hg) for the test to be valid.
warning spells, diplopia, dysarthria, vomiting, eye movement Apnea is conrmed if no respiratory effort is observed
and corneal response abnormalities, and asymmetric limb in the presence of a sufciently elevated PCO2.
paresis); and (5) subarachnoid hemorrhage (precipitous The possibility of profound drug-induced or hypother-
coma after headache and vomiting). The most common mic depression of the nervous system should be excluded,
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
stroke, infarction in the territory of the middle cerebral and some period of observation, usually 624 h, is desir-
artery, does not generally cause coma, but edema surround- able during which the signs of brain death are sustained. It
ing large infarcts may expand during the rst few days and is advisable to delay clinical testing for at least 24 h if a car-
act as a mass.The syndrome of acute hydrocephalus accom- diac arrest has caused brain death or if the inciting disease
panies many intracranial diseases, particularly subarachnoid is not known.An isoelectric EEG may be used as a conr-
hemorrhage. It is characterized by headache and sometimes matory test for total cerebral damage. Radionuclide brain
vomiting that may progress quickly to coma, with extensor scanning, cerebral angiography, or transcranial Doppler
posturing of the limbs, bilateral Babinski signs, small unreac- measurements may also be used to demonstrate the
tive pupils, and impaired oculocephalic movements in the absence of cerebral blood ow but they have not been
vertical direction. extensively correlated with pathologic changes.
If the history and examination do not indicate the Although it is largely accepted in western society that
cause of coma, then information obtained from CT or the respirator can be disconnected from a brain-dead
MRI may be needed.The majority of medical causes of patient, problems frequently arise because of poor com-
coma can be established without a neuroimaging study. munication and inadequate preparation of the family by
the physician. Reasonable medical practice allows the
BRAIN DEATH removal of support or transfer out of an intensive care
unit of patients who are not brain dead but whose con-
This is a state of cessation of cerebral function while dition is nonetheless hopeless and are likely to live for
somatic function is maintained by articial means and only a brief time.
the heart continues to pump. It is the only type of brain
damage that is recognized as equivalent to death. Several
similar criteria have been advanced for the diagnosis of
brain death, and it is essential to adhere to those standards
endorsed by the local medical community. Ideal criteria Treatment:
are simple, can be assessed at the bedside, and allow no COMA
chance of diagnostic error. They contain three essential
The immediate goal in a comatose patient is prevention
elements of clinical evidence: (1) widespread cortical
of further nervous system damage. Hypotension, hypo-
destruction that is reected by deep coma and unrespon-
glycemia, hypercalcemia, hypoxia, hypercapnia, and
siveness to all forms of stimulation; (2) global brainstem
hyperthermia should be corrected rapidly. An oropha-
damage demonstrated by absent pupillary light reaction
ryngeal airway is adequate to keep the pharynx open in
and by the loss of oculovestibular and corneal reexes;
drowsy patients who are breathing normally. Tracheal
and (3) destruction of the medulla manifested by com-
intubation is indicated if there is apnea, upper airway
plete apnea. The pulse rate is invariant and unresponsive
obstruction, hypoventilation, or emesis, or if the patient
to atropine. Diabetes insipidus is often present but may
is liable to aspirate because of coma. Mechanical ventila-
develop hours or days after the other clinical signs of
tion is required if there is hypoventilation or a need to
brain death. The pupils are often enlarged but may be
induce hypocapnia in order to lower ICP as described
mid-sized; they should not, however, be constricted. The
below. IV access is established, and naloxone and dextrose
absence of deep tendon reexes is not required because
are administered if narcotic overdose or hypoglycemia are
the spinal cord remains functional.There may or may not
even remote possibilities; thiamine is given along with
be Babinski signs.
glucose to avoid provoking Wernicke disease in malnour- vegetative. The uniformly poor outcome of the persis- 139
ished patients. In cases of suspected basilar thrombosis tent vegetative state has already been mentioned. Chil-
with brainstem ischemia, IV heparin or a thrombolytic dren and young adults may have ominous early clinical
agent is often utilized, after cerebral hemorrhage has ndings such as abnormal brainstem reexes and yet
been excluded by a neuroimaging study. Physostigmine recover, so that temporization in offering a prognosis in
may awaken patients with anticholinergic-type drug this group of patients is wise. Metabolic comas have a far
overdose but should be used only by experienced better prognosis than traumatic ones.All systems for esti-
physicians and with careful monitoring; many physi- mating prognosis in adults should be taken as approxi-
cians believe that it should only be used to treat anti- mations, and medical judgments must be tempered by
cholinergic overdose-associated cardiac arrhythmias. factors such as age, underlying systemic disease, and gen-
The use of benzodiazepine antagonists offers some eral medical condition. In an attempt to collect prognos-
prospect of improvement after overdoses of soporic tic information from large numbers of patients with
drugs and has transient benet in hepatic encephalopa- head injury, the Glasgow Coma Scale was devised;
thy. IV administration of hypotonic solutions should be empirically it has predictive value in cases of brain
monitored carefully in any serious acute brain illness trauma (Table 31-2). For anoxic and metabolic coma,
clinical signs such as the pupillary and motor responses
because of the potential for exacerbating brain swelling.
Cervical spine injuries must not be overlooked, particu- after 1 day, 3 days, and 1 week have been shown to have
larly prior to attempting intubation or evaluating of ocu- predictive value (Fig. 22-4). The absence of the cortical
locephalic responses. Fever and meningismus indicate waves of the somatosensory evoked potentials has also
an urgent need for examination of the CSF to diagnose proved a strong indicator of poor outcome in coma
meningitis. If the lumbar puncture in a case of sus- from any cause.
pected meningitis is delayed for any reason, an antibi-
otic such as a third-generation cephalosporin should be FURTHER READINGS
administered as soon as possible, preferably after LAUREYS S et al: Brain function in coma, vegetative state, and related
obtaining blood cultures. The management of raised ICP disorders. Lancet Neurol 3:537, 2004
is discussed in Chap. 22. POSNER JB et al: Plum and Posners Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma, 4th ed.
New York and London, Oxford Univ Press, 2007
ROPPER AH: Neurological and Neurosurgical Intensive Care, 4th ed. New
York, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004
PROGNOSIS WIJDICKS EF et al: Neuropathology of brain death in the modern
transplant era. Neurology 70:1234, 2008
One hopes to avoid the emotionally painful, hopeless YOUNG GB: Clinical Practice. Neurologic prognosis after cardiac
outcome of a patient who is left severely disabled or arrest. N Engl J Med 361:605, 2009
M. -Marsel Mesulam
I The Left Perisylvian Network for Language: I The Occipitotemporal Network for Face and Object
Aphasias and Related Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Recognition: Prosopagnosia and Object Agnosia . . . . . . . . 150
Clinical Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 I The Limbic Network for Memory: Amnesias . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
I The Parietofrontal Network for Spatial Orientation: I The Prefrontal Network for Attention and Behavior . . . . . . . . 152
Neglect and Related Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 I Caring for the Patient with Decits of Higher
Hemispatial Neglect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Cerebral Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Blints Syndrome, Simultanagnosia, Dressing Apraxia, I Further Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
and Construction Apraxia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
The cerebral cortex of the human brain contains ~20 other parts of the network undergo compensatory reor-
billion neurons spread over an area of 2.5 m2.The primary ganization; and (4) individual anatomic sites within a
sensory areas provide an obligatory portal for the entry of network display a relative (but not absolute) specializa-
sensory information into cortical circuitry, whereas the tion for different behavioral aspects of the relevant func-
primary motor areas provide nal common pathways for tion. Five anatomically dened large-scale networks are
coordinating complex motor acts. The primary sensory most relevant to clinical practice: a perisylvian network
and motor areas constitute 10% of the cerebral cortex. for language; a parietofrontal network for spatial cogni-
The rest is subsumed by unimodal, heteromodal, paral- tion; an occipitotemporal network for face and object
imbic, and limbic areas, collectively known as the associa- recognition; a limbic network for retentive memory; and
tion cortex (Fig. 15-1). The association cortex mediates a prefrontal network for attention and behavior.
the integrative processes that subserve cognition, emo-
tion, and behavior. A systematic testing of these mental
functions is necessary for the effective clinical assessment THE LEFT PERISYLVIAN NETWORK FOR
of the association cortex and its diseases. LANGUAGE: APHASIAS AND RELATED
According to current thinking, there are no centers CONDITIONS
for hearing words,perceiving space, or storing mem-
ories. Cognitive and behavioral functions (domains) are Language allows the communication and elaboration of
coordinated by intersecting large-scale neural networks that thoughts and experiences by linking them to arbitrary
contain interconnected cortical and subcortical compo- symbols known as words. The neural substrate of lan-
nents.The network approach to higher cerebral function guage is composed of a distributed network centered in
has at least four implications of clinical relevance: (1) a the perisylvian region of the left hemisphere. The poste-
single domain such as language or memory can be dis- rior pole of this network is located at the temporopari-
rupted by damage to any one of several areas, as long as etal junction and includes a region known as Wernickes
these areas belong to the same network; (2) damage area. An essential function of Wernickes area is to trans-
conned to a single area can give rise to multiple form sensory inputs into their lexical representations so
decits, involving the functions of all networks that that these can establish the distributed associations that
intersect in that region; (3) damage to a network com- give the word its meaning.The anterior pole of the lan-
ponent may give rise to minimal or transient decits if guage network is located in the inferior frontal gyrus
and Brocas areas are interconnected with each other 141
and with additional perisylvian, temporal, prefrontal, and
posterior parietal regions, making up a neural network
subserving the various aspects of language function.
Damage to any one of these components or to their
interconnections can give rise to language disturbances
(aphasia). Aphasia should be diagnosed only when there
are decits in the formal aspects of language such as
naming, word choice, comprehension, spelling, and syn-
tax. Dysarthria and mutism do not, by themselves, lead
to a diagnosis of aphasia.The language network shows a
left hemisphere dominance pattern in the vast majority
of the population. In ~90% of right handers and 60% of
A left handers, aphasia occurs only after lesions of the left
hemisphere. In some individuals no hemispheric domi-
nance for language can be discerned, and in some others
The clinical examination of language should include the
assessment of naming, spontaneous speech, comprehen-
sion, repetition, reading, and writing.A decit of naming
(anomia) is the single most common nding in aphasic
patients. When asked to name common objects (pencil
B or wristwatch), the patient may fail to come up with the
FIGURE 15-1 appropriate word, may provide a circumlocutious
Lateral (A) and medial (B) views of the cerebral hemi- description of the object (the thing for writing), or
spheres. The numbers refer to the Brodmann cytoarchitec- may come up with the wrong word (paraphasia). If the
tonic designations. Area 17 corresponds to the primary patient offers an incorrect but legitimate word (pen
visual cortex, 4142 to the primary auditory cortex, 13 to for pencil), the naming error is known as a semantic
the primary somatosensory cortex, and 4 to the primary paraphasia; if the word approximates the correct answer
motor cortex. The rest of the cerebral cortex contains associ- but is phonetically inaccurate (plentil for pencil), it
ation areas. AG, angular gyrus; B, Brocas area; CC, corpus is known as a phonemic paraphasia. Asking the patient to
callosum; CG, cingulate gyrus; DLPFC, dorsolateral pre- name body parts, geometric shapes, and component
frontal cortex; FEF, frontal eye elds (premotor cortex); FG, parts of objects (lapel of coat, cap of pen) can elicit mild
fusiform gyrus; IPL, inferior parietal lobule; ITG, inferior tem- forms of anomia in patients who can otherwise name
poral gyrus; LG, lingual gyrus; MPFC, medial prefrontal cor-
common objects. In most anomias, the patient cannot
tex; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; OFC, orbitofrontal cortex;
retrieve the appropriate name when shown an object
PHG, parahippocampal gyrus; PPC, posterior parietal cortex;
but can point to the appropriate object when the name
PSC, peristriate cortex; SC, striate cortex; SMG, supramar-
ginal gyrus; SPL, superior parietal lobule; STG, superior tem-
is provided by the examiner.This is known as a one-way
poral gyrus; STS, superior temporal sulcus; TP, temporopolar
(or retrieval-based) naming decit. A two-way naming
cortex; W, Wernickes area. decit exists if the patient can neither provide nor rec-
ognize the correct name, indicating the presence of a
language comprehension impairment. Spontaneous speech
and includes a region known as Brocas area. An essential is described as uent if it maintains appropriate output
function of this area is to transform lexical representa- volume, phrase length, and melody or as nonuent if it
tions into their articulatory sequences so that the words is sparse, halting, and average utterance length is below
can be uttered in the form of spoken language. The four words.The examiner should also note if the speech
sequencing function of Brocas area also appears to is paraphasic or circumlocutious; if it shows a relative
involve the ordering of words into sentences that con- paucity of substantive nouns and action verbs versus
tain a meaning-appropriate syntax (grammar).Wernickes function words (prepositions, conjunctions); and if word
142 TABLE 15-1
order, tenses, sufxes, prexes, plurals, and possessives are rigid one-to-one relationship and should be conceptual-
appropriate. Comprehension can be tested by assessing the ized within the context of the distributed network model.
patients ability to follow conversation, by asking yes-no Nonetheless, the classication of aphasias of acute onset
questions (Can a dog y?, Does it snow in sum- into specic clinical syndromes helps to determine the
mer?) or asking the patient to point to appropriate most likely anatomic distribution of the underlying
objects (Where is the source of illumination in this neurologic disease and has implications for etiology
room?). Statements with embedded clauses or passive and prognosis (Table 15-1). The syndromes listed in
voice construction (If a tiger is eaten by a lion, which Table 15-1 are most applicable to aphasias caused by
animal stays alive?) help to assess the ability to compre- cerebrovascular accidents (CVA). They can be divided
hend complex syntactic structure. Commands to close into central syndromes, which result from damage to
or open the eyes, stand up, sit down, or roll over should the two epicenters of the language network (Brocas and
not be used to assess overall comprehension since appro- Wernickes areas), and disconnection syndromes, which
priate responses aimed at such axial movements can be arise from lesions that interrupt the functional connec-
preserved in patients who otherwise have profound tivity of these centers with each other and with the other
comprehension decits. components of the language network. The syndromes
Repetition is assessed by asking the patient to repeat outlined below are idealizations; pure syndromes occur
single words, short sentences, or strings of words such as rarely.
No ifs, ands, or buts. The testing of repetition with
tongue-twisters such as hippopotamus or Irish con-
Wernickes Aphasia
stabulary provides a better assessment of dysarthria and
palilalia than aphasia. Aphasic patients may have little Comprehension is impaired for spoken and written lan-
difculty with tongue-twisters but have a particularly guage. Language output is uent but is highly paraphasic
hard time repeating a string of function words. It is and circumlocutious.The tendency for paraphasic errors
important to make sure that the number of words does may be so pronounced that it leads to strings of neolo-
not exceed the patients attention span. Otherwise, the gisms, which form the basis of what is known as jargon
failure of repetition becomes a reection of the nar- aphasia. Speech contains large numbers of function
rowed attention span rather than an indication of an words (e.g., prepositions, conjunctions) but few substan-
aphasic decit. Reading should be assessed for decits in tive nouns or verbs that refer to specic actions. The
reading aloud as well as comprehension. Writing is output is therefore voluminous but uninformative. For
assessed for spelling errors, word order, and grammar. example, a patient attempts to describe how his wife
Alexia describes an inability to either read aloud or accidentally threw away something important, perhaps
comprehend single words and simple sentences; agraphia his dentures: We dont need it anymore, she says. And
(or dysgraphia) is used to describe an acquired decit in with it when that was downstairs was my teeth-tick . . . a
the spelling or grammar of written language. . . . den . . . dentith . . . my dentist. And they happened to
The correspondence between individual decits of be in that bag . . . see? How could this have happened?
language function and lesion location does not display a How could a thing like this happen . . . So she says we
wont need it anymore . . . I didnt think wed use it. And lead to a characteristic agrammatism. Speech is tele- 143
now if I have any problems anybody coming a month graphic and pithy but quite informative. In the follow-
from now, 4 months from now, or 6 months from now, I ing passage, a patient with Brocas aphasia describes his
have a new dentist. Where my two . . . two little pieces medical history: I see . . . the dotor, dotor sent me . . .
of dentist that I use . . . that I . . . all gone. If she throws Bosson. Go to hospital. Dotor . . . kept me beside. Two,
the whole thing away . . . visit some friends of hers and tee days, doctor send me home.
she cant throw them away. Output may be reduced to a grunt or single word
Gestures and pantomime do not improve communi- (yes or no), which is emitted with different intona-
cation. The patient does not seem to realize that his or tions in an attempt to express approval or disapproval. In
her language is incomprehensible and may appear angry addition to uency, naming and repetition are also
and impatient when the examiner fails to decipher the impaired. Comprehension of spoken language is intact,
meaning of a severely paraphasic statement. In some except for syntactically difcult sentences with passive
patients this type of aphasia can be associated with voice structure or embedded clauses. Reading compre-
severe agitation and paranoid behaviors. One area of hension is also preserved, with the occasional exception of
comprehension that may be preserved is the ability to a specic inability to read small grammatical words such as
follow commands aimed at axial musculature.The disso- conjunctions and pronouns. The last two features indicate
served.The lesion sites spare Brocas and Wernickes areas This form of aphasia may be considered the minimal
but may induce a functional disconnection between the dysfunction syndrome of the language network. Articu-
two so that lexical representations formed in Wernickes lation, comprehension, and repetition are intact, but
area and adjacent regions cannot be conveyed to Brocas confrontation naming, word nding, and spelling are
area for assembly into corresponding articulatory pat- impaired. Speech is enriched in function words but
terns. Occasionally, a Wernickes area lesion gives rise to impoverished in substantive nouns and verbs denoting
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
a transient Wernickes aphasia that rapidly resolves into a specic actions. Language output is uent but parapha-
conduction aphasia. The paraphasic output in conduc- sic, circumlocutious, and uninformative. The lesion sites
tion aphasia interferes with the ability to express mean- can be anywhere within the left hemisphere language
ing, but this decit is not nearly as severe as the one dis- network, including the middle and inferior temporal
played by patients with Wernickes aphasia. Associated gyri. Anomic aphasia is the single most common language dis-
neurologic signs in conduction aphasia vary according turbance seen in head trauma, metabolic encephalopathy, and
to the primary lesion site. Alzheimers disease.
turn, can access the language network through transcal- apraxia is almost always caused by lesions in the left
losal pathways anterior to the splenium. Patients with hemisphere and is commonly associated with aphasic
this syndrome may also lose the ability to name colors, syndromes, especially Brocas aphasia and conduction
although they can match colors. This is known as a color aphasia. Its presence cannot be ascertained in patients
anomia. The most common etiology of pure alexia is a with language comprehension decits. The ability to
vascular lesion in the territory of the posterior cerebral follow commands aimed at axial musculature (close
artery or an inltrating neoplasm in the left occipital the eyes, stand up) is subserved by different pathways
or writing in PPA are no different from those seen in various combinations of focal neuronal loss, gliosis, tau-
aphasias of cerebrovascular causes. However, they form positive inclusions, Pick bodies, and tau-negative ubiqui-
slightly different patterns. According to a classication tin inclusions (Chap. 23). Familial forms of PPA with
proposed by Gorno-Tempini and colleagues, three vari- tau-negative ubiquinated inclusions have recently been
ants of PPA can be recognized: an agrammatical variant linked to mutations of the progranulin gene on chromo-
characterized by poor uency and impaired syntax, a some 17. Apolipoprotein E and prion protein genotyp-
semantic variant characterized by preserved uency and ing has shown differences between patients with typical
Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders
Evidence of left hemispatial
neglect and simultanagnosia.
A. A 47-year-old man with a
large frontoparietal lesion in the
right hemisphere was asked to
circle all the As. Only targets on
the right are circled. This is a
manifestation of left hemispatial
neglect. B. A 70-year-old woman
with a 2-year history of degener-
ative dementia was able to circle
most of the small targets but
ignored the larger ones. This is a
B manifestation of simultanagnosia.
scanning of the environment (oculomotor apraxia) and in simultanagnosia report that objects they look at may
accurate manual reaching toward visual targets (optic ataxia). suddenly vanish, probably indicating an inability to look
The third and most dramatic component of Blints syn- back at the original point of gaze after brief saccadic
drome is known as simultanagnosia and reects an inabil- displacements. Movement and distracting stimuli greatly
ity to integrate visual information in the center of gaze exacerbate the difculties of visual perception. Simul-
with more peripheral information. The patient gets tanagnosia can sometimes occur without the other two
stuck on the detail that falls in the center of gaze with- components of Blints syndrome.
out attempting to scan the visual environment for addi- A modication of the letter cancellation task described
tional information. The patient with simultanagnosia above can be used for the bedside diagnosis of simul-
misses the forest for the trees. Complex visual scenes tanagnosia. In this modication, some of the targets
cannot be grasped in their entirety, leading to severe (e.g., As) are made to be much larger than the others
limitations in the visual identication of objects and [7.510 cm vs 2.5 cm (34 in. vs 1 in.) in height], and all
scenes. For example, a patient who is shown a table targets are embedded among foils. Patients with simul-
lamp and asked to name the object may look at its tanagnosia display a counterintuitive but characteristic
circular base and call it an ash tray. Some patients with tendency to miss the larger targets (Fig. 15-3B). This
150 occurs because the information needed for the identi- her own face in the mirror. This is not a perceptual
cation of the larger targets cannot be conned to the decit since prosopagnosic patients can easily tell if two
immediate line of gaze and requires the integration of faces are identical or not. Furthermore, a prosopagnosic
visual information across a more extensive eld of view. patient who cannot recognize a familiar face by visual
The greater difculty in the detection of the larger tar- inspection alone can use auditory cues to reach appro-
gets also indicates that poor acuity is not responsible for priate recognition if allowed to listen to the persons
the impairment of visual function and that the problem voice.The decit in prosopagnosia is therefore modality-
is central rather than peripheral. Blints syndrome specic and reects the existence of a lesion that prevents
results from bilateral dorsal parietal lesions; common set- the activation of otherwise intact multimodal templates
tings include watershed infarction between the middle by relevant visual input. Damasio has pointed out that
and posterior cerebral artery territories, hypoglycemia, the decit in prosopagnosia is not limited to the recog-
sagittal sinus thrombosis, or atypical forms of Alzheimers nition of faces but that it can also extend to the recogni-
disease. In patients with Blints syndrome due to stroke, tion of individual members of larger generic object
bilateral visual eld defects (usually inferior quadran- groups. For example, prosopagnosic patients characteris-
tanopias) are common. tically have no difculty with the generic identication
Another manifestation of bilateral (or right-sided) of a face as a face or of a car as a car, but they cannot
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
dorsal parietal lobe lesions is dressing apraxia.The patient recognize the identity of an individual face or the make
with this condition is unable to align the body axis with of an individual car. This reects a visual recognition
the axis of the garment and can be seen struggling as he decit for proprietary features that characterize individ-
or she holds a coat from its bottom or extends his or her ual members of an object class. When recognition prob-
arm into a fold of the garment rather than into its lems become more generalized and extend to the generic
sleeve. Lesions that involve the posterior parietal cortex identication of common objects, the condition is known
also lead to severe difculties in copying simple line as visual object agnosia. In contrast to prosopagnosic
drawings. This is known as a construction apraxia and is patients, those with object agnosia cannot recognize a face
much more severe if the lesion is in the right hemi- as a face or a car as a car.
sphere. In some patients with right hemisphere lesions, It is important to distinguish visual object agnosia
the drawing difculties are conned to the left side of from anomia.The patient with anomia cannot name the
the gure and represent a manifestation of hemispatial object but can describe its use. In contrast, the patient
neglect; in others, there is a more universal decit in with visual agnosia is unable either to name a visually
reproducing contours and three-dimensional perspec- presented object or to describe its use.The characteristic
tive. Dressing apraxia and construction apraxia represent lesions in prosopagnosia and visual object agnosia consist
special instances of a more general disturbance in spatial of bilateral infarctions in the territory of the posterior
orientation. cerebral arteries. Associated decits can include visual
eld defects (especially superior quadrantanopias) or a
centrally based color blindness known as achromatopsia.
THE OCCIPITOTEMPORAL NETWORK Rarely, the responsible lesion is unilateral. In such cases,
FOR FACE AND OBJECT RECOGNITION: prosopagnosia is associated with lesions in the right
PROSOPAGNOSIA AND OBJECT hemisphere and object agnosia with lesions in the left.
Perceptual information about faces and objects is ini- THE LIMBIC NETWORK FOR MEMORY:
tially encoded in primary (striate) visual cortex and AMNESIAS
adjacent (upstream) peristriate visual association areas.
This information is subsequently relayed rst to the Limbic and paralimbic areas (such as the hippocampus,
downstream visual association areas of occipitotemporal amygdala, and entorhinal cortex), the anterior and
cortex and then to other heteromodal and paralimbic medial nuclei of the thalamus, the medial and basal parts
areas of the cerebral cortex. Bilateral lesions in the of the striatum, and the hypothalamus collectively con-
fusiform and lingual gyri of the occipitotemporal cortex stitute a distributed network known as the limbic system.
disrupt this process and interfere with the ability of other- The behavioral afliations of this network include the
wise intact perceptual information to activate the distrib- coordination of emotion, motivation, autonomic tone,
uted multimodal associations that lead to the recognition and endocrine function. An additional area of specializa-
of faces and objects.The resultant face and object recog- tion for the limbic network, and the one which is of
nition decits are known as prosopagnosia and visual object most relevance to clinical practice, is that of declarative
agnosia. (conscious) memory for recent episodes and experi-
The patient with prosopagnosia cannot recognize famil- ences. A disturbance in this function is known as an
iar faces, including, sometimes, the reection of his or amnestic state. In the absence of decits in motivation,
attention, language, or visuospatial function, the clinical hold the words online for at least 1 min.The nal phase 151
diagnosis of a persistent global amnestic state is always of the testing involves a retention period of 510 min,
associated with bilateral damage to the limbic network, during which the patient is engaged in other tasks. Ade-
usually within the hippocampo-entorhinal complex or quate recall at the end of this interval requires ofine
the thalamus. storage, retention, and retrieval. Amnestic patients fail
Although the limbic network is the site of damage this phase of the task and may even forget that they
for amnestic states, it is almost certainly not the storage were given a list of words to remember. Accurate recog-
site for memories. Memories are stored in widely dis- nition of the words by multiple choice in a patient who
tributed form throughout the cerebral cortex. The role cannot recall them indicates a less severe memory dis-
attributed to the limbic network is to bind these distrib- turbance that affects mostly the retrieval stage of memory.
uted fragments into coherent events and experiences that The retrograde component of an amnesia can be assessed
can sustain conscious recall. Damage to the limbic net- with questions related to autobiographical or historic
work does not necessarily destroy memories but inter- events. The anterograde component of amnestic states is
feres with their conscious (declarative) recall in coherent usually much more prominent than the retrograde com-
form. The individual fragments of information remain ponent. In rare instances, usually associated with tempo-
preserved despite the limbic lesions and can sustain what ral lobe epilepsy or benzodiazepine intake, the retro-
Approximately one-third of all the cerebral cortex in these questions wisely in the ofce may still act very
the human brain is located in the frontal lobes. The foolishly in the more complex real-life setting. The
frontal lobes can be subdivided into motor-premotor, physician must therefore be prepared to make a diagno-
dorsolateral prefrontal, medial prefrontal, and orbitofrontal sis of frontal lobe disease on the basis of historic infor-
components.The terms frontal lobe syndrome and prefrontal mation alone even when the ofce examination of mental
cortex refer only to the last three of these four compo- state may be quite intact.
nents. These are the parts of the cerebral cortex that The abulic syndrome tends to be associated with dam-
show the greatest phylogenetic expansion in primates and age to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and the disinhibi-
especially in humans. The dorsolateral prefrontal, medial tion syndrome with the medial prefrontal or orbitofrontal
prefrontal, and orbitofrontal areas, and the subcortical cortex. These syndromes tend to arise almost exclusively
structures with which they are interconnected (i.e., the after bilateral lesions, most frequently in the setting of head
head of the caudate and the dorsomedial nucleus of the trauma, stroke, ruptured aneurysms, hydrocephalus, tumors
thalamus), collectively make up a large-scale network (including metastases, glioblastoma, and falx or olfactory
that coordinates exceedingly complex aspects of human groove meningiomas), or focal degenerative diseases. Uni-
cognition and behavior. lateral lesions conned to the prefrontal cortex may remain
The prefrontal network plays an important role in silent until the pathology spreads to the other side. The
behaviors that require an integration of thought with emergence of developmentally primitive reexes, also
emotion and motivation. There is no simple formula known as frontal release signs, such as grasping (elicited
for summarizing the diverse functional affiliations of by stroking the palm) and sucking (elicited by stroking
the prefrontal network. Its integrity appears important the lips) are seen primarily in patients with large struc-
for the simultaneous awareness of context, options, tural lesions that extend into the premotor components
consequences, relevance, and emotional impact so as of the frontal lobes or in the context of metabolic
to allow the formulation of adaptive inferences, deci- encephalopathies.The vast majority of patients with pre-
sions, and actions. Damage to this part of the brain frontal lesions and frontal lobe behavioral syndromes do
impairs mental exibility, reasoning, hypothesis forma- not display these reexes.
tion, abstract thinking, foresight, judgment, the online Damage to the frontal lobe disrupts a variety of
(attentive) holding of information, and the ability to attention-related functions including working memory
inhibit inappropriate responses. Behaviors impaired by (the transient online holding of information), concentra-
prefrontal cortex lesions, especially those related to the tion span, the scanning and retrieval of stored informa-
manipulation of mental content, are often referred to tion, the inhibition of immediate but inappropriate
as executive functions. responses, and mental exibility. The capacity for focus-
Even very large bilateral prefrontal lesions may leave ing on a trend of thought and the ability to voluntarily
all sensory, motor, and basic cognitive functions intact shift the focus of attention from one thought or stimulus
while leading to isolated but dramatic alterations of per- to another can become impaired. Digit span (which
sonality and behavior. The most common clinical mani- should be seven forward and ve reverse) is decreased;
festations of damage to the prefrontal network take the the recitation of the months of the year in reverse order
form of two relatively distinct syndromes. In the frontal (which should take less than 15 s) is slowed; and the u-
abulic syndrome, the patient shows a loss of initiative, cre- ency in producing words starting with a, f, or s that can
ativity, and curiosity and displays a pervasive emotional be generated in 1 min (normally 12 per letter) is
blandness and apathy. In the frontal disinhibition syndrome, diminished even in nonaphasic patients. Characteristically,
there is a progressive slowing of performance as the task it is advisable to use the diagnostic term frontal net- 153
proceeds; e.g., the patient asked to count backwards by work syndrome, with the understanding that the respon-
3s may say 100, 97, 94, . . . 91, . . . 88, etc., and may not sible lesions can lie anywhere within this distributed
complete the task. In gono-go tasks (where the instruc- network.
tion is to raise the nger upon hearing one tap but to The patient with frontal lobe disease raises potential
keep it still upon hearing two taps), the patient shows a dilemmas in differential diagnosis: the abulia and bland-
characteristic inability to keep still in response to the ness may be misinterpreted as depression, and the disin-
no-go stimulus; mental exibility (tested by the ability hibition as idiopathic mania or acting-out. Appropriate
to shift from one criterion to another in sorting or match- intervention may be delayed while a treatable tumor
ing tasks) is impoverished; distractibility by irrelevant stim- keeps expanding. An informed approach to frontal lobe
uli is increased; and there is a pronounced tendency for disease and its behavioral manifestations may help to
impersistence and perseveration. avoid such errors.
These attentional decits disrupt the orderly registra-
tion and retrieval of new information and lead to sec-
ondary memory decits. Such memory decits can be CARING FOR THE PATIENT WITH
differentiated from the primary memory impairments of DEFICITS OF HIGHER CEREBRAL
satory use of homologous structures, e.g., the right supe- remain isolated for up to 10 years. An enlightened
rior temporal gyrus with recovery from Wernickes approach to the differential diagnosis and treatment of
aphasia. In some patients with large lesions involving these patients requires an understanding of the principles
Brocas and Wernickes areas, only Wernickes area may that link neural networks to higher cerebral functions.
show contralateral compensatory reorganization (or
bilateral functionality), giving rise to a situation where a FURTHER READINGS
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
Disturbed sleep is among the most frequent health com- a mid-afternoon nap and a shortened night sleep. Two
plaints physicians encounter. More than one-half of principal systems govern the sleep-wake cycle: one
adults in the United States experience at least intermit- actively generates sleep and sleep-related processes and
tent sleep disturbances. For most, it is an occasional another times sleep within the 24-h day. Either intrinsic
night of poor sleep or daytime sleepiness. However, the abnormalities in these systems or extrinsic disturbances
Institute of Medicine estimates that 5070 million (environmental, drug- or illness-related) can lead to
Americans suffer from a chronic disorder of sleep and sleep or circadian rhythm disorders.
wakefulness, which can lead to serious impairment of
daytime functioning. In addition, such problems may STATES AND STAGES OF SLEEP
contribute to or exacerbate medical or psychiatric con-
ditions. Thirty years ago, many such complaints were States and stages of human sleep are dened on the basis
treated with hypnotic medications without further diag- of characteristic patterns in the electroencephalogram
nostic evaluation. Since then, a distinct class of sleep and (EEG), the electrooculogram (EOGa measure of eye-
arousal disorders has been identied. movement activity), and the surface electromyogram
(EMG) measured on the chin and neck. The continuous
recording of this array of electrophysiologic parameters to
PHYSIOLOGY OF SLEEP AND dene sleep and wakefulness is termed polysomnography.
WAKEFULNESS Polysomnographic proles dene two states of sleep:
(1) rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, and (2) non-
Most adults sleep 78 h per night, although the timing, rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep. NREM sleep is
duration, and internal structure of sleep vary among further subdivided into four stages, characterized by
healthy individuals and as a function of age. At the increasing arousal threshold and slowing of the cortical
extremes, infants and the elderly have frequent interrup- EEG. REM sleep is characterized by a low-amplitude,
tions of sleep. In the United States, adults of intermedi- mixed-frequency EEG similar to that of NREM stage 1
ate age tend to have one consolidated sleep episode per sleep. The EOG shows bursts of REM similar to those
day, although in some cultures sleep may be divided into seen during eyes-open wakefulness. Chin EMG activity
156 is absent, reecting the brainstem-mediated muscle atonia A different age prole exists for REM sleep than for
that is characteristic of that state. slow-wave sleep. In infancy, REM sleep may comprise
50% of total sleep time, and the percentage is inversely
proportional to developmental age. The amount of
REM sleep falls off sharply over the rst postnatal year
Normal nocturnal sleep in adults displays a consistent as a mature REM-NREM cycle develops; thereafter,
organization from night to night (Fig. 16-1). After sleep REM sleep occupies a relatively constant percentage of
onset, sleep usually progresses through NREM stages total sleep time.
14 within 4560 min. Slow-wave sleep (NREM stages
3 and 4) predominates in the rst third of the night and
comprises 1525% of total nocturnal sleep time in
young adults. The percentage of slow-wave sleep is Experimental studies in animals have variously impli-
inuenced by several factors, most notably age (see cated the medullary reticular formation, the thalamus,
below). Prior sleep deprivation increases the rapidity of and the basal forebrain in the generation of sleep, while
sleep onset and both the intensity and amount of slow- the brainstem reticular formation, the midbrain, the sub-
wave sleep. thalamus, the thalamus, and the basal forebrain have all
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
The rst REM sleep episode usually occurs in the been suggested to play a role in the generation of wake-
second hour of sleep. More rapid onset of REM sleep in fulness or EEG arousal.
a young adult (particularly if <30 min) may suggest Current models suggest that the capacity for sleep
pathology such as endogenous depression, narcolepsy, and wakefulness generation is distributed along an axial
circadian rhythm disorders, or drug withdrawal. NREM core of neurons extending from the brainstem ros-
and REM alternate through the night with an average trally to the basal forebrain. A cluster of -aminobutyric
period of 90110 min (the ultradian sleep cycle). acid (GABA) and galaninergic neurons in the ventrolat-
Overall, REM sleep constitutes 2025% of total sleep, eral preoptic (VLPO) hypothalamus is selectively acti-
and NREM stages 1 and 2 are 5060%. vated coincident with sleep onset.These neurons project
Age has a profound impact on sleep state organization to and inhibit multiple distinct wakefulness centers
(Fig. 16-1). Slow-wave sleep is most intense and promi- including the tuberomammilary (histaminergic) nucleus
nent during childhood, decreasing sharply at puberty and that are important to the ascending arousal system, indi-
across the second and third decades of life. After age 30, cating that the hypothalamic VLPO neurons play a key
there is a progressive decline in the amount of slow-wave executive role in sleep regulation.
sleep, and the amplitude of delta EEG activity comprising Specic regions in the pons are associated with the
slow-wave sleep is profoundly reduced. The depth of neurophysiologic correlates of REM sleep. Small lesions in
slow-wave sleep, as measured by the arousal threshold to the dorsal pons result in the loss of the descending muscle
auditory stimulation, also decreases with age. In the other- inhibition normally associated with REM sleep; microin-
wise healthy older person, slow-wave sleep may be com- jections of the cholinergic agonist carbachol into the pon-
pletely absent, particularly in males. tine reticular formation appear to produce a state with all
1 Age
2 23
Sleep stage
1 Age
2 68
quency. Conversely, in REM sleep behavior disorder (see
later), patients suffer from incomplete motor inhibition
during REM sleep, resulting in involuntary, occasionally +
violent movement during REM sleep. E-Box Per1 gene
Model of the molecular feedback loop at the core of the
NEUROCHEMISTRY OF SLEEP mammalian circadian clock. The positive element of the
feedback loop (+) is the transcriptional activation of the Per1
Early experimental studies that focused on the raphe gene (and probably other clock genes) by a heterodimer of
Sleep Disorders
nuclei of the brainstem appeared to implicate serotonin as the transcription factors CLOCK and BMAL1 (also called
the primary sleep-promoting neurotransmitter, while cat- MOP3) bound to an E-box DNA regulatory element. The Per1
echolamines were considered to be responsible for wake- transcript and its product, the clock component PER1 pro-
fulness. Simple neurochemical models have given way to tein, accumulate in the cell cytoplasm. As it accumulates, the
more complex formulations involving multiple parallel PER1 protein is recruited into a multiprotein complex thought
waking systems. Pharmacologic studies suggest that hista- to contain other circadian clock component proteins such as
mine, acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, and noradrena- cryptochromes (CRYs), Period proteins (PERs), and others.
line are all involved in wake promotion. In addition, pontine This complex is then transported into the cell nucleus (across
cholinergic neurotransmission is known to play a role in the dotted line), where it functions as the negative element in
REM sleep generation.The alerting inuence of caffeine the feedback loop () by inhibiting the activity of the CLOCK-
implicates adenosine, whereas the hypnotic effect of ben- BMAL1 transcription factor heterodimer. As a consequence
zodiazepines and barbiturates suggests a role for endogenous of this action, the concentration of PER1 and other clock
ligands of the GABAA receptor complex. A newly charac- proteins in the inhibitory complex falls, allowing CLOCK-
terized neuropeptide, hypocretin (orexin), has recently been BMAL1 to activate transcription of Per1 and other genes and
implicated in the pathophysiology of narcolepsy (see begin another cycle. The dynamics of the 24-h molecular
later), but its role in normal sleep regulation remains to be cycle are controlled at several levels, including regulation of
dened. the rate of PER protein degradation by casein kinase-1
A variety of sleep-promoting substances have been epsilon (CK1E). Additional limbs of this genetic regulatory
identied, although it is not known whether they are network, omitted for the sake of clarity, are thought to con-
tribute stability. Question marks denote putative clock pro-
involved in the endogenous sleep-wake regulatory process.
teins, such as Timeless (TIM), as yet lacking genetic proof of
These include prostaglandin D2, delta sleepinducing pep-
a role in the mammalian clock mechanism. (Copyright Charles
tide, muramyl dipeptide, interleukin 1, fatty acid primary
J. Weitz, Ph.D., Department of Neurobiology, Harvard Med-
amides, and melatonin. The hypnotic effect of these sub-
ical School.)
stances is commonly limited to NREM or slow-wave
sleep, although peptides that increase REM sleep have also
been reported. Many putative sleep factors, including
interleukin 1 and prostaglandin D2, are immunologically between those rhythmic components passively evoked
active as well, suggesting a link between immune function by periodic environmental or behavioral changes (e.g.,
and sleep-wake states. the increase in blood pressure and heart rate upon
assumption of the upright posture) and those actively
driven by an endogenous oscillatory process (e.g., the
PHYSIOLOGY OF CIRCADIAN RHYTHMICITY circadian variation in plasma cortisol that persists under
The sleep-wake cycle is the most evident of the many a variety of environmental and behavioral conditions).
24-h rhythms in humans. Prominent daily variations also While it is now recognized that many peripheral
occur in endocrine, thermoregulatory, cardiac, pul- tissues in mammals have circadian clocks that regulate
monary, renal, gastrointestinal, and neurobehavioral diverse physiologic processes, these independent tissue-
functions. At the molecular level, endogenous circadian specic oscillations are coordinated by a central neural
rhythmicity is driven by self-sustaining transcriptional/ pacemaker located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN)
translational feedback loops (Fig. 16-2). In evaluating a of the hypothalamus. Bilateral destruction of these nuclei
daily variation in humans, it is important to distinguish results in a loss of the endogenous circadian rhythm of
158 locomotor activity, which can be restored only by trans- PHYSIOLOGIC CORRELATES OF SLEEP
plantation of the same structure from a donor animal. STATES AND STAGES
The genetically determined period of this endogenous
All major physiologic systems are inuenced by sleep.
neural oscillator, which averages ~24.2 h in humans, is
Changes in cardiovascular function include a decrease in
normally synchronized to the 24-h period of the envi-
blood pressure and heart rate during NREM and partic-
ronmental light-dark cycle. Small differences in circadian
ularly during slow-wave sleep. During REM sleep, pha-
period underlie variations in diurnal preference, with
sic activity (bursts of eye movements) is associated with
the circadian period shorter in individuals who typically
variability in both blood pressure and heart rate medi-
rise early compared to those who typically go to bed late.
ated principally by the vagus. Cardiac dysrhythmias may
Entrainment of mammalian circadian rhythms by the
one of several symptoms: (1) an acute or chronic cian understand the nature of the complaint better.
inability to initiate or maintain sleep adequately at Work times and sleep times (including daytime naps
night (insomnia); (2) chronic fatigue, sleepiness, or and nocturnal awakenings) as well as drug and alco-
tiredness during the day; or (3) a behavioral manifes- hol use, including caffeine and hypnotics, should be
tation associated with sleep itself. Complaints of noted each day.
insomnia or excessive daytime sleepiness should be Polysomnography is necessary for the diagnosis of
approached as symptoms (much like fever or pain) of
Sleep Disorders
specic disorders such as narcolepsy and sleep apnea
underlying disorders. Knowledge of the differential and may be of utility in other settings as well. In
diagnosis of these presenting complaints is essential to addition to the three electrophysiologic variables used
identify any underlying medical disorder. Only then to dene sleep states and stages, the standard clinical
can appropriate treatment, rather than nonspecic polysomnogram includes measures of respiration (res-
approaches (e.g., over-the-counter sleeping aids), be piratory effort, air ow, and oxygen saturation), ante-
applied. Diagnoses of exclusion, such as primary rior tibialis EMG, and electrocardiogram.
insomnia, should be made only after other diagnoses
have been ruled out. Table 16-1 outlines the diag-
nostic and therapeutic approach to the patient with a
complaint of excessive daytime sleepiness. EVALUATION OF INSOMNIA
A careful history is essential. In particular, the dura-
tion, severity, and consistency of the symptoms are Insomnia is the complaint of inadequate sleep; it can be
important, along with the patients estimate of the classied according to the nature of sleep disruption and
consequences of the sleep disorder on waking func- the duration of the complaint. Insomnia is subdivided
tion. Information from a friend or family member into difculty falling asleep (sleep onset insomnia), frequent
or sustained awakenings (sleep maintenance insomnia), early
TABLE 16-1
Obesity, snoring, hypertension Polysomnography with Obstructive Continuous positive airway pressure;
respiratory monitoring sleep apnea ENT surgery (e.g., uvulopalatopharyngoplasty);
dental appliance; pharmacologic therapy (e.g.,
protriptyline); weight loss
Cataplexy, hypnogogic Polysomnography with Narcolepsy- Stimulants (e.g., modanil, methylphenidate);
hallucinations, sleep multiple sleep latency cataplexy REM-suppressant antidepressants (e.g.,
paralysis, family history testing syndrome protriptyline); genetic counseling
Restless legs, disturbed Assesment for Restless legs Treatment of predisposing condition, if possible;
sleep, predisposing predisposing medical syndrome dopamine agonists (e.g., pramipexole,
medical condition (e.g., iron conditions ropinirole)
deciency or renal failure)
Disturbed sleep, predisposing Sleep-wake diary Insomnias Treatment of predisposing condition and/or
medical conditions (e.g., recording (see text) change in therapy, if possible; behavioral
asthma) and/or predisposing therapy; short-acting benzodiazepine receptor
medical therapies (e.g., agonist (e.g., zolpidem)
Note: ENT, ears, nose, throat; REM, rapid eye movement; EMG, electromyogram.
160 morning awakenings (sleep offset insomnia), or persistent occurring at other times. Subsyndromal psychiatric
sleepiness/fatigue despite sleep of adequate duration disorders (e.g., anxiety and mood complaints), negative
(nonrestorative sleep). Similarly, the duration of the symp- conditioning to the sleep environment (psychophysio-
tom inuences diagnostic and therapeutic considera- logic insomnia, see later in the chapter), amplication of
tions. An insomnia complaint lasting one to several the time spent awake (paradoxical insomnia), physiologic
nights (within a single episode) is termed transient insom- hyperarousal, and poor sleep hygiene (see earlier) may all
nia and is typically the result of situational stress or a be present. As these processes may be both causes and
change in sleep schedule or environment (e.g., jet lag consequences of chronic insomnia, many individuals
disorder). Short-term insomnia lasts from a few days to will have a progressive course to their symptoms in
3 weeks. Disruption of this duration is usually associated which the severity is proportional to the chronicity, and
with more protracted stress, such as recovery from much of the complaint may persist even after effective
surgery or short-term illness. Long-term insomnia, or treatment of the initial inciting etiology. Treatment of
chronic insomnia, lasts for months or years and, in contrast insomnia is often directed to each of the putative con-
with short-term insomnia, requires a thorough evalua- tributing factors: behavior therapies for anxiety and neg-
tion of underlying causes (see below). Chronic insomnia ative conditioning (see later), pharmacotherapy and/or
is often a waxing and waning disorder, with spontaneous psychotherapy for mood/anxiety disorders, and an
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
has a much shorter half-life (59 h), has much less anti- lar breathing pattern during REM sleep. Both hypoxia
cholinergic activity (sparing patients, particularly the and hypocapnia are thought to be involved in the devel-
elderly, constipation, urinary retention, and tachycardia), opment of periodic breathing. Frequent awakenings and
is associated with less weight gain, and is much safer in poor quality sleep characterize altitude insomnia, which is
overdose.The risk of priapism is small (~1 in 10,000). generally worse on the rst few nights at high altitude but
may persist. Treatment with acetazolamide can decrease
time spent in periodic breathing and substantially reduce
Sleep Disorders
Psychophysiologic Insomnia
hypoxia during sleep.
Persistent psychophysiologic insomnia is a behavioral disorder
in which patients are preoccupied with a perceived inabil-
ity to sleep adequately at night.This sleep disorder begins COMORBID INSOMNIA
like any other acute insomnia; however, the poor sleep
Insomnia Associated with Mental Disorders
habits and sleep-related anxiety (insomnia phobia) per-
sist long after the initial incident. Such patients become Approximately 80% of patients with psychiatric disorders
hyperaroused by their own efforts to sleep or by the sleep describe sleep complaints. There is considerable hetero-
environment, and the insomnia becomes a conditioned or geneity, however, in the nature of the sleep disturbance
learned response. Patients may be able to fall asleep more both between conditions and among patients with the
easily at unscheduled times (when not trying) or outside same condition. Depression can be associated with sleep
the home environment. Polysomnographic recording in onset insomnia, sleep maintenance insomnia, or early
patients with psychophysiologic insomnia reveals an morning wakefulness. However, hypersomnia occurs in
objective sleep disturbance, often with an abnormally long some depressed patients, especially adolescents and those
sleep latency; frequent nocturnal awakenings; and an with either bipolar or seasonal (fall/winter) depression
increased amount of stage 1 transitional sleep. Rigorous (Chap. 49). Indeed, sleep disturbance is an important
attention should be paid to improving sleep hygiene, cor- vegetative sign of depression and may commence before
rection of counterproductive, arousing behaviors before any mood changes are perceived by the patient. Consis-
bedtime, and minimizing exaggerated beliefs regarding the tent polysomnographic ndings in depression include
negative consequences of insomnia. Behavioral therapies decreased REM sleep latency, lengthened rst REM
are the treatment modality of choice, with intermittent use sleep episode, and shortened rst NREM sleep episode;
of medications. When patients are awake for >20 min, however, these ndings are not specic for depression,
they should read or perform other relaxing activities to and the extent of these changes varies with age and
distract themselves from insomnia-related anxiety. In addi- symptomatology. Depressed patients also show decreased
tion, bedtime and wake time should be scheduled to slow-wave sleep and reduced sleep continuity.
restrict time in bed to be equal to their perceived total In mania and hypomania, sleep latency is increased and
sleep time. This will generally produce sleep deprivation, total sleep time can be reduced. Patients with anxiety disor-
greater sleep drive, and, eventually, better sleep. Time in ders tend not to show the changes in REM sleep and slow-
bed can then be gradually expanded. In addition, methods wave sleep seen in endogenously depressed patients. Chronic
directed toward producing relaxation in the sleep setting alcoholics lack slow-wave sleep, have decreased amounts of
(e.g., meditation, muscle relaxation) are encouraged. REM sleep (as an acute response to alcohol), and have fre-
quent arousals throughout the night.This is associated with
impaired daytime alertness.The sleep of chronic alcoholics
Adjustment Insomnia (Acute Insomnia) may remain disturbed for years after discontinuance of
This typically develops after a change in the sleeping alcohol usage. Sleep architecture and physiology are dis-
environment (e.g., in an unfamiliar hotel or hospital turbed in schizophrenia (with a decreased amount of stage 4
bed) or before or after a signicant life event, such as a sleep and a lack of augmentation of REM sleep following
change of occupation, loss of a loved one, illness, or anx- REM sleep deprivation); chronic schizophrenics often
iety over a deadline or examination. Increased sleep show day-night reversal, sleep fragmentation, and insomnia.
162 Insomnia Associated with Neurologic Cardiac ischemia may also be associated with sleep dis-
Disorders ruption. The ischemia itself may result from increases in
A variety of neurologic diseases result in sleep disruption sympathetic tone as a result of sleep apnea. Patients may
through both indirect, nonspecic mechanisms (e.g., pain present with complaints of nightmares or vivid, disturbing
in cervical spondylosis or low back pain) or by impair- dreams, with or without awareness of the more classic
ment of central neural structures involved in the genera- symptoms of angina or of the sleep disordered breathing.
tion and control of sleep itself. For example, dementia Treatment of the sleep apnea may substantially improve
from any cause has long been associated with distur- the angina and the nocturnal sleep quality. Paroxysmal
bances in the timing of the sleep-wake cycle, often char- nocturnal dyspnea can also occur as a consequence of sleep-
associated cardiac ischemia that causes pulmonary conges-
groups, with higher prevalence in those of Northern deemed to be the latter, PLMS is called PLMD. PLMS
European ancestry. Roughly one-third of patients (partic- occurs in a wide variety of sleep disorders (including
ularly those with an early age of onset) will have multiple narcolepsy, sleep apnea, REM sleep behavior disorder,
affected family members.At least three separate chromoso- and various forms of insomnia) and may be associated
mal loci have been identied in familial RLS, though no with frequent arousals and an increased number of
gene has been identied to date. Iron deciency and renal sleep-stage transitions. The pathophysiology is not well
failure may cause RLS, which is then considered sec- understood, though individuals with high spinal transec-
Sleep Disorders
ondary RLS.The symptoms of RLS are exquisitely sensi- tions can exhibit periodic leg movements during sleep,
tive to dopaminergic drugs (e.g., pramipexole 0.250.5 suggesting the existence of a spinal generator.Treatment
mg q8PM or ropinirole 0.54.0 mg q8PM), which are the options include dopaminergic medications or benzodi-
treatments of choice. Opiods, benzodiazepines, and azepines.
gabapentin may also be of therapeutic value. Most patients
with restless legs also experience periodic limb movements
of sleep, although the reverse is not the case.
Daytime impairment due to sleep loss may be difcult
to quantify for several reasons. First, sleepiness is not
necessarily proportional to subjectively assessed sleep
deprivation. In obstructive sleep apnea, for example, the
Periodic limb movements of sleep (PLMS), previously known repeated brief interruptions of sleep associated with
as nocturnal myoclonus, consists of stereotyped, 0.5- to resumption of respiration at the end of apneic episodes
Snoring sounds
Nasal/oral airflow
Respiratory effort
98 97 97 98 97 97 98 98 98
Arterial O2 saturation 94 93 95 96 95 95 94 95 93
90 89 91 92 92
90 92 90 88 90
A 30 s
Chin EMG
Heart Rate
B 30 s
Polysomnographic recordings of (A) obstructive sleep with a relatively constant intermovement interval and are
apnea and (B) periodic limb movement of sleep. Note the associated with changes in the EEG and heart rate accelera-
snoring and reduction in air ow in the presence of continued tion (lower panel). R.A.T., right anterior tibialis; L.A.T., left
respiratory effort, associated with the subsequent oxygen anterior tibialis. (From the Division of Sleep Medicine,
desaturation (upper panel). Periodic limb movements occur Brigham and Womens Hospital.)
164 result in daytime sleepiness, despite the fact that the driving be suspended until successful treatment or a
patient may be unaware of the sleep fragmentation. schedule modication can be instituted.
Second, subjective descriptions of waking impairment The distinction between fatigue and sleepiness can be
vary from patient to patient. Patients may describe them- useful in the differentiation of patients with complaints
selves as sleepy, fatigued, or tired and may have a of fatigue or tiredness in the setting of disorders such as
clear sense of the meaning of those terms, while others bromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome (Chap. 47), or
may use the same terms to describe a completely differ- endocrine deciencies such as hypothyroidism or Addi-
ent condition. Third, sleepiness, particularly when pro- sons disease. Although patients with these disorders can
found, may affect judgment in a manner analogous to typically distinguish their daytime symptoms from the
ethanol, such that subjective awareness of the condition sleepiness that occurs with sleep deprivation, substantial
and the consequent cognitive and motor impairment is overlap can occur.This is particularly true when the pri-
reduced. Finally, patients may be reluctant to admit that mary disorder also results in chronic sleep disruption
sleepiness is a problem, both because they are generally (e.g., sleep apnea in hypothyroidism) or in abnormal
unaware of what constitutes normal alertness and sleep (e.g., bromyalgia).
because sleepiness is generally viewed pejoratively, Although clinical evaluation of the complaint of
ascribed more often to a decit in motivation than to an excessive sleepiness is usually adequate, objective quan-
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
inadequately addressed physiologic sleep need. tication is sometimes necessary. Assessment of daytime
Specic questioning about the occurrence of sleep functioning as an index of the adequacy of sleep can be
episodes during normal waking hours, both intentional made with the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), which
and unintentional, is necessary to determine the extent involves repeated measurement of sleep latency (time to
of the adverse effects of sleepiness on a patients daytime onset of sleep) under standardized conditions during a
function. Specic areas to be addressed include the day following quantied nocturnal sleep. The average
occurrence of inadvertent sleep episodes while driving latency across four to six tests (administered every 2 h
or in other safety-related settings, sleepiness while at across the waking day) provides an objective measure of
work or school (and the relationship of sleepiness to daytime sleep tendency. Disorders of sleep that result in
work and school performance), and the effect of sleepi- pathologic daytime somnolence can be reliably distin-
ness on social and family life. Driving is particularly haz- guished with the MSLT. In addition, the multiple mea-
ardous for patients with increased sleepiness. Reaction surements of sleep onset may identify direct transitions
time is equally impaired by 24 h of sleep loss as by a from wakefulness to REM sleep that are suggestive of
blood alcohol level of 0.10 g/dL. More than half of specic pathologic conditions (e.g., narcolepsy).
Americans admit to driving when drowsy. An estimated
250,000 motor vehicle crashes per year are due to
drowsy drivers, thus causing 20% of all serious crash
injuries. Drowsy driving legislation, aimed at improving Narcolepsy is both a disorder of the ability to sustain
education of all drivers about the hazards of driving wakefulness voluntarily and a disorder of REM sleep
drowsy and establishing sanctions comparable to those regulation (Table 16-2). The classic narcolepsy tetrad
for drunk driving, is pending in several states. Screening consists of excessive daytime somnolence plus three spe-
for sleep disorders, provision of an adequate number of cic symptoms related to an intrusion of REM sleep
safe highway rest areas, maintenance of unobstructed characteristics (e.g., muscle atonia, vivid dream imagery)
shoulder rumble strips, and strict enforcement and com- into the transition between wakefulness and sleep:
pliance monitoring of hours-of-service policies are
needed to reduce the risk of sleep-related transportation
crashes. Evidence for signicant daytime impairment [in
association either with the diagnosis of a primary sleep TABLE 16-2
disorder, such as narcolepsy or sleep apnea, or with PREVALENCE OF SYMPTOMS IN NARCOLEPSY
imposed or self-selected sleep-wake schedules (see Shift-
Work Disorder, later)] raises the issue of the physicians
responsibility to notify motor vehicle licensing authori- Excessive daytime somnolence 100
ties of the increased risk of sleepiness-related vehicle Disturbed sleep 87
Cataplexy 76
accidents. As with epilepsy, legal requirements vary from
Hypnagogic hallucinations 68
state to state, and existing legal precedents do not pro- Sleep paralysis 64
vide a consistent interpretation of the balance between Memory problems 50
the physicians responsibility and the patients right to
privacy. At a minimum, physicians should document dis- Source: Modied from TA Roth, L Merlotti in SA Burton et al (eds),
cussions with the patient regarding the increased risk of Narcolepsy 3rd International Symposium: Selected Symposium Pro-
operating a vehicle, as well as a recommendation that ceedings, Chicago, Matrix Communications, 1989.
(1) sudden weakness or loss of muscle tone without loss reliably. Hypnogogic and hypnopompic hallucinations 165
of consciousness, often elicited by emotion (cataplexy); and sleep paralysis are often found in nonnarcoleptic
(2) hallucinations at sleep onset (hypnogogic hallucina- individuals and may be present in only one-half of nar-
tions) or upon awakening (hypnopompic hallucinations); coleptics. Nocturnal sleep disruption is commonly
and (3) muscle paralysis upon awakening (sleep paralysis). observed in narcolepsy but is also a nonspecic symp-
The severity of cataplexy varies, as patients may have two tom. Similarly, a history of automatic behavior during
to three attacks per day or per decade. Some patients wakefulness (a trancelike state during which simple
with objectively conrmed narcolepsy (see later) may motor behaviors persist) is not specic for narcolepsy
show no evidence of cataplexy. In those with cataplexy, and serves principally to corroborate the presence of
the extent and duration of an attack may also vary, from daytime somnolence.
a transient sagging of the jaw lasting a few seconds to
rare cases of accid paralysis of the entire voluntary
musculature for up to 2030 min. Symptoms of nar-
colepsy typically begin in the second decade, although Treatment:
the onset ranges from ages 550. Once established, the NARCOLEPSY
disease is chronic without remissions. Secondary forms The treatment of narcolepsy is symptomatic. Somno-
Sleep Disorders
of narcolepsy have been described (e.g., after head lence is treated with wake-promoting therapeutics.
trauma). Modanil is now the drug of choice, principally because
Narcolepsy affects about 1 in 4000 people in the it is associated with fewer side effects than older stimu-
United States and appears to have a genetic basis. lants and has a long half-life; 200400 mg is given as a
Recently, several convergent lines of evidence suggest single daily dose. Older drugs such as methylphenidate
that the hypothalamic neuropeptide hypocretin (orexin) (10 mg bid to 20 mg qid) or dextroamphetamine (10 mg
is involved in the pathogenesis of narcolepsy: (1) a muta- bid) are still used as alternatives, particularly in refrac-
tion in the hypocretin receptor 2 gene has been associ- tory patients. These latter medications are now available
ated with canine narcolepsy; (2) hypocretin knockout in slow-release formulations, extending their duration of
mice that are genetically unable to produce this neu- action and allowing once daily dosing.
ropeptide exhibit behavioral and electrophysiologic fea- Treatment of the REM-related phenomena cataplexy,
tures resembling human narcolepsy; and (3) cerebrospinal hypnogogic hallucinations, and sleep paralysis requires
uid levels of hypocretin are reduced in most patients the potent REM sleep suppression produced by antide-
who have narcolepsy with cataplexy. The inheritance pressant medications. The tricyclic antidepressants
pattern of narcolepsy in humans is more complex than in [e.g., protriptyline (1040 mg/d) and clomipramine
the canine model. However, almost all narcoleptics with (2550 mg/d)] and the selective serotonin reuptake
cataplexy are positive for HLA DQB10602, suggesting inhibitors (SSRIs) [e.g., uoxetine (1020 mg/d)] are
that an autoimmune process may be responsible. commonly used for this purpose. Efcacy of the antide-
pressants is limited largely by anticholinergic side effects
Diagnosis (tricyclics) and by sleep disturbance and sexual dysfunc-
tion (SSRIs). Alternately, gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB),
The diagnostic criteria continue to be a matter of given at bed time, and 4 h later, is effective in reducing
debate. Certainly, objective verication of excessive day- daytime cataplectic episodes. Adequate nocturnal sleep
time somnolence, typically with MSLT mean sleep time and planned daytime naps (when possible) are
latencies <8 min, is an essential if nonspecic diagnostic important preventative measures.
feature. Other conditions that cause excessive sleepiness,
such as sleep apnea or chronic sleep deprivation, must
be rigorously excluded. The other objective diagnostic
feature of narcolepsy is the presence of REM sleep in at
least two of the naps during the MSLT. Abnormal regu-
lation of REM sleep is also manifested by the appear- Respiratory dysfunction during sleep is a common, seri-
ance of REM sleep immediately or within minutes after ous cause of excessive daytime somnolence as well as of
sleep onset in 50% of narcoleptic patients, a rarity in disturbed nocturnal sleep. An estimated 25 million
unaffected individuals maintaining a conventional sleep- individuals in the United States have a reduction or ces-
wake schedule.The REM-related symptoms of the classic sation of breathing for 10150 s, from thirty to several
narcolepsy tetrad are variably present. There is increasing hundred times every night during sleep. These episodes
evidence that narcoleptics with cataplexy (one-half to may be due to either an occlusion of the airway (obstructive
two-thirds of patients) may represent a more homoge- sleep apnea), absence of respiratory effort (central sleep
neous group than those without this symptom. How- apnea), or a combination of these factors (mixed sleep apnea)
ever, a history of cataplexy can be difcult to establish (Fig. 16-3). Failure to recognize and treat these conditions
166 appropriately may lead to impairment of daytime alert- patient is usually unaware of the problem. The typical
ness, increased risk of sleep-related motor vehicle acci- age of onset is 1720 years, and spontaneous remission
dents, hypertension and other serious cardiovascular usually occurs by 40 years. Sex distribution appears to
complications, and increased mortality. Sleep apnea is be equal. In many cases, the diagnosis is made during
particularly prevalent in overweight men and in the dental examination, damage is minor, and no treatment
elderly, yet it is estimated to remain undiagnosed in is indicated. In more severe cases, treatment with a rub-
8090% of affected individuals.This is unfortunate since ber tooth guard is necessary to prevent disguring tooth
effective treatments are available. injury. Stress management or, in some cases, biofeedback
can be useful when bruxism is a manifestation of psy-
chological stress. There are anecdotal reports of benet
using benzodiazepines.
The term parasomnia refers to abnormal behaviors or
experiences that arise from or occur during sleep. A
Sleep Enuresis
continuum of parasomnias arises from NREM sleep,
from brief confusional arousals to sleepwalking and Bedwetting, like sleepwalking and night terrors, is
night terrors.The presenting complaint is usually related another parasomnia that occurs during sleep in the
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
to the behavior itself, but the parasomnias can disturb young. Before age 5 or 6, nocturnal enuresis should
sleep continuity or lead to mild impairments in daytime probably be considered a normal feature of develop-
alertness. Two main parasomnias occur in REM sleep: ment. The condition usually improves spontaneously by
REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD), which will be puberty, has a prevalence in late adolescence of 13%,
described later, and nightmare disorder. and is rare in adulthood. In older patients with enuresis a
distinction must be made between primary and sec-
Sleepwalking (Somnambulism) ondary enuresis, the latter being dened as bedwetting
in patients who have previously been fully continent for
Patients affected by this disorder carry out automatic 612 months. Treatment of primary enuresis is reserved
motor activities that range from simple to complex. for patients of appropriate age (>5 or 6 years) and con-
Individuals may walk, urinate inappropriately, eat, or exit sists of bladder training exercises and behavioral therapy.
from the house while remaining only partially aware. Urologic abnormalities are more common in primary
Full arousal may be difcult, and individuals may rarely enuresis and must be assessed by urologic examination.
respond to attempted awakening with agitation or even Important causes of secondary enuresis include emo-
violence. Sleepwalking arises from stage 3 or 4 NREM tional disturbances, urinary tract infections or malforma-
sleep, usually in the rst 2 hours of the night, and is tions, cauda equina lesions, epilepsy, sleep apnea, and
most common in children and adolescents, when these certain medications. Symptomatic pharmacotherapy is
sleep stages are most robust. Episodes are usually isolated usually accomplished with desmopressin (0.2 mg qhs),
but may be recurrent in 16% of patients. The cause is oxybutynin chloride (510 mg qhs) or imipramine
unknown, though it has a familial basis in roughly one- (1050 mg qhs).
third of cases.
behaviors. The pathogenesis is unclear, but damage to remain awake at night to meet deadlines, drive long dis-
brainstem areas mediating descending motor inhibition tances, or participate in recreational activities. This
during REM sleep may be responsible. In support of this results in both sleep loss and misalignment of the circa-
hypothesis are the remarkable similarities between RBD dian rhythm with respect to the sleep-wake cycle.
and the sleep of animals with bilateral lesions of the pon- Studies of regular night-shift workers indicate that
tine tegmentum in areas controlling REM sleep motor the circadian timing system usually fails to adapt success-
inhibition.Treatment with clonazepam (0.51.0 mg qhs) fully to such inverted schedules.This leads to a misalign-
Sleep Disorders
provides sustained improvement in almost all reported ment between the desired work-rest schedule and the
cases. output of the pacemaker and in disturbed daytime sleep
in most individuals. Sleep deprivation, increased length
of time awake prior to work, and misalignment of circa-
dian phase produce decreased alertness and perfor-
mance, increased reaction time, and increased risk of
performance lapses, thereby resulting in greater safety
A subset of patients presenting with either insomnia or hazards among night workers and other sleep-deprived
hypersomnia may have a disorder of sleep timing rather individuals. Sleep disturbance nearly doubles the risk of
than sleep generation. Disorders of sleep timing can be a fatal work accident. Additional problems include
either organic (i.e., due to an intrinsic defect in the cir- higher rates of cancer and of cardiac, gastrointestinal, and
cadian pacemaker or its input from entraining stimuli) reproductive disorders in chronic night-shift workers.
or environmental (i.e., due to a disruption of exposure to Sleep onset is associated with marked attenuation in
entraining stimuli from the environment). Regardless of perception of both auditory and visual stimuli and lapses
etiology, the symptoms reect the inuence of the of consciousness.The sleepy individual may thus attempt to
underlying circadian pacemaker on sleep-wake function. perform routine and familiar motor tasks during the transi-
Thus, effective therapeutic approaches should aim to tion state between wakefulness and sleep (stage 1 sleep)
entrain the oscillator at an appropriate phase. in the absence of adequate processing of sensory input
from the environment. Motor vehicle operators are espe-
cially vulnerable to sleep-related accidents since the sleep-
Jet Lag Disorder deprived driver or operator often fails to heed the warning
More than 60 million persons experience transmeridian signs of fatigue. Such attempts to override the powerful
air travel annually, which is often associated with exces- biologic drive for sleep by the sheer force of will can yield
sive daytime sleepiness, sleep onset insomnia, and fre- a catastrophic outcome when sleep processes intrude
quent arousals from sleep, particularly in the latter half of involuntarily upon the waking brain. Such sleep-related
the night. Gastrointestinal discomfort is common. The attentional failures typically last only seconds but are
syndrome is transient, typically lasting 214 d depending known on occasion to persist for longer durations. These
on the number of time zones crossed, the direction of frequent brief intrusions of stage 1 sleep into behavioral
travel, and the travelers age and phase-shifting capacity. wakefulness are a major component of the impaired psy-
Travelers who spend more time outdoors reportedly chomotor performance seen with sleepiness. There is a
adapt more quickly than those who remain in hotel signicant increase in the risk of sleep-related, fatal-to-
rooms, presumably due to bright (outdoor) light expo- the-driver highway crashes in the early morning and late
sure. Avoidance of antecedent sleep loss and obtaining afternoon hours, coincident with bimodal peaks in the
nap sleep on the afternoon prior to overnight travel daily rhythm of sleep tendency.
greatly reduces the difculty of extended wakefulness. Medical housestaff constitute another group of work-
Laboratory studies suggest that sub-milligram doses of ers at risk for accidents and other adverse consequences
the pineal hormone melatonin can enhance sleep ef- of lack of sleep and misalignment of the circadian
ciency, but only if taken when endogenous melatonin rhythm. Recent research has demonstrated that the
concentrations are low (i.e., during biologic daytime), practice of scheduling interns and residents to work
and that melatonin may induce phase shifts in human shifts of 30 consecutive hours both doubles the risk of
168 attentional failures among intensive care unit interns night work, (2) the frequency of shift rotation so that
working at night and signicantly increases the risk of shifts do not rotate more than once every 23 weeks, (3)
serious medical errors in intensive care units. Moreover, the number of consecutive night shifts, and (4) the
working for >24 h consecutively increases the risk of duration of night shifts. Shift durations of >16 h should
needlestick injuries and more than doubles the risk of be universally recognized as increasing the risk of sleep-
motor vehicle crashes on the commute home. Some related errors and performance lapses to a level that is
20% of hospital interns report making a fatigue-related unacceptable in nonemergency circumstances.
mistake that injured a patient, and 5% admit making a
mistake that results in the death of a patient.
From 510% of individuals scheduled to work at
day sleep that the physician judges to be clinically signif- polysomnography except for delayed sleep onset.
icant; the condition is associated with an increased risk Patients exhibit an abnormally delayed endogenous cir-
of sleep-related accidents and with some of the illnesses cadian phase, with the temperature minimum during
associated with night-shift work. Patients with chronic the constant routine occurring later than normal. This
and severe SWD are profoundly sleepy at night. In fact, delayed phase could be due to: (1) an abnormally long,
their sleep latencies during night work average just 2 min, genetically determined intrinsic period of the endoge-
comparable to mean sleep latency durations of patients nous circadian pacemaker; (2) an abnormally reduced
with narcolepsy or severe daytime sleep apnea. phase-advancing capacity of the pacemaker; or (3) an
irregular prior sleep-wake schedule, characterized by
frequent nights when the patient chooses to remain
awake well past midnight (for social, school, or work
Treatment: reasons). In most cases, it is difcult to distinguish
SHIFT-WORK DISORDER among these factors, since patients with an abnormally
Caffeine is frequently used to promote wakefulness.
long intrinsic period are more likely to choose such
However, it cannot forestall sleep indenitely, and it
late-night activities because they are unable to sleep at
does not shield users from sleep-related performance
that time. Patients tend to be young adults. This self-
lapses. Postural changes, exercise, and strategic place-
perpetuating condition can persist for years and does
ment of nap opportunities can sometimes temporarily
not usually respond to attempts to reestablish normal
reduce the risk of fatigue-related performance lapses.
bedtime hours. Treatment methods involving bright-
Properly timed exposure to bright light can facilitate
light phototherapy during the morning hours or mela-
rapid adaptation to night-shift work.
tonin administration in the evening hours show promise
While many techniques (e.g., light treatment) used to
in these patients, although the relapse rate is high.
facilitate adaptation to night shift work may help
patients with this disorder, modanil is the only thera- Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder
peutic intervention that has ever been evaluated as a
Advanced sleep phase disorder (ASPD) is the converse
treatment for this specic patient population. Modanil
of the delayed sleep phase syndrome. Most commonly,
(200 mg, taken 3060 min before the start of each night
this syndrome occurs in older people, 15% of whom
shift) is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administra-
report that they cannot sleep past 5 A.M., with twice that
tion as a treatment for the excessive sleepiness during
number complaining that they wake up too early at least
night work in patients with SWD. Although treatment
several times per week. Patients with ASPD experience
with modanil signicantly increases sleep latency and
excessive daytime sleepiness during the evening hours,
reduces the risk of lapses of attention during night
when they have great difculty remaining awake, even
work, SWD patients remain excessively sleepy at night,
in social settings.Typically, patients awaken from 35 A.M.
even while being treated with modanil.
each day, often several hours before their desired wake
Safety programs should promote education about
times. In addition to age-related ASPD, an early-onset
sleep and increase awareness of the hazards associated
familial variant of this condition has also been reported.
with night work. The goal should be to minimize both
In one such family, autosomal dominant ASPD was due
sleep deprivation and circadian disruption. Work sched-
to a missense mutation in a circadian clock component
ules should be designed to minimize: (1) exposure to
(PER2, as shown in Fig. 16-2) that altered the circadian
period. Patients with ASPD may benet from bright- understanding of the possible role of circadian rhythmic- 169
light phototherapy during the evening hours, designed ity in the acute destabilization of a chronic condition
to reset the circadian pacemaker to a later hour. such as atherosclerotic disease could improve the under-
standing of the pathophysiology.
Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures may also be
affected by the time of day at which data are collected.
This condition can occur when the maximal phase- Examples include blood pressure, body temperature, the
advancing capacity of the circadian pacemaker is not ade- dexamethasone suppression test, and plasma cortisol levels.
quate to accommodate the difference between the 24-h The timing of chemotherapy administration has been
geophysical day and the intrinsic period of the pacemaker reported to have an effect on the outcome of treatment.
in the patient.Alternatively, patients self-selected exposure Few physicians realize the extent to which routine mea-
to articial light may drive the circadian pacemaker to a sures are affected by the time (or sleep/wake state) when
>24-h schedule.Affected patients are not able to maintain the measurement is made.
a stable phase relationship between the output of the In addition, both the toxicity and effectiveness of
pacemaker and the 24-h day. Such patients typically pre- drugs can vary during the day. For example, more than a
sent with an incremental pattern of successive delays in vefold difference has been observed in mortality rates
Sleep Disorders
sleep onsets and wake times, progressing in and out of following administration of toxic agents to experimental
phase with local time. When the patients endogenous animals at different times of day. Anesthetic agents are
rhythms are out of phase with the local environment, particularly sensitive to time-of-day effects. Finally, the
insomnia coexists with excessive daytime sleepiness. Con- physician must be increasingly aware of the public
versely, when the endogenous rhythms are in phase with health risks associated with the ever-increasing demands
the local environment, symptoms remit. The intervals made by the duty-rest-recreation schedules in our
between symptomatic periods may last several weeks to round-the-clock society.
several months. Blind individuals unable to perceive light
are particularly susceptible to this disorder. Nightly low-
dose (0.5 mg) melatonin administration has been reported FURTHER READINGS
to improve sleep and, in some cases, to induce synchro- BLOOM HG et al: Evidence-based recommendations for the assess-
nization of the circadian pacemaker. ment and management of sleep disorders in older persons. J Am
Geriatr Soc 57:761, 2009
BRADLEY TD, FLORAS JS: Obstructive sleep apnoea and its cardiovas-
MEDICAL IMPLICATIONS OF CIRCADIAN cular consequences. Lancet 373:82, 2009
RHYTHMICITY FLEMONS WW: Clinical practice. Obstructive sleep apnea. N Engl J
Prominent circadian variations have been reported in Med 347:498, 2002
SCAMMELL TE: The neurobiology, diagnosis, and treatment of nar-
the incidence of acute myocardial infarction, sudden
colepsy.Ann Neurol 53:154, 2003
cardiac death, and stroke, the leading causes of death in SILBER MH: Clinical practice. Chronic insomnia. N Engl J Med
the United States. Platelet aggregability is increased after 353:803, 2005
arising in the early morning hours, coincident with the WISE MS et al: Treatment of narcolepsy and other hypersomnias of
peak incidence of these cardiovascular events. A better central origin. Sleep 30: 1712, 2009
Jonathan C. Horton
and abducens (VI) nuclei. Activity in these ocular motor
nuclei is coordinated by pontine and midbrain mecha-
nisms for smooth pursuit, saccades, and gaze stabilization
during head and body movements. Large regions of the
frontal and parietooccipital cortex control these brain-
stem eye movement centers by providing descending
supranuclear input.
Disorders of Vision
In approaching the patient with reduced vision, the rst
step is to decide whether refractive error is responsible. In
emmetropia, parallel rays from innity are focused perfectly
upon the retina. Sadly, this condition is enjoyed by only a
minority of the population. In myopia, the globe is too
long, and light rays come to a focal point in front of the
retina. Near objects can be seen clearly, but distant objects
require a diverging lens in front of the eye. In hyperopia,
the globe is too short, and hence a converging lens is used
to supplement the refractive power of the eye. In astigma-
tism, the corneal surface is not perfectly spherical, necessi-
tating a cylindrical corrective lens. In recent years it has
become possible to correct refractive error with the
excimer laser by performing LASIK (laser in situ ker-
atomileusis) to alter the curvature of the cornea.
With the onset of middle age, presbyopia develops as
the lens within the eye becomes unable to increase its
refractive power to accommodate upon near objects. To
compensate for presbyopia, the emmetropic patient must
use reading glasses. The patient already wearing glasses
for distance correction usually switches to bifocals. The
only exception is the myopic patient, who may achieve
clear vision at near simply by removing glasses containing
the distance prescription.
Refractive errors usually develop slowly and remain
stable after adolescence, except in unusual circum-
stances. For example, the acute onset of diabetes mellitus FIGURE 17-1
can produce sudden myopia because of lens edema The Rosenbaum card is a miniature, scale version of the
induced by hyperglycemia.Testing vision through a pin- Snellen chart for testing visual acuity at near. When the
hole aperture is a useful way to screen quickly for visual acuity is recorded, the Snellen distance equivalent
refractive error. If the visual acuity is better through a should bear a notation indicating that vision was tested at
pinhole than with the unaided eye, the patient needs a near, not at 6 m (20 ft), or else the Jaeger number system
refraction to obtain best corrected visual acuity. should be used to report the acuity.
172 acuity is not present in each eye, the deciency in vision
must be explained. If worse than 6/240 (20/800), acuity
should be recorded in terms of counting ngers, hand
motions, light perception, or no light perception. Legal
blindness is dened by the Internal Revenue Service as a
best corrected acuity of 6/60 (20/200) or less in the bet-
ter eye, or a binocular visual eld subtending 20 or less.
For driving the laws vary by state, but most require a
corrected acuity of 6/12 (20/40) in at least one eye for
unrestricted privileges. Patients with a homonymous
The pupils should be tested individually in dim light
with the patient xating on a distant target. If they
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
no response. Pharmacologic dilation from accidental or
provide an excellent screening test for strabismus and
deliberate instillation of anticholinergic agents (atropine,
amblyopia in children.
scopolamine drops) into the eye can also produce pupillary
mydriasis. In this situation, normal strength (1%) pilo-
carpine causes no constriction. COLOR VISION
Both pupils are affected equally by systemic medica-
tions. They are small with narcotic use (morphine, The retina contains three classes of cones, with visual
Disorders of Vision
heroin) and large with anticholinergics (scopolamine). pigments of differing peak spectral sensitivity: red (560 nm),
Parasympathetic agents (pilocarpine, demecarium bro- green (530 nm), and blue (430 nm). The red and green
mide) used to treat glaucoma produce miosis. In any cone pigments are encoded on the X chromosome; the
patient with an unexplained pupillary abnormality, a blue cone pigment on chromosome 7. Mutations of the
slit-lamp examination is helpful to exclude surgical blue cone pigment are exceedingly rare. Mutations of
trauma to the iris, an occult foreign body, perforating the red and green pigments cause congenital X-linked
injury, intraocular inammation, adhesions (synechia), color blindness in 8% of men. Affected individuals are
angle-closure glaucoma, and iris sphincter rupture from not truly color blind; rather, they differ from normal
blunt trauma. subjects in how they perceive color and how they com-
bine primary monochromatic lights to match a given
color. Anomalous trichromats have three cone types,
EYE MOVEMENTS AND ALIGNMENT but a mutation in one cone pigment (usually red or
Eye movements are tested by asking the patient with green) causes a shift in peak spectral sensitivity, alter-
both eyes open to pursue a small target such as a penlight ing the proportion of primary colors required to
into the cardinal elds of gaze. Normal ocular versions achieve a color match. Dichromats have only two
are smooth, symmetric, full, and maintained in all direc- cone types and will therefore accept a color match
tions without nystagmus. Saccades, or quick rexation based upon only two primary colors. Anomalous
eye movements, are assessed by having the patient look trichromats and dichromats have 6/6 (20/20) visual
back and forth between two stationary targets. The eyes acuity, but their hue discrimination is impaired. Ishi-
should move rapidly and accurately in a single jump to hara color plates can be used to detect red-green color
their target. Ocular alignment can be judged by holding blindness. The test plates contain a hidden number,
a penlight directly in front of the patient at about 1 m. If visible only to subjects with color confusion from red-
the eyes are straight, the corneal light reex will be cen- green color blindness. Because color blindness is almost
tered in the middle of each pupil. To test eye alignment exclusively X-linked, it is worth screening only male
more precisely, the cover test is useful. The patient is children.
instructed to gaze upon a small xation target in the dis- The Ishihara plates are often used to detect acquired
tance. One eye is covered suddenly while observing the defects in color vision, although they are intended as a
second eye. If the second eye shifts to xate upon the screening test for congenital color blindness. Acquired
target, it was misaligned. If it does not move, the rst eye defects in color vision frequently result from disease of
is uncovered and the test is repeated on the second eye. If the macula or optic nerve. For example, patients with a
neither eye moves, the eyes are aligned orthotropically. If history of optic neuritis often complain of color desat-
the eyes are orthotropic in primary gaze but the patient uration long after their visual acuity has returned to
complains of diplopia, the cover test should be per- normal. Color blindness can also occur from bilateral
formed with the head tilted or turned in whatever direc- strokes involving the ventral portion of the occipital
tion elicits diplopia. With practice the examiner can lobe (cerebral achromatopsia). Such patients can per-
detect an ocular deviation (heterotropia) as small as 12 ceive only shades of gray and may also have difculty
with the cover test. Deviations can be measured by plac- recognizing faces (prosopagnosia). Infarcts of the domi-
ing prisms in front of the misaligned eye to determine nant occipital lobe sometimes give rise to color
the power required to neutralize the xation shift evoked anomia. Affected patients can discriminate colors, but
by covering the other eye. they cannot name them.
174 VISUAL FIELDS (Fig. 17-3A). By generating an automated printout of
light thresholds, these static perimeters provide a sensi-
Vision can be impaired by damage to the visual system
tive means of detecting scotomas in the visual eld.
anywhere from the eyes to the occipital lobes. One can
They are exceedingly useful for serial assessment of
localize the site of the lesion with considerable accuracy
visual function in chronic diseases such as glaucoma or
by mapping the visual eld decit by nger confronta-
pseudotumor cerebri.
tion and then correlating it with the topographic
The crux of visual eld analysis is to decide whether
anatomy of the visual pathway (Fig. 17-3). Quantitative
a lesion is before, at, or behind the optic chiasm. If a
visual eld mapping is performed by computer-driven
scotoma is conned to one eye, it must be due to a
perimeters (Humphrey, Octopus) that present a target of
lesion anterior to the chiasm, involving either the optic
Ventral view of the brain, correlating patterns of visual using a gray scale format. Areas of visual eld loss are
eld loss with the sites of lesions in the visual pathway. shown in black. The examples of common monocular,
The visual elds overlap partially, creating 120 of central prechiasmal eld defects are all shown for the right eye. By
binocular eld anked by a 40 monocular crescent on either convention, the visual elds are always recorded with the left
side. The visual eld maps in this gure were done with a eyes eld on the left, and the right eyes eld on the right,
computer-driven perimeter (Humphrey Instruments, Carl Zeiss, just as the patient sees the world.
Inc.). It plots the retinal sensitivity to light in the central 30
nerve or retina. Retinal lesions produce scotomas that homonymous hemianopia, i.e., a temporal hemield defect 175
correspond optically to their location in the fundus. For in the contralateral eye and a matching nasal hemield
example, a superior-nasal retinal detachment results in defect in the ipsilateral eye (Fig. 17-3I). A unilateral
an inferior-temporal eld cut. Damage to the macula postchiasmal lesion leaves the visual acuity in each eye
causes a central scotoma (Fig. 17-3B). unaffected, although the patient may read the letters on
Optic nerve disease produces characteristic patterns only the left or right half of the eye chart. Lesions of the
of visual eld loss. Glaucoma selectively destroys axons optic radiations tend to cause poorly matched or
that enter the superotemporal or inferotemporal poles of incongruous eld defects in each eye. Damage to the optic
the optic disc, resulting in arcuate scotomas shaped like a radiations in the temporal lobe (Meyers loop) produces a
Turkish scimitar, which emanate from the blind spot and superior quadrantic homonymous hemianopia (Fig. 17-3J),
curve around xation to end at against the horizontal whereas injury to the optic radiations in the parietal lobe
meridian (Fig. 17-3C). This type of eld defect mirrors results in an inferior quadrantic homonymous hemianopia
the arrangement of the nerve ber layer in the temporal (Fig. 17-3K ). Lesions of the primary visual cortex give rise
retina. Arcuate or nerve ber layer scotomas also occur to dense, congruous hemianopic eld defects. Occlusion
from optic neuritis, ischemic optic neuropathy, optic of the posterior cerebral artery supplying the occipital lobe
disc drusen, and branch retinal artery or vein occlusion. is a frequent cause of total homonymous hemianopia.
Disorders of Vision
Damage to the entire upper or lower pole of the Some patients with hemianopia after occipital stroke have
optic disc causes an altitudinal eld cut that follows the macular sparing, because the macular representation at the
horizontal meridian (Fig. 17-3D). This pattern of visual tip of the occipital lobe is supplied by collaterals from
eld loss is typical of ischemic optic neuropathy but also the middle cerebral artery (Fig. 17-3L). Destruction of
occurs from retinal vascular occlusion, advanced glau- both occipital lobes produces cortical blindness.This con-
coma, and optic neuritis. dition can be distinguished from bilateral prechiasmal
About half the bers in the optic nerve originate visual loss by noting that the pupil responses and optic
from ganglion cells serving the macula. Damage to fundi remain normal.
papillomacular bers causes a cecocentral scotoma
encompassing the blind spot and macula (Fig. 17-3E). If
the damage is irreversible, pallor eventually appears in DISORDERS
the temporal portion of the optic disc. Temporal pallor
from a cecocentral scotoma may develop in optic neuri- RED OR PAINFUL EYE
tis, nutritional optic neuropathy, toxic optic neuropathy, Corneal Abrasions
Lebers hereditary optic neuropathy, and compressive
optic neuropathy. It is worth mentioning that the tem- These are seen best by placing a drop of uorescein in
poral side of the optic disc is slightly more pale than the the eye and looking with the slit lamp using a cobalt-
nasal side in most normal individuals. Therefore, it can blue light. A penlight with a blue lter will sufce if no
sometimes be difcult to decide whether the temporal slit lamp is available. Damage to the corneal epithelium is
pallor visible on fundus examination represents a patho- revealed by yellow uorescence of the exposed basement
logic change. Pallor of the nasal rim of the optic disc is a membrane underlying the epithelium. It is important to
less equivocal sign of optic atrophy. check for foreign bodies.To search the conjunctival for-
At the optic chiasm, bers from nasal ganglion cells nices, the lower lid should be pulled down and the
decussate into the contralateral optic tract. Crossed bers upper lid everted. A foreign body can be removed with
are damaged more by compression than uncrossed bers. a moistened cotton-tipped applicator after placing a
As a result, mass lesions of the sellar region cause a tempo- drop of topical anesthetic, such as proparacaine, in the
ral hemianopia in each eye. Tumors anterior to the optic eye. Alternatively, it may be possible to ush the foreign
chiasm, such as meningiomas of the tuberculum sella, pro- body from the eye by irrigating copiously with saline or
duce a junctional scotoma characterized by an optic neu- articial tears. If the corneal epithelium has been
ropathy in one eye and a superior-temporal eld cut in abraded, antibiotic ointment and a patch should be applied
the other eye (Fig. 17-3G). More symmetric compression to the eye. A drop of an intermediate-acting cycloplegic,
of the optic chiasm by a pituitary adenoma, meningioma, such as cyclopentolate hydrochloride 1%, helps to reduce
craniopharyngioma, glioma, or aneurysm results in a pain by relaxing the ciliary body.The eye should be reex-
bitemporal hemianopia (Fig. 17-3H).The insidious devel- amined the next day. Minor abrasions may not require
opment of a bitemporal hemianopia often goes unnoticed patching and cycloplegia.
by the patient and will escape detection by the physician
unless each eye is tested separately.
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
It is difcult to localize a postchiasmal lesion accurately,
because injury anywhere in the optic tract, lateral genicu- This results from rupture of small vessels bridging the
late body, optic radiations, or visual cortex can produce a potential space between the episclera and conjunctiva.
176 Blood dissecting into this space can produce a spectacu- slightly. The most common viral etiology is adenovirus
lar red eye, but vision is not affected and the hemorrhage infection. It causes a watery discharge, mild foreign-
resolves without treatment. Subconjunctival hemorrhage body sensation, and photophobia. Bacterial infection
is usually spontaneous but can occur from blunt trauma, tends to produce a more mucopurulent exudate. Mild
eye rubbing, or vigorous coughing. Occasionally it is a cases of infectious conjunctivitis are usually treated empir-
clue to an underlying bleeding disorder. ically with broad-spectrum topical ocular antibiotics, such
as sulfacetamide 10%, polymixin-bacitracin-neomycin,
Pinguecula or trimethoprim-polymixin combination. Smears and
cultures are usually reserved for severe, resistant, or recur-
This is a small, raised conjunctival nodule at the temporal rent cases of conjunctivitis.To prevent contagion, patients
or nasal limbus. In adults such lesions are extremely com- should be admonished to wash their hands frequently,
mon and have little signicance, unless they become not to touch their eyes, and to avoid direct contact with
inamed (pingueculitis).A pterygium resembles a pinguecula others.
but has crossed the limbus to encroach upon the corneal
surface. Removal is justied when symptoms of irritation
or blurring develop, but recurrence is a common problem. Allergic Conjunctivitis
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
Herpes zoster ophthalmicus is treated with antiviral
ate between a supercial infection (keratoconjunctivitis) and
agents and cycloplegics. In severe cases, glucocorticoids
a deeper, more serious ulcerative process. The latter is
may be added to prevent permanent visual loss from
accompanied by greater visual loss, pain, photophobia,
corneal scarring.
redness, and discharge. Slit-lamp examination shows dis-
ruption of the corneal epithelium, a cloudy inltrate or
abscess in the stroma, and an inammatory cellular reac- Episcleritis
Disorders of Vision
tion in the anterior chamber. In severe cases, pus settles at This is an inammation of the episclera, a thin layer of
the bottom of the anterior chamber, giving rise to a connective tissue between the conjunctiva and sclera.
hypopyon. Immediate empirical antibiotic therapy should Episcleritis resembles conjunctivitis but is a more local-
be initiated after corneal scrapings are obtained for Grams ized process and discharge is absent. Most cases of epis-
stain, Giemsa stain, and cultures. Fortied topical antibi- cleritis are idiopathic, but some occur in the setting of
otics are most effective, supplemented with subconjuncti- an autoimmune disease. Scleritis refers to a deeper, more
val antibiotics as required. A fungal etiology should always severe inammatory process, frequently associated with a
be considered in the patient with keratitis. Fungal infec- connective tissue disease such as rheumatoid arthritis,
tion is common in warm humid climates, especially after lupus erythematosus, polyarteritis nodosa, Wegeners
penetration of the cornea by plant or vegetable material. granulomatosis, or relapsing polychondritis. The inam-
mation and thickening of the sclera can be diffuse or
Herpes Simplex nodular. In anterior forms of scleritis, the globe assumes
The herpes viruses are a major cause of blindness from a violet hue and the patient complains of severe ocular
keratitis. Most adults in the United States have serum tenderness and pain.With posterior scleritis the pain and
antibodies to herpes simplex, indicating prior viral infec- redness may be less marked, but there is often proptosis,
tion. Primary ocular infection is generally caused by her- choroidal effusion, reduced motility, and visual loss.
pes simplex type 1, rather than type 2. It manifests as a Episcleritis and scleritis should be treated with NSAIDs.
unilateral follicular blepharoconjunctivitis, easily con- If these agents fail, topical or even systemic glucocorti-
fused with adenoviral conjunctivitis unless telltale vesicles coid therapy may be necessary, especially if an underly-
appear on the periocular skin or conjunctiva. A dendritic ing autoimmune process is active.
pattern of corneal epithelial ulceration revealed by uo-
rescein staining is pathognomonic for herpes infection Uveitis
but is seen in only a minority of primary infections.
Recurrent ocular infection arises from reactivation of the Involving the anterior structures of the eye, this is also
latent herpes virus.Viral eruption in the corneal epithe- called iritis or iridocyclitis. The diagnosis requires slit-lamp
lium may result in the characteristic herpes dendrite. examination to identify inammatory cells oating in the
Involvement of the corneal stroma produces edema, vas- aqueous humor or deposited upon the corneal endothe-
cularization, and iridocyclitis. Herpes keratitis is treated lium (keratic precipitates). Anterior uveitis develops in
with topical antiviral agents, cycloplegics, and oral acy- sarcoidosis, ankylosing spondylitis, juvenile rheumatoid
clovir. Topical glucocorticoids are effective in mitigating arthritis, inammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, Reiters
corneal scarring but must be used with extreme caution syndrome, and Behets disease. It is also associated with
because of the danger of corneal melting and perfora- herpes infections, syphilis, Lyme disease, onchocerciasis,
tion. Topical glucocorticoids also carry the risk of pro- tuberculosis, and leprosy. Although anterior uveitis can
longing infection and inducing glaucoma. occur in conjunction with many diseases, no cause is
found to explain the majority of cases. For this reason,
laboratory evaluation is usually reserved for patients with
Herpes Zoster recurrent or severe anterior uveitis.Treatment is aimed at
Herpes zoster from reactivation of latent varicella (chick- reducing inammation and scarring by judicious use of
enpox) virus causes a dermatomal pattern of painful topical glucocorticoids. Dilation of the pupil reduces
vesicular dermatitis. Ocular symptoms can occur after pain and prevents the formation of synechiae.
178 Posterior Uveitis headache, prompting a fruitless workup for abdominal
or neurologic disease. The diagnosis is made by measur-
This is diagnosed by observing inflammation of the
ing the intraocular pressure during an acute attack or by
vitreous, retina, or choroid on fundus examination. It is
observing a narrow chamber angle by means of a spe-
more likely than anterior uveitis to be associated with
cially mirrored contact lens. Acute angle closure is
an identiable systemic disease. Some patients have
treated with acetazolamide (PO or IV), topical beta
panuveitis, or inammation of both the anterior and
blockers, prostaglandin analogues, 2-adrenergic ago-
posterior segments of the eye. Posterior uveitis is a
nists, and pilocarpine to induce miosis. If these measures
manifestation of autoimmune diseases such as sarcoido-
fail, a laser can be used to create a hole in the peripheral
sis, Behets disease, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome,
iris to relieve pupillary block. Many physicians are reluc-
This is a rare and frequently misdiagnosed cause of a This occurs from bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic
red, painful eye. Susceptible eyes have a shallow anterior infection of the internal structures of the eye. It is usu-
chamber, either because the eye has a short axial length ally acquired by hematogenous seeding from a remote
(hyperopia) or a lens enlarged by the gradual develop- site. Chronically ill, diabetic, or immunosuppressed
ment of cataract. When the pupil becomes mid-dilated, patients, especially those with a history of indwelling IV
the peripheral iris blocks aqueous outow via the ante- catheters or positive blood cultures, are at greatest risk
rior chamber angle and the intraocular pressure rises for endogenous endophthalmitis. Although most patients
abruptly, producing pain, injection, corneal edema, have ocular pain and injection, visual loss is sometimes
obscurations, and blurred vision. In some patients, ocular the only symptom. Septic emboli, from a diseased heart
symptoms are overshadowed by nausea, vomiting, or valve or a dental abscess, that lodge in the retinal circula-
tion can give rise to endophthalmitis. White-centered
retinal hemorrhages (Roths spots) are considered pathog-
nomonic for subacute bacterial endocarditis, but they
also appear in leukemia, diabetes, and many other condi-
tions. Endophthalmitis also occurs as a complication of
ocular surgery, occasionally months or even years after
the operation. An occult penetrating foreign body or
unrecognized trauma to the globe should be considered
in any patient with unexplained intraocular infection or
or sensory loss, indicating concomitant hemispheric
cerebral ischemia.
Retinal arterial occlusion also occurs rarely in associa-
tion with retinal migraine, lupus erythematosus, anticar-
FIGURE 17-5 diolipin antibodies (Fig. 17-6), anticoagulant deciency
Hollenhorst plaque lodged at the bifurcation of a retinal states (protein S, protein C, and antithrombin III de-
arteriole proves that a patient is shedding emboli from either ciency), pregnancy, IV drug abuse, blood dyscrasias, dys-
Disorders of Vision
the carotid artery, great vessels, or heart. proteinemias, and temporal arteritis.
Marked systemic hypertension causes sclerosis of retinal
arterioles, splinter hemorrhages, focal infarcts of the nerve
of the visual eld. Amaurosis fugax usually occurs from ber layer (cotton-wool spots), and leakage of lipid and
an embolus that becomes stuck within a retinal arteriole uid (hard exudate) into the macula (Fig. 17-7). In
(Fig. 17-5). If the embolus breaks up or passes, ow is hypertensive crisis, sudden visual loss can result from
restored and vision returns quickly to normal without vasospasm of retinal arterioles and retinal ischemia. In
permanent damage. With prolonged interruption of addition, acute hypertension may produce visual loss from
blood ow, the inner retina suffers infarction. Ophthal- ischemic swelling of the optic disc. Patients with acute
moscopy reveals zones of whitened, edematous retina hypertensive retinopathy should be treated by lowering
following the distribution of branch retinal arterioles. the blood pressure. However, the blood pressure should
Complete occlusion of the central retinal artery pro- not be reduced precipitously, because there is a danger of
duces arrest of blood ow and a milky retina with a optic disc infarction from sudden hypoperfusion.
cherry-red fovea (Fig. 17-6). Emboli are composed of Impending branch or central retinal vein occlusion can
either cholesterol (Hollenhorst plaque), calcium, or produce prolonged visual obscurations that resemble those
platelet-brin debris. The most common source is an described by patients with amaurosis fugax. The veins
atherosclerotic plaque in the carotid artery or aorta, appear engorged and phlebitic, with numerous retinal
although emboli can also arise from the heart, especially hemorrhages (Fig. 17-8). In some patients, venous blood
Central retinal artery occlusion combined with ischemic FIGURE 17-7
optic neuropathy in a 19-year-old woman with an elevated Hypertensive retinopathy with scattered ame (splinter)
titer of anticardiolipin antibodies. Note the orange dot (rather hemorrhages and cotton-wool spots (nerve ber layer
than cherry red) corresponding to the fovea and the spared infarcts) in a patient with headache and a blood pressure of
patch of retina just temporal to the optic disc. 234/120.
180 into two forms: arteritic and nonarteritic. The nonar-
teritic form of AION is most common. No specic cause
can be identied, although diabetes and hypertension are
frequent risk factors. No treatment is available. About 5%
of patients, especially those older than 60 years, develop
the arteritic form of AION in conjunction with giant cell
(temporal) arteritis. It is urgent to recognize arteritic
AION so that high doses of glucocorticoids can be insti-
tuted immediately to prevent blindness in the second eye.
Symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica may be present; the
FIGURE 17-10 FIGURE 17-11
Retrobulbar optic neuritis is characterized by a normal fun- Optic atrophy is not a specic diagnosis, but refers to the
dus examination initially, hence the rubric, the doctor sees combination of optic disc pallor, arteriolar narrowing, and
Disorders of Vision
nothing, and the patient sees nothing. Optic atrophy devel- nerve ber layer destruction produced by a host of eye dis-
ops after severe or repeated attacks. eases, especially optic neuropathies.
patients with two or more demyelinating plaques on visual loss can also develop gradually and produce optic
brain magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, treatment with atrophy (Fig. 17-11) without a phase of acute optic disc
interferon beta-1a can retard the development of more edema. Many agents have been implicated as a cause of
lesions. In summary, an MR scan is recommended in toxic optic neuropathy, but the evidence supporting the
every patient with a rst attack of optic neuritis. When association for many is weak. The following is a partial
visual loss is severe (worse than 20/100), treatment with list of potential offending drugs or toxins: disulram,
intravenous followed by oral glucocorticoids hastens ethchlorvynol, chloramphenicol, amiodarone, monoclonal
recovery. If multiple lesions are present on the MR scan, anti-CD3 antibody, ciprooxacin, digitalis, streptomycin,
treatment with interferon beta-1a should be considered. lead, arsenic, thallium, D-penicillamine, isoniazid, eme-
tine, and sulfonamides. Deciency states, induced either
Lebers Hereditary Optic Neuropathy by starvation, malabsorption, or alcoholism, can lead to
insidious visual loss. Thiamine, vitamin B12, and folate
This disease usually affects young men, causing gradual, levels should be checked in any patient with unex-
painless, severe, central visual loss in one eye, followed plained, bilateral central scotomas and optic pallor.
weeks or months later by the same process in the other
eye. Acutely, the optic disc appears mildly plethoric with
surface capillary telangiectases, but no vascular leakage on Papilledema
uorescein angiography. Eventually optic atrophy ensues.
Lebers optic neuropathy is caused by a point mutation at This connotes bilateral optic disc swelling from raised
codon 11778 in the mitochondrial gene encoding nicoti- intracranial pressure (Fig. 17-12). Headache is a frequent,
namide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase (NADH) but not invariable, accompaniment. All other forms of
subunit 4.Additional mutations responsible for the disease optic disc swelling, e.g., from optic neuritis or ischemic
have been identied, most in mitochondrial genes encod- optic neuropathy, should be called optic disc edema.
ing proteins involved in electron transport. Mitochondrial This convention is arbitrary but serves to avoid confusion.
mutations causing Lebers neuropathy are inherited from Often it is difcult to differentiate papilledema from other
the mother by all her children, but usually only sons forms of optic disc edema by fundus examination alone.
develop symptoms. There is no treatment. Transient visual obscurations are a classic symptom of
papilledema. They can occur in only one eye or simulta-
neously in both eyes. They usually last seconds but can
Toxic Optic Neuropathy
persist longer. Obscurations follow abrupt shifts in posture
This can result in acute visual loss with bilateral optic or happen spontaneously. When obscurations are pro-
disc swelling and central or cecocentral scotomas. Such longed or spontaneous, the papilledema is more threaten-
cases have been reported to result from exposure to ing. Visual acuity is not affected by papilledema unless
ethambutol, methyl alcohol (moonshine), ethylene glycol the papilledema is severe, long-standing, or accompanied
(antifreeze), or carbon monoxide. In toxic optic neuropathy, by macular edema and hemorrhage. Visual eld testing
shows enlarged blind spots and peripheral constriction the surface of the optic disc. However, in many patients
(Fig. 17-3F). With unremitting papilledema, peripheral they are hidden beneath the surface, producing pseudo-
visual eld loss progresses in an insidious fashion while papilledema. It is important to recognize optic disc drusen
the optic nerve develops atrophy. In this setting, reduction to avoid an unnecessary evaluation for papilledema.
of optic disc swelling is an ominous sign of a dying nerve Ultrasound or CT scanning is sensitive for detection of
rather than an encouraging indication of resolving buried optic disc drusen because they contain calcium.
papilledema. In most patients, optic disc drusen are an incidental,
Evaluation of papilledema requires neuroimaging innocuous nding, but they can produce visual obscura-
to exclude an intracranial lesion. MR angiography is tions. On perimetry they give rise to enlarged blind spots
appropriate in selected cases to search for a dural venous and arcuate scotomas from damage to the optic disc.With
sinus occlusion or an arteriovenous shunt. If neuroradio- increasing age, drusen tend to become more exposed on
logic studies are negative, the subarachnoid opening the disc surface as optic atrophy develops. Hemorrhage,
pressure should be measured by lumbar puncture. An choroidal neovascular membrane, and AION are more
elevated pressure, with normal cerebrospinal uid, points likely to occur in patients with optic disc drusen. No treat-
by exclusion to the diagnosis of pseudotumor cerebri (idio- ment is available.
pathic intracranial hypertension).The majority of patients
are young, female, and obese. Treatment with a carbonic Vitreous Degeneration
anhydrase inhibitor such as acetazolamide lowers intracra-
nial pressure by reducing the production of cerebrospinal This occurs in all individuals with advancing age, lead-
uid. Weight reduction is vital but often unsuccessful. If ing to visual symptoms. Opacities develop in the vitre-
acetazolamide and weight loss fail, and visual eld loss is ous, casting annoying shadows upon the retina. As the
progressive, a shunt should be performed without delay eye moves, these distracting oaters move synchro-
to prevent blindness. Occasionally, emergency surgery nously, with a slight lag caused by inertia of the vitreous
is required for sudden blindness caused by fulminant gel.Vitreous traction upon the retina causes mechanical
papilledema. stimulation, resulting in perception of ashing lights.
This photopsia is brief and conned to one eye, in con-
trast to the bilateral, prolonged scintillations of cortical
Optic Disc Drusen
migraine. Contraction of the vitreous can result in sud-
These are refractile deposits within the substance of the den separation from the retina, heralded by an alarming
optic nerve head (Fig. 17-13). They are unrelated to shower of oaters and photopsia.This process, known as
drusen of the retina, which occur in age-related macular vitreous detachment, is a frequent involutional event in the
degeneration. Optic disc drusen are most common in elderly. It is not harmful unless it damages the retina. A
people of northern European descent. Their diagnosis is careful examination of the dilated fundus is important in
obvious when they are visible as glittering particles upon any patient complaining of oaters or photopsia to
search for peripheral tears or holes. If such a lesion is Classic Migraine 183
found, laser application can forestall a retinal detach-
(See also Chap. 6) This usually occurs with a visual aura
ment. Occasionally a tear ruptures a retinal blood vessel,
lasting about 20 min. In a typical attack, a small central
causing vitreous hemorrhage and sudden loss of vision.
disturbance in the eld of vision marches toward the
On attempted ophthalmoscopy the fundus is hidden by
periphery, leaving a transient scotoma in its wake. The
a dark red haze of blood. Ultrasound is required to
expanding border of migraine scotoma has a scintillating,
examine the interior of the eye for a retinal tear or
dancing, or zig-zag edge, resembling the bastions of a
detachment. If the hemorrhage does not resolve sponta-
fortied city, hence the term fortication spectra. Patients
neously, the vitreous can be removed surgically.Vitreous
descriptions of fortication spectra vary widely and can
hemorrhage also occurs from the fragile neovascular
be confused with amaurosis fugax. Migraine patterns usu-
vessels that proliferate on the surface of the retina in
ally last longer and are perceived in both eyes, whereas
diabetes, sickle cell anemia, and other ischemic ocular
amaurosis fugax is briefer and occurs in only one eye.
Migraine phenomena also remain visible in the dark or
with the eyes closed. Generally they are conned to either
Retinal Detachment the right or left visual hemield, but sometimes both
Disorders of Vision
elds are involved simultaneously. Patients often have a
This produces symptoms of oaters, ashing lights, and a long history of stereotypic attacks. After the visual symp-
scotoma in the peripheral visual eld corresponding to toms recede, headache develops in most patients.
the detachment (Fig. 17-14). If the detachment
includes the fovea, there is an afferent pupil defect and Transient Ischemic Attacks
the visual acuity is reduced. In most eyes, retinal detach-
ment starts with a hole, ap, or tear in the peripheral Vertebrobasilar insufciency may result in acute
retina (rhegmatogenous retinal detachment). Patients homonymous visual symptoms. Many patients mistak-
with peripheral retinal thinning (lattice degeneration) enly describe symptoms in their left or right eye, when
are particularly vulnerable to this process. Once a break in fact they are occurring in the left or right hemield
has developed in the retina, liquied vitreous is free to of both eyes. Interruption of blood supply to the visual
enter the subretinal space, separating the retina from the cortex causes a sudden fogging or graying of vision,
pigment epithelium. The combination of vitreous trac- occasionally with ashing lights or other positive phe-
tion upon the retinal surface and passage of uid behind nomena that mimic migraine. Cortical ischemic attacks
the retina leads inexorably to detachment. Patients with are briefer in duration than migraine, occur in older
a history of myopia, trauma, or prior cataract extraction patients, and are not followed by headache.There may be
are at greatest risk for retinal detachment. The diagnosis associated signs of brainstem ischemia, such as diplopia,
is conrmed by ophthalmoscopic examination of the vertigo, numbness, weakness, or dysarthria.
dilated eye.
This occurs when interruption of blood supply from the
posterior cerebral artery to the visual cortex is pro-
longed. The only nding on examination is a homony-
mous visual eld defect that stops abruptly at the vertical
meridian. Occipital lobe stroke is usually due to throm-
botic occlusion of the vertebrobasilar system, embolus, or
dissection. Lobar hemorrhage, tumor, abscess, and arteri-
ovenous malformation are other common causes of hemi-
anopic cortical visual loss.
the slit lamp. vated. The cup-to-disc ratio is about 0.7/1.0 in this patient.
The only treatment for cataract is surgical extraction
of the opacied lens. Over a million cataract operations
are performed each year in the United States.The oper-
ation is generally done under local anesthesia on an out- and visual eld loss have intraocular pressures that appar-
patient basis. A plastic or silicone intraocular lens is ently never exceed the normal limit of 20 mm Hg (so-
placed within the empty lens capsule in the posterior called low-tension glaucoma).
chamber, substituting for the natural lens and leading to In acute angle-closure glaucoma, the eye is red and
rapid recovery of sight. More than 95% of patients who painful due to abrupt, severe elevation of intraocular
undergo cataract extraction can expect an improvement pressure. Such cases account for only a minority of glau-
in vision. In some patients, the lens capsule remaining in coma cases: most patients have open, anterior chamber
the eye after cataract extraction eventually turns cloudy, angles. The cause of raised intraocular pressure in open
causing secondary loss of vision. A small opening is angle glaucoma is unknown, but it is associated with
made in the lens capsule with a laser to restore clarity. gene mutations in the heritable forms.
Glaucoma is usually painless (except in angle-closure
Glaucoma glaucoma). Foveal acuity is spared until end-stage dis-
ease is reached. For these reasons, severe and irreversible
This is a slowly progressive, insidious optic neuropathy, damage can occur before either the patient or physician
usually associated with chronic elevation of intraocular recognizes the diagnosis. Screening of patients for glau-
pressure. In Americans of African descent it is the leading coma by noting the cup-to-disc ratio on ophthal-
cause of blindness. The mechanism whereby raised moscopy and by measuring intraocular pressure is vital.
intraocular pressure injures the optic nerve is not under- Glaucoma is treated with topical adrenergic agonists,
stood. Axons entering the inferotemporal and superotem- cholinergic agonists, beta blockers, and prostaglandin ana-
poral aspects of the optic disc are damaged rst, producing logues. Occasionally, systemic absorption of beta blocker
typical nerve ber bundle or arcuate scotomas on peri- from eye drops can be sufcient to cause side effects of
metric testing. As bers are destroyed, the neural rim of bradycardia, hypotension, heart block, bronchospasm, or
the optic disc shrinks and the physiologic cup within the depression.Topical or oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
optic disc enlarges (Fig. 17-15).This process is referred to are used to lower intraocular pressure by reducing
as pathologic cupping. The cup-to-disc diameter is aqueous production. Laser treatment of the trabecular
expressed as a ratio (e.g., 0.2/1). The cup-to-disc ratio meshwork in the anterior chamber angle improves
ranges widely in normal individuals, making it difcult to aqueous outow from the eye. If medical or laser treat-
diagnose glaucoma reliably simply by observing an unusu- ments fail to halt optic nerve damage from glaucoma, a
ally large or deep optic cup. Careful documentation of ser- lter must be constructed surgically (trabeculectomy) or
ial examinations is helpful. In the patient with physiologic a valve placed to release aqueous from the eye in a con-
cupping, the large cup remains stable, whereas in the trolled fashion.
patient with glaucoma it expands relentlessly over the
years. Detection of visual eld loss by computerized
Macular Degeneration
perimetry also contributes to the diagnosis. Finally, most
patients with glaucoma have raised intraocular pressure. This is a major cause of gradual, painless, bilateral central
However, many patients with typical glaucomatous cupping visual loss in the elderly. The old term, senile macular
degeneration, misinterpreted by many patients as an in age-related macular degeneration have not improved 185
unattering reference, has been replaced with age-related vision in most patients. However, outcomes have been
macular degeneration. It occurs in a nonexudative (dry) more encouraging for patients with choroidal neovascu-
form and an exudative (wet) form. Inammation may be lar membranes from ocular histoplasmosis syndrome.
important in both forms of macular degeneration; Major or repeated hemorrhage under the retina from
recent genetic data indicates that susceptibility is associ- neovascular membranes results in brosis, development
ated with variants in the gene for complement factor H, of a round (disciform) macular scar, and permanent loss
an inhibitor of the alternative complement pathway.The of central vision.
nonexudative process begins with the accumulation of
extracellular deposits, called drusen, underneath the reti- Central Serous Chorioretinopathy
nal pigment epithelium. On ophthalmoscopy, they are
pleomorphic but generally appear as small discrete This primarily affects men between 20 and 50 years of
yellow lesions clustered in the macula (Fig. 17-16). age. Leakage of serous uid from the choroid causes small,
With time they become larger, more numerous, and localized detachment of the retinal pigment epithelium
conuent.The retinal pigment epithelium becomes focally and the neurosensory retina. These detachments produce
detached and atrophic, causing visual loss by interfering acute or chronic symptoms of metamorphopsia and
Disorders of Vision
with photoreceptor function. Treatment with vitamins blurred vision when the macula is involved.They are dif-
C and E, beta carotene, and zinc may retard dry macular cult to visualize with a direct ophthalmoscope because
degeneration. the detached retina is transparent and only slightly ele-
Exudative macular degeneration, which develops in vated. Diagnosis of central serous chorioretinopathy is
only a minority of patients, occurs when neovascular made easily by uorescein angiography, which shows dye
vessels from the choroid grow through defects in streaming into the subretinal space. The cause of central
Bruchs membrane into the potential space beneath the serous chorioretinopathy is unknown. Symptoms may
retinal pigment epithelium. Leakage from these vessels resolve spontaneously if the retina reattaches, but recur-
produces elevation of the retina and pigment epithe- rent detachment is common. Laser photocoagulation has
lium, with distortion (metamorphopsia) and blurring of beneted some patients with this condition.
vision. Although onset of these symptoms is usually
gradual, bleeding from subretinal choroidal neovascular Diabetic Retinopathy
membranes sometimes causes acute visual loss.The neo-
vascular membranes can be difcult to see on fundus A rare disease until 1921, when the discovery of insulin
examination because they are beneath the retina. Fluo- resulted in a dramatic improvement in life expectancy
rescein or indocyanine green angiography is extremely for patients with diabetes mellitus, it is now a leading
useful for their detection. Neovascular membranes are cause of blindness in the United States. The retinopathy
treated with either photodynamic therapy or intraocular of diabetes takes years to develop but eventually appears
injection of vascular endothelial growth factor antago- in nearly all cases. Regular surveillance of the dilated
nists. Surgical attempts to remove subretinal membranes fundus is crucial for any patient with diabetes. In
advanced diabetic retinopathy, the proliferation of neovas-
cular vessels leads to blindness from vitreous hemorrhage,
retinal detachment, and glaucoma. These complications
can be avoided in most patients by administration of
panretinal laser photocoagulation at the appropriate point
in the evolution of the disease.
Retinitis Pigmentosa
This is a general term for a disparate group of rod and
cone dystrophies characterized by progressive night blind-
ness, visual eld constriction with a ring scotoma, loss of
acuity, and an abnormal electroretinogram (ERG). It
occurs sporadically or in an autosomal recessive, domi-
nant, or X-linked pattern. Irregular black deposits of
clumped pigment in the peripheral retina, called bone
FIGURE 17-16 spicules because of their vague resemblance to the spicules
Age-related macular degeneration begins with the accu- of cancellous bone, give the disease its name (Fig. 17-17).
mulation of drusen within the macula. They appear as scat- The name is actually a misnomer because retinitis pig-
tered yellow subretinal deposits. mentosa is not an inammatory process. Most cases are
atrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium, making the vascu- the fovea.
lature of the choroid easily visible.
due to a mutation in the gene for rhodopsin, the rod and loss of vision. A small melanoma is often difcult to
photopigment, or in the gene for peripherin, a glycopro- differentiate from a benign choroidal nevus. Serial exam-
tein located in photoreceptor outer segments.Vitamin A inations are required to document a malignant pattern of
(15,000 IU/day) slightly retards the deterioration of the growth.Treatment of melanoma is controversial. Options
ERG in patients with retinitis pigmentosa but has no include enucleation, local resection, and irradiation.
benecial effect on visual acuity or elds. Some forms of Metastatic tumors to the eye outnumber primary tumors.
retinitis pigmentosa occur in association with rare, hered- Breast and lung carcinoma have a special propensity to
itary systemic diseases (olivopontocerebellar degenera- spread to the choroid or iris. Leukemia and lymphoma
tion, Bassen-Kornzweig disease, Kearns-Sayre syndrome, also commonly invade ocular tissues. Sometimes their
Refsums disease). Chronic treatment with chloroquine, only sign on eye examination is cellular debris in the vit-
hydroxychloroquine, and phenothiazines (especially thior- reous, which can masquerade as a chronic posterior
idazine) can produce visual loss from a toxic retinopathy uveitis. Retrobulbar tumor of the optic nerve (meningioma,
that resembles retinitis pigmentosa. glioma) or chiasmal tumor (pituitary adenoma, menin-
gioma) produces gradual visual loss with few objective
Epiretinal Membrane ndings, except for optic disc pallor. Rarely, sudden
expansion of a pituitary adenoma from infarction and
This is a brocellular tissue that grows across the inner bleeding (pituitary apoplexy) causes acute retrobulbar visual
surface of the retina, causing metamorphopsia and loss, with headache, nausea, and ocular motor nerve
reduced visual acuity from distortion of the macula. A palsies. In any patient with visual eld loss or optic atro-
crinkled, cellophane-like membrane is visible on the phy, CT or MR scanning should be considered if the
retinal examination. Epiretinal membrane is most com- cause remains unknown after careful review of the his-
mon in patients older than 50 years and is usually unilat- tory and thorough examination of the eye.
eral. Most cases are idiopathic, but some occur as a result
of hypertensive retinopathy, diabetes, retinal detachment,
or trauma. When visual acuity is reduced to the level of PROPTOSIS
about 6/24 (20/80), vitrectomy and surgical peeling of
the membrane to relieve macular puckering are recom- When the globes appear asymmetric, the clinician must
mended. Contraction of an epiretinal membrane some- rst decide which eye is abnormal. Is one eye recessed
times gives rise to a macular hole. Most macular holes, within the orbit (enophthalmos) or is the other eye protu-
however, are caused by local vitreous traction within the berant (exophthalmos, or proptosis)? A small globe or a
fovea.Vitrectomy can improve acuity in selected cases. Horners syndrome can give the appearance of enoph-
thalmos. True enophthalmos occurs commonly after
trauma, from atrophy of retrobulbar fat, or fracture of
Melanoma and Other Tumors
the orbital oor. The position of the eyes within the
Melanoma is the most common primary tumor of the eye orbits is measured using a Hertel exophthalmometer, a
(Fig. 17-18). It causes photopsia, an enlarging scotoma, hand-held instrument that records the position of the
anterior corneal surface relative to the lateral orbital rim. blindness, septic cavernous sinus thrombosis, and menin- 187
If this instrument is not available, relative eye position gitis. To avert this disaster, orbital cellulitis should be
can be judged by bending the patients head forward and managed aggressively in the early stages, with immediate
looking down upon the orbits. A proptosis of only 2 mm imaging of the orbits and antibiotic therapy that
in one eye is detectable from this perspective.The devel- includes coverage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
opment of proptosis implies a space-occupying lesion in aureus. Prompt surgical drainage of an orbital abscess or
the orbit, and usually warrants CT or MR imaging. paranasal sinusitis is indicated if optic nerve function
deteriorates despite antibiotics.
Graves Ophthalmopathy
This is the leading cause of proptosis in adults.The prop- Tumors
tosis is often asymmetric and can even appear to be uni- Tumors of the orbit cause painless, progressive proptosis.
lateral. Orbital inammation and engorgement of the The most common primary tumors are hemangioma,
extraocular muscles, particularly the medial rectus and the lymphangioma, neurobroma, dermoid cyst, adenoid
inferior rectus, account for the protrusion of the globe. cystic carcinoma, optic nerve glioma, optic nerve menin-
Corneal exposure, lid retraction, conjunctival injection, gioma, and benign mixed tumor of the lacrimal gland.
Disorders of Vision
restriction of gaze, diplopia, and visual loss from optic Metastatic tumor to the orbit occurs frequently in breast
nerve compression are cardinal symptoms. Graves oph- carcinoma, lung carcinoma, and lymphoma. Diagnosis
thalmopathy is treated with oral prednisone (60 mg/d) for by ne-needle aspiration followed by urgent radiation
1 month, followed by a taper over several months, topical therapy can sometimes preserve vision.
lubricants, eyelid surgery, eye muscle surgery, or orbital
decompression. Radiation therapy is not effective.
Carotid Cavernous Fistulas
Orbital Pseudotumor With anterior drainage through the orbit these produce
proptosis, diplopia, glaucoma, and corkscrew, arterialized
This is an idiopathic, inammatory orbital syndrome, fre- conjunctival vessels. Direct stulas usually result from
quently confused with Graves ophthalmopathy. Symptoms trauma. They are easily diagnosed because of the promi-
are pain, limited eye movements, proptosis, and congestion. nent signs produced by high-ow, high-pressure shunting.
Evaluation for sarcoidosis, Wegeners granulomatosis, and Indirect stulas, or dural arteriovenous malformations, are
other types of orbital vasculitis or collagen-vascular disease more likely to occur spontaneously, especially in older
is negative. Imaging often shows swollen eye muscles women. The signs are more subtle and the diagnosis is
(orbital myositis) with enlarged tendons. By contrast, in frequently missed. The combination of slight proptosis,
Graves ophthalmopathy the tendons of the eye muscles are diplopia, enlarged muscles, and an injected eye is often
usually spared.The Tolosa-Hunt syndrome may be regarded mistaken for thyroid ophthalmopathy. A bruit heard upon
as an extension of orbital pseudotumor through the supe- auscultation of the head, or reported by the patient, is a
rior orbital ssure into the cavernous sinus. The diagnosis valuable diagnostic clue. Imaging shows an enlarged supe-
of orbital pseudotumor is difcult. Biopsy of the orbit fre- rior ophthalmic vein in the orbits. Carotid cavernous
quently yields nonspecic evidence of fat inltration by shunts can be eliminated by intravascular embolization.
lymphocytes, plasma cells, and eosinophils. A dramatic
response to a therapeutic trial of systemic glucocorticoids
indirectly provides the best conrmation of the diagnosis. PTOSIS
Orbital Cellulitis
This is an abnormal drooping of the eyelid. Unilateral or
This causes pain, lid erythema, proptosis, conjunctival bilateral ptosis can be congenital, from dysgenesis of the
chemosis, restricted motility, decreased acuity, afferent levator palpebrae superioris, or from abnormal insertion
pupillary defect, fever, and leukocytosis. It often arises of its aponeurosis into the eyelid. Acquired ptosis can
from the paranasal sinuses, especially by contiguous develop so gradually that the patient is unaware of the
spread of infection from the ethmoid sinus through the problem. Inspection of old photographs is helpful in
lamina papyracea of the medial orbit. A history of recent dating the onset. A history of prior trauma, eye surgery,
upper respiratory tract infection, chronic sinusitis, thick contact lens use, diplopia, systemic symptoms (e.g., dys-
mucous secretions, or dental disease is signicant in any phagia or peripheral muscle weakness), or a family his-
patient with suspected orbital cellulitis. Blood cultures tory of ptosis should be sought. Fluctuating ptosis that
should be obtained, but they are usually negative. Most worsens late in the day is typical of myasthenia gravis.
patients respond to empirical therapy with broad- Examination should focus upon evidence for proptosis,
spectrum IV antibiotics. Occasionally, orbital cellulitis eyelid masses or deformities, inammation, pupil
follows an overwhelming course, with massive proptosis, inequality, or limitation of motility. The width of the
188 palpebral ssures is measured in primary gaze to quanti- limitation of adduction, elevation, and depression, a
tate the degree of ptosis. The ptosis will be underesti- pupil-sparing oculomotor nerve palsy is likely (see next
mated if the patient compensates by lifting the brow section). Rarely, a lesion affecting the small, central sub-
with the frontalis muscle. nucleus of the oculomotor complex will cause bilateral
ptosis with normal eye movements and pupils.
Mechanical Ptosis
This occurs in many elderly patients from stretching and
redundancy of eyelid skin and subcutaneous fat (derma- The rst point to clarify is whether diplopia persists in
tochalasis). The extra weight of these sagging tissues either eye after covering the opposite eye. If it does, the
causes the lid to droop. Enlargement or deformation of diagnosis is monocular diplopia. The cause is usually
the eyelid from infection, tumor, trauma, or inamma- intrinsic to the eye and therefore has no dire implica-
tion also results in ptosis on a purely mechanical basis. tions for the patient. Corneal aberrations (e.g., kerato-
conus, pterygium), uncorrected refractive error, cataract,
or foveal traction may give rise to monocular diplopia.
Aponeurotic Ptosis Occasionally it is a symptom of malingering or psychi-
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
This is an acquired dehiscence or stretching of the atric disease. Diplopia alleviated by covering one eye is
aponeurotic tendon, which connects the levator muscle binocular diplopia and is caused by disruption of ocular
to the tarsal plate of the eyelid. It occurs commonly in alignment. Inquiry should be made into the nature of
older patients, presumably from loss of connective tissue the double vision (purely side-by-side versus partial ver-
elasticity. Aponeurotic ptosis is also a frequent sequela of tical displacement of images), mode of onset, duration,
eyelid swelling from infection or blunt trauma to the intermittency, diurnal variation, and associated neuro-
orbit, cataract surgery, or hard contact lens usage. logic or systemic symptoms. If the patient has diplopia
while being examined, motility testing should reveal a
deciency corresponding to the patients symptoms.
Myogenic Ptosis However, subtle limitation of ocular excursions is often
The causes of myogenic ptosis include myasthenia gravis difcult to detect. For example, a patient with a slight
(Chap. 42) and a number of rare myopathies that mani- left abducens nerve paresis may appear to have full eye
fest with ptosis. The term chronic progressive external oph- movements, despite a complaint of horizontal diplopia
thalmoplegia refers to a spectrum of systemic diseases upon looking to the left. In this situation, the cover test
caused by mutations of mitochondrial DNA. As the provides a more sensitive method for demonstrating the
name implies, the most prominent ndings are symmet- ocular misalignment. It should be conducted in primary
ric, slowly progressive ptosis and limitation of eye move- gaze, and then with the head turned and tilted in each
ments. In general, diplopia is a late symptom because all direction. In the above example, a cover test with the
eye movements are reduced equally. In the Kearns-Sayre head turned to the right will maximize the xation shift
variant, retinal pigmentary changes and abnormalities of evoked by the cover test.
cardiac conduction develop. Peripheral muscle biopsy Occasionally, a cover test performed in an asympto-
shows characteristic ragged-red bers. Oculopharyngeal matic patient during a routine examination will reveal
dystrophy is a distinct autosomal dominant disease with an ocular deviation. If the eye movements are full and
onset in middle age, characterized by ptosis, limited eye the ocular misalignment is equal in all directions of gaze
movements, and trouble swallowing. Myotonic dystrophy, (concomitant deviation), the diagnosis is strabismus. In
another autosomal dominant disorder, causes ptosis, this condition, which affects about 1% of the popula-
ophthalmoparesis, cataract, and pigmentary retinopathy. tion, fusion is disrupted in infancy or early childhood.
Patients have muscle wasting, myotonia, frontal balding, To avoid diplopia, vision is suppressed from the nonx-
and cardiac abnormalities. ating eye. In some children, this leads to impaired vision
(amblyopia, or lazy eye) in the deviated eye.
Binocular diplopia occurs from a wide range of
Neurogenic Ptosis
processes: infectious, neoplastic, metabolic, degenerative,
This results from a lesion affecting the innervation to inammatory, and vascular. One must decide if the diplopia
either of the two muscles that open the eyelid: Mllers is neurogenic in origin or due to restriction of globe rota-
muscle or the levator palpebrae superioris. Examination tion by local disease in the orbit. Orbital pseudotumor,
of the pupil helps to distinguish between these two pos- myositis, infection, tumor, thyroid disease, and muscle
sibilities. In Horners syndrome, the eye with ptosis has a entrapment (e.g., from a blowout fracture) cause restrictive
smaller pupil and the eye movements are full. In an ocu- diplopia.The diagnosis of restriction is usually made by rec-
lomotor nerve palsy, the eye with the ptosis has a larger, ognizing other associated signs and symptoms of local
or a normal, pupil. If the pupil is normal but there is orbital disease in conjunction with imaging.
Myasthenia Gravis to the red nucleus results in ipsilateral oculomotor palsy 189
and contralateral tremor, chorea, and athetosis. Claudes
(See Chap. 42) This is a major cause of diplopia. The
syndrome incorporates features of both the aforemen-
diplopia is often intermittent, variable, and not conned
tioned syndromes, by injury to both the red nucleus and
to any single ocular motor nerve distribution.The pupils
the superior cerebellar peduncle. Finally, in Webers syn-
are always normal. Fluctuating ptosis may be present.
drome, injury to the cerebral peduncle causes ipsilateral
Many patients have a purely ocular form of the disease,
oculomotor palsy with contralateral hemiparesis.
with no evidence of systemic muscular weakness. The
In the subarachnoid space the oculomotor nerve is
diagnosis can be conrmed by an IV edrophonium
vulnerable to aneurysm, meningitis, tumor, infarction,
injection or by an assay for antiacetylcholine receptor
and compression. In cerebral herniation the nerve
antibodies. Negative results from these tests do not
becomes trapped between the edge of the tentorium
exclude the diagnosis. Botulism from food or wound
and the uncus of the temporal lobe. Oculomotor palsy
poisoning can mimic ocular myasthenia.
can also occur from midbrain torsion and hemorrhages
After restrictive orbital disease and myasthenia gravis
during herniation. In the cavernous sinus, oculomotor
are excluded, a lesion of a cranial nerve supplying inner-
palsy arises from carotid aneurysm, carotid cavernous s-
vation to the extraocular muscles is the most likely cause
tula, cavernous sinus thrombosis, tumor (pituitary ade-
Disorders of Vision
of binocular diplopia.
noma, meningioma, metastasis), herpes zoster infection,
and the Tolosa-Hunt syndrome.
Oculomotor Nerve The etiology of an isolated, pupil-sparing oculomotor
palsy often remains an enigma, even after neuroimaging
The third cranial nerve innervates the medial, inferior, and extensive laboratory testing. Most cases are thought
and superior recti; inferior oblique; levator palpebrae to result from microvascular infarction of the nerve,
superioris; and the iris sphincter. Total palsy of the ocu- somewhere along its course from the brainstem to the
lomotor nerve causes ptosis, a dilated pupil, and leaves orbit. Usually the patient complains of pain. Diabetes,
the eye down and out because of the unopposed hypertension, and vascular disease are major risk factors.
action of the lateral rectus and superior oblique. This Spontaneous recovery over a period of months is the
combination of ndings is obvious. More challenging is rule. If this fails to occur, or if new ndings develop, the
the diagnosis of early or partial oculomotor nerve palsy. diagnosis of microvascular oculomotor nerve palsy
In this setting, any combination of ptosis, pupil dilation, should be reconsidered. Aberrant regeneration is com-
and weakness of the eye muscles supplied by the oculo- mon when the oculomotor nerve is injured by trauma or
motor nerve may be encountered. Frequent serial exam- compression (tumor, aneurysm). Miswiring of sprouting
inations during the evolving phase of the palsy help bers to the levator muscle and the rectus muscles results
ensure that the diagnosis is not missed.The advent of an in elevation of the eyelid upon downgaze or adduction.
oculomotor nerve palsy with a pupil involvement, espe- The pupil also constricts upon attempted adduction, ele-
cially when accompanied by pain, suggests a compressive vation, or depression of the globe. Aberrant regeneration
lesion, such as a tumor or circle of Willis aneurysm. is not seen after oculomotor palsy from microvascular
Neuroimaging should be obtained, along with a CT or infarct and hence vitiates that diagnosis.
MR angiogram. Occasionally, a catheter arteriogram must
be done to exclude an aneurysm.
Trochlear Nerve
A lesion of the oculomotor nucleus in the rostral
midbrain produces signs that differ from those caused by The fourth cranial nerve originates in the midbrain, just
a lesion of the nerve itself. There is bilateral ptosis caudal to the oculomotor nerve complex. Fibers exit the
because the levator muscle is innervated by a single cen- brainstem dorsally and cross to innervate the contralat-
tral subnucleus.There is also weakness of the contralateral eral superior oblique.The principal actions of this muscle
superior rectus, because it is supplied by the oculomotor are to depress and to intort the globe. A palsy therefore
nucleus on the other side. Occasionally both superior results in hypertropia and excyclotorsion. The cyclotor-
recti are weak. Isolated nuclear oculomotor palsy is rare. sion is seldom noticed by patients. Instead, they complain
Usually neurologic examination reveals additional signs to of vertical diplopia, especially upon reading or looking
suggest brainstem damage from infarction, hemorrhage, down.The vertical diplopia is also exacerbated by tilting
tumor, or infection. the head toward the side with the muscle palsy, and alle-
Injury to structures surrounding fascicles of the ocu- viated by tilting it away.This head tilt test is a cardinal
lomotor nerve descending through the midbrain has diagnostic feature.
given rise to a number of classic eponymic designations. Isolated trochlear nerve palsy occurs from all the causes
In Nothnagels syndrome, injury to the superior cerebellar listed above for the oculomotor nerve, except aneurysm.
peduncle causes ipsilateral oculomotor palsy and con- The trochlear nerve is particularly apt to suffer injury
tralateral cerebellar ataxia. In Benedikts syndrome, injury after closed head trauma.The free edge of the tentorium
190 is thought to impinge upon the nerve during a concussive As mentioned above for isolated trochlear or oculomo-
blow. Most isolated trochlear nerve palsies are idiopathic tor palsy, most cases are assumed to represent microvas-
and hence diagnosed by exclusion as microvascular. cular infarcts because they often occur in the setting of
Spontaneous improvement occurs over a period of diabetes or other vascular risk factors. Some cases may
months in most patients. A base-down prism (conve- develop as a postinfectious mononeuritis (e.g., following
niently applied to the patients glasses as a stick-on Fresnel a viral u). Patching one eye or applying a temporary
lens) may serve as a temporary measure to alleviate prism will provide relief of diplopia until the palsy
diplopia. If the palsy does not resolve, the eyes can be resolves. If recovery is incomplete, eye muscle surgery can
realigned by weakening the inferior oblique muscle. nearly always realign the eyes, at least in primary posi-
tion. A patient with an abducens palsy that fails to
lesions produce Balints syndrome, characterized by
impaired eye-hand coordination (optic ataxia), difculty
initiating voluntary eye movements (ocular apraxia), and
visuospatial disorientation (simultanagnosia).
Horizontal Gaze
Disorders of Vision
Descending cortical inputs mediating horizontal gaze
ultimately converge at the level of the pons. Neurons in
the paramedian pontine reticular formation are respon-
sible for controlling conjugate gaze toward the same
side. They project directly to the ipsilateral abducens
nucleus. A lesion of either the paramedian pontine retic-
ular formation or the abducens nucleus causes an ipsilat-
eral conjugate gaze palsy. Lesions at either locus produce
nearly identical clinical syndromes, with the following
exception: vestibular stimulation (oculocephalic maneu-
ver or caloric irrigation) will succeed in driving the eyes
conjugately to the side in a patient with a lesion of the
paramedian pontine reticular formation, but not in a
patient with a lesion of the abducens nucleus.
Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
This results from damage to the medial longitudinal fas-
ciculus ascending from the abducens nucleus in the pons
to the oculomotor nucleus in the midbrain (hence,
internuclear). Damage to bers carrying the conju-
gate signal from abducens interneurons to the contralat-
eral medial rectus motoneurons results in a failure of
adduction on attempted lateral gaze. For example, a
patient with a left internuclear ophthalmoplegia will
have slowed or absent adducting movements of the left
eye (Fig. 17-19). A patient with bilateral injury to the
medial longitudinal fasciculus will have bilateral inter-
nuclear ophthalmoplegia. Multiple sclerosis is the most
common cause, although tumor, stroke, trauma, or any
brainstem process may be responsible. One-and-a-half
syndrome is due to a combined lesion of the medial lon-
gitudinal fasciculus and the abducens nucleus on the FIGURE 17-19
same side.The patients only horizontal eye movement is Left internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO). A. In primary posi-
abduction of the eye on the other side. tion of gaze the eyes appear normal. B. Horizontal gaze to the
left is intact. C. On attempted horizontal gaze to the right, the
left eye fails to adduct. In mildly affected patients the eye may
Vertical Gaze
adduct partially, or more slowly than normal. Nystagmus is
This is controlled at the level of the midbrain.The neu- usually present in the abducted eye. D. T2-weighted axial MRI
ronal circuits affected in disorders of vertical gaze are image through the pons showing a demyelinating plaque in
not fully elucidated, but lesions of the rostral interstitial the left medial longitudinal fasciculus (arrow).
192 nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus and the Gaze-Evoked Nystagmus
interstitial nucleus of Cajal cause supranuclear paresis of This is the most common form of jerk nystagmus.
upgaze, downgaze, or all vertical eye movements. Distal When the eyes are held eccentrically in the orbits, they
basilar artery ischemia is the most common etiology. have a natural tendency to drift back to primary posi-
Skew deviation refers to a vertical misalignment of the tion. The subject compensates by making a corrective
eyes, usually constant in all positions of gaze.The nding saccade to maintain the deviated eye position. Many
has poor localizing value because skew deviation has normal patients have mild gaze-evoked nystagmus.
been reported after lesions in widespread regions of the Exaggerated gaze-evoked nystagmus can be induced by
brainstem and cerebellum. drugs (sedatives, anticonvulsants, alcohol); muscle paresis;
Anil K. Lalwani
Cribriform Olfaction. Olfactory sensory neurons (bipolar cells)
plate are embedded in a small area of specialized
epithelium Olfactory epithelium in the dorsal posterior recess of the
of neuropil, termed glomeruli, in the olfactory bulb. acetylcholine receptors; and neurotransmitter receptors
Olfactory ensheathing cells, which have features resem- for dopamine, serotonin, and substance P. In humans,
bling glia of both the central and peripheral nervous sys- there are 3001000 olfactory receptor genes belonging
tems, surround the axons along their course. The to 20 different families located in clusters at >25 differ-
glomeruli are the focus of a high degree of convergence ent chromosomal locations. Each olfactory neuron
of information, since many more bers enter than leave expresses only one or, at most, a few receptor genes, thus
them. The main second-order neurons are mitral cells. providing the molecular basis of odor discrimination.
The primary dendrite of each mitral cell extends into a Bipolar cells that express similar receptors appear to be
single glomerulus. Axons of the mitral cells project along scattered across discrete spatial zones. These similar cells
with the axons of adjacent tufted cells to the limbic sys- converge on a select few glomeruli in the olfactory
tem, including the anterior olfactory nucleus and the bulb. The result is a potential spatial map of how we
amygdala. Cognitive awareness of smell requires stimula- receive odor stimuli, much like the tonotopic organiza-
tion of the prepiriform cortex or amygdaloid nuclei. tion of how we perceive sound.
A secondary site of olfactory chemosensation is
located in the epithelium of the vomeronasal organ, a
tubular structure that opens on the ventral aspect of the DISORDERS OF THE SENSE OF SMELL
nasal septum. In humans, this structure is rudimentary These are caused by conditions that interfere with the
and nonfunctional, without central projections. Sensory access of the odorant to the olfactory neuroepithelium
neurons located in the vomeronasal organ detect (transport loss), injure the receptor region (sensory loss),
pheromones, nonvolatile chemical signals that in lower or damage central olfactory pathways (neural loss). Cur-
mammals trigger innate and stereotyped reproductive rently no clinical tests exist to differentiate these differ-
and social behaviors, as well as neuroendocrine changes. ent types of olfactory losses. Fortunately, the history of
The sensation of smell begins with introduction of an the disease provides important clues to the cause. The
odorant to the cilia of the bipolar neuron. Most odor- leading causes of olfactory disorders are summarized in
ants are hydrophobic; as they move from the air phase of Table 18-1; the most common etiologies are head
the nasal cavity to the aqueous phase of the olfactory trauma in children and young adults, and viral infections
mucous, they are transported toward the cilia by small in older adults.
water-soluble proteins called odorant-binding proteins and Head trauma is followed by unilateral or bilateral
reversibly bind to receptors on the cilia surface. Binding impairment of smell in up to 15% of cases; anosmia is
leads to conformational changes in the receptor protein, more common than hyposmia. Olfactory dysfunction is
activation of G proteincoupled second messengers, and more common when trauma is associated with loss of
generation of action potentials in the primary neurons. consciousness, moderately severe head injury (grades
Intensity appears to be coded by the amount of ring in IIV), and skull fracture. Frontal injuries and fractures
the afferent neurons. disrupt the cribriform plate and olfactory axons that
Olfactory receptor proteins belong to the large family perforate it. Sometimes there is an associated cere-
of G proteincoupled receptors that also includes brospinal uid (CSF) rhinorrhea resulting from a tearing
rhodopsins; - and -adrenergic receptors; muscarinic of the dura overlying the cribriform plate and paranasal
TABLE 18-1 disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and multiple sclerosis. 195
CAUSES OF OLFACTORY DYSFUNCTION In Alzheimers and Parkinsons, olfactory loss may be the
rst clinical sign of the disease. In Parkinsons disease, bilat-
Transport Losses Neural Losses
Allergic rhinitis AIDS
eral olfactory decits occur more commonly than the car-
Bacterial rhinitis and sinusitis Alcoholism dinal signs of the disorder such as tremor. In multiple scle-
Congenital abnormalities Alzheimers disease rosis, olfactory loss is related to lesions visible by MRI, in
Nasal neoplasms Cigarette smoke olfactory processing areas in the temporal and frontal lobes.
Nasal polyps Depression Dysosmia, subjective distortions of olfactory percep-
Nasal septal deviation Diabetes mellitus tion, may occur with intranasal diseases that partially
Nasal surgery Drugs/toxins impair smell or during recovery from a neurogenic
Viral infections Huntingtons chorea
Sensory Losses Hypothyroidism
anosmia. Most dysosmic disorders consist of disagreeable
Drugs Kallmann syndrome odors, sometimes accompanied by distortions of taste.
Neoplasms Malnutrition Dysosmia also can occur with depression.
Radiation therapy Neoplasms
Toxin exposure Neurosurgery
Viral infections Parkinsons disease
fossa, nasal cavity, or paranasal sinuses; or unsuspected ing the amount of salt in their diet.
fractures of the anterior cranial fossa. Bone abnormal-
ities are best seen with CT. MRI is the most sensitive
method to visualize olfactory bulbs, ventricles, and
other soft tissue of the brain. Coronal CT is optimal
for assessing cribriform plate, anterior cranial fossa,
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
Serous always respond to a number of different chemicals. As
gland with olfaction and other sensory systems, intensity
Foliate appears to be encoded by the quantity of neural activity.
The sense of taste is mediated through the facial,
Taste glossopharyngeal, and vagal nerves. The chorda tympani
bud branch of the facial nerve subserves taste from the ante-
rior two-thirds of the tongue.The posterior third of the
Candidiasis disorders
Drugs (antithyroid and Trauma
monly used reagents for taste testing are sucrose, citric
antineoplastic) Upper respiratory tract acid or hydrochloric acid, caffeine or quinine (sulfate
Endocrine disorders infections or hydrochloride), and sodium chloride. The taste
Oral neoplasms stimuli should be freshly prepared and have similar
Pemphigus viscosity. For quantication, detection thresholds are
Radiation therapy obtained by applying graduated dilutions to the
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei, trapezoid body, superior
(Fig. 18-3) The function of the external and middle ear olivary complex, lateral lemniscus, inferior colliculus,
is to amplify sound to facilitate mechanotransduction by medial geniculate body, and auditory cortex. At low fre-
hair cells in the inner ear. Sound waves enter the exter- quencies, individual auditory nerve bers can respond
nal auditory canal and set the tympanic membrane in more or less synchronously with the stimulating tone. At
motion, which in turn moves the malleus, incus, and higher frequencies, phase-locking occurs so that neurons
stapes of the middle ear. Movement of the footplate of alternate in response to particular phases of the cycle of the
External Tympanic
acoustic membrane Vestibule Oval
canal window
Eustachian tube
Lobe window Cochlear
A External ear B
Ear anatomy. A. Drawing of modied coronal section through and inner ear demonstrated. B. High-resolution view of
external ear and temporal bone, with structures of the middle inner ear.
200 Nearly 100 loci harboring genes for nonsyndromic factors (POU3F4, POU4F3), ion channels (KCNQ4,
HHI have been mapped, with equal numbers of domi- SLC26A4), and gap junction proteins (GJB2, GJB3,
nant and recessive modes of inheritance; numerous genes GJB6). Several of these genes, including connexin 26
have now been cloned (Table 18-3). The hearing genes (GJB2),TECTA, and TMC1, cause both autosomal dom-
fall into the categories of structural proteins (MYH9, inant and recessive forms of nonsyndromic HHI. In gen-
MYO7A, MYO15, TECTA, DIAPH1), transcription eral, the hearing loss associated with dominant genes has
TABLE 18-3
Autosomal Dominant
CRYM Thyroid hormone binding protein
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
Jews; ~1 in 1765 individuals in this population are DISORDERS OF THE SENSE OF HEARING
homozygous and affected.The hearing loss can also vary
among the members of the same family, suggesting that Hearing loss can result from disorders of the auricle,
other genes or factors inuence the auditory phenotype. external auditory canal, middle ear, inner ear, or central
The contribution of genetics to presbycusis (see auditory pathways (Fig. 18-4). In general, lesions in the
later) is also becoming better understood. In addition to auricle, external auditory canal, or middle ear cause conductive
GJB2, several other nonsyndromic genes are associated hearing losses, whereas lesions in the inner ear or eighth nerve
TABLE 18-4
Otosclerosis AOM Stapes gusher AOM Cerebellopontine
Cerumen SOM syndrome* TM perforation* angle
impaction TM perforation* Inner ear Cholesteatoma* CNS Inner ear
Ossicular Eustachian tube malformation* Temporal bone Stroke malformation*
fixation dysfunction Otosclerosis trauma* Trauma* Presbycusis
Cholesteatoma* Cerumen Temporal bone Middle ear tumors* Noise exposure
Temporal bone impaction trauma* glomus MRI/BAER Radiation therapy
trauma* Cholesteatoma* tympanicum
Temporal bone glomus jugulare
trauma* normal abnormal
Middle ear tumor*
Endolymphatic hydrops Labyrinthitis*
Labyrinthitis* Inner ear malformations*
Perilymphatic fistula* Cerebellopontine angle tumors
Radiation therapy Arachnoid cyst; facial nerve tumor;
lipoma; meningioma; vestibular
Multiple sclerosis
An algorithm for the approach to hearing loss. HL, hear- membrane; SOM, serous otitis media; AOM, acute otitis
ing loss; SNHL, sensorineural hearing loss; TM, tympanic media; *, CT scan of temporal bone; , MRI scan.
inner-ear malformations may present as conductive impairment usually presents between the late teens to
hearing loss beginning in adulthood. the forties. In women, the otosclerotic process is acceler-
Cholesteatoma, stratied squamous epithelium in the ated during pregnancy, and the hearing loss is often rst
middle ear or mastoid, occurs frequently in adults.This is noticeable at this time. A hearing aid or a simple outpa-
a benign, slowly growing lesion that destroys bone and tient surgical procedure (stapedectomy) can provide ade-
normal ear tissue. Theories of pathogenesis include trau- quate auditory rehabilitation. Extension of otosclerosis
matic implantation and invasion, immigration and inva- beyond the stapes footplate to involve the cochlea
sion through a perforation, and metaplasia following (cochlear otosclerosis) can lead to mixed or sensorineural
chronic infection and irritation. On examination, there is hearing loss. Fluoride therapy to prevent hearing loss
often a perforation of the tympanic membrane lled with from cochlear otosclerosis is of uncertain value.
cheesy white squamous debris. A chronically draining ear Eustachian tube dysfunction is extremely common in
that fails to respond to appropriate antibiotic therapy adults and may predispose to acute otitis media (AOM)
should raise suspicion of a cholesteatoma. Conductive or serous otitis media (SOM). Trauma, AOM, or chronic
hearing loss secondary to ossicular erosion is common. otitis media are the usual factors responsible for tympanic
Surgery is required to remove this destructive process. membrane perforation. While small perforations often
Conductive hearing loss with a normal ear canal and heal spontaneously, larger defects usually require surgical
intact tympanic membrane suggests ossicular pathology. intervention.Tympanoplasty is highly effective (>90%) in
Fixation of the stapes from otosclerosis is a common cause the repair of tympanic membrane perforations. Otoscopy
of low-frequency conductive hearing loss. It occurs equally is usually sufcient to diagnose AOM, SOM, chronic
in men and women and is inherited as an autosomal otitis media, cerumen impaction, tympanic membrane
dominant trait with incomplete penetrance. Hearing perforation, and eustachian tube dysfunction.
Sensorineural Hearing Loss Unfortunately, there is no effective therapy for hearing 203
loss, tinnitus, or aural fullness from Mnires disease.
Damage to the hair cells of the organ of Corti may be Sensorineural hearing loss may also result from any
caused by intense noise, viral infections, ototoxic drugs neoplastic, vascular, demyelinating, infectious, or degen-
(e.g., salicylates, quinine and its synthetic analogues, erative disease or trauma affecting the central auditory
aminoglycoside antibiotics, loop diuretics such as pathways. HIV leads to both peripheral and central
furosemide and ethacrynic acid, and cancer chemothera- auditory system pathology and is associated with sen-
peutic agents such as cisplatin), fractures of the temporal sorineural hearing impairment.
bone, meningitis, cochlear otosclerosis (see earlier), A nding of conductive and sensory hearing loss in
Mnires disease, and aging. Congenital malformations
combination is termed mixed hearing loss. Mixed hearing
of the inner ear may be the cause of hearing loss in losses are due to pathology of both the middle and inner
some adults. Genetic predisposition alone or in concert ear, as can occur in otosclerosis involving the ossicles and the
with environmental exposures may also be responsible. cochlea, head trauma, chronic otitis media, cholesteatoma,
Presbycusis (age-associated hearing loss) is the most middle ear tumors, and some inner ear malformations.
common cause of sensorineural hearing loss in adults. In Trauma resulting in temporal bone fractures may be
the early stages, it is characterized by symmetric, gentle associated with conductive, sensorineural, or mixed
history of hearing impairment may also be important.A the air-conduction stimulus. For the Weber test, the
sudden onset of unilateral hearing loss, with or without stem of a vibrating tuning fork is placed on the head
tinnitus, may represent a viral infection of the inner ear in the midline and the patient asked whether the tone
or a stroke. Patients with unilateral hearing loss (sensory is heard in both ears or better in one ear than in the
or conductive) usually complain of reduced hearing, other. With a unilateral conductive hearing loss, the
poor sound localization, and difculty hearing clearly tone is perceived in the affected ear. With a unilateral
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
with background noise. Gradual progression of a hear- sensorineural hearing loss, the tone is perceived in the
ing decit is common with otosclerosis, noise-induced unaffected ear. A 5-dB difference in hearing between
hearing loss, vestibular schwannoma, or Mnires dis- the two ears is required for lateralization.
ease. Small vestibular schwannomas typically present
with asymmetric hearing impairment, tinnitus, and
imbalance (rarely vertigo); cranial neuropathy, in partic-
ular of the trigeminal or facial nerve, may accompany
larger tumors. In addition to hearing loss, Mnires dis- LABORATORY ASSESSMENT OF HEARING
ease may be associated with episodic vertigo, tinnitus, Audiologic Assessment
and aural fullness. Hearing loss with otorrhea is most
The minimum audiologic assessment for hearing loss
likely due to chronic otitis media or cholesteatoma.
should include the measurement of pure tone air-
Examination should include the auricle, external ear
conduction and bone-conduction thresholds, speech
canal, and tympanic membrane.The external ear canal
reception threshold, discrimination score, tympanome-
of the elderly is often dry and fragile; it is preferable to
try, acoustic reexes, and acoustic-reex decay. This test
clean cerumen with wall-mounted suction and ceru-
battery provides a screening evaluation of the entire
men loops and to avoid irrigation. In examining the
auditory system and allows one to determine whether
eardrum, the topography of the tympanic membrane
further differentiation of a sensory (cochlear) from a
is more important than the presence or absence of the
neural (retrocochlear) hearing loss is indicated.
light reex. In addition to the pars tensa (the lower
Pure tone audiometry assesses hearing acuity for pure
two-thirds of the eardrum), the pars accida above the
tones. The test is administered by an audiologist and is
short process of the malleus should also be examined
performed in a sound-attenuated chamber. The pure
for retraction pockets that may be evidence of chronic
tone stimulus is delivered with an audiometer, an elec-
eustachian tube dysfunction or cholesteatoma. Insuf-
tronic device that allows the presentation of specic fre-
ation of the ear canal is necessary to assess tympanic
quencies (generally between 250 and 8000 Hz) at specic
membrane mobility and compliance. Careful inspec-
intensities. Air and bone conduction thresholds are estab-
tion of the nose, nasopharynx, and upper respiratory
lished for each ear. Air conduction thresholds are deter-
tract is indicated. Unilateral serous effusion should
mined by presenting the stimulus in air with the use of
prompt a beroptic examination of the nasopharynx
headphones. Bone conduction thresholds are determined
to exclude neoplasms. Cranial nerves should be evalu-
by placing the stem of a vibrating tuning fork or an
ated with special attention to facial and trigeminal
oscillator of an audiometer in contact with the head.
nerves, which are commonly affected with tumors
In the presence of a hearing loss, broad-spectrum noise
involving the cerebellopontine angle.
is presented to the nontest ear for masking purposes so
The Rinne and Weber tuning fork tests, with a
that responses are based on perception from the ear
512-Hz tuning fork, are used to screen for hearing
under test.
loss, differentiate conductive from sensorineural hear-
The responses are measured in decibels.An audiogram is
ing losses, and to conrm the ndings of audiologic
a plot of intensity in decibels of hearing threshold versus
evaluation. Rinnes test compares the ability to hear by
frequency. A decibel (dB) is equal to 20 times the loga-
air conduction with the ability to hear by bone con-
rithm of the ratio of the sound pressure required to
duction. The tines of a vibrating tuning fork are held
achieve threshold in the patient to the sound pressure
near the opening of the external auditory canal, and
required to achieve threshold in a normal hearing person.
Therefore, a change of 6 dB represents doubling of sound SRT also suggests a lesion in the eighth nerve or central 205
pressure, and a change of 20 dB represents a tenfold auditory pathways.
change in sound pressure. Loudness, which depends on Tympanometry measures the impedance of the middle
the frequency, intensity, and duration of a sound, doubles ear to sound and is useful in diagnosis of middle-ear
with approximately each 10-dB increase in sound pres- effusions. A tympanogram is the graphic representation of
sure level. Pitch, on the other hand, does not directly cor- change in impedance or compliance as the pressure in
relate with frequency. The perception of pitch changes the ear canal is changed. Normally, the middle ear is
slowly in the low and high frequencies. In the middle most compliant at atmospheric pressure, and the com-
tones, which are important for human speech, pitch varies pliance decreases as the pressure is increased or
more rapidly with changes in frequency. decreased; this pattern is seen with normal hearing or in
Pure tone audiometry establishes the presence and the presence of sensorineural hearing loss. Compliance
severity of hearing impairment, unilateral vs. bilateral that does not change with change in pressure suggests
involvement, and the type of hearing loss. Conductive middle-ear effusion. With a negative pressure in the
hearing losses with a large mass component, as is often middle ear, as with eustachian tube obstruction, the
seen in middle-ear effusions, produce elevation of point of maximal compliance occurs with negative pres-
thresholds that predominate in the higher frequencies. sure in the ear canal. A tympanogram in which no point
tinnitus is usually directed toward minimizing the trical equipment and target practice and hunting with
appreciation of tinnitus. Relief of the tinnitus may be small rearms. All internal-combustion and electric
obtained by masking it with background music. Hearing engines, including snow and leaf blowers, snowmobiles,
aids are also helpful in tinnitus suppression, as are tinni- outboard motors, and chain saws, require protection of
tus maskers, devices that present a sound to the the user with hearing protectors. Virtually all noise-
affected ear that is more pleasant to listen to than the induced hearing loss is preventable through education,
which should begin before the teenage years. Programs
I Neurogenetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
I Ion Channels and Channelopathies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
I Neurotransmitters and Neurotransmitter Receptors . . . . . . . 212
I Signaling Pathways and Gene Transcription . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
I Myelin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
I Neurotrophic Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
I Stem Cells and Transplantation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
I Cell DeathExcitotoxicity and Apoptosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
I Protein Aggregation and Neurodegeneration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
I Systems Neuroscience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
I Further Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
The human nervous system is the organ of conscious- monogenic causes of common phenotypes. Examples of
ness, cognition, ethics, and behavior; as such, it is the the latter include mutations of the amyloid precursor
most intricate structure known to exist. More than one- protein in familial Alzheimers disease, the microtubule-
third of the 23,000 genes encoded in the human genome associated protein tau (MAPT) in frontotemporal dementia,
are expressed in the nervous system. Each mature brain is and -synuclein in Parkinsons disease. These discoveries
composed of 100 billion neurons, several million miles of have been profoundly important because the mutated
axons and dendrites, and >1015 synapses. Neurons exist gene in the familial disorder often encodes a protein that
within a dense parenchyma of multifunctional glial cells is also pathogenetically involved (although not mutated)
that synthesize myelin, preserve homeostasis, and regulate in the typical, sporadic form. The common mechanism
immune responses. Measured against this background of involves disordered processing and, ultimately, aggregation
complexity, the achievements of molecular neuroscience of the protein, leading to cell death (see Protein Aggrega-
have been extraordinary. This chapter reviews selected tion and Neurodegeneration, later in the chapter).
themes in neuroscience that provide a context for under- There is great optimism that complex genetic disor-
standing fundamental mechanisms underlying neurologic ders, caused by combinations of both genetic and envi-
disorders. ronmental factors, have now become tractable problems.
The development of new genetic approaches, such as
NEUROGENETICS haplotype mapping for the efcient screening of variants
genome-wide along with advances in high-throughput
The landscape of neurology has been transformed by sequencing, are beginning to delineate incompletely
modern molecular genetics. More than 350 different penetrant genetic variants that inuence susceptibility
disease-causing genes have now been identied, and to, or modify the expression of, complex diseases includ-
>1000 neurologic disorders have been genetically mapped ing age-related macular degeneration, type 2 diabetes
to various chromosomal locations. The vast majority of mellitus, and Alzheimers disease.
these represent highly penetrant mutations that cause rare Not all genetic diseases of the nervous system are caused
neurologic disorders; alternatively, they represent rare by simple changes in the linear nucleotide sequence of
genes. As the complex architecture of the human genome Imprinting refers to an epigenetic feature, present for a 211
becomes better defined, many disorders that result subset of genes, in which the predominant expression of
from alterations in copy numbers of genes (gene-dosage one allele is determined by its parent-of-origin.The distinc-
effects) resulting from unequal crossing-over are likely to be tive neurodevelopmental disorders Prader-Willi syndrome
identied.The rst copy-number disorders to be recognized (mild mental retardation and endocrine abnormalities)
were Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A (CMT1A), and Angelman syndrome (cortical atrophy, cerebellar
caused by a duplication in the gene encoding the myelin dysmyelination, Purkinje cell loss) are classic examples of
protein PMP22, and the reciprocal deletion of the gene imprinting disorders whose distinctive features are
causing hereditary liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) determined by whether the paternal or maternal copy
(Chap. 40). Gene-dosage effects are causative in some cases of chromosome of the critical genetic region 15q11-13
of Parkinsons disease (-synuclein), Alzheimers disease was responsible. Preferential allelic expression, whether
(amyloid precursor protein), spinal muscular atrophy (sur- due to imprinting, resistance to X-inactivation, or other
vival motor neuron 2), the dysmyelinating disorder mechanisms, is likely to play a major role in determining
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher syndrome (proteolipid protein 1), complex behaviors and susceptibility to many neuro-
late-onset leukodystrophy (lamin B1), and a variety of logic and psychiatric disorders.
developmental neurologic disorders. It is now evident that
copy-number variations contribute substantially to normal
human genomic variation for numerous genes involved in ION CHANNELS AND CHANNELOPATHIES
neurologic function, regulation of cell growth, and regula-
tion of metabolism. It is also likely that gene-dosage effects The resting potential of neurons and the action poten-
will inuence many behavioral phenotypes, learning disor- tials responsible for impulse conduction are generated by
ders, and autism spectrum disorders. ion currents and ion channels. Most ion channels are
The role of splicing variation as a contributor to neuro- gated, meaning that they can transition between confor-
Ataxias Episodic ataxia-1 K KCNA1 26
Episodic ataxia-2 Ca CACNL1A
Spinocerebellar ataxia-6 Ca CACNL1A
Migraine Familial hemiplegic migraine 1 Ca CACNL1A 6
Familial hemiplegic migraine 2 Na SCN1A
Epilepsy Benign neonatal familial convulsions
Generalized epilepsy with febrile K KCNQ2, KCNQ3 20
convulsions plus Na SCN1B
Periodic paralysis Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis Na SCN4A 43
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis Ca CACNL1A3
Myotonia Myotonia congenita Cl CLCN1 43
Paramyotonia congenita Na SCN4A
Deafness Jorvell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome K KCNQ1, KCNE1 18
that manifestations tend to be intermittent or paroxys- the synaptic cleft, where they bind to receptors on the
mal, such as occurs in epilepsy, migraine, ataxia, myoto- postsynaptic cell. Secreted neurotransmitters are elimi-
nia, or periodic paralysis. Exceptions are clinically nated by reuptake into the presynaptic neuron (or glia),
progressive channel disorders such as autosomal domi- by diffusion away from the synaptic cleft, and/or by spe-
nant hearing impairment. The genetic channelopathies cic inactivation. In addition to the classic neurotransmit-
identied to date are all uncommon disorders caused by ters, many neuropeptides have been identied as denite
obvious mutations in channel genes. As the full reper- or probable neurotransmitters; these include substance P,
toire of human ion channels and related proteins is neurotensin, enkephalins, -endorphin, histamine, vasoac-
identied, it is likely that additional channelopathies will tive intestinal polypeptide, cholecystokinin, neuropeptide
be discovered. In addition to rare disorders that result Y, and somatostatin. Peptide neurotransmitters are synthe-
from obvious mutations, it is also likely that less pene- sized in the cell body rather than the nerve terminal and
trant allelic variations in channel genes or in their pat- may colocalize with classic neurotransmitters in single
tern of expression might underlie susceptibility to some neurons. Nitric oxide and carbon monoxide are gases that
common forms of epilepsy, migraine, or other disorders. appear also to function as neurotransmitters, in part by
For example, mutations in the T-type Ca channel gene signaling in a retrograde fashion from the postsynaptic to
CACNA1H, as well as a K channel (KCND2) and vari- the presynaptic cell.
ous GABA receptor genes, have been associated with an Neurotransmitters modulate the function of postsy-
increased risk for epilepsy. naptic cells by binding to specic neurotransmitter recep-
tors, of which there are two major types. Ionotropic receptors
are direct ion channels that open after engagement by the
NEUROTRANSMITTERS AND neurotransmitter. Metabotropic receptors interact with G
NEUROTRANSMITTER RECEPTORS proteins, stimulating production of second messengers
and activating protein kinases, which modulate a variety
Synaptic neurotransmission is the predominant means by of cellular events. Ionotropic receptors are multiple sub-
which neurons communicate with each other. Classic unit structures, whereas metabotropic receptors are com-
neurotransmitters are synthesized in the presynaptic region posed of single subunits only. One important difference
of the nerve terminal; stored in vesicles; and released into between ionotropic and metabotropic receptors is that
the kinetics of ionotropic receptor effects are fast (gener- the X-linked form of CMT disease (Chap. 40). Muta- 213
ally <1 ms) because neurotransmitter binding directly tions in either of two gap junction proteins expressed in
alters the electrical properties of the postsynaptic cell, the inner earconnexin 26 and connexin 31result in
whereas metabotropic receptors function over longer autosomal dominant progressive hearing loss (Chap. 18).
time periods. These different properties contribute to the Glial calcium waves mediated through gap junctions also
potential for selective and nely modulated signaling by appear to explain the phenomenon of spreading depres-
neurotransmitters. sion associated with migraine auras and the march of
Neurotransmitter systems are perturbed in a large epileptic discharges. Spreading depression is a neural
number of clinical disorders, examples of which are high- response that follows a variety of different stimuli and is
lighted in Table19-2. One example is the involvement characterized by a circumferentially expanding negative
of dopaminergic neurons originating in the substantia potential that propagates at a characteristic speed of
nigra of the midbrain and projecting to the striatum 20 m/s and is associated with an increase in extracellular
(nigrostriatal pathway) in Parkinsons disease and in heroin potassium.
addicts after the ingestion of the toxin MPTP (1-
A second important dopaminergic system arising in SIGNALING PATHWAYS AND GENE
the midbrain is the mediocorticolimbic pathway, which TRANSCRIPTION
is implicated in the pathogenesis of addictive behaviors
including drug reward. Its key components include the The fundamental issue of how memory, learning, and
midbrain ventral tegmental area (VTA), median fore- thinking are encoded in the nervous system is likely to be
brain bundle, and nucleus accumbens (Fig. 48-2). The claried by identifying the signaling pathways involved in
cholinergic pathway originating in the nucleus basalis of neuronal differentiation, axon guidance, and synapse for-
Meynert plays a role in memory function in Alzheimers mation, and by understanding how these pathways are
parasympathetic; preganglionic
Norepinephrine (NE) Locus coeruleus (pons) limbic Mood disorders (MAOA inhibitors and
HO system, hypothalamus, cortex tricyclics increase NE and improve
Medulla locus coeruleus, depression)
HO CHCH2NH2 spinal cord Anxiety
Postganglionic neurons of Orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
OH sympathetic nervous system (mutations in NE transporter)
-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) Major inhibitory neurotransmitter in Stiff person syndrome (antibodies to
H2NCH2CH2CH2 COOH brain; widespread cortical interneurons glutamic acid decarboxylase, the
and long projection pathways biosynthetic enzyme for GABA)
Epilepsy (gabapentin and valproic acid
increase GABA)
Note: CNS, central nervous system; MPTP, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine; MAOA, monoamine oxidase A; SSRI, selective sero-
tonin reuptake inhibitor.
MOG PMP22 215
GM1 Cx32
The molecular architecture of the myelin sheath illustrating PMP22 are responsible for another inherited neuropathy
the most important disease-related proteins. The illustration termed hereditary liability to pressure palsies (Chap. 40).
represents a composite of CNS and PNS myelin. Proteins In multiple sclerosis (MS), myelin basic protein (MBP) and
restricted to CNS myelin are shown in green, proteins of PNS the quantitatively minor CNS protein, myelin oligodendrocyte
myelin are lavender, and proteins present in both CNS and glycoprotein (MOG), are likely T cell and B cell antigens,
PNS are red. In the CNS, the X-linked allelic disorders, respectively. The location of MOG at the outermost lamella of
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease and one variant of familial the CNS myelin membrane may facilitate its targeting by
spastic paraplegia, are caused by mutations in the gene for autoantibodies. In the PNS, autoantibodies against myelin
proteolipid protein (PLP) that normally promotes extracellular gangliosides are implicated in a variety of disorders, includ-
compaction between adjacent myelin lamellae. The homo- ing GQ1b in the Fisher variant of Guillain-Barr syndrome,
Molecular interactions between the myelin membrane and survival; some have additional functions, including
and axon are required to maintain the stability, function, roles in neurotransmission and in the synaptic reorgani-
and normal lifespan of both structures. A single oligo- zation involved in learning and memory. The neu-
dendrocyte usually ensheaths multiple axons in the cen- rotrophin (NT) family contains nerve growth factor
tral nervous system (CNS), whereas in the peripheral (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF),
nervous system (PNS) each Schwann cell typically NT3, and NT4/5. The neurotrophins act at TrK and
myelinates a single axon. Myelin is a lipid-rich material p75 receptors to promote survival of neurons. Because
formed by a spiraling process of the membrane of the of their survival-promoting and antiapoptotic effects,
myelinating cell around the axon, creating multiple mem- neurotrophic factors are in theory outstanding candi-
brane bilayers that are tightly apposed (compact myelin) by dates for therapy of disorders characterized by prema-
charged protein interactions. Several inhibitors of axon ture death of neurons such as occurs in amyotrophic
growth are expressed on the innermost (periaxonal) lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other degenerative motor
lamellae of the myelin membrane (see Stem Cells and neuron disorders. Knockout mice lacking receptors for
Transplantation, below). A number of clinically impor- ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) or BDNF show loss
tant neurologic disorders are caused by inherited muta- of motor neurons, and experimental motor neuron
tions in myelin proteins of the CNS or PNS (Fig. 19-1). death can be rescued by treatment with various neu-
Constituents of myelin also have a propensity to be tar- rotrophic factors including CNTF, BDNF, and vascular
geted as autoantigens in autoimmune demyelinating dis- endothelial growth factor (VEGF). However, in phase 3
orders (Fig. 19-2). clinical trials, growth factors were ineffective in human
ALS. The growth factor glial-derived neurotrophic fac-
tor (GDNF) is important for survival of dopaminergic
NEUROTROPHIC FACTORS neurons. It has shown promising neurorestorative effects
in experimental models of Parkinsons disease and is
Neurotrophic factors (Table 19-3) are secreted proteins being tested using gene therapy in early-stage human
that modulate neuronal growth, differentiation, repair, clinical trials.
216 Mg2+ Mg2+
Impaired ATP generation
ATP generation
Mitochondrial swelling,
NOS rupture of outer membrane
PTP activation
NO + O2 Oxidative
O2 O2
Caspase 9
AIF Cytc
SOD Catalase
O2 H2O2 H2O
Protein oxidation N le
Nuc eus Nu
Lipid peroxidation Activation of
DNA/RNA oxidation PARS caspase cascade
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
ATP depletion
NAD depletion Cell death by apoptosis
Cell death by necrosis
Involvement of mitochondria in cell death. A severe excito- insult can occur due either to an abnormality in an excitotoxi-
toxic insult (A) results in cell death by necrosis, whereas a city amino acid receptor, allowing more Ca2+ ux, or to
mild excitotoxic insult (B) results in apoptosis. After a severe impaired functioning of other ionic channels or of energy pro-
insult (such as ischemia), there is a large increase in gluta- duction, which may allow the voltage-dependent NMDA
mate activation of NMDA receptors, an increase in intracellu- receptor to be activated by ambient concentrations of gluta-
lar Ca2+ concentrations, activation of nitric oxide synthase mate. This event can then lead to increased mitochondrial
(NOS), and increased mitochondrial Ca2+ and superoxide Ca2+ and free radical production, yet relatively preserved ATP
generation followed by the formation of ONOO. This sequence generation. The mitochondria may then release cytochrome c
results in damage to cellular macromolecules including DNA, (Cytc), caspase 9, apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), and per-
leading to activation of poly-ADP-ribose polymerase (PARS). haps other mediators that lead to apoptosis. The precise role
Both mitochondrial accumulation of Ca2+ and oxidative dam- of the PTP in this mode of cell death is still being claried,
age lead to activation of the permeability transition pore (PTP) but there does appear to be involvement of the adenine
that is linked to excitotoxic cell death. A mild excitotoxic nucleotide transporter that is a key component of the PTP.
In developing brain, the extracellular matrix provides
such cells could be stably engrafted into mouse CNS tis- stimulatory and inhibitory signals that promote neuronal
sue, creating neural chimeras. Another approach is to use migration, neurite outgrowth, and axonal extension.
somatic cell nuclear transfer, in which cell nuclei are placed After neuronal damage, reexpression of inhibitory mole-
inside an enucleated oocyte and then differentiated into cules such as chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans may pre-
stem cells with an identical genetic background to the vent tissue regeneration. Chondroitinase degraded these
Flow B cell
CD 31 LFA-1
4 Integrin
Basal lamina
Blood-brain Chemokines
barrier Microglia/macrophages
and cytokines
Activated Heat shock T cell
proteins activation
macrophages IFN-
Fc receptor
IL-1, IL-12 Antibody
Brain tissue complement
TNF, IFN, free radicals, vasoactive amines,
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Myelin damage
A model for experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE). recruitment of a secondary inammatory wave; and immune-
Crucial steps for disease initiation and progression include mediated myelin destruction. ICAM, intercellular adhesion
peripheral activation of preexisting autoreactive T cells; hom- molecule; LFA-1, leukocyte function-associated antigen-1;
ing to the CNS and extravasation across the blood-brain bar- VCAM, vascular cell adhesion molecule; IFN, interferon; IL,
rier; reactivation of T cells by exposed autoantigens; secre- interleukin; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.
tion of cytokines; activation of microglia and astrocytes and
non-NMDA receptors (kainic acid and AMPA) are acti- polymerase, or those that overexpress superoxide dismu-
vated, and antagonists to these receptors are protective. tase, are resistant to focal ischemia.
Experimental brain damage induced by hypoglycemia is Although excitotoxicity is clearly implicated in the
also attenuated by NMDA antagonists. pathogenesis of cell death in stroke, to date treatment
Excitotoxicity is not a single event but rather a cascade with NMDA antagonists has not proven to be clinically
of cell injury. Excitotoxicity causes inux of calcium into useful. Transient receptor potentials (TRP) are calcium
cells, and much of the calcium is sequestered in mito- channels that are activated by oxidative stress in parallel
chondria rather than in the cytoplasm. Increased cytoplas- with excitotoxic signal pathways. In addition, glutamate-
mic calcium causes metabolic dysfunction and free radical independent pathways of calcium inux via acid-sensing
generation; activates protein kinases, phospholipases, nitric ion channels have been identied.These channels trans-
oxide synthase, proteases, and endonucleases; and inhibits port calcium in the setting of acidosis and substrate
protein synthesis. Activation of nitric oxide synthase gen- depletion, and pharmacologic blockade of these chan-
erates nitric oxide (NO), which can react with superox- nels markedly attenuates stroke injury. These channels
ide (O2) to generate peroxynitrite (ONOO), which offer a potential new therapeutic target for stroke.
may play a direct role in neuronal injury. Another critical Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, plays an impor-
pathway is activation of poly-ADP-ribose polymerase, tant role in both physiologic and pathologic conditions.
which occurs in response to free radicalmediated DNA During embryogenesis, apoptotic pathways operate to
damage. Experimentally, mice with knockout mutations destroy neurons that fail to differentiate appropriately or
of neuronal nitric oxide synthase or poly-ADP-ribose reach their intended targets. There is mounting evidence
for an increased rate of apoptotic cell death in a variety of ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase. Parkin, which causes 219
acute and chronic neurologic diseases. Apoptosis is char- autosomal recessive early-onset Parkinsons disease, is a
acterized by neuronal shrinkage, chromatin condensation, ubiquitin ligase. The characteristic histopathologic feature
and DNA fragmentation, whereas necrotic cell death is of Parkinsons disease is the Lewy body, an eosinophilic
associated with cytoplasmic and mitochondrial swelling cytoplasmic inclusion that contains both neurolaments
followed by dissolution of the cell membrane. Apoptotic and -synuclein. Huntingtons disease and cerebellar
and necrotic cell death can coexist or be sequential degenerations are associated with expansions of polyglut-
events, depending on the severity of the initiating insult. amine repeats in proteins, which aggregate to produce
Cellular energy reserves appear to have an important role neuronal intranuclear inclusions. Familial ALS is associ-
in these two forms of cell death, with apoptosis favored ated with superoxide dismutase mutations and cytoplas-
under conditions in which ATP levels are preserved. Evi- mic inclusions containing superoxide dismutase. In
dence of DNA fragmentation has been found in a num- autosomal dominant neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus,
ber of degenerative neurologic disorders, including mutations in vasopressin result in abnormal protein pro-
Alzheimers disease, Huntingtons disease, and ALS. The cessing, accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum, and
best characterized genetic neurologic disorder related to cell death.
apoptosis is infantile spinal muscular atrophy (Werdnig- The current major scientic question is whether pro-
Hoffmann disease), in which two genes thought to be tein aggregates contribute to neuronal death or whether
involved in the apoptosis pathways are causative. they are merely secondary bystanders. A major focus in all
Mitochondria are essential in controlling specic the neurodegenerative diseases is now on small protein
apoptosis pathways. The redistribution of cytochrome c, aggregates termed oligomers.These may be the toxic species
as well as apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), from mito- of -amyloid, -synuclein, and proteins with expanded
chondria during apoptosis leads to the activation of a polyglutamines such as are associated with Huntingtons
cascade of intracellular proteases known as caspases. disease. Protein aggregates are usually ubiquinated, which
abnormalities in mirror neurons may underlie some in human memory function. fMRI has also been uti-
autism disorders. Data also suggest that enhancement of lized to identify sequences of brain activation involved
mirror neuron pathways might have potential for reha- in normal movements and alterations in their activation
bilitation after stroke. Other examples of the use of associated with both injury and recovery, and to plan
fMRI include the study of memory. Recent studies have neurosurgical operations. Diffusion tensor imaging is a
shown that not only is hippocampal activity correlated recently developed MRI technique that can measure
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Mirror neuron systems are bilaterally activated during presented to the right visual eld (in red, left visual cortex)
imitation. A. Bilateral activations (circled in yellow) in inferior and to the left visual eld (in blue, right visual cortex). C. Lat-
frontal mirror neuron areas during imitation, as measured by eralized primary motor activation for hand actions imitated
BOLD fMRI signal changes. In red, activation during right with the right hand (in red, left motor cortex) and with the left
hand imitation. In blue, activation during left hand imitation. hand (in blue, right motor cortex). (From L. Aziz-Zadeh et al:
B. In contrast, there is lateralized (contralateral) primary visual J Neurosci 26:2964, 2006.)
activation of the primary visual cortex for imitated actions
macroscopic axonal organization in nervous system tis- disease onset delay and survival extension in transgenic ALS 221
sues; it appears to be useful in assessing myelin and mice. Gene Ther. 12:2134, 2009
axonal injuries as well as brain development. KRIEGSTEIN A, ALVAREZ-BUYLLA A: The glial nature of embryonic
and adult neural stem cells.Annu Rev Neurosci. 32:149, 2009
LIN MT, BEAL MF: Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in
neurodegenerative diseases. Nature 443:787, 2006
LUKONG KE et al: RNA-binding proteins in human genetic disease.
Trends Genet. 24:416, 2008
BATES TC et al: Association of KIBRA and memory. Neurosci Lett MEHLER MF: Epigenetics and the nervous system. Ann Neurol
458:140, 2009 64:602, 2008
BURATTI E, BARALLE FE:The molecular links between TDP-43 dys- ROY NS et al: Functional engraftment of human ES cellderived
function and neurodegenration.Adv Genet 66:1, 2009 dopaminergic neurons enriched by coculture with telomerase-
CATTENEO L, RIZZOLATTI G:The mirror neuron system.Arch Neurol. immortalized midbrain astrocytes. Nat Med 12:1259, 2006
66:557, 2009 TAKASHIMA A et al: Declarative memory consolidation in humans: A
DOYLE KP et al: Mechanisms of ischemic brain damage. Neurophar- prospective functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Proc
macology 55:310, 2008 Natl Acad Sci USA 103:756, 2006
HWANG DH et al: Intrathecal transplantation of human neural stem YANG LJS et al: Sialidase enhances spinal axon outgrowth in vivo.
cells overexpressing VEGF provide behavioral improvement, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103:11057, 2006
Mechanisms of Neurologic Diseases
Daniel H. Lowenstein
A seizure (from the Latin sacire, to take possession of ) among the many causes of epilepsy there are various
is a paroxysmal event due to abnormal, excessive, hyper- epilepsy syndromes in which the clinical and pathologic
synchronous discharges from an aggregate of central characteristics are distinctive and suggest a specic under-
nervous system (CNS) neurons. Depending on the dis- lying etiology.
tribution of discharges, this abnormal CNS activity can Using the denition of epilepsy as two or more unpro-
have various manifestations, ranging from dramatic con- voked seizures, the incidence of epilepsy is ~0.30.5% in
vulsive activity to experiential phenomena not readily different populations throughout the world, and the
discernible by an observer. Although a variety of factors prevalence of epilepsy has been estimated at 510 persons
inuence the incidence and prevalence of seizures, per 1000.
~510% of the population will have at least one seizure,
with the highest incidence occurring in early childhood
The meaning of the term seizure needs to be carefully
distinguished from that of epilepsy. Epilepsy describes a Determining the type of seizure that has occurred is
condition in which a person has recurrent seizures due to essential for focusing the diagnostic approach on partic-
a chronic, underlying process. This denition implies ular etiologies, selecting the appropriate therapy, and
that a person with a single seizure, or recurrent seizures providing potentially vital information regarding prog-
due to correctable or avoidable circumstances, does not nosis. In 1981, the International League against Epilepsy
necessarily have epilepsy. Epilepsy refers to a clinical (ILAE) published a modied version of the Interna-
phenomenon rather than a single disease entity, since tional Classication of Epileptic Seizures that has con-
there are many forms and causes of epilepsy. However, tinued to be a useful classication system (Table 20-1).
TABLE 20-1 involuntary movements of the contralateral, left hand. 223
CLASSIFICATION OF SEIZURES These movements are typically clonic (i.e., repetitive, exion/
extension movements) at a frequency of ~23 Hz; pure
1. Partial seizures
a. Simple partial seizures (with motor, sensory,
tonic posturing may be seen as well. Since the cortical
autonomic, or psychic signs) region controlling hand movement is immediately adja-
b. Complex partial seizures cent to the region for facial expression, the seizure may
c. Partial seizures with secondary generalization also cause abnormal movements of the face synchronous
2. Primarily generalized seizures with the movements of the hand. The electroencephalo-
a. Absence (petit mal) gram (EEG) recorded with scalp electrodes during the
b. Tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizure (i.e., an ictal EEG) may show abnormal discharges
c. Tonic
d. Atonic
in a very limited region over the appropriate area of cere-
e. Myoclonic bral cortex if the seizure focus involves the cerebral con-
3. Unclassied seizures vexity. Seizure activity occurring within deeper brain
a. Neonatal seizures structures is often not recorded by the standard EEG,
b. Infantile spasms however, and may require intracranial electrodes for its
Three additional features of partial motor seizures are
worth noting. First, in some patients the abnormal
motor movements may begin in a very restricted region
This system is based on the clinical features of seizures such as the ngers and gradually progress (over seconds
and associated electroencephalographic ndings. Other to minutes) to include a larger portion of the extremity.
potentially distinctive features such as etiology or cellular This phenomenon, described by Hughlings Jackson and
substrate are not considered in this classication system, known as a Jacksonian march, represents the spread of
The routine interictal (i.e., between seizures) EEG in The seizure typically lasts for only seconds, conscious-
patients with complex partial seizures is often normal or ness returns as suddenly as it was lost, and there is no
may show brief discharges termed epileptiform spikes, or postictal confusion. Although the brief loss of conscious-
sharp waves. Since complex partial seizures can arise from ness may be clinically inapparent or the sole manifesta-
the medial temporal lobe or inferior frontal lobe, i.e., tion of the seizure discharge, absence seizures are usually
regions distant from the scalp, the EEG recorded during accompanied by subtle, bilateral motor signs such as
rapid blinking of the eyelids, chewing movements, or
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
seizure type in ~10% of all persons with epilepsy. They impaired, but there is usually no postictal confusion. A
are also the most common seizure type resulting from very brief seizure may cause only a quick head drop or
metabolic derangements and are therefore frequently nodding movement, while a longer seizure will cause
encountered in many different clinical settings. The the patient to collapse.This can be extremely dangerous,
seizure usually begins abruptly without warning, since there is a substantial risk of direct head injury with
although some patients describe vague premonitory the fall. The EEG shows brief, generalized spike-and-
ing and can be provoked by sleep deprivation. Con- perturb this normal balance, and therefore many differ-
sciousness is preserved unless the myoclonus is especially ent causes of both seizures and epilepsy. Three clinical
severe. Many patients also experience generalized tonic- observations emphasize how a variety of factors deter-
clonic seizures, and up to one-third have absence seizures. mine why certain conditions may cause seizures or
The condition is otherwise benign, and although com- epilepsy in a given patient.
plete remission is uncommon, the seizures respond well
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
CHRNA4 Nicotinic acetylcholine Autosomal dominant nocturnal Rare; rst identied in a large
(20q13.2) receptor subunit; mutations frontal lobe epilepsy (ADNFLE); Australian family; other families
cause alterations in Ca2+ childhood onset; brief, nighttime found to have mutations in
ux through the receptor; seizures with prominent motor CHRNA2 or CHRNB2, and some
this may reduce amount movements; often misdiagnosed families appear to have mutations
of GABA release in as primary sleep disorder at other loci
presynaptic terminals
KCNQ2 Voltage-gated potassium Benign familial neonatal Rare; other families found to have
(20q13.3) channel subunits; mutation convulsions (BFNC); autosomal mutations in KCNQ3; sequence and
in pore regions may cause dominant inheritance; onset in functional homology to KCNQ1,
a 2040% reduction of 1st week of life in infants who mutations of which cause long QT
potassium currents, which are otherwise normal; remission syndrome and a cardiac-auditory
will lead to impaired usually within weeks to months; syndrome
repolarization long-term epilepsy in 1015%
subunit of a voltage-gated
SCN1B Generalized epilepsy with febrile Incidence uncertain; GEFS+ identied
(19q12.1) sodium channel; mutation seizures plus (GEFS+); autosomal in other families with mutations in
disrupts disulde bridge that dominant inheritance; presents other sodium channel subunits
is crucial for structure of with febrile seizures at median (SCN1A and SCN2A) and GABAA
extracellular domain; mutated 1 year, which may persist receptor subunit (GABRG2 and
subunit leads to slower >6 years, then variable seizure GABRA1); signicant phenotypic
sodium channel inactivation types not associated with fever heterogeneity within same family,
including members with febrile
The rst four syndromes listed in the table (ADNFLE, BFNC, GEFS+, and ADPEAF) are examples of idiopathic epilepsies associated with identied
gene mutations. The last three syndromes are examples of the numerous Mendelian disorders in which seizures are one part of the phenotype.
Note: GABA, -aminobutyric acid; PME, progressive myoclonus epilepsy.
228 TABLE 20-3
History of febrile seizures Rare secondarily generalized seizures
Family history of epilepsy Seizures may remit and reappear
Early onset Seizures often intractable
Clinical observations
Aura common Postictal disorientation, memory loss,
Behavioral arrest/stare dysphasia (with focus in dominant
Complex automatisms hemisphere)
Unilateral posturing
Laboratory studies
Unilateral or bilateral anterior temporal spikes on EEG
Hypometabolism on interictal PET
Hypoperfusion on interictal SPECT
Material-specic memory decits on intracranial amobarbital (Wada) test
MRI ndings
Small hippocampus with increased signal on T2-weighted sequences
Note: EEG, electroencephalogram; PET, positron emission tomography; SPECT, single photon emission
computed tomography.
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
involve processes that trigger the appearance of spe- even years between seizures. This implies there are
cic sets of epileptogenic factors. important provocative or precipitating factors that induce
3. Seizures are episodic. Patients with epilepsy have seizures seizures in patients with epilepsy. Similarly, precipitating
intermittently and, depending on the underlying cause, factors are responsible for causing the single seizure in
many patients are completely normal for months or someone without epilepsy. Precipitants include those
due to intrinsic physiologic processes, such as psycho-
logical or physical stress, sleep deprivation, or hormonal
changes associated with the menstrual cycle.They also
include exogenous factors such as exposure to toxic
substances and certain medications.
These observations emphasize the concept that the
many causes of seizures and epilepsy result from a
dynamic interplay between endogenous factors, epilepto-
genic factors, and precipitating factors. The potential role
of each needs to be carefully considered when determin-
ing the appropriate management of a patient with seizures.
For example, the identication of predisposing factors
(e.g., family history of epilepsy) in a patient with febrile
seizures may increase the necessity for closer follow-up
and a more aggressive diagnostic evaluation. Finding an
epileptogenic lesion may help in the estimation of seizure
recurrence and duration of therapy. Finally, removal or
modication of a precipitating factor may be an effective
Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. The EEG suggested a right and safer method for preventing further seizures than the
temporal lobe focus. Coronal high-resolution T2-weighted prophylactic use of anticonvulsant drugs.
fast spin echo magnetic resonance image obtained through
the body of the hippocampus demonstrates abnormal high-
signal intensity in the right hippocampus (white arrows; com-
pare with the normal hippocampus on the left, black arrows) In practice, it is useful to consider the etiologies of seizures
consistent with mesial temporal sclerosis. based on the age of the patient, as age is one of the most
important factors determining both the incidence and replacement.The idiopathic or inherited forms of benign 229
the likely causes of seizures or epilepsy (Table 20-4). neonatal convulsions are also seen during this time period.
During the neonatal period and early infancy, potential The most common seizures arising in late infancy and
causes include hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, trauma, early childhood are febrile seizures, which are seizures
CNS infection, congenital CNS abnormalities, and meta- associated with fevers but without evidence of CNS
bolic disorders. Babies born to mothers using neurotoxic infection or other dened causes.The overall prevalence
drugs such as cocaine, heroin, or ethanol are susceptible to is 35% and even higher in some parts of the world,
drug-withdrawal seizures in the rst few days after such as Asia. Patients often have a family history of
delivery. Hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia, which can febrile seizures or epilepsy. Febrile seizures usually occur
occur as secondary complications of perinatal injury, are between 3 months and 5 years of age and have a peak
also causes of seizures early after delivery. Seizures due to incidence between 18 and 24 months. The typical sce-
inborn errors of metabolism usually present once regular nario is a child who has a generalized, tonic-clonic
feeding begins, typically 23 days after birth. Pyridoxine seizure during a febrile illness in the setting of a com-
(vitamin B6) deciency, an important cause of neonatal mon childhood infection such as otitis media, respira-
seizures, can be effectively treated with pyridoxine tory infection, or gastroenteritis. The seizure is likely to
occur during the rising phase of the temperature curve
(i.e., during the rst day) rather than well into the course
of the illness. A simple febrile seizure is a single, isolated
TABLE 20-4 event, brief, and symmetric in appearance. Complex
CAUSES OF SEIZURES febrile seizures are characterized by repeated seizure
Neonates Perinatal hypoxia and ischemia activity, duration >15 min, or by focal features. Approxi-
(<1 month) Intracranial hemorrhage and trauma mately one-third of patients with febrile seizures will
Acute CNS infection have a recurrence, but <10% have three or more episodes.
Immunomodulatory drugs
The causes of seizures in older adults include cerebrovas-
cular disease, trauma (including subdural hematoma), CNS OKT3 (monoclonal antibodies to T cells)
tumors, and degenerative diseases. Cerebrovascular disease Tacrolimus
may account for ~50% of new cases of epilepsy in patients Interferons
older than 65 years. Acute seizures (i.e., occurring at the Psychotropics
time of the stroke) are seen more often with embolic Antidepressants
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
In benzodiazepine-dependent patients.
Partial seizure activity can begin in a very discrete
region of cortex and then spread to neighboring from a sufcient number of neurons result in a so-called
regions, i.e., there is a seizure initiation phase and a seizure spike discharge on the EEG.
propagation phase.The initiation phase is characterized by Normally, the spread of bursting activity is prevented
two concurrent events in an aggregate of neurons: (1) by intact hyperpolarization and a region of surrounding
high-frequency bursts of action potentials and (2) inhibition created by inhibitory neurons. With suf-
hypersynchronization. The bursting activity is caused by cient activation there is a recruitment of surrounding
a relatively long-lasting depolarization of the neuronal neurons via a number of mechanisms. Repetitive dis-
membrane due to inux of extracellular calcium (Ca2+), charges lead to the following: (1) an increase in extracel-
which leads to the opening of voltage-dependent lular K+, which blunts hyperpolarization and depolarizes
sodium (Na+) channels, inux of Na+, and generation of neighboring neurons; (2) accumulation of Ca2+ in presy-
repetitive action potentials. This is followed by a hyper- naptic terminals, leading to enhanced neurotransmitter
polarizing afterpotential mediated by -aminobutyric release; and (3) depolarization-induced activation of the
acid (GABA) receptors or potassium (K+) channels, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of the excita-
depending on the cell type. The synchronized bursts tory amino acid receptor, which causes Ca2+ inux and
neuronal activation. The recruitment of a sufcient MECHANISMS OF EPILEPTOGENESIS 231
number of neurons leads to a loss of the surrounding
Epileptogenesis refers to the transformation of a normal
inhibition and propagation of seizure activity into con-
neuronal network into one that is chronically hyperex-
tiguous areas via local cortical connections, and to more
citable.There is often a delay of months to years between
distant areas via long commissural pathways such as the
an initial CNS injury such as trauma, stroke, or infection
corpus callosum.
and the rst seizure. The injury appears to initiate a
Many factors control neuronal excitability, and thus
process that gradually lowers the seizure threshold in the
there are many potential mechanisms for altering a neu-
affected region until a spontaneous seizure occurs. In
rons propensity to have bursting activity. Mechanisms
many genetic and idiopathic forms of epilepsy, epilepto-
intrinsic to the neuron include changes in the conduc-
genesis is presumably determined by developmentally
tance of ion channels, response characteristics of mem-
regulated events.
brane receptors, cytoplasmic buffering, second-messenger
Pathologic studies of the hippocampus from patients
systems, and protein expression as determined by gene
with temporal lobe epilepsy have led to the suggestion that
transcription, translation, and posttranslational modica-
some forms of epileptogenesis are related to structural
tion. Mechanisms extrinsic to the neuron include changes
changes in neuronal networks. For example, many patients
in the amount or type of neurotransmitters present at the
with MTLE have a highly selective loss of neurons that
synapse, modulation of receptors by extracellular ions
may contribute to inhibition of the main excitatory neu-
and other molecules, and temporal and spatial properties
rons within the dentate gyrus. There is also evidence that,
of synaptic and nonsynaptic input. Nonneural cells, such
in response to the loss of neurons, there is reorganization or
as astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, have an important
sprouting of surviving neurons in a way that affects the
role in many of these mechanisms as well.
excitability of the network. Some of these changes can be
Certain recognized causes of seizures are explained
seen in experimental models of prolonged electrical
by these mechanisms. For example, accidental ingestion
seizures or traumatic brain injury. Thus, an initial injury
drugs that can attenuate seizure activity, there are currently seizure threshold (Table 20-5), or alcohol or illicit drug
no drugs known to prevent the formation of a seizure use should also be identied.
focus following CNS injury.The eventual development of The general physical examination includes a search for
such antiepileptogenic drugs will provide an important signs of infection or systemic illness. Careful examina-
means of preventing the emergence of epilepsy following tion of the skin may reveal signs of neurocutaneous dis-
injuries such as head trauma, stroke, and CNS infection. orders, such as tuberous sclerosis or neurobromatosis, or
chronic liver or renal disease. A nding of organomegaly
may indicate a metabolic storage disease, and limb asym-
metry may provide a clue to brain injury early in devel-
Approach to the Patient: opment. Signs of head trauma and use of alcohol or
illicit drugs should be sought. Auscultation of the heart
When a patient presents shortly after a seizure, the and carotid arteries may identify an abnormality that
rst priorities are attention to vital signs, respiratory predisposes to cerebrovascular disease.
and cardiovascular support, and treatment of seizures All patients require a complete neurologic examina-
if they resume (see Rx: Seizures and Epilepsy). Life- tion, with particular emphasis on eliciting signs of cere-
threatening conditions such as CNS infection, meta- bral hemispheric disease (Chap. 1). Careful assessment of
bolic derangement, or drug toxicity must be recognized mental status (including memory, language function, and
and managed appropriately. abstract thinking) may suggest lesions in the anterior
When the patient is not acutely ill, the evaluation frontal, parietal, or temporal lobes.Testing of visual elds
will initially focus on whether there is a history of ear- will help screen for lesions in the optic pathways and
lier seizures (Fig. 20-2). If this is the rst seizure, then occipital lobes. Screening tests of motor function such as
the emphasis will be to (1) establish whether the pronator drift, deep tendon reexes, gait, and coordina-
reported episode was a seizure rather than another tion may suggest lesions in motor (frontal) cortex, and
paroxysmal event, (2) determine the cause of the seizure cortical sensory testing (e.g., double simultaneous stimu-
by identifying risk factors and precipitating events, and lation) may detect lesions in the parietal cortex.
(3) decide whether anticonvulsant therapy is required in
addition to treatment for any underlying illness.
In the patient with prior seizures or a known his- LABORATORY STUDIES
tory of epilepsy, the evaluation is directed toward Routine blood studies are indicated to identify the more
(1) identication of the underlying cause and precipi- common metabolic causes of seizures, such as abnormali-
tating factors, and (2) determination of the adequacy ties in electrolytes, glucose, calcium, or magnesium, and
of the patients current therapy. hepatic or renal disease. A screen for toxins in blood and
Adult Patient with a Seizure
Physical examination
Transient ischemic attack
Acute psychosis
Other causes of episodic cerebral dysfunction
Laboratory studies
Assess: adequacy of antiepileptic therapy CBC
Side effects Electrolytes, calcium, magnesium
Serum levels Serum glucose
Liver and renal function tests
Consider Toxicology screen
Liver and renal function tests
Toxicology screen
Positive metabolic screen Negative
or symptoms/signs metabolic screen
suggesting a metabolic
Normal Abnormal or change in or infectious disorder
Yes No
Evaluation of the adult patient with a seizure. CBC, com- resonance imaging; EEG, electroencephalogram; CNS,
plete blood count; CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic central nervous system.
urine should also be obtained from all patients in appro- ELECTROPHYSIOLOGIC STUDIES
priate risk groups, especially when no clear precipitating All patients who have a possible seizure disorder should
factor has been identied. A lumbar puncture is indicated be evaluated with an EEG as soon as possible. Details
if there is any suspicion of meningitis or encephalitis, and about the EEG are covered in Chap. 3.
it is mandatory in all patients infected with HIV, even in In the evaluation of a patient with suspected epilepsy,
the absence of symptoms or signs suggesting infection. the presence of electrographic seizure activity during the
234 clinically evident eventi.e., abnormal, repetitive, rhyth- conditions, such as head injury or brain tumor, will go
mic activity having an abrupt onset and termination on to develop epilepsy, because in such circumstances
clearly establishes the diagnosis. The absence of electro- epileptiform activity is commonly encountered regardless
graphic seizure activity does not exclude a seizure disorder, of whether seizures occur.
however, because simple or complex seizures may origi-
nate from a region of the cortex that is not within range
of the scalp electrodes. The EEG is always abnormal
during generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Since seizures Almost all patients with new-onset seizures should have a
are typically infrequent and unpredictable, it is often not brain imaging study to determine whether there is an
possible to obtain the EEG during a clinical event. underlying structural abnormality that is responsible. The
Continuous monitoring for prolonged periods in video- only potential exception to this rule is children who have
EEG telemetry units for hospitalized patients or the use an unambiguous history and examination suggestive of a
of portable equipment to record the EEG continuously benign, generalized seizure disorder such as absence
on cassettes for 24 h in ambulatory patients has made it epilepsy. MRI has been shown to be superior to CT for
easier to capture the electrophysiologic accompaniments the detection of cerebral lesions associated with epilepsy.
of clinical events. In particular, video-EEG telemetry is In some cases MRI will identify lesions such as tumors,
now a routine approach for the accurate diagnosis of vascular malformations, or other pathologies that need
epilepsy in patients with poorly characterized events or immediate therapy.The use of newer MRI methods, such
seizures that are difcult to control. as uid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR), has
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) provides another increased the sensitivity for detection of abnormalities of
way of looking noninvasively at cortical activity. Instead cortical architecture, including hippocampal atrophy asso-
of measuring electrical activity of the brain, it measures ciated with mesial temporal sclerosis, as well as abnormal-
the small magnetic elds that are generated by this ities of cortical neuronal migration. In such cases the
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
activity. Epileptiform activity seen on the MEG can be ndings may not lead to immediate therapy, but they do
analyzed, and its source in the brain can be estimated provide an explanation for the patients seizures and point
using a variety of mathematical techniques.These source to the need for chronic anticonvulsant therapy or possible
estimates can then be plotted on an anatomic image of surgical resection.
the brain, such as an MRI (discussed later), to generate a In the patient with a suspected CNS infection or mass
magnetic source image (MSI). MSI can be useful to lesion, CT scanning should be performed emergently
localize potential seizure foci. when MRI is not immediately available. Otherwise, it is
The EEG may also be helpful in the interictal period usually appropriate to obtain an MRI study within a few
by showing certain abnormalities that are highly support- days of the initial evaluation. Functional imaging proce-
ive of the diagnosis of epilepsy. Such epileptiform activity dures such as positron emission tomography (PET) and
consists of bursts of abnormal discharges containing spikes single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
or sharp waves. The presence of epileptiform activity is are also used to evaluate certain patients with medically
not specic for epilepsy, but it has a much greater preva- refractory seizures (discussed below).
lence in patients with epilepsy than in normal individuals.
However, even in an individual who is known to have
epilepsy, the initial routine interictal EEG may be normal DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
up to 60% of the time. Thus, the EEG cannot establish OF SEIZURES
the diagnosis of epilepsy in many cases.
The EEG is also used for classifying seizure disorders Disorders that may mimic seizures are listed in Table 20-6.
and aiding in the selection of anticonvulsant medications. In most cases seizures can be distinguished from other
For example, episodic generalized spike-wave activity is conditions by meticulous attention to the history and
usually seen in patients with typical absence epilepsy and relevant laboratory studies. On occasion, additional stud-
may be seen with other generalized epilepsy syndromes. ies, such as video-EEG monitoring, sleep studies, tilt-
Focal interictal epileptiform discharges would support table analysis, or cardiac electrophysiology, may be required
the diagnosis of a partial seizure disorder such as tempo- to reach a correct diagnosis. Two of the more common
ral lobe epilepsy or frontal lobe seizures, depending on nonepileptic syndromes in the differential diagnosis are
the location of the discharges. detailed below.
The routine scalp-recorded EEG may also be used to
assess the prognosis of seizure disorders; in general, a nor-
mal EEG implies a better prognosis, whereas an abnormal SYNCOPE
background or profuse epileptiform activity suggests a (See also Chap. 8) The diagnostic dilemma encountered
poor outlook. Unfortunately, the EEG has not proved to most frequently is the distinction between a generalized
be useful in predicting which patients with predisposing seizure and syncope. Observations by the patient and
TABLE 20-6 syncopal episode can induce a full tonic-clonic seizure. In 235
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF SEIZURES such cases the evaluation must focus on both the cause of
the syncopal event as well as the possibility that the patient
Vasovagal syncope
has a propensity for recurrent seizures.
Cardiac arrhythmia
Valvular heart disease PSYCHOGENIC SEIZURES
Cardiac failure
Orthostatic hypotension Psychogenic seizures are nonepileptic behaviors that resem-
Psychological disorders ble seizures. They are often part of a conversion reaction
Psychogenic seizure precipitated by underlying psychological distress. Certain
behaviors, such as side-to-side turning of the head, asym-
Panic attack
Metabolic disturbances
metric and large-amplitude shaking movements of the
Alcoholic blackouts limbs, twitching of all four extremities without loss of
Delirium tremens consciousness, and pelvic thrusting are more commonly
Hypoglycemia associated with psychogenic rather than epileptic seizures.
Hypoxia Psychogenic seizures often last longer than epileptic
Psychoactive drugs (e.g., hallucinogens) seizures and may wax and wane over minutes to hours.
Migraine However, the distinction is sometimes difcult on clinical
Confusional migraine
Basilar migraine
grounds alone, and there are many examples of diagnostic
Transient ischemic attack (TIA) errors made by experienced epileptologists. This is espe-
Basilar artery TIA cially true for psychogenic seizures that resemble complex
Sleep disorders partial seizures, since the behavioral manifestations of
Narcolepsy/cataplexy complex partial seizures (especially of frontal lobe origin)
May be sudden with certain cardiac arrhythmias.
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
in the treatment of epilepsy should design and oversee benet from surgical removal of the epileptic brain
implementation of the treatment strategy. Furthermore, region (see later).
patients with refractory epilepsy or those who require
polypharmacy with antiepileptic drugs should remain AVOIDANCE OF PRECIPITATING FACTORS
under the regular care of a neurologist. Unfortunately, little is known about the specic factors
that determine precisely when a seizure will occur in a
TREATMENT OF UNDERLYING CONDITIONS patient with epilepsy. Some patients can identify partic-
If the sole cause of a seizure is a metabolic disturbance ular situations that appear to lower their seizure thresh-
such as an abnormality of serum electrolytes or glucose, old; these situations should be avoided. For example, a
then treatment is aimed at reversing the metabolic patient who has seizures in the setting of sleep depriva-
problem and preventing its recurrence. Therapy with tion should obviously be advised to maintain a normal
antiepileptic drugs is usually unnecessary unless the sleep schedule. Many patients note an association
metabolic disorder cannot be corrected promptly and between alcohol intake and seizures, and they should
the patient is at risk of having further seizures. If the be encouraged to modify their drinking habits accord-
apparent cause of a seizure was a medication (e.g., theo- ingly. There are also relatively rare cases of patients with
phylline) or illicit drug use (e.g., cocaine), then appropri- seizures that are induced by highly specic stimuli such
ate therapy is avoidance of the drug; there is usually no as a video game monitor, music, or an individuals voice
need for antiepileptic medications unless subsequent (reex epilepsy). If there is an association between
seizures occur in the absence of these precipitants. stress and seizures, stress reduction techniques such as
Seizures caused by a structural CNS lesion such as a physical exercise, meditation, or counseling may be
brain tumor, vascular malformation, or brain abscess helpful.
may not recur after appropriate treatment of the under-
lying lesion. However, despite removal of the structural ANTIEPILEPTIC DRUG THERAPY Antiepilep-
lesion, there is a risk that the seizure focus will remain in tic drug therapy is the mainstay of treatment for most
the surrounding tissue or develop de novo as a result of patients with epilepsy. The overall goal is to completely
gliosis and other processes induced by surgery, radia- prevent seizures without causing any untoward side
tion, or other therapies. Most patients are therefore effects, preferably with a single medication and a dosing
maintained on an antiepileptic medication for at least schedule that is easy for the patient to follow. Seizure
1 year, and an attempt is made to withdraw medications classication is an important element in designing the
only if the patient has been completely seizure-free. If treatment plan, since some antiepileptic drugs have dif-
seizures are refractory to medication, the patient may ferent activities against various seizure types. However,
there is considerable overlap between many antiepilep- Selection of Antiepileptic Drugs Antiepileptic 237
tic drugs, such that the choice of therapy is often deter- drugs available in the United States are shown in
mined more by the patients specic needs, especially Table 20-8, and the main pharmacologic characteristics
his/her assessment of side effects. of commonly used drugs are listed in Table 20-9. World-
wide, older medications such as phenytoin, valproic
When to Initiate Antiepileptic Drug Therapy acid, carbamazepine, and ethosuximide are generally
Antiepileptic drug therapy should be started in any used as rst-line therapy for most seizure disorders
patient with recurrent seizures of unknown etiology or a since, overall, they are as effective as recently marketed
known cause that cannot be reversed.Whether to initiate drugs and signicantly less expensive. Most of the new
therapy in a patient with a single seizure is controversial. drugs that have become available in the past decade are
Patients with a single seizure due to an identied lesion used as add-on or alternative therapy, although some
such as a CNS tumor, infection, or trauma, in which there are now being used as rst-line monotherapy.
is strong evidence that the lesion is epileptogenic, In addition to efcacy, factors inuencing the choice
should be treated. The risk of seizure recurrence in a of an initial medication include the convenience of dos-
patient with an apparently unprovoked or idiopathic ing (e.g., once daily versus three or four times daily) and
seizure is uncertain, with estimates ranging from 31 to potential side effects. In this regard, a number of the
71% in the rst 12 months after the initial seizure. This newer drugs have the advantage of a relative lack of
uncertainty arises from differences in the underlying drug-drug interactions and easier dosing. Almost all of
seizure types and etiologies in various published epi- the commonly used antiepileptic drugs can cause simi-
demiologic studies. Generally accepted risk factors asso- lar, dose-related side effects such as sedation, ataxia, and
ciated with recurrent seizures include the following: diplopia. Close follow-up is required to ensure these are
(1) an abnormal neurologic examination, (2) seizures pre- promptly recognized and reversed. Most of the older
senting as status epilepticus, (3) postictal Todds paraly- drugs and some of the newer ones can also cause idio-
TABLE 20-8
Valproic acid Carbamazepine Valproic acid Valproic acid
Lamotrigine Phenytoin Ethosuximide Lamotrigine
Topiramate Lamotrigine Topiramate
Valproic acid
Zonisamideb Levetiracetamb Lamotrigine Clonazepam
Phenytoin Topiramate Clonazepam Felbamate
Carbamazepine Tiagabineb
Oxcarbazepine Zonisamideb
Phenobarbital Gabapentinb
Primidone Phenobarbital
Felbamate Primidone
Includes simple partial, complex partial, and secondarily generalized seizures.
As adjunctive therapy.
238 TABLE 20-9
Phenytoin Dilantin Tonic-clonic 300400 mg/d 24 h (wide 1020 g/mL Dizziness Gum Level increased
(diphenyl- (grand (36 mg/kg, variation, Diplopia hyperplasia by isoniazid,
hydantoin mal) adult; 48 mg/kg, dose- Ataxia Lymphade- sulfonamides,
Focal-onset child); qd-bid dependent) Incoordination nopathy uoxetine
Confusion Hirsutism Level decreased
Osteomalacia by enzyme-
Facial inducing drugsa
coarsening Altered folate
Skin rash metabolism
Carba Tegretol Tonic-clonic 6001800 mg/d 1017 h 612 g/mL Ataxia Aplastic Level decreased
mazepine Carbatrol Focal-onset (1535 mg/kg, Dizziness anemia by enzyme-
child); bid-qid Diplopia Leukopenia inducing drugsa
Vertigo Gastrointesti- Level increased
nal irritation by erythromycin,
Hepatotoxicity propoxyphene,
Hyponatremia isoniazid, cimeti-
dine, uoxetine
Valproic Depakene Tonic-clonic 7502000 mg/d 15 h 50125 g/mL Ataxia Hepatotoxicity Level decreased
acid Depakote Absence (2060 mg/kg); Sedation Thrombocyto- by enzyme-
Depakote Atypical bid-qid Tremor penia inducing drugsa
ER absence Gastrointesti-
Myoclonic nal irritation
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Phenobar Luminol Tonic-clonic 60180 mg/d 90 h (70 h in 1040 g/mL Sedation Skin rash Level increased
bital Focal-onset (14 mg/kg, children) Ataxia by valproic acid,
adult); (36 mg/kg, Confusion phenytoin
child); qd Dizziness
Primidone Mysoline Tonic-clonic 7501000 mg/d Primidone, Primidone, Same as
Focal-onset (1025 mg/kg); 815 h 412 g/mL phenobarbital
bid-tid Phenobarbital, Phenobarbital,
90 h 1040 g/mL
Clonazepam Klonopin Absence 112 mg/d 2448 h 1070 ng/mL Ataxia Anorexia Level decreased
Atypical (0.10.2 mg/kg); Sedation by enzyme-
absence qd-tid Lethargy inducing
Myoclonic drugsa
Felbamate Felbatol Focal-onset 24003600 mg/d, 1622 h Not Insomnia Aplastic Increases
Lennox- (45 mg/kg, child); established Dizziness anemia phenytoin,
Gastaut tid-qid Sedation Hepatic valproic acid,
syndrome Headache failure active
Weight loss carbamazepine
Gastrointesti- metabolite
nal irritation
Phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital.
baseline values) and during initial dosing and titration other drugs. However, phenytoin shows properties of
of the agent. saturation kinetics, such that small increases in pheny-
toin doses above a standard maintenance dose can pre-
Antiepileptic Drug Selection for Partial cipitate marked side effects. This is one of the main
Seizures Carbamazepine (or a related drug, oxcar- causes of acute phenytoin toxicity. Long-term use of
bazepine), phenytoin, lamotrigine and topiramate are phenytoin is associated with untoward cosmetic effects
currently the drugs of choice approved for the initial (e.g., hirsutism, coarsening of facial features, and gingival
treatment of partial seizures, including those that secon- hypertrophy), and effects on bone metabolism, so it is
darily generalize. Overall they have very similar efcacy, often avoided in young patients who are likely to
but differences in pharmacokinetics and toxicity are the require the drug for many years. An advantage of carba-
main determinants for use in a given patient. For exam- mazepine (which is also available in an extended-
ple, phenytoin has a relatively long half-life and offers release form) is that its metabolism follows rst-order
the advantage of once or twice daily dosing in compari- pharmacokinetics, and the relationship between drug
son with two or three times daily dosing for many of the dose, serum levels, and toxicity is linear. Carbamazepine
240 can cause leukopenia, aplastic anemia, or hepatotoxicity treatment of primary generalized, tonic-clonic seizures.
and would therefore be contraindicated in patients with Phenytoin, followed by topiramate, carbamazepine, and
predispositions to these problems. Asian individuals car- zonisamide are suitable alternatives. Valproic acid is also
rying the HLA allele HLA-B*1502 are at particularly high particularly effective in absence, myoclonic, and atonic
risk of developing fatal skin reactions including Stevens seizures and is therefore the drug of choice in patients
Johnson syndrome and should be tested for this allele with generalized epilepsy syndromes having mixed
prior to initiation of carbamazepine. Oxcarbazepine has seizure types. Importantly, both carbamazepine and
the advantage of being metabolized in a way that phenytoin can worsen certain types of generalized
avoids an intermediate metabolite associated with seizures, including absence, myoclonic, tonic, and atonic
some of the side effects of carbamazepine. Oxcar- seizures. Ethosuximide is a particularly effective drug for
bazepine also has fewer drug interactions than carba- the treatment of uncomplicated absence seizures, but it
mazepine. Lamotrigine tends to be well-tolerated in is not useful for tonic-clonic or partial seizures. Ethosux-
terms of side effects. However, patients need to be par- imide rarely causes bone marrow suppression, so that
ticularly vigilant about the possibility of a skin rash dur- periodic monitoring of blood cell counts is required.
ing the initiation of therapy. This can be extremely Lamotrigine appears to be particularly effective in
severe and lead to Stevens-Johnson syndrome if unrec- epilepsy syndromes with mixed, generalized seizure
ognized and if the medication is not discontinued types such as JME and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Topi-
immediately. This risk can be reduced by slow introduc- ramate, zonisamide, and felbamate may have similar
tion and titration. Lamotrigine must be started slowly broad efcacy.
when used as add-on therapy with valproic acid, since
valproic acid inhibits lamotrigine metabolism, thereby Initiation and Monitoring of Therapy Because
substantially prolonging its half-life. Topiramate has the response to any antiepileptic drug is unpredictable,
recently been approved as monotherapy for partial and patients should be carefully educated about the
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
primary generalized seizures. Similar to some of the approach to therapy. The goal is to prevent seizures and
other antiepileptic drugs, topiramate can cause signi- minimize the side effects of therapy; determination of
cant psychomotor slowing and other cognitive prob- the optimal dose is often a matter of trial and error. This
lems, and it should not be used in patients at risk for the process may take months or longer if the baseline
development of glaucoma or renal stones. seizure frequency is low. Most anticonvulsant drugs
Valproic acid is an effective alternative for some need to be introduced relatively slowly to minimize side
patients with partial seizures, especially when the seizures effects, and patients should expect that minor side
secondarily generalize. Gastrointestinal side effects are effects such as mild sedation, slight changes in cogni-
fewer when using the valproate semisodium formulation tion, or imbalance will typically resolve within a few
(Depakote). Valproic acid also rarely causes reversible days. Starting doses are usually the lowest value listed
bone marrow suppression and hepatotoxicity, and labora- under the dosage column in Table 20-9. Subsequent
tory testing is required to monitor toxicity. This drug increases should be made only after achieving a steady
should generally be avoided in patients with preexisting state with the previous dose (i.e., after an interval of ve
bone marrow or liver disease. Irreversible, fatal hepatic fail- or more half-lives).
ure appearing as an idiosyncratic rather than dose-related Monitoring of serum antiepileptic drug levels can be
side effect is a relatively rare complication; its risk is high- very useful for establishing the initial dosing schedule.
est in children <2 years, especially those taking other However, the published therapeutic ranges of serum
antiepileptic drugs or with inborn errors of metabolism. drug concentrations are only an approximate guide for
Levetiracetam, tiagabine, zonisamide, and gabapentin determining the proper dose for a given patient. The
are additional drugs currently used for the treatment of key determinants are the clinical measures of seizure
partial seizures with or without secondary generaliza- frequency and presence of side effects, not the labora-
tion. Phenobarbital and other barbiturate compounds tory values. Conventional assays of serum drug levels
were commonly used in the past as rst-line therapy for measure the total drug (i.e., both free and protein-
many forms of epilepsy. However, the barbiturates fre- bound). However, it is the concentration of free drug
quently cause sedation in adults, hyperactivity in chil- that reects extracellular levels in the brain and corre-
dren, and other more subtle cognitive changes; thus, lates best with efcacy. Thus, patients with decreased
their use should be limited to situations in which no levels of serum proteins (e.g., decreased serum albumin
other suitable treatment alternatives exist. due to impaired liver or renal function) may have an
increased ratio of free to bound drug, yet the concentra-
Antiepileptic Drug Selection for General- tion of free drug may be adequate for seizure control.
ized Seizures Valproic acid and lamotrigine are These patients may have a subtherapeutic drug level,
currently considered the best initial choice for the but the dose should be changed only if seizures remain
uncontrolled, not just to achieve a therapeutic level. It of clonazepam, and those with absence seizures may 241
is also useful to monitor free drug levels in such respond to a combination of valproic acid and ethosux-
patients. In practice, other than during the initiation or imide. The same principles concerning the monitoring
modication of therapy, monitoring of antiepileptic of therapeutic response, toxicity, and serum levels for
drug levels is most useful for documenting compliance. monotherapy apply to polypharmacy, and potential
If seizures continue despite gradual increases to the drug interactions need to be recognized. If there is no
maximum tolerated dose and documented compliance, improvement, a third drug can be added while the rst
then it becomes necessary to switch to another two are maintained. If there is a response, the less effec-
antiepileptic drug. This is usually done by maintaining tive or less well-tolerated of the rst two drugs should
the patient on the rst drug while a second drug is be gradually withdrawn.
added. The dose of the second drug should be adjusted
to decrease seizure frequency without causing toxicity. SURGICAL TREATMENT OF REFRACTORY
Once this is achieved, the rst drug can be gradually EPILEPSY Approximately 2030% of patients with
withdrawn (usually over weeks unless there is signicant epilepsy are resistant to medical therapy despite efforts
toxicity). The dose of the second drug is then further to nd an effective combination of antiepileptic drugs.
optimized based on seizure response and side effects. For some, surgery can be extremely effective in substan-
Monotherapy should be the goal whenever possible. tially reducing seizure frequency and even providing
complete seizure control. Understanding the potential
When to Discontinue Therapy Overall, about
value of surgery is especially important when, at the time
70% of children and 60% of adults who have their
of diagnosis, a patient has an epilepsy syndrome that is
seizures completely controlled with antiepileptic drugs
considered likely to be drug-resistant. Rather than sub-
can eventually discontinue therapy. The following patient
mitting the patient to years of unsuccessful medical ther-
prole yields the greatest chance of remaining seizure-
apy and the psychosocial trauma and increased mortal-
Seizures continuing
Consider valproate
25 mg/kg IV in pts. Fosphenytoin 710 mg/kg PE IV @ 150 mg/min
normally taking or Phenytoin 710 mg/kg IV @ 50 mg/min
valproate and who may
be subtherapeutic Seizures continuing
Consider valproate
25 mg/kg IV
No immediate access to ICU
Phenobarbital 10 mg/kg IV @ 60 mg/min
tonic-clonic status epilepticus in adults.
The horizontal bars indicate the approximate
IV anesthesia with propofol or
midazolam or pentobarbital duration of drug infusions. IV, intravenous; PE,
phenytoin equivalents.
affects young people with convulsive seizures and tends CATAMENIAL EPILEPSY
to occur at night. The cause of SUDEP is unknown; it
Some women experience a marked increase in seizure
may result from brainstem-mediated effects of seizures
frequency around the time of menses.This is thought to
on cardiac rhythms or pulmonary function.
reect either the effects of estrogen and progesterone
on neuronal excitability or changes in antiepileptic
drug levels due to altered protein binding. Acetazo-
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
lamide (250500 mg/d) may be effective as adjunctive
There continues to be a cultural stigma about epilepsy, therapy in some cases when started 710 days prior to
although it is slowly declining in societies with effective the onset of menses and continued until bleeding stops.
health education programs. Many patients with epilepsy Some patients may benet from increases in antiepilep-
harbor fears, such as the fear of becoming mentally tic drug dosages during this time or from control of the
retarded or dying during a seizure. These issues need to menstrual cycle through the use of oral contraceptives.
be carefully addressed by educating the patient about Natural progestins may be of benet to a subset of
epilepsy and by ensuring that family members, teachers, women.
fellow employees, and other associates are equally well
informed. The Epilepsy Foundation of America (1-800-
EFA-1000) is a patient advocacy organization and a use- PREGNANCY
ful source of educational material. Most women with epilepsy who become pregnant will
have an uncomplicated gestation and deliver a normal
baby. However, epilepsy poses some important risks to a
pregnancy. Seizure frequency during pregnancy will
remain unchanged in ~50% of women, increase in 30%,
Many patients with epilepsy face difculty in obtaining or and decrease in 20%. Changes in seizure frequency are
maintaining employment, even when their seizures are attributed to endocrine effects on the CNS, variations in
well controlled. Federal and state legislation is designed to antiepileptic drug pharmacokinetics (such as acceleration
prevent employers from discriminating against patients of hepatic drug metabolism or effects on plasma protein
with epilepsy, and patients should be encouraged to binding), and changes in medication compliance. It is use-
understand and claim their legal rights. Patients in these ful to see patients at frequent intervals during pregnancy
circumstances also benet greatly from the assistance of and monitor serum antiepileptic drug levels. Measure-
health providers who act as strong patient advocates. ment of the unbound drug concentrations may be useful
Loss of driving privileges is one of the most disruptive if there is an increase in seizure frequency or worsening
social consequences of epilepsy. Physicians should be very of side effects of antiepileptic drugs.
clear about local regulations concerning driving and The overall incidence of fetal abnormalities in children
epilepsy, since the laws vary considerably among states born to mothers with epilepsy is 56%, in comparison
and countries. In all cases, it is the physicians responsibil- with 23% in healthy women. Part of the higher inci-
ity to warn patients of the danger imposed on themselves dence is due to teratogenic effects of antiepileptic drugs,
and others while driving if their seizures are uncontrolled and the risk increases with the number of medications
used (e.g., 10% risk of malformations with three drugs).A BREAST-FEEDING 245
syndrome comprising facial dysmorphism, cleft lip, cleft
Antiepileptic medications are excreted into breast milk to
palate, cardiac defects, digital hypoplasia, and nail dysplasia
a variable degree. The ratio of drug concentration in
was originally ascribed to phenytoin therapy, but it is now
breast milk relative to serum is ~80% for ethosuximide,
known to occur with other rst-line antiepileptic drugs
4060% for phenobarbital, 40% for carbamazepine, 15%
(i.e., valproic acid and carbamazepine) as well. Also, val-
for phenytoin, and 5% for valproic acid. Given the overall
proic acid and carbamazepine are associated with a 12%
benets of breast-feeding and the lack of evidence for
incidence of neural tube defects compared with a baseline
long-term harm to the infant by being exposed to
of 0.51%. Little is currently known about the safety of
antiepileptic drugs, mothers with epilepsy can be encour-
newer drugs, although very recent reports suggest a
aged to breast-feed.This should be reconsidered, however,
higher than expected incidence of cleft lip with the use of
if there is any evidence of drug effects on the infant, such
lamotrigine during pregnancy.
as lethargy or poor feeding.
Because the potential harm of uncontrolled seizures on
the mother and fetus is considered greater than the ter-
atogenic effects of antiepileptic drugs, it is currently rec- FURTHER READINGS
ommended that pregnant women be maintained on BARBARO NM et al: A multicenter, prospective pilot study of gamma
effective drug therapy.When possible, it seems prudent to knife radiosurgery for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: Seizure response,
have the patient on monotherapy at the lowest effective adverse events, and verbal memory.Ann Neurol 65:167, 2009.
dose, especially during the rst trimester. Patients should CHANG B, LOWENSTEIN DH: Mechanisms of disease: Epilepsy. N
also take folate (14 mg/d), since the antifolate effects of Engl J Med 349:1257, 2003
CHOI H et al: Epilepsy surgery for pharmacoresistant temporal lobe
anticonvulsants are thought to play a role in the develop-
epilepsy:A decision analysis. JAMA 300:2497, 2008
ment of neural tube defects, although the benets of this DUNCAN JS et al: Adult epilepsy. Lancet 367:1087, 2006
treatment remain unproved in this setting. ENSRUD KE et al: Antiepileptic drug use and rates of hip bone loss in
Cerebrovascular diseases include some of the most com- and the patients symptoms are only transient: this is
mon and devastating disorders: ischemic stroke, hemor- called a transient ischemic attack (TIA).The standard den-
rhagic stroke, and cerebrovascular anomalies such as ition of TIA requires that all neurologic signs and symp-
intracranial aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations toms resolve within 24 h regardless of whether there is
(AVMs). They cause ~200,000 deaths each year in the imaging evidence of new permanent brain injury; stroke
United States and are a major cause of disability. The has occurred if the neurologic signs and symptoms last
incidence of cerebrovascular diseases increases with age, for >24 h. However, a newly proposed denition classi-
and the number of strokes is projected to increase as the es those with new brain infarction as ischemic strokes
elderly population grows, with a doubling in stroke regardless of whether symptoms persist. A generalized
deaths in the United States by 2030. Most cerebrovascu- reduction in cerebral blood ow due to systemic
lar diseases are manifest by the abrupt onset of a focal hypotension (e.g., cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial infarc-
neurologic decit, as if the patient was struck by the tion, or hemorrhagic shock) usually produces syncope
hand of God. A stroke, or cerebrovascular accident, is (Chap. 8). If low cerebral blood ow persists for a longer
dened by this abrupt onset of a neurologic decit that duration, then infarction in the border zones between
is attributable to a focal vascular cause. Thus, the deni- the major cerebral artery distributions may develop. In
tion of stroke is clinical, and laboratory studies including more severe instances, global hypoxia-ischemia causes
brain imaging are used to support the diagnosis. The widespread brain injury; the constellation of cognitive
clinical manifestations of stroke are highly variable sequelae that ensues is called hypoxic-ischemic encephalopa-
because of the complex anatomy of the brain and its thy (Chap. 22). Focal ischemia or infarction, on the other
vasculature. Cerebral ischemia is caused by a reduction in hand, is usually caused by thrombosis of the cerebral
blood ow that lasts longer than several seconds. Neuro- vessels themselves or by emboli from a proximal arterial
logic symptoms are manifest within seconds because source or the heart. Intracranial hemorrhage is caused by
neurons lack glycogen, so energy failure is rapid. If the bleeding directly into or around the brain; it produces
cessation of ow lasts for more than a few minutes, neurologic symptoms by producing a mass effect on
infarction or death of brain tissue results. When blood neural structures, from the toxic effects of blood itself, or
ow is quickly restored, brain tissue can recover fully by increasing intracranial pressure.
Approach to the Patient:
Stroke or TIA
Rapid evaluation is essential for use of time-sensitive ABCs, glucose
treatments such as thrombolysis. However, nearly half
of patients with acute stroke often do not seek medical Ischemic stroke/ Obtain brain Hemorrhage
TIA, 85% imaging 15%
assistance on their own, both because they are rarely in
pain, as well as because they may lose the appreciation Consider thrombolysis/ Consider BP
that something is wrong (anosognosia); it is often a thrombectomy lowering
warfarin (Chap. 22) surgery
stent cause cause
experience a sudden, severe headache.
There are several common causes of sudden-onset
neurologic symptoms that may mimic stroke, including Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
Physical, occupational, speech therapy
seizure, intracranial tumor, migraine, and metabolic Evaluate for rehab, discharge planning
encephalopathy. An adequate history from an observer Secondary prevention based on disease
Cerebrovascular Diseases
ably excludes seizure. Tumors may present with acute FIGURE 21-1
neurologic symptoms due to hemorrhage, seizure, or Medical management of stroke and TIA. Rounded boxes
hydrocephalus. Surprisingly, migraine can mimic stroke, are diagnoses; rectangles are interventions. Numbers are
percentages of stroke overall. TIA, transient ischemic attack;
even in patients without a signicant migraine history.
ABCs, airway, breathing, circulation; BP, blood pressure;
When it develops without head pain (acephalgic migraine),
CEA, carotid endarterectomy, SAH, subarachnoid hemor-
the diagnosis may remain elusive. Patients without any
rhage; ICH, intracerebral hemorrhage.
prior history of migraine may develop acephalgic
migraine even older than 65 years.A sensory disturbance
is often prominent, and the sensory decit, as well as any
motor decits, tends to migrate slowly across a limb over endovascular mechanical thrombectomy may be bene-
minutes rather than seconds as with stroke.The diagno- cial in restoring cerebral perfusion (see Rx: Acute
sis of migraine becomes more secure as the cortical dis- Ischemic Stroke). Medical management to reduce the
turbance begins to cross vascular boundaries or if typical risk of complications becomes the next priority, followed
visual symptoms are present, such as scintillating sco- by plans for secondary prevention. For ischemic stroke,
tomata (Chap. 6). At times it may be difcult to make several strategies can reduce the risk of subsequent stroke
the diagnosis until multiple episodes have occurred leav- in all patients, while other strategies are effective for
ing behind no residual symptoms and with a normal patients with specic causes of stroke such as cardiac
MRI study of the brain. Classically, metabolic embolus and carotid atherosclerosis. For hemorrhagic
encephalopathies produce uctuating mental status stroke, aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and
without focal neurologic ndings. However, in the set- hypertensive intracranial hemorrhage are two important
ting of prior stroke or brain injury, a patient with fever causes. The treatment and prevention of hypertensive
or sepsis may manifest hemiparesis, which clears rapidly intracranial hemorrhage are discussed later in this
when the infection is remedied. The metabolic process chapter. SAH is discussed in Chap. 22.
serves to unmask a prior decit.
Once the diagnosis of stroke is made, a brain imaging
study is necessary to determine if the cause of stroke is ISCHEMIC STROKE
ischemia or hemorrhage (Fig. 21-1). CT imaging of the
brain is the standard imaging modality to detect the pres- PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF ISCHEMIC STROKE
ence or absence of intracranial hemorrhage (see Imaging
Acute occlusion of an intracranial vessel causes reduction
Studies, later). If the stroke is ischemic, administration of
in blood ow to the brain region it supplies.The magni-
recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) or
tude of ow reduction is a function of collateral blood
Arterial occlusion
Ischemia Reperfusion
Energy failure PARP response
Ca2+/Na+ influx Apoptosis Arachidonic acid
iNOS Free radical
ow and this depends on individual vascular anatomy as are seen within the ischemic penumbra, favor apop-
and the site of occlusion. A fall in cerebral blood ow to totic cellular death causing cells to die days to weeks
zero causes death of brain tissue within 410 min; values later. Fever dramatically worsens ischemia, as does hyper-
<1618 mL/100 g tissue per min cause infarction within glycemia [glucose >11.1 mmol/L (200 mg/dL)], so it is
an hour; and values <20 mL/100 g tissue per min cause reasonable to suppress fever and prevent hyperglycemia as
ischemia without infarction unless prolonged for several much as possible. Induced moderate hypothermia to mit-
hours or days. If blood ow is restored prior to a signi- igate stroke is the subject of continuing clinical research.
cant amount of cell death, the patient may experience
only transient symptoms, i.e., a TIA. Tissue surrounding
the core region of infarction is ischemic but reversibly Treatment:
dysfunctional and is referred to as the ischemic penumbra. ACUTE ISCHEMIC STROKE
The penumbra may be imaged by using perfusion- After the clinical diagnosis of stroke is made, an orderly
diffusion imaging with MRI (see later and Fig. 21-16). process of evaluation and treatment should follow
The ischemic penumbra will eventually infarct if no (Fig. 21-1). The rst goal is to prevent or reverse brain
change in ow occurs, and hence saving the ischemic injury. Attend to the patients airway, breathing, circula-
penumbra is the goal of revascularization therapies. tion, and treat hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia if identi-
Focal cerebral infarction occurs via two distinct path- ed. Perform an emergency noncontrast head CT scan in
ways (Fig. 21-2): (1) a necrotic pathway in which cellu- order to differentiate between ischemic stroke and hem-
lar cytoskeletal breakdown is rapid, due principally to orrhagic stroke; there are no reliable clinical ndings that
energy failure of the cell; and (2) an apoptotic pathway in conclusively separate ischemia from hemorrhage,
which cells become programmed to die. Ischemia pro- although a more depressed level of consciousness,
duces necrosis by starving neurons of glucose, which in higher initial blood pressure, or worsening of symptoms
turn results in failure of mitochondria to produce ATP. after onset favor hemorrhage, and a decit that remits
Without ATP, membrane ion pumps stop functioning suggests ischemia. Treatments designed to reverse or
and neurons depolarize, allowing intracellular calcium to lessen the amount of tissue infarction and improve clini-
rise. Cellular depolarization also causes glutamate release cal outcome fall within six categories: (1) medical sup-
from synaptic terminals; excess extracellular glutamate port (2) intravenous thrombolysis, (3) endovascular
produces neurotoxicity by activating postsynaptic gluta- techniques, (4) antithrombotic treatment, (5) neuropro-
mate receptors that increase neuronal calcium inux. tection, and (6) stroke centers and rehabilitation.
Free radicals are produced by membrane lipid degrada-
MEDICAL SUPPORT When ischemic stroke occurs,
tion and mitochondrial dysfunction. Free radicals cause
catalytic destruction of membranes and likely damage the immediate goal is to optimize cerebral perfusion in
other vital functions of cells. Lesser degrees of ischemia, the surrounding ischemic penumbra. Attention is also
directed toward preventing the common complications 60 min) vs. placebo in patients with ischemic stroke 249
of bedridden patientsinfections (pneumonia, urinary within 3 h of onset. Half of the patients were treated
tract, and skin) and deep venous thrombosis (DVT) with within 90 min. Symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage
pulmonary embolism. Many physicians use pneumatic occurred in 6.4% of patients on rtPA and 0.6% on
compression stockings to prevent DVT; subcutaneous placebo. There was a nonsignificant 4% reduction in
heparin appears to be safe as well and can be used mortality in patients on rtPA (21% on placebo and
concomitantly. 17% on rtPA); there was a significant 12% absolute
Because collateral blood ow within the ischemic increase in the number of patients with only minimal
brain is blood pressure dependent, there is controversy disability (32% on placebo and 44% on rtPA.) Thus,
about whether blood pressure should be lowered despite an increased incidence of symptomatic
acutely. Blood pressure should be lowered if there is intracerebral hemorrhage, treatment with IV rtPA
malignant hypertension or concomitant myocardial within 3 h of the onset of ischemic stroke improved
ischemia or if blood pressure is >185/110 mmHg and clinical outcome.
thrombolytic therapy is anticipated. When faced with Results of other trials of rtPA have been negative, per-
the competing demands of myocardium and brain, low- haps because of the dose of rtPA and timing of its deliv-
ering the heart rate with a 1-adrenergic blocker (such ery. The European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study
as esmolol) can be a rst step to decrease cardiac work (ECASS) I used a higher dose of rtPA (1.2 mg/kg), and
and maintain blood pressure. Fever is detrimental and ECASS-II tested the NINDS dose of rtPA (0.9 mg/kg; max-
should be treated with antipyretics and surface cooling. imum dose, 90 mg) but allowed patients to receive drug
Serum glucose should be monitored and kept at <6.1 up to the sixth hour. No signicant benet was found,
mmol/L (110 mg/dL) using an insulin infusion. but improvement was found in post hoc analyses.
Between 5 and 10% of patients develop enough ATLANTIS tested the NINDS dosing of rtPA between 3
cerebral edema to cause obtundation or brain hernia- and 5 h and found no benet. Because of the marked
Cerebrovascular Diseases
tion. Edema peaks on the second or third day but can differences in trial design, including drug and dose used,
cause mass effect for ~10 days. The larger the infarct, the time to thrombolysis, and severity of stroke, the precise
greater the likelihood that clinically signicant edema efcacy of IV thrombolytics for acute ischemic stroke
will develop. Water restriction and IV mannitol may be remains unclear. The risk of intracranial hemorrhage
used to raise the serum osmolarity, but hypovolemia appears to rise with larger strokes, longer times from
should be avoided as this may contribute to hypoten- onset of symptoms, and higher doses of rtPA adminis-
sion and worsening infarction. Combined analysis of tered. The established dose of 0.9 mg/kg administered
three randomized European trials of hemicraniectomy IV within 3 h of stroke onset appears safe. The ECASS-III
(craniotomy and temporary removal of part of the skull) trial established efcacy of IV tPA in a 4.5-h window,
shows that this procedure markedly reduces mortality, although with less robust results compared to 3-hour
and the clinical outcomes of survivors are acceptable. trials. When data from all randomized IV rtPA trails are
Special vigilance is warranted for patients with cere- combined, efcacy is conrmed in the <3-h time win-
bellar infarction. Such strokes may mimic labyrinthitis dow, and efcacy likely extends to 4.5 h. One may be
because of prominent vertigo and vomiting; the pres- able to select patients beyond the usual time windows
ence of head or neck pain should alert the physician to who will benet from thrombolysis using advanced
consider cerebellar stroke from vertebral artery dissec- neuroimaging (see neuroimaging section later), but this
tion. Even small amounts of cerebellar edema can is currently investigational. The drug is now approved in
acutely increase intracranial pressure (ICP) or directly the United States, Canada, and Europe for acute stroke
compress the brainstem. The resulting brainstem com- when given within 3 h from the time the stroke symp-
pression can result in coma and respiratory arrest and toms began, and efforts should be made to give it as
require emergency surgical decompression. Prophylac- early in this 3-h window as possible. The time of stroke
tic suboccipital decompression of large cerebellar onset is dened as the time the patients symptoms
infarcts before brainstem compression, although not began or the time the patient was last seen as normal.
tested rigorously in a clinical trial, is practiced at most Patients who awaken with stroke have the onset
stroke centers. defined as when they went to bed. Table 21-1 summa-
rizes eligibility criteria and instructions for administra-
Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
recombinant tPA (rtPA) Stroke Study showed a clear ENDOVASCULAR TECHNIQUES Ischemic stroke
benefit for IV rtPA in selected patients with acute from large-vessel intracranial occlusion results in high
stroke. The NINDS study used IV rtPA (0.9 mg/kg to a rates of mortality and morbidity. Occlusions in such
90-mg max; 10% as a bolus, then the remainder over large vessels [middle cerebral artery (MCA), internal
250 TABLE 21-1
Administration of rtPA
Intravenous access with two peripheral IV lines (avoid arterial or central line placement)
Review eligibility for rtPA
Administer 0.9 mg/kg intravenously (maximum 90 mg) IV as 10% of total dose by bolus,
followed by remainder of total dose over 1 h
Frequent cuff blood pressure monitoring
No other antithrombotic treatment for 24 h
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
For decline in neurologic status or uncontrolled blood pressure, stop infusion, give
cryoprecipitate, and reimage brain emergently
Avoid urethral catheterization for 2 h
See Activase (tissue plasminogen activator) package insert for complete list of contraindications and dosing.
Note: BP, blood pressure; HCT, hematocrit; INR, international normalized ratio; MCA, middle cerebral artery;
PTT, partial thromboplastin time.
carotid artery, and the basilar artery] generally involve a device to restore patency of occluded intracranial ves-
large clot volume and often fail to open with IV rtPA sels within 8 h of ischemic stroke symptoms. Recanal-
alone. Therefore, there is growing interest in using ization of the target vessel occurred in 48% of treated
thrombolytics via an intraarterial route to increase the patients and in 60% following use of adjuvant endovas-
concentration of drug at the clot and minimize systemic cular methods, and successful recanalization at 90 days
bleeding complications. The Prolyse in Acute Cerebral correlated well with favorable outcome. Based upon
Thromboembolism (PROACT) II trial found benet for these nonrandomized data, the FDA approved this
intraarterial pro-urokinase for acute MCA occlusions up device for revascularization of occluded vessels in acute
to the sixth hour following onset of stroke. Intra-arterial ischemic stroke within 8 h of symptom onset. Recent
treatment of basilar artery occlusions may also be trials have shown that it is safe to use this technique
benecial for selected patients. Intra-arterial administration even in patients who have been given IV rtPA yet have
of a thrombolytic agent for acute ischemic stroke is not failed to recanalize. Such a strategy allows primary
approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration stroke centers to administer rtPA to eligible patients,
(FDA); however, many stroke centers offer this treatment then rapidly refer such patients to comprehensive
based on these data. stroke centers that have endovascular capability.
Endovascular mechanical thrombectomy has
recently shown promise as an alternative treatment of ANTITHROMBOTIC TREATMENT
acute stroke in patients who are ineligible for, or have Platelet Inhibition Aspirin is the only antiplatelet
contraindications to, thrombolytics or in those who have agent that has been proven effective for the acute
failed to have vascular recanalization with IV throm- treatment of ischemic stroke; there are several
bolytics (Fig. 21-15). The MERCI (Mechanical Embolus antiplatelet agents proven for the secondary prevention
Removal in Cerebral Ischemia) single-arm trial investi- of stroke (see later). Two large trials, the International
gated the ability of a novel endovascular thrombectomy Stroke Trial (IST) and the Chinese Acute Stroke Trial
(CAST), found that the use of aspirin within 48 h of STROKE CENTERS AND REHABILITATION 251
stroke onset reduced both stroke recurrence risk and Patient care in comprehensive stroke units followed by
mortality minimally. Among 19,435 patients in IST, those rehabilitation services improves neurologic outcomes
allocated to aspirin, 300 mg/d, had slightly fewer deaths and reduces mortality. Use of clinical pathways and staff
within 14 days (9.0 vs. 9.4%), signicantly fewer dedicated to the stroke patient can improve care. Stroke
recurrent ischemic strokes (2.8 vs. 3.9%), no excess of teams that provide emergency 24-h evaluation of acute
hemorrhagic strokes (0.9 vs. 0.8%), and a trend toward stroke patients for acute medical management and
a reduction in death or dependence at 6 months (61.2 consideration of thrombolysis or endovascular treatments
vs. 63.5%). In CAST, 21,106 patients with ischemic stroke are important.
received 160 mg/d of aspirin or a placebo for up to Proper rehabilitation of the stroke patient includes
4 weeks. There were very small reductions in the aspirin early physical, occupational, and speech therapy. It is
group in early mortality (3.3 vs. 3.9%), recurrent ischemic directed toward educating the patient and family about
strokes (1.6 vs. 2.1%), and dependency at discharge or the patients neurologic decit, preventing the compli-
death (30.5 vs. 31.6%). These trials demonstrate that the cations of immobility (e.g., pneumonia, DVT and pulmonary
use of aspirin in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke embolism, pressure sores of the skin, and muscle con-
is safe and produces a small net benet. For every 1000 tractures), and providing encouragement and instruc-
acute strokes treated with aspirin, about 9 deaths or tion in overcoming the decit. The goal of rehabilitation
nonfatal stroke recurrences will be prevented in the rst is to return the patient to home and to maximize recov-
few weeks and ~13 fewer patients will be dead or ery by providing a safe, progressive regimen suited to
dependent at 6 months. the individual patient. Additionally, the use of restraint
The glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitor abciximab therapy (immobilizing the unaffected side) has been
held promise as an acute treatment, but a recent clinical shown to improve hemiparesis following stroke, even
trial was stopped because of excess intracranial hemor- years following the stroke, suggesting that physical ther-
Cerebrovascular Diseases
rhage. apy can recruit unused neural pathways. This nding
suggests that the human nervous system is more adapt-
Anticoagulation Numerous clinical trials have able than originally thought and has stimulated active
failed to demonstrate any benet of anticoagulation in research into physical and pharmacologic strategies
the primary treatment of atherothrombotic cerebral that can enhance long-term neural recovery.
ischemia. Several trials have investigated antiplatelet
versus anticoagulant medications given within 1224 h
of the initial event. The U.S. Trial of Organon 10172 in
Acute Stroke Treatment (TOAST), an investigational low- ETIOLOGY OF ISCHEMIC STROKE
molecular-weight heparin, failed to show any benet
(Figs. 21-1 and 21-3 and Table 21-2) Although the
over aspirin. Use of SC unfractionated heparin versus
initial management of acute ischemic stroke often does
aspirin was tested in IST. Heparin given SC afforded no
not depend on the etiology, establishing a cause is essen-
additional benet over aspirin and increased bleeding
tial in reducing the risk of recurrence. Particular focus
rates. Several trials of low-molecular-weight heparins
should be on atrial brillation and carotid atherosclero-
have also shown no consistent benet in acute ischemic
sis, as these etiologies have proved secondary prevention
stroke. Furthermore, trials generally have shown an
strategies. The clinical presentation and examination
excess risk of brain and systemic hemorrhage with acute
ndings often establish the cause of stroke or narrow the
anticoagulation. Therefore, trials do not support the use
possibilities to a few. Judicious use of laboratory testing
of heparin or other anticoagulants for patients with
and imaging studies completes the initial evaluation.
atherothrombotic stroke.
Nevertheless, nearly 30% of strokes remain unexplained
NEUROPROTECTION Neuroprotection is the con-
despite extensive evaluation.
cept of providing a treatment that prolongs the brains
Clinical examination should focus on the peripheral
tolerance to ischemia. Drugs that block the excitatory
and cervical vascular system (carotid auscultation for
amino acid pathways have been shown to protect
bruits, blood pressure, and pressure comparison between
neurons and glia in animals, but despite multiple clinical
arms), the heart (dysrhythmia, murmurs), extremities
trials, they have not yet been proven to be benecial in
(peripheral emboli), and retina [effects of hypertension
humans. Hypothermia is a powerful neuroprotective
and cholesterol emboli (Hollenhorst plaques)]. A com-
treatment in patients with cardiac arrest (Chap. 22) and
plete neurologic examination is performed to localize
is neuroprotective in animal models of stroke, but it has
the site of stroke. An imaging study of the brain is nearly
not been adequately studied in patients with ischemic
always indicated and is required for patients being con-
sidered for thrombolysis; it may be combined with CT-
or MRI-based angiography to interrogate the neck and
252 Intracranial Penetrating
atherosclerosis artery disease
Carotid Flow
plaque with reducing
arteriogenic carotid
emboli stenosis Internal
Atrial fibrillation carotid
Valve disease
Left ventricular
Pathophysiology of ischemic stroke. A. Diagram illustrat- major intracranial arteries; (3) hypoperfusion caused by ow-
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
ing the three major mechanisms that underlie ischemic limiting stenosis of a major extracranial (e.g., internal carotid)
stroke: (1) occlusion of an intracranial vessel by an embolus or intracranial vessel, often producing watershed ischemia.
that arises at a distant site (e.g., cardiogenic sources such as B and C. Diagram and reformatted CT angiogram of the
atrial brillation or artery-to-artery emboli from carotid ather- common, internal, and external carotid arteries. High-grade
osclerotic plaque), often affecting the large intracranial ves- stenosis of the internal carotid artery, which may be associ-
sels; (2) in situ thrombosis of an intracranial vessel, typically ated with either cerebral emboli or ow-limiting ischemia,
affecting the small penetrating arteries that arise from the was identied in this patient.
intracranial vessels (see Imaging Studies, later). A chest the ischemic territory. This is usually of no clinical sig-
x-ray, electrocardiogram (ECG), urinalysis, complete nicance and should be distinguished from frank
blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serum intracranial hemorrhage into a region of ischemic stroke
electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, blood sugar, where the mass effect from the hemorrhage can cause a
serologic test for syphilis, serum lipid prole, prothrom- decline in neurologic function.
bin time, and partial thromboplastin time (PTT) are Emboli from the heart most often lodge in the MCA,
often useful and should be considered in all patients. An the posterior cerebral artery (PCA), or one of their
ECG may demonstrate arrhythmias or reveal evidence branches; infrequently, the anterior cerebral artery (ACA)
of recent myocardial infarction (MI). territory is involved. Emboli large enough to occlude the
stem of the MCA (34 mm) lead to large infarcts that
involve both deep gray and white matter and some por-
Cardioembolic Stroke
tions of the cortical surface and its underlying white
Cardioembolism is responsible for ~20% of all ischemic matter.A smaller embolus may occlude a small cortical or
strokes. Stroke caused by heart disease is primarily due penetrating arterial branch. The location and size of an
to embolism of thrombotic material forming on the infarct within a vascular territory depend on the extent
atrial or ventricular wall or the left heart valves. These of the collateral circulation.
thrombi then detach and embolize into the arterial cir- The most signicant causes of cardioembolic stroke
culation. The thrombus may fragment or lyse quickly, in most of the world are nonrheumatic (often called
producing only a TIA. Alternatively, the arterial occlu- nonvalvular) atrial brillation, MI, prosthetic valves,
sion may last longer, producing stroke. Embolic strokes rheumatic heart disease, and ischemic cardiomyopathy
tend to be sudden in onset, with maximum neurologic (Table 21-2). Cardiac disorders causing brain embolism
decit at once. With reperfusion following more pro- are discussed in the respective chapters on heart diseases.
longed ischemia, petechial hemorrhage can occur within A few pertinent aspects are highlighted here.
TABLE 21-2 253
Valvular lesions Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Mitral stenosis Dysproteinemias
Mechanical valve Nephrotic syndrome
Bacterial endocarditis Inammatory bowel disease
Paradoxical embolus Oral contraceptives
Atrial septal defect Venous sinous thrombosisb
Patent foramen ovale Fibromuscular dysplasia
Atrial septal aneurysm Vasculitis
Cerebrovascular Diseases
Spontaneous echo contrast Systemic vasculitis (PAN, Wegeners,
Takayasus, giant cell arteritis)
Primary CNS vasculitis
Meningitis (syphilis, tuberculosis,
fungal, bacterial, zoster)
Mitral valve calcication
Atrial myxoma
Intracardiac tumor
Marantic endocarditis
Libman-Sacks endocarditis
Subarachnoid hemorrhage vasospasm
Drugs: cocaine, amphetamine
Moyamoya disease
Chiey cause venous sinus thrombosis.
May be associated with any hypercoagulable disorder.
Note: CNS, central nervous system; PAN, polyarteritis nodosa.
Nonrheumatic atrial brillation is the most common formation of atrial thrombi. Rheumatic heart disease usu-
cause of cerebral embolism overall. The presumed stroke ally causes ischemic stroke when there is prominent mitral
mechanism is thrombus formation in the brillating stenosis or atrial brillation. Guidelines for the use of war-
atrium or atrial appendage, with subsequent embolization. farin and aspirin for secondary prevention are based on
Patients with atrial brillation have an average annual risk risk factors (Table 21-3).
of stroke of ~5%.The risk varies according to the presence Recent MI may be a source of emboli, especially
of certain risk factors, including older age, hypertension, when transmural and involving the anteroapical ventric-
poor left ventricular function, prior cardioembolism, mitral ular wall, and prophylactic anticoagulation following MI
stenosis, prosthetic heart valve, or diabetes. Patients <65 has been shown to reduce stroke risk. Mitral valve pro-
years with none of these risk factors have an annual risk lapse is not usually a source of emboli unless the prolapse
for stroke of ~0.5%, while those with most of the factors is severe.
have a rate of ~15% per year. Left atrial enlargement and Paradoxical embolization occurs when venous thrombi
congestive heart failure are additional risk factors for migrate to the arterial circulation, usually via a patent
254 TABLE 21-3 acutely thrombose; the resulting blockage causes stroke
CONSENSUS RECOMMENDATION FOR ANTITHROMBOTIC by producing ischemia within the region of brain it sup-
PROPHYLAXIS IN ATRIAL FIBRILLATION plied. Unlike the myocardial vessels, artery-to-artery
embolism, rather than local thrombosis, appears to be
the dominant vascular mechanism causing ischemia. Any
65 years 1 Warfarin INR 23 diseased vessel may be a source, including the aortic
0 Aspirin arch, common carotid, internal carotid, vertebral, and
6575 years 1 Warfarin INR 23 basilar arteries. Carotid bifurcation atherosclerosis is the
0 Warfarin INR 23 or aspirin
>75 years Warfarin INR 23
most common source of artery-to-artery embolus, and
specic treatments have proven efcacy in reducing risk.
Risk factors include previous transient ischemic attack or stroke,
hypertension, heart failure, diabetes, systemic embolism, mitral steno-
Carotid Atherosclerosis
sis, or prosthetic heart valve. Atherosclerosis within the carotid artery occurs most
Source: Modied from DE Singer et al: Antithrombotic therapy in frequently within the common carotid bifurcation and
atrial brillation. Chest 126:429S, 2004; with permission. proximal internal carotid artery. Additionally, the carotid
siphon (portion within the cavernous sinus) is also vul-
nerable to atherosclerosis. Male gender, older age, smok-
foramen ovale or atrial septal defect. Bubble-contrast ing, hypertension, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia are
echocardiography (IV injection of agitated saline coupled risk factors for carotid disease, as they are for stroke in
with either transthoracic or transesophageal echocardiog- general (Table 21-4). Carotid atherosclerosis produces
raphy) can demonstrate a right-to-left cardiac shunt, an estimated 10% of ischemic stroke.
revealing the conduit for paradoxical embolization. Alter- Carotid disease can be classied by whether the
natively, a right-to-left shunt is implied if immediately stenosis is symptomatic or asymptomatic and by the
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
following IV injection of agitated saline, the ultrasound degree of stenosis (percent narrowing of the narrowest
signature of bubbles is observed during transcranial segment compared to a more distal internal carotid seg-
Doppler insonation of the MCA; pulmonary AVMs ment). Symptomatic carotid disease implies that the
should be considered if this test is positive yet an echocar- patient has experienced a stroke or TIA within the vas-
diogram fails to reveal an intracardiac shunt. Both tech- cular distribution of the artery, and it is associated with a
niques are highly sensitive for detection of right-to-left greater risk of subsequent stroke than asymptomatic
shunts. Besides venous clot, fat and tumor emboli, bacte- stenosis, in which the patient is symptom free and the
rial endocarditis, IV air, and amniotic uid emboli at stenosis is detected through screening. Greater degrees
childbirth may occasionally be responsible for paradoxi- of arterial narrowing are generally associated with a
cal embolization. The importance of right-to-left shunt greater risk of stroke, except that those with near occlu-
as a cause of stroke is debated, particularly because such sions are at lower risk of stroke.
shunts are present in ~15% of the general population.
Some studies have suggested that the risk is only ele-
vated in the presence of a coexisting atrial septal
aneurysm. The presence of a venous source of embolus,
most commonly a deep venous thrombus, may provide Treatment:
conrmation of the importance of a right-to-left shunt
in a particular case. Carotid atherosclerosis can be removed surgically
Bacterial endocarditis can cause valvular vegetations (endarterectomy) or mitigated with endovascular stent-
that can give rise to septic emboli. The appearance of ing with or without balloon angioplasty.
multifocal symptoms and signs in a patient with stroke SURGICAL THERAPY Symptomatic carotid stenosis
makes bacterial endocarditis more likely. Infarcts of was studied in the North American Symptomatic
microscopic size occur, and large septic infarcts may Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET) and the
evolve into brain abscesses or cause hemorrhage into the European Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST). Both showed a
infarct, which generally precludes use of anticoagulation substantial benet for surgery in patients with a stenosis
or thrombolytics. Mycotic aneurysms caused by septic of 70%. In NASCET, the average cumulative ipsilateral
emboli give rise to SAH or intracerebral hemorrhage. stroke risk at 2 years was 26% for patients treated
medically and 9% for those receiving the same medical
Artery-to-Artery Embolic Stroke treatment plus a carotid endarterectomy. This 17%
absolute reduction in the surgical group is a 65% relative
Thrombus formation on atherosclerotic plaques may
risk reduction favoring surgery (Table 21-4). NASCET also
embolize to intracranial arteries producing an artery-to-
showed a signicant, although less robust, benet for
artery embolic stroke. Alternatively, a diseased vessel may
TABLE 21-4 255
Number needed to treat to prevent one stroke annually. Prevention of other cardiovascular outcomes is not considered here.
Note: N/A, not applicable.
patients with 5070% stenosis. ECST found harm for risk reduction is only 5.9% over 5 years, or 1.2% annually
Cerebrovascular Diseases
patients with stenosis <30% treated surgically. (Table 21-4). Nearly half of the strokes in the surgery
A patients risk of stroke and possible benet from group were caused by preoperative angiograms. The
surgery are related to the presence of retinal versus recently published ACST randomized 3120 asympto-
hemispheric symptoms, degree of arterial stenosis, matic patients with >60% carotid stenosis to
extent of associated medical conditions (of note, endarterectomy or medical therapy. The 5-year risk of
NASCET and ECST excluded high-risk patients with stroke in the surgical group (including perioperative
signicant cardiac, pulmonary, or renal disease), institu- stroke or death) was 6.4%, in comparison with 11.8% in
tional surgical morbidity and mortality, timing of the medically treated group (46% relative risk reduction
surgery relative to symptoms, and other factors. A recent and 5.4% absolute risk reduction).
meta-analysis of the NASCET and ECST trials demon- In both ACAS and ACST, the perioperative complication
strated that endarterectomy is most benecial when rate was higher in women, perhaps negating any benet
performed within 2 weeks of symptom onset. In addi- in the reduction of stroke risk within 5 years. It is possible
tion, benet is more pronounced in patients >75 years, that with longer follow-up, a clear benet in women will
and men appear to benet more than women. emerge. At present, carotid endarterectomy in asympto-
In summary, a patient with recent symptomatic hemi- matic women remains particularly controversial.
spheric ischemia, high-grade stenosis in the appropriate In summary, the natural history of asymptomatic
internal carotid artery, and an institutional perioperative stenosis is a ~2% per year stroke rate, while sympto-
morbidity and mortality rate of 6% generally should matic patients experience a 13% per year risk of stroke.
undergo carotid endarterectomy. If the perioperative Whether to recommend carotid revascularization for an
stroke rate is >6% for any particular surgeon, however, asymptomatic patient is somewhat controversial and
the benets of carotid endarterectomy are questionable. depends on many factors, including patient preference,
The indications for surgical treatment of asympto- degree of stenosis, age, gender, and comorbidities. Med-
matic carotid disease have been claried by the results of ical therapy for reduction of atherosclerosis risk factors,
the Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study (ACAS) including cholesterol-lowering agents and antiplatelet
and the Asymptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial (ACST). medications, is generally recommended for patients
ACAS randomized asymptomatic patients with 60% with asymptomatic carotid stenosis. As with atrial bril-
stenosis to medical treatment with aspirin or the same lation, it is imperative to counsel the patient about TIAs
medical treatment plus carotid endarterectomy. The sur- so that therapy can be revised if symptoms develop.
gical group had a risk over 5 years for ipsilateral stroke
(and any perioperative stroke or death) of 5.1%, com- ENDOVASCULAR THERAPY Balloon angioplasty
pared to a risk in the medical group of 11%. While this coupled with stenting is being used with increasing
demonstrates a 53% relative risk reduction, the absolute frequency to open stenotic carotid arteries and maintain
256 their patency. These techniques can treat carotid of patients on aspirin experienced major hemorrhage,
stenosis not only at the bifurcation but also near the compared to 8.3% of patients taking warfarin.
skull base and in the intracranial segments.The SAPPHIRE Given the worrisome natural history of symptomatic
trial (Stenting and Angioplasty with Protection in intracranial atherosclerosis (in the aspirin arm of the
Patients at High Risk for Endarterectomy) randomized WASID trial, 15% of patients experienced a stroke
high-risk patients (dened as patients with clinically within the rst year, despite current standard aggressive
signicant coronary or pulmonary disease, contralateral medical therapy), some centers treat symptomatic lesions
carotid occlusion, restenosis after endarterectomy, with intracranial angioplasty and stenting.This interven-
contralateral laryngeal-nerve palsy, prior radical neck tion has not been compared with medical therapy for
surgery or radiation, or age >80) with symptomatic stroke prevention in this patient population, but such
carotid stenosis >50% or asymptomatic stenosis >80% clinical trials will likely be conducted in the near future.
to either stenting combined with a distal emboli- Likewise, it is unclear whether EC-IC bypass, or other
protection device or endarterectomy. The risk of death, grafting procedures of extracranial blood supply to the
stroke, or MI within 30 days and ipsilateral stroke or pial arteries, is of value in such patients.
death within 1 year was 12.2% in the stenting group Dissection of the internal carotid or vertebral arteries
and 20.1% in the endarterectomy group (p = .055), or even vessels beyond the circle of Willis is a common
suggesting that stenting is at the very least comparable source of embolic stroke in young (<60 years) patients.
to endarterectomy as a treatment option for this patient The dissection is usually painful and precedes the stroke
group at high risk of surgery. However, the outcomes by several hours or days. Extracranial dissections do not
with both interventions may not have been better than cause hemorrhage because of the tough adventitia of
leaving the carotid stenoses untreated, particularly for these vessels. Intracranial dissections, on the other hand,
the asymptomatic patients, and much of the benet may produce SAH because the adventitia of intracranial
seen in the stenting group was due to a reduction in vessels is thin and pseudoaneurysms may form, requiring
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
peri-procedure MI. Multicenter trials are currently treatment to prevent rerupture. Treating asymptomatic
underway comparing stenting with endarterectomy in pseudoaneurysms following dissection is controversial.
lower-risk patients, the population previously studied in The cause of dissection is usually unknown and recur-
the NASCET, ECST, ACAS, and ACST trials (see above). rence is rare. Ehlers-Danlos type IV, Marfans disease,
cystic medial necrosis, and bromuscular dysplasia are
BYPASS SURGERY Extracranial-to-intracranial (EC-IC) associated with dissections. Trauma (usually a motor
bypass surgery has been proven ineffective for atheroscle- vehicle accident or a sports injury) can cause carotid and
rotic stenoses that are inaccessible to conven-tional vertebral artery dissections. Spinal manipulative therapy
carotid endarterectomy. However, a trial is underway to is independently associated with vertebral artery dissec-
evaluate whether patients with decreased brain tion and stroke. Most dissections heal spontaneously, and
perfusion based on positron emission tomography (PET) stroke or TIA is uncommon beyond 2 weeks. Although
imaging will benet from EC-IC bypass. there are no trials comparing anticoagulation to
antiplatelet agents, many physicians treat acutely with
anticoagulants for 36 months then convert to 69
months of antiplatelet therapy after demonstration of
Other Causes of Artery-to-Artery vascular recanalization; a recent observational study ques-
Embolic Stroke tioned the superiority of anticoagulants versus antiplatelets
Intracranial atherosclerosis produces stroke either by an in carotid dissection.
embolic mechanism or by in situ thrombosis of a diseased
vessel. It is more common in patients of Asian and
Small-Vessel Stroke
African-American descent. The WASID (Warfarin-
Aspirin Symptomatic Intracranial Disease) trial random- The term lacunar infarction refers to infarction following
ized patients with symptomatic stenosis (5099%) of a atherothrombotic or lipohyalinotic occlusion of a small
major intracranial vessel to either high-dose aspirin (1300 artery (30300 m) in the brain. The term small-vessel
mg/d) or warfarin (target INR, 2.03.0), with a com- stroke denotes occlusion of such a small penetrating
bined primary endpoint of ischemic stroke, brain hemor- artery and is now the preferred term. Small-vessel
rhage, or death from vascular cause other than stroke.The strokes account for ~20% of all strokes.
trial was terminated early because of an increased risk of
adverse events related to warfarin anticoagulation. With a Pathophysiology
mean follow-up of 1.8 years, the primary endpoint was The MCA stem, the arteries comprising the circle of
seen in 22.1% in the aspirin group and 21.8% of the war- Willis (A1 segment, anterior and posterior communicat-
farin group. Death from any cause was seen in 4.3% of ing arteries, and P1 segment), and the basilar and vertebral
the aspirin group and 9.7% of the warfarin group; 3.2% arteries all give rise to 30- to 300-m branches that
Deep branches of the 257
Anterior cerebral a. middle cerebral a.
Anterior cerebral a.
carotid a.
Middle cerebral a.
Internal carotid a. Middle cerebral a.
Cerebrovascular Diseases
Basilar a.
Vertebral a.
Basilar a.
Deep branches
Vertebral a. of the basilar a.
Diagrams and reformatted CT angiograms in the coronal posterior circulation, similar arteries arise directly from the
section illustrating the deep penetrating arteries involved in vertebral and basilar arteries to supply the brainstem (lower
small-vessel strokes. In the anterior circulation, small pene- panels). Occlusion of a single penetrating artery gives rise to
trating arteries called lenticulostriates arise from the proximal a discrete area of infarct (pathologically termed a lacune, or
portion of the anterior and middle cerebral arteries and lake). Note that these vessels are too small to be visualized
supply deep subcortical structures (upper panels). In the on CT angiography.
penetrate the deep gray and white matter of the cere- stroke from an infarct in the ventral thalamus; (3) ataxic
brum or brainstem (Fig. 21-4). Each of these small hemiparesis from an infarct in the ventral pons or internal
branches can occlude either by atherothrombotic disease capsule; (4) and dysarthria and a clumsy hand or arm due
at its origin or by the development of lipohyalinotic to infarction in the ventral pons or in the genu of the
thickening. Thrombosis of these vessels causes small internal capsule.
infarcts that are referred to as lacunes (Latin for lake of Transient symptoms (small vessel TIAs) may herald a
uid noted at autopsy).These infarcts range in size from small-vessel infarct; they may occur several times a day
3 mm to 2 cm in diameter. Hypertension and age are and last only a few minutes. Recovery from small-vessel
the principal risk factors. strokes tends to be more rapid and complete than recov-
ery from large-vessel strokes; in some cases, however,
Clinical Manifestations there is severe permanent disability. Often, institution of
The most common lacunar syndromes are the following: combined antithrombotic treatments does not prevent
(1) Pure motor hemiparesis from an infarct in the posterior eventual stroke in stuttering lacunes.
limb of the internal capsule or basis pontis; the face, A large-vessel source (either thrombosis or embolism)
arm, and leg are almost always involved; (2) pure sensory may manifest initially as a lacunar syndrome with
258 small-vessel infarction. Therefore, the search for embolic Doppler ultrasonography. In children who are identied
sources (carotid and heart) should not be completely to have high velocities, treatment with aggressive exchange
abandoned in the evaluation of these patients. Secondary transfusion dramatically reduces risk of stroke, and if
prevention of lacunar stroke involves risk factor modi- exchange transfusion is ceased, their stroke rate increases
cation, specically reduction in blood pressure (see Primary again along with MCA velocities.
and Secondary Prevention, later). Fibromuscular dysplasia affects the cervical arteries and
occurs mainly in women.The carotid or vertebral arter-
ies show multiple rings of segmental narrowing alter-
nating with dilatation. Occlusion is usually incomplete.
(Table 21-2) Hypercoagulable disorders primarily cause The process is often asymptomatic but occasionally is
increased risk of venous thrombosis and therefore may associated with an audible bruit, TIAs, or stroke.
cause venous sinus thrombosis. Protein S deciency and Involvement of the renal arteries is common and may
homocysteinemia may cause arterial thromboses as result in hypertension. The cause and natural history of
well. Systemic lupus erythematosus with Libman-Sacks bromuscular dysplasia are unknown. TIA or stroke
endocarditis can be a cause of embolic stroke. These generally occurs only when the artery is severely nar-
conditions overlap with the antiphospholipid syndrome, rowed or dissects. Anticoagulation or antiplatelet ther-
which probably requires long-term anticoagulation to apy may be helpful.
also seen with increased incidence in patients with labo- blindness in one or both eyes and can be prevented with
ratory-conrmed thrombophilia (Table 21-2) including glucocorticoids. It rarely causes stroke as the internal
polycythemia, sickle cell anemia, deciencies of proteins carotid artery is usually not inamed. Idiopathic giant
C and S, factor V Leiden mutation (resistance to acti- cell arteritis involving the great vessels arising from the
vated protein C), antithrombin III deciency, homocys- aortic arch (Takayasus arteritis) may cause carotid or ver-
teinemia, and the prothrombin G20210 mutation. tebral thrombosis; it is rare in the western hemisphere.
Women who take oral contraceptives and have the pro- Necrotizing (or granulomatous) arteritis, occurring alone
thrombin G20210 mutation may be at particularly high or in association with generalized polyarteritis nodosa or
risk for sinus thrombosis. Patients present with headache Wegeners granulomatosis, involves the distal small
and may also have focal neurologic signs (especially branches (<2 mm diameter) of the main intracranial
paraparesis) and seizures. Often, CT imaging is normal arteries and produces small ischemic infarcts in the brain,
unless an intracranial venous hemorrhage has occurred, optic nerve, and spinal cord. The cerebrospinal uid
but the venous sinus occlusion is readily visualized using (CSF) often shows pleocytosis, and the protein level is
magnetic resonance (MR) venography or conventional elevated. Primary central nervous system vasculitis is rare; small
x-ray angiography. With greater degrees of sinus throm- or medium-sized vessels are usually affected, without
bosis, the patient may develop signs of increased ICP apparent systemic vasculitis. Brain biopsy or high-resolution
and coma. Intravenous heparin, regardless of the pres- conventional x-ray angiography is usually required to make
ence of intracranial hemorrhage, has been shown to the diagnosis (Fig. 21-5).The differential diagnosis includes
reduce morbidity and mortality, and the long-term out- infection (tubercular, fungal), atherosclerosis, emboli,
come is generally good. Heparin prevents further connective tissue disease, sarcoidosis, angiocentric lym-
thrombosis and reduces venous hypertension and phoma, carcinomatous meningitis, vasospasm, and drug-
ischemia. If an underlying hypercoagulable state is not associated causes. Some cases follow the postpartum
found, many physicians treat with warfarin sodium for period and are self-limited. Patients with any form of
36 months then convert to aspirin, depending on the vasculitis may present with insidious progression of com-
degree of resolution of the venous sinus thrombus. Anti- bined white and gray matter infarctions, prominent
coagulation is often continued indenitely if throm- headache, and cognitive decline. Aggressive immunosup-
bophilia is diagnosed. pression with glucocorticoids, and often cyclophos-
Sickle cell anemia (SS disease) is a common cause of phamide, is usually necessary to prevent progression; a
stroke in children. A subset of homozygous carriers of diligent investigation for infectious causes such as tuber-
this hemoglobin mutation develop stroke in childhood culosis is essential prior to immunosuppression. Depend-
and this may be predicted by documenting high- ing upon the duration of the disease, many patients can
velocity blood ow within the MCAs using transcranial make an excellent recovery.
Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy can occur in 259
head injury, migraine, sympathomimetic drug use,
eclampsia, and the postpartum period. The etiology is
unclear but likely involves widespread cerebral segmen-
tal vasoconstriction and cerebral edema. Patients com-
plain of headache and manifest uctuating neurologic
symptoms and signs, especially visual symptoms. Some-
times cerebral infarction ensues, but typically the clinical
and imaging ndings suggest that ischemia reverses
completely. Conventional x-ray angiography is the only
means of establishing the diagnosis, but MRI ndings
are characteristic.
Leukoariosis, or periventricular white matter disease, is the
result of multiple small-vessel infarcts within the subcor-
tical white matter. It is readily seen on CT or MRI
scans as areas of white matter injury surrounding the
ventricles and within the corona radiata. Areas of lacunar
infarction are often seen also.The pathophysiologic basis
FIGURE 21-5 of the disease is lipohyalinosis of small penetrating arter-
Cerebral angiogram from a 32-year-old male with central ies within the white matter, likely produced by chronic
nervous system vasculitis. Dramatic beading (arrow) typical hypertension. Patients with periventricular white matter
of vasculitis is seen. disease may develop a subcortical dementia syndrome,
depending on the amount of white matter infarction.
Cerebrovascular Diseases
CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy
with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy) is an
Drugs, in particular amphetamines and perhaps inherited disorder that presents as small-vessel strokes,
cocaine, may cause stroke on the basis of acute hyper- progressive dementia, and extensive symmetric white
tension or drug-induced vasculitis. Abstinence appears matter changes visualized by MRI.Approximately 40% of
to be the best treatment, as no data exist on use of any patients have migraine with aura, often manifest as tran-
treatment. Phenylpropanolamine has been linked with sient motor or sensory decits. Onset is usually in the
intracranial hemorrhage, as has cocaine, perhaps related fourth or fth decade of life. This autosomal dominant
to a drug-induced vasculitis. Arteritis can also occur as a condition is caused by one of several mutations in Notch-
consequence of bacterial, tuberculous, and syphilitic 3, a member of a highly conserved gene family character-
meningitis. ized by epidermal growth factor repeats in its extracellular
Moyamoya disease is a poorly understood occlusive dis- domain. Other monogenic ischemic stroke syndromes
ease involving large intracranial arteries, especially the dis- include cerebral autosomal recessive arteriopathy with
tal internal carotid artery and the stem of the MCA and subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CARASIL)
ACA.Vascular inammation is absent. The lenticulostriate and hereditary endotheliopathy, retinopathy, nephropathy,
arteries develop a rich collateral circulation around the and stroke (HERNS). Fabrys disease also produces both
occlusive lesion, which gives the impression of a puff of large-vessel arteriopathy and small-vessel infarcts by an
smoke (moyamoya in Japanese) on conventional x-ray unknown mechanism.
angiography. Other collaterals include transdural anasto-
moses between the cortical surface branches of the
meningeal and scalp arteries.The disease occurs mainly in
Asian children or young adults, but the appearance may be TIAs are episodes of stroke symptoms that last only
identical in adults who have atherosclerosis, particularly briey; the standard denition of duration is <24 h, but
in association with diabetes.The etiology of the childhood most TIAs last <1 h.The causes of TIA are similar to the
form is unknown. Because of the occurrence of intracra- causes of ischemic stroke, but because TIAs may herald
nial hemorrhage from rupture of the transdural and pial stroke they are an important risk factor that should be
anastomotic channels, anticoagulation is risky. Breakdown considered separately.TIAs may arise from emboli to the
of dilated lenticulostriate arteries may produce parenchy- brain or from in situ thrombosis of an intracranial vessel.
mal hemorrhage, and progressive occlusion of large surface With a TIA, the occluded blood vessel reopens and neu-
arteries can occur, producing large-artery distribution rologic function is restored. However, infarcts of the
strokes. Bypass of extracranial carotid arteries to the dura brain do occur in 1550% of TIAs even though neuro-
or MCAs may prevent stroke and hemorrhage. logic signs and symptoms are absent. Newer denitions
260 of TIA categorize those with new infarct as having thrombotic stroke, diabetes mellitus, hypertension,
ischemic stroke rather than TIA regardless of symptom tobacco smoking, abnormal blood cholesterol [particu-
duration, but the vast majority of studies have used the larly, low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and/or high
standard, time-based denition. low-density lipoprotein (LDL)], and other factors are
In addition to the stroke syndromes discussed later, either proven or probable risk factors for ischemic
one specic TIA symptom should receive special notice. stroke, largely by their link to atherosclerosis. Risk of
Amaurosis fugax, or transient monocular blindness, occurs stroke is much greater in those with prior stroke or TIA.
from emboli to the central retinal artery of one eye.This Many cardiac conditions predispose to stroke, including
may indicate carotid stenosis as the cause or local oph- atrial brillation and recent MI. Oral contraceptives and
thalmic artery disease. hormone replacement therapy increase stroke risk, and
The risk of stroke after a TIA is ~1015% in the rst certain inherited and acquired hypercoagulable states
3 months, with most events occurring in the rst 2 days. predispose to stroke. Hypertension is the most signi-
Therefore, urgent evaluation and treatment are justied. cant of the risk factors; in general, all hypertension
Since etiologies for stroke and TIA are identical, evalua- should be treated.The presence of known cerebrovascu-
tion for TIA should parallel that of stroke (Figs. 21-1 lar disease is not a contraindication to treatment aimed
and 21-3). The improvement characteristic of TIA is a at achieving normotension. Also, the value of treating
contraindication to thrombolysis. However, since the systolic hypertension in older patients has been clearly
risk of subsequent stroke in the rst few days after a TIA established. Lowering blood pressure to levels below
is high, the opportunity to give rtPA more frequently those traditionally dening hypertension appears to
and rapidly if a stroke occurs probably justies hospital reduce the risk of stroke even further. Data are particu-
admission for most patients. Acute antiplatelet therapy larly strong in support of thiazide diuretics, angiotensin-
has not been tested specically after TIA but is likely to converting enzyme inhibitors, and angiotensin receptor
be effective and is recommended. No large-scale trial blockers.
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
has evaluated acute anticoagulation after TIA, a setting Several trials have conrmed that statin drugs reduce
in which the risk of hemorrhage may be lower than for the risk of stroke even in patients without elevated LDL
other categories of stroke. or low HDL. The recently reported SPARCL (Stroke
Prevention by Aggressive Reduction in Cholesterol
Levels) trial showed benet in secondary stroke reduc-
RISK FACTORS FOR ISCHEMIC tion for patients with recent stroke or TIA who were
STROKE AND TIA prescribed atorvastatin, 80 mg/d. Although studies
specically targeting primary prevention of stroke are
Identication and control of modiable risk factors is
still underway, results for patients with cardiovascular
the best strategy to reduce the burden of stroke, and the
risk factors or dyslipidemia have been compelling, with
total number of strokes could be reduced substantially
a 1630% relative risk reduction for stroke. Therefore, a
by these means (Table 21-4).
statin should be considered in all patients with prior
ischemic stroke.Tobacco smoking should be discouraged
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY PREVENTION in all patients. Whether tight control of blood sugar in
OF STROKE AND TIA patients with diabetes lowers stroke risk is uncertain, but
statins, more aggressive blood pressure control, and piogli-
General Principles
tazone (an agonist of peroxisome proliferator-activated
A number of medical and surgical interventions, as well receptor gamma) are effective.
as lifestyle modications, are available for preventing
stroke. Some of these can be widely applied because of
Antiplatelet Agents
their low cost and minimal risk; others are expensive
and carry substantial risk but may be valuable for Platelet antiaggregation agents can prevent atherothrom-
selected high-risk patients. botic events, including TIA and stroke, by inhibiting the
Evaluation of a patients clinical risk prole can help formation of intraarterial platelet aggregates. These can
determine which preventive treatments to offer. In addi- form on diseased arteries, induce thrombus formation,
tion to known risk factors for ischemic stroke (above), and occlude the artery or embolize into the distal circu-
certain clinical characteristics also contribute to an lation. Aspirin, clopidogrel, and the combination of aspirin
increased risk of stroke (Table 21-4). plus extended-release dipyridamole are the antiplatelet
agents most commonly used for this purpose. Ticlopi-
dine has been largely abandoned because of its adverse
Atherosclerosis Risk Factors
There are a number of factors that are associated with Aspirin is the most widely studied antiplatelet
the risk of atherosclerosis. Older age, family history of agent. Aspirin acetylates platelet cyclooxygenase, which
irreversibly inhibits the formation in platelets of phosphodiesterases, dipyridamole also potentiates the 261
thromboxane A2, a platelet aggregating and vasocon- antiaggregatory effects of prostacyclin and nitric oxide
stricting prostaglandin. This effect is permanent and produced by the endothelium and acts by inhibiting
lasts for the usual 8-day life of the platelet. Paradoxi- platelet phosphodiesterase, which is responsible for the
cally, aspirin also inhibits the formation in endothelial breakdown of cyclic AMP. The resulting elevation in
cells of prostacyclin, an antiaggregating and vasodilat- cyclic AMP inhibits aggregation of platelets. Dipyri-
ing prostaglandin. This effect is transient. As soon as damole is erratically absorbed depending on stomach
aspirin is cleared from the blood, the nucleated pH, but a newer formulation combines timed-release
endothelial cells again produce prostacyclin. Aspirin in dipyridamole, 200 mg, with aspirin, 25 mg, and has better
low doses given once daily inhibits the production of oral bioavailability. This combination drug was studied
thromboxane A2 in platelets without substantially in two trials. The European Stroke Prevention Study
inhibiting prostacyclin formation. Higher doses of (ESPS) II showed efcacy of both 50 mg/d of aspirin
aspirin have not been proven to be more effective than and extended-release dipyridamole in preventing
lower doses, and 50325 mg/d of aspirin is generally stroke, and a signicantly better risk reduction when
recommended for stroke prevention. the two agents were combined. The ESPRIT (Euro-
Ticlopidine and clopidogrel block the ADP receptor pean/Australasian Stroke Prevention in Reversible
on platelets and thus prevent the cascade resulting in Ischaemia Trial) trial conrmed the ESPS-II results.
activation of the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor that This was an open-label, academic trial in which 2739
leads to brinogen binding to the platelet and conse- patients with stroke or TIA treated with aspirin were
quent platelet aggregation. Ticlopidine is more effective randomized to dipyridamole, 200 mg twice daily, or no
than aspirin; however, it has the disadvantage of causing dipyridamole. Primary outcome was the composite of
diarrhea, skin rash, and, in rare instances, neutropenia death from all vascular causes, non-fatal stroke, non-fatal
and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Clopidogrel MI, or major bleeding complication. After 3.5 years of
Cerebrovascular Diseases
is not associated with these important side effects. How- follow-up, 13% patients on aspirin and dipyridamole
ever, the CAPRIE (Clopidogrel versus Aspirin in and 16% on aspirin alone (hazard ratio 0.80, 95% CI
Patients at Risk of Ischemic Events) trial, which led to 0.660.98) met the primary outcome. A meta-analysis
FDA approval, found that it was only marginally more of all dypridamole data on secondary stroke prevention
effective than aspirin in reducing risk of stroke. The found an overall risk ratio for the composite of vascular
MATCH (Management of Atherothrombosis with death, stroke, or MI of 0.82 (95% CI 0.740.91). The
Clopidogrel in High-Risk Patients) trial was a large principal side effect of the drug is headache. A combina-
multicenter, randomized double-blind study that com- tion capsule of extended-release dipyridamole and aspirin
pared clopidogrel in combination with aspirin to clopi- is approved for prevention of stroke.
dogrel alone in the secondary prevention of TIA or Many large clinical trials have demonstrated clearly
stroke.The MATCH trial found no difference in TIA or that most antiplatelet agents reduce the risk of all impor-
stroke prevention with this combination, but did show a tant vascular atherothrombotic events (i.e., ischemic
small but signicant increase in major bleeding compli- stroke, MI, and death due to all vascular causes) in patients
cations (3% vs. 1%). In the CHARISMA (Clopidogrel at risk for these events. The overall relative reduction in
for High Atherothrombotic Risk and Ischemic Stabiliza- risk of nonfatal stroke is about 2530% and of all vascular
tion, Management, and Avoidance) trial, which included events is about 25%.The absolute reduction varies consid-
a subgroup of patients with prior stroke or TIA along erably, depending on the particular patients risk. Individ-
with other groups at high risk of cardiovascular events, uals at very low risk for stroke seem to experience the
there was no benet of clopidogrel combined with same relative reduction, but their risk may be so low that
aspirin compared to aspirin alone. Thus, the use of the benet is meaningless. On the other hand, individ-
clopidogrel in combination with aspirin is not generally uals with a 1015% risk of vascular events per year expe-
recommended for stroke prevention. However, these tri- rience a reduction to about 7.511%.
als did not enroll patients immediately after the stroke or Aspirin is inexpensive, can be given in low doses, and
TIA, and the benets of combination therapy were could be recommended for all adults to prevent both
greater among those treated earlier, so it is possible that stroke and MI. However, it causes epigastric discomfort,
clopidogrel combined with aspirin may be benecial in gastric ulceration, and gastrointestinal hemorrhage,
this acute period. Ongoing studies are currently address- which may be asymptomatic or life-threatening. Con-
ing this question. sequently, not every 40- or 50-year-old should be
Dipyridamole is an antiplatelet agent that inhibits the advised to take aspirin regularly because the risk of
uptake of adenosine by a variety of cells, including atherothrombotic stroke is extremely low and is out-
those of the vascular endothelium. The accumulated weighed by the risk of adverse side effects. Conversely,
adenosine is an inhibitor of aggregation. At least in every patient who has experienced an atherothrom-
part through its effects on platelet and vessel wall botic stroke or TIA and has no contraindication should
262 be taking an antiplatelet agent regularly because the persists. Warfarin is currently being studied in patients
average annual risk of another stroke is 810%; another with congestive heart failure.
few percent will experience a MI or vascular death. Stroke secondary to thromboembolism is one of the
Clearly, the likelihood of benet far outweighs the risks most serious complications of prosthetic heart valve
of treatment. implantation. The intensity of anticoagulation and/or
The choice of antiplatelet agent and dose must bal- antiplatelet therapy is dictated by the type of prosthetic
ance the risk of stroke, the expected benet, and the risk valve and its location. The Seventh American College of
and cost of treatment. However, there are no denitive Chest Physicians Conference on Antithrombotic Therapy
data, and opinions vary. Many authorities believe low- for Valvular Heart Disease published the following guide-
dose (3075 mg/d) and high-dose (6501300 mg/d) lines in 2004: (1) for St. Jude Medical bileaet valves in
aspirin are about equally effective. Some advocate very the aortic position, long-term warfarin with a target INR
low doses to avoid adverse effects, and still others advo- of 2.5 (range 2.03.0), (2) for tilting disk valves and
cate very high doses to be sure the benet is maximal. bileaet mechanical valves in the mitral position, long-
Most physicians in North America recommend 81325 term warfarin with a target INR of 3.0; (range 2.53.5);
mg/d, while most in Europe recommend 50100 mg. (3) for caged ball or caged disk valves, long-term warfarin
Similarly, the choice of aspirin, clopidogrel, or dipyri- with target INR of 3.0 (range 2.53.5) in combination
damole plus aspirin must balance the fact that the latter with aspirin (75100 mg/d); (4) for bioprosthetic valves,
are more effective than aspirin but the cost is higher, and warfarin anticoagulation with target INR 2.5 for 3
this is likely to affect long-term patient adherence. The months, followed by long-term aspirin alone (75100
Prevention Regimen for Effectively Avoiding Second mg/d), assuming there is no history of atrial brillation.
Strokes (PRoFESS) study was a large randomized sec- If the embolic source cannot be eliminated, anticoag-
ondary prevention trial of over 20,000 patients that ulation should in most cases be continued indenitely.
demonstrated equal efcacy of clopidogrel and the Many neurologists recommend combining antiplatelet
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
combination of low-dose aspirin and extended-release agents with anticoagulants for patients who fail anti-
dipyridamole, suggesting that either is a reasonable coagulation (i.e., have another stroke or TIA).
choice for secondary stroke prevention.
A careful history and neurologic examination can often capsule
localize the region of brain dysfunction; if this region
corresponds to a particular arterial distribution, the pos-
sible causes responsible for the syndrome can be nar- Claustrum
rowed.This is of particular importance when the patient
presents with a TIA and a normal examination. For
example, if a patient develops language loss and a right Anterior Putamen
homonymous hemianopia, a search for causes of left cerebral a.
middle cerebral emboli should be performed. A nding
of an isolated stenosis of the right internal carotid artery
in that patient, for example, suggests an asymptomatic Internal carotid a.
carotid stenosis, and the search for other causes of stroke Middle cerebral a.
should continue. The following sections describe the
clinical ndings of cerebral ischemia associated with
cerebral vascular territories depicted in Figs. 21-4, and Ant. cerebral a.
21-6 through 21-14. Stroke syndromes are divided into: Middle cerebral a.
(1) large-vessel stroke within the anterior circulation, (2)
Deep branches of middle cerebral a.
large-vessel stroke within the posterior circulation, and
Cerebrovascular Diseases
(3) small-vessel disease of either vascular bed. Post cerebral a.
Deep branches of ant. cerebral a.
Stroke within the Anterior Circulation
The internal carotid artery and its branches comprise the Diagram of a cerebral hemisphere in coronal section
anterior circulation of the brain. These vessels can be showing the territories of the major cerebral vessels that
occluded by intrinsic disease of the vessel (e.g., atheroscle- branch from the internal carotid arteries.
rosis or dissection) or by embolic occlusion from a proxi-
mal source as discussed earlier. Occlusion of each major
intracranial vessel has distinct clinical manifestations.
and inferior divisions (M2 branches). Branches of the
Middle Cerebral Artery inferior division supply the inferior parietal and tempo-
Occlusion of the proximal MCA or one of its major ral cortex, and those from the superior division supply
branches is most often due to an embolus (artery-to- the frontal and superior parietal cortex (Fig. 21-7).
artery, cardiac, or of unknown source) rather than If the entire MCA is occluded at its origin (blocking
intracranial atherothrombosis.Atherosclerosis of the proxi- both its penetrating and cortical branches) and the distal
mal MCA may cause distal emboli to the middle cerebral collaterals are limited, the clinical ndings are contralat-
territory or, less commonly, may produce low-ow TIAs. eral hemiplegia, hemianesthesia, homonymous hemianopia,
Collateral formation via leptomeningeal vessels often pre- and a day or two of gaze preference to the ipsilateral side.
vents MCA stenosis from becoming symptomatic. Dysarthria is common because of facial weakness. When
The cortical branches of the MCA supply the lateral the dominant hemisphere is involved, global aphasia is
surface of the hemisphere except for (1) the frontal pole present also, and when the nondominant hemisphere is
and a strip along the superomedial border of the frontal affected, anosognosia, constructional apraxia, and neglect
and parietal lobes supplied by the ACA, and (2) the are found (Chap. 15).
lower temporal and occipital pole convolutions supplied Complete MCA syndromes occur most often when
by the PCA (Figs. 21-6, 21-7, 21-8, and 21-9). an embolus occludes the stem of the artery. Cortical
The proximal MCA (M1 segment) gives rise to pen- collateral blood ow and differing arterial congurations
etrating branches (termed lenticulostriate arteries) that sup- are probably responsible for the development of many
ply the putamen, outer globus pallidus, posterior limb of partial syndromes. Partial syndromes may also be due to
the internal capsule, the adjacent corona radiata, and emboli that enter the proximal MCA without complete
most of the caudate nucleus (Fig. 21-6). In the sylvian occlusion, occlude distal MCA branches, or fragment
ssure, the MCA in most patients divides into superior and move distally.
264 Ant. parietal a.
Rolandic a.
Post. parietal a.
Prerolandic a.
Angular a.
orbitofrontal a.
Sup. division
middle cerebral a.
Post. temporal a.
Temporopolar a.
Visual radiation
Inf. division
middle cerebral a.
Ant. temporal a.
Diagram of a cerebral hemisphere, lateral aspect, showing Conduction aphasia: Central speech area (parietal
the branches and distribution of the middle cerebral artery and operculum)
the principal regions of cerebral localization. Note the bifurcation Apractognosia of the nondominant hemisphere, anosog-
of the middle cerebral artery into a superior and inferior division. nosia, hemiasomatognosia, unilateral neglect, agnosia for
Signs and symptoms: Structures involved the left half of external space, dressing apraxia, construc-
Paralysis of the contralateral face, arm, and leg; sensory tional apraxia, distortion of visual coordinates, inaccurate
impairment over the same area (pinprick, cotton touch, localization in the half eld, impaired ability to judge dis-
vibration, position, two-point discrimination, stereognosis, tance, upside-down reading, visual illusions (e.g., it may
tactile localization, barognosis, cutaneographia): Somatic appear that another person walks through a table): Non-
motor area for face and arm and the bers descending from dominant parietal lobe (area corresponding to speech area
the leg area to enter the corona radiata and corresponding in dominant hemisphere); loss of topographic memory is
somatic sensory system usually due to a nondominant lesion, occasionally to a domi-
Motor aphasia: Motor speech area of the dominant hemi- nant one
sphere Homonymous hemianopia (often homonymous inferior
Central aphasia, word deafness, anomia, jargon speech, quadrantanopia): Optic radiation deep to second temporal
sensory agraphia, acalculia, alexia, nger agnosia, right-left convolution
confusion (the last four comprise the Gerstmann syndrome): Paralysis of conjugate gaze to the opposite side: Frontal
Central, suprasylvian speech area and parietooccipital cortex contraversive eye eld or projecting bers
of the dominant hemisphere
Partial syndromes due to embolic occlusion of a single the dominant hemisphere is probably involved. Jargon
branch include hand, or arm and hand, weakness alone speech and an inability to comprehend written and spo-
(brachial syndrome) or facial weakness with nonuent ken language are prominent features, often accompanied
(Broca) aphasia (Chap. 15), with or without arm weakness by a contralateral, homonymous superior quadrantanopia.
(frontal opercular syndrome). A combination of sensory Hemineglect or spatial agnosia without weakness indi-
disturbance, motor weakness, and nonuent aphasia sug- cates that the inferior division of the MCA in the non-
gests that an embolus has occluded the proximal superior dominant hemisphere is involved.
division and infarcted large portions of the frontal and Occlusion of a lenticulostriate vessel produces small-ves-
parietal cortices (Fig. 21-7). If a uent (Wernickes) apha- sel (lacunar) stroke within the internal capsule (Fig. 21-6).
sia occurs without weakness, the inferior division of the This produces pure motor stroke or sensory-motor stroke
MCA supplying the posterior part (temporal cortex) of contralateral to the lesion. Ischemia within the genu of
the internal capsule causes primarily facial weakness fol- hypothalamus, and the inferior part of the head of the 265
lowed by arm then leg weakness as the ischemia moves caudate nucleus (Fig. 21-6).
posterior within the capsule. Alternatively, the contralat- Occlusion of the proximal ACA is usually well toler-
eral hand may become ataxic and dysarthria will be ated because of collateral ow through the anterior
prominent (clumsy hand, dysarthria lacunar syndrome). communicating artery and collaterals through the MCA
Lacunar infarction affecting the globus pallidus and and PCA. Occlusion of a single A2 segment results in
putamen often has few clinical signs, but parkinsonism the contralateral symptoms noted in Fig. 21-8. If both
and hemiballismus have been reported. A2 segments arise from a single anterior cerebral stem
(contralateral A1 segment atresia), the occlusion may
affect both hemispheres. Profound abulia (a delay in ver-
Anterior Cerebral Artery
bal and motor response) and bilateral pyramidal signs
The ACA is divided into two segments: the precommunal
with paraparesis and urinary incontinence result.
(A1) circle of Willis, or stem, which connects the internal
carotid artery to the anterior communicating artery, and
the postcommunal (A2) segment distal to the anterior Anterior Choroidal Artery
communicating artery (Figs. 21-4, 21-6, and 21-8). The This artery arises from the internal carotid artery and
A1 segment gives rise to several deep penetrating branches supplies the posterior limb of the internal capsule and
that supply the anterior limb of the internal capsule, the white matter posterolateral to it, through which pass
the anterior perforate substance, amygdala, anterior some of the geniculocalcarine bers (Fig. 21-9). The
Cerebrovascular Diseases
Motor rolandic a.
Secondary Pericallosal a. Sensory parietal a.
motor area cortex
Medial Splenial a.
prerolandic a.
Lateral posterior
Callosomarginal a. choroidal a.
Post. thalamic a.
Frontopolar a. Parietooccipital a.
Ant. cerebral a.
Striate area
along calcarine
Medial orbitofrontal a. Calcarine a.
Post. communicating a. Post. temporal a.
Post. cerebral a.
choroidal a. Medial posterior
choroidal a.
paramedian As.
Ant. temporal a.
Splenial a.
Parietooccipital a. Hippocampal a.
Calcarine a.
Post. temporal a.
Post. thalamic a.
cortex Lateral posterior
choroidal a.
Inferior aspect of the brain with the branches and distribu- visual spread, palinopsia, distortion of outlines, central pho-
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
tion of the posterior cerebral artery and the principal tophobia: Calcarine cortex. Complex hallucinations: Usually
anatomic structures shown. nondominant hemisphere.
Signs and symptoms: Structures involved Central territory. Thalamic syndrome: sensory loss (all
Peripheral territory (see also Fig. 21-12). Homonymous modalities), spontaneous pain and dysesthesias, choreoa-
hemianopia (often upper quadrantic): Calcarine cortex or thetosis, intention tremor, spasms of hand, mild hemipare-
optic radiation nearby. Bilateral homonymous hemianopia, sis: Posteroventral nucleus of thalamus; involvement of the
cortical blindness, awareness or denial of blindness; tactile adjacent subthalamus body or its afferent tracts. Thalamop-
naming, achromatopia (color blindness), failure to see erforate syndrome: crossed cerebellar ataxia with ipsilateral
to-and-fro movements, inability to perceive objects not third nerve palsy (Claudes syndrome): Dentatothalamic
centrally located, apraxia of ocular movements, inability to tract and issuing third nerve. Webers syndrome: Third nerve
count or enumerate objects, tendency to run into things palsy and contralateral hemiplegia: Third nerve and cere-
that the patient sees and tries to avoid: Bilateral occipital bral peduncle. Contralateral hemiplegia: Cerebral peduncle.
lobe with possibly the parietal lobe involved. Verbal dyslexia Paralysis or paresis of vertical eye movement, skew devia-
without agraphia, color anomia: Dominant calcarine lesion tion, sluggish pupillary responses to light, slight miosis and
and posterior part of corpus callosum. Memory defect: ptosis (retraction nystagmus and tucking of the eyelids
Hippocampal lesion bilaterally or on the dominant side only. may be associated): Supranuclear bers to third nerve,
Topographic disorientation and prosopagnosia: Usually with interstitial nucleus of Cajal, nucleus of Darkschewitsch, and
lesions of nondominant, calcarine, and lingual gyrus. Simul- posterior commissure. Contralateral rhythmic, ataxic action
tanagnosia, hemivisual neglect: Dominant visual cortex, tremor; rhythmic postural or holding tremor (rubral
contralateral hemisphere. Unformed visual hallucinations, tremor): Dentatothalamic tract.
peduncular hallucinosis, metamorphopsia, teleopsia, illusory
Infarction usually occurs in the ipsilateral subthalamus
the ophthalmic artery or central retinal arteries occurs at and medial thalamus and in the ipsilateral cerebral
the time of cerebral TIA or infarction. peduncle and midbrain (Figs. 21-9 and 21-14). A third
A high-pitched prolonged carotid bruit fading into nerve palsy with contralateral ataxia (Claudes syn-
diastole is often associated with tightly stenotic lesions. drome) or with contralateral hemiplegia (Webers syn-
As the stenosis grows tighter and ow distal to the drome) may result. The ataxia indicates involvement of
stenosis becomes reduced, the bruit becomes fainter and the red nucleus or dentatorubrothalamic tract; the hemi-
Cerebrovascular Diseases
may disappear when occlusion is imminent. plegia is localized to the cerebral peduncle (Fig. 21-14).
If the subthalamic nucleus is involved, contralateral
Common Carotid Artery hemiballismus may occur. Occlusion of the artery of
All symptoms and signs of internal carotid occlusion Percheron produces paresis of upward gaze and drowsi-
may also be present with occlusion of the common ness, and often abulia. Extensive infarction in the mid-
carotid artery. Bilateral common carotid artery occlu- brain and subthalamus occurring with bilateral proximal
sions at their origin may occur in Takayasus arteritis. PCA occlusion presents as coma, unreactive pupils, bilat-
eral pyramidal signs, and decerebrate rigidity.
Occlusion of the penetrating branches of thalamic
Stroke within the Posterior Circulation and thalamogeniculate arteries produces less extensive
thalamic and thalamocapsular lacunar syndromes. The
The posterior circulation is composed of the paired ver- thalamic Djerine-Roussy syndrome consists of contralateral
tebral arteries, the basilar artery, and the paired posterior hemisensory loss followed later by an agonizing, searing
cerebral arteries. The vertebral arteries join to form the or burning pain in the affected areas. It is persistent and
basilar artery at the pontomedullary junction.The basilar responds poorly to analgesics. Anticonvulsants (carba-
artery divides into two posterior cerebral arteries in the mazepine or gabapentin) or tricyclic antidepressants may
interpeduncular fossa (Figs. 21-4, 21-8, and 21-9).These be benecial.
major arteries give rise to long and short circumferential
branches and to smaller deep penetrating branches that
supply the cerebellum, medulla, pons, midbrain, subthal- P2 Syndromes
amus, thalamus, hippocampus, and medial temporal and (See also Figs. 21-8 and 21-9) Occlusion of the distal
occipital lobes. Occlusion of each vessel produces its PCA causes infarction of the medial temporal and
own distinctive syndrome. occipital lobes. Contralateral homonymous hemianopia
with macula sparing is the usual manifestation. Occa-
sionally, only the upper quadrant of visual eld is
Posterior Cerebral Artery involved. If the visual association areas are spared and
In 75% of cases, both PCAs arise from the bifurcation of only the calcarine cortex is involved, the patient may be
the basilar artery; in 20%, one has its origin from the aware of visual defects. Medial temporal lobe and hip-
ipsilateral internal carotid artery via the posterior com- pocampal involvement may cause an acute disturbance
municating artery; in 5%, both originate from the in memory, particularly if it occurs in the dominant
respective ipsilateral internal carotid arteries (Figs. 21-8 hemisphere. The defect usually clears because memory
and 21-9).The precommunal, or P1, segment of the true has bilateral representation. If the dominant hemisphere
posterior cerebral artery is atretic in such cases. is affected and the infarct extends to involve the splenium
268 of the corpus callosum, the patient may demonstrate threatens the origin of the other, the collateral circulation,
alexia without agraphia.Visual agnosia for faces, objects, which may also include retrograde ow down the basilar
mathematical symbols, and colors and anomia with artery, is often insufcient (Figs. 21-4 and 21-9). In this
paraphasic errors (amnestic aphasia) may also occur in setting, low-ow TIAs may occur, consisting of syncope,
this setting, even without callosal involvement. Occlu- vertigo, and alternating hemiplegia; this state also sets
sion of the posterior cerebral artery can produce pedun- the stage for thrombosis. Disease of the distal fourth seg-
cular hallucinosis (visual hallucinations of brightly colored ment of the vertebral artery can promote thrombus for-
scenes and objects). mation manifest as embolism or with propagation as
Bilateral infarction in the distal PCAs produces corti- basilar artery thrombosis. Stenosis proximal to the origin
cal blindness (blindness with preserved pupillary light of the PICA can threaten the lateral medulla and poste-
reaction). The patient is often unaware of the blindness rior inferior surface of the cerebellum.
or may even deny it (Antons syndrome). Tiny islands of If the subclavian artery is occluded proximal to the
vision may persist, and the patient may report that vision origin of the vertebral artery, there is a reversal in the
uctuates as images are captured in the preserved por- direction of blood ow in the ipsilateral vertebral artery.
tions. Rarely, only peripheral vision is lost and central Exercise of the ipsilateral arm may increase demand on
vision is spared, resulting in gun-barrel vision. Bilateral vertebral ow, producing posterior circulation TIAs, or
visual association area lesions may result in Balints syn- subclavian steal.
drome, a disorder of the orderly visual scanning of the Although atheromatous disease rarely narrows the
environment (Chap. 15), usually resulting from infarc- second and third segments of the vertebral artery, this
tions secondary to low ow in the watershed between region is subject to dissection, bromuscular dysplasia,
the distal PCA and MCA territories, as occurs after car- and, rarely, encroachment by osteophytic spurs within
diac arrest. Patients may experience persistence of a the vertebral foramina.
visual image for several minutes despite gazing at Embolic occlusion or thrombosis of a V4 segment
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
another scene (palinopia) or an inability to synthesize the causes ischemia of the lateral medulla. The constellation
whole of an image (asimultanagnosia). Embolic occlusion of vertigo, numbness of the ipsilateral face and contralat-
of the top of the basilar artery can produce any or all of eral limbs, diplopia, hoarseness, dysarthria, dysphagia,
the central or peripheral territory symptoms. The hall- and ipsilateral Horners syndrome is called the lateral
mark is the sudden onset of bilateral signs, including medullary (or Wallenbergs) syndrome (Fig. 21-10). Most
ptosis, pupillary asymmetry or lack of reaction to light, cases result from ipsilateral vertebral artery occlusion; in
and somnolence. the remainder, PICA occlusion is responsible. Occlusion
of the medullary penetrating branches of the vertebral
Vertebral and Posterior Inferior artery or PICA results in partial syndromes. Hemiparesis
Cerebellar Arteries is not a feature of vertebral artery occlusion, however, quadri-
The vertebral artery, which arises from the innominate paresis may result from occlusion of the anterior spinal artery.
artery on the right and the subclavian artery on the left, Rarely, a medial medullary syndrome occurs with infarc-
consists of four segments.The rst (V1) extends from its tion of the pyramid and contralateral hemiparesis of the
origin to its entrance into the sixth or fth transverse arm and leg, sparing the face. If the medial lemniscus
vertebral foramen. The second segment (V2) traverses and emerging hypoglossal nerve bers are involved,
the vertebral foramina from C6 to C2. The third (V3) contralateral loss of joint position sense and ipsilateral
passes through the transverse foramen and circles around tongue weakness occur.
the arch of the atlas to pierce the dura at the foramen Cerebellar infarction with edema can lead to sudden
magnum. The fourth (V4) segment courses upward to respiratory arrest due to raised ICP in the posterior fossa.
join the other vertebral artery to form the basilar artery; Drowsiness, Babinski signs, dysarthria, and bifacial weak-
only the fourth segment gives rise to branches that sup- ness may be absent, or present only briey, before respi-
ply the brainstem and cerebellum.The posterior inferior ratory arrest ensues. Gait unsteadiness, headache, dizziness,
cerebellar artery (PICA) in its proximal segment supplies nausea, and vomiting may be the only early symptoms
the lateral medulla and, in its distal branches, the inferior and signs and should arouse suspicion of this impending
surface of the cerebellum. complication, which may require neurosurgical decom-
Atherothrombotic lesions have a predilection for V1 pression, often with an excellent outcome. Separating
and V4 segments of the vertebral artery. The rst seg- these symptoms from those of viral labrynthitis can be a
ment may become diseased at the origin of the vessel challenge, but headache, neck stiffness, and unilateral
and may produce posterior circulation emboli; collateral dysmetria favor stroke.
ow from the contralateral vertebral artery or the ascend-
ing cervical, thyrocervical, or occipital arteries is usually Basilar Artery
sufcient to prevent low-ow TIAs or stroke. When one Branches of the basilar artery supply the base of the
vertebral artery is atretic and an atherothrombotic lesion pons and superior cerebellum and fall into three groups:
Medial lemniscus
Pyramid 269
12th n.
Spinothalamic tract
Inferior olive
spinocerebellar tract
10th n. Medulla
spinocerebellar tract Descending
Nucleus ambiguus tract
motor 9 +10
Descending nucleus body
and tract - 5th n.
Tractus solitarus fibers
with nucleus Cerebellum
nucleus 12th n.
Medial longitudinal fasciculus
Medullary syndrome:
Lateral Medial
FIGURE 21-10
Axial section at the level of the medulla, depicted Horners syndrome (miosis, ptosis, decreased
schematically on the left, with a corresponding MR image on sweating): Descending sympathetic tract
the right. Note that in Figs. 21-10 through 21-14, all drawings Dysphagia, hoarseness, paralysis of palate, paraly-
are oriented with the dorsal surface at the bottom, matching sis of vocal cord, diminished gag reex: Issuing
Cerebrovascular Diseases
the orientation of the brainstem that is commonly seen in all bers ninth and tenth nerves
modern neuroimaging studies. Approximate regions involved Loss of taste: Nucleus and tractus solitarius
in medial and lateral medullary stroke syndromes are shown. Numbness of ipsilateral arm, trunk, or leg: Cuneate
Signs and symptoms: Structures involved and gracile nuclei
1. Medial medullary syndrome (occlusion of vertebral Weakness of lower face: Genuected upper motor
artery or of branch of vertebral or lower basilar artery) neuron bers to ipsilateral facial nucleus
On side of lesion On side opposite lesion
Paralysis with atrophy of half the tongue: Ipsilateral Impaired pain and thermal sense over half the body,
twelfth nerve sometimes face: Spinothalamic tract
On side opposite lesion 3. Total unilateral medullary syndrome (occlusion of ver-
Paralysis of arm and leg, sparing face; impaired tac- tebral artery): Combination of medial and lateral syn-
tile and proprioceptive sense over half the body: dromes
Contralateral pyramidal tract and medial lemnis- 4. Lateral pontomedullary syndrome (occlusion of verte-
cus bral artery): Combination of lateral medullary and lat-
2. Lateral medullary syndrome (occlusion of any of ve eral inferior pontine syndrome
vessels may be responsiblevertebral, posterior inferior 5. Basilar artery syndrome (the syndrome of the lone ver-
cerebellar, superior, middle, or inferior lateral medullary tebral artery is equivalent): A combination of the vari-
arteries) ous brainstem syndromes plus those arising in the
On side of lesion posterior cerebral artery distribution.
Pain, numbness, impaired sensation over half the Bilateral long tract signs (sensory and motor; cerebel-
face: Descending tract and nucleus fth nerve lar and peripheral cranial nerve abnormalities): Bilat-
Ataxia of limbs, falling to side of lesion: Uncertain eral long tract; cerebellar and peripheral cranial
restiform body, cerebellar hemisphere, cerebellar nerves
bers, spinocerebellar tract (?) Paralysis or weakness of all extremities, plus all bulbar
Nystagmus, diplopia, oscillopsia, vertigo, nausea, musculature: Corticobulbar and corticospinal tracts
vomiting: Vestibular nucleus bilaterally
(1) paramedian, 710 in number, which supply a wedge rior cerebellar and anterior inferior cerebellar arteries),
of pons on either side of the midline; (2) short circum- which course around the pons to supply the cerebellar
ferential, 57 in number, which supply the lateral two- hemispheres.
thirds of the pons and middle and superior cerebellar Atheromatous lesions can occur anywhere along the
peduncles; and (3) bilateral long circumferential (supe- basilar trunk but are most frequent in the proximal
270 basilar and distal vertebral segments. Typically, lesions emerge with ischemia, reecting involvement of the
occlude either the proximal basilar and one or both ver- corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts, ascending sensory
tebral arteries. The clinical picture varies depending on tracts, and cranial nerve nuclei (Figs. 21-11, 21-12,
the availability of retrograde collateral ow from the 21-13, and 21-14).
posterior communicating arteries. Rarely, dissection of a The symptoms of transient ischemia or infarction in
vertebral artery may involve the basilar artery and, the territory of the basilar artery often do not indicate
depending on the location of true and false lumen, may whether the basilar artery itself or one of its branches is
produce multiple penetrating artery strokes. diseased, yet this distinction has important implications
Although atherothrombosis occasionally occludes the for therapy. The picture of complete basilar occlusion, however,
distal portion of the basilar artery, emboli from the heart is easy to recognize as a constellation of bilateral long tract signs
or proximal vertebral or basilar segments are more com- (sensory and motor) with signs of cranial nerve and cerebellar
monly responsible for top of the basilar syndromes. dysfunction. A locked-in state of preserved conscious-
Because the brainstem contains many structures in ness with quadriplegia and cranial nerve signs suggests
close apposition, a diversity of clinical syndromes may complete pontine and lower midbrain infarction. The
Corticospinal and
Spinothalamic corticobulbar tract
tract Medial lemniscus
7th n.
8th n.
7th n. nucleus
Restiform body Medial longitudinal Cerebellum
Vestibular nucleus
6th n. nucleus
Inferior pontine syndrome:
Lateral Medial
FIGURE 21-11
Axial section at the level of the inferior pons, depicted Impaired tactile and proprioceptive sense over half
schematically on the left, with a corresponding MR image on of the body: Medial lemniscus
the right. Approximate regions involved in medial and lateral 2. Lateral inferior pontine syndrome (occlusion of anterior
inferior pontine stroke syndromes are shown. inferior cerebellar artery)
Signs and symptoms: Structures involved On side of lesion
1. Medial inferior pontine syndrome (occlusion of para- Horizontal and vertical nystagmus, vertigo, nausea,
median branch of basilar artery) vomiting, oscillopia: Vestibular nerve or nucleus
On side of lesion Facial paralysis: Seventh nerve
Paralysis of conjugate gaze to side of lesion (preser- Paralysis of conjugate gaze to side of lesion: Center
vation of convergence): Center for conjugate lat- for conjugate lateral gaze
eral gaze Deafness, tinnitus: Auditory nerve or cochlear nucleus
Nystagmus: Vestibular nucleus Ataxia: Middle cerebellar peduncle and cerebellar
Ataxia of limbs and gait: Likely middle cerebellar hemisphere
peduncle Impaired sensation over face: Descending tract and
Diplopia on lateral gaze: Abducens nerve nucleus fth nerve
On side opposite lesion On side opposite lesion
Paralysis of face, arm, and leg: Corticobulbar and Impaired pain and thermal sense over half the body
corticospinal tract in lower pons (may include face): Spinothalamic tract
Corticospinal and
corticopontine tracts
Temporal lobe
5th n.
lemniscus 5th cranial
Superior cerebellar
peduncle Medial longitudinal
Midpontine syndrome:
Lateral Medial
FIGURE 21-12
Axial section at the level of the mid pons, depicted schemati- Variable impaired touch and proprioception when
Cerebrovascular Diseases
cally on the left, with a corresponding MR image on the right. lesion extends posteriorly: Medial lemniscus
Approximate regions involved in medial and lateral midpon- 2. Lateral midpontine syndrome (short circumferential
tine stroke syndromes are shown. artery)
Signs and symptoms: Structures involved On side of lesion
1. Medial midpontine syndrome (paramedian branch of Ataxia of limbs: Middle cerebellar peduncle
midbasilar artery) Paralysis of muscles of mastication: Motor bers or
On side of lesion nucleus of fth nerve
Ataxia of limbs and gait (more prominent in bilateral Impaired sensation over side of face: Sensory bers
involvement): Pontine nuclei or nucleus of fth nerve
On side opposite lesion On side opposite lesion
Paralysis of face, arm, and leg: Corticobulbar and Impaired pain and thermal sense on limbs and
corticospinal tract trunk: Spinothalamic tract
therapeutic goal is to identify impending basilar occlusion suggests intermittent reduction of ow. Many neurolo-
before devastating infarction occurs. A series of TIAs and gists treat with heparin to prevent clot propagation.
a slowly progressive, uctuating stroke are extremely sig- Atherothrombotic occlusion of the basilar artery with
nicant, as they often herald an atherothrombotic occlu- infarction usually causes bilateral brainstem signs. A gaze
sion of the distal vertebral or proximal basilar artery. paresis or internuclear ophthalmoplegia associated with
TIAs in the proximal basilar distribution may produce ipsilateral hemiparesis may be the only manifestation of
vertigo (often described by patients as swimming,sway- bilateral brainstem ischemia. More often, unequivocal
ing, moving, unsteadiness, or light-headedness). signs of bilateral pontine disease are present. Complete
Other symptoms that warn of basilar thrombosis include basilar thrombosis carries a high mortality.
diplopia, dysarthria, facial or circumoral numbness, and Occlusion of a branch of the basilar artery usually
hemisensory symptoms. In general, symptoms of basilar causes unilateral symptoms and signs involving motor,
branch TIAs affect one side of the brainstem, whereas sensory, and cranial nerves. As long as symptoms remain
symptoms of basilar artery TIAs usually affect both sides, unilateral, concern over pending basilar occlusion should
though a herald hemiparesis has been emphasized as be reduced.
an initial symptom of basilar occlusion. Most often TIAs, Occlusion of the superior cerebellar artery results in
whether due to impending occlusion of the basilar severe ipsilateral cerebellar ataxia, nausea and vomiting,
artery or a basilar branch, are short-lived (530 min) and dysarthria, and contralateral loss of pain and temperature
repetitive, occurring several times a day. The pattern sensation over the extremities, body, and face (spino- and
272 Pontine nuclei and
Corticospinal tract
pontocerebellar fibers
Temporal lobe
Basilar artery
Spinothalamic Superior
tract pons
Medial longitudinal Superior cerebellar
fasciculus peduncle
Lateral Medial
FIGURE 21-13
Axial section at the level of the superior pons, depicted 2. Lateral superior pontine syndrome (syndrome of supe-
schematically on the left, with a corresponding MR image on rior cerebellar artery)
the right. Approximate regions involved in medial and lateral On side of lesion
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
superior pontine stroke syndromes are shown. Ataxia of limbs and gait, falling to side of lesion:
Signs and symptoms: Structures involved Middle and superior cerebellar peduncles, supe-
1. Medial superior pontine syndrome (paramedian rior surface of cerebellum, dentate nucleus
branches of upper basilar artery) Dizziness, nausea, vomiting; horizontal nystagmus:
On side of lesion Vestibular nucleus
Cerebellar ataxia (probably): Superior and/or middle Paresis of conjugate gaze (ipsilateral): Pontine con-
cerebellar peduncle tralateral gaze
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia: Medial longitudinal Skew deviation: Uncertain
fasciculus Miosis, ptosis, decreased sweating over face (Horners
Myoclonic syndrome, palate, pharynx, vocal cords, syndrome): Descending sympathetic bers
respiratory apparatus, face, oculomotor appara- Tremor: Localization unclearDentate nucleus,
tus, etc.: Localization uncertaincentral tegmen- superior cerebellar peduncle
tal bundle, dentate projection, inferior olivary On side opposite lesion
nucleus Impaired pain and thermal sense on face, limbs,
On side opposite lesion and trunk: Spinothalamic tract
Paralysis of face, arm, and leg: Corticobulbar and Impaired touch, vibration, and position sense, more
corticospinal tract in leg than arm (there is a tendency to incongruity
Rarely touch, vibration, and position are affected: of pain and touch deficits): Medial lemniscus
Medial lemniscus (lateral portion)
trigeminothalamic tract). Partial deafness, ataxic tremor vertigo, nausea and vomiting, nystagmus, tinnitus,
of the ipsilateral upper extremity, Horners syndrome, and cerebellar ataxia, Horners syndrome, and paresis of
palatal myoclonus may occur rarely. Partial syndromes conjugate lateral gaze; and (2) contralateral loss of pain
occur frequently (Fig. 21-13).With large strokes, swelling and temperature sensation. An occlusion close to the
and mass effects may compress the midbrain or produce origin of the artery may cause corticospinal tract signs
hydrocephalus; these symptoms may evolve rapidly. Neu- (Fig. 21-11).
rosurgical intervention may be lifesaving in such cases. Occlusion of one of the short circumferential
Occlusion of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery branches of the basilar artery affects the lateral two-thirds
produces variable degrees of infarction because the of the pons and middle or superior cerebellar peduncle,
size of this artery and the territory it supplies vary whereas occlusion of one of the paramedian branches
inversely with those of the PICA.The principal symp- affects a wedge-shaped area on either side of the medial
toms include: (1) ipsilateral deafness, facial weakness, pons (Figs. 21-11 through 21-13).
3rd n. 273
Red nucleus Basilar artery carotid
Crus cerebri
3rd nerve Midbrain
nucleus Periaqueductal
gray matter
Cerebral aqueduct
Superior colliculus
Midbrain syndrome:
Lateral Medial
FIGURE 21-14
Axial section at the level of the midbrain, depicted Paralysis of face, arm, and leg: Corticobulbar and
schematically on the left, with a corresponding MR image on corticospinal tract descending in crus cerebri
the right. Approximate regions involved in medial and lateral 2. Lateral midbrain syndrome (syndrome of small pene-
midbrain stroke syndromes are shown. trating arteries arising from posterior cerebral artery)
Cerebrovascular Diseases
Signs and symptoms: Structures involved On side of lesion
1. Medial midbrain syndrome (paramedian branches of Eye down and out secondary to unopposed
upper basilar and proximal posterior cerebral arteries) action of fourth and sixth cranial nerves, with
On side of lesion dilated and unresponsive pupil: Third nerve bers
Eye down and out secondary to unopposed and/or third nerve nucleus
action of fourth and sixth cranial nerves, with On side opposite lesion
dilated and unresponsive pupil: Third nerve bers Hemiataxia, hyperkinesias, tremor: Red nucleus,
On side opposite lesion dentatorubrothalamic pathway
IMAGING STUDIES the coronary arteries in one imaging session. Carotid dis-
ease and intracranial vascular occlusions are readily identi-
See also Chap. 2. ed with this method (Fig. 21-3). After an IV bolus of
contrast, decits in brain perfusion produced by vascular
CT Scans occlusion can also be demonstrated (Fig. 21-15) and used
CT radiographic images identify or exclude hemor- to predict the region of infarcted brain and the brain at
rhage as the cause of stroke, and they identify extra- risk of further infarction (i.e., the ischemic penumbra). CT
parenchymal hemorrhages, neoplasms, abscesses, and imaging is also sensitive for detecting SAH (though by
other conditions masquerading as stroke. Scans obtained itself does not rule it out), and CTA can readily identify
in the rst several hours after an infarction generally intracranial aneurysms (Chap. 22). Because of its speed and
show no abnormality, and the infarct may not be seen wide availability, noncontrast head CT is the imaging
reliably for 2448 h. CT may fail to show small ischemic modality of choice in patients with acute stroke (Fig. 21-1),
strokes in the posterior fossa because of bone artifact; and CTA and CT perfusion imaging may also be useful
small infarcts on the cortical surface may also be missed. and convenient adjuncts.
Contrast-enhanced CT scans add specicity by show-
ing contrast enhancement of subacute infarcts and allow
visualization of venous structures. Coupled with newer MRI reliably documents the extent and location of
generation multi-detector scanners, CT angiography infarction in all areas of the brain, including the posterior
(CTA) can be performed with administration of IV iodi- fossa and cortical surface. It also identies intracranial
nated contrast allowing visualization of the cervical and hemorrhage and other abnormalities but is less sensitive
intracranial arteries, intracranial veins, aortic arch, and even than CT for detecting acute blood. MRI scanners with
FIGURE 21-15
Acute left middle cerebral artery (MCA)
A B stroke with right hemiplegia but preserved
language. A. CT perfusion mean-transit
time map showing delayed perfusion of
the left MCA distribution (blue). B. Pre-
magnets of higher eld strength produce more reliable limitations. However, MRI may be useful outside the
and precise images. Diffusion-weighted imaging is more acute period by more clearly dening the extent of tissue
sensitive for early brain infarction than standard MR injury and discriminating new from old regions of brain
sequences or CT (Fig. 21-16), as is FLAIR (uid- infarction. MRI may have particular utility in patients
attenuated inversion recovery) imaging (Chap. 2). Using with TIA: it is also more likely to identify new infarction,
IV administration of gadolinium contrast, MR perfusion which is a strong predictor of subsequent stroke.
studies can be performed. Brain regions showing poor
perfusion but no abnormality on diffusion are considered
Cerebral Angiography
equivalent to the ischemic penumbra (see Pathophysiol-
ogy of Ischemic Stroke, earlier and Fig. 21-16), and Conventional x-ray cerebral angiography is the gold
patients showing large regions of mismatch may be standard for identifying and quantifying atherosclerotic
better candidates for acute revascularization. MR angiog- stenoses of the cerebral arteries and for identifying and
raphy is highly sensitive for stenosis of extracranial inter- characterizing other pathologies, including aneurysms,
nal carotid arteries and of large intracranial vessels. With vasospasm, intraluminal thrombi, bromuscular dysplasia,
higher degrees of stenosis, MR angiography tends to arteriovenous stula, vasculitis, and collateral channels of
overestimate the degree of stenosis when compared to blood ow. Endovascular techniques, which are evolving
conventional x-ray angiography. MRI with fat saturation rapidly, can be used to deploy stents within delicate intracra-
is an imaging sequence used to visualize extra- or nial vessels, to perform balloon angioplasty of stenotic
intracranial arterial dissection. This sensitive technique lesions, to treat intracranial aneurysms by embolization, and
images clotted blood within the dissected vessel wall. to open occluded vessels in acute stroke with mechanical
MRI is less sensitive for acute blood products than CT thrombectomy devices. Recent studies have also docu-
and is more expensive and time consuming and less read- mented that intraarterial delivery of thrombolytic agents
ily available. Claustrophobia also limits its application. to patients with acute MCA stroke can effectively recanal-
Most acute stroke protocols use CT because of these ize vessels and improve clinical outcomes.Although its use
that combines a B-mode ultrasound image with a 275
Doppler ultrasound assessment of ow velocity (duplex
ultrasound). Transcranial Doppler (TCD) assessment of
MCA, ACA, and PCA ow and of vertebrobasilar ow
is also useful. This latter technique can detect stenotic
lesions in the large intracranial arteries because such
lesions increase systolic ow velocity. In many cases, MR
angiography combined with carotid and transcranial
ultrasound studies eliminates the need for conventional
x-ray angiography in evaluating vascular stenosis. Alter-
A B natively, CT angiography of the entire head and neck
can be performed during the initial imaging of acute
stroke. Because this images the entire arterial system rel-
evant to stroke, with the exception of the heart, much of
the clinicians stroke workup can be completed with
one imaging study.
Perfusion Techniques
Both xenon techniques (principally xenon-CT) and PET
can quantify cerebral blood ow. These tools are gener-
ally used for research (Chap. 2) but can be useful for
determining the signicance of arterial stenosis and
FIGURE 21-16
Cerebrovascular Diseases
planning for revascularization surgery. Single photon emis-
MRI of acute stroke. A. Perfusion defect within the right sion tomography (SPECT) and MR perfusion techniques
hemisphere (bright signal) imaged after administration of an
report relative cerebral blood ow. Since CT imaging is
IV bolus of gadolinium contrast. B. Cerebral blood ow mea-
used as the initial imaging modality for acute stroke,
sured at the same time as in A; darker signal reects
some centers now combine both CT angiography and
decreased blood ow. C. Diffusion-weighted image obtained
CT perfusion imaging together with the noncontrast CT
5 h after onset of a right middle cerebral artery stroke; bright
signal indicates regions of restricted diffusion that will
scan. CT perfusion imaging increases the sensitivity for
progress to infarction. The discrepancy between the region of
detecting ischemia, and can measure the ischemic
poor perfusion shown in A and B and the diffusion decit is penumbra (Fig. 21-15). Alternatively, MR perfusion can
called diffusion-perfusion mismatch and is a measure of the be combined with MR diffusion imaging to identify the
ischemic penumbra. Without specic therapy (as shown in ischemic penumbra as the mismatch between these two
Fig. 21-15) the region of infarction will expand to match the imaging sequences (Fig. 21-16).The ability to image the
perfusion decit, as shown in the diffusion weighted image in ischemic penumbra allows more judicious selection of
D obtained 5 days later. (Courtesy of Gregory Albers and patients who may or may not benet from acute inter-
Vincent Thijs, MD, Stanford University; with permission.) ventions such as thrombolysis, thrombectomy, or investi-
gational neuroprotective strategies.
Head trauma Intraparenchymal: frontal lobes, Coup and contracoup injury during brain
anterior temporal lobes; subarachnoid deceleration
Hypertensive hemorrhage Putamen, globus pallidus, thalamus, Chronic hypertension produces
cerebellar hemisphere, pons hemorrhage from small (~100 m) vessels
in these regions
Transformation of prior Basal ganglion, subcortical Occurs in 16% of ischemic strokes with
ischemic infarction regions, lobar predilection for large hemispheric
Metastatic brain tumor Lobar Lung, choriocarcinoma, melanoma, renal
cell carcinoma, thyroid, atrial myxoma
Coagulopathy Any Uncommon cause; often associated with
prior stroke or underlying vascular anomaly
Drug Lobar, subarachnoid Cocaine, amphetamine,
Arteriovenous malformation Lobar, intraventricular, subarachnoid Risk is ~24% per year for bleeding
Dural arteriovenous stula Lobar, subarachnoid Produces bleeding by venous hypertension
Capillary telangiectasias Usually brainstem Rare cause of hemorrhage
method for acute stroke evaluation (Fig. 21-1). The elevation of the head of the bed while surgical consulta-
location of the hemorrhage narrows the differential tion is obtained (Chap. 22).
diagnosis to a few entities. Table 21-5 lists the causes
and anatomic spaces involved in hemorrhages. INTRAPARENCHYMAL HEMORRHAGE
intracerebral hemorrhages almost always occur while the typical ocular disturbances by virtue of extension inferi-
patient is awake and sometimes when stressed.The hem- orly into the upper midbrain.These include deviation of
orrhage generally presents as the abrupt onset of focal the eyes downward and inward so that they appear to be
neurologic decit. Seizures are uncommon. The focal looking at the nose, unequal pupils with absence of light
decit typically worsens steadily over 3090 min and is reaction, skew deviation with the eye opposite the hem-
associated with a diminishing level of consciousness and orrhage displaced downward and medially, ipsilateral
Cerebrovascular Diseases
signs of increased ICP, such as headache and vomiting. Horners syndrome, absence of convergence, paralysis of
The putamen is the most common site for hyperten- vertical gaze, and retraction nystagmus. Patients may later
sive hemorrhage, and the adjacent internal capsule is develop a chronic, contralateral pain syndrome (Djerine-
usually damaged (Fig. 21-17). Contralateral hemiparesis Roussy syndrome).
is therefore the sentinel sign. When mild, the face sags In pontine hemorrhages, deep coma with quadriple-
on one side over 530 min, speech becomes slurred, the gia usually occurs over a few minutes. There is often
arm and leg gradually weaken, and the eyes deviate away prominent decerebrate rigidity and pin-point (1 mm)
from the side of the hemiparesis. The paralysis may pupils that react to light. There is impairment of reex
horizontal eye movements evoked by head turning
(dolls-head or oculocephalic maneuver) or by irrigation
of the ears with ice water (Chap. 14). Hyperpnea, severe
hypertension, and hyperhidrosis are common. Death
often occurs within a few hours, but small hemorrhages
are compatible with survival.
Cerebellar hemorrhages usually develop over several
hours and are characterized by occipital headache,
repeated vomiting, and ataxia of gait. In mild cases there
may be no other neurologic signs other than gait ataxia.
Dizziness or vertigo may be prominent. There is often
paresis of conjugate lateral gaze toward the side of the
hemorrhage, forced deviation of the eyes to the opposite
side, or an ipsilateral sixth nerve palsy. Less frequent ocu-
lar signs include blepharospasm, involuntary closure of
one eye, ocular bobbing, and skew deviation. Dysarthria
and dysphagia may occur. As the hours pass, the patient
often becomes stuporous and then comatose from brain-
stem compression or obstructive hydrocephalus; imme-
diate surgical evacuation before brainstem compression
FIGURE 21-17 occurs may be lifesaving. Hydrocephalus from fourth
Hypertensive hemorrhage. Transaxial noncontrast CT scan ventricle compression can be relieved by external ven-
through the region of the basal ganglia reveals a hematoma tricular drainage, but denitive hematoma evacuation is
involving the left putamen in a patient with rapidly progres- essential for survival. If the deep cerebellar nuclei are
sive onset of right hemiparesis. spared, full recovery is common.
278 Lobar Hemorrhage Intracranial hemorrhages associated with anticoagulant
therapy can occur at any location; they are often lobar or
Symptoms and signs appear over several minutes. Most
subdural. Anticoagulant-related intracerebral hemor-
lobar hemorrhages are small and cause a restricted clinical
rhages may evolve slowly, over 2448 h. Coagulopathy
syndrome that simulates an embolus to an artery supply-
and thrombocytopenia should be reversed rapidly, as dis-
ing one lobe. For example, the major neurologic decit
cussed below. Intracerebral hemorrhage associated with
with an occipital hemorrhage is hemianopia; with a left
hematologic disorders (leukemia, aplastic anemia, thrombo-
temporal hemorrhage, aphasia and delirium; with a parietal
cytopenic purpura) can occur at any site and may pre-
hemorrhage, hemisensory loss; and with frontal hemor-
sent as multiple intracerebral hemorrhages. Skin and
rhage, arm weakness. Large hemorrhages may be associ-
mucous membrane bleeding is usually evident and offers
ated with stupor or coma if they compress the thalamus
a diagnostic clue.
or midbrain. Most patients with lobar hemorrhages have
Hemorrhage into a brain tumor may be the rst mani-
focal headaches, and more than half vomit or are drowsy.
festation of neoplasm. Choriocarcinoma, malignant
Stiff neck and seizures are uncommon.
melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, and bronchogenic car-
cinoma are among the most common metastatic tumors
Other Causes of Intracerebral Hemorrhage associated with intracerebral hemorrhage. Glioblastoma
multiforme in adults and medulloblastoma in children
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is a disease of the elderly in may also have areas of intracerebral hemorrhage.
which arteriolar degeneration occurs and amyloid is Hypertensive encephalopathy is a complication of malig-
deposited in the walls of the cerebral arteries. Amyloid nant hypertension. In this acute syndrome, severe hyper-
angiopathy causes both single and recurrent lobar hem- tension is associated with headache, nausea, vomiting,
orrhages and is probably the most common cause of convulsions, confusion, stupor, and coma. Focal or later-
lobar hemorrhage in the elderly. It accounts for some alizing neurologic signs, either transitory or permanent,
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
intracranial hemorrhages associated with IV thromboly- may occur but are infrequent and therefore suggest
sis given for MI. This disorder can be suspected in some other vascular disease (hemorrhage, embolism, or
patients who present with multiple hemorrhages (and atherosclerotic thrombosis). There are retinal hemor-
infarcts) over several months or years, or in patients with rhages, exudates, papilledema (hypertensive retinopathy),
micro-bleeds seen on brain MRI sequences sensitive and evidence of renal and cardiac disease. In most cases
for hemosiderin, but it is denitively diagnosed by ICP and CSF protein levels are elevated. The hyperten-
pathologic demonstration of Congo red staining of sion may be essential or due to chronic renal disease,
amyloid in cerebral vessels. The 2 and 4 allelic varia- acute glomerulonephritis, acute toxemia of pregnancy,
tions of the apolipoprotein E gene are associated with pheochromocytoma, or other causes. Lowering the
increased risk of recurrent lobar hemorrhage and may blood pressure reverses the process, but stroke can occur,
therefore be markers of amyloid angiopathy. Currently, especially if blood pressure is lowered too rapidly. Neu-
there is no specic therapy, though antiplatelet and anti- ropathologic examination reveals multifocal to diffuse
coagulating agents are typically avoided. cerebral edema and hemorrhages of various sizes from
Cocaine is a frequent cause of stroke in young (<45 petechial to massive. Microscopically, there are necrosis
years) patients. Intracerebral hemorrhage, ischemic stroke, of arterioles, minute cerebral infarcts, and hemorrhages.
and SAH are all associated with cocaine use.Angiographic The term hypertensive encephalopathy should be reserved
ndings vary from completely normal arteries to large- for this syndrome and not for chronic recurrent
vessel occlusion or stenosis, vasospasm, or changes consis- headaches, dizziness, recurrent TIAs, or small strokes that
tent with vasculitis. The mechanism of cocaine-related often occur in association with high blood pressure.
stroke is not known, but cocaine enhances sympathetic Primary intraventricular hemorrhage is rare. It usually
activity causing acute, sometimes severe, hypertension, begins within the substance of the brain and dissects
and this may lead to hemorrhage. Slightly more than half into the ventricular system without leaving signs of
of cocaine-related intracranial hemorrhages are intracere- intraparenchymal hemorrhage. Alternatively, bleeding
bral, and the rest are subarachnoid. In cases of SAH, a can arise from periependymal veins. Vasculitis, usually
saccular aneurysm is usually identied. Presumably, acute polyarteritis nodosa or lupus erythematosus, can pro-
hypertension causes aneurysmal rupture. duce hemorrhage into any region of the central nervous
Head injury often causes intracranial bleeding. The system; most hemorrhages are associated with hyperten-
common sites are intracerebral (especially temporal and sion, but the arteritis itself may cause bleeding by dis-
inferior frontal lobes) and into the subarachnoid, sub- rupting the vessel wall. Sepsis can cause small petechial
dural, and epidural spaces.Trauma must be considered in hemorrhages throughout the cerebral white matter.
any patient with an unexplained acute neurologic decit Moyamoya disease, mainly an occlusive arterial disease
(hemiparesis, stupor, or confusion), particularly if the that causes ischemic symptoms, may on occasion pro-
decit occurred in the context of a fall (Chap. 31). duce intraparenchymal hemorrhage, particularly in the
young. Hemorrhages into the spinal cord are usually the warfarin sodium, more rapid reversal of coagulopathy 279
result of an AVM or metastatic tumor. Epidural spinal can be achieved by infusing prothrombin complex
hemorrhage produces a rapidly evolving syndrome of concentrates followed by fresh-frozen plasma and
spinal cord or nerve root compression (Chap. 30). Spinal vitamin K. When intracerebral hemorrhage is associated
hemorrhages usually present with sudden back pain and with thrombocytopenia (platelet count <50,000/L),
some manifestation of myelopathy. transfusion of fresh platelets is indicated. At present, little
can be done about the hemorrhage itself. Hematomas
Laboratory and Imaging Evaluation may expand for several hours following the initial
hemorrhage, so treating severe hypertension seems
Patients should have routine blood chemistries and hema-
reasonable to prevent hematoma progression. Preliminary
tologic studies. Specic attention to the platelet count
data suggested that treatment with recombinant factor
and PT/PTT are important to identify coagulopathy.
VIIa, even in patients without coagulopathy, may decrease
CT imaging reliably detects acute focal hemorrhages in
risk of hematoma expansion and improve clinical
the supratentorial space. Small pontine hemorrhages may
outcome; however, a multicenter randomized trial of this
not be identied because of motion and bone-induced
approach did not show clinical benet despite a decrease
artifact that obscure structures in the posterior fossa.
in hematoma expansion.
After the rst 2 weeks, x-ray attenuation values of clot-
Evacuation of supratentorial hematomas does not
ted blood diminish until they become isodense with
appear to improve outcome. The International Surgical
surrounding brain. Mass effect and edema may remain.
Trial in Intracerebral Hemorrhage (STICH) randomized
In some cases, a surrounding rim of contrast enhance-
1033 patients with supratentorial intracerebral hemor-
ment appears after 24 weeks and may persist for
rhage to either early surgical evacuation or initial med-
months. MRI, though more sensitive for delineating
ical management. No benet was found in the early
posterior fossa lesions, is generally not necessary in most
surgery arm, though analysis was complicated by the
Cerebrovascular Diseases
instances. Images of owing blood on MRI scan may
fact that 26% of patients in the initial medical manage-
identify AVMs as the cause of the hemorrhage. MRI,
ment group ultimately had surgery for neurologic deteri-
CT angiography, and conventional x-ray angiography
oration. Overall, these data do not support routine surgi-
are used when the cause of intracranial hemorrhage is
cal evacuation of supratentorial hemorrhages; however,
uncertain, particularly if the patient is young or not
many centers operate on patients with progressive neu-
hypertensive and the hematoma is not in one of the
rologic deterioration. Surgical techniques continue to
four usual sites for hypertensive hemorrhage. For exam-
evolve, and minimally invasive endoscopic hematoma
ple, hemorrhage into the temporal lobe suggests rupture
evacuation may prove benecial in future trials.
of a MCA saccular aneurysm.
For cerebellar hemorrhages, a neurosurgeon should
Since patients typically have focal neurologic signs
be consulted immediately to assist with the evaluation;
and obtundation, and often show signs of increased ICP,
most cerebellar hematomas >3 cm in diameter will
a lumbar puncture should be avoided as it may induce
require surgical evacuation. If the patient is alert without
cerebral herniation.
focal brainstem signs and if the hematoma is <1 cm in
diameter, surgical removal is usually unnecessary.
Patients with hematomas between 1 and 3 cm require
careful observation for signs of impaired consciousness
Treatment: and precipitous respiratory failure.
INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE Tissue surrounding hematomas is displaced and
compressed but not necessarily infarcted. Hence, in sur-
ACUTE MANAGEMENT Nearly 50% of patients vivors, major improvement commonly occurs as the
with a hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage die, but hematoma is reabsorbed and the adjacent tissue
others may have a good to complete recovery if they regains its function. Careful management of the patient
survive the initial hemorrhage. The volume and location during the acute phase of the hemorrhage can lead to
of the hematoma determine the prognosis. In general, considerable recovery.
supratentorial hematomas with volumes <30 mL have a Surprisingly, ICP is often normal even with large intra-
good prognosis; 3060 mL, an intermediate prognosis; parenchymal hemorrhages. However, if the hematoma
and >60 mL, a poor prognosis during initial hospitalization. causes marked midline shift of structures with conse-
Extension into the ventricular system worsens the quent obtundation, coma, or hydrocephalus, osmotic
prognosis, as does advanced age, location within the agents coupled with induced hyperventilation can be
posterior fossa, and depressed level of consciousness at instituted to lower ICP (Chap. 22). These maneuvers will
initial presentation. Any identied coagulopathy should provide enough time to place a ventriculostomy or ICP
be reversed as soon as possible. For patients taking monitor. Once ICP is recorded, further hyperventilation
280 and osmotic therapy can be tailored to the individual Headache (without bleeding) may be hemicranial and
patient. For example, if ICP is found to be high, CSF can throbbing, like migraine, or diffuse. Focal seizures, with
be drained from the ventricular space and osmotic ther- or without generalization, occur in ~30% of cases. Half
apy continued; persistent or progressive elevation in ICP of AVMs become evident as intracerebral hemorrhages.
may prompt surgical evacuation of the clot or with-
In most, the hemorrhage is mainly intraparenchymal
drawal of support. Alternately, if ICP is normal or only
with extension into the subarachnoid space in some
mildly elevated, induced hyperventilation can be
cases. Blood is usually not deposited in the basal cisterns,
reversed and osmotic therapy tapered. Since hyperven-
and symptomatic cerebral vasospasm is rare. The risk of
tilation may actually produce ischemia by cerebral vaso-
rerupture is ~24% per year and is particularly high in
the rst few weeks. Hemorrhages may be massive, lead-
constriction, induced hyperventilation should be limited
ing to death, or may be as small as 1 cm in diameter,
to acute resuscitation of the patient with presumptive
leading to minor focal symptoms or no decit. The
high ICP and eliminated once other treatments (osmotic
AVM may be large enough to steal blood away from
therapy or surgical treatments) have been instituted.
adjacent normal brain tissue or to increase venous pres-
Glucocorticoids are not helpful for the edema from
sure signicantly to produce venous ischemia locally and
intracerebral hematoma.
in remote areas of the brain.This is seen most often with
large AVMs in the territory of the MCA.
PREVENTION Hypertension is the leading cause of
risk for single cavernous malformations is 0.71.5% per ing Group; Cardiovascular Nursing Council; Clinical Cardiol-
year and may be higher for patients with prior clinical ogy Council; Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism
hemorrhage or multiple malformations. Seizures may Council; and the Quality of Care and Outcomes Research
occur if the malformation is located near the cerebral cor- Interdisciplinary Working Group: The American Academy of
tex. Surgical resection eliminates bleeding risk and may Neurology affirms the value of this guideline. Stroke 37:1583,
reduce seizure risk, but it is reserved for those malforma-
HACKE W et al: Thrombolysis with Alteplase 3 to 4.5 Hours after
tions that form near the brain surface. Radiation treatment
Cerebrovascular Diseases
Acute Ischemic Stroke. N Engl J Med 359:1317, 2008
has not been shown to be of benet. HOWARD VJ et al: Care seeking after stroke symptoms. Ann Neurol
Dural arteriovenous stulas are acquired connections 63:466, 2008
usually from a dural artery to a dural sinus. Patients may Ikram MA et al: Genome-wide association studies of stroke. N Engl J
complain of a pulse-synchronous cephalic bruit (pul- Med 360:1718, 2009
satile tinnitus) and headache. Depending on the magni- JOHNSTON SC et al: National Stroke Association guidelines for the
management of transient ischemic attacks. Ann Neurol 60:301,
tude of the shunt, venous pressures may rise high
enough to cause cortical ischemia or venous hyperten- MAYER SA et al: Efcacy and safety of recombinant activated factor
sion and hemorrhage, particularly subarachnoid hemor- VII for acute intracerebral hemorrhage. N Engl J Med 358:2127,
rhage. Surgical and endovascular techniques are usually 2008
curative. These stulas may form because of trauma, but MENDELOW AD et al: Early surgery versus initial conservative treat-
most are idiopathic. There is an association between s- ment in patients with spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral
tulas and dural sinus thrombosis. Fistulas have been haematomas in the International Surgical Trial in Intracerebral
observed to appear months to years following venous Haemorrhage (STICH): A randomised trial. Lancet 365:387,
sinus thrombosis, suggesting that angiogenesis factors MOHR JP et al: A comparison of warfarin and aspirin for the preven-
elaborated from the thrombotic process may cause these tion of recurrent ischemic stroke. N Engl J Med. 345:1444, 2001
anomalous connections to form. Alternatively, dural ROTHWELL PM et al: Endarterectomy for symptomatic carotid steno-
arteriovenous stulas can produce venous sinus occlu- sis in relation to clinical subgroups and timing of surgery. Lancet
sion over time, perhaps from the high pressure and high 363:915, 2004
ow through a venous structure. SACCO RL et al: Guidelines for Prevention of Stroke in Patients with
Ischemic Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack: A Statement for
Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/
American Stroke Association Council on Stroke. Stroke 37:577,
ADAMS HP JR. et al: Guidelines for the Early Management of Adults 2006
with Ischemic Stroke. A Guideline from the American Heart _______ et al: Aspirin and extended-release dipyridamole versus
Association/American Stroke Association Stroke Council, Clinical clopidogrel for recurrent stroke. N Engl J Med 359:1317, 2008
J. Claude Hemphill, III Wade S. Smith
Life-threatening neurologic illness may be caused by a Early astrocytic swelling is a hallmark of ischemia. Brain
primary disorder affecting any region of the neuraxis or edema that is clinically signicant usually represents a
may occur as a consequence of a systemic disorder such combination of vasogenic and cellular components.
as hepatic failure, multisystem organ failure, or cardiac Edema can lead to increased ICP as well as tissue shifts
arrest (Table 22-1). Neurologic critical care focuses on and brain displacement from focal processes (Chap. 14).
preservation of neurologic tissue and prevention of sec- These tissue shifts can cause injury by mechanical dis-
ondary brain injury caused by ischemia, edema, and ele- traction and compression in addition to the ischemia of
vated intracranial pressure (ICP). impaired perfusion consequent to the elevated ICP.
Wernickes disease
Seizurepostictal or nonconvulsive status
Hypertensive encephalopathy
Focal decits
Ischemic stroke
exacerbate ischemic brain injury include systemic to exacerbation of the primary brain injury. Prevention,
hypotension and hypoxia, which further reduce substrate identication, and treatment of secondary brain insults are
delivery to vulnerable brain tissue, and fever, seizures, and fundamental goals of management.
hyperglycemia, which can increase cellular metabolism An alternative pathway of cellular injury is apoptosis.
outstripping compensatory processes. Clinically, these This process implies programmed cell death, which may
events are known as secondary brain insults because they lead occur in the setting of ischemic stroke, global cerebral
284 ischemia, traumatic brain injury, and possibly intracerebral and decreases with hypocapnia and alkalosis. This forms
hemorrhage. Apoptotic cell death can be distinguished the basis for the use of hyperventilation to lower ICP,
histologically from the necrotic cell death of ischemia and and this effect on ICP is mediated through a decrease in
is mediated through a different set of biochemical path- intracranial blood volume. Cerebral autoregulation is
ways. At present, interventions for prevention and treat- critical to the normal homeostatic functioning of the
ment of apoptotic cell death remain less well dened than brain, and this process may be disordered focally and
those for ischemia. Excitotoxicity and mechanisms of cell unpredictably in disease states such as traumatic brain
death are discussed in more detail in Chap. 19. injury and severe focal cerebral ischemia.
the driving force for circulation across the capillary beds 150 mL of CSF are contained within the ventricles and
of the brain. Autoregulation refers to the physiologic surrounding the brain and spinal cord; the cerebral blood
response whereby cerebral blood ow (CBF) remains volume is also ~150 mL. The bony skull offers excellent
relatively constant over a wide range of blood pressures as protection for the brain but allows little tolerance for
a consequence of alterations of cerebrovascular resistance additional volume. Signicant increases in volume even-
(Fig. 22-1). If systemic blood pressure drops, cerebral tually result in increased ICP. Obstruction of CSF out-
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
perfusion is preserved through vasodilatation of arterioles ow, edema of cerebral tissue, or increases in volume
in the brain; likewise, arteriolar vasoconstriction occurs at from tumor or hematoma may increase ICP. Elevated
high systemic pressures to prevent hyperperfusion. At the ICP diminishes cerebral perfusion and can lead to tissue
extreme limits of MAP or CPP (high or low), ow ischemia. Ischemia in turn may lead to vasodilatation via
becomes directly related to perfusion pressure. These autoregulatory mechanisms designed to restore cerebral
autoregulatory changes occur in the microcirculation and perfusion. However, vasodilatation also increases cerebral
are mediated by vessels below the resolution of those seen blood volume, which in turn then increases ICP, lowers
on angiography. CBF is also strongly inuenced by pH CPP, and provokes further ischemia (Fig. 22-2). This
and PCO2. CBF increases with hypercapnia and acidosis vicious cycle is commonly seen in traumatic brain injury,
massive intracerebral hemorrhage, and large hemispheric
infarcts with signicant tissue shifts.
125 PaCO2
PaO2 Spontaneous
SABP Pharmacologic
CBF, mL/100g per min
75 CPP
Edema Viscosity
ICP Vasodilatation O2 delivery
25 Pharmacologic
25 75 125 175 FIGURE 22-2
BP, mmHg Ischemia and vasodilatation. Reduced cerebral perfusion
FIGURE 22-1 pressure (CPP) leads to increased ischemia, vasodilatation,
Autoregulation of cerebral blood ow (solid line). Cerebral increased intracranial pressure (ICP), and further reductions
perfusion is constant over a wide range of systemic blood in CPP, a cycle leading to further neurologic injury. CBV, cere-
pressure. Perfusion is increased in the setting of hypoxia or bral blood volume; CMR, cerebral metabolic rate; CSF, cere-
hypercarbia. BP, blood pressure; CBF, cerebral blood ow. brospinal uid; SABP, systolic arterial blood pressure.
(Reprinted with permission from Anesthesiology 43:447, (Adapted from MJ Rosner et al: J Neurosurg 83:949, 1995;
1975. Copyright 1975, Lippincott Company.) with permission.)
metabolic encephalopathy typically reveals generalized 285
Approach to the Patient:
slowing. One of the most important uses of EEG is to
help exclude inapparent seizures, especially nonconvul-
Critically ill patients with severe central nervous system sive status epilepticus. Untreated continuous or fre-
dysfunction require rapid evaluation and intervention quently recurrent seizures may cause neuronal injury,
in order to limit primary and secondary brain injury. making the diagnosis and treatment of seizures crucial in
Initial neurologic evaluation should be performed con- this patient group. Lumbar puncture (LP) may be neces-
current with stabilization of basic respiratory, cardiac, sary to exclude infectious processes, and an elevated
and hemodynamic parameters. Signicant barriers opening pressure may be an important clue to cerebral
may exist to neurologic assessment in the critical care venous sinus thrombosis. In patients with coma or pro-
unit, including endotracheal intubation and the use of found encephalopathy, it is preferable to perform a neu-
sedative or paralytic agents to facilitate procedures. roimaging study prior to LP. If bacterial meningitis is
An impaired level of consciousness is common in suspected, an LP may be performed rst or antibiotics
critically ill patients. The essential rst task in assess- may be empirically administered before the diagnostic
ment is to determine whether the cause of dysfunc- studies are completed. Standard laboratory evaluation of
tion is related to a diffuse, usually metabolic, process critically ill patients should include assessment of serum
or whether a focal, usually structural, process is impli-
electrolytes (especially sodium and calcium), glucose,
cated. Examples of diffuse processes include meta- renal and hepatic function, complete blood count, and
bolic encephalopathies related to organ failure, drug coagulation. Serum or urine toxicology screens should
overdose, or hypoxia-ischemia. Focal processes include be performed in patients with encephalopathy of
ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke and traumatic unknown cause. EEG, LP, and other specic laboratory
brain injury, especially with intracranial hematomas. tests are most useful when the mechanism of the altered
Since these two categories of disorders have funda- level of consciousness is uncertain; they are not routinely
to treat elevated intracranial pressure (ICP). Fiberoptic ICP add neuromuscular paralysis if necessary (patient will
and brain tissue oxygen monitors are usually secured using a require endotracheal intubation and mechanical venti-
screwlike skull bolt. Cerebral blood ow and microdialysis lation at this point, if not before)
probes (not shown) may be placed in a manner similar to the 6. Hyperventilationto Paco2 3035 mmHg
brain tissue oxygen probe. 7. Pressor therapyphenylephrine, dopamine, or
norepinephrine to maintain adequate MAP to ensure
CPP 60 mmHg (maintain euvolemia to minimize
deleterious systemic effects of pressors)
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
ing secondary brain insults are an integral part of the tudes, cause impaired judgment, inattentiveness, motor
critical care of all patients.While elevated ICP may lead incoordination, and, at times, euphoria. However, with
to secondary ischemia, most secondary brain injury is hypoxia-ischemia, such as occurs with circulatory arrest,
mediated through other clinical events that exacerbate consciousness is lost within seconds. If circulation is
the ischemic cascade already initiated by the primary restored within 35 min, full recovery may occur, but if
brain injury. Episodes of secondary brain insults are hypoxia-ischemia lasts beyond 35 min, some degree of
usually not associated with apparent neurologic wors-
Day 3
Absent pupil or corneal Yes FPR
reflexes; extensor or absent outcome
motor response (03) Cortical laminar necrosis in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopa-
thy. T1-weighted postcontrast MRI shows cortical enhance-
ment in a watershed distribution consistent with laminar
Indeterminate outcome
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Prognostication of outcome in comatose survivors of car-
diopulmonary resuscitation. Numbers in parentheses are 95% or brainstem. In some cases, extensive bilateral thalamic
condence intervals. Confounders could include use of scarring may affect pathways that mediate arousal, and
sedatives or neuromuscular blocking agents, hypothermia this pathology may be responsible for the persistent veg-
therapy, organ failure, or shock. Tests denoted with an * may etative state. A specic form of hypoxic-ischemic
not be available in a timely and standardized manner. SSEP, encephalopathy, so-called watershed infarcts, occurs at
somatosensory evoked potentials; NSE, neuron-specic the distal territories between the major cerebral arteries
enolase; FPR, false-positive rate. (From Wijdicks et al, with and can cause cognitive decits, including visual agnosia,
permission.) and weakness that is greater in proximal than in distal
muscle groups.
after cardiac arrest (see Treatment) will alter the usefulness Diagnosis is based upon the history of a hypoxic-
of these clinical and electrophysiologic predictors is ischemic event such as cardiac arrest. Blood pressure
unknown. Long-term consequences of hypoxic-ischemic <70 mmHg systolic or Pao2 <40 mmHg is usually nec-
encephalopathy include persistent coma or a vegetative essary, although both absolute levels as well as duration
state (Chap. 14), dementia, visual agnosia (Chap. 15), of exposure are important determinants of cellular
parkinsonism, choreoathetosis, cerebellar ataxia, myoclonus, injury. Carbon monoxide intoxication can be conrmed
seizures, and an amnestic state, which may be a conse- by measurement of carboxyhemoglobin and is suggested
quence of selective damage to the hippocampus. by a cherry red color of the skin, although the latter is
an inconsistent clinical nding.
Principal histologic ndings are extensive multifocal or Treatment:
diffuse laminar cortical necrosis (Fig. 22-5), with almost HYPOXIC-ISCHEMIC ENCEPHALOPATHY
invariable involvement of the hippocampus. The hip-
Treatment should be directed at restoration of normal
pocampal CA1 neurons are vulnerable to even brief
cardiorespiratory function. This includes securing a clear
episodes of hypoxia-ischemia, perhaps explaining why
airway, ensuring adequate oxygenation and ventilation,
selective persistent memory decits may occur after brief
and restoring cerebral perfusion, whether by cardiopul-
cardiac arrest. Scattered small areas of infarction or neuronal
monary resuscitation, uid, pressors, or cardiac pacing.
loss may be present in the basal ganglia, hypothalamus,
Hypothermia may target the neuronal cell injury cascade disturbance. This is often attributed to medication 289
and has substantial neuroprotective properties in experi- effects, sleep deprivation, pain, and anxiety. The term
mental models of brain injury. In two trials, mild ICU psychosis has been used to describe a mental state
hypothermia (33C) improved functional outcome in with profound agitation occurring in this setting. The
patients who remained comatose after resuscitation presence of family members in the ICU may help to
from a cardiac arrest. Treatment was initiated within min- calm and orient agitated patients, and in severe cases,
utes of cardiac resuscitation and continued for 12 h in low doses of neuroleptics (e.g., haloperidol 0.51 mg)
one study and 24 h in the other. Potential complications can be useful. Ultimately, the psychosis resolves with
of hypothermia include coagulopathy and an increased improvement in the underlying illness and a return to
risk of infection. Based upon these studies, the Interna- familiar surroundings.
tional Liaison Committee on Resuscitation issued the fol- In the ICU setting, several metabolic causes of an
lowing advisory statement in 2003: Unconscious adult altered level of consciousness predominate. Hypercarbic
patients with spontaneous circulation after out-of-hospital encephalopathy can present with headache, confusion,
cardiac arrest should be cooled to 3234C for 1224 h stupor, or coma. Hypoventilation syndrome occurs most
when the initial rhythm was ventricular brillation. frequently in patients with a history of chronic CO2
Severe carbon monoxide intoxication may be treated retention who are receiving oxygen therapy for emphy-
sema or chronic pulmonary disease. The elevated Paco2
with hyperbaric oxygen. Anticonvulsants may be needed
to control seizures, although these are not usually given leading to CO2 narcosis may have a direct anesthetic
prophylactically. Posthypoxic myoclonus may respond to effect, and cerebral vasodilatation from increased Paco2
oral administration of clonazepam at doses of 1.510 mg can lead to increased ICP. Hepatic encephalopathy is
daily or valproate at doses of 3001200 mg daily in suggested by asterixis and can occur in chronic liver fail-
divided doses. Myoclonic status epilepticus within 24 h ure or acute fulminant hepatic failure. Both hyper-
after a primary circulatory arrest portends a universally glycemia and hypoglycemia can cause encephalopathy, as
Delayed postanoxic encephalopathy is an uncommon
phenomenon in which patients appear to make an ini- In patients with sepsis, the systemic response to infectious
tial recovery from hypoxic-ischemic insult but then agents leads to the release of circulating inammatory
develop a relapse characterized by apathy, confusion, and mediators that appear to contribute to encephalopathy.
agitation. Progressive neurologic decits may include Critical illness, in association with the systemic inamma-
shufing gait, diffuse rigidity and spasticity, persistent tory response syndrome (SIRS), can lead to multisystem
parkinsonism or myoclonus, and, on occasion, coma and organ failure. This syndrome can occur in the setting of
death after 12 weeks. Widespread cerebral demyelina- apparent sepsis, severe burns, or trauma, even without clear
tion may be present. identication of an infectious agent. Many patients with
Carbon monoxide and cyanide intoxication can also critical illness, sepsis, or SIRS develop encephalopathy
cause a delayed encephalopathy. Little clinical impairment without obvious explanation. This condition is broadly
is evident when the patient rst regains consciousness, termed septic encephalopathy. While the specic mediators
but a parkinsonian syndrome characterized by akinesia leading to neurologic dysfunction remain uncertain, it is
and rigidity without tremor may develop. Symptoms clear that the encephalopathy is not simply the result of
can worsen over months, accompanied by increasing metabolic derangements of multiorgan failure. The
evidence of damage in the basal ganglia as seen on both cytokines tumor necrosis factor , interleukin (IL) 1, IL-2,
CT and MRI. and IL-6 are thought to play a role in this syndrome.
tosis and cerebral ischemic injury. However, successful drawal. If the disease is not treated, stupor, coma, and
treatment of the underlying critical illness almost always death may ensue. Ocular motor abnormalities include
results in complete resolution of the encephalopathy, horizontal nystagmus on lateral gaze, lateral rectus palsy
with profound long-term cognitive disability being (usually bilateral), conjugate gaze palsies, and rarely pto-
uncommon. sis. Gait ataxia probably results from a combination of
polyneuropathy, cerebellar involvement, and vestibular
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Periventricular lesions surround the third ventricle,
aqueduct, and fourth ventricle, with petechial hemor-
rhages in occasional acute cases and atrophy of the
mammillary bodies in most chronic cases. There is fre-
quently endothelial proliferation, demyelination, and
FIGURE 22-6 some neuronal loss. These changes may be detected by
Central pontine myelinolysis. Axial T2-weighted MR scan MRI scanning (Fig. 22-7). The amnestic defect is
through the pons reveals a symmetric area of abnormal high related to lesions in the dorsal medial nuclei of the
signal intensity within the basis pontis (arrows). thalamus.
(2) secondary PNS manifestations of systemic critical 291
illness, often involving multisystem organ failure. The
former include acute polyneuropathies such as Guillain-
Barr syndrome (Chap. 41), neuromuscular junction
disorders including myasthenia gravis (Chap. 42) and bot-
ulism, and primary muscle disorders such as polymyositis
(Chap. 44). The latter result either from the systemic dis-
ease itself or as a consequence of interventions.
General principles of respiratory evaluation in patients
with PNS involvement, regardless of cause, include assess-
ment of pulmonary mechanics, such as maximal inspiratory
force (MIF) and vital capacity (VC), and evaluation of
strength of bulbar muscles. Regardless of the cause of
weakness, endotracheal intubation should be considered
FIGURE 22-7 when the MIF falls to <25 cmH2O or the VC is <1 L.
Wernickes disease. Coronal T1-weighted postcontrast MRI Also, patients with severe palatal weakness may require
reveals abnormal enhancement of the mammillary bodies endotracheal intubation in order to prevent acute upper
(arrows), typical of acute Wernickes encephalopathy.
airway obstruction or recurrent aspiration. Arterial blood
gases and oxygen saturation from pulse oximetry are used
to follow patients with potential respiratory compromise
Pathogenesis from PNS dysfunction. However, intubation and mechani-
cal ventilation should be undertaken based on clinical
Thiamine is a cofactor of several enzymes, including trans-
assessment rather than waiting until oxygen saturation
ketolase, pyruvate dehydrogenase, and -ketoglutarate
sion; these include antibiotics, especially aminoglycosides, of the primary pulmonary process. Pathologically, there
and beta-blocking agents. In the ICU, the nondepolariz- may be vacuolar changes in both type I and type II mus-
ing neuromuscular blocking agents (nd-NMBAs), also cle bers with evidence of regeneration. Acute quadri-
known as muscle relaxants, are most commonly respon- plegic myopathy has a good prognosis. If patients survive
sible. Included in this group of drugs are such agents as their underlying critical illness, the myopathy invariably
pancuronium, vecuronium, rocuronium, and atracurium. improves and most patients return to normal. However,
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
They are often used to facilitate mechanical ventilation because this syndrome is a result of true muscle damage,
or other critical care procedures, but with prolonged use not just prolonged blockade at the neuromuscular junc-
persistent neuromuscular blockade may result in weak- tion, this process may take weeks or months, and tra-
ness even after discontinuation of these agents hours or cheostomy with prolonged ventilatory support may be
days earlier. Risk factors for this prolonged action of necessary. Some patients do have residual long-term
neuromuscular blocking agents include female sex, meta- weakness, with atrophy and fatigue limiting ambulation.
bolic acidosis, and renal failure. At present, it is unclear how to prevent this myopathic
Prolonged neuromuscular blockade does not appear complication, except by avoiding use of nd-NMBAs, a
to produce permanent damage to the PNS. Once the strategy not always possible. Monitoring with a periph-
offending medications are discontinued, full strength is eral nerve stimulator can help to avoid the overuse of
restored, although this may take days. In general, the low- these agents. However, this is more likely to prevent the
est dose of neuromuscular blocking agent should be used complication of prolonged neuromuscular junction
to achieve the desired result, and, when these agents are blockade than it is to prevent this myopathy.
used in the ICU, a peripheral nerve stimulator should be
used to monitor neuromuscular junction function.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) renders the brain crit-
Critically ill patients, especially those with sepsis, fre- ically ill from both primary and secondary brain insults.
quently develop muscle wasting, often in the face of Excluding head trauma, the most common cause of
seemingly adequate nutritional support. The assumption SAH is rupture of a saccular aneurysm. Other causes
has been that this represents a catabolic myopathy include bleeding from a vascular malformation (arteri-
brought about as a result of multiple factors, including ovenous malformation or dural arterial-venous stula)
elevated cortisol and catecholamine release and other cir- and extension into the subarachnoid space from a pri-
culating factors induced by the SIRS. In this syndrome, mary intracerebral hemorrhage. Some idiopathic SAHs
known as cachectic myopathy, serum creatine kinase levels are localized to the perimesencephalic cisterns and are
and electromyography (EMG) are normal. Muscle biopsy benign; they probably have a venous or capillary source,
shows type II ber atrophy. Panfascicular muscle ber and angiography is unrevealing.
necrosis may also occur in the setting of profound sepsis.
This so-called septic myopathy is characterized clinically
Saccular (Berry) Aneurysm
by weakness progressing to a profound level over just a
few days. There may be associated elevations in serum Autopsy and angiography studies have found that about
creatine kinase and urine myoglobin. Both EMG and 2% of adults harbor intracranial aneurysms, for a prevalence
of 4 million persons in the United States; the aneurysm site of rupture (most often the dome) the wall thins, 293
will rupture, producing SAH, in 25,00030,000 cases and the tear that allows bleeding is often 0.5 mm
per year. For patients who arrive alive at hospital, the long. Aneurysm size and site are important in predicting
mortality rate over the next month is about 45%. Of risk of rupture. Those >7 mm in diameter and those at
those who survive, more than half are left with major the top of the basilar artery and at the origin of the
neurologic decits as a result of the initial hemorrhage, posterior communicating artery are at greater risk of
cerebral vasospasm with infarction, or hydrocephalus. If rupture.
the patient survives but the aneurysm is not obliterated,
the rate of rebleeding is about 20% in the rst 2 weeks, Clinical Manifestations
30% in the rst month, and about 3% per year afterwards. Most unruptured intracranial aneurysms are completely
Given these alarming gures, the major therapeutic asymptomatic. Symptoms are usually due to rupture
emphasis is on preventing the predictable early complica- and resultant SAH, although some present with mass
tions of the SAH. effect on cranial nerves or brain parenchyma. At the
Unruptured, asymptomatic aneurysms are much less moment of aneurysmal rupture with major SAH, the
dangerous than a recently ruptured aneurysm. The ICP suddenly rises. This may account for the sudden
annual risk of rupture for aneurysms <10 mm in size is transient loss of consciousness that occurs in nearly half
~0.1%, and for aneurysms 10 mm in size is ~0.51%; of patients. Sudden loss of consciousness may be pre-
the surgical morbidity far exceeds these percentages. ceded by a brief moment of excruciating headache, but
Because of the longer length of exposure to risk of rup- most patients rst complain of headache upon regain-
ture, younger patients with aneurysms >10 mm in size ing consciousness. In 10% of cases, aneurysmal bleeding
may benet from prophylactic treatment. As with the is severe enough to cause loss of consciousness for sev-
treatment of asymptomatic carotid stenosis, this risk- eral days. In ~45% of cases, severe headache associated
benet strongly depends on the complication rate of with exertion is the presenting complaint. The patient
1 Mild headache, normal mental Glasgow Coma Scalea (GCS) score 15, no
status, no cranial nerve or motor motor decits
2 Severe headache, normal mental GCS 1314, no motor decits
status, may have cranial nerve
3 Somnolent, confused, may have GCS 1314, with motor decits
cranial nerve or mild motor decit
4 Stupor, moderate to severe motor GCS 712, with or without motor decits
decit, may have intermittent
reex posturing
5 Coma, reex posturing or accid GCS 36, with or without motor decits
a denitive workup for aneurysm or other intracranial hydrocephalus may develop weeks to months after
pathology is required. SAH and manifest as gait difculty, incontinence, or
Aneurysms can undergo small ruptures and leaks of impaired mentation. Subtle signs may be a lack of
initiative in conversation or a failure to recover
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Laboratory Evaluation and Imaging mm in the basal cisterns or layers of blood >1 mm thick
(Fig. 22-8) The hallmark of aneurysmal rupture is in the cerebral ssures. CT scans less reliably predict
blood in the CSF. More than 95% of cases have enough vasospasm in the vertebral, basilar, or posterior cerebral
Lumbar puncture prior to an imaging procedure is
indicated only if a CT scan is not available at the time of
off from the circulation (Fig. 22-8D).The only prospective ever, phenytoin is often given as prophylactic therapy
randomized trial of surgery versus endovascular treat- since a seizure may promote rebleeding.
ment for ruptured aneurysm, the International Sub- Glucocorticoids may help reduce the head and neck
arachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT), was terminated early ache caused by the irritative effect of the subarachnoid
when 24% of patients treated with endovascular ther- blood. There is no good evidence that they reduce cere-
apy were dead or dependent at 1 year compared to 31% bral edema, are neuroprotective, or reduce vascular
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
treated with surgery, a signicant 23% relative reduc- injury, and their routine use therefore is not recom-
tion. Follow-up for these patients, now complete, reveals mended.
that the benet of endovascular therapy is durable. Antibrinolytic agents are not routinely prescribed
However, some aneurysms have a morphology that is but may be considered in patients in whom aneurysm
not amenable to endovascular treatment. Thus, surgery treatment cannot proceed immediately. They are associ-
remains an important treatment option. Centers that ated with a reduced incidence of aneurysmal rerupture
combine both endovascular and neurosurgical exper- but may also increase the risk of delayed cerebral infarc-
tise likely offer the best outcomes for patients, and there tion and deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
are good data showing that centers that specialize in Vasospasm remains the leading cause of morbidity
aneurysm treatment have improved mortality rates. and mortality following aneurysmal SAH. Treatment
The medical management of SAH focuses on protect- with the calcium channel antagonist nimodipine (60 mg
ing the airway, managing blood pressure before and PO every 4 h) improves outcome, perhaps by preventing
after aneurysm treatment, preventing rebleeding prior ischemic injury rather than reducing the risk of
to treatment, managing vasospasm, treating hydro- vasospasm. Nimodipine can cause signicant hypoten-
cephalus, treating hyponatremia, and preventing pul- sion in some patients, which may worsen cerebral
monary embolus. ischemia in patients with vasospasm. Symptomatic cere-
Intracranial hypertension following aneurysmal rup- bral vasospasm can also be treated by increasing the
ture occurs secondary to subarachnoid blood, parenchy- cerebral perfusion pressure by raising mean arterial
mal hematoma, acute hydrocephalus, or loss of vascular pressure through plasma volume expansion and the
autoregulation. Patients who are stuporous should judicious use of IV vasopressor agents, usually phenyle-
undergo emergent ventriculostomy to measure ICP and phrine or norepinephrine. Raised perfusion pressure has
to treat high ICP in order to prevent cerebral ischemia. been associated with clinical improvement in many
Medical therapies designed to combat raised ICP (e.g., patients, but high arterial pressure may promote
mild hyperventilation, mannitol, and sedation) can also rebleeding in unprotected aneurysms. Treatment with
be used as needed. High ICP refractory to treatment is a induced hypertension and hypervolemia generally
poor prognostic sign. requires monitoring of arterial and central venous pres-
Prior to denitive treatment of the ruptured sures; it is best to infuse pressors through a central
aneurysm, care is required to maintain adequate cere- venous line as well. Volume expansion helps prevent
bral perfusion pressure while avoiding excessive eleva- hypotension, augments cardiac output, and reduces
tion of arterial pressure. If the patient is alert, it is reason- blood viscosity by reducing the hematocrit. This method
able to lower the blood pressure to normal using is called triple-H (hypertension, hemodilution, and
nicardipine, labetolol, or esmolol. If the patient has a hypervolemic) therapy.
If symptomatic vasospasm persists despite optimal has been treated and whether or not the patient has 297
medical therapy, intraarterial vasodilators and percuta- had a craniotomy. Systemic anticoagulation with heparin
neous transluminal angioplasty are considered. Vasodi- is contraindicated in patients with ruptured and
latation by direct angioplasty appears to be permanent, untreated aneurysms. It is a relative contraindication fol-
allowing triple-H therapy to be tapered sooner. The lowing craniotomy for several days or perhaps weeks,
pharmacologic vasodilators (verapamil and nicardipine) and it may delay thrombosis of a coiled aneurysm. Fol-
do not last more than 824 h, and therefore multiple lowing craniotomy, use of inferior vena cava lters is
treatments may be required until the subarachnoid preferred to prevent further pulmonary emboli, while
blood is reabsorbed. Although intraarterial papaverine is systemic anticoagulation with heparin is preferred fol-
an effective vasodilator, there is evidence that papaver- lowing successful endovascular treatment.
ine may be neurotoxic so its use should be reserved for
refractory cases.
Acute hydrocephalus can cause stupor or coma. It
may clear spontaneously or require temporary ventricu- FURTHER READINGS
lar drainage. When chronic hydrocephalus develops,
HERMANS G et al: Clinical review. Critical illness polyneuropathy
ventricular shunting is the treatment of choice.
and myopathy. Crit Care 12:238, 2008
Free-water restriction is contraindicated in patients LIOU AK et al:To die or not to die for neurons in ischemia, traumatic
with SAH at risk for vasospasm because hypovolemia brain injury and epilepsy: A review on the stress-activated signal-
and hypotension may occur and precipitate cerebral ing pathways and apoptotic pathways. Prog Neurobiol 69:103,
ischemia. Many patients continue to experience a 2003
decline in serum sodium despite receiving parenteral MOLYNEUX A et al: International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial
uids containing normal saline. Frequently, supplemen- (ISAT) of neurosurgical clipping versus endovascular coiling in
2143 patients with ruptured intracranial aneurysms: A random-
tal oral salt coupled with normal saline will mitigate
Dementia, a syndrome with many causes, affects >4 mil- affected regions are factors that combine to cause the spe-
lion Americans and results in a total health care cost of cic disorder (Chap. 15). Behavior and mood are modu-
>$100 billion annually. It is dened as an acquired deteri- lated by noradrenergic, serotonergic, and dopaminergic
oration in cognitive abilities that impairs the successful pathways, while acetylcholine seems to be particularly
performance of activities of daily living. Memory is the important for memory. Therefore, the loss of cholinergic
most common cognitive ability lost with dementia; 10% neurons in Alzheimers disease (AD) may underlie the
of persons >70 years and 2040% of individuals >85 memory impairment, while in patients with non-AD
years have clinically identiable memory loss. In addition dementias, the loss of serotonergic and glutaminergic
to memory, other mental faculties are also affected in neurons causes primarily behavioral symptoms, leaving
dementia; these include language, visuospatial ability, cal- memory relatively spared. Neurotrophins (Chap. 19) are
culation, judgment, and problem solving. Neuropsychi- also postulated to play a role in memory function, in part
atric and social decits also develop in many dementia by preserving cholinergic neurons, and therefore represent
syndromes, resulting in depression, withdrawal, hallucina- a pharmacologic pathway toward slowing or reversing the
tions, delusions, agitation, insomnia, and disinhibition.The effects of AD.
most common forms of dementia are progressive, but Dementias have anatomically specic patterns of neu-
some dementing illnesses are static and unchanging or ronal degeneration that dictate the clinical symptoma-
uctuate dramatically from day to day. Most diagnoses of tology. AD begins in the entorhinal cortex, spreads to
dementia require some sort of memory decit, although the hippocampus, and then moves to posterior temporal
there are many dementias, such as frontotemporal demen- and parietal neocortex, eventually causing a relatively
tia, where memory loss is not a presenting feature. diffuse degeneration throughout the cerebral cortex.
Multi-infarct dementia is associated with focal damage in a
random patchwork of cortical regions. Diffuse white
FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY OF THE matter damage may disrupt intracerebral connections
DEMENTIAS and cause dementia syndromes similar to those associ-
ated with leukodystrophies, multiple sclerosis, and Bin-
Dementia results from the disruption of cerebral neuronal swangers disease (see later). Subcortical structures,
circuits; the quantity of neuronal loss and the location of including the caudate, putamen, thalamus, and substantia
nigra, also modulate cognition and behavior in ways that dementia. Other disorders listed in the table are uncom- 299
are not yet well understood. The effect that these pat- mon but important because many are reversible.The clas-
terns of cortical degeneration have on disease sympto- sication of dementing illnesses into two broad groups of
matology is clear: AD primarily presents as memory loss reversible and irreversible disorders is a useful approach to
and is often associated with aphasia or other distur- the differential diagnosis of dementia.
bances of language. In contrast, patients with frontal lobe In a study of 1000 persons attending a memory disor-
or subcortical dementias such as frontotemporal dementia ders clinic, 19% had a potentially reversible cause of the
(FTD) or Huntingtons disease (HD) are less likely to cognitive impairment and 23% had a potentially reversible
begin with memory problems and more likely to have concomitant condition.The three most common poten-
difculties with attention, judgment, awareness, and tially reversible diagnoses were depression, hydrocephalus,
behavior. and alcohol dependence (Table 23-1).
Lesions of specic cortical-subcortical pathways have Subtle cumulative decline in episodic memory is a
equally specic effects on behavior.The dorsolateral pre- natural part of aging. This frustrating experience, often
frontal cortex has connections with dorsolateral caudate, the source of jokes and humor, is referred to as benign
globus pallidus, and thalamus. Lesions of these pathways forgetfulness of the elderly. Benign means that it is not so
result in poor organization and planning, decreased cog- progressive or serious that it impairs reasonably success-
nitive exibility, and impaired judgment. The lateral ful and productive daily functioning, although the dis-
orbital frontal cortex connects with the ventromedial tinction between benign and more signicant memory
caudate, globus pallidus, and thalamus. Lesions of these loss can be difcult to make. At 85 years, the average
connections cause irritability, impulsiveness, and dis- person is able to learn and recall approximately one-half
tractibility. The anterior cingulate cortex connects with the number of items (e.g., words on a list) that he or she
the nucleus accumbens, globus pallidus, and thalamus. could at 18 years. A cognitive problem that has begun to
Interruption of these connections produces apathy and subtly interfere with daily activities is referred to as mild
Prion (Creutzfeldt-Jakob and Gerstmann- Motor neuron disease [amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS);
Strussler-Scheinker diseases) some forms]
Tuberculosis, fungal, and protozoala Frontotemporal dementia
Whipples diseasea Cortical basal degeneration
Head trauma and diffuse brain damage Multiple sclerosis
Dementia pugilistica Adult Downs syndrome with Alzheimers
Chronic subdural hematomaa ALSParkinsonsDementia complex of Guam
Postanoxia Miscellaneous
Postencephalitis Sarcoidosisa
Normal-pressure hydrocephalusa Vasculitisa
Neoplastic CADASIL etc
Primary brain tumora Acute intermittent porphyriaa
Metastatic brain tumora Recurrent nonconvulsive seizuresa
Paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis Additional conditions in children or adolescents
Hallervorden-Spatz disease
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
Metabolic disorders (e.g., Wilsons and Leighs diseases,
leukodystrophies, lipid storage diseases, mitochondrial
Potentially reversible dementia.
initial symptoms; neuropsychological, neuropsychi- loss over several years is likely to suffer from AD.
atric, and neurologic findings; and neuroimaging Nearly 75% of AD patients begin with memory
features (Table 23-4). symptoms, but other early symptoms include difculty
with managing money, driving, shopping, following
HISTORY The history should concentrate on the instructions, nding words, or navigating. A change in
onset, duration, and tempo of progression of the personality, disinhibition, and gain of weight or food
dementia. An acute or subacute onset of confusion obsession suggests FTD, not AD. FTD is also suggested
may represent delirium and should trigger the search by the nding of apathy, loss of executive function, or
for intoxication, infection, or metabolic derangement. progressive abnormalities in speech, or by a relative
An elderly person with slowly progressive memory sparing of memory or spatial abilities. The diagnosis
TABLE 23-2 301
AD A <2% carry these mutations. Apo 4 (19) Amyloid plaques, neurobrillary tangles
APP (21), PS-1 (14), PS-2 (1)
(most mutations are in PS-1)
FTD Tau Tau exon and intron mutations H1 tau Tau inclusions, Pick bodies,
(17) (about 10% of haplotypes neurobrillary tangles
familial cases)
Progranulin (17) (10% of
familial cases)
DLB -synuclein Very rare -synuclein (4) Unknown -synuclein inclusions
(dominant) (Lewy bodies)
CJD PrPSC Prion (20) (up to 15% of cases Codon 129 Tau inclusions, spongiform changes,
proteins carry these dominant homozygosity gliosis
mutations) for methionine
or valine
Note: AD, Alzheimers disease; FTD, frontotemporal dementia; DLB, dementia with Lewy bodies; CJD, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
Note: PET, positron emission tomography; RPR, rapid plasma reagin (test); SPECT, single photon emission CT;
VDRL, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (test for syphilis).
302 TABLE 23-4
AD Memory loss Episodic Initially normal Initially normal Entorhinal cortex and
memory loss hippocampal atrophy
FTD Apathy; poor Frontal/executive, Apathy, disinhibition, Due to PSP/CBD Frontal and/or temporal
judgment/insight, language; hyperorality, overlap; vertical atrophy; spares
speech/language; spares drawing euphoria, depression gaze palsy, axial posterior parietal lobe
hyperorality rigidity, dystonia,
alien hand
DLB Visual hallucina- Drawing and Visual hallucinations, Parkinsonism Posterior parietal
tions, REM sleep frontal/executive; depression, sleep atrophy; hippocampi
disorder, delirium, spares memory; disorder, delusions larger than in AD
Capgras delirium prone
CJD Dementia, mood, Variable, frontal/ Depression, anxiety Myoclonus, rigidity, Cortical ribboning and
anxiety, executive, focal parkinsonism basal ganglia or
Note: AD, Alzheimers disease; FTD, frontotemporal dementia; PSP, progressive supranuclear palsy; CBD, cortical basal degeneration; DLB,
dementia with Lewy bodies; CJD, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
of DLB is suggested by the early presence of visual HIV. A history of recurrent head trauma could indi-
hallucinations; parkinsonism; delirium; REM sleep cate chronic subdural hematoma, dementia pugilis-
disorder (the merging of dream-states into wakeful- tica, or NPH. Alcoholism may suggest malnutrition
ness); or Capgras syndrome, the delusion that a famil- and thiamine deciency. A remote history of gastric
iar person has been replaced by an impostor. surgery resulting in loss of intrinsic factor can bring
A history of sudden stroke with irregular stepwise about vitamin B12 deciency. Certain occupations
progression suggests multi-infarct dementia. Multi- such as working in a battery or chemical factory
infarct dementia is also commonly seen in the setting might indicate heavy metal intoxication. Careful
of hypertension, atrial brillation, peripheral vascular review of medication intake, especially of sedatives
disease, and diabetes. In patients suffering from cere- and tranquilizers, may raise the issue of chronic drug
brovascular disease, it can be difcult to determine intoxication. A positive family of dementia is found in
whether the dementia is due to AD, multi-infarct HD and in forms of familial Alzheimers disease
dementia, or a mixture of the two as many of the risk (FAD), FTD, or prion disorders.The recent death of a
factors for vascular dementia, including diabetes, high loved one, or depressive signs such as insomnia or
cholesterol, elevated homocysteine and low exercise, weight loss, raises the possibility of pseudodementia
are also risk factors for AD. Rapid progression of the due to depression.
dementia in association with motor rigidity and
myoclonus suggests CJD. Seizures may indicate PHYSICAL AND NEUROLOGIC EXAMINATION
strokes or neoplasm. Gait disturbance is commonly A thorough general and neurologic examination is
seen with multi-infarct dementia, PD, or normal- essential to document dementia, look for other signs
pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). Multiple sex partners of nervous system involvement, and search for clues
or intravenous drug use should trigger a search for suggesting a systemic disease that might be responsi-
central nervous system (CNS) infection, especially for ble for the cognitive disorder. AD does not affect
motor systems until later in the course. In contrast, COGNITIVE AND NEUROPSYCHIATRIC 303
FTD patients often develop axial rigidity, supranu- EXAMINATION Brief screening tools such as the
clear gaze palsy, or features of amyotrophic lateral mini-mental state examination (MMSE) help to con-
sclerosis (ALS). In DLB, initial symptoms may be the rm the presence of cognitive impairment and to fol-
new onset of a parkinsonian syndrome (resting low the progression of dementia (Table 23-5). The
tremor, cogwheel rigidity, bradykinesia, festinating MMSE, an easily administered 30-point test of cogni-
gait) with the dementia following later, or vice versa. tive function, contains tests of orientation, working
Corticobasal degeneration (CBD) is associated with memory (e.g., spell world backwards), episodic mem-
dystonia, alien hand, and asymmetric extrapyramidal, ory (orientation and recall), language comprehension,
pyramidal, or sensory decits or myoclonus. Progres- naming, and copying. In most patients with MCI and
sive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is associated with unex- some with clinically apparent AD, the MMSE may be
plained falls, axial rigidity, dysphagia, and vertical gaze normal and a more rigorous set of neuropsychologi-
decits. CJD is suggested by the presence of diffuse cal tests will be required. Additionally, when the etiol-
rigidity, an akinetic state, and myoclonus. ogy for the dementia syndrome remains in doubt, a
Hemiparesis or other focal neurologic decits may specially tailored evaluation should be performed that
occur in multi-infarct dementia or brain tumor. includes tasks of working and episodic memory,
Dementia with a myelopathy and peripheral neuropa- frontal executive function, language, and visuospatial
thy suggests vitamin B12 deciency. A peripheral neu- and perceptual abilities. In AD the decits involve
ropathy could also indicate an underlying vitamin episodic memory, category generation (name as
deciency or heavy metal intoxication. Dry, cool skin, many animals as you can in one minute), and visuo-
hair loss, and bradycardia suggest hypothyroidism. constructive ability. Decits in verbal or visual
Confusion associated with repetitive stereotyped move- episodic memory are often the rst neuropsychologi-
ments may indicate ongoing seizure activity. Hearing cal abnormalities seen with AD, and tasks that require
TABLE 23-5
Name: season/date/day/month/year 5 (1 for each name)
Name: hospital/oor/town/state/country 5 (1 for each name)
Identify three objects by name and ask 3 (1 for each object)
patient to repeat
Attention and calculation
Serial 7s; subtract from 100 5 (1 for each subtraction)
(e.g., 9386797265)
Recall the three objects presented earlier 3 (1 for each object)
Name pencil and watch 2 (1 for each object)
Repeat No ifs, ands, or buts 1
Follow a 3-step command (e.g., 3 (1 for each command)
Take this paper, fold it in half, and
place it on the table)
Write close your eyes and ask patient 1
to obey written command
Ask patient to write a sentence 1
Ask patient to copy a design 1
(e.g., intersecting pentagons)
Total 30
304 (speech or naming) function. DLB patients have more discourage multiple tests. Nevertheless, even a test
severe decits in visuospatial function but do better with only a 12% positive rate is probably worth
on episodic memory tasks than patients with AD. undertaking if the alternative is missing a treatable
Patients with vascular dementia often demonstrate a cause of dementia. Table 23-3 lists most screening
mixture of frontal executive and visuospatial decits. tests for dementia. Recently the American Academy
In delirium, decits tend to fall in the area of atten- of Neurology recommended the routine measure-
tion, working memory, and frontal function. ment of thyroid function, a vitamin B12 level test, and
A functional assessment should also be performed. a neuroimaging study (CT or MRI).
The physician should determine the day-to-day Neuroimaging studies will identify primary and
impact of the disorder on the patients memory, com- secondary neoplasms, locate areas of infarction, diag-
munity affairs, hobbies, judgment, dressing, and eat- nose subdural hematomas, and suggest NPH or dif-
ing. Knowledge of the patients day-to-day function fuse white matter disease. They also lend support to
will help the clinician and the family to organize a the diagnosis of AD, especially if there is hippocampal
therapeutic approach. atrophy in addition to diffuse cortical atrophy. Focal
Neuropsychiatric assessment is important for diag- frontal and/or anterior temporal atrophy suggests
nosis, prognosis, and treatment. In the early stages of FTD. There is no specic pattern yet determined for
AD, mild depressive features, social withdrawal, and DLB, although these patients tend to have less hip-
denial of illness are the most prominent psychiatric pocampal atrophy than patients with AD. The use of
changes. However, patients often maintain their social diffusion-weighted imaging with MRI will detect
skills into the middle stages of the illness, when delu- abnormalities in the cortical ribbon and basal ganglia
sions, agitation, and sleep disturbance become more in the vast majority of patients with CJD. Large
common. In FTD, dramatic personality change, apa- white-matter abnormalities correlate with a vascular
thy, overeating, repetitive compulsions, disinhibition, etiology for dementia.The role of functional imaging
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
euphoria, and loss of empathy are common. DLB in the diagnosis of dementia is still under study. Single
shows visual hallucinations, delusions related to per- photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and
sonal identity, and day-to-day uctuation. Vascular PET scanning will show temporal-parietal hypoper-
dementia can present with psychiatric symptoms such fusion or hypometabolism in AD and frontotemporal
as depression, delusions, disinhibition, or apathy. hypoperfusion or hypometabolism in FTD, but most
of these changes reect atrophy. Recently, amyloid
LABORATORY TESTS The choice of laboratory imaging has shown promise for the diagnosis of AD,
tests in the evaluation of dementia is complex. The and Pittsburgh Agent B appears to be a reliable agent
physician does not want to miss a reversible or treat- for detecting brain amyloid due to the accumulation
able cause, yet no single etiology is common; thus, a of A42 within plaques (Fig. 23-1). Similarly, MRI
screen must employ multiple tests, each of which has perfusion and brain activation studies using functional
a low yield. Cost/benet ratios are difcult to assess, and MRI are under active study as potential early diag-
many laboratory screening algorithms for dementia nostic tools.
PET images obtained with the amyloid-imaging agent have control-like levels of amyloid, some have AD-like lev-
Pittsburgh Compound-B ([11C]PIB) in a normal control (A); els of amyloid, and some have intermediate levels. PET,
three different patients with mild cognitive impairment positron emission tomography; MCI, mild cognitive impair-
(MCI, B); and a mild AD patient (C). Some MCI patients ment; AD, Alzheimers disease.
Lumbar puncture need not be done routinely in However, ~20% of AD patients present with nonmem- 305
the evaluation of dementia, but it is indicated if CNS ory complaints such as word-nding, organizational, or
infection is a serious consideration. Cerebrospinal navigational difculty. In the early stages of the disease,
uid (CSF) levels of tau protein and A42 amyloid the memory loss may go unrecognized or be ascribed to
show differing patterns with the various dementias; benign forgetfulness. Once the memory loss begins to
however, the sensitivity and specicity of these mea- affect day-to-day activities or falls below 1.5 standard
sures are not sufciently high to warrant routine deviations from normal on standardized memory tasks,
measurement. Formal psychometric testing, though the disease is dened as MCI. Approximately 50% of
not necessary in every patient with dementia, helps to MCI individuals will progress to AD within 5 years.
document the severity of dementia, suggest psychogenic Slowly the cognitive problems begin to interfere with
causes, and provide a semiquantitative method for fol- daily activities, such as keeping track of nances, follow-
lowing the disease course. EEG is rarely helpful except ing instructions on the job, driving, shopping, and
to suggest CJD (repetitive bursts of diffuse high volt- housekeeping. Some patients are unaware of these dif-
age sharp waves) or an underlying nonconvulsive culties (anosognosia), while others have considerable insight.
seizure disorder (epileptiform discharges). Brain biopsy Change of environment may be bewildering, and the
(including meninges) is not advised except to diag- patient may become lost on walks or while driving an
automobile. In the middle stages of AD, the patient is
nose vasculitis, potentially treatable neoplasms,
unusual infections, or systemic disorders such as vas- unable to work, is easily lost and confused, and requires
culitis or sarcoid, or in young persons where the daily supervision. Social graces, routine behavior, and
diagnosis is uncertain. Angiography should be consid- supercial conversation may be surprisingly intact. Lan-
ered when cerebral vasculitis is a possible cause of the guage becomes impairedrst naming, then compre-
dementia. hension, and nally uency. In some patients, aphasia is
an early and prominent feature.Word nding difculties
Differential Diagnosis
Early in the disease course, other etiologies of dementia
should be excluded. These include treatable entities such
as thyroid disease, vitamin deciencies, brain tumor, drug
and medication intoxication, chronic infection, and
severe depression (pseudodementia). Neuroimaging stud-
ies (CT and MRI) do not show a single specic pattern
with AD and may be normal early in the course of the
agents is associated with a decreased risk of AD, but this
has not been conrmed in large prospective studies.Vas-
cular disease, in particular stroke, seems to lower the
threshold for the clinical expression of AD. Also, in many phosphorylated tau () protein and appear as paired heli-
AD patients, amyloid angiopathy can lead to ischemic cal laments by electron microscopy. Tau is a micro-
infarctions or hemorrhages. Diabetes increases the risk tubule associated protein that may function to assemble
(TACE)], producing smaller nontoxic products. Cleavage of nilins are rarely involved in the more common sporadic
the -secretase product by -secretase (step 2) results in cases of late-onset AD occurring in the general popula-
either the toxic A42 or the nontoxic A40 peptide; cleavage tion. Molecular DNA blood testing for these uncom-
of the -secretase product by -secretase produces the non- mon mutations is now possible on a research basis, and
toxic P3 peptide. Excess production of A42 is a key initiator mutation analysis of PS-1 is commercially available.
of cellular damage in Alzheimers disease. Current AD research Such testing is likely to be positive only in early-onset
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
is focused on developing therapies designed to reduce accu- familial cases of AD. Any testing of asymptomatic per-
mulation of A42 by antagonizing - or -secretases, promot- sons at risk must be done in the context of formal,
ing -secretase, or clearing A42 that has already formed by thoughtful genetic counseling.
use of specic antibodies. A discovery of great importance has implicated the
Apo gene on chromosome 19 in the pathogenesis of
late onset familial and sporadic forms of AD. Apo is
involved in cholesterol transport and has three alleles: 2,
and results in an excess of cerebral amyloid. Furthermore, 3, and 4.The Apo 4 allele has a strong association with
a few families with early onset FAD have been discovered AD in the general population, including sporadic and
to have point mutations in the APP gene. Although very late-onset familial cases. Approximately 2430% of the
rare, these families were the rst examples of a single- nondemented white population has at least one 4 allele
gene autosomal dominant genetic transmission of AD. (1215% allele frequency), and about 2% are 4/4
Investigation of large families with multigenerational homozygotes. Approximately 4065% of AD patients
FAD led to the discovery of two additional AD genes, have at least one 4 allele, a highly signicant difference
termed the presenilins. Presenilin-1 (PS-1) is on chromo- compared with controls. On the other hand, many AD
some 14 and encodes a protein called S182. Mutations patients have no 4 allele, and individuals with 4 may
in this gene cause an early-onset AD (onset before age never develop AD. Therefore, 4 is neither necessary
60 and often before age 50) transmitted in an autosomal nor sufcient as a cause of AD. Nevertheless, it is clear
dominant, highly penetrant fashion. More than 100 dif- that the Apo 4 allele, especially in the homozygous 4/4
ferent mutations have been found in the PS-1 gene in state, is an important risk factor for AD. It appears to act
families from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds. Pre- as a dose-dependent modier of age of onset, with the
senilin-2 (PS-2) is on chromosome 1 and encodes a earliest onset associated with the 4/4 homozygous
protein called STM2. A mutation in the PS-2 gene was state. It is unknown how Apo functions as a risk factor
rst found in a group of American families with Volga modifying age of onset, but it may be involved with the
German ethnic background. Mutations in PS-1 are clearance of amyloid, less efciently in the case of Apo
much more common than those in PS-2.The two genes 4. Apo is present in the neuritic amyloid plaques of
(PS-1 and PS-2) are highly homologous and encode AD, and it may also be involved in neurobrillary tangle
similar proteins that at rst appeared to have seven trans- formation, because it binds to tau protein. Apo 4
membrane domains (hence the designation STM), but decreases neurite outgrowth in cultures of dorsal root
subsequent studies have suggested eight such domains, ganglion neurons, perhaps indicating a deleterious role
with a ninth submembrane region. Both S182 and in the brains response to injury. There is some evidence
STM2 are cytoplasmic neuronal proteins that are widely that the 2 allele may be protective, but that remains
expressed throughout the nervous system. They are to be claried.The use of Apo testing in the diagnosis
of AD is controversial. It is not indicated as a predictive The pharmacologic action of donepezil, rivastigmine, 309
test in normal persons because its precise predictive and galantamine is inhibition of cholinesterase, with a
value is unclear, and many individuals with the 4 allele resulting increase in cerebral levels of acetylcholine.
never develop dementia. However, some cognitively Memantine appears to act by blocking overexcited
normal 4 heterozygotes and homozygotes have been N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) channels. Double-blind,
found by PET to have decreased cerebral cortical meta- placebo-controlled, crossover studies with cholinesterase
bolic rates, suggesting possible presymptomatic abnor- inhibitors and memantine have shown them to be asso-
malities compatible with the earliest stage of AD. In ciated with improved caregiver ratings of patients func-
demented persons who meet clinical criteria for AD, the tioning and with an apparent decreased rate of decline
nding of an 4 allele increases the reliability of diagno-
in cognitive test scores over periods of up to 3 years. The
sis. However, the absence of an 4 allele does not elimi-
average patient on an anticholinesterase compound
nate the diagnosis of AD. Furthermore, all patients with
maintains his or her MMSE score for close to a year,
dementia, including those with an 4 allele, require a
whereas a placebo-treated patient declines 23 points
search for reversible causes of their cognitive impair-
over the same time period. Memantine, used in conjunc-
ment. Nevertheless, Apo 4 remains the single most
tion with cholinesterase inhibitors or by itself, seems to
important biologic marker associated with risk for AD,
slow cognitive deterioration in patients with moderate
and studies of its functional role and diagnostic useful-
to severe AD and is not approved for mild AD. These
ness are progressing rapidly. Its association (or lack
compounds have only modest efcacy for AD and offer
thereof) with other dementing illnesses needs to be fully
even less benet in the late stages. All the cholinesterase
evaluated. The 4 allele is not associated with FTD,
inhibitors are relatively easy to administer, and their
DLB, or CJD. Additional genes are also likely to be
major side effects are gastrointestinal symptoms (nau-
involved in AD, but none have been reliably identied.
sea, diarrhea, cramps), altered sleep with bad dreams,
bradycardia (usually benign), and sometimes muscle
suggesting an association of elevated homocysteine neuroimaging ndings differentiate this condition from
with dementia progression based on epidemiologic AD. However, both AD and multiple infarctions are
studies. Finally, there is now a strong interest in the rela- common and sometimes occur together. With normal
tionship between diabetes and AD, and insulin-regulat- aging, there is also an accumulation of amyloid in cere-
ing studies are being conducted. bral blood vessels, leading to a condition called cerebral
Mild to moderate depression is common in the early amyloid angiopathy of aging (not associated with demen-
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
stages of AD and responds to antidepressants or tia), which predisposes older persons to hemorrhagic
cholinesterase inhibitors. Selective serotonin reuptake lobar stroke. AD patients with amyloid angiopathy may
inhibitors (SSRIs) are commonly used due to their low be at increased risk for cerebral infarction.
anticholinergic side effects. Generalized seizures should Some individuals with dementia are discovered on
be treated with an appropriate anticonvulsant, such as MRI to have bilateral abnormalities of subcortical white
phenytoin or carbamazepine. Agitation, insomnia, hallu- matter, termed diffuse white matter disease, often occurring
cinations, and belligerence are especially troublesome
in association with lacunar infarctions (Fig. 23-5). The
characteristics of some AD patients, and these behaviors
dementia may be insidious in onset and progress slowly,
can lead to nursing home placement. The newer genera-
features that distinguish it from multi-infarct dementia,
tion of atypical antipsychotics, such as risperidone,
but other patients show a stepwise deterioration more
quetiapine, and olanzapine, are being used in low doses
typical of multi-infarct dementia. Early symptoms are
mild confusion, apathy, changes in personality, depres-
to treat these neuropsychiatric symptoms. The few con-
sion, psychosis, memory, and spatial or executive decits.
trolled studies comparing drugs against behavioral
Marked difculties in judgment and orientation and
intervention in the treatment of agitation suggest mild
dependence on others for daily activities develop later.
efcacy with signicant side effects related to sleep, gait,
Euphoria, elation, depression, or aggressive behaviors are
and cardiovascular complications. All of the antipsy-
common as the disease progresses. Both pyramidal and
chotics carry a black-box warning and are associated
cerebellar signs may be present in the same patient. A
with increased deaths in AD patients; therefore, they
gait disorder is present in at least half of these patients.
should be used with caution. However, careful, daily,
With advanced disease, urinary incontinence and dysarthria
nonpharmacologic behavior management is often not
with or without other pseudobulbar features (e.g., dys-
available, rendering medications necessary.
phagia, emotional lability) are frequent. Seizures and
myoclonic jerks appear in a minority of patients. This
disorder appears to result from chronic ischemia due to
occlusive disease of small, penetrating cerebral arteries
and arterioles (microangiopathy). Any disease-causing
Dementia associated with cerebral vascular disease can stenosis of small cerebral vessels may be the critical
be divided into two general categories: multi-infarct underlying factor, though most typically hypertension is
dementia and diffuse white matter disease (also called the main cause. The term Binswangers disease should be
leukoaraiosis, subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy or Bin- used with caution, because it does not really identify a
swangers disease). Cerebral vascular disease appears to be single entity.
a more common cause of dementia in Asia than in Other rare causes of white matter disease also present
Europe and North America. Individuals who have had with dementia, such as adult metachromatic leukodystrophy
Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) often begins when the
patient is in the fth to seventh decades, and in this age
group it is nearly as common as AD. Most studies suggest
that FTD is twice as common in men as it is in women.
Unlike AD, behavioral symptoms predominate in the early
stages of FTD. Genetics play a signicant role in a sizable
minority of cases. The clinical heterogeneity in familial
and sporadic forms of FTD is remarkable, with patients
demonstrating variable mixtures of disinhibition, demen-
tia, PSP, CBD, and motor neuron disease. The most
common genetic mutations that cause an autosomal
dominant form of FTD involve the tau or progranulin
genes, both on chromosome 17. Tau mutations lead to a
change in the alternate splicing of tau or cause loss of
function in the tau molecule.With progranulin, a missense
Diffuse white matter disease (Binswangers disease). Axial
mutation in the coding sequence of the gene is the
T2-weighted MR image through the lateral ventricles reveals
multiple areas of abnormal high signal intensity involving the
underlying cause for the neurodegeneration. Progranulin
periventricular white matter as well as the corona radiata and
appears to be a rare example of an autosomal dominant
lentiform nuclei (arrows). While seen in some individuals with mutation leading to haploinsufciencytoo little of the
progranulin protein. Both tau and progranulin mutations
Frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Coronal MRI sections disinhibition and antisocial behavior. In the temporally pre-
from one patient with frontally predominant FTD (A) and dominant patient, severe atrophy in the left temporal lobe
another with temporally predominant FTD (B). Prominent (open arrows) and amygdala (white arrowheads) is present;
atrophy affecting the frontal gyri (white arrows) is present in this patient presented with progressive aphasia. (Images
frontally predominant FTD, particularly affecting the right courtesy of H Rosen and G Schauer, University of California
frontal region; note also the thinning of the corpus callosum at San Francisco; with permission.)
superior to the lateral ventricles. This patient presented with
no other effective treatments exist. Death occurs within 313
510 years of onset. At autopsy, abnormal accumulation
of tau is found within neurons and glia, often in the
form of neurobrillary tangles (NFTs).These tangles are
found in multiple subcortical structures (including the
subthalamus, globus pallidus, substantia nigra, locus
coeruleus, periaqueductal gray, superior colliculi, and
oculomotor nuclei) as well as in the neocortex. The
NFTs have similar staining characteristics to those of
AD, but on electron microscopy they are generally seen
FIGURE 23-8 to consist of straight tubules rather than the paired heli-
Classic intraneuronal Pick body (tau2 stain). These con- cal laments found in AD.
sist of loosely arranged paired and straight-helical laments In addition to its overlap with FTD and CBD (see
and stain positive for tau. Classic Pick bodies are seen in below), PSP is often confused with idiopathic Parkinsons
~20% of all frontotemporal dementia cases. disease (PD). Although elderly Parkinsons patients may
have some difculty with upgaze, they do not develop
downgaze paresis or other abnormalities of voluntary
inclusions in FTD cases are not labeled with silver stains eye movements typical of PSP. Dementia does occur in
(Fig. 23-8).Although the nomenclature for these patients ~20% of PD patients, often secondary to DLB. Further-
has remained controversial, the term FTD is increasingly more, the behavioral syndromes seen with DLB differ
used to describe the clinical syndrome, while Picks dis- from PSP (see later).The occurrence of dementia in PD
ease is used to classify patients in whom the pathology is more likely with increasing age, increasing severity of
shows classic Pick bodies (only a minority of patients extrapyramidal signs, a long duration of disease, and the
uctuating pattern, the clinical features persist over a includes other rapidly progressive dementing conditions
long period of time, unlike delirium, which resolves such as viral or bacterial encephalitides, Hashimotos
following correction of the underlying precipitant. Cog- encephalitis, CNS vasculitis, lymphoma, or paraneoplas-
nitively, DLB patients tend to have relatively better tic syndromes. The markedly abnormal periodic EEG
memory but more severe visuospatial decits than indi- discharges and cortical and basal ganglia abnormalities
viduals with AD. on diffusion-weighted MRI are unique diagnostic fea-
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
The key neuropathologic feature is the presence of tures of CJD. Transmission from infected cattle to the
Lewy bodies throughout the cortex, amygdala, cingulate human population in the United Kingdom has caused a
cortex, and substantia nigra. Lewy bodies are intraneu- small epidemic of atypical CJD in young adults. Prion
ronal cytoplasmic inclusions that stain with periodic diseases are discussed in detail in Chap. 38.
acidSchiff (PAS) and ubiquitin. They are composed of Huntingtons disease (HD) (Chap. 25) is an autosomal
straight neurolaments 720 nm long with surrounding dominant, degenerative brain disorder. A DNA repeat
amorphous material. They contain epitopes recognized expansion (CAG repeat) of the mutant gene on chro-
by antibodies against phosphorylated and nonphospho- mosome 4 forms the basis of a diagnostic blood test for
rylated neurolament proteins, ubiquitin, and a presy- the disease gene.The clinical hallmarks of the disease are
naptic protein called -synuclein. Lewy bodies are tradi- chorea, behavioral disturbance, and frontal executive dis-
tionally found in the substantia nigra of patients with order. Onset is usually in the fourth or fth decade, but
idiopathic PD. A profound cholinergic decit is present there is a wide range in age of onset, from childhood to
in many patients with DLB and may be a factor respon- >70 years. Memory is frequently not impaired until late
sible for the uctuations and visual hallucinations pre- in the disease, but attention, judgment, awareness, and
sent in these patients. In patients without other pathologic executive functions may be seriously decient at an
features, the condition is referred to as diffuse Lewy body early stage. Depression, apathy, social withdrawal, irri-
disease. In patients whose brains also contain excessive tability, and intermittent disinhibition are common.
amounts of amyloid plaques and NFTs, the condition is Delusions and obsessive compulsive behavior may occur.
called the Lewy body variant of Alzheimers disease. The The disease duration is typically about 15 years but is
quantity of Lewy bodies required to establish the diag- quite variable. There is no specic treatment, but the
nosis is controversial, but a denite diagnosis requires adventitious movements may partially respond to rst-
pathology. At autopsy, 1030% of demented patients and second-generation antipsychotics. Treatment of
show cortical Lewy bodies. behavioral changes are discussed in General Sympto-
Due to the overlap with AD and the cholinergic matic Treatment of the Patient with Dementia, later.
decit in DLB, anticholinesterase compounds may be Asymptomatic adult children at risk for HD should
helpful. Exercise programs maximize the motor function receive careful genetic counseling prior to DNA testing,
of these patients. Similarly, antidepressants are often nec- because a positive result may have serious emotional and
essary to treat the depressive syndromes that accompany social consequences.
DLB. Atypical antipsychotics in low doses are sometimes Normal-pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is a relatively
needed to alleviate psychosis, although even low doses uncommon syndrome with clinical, physiologic, and
can increase extrapyramidal syndromes and may rarely neuroimaging characteristics. Historically, many of the
lead to death. As noted above, patients with DLB are individuals who have been treated for NPH have suf-
extremely sensitive to dopaminergic medications, which fered from other dementias, particularly AD, multi-infarct
Normal-pressure hydrocephalus. A. Sagittal T1-weighted dilatation of the lateral, third, and fourth ventricles with a
MR image demonstrates dilatation of the lateral ventricle and patent aqueduct, typical of communicating hydrocephalus.
stretching of the corpus callosum (arrows), depression of the B. Axial T2-weighted MR images demonstrate dilatation of
oor of the third ventricle (single arrowhead), and enlarge- the lateral ventricles. This patient underwent successful ven-
dementia, and DLB. For NPH the clinical triad includes A number of attempts have been made to use various
an abnormal gait (ataxic or apractic), dementia (usually special studies to improve the diagnosis of NPH and pre-
mild to moderate), and urinary incontinence. Neu- dict the success of ventricular shunting. These include
roimaging studies reveal enlarged lateral ventricles radionuclide cisternography (showing a delay in CSF
(hydrocephalus) with little or no cortical atrophy. This absorption over the convexity) and various attempts to
syndrome is a communicating hydrocephalus with a monitor and alter CSF ow dynamics, including a con-
patent aqueduct of Sylvius (Fig. 23-9), in contrast to stant-pressure infusion test. None has proven to be spe-
congenital aqueductal stenosis, where the aqueduct is cic or consistently useful.There is sometimes a transient
small. In many cases, periventricular edema is present. improvement in gait or cognition following lumbar
Lumbar puncture opening pressure is in the high normal puncture (or serial punctures) with removal of 3050 mL
range, and the CSF protein, sugar concentrations, and cell of CSF, but this nding also has not proven to be consis-
count are normal. NPH is presumed to be caused by tently predictive of post-shunt improvement. AD often
obstruction to normal ow of CSF over the cerebral masquerades as NPH, because the gait may be abnormal
convexity and delayed absorption into the venous sys- in AD and cortical atrophy sometimes is difcult to
tem. The indolent nature of the process results in determine by CT or MRI early in the disease. Hip-
enlarged lateral ventricles but relatively little increase in pocampal atrophy on MRI is a clue favoring AD.
CSF pressure. There is presumed stretching and distor- Approximately 3050% of patients identied by careful
tion of white matter tracts in the corona radiata, but the diagnosis as having NPH will show improvement with a
exact physiologic cause of the clinical syndrome is ventricular shunting procedure. Gait may improve more
unclear. Some patients have a history of conditions pro- than memory. Transient, short-lasting improvement is
ducing scarring of the basilar meninges (blocking common. Patients should be carefully selected for this
upward ow of CSF) such as previous meningitis, sub- operation, because subdural hematoma and infection are
arachnoid hemorrhage, or head trauma. Others with known complications.
longstanding but asymptomatic congenital hydrocephalus Dementia can accompany chronic alcoholism (Chap. 50).
may have adult-onset deterioration in gait or memory This may be a result of associated malnutrition, especially
that is confused with NPH. In contrast to AD, the NPH of B vitamins and particularly thiamine. However, other
patient has an early and prominent gait disturbance poorly dened aspects of chronic alcohol ingestion may
and no evidence of cortical atrophy on CT or MRI. also produce cerebral damage. A rare idiopathic syndrome
316 of dementia and seizures with degeneration of the corpus Deciency of nicotinic acid (pellagra) is associated
callosum has been reported primarily in male Italian with sun-exposed skin rash, glossitis, and angular stom-
drinkers of red wine (Marchiafava-Bignami disease). atitis. Severe dietary deciency of nicotinic acid along
Thiamine (vitamin B1) deciency causes Wernickes with other B vitamins such as pyridoxine may result in
encephalopathy (Chap. 22).The clinical presentation is a spastic paraparesis, peripheral neuropathy, fatigue, irri-
malnourished individual (frequently but not necessarily tability, and dementia. This syndrome has been seen in
alcoholic) with confusion, ataxia, and diplopia from prisoner-of-war and concentration camps. Low serum
ophthalmoplegia.Thiamine deciency damages the thal- folate levels appear to be a rough index of malnutrition,
amus, mammillary bodies, midline cerebellum, periaque- but isolated folate deciency has not been proven to be
ductal grey matter of the midbrain, and peripheral specic cause of dementia.
nerves. Damage to the dorsomedial thalamic region cor- Infections of the CNS usually cause delirium and other
relates most closely with the memory loss. Prompt acute neurologic syndromes (Chap. 13). However, some
administration of parenteral thiamine (100 mg intra- chronic CNS infections, particularly those associated with
venously for 3 days followed by daily oral dosage) may chronic meningitis (Chap. 36), may produce a dementing
reverse the disease if given in the rst days of symptom illness. The possibility of chronic infectious meningitis
onset. However, prolonged untreated thiamine de- should be suspected in patients presenting with a demen-
ciency can result in an irreversible dementia/amnestic tia or behavioral syndrome who also have headache,
syndrome (Korsakoff s psychosis) or even death. meningismus, cranial neuropathy, and/or radiculopathy.
In Korsakoffs syndrome, the patient is unable to recall Between 20 and 30% of patients in the advanced stages of
new information despite normal immediate memory, infection with HIV become demented (Chap. 37). Cardi-
attention span, and level of consciousness. Memory for nal features include psychomotor retardation, apathy, and
new events is seriously impaired, whereas memory of impaired memory. This syndrome may result from sec-
knowledge prior to the illness is relatively intact. Patients ondary opportunistic infections but can also be caused
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
are easily confused, disoriented, and incapable of recall- by direct infection of CNS neurons with HIV. CNS
ing new information for more than a brief interval. syphilis was a common cause of dementia in the prean-
Supercially, they may be conversant, entertaining, and tibiotic era; it is uncommon nowadays but can still be
able to perform simple tasks and follow immediate com- encountered in patients with multiple sex partners. Char-
mands. Confabulation is common, although not always acteristic CSF changes consist of pleocytosis, increased
present, and may result in obviously erroneous state- protein, and a positive venereal disease research laboratory
ments and elaborations. There is no specic treatment (VDRL) test.
because the previous thiamine deciency has produced Primary and metastatic neoplasms of the CNS (Chap. 32)
irreversible damage to the medial thalamic nuclei and usually produce focal neurologic ndings and seizures
mammillary bodies. Mammillary body atrophy may be rather than dementia. However, if tumor growth begins
visible on high-resolution MRI. in the frontal or temporal lobes, the initial manifesta-
Vitamin B12 deciency, as can occur in pernicious anemia, tions may be memory loss or behavioral changes. A
causes a macrocytic anemia and may also damage the ner- paraneoplastic syndrome of dementia associated with
vous system (Chap. 30). Neurologically, it most commonly occult carcinoma (often small cell lung cancer) is termed
produces a spinal cord syndrome (myelopathy) affecting the limbic encephalitis (Chap. 39). In this syndrome, confusion,
posterior columns (loss of position and vibratory sense) and agitation, seizures, poor memory, movement disorders,
corticospinal tracts (hyperactive tendon reexes with and frank dementia may occur in association with sen-
Babinski responses); it also damages peripheral nerves, sory neuropathy.
resulting in sensory loss with depressed tendon reexes. A nonconvulsive seizure disorder may underlie a syn-
Damage to cerebral myelinated bers may also cause drome of confusion, clouding of consciousness, and gar-
dementia.The mechanism of neurologic damage is unclear bled speech. Psychiatric disease is often suspected, but an
but may be related to a deciency of S-adenosylmethionine EEG demonstrates the seizure discharges. If recurrent or
(required for methylation of myelin phospholipids) due to persistent, the condition may be termed complex partial
reduced methionine synthase activity or accumulation of status epilepticus.The cognitive disturbance often responds
methylmalonate, homocysteine, and propionate, providing to anticonvulsant therapy. The etiology may be previous
abnormal substrates for fatty acids synthesis in myelin. small strokes or head trauma; some cases are idiopathic.
The neurologic signs of vitamin B12 deciency are usually It is important to recognize systemic diseases that indi-
associated with macrocytic anemia but on occasion may rectly affect the brain and produce chronic confusion or
occur in its absence.Treatment with parenteral vitamin B12 dementia. Such conditions include hypothyroidism; vas-
(1000 g intramuscularly daily for a week, weekly for a culitis; and hepatic, renal, or pulmonary disease. Hepatic
month, and monthly for life for pernicious anemia) stops encephalopathy may begin with irritability and confu-
progression of the disease if instituted promptly, but reversal sion and slowly progress to agitation, lethargy, and coma
of advanced nervous system damage will not occur. (Chaps. 14, 45).
Isolated vasculitis of the CNS (CNS granulomatous vas- of bouts. Early in the condition, a personality change 317
culitis) (Chap. 21) occasionally causes a chronic associated with social instability and sometimes paranoia
encephalopathy associated with confusion, disorienta- and delusions occurs. Later, memory loss progresses to
tion, and cloudiness of consciousness. Headache is com- full dementia, often associated with parkinsonian signs
mon, and strokes and cranial neuropathies may occur. and ataxia or intention tremor. At autopsy, the cerebral
Brain imaging studies may be normal or nonspecically cortex may show changes similar to AD, although NFTs
abnormal. CSF studies reveal a mild pleocytosis or ele- are usually more prominent than amyloid plaques
vation in the protein level. Cerebral angiography often (which are usually diffuse rather than neuritic). There
shows multifocal stenosis and narrowing of vessels. A may also be loss of neurons in the substantia nigra.
few patients have only small-vessel disease that is not Chronic subdural hematoma (Chap. 31) is also occasion-
revealed on angiography.The angiographic appearance is ally associated with dementia, often in the context of
not specic and may be mimicked by atherosclerosis, underlying cortical atrophy from conditions such as AD
infection, or other causes of vascular disease. Brain or or HD. In these latter cases, evacuation of subdural
meningeal biopsy demonstrates abnormal arteries with hematoma will not alter the underlying degenerative
endothelial cell proliferation and inltrates of mononu- process.
clear cells.The prognosis is often poor, although the dis- Transient global amnesia (TGA) is characterized by the
order may remit spontaneously. Some patients respond sudden onset of a severe episodic memory decit, usu-
to glucocorticoids or chemotherapy. ally occurring in persons >50 years. Often the memory
Chronic metal exposure may produce a dementing syn- loss occurs in the setting of an emotional stimulus or
drome.The key to diagnosis is to elicit a history of expo- physical exertion. During the attack, the individual is
sure at work or home, or even as a consequence of a alert and communicative, general cognition seems intact,
medical procedure such as dialysis. Chronic lead poison- and there are no other neurologic signs or symptoms.
ing from inadequately red glazed pottery has been The patient may seem confused and repeatedly ask
Psychogenic amnesia for personally important memo- and wrong answers to questions often indicate that he
ries is common, although whether this results from or she understands the question and knows the correct
deliberate avoidance of unpleasant memories or from answer.
unconscious repression is currently unknown. The Clouding of cognition by chronic drug or medication use,
event-specic amnesia is more likely to occur after vio- often prescribed by physicians, is an important cause of
lent crimes such as homicide of a close relative or friend dementia. Sedatives, tranquilizers, and analgesics used to
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
or sexual abuse. It may also develop in association with treat insomnia, pain, anxiety, or agitation may cause con-
severe drug or alcohol intoxication and sometimes with fusion, memory loss, and lethargy, especially in the
schizophrenia. More prolonged psychogenic amnesia elderly. Discontinuation of the offending medication
occurs in fugue states that also commonly follow severe often improves mentation.
emotional stress. The patient with a fugue state suffers
from a sudden loss of personal identity and may be
found wandering far from home. In contrast to organic
amnesia, fugue states are associated with amnesia for personal Treatment:
identity and events closely associated with the personal past. At DEMENTIA
the same time, memory for other recent events and the The major goals of management are to treat any cor-
ability to learn and use new information are preserved. rectable causes of the dementia and to provide comfort
The episodes usually last hours or days and occasionally and support to the patient and caregivers. Treatment of
weeks or months while the patient takes on a new iden- underlying causes might include thyroid replacement
tity. On recovery, there is a residual amnesia gap for the for hypothyroidism; vitamin therapy for thiamine or B12
period of the fugue.Very rarely, selective loss of autobio- deciency or for elevated serum homocysteine; antibi-
graphic information represents a focal injury in the otics for opportunistic infections; ventricular shunting
brain areas involved with these functions. for NPH; and appropriate surgical, radiation, and/or
Psychiatric diseases may mimic dementia. Severely chemotherapeutic treatment for CNS neoplasms. Removal
depressed individuals may appear demented, a phenom- of sedating or cognition-impairing drugs and medica-
enon called pseudodementia. Memory and language are tions is often benecial. If the patient is depressed rather
usually intact when carefully tested in depressed persons, than demented (pseudodementia), the depression
and a signicant memory disturbance usually suggests an should be vigorously treated. Patients with degenerative
underlying dementia, even if the patient is depressed. diseases may also be depressed, and that portion of
The pseudodemented patient may feel confused and their condition may respond to antidepressant therapy.
unable to accomplish routine tasks.Vegetative symptoms, Antidepressants that are low in cognitive side effects,
such as insomnia, lack of energy, poor appetite, and con- such as SSRIs (Chap. 49), are advisable when treatment is
cern with bowel function, are common. The onset is necessary. Anticonvulsants are used to control seizures.
often abrupt, and the psychosocial milieu may suggest Agitation, hallucinations, delusions, and confusion are
prominent reasons for depression. Such patients respond difcult to treat. These behavioral problems represent
to treatment of the depression. Schizophrenia is usually major causes for nursing home placement and institu-
not difcult to distinguish from dementia, but occasion-
tionalization. Before treating these behaviors with med-
ally the distinction can be problematic. Schizophrenia
ications, a thorough search for potentially modiable
generally has a much earlier age of onset (second and
environmental or metabolic factors should be sought. with complaints, depression, or anger. Hostile responses 319
Hunger, lack of exercise, toothache, constipation, urinary on the part of the caretaker are useless and sometimes
tract infection, or drug toxicity all represent easily harmful. Explanation, reassurance, distraction, and calm
correctable factors that can be treated without psy- statements are more productive responses in this set-
choactive drugs. Drugs such as phenothiazines and ben- ting. Eventually, tasks such as nances and driving must
zodiazepines may ameliorate the behavior problems be assumed by others, and the patient will conform and
but have untoward side effects such as sedation, rigidity, adjust. Safety is an important issue that includes not
and dyskinesias. Despite their unfavorable side-effect only driving but the environment of the kitchen, bath-
prole, second-generation antipsychotics such as queti- room, and sleeping area. These areas need to be moni-
apine (25 mg qd starting dose) are increasingly being tored, supervised, and made as safe as possible. A move
used for patients with agitation, aggression, and psy- to a retirement home, assisted-living center, or nursing
chosis. When patients do not respond to treatment, it is home can initially increase confusion and agitation.
usually a mistake to advance to higher doses or to use Repeated reassurance, reorientation, and careful intro-
anticholinergics or sedatives (such as barbiturates or duction to the new personnel will help to smooth the
benzodiazepines). It is important to recognize and treat process. Provision of activities that are known to be
depression; initial treatment can be with a low dose of enjoyable to the patient can be of considerable bene-
an SSRI (e.g., escitalopram 10 mg/d) while monitoring fit. Attention should also be paid to frustration and
for efcacy and toxicity. Sometimes apathy, visual hallu- depression in family members and caregivers. Caregiver
cinations, depression, and other psychiatric symptoms guilt and burnout are common. Family members often
respond to the cholinesterase inhibitors, obviating the feel overwhelmed and helpless and may vent their
need for other more toxic therapies. frustrations on the patient, each other, and health
Cholinesterase inhibitors are being used to treat AD, care providers. Caregivers should be encouraged to
and other drugs, such as anti-inammatory agents, are take advantage of day-care facilities and respite breaks.
Note: See text for details. AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive.
MOTOR FEATURES changes in the posture of the ngers, hand, and arm. Pos-
tural instability is one of the most disabling features of
The most disabling motor feature of PD is bradykinesia, advanced PD, contributing to falls and injuries and lead-
which interferes with all aspects of daily living including ing to major morbidity and mortality. It can be tested in
rising from a chair, walking, turning in bed, and dress- the ofce with the pull test (Fig. 24-1). The develop-
ing. Fine motor control is also impaired, as evidenced by ment of postural instability and falls in the rst years of
decreased manual dexterity and micrographia. Soft the illness, however, strongly suggest a diagnosis of atypical
extrapolations from pathologic, clinical and brain imaging
with PD, referred to collectively as impulse control disorders studies. Broken black lines indicate that, by itself, Lewy (-
(ICDs); these include pathologic gambling, hypersexuality, synuclein) protobril or ber pathology is not sufcient to
compulsive shopping, and compulsive eating and are asso- make the pathologic diagnosis of PD. Broken blue lines rep-
ciated primarily with the use of dopaminergic agents. A resent non-motor signs that usually precede clinical recogni-
related disorder, termed punding, consists of stereotypical tion of PD, including impaired olfaction, sleep and mood dis-
motor behavior in which there is an intense fascination turbances, and constipation. Broken yellow lines indicate that
PINK-1 mutation
MPTP, rotenone, LRRK2 mutation
DJ-1 mutation, PINK-1 mutation, iv
mitochondrial DNA deletions
mutation Abnormal Inappropriate
ubiquitination phosphorylation
Reactive oxygen species, v
Ubiquitin apoptosis, energy failure
Pa unc
rk tio
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
in n
Proteasome Misfolded
Substrate protein
accumulation iii
DJ-1 mutation,
proteasome inhibition,
abnormal phosphorylation,
oxidative stress
i ii
Gene mutations/
from a combination of factors, including: (1) genetic
vulnerability (e.g., abnormal processing or folding of - practice.
synuclein; Fig. 24-3, steps i, ii); (2) oxidative stress (steps In evaluating individuals with PD, it is also important
iv, v); (3) proteasomal dysfunction (step iii); (4) abnormal to rule out treatable conditions that may contribute to
kinase activity (step vi); and (5) environmental factors, the disability, such as B12 deciency, hypothyroidism,
most of which have yet to be identied. testosterone deciency, and vitamin D deciency.
Oxidative stress appears to play an important role in At present the frequency of misdiagnosis is still
Primary Parkinsonism
Genetically based PD (see Table 24-1)
Idiopathic (sporadic) PD (most common form)
Phenotype may be inuenced by vulnerability genes and environmental factors
Other neurodegenerative disorders
Disorders associated with -synuclein pathology
Multiple system atrophies (glial and neuronal inclusions)
Striatonigral degeneration
Olivopontocerebellar atrophy
Shy-Drager syndrome
Motor neuron disease with PD features
Dementia with Lewy bodies (cortical and brainstem neuronal inclusions)
Disorders associated with primary tau pathology (tauopathies)
Progressive supranuclear palsy
Corticobasal degeneration
Frontotemporal dementia
Prominent orthostasis MSA-p to neuroprotective therapies. Unfortunately, no such
Early dysarthria MSA-c therapy is yet available. High doses of coenzyme Q10, oral
Lack of tremor Various Parkinsons-plus creatine supplementation, intrastriatal infusion (or deliv-
syndromes ery via viral vectors) of neurotrophic factors, and possibly
High frequency (810 Hz) Essential tremor the use of newer monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B)
symmetric tremor
inhibitors may hold promise in this regard and are under
investigation. In animal models of PD, forced exercise
Add levodopa/carbidopa control and
wearing off
control and
wearing off
Treatment approaches to newly diagnosed idiopathic PD.
328 TABLE 24-4
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Non-ergot alkaloids
Pramipexole 1 mg 0.125, 0.25, 0.125 mg 1.54.5 mg/d 0.3753.0 Renal metabolism; dose
1, 1.5 tid mg/d adjustments needed in
renal insufciency.
Occasionally associated
with sleep attacks.
Ropinirole 5 mg 0.25, 0.5, 0.25 mg 1224 mg/d 616 mg/d Hepatic metabolism;
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 tid potential drug-drug
interactions. Occasionally
associated with sleep
Ropinirole ex- Availability
tended release pending.
Rotigotine 2, 4, 6 2 mg/24 h 6 mg/d 26 mg/d Available as transdermal
Ergot alkaloids
Bromocriptine 2 mg 2.5, 5.0 1.25 mg 7.515 mg/d 3.757.5 Rare reports of
bid to mg/d pulmonary and
tid retroperitoneal brosis.
Relative incidence of
sleep attacks not well
Pergolide Removed from U.S. market in 2007. See text.
Cabergoline Used in select cases of PD in Europe. Not approved for the treatment of PD in the U.S.
Note: Equivalency doses are approximations based on clinical experience, may not be accurate in individual patients, and are not intended to
correlate with the in vitro binding afnities of these compounds.
DA, dopamine agonist; IR, immediate release; CR, controlled release; LD, levodopa (with carbidopa).
Carbidopa/levodopa/entacapone = Stalevo.
status of the patient and, to a lesser extent, the patients agonists is well tolerated and signicantly improves
clinical type and nances. The choices consist of either, a motor function and disability. Using this approach,
dopamine agonist, a levodopa preparation, or one of the patients experience ~50% lower risk of dyskinesias and
MAO-B inhibitors. Controlled studies support the view 25% lower risk of motor uctuations compared to
that, in early PD, monotherapy with any of the dopamine levodopa-treated patients. This difference lasts as long
as the patient remains on monotherapy. Once a Dopamine Agonists Dopamine agonists readily 329
levodopa preparation is added, dyskinesias and motor cross the blood-brain barrier and act directly on
uctuations begin to emerge, suggesting that dopamine postsynaptic dopamine receptors (primarily D2 type).
agonists delay the onset but do not prevent the Compared to levodopa, they are longer-acting and thus
development of these problems. In fact, about two-thirds provide a more uniform stimulation of dopamine
of patients on agonist monotherapy require levodopa receptors. They are effective as monotherapeutic agents
therapy by year 5 in order to maintain motor function. and as adjuncts to carbidopa/levodopa therapy. They
Motor uctuations, also known as on-off phenom- can also be used in combination with anticholinergics
ena, are the exaggerated ebb and ow of parkinsonian and amantadine. Table 24-4 provides a guide to the
signs experienced by many patients between doses of doses and uses of these agents.
antiparkinsonian medications. Dyskinesias refer to chor- Available agents for PD include three non-ergot
eiform and dystonic movements that can occur as a alkaloidspramipexole, ropinirole, and, more recently,
peak dose effect or at the beginning or end of the dose rotigotineplus the ergot alkaloids bromocriptine,
(diphasic dyskinesias). More than 50% of patients with cabergoline, and lisuride (the latter two only in Europe).
PD treated over 5 years with levodopa will develop Pergolide is a dopamine agonist recently removed from
these complications. the U.S. market due to its association with asympto-
Successful dopamine agonist monotherapy requires matic valvular heart disease in 28% of patients treated
a higher dose of the agonist than is typically needed chronically. The incidence of symptomatic valvular dis-
when the agonist is used to supplement levodopa ease is far lower, perhaps as low as <1%. Nonetheless,
(Table 24-4). In both cases, titration has to be slow and patients currently on pergolide need to be transferred
cautious to avoid unnecessary side effects. Patients to alternative therapy, perhaps equivalent doses of non-
benet greatly from education and support during this ergot dopamine agonists (Table 24-4). The dose equiva-
titration. Most patients will require the addition of lency of pergolide is ~1:1 with pramipexole.
the potential for sleep attacks associated with remains unproven. Unlike patients taking unselective or
dopamine agonists (and to a lesser extent with car- MAO-A inhibitors who are subject to hypertensive crises
bidopa/levodopa). These can occur without warning from consumption of large doses of tyramine (the amino
and have resulted in trafc accidents. When used as acid precursor of norepinephrine), patients taking MAO-B
adjuncts to levodopa therapy, dopamine agonists can inhibitors do not require dietary tyramine restrictions.
aggravate dyskinesias if the doses of carbidopa/ At the approved doses, rasagiline and oral zydis selegiline
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
levodopa are not adjusted accordingly. Furthermore, (i.e., orally disintegrating) carry little risk of a hypertensive
dopamine agonists are more expensive than carbidopa/ complication.
levodopa, which is now available in generic form. Selegiline, a selective MAO-B inhibitor, was approved
Dopamine agonistinduced impulse control disorders in 1989 for the treatment of PD. As monotherapy, it has a
(pathologic gambling, etc.) are discussed earlier under small symptomatic effect. As an adjunct to levodopa
Neuropsychiatric Symptoms. therapy, it increases on time while reducing motor uc-
tuations; the dose is 5 mg with breakfast and lunch. A
Carbidopa/Levodopa Formulations Carbidopa/ signicant side effect of selegiline is insomnia, probably
levodopa is available in regular, immediate release (IR) due to an amphetamine-like metabolite.
formulations (Sinemet, Atamet, and others; 10/100 mg, In 2006, two additional, more potent MAO-B inhibitors
25/100 mg, and 25/250 mg), controlled release (CR) with once-daily dosing were introduced for the treat-
formulations (Sinemet CR 25/100 mg, 50/200 mg), or ment of PD. Rasagiline was approved for use as initial
more recently as Stalevo (Table 24-4).The latter combines monotherapy and as adjunctive therapy. It is metabo-
variable doses of IR-carbidopa/levodopa (12.5/50, 25/100, lized to an aminoindan metabolite that lacks the
37.5/150) with 200 mg of entacapone (see later). In most amphetamine-like properties of selegiline. As monother-
individuals, at least 75 mg/d of carbidopa is necessary to apy in treatment-nave patients it improves motor func-
block the peripheral decarboxylation of levodopa to tion compared to placebo, and as an adjunct it increases
dopamine, and to limit the symptoms of nausea and daily on time by about 1.8 h. The usual dose is 0.51
orthostasis associated with initiation of therapy. Initial mg/d. A recent trial suggested that rasagiline may alter
target doses of these medications are summarized in the course of the disease (i.e. provide benet other than
Table 24-4. Individualized dosing and gradual dose symptomatic treatment), but this will need to be con-
escalation is recommended.Initiation of dosing at mealtimes rmed as the trial demonstrated this effect for only one
will reduce the incidence and severity of nausea. As of two doses tested.
patients develop tolerance to nausea and other side Zydis selegiline is an orally disintegrating, freeze-
effects, these medications can be administered on an dried tablet that is absorbed through the oral mucosa;
empty stomach, which generally leads to a more brisk and this results in higher levels of selegiline and lower levels
predictable absorption. of the plasma amphetamine-like metabolites compared
Etilevodopa, the ethyl-ester pro-drug of levodopa, with the usual oral route. Its usual dose is 1.252.5 mg/d
has greater solubility than levodopa in the stomach and in the morning. In a 2004 controlled study, Zydis selegi-
a more rapid transit time to the duodenum, where it line in patients with PD and motor uctuations
is quickly absorbed after being hydrolyzed to levodopa. increased dyskinesias-free on time by 11.5 h/d in
In spite of these pharmacokinetic advantages, in a comparison with placebo.
Although these compounds are generally well toler- a mechanism thought responsible for reducing drug- 331
ated, side effects include dose-dependent nausea, dys- induced dyskinesias. The side effects of amantadine are
pepsia, dizziness, insomnia, dyskinesias, orthostatic nausea, headaches, edema, erythema, and livedo reticularis.
hypotension, confusion, and hallucinations. They should In older patients, it may aggravate confusion and psychosis.
not be used with meperidine, tramadol, methadone, or Doses need to be decreased in patients with renal
propoxyphene. Rarely, a hyperserotonergic syndrome insufciency.
may result from use in combination with tricyclic antide-
pressants (TCAs) and selective serotonin reuptake THERAPY OF NON-MOTOR SYMPTOMS
inhibitors (SSRIs). This syndrome is characterized by anx- Patients with frequent nighttime awakenings due to
iety, tremulousness, myoclonus, and alterations in men- nocturnal akinesia or tremor can be treated with
tal status. Although the risk of this complication in PD supplemental doses of carbidopa/levodopa at night.
appears to be small at the approved doses, it is judicious A bedtime dose of a dopamine agonist helps restless
to remain vigilant to these possible side effects until leg symptoms and urinary urgency.Treatment of bladder
more Phase IV safety information is available. In the symptoms will improve sleep in many elderly patients
interim, the lower dose of these compounds should be with PD. Depression typically responds to antidepressants
considered in older individuals with active cardiac dis- (either TCAs or SSRIs). As discussed earlier, the combination
ease, or in those who are prescribed concomitant anti- of SSRIs and selegiline carries an exceedingly low
depressant drugs. risk of a hyperserotonergic syndrome (delirium with
myoclonus and hyperpyrexia). Electroconvulsive therapy
COMT Inhibitors The catechol-O-methyltransferase
(ECT) is highly effective in drug-refractory cases or in
(COMT) inhibitors entacapone and tolcapone offer yet
patients intolerant of oral antidepressants. There are
another strategy to augment the effects of levodopa by
several reports indicating that ECT also has short-term
blocking the enzymatic degradation of levodopa and
benet for parkinsonian motor symptoms.
Similarly, in large populations, the long-term use of in the 1950s, the introduction of levodopa in the 1960s
nicotine and caffeine has been associated with a lower led to the virtual abandonment of surgery.The resurgence
risk of PD. in the use of surgery has been motivated by the fact
From a pharmacologic standpoint, current strategies that after 5 or more years of treatment, many patients
involve interrupting the cascade of biochemical events develop signicant drug-induced motor uctuations
that leads to death of dopaminergic cells (Fig. 24-3). The and dyskinesias. Advances in understanding the
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
rst such clinical trial in PD was the large multicenter functional organization of the basal ganglia and the
DATATOP study in which selegiline monotherapy delayed pathophysiologic basis of parkinsonism have provided a
the need for levodopa therapy by 912 months in newly clearer rationale for the effectiveness of these procedures
diagnosed patients. Most evidence indicates that this and guidance for targeting specic structures (Fig. 24-5).
delay was due to a mild symptomatic effect of selegi- The most common indications for surgery in PD are
line. The antioxidant vitamin E had no effect. Long-term intractable tremor and drug-induced motor uctuations
follow-up of the DATATOP cohort revealed that patients or dyskinesias. The best candidates are patients with
who remained on selegiline for 7 years experienced clear levodopa-responsive parkinsonism who are free of
slower motor decline compared to those who were signicant dementia or psychiatric comorbidities. In
changed to placebo after 5 years. The 7-year patient general, patients with atypical parkinsonism or dementia
group was more likely to develop dyskinesias but less benet little, or not at all. Currently the subthalamic
likely to develop freezing gait. nucleus is the preferred target, but controlled clinical
Coenzyme Q10, an antioxidant and a cofactor of trials comparing the pallidal and subthalamic targets
complex I of the mitochondrial oxidative chain, has are nearing completion. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is
been shown to have neuroprotective effects against most often performed bilaterally and simultaneously,
multiple toxic agents in vitro and in animal models of but unilateral DBS can be highly effective for asymmetric
PD. In a large controlled phase 2 trial, a dose of 1200 cases. DBS in these areas alleviates parkinsonian
mg/d appeared to delay progression of disability in motor signs, particularly during off periods, and
untreated patients with PD. Coenzyme Q10 was well reduces troublesome dyskinesias, dystonia, and motor
tolerated and devoid of toxicity. A phase 3 trial will uctuations that result from drug administration. Both
examine the disease-modifying effect of this com- procedures have been shown to strongly improve the
pound in untreated patients receiving up to 2400 patients quality of life, and both are more effective than
mg/d. Other potential neuroprotective agents under medical management in the target population of
investigation are creatine monohydrate and acetyl- patients with advanced PD. Signs and symptoms not
levo-carnitine. A phase 2 trial of creatine in early PD responding to levodopa, such as postural instability and
demonstrated promising results, and a phase 3 trial is falling, hypophonia, micrographia, drooling, and autonomic
now under way. dysfunction, are unlikely to benefit from surgery.
Dopamine agonists are also under investigation as As a rule of thumb, the benets from surgery are
putative agents to slow disease progression in PD, based unlikely to exceed the best results from antiparkinsonian
on their possible antioxidant properties resulting in medications but provide relief from motor uctuations,
part from their in vitro ability to decrease dopamine dyskinesias, and dystonia. In general, the decision for
turnover, scavenge free radicals, and interfere with surgery should be made by a movement-disorder neurologist
Striatum Striatum
disease (PD) (B). Inhibitory connections are shown as black are also a major factor. D, direct pathway; I, indirect pathway;
arrows and excitatory connections as red arrows. Note that GPe, external segment of the globus pallidus; GPi, internal
in PD, striatal dopamine denervation results in increased traf- segment of the globus pallidus; SNr, substantia nigra, pars
c in the indirect pathway and decreased trafc in the direct reticulata; SNc, substantia nigra, pars compacta; STN, sub-
pathway. The downstream consequence of this is increased thalamic nucleus; VA/VL, ventral anterior/ventrolateral thala-
activity in striatal outow stemming from the increased activ- mus; CM, centromedian nucleus; PPN, pedunculopontine
who is part of a team, including the neurosurgeon, apparent successful grafting observed by PET and at
neuropsychologist, and programmer. autopsy. Because of these disappointing results, the
The mechanism of action of DBS remains controver- considerable obstacles to obtaining sufcient fetal
sial. Because clinically it appears that ablation and stim- tissue, and opposition to the use of fetal tissue on
ulation of a given target have a similar effect, it has been ethical grounds, this approach is now viewed as purely
assumed that stimulation causes a functional blockade. investigational. It is hoped that these issues can be
It is likely, however, that multiple factors are involved. addressed with the development of other strategies to
The basis for improvement appears to be the replace- enhance dopaminergic cell function (e.g., carotid body
ment of abnormal neural activity by a more tolerable cells; stem cells; encapsulated and genetically engineered
pattern of activity. Whatever the mechanism, it is clear cells capable of producing levodopa, dopamine,
that these approaches can offer impressive and endur- and/or trophic factors). One approach uses genetically
ing results in properly selected patients. engineered retinal epithelial cells in gelatin capsules to
ensure their survival following implantation, typically
Neurotransplantation and Other Surgical into the putamen. The cells produce levodopa, which
Approaches Despite highly encouraging open- then diffuses into the cerebral microenvironment,
label pilot studies of fetal cell transplantation, this providing dopamine reinnervation to surrounding tissue.
approach has produced considerable disappointment A controlled clinical trial is under way to examine the
with the recent publication of the results from two large, potential benet of this approach in PD following
well-controlled clinical trials. The rst, using sham positive results in a small open-label study.
surgery, showed only modest benet in patients <60 The favorable response from direct infusion of glial
years and no benet in those >60 years. An unexpected cellderived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) to the putamen
complication in a number of patients was the in two small open-label trials in patients with PD raised
development of symptomatic dyskinesias, occurring off hopes that this approach may offer neuroprotection.
medication. The second study has shown similar However, a well-controlled trial using bilateral GDNF infu-
ndings with regard to benet and the development of sion to the putamen failed to demonstrate signicant
dyskinesias. A puzzling feature of these studies is the improvement. There is currently a moratorium on further
334 trials with GDNF due to the development of GDNF- OTHER PARKINSONIAN DISORDERS
neutralizing antibodies in four patients and to a toxico-
logic study revealing cerebellar degeneration in an PARKINSONIAN DISORDERS ASSOCIATED
exposed primate. However, trials are currently under WITH ABNORMAL METABOLISM OF -
way using alternative vehicles for these and other neu- SYNUCLEIN (-SYNUCLEINOPATHIES)
rotrophins with actions similar to GDNF. These vehicles Multiple System Atrophy
include recombinant adeno-associated virus, lentivirus,
and pseudorabies virus. Stem cell transplantation in PD MSA comprises a group of sporadic disorders character-
will need to await successful application of this technol- ized by varying degrees of parkinsonism and cerebellar,
ogy in other areas of medicine. corticospinal, and autonomic dysfunction. The average
age of onset is 50 years (earlier than in PD) and the
median survival 69 years. The clinical presentation is
highly varied and may begin with any of the above clin-
DEMENTIA IN PARKINSONS DISEASE ical manifestations. The unifying pathologic hallmark is
the presence of -synuclein-positive inclusions located
The incidence of dementia in PD may be as high as six in various brain regions.
times that in the general non-PD population. Approxi-
ing of tau may be directly linked to the pathogenesis of
The spectrum of disease in MSA is determined by
sporadic and familial tauopathies.
the location and density of the LB pathology. For
instance, the LBs are conned to neurons in the brain-
stem in PD and to the brainstem, cortex, and hippocam- Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
pus in DLB. In MSA these deposits take the form of
glial -synuclein-positive intracytoplasmic inclusions in This is a sporadic neurodegenerative disorder of unknown
total incapacity with, ultimately, paraplegia in exion. A with short mincing steps without tremor. Most have neu-
signicant number of cases present with frontotemporal rologic signs distinguishable from those associated with
dementia or progressive aphasia, followed by asymmetric PD, including upper motor neuron signs, pseudobulbar
cortical sensory signs, including abnormalities of graph- palsy, or dementia. A poor response to levodopa therapy
esthesia and astereognosis (Chaps. 15, 23). Brain MRI is characteristic. Imaging studies are heterogeneous and
reveals focal cortical loss in the contralateral superior may reveal basal ganglia lacunes or multiple infarcts. The
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
frontal and parietal lobes with corresponding hypometa- hypertensive and diabetic microangiopathy and diffuse
bolic changes on PET scan as well as hyperintense signal white matter disease (Chap. 21) typically present with
abnormalities in white matter and sometimes atrophy of patchy, conuent, or diffuse white matter in the centrum
the corpus callosum.Treatment is largely ineffective. semiovale. Other causes of microangiopathy can also rarely
Grossly, CBD is a focal cortical degenerative process be responsible. The premortem diagnosis of these disor-
with asymmetric pathology and volume loss in the pari- ders is difcult to make with certainty, given the absence
etal and frontal regions. Most of the damage is in the dor- of disease markers.
sal peri-Rolandic, superior frontal, and superior parietal
cortices, whereas cases with aphasia show abnormalities in
the peri-Sylvian regions. Histologically, gliosis and swollen FURTHER READINGS
(ballooned) achromatic neurons and neuronal loss are pre- BENABID AL et al: Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus
sent in these cortical regions as well as in the nigra, cau- for the treatment of Parkinsons disease. Lancet Neurol 8:67,
date, putamen, and thalamus. Recent clinicopathologic 2009
evidence indicates that the syndrome can occur in the DEUSCHL G et al: A randomized trial of deep-brain stimulation for
absence of basal ganglia or nigral degeneration. Parkinsons disease. N Engl J Med 355:896, 2006
FACTOR S,WEINER W (eds): Parkinsons Disease: Diagnosis and Clinical
Management, 2d ed. New York, Demos Medical Publishing, 2007
SECONDARY PARKINSONISM HARDY J et al: Genetics of Parkinsons disease and parkinsonism. Ann
Neurol 60:389, 2006
Drug-Induced Parkinsonism
LEES AJ et al: Parkinsons disease. Lancet 373:2055, 2009
DIP typically presents bilaterally with bradykinesia or LIPPA CF et al: DLB and PDD boundary issues: Diagnosis, treatment,
tremor. Asymmetry is far less prominent than in PD. It is molecular pathology, and biomarkers. Neurology 68:812, 2007
OLANOW CW et al: A double-blind, delayed-start trial of rasagiline in
commonly due to neuroleptics, some atypical antipsy-
Parkinsons disease. N Engl J Med 361:1268, 2009
chotics, lithium carbonate, or antiemetic agents (espe- SCHADE R et al: Dopamine agonists and the risk of cardiac-valve
cially metoclopramide). Less common causes include regurgitation. N Engl J Med 356:29, 2007
valproic acid and uoxetine. DIP can also be induced by WILLIAMS-GRAY CH et al: Evolution of cognitive dysfunction in an
the chronic administration of antihypertensive agents incident Parkinsons disease cohort. Brain 130:1787, 2007
C. Warren Olanow
with increased blinking that can interfere with read-
ing, watching TV, and driving. The pathophysiologic basis of dystonia is not known.The
2. Oromandibular dystonia (OMD): contractions of mus- phenomenon is characterized by cocontracting bursts in
cles of the lower face, lips, tongue, and jaw (opening agonist and antagonist muscle groups. This is associated
or closing). Meiges syndrome is a combination of with a loss of inhibition at multiple levels of the nervous
OMD and blepharospasm that predominantly affects system as well as increased cortical excitability and reorga-
women older than 60 years. nization. Attention has focused on the basal ganglia as the
Huntingtons disease. A. Coronal
FLAIR MRI shows enlargement of the
lateral ventricles reecting typical cau-
date atrophy (arrows). B. Axial FLAIR
image demonstrates abnormal high
signal in the caudate and putamen
calcium channels. Recent evidence indicates that frag- Other Choreas
ments of the mutant huntingtin protein can be toxic,
Chorea can be seen in a number of disorders. Syden-
possibly by translocating into the nucleus and interfering
hams chorea (originally called Saint Vitus dance) is
with transcriptional regulatory proteins. Intraneuronal
Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia GPi
Chronic levodopa treatment in PD patients is frequently SNr
associated with choreiform dyskinesias that affect the A B PPN
head, neck, torso, and extremities. They are usually asso-
ciated with the peak plasma levodopa level and maximal FIGURE 25-2
clinical effect (peak dose dyskinesia) but may occur at the Schematic diagram of the basal gangliathalamocortical
onset and wearing off of the levodopa effect (diphasic circuitry in normal (A) and hemiballismus (B) conditions.
dyskinesia).The dyskinesias can be disabling and can also Inhibitory connections are shown as blue arrows and excita-
limit the ability to fully utilize levodopa to control PD tory connections as green arrows. A. In the normal condition,
features. Levodopa-induced dyskinesias are thought to the putamen connects to the GPi/SNr by direct and indirect
pathways. Output neurons from the globus pallidus provide
relate to plastic changes in basal ganglia neurons induced
an inhibitory input to the VL thalamus and modulate its exci-
by intermittent nonphysiologic activation of striatal
tatory effect on cortical motor neurons. B. In hemiballismus,
dopamine receptors due to the drugs short half-life.
the lesion of the STN results in reduced excitatory input to
Medical management with levodopa dose manipulations,
the GPi/SNr and, in turn, reduced inhibition of thalamocorti-
dopamine agonists, and amantadine may be helpful but cal neurons, leading to excessive activation of the cortex and
frequently do not provide satisfactory control. Surgical the emergence of choreiform movements. Dopamine ago-
therapies (ablation and stimulation) directed at the pal- nists may provide benet in hemiballismus or chorea by
lidum and subthalamic nucleus (STN) can be very effec- blocking excitation of inhibitory neurons in the direct path-
tive in severe cases (Chap. 24). Recent studies suggest way (e.g., putamen GPi/SNr) and preventing inhibition of
that dyskinesias can be prevented by more continuous remaining neurons in the excitatory indirect pathway (puta-
delivery of levodopa or other dopaminergic agents. Lev- men GPe STN GPi/SNr), thus increasing neuronal
odopa does not cause dyskinesias in normal individuals. activity in GPi and inhibiting thalamic excitation of the cortex.
Surgical lesions of the GPi are also benecial, suggesting
Hemiballismus that abnormal neuronal discharge patterns in basal ganglia
output neurons are an important contributing factor in the
Hemiballismus is a violent form of chorea that com- development of chorea. GPe, external segment of the globus
prises wild, inging, large-amplitude movements on one pallidus; GPi, internal segment of the globus pallidus; SNr,
side of the body. Proximal limb muscles tend to be pre- substantia nigra, pars reticulata; SNc, substantia nigra, pars
dominantly affected. The movements may be so severe compacta; STN, subthalamic nucleus; VL, ventrolateral thala-
as to cause exhaustion, dehydration, local injury, and, in mus; PPN, pedunculopontine nucleus.
TICS generally initiated with the agonist clonidine, starting 343
Tourette Syndrome (TS) at low doses and gradually increasing the dose and fre-
quency until satisfactory control is achieved. Guanfacine
TS is a neurobehavioral disorder named after the French (0.52 mg/d) is a new agonist that is preferred by
neurologist Georges Gilles de la Tourette. It predomi- many clinicians because it only requires once-a-day dos-
nantly affects males, and prevalence is estimated to be ing. If these agents are not effective, antipsychotics can
0.031.6%, but it is likely that many mild cases do not be employed. Atypical neuroleptics (risperidone 0.2516
come to medical attention.TS is characterized by multi- mg/d, olanzapine 2.515 mg/d, ziprasidone 20200
ple motor tics and vocalizations. A tic is a brief, rapid, mg/d) are preferred as they are associated with a
recurrent, and seemingly purposeless stereotyped motor reduced risk of extrapyramidal side effects. If they are
contraction. Motor tics can be simple, with movement not effective, classical neuroleptics such as haloperidol,
only affecting an individual muscle group (e.g., blinking, uphenazine, or pimozide can be tried. Botulinum toxin
twitching of the nose, jerking of the neck), or com- injections can be effective in controlling focal tics that
plex, with coordinated involvement of multiple muscle involve small muscle groups. Behavioral features, and
groups [e.g., jumping, snifng, head banging, and particularly anxiety and compulsions, can be a disabling
echopraxia (mimicking movements)].Vocal tics can also feature of TS and should be treated. The potential value
be simple (e.g., grunting) or complex [e.g., echolalia
of DBS targeting the anterior portion of the internal cap-
(repeating other peoples words), palilalia (repeating your sule is currently being explored.
own words), and coprolalia (expression of obscene
words)]. Patients may also experience sensory tics, con-
sisting of unpleasant focal sensations in the face, head, or
neck. Patients may experience an irresistible urge to MYOCLONUS
express tics but characteristically can voluntarily suppress Myoclonus is a brief, rapid (<100 ms), shocklike, jerky
parenteral administration of anticholinergics (benztropine with depression and not often employed. Other approaches
or diphenhydramine) or benzodiazepines (lorazepam include baclofen (4080 mg/d), clonazepam (18 mg/d),
or diazepam). Choreas, stereotypic behaviors, and tics or valproic acid (7503000 mg/d).
may also be seen, particularly following acute exposure Chronic neuroleptic exposure can also be associated
to CNS stimulants such as methylphenidate, cocaine, or with tardive dystonia with preferential involvement of
amphetamines. axial muscles and characteristic rocking movements of
the trunk and pelvis. Tardive dystonia frequently persists
despite stopping medication, and patients are often
Subacute refractory to medical therapy.Valproic acid, anticholiner-
Akathisia is the commonest reaction in this category. It gics, and botulinum toxin may occasionally be bene-
consists of motor restlessness with a need to move that is cial.Tardive akathisia and tardive Tourette syndromes are
alleviated by movement. Therapy consists of removing rare but may also occur after neuroleptic exposure.
the offending agent(s). When this is not possible, symp- Neuroleptic medications can also be associated with a
toms may be ameliorated with benzodiazepines, anti- neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS). NMS is charac-
cholinergics, beta blockers, or dopamine agonists. terized by muscle rigidity, elevated temperature, altered
mental status, hyperthermia, tachycardia, labile blood
Tardive Syndromes pressure, and renal failure. Symptoms typically evolve
within days or weeks after initiating the drug. NMS can
These disorders develop months to years after initiation also be precipitated by the abrupt withdrawal of
of neuroleptic treatment. Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is the antiparkinsonian medications in PD patients. Treatment
commonest and typically comprises choreiform move- involves immediate cessation of the offending antipsy-
ments involving the mouth, lips, and tongue. In severe chotic drug and the introduction of a dopaminergic
cases the trunk, limbs, and respiratory muscles may be agent (e.g., dopamine agonists, levodopa), dantrolene, or
affected. Patients with affective disorders are more likely benzodiazepines. Treatment also includes supportive
to develop TD than are patients with schizophrenia. In measures such as control of body temperature (antipyret-
approximately one-third of patients, TD remits within ics and cooling blankets), hydration, electrolyte replace-
3 months of stopping the drug, and most patients gradu- ment, and control of renal function and blood pressure.
ally improve over the course of several years.The move- Drugs that have serotonin-like activity (tryptophan;
ments are often mild and more upsetting to the family MDMA, or ecstasy; meperidine) or that block sero-
than to the patient, but they can be severe and disabling, tonin reuptake can induce a rare, but potentially fatal,
particularly in the context of an underlying psychiatric serotonin syndrome that is characterized by confusion,
disorder. Atypical antipsychotics (e.g., clozapine, risperi- hyperthermia, tachycardia, and coma as well as rigidity,
done, olanzapine, quetiapine, ziprasidone, and aripiprazole) ataxia, and tremor. Myoclonus is often a prominent
feature, in contrast to NMS, which it resembles. Patients patient is distracted by being asked to perform a differ- 345
can be managed with propranolol, diazepam, diphenhy- ent task or is unaware that he or she is being observed.
dramine, chlorpromazine, or cyproheptadine as well as This is the opposite of what occurs with organic move-
supportive measures. ment disorders, which tend to worsen when the patient
A variety of other drugs can also be associated with is distracted and abate with attention. Other positive
hyperkinetic movement disorders. Some examples include features that suggest a psychogenic problem include a
phenytoin (chorea, dystonia, tremor, myoclonus); carba- tremor frequency that is variable or entrains with the
mazepine (tics and dystonia); tricyclic antidepressants (dyski- frequency of tapping in the contralateral limb and a pos-
nesias, tremor, myoclonus); uoxetine (myoclonus, chorea, itive response to placebo medication. Comorbid psychi-
dystonia); oral contraceptives (dyskinesia); adrenergics atric problems such as anxiety, depression, and emotional
(tremor); buspirone (akathisia, dyskinesias, myoclonus); and trauma may be present but are not necessary for the
digoxin, cimetidine, diazoxide, lithium, methadone, and diagnosis of a psychogenic movement disorder to be
fentanyl (dyskinesias). made. Psychogenic movement disorders can occur as an
isolated entity or in association with an underlying
organic problem.The diagnosis can often be made based
PSYCHOGENIC DISORDERS on clinical features alone, and unnecessary tests or med-
Virtually all movement disorders, including tremor, tics, ications should be avoided. Underlying psychiatric
dystonia, myoclonus, chorea, ballismus, and parkinson- problems should be identied and treated. Psychother-
ism, can be psychogenic in origin. Tremor affecting the apy and hypnosis may be of value for patients with con-
upper limbs is the most common psychogenic move- version reaction, and cognitive behavioral therapy may
ment disorder. Psychogenic movements can result from be helpful for patients with somatoform disorders.
a somatoform or conversion disorder, malingering (e.g., Patients with hypochondriasis, factitious disorders, and
seeking nancial gain), or a factitious disorder (e.g., seek- malingering have a poor prognosis.
Roger N. Rosenberg
Acute viral Alcoholic-nutritional Inherited diseases AIDS-related
cerebellitis (CSF (vitamin B1 and Tabes dorsalis multifocal leuko- Congenital lesion:
supportive of B12 deciency) (tertiary syphilis) encephalopathy Chiari or Dandy-
acute viral (positive HIV test Walker malforma-
infection) and CD4+ cell tions (malformation
Postinfection Lyme disease Phenytoin toxicity count for AIDS) noted on MRI/CT)
Ataxic Disorders
Note: CSF, cerebrospinal uid; CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.
associated with ataxia. Paraneoplastic cerebellar ataxia considered as a readily treatable and reversible form of
is associated with a number of different tumors (and gait ataxia. Infectious diseases that can present with
autoantibodies) such as breast and ovarian cancers ataxia are meningovascular syphilis and tabes dorsalis
(anti-Yo), small-cell lung cancer (anti-PQ type voltage- due to degeneration of the posterior columns and
gated calcium channel), and Hodgkins disease spinocerebellar pathways in the spinal cord.
(anti-Tr) (Chap. 39). Another paraneoplastic syndrome
associated with myoclonus and opsoclonus occurs FOCAL ATAXIA Acute focal ataxia commonly results
with breast (anti-Ri) and lung cancers and neurob- from cerebrovascular disease, usually ischemic infarc-
lastoma. Elevated serum anti-glutamic acid decar- tion, or cerebellar hemorrhage. These lesions typically
boxylase (GAD) antibodies have been associated produce cerebellar symptoms ipsilateral to the injured
with a progressive ataxic syndrome affecting speech cerebellum and may be associated with an impaired
and gait. For all of these paraneoplastic ataxias, the level of consciousness due to brainstem compression
neurologic syndrome may be the presenting symp- and increased intracranial pressure; ipsilateral pontine
tom of the cancer. Another immune-mediated pro- signs, including sixth and seventh nerve palsies, may be
gressive ataxia is associated with anti-gliadin (and present. Focal and worsening signs of acute ataxia
anti-endomysium) antibodies and the HLA DQB1 should also prompt consideration of a posterior fossa
0201 haplotype; in some affected patients, biopsy of subdural hematoma, bacterial abscess, or primary or
the small intestine reveals villous atrophy consistent metastatic cerebellar tumor. CT or MRI studies will
with gluten-sensitive enteropathy. Finally, subacute reveal clinically signicant processes of this type. Many
progressive ataxia may be caused by a prion disorder, of these lesions represent true neurologic emergencies,
especially when an infectious etiology, such as trans- as sudden herniation, either rostrally through the ten-
mission from contaminated human growth hormone, torium or caudal herniation of cerebellar tonsils through
is responsible (Chap. 38). the foramen magnum, can occur and is usually devas-
Chronic symmetric gait ataxia suggests an inherited tating. Acute surgical decompression may be required
ataxia (discussed below), a metabolic disorder, or a (Chap. 22). Lymphoma or progressive multifocal
chronic infection. Hypothyroidism must always be leukoencephalopathy (PML) in a patient with AIDS
348 may present with an acute or subacute focal cerebellar ataxins with more than ~40 glutamines are potentially
syndrome. Chronic etiologies of progressive ataxia toxic to neurons for a variety of reasons including the
include multiple sclerosis (Chap. 34) and congenital following: high levels of gene expression for the mutant
lesions such as a Chiari malformation (Chap. 30) or a polyglutamine ataxin in affected neurons; conforma-
congenital cyst of the posterior fossa (Dandy-Walker tional change of the aggregated protein to a -pleated
syndrome). structure; abnormal transport of the ataxin into the
nucleus (SCA1, MJD, SCA7); binding to other polyglut-
amine proteins, including the TATA-binding transcrip-
tion protein and the CREB-binding protein, impairing
their functions; altering the efciency of the ubiquitin-
THE INHERITED ATAXIAS proteosome system of protein turnover; and inducing
These may show autosomal dominant, autosomal reces- neuronal apoptosis. An earlier age of onset (anticipation)
sive, or maternal (mitochondrial) modes of inheritance. and more aggressive disease in subsequent generations
A genomic classication (Table 26-2) has now largely are due to further expansion of the CAG triplet repeat
superseded previous ones based on clinical expression and increased polyglutamine number in the mutant
alone. ataxin.The most common disorders are discussed below.
Although the clinical manifestations and neuropatho-
cal features.
brainstem disorders, cerebellar and basal ganglia syn-
dromes, and spinal cord or peripheral nerve disease. Rarely,
dementia is present as well. The clinical picture may be
Symptoms and Signs
homogeneous within a family with dominantly inherited
ataxia, but sometimes most affected family members show SCA1 is characterized by the development in early or
one characteristic syndrome, while one or several mem- middle adult life of progressive cerebellar ataxia of the
bers have an entirely different phenotype. trunk and limbs, impairment of equilibrium and gait,
slowness of voluntary movements, scanning speech, nys-
tagmoid eye movements, and oscillatory tremor of the
head and trunk. Dysarthria, dysphagia, and oculomotor
and facial palsies may also occur. Extrapyramidal symp-
The autosomal spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) include toms include rigidity, an immobile face, and parkinson-
SCA types 1 through SCA28, dentatorubropallidoluysian ian tremor.The reexes are usually normal, but knee and
atrophy (DRPLA), and episodic ataxia (EA) types 1 and ankle jerks may be lost, and extensor plantar responses
2 (Table 26-2). SCA1, SCA2, SCA3 [Machado-Joseph may occur. Dementia may be noted but is usually mild.
disease (MJD)], SCA6, SCA7, and SCA17 are caused by Impairment of sphincter function is common, with uri-
CAG triplet repeat expansions in different genes. SCA8 nary and sometimes fecal incontinence. Cerebellar and
is due to an untranslated CTG repeat expansion, SCA12 brainstem atrophy are evident on MRI (Fig. 26-1).
is linked to an untranslated CAG repeat, and SCA10 is Marked shrinkage of the ventral half of the pons, dis-
caused by an untranslated pentanucleotide repeat. The appearance of the olivary eminence on the ventral sur-
clinical phenotypes of these SCAs overlap.The genotype face of the medulla, and atrophy of the cerebellum are
has become the gold standard for diagnosis and classi- evident on gross postmortem inspection of the brain.
cation. CAG encodes glutamine, and these expanded Variable loss of Purkinje cells, reduced numbers of cells
CAG triplet repeat expansions result in expanded polyg- in the molecular and granular layer, demyelination of the
lutamine proteins, termed ataxins, that produce a toxic middle cerebellar peduncle and the cerebellar hemi-
gain of function with autosomal dominant inheritance. spheres, and severe loss of cells in the pontine nuclei and
Although the phenotype is variable for any given disease olives are found on histologic examination. Degenera-
gene, a pattern of neuronal loss with gliosis is produced tive changes in the striatum, especially the putamen, and
that is relatively unique for each ataxia. Immunohisto- loss of the pigmented cells of the substantia nigra may
chemical and biochemical studies have shown cytoplas- be found in cases with extrapyramidal features. More
mic (SCA2), neuronal (SCA1, MJD, SCA7), and nucleolar widespread degeneration in the central nervous system
(SCA7) accumulation of the specic mutant polyglutamine- (CNS), including involvement of the posterior columns
containing ataxin proteins. Expanded polyglutamine and the spinocerebellar bers, is often present.
TABLE 26-2 349
SCA1 (autosomal 6p22-p23 with CAG repeats (exonic); Ataxia with ophthalmoparesis, pyramidal and
dominant type 1) leucine-rich acidic nuclear protein extrapyramidal ndings
(LANP), region-specic interaction protein
SCA2 (autosomal 12q23-q24.1 with CAG repeats (exonic) Ataxia with slow saccades and minimal pyramidal
dominant type 2) Ataxin-2 and extrapyramidal ndings
Machado-Joseph 14q24.3-q32 with CAG repeats (exonic); Ataxia with ophthalmoparesis and variable pyramidal,
disease/SCA3 codes for ubiquitin protease (inactive with extrapyramidal, and amyotrophic signs
(autosomal polyglutamine expansion); altered turnover
dominant type 3) of cellular proteins due to proteosome
SCA4 (autosomal 16q22.1-ter; pleckstrin homology domain- Ataxia with normal eye movements, sensory axonal
dominant type 4) containing protein, family G, member 4; neuropathy, and pyramidal signs
(PLEKHG4; puratrophin-1: Purkinke cell
atrophy associated protein-1, including
spectrin repeat and the guanine-nucleotide
exchange factor, GEF for Rho GTPases)
SCA5 (autosomal 11p12-q12; -III spectrin mutations; (SPTBN2); Ataxia and dysarthria
dominant type 5) stabilizes glutamate transporter EAAT4;
descendants of President Abraham Lincoln
SCA6 (autosomal 19p13.2 with CAG repeats in 1A-voltage Ataxia and dysarthria, nystagmus, mild
Ataxic Disorders
dominant type 6) dependent calcium channel gene (exonic); proprioceptive sensory loss
CACNA1A protein, P/Q type calcium
channel subunit
SCA7 (autosomal 3p14.1-p21.1 with CAG repeats (exonic); Ophthalmoparesis, visual loss, ataxia, dysarthria,
dominant type 7) Ataxin-7; subunit of GCN5, histone extensor plantar response, pigmentary retinal
acetyltransferase-containing complexes; degeneration
ataxin 7 binding protein; Cbl-associated
protein (CAP; SH3D5)
SCA8 (autosomal 13q21 with CTG repeats; noncoding; Gait ataxia, dysarthria, nystagmus, leg spasticity, and
dominant type 8) 3 untranslated region of transcribed RNA reduced vibratory sensation
SCA10 (autosomal 22q13; pentanucleotide repeat ATTCT repeat; Gait ataxia, dysarthria, nystagmus; partial complex
dominant type 10) noncoding, intron 9 and generalized motor seizures; polyneuropathy
SCA11 (autosomal 15q14-q21.3 by linkage Slowly progressive gait and extremity ataxia,
dominant type 11) dysarthria, vertical nystagmus, hyperreexia
SCA12 (autosomal 5q31-q33 by linkage; CAG repeat; protein Tremor, decreased movement, increased reexes,
dominant type 12) phosphatase 2A, regulatory subunit B, dystonia, ataxia, dysautonomia, dementia,
(PPP2R2B); protein PP2A, serine/threonine dysarthria
SCA13 (autosomal 19q13.3-q14.4 Ataxia, legs>arms; dysarthria, horizontal nystagmus;
dominant type 13) delayed motor development; mental developmental
delay; tendon reexes increased; MRI: cerebellar
and pontine atrophy
SCA14 (autosomal 19q-13.4; protein kinase C (PRKCG), Gait ataxia; leg>arm ataxia; dysarthria; pure ataxia
dominant type 14) missense mutations including in-frame with later onset; myoclonus; tremor of head and
deletion and a splice site mutation among extremities; increased deep tendon reexes at
others; serine/threonine kinase ankles; occasional dystonia and sensory neuropathy
SCA15 (autosomal 3p24.2-3pter Gait and extremity ataxia, dysarthria; nystagmus;
dominant type 15) MRI: superior vermis atrophy; sparing of
hemispheres and tonsils
SCA16 (autosomal 8q22.1-24.1 Pure cerebellar ataxia and head tremor, gait ataxia,
dominant type 16) and dysarthria; horizontal gazeevoked nystagmus;
MRI, cerebellar atrophy; no brainstem changes
SCA17 (autosomal 6q27; CAG expansion in the TATA-binding Gait ataxia, dementia, parkinsonism, dystonia,
dominant type 17) protein (TBP) gene chorea, seizures; hyperreexia; dysarthria and
dysphagia; MRI shows cerebral & cerebellar atrophy
Marinesco-Sjogren 5q31; SIL 1 protein, nucleotide exchange factor Ataxia, dysarthria; nystagmus; retarded motor and
syndrome for the heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70); mental maturation; rhabdomyolysis after viral
(recessive) chaperone HSPA5; homozygous 4-nucleotide illness; weakness; hypotonia; areexia; cataracts
duplication in exon 6; also compound in childhood; short stature; kyphoscoliosis;
heterozygote contractures; hypogonadism
Autosomal recessive Chromosome 13q12; SACS gene; loss of Childhood onset of ataxia, spasticity, dysarthria,
spastic ataxia of Sacsin peptide activity distal muscle wasting, foot deformity, retinal
Charlevoix- striations, mitral valve prolapse
Kearns-Sayre mtDNA deletion and duplication mutations Ptosis, ophthalmoplegia, pigmentary retinal
syndrome degeneration, cardiomyopathy, diabetes mellitus,
(sporadic) deafness, heart block, increased CSF protein, ataxia
Myoclonic epilepsy Mutation in mtDNA of the tRNAlys at 8344; Myoclonic epilepsy, ragged red ber myopathy,
and ragged red also mutation at 8356 ataxia
ber syndrome
(MERRF) (maternal
Mitochondrial tRNAleu mutation at 3243; also at 3271 Headache, stroke, lactic acidosis, ataxia
encephalopathy, and 3252
lactic acidosis, and
stroke syndrome
(MELAS) (maternal
Ataxic Disorders
Neuropathy; ataxia; ATPase6 (Complex 5); mtDNA point Neuropathy; ataxia; retinitis pigmentosa; dementia;
retinitis mutation at 8993 seizures
Episodic ataxia, 12p13; potassium voltage-gated channel Episodic ataxia for minutes; provoked by startle or
type 1 (EA-1) gene, KCNA1; Phe249Leu mutation; exercise; with facial and hand myokymia; cerebellar
(autosomal variable syndrome signs are not progressive; choreoathetotic
dominant) movements; responds to phenytoin
Episodic ataxia, 19p-13(CACNA1A) (allelic with SCA6) Episodic ataxia for days; provoked by stress, fatigue;
type 2 (EA-2) (1A-voltagedependent calcium channel with down-gaze nystagmus; nystagmus; vertigo;
(autosomal subunit); point mutations or small vomiting; headache; cerebellar atrophy results;
dominant) deletions; allelic with SCA6 and progressive cerebellar signs; responds to
familial hemiplegic migraine acetazolamide
Episodic ataxia, 1q42 Episodic ataxia; 1 min. to over 6 hrs.; induced by
type 3 (autosomal movement; vertigo and tinnitus; headache;
dominant) responds to acetazolamide
Episodic ataxia, Not mapped Episodic ataxia; vertigo; diplopia; ocular slow pursuit
type 4 (autosomal defect; no response to acetazolamide
Episodic ataxia, 2q22-q23; CACNB44 protein Episodic ataxia; hours to weeks; seizures
type 5 (autosomal
Episodic ataxia, 5p13; SLC1A3; glutamate transporter in Episodic ataxia; seizures; cognitive impairment;
type 6 astrocytes under 24 h
Episodic ataxia, 19q13 Episodic ataxia; vertigo, weakness; less than 24 h
type 7 (autosomal
Episodic ataxia with SLC1A3; 5p13; EAAT1 protein; missense Ataxia, duration 24 days; episodic hypotonia;
seizures, migraine, mutations; glial glutamate transporter delayed motor milestones; seizures; migraine;
and alternating (GLAST); 1047 C to G; proline to arginine alternating hemiplegia; mild truncal ataxia; coma;
hemiplegia febrile illness as a trigger; MRI: cerebellar atrophy
Fragile X tremor/ Xq27.3; CGG premutation expansion in FMR1 Late onset ataxia with tremor, cognitive impairment,
ataxia syndrome gene; expansions of 55200 repeats in occasional parkinsonism; males typically affected,
(FXTAS) X-linked 5 UTR of the FMR-1 mRNA; presumed although affected females also reported; syndrome
dominant dominant toxic RNA effect is of high concern if affected male has grandson
with mental retardation; MRI shows increased T2
signal in middle cerebellar peduncles, cerebellar
atrophy and occasional widespread brain atrophy
Ataxia telangiectasia 11q22-23; ATM gene for regulation of cell Telangiectasia, ataxia, dysarthria, pulmonary
(autosomal cycle; mitogenic signal transduction and infections, neoplasms of lymphatic system; IgA and
recessive) meiotic recombination IgG deciencies; diabetes mellitus, breast cancer
Early onset cerebellar 13q11-12 Ataxia; neuropathy; preserved deep tendon reexes;
ataxia with retained impaired cognitive and visuospatial functions; MRI:
deep tendon reexes cerebellar atrophy
Ataxia with 9p13; protein is member of histidine triad Ataxia; dysarthria; limb dysmetria; dystonia;
oculomotor apraxia superfamily, role in DNA repair oculomotor apraxia; optic atrophy; motor
(AOA1) (autosomal neuropathy; late sensory loss (vibration)
Ataxia with 9q34; senataxin protein, involved in RNA Gait ataxia; choreoathetosis; dystonia; oculomotor
oculomotor apraxia maturation and termination; apraxia; neuropathy, vibration loss, position sense
2 (AOA2) helicase superfamily 1 loss, and mild light touch loss; absent leg deep
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Machado-Joseph Disease/SCA3
MJD was rst described among the Portuguese and
their descendants in New England and California.
Subsequently, MJD has been found in families from
Portugal, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, England,
France, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Spain, Taiwan, and the
United States. In most populations, it is the most com-
mon autosomal dominant ataxia.
MJD has been classied into three clinical types. In type I
MJD (amyotrophic lateral sclerosisparkinsonismdystonia
Sagittal MRI of the brain of a 60-year-old man with gait ataxia type), neurologic decits appear in the rst two decades
and dysarthria due to SCA1, illustrating cerebellar atrophy and involve weakness and spasticity of extremities, espe-
(arrows). cially the legs, often with dystonia of the face, neck,
trunk, and extremities. Patellar and ankle clonus are com-
Ataxic Disorders
mon, as are extensor plantar responses. The gait is slow
and stiff, with a slightly broadened base and lurching from
side to side; this gait results from spasticity, not true ataxia.
There is no truncal titubation. Pharyngeal weakness and
SCA1 encodes a gene product, called ataxin-1, spasticity cause difculty with speech and swallowing. Of
which is a novel protein of unknown function.The note is the prominence of horizontal and vertical nystag-
mutant allele has 40 CAG repeats located within mus, loss of fast saccadic eye movements, hypermetric and
the coding region, whereas alleles from unaffected indi- hypometric saccades, and impairment of upward vertical
viduals have 36 repeats. A few patients with 3840 gaze. Facial fasciculations, facial myokymia, lingual fascic-
CAG repeats have been described. There is a direct cor- ulations without atrophy, ophthalmoparesis, and ocular
relation between a larger number of repeats and a prominence are common early manifestations.
younger age of onset for SCA1. Juvenile patients have In type II MJD (ataxic type), true cerebellar decits
higher numbers of repeats, and anticipation is present in of dysarthria and gait and extremity ataxia begin in the
subsequent generations. Transgenic mice carrying SCA1 second to fourth decades along with corticospinal and
developed ataxia and Purkinje cell pathology. Nuclear extrapyramidal decits of spasticity, rigidity, and dysto-
localization, but not aggregation, of ataxin-1 appears to nia.Type II is the most common form of MJD. Ophthal-
be required for cell death initiated by the mutant protein. moparesis, upward vertical gaze decits, and facial and
lingual fasciculations are also present. Type II MJD can
be distinguished from the clinically similar disorders
SCA2 SCA1 and SCA2.
Symptoms and Signs Type III MJD (ataxic-amyotrophic type) presents in
Another clinical phenotype, SCA2, has been described the fth to the seventh decades with a pancerebellar dis-
in patients from Cuba and India. Cuban patients proba- order that includes dysarthria and gait and extremity
bly are descendants of a common ancestor, and the pop- ataxia. Distal sensory loss involving pain, touch, vibra-
ulation may be the largest homogeneous group of patients tion, and position senses and distal atrophy are promi-
with ataxia yet described.The age of onset ranges from 2 nent, indicating the presence of peripheral neuropathy.
to 65 years, and there is considerable clinical variability The deep tendon reexes are depressed to absent, and
within families. Although neuropathologic and clinical there are no corticospinal or extrapyramidal ndings.
ndings are compatible with a diagnosis of SCA1, includ- The mean age of onset of symptoms in MJD is 25 years.
ing slow saccadic eye movements, ataxia, dysarthria, Neurologic decits invariably progress and lead to death
parkinsonian rigidity, optic disk pallor, mild spasticity, from debilitation within 15 years of onset, especially in
and retinal degeneration, SCA2 is a unique form of patients with types I and II disease. Usually, patients
cerebellar degenerative disease. retain full intellectual function.
354 The major pathologic ndings are variable loss of by various noncerebellar ndings, including ophthalmo-
neurons and glial replacement in the corpus striatum paresis and extensor plantar responses. The genetic
and severe loss of neurons in the pars compacta of the defect is an expanded CAG repeat in the SCA7 gene at
substantia nigra. A moderate loss of neurons occurs in 3p14-p21.1.The expanded repeat size in SCA7 is highly
the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum and in the red variable. Consistent with this, the severity of clinical
nucleus. Purkinje cell loss and granule cell loss occur in ndings varies from essentially asymptomatic to mild
the cerebellar cortex. Cell loss also occurs in the dentate late-onset symptoms to severe, aggressive disease in
nucleus and in the cranial nerve motor nuclei. Sparing childhood with rapid progression. Marked anticipation
of the inferior olives distinguishes MJD from other has been recorded, especially with paternal transmission.
dominantly inherited ataxias. The disease protein, ataxin-7, forms aggregates in nuclei
of affected neurons, as has also been described for SCA1
and SCA3/MJD.
The gene for MJD maps to 14q24.3-q32. Unstable SCA8
CAG repeat expansions are present in the MJD gene
coding for a polyglutamine-containing protein This form of ataxia is caused by a CTG repeat expansion
named ataxin-3, or MJD-ataxin. An earlier age of onset is in an untranslated region of a gene on chromosome 13q21.
associated with longer repeats. Alleles from normal indi- There is marked maternal bias in transmission, perhaps
viduals have between 12 and 37 CAG repeats, while MJD reecting contractions of the repeat during spermatogene-
alleles have 6084 CAG repeats. Polyglutamine-con- sis.The mutation is not fully penetrant. Symptoms include
taining aggregates of ataxin-3 (MJD-ataxin) have been slowly progressive dysarthria and gait ataxia beginning at
described in neuronal nuclei undergoing degeneration. ~40 years of age with a range between 20 and 65 years.
MJD ataxin codes for a ubiquitin protease, which is inac- Other features include nystagmus, leg spasticity, and
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
tive due to expanded polyglutamines. Proteosome function reduced vibratory sensation. Severely affected individuals
is impaired, resulting in altered clearance of proteins and are nonambulatory by the fourth to sixth decades. MRI
cerebellar neuronal loss. shows cerebellar atrophy. The mechanism of disease may
involve a dominant toxic effect occurring at the RNA
level, as occurs in myotonic dystrophy.
Genomic screening for CAG repeats in other families Dentatorubropallidoluysian Atrophy
with autosomal dominant ataxia and vibratory and pro- DRPLA has a variable presentation that may include
prioceptive sensory loss have yielded another locus. Of
progressive ataxia, choreoathetosis, dystonia, seizures,
interest is that different mutations in the same gene for
myoclonus, and dementia. DRPLA is due to unstable
the 1A voltage-dependent calcium channel subunit
CAG triplet repeats in the open reading frame of a gene
(CACNLIA4; also referred to as the CACNA1A gene) at
named atrophin located on chromosome 12p12-ter.
19p13 result in different clinical disorders. CAG repeat
Larger expansions are found in patients with earlier onset.
expansions (2127 in patients; 416 triplets in normal
The number of repeats is 49 in patients with DRPLA
individuals) result in late-onset progressive ataxia with
and 26 in normal individuals. Anticipation occurs in
cerebellar degeneration. Missense mutations in this gene
successive generations, with earlier onset of disease in asso-
result in familial hemiplegic migraine. Nonsense muta-
ciation with an increasing CAG repeat number in children
tions resulting in termination of protein synthesis of the
who inherit the disease from their father. One well-char-
gene product yield hereditary paroxysmal cerebellar
acterized family in North Carolina has a phenotypic
ataxia or EA. Some patients with familial hemiplegic
variant known as the Haw River syndrome, now recog-
migraine develop progressive ataxia and also have cere-
nized to be due to the DRPLA mutation.
bellar atrophy.
Episodic Ataxia
EA types 1 and 2 are two rare dominantly inherited
This disorder is distinguished from all other SCAs by disorders that have been mapped to chromosomes 12p
the presence of retinal pigmentary degeneration. The (a potassium channel gene) for type 1 and 19p for type 2.
visual abnormalities rst appear as blue-yellow color Patients with EA-1 have brief episodes of ataxia with
blindness and proceed to frank visual loss with macular myokymia and nystagmus that last only minutes. Startle,
degeneration. In almost all other respects, SCA7 resem- sudden change in posture, and exercise can induce episodes.
bles several other SCAs in which ataxia is accompanied Acetazolamide or anticonvulsants may be therapeutic.
Patients with EA-2 have episodes of ataxia with nystag- 355
mus that can last for hours or days. Stress, exercise, or
excessive fatigue may be precipitants. Acetazolamide may
be therapeutic and can reverse the relative intracellular
alkalosis detected by magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Stop codon, nonsense mutations causing EA-2 have been
found in the CACNA1A gene, encoding the 1A voltage-
dependent calcium channel subunit (see SCA6, above).
forms are clinically indistinguishable.
Ataxic Disorders
senting symptom; rarely, progressive scoliosis, foot defor-
mity, nystagmus, or cardiopathy is the initial sign. large myelinated bers. Cardiac pathology consists of
The neurologic examination reveals nystagmus, loss of
myocytic hypertrophy and brosis, focal vascular bro-
fast saccadic eye movements, truncal titubation,
muscular dysplasia with subintimal or medial deposition
dysarthria, dysmetria, and ataxia of trunk and limb move-
of periodic acidSchiff (PAS)positive material, myocy-
ments. Extensor plantar responses (with normal tone in
topathy with unusual pleomorphic nuclei, and focal
trunk and extremities), absence of deep tendon reexes,
degeneration of nerves and cardiac ganglia.
and weakness (greater distally than proximally) are usu-
ally found. Loss of vibratory and proprioceptive sensation
occurs.The median age of death is 35 years.Women have
a signicantly better prognosis than men.
Cardiac involvement occurs in 90% of patients. Car- The classic form of Friedreichs ataxia has been
diomegaly, symmetric hypertrophy, murmurs, and con- mapped to 9q13-q21.1, and the mutant gene,
duction defects are reported. Moderate mental retardation frataxin, contains expanded GAA triplet repeats in
or psychiatric syndromes are present in a small percentage the rst intron. There is homozygosity for expanded
of patients. A high incidence of diabetes mellitus (20%) GAA repeats in >95% of patients. Normal persons have
is found and is associated with insulin resistance and 722 GAA repeats, and patients have 200900 GAA
pancreatic -cell dysfunction. Musculoskeletal deformi- repeats. A more varied clinical syndrome has been
ties are common and include pes cavus, pes equinovarus, described in compound heterozygotes who have one
and scoliosis. MRI of the spinal cord shows atrophy copy of the GAA expansion and the other copy a point
(Fig. 26-2). mutation in the frataxin gene. When the point mutation
The primary sites of pathology are the spinal cord, is located in the region of the gene that encodes the
dorsal root ganglion cells, and the peripheral nerves. amino-terminal half of frataxin, the phenotype is milder,
Slight atrophy of the cerebellum and cerebral gyri may often consisting of a spastic gait, retained or exaggerated
occur. Sclerosis and degeneration occur predominantly reexes, no dysarthria, and mild or absent ataxia.
in the spinocerebellar tracts, lateral corticospinal tracts, Patients with Friedreichs ataxia have undetectable or
and posterior columns. Degeneration of the glossopha- extremely low levels of frataxin mRNA, as compared with
ryngeal, vagus, hypoglossal, and deep cerebellar nuclei is carriers and unrelated individuals; thus, disease appears to
described. The cerebral cortex is histologically normal be caused by a loss of expression of the frataxin protein.
except for loss of Betz cells in the precentral gyri. The Frataxin is a mitochondrial protein involved in iron
peripheral nerves are extensively involved, with a loss of homeostasis. Mitochondrial iron accumulation due to loss
356 of the iron transporter coded by the mutant frataxin gene with posterior column spinal cord demyelination. A
results in oxidized intramitochondrial iron. Excess oxi- poorly developed or absent thymus gland is the most
dized iron results in turn in the oxidation of cellular com- consistent defect of the lymphoid system.
ponents and irreversible cell injury.
Two forms of hereditary ataxia associated with abnor-
malities in the interactions of vitamin E (-tocopherol) GENETIC CONSIDERATIONS
with very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) have been delin- The gene for AT (the ATM gene) encodes a pro-
eated.These are abetalipoproteinemia (Bassen-Kornzweig tein that is similar to several yeast and mammalian
syndrome) and ataxia with vitamin E deciency (AVED). phosphatidylinositol-3-kinases involved in mito-
Abetalipoproteinemia is caused by mutations in the genic signal transduction, meiotic recombination, and
gene coding for the larger subunit of the microsomal cell cycle control. Defective DNA repair in AT brob-
triglyceride transfer protein (MTP). Defects in MTP lasts exposed to ultraviolet light has been demonstrated.
result in impairment of formation and secretion of The discovery of ATM will make possible the identica-
VLDL in liver. This defect results in a deciency of tion of heterozygotes who are at risk for cancer (e.g.,
delivery of vitamin E to tissues, including the central breast cancer) and permit early diagnosis.
and peripheral nervous system, as VLDL is the transport
molecule for vitamin E and other fat-soluble substitutes.
Ataxic Disorders
Robert H. Brown, Jr.
Plasma cell dyscrasias Sedimentation ratea
Autoimmune polyradiculoneuropathy Protein immunoelectrophoresisa
Motor neuropathy with conduction block Anti-GM1 antibodiesa
Paraneoplastic Anti-Hu antibody
Paracarcinomatous/lymphoma MRI scan, bone marrow biopsy
Hypoglycemia Fasting blood sugar (FBS), routine
chemistries including calciuma
Denotes studies that should be obtained in all cases.
Note: CSF, cerebrospinal uid; HTLV, human T cell lymphotropic virus; PTH, parathyroid hormone.
bers in the lateral columns and resulting brillary gliosis system, there is some selectivity of involvement. Thus,
impart a particular rmness (lateral sclerosis). A remarkable motor neurons required for ocular motility remain unaf-
feature of the disease is the selectivity of neuronal cell fected, as do the parasympathetic neurons in the sacral
death. By light microscopy, the entire sensory apparatus, spinal cord (the nucleus of Onufrowicz, or Onuf) that
the regulatory mechanisms for the control and coordina- innervate the sphincters of the bowel and bladder.
tion of movement, and the components of the brain that
are needed for cognitive processes, remain intact. How-
Clinical Manifestations
ever, immunostaining indicates that neurons bearing
ubiquitin, a marker for degeneration, are also detected in The manifestations of ALS are somewhat variable depend-
nonmotor systems. Moreover, studies of glucose metabo- ing on whether corticospinal neurons or lower motor
lism in the illness also indicate that there is neuronal dys- neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord are more promi-
function outside of the motor system. Within the motor nently involved. With lower motor neuron dysfunction
360 TABLE 27-2 caused by denervation is associated with progressive wast-
SPORADIC MOTOR NEURON DISEASES ing and atrophy of muscles and, particularly early in the
illness, spontaneous twitching of motor units, or fascicula-
Chronic tions. In the hands, a preponderance of extensor over exor
Upper and lower motor neurons weakness is common. When the initial denervation
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis involves bulbar rather than limb muscles, the problem at
Predominantly upper motor neurons onset is difculty with chewing, swallowing, and move-
Primary lateral sclerosis ments of the face and tongue. Early involvement of the
Predominantly lower motor neurons
Multifocal motor neuropathy with conduction block
muscles of respiration may lead to death before the disease
Motor neuropathy with paraproteinemia or cancer is far advanced elsewhere. With prominent corticospinal
Motor-predominant peripheral neuropathies involvement, there is hyperactivity of the muscle-stretch
Other reexes (tendon jerks) and, often, spastic resistance to pas-
Associated with other degenerative disorders sive movements of the affected limbs. Patients with signi-
Secondary motor neuron disorders (see Table 27-1) cant reex hyperactivity complain of muscle stiffness often
Acute out of proportion to weakness. Degeneration of the corti-
Poliomyelitis cobulbar projections innervating the brainstem results in
Herpes zoster dysarthria and exaggeration of the motor expressions of
usually rst evident distally in one of the limbs.A detailed teristic of ALS that, regardless of whether the initial dis-
history often discloses recent development of cramping ease involves upper or lower motor neurons, both will
with volitional movements, typically in the early hours of eventually be implicated. Even in the late stages of the
the morning (e.g., while stretching in bed). Weakness illness, sensory, bowel and bladder, and cognitive func-
tions are preserved. Even when there is severe brainstem
disease, ocular motility is spared until the very late stages
of the illness. Dementia is not a component of sporadic
ALS. In some families, ALS is co-inherited with fron-
totemporal dementia, characterized by early behavioral
abnormalities with prominent behavioral features indica-
tive of frontal lobe dysfunction.
A committee of the World Federation of Neurology
has established diagnostic guidelines for ALS. Essential for
the diagnosis is simultaneous upper and lower motor
neuron involvement with progressive weakness, and the
exclusion of all alternative diagnoses. The disorder is
ranked as denite ALS when three or four of the fol-
lowing are involved: bulbar, cervical, thoracic, and lum-
bosacral motor neurons.When two sites are involved, the
diagnosis is probable, and when only one site is impli-
cated, the diagnosis is possible. An exception is made
for those who have progressive upper and lower motor
neuron signs at only one site and a mutation in the gene
FIGURE 27-1 encoding superoxide dismutase (SOD1; later).
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Axial T2-weighted MRI scan
through the lateral ventricles of the brain reveals abnormal Epidemiology
high signal intensity within the corticospinal tracts (arrows).
This MRI feature represents an increase in water content in The illness is relentlessly progressive, leading to death
myelin tracts undergoing Wallerian degeneration secondary from respiratory paralysis; the median survival is from
to cortical motor neuronal loss. This nding is commonly 35 years. There are very rare reports of stabilization or
present in ALS, but can also be seen in AIDS-related even regression of ALS. In most societies there is an
encephalopathy, infarction, or other disease processes that incidence of 13 per 100,000 and a prevalence of 35
produce corticospinal neuronal loss in a symmetric fashion. per 100,000. Several endemic foci of higher prevalence
exist in the western Pacic (e.g., in specic regions of gene encoding the cytosolic, copper- and zinc-binding 361
Guam or Papua New Guinea). In the United States and enzyme SOD1 as the cause of one form of FALS. How-
Europe, males are somewhat more frequently affected ever, this accounts for only 20% of inherited cases of ALS.
than females. Epidemiologic studies have incriminated Rare mutations in other genes are also clearly impli-
risk factors for this disease including exposure to pesti- cated in ALS-like diseases. Thus, a familial, dominantly
cides and insecticides, smoking and, in one report, service inherited motor disorder that in some individuals
in the military. While ALS is overwhelmingly a sporadic closely mimics the ALS phenotype arises from mutations
disorder, some 510% of cases are inherited as an auto- in a gene that encodes a vesicle-binding protein. A pre-
somal dominant trait. dominantly lower motor neuron disease with early
hoarseness due to laryngeal dysfunction has been
ascribed to mutations in the gene encoding the cellular
Familial ALS
motor protein dynactin. Mutations in senataxin, a heli-
Several forms of selective motor neuron disease are inher- case, cause an early adult-onset, slowly evolving ALS
itable (Table 27-3). Two involve both corticospinal and variant. Kennedys syndrome is an X-linked, adult-onset
lower motor neurons. The most common is familial ALS disorder that may mimic ALS, as described below.
(FALS). Apart from its inheritance as an autosomal domi- Genetic analyses are also beginning to illuminate the
nant trait, it is clinically indistinguishable from sporadic pathogenesis of some childhood-onset motor neuron
ALS. Genetic studies have identied mutations in the diseases. For example, a slowly disabling degenerative,
TABLE 27-3
Note: ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; BSCL2, Bernadelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy, 2B; FSP,
familial spastic paraplegia
362 predominantly upper motor neuron disease that starts in is unknown, but it is thought to reect sublethal prior
the rst decade is caused by mutations in a gene that injury to motor neurons by poliovirus.
expresses a novel signaling molecule with properties of a Rarely, ALS develops concurrently with features
guanine-exchange factor, termed alsin. indicative of more widespread neurodegeneration. Thus,
one infrequently encounters otherwise typical ALS
Differential Diagnosis patients with a parkinsonian movement disorder or
dementia. It remains unclear whether this reects the
Because ALS is currently untreatable, it is imperative that unlikely simultaneous occurrence of two disorders or a
potentially remediable causes of motor neuron dysfunc- primary defect triggering two forms of neurodegenera-
tion be excluded (Table 27-1).This is particularly true in tion.The latter is suggested by the observation that mul-
cases that are atypical by virtue of (1) restriction to either tisystem neurodegenerative diseases may be inherited.
upper or lower motor neurons, (2) involvement of neu- For example, prominent amyotrophy has been described
rons other than motor neurons, and (3) evidence of as a dominantly inherited disorder in individuals with
motor neuronal conduction block on electrophysiologic bizarre behavior and a movement disorder suggestive of
testing. Compression of the cervical spinal cord or cervi- parkinsonism; many such cases have now been ascribed
comedullary junction from tumors in the cervical regions to mutations that alter the expression of tau protein in
or at the foramen magnum or from cervical spondylosis brain (Chap. 23). In other cases, ALS develops simultane-
with osteophytes projecting into the vertebral canal can ously with a striking frontotemporal dementia.These dis-
produce weakness, wasting, and fasciculations in the upper orders may be dominantly co-inherited; in some families,
limbs and spasticity in the legs, closely resembling ALS. this trait is linked to a locus on chromosome 9p,
The absence of cranial nerve involvement may be helpful although the underlying genetic defect is not established.
in differentiation, although some foramen magnum
lesions may compress the twelfth cranial (hypoglossal)
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
RNA that diminish expression of mutant SOD1 protein
prolong survival in transgenic ALS mice and rats. Based Adult Tay-Sachs Disease
on these data, a human trial of ASO is planned in
SOD1-mediated ALS. Several reports have described adult-onset, predomi-
In the absence of a primary therapy for ALS, a vari- nantly lower motor neuropathies arising from deciency
ety of rehabilitative aids may substantially assist ALS of the enzyme -hexosaminidase (hex A). These tend to
patients. Foot-drop splints facilitate ambulation by be distinguishable from ALS because they are very slowly
by the brainstem. A component of lower motor neuron the corticospinal tracts, which appear nearly normal in
dysfunction is also found in degenerative disorders such the brainstem but show increasing atrophy at more cau-
as Machado-Joseph disease and the related olivoponto- dal levels in the spinal cord; in effect, the pathologic pic-
cerebellar degenerations (Chap. 26). ture is of a dying-back or distal axonopathy of long
neuronal bers within the CNS.
Defects at numerous loci underlie both dominantly
SELECTED DISORDERS OF THE UPPER and recessively inherited forms of FSP (Table 27-3).
MOTOR NEURON Eleven FSP genes have now been identied. The gene
most commonly implicated in dominantly inherited
Primary Lateral Sclerosis
FSP is spastin, which encodes a microtubule interacting
This exceedingly rare disorder arises sporadically in protein. The most common childhood-onset dominant
adults in mid- to late life. Clinically PLS is characterized form arises from mutations in the atlastin gene. A kinesin
by progressive spastic weakness of the limbs, preceded or heavy-chain protein implicated in microtubule motor
followed by spastic dysarthria and dysphagia, indicating function was found to be defective in a family with
combined involvement of the corticospinal and corti- dominantly inherited FSP of variable onset age.
cobulbar tracts. Fasciculations, amyotrophy, and sensory An infantile-onset form of X-linked, recessive FSP
changes are absent; neither electromyography nor muscle arises from mutations in the gene for myelin proteolipid
biopsy shows denervation. On neuropathologic exami- protein (Chap. 19). This is an example of rather striking
nation there is selective loss of the large pyramidal cells allelic variation, as most other mutations in the same
in the precentral gyrus and degeneration of the corti- gene cause not FSP but Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, a
cospinal and corticobulbar projections. The peripheral widespread disorder of CNS myelin. Another recessive
motor neurons and other neuronal systems are spared. variant is caused by defects in the paraplegin gene. Para-
The course of PLS is variable; while long-term survival plegin has homology to metalloproteases that are impor-
is documented, the course may be as aggressive as in tant in mitochondrial function in yeast.
ALS, with ~3-year survival from onset to death. Early in
its course, PLS raises the question of multiple sclerosis or
other demyelinating diseases such as adrenoleukodystro-
phy as diagnostic considerations (Chap. 34). A myelopa- Several web sites provide valuable information on ALS
thy suggestive of PLS is infrequently seen with infection including those offered by the Muscular Dystrophy
with the retrovirus human T cell lymphotropic virus Association (www.mdausa.org), the Amyotrophic Lateral
(HTLV-I) (Chap. 30).The clinical course and laboratory Sclerosis Association (www.alsa.org), and the World Fed-
testing will distinguish these possibilities. eration of Neurology and the Neuromuscular Unit at
Washington University in St. Louis (www.neuro.wustl. edu/ management, and cognitive/behavioral impairment (an evidence- 365
neuromuscular). based review): report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of
the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology 73:1227, 2009
_________ et al: Practice parameter update: The care of the patient
with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: drug, nutritional, and respira-
BOILLEE S et al: ALS: A disease of motor neurons and their nonneu- tory therapies (an evidence-based review): report of the Quality
ronal neighbors. Neuron 52:39, 2006 Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurol-
BROWN RH et al: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, 2d ed. London, ogy. Neurology 73:1218, 2009
Informa Healthcare, 2006 PASINELLI P, BROWN RH: Molecular biology of amyotrophic lateral
BRUIJN LI, CUDKOWICZ M: Therapeutic targets for amyotrophic lat- sclerosis: Insights from genetics. Nat Rev Neurosci 7:710, 2006
eral sclerosis: Current treatments and prospects for more effective PHUKAN J, HARDIMAN O: The management of amyotrophic lateral
therapies. Expert Rev Neurother 6:417, 2006 sclerosis. J Neurol 256:176, 2009
DIGIORGIO et al: Non-cell autonomous effect of glia on motor neu- RALPH GS et al: Silencing mutant SOD1 using RNAi protects
rons in an embryonic stem cell-based ALS model. Nat Neurosci against neurodegeneration and extends survival in an ALS
10:608, 2007 model. Nat Med 11:429, 2005
GALLO V et al: Smoking and risk for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: SALINAS S et al: Hereditary spastic paraplegia: clinical features and
Analysis of the EPIC cohort.Ann Neurol 65:378, 2009 pathogenetic mechanisms. Lancet Neurol 7:1127, 2008
MILLER RG et al: Practice parameter update: The care of the patient VALDMANIS PN et al: Recent advances in the genetics of amy-
with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: multidisciplinary care, symptom otrophic lateral sclerosis. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 9:198, 2009
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Diseases
Phillip A. Low I John W. Engstrom
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) innervates the postganglionic autonomic nerves that innervate organs
entire neuraxis and permeates all organ systems. It regu- and tissues throughout the body. Responses to sympathetic
lates blood pressure (BP), heart rate, sleep, and bladder and parasympathetic stimulation are frequently antagonistic
and bowel function. It operates automatically; its full (Table 28-1), reecting highly coordinated interactions
importance becomes recognized only when ANS func- within the CNS; the resultant changes in parasympathetic
tion is compromised, resulting in dysautonomia. Hypo- and sympathetic activity provide more precise control of
thalamic disorders that cause disturbances in homeostasis autonomic responses than could be achieved by the mod-
are discussed in Chap. 33. ulation of a single system.
Acetylcholine (ACh) is the preganglionic neurotrans-
mitter for both divisions of the ANS as well as the post-
ANATOMIC ORGANIZATION ganglionic neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic
neurons. Norepinephrine (NE) is the neurotransmitter of
The activity of the ANS is regulated by central neurons the postganglionic sympathetic neurons, except for cholin-
responsive to diverse afferent inputs. After central inte- ergic neurons innervating the eccrine sweat glands.
gration of afferent information, autonomic outow is
adjusted to permit the functioning of the major organ
systems in accordance with the needs of the organism as CLINICAL EVALUATION
a whole. Connections between the cerebral cortex and
the autonomic centers in the brainstem coordinate
autonomic outow with higher mental functions. Disorders of the ANS may result from pathology of
The preganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic either the CNS or the peripheral nervous system (PNS)
nervous system leave the central nervous system (CNS) in (Table 28-2). Signs and symptoms may result from
the third, seventh, ninth, and tenth cranial nerves as well interruption of the afferent limb, CNS processing cen-
as the second and third sacral nerves, while the pregan- ters, or efferent limb of reex arcs controlling auto-
glionic neurons of the sympathetic nervous system exit nomic responses. For example, a lesion of the medulla
the spinal cord between the rst thoracic and the second produced by a posterior fossa tumor can impair BP
lumbar segments (Fig. 28-1). The postganglionic neu- responses to postural changes and result in orthostatic
rons, located in ganglia outside the CNS, give rise to the hypotension (OH). OH can also be caused by lesions of
Parasympathetic Sympathetic TABLE 28-1 367
IX Heart rate Increased Decreased
Blood pressure Increased Mildly decreased
Bladder Increased Voiding (decreased
sphincter tone tone)
D H Bowel motility Decreased Increased
Lung Bronchodilation Bronchoconstriction
E Sweat glands Sweating
T1 Pupils Dilation Constriction
Adrenal glands Catecholamine
4 Arm release
F 5 Heart Sexual function Ejaculation, Erection
8 Viscera Lacrimal glands Tearing
9 Parotid glands Salivation
11 K
Adrenal medulla
Bowel supply)
polyneuropathy, medical illnesses, medication use, and
Sympathetic Clinical manifestations result from a loss of function (e.g.,
Terminal ganglion
(coccygeal) impaired baroreexes leading to OH), overactivity (e.g.,
hyperhidrosis, hypertension, tachycardia), or loss of regula-
Parasympathetic system Sympathetic system tion (e.g., autonomic storms, autonomic dysreexia) of
from cranial nerves III, VII, IX, X from T1-L2
and from sacral nerves 2 and 3 Preganglionic fibers autonomic circuits. Symptoms may be widespread or
Postganglionic fibers regional in distribution. An autonomic history focuses on
A Ciliary ganglion H Superior cervical ganglion systemic functions (BP, heart rate, sleep, thermoregulation)
B Sphenopalatine J Middle cervical ganglion and and involvement of individual organ systems (pupils,
(pterygopalatine) ganglion inferior cervical (stellate) bowel, bladder, sexual function). More formal assessment
C Submandibular ganglion ganglion including T1 is possible using a standardized instrument such as the
D Otic ganglion ganglion
E Vagal ganglion cells
autonomic symptom prole. It is also important to recog-
K Coeliac and other
in the heart wall abdominal ganglia nize the modulating effects of age and gender. For
F Vagal ganglion cells in
L Lower abdominal instance, OH commonly results in lightheadedness in the
bowel wall
G Pelvic ganglia
sympathetic ganglia young, whereas cognitive slowing is more common in the
elderly. Specic symptoms of orthostatic intolerance are
diverse (Table 28-3). Autonomic symptoms may vary
Schematic representation of the autonomic nervous sys-
dramatically, reecting the dynamic nature of autonomic
tem. (From M Moskowitz: Clin Endocrinol Metab 6:77, 1977.)
control over homeostatic function. For example, OH
might be manifest only in the early morning, following a
the spinal cord or peripheral vasomotor nerve bers meal, or with exercise, depending upon the regional vas-
(e.g., diabetic autonomic neuropathy). The site of reex cular bed affected by dysautonomia.
interruption is usually established by the clinical context Early symptoms may be overlooked. Impotence,
in which the dysautonomia arises, combined with judi- although not specic for autonomic failure, often heralds
cious use of ANS testing and neuroimaging studies. The autonomic failure in men and may precede other symp-
presence or absence of CNS signs (pathophysiology and toms by years. A decrease in the frequency of sponta-
prognosis differ), association with sensory or motor neous early morning erections may occur months before
368 TABLE 28-2
I. Autonomic disorders with brain involvement
A. Associated with multisystem degeneration
1. Multisystem degeneration: autonomic failure clinically prominent
a. Multiple system atrophy (MSA)
b. Parkinsons disease with autonomic failure
c. Diffuse Lewy body disease (some cases)
2. Multisystem degeneration: autonomic failure clinically not usually prominent
a. Parkinsons disease
b. Other extrapyramidal disorders (inherited spinocerebellar atrophies, progressive
supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degeneration, Machado-Joseph disease)
B. Unassociated with multisystem degeneration
1. Disorders mainly due to cerebral cortex involvement
a. Frontal cortex lesions causing urinary/bowel incontinence
b. Partial complex seizures
2. Disorders of the limbic and paralimbic circuits
a. Shapiros syndrome (agenesis of corpus callosum, hyperhidrosis, hypothermia)
b. Autonomic seizures
3. Disorders of the hypothalamus
a. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
b. Diencephalic syndrome
c. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
d. Serotonin syndrome
e. Fatal familial insomnia
f. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) syndromes (diabetes insipidus, inappropriate ADH)
g. Disturbances of temperature regulation (hyperthermia, hypothermia)
h. Disturbances of sexual function
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
i. Disturbances of appetite
j. Disturbances of BP/HR and gastric function
k. Horners syndrome
4. Disorders of the brainstem and cerebellum
a. Posterior fossa tumors
b. Syringobulbia and Arnold-Chiari malformation
c. Disorders of BP control (hypertension, hypotension)
d. Cardiac arrhythmias
e. Central sleep apnea
f. Baroreex failure
g. Horners syndrome
II. Autonomic disorders with spinal cord involvement
A. Traumatic quadriplegia
B. Syringomyelia
C. Subacute combined degeneration
D. Multiple sclerosis
E. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
F. Tetanus
G. Stiff-man syndrome
H. Spinal cord tumors
III. Autonomic neuropathies
A. Acute/subacute autonomic neuropathies
1. Subacute autoimmune autonomic neuropathy (panautonomic neuropathy,
a. Subacute paraneoplastic autonomic neuropathy
b. Guillain-Barr syndrome
c. Botulism
d. Porphyria
e. Drug induced autonomic neuropathies
f. Toxic autonomic neuropathies
B. Chronic peripheral autonomic neuropathies
1. Distal small ber neuropathy
2. Combined sympathetic and parasympathetic failure
a. Amyloid
b. Diabetic autonomic neuropathy
c. Autoimmune autonomic neuropathy (paraneoplastic and idiopathic)
d. Sensory neuronopathy with autonomic failure
e. Familial dysautonomia (Riley-Day syndrome)
loss of nocturnal penile tumescence and development of (Table 28-5). Neurocardiogenic and cardiac syncope are
total impotence. Bladder dysfunction may appear early in considered in Chap. 8.
men and women, particularly in those with CNS involve-
ment. Brain and spinal cord disease above the level of the
lumbar spine results rst in urinary frequency and small Approach to the Patient:
bladder volumes and eventually in incontinence (upper ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION AND
in BP toward or above baseline. Venous return and
rence of syncope. Recommendations for the perfor-
cardiac output return to normal in phase IV. Persis-
mance of tilt study for syncope have been incorporated
tent peripheral arteriolar vasoconstriction and increased
in consensus guidelines.
cardiac adrenergic tone results in a temporary BP
overshoot and phase IV bradycardia (mediated by the Pharmacologic Tests Pharmacologic assess-
baroreceptor reex). ments can help localize an autonomic defect to the
Autonomic function during the Valsalva maneuver CNS or the PNS. A useful method to evaluate the
Although each of the porphyrias can cause autonomic
Botulinum toxin binds presynaptically to cholinergic
dysfunction, the condition is most extensively docu-
nerve terminals and, after uptake into the cytosol, blocks
mented in the acute intermittent type. Autonomic
ACh release. Manifestations consist of motor paralysis
symptoms include tachycardia, sweating, urinary reten-
and autonomic disturbances that include blurred vision,
tion, hypertension, or (less commonly) hypotension.
dry mouth, nausea, unreactive or sluggishly reactive
Other prominent symptoms include anxiety, abdominal
There are ve known hereditary sensory and autonomic The physician may be confronted occasionally with an
neuropathies (HSAN IV). The most important ones are acute autonomic syndrome, either acute autonomic fail-
HSAN I and HSAN III (Riley-Day syndrome; familial ure (acute AAN syndrome) or a state of sympathetic
dysautonomia). HSAN I is dominantly inherited and often overactivity. An autonomic storm is an acute state of sus-
presents as a distal small-ber neuropathy (burning feet tained sympathetic surge that results in variable combi-
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
syndrome). The responsible gene, on chromosome 9q, is nations of alterations in blood pressure and heart rate,
designated SPTLC1. SPTLC is an important enzyme in body temperature, respiration and sweating. Causes of
the regulation of ceramide. Cells from HSAN I patients autonomic storm are brain and spinal cord injury, toxins
affected by mutation of SPTLC1 produce higher-than- and drugs, autonomic neuropathy, and chemodectomas
normal levels of glucosyl ceramide, perhaps triggering (e.g., pheochromocytoma).
apoptosis. Brain injury is most commonly a cause of autonomic
HSAN III, an autosomal recessive disorder of infants storm following severe head trauma (with diffuse axonal
and children that occurs among Ashkenazi Jews, is much injury) and in postresuscitation encephalopathy follow-
less prevalent than HSAN I. Decreased tearing, hyper- ing anoxic-ischemic brain insult. Autonomic storm can
hidrosis, reduced sensitivity to pain, areexia, absent also occur with other acute intracranial lesions such as
fungiform papillae on the tongue, and labile BP may be hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, rapidly expanding tumors,
present. Episodic abdominal crises and fever are com- subarachnoid hemorrhage, hydrocephalus, or (less com-
mon. Pathologic examination of nerves reveals a loss of monly) an acute spinal cord lesion. Lesions involving the
small myelinated and unmyelinated nerve bers. The diencephalon may be more prone to present with
defective gene, named IKBKAP, is also located on the dysautonomia, but the most consistent setting is that of
long arm of chromosome 9. Pathogenic mutations may an acute intracranial catastrophe of sufcient size and
prevent normal transcription of important molecules in rapidity to produce a massive catecholaminergic surge.
neural development. The surge can cause seizures, neurogenic pulmonary
edema, and myocardial injury. Manifestations include
fever, tachycardia, hypertension, tachypnea, hyperhidro-
sis, pupillary dilatation, and ushing.
This syndrome presents with excess sweating of the Drugs and toxins may also be responsible, including
palms of the hands and soles of the feet. The disorder sympathomimetics such as phenylpropanolamine, cocaine,
affects 0.61.0% of the population; the etiology is amphetamines, and tricyclic antidepressants; tetanus; and,
unclear, but there may be a genetic component. While less often, botulinum. Phenylpropanolamine, now off the
not dangerous, the condition can be socially embarrass- market, was in the past a potent cause of this syndrome.
ing (e.g., shaking hands) or disabling (e.g., inability to Cocaine, including crack, can cause a hypertensive state
write without soiling the paper). Onset of symptoms is with CNS hyperstimulation. Tricyclic overdose, such as
usually in adolescence; the condition tends to improve amitriptyline, can cause ushing, hypertension, tachycar-
with age.Topical antiperspirants are occasionally helpful. dia, fever, mydriasis, anhidrosis, and a toxic psychosis.
More useful are potent anticholinergic drugs such as Neuroleptic malignant syndrome refers to a syndrome of mus-
glycopyrrolate (12 mg po tid). T2 ganglionectomy or cle rigidity, hyperthermia, and hypertension in psychotic
sympathectomy is successful in >90% of patients with patients treated with phenothiazines.
The hyperadrenergic state with Guillain-Barr syndrome CRPS type I (RSD) has classically been divided into 375
can produce a moderate autonomic storm. Pheochromo- three clinical phases but is now considered to be more
cytoma presents with a paroxysmal or sustained hypera- variable. Phase I consists of pain and swelling in the dis-
drenergic state, headache, hyperhidrosis, palpitations, tal extremity occurring within weeks to 3 months after
anxiety, tremulousness, and hypertension. the precipitating event. The pain is diffuse, spontaneous,
Management of autonomic storm includes ruling out and either burning, throbbing, or aching in quality. The
other causes of autonomic instability, including malignant involved extremity is warm and edematous, and the
hyperthermia, porphyria, and epilepsy. Sepsis and encephali- joints are tender. Increased sweating and hair growth
tis need to be excluded with appropriate studies. EEG develop. In phase II (36 months after onset), thin, shiny,
should be done to detect epileptiform activity; MRI of cool skin appears. After an additional 36 months (phase
the brain and spine are often necessary.The patient should III), atrophy of the skin and subcutaneous tissue plus
be managed in an intensive care unit. Management with exion contractures complete the clinical picture.
morphine sulphate (10 mg every 4 h) and labetalol The natural history of typical CRPS may be more
(100200 mg twice daily) have worked relatively well. benign than reected in the literature. A variety of sur-
Treatment may need to be maintained for several weeks. gical and medical treatments have been developed, with
conicting reports of efcacy. Clinical trials suggest that
early mobilization with physical therapy or a brief
course of glucocorticoids may be helpful for CRPS type
Other conditions associated with autonomic failure I. Other medical treatments include the use of adrener-
include infections, poisoning (organophosphates), malig- gic blockers, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
nancy, and aging. Disorders of the hypothalamus can calcium channel blockers, phenytoin, opioids, and calci-
affect autonomic function and produce abnormalities in tonin. Stellate ganglion blockade is a commonly used
temperature control, satiety, sexual function, and circa- invasive therapeutic technique that often provides tem-
meq of Na+) each 24 h is essential. Sleeping with the The subcutaneous dose ranges from 25 g bid to
head of the bed elevated will minimize the effects of 100200 g tid.
supine nocturnal hypertension. Prolonged recumbency The patient should be taught to self-treat transient
should be avoided when possible. Patients are advised worsening of OH. Drinking two 250-mL (8-oz) glasses of
to sit with legs dangling over the edge of the bed for water can raise standing BP 2030 mm Hg for about 2 h,
several minutes before attempting to stand in the morn- beginning ~20 min after the uid load. The patient can
ing; other postural stresses should be similarly increase intake of salt and uids (bouillon treatment),
approached in a gradual manner. Physical counterma- increase use of physical countermaneuvers, temporarily
neuvers that can reduce OH include leg-crossing, with resort to a full-body stocking (compression pressure
maintained contraction of leg muscles for 30 s. Such 3040 mm Hg), or increase the dose of midodrine.
maneuvers compress leg veins and increase systemic Supine hypertension (>180/110 mm Hg) can be self-
resistance. Compressive garments, such as compression treated by avoiding the supine position and reducing
stockings and abdominal binders, are helpful on occa- udrocortisone. A daily glass of wine, if requested by the
sion but uncomfortable for some patients. Anemia should patient, can be taken shortly before bedtime. If these
be corrected with erythropoietin, administered subcuta- simple measures are not adequate, drugs to be consid-
neously at doses of 2575 U/kg three times per week.The ered include oral hydralazine (25 mg qhs), oral procardia
hematocrit increases after 26 weeks. A weekly mainte- (10 mg qhs), or a nitroglycerin patch.
nance dose is usually necessary. The increased intravas-
cular volume that accompanies the rise in hematocrit
can exacerbate supine hypertension. FURTHER READINGS
If these measures are not sufcient, drug treatment
may be necessary. Midodrine is effective, but at higher LOW PA et al: Postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS). J Cardiovasc
Electrophysiol 20:352, 2009
doses it can aggravate supine hypertension. The drug is
_______, SINGER W: Management of neurogenic orthostatic hypoten-
a directly acting 1-agonist that does not cross the sion: an update. Lancet Neurol 7:451, 2008
blood-brain barrier. It has a duration of action of 24 h. POEWE W: Dysautonomia and cognitive dysfunction in Parkinsons
The usual dose is 510 mg orally tid, but some patients disease. Mov Disord Suppl 17:S374, 2007
respond best to a decremental dose (e.g., 15 mg on SCHROEDER C et al: Plasma exchange for primary autoimmune
awakening, 10 mg at noon, and 5 mg in the afternoon). autonomic failure. N Engl J Med 353:1585, 2005
Midodrine should not be taken after 6 P.M. Side effects VINIK AI, ZIEGLER D: Diabetic cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy.
Circulation 115:387, 2007
M. Flint Beal Stephen L. Hauser
Symptoms and signs of cranial nerve pathology are a few seconds or a minute or two but may be so intense
common in internal medicine. They often develop in that the patient winces, hence the term tic. The parox-
the context of a widespread neurologic disturbance, and ysms, experienced as single jabs or clusters, tend to recur
in such situations cranial nerve involvement may repre- frequently, both day and night, for several weeks at a
sent the initial manifestation of the illness. In other dis- time. They may occur spontaneously or with move-
orders, involvement is largely restricted to one or several ments of affected areas evoked by speaking, chewing, or
cranial nerves; these distinctive disorders are reviewed in smiling. Another characteristic feature is the presence of
this chapter. Disorders of ocular movement are discussed trigger zones, typically on the face, lips, or tongue, that
in Chap. 17, disorders of hearing in Chap. 18, and ver- provoke attacks; patients may report that tactile stimuli
tigo and disorders of vestibular function in Chap. 9. e.g. washing the face, brushing the teeth, or exposure to
a draft of airgenerate excruciating pain. An essential
feature of trigeminal neuralgia is that objective signs of sensory
loss cannot be demonstrated on examination.
ANATOMIC CONSIDERATIONS Trigeminal neuralgia is relatively common, with an
estimated annual incidence of 4.5 per 100,000 individu-
The trigeminal (fifth cranial) nerve supplies sensation als. Middle-aged and elderly persons are affected primar-
to the skin of the face and anterior half of the head ily, and ~60% of cases occur in women. Onset is typically
(Fig. 29-1). Its motor part innervates the masseter and sudden, and bouts tend to persist for weeks or months
pterygoid masticatory muscles. before remitting spontaneously. Remissions may be
long-lasting, but in most patients the disorder ultimately
Clinical Manifestations Pathophysiology
Trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by excruciating Symptoms result from ectopic generation of action
paroxysms of pain in the lips, gums, cheek, or chin and, potentials in pain-sensitive afferent bers of the fth
very rarely, in the distribution of the ophthalmic divi- cranial nerve root just before it enters the lateral surface
sion of the fth nerve. The pain seldom lasts more than of the pons. Compression or other pathology in the
378 produce objective signs of sensory loss in the trigeminal
ic (V1) nerve distribution (trigeminal neuropathy, see below).
Laboratory Evaluation
An ESR is indicated if temporal arteritis is suspected. In
typical cases of trigeminal neuralgia, neuroimaging studies
(V C2
are usually unnecessary but may be valuable if multiple
n dib
C4 Treatment:
hyperexcitable and electrically coupled with smaller locytosis are the most important side effects of carba-
unmyelinated or poorly myelinated pain bers in close mazepine. If treatment is effective, it is usually continued
proximity; this may explain why tactile stimuli, conveyed for 1 month and then tapered as tolerated. If carba-
via the large myelinated bers, can stimulate paroxysms mazepine is not well tolerated or is ineffective, phenytoin,
of pain. Compression of the trigeminal nerve root by a 300400 mg daily, can be tried; other anticonvulsants
blood vessel, most often the superior cerebellar artery or may also be effective. Baclofen may also be administered,
on occasion a tortuous vein, is the source of trigeminal either alone or in combination with carbamazepine or
neuralgia in a substantial proportion of patients. In cases phenytoin. The initial dose is 510 mg tid, gradually
of vascular compression, age-related brain sagging and increasing as needed to 20 mg qid.
increased vascular thickness and tortuosity may explain If drug treatment fails, surgical therapy should be
the prevalence of trigeminal neuralgia in later life. offered. The most widely applied procedure creates a
heat lesion of the trigeminal (gasserian) ganglion or
Differential Diagnosis nerve, a method termed radiofrequency thermal rhizo-
tomy. This procedure produces short-term relief in >95%
Trigeminal neuralgia must be discriminated from other
of patients; however, long-term studies indicate that
causes of face and head pain (Chap. 6) and from pain
pain recurs in up to one-third of treated patients. These
arising from diseases of the jaw, teeth, or sinuses. Pain
procedures result in partial numbness of the face,
from migraine or cluster headache tends to be deep-
sometimes with unpleasant dysesthesias. Masseter (jaw)
seated and steady, unlike the supercial stabbing quality
weakness is another potential complication, especially
of trigeminal neuralgia; rarely, cluster headache is associ-
following bilateral procedures. When used for first-
ated with trigeminal neuralgia, a syndrome known as
division trigeminal neuralgia, there is also a risk of
cluster-tic. In temporal arteritis, supercial facial pain is
corneal denervation with secondary keratitis.
present but is not typically shocklike, the patient fre-
Gamma knife radiosurgery is also utilized for treat-
quently complains of myalgias and other systemic symp-
ment and results in complete pain relief in more than
toms, and an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate
two-thirds of patients; the response is often long-lasting.
(ESR) is usually present. When trigeminal neuralgia
Compared with thermal rhizotomy, gamma knife
develops in a young adult or is bilateral, multiple sclero-
surgery appears to be somewhat less effective but has a
sis is a key consideration, and in such cases the cause is a
lower risk of serious complications.
demyelinating plaque at the root entry zone of the fth
A third surgical treatment, microvascular decompres-
nerve in the pons; often, evidence of facial sensory loss
sion to relieve pressure on the trigeminal nerve as it
can be found on careful examination. Cases that are sec-
exits the pons, requires a suboccipital craniotomy. This
ondary to mass lesionssuch as aneurysms, neurobro-
procedure has >70% efcacy rate and a low rate of pain
mas, acoustic schwannomas, or meningiomasusually
recurrence in responders; in a small number of cases, Rarely, an idiopathic form of trigeminal neuropathy is 379
there is perioperative damage to the eighth or seventh observed. It is characterized by numbness and paresthe-
cranial nerves or to the cerebellum. High-resolution sias, sometimes bilaterally, with loss of sensation in the
magnetic resonance angiography is useful preopera- territory of the trigeminal nerve but without weakness
tively to visualize the relationships between the fth of the jaw. Gradual recovery is the rule. Tonic spasm of
cranial nerve root and nearby blood vessels. the masticatory muscles, known as trismus, is sympto-
matic of tetanus or may occur in patients treated with
phenothiazine drugs.
A variety of diseases may affect the trigeminal nerve
(Table 29-1). Most present with sensory loss on the ANATOMIC CONSIDERATIONS
face or with weakness of the jaw muscles. Deviation of (Fig. 29-2) The seventh cranial nerve supplies all the
the jaw on opening indicates weakness of the pterygoids muscles concerned with facial expression. The sensory
on the side to which the jaw deviates. Some cases are component is small (the nervus intermedius); it conveys
due to Sjgrens syndrome or a collagen-vascular disease taste sensation from the anterior two-thirds of the
such as systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, or tongue and probably cutaneous impulses from the ante-
mixed connective tissue disease. Among infectious rior wall of the external auditory canal. The motor
causes, herpes zoster and leprosy should be considered. nucleus of the seventh nerve lies anterior and lateral to
Tumors of the middle cranial fossa (meningiomas), of the abducens nucleus. After leaving the pons, the seventh
the trigeminal nerve (schwannomas), or of the base of nerve enters the internal auditory meatus with the
the skull (metastatic tumors) may cause a combination acoustic nerve.The nerve continues its course in its own
nucleus Geniculate Major superficial
Motor nucleus ganglion petrosal nerve Lacrimal gland
TABLE 29-1 VI n. Trigeminal
V n. ganglion
VII n. 1
Nuclear (brainstem) lesions Peripheral nerve lesions 2
Nucleus 3
Multiple sclerosis Nasopharyngeal carcinoma C
fasciculus Pterygopalatine
solitarius VII n. B
Stroke Trauma ganglion
tory and vestibular nerves, causing deafness, tinnitus, or vation of this virus in the geniculate ganglion may be
dizziness. Intrapontine lesions that paralyze the face usu- responsible. However, a causal role for HSV in Bells
ally affect the abducens nucleus as well, and often the palsy is unproven. An increased incidence of Bells palsy
corticospinal and sensory tracts. was also reported among recipients of inactivated
If the peripheral facial paralysis has existed for some intranasal inuenza vaccine, and it was hypothesized
time and recovery of motor function is incomplete, a that this could have resulted from the Escherichia coli
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
continuous diffuse contraction of facial muscles may enterotoxin used as adjuvant or to reactivation of latent
appear.The palpebral ssure becomes narrowed, and the virus.
nasolabial fold deepens. Attempts to move one group of
facial muscles may result in contraction of all (associated
movements, or synkinesis). Facial spasms, initiated by Differential Diagnosis
movements of the face, may develop (hemifacial spasm).
Anomalous regeneration of seventh nerve bers may There are many other causes of acute facial palsy that
result in other troublesome phenomena. If bers origi- must be considered in the differential diagnosis of Bells
nally connected with the orbicularis oculi come to palsy. Lyme disease can cause unilateral or bilateral facial
innervate the orbicularis oris, closure of the lids may palsies; in endemic areas, 10% or more of cases of facial
cause a retraction of the mouth, or if bers originally palsy are likely due to infection with Borrelia burgdorferi.
connected with muscles of the face later innervate the The Ramsay Hunt syndrome, caused by reactivation of
lacrimal gland, anomalous tearing (crocodile tears) herpes zoster in the geniculate ganglion, consists of a
may occur with any activity of the facial muscles, such as severe facial palsy associated with a vesicular eruption in
eating. Another facial synkinesia is triggered by jaw the external auditory canal and sometimes in the phar-
opening, causing closure of the eyelids on the side of the ynx and other parts of the cranial integument; often the
facial palsy (jaw-winking). eighth cranial nerve is affected as well. Facial palsy that is
often bilateral occurs in sarcoidosis and in Guillain-Barr
syndrome (Chap. 41). Leprosy frequently involves the
BELLS PALSY facial nerve, and facial neuropathy may also occur in
diabetes mellitus, connective tissue diseases including
The most common form of facial paralysis is Bells palsy. Sjgrens syndrome, and amyloidosis.The rare Melkersson-
The annual incidence of this idiopathic disorder is ~25 per Rosenthal syndrome consists of recurrent facial paralysis;
100,000 annually, or about 1 in 60 persons in a lifetime. recurrentand eventually permanentfacial (particu-
larly labial) edema; and, less constantly, plication of the
tongue. Its cause is unknown. Acoustic neuromas fre-
Clinical Manifestations quently involve the facial nerve by local compression.
The onset of Bells palsy is fairly abrupt, maximal weak- Infarcts, demyelinating lesions of multiple sclerosis, and
ness being attained by 48 h as a general rule. Pain behind tumors are the common pontine lesions that interrupt
the ear may precede the paralysis for a day or two. Taste the facial nerve bers; other signs of brainstem involve-
sensation may be lost unilaterally, and hyperacusis may be ment are usually present.Tumors that invade the tempo-
present. In some cases there is mild cerebrospinal uid ral bone (carotid body, cholesteatoma, dermoid) may
produce a facial palsy, but the onset is insidious and the 381
course progressive. Treatment:
All these forms of nuclear or peripheral facial palsy must BELLS PALSY
be discriminated from the supranuclear type. In the latter, Symptomatic measures include (1) the use of paper
the frontalis and orbicularis oculi muscles are involved less tape to depress the upper eyelid during sleep and pre-
than those of the lower part of the face, since the upper vent corneal drying, and (2) massage of the weakened
facial muscles are innervated by corticobulbar pathways muscles. A course of glucocorticoids, given as pred-
from both motor cortices, whereas the lower facial muscles nisone 6080 mg daily during the rst 5 days and then
are innervated only by the opposite hemisphere. In tapered over the next 5 days, appears to shorten the
supranuclear lesions there may be a dissociation of emo- recovery period and modestly improve the functional
tional and voluntary facial movements and often some outcome. A recently published randomized trial found
degree of paralysis of the arm and leg, or an aphasia (in no added benet of acyclovir (400 mg ve times daily
dominant hemisphere lesions) is present. for 10 days) in comparison with prednisolone alone for
treatment of acute Bells palsy; the value of valacyclovir
(usual dose 1000 mg daily for 57 days) either alone or
Laboratory Evaluation in combination with glucocorticoids is not known.
The diagnosis of Bells palsy can usually be made clini-
cally in patients with (1) a typical presentation, (2) no risk
factors or preexisting symptoms for other causes of facial
paralysis, (3) absence of cutaneous lesions of herpes zoster
in the external ear canal, and (4) a normal neurologic Hemifacial spasm consists of painless irregular involuntary
examination with the exception of the facial nerve. Par- contractions on one side of the face. Symptoms may
ticular attention to the eighth cranial nerve, which develop as a sequela to Bells palsy but may also be due
Axial and coronal T1 weighted images post-Gadolinium with without evidence of mass lesion. Although highly suggestive
fat suppression demonstrate diffuse smooth linear enhance- of Bells palsy, similar ndings may be seen with other etiolo-
ment of the left facial nerve, involving the genu, tympanic, gies such as Lyme disease, sarcoidosis, and perineural
and mastoid segments within the temporal bone (arrows), malignant spread.
382 usually respond to surgical decompression of the facial ear because of involvement of the tympanic branch of the
nerve. Blepharospasm is an involuntary recurrent spasm of glossopharyngeal nerve. Spasms of pain may be initiated
both eyelids that usually occurs in elderly persons as an by swallowing or coughing. There is no demonstrable
isolated phenomenon or with varying degrees of spasm motor or sensory decit; the glossopharyngeal nerve sup-
of other facial muscles. Severe, persistent cases of ble- plies taste sensation to the posterior third of the tongue
pharospasm can be treated by local injection of botu- and, together with the vagus nerve, sensation to the pos-
linum toxin into the orbicularis oculi. Facial myokymia terior pharynx. Cardiac symptomsbradycardia or asys-
refers to a ne rippling activity of the facial muscles; it tole, hypotension, and faintinghave been reported.
may be caused by multiple sclerosis or follow Guillain- Medical therapy is similar to that for trigeminal neuralgia,
Barr syndrome (Chap. 41). and carbamazepine is generally the rst choice. If drug
Facial hemiatrophy occurs mainly in women and is therapy is unsuccessful, surgical proceduresincluding
characterized by a disappearance of fat in the dermal microvascular decompression if vascular compression is
and subcutaneous tissues on one side of the face. It usu- evidentor rhizotomy of glossopharyngeal and vagal
ally begins in adolescence or early adult years and is bers in the jugular bulb is frequently successful.
slowly progressive. In its advanced form, the affected side Very rarely, herpes zoster involves the glossopharyn-
of the face is gaunt, and the skin is thin, wrinkled, and geal nerve. Glossopharyngeal neuropathy in conjunction
brown. The facial hair may turn white and fall out, and with vagus and accessory nerve palsies may also occur
the sebaceous glands become atrophic. Bilateral involve- with a tumor or aneurysm in the posterior fossa or in
ment may occur. A limited form of systemic sclerosis the jugular foramen. Hoarseness due to vocal cord paral-
(scleroderma) may be the cause of some cases.Treatment ysis, some difculty in swallowing, deviation of the soft
is cosmetic, consisting of transplantation of skin and sub- palate to the intact side, anesthesia of the posterior wall
cutaneous fat. of the pharynx, and weakness of the upper part of the
trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles make up the
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
TABLE 29-2
Sphenoid ssure III, IV, rst division V, VI Invasive tumors of sphenoid bone; aneurysms
(superior orbital)
Lateral wall of cavernous sinus III, IV, rst division V, VI, Infection, thrombosis, aneurysm, or stula of
often with proptosis cavernous sinus; invasive tumors from sinuses and
sella turcica; benign granuloma responsive to
Retrosphenoid space II, III, IV, V, VI Large tumors of middle cranial fossa
Apex of petrous bone V, VI Petrositis; tumors of petrous bone
Internal auditory meatus VII, VIII Tumors of petrous bone (dermoids, etc.); infectious
processes; acoustic neuroma
Pontocerebellar angle V, VII, VIII, and sometimes IX Acoustic neuroma; meningioma
Jugular foramen IX, X, XI Tumors and aneurysms
Posterior laterocondylar space IX, X, XI, XII Tumors of parotid gland and carotid body and
metastatic tumors
Posterior retroparotid space IX, X, XI, XII and Horner Tumors of parotid gland, carotid body, lymph nodes;
syndrome metastatic tumor; tuberculous adenitis
vocal cord lies immobile midway between abduction and TONGUE PARALYSIS 383
adduction. Loss of sensation at the external auditory
The hypoglossal (twelfth cranial) nerve supplies the ipsi-
meatus and the posterior pinna may also be present.
lateral muscles of the tongue. The nucleus of the nerve
The pharyngeal branches of both vagal nerves may be
or its bers of exit may be involved by intramedullary
affected in diphtheria; the voice has a nasal quality, and
lesions such as tumor, poliomyelitis, or most often motor
regurgitation of liquids through the nose occurs during
neuron disease. Lesions of the basal meninges and the
the act of swallowing.
occipital bones (platybasia, invagination of occipital
The vagus nerve may be involved at the meningeal
condyles, Pagets disease) may compress the nerve in its
level by neoplastic and infectious processes and within
extramedullary course or in the hypoglossal canal. Iso-
the medulla by tumors, vascular lesions (e.g., the lateral
lated lesions of unknown cause can occur. Atrophy and
medullary syndrome), and motor neuron disease. This
fasciculation of the tongue develop weeks to months
nerve may be involved by infection with herpes zoster
after interruption of the nerve.
virus. Polymyositis and dermatomyositis, which cause
hoarseness and dysphagia by direct involvement of
laryngeal and pharyngeal muscles, may be confused with
diseases of the vagus nerves. Dysphagia is also a symp- MULTIPLE CRANIAL NERVE PALSIES
tom in some patients with myotonic dystrophy.
The recurrent laryngeal nerves, especially the left, are Several cranial nerves may be affected by the same dis-
most often damaged as a result of intrathoracic disease. ease process. In this situation, the main clinical problem
Aneurysm of the aortic arch, an enlarged left atrium, is to determine whether the lesion lies within the brain-
and tumors of the mediastinum and bronchi are much stem or outside it. Lesions that lie on the surface of the
more frequent causes of an isolated vocal cord palsy brainstem are characterized by involvement of adjacent
than are intracranial disorders. However, a substantial cranial nerves (often occurring in succession) and late
trating the location of the cranial nerves in relation to the vas- ized by MRI. The syndrome is frequently responsive to
cular sinus, internal carotid artery (which loops anteriorly to glucocorticoids.
the section), and surrounding structures.
The authors acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Joseph B.
The cavernous sinus syndrome (Fig. 29-4) is a distinctive
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Acute and Subacute Spinal Cord Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 Subacute Combined Degeneration
Compressive Myelopathies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389 (Vitamin B12 Deciency) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
Noncompressive Myelopathies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392 Hypocupric Myelopathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
Chronic Myelopathies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 Tabes Dorsalis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
Spondylitic Myelopathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 Familial Spastic Paraplegia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
Vascular Malformations of the Cord and Dura . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 Adrenomyeloneuropathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
Retrovirus-Associated Myelopathies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 Other Chronic Myelopathies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
Syringomyelia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
Chronic Myelopathy of Multiple Sclerosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396 Further Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
Diseases of the spinal cord are frequently devastating. neurons that innervate the upper and lower extremi-
They produce quadriplegia, paraplegia, and sensory ties, respectively, are located. The white matter tracts
decits far beyond the damage they would inict else- containing ascending sensory and descending motor
where in the nervous system because the spinal cord pathways are located peripherally, whereas nerve cell
contains, in a small cross-sectional area, almost the entire bodies are clustered in an inner region shaped like a
motor output and sensory input of the trunk and limbs. four-leaf clover that surrounds the central canal
Many spinal cord diseases are reversible if recognized (anatomically an extension of the fourth ventricle).
and treated at an early stage (Table 30-1); thus, they are The membranes that cover the spinal cordthe pia,
among the most critical of neurologic emergencies. The arachnoid, and duraare continuous with those of
efcient use of diagnostic procedures, guided by knowl- the brain.
edge of the anatomy and the clinical features of spinal The spinal cord has 31 segments, each dened by an
cord diseases, is required for a successful outcome. exiting ventral motor root and entering dorsal sensory
root. During embryologic development, growth of the
cord lags behind that of the vertebral column, and the
Approach to the Patient:
mature spinal cord ends at approximately the rst lum-
SPINAL CORD DISEASE bar vertebral body. The lower spinal nerves take an
increasingly downward course to exit via intervertebral
SPINAL CORD ANATOMY RELEVANT TO foramina.The rst seven pairs of cervical spinal nerves
CLINICAL SIGNS The spinal cord is a thin, tubular exit above the same-numbered vertebral bodies, whereas
extension of the central nervous system contained all the subsequent nerves exit below the same-num-
within the bony spinal canal. It originates at the bered vertebral bodies because of the presence of eight
medulla and continues caudally to the conus cervical spinal cord segments but only seven cervical
medullaris at the lumbar level; its brous extension, the vertebrae.The relationship between spinal cord segments
lum terminale, terminates at the coccyx. The adult and the corresponding vertebral bodies is shown in
spinal cord is ~46 cm (18 in.) long, oval in shape, and Table 30-2.These relationships assume particular impor-
enlarged in the cervical and lumbar regions, where tance for localization of lesions that cause spinal cord
386 TABLE 30-1
Determining the Level of the Lesion The
TREATABLE SPINAL CORD DISORDERS presence of a horizontally dened level below which
Compressive sensory, motor, and autonomic function is impaired is
Epidural, intradural, or intramedullary neoplasm a hallmark of spinal cord disease. This sensory level is
Epidural abscess sought by asking the patient to identify a pinprick or
Epidural hemorrhage cold stimulus (e.g., a dry tuning fork after immersion
Cervical spondylosis
in cold water) applied to the proximal legs and lower
Herniated disc
Posttraumatic compression by fractured or displaced
trunk and sequentially moved up toward the neck on
vertebra or hemorrhage each side. The sensory level indicates damage to the
Vascular spinothalamic tract one to two segments above the
Arteriovenous malformation perceived level of a unilateral spinal cord lesion and at
Antiphospholipid syndrome and other hypercoagulable the level of a bilateral lesion. That is the result of the
states ascent of second-order sensory bers, which origi-
Inammatory nate in the dorsal horn, proceed to cross anterior to
Multiple sclerosis
Neuromyelitis optica
the central canal while ascending to join the opposite
Transverse myelitis spinothalamic tract. Lesions that transect the descend-
ing corticospinal and other motor tracts cause para-
Vasculitis plegia or quadriplegia, with the evolution over time
Infectious of increased muscle tone, heightened deep tendon
Viral: VZV, HSV-1 and -2, CMV, HIV, HTLV-I, others reexes, and Babinski signs (the upper motor neuron
Bacterial and mycobacterial: Borrelia, Listeria, syphilis, syndrome). Such lesions also typically produce auto-
nomic disturbances consisting of absent sweating
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
below the implicated cord level and bladder, bowel,
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
medullaris is the tapered caudal termination of the Most ber tractsincluding the posterior columns
spinal cord, comprising the lower sacral and single and the spinocerebellar and pyramidal tractsare sit-
coccygeal segments. The conus syndrome is distinc- uated on the side of the body they innervate. How-
tive, consisting of bilateral saddle anesthesia (S3-S5), ever, afferent bers mediating pain and temperature
prominent bladder and bowel dysfunction (urinary sensation ascend in the spinothalamic tract contralateral
retention and incontinence with lax anal tone), and to the side they supply.The anatomic congurations of
Fasciculus Fasciculus
cuneatus gracilis Anterior horn
Dorsal root
Dorsal (motor neurons)
spinocerebellar S
tract C
Ventral L/ Distal limb
(pyramidal tract)
spinocerebellar S
tract S
L Rubrospinal
C tract
S Lateral
P reticulospinal
Lateral E tract
S L T C Vestibulospinal
Pain, tract Axial and
temperature Ventral proximal
reticulospinal limb
Ventral tract movements
root Ventral Tectospinal
spinothalamic Ventral tract
tract (uncrossed)
Pressure, touch tract
(minor role)
Distal limb
(minor role)
Transverse section through the spinal cord, composite spinothalamic tracts (blue) ascend contralateral to the side of
representation, illustrating the principal ascending (left) the body that is innervated. C, cervical; T, thoracic; L, lumbar;
and descending (right) pathways. The lateral and ventral S, sacral; P, proximal; D, distal; F, exors, E, extensors.
388 these tracts produce characteristic syndromes that leg bers in the corticospinal tract. Intramedullary
provide clues to the underlying disease process. lesions tend to produce poorly localized burning pain
rather than radicular pain and spare sensation in the
Brown-Sequard Hemicord Syndrome This
perineal and sacral areas (sacral sparing), reecting
consists of ipsilateral weakness (corticospinal tract)
the laminated conguration of the spinothalamic
and loss of joint position and vibratory sense (poste-
tract with sacral bers outermost; corticospinal tract
rior column), with contralateral loss of pain and tem-
signs appear later. Regarding extramedullary lesions, a
perature sense (spinothalamic tract) one or two levels
further distinction is made between extradural and
below the lesion. Segmental signs, such as radicular
intradural masses, as the former are generally malig-
pain, muscle atrophy, or loss of a deep tendon reex,
nant and the latter benign (neurobroma being a
are unilateral. This classical pattern is rare, and partial
common cause). Consequently, a long duration of
forms are more commonly encountered.
symptoms favors an intradural origin.
Central Cord Syndrome The central cord syn-
drome results from damage to the gray matter nerve
cells and crossing spinothalamic tracts near the central
canal. In the cervical cord, the central cord syndrome
produces arm weakness out of proportion to leg weak-
from aortic dissection) are the main causes. or a devastating functional transection of the cord. Par-
Anterior Spinal Artery Syndrome Infarction tial lesions selectively involve the posterior columns or
of the cord is generally the result of occlusion or anterior spinothalamic tracts or are limited to one side
diminished ow in this artery. The result is extensive of the cord. Paresthesias or numbness typically begins in
bilateral tissue destruction that spares the posterior the feet and ascends symmetrically or asymmetrically.
columns. All spinal cord functionsmotor, sensory, These symptoms initially simulate Guillain-Barr syn-
and autonomicare lost below the level of the drome, but involvement of the trunk with a sharply
lesion, with the striking exception of retained vibra- demarcated spinal cord level indicates the myelopathic
tion and position sensation. nature of the process. In severe and abrupt cases, areexia
reecting spinal shock may be present, but hyperreexia
Foramen Magnum Syndrome Lesions in this supervenes over days or weeks; persistent areexic paral-
area interrupt decussating pyramidal tract bers des- ysis with a sensory level indicates necrosis over multiple
tined for the legs, which cross caudal to those of the segments of the spinal cord.
arms, resulting in weakness of the legs (crural paresis).
Compressive lesions near the foramen magnum may
produce weakness of the ipsilateral shoulder and arm
followed by weakness of the ipsilateral leg, then the Approach to the Patient:
contralateral leg, and nally the contralateral arm, an COMPRESSIVE AND NONCOMPRESSIVE
around the clock pattern that may begin in any of MYELOPATHY
the four limbs. There is typically suboccipital pain
spreading to the neck and shoulders. DISTINGUISHING COMPRESSIVE FROM
Intramedullary and Extramedullary Syn- priority is to exclude a treatable compression of the
dromes It is useful to differentiate intramedullary cord by a mass.The common causes are tumor, epidural
processes, arising within the substance of the cord, abscess or hematoma, herniated disc, or vertebral
from extramedullary ones that compress the spinal cord pathology. Epidural compression due to malignancy or
or its vascular supply. The differentiating features are abscess often causes warning signs of neck or back
only relative and serve as clinical guides. With pain, bladder disturbances, and sensory symptoms that
extramedullary lesions, radicular pain is often promi- precede the development of paralysis. Spinal subluxa-
nent, and there is early sacral sensory loss (lateral tion, hemorrhage, and noncompressive etiologies such
spinothalamic tract) and spastic weakness in the legs as infarction are more likely to produce myelopathy
(corticospinal tract) due to the supercial location of without antecedent symptoms. MRI with gadolinium
infusion, centered on the clinically suspected level, is 389
the initial diagnostic procedure; in some cases it is
appropriate to image the entire spine (cervical through
sacral regions) to search for additional clinically silent
lesions. Once compressive lesions have been excluded,
noncompressive causes of acute myelopathy that are
intrinsic to the cord are considered, primarily vascular,
inammatory, and infectious etiologies.
Neoplastic Spinal Cord Compression
In adults, most neoplasms are epidural in origin, result-
ing from metastases to the adjacent spinal bones. The A B
propensity of solid tumors to metastasize to the vertebral FIGURE 30-2
column probably reects the high proportion of bone Epidural spinal cord compression due to breast carci-
marrow located in the axial skeleton. Almost any malig- noma. Sagittal T1-weighted (A) and T2-weighted (B) MRI
nant tumor can metastasize to the spinal column, with scans through the cervicothoracic junction reveal an inl-
breast, lung, prostate, kidney, lymphoma, and plasma cell trated and collapsed second thoracic vertebral body with
dyscrasia being particularly frequent. The thoracic cord posterior displacement and compression of the upper tho-
is most commonly involved; exceptions are metastases racic spinal cord. The low-intensity bone marrow signal in
A signies replacement by tumor.
FIGURE 30-3 MRI of an intramedullary astrocytoma. Sagittal T1-weighted
MRI of a thoracic meningioma. Coronal T1-weighted post- post-contrast image through the cervical spine demonstrates
contrast image through the thoracic spinal cord demonstrates expansion of the upper cervical spine by a mass lesion ema-
intense and uniform enhancement of a well-circumscribed nating from within the spinal cord at the cervicomedullary
extramedullary mass (arrows) which displaces the spinal cord junction. Irregular peripheral enhancement occurs within the
to the left. mass (arrows).
pattern. The duration of pain prior to presentation is question of associated meningitis, a feature that is found 391
generally 2 weeks but may on occasion be several in <25% of cases. The level of the puncture should be
months or longer. Fever is usual, accompanied by ele- planned to minimize the risk of meningitis due to passage
vated white blood cell count and sedimentation rate. As of the needle through infected tissue or herniation due to
the abscess expands, further spinal cord damage results decompression below an area of obstruction to the ow
from venous congestion and thrombosis. Once weakness of cerebrospinal uid (CSF). A high cervical tap is often
and other signs of myelopathy appear, progression may the safest approach. CSF abnormalities in subdural abscess
be rapid. A more chronic sterile granulomatous form of consist of pleocytosis with a preponderance of polymor-
abscess is also known, usually after treatment of an acute phonuclear cells, an elevated protein level, and a reduced
epidural infection. glucose level, but the responsible organism is not cultured
Risk factors include an impaired immune status (dia- unless there is associated meningitis. Blood cultures are
betes mellitus, renal failure, alcoholism, malignancy), positive in <25% of cases.
intravenous drug abuse, and infections of the skin or
other tissues. Two-thirds of epidural infections result
from hematogenous spread of bacteria from the skin
(furunculosis), soft tissue (pharyngeal or dental abscesses),
or deep viscera (bacterial endocarditis). The remainder Treatment:
arise from direct extension of a local infection to the
subdural space; examples of local predisposing condi- Treatment is by decompressive laminectomy with
tions are vertebral osteomyelitis, decubitus ulcers, lumbar debridement combined with long-term antibiotic treat-
puncture, epidural anesthesia, or spinal surgery. Most cases ment. Surgical evacuation prevents development of
are due to Staphylococcus aureus; gram-negative bacilli, paralysis and may improve or reverse paralysis in evolu-
Streptococcus, anaerobes, and fungi can also cause epidural tion, but it is unlikely to improve decits of more than
Inammatory and Immune Myelopathies
(Myelitis) (Chap. 34). A specic serum antibody test is available.
NMO is also associated with SLE and antiphospholipid
This broad category includes MS and postinfectious antibodies (see earlier) as well as with other connective
myelitis, both of which are demyelinating in nature (see tissue diseases.
later), as well as connective tissue disease. In approximately MRI ndings in MS-associated myelitis typically con-
one-quarter of cases of myelitis, no underlying cause can sist of mild swelling and edema of the cord and diffuse or
be identied. Some will later manifest additional symp-
viral myelitis, but HSV types 1 and 2, EBV, CMV, and lar, myelopathic, or combined signs may predominate.
rabies virus are other well-described causes. HSV-2 (and The diagnosis should be considered in cases of progres-
less commonly HSV-1) produces a distinctive syndrome sive cervical myelopathy, paresthesias of the feet and
of recurrent sacral myelitis in association with outbreaks hands, or wasting of the hands.
of genital herpes mimicking MS. Poliomyelitis is the Diagnosis is made by MRI or myelography. Extrinsic
prototypic viral myelitis, but it is more or less restricted cord compression and deformation is appreciated on axial
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
to the gray matter of the cord. Chronic viral myelitic MRI views, and T2-weighted sequences may reveal
infections, such as that due to HIV, are discussed below. areas of high signal intensity within the cord adjacent to
Bacterial and mycobacterial myelitis (most are essen- the site of compression. A cervical collar may be helpful
tially abscesses) are far less common than viral causes. in milder cases, but denitive therapy consists of surgical
Almost any pathogenic species may be responsible, decompression. Posterior laminectomy or an anterior
including Listeria monocytogenes, Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme approach with resection of the protruded disc and bony
disease), and Treponema pallidum (syphilis). Mycoplasma material may be required. Cervical spondylosis and
pneumoniae may be a cause of myelitis, but its status is related degenerative diseases of the spine are discussed in
uncertain since many cases are more properly classied Chap. 7.
as postinfectious.
Schistosomiasis is an important cause of parasitic
myelitis in endemic areas.The process is intensely inam-
matory and granulomatous, caused by a local response to
tissue-digesting enzymes from the ova of the parasite. Although uncommon, vascular malformations of the cord
Toxoplasmosis can occasionally cause a focal myelopathy, and overlying dura are treatable causes of progressive
and this diagnosis should be considered, particularly in myelopathy. True arteriovenous malformations (AVMs)
patients with AIDS, Chap. 37). are located posteriorly along the surface of the cord or
In cases of suspected viral myelitis, it may be appro- within the dura, where they are more properly classied
priate to begin specic therapy pending laboratory con- as stulas. Most are at or below the midthoracic level.The
rmation. Herpes zoster, HSV, and EBV myelitis are typical presentation is a middle-aged man with a progres-
treated with intravenous acyclovir (10 mg/kg q8h) or sive myelopathy that worsens slowly or intermittently and
oral valacyclovir (2 gm tid) for 1014 days; CMV with may have periods of apparent remission resembling MS.
ganciclovir (5 mg/kg IV bid) plus foscarnet (60 mg/kg Acute deterioration due to hemorrhage into the spinal
IV tid), or cidofovir (5 mg/kg per week for 2 weeks). cord or subarachnoid space may also occur but is rare. A
saltatory progression is most common and is the result of
local ischemia and edema from venous congestion. Most
CHRONIC MYELOPATHIES patients have incomplete sensory, motor, and bladder dis-
turbances. The motor disorder may predominate and
SPONDYLITIC MYELOPATHY produce a mixture of upper and restricted lower motor
Spondylitic myelopathy is one of the most common neuron signs, simulating amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
causes of gait difculty in the elderly. Neck and shoulder (ALS). Pain over the dorsal spine, dysesthesias, or radicular
pain with stiffness are early symptoms; impingement of pain may be present. Other symptoms suggestive of AVM
bone and soft tissue overgrowth on nerve roots results in include intermittent claudication, symptoms that change
with posture, exertion such as singing, menses, or fever. with variable sensory and bladder disturbance. Approxi- 395
A rare AVM process presents as a progressive thoracic mately half of patients have mild back or leg pain. The
myelopathy with paraparesis developing over weeks or neurologic signs may be asymmetric, often lacking a
several months, characterized pathologically by abnormally well-dened sensory level; the only sign in the arms
thick, hyalinized vessels within the cord (Foix-Alajouanine may be hyperreexia after several years of illness. The
syndrome). onset is insidious, and the illness is slowly progressive at
Spinal bruits are infrequent but should be sought at a variable rate; most patients are unable to walk within
rest and after exercise in suspected cases. High-resolution 10 years of onset. This presentation may resemble pri-
MRI with contrast administration detects many but not mary progressive MS or a thoracic AVM. Diagnosis is
all AVMs (Fig. 30-6). A small number not detected by made by demonstration of HTLV-Ispecic antibody in
MRI may be visualized by CT myelography as enlarged serum by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA),
vessels along the surface of the cord. Denitive diagnosis conrmed by radioimmunoprecipitation or western blot
requires selective spinal angiography, which denes the analysis. There is no effective treatment, but sympto-
feeding vessels and the extent of the malformation. matic therapy for spasticity and bladder symptoms may
Endovascular embolization of the major feeding vessels be helpful.
may stabilize a progressive neurologic decit or allow A progressive myelopathy may also result from HIV
for gradual recovery. infection (Chap. 37). It is characterized by vacuolar
degeneration of the posterior and lateral tracts, resem-
bling subacute combined degeneration (see later).
The myelopathy associated with the human T cell lym- SYRINGOMYELIA
photropic virus type I (HTLV-I), formerly called tropical
spastic paraparesis, is a slowly progressive spastic syndrome Syringomyelia is a developmental cavitary expansion of
FIGURE 30-7 A chronic progressive myelopathy is the most frequent
MRI of syringomyelia associated with a Chiari malforma- cause of disability in both primary progressive and sec-
tion. Sagittal T1-weighted image through the cervical and ondary progressive forms of MS. Involvement is typically
upper thoracic spine demonstrates descent of the cerebellar bilateral but asymmetric and produces motor, sensory,
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
tonsils and vermis below the level of the foramen magnum and bladder/bowel disturbances. Fixed motor disability
(black arrows). Within the substance of the cervical and tho- appears to result from extensive loss of axons in the cor-
racic spinal cord, a CSF collection dilates the central canal ticospinal tracts; thus, the symptoms are not simply due
(white arrows). to demyelination. Diagnosis is facilitated by identica-
tion of earlier attacks such as optic neuritis. MRI, CSF,
and evoked response testing are conrmatory. Therapy
or above). In cases with Chiari malformations, cough- with interferon , glatiramer acetate, or natalizumab is
induced headache and neck, arm, or facial pain are reported. indicated for patients with progressive myelopathy who
Extension of the syrinx into the medulla, syringobulbia, also have coexisting MS relapses. These therapies are
causes palatal or vocal cord paralysis, dysarthria, horizon- sometimes also offered to patients without relapses,
tal or vertical nystagmus, episodic dizziness, and tongue despite the lack of evidence supporting their value in
weakness. this setting. MS is discussed in Chap. 34.
MRI scans accurately identify developmental and
acquired syrinx cavities and their associated spinal cord
enlargement (Fig. 30-7). MRI scans of the brain and
the entire spinal cord should be obtained to delineate
the full longitudinal extent of the syrinx, assess posterior This treatable myelopathy presents with subacute paresthe-
fossa structures for the Chiari malformation, and deter- sias in the hands and feet, loss of vibration and position
mine whether hydrocephalus is present. sensation, and a progressive spastic and ataxic weakness.
Loss of reexes due to an associated peripheral neuropathy
in a patient who also has Babinski signs, is an important
diagnostic clue. Optic atrophy and irritability or other
Treatment: mental changes may be prominent in advanced cases and
SYRINGOMYELIA are rarely the presenting symptoms. The myelopathy of
Treatment of syringomyelia is generally unsatisfactory. subacute combined degeneration tends to be diffuse rather
The Chiari tonsillar herniation is usually decompressed, than focal; signs are generally symmetric and reect pre-
generally by suboccipital craniectomy, upper cervical dominant involvement of the posterior and lateral tracts,
laminectomy, and placement of a dural graft. Obstruc- including Rombergs sign. The diagnosis is conrmed by
tion of fourth ventricular outow is reestablished by this the nding of macrocytic red blood cells, a low serum B12
procedure. If the syrinx cavity is large, some surgeons concentration, elevated serum levels of homocysteine
recommend direct decompression or drainage by one and methylmalonic acid, and in uncertain cases a positive
Schilling test.Treatment is by replacement therapy, beginning
with 1000 g of intramuscular vitamin B12 repeated at insufciency beginning in childhood and then develop a 397
regular intervals or by subsequent oral treatment. progressive spastic (or ataxic) paraparesis beginning in
early adulthood; some patients also have a mild periph-
eral neuropathy. Female heterozygotes may develop a
slower, insidiously progressive spastic myelopathy begin-
This recently described myelopathy is virtually identical ning later in adulthood and without adrenal insuf-
to subacute combined degeneration (described above) ciency. Diagnosis is usually made by demonstration of
and probably explains many cases previously described elevated levels of very long chain fatty acids in plasma
with normal serum levels of B12. Low levels of serum and in cultured broblasts.The responsible gene encodes
copper are found and often there is also a low level of ADLP, a peroxisomal membrane transporter that is a
serum ceruloplasmin. Some cases follow gastrointestinal member of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family.
procedures that result in impaired copper absorption, Steroid replacement is indicated if hypoadrenalism is
but many others are idiopathic. Improvement or at least present, and bone marrow transplantation and nutri-
stabilization may be expected with reconstitution of tional supplements have been attempted for this condi-
copper stores by oral supplementation. The pathophysi- tion without clear evidence of efcacy.
ology and pathology are not known.
Primary lateral sclerosis (Chap. 27) is a degenerative dis-
The classic syndromes of tabes dorsalis and meningovascu- order characterized by progressive spasticity with weak-
lar syphilis of the spinal cord are now less frequent than in ness, eventually accompanied by dysarthria and dyspho-
the past but must be considered in the differential diagno- nia; bladder symptoms occur in approximately half of
sis of spinal cord disorders.The characteristic symptoms of patients. Sensory function is spared.The disorder resem-
Source: Adapted from JF Ditunno, CS Formal: Chronic spinal cord injury. N Engl J Med 330:550, 1994; with permission.
sheath graft bridges, and the local introduction of stem Patients with acute cord injury are at risk for venous
cells. The disability associated with irreversible spinal thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. During the first
cord damage is determined primarily by the level of the 2 weeks, use of calf-compression devices and anticoagu-
lesion and by whether the disturbance in function is lation with heparin (5000 U subcutaneously every 12 h)
complete or incomplete (Table 30-4). Even a complete or warfarin (INR, 23) are recommended. In cases of
high cervical cord lesion may be compatible with a pro- persistent paralysis, anticoagulation should probably be
ductive life. The primary goals are development of a continued for 3 months.
rehabilitation plan framed by realistic expectations and Prophylaxis against decubitus ulcers should involve
attention to the neurologic, medical, and psychological frequent changes in position in a chair or bed, the use of
complications that commonly arise. special mattresses, and cushioning of areas where pres-
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Many of the usual symptoms associated with medical sure sores often develop, such as the sacral prominence
illnesses, especially somatic and visceral pain, may be and heels. Early treatment of ulcers with careful cleans-
lacking because of the destruction of afferent pain path- ing, surgical or enzyme debridement of necrotic tissue,
ways. Unexplained fever, worsening of spasticity, or and appropriate dressing and drainage may prevent
deterioration in neurologic function should prompt a infection of adjacent soft tissue or bone.
search for infection, thrombophlebitis, or an intraab- Spasticity is aided by stretching exercises to maintain
dominal pathology.The loss of normal thermoregulation mobility of joints. Drug treatment is effective but may
and inability to maintain normal body temperature can result in reduced function, as some patients depend
produce recurrent fever (quadriplegic fever), although most upon spasticity as an aid to stand, transfer, or walk.
episodes of fever are due to infection of the urinary Baclofen (15240 mg/d in divided doses) is effective; it
tract, lung, skin, or bone. acts by facilitating GABA-mediated inhibition of motor
Bladder dysfunction generally results from loss of reex arcs. Diazepam acts by a similar mechanism and is
supraspinal innervation of the detrusor muscle of the useful for leg spasms that interrupt sleep (24 mg at
bladder wall and the sphincter musculature. Detrusor bedtime).Tizanidine (28 mg tid), an 2 adrenergic ago-
spasticity is treated with anticholinergic drugs (oxybu- nist that increases presynaptic inhibition of motor neu-
tinin, 2.55 mg qid) or tricyclic antidepressants with rons, is another option. For nonambulatory patients, the
anticholinergic properties (imipramine, 25200 mg/d). direct muscle inhibitor dantrolene (25100 mg qid) may
Failure of the sphincter muscle to relax during bladder be used, but it is potentially hepatotoxic. In refractory
emptying (urinary dyssynergia) may be managed with cases, intrathecal baclofen administered via an implanted
the -adrenergic blocking agent terazosin hydrochlo- pump, botulinum toxin injections, or dorsal rhizotomy
ride (12 mg tid or qid), with intermittent catheteriza- may be required to control spasticity.
tion, or, if that is not feasible, by use of a condom catheter A paroxysmal autonomic hyperreexia may occur fol-
in men or a permanent indwelling catheter. Surgical lowing lesions above the major splanchnic sympathetic
options include the creation of an articial bladder by iso- outow at T6. Headache, ushing, and diaphoresis above
lating a segment of intestine that can be catheterized the level of the lesion, as well as hypertension with brady-
intermittently (enterocystoplasty) or can drain continu- cardia or tachycardia, are the major symptoms.The trigger
ously to an external appliance (urinary conduit). Bladder is typically a noxious stimulusfor example, bladder or
areexia due to acute spinal shock or conus lesions is bowel distention, a urinary tract infection, or a decubitus
best treated by catheterization. Bowel regimens and dis- ulcerbelow the level of the cord lesion.Treatment con-
impaction are necessary in most patients to ensure at sists of removal of offending stimuli; ganglionic blocking
least biweekly evacuation and avoid colonic distention agents (mecamylamine, 2.55 mg) or other short-acting
or obstruction. antihypertensive drugs are useful in some patients.
Attention to these details allows longevity and a KALB RG: Getting the spinal cord to think for itself. Arch Neurol 399
productive life for patients with complete transverse 60:805, 2003
myelopathies. KRINGS T, GEIBPRASERT S: Spinal dural arteriovenous stuals. AJNR:
Am J Neuroradiol. 30:639, 2009
KUMAR N: Copper deciency myelopathy (human swayback). Mayo
FURTHER READINGS Clin Proc 81:1371, 2006
COLE JS, PATCHELL RA: Metastatic epidural spinal cord compression.
diagnostic criteria and nosology of acute transverse myelitis.
Lancet Neurol. 7:459, 2008
Neurology 59:499, 2002
JACOB A, WEINSHENKER BG: An approach to the diagnosis of acute
TRAUL DE et al: Part I: Spinal-cord neoplasmsintradural neo-
transverse myelitis. Semin Neurol 28:95, 2008
plasms. Lancet Oncol 8:35, 2007
Diseases of the Spinal Cord
Allan H. Ropper
Almost 10 million head injuries occur annually in the or report feeling star struck.The mechanics of concus-
United States, about 20% of which are serious enough sion involve a blunt forward impact that creates sudden
to cause brain damage. Among men <35 years, acci- deceleration of the head and an anterior-posterior
dents, usually motor vehicle collisions, are the chief movement of the brain within the skull. Severe concus-
cause of death, and >70% of these involve head injury. sion may precipitate a brief convulsion or autonomic
Furthermore, minor head injuries are so common that signs such as facial pallor, bradycardia, faintness with
almost all physicians will be called upon to provide mild hypotension, or sluggish pupillary reaction, but
immediate care or to see patients who are suffering from most patients are soon neurologically normal. The loss
various sequelae. of consciousness in concussion is believed to be a tran-
Medical personnel caring for head injury patients sient electrophysiologic dysfunction of the reticular acti-
should be aware that (1) spinal injury often accompanies vating system in the upper midbrain caused by rotation
head injury and care must be taken to prevent compres- of the cerebral hemispheres on the relatively xed brain-
sion of the spinal cord due to instability of the spinal stem (Chap. 14).
column; (2) intoxication is an important accompaniment Gross- and light-microscopic changes in the brain are
of traumatic brain injury and, when appropriate, testing usually absent following concussion, but biochemical
should be carried out for drugs and alcohol; and (3) and ultrastructural changes, such as mitochondrial ATP
accompanying systemic injuries, including rupture of depletion and local disruption of the blood-brain bar-
abdominal organs, may produce vascular collapse or res- rier, suggest that transient abnormalities occur. CT and
piratory compromise requiring immediate attention. MRI scans are usually normal; however, a small number
of patients will be found to have an intracranial hemor-
rhage or brain contusion.
TYPES OF HEAD INJURIES A brief period of both retrograde and anterograde
amnesia is typical of concussion and disappears rapidly
in alert patients. The memory loss spans the moments
This classically refers to an immediate but transient loss before impact but with severe injuries loss of memory
of consciousness that is associated with a short period of may encompass the previous days or weeks (rarely
amnesia. Some patients do not lose consciousness after a months). The extent of retrograde amnesia roughly cor-
minor head injury and instead may appear dazed, confused relates with the severity of injury. Memory is regained
in an orderly way from the most distant to recent mem- 401
ories, with islands of amnesia occasionally remaining.The
mechanism of amnesia is not known. Hysterical post-
traumatic amnesia is not uncommon after head injury
and should be suspected when inexplicable abnormalities
of behavior occur, such as recounting events that cannot
be recalled on later testing, a bizarre affect, forgetting
ones own name, or a persistent anterograde decit that
is excessive in comparison with the degree of injury. A
further discussion of amnesia is provided in Chap. 15.
A single, uncomplicated concussion only infrequently
produces permanent neurobehavioral changes in patients
who are free of preexisting psychiatric problems and sub-
stance abuse. Nonetheless, residual minor problems in
memory and concentration may have an anatomic corre-
late in microscopic cerebral lesions (see later).
Traumatic cerebral contusion. Noncontrast CT scan demon-
strating a hyperdense hemorrhagic region in the anterior
A surface bruise of the brain, or contusion, consists of
varying degrees of petechial hemorrhage, edema, and
reactions result in scarred, hemosiderin-stained depres-
tissue destruction. Contusions and deeper hemorrhages
in the white matter of the frontal lobes on noncontrast CT tures are typically compound, but they are often asymp-
scan. These appear to reect an extreme type of the diffuse tomatic because the impact energy is dissipated in
axonal shearing lesions that occur with closed head injury.
breaking the bone; however, a few have underlying brain
contusions. Debridement and exploration of compound
fractures are required in order to avoid infection; simple
underlying subdural or epidural hematoma. Conse- fractures do not require surgery.
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Convulsions are surprisingly uncommon immediately
after a head injury, but a brief period of tonic extensor
posturing or a few clonic movements of the limbs just
after the moment of impact can occur. However, the
cortical scars that evolve from contusions are highly
epileptogenic and may later manifest as seizures, even
after many years (Chap. 20). The severity of injury Acute subdural hematoma. Noncontrast CT scan reveals a
roughly determines the risk of future seizures. It has
hyperdense clot which has an irregular border with the brain
been estimated that 17% of individuals with brain con- and causes more horizontal displacement (mass effect) than
tusion, subdural hematoma, or prolonged loss of con- might be expected from its thickness. The disproportionate
sciousness will develop a seizure disorder and that this mass effect is the result of the large rostral-caudal extent of
risk extends for an indenite period of time, whereas these hematomas. Compare to Fig. 31-4.
the risk is 2% after mild injury. The majority of con-
vulsions in the latter group occurs within 5 years of
teristic lenticular-shaped hemorrhage on noncontrast CT have become hypodense in comparison to the adjacent brain
scan. Epidural hematomas are usually caused by tearing of after a period during which they were isodense and difcult
the middle meningeal artery following fracture of the tempo- to appreciate. Some areas of resolving blood are contained
ral bone. on the more recently formed collection on the left (arrows).
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
cause of this temporal sequence. Rapid surgical evacua- Skull x-rays are usually normal except for a shift of the
tion and ligation or cautery of the damaged vessel that is calcied pineal body to one side or an occasional unex-
the source of bleeding, usually the middle meningeal pected fracture. In long-standing cases an irregular calci-
artery that has been lacerated by an overlying skull frac- cation of membranes that surround the hematoma may
ture, is indicated. be appreciated. CT without contrast infusion shows a
low-density mass over the convexity of the hemisphere
(Fig. 31-5), but between 2 and 6 weeks after the initial
Chronic Subdural Hematoma
bleeding the hemorrhage becomes isodense compared to
A history of trauma may or may not be elicited in rela- adjacent brain and is then inapparent. Many subdural
tion to chronic subdural hematoma.The causative injury hematomas that are a week or more in age contain areas
may have been trivial and forgotten; 2030% of patients of blood adjacent to intermixed serous uid. Bilateral
recall no head injury, particularly the elderly and those chronic hematomas may fail to be detected because of the
with clotting disorders. Headache is common but not absence of lateral tissue shifts; this circumstance is sug-
invariable. Additional features may include slowed think- gested by a hypernormal CT scan with fullness of the
ing, vague change in personality, seizure, or a mild cortical sulci and small ventricles in an older patient.The
hemiparesis.The headache may uctuate in severity, some- infusion of contrast material demonstrates enhancement
times with changes in head position. Bilateral chronic of the vascular brous capsule surrounding the collection.
subdural hematomas produce perplexing clinical syn- MRI reliably identies subacute and chronic hematomas.
dromes. Focal signs such as hemiparesis may be lacking, Clinical observation coupled with serial imaging is a
and the initial clinical impression may be of a stroke, reasonable approach to patients with few symptoms and
brain tumor, drug intoxication, depression, or a dement- small chronic subdural collections. Treatment with glu-
ing illness because drowsiness, inattentiveness, and inco- cocorticoids alone is sufcient for some hematomas, but
herence of thought are more prominent than focal signs surgical evacuation is more often successful. The brous
such as hemiparesis. Patients with undetected bilateral membranes that grow from the dura and encapsulate the
subdural hematomas have a low tolerance for surgery, collection require removal to prevent recurrent uid
anesthesia, and drugs that depress the nervous system, accumulation. Small hematomas are resorbed, leaving
remaining drowsy or confused for long periods. Chronic only the organizing membranes. On imaging studies
hematomas rarely cause brief episodes of hemiparesis or very chronic subdural hematomas may be difcult to
aphasia that are indistinguishable from transient ischemic distinguish from hygromas, which are collections of CSF
attacks; on occasion a chronic collection can expand from a rent in the arachnoid membrane. As noted, corti-
over a period of days or weeks and clinically resemble a cal damage underlying a chronic hematoma may serve
brain tumor. as the origin of seizures.
TABLE 31-1 405
MINOR INJURY Severity of Concussion
The patient who is fully alert and attentive minutes after Grade 1: Transient confusion, no loss of consciousness
head injury but who has one or more symptoms of (LOC), all symptoms resolve within 15 min.
Grade 2: Transient confusion, no LOC, but concussive
headache, dizziness, faintness, nausea, a single episode of symptoms or mental status abnormalities persist longer
emesis, difculty with concentration, or slight blurring than 15 min.
of vision has a good prognosis with little risk of subse- Grade 3: Any LOC, either brief (seconds) or prolonged
quent deterioration. Such patients have usually sustained (minutes).
a concussion and are expected to have a brief amnestic On-site Evaluation
period. Children are particularly prone to drowsiness, 1. Mental status testing
vomiting, and irritability, which are sometimes delayed a. Orientationtime, place, person, circumstances of
for several hours after apparently minor injuries.Vasova- injury
gal syncope that follows injury may cause undue concern. b. Concentrationdigits backward, months of year in
reverse order
Constant generalized or frontal headache is common in c. Memorynames of teams, details of contest, recent
the following days. It may be migrainous (throbbing and events, recall of three words and objects at 0 and 5 min
hemicranial) in nature or aching and bilateral. After 2. Finger-to-nose with eyes open and closed
several hours of observation, patients with minor injury 3. Pupillary symmetry and reaction
may be accompanied home and observed for a day by a 4. Romberg and tandem gait
5. Provocative testing40-yard sprint, 5 push ups, 5 sit ups,
family member or friend; written instructions to return 5 knee bends (development of dizziness, headaches, or
if symptoms worsen should be provided. other symptoms is abnormal)
Persistent severe headache and repeated vomiting in
DISCHINGER PC et al: Early predictors of postconcussive syndrome
Management of the various symptoms of the postcon-
in a population of trauma patients with mild traumatic brain
cussive syndrome requires the identication and treat- injury. J Trauma 66:289, 2009
Malignant primary tumors of the central nervous system of a focal neurologic decit; (2) seizure; or (3) nonfocal
(CNS) occur in ~16,500 individuals and account for an esti- neurologic disorder such as headache, dementia, person-
mated 13,000 deaths in the United States annually, a mortal- ality change, or gait disorder. The presence of systemic
ity rate of 6 per 100,000.The age-adjusted incidence appears symptoms such as malaise, weight loss, anorexia, or fever
to be about the same worldwide. An approximately equal suggests a metastatic rather than a primary brain tumor.
number of benign tumors of the CNS are diagnosed, with a Progressive focal neurologic decits result from
much lower mortality rate. Glial tumors account for 5060% compression of neurons and white matter tracts by
of primary brain tumors, meningiomas for 25%, schwanno- expanding tumor and surrounding edema. Less com-
mas for 10%, and other CNS tumors for the remainder. monly, a brain tumor presents with a sudden stroke-
Brain and vertebral metastases from systemic cancer like onset of a focal neurologic decit. Although this
are far more prevalent than primary CNS tumors. About presentation may be caused by hemorrhage into the
15% of patients who die of cancer (80,000 individuals tumor, often no hemorrhage can be demonstrated and
each year in the United States) have symptomatic brain the mechanism is obscure. Tumors frequently associ-
metastases; an additional 5% suffer spinal cord involve- ated with hemorrhage include high-grade gliomas,
ment. Brain and spinal metastases therefore pose a major metastatic melanoma, and choriocarcinoma.
problem in the management of systemic cancer. Seizures may result from disruption of cortical circuits.
Tumors that invade or compress the cerebral cortex, even
small meningiomas, are more likely to be associated with
Approach to the Patient:
seizures than subcortical neoplasms. Nonfocal neurologic
dysfunction usually reects increased intracranial pressure
CLINICAL FEATURES Brain tumors usually present (ICP), hydrocephalus, or diffuse tumor spread.Tumors in
with one of three syndromes: (1) subacute progression some areas of the brain may produce behavioral disorders;
for example, frontal lobe tumors may present with per- pattern of edema, with accumulation of excess water 409
sonality change, dementia, or depression. in surrounding white matter. Contrast enhancement
Headache may result from focal irritation or dis- reects a breakdown of the blood-brain barrier within
placement of pain-sensitive structures (Chap. 6) or the tumor, permitting leakage of contrast agent.
from a generalized increase in ICP. A headache that Low-grade gliomas typically do not exhibit contrast
worsens rather than abates with recumbency is sug- enhancement.
gestive of a mass lesion. Headaches from increased Positron emission tomography (PET) and single-
ICP are usually holocephalic and episodic, occurring photon emission tomography (SPECT) have ancillary
more than once a day. They typically develop rapidly roles in the imaging of brain tumors, primarily in dis-
over several minutes, persist for 2040 min, and sub- tinguishing tumor recurrence from tissue necrosis that
side quickly. They may awaken the patient from a can occur after irradiation (see below). Functional
sound sleep, generally 6090 min after retiring.Vom- imaging with PET, MRI, or magnetoencephalography
iting may occur with severe headaches. As elevated may be of use in surgical or radiosurgical planning to
ICP becomes sustained, the headache becomes con- dene the anatomic relationship of the tumor to critical
tinuous but varying in intensity. Elevated ICP may brain regions such as the primary motor or language
cause papilledema (Chap. 17), although it is often not cortex.
present in infants or patients >55 years.
The Karnofsky performance scale is useful in assess-
tumors typically do not produce serologic abnormali-
ing patients with brain tumors (Table 32-1). A score
ties such as an elevated sedimentation rate or tumor-
70 indicates that the patient is ambulatory and inde-
specic antigens. In contrast, metastases to the nervous
pendent in self-care activities; it is often taken as a
system, depending on the type and extent of the pri-
level of function justifying aggressive therapy.
mary tumor, may be associated with systemic signs of
documented environmental risk factor for the develop- genetic routes for the development of GBM (Fig. 32-1).
ment of gliomas. A number of hereditary syndromes One route involves the progression, generally over years,
are associated with an increased risk of brain tumors from a low-grade astrocytoma with deletions of chro-
(Table 32-2). Genes that contribute to the development mosome 17 and inactivation of the p53 gene to a highly
of brain tumors, as well as other malignancies, fall into malignant glioma with additional chromosomal alter-
two general classes, tumor-suppressor genes and oncogenes. ations.The second route is characterized by the de novo
Whereas germ-line mutations of such genes do occur in appearance of a malignant glioma with amplication of
TABLE 32-2
Genetic testing possible.
Cell of origin Cell of origin
LOH 19q
CDK4 amplification LOH 9p (INK4a)
MDM2 amplification WHO Grade III
Other amplification
Other amplification (e.g., PDGFR)
(e.g., PDGFR)
de novo: GBM, Secondary: GBM, FIGURE 32-2
WHO Grade IV WHO Grade IV Malignant astrocytoma (glioblastoma). Coronal proton
densityweighted MR scan through the temporal lobes
FIGURE 32-1 demonstrates a heterogeneous right temporal lobe mass
Model for the pathogenesis of human astrocytoma. (arrows) compressing the third and lateral ventricles. The
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) typically presents without area of hypointense signal (double arrows) indicates either
tumor progression is not thought to affect overall survival, Chemotherapy is marginally effective and is often
but immediate radiation therapy does delay tumor pro- used as an adjuvant therapy following surgery and radia-
gression. No role for chemotherapy in the management of tion therapy. Temozolomide, an orally administered
low-grade astrocytoma has been dened. alkylating agent, has replaced nitrosureas, including car-
mustine (BCNU) and lomustine (CCNU), as the most
High-Grade Astrocytoma widely used chemotherapeutic agent for high-grade
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
vival is 78 years, and there are a substantial number of drogliomas with a less aggressive natural course, and
patients with prolonged survival (>10 years). For grade response to chemotherapy is another marker of that
III or anaplastic oligodendrogliomas, median survival is favorable phenotype.
~5 years. Oligodendrogliomas occur chiey in supraten-
torial locations; in adults, ~30% contain areas of calci-
cation (Fig. 32-3).
Oligodendroglioma. A. Noncontrast
CT scan reveals a calcied mass
involving the left temporal lobe
(arrows) associated with mild mass
effect but little edema. B. An MR T2-
weighted image demonstrates a het-
erogeneous mass with hypointense
signal (black arrows) surrounded by a
zone of higher signal intensity (white
arrows), consistent with a calcified
temporal lobe mass. The tumor
extends into the left medial temporal
A B lobe and compresses the midbrain.
414 Ependymomas that cannot be totally resected are treated mainstay of denitive therapy is chemotherapy. A single
with stereotaxic radiosurgery or with a course of exter- dose of rituximab is generally administered prior to cyto-
nal beam radiation therapy. toxic chemotherapy as long as an enhancing mass lacking a
blood-tumor barrier is present. Chemotherapy includes
high-dose methotrexate, but multiagent chemotherapy,
usually adding vincristine and procarbazine, appears to be
more effective than methotrexate alone. Chemotherapy is
These highly cellular malignant tumors are thought to followed in patients <60 years with whole-brain radiation
arise from neural precursor cells. Medulloblastomas occur therapy (WBRT). WBRT is postponed as long as possible
in the posterior fossa and, along with astrocytomas, are or administered at reduced doses in patients >60 years
the most frequent malignant brain tumors of children. because of the risk of dementia, gait disorder, and inconti-
PNET is a term applied to tumors histologically indis- nence as manifestations of late-delayed radiation toxicity.
tinguishable from medulloblastoma but occurring either Consolidation therapy is typically with high-dose cytara-
in adults or supratentorially in children. In adults, >50% bine. Intraarterial chemotherapy with or without blood-
present in the posterior fossa. These tumors frequently brain barrier disruption is an alternative. Intrathecal
disseminate along CSF pathways. chemotherapy with methotrexate can be added if lep-
If possible, these tumors should be surgically excised; tomeningeal disease is present, but it has not proven to offer
the less residual tumor left behind, the better the prog- added benet if high-dose methotrexate is used. Despite
nosis. In adults, surgical excision of a PNET should be aggressive therapy, >90% of patients develop recurrent
followed by irradiation of the entire neuraxis, with a CNS disease.The median survival of patients who tolerate
boost in radiation dose to the primary tumor. If the treatment with high-dose methotrexate is >3 years.
tumor is not disseminated at presentation, the prognosis In immunodecient patients, primary CNS lym-
is generally favorable. Aggressive treatment can result in phoma may be ring-enhancing rather than diffusely
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
prolonged survival, although half of adult patients enhancing on CT or MRI (Fig. 32-4). It may therefore
relapse within 5 years of treatment.Whereas chemother- be impossible by imaging criteria to distinguish primary
apy is widely used in medulloblastoma and PNET in CNS lymphoma from metastatic malignancies or infec-
children, its role in adults is not yet dened. tions, particularly toxoplasmosis. The standard approach
to this dilemma in a neurologically stable patient is to
CNS LYMPHOMA administer antibiotics to treat toxoplasmosis for 23 weeks
and then repeat neuroimaging. If the imaging shows
Primary CNS Lymphoma
clear improvement, antibiotic treatment is continued. If
Primary CNS lymphoma is typically a high-grade B cell not, a stereotaxic brain biopsy, which has substantially
malignancy that presents within the neuraxis without more risk in an immunodecient than an immunocom-
evidence of systemic lymphoma. These occur most fre- petent patient, is performed. Alternatively, when the
quently in immunocompromised individuals, specically clinical situation permits a safe lumbar puncture, a CSF
organ transplant recipients and patients with AIDS examination demonstrating Epstein-Barr virus DNA in
(Chap. 37). In immunocompromised patients, CNS lym- CSF in an immunodecient patient with neuroimaging
phomas are invariably associated with Epstein-Barr virus ndings consistent with lymphoma is diagnostic of pri-
infection of the tumor cells. mary CNS lymphoma. In organ transplant recipients,
In immunocompetent patients, neuroimaging studies reversal of the immunosuppressed state can improve
most often reveal a uniformly enhancing mass lesion. outcome. Survival with AIDS-related primary CNS
Stereotaxic needle biopsy can be used to establish the lymphoma is very poor, generally 3 months; pretreat-
diagnosis.There is no benet of surgical resection unless ment performance status, the degree of immunosuppres-
there is a need for immediate decompression of a life- sion, and the extent of CNS dissemination at diagnosis
threatening mass effect. Leptomeningeal involvement is all appear to inuence outcome.
present in ~15% of patients at presentation and in 50%
at some time during the course of the illness. Moreover,
Secondary CNS Lymphoma
the disease extends to the eyes in up to 15% of patients.
Therefore, a slit-lamp examination and, if indicated, Secondary CNS lymphoma is a manifestation of sys-
anterior chamber paracentesis or vitreous biopsy is nec- temic disease and almost always occurs in adults with
essary to dene radiation ports. progressive B cell lymphoma or B cell leukemia who
The prognosis of primary CNS lymphoma is poor have tumor involvement of bone, bone marrow, testes,
compared to histologically similar lymphoma occurring or the cranial sinuses. The leptomeninges are the most
outside the CNS. Many patients experience a dramatic common site of CNS metastasis. Leptomeningeal lym-
clinical and radiographic response to glucocorticoids; how- phoma is usually detectable with contrast-enhanced CT
ever, relapse almost invariably occurs within weeks. The or gadolinium-enhanced MRI of the brain and spine
CNS lymphoma. A. Proton densityweighted MR image lymphoma or toxoplasmosis; the presence of multiple lesions
through the temporal lobe demonstrates a low signal inten- favors toxoplasmosis. C. In a different patient with lymphoma-
sity nodule (small arrows) surrounded by a ring of high signal tous meningitis, an axial postcontrast T1-weighted MRI
intensity edema (larger arrows). B. T1-weighted contrast- through the midbrain demonstrates multiple areas of abnor-
enhanced axial MRI demonstrates ring enhancement sur- mal enhancement in periventricular and subependymal
rounded by a nonenhanced rim of edema. In this patient with regions (arrows). Lymphoma tends to spread subependy-
or by CSF examination. Treatment consists of systemic Total surgical resection of benign meningiomas is
chemotherapy, intrathecal chemotherapy, and CNS irradi- curative. If a total resection cannot be achieved, local
ation. It is usually possible to suppress the leptomeningeal external beam radiotherapy or stereotaxic radiosurgery
disease effectively, although the overall prognosis is deter- reduces the recurrence rate to <10%. For meningiomas
mined by the course of the systemic lymphoma. Intra- that are not surgically accessible, radiosurgery is the
parenchymal lymphoma metastases may be treated with treatment of choice. Small asymptomatic meningiomas
radiation therapy or systemic chemotherapy. incidentally discovered in older patients can safely be
followed radiologically; these tumors grow at an average
rate of a few millimeters in diameter per year and only
rarely become symptomatic.
Meningiomas are derived from mesoderm, probably from Rare meningiomas invade the brain or have histologic
cells giving rise to the arachnoid granulations.These tumors evidence of malignancy such as nuclear pleomorphism
are usually benign and attached to the dura. They may and cellular atypia. A high mitotic index is also predictive
invade the skull but only infrequently invade the brain. of aggressive behavior. Hemangiopericytoma, although not
Meningiomas most often occur along the sagittal sinus, strictly a meningioma, is a meningeal tumor with an
over the cerebral convexities, in the cerebellar-pontine especially aggressive behavior. Meningiomas with fea-
angle, and along the dorsum of the spinal cord.They are tures of aggressiveness and hemangiopericytomas, even if
more frequent in women than men, with a peak inci- totally excised by gross inspection, frequently recur and
dence in middle age. should receive postoperative radiotherapy. Chemotherapy
Meningiomas may be found incidentally on a CT or has no proven benet.
MRI scan or may present with a focal seizure, a slowly
progressive neurologic decit, or symptoms of raised
ICP. The radiologic image of a dural-based, extraaxial
mass with dense, uniform contrast enhancement is These tumors are also called neuromas, neurinomas, or neu-
essentially diagnostic, although a dural metastasis must rolemmomas.They arise from Schwann cells of nerve roots,
also be considered (Fig. 32-5). A meningioma may have most frequently in the eighth cranial nerve (vestibular
a dural tail, a streak of dural enhancement anking the schwannoma, formerly termed acoustic schwannoma or
main tumor mass; however, this nding may also be pre- acoustic neuroma).The fth cranial nerve is the second most
sent with other dural tumors. frequent site; however, schwannomas may arise from any
416 vestibular system adapts to slow destruction of the eighth
nerve, patients with vestibular schwannomas characteris-
tically present with progressive unilateral hearing loss rather
than with dizziness or other vestibular symptoms. Unex-
plained unilateral hearing loss merits evaluation with
audiometry and an MRI scan (Chap. 18). As a vestibular
schwannoma grows, it can compress the cerebellum,
pons, or facial nerve.With rare exceptions schwannomas
are histologically and clinically benign.
Whenever possible, schwannomas should be surgi-
cally excised. When the tumors are small, it is usually
possible to preserve hearing in the involved ear. In the
case of large tumors, the patient is usually deaf at presen-
tation; nonetheless, surgery is indicated to prevent fur-
ther compression of posterior fossa structures. Stereotaxic
radiosurgery is also effective treatment for schwannoma
and has a complication rate equivalent to that of surgery.
Vestibular schwannoma. A. Axial noncontrast MR
scan through the cerebellopontine angle demon-
strates an extraaxial mass that extends into a
widened internal auditory canal, displacing the
pons (arrows). B. Postcontrast T1-weighted image
demonstrates intense enhancement of the vestibu-
lar schwannoma (white arrow). Abnormal enhance-
ment of the left fth nerve (black arrow) most likely
represents another schwannoma in this patient
A B with neurobromatosis type 2.
Craniopharyngiomas are thought to arise from remnants NEUROFIBROMATOSIS TYPE 2 417
of Rathkes pouch, the mesodermal structure from which
NF2 is characterized by the development of bilateral
the anterior pituitary gland is derived (Chap. 33). Cranio-
vestibular schwannomas in >90% of individuals who
pharyngiomas typically present as suprasellar masses.
inherit the gene. Patients with NF2 also have a predispo-
Because of their location, they may present as growth fail-
sition for the development of meningiomas, gliomas, and
ure in children, endocrine dysfunction in adults, or visual
schwannomas of cranial and spinal nerves. In addition, a
loss in either age group. Histologically, craniopharyn-
characteristic type of cataract, juvenile posterior subcap-
giomas resemble epidermoid tumors; they are usually
sular lenticular opacity, occurs in NF2. Multiple caf au
cystic, and in adults 80% are calcied. Treatment is surgi-
lait spots and peripheral neurobromas occur rarely.
cal excision; postoperative external beam radiation or
In patients with NF2, vestibular schwannomas are usu-
stereotaxic radiosurgery is added if total surgical removal
ally associated with progressive unilateral deafness early in
cannot be achieved.
the third decade of life. Bilateral vestibular schwannomas
Colloid cysts are benign tumors of unknown cellular
are generally detectable by MRI at that time (Fig. 32-6).
origin that occur within the third ventricle and can
Surgical management is designed to treat the underlying
obstruct CSF ow. Other rare benign primary brain tumors
tumor and preserve hearing as long as possible.
include neurocytomas, subependymomas, and pleomor-
This syndrome is caused by mutation of the NF2
phic xanthoastrocytomas. Surgical excision of these neo-
gene on chromosome 22q. NF2 encodes a protein called
plasms is the primary treatment and can be curative.
neurobromin 2, schwannomin, or merlin, with homology to
Pituitary tumors are discussed in Chap. 33.
a family of cytoskeletal proteins that includes moesin,
ezrin, and radixin.
tion for the gray matterwhite matter junction and for PRIMARY TUMOR
the border zone between middle cerebral and poste-
rior cerebral artery distributions. The lung is the most In general hospital populations, up to one-third of
common origin of brain metastases; both primary lung patients presenting with brain metastases do not have a
cancer and cancers metastatic to the lung frequently previously known underlying cancer.These patients gen-
metastasize to the brain. Breast cancer (especially ductal erally present with either a seizure or a progressive neu-
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
carcinoma) has a propensity to metastasize to the cere- rologic decit. Neuroimaging studies typically demonstrate
bellum and the posterior pituitary gland. Other common one or multiple ring-enhancing lesions. In individuals
origins of brain metastases are gastrointestinal malignan- who are not immunocompromised and not at risk for
cies and melanoma (Table 32-3). Certain less common brain abscesses, this radiologic pattern is most likely due
tumors have a special propensity to metastasize to brain, to brain metastasis.
including germ cell tumors and thyroid cancer. By con- Diagnostic evaluation begins with a search for the
trast, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, and Hodgkins dis- primary tumor. Blood tests should include carcinoem-
ease rarely metastasize to the brain. bryonic antigen and liver function tests. Examination of
the skin for melanoma and the thyroid gland for masses
should be carried out. The search for a primary cancer
most often discloses lung cancer (particularly small cell
lung cancer) or melanoma. In 30% of patients no pri-
On MRI scans brain metastases typically appear as well- mary tumor can be identied, even after extensive eval-
demarcated, approximately spherical lesions that are uation. A CT scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis
hypointense or isointense relative to brain on T1-weighted should be obtained. If these are all negative, further
images and bright on T2-weighted images.They invariably imaging studies, including bone scan, other radionuclide
enhance with gadolinium, reecting extravasation of scans, mammography, and upper and lower gastrointesti-
gadolinium through tumor vessels that lack a blood-tumor nal barium studies, are unlikely to be productive.
barrier (Fig. 32-7). Small metastases often enhance uni- A tissue diagnosis is essential. If a primary tumor is
formly. Larger metastases typically produce ring enhancement found, it will usually be more accessible to biopsy than a
TABLE 32-3
Lung 40 24 18
Breast 19 41 24
Melanoma 10 12 4
Gastrointestinal tract 7 13 6
Genitourinary tract 7 18
Other 17 10 30
Brain metastasis. A. Axial T2-weighted MRI
through the lateral ventricles reveals two iso-
dense masses, one in the subependymal
region and one near the cortex (arrows).
B. T1-weighted postcontrast image at the
same level as A reveals enhancement of
the two masses seen on the T2-weighted
image as well as a third mass in the left
A B frontal lobe (arrows).
brain lesion. If a single brain lesion is found in a surgically visualized by neuroimaging studies, WBRT is usually
accessible location, if a primary tumor is not found, or if used. Its benet has been established in controlled
the primary tumor is in a location difcult to biopsy, the studies, but no clear dose response has been shown.
brain metastasis should be biopsied or resected. Usually, 3037.5 Gy is administered in 1015 fractions; an
sentation in 90% of patients. The pain is typically dull, Acute radiation injury to the brain occurs during or
aching, and may be associated with localized tenderness. If immediately after therapy. It is rarely seen with current
a nerve root is compressed, radicular pain is also present. protocols of external beam radiation but may occur after
The thoracic cord is most often affected. Weakness, sen- stereotaxic radiosurgery. Manifestations include headache,
sory loss, and autonomic dysfunction (urinary urgency sleepiness, and worsening of preexisting neurologic decits.
and incontinence, fecal incontinence, and sexual impo- Early delayed radiation injury occurs within 4 months
tence in men) are hallmarks of spinal cord compression. of therapy. It is associated with an increased white mat-
Radiation injury. A. Late delayed radiation injury 1 year after (B) demonstrates a mass in the right frontal lobe with sur-
whole-brain radiation (5500 cGy). T2-weighted MR image at rounding vasogenic edema. Abnormal signal changes are
the level of the temporal lobes reveals high signal intensity also present on the left. T1-weighted postcontrast MRI
abnormality in periventricular white matter (arrows). B and C. (C) reveals a heterogeneously enhancing mass in the right
Focal radiation necrosis 3 years after radiotherapy (7000 cGy) cingulate gyrus.
for carcinoma of the nasopharynx. Axial T2-weighted MRI
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Progressive radiation necrosis is best treated with surgi- are associated with the development of altered mental
cal resection if the patient has a life expectancy of at states (e.g., confusion, depression), ataxia, and seizures.
least 6 months and a Karnofsky performance score >70. Chemotherapy for systemic malignancy is a more fre-
There are anecdotal reports that anticoagulation with quent cause of nervous system toxicity and is more
heparin or warfarin may be benecial. After WBRT, pro- often toxic to the peripheral than the central nervous
gressive dementia can occur, often accompanied by gait system. Cisplatin commonly produces tinnitus and high-
apraxia and urinary incontinence. Radiation injury of frequency bilateral hearing loss, especially in younger
large arteries also accelerates the development of athero- patients. At cumulative doses >450 mg/m2, cisplatin can
sclerosis, but an increase in the risk of stroke becomes produce a symmetric, large-ber axonal neuropathy that
signicant only years after radiation treatment. is predominantly sensory; paclitaxel (Taxol) produces a
Endocrine dysfunction resulting in hypopituitarism similar picture. Fluorouracil and high-dose cytarabine
frequently follows exposure of the hypothalamus or can cause cerebellar dysfunction that resolves after dis-
pituitary gland to therapeutic radiation. Growth hor- continuation of therapy.Vincristine, which is commonly
mone is the pituitary hormone most sensitive to radia- used to treat lymphoma, may cause an acute ileus and is
tion therapy, and thyroid-stimulating hormone is the frequently associated with development of a progressive
least sensitive; ACTH, prolactin, and the gonadotropins distal, symmetric sensory motor neuropathy with foot
have an intermediate sensitivity. drop and paresthesias.
Development of a second neoplasm is another risk of
therapeutic radiation that generally occurs many years
after radiation exposure. Depending on the irradiated FURTHER READINGS
eld, the risk of gliomas, meningiomas, sarcomas, and DEANGELIS L: Chemotherapy for brain tumorsa new beginning.
thyroid cancer is increased. N Engl J Med 352:1036, 2005
KEIME-GUIBERT F et al: Radiotherapy for glioblastoma in the elderly.
N Engl J Med 356:1527, 2007
lymphoma. Lancet Neurol 8:581, 2009
Chemotherapy regimens used to treat primary brain PUROW B, SCHIFF D: Advances in the genetics of gliobastoma: are we
tumors generally include alkylating agents, either temo- reaching critical mass? Nat Rev Neurol 5:419, 2009
zolomide or nitrosoureas, and are relatively well toler- SANAI N et al: Functional outcome after language mapping for glioma
ated. Infrequently, drugs used to treat CNS neoplasms resection N Engl J Med 358:18, 2008
Shlomo Melmed I J. Larry Jameson I Gary L. Robertson
The anterior pituitary is often referred to as the master manifestations and performing the correct laboratory
gland because, together with the hypothalamus, it orches- diagnostic tests.
trates the complex regulatory functions of multiple other
endocrine glands.The anterior pituitary gland produces six
major hormones: (1) prolactin (PRL), (2) growth hor- ANATOMY AND DEVELOPMENT
mone (GH), (3) adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH),
(4) luteinizing hormone (LH), (5) follicle-stimulating hor-
mone (FSH), and (6) thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). The pituitary gland weighs ~600 mg and is located within
Pituitary hormones are secreted in a pulsatile manner, the sella turcica ventral to the diaphragma sella; it com-
reecting stimulation by an array of specic hypothala- prises anatomically and functionally distinct anterior and
mic releasing factors. Each of these pituitary hormones posterior lobes. The sella is contiguous to vascular and
elicits specic responses in peripheral target tissues. The neurologic structures, including the cavernous sinuses, cra-
hormonal products of these peripheral glands, in turn, nial nerves, and optic chiasm. Thus, expanding intrasellar
exert feedback control at the level of the hypothalamus pathologic processes may have signicant central mass
and pituitary to modulate pituitary function (Fig. 33-1). effects in addition to their endocrinologic impact.
Pituitary tumors cause characteristic hormone excess Hypothalamic neural cells synthesize specic releas-
syndromes. Hormone deciency may be inherited or ing and inhibiting hormones that are secreted directly
acquired. Fortunately, efcacious treatments exist for the into the portal vessels of the pituitary stalk. Blood supply
various pituitary hormone excess and deciency syn- of the pituitary gland is derived from the superior and
dromes. Nonetheless, these diagnoses are often elusive, inferior hypophyseal arteries (Fig. 33-2). The hypothal-
emphasizing the importance of recognizing subtle clinical amic-pituitary portal plexus provides the major blood
Hypothalamus Third ventricle
CRH GnRH Neuroendocrine
cell nuclei
Dopamine Hypothalamus
hypophyseal Stalk
Pituitary + + + + Long portal hypophyseal
vessels artery
ACTH Trophic
Target hormone
+ secreting
TSH cells
GH Posterior
Estradiol Chrondrocytes
Inhibin Ovaries Linear and
LH mlU/mL GnRH pg/mL
organ growth
IGF-1 GnRH pulses
Diagram of pituitary axes. Hypothalamic hormones regulate
anterior pituitary trophic hormones that, in turn, determine LH pulses
target gland secretion. Peripheral hormones feed back to
regulate hypothalamic and pituitary hormones. For abbrevia-
tions, see text.
Hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
pulses induce secretory pulses of luteinizing hormone (LH).
source for the anterior pituitary, allowing reliable trans-
mission of hypothalamic peptide pulses without signi-
cant systemic dilution; consequently, pituitary cells are
exposed to releasing or inhibiting factors and in turn HYPOTHALAMIC AND ANTERIOR
release their hormones as discrete pulses (Fig. 33-3). PITUITARY INSUFFICIENCY
The posterior pituitary is supplied by the inferior
hypophyseal arteries. In contrast to the anterior pitu- Hypopituitarism results from impaired production of
itary, the posterior lobe is directly innervated by hypo- one or more of the anterior pituitary trophic hormones.
thalamic neurons (supraopticohypophyseal and tubero- Reduced pituitary function can result from inherited
hypophyseal nerve tracts) via the pituitary stalk. Thus, disorders; more commonly, it is acquired and reects the
posterior pituitary production of vasopressin [antidi- mass effects of tumors or the consequences of inamma-
uretic hormone (ADH)] and oxytocin is particularly tion or vascular damage.These processes may also impair
sensitive to neuronal damage by lesions that affect the synthesis or secretion of hypothalamic hormones, with
pituitary stalk or hypothalamus. resultant pituitary failure (Table 33-1).
TABLE 33-1 Increasing evidence suggests that patients with brain 425
ETIOLOGY OF HYPOPITUITARISM a injury including trauma, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and
irradiation have transient hypopituitarism and require
Development/structural intermittent long-term endocrine follow-up, as perma-
Transcription factor defect
Pituitary dysplasia/aplasia
nent hypothalamic or pituitary dysfunction will develop
Congenital CNS mass, encephalocele in 2540% of these patients.
Primary empty sella
Congenital hypothalamic disorders (septo-optic dysplasia, Hypothalamic Inltration Disorders
Prader-Willi syndrome, Laurence-Moon-Biedl
syndrome, Kallmann syndrome) These disordersincluding sarcoidosis, histiocytosis X,
Traumatic amyloidosis, and hemochromatosisfrequently involve
Surgical resection both hypothalamic and pituitary neuronal and neuro-
Radiation damage chemical tracts. Consequently, diabetes insipidus occurs
Head injuries in one-half of patients with these disorders. Growth
Neoplastic retardation is seen if attenuated GH secretion occurs
Pituitary adenoma before pubertal epiphyseal closure. Hypogonadotropic
Parasellar mass (meningioma, germinoma,
hypogonadism and hyperprolactinemia are also common.
ependymoma, glioma)
Rathkes cyst
Craniopharyngioma Inammatory Lesions
Hypothalamic hamartoma, gangliocytoma
Pituitary metastases (breast, lung, colon carcinoma) Pituitary damage and subsequent dysfunction can be
Lymphoma and leukemia seen with chronic infections such as tuberculosis, with
Meningioma opportunistic fungal infections associated with AIDS,
Inltrative/inammatory and in tertiary syphilis. Other inammatory processes,
Growth hormone Insulin tolerance test: 30, 0, 30, 60, 120 min for Glucose < 40 mg/dL;
Regular insulin glucose and GH GH should be >3 g/L
(0.050.15 U/kg IV)
GHRH test: 1 g/kg IV 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 120 min for GH Normal response is GH >3 g/L
L-Arginine test: 30 g IV 0, 30, 60, 120 min for GH Normal response is GH >3 g/L
over 30 min
L-dopa test: 500 mg PO 0, 30, 60, 120 min for GH Normal response is GH >3 g/L
Prolactin TRH test: 200500 g IV 0, 20, and 60 min for TSH Normal prolactin is >2 g/L and
and PRL increase >200% of baseline
ACTH Insulin tolerance test: 30, 0, 30, 60, 90 min for Glucose <40 mg/dL
Regular insulin glucose and cortisol Cortisol should increase by
(0.050.15 U/kg IV) >7 g/dL or to >20 g/dL
CRH test: 1 g/kg ovine 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 min Basal ACTH increases 2- to 4-fold
CRH IV at 0800 h for ACTH and cortisol and peaks at 20100 pg/mL
Cortisol levels >2025 g/dL
Metyrapone test: Plasma 11-deoxycortisol and Plasma cortisol should be
Metyrapone (30 mg/kg) cortisol at 8 A.M.; ACTH can <4 g/dL to assure an
at midnight also be measured adequate response
Normal response is
11-deoxycortisol >7.5 g/dL
or ACTH >75 pg/mL
Evoked PRL response indicates lactotrope integrity.
Note: For abbreviations, see text.
428 of enhanced susceptibility to hypoglycemia and hypoten- HYPOTHALAMIC, PITUITARY,
sion. Insulin-induced hypoglycemia is contraindicated in
patients with active coronary artery disease or seizure
Pituitary adenomas are the most common cause of
pituitary hormone hypersecretion and hyposecretion
Treatment: syndromes in adults. They account for ~15% of all
HYPOPITUITARISM intracranial neoplasms. At autopsy, up to one-quarter of
Hormone replacement therapy, including glucocorti- all pituitary glands harbor an unsuspected microade-
coids, thyroid hormone, sex steroids, growth hormone, noma (<10 mm diameter). Similarly, pituitary imaging
and vasopressin, is usually safe and free of complica- detects small clinically inapparent pituitary lesions in at
tions. Treatment regimens that mimic physiologic hor- least 10% of individuals.
mone production allow for maintenance of satisfactory
clinical homeostasis. Effective dosage schedules are out- Pathogenesis
lined in Table 33-3. Patients in need of glucocorticoid
replacement require careful dose adjustments during Pituitary adenomas are benign neoplasms that arise from
stressful events such as acute illness, dental procedures, one of the ve anterior pituitary cell types. The clinical
trauma, and acute hospitalization. and biochemical phenotype of pituitary adenomas
depend on the cell type from which they are derived.
Thus, tumors arising from lactotrope (PRL), somatotrope
TABLE 33-3
(GH), corticotrope (ACTH), thyrotrope (TSH), or
gonadotrope (LH, FSH) cells hypersecrete their respective
hormones (Table 33-4). Plurihormonal tumors that
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
express combinations of GH, PRL,TSH, ACTH, and the
and may secrete small amounts of - and -glycoprotein Several familial syndromes are associated with pituitary
hormone subunits or, very rarely, intact circulating tumors, and the genetic mechanisms for some of these
gonadotropins. True pituitary carcinomas with docu- have been unraveled.
mented extracranial metastases are exceedingly rare. Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) 1 is an autosomal
Almost all pituitary adenomas are monoclonal in ori- dominant syndrome characterized primarily by a
gin, implying the acquisition of one or more somatic genetic predisposition to parathyroid, pancreatic islet,
and pituitary adenomas. MEN1 is caused by inactivating
hypothalamus or brain parenchyma. The goal of Hypothalamic hamartomas and gangliocytomas may arise
surgery is to remove as much tumor as possible with- from astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and neurons with vary-
out risking complications associated with efforts to ing degrees of differentiation. These tumors may overex-
remove firmly adherent or inaccessible tissue. In the press hypothalamic neuropeptides including GnRH,
absence of radiotherapy, about 75% of tumors recur, GHRH, or CRH. In GnRH-producing tumors, chil-
and 10-year survival is less than 50%. In patients with dren present with precocious puberty, psychomotor
incomplete resection, radiotherapy improves 10-year delay, and laughing-associated seizures. Medical treatment
survival to 7090% but is associated with increased risk of GnRH-producing hamartomas with long-acting
of secondary malignancies. Most patients require life- GnRH analogues effectively suppresses gonadotropin
long pituitary hormone replacement. secretion and controls premature pubertal development.
Developmental failure of Rathkes pouch obliteration Rarely, hamartomas are also associated with craniofacial
may lead to Rathkes cysts, which are small (<5 mm) cysts abnormalities; imperforate anus; cardiac, renal, and lung
entrapped by squamous epithelium, and are found in disorders; and pituitary failure as features of Pallister-Hall
about 20% of individuals at autopsy. Although Rathkes syndrome, which is caused by mutations in the carboxyter-
cleft cysts do not usually grow and are often diagnosed minus of the GLI3 gene. Hypothalamic hamartomas are
incidentally, about a third present in adulthood with often contiguous with the pituitary, and preoperative MRI
compressive symptoms, diabetes insipidus, and hyperpro- diagnosis may not be possible. Histologic evidence of
lactinemia due to stalk compression. Rarely, internal hypothalamic neurons in tissue resected at transsphe-
hydrocephalus develops. The diagnosis is suggested pre- noidal surgery may be the rst indication of a primary
operatively by visualizing the cyst wall on MRI, which hypothalamic lesion.
distinguishes these lesions from craniopharyngiomas. Hypothalamic gliomas and optic gliomas occur mainly in
Cyst contents range from CSF-like uid to mucoid childhood and usually present with visual loss. Adults
material. Arachnoid cysts are rare and generate an MRI have more aggressive tumors; about a third are associated
image isointense with cerebrospinal uid. with neurobromatosis.
Sella chordomas usually present with bony clival ero- Brain germ-cell tumors may arise within the sellar
sion, local invasiveness, and, on occasion, calcication. region.These include dysgerminomas, which are frequently
Normal pituitary tissue may be visible on MRI, distin- associated with diabetes insipidus and visual loss. They
guishing chordomas from aggressive pituitary adenomas. rarely metastasize. Germinomas, embryonal carcinomas, ter-
Mucinous material may be obtained by ne-needle atomas, and choriocarcinomas may arise in the parasellar
aspiration. region and produce hCG. These germ-cell tumors pre-
Meningiomas arising in the sellar region may be dif- sent with precocious puberty, diabetes insipidus, visual
cult to distinguish from nonfunctioning pituitary adeno- field defects, and thirst disorders. Many patients are
mas. Meningiomas typically enhance on MRI and may GH-decient with short stature.
Lesions involving the anterior and preoptic hypothalamic IMPACTED STRUCTURE CLINICAL IMPACT
regions cause paradoxical vasoconstriction, tachycardia,
Pituitary Hypogonadism
and hyperthermia. Acute hyperthermia is usually due to Hypothyroidism
a hemorrhagic insult, but poikilothermia may also occur. Growth failure and adult
Central disorders of thermoregulation result from poste- hyposomatotropism
rior hypothalamic damage. The periodic hypothermia syn- Hypoadrenalism
drome comprises episodic attacks of rectal temperatures Optic chiasm Loss of red perception
<30C, sweating, vasodilation, vomiting, and bradycardia. Bitemporal hemianopia
Superior or bitemporal
Damage to the ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei by
eld defect
craniopharyngiomas, hypothalamic trauma, or inamma- Scotoma
tory disorders may be associated with hyperphagia and Blindness
obesity. This region appears to contain an energy-satiety Hypothalamus Temperature dysregulation
center where melanocortin receptors are inuenced by Appetite and thirst disorders
leptin, insulin, POMC products, and gastrointestinal pep- Obesity
tides. Polydipsia and hypodipsia are associated with dam- Diabetes insipidus
age to central osmoreceptors located in preoptic nuclei. Sleep disorders
Behavioral dysfunction
Slow-growing hypothalamic lesions can cause increased Autonomic dysfunction
somnolence and disturbed sleep cycles as well as obesity, Cavernous sinus Ophthalmoplegia with or
hypothermia, and emotional outbursts. Lesions of the without ptosis or diplopia
central hypothalamus may stimulate sympathetic neu- Facial numbness
rons, leading to elevated serum catecholamine and corti- Frontal lobe Personality disorder
Laboratory Investigation
Pituitary adenoma. Coronal T1-weighted postcontrast MR The presenting clinical features of functional pituitary ade-
image shows a homogeneously enhancing mass (arrowheads) nomas (e.g., acromegaly, prolactinomas, or Cushings syn-
in the sella turcica and suprasellar region compatible with a drome) should guide the laboratory studies (Table 33-6).
pituitary adenoma; the small arrows outline the carotid arteries. However, for a sellar mass with no obvious clinical features
TABLE 33-6
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Histologic Evaluation cephalus, and, occasionally, intrapituitary hemorrhage and
apoplexy. Transsphenoidal surgery is sometimes used for
Immunohistochemical staining of pituitary tumor speci-
pituitary tissue biopsy to establish a histologic diagnosis.
mens obtained at transsphenoidal surgery conrms clin-
ical and laboratory studies and provides a histologic
diagnosis when hormone studies are equivocal and in
cases of clinically nonfunctioning tumors. Occasionally,
OVERVIEW Successful management of sellar
masses requires accurate diagnosis as well as selection
of optimal therapeutic modalities. Most pituitary tumors
are benign and slow-growing. Clinical features result
from local mass effects and hormonal hypo- or hyper-
secretion syndromes caused directly by the adenoma or
as a consequence of treatment. Thus, lifelong manage-
ment and follow-up are necessary for these patients.
MRI technology with gadolinium enhancement for
pituitary visualization, new advances in transsphenoidal
surgery and in stereotactic radiotherapy (including
gamma-knife radiotherapy), and novel therapeutic
agents have improved pituitary tumor management.
The goals of pituitary tumor treatment include normal-
ization of excess pituitary secretion, amelioration of
symptoms and signs of hormonal hypersecretion syn-
dromes, and shrinkage or ablation of large tumor
masses with relief of adjacent structure compression.
Residual anterior pituitary function should be preserved
and can sometimes be restored by removing the tumor
mass. Ideally, adenoma recurrence should be prevented.
noidal rather than transfrontal resection is the desired FIGURE 33-5
surgical approach for pituitary tumors, except for the Transsphenoidal resection of pituitary mass via the
endonasal approach. (Adapted from Fahlbusch R: Endocrinol
rare invasive suprasellar mass surrounding the frontal or
Metab Clin 21:669, 1992.)
434 Whenever possible, the pituitary mass lesion should be and in an attempt to prevent regrowth. Irradiation offers
selectively excised; normal tissue should be manipulated the only effective means for ablating signicant postop-
or resected only when critical for effective mass dissection. erative residual nonfunctioning tumor tissue. In con-
Nonselective hemihypophysectomy or total hypophysec- trast, PRL-, GH-, and sometimes ACTH-secreting tumor
tomy may be indicated if no mass lesion is clearly dis- tissues are amenable to medical therapy.
cernible, multifocal lesions are present, or the remaining Side Effects In the short term, radiation may cause
nontumorous pituitary tissue is obviously necrotic. This transient nausea and weakness. Alopecia and loss of
strategy, however, increases the likelihood of hypopitu- taste and smell may be more long-lasting. Failure of
itarism and the need for lifelong hormonal replacement. pituitary hormone synthesis is common in patients who
Preoperative mass effects, including visual eld have undergone head and neck or pituitary-directed
defects or compromised pituitary function, may be irradiation. More than 50% of patients develop loss of
reversed by surgery, particularly when these decits are GH, ACTH, TSH, and/or gonadotropin secretion within
not long-standing. For large and invasive tumors, it is 10 years, usually due to hypothalamic damage. Lifelong
necessary to determine the optimal balance between follow-up with testing of anterior pituitary hormone
maximal tumor resection and preservation of anterior reserve is therefore necessary after radiation treatment.
pituitary function, especially for preserving growth and Optic nerve damage with impaired vision due to optic
reproductive function in younger patients. Similarly,
tality is about 1%. Transient diabetes insipidus and adverse mortality, mainly from cerebrovascular disease.
hypopituitarism occur in up to 20% of patients. Perma- The cumulative risk of developing a secondary tumor
nent diabetes insipidus, cranial nerve damage, nasal after conventional radiation is 1.3% after 10 years and
septal perforation, or visual disturbances may be 1.9% after 20 years.
encountered in up to 10% of patients. CSF leaks occur in MEDICAL Medical therapy for pituitary tumors is
4% of patients. Less common complications include highly specic and depends on tumor type. For pro-
carotid artery injury, loss of vision, hypothalamic dam- lactinomas, dopamine agonists are the treatment of
age, and meningitis. Permanent side effects are rare choice. For acromegaly and TSH-secreting tumors,
after surgery for microadenomas. somatostatin analogues and, occasionally, dopamine
RADIATION Radiation is used either as a primary agonists are indicated. ACTH-secreting tumors and non-
therapy for pituitary or parasellar masses or, more com- functioning tumors are generally not responsive to
monly, as an adjunct to surgery or medical therapy. medications and require surgery and/or irradiation.
Focused megavoltage irradiation is achieved by precise
MRI localization, using a high-voltage linear accelerator
and accurate isocentric rotational arcing. A major deter-
minant of accurate irradiation is reproduction of the FURTHER READINGS
patients head position during multiple visits and main- AIMARETTI G et al: Residual pituitary function after brain injury-
tenance of absolute head immobility. A total of <50 Gy induced hypopituitarism: A prospective 12-month study. J Clin
(5000 rad) is given as 180-cGy (180-rad) fractions split Endocrinol Metab 90:6085, 2005
over about 6 weeks. Stereotactic radiosurgery delivers a CATUREGLI P et al: Autoimmune hypophysitis. Endocr Rev 26:599,
large single high-energy dose from a cobalt 60 source 2005
(gamma knife), linear accelerator, or cyclotron. Long-term MELMED S:Acromegaly. N Engl J Med 355(24):2558, 2006
MINNITI G et al: Risk of second brain tumor after conservative
effects of gamma-knife surgery are as yet unknown.
surgery and radiotherapy for pituitary adenomas: Update after an
The role of radiation therapy in pituitary tumor man- additional 10 years. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 90:800, 2005
agement depends on multiple factors including the MOLITCH ME: Evaluation and treatment of adult growth hormone
nature of the tumor, age of the patient, and the avail- deciency: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline. J
ability of surgical and radiation expertise. Because of its Clin Endocrinol Metab 91:1621, 2006
relatively slow onset of action, radiation therapy is usu- PATIL CG et al: Non-surgical management of hormone-secreting
ally reserved for postsurgical management. As an adju- pituitary tumors. J Clin Neurosci 16:985, 2009
vant to surgery, radiation is used to treat residual tumor TABAEE A et al: Endoscopic pituitary surgery: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. J neurosurg 111:545, 2009
Stephen L. Hauser Douglas S. Goodin
Demyelinating disorders are characterized by inamma- by perivenular cufng with inammatory mononuclear
tion and selective destruction of central nervous system cells, predominantly T cells and macrophages, which also
(CNS) myelin. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is inltrate the surrounding white matter. At sites of inam-
spared, and most patients have no evidence of an associ- mation, the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is disrupted, but
ated systemic illness. unlike vasculitis, the vessel wall is preserved. In many
lesions, myelin-specic autoantibodies are present, pre-
sumably promoting demyelination directly as well as
stimulating macrophages and microglial cells (bone mar-
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterized by a triad of rowderived CNS phagocytes) that scavenge the myelin
inammation, demyelination, and gliosis (scarring); the debris. As lesions evolve, there is prominent astrocytic
course can be relapsing-remitting or progressive. Lesions of proliferation (gliosis). Surviving oligodendrocytes or
MS typically occur at different times and in different CNS those that differentiate from precursor cells may partially
locations (i.e., disseminated in time and space). MS affects remyelinate the surviving naked axons, producing so-
~350,000 individuals in the United States and 2.5 million called shadow plaques. In many lesions, oligodendrocyte
individuals worldwide. In Western societies, MS is second precursors are present in large numbers but fail to
only to trauma as a cause of neurologic disability begin- remyelinate. Ultrastructural studies of MS lesions suggest
ning in early to middle adulthood. Manifestations of MS that fundamentally different underlying pathologies may
vary from a benign illness to a rapidly evolving and inca- exist in different patients. Heterogeneity has been
pacitating disease requiring profound lifestyle adjustments. observed in terms of (1) whether the inammatory cell
inltrate is associated with antibody deposition and acti-
PATHOGENESIS vation of complement, and (2) whether the target of the
immunopathologic process is the myelin sheath itself or
the cell body of the oligodendrocyte. Although relative
The lesions of MS (plaques) vary in size from 1 or 2 mm to sparing of axons is typical of MS, partial or total axonal
several centimeters. Acute MS lesions are characterized destruction can also occur, especially within highly
436 inammatory lesions. Evidence also suggests that axonal slowing occurs when the demyelinated segments support
loss is a major contributor to irreversible neurologic dis- only (slow) continuous nerve impulse propagation.
ability in MS (see Neurodegeneration, below).
MS is approximately threefold more common in women
Nerve conduction in myelinated axons occurs in a salta- than men. The age of onset is typically between 20 and
tory manner, with the nerve impulse jumping from one 40 years (slightly later in men than in women), but the
node of Ranvier to the next without depolarization of disease can present across the lifespan. Approximately
the axonal membrane underlying the myelin sheath 10% of cases begin before 18 years, and extremes with
between nodes (Fig. 34-1). This produces considerably onset as early as 12 years or as late as the eighth decade
faster conduction velocities (~70 m/s) than the slow have been described.
velocities (~1 m/s) produced by continuous propagation Geographical gradients have been repeatedly
in unmyelinated nerves. Conduction block occurs when observed in MS, with prevalence rates increasing
the nerve impulse is unable to traverse the demyelinated at higher latitudes.The highest known prevalence
segment. This can happen when the resting axon mem- for MS (250 per 100,000) occurs in the Orkney Islands,
brane becomes hyperpolarized due to the exposure of located north of Scotland, and similarly high rates are
voltage-dependent potassium channels that are normally found throughout northern Europe, the northern United
buried underneath the myelin sheath. A temporary con- States, and Canada. By contrast, the prevalence is low in
duction block often follows a demyelinating event before Japan (6 per 100,000), in other parts of Asia, in equatorial
sodium channels (originally concentrated at the nodes) Africa, and in the Middle East.
redistribute along the naked axon (Fig. 34-1).This redis- One proposed explanation for the latitude effect on
tribution ultimately allows continuous propagation of MS is that there is a protective effect of sun exposure.
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
nerve action potentials through the demyelinated seg- Ultraviolet radiation from sun is the most important
ment. On occasion, conduction block is incomplete, source of vitamin D in most individuals, and low levels
affecting, for example, high- but not low-frequency vol- of vitamin D are common at high latitudes where sun
leys of impulses. Variable conduction block can occur exposure may be low, particularly during winter
with raised body temperature or metabolic alterations months. Prospective studies have conrmed that vitamin
and may explain clinical uctuations that vary from hour D deciency is associated with an increase in MS risk.
to hour or appear with fever or exercise. Conduction Immunoregulatory effects of vitamin D could explain
this possible relationship.
Migration studies and identication of possible point
Saltatory nerve impulse
epidemics provide additional support for an environ-
Myelin sheath
mental effect on MS risk. Migration studies suggest that
some MS-related exposure occurs in childhood and
years before MS is clinically evident. In some studies,
migration early in life from a low- to high-risk area was
Na+ channels Node of Ranvier found to increase MS risk, and conversely, migration
A from a high- to a low-risk area decreased risk. With
respect to possible point epidemics, the most convincing
Continuous nerve impulse
example occurred in the Faeroe Islands north of Den-
Myelin sheath Myelin sheath
mark after the British occupation during World War II.
The prevalence of MS appears to have steadily
increased over the past century; furthermore, this increase
has occurred primarily in women. Interestingly, recent
Na+ channels
B epidemiologic data suggests that the latitude effect on
MS may currently be decreasing, for unknown reasons.
Nerve conduction in myelinated and demyelinated axons. MS risk also correlates with high socioeconomic status,
A. Saltatory nerve conduction in myelinated axons occurs which may reect improved sanitation and delayed initial
with the nerve impulse jumping from one node of Ranvier to exposures to infectious agents. By analogy, some viral
the next. Sodium channels (shown as breaks in the solid black infections (e.g., poliomyelitis and measles viruses) produce
line) are concentrated at the nodes where axonal depolariza- neurologic sequelae more frequently when the age of ini-
tion occurs. B. Following demyelination, additional sodium tial infection is delayed. Occasional reports seem to impli-
channels are redistributed along the axon itself, thereby allow- cate a specic infectious agent such as human herpes virus
ing continuous propagation of the nerve action potential type 6 (HHV-6) or Chlamydia pneumoniae, although, in
despite the absence of myelin. general, the available reports have been inconsistent.
Most intriguingly, the evidence of a remote Epstein- Autoreactive T Lymphocytes 437
Barr virus (EBV) infection playing some role in MS is Myelin basic protein (MBP) is an important T cell anti-
supported by a number of epidemiologic and laboratory gen in EAE and probably also in human MS. Activated
studies. A higher risk of infectious mononucleosis MBP-reactive T cells have been identied in the blood,
(associated with relatively late EBV infection) and in cerebrospinal uid (CSF), and within MS lesions.
higher-antibody titers to latency-associated EBV nuclear Moreover, DR2 may inuence the autoimmune
antigen are associated with MS; conversely, individuals response because it binds with high afnity to a frag-
never infected with EBV are at low MS risk. At this ment of MBP (spanning amino acids 8996), stimulating
time, however, a causal role for EBV or for any specic T cell responses to this self-protein.
infectious agent in MS remains uncertain.
Humoral Autoimmunity
B cell activation and antibody responses also appear to
GENETIC CONSIDERATIONS be necessary for the full development of demyelinating
Evidence also supports an important genetic inu- lesions to occur, both in experimental models and in
ence on MS.Whites are inherently at higher risk for human MS. Increased numbers of clonally expanded B
MS than Africans or Asians, even when residing in a cells with properties of postgerminal center memory or
similar environment. MS also aggregates within some antibody-producing lymphocytes are present in MS
families, and adoption, half-sibling, twin, and spousal stud- lesions and in CSF. Myelin-specic autoantibodies, some
ies indicate that familial aggregation is due to genetic, and directed against myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein
not environmental, factors (Table 34-1). (MOG), have been detected bound to vesiculated
Susceptibility to MS is polygenic, with each gene myelin debris in MS plaques. In the CSF, elevated levels
contributing a relatively small amount to the overall of locally synthesized immunoglobulins and oligoclonal
risk. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on antibodies derived from expansion of clonally restricted
Immunology Studies reveal that in patients with early relapsing remit-
An autoimmune cause for MS is supported by the labo- ting MS, serial MRI has demonstrated bursts of focal
ratory model of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis inammatory disease activity occurring far more fre-
(EAE) and by studies of the immune system in MS quently than would have been predicted by the frequency
patients. of relapses. Thus, early in MS, most disease activity is
clinically silent. The triggers causing these bursts are
unknown, although the fact that patients may experience
TABLE 34-1 relapses after nonspecic upper respiratory infections sug-
RISK OF DEVELOPING MS gests that either molecular mimicry between viruses and
myelin antigens or viral superantigens activating patho-
1 in 3 If an identical twin has MS genic T cells may play a role in MS pathogenesis.
1 in 15 If a fraternal twin has MS
1 in 25 If a sibling has MS
1 in 50 If a parent or half-sibling has MS Neurodegeneration
1 in 100 If a rst cousin has MS
1 in 1000 If a spouse has MS Axonal damage occurs in every newly formed MS lesion,
1 in 1000 If no one in the family has MS and cumulative axonal loss is considered to be the major
cause of progressive and irreversible neurological disability
438 in MS. As many as 70% of axons are lost from the lateral The weakness is of the upper motor neuron type
corticospinal tracts in patients with advanced paraparesis (Chap. 10) and is usually accompanied by other pyrami-
from MS, and longitudinal MRI studies suggest there is dal signs such as spasticity, hyperreexia and Babinski
progressive axonal loss over time within established, inac- signs. Occasionally a tendon reex may be lost (simulat-
tive, lesions. Knowledge of the mechanisms responsible ing a lower motor neuron lesion) if an MS lesion dis-
for axonal injury is incomplete, and it is even unclear rupts the afferent reex bers in the spinal cord.
whether demyelination is a prerequisite for axonal injury Spasticity (Chap. 10) is often associated with sponta-
in MS. Demyelination can result in reduced trophic neous and movement-induced muscle spasms. More than
support for axons, redistribution of ion channels, and 30% of MS patients have moderate to severe spasticity,
destabilization of action potential membrane potentials. especially in the legs. This is often accompanied by
Axons can initially adapt, but eventually distal and painful spasms, interfering with ambulation, work, or
retrograde degeneration occurs. Therefore the early pro- self-care. Occasionally spasticity provides support for the
motion of remyelination and preservation of oligoden- body weight during ambulation, and in these cases treat-
drocytes remain important therapeutic goals in MS. Some ment of spasticity may actually do more harm than good.
evidence suggests that axonal damage is mediated directly Optic neuritis (ON) presents as diminished visual acu-
by resident and invading inammatory cells and their ity, dimness, or decreased color perception (desaturation)
toxic products, in particular by microglia, macrophages, in the central eld of vision. These symptoms may be
and CD8 T lymphocytes. Activated microglia are particu- mild or may progress to severe visual loss. Rarely, there is
larly likely to cause axonal injury through the release of complete loss of light perception. Visual symptoms are
NO and oxygen radicals and via glutamate, which is toxic generally monocular but may be bilateral. Periorbital
to oligodendrocytes and neurons. pain (aggravated by eye movement) often precedes or
accompanies the visual loss. An afferent pupillary defect
(Chap. 17) is usually present. Funduscopic examination
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
urgency or bowel incontinence is less common (15%) but Lhermittes symptom; tonic contractions of a limb, face,
can be socially debilitating. or trunk (tonic seizures); paroxysmal dysarthria and ataxia;
Cognitive dysfunction can include memory loss, impaired paroxysmal sensory disturbances; and several other less
attention, difculties in problem solving, slowed informa- well-characterized syndromes. Paroxysmal symptoms prob-
tion processing, and problems shifting between cognitive ably result from spontaneous discharges, arising at the
tasks. Euphoria (elevated mood) was once thought to be edges of demyelinated plaques and spreading to adjacent
3. Primary progressive MS (PPMS) accounts for ~15% of
cases. These patients do not experience attacks but
only a steady functional decline from disease onset
(Fig. 34-2C ). Compared to RRMS, the sex distrib-
Time Time
ution is more even, the disease begins later in life
(mean age ~40 years), and disability develops faster
SPMS PRMS (at least relative to the onset of the rst clinical
symptom). Whether PPMS is an uncommon form
of the same underlying illness as RRMS or whether
clinical course changes so that the patient experiences criteria for clinically denite MS require documentation
a steady deterioration in function unassociated with of two or more episodes of symptoms and two or more
acute attacks (which may continue or cease during signs that reect pathology in anatomically noncontigu-
the progressive phase). SPMS produces a greater ous white matter tracts of the CNS (Table 34-3). Symp-
amount of xed neurologic disability than RRMS. toms must last for >24 h and occur as distinct episodes
For a patient with RRMS, the risk of developing that are separated by a month or more. At least one of
SPMS is ~2.5% each year, meaning that the great the two required signs must be present on neurologic
TABLE 34-3
1. Examination must reveal objective abnormalities of the CNS.
2. Involvement must reect predominantly disease of white matter long tracts, usually including (a) pyramidal
pathways, (b) cerebellar pathways, (c) medial longitudinal fasciculus, (d) optic nerve, and (e) posterior columns.
3. Examination or history must implicate involvement of two or more areas of the CNS.
a. MRI may be used to document a second lesion when only one site of abnormality has been demonstrable
on examination. A conrmatory MRI must have either four lesions involving the white matter or three
lesions if one is periventricular in location. Acceptable lesions must be >3 mm in diameter. For patients
older than 50 years, two of the following criteria must also be met: (a) lesion size >5 mm, (b) lesions adja-
cent to the bodies of the lateral ventricles, and (c) lesion(s) present in the posterior fossa.
b. Evoked response testing may be used to document a second lesion not evident on clinical examination.
4. The clinical pattern must consist of (a) two or more separate episodes of worsening involving different sites of
the CNS, each lasting at least 24 h and occurring at least 1 month apart, or (b) gradual or stepwise progres-
sion over at least 6 months if accompanied by increased IgG synthesis or two or more oligoclonal bands. MRI
may be used to document dissemination in time if a new T2 lesion or a Gd-enhancing lesion is seen 3 or more
months after a clinically isolated syndrome.
5. The patients neurologic condition could not better be attributed to another disease.
Note: CNS, central nervous system; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; Gd, gadolinium.
examination.The second may be documented by abnor- found in >95% of patients. An increase in vascular per- 441
mal paraclinical tests such as MRI or evoked potentials meability from a breakdown of the BBB is detected by
(EPs). Similarly, in the most recent diagnostic scheme, the leakage of intravenous gadolinium (Gd) into the
second clinical event (in time) may be supported solely parenchyma. Such leakage occurs early in the develop-
by paraclinical information, usually the development of ment of an MS lesion and serves as a useful marker of
new focal white matter lesions on MRI. In patients who inammation. Gd enhancement persists for approxi-
experience gradual progression of disability for 6 mately 1 month, and the residual MS plaque remains
months without superimposed relapses, documentation visible indefinitely as a focal area of hyperintensity
of intrathecal IgG may be used to support the diagnosis. (a lesion) on spin-echo (T2-weighted) and proton-density
images. Lesions are frequently oriented perpendicular to
DIAGNOSTIC TESTS the ventricular surface, corresponding to the pathologic
pattern of perivenous demyelination (Dawsons ngers).
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Lesions are multifocal within the brain, brainstem, and
MRI has revolutionized the diagnosis and management spinal cord. Lesions larger than 6 mm located in the cor-
of MS (Fig. 34-3); characteristic abnormalities are pus callosum, periventricular white matter, brainstem,
Multiple Sclerosis and Other Demyelinating Diseases
A. Axial rst-echo image from T2-weighted sequence demon- corpus callosum are frequent in MS and rare in vascular dis-
strates multiple bright signal abnormalities in white matter, ease. C. Sagittal T2-weighted fast spin echo image of the
typical for MS. B. Sagittal T2-weighted FLAIR (uid attenu- thoracic spine demonstrates a fusiform high-signal-intensity
ated inversion recovery) image in which the high signal of lesion in the mid thoracic spinal cord. D. Sagittal T1-weighted
CSF has been suppressed. CSF appears dark, while areas of image obtained after the intravenous administration of
brain edema or demyelination appear high in signal as shown gadolinium DTPA reveals focal areas of blood-brain barrier
here in the corpus callosum (arrows). Lesions in the anterior disruption, identied as high-signal-intensity regions (arrows).
442 cerebellum, or spinal cord are particularly helpful diag- or more OCBs are found in 7590% of patients with
nostically. Different criteria for the use of MRI in the MS. OCBs may be absent at the onset of MS, and in
diagnosis of MS have been proposed (Table 34-3). individual patients the number of bands may increase
The total volume of T2-weighted signal abnormality with time. It is important that paired serum samples be
(the burden of disease) shows a signicant (albeit weak) studied to exclude a peripheral (i.e., non-CNS) origin
correlation with clinical disability, as do measures of brain of any OCBs detected in the CSF.
atrophy. Approximately one-third of T2-weighted lesions A mild CSF pleocytosis (>5 cells/L) is present in
appear as hypointense lesions (black holes) on T1-weighted ~25% of cases, usually in young patients with RRMS. A
imaging. Black holes may be a marker of irreversible pleocytosis of >75 cells/L, the presence of polymor-
demyelination and axonal loss, although even this measure phonuclear leukocytes, or a protein concentration of
depends on the timing of the image acquisition (e.g., most >1.0 g/L (>100 mg/dL) in CSF should raise concern
acute Gd-enhancing T2 lesions are T1 dark). that the patient may not have MS.
Newer MRI measures such as magnetization transfer
ratio (MTR) imaging and proton magnetic resonance
spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) may ultimately serve as DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
surrogate markers of clinical disability. For example, No single clinical sign or test is diagnostic of MS. The
MRSI can quantitate molecules such as N-acetyl aspar- diagnosis is readily made in a young adult with relapsing
tate, which is a marker of axonal integrity, and MTR and remitting symptoms involving different areas of CNS
may be able to distinguish demyelination from edema. white matter. The possibility of an alternative diagnosis
should always be considered (Table 34-4), particularly
Evoked Potentials when (1) symptoms are localized exclusively to the pos-
terior fossa, craniocervical junction, or spinal cord; (2)
EP testing assesses function in afferent (visual, auditory, the patient is <15 or >60 years of age; (3) the clinical
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
and somatosensory) or efferent (motor) CNS pathways. course is progressive from onset; (4) the patient has never
EPs use computer averaging to measure CNS electric experienced visual, sensory, or bladder symptoms; or (5)
potentials evoked by repetitive stimulation of selected laboratory ndings (e.g., MRI, CSF, or EPs) are atypical.
peripheral nerves or of the brain.These tests provide the Similarly, uncommon or rare symptoms in MS (e.g.,
most information when the pathways studied are clini- aphasia, parkinsonism, chorea, isolated dementia, severe
cally uninvolved. For example, in a patient with a remit-
ting and relapsing spinal cord syndrome with sensory
decits in the legs, an abnormal somatosensory EP fol- TABLE 34-4
lowing posterior tibial nerve stimulation provides little
new information. By contrast, an abnormal visual EP in
this circumstance would permit a diagnosis of clinically Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM)
denite MS (Table 34-3). Abnormalities on one or Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
Behets disease
more EP modalities occur in 8090% of MS patients.
Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy, subcortical
EP abnormalities are not specic to MS, although a infarcts, and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL)
marked delay in the latency of a specic EP component Congenital leukodystrophies (e.g., adrenoleukodystrophy,
(as opposed to a reduced amplitude or distorted wave- metachromatic leukodystrophy)
shape) is suggestive of demyelination. Human immunodeciency virus (HIV) infection
Ischemic optic neuropathy (arteritic and nonarteritic)
Lyme disease
Cerebrospinal Fluid Mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic acidosis and
stroke (MELAS)
CSF abnormalities found in MS include a mononuclear Neoplasms (e.g., lymphoma, glioma, meningioma)
cell pleocytosis and an increased level of intrathecally Sarcoid
synthesized IgG.The total CSF protein is usually normal Sjgrens syndrome
or slightly elevated.Various formulas distinguish intrathe- Stroke and ischemic cerebrovascular disease
cally synthesized IgG from IgG that may have entered Syphilis
the CNS passively from the serum. One formula, the Systemic lupus erythematosus and related collagen vas-
CSF IgG index, expresses the ratio of IgG to albumin in cular disorders
Tropical spastic paraparesis (HTLV I/II infection)
the CSF divided by the same ratio in the serum. The
Vascular malformations (especially spinal dural AV stulas)
IgG synthesis rate uses serum and CSF IgG and albumin Vasculitis (primary CNS or other)
measurements to calculate the rate of CNS IgG synthe- Vitamin B12 deciency
sis. The measurement of oligoclonal banding (OCB) in
the CSF also assesses intrathecal production of IgG. Note: HTLV, human T cell lymphotropic virus; AV, arteriovenous;
OCBs are detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. Two CNS, central nervous system.
muscular atrophy, peripheral neuropathy, episodic loss of Effect of Pregnancy 443
consciousness, fever, headache, seizures, or coma) should
Pregnant MS patients experience fewer attacks than
increase concern about an alternative diagnosis. Diagno-
expected during gestation (especially in the last trimester),
sis is also difcult in patients with a rapid or explosive
but more attacks than expected in the rst 3 months post-
(strokelike) onset or with mild symptoms and a normal
partum.When considering the pregnancy year as a whole
neurologic examination. Rarely, intense inammation
(i.e., 9 months pregnancy plus 3 months postpartum), the
and swelling may produce a mass lesion that mimics a
overall disease course is unaffected. Decisions about child-
primary or metastatic tumor. The specic tests required
bearing should thus be made based on (1) the mothers
to exclude alternative diagnoses will vary with each clin-
physical state, (2) her ability to care for the child, and
ical situation; however, an erythrocyte sedimentation rate,
(3) the availability of social support. Disease-modifying
serum B12 level, ANA, and treponemal antibody should
therapy is generally discontinued during pregnancy,
probably be obtained in all patients with suspected MS.
although the actual risk from the interferons and glati-
ramer acetate (see below) appears to be low.
Most patients with MS ultimately experience progres-
sive neurologic disability. Fifteen years after onset, only
20% of patients have no functional limitation; between MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS
one-third and one-half will have progressed to SPMS
Therapy for MS can be divided into several categories:
and will require assistance with ambulation. Twenty-ve
(1) treatment of acute attacks as they occur, (2) treat-
years after onset, ~80% of MS patients will have reached
ment with disease-modifying agents that reduce the
this level of disability. In 1998, it was estimated that the
biological activity of MS, and (3) symptomatic therapy.
total annual economic burden of MS in the United
Treatments that promote remyelination or neural
0.0 = Normal neurologic exam [all grade 0 in functional 6.0 = Unilateral assistance required to walk about 100 m with
status (FS)] or without resting
1.0 = No disability, minimal signs in one FS (i.e., grade 1) 6.5 = Constant bilateral assistance required to walk about 20 m
1.5 = No disability, minimal signs in more than one FS (more without resting
than one grade 1) 7.0 = Unable to walk beyond about 5 m even with aid;
2.0 = Minimal disability in one FS (one FS grade 2, others essentially restricted to wheelchair; wheels self and
0 or 1) transfers alone
2.5 = Minimal disability in two FS (two FS grade 2, others 7.5 = Unable to take more than a few steps; restricted to
0 or 1) wheelchair; may need aid to transfer
3.0 = Moderate disability in one FS (one FS grade 3, others 8.0 = Essentially restricted to bed or chair or perambulated in
0 or 1) or mild disability in three or four FS (three/four FS wheelchair, but out of bed most of day; retains many
grade 2, others 0 or 1) though fully ambulatory self-care functions; generally has
3.5 = Fully ambulatory but with moderate disability in one FS effective use of arms
(one grade 3) and one or two FS grade 2; or two FS grade 8.5 = Essentially restricted to bed much of the day; has some
3; or ve FS grade 2 (others 0 or 1) effective use of arm(s); retains some self-care functions
4.0 = Ambulatory without aid or rest for 500 m 9.0 = Helpless bed patient; can communicate and eat
4.5 = Ambulatory without aid or rest for 300 m 9.5 = Totally helpless bed patient; unable to communicate
5.0 = Ambulatory without aid or rest for 200 m or eat
5.5 = Ambulatory without aid or rest for 100 m 10.0 = Death due to MS
1 = Abnormal signs without disability for most of the body below the head
2 = Minimal disability 6 = Sensation essentially lost below the head
3 = Mild or moderate paraparesis or hemiparesis, or severe E. Bowel and bladder functions
monoparesis 0 = Normal
4 = Marked paraparesis or hemiparesis, moderate 1 = Mild urinary hesitancy, urgency, or retention
quadriparesis, or monoplegia 2 = Moderate hesitancy, urgency, retention of bowel or
5 = Paraplegia, hemiplegia, or marked quadriparesis bladder, or rare urinary incontinence
6 = Quadriplegia 3 = Frequent urinary incontinence
B. Cerebellar functions 4 = In need of almost constant catheterization
0 = Normal 5 = Loss of bladder function
1 = Abnormal signs without disability 6 = Loss of bowel and bladder function
2 = Mild ataxia F. Visual (or optic) functions
3 = Moderate truncal or limb ataxia 0 = Normal
4 = Severe ataxia all limbs 1 = Scotoma with visual acuity (corrected) better than 20/30
5 = Unable to perform coordinated movements due to ataxia 2 = Worse eye with scotoma with maximal visual acuity
C. Brainstem functions (corrected) of 20/30 to 20/59
0 = Normal 3 = Worse eye with large scotoma, or moderate decrease in
1 = Signs only elds, but with maximal visual acuity (corrected) of 20/60
2 = Moderate nystagmus or other mild disability to 20/99
3 = Severe nystagmus, marked extraocular weakness, or 4 = Worse eye with marked decrease of fields and
moderate disability of other cranial nerves maximal acuity (corrected) of 20/100 to 20/200; grade 3
4 = Marked dysarthria or other marked disability plus maximal acuity of better eye of 20/60
5 = Inability to swallow or speak or less
D. Sensory functions 5 = Worse eye with maximal visual acuity (corrected) less
0 = Normal than 20/200; grade 4 plus maximal acuity of better eye
1 = Vibration or gure-writing decrease only, in 1 or 2 limbs of 20/60 or less
2 = Mild decrease in touch or pain or position sense, and/or 6 = Grade 5 plus maximal visual acuity of better eye of 20/60
moderate decrease in vibration in 1 or 2 limbs, or or less
vibratory decrease alone in 3 or 4 limbs G. Cerebral (or mental) functions
3 = Moderate decrease in touch or pain or position sense, 0 = Normal
and/or essentially lost vibration in 1 or 2 limbs, or mild 1 = Mood alteration only (does not affect EDSS score)
decrease in touch or pain, and/or moderate decrease in 2 = Mild decrease in mentation
all proprioceptive tests in 3 or 4 limbs 3 = Moderate decrease in mentation
4 = Marked decrease in touch or pain or loss of proprioception, 4 = Marked decrease in mentation
alone or combined, in 1 or 2 limbs or moderate decrease 5 = Chronic brain syndromesevere or incompetent
in touch or pain and/or severe proprioceptive decrease in
more than 2 limbs
Source: After JF Kurtzke: Rating neurologic impairment in multiple sclerosis: An expanded disability status scale (EDSS). Neurology 33:1444, 1983.
TABLE 34-6 445
Percentage reductions (or increases) have been calculated by dividing the reported rates in the treated group by
the comparable rates in the placebo group, except for MRI disease burden, which was calculated as the differ-
ence in the median % change between the treated and placebo groups.
Severity = 1 point EDSS progression, sustained for 3 months (in the IFN--1a 30 g qw trial, this change was
sustained for 6 months; in the IFN--1b trial, this was over 3 years).
Different studies measured these MRI measures differently, making comparisons difcult (numbers for new T2
represent the best case scenario for each trial).
New lesions seen on T2-weighted MRI.
p = .001.
p = .01.
p = .05.
Note: IFN-, interferon ; GA, glatiramer acetate; MTX, mitoxantrone; NTZ, natalizumab; IM, intramuscular; SC,
subcutaneous; IV, intravenous; qod, every other day; qw, once per week; tiw, three times per week; qd, daily;
Side effects of short-term glucocorticoid therapy lesions compared to placebo recipients (Table 34-6).
include fluid retention, potassium loss, weight gain, Mitoxantrone (Novantrone), an immune suppressant,
gastric disturbances, acne, and emotional lability. has also been approved in the United States, although it
Concurrent use of a low-salt, potassium-rich diet and is generally reserved for patients with progressive dis-
avoidance of potassium-wasting diuretics is advis- ability who have failed other treatments because of its
able. Lithium carbonate (300 mg orally bid) may help potential toxicity.
to manage emotional lability and insomnia associ-
Interferon , Glatiramer Acetate, and Natal-
ated with glucocorticoid therapy. Patients with a his-
izumab IFN- is a class I interferon originally identi-
tory of peptic ulcer disease may require cimetidine
ed by its antiviral properties. Efcacy in MS probably
(400 mg bid) or ranitidine (150 mg bid).
results from immunomodulatory properties including
Plasma exchange (seven exchanges: 4060 mL/kg per
(1) downregulating expression of MHC molecules on
exchange, every other day for 14 days) may benet
antigen-presenting cells, (2) inhibiting proinammatory
patients with fulminant attacks of demyelination (not
and increasing regulatory cytokine levels, (3) inhibition
only MS) that are unresponsive to glucocorticoids. How-
of T cell proliferation, and (4) limiting the trafcking of
ever, the cost is high, and the evidence of efcacy is only
inammatory cells in the CNS. Glatiramer acetate is a
synthetic, random polypeptide composed of four amino
DISEASE-MODIFYING THERAPIES FOR acids (l-glutamic acid, l-lysine, l-alanine, and l-tyrosine).
RELAPSING FORMS OF MS (RRMS, SPMS Its mechanism of action may include (1) induction of
WITH EXACERBATIONS) Five such agents are antigen-specic suppressor T cells; (2) binding to MHC
approved in the United States: (1) IFN--1a (Avonex), (2) molecules, thereby displacing bound MBP; or (3) altering
IFN--1a (Rebif ), (3) IFN--1b (Betaseron), (4) glatiramer the balance between proinammatory and regulatory
acetate (Copaxone), and (5) natalizumab (Tysabri). Each cytokines. Natalizumab is a humanized monoclonal anti-
of these treatments is also used in SPMS patients who body directed against the 4 subunit of 41 integrin, a
continue to experience attacks, because SPMS can be cellular adhesion molecule expressed on the surface of
difcult to distinguish from RRMS, and because clinical lymphocytes. It prevents lymphocytes from binding to
trials suggest that such patients also derive therapeutic endothelial cells, thereby preventing lymphocytes from
benet. In phase III clinical trials, recipients of IFN--1b, penetrating the BBB and entering the CNS.
IFN--1a, glatiramer acetate, and natalizumab experi- IFN- reduces the attack rate and improves dis-
enced fewer clinical exacerbations and fewer new MRI ease severity measures such as EDSS progression
446 and MRI-documented disease burden. IFN- should be The long-term efcacy of these treatments remains
considered in patients with either RRMS or SPMS with uncertain, although several recent studies suggest that
superimposed relapses. In patients with SPMS but with- these agents can improve the long-term outcome of MS
out relapses, efcacy has not been established. Higher when administered in the RRMS stage of the illness. Bene-
IFN- doses appear to have slightly greater efcacy but cial effects seen in early MS include a reduction in the
are also more likely to induce neutralizing antibodies, relapse rate and a reduction in CNS inammation as mea-
which may reduce the clinical benet (see below). sured by MRI. Unfortunately, already established progres-
Glatiramer acetate also reduces the attack rate sive symptoms do not respond to treatment with these
(whether measured clinically or by MRI) in RRMS. Glati- disease-modifying therapies. Because progressive symp-
ramer acetate may also benet disease severity mea- toms are likely to result from delayed effects of earlier
sures, although this is less well-established than for the focal demyelinating episodes, many experts now believe
relapse rate. Therefore, glatiramer acetate should be that very early treatment with a disease-modifying drug is
considered in RRMS patients. Its usefulness in progres- appropriate for most MS patients. It is reasonable to delay
sive disease is entirely unknown. initiating treatment in patients with (1) normal neurologic
Natalizumab dramatically reduces the attack rate and exams, (2) a single attack or a low attack frequency, and (3)
signicantly improves all measures of disease severity in a low burden of disease as assessed by brain MRI.
MS. However, because of the development of progres- Untreated patients should be followed closely with peri-
sive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) in nearly odic brain MRI scans; the need for therapy is reassessed if
two dozen patients treated with natalizumab, some in scans reveal evidence of ongoing, subclinical disease.
combination with other immunosuppressives, natal- Most treated patients with relapsing forms of MS
izumab is currently recommended only as monotherapy receive IFN- or glatiramer acetate as rst-line therapy.
for patients who have failed treatment with beta inter- Regardless of which agent is chosen rst, treatment
feron or glatiramer acetate, or who have particularly should probably be changed in patents who continue to
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
aggressive presentations. Its usefulness in the treatment have frequent attacks or progressive disability (Fig. 34-4).
of progressive disease has not been studied. The value of combination therapy is unknown.
Relapsing-Remitting MS Progressive MS
Secondary Primary
Acute neurologic change Stable progressive MS progressive MS
Functional No functional
impairment impairment
No Yes 1. IFN-1a, or No proven treatment
2. IFN-1b
Methylprednisolone/ Symptomatic
prednisone therapy Prophylaxis Repeat clinical exam Consider
1. IFN-1a, or and MRI in 6 months
Intolerant or
2. IFN-1b, or
poor response
3. Glatiramer acetate
Identify and treat any
underlying infection or trauma Clinical or No
MRI change change Consider Rx with one of the following:
Good Intolerant or 1. Mitoxantrone 4. Pulse cyclophosphamide
response poor response 2. Azathioprine 5. IVIg
Continue periodic 3. Methotrexate 6. Pulse methylprednisolone
clinical/ MRI
Continue Successive trials assessments
therapy of alternatives B
Therapeutic decision-making for MS.
IFN--1a (Avonex), 30 g, is administered by intra- trial in Europe, in addition to an even smaller phase II 447
muscular injection once every week. IFN--1a (Rebif ), study completed earlier. Mitoxantrone received (from
44 g, is administered by subcutaneous injection three the FDA) the broadest indication of any current treat-
times per week. IFN--1b (Betaseron), 250 g, is adminis- ment for MS. Thus, mitoxantrone is indicated for use in
tered by subcutaneous injection every other day. Glati- SPMS, in PRMS, and in patients with worsening RRMS
ramer acetate, 20 mg, is administered by subcutaneous (dened as patients whose neurologic status remains
injection every day. Natalizumab, 300 g, is adminis- signicantly abnormal between MS attacks). Despite this
tered by IV infusion each month. Common side effects broad indication, however, the data supporting its ef-
of IFN- therapy include ulike symptoms (e.g., fevers, cacy are weaker than for other approved therapies.
chills, and myalgias) and mild abnormalities on routine Mitoxantrone can be cardiotoxic (e.g., cardiomyopa-
laboratory evaluation (e.g., elevated liver function tests thy, reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, and irre-
or lymphopenia). Rarely, more severe hepatotoxicity versible congestive heart failure). As a result, a cumula-
may occur. Subcutaneous IFN- also causes reactions at tive dose >140 mg/m2 is not recommended. At currently
the injection site (e.g., pain, redness, induration, or, approved doses (12 mg/m2 every 3 months), the maxi-
rarely, skin necrosis). Side effects can usually be man- mum duration of therapy can be only 23 years. Further-
aged with concomitant nonsteroidal anti-inammatory more, >40% of women will experience amenorrhea,
medications and with the use of an autoinjector. which may be permanent. Finally, there is risk of acute
Depression, increased spasticity, and cognitive changes leukemia, and this complication has already been
have been reported, although these symptoms can also reported in several mitoxantrone-treated MS patients.
be due to the underlying disease. In any event, side Given these risks, mitoxantrone should not be used
effects to IFN- therapy usually subside with time. as a rst-line agent in either RRMS or relapsing SPMS. It
Approximately 210% of IFN--1a (Avonex) recipi- is reasonable to consider mitoxantrone in selected
ents, 1525% of IFN--1a (Rebif ) recipients, and 3040% patients with a progressive course who have failed
ported treatments for MS have never been subjected to may help. Coadministration of pseudoephedrine (3060
scientific scrutiny. These include dietary therapies mg) is sometimes benecial.
(e.g., the Swank diet in addition to others), megadose Detrusor/sphincter dyssynergia may respond to phe-
vitamins, low-dose naltrexone, calcium orotate, bee noxybenzamine (1020 mg/d) or terazosin hydrochlo-
stings, cow colostrum, hyperbaric oxygen, procarin (a ride (120 mg/d). Loss of reex bladder wall contraction
combination of histamine and caffeine), chelation, may respond to bethanechol (30150 mg/d). However,
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
acupuncture, acupressure, various Chinese herbal reme- both conditions often require catheterization.
dies, and removal of mercury-amalgam tooth llings, Urinary tract infections should be treated promptly.
among many others. Patients should avoid costly or Patients with large post-void residual urine volumes are
potentially hazardous unproven treatments. Many such predisposed to infections. Prevention by urine acidica-
treatments lack biologic plausibility. For example, no reli- tion (with cranberry juice or vitamin C) inhibits some
able case of mercury poisoning resembling typical MS bacteria. Prophylactic administration of antibiotics is
has ever been described. sometimes necessary but may lead to colonization by
Although potential roles for EBV, HHV-6, or chlamydia resistant organisms. Intermittent catheterization may
have been suggested for MS, these reports are uncon- help to prevent recurrent infections.
rmed, and treatment with antiviral agents or antibi- Treatment of constipation includes high-ber diets
otics is not currently appropriate. and uids. Natural or other laxatives may help. Fecal
incontinence may respond to a reduction in dietary ber.
SYMPTOMATIC THERAPY Potassium channel Depression should be treated. Useful drugs include
blockers (e.g., 4-aminopyridine, 1040 mg/d; and 3,4- the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (uoxetine,
di-aminopyridine, 4080 mg/d) may be helpful for 2080 mg/d, or sertraline, 50200 mg/d); the tricyclic anti-
weakness, especially for heat-sensitive symptoms. At depressants (amitriptyline, 25150 mg/d, nortriptyline,
high doses they may cause seizures. These agents are 25150 mg/d, or desipramine, 100300 mg/d); and the
not FDA-approved but can be obtained from com- nontricyclic antidepressants (venlafaxine, 75225 mg/d).
pounding pharmacies around the United States. Fatigue may improve with assistive devices, help in the
Ataxia/tremor is often intractable. Clonazepam, home, or successful management of spasticity. Patients
1.520 mg/d; mysoline, 50250 mg/d; propranolol, with frequent nocturia may benet from anticholinergic
40200 mg/d; or ondansetron, 816 mg/d may help. medication at bedtime. Primary MS fatigue may respond
Wrist weights occasionally reduce tremor in the arm or to amantadine (200 mg/d), methylphenidate (525 mg/d),
hand. Thalamotomy or deep-brain stimulation has been or modanil (100400 mg/d).
tried with mixed success. Cognitive problems may respond to the cholinesterase
Spasticity and spasms may improve with physical inhibitor donepezil hydrochloride (10 mg/d).
therapy, regular exercise, and stretching. Avoidance of Paroxysmal symptoms respond dramatically to low-
triggers (e.g., infections, fecal impactions, bed sores) is dose anticonvulsants (acetazolamide, 200600 mg/d;
extremely important. Effective medications include liore- carbamazepine, 50400 mg/d; phenytoin, 50300 mg/d;
sal (20120 mg/d), diazepam (240 mg/d), tizanidine or gabapentin, 6001800 mg/d).
(832 mg/d), dantrolene (25400 mg/d), and cyclobenza- Heat sensitivity may respond to heat avoidance, air-
prine hydrochloride (1060 mg/d). For severe spasticity, a conditioning, or cooling garments.
Sexual dysfunction may be helped by lubricants to aid Disease-modifying therapies for MS have not been 449
in genital stimulation and sexual arousal. Management rigorously studied in NMO. Acute attacks are usually
of pain, spasticity, fatigue, and bladder/bowel dysfunc- treated with high-dose glucocorticoids as for MS exacer-
tion may also help. Sildenal (50100 mg) taken 12 h bations (see above). Because of the possibility that NMO
before sex, is now the standard treatment for maintain- is antibody-mediated, plasma exchange has also been
ing erections. used empirically for acute episodes that fail to respond to
glucocorticoids. Immunosuppressants (cyclophosphamide
PROMISING EXPERIMENTAL THERAPIES or azathioprine with glucocorticoids) are sometimes used
Numerous clinical trials are currently underway. These in the hope that further relapses will be prevented. More
include: (1) oral sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor recently, in a small open-case series, B cell depletion with
modulators to sequester lymphocytes in the secondary anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (rituxan) appeared to
lymphoid organs; (2) oral cladribine, a purine nucleo- show promise in preventing relapses of NMO.
side agonist; (3) monoclonal antibodies against CD20 to Acute MS (Marburgs variant) is a fulminant demyeli-
deplete B cells, against the IL-2 receptor on activated nating process that in some cases progresses inexorably
T- cells, or against CD52 to induce global lymphocyte to death within 12 years. Typically, there are no remis-
depletion; (4) use of MBP, or an altered peptide ligand sions.When acute MS presents as a solitary, usually cavi-
tary, lesion, a brain tumor is often suspected. In such
resembling MBP, to induce antigen-specic tolerance;
(5) use of statins as immunomodulators; (6) estriol to cases a brain biopsy is usually required to establish the
induce a pregnancy-like state; and (7) bone marrow diagnosis. An antibody-mediated process appears to be
transplantation. responsible for most cases. Marburgs variant does not
seem to follow infection or vaccination, and it is unclear
whether this syndrome represents an extreme form of
CLINICAL VARIANTS OF MS MS or another disease altogether. No controlled trials of
Acute infections of the nervous system are among the prodrome of fever and headache, which in a previously
most important problems in medicine because early healthy individual may initially be thought to be
recognition, efcient decision-making, and rapid insti- benign, until (with the exception of viral meningitis)
tution of therapy can be lifesaving. These distinct clini- altered consciousness, focal neurologic signs, or seizures
cal syndromes include acute bacterial meningitis, appear. Key goals of early management are to emer-
viral meningitis, encephalitis, focal infections such as gently distinguish between these conditions, identify
brain abscess and subdural empyema, and infectious the responsible pathogen, and initiate appropriate
thrombophlebitis. Each may present with a nonspecic antimicrobial therapy.
452 space (meningitis) or whether there is evidence of
Approach to the Patient:
either generalized or focal involvement of brain tissue
in the cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum, or brainstem.
(Fig. 35-1) The rst task is to identify whether an When brain tissue is directly injured by a viral infec-
infection predominantly involves the subarachnoid tion the disease is referred to as encephalitis, whereas
Yes No
The management of patients with suspected CNS WNV, West Nile virus; DFA, direct uorescent antibody; Ag,
infection. ADEM, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; CT, antigen; VDRL, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory; AFB,
computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; acid-fast bacillus; TB, tuberculosis; CXR, chest x-ray; PPD,
PMNs, polymorphonuclear leukocytes; MNCs, mononuclear puried protein derivative; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; CTFV,
cells; CSF, cerebrospinal uid; PCR, polymerase chain reac- Colorado tick fever virus; HHV, human herpesvirus; LCMV,
tion; HSV, herpes simplex virus; VZV, varicella-zoster virus; lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus.
Tier 2 Evaluation (if above negative):
EBV: Serum serology, CSF PCR
Mycoplasma: Serum serology, CSF PCR
Influenza A, B: Serology, respiratory culture, CSF PCR
Adenovirus: Serology, throat swab. CSF PCR
Fungal: CSF & serum coccidioidal antibody, Histoplasma
antigen & antibody
Tier 3 Evaluation
(based on epidemiology)
Raccoon Wild rodent Cat Swimming in
exposure or or hamster exposure lakes or ponds
Hx of pica exposure or nonchlorinated
Bartonella spp.
focal bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections involving patients, immunocompromised individuals, or patients
brain tissue are classied as either cerebritis or abscess, with a severely depressed mental status. The high
depending on the presence or absence of a capsule. prevalence of cervical spine disease in older individu-
Nuchal rigidity (stiff neck) is the pathogno- als may result in false-positive tests for nuchal rigidity.
monic sign of meningeal irritation and is present Initial management can be guided by several con-
when the neck resists passive exion. Kernigs and siderations: (1) Empirical therapy should be initiated
Brudzinskis signs are also classic signs of meningeal promptly whenever bacterial meningitis is a signi-
irritation. Kernigs sign is elicited with the patient in cant diagnostic consideration. (2) All patients who
the supine position. The thigh is exed on the have had recent head trauma, are immunocompro-
abdomen, with the knee exed; attempts to passively mised, have known malignant lesions or central nervous
extend the knee elicit pain when meningeal irritation system (CNS) neoplasms, or have focal neurologic
is present. Brudzinskis sign is elicited with the patient ndings that include papilledema or a depressed level
in the supine position and is positive when passive of consciousness should undergo CT or MRI of the
exion of the neck results in spontaneous exion of brain prior to lumbar puncture (LP). In these cases
the hips and knees. Although commonly tested on empirical antibiotic therapy should not be delayed
physical examinations, the sensitivity and specicity pending test results but should be administered prior
of Kernigs and Brudzinskis signs are uncertain. Both to neuroimaging and LP. (3) A signicantly depressed
may be absent or reduced in very young or elderly level of consciousness (e.g., somnolence, coma),
454 seizures, or focal neurologic decits do not occur in factors include coexisting acute or chronic pneumococ-
viral (aseptic) meningitis; patients with these symp- cal sinusitis or otitis media, alcoholism, diabetes, splenec-
toms should be hospitalized for further evaluation tomy, hypogammaglobulinemia, complement deciency,
and treated empirically for bacterial and viral menin- and head trauma with basilar skull fracture and CSF rhi-
goencephalitis. (4) Immunocompetent patients with a norrhea. Mortality remains ~20% despite antibiotic
normal level of consciousness, no prior antimicrobial therapy. Recently, pneumococcal vaccination has been
treatment, and a cerebrospinal uid (CSF) prole shown to decrease rates of meningitis.
consistent with viral meningitis (lymphocytic pleocy- N. meningitidis accounts for 25% of all cases of bacterial
tosis and a normal glucose concentration) can often meningitis (0.6 cases per 100,000 persons per year) and for
be treated as outpatients if appropriate contact and up to 60% of cases in children and young adults between 2
monitoring can be ensured. Failure of a patient with and 20 years of age.The presence of petechial or purpuric
suspected viral meningitis to improve within 48 h skin lesions can provide an important clue to the diagnosis
should prompt a reevaluation including follow-up of meningococcal infection. In some patients the disease is
neurologic and general medical examination and fulminant, progressing to death within hours of symptom
repeat imaging and laboratory studies, often including onset. Infection may be initiated by nasopharyngeal colo-
a second LP. nization, which can result in either an asymptomatic carrier
state or invasive meningococcal disease.The risk of invasive
the subarachnoid space. It is associated with a CNS including properdin, are highly susceptible to meningococcal
inammatory reaction that may result in decreased con- infections.
sciousness, seizures, raised intracranial pressure (ICP), Enteric gram-negative bacilli are an increasingly
and stroke. The meninges, the subarachnoid space, and common cause of meningitis in individuals with chronic
the brain parenchyma are all frequently involved in the and debilitating diseases such as diabetes, cirrhosis, or
inammatory reaction (meningoencephalitis). alcoholism and in those with chronic urinary tract
infections. Gram-negative meningitis can also compli-
cate neurosurgical procedures, particularly craniotomy.
EPIDEMIOLOGY Group B streptococcus, or S. agalactiae, was previously
Bacterial meningitis is the most common form of sup- responsible for meningitis predominantly in neonates, but
purative CNS infection, with an annual incidence in the it has been reported with increasing frequency in individ-
United States of >2.5 cases/100,000 population. The uals >50 years, particularly those with underlying diseases.
epidemiology of bacterial meningitis has changed signif- L. monocytogenes has become an increasingly important
icantly in recent years, reecting a dramatic decline in cause of meningitis in neonates (<1 month), pregnant
the incidence of meningitis due to Haemophilus inuenzae, women, individuals >60 years, and immunocompro-
and a smaller decline in that due to Neisseria meningitidis, mised individuals of all ages. Infection is acquired by
following the introduction and increasingly widespread ingesting foods contaminated by Listeria. Foodborne
use of vaccines for both these organisms. Currently, the human listerial infection has been reported from conta-
organisms most commonly responsible for community- minated coleslaw, milk, soft cheeses, and several types of
acquired bacterial meningitis are Streptococcus pneumoniae ready-to-eat foods, including delicatessen meat and
(~50%), N. meningitidis (~25%), group B streptococci uncooked hotdogs.
(~15%), and Listeria monocytogenes (~10%). H. inuenzae The frequency of H. inuenzae type b meningitis in
now accounts for <10% of cases of bacterial meningitis children has declined dramatically since the introduction
in most series. of the Hib conjugate vaccine, although rare cases of Hib
meningitis in vaccinated children have been reported.
More frequently, H. inuenzae causes meningitis in
ETIOLOGY unvaccinated children and adults.
S. pneumoniae is the most common cause of meningitis Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci
in adults >20 years of age, accounting for nearly half the are important causes of meningitis that occurs following
reported cases (1.1 per 100,000 persons per year).There invasive neurosurgical procedures, particularly shunting pro-
are a number of predisposing conditions that increase cedures for hydrocephalus, or as a complication of the use of
the risk of pneumococcal meningitis, the most important subcutaneous Ommaya reservoirs for administration of
of which is pneumococcal pneumonia. Additional risk intrathecal chemotherapy.
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY (WBCs) and relatively small amounts of complement 455
proteins and immunoglobulins. The paucity of the latter
The most common bacteria that cause meningitis, S.
two prevents effective opsonization of bacteria, an essen-
pneumoniae and N. meningitidis, initially colonize the
tial prerequisite for bacterial phagocytosis by neu-
nasopharynx by attaching to nasopharyngeal epithelial
trophils. Phagocytosis of bacteria is further impaired by
cells. Bacteria are transported across epithelial cells in
the uid nature of CSF, which is less conducive to
membrane-bound vacuoles to the intravascular space or
phagocytosis than a solid tissue substrate.
invade the intravascular space by creating separations in
A critical event in the pathogenesis of bacterial
the apical tight junctions of columnar epithelial cells.
meningitis is the inammatory reaction induced by the
Once in the bloodstream, bacteria are able to avoid
invading bacteria. Many of the neurologic manifesta-
phagocytosis by neutrophils and classic complement
tions and complications of bacterial meningitis result
mediated bactericidal activity because of the presence of
from the immune response to the invading pathogen
a polysaccharide capsule. Bloodborne bacteria can reach
rather than from direct bacteria-induced tissue injury. As
the intraventricular choroid plexus, directly infect
a result, neurologic injury can progress even after the
choroid plexus epithelial cells, and gain access to the
CSF has been sterilized by antibiotic therapy.
CSF. Some bacteria, such as S. pneumoniae, can adhere to
The lysis of bacteria with the subsequent release of
cerebral capillary endothelial cells and subsequently
cell-wall components into the subarachnoid space is the
migrate through or between these cells to reach the
initial step in the induction of the inammatory response
CSF. Bacteria are able to multiply rapidly within CSF
and the formation of a purulent exudate in the subarach-
because of the absence of effective host immune
noid space (Fig. 35-2). Bacterial cell-wall components,
defenses. Normal CSF contains few white blood cells
Vasogenic Obstructive
Cytotoxic edema,
edema and communicating
stroke, seizures
hydrocephalus and
interstitial edema
Intracranial pressure
The pathophysiology of the neurologic complications of bacterial meningitis. SAS,
subarachnoid space; CSF, cerebrospinal uid.
456 such as the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules of gram- vasogenic, and cytotoxic edema leads to raised ICP and
negative bacteria and teichoic acid and peptidoglycans of coma. Cerebral herniation usually results from the
S. pneumoniae, induce meningeal inammation by stimu- effects of cerebral edema, either focal or generalized;
lating the production of inammatory cytokines and hydrocephalus and dural sinus or cortical vein thrombo-
chemokines by microglia, astrocytes, monocytes, microvas- sis may also play a role.
cular endothelial cells, and CSF leukocytes. In experi-
mental models of meningitis, cytokines including tumor
necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin 1 (IL-1) are pre-
sent in CSF within 12 h of intracisternal inoculation of Meningitis can present as either an acute fulminant illness
LPS. This cytokine response is quickly followed by an that progresses rapidly in a few hours or as a subacute
increase in CSF protein concentration and leukocytosis. infection that progressively worsens over several days.The
Chemokines (cytokines that induce chemotactic migration classic clinical triad of meningitis is fever, headache, and
in leukocytes) and a variety of other proinammatory nuchal rigidity. A decreased level of consciousness occurs
cytokines are also produced and secreted by leukocytes in >75% of patients and can vary from lethargy to coma.
and tissue cells that are stimulated by IL-1 and TNF. Nausea, vomiting, and photophobia are also common
In addition, bacteremia and the inammatory cytokines complaints.
induce the production of excitatory amino acids, reactive Seizures occur as part of the initial presentation of
oxygen and nitrogen species (free oxygen radicals, nitric bacterial meningitis or during the course of the illness
oxide, and peroxynitrite), and other mediators that can in 2040% of patients. Focal seizures are usually due to
induce death of brain cells. focal arterial ischemia or infarction, cortical venous
Much of the pathophysiology of bacterial meningitis thrombosis with hemorrhage, or focal edema. General-
is a direct consequence of elevated levels of CSF ized seizure activity and status epilepticus may be due to
cytokines and chemokines.TNF and IL-1 act synergisti- hyponatremia, cerebral anoxia, or, less commonly, the
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
cally to increase the permeability of the blood-brain toxic effects of antimicrobial agents such as high-dose
barrier, resulting in induction of vasogenic edema and penicillin.
the leakage of serum proteins into the subarachnoid Raised ICP is an expected complication of bacterial
space (Fig. 35-2).The subarachnoid exudate of proteina- meningitis and the major cause of obtundation and coma
ceous material and leukocytes obstructs the ow of CSF in this disease. More than 90% of patients will have a
through the ventricular system and diminishes the CSF opening pressure >180 mm H2O, and 20% have
resorptive capacity of the arachnoid granulations in the opening pressures >400 mm H2O. Signs of increased
dural sinuses, leading to obstructive and communicating ICP include a deteriorating or reduced level of con-
hydrocephalus and concomitant interstitial edema. sciousness, papilledema, dilated poorly reactive pupils,
Inammatory cytokines upregulate the expression of sixth nerve palsies, decerebrate posturing, and the Cush-
selectins on cerebral capillary endothelial cells and leuko- ing reex (bradycardia, hypertension, and irregular respi-
cytes, promoting leukocyte adherence to vascular rations). The most disastrous complication of increased
endothelial cells and subsequent migration into the CSF. ICP is cerebral herniation. The incidence of herniation
The adherence of leukocytes to capillary endothelial cells in patients with bacterial meningitis has been reported to
increases the permeability of blood vessels, allowing for occur in as few as 1% to as many as 8% of cases.
the leakage of plasma proteins into the CSF, which adds Specic clinical features may provide clues to the
to the inammatory exudate. Neutrophil degranulation diagnosis of individual organisms and are discussed in
results in the release of toxic metabolites that contribute more detail in specic chapters devoted to individual
to cytotoxic edema, cell injury, and death. Contrary to pathogens.The most important of these clues is the rash
previous beliefs, CSF leukocytes probably do little to of meningococcemia, which begins as a diffuse erythe-
contribute to the clearance of CSF bacterial infection. matous maculopapular rash resembling a viral exanthem;
During the very early stages of meningitis, there is an however, the skin lesions of meningococcemia rapidly
increase in cerebral blood ow, soon followed by a become petechial. Petechiae are found on the trunk and
decrease in cerebral blood ow and a loss of cerebrovas- lower extremities, in the mucous membranes and con-
cular autoregulation (Chap. 22). Narrowing of the large junctiva, and occasionally on the palms and soles.
arteries at the base of the brain due to encroachment by
the purulent exudate in the subarachnoid space and inl-
tration of the arterial wall by inammatory cells with
intimal thickening (vasculitis) also occur and may result in When bacterial meningitis is suspected, blood cultures
ischemia and infarction, obstruction of branches of the should be immediately obtained and empirical antimi-
middle cerebral artery by thrombosis, thrombosis of the crobial therapy is initiated without delay (Table 35-1).
major cerebral venous sinuses, and thrombophlebitis of The diagnosis of bacterial meningitis is made by exami-
the cerebral cortical veins.The combination of interstitial, nation of the CSF (Table 35-2). The need to obtain
TABLE 35-1 TABLE 35-2 457
Opening pressure >180 mm H2O
INDICATION ANTIBIOTIC White blood cells 10/L to 10,000/L; neutrophils
Preterm infants to Ampicillin + Red blood cells Absent in nontraumatic tap
infants <1 month cefotaxime Glucose <2.2 mmol/L (<40 mg/dL)
Infants 13 months Ampicillin + CSF/serum glucose <0.4
cefotaxime or Protein >0.45 g/L (>45 mg/dL)
ceftriaxone Grams stain Positive in >60%
Immunocompetent children Cefotaxime or Culture Positive in >80%
>3 months and adults <55 years ceftriaxone + Latex agglutination May be positive in patients
vancomycin with meningitis due to
Adults >55 years and adults Ampicillin + S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis,
of any age with alcoholism cefotaxime or H. inuenzae type b, E. coli,
or other debilitating illnesses ceftriaxone + group B streptococci
vancomycin Limulus lysate Positive in cases of gram-
Hospital-acquired meningitis, Ampicillin + negative meningitis
posttraumatic or postneurosurgery ceftazidime + PCR Detects bacterial DNA
meningitis, neutropenic patients, vancomycin
or patients with impaired
Note: PCR, polymerase chain reaction.
cell-mediated immunity
isms. However, the sensitivity of the CSF <LA test is ing. Most patients develop a characteristic rash within
only 70100% for detection of S. pneumoniae and 96 h of the onset of symptoms.The rash is initially a dif-
3370% for detection of N. meningitidis antigens, so a fuse erythematous maculopapular rash that may be dif-
negative test does not exclude infection by these organ- cult to distinguish from that of meningococcemia. It
isms.The Limulus amebocyte lysate assay is a rapid diag- progresses to a petechial rash, then to a purpuric rash
nostic test for the detection of gram-negative endotoxin and, if untreated, to skin necrosis or gangrene.The color
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
in CSF and thus for making a diagnosis of gram-nega- of the lesions changes from bright red to very dark red,
tive bacterial meningitis. The test has a specicity of then yellowish-green to black. The rash typically begins
85100% and a sensitivity approaching 100%. Thus, a in the wrist and ankles and then spreads distally and
positive Limulus amebocyte lysate assay occurs in virtu- proximally within a matter of a few hours, involving the
ally all patients with gram-negative bacterial meningitis, palms and soles. Diagnosis is made by immunouores-
but false positives may occur. cent staining of skin biopsy specimens. Ehrlichioses are
Almost all patients with bacterial meningitis will have also transmitted by a tick bite. These are small gram-
neuroimaging studies performed during the course of negative coccobacilli of which two species cause human
their illness. MRI is preferred over CT because of its disease. Anaplasma phagocytophilum causes human granu-
superiority in demonstrating areas of cerebral edema locytic ehrlichiosis (anaplasmosis), and Ehrlichia chaffeensis
and ischemia. In patients with bacterial meningitis, dif- causes human monocytic ehrlichiosis. The clinical and
fuse meningeal enhancement is often seen after the laboratory manifestations of the infections are similar.
administration of gadolinium. Meningeal enhancement Patients present with fever, headache, nausea, and vomit-
is not diagnostic of meningitis but occurs in any CNS ing. Twenty percent of patients have a maculopapular or
disease associated with increased blood-brain barrier petechial rash. There is laboratory evidence of leukope-
permeability. nia, thrombocytopenia and anemia, and mild to moder-
Petechial skin lesions, if present, should be biopsied. ate elevations in alanine aminotransferases, alkaline
The rash of meningococcemia results from the dermal phosphatase, and lactate dehydrogenase. Patients with
seeding of organisms with vascular endothelial damage, RMSF and those with ehrlichial infections may have an
and biopsy may reveal the organism on Grams stain. altered level of consciousness ranging from mild lethargy
to coma, confusion, focal neurologic signs, cranial nerve
palsies, hyperreexia, and seizures.
Focal suppurative CNS infections (see later), includ-
Viral meningoencephalitis, and particularly herpes sim- ing subdural and epidural empyema and brain abscess,
plex virus (HSV) encephalitis, can mimic the clinical should also be considered, especially when focal neuro-
presentation of bacterial meningitis (see Encephalitis, logic ndings are present. MRI should be performed
below). HSV encephalitis typically presents with promptly in all patients with suspected meningitis who
headache, fever, altered consciousness, focal neurologic have focal features, both to detect the intracranial infec-
decits (e.g., dysphasia, hemiparesis), and focal or gener- tion and to search for associated areas of infection in the
alized seizures.The ndings on CSF studies, neuroimag- sinuses or mastoid bones.
ing, and electroencephalogram (EEG) distinguish HSV A number of noninfectious CNS disorders can mimic
encephalitis from bacterial meningitis. The typical CSF bacterial meningitis. Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH;
prole with viral CNS infections is a lymphocytic Chap. 22) is generally the major consideration. Other
possibilities include chemical meningitis due to rupture meningitis, and particularly meningitis following neuro- 459
of tumor contents into the CSF (e.g., from a cystic surgical procedures, staphylococci and gram-negative
glioma or craniopharyngioma epidermoid or dermoid organisms including P. aeruginosa are the most common
cyst); drug-induced hypersensitivity meningitis; carcino- etiologic organisms. In these patients, empirical therapy
matous or lymphomatous meningitis; meningitis associ- should include a combination of vancomycin and
ated with inammatory disorders such as sarcoid, systemic ceftazidime, cefepime, or meropenem. Ceftazidime,
lupus erythematosus (SLE), and Behets syndrome; cefepime, or meropenem should be substituted for ceftri-
pituitary apoplexy; and uveomeningitic syndromes axone or cefotaxime in neurosurgical patients and in neu-
(Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome). tropenic patients, as ceftriaxone and cefotaxime do not
On occasion, subacutely evolving meningitis may be provide adequate activity against CNS infection with
considered in the differential diagnosis of acute meningi- P. aeruginosa. Meropenem is a carbapenem antibiotic that
tis.The principal causes include Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is highly active in vitro against L. monocytogenes, has
Cryptococcus neoformans, Histoplasma capsulatum, Coccidioides been demonstrated to be effective in cases of meningitis
immitis, and Treponema pallidum. caused by P. aeruginosa, and shows good activity against
penicillin-resistant pneumococci. In experimental pneu-
mococcal meningitis, meropenem was comparable to
ceftriaxone and inferior to vancomycin in sterilizing CSF
Treatment: cultures.The number of patients with bacterial meningitis
enrolled in clinical trials of meropenem has not been suf-
EMPIRICAL ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPY cient to denitively assess the efcacy of this antibiotic.
(Table 35-1) Bacterial meningitis is a medical emergency. SPECIFIC ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPY
The goal is to begin antibiotic therapy within 60 min of a Meningococcal Meningitis (Table 35-3)
patients arrival in the emergency department. Empirical
Emergency treatment of increased ICP includes eleva-
tion of the patients head to 3045, intubation and Using a variety of diagnostic techniques, including
hyperventilation (PaCO2 2530 mm Hg), and mannitol. CSF PCR, culture, and serology, a specific viral cause
Patients with increased ICP should be managed in an can be found in 7590% of cases of viral meningitis.
intensive care unit; accurate ICP measurements are best The most important agents are enteroviruses, HSV
TABLE 35-4
Mortality is 37% for meningitis caused by H. inuenzae,
N. meningitidis, or group B streptococci; 15% for that due VIRUSES CAUSING ACUTE MENINGITIS
to L. monocytogenes; and 20% for S. pneumoniae. In gen- AND ENCEPHALITIS IN NORTH AMERICAa
eral, the risk of death from bacterial meningitis increases ACUTE MENINGITIS
with (1) decreased level of consciousness on admission,
(2) onset of seizures within 24 h of admission, (3) signs COMMON LESS COMMON
of increased ICP, (4) young age (infancy) and >50 years, Enteroviruses Varicella zoster virus
(5) the presence of comorbid conditions including (coxsackieviruses, Epstein-Barr virus
shock and/or the need for mechanical ventilation, and echoviruses, and human Lymphocytic
(6) delay in the initiation of treatment. Decreased CSF enteroviruses 6871) choriomeningitis virus
Herpes simplex virus 2
glucose concentration [<2.2 mmol/L (<40 mg/dL)] and
Arthropod-borne viruses
markedly increased CSF protein concentration [>3 g/L HIV
(>300 mg/dL)] have been predictive of increased mor-
tality and poorer outcomes in some series. Moderate or ACUTE ENCEPHALITIS
severe sequelae occur in ~25% of survivors, although the COMMON LESS COMMON
exact incidence varies with the infecting organism.
Common sequelae include decreased intellectual func- Herpesviruses Rabies
tion, memory impairment, seizures, hearing loss and Herpes simplex virus 1 Eastern equine
encephalitis virus
dizziness, and gait disturbances. Varicella zoster virus Western equine
encephalitis virus
ACUTE VIRAL MENINGITIS Epstein-Barr virus Powassan virus
Arthropod-borne viruses Cytomegalovirusa
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS La Crosse virus Enterovirusesa
West Nile virus Colorado tick fever
Patients with viral meningitis usually present with St. Louis encephalitis virus Mumps
headache, fever, and signs of meningeal irritation cou-
pled with an inammatory CSF prole (see later). The a
Immunocompromised host.
462 cases of aseptic meningitis have a specific viral etiology potential discriminators between viral and bacterial
identified by CSF PCR testing (see later). meningitis or as markers of specic types of viral infec-
tion (e.g., infection with HIV), but they remain of
EPIDEMIOLOGY uncertain sensitivity and specicity and are not widely
used for diagnostic purposes.
Viral meningitis is not a nationally reportable disease;
however, it has been estimated that the incidence is Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplication
~75,000 cases per year. In temperate climates, there is a of Viral Nucleic Acid
substantial increase in cases during the summer and early
fall months, reecting the seasonal predominance of Amplication of viral-specic DNA or RNA from CSF
enterovirus and arthropod-borne virus (arbovirus) infec- using PCR amplication has become the single most
tions, with a peak monthly incidence of about 1 reported important method for diagnosing CNS viral infections.
case per 100,000 population. In both enteroviral and HSV infections of the CNS,
PCR has become the diagnostic procedure of choice
and is substantially more sensitive than viral cultures.
LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS HSV PCR is also an important diagnostic test in
CSF Examination patients with recurrent episodes of aseptic meningitis,
fectious neurologic diseases (e.g., multiple sclerosis) and phocytic pleocytosis (1001000 cells/L) with normal
may be found in nonviral infections (e.g., neurosyphilis, glucose and normal or mildly elevated protein concen-
Lyme neuroborreliosis). tration. In rare cases, PMNs may predominate during
the rst 48 h of illness. Treatment is supportive, and
patients usually recover without sequelae. Chronic and
Other Laboratory Studies
severe infections can occur in neonates and in individu-
have no evidence of active genital herpes at the time of and CSF pleocytosis occurs in >50%. Mumps infection
presentation. Most cases of recurrent viral or aseptic confers lifelong immunity, so a documented history of
meningitis, including cases previously diagnosed as Mol- previous infection excludes this diagnosis. Patients with
larets meningitis, are likely due to HSV. meningitis have a CSF pleocytosis that can exceed 1000
VZV meningitis should be suspected in the presence cells/L in 25%. Lymphocytes predominate in 75%,
of concurrent chickenpox or shingles. However, it is although CSF neutrophilia occurs in 25%. Hypoglycor-
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
important to recognize that in some series, up to 40% of rhachia, occurs in 1030% of patients and may be a clue
VZV meningitis cases have been reported to occur in to the diagnosis when present. Diagnosis is typically
the absence of rash.The frequency of VZV as a cause of made by culture of virus from CSF or by detecting IgM
meningitis is extremely variable, ranging from as low as antibodies or seroconversion. CSF PCR is available in
3% to as high as 20% in different series. Diagnosis is some diagnostic and research laboratories.The frequency
usually based on CSF PCR, although the sensitivity of of mumps meningitis has declined dramatically with the
this test may not be as high as for the other her- widespread use of the live-attenuated mumps vaccine.
pesviruses. In patients with negative CSF PCR results, Rare cases of vaccine-associated meningitis occur, with a
the diagnosis of VZV CNS infection can be made by frequency of 10100/100,000 doses typically 24 weeks
the demonstration of VZV-specic intrathecal antibody after vaccination.
synthesis and/or the presence of VZV CSF IgM anti- LCMV infection should be considered when aseptic
bodies, or by positive CSF cultures. meningitis occurs in the late fall or winter and in indi-
EBV infections may also produce aseptic meningitis, viduals with a history of exposure to house mice (Mus
with or without associated infectious mononucleosis. musculus), pet or laboratory rodents (e.g., hamsters, rats,
The presence of atypical lymphocytes in the CSF or mice), or their excreta. Some patients have an associated
peripheral blood is suggestive of EBV infection but may rash, pulmonary inltrates, alopecia, parotitis, orchitis, or
occasionally be seen with other viral infections. EBV is myopericarditis. Laboratory clues to the diagnosis of
almost never cultured from CSF. Serum and CSF serol- LCMV, in addition to the clinical ndings noted above,
ogy can help establish the presence of acute infection, may include the presence of leukopenia, thrombocytope-
which is characterized by IgM viral capsid antibodies nia, or abnormal liver function tests. Some cases present
(VCAs), antibodies to early antigens (EA), and the with a marked CSF pleocytosis (>1000 cells/L) and
absence of antibodies to EBV-associated nuclear antigen hypoglycorrachia (<30%). Diagnosis is based on serology
(EBNA). CSF PCR is another important diagnostic test, and/or culture of virus from CSF.
although positive results may reect viral reactivation
associated with other infectious or inammatory
HIV meningitis should be suspected in any patient pre- Treatment:
senting with a viral meningitis with known or suspected ACUTE VIRAL MENINGITIS
risk factors for HIV infection. Meningitis may occur fol- Treatment of almost all cases of viral meningitis is pri-
lowing primary infection with HIV in 510% of patients marily symptomatic and includes use of analgesics,
and less commonly at later stages of illness. Cranial nerve antipyretics, and antiemetics. Fluid and electrolyte status
palsies, most commonly involving cranial nerves V,VII, or
should be monitored. Patients with suspected bacterial measles infection. A live attenuated VZV vaccine (Vari- 465
meningitis should receive appropriate empirical therapy vax) is available in the United States. Clinical studies
pending culture results (see earlier). Hospitalization may indicate an effectiveness rate of 7090% for this vaccine,
not be required in immunocompetent patients with but a booster may be required to maintain immunity.
presumed viral meningitis and no focal signs or symp- An inactivated varicella vaccine is available for trans-
toms, no signicant alteration in consciousness, and a plant recipients.
classic CSF prole (lymphocytic pleocytosis, normal glu-
cose, negative Grams stain) if adequate provision for
monitoring at home and medical follow-up can be
ensured. Immunocompromised patients; patients with PROGNOSIS
signicant alteration in consciousness, seizures, or the In adults, the prognosis for full recovery from viral
presence of focal signs and symptoms suggesting the meningitis is excellent. Rare patients complain of per-
possibility of encephalitis or parenchymal brain involve- sisting headache, mild mental impairment, incoordina-
ment; and those patients who have an atypical CSF pro- tion, or generalized asthenia for weeks to months. The
le should be hospitalized. Oral or intravenous acyclovir outcome in infants and neonates (<1 year) is less cer-
may be of benet in patients with meningitis caused by tain; intellectual impairment, learning disabilities, hear-
HSV-1 or -2 and in cases of severe EBV or VZV infection. ing loss, and other lasting sequelae have been reported in
Data concerning treatment of HSV, EBV, and VZV menin- some studies.
gitis are extremely limited. Seriously ill patients should
probably receive intravenous acyclovir (1530 mg/kg
per day in three divided doses), which can be followed
by an oral drug such as acyclovir (800 mg, ve times DEFINITION
daily), famciclovir (500 mg tid), or valacyclovir (1000 mg
two patterns of infection often differ. The most impor- cells have been reported in WNV encephalitis. Polymor-
tant viruses causing sporadic cases of encephalitis in phonuclear pleocytosis occurs in ~40% of patients with
immunocompetent adults are herpesviruses (HSV,VZV, WNV encephalitis. Large numbers of CSF PMNs may
EBV). Epidemics of encephalitis are caused by be present in patients with encephalitis due to EEE
arboviruses, which belong to several different viral tax- virus, echovirus 9, and, more rarely, other enteroviruses.
onomic groups including Alphaviruses (e.g., EEE virus, However, persisting CSF neutrophilia should prompt
western equine encephalitis virus), Flaviviruses (e.g.,
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
week of initiation of antiviral therapy, but the numbers fell bility of HSV encephalitis. Examples of focal findings
to ~50% by 814 days and to ~21% by >15 days after ini- include: (1) areas of increased signal intensity in the
tiation of antiviral therapy. frontotemporal, cingulate, or insular regions of the
The sensitivity and specicity of CSF PCR tests for brain on T2-weighted, FLAIR, or diffusion-weighted
viruses other than herpes simplex have not been deni- MRI images (Fig. 35-3); (2) focal areas of low absorp-
tively characterized. Enteroviral CSF PCR appears to tion, mass effect, and contrast enhancement on CT; or
CSF Culture
Attempts to culture viruses from the CSF in cases of
encephalitis are often disappointing. Cultures are nega-
tive in >95% of cases of HSV-1 encephalitis.
more anteriorly prominent rather than the temporally encephalitis included mycobacteria, fungi, rickettsia,
predominant pattern of sharp or periodic discharges Listeria and other bacteria (including Bartonella sp.), and
more characteristic of HSV encephalitis. Patients with Mycoplasma.
VZV encephalitis may show multifocal areas of hemor- Infection caused by the ameba Naegleria fowleri can
rhagic and ischemic infarction reecting the tendency of also cause acute meningoencephalitis (primary amebic
TABLE 35-5
The best test for WNV encephalitis is the CSF IgM antibody test. The prevalence of positive CSF IgM tests increases by
about 10%/day after illness onset and reaches 7080% by the end of the rst week. Serum WNV IgM can provide evidence
for recent WNV infection, but in the absence of other ndings does not establish the diagnosis of neuroinvasive disease
(meningitis, encephalitis, acute accid paralysis).
Approximately 80% of patients with proven HSV encephalitis have MRI abnormalities involving the temporal lobes.
This percentage likely increases to >90% when FLAIR and DWI MR sequences are also utilized. The absence of temporal
lobe lesions on MR reduces the likelihood of HSV encephalitis and should prompt consideration of other diagnostic
The CSF HSV PCR test may be negative in the rst 72 h of symptoms of HSV encephalitis. A repeat study should be
considered in patients with an initial early negative PCR in whom diagnostic suspicion of HSV encephalitis remains high
and no alternative diagnosis has yet been established.
Detection of intrathecal synthesis (increased CSF/serum HSV antibody ratio corrected for breakdown of the blood-brain
barrier) of HSV-specic antibody may be useful in diagnosis of HSV encephalitis in patients in whom only late (>1 week
post-onset) CSF specimens are available and PCR studies are negative. Serum serology alone is of no value in diagnosis
of HSV encephalitis due to the high seroprevalence rate in the general population.
Negative CSF viral cultures are of no value in excluding the diagnosis of HSV or EBV encephalitis.
VZV CSF IgM antibodies may be present in patients with a negative VZV CSF PCR. Both tests should be performed in
patients with suspected VZV CNS disease.
The specicity of EBV CSF PCR for diagnosis of CNS infection is unknown. Positive tests may occur in patients with a CSF
pleocytosis due to other causes. Detection of EBV CSF IgM or intrathecal synthesis of antibody to VCA supports the
diagnosis of EBV encephalitis. Serological studies consistent with acute EBV infection (e.g., IgM VCA, presence of
antibodies against EA but not against EBNA) can help support the diagnosis.
Note: CSF, cerebrospinal uid; IgM, immunoglobulin M; WNV, West Nile virus; HSV, herpes simplex virus; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging;
FLAIR, uid attenuated inversion recovery; DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; VZV,
varicella-zoster virus; CNS, central nervous system; VCA, viral capsid antibody; EA, early antigen; EBNA, EBV-associated nuclear antigen.
meningoencephalitis), whereas that caused by Acanthamoeba weakness with accid tone, reduced or absent reexes, 469
and Balamuthia more typically produces subacute or and relatively preserved sensation. Despite an aggressive
chronic granulomatous amebic meningoencephalitis. World Health Organization poliovirus eradication initia-
Naegleria thrive in warm, iron-rich pools of water, tive, >1200 cases of wild-type poliovirus-induced
including those found in drains, canals, and both natural poliomyelitis have been reported worldwide in 2006,
and human-made outdoor pools. Infection has typically with 88% occurring in Nigeria and India and >20 cases
occurred in immunocompetent children with a history each from Somalia,Afghanistan, and Namibia.There have
of swimming in potentially infected water. The CSF, in been recent small outbreaks of poliomyelitis associated
contrast to the typical prole seen in viral encephalitis, with vaccine strains of virus that have reverted to viru-
often resembles that of bacterial meningitis with a neu- lence through mutation or recombination with circulating
trophilic pleocytosis and hypoglycorrhachia. Motile wild-type enteroviruses in Hispaniola, China, the Philip-
trophozoites can be seen in a wet mount of warm, fresh pines, and Madagascar.
CSF. No effective treatment has been identied, and Epidemiologic factors may provide important clues
mortality approaches 100%. to the diagnosis of viral meningitis or encephalitis. Par-
Encephalitis can be caused by the raccoon pinworm ticular attention should be paid to the season of the
Baylisascaris procyonis. Clues to the diagnosis include a year; the geographic location and travel history; and pos-
history of raccoon exposure, and especially of playing in sible exposure to animal bites or scratches, rodents, and
or eating dirt potentially contaminated with raccoon ticks. Although transmission from the bite of an infected
feces. Most patients are children, and many have an asso- dog remains the most common cause of rabies world-
ciated eosinophilia. wide, in the United States very few cases of dog rabies
Once nonviral causes of encephalitis have been occur, and the most common risk factor is exposure to
excluded, the major diagnostic challenge is to distinguish batsalthough a clear history of a bite or scratch is
HSV from other viruses that cause encephalitis.This dis- often lacking. The classic clinical presentation of
tis, many patients will require care in an intensive care CSF is excellent, with average drug levels ~50% of
unit. Basic management and supportive therapy should serum levels. Complications of therapy include eleva-
include careful monitoring of ICP, uid restriction, avoid- tions in blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels (5%),
ance of hypotonic intravenous solutions, and suppres- thrombocytopenia (6%), gastrointestinal toxicity (nau-
sion of fever. Seizures should be treated with standard sea, vomiting, diarrhea) (7%), and neurotoxicity
anticonvulsant regimens, and prophylactic therapy (lethargy or obtundation, disorientation, confusion, agi-
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
should be considered in view of the high frequency of tation, hallucinations, tremors, seizures) (1%). Acyclovir
seizures in severe cases of encephalitis. As with all seri- resistance may be mediated by changes in either the
ously ill, immobilized patients with altered levels of con- viral deoxypyrimidine kinase or DNA polymerase. To
sciousness, encephalitis patients are at risk for aspiration date, acyclovir-resistant isolates have not been a signi-
pneumonia, stasis ulcers and decubiti, contractures, cant clinical problem in immunocompetent individuals.
deep venous thrombosis and its complications, and However, there have been reports of clinically virulent
infections of indwelling lines and catheters. acyclovir-resistant HSV isolates from sites outside the
Acyclovir is of benet in the treatment of HSV and CNS in immunocompromised individuals, including
should be started empirically in patients with suspected those with AIDS.
viral encephalitis, especially if focal features are present, Oral antiviral drugs with efcacy against HSV, VZV,
while awaiting viral diagnostic studies. Treatment should and EBV, including acyclovir, famciclovir, and valacy-
be discontinued in patients found not to have HSV clovir, have not been evaluated in the treatment of
encephalitis, with the possible exception of patients with encephalitis either as primary therapy or as supplemen-
severe encephalitis due to VZV or EBV. HSV, VZV, and EBV tal therapy following completion of a course of par-
all encode an enzyme, deoxypyrimidine (thymidine) enteral acyclovir. A National Institute of Allergy and
kinase, that phosphorylates acyclovir to produce Infectious Disease (NIAID)/National Institute of Neuro-
acyclovir-5-monophosphate. Host cell enzymes then logical Disorders and Strokesponsored phase III trial of
phosphorylate this compound to form a triphosphate supplemental oral valacyclovir therapy (2 g tid for
derivative. It is the triphosphate that acts as an antiviral 3 months) following the initial 14- to 21-day course of
agent by inhibiting viral DNA polymerase and by causing therapy with parenteral acyclovir is ongoing in patients
premature termination of nascent viral DNA chains. The with HSV encephalitis; this may help clarify the role of
specicity of action depends on the fact that uninfected extended oral antiviral therapy.
cells do not phosphorylate signicant amounts of acy- Ganciclovir and foscarnet, either alone or in combi-
clovir to acyclovir-5-monophosphate. A second level of nation, are often utilized in the treatment of CMV-
specicity is provided by the fact that the acyclovir related CNS infections, although their efcacy remains
triphosphate is a more potent inhibitor of viral DNA poly- unproven. Cidofovir (see later) may provide an alterna-
merase than of the analogous host cell enzymes. tive in patients who fail to respond to ganciclovir and
Adults should receive a dose of 10 mg/kg of acyclovir foscarnet, although data concerning its use in CMV CNS
intravenously every 8 h (30 mg/kg per day total dose) infections is extremely limited.
for a minimum of 14 days. CSF PCR can be repeated at Ganciclovir is a synthetic nucleoside analogue of
the completion of the 14-day course, with PCR-positive 2-deoxyguanosine. The drug is preferentially phospho-
patients receiving an additional 7 days of treatment, rylated by virus-induced cellular kinases. Ganciclovir
triphosphate acts as a competitive inhibitor of the CMV on clinical response. Patients must be prehydrated with 471
DNA polymerase, and its incorporation into nascent normal saline (e.g., 1 L over 12 h) prior to each dose
viral DNA results in premature chain termination. Fol- and treated with probenecid (e.g., 1 g 3 h before cido-
lowing intravenous administration, CSF concentrations fovir and 1 g 2 and 8 h after cidofovir). Nephrotoxicity is
of ganciclovir are 2570% of coincident plasma levels. common; the dose should be reduced if renal function
The usual dose for treatment of severe neurologic ill- deteriorates.
nesses is 5 mg/kg every 12 h given intravenously at a Intravenous ribavirin (1525 mg/kg per day in
constant rate over 1 h. Induction therapy is followed by divided doses given every 8 h) has been reported to be
maintenance therapy of 5 mg/kg every day for an indef- of benet in isolated cases of severe encephalitis due to
inite period. Induction therapy should be continued California encephalitis (LaCrosse) virus. Ribavirin might
until patients show a decline in CSF pleocytosis and a be of benet for the rare patients, typically infants or
reduction in CSF CMV DNA copy number on quantita- young children, with severe adenovirus or rotavirus
tive PCR testing (where available). Doses should be encephalitis and in patients with encephalitis due to
adjusted in patients with renal insufciency. Treatment LCMV or other arenaviruses. However, clinical trials are
is often limited by the development of granulocytope- lacking. Hemolysis, with resulting anemia, has been the
nia and thrombocytopenia (2025%), which may major side effect limiting therapy.
require reduction in or discontinuation of therapy. Gas- No specic antiviral therapy of proven efcacy is cur-
trointestinal side effects, including nausea, vomiting, rently available for treatment of WNV encephalitis.
diarrhea, and abdominal pain, occur in ~20% of Patients have been treated with -interferon, ribavirin,
patients. Some patients treated with ganciclovir for CMV WNV-specic antisense oligonucleotides, and an Israeli
retinitis have developed retinal detachment, but the IVIg preparation that contains high-titer anti-WNV anti-
causal relationship to ganciclovir treatment is unclear. body (Omr-IgG-am). WNV chimeric vaccines, in which
Valganciclovir is an orally bioavailable prodrug that can WNV envelope and premembrane proteins are inserted
SUBACUTE MENINGITIS The classic CSF abnormalities in tuberculous meningitis
are as follows: (1) elevated opening pressure, (2) lympho-
cytic pleocytosis (10500 cells/L), (3) elevated protein
Patients with subacute meningitis typically have an concentration in the range of 15 g/L (10500 mg/dL),
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
unrelenting headache, stiff neck, low-grade fever, and and (4) decreased glucose concentration in the range of
lethargy for days to several weeks before they present for 1.12.2 mmol/L (2040 mg/dL). The combination of unre-
evaluation. Cranial nerve abnormalities and night sweats lenting headache, stiff neck, fatigue, night sweats, and fever with
may be present. This syndrome overlaps that of chronic a CSF lymphocytic pleocytosis and a mildly decreased glucose
meningitis, discussed in detail in Chap. 36. concentration is highly suspicious for tuberculous meningitis.
The last tube of uid collected at LP is the best tube to
send for a smear for acid-fast bacilli (AFB). If there is a
pellicle in the CSF or a cobweb-like clot on the surface
Common causative organisms include M. tuberculosis, C. of the uid, AFB can best be demonstrated in a smear of
neoformans, H. capsulatum, C. immitis, and T. pallidum. the clot or pellicle. Positive smears are typically reported
Initial infection with M. tuberculosis is acquired by inhala- in only 1040% of cases of tuberculous meningitis in
tion of aerosolized droplet nuclei.Tuberculous meningitis adults. Cultures of CSF take 48 weeks to identify the
in adults does not develop acutely from hematogenous organism and are positive in ~50% of adults. Culture
spread of tubercle bacilli to the meninges. Rather, millet remains the gold standard to make the diagnosis of
seedsize (miliary) tubercles form in the parenchyma of tuberculous meningitis. PCR for the detection of
the brain during hematogenous dissemination of tuber- M. tuberculosis DNA has a sensitivity of 7080% but is
cle bacilli in the course of primary infection. These limited at the present time by a high rate of false-posi-
tubercles enlarge and are usually caseating. The propen- tive results.
sity for a caseous lesion to produce meningitis is deter- The characteristic CSF abnormalities in fungal
mined by its proximity to the subarachnoid space (SAS) meningitis are a mononuclear or lymphocytic pleocyto-
and the rate at which brous encapsulation develops. sis, an increased protein concentration, and a decreased
Subependymal caseous foci cause meningitis via dis- glucose concentration. There may be eosinophils in the
charge of bacilli and tuberculous antigens into the SAS. CSF in C. immitis meningitis. Large volumes of CSF are
Mycobacterial antigens produce an intense inamma- often required to demonstrate the organism on India ink
tory reaction that leads to the production of a thick smear or grow the organism in culture. If spinal uid
exudate that lls the basilar cisterns and surrounds the examined by LP on two separate occasions fails to yield
cranial nerves and major blood vessels at the base of the an organism, CSF should be obtained by high-cervical
brain. or cisternal puncture.
Fungal infections are typically acquired by the The cryptococcal polysaccharide antigen test is a
inhalation of airborne fungal spores. The initial highly sensitive and specic test for cryptococcal menin-
pulmonary infection may be asymptomatic or gitis. A reactive CSF cryptococcal antigen test establishes
present with fever, cough, sputum production, and chest the diagnosis. The detection of the histoplasma polysac-
pain. The pulmonary infection is often self-limited. charide antigen in CSF establishes the diagnosis of a
fungal meningitis but is not specic for meningitis due monotherapy or intravenous amphotericin B (0.50.7 473
to H. capsulatum. It may be falsely positive in coccid- mg/kg per day) for >4 weeks. Intrathecal amphotericin B
ioidal meningitis. The CSF complement xation anti- (0.250.75 mg/d three times weekly) may be required to
body test is reported to have a specicity of 100% and a eradicate the infection. Lifelong therapy with ucona-
sensitivity of 75% for coccidioidal meningitis. zole (200400 mg daily) is recommended to prevent
The diagnosis of syphilitic meningitis is made when a relapse. AmBisome (5 mg/kg per day) or amphotericin B
reactive serum treponemal test [uorescent treponemal lipid complex (5 mg/kg per day) can be substituted for
antibody absorption test (FTA-ABS) or microhemag- amphotericin B in patients who have or who develop
glutination-T. pallidum (MHA-TP)] is associated with a signicant renal dysfunction. The most common com-
CSF lymphocytic or mononuclear pleocytosis and an plication of fungal meningitis is hydrocephalus. Patients
elevated protein concentration, or when the CSF VDRL who develop hydrocephalus should receive a CSF diver-
(Venereal Disease Research Laboratory) is positive. A sion device. A ventriculostomy can be used until CSF
reactive CSF FTA-ABS is not denitive evidence of fungal cultures are sterile, at which time the ventricu-
neurosyphilis.The CSF FTA-ABS can be falsely positive lostomy is replaced by a ventriculoperitoneal shunt.
from blood contamination. A negative CSF VDRL does Syphilitic meningitis is treated with aqueous peni-
not rule out neurosyphilis. A negative CSF FTA-ABS or cillin G in a dose of 34 million units intravenously
MHA-TP rules out neurosyphilis.
every 4 h for 1014 days. An alternative regimen is
2.4 million units of procaine penicillin G intramuscu-
larly daily with 500 mg of oral probenecid four times
Treatment: daily for 1014 days. Either regimen is followed with
SUBACUTE MENINGITIS 2.4 million units of benzathine penicillin G intramuscu-
Empirical therapy of tuberculous meningitis is often ini- larly once a week for 3 weeks. The standard criterion for
tiated on the basis of a high index of suspicion without treatment success is reexamination of the CSF. The
SUBACUTE SCLEROSING terial infection (tuberculoma) remains a major cause of
PANENCEPHALITIS focal CNS mass lesions.
No denitive therapy for SSPE is available. Treatment
with isoprinosine (Inosiplex, 100 mg/kg per day), alone ETIOLOGY
or in combination with intrathecal or intraventricular
alpha interferon, has been reported to prolong survival A brain abscess may develop (1) by direct spread from a
causes of abscesses associated with urinary sepsis. Con- 1112 days following onset of symptoms. The classic
genital cardiac malformations that produce a right-to- clinical triad of headache, fever, and a focal neurologic
left shunt, such as tetralogy of Fallot, patent ductus arte- decit is present in <50% of cases. The most common
riosus, and atrial and ventricular septal defects, allow symptom in patients with a brain abscess is headache,
bloodborne bacteria to bypass the pulmonary capillary occurring in >75% of patients. The headache is often
bed and reach the brain. Similar phenomena can occur characterized as a constant, dull, aching sensation, either
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
with pulmonary arteriovenous malformations. The hemicranial or generalized, and it becomes progressively
decreased arterial oxygenation and saturation from the more severe and refractory to therapy. Fever is present in
right-to-left shunt and polycythemia may cause focal only 50% of patients at the time of diagnosis, and its
areas of cerebral ischemia, thus providing a nidus for absence should not exclude the diagnosis. The new
microorganisms that bypassed the pulmonary circulation onset of focal or generalized seizure activity is a present-
to multiply and form an abscess. Streptococci are the ing sign in 1535% of patients. Focal neurologic decits
most common pathogens in this setting. including hemiparesis, aphasia, or visual eld defects are
part of the initial presentation in >60% of patients.
The clinical presentation of a brain abscess depends
on its location, the nature of the primary infection if
Results of experimental models of brain abscess forma- present, and the level of the ICP. Hemiparesis is the most
tion suggest that for bacterial invasion of brain common localizing sign of a frontal lobe abscess. A tem-
parenchyma to occur, there must be preexisting or con- poral lobe abscess may present with a disturbance of
comitant areas of ischemia, necrosis, or hypoxia in brain language (dysphasia) or an upper homonymous quad-
tissue.The intact brain parenchyma is relatively resistant to rantanopia. Nystagmus and ataxia are signs of a cerebel-
infection. Once bacteria have established infection, brain lar abscess. Signs of raised ICPpapilledema, nausea and
abscess frequently evolves through a series of stages, inu- vomiting, and drowsiness or confusioncan be the
enced by the nature of the infecting organism and by the dominant presentation of some abscesses, particularly
immunocompetence of the host.The early cerebritis stage those in the cerebellum. Meningismus is not present
(days 13) is characterized by a perivascular inltration of unless the abscess has ruptured into the ventricle or the
inammatory cells, which surround a central core of infection has spread to the subarachnoid space.
coagulative necrosis. Marked edema surrounds the lesion
at this stage. In the late cerebritis stage (days 49), pus for-
mation leads to enlargement of the necrotic center, which
is surrounded at its border by an inammatory inltrate Diagnosis is made by neuroimaging studies. MRI
of macrophages and broblasts. A thin capsule of brob- (Fig. 35-4) is better than CT for demonstrating
lasts and reticular bers gradually develops, and the sur- abscesses in the early (cerebritis) stages and is superior
rounding area of cerebral edema becomes more distinct to CT for identifying abscesses in the posterior fossa.
than in the previous stage. The third stage, early capsule Cerebritis appears on MRI as an area of low-signal
formation (days 1013), is characterized by the formation intensity on T1-weighted images with irregular post-
of a capsule that is better developed on the cortical than gadolinium enhancement and as an area of increased
on the ventricular side of the lesion. This stage correlates signal intensity on T2-weighted images. Cerebritis is
Pneumococcal brain abscess. Note that the abscess wall gadolinium administration on the coronal T1-weighted image
has hyperintense signal on the axial T1-weighted MRI (C). The abscess is surrounded by a large amount of vaso-
(A, black arrow), hypointense signal on the axial proton den- genic edema and has a small daughter abscess (C, white
sity images (B, black arrow), and enhances prominently after arrow). (Courtesy of Joseph Lurito, MD; with permission.)
often not visualized by CT scan but, when present, of cases overall but may be positive in >85% of patients
appears as an area of hypodensity. On a contrast- with abscesses due to Listeria.
enhanced CT scan, a mature brain abscess appears as a
Dura mater
Anticonvulsant therapy is initiated when the patient with
neurocysticercosis presents with a seizure. There is con-
troversy about whether or not antihelminthic therapy
should be given to all patients. Such therapy does not
necessarily reduce the risk of seizure recurrence. Cys-
ticerci appearing as cystic lesions or as enhancing lesions
in the brain parenchyma or in the subarachnoid space at
the convexity of the cerebral hemispheres should be
treated with anticysticidal therapy. Cysticidal drugs
accelerate the destruction of the parasites, resulting in a
faster resolution of the infection. Albendazole and prazi- FIGURE 35-5
quantel are used in the treatment of neurocysticercosis. Subdural empyema.
Approximately 85% of parenchymal cysts are destroyed
by a single course of albendazole, and ~75% are
destroyed by a single course of praziquantel. The dose of
SDE is a rare disorder that accounts for 1525% of focal Sinusitis-associated SDE develops as a result of either retro-
suppurative CNS infections. Sinusitis is the most common grade spread of infection from septic thrombophlebitis of
480 the mucosal veins draining the sinuses or contiguous spread infarction (see earlier). In untreated SDE, the increasing
of infection to the brain from osteomyelitis in the posterior mass effect and increase in ICP cause progressive deterio-
wall of the frontal or other sinuses. SDE may also develop ration in consciousness, leading ultimately to coma.
from direct introduction of bacteria into the subdural space
as a complication of a neurosurgical procedure.The evolu-
tion of SDE can be extremely rapid because the subdural
space is a large compartment that offers few mechanical MRI (Fig. 35-6) is superior to CT in identifying SDE
barriers to the spread of infection. In patients with sinusitis- and any associated intracranial infections.The administra-
associated SDE, suppuration typically begins in the upper tion of gadolinium greatly improves diagnosis by
and anterior portions of one cerebral hemisphere and then enhancing the rim of the empyema and allowing the
extends posteriorly. SDE is often associated with other empyema to be clearly delineated from the underlying
intracranial infections, including epidural empyema (40%), brain parenchyma. Cranial MRI is also extremely valu-
cortical thrombophlebitis (35%), and intracranial abscess or able in identifying sinusitis, other focal CNS infections,
cerebritis (>25%). Cortical venous infarction produces cortical venous infarction, cerebral edema, and cerebritis.
necrosis of underlying cerebral cortex and subcortical white CT may show a crescent-shaped hypodense lesion over
matter, with focal neurologic decits and seizures (see later). one or both hemispheres or in the interhemispheric s-
sure. Frequently the degree of mass effect, exemplied by
Subdural empyema. There is marked enhancement of the images (A, B) but markedly hyperintense on the proton
dura and leptomeninges (A, B, straight arrows) along the left densityweighted (C, curved arrow) image. (Courtesy of
medial hemisphere. The pus is hypointense on T1-weighted Joseph Lurito, MD; with permission.)
infections. A cranial epidural abscess develops as a compli- 481
Treatment: cation of a craniotomy or compound skull fracture or as a
SUBDURAL EMPYEMA result of spread of infection from the frontal sinuses, mid-
SDE is a medical emergency. Emergent neurosurgical dle ear, mastoid, or orbit. An epidural abscess may develop
evacuation of the empyema, either through burr-hole contiguous to an area of osteomyelitis, when craniotomy is
drainage or craniotomy, is the denitive step in the man- complicated by infection of the wound or bone ap, or as
agement of this infection. Empirical antimicrobial ther- a result of direct infection of the epidural space. Infection
apy should include a combination of a third-generation in the frontal sinus, middle ear, mastoid, or orbit can reach
cephalosporin (e.g., cefotaxime or ceftriaxone), van- the epidural space through retrograde spread of infection
comycin, and metronidazole (Table 35-1 for dosages). from septic thrombophlebitis in the emissary veins that
Parenteral antibiotic therapy should be continued for a drain these areas or by way of direct spread of infection
minimum of 4 weeks. Specic diagnosis of the etiologic through areas of osteomyelitis. Unlike the subdural space,
organisms is made based on Grams stain and culture of the epidural space is really a potential rather than an actual
uid obtained via either burr holes or craniotomy; the compartment.The dura is normally tightly adherent to the
initial empirical antibiotic coverage can be modied inner skull table, and infection must dissect the dura away
accordingly. from the skull table as it spreads. As a result, epidural
abscesses are often smaller than SDEs. Cranial epidural
abscesses, unlike brain abscesses, only rarely result from
hematogenous spread of infection from extracranial pri-
mary sites.The bacteriology of a cranial epidural abscess is
Prognosis is inuenced by the level of consciousness of similar to that of SDE (see earlier).The etiologic organisms
the patient at the time of hospital presentation, the size of an epidural abscess that arises from frontal sinusitis, mid-
of the empyema, and the speed with which therapy is dle ear infections, or mastoiditis are usually streptococci or
DEFINITION ear and mastoid cells. The transverse sinus becomes the
Suppurative intracranial thrombophlebitis is septic sigmoid sinus before draining into the internal jugular
venous thrombosis of cortical veins and sinuses. This vein. Septic transverse/sigmoid sinus thrombosis can be
may occur as a complication of bacterial meningitis; a complication of acute and chronic otitis media or
SDE; epidural abscess; or infection in the skin of the mastoiditis. Infection spreads from the mastoid air cells
face, paranasal sinuses, middle ear, or mastoid. to the transverse sinus via the emissary veins or by direct
invasion. The cavernous sinuses are inferior to the
superior sagittal sinus at the base of the skull. The cav-
ANATOMY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY ernous sinuses receive blood from the facial veins via the
The cerebral veins and venous sinuses have no valves; superior and inferior ophthalmic veins. Bacteria in the
therefore, blood within them can ow in either direc- facial veins enter the cavernous sinus via these veins.
tion. The superior sagittal sinus is the largest of the Bacteria in the sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses can spread
venous sinuses (Fig. 35-8). It receives blood from the to the cavernous sinuses via the small emissary veins.
frontal, parietal, and occipital superior cerebral veins and The sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses are the most com-
the diploic veins, which communicate with the meningeal mon sites of primary infection resulting in septic cav-
veins. Bacterial meningitis is a common predisposing con- ernous sinus thrombosis.
dition for septic thrombosis of the superior sagittal sinus.
The diploic veins, which drain into the superior sagittal
sinus, provide a route for the spread of infection from the CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
meninges, especially in cases where there is purulent exu- Septic thrombosis of the superior sagittal sinus presents with
date near areas of the superior sagittal sinus. Infection can headache, fever, nausea and vomiting, confusion, and
also spread to the superior sagittal sinus from nearby SDE focal or generalized seizures. There may be a rapid
or epidural abscess. Dehydration from vomiting, hyperco- development of stupor and coma.Weakness of the lower
agulable states, and immunologic abnormalities, including extremities with bilateral Babinski signs or hemiparesis is
the presence of circulating antiphospholipid antibodies, often present. When superior sagittal sinus thrombosis
also contribute to cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. occurs as a complication of bacterial meningitis, nuchal
Thrombosis may extend from one sinus to another, and rigidity and Kernigs and Brudzinskis signs may be
at autopsy thrombi of different histologic ages can often present.
be detected in several sinuses. Thrombosis of the The oculomotor nerve, the trochlear nerve, the
superior sagittal sinus is often associated with thrombo- abducens nerve, the ophthalmic and maxillary branches
sis of superior cortical veins and small parenchymal of the trigeminal nerve, and the internal carotid artery
hemorrhages. all pass through the cavernous sinus (Fig. 29-4). The
symptoms of septic cavernous sinus thrombosis are fever, antibiotics are usually continued for 6 weeks or until 483
headache, frontal and retroorbital pain, and diplopia. there is radiographic evidence of resolution of thrombo-
The classic signs are ptosis, proptosis, chemosis, and sis. Anticoagulation with dose-adjusted heparin has
extraocular dysmotility due to deficits of cranial been reported to be benecial in patients with aseptic
nerves III, IV, and VI; hyperesthesia of the ophthalmic venous sinus thrombosis; it is also used in the treatment
and maxillary divisions of the fifth cranial nerve and a of septic venous sinus thrombosis complicating bacter-
decreased corneal reflex may be detected. There may ial meningitis in patients who are worsening despite
be evidence of dilated, tortuous retinal veins and antimicrobial therapy and intravenous uids. The pres-
papilledema. ence of a small intracerebral hemorrhage from septic
Headache and earache are the most frequent symp- thrombophlebitis is not an absolute contraindication to
toms of transverse sinus thrombosis. A transverse sinus heparin therapy. Successful management of aseptic
thrombosis may also present with otitis media, sixth venous sinus thrombosis has been reported with
nerve palsy, and retroorbital or facial pain (Gradinegos catheter-directed urokinase therapy and with a combi-
syndrome). Sigmoid sinus and internal jugular vein nation of intrathrombus recombinant tissue plasmino-
thrombosis may present with neck pain. gen activator (rtPA) and intravenous heparin, but there
has not been enough experience with these therapies in
DIAGNOSIS septic venous sinus thrombosis to make recommenda-
tions regarding their use.
The diagnosis of septic venous sinus thrombosis is
suggested by an absent flow void within the affected
venous sinus on MRI and confirmed by magnetic FURTHER READINGS
resonance venography, CT angiogram, or the venous DE GANS J,VAN DE BEEK D: Dexamethasone in adults with bacterial
phase of cerebral angiography. The diagnosis of meningitis. N Engl J Med 347:1549, 2002
Chronic inammation of the meninges (pia, arachnoid, cerebral ventricles, exits through narrow foramina into
and dura) can produce profound neurologic disability the subarachnoid space surrounding the brain and spinal
and may be fatal if not successfully treated. The condi- cord, circulates around the base of the brain and over
tion is most commonly diagnosed when a characteristic the cerebral hemispheres, and is resorbed by arachnoid
neurologic syndrome exists for >4 weeks and is associ- villi projecting into the superior sagittal sinus. CSF ow
ated with a persistent inammatory response in the provides a pathway for rapid spread of infectious and
cerebrospinal uid (CSF) (white blood cell count other inltrative processes over the brain, spinal cord,
>5/L). The causes are varied, and appropriate treat- and cranial and spinal nerve roots. Spread from the sub-
ment depends on identication of the etiology. Five arachnoid space into brain parenchyma may occur via
categories of disease account for most cases of chronic the arachnoid cuffs that surround blood vessels that pen-
meningitis: (1) meningeal infections, (2) malignancy, etrate brain tissue (Virchow-Robin spaces).
(3) noninfectious inammatory disorders, (4) chemical
meningitis, and (5) parameningeal infections. Intracranial Meningitis
Nociceptive bers of the meninges are stimulated by the
inammatory process, resulting in headache or neck or
Neurologic manifestations of chronic meningitis back pain. Obstruction of CSF pathways at the foramina
(Table 36-1) are determined by the anatomic location or arachnoid villi may produce hydrocephalus and symp-
of the inammation and its consequences. Persistent toms of raised intracranial pressure (ICP), including
headache with or without stiff neck, hydrocephalus, cra- headache, vomiting, apathy or drowsiness, gait instability,
nial neuropathies, radiculopathies, and cognitive or per- papilledema, visual loss, impaired upgaze, or palsy of the
sonality changes are the cardinal features. These can sixth cranial nerve (CN) (Chap. 29). Cognitive and
occur alone or in combination. When they appear in behavioral changes during the course of chronic menin-
combination, widespread dissemination of the inam- gitis may also result from vascular damage, which may
matory process along CSF pathways has occurred. In similarly produce seizures, stroke, or myelopathy. Inam-
some cases, the presence of an underlying systemic ill- matory deposits seeded via the CSF circulation are often
ness points to a specic agent or class of agents as the prominent around the brainstem and cranial nerves and
probable cause. The diagnosis of chronic meningitis is along the undersurface of the frontal and temporal
usually made when the clinical presentation prompts the lobes. Such cases, termed basal meningitis, often present as
astute physician to examine the CSF for signs of inam- multiple cranial neuropathies, with visual loss (CN II),
mation. CSF is produced by the choroid plexus of the facial weakness (CN VII), hearing loss (CN VIII),
TABLE 36-1 infection outside the nervous system. Infectious causes 485
SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS OF CHRONIC MENINGITIS are of major concern in the immunosuppressed patient,
especially in patients with AIDS, in whom chronic
meningitis may present without headache or fever.
Chronic headache / Papilledema Noninfectious inammatory disorders often produce
Neck or back pain Brudzinskis or Kernigs sign systemic manifestations, but meningitis may be the ini-
of meningeal irritation tial manifestation. Carcinomatous meningitis may or
Change in personality Altered mental status may not be accompanied by clinical evidence of the pri-
drowsiness, inattention,
disorientation, memory loss,
mary neoplasm.
frontal release signs (grasp,
suck, snout), perseveration
Facial weakness Peripheral seventh CN palsy
Double vision Palsy of CN III, IV, VI Approach to the Patient:
Visual loss Papilledema, optic atrophy CHRONIC MENINGITIS
Hearing loss Eighth CN palsy
Arm or leg weakness Myelopathy or radiculopathy The occurrence of chronic headache, hydrocephalus,
Numbness in arms Myelopathy or radiculopathy cranial neuropathy, radiculopathy, and/or cognitive
or legs decline in a patient should prompt consideration of a
Sphincter dysfunction Myelopathy or radiculopathy lumbar puncture for evidence of meningeal inam-
Frontal lobe dysfunction mation. On occasion the diagnosis is made when an
imaging study (CT or MRI) shows contrast enhance-
Clumsiness Ataxia
ment of the meninges, which is always abnormal with
the exception of dural enhancement after lumbar
Note: CN, cranial nerve.
puncture, neurosurgical procedures, or spontaneous
Lyme disease Mononuclear cells; elevated Serum Lyme antibody titer; History of tick bite or
(Bannwarths syndrome) protein Western blot conrmation; appropriate exposure
Borrelia burgdorferi (patients with syphilis may history; erythema chronicum
have false-positive Lyme titer) migrans skin rash; arthritis,
radiculopathy, Bells palsy,
sclerosis-like syndrome
Syphilis (secondary, Mononuclear cells; CSF VDRL; serum VDRL Appropriate exposure history;
tertiary) Treponema elevated protein (or RPR); uorescent HIV seropositive individuals
pallidum treponemal antibody- at increased risk of aggressive
absorbed (FTA) or MHA-TP; infection; dementia; cerebral
serum VDRL may be negative infarction due to endarteritis
in tertiary syphilis
Fungal Causes
Cryptococcus neoformans Mononuclear cells; count India ink or fungal wet AIDS and immune suppression;
not elevated in some mount of CSF (budding pigeon exposure; skin and
patients with AIDS yeast); blood and urine other organ involvement
cultures; antigen detection due to disseminated infection
in CSF
Coccidioides immitis Mononuclear cells Antibody detection in Exposure history
(sometimes 1020% CSF and serum southwestern US;
eosinophils); often increased virulence
low glucose in dark-skinned races
Candida sp. Polymorphonuclear Fungal stain and culture IV drug abuse; post surgery;
or mononuclear of CSF prolonged intravenous
therapy; disseminated
Histoplasma capsulatum Mononuclear cells; Fungal stain and culture of Exposure historyOhio and
low glucose large volumes of CSF; central Mississippi River
antigen detection in CSF, Valley; AIDS; mucosal
serum, and urine; antibody lesions
detection in serum, CSF
Blastomyces dermatitidis Mononuclear cells Fungal stain and culture Midwestern and southeastern
Protozoal Causes
Toxoplasma gondii Mononuclear cells Biopsy or response to Usually with intracerebral
empirical therapy in clinically abscesses; common in
appropriate context HIV seropositive patients
(including presence of
antibody in serum)
Trypanosomiasis Mononuclear cells, Elevated CSF IgM; Endemic in Africa; chancre,
Trypanosoma gambiense, elevated protein identication of lymphadenopathy;
T. rhodesiense trypanosomes in CSF prominent sleep disorder
and blood smear
Helminthic Causes
Cysticercosis Mononuclear cells; may Indirect hemagglutination Usually with multiple cysts
(infection with cysts have eosinophils; glucose assay in CSF; ELISA in basal meninges and
of Taenia solium) level may be low immunoblotting in serum hydrocephalus; cerebral
cysts, muscle
Helminthic Causes
Gnathostoma spinigerum Eosinophils, mononuclear Peripheral eosinophilia History of eating raw sh;
cells common in Thailand and
Japan; subarachnoid
hemorrhage; painful
Angiostrongylus Eosinophils, mononuclear Recovery of worms History of eating raw shellsh;
cantonensis cells from CSF common in tropical Pacic
regions; often benign
Baylisascaris procyonis Eosinophils, mononuclear Infection follows accidental
(raccoon ascarid) cells ingestion of B. procyonis eggs
from raccoon feces; fatal
Viral Causes
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
Note: AFB, acid-fast bacillus; CMV, cytomegalovirus; CSF, cerebrospinal uid; CT, computed tomography; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; ELISA,
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; EM, electron microscopy; FTA, uorescent treponemal antibody absorption test; HSV, herpes simplex
virus; MHA-TP, microhemagglutination assayT. pallidum; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PAS, periodic acidSchiff; PCR, polymerase chain
reaction; RPR, rapid plasma reagin test; TB, tuberculosis; VDRL, Venereal Disease Research Laboratories test.
hemorrhage in week prior of acoustic neuroma or
to presentation with craniopharyngioma;
meningitis epidermoid tumor of brain
or spine, sometimes with
dermoid sinus tract; pituitary
Primary inammation
Note: ANCA, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; CN, cranial nerve; CSF, cerebrospinal uid; CT, computed tomography; HSV, herpes sim-
plex virus; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PMNs, polymorphonuclear cells.
or Southeast Asia when eosinophilic meningitis is CSF ow pathways, elevated ICP can still occur due
man, immunosuppressed due to intestinal lymphangiecta- Abnormalities discovered on chest radiograph or
sia, developed multiple cranial neuropathies. CSF ndings chest CT can be pursued by bronchoscopy or
consisted of 100 lymphocytes/L and a protein of 2.5 g/L transthoracic needle biopsy.
(250 mg/dL); cytology and cultures were negative. Gadolin-
ium-enhanced T1 MRI revealed diffuse, multifocal meningeal MENINGEAL BIOPSY A meningeal biopsy should
enhancement surrounding the brainstem (A), spinal cord and be strongly considered in patients who are severely dis-
cauda equina (B). abled, who need chronic ventricular decompression, or
therapy of lymphocytic meningitis at tuberculosis, GILDEN DH et al: Herpesvirus infections of the nervous system. Nat
particularly if the condition is associated with hypo- Clin Pract Neurol 3:82, 2007
glycorrhachia and sixth and other CN palsies, since HALPERIN JJ et al: Practice parameter: Treatment of nervous system
untreated disease is fatal in 48 weeks. In the Mayo Lyme disease (an evidence-based review): Report of the Quality
Clinic series, the most useful empirical therapy was Standards Subcomittee of the American Academy of Neurology.
administration of glucocorticoids rather than antitu- Neurology 69:91, 2007
LAN SH et al: Cerebral infarction in chronic meningitis: A compari-
Clinical Manifestations of Neurologic Disease
berculous therapy. Carcinomatous or lymphomatous son of tuberculous meningitis and cryptococcal meningitis. Q J
meningitis may be difcult to diagnose initially, but Med 94(5):247, 2001
the diagnosis becomes evident with time. LILIANG PC et al: Use of ventriculoperitoneal shunts to treat uncon-
trollable intracranial hypertension in patients who have cryptococ-
cal meningitis without hydrocephalus. Clin Infect Dis 34(12):E64,
THE IMMUNOSUPPRESSED PATIENT SHAPIRO WR et al: Treatment modalities for leptomeningeal metas-
tases. Semin Oncol 36:S46 2009
Chronic meningitis is not uncommon in the course of TALATI NJ et al: Spectrum of CNS disease caused by rapidly growing
HIV infection. Pleocytosis and mild meningeal signs mycobacteria. Lancet Infect Dis 8:390, 2008
often occur at the onset of HIV infection, and occa- VINNARD C, Macgregor RR:Tuberculous meningitis in HIV-infected
sionally low-grade meningitis persists. Toxoplasmosis individuals. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep 6:139, 2009
Clinical disease of the nervous system accounts for a signi- condition resolves; the same holds true for category C in
cant degree of morbidity in a high percentage of patients relation to category B.
with HIV infection. Neurologic problems occur through- The denition of AIDS is indeed complex and com-
out the course of infection and may be inammatory, prehensive and was established not for the practical care
demyelinating, or degenerative in nature. The problems of patients, but for surveillance purposes.Thus, the clini-
fall into four basic categories: neurologic disease caused by cian should not focus on whether or not the patient ful-
HIV itself, HIV-related neoplasms, opportunistic infections lls the strict denition of AIDS, but should view HIV
of the nervous system, and adverse effects of medical disease as a spectrum ranging from primary infection,
therapy (Table 37-1). with or without the acute syndrome, to the asympto-
matic stage, to advanced disease.
The current U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
vention (CDC) classication system for HIV-infected The etiologic agent of AIDS is HIV, which belongs to
adolescents and adults categorizes persons on the basis the family of human retroviruses (Retroviridae) and the
of clinical conditions associated with HIV infection and subfamily of lentiviruses. Nononcogenic lentiviruses
CD4+ T lymphocyte counts. The system is based on cause disease in other animal species, including sheep,
three ranges of CD4+ T lymphocyte counts and three horses, goats, cattle, cats, and monkeys. The four recog-
clinical categories and is represented by a matrix of nine nized human retroviruses belong to two distinct groups:
mutually exclusive categories (Tables 37-2 and 37-3). the human T lymphotropic viruses (HTLV)-I and
Using this system, any HIV-infected individual with a HTLV-II, which are transforming retroviruses; and the
CD4+ T cell count of <200/L has AIDS by denition, human immunodeciency viruses, HIV-1 and HIV-2,
regardless of the presence of symptoms or opportunistic which cause cytopathic effects either directly or indi-
diseases (Table 37-2). Once individuals have had a rectly.The most common cause of HIV disease through-
clinical condition in category B, their disease classica- out the world, and certainly in the United States, is
tion cannot be reverted back to category A, even if the HIV-1, which comprises several subtypes with different
494 TABLE 37-1 external spikes formed by the two major envelope pro-
NEUROLOGIC DISEASES IN PATIENTS WITH HIV teins, the external gp120 and the transmembrane gp41.
INFECTION The virion buds form the surface of the infected cell
Opportunistic infections Myelopathy
and incorporates a variety of host proteins, including
Toxoplasmosis Vacuolar myelopathy major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II
Cryptococcosis Pure sensory ataxia antigens, into its lipid bilayer. The structure of HIV-1 is
Progressive multifocal Paresthesia/dysesthesia schematically diagrammed in Fig. 37-1B.
leukoencephalopathy Peripheral neuropathy
Cytomegalovirus Acute inammatory demyeli-
Syphilis nating polyneuropathy REPLICATION CYCLE OF HIV
Mycobacterium (Guillain-Barr syndrome)
tuberculosis Chronic inammatory HIV is an RNA virus whose hallmark is the reverse
HTLV-I infection demyelinating polyneu- transcription of its genomic RNA to DNA by the
Neoplasms ropathy (CIDP) enzyme reverse transcriptase. The replication cycle of HIV
Primary CNS lymphoma Mononeuritis multiplex begins with the high-afnity binding of the gp120 pro-
Kaposis sarcoma Distal symmetric tein via a portion of its V1 region near the N terminus
Result of HIV-1 infection polyneuropathy to its receptor on the host cell surface, the CD4 mole-
Aseptic meningitis Myopathy
cule (Fig. 37-2). The CD4 molecule is a 55-kDa pro-
HIV-associated neurocogni-
tive impairment, including tein found predominantly on a subset of T lymphocytes
HIV encephalopathy/ that are responsible for helper function in the immune
AIDS dementia complex system. It is also expressed on the surface of mono-
cytes/macrophages and dendritic/Langerhans cells. Once
gp120 binds to CD4, the gp120 undergoes a confor-
geographic distributions. HIV-2 was rst identied in mational change that facilitates binding to one of a
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
1986 in West African patients and was originally con- group of co-receptors. The two major co-receptors for
ned to West Africa. However, a number of cases that HIV-1 are CCR5 and CXCR4. Both receptors belong
can be traced to West Africa or to sexual contacts with to the family of seven-transmembrane-domain G protein
West Africans have been identied throughout the coupled cellular receptors, and the use of one or the
world. Both HIV-1 and HIV-2 are zoonotic infections. other or both receptors by the virus for entry into the
The Pan troglodytes troglodytes species of chimpanzees has cell is an important determinant of the cellular tropism
been established as the natural reservoir of HIV-1 and of the virus. Certain dendritic cells express a diversity of
the most likely source of original human infection. C-type lectin receptors on their surface, one of which is
HIV-2 is more closely related phylogenetically to the called DC-SIGN, that also bind with high afnity to the
simian immunodeciency virus (SIV) found in sooty HIV gp120 envelope protein, allowing the dendritic cell
mangabeys than it is to HIV-1. to facilitate the binding of virus to the CD4+ T cell
upon engagement of dendritic cells with CD4+ T cells.
Following binding of the envelope protein to the CD4
molecule associated with the above-mentioned confor-
Electron microscopy shows that the HIV virion is an mational change in the viral envelope gp120, fusion with
icosahedral structure (Fig. 37-1A) containing numerous the host cell membrane occurs via the newly exposed
TABLE 37-2
>500/L A1 B1 C1
200499/L A2 B2 C2
<200/L A3 B3 C3
PGL, progressive generalized lymphadenopathy.
Source: MMWR 42(No. RR-17), December 18, 1992.
TABLE 37-3 495
Category A: Consists of one or more of the conditions listed below in an adolescent or adult (>13 years) with documented
HIV infection. Conditions listed in categories B and C must not have occurred.
Asymptomatic HIV infection
Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy
Acute (primary) HIV infection with accompanying illness or history of acute HIV infection
Category B: Consists of symptomatic conditions in an HIV-infected adolescent or adult that are not included among condi-
tions listed in clinical category C and that meet at least one of the following criteria: (1) The conditions are attributed to HIV
infection or are indicative of a defect in cell-mediated immunity; or (2) the conditions are considered by physicians to have
a clinical course or to require management that is complicated by HIV infection. Examples include, but are not limited to,
the following:
Bacillary angiomatosis
Candidiasis, oropharyngeal (thrush)
Candidiasis, vulvovaginal; persistent, frequent, or poorly responsive to therapy
Cervical dysplasia (moderate or severe)/cervical carcinoma in situ
Constitutional symptoms, such as fever (38.5C) or diarrhea lasting >1 month
Hairy leukoplakia, oral
Herpes zoster (shingles), involving at least two distinct episodes or more than one dermatome
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Pelvic inammatory disease, particularly if complicated by tuboovarian abscess
Peripheral neuropathy
Category C: Conditions listed in the AIDS surveillance case denition.
Candidiasis of bronchi, trachea, or lungs
HIV Neurology
Candidiasis, esophageal
Cervical cancer, invasivea
Coccidioidomycosis, disseminated or extrapulmonary
Cryptococcosis, extrapulmonary
Cryptosporidiosis, chronic intestinal (>1 months duration)
Cytomegalovirus disease (other than liver, spleen, or nodes)
Cytomegalovirus retinitis (with loss of vision)
Encephalopathy, HIV-related
Herpes simplex: chronic ulcer(s) (>1 months duration); or bronchitis, pneumonia, or esophagitis
Histoplasmosis, disseminated or extrapulmonary
Isosporiasis, chronic intestinal (>1 months duration)
Kaposis sarcoma
Lymphoma, Burkitts (or equivalent term)
Lymphoma, primary, of brain
Mycobacterium avium complex or M. kansasii, disseminated or extrapulmonary
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, any site (pulmonarya or extrapulmonary)
Mycobacterium, other species or unidentied species, disseminated or extrapulmonary
Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
Pneumonia, recurrenta
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Salmonella septicemia, recurrent
Toxoplasmosis of brain
Wasting syndrome due to HIV
Added in the 1993 expansion of the AIDS surveillance case denition.
Source: MMWR 42(No. RR-17), December 18, 1992.
gp41 molecule penetrating the plasma membrane of the transcription of the genomic RNA into DNA, and the
target cell and then coiling upon itself to bring the virion protein coat opens to release the resulting double-stranded
and target cell together. Following fusion, the preintegra- HIV-DNA. At this point in the replication cycle, the viral
tion complex, composed of viral RNA and viral enzymes genome is vulnerable to cellular factors that can block the
and surrounded by a capsid protein coat, is released into progression of infection. In particular, the cytoplasmic
the cytoplasm of the target cell. As the preintegration TRIM5- protein in rhesus macaque cells blocks SIV
complex traverses the cytoplasm to reach the nucleus, the replication at a point shortly after the virus fuses with the
viral reverse transcriptase enzyme catalyzes the reverse host cell. Although the exact mechanisms of action of
496 gp41
Capsid Lipid
gp120 Reverse
A. Electron micrograph of HIV. Figure illustrates a typical transmembrane components of the envelope, genomic RNA,
virion following budding from the surface of a CD4+ T lym- enzyme reverse transcriptase, p18(17) inner membrane
phocyte, together with two additional incomplete virions in (matrix), and p24 core protein (capsid) (copyright by George
the process of budding from the cell membrane. B. Struc- V. Kelvin). (Adapted from RC Gallo: Sci Am 256:46, 1987.)
ture of HIV-1, including the gp120 outer membrane, gp41
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
TRIM5- remain unclear, the human form is inhibited by is still not clear whether (1) viral replication is inhibited
cyclophilin A and is not effective in restricting HIV repli- by the binding of APOBEC to the virus genome with
cation in human cells. The recently described APOBEC subsequent accumulation of reverse transcripts, or (2) by
family of cellular proteins also inhibits progression of the hypermutations caused by the enzymatic deaminase
virus infection after virus has entered the cell. APOBEC activity of APOBEC proteins. HIV has evolved a powerful
proteins bind to nascent reverse transcripts and deaminate strategy to protect itself from APOBEC. The viral protein
viral cytidine, causing hypermutation of HIV genomes. It Vif targets APOBEC for proteasomal degradation.
Cellular DNA
linear DNA
Reverse gp120
proviral DNA CD4
Genomic RNA
Budding Protein synthesis,
processing, and assembly
Mature HIV virion
The replication cycle of HIV. See text for description. (Adapted from Fauci, 1996.)
With activation of the cell, the viral DNA accesses receptor for HIV. When the number of CD4+ T cells 497
the nuclear pore and is exported from the cytoplasm to declines below a certain level, the patient is at high risk
the nucleus, where it is integrated into the host cell for developing a variety of opportunistic diseases, particu-
chromosomes through the action of another virally larly the infections and neoplasms that are AIDS-dening
encoded enzyme, integrase. HIV provirus (DNA) selec- illnesses. Some features of AIDS, such as Kaposi sarcoma
tively integrates into the nuclear DNA preferentially and neurologic abnormalities, cannot be explained com-
within introns of active genes and regional hotspots. pletely by the immunosuppressive effects of HIV, since
This provirus may remain transcriptionally inactive these complications may occur prior to the development
(latent) or it may manifest varying levels of gene expres- of severe immunologic impairment.
sion, up to active production of virus.
Cellular activation plays an important role in the NEUROPATHOGENESIS
replication cycle of HIV and is critical to the pathogene-
sis of HIV disease. Following initial binding and internal- Although there has been a remarkable decrease in the
ization of virions into the target cell, incompletely incidence of HIV encephalopathy among those with
reverse-transcribed DNA intermediates are labile in qui- access to treatment in the era of effective ARV therapy,
escent cells and do not integrate efciently into the host HIV-infected individuals can still experience a variety of
cell genome unless cellular activation occurs shortly after neurologic abnormalities due either to opportunistic
infection. Furthermore, some degree of activation of the infections and neoplasms or to direct effects of HIV or
host cell is required for the initiation of transcription of its products. With regard to the latter, HIV has been
the integrated proviral DNA into either genomic RNA demonstrated in the brain and CSF of infected individu-
or mRNA. This latter process may not necessarily be als with and without neuropsychiatric abnormalities.The
associated with the detectable expression of the classic main cell types that are infected in the brain in vivo are
cell surface markers of activation. In this regard, activa- the perivascular macrophages and the microglial cells;
HIV Neurology
tion of HIV expression from the latent state depends on monocytes that have already been infected in the blood
the interaction of a number of cellular and viral factors. can migrate into the brain, where they then reside as
Following transcription, HIV mRNA is translated into macrophages, or macrophages can be directly infected
proteins that undergo modication through glycosyla- within the brain. The precise mechanisms whereby HIV
tion, myristylation, phosphorylation, and cleavage. The enters the brain are unclear; however, they are thought to
viral particle is formed by the assembly of HIV proteins, relate, at least in part, to the ability of virus-infected and
enzymes, and genomic RNA at the plasma membrane of immune-activated macrophages to induce adhesion mol-
the cells. Budding of the progeny virion occurs through ecules such as E-selectin and vascular cell adhesion mole-
specialized regions in the lipid bilayer of the host cell cule-1 (VCAM-1) on brain endothelium. Other studies
membrane known as lipid rafts, where the core acquires have demonstrated that HIV gp120 enhances the expres-
its external envelope. The virally encoded protease then sion of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in
catalyzes the cleavage of the gag-pol precursor to yield glial cells; this effect may facilitate entry of HIV-infected
the mature virion. Progression through the virus replica- cells into the CNS and may promote syncytia formation.
tion cycle is profoundly inuenced by a variety of viral Virus isolates from the brain are preferentially R5 strains
regulatory gene products. Likewise, each point in the as opposed to X4 strains; in this regard, HIV-infected
replication cycle of HIV is a real or potential target for individuals who are heterozygous for CCR5-32 appear
therapeutic intervention. Thus far, the reverse transcrip- to be relatively protected against the development of
tase, protease, and integrase enzymes as well as the process HIV encephalopathy compared to wild-type individuals.
of virustarget cell binding and fusion have proven clini- Distinct HIV envelope sequences are associated with the
cally to be susceptible to pharmacologic disruption. clinical expression of the AIDS dementia complex.There
Inhibitors of the maturation process of virions during is no convincing evidence that brain cells other than
the latter phase of the replication cycle are currently those of monocyte/macrophage lineage can be produc-
being evaluated in clinical trials. tively infected in vivo. Astrocytes have been reported to
be susceptible to HIV infection in vitro despite the fact
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY that they do not express detectable levels of cell-surface
AND PATHOGENESIS CD4 or the main HIV co-receptors. Nonetheless, they
do not support active virus replication. There is no con-
The hallmark of HIV disease is a profound immunode- vincing evidence that oligodendrocytes or neurons can
ciency resulting primarily from a progressive quantitative be infected with HIV (see below).
and qualitative deciency of the subset of T lympho- HIV-infected individuals may manifest white matter
cytes referred to as helper T cells. This subset of T cells is lesions as well as neuronal loss. Given the absence of
dened phenotypically by the presence on its surface of evidence of HIV infection of neurons either in vivo or
the CD4 molecule, which serves as the primary cellular in vitro, it is highly unlikely that direct infection of these
498 cells accounts for their loss. Rather, the HIV-mediated opportunistic diseases that involve the CNS are toxoplas-
effects on neurons and oligodendrocytes are thought to mosis, cryptococcosis, progressive multifocal leukoen-
involve indirect pathways whereby viral proteins, partic- cephalopathy, and primary CNS lymphoma. Other less
ularly gp120 and Tat, trigger the release of endogenous common problems include mycobacterial infections;
neurotoxins from macrophages and to a lesser extent syphilis; and infection with CMV, HTLV-I, T. cruzi, or
from astrocytes. In addition, it has been demonstrated Acanthamoeba. Overall, secondary diseases of the CNS
that both HIV-1 Nef and Tat can induce chemotaxis of occur in approximately one-third of patients with AIDS.
leukocytes, including monocytes, into the CNS. Neuro- These data antedate the widespread use of combination
toxins can be released from monocytes as a consequence ARV therapy, and this frequency is considerably less in
of infection and/or immune activation. Monocyte- patients receiving effective ARV drugs.
derived neurotoxic factors have been reported to kill
neurons via the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor.
In addition, HIV gp120 shed by virus-infected mono- NEUROLOGIC DISEASE CAUSED BY HIV
cytes could cause neurotoxicity by antagonizing the HIV-Associated Cognitve Impairment
function of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), by elevat-
ing intracellular calcium levels, and by decreasing nerve The term HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment (HNCI)
growth factor levels in the cerebral cortex. A variety of is used to describe a spectrum of disorders that range from
monocyte-derived cytokines can contribute directly or asymptomatic to apparent only through extensive neu-
indirectly to the neurotoxic effects in HIV infection; ropsychiatric testing to clinically severe.The most severe
these include TNF-, IL-1, IL-6,TGF-, IFN-, platelet- form, the AIDS dementia complex, or HIV encephalopathy,
activating factor, and endothelin. Furthermore, among is considered an AIDS-dening illness. Most HIV-infected
the CC-chemokines, elevated levels of monocyte chemo- patients have some neurologic problem during the course
tactic protein (MCP)1 in the brain and CSF have been of their disease. As noted in the section on pathogenesis,
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
shown to correlate best with the presence and degree of damage to the CNS may be a direct result of viral infec-
HIV encephalopathy. In addition, infection and/or acti- tion of the CNS macrophages or glial cells or may be
vation of monocyte-lineage cells can result in increased secondary to the release of neurotoxins and potentially
production of eicosanoids, nitric oxide, and quinolinic toxic cytokines such as IL-1,TNF-, IL-6, and TGF-.
acid, which may contribute to neurotoxicity. Astrocytes It has been reported that HIV-infected individuals with
may play diverse roles in HIV neuropathogenesis. Reac- the E4 allele for apo E are at increased risk for AIDS
tive gliosis or astrocytosis has been demonstrated in the encephalopathy and peripheral neuropathy. Virtually all
brains of HIV-infected individuals, and TNF- and IL-6 patients with HIV infection have some degree of nervous
have been shown to induce astrocyte proliferation. In system involvement with the virus. This is evidenced by
addition, astrocyte-derived IL-6 can induce HIV expres- the fact that CSF ndings are abnormal in ~90% of
sion in infected cells in vitro. Furthermore, it has been patients, even during the asymptomatic phase of HIV
suggested that astrocytes may downregulate macrophage- infection. CSF abnormalities include pleocytosis (5065%
produced neurotoxins. It has been reported that HIV- of patients), detection of viral RNA (~75%), elevated
infected individuals with the E4 allele for apolipoprotein CSF protein (35%), and evidence of intrathecal synthesis
E (apo E) are at increased risk for AIDS encephalopathy of anti-HIV antibodies (90%). It is important to point
and peripheral neuropathy.The likelihood that HIV or its out that evidence of infection of the CNS with HIV
products are involved in neuropathogenesis is supported does not imply impairment of cognitive function. The
by the observation that neuropsychiatric abnormalities neurologic function of an HIV-infected individual should
may undergo remarkable and rapid improvement upon be considered normal unless clinical signs and symptoms
the initiation of ARV therapy. suggest otherwise.
It has also been suggested that the CNS may serve as HIV encephalopathy, also called HIV-associated demen-
a relatively sequestered site for a reservoir of latently tia or AIDS dementia complex, consists of a constellation
infected cells and for the slow, continual replication of of signs and symptoms of CNS disease. Although this is
HIV that might be a barrier for the eradication of virus generally a late complication of HIV infection that pro-
by ARV therapy. gresses slowly over months, it can be seen in patients
with CD4+ T cell counts >350 cells/L.A major feature
of this entity is the development of dementia, dened as
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS a decline in cognitive ability from a previous level. It
may present as impaired ability to concentrate, increased
The neurologic problems that occur in HIV-infected forgetfulness, difculty reading, or increased difculty
individuals may be either primary to the pathogenic performing complex tasks. Initially these symptoms may
processes of HIV infection or secondary to opportunis- be indistinguishable from ndings of situational depres-
tic infections or neoplasms. Among the more frequent sion or fatigue. In contrast to cortical dementia (such
TABLE 37-4 499
Stage 3 (severe) Major intellectual incapacity (cannot follow news or
personal events, cannot sustain complex conversation,
considerable slowing of all output) or motor disability
(cannot walk unassisted, usually with slowing and clum-
siness of arms as well).
Stage 4 (end-stage) Nearly vegetative. Intellectual and social comprehension
and output are at a rudimentary level. Nearly or absolutely
mute. Paraparetic or paraplegic with urinary and fecal
HIV Neurology
as Alzheimers disease), aphasia, apraxia, and agnosia are encephalopathy; a commonly used clinical staging sys-
uncommon, leading some investigators to classify HIV tem is outlined in Table 37-4.
encephalopathy as a subcortical dementia. In addition The precise cause of HIV encephalopathy remains
to dementia, patients with HIV encephalopathy may unclear, although the condition is thought to be a result
also have motor and behavioral abnormalities. Among of a combination of direct effects of HIV on the CNS
the motor problems are unsteady gait, poor balance, and associated immune activation. HIV has been found
tremor, and difculty with rapid alternating movements. in the brains of patients with HIV encephalopathy by
Increased tone and deep tendon reexes may be found Southern blot, in situ hybridization, PCR, and electron
in patients with spinal cord involvement. Late stages may microscopy. Multinucleated giant cells, macrophages, and
be complicated by bowel and/or bladder incontinence. microglial cells appear to be the main cell types harbor-
Behavioral problems include apathy and lack of initia- ing virus in the CNS. Histologically, the major changes
tive, with progression to a vegetative state in some are seen in the subcortical areas of the brain and include
instances. Some patients develop a state of agitation or pallor and gliosis, multinucleated giant cell encephalitis,
mild mania.These changes usually occur without signif- and vacuolar myelopathy. Less commonly, diffuse or
icant changes in level of alertness. This is in contrast to focal spongiform changes occur in the white matter.
the nding of somnolence in patients with dementia Areas of the brain involved in motor, language, and
due to toxic/metabolic encephalopathies. judgment are most severely affected.
HIV encephalopathy is the initial AIDS-dening ill- There are no specic criteria for a diagnosis of HIV
ness in ~3% of patients with HIV infection and thus encephalopathy, and this syndrome must be differenti-
only rarely precedes clinical evidence of immunode- ated from a number of other diseases that affect the
ciency. Clinically signicant encephalopathy eventually CNS of HIV-infected patients.The diagnosis of demen-
develops in ~25% of patients with AIDS. As immuno- tia depends upon demonstrating a decline in cognitive
logic function declines, the risk and severity of HIV function. This can be accomplished objectively with the
encephalopathy increase. Autopsy series suggest that use of a Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE) in
8090% of patients with HIV infection have histologic patients for whom prior scores are available. For this rea-
evidence of CNS involvement. Several classication son, it is advisable for all patients with a diagnosis of
schemes have been developed for grading HIV HIV infection to have a baseline MMSE. However,
500 TABLE 37-5
General Neurologic
Fever Meningitis
Pharyngitis Encephalitis
Lymphadenopathy Peripheral neuropathy
Headache/retroorbital pain Myelopathy
Arthralgias/myalgias Dermatologic
Lethargy/malaise Erythematous maculopapu-
Anorexia/weight loss lar rash
Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea Mucocutaneous ulceration
supportive. ARVs has been variable, perhaps because ARVs are
One important disease of the spinal cord that also responsible for the problem in some instances. When
involves the peripheral nerves is a myelopathy and due to dideoxynucleoside therapy, patients with lower
polyradiculopathy seen in association with CMV infection. extremity peripheral neuropathy may complain of a
This entity is generally seen late in the course of HIV sensation that they are walking on ice. Other entities in
infection and is fulminant in onset, with lower extremity the differential diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
HIV Neurology
and sacral paresthesias, difculty in walking, areexia, include diabetes mellitus, vitamin B12 deficiency, and
ascending sensory loss, and urinary retention.The clinical side effects from metronidazole or dapsone. For distal
course is rapidly progressive over a period of weeks. CSF symmetric polyneuropathy that fails to resolve follow-
examination reveals a predominantly neutrophilic pleo- ing the discontinuation of dideoxynucleosides, therapy
cytosis, and CMV DNA can be detected by CSF PCR. is symptomatic; gabapentin, carbamazepine, tricyclics,
Therapy with ganciclovir or foscarnet can lead to rapid or analgesics may be effective for dysesthesias. Treat-
improvement, and prompt initiation of foscarnet or gan- ment-naive patients may respond to combination ARV
ciclovir therapy is important in minimizing the degree of therapy.
permanent neurologic damage. Combination therapy
with both drugs should be considered in patients who HIV Myopathy
have been previously treated for CMV disease. Other
diseases involving the spinal cord in patients with HIV Myopathy may complicate the course of HIV infection;
infection include HTLV-I-associated myelopathy (HAM), causes include HIV infection itself, zidovudine, and the
neurosyphilis, infection with herpes simplex or varicella- generalized wasting syndrome. HIV-associated myopa-
zoster,TB, and lymphoma. thy may range in severity from an asymptomatic eleva-
tion in creatine kinase levels to a subacute syndrome
characterized by proximal muscle weakness and myal-
HIV Neuropathy
gias. Quite pronounced elevations in creatine kinase
Peripheral neuropathies are common in patients with may occur in asymptomatic patients, particularly after
HIV infection. They occur at all stages of illness and exercise. The clinical signicance of this as an isolated
take a variety of forms. Early in the course of HIV laboratory nding is unclear. A variety of both inam-
infection, an acute inammatory demyelinating polyneu- matory and noninammatory pathologic processes have
ropathy resembling Guillain-Barr syndrome may occur been noted in patients with more severe myopathy,
(Chap. 41). In other patients, a progressive or relapsing- including myober necrosis with inammatory cells,
remitting inflammatory neuropathy resembling chronic nemaline rod bodies, cytoplasmic bodies, and mito-
inammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) has chondrial abnormalities. Profound muscle wasting,
been noted. Patients commonly present with progressive often with muscle pain, may be seen after prolonged
weakness, areexia, and minimal sensory changes. CSF zidovudine therapy. This toxic side effect of the drug is
examination often reveals a mononuclear pleocytosis, dose-dependent and is related to its ability to interfere
and peripheral nerve biopsy demonstrates a perivascular with the function of mitochondrial polymerases. It is
inltrate suggesting an autoimmune etiology. Plasma reversible following discontinuation of the drug. Red
exchange or IVIg has been tried with variable success. ragged bers are a histologic hallmark of zidovudine-
Because of the immunosuppressive effects of glucocorticoids, induced myopathy.
502 HIV-Related Neoplasms
Systemic Lymphoma
Lymphomas occur with an increased frequency in
patients with congenital or acquired T cell immunode-
ciencies. AIDS is no exception; at least 6% of all patients
with AIDS develop lymphoma at some time during the
course of their illness.This is a 120-fold increase in inci-
dence compared to the general population. In contrast
to the situation with KS, primary CNS lymphoma, and
most opportunistic infections, the incidence of AIDS-
associated systemic lymphomas has not experienced as
dramatic a decrease as a consequence of the widespread
use of effective ARV therapy. Lymphoma occurs in all
risk groups, with the highest incidence in patients with
hemophilia and the lowest incidence in patients from
the Caribbean or Africa with heterosexually acquired FIGURE 37-4
infection. Lymphoma is a late manifestation of HIV Central nervous system lymphoma. Postcontrast
infection, generally occurring in patients with CD4+ T T1-weighted MR scan in a patient with AIDS, an altered men-
cell counts <200/L. As HIV disease progresses, the risk tal status, and hemiparesis. Multiple enhancing lesions, some
of lymphoma increases. In contrast to KS, which occurs ring-enhancing, are present. The left Sylvian lesion shows
at a relatively constant rate throughout the course of gyral and subcortical enhancement, and the lesions in the
HIV disease, the attack rate for lymphoma increases caudate and splenium (arrowheads) show enhancement of
exponentially with increasing duration of HIV infection adjacent ependymal surfaces.
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
CD4 (cells/L3)
* *
* * * * * *
* * * * *
Opportunistic illness
FIGURE 37-5 DEM, AIDS dementia complex; HSV, herpes simplex virus
Relationship between CD4+ T cell counts and the devel- infection; HZos, herpes zoster; KS, Kaposis sarcoma; MAC,
opment of opportunistic diseases. Boxplot of the median Mycobacterium avium complex bacteremia; NHL, non-
(line inside the box), rst quartile (bottom of the box), third Hodgkins lymphoma; PCP, primary Pneumocystis jiroveci
quartile (top of the box), and mean (asterisk) CD4+ lympho- pneumonia; PCP2, secondary P. jiroveci pneumonia; PML,
cyte count at the time of the development of opportunistic dis- progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; Tox, Toxoplasma
ease. Can, candidal esophagitis; CMV, cytomegalovirus infec- gondii encephalitis; WS, wasting syndrome. (From RD Moore,
tion; Crp, cryptosporidiosis; Cry, cryptococcal meningitis; RE Chaisson: Ann Intern Med 124:633, 1996.)
HIV Neurology
patients and may lead to pancytopenia. Liver and lung such infections correlates well with the CD4+ T cell count
involvement are each seen in ~10% of patients. Pul- (Figure 37-5). A selected group of common and impor-
monary disease may present as either a mass lesion, mul- tant opportunistic infections of the nervous system in
tiple nodules, or an interstitial inltrate. patients with HIV is discussed below.
Both conventional and unconventional approaches
have been employed in an attempt to treat HIV-related Cryptococcosis
lymphomas. Systemic lymphoma is generally treated by C. neoformans is the leading infectious cause of meningi-
the oncologist with combination chemotherapy. Earlier tis in patients with AIDS. It is the initial AIDS-dening
disappointing gures are being replaced with more opti- illness in ~2% of patients and generally occurs in
mistic results for the treatment of systemic lymphoma patients with CD4+ T cell counts <100/L. Crypto-
following the availability of more effective combination coccal meningitis is particularly common in patients
ARV therapy. As in most situations in patients with HIV with AIDS in Africa, occurring in ~20% of patients.
disease, those with the higher CD4+ T cell counts tend Most patients present with a picture of subacute menin-
to do better. Response rates as high as 72% with a goencephalitis with fever, nausea, vomiting, altered men-
median survival of 33 months and disease-free intervals tal status, headache, and meningeal signs. The incidence
up to 9 years have been reported. Treatment of primary of seizures and focal neurologic decits is low. The CSF
CNS lymphoma remains a signicant challenge. Treat- prole may be normal or may show only modest eleva-
ment is complicated by the fact that this illness usually tions in WBC or protein levels and decreases in glucose.
occurs in patients with advanced HIV disease. Palliative In addition to meningitis, patients may develop crypto-
measures such as radiation therapy provide some relief. coccomas and cranial nerve involvement. Approximately
The prognosis remains poor in this group, with a 2-year one-third of patients also have pulmonary disease.
survival of 29%. Uncommon manifestations of cryptococcal infection
include skin lesions that resemble molluscum contagiosum,
lymphadenopathy, palatal and glossal ulcers, arthritis, gas-
HIV-Related Opportunistic Infections
troenteritis, myocarditis, and prostatitis. The prostate
Patients with HIV infection may present with focal neu- gland may serve as a reservoir for smoldering cryptococ-
rologic decits from a variety of causes.The most common cal infection.The diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis is
causes are toxoplasmosis, progressive multifocal leukoen- made by identication of organisms in spinal uid with
cephalopathy, and CNS lymphoma. Other causes include India ink examination or by the detection of cryptococ-
cryptococcal infections, stroke, and reactivation Chagas cal antigen. A biopsy may be needed to make a diagnosis
disease. A broad spectrum of opportunistic infections has of CNS cryptococcoma. Treatment is with IV ampho-
been described in AIDS patients. The risk of many tericin B, at a dose of 0.7 mg/kg daily, with ucytosine,
504 25 mg/kg qid for 2 weeks, followed by fluconazole,
400 mg/d PO for 10 weeks, and then fluconazole,
200 mg/d until the CD4+ T cell count has increased to
>200 cells/L for 6 months in response to HAART.
Repeated lumbar puncture may be required to manage
increased intracranial pressure. Symptoms may recur
with initiation of HAART as an immune reconstitution
syndrome. Other fungi that may cause meningitis in
patients with HIV infection are C. immitis and H. capsulatum.
Meningoencephalitis has also been reported due to
Acanthamoeba or Naegleria.
Toxoplasmosis has been one of the most common causes
of secondary CNS infections in patients with AIDS, but
its incidence is decreasing in the era of HAART. It is
most common in patients from the Caribbean and from FIGURE 37-6
France.Toxoplasmosis is generally a late complication of Central nervous system toxoplasmosis. A coronal post-
contrast T1-weighted MR scan demonstrates a peripheral
HIV infection and usually occurs in patients with
enhancing lesion in the left frontal lobe, associated with an
CD4+ T cell counts <200/L. Cerebral toxoplasmosis is
eccentric nodular area of enhancement (arrow); this so-called
thought to represent a reactivation syndrome. It is 10 times
eccentric target sign is typical of toxoplasmosis.
more common in patients with antibodies to the organism
than in patients who are seronegative. Patients diagnosed
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
with HIV infection should be screened for IgG antibod- sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine with leucovorin as
ies to T. gondii during the time of their initial workup. needed for a minimum of 46 weeks. Alternative thera-
Those who are seronegative should be counseled about peutic regimens include clindamycin in combination with
ways to minimize the risk of primary infection includ- pyrimethamine; atovaquone plus pyrimethamine; and
ing avoiding the consumption of undercooked meat and azithromycin plus pyrimethamine plus rifabutin. Relapses
careful hand washing after contact with soil or changing are common, and it is recommended that patients with a
the cat litter box. The most common clinical presenta- history of prior toxoplasmic encephalitis receive mainte-
tion of cerebral toxoplasmosis in patients with HIV nance therapy with sulfadiazine, pyrimethamine, and
infection is fever, headache, and focal neurologic decits. leucovorin as long as their CD4+ T cell counts remain
Patients may present with seizure, hemiparesis, or aphasia <200 cells/L. Patients with CD4+ T cell counts
as a manifestation of these focal decits or with a picture <100/L and IgG antibody to Toxoplasma should receive
more inuenced by the accompanying cerebral edema primary prophylaxis for toxoplasmosis. Fortunately, the
and characterized by confusion, dementia, and lethargy, same daily regimen of a single double-strength tablet of
which can progress to coma.The diagnosis is usually sus- TMP/SMX used for P. jiroveci prophylaxis provides
pected on the basis of MRI ndings of multiple lesions in adequate primary protection against toxoplasmosis.
multiple locations, although in some cases only a single Secondary prophylaxis/maintenance therapy for toxo-
lesion is seen. Pathologically, these lesions generally exhibit plasmosis may be discontinued in the setting of effec-
inammation and central necrosis and, as a result, demon- tive ARV therapy and increases in CD4+ T cell counts
strate ring enhancement on contrast MRI (Fig. 37-6) to >200/L for 6 months.
or, if MRI is unavailable or contraindicated, on double-
dose contrast CT.There is usually evidence of surround-
ing edema. In addition to toxoplasmosis, the differential Progressive Multifocal
Leukoencephalopathy (PML)
diagnosis of single or multiple enhancing mass lesions in
the HIV-infected patient includes primary CNS lym- JC virus, a human polyomavirus that is the etiologic
phoma (see below) and, less commonly, TB or fungal or agent of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), is
bacterial abscesses.The denitive diagnostic procedure is an important opportunistic pathogen in patients with
brain biopsy. However, given the morbidity than can AIDS. Although ~70% of the general adult population
accompany this procedure, it is usually reserved for the have antibodies to JC virus, indicative of prior infection,
patient who has failed 24 weeks of empirical therapy. <10% of healthy adults show any evidence of ongoing
If the patient is seronegative for T. gondii, the likelihood viral replication. PML is the only known clinical mani-
that a mass lesion is due to toxoplasmosis is <10%. In festation of JC virus infection. It is a late manifestation
that setting, one may choose to be more aggressive and of AIDS and is seen in ~4% of patients with AIDS. The
perform a brain biopsy sooner. Standard treatment is lesions of PML begin as small foci of demyelination in
subcortical white matter that eventually coalesce. The AIDS-dening condition and may be the initial AIDS- 505
cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum, and brainstem may all dening condition. Lesions appear radiographically as
be involved. Patients typically have a protracted course single or multiple hypodense areas, typically with ring
with multifocal neurologic decits, with or without enhancement and edema.They are found predominantly
changes in mental status. Approximately 20% of patients in the subcortical areas, a feature that differentiates them
experience seizures. Ataxia, hemiparesis, visual eld from the deeper lesions of toxoplasmosis. Trypanosoma
defects, aphasia, and sensory defects may occur. MRI cruzi amastigotes, or trypanosomes, can be identied
typically reveals multiple, nonenhancing white matter from biopsy specimens or CSF. Other CSF ndings
lesions that may coalesce and have a predilection for the include elevated protein and a mild (<100 cells/L)
occipital and parietal lobes. The lesions show signal lymphocytic pleocytosis. Organisms can also be identi-
hyperintensity on T2-weighted images and diminished ed by direct examination of the blood.Treatment con-
signal on T1-weighted images. The measurement of JC sists of benzimidazole (2.5 mg/kg bid) or nifurtimox
virus DNA levels in CSF has a diagnostic sensitivity of (2 mg/kg qid) for at least 60 days, followed by mainte-
76% and a specicity of close to 100%. Prior to the nance therapy for the duration of immunodeciency
availability of potent ARV combination therapy, the with either drug at a dose of 5 mg/kg three times a
majority of patients with PML died within 36 months week. As is the case with cerebral toxoplasmosis, success-
of the onset of symptoms. Paradoxical worsening of ful therapy with ARVs may allow discontinuation of
PML has been seen with initiation of HAART as an therapy for Chagas disease.
immune reconstitution syndrome. There is no specic
treatment for PML; however, a minimal median survival
of 18 months and survival of >7 years have been SPECIFIC NEUROLOGIC PRESENTATIONS
reported in patients with PML treated with HAART for Stroke
their HIV disease. Unfortunately only ~50% of patients
HIV Neurology
with HIV infection and PML show neurologic Stroke may occur in patients with HIV infection. In
improvement with HAART. Studies with other antiviral contrast to the other causes of focal neurologic decits
agents such as cidofovir have failed to show clear bene- in patients with HIV infection, the symptoms of a stroke
t. Factors inuencing a favorable prognosis for PML in are sudden in onset. Among the secondary infectious
the setting of HIV infection include a CD4+ T cell diseases in patients with HIV infection that may be asso-
count >100/L at baseline and the ability to maintain ciated with stroke are vasculitis due to cerebral varicella
an HIV viral load of <500 copies per mL. Baseline HIV- zoster or neurosyphilis and septic embolism in associa-
1 viral load does not have independent predictive value tion with fungal infection. Other elements of the dif-
of survival. PML is one of the few opportunistic infec- ferential diagnosis of stroke in the patient with HIV
tions that continues to occur with some frequency infection include atherosclerotic cerebral vascular disease,
despite the widespread use of HAART. thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, and cocaine or
amphetamine use.
Chagas Disease
Reactivation American trypanosomiasis may present as acute Seizures
meningoencephalitis with focal neurologic signs, fever, Seizures may be a consequence of opportunistic infec-
headache, vomiting, and seizures. In South America, tions, neoplasms, or HIV encephalopathy (Table 37-6).
reactivation of Chagas disease is considered to be an The seizure threshold is often lower than normal in
TABLE 37-6
Prions are infectious proteins that cause degeneration of from that of its precursor, PrPC. (4) PrPSc can exist in a
the central nervous system (CNS). Prion diseases are variety of different conformations, each of which seems
disorders of protein conformation, the most common of to specify a particular disease phenotype. How a specic
which in humans is called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease conformation of a PrPSc molecule is imparted to PrPC
(CJD). CJD typically presents with dementia and during prion replication to produce nascent PrPSc with
myoclonus, is relentlessly progressive, and generally the same conformation is unknown. Additionally, it is
causes death within a year of onset. Most CJD patients unclear what factors determine where in the CNS a
are between 50 and 75 years of age; however, patients as particular PrPSc molecule will be deposited.
young as 17 and as old as 83 have been recorded.
In mammals, prions reproduce by binding to the nor- SPECTRUM OF PRION DISEASES
mal, cellular isoform of the prion protein (PrPC) and
stimulating conversion of PrPC into the disease-causing The sporadic form of CJD is the most common prion dis-
isoform (PrPSc). PrPC is rich in -helix and has little order in humans. Sporadic CJD (sCJD) accounts for ~85%
-structure, while PrPSc has less -helix and a high of all cases of human prion disease, while inherited prion
amount of -structure (Fig. 38-1). This -to- struc- diseases account for 1015% of all cases (Table 38-2).
tural transition in the prion protein (PrP) is the funda- Familial CJD (fCJD), Gerstmann-Strussler-Scheinker
mental event underlying prion diseases (Table 38-1). (GSS) disease, and fatal familial insomnia (FFI) are all
Four new concepts have emerged from studies of pri- dominantly inherited prion diseases that are caused by
ons: (1) Prions are the only known infectious pathogens mutations in the PrP gene. Although infectious prion
that are devoid of nucleic acid; all other infectious agents diseases account for <1% of all cases and infection does
possess genomes composed of either RNA or DNA that not seem to play an important role in the natural history
direct the synthesis of their progeny. (2) Prion diseases of these illnesses, the transmissibility of prions is an
may be manifest as infectious, genetic, and sporadic dis- important biologic feature. Kuru of the Fore people of
orders; no other group of illnesses with a single etiology New Guinea is thought to have resulted from the con-
presents with such a wide spectrum of clinical manifes- sumption of brains from dead relatives during ritualistic
tations. (3) Prion diseases result from the accumulation cannibalism. With the cessation of ritualistic cannibalism
of PrPSc, the conformation of which differs substantially in the late 1950s, kuru has nearly disappeared, with the
508 Helix A exception of a few recent patients exhibiting incubation
periods of >40 years. Iatrogenic CJD (iCJD) seems to be
Helix B the result of the accidental inoculation of patients with
prions.Variant CJD (vCJD) in teenagers and young adults
Helix B Helix C
in Europe is the result of exposure to tainted beef from
cattle with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).
Helix C Six diseases of animals are caused by prions (Table 38-2).
Scrapie of sheep and goats is the prototypic prion disease.
Mink encephalopathy, BSE, feline spongiform encephalopa-
thy, and exotic ungulate encephalopathy are all thought to
A Recombinant PrP B PrPSc model occur after the consumption of prion-infected foodstuffs.
FIGURE 38-1 The BSE epidemic emerged in Britain in the late 1980s and
Structures of prion proteins. A. NMR structure of Syrian was shown to be due to industrial cannibalism. Whether
hamster recombinant (rec) PrP(90231). Presumably, the BSE began as a sporadic case of BSE in a cow or started
structure of the -helical form of recPrP(90231) resembles with scrapie in sheep is unknown. The origin of chronic
that of PrPC. recPrP(90231) is viewed from the interface wasting disease (CWD), a prion disease endemic in deer
where PrPSc is thought to bind to PrPC. Shown are: -helices and elk in regions of North America, is uncertain.
Kuru Fore people Infection through ritualistic cannibalism
iCJD Humans Infection from prion-contaminated hGH,
dura mater grafts, etc.
vCJD Humans Infection from bovine prions
fCJD Humans Germ-line mutations in PRNP
GSS Humans Germ-line mutations in PRNP
FFI Humans Germ-line mutation in PRNP (D178N, M129)
sCJD Humans Somatic mutation or spontaneous
conversion of PrPC into PrPSc?
sFI Humans Somatic mutation or spontaneous
conversion of PrPC into PrPSc?
Scrapie Sheep, goats Infection in genetically susceptible sheep
BSE Cattle Infection with prion-contaminated MBM
TME Mink Infection with prions from sheep or cattle
CWD Mule deer, elk Unknown
FSE Cats Infection with prion-contaminated beef
Exotic ungulate Greater kudu, Infection with prion-contaminated MBM
encephalopathy nyala, or oryx
Prion Diseases
Note: BSE, bovine spongiform encephalopathy; CJD, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; fCJD, familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob
disease; iCJD, iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; sCJD, sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; vCJD, variant
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; CWD, chronic wasting disease; FFI, fatal familial insomnia; sFI, sporadic fatal insom-
nia; FSE, feline spongiform encephalopathy; GSS, Gerstmann-Strussler-Scheinker disease; hGH, human growth
hormone; MBM, meat and bone meal; TME, transmissible mink encephalopathy.
with the discovery of mutations in the PRNP gene of PrP Polypeptide CHO CHO GPI
these patients.The prion concept explains how a disease
can manifest as a heritable as well as an infectious illness. S S
Moreover, the hallmark of all prion diseases, whether
sporadic, dominantly inherited, or acquired by infection, PrPC 209 amino acids
Tg(MHu2M) mice express a chimeric mouse-human PrP gene.
Note: Clinicopathologic phenotype is determined by the conformation of PrPSc in accord with the results of the transmission of
human prions from patients with FFI to transgenic mice. FFI, fatal familial insomnia; fCJD, familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
Persuasive evidence that strain-specic information is New strains of prions were also generated from
enciphered in the tertiary structure of PrPSc comes from recombinant (rec) PrP produced in bacteria. In these
transmission of two different inherited human prion dis- studies, recPrP was polymerized into amyloid brils and
eases to mice expressing a chimeric human-mouse PrP inoculated into transgenic mice expressing very high
transgene. In FFI, the protease-resistant fragment of levels of truncated mouse PrPC; about 500 days later, the
PrPSc after deglycosylation has a molecular mass of 19 mice died of prion disease. These synthetic prions
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
kDa, whereas in fCJD and most sporadic prion diseases, were found to be much more stable than any prions
it is 21 kDa (Table 38-3). This difference in molecular previously isolated from animals or humans with natu-
mass was shown to be due to different sites of prote- rally occurring prion diseases. Surprisingly, studies of
olytic cleavage at the NH2 termini of the two human synthetic and naturally occurring prions indicate that
PrPSc molecules, reecting different tertiary structures. the incubation time is directly proportional to the stabil-
These distinct conformations were not unexpected ity of the prion. As the stability increases, the incubation
because the amino acid sequences of the PrPs differ. time lengthens; thus, less-stable prions replicate more
Extracts from the brains of patients with FFI transmit- rapidly.These studies also showed that PrPSc can adopt a
ted disease into mice expressing a chimeric human-mouse continuum of conformational states, each of which
PrP transgene and induced formation of the 19-kDa enciphers a distinct incubation-time phenotype.
PrPSc, whereas brain extracts from fCJD and sCJD
patients produced the 21-kDa PrPSc in mice expressing
Species Barrier
the same transgene. On second passage, these differences
were maintained, demonstrating that chimeric PrPSc can Studies on the role of the primary and tertiary structures
exist in two different conformations based on the sizes of PrP in the transmission of prion disease have given
of the protease-resistant fragments, even though the new insights into the pathogenesis of these maladies.The
amino acid sequence of PrPSc is invariant. amino acid sequence of PrP encodes the species of the
This analysis was extended when patients with spo- prion, and the prion derives its PrPSc sequence from
radic fatal insomnia (sFI) were identied. Although they the last mammal in which it was passaged. While the
did not carry a PRNP gene mutation, the patients primary structure of PrP is likely to be the most impor-
demonstrated a clinical and pathologic phenotype that tant or even sole determinant of the tertiary structure of
was indistinguishable from that of patients with FFI. PrPC, PrPSc seems to function as a template in determin-
Furthermore, 19-kDa PrPSc was found in their brains, ing the tertiary structure of nascent PrPSc molecules as
and on passage of prion disease to mice expressing a they are formed from PrPC. In turn, prion diversity
chimeric human-mouse PrP transgene, 19-kDa PrPSc appears to be enciphered in the conformation of PrPSc,
was also found. These ndings indicate that the disease and thus prion strains seem to represent different con-
phenotype is dictated by the conformation of PrPSc and formers of PrPSc.
not the amino acid sequence. PrPSc acts as a template for In general, transmission of prion disease from one
the conversion of PrPC into nascent PrPSc. On the pas- species to another is inefcient, in that not all intracere-
sage of prions into mice expressing a chimeric hamster- brally inoculated animals develop disease, and those that
mouse PrP transgene, a change in the conformation of fall ill do so only after long incubation times that can
PrPSc was accompanied by the emergence of a new approach the natural life span of the animal.This species
strain of prions. barrier to transmission is correlated with the degree of
similarity between the amino acid sequences of PrPC in condition indistinguishable from sCJD to a slowly pro- 511
the inoculated host and of PrPSc in the prion inoculum. gressive dementing illness of many years duration to an
The importance of sequence similarity between the host early-age-of-onset disorder that is similar to Alzheimers
and donor PrP argues that PrPC directly interacts with disease. A mutation at codon 178 resulting in substitu-
PrPSc in the prion conversion process. tion of asparagine for aspartic acid produces FFI if a
methionine is encoded at the polymorphic 129 residue
on the same allele. Typical CJD is seen if a valine is
SPORADIC AND INHERITED encoded at position 129 of the same allele.
Several different scenarios might explain the initiation of HUMAN PRNP GENE POLYMORPHISMS
sporadic prion disease: (1) A somatic mutation may be Polymorphisms inuence the susceptibility to sporadic,
the cause and thus follow a path similar to that for inherited, and infectious forms of prion disease. The
germ-line mutations in inherited disease. In this situa- methionine/valine polymorphism at position 129 not
tion, the mutant PrPSc must be capable of targeting only modulates the age of onset of some inherited
wild-type PrPC, a process known to be possible for some prion diseases but can also determine the clinical phe-
mutations but less likely for others. (2) The activation notype. The nding that homozygosity at codon 129
barrier separating wild-type PrPC from PrPSc could be predisposes to sCJD supports a model of prion produc-
crossed on rare occasions when viewed in the context of tion that favors PrP interactions between homologous
a population. Most individuals would be spared while proteins.
presentations in the elderly with an incidence of ~1 per Substitution of the basic residue lysine at position 218
million would be seen. (3) PrPSc may be present at very in mouse PrP produced dominant-negative inhibition of
low levels in some normal cells, where it performs some prion replication in transgenic mice. This same lysine at
important, as yet unknown, function. The level of PrPSc
Prion Diseases
position 219 in human PrP has been found in 12% of
in such cells is hypothesized to be sufciently low as to the Japanese population, and this group appears to be
be not detected by bioassay. In some altered metabolic resistant to prion disease. Dominant-negative inhibition
states, the cellular mechanisms for clearing PrPSc might of prion replication was also found with substitution of
become compromised and the rate of PrPSc formation the basic residue arginine at position 171; sheep with
would then begin to exceed the capacity of the cell to arginine are resistant to scrapie prions but are susceptible
clear it. The third possible mechanism is attractive since to BSE prions that were inoculated intracerebrally.
it suggests PrPSc is not simply a misfolded protein, as
proposed for the rst and second mechanisms, but that it
is an alternatively folded molecule with a function. INFECTIOUS PRION DISEASES
Moreover, the multitude of conformational states that
PrPSc can adopt, as described above, raises the possibility IATROGENIC CJD
that PrPSc or another prion-like protein might function Accidental transmission of CJD to humans appears to
in a process like short-term memory where information have occurred with corneal transplantation, contami-
storage occurs in the absence of new protein synthesis. nated electroencephalogram (EEG) electrode implanta-
More than 30 different mutations resulting in non- tion, and surgical procedures. Corneas from donors with
conservative substitutions in the human PRNP gene inapparent CJD have been transplanted to apparently
have been found to segregate with inherited human healthy recipients who developed CJD after prolonged
prion diseases. Missense mutations and expansions in the incubation periods. The same improperly decontami-
octapeptide repeat region of the gene are responsible for nated EEG electrodes that caused CJD in two young
familial forms of prion disease. Five different mutations patients with intractable epilepsy caused CJD in a chim-
of the PRNP gene have been linked genetically to heri- panzee 18 months after their experimental implantation.
table prion disease. Surgical procedures may have resulted in accidental
Although phenotypes may vary dramatically within inoculation of patients with prions, presumably because
families, specic phenotypes tend to be observed with some instrument or apparatus in the operating theater
certain mutations. A clinical phenotype indistinguishable became contaminated when a CJD patient underwent
from typical sCJD is usually seen with substitutions at surgery. Although the epidemiology of these studies is
codons 180, 183, 200, 208, 210, and 232. Substitutions at highly suggestive, no proof for such episodes exists.
codons 102, 105, 117, 198, and 217 are associated with
the GSS variant of prion disease.The normal human PrP
Dura Mater Grafts
sequence contains ve repeats of an eight-amino-acid
sequence. Insertions from two to nine extra octarepeats More than 160 cases of CJD after implantation of dura
frequently cause variable phenotypes ranging from a mater grafts have been recorded. All of the grafts were
512 thought to have been acquired from a single manufac- conformation and glycosylation of PrPSc. One scenario
turer whose preparative procedures were inadequate to suggests that a particular conformation of bovine PrPSc
inactivate human prions. One case of CJD occurred was selected for heat resistance during the rendering
after repair of an eardrum perforation with a peri- process and was then reselected multiple times as cattle
cardium graft. infected by ingesting prion-contaminated meat and
bone meal (MBM) were slaughtered and their offal ren-
Human Growth Hormone and Pituitary dered into more MBM.
Gonadotropin Therapy
The possibility of transmission of CJD from contami- NEUROPATHOLOGY
nated human growth hormone (hGH) preparations Frequently the brains of patients with CJD have no rec-
derived from human pituitaries has been raised by the ognizable abnormalities on gross examination. Patients
occurrence of fatal cerebellar disorders with dementia in who survive for several years have variable degrees of
>180 patients ranging from 10 to 41 years of age.These cerebral atrophy.
patients received injections of hGH every 24 days for On light microscopy, the pathologic hallmarks of
412 years. If it is assumed that these patients developed CJD are spongiform degeneration and astrocytic gliosis.
CJD from injections of prion-contaminated hGH The lack of an inammatory response in CJD and other
preparations, the possible incubation periods range from prion diseases is an important pathologic feature of these
4 to 30 years. Even though several investigations argue degenerative disorders. Spongiform degeneration is
for the efcacy of inactivating prions in hGH fractions characterized by many 1- to 5-m vacuoles in the neu-
prepared from human pituitaries with 6 M urea, it seems ropil between nerve cell bodies. Generally the spongi-
doubtful that such protocols will be used for purifying form changes occur in the cerebral cortex, putamen,
hGH because recombinant hGH is available. Four cases caudate nucleus, thalamus, and molecular layer of the
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
of CJD have occurred in women receiving human pitu- cerebellum. Astrocytic gliosis is a constant but nonspe-
itary gonadotropin. cic feature of prion diseases. Widespread proliferation
of brous astrocytes is found throughout the gray matter
VARIANT CJD of brains infected with CJD prions. Astrocytic processes
lled with glial laments form extensive networks.
The restricted geographic occurrence and chronology Amyloid plaques have been found in ~10% of CJD
of vCJD raised the possibility that BSE prions have been cases. Puried CJD prions from humans and animals
transmitted to humans through the consumption of exhibit the ultrastructural and histochemical characteris-
tainted beef. More than 190 cases of vCJD have tics of amyloid when treated with detergents during
occurred, with >90% of these in Britain. vCJD has also limited proteolysis. In rst passage from some human
been reported in people either living in or originating Japanese CJD cases, amyloid plaques have been found in
from France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, mouse brains. These plaques stain with antibodies raised
Saudi Arabia, United States, Canada, and Japan. against PrP.
Because the number of vCJD cases is still small, it not The amyloid plaques of GSS disease are morpholog-
possible to decide if we are at the beginning of a prion ically distinct from those seen in kuru or scrapie. GSS
disease epidemic in Europe, similar to those seen for BSE plaques consist of a central dense core of amyloid sur-
and kuru, or if the number of vCJD cases will remain rounded by smaller globules of amyloid. Ultrastruc-
small. What is certain is that prion-tainted meat should turally, they consist of a radiating fibrillar network of
be prevented from entering the human food supply. amyloid fibrils, with scant or no neuritic degeneration.
The most compelling evidence that vCJD is caused by The plaques can be distributed throughout the brain
BSE prions was obtained from experiments in mice but are most frequently found in the cerebellum. They
expressing the bovine PrP transgene. Both BSE and vCJD are often located adjacent to blood vessels. Con-
prions were efciently transmitted to these transgenic gophilic angiopathy has been noted in some cases of
mice and with similar incubation periods. In contrast to GSS disease.
sCJD prions, vCJD prions did not transmit disease ef- In vCJD, a characteristic feature is the presence of
ciently to mice expressing a chimeric human-mouse PrP orid plaques.These are composed of a central core of
transgene. Earlier studies with nontransgenic mice sug- PrP amyloid, surrounded by vacuoles in a pattern sug-
gested that vCJD and BSE might be derived from the gesting petals on a ower.
same source because both inocula transmitted disease
with similar but very long incubation periods.
Attempts to determine the origin of BSE and vCJD
prions have relied on passaging studies in mice, some of Nonspecic prodromal symptoms occur in about a third
which are described above, as well as studies of the of patients with CJD and may include fatigue, sleep
disturbance, weight loss, headache, malaise, and ill- usually a prominent and presenting feature, with demen- 513
dened pain. Most patients with CJD present with tia occurring late in the disease course. GSS disease typi-
decits in higher cortical function. These decits almost cally presents earlier than CJD (mean age 43 years) and
always progress over weeks or months to a state of pro- is typically more slowly progressive than CJD; death
found dementia characterized by memory loss, impaired usually occurs within 5 years of onset. FFI is character-
judgment, and a decline in virtually all aspects of intel- ized by insomnia and dysautonomia; dementia occurs
lectual function. A few patients present with either only in the terminal phase of the illness. Rare sporadic
visual impairment or cerebellar gait and coordination cases have been identied. vCJD has an unusual clinical
decits. Frequently the cerebellar decits are rapidly fol- course, with a prominent psychiatric prodrome that may
lowed by progressive dementia. Visual problems often include visual hallucinations and early ataxia, while
begin with blurred vision and diminished acuity, rapidly frank dementia is usually a late sign of vCJD.
followed by dementia.
Other symptoms and signs include extrapyramidal DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
dysfunction manifested as rigidity, masklike facies, or
choreoathetoid movements; pyramidal signs (usually Many conditions may mimic CJD supercially. Demen-
mild); seizures (usually major motor) and, less com- tia with Lewy bodies (Chap. 23) is the most common
monly, hypoesthesia; supranuclear gaze palsy; optic atro- disorder to be mistaken for CJD. It can present in a sub-
phy; and vegetative signs such as changes in weight, tem- acute fashion with delirium, myoclonus, and extrapyra-
perature, sweating, or menstruation. midal features. Other neurodegenerative disorders to
consider include AD, frontotemporal dementia, progres-
sive supranuclear palsy, ceroid lipofuscinosis (Chap. 23),
Myoclonus and myoclonic epilepsy with Lafora bodies (Chap. 20).
The absence of abnormalities on diffusion-weighted and
Most patients (~90%) with CJD exhibit myoclonus that
Prion Diseases
FLAIR MRI will usually distinguish these dementing
appears at various times throughout the illness. Unlike
conditions from CJD.
other involuntary movements, myoclonus persists during
Hashimotos encephalopathy, which presents as a sub-
sleep. Startle myoclonus elicited by loud sounds or bright
acute progressive encephalopathy with myoclonus and
lights is frequent. It is important to stress that myoclonus
periodic triphasic complexes on the EEG, should be
is neither specic nor conned to CJD. Dementia with
excluded in every case of suspected CJD. It is diagnosed
myoclonus can also be due to Alzheimers disease (AD)
by the nding of high titers of antithyroglobulin or
(Chap. 23), dementia with Lewy bodies (Chap. 23), cryp-
antithyroid peroxidase (antimicrosomal) antibodies in
tococcal encephalitis, or the myoclonic epilepsy disorder
the blood and improves with glucocorticoid therapy.
Unverricht-Lundborg disease (Chap. 20).
Unlike CJD, uctuations in severity typically occur in
Hashimotos encephalopathy.
Clinical Course Intracranial vasculitides may produce nearly all of the
symptoms and signs associated with CJD, sometimes
In documented cases of accidental transmission of CJD without systemic abnormalities. Myoclonus is excep-
to humans, an incubation period of 1.52.0 years pre- tional with cerebral vasculitis, but focal seizures may con-
ceded the development of clinical disease. In other cases, fuse the picture. Prominent headache, absence of
incubation periods of up to 30 years have been sug- myoclonus, stepwise change in decits, abnormal CSF,
gested. Most patients with CJD live 612 months after and focal white matter changes on MRI or angiographic
the onset of clinical signs and symptoms, whereas some abnormalities all favor vasculitis.
live for up to 5 years. Paraneoplastic conditions, particularly limbic encephali-
tis and cortical encephalitis, can also mimic CJD. In many
of these patients, dementia appears prior to the diagnosis
of a tumor, and in some, no tumor is ever found. Detec-
The constellation of dementia, myoclonus, and periodic tion of the paraneoplastic antibodies is often the only way
electrical bursts in an afebrile 60-year-old patient gener- to distinguish these cases from CJD.
ally indicates CJD. Clinical abnormalities in CJD are Other diseases that can simulate CJD include neu-
conned to the CNS. Fever, elevated sedimentation rate, rosyphilis, AIDS dementia complex (Chap. 37), progressive
leukocytosis in blood, or a pleocytosis in cerebrospinal multifocal leukoencephalopathy (Chap. 35), subacute scle-
uid (CSF) should alert the physician to another etiol- rosing panencephalitis, progressive rubella panencephalitis,
ogy to explain the patients CNS dysfunction. herpes simplex encephalitis, diffuse intracranial tumor
Variations in the typical course appear in inherited (gliomatosis cerebri; Chap. 32), anoxic encephalopathy,
and transmitted forms of the disease. fCJD has an earlier dialysis dementia, uremia, hepatic encephalopathy, and
mean age of onset than sCJD. In GSS disease, ataxia is lithium or bismuth intoxication.
The only specic diagnostic tests for CJD and other
human prion diseases measure PrPSc. The most widely
used method involves limited proteolysis that generates
PrP 27-30, which is detected by immunoassay after
denaturation. The conformation-dependent immunoas-
say (CDI) is based on immunoreactive epitopes that are
exposed in PrPC but buried in PrPSc. The CDI is
extremely sensitive and quantitative and is likely to nd
wide application in both the post- and antemortem
detection of prions. In humans, the diagnosis of CJD
can be established by brain biopsy if PrPSc is detected. If
no attempt is made to measure PrPSc, but the constella-
tion of pathologic changes frequently found in CJD is
seen in a brain biopsy, then the diagnosis is reasonably
secure (see Neuropathology, above). Because PrPSc is
tive disorders, including AD and Parkinsons disease as
PREVENTION AND THERAPEUTICS well as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), remains to be
There is no known effective therapy for preventing or
Disclosure: SBP has a nancial interest in InPro Biotech-
treating CJD. The nding that phenothiazines and
nology, Inc.
acridines inhibit PrPSc formation in cultured cells led to
clinical studies of quinacrine in CJD patients. Although
Prion Diseases
quinacrine seems to slow the rate of decline in some
CJD patients, no cure of the disease has been observed.
In wild-type mice, quinacrine treatment has been inef- HEAD MW, IRONSIDE JW: Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: dis-
fective. Recent studies indicate that inhibition of the crete subtypes or a spectrum of disease? 132:2627, 2009
PRUSINER SB: Prions, in Fields Virology, 5th ed., DM Knipe, PM
P-glycoprotein (Pgp) transport system results in substan-
Howley (eds.), Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
tially increased quinacrine levels in the brains of mice. 2007, pp 30593092
Whether such an approach can be used to treat CJD SAFAR JG et al: Diagnosis of human prion disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci
remains to be established. USA 102:3501, 2005
Like the acridines, anti-PrP antibodies have been WILL RG et al: Diagnosis of new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
shown to eliminate PrPSc from cultured cells. Additionally, Ann Neurol 47:575, 2000
Paraneoplastic neurologic disorders (PNDs) are cancer- function and leading to neuronal apoptosis. In addition
related syndromes that can affect any part of the nervous to onconeuronal antibodies, most PNDs of the CNS are
system (Table 39-1). They are remote effects of cancer, associated with inltrates of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells,
caused by mechanisms other than metastasis or by any of microglial activation, gliosis, and variable neuronal loss.
the complications of cancer such as coagulopathy, stroke, The inltrating T cells are often in close contact with
metabolic and nutritional conditions, infections, and side neurons undergoing degeneration, suggesting a primary
effects of cancer therapy. In 60% of patients the neuro- pathogenic role. T cellmediated cytotoxicity may con-
logic symptoms precede the cancer diagnosis. Overall, tribute directly to cell death in these PNDs. Thus both
clinically disabling PNDs occur in 0.51% of all cancer humoral and cellular immune mechanisms participate
patients, but they occur in 23% of patients with neu- in the pathogenesis of many PNDs. This complex
roblastoma or small cell lung cancer (SCLC), and in immunopathogenesis may underlie the resistance of many
3050% of patients with thymoma or sclerotic of these conditions to therapy.
myeloma. Neuronal cell-surface antigens can be the target of
antibodies in some patients with paraneoplastic
encephalitis. A few of these antigens have been identi-
ed, including the NR1/NR2 subunits of NMDA
Most PNDs are mediated by immune responses triggered receptors (Fig. 39-1) and voltage-gated potassium chan-
by neuronal proteins (onconeuronal antigens) expressed nels (VGKC). These disorders are more responsive to
by tumors. In PNDs of the central nervous system immunotherapy than those associated with immune
(CNS), many antibody-associated immune responses have responses to intracellular antigens.
been identied (Table 39-2). These antibodies usually Only four of the antibodies listed in Table 39-2 have
react with the patients tumor, and their detection in been shown to play a direct pathogenic role in PNDs; all
serum or cerebrospinal uid (CSF) strongly predicts the produce distinctive disorders of the peripheral nervous
presence of cancer. The target antigens are usually intra- system. These are: antibodies to P/Q-type voltage-gated
cellular proteins with roles in neuronal development and calcium channels (VGCC) in patients with the Lambert-
function. Some of the antibodies react with epitopes Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS); antibodies to
located in critical protein domains, disrupting protein acetylcholine receptors in patients with myasthenia
TABLE 39-1 In addition, many patients with typical PND syndromes 517
SYSTEM For still other PNDs, the cause remains quite obscure.
Syndromes of the brain, brainstem, and cerebellum
These include, among others, several neuropathies that
Focal encephalitis occur in the terminal stages of cancer and a number of
Cortical encephalitis neuropathies associated with plasma cell dyscrasias or
Limbic encephalitis lymphoma without evidence of inammatory inltrates
Brainstem encephalitis or deposits of immunoglobulin, cryoglobulin, or amyloid.
Cerebellar dysfunction
Autonomic dysfunction
Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration
Syndromes of the spinal cord Approach to the Patient:
Subacute necrotizing myelopathy PARANEOPLASTIC NEUROLOGIC
Motor neuron dysfunction DISORDERS
The diagnosis and management of PNDs may be dif-
Stiff-person syndrome
Syndromes of dorsal root ganglia
cult for several reasons. First, it is common for
Sensory neuronopathy symptoms to appear before the presence of a tumor is
Multiple levels of involvement known. Second, the neurologic syndrome can evolve
Encephalomyelitisa, sensory neuronopathy, autonomic in a rapidly progressive fashion, producing a severe
dysfunction and usually irreversible neurologic decit in a short
Syndromes of peripheral nerve period of time. There is evidence that prompt tumor
Chronic and subacute sensorimotor peripheral control improves the course of PNDs. Therefore, the
major concern of the physician is to recognize a dis-
Anti-Hu (ANNA-1) PEM (including cortical, limbic, brainstem SCLC, other neuroendocrine tumors
encephalitis, cerebellar dysfunction,
myelitis), PSN, autonomic dysfunction
Anti-Yo (PCA-1) PCD Ovary and other gynecologic cancers, breast
Anti-Ri (ANNA-2) PCD, brainstem encephalitis, Breast, gynecological, SCLC
Anti-Tr PCD Hodgkins lymphoma
Anti-Zic PCD, encephalomyelitis SCLC and other neuroendocrine tumors
Anti-CV2/CRMP5 PEM, PCD, chorea, peripheral SCLC, thymoma, other
neuropathy, uveitis
Anti-Ma proteinsa Limbic, hypothalamic, brainstem Germ-cell tumors of testis, lung cancer,
encephalitis (infrequently PCD) other solid tumors
Anti-NR1/NR2 subunits Encephalitis with prominent psychiatric Ovarian teratoma
of NMDA receptor symptoms, seizures, hypoventilation
Anti-amphiphysin Stiff-person syndrome, PEM Breast, SCLC
Patients with antibodies to Ma2 are usually men with testicular cancer. Patients with additional antibodies to other Ma proteins are men or
women with a variety of solid tumors.
These antibodies can occur with or without a cancer association.
Note: PEM: paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis; PCD, paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration; PSN, paraneoplastic sensory neuronopathy; LEMS,
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome; MG, myasthenia gravis; VGCC, voltage-gated calcium channel; AChR, acetylcholine receptor; VGKC,
voltage-gated potassium channel; SCLC, small-cell lung cancer; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate.
Antibodies to NR1/NR2 subunits of the NMDA receptor layer, which is highly enriched in dendritic processes.
in a patient with paraneoplastic encephalitis and ovarian Panel B shows the antibody reactivity with cultures of rat
teratoma. Panel A is a section of dentate gyrus of rat hip- hippocampal neurons; the intense green immunolabeling is
pocampus immunolabeled (brown staining) with the patients due to the antibodies against the NR1/NR2 subunits of
antibodies. The reactivity predominates in the molecular NMDA receptors.
MRI and CSF studies are important to rule out cancer screenings in this situation. Serum and urine 519
neurologic complications due to the direct spread of immunoxation studies should be considered in
cancer, particularly metastatic and leptomeningeal dis- patients with peripheral neuropathy of unknown
ease. In most PNDs the MRI ndings are nonspecic. cause; detection of a monoclonal gammopathy suggests
Paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis is usually associated the need for additional studies to uncover a B cell or
with characteristic MRI abnormalities in the mesial plasma cell malignancy. In paraneoplastic neuropathies,
temporal lobes (see later), but similar ndings can diagnostically useful antineuronal antibodies are limited
occur with other disorders [e.g., nonparaneoplastic to anti-CV2/CRMP5 and anti-Hu.
limbic encephalitis with antibodies to VGKC, human For any type of PND, if antineuronal antibodies are
herpesvirus (HHV) 6 encephalitis] (Fig. 39-2). The negative, the diagnosis relies on the demonstration of
CSF prole of patients with PND of the CNS or dor- cancer and the exclusion of other cancer-related or
sal root ganglia typically consists of mild to moderate independent neurologic disorders. Body PET scans
pleocytosis (<200 mononuclear cells, predominantly often uncover tumors undetected by other tests.
lymphocytes), an increase in the protein concentra-
tion, intrathecal synthesis of IgG, and a variable pres-
ence of oligoclonal bands.
involve peripheral nerve, neuromuscular junction, or NEUROLOGIC SYNDROMES ( Table 39-3)
muscle, the diagnosis of a specic PND is usually
established on clinical, electrophysiologic, and patho-
logic grounds. The clinical history, accompanying
symptoms (e.g., anorexia, weight loss), and type of syn- The term encephalomyelitis describes an inammatory
Antibodies have been validated by more than one laboratory and/or the protein sequence of the target antigen is known.
The M protein usually does not have specic antibody activity.
Note: Italics indicate that commercial testing for these antibodies is not available. PNH, peripheral nerve hyperexcitability; CAR, cancer-associ-
ated retinopathy; MAR, melanoma-associated retinopathy; PNR, photoreceptor-specic nuclear receptor; MGUS, monoclonal gammopathy of
uncertain signicance; VGKC, voltage-gated potassium channel; GAD, glutamic acid decarboxylase; AChR, acetylcholine receptor; LEMS, Lam-
bert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome; VGCC, voltage-gated calcium channel; MAG, myelin-associated glycoprotein; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate.
MRI and tumor of a patient with anti-Ma2-associated brainstem. Panel C corresponds to a section of the patients
encephalitis. Panels A and B are uid-attenuated inversion orchiectomy incubated with a specic marker (Oct4) of
recovery MRI sequences showing abnormal hyperintensities germ-cell tumors. The positive (brown) cells correspond to
in the medial temporal lobes, hypothalamus and upper an intratubular germ-cell neoplasm.
the encephalitis that associates with antibodies to the
NR1/NR2 subunits of NMDA receptors in patients with CEREBELLAR DEGENERATION
teratoma of the ovary, and the encephalitis that associ-
ates with VGKC antibodies in some patients with thy- A number of single case reports have described neu-
The number of reports of paraneoplastic spinal cord STIFF-PERSON SYNDROME
syndromes, such as subacute motor neuronopathy and acute Optimal treatment of stiff-person syndrome requires
necrotizing myelopathy, has decreased in recent years. This therapy of the underlying tumor, glucocorticoids, and
may represent a true decrease in incidence, due to symptomatic use of drugs that enhance GABA-ergic
improved and prompt oncologic interventions, or may transmission (diazepam, baclofen, sodium valproate,
be because of the identication of nonparaneoplastic tiagabine, vigabatrin). A benet of IVIg has been demon-
etiologies. strated for the nonparaneoplastic disorder but remains
Some patients with cancer develop upper or lower to be established for the paraneoplastic syndrome.
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
anti-Hu suggests concurrent dorsal root ganglionitis.
have a high intraburst frequency. An immune pathogenesis
Guillain-Barr syndrome and brachial plexitis have occa-
is suggested by the frequent presence of serum antibod-
sionally been reported in patients with lymphoma, but
ies to VGKC.The disorder often occurs without cancer;
there is no clear evidence of a paraneoplastic association.
if paraneoplastic, benign and malignant thymomas and
Malignant monoclonal gammopathies include: (1) multiple
SCLC are the usual tumors. Phenytoin, carbamazepine,
myeloma and sclerotic myeloma associated with IgG
and plasma exchange improve symptoms.
or IgA monoclonal proteins; and (2) Waldenstrms
Vinay Chaudhry
Patient Complaint: Neuropathy
Yes No
Evaluation of other
Mononeuropathy Mononeuropathy multiplex Polyneuropathy disorder or
reassurance and
follow up
form of
Decision on need CIDP
for surgery (nerve repair, Possible
transposition, or release Review history for toxins; Test for paraprotein,
nerve If chronic or If acute: GBS
procedure) test for associated if negative
biopsy Test for paraprotein, subacute: CIDP
systemic disease or
HIV, Lyme disease intoxication
Review family IVIg or
Treatment appropriate history; examine Treatment plasmapheresis;
for specific diagnosis If tests are family members; for CIDP; supportive
negative, consider Treatment appropriate genetic testing see Ch.41 care including
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Approach to the evaluation of peripheral neuropathies. CIDP, chronic inammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy;
GBS, Guillain-Barr syndrome.
TABLE 40-1
Numbness Pain: burning, shock-like, Cramps Decreased or increased
Pins and needles stabbing, prickling, Weak grip sweating
Tingling shooting, lancinating Footdrop Dry eyes, mouth,
Poor balance Allodynia Twitching Erectile dysfunction
Faintness, light-headedness
Decreased Decreased Reduced Orthostasis
Vibration Pin prick Strength Unequal pupil size
Joint-position sense Temperature sensation Reexes
Nerve biopsy QST Tilt table
LP Nerve biopsy R-R interval
Note: NCS-EMG, nerve conduction studies/electromyography; QSART, quantitative sudomotor axon reex testing;
QST, quantitative sensory test; LP, lumbar puncture.
distribution. Only when the sensation reaches the 3. Which bers are affected? In a polyneuropathy, mani- 527
level of the knee or thigh do symptoms appear in festations can be classied as small-ber sensory,
the hands, producing a length-dependent, or large-ber sensory, motor, and/or autonomic
stocking-glove, pattern. Paresthesias that begin in (Table 40-3). Often there is overlap, but if there is
one hand suggest an entrapment neuropathy such predominant involvement of one ber group, the
as carpal tunnel syndrome. differential diagnosis and evaluation can be nar-
Motor symptoms usually have a later onset than rowed. For example, if a patient has burning pain in
sensory symptoms. In long-standing inherited neu- the feet, a small-ber neuropathy is likely and dia-
ropathies, patients may present with isolated weak- betes mellitus is a possible etiology. If a patient has
ness of the feet without sensory symptoms; the sensory ataxia, large bers are likely affected and
ankle jerk, the most distal deep tendon reex, is Sjgrens syndrome or a paraneoplastic process
invariably absent. When confronted with a length- should be considered.
dependent pattern of sensory symptoms, the diag- 4. What is the anatomic pattern? Clinical evaluation is
nosis of a peripheral neuropathy is not difcult. often helpful in categorizing a neuropathy as axonal,
However, in cases with pure motor weakness or
wasting, localization may be difcult, and in such
TABLE 40-3
cases the presence of distal weakness is helpful in
differentiating a peripheral neuropathy from muscle CLASSIFICATION OF NEUROPATHY BY FIBER TYPE
or neuromuscular junction disorders, which typi- Small-ber sensory (painful neuropathies and dissociated
cally present with proximal weakness. Motor neu- sensory loss)
ron disease can also present with distal weakness Hereditary sensory neuropathies (early)
and wasting; however, the ndings are not in the Lepromatous leprosy
distribution of an individual nerve. Diabetic (includes glucose intolerance) small-ber
Peripheral Neuropathy
2. What is its distribution? Polyneuropathy involves
widespread and symmetric dysfunction of the Analphalipoproteinemia (Tangier disease)
peripheral nerves; mononeuropathy involves a single Fabrys disease (pain predominates)
peripheral nerve; multiple mononeuropathy involves Dysautonomia (Riley-Day syndrome)
multiple individual peripheral nerves (Table 40-2 HIV and antiretroviral therapy neuropathy
and Fig. 40-1). Mononeuropathies are usually due Large-ber sensory (ataxic-neuropathies)
to compression, trauma, or vascular causes. Multiple Sjgrens syndrome
mononeuropathies (also referred to as mononeuropa- Vitamin B12 neuropathy (from dorsal column involvement)
Cisplatin neuropathy
thy multiplex) can be a result of multiple entrap- Pyridoxine toxicity
ments, inltration, or vasculitis. Plexopathies (brachial Friedreichs ataxia
or lumbosacral) also involve multiple peripheral Small- and large-ber: Global sensory loss
nerves, in an asymmetric fashion. Carcinomatous sensory neuropathy
Hereditary sensory neuropathies (recessive and dominant)
Diabetic sensory neuropathy
Vacor intoxication
TABLE 40-2 Xanthomatous neuropathy of primary biliary cirrhosis
Motor-predominant neuropathies
Polyneuropathy Multiple Mononeuropathy Immune neuropathies: acute (Guillain-Barr syndrome);
Fairly symmetric In distribution of single relapsing
Distal stocking-glove nerve(s) Heritable motor-sensory neuropathies
May or may not be painful Setting: diabetes, Acute intermittent porphyria
Sensorimotor pressure, vasculitis Diphtheritic neuropathy
Symmetrically decreased May or may not be painful Lead neuropathy
reexes Isolated reex loss Brachial neuritis
Plexopathy Not a Neuropathy Diabetic lumbosacralplexus neuropathy (diabetic
Asymmetric Upper motor neuron signs amyotrophy)
Painful onset (brisk reexes) Autonomic
Multiple nerves in a Prominent bladder and Acute: Acute pandysautonomic neuropathy, botulism,
single limb bowel involvement porphyria, GBS, vacore, amiodarone, vincristine
Rapid onset of weakness, Unilateral (arm, leg, face) Chronic: Amyloid, diabetes, Sjgrens, HSAN I and III
atrophy symptoms (Riley-Day), Chagas, paraneoplastic
Isolated reex loss Sensory level
Hyperventilation Note: GBS, Guillain-Barr syndrome; HSAN, hereditary sensory and
autonomic neuropathy.
528 TABLE 40-4
Note: UE, LE, upper, lower extremities; DTRs, deep tendon reexes; NCS, nerve conduction studies; GBS, Guillain-Barr
syndrome; CIDP, chronic inammatory demyelinating neuropathy; DM, diabetes mellitus; MMN, multifocal motor neuropathy;
CMT, Charcot-Marie-Tooth.
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
TABLE 40-5
demyelinating, or neuronal [dorsal root ganglion
(DRG)] (Table 40-4). Most axonal neuropathies CLASSIFICATION OF NEUROPATHY BY TIME COURSE
follow a length-dependent (stocking-glove) pat- Acute
tern with sensory (small fiber more than large GBS, porphyria, toxic (triorthocresyl phosphate, vacor,
fiber) symptoms and signs predominating over thallium), diphtheria, brachial neuritis
motor manifestations; distal reflexes are absent. In Subacute
contrast, most demyelinating neuropathies affect Toxic (hexacarbon, acrylamid), angiopathic, nutritional,
motor fibers and sensory fibers (large fiber Chronic
more than small fiber) equally, and areflexia or Diabetic, CIDP, paraneoplastic, paraprotein
hyporeflexia is more generalized. DRG lesions Longstanding heritable
involve purely sensory fibers in a non-length- CMT, Friedreichs ataxia
dependent fashion; sensory ataxia and general- Recurrent
ized loss of reflexes are usually found. EDx studies Relapsing CIDP, porphyria, Refsums disease, HNPP
are also important in defining the anatomy of a
neuropathy. Note: GBS, Guillain-Barr syndrome; CIDP, chronic inammatory
demyelinating neuropathy; CMT, Charcot-Marie-Tooth (disease);
5. What is the time course? Rapidly evolving peripheral HNPP, hereditary neuropathy with pressure palsies.
neuropathies are usually inammatory [Guillain-
Barr syndrome (GBS)] or toxic in origin. Suba-
cute evolution suggests an inammatory, toxic, or
nutritional cause (Table 40-5). Chronic neu- chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy
ropathies, especially those that are long-standing (CIDP), multifocal motor neuropathy, anti-myelin-
over many years, are usually hereditary, such as associated glycoprotein (MAG) neuropathy]; hered-
Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease. itary (CMT); toxic (HIV drugs, anticancer drugs,
6. What is the likely etiology? It is helpful to consider alcohol, heavy metals, tick bite); vasculitic (pol-
potential etiologies by category: metabolic (diabetes yarteritis nodosa, Churg-Strauss syndrome, cryo-
mellitus, renal failure, amyloid, porphyria); infec- globulinemia, isolated vasculitis of the peripheral
tious [HIV, Lyme disease, cytomegalovirus (CMV), nervous system); paraneoplastic (especially lung);
syphilis, leprosy, diphtheria]; immune-mediated [GBS, nutritional (vitamin B12, B1, B6 deciencies); and
TABLE 40-6 529
miscellaneous causes (celiac disease, Fabry disease,
7. What tests are indicated? These may include fast- FIRST-LINE THERAPY
ing blood glucose and hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C);
serum vitamin B12; tests for systemic vasculitis or Antidepressants
collagen vascular disease; measurement of neu- Amitriptyline, nortriptyline, imipramine, desimipramine,
ropathy-associated autoantibodies; urine screen doxepin (10150 mg qd)
for heavy metals; spinal fluid analysis; autonomic Serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRI)
function testing (Chap. 28); and genetic tests for Duloxetine (60120 mg qd)
hereditary neuropathies. An impaired glucose Venlafaxine (150225 mg qd)
tolerance test is found in more than half of Antiepileptics
patients with idiopathic sensory neuropathy and Carbamazepine 100800 mg qd
Oxcarabazepine 12002400 mg qd
is more sensitive than tests of fasting glucose or
Lamotrigine 200400 mg qd
HbA1C. Diagnostic tests to further characterize Topiramate 300400 mg qd
the neuropathy include quantitative sensory test- Gabapentin 9003600 mg qd
ing, EDx studies, sural nerve biopsy, and muscle Pregabalin 150600 mg qd
biopsy. Diagnostic tests and procedures are more Valproic acid 10001200 mg qd
likely to be informative in patients with asym- SECOND-LINE THERAPY
metric, motor-predominant, rapid-onset or Opioids
demyelinating neuropathies than in patients with Oxycodone 40160 mg qd
slowly evolving length-dependent sensory > Morphine 90360 mg qd PO
motor types. Tramadol 50400 mg qd
8. What treatment is appropriate? Treatment of the Fentanyl patch 2575 g/h q 3 days
Peripheral Neuropathy
underlying disorder, pain management, and support- Antiarrhythmics
ive care to protect and rehabilitate damaged tissue all Mexilitine 6001200 mg qd
need to be considered. Examples of therapies Capsaicin 0.075% topical tid or qid
directed at the underlying etiology include glycemic Lidocaine 5% patch bid
control for diabetic neuropathy, vitamin replacement Isosorbide dinitrate spray 30 mg qhs
for B12 deciency, immunosuppression for vasculitis, Others
surgery for entrapment neuropathy, enzyme replace- Clonidine 0.12.4 mg qd
ment for Fabry disease, liver or bone marrow trans- Memantine 55 mg qd
plant for amyloid neuropathy, and treatment for Dextromethorphan 400 mg
Levodopa 100 mg tid
immune-mediated neuropathies (Chap. 41).
Alpha-lipoic acid (thioctic acid) 600 mg
Pain management usually begins with tricyclic Spinal cord stimulator
antidepressants (TCAs) such as amitriptyline, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
imipramine, and desipramine, which can reduce Alternative
burning, aching, sharp, throbbing, and stinging Acupuncture
(Table 40-6; see also Table 5-1). Duloxetine Pain psychologist/counselor
hydrochloride, a dual reuptake inhibitor of sero-
tonin and norepinephrine, is approved for the
management of neuropathic pain from diabetes. denervated/immobile extremity, combined with
Tramadol is also effective for painful diabetic neu- recurrent, unnoticed, painless trauma, predisposes to
ropathy. Anticonvulsants such as phenytoin, carba- skin ulceration, poor healing, tissue resorption, neu-
mazepine, clonazepam, gabapentin, topiramate, rogenic arthropathy, and mutilation; amputation may
lamotrigine, and pregabalin are effective for lanci- be required. This unfortunate sequence of events is
nating pains. Topical anesthetic agents including avoidable with proper care of the denervated areas.
lidocaine, mexiletine, and capsaicin creams pro-
vide transient relief for focal neuropathic pain.
Narcotics may be required for severe cases of ELECTROPHYSIOLOGIC STUDIES
refractory neuropathic pain. Treatment of pain is (SEE CHAP. 3)
discussed in detail in Chap. 5.
The role of physical therapy, occupational Electrophysiologic studies serve as an extension of the
therapy, and assistive devices (such as a foot brace) neurologic examination and thus play an important role
should not be overlooked. Trophic changes in a in the evaluation of peripheral neuropathies.The following
530 information should be obtained from nerve conduction permanent injury can result. Intrinsic factors such as
studies and electromyography (NCS-EMG): arthritis, uid retention (pregnancy), amyloid, tumors,
and diabetes mellitus may make nerves at entrapment
1. Is the process axonal or demyelinating? This deter- sites more susceptible to injury. Often both extrinsic
mination is one of the main goals of an NCS-EMG and intrinsic factors contribute to neuropathy, e.g., an
study since approaches to management and progno- anatomically narrowed region coupled with repetitive
sis hinge largely on this distinction. In general, activity, poor posture or position. Common entrapment
axonal processes affect sensory bers more than neuropathies include the median nerve at the wrist
motor bers, whereas equal involvement is charac- (carpal tunnel), ulnar nerve at the cubital tunnel or in
teristic of most demyelinating processes. the ulnar groove, lower trunk of the brachial plexus at
2. Are the ndings focal or generalized and are they the thoracic outlet, common peroneal nerve at the
symmetric or asymmetric? bular head, posterior tibial nerve at the tarsal tunnel,
3. Is this a length-dependent neuropathy? A distal and lateral femoral cutaneous nerve at the inguinal liga-
axonopathy generally gives rise to length-dependent ment. Symptoms and signs of various entrapment neu-
ndings. The order of nerves affected, as measured ropathies are listed in Table 40-7. Histologic changes of
by sensory NCS, for example, is sural, followed by subacute compression consist of a mixture of segmental
ulnar, median, and radial. By contrast, a neuronopa- demyelination and Wallerian degeneration reecting
thy (or ganglionopathy) may affect the radial nerve retrograde axonal injury.
before the sural or ulnar nerve. Since most entrapped nerves contain both motor and
4. How severe is the lesion? The complete absence of a sensory bers, both types of symptoms occur, usually in
response may reect complete loss of bers or com- the distribution of the affected nerve. Sensory symptoms
plete conduction block. may include numbness, pins and needles, tingling, prick-
5. What is the approximate age of the lesion? In ling, burning, or electric shock sensations. Light touch is
axonal processes, the compound muscle action
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Carpal tunnel Numbness, pain Sleep or repeti-Sensory loss in thumb, Slowing of sensory C6 radiculopathy Splint
syndrome or paresthesias tive hand second, and third ngers and motor conduc- Surgery denitive
in ngers activity Weakness in thenar tion across carpal treatment
muscles; inability to tunnel
make a circle with
thumb and index nger
Tinel and Phalen signs
Ulnar nerve Numbness or Elbow exion Sensory loss in the little Focal slowing of Thoracic outlet Elbow pads
entrapment paresthesias in during sleep; nger and ulnar half of nerve conduction syndrome Avoid further injury
at the elbow ulnar aspect of elbow resting ring nger velocity at the elbow C8-T1 radicu- Surgery when con-
(UNE) hand on desk Weakness of the lopathy servative treatment
interossei and thumb fails
adductor; claw-hand
Ulnar nerve Numbness or Unusual hand Like UNE but sensory Prolongation of distal UNE Avoid precipitating
entrapment weakness in the activities with examination spares motor latency in the activities
at the wrist ulnar distribu- tools, bicycling dorsum of the hand, hand
tion in the hand and selected hand
muscles affected
Radial neu- Wrist drop Sleeping on arm Wrist drop with sparing Earlyconduction Posterior cord Splint
ropathy at after inebriation of elbow extension block along the spi- lesion; deltoid Spontaneous
the spiral with alcohol (triceps sparing); nger ral groove also weak recovery provided
groove Saturday night and thumb extensors Latedenervation in Posterior no ongoing injury
palsy paralyzed; sensory loss radial muscles; interosseous
Peripheral Neuropathy
in radial region of wrist reduced radial SNAP nerve (PIN); iso-
lated nger drop
C7 radiculopathy
Thoracic Numbness, Lifting heavy Sensory loss resembles Absent ulnar sensory UNE Surgery if correctable
outlet paresthesias in objects with ulnar nerve and motor response and lesion present
syndrome medial arm, the hand loss resembles median reduced median
forearm, hand, nerve motor response
and ngers
Femoral Buckling of knee, Abdominal hys- Wasting and weakness EMG of quadriceps, L2-4 radiculopa- Physiotherapy to
neuropathy numbness or terectomy; litho- of quadriceps; absent iliopsoas, paraspinal thy strengthen quadri-
tingling in tomy position; knee jerk; sensory loss muscles, adductor Lumbar ceps and mobilize
thigh/medial leg hematoma, in medial thigh and muscles plexopathy hip joint
diabetes lower leg Surgery if needed
Obturator Weakness of the Stretch during Weakness of hip adduc- EMGdenervation L3-4 radiculopa- Conservative
neuropathy leg, thigh hip surgery; tors; sensory loss in limited to hip adduc- thy management
numbness pelvic fracture; upper medial thigh tors sparing the Lumbar Surgery if needed
childbirth quadriceps plexopathy
Meralgia Pain or numb- Standing or Sensory loss in the Sometimes slowing of L2 radiculopathy Usually resolves
paresthetica ness in the ante- walking pocket of the pant sensory response spontaneously
rior lateral thigh Recent weight distribution can be demon-
gain strated across the
inguinal ligament
Peroneal Footdrop Usually an acute Weak dorsiexion, ever- Focal slowing of L5 radiculopathy Foot brace; remove
nerve compressive sion of the foot nerve conduction external source of
entrapment episode identi- Sensory loss in the across bular head compression
at the bular able; weight anterolateral leg and Denervation in tibialis
head loss dorsum of the foot anterior and peroneus
longus muscles
Sciatic Flail foot and Injection injury; Weakness of hamstring, NCSabnormal sural, L5-S1 radicu- Conservative follow
neuropathy numbness fracture/dislo- plantar and dorsiexion peroneal, and tibial lopathies up for partial sci-
in foot cation of hip; of foot; sensory loss in amplitudes Common per- atic nerve injuries
prolonged tibial and peroneal EMGdenervation in oneal neuropa- Brace and physio-
pressure on hip nerve distribution sciatic nerve distrib- thy (partial sci- therapy
(comatose ution sparing glutei atic nerve injury) Surgical exploration
patient) and paraspinal LS plexopathies if needed
Tarsal tunnel Pain and paresthe- At the end of the Sensory loss in the sole Reduced amplitude in Polyneuropathy, Surgery if no exter-
syndrome sias in the sole day after stand- of the foot sensory or motor foot deformity, nal cause identied
of the foot but ing or walking; Tinels sign at tarsal components of medial poor circulation
not in the heel nocturnal tunnel and planter nerves
Note: UE, LE, upper, lower extremities; DTRs, deep tendon reexes; NCS, nerve conduction studies; GBS, Guillain-Barr syndrome; CIDP,
chronic inammatory demyelinating neuropathy; DM, diabetes mellitus; MMN, multifocal motor neuropathy; CMT, Charcot-Marie-Tooth.
532 be tapered by 5 mg every 24 weeks. The cytotoxic
agent is usually continued for 1 year. Therapy of hyper-
sensitivity vasculitis is focused primarily upon removal of
Treatment for acute and subacute compressive neu- the offending antigen trigger. Treatment of localized vas-
ropathies consists of identifying and removing extrinsic culitis restricted to the peripheral nervous system can be
contributors and the use of splints to avoid further com- less aggressive than for systemic vasculitis because the
pression. In patients with chronic compressive neu- risk of death from untreated disease is very low.
ropathies, exacerbating factors should be identied and Monotherapy with either oral glucocorticoids or a brief
treated before surgical correction is considered. The use course of cyclophosphamide (36 months) may be suf-
of splints, a change of work habits to avoid activities or cient. A tissue diagnosis of vasculitis should be obtained
movements that precipitate the neuropathy, or anti- before initiating therapy; a positive nerve biopsy helps to
inammatory medication for tenosynovitis may be help- justify long-term immunosuppressive treatment, and
ful (see later). pathologic conrmation of the diagnosis is often difcult
Surgical treatment may be required for management after treatment has commenced.
of chronic compressive neuropathies when conserva-
tive measures have failed and the site of entrapment is
clearly delineated. Studies of surgery in carpal tunnel
involvement of individual peripheral nerves. Although 66% for type 1 and 59% for type 2 diabetes. Neuropathy
multiple compressive neuropathies can present in this can be broadly divided into symmetric and asymmetric
manner, more often an inammatory cause is responsi- types, although a great deal of overlap exists between
ble, and in such cases the disorder is referred to as these categories. Symmetric neuropathies may present as
mononeuritis multiplex. Both systemic (67%) and nonsys- small-ber involvement (e.g., dysesthesias in the feet) or
temic (33%) vasculitis may present as mononeuritis mul- autonomic dysfunction (e.g., sexual impotence), but
tiplex; less commonly, vasculitic neuropathy can present often both occur together; examination usually reveals
as an asymmetric or distal symmetric neuropathy. additional evidence of large-ber involvement and of an
Among the systemic vasculitides, polyarteritis nodosa, underlying generalized neuropathy.
rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus The asymmetric neuropathies are divided into those
(SLE), Churg-Strauss syndrome,Wegeners granulomato- with acute onset and those with gradual onset. Asym-
sis, and hypersensitivity vasculitis should be considered; metric abrupt-onset neuropathies include diabetic trun-
these are often associated with constitutional symptoms cal radiculoneuropathy (DTRN), diabetic lumbosacral
such as fever and weight loss.The common bular nerve radiculoplexus neuropathy (DLSRPN), and oculomotor
(previously called the common peroneal nerve) is (third or sixth nerve) neuropathy. These monophasic
affected in ~75% of patients with vasculitic neuropathy; conditions are thought to be due to vascular causes
symptoms consist of a painful foot drop. The ulnar, such as infarction. Neuropathies of more gradual onset
median, and radial nerves may also be involved. are usually caused by entrapment or compression and
include median neuropathy at the wrist, ulnar neuropa-
thy at the elbow, peroneal neuropathy at the bular
head, and lateral cutaneous neuropathy at the thigh at
the inguinal ligament (meralgia paresthetica).
Therapy of the necrotizing systemic vasculitides can sta-
bilize and in some cases improve the neuropathy. Gluco- Symmetric Diabetic Neuropathy
corticoids [prednisone (1.5 mg/kg per day)] plus a cyto-
toxic agent (usually oral cyclophosphamide at 2 mg/kg By far the most common form of diabetic neuropathy is
per day) is the treatment of choice. Aggressive therapy is a length-dependent diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropa-
warranted since the prognosis for survival of untreated thy (DSPN). The lifetime prevalence is ~55% for type 1
patients is poor. Prednisone can be changed to an alter- and 45% for type 2 diabetes. DSPN is a mixed neuropa-
nate-day regimen after 1 month to minimize side effects. thy with small- and large-ber sensory, autonomic, and
Once a clinical response is documented, prednisone may motor nerve involvement in various combinations,
although sensory and autonomic symptoms are more
prominent than motor ones (Table 40-1). Proposed 533
criteria for the diagnosis of DSPN are two or more of Treatment:
the following: symptoms or signs of neuropathy, abnor- DIABETIC SENSORIMOTOR
mal EDx studies, quantitative sensation test abnormali- POLYNEUROPATHY
ties, heart rate decrease with deep breathing or Valsalva Treatment consists of strict glucose control, which pre-
maneuver. vents the neuropathy from worsening; established neu-
DSPN has an insidious, progressive course. Initial ropathy does not usually reverse. Aldose reductase
symptoms may consist of numbness, tingling, buzzing, inhibitors to treat and prevent diabetic neuropathy have
burning, or prickling sensation affecting the toes and been studied in >30 trials. Although controlled trials of
feet. Paresthesias ascend up to the legs and then hands in the aldose reductase inhibitors sorbinol and tolrestat
a stocking-glove distribution. Over time, gait distur- were found to improve electrophysiologic or morpho-
bance and distal weakness may occur. Painful or insensi- metric markers of DSPN, any clinically meaningful
tive extremities predispose to foot ulcers; amputation is improvement in pain or sensation has been inconsis-
sometimes required. Examination shows a distal sensory tent. Treatment with recombinant nerve growth factor
loss to pin, temperature, touch, and vibration sense. was ineffective. Alpha lipoic acid (thioctic acid), an
Ankle reexes are invariably reduced or absent. Weak- antioxidant, has been shown to improve experimental
ness, if present, is mild and involves toe exors and diabetic neuropathy, and a meta-analysis of clinical trials
extensors. The length-dependent pattern of neuropathy suggested that the treatment (600 mg/d IV for 3 weeks)
is evident in the stocking-glove sensory loss, and some is safe and improves symptoms and signs of neuropa-
patients also show sensory loss in the anterior abdominal thy. Pancreatic transplantation can halt progression of
region in a wedge-shaped distribution. Autonomic DSPN but is a realistic therapy only for patients who
symptoms including impotence, nocturnal diarrhea, dif- have renal failure and are undergoing combined kidney
culty voiding, abnormalities of sweating, and abnormal and pancreas transplantation.
Peripheral Neuropathy
fullness after eating and orthostatic hypotension may be Glycemic control is essential for the prevention of
present. diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Once neuropathy is
The diagnosis of DSPN is usually straightforward, established, few effective treatments exist.
although other contributors to the neuropathy should
be excluded, including nutritional (vitamins B1 and B12
and folate deficiencies), toxic (alcohol, vitamin B6
toxicity), immune-mediated (paraprotein), and inherited Asymmetric Diabetic Neuropathy
causes. An alternative diagnosis should be sought in Cranial Neuropathies
patients with rapidly progressive or asymmetric weak- The oculomotor nerves (in decreasing order of fre-
ness, a family history of neuropathy, exposure to toxins, quency the sixth, third, and rarely fourth nerves) are
or prior malignancy. A glucose tolerance test is indicated most often affected. In general, cranial neuropathy
in all patients presenting with neuropathy. EDx studies occurs in patients older than 50 years who already have
show mixed ndings of axonal loss and demyelination in evidence of DSPN. Abducens (sixth) nerve palsy mani-
a length-dependent pattern. Nerve biopsy and lumbar fests as the sudden onset of painless double vision, and
puncture are not necessary unless alternative diagnoses examination shows paralysis of abduction on the
are being considered. affected side (Chap. 17). In a patient with diabetes who
Various hypotheses have been invoked to account for has no other clinical ndings the diagnosis is straight-
DSPN. Increased neuronal concentrations of glucose forward. Spontaneous recovery typically occurs within
induce the conversion of glucose to sorbitol by aldose 35 months and no treatment except an eye patch or
reductase using NADPH as a coenzyme. Sorbitol prism is necessary. Diabetic third nerve palsy is also
decreases levels of myo-inositol and phosphoinositides, abrupt in onset but is often heralded by intense retroor-
leading to a decrease in diacylglycerol, protein kinase C, bital pain that may be present for several days. Symp-
and Na+, K+, ATPase activity. This sequence of events toms include double vision, unilateral ptosis, and
leads to axonal loss and demyelination and is the basis of restriction of medial gaze and upgaze. Unlike compres-
trials using aldose reductase inhibitors and high myo- sive etiologies (e.g., aneurysms of the superior cerebel-
inositol diets. A second hypothesis proposes insufcient lar or posterior communicating arteries), which present
blood ow: increased aldose reductase activity results in with an enlarged (blown) pupil, the pupil is nearly
competitive inhibition of nitric oxide synthetase for always spared in diabetic third nerve palsy. This is due
NADPH, resulting in decreased nitric oxide and reduced to the fact that pupillomotor bers are present on the
blood ow in the vasa nervorum. Altered metabolism of outer layers of the third nerve fascicle, and an ischemic
fatty acids, reduced concentrations of nerve growth fac- lesion tends to involve the center of the fascicle. In
tor, and oxidative stress are possible additional contribut- atypical cases, such as those with pupillary involvement
ing factors. or without pain, a neuroimaging study, usually MRI or
534 MR angiography (MRA), is indicated to exclude an Diabetic amyotrophy (femoral neuropathy; proximal
aneurysm. Most patients improve spontaneously in diabetic neuropathy) occurs in older patients, usually
36 months without any treatment. Symptomatic treat- with type 2 diabetes. Patients present with the abrupt
ment with eye prisms is often helpful. Idiopathic neu- onset of severe pain affecting the anterior thigh. But-
ropathy of the facial nerve (seventh; Bells palsy) is also tock and lower back pain may also be present.The pain
more common in older diabetics than in nondiabetics. is worse at night and is described as burning. Weakness
The clinical features and prognosis are similar to the and wasting in the thigh muscles leads to difculty
nondiabetic form (Chap. 29). climbing stairs and walking. Males are more likely to be
affected, and weight loss, at times dramatic, is invariably
Limb Mononeuropathies present. Although symptoms may be bilateral, one side
Diabetics are also susceptible to entrapment neuropathies, is more severely affected than the other. Examination
including median neuropathy at the wrist (carpal tunnel shows prominent wasting of the quadriceps muscle uni-
syndrome), ulnar neuropathy at the elbow, fibular laterally with weakness of the knee extensor and hip
(peroneal) neuropathy at the bular head, and lateral exor and, variably, ankle dorsiexor, accompanied by
cutaneous neuropathy at the inguinal ligament (meralgia sensory loss in the thigh and leg in the distribution of
paresthetica). The special susceptibility of diabetic nerves the femoral nerve, and a reduced knee jerk on the
may be related to endoneurial edema and vascular fac- affected side. The syndrome progresses over weeks to
tors. Patients typically present with several weeks or months, then stabilizes and gradually improves. EDx
months of pain, numbness, or weakness in the distribu- studies show ndings of radiculopathy (L2-4), lumbar
tion of the affected nerve.The approach to these entrap- plexopathy, or femoral neuropathy along with a distal
ments is similar to that in individuals without diabetes. sensorimotor neuropathy. An MRI of the lumbosacral
Decompressive surgery may be needed if there is associ- spine and plexus is indicated to exclude a compressive
ated weakness, numbness, or pain in the distribution of cause. Cerebrospinal uid (CSF) examination and nerve
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
the affected nerves and if no reversible extrinsic source of biopsy should be considered whenever the diagnosis is
compression (position/habits) can be identied. uncertain. The level of CSF protein is often elevated,
and biopsy of the intermediate femoral cutaneous nerve
Radiculopathies and Plexopathies may show microvasculitis. The condition may be quite
Diabetic truncal radiculoneuropathy occurs in diabetics in painful and require opiates for pain control.Treatment with
middle or later life, usually in association with underly- high-dose glucocorticoids or intravenous immunoglobulin
ing DSPN. Patients present with an abrupt onset, typi- (IVIg) has been effective in case reports, although con-
cally over days to weeks, of severe pain in the thoracic trolled trials have not shown clear benet. Physiother-
spine, ank, rib cage, or upper abdomen. The pain is apy and orthotic devices are helpful. The prognosis is
described as burning, stabbing, or belt-like. Contact generally favorable; improvement occurs over several
hyperesthesia is present in the area of pain. Associated, months in most patients treated with symptomatic
sometimes profound, weight loss is often described; this measures only. A similar condition may also occur in
can also be seen in diabetic amyotrophy (see later). nondiabetic patients.
Examination may be normal or may reveal variable sen-
sory loss in the distribution of one or several intercostal
Uncommon Diabetic Neuropathies
nerves and their branches. Anterior abdominal wall
weakness may be noted as focal bulging of the weak- Diabetic neuropathic cachexia (acute painful neuropathy of
ened region when the patient attempts to sit up. A diabetes) is an uncommon painful sensory neuropathy
needle EMG of the affected muscles may conrm den- occurring in type 1 diabetics in the setting of poor glu-
ervation in the abdominal or intercostal muscles; the cose control and weight loss. Manifestations include
paraspinal muscles may be spared. This nding, and a severe pain in the feet ascending up to the legs and
reduced ber density measured by skin biopsy from trunk with associated allodynia. Examination may reveal
symptomatic regions, suggests that the injury in diabetic distal sensory loss to pinprick and vibration and reduced
truncal radiculoneuropathy is at, or distal to, the sensory or absent ankle jerks. Strength is preserved. EDx studies
ganglion. The differential diagnosis in this elderly popu- may show a distal neuropathy. Unlike DSPN, the prog-
lation should include herpes zoster infection (without nosis is favorable with glucose control. The painful
rash) and an abdominal malignancy. Most patients symptoms reverse over months to a year.
improve spontaneously, although the pain may persist for Insulin neuritis describes a painful neuropathy seen
weeks to months. Pain management may be difcult and with initiation of insulin treatment for diabetes. The
includes topical capsaicin and narcotics. The abrupt clinical presentation is similar to the acute painful neu-
onset and spontaneous recovery suggest a vascular cause ropathy of diabetes, and most patients improve.
to this syndrome, although an inammatory etiology can A reversible sensory and motor polyneuropathy has
not be excluded. been reported in association with diabetic ketoacidosis.
Most patients also have upper and lower motor neuron neuropathy may do so acutely when used at higher doses; 535
signs, as well as a preexisting neuropathy.The etiology is examples include arsenic, thallium, and pyridoxine. The
not clear; critical illness neuropathy may be the underly- combination of two toxic drugs, commonly seen with
ing cause. Finally, chronic inammatory demyelinating anticancer therapy (e.g., paclitaxel and cisplatin), may
neuropathy (CIDP) occurs in diabetics; the disease produce greater nerve toxicity than either one alone.
resembles that seen in nondiabetics. Patients with underlying conditions may be predisposed
to neuropathy when exposed to some compounds, e.g.,
TOXIC INCLUDING CHEMOTHERAPY- vitamin B12decient patients who receive nitrous oxide
INDUCED NEUROPATHIES anesthesia, or patients with porphyria who receive bar-
biturates. Usually, however, toxic neuropathy is subacute
Most toxic neuropathies are distal axonal degenerations in onset, developing over a period of months. Vin-
that develop gradually over time. The causes are varied, cristine, amiodarone, nitrofurantoin, isoniazid, dimethy-
including drugs, heavy metals, and industrial and envi- laminopropionitrile (DMAPN), inorganic mercury, and
ronmental substances (Table 40-8). Novel anticancer thallium all cause a subacute neuropathy. The insidious
drugs and antiretroviral agents are the most common onset of a chronic neuropathy occurs with exposure to
drugs implicated, although over-the-counter medica- industrial toxins at low dosages over a prolonged period
tions (especially pyridoxine) can also cause neuropathy. of time. Examples include acrylamide, allyl chloride,
A temporal relationship between introduction of the hexacarbons, carbon disulde, ethylene oxide, lead, and
toxic substance and the onset of neuropathy is usually arsenic. In addition to preexisting neuropathy, other host
noted, as is a dose-response relationship. In general, a factors, including diabetes, hepatic or renal impairment,
lower dose over a longer period of time is less toxic than and alcohol abuse, may reduce the threshold for neuro-
a higher dose for a short period, even if the eventual toxicity. The neuropathy may be predominantly motor
cumulative doses are similar. Onset following introduc- with lead, inorganic mercury, organophosphates, buck-
Peripheral Neuropathy
tion of the agent and reversal or at least arrest following thorn, dapsone, and vincristine; small-ber sensory with
its removal provide the best evidence of a toxic neu- DMAPN, thallium, nucleoside analogue reverse tran-
ropathy, along with the symptoms and signs typically scriptase inhibitors (dideoxycytidine ddC, dideoxyino-
caused by the suspected agent.The neuropathy may rst sine ddI, stavudine d4T), ethionamide, metronidazole,
manifest or may continue to progress after discontinuing and taxane; or large-ber sensory with cisplatin, high
the substance; this phenomenon, known as coasting, is doses of taxol, pyridoxine, or acrylamide. Autonomic
seen with the platinum cancer drugs, hexacarbons, dysfunction can occur with vincristine, vacor, perhexi-
nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors, and line, high dose-pyridoxine, and platinum. Other toxins
pyridoxine. that may involve autonomic nerves include acrylamide
Clinical evaluation includes a history focusing on (acral and pedal hyperhidrosis), DMAPN (urologic and
the temporal relationship between exposure and onset sexual dysfunction), and hexacarbons (hyperhidrosis and
of sensory or motor symptoms, comorbid diseases that impotence). Some toxic neuropathies also involve the
may cause neuropathy, and symptoms of systemic toxi- cranial nerves. These include trichloroethylene, which
city. Nerve biopsy occasionally demonstrates pathog- causes acute dysfunction of the cranial nerves V,VII, III,
nomonic features such as osmiophillic Schwann cell and II; thallium and acute fulminant vacor poisonings,
inclusions in amiodarone, perhexiline and chloroquine which cause facial diplegia with generalized neuropathy
neuropathies, and paranodal giant axonal swellings in resembling Guillain-Barr syndrome; perhexiline, which
hexacarbon neuropathies. Levels of some toxins can be causes facial diplegia and perioral numbness; vincristine
measured in certain tissues: heavy metals such as lead, and paclitaxel, which may be associated with numbness
arsenic, and thallium can be measured in urine; arsenic in the trigeminal nerve distribution; and chlorampheni-
can be measured in hair or nails. Blood levels of drugs col, ethambutol, and nitrous oxide, all of which may
are also useful. cause optic neuropathy. Asymmetric neuropathy or
Table 40-8 lists some of the better-documented neu- mononeuritis multiplex is rare but may be seen with
rotoxic substances. Awareness of the types of indus- lead, which may cause unilateral wrist drop; or with
tries in which toxic exposure can occur is important in DMAPN, which causes sacral dermatomal sensory loss.
identifying occupational exposure. Lower dosages and Signs of toxicity to kidney, liver, or other organs can in
shorter durations of exposure may produce neuropathy in some cases alert the clinician to the possibility that a
susceptible individuals such as those with underlying neuropathy could be toxic in origin.
inherited neuropathy. An acute onset of neuropathy
occurs with drugs such as paclitaxel, suramin, and vacor,
and with biologic agents such as ciguatera, puffer sh
(tetrodotoxin), and buckthorn. Some toxic agents that Cisplatin (cis-diaminodichloroplatinum) is a heavy metal
otherwise require long-term exposure to produce chronic used to treat a variety of solid tumors. Cisplatin is toxic
536 TABLE 40-8
Nonpharmaceutical toxins
Acrylamide monomer Flocculators, grouting agents Sensory ataxia; large ber Numbness, excessive sweating,
exfoliative dermatitis
Allyl chloride Epoxy resin, glycerin Dysesthesia and distal weakness
Arsenic (inorganic) Copper/lead smelting, contaminant in S > M; painful; usually subacute Skin: hyperkeratosis, rain-drop pig-
recreational drugs, suicide/homicide or chronic; may be acute follow- mentation of skin, Mees line in nails
(herbicide/insecticide) ing large doses
Carbon disulphide Viscose rayon, cellophane; airborne SM Slow NCS
industrial exposure
Dimethylaminopropi- Polyurethane foam SM Small-ber neuropathy with prominent
onitrile (DMAPN) bladder symptoms and impotence
Ethylene oxide Sterilization of biomedicals
Hexacarbons (paranodal Solvents, adhesives SM Neurolament swelling of axons; CNS
giant axonal) Substance abuse (glues and thinners)
Lead Batteries, smelting metal ores, paints M > S; wrist drop Burtons line, anemia, basophilic
Mercury (inorganic) Environmental/workplace CNS > PNS; neuropathy Tremor, insomnia, behavioral change
Methyl bromide Fumigant, insecticide, refrigerant, re Variable recovery Encephalitis, ataxia
Organophosphorus Insecticide, petroleum, plastics SM Acute toxicity presents as cholinergic
esters crisis
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Thallium (rat poison) Rodenticides, insecticides Painful SM Thallium (alopecia, Mees line,
Vacor Rodenticide, suicide Rapid onset of severe axonopa- Diabetic ketoacidosis a feature of
thy and autonomic dysfunction acute toxicity
Pharmaceutical agents
Chloramphenicol Mean cumulative dose 255 g, duration S>M Also optic neuropathy
Colchicine Chronic dosing at 1.2 mg/d especially Distal paresthesias and Also myopathy with elevated serum CK
in the presence of renal dysfunction proximal weakness
Dapsone 200400 mg/d over many months Pure motor, especially upper limbs May look like motor neuron disease
Disulram 250500 mg/d after several months SM Difcult to distinguish from alcohol
used for alcoholism neuropathy
Ethambutol >20 mg/kg per day over many months Sensory neuropathy Also optic neuropathy
Ethionamide >15 mg/kg Sensory neuropathy Limited by GI, dermatologic and CNS
side effects
Gold Controversial, as rheumatoid arthritis S > M with myokymia Rash, pruritus
can cause neuropathy
Not dose dependent
Isoniazid >5 mg/kg over weeks or about 6 months, Dose-dependent SM neuropathy Add pyridoxine 50 mg/d when using
depending on acetylator status INH
Metronidazole Cumulative dose > 30 g Sensory (small and large ber)
Misonidazole Cumulative dose > 18 g/m2 Sensory axonopathy Dose-limiting side effect
Nitrofurantoin Standard dose of 200 mg/day over Mild SM neuropathy
a few weeks
Nitrous oxide Dental surgery, anesthesia, substance S >> M Toxic myeloneuropathy resembles
abuse cobalamine deciency
Nucleoside analogues >12.5 mg/kg per day for ddI, 0.02 mg/kg Painful sensory neuropathy Difcult to distinguish from HIV neu-
(ddC, ddI, 4dT) per day for ddC, and 0.5 mg/kg per ropathy
day for 4dT
Pyridoxine >200 mg a day over several months Length-dependent axonopathy Neuronopathy at higher doses
Suramin Peak serum concentration of 350 g/mL S > M; may be demyelinating
Taxol Cumulative dose of >1500 mg/m2 S>M Higher single doses may cause
Thalidomide 100 mg/d for 6 months. S>M Thalidomide (brittle nails, palmar
Vincristine and other Almost all patients S > M but autonomic bers also Vacuolar myopathy
vinca alkaloids affected
Amiodarone 400 mg/day for 636 months, serum SM; dose-dependent Tremor
concentration of 2.4 mg/L
Perhexiline Not dose-related S (large ber) and M, facial, auto- Hepatic toxicity
Polychlorinated biphenyls Plasticizers, electrical insulators SM Acne, brown nails
Suramin Not dose-related Demyelinating like subacute
Trichloroethylene Dry-cleaning, rubber, degreasing Mainly cranial nerves: trigeminal, Limbs rarely affected
agent facial, oculomotor, optic
Sensory Neuronopathy
Platinum compounds, Cumulative dose more than Large-ber sensory Irreversible
e.g., cisplatin 900 mg/m2
High-dose pyridoxine Massive parenteral doses in Sensory neuronopathy; gait May be irreversible
grams over days ataxia, pseudoathetosis
Taxol Single dose of 250 mg/m2 Sensory ataxia May be irreversible
Note: S, sensory; M, motor; SM, sensorimotor; NCS, nerve conduction studies; CNS/PNS, central/peripheral nervous system; CK, creatine
kinase; GI, gastrointestinal; GBS, Guillain-Barr syndrome; EDx, electrodiagnosis; CSF, cerebrospinal uid; CMV, cytomegalovirus; DSPN, dia-
betic sensory polyneuropathy.
to dorsal root ganglia neurons, producing a dose-related those caused by cisplatin, oxaliplatin neuropathy is more
Peripheral Neuropathy
large-ber sensory neuropathy (neuronopathy). It also likely to be reversible.
injures hair cells of the cochlea, causing hearing loss.
Peripheral neuropathy is the dose-limiting toxicity of cis-
platin. A cumulative cisplatin dose of at least 300 mg/m2
may lead to paresthesias in the extremities and numbness. Paclitaxel, a diterpene alkaloid drug, is widely used as a
Lhermittes sign, an electric shocklike sensation evoked chemotherapeutic agent. Peripheral neuropathy, which
by exion of the neck, may occur due to retrograde can be severe, is the dose-limiting toxicity. A symmet-
degeneration of axons in the posterior columns of the ric, length-dependent neuropathy with prominent sen-
spinal cord. Patients with preexisting neuropathy and sory (large more than small ber) and minor motor
those who receive combination chemotherapy may manifestations, is typically present. Preexisting neuropa-
develop symptoms after lower cumulative doses. Sensory thy is a risk factor. The neuropathy is dose-dependent,
ataxia may be disabling in patients who have severe neu- and both single and cumulative doses are important.
ropathy. Small-ber sensation (e.g., pain and temperature) The drug affects microtubule assembly, causing disrup-
and strength are generally spared. tion of axonal transport and a dying back axonal
Oxaliplatin can cause an early acute and a late chronic
neuropathy. The acute neuropathy begins during the Vincristine, an alkaloid derived from the pericuwinkle
infusion, within minutes to hours, or within 12 days of plant, vinca rosea, causes a dose-dependent sensorimotor
administration. Patients complain of paresthesias in the neuropathy. Lower cumulative doses (419 mg) cause
hands or feet, mouth, or throat along with myalgias, only reex changes, while higher doses progressively
cramps, or stiffness. Shortness of breath or difculty cause paresthesias, sensory loss (upper extremity more
swallowing may occur. Symptoms are often triggered by than lower), weakness with footdrop, and hand weakness
exposure to cold. Neuromyotonia may be seen on and clumsiness. Autonomic neuropathy can manifest as
EMG. Although this acute toxicity occurs in >90% of cardiac arrhythmias, orthostasis, urinary bladder dysfunc-
patients, it is often self-limited and resolves within days. tion, constipation, or paralytic ileus. Cranial neu-
A channelopathy is thought to be the underlying mech- ropathies have also been described.
anism. A chronic large-ber ataxic neuropathy, similar to
that caused by cisplatin, occurs with cumulative doses
780 mg/m2, generally after eight or nine treatment
cycles. Even though the signs and symptoms (paresthe- Suramin is a polysulfonated naphthylurea that has been
sias, distal sensory loss, and loss of reexes) are similar to used as an antineoplastic agent and as a treatment for
538 certain parasitic diseases. Suramin causes a length- Prognosis for recovery depends on both the site of
dependent distal axonal neuropathy in over half of pathology and the severity of the neuropathy. Involve-
patients and a subacute inflammatory demyelinating ment of the dorsal root ganglion is associated with a
neuropathy in ~15% of patients. Neuropathy occurs poor prognosis. Severe axonopathy requires years for
with peak plasma concentrations >300 g/mL. recovery. Demyelinating disorders, if detected early,
generally are associated with a relatively rapid recovery.
Thalidomide Most toxic neuropathies, even if advanced, will at least
stabilize, and some will improve, when exposure to the
Peripheral neuropathy remains the dose-limiting toxic-
toxic agent is stopped.
ity of thalidomide, which causes a length-dependent
painful sensory axonal neuropathy; a sensory neuronopa-
thy has also been reported. Peripheral neuropathy
occurs in up to 75% of patients and is dose-dependent, NUTRITIONAL NEUROPATHIES
rarely occurring with cumulative doses <20 g, but Thiamine (Vitamin B1 ) (Dry Beriberi)
invariably noted at cumulative doses >100 g. The risk
of neuropathy is minimized at doses 150 mg/d. Serial Thiamine deciency can be a result of inadequate
sensory action potential measurements are important in intake, as may occur in alcoholism, anorexia, intentional
the early detection of the neuropathy. Symptoms often, dieting, starvation, or bulimia. Protracted vomiting, e.g.,
though not always, improve with cessation or dose in patients receiving chemotherapy or in pregnant
reduction.The neuropathy develops at a lower dose and women with hyperemesis gravidarum, may also cause
is typically more severe in patients with a preexisting thiamine deciency. Neuropathy from thiamine de-
diabetic neuropathy. ciency presents as the acute or subacute onset of pares-
thesias, dysesthesias, and mild weakness in the legs. On
examination a stocking-glove sensory loss, distal weak-
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Bortezomib ness in the legs, and loss of ankle jerks is typical. Nerve
Bortezomib (Velcade), a novel proteosome inhibitor conduction tests and sural nerve biopsies show axonal
used in the treatment of multiple myeloma, induces a degeneration. Erythrocyte transketolase activity is
length-dependent, sensory more than motor, axonal reduced in the blood.Treatment consists of oral thiamine
polyneuropathy that is dose-dependent, increasing with replacement, 100 mg/d. Alcohol-induced neuropathy
increasing cycles of treatment. Both small- and large- develops in some patients without any identiable
ber sensory symptoms occur. In a few patients the nutritional deciencies, suggesting that alcohol itself
symptoms stabilize or improve after stopping treatment. may cause sensory neuropathy. It predominantly affects
A toxic acquired demyelinating neuropathy has also small bers and is painful, but there is considerable over-
been reported. lap with thiamine deciency neuropathy.
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6 )
Treatment: A subacute length-dependent axonal neuropathy occurs
TOXIC NEUROPATHIES as a result of pyridoxine deciency. Causes include
Removal of the toxic substance is the most important step. dietary deciency and drugs such as isoniazid, cycloserine,
Specic treatments are available for some toxic neu- and penicillamine, which act as pyridoxine antagonists
ropathies. Treatment for heavy metal toxicity includes by combining to the aldehyde moiety of the vitamin.
chelation therapy: penicillamine or calcium-EDTA for Dietary deciency of pyridoxine is uncommon,
lead toxicity; penicillamine or British anti-Lewisite (BAL) although the requirement is increased in pregnancy.
for arsenic toxicity; and potassium chloride or Prussian Measurement of xanthurenic acid after tryptophan load-
blue for thallium toxicity. Pyridoxine (1050 mg/d) can ing can help conrm the diagnosis.Treatment consists of
be used to prevent and treat isoniazid neurotoxicity. oral pyridoxine, 30 mg/d. Pyridoxine supplements are
Niacin and pyridoxine are recommended for ethion- recommended for prophylaxis during pregnancy and for
amide neurotoxicity. There may be some benet from patients taking isoniazid. Overzealous treatment with
the use of neuroprotective agents. Vitamin E (toco- pyridoxine should be avoided, as high doses of pyridox-
pherol) was reported to be neuroprotective in one ine cause a toxic sensory neuronopathy.
small, unblinded study, but these results have not been
conrmed. Org 2766, glutathione, diethyldithiocarba- Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
mate, and amifostine have also been tried without con-
clusive outcomes. Studies are under way to evaluate the
Peripheral neuropathy is a minor part of the vitamin B12
possible efcacy of nerve growth factor.
deciency syndrome; subacute combined degeneration of
the spinal cord is more prominent. Distal sensory loss
predominantly involving large-ber modalities, dysequi- malnourished eld workers and prisoners of war. Distal 539
librium, Lhermittes sign, and the combination of an sensory loss with hyporeexia at the ankles (peripheral
absent ankle jerk and upgoing toe may be present. Pancy- nerve lesion), combined with hyperreexia at the knees
topenia, megaloblastic anemia, and glossitis are other and an ataxic gait (spinal cord involvement), indicate the
signs. The principal dietary sources of vitamin B12 are combined peripheral and central axonal loss that is char-
meat and dairy products; enteric processing and absorp- acteristic of this deciency state. Treatment with vitamin
tion typically occur in the terminal ileum. Common B complex frequently improves the symptoms.
causes of vitamin B12 deciency include inadequate
intake, malabsorption (including post-gastrectomy), and Vitamin E Deciency
pernicious anemia. Borderline vitamin B12 deciency may
Vitamin E deficiency can occur from fat malabsorption
develop after exposure to nitrous oxide during anesthesia
or from abetalipoproteinemia. The clinical features of
or with chronic recreational use. Diagnosis of vitamin B12
vitamin E deficiency resemble those of Friedreichs
deciency is made by low serum cobalamin levels and
ataxia (Chap. 26), with severe large-fiber loss and a
raised levels of methylmalonic acid and homocysteine.
non-length-dependent reduction of sensory nerve
Autoantibodies to intrinsic factor and gastric parietal cells
action potentials suggestive of dorsal root ganglionopa-
are present in pernicious anemia. Treatment is with par-
thy. The diagnosis is confirmed by measurement of
enteral administration of cobalamin (vitamin B12) .
serum tocopherol and the ratio of vitamin E to total
serum lipids. Treatment consists of administration of
Riboavin, Nicotinic Acid and Other tocopherol (400 mg bid), which may reverse or prevent
B-Group Vitamins progression of the sensory neuronopathy.
Riboavin and nicotinic acid deciencies have been
incriminated in neuropathies, usually in association with INFECTIONS AND PERIPHERAL
Peripheral Neuropathy
deciencies of other water-soluble vitamins. Peripheral NEUROPATHY
neuropathy may be accompanied by dermatitis, diarrhea,
HIV Infection
and dementia (pellagra).The diagnosis is made on clinical
grounds, and treatment consists of administration of (See also Chap. 37) HIV infection is associated with
40250 mg niacin daily. Strachans syndrome is character- polyradiculopathies, distal symmetric polyneuropathies,
ized by a painful sensory neuropathy associated with oro- inammatory demyelinating polyneuropathies, multifo-
genital dermatitis, amblyopia, and deafness. This syn- cal mononeuropathies, cranial neuropathies, and neu-
drome was rst reported in Jamaica and later in ropathies induced by antiretroviral drugs (Table 40-9).
TABLE 40-9
Note: GBS, Guillain-Barr syndrome; CIDP, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; EDx, electrodiag-
nosis; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CMV, cytomegalovirus; DSPN, diabetic sensory polyneuropathy.
540 Lumbosacral polyradiculopathies are usually due to Serum lactate concentrations are elevated and acetylcarni-
CMV infection and occur with advanced HIV/AIDS. tine levels are reduced as a result of mitochondrial dys-
These present with pain, incontinence, and rapidly pro- function. Dideoxynucleosides have also been shown in
gressive asymmetric lower extremity weakness leading vitro to inhibit gamma DNA polymerase, whereas
to paraplegia. Saddle anesthesia is always present. Deep zidovudine, lamivudine, and abacavir (drugs that are not
tendon reexes are often preserved. EMG reveals nd- associated with neuropathy) have only limited effects on
ings of both peripheral neuropathy and lumbosacral this enzyme.
radiculopathy. CSF analysis shows pleocytosis with
polymorphonuclear cells; polymerase chain reaction
for CMV is positive. The differential diagnosis
includes GBS; other infections including herpes viruses,
treponema, or tuberculosis; and carcinomatous meningo- ANTIRETROVIRAL DRUGS
radiculitis from lymphoma. Aggressive and rapid treat-
ment with ganciclovir, foscanet, or cidofovir should be Treatment consists of discontinuing the offending
considered. dideoxynucleoside and changing the highly active anti-
retroviral therapy (HAART) regimen, provided that there
Distal Symmetric Polyneuropathy Associated is another regimen to offer. Failing this, a patient may
with HIV need to continue the regimen with the addition of pain-
HIV distal sensory symmetric polyneuropathy presents modifying drugs. Prescribing patterns have changed in
as a painful, predominantly small-ber neuropathy. This the developed world to limit the use of specic
syndrome cannot be distinguished reliably from neu- dideoxynucleosides. However, in resource-limited coun-
ropathy caused by antiretroviral drugs (nucleoside tries, generic antiretroviral combinations typically con-
reverse transcriptase inhibitors); its onset with respect to tain d4T. After discontinuation of a toxic dideoxynucleo-
side, symptomatic improvement can be expected in
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
(postherpetic neuralgia). Herpes zoster and posther- by difculty with buttoning, handling keys, turning
petic neuralgia both occur more commonly in the elderly door knobs, and opening jars. There is often a history
and in immunosuppressed individuals. In the acute set- of clumsiness, frequent ankle injuries, inability to jump
ting acyclovir, famciclovir, or valacyclovir are equally well or to keep up with other children in races, and
effective, although acyclovir must be given five times a being unathletic. In some patients the history suggests a
day as opposed to three times a day for the other more recent onset. If carefully sought, a family history
Peripheral Neuropathy
two drugs. Glucocorticoids are of unproven benefit. can often be obtained.Wasting and weakness of the dis-
Treatment of postherpetic neuralgia includes tricyclic tal muscles of the legs (inverted champagne bottle
antidepressants, duloxetin, gabapentin, pregabalin, oxy- appearance) with hammer toes and high arched feet
codone, morphine sulfate, tramodol, lidocaine patch, (pes cavus) are commonly present, along with steppage
and topical capsaicin. A zoster vaccine (Zostavax) has gait, distal sensory loss, and distal loss of reexes. Pes
been approved to prevent VZV in elderly patients; the cavus and hammer toes indicate that the neuropathy
incidence of shingles is reduced by 50% and posther- dates from early life. An inability to walk on the heels
petic neuralgia by 67%. or perform tandem gait is often present.The differential
diagnosis is limited if there is an early age of onset, a
Leprous Neuritis positive family history, and longstanding symptoms. If
the EDx ndings indicate a demyelinating process, the
Mycobacterium leprae causes mononeuropathy multiplex diagnosis of CMT can be made with condence,
affecting peripheral nerves in cooler regions of the body, although genetic testing may be needed to conrm the
reecting the predilection for this bacterium to thrive at precise genotype. If the EDx ndings are axonal, or if
cooler temperatures. The deformities caused by the family history is uncertain or negative, CMT
untreated leprous neuritis have led to the fear and becomes a diagnosis of exclusion. Diabetes, as well as
stigma attached to this disease. Although the incidence nutritional, toxic, endocrine, inammatory, paraprotein-
of leprous neuritis has declined, it remains a leading associated, and infectious causes, may all need to be
cause of neuropathy worldwide. Leprosy is classied into excluded. Physical examination and EDx studies of at-
tuberculoid, lepromatous, and borderline types; periph- risk family members can be more useful diagnostically
eral nerves may be affected in all three types, and than additional laboratory testing of the patient. Treat-
involved nerves are often palpably thickened. In tuber- ment is supportive; patients often need foot braces but
culoid leprosy, a single patch of hypesthetic or anesthetic rarely, if ever, become wheelchair dependent. CMT
skin may occur in any location. The area is generally does not reduce the life span and only rarely involves
hypopigmented, thickened, or red. A mononeuropathy respiratory muscles.
involving a nearby supercial nerve may occur. Lepro-
matous leprosy produces more widespread skin thicken-
ing, hypesthesia, and anhidrosis affecting the pinnae of
ears, dorsum of hands or feet, dorsomedial surfaces of Demyelinating forms of CMT are classied as CMT1,
the forearm, and anteromedial aspects of the legs. The and axonal forms as CMT2. Patients with nerve con-
sensory loss spares the midline of the trunk anteriorly, duction velocities (NCVs) intermediate between CMT1
the groin, axilla, and scalp; these are the warmer regions and CMT2 are classied as having intermediate CMT,
of the body.The fth and seventh cranial nerves, greater and most of these cases are X-linked. CMT is usually
542 TABLE 40-10 Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1 (CMT1) Demyelinating
CMT1 is the most common of the heritable neu-
ropathies; inheritance is autosomal dominant. Distal
DISORDER LOCUS GENE INHERITANCE weakness, wasting, and sensory loss with distal reduction
of tendon reexes and foot deformities occur as with
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Type 1
other forms of CMT. The onset is in the rst or second
(HMSNI) decade of life, although patients may not come to atten-
CMT1A 17p11.2-p12 PMP22 AD tion until much later in life. EDx studies show a pattern
CMT1B 1q22-q23 P0 AD
of generalized demyelination with NCVs that are uni-
CMT1C 16p12-p13 SIMPLE AD
CMT1D 10q21-q22 EGR2 AD/AR
formly and proportionately slowed in distal, intermedi-
CMT1X Xq13.1 GJB1 X-linked ate, and proximal segments of the same nerve on the
CMT5X Xq21.32-24 PRPS1 X-linked opposite side, and in adjacent nerves. Findings suggestive
CMT4A 8q13-q21 GDAP1 AR of heterogeneous demyelination, such as conduction
CMT4B1 11q22 MTMR2 AR block or dispersion, are not seen. Electrophysiologic evi-
CMT4B2 11p15 SBF2 AR dence of demyelination may be prominent even in
CMT4D 8q24 NDRG1 AR patients who are clinically asymptomatic. Nerve biopsies
CMT4E 10q21.1-q22.1 EGR2 AR
show evidence of repeated bouts of demyelination and
CMT4F 19q13 PRX AR remyelination. Proliferation of Schwann cells occurs in
CMT4J 6q21 FIG4 AR an attempt to remyelinate; the supernumerary Schwann
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Type 2 cells are concentrically arranged around demyelinated
and remyelinated axons, giving a characteristic onion
(HMSNII) bulb appearance. There is also increased collagen
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
weakness, aphasia, disorientation, and hearing loss, may (Schwann cells are degenerated leaving the basal lam-
be present, especially in males. Spontaneously resolving ina), while CHN shows lack of onion bulbs and absent
conuent white matter changes may be seen on MRI. myelin sheaths. DSS may be caused by mutations of
NCVs are in an intermediate range, although males PMP22, myelin protein zero (MPZ), or early growth
have slower conduction velocities (2545 m/s), which response gene (ERG2); EGR2 or MPZ mutations
may be nonuniform with conduction block and disper- underlie CHN.
Peripheral Neuropathy
sion. This nonuniform pattern may mimic ndings of
an acquired disorder such as CIDP. The mutated gene, Roussy-Lvy Syndrome
GJB1, encodes the gap junction protein connexin-32, This describes a combination of demyelinating CMT
which is expressed at the paranodal regions and at the with postural and action tremor. The original family
Schmidt-Lanterman incisures of noncompact myelin. members had the MPZ mutation, but mutations in
PMP22 (CMT1A), MPZ (CMT1B), or GJB1 (CMT1X)
Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pres- genes may also cause this syndrome.
sure Palsies
This is also called tomaculous neuropathy. It is an autoso-
mal dominant disorder that presents as recurrent Charcot-Marie-Tooth 2 (CMT2) Axonal
episodes of focal entrapment neuropathy with attacks of
numbness and weakness in peroneal, ulnar, radial, and CMT2, an autosomal dominant neuropathy, is responsi-
median nerves (in descending order) or in a brachial ble for one-third of CMT disease, although the number
plexus distribution. Malposition of a limb or trauma of patients is increasing as more genetic abnormalities
may provoke episodes of neuropathy. Some patients pre- are being identied. CMT2 has a later age of onset than
sent with a progressive length-dependent polyneuropa- CMT1; family members may be affected subclinically.
thy rather than with recurrent mononeuropathies, and Although typical length-dependent sensory and motor
others remain entirely asymptomatic. Increased distal loss develops over the years, intrinsic hand weakness and
latencies in median and peroneal nerves and reduced atrophy, present in CMT1, do not develop.
velocities across the elbow of the ulnar and bular head CMT2A (classic CMT2) is caused by mutations in
segment of the peroneal nerves may be found. Tomacu- MFN2 and represents 10% of dominant CMT2;
lae are sausage-shaped bodies that indicate segmental CMT2B is caused by mutations in RAB7, a member of
demyelination. CMT1A and HNPP are both associated the Rab family of ras-related GTPases that function in
with copy number changes in the PMP22 genea intracellular membrane trafcking; it presents with
duplication causing CMT1A and deletion causing severe sensory involvement and limb ulcerations.
HNPP. Hence, CMT1A and HNPP are the reciprocal CMT2B overlaps with hereditary sensory neuropathy
products of unequal crossing-over during meiosis.When (HSN) type I with prominent sensory loss and severe
HNPP presents as a painless brachial plexus neuropathy, sensory loss to touch and pain (see later). CMT2C is
it should be distinguished from brachial plexus neuritis associated with vocal cord and respiratory (diaphragm)
and from hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy, a familial dis- involvement; the genetic defects have not been identi-
order with painful weakness and sensory loss in the ed. CMT2D is an axonal CMT with upper limb pre-
brachial plexus distribution.Treatment for HNPP is sup- dominance associated with mutations in the glycyl-tRNA
portive. Avoiding further compression or trauma to the synthetase gene; predominant hand involvement with
544 atrophy of distal hand muscles in a patient with a posi- duplication. Most CMT1 and CMT2 pedigrees are
tive family history suggests CMT2D. autosomal dominant. X-linked inheritance should be
suspected if males are more often affected, there is no
male-to-male transmission, and EDx studies show het-
Autosomal Recessive Forms of CMT erogeneous ndings. Sporadic cases are difcult to eval-
Autosomal recessive CMTs account for <10% of inher- uate since family members may not be available. Testing
ited neuropathy cases in the Western world but may be for the CMT1A duplication/deletion and for GJB1
more common in regions of the world where consan- mutation can diagnose ~80% of all cases of CMT.
guinity is common. Several genes have been identied,
especially in inbred families. Demyelinating autosomal OTHER INHERITED NEUROPATHIES
recessive forms, designated CMT4, are usually character-
Hereditary Motor Neuropathies (HMN)
ized by early onset and more severe involvement, with
congenital or delayed motor milestones, facial weakness, The distal HMNs present with distal motor weakness
bulbar weakness, sensorineural deafness, diaphragm with sparing of sensory bers. Seven subtypes have been
weakness, and vocal cord paralysis. described based on the age of onset and mode of inheri-
tance, which is usually autosomal dominant or recessive.
The common HMNs present as footdrop with severe
Molecular Testing wasting and weakness distally. Some variants may mani-
The phenotype, the inheritance pattern, and electro- fest with predominantly upper limb involvement, vocal
physiologic data guide the approach to the diagnosis of cord paralysis, or with upper motor neuron signs mimic-
an inherited neuropathy. Figure 40-2 summarizes an king amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Chap. 27); the prog-
approach to genetic testing for CMT. If the proband has nosis is relatively good.
CMT1, a single nerve study (median motor forearm
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Suspected CMT
MPZ mutation
PMP22 duplication MFN2 (CMT2) EGR2
Upper limb > lower limb: CMT2D Severe sensory loss and ataxia: CMT4F (periaxin)
Sensory > motor: axonal CMT2 (MPZ or RAB7) Vocal cord/diaphragm: CMT2C
Proximal weakness (wheelchair: DI CMT1B) Deafness: CMT1E
Pyramidal features: HMSN V CMT with optic atrophy: MFN2 gene (HMSN VI)
Tonic pupil: CMT2J (MPZ) Scoliosis: CMT4C
Diagnostic approach to Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT). Djerine-Sottas syndrome; CHN, congenital hypomyelinating
HNPP, hereditary neuropathy with pressure palsies; DSS, neuropathy; HMSN, hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy.
The predominant clinical presentation is of progressive peripheral neuropathy. Nearly 100 different mutations 545
distal sensory loss, although some weakness and wasting have been identied in the TTR gene, the most com-
is also observed. The classification of HSN and HSAN mon being the Val30Met mutation. Liver transplanta-
is based on the age of onset and mode of inheritance. tion halts disease progression.
Five subtypes are described. The most common is
HSN 1 (also called HSAN 1), an autosomal dominant
Tangier Disease (TD)
neuropathy presenting with predominant small-fiber
sensory involvement with lancinating pain, loss of pain This is a rare syndrome caused by a severe deficiency
and temperature sensation, and foot ulceration. Of of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) in plasma. Peripheral
note, CMT2B (see earlier) also presents with predomi- neuropathy is the most disabling feature of TD and
nantly sensory loss to all modalities and foot ulcera- affects ~50% of patients. Three patterns are recognized:
tions. HSN 25 are all autosomal recessive. HSN 2 pre- a transient or relapsing, often asymmetric neuropathy
sents in the first two decades of life with prominent (including isolated cranial nerve deficits); a slowly
sensory loss and mutilation in hands and feet. HSN 3 progressive symmetric neuropathy most marked in the
(HSAN 3), also called Riley-Day syndrome, has promi- distal upper limbs (syringomyelia-like); and a slowly
nent dysautonomia. HSN 4 (HSAN 4) presents with progressive symmetric sensory motor neuropathy
episodic fever, anhidrosis, and reduced response to most marked in the lower limbs. Mononeuropathies
painful stimuli. HSAN 5 presents with congenital involving the oculomotor nerve, long thoracic nerve,
insensitivity to pain; mutations in a sodium channel or any of the limb nerves may occur.The syringomyelic
(SCN1.7) are causative. presentation includes wasting of hand muscles, loss
of pain and temperature sensation, and facial diplegia.
The length-dependent sensorimotor neuropathy pat-
Refsum Disease
tern is the least common variant. Deposits of choles-
Peripheral Neuropathy
This is an autosomal recessive hypertrophic neuropathy terol esters in tonsils, liver, spleen, rectal mucosa, and
caused by defective oxidation of phytanic acid, a cornea lead to the other non-neurologic manifestations
branched-chain fatty acid found in dairy products, beef, of TD.There is no treatment available; a low-cholesterol
lamb, and sh. The onset is in late childhood or adoles- diet or other dietary changes do not modify the
cence, with a slowly progressive course of a sensorimo- natural history. Gene therapy may be possible in the
tor demyelinating neuropathy with sensorineural deaf- future.
ness, cerebellar ataxia, and anosmia. Retinitis pigmentosa
presenting as night blindness often precedes the onset of Porphyric Neuropathy
neuropathy. Thickened skin (ichthyosis), syndactyly and
shortening of the fourth toe, cardiomyopathy, and Peripheral neuropathy accompanies the inherited
cataracts are other features. CSF protein is typically ele- hepatic porphyrias. The triad of acute neuropathy, psy-
vated. Abnormally high plasma and urinary levels of chiatric symptoms, and abdominal involvement are simi-
phytanic acid are diagnostic. Although a diet low in phy- lar in all hepatic porphyrias. Variegate porphyria and
tanic acid may prevent the onset of some of the compli- hereditary coproporphyria are characterized by addi-
cations, compliance with this diet is usually poor. Plasma tional skin lesions (blisters and bullae) in ~50% of
exchange and dialysis may be helpful for episodes of patients. Most patients with porphyria are asymptomatic
worsening. between attacks. Attacks can occur spontaneously or be
precipitated by certain drugs, stress, hormonal factors,
and reduced caloric intake. Abdominal pain, constipa-
Familial Amyloid Neuropathy
tion, vomiting, and mental changes frequently herald the
This is an autosomal dominant disorder in which there attacks. Peripheral neuropathy has an acute onset and
is extracellular deposition of amyloid in peripheral may be preceded or accompanied by autonomic mani-
nerves and other organs. A painful sensory neuropathy festations such as tachycardia, hypertension, and postural
with early involvement of autonomic nerves and car- hypotension. The neuropathy is usually subacutely pro-
diomyopathy is typically present. Age of onset can vary gressive (over 24 weeks) with diffuse weakness (often
from 1883 years. Small bers (pain and temperature) proximal more than distal) and areexia. Sensory loss is
are more affected than large bers (vibration and pro- generally mild and may be more prominent proximally
prioception); anhidrosis, gastrointestinal disturbances in a bathing trunk distribution. Porphyric neuropathy
(diarrhea alternating with constipation), impotence, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of
orthostatic intolerance, visual changes, and arrhythmias GBS, the most common cause of rapidly progressive
are additional features. Mutations in transthyretin (FAP ascending paralysis.
1 and 2), apolipoprotein A1 (FAP 3) or gelosin (FAP 4) CSF is acellular but the protein level is elevated,
are responsible.Transthyretin is most often implicated in similar to that in GBS. Acute attacks are invariably
546 associated with increased urinary excretion of neuromuscular blockade) are purely motor and can be
aminolevulinic acid and/or porphobilinogen. Measur- recognized and localized electrodiagnostically (Chap. 42).
ing 24-h urinary excretion of porphobilinogen and
aminolevulinic acid and 24-h fecal excretion of proto-
porphyrin and coproporphyrin during a symptomatic
period is the most helpful method of determining Causes include Friedreichs ataxia, idiopathic sensory
whether symptoms are due to acute porphyria. Since neuropathy, sensory neuropathy associated with Sjgren
porphyrins are light sensitive, specimens must be stored syndrome, vitamin B12 neuropathy (dorsal column
in the dark and tested as soon as possible. involvement is the major factor), pyridoxine toxicity,
Treatment is largely supportive during the acute cri- and cisplatin neuropathy. The most severe and wide-
sis and includes fluid management, ventilatory support, spread of these pure sensory syndromes exhibit poor or
management of heart rate and blood pressure (auto- no recovery, suggesting irreversible lesions of nerve cell
nomic dysfunction), and avoidance of medications that bodies in dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia (neu-
are known to precipitate an acute attack. Oral and IV ronopathy). A painful sensory neuropathy is an early
glucose and heme arginate are the mainstays of treat- feature of hereditary sensory neuropathies, lepromatous
ment. Recovery from an acute attack may take several leprosy, diabetic small-ber neuropathy, amyloidosis,
months. TD, Fabrys disease, and dysautonomia. Global sensory
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
NEUROPATHY PRESENTATIONS This refers to disorders of either the brachial or the
lumbosacral plexus. Brachial plexopathy is a broad term
AUTONOMIC NEUROPATHY used to dene any injury, traumatic or otherwise, to the
brachial plexus. Causes include birth injury, trauma,
Symptoms may include orthostatic hypotension (syncope,
neoplasm, radiation, and familial and immune-mediated
light headedness, dizziness, fatigue, and lethargy), heat
processes (Fig. 40-3; Table 40-11). Trauma to the
intolerance, abnormal (reduced or increased) sweating,
plexus is responsible for up to 70% of brachial plexus
constipation, diarrhea, incontinence, sexual dysfunction,
lesions; the upper plexus is the most vulnerable. Brachial
dry eyes, dry mouth, or visual blurriness. Autonomic
neuritis (neuralgic amyotrophy; Chap. 7), characterized
neuropathy is usually a manifestation of a more general-
by sudden onset of pain in the shoulder region followed
ized polyneuropathy, as in diabetes, GBS, and alcoholic
by weakness and atrophy, is the second most common
polyneuropathy, but occasionally syndromes of pure
cause. In this disorder, the shoulder girdle muscles are
pandysautonomia are encountered. Other causes include
most frequently affected, and individual peripheral
amyloidosis and multiple drugs and toxins. Autonomic
nerves tend to be more commonly involved. Other
neuropathies are discussed in detail in Chap. 28.
causes include a cervical rib or band, inltration by
malignant tumor, or prior radiation therapy.
Brachial plexus lesions demonstrate characteristic
motor and sensory signs. When the upper parts of the
Examples of predominantly motor neuropathies include brachial plexus (cervical roots 57) are affected, weak-
acute inammatory neuropathies such as GBS; chronic ness and atrophy of shoulder girdle and upper arm mus-
neuropathies such as CIDP and multifocal motor neu- cles occurs. Injuries to the lower brachial plexus (C8-T1
ropathy (MMN) (Chap. 41); some inherited neu- roots) produce distal arm weakness, atrophy, and focal
ropathies; brachial neuropathy; diabetic lumbosacral sensory decits in the forearm and hand. In general,
radiculoplexus neuropathy (diabetic amyotrophy); and idiopathic brachial neuritis, irradiation with >60 Gy
neuropathy due to spinal muscular atrophy, acute inter- (6000 rad), and specic types of trauma (arm jerked
mittent porphyria, diphtheria, lead, and dapsone. Motor downward) result in damage to the upper portions of
neuronopathies include the lower-motor form of amy- the brachial plexus. In contrast, inltration by malignant
otrophic lateral sclerosis, poliomyelitis, hereditary spinal tumor, a cervical rib or band, and specic types of
muscular atrophies, and an adult variant of hex- trauma (arm jerked upward) cause damage to the lower
osaminidase A deciency (Chap. 27). Neuromuscular brachial plexus.
junction disorders (e.g., Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syn- The lumbosacral plexus is formed by the ventral pri-
drome, tick bite paralysis, and other types of toxic mary rami of L1-S4. Although often considered as a
Dorsal scapular 547
Upper anterior
subscapular thoracic Suprascapular C5
Musculocutaneous C6
Radial P Subclavius
Medial Medial
antibrachial anterior
cutaneous Thoracodorsal thoracic
Medial subscapular
Long thoracic
Anterior Posterior
Brachial plexus anatomy. L, lateral; M, medial; P, poste- Electromyography. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1974,
rior. (From J Goodgold: Anatomical Correlates of Clinical p. 126; with permission.)
TABLE 40-11
Peripheral Neuropathy
Upper trunk C-5 and C-6 Weakness of shoulder Small patch of skin Birth injury during difcult
abduction (supraspinatus overlying the deltoid delivery (Erb-Duchenne
& deltoid), external rota- palsy); brachial neuritis,
tion (infraspinatus) and also called neuralgica
elbow exion (biceps) myotrophy (Parsonage-
Turner syndrome)
Lower trunk C-8 and T-1 Weakness and wasting Ulnar border of the Birth injury, especially
of small muscles of hand and inner breech delivery (Djerine-
the hand (claw-hand forearm Klumpke paralysis), com-
deformity) pression by cervical rib or
band (thoracic outlet syn-
drome), tumor inltration
Lateral cord Musculocutaneous Weakness of exion and Radial border of Trauma, stretch
nerve and lateral pronation of forearm forearm and hand
part of median
Medial cord Medial part of Weakness and wasting Ulnar border of the Trauma
median nerve of small muscles of hand and inner
and ulnar nerve the hand (claw hand forearm
Posterior cord Axillary and radial Deltoid, extensors of Outer aspect of Trauma, shoulder
nerves elbow, wrist, and ngers upper arm dislocation
single entity, it can be divided into a lumbar plexus the main nerves formed by the sacral plexus. The lum-
(ventral rami of L1L4) and a sacral plexus (lum- bosacral plexus courses near the paravertebral psoas
bosacral trunk L4 and L5 and ventral rami of S1S4) muscle and the sacroiliac notch and sacral ala, where it
(Figs. 40-4 and 40-5). The femoral and obturator is relatively well protected from injury, unlike its upper
nerves are the main nerves formed from the lumbar extremity counterpart. Disorders affecting the lum-
plexus, and the sciatic, gluteal, and pudendal nerves are bosacral plexus include: trauma, intraoperative damage,
548 degrees of pain, sensory deficits, and weakness in the
T12 lower limbs, generally in an asymmetric distribution.
T12 The onset may be acute, subacute, or insidious depend-
Iliohypogastric n. ing on the etiology; the course may vary from being
L2 monophasic, stepwise, or progressive. EDx studies are
Ilioinguinal n. invaluable aids for diagnosis and localization.
Upper plexus L-2, L-3, L4 Weakness of thigh exion Anterior thigh and Diabetic amyotrophy;
(psoas), thigh adduction, medial leg; absent abdominal surgeryeither
and knee extension knee jerk directly/retraction, or due
(quadriceps) to positioning; lum-
bosacral plexitis
Lower plexus L-4, L-5, S-1, and S-2 Weakness of thigh extension Posterior thigh, lateral Lumbosacral plexitis,
(glutei), knee exion leg, and entire foot; perioperative, cancer
(hamstrings), foot dorsiex- absent ankle jerk inltration, radiation
ion and plantar exion
associated with poor recovery. Brachial plexus injuries FURTHER READINGS
during birth carry a better prognosis for spontaneous BROMBERG MB, SMITH AG (eds): Handbook of Peripheral Neuropathy.
recovery than do those in adults. Taylor & Francis Group, FL, 2005
DYCK PJ et al (eds): Peripheral Neuropathy. Saunders, Philadelphia, 2005
ENGLAND JD et al: Practice parameter: Evaluation of distal symmetric
PERIPHERAL NERVE TUMORS polyneuropathy: Role of autonomic testing, nerve biopsy, and
Peripheral nerve tumors, which can present as periph- skin biopsy (an evidence-based review): Report of the American
Peripheral Neuropathy
Academy of Neurology, American Association of Neuromuscular
eral neuropathy, are mostly benign and can arise in any and Electrodiagnostic Medicine, and American Academy of
nerve trunk or nerve twig. Although peripheral nerve Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Neurology 72:177, 2009
tumors can occur anywhere in the body, including the _________ et al: Practice parameter: Evaluation of distal symmetric
spinal roots and cauda equina, many are subcutaneous polyneuropathy: Role of laboratory and genetic testing (an
in location and present as a soft swelling, sometimes evidence-based review): Report of the American Academy of
with a purplish discoloration of the skin. Symptoms Neurology, American Association of Neuromuscular and
can include tingling or pain when the lesion is Electrodiagnostic Medicine, and American Academy of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation. Neurology 72:185, 2009
touched. Diagnostic studies may include imaging
HARATI Y (ed): Neurologic Clinics. Peripheral Neuropathies. Elsevier
(CT/MRI), EMG and nerve conduction studies, and Saunders, Philadelphia, 2007, pp 1330
tumor biopsy.Two major categories of peripheral nerve JANI-ACSADI A et al: Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathies: diagnosis
tumors are recognized: neurilemmoma (schwannoma) and management. Semin Neurol 28:185, 2008
and neurofibroma. Neurilemmomas are usually solitary JARVIK JG et al: Surgery versus non-surgical therapy for carpal tunnel
and grow in the nerve sheath, rendering the tumor rel- syndrome:A randomised parallel-group trial. Lancet 374:1074, 2009
atively easy to dissect free. In contrast, neurofibromas MYGLAND A: Approach to the patient with chronic polyneuropathy.
Acta Neurol Scand Suppl 187:15, 2007
tend to be multiple and grow in the endoneurial sub-
PRESTON DC, SHAPIRO BE (eds): Electromyography and Neuromuscular
stance, which renders them difficult to dissect. They Disorders, Clinical Electrophysiological Correlations, 2d ed. Elsevier,
may undergo malignant changes. Neurofibromas are Butterworth Heinemann, Philadelphia, 2005
the hallmark of von Recklinghausens neurofibromato- SAID G: Diabetic neuropathya review. Nat Clin Pract Neurol
sis (NF1) (Chap. 32). 3:331, 2007
Stephen L. Hauser I Arthur K. Asbury
TABLE 41-1 551
Acute inammatory Adults affected more than Demyelinating First attack on Schwann myelin
demyelinating children; 90% of cases in cell surface; widespread
polyneuropathy western world; recovery damage, macrophage
(AIDP) rapid; anti-GM1 antibodies activation, and lymphocytic
(<50%) inltration; variable secondary
axonal damage
Acute motor axonal Children and young adults; Axonal First attack at motor nodes of
neuropathy (AMAN) prevalent in China and Ranvier; macrophage activation,
Mexico; may be seasonal; few lymphocytes, frequent
recovery rapid; anti-GD1a periaxonal macrophages; extent
antibodies of axonal damage highly variable
Acute motor sensory Mostly adults; uncommon; Axonal Same as AMAN, but also affects
axonal neuropathy recovery slow, often sensory nerves and roots;
(AMSAN) incomplete; closely axonal damage usually severe
related to AMAN
M. Fisher syndrome Adults and children; Demyelinating Few cases examined; resembles
(MFS) uncommon; ophthalmoplegia, AIDP
ataxia, and areexia;
anti-GQ1b antibodies (90%)
from immune responses to nonself antigens (infectious have surface glycolipid structures that antigenically cross
IL 3,4,5,10
(GM-1 and others)
CD4 B cell B cell
C Myelin
Schwann cell sheath
Cj plasmalemma
Postulated immunopathogenesis of GBS associated with regional lymph nodes. Activated T cells probably also func-
C. jejuni infection. B cells recognize glycoconjugates on tion to assist in opening of the blood-nerve barrier, facilitating
C. jejuni (Cj) (triangles) that cross-react with ganglioside pre- penetration of pathogenic autoantibodies. The earliest
sent on Schwann cell surface and subjacent peripheral nerve changes in myelin (right) consist of edema between myelin
myelin. Some B cells, activated via a T cellindependent lamellae and vesicular disruption (shown as circular blebs) of
mechanism, secrete primarily IgM (not shown). Other B cells the outermost myelin layers. These effects are associated
(upper left side) are activated via a partially T celldependent with activation of the C5b-C9 membrane attack complex and
route and secrete primarily IgG; T cell help is provided by probably mediated by calcium entry; it is possible that the
CD4 cells activated locally by fragments of Cj proteins that macrophage cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF) also par-
are presented on the surface of antigen-presenting cells ticipates in myelin damage. B, B cell; MHC II, class II major
(APC). A critical event in the development of GBS is the histocompatibility complex molecule; TCR, T cell receptor; A,
escape of activated B cells from Peyers patches into axon; O, oligodendrocyte.
TABLE 41-2 553
Uncertain (50%) IgM (monoclonal)
Multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) GM1, GalNAcGD1a, others IgM (polyclonal, monoclonal)
Chronic sensory ataxic neuropathy GD1b, GQ1b, and other b-series IgM (monoclonal)
This nding, demonstrable electrophysiologically, implies mentation rate, described below); poliomyelitis (fever and
that the axonal connections remain intact. Hence, recov- meningismus common); CMV polyradiculitis (in imm-
ery can take place rapidly as remyelination occurs. In unocompromised patients); critical illness neuropathy;
severe cases of demyelinating GBS, secondary axonal neuromuscular disorders such as myasthenia gravis; poi-
degeneration usually occurs; its extent can be estimated sonings with organophosphates, thallium, or arsenic; tick
electrophysiologically. More secondary axonal degenera- paralysis; paralytic shellsh poisoning; or severe hypophos-
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
tion correlates with a slower rate of recovery and a phatemia (rare). Laboratory tests are helpful primarily to
greater degree of residual disability. When a severe pri- exclude mimics of GBS. Electrodiagnostic features may
mary axonal pattern is encountered electrophysiologi- be minimal, and the CSF protein level may not rise until
cally, the implication is that axons have degenerated and the end of the rst week. If the diagnosis is strongly sus-
become disconnected from their targets, specically the pected, treatment should be initiated without waiting
neuromuscular junctions, and must therefore regenerate for evolution of the characteristic electrodiagnostic and
for recovery to take place. In motor axonal cases in CSF ndings to occur. Both tau and 14-3-3 protein levels
which recovery is rapid, the lesion is thought to be local-
ized to preterminal motor branches, allowing regenera-
tion and reinnervation to take place quickly. Alternatively,
TABLE 41-3
in mild cases, collateral sprouting and reinnervation from
surviving motor axons near the neuromuscular junction DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR GUILLAIN-BARR
may begin to reestablish physiologic continuity with SYNDROME
muscle cells over a period of several months. Required
1. Progressive weakness of 2 or more limbs due to neu-
Laboratory Features ropathy a
2. Areexia
CSF ndings are distinctive, consisting of an elevated CSF 3. Disease course <4 weeks
protein level [110 g/L (1001000 mg/dL)] without 4. Exclusion of other causes [e.g., vasculitis (polyarteritis
accompanying pleocytosis. The CSF is often normal nodosa, systemic lupus erythematosus, Churg-Strauss
when symptoms have been present for 48 h; by the end syndrome), toxins (organophosphates, lead), botulism,
of the rst week the level of protein is usually elevated. A diphtheria, porphyria, localized spinal cord or cauda
transient increase in the CSF white cell count equina syndrome]
(10100/L) occurs on occasion in otherwise typical Supportive
GBS; however, a sustained CSF pleocytosis suggests an 1. Relatively symmetric weakness
alternative diagnosis (viral myelitis) or a concurrent diag- 2. Mild sensory involvement
nosis such as unrecognized HIV infection. Electrodiag- 3. Facial nerve or other cranial nerve involvement
nostic features are mild or absent in the early stages of 4. Absence of fever
5. Typical CSF prole (acellular, increase in protein level)
GBS and lag behind the clinical evolution. In cases with
6. Electrophysiologic evidence of demyelination
demyelination (Table 41-1), prolonged distal latencies,
conduction velocity slowing, evidence of conduction a
Excluding M. Fisher and other variant syndromes.
block, and temporal dispersion of compound action Source: Modied from AK Asbury, DR Cornblath: Ann Neurol
potential are the usual features. In cases with primary 27:S21, 1990.
are reported to be elevated early (during the rst few although minor ndings on examination (such as are- 555
days of symptoms) in some cases of GBS. Tau increases exia) may persist.The mortality rate is <5% in optimal
in CSF may reect axonal damage and predict a residual settings; death usually results from secondary pulmonary
decit. GBS patients with risk factors for HIV or with complications. The outlook is worst in patients with
CSF pleocytosis should have a serologic test for HIV. severe proximal motor and sensory axonal damage. Such
axonal damage may be either primary or secondary in
nature (see Pathophysiology, above), but in either case
successful regeneration cannot occur. Other factors that
Treatment: worsen the outlook for recovery are advanced age, a ful-
GUILLAIN-BARR SYNDROME minant or severe attack, and a delay in the onset of treat-
In the vast majority of patients with GBS, treatment ment. Between 5 and 10% of patients with typical GBS
should be initiated as soon after diagnosis as possible. have one or more late relapses; such cases are then classi-
Each day counts; ~2 weeks after the rst motor symp- ed as chronic inammatory demyelinating polyneu-
toms, immunotherapy is no longer effective. Either ropathy (CIDP).
high-dose intravenous immune globulin (IVIg) or
plasmapheresis can be initiated, as they are equally
effective. A combination of the two therapies is not sig-
nicantly better than either alone. IVIg is often the initial
therapy chosen because of its ease of administration CIDP is distinguished from GBS by its chronic course.
and good safety record. IVIg is administered as ve daily In other respects, this neuropathy shares many features
infusions for a total dose of 2 g/kg body weight. There is with the common demyelinating form of GBS, includ-
some evidence that GBS autoantibodies are neutralized ing elevated CSF protein levels and the electrodiagnostic
by anti-idiotypic antibodies present in IVIg preparations, ndings of acquired demyelination. Most cases occur in
neuropathies, which may also occur with solitary plas- ciated with a prolonged reduction in the levels in the
macytoma, are distinct because they (1) are usually circulating paraprotein; chronic use of these alkylating
demyelinating in nature; (2) often respond to radiation agents is associated with signicant risks. Recent prelimi-
therapy or removal of the primary lesion; (3) are associ- nary data also suggest that anti-CD20 (rituximab) ther-
ated with different monoclonal proteins and light chains apy may be effective. In a small proportion of patients
(almost always lambda as opposed to primarily kappa in (30% at 10 years), MGUS will in time evolve into frankly
ing regimen is daily prednisone (initial dose 1 mg/kg per FURTHER READINGS
day PO with a gradual taper after 1 month) plus IV pulse BURNS TM et al: Vasculitic neuropathies. Neurol Clin 25:89, 2007
(or daily oral) cyclophosphamide for 36 months. HADDEN RDM et al: European Federation of Neurological Soci-
eties/Peripheral Nerve Society guideline on management of
paraproteinemic demyelinating neuropathies: Report of a joint
ANTI-HU PARANEOPLASTIC task force of the European Federation of Neurological Societies
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Pathophysiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
Clinical Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
Diagnosis and Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
Patient Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
I Further Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a neuromuscular disorder synaptic folds, and by diffusion of ACh away from the
characterized by weakness and fatigability of skeletal mus- receptor.
cles.The underlying defect is a decrease in the number of In MG, the fundamental defect is a decrease in the
available acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) at neuromus- number of available AChRs at the postsynaptic muscle
cular junctions due to an antibody-mediated autoim- membrane. In addition, the postsynaptic folds are at-
mune attack. Treatment now available for MG is highly tened, or simplied. These changes result in decreased
effective, although a specic cure has remained elusive. efciency of neuromuscular transmission. Therefore,
although ACh is released normally, it produces small end-
plate potentials that may fail to trigger muscle action
potentials. Failure of transmission at many neuromuscular
In the neuromuscular junction (Fig. 42-1), acetylcholine junctions results in weakness of muscle contraction.
(ACh) is synthesized in the motor nerve terminal and The amount of ACh released per impulse normally
stored in vesicles (quanta). When an action potential declines on repeated activity (termed presynaptic rundown).
travels down a motor nerve and reaches the nerve ter- In the myasthenic patient, the decreased efciency of
minal, ACh from 150200 vesicles is released and com- neuromuscular transmission combined with the normal
bines with AChRs that are densely packed at the peaks rundown results in the activation of fewer and fewer mus-
of postsynaptic folds. The structure of the AChR has cle bers by successive nerve impulses and hence increas-
been fully elucidated; it consists of ve subunits (2, 1, ing weakness, or myasthenic fatigue. This mechanism also
1, and 1 or ) arranged around a central pore. When accounts for the decremental response to repetitive nerve
ACh combines with the binding sites on the subunits stimulation seen on electrodiagnostic testing.
of the AChR, the channel in the AChR opens, permit- The neuromuscular abnormalities in MG are brought
ting the rapid entry of cations, chiey sodium, which about by an autoimmune response mediated by specic
produces depolarization at the end-plate region of the anti-AChR antibodies. The anti-AChR antibodies
muscle ber. If the depolarization is sufciently large, it reduce the number of available AChRs at neuromuscu-
initiates an action potential that is propagated along the lar junctions by three distinct mechanisms: (1) acceler-
muscle ber, triggering muscle contraction. This process ated turnover of AChRs by a mechanism involving
is rapidly terminated by hydrolysis of ACh by acetyl- cross-linking and rapid endocytosis of the receptors; (2)
cholinesterase (AChE), which is present within the blockade of the active site of the AChR, i.e., the site that
Release site
Muscle AChR
A Normal B MG
Diagrams of (A) normal and (B) myasthenic neuromuscular AChRs (stippling); attened, simplied postsynaptic folds; and
junctions. AChE, acetylcholinesterase. See text for descrip- a widened synaptic space. (Modied from DB Drachman: N
tion of normal neuromuscular transmission. The MG junction Engl J Med 330:1797, 1994; with permission.)
demonstrates a normal nerve terminal; a reduced number of
normally binds ACh; and (3) damage to the postsynaptic increased myasthenic weakness and may precipitate
muscle membrane by the antibody in collaboration with crisis (see later).
complement. An immune response to muscle-specic The distribution of muscle weakness often has a
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
kinase (MuSK) can also result in myasthenia gravis, pos- characteristic pattern. The cranial muscles, particularly
sibly by interfering with AChR clustering. The patho- the lids and extraocular muscles, are often involved
genic antibodies are IgG and are T cell dependent.Thus, early in the course of MG, and diplopia and ptosis are
immunotherapeutic strategies directed against T cells are common initial complaints. Facial weakness produces a
effective in this antibody-mediated disease. snarling expression when the patient attempts to
How the autoimmune response is initiated and main- smile. Weakness in chewing is most noticeable after
tained in MG is not completely understood. However, prolonged effort, as in chewing meat. Speech may have
the thymus appears to play a role in this process. The a nasal timbre caused by weakness of the palate or a
thymus is abnormal in ~75% of patients with MG; in dysarthric mushy quality due to tongue weakness.
~65% the thymus is hyperplastic, with the presence of Difficulty in swallowing may occur as a result of weak-
active germinal centers detected histologically, though ness of the palate, tongue, or pharynx, giving rise to
the hyperplastic thymus is not necessarily enlarged. An nasal regurgitation or aspiration of liquids or food.
additional 10% of patients have thymic tumors (thymo- Bulbar weakness is especially prominent in MuSK
mas). Muscle-like cells within the thymus (myoid cells), antibodypositive MG. In ~85% of patients, the weak-
which bear AChRs on their surface, may serve as a ness becomes generalized, affecting the limb muscles as
source of autoantigen and trigger the autoimmune reac- well. If weakness remains restricted to the extraocular
tion within the thymus gland. muscles for 3 years, it is likely that it will not become
generalized, and these patients are said to have ocular
MG. The limb weakness in MG is often proximal and
may be asymmetric. Despite the muscle weakness, deep
MG is not rare, having a prevalence of 17 in 10,000. tendon reflexes are preserved. If weakness of respiration
It affects individuals in all age groups, but peaks of becomes so severe as to require respiratory assistance,
incidence occur in women in their twenties and thir- the patient is said to be in crisis.
ties and in men in their fifties and sixties. Overall,
women are affected more frequently than men, in a
ratio of ~3:2. The cardinal features are weakness and
fatigability of muscles. The weakness increases during (Table 42-1) The diagnosis is suspected on the basis of
repeated use (fatigue) and may improve following rest weakness and fatigability in the typical distribution
or sleep. The course of MG is often variable. Exacer- described above, without loss of reexes or impairment
bations and remissions may occur, particularly during of sensation or other neurologic function.The suspected
the first few years after the onset of the disease. diagnosis should always be conrmed denitively before
Remissions are rarely complete or permanent. Unre- treatment is undertaken; this is essential because (1)
lated infections or systemic disorders often lead to other treatable conditions may closely resemble MG,
TABLE 42-1 to do during early development. There is also evidence 561
DIAGNOSIS OF MYASTHENIA GRAVIS (MG) that MG patients without demonstrable antibodies to
either AChR or MuSK have otheras yet undened
Diplopia, ptosis, weakness
antibodies that impair neuromuscular transmission.
Weakness in characteristic distribution
Fluctuation and fatigue: worse with repeated activity, Electrodiagnostic Testing
improved by rest
Effects of previous treatments Repetitive nerve stimulation often provides helpful
Physical examination diagnostic evidence of MG. Anti-AChE medication is
Ptosis, diplopia stopped 624 h before testing. It is best to test weak
Motor power survey: quantitative testing of muscle muscles or proximal muscle groups. Electric shocks are
strength delivered at a rate of two or three per second to the
Forward arm abduction time (5 min) appropriate nerves, and action potentials are recorded
Vital capacity
from the muscles. In normal individuals, the amplitude
Absence of other neurologic signs
Laboratory testing of the evoked muscle action potentials does not change
Anti-AChR radioimmunoassay: ~85% positive in at these rates of stimulation. However, in myasthenic
generalized MG; 50% in ocular MG; denite diagnosis patients there is a rapid reduction of >1015% in the
if positive; negative result does not exclude MG. amplitude of the evoked responses. As a further test, a
~40% of AChR antibody-negative patients with single dose of edrophonium may be given to prevent or
generalized MG have anti-MuSK antibodies. diminish this decremental response.
Repetitive nerve stimulation; decrement of >15% at
3 Hz: highly probable
Single-ber electromyography: blocking and jitter, with Anticholinesterase Test
normal ber density; conrmatory, but not specic Drugs that inhibit the enzyme AChE allow ACh to interact
Edrophonium chloride (Tensilon) 2 mg + 8 mg IV; highly
Note: AChR, acetylcholine receptor; AChE, acetylcholinesterase; EOM, extraocular muscles; MEPP, miniature end-plate potentials; 3,4-DAP,
nals and thus enhances ACh release. Pyridostigmine pro- detected on muscle biopsy (Chap. 43).
longs the action of ACh, allowing repeated interactions
with AChRs. Search for Associated Conditions
Botulism is due to a potent bacterial toxin produced
by Clostridium botulinum. The toxin interferes with the (Table 42-3) Myasthenic patients have an increased inci-
release of acetylcholine from the presynaptic neuromus- dence of several associated disorders.Thymic abnormali-
If unsatisfactory
Thymectomy Improved If not
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
MYASTHENIA GRAVIS Evaluate clinical status; if indicated,
go to immunosuppression
The prognosis has improved strikingly as a result of
advances in treatment; virtually all myasthenic patients
can be returned to full productive lives with proper
therapy. The most useful treatments for MG include anti-
See text for short-term, intermediate,
cholinesterase medications, immunosuppressive agents, and long-term treatments
thymectomy, and plasmapheresis or intravenous
immunoglobulin (IVIg) (Fig. 42-2).
A N T I C H O L I N E S T E R A S E M E D I C AT I O N S Algorithm for the management of myasthenia gravis.
Anticholinesterase medication produces at least partial FVC, forced vital capacity.
improvement in most myasthenic patients, although
improvement is complete in only a few. Pyridostigmine
is the most widely used anticholinesterase drug. As a
may limit the dose tolerated. Atropine/diphenoxylate or
rule, the benecial action of oral pyridostigmine begins
loperamide is useful for the treatment of gastrointestinal
within 1530 min and lasts for 34 h, but individual
responses vary. Treatment is begun with a moderate
dose, e.g., 3060 mg 34 times daily. The frequency and THYMECTOMY Two separate issues should be dis-
amount of the dose should be tailored to the patients tinguished: (1) surgical removal of thymoma, and (2)
individual requirements throughout the day. For exam- thymectomy as a treatment for MG. Surgical removal of
ple, patients with weakness in chewing and swallowing a thymoma is necessary because of the possibility of
may benet by taking the medication before meals so local tumor spread, although most thymomas are histo-
that peak strength coincides with mealtimes. Long-acting logically benign. In the absence of a tumor, the available
pyridostigmine may occasionally be useful to get the evidence suggests that up to 85% of patients experi-
patient through the night but should never be used for ence improvement after thymectomy; of these, ~35%
daytime medication because of variable absorption. achieve drug-free remission. However, the improvement
The maximum useful dose of pyridostigmine rarely is typically delayed for months to years. The advantage
exceeds 120 mg every 36 h during daytime. Overdosage of thymectomy is that it offers the possibility of long-
with anticholinesterase medication may cause increased term benet, in some cases diminishing or eliminating
weakness and other side effects. In some patients, the need for continuing medical treatment. In view
muscarinic side effects of the anticholinesterase med- of these potential benets and of the negligible risk in
ication (diarrhea, abdominal cramps, salivation, nausea) skilled hands, thymectomy has gained widespread
acceptance in the treatment of MG. It is the consensus 2- to 3-day intervals), until there is marked clinical 565
that thymectomy should be carried out in all patients improvement or a dose of 5060 mg/d is reached. This
with generalized MG who are between puberty and at dose is maintained for 13 months and then is gradually
least 55 years of age. Whether thymectomy should be modied to an alternate-day regimen over the course of
recommended in children, in adults >55 years, and in an additional 13 months; the goal is to reduce the dose
patients with weakness limited to the ocular muscles is on the off day to zero or to a minimal level. Generally,
still a matter of debate. There is also evidence that patients begin to improve within a few weeks after
patients with MuSK antibodypositive MG may not reaching the maximum dose, and improvement contin-
respond to thymectomy. Thymectomy must be carried ues to progress for months or years. The prednisone
out in a hospital where it is performed regularly and dosage may gradually be reduced, but usually months
where the staff is experienced in the pre- and postoper- or years may be needed to determine the minimum
ative management, anesthesia, and surgical techniques effective dose, and close monitoring is required. Few
of total thymectomy. patients are able to do without immunosuppressive
agents entirely. Patients on long-term glucocorticoid
therapy must be followed carefully to prevent or treat
using glucocorticoids, azathioprine, and other drugs is
adverse side effects. The most common errors in gluco-
effective in nearly all patients with MG. The choice of
corticoid treatment of myasthenic patients include (1)
drugs or other immunomodulatory treatments should
insufcient persistenceimprovement may be delayed
be guided by the relative benets and risks for the indi-
and gradual; (2) too early, too rapid, or excessive taper-
vidual patient and the urgency of treatment. It is helpful
ing of dosage; and (3) lack of attention to prevention
to develop a treatment plan based on short-term, inter-
and treatment of side effects.
mediate-term, and long-term objectives. For example, if
immediate improvement is essential either because of
Other Immunosuppressive Drugs Mycophe-
MG.Their benecial effect appears more rapidly than that Myasthenic crisis is dened as an exacerbation of weak-
of azathioprine. Either drug may be used alone, but they ness sufcient to endanger life; it usually consists of res-
are usually used as an adjunct to glucocorticoids to per- piratory failure caused by diaphragmatic and intercostal
mit reduction of the glucocorticoid dose. The usual dose muscle weakness. Crisis rarely occurs in properly man-
of cyclosporine is 45 mg/kg per day, and the average aged patients. Treatment should be carried out in inten-
dose of tacrolimus is 0.1 mg/kg per day, given in two sive care units staffed with teams experienced in the
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
equally divided doses (to minimize side effects). Side management of MG, respiratory insufciency, infectious
effects of these drugs include hypertension and nephro- disease, and uid and electrolyte therapy. The possibility
toxicity, which must be closely monitored.Trough blood that deterioration could be due to excessive anti-
levels are measured 12 h after the evening dose.The ther- cholinesterase medication (cholinergic crisis) is best
apeutic range for cyclosporine is 150200 ng/L, and for excluded by temporarily stopping anticholinesterase
tacrolimus it is 515 ng/L. drugs. The most common cause of crisis is intercurrent
Cyclophosphamide is reserved for occasional infection. This should be treated immediately, because
patients refractory to the other drugs (see earlier for dis- the mechanical and immunologic defenses of the
cussion of high-dose cyclophosphamide treatment). patient can be assumed to be compromised. The myas-
thenic patient with fever and early infection should be
PLASMAPHERESIS AND INTRAVENOUS treated like other immunocompromised patients. Early
IMMUNOGLOBULIN Plasmapheresis has been and effective antibiotic therapy, respiratory assistance,
used therapeutically in MG. Plasma, which contains the and pulmonary physiotherapy are essentials of the
pathogenic antibodies, is mechanically separated from treatment program. As discussed above, plasmapheresis
the blood cells, which are returned to the patient. A or IVIg is frequently helpful in hastening recovery.
course of ve exchanges (34 L per exchange) is gener-
ally administered over a 10- to 14-day period. Plasma- D R U G S T O AV O I D I N M YA S T H E N I C
pheresis produces a short-term reduction in anti-AChR PATIENTS Many drugs have been reported to have
antibodies, with clinical improvement in many patients. adverse effects in patients with MG (Table 42-4). How-
It is useful as a temporary expedient in seriously ever, not all patients react adversely to all these drugs.
affected patients or to improve the patients condition Conversely, not all safe drugs can be used with
prior to surgery (e.g., thymectomy). impunity in patients with MG. As a rule, the listed drugs
The indications for the use of IVIg are the same as should be avoided whenever possible, and myasthenic
those for plasma exchange: to produce rapid improve- patients should be followed closely when any new drug
ment to help the patient through a difcult period of is introduced.
myasthenic weakness or prior to surgery. This treatment
has the advantages of not requiring special equipment
or large-bore venous access. The usual dose is 2 g/kg,
which is typically administered over 5 days (400 mg/kg PATIENT ASSESSMENT
per day). If tolerated, the course of IVIg can be short-
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment as
ened to administer the entire dose over a 3-day period.
well as drug-induced side effects, it is important to assess
Improvement occurs in ~70% of patients, beginning
the patients clinical status systematically at baseline and
TABLE 42-4 History
Myasthenia Gravis Worksheet
General Normal Good Fair Poor
Diplopia None Rare Occasional Constant
Drugs that May Exacerbate mg
Antibiotics Ptosis None Rare Occasional Constant
Aminoglycosides: e.g., streptomycin, tobramycin, Arms Normal Slightly Some ADL Definitely
kanamycin limited impairment limited
Quinolones: e.g., ciprooxacin, levooxacin, ooxacin, Legs Normal Walks/runs Can walk limited Minimal
gatioxacin fatigues distances walking
Macrolides: e.g., erythromycin, azithromycin, Speech Normal Dysarthric Severely Unintelligible
Nondepolarizing muscle relaxants for surgery Voice Normal Fades Impaired Severely impaired
D-Tubocurarine (curare), pancuronium, vecuronium,
Chew Normal Fatigue on Fatigue on Feeding tube
atracurium normal foods soft foods
Beta-blocking agents
Swallow Normal Normal foods Soft foods only Feeding tube
Propranalol, atenolol, metoprolol
Local anesthetics and related agents Respiration Normal Dyspnea on Dyspnea on Dyspnea
Procaine, xylocaine in large amounts unusual effort any effort at rest
Procainamide (for arrhythmias)
Botulinum toxin Examination
BP Pulse Wt Arm abduction time R L
Botox exacerbates weakness
Edema Deltoids R L
Quinine derivatives Vital capacity Biceps R L
Quinine, quinidine, chloroquine, meoquine (Lariam) Cataracts? R L Triceps R L
Ptosis time Iliopsoas R L
Decreases ACh release
Skeletal muscle diseases, or myopathies, are disorders with preserved reexes and sensation. An associated sensory loss
structural changes or functional impairment of muscle. suggests injury to peripheral nerve or the central nervous
These conditions can be differentiated from other dis- system (CNS) rather than myopathy. On occasion, disorders
eases of the motor unit (e.g., lower motor neuron or affecting the motor nerve cell bodies in the spinal cord
neuromuscular junction pathologies) by characteristic (anterior horn cell disease), the neuromuscular junction,
clinical and laboratory ndings. Myasthenia gravis and or peripheral nerves can mimic ndings of myopathy.
related disorders are discussed in Chap. 42; dermato-
myositis, polymyositis, and inclusion body myositis are Muscle Weakness
discussed in Chap. 44.
Symptoms of muscle weakness can be either intermit-
tent or persistent. Disorders causing intermittent weakness
(Fig. 43-1) include myasthenia gravis, periodic paralyses
The most common clinical ndings of a myopathy are (hypokalemic, hyperkalemic, and paramyotonia congenita),
proximal, symmetric limb weakness (arms or legs) with and metabolic energy deciencies of glycolysis (especially
Intermittent weakness 569
No Yes
Variable weakness includes Exam normal between attacks Exam usually normal between attacks
EOMs, ptosis, bulbar and limb muscles Proximal > distal weakness during attacks Proximal > distal weakness during attacks
Acquired MG Congenital MG Muscle biopsy
Acquired MG DNA test confirms diagnosis defines specific defect
Diagnostic evaluation of intermittent weakness. EOMs, antibody; PP, periodic paralysis; CPT, carnitine palmitoyl-
extraocular muscles; AChR AB, acetylcholine receptor transferase; MG, myasthenia gravis.
Proximal > distal Ptosis, EOMs Facial and Facial, distal, Proximal & distal Distal Dropped head
PM; DM; muscular OPMD; scapular winging quadriceps; (hand grip), & Distal myopathy MG; PM; ALS
dystrophies mitochondrial FSHD handgrip myotonia quadriceps
myopathy; Myotonic muscular IBM
myotubular dystrophy
Diagnostic evaluation of persistent weakness. Examina- oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy; FSHD, facioscapulo-
tion reveals one of seven patterns of weakness. The pattern humeral dystrophy; IBM, inclusion body myositis; DM, der-
of weakness in combination with the laboratory evaluation matomyositis; PM, polymyositis; MG, myasthenia gravis; ALS,
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
leads to a diagnosis. EOM, extraocular muscles; OPMD, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; CK, creatine kinase.
disorders of neuromuscular transmission and in disor- Muscle Pain (Myalgias), Cramps, and Stiffness
ders altering energy production, including defects in
Muscle pain can be associated with cramps, spasms,
glycolysis, lipid metabolism, or mitochondrial energy
contractures, and stiff or rigid muscles. In distinction,
production. Pathologic fatigability also occurs in chronic
true myalgia (muscle aching), which can be localized or
myopathies because of difficulty accomplishing a task
with less muscle. Pathologic fatigability is accompanied
by abnormal clinical or laboratory findings. Fatigue
without those supportive features almost never indi- TABLE 43-1
cates a primary muscle disease. NEUROMUSCULAR CAUSES OF PTOSIS
Peripheral neuropathy
Guillain-Barr syndrome
Miller-Fisher syndrome
Neuromuscular junction
Lambert-Eaton syndrome
Myasthenia gravis
Congenital myasthenia
Mitochondrial myopathies
Kearns-Sayre syndrome
Progressive external ophthalmoplegia
Oculopharyngeal and oculopharyngodistal
muscular dystrophy
Myotonic dystrophy (ptosis only)
Congenital myopathy
Nemaline (ptosis only)
FIGURE 43-3 Hyperthyroidism/Graves disease (ophthalmoplegia
Facioscapulohumeral dystrophy with prominent scapular without ptosis)
TABLE 43-2 571
generalized, may be accompanied by weakness, tender-
ness to palpation, or swelling. Certain drugs cause true
myalgia (Table 43-3).
There are two painful muscle conditions of particu-
by stiffness and pain in the shoulders, lower back, hips, syndrome) there is hyperexcitability of the peripheral
and thighs. The ESR is elevated, while serum CK, nerves manifesting as continuous muscle ber activity.
EMG, and muscle biopsy are normal. Temporal arteritis, Myokymia (groups of fasciculations associated with con-
an inammatory disorder of medium- and large-sized tinuous undulations of muscle) and impaired muscle
arteries, usually involving one or more branches of the relaxation are the result. Muscles of the leg are stiff, and
carotid artery, may accompany polymyalgia rheumatica. the constant contractions of the muscle cause increased
Vision is threatened by ischemic optic neuritis. Gluco- sweating of the extremities. This peripheral nerve
corticoids can relieve the myalgias and protect against hyperexcitability is antibody-mediated, targeted against
visual loss. voltage-gated potassium channels. The site of origin of
Localized muscle pain is most often traumatic. A the spontaneous nerve discharges is principally in the
common cause of sudden abrupt-onset pain is a rup- distal portion of the motor nerves.
tured tendon, which leaves the muscle belly appearing Myotonia is a condition of prolonged muscle contrac-
rounded and shorter in appearance compared to the tion followed by slow muscle relaxation. It always follows
normal side.The biceps brachii and Achilles tendons are muscle activation (action myotonia), usually voluntary,
particularly vulnerable to rupture. Infection or neoplas- but may be elicited by mechanical stimulation (percus-
tic inltration of the muscle is a rare cause of localized sion myotonia) of the muscle. Myotonia typically causes
muscle pain. difculty in releasing objects after a rm grasp. In
A muscle cramp or spasm is a painful, involuntary, local- myotonic muscular dystrophy type 1 (DM1), distal weak-
ized, muscle contraction with a visible or palpable hard- ness usually accompanies myotonia, whereas in DM2
ening of the muscle. Cramps are abrupt in onset, short proximal muscles are more affected; thus the related
in duration, and may cause abnormal posturing of the term proximal myotonic myopathy (PROMM) is used to
joint. The EMG shows ring of motor units, reecting describe this condition. Myotonia also occurs with
an origin from spontaneous neural discharge. Muscle myotonia congenita (a chloride channel disorder), but in
cramps often occur in neurogenic disorders, especially this condition muscle weakness is not prominent. Myoto-
motor neuron disease (Chap. 27), radiculopathies, and nia may also be seen in individuals with sodium channel
polyneuropathies (Chap. 40), but are not a feature of mutations (hyperkalemic periodic paralysis or potassium-
most primary muscle diseases. Duchenne muscular dys- sensitive myotonia). Another sodium channelopathy,
trophy is an exception since calf muscle complaints are a paramyotonia congenita, also is associated with muscle
common complaint. Muscle cramps are also common stiffness. In contrast to other disorders associated with
during pregnancy. myotonia in which the myotonia is eased by repetitive
A muscle contracture is different from a muscle cramp. activity, paramyotonia congenita is named for a para-
In both conditions, the muscle becomes hard, but a con- doxical phenomenon whereby the myotonia worsens
tracture is associated with energy failure in glycolytic with repetitive activity.
Muscle Enlargement and Atrophy TABLE 43-4 573
In most myopathies muscle tissue is replaced by fat and
connective tissue, but the size of the muscle is usually Myotonic dystrophy type 1
not affected. However, in many limb-girdle muscular Myotonic dystrophy type 2/Proximal myotonic myopathy
dystrophies (and particularly the dystrophinopathies) Myotonia congenita
Paramyotonia congenita
enlarged calf muscles are typical.The enlargement repre-
Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis
sents true muscle hypertrophy, thus the term pseudohy- Chondrodystrophic myotonia (Schwartz-Jampel
pertrophy should be avoided when referring to these syndrome)
patients.The calf muscles remain very strong even late in Centronuclear/myotubular myopathya
the course of these disorders. Muscle enlargement can Drug-induced
also result from inltration by sarcoid granulomas, amy- Cholesterol-lowering agents (statin
loid deposits, bacterial and parasitic infections, and focal medications, brates)
myositis. In contrast, muscle atrophy is characteristic of Cyclosporine
other myopathies. In dysferlinopathies (LGMD2B) there Glycogen storage disordersa (Pompe disease, debrancher
is a predilection for early atrophy of the gastrocnemius deciency, branching enzyme deciency)
muscles. Atrophy of the humeral muscles is characteristic Myobrillar myopathiesa
of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy.
Associated with myotonic discharges on EMG but no clinical
A limited battery of tests can be used to evaluate a sus-
pected myopathy. Nearly all patients require serum enzyme junction diseases. Routine nerve conduction studies are
level measurements and electrodiagnostic studies as screen- typically normal in myopathies but reduced amplitudes
lactic acid is typical. The simultaneous measurement of with friends when playing. Running, jumping, and hop-
ammonia serves as a control, since it should also rise with ping are invariably abnormal. By 5 years, muscle weakness
exercise. In patients with myophosphorylase deciency or is obvious by muscle testing. On getting up from the oor,
other glycolytic defects, the lactic acid rise will be absent or the patient uses his hands to climb up himself [Gowers
below normal, while the rise in ammonia will reach con- maneuver (Fig. 43-4)]. Contractures of the heel cords and
trol values. If there is lack of effort, neither lactic acid nor iliotibial bands become apparent by 6 years, when toe
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
ammonia will rise. Patients with selective failure to increase walking is associated with a lordotic posture. Loss of muscle
ammonia may have myoadenylate deaminase deciency. strength is progressive, with predilection for proximal limb
This condition has been reported to be a cause of myoglo- muscles and the neck exors; leg involvement is more
binuria, but deciency of this enzyme in asymptomatic severe than arm involvement. Between 8 and 10 years,
individuals makes interpretation controversial. walking may require the use of braces; joint contractures
and limitations of hip exion, knee, elbow, and wrist exten-
Muscle Biopsy sion are made worse by prolonged sitting. By 12 years,
most patients are wheelchair dependent. Contractures
Muscle biopsy is an important step in establishing the become xed, and a progressive scoliosis often develops
diagnosis of a suspected myopathy. The biopsy is usually that may be associated with pain.The chest deformity with
obtained from a quadriceps or biceps brachii muscle, less scoliosis impairs pulmonary function, which is already
commonly from a deltoid muscle. Evaluation includes a diminished by muscle weakness. By 16 to 18 years, patients
combination of techniqueslight microscopy, histochem- are predisposed to serious, sometimes fatal pulmonary
istry, immunocytochemistry with a battery of antibodies, infections. Other causes of death include aspiration of
and electron microscopy. Not all techniques are needed food and acute gastric dilation.
for every case. A specic diagnosis can be established in A cardiac cause of death is uncommon despite the
many disorders. A combination of stains to identify presence of a cardiomyopathy in almost all patients.
mononuclear cells (polymyositis), complement (dermato- Congestive heart failure seldom occurs except with
myositis), and amyloid (inclusion body myositis) helps to severe stress such as pneumonia. Cardiac arrhythmias are
distinguish the inammatory myopathies. In addition, the rare. The typical electrocardiogram (ECG) shows an
congenital myopathies have distinctive light and electron increase net RS in lead V1; deep, narrow Q waves in the
microscopy features essential for diagnosis. Mitochondrial precordial leads; and tall right precordial R waves in V1.
and metabolic (e.g., myophosphorylase and acid maltase Intellectual impairment in Duchenne dystrophy is com-
deciencies) myopathies also demonstrate distinctive his- mon; the average intelligence quotient (IQ) is ~1 SD
tochemical and electron-microscopic proles. Biopsied below the mean. Impairment of intellectual function
muscle tissue can be sent for metabolic enzyme or mito- appears to be nonprogressive and affects verbal ability
chondrial DNA analyses. A battery of antibodies is avail- more than performance.
able for the identication of missing components of the
dystrophin-glycoprotein complex and related proteins to
Laboratory Features
help diagnose specic types of muscular dystrophies.
Western blot analysis on muscle specimens can be per- Serum CK levels are invariably elevated to between 20
formed to determine whether specic muscle proteins are and 100 times normal. The levels are abnormal at birth
reduced in quantity or are of abnormal size. but decline late in the disease because of inactivity and
TABLE 43-5 575
Emery- XR/AD Emerin/Lamins A/C Childhood to Elbow contractures, humeral Cardiomyopathy
Dreifuss adult and peroneal weakness
Congenital AR Several At birth or Hypotonia, contractures, CNS abnormalities
within rst few delayed milestones (hypomyelination,
months Progression to respiratory malformation)
failure in some; static course Eye abnormalities
in others
Two forms of myotonic dystrophy, DM1 and DM2, have been identied. Many features overlap (see text).
Note: XR, X-linked recessive; AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; CNS, central nervous system.
loss of muscle mass. EMG demonstrates features typical not uniformly distributed over the gene but rather are
of myopathy. The muscle biopsy shows muscle bers of most common near the beginning (5 end) and middle of
varying size as well as small groups of necrotic and the gene. Less often, Duchenne dystrophy is caused by a
regenerating bers. Connective tissue and fat replace lost gene duplication or point mutation. Identication of a
muscle bers. A denitive diagnosis of Duchenne dystro- specic mutation allows for an unequivocal diagnosis,
phy can be established on the basis of dystrophin de- makes possible accurate testing of potential carriers, and is
ciency in a biopsy of muscle tissue or mutation analysis useful for prenatal diagnosis.
on peripheral blood leukocytes, as discussed below. A diagnosis of Duchenne dystrophy can also be made by
Duchenne dystrophy is caused by a mutation of the Western blot analysis of muscle biopsy specimens, revealing
gene that encodes dystrophin, a 427-kDa protein local- abnormalities on the quantity and molecular weight of dys-
ized to the inner surface of the sarcolemma of the muscle trophin protein. In addition, immunocytochemical staining
ber.The dystrophin gene is >2000 kb in size and thus is of muscle with dystrophin antibodies can be used to
one of the largest identied human genes. It is localized demonstrate absence or deciency of dystrophin localizing
to the short arm of the X chromosome at Xp21. The to the sarcolemmal membrane. Carriers of the disease may
most common gene mutation is a deletion.The size varies demonstrate a mosaic pattern, but dystrophin analysis of
but does not correlate with disease severity. Deletions are muscle biopsy specimens for carrier detection is not reliable.
576 TABLE 43-6
Note: CK, creatine kinase; NCS, nerve conduction studies; EMG, electromyography.
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
TABLE 43-7
Tibial muscular dystrophy is a form of titin deciency with only distal muscle weakness (see Table 43-9).
Note: CK, creatine kinase; NCS, nerve conduction studies; EMG, electromyography.
Extracellular The dystrophin-glycoprotein complex appears to con- 577
Collagen VI
fer stability to the sarcolemma, although the function of
Merosin each individual component of the complex is incompletely
understood. Deciency of one member of the complex
complex Sarcoglycan may cause abnormalities in other components. For example,
complex a primary deciency of dystrophin (Duchenne dystrophy)
may lead to secondary loss of the sarcoglycans and dys-
1 7 troglycan. The primary loss of a single sarcoglycan (see
Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy, below) results in a
Caveolin-3 Integrin
secondary loss of other sarcoglycans in the membrane
Dystrophin Calpain Dysferlin complex without uniformly affecting dystrophin. In either instance,
F-Actin disruption of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complexes
weakens the sarcolemma, causing membrane tears and a
cascade of events leading to muscle ber necrosis. This
POMT1 sequence of events occurs repeatedly during the life of a
Intracelluar patient with muscular dystrophy.
Glucocorticoids, administered as prednisone in a dose of
Selected muscular dystrophyassociated proteins in the
cell membrane and Golgi complex.
0.75 mg/kg per day, signicantly slow progression of
diagnosis of Becker muscular dystrophy requires Western There are two genetically distinct forms of Emery-
blot analysis of muscle biopsy samples demonstrating a Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD). One is inherited as
reduced amount or abnormal size of dystrophin or muta- an X-linked disorder, while the other is autosomal domi-
tion analysis of DNA from peripheral blood leukocytes. nant.The latter is classied under the rubric of LGMD1B,
Genetic testing reveals deletions or duplications of the but clinically the conditions are closely related.
dystrophin gene in 65% of patients with Becker dystrophy,
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Lamin A/C
Laboratory Features
Serum CK is markedly elevated in all of these conditions.
FIGURE 43-7 The EMG is myopathic and muscle biopsies show non-
Selected muscular dystrophyassociated proteins in the specic dystrophic features. Merosin, or laminin 2 chain
nuclear membrane and sarcomere. As shown in the exploded (a basal lamina protein), is decient surrounding muscle
view, emerin and lamin A/C are constituents of the inner
DYSTROPHY (CMD) Treatment:
This is not one entity but rather a group of disorders with
There is no specic treatment for CMD. Proper wheel-
varying degrees of muscle weakness, central nervous sys-
chair seating is important. Management of epilepsy and
tem impairment, and eye abnormalities (Table 43-8).
cardiac manifestations is necessary for some patients.
Clinical Features
As a group, CMDs present at birth or in the rst few
months of life with hypotonia and proximal or general-
ized muscle weakness. Calf muscle hypertrophy is seen in Myotonic dystrophy is also known as dystrophia myotonica
some patients. Facial muscles may be weak, but other cra- (DM).The condition is composed of at least two clinical dis-
nial nerveinnervated muscles are spared (e.g., extraocular orders with overlapping phenotypes and distinct molecular
580 TABLE 43-8
Merosin Onset at birth with hypotonia, joint contractures, Serum CK 535 normal Laminin 2 chain
deciency delayed milestones, generalized muscle weakness EMG myopathic
Cerebral hypomyelination, less often cortical dysplasia NCS abnormal in some cases
Normal intelligence usually, some with MR (~6%)
and seizures (~8%)
Partial deciency leads to milder phenotype
(LGMD picture)
Fukitin-related Onset at birth or shortly after Serum CK 1050 normal Fukutin-related protein
protein Hypotonia and feeding problems EMG myopathic
deciencyb Weakness of proximal muscles, especially NCS normal
shoulder girdles
Hypertrophy of leg muscles
Joint contractures
Cognition normal
Fukuyama Onset at birth Serum CK 1050 normal Fukutin
All are inherited as recessive traits.
There is phenotypic overlap between disorders related to defective glycosylation. In muscle this is a consequence of altered glycosylation
of dystroglycans; in brain/eye, other glycosylated proteins are involved. Clinically, Walker-Warburg syndrome is more severe, with death by 1 year.
Note: CK, creatine kinase; EMG, electromyography; NCS, nerve conduction studies; MR, mental retardation; LGMD, limb-girdle muscular
genetic defects: myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1), the the course, although preferential atrophy and weakness
classic disease originally described by Steinert, and myotonic of quadriceps muscles occur in many patients. Palatal,
dystrophy type 2 (DM2), also called proximal myotonic pharyngeal, and tongue involvement produce a dysarthric
myopathy (PROMM). speech, nasal voice, and swallowing problems. Some patients
have diaphragm and intercostal muscle weakness, resulting
in respiratory insufciency.
Clinical Features
Myotonia, which usually appears by age 5 years, is
The clinical expression of myotonic dystrophy varies widely demonstrable by percussion of the thenar eminence, the
and involves many systems other than muscle. Affected tongue, and wrist extensor muscles. Myotonia causes a slow
patients have a typical hatchet-faced appearance due to relaxation of hand grip after a forced voluntary closure.
temporalis, masseter, and facial muscle atrophy and weak- Advanced muscle wasting makes myotonia more dif-
ness. Frontal baldness is also characteristic of the disease. cult to detect.
Neck muscles, including exors and sternocleidomastoids, Cardiac disturbances occur commonly in patients with
and distal limb muscles are involved early.Weakness of wrist DM1. ECG abnormalities include rst-degree heart block
extensors, nger extensors, and intrinsic hand muscles and more extensive conduction system involvement. Com-
impairs function. Ankle dorsiexor weakness may cause plete heart block and sudden death can occur; recently,
footdrop. Proximal muscles remain stronger throughout risk factors for sudden death in these patients have been
identied, but whether pacemaker or debrillator implan- The DNA expansions in DM1 and DM2 almost cer- 581
tation can mitigate this risk remains to be determined. tainly impair muscle function by a toxic gain of function
Congestive heart failure occurs infrequently but may result of the mutant mRNA. In both DM1 and DM2, the
from cor pulmonale secondary to respiratory failure. Mitral mutant RNA appears to form intranuclear inclusions
valve prolapse also occurs commonly. Other associated composed of aberrant RNA. These RNA inclusions
features include intellectual impairment, hypersomnia, sequester RNA binding proteins essential for proper
posterior subcapsular cataracts, gonadal atrophy, insulin splicing of a variety of other mRNAs. This leads to
resistance, and decreased esophageal and colonic motility. abnormal transcription of multiple proteins in a variety
Congenital myotonic dystrophy is a more severe form of of tissues/organ systems, in turn causing the systemic
DM1 and occurs in ~25% of infants of affected mothers. manifestations of DM1 and DM2.
It is characterized by severe facial and bulbar weakness,
transient neonatal respiratory insufciency, and mental
retardation. Treatment:
DM2, or PROMM, has a distinct pattern of muscle MYOTONIC DYSTROPHY
weakness affecting mainly proximal muscles. Other features The myotonia in DM1 rarely warrants treatment, though
of the disease overlap with DM1, including cataracts, testic- some patients with DM2 are signicantly bothered by the
ular atrophy, insulin resistance, constipation, hypersomnia, discomfort related to the associated muscle stiffness.
and cognitive defects. Cardiac conduction defects occur Phenytoin and mexiletine are the preferred agents for the
but are less common, and the hatchet face and frontal bald- occasional patient who requires an antimyotonia drug;
ness are less consistent features.A very striking difference is other agents, particularly quinine and procainamide, may
the failure to clearly identify a congenital form of DM2. worsen cardiac conduction. A cardiac pacemaker should
be considered for patients with unexplained syncope,
Laboratory Features advanced conduction system abnormalities with evi-
OCULOPHARYNGEAL DYSTROPHY A group of muscle diseases, the distal myopathies, are
notable for their preferential distal distribution of
This form of muscular dystrophy represents one of several muscle weakness in contrast to most muscle conditions
disorders characterized by progressive external ophthal- associated with proximal weakness. The major distal
moplegia, which consists of slowly progressive ptosis and myopathies are summarized in Table 43-9.
limitation of eye movements with sparing of pupillary
reactions for light and accommodation. Patients usually
Clinical Features
do not complain of diplopia, in contrast to patients having
conditions with a more acute onset of ocular muscle Welander, Udd, and Markesbery-Griggs distal myopathies are
weakness (e.g., myasthenia gravis). all late-onset, dominantly inherited disorders of distal limb
TABLE 43-9 583
Laing distal Onset childhood to 3d decade Serum CK is normal or slightly elevated AD
myopathy Distal lower extremity weakness Muscle biopsies do not show rimmed Myosin heavy chain 7
(tibial distribution) and neck exors vacuoles
affected early Large deposits of myosin heavy chain
are seen in type 1 muscle bers
Nonaka distal Onset 2d to 3d decade Serum CK 310 normal ARGNE gene: UDP-
myopathy (auto- Lower extremity distal weakness EMG myopathic N-acetylglucosamine
somal recessive Mild distal upper limb weakness NCS normal 2-epimerase/
Note: CK, creatine kinase; AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; EMG, electromyography; NCS, nerve conduction studies.
muscles, usually beginning after 40 years of age.Welander or twenties. Nonaka myopathy entails anterior tibial weak-
distal myopathy preferentially involves the wrist and n- ness, whereas Miyoshi myopathy is unique in that gastroc-
ger extensors, whereas the others are associated with nemius muscles are preferentially affected at onset. Finally,
anterior tibial weakness leading to progressive footdrop. the myobrillar myopathies (MFM) are a clinically and genet-
Laing distal myopathy is also a dominantly inherited dis- ically heterogeneous group of disorders that can be associ-
order heralded by tibial weakness; however, it is distin- ated with prominent distal weakness; they can be inherited
guished by onset in childhood or early adult life. Nonaka in an autosomal dominant or recessive pattern.
distal myopathy and Miyoshi myopathy are distinguished by Confounding these clinical features is the observation
autosomal recessive inheritance and onset in the late teens that proximal muscles can be affected as each of these
584 disorders progresses (less so for Welander disease than the with stair climbing, running, and getting up from the
others). In contrast to many other inherited muscle dis- oor. On examination, there is mild facial, neck-exor,
eases, the distal myopathies are for the most part limited and proximal-extremity muscle weakness. Legs are more
to skeletal muscle. affected than arms. Skeletal abnormalities include con-
genital hip dislocation, scoliosis, and pes cavus; clubbed
Laboratory Features feet also occur. Most cases are nonprogressive, but excep-
tions are well documented. Susceptibility to malignant
Serum CK level is particularly helpful in diagnosing hyperthermia must be considered as a potential risk
Miyoshi myopathy since it is very elevated. In the other factor for patients with central core disease.
conditions serum CK is only slightly increased. EMGs The serum CK level is usually normal. Needle EMG
are myopathic. In the myobrillar myopathies (MFM), demonstrates a myopathic pattern. Muscle biopsy shows
myotonic or pseudomyotonic discharges are common. bers with single or multiple central or eccentric discrete
Muscle biopsy shows nonspecic dystrophic features and, zones (cores) devoid of oxidative enzymes. Cores occur
with the exception of Laing and Nonaka distal myopathies, preferentially in type 1 bers and represent poorly aligned
often shows rimmed vacuoles. MFM is associated with sarcomeres associated with Z disk streaming.
the accumulation of dense inclusions, as well as amorphous Autosomal dominant inheritance is characteristic;
material best seen on Gomori trichrome and myobrillar sporadic cases also occur. The disease is caused by point
disruption on electron microscopy. Immune staining some- mutations of the ryanodine receptor gene on chromo-
times demonstrates accumulation of desmin and other some 19q, encoding the calcium-release channel of the
proteins in MFM, large deposits of myosin heavy chain in sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle; mutations of
the subsarcolemmal region of type 1 muscle bers in Laing this gene also account for some cases of inherited malig-
myopathy, and reduced or absent dysferlin in Miyoshi nant hyperthermia. Malignant hyperthermia is an allelic
myopathy. condition; C-terminal mutations of the RYR1 gene pre-
The affected genes and their gene products are listed
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
cular dystrophy.
Three distinct variants of centronuclear myopathy occur.A GLYCOLYTIC DEFECTS
neonatal form, also known as myotubular myopathy, presents
with severe hypotonia and weakness at birth. The late Disorders of Glycogen Storage Causing
Progressive Weakness
retardation, and hypoglycemia. Branching enzyme deciency proteins in each of these disorders.
(type IV glycogenosis) is a rare and fatal glycogen storage Training may enhance exercise tolerance, perhaps by
disease characterized by failure to thrive and hepatomegaly. increasing perfusion to muscle. Dietary intake of free
Hypotonia and muscle wasting may be present, but the glucose or fructose prior to activity may improve function
skeletal muscle manifestations are minor compared to but care must be taken to avoid obesity from ingesting
liver failure. too many calories.
direct measurement of muscle CPT or genetic testing. mitochondrial genes are derived almost exclusively from
CPT II deciency is much more common in men than the mother, accounting for maternal inheritance of some
women (5:1); nevertheless, all evidence indicates autoso- mitochondrial disorders.
mal recessive inheritance. A mutation in the gene for CPT Patients with mitochondrial disorders have clinical man-
II (chromosome 1p36) causes the disease in some individ- ifestations that fall into three groups: chronic progressive
uals.Attempts to improve exercise tolerance with frequent external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO), skeletal muscleCNS
ble but must be approached cautiously because of defects opathy. CPEO is the initial manifestation, occurring
in the cardiac conduction system. between ages 8 and 10. Exercise intolerance and fatigue
follow the early symptoms, accompanied by palpitations
PROGRESSIVE EXTERNAL and chest pain. Examination reveals extraocular muscle
OPHTHALMOPLEGIA (PEO) weakness, ptosis, facial weakness, reduced muscle bulk,
and limb weakness, greater in proximal muscles. A dilated
This condition is caused by nuclear DNA mutations cardiomyopathy is typical, and some patients have con-
affecting mtDNA copy number and integrity and is thus duction system involvement. Death from congestive heart
inherited in a Mendelian fashion. Onset is usually after failure occurs as early as 13 years of age. Serum lactate is
puberty. Fatigue, exercise intolerance, and complaints of normal at rest but increases with mild exercise. Serum CK
muscle weakness are typical. Some patients notice swal- is increased two- to fourfold. EMG is normal or myo-
lowing problems. The neurologic examination conrms pathic. Muscle biopsy demonstrates typical ragged red
the ptosis and ophthalmoplegia, usually asymmetric in bers. Multiple mtDNA deletions are seen on Southern
distribution. A sensorineural hearing loss may be encoun- blots of muscle. Echocardiograms show reduced ejection
tered. Mild facial, neck exor, and proximal weakness are fraction. Conduction block is seen on ECGs. The disease
typical. Rarely, respiratory muscles may be progressively is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder.The gene
affected and may be the direct cause of death. Serum has not been identied. Heart failure may require ortho-
CK is normal or mildly elevated. The resting lactate topic cardiac transplantation. Cardiac pacemakers are
level is normal or slightly elevated but may rise exces- appropriate for patients with heart block.
sively after exercise. CSF protein is normal.The EMG is
myopathic, and nerve conduction studies are usually
normal. Ragged red bers are prominently displayed in MTDNA SKELETAL MUSCLECENTRAL
the muscle biopsy. Southern blots of muscle reveal a NERVOUS SYSTEM SYNDROMES
normal mtDNA band at 16.6 kb and several additional
mtDNA deletion bands with genomes varying from 0.5 Myoclonic Epilepsy with Ragged
Red Fibers (MERRF)
to 10 kb.
This autosomal dominant form of CPEO has been The onset of MERRF is variable, ranging from late child-
linked to loci on three chromosomes: 4q35, 10q24, and hood to middle adult life. Characteristic features include
15q22-26. In the chromosome 4qrelated form of disease, myoclonic epilepsy, cerebellar ataxia, and progressive mus-
mutations of the gene encoding the heart and skeletal cle weakness.The seizure disorder is an integral part of the
musclespecic isoform of the adenine nucleotide disease and may be the initial symptom. Cerebellar ataxia
translocator 1 (ANT1) gene are found. This highly precedes or accompanies epilepsy. It is slowly progressive
abundant mitochondrial protein forms a homodimeric and generalized. The third major feature of the disease is
muscle weakness in a limb-girdle distribution. Other more reported in mtDNA polypeptide-coding genes. Two 589
variable features include dementia, peripheral neuropathy, mutations were found in the ND5 subunit of complex I
optic atrophy, hearing loss, and diabetes mellitus. of the respiratory chain. A missense mutation has been
Serum CK levels are normal or slightly increased.The reported at mtDNA position 9957 in the gene for sub-
serum lactate may be elevated. EMG is myopathic, and unit III of cytochrome C oxidase. No specic treatment
in some patients nerve conduction studies show a neu- is available. Supportive treatment is essential for the stroke-
ropathy. The electroencephalogram is abnormal, corrob- like episodes, seizures, and endocrinopathies.
orating clinical ndings of epilepsy. Typical ragged red
bers are seen on muscle biopsy. MERRF is caused by PURE MYOPATHY SYNDROMES
maternally inherited point mutations of mitochondrial
tRNA genes.The most common mutation found in 80% Muscle weakness and fatigue can be the predominant
of MERRF patients is an A to G substitution at nucleotide manifestations of mtDNA mutations.When the condition
8344 of tRNA lysine (A8344G tRNAlys). Other tRNAlys affects exclusively muscle (pure myopathy), the disorder
mutations include base-pair substitutions T8356C and becomes difcult to recognize. Occasionally, mitochondr-
G8363A. Only supportive treatment is possible, with ial myopathies can present with recurrent myoglobinuria
special attention to epilepsy. without xed weakness and thus resemble a glycogen
storage disorder or CPT deciency.
Mitochondrial Myopathy, Encephalopathy, Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Myopathy
Lactic Acidosis, and Stroke-Like
Episodes (MELAS) This disorder, clinically indistinguishable from muscular
MELAS is the most common mitochondrial encephalomy- dystrophy, usually presents in the neonatal period with
opathy. The term stroke-like is appropriate because the weakness, hypotonia, and delayed motor milestones.
Some cases are rapidly fatal, with death <2 years of age.A
Mode of inheritance AD AD AD AD
Age of onset Adolescence Early childhood Early childhood Early childhood
Myotoniaa No Yes Yes No
Episodic weakness Yes Yes Yes Yes
Frequency of attacks Daily to yearly May be 23/d With cold, usually rare Daily to yearly
of weakness
Duration of attacks 212 h From 12 h to >1 d 224 h 224 h
of weakness
Serum K+ level during Decreased Increased or normal Usually normal Variable
attacks of weakness
Effect of K+ loading No change Increased myotonia, Increased myotonia No change
then weakness
Effect of muscle No change Increased myotonia Increased myotonia, No change
May be paradoxical in paramyotonia congenita.
Dysmorphic features and cardiac arrhythmias are distinguishing features (see text).
Note: AD, autosomal dominant; PP, periodic paralysis.
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
by meals high in carbohydrates or sodium and may voltage-sensitive, skeletal muscle calcium channel gene,
accompany rest following prolonged exercise. Weakness CALCL1A3 (Fig. 43-8). Approximately 10% of cases
usually affects proximal limb muscles more than distal. are HypoKPP type 2, arising from mutations in the
Ocular and bulbar muscles are less likely to be affected. voltage-sensitive sodium channel gene (SCN4A).
Respiratory muscles are usually spared but when they are
involved, the condition may prove fatal.Weakness may take
as long as 24 h to resolve. Life-threatening cardiac arrhyth-
mias related to hypokalemia may occur during attacks. As Treatment:
a late complication, patients commonly develop severe, HYPOKALEMIC PERIODIC PARALYSIS
disabling proximal lower extremity weakness.
The acute paralysis improves after the administration of
Attacks of thyrotoxic periodic paralysis resemble those of
potassium. Muscle strength and ECG should be moni-
primary HypoKPP. Despite a higher incidence of thyrotoxi-
tored. Oral KCl (0.20.4 mmol/kg) should be given every
cosis in women, men, particularly those of Asian descent,
30 min. Only rarely is IV therapy necessary (e.g., when
are more likely to manifest this complication.Attacks abate
swallowing problems or vomiting is present). Adminis-
with treatment of the underlying thyroid condition.
tration of potassium in a glucose solution should be
A low serum potassium level during an attack, exclud-
avoided because it may further reduce serum potassium
ing secondary causes, establishes the diagnosis. Interattack
levels. Mannitol is the preferred vehicle for administra-
muscle biopsies show the presence of single or multiple
tion of IV potassium. The long-term goal of therapy is to
centrally placed vacuoles or tubular aggregates. Provoca-
avoid attacks. This may reduce late-onset, xed weak-
tive tests with glucose and insulin to establish a diagnosis
ness. Patients should be made aware of the importance
are usually not necessary and are potentially hazardous.
of a low-carbohydrate, low-sodium diet and conse-
In the midst of an attack of weakness, motor conduc-
quences of intense exercise. Prophylactic administration
tion studies may demonstrate reduced amplitudes, whereas
of acetazolamide (1251000 mg/d in divided doses)
EMG may show electrical silence in severely weak mus-
reduces or may abolish attacks in HypoKPP type 1. Para-
cles. In between attacks, the EMG and nerve conduction
doxically the potassium is lowered, but this is offset by
studies are normal, with the exception that myopathic
the benecial effect of metabolic acidosis. If attacks per-
motor unit action potentials may be seen in patients with
sist on acetazolamide, oral KCl should be added. Some
xed weakness.
patients require treatment with triamterine (25100 mg/d)
HypoKPP is caused by mutations in either of two
or spironolactone (25100 mg/d). However, in patients
genes. HypoKPP type 1, the most common form, is
with HypoKPP type 2, attacks of weakness can be exac-
inherited as an autosomal dominant disorder with incom-
erbated with acetazolamide.
plete penetrance. These patients have mutations in the
Sodium channel subunit variant of this disorder, the predominant symptom is 591
I II III IV myotonia without weakness (potassium-aggravated myoto-
Outside nia). The symptoms are aggravated by cold, and myoto-
nia makes the muscles stiff and painful.This disorder can
1 234 5 6
be confused with paramyotonia congenita, myotonia
Inside congenita, and proximal myotonic myopathy (DM2).
Potassium may be slightly elevated but may also be nor-
mal during an attack. As in HypoKPP, nerve conduction
studies in HyperKPP muscle may demonstrate reduced
Calcium channel subunit motor amplitudes and the EMG may be silent in very
I II III IV weak muscles. In between attacks of weakness, the con-
duction studies are normal. The EMG will often demon-
R R strate myotonic discharges during and between attacks.
The muscle biopsy shows vacuoles that are smaller,
Inside less numerous, and more peripheral compared to the
1 hypokalemic form or tubular aggregates. Provocative tests
COO2 by administration of potassium can induce weakness but
Chloride channel are usually not necessary to establish the diagnosis. Hyper-
2 KPP and potassium-aggravated myotonia are inherited as
autosomal dominant disorders. Mutations of the voltage-
1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1112 gated sodium channel SCN4A gene (Fig. 43-8) cause these
conditions. For patients with frequent attacks, acetazo-
13 Inside
10 lamide (1251000 mg/d) is helpful.We have found mexile-
inwardly rectifying potassium channel (Kir 2.1) gene. one-third of them. Muscle cramps, pain, and stiffness are
The treatment is similar to that for other forms of peri- common. Some patients have enlarged muscles. Features
odic paralysis and must include cardiac monitoring. The of slow muscle contraction and relaxation occur in 25%
episodes of weakness may differ between patients because of patients; the relaxation phase of muscle stretch reexes
of potassium variability.Acetazolamide decreases the attack is characteristically prolonged and best observed at the
frequency and severity. ankle or biceps brachii reexes. The serum CK level is
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Vitamin D deciency due to either decreased intake,
Conditions associated with glucocorticoid excess cause a decreased absorption, or impaired vitamin D metabolism
myopathy; in fact, steroid myopathy is the most commonly (as occurs in renal disease) may lead to chronic muscle
diagnosed endocrine muscle disease. Glucocorticoid excess, weakness. Pain reects the underlying bone disease (osteo-
Patients may exhibit proximal weakness.Varying degrees dose, IV glucocorticoids. Chronic administration produces
TABLE 43-11
Lipid-lowering agents Drugs belonging to all three of the major classes of lipid-
Fibric acid derivatives lowering agents can produce a spectrum of toxicity: asymp-
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors tomatic serum creatine kinase elevation, myalgias, exercised-
Niacin (nicotinic acid) induced pain, rhabdomyolysis, and myoglobinuria.
Glucocorticoids Acute, high-dose glucocorticoid treatment can cause acute
quadriplegic myopathy. These high doses of steroids are often
combined with nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents
but the weakness can occur without their use. Chronic steroid
administration produces predominantly proximal weakness.
Nondepolarizing neuromuscular Acute quadriplegic myopathy can occur with or without
blocking agents concomitant glucocorticoids.
Zidovudine Mitochondrial myopathy with ragged red bers.
Drugs of abuse All drugs in this group can lead to widespread muscle
Alcohol breakdown, rhabdomyolysis, and myoglobinuria.
Amphetamines Local injections cause muscle necrosis, skin induration,
Cocaine and limb contractures.
Autoimmune toxic myopathy Use of this drug may cause polymyositis and myasthenia gravis.
Amphophilic cationic drugs All amphophilic drugs have the potential to produce painless,
Amiodarone proximal weakness associated with autophagic vacuoles in
Chloroquine the muscle biopsy.
Antimicrotubular drugs This drug produces painless, proximal weakness especially
Colchicine in the setting of renal failure. Muscle biopsy shows autophagic
proximal weakness accompanied by cushingoid manifes- to be drug-related, the medication should be stopped or 595
tations, which can be quite debilitating; the chronic use the dosage reduced.
of prednisone at a daily dose of 30 mg/d is most often
associated with toxicity. Patients taking uorinated gluco-
corticoids (triamcinolone, betamethasone, dexamethasone)
appear to be at especially high risk for myopathy. Patients
receiving high-dose, IV glucocorticoids for status asth- Myotoxicity is a potential consequence of addiction to
maticus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or other alcohol and illicit drugs. Ethanol is one of the most
indications may develop severe generalized weakness. commonly abused substances with potential to damage
Involvement of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles muscle. Other potential toxins include cocaine, heroin,
causes respiratory failure and requires ventilatory support. and amphetamines.The most deleterious reactions occur
In this setting, the use of glucocorticoids in combination from overdosing leading to coma and seizures, causing
with nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents to rhabdomyolysis, myoglobinuria, and renal failure. Direct
further decrease airway resistance is particularly likely to toxicity can occur from cocaine, heroin, and ampheta-
lead to this complication. In chronic steroid myopathy mines causing muscle breakdown and varying degrees of
the serum CK is usually normal. Serum potassium may weakness. The effects of alcohol are more controversial.
be low. The muscle biopsy in chronic cases shows pref- Direct muscle damage is less certain, since toxicity usu-
erential type 2 muscle ber atrophy; this is not reected ally occurs in the setting of poor nutrition and possible
in the EMG, which is usually normal. In acute cases contributing factors such as hypokalemia and hypophos-
with quadriplegic myopathy the muscle biopsy is abnormal, phatemia. Alcoholics are also prone to neuropathy and a
showing a distinctive loss of thick laments (myosin) by variety of CNS disorders (Chap. 50).
electron microscopy. By light microscopy there is focal Focal myopathies from self-administration of meperi-
loss of ATPase staining in central or paracentral areas of dine, heroin, and pentazocine can cause pain, swelling,
FURTHER READINGS SAMPAOLESI M et al: Mesangioblast stem cells ameliorate muscle function
BRAIS B: Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy: a polyalanine myopathy. in dystrophic dogs. Nature 444:574, 2006
Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 9:76, 2009 THE SEARCH COLLABORATIVE GROUP: SLCO1B1 variants and
DALAKAS MC:Toxic and drug-induced myopathies. J Neurol Neurosurg statin-induced myopathyA genomewide study. N Engl J Med
Psychiatry 80:832, 2009 359:789, 2008
DAVIES KE, NOWAK KJ: Molecular mechanisms of muscular dystrophies: VAN DE MAAREL SM et al: Facioscapuloperoneal muscular dystrophy.
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Old and new players. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 7:762, 2006 Biochim Biophys Acta 189:697, 2007
DIMAURO S, DAVIDZON G: Mitochondrial DNA and disease. Ann WELCH E et al: PTC124 targets genetic disorders caused by nonsense
Med 37:222, 2005 mutations. Nature 447:87, 2007
Marinos C. Dalakas
The inammatory myopathies represent the largest muscles are spared, even in advanced, untreated cases; if
group of acquired and potentially treatable causes of these muscles are affected, the diagnosis of inammatory
skeletal muscle weakness. They are classied into three myopathy should be questioned. Facial muscles are unaf-
major groups: polymyositis (PM), dermatomyositis fected in PM and DM, but mild facial muscle weakness
(DM), and inclusion body myositis (IBM). is common in patients with IBM. In all forms of inam-
matory myopathy, pharyngeal and neck-exor muscles
are often involved, causing dysphagia or difculty in
holding up the head (head drop). In advanced and rarely
The prevalence of the inammatory myopathies is esti- in acute cases, respiratory muscles may also be affected.
mated at 1 in 100,000. PM as a stand-alone entity is a Severe weakness, if untreated, is almost always associated
rare disease affecting adults. DM affects both children with muscle wasting. Sensation remains normal. The
and adults and women more often than men. IBM is tendon reexes are preserved but may be absent in
three times more frequent in men than in women, more severely weakened or atrophied muscles, especially in
common in whites than blacks, and is most likely to IBM where atrophy of the quadriceps and the distal
affect persons >50 years of age. muscles is common. Myalgia and muscle tenderness
These disorders present as progressive and symmetric may occur in a small number of patients, usually early
muscle weakness except for IBM, which can have an in the disease, and particularly in DM associated with
asymmetric pattern. Patients usually report increasing connective tissue disorders. Weakness in PM and DM
difculty with everyday tasks requiring the use of proxi- progresses subacutely over a period of weeks or months
mal muscles, such as getting up from a chair, climbing and rarely acutely; by contrast, IBM progresses very
steps, stepping onto a curb, lifting objects, or combing slowly, over years, simulating a late-life muscular dystro-
hair. Fine-motor movements that depend on the phy (Chap. 43) or slowly progressive motor neuron dis-
strength of distal muscles, such as buttoning a shirt, order (Chap. 27).
sewing, knitting, or writing, are affected only late in the
course of PM and DM, but fairly early in IBM. Falling is
common in IBM because of early involvement of the
quadriceps muscle with buckling of the knees. Ocular (Table 44-1)
598 TABLE 44-1
Systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjgrens syndrome, systemic sclerosis, mixed connective tissue disease.
Crohns disease, vasculitis, sarcoidosis, primary biliary cirrhosis, adult celiac disease, chronic graft-versus-host disease, discoid lupus, ankylos-
ing spondylitis, Behets syndrome, myasthenia gravis, acne fulminans, dermatitis herpetiformis, psoriasis, Hashimotos disease, granulomatous
diseases, agammaglobulinemia, monoclonal gammopathy, hypereosinophilic syndrome, Lyme disease, Kawasaki disease, autoimmune throm-
bocytopenia, hypergammaglobulinemic purpura, hereditary complement deciency, IgA deciency.
HIV (human immunodeciency virus) and HTLV-I (human T cell lymphotropic virus type I).
Drugs include penicillamine (dermatomyositis and polymyositis), zidovudine (polymyositis), and contaminated tryptophan (dermatomyositis-like
illness). Other myotoxic drugs may cause myopathy but not an inammatory myopathy (see text for details).
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Parasites (protozoa, cestodes, nematodes), tropical and bacterial myositis (pyomyositis).
motor neuron or peripheral nerve disease, results from antibodies (see later).
the myopathic process affecting distal muscles selectively.
Disease progression is slow but steady, and most patients Association with Malignancies
require an assistive device such as cane, walker, or wheel-
chair within several years of onset. Although all the inammatory myopathies can have a
In at least 20% of cases, IBM is associated with systemic chance association with malignant lesions, especially in
up to 20% of patients with inammatory myopathies. clonal expansion and conserved sequences in the anti-
The antibodies to cytoplasmic antigens are directed gen-binding region, both suggesting an antigen-driven
against ribonucleoproteins involved in protein synthesis T cell response. Whether the putative antigens are
(anti-synthetases) or translational transport (anti-signal- endogenous (e.g., muscle) or exogenous (e.g., viral)
recognition particles). The antibody directed against sequences is unknown.Viruses have not been identied
the histidyl-transfer RNA synthetase, called anti-Jo-1, within the muscle bers. Co-stimulatory molecules and
accounts for 75% of all the anti-synthetases and is clini-
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
C1 C3a
C2 Cytokines Macrophage
C3 C3b
C3 B cell T cell T cell Chemokines
LFA-1 VLA-4 Mac-1
B cell
T cell
STAT-1, Chemokines,
Cathepsin, TGF-
For the coxsackieviruses, an autoimmune myositis trig- disease course. Retroviral antigens have been detected
gered by molecular mimicry has been proposed because only in occasional endomysial macrophages and not
of structural homology between histidyl-transfer RNA within the muscle bers themselves, suggesting that per-
synthetase that is the target of the Jo-1 antibody (see ear- sistent infection and viral replication within the muscle
lier) and genomic RNA of an animal picornavirus, the does not occur. Histologic ndings are identical to
encephalomyocarditis virus. Sensitive polymerase chain retroviral-negative PM or IBM. The inltrating T cells
reaction (PCR) studies, however, have repeatedly failed to in the muscle are clonally driven and a number of them
conrm the presence of such viruses in muscle biopsies. are retroviral-specic. This disorder should be distin-
The best evidence of a viral connection in PM and guished from a toxic myopathy related to long-term
IBM is with the retroviruses. Some individuals infected therapy with AZT, characterized by fatigue, myalgia,
with HIV or with human T cell lymphotropic virus I mild muscle weakness, and mild elevation of creatine
(HTLV-I) develop PM or IBM; a similar disorder has kinase (CK). AZT-induced myopathy, which generally
been described in nonhuman primates infected with the improves when the drug is discontinued, is a mitochon-
simian immunodeciency virus. The inammatory drial disorder characterized histologically by ragged-
myopathy may occur as the initial manifestation of a red bers. AZT inhibits -DNA polymerase, an enzyme
retroviral infection, or myositis may develop later in the found solely in the mitochondrial matrix.
602 Antigen
Systemic immune compartment
Co-stimulation MHC
TCR Clonal expansion
Chemokines VCAM-1
(MCP-1, Mig, IP-10) MMPs
IL-1, 2
Ag Necrosis
(virus, muscle
peptide) TAP 2m
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Endoplasmic reticulum
Cell-mediated mechanisms of muscle damage in of T cells and their attachment to the muscle surface. Muscle
polymyositis (PM) and inclusion body myositis (IBM). ber necrosis occurs via perforin granules released by the
Antigen-specic CD8 cells are expanded in the periphery, autoaggressive T cells. A direct myocytotoxic effect exerted
cross the endothelial barrier, and bind directly to muscle bers by the cytokines interferon (IFN) , interleukin (IL) 1, or tumor
via T cell receptor (TCR) molecules that recognize aberrantly necrosis factor (TNF) may also play a role. Death of the mus-
expressed MHC-I. Engagement of co-stimulatory molecules cle ber is mediated by necrosis. MHC class I molecules con-
(BB1 and ICOSL) with their ligands (CD28, CTLA-4, and ICOS) sist of a heavy chain and a light chain [2 microglobulin (2m)]
along with ICAM-1/LFA-1, stabilize the CD8muscle ber complexed with an antigenic peptide that is transported into
interaction. Metalloproteinases (MMP) facilitate the migration the endoplasmic reticulum by TAP proteins.
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS rarely present after the age of 30. It may be difcult,
even with a muscle biopsy, to distinguish chronic PM
The clinical picture of the typical skin rash and proximal
from a rapidly advancing muscular dystrophy. This is
or diffuse muscle weakness has few causes other than
particularly true of facioscapulohumeral muscular dys-
DM. However, proximal muscle weakness without skin
trophy, dysferlin myopathy, and the dystrophinopathies
involvement can be due to many conditions other than
where inammatory cell inltration is often found early
PM or IBM.
in the disease. Such doubtful cases should always be
given an adequate trial of glucocorticoid therapy and
Subacute or Chronic Progressive undergo genetic testing to exclude muscular dystrophy.
Muscle Weakness
Identication of the MHC/CD8 lesion by muscle
This may be due to denervating conditions such as the biopsy is helpful to identify cases of PM. Some meta-
spinal muscular atrophies or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis bolic myopathies, including glycogen storage disease due
(Chap. 27). In addition to the muscle weakness, upper to myophosphorylase or acid maltase deciency, lipid
motor neuron signs in the latter and signs of denerva- storage myopathies due to carnitine deciency, and
tion detected by electromyography (EMG) aid in the mitochondrial diseases produce weakness that is often
diagnosis. The muscular dystrophies (Chap. 43) may be associated with other characteristic clinical signs; diag-
additional considerations; however, these disorders usu- nosis rests upon histochemical and biochemical studies
ally develop over years rather than weeks or months and of the muscle biopsy. The endocrine myopathies such as
those due to hypercorticosteroidism, hyper- and syndrome, contaminated l-tryptophan) or with muta- 603
hypothyroidism, and hyper- and hypoparathyroidism tions in the calpain gene. A distinct subset of myofasciitis
require the appropriate laboratory investigations for is characterized by pronounced inltration of the con-
diagnosis. Muscle wasting in patients with an underlying nective tissue around the muscle by sheets of periodic
neoplasm may be due to disuse, cachexia, or rarely to a acidSchiff-positive macrophages and occasional CD8 T
paraneoplastic neuromyopathy (Chap. 39). cells (macrophagic myofasciitis). Such histologic involve-
Diseases of the neuromuscular junction, including ment is focal and limited to sites of previous vaccina-
myasthenia gravis or the Lambert-Eaton myasthenic tions, which may have been administered months or
syndrome, cause fatiguing weakness that also affects ocu- years earlier. This disorder, which to date has not been
lar and other cranial muscles (Chap. 42). Repetitive observed outside of France, has been linked to an alu-
nerve stimulation and single-ber EMG studies aid in minum-containing substrate in vaccines. Most patients
diagnosis. respond to glucocorticoid therapy, and the overall prog-
nosis seems favorable.
Acute Muscle Weakness
Necrotizing Myositis
This may be caused by an acute neuropathy such as
Guillain-Barr syndrome (Chap. 41), transverse myelitis This is an increasingly recognized entity that has distinct
(Chap. 30), a neurotoxin, or a neurotropic viral infection features, even though it is often labeled as PM. It pre-
such as poliomyelitis or West Nile virus (Chap. 35).When sents often in the fall or winter as an acute or subacute
acute weakness is associated with painful muscle cramps, onset of symmetric muscle weakness; CK is typically
rhabdomyolysis, and myoglobinuria, it may be due to a extremely high. The weakness can be severe. Coexisting
viral infection or a metabolic disorder such as myophos- interstitial lung disease and cardiomyopathy may be pre-
phorylase deciency or carnitine palmitoyltransferase sent. The disorder may develop after a viral infection or
cyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, antinuclear EMG ndings, and muscle biopsy (Table 44-2).
antibody, or rheumatoid factor, along with modest ele- The most sensitive enzyme is CK, which in active
vation of the serum CK and aldolase. They demonstrate disease can be elevated as much as 50-fold. Although the
a give-way pattern of weakness with difculty sustain- CK level usually parallels disease activity, it can be nor-
ing effort but not true muscle weakness. The muscle mal in some patients with active IBM or DM, especially
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
TABLE 44-2
Myopathic muscle weakness, affecting proximal muscles more than distal ones and sparing eye and facial muscles, is characterized by a suba-
cute onset (weeks to months) and rapid progression in patients who have no family history of neuromuscular disease, no endocrinopathy, no
exposure to myotoxic drugs or toxins, and no biochemical muscle disease (excluded on the basis of muscle-biopsy ndings).
In some cases with the typical rash, the muscle strength is seemingly normal (dermatomyositis sine myositis); these patients often have new
onset of easy fatigue and reduced endurance. Careful muscle testing may reveal mild muscle weakness.
See text for details.
An adequate trial of prednisone or other immunosuppressive drugs is warranted in probable cases. If, in retrospect, the disease is unresponsive
to therapy, another muscle biopsy should be considered to exclude other diseases or possible evolution in inclusion body myositis.
If the muscle biopsy does not contain vacuolated bers but shows chronic myopathy with hypertrophic bers, primary inammation with the
CD8/MHC-I complex and cytochrome oxygenasenegative bers, the diagnosis is probable inclusion body myositis.
If rash is absent but muscle biopsy ndings are characteristic of dermatomyositis, the diagnosis is probable DM.
FIGURE 44-3 Cross section of a muscle biopsy from a patient with der-
Cross section of a muscle biopsy from a patient with matomyositis demonstrates atrophy of the bers at the
polymyositis demonstrates scattered inammatory foci with periphery of the fascicle (perifascicular atrophy).
lymphocytes invading or surrounding muscle bers. Note
lack of chronic myopathic features (increased connective tis-
sue, atrophic or hypertrophic bers) as seen in inclusion
body myositis.
ubiquitously expressed on the sarcolemma, even in
Cross sections of a muscle biopsy from a patient with amyloid visualized with crystal violet (B), cytochrome oxi-
inclusion body myositis demonstrate the typical features of dase-negative bers, indicative of mitochondrial dysfunction
vacuoles with lymphocytic inltrates surrounding nonvacuo- (C), and ubiquitous MHC-I expression at the periphery of all
lated or necrotic bers (A), tiny endomysial deposits of bers (D).
disease activity that either will respond to a higher lowing agents, chosen according to the patients age,
dose of glucocorticoids or has become glucocorti- degree of disability, tolerance, experience with the drug,
coid-resistant. In uncertain cases, the prednisone and general health: rituximab, cyclosporine, cyclophos-
dosage can be steadily increased or decreased as phamide, or tacrolimus. Patients with interstitial lung
desired: the cause of the weakness is usually evident disease may benet from aggressive treatment with
in 28 weeks. cyclophosphamide or tacrolimus.
2. Other immunosuppressive drugs. Approximately 75%
Inpatient neurologic consultations usually involve ques- should allow for clinical recovery if superimposed hemor-
tions about specic disease processes or prognostication rhage or infarction has not occurred.
after various cerebral injuries. Common reasons for neu- The brains autoregulatory capability successfully
rologic consultation include stroke (Chap. 21), seizures maintains a fairly stable cerebral blood ow in adults
(Chap. 20), altered mental status (Chap. 13), headache despite alterations in systemic mean arterial pressure
(Chap. 6), and management of coma and other critical (MAP) ranging from 50150 mm Hg. In patients with
conditions (Chaps. 14 and 22). This chapter focuses on chronic hypertension, this cerebral autoregulation curve
additional common reasons for consultation that are not is shifted, resulting in autoregulation working over a
addressed elsewhere in the text. much higher range of pressures (e.g., 70175 mmHg).
In these hypertensive patients, cerebral blood ow is
kept steady at higher MAP, but a rapid lowering of
CONSULTATIONS REGARDING CENTRAL pressure can more easily lead to ischemia on the lower
NERVOUS SYSTEM DYSFUNCTION end of the autoregulatory curve. This autoregulatory
phenomenon is achieved through both myogenic and
neurogenic inuences causing small arterioles to con-
A group of neurologic disorders shares the common fea- tract and dilate. When the systemic blood pressure
ture of hyperperfusion playing a key role in pathogenesis. exceeds the limits of this mechanism, breakthrough of
These seemingly diverse syndromes include hypertensive autoregulation occurs, resulting in hyperperfusion via
encephalopathy, eclampsia, post-carotid endarterectomy increased cerebral blood ow, capillary leakage into the
syndrome, and toxicity from calcineurin-inhibitor med- interstitium, and resulting edema.The predilection of all
ications. Modern imaging techniques and experimental of the hyperperfusion disorders to affect the posterior
models suggest that vasogenic edema is usually the pri- rather than anterior portions of the brain may be due
mary process leading to neurologic dysfunction; therefore to a lower threshold for autoregulatory breakthrough in
prompt recognition and management of this condition the posterior circulation.
610 TABLE 45-1
Disorders in which increased capillary pressure dominates
the pathophysiology
Hypertensive encephalopathy, including secondary
causes such as renovascular hypertension,
pheochromocytoma, cocaine use, etc.
Post-carotid endarterectomy syndrome
High-altitude cerebral edema
Disorders in which endothelial dysfunction dominates the
Calcineurin-inhibitor toxicity FIGURE 45-1
Chemotherapeutic agent toxicity (e.g., cytarabine,
Axial uid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) MRI of
azathioprine, 5-uorouracil, cisplatin, methotrexate)
the brain in a patient taking cyclosporine after liver trans-
Erythropoietin plantation who presented with seizures, headache, and corti-
cal blindness. Increased signal is seen bilaterally in the
sitating continuous EEG monitoring. Anticonvulsants are border zones bilaterally between the middle cerebral artery
effective, but in the special case of eclampsia, there is good and anterior cerebral artery territories. Diffusion-weighted
evidence to support the use of magnesium sulfate for MRI sequences demonstrated restricted diffusion in these
seizure control. same locations, suggesting acute infarction.
period and for the months to years thereafter. Neuro- catheters. Starting in the second month posttransplant,
logic consultants should view these patients as a special opportunistic infections of the CNS become more com-
population at risk for both unique neurologic complica- mon, including Nocardia and Toxoplasma species as well as
tions as well as for the usual disorders found in any criti- fungal infections such as aspergillosis.Viral infections that
cally ill inpatient. can affect the brain of the immunosuppressed patient, such
Immunosuppressive medications are administered in as herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, and varicella, also
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
high doses to patients after solid organ transplant, and become more common after the rst month posttrans-
many of these compounds have well-described neuro- plant. After 6 months posttransplant, immunosuppressed
logic complications. In patients with headache, seizures, patients still remain at risk for these opportunistic bacter-
or focal neurologic decits taking calcineurin inhibitors, ial, fungal, and viral infections but can also suffer late CNS
the diagnosis of hyperperfusion syndrome should be infectious complications such as progressive multifocal
considered, as discussed above.This neurotoxicity occurs leukoencephalopathy (PML) associated with JC virus and
mainly with cyclosporine and tacrolimus and can pre- Epstein-Barr virusdriven clonal expansions of B cells
sent even in the setting of normal serum drug levels. resulting in CNS lymphoma.
Treatment primarily involves lowering the drug dosage
or discontinuing the drug. A related newer agent,
sirolimus, has very few recorded cases of neurotoxicity COMMON NEUROLOGIC
and may be a reasonable alternative for some patients. COMPLICATIONS OF
Other examples of immunosuppressive medications and ELECTROLYTE DISTURBANCES
their neurologic complications include OKT3-associated
akinetic mutism and the leukoencephalopathy seen with A wide variety of neurologic conditions can result from
methotrexate, especially when it is administered intrathe- abnormalities in serum electrolytes, and consideration of
cally or with concurrent radiotherapy. In any solid organ electrolyte disturbances should be part of any inpatient
transplant patient with neurologic complaints, a careful neurologic consultation.
examination of the medication list is required to search
for these possible drug effects.
Cerebrovascular complications of solid organ transplant
are often rst recognized in the immediate postoperative The normal range of serum osmolality is around
period. Border zone territory infarctions can occur, espe- 275295 mOsm/kg, but neurologic manifestations are
cially in the setting of systemic hypotension during car- usually seen only at levels >325 mOsm/kg. Hyperosmo-
diac transplant surgery. Embolic infarctions classically lality is usually due to hypernatremia, hyperglycemia,
complicate cardiac transplantation, but all solid organ azotemia, or the addition of extrinsic osmoles such as
transplant procedures place patients at risk for systemic mannitol, which is commonly used in critically ill neuro-
emboli. When cerebral embolization accompanies renal logic patients. Hyperosmolality itself can lead to a gener-
or liver transplantation surgery, a careful search for right- alized encephalopathy that is nonspecic and without
to-left shunting should include evaluation of the heart focal ndings; however, an underlying lesion such as a
with agitated saline echocardiography, as well as looking mass can become symptomatic under the metabolic stress
for intrapulmonary shunting. Renal and some cardiac of a hyperosmolar state, producing focal signs. Some
transplant patients often have advanced atherosclerosis, patients with hyperosmolality from severe hyperglycemia
can present, for unclear reasons, with generalized seizures or congestive heart failure. Finally, in hypovolemic hypotonic 613
unilateral movement disorders, which usually respond to hyponatremia, volume is replaced with isotonic saline
lowering of the serum glucose.The treatment of all forms of while underlying conditions of the kidneys, adrenals, and
hyperosmolality involves calculation of apparent water losses gastrointestinal tract are addressed.
and slow replacement so that the serum sodium declines no One neurologic cause of hypovolemic hypotonic
faster than 2 mmol/L (2 meq/L) per hour. hyponatremia is the cerebral salt-wasting syndrome that
Hypernatremia leads to the loss of intracellular water, accompanies subarachnoid hemorrhage and, less com-
leading to cell shrinkage. In the cells of the brain, solutes monly, other cerebral processes such as meningitis or
such as glutamine and urea are generated under these stroke. In these cases, the degree of renal sodium excre-
conditions in order to minimize this shrinkage. Despite tion can be remarkable, and large amounts of saline,
this corrective mechanism, when hypernatremia is hypertonic saline, or oral sodium may need to be given
severe [serum sodium >160 mmol/L (>160 meq/L)] or in a judicious fashion in order to avoid complications
occurs rapidly, cellular metabolic processes fail and from cerebral edema.
encephalopathy will result. There are many etiologies of
hypernatremia including, most commonly, renal and
extrarenal losses of water. Causes of neurologic relevance
include central diabetes insipidus, where hyperosmolality Hypokalemia, defined as a serum potassium level
is accompanied by submaximal urinary concentration <3.5 mmol/L (<3.5 meq/L), occurs either because of
due to inadequate release of antidiuretic hormone excessive potassium losses (from the kidneys or gut) or
(ADH) from the posterior pituitary, resulting often from due to an abnormal potassium distribution between the
pituitary injury in the setting of surgery, hemorrhage, intracellular and extracellular spaces. At very low levels
inltrative processes, or cerebral herniation. (<1.5 mmol/L), hypokalemia may be life threatening
due to the risk of cardiac arrhythmia and may present
PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM plain of increasing paresthesias at night when the arm is
DYSFUNCTION exed at the elbow during sleep. Motor dysfunction can
be disabling and involves most of the intrinsic hand
ENTRAPMENT NEUROPATHIES muscles, limiting dexterity and strength of grasp and
Polyneuropathy is a common cause of outpatient neuro- pinch. Etiologies of ulnar entrapment include trauma to
logic consultation (Chap. 40). In the inpatient setting, the nerve (hitting the funny bone), malpositioning
however, mononeuropathies are more frequent, especially during anesthesia for surgical procedures, and chronic
the entrapment neuropathies that complicate many surgical arthritis of the elbow. When a perioperative ulnar nerve
procedures and medical conditions. Median neuropathy injury is considered, stretch injury or trauma to the
at the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome) is the most frequent lower trunk of the brachial plexus should be entertained
entrapment neuropathy by far, but it is rarely a cause as well since its symptoms can mimic those of an ulnar
for inpatient consultation. Mechanisms for perioperative neuropathy. If the clinical examination is equivocal, elec-
mononeuropathy include traction, compression, and trodiagnostic studies can denitively distinguish between
ischemia of the nerve. Imaging with MR neurography plexus and ulnar nerve lesions a few weeks after the
may allow these causes to be distinguished denitively. In injury. Conservative methods of treatment are often the
all cases of mononeuropathy, the diagnosis can be made rst step, but a variety of surgical approaches may be
through the clinical examination and then conrmed effective, including anterior ulnar nerve transposition
with electrodiagnostic studies in the subacute period, if and release of the exor carpi ulnaris aponeurosis.
necessary. Treatment consists mainly of avoidance of
repetitive trauma but may also include surgical approaches
to relieve pressure on the nerve.
The peroneal nerve winds around the head of the bula
RADIAL NEUROPATHY in the leg below the lateral aspect of the knee, and its
supercial location at this site makes it vulnerable to
Radial nerve injury classically presents with weakness of trauma. Patients present with weakness of foot dorsiex-
extension of the wrist and ngers (wrist drop) with ion (foot drop) as well as with weakness in eversion
or without more proximal weakness of extensor muscles but not inversion at the ankle. Sparing of inversion,
of the upper extremity, depending on the site of injury. which is a function of muscles innervated by the tibial
Sensory loss is in the distribution of the radial nerve, nerve, helps to distinguish peroneal neuropathies from L5
which includes the dorsum of the hand (Fig. 45-3A). radiculopathies. Sensory loss involves the lateral aspect of
Compression at the level of the axilla, e.g., resulting the leg as well as the dorsum of the foot (Fig. 45-3C).
from use of crutches, includes weakness of the triceps, Fractures of the bular head may be responsible for
Radial nerve Ulnar nerve Peroneal nerve 615
Sensory distribution Sensory distribution of
of the radial nerve the peroneal nerve
Lateral cutaneous
nerve of arm
Posterior cutaneous
nerve of arm
Lateral cutaneous
Posterior cutaneous nerve of calf
nerve of forearm Sensory distribution of the ulnar nerve
Superficial peroneal nerve
Superficial branch
Deep peroneal
Sensory distribution
of the femoral nerve Anterior femoral
cutaneous nerve Lateral femoral
cutaneous nerve
Medial femoral
cutaneous nerve
Saphenous nerve
Sensory distribution of peripheral nerves commonly B. Ulnar nerve. C. Peroneal nerve. D. Femoral nerve. E. Lat-
affected by entrapment neuropathies. A. Radial nerve. eral femoral cutaneous nerve.
peroneal neuropathies, but in the perioperative setting these conditions. Bleeding into the pelvis resulting in
poorly applied braces exerting pressure on the nerve hematoma can occur spontaneously, following trauma, or
while the patient is unconscious are more often responsi- after intrapelvic surgeries such as renal transplantation. In
ble. Tight-tting stockings or casts of the upper leg can intoxicated or comatose patients, stretch injuries to the
also cause a peroneal neuropathy, and thin individuals femoral nerve are seen following prolonged, extreme hip
and those with recent weight loss are at increased risk. exion or extension. Rarely, attempts at femoral vein or
arterial puncture can be complicated by injury to this
Lesions of the proximal femoral nerve are relatively
uncommon but may present dramatically with weakness LATERAL FEMORAL CUTANEOUS
of hip exion, quadriceps atrophy, weakness of knee NERVE
extension (often manifesting with leg-buckling falls), and
an absent patellar reex. Adduction of the thigh is spared The symptoms of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
as these muscles are supplied by the obturator nerve, entrapment, commonly known as meralgia paresthetica,
thereby distinguishing a femoral neuropathy from a more include sensory loss, pain, and dysesthesia in part of the
proximal lumbosacral plexus lesion. The sensory loss area supplied by the nerve (Fig. 45-3E). There is no
found is in the distribution of the femoral nerve sensory motor component to the nerve, and therefore weakness
branches on the anterior part of the thigh (Fig. 45-3D). is not a part of this syndrome. Symptoms often are
Compressive lesions from retroperitoneal hematomas or worsened by standing or walking. Compression of the
masses are common, and a CT of the pelvis should be nerve occurs where it enters the leg near the inguinal
obtained in all cases of femoral neuropathy to exclude ligament, usually in the setting of tight-tting belts,
616 pants, corsets, or recent weight gain, including that of lithotomy positioning. The latter presents with medial
pregnancy. The differential diagnosis of these symptoms thigh pain that may be accompanied by weakness of thigh
includes hip problems such as trochanteric bursitis. adduction.There is also a clear association between preg-
nancy and an increased frequency of idiopathic facial
palsy (Bells palsy).
Pregnancy and delivery place women at special risk for a FURTHER READINGS
variety of nerve injuries. Radiculopathy due to a herni-
ated lumbar disc is not common during pregnancy, but BARYYNSKI WS: Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, part 1:
fundamental imaging and clinical features. AJNR 29:1036, 2008
compressive injuries of the lumbosacral plexus do occur
JILLAPALLI D, SHEFNER JM: Electrodiagnosis in common mononeu-
secondary to either the fetal head passing through the ropathies and plexopathies. Semin Neurol 25:196, 2005
pelvis or the use of forceps during delivery. These plexus KARNAD DR, GUNTUPALLI KK: Neurologic disorders in pregnancy.
injuries are more frequent with cephalopelvic dispropor- Crit Care Med 33:S362, 2005
tion and often present with a painless unilateral foot drop KUMAR S et al: Central pontine myelinolysis, an update. Neurol Res
which must be distinguished from a peroneal neuropathy 28:360, 2006
caused by pressure on the nerve while in lithotomy SELNES OA et al: Cognition 6 years after surgical or medical therapy
for coronary artery disease.Ann Neurol 63:581, 2008
position during delivery. Other compressive mononeu-
Limbic encephalitis (Chap. 39) Coronal (A, B), axial FLAIR
(C, D), and axial T2-weighted (E ) MR images demonstrate
abnormal high signal involving the bilateral mesial temporal
lobes (arrowheads) including the hippocampi (left greater
than right) without signicant mass effect (arrows). There was
no enhancement on post-gadolinium images (not shown).
CNS tuberculosis (Chap. 35) Axial T1-weighted MR images post-gadolinium (B, C) demon-
Axial T2-weighted MRI (A) demonstrates multiple lesions strate ring enhancement of the lesions (arrows) and additional
(arrows) with peripheral high signal and central low signal, lesions in the subarachnoid space (arrowheads).
located predominantly in the cortex and subcortical white
matter, as well as in the basal ganglia.
FIGURE 46-2 (Continued)
Sagittal T2-weighted MR image of the cervical spine (D) Sagittal T1-weighted MR image post-gadolinium of the cervi-
demonstrates a hypointense lesion in the subarachnoid space cal spine (E ) demonstrates enhancement of the lesion in the
Atlas of Neuroimaging
at the level of T5 (arrow). subarachnoid space at the level of T5 (arrow).
Neurosyphilis (Chap. 35) and in a wedge-shaped distribution in the right parietal lobe
Case I (arrows).
Axial T2-weighted MR images (A, B) demonstrate well-dened
areas of abnormal high signal in the basal ganglia bilaterally
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Atlas of Neuroimaging
Neurosyphilis (Chap. 35)
Case II
Axial T2-weighted MRI (A) demonstrates a dural-based,
peripherally hyperintense and centrally hypointense lesion
located lateral to the left frontal lobe (arrows).
Axial (B) and coronal (C) T1-weighted MR images post-
gadolinium demonstrate peripheral enhancement of the lesion
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Histoplasmosis of the pons Axial FLAIR (A) and T2-
weighted (B) MR images demonstrate a low signal mass in
the right pons (arrows) with surrounding vasogenic edema.
Axial T1-weighted MR image post-gadolinium (C) demon-
strates ring enhancement of the lesion in the right pons
(arrows). Of note, there was no evidence of restricted diffusion
(not shown).
Atlas of Neuroimaging
Coccidiomycosis meningitis (Chap. 36)
Axial post-contrast CT (A) and axial (B) and coronal
(C) T1-weighted MR images post-gadolinium demonstrate
enhancement of the perimesencephalic cisterns (arrows), as
well as the sylvian and interhemispheric ssures.
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Candidiasis in a newborn Axial T2-weighted MR image (A) ADC map (D, E) demonstrates restricted diffusion of water
demonstrates multiple punctate foci of low signal diffusely molecules in the lesions (arrowheads).
distributed in the brain parenchyma (arrowheads).
Axial T1-weighted MR images post-gadolinium (B, C) demon-
strate marked enhancement of the lesions (arrowheads).
Atlas of Neuroimaging
CNS aspergillosis (Chap. 36) Axial T2-weighted MR images (C, D) demonstrate intrinsic low
Axial FLAIR MR images (A, B) demonstrate multiple areas of signal in the lesions (arrows), suggesting the presence of
abnormal high signal in the basal ganglia as well as cortex blood products. Some of the lesions also show vasogenic
and subcortical white matter (arrows). There is also abnormal edema.
high signal in the subarachnoid space adjacent to the lesions
(arrowhead) that can correspond to blood or high protein
Invasive sinonasal aspergillosis Axial T2-weighted MR image B. T1-weighted image pre-gadolinium demonstrates enhance-
(A) demonstrates an irregularly shaped low signal lesion ment of lesion (arrow).
involving the left orbital apex (arrow).
ment of lesion (arrow).
Atlas of Neuroimaging
FIGURE 46-10
Behets disease Axial FLAIR MRI demonstrates abnormal
high signal involving the anterior pons (arrow); following
gadolinium administration, the lesion was nonenhancing (not
shown). Brainstem lesions are typical of Behets disease,
caused primarily by vasculitis and in some cases demyelinat-
ing lesions.
FIGURE 46-11
Case I
Axial (A) and coronal (B) T1-weighted images post-gadolinium
with fat suppression demonstrate a homogeneously enhancing
well circumscribed mass centered in the left Meckels cave
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
FIGURE 46-12
Case II
Axial (A, B) and sagittal (C) T1-weighted images post-gadolinium
with fat suppression demonstrate a homogeneously enhanc-
ing mass involving the hypothalamus and the pituitary stalk
Atlas of Neuroimaging
FIGURE 46-13
Case III
Axial FLAIR images (AE) demonstrate abnormal high signal
and slight expansion in the midbrain, dorsal pons, and pineal
region (arrows) without signicant mass effect.
FIGURE 46-14
Neurosarcoid internal capsule and globus pallidus, bilateral cerebral pedun-
Case IV cles, bilateral gyrus rectus, right frontal lobe periventricular
Axial T2-weighted images (AD) demonstrate numerous areas white matter, and patchy areas in bilateral temporal lobes.
of abnormal hyperintensity involving the corpus callosum, left
Atlas of Neuroimaging
FIGURE 46-15
Sagittal T1-weighted image (A) demonstrates enlargement of
the pituitary stalk (arrow) and absence of the posterior pitu-
itary intrinsic T1 hyperintensity (arrowhead).
Sagittal and coronal T1-weighted images post-gadolinium
(B, C) demonstrate enhancement of the pituitary stalk and
infundibulum (arrows).
FIGURE 46-16
Middle cerebral artery stenosis (Chap. 21)
Time-of-ight (TOF) MR angiography (MRA) (A, B) reveals
narrowing within the left M1 segment that is likely secondary
to atherosclerosis (arrows).
Atlas of Neuroimaging
FIGURE 46-17
Lacunar infarction (Chap. 21) Axial FLAIR MRI (B) demonstrates abnormal high signal
Axial noncontrast CT (A) demonstrates abnormal hypoden- involving the left anterior putamen and anterior limb of internal
sity involving the left anterior putamen and anterior limb of capsule with ex-vacuo dilatation of the adjacent frontal horn
internal capsule with ex-vacuo dilatation of the adjacent of the left lateral ventricle, suggestive of an old infarction
frontal horn of the left lateral ventricle, suggestive of an old (arrow). A small area of slight hyperintensity is also seen in the
infarction (arrow). A small area of slight hypodensity is also posterior limb of the right internal capsule that can corre-
seen in the posterior limb of the right internal capsule that spond to an acute lacunar infarct (arrowhead).
can correspond to an acute infarct (arrowhead).
the lesion of the posterior limb of the right internal capsule, (arrow).
FIGURE 46-18
Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical Axial T2-weighted MR images (A, B) demonstrate multiple
infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) (Chap. 21) patchy areas of abnormal high signal in the periventricular
white matter (arrows).
FIGURE 46-18 (Continued)
Coronal FLAIR MRI (C, D) demonstrates multiple patchy some of these areas, there are small areas of tissue loss
areas of abnormal high signal in the periventricular white (encephalomalacia) (arrowheads).
matter bilaterally, including the temporal lobes (arrows). In
Atlas of Neuroimaging
FIGURE 46-19
CNS vasculitis Axial T2-weighted MRI (B) demonstrates a large hypointense
Axial noncontrast CT (A) demonstrates a large hyperdense intraparenchymal hematoma surrounded by hyperintense
intraparenchymal hematoma surrounded by hypodense vasogenic edema in the right parietal lobe.
vasogenic edema in the right parietal lobe.
FIGURE 46-20
Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis (Chap. 21) Axial T1-weighted MRI (B) demonstrates absence of ow
Noncontrast CT of the head (A) demonstrates increased den- void in the superior sagittal sinus, suggestive of thrombosis.
sity in the superior sagittal sinus, suggestive of thrombosis
(arrow), and small linear hyperdensities in some temporal lobe
sulci, suggestive of subarachnoid hemorrhage (arrowheads).
FIGURE 46-20 (Continued)
Coronal FLAIR images (C, D) demonstrate areas of abnormal adjacent sulci. These ndings are suggestive of vasogenic
high signal involving the gray and the subcortical white mat- edema with subarachnoid hemorrhage (arrowheads).
Atlas of Neuroimaging
ter of the right frontal and left parietal lobes, as well as the
demonstrate a lling defect in the superior sagittal sinus,
suggestive of thrombosis.
Atlas of Neuroimaging
FIGURE 46-21
Multiple system atrophy (Chap. 26) Sagittal T1-weighted MR image (B) demonstrates pontine
Axial T2-weighted MR image ( A) reveals symmetric poorly atrophy and enlarged cerebellar ssures as a result of cere-
circumscribed abnormal high signal in the middle cerebellar bellar atrophy (arrows).
peduncles bilaterally (arrowheads).
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
FIGURE 46-22
Huntingtons disease (Chap. 25) Axial (B) and coronal (C) FLAIR images demonstrate bilateral
Axial noncontrast CT (A) demonstrates symmetric bilateral symmetric abnormal high signal in the caudate and putamen.
severe atrophy involving the caudate nuclei, putamen, and Coronal T1-weighted image (D) demonstrates enlarged
globus pallidi bilaterally with consequent enlargement of the frontal horns with abnormal conguration. Also note diffusely
frontal horns of the lateral ventricles (arrows). There is also decreased marrow signal, which could represent anemia or
diffuse prominence of the sulci indicating generalized cortical myeloproliferative disease.
Atlas of Neuroimaging
FIGURE 46-23
Bells palsy (Chap. 29)
Axial T1-weighted images post-gadolinium with fat suppres-
sion (AC) demonstrate diffuse smooth linear enhancement
along the left facial nerve, involving the second and third
segments (genus, tympanic, and mastoid) within the tempo-
ral bone (arrows). Note that there is no evidence of a mass
lesion. A potential pitfall for facial nerve enhancement in the
stylomastoid foramen is the enhancement of the stylomas-
toid artery that enters the foramen and supplies the tympanic
cavity, the tympanic antrum, mastoid cells, and the semicir-
cular canals.
Coronal T1-weighted images post-gadolinium with fat sup-
pression (D, E) demonstrate the course of the enhancing facial
nerve (arrows). Although these ndings are highly suggestive
of Bells palsy, the diagnosis is established on clinical grounds.
FIGURE 46-24
Spinal cord infarction (Chap. 30) T1-weighted MR image of the lumbar spine post-gadolinium
Sagittal T2-weighted MR image of the lumbar spine (A) (B) demonstrates mild enhancement (arrow).
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
demonstrates poorly dened areas of abnormal high signal in Sagittal diffusion-weighted MR image of the lumbar spine
the conus medullaris and mild cord expansion (arrow). (C) demonstrates restricted diffusion (arrow) in the areas of
abnormal high signal on the T2-weighted image (A).
FIGURE 46-25
Acute transverse myelitis (Chap. 30) Sagittal T1-weighted MR image post-gadolinium (B) demon-
Sagittal T2-weighted MR image (A) demonstrates abnormal strates abnormal enhancement in the posterior half of the
high signal in the cervical cord extending from C1 to T1 with cord from C2 to T1 (arrows).
associated cord expansion (arrows).
Atlas of Neuroimaging
FIGURE 46-26
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) (Chap. 34) Following administration of gadolinium, corresponding axial
Axial T2-weighted (A) and coronal FLAIR (B) images demon- (C) and coronal (D) T1-weighted images demonstrate irregu-
strate abnormal areas of high signal involving predominantly lar enhancement consistent with blood-brain barrier break-
the subcortical white matter of the frontal lobe bilaterally, and down and inammation; some lesions show incomplete rim
left caudate head. enhancement, typical for demyelination.
Diseases of the Central Nervous System
FIGURE 46-27
Balos concentric sclerosis (a variant of multiple sclerosis) Axial (B) and sagittal (CE) T2-weighted MR images demon-
(Chap. 34) strate multiple areas of abnormal high signal in the supratentorial
Coronal FLAIR MRI (A) demonstrates multiple areas of white matter bilaterally, as well as the involvement of the body
abnormal high signal in the supratentorial white matter bilat- and splenium of the corpus callosum and the callosal-septal
erally. The lesions are ovoid in shape, perpendicular to the interface (arrowhead). Some of the lesions reveal concentric lay-
orientation of the lateral ventricles, and with little mass effect. ers, typical of Balos concentric sclerosis (arrows).
Atlas of Neuroimaging
FIGURE 46-28
Hashimotos encephalopathy
Axial FLAIR (A) demonstrates focal area of abnormal high
signal involving the gray and white matter in the left frontal
lobe. There is also a small area of abnormal high signal in the
precentral gyrus.
Axial T1-weighted images (B, C) pre- and post-gadolinium
demonstrate cortical/pial enhancement in the region of high
signal on FLAIR.
Atlas of Neuroimaging
FIGURE 46-29
Brachial plexopathy (Chap. 7) and C8 nerve roots, and the trunks and divisions that origi-
Axial (A), sagittal (B), and coronal (C, D) short tau inversion nate from these roots (arrows).
recovery (STIR) MR images demonstrate abnormal enlarge-
ment and abnormal high signal involving the right C6, C7,
Stephen E. Straus
Epidemiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
Pathogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
Manifestations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
Further Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is the current name for a Estimates of the prevalence of CFS have depended on
disorder characterized by debilitating fatigue and several the case denition used and the method of study. Chronic
associated physical, constitutional, and neuropsychological fatigue itself is a common symptom, occurring in as many
complaints (Table 47-1).This syndrome is not new; in the as 20% of patients attending general medical clinics; CFS
past, patients diagnosed with conditions such as the vapors, is far less common. Community-based studies nd that
neurasthenia, effort syndrome, chronic brucellosis, epi- 100300 individuals per 100,000 population in the
demic neuromyasthenia, myalgic encephalomyelitis, hypo- United States meet the current CDC case denition.
glycemia, multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome, chronic
candidiasis, chronic mononucleosis, chronic Epstein-Barr PATHOGENESIS
virus (EBV) infection, and postviral fatigue syndrome may The diverse names for the syndrome reect the many
have had what is now called CFS. A subset of ill veterans and controversial hypotheses about its etiology. Several
of military campaigns suffer from CFS. The U.S. Centers common themes underlie attempts to understand the
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed disorder: (1) it is often postinfectious; (2) it is associated
diagnostic criteria for CFS based upon symptoms and the with mild immunologic disturbances and sedentary
exclusion of other illnesses (Table 47-2). behavior during childhood; and (3) it is commonly
accompanied by neuropsychological complaints, somatic
preoccupation, and/or depression.
Many studies over the past quarter century sought to
Patients with CFS are twice as likely to be women as link CFS to acute and/or persisting infections with EBV,
men and are generally 2545 years of age, although cases cytomegalovirus, human herpesvirus type 6, retroviruses,
in childhood and in later life have been described. enteroviruses, Candida albicans, Mycoplasma spp., or
Cases are recognized in many developed countries. Coxiella burnetii, among other microbial pathogens.
Most arise sporadically, but many clusters have also Compared to ndings in age-matched control subjects,
been reported. Famous outbreaks of CFS occurred in the titers of antibodies to some microorganisms are ele-
Los Angeles County Hospital in 1934; in Akureyri, Ice- vated in CFS patients. Reports that viral antigens and
land, in 1948; in the Royal Free Hospital, London, in nucleic acids could be specically identied in patients
1955; and in Incline Village, Nevada, in 1985. While with CFS, however, have not been conrmed. One study
these clustered cases suggest a common environmental from the United Kingdom failed to detect any associa-
or infectious cause, none has been identied. tion between acute infections and subsequent prolonged
TABLE 47-1 Changes in numerous immune parameters of uncertain 651
SPECIFIC SYMPTOMS REPORTED BY PATIENTS functional signicance have been reported in CFS. Modest
WITH CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME elevations in titers of antinuclear antibodies, reductions in
immunoglobulin subclasses, deciencies in mitogen-driven
lymphocyte proliferation, reductions in natural killer cell
Fatigue 100 activity, disturbances in cytokine production, and shifts in
Difculty concentrating 90 lymphocyte subsets have been described. None of these
Headache 90 immune ndings appears in most patients, nor do any cor-
Sore throat 85
Tender lymph nodes 80
relate with the severity of CFS. Comparison of monozy-
Muscle aches 80 gotic twin pairs discordant for CFS showed no substantive
Joint aches 75 immunologic differences between affected and unaffected
Feverishness 75 individuals. In theory, symptoms of CFS could result from
Difculty sleeping 70 excessive production of a cytokine, such as interleukin 1,
Psychiatric problems 65 which induces asthenia and other ulike symptoms; how-
Allergies 55 ever, compelling data in support of this hypothesis are
Abdominal cramps 40
lacking. A recently published population-based study from
Weight loss 20
Rash 10 Wichita, Kansas, reported differences in gene expression
Rapid pulse 10 patterns and in candidate gene polymorphisms between
Weight gain 5 CFS patients and controls; these results are controversial
Chest pain 5 and await conrmation.
Night sweats 5 In some but not the more recent studies, patients
with CFS commonly manifested sensitivity to sustained
Source: From SE Straus: J Infect Diseases 157:405, 1988; with upright posture or tilting, resulting in hypotension and
syncope, so as to suggest a form of dysautonomia.
TABLE 47-2
Disturbances in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal func-
tion have been identied in several controlled studies of
CFS, with some evidence for normalization in patients
whose fatigue abates. These neuroendocrine abnormali-
A case of chronic fatigue syndrome is dened by the ties could contribute to the impaired energy and
presence of: depressed mood of patients.
1. Clinically evaluated, unexplained, persistent or
Mild to moderate depression is present in one-half
After other illnesses have been excluded, there are sev-
BAKER R, SHAW EJ: Diagnosis and management of chronic fatigue
eral points to address in the long-term care of a patient syndrome or myalgic encephalitis (or encephalopathy): Summary
with chronic fatigue. of NICE guidance. BMJ 335:446, 2007
The patient should be educated about the illness JONES JF et al: An evaluation of exclusionary medical/psychiatric
and what is known of its pathogenesis; potential impact conditions in the denition of chronic fatigue syndrome. BMC
on the physical, psychological, and social dimensions of Med 7:57, 2009
life; and prognosis. Periodic reassessment is appropriate KILMAS NG, KONERU AO: Chronic fatigue syndrome: inflamma-
to identify a possible underlying process that is late in tion, immune function, and neuroendocrine interactions. Curr
Rheumatol Rep 9:482, 2007
declaring itself and to address intercurrent symptoms
PRINS JB et al: Chronic fatigue syndrome. Lancet 367:346, 2006
Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654
Genetic Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654
Challenges with Phenotyping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656
Neuroimaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657
Further Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661
Psychiatric disorders are a diverse group of brain disor- disorders, schizophrenia, and to some extent other psychi-
ders with symptoms that primarily involve emotion, atric disorders constitute the most potent risk factors for
higher cognitive function, and the ability to control suicide, a leading cause of death worldwide.
complex behaviors. A compendium of psychiatric disor-
ders can be found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ANATOMY
of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV) of the Ameri- Progress in understanding the pathophysiology of psychi-
can Psychiatric Association. This compendium illustrates atric disorders has been slow, despite its fundamental
that the boundary between psychiatric and neurologic importance. Perhaps the most signicant challenge is
disorders, another heterogeneous group of brain disor- posed by the difculties inherent in understanding the
ders, is arbitrary and shifting. In areas of overlap such as high-level cognitive and affective functions of the brain
autism, Tourettes disorder, and Alzheimers disease, the that are disrupted in psychiatric disorders. As a result,
disorder is often treated by either a psychiatrist or a neu- unlike many neurologic disorders, the common psychi-
rologist.The term mental disorders, while still widely used, atric disorders appear to involve widely distributed neural
fails to acknowledge the neural substrates of these distur- networks and lack an obvious, localized neuropathology,
bances and their effects on physiology and behavior. which, if present, would help to narrow the hunt for cel-
The major psychiatric disorders are common and lular pathology and for underlying biochemical and mol-
often run a chronic course.The chronic disorders include ecular causes.Thus, the motor disturbances in Parkinsons
anxiety disorders, attention decit hyperactivity disorder, disease, Huntingtons disease, and amyotrophic lateral scle-
autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and schizophrenia. rosis result from discrete macroscopic lesions in different
Other psychiatric disorders such as depressive disorders parts of the motor system. By contrast, in psychiatric dis-
recur across the life span, but even bipolar disorder, classi- orders, when candidate regions have been identied, as in
cally characterized as episodic, can run a chronic course. schizophrenia, depression, and autism, it has proven dif-
The symptoms of psychiatric disorders often begin cult to differentiate convincingly, these abnormalities from
early, impairing the ability of children and adolescents to normal variation partly because these target regions form
learn and compromising the functioning of adults at work only one component of a disorder involving a much
and in other life roles. As a result of their high prevalence, larger neural circuit (Chap. 15).
early onset, and persistence, psychiatric disorders con-
tribute substantially to the burden of illness in all coun- GENETIC CONSIDERATIONS
tries in which they have been studied. In the United Given the challenges of identifying relatively sub-
States they are not only a leading cause of disability but tle neuropathology, it has long been hoped that the
also a signicant cause of premature death, because mood
identication of genetic variants conferring risk for psy- powerful tools to investigate the neural basis of the dis- 655
chiatric disorders would provide effective clues to those ease by putting the mutated gene into worms, ies, or
underlying neural abnormalities that contribute to the mice in order to study the mechanisms of pathogenesis.
psychiatric disorder in question. This hope is based on While such tools are only a beginning, and indeed have
the signicant body of data derived from family, twin, not yet led to development of therapies, gene identica-
and adoption studies demonstrating that heredity plays a tion and the study of its function have already created a
signicant role in the risk of major psychiatric disorders, strong platform for investigation. It permits, for example,
including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depressive dis- the spatiotemporal characterization in the brain of the
orders, and many others. For example, the rate of schiz- expression of disease-related genes, the generation of
Note: CH, chromosome; CNS, central nervous system; CSF, cerebrospinal uid; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate.
expression patterns, or other markers) biologically mean- The diagnostic classication scheme (e.g., DSM-IV) upon
ingful phenotypes for stratication of the genetic data. which both research and clinical practice rely is derived
from expert consensus based on clusters of symptoms and
signs and disease course. As a result, failure to delineate
well-dened disease entities and to reliably assign individ-
Psychiatric disorders have an additional obstacle to the uals, to affected versus nonaffected status have bedeviled
identication of risk genes or pathophysiologic processes psychiatric research.
that cannot be addressed simply by improving genetic The lack of objective tests for phenotyping presents
technologies.There are at the moment no objective diag- enormous difculties for genetic and other forms of inves-
nostic measures for any of the common psychiatric disor- tigation. While type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension,
ders. There is not, as yet, a well-dened neuropathology for example, are both highly heterogeneous disorders,
for psychiatric disorders nor are there biologic markers. the measurement of glucose tolerance or of systolic and
diastolic blood pressure creates a strong framework within electroconvulsive therapy, had immediate and sustained 657
which subtyping can occur, generally based on additional responses; however, due to the invasiveness, risk, and cost,
objective measures. In contrast, it is not at all certain that this approach may not become a widespread treatment.
the boundaries currently drawn around disorders in the Its signicance lies in the putative identication of a cir-
DSM-IV lead to an underlying and distinguishable set of cuit involved in mood regulation that can be manipu-
neurobiologic factors. For example, there is much debate lated to produce therapeutic benet.
about the boundaries of schizophrenia. The DSM-IV lists
three psychotic disorders as being independentschizo-
phrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and schizophreniform
Subgenual t value
y = 31
Some patients with unipolar and bipolar disease show a of Neural Science, 4th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2000;
functional abnormality in the prefrontal cortex ventral to the with permission.)
genu of the corpus callosum. (From ER Kandel et al: Principles
in current use block or diminish the action of dopamine benet at all. When pharmacologic modalities fail in
at its D2 receptors (Fig. 48-3); they differ in their relative depression, electroconvulsive therapy continues to be an
afnity at D2 receptors and by their actions at other effective treatment option. Lithium and several anticonvul-
neurotransmitter receptors. These drugs represent sants dampen mood swings in bipolar disorder and also
important progress, but safer and more effective treat- treat acute manic episodes; however, residual depressive
ments are very much needed. symptoms, recurrences, and signicant side effects are the
Drugs useful in depression act by increasing synaptic rule. The exact mechanism of action of lithium is not
levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, or less commonly known. At therapeutic levels, lithium interacts with two
dopamine (Fig. 48-4). The term antidepressant is a mis- important signaling pathways: (1) it blocks inositol
nomer for this diverse class of drugs, however, because monophosphatase, thus inuencing signaling via inositol
their spectrum of action is much broader than depres- phosphates, such as IP3; and (2) it also blocks glycogen syn-
sion. These drugs are also effective in treating fear-based thase kinase 3 beta (GSK3beta).
anxiety disorders such as panic disorder and generalized Unfortunately, there are currently very few promising
anxiety disorder. In high doses, the selective serotonin drug targets that can be exploited to produce medica-
uptake inhibitors are effective for obsessive-compulsive tions with truly novel mechanisms of action. Indeed, all
disorder. The antidepressants are effective in the treat- of the major classes of drugs used to treat psychiatric
ment of depression, but only moderately so. Many disorders were identied through empirical observa-
patients require sequential trials with a number of differ- tions of drug effects in patient populations rather than
ent drugs alone or in combination to achieve clinically as a result of understanding pathophysiology. The mole-
meaningful benet, and ~30% of patients derive no cular targets of these drugs were identied by the study
Mesocortical system: 659
involved in the
Nucleus negative symptoms
accumbens of schizophrenia
(ventral striatum)
Mesolimbic and
mesocortical Ventral
system tegmental Mesolimbic
Midbrain area system:
involved in the
positive symptoms
Hippocampal Ventral of schizophrenia
formation tegmental
The major dopaminergic tracts of the brain. (From ER Kandel et al: Principles of Neural Science, 4th ed. New York,
McGraw-Hill, 2000.)
1a Tyrosine Antipsychotic
Increase of synthesis
(L-DOPA) Can produce
Tyrosine psychotic symptoms
Inhibition of synthesis
Interference with vesicular
storage (reserpine, Dopamine
tetrabenazine) 6
Inhibition of breakdown
Stimulation of release of
DA at nerve terminal
(amphetamine, tyramide)
Vesicular monoamine
4 transporter 5
Blocking of DA receptors Inhibition of reuptake
and autoreceptors (cocaine, amphetamine,
(antipsychotics: benztropine)
perphenazine, haloperidol)
D2 D2
The key steps in the synthesis and degradation of et al: Principles of Neural Science, 4th ed. New York,
dopamine and the sites of action of various psychoactive McGraw-Hill, 2000.)
substances at the dopaminergic synapse. (From ER Kandel
660 Depressant
Inhibition of synthesis Tryptophan
Interference with
vesicular storage 5-HT
(reserpine, 5
Psychiatric Disorders
1a hydroxylase
Inhibition of synthesis
Inhibition of synthesis
(FLA 63)
Interference with
vesicular storage NE
(reserpine, 7
Inhibition of enzyme
tetrabenazine) that oxidizes NE MAO inhibitors
3 NE
Stimulation of release of MAO
NE at nerve terminals
Inhibition of reuptake
(desipramine) Tricyclics
Receptor NM
4a 5
Stimulation of receptors Inhibition of enzyme
(clonidine) that inactivates NE Inactivation inhibitor
COMT (tropolone)
Blocking of receptors
and phentolamine)
B Noradrenergic neurons
Actions of antidepressant and other drugs at serotonergic and noradrenergic synapses. (From ER Kandel et al:
Principles of Neural Science, 4th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2000.)
of efcacious drugs and then exploited to produce trials. Instruments such as the Depression Inventory and
improved compounds within the same class. Suicide Intent Scale are now available for measuring
Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy designed to mental illness; these have helped to objectify research
focus on the management of specic symptoms has in psychopathology.
shown benet in mild to moderately severe depression, New insights into the etiology of depression have
fear-based anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive also helped to guide therapy. Depressed patients have a
disorder. A signicant improvement in the treatment of systematic negative bias in their cognitive stylesin
depression in the past decade has been the standard- the way they think about themselves and their future.
ization of psychotherapy and its evaluation in clinical These distorted patterns of thinking reect not simply
an unconscious conict within the psyche but a disor-
Medication therapy
Pre Post
der in cognitive style and behavior that is a key etiologic
agent in maintaining the disorder.
An approach that focuses on distorted thinking, cog-
nitive therapy has been shown in randomized trials to
be an effective psychological treatment for depression.
This approach is based on increasing the patients Pre Post
objectivity regarding their misinterpretations of every-
day situations (their cognitive distortions), their miseval-
Victor I. Reus
Mental disorders are common in medical practice and the clinician into targeted assessment. Prime MD (and a
may present either as a primary disorder or as a comor- self-report form, the PHQ) and the Symptom-Driven
bid condition. The prevalence of mental or substance Diagnostic System for Primary Care (SDDS-PC) are
use disorders in the United States is approximately 30%. inventories that require only 10 min to complete and
Only one-third of these individuals are currently receiv- link patient responses to the formal diagnostic criteria
ing treatment. Global burden of disease statistics indicate of anxiety, mood, somatoform, and eating disorders and
that 4 out of the 10 most important causes of disease to alcohol abuse or dependence.
worldwide are psychiatric in origin. A physician who refers patients to a psychiatrist
The revised fourth edition for use by primary care should know not only when doing so is appropriate
physicians of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental but also how to refer, since societal misconceptions and
Disorders (DSM-IV-PC) provides a useful synopsis of the stigma of mental illness impede the process. Pri-
mental disorders most likely to be seen in primary care mary care physicians should base referrals to a psychia-
practice.The current system of classication is multiaxial trist on the presence of signs and symptoms of a men-
and includes the presence or absence of a major mental tal disorder and not simply on the absence of a physical
disorder (axis I), any underlying personality disorder explanation for a patients complaint. The physician
(axis II), general medical condition (axis III), psychoso- should discuss with the patient the reasons for request-
cial and environmental problems (axis IV), and overall ing the referral or consultation and provide reassurance
rating of general psychosocial functioning (axis V). that he or she will continue to provide medical care
Changes in health care delivery underscore the need and work collaboratively with the mental health pro-
for primary care physicians to assume responsibility for fessional. Consultation with a psychiatrist or transfer of
the initial diagnosis and treatment of the most common care is appropriate when physicians encounter evi-
mental disorders. Prompt diagnosis is essential to ensure dence of psychotic symptoms, mania, severe depres-
that patients have access to appropriate medical services sion, or anxiety; symptoms of posttraumatic stress
and to maximize the clinical outcome. Validated disorder (PTSD); suicidal or homicidal preoccupation;
patient-based questionnaires have been developed that or a failure to respond to rst-order treatment. The
systematically probe for signs and symptoms associated pathogenesis of psychiatric and addictive disorders are
with the most prevalent psychiatric diagnoses and guide discussed in Chap. 48.
feelings of unreality are also common. Diagnostic crite- 663
ria require at least 1 month of concern or worry about
Anxiety disorders, the most prevalent psychiatric ill- the attacks or a change in behavior related to them.The
nesses in the general community, are present in 1520% lifetime prevalence of panic disorder is 13%. Panic
of medical clinic patients. Anxiety, dened as a subjec- attacks have a sudden onset, developing within 10 min
tive sense of unease, dread, or foreboding, can indicate a and usually resolving over the course of an hour, and
primary psychiatric condition or can be a component they occur in an unexpected fashion.The frequency and
of, or reaction to, a primary medical disease. The pri- severity of panic attacks vary, ranging from once a week
mary anxiety disorders are classied according to their to clusters of attacks separated by months of well-being.
Mental Disorders
duration and course and the existence and nature of The rst attack is usually outside the home, and onset is
precipitants. typically in late adolescence to early adulthood. In some
When evaluating the anxious patient, the clinician individuals, anticipatory anxiety develops over time and
must rst determine whether the anxiety antedates or results in a generalized fear and a progressive avoidance
postdates a medical illness or is due to a medication side of places or situations in which a panic attack might
effect. Approximately one-third of patients presenting recur. Agoraphobia, which occurs commonly in patients
with anxiety have a medical etiology for their psychi- with panic disorder, is an acquired irrational fear of
atric symptoms, but an anxiety disorder can also present being in places where one might feel trapped or unable
with somatic symptoms in the absence of a diagnosable to escape (Table 49-2).Typically, it leads the patient into
medical condition. a progressive restriction in lifestyle and, in a literal sense,
in geography. Frequently, patients are embarrassed that
they are housebound and dependent on the company of
PANIC DISORDER others to go out into the world and do not volunteer
Clinical Manifestations this information; thus physicians will fail to recognize the
syndrome if direct questioning is not pursued.
Panic disorder is dened by the presence of recurrent
and unpredictable panic attacks, which are distinct
episodes of intense fear and discomfort associated with a
variety of physical symptoms, including palpitations,
sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, chest pain, TABLE 49-2
dizziness, and a fear of impending doom or death DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR AGORAPHOBIA
(Table 49-1). Paresthesias, gastrointestinal distress, and
1. Anxiety about being in places or situations from which
escape might be difcult (or embarrassing) or in which
help may not be available in the event of having an
unexpected or situationally predisposed panic attack
TABLE 49-1 or panic-like symptoms. Agoraphobic fears typically
DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR PANIC ATTACK involve characteristic clusters of situations that
include being outside the home alone; being in a
A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort, in which crowd or standing in a line; being on a bridge; and
four or more of the following symptoms developed traveling in a bus, train, or automobile.
abruptly and reached a peak within 10 min: 2. The situations are avoided (e.g., travel is restricted) or
1. Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate else are endured with marked distress or with anxiety
2. Sweating about having a panic attack or panic-like symptoms,
3. Trembling or shaking or require the presence of a companion.
4. Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering 3. The anxiety or phobic avoidance is not better
5. Feeling of choking accounted for by another mental disorder, such as
6. Chest pain or discomfort social phobia (e.g., avoidance limited to social situa-
7. Nausea or abdominal distress tions because of fear of embarrassment), specic
8. Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint phobia (e.g., avoidance limited to a single situation
9. Derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonaliza- like elevators), obsessive-compulsive disorder (e.g.,
tion (being detached from oneself) avoidance of dirt in someone with an obsession about
10. Fear of losing control or going crazy contamination), posttraumatic stress disorder (e.g.,
11. Fear of dying avoidance of stimuli associated with a severe stres-
12. Paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensations) sor), or separation anxiety disorder (e.g., avoidance of
13. Chills or hot ushes leaving home or relatives).
Source: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. Source: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed.
Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 2000. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 2000.
664 Differential Diagnosis
A diagnosis of panic disorder is made after a medical eti- PANIC DISORDER
ology for the panic attacks has been ruled out. A variety
Fluoxetine (Prozac) 1080 Headache; nausea and Once daily dosing, usually in
Sertraline (Zoloft) 50200 other GI effects; jitteriness; A.M.; uoxetine has very long
Paroxetine (Paxil) 2060 insomnia; sexual dysfunction; half-life; must not be combined
Fluvoxamine (Luvox) 100300 can affect plasma levels of other with MAOIs
Citalopram (Celexa) 2060 meds (except sertraline);
Mental Disorders
Escitalopram (Lexapro) 1030 akathisia rare
Amitriptyline (Elavil) 150300 Anticholinergic (dry mouth, Once daily dosing, usually qhs;
Nortriptyline (Pamelor) 50200 tachycardia, constipation, blood levels of most TCAs
Imipramine (Tofranil) 150300 urinary retention, blurred vision); available; can be lethal in O.D.
Desipramine (Norpramin) 150300 sweating; tremor; postural (lethal dose = 2 g); nortriptyline
Doxepin (Sinequan) 150300 hypotension; cardiac conduction best tolerated, especially by
Clomipramine (Anafranil) 150300 delay; sedation; weight gain elderly
Mixed norepinephrine/
serotonin reuptake
Venlafaxine (Effexor) 75375 Nausea; dizziness; dry mouth; Bid-tid dosing (extended release
headaches; increased blood available); lower potential for
pressure; anxiety and insomnia drug interactions than SSRIs;
contraindicated with MAOI
Duloxetine (Cymbalta) 4060 Nausea, dizziness, headache, May have utility in treatment of
insomnia, constipation neuropathic pain and stress
Mirtazapine (Remeron) 1545 Somnolence; weight gain; Once daily dosing
neutropenia rare
Mixed-action drugs
Bupropion (Wellbutrin) 250450 Jitteriness; ushing; seizures in Tid dosing, but sustained
at-risk patients; anorexia; release also available; fewer
tachycardia; psychosis sexual side effects than SSRIs
or TCAs; may be useful for
adult ADD
Trazodone (Desyrel) 200600 Sedation; dry mouth; ventricular Useful in low doses for sleep
irritability; postural hypotension; because of sedating effects
priapism rare with no anticholinergic side
Nefazodone (Serzone) 300600 Sedation; headache; dry mouth; Discontinued sale in United
nausea; constipation States and several other
countries due to risk of liver
Amoxapine (Asendin) 200600 Sexual dysfunction Lethality in overdose; EPS
Phenelzine (Nardil) 4590 Insomnia; hypotension; May be more effective in
Tranylcypromine 2050 anorgasmia; weight gain; patients with atypical features
(Parnate) hypertensive crisis; toxic or treatment-refractory
Isocarboxazid (Marplan) 2060 reactions with SSRIs depression
Transdermal selegiline 612 Local skin reaction; hypertension No dietary restrictions with
(Emsam) 6-mg dose
Note: ADD, attention decit disorder; MAOI, monoamine oxidase inhibitor; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; TCA, tricyclic antidepres-
sant; EPS, extrapyramidal symptoms.
arousal, feeling on edge or restless, and insomnia diagnosis. Interestingly, family studies indicate that GAD
(Table 49-7). Onset is usually <20 years, and a history and panic disorder segregate independently. Over 80%
of childhood fears and social inhibition may be present. of patients with GAD also suffer from major depression,
The lifetime prevalence of GAD is 56%; the risk is dysthymia, or social phobia. Comorbid substance abuse
higher in rst-degree relatives of patients with the is common in these patients, particularly alcohol and/or
666 TABLE 49-4
Nausea, loss of appetite Usually short-lived and dose-related; consider temporary dose reduction or
administration with food and antacids
Diarrhea Famotidine, 2040 mg/d
Constipation Wait for tolerance; try diet change, stool softener, exercise; avoid laxatives
Sexual dysfunction Consider dose reduction; drug holiday
Psychiatric Disorders
See Rx Depressive Disorders, later.
Note: SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
A combination of pharmacologic and psychotherapeu-
sedative/hypnotic abuse. Patients with GAD worry tic interventions is most effective in GAD, but complete
excessively over minor matters, with life-disrupting symptomatic relief is rare. A short course of a benzodi-
effects; unlike in panic disorder, complaints of shortness azepine is usually indicated, preferably lorazepam,
of breath, palpitations, and tachycardia are relatively rare. oxazepam, or temazepam. (The rst two of these agents
TABLE 49-6 667
Diazepam (Valium) 5 Fast 2070 Active metabolites; quite sedating
Flurazepam 15 Fast 30100 Flurazepam is a pro-drug; metabolites
(Dalmane) are active; quite sedating
Triazolam (Halcion) 0.25 Intermediate 1.55 No active metabolites; can induce
Mental Disorders
confusion and delirium, especially in
Lorazepam (Ativan) 1 Intermediate 1020 No active metabolites; direct hepatic
glucuronide conjugation; quite
Alprazolam (Xanax) 0.5 Intermediate 1215 Active metabolites; not too sedating;
may have specic antidepressant and
antipanic activity; tolerance and
dependence develop easily
Chlordiazepoxide 10 Intermediate 530 Active metabolites; moderately
(Librium) sedating
Oxazepam (Serax) 15 Slow 515 No active metabolites; direct
glucuronide conjugation; not too
Temazepam 15 Slow 912 No active metabolites; moderately
(Restoril) sedating
Clonazepam 0.5 Slow 1850 No active metabolites; moderately
(Klonopin) sedating
Buspirone (BuSpar) 7.5 2 weeks 23 Active metabolites; tid dosingusual
daily dose 1020 mg tid; nonsedating;
no additive effects with alcohol; useful
for agitation in demented or brain-
injured patients
TABLE 49-7
A. Excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation), occurring more days than not for at least 6 months, about a
number of events or activities (such as work or school performance).
B. The person nds it difcult to control the worry.
C. The anxiety and worry are associated with three (or more) of the following six symptoms (with at least some symptoms
present for more days than not for the past 6 months):
1. restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge
2. being easily fatigued
3. difculty concentrating or mind going blank
4. irritability
5. muscle tension
6. sleep disturbance (difculty falling or staying asleep, or restless unsatisfying sleep)
D. The focus of the anxiety and worry is not conned to features of an Axis I disorder, e.g., the anxiety or worry is not about
having a panic attack (as in panic disorder), being embarrassed in public (as in social phobia), being contaminated (as in
obsessive-compulsive disorder), being away from home or close relatives (as in separation anxiety disorder), gaining
weight (as in anorexia nervosa), having multiple physical complaints (as in somatization disorder), or having a serious
illness (as in hypochondriasis), and the anxiety and worry do not occur exclusively during posttraumatic stress disorder.
E. The anxiety, worry, or physical symptoms cause clinically signicant distress or impairment in social, occupational,
or other important areas of functioning.
F. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiologic effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a gen-
eral medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism) and does not occur exclusively during a mood disorder, a psychotic disorder,
or a pervasive developmental disorder.
Source: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 2000.
668 are metabolized via conjugation rather than oxidation doses that are comparable to their efcacy in major
and thus do not accumulate if hepatic function is depression. Benzodiazepines are contraindicated dur-
altered.) Administration should be initiated at the lowest ing pregnancy and breast-feeding.
dose possible and prescribed on an as-needed basis as Anticonvulsants with GABAergic properties may also
symptoms warrant. Benzodiazepines differ in their mil- be effective against anxiety. Gabapentin, oxcarbazepine,
ligram per kilogram potency, half-life, lipid solubility, tiagabine, pregabalin, and divalproex have all shown
metabolic pathways, and presence of active metabo- some degree of benet in a variety of anxiety-related
lites. Agents that are absorbed rapidly and are lipid solu- syndromes. Agents that selectively target GABAA recep-
ble, such as diazepam, have a rapid onset of action and a tor subtypes are currently under development, and it
Psychiatric Disorders
higher abuse potential. Benzodiazepines should gener- is hoped that these will lack the sedating, memory-
ally not be prescribed for >46 weeks because of the impairing, and addicting properties of benzodiazepines.
development of tolerance and the risk of abuse and
dependence. Withdrawal must be closely monitored as
relapses can occur. It is important to warn patients that
concomitant use of alcohol or other sedating drugs may PHOBIC DISORDERS
be neurotoxic and impair their ability to function. An Clinical Manifestations
optimistic approach that encourages the patient to clar-
The cardinal feature of phobic disorders is a marked and
ify environmental precipitants, anticipate his or her reac-
persistent fear of objects or situations, exposure to which
tions, and plan effective response strategies is an essen-
results in an immediate anxiety reaction. The patient
tial element of therapy.
avoids the phobic stimulus, and this avoidance usually
Adverse effects of benzodiazepines generally parallel
impairs occupational or social functioning. Panic attacks
their relative half-lives. Longer-acting agents, such as
may be triggered by the phobic stimulus or may occur
diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, urazepam, and clon-
spontaneously. Unlike patients with other anxiety disor-
azepam, tend to accumulate active metabolites, with
ders, individuals with phobias usually experience anxiety
resultant sedation, impairment of cognition, and poor
only in specic situations. Common phobias include
psychomotor performance. Shorter-acting compounds,
fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia), fear of blood, and
such as alprazolam and oxazepam, can produce day-
fear of ying. Social phobia is distinguished by a specic
time anxiety, early morning insomnia, and, with discon-
fear of social or performance situations in which the
tinuation, rebound anxiety and insomnia. Although
individual is exposed to unfamiliar individuals or to pos-
patients develop tolerance to the sedative effects of
sible examination and evaluation by others. Examples
benzodiazepines, they are less likely to habituate to the
include having to converse at a party, use public
adverse psychomotor effects. Withdrawal from the
restrooms, and meet strangers. In each case, the affected
longer half-life benzodiazepines can be accomplished
individual is aware that the experienced fear is excessive
through gradual, stepwise dose reduction (by 10%
and unreasonable given the circumstance. The specic
every 12 weeks) over 612 weeks. It is usually more dif-
content of a phobia may vary across gender, ethnic, and
cult to taper patients off shorter-acting benzodi-
cultural boundaries.
azepines. Physicians may need to switch the patient to a
Phobic disorders are common, affecting ~10% of the
benzodiazepine with a longer half-life or use an adjunc-
population. Full criteria for diagnosis are usually satised
tive medication, such as a beta blocker or carba-
rst in early adulthood, but behavioral avoidance of
mazepine, before attempting to discontinue the benzo-
unfamiliar people, situations, or objects dating from early
diazepine. Withdrawal reactions vary in severity and
childhood is common.
duration; they can include depression, anxiety, lethargy,
In one study of female twins, concordance rates for
diaphoresis, autonomic arousal, and, rarely, seizures.
agoraphobia, social phobia, and animal phobia were
Buspirone is a nonbenzodiazepine anxiolytic agent.
found to be 23% for monozygotic twins and 15% for
It is nonsedating, does not produce tolerance or depen-
dizygotic twins. A twin study of fear conditioning, a
dence, does not interact with benzodiazepine recep-
model for the acquisition of phobias, demonstrated a
tors or alcohol, and has no abuse or disinhibition
heritability of 3545%, and a genome-wide linkage
potential. However, it requires several weeks to take
scan identied a risk locus on chromosome 14 in a
effect and requires thrice-daily dosing. Patients who
region previously implicated in a mouse model of fear.
were previously responsive to a benzodiazepine are
Animal studies of fear conditioning have indicated that
unlikely to rate buspirone as equally effective, but
processing of the fear stimulus occurs through the lat-
patients with head injury or dementia who have symp-
eral nucleus of the amygdala, extending through the
toms of anxiety and/or agitation may do well with this
central nucleus and projecting to the periaqueductal
agent. Escitalopram, paroxetine, and venlafaxine are
gray region, lateral hypothalamus, and paraventricular
FDA approved for the treatment of GAD, usually at
TABLE 49-8 669
Beta blockers (e.g., propranolol, 2040 mg orally 2 h A. The person has been exposed to a traumatic event in
before the event) are particularly effective in the treat- which both of the following were present:
ment of performance anxiety (but not general social 1. The person experienced, witnessed, or was con-
phobia) and appear to work by blocking the peripheral fronted with an event or events that involved actual
manifestations of anxiety, such as perspiration, tachycar- or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to
dia, palpitations, and tremor. MAOIs alleviate social pho- the physical integrity of self or others
2. The persons response involved intense fear, help-
Mental Disorders
bia independently of their antidepressant activity, and
paroxetine, sertraline, and venlafaxine have received lessness, or horror
B. The traumatic event is persistently reexperienced in
FDA approval for treatment of social anxiety. Benzodi-
one (or more) of the following ways:
azepines can be helpful in reducing fearful avoidance, 1. Recurrent and intrusive distressing recollections
but the chronic nature of phobic disorders limits their of the event, including images, thoughts, or
usefulness. perceptions
Behaviorally focused psychotherapy is an important 2. Recurrent distressing dreams of the event
component of treatment, as relapse rates are high when 3. Acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were
medication is used as the sole treatment. Cognitive- recurring (includes a sense of reliving the experi-
ence, illusions, hallucinations, and dissociative
behavioral strategies are based upon the nding that
ashback episodes, including those that occur on
distorted perceptions and interpretations of fear-pro- awakening or when intoxicated)
ducing stimuli play a major role in perpetuation of pho- 3. Intense psychological distress at exposure to inter-
bias. Individual and group therapy sessions teach the nal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an
patient to identify specic negative thoughts associated aspect of the traumatic event
with the anxiety-producing situation and help to reduce 4. Physiologic reactivity on exposure to internal or
the patients fear of loss of control. In desensitization external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect
therapy, hierarchies of feared situations are constructed of the traumatic event
C. Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the
and the patient is encouraged to pursue and master
trauma and numbing of general responsiveness (not
gradual exposure to the anxiety-producing stimuli. present before the trauma), as indicated by three or
Patients with social phobia, in particular, have a high more of the following:
rate of comorbid alcohol abuse, as well as of other psy- 1. Efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations
chiatric conditions (e.g., eating disorders), necessitating associated with the trauma
the need for parallel management of each disorder if 2. Efforts to avoid activities, places, or people that
anxiety reduction is to be achieved. arouse recollections of the trauma
3. Inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma
4. Markedly diminished interest or participation in
signicant activities
5. Feeling of detachment or estrangement from others
STRESS DISORDERS 6. Restricted range of affect (e.g., unable to have
Clinical Manifestations loving feelings)
7. Sense of a foreshortened future (e.g., does not
Patients may develop anxiety after exposure to extreme expect to have a career, marriage, children, or a
traumatic events such as the threat of personal death or normal life span)
injury or the death of a loved one. The reaction may D. Persistent symptoms of increased arousal (not present
occur shortly after the trauma (acute stress disorder) or be before the trauma), as indicated by two (or more) of
the following:
delayed and subject to recurrence (PTSD) (Table 49-8).
1. Difculty falling or staying asleep
In both syndromes, individuals experience associated
2. Irritability or outbursts of anger
symptoms of detachment and loss of emotional respon- 3. Difculty concentrating
sivity.The patient may feel depersonalized and unable to 4. Hypervigilance
recall specic aspects of the trauma, though typically it is 5. Exaggerated startle response
reexperienced through intrusions in thought, dreams, or E. Duration of the disturbance (symptoms in criteria B, C,
ashbacks, particularly when cues of the original event and D) is >1 month.
are present. Patients often actively avoid stimuli that pre- F. The disturbance causes clinically signicant distress or
cipitate recollections of the trauma and demonstrate a impairment in social, occupational, or other important
areas of functioning
resulting increase in vigilance, arousal, and startle
response. Patients with stress disorders are at risk for the
Source: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed.
development of other disorders related to anxiety, mood, Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 2000.
and substance abuse (especially alcohol). Between 5 and
670 10% of Americans will at some time in their life satisfy everyday functioning. Fears of contamination and germs
criteria for PTSD, with women more likely to be are common, as are handwashing, counting behaviors,
affected than men. and having to check and recheck such actions as
Risk factors for the development of PTSD include a whether a door is locked. The degree to which the dis-
past psychiatric history and personality characteristics of order is disruptive for the individual varies, but in all
high neuroticism and extroversion. Twin studies show a cases obsessive-compulsive activities take up >1 h/d and
substantial genetic inuence on all symptoms associated are undertaken to relieve the anxiety triggered by the
with PTSD, with less evidence for an environmental core fear. Patients often conceal their symptoms, usually
effect. because they are embarrassed by the content of their
Psychiatric Disorders
refractory, severe OCD. depressive disorder; an even higher percentage experi-
For many individuals, particularly those with time- ence depressive symptomatology when self-reporting
consuming compulsions, behavior therapy will result in scales are used. Depressive symptoms following unstable
as much improvement as that afforded by medication. angina, myocardial infarction, cardiac bypass surgery, or
Effective techniques include the gradual increase in heart transplant impair rehabilitation and are associated
exposure to stressful situations, maintenance of a diary with higher rates of mortality and medical morbidity.
Mental Disorders
to clarify stressors, and homework assignments that Depressed patients often show decreased variability in
substitute new activities for compulsive behaviors. heart rate (an index of reduced parasympathetic nervous
system activity); this has been proposed as one mecha-
nism by which depression may predispose individuals to
ventricular arrhythmia and increased morbidity. Depres-
MOOD DISORDERS sion also appears to increase the risk of developing coro-
nary heart disease; increased serotonin-induced platelet
Mood disorders are characterized by a disturbance in aggregation has been implicated as a possible cause.
the regulation of mood, behavior, and affect. Mood dis- TCAs are contraindicated in patients with bundle
orders are subdivided into (1) depressive disorders, branch block, and TCA-induced tachycardia is an addi-
(2) bipolar disorders, and (3) depression in association tional concern in patients with congestive heart failure.
with medical illness or alcohol and substance abuse SSRIs appear not to induce ECG changes or adverse
(Chaps. 50, 51, and 52). Depressive disorders are differ- cardiac events and thus are reasonable rst-line drugs for
entiated from bipolar disorders by the absence of a patients at risk for TCA-related complications. SSRIs
manic or hypomanic episode. The relationship between may interfere with hepatic metabolism of anticoagu-
pure depressive syndromes and bipolar disorders is not lants, however, causing increased anticoagulation.
well understood; depression is more frequent in families In patients with cancer, the mean prevalence of
of bipolar individuals, but the reverse is not true. In the depression is 25%, but depression occurs in 4050% of
Global Burden of Disease Study conducted by the patients with cancers of the pancreas or oropharynx.
World Health Organization, unipolar major depression This association is not due to the effect of cachexia
ranked fourth among all diseases in terms of disability- alone, as the higher prevalence of depression in patients
adjusted life-years and was projected to rank second by with pancreatic cancer persists when compared to those
the year 2020. In the United States, lost productivity with advanced gastric cancer. Initiation of antidepressant
directly related to mood disorders has been estimated at medication in cancer patients has been shown to
$55.1 billion per year. improve quality of life as well as mood. Psychotherapeu-
tic approaches, particularly group therapy, may have
some effect on short-term depression, anxiety, and pain
MEDICAL ILLNESS Depression occurs frequently in patients with neurologic
Depression occurring in the context of medical illness is disorders, particularly cerebrovascular disorders, Parkinsons
difcult to evaluate. Depressive symptomatology may disease, dementia, multiple sclerosis, and traumatic brain
reect the psychological stress of coping with the dis- injury. One in ve patients with left-hemisphere stroke
ease, may be caused by the disease process itself or by involving the dorsolateral frontal cortex experiences
the medications used to treat it, or may simply coexist in major depression. Late-onset depression in otherwise
time with the medical diagnosis. cognitively normal individuals increases the risk of a
Virtually every class of medication includes some agent subsequent diagnosis of Alzheimers disease. Both TCA
that can induce depression. Antihypertensive drugs, anti- and SSRI agents are effective against these depressions,
cholesterolemic agents, and antiarrhythmic agents are as are stimulant compounds and, in some patients,
common triggers of depressive symptoms. Among the MAOIs.
antihypertensive agents, -adrenergic blockers and, to a The reported prevalence of depression in patients
lesser extent, calcium channel blockers are the most with diabetes mellitus varies from 827%, with the sever-
likely to cause depressed mood. Iatrogenic depression ity of the mood state correlating with the level of
should also be considered in patients receiving gluco- hyperglycemia and the presence of diabetic complica-
corticoids, antimicrobials, systemic analgesics, antiparkin- tions. Treatment of depression may be complicated by
sonian medications, and anticonvulsants. To decide effects of antidepressive agents on glycemic control.
whether a causal relationship exists between pharmaco- MAOIs can induce hypoglycemia and weight gain.TCAs
logic therapy and a patients change in mood, it may can produce hyperglycemia and carbohydrate craving.
672 SSRIs, like MAOIs, may reduce fasting plasma glucose, TABLE 49-9
but they are easier to use and may also improve dietary CRITERIA FOR MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE
and medication compliance.
A. Five (or more) of the following symptoms have been
Hypothyroidism is frequently associated with features present during the same 2-week period and represent
of depression, most commonly depressed mood and a change from previous functioning; at least one of the
memory impairment. Hyperthyroid states may also pre- symptoms is either (1) depressed mood or (2) loss of
sent in a similar fashion, usually in geriatric populations. interest or pleasure. Note: Do not include symptoms
Improvement in mood usually follows normalization of that are clearly due to a general medical condition, or
thyroid function, but adjunctive antidepressant medica- mood-incongruent delusions or hallucinations.
1. Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day,
Psychiatric Disorders
all depressed patients will commit suicide; most will altering light exposure.
have sought help from a physician within 1 month of
their death.
Etiology and Pathophysiology
In some depressed patients, the mood disorder does
not appear to be episodic and is not clearly associated Although evidence for genetic transmission of unipolar
with either psychosocial dysfunction or change from the depression is not as strong as in bipolar disorder, mono-
Mental Disorders
individuals usual experience in life. Dysthymic disorder zygotic twins have a higher concordance rate (46%)
consists of a pattern of chronic (at least 2 years), ongo- than dizygotic siblings (20%), with little support for any
ing, mild depressive symptoms that are less severe and effect of a shared family environment. There is some
less disabling than those found in major depression; the evidence that a functional polymorphism in the sero-
two conditions are sometimes difcult to separate, how- tonin transporter (5-HTT) gene may interact with
ever, and can occur together (double depression). stressful life events to markedly increase risk of depression
Many patients who exhibit a prole of pessimism, disin- and suicide. Positron emission tomography (PET) stud-
terest, and low self-esteem respond to antidepressant ies show decreased metabolic activity in the caudate
treatment. Dysthymic disorder exists in ~5% of primary nuclei and frontal lobes in depressed patients that returns
care patients. The term minor depression is used for indi- to normal with recovery. Single-photon emission com-
viduals who experience at least two depressive symp- puted tomography (SPECT) studies show comparable
toms for 2 weeks but who do not meet the full criteria changes in blood ow.
for major depression. Despite its name, minor depression Postmortem examination of brains of suicide victims
is associated with signicant morbidity and disability indicate altered noradrenergic activity, including increas-
and also responds to pharmacologic treatment. ed binding to 1-, 2-, and -adrenergic receptors in the
Depression is approximately twice as common in cerebral cortex and decreased numbers of noradrenergic
women as in men, and the incidence increases with age neurons in the locus coeruleus. Involvement of the sero-
in both sexes. Twin studies indicate that the liability to tonin system is suggested by ndings of reduced plasma
major depression in adult women is largely genetic in tryptophan levels, a decreased cerebrospinal uid level of
origin. Negative life events can precipitate and con- 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (the principal metabolite of
tribute to depression, but genetic factors inuence the serotonin in brain), and decreased platelet serotonergic
sensitivity of individuals to these stressful events. In most transporter binding.An increase in brain serotonin recep-
cases, both biologic and psychosocial factors are involved tors in suicide victims and decreased expression of the
in the precipitation and unfolding of depressive episodes. cyclic AMP response element-binding (CREB) protein
The most potent stressors appear to involve death are also reported. Depletion of blood tryptophan, the
of a relative, assault, or severe marital or relationship amino acid precursor of serotonin, rapidly reverses the
problems. antidepressant benet in depressed patients who have
Unipolar depressive disorders usually begin in early been successfully treated. However, a decrement in mood
adulthood and recur episodically over the course of a after tryptophan reduction is considerably less robust in
lifetime. The best predictor of future risk is the number untreated patients, indicating that, if presynaptic seroton-
of past episodes; 5060% of patients who have a rst ergic dysfunction occurs in depression, it likely plays a
episode have at least one or two recurrences. Some contributing rather than a causal role.
patients experience multiple episodes that become more Neuroendocrine abnormalities that reect the neu-
severe and frequent over time. The duration of an rovegetative signs and symptoms of depression include
untreated episode varies greatly, ranging from a few (1) increased cortisol and corticotropin-releasing hor-
months to 1 year. The pattern of recurrence and clini- mone (CRH) secretion, (2) an increase in adrenal size,
cal progression in a developing episode are also variable. (3) a decreased inhibitory response of glucocorticoids to
Within an individual, the nature of episodes (e.g., spe- dexamethasone, and (4) a blunted response of thyroid-
cic presenting symptoms, frequency and duration) may stimulating hormone (TSH) level to infusion of thyroid-
be similar over time. In a minority of patients, a severe releasing hormone (TRH). Antidepressant treatment
depressive episode may progress to a psychotic state; in leads to normalization of these pituitary-adrenal abnor-
elderly patients, depressive symptoms may be associated malities. Major depression is also associated with an
with cognitive decits mimicking dementia (pseudo- upregulation of proinammatory cytokines, which nor-
dementia). A seasonal pattern of depression, called sea- malizes with antidepressant treatment.
sonal affective disorder, may manifest with onset and remis- Diurnal variations in symptom severity and alter-
sion of episodes at predictable times of the year. This ations in circadian rhythmicity of a number of neuro-
disorder is more common in women, whose symptoms chemical and neurohumoral factors suggest that biologic
674 differences may be secondary to a primary defect in reg-
ulation of biologic rhythms. Patients with major depres- Determine whether there is a history of good response to a medication
in the patient or a first-degree relative; if yes, consider treatment with
sion show consistent ndings of a decrease in rapid eye this agent.
changes in second messenger systems and transcription bupropion, venlafaxine, or mirtazapine, or full dose as tolerated if drug
factors as possible mechanisms of action. Antidepressant is an SSRI.
cious to prescribe only a 10-day supply when suicide is ameliorated by lowering the dose, by instituting week-
a risk. Most patients require a daily dose of 150200 mg end drug holidays (two or three times a month), or by
of imipramine or amitriptyline or its equivalent to treatment with amantadine (100 mg tid), bethanechol
achieve a therapeutic blood level of 150300 ng/mL (25 mg tid), buspirone (10 mg tid), or bupropion
and a satisfactory remission; some patients show a par- (100150 mg/d). Paroxetine appears to be more anti-
tial effect at lower doses. Geriatric patients may require cholinergic than either uoxetine or sertraline, and ser-
Mental Disorders
a low starting dose and slow escalation. Ethnic differ- traline carries a lower risk of producing an adverse drug
ences in drug metabolism are signicant; Hispanic, interaction than the other two. Rare side effects of SSRIs
Asian, and African-American patients generally require include angina due to vasospasm and prolongation of
lower doses than whites to achieve a comparable the prothrombin time. Escitalopram is the most specic
blood level. P450 proling using genetic chip technol- of currently available SSRIs and appears to have no spe-
ogy may be clinically useful in predicting individual cic inhibitory effects on the P450 system.
sensitivity. Venlafaxine and duloxetine block the reuptake of
Second-generation antidepressants include amoxap- both norepinephrine and serotonin but produce rela-
ine, maprotiline, trazodone, and bupropion. Amoxapine tively little in the way of traditional tricyclic side effects.
is a dibenzoxazepine derivative that blocks norepineph- Unlike the SSRIs, venlafaxine has a relatively linear dose-
rine and serotonin reuptake and has a metabolite that response curve. Patients should be monitored for a pos-
shows a degree of dopamine blockade. Long-term use sible increase in diastolic blood pressure, and multiple
of this drug carries a risk of tardive dyskinesia. Maproti- daily dosing is required because of the drugs short half-
line is a potent noradrenergic reuptake blocker that has life. An extended-release form is available and has a
little anticholinergic effect but may produce seizures. somewhat lower incidence of gastrointestinal side
Bupropion is a novel antidepressant whose mechanism effects. Mirtazapine is a tetracyclic antidepressant that
of action is thought to involve enhancement of nora- has a unique spectrum of activity. It increases noradren-
drenergic function. It has no anticholinergic, sedating, or ergic and serotonergic neurotransmission through a
orthostatic side effects and has a low incidence of blockade of central 2-adrenergic receptors and postsy-
sexual side effects. It may, however, be associated with naptic 5HT2 and 5HT3 receptors. It is also strongly anti-
stimulant-like side effects, may lower seizure threshold, histaminic and, as such, may produce sedation.
and has an exceptionally short half-life, requiring frequent With the exception of citalopram and escitalopram,
dosing. An extended-release preparation is available. each of the SSRIs may inhibit one or more cytochrome
SSRIs such as uoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, citalo- P450 enzymes. Depending on the specic isoenzyme
pram, and escitalopram cause a lower frequency of anti- involved, the metabolism of a number of concomitantly
cholinergic, sedating, and cardiovascular side effects but administered medications can be dramatically affected.
a possibly greater incidence of gastrointestinal com- Fluoxetine and paroxetine, for example, by inhibiting
plaints, sleep impairment, and sexual dysfunction than 2D6, can cause dramatic increases in the blood level of
do TCAs. Akathisia, involving an inner sense of restless- type 1C antiarrhythmics, while sertraline, by acting on
ness and anxiety in addition to increased motor activity, 3A4, may alter blood levels of carbamazepine, or
may also be more common, particularly during the rst digoxin.
week of treatment. One concern is the risk of serotonin The MAOIs are highly effective, particularly in atypi-
syndrome, thought to result from hyperstimulation of cal depression, but the risk of hypertensive crisis follow-
brainstem 5HT1A receptors and characterized by ing intake of tyramine-containing food or sympath-
myoclonus, agitation, abdominal cramping, hyper- omimetic drugs makes them inappropriate as rst-line
pyrexia, hypertension, and potentially death. Serotoner- agents. Transdermal selegiline may avert this risk at low
gic agonists taken in combination should be monitored dose. Common side effects include orthostatic hypoten-
closely for this reason. Considerations such as half-life, sion, weight gain, insomnia, and sexual dysfunction.
compliance, toxicity, and drug-drug interactions may MAOIs should not be used concomitantly with SSRIs,
guide the choice of a particular SSRI. Fluoxetine and its because of the risk of serotonin syndrome, or with TCAs,
principal active metabolite, noruoxetine, for example, because of possible hyperadrenergic effects.
have a combined half-life of almost 7 days, resulting in a Electroconvulsive therapy is at least as effective as
delay of 5 weeks before steady-state levels are achieved medication, but its use is reserved for treatment-resis-
and a similar delay for complete drug excretion once its tant cases and delusional depressions.Transcranial mag-
use is discontinued. All the SSRIs may impair sexual netic stimulation (TMS) is an investigational treatment
function, resulting in diminished libido, impotence, or of depression that has been shown to have efcacy in
676 several controlled trials; it is uncertain whether the
TABLE 49-10
observed benets were clinically meaningful, however. CRITERIA FOR A MANIC EPISODE
Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has recently been A. A distinct period of abnormally and persistently ele-
approved for treatment-resistant depression, but its vated, expansive, or irritable mood, lasting at least 1
degree of efcacy is controversial. week (or any duration if hospitalization is necessary)
Regardless of the treatment undertaken, the response B. During the period of mood disturbance, three (or more)
of the following symptoms have persisted (four if the
should be evaluated after ~2 months. Three-quarters of
mood is only irritable) and have been present to a sig-
patients show improvement by this time, but if remission nicant degree:
is inadequate the patient should be questioned about 1. Inated self-esteem or grandiosity
Psychiatric Disorders
compliance and an increase in medication dose should 2. Decreased need for sleep (e.g., feels rested after
be considered if side effects are not troublesome. If this only 3 hours of sleep)
approach is unsuccessful, referral to a mental health spe- 3. More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking
cialist is advised. Strategies for treatment then include 4. Flight of ideas or subjective experience that
selection of an alternative drug, combinations of antide- thoughts are racing
5. Distractibility (i.e., attention too easily drawn to
pressants, and/or adjunctive treatment with other
unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli)
classes of drugs, including lithium, thyroid hormone, and 6. Increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at
dopamine agonists. A large randomized trial (STAR-D) work or school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation
was unable to show preferential efcacy. Patients whose 7. Excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that
response to an SSRI wanes over time may benet from have a high potential for painful consequences
the addition of buspirone (10 mg tid) or pindolol (e.g., engaging in unrestrained buying sprees, sex-
(25 mg tid) or small amounts of a TCA such as ual indiscretions, or foolish business investments)
C. The symptoms do not meet criteria for a mixed episode.
desipramine (25 mg bid or tid). Most patients will show
D. The mood disturbance is sufciently severe to cause
some degree of response but aggressive treatment marked impairment in occupational functioning or in
should be pursued until remission is achieved, and drug usual social activities or relationships with others, or to
treatment should be continued for at least 69 more necessitate hospitalization to prevent harm to self or
months to prevent relapse. In patients who have had others, or there are psychotic features.
two or more episodes of depression, indenite mainte- E. The symptoms are not due to the direct physiologic
nance treatment should be considered. effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a med-
ication, or other treatment) or a general medical condi-
It is essential to educate patients both about depres-
tion (e.g., hyperthyroidism).
sion and the benets and side effects of medications
they are receiving. Advice about stress reduction and
Note: Manic-like episodes that are clearly caused by somatic antide-
cautions that alcohol may exacerbate depressive symp- pressant treatment (e.g., medication, electroconvulsive therapy, light
toms and impair drug response are helpful. Patients therapy) should not count toward a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder.
should be given time to describe their experience, their Source: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed.
outlook, and the impact of the depression on them and Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 2000.
depression or mania in a given year. This pattern occurs AGENT AND DOSING EFFECTS
in 15% of all patients, almost all of whom are women. In
some cases, rapid cycling is linked to an underlying thy- Lithium Common side effects: Nausea/
Starting dose: 300 mg anorexia/diarrhea, ne tremor,
roid dysfunction and, in others, it is iatrogenically trig-
bid or tid thirst, polyuria, fatigue, weight
gered by prolonged antidepressant treatment. Approxi- Therapeutic blood level: gain, acne, folliculitis, neu-
mately half of patients have sustained difculties in work 0.81.2 meq/L trophilia, hypothyroidism
Mental Disorders
performance and psychosocial functioning. Blood level is increased by
Bipolar disorder is common, affecting ~1.5% of the thiazides, tetracyclines, and
population in the United States. Onset is typically NSAIDs
between 20 and 30 years of age, but many individuals Blood level is decreased by
report premorbid symptoms in late childhood or early bronchodilators, verapamil,
and carbonic anhydrase
adolescence. The prevalence is similar for men and inhibitors
women; women are likely to have more depressive and Rare side effects: Neurotoxic-
men more manic episodes over a lifetime. ity, renal toxicity, hypercal-
cemia, ECG changes
Valproic acid Common side effects: Nausea/
Differential Diagnosis
Starting dose: anorexia, weight gain, seda-
The differential diagnosis of mania includes toxic effects 250 mg tid tion, tremor, rash, alopecia
of stimulant or sympathomimetic drugs as well as sec- Therapeutic blood Inhibits hepatic metabolism of
level: 50125 g/mL other medications
ondary mania induced by hyperthyroidism, AIDS, or
Rare side effects: Pancreatitis,
neurologic disorders, such as Huntingtons or Wilsons hepatotoxicity, Stevens-
disease, or cerebrovascular accidents. Comorbidity with Johnson syndrome
alcohol and substance abuse is common, either because Carbamazepine/ Common side effects: Nausea/
of poor judgment and increased impulsivity or because oxcarbazepine anorexia, sedation, rash,
of an attempt to self-treat the underlying mood symp- Starting dose: 200 mg dizziness/ataxia
toms and sleep disturbances. bid for carbamazepine, Carbamazepine, but not
150 bid for oxcarbazepine, induces
oxcarbazepine hepatic metabolism of other
Etiology and Pathophysiology Therapeutic blood level: medications
412 g/mL for Rare side effects: Hypona-
Genetic predisposition to bipolar disorder is evident carbamazepine tremia, agranulocytosis,
from family studies; the concordance rate for monozy- Lamotrigine Stevens-Johnson syndrome
gotic twins approaches 80%. Multiple genes are likely to Starting dose: 25 mg/d Common side effects: Rash,
be involved. dizziness, headache, tremor,
The pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying the sedation, nausea
profound and recurrent mood swings of bipolar disorder Rare side effect: Stevens-
Johnson syndrome
remain unknown. Neuroimaging studies have reported
anatomic changes in amygdala volume as well as
Note: NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drug; ECG, electrocar-
increases in white matter hyperintensities. Molecular diogram.
studies have implicated changes in membrane Na+- and
K+-activated ATPase and disordered signal transduction
involving the phosphoinositol system and GTP-binding
proteins as possible contributing mechanisms. Patients
with bipolar disorder also appear to have altered circa- mania, as is lamotrigine in the depressed phase. The
dian rhythmicity, and lithium may exert its therapeutic response rate to lithium carbonate is 7080% in acute
benet through a resynchronization of intrinsic rhythms mania, with benecial effects appearing in 12 weeks.
keyed to the light/dark cycle. Lithium also has a prophylactic effect in prevention of
recurrent mania and, to a lesser extent, in the prevention
of recurrent depression. A simple cation, lithium is
rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and
Treatment: remains unbound to plasma or tissue proteins. Some
95% of a given dose is excreted unchanged through the
(Table 49-11) Lithium carbonate is the mainstay of kidneys within 24 h.
treatment in bipolar disorder, although sodium val- Serious side effects from lithium are rare, but minor
proate and olanzapine are equally effective in acute complaints such as gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea,
678 diarrhea, polyuria, weight gain, skin eruptions, alopecia,
TABLE 49-12
and edema are common. Over time, urine-concentrat- CONSENSUS GUIDELINES FOR DRUG TREATMENT
ing ability may be decreased, but signicant nephrotox- OF ACUTE MANIA AND BIPOLAR DEPRESSION
icity does not usually occur. Lithium exerts an antithy- CONDITION PREFERRED AGENTS
roid effect by interfering with the synthesis and release
Euphoric mania Lithium
of thyroid hormones. More serious side effects include
Mixed/dysphoric mania Valproic acid
tremor, poor concentration and memory, ataxia, Mania with psychosis Valproic acid with olanzapine,
dysarthria, and incoordination. There is suggestive, but conventional antipsychotic,
not conclusive, evidence that lithium is teratogenic, or risperidone
Psychiatric Disorders
A. A history of many physical complaints beginning <30
abling in intensity and is persistent, with waxing and
years that occur over a period of several years and waning symptomatology.
result in treatment being sought or signicant impair- In factitious illnesses, the patient consciously and volun-
ment in social, occupational, or other important areas tarily produces physical symptoms of illness. The term
of functioning. Munchausens syndrome is reserved for individuals with par-
B. Each of the following criteria must have been met, with ticularly dramatic, chronic, or severe factitious illness. In
individual symptoms occurring at any time during the
Mental Disorders
true factitious illness, the sick role itself is gratifying. A
course of the disturbance:
1. Four pain symptoms: a history of pain related to at
variety of signs, symptoms, and diseases have been either
least four different sites or functions (e.g., head, simulated or caused by factitious behavior, the most com-
abdomen, back, joints, extremities, chest, rectum, mon including chronic diarrhea, fever of unknown ori-
during menstruation, during sexual intercourse, or gin, intestinal bleeding or hematuria, seizures, and hypo-
during urination) glycemia. Factitious disorder is usually not diagnosed until
2. Two gastrointestinal symptoms: a history of at least 510 years after its onset, and it can produce signicant
two gastrointestinal symptoms other than pain social and medical costs. In malingering, the fabrication
(e.g., nausea, bloating, vomiting other than during
derives from a desire for some external reward, such as a
pregnancy, diarrhea, or intolerance of several differ-
ent foods) narcotic medication or disability reimbursement.
3. One sexual symptom: a history of at least one
sexual or reproductive symptom other than pain
(e.g., sexual indifference, erectile or ejaculatory Treatment:
dysfunction, irregular menses, excessive menstrual SOMATOFORM DISORDERS
bleeding, vomiting throughout pregnancy)
4. One pseudoneurologic symptom: a history of at least Patients with somatization disorders are frequently sub-
one symptom or decit suggesting a neurologic con- jected to many diagnostic tests and exploratory surg-
dition not limited to pain (conversion symptoms such eries in an attempt to nd their real illness. Such an
as impaired coordination or balance, paralysis or approach is doomed to failure and does not address the
localized weakness, difculty swallowing or lump core issue. Successful treatment is best achieved through
in throat, aphonia, urinary retention, hallucinations,
behavior modication, in which access to the physician is
loss of touch or pain sensation, double vision, blind-
ness, deafness, seizures; dissociative symptoms tightly regulated and adjusted to provide a sustained
such as amnesia; or loss of consciousness other and predictable level of support that is less clearly con-
than fainting) tingent on the patients level of presenting distress. Visits
C. Either of the following: can be brief and should not be associated with a need
1. After appropriate investigation, each of the symp- for a diagnostic or treatment action. Although the litera-
toms in criterion B cannot be fully explained by a ture is limited, some patients with somatization disorder
known general medical condition or the direct
may benet from antidepressant treatment.
effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a
Any attempt to confront the patient usually creates a
2. When there is a related general medical condition, sense of humiliation and causes the patient to abandon
the physical complaints or resulting social or occu- treatment from that caregiver. A better strategy is to
pational impairment are in excess of what would be introduce psychological causation as one of a number
expected from the history, physical examination, or of possible explanations and to include factitious illness
laboratory ndings as an option in the differential diagnoses that are dis-
D. The symptoms are not intentionally produced or feigned cussed. Without directly linking psychotherapeutic inter-
(as in factitious disorder or malingering).
vention to the diagnosis, the patient can be offered a
face-saving means by which the pathologic relationship
Source: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed.
Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 2000.
with the health care system can be examined and alter-
native approaches to life stressors developed.
medical condition. This distinction is often difcult to tant that the physician and the patient have reasonable
make in clinical practice, as personality change may be expectations vis--vis the possible benet of any med-
the rst sign of serious neurologic, endocrine, or other ication used and its side effects. Improvement may be
medical illness. Patients with frontal lobe tumors, for subtle and observable only over time.
example, can present with changes in motivation and
personality while the results of the neurologic examina-
Psychiatric Disorders
Schizophrenia is present in 0.85% of individuals world- risk variants in the 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
wide, with a lifetime prevalence of ~11.5%. An estimated subunit gene and linked it to a specic auditory process-
300,000 episodes of acute schizophrenia occur annually in ing decit.
the United States, resulting in direct and indirect costs of Schizophrenia is also associated with gestational and
$62.7 billion. perinatal complications, including Rh factor incompati-
bility, fetal hypoxia, prenatal exposure to inuenza during
Mental Disorders
the second trimester, and prenatal nutritional deciency.
Differential Diagnosis
Studies of monozygotic twins discordant for schizophre-
The diagnosis is principally one of exclusion, requiring nia have reported neuroanatomic differences between
the absence of signicant associated mood symptoms, any affected and unaffected siblings, supporting a two-
relevant medical condition, and substance abuse. Drug strike etiology involving both genetic susceptibility and
reactions that cause hallucinations, paranoia, confusion, or an environmental insult. The latter might involve local-
bizarre behavior may be dose-related or idiosyncratic; ized hypoxia during critical stages of brain development.
parkinsonian medications, clonidine, quinacrine, and pro- A number of structural and functional abnormalities
caine derivatives are the most common prescription med- have been identied in schizophrenia, including (1) cor-
ications associated with these symptoms. Drug causes tical atrophy and ventricular enlargement; (2) specic
should be ruled out in any case of newly emergent psy- volume losses in the amygdala, hippocampus, right pre-
chosis. The general neurologic examination in patients frontal cortex, fusiform gyrus, and thalamus; (3) progres-
with schizophrenia is usually normal, but motor rigidity, sive reduction in cortical volume over time; (4) reduced
tremor, and dyskinesias are noted in one-quarter of metabolism in the thalamus and prefrontal cortex;
untreated patients. (5) abnormalities of the planum temporale; and (6) changes
in the size, orientation, and density of cells in the hippocam-
pus and prefrontal cortex, and decreased numbers of cortical
Epidemiology and Pathophysiology
interneurons.These observations have suggested that schizo-
Epidemiologic surveys identify several risk factors for phrenia may result from a disturbance in a cortical
schizophrenia including genetic susceptibility, early devel- striatalthalamic circuit resulting in abnormalities in sensory
opmental insults, winter birth, and increasing parental age. ltering and attention.
Genetic factors are involved in at least a subset of individ- Schizophrenic individuals are highly distractible and
uals who develop schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is demonstrate decits in perceptual-motor speed, ability
observed in ~6.6% of all rst-degree relatives of an to shift attention, and ltering out of background stim-
affected proband. If both parents are affected, the risk for uli. Event-related evoked potential studies of schizo-
offspring is 40%. The concordance rate for monozygotic phrenia have dened a reduction in P300 amplitude to a
twins is 50%, compared to 10% for dizygotic twins. novel stimulus, which implicates an impairment in cog-
Schizophrenia-prone families are also at risk for other nitive processing. Impaired information processing is
psychiatric disorders, including schizoaffective disorder also found in unaffected family members.
and schizotypal and schizoid personality disorders, the latter The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia is based on
terms designating individuals who show a lifetime pattern the discovery that agents that diminish dopaminergic
of social and interpersonal decits characterized by an activity also reduce the acute symptoms and signs of psy-
inability to form close interpersonal relationships, eccen- chosis, specically agitation, anxiety, and hallucinations.
tric behavior, and mild perceptual distortions. Amelioration of delusions and social withdrawal is less
Despite evidence for a genetic causation, the results dramatic. Thus far, however, evidence for increased
of molecular genetic linkage studies in schizophrenia are dopaminergic activity in schizophrenia is indirect,
inconclusive. Major gene effects appear unlikely. Possible although decreased D2 receptor occupancy by dopamine
susceptibility genes include: neuregulin-1 (chromosome has been shown in drug-nave patients. An increase in
8p21); dysbindin (6p22.3); proline dehydrogenase the activity of nigrostriatal and mesolimbic systems and a
(22q11); D-amino-acid oxidase activator (13q34); dis- decrease in mesocortical tracts innervating the prefrontal
rupted in schizophrenia 1, (DISC1), (1q42); and catechol- cortex is hypothesized, although it is likely that other
O-methyl transferase (COMT). Neuregulin-1, dysbindin, neurotransmitters, including serotonin, acetylcholine, glu-
and D-amino-acid oxidase activator appear to be tamate, and GABA, also contribute to the pathophysiol-
involved in glutamatergic function, increasing interest in ogy of the illness. Possible involvement of excitatory
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)mediated glutamate amino acids is supported by the genetic data cited above
signaling as a possible therapeutic target for treatment. and ndings that NMDA receptor antagonists and chan-
COMT is involved in the removal of dopamine from nel blockers, such as phencyclidine (PCP) and ketamine,
682 produce characteristic signs of schizophrenia in normal newer atypical agents exert some degree of D2 recep-
individuals; cycloserine, an NMDA receptor agonist, can tor blockade. All neuroleptics induce expression of the
decrease the negative symptoms of psychosis. immediate-early gene c-fos in the nucleus accumbens, a
and are effective in the treatment of hallucinations, Conventional neuroleptics differ in their potency and
delusions and thought disorders, regardless of etiology. side-effect prole. Older agents, such as chlorpromazine
The mechanism of action involves, at least in part, bind- and thioridazine, are more sedating and anticholinergic
ing to dopamine D2/D3 receptors in the ventral striatum; and more likely to cause orthostatic hypotension, while
the clinical potencies of traditional antipsychotic drugs higher potency antipsychotics, such as haloperidol, per-
parallel their afnities for the D2 receptor, and even the phenazine, and thiothixene, are more likely to induce
TABLE 49-14
First-Generation Antipsychotics
Chlorpromazine 1001000 Anticholinergic effects; +++ EPSEs usually not prominent;
(Thorazine) orthostasis; photosensitivity; can cause anticholinergic
cholestasis; QT prolongation delirium in elderly patients
Thioridazine (Mellaril) 100600
Clozapine (Clozaril) 150600 Agranulocytosis (1%); weight ++ Requires weekly WBC for
gain; seizures; drooling; rst 6 months, then biweekly
Mid-potency hyperthermia if stable
Triuoperazine 250 Fewer anticholinergic side ++ Well tolerated by most
(Stelazine) effects; fewer EPSEs than patients
with higher potency agents.
Perphenazine (Trilafon) 464 ++
Loxapine (Loxitane) 30100 Frequent EPSEs ++
Molindone (Moban) 30100 Frequent EPSEs 0 Little weight gain
Haloperidol (Haldol) .520 No anticholinergic side 0/+ Often prescribed in doses that
effects; EPSEs often are too high; long-acting
prominent injectable forms of haloperidol
and uphenazine available
Fluphenazine (Prolixin) 120 Frequent EPSEs 0/+
Thiothixene (Navane) 250 Frequent EPSEs 0/+
Second-Generation Antipsychotics
Risperidone (Risperdal) 28 Orthostasis + Requires slow titration; EPSEs
observed with doses >6 mg qd
Olanzapine (Zyprexa) 1030 Weight gain ++ Mild prolactin elevation
Quetiapine (Seroquel) 350800 Sedation; weight gain; +++ Bid dosing
Ziprasidone (Geodon) 120200 Orthostatic hypotension +/++ Minimal weight gain; increases
QT interval
Aripiprazole (Abilify) 1030 Nausea, anxiety, insomnia 0/+ Mixed agonist/antagonist
D2 receptor and a much higher afnity for the D4 than Antipsychotic medications can cause a broad range of
the D2 receptor. Its principal disadvantage is a risk of side effects, including lethargy, weight gain, postural
blood dyscrasias. Unlike other antipsychotics, clozapine hypotension, constipation, and dry mouth. Extrapyramidal
does not cause a rise in prolactin level. Approximately symptoms such as dystonia, akathisia, and akinesia are
30% of patients who do not benet from conventional also frequent with rst-generation agents and may con-
antipsychotic agents will have a better response to this tribute to poor adherence if not specically addressed.
Mental Disorders
drug, which also has a demonstrated superiority to Anticholinergic and parkinsonian symptoms respond well
other antipsychotic agents in preventing suicide; how- to trihexyphenidyl, 2 mg bid, or benztropine mesylate,
ever, its side-effect prole makes it most appropriate for 12 mg bid. Akathisia may respond to beta blockers. In
treatment-resistant cases. Risperidone, a benzisoxazole rare cases, more serious and occasionally life-threatening
derivative, is more potent at 5HT2 than D2 receptor sites, side effects may emerge, including ventricular arrhyth-
like clozapine, but it also exerts signicant 2 antago- mias, gastrointestinal obstruction, retinal pigmentation,
nism, a property that may contribute to its perceived obstructive jaundice, and neuroleptic malignant syn-
ability to improve mood and increase motor activity. drome (characterized by hyperthermia, autonomic dys-
Risperidone is not as effective as clozapine in treat- function, muscular rigidity, and elevated creatine phos-
ment-resistant cases but does not carry a risk of blood phokinase levels). The most serious adverse effects of
dyscrasias. Olanzapine is similar neurochemically to clozapine are agranulocytosis, which has an incidence of
clozapine but has a signicant risk of inducing weight 1%, and induction of seizures, which has an incidence
gain. Quetiapine is distinct in having a weak D2 effect of 10%. Weekly white blood cell counts are required, par-
but potent 1 and histamine blockade. Ziprasidone ticularly during the rst 3 months of treatment.
causes minimal weight gain and is unlikely to increase The risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus appears to be
prolactin but may increase QT prolongation. Aripiprazole increased in schizophrenia, and second-generation agents
also has little risk of weight gain or prolactin increase as a group produce greater adverse effects on glucose
but may increase anxiety, nausea, and insomnia as a regulation, independent of effects on obesity, than tradi-
result of its partial agonist properties. tional agents. Clozapine, olanzapine, and quetiapine seem
Antipsychotic agents are effective in 70% of patients more likely to cause hyperglycemia, weight gain, and
presenting with a rst episode. Improvement may be hypertriglyceridemia than other atypical antipsychotic
observed within hours or days, but full remission usually drugs. Close monitoring of plasma glucose and lipid levels
requires 68 weeks. The choice of agent depends princi- are indicated with the use of these agents.
pally on the side-effect prole and cost of treatment or A serious side effect of long-term use of rst genera-
on a past personal or family history of a favorable tion antipsychotic agents is tardive dyskinesia, character-
response to the drug in question. Atypical agents ized by repetitive, involuntary, and potentially irreversible
appear to be more effective in treating negative symp- movements of the tongue and lips (bucco-linguo-
toms and improving cognitive function. An equivalent masticatory triad), and, in approximately one-half of cases,
treatment response can usually be achieved with rela- choreoathetosis. Tardive dyskinesia has an incidence of
tively low doses of any drug selected, i.e., 46 mg/d of 24% per year of exposure, and a prevalence of 20% in
haloperidol, 1015 mg of olanzapine, or 46 mg/d of chronically treated patients.The prevalence increases with
risperidone. Doses in this range result in >80% D2 recep- age, total dose, and duration of drug administration. The
tor blockade, and there is little evidence that higher risk associated with second-generation agents appears to
doses increase either the rapidity or degree of response. be much lower. The cause may involve formation of free
Maintenance treatment requires careful attention to the radicals and perhaps mitochondrial energy failure. Vita-
possibility of relapse and monitoring for the develop- min E may reduce abnormal involuntary movements if
ment of a movement disorder. Intermittent drug treat- given early in the syndrome.
ment is less effective than regular dosing, but gradual The CATIE study, a large scale investigation of the
dose reduction is likely to improve social functioning in effectiveness of antipsychotic agents in real world
many schizophrenic patients who have been main- patients, revealed a high rate of discontinuation of treat-
tained at high doses. If medications are completely ment over 18 months. Olanzapine showed greater effec-
discontinued, however, the relapse rate is 60% within tiveness than quetiapine, risperidone, perphenazine, or
6 months. Long-acting injectable preparations (risperi- ziprasidone but also a higher discontinuation rate due
done) are considered when noncompliance with oral to weight gain and metabolic effects. Surprisingly, per-
therapy leads to relapses. In treatment-resistant phenazine, a rst-generation agent, showed little evi-
patients, a transition to clozapine usually results in rapid dence of inferiority to newer drugs. A recent long-term
684 study of schizophrenic patients transitioning from older total number of homeless individuals in the United
to newer-generation antipsychotics did not demon- States range from 800,0002 million, one-third of
strate any effect on mortality. whom qualify as having a serious mental disorder. Poor
Drug treatment of schizophrenia is by itself insuf- hygiene and nutrition, substance abuse, psychiatric ill-
cient. Educational efforts directed toward families and ness, physical trauma, and exposure to the elements
relevant community resources have proved to be neces- combine to make the provision of medical care chal-
sary to maintain stability and optimize outcome. A treat- lenging. Only a minority of these individuals receive
ment model involving a multidisciplinary case-manage- formal mental health care; the main points of contact are
ment team that seeks out and closely follows the patient outpatient medical clinics and emergency departments.
Psychiatric Disorders
in the community has proved particularly effective. Primary care settings represent a critical site in which
housing needs, treatment of substance dependence, and
evaluation and treatment of psychiatric illness can most
efciently take place. Successful intervention is depen-
ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION dent on breaking down traditional administrative
OF VIOLENCE barriers to health care and recognizing the physical con-
straints and emotional costs imposed by homelessness.
Primary care physicians may encounter situations in
Simplifying health care instructions and follow-up,
which family, domestic, or societal violence is discovered
allowing frequent visits, and dispensing medications in
or suspected. Such an awareness can carry legal and
limited amounts that require ongoing contact are possi-
moral obligations; many state laws mandate reporting of
ble techniques for establishing a successful therapeutic
child, spousal, and elder abuse. Physicians are frequently
the rst point of contact for both victim and abuser.
Approximately 2 million older Americans and 1.5 mil-
lion U.S. children are thought to experience some form FURTHER READINGS
of physical maltreatment each year. Spousal abuse is AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION: American Psychiatric Associ-
thought to be even more prevalent. An interview study ation Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychiatric Disor-
of 24,000 women in 10 countries found a lifetime ders: Compendium 2006.Washington, DC,APA Press, 2006
prevalence of physical or sexual violence that ranged CIPRIANI A et al: Comparative efcacy and acceptability of 12 new-
from 1571%; these individuals are more likely to suffer generation antidepressants: A multiple-treatments meta-analysis.
Lancet 373:746, 2009
from depression, anxiety, somatization disorder, and sub- GALE C, DAVIDSON O: Generalised anxiety disorder. BMJ 334:579,
stance abuse and to have attempted suicide. In addition, 2007
abused individuals frequently express low self-esteem, LESPERANCE F et al: Effects of citalopram and interpersonal psy-
vague somatic symptomatology, social isolation, and a chotherapy on depression in patients with coronary artery dis-
passive feeling of loss of control. Although it is essential ease: The Canadian Cardiac Randomized Evaluation of Antide-
to treat these elements in the victim, the rst obligation pressant and Psychotherapy Efcacy (CREATE) trial. JAMA
is to ensure that the perpetrator has taken responsibility 297:367, 2007
MALLET L et al:Treatment of subthalamic nucleus stimulation in severe
for preventing any further violence. Substance abuse
obsessivecompulsive disorder. N Engl J Med 359:2121, 2008
and/or dependence and serious mental illness in the MAURER D, Colt R: An evidence-based approach to the manage-
abuser may contribute to the risk of harm and require ment of depression. Prim Care 33:923, 2007
direct intervention. Depending on the situation, law MITCHELL AJ et al: Clinical diagnosis of depression in primary care:
enforcement agencies, community resources such as A meta-analysis. Lancet 374:609, 2009
support groups and shelters, and individual and family RAY WA et al: Atypical antipsychotic drugs and the risk of sudden
counseling can be appropriate components of a treat- cardiac death. N Engl J Med 360:225, 2009
ROBINSON RG et al: Escitalopram and problem-solving therapy for
ment plan. A safety plan should be formulated with the
prevention of post-stroke depression. JAMA 299:2391, 2008
victim, in addition to providing information about SACHS GS et al: Effectiveness of adjunctive antidepressant treatment
abuse, its likelihood of recurrence, and its tendency to for bipolar depression. N Engl J Med 356:1711, 2007
increase in severity and frequency. Antianxiety and anti- SCHANZER B et al: Homelessness, health status, and health care use.
depressant medications may sometimes be useful in Am J Public Health 97:464, 2007
treating the acute symptoms, but only if independent STEIN DJ et al: Post-traumatic stress disorder: Medicine and politics.
evidence for an appropriate psychiatric diagnosis exists. Lancet 369:139, 2007
TIIHONEN J et al: Eleven-year follow-up of mortality in patients with
schizophrenia: A population-based cohort study (FIN11 study).
Lancet 374:620, 2009
MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS TYLEE A,WALTERS P: Underrecognition of anxiety and mood disor-
IN THE HOMELESS ders in primary care: Why does the problem exist and what can
be done? J Clin Psychiatry 68(Suppl 2):27, 2007
There is a high prevalence of mental disorders and sub- WHOOLEY MA et al: Depressive symptoms, health behaviors, and risk
stance abuse among homeless and impoverished individ- of cardiovascular events in patients with coronary heart disease.
uals. Depending on the denition used, estimates of the JAMA 300:2379, 2008
Marc A. Schuckit
Pharmacology and Nutritional Impact of Ethanol . . . . . . . . . . 686 Other Effects of Ethanol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690
Behavioral Effects, Tolerance, and Dependence . . . . . . . . . . 687 Alcoholism (Alcohol Abuse or Dependence) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690
The Effects of Ethanol on Organ Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688 Denitions and Epidemiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690
Nervous System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688 Genetics of Alcoholism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
The Gastrointestinal System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689 Natural History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689 Identication of the Alcoholic and Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
Hematopoietic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689 The Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692
Cardiovascular System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689 Further Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695
Genitourinary System Changes, Sexual Functioning,
and Fetal Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690
Alcohol, a drug, is consumed at some time by up to about 0.02 g/dL resulting from the ingestion of one
80% of the population. At low doses alcohol can have typical drink. In round gures, 340 mL (12 oz) of beer,
some benecial effects such as decreased rates of 115 mL (4 oz) of nonfortied wine, and 43 mL (1.5 oz)
myocardial infarction, stroke, gallstones, and possibly (a shot) of 80-proof beverage such as whisky, gin, or
vascular and Alzheimers dementias. However, the con- vodka each contain ~1015 g of ethanol; 0.5 L (1 pint)
sumption of more than two standard drinks per day of 80-proof beverage contains ~160 g (about 16 stan-
increases the risk for health problems in many organ dard drinks), and 1 L of wine contains ~80 g of ethanol.
systems. Heavy repetitive drinking, as is seen in alcohol These beverages also have additional components, called
abuse and dependence, cuts short the life span by an congeners, that affect the taste and effects; congeners
estimated decade in both genders, all cultural groups, include low-molecular-weight alcohols (e.g., methanol
and all socioeconomic strata. Unless an individual stops and butanol), aldehydes, esters, histamine, phenols, tan-
drinking, a diagnosis of alcohol dependence carries a nins, iron, lead, and cobalt. Such congeners might also
80% risk for continued severe problems over the next contribute to the adverse health consequences associated
5 years. In addition, even relatively low doses of alcohol with heavy drinking.
can adversely affect many preexisting disease states and Ethanol is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant
alter the effectiveness or blood levels of most over-the- that decreases neuronal activity, although some behav-
counter and prescribed medications. ioral stimulation is observed at low blood levels. This
drug has cross-tolerance with other depressants, includ-
ing benzodiazepines and barbiturates, and all produce
similar behavioral alterations. Alcohol is absorbed from
mucous membranes of the mouth and esophagus (in
Ethanol is a weakly charged molecule that moves easily small amounts), from the stomach and large bowel (in mod-
through cell membranes, rapidly equilibrating between est amounts), and from the proximal portion of the small
blood and tissues. The level of alcohol in the blood is intestine (the major site).
expressed as milligrams or grams of ethanol per deciliter The rate of absorption is increased by rapid gastric
(e.g., 100 mg/dL or 0.10 g/dL), with blood values of emptying (as can be induced by carbonated beverages);
by the absence of proteins, fats, or carbohydrates (which lactate, and a -hydroxybutyrate/lactate ratio of between 687
interfere with absorption); by the absence of congeners; 2:1 and 9:1 (with normal being 1:1).
and by dilution to a modest percentage of ethanol (max-
imum at ~20% by volume).
Between 2% (at low blood alcohol concentrations)
and 10% (at high blood alcohol concentrations) of
ethanol is excreted directly through the lungs, urine, or The acute effects of a drug depend on many factors.
sweat, but the greater part is metabolized to acetaldehyde, These include the dose, the rate of increase in plasma, the
primarily in the liver. The most important pathway concomitant presence of other drugs, and the past expe-
occurs in the cell cytosol where alcohol dehydrogenase rience with the agent. With alcohol, an additional factor
(ADH) produces acetaldehyde, which is then rapidly is whether blood alcohol levels are rising or falling; the
destroyed by aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) in the effects are more intense during the former period.
cytosol and mitochondria (Fig. 50-1). A second path- Legal intoxication in the United States requires a
way in the microsomes of the smooth endoplasmic blood alcohol concentration of at least 0.080.10 g/dL,
reticulum (the microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system, or while levels of 0.04 or even lower are cited in some other
MEOS), is responsible for 10% of ethanol oxidation at countries. However, behavioral, psychomotor, and cogni-
macodynamic tolerance develops through neurochemical that is responsible for signicant nancial losses in most
changes that maintain relatively normal physiologic work environments.
functioning despite the presence of alcohol. Subsequent The effect of alcohol on the nervous system is even
decreases in blood levels contribute to symptoms of more pronounced among alcohol-dependent individu-
withdrawal. (3) Individuals learn to adapt their behavior als. Chronic high doses cause peripheral neuropathy in
so that they can function better than expected under 515% of alcoholics: similar to diabetes, patients experi-
inuence of the drug (behavioral tolerance). ence bilateral limb numbness, tingling, and paresthesias,
Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
The cellular changes caused by chronic ethanol expo- all of which are more pronounced distally. Approxi-
sure may not resolve for several weeks or longer following mately 1% of alcoholics develop cerebellar degeneration
cessation of drinking.The resulting withdrawal syndrome or atrophy. This is a syndrome of progressive unsteady
is most intense during the rst 5 days, but some symp- stance and gait often accompanied by mild nystagmus;
toms (e.g., disturbed sleep and anxiety) can take up to neuroimaging studies reveal atrophy of the cerebellar
46 months to resolve. vermis. Fortunately, very few alcoholics (perhaps as few
as 1 in 500) develop Wernickes (ophthalmoparesis, ataxia,
and encephalopathy) and Korsakoffs (retrograde and
THE EFFECTS OF ETHANOL anterograde amnesia) syndromes. These occur as the result
ON ORGAN SYSTEMS of thiamine deciency, especially in predisposed indi-
viduals, e.g., those with transketolase deciency. Alco-
Although one to two drinks per day in an otherwise holics can manifest cognitive problems lasting for weeks to
healthy and nonpregnant individual can have some ben- months after an alcoholic binge. Brain atrophy, evident
ecial cardiovascular effects, at higher doses alcohol is as ventricular enlargement and widened cortical sulci
toxic to most organ systems. Knowledge about the dele- on MRI and CT scans, occurs in ~50% of chronic
terious effects of alcohol helps the physician to identify alcoholics; these changes are often reversible if absti-
alcoholic patients and provides information that can be nence is maintained. There is no single alcoholic
used to help motivate patients to abstain. The informa- dementia syndrome; rather, this label is used to describe
tion offered here generally applies to all, regardless of patients who have apparently irreversible cognitive
age or gender, although some differences apply. It is changes (possibly from diverse causes) in the context of
important to remember that the typical white- or blue- chronic alcoholism.
collar alcoholic often functions at a fairly high level for As many as two-thirds of alcohol-dependent individ-
years, holding a job and maintaining ties with friends and uals meet the criteria for a psychiatric syndrome in
relatives who may be unaware of the severity of the drink- the Fourth Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
ing problem. Not everyone develops each of the problems Disorders, (DSM-IV) of the American Psychiatric Asso-
described below. ciation (Chap. 49). One-half of these relate to a preexist-
ing antisocial personality manifesting as impulsivity and
disinhibition.The lifetime risk is 3% in males, and 80%
of such individuals demonstrate alcohol and/or drug
Approximately 35% of drinkers (and a much higher per- dependence. Another common comorbidity occurs with
centage of alcoholics) experience a blackout, an episode dependence on illicit substances. The remaining third of
of temporary anterograde amnesia, in which the person alcoholics with psychiatric syndromes have preexisting
forgets all or part of what occurred during a drinking conditions such as schizophrenia or manic depressive disease
evening. Another common problem, one seen after as and anxiety disorders such as panic disorder.The reasons for
few as several drinks, is disturbed sleep. Although alcohol the comorbidities of alcoholism with independent psychi-
might initially help a person to fall asleep, it disrupts atric disorders are not known, but they might represent
sleep throughout the rest of the night. The stages of an overlap in genetic vulnerabilities, impaired judgment
sleep are also altered, and time spent in rapid eye move- resulting from the independent psychiatric condition, or
ment (REM) and deep sleep is reduced. Patients may an attempt to use alcohol to alleviate some of the symptoms
experience prominent and sometimes disturbing dreams. of the disorder or side effects of medications.
Many psychiatric syndromes can be seen temporarily CANCER 689
during heavy drinking and subsequent withdrawal.These
Drinking as few as 1.5 drinks per day increases a
include an intense sadness lasting for days to weeks in
womans risk of breast cancer 1.4-fold. For both gen-
the midst of heavy drinking seen in 40% of alcoholics
ders, four drinks per day increases the risk for oral and
(alcohol-induced mood disorder); temporary severe
esophageal cancers approximately threefold and rectal
anxiety in 1030% of alcoholics, often beginning during
cancers by a factor of 1.5; seven to eight or more drinks
alcohol withdrawal, and which can persist for a month
per day enhances approximately vefold the risks for
or more after cessation of drinking (alcohol-induced anx-
many cancers.
iety disorder); and auditory hallucinations and/or paranoid
delusions in a person who is alert and oriented, seen in
35% of alcoholics (alcohol-induced psychotic disorder). HEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM
Treatment of all forms of alcohol-induced psy-
chopathology includes helping patients achieve absti- Ethanol causes an increase in red blood cell size [mean
nence and offering supportive care, as well as reassurance corpuscular volume, (MCV)], which reects its effects
and talk therapy such as cognitive-behavioral approaches. on stem cells. If heavy drinking is accompanied by folic
However, with the exception of short-term antipsychotics acid deciency, there can also be hypersegmented neu-
tests that are likely to be abnormal in the context of reg-
as can be seen in the antisocial personality disorder. In ular consumption of six to eight or more drinks per day.
other families, the risk for both alcohol and drug depen- The two blood tests with 70% sensitivity and speci-
dence may relate to a genetic vulnerability to schizo- city for heavy alcohol consumption are -glutamyl
phrenia, panic disorder, or manic depressive disease. A
transferase (GGT) (>35 units) and carbohydrate-decient
third and different mechanism increases only the alco-
transferrin (CDT) (>20 units/L); the combination of the
holism risk (e.g., in some offspring of alcoholics and
two is likely to be more accurate than either alone.
3. How often do you have six or Never (0) to daily person who refuses to stop drinking at the first inter-
more drinks on one occasion? or almost daily (4) vention, a logical step is to keep the door open,
4. How often during the last year Never (0) to daily establishing future meetings so that help is available as
have you found that you were or almost daily (4) problems escalate. In the meantime the family may
not able to stop drinking once benefit from counseling or referral to self-help groups
you had started?
5. How often during the last year Never (0) to daily
such as Al-Anon (the Alcoholics Anonymous group for
family members) and Alateen (for teenage children of
Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
such as benzodiazepines or barbiturates. Other medical short-acting benzodiazepines such as lorazepam can
conditions that must be considered include hypoglycemia, produce rapidly changing drug blood levels and must
hepatic failure, or diabetic ketoacidosis. be given every 4 h to avoid abrupt uctuations that
Patients who are medically stable should be placed may increase the risk for seizures. Therefore, most clini-
in a quiet environment. If recumbent, patients should lie cians use drugs with longer half-lives, such as diazepam
on their side to minimize the risk of aspiration. When the or chlordiazepoxide, administering enough drug on
intoxicated person is aggressive or violent, hospital pro-
signs and to come to the emergency room if signs and develop a nondrinking peer group, and handle stresses
symptoms of withdrawal escalate. on the job.
The physician serves an important role in identifying
REHABILITATION OF ALCOHOLICS After the alcoholic, diagnosing and treating associated med-
completing alcoholic rehabilitation, 60% of alcoholics, ical or psychiatric syndromes, overseeing detoxication,
especially middle class patients, maintain abstinence for referring the patient to rehabilitation programs, and
Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
at least a year, and many achieve lifetime sobriety. providing counseling. Physicians are also responsible for
The core of treatment begins with helping patients selecting which (if any) medication might be appropri-
recognize the need to change, while working with them ate during alcoholism rehabilitation. Patients often com-
to alter their behaviors to enhance compliance. Thera- plain of continuing sleep problems or anxiety when
peutic maneuvers fall into several general categories, acute withdrawal treatment is over, problems that may
which are applied to all patients regardless of age or be a component of protracted withdrawal. In general,
ethnic group. The manner in which the treatments are hypnotics or antianxiety drugs should be avoided in this
used should be sensitive to the practices and needs of situation. Patients should be reassured that the trouble
specic populations. The rst step is to help the alco- sleeping is normal after alcohol withdrawal and will
holic achieve and maintain a high level of motivation improve over the subsequent weeks and months.
toward abstinence. This includes education about alco- Patients should follow a rigid bedtime and awakening
holism and instructions to family and/or friends to stop schedule and avoid naps or the use of caffeine in the
protecting the patient from problems caused by alco- evenings. The sleep pattern will improve with time, and
hol. The second step is to help the patient readjust to the patient can avoid the rebound insomnia associated
life without alcohol and to reestablish a functional with most hypnotics and the risk for developing depen-
lifestyle through counseling, vocational rehabilitation, dence on another depressant. Anxiety can be addressed
and self-help groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous by helping the person to gain insight into the tempo-
(AA). The third component, called relapse prevention, rary nature of the symptoms and to develop strategies
helps the patient to identify situations in which a return to achieve relaxation as well as by using forms of cogni-
to drinking is likely, formulate ways of managing these tive therapy.
risks, and develop coping strategies that increase the While the mainstay of alcoholic rehabilitation involves
chances of a return to abstinence if a slip occurs. counseling, education, and cognitive approaches, several
For many patients, especially those who are highly medications might be useful. The optimal length of time
motivated and have supportive social systems, treat- to continue these drugs in the context of a positive
ment can be on an outpatient basis. However, more response is unclear, but most clinicians would recom-
intense interventions work better than less intensive mend 612 months. The rst is the opioid-antagonist
measures, and some alcoholics do not respond to out- drug naltrexone, 50150 mg/d, which has been reported
patient approaches. The decision to hospitalize or utilize to decrease the probability of a return to drinking and to
residential care can be made if (1) the patient has med- shorten periods of relapse. Recently a once-per-month
ical problems that are difcult to treat outside a hospi- injection of this drug (380 mg) has been developed to
tal; (2) depression, confusion, or psychosis interferes help improve compliance. By blocking opioid receptors,
with outpatient care; (3) there is a severe life crisis that naltrexone may decrease activity in the dopamine-
makes it difcult to work in an outpatient setting; (4) rich ventral tegmental reward system, or decrease the
outpatient treatment has failed; or (5) the patient lives feeling of pleasure or reward if alcohol is imbibed.
too far from the treatment center to participate in an The improved rate of functioning and abstinence with
outpatient program. The best predictors of continued this drug is modest. The side effects are relatively few
abstinence include evidence of higher levels of life at the recommended doses and include gastrointestinal
stability (e.g., supportive family and friends) and higher distress. A second medication, acamprosate (Campral),
levels of functioning (e.g., job skills, higher levels of edu- 2 g/d, has been widely tested in patients in the United
cation, and absence of crimes unrelated to alcohol). States and Europe; results are generally similar to those
reported for naltrexone. This drug inhibits the actions high-risk drinking situations for them (such as the 695
of NMDA receptors and has been hypothesized to act Christmas holiday). Other drugs under investigation for
by decreasing mild symptoms of protracted withdrawal. possible use in alcoholism rehabilitation include the
There are few side effects, aside from mild gastroin- serotonin antagonist ondansetron; topiramate, an anti-
testinal distress. Several long-term trials of combined convulsant with possible effects on dopamine; and the
naltrexone and acamprosate using doses similar to cannabinol receptor antagonist ramonibant; at present,
those noted above have reported that the combination there are insufcient data to support their use in clini-
may be superior to either drug alone, although not all cal settings.
studies agree. Additional support for alcoholics and their relatives
Disulram, an ALDH inhibitor, has been used and friends is available through self-help programs such
extensively in the past for treatment of alcoholism. In as AA. These groups, which typically consist of recover-
doses of 250 mg/d this drug produces an unpleasant ing alcoholics, offer an effective model of abstinence,
(and potentially dangerous) reaction in the presence of provide a sober peer group, and make crisis interven-
alcohol, a phenomenon related to rapidly rising blood tion freely available when the urge to drink escalates.
levels of the rst metabolite of alcohol, acetaldehyde. This can help patients optimize their chances for recov-
Marc A. Schuckit
I Pharmacology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696
I Acute and Chronic Effects of Opioids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697
I Opioid Abuse and Dependence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 698
I Further Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701
It is difcult to imagine modern medical practice without of these actions include nalorphine, levallorphan, cycla-
the use of opioid analgesics.These drugs have been part of zocine, butorphanol, buprenorphine, and pentazocine,
health care since 300 B.C. Opium and codeine were iso- each of which has mixed agonist and antagonist properties,
lated in the early nineteenth century, opioid-like substances as well as naloxone, nalmefene, and naltrexone, which
produced by the body were recognized in the 1970s, and are pure opiate antagonists.
the rst endogenous opioid was isolated in 1995.As impor- The availability of relatively specic antagonists has
tant as these substances are to modern medicine, opioid helped identify at least three receptor subtypes. These
drugs have many disadvantages, including overdosage and include receptors, which inuence some of the more
dependency; close to 1 million individuals in the United classic opioid actions such as pain control, reinforcement,
States are opioid-dependent. All opioid drugs are capable constipation, hormone levels, and respiration; receptors,
of producing a heroin-like intoxication, as well as toler- with possible similar functions along with sedation and
ance and withdrawal. effects on hormones; and receptors, thought to relate
mostly to analgesia, mood, reinforcement, and breathing.
PHARMACOLOGY A fourth possible receptor subtype, sensitive to another
endogenous peptide, is sometimes called nociceptin or
The prototypic opiates, morphine and codeine orphanin and may inuence pain. The major features of
(3-methoxymorphine), are derived from the juice of the tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal are thought to be
poppy Papaver somniferum. The semisynthetic drugs pro- mediated primarily by receptors, and these are affected
duced from morphine or thebane molecules include by all prescription opioids.
hydromorphone, diacetylmorphine (heroin), and oxy- The most rapid and pronounced effects of opioids
codone. The purely synthetic opioids and their cousins occur through IV administration, with only slightly less
include meperidine, propoxyphene, diphenoxylate, fentanyl, efcient absorption after smoking or inhaling the vapor
buprenorphine, tramadol, methadone, and pentazocine. (chasing the dragon).The slowest onset and least intense
The bodys own endogenous opioid peptides (e.g., effects occur after oral consumption. Most of the metab-
enkephalins, endorphins, dynorphins, and others) have olism of opioids occurs in the liver, primarily through
distinct distributions in the central nervous system (CNS) conjugation with glucuronic acid, and only small amounts
and appear to be natural ligands for opioid receptors. are excreted directly in the urine or feces. The plasma
As summarized in Table 51-1, the receptors with which half-lives of these drugs range from 2.53 h for mor-
opioid peptides interact differentially produce analgesia, phine to >22 h for methadone.
respiratory depression, constipation, euphoria, and other Street heroin is typically only 510% pure and is usually
actions. Substances capable of antagonizing one or more mixed with sugars, quinine, powdered milk, phenacetin,
TABLE 51-1 as an antitussive) and respiratory depression, which result 697
ACTIONS OF OPIOID RECEPTORS from a decreased response of the brainstem to carbon
dioxide tension, a component of the drug overdose syn-
drome described below.At even low drug doses, this effect
Mu () (e.g., Analgesia, reinforcement euphoria, can be clinically signicant for individuals with pulmonary
morphine) cough and appetite suppression, disease. Aspiration pneumonia is an additional risk. The
decreased respirations, decreased gastrointestinal effects of opioids can include decreased gut
GI motility, sedation, hormone motility (useful in treating diarrhea), nausea, constipation,
changes, dopamine and acetyl-
choline release
and anorexia with weight loss. Cardiovascular changes
Kappa () (e.g., Decreased dysphoria, decreased GI following modest doses tend to be relatively mild, with
butorphanol) motility, decreased appetite, no direct opioid effect on heart rhythm or myocardial
decreased respiration, psychotic contractility, but orthostatic hypotension can occur,
symptoms, sedation, diuresis, probably secondary to histamine release and dilation of
analgesia peripheral vessels. Bacterial endocarditis with septic emboli
Delta () (e.g., Hormone changes, appetite and stroke can occur from contaminated needles.
etorphine) suppression, dopamine release
Once persistent opioid use is established, severe problems such as morphine or heroin, usually causes symptoms
are likely to develop. At least 25% of opioid-dependent within 816 h of the last dose; intensity peaks within
individuals die within 1020 years (a mortality rate 15-fold 3672 h after discontinuation of the drug; and the acute
higher than the general population) from suicide, homi- syndrome disappears within 58 days. A protracted absti-
cide, accidents, or infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, nence phase of mild moodiness, autonomic dysfunction,
hepatitis, or AIDS. The latter has become an epidemic and changes in pain threshold and sleep patterns may per-
among injection drug users, with as many as 60% of these
dependent persons regardless of their usual drug of physicians who have completed a required training pro-
abuse. Another important treatment component is relapse gram. While some studies report equal effectiveness of
prevention aimed at identifying triggers for a return to buprenorphine and methadone, others suggest higher
drugs and developing appropriate coping strategies. dropout rates or more concomitant illicit drug use with
Much of this advice and counseling can be given by buprenorphine compared to methadone. As with all
the physician or by referring patients to formal drug opioids, there is a danger of misuse of this drug.
Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
programs, including methadone maintenance clinics, In the past, the British have used heroin maintenance
programs using narcotic antagonists, and therapeutic with goals and guidelines similar to those of current
communities. Long-term follow-up of treated patients methadone programs. There is no evidence that heroin
indicates that approximately one-third are completely maintenance has any advantages over methadone main-
drug free, and 60% no longer use opioids. tenance, but the heroin approach increases the risk that
the drug will be sold on the streets.
Opioid Maintenance Maintenance programs with
Opioid Antagonists The opioid antagonists (e.g.,
methadone or buprenorphene should be used only in
naltrexone) compete with heroin and other opioids at
combination with education and counseling. The goal is
receptors, reducing the effects of the opioid agonists.
to provide a substitute drug that is legally accessible,
Administered over long periods with the intention of
safer, can be taken orally, and has a relatively long half-life
blocking the opioid high, these drugs can be useful as
so that it can be taken once a day. This can help persons
part of an overall treatment approach that includes
who have repeatedly failed in drug-free programs to
counseling and support. Naltrexone doses of 50 mg/d
improve functioning within the family and job, to decrease
antagonize 15 mg of heroin for 24 h, and the possibly
legal problems, and to improve health. Individuals who
more effective higher doses (125150 mg) block the
stay in methadone maintenance are likely to show less
effects of 25 mg of IV heroin for up to 3 days. To avoid
antisocial behavior and improvement in employment
precipitating a withdrawal syndrome, patients must be
free of opioids for a minimum of 5 days before begin-
Methadone is a long-acting opioid optimally dosed at
ning treatment with naltrexone and should rst be chal-
80120 mg/d (a goal met through slow, careful increases
lenged with 0.4 or 0.8 mg of the shorter-acting agent
over time). This dose is effective in blocking heroin-
naloxone to be certain they can tolerate the long-acting
induced euphoria while decreasing craving, thereby
antagonist. A test dose of 10 mg of naltrexone is then
helping patients to maintain abstinence from illegal
given, which can produce withdrawal symptoms in
opioids. Over three-quarters of patients in well-supervised
0.52 h. If none appear, the patient can begin with the
methadone clinics are likely to remain heroin-free for
usual dose of 40150 mg three times per week.
6 months. Methadone is usually administered as an
oral liquid given once a day at the program, with week- Drug-Free Programs Most opioid-dependent indi-
end doses taken at home. After a period of maintenance viduals enter treatment programs that are based primar-
(usually 6 months to 1 year), the clinician can work to ily on the cognitive behavioral approaches of enhancing
slowly decrease the dose by ~5% per week. Some indi- commitment to abstinence, helping individuals to rebuild
viduals, however, are unable to taper off the drug and their lives without substances, and preventing relapse.
require long-term maintenance. Whether carried out in inpatient, residential, or outpa-
An alternative medication that has been used for tient settings, patients usually do not receive mainte-
maintenance treatment is buprenorphine, a opioid nance medications.
agonist and antagonist. A dose of 612 mg buprenor- A variation of this approach can be used for persons
phine is roughly equivalent to 3560 mg of methadone. who are having problems maintaining a drug-free state.
Administered either as a sublingual liquid or tablet, Here, the basic elements of treatment are incorporated into
doses can be gradually increased to 816 mg/d over the long-term (often a year or more) residence in a therapeutic
rst 2 months. Doses of 1632 mg per treatment day may community.The person begins with almost full immersion
be needed if the drug is given three times per week. in the environment in which other individuals at various
stages of recovery become the primary support group, warrant in the average person. Physicians must be vigi- 701
offering advice and a drug-free atmosphere in which lant regarding their own risk for opioid abuse and depen-
the opioid-dependent person progresses through ever- dence, never prescribing these drugs for themselves. For
increasing levels of independence, including assuming the nonmedical IV drugdependent person, all possible
a job outside the therapeutic atmosphere. efforts must be made to prevent AIDS, hepatitis, bacterial
As is true for treatments of all substance-use disorders, endocarditis, and other consequences of contaminated
it is likely that counseling, behavioral treatments, and needles both through methadone maintenance and by
relatively simple approaches to psychotherapy add sig- considering needle-exchange programs.
nicantly to a positive outcome. Most programs focus
on teaching participants to cope with stress, enhancing
their understanding of personality attributes, teaching
better cognitive styles, and, through the process of relapse FURTHER READINGS
prevention, addressing issues that might contribute to JOHNSTON LD et al: Monitoring the Future: National Results on Adolescent
increased craving, easy access to drugs, or periods of Drug Use: Overview of Key Findings, 2005. Bethesda, MD, National
decreased motivation. A combination of these therapies Institute on Drug Abuse
I Cocaine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702
I Marijuana and Cannabis Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704
I Methamphetamine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705
I Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706
I Phencyclidine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706
I Polydrug Abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706
I Further Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
Initiation and perpetuation of the abuse of cocaine and (the speedball) is frequently associated with needle-
other psychostimulants are determined by a complex inter- sharing by IV drug users. Intravenous drug abusers continue
action between the pharmacologic properties and relative to represent the largest single group of persons with HIV
availability of each drug, the personality and expectations infection in several major metropolitan areas in the United
of the user, and the environmental context in which the States as well as in urban areas in Scotland, Italy, Spain,
drug is used. Polydrug abuse, the concurrent use of several Thailand, and China.
drugs with different pharmacologic effects, is increasingly
common. Some forms of polydrug abuse, such as the com- COCAINE
bined use of heroin and cocaine intravenously, are espe-
cially dangerous and remain a major problem in hospital Cocaine is a stimulant and local anesthetic with potent
emergency departments. Sometimes one drug is used to vasoconstrictor properties. The leaves of the coca plant
enhance the effects of another, as with the combined use (Erythroxylon coca) contain ~0.51% cocaine.The drug pro-
of benzodiazepines and methadone, or cocaine and heroin duces physiologic and behavioral effects when administered
in methadone-maintained patients. PO, intranasally, IV, or via inhalation following pyrolysis
Chronic cocaine and psychostimulant abuse may cause (smoking).The reinforcing effects of cocaine appear to be
a number of adverse health consequences, ranging from related to activation of dopaminergic neurons in the
pulmonary disease to reproductive dysfunction. Preexisting mesolimbic system. Cocaine increases synaptic concentra-
disorders such as hypertension and cardiac disease may be tions of the monamine neurotransmitters dopamine,
exacerbated by drug abuse, and the combined use of two norepinephrine, and serotonin by binding to transporter
or more drugs may accentuate medical complications proteins in presynaptic neurons and blocking reuptake.
associated with abuse of one of them.The adverse health
consequences of drug abuse are further complicated by Prevalence of Cocaine Use
increased vulnerability to infections. Cocaine is widely available throughout the United States,
Drug abuse increases the risk of exposure to HIV. and cocaine abuse occurs in virtually all social and eco-
Cocaine and psychostimulant abuse contribute to the nomic strata of society. The prevalence of cocaine abuse
risk for HIV infection in part by suppression of immune in the general population has been accompanied by an
function. In addition, concurrent use of cocaine and opiates increase in cocaine abuse by heroin-dependent persons,
including those in methadone maintenance programs. effects of cocaine and to residual contaminants in the 703
Intravenous cocaine is often used concurrently with IV smoked material. Hepatic necrosis has been reported to
heroin. This combination purportedly attenuates the occur following crack/cocaine use.
postcocaine crash and substitutes a cocaine high for Although men and women who abuse cocaine may
the heroin high blocked by methadone. report that the drug enhances libidinal drive, chronic
cocaine use causes signicant loss of libido and adversely
Acute and Chronic Intoxication affects reproductive function. Impotence and gyneco-
mastia have been observed in male cocaine abusers, and
There has been an increase in both IV administration and these abnormalities often persist for long periods fol-
inhalation of pyrolyzed cocaine via smoking. Following lowing cessation of drug use.Women who abuse cocaine
intranasal administration, changes in mood and sensation may experience major derangements in menstrual cycle
are perceived within 35 min, and peak effects occur at function including galactorrhea, amenorrhea, and infer-
1020 min.The effects rarely last more than 1 h. Inhalation tility. Chronic cocaine abuse may cause persistent hyper-
of pyrolyzed materials includes inhaling crack/cocaine or prolactinemia as a consequence of disordered dopaminergic
smoking coca paste, a product made by extracting cocaine inhibition of prolactin secretion by the anterior pitu-
preparations with ammable solvents, and cocaine free- itary. Cocaine abuse by pregnant women, particularly
reduce the duration and severity of cocaine abuse and with crack/cocaine and phencyclidine is increasing.
dependence. However, no available medication is both
safe and highly effective for either cocaine detoxication Acute and Chronic Intoxication
or maintenance of abstinence. Some psychotherapeutic
interventions may be effective; however, no specic Acute intoxication from marijuana and cannabis com-
form of psychotherapy or behavioral modication is pounds is related to both the dose of THC and the route of
Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
is greater in persons who smoke both marijuana and METHAMPHETAMINE
tobacco than in tobacco smokers.
Although marijuana has also been associated with a Methamphetamine is also referred to as meth, speed,
number of other adverse effects, many of these studies crank, chalk, ice, glass, or crystal. In the United
await replication and conrmation.A reported correlation States, hospital admissions for treatment of methamphet-
between chronic marijuana use and decreased testosterone amine abuse increased substantially (from 38%) between
levels in males has not been conrmed. Decreased sperm 1994 and 2004. This increase occurred despite drug
risk for toxic effects and adverse medical consequences phase of drug abstinence. When possible, specialized
over risks associated with use of a single drug. One deter- facilities for the care and treatment of chemically depen-
minant of polydrug use patterns is the relative availability dent persons should be used. Outpatient detoxication
and cost of the drugs. There are many examples of situa- of polydrug abuse patients is likely to be ineffective and
tionally determined drug use patterns. For example, alcohol may be dangerous.
abuse, with its attendant medical complications, is one of Drug abuse disorders often respond to effective treat-
the most serious problems encountered in former heroin
Questions and answers were taken from Wiener C, et al (eds). Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine Self-Assessment and Board Review, 17th ed.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008.
710 Review and Self-Assessment
5. (Continued ) 8. (Continued )
and is being mechanically ventilated, with a respira- A 33-year-old woman comes to your ofce for eval-
tory rate of 14. His pupils are reactive to light, and uation of a bilateral tingling sensation in the nger-
there are normal corneal, cough, and gag reexes.The tips. She describes the sensation as affecting all the
patient has a dense left hemiparesis. When presented ngers on both hands. She has no medical problems
with painful stimuli, the patient responds with exure and takes no medications. She is a vegetarian and is
posturing on the right side. Computed tomography visiting the area from San Diego, California. She
(CT) reveals a large area of intracranial bleeding in the denies any other symptoms, including headache,
right frontoparietal area. Over the next several hours nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, and urinary
the patient deteriorates.The most recent examination frequency. On physical examination the patient has a
reveals a blood pressure of 189/100. The patient now normal sensory examination, including reaction to
has a dilated pupil on the right side.The patient con- light touch and pinprick and vibratory sensation.
tinues to have corneal reexes. You suspect rising She is able to stand normally with the arms extended
intracranial pressure related to the intracranial bleed. and the eyes closed. A cerebellar examination reveals
All but which of the following can be done to decrease normal nger-to-nose testing and no dysdiadochoki-
the patients intracranial pressure? nesis. Her gait is normal, including tandem gait, toe
walking, and heel walking. What would you recom-
A. Administer intravenous mannitol at a dose of 1 g/kg mend as the next step?
body weight
B. Administer hypertonic uids to achieve a goal sodium A. Blood tests for serum vitamin B12
level of 155 to 160 meq/L B. Fasting blood glucose level
C. Consult neurosurgery for an urgent ventriculostomy. C. Reassurance
D. Initiate intravenous nitroprusside to decrease the mean D. Serologic testing for syphilis
arterial pressure to a goal of 100 mmHg E. Treatment with acetazolamide for altitude sickness
E. Increase the respiratory rate to 30
9. You are doing rounds and see a patient admitted with
6. For the last 5 weeks a 35-year-old woman has had weakness. He is a 46-year-old man who noticed the
episodes of intense vertigo that last several hours. gradual onset of facial weakness and slurred speech
Each episode is associated with tinnitus and a sense 1 day prior to presentation. At the onset of his symp-
of fullness in the right ear; during the attacks she toms, he also complained of right arm weakness and
prefers to lie on the left side. Examination during an double vision. He went to bed and woke up the next
attack shows that she has ne rotary nystagmus that morning without any residual neurologic decits. He
is maximal on gaze to the left. There are no ocular came to the emergency department for evaluation.
palsies, cranial nerve signs, or long-tract signs. An On examination of the patient on evening rounds,
audiogram shows high-tone hearing loss in the right you note 3/5 weakness in the upper and lower
ear, with recruitment but no tone decay. The most extremities, with increasing weakness with exertion.
likely diagnosis in this patient is He has intact phonation and mental status, but you
also note a disconjugate gaze. He denies any pain.
A. labyrinthitis
Sensation is intact.What is the most likely location of
B. Mnires disease
C. vertebral-basilar insufciency
his neurologic disease?
D. acoustic neuroma A. Brainstem
E. multiple sclerosis B. Muscle
C. Neuromuscular junction
7. Lumbar puncture should be preceded by CT or D. Peripheral nerve
MRI in all of the following subsets of patients sus- E. Spinal root
pected of having meningitis except those with:
A. depressed consciousness
10. A 34-year-old woman complains of lower extremity
B. focal neurologic abnormality weakness for the last 3 days. She has noted progres-
C. known central nervous system (CNS) mass lesion sive weakness in the lower extremities with loss of
D. positive Kernigs sign sensation below the belly button and inconti-
E. recent head trauma nence. She had had some low-grade fevers for the
last week. She denies recent travel. Past medical his-
8. You are a physician practicing in a small community tory is unremarkable. Physical examination is notable
in the Rocky Mountains near Aspen, Colorado. for a sensory level at the level of the umbilicus.
Review and Self-Assessment 711
A. Immunocompromised patients
B. Elderly patients
A. Delayed relaxation phase of deep tendon reexes
C. Infants
B. Hepatosplenomegaly
D. All of the above
C. Muscle weakness
D. Situs inversus
E. Subcutaneous nodules on the back of the forearm 64. Which of the following neurologic phenomena is
classically associated with herniation of the brain
61. A 65-year-old man presents with severe right-sided through the foramen magnum?
eye and facial pain, nausea, vomiting, colored halos
around lights, and loss of visual acuity. His right eye A. Third-nerve compression and ipsilateral papillary dilation
is quite red, and that pupil is dilated and xed. B. Catatonia
Which of the following diagnostic tests would con- C. Locked-in state
D. Miotic pupils
rm the diagnosis?
E. Respiratory arrest
A. CT of the head
B. MRI of the head 65. A 72-year-old woman presents with brief, intermit-
C. Cerebral angiography tent excruciating episodes of lancinating pain in the
D. Tonometry lips, gums, and cheek. These intense spasms of pain
E. Slit-lamp examination may be initiated by touching the lips or moving the
tongue. The results of a physical examination are
62. A 21-year-old man presents to your clinic with normal. MRI of the head is also normal. The most
complaint of progressive weakness in the feet for the likely cause of this patients pain is
last 2 years. He describes slowly progressive difculty
in lifting his feet off the ground when walking. The A. acoustic neuroma
legs have gotten smaller in bulk. Past medical his- B. meningioma
tory is unremarkable.The family history is signicant C. temporal lobe epilepsy
for his father, brother, and paternal grandmother all D. trigeminal neuralgia
having similar weaknesses. The examination is E. facial nerve palsy
Review and Self-Assessment 721
66. A 38-year-old woman patient with facial and ocular 69. (Continued )
weakness has just been diagnosed with myasthenia A. Factors such as cigarette smoking and hypertension have
gravis. You intend to initiate therapy with anti- no modifying risk on the development of ischemic
cholinesterase medications and glucocorticoids. All stroke in individuals who have migraine with aura.
of the following tests are necessary before instituting B. In both women and men, migraine with aura is
this therapy except associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke.
C. Migraines generally persist unchanged in severity
A. CT or MRI of the chest throughout life.
B. puried protein derivative skin test D. Migraine with or without aura is associated with an
C. lumbar puncture increased risk of subclinical posterior circulation
D. pulmonary function tests infarction on MRI.
E. thyroid-stimulating hormone E. Women on oral contraceptives who have migraines
without aura should discontinue these medications
67. A 76-year-old nursing home resident is brought to because of a marked increased risk of ischemic stroke.
the local emergency department after falling out of
bed.The fall was not witnessed; however, she was sus- 70. A 40-year-old man has recurrent bouts of tinnitus.
pected to have hit her head. She is not responsive to Except for a fairly severe upper respiratory tract infec-
verbal or light tactile stimuli.At baseline she is able to tion 1 year ago, he has been healthy for all of his life.
converse but is frequently disoriented to place and In the last year he has had two self-limited episodes of
time. She has a medical history that includes stable tinnitus associated with dizziness and a decrement in
coronary disease, mild emphysema, and multi-infarct his hearing. His symptoms are always unilateral on the
dementia. Immediately after triage she is taken for a same side and have required him to take off from
CT scan of the head. Which of the following is true work for a few days each time. He comes into your
regarding head injury and hematomas? ofce at the outset of his third bout of tinnitus. He
has taken meclizine at home with no relief. In your
A. More than 80% of patients with subdural hematomas will ofce, he has tinnitus and vertigo while seated,
experience a lucid interval prior to loss of consciousness. which is exacerbated with ambulation. His symp-
B. Epidural hematomas generally arise from venous sources. toms of dizziness are not reproduced with Dix-
C. Epidural hematomas are common among the elderly Hallpike maneuvers. Which is the best long-term
with minor head trauma.
treatment option for the patient at this time?
D. Most patients presenting with epidural hematomas are
unconscious. A. Diuretic
E. Subdural hematomas lead to rapid increases in intracra- B. Glucocorticoid
nial pressure and can require arterial ligation. C. Epley procedure
D. Metoclopramide
68. A 45-year-old man presents with complaint of severe E. Scopolamine transdermal
right arm pain. He gives a history of having slipped
on the ice and severely contusing his right shoulder 71. While you are working in the urgent care center, a
approximately 1 month ago. At this time he has sharp babysitter brings in a 7-year-old boy who complains of
knifelike pain in the right arm and forearm. Physical visual changes. He complains of difculty with blue-yel-
examination reveals a right arm that is more moist low color discrimination. He has no other past medical
and hairy than the left arm. There is no specic history. On examination, visual acuity in the right eye is
weakness or sensory change. However, the right arm 20/60 and in the left eye 20/80. He has blue-yellow
is clearly more edematous than the left, and the skin color blindness. He has cerebellar ataxia on neurologic
appears somewhat atrophic in the affected limb. The examination as well as ophthalmoparesis. His strength is
patients pain most likely is due to 5 out of 5 in all major muscle groups, and all reexes are
normal except for extensor plantar responses.When the
A. subclavian vein thrombosis mother arrives, you nd out that many relatives on the
B. brachial plexus injury fathers side of the family, including the father, have been
C. reex sympathetic dystrophy diagnosed with cerebellar ataxia but she does not know
D. acromioclavicular separation more than that. You decide to perform a funduscopic
E. cervical radiculopathy
examination.What do you expect to nd on examina-
69. Which of the following statements regarding the long- tion of this patients fundi?
term outcomes in individuals with severe migraines is A. Lipemia retinalis
true? B. Normal examination
722 Review and Self-Assessment
1. The answer is C. head for relief, whereas those with migraines tend to
(Chap. 13) Confusion is dened as a mental and behav- remain motionless during attacks. Interestingly, unilateral
ioral state of reduced comprehension, coherence, and phonophobia and photophobia can occur with cluster
capacity to reason. Delirium is used to describe an acute headaches but do not with migraines. Treatment of acute
confusional state. Delirium often goes unrecognized attacks of cluster headaches requires a treatment with a
despite clear evidence that it is often a cognitive manifes- fast onset as the headaches reach peak intensity very
tation of many medical and neurologic illnesses. Delirium quickly but are of relatively short duration. High-ow
is a clinical diagnosis that may be hyperactive (e.g., alco- oxygen (1012 L/min for 1520 min) has been very
hol withdrawal) or hypoactive (e.g., opiate intoxication). effective in relieving the headaches. Alternatively, subcuta-
There is often dramatic uctuation between states. Delir- neous or intranasal delivery of sumatriptan will also halt
ium is associated with a substantial mortality with in- an attack. The oral-route triptan medications are less
hospital mortality estimates ranging from 2533%. Overall effective because of the time to onset of effect is too
estimates of delirium in hospitalized patients range from great. Preventive treatment may be considered in individ-
1555% with higher rates in the elderly. Patients in the uals with prolonged bouts of cluster headaches or chronic
ICU have especially high rates of delirium, ranging from cluster headaches that occur without a pain-free interval.
7087%. The clinic setting would represent the lowest The other TAC syndromes are paroxysmal hemicra-
risk. Postoperative patients, especially status post hip nia and short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache
surgery, have an incidence of delirium that is somewhat attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing (com-
higher than patients admitted to the medical wards. monly known as SUNCT). Paroxysmal hemicrania is
characterized by unilateral severe headaches lasting only
2. The answer is C. 245 min but occurring up to ve times daily. There is
(Chap. 6) This patient is presenting with typical cluster marked autonomic symptoms, and paroxysms of
headaches, one of the three recognized trigeminal auto- headaches last <3 days. Indomethacin is very effective at
nomic cephalgias (TACs). TACs are characterized by preventing this syndrome. SUNCT is a rare syndrome in
intense episodes of head pain associated with cranial auto- which the headaches last <4 min at a time. Diagnosis
nomic symptoms such as tearing, rhinorrhea, and con- requires at least 20 attacks. There is no acute treatment of
junctival injection. Because of these associated symptoms, SUNCT because of their short duration, but preventative
patients may be misdiagnosed as having sinus headache therapy with lamotrigine, topiramate, gabapentin, or car-
due to allergic rhinitis and treated inappropriately with bamazepine may be effective.
antihistamine and nasal steroids. A typical presentation of
cluster headaches is one of episodic severe headaches that 3. The answer is A.
occur at least once daily at about the same time for a (Chap. 44) A common mistake in the management of
period of 810 weeks. An attack usually lasts from 15180 patients with inammatory myopathy is to chase the
minutes, and 50% of headaches will have nocturnal onset. CK instead of adjusting therapy based on the clinical
Between episodes of headache, the patient is generally response. The goal of therapy is to improve strength. If
well. The period between headache cycles typically lasts that goal is being achieved, no augmentation of therapy is
about 1 year. Men are affected three times more com- necessary. In this case, the plan to switch to long-term
monly with cluster headaches than women, and alcohol maintenance with steroid-sparing immunosuppressants
ingestion may trigger cluster headaches. A distinguishing should still be pursued. There have been no controlled
feature between cluster headaches and migraine studies comparing mycophenolate to methotrexate for the
headaches is that individuals with cluster headaches tend long-term use in polymyositis, and in the absence of an
to move about during attacks and frequently rub their adverse reaction to mycophenolate, therapy should not be
724 Review and Self-Assessment
15. The answer is A. deltoid would be mediated by injury to the C5 nerve root.
(Chap. 20) Complex partial seizures are characterized by Finger exors and sensation to the axilla and medial arm
focal seizure activity plus impairment of the patients abil- are mediated by C8 and T1. (See Table 7-4)
ity to maintain contact with the environment. Mesial
temporal lobe epilepsy is the most common syndrome 20. The answer is C.
associated with complex partial seizures. Patients are (Chap. 26) The patient describes cerebellar ataxia, which is
unable to respond to verbal or visual commands during differentiated from ataxia associated with vestibular or
the seizure and they often manifest complex automatisms labyrinthine disease by the absence of vertiginous com-
or complex posturing. An aura is common before the plaints. True cerebellar ataxia is devoid of vertiginous
seizures. There is postictal memory loss or disorientation. symptoms and is clearly an unsteady gait due to imbal-
Patients often have a history of febrile seizures or a family ance. CT scanning can miss pathology in the cerebellum
history of seizures. MRI will show hippocampal sclerosis, due to the surrounding bony structures. Alcohol intoxica-
a small temporal lobe, or enlarged temporal horn. tion, lithium toxicity, and viral cerebritis usually cause
Hypothyroidism, herpes virus infection, diabetes, and acute or subacute (days to weeks) cerebellar ataxia. Ter-
tuberous sclerosis are not associated with mesial temporal tiary syphilis is a common cause of chronic cerebellar
lobe epilepsy. ataxia (months to years).
MRI, one would expect to nd volume loss and T2- while the head position is maintained, and repeat trials
hyperintensity in the area of the putamen, globus pallidus, lessen the symptoms each time and may extinguish them
and white matter. On pathologic examination, a-synuclein- completely. With central causes of vertigo, symptoms are
positive inclusions would be seen in the affected areas. often less severe than with peripheral vertigo. Isolated
Median survival after diagnosis is 69 years. Dopaminer- horizontal nystagmus without a torsional component is
gic agents are not helpful in treatment of this disorder and also more suggestive of a central cause of vertigo.
are usually associated with drug-induced dyskinesias of
the face and neck, rather than the limbs and trunk. Corti- 30. The answer is C.
cobasal degeneration is a sporadic tauopathy that presents (Chap. 24) Therapy for Parkinsons disease should be initi-
in the sixth to seventh decades. In contrast to Parkinsons ated when symptoms interfere with the patients quality
disease, this disorder is frequently associated with of life. Choice of initial drug therapy is usually with
myoclonic jerks and involuntary purposeful movements of dopamine agonists, levodopa, or MAO inhibitors. The
a limb. Its progressive nature leads to spastic paraplegia. initial choice in most individuals is a dopamine agonist
Diffuse Lewy body disease has prominent dementia with (pramipexole, ropinirole), and monotherapy with dopamine
parkinsonian features. Neuropsychiatric complaints agonists usually controls motor symptoms for several years
including paranoia, delusions, and personality changes are before levodopa therapy becomes necessary. Over this
more common than in Parkinsons disease. Drug-induced period, escalating doses are frequently required, and side
Parkinsons disease is not seen with nitrofurantoin, and the effects may be limiting. It is thought that dopamine ago-
patient has no history of illicit drugs such as MTPT, nists delay the onset of dyskinesias and on-off motor
which could cause Parkinsons disease. Finally, this is symptoms, such as freezing. By 5 years, over one-half of
unlikely to be inadequately treated Parkinsons disease individuals will require levodopa to control motor symp-
because one would expect at least an initial improvement toms. Levodopa remains the most effective therapy for the
on dopaminergic agents. motor symptoms of Parkinsons disease, but once lev-
odopa is started, dyskinesias and on-off motor uctuations
28. The answer is D. become more common. MAO inhibitors work by decreas-
(Chap. 31) The head CT shows bilateral hypodense uid ing postsynaptic breakdown of dopamine. As monother-
collections in the subdural space. Acute hematomas apy, these agents have only small effects and are most often
(which would be as bright as the resolving blood shown used as adjuncts to levodopa. Surgical procedures such as
in arrows) become hypodense in comparison with adja- pallidotomy and deep-brain stimulation are reserved for
cent brain after ~2 months. During the isodense phase advanced Parkinsons disease with intractable tremor or
(26 weeks after injury), they may be difcult to discern. drug-induced motor uctuations or dyskinesias. In this
Chronic subdural hematoma may present without a his- setting, deep-brain stimulation can alleviate disabling
tory of trauma or injury in 2030% of patients. Headache symptoms.
is common. Other symptoms may be vague as in this
patient, or there may be focal signs including hemiparesis 31. The answer is C.
mimicking stroke. Underlying cortical damage may serve (Chap. 44) This patient does not have signs of an inam-
as a seizure focus. In relatively asymptomatic patients with matory myositis. In particular, the give-away weakness
small hematomas, observation and serial imaging may be and improvement with encouragement suggests that this
reasonable; however, surgical evacuation is often necessary patients weakness may actually be due to muscular
for large or symptomatic chronic hematomas. pain. Fibrositis, polymyalgia rheumatica or bromyalgia
may present this way, although the normal erythrocyte
29. The answer is B. sedimentation rate makes polymyalgia rheumatica less
(Chap 9) Positional vertigo is precipitated by a recumbent likely. Necrotic muscle can be seen in any of the inam-
head position, either to the right or the left. The benign matory myopathies or necrotizing myositis. Endomysial
form that affects the posterior semicircular canal is the deposits of amyloid can be seen in inclusion body myosi-
most common and is due to the accumulation of otoco- tis. Scattered inammatory foci are seen in polymyositis.
nia. Central positional vertigo (CPV) is due to lesions of
the fourth ventricle and is much less common than 32. The answer is E.
BPPV. BPPV can be diagnosed and potentially treated (Chap. 29) Trigeminal neuralgia is a clinical diagnosis based
with characteristic maneuvers (i.e., Dix-Hallpike posi- entirely on patient history.The disorder is characterized by
tion). With the head supine, the head is turned to the paroxysms of excruciating pain in the lips, gums, cheeks,
affected side (left ear down, in this case).Torsional nystag- and chin that resolves over seconds to minutes. It is caused
mus and vertigo will result with characteristic eye move- by ectopic action potentials in afferent pain bers of the
ments. In BPPV, the time from assuming head position fth cranial nerve, due either to nerve compression or
and onset of symptoms is 340 s, whereas in CPV, the other cause of demyelination. Symptoms are often, but not
onset is immediate. With BPPV, symptoms will abate always, elicited by tactile stimuli on the face, tongue or
Review and Self-Assessment 729
lips. An elevated ESR is not part of the clinical syndrome. and time course. Specic features of the history and phys-
Elevated ESR is associated with temporal arteritis, a vas- ical examination should lead the clinician toward a possi-
culitis associated with jaw claudication, unilateral vision ble diagnosis. For example, lead toxicity is frequently asso-
loss, and symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica. Trigeminal ciated with motor abnormalities in addition to sensory
neuralgia is specically notable for a lack of sensory nd- neuropathy. Laboratory examination with specic testing
ings on examination, unless the diagnosis comes in con- may be useful in assessing for a variety of etiologies of
junction with another disorder such as midbrain mass peripheral neuropathy, including diabetes mellitus, heavy
lesion or aneurysm. First-line therapy is with carba- metal toxicity, metabolic abnormalities, vasculitis, and
mazepine followed by phenytoin, rather than gabapentin. infections (syphilis, Lyme disease, HIV). Of the choices
Deep-seated facial and head pain is more a feature of listed in the question, folate deciency is not associated
migraine headache, dental pathology, or sinus disease. with peripheral neuropathy.
38. The answer is C. cytokine response in the subarachnoid space. This inam-
(Chap. 44) The inammatory myopathies (polymyositis, der- mation may lead to increased damage of the blood brain
matomyositis, and inclusion body myositis) are associated barrier and central nervous system damage. Glucocorti-
with unique clinical features. Inclusion body myositis is usu- coids can blunt this response by inhibiting tumor necrosis
ally seen in patients 50 years and initially involves the distal factor and interleukin-1. They work best if administered
muscles, especially the foot extensors and nger exors. before antibiotics. Clinical trials have demonstrated that
Atrophy is seen along with weakness as this inammatory dexamethasone, 10 mg IV administered 20 min before
myopathy runs a slowly progressive course, compared to antibiotics, reduced unfavorable outcomes, including
polymyositis or dermatomyositis. Polymyositis is a rare disor- death. The dexamethasone was continued for 4 days. The
der that usually involves the proximal not distal muscles. It is benets were most striking in pneumococcal meningitis.
a diagnosis of exclusion after a thorough medical examina- Because this is the most common cause of meningitis in
tion and muscle biopsy. Dermatomyositis is distinguished by the elderly, empirical coverage should include this inter-
the classic heliotrope rash and associated skin ndings, vention as well. Empirical antibiotics in this case should
which may precede the development of clinical muscular include a third-generation cephalosporin, vancomycin,
weakness. Eosinophilic myofasciitis is associated with myal- and ampicillin. However, dexamethasone may decrease
gias, skin induration, fatigue, and eosinophilia in the periph- vancomycin penetration into the CSF, so its use should be
eral blood as well as in endomysial tissue. Hyperthyroidism considered carefully in cases where the most likely organ-
would cause a reduced TSH. It may cause weakness, but is ism requires vancomycin coverage.
generally associated with other ndings such as tremor, skin
changes, and irritability. 42. The answer is E.
(Chap. 6) This patient has typical symptoms of migraine
39. The answer is B. headaches without concerning features for an underlying
(Chap. 42) In myasthenia gravis, the primary defect is disorder. Specically, there is no report of worsening
decreased number of available ACh receptors in the severity of headaches, fever, intractable vomiting, or
postsynaptic neuron at the neuromuscular junction abnormal neurologic examination that would be worri-
(NMJ). This occurs as a result of antibody-mediated some for an intracranial process.Vertigo is not an indica-
cross-linking of the ACh receptor, which causes tion of a more serious intracranial process, as an estimated
increased turnover of ACh receptors, blockage of the 33% of individuals with migraine experience vertigo both
active site, and damage to the postsynaptic muscle. The with and without accompanying headache. Therefore,
defect is not due to a defect in the release of ACh. Low imaging of the brain is unnecessary in this clinical situa-
levels of ACh-esterase would cause increased activation tion. Migraine headaches are the second most common
at the NMJ. Finally, the defect in myasthenia gravis headache syndromes after tension headaches and affect
occurs at the NMJ, not at nerve synapses. 15% of women and 6% of men. The onset of headaches
is usually in late adolescence, with peak prevalence of
40. The answer is E. migraine occurring in the mid-thirties. Migraine
(Chap. 20) Simple partial seizures cause motor, sensory, headaches are typically classified as occurring with aura
autonomic, or psychic symptoms without an obvious (previously called classic migraine) or without an aura. A
alteration in consciousness.The phenomenon of abnormal more simplied diagnostic criterion for migraine has
motor movements beginning in a restricted area then been adopted by the International Headache Society.
progressing to involve a larger area is termed Jacksonian Migraine is dened as repeated attacks of headache lasting
march. The patient is describing Todds paralysis, which 472 h in individuals with a normal physical examination.
may take minutes to many hours to return to normal. To be classied as a migraine, the headaches must fulll at
Although meningitis is a common cause of seizure in least two of the following symptoms: unilateral pain,
young patients, it is unlikely to be the cause in someone throbbing quality, aggravation by movement, and moder-
who has a known seizure disorder. If his symptoms were ate to severe intensity. At least one additional accompany-
to persist beyond many hours, it would be reasonable to ing feature should be present, including either nausea/
investigate a different etiology of his hand weakness with vomiting, phonophobia, or photophobia. Patient educa-
imaging studies. Overt decits in strength are not com- tion and trigger avoidance are important in the manage-
patible with a primary psychiatric disorder. Magnetic res- ment of migraine headaches. Migraines can frequently be
onance angiogram and cerebral angiogram are useful to controlled, but not eliminated, by lifestyle modications,
evaluate for cerebrovascular disorders, but there is no evi- and it is important to understand an individuals triggers
dence of subarachnoid bleeding or vasculitis. for migraine. A headache diary will help identify patterns
of headaches as well as triggers. It will also provide an
41. The answer is C. estimate of headache frequency and severity to aid in
(Chap. 35) The release of bacterial cell wall components determining whether prophylactic medication would
after killing by antibiotics may evoke a marked inammatory be required. Other nonpharmacologic treatment of
Review and Self-Assessment 731
migraines includes regular exercise, maintain a regular sleep- for this patient, and lumbar puncture must be performed
wake cycle, and stressor avoidance.Yoga, biofeedback, hypno- to rule this out. In addition, acute cocaine intoxication is a
sis, and meditation are interventions that may help alleviate plausible reason for this new-onset seizure. Figure 20-2
stress and may have benet in migraine treatment. Once an illustrates the evaluation of the adult patient with a seizure.
acute migraine is experienced, timely treatment is warranted MRI would be indicated if the patient had a negative
to decrease the duration of the attack and minimize loss of metabolic and toxicologic screening. Substance abuse
productivity. If attacks are mild, analgesics such as nons- counseling, while indicated, is not indicated at this point in
teroidal anti-inammatory drugs or acetaminophen may be his workup since he is postictal. The patient is not having
useful. However, the most effective drugs for the treatment of seizures, does not have a known seizure disorder, and has
moderate to severe migraines are the 5-hydroxytriptamine not been treated for the underlying metabolic abnormality,
agonistsergotamines and the triptan drugs. Rizatriptan and making intravenous loading with an antiepileptic medica-
almotriptan are the most efcacious of the triptan drugs. If tion premature at this time.
migraine attacks occur more than ve times monthly or are
poorly responsive to abortive treatment, additional drug ther- 46. The answer is D.
apy for prevention is indicated. (Chap. 43) Becker and Duchenne muscular dystrophy are
both X-linked recessive disorders associated with different
43. The answer is D. mutations of the dystrophin gene located on the short arm
(Chap. 1) Cranial nerve XI (accessory nerve) is correctly of the X chromosome. This 2000-kb gene is among the
paired with the proper examination technique. Testing largest identied human genes. In both Becker and
cranial nerve I (olfactory nerve) should be performed Duchenne muscular dystrophy, the most common muta-
with a mild stimulus (e.g., coffee or toothpaste) to elimi- tion is a deletion. However, deletions in Becker muscular
nate any potential stimulation of pain bers in the dystrophy do not result in frame-shift mutations, yielding a
nasopharynx (trigeminal nerve) by noxious stimuli such as delayed presentation and milder presentation of disease.
ammonia or alcohol. When testing visual acuity (cranial Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy designates a clinical syn-
nerve II), corrective lenses should be worn by the patient, drome that presents as progressive weakness of pelvic and
if necessary.This allows for testing of the neuronal aspects shoulder girdle muscles. There are 12 recognized limb-
of vision without confounding by problems within the girdle muscular dystrophies with unique mutations. This
lens. It is also important to test each eye individually. The disorder can be inherited in both an autosomal dominant
trigeminal (cranial nerve V) is predominantly a sensory or recessive fashion, depending on the mutation present.
nerve and has three sensory branches.The motor compo- Kearns-Sayre syndrome and myoclonic epilepsy with
nent of the trigeminal nerve predominantly innervates the ragged red bers (MERFF) are mitochondrial myopathies.
masseter muscles used for chewing. Eyebrow elevation Each mitochondrion possesses a DNA genome unique
and forehead wrinkling are functions of cranial nerve VII. from the nuclear genome and is inherited primarily from
the oocytes, accounting for the maternal inheritance of
44. The answer is C. mitochondrial disorders. Kearns-Sayre syndrome is a mul-
(Chap. 42) This patients presentation with facial and ocular tisystem disorder with chronic progressive external oph-
weakness in a nocturnal pattern is consistent with a typical thalmoplegia (CPEO).Varying degrees of proximal muscle
presentation of myasthenia gravis. It is not uncommon for weakness are present. MERFF presents in late childhood
symptoms to be mostly nocturnal and be relatively asymp- to adulthood with clinical features of myoclonic epilepsy,
tomatic in the early morning hours. Examining these progressive weakness, and cerebellar ataxia.
patients in the evening or doing repetitive strength testing
may bring out more subtle ndings and requires a height- 47. The answer is B.
ened index of suspicion. Lead poisoning would be uncom- (Chap. 14) Brain death is dened by the cessation of cere-
mon in a woman of this age, and the ndings would not bral function while somatic function is maintained by arti-
be restricted to the cranial region. Psychiatric diagnoses do cial means and the heart continues to pump. It is the only
not correlate with myasthenia gravis, and repeat examina- type of brain damage that is considered equivalent to
tion to corroborate the reported physical examination death. The diagnosis of brain death should be conrmed
should be performed rst. MRI of the brain is not indi- with the following clinical ndings: unresponsiveness to
cated at this time as the physical examination ndings any stimuli, indicating widespread cortical destruction;
point towards a serologic diagnosis. Slit-lamp examination brainstem damage, as evidenced by enlarged or mid-sized
is useful for nding abnormalities in the anterior portion pupils without light reaction; absent corneal and
of the eye, such as the iris, lens, and cornea. oculovestibular reexes; and apnea, indicating medullary
destruction. The heart rate should be invariant. Because
45. The answer is C. the spinal cord is intact, spinal reexes may be present.The
(Chap. 20) Nuchal rigidity and an elevated white blood presence or absence of the Babinski sign does not con-
cell count is very concerning for meningitis as the etiology tribute to the diagnosis of brain death. Central diabetes
732 Review and Self-Assessment
insipidus occurs with dysfunction of the hypothalamus or muscle use, and paradoxical respiration. His arterial blood
posterior pituitary. It has been described in patients with gas shows a respiratory alkalosis with an increase in the Aa
brain death but is not a component of the diagnosis. gradient to 33 mmHg. His vital capacity is 12.5 mL/kg
body weight. Laboratory ndings would include normal
48. The answer is B. serum chemistries with an increased cerebrospinal uid
(Chap. 6) Cluster headaches, which can cause excruciating protein without pleocytosis. Electromyography would show
hemicranial pain, are notable for their occurrence during evidence of demyelination. Treatment for this individual
characteristic episodes. Usually attacks occur during a should include endotracheal intubation with mechanical
4- to 8-week period in which the patient experiences ventilation in addition to IVIg or plasmapheresis. IVIg is
one to three severe brief headaches daily. There may then administered as ve daily infusions of 2 g/kg body weight.
be a prolonged pain-free interval before the next episode. Plasmapheresis is equally effective in treating GBS and is
Men between 20 and 50 years are most commonly performed four times over the rst week. Mechanical ven-
affected. The unilateral pain is usually associated with tilation is indicated in GBS when the vital capacity <20
lacrimation, eye reddening, nasal stufness, ptosis, and mL/kg (ND Lawn et al: Arch Neurol 58(6):893, 2001).
nausea. During episodes alcohol may provoke the attacks. There is no role for glucocorticoids in the treatment of
Even though the pain caused by brain tumors may GBS. Ciprooxacin is an effective treatment to decrease
awaken a patient from sleep, the typical history and nor- symptom duration in C. jejuni infection if given early in the
mal neurologic examination do not mandate evaluation course of the illness, but has no effect in treatment of GBS
for a neoplasm of the central nervous system. Acute ther- following C. jejuni infection. Botulism also presents as an
apy for a cluster headache attack consists of oxygen ascending symmetric paralysis. Cranial nerves are more fre-
inhalation, although intranasal lidocaine and subcutaneous quently involved than in GBS. In this patient, there is no
sumatriptan may also be effective. Prophylactic therapy associated risk factor for botulism such as home-canned
with prednisone, lithium, methysergide, ergotamine, or foods or injection wounds from drug use.
verapamil can be administered during an episode to pre-
vent further cluster headache attacks. 51. The answer is E.
(Chap. 21) Cardioembolism accounts for up to 20% of all
49. The answer is C. ischemic strokes. Stroke caused by heart disease is due to
(Chap. 29) Trigeminal neuralgia is a clinical diagnosis based thrombotic material forming on the atrial or ventricular
entirely on patient history, and as such should be treated wall or the left heart valves. If the thrombus lyses quickly,
once a patient comes with the virtually pathognomonic only a transient ischemic attack may develop. If the arterial
complaints of paroxysms of excruciating pain in the lips, occlusion lasts longer, brain tissue may die and a stroke will
gums, cheeks, and chin that resolve over seconds to minutes. occur. Emboli from the heart most often lodge in the mid-
Carbamazepine is rst-line therapy, followed by phenytoin dle cerebral artery (MCA), the posterior cerebral artery
for the ~3050% of patients who do not respond adequately (PCA), or one of their branches. Atrial brillation is the
to therapy. Surgical approaches, such as radiofrequency ther- most common cause of cerebral embolism overall. Other
mal rhizotomy, gamma-knife radiosurgery, and microvascu- signicant causes of cardioembolic stroke include myocar-
lar decompression, should be considered only when medical dial infarction, prosthetic valves, rheumatic heart disease,
options fail. Steroids have no therapeutic role, as trigeminal and dilated cardiomyopathy. Furthermore, paradoxical
neuralgia is not an inammatory condition. Neuroimaging embolization may occur when an atrial septal defect or a
is not indicated, unless other clinical features or a focal neu- patent foramen ovale exists. This may be detected by
rologic decit elicited on history or physical examination bubble-contrast echocardiography. Bacterial endocarditis
suggest another possible diagnosis such as intracranial mass may cause septic emboli if the vegetation is on the left side
or multiple sclerosis. of the heart or if there is a paradoxical source.
on abdominal examination but should not be reproduced to threefold increase in mortality for patients with epilepsy
by straight leg raise. Passive dorsiexion of the foot during compared with age-matched controls. Although most of
the straight leg raise will add to the stretch but does not the increased mortality results from the underlying etiology
add any more diagnostic information. of epilepsy, a signicant number of these patients die from
accidents, status epilepticus, and a syndrome known as sud-
53. The answer is D. den unexpected death in epileptic patients (SUDEP). The
(Chap. 32) This gure illustrates a mass attached to the cause is unknown, but research has centered on brainstem-
meninges with a dural tail. Other dural tumors may mediated effects of seizures on cardiopulmonary function.
appear this way, but of the options listed, the meningioma
is by far the most likely to appear this way. Meningiomas 55. The answer is D.
derive from the cells that give rise to the arachnoid gran- (Chap. 21) Nonrheumatic atrial brillation is the most
ulations.They are usually benign and attached to the dura. common cause of cerebral embolism overall. The pre-
They rarely invade the brain. They are more frequent in sumed stroke mechanism is thrombus formation in the
women than men and have a peak incidence in middle brillating atrium or atrial appendage.The average annual
age. Total surgical resection of a meningioma is curative. risk of stroke is around 5%. However, the risk varies with
Low-grade astrocytoma and high-grade astrocytoma certain factors: age, hypertension, left ventricular function,
(glioblastoma) often inltrate into adjacent brain and prior embolism, diabetes, and thyroid function. Patients
rarely have the clear margins seen in this gure. Oligo- younger than 60 years of age without structural heart dis-
dendroma comprise ~15% of all gliomas and show calci- ease or without one of these risk factors have a very low
cation in roughly 30% of cases. They have a more benign annual risk of cardioembolism: <0.5%.Therefore, it is rec-
course and are more responsive than other gliomas to ommended that these patients only take aspirin daily for
cytotoxic therapy. For low-grade oligodendromas, the stroke prevention. Older patients with numerous risk fac-
median survival is 78 years. Brain abscess will have dis- tors may have annual stroke risks of 1015% and must
tinctive ring-enhancing features with a capsule, often have take warfarin indenitely. Cardioversion is indicated for
mass effect, and will have evidence of inammation on symptomatic patients who want an initial opportunity to
MRI scanning. remain in sinus rhythm. However, studies have shown that
there is an increased stroke risk for weeks to months after
54. The answer is B. a successful cardioversion, and these patients must remain
(Chap. 20) Optimal medical therapy for epilepsy depends on anticoagulation for a long period. Similarly, recent
on the underlying cause, type of seizure, and patient factors. studies have shown that patients who do not respond to
The goal is to prevent seizures and minimize the side cardioversion and do not want catheter ablation have
effects of therapy.The minimal effective dose is determined mortality and morbidity with rate control and anticoagu-
by trial and error. In choosing medical therapies, drug lation similar to those of patients who opt for cardiover-
interactions are a key consideration. Certain medications, sion. Low-molecular-weight heparin may be used as a
such as tricyclic antidepressants, may lower the seizure bridge to warfarin therapy and may facilitate outpatient
threshold and should be avoided. Patients who respond well anticoagulation in selected patients.
to medical therapy and have completely controlled seizures
are good candidates for the discontinuation of therapy, with 56. The answer is D.
about 70% of children and 60% of adults being able to dis- (Chap. 43) There are two recognized clinical forms of
continue therapy eventually. Patient factors that aid in this myotonic dystrophy, both of which are characterized by
include complete medical control of seizures for 1 to 5 years, autosomal dominant inheritance. Myotonic dystrophy 1
a normal neurologic examination, a normal EEG, and sin- (DM1) is the most common form and the most likely dis-
gle seizure type. On the other end of the spectrum, about order in this patient. Characteristic clinical features of this
20% of these patients are completely refractory to medical disorder include a hatchet-faced appearance, due to
therapy and should be considered for surgical therapy. In wasting of the facial muscles, and weakness of the neck
the best examples, such as mesial temporal sclerosis, resec- muscles. In contrast to the muscular dystrophies (Becker
tion of the temporal lobe may result in about 70% of these and Duchenne), distal limb muscle weakness is more
patients becoming seizure free and an additional 1525% common in DM1. Palatal, pharyngeal, and tongue
having a signicant reduction in the incidence of seizures. involvement are also common and produce the dysarthric
In patients with epilepsy other considerations are critical. voice that is frequently heard. The failure of relaxation
Psychosocial sequelae such as depression, anxiety, and after a forced hand grip is characteristic of myotonia.
behavior problems may occur. Approximately 20% of Myotonia can also be elicited by percussion of the thenar
epileptic patients have depression, with their suicide rate eminence. In most individuals, myotonia is present by age
being higher than that of age-matched controls.There is an 5, but clinical symptoms of weakness that lead to diagnosis
impact on the ability to drive, perform certain jobs, and may not be present until adulthood. Cardiac conduction
function in social situations. Furthermore, there is a twofold abnormalities and heart failure are also common in
734 Review and Self-Assessment
myotonic dystrophy. Diagnosis can often be made by clin- must be warned to use standard precautions under these
ical features alone in an individual with classic symptoms circumstances. These proteins cannot be measured from
and a positive family history. An electromyogram would cerebrospinal uid (CSF). CSF in CJD is usually normal
conrm myotonia. Genetic testing for DM1 would show except for a minimally elevated protein. Many patients with
a characteristic trinucleotide repeat on chromosome 19. CJD have elevated CSF stress protein 14-3-3. This test
Genetic anticipation occurs with an increasing number of alone is neither sensitive nor specic, as patients with her-
repeats and worsening clinical disease over successive gen- pes simplex virus encephalitis, multi-infarct dementia, and
erations. Myotonic dystrophy 2 (DM2) causes proximal stroke may have similar elevations.
muscle weakness primarily and is also known by the
name proximal myotonic myopathy (PROMM). Other 59. The answer is D.
features of the disease overlap with DM1. Acid maltase (Chap. 10) The ventral spinal cord includes the corti-
deciency (glucosidase deciency, or Pompes disease) has cospinal tracts, spinothalamic tracts, and descending auto-
three recognized forms, only one of which has onset in nomic tracts. Disruption of these tracts causes weakness/
adulthood. In the adult-onset form, respiratory muscle areexia, loss of pain/temperature sensation, and bladder
weakness is prominent and often is the presenting symp- sphincter dysfunction, respectively. The dorsal columns
toms. As stated previously, Becker and Duchenne muscu- include vibratory sense and proprioception, which are
lar dystrophies present with primarily proximal muscle spared in the ventral cord syndrome. Other causes of the
weakness and are X-linked recessive disorders. Becker syndrome include disc herniation, radiation myelitis, and
muscular dystrophy presents at a later age than Duchenne human T-lymphocyte virus 1 infection.
muscular dystrophy and has a more prolonged course.
Otherwise, features are similar to one another. Nemaline 60. The answer is C.
myopathy is a heterogeneous disorder marked by the (Chap. 44) This patients skin ndings are an example of
threadlike appearance of muscle bers on biopsy. Nema- Gottrons sign of the hands and the heliotrope facial rash
line myopathy usually presents in childhood and has a of dermatomyositis. Usually the rash precedes the muscular
striking facial appearance similar to myotonic dystrophy weakness. In addition to the V-sign, as described in the sce-
with a long, narrow face. This disease is inherited in an nario, one can also see the shawl sign, in which the erythe-
autosomal dominant fashion. matous rash is found around the shoulders and posterior
neck region. In addition to the skin manifestations, skeletal
57. The answer is D. muscle weakness, particularly the proximal muscles, is part
(Chap. 20) Adolescence and early adulthood mark the of the presentation of dermatomyositis. Extra-muscular
period where idiopathic or genetic epilepsy syndromes manifestations include constitutional symptoms, joint con-
become less common and seizures due to acquired CNS tractures, dysphagia, cardiac disturbances, pulmonary dys-
lesions become more common.The most common causes function, and arthralgias. Hepatosplenomegaly is not an
of seizures in the young adults are head trauma, central associated clinical nding. Situs inversus is not associated
nervous system (CNS) infections, brain tumors, congeni- with dermatomyositis. Hypothyroidism is associated with
tal CNS lesions, illicit drug use, or alcohol withdrawal. delayed deep tendon relaxation. In hypothyroidism the
Fever rarely causes seizure in patients >12 years. Amyloid skin appears swollen, dry, and coarse with a cool waxy
angiopathy and uremia are more common in older adults. appearance. Subcutaneous nodules on the elbows, back of
the forearms, and metacarpophalangeal joints of the hands
58. The answer is B. are characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis, particularly in the
(Chap. 38) Startle myoclonus is a worrisome sign but is not active phase.
specic for CJD, though it is more so if it occurs during
sleep. Lewy body dementia,Alzheimers disease, central ner- 61. The answer is D.
vous system infections, and myoclonic epilepsy can all cause (Chap. 17) This patient has acute angle-closure glaucoma
myoclonus. EEG and MRI can both help differentiate CJD resulting from obstruction of the outow of aqueous humor
from these disorders. The MRI nding of cortical ribbon- at the iris. The buildup of intraocular pressure can be con-
ing and intensity in the basal ganglia on uid-attenuated rmed by measurement and requires urgent treatment with
inversion recovery sequences are characteristic of CJD. hyperosmotic agents. Permanent treatment requires laser or
EEG is useful if stereotypical periodic bursts every 12 s are surgical iridotomy. Angle-closure glaucoma is less common
present, but this is seen in only 60% of cases, and other than is primary open-angle glaucoma, which is asympto-
ndings may be less specic. Demonstration of specic matic and is usually detectable only through measurements
immunoassays for proteolytic products of disease-causing of intraocular pressure at a routine eye examination.
prion proteins (PrPSc) at brain biopsy may be necessary to
conrm diagnosis in some cases. However, these proteins 62. The answer is D.
are not uniformly distributed throughout the brain and (Chap. 40) CMT disease is a heterogeneous group of
false-negative biopsies occur. Both surgeons and pathologists inherited peripheral neuropathies. Transmission is usually
Review and Self-Assessment 735
autosomal dominant but may be recessive or X-linked. this idiopathic condition is carbamazepine or phenytoin if
Numerous genetic defects are associated with CMT dis- carbamazepine is not tolerated.When drug treatment is not
ease. It is very common, affecting up to 1 in 2500 persons. successful, surgical therapy, including the commonly applied
Clinically, patients usually present in the rst or second percutaneous retrogasserian rhizotomy, may be effective. A
decade of life, but later presentations may occur.The neu- possible complication of this procedure is partial facial
ropathy affects both motor and sensory nerves. Symptoms numbness with a risk of corneal anesthesia, which increases
may vary, ranging from distal muscle weakness and severe the potential for ulceration.
atrophy and disability to only pes cavus and minimal
weakness. Although sensory ndings and involvement are 66. The answer is C.
common, these patients often do not have dominant sen- (Chap. 42) Except for lumbar puncture, all of the options
sory complaints. However, if patients have no evidence of listed are indicated at this time. Thymic abnormalities are
sensory involvement on detailed neurologic examination present in 75% of patients with myasthenia gravis. A CT
or electrodiagnostic studies, an alternative diagnosis or MRI of the mediastinum may show enlargement or
should be considered.There is no known effective therapy neoplastic changes in the thymus and is recommended
for CMT disease. Orthotics and physical therapy are upon diagnosis. Hyperthyroidism occurs in 38% of
mainstays for preserving function. patients with myasthenia gravis and may aggravate weak-
ness. Testing for rheumatoid factor and antinuclear anti-
63. The answer is D. bodies should also be obtained because of the association
(Chap. 35) Listeria has become an increasingly important of myasthenia gravis to other autoimmune diseases. Due
cause of bacterial meningitis in neonates (<1 month of age), to side effects of immunosuppressive therapy, a thorough
pregnant women, individuals >60 years, and immunocom- evaluation should be undertaken to rule out latent or
promised individuals. Infection is acquired by eating conta- chronic infections such as tuberculosis. Measurements of
minated foods such as unpasteurized dairy products, cole ventilatory function are valuable as a baseline because of
slaw, milk, soft cheeses, delicatessen meats, and uncooked hot the frequency and seriousness of respiratory impairment
dogs. Ampicillin is the agent most often added to the initial in myasthenic patients, and they can be used as an objec-
empirical regimen to cover L. monocytogenes. tive measure of response to therapy.
side effects include gum hyperplasia, hirsutism, facial brainstem, but not in any other part of the brain, may also
coarsening, and osteomalacia. These patients may develop cause episodic generalized weakness. Multiple sclerosis
lymphadenopathy and Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Toxic- may cause episodic generalized weakness. Atherosclerotic
ity may be enhanced by liver disease and competition occlusive carotid disease may cause focal but not general-
with other medications. Phenytoin alters folate metabo- ized weakness.
lism and is teratogenic. Leukopenia is not a typical side
effect and is seen more often with carbamazepine. 78. The answer is C.
(Chap. 1) The patient in this scenario is demonstrating
75. The answer is C. paratonia (uctuating changes in resistance during testing of
(Chap. 43) The muscular dystrophies are hereditary pro- motor tone). Paratonia may be seen in patients who have
gressive diseases. Beckers muscular dystrophy is a less difculty relaxing during the examination or may be evi-
severe form of X-linked recessive muscular dystrophy dence of aberrant frontal lobe pathways, as in some forms
than Duchennes muscular dystrophy. It occurs 10 times of dementia. The patient has increased tone, making mus-
less frequently than DMD.The underlying defect is in the cle injury less likely. Dystonia, as seen in parkinsonism,
same protein, dystrophin, which is part of a large complex manifests as cogwheel rigidity and jerky interruptions of
of sarcolemmal proteins and glycoproteins. Clinically, resistance without the focality that is seen in this scenario.
Beckers muscular dystrophy (BMD) shows a similar pat- Motor neuron diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclero-
tern of proximal muscle weakness. Weakness becomes sis, may present with either accidity or spasticity. Usually
generalized with progression of the disease. Hypertrophy patients with motor neuron disease have abnormalities that
of muscles, particularly the calves, is an early feature. Most can be elicited in more than one muscle group (although
patients experience the initial symptoms in the rst and asymmetry is common).
second decades of life, but a later onset may occur. These
patients have reduced life expectancy but are signicantly 79. The answer is D.
more functional than are patients with DMD. Mental (Chap. 36) Ibuprofen, isoniazid, ciprooxacin, tolmetin,
retardation may also occur in patients with BMD, and car- sulfa-containing medicines, and phenazopyridine have
diac involvement may result in congestive heart failure. been implicated in drug hypersensitivity leading to menin-
Serum creatinine kinase (CK) levels are elevated, and gitis. The cerebrospinal uid (CSF) will typically show
electrodi-agnostic ndings are similar to those seen in neutrophils, but mononuclear cells or eosinophils are occa-
DMD. The diagnosis is made by demonstrating a reduced sionally present. Most causes of chronic (not recurrent)
amount of dystrophin on Western blot analysis. meningitis cause a predominance of mononuclear cells.
The differential for chronic meningitis is broad and a diag-
76. The answer is D. nosis is often difcult to make. The treating physician
(Chap. 7) There are four indications for surgical repair of needs to consider a diverse array of viral, fungal, bacterial,
an intervertebral disk herniation: objective progressive mycobacterial, helminthic, and protozoal pathogens, both
motor weakness, signs of spinal cord compression (e.g., common and exotic, and therefore should obtain a
bowel or bladder incontinence), incapacitating nerve root detailed social history and consult an expert in the eld.
pain despite conservative treatment, and recurrent inca- Recurrent meningitis is often due to herpes simplex virus
pacitating nerve root pain. Absent deep tendon reexes, type 2 infection and this should be ruled out, particularly
nighttime symptoms, and more than one level of disk her- if active genital ulcers develop concurrently. Malignancy,
niation are not uncommon ndings in patients with a sarcoidosis, and vasculitis are all potential causes, and his-
disk herniation and do not mandate surgery. tory, physical examination, and appropriate further testing
should dictate the degree to which these possibilities are
77. The answer is A. explored. Medications are often overlooked as a cause of
(Chap. 10) Episodic generalized weakness is caused by dis- chronic meningitis and should always be carefully consid-
orders of the central nervous system (CNS) or the motor ered.When CSF neutrophils predominate after 3 weeks of
unit. Weakness from CNS disorders is usually associated illness, nocardia, actinomyces, brucella, tuberculosis (<10%
with altered consciousness or cognition, increased muscle of cases), fungal, and noninfectious causes of chronic
tone and reexes, and changes in sensation. Motor unit meningitis should be considered.
disorders include a variety of electrolyte disturbances
(hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia, hyperna- 80. The answer is E.
tremia, hyponatremia, hypophosphatemia, hypermagne- (Chaps. 15 and 23) All the choices given in the question
semia), inborn errors of metabolism (carbohydrate or fatty are causes of or may be associated with dementia. Bin-
acid metabolism, mitochondrial function), toxins (botu- swangers disease, the cause of which is unknown, often
lism, curare), neuromuscular junction disorders (myasthe- occurs in patients with long-standing hypertension and/or
nia gravis, Lambert-Eaton syndrome), and channelopathies atherosclerosis; it is associated with diffuse subcortical
(periodic paralysis). Transient ischemic attacks of the white matter damage and has a subacute insidious course.
738 Review and Self-Assessment
Alzheimers disease, the most common cause of dementia, bilateral focal neurologic decits. Brain imaging demon-
is also slowly progressive and can be conrmed at autopsy strates multiple areas of stroke.
by the presence of amyloid plaques and neurobrillary
tangles. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a prion disease, is associ- 81. The answer is B.
ated with a rapidly progressive dementia, myoclonus, (Chap. 40) Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by entrap-
rigidity, a characteristic EEG pattern, and death within ment of the median nerve at the wrist. Symptoms begin
12 years of onset.Vitamin B12 deciency, which often is with paresthesias in the median nerve distribution. With
seen in the setting of chronic alcoholism, most commonly worsening, atrophy and weakness may develop.This condi-
produces a myelopathy that results in loss of vibration and tion is most commonly caused by excessive use of the
joint position sense and brisk deep tendon reexes (dorsal wrist. Rarely, systemic disease may result in carpal tunnel
column and lateral corticospinal tract dysfunction). This syndrome. This may be suspected when bilateral disease is
combination of pathologic abnormalities in the setting of apparent. Tenosynovitis with arthritis as in the case of
vitamin B12 deciency is also called subacute combined rheumatoid arthritis and thickening of the connective tis-
degeneration. Vitamin B12 deciency may also lead to a sue as in the case of amyloid or acromegaly are also causes.
subcortical type of dementia. Multi-infarct dementia, as in Other systemic diseases, such as hypothyroidism and dia-
this case, presents with a history of sudden stepwise betes mellitus, are also possible etiologies. Leukemia is not
declines in function associated with the accumulation of typically associated with carpal tunnel syndrome.
Bold number indicates the start of the main discussion of the topic; numbers with f and t refer to gure and table pages.
AAA. See Abdominal aortic aneurysm Acute angle-closure glaucoma, 178 AIDS dementia. See HIV infection, dementia in
AAN. See Autoimmune autonomic neuropathy tonometry for, 720, 734 AIF. See Apoptosis-inducing factor
ABC family. See ATP-binding cassette family Acute autonomic syndromes, 374 AION. See Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), 72, 79 Acute bilateral labyrinthine dysfunction, 98 Akathisia, 344, 675
Abdominal reexes, assessment of, 8 Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), 449 Akinetic mutism, 130131
Abducens nerve clinical manifestations of, 450 V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homologue
diplopia in disorders of, 190 diagnosis of, 450 (AKT1), 655, 656t
examination of, 6 features of, 449 AKT1. See V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene
palsy, 533 neuroimaging for, 643f homologue
Abducens palsy, 190 treatment of, 450 Albendazole, 479
Abscess, 127 Acute infectious myelitis, 394 ALBP. See Acute low back pain
Absence seizures, 224 Acute inammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy Alcohol. See also Ethanol
atypical, 224225 (AIDP), 551552, 551t absorption of, 686687
Abstract thought, 6 Acute intoxication, 693 abuse of, 690
Abulia, 131 Acute low back pain (ALBP), 7374 behavioral effects of, 687688
ACA. See Anterior cerebral artery back pain treatment for, 8081, 81f blood level of, 687, 687t
Acalculia, 145 epidural glucocorticoids for, 80 cancer and, 689
Acamprosate, 694695 NSAIDS for, 80 cardiovascular system and, 689690
Acanthamoeba, 468469, 487t, 504 Acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN), 551 consumption of, 686
Acanthocytes, 341 Acute motor sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN), delirium from withdrawal from, 126
ACAS. See Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis 551 dependence on, 687688, 690
Study Acute MS, 449 gastrointestinal system and, 689
Accessory nerve examination, 716717, Acute otitis media (AOM), 202 hematopoietic system and, 689
730731 Acute quadriplegic myopathy, 292 insomnia and, 162
ACE. See Angiotensin-converting enzyme Acute spinal cord disease, 388394 metabolism of, 687f
Acephalgic migraine, 247 Acute stress disorder, 669 nervous system and, 688689
Acetaminophen, 80 Acute subdural hematoma, 403, 403f organ systems, effects of, 688690
adverse effects of, 44 Acute transverse myelitis, 642f peripheral neuropathy and, 688
for pain, 4446, 45t Acute transverse myelopathy (ATM), 392 sexual dysfunction and, 690
Acetazolamide, 120, 351t evaluation of, 392t sleep impacted by, 688
for ataxia, 354 Acute unilateral labyrinthine dysfunction, 97 tolerance and, 687688, 687t
for headache, 66 Acutely appearing masses, 132 withdrawal syndrome, 692
for insomnia, 161 Acyclovir, 470, 541, 652 Alcohol dehydrogenase (ALDH), 687, 687f
for papilledema, 182 Addisons disease, 164 Alcohol Use Disorder Screening Test (AUDIT),
Acetylcholine (ACh) ADEM. See Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis 691, 692t
Alzheimers disease and, 307 Adenine nucleotide translocator 1 (ANT1), 588 Alcoholic myopathy, 690
clinical aspects of, 214t Adenoma. See Pituitary tumors Alcoholic neuropathy, 373
delirium and deciency of, 124 ADH. See Antidiuretic hormone Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, 689
MG and, 716, 729730 Adies syndrome,172173, 370 Alcoholics Anonymous, 694
role of, 366 Adjustment insomnia, 161 Alcoholism, 302, 690
synthesis of, 559, 560f ADNFLE. See Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal anxiety and, 694
Acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) lobe epilepsy for benzodiazepine, 693694
antibodies to, 561 Adolescence, epilepsy in, 229 chronic, 161
deciency of, 562, 562t ADPEAF. See Autosomal dominant partial epilepsy dementia and, 315316
in MG, 559560 with auditory features denitions of, 690
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE), 559 Adrenal disorders, 593 disulram for, 695
deciency of, 562, 562t Adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH), 423 epidemiology of, 690691
MG, test for, 561 efciency tests for, 427t genetics of, 691
MG treatment with medications of, 564 reserve, 426 identication of, 691, 692t
Acetylsalicylic acid, for pain, 45t Adrenomyeloneuropathy, 397 intervention for, 691692
ACh. See Acetylcholine Adult Tay-Sachs disease, 363 brief, 692
ACHE. See American Council for Headache Adults motivational interviewing for, 692
Education epilepsy for young, 229 natural history of, 691
AChE. See Acetylcholinesterase seizures in older, 230 psychiatric disorders from, 688689
Achilles reex, 8 Advanced sleep phase disorder (ASPD), 168169 treatment for, 693695
Achromatopsia, 150 Aerophobia, 469 acute intoxication in, 693
AChRs. See Acetylcholine receptors Ageusia rehabilitation in, 694695
Acid maltase deciency, 585586 partial, 196 relapse prevention in, 694
Acoustic neuromas, 380 specic, 196 withdrawal in, 693694
dizziness/vertigo from, 712, 726 total, 196 withdrawal and, 692
Acoustic reex, 205 Agitated depression, 676 ALDH. See Alcohol dehydrogenase
decay, 205 Agnosia, 193 Alien hand, 313, 336
Acquired hypopituitarism, 425 spatial, 264 Allergic conjunctivitis, 175
Acquired vascular lesions, 281 Agoraphobia, 663, 668 Allergic reactions to contrast media,
Acromegaly, 428t diagnostic criteria for, 663t 15, 15t
familial, 429 Agraphesthesia, 120 Allodynia, 117
screening test for, 432t Agraphia, 142 Allopurinol, 566
Acrylamide, 535 pure alexia without, 142t, 144145 Allyl chloride, 536t
Acrylamide monomer, 536t AIDP. See Acute inammatory demyelinating Alphaviruses, 466
ACST. See Asymptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial polyneuropathy Alport syndrome, 201
ACTH. See Adrenocorticotropin hormone AIDS, 290, 347. See also HIV infection Alprazolam, 667t, 668
Actinin, 585 classication of, 493, 494t ALS. See Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Actinomyces, 486t PML from, 474 Alternative splicing, 211
Action dystonia, 338 primary CNS lymphoma and, 414 Altitude insomnia, 161
740 Index
ARCO. See Autosomal recessive cardiomyopathy and Ataxic hemiparesis, 257 Back pain. See also Spine
ophthalmoplegia Atherosclerotic disease, 14f AAA and, 72, 79
Aripiprazole, 682t, 683 Atherothrombosis, 270 acute low, 7374
ARSACS. See Autosomal recessive spastic ataxia Atherothrombotic stroke, warfarin for, epidural glucocorticoids for, 80
of Charlevoix-Saguenay 721, 736 NSAIDS for, 80
Arsenic, 535, 536t, 538 Athetosis, 338t in ankylosing spondylitis, 77, 84
Arterial TOS, 84 Ativan, 667t approach to, 7274
Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) Atlastin, 364 in arthritis, 77
asymptomatic, 280 ATM. See Acute transverse myelopathy causes of, 7480, 74t
headache and, 280 Atonic seizures, 225 CES and, 76
imaging in, 12t Atopic conjunctivitis, 176 chronic low, 79
MRI of, 395f ATP-binding cassette family (ABC family), NSAIDS for, 82
symptoms of, 394395 397 risk factors for, 8182
typical presentation of, 394 Atraumatic needle, 35, 36f costs of, 70
vascular anomalies and, 280281 Atrial brillation CPGs for, 80, 81f
Artery of Adamkiewicz, 392 cardioembolic stroke and, 253, 254t, 718, CT scanning for, 73
Artery-to-artery embolic stroke 732 CT-myelography for, 7374
carotid atherosclerosis producing, 254 stroke risk and, 719, 733 EMG determining weakness for, 7374, 73t
causes of, 256 Attention, 152 in gynecologic disease, 79
formation of, 254 prefrontal network and, 152153 imaging in, 12t
Arthritis, 77 Audiogram, 204205 in inammatory bowel disease, 79
rheumatoid, 84 Audiometry local, 72
Arthrogryposis, 579 pure tone, 204 in lumbar adhesive arachnoiditis, 78
Ascending paresthesias, 2 speech, 205 lumbar disk disease and, 7576
Asendin, 665t AUDIT. See Alcohol Use Disorder Screening Test metabolic causes of, 78
Aseptic meningitis, 500, 500t Aura, 223 MRI for, 7374
Ashkenazi Jewish families, dystonia and, 338 Autoimmune autonomic neuropathy (AAN), 373 muscle spasm associated with, 72
Asimultanagnosia, 268 Automatisms, 224 neoplasms and, 7778
ASOs. See Antisense oligonucleotides Autonomic dysreexia, 372 from neoplastic spinal cord compression,
ASPD. See Advanced sleep phase disorder Autonomic failure, 375 389
Aspergillus, 178, 487t treatment of, 375376 nerve root injury causing, 7071
invasive sinonasal, MRI for, 626f627f patient education for, 375376 in osteoporosis, 78
MRI for CNS, 625f626f symptomatic, 376 in osteosclerosis, 78
Aspergillus species, 475 Autonomic nervous system (ANS), 366. See also ANS pain referred to, 72, 7879
Aspirin. See also Warfarin-Aspirin Symptomatic dysfunction postural, 79
Intracranial Disease BP regulation by, 366 in psychiatric disease, 79
adverse effects of, 44 functional consequences of normal activation of, radicular, 72
for pain, 4446, 45t 267t SLR for, 718, 732
recommendations for, 253, 254t inherited disorders of, 374 spina bida occulta and, 75
stroke prevention with, 260261 regulation of, 366 in spinal epidural abscess, 78, 390391
Association cortex, 140 schematic representation of, 367f spinal stenosis and, 7677, 77f
Astasia-abasia, 112 testing for, 370371, 370t of spine origin, 72
Asterixis, 134 heart rate variation with deep breathing in, from spondylolysis, 7475
Asthma, 162 370 in sprains/strains, 75
Astigmatism, 171 pharmacologic, 371 statistics of, 70
Astrocytic gliosis, 512 sudomotor function in, 371 tethered cord syndrome and, 75
Astrocytomas, 390, 411. See also Intramedullary valsalva response in, 371 traumatic vertebral fractures and, 75
astrocytoma Autonomic neuropathies, 368t, 546 treatment for, 8082
anaplastic, 411 Autonomic storm ALBP and, 8081, 81f
grading system for, 411 amitriptyline causing, 374 CLBP and, 8182
high-grade, 412413 from GBS, 375 types of, 72, 72t
glucocorticoids managing, 412 management of, 375 with unidentied cause, 7980
juvenile pilocytic, 411 Autoreactive T lymphocytes, 437 in urologic disease, 79
low-grade, 411412 Autoregulation, of CBF, 284, 284f in vertebral osteomyelitis, 78
malignant, 411f Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy Baclofen, 339, 342, 522
model for pathogenesis of, 411f (ADNFLE), 227t Bacterial endocarditis, 254
oligodendrogliomas compared to, 413 Autosomal dominant partial epilepsy with auditory Bacterial meningitis. See Meningitis, bacterial
subependymal giant cell, 411, 417 features (ADPEAF), 227t BAEPs. See Brainstem auditory evoked
Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study (ACAS), Autosomal recessive ataxia, 354356 potentials
255 Autosomal recessive cardiomyopathy and BAERs. See Brainstem auditory evoked
Asymptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial (ACST), 255 ophthalmoplegia (ARCO), 588 responses
Ataxia. See also Spinocerebellar ataxia; specic ataxia Autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix- BAL. See British anti-Lewisite
acetazolamide for, 354 Saguenay (ARSACS), 351t Balamuthia, 469
autosomal recessive, 354356 AVM. See Arteriovenous malformation Balance disorders. See also Falls; Gait disorders
diagnosing, 347t Avonex, 447 age and, 109
episodic, 351t, 354 Awake coma, 130 characteristics of, 113
focal, 347 Axonal shearing lesions, 401 Parkinsons disease and, 321
gait and limb, 510 Axonotmesis, 548 vestibular system and, 113
symptoms of, 711, 725 Axons Blints syndrome, 148150, 191
inherited, 348 of corticospinal system, 104f causes of, 268
mitochondrial, 356 functional categories of, 41f Balloon angioplasty, 255256
MS and, 438439, 448 glaucoma destroying, 175 Balos concentric sclerosis, 644f654f
symmetric, 346347 nerve conduction in myelinated/demyelinated, Baltic myoclonus, 350t
symptoms/signs of, 346 436, 436f Barbiturates, 64, 535
treatment for, 356 primary afferent, 40, 41f for epilepsy, 240
with vitamin E deciency, 355 of pyramidal system, 104f overdoses of, 135
Ataxia telangiectasia, 352t spinothalamic tract, 43, 43f for sleep, 157
genetic considerations for, 356 Azathioprine, 447, 556, 607 Bartonella, 468
symptoms/signs of, 356 for MG, 565566 Basal ganglia
Ataxic disorders Azithromycin, 460, 504 infarction, 14f
approach to, 346347 Parkinsons disease and, 320
diagnosing, 347t Babinski signs, 386 Basal meningitis, 484
treatment for, 356 Back, physical examination of, 7273 Basic broblast growth factor (bFGF), 429
742 Index
Chorea, 340. See also Hemiballismus; Huntingtons Clonazepam, 529, 667t, 668 Comas (Cont.):
disease; Levodopa-induced dyskinesia dosage/adverse effects of, 239t LP for, 137
hyperthyroidism and, 342 Clonidine, 372 metabolic disorders causing, 132133
movement characteristics of, 338t Clostridium botulinum, 563 MRI for, 136
Sydenhams, 341 Clozapine, 331 neurologic examination for, 134
treatment for, 342 for schizophrenia, 657, 682t, 683 ocular movements in, 135136
in various disorders, 341342 side effects of, 683 physician examination, general, for, 134
Choriocarcinoma, 278, 430 Clumsy hand, 257 physiology of, 131133
Chorioretinopathy, central serous, 185 Cluster headache prognosis for, 139
Chronic alcoholism, 161 acute attack treatment of, 62, 62t pupillary reaction assessment for, 135
dementia and, 315316 clinical features of, 6162, 61t respiratory patterns in, 136
Chronic benign lymphocytic meningitis, 489t diagnosis of, 717, 731732 toxic drug-induced, 133
Chronic childhood SMA, 363 neurostimulation therapy for, 62 treatment for, 138139
Chronic daily headache (CDH) periodicity of, 61 Common carotid artery, 267
classication of, 64t posterior hypothalamic gray matter in, Comorbid insomnia, 161162
diagnosis of, 6364 54, 54f Complex partial status epilepticus, 316
management of medically disabling, 64 preventative treatments of, 62, 62t Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), 375
preventive treatments for, 64 sumatriptan for, 62 Comprehension, 142
Chronic drug use, 318 treatment of, 62 Comprehensive stroke centers, 275
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), 164, 604, 650 sumatriptan for, 709, 723 Compressive myelopathy
diagnosis of, 651t, 652 verapamil for, 62 noncompressive compared to, 388389
epidemiology of, 650 CMD. See Congenital muscular dystrophy types of, 389392
manifestations of, 651652, 651t CMV. See Cytomegalovirus Computed tomography (CT), 11. See also Single
pathogenesis of, 650651 CNS. See Central nervous system photon emission computed tomography
prevalence of, 650 CNS lymphoma axial noncontrast, 14f
symptoms of, 651t chemotherapy for, 414 for back pain, 73
treatment of, 652 in HIV infection, 502503, 503f of brain hemorrhages, 402f
Chronic hemiparesis, 105 MRI of, 415f for brain tumor, 409
Chronic inammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy primary, 414, 502 for CNS vasculitis, 635f
(CIDP), 501, 555 AIDS and, 414 for coccidiomycosis meningitis, 623f
clinical manifestations of, 555 secondary, 414415 comas and, 136
diagnosis of, 555556 systemic, 502503 complications of, 13, 15
GBS compared to, 555 CNTF. See Ciliary neurotrophic factor of contusion, 401f
pathogenesis of, 556 Coasting, 535 delirium detected with, 127
treatment for, 556 Coats disease, 582 guidelines for use of, 12t
Chronic lead poisoning, 362, 536t Cobalamin, 538539. See also Vitamin B12 deciency helical, 12
Chronic low back pain (CLBP), 79 Cocaine, 699, 702 for Huntingtons disease, 640f
back pain treatment for, 8182 acute/chronic intoxication of, 703 of hypertensive hemorrhage, 277f
NSAIDS for, 82 crack, 374, 703 indications for, 12t, 13
risk factors for, 8182 drug use/abuse of, 702704 for lacunar infarction, 633f
Chronic meningitis. See Meningitis, chronic prevalence of use of, 702703 MRI compared to, 11, 18, 715, 728
Chronic metal exposure, 317 stroke from, 278 multidetector, 1213
Chronic monoparesis, 107 treatment for use/abuse of, 703704 myelography, 2122
Chronic myelopathy, 394 Coccidioides immitis, 487t low-dose, 21
of MS, 396 Coccidiomycosis meningitis, 623f of oligodendrogliomas, 413f
types of, 394397 Cochlear otosclerosis, 202 radiation exposure from, 13
Chronic pain, 47 Codeine, 696 for stroke, 273, 274f
myofascial, 47 for pain control, 45t of superior sagittal sinus thrombosis, 636f
opioids for, 48 pharmacology of, 696697 techniques in, 1113
treatment of, 4749 Coenzyme Q10, 332 for viral encephalitis, 467468
Chronic paraparesis, 106 Cognitive dysfunction, 439, 448, 688 xenon, 275
Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia HIV infection and, 498500 Computed tomography angiography (CTA), 11, 13f14f
(CPEO), 587 Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. See also Dialectical stroke and, 273
Chronic quadriparesis, 107 behavior therapy COMT. See Catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitors
Chronic subdural hematoma, 404 for depression, 660 Concussion, 400
bilateral, 404, 404f for suicide risk, 661 amnesia with, 400401
diagnosis of, 713714, 728 Cogwheeling sensation, 321 mechanics of, 400
Chronic visual loss, 184 Colchicine, 536t postconcussive syndrome and, 408
Chronic wasting disease (CWD), 508 Collapsing falls, 114 in sports, 405406, 405t
Churg-Strauss syndrome, 528 Color blindness, 173 treatment for, 408
Cidofovir, 394, 471, 474, 505 Color vision, 173 Conduction aphasia, 142t, 144
CIDP. See Chronic inammatory demyelinating Comas Conduction block, 30
polyneuropathy acutely appearing masses and, 132 Conduction velocity, 30
Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), 215 anatomy of, 131133 Conductive hearing loss, 201202
Cingulate cortex, 147 approach to, 133136 Cones, 170, 173
Circadian rhythm, 167 arousal level testing for, 134 Confabulation, 151
medical implications of, 169 awake, 130 Confusion
molecular feedback loop in, 157f brain death and, 138 denition of, 122
physiology of, 157158 brainstem examination for, 134, 135f right-left, 145
sleep disorders, 167169 cerebral hemisphere damage causing, 133 Confusion Assessment Method (CAM), 124, 124t
Circle of Willis, 14f cerebral mass lesions/cerebral herniations causing, Congenital hypomyelination, 542, 542t
Cisplatin, 422, 535 131132 Djerine-Roussy syndrome compared to, 543
composition of, 535, 537 cerebrovascular disease and, 138 Congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD), 575t
peripheral neuropathy and, 537 CT scans and, 136 clinical features of, 579
Citalopram, 675 denition of, 130 laboratory features of, 579
CJD. See Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease differential diagnosis of, 137138, 137t treatment of, 579
Claudes syndrome, 189 EEG and, 2627, 136137 types of, 580t
Claustrophobia, 668 epileptic, 133 Congenital myopathy, 584585
CLBP. See Chronic low back pain eyes and, 135136 Conjunctivitis, 175
Clindamycin, 479 history of patient with, 133134 allergic, 175
Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), 125 hypotension from, 134 atopic, 176
Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), 80, 81f laboratory studies/imaging for, 136137 Connexins, 213
Clomipramine, 670 locked-in syndrome and, 131 Conns syndrome, 593
Index 745