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NGSPICE- Usage and Examples

Debapratim Ghosh

Electronic Systems Group

Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
February 2013

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Q: What is electronic design?

A: Given some desired specifications to be achieved, we want to have a

system which can be made by interconnecting known elements.

Specifications- We want an amplifier with a gain of 100.

Known Elements- This amplifier can be made using a transistor (BJT or

MOSFET), or an op-amp, along with some resistors. Known elements are
those whose behaviour can be represented by means of algorithms,
equations or specific models. In short, known elements are those whose
behaviour is familiar to us.

If we wish to design complex circuits, a circuit simulator is a useful tool.

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What is NGSPICE?

SPICE is an acronym for for Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit

Emphasis. First developed at UC Berkeley, it is the origin of most modern

NGSPICE is an open source mixed-signal circuit simulator. It is the result

of combining existing SPICE features with some extra analyses, modeling
methods and device simulation features.

It is freely available for use in Linux and Windows. It is recommended to

use Linux for NGSPICE.

NGSPICE requires you to describe your circuit as a netlist. A netlist is

defined as a set of circuit components and their interconnections.

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NGSPICE provides you with....

Basic Circuit Elements

Passive components- resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc.

Sources- independent voltage and current sources, controlled sources

Semiconductor Devices
Pre-defined circuit elements such as diodes and transistors

Allows you to define or include models of specific devices e.g.

specialized transistors and op-amps

Circuit Analysis Techniques

DC and AC analyses
Transient and Steady-state analyses
Pole-Zero, Noise analyses and more

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Getting Started with NGSPICE (Linux)
You can use any text editor (say, gedit) to write your circuit netlist. The
first line in an NGSPICE file is not executed. It is used to describe the
aim of the circuit being simulated.

All NGSPICE comments start with an asterix, i.e. *

The NGSPICE file comprises of the circuit netlist followed by the details
of the analysis the user wishes to do.

NGSPICE files are usually saved with the extension .cir or .spice.

Circuit components are identified by their first letter of naming, called

prefix, i.e. resistors begin with r, capacitors with c, bipolar transistors
with q, MOSFETs with m, voltage sources with v and so on.

All circuit nodes are named/numbered. The netlist requires one ground
node (zero potential).

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Example I- Transient Analysis of an RC Circuit
A simple RC circuit, excited by a user-defined signal Vin . We want to find the capacitor voltage i.e. Vc (t). The
netlist is as shown.

1 1 k 2
Vin +
Vin +
1 F Vc (t)

0 -
10ms 11ms 20ms t

RC Circuit Transient Response

*resistor connected between nodes 1 and 2
r1 1 2 1k
*capacitor connected between nodes 2 and 0
c1 2 0 1u
*piecewise linear input voltage
vin 1 0 pwl (0 0 10ms 0 11ms 5v 20ms 5v)
*transient analysis for 20ms, step size 0.02ms
.tran 0.02ms 20ms
*defining the run-time control functions
*plotting input and output voltages
plot v(1) v(2)
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Example I- Transient Analysis of an RC Circuit (contd)
Once you have typed your netlist, save it with an appropriate name, say
Open the Linux terminal, and change the working directory to the folder where
your netlist file is saved. e.g. if the file is in the Documents folder, type cd
/Documents in the the command prompt.
Run the netlist file using the command ngspice rcCkt.cir
And thats it- your netlist should run! A snapshot is as shown.

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Inside the NGSPICE Shell
Once any netlist is run by NGSPICE, the terminal is hooked to an NGSPICE
shell, with a prompt such as ngspice 1 ->. You can exit the NGSPICE shell
anytime by typing exit or quit.

It is not always necessary to quit NGSPICE every time to run a new netlist. You
can use the command source <filename>.cir to simulate a new netlist file
using the NGSPICE prompt.

The commands specified between .control and .endc in the netlist file may be
used in the NGSPICE prompt separately.

The waveforms may be saved as a postscript file by clicking on the hardcopy icon
on the waveform window. However, this saves it as a default filename in the root
directory. A better way to save the waveform in the working directory would be to
use the following commands (say for the R-C circuit discussed above)
set hcopydevtype=postscript
hardcopy rcPlot.ps v(1) v(2)

You can even save the plots using different colours. Read the NGSPICE manual
for that, and much more!

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Example II- AC Analysis of RC Circuit

For the same R-C circuit discussed in Example I, let us do the small-signal AC
analysis, i.e. find its frequency response.After running this, you should be able
to see two plot windows- a magnitude (dB) plot and a phase (degrees) plot.

RC Circuit Frequency Response

r1 1 2 1k
c1 2 0 1u
*Specifying an AC source with zero dc
vin 1 0 dc 0 ac 1
*AC analysis for 1 Hz to 1MHz, 10 points per decade
.ac dec 10 1 1Meg
*Magnitude dB plot for v(2) on log scale
plot vdb(2) xlog
*Phase degrees plot for v(2) on log scale
plot {57.29*vp(2)} xlog

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Example III- DC Analysis of a Shunt Clipper
A DC analysis involves varying a voltage or a current source output throughout a range
of values. Consider the following shunt clipper circuit. We wish to find the Vout v/s Vin
characteristic for this circuit, say for -5 V Vin +5 V.
1 1 k 2

+ 3
Vin Vout

Shunt Clipper DC analysis

r1 1 2 1k
*Specifying a default diode p n
d1 2 3
*Independent DC source of 2V
vdc 3 0 dc 2
*Independent DC source whose voltage is to be varied
vin 1 0 dc 0
*DC Analysis on source vin, to vary from -5 to +5V
.dc vin -5 5 0.01
plot v(2) vs v(1)
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Example IV- I-V Characteristics of a Transistor

So far, we have only used default models of all circuit components

provided by NGSPICE. However, this is not always the case as we would
like to use special devices e.g. different kinds of diodes, transistors,
amplifiers, etc. for certain circuits.
Suppose we wish to measure the I-V characteristics of the base-emitter
(B-E) region of a BC547 transistor. Since transistor characteristics vary
greatly from device to device, we will require a well defined model of
BC547, rather than the default model provided by NGSPICE.
The model file, if available, should be saved in the same working directory
as your netlist, and can be invoked using the .include command.
To measure current in a branch, keep a DC voltage source of 0 V in that
branch. If this source is named v1, the current in the branch is
represented by v1#branch.

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Example IV- I-V Characteristics of a Transistor (contd)
We can use this simple circuit, using the B-E junction of the transistor like a diode,
keeping the collector open.
0V 4
1 470 3


Vin +


I-V Characteristics of BC547

*Including the BC547 model file
.include bc547.txt
vin 1 0 dc 5v
r1 1 2 470
*Voltage source of 0 V to measure current
vib 2 3 dc 0v
*Specifying BJTs in this manner-
*name collector base emitter modelname as in model file
q1 4 3 0 bc547a
*Vin for DC analysis
.dc vin -3 3 0.01
plot vib#branch vs v(3)
.end Debapratim Ghosh Dept. of EE, IIT Bombay 12/20
Example V- I-V Characteristics of a MOSFET

Let us now characterize the the output ID v/s VDS characteristics of an

NMOS transistor.
Like the BJT, we will use a specific MOSFET model- a CD4007. The ID
v/s VDS characteristics can easily be studied by fixing VGS at 3.5 V and
varying VDS from 0 to 5 V.
We use the following circuit

4 5


680 100 ID
1 2
3 +
- 0

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Example V- I-V Characteristics of a MOSFET (contd)
I-V Characteristics of CD4007
*Including the CD4007 model file
.include cd4007.txt
*Fixing gate bias at 3.5V
vgg 1 0 dc 3.5v
rg 1 2 680
*Specifying NMOS in this manner-
*name drain gate source body modelname as in model file
m1 3 2 0 0 NMOS4007
rd 3 4 100
*DC source of 0v to measure current
vid 5 4 dc 0v
vdd 5 0 dc 0v
*DC analysis to sweep vds from 0 to 5V
.dc vdd 0 5 0.01
plot vid#branch vs v(3)

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Use of Subcircuits

We have seen how to use electronic devices to build a circuit and test it
using NGSPICE.
Various electronic devices have their own existing model files that
represent the electrical behaviour of that device, which we can use in a
netlist. What if we now have an existing circuit, and want to use it to build
bigger circuits?
A typical example is using an op-amp (operational amplifier) to design a
simple amplifier or a filter. Note that, an op-amp is a pre-existing circuit
and not a device. It is made of many transistors.
NGSPICE allows us to define an op-amp as a subcircuit. A subcircuit is
much like an IC- we know its pins to interface with the outside world, but
we need not be familiar with the inside circuit!
A subcircuit is a collection of devices familiar to SPICE. A subcircuit is
identified by the prefix x. The usage is very similar to that of a model file.

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Example- Integrator using op-amp (741)
1 M

1 k 0.1 F

2 + 15 V
Vin 1
0 Vout
+ 4
0 3 - 15 V

Differentiator using op-amp 741

*Including the predefined op-amp subcircuit file
.include ua741.txt
*Connections as mentioned in subcircuit file
x1 0 1 2 3 4 UA741
r1 5 1 1k
c1 4 1 0.1u
rf 4 1 1Meg
vcc 2 0 dc 15v
vee 3 0 dc -15v
*Giving a sinusoidal input
vin 5 0 sin (0 1v 1k 0 0)
.tran 0.02ms 6ms
plot v(5) v(4)
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Consider the shunt clipper shown in Example III. Change (a) the diode
connections (b) the 2 V battery polarity and simulate to observe Vout v/s
Vin variation. For each case, give a 1 kHz sinusoidal input and observe
the output waveform (six cycles).
Write an NGSPICE netlist for a diode-based bridge rectifier and simulate
it to observe the rectified voltage across a load resistor, by giving a 12V,
50Hz input. Also, observe the Vout v/s Vin transfer characteristics.
Simulate a CMOS inverter using MOSFETs from CD4007 library. Provide
a piecewise-linear input with the following (V , t) coordinates- (0,0) (0,10
ns) (5 V,15 ns) (5 V,50 ns) (0 V,55 ns) (0 V, 60 ns). Observe the drain
current of the PMOS transistor as a function of time.
Study the CD4007 model file provided to you. How many parameters can
you identify?

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NGSPICE Application- Study of Elmore Delay

After a change in input voltage, the time taken by the output to reach to
its final value is called delay. This is a critical issue in integrated circuit
(IC) design. Consider the source-load interconnection as shown.
metallic interconnect

Source +

The metal lines have some resistance R, and the gap between them lead
to some capacitance C. But are R and C lumped or disrtibuted?
R R/2 R/2 R/n R/n R/n

+ C + +

C/2 C/2 C/n C/n C/n

Lumped Distrinuted 2-stage Distributed n-stage

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NGSPICE Application- Study of Elmore Delay (contd)

The delay can be approximated as the effective R-C time constant of the
circuit. For a lumped (single stage) approximation, the delay is T = RC.

For a two stage approximation, the delay is T = 0.75RC.

For an n stage approximation, the delay can be shown to be T = 2n RC.

Thus, for a very large n (distributed effect), the delay is then given by

T = lim RC = 0.5RC
n 2n

This is known as Elmores Delay model.

W want to verify this using NGSPICE. But, it is not possible to describe,

say 1000 R-C networks in the NGSPICE netlist! Then how do we do this?

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NGSPICE Application- Study of Elmore Delay (contd)
Consider two interconnects we wish to simulate for Elmore delay, with
length l = 1 mm, width and thickness w, t = 5 m and gap d = 10 nm.

We can write a C/C++ program that will take these dimensions (length,
width, separation, etc.) as input and compute the total line R and C.

The program will also ask the user for the number of R-C stages for delay

Based on the number of stages, R and C, the program will write this data
into an NGSPICE netlist file. This can be easily automated by feeding the
number of stages n as a loop counter and having the stage resistance
and capacitance as R/n and C/n respectively.

In effect, rather than writing thousands of lines in an NGSPICE

netlist, a C/C++ program can be used to automate the netlist
creation. This is where the real power of NGSPICE lies- its ease of
use in scripting!
Debapratim Ghosh Dept. of EE, IIT Bombay 20/20

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