ACSR PAnether Stringing Upto 350 Mtrs
ACSR PAnether Stringing Upto 350 Mtrs
ACSR PAnether Stringing Upto 350 Mtrs
1.2 Scope
1.2.2 The material to be supplied on final destination at site basis as covered in
the bidding documents shall be designed, manufactured, tested, supplied
and installed as per the requirements specified in this volume. The
requirements, conditions, appendices etc. as specified in other Sections of
bidding documents shall also apply to.
1.2.3 The standard type disc insulators (90 & 120 KN ) along with hardware
fittings (except suspension clamps at suspension tower and dead end
clamps at tension tower) of the existing line shall be used for re-
conductoring of line with HTLS conductor. The existing insulators and
hardware fittings shall be inspected by the contractor for any defects and
those found defective shall be replaced after approval of engineer-in-charge
with fresh items to be supplied by Owner.
1.2.4 The ACSR PANTHER conductor removed from the existing line is envisaged
for re-use/ utilization by the Owner in other projects. Proper handling and
safety of the conductor during de-stringing, storage at site, measurement of
conductor lengths, rewinding on drums at site and safe transportation to
Owners designated stores along the transmission line shall be included in
the scope of work.
1.2.5 The Owner shall arrange shut down of one circuit at a time and the other
circuit shall be kept under charged condition. The contractor shall destring
the existing conductor and restring the circuit with the HTLS conductor
section by section and restore the line in original conditions as per program
finalized in co-ordination with site.Appropriate safety measures along with
necessary safety tools and equipments to carry out destringing and
stringing operations under the above conditions including mechanical/
structural safety of the towers, shall be the responsibility of the contractor.
Necessary calculations shall be carried out by the contractor to ensure that
by replacing the existing ACSR PANTHER conductor with the HTLS
conductor offered, the loadings on the towers due to conductor tensions as
well as loads on account of the reconductoring activities shall be within
specified limits. These calculations shall be submitted by the bidder
alongwith bid.
1.2.6 The materials covered in this package shall be supplied complete in all
respects, including all components, fittings and accessories which are
necessary or are usual for their efficient performance and satisfactory
maintenance under the various operating and atmospheric conditions.
Such parts shall be deemed to be within the scope of the Contract, whether
specifically included or not in the Specification or in the Contract
Schedules. The Supplier shall not be eligible for any extra charges for such
fittings, etc.
1.2.7 The entire stringing work of conductor shall be carried out by tension
stringing technique except where geography/ topographical or other site
constraints do not permit use of tension stringing equipment. In such
cases manual stringing along with other appropriate tools and equipments
may be employed with the approval of Owners site in charge. Contractor is
to indicate the sets of TSE in his proposal and indicate no. of stringing
equipments which the bidder plans to deploy so as to meet his schedule in their
1.2.9 The existing insulators shall be inspected by the contractor in advance for
any defects and those found defective shall be replaced with good ones by
OPTCL. During stringing if any existing insulator found defective, it will be
supplied by OPTCL.
1.2.10 The entire stringing work of HTLS conductor shall be carried out by
tension stringing technique except where geographical / topographical or other
site constraints do not permit use of tension stringing equipment. In such cases
manual stringing along with other appropriate tools and equipment may be
employed with the approval of engineer in charge. The contractor shall indicate in
their offer, the sets of tension stringing equipment he is having in his possession
and the sets of stringing equipment he would deploy exclusively for this package.
The contractor shall also engage sufficient manpower so that stringing of the conductor
in one stretch is complete within the allowed shut down period of one day. No mid span
joint will be allowed & hence the length of the conductor shall be decided by referring the
tower schedule.
1.2.11 Only important road & river crossings and lines passing over civil structures will
have double insulator strings. Vibration dampers are to be provided in all suspension &
tension locations.
1.2.12The rollers, which will be used during stringing, should be so designed that the
line can be charged with the roller.
1.2.13 Contractor should deploy stringing/ installation experts during erection of the offered type
of conductor.
2.1 Technical Particulars of HTLS Conductor
The design and other parameters on which the up rating is to be planned are:
The HTLS conductor shall meet the following minimum requirements:
The bidder shall indicate the technical particulars and details of the
construction of the conductor in the relevant schedule of GTP. The bidder shall also
guarantee the DC resistance of conductor at 20 deg C and AC resistance at the calculated
temperature corresponding to 50Hz alternating current flow of 800 amperes per conductor at
specified ambient conditions (maximum continuous operating temperature).
The bidder shall submit the supporting calculations for the AC
resistance indicating details & justifications of values of temperature coefficient of
resistance & DC to AC resistance conversion factor(s) with due reference to construction
/ geometry of the conductor.
2.2Climatic & Technical details: The climatic and system parameters are detailed
2.2.1 Climate details.
Location:- In the state of Orissa
Maximum ambient temperature= 50 C
Minimum ambient temperature=05 C
Every day temperature=32C
Maximum relative humidity=100%
Average rainfall per year=1150mm. Approx.
Isokeraunic level = 100 / year
Number of rainy days per year = 100 days
Altitude = Less than 350 Meters.
2.2.2 Current Carrying Capacity / Ampacity Requirements
Each HTLS conductor shall be suitable to carry minimum 50 Hz alternating current of 800
Amperes conductor under the ambient conditions & maximum conductor sag specified below
while satisfying other specified technical requirements/ parameters.
Ambienttemperature: 50 deg C
2.2.3 Sag-Tension Requirements
The HTLS conductor shall meet the following sag tension requirements for ruling
span of 320 metres.
Particulars Limiting value
Tension at every day condition (32C, no 2285 kgs& Not exceeding 25% of UTS of
wind) proposed conductor
Tension at 5C, 2/3 wind pressure (52/3 3077 kgs& not exceeding 50% of UTS of
kg/m2) proposed conductor
The bidder shall also furnish sag & tensions under no wind for various
temperatures starting from 0 deg C to maximum continuous operating temperature in
steps of 5 degC.
Besides above, the Supplier shall also furnish details of creep characteristics in
respect of HTLS conductor based on laboratory investigations/ experimentation
(creep test as per IEE1138) conducted on similar type of conductor and shall
indicate creep strain values corresponding to 1 month, 6 month, 1 year & 10 year
creep at everyday tension & at maximum continuous operating temperature.
Average ohmic losses= Loss load factor X Line length X (Desire operating current i.e.800A
) X AC resistance corresponding to 800A.( Considering loss load factor=0.53)
Where Rac is the AC resistance per KM guaranteed by the bidder at temperature
corresponding to the continuous operating current of 800 A under normal condition.
Differential price evaluation for the conductors offered by the bidder shall be carried out
considering the average Ohmic losses calculated as above and considering Rs.1,65,110.
per KW.
The best parameter of loss ( Lowest Ohmic loss for conductor) corresponding to lowest AC
resistance quoted among bidders by the technically responsive & qualified bidders shall
be taken as basis & that quoted by the particular bidder shall be used to arrive at
differential price to be applied for each bid.
On testing ,if it is found that actual losses are more than the values ,quoted in the bid,
undisputed liquidated damages shall be recovered from the supplier at the following
For fractional Kilowatt , penalties shall be applied on prorata basis . No bonus shall
be payble for loss, which are less than those, stated in the bid.
2.4 Design of Hardware & accessories should be compatible with the supplied
HTLS conductor and existing insulators & structures.
2.4.9 Standard Preformed Armour Rod Set The Preformed Armour Rods Set shall be used to minimize the stress
developed in the sub-conductor due to different static and dynamic loads
because of vibration due to wind, slipping of conductor from the suspension
clamp as a result of unbalanced conductor tension in adjacent spans and
broken wire condition. It shall also withstand power arcs. chafing and
abrasion from suspension clamp and localized heating effect due to
magnetic power losses from suspension clamps as well as resistance losses
of the conductor. The preformed armour rods set shall have right hand lay and the inside
diameter of the helics shall be less than the outside diameter of the
conductor to have gentle but permanent grip on the conductor. The surface
of the armour rod when fitted on the conductor shall be smooth and free
from projections, cuts and abrasions etc. The pitch length of the rods shall be determined by the Bidder but shall be
less than that of the outer layer of conductor and the same shall be
accurately controlled to maintain uniformity and consistently reproducible
characteristic wholly independent of the skill of linemen. The length of each rod shall not be less than 1930 25 mm and diameter
shall not be less than 6.35 + 0.10 mm. The tolerance in length of the rods
in complete set should be within 13 mm between the longest and shortest
rod. The ends of armour rod shall be parrot billed. The number of armour rods in each set shall be eleven. Each rod shall be
marked in the middle with paint for easy application on the line. The armour rod shall not loose their resilience even after five applications.
The conductivity of each rod of the set shall not be less than 40% of the
conductivity of the International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS).
2.4.10 Armour Grip Suspension Clamp The armour grip suspension clamp shall comprise of retaining strap,
support housing, elastomer inserts with aluminium reinforcements and
AGS preformed rod set. Elastomer insert shall be resistant to the effects of temperature up to
maximum conductor temperature guaranteed by the bidder corresponding
to peak current, Ozone, ultraviolet radiations and other atmospheric
contaminants likely to be encountered in service. The physical properties of
the elastomer shall be of approved standard. It shall be electrically shielded
by a cage of AGS performed rod set. The elastomer insert shall be so
designed that the curvature of the AGS rod shall follow the contour of the
neoprene insert. The length of the AGS preformed rods shall be such that it shall ensure
sufficient slipping strength and shall not introduce unfavourable stress on
the conductor under all operating conditions. However the length of AGS
preformed rods shall not be less than 1760 + 16 mm for HTLS Conductor.
2.4.11 Dead end Assembly The dead end assembly shall be suitable for the proposed HTLS Conductor.
11 OPTCL/HTLS TENDER/2013 The dead end assembly shall be of compression type with provision for
compressing jumper terminal at one end. The angle of jumper terminal to
be mounted should be 30 with respect to the vertical line. The area of
bearing surface on all the connections shall be sufficient to ensure positive
electrical and mechanical contact and avoid local heating due to I2R losses.
The resistance of the clamp when compressed on Conductor shall not be
more than 75% of the resistance of equivalent length of Conductor. Die compression areas shall be clearly marked on each dead-end assembly
designed for continuous die compressions and shall bear the words COM
PRESS FIRST suitably inscribed near the point on each assembly where
the compression begins. If the dead end assembly is designed for
intermittent die compressions it shall bear identification marks
arrow marks showing the direction of compressions and knurling marks
showing the end of the zones. Tapered aluminium filler plugs shall also be
provided at the line of demarcation between compression & non-
compression zone. The letters, number and other markings on the finished
clamp shall be distinct and legible. The dimensions of dead end assembly
before & after compression along with tolerances shall be shall be
guaranteed in the relevant schedules of the bid and shall be decided by the
manufacturer so as to suit the conductor size & conform to electrical &
mechanical requirement stipulated in the specification. The assembly shall not permit slipping of, damage to, or failure of the
complete conductor or any part there of at a load less than 95% of the
ultimate tensile strength of the conductor.
elimination of sharp edges and corners to limit corona and radio-
interference, best resistance to corrosion and a good finish. All ferrous parts including fasteners shall be hot dip galvanized, after
all machining has been completed. Nuts may, however, be tapped
(threaded) after galvanizing and the threads oiled. Spring washers shall be
electro galvanized. The bolt threads shall be undercut to take care of the
increase in diameter due to galvanizing. Galvanizing shall he done in
accordance with IS 2629 / IS 1367 (Part-13) and shall satisfy the tests
mentioned in IS 2633. Fasteners shall withstand four dips while spring
washers shall withstand three dips of one minute duration in the standard
Preece test. Other galvanized materials shall have a minimum average
coating of zinc equivalent to 600 gm/sq.m., shall be guaranteed to
withstand at least six successive dips each lasting one (1) minute under the
standard preece test for galvanizing. The zinc coating shall be perfectly adherent. of uniform thickness, smooth,
reasonably bright. continuous and free from imperfections such as flux,.
ash rust, stains, bulky white deposits and blisters. The zinc used for
galvanizing shall be grade Zn 99.95 as per IS:209. In case of casting, the same shall be free from all internal defects like
shrinkage, inclusion, blow holes, cracks etc. Pressure die casting shall not
be used for casting of components with thickness more than 5 mm. All current carrying parts shall be so designed and manufactured that
contact resistance is reduced to minimum. No equipment shall have sharp ends or edges, abrasions or projections and
cause any damage to the conductor in any way during erection or during
continuous operation which would produce high electrical and mechanical
stresses in normal working. The design of adjacent metal parts and mating
surfaces shall be such as to prevent corrosion of the contact surface and to
maintain good electrical contact under service conditions. All the holes shall be cylindrical, clean cut and perpendicular to the plane
of the material. The periphery of the holes shall be free from burrs. All fasteners shall have suitable corona free locking arrangement to guard
against vibration loosening. Welding of aluminium shall be by inert gas shielded tungesten arc or inert
gas shielded metal arc process. Welds shall be clean, sound, smooth,
uniform without overlaps, properly fused and completely sealed. There
shall be no cracks, voids incomplete penetration, incomplete fusion, under-
cutting or inclusions. Porosity shall be minimised so that mechanical
properties of the aluminium alloys are not affected. All welds shall be
properly finished as per good engineering practices.
2.4.15 Bid Drawings The Bidder shall furnish full description and illustrations of materials
offered. Fully dimensioned drawings of the hardwares and their component parts
shall be furnished in five (3) copies alongwith the bid. Weight, material and
fabrication details of all the components should be included in the
All drawings shall be identified by a drawing number and contract number.
All drawings shall be neatly arranged. All drafting & lettering shall be
legible. The minimum size of lettering shall be 3 mm. All dimensions &
dimensional tolerances shall be mentioned in mm.
The drawings shall include :
(i) Dimensions and dimensional tolerance.
(ii) Material, fabrication details including any weld details & any
specified finishes & coatings. Regarding material designation &
reference of standards are to be indicated.
(iii) Catalogue No.
(iv) Marking
(v) Weight of assembly
(vi) Installation instructions
(vii) Design installation torque for the bolt or cap screw.
(viii) Withstand torque that may be applied to the bolt or cap screw
without failure of component parts.
(ix) The compression die number with recommended compression
(x) All other relevant terminal details. After placement of award, the Contractor shall submit fully dimensioned
drawing including all the components in three (3) copies to the Owner for
approval. After getting approval from the Owner and successful completion
of all the type tests, the Contractor shall submit ten (10) more copies of the
same drawings to the Owner for further distribution and field use at
Owners end.
3. Ball Fittings, Class-IV Steel Drop forged As per IS:
Socket, all shackles & 2004
links cleves normalized
Hot dip
4. Yoke Plate Mild Steel Hot dip As per IS-
galvanized 226
or IS-2062
5. Sag Adjustment Mild Steel Hot dip As per IS-
plate galvanized 226
or IS-2062
6(a). Corona Control High Strength Al. Heat treated ASTM-B429 Mechanical
ring/ Grading ring Alloy tube Hot dip or as per IS strength of
(6061/ galvanized welded
6063/1100 type joint shall
or 65032/ 63400 not be less
Type) than 20 KN
6(b). Supporting High Strentgth Heat treated ASTM-B429
Brackets & Al Alloy 7061/ Hot dip or as per
Mounting Bolts 6063/ galvanized IS:226 or
65032/63400 IS:2062
Type) or Mild
7(a). Dead End EC grade Al of
Assembly: Outer purity not less
Sleeve than 99.50%
7(b). Steel Sleeve Mild Steel Hot Dip IS:226/
Galvanised IS-2062
Note : Alternate materials conforming to other national standards of other countries also
may be offered provided the properties and compositions of these are close to the
properties and compositions of material specified. Bidder should furnish the details of
comparision of material offered viz a viz specified in the bid or else the bids are liable to be
2.5 Accessories For the HTLS Conductor
2.5.1 General
This portion details the technical particulars of the accessories for
2.5.2 2.5% extra fasteners, filler plugs and retaining rods shall be provided.
2.5.3 The supplier shall be responsible for satisfactory performance of complete
conductor system along with accessories offered by him for continuous
operation at temperature specified for the HTLS Conductor.
2.5.4 Mid Span Compression Joint Mid Span Compression Joint shall be used for joining two lengths of
conductor. The joint shall have a resistively less than 75% of the resistivity
of equivalent length of conductor. The joint shall not permit slipping off,
damage to or failure of the complete conductor or any part thereof at a load
less than 95% of the ultimate tensile strength of the conductor. It must be
able to withstand the continuous design temperature of conductor. The dimensions of mid span compression joint before & after compression
alongwith tolerances shall be shall be guaranteed in the relevant schedules
of the bid and shall be decided by the manufacturer so as to suit the
conductor size & conform to electrical & mechanical requirement stipulated
in the specification.
2.5.5 Connector
Connector of compression type shall be used for jumper connection at
tension tower . It shall be manufactured out of 99.5% pure aluminium /
aluminium alloy and shall be strong enough to withstand normal working
loads as well as able to withstand the continuous maximum operating
temperature of conductor. The connector shall have a resistivity across
jumper less than 75% resistivity of equivalent length of conductor. The
connector shall not permit slipping off, damage to or failure of complete
conductor . The welded portions shall be designed for 30 kN axial tensile
load. Leg sleeve of connector should be kept at an angle of 15 deg. from
vertical and horizontal plane of the conductor in order to minimize jumper
pull at the welded portion . The dimensions of connector along with
tolerances shall be shall be guaranteed in the relevant schedules of the bid
and shall be decided by the manufacturer so as to suit the conductor size &
conform to electrical & mechanical requirement stipulated in the
2.5.6 Repair Sleeve
Repair Sleeve of compression type shall be used to repair conductor with
not more than two strands broken in the outer layer. The sleeve shall be
manufactured from 99.5% pure aluminium / aluminium alloy and shall
have a smooth surface.It shall be able to withstand the continuous
maximum operating temperature of conductor The repair sleeve shall
comprise of two pieces with a provision of seat for sliding of the keeper
piece. The edges of the seat as well as the keeper piece shall be so rounded
that the conductor strands are not damaged during installation. The
dimensions of Repair sleeve alongwith tolerances shall be guaranteed in the
relevant schedules of the bid and shall be decided by the manufacturer so
as to suit the conductor size & conform to electrical & mechanical
requirement stipulated in the specification.
2.5.7 Vibration Damper Vibration dampers of 4R-stockbridge type with four (4) different resonances
spread within the specified aeolian frequency band width corresponding to
wind speed of 1 m/s to 7 m/s are installed in the existing line at
suspension and tension points on each conductor in each span alongwith
bundle spacers to damp out aeolian vibration as well as sub- span
oscillations,. One damper minimum on each side per sub-conductor for
suspension points and two dampers minimum on each side per sub-
conductor for tension points has been used for a ruling design span of 320
meters. The bidder shall offer damping system including Stockbridge type dampers
and bundle spacers for HTLS conductor for its protection from wind
induced vibrations which could cause conductor fatigue /strand breakage
near a hardware attachment,such as suspension clamps. Alternate
damping systems with proven design offering equivalent or better
performance also shall be accepted provided the manufacturer meets the
qualifying requirements stipulated in the Specifications. Relevant technical
documents including type test reports to establish the technical suitability
of alternate systems shall be furnished by the Bidder alongwiththe bid.
The damper shall be designed to have minimum 4 nos of resonance
frequencies to facilitate dissipation of vibration energy through interstrand
friction of the messanger cable and shall be effective in reducing vibration
over a wide frequency range ( depending upon conductor dia ) or wind
velocity range specified above. The vibration damper shall meet the
requirement of frequency or wind velocity range and also have
machanicalimpedence closely matched with the offered HTLS conductor.
The vibration dampers shall be installed at suitable positions to ensure
damping effectiveness across the frequency range. The power dissipation of
the vibration dampers shall exeed the wind power so that the vibration
level on the conductor is reduced below its endurence limit ie 150 micro
strain. The bidder shall clearly indicate the method for evaluating
performance of dampers including analytrical and laboratory test methods.
The bidder shall indicate the the type tests to evaluate the performance of
offered damping system . The clamp of the vibration damper shall be made of high strength
aluminium alloy of type LM-6. It shall be capable of supporting the damper
and prevent damage or chafing of the conductor during erection or
continued operation. The clamp shall have smooth and permanent grip to
keep the damper in position on the conductor without damaging the
strands or causing premature fatigue failure of the conductor under the
clamp. The clamp groove shall be in uniform contact with the conductor
over the entire clamping surface except for the rounded edges. The groove of
the clamp body and clamp cap shall be smooth, free from projections, grit
or other materials which could cause damage to the conductor when the
clamp is installed. Clamping bolts shall be provided with self locking nuts
and designed to prevent corrosion of threads or loosening in service. The messenger cable shall be made of high strength galvanised steel/stain
less steel with a minimum strength of 135 kg/sqmm. It shall be of
preformed and post formed quality in order to prevent subsequent drop of
weight and to maintain consistent flexural stiffness of the cable in
service.The messenger cable other than stainless steel shall be hot dip
galvanised in accordance with the recommendations of IS:4826 for heavily
coated wires. The damper mass shall be made of hot dip galvanised mild steel/cast iron
or a permanent mould cast zinc alloy. All castings shall be free from defects
such as cracks, shrinkage, inclusions and blowholes etc. The surface of the
damper masses shall be smooth. The damper clamp shall be casted over the messenger cable and offer
sufficient and permanent grip on it. The messenger cable shall not slip out
of the grip at a load less than the mass pull-off value of the damper. The
damper masses made of material other-than zinc alloy shall be fixed to the
messenger cable in a suitable manner in order to avoid excessive stress
concentration on the messenger cables which shall cause premature fatigue
failure of the same. The messenger cable ends shall be suitably and
effectively sealed to prevent corrosion. The damper mass made of zinc alloy
shall be casted over the messenger cable and have sufficient and
permanent grip on the messenger cable under all service conditions. The damper assembly shall be so designed that it shall not introduce radio
interference beyond acceptable limits. The vibration damper shall be capable of being installed and removed from
energised line by means of hot line technique. in addition, the clamp shall
be capable of being removed and reinstalled on the conductor at the
designated torque without shearing or damaging of fasteners. The contractor must indicate the clamp bolt tightening torque to ensure
that the slip strength of the clamp is maintained between 2.5 kN and 5 kN.
The clamp when installed on the conductor shall not cause excessive stress
concentration on the conductor leading to permanent deformation of the
conductor strands and premature fatigue failure in operation. The vibration analysis of the system, with and without damper and
dynamic characteristics of the damper as detailed under Annexure-A, shall
have to be submitted. The technical particulars for vibration analysis and
damping design of the system are as follows:
Sl. No. Description Technical particulars
1. Span length in meters
i) Ruling design span 320 meters
ii) Maximum span 336meters
iii) Minimum span 50 meters
2. Configuration Double / Single Circuit
conductor per phase in
vertical configuration.
3. Tensile load in Conductor at 2884 kGF
temperature of 0 deg. C and still
4. Armour rods used Standard preformed
armour rods/AGS
5. Maximum permissible +/- 150 micro strains
19 OPTCL/HTLS TENDER/2013 The damper placement chart shall be submitted for spans ranging from 50
m to 320 m. Placement charts should be duly supported with relevant
technical documents and sample calculations. The damper placement charts shall include the following
(1) Location of the dampers for various combinations of spans and line
tensions clearly indicating the number of dampers to be installed
per conductor per span.
(2) Placement distances clearly identifying the extremities between
which the distances are to be measured.
(3) Placement recommendation depending upon type of suspension
clamps (vizFreecentre type/Armour grip type etc.)
(4) The influence of mid span compression joints, repair sleeves
&armour rods ( standard& AGS) in the placement of dampers.
2.5.8 Material and Workmanship All the equipment shall be of the latest proven design and conform to the
best modern practice adopted in the extra high voltage field. The Bidder
shall offer only such equipment as guaranteed by him to be satisfactory and
suitable for 132 kV transmission line application with HTLS conductors and
will give continued good performance at all service conditions. The design, manufacturing process and quality control of all the materials
shall be such as to achieve requisite factor of safety for maximum working
load, highest mobility, elimination of sharp edges and corners, best
resistance to corrosion and a good finish. High current, heat rise test shall be conducted by the supplier to determine
the maximum temperature achieved in different components of fittings
under simulated service condition corresponding to continuous operation of
conductor at rated maximum temperature. The material of the components
should be suitable for continued good performance corresponding to these
maximum temperatures. The supplier shall submit relevant type/
performance test certificates as per applicable standards/product
specifications tp confirm suitability of the offered material. All ferrous parts shall be hot dipgalvanised, after all machining has been
completed. Nuts may, however, be tapped (threaded) after galvanising and
the threads oiled. Spring washers shall be electro galvanised as per grade 4
of IS-1573. The bolt threads shall be undercut to take care of increase in
diameter due to galvanising. Galvanising shall bedone in accordance with
IS:2629/ IS-1367 (Part-13) and satisfy the tests mentioned in IS-2633.
Fasteners shall withstand four dips while spring washers shall withstand
three dips. Other galvanised materials shall have a minimum average
coating of Zinc equivalent to 600 gm/sq.m and shall be guaranteed to
withstand at least six dips each lasting one minute under the standard
Preece test for galvanising unless otherwise specified. The zinc coating shall be perfectly adherent, of uniform thickness, smooth,
reasonably bright, continuous and free from imperfections such as flux,
ash, rust stains, bulky white deposits and blisters. The zinc used for
galvanising shall be of grade Zn 99.95 as per IS:209.
20 OPTCL/HTLS TENDER/2013 In case of castings, the same shall be free from all internal defects
like shrinkage, inclusion, blow holes, cracks etc. All current carrying parts shall be so designed and manufactured that
contact resistance is reduced to minimum and localised heating
phenomenon is averted. No equipment shall have sharp ends or edges, abrasions or projections and
shall not cause any damage to the conductor in any way during erection or
during continuous operation which would produce high electrical and
mechanical stresses in normal working. The design of adjacent metal parts
and mating surfaces shall be such as to prevent corrosion of the contact
surface and to maintain good electrical contact under all service conditions. Particular care shall be taken during manufacture and subsequent
handling to ensure smooth surface free from abrasion or cuts. The fasteners shall conform to the requirements of IS:6639-1972. All
fasteners and clamps shall have corona free locking arrangement to guard
against vibration loosening.
2.5.9 Compression Markings
Die compression areas shall be clearly marked on each equipment designed
for continuous die compressions and shall bear the words COMPRESS
FIRST suitably inscribed on each equipment where the compression
begins. If the equipment is designed for intermittent die compressions, it
shall bear the identification marks COMPRESSION ZONE and NON-
COMPRESSION ZONE distinctly with arrow marks showing the direction of
compression and knurling marks showing the end of the zones. The letters,
number and other markings on finished equipment shall be distinct and
2.5.10 Bid Drawings The Bidder shall furnish detailed dimensioned drawings of the equipments
and all component parts. Each drawing shall be identified by a drawing
number and Contract number. All drawings shall be neatly arranged. All
drafting and lettering shall be legible. The minimum size of lettering shall be
3 mm. All dimensions and dimensional tolerances shall be mentioned in
mm. The drawings shall include
(i) Dimensions and dimensional tolerances
(ii) Material. fabrication details including any weld details and any
specified finishes and coatings. Regarding material, designations
and reference of standards are to be indicated.
(iii) Catalogue No.
(iv) Marking
(v) Weight of assembly
(vi) Installation instructions
(vii) Design installation torque for the bolt or cap screw
(viii) Withstand torque that may be applied to the bolt or cap screw
without failure of component parts
(ix) The compression die number with recommended compression
(x) All other relevant technical details Placement charts for spacer/spacer damper and damper The above drawings shall be submitted with all the
details as stated abcvealongwith the bid document. After the placement of
award.the Contractor shall again submit the drawings in three copies to the
Owner for approval. After Owners approval and successful completion of all
type tests, 20 (twenty) more sets of drawings shall be submitted to Owner
for further distribution and field use at Owners end.
Assembly (Part-I)
b) Heating cycle test for dead end Assembly : As per IS:2486-
c) Slip strength test for dead end assembly : As per IS:2486-
d) Ageing test on filler (if applicable) : As per Annexure-B
c) Vibration analysis : As per Annexure-B
d) Resilience test for armour rod set : As per
Clause 7.5,7,10 &
e) Conductivity test for armour rods set : As per
Clause 7.5,7,10 &
b) Galvanising test : As per Annexure-C
If any of the above type tests have not been made, the supplier should
furnish an undertaking with the bid that the test reports to be furnished
before offering call for acceptance test. Otherwise the EMD will be forfeited,
the bidder will not be eligible to participate in future tenders of OPTCL.
2.5.14 Co-ordination for testing
The Contractors shall have to co-ordinate testing of their hardware fittings
with insulators to be supplied by other Supplier to the Owner and shall
have to also guarantee overall satisfactory performance of the hardware
fittings with the insulators.
2.5.15 Inspection The Owners representative shall at all times be entitled to have access to
the works and all places of manufacture, where the material and/or its
component parts shall be manufactured and the representatives shall have
full facilities for unrestricted inspection of the Contractors, sub-
Contractors works raw materials. manufacturers of all the material and for
conducting necessary tests as detailed herein. The material for final inspection shall be offered by the Contractor only
under packed condition as detailed in clause 4.11 of this part of the
Specification. The engineer shall select samples at random from the packed
lot for carrying out acceptance tests. The Contractor shall keep the Owner informed in advance of the time of
starting and of the progress of manufacture of material in its various stages
so that arrangements could be made for inspection. Material shall not be despatched from its point of manufacture before it has
been satisfactorily inspected and tested unless the inspection is waived off
by the Owner in writing. In the latter case also the material shall be
despatched only after all tests specified herein have been satisfactorily
completed. The acceptance of any quantity of material shall in no way relieve the
Contractor of his responsibility for meeting all the requirements of the
Specification, and shall not prevent subsequent rejection, if such material
are later found to be defective.
2.5.16 Packing and Marking All material shall be packed in strong and weather resistant wooden
cases/crates. The gross weight of the packing shall not normally exceed
200 Kg to avoid handling problems. The packing shall be of sufficient strength to withstand rough handling
during transit, storage at site and subsequent handling in the field. Suitable cushioning, protective padding, dunnage or spacers shall be
provided to prevent damage or deformation during transit and handling. Bolts, nuts, washers, cotter pins, security clips and split pins etc. shall be
packed duly installed and assembled with the respective parts and suitable
measures shall be used to prevent their loss. Each component part shall be legibly and indelibly marked with trade mark
of the manufacturer and year of manufacture. All the packing cases shall be marked legibly and correctly so as to ensure
safe arrival at their destination and to avoid the possibility of goods being
lost or wrongly despatched on account of faulty packing and faulty or
illegible markings. Each wooden case/crate shall have all the markings
stencilled on it in indelible ink.
2.5.17 Standards The Hardware fittings; conductor and earthwire accessories shall conform
to the following Indian/International Standards which shall mean latest
revisions, with amendments/changes adopted and published, unless
specifically stated otherwise in the Specification. In the event of the supply of hardware fittings; conductor and earthwire
accessories conforming to standards other than specified, the Bidder shall
confirm in his bid that these standards are equivalent to those specified. In
case of award, salient features of comparison between the Standards
proposed by the Contractor and those specified in this document will be
provided by the Contractor to establish their equivalence.
BS British Standards,
British Standards Institution
101, Pentonvile Road,
N - 19-ND
IEC/CISPR International Electro technical
Bureau Central de la Commission,
electro Technique international,
1 Rue de verembe,
BIS/IS Beureau Of Indian Standards.
9, Bahadur Shah ZafarMarg,
New Delhi - 110001.
ISO International Organisation for
Danish Board of Standardization
Danish Standardizing Sraat,
DK-2900, Heeleprup,
NEMA National Electric Manufacture
155, East 44th Street.
New York, NY 10017
2.6 Workmanship
i) All the conductor strands shall be smooth, uniform and free from all
imperfections, such as spills and splits, cracks, die marks, scratches, abrasions,
rust etc.
ii) The finished conductor shall be smooth, compact, uniform and free from all
imperfections including kinks (protrusion of wires), wire cross over, over riding,
looseness (wire being dislocated by finger/hand pressure and / or unusual bangle
noise on tapping), material inclusions, white rust, powder formation or black spot
(on account of reaction with trapped rain water etc),dirt, grit etc.
During stranding no Aluminum/ aluminium Alloy welds shall be made for the
purpose of achieving the required conductor length.
b)Core Wires
There shall be no joint of any kind in the finished wire entering into the
manufacture of the strand. There shall also be no joints or splices in any length of
the completed stranded core.
The materials used for construction of the conductor shall be such that the
conductor meets the specified technical and the performance requirements.
The stranded core shall be used. Solid core is also acceptable. The core wire strands may be
of any composite materials or special steel and shall have properties conforming to the
technical performance requirements of the finished conductor. Bidder shall furnish
properties and composition of the core wire strands in the GTP schedule. The composite
material for core shall be of such proven quality that its properties are not deteriorated
by the normal operating conditions of 132KV transmission line in tropical environment
conditions as experienced by the existing lines. The Bidder shall provide adequate details
including specifications / test reports / operating experience details / performance
certificates etc. in support of the suitability of the offered materials. Care to be taken for
internal friction due to different material having different thermal co efficient of
2.12Conductor Length
The Bidder after his survey of the existing line shall determine the most
appropriate individual conductor lengths to be manufactured & supplied keeping
in view of the tower schedules, section lengths, special crossings etc. The drum
drawing as per IS 1778 or any international standard shall be submitted to
purchaser for review and approval. The Bidder shall also indicate the maximum
single length of conductor that they can manufacture, in the GTP. The tower
schedule and individual span lengths of the existing lines are given in Appendix-I
& II.
The conductors & accessories shall comply in all respects to the clauses of this
specification as indicated above & with the standards noted in Appendix-V,
4.1 For all, constructions, each alternate layer shall be stranded in opposite
directions. The wires in each layer shall be evenly and closely stranded round the
under laying wire or wires. The final layer of wires shall have a right hand lay.
5. Packing
5.1 The conductor shall be supplied in non-returnable, strong, wooden/painted
steel/hybrid (painted steel cum wood) drums provided with lagging of adequate
strength, constructed to protect the conductor against all damage and
displacement during transit, storage and subsequent handling and stringing
operations in the field. The Supplier shall select suitable drums for supply of
conductor and shall be responsible for any loss or damage to conductor and/or
drum during transportation handling and storage due to improper selection of
drum or packing.
5.2 The drums shall be suitable for wheel mounting and for letting off the conductor
under a minimum controlled tension of the order of 5000 Kgf.
5.3 The Bidder should submit their proposed drum drawings along with the bid.
5.4 One conductor length only shall be wound on each drum.
5.5 The conductor ends shall be properly sealed and secured on the side of one of the
flanges to avoid loosening of the conductor layers during transit and handling.
5.6 Marking
Each drum shall have the following information stenciled on it in indelible ink
along with other essential data :
(a) Contract/Award letter number.
(b) Name and address of consignee.
(c) Manufacturers name and address.
(d) Drum number
(e) Size of conductor
(f) Length of conductor in meters
(g) Arrow marking for unwinding
(h) Position of the conductor ends
(i) Distance between outer-most Layer of conductor and the inner surface of
(k) Barrel diameter at three locations & an arrow marking at the location of the
(l) Number of turns in the outer most layer.
(m) Gross weight of drum after putting lagging.
(n) Tear weight of the drum without lagging.
(o) Net weight of the conductor in the drum.
(p) Dispatch instruction.
The above should be indicated in the packing list also.
All the specified type tests on HTLS Conductors offered by the bidder shall not be
required to be carried out if valid test certificate is available i.e., tests conducted
within last five years from the date of bid opening in an accredited laboratory or
witnessed by the representative (s) of a Utility.
In the event of any discrepancy in the test report (i.e., any test report not
applicable due to any design/ material/manufacturing process change including
substitution of components or due to non compliance with the requirement
stipulated in the Technical Specification) the tests shall be conducted by the
Contractor at no extra cost to the OPTCL.
NB. In case the bidder do not have valid type test report at the time of bidding &
intent to carry out the type test after becoming the successful bidder, they can do
so provided they give an undertaking while bidding that to save time they will
supply the material, pending the type test result. However, the payment against
supply will be released only after receipt of successful type test result or against
100% bank guarantee till the type test result is receipt. In case the material fails in
type test they have to lift it back after which above bank guarantee will be released
& performance bank guarantee will be encashed.
b) UTS test on stranded conductor : As per Annexure-A
c) Stress- Strain test on stranded
: IEC 1089
conductor and core at room
d) Stress-strain test on stranded
conductor and core at elevated As per Annexure-A
e) High temperature endurance & creep : As per Annexure-A
test on stranded conductor
f) Sheaves Test : As per Annexure-A
Sl. Indian Title International
No Standard Standard
1. IS: 209-1992 Specification for zinc BS:3436-1986
Reference Name and Address
BS British Standards,
British Standards Institution
101, Pentonvile Road,
N - 19-ND
IEC/CISPR International Electro technical
Bureau Central de la Commission,
electro Technique international,
1 Rue de verembe,
BIS/IS Beureau Of Indian Standards.
9, Bahadur Shah ZafarMarg,
New Delhi - 110001.
ISO International Organisation for
Danish Board of Standardization
Danish Standardizing Sraat,
DK-2900, Heeleprup,
NEMA National Electric Manufacture Association,
155, East 44th Street.
New York, NY 10017
1. Tests on Conductor
1.1 UTS Test on Stranded Conductor
Circles perpendicular to the axis of the conductor shall be marked at two places
on a sample of conductor of minimum 5 m length between fixing arrangement
suitably fixed by appropriate fittings on a tensile testing machine. The load shall
be increased at a steady rate up to 50% of minimum specified UTS and held for
one minute. The circles drawn shall not be distorted due to relative movement of
strands. Thereafter the load shall be increased at steady rate to minimum UTS
and held for one minute. The Conductor sample shall not fail during this period.
The applied load shall then be increased until the failing load is reached and the
value recorded.
1.2 D.C. Resistance Test on Stranded Conductor
On a conductor sample of minimum 5m length two contact-clamps shall be fixed
with a predetermined bolt torque. The resistance shall be measured by a Kelvin
double bridge or using micro ohm meter of suitable accuracy by placing the
clamps initially zero metre and subsequently one metre apart. The test shall be
repeated at least five times and the average value recorded. The value obtained
shall be corrected to the value at 200C as per IS:398-(Part-IV)/(Part-V). The
resistance corrected at 20deg C shall conform to the requirements of this
1.3 Coefficient of linear expansion for core/core strands
The temperature and elongation on a sample shall be continuously measured and
recorded at interval of approximately 15 degree C from 15 degree C to maximum
continuous operating temperature corresponding to rated current(800 A) by
changing the temperature by suitable means. Coefficient of linear expansion shall
be determined from the measured results.
1.4.1 Breaking load test on Aluminium Alloy & Core strands and D.C Resistance
test on Aluminium Alloy wire
The above tests shall be carried out as per IEC: 888/889 and the results shall meet the
requirements of the specification.
1.5 Wrap test on Core strand
The wrap test on steel strands shall be meet the requirements of IEC: 888. In case of
aluminium clad core wire, the same shall be wraped around a mandel of diameter
of five times that of the strand to form a helix of eight turns. The strand shall be
unwrapped. No breakage of strand shall occurred.
1.6 Heat Resistance test on Aluminium Alloy wire
Breaking load test as per clause 1.5 above shall be carried out before and after
heating the sample in uniform heat furnace at 280 degC (+5/-3 degC) temperature
for one hour. The breaking strength of the wire after heating shall not be less than
the 90% of the breaking strength before heating.
1.7 Chemical Analysis of Aluminium Alloy and Core
Samples taken from the Aluminium and core coils/strands shall be
chemically/spectrographically analysed. The same shall be in conformity to the
particulars guaranteed by the bidder so as to meet the requirements stated in this
The conductor sample shall be suspended vertically and load applied by dropping
a 650 Kg from an elevation of 4 meters above the sample. The impact velocity shall
be not be less than 8 m/sec. with an initial pre-tension of 200 kgs. The curve for
load vs time shall be recorded and recorded load of failure for core shall not be
less than UTS of core.
1.23 Crush Strength Test
A section of conductor is to be crushed between two six inch steel platens. Load
shall be held at 350 Kgs for 1 minute and then released. All the strands shall be
subsequently disassembled and tensile tested. All the strands shall exhibit full
strength retention
After removing the outer layer aluminium/ aluminium alloy strands, the
conductor shall be loaded to 25% of UTS and than loaded in increasing steps of
+/-180 deg, the core shall withstand atleast 16 such rotation.
minute. No fracture should occur. The applied load shall then be increased until
the failing load is reached and the value recorded.
1.5 Clamp Slip Strength Vs Torque Test for Suspension Clamp
The suspension assembly shall be vertically suspended by means of a flexible
attachment. A suitable length of conductor shall be fixed in the clamp. The clamp
slip strength at various tightening torques shall be obtained by gradually applying
the load at one end of the conductor. The Clamp slip strength vs torque curve
shall be drawn. The above procedure is applicable only for free centre type
suspension clamp. For AG suspension clamp only clamp slip strength after
assembly shall be found out. The clamp slip strength at the recommended
tightening torque shall be more than 20 kN but less than 29 kN.
1.6 Heating Cycle Test
Heating cycle test shall be performed in accordance with IS 2486 (Part-I) with
following modifications:-
i) Temperature of conductor during each cycle: 40 deg. C above designed
maximum operating temperature of the conductor.
ii) Number of cycle: 100
Slip strength test shall also be carried out after heating cycle test.
1.8 Shore Hardness Test for Elastomer Cushion for AG Suspension Assembly
The shore hardness at various points on the surface of the elastomer cushion
shall be measured by a shore hardness meter and the shore hardness number
shall be between 65 to 80.
1.9 Proof Load Test
Each component shall be subjected to a load equal to 50% of the specified
minimum ultimate tensile strength which shall be increased at a steady rate to
67% of the UTS specified. The load shall be held for one minute and then
removed. After removal of the load the component shall not show any visual
1.10 Tests for Forging Casting and Fabricated Hardware
The chemical analysis, hardness test, grain size, inclusion rating and magnetic
particle inspection for forging, castings and chemical analysis and proof load test
for fabricated hardware shall be as per the iniiternationallyrecognised procedures
for these tests. The sampling will be based on heat number and heat treatment
batch. The details regarding test will be as in the Quality Assurance programme.
2.0 Tests on Accessories for Conductor
2.1 Mid Span Compression Joint for Conductor and Earthwire
(a) Slip Strength Test
The fitting compressed on conductor shall not be less than one metre in
length. The test shall be carried out as per IS:2121 (Part-ii)-1981 clause 6-4 except
that the load shall be steadily increased to 95% of minimum ultimate tensile
strength of conductor/earthwire and retained for one minute at this load. There
shall be no movement of the conductor/ earthwire relative to the fittings and no
failure of the fit tings during this one minute period.
2.2 Connector for Conductor
Axial Tensile Load Test for Welded Portion
The sleeve portion of the T-Connector shall be compressed on conductor. The
compressed portion shall be held rigidly on some fixtures and axial load shall be
applied alongwith the jumper terminal The load shall be increased gradually till
breaking of welded joint occurs. The breaking load should be above 30 kN.
Vibration damper for conductor.
Clamp Slip and Fatigue Tests
(i) Test Set Up
The clamp slip and fatigue tests shall be conducted on a laboratory set up
with a minimum effective span length of 30 m. The conductor shall be tensioned
at tension corresponding to 0 deg& no wind condition and ruling span 400 from
sag tension calculation and shall not be equipped with protective armour rods at
any point. Constant tension shall be maintained within the span by means of lever
arm arrangement. After the conductor has been tensioned, clamps shall be
installed to support the conductor at both ends and thus influence of connecting
hardware fittings are eliminated from the free span. The clamps shall not be used
for holding the tension on the conductor. There shall be no loose parts, such as
suspension clamps, U bolts on the test span supported between clamps
mentioned above. The span shall be equipped with vibration inducing equipment
suitable for producing steady standing vibration. The inducing equipment shall
have facilities for stepless speed control as well as stepless amplitude
arrangement. Equipment shall be available for measuring the frequency,
cumulative number of cycles and amplitude of vibration at any point along the
(ii) Clamp Slip test
The vibration damper shall be installed on the test span. The damper
clamp, after lightning with the manufacturers specified tightening torque, when
subjected to a longitudinal pull of 2.5 kN parallel to the axis of conductor for a
minimum duration of one minute shall not slip i.e. the permanent displacement
between conductor and clamp measured after removal of the load shall not exceed
1.0 mm. The load shall be further increased till the clamp starts slipping. The
load at which the clamp slips shall not be more than 5 kN.
3.0 Tests on All components (As applicable)
3.1 Chemical Analysis of Zinc used for Galvanizing
Samples taken from the zinc ingot shall be chemically analysed as per IS-209-
1979. The purity of zinc shall not be less than 99.95%.
3.2 Tests for Forgings
The chemical analysis hardness tests and magnetic particle inspection for
forgings, will be as per the internationally recognised procedures for these tests.
The, sampling will be based on heat number and heat treatment batch. The details
regarding test will be as discussed and mutually agreed to by the Contractor and
Owner in Quality Assurance Programme.
3.3 Tests on Castings
The chemical analysis, mechanical and metallographic tests and magnetic particle
inspection for castings will be as per the internationally recognised procedures for
these tests. The samplings will be based on heat number and heat treatment
batch. The details regarding test will be as discussed and mutually agreed to by
the Contractor and Ownerin Quality Assurance Programme.
The bidder shall fill in the guaranteed technical particulars in the Performa below and
submit the same with his tender, without which bid will not be considered.
iv) --------- %
v) --------- %
vi) -------- %
6. Outer Aluminium / Aluminium Alloy Strand after Stranding
6.1 Number of outer layers Nos.
6.2 Diameter mm
a) Nominal mm
b) Maximum mm
c) Minimum mm
6.3 Minimum Breaking load of strand
a) Before stranding KN
b) After stranding KN
6.4 Resistance of 1m length of strand at 20 deg. C. Ohm
6.5 Modulus of elasticity (kg/mm2)
a) At 32C
b) Below Knee point
c) Above Knee point
d) At maximum operating tempt.
6.6 Co-efficient of linear expansion (/ C)
a) At 32C
b) Below Knee point
c) Above Knee point
d) At maximum operating tempt.
7. Inner core strands/inner core after stranding
7.1 Number of layers in inner core No
7.2 Diameter mm
a) Nominal mm
b) Maximum mm
c) Minimum mm
7.3 Minimum Breaking load of strand/Core
a) Before stranding KN
b) After stranding KN
7.4 Min. no. of twists which a
single strand shall withstand
during torsion test for a length
equal to 100times dia of wire
after stranding. Nos
7.4 Modulus of elasticity (kg/mm2)
a) At 32C
b) Below Knee point
c) Above Knee point
d) At maximum operating tempt.
7.5 Co-efficient of linear expansion (/ C)
a) At 32C
b) Below Knee point
c) Above Knee point
d) At maximum operating tempt.
8. Complete conductor
8.1 Diameter (mm)
a) Nominal
b) Maximum
c) Minimum
8.2 Area of conductor (mm2)
a) Total cross sectional area
b) Effective Aluminium area
c) Effective core area
short term operation Minutes
8.14.7 Sag& tension at maximum operating temperature & no wind Meters & KN
The contractor shall supply six copies of sag tension charts and sag templates
each in respect of the conductor. The contractor shall also supply sag template in
celluloid, which shall be subject to the approval by the owner and without
involving any extra charges. The sag template will be used for changing the tower
positions in future.
The Bidder after his survey of the existing line shall determine the quantity and
type of the accessories required for the turnkey job, which are to be supplied by
them. These accessories should be suitable for the supplied conductor for its
entire operating range without degradation of mechanical, metallurgical and
electrical properties. The steady state temperature of hardware and accessories
must not exceed 90C during no wind and 50C ambient temperature at minimum
800Amp load. The contractor shall be responsible for satisfactory performance of
complete conductor, hardware and accessories, offered by him, for continuous
operation at temperatures corresponding to various conditions stipulated at 2.2 of
this technical specification.
10.2 All works shall be carried out in accordance with the revised and latest provisions
under Indian Electricity Act and Rules made there under.
10.3 All the erection tools required during erection of lines shall be arranged by the
Contractor at his own cost. The Contractor shall also be responsible for any
damage to and / or loss of his erection tools.
10.4 In case of any deviation in quantities from the tendered quantity, payment will be
made with the approval from the corporate office of the owner.
10.5 It will be the Contractors sole responsibility to take the materials up to the location.
Any pathway, temporary road, temporary bridge required for the work, same will be
provided by the contractor at his cost. If, for any reasons the above is not feasible,
the contractor at his own cost shall have to arrange transportation by head loads.
The stringing work shall be carried with the help of tensioner and puller machines.
Wherever it is not possible to install the tensioner, it can be done manually with
the approval of site engineer of the owner. Stringing shall mean, the activities of
paying, jointing, tensioning, clamping with armor-rod, providing dampers and
fixing the conductor at tension hardware and jumpering etc.
11.1 Stringing of conductor shall be done up to gantry at both ends of the individual
11.2 The stringing work should be planned in such a manner in consultation with the
Engineer in charge of the Owner that minimum shut down of power line crossings
are required. Revenue loss due to any undue shut down due to contractors
irresponsibility shall be recoverable from the contractor.
11.3 Before commencing of stringing work, Contractor shall obtain approval of sag
tension charts showing final sag and tension for various temperature and spans.
The Contractor shall be responsible and will take care of proper handling of
conductor drums. Sufficient numbers of aluminum snatch blocks shall be used for
paying out the Conductors. Necessary precautions shall be taken to avoid conductor
rubbing on the ground by providing adequate ground roller, rollers on supports.
Additional rollers shall also be provided to cross thorny hedges, tower footing and other
obstructions to avoid scratching of conductor. The conductor shall be made to sag
correctly as per stringing charts, before they are finally transferred to the hardware and
clamps . No mid span joint shall be made at less than 30 meters from the tower end and
no mid span joint shall be permitted in road and other important crossings spans. There
shall not be more than one joint in the same span of individual conductor. The sag shall
be adjusted to suit the sag indicated against actual temperature. The thermometer shall
be provided at the conductor point during the stringing work. Dynamo meters shall be
used in tensioning the conductors. All conductors shall be stressed to their load at the
time of stringing, as per approved stringing charts.
11.5 The minimum clearance between the lowest point of conductor and ground shall
not be less than as specified in the chart. All compression joints should be
carefully made and a record of initial and final lengths of the joints, jointly signed
by contractor and OPTCL representatives shall be maintained. Check for sag
should also be made at intervals when conductors are drawn up. Over stressing,
causing damage to towers must be avoided. Care should be exercised not to over
tension the conductor.
To avoid contact with the ground or any object above ground level the conductors
shall be pulled by the controlled tension methods using neoprene lined double
pulled wheel type tension stringing equipments. The equipment shall be capable of
maintaining continuous tension of not less than of 3000 kg. per conductor.
11.6 When the conductor is on the stringing rollers before sagging-in, it shall be
ensured that the conductor is not damaged due to wind, vibration, vehicles or
other causes. Scaffolding should be used to cross the important road crossings for
minimum interruption to traffic.
11.7 The conductor shall be pulled up to desired sag and left in serial stringing
sheaves for at least one hour after which the sag shall be rechecked and adjusted,
if necessary, before clipping in and transferring the conductors from the serial
stringing sheaves to the suspension clamps.
11.8 The stringing rollers, when suspended on the transmission structure for
supporting conductors, shall be so adjusted that the conductor will be on the
rollers at the same height as the suspension clamp to which it is to be secured.
11.9 Armour rods and vibration dampers shall be fitted at each suspension and tension
tower before final clamping of conductor with Insulator strings. Vibration dampers
are to be fixed with clamping bolt and in correct vertical position in relation to
11.10 Compression type joints are to be used for jointing of conductors. Each part
connected with joints shall be perfectly cleaned & precautionary measures taken
before final compression. All the joints of conductors shall be made with the best
workmanship and shall be perfectly straight and having maximum possible
11.11 Proper guys shall be provided to counter balance the paying out tension of
conductor at the tension locations, to avoid damage to towers and/or accident.
Bidder shall invariably submit the FQP along with Technical Bid for erection of
line including all the activities such as dismantling, stringing etc. with detailed
checklist to be referred.
13.1 The maximum permitted ceiling for wastages for conductor permitted is 0.5%
(maximum) which takes into account the additional length for sag & jumpers.
13.2 No wastage is allowed for any material except the percentage limit mentioned for
Conductor here in above in Clause No. 13.1
14. LOSSES In the event of any material used for transmission line found broken or
damaged or received short during transit or failed during the erection / testing at
site before commissioning of line, the contractor shall replace the same free of
15.1 The contractor shall ensure that at the end of each sub-activity the surplus
material is immediately removed from the work-site to avoid loss and injury to the
15.2 The contractor has to make reconciliation of material account and to settle final
bill including signature in all relevant papers required for passing of final bill
within three months from the date of charging / commissioning of line.
16.2. Appendix-II: - Tower schedule showing individual span length, ruling span
lengths, and existing ground clearance of 132KV Mendhasal -Khurda D/C line.
Type Span Stretch WEIGHT SPAN WIND SPAN Remarks Crossing
Sl. Loc. AP. Angle of
of Length in Length details
No. No. No. Deviation
Tower Mtr. in Mtr. Left Right Total Left Right Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 31 PC 0 82 82 0 21 21
2 30 PC 30 42 -40 88 48 21 110 131
220 ROAD
3 29 PB+6 29 220 108 150 258 110 119 229
2 NOS. 11 KV.
LINE, 33 KV.
238 LINE
4 28 PA+3 88 80 168 119 112 231
224 11 KV. LINE
5 27 PA 144 138 282 112 161 273
Angl Weight span in mtrs Wind span in mtrs Details of crossing
Type Span Stretch
Sl Locati Height e of
of length in length
No on No. of tower Devi
Tower mtrs in mtrs Left Right Total Left Right Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 69 A 11.8 136 124 260 130 150 280
2 70 A 11.6 176 184 360 150 193 343
3 71 A 13 202 96 298 193 80 273
4 72 B 11.6 2886 64 106 170 80 125 205
5 73 A 12 144 146 290 125 130 255
6 74 A 12 114 166 280 130 170 300
7 75 A 12 174 152 326 170 155 325
310 Paddy Field
8 76 A 12 158 102 260 155 120 275
240 Paddy Field
9 77 A 12 138 192 330 120 175 295
350 Paddy Field
10 78 A 11.4 128 124 252 175 140 315
280 Paddy Field
11 79 A 12.6 156 140 296 140 130 270
260 Nala
12 80 A 11.4 120 140 260 130 160 290
320 Paddy Field
13 81 A 11.8 180 134 314 160 150 310
Tar Road ,11KV
300 line ,Temple
14 82 A 11.6 166 142 308 150 140 290
2nos LT line and
2nos Road
15 83 A 12 138 160 298 140 140 280
16 84 A 11.6 120 144 264 140 135 275
270 Barren Land
17 85 A 12 126 170 296 135 155 290
310 Paddy Field
18 86 B 12 160 4050 140 160 300 155 125 280
250 Paddy Field
19 87 A 11.2 90 168 258 125 155 280
300 Paddy Field
20 88 A 13.8 142 182 324 155 165 320
330 11KV line
21 89 A 13 148 168 316 165 170 335
340 Paddy Field
22 90 A 12 172 158 330 170 150 320
Tar Road 11KV
23 91 A 12 142 142 284 150 170 320
340 11KV line
24 92 A 13 198 154 352 170 150 320
300 Barren Land
25 93 A 11.8 146 150 296 150 155 305
Tar Road,11KV
310 line ,Morrum
26 94 A 11.2 160 150 310 155 150 305
300 College area
27 95 A 13.4 150 162 312 150 150 300
28 96 C 10.2 3070 138 160 298 150 160 310
320 33KV line
29 97 A 11.6 160 134 294 160 160 320
320 Barren Land
30 98 A 11.8 186 160 346 160 185 345
370 Barren Land
31 99 A 12 210 182 392 185 155 340
310 Forest area
32 100 A 12 128 164 292 155 150 305
300 Forest area
33 101 A 12.5 136 162 298 150 140 290
280 Forest area
34 102 A 12 118 140 258 140 140 280
280 Forest area
35 103 A 11.8 140 154 294 140 140 280
280 Forest area
36 104 A 12.4 126 150 276 140 140 280
37 105 A 12.4 130 178 308 140 150 290
300 Cashew Field
38 106 A 12.4 122 184 306 150 150 300
300 Cashew Field
39 107 B 11.6 3340 116 174 290 150 155 305
310 Cashew Field
40 108 A 11.8 136 180 316 155 175 330
41 109 A 13.6 170 166 336 175 130 305
260 Nala
42 110 A 11.6 94 134 228 130 140 270
43 111 A 11.8 146 160 306 140 160 300
320 220KV DC line
44 112 A 12 160 164 324 160 155 315
45 113 A 12 146 134 280 155 145 300
Morrum Road -
290 Nuagaon-
46 114 A 11.6 156 140 296 145 165 310
47 115 A 12 190 132 322 165 145 310
Tar Road
48 116 A 12 158 142 300 145 165 310
49 117 C 13 3070 188 164 352 165 150 315
300 Paddy Field
50 118 A 12.6 136 182 318 150 155 305
310 Paddy Field
51 119 A 11.8 128 182 310 155 150 305
300 Paddy Field
52 120 A 12.6 118 126 244 150 145 295
53 121 A 13 164 140 304 145 155 300
Tar Road
310 Khurda-
54 122 A 12.6 170 138 308 155 165 320
55 123 C 13 LT 1840 192 82 274 165 41 206
Gantry of
56 Gantry 82 0 0 41 41
Khurda Grid S/S
Existing Loc. 72 (Chandaka-Khurda S/C Line)
1 PC+6 18.8 162 0 162 80 0 80
48 Tar Road
Prop. 10 00' 02" LT -
2 PC 12.8 48 64 -78 24 115 139
2 142
220kV Line
230 Crossing (2
Prop. 33 48' 03" LT
3 PC 12.8 230 166 74 240 115 80 195
Grid Boundary
Prop. 42 37' 40" RT
4 PC 12.8 160 86 26 112 80 31 111
Prop. 50 57' 48" RT
5 PC 12.8 62 34 48 82 31 15 46
Prop. 26 22' 36" RT
6 PC+3 15.8 30 -18 56 38 15 28 43
Gantry of
7 Gantry 56 0 28 28
The contractor may engage experience installer with special skill for the correct installation of the
HTLS conductor for supervision in addition to engagement of OPTCLs rate contract holder.