R.K. Narayan's
R.K. Narayan's
R.K. Narayan's
APA Praveen, D. (2017) Understanding Indian reality through R.K. Narayans fiction. Vedas Journal of
English Language and Literature- JOELL, 4(2), 26-28.
MLA Praveen,Dasari. Understanding Indian reality through R.K. Narayans fiction.Vedas Journal of
English Language and Literature- JOELL 4.2(2017): 26-28.
26 Dasari Praveen
An International Peer Reviewed Journal 2017
Narayans novels are the expression of Narayan avoids shaping a story merely to present
various problems of middle class society in which he sentimental caricatures of love or joy or of
has been all involved. The balance between his frustration, which is the bane of popular fiction. He
characters and society is well maintained. One can has thus saved his art from a weakness, to which,
undoubtedly find the representation of cultural something in our tradition seems to make us
incidence, and traditional values but the uniqueness vulnerable.
of Narayan is the real depiction of contemporary 'Narayan's people are ordinary, stupid, vain,
society, without any criticism, satire or comments. R. and queer-retain in Lawrence's phrase a peculiar
K. Narayan is a man of moral consciousness. He 'nuclear innocence. The characters retain their
points out that commercial instinct ruins the morals native of being human, their inherent right to
of man. But On the whole, Narayan remains a pure independent existence, all the more so because care
artist. He is for the social integration and order. As an is taken to exclude any attempt to judge them, to fit
artist he has dissected the social motives successfully them into idealistic patterning or crusading roles. We
with the help of realistic characterization. In fact, become acutely aware of the significance of
the success of R. K. Narayan lies in attributing Narayan's aloofness from the great debates and
universality to his common place characters. The public issues of our time. Throughout the period of
non-heroes finally evolve into heroes. This is done his productivity before and after 1947, all around him
with the artistic impersonality and distinct Indian intellectuals were caught in the toils of great
objectivity. There is no didacticism, no philosophy, no dilemmas. In a sense, Indians then writing in English
propaganda involved in their creation. They are were essentially propagandists, even if fighters of
drawn with extra-ordinary delicacy and tenderness, causes sustained by an edifying purpose. By the
admirable integrity and intelligence. The novelists nature of their preoccupation, they seemed to be
does not control and govern them but lets them be posting the one problem of the nation, rather than
free. The viewpoints expressed by them are the many problems of tile individual. It is amazing how
logical outcome of their personality. What is thoroughly and serenely. Narayan's fiction appears to
remarkable is that Narayans characters remain bypass the raging dilemmas and intellectual
committed to the search of true meaning in life[1] frustrations of the time. He coolly puts aside that
Narayan's fiction is also at the same time an instance compulsive obsession; its so like a calm and casual
of how a limitation, the thinness of the medium, has loyalty to one's art.
been turned to advantage. The result is that the Narayan remained passively unresponsive,
words gain a strange translucence perfectly fitted to alike to the contemporary movement of thought and
express a uniquely Indian sensibility. Narayan's feeling, and to the fairly long tradition of the novel of
English may repudiate its inheritance-that suggestive Social Idealism in the country. Whether the earlier
ideas, that complex tang - but by so doing it lays tradition of Bankim Chandra, Premchand, the Tagore
claim to greater gain. Its very flatness, bare literal of Gora and later Raja Rao's Kanthapur, MulkRaj
quality, has a strange effect. It focuses the mind Anand's Two leaves and a Bud, Khuswant Singh's
sharply on the Indian reality, gives its concreteness. Train to Pakistan and similar fiction'. Even when
Modesty can pay dividends. Much the same reserved public themes of similar import enter the scope of
modesty marks his treatment of characters. He has interests remain inviolate. Even his Waiting for the
stoutly resisted getting engaged with their insides Mahatma, despite its ostensible theme, very eminent
over-much allowing them to express themselves by in itself, centers round the old" personal" rather
their activities and their innate impulse to break out than, Socio Political interest.
of dreamy automation of habit that the shifting - The Secret of R. K. Narayans great success
pressure of poverty, and tradition imposes upon and high distinction, on the other hand, lies in the
them. They are uniformly viewed, with a quick eye to complete aesthetic satisfaction he provides to his
the comic a ridiculing yet affectionate glance, which readers. He interprets Indian life purely from the art
lights up even the most common place among them. for arts sake points of view, maintaining complete
27 Dasari Praveen
An International Peer Reviewed Journal 2017
objectivity and perfect impartiality[2].Common [3]. Naik M. K : A History of Indian English Literature,
Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi. 1982. pp. 168-174
places of both the dichotomy and the affinity
[4]. Derret, M.E., The Modern Indian Novel In English: A
between "art" and "life," may well serve as the Comparative Approach, Brussels: Brussels University
starting point for Narayan. Art, for instance, is not life Press.1996.
but it certainly is Life-like. Again, art does not make
for something real, but it is for most part something
realistic. Both art and life therefore closely relate to
each other, they overlap and run in to each others
territory; but the 'cross over point' between them
must never be lost sight of Furthermore, it may be
misleading to say that art reckons with the stories in
life, for there is nothing in life which is not storable.
The dullest of characters or events and the most
repelling of experiences in life can be quite engaging
and exciting in art, and hence storable. What then
constitute art is not the storable but the storing of
life or its varied facets, not the narrative but its
narrativization. This is what separates the lump of
life's experience from its "realized experience" in art
the work a day content form the "achieved content."
This distinguished marker of art of course
involves the process of focused exploring, of life's
experience, of shifting and organizing them all over
again, of expanding and limiting them, and thus
transforming and transmuting them. It then acquires
a distinct resonance and richness, and a separate
identity of its own, and reverberates with maximum
meanings. At its best, such an art construct carries an
internal consistency and coherence and becomes on
organic, abiding structure, reflecting on the
Individual, the family, the community, the larger
locale and the socio-cultural critique of them all.
One cannot fail to appreciate 'the rainbow
magnificence of life' in Narayan's novels. It is the
'miracle of faith' forged by the use of myth that is
enacted in his novels. Despite the use of myth, it is
the 'credible universe' charged with 'moral
imagination' that comes to us in the above
unforgettable novels of the 'grand old man of
[1]. Azam, S.M.Rafique, from Forward, R. K. Narayan and
The Inhabitants of Malgudi, by:Mohammad Ejaz Alam ,
Rajat Publications, New Delhi, p.vi
[2]. Raizada H., R. K. Narayan , A Critical Study of His
Works, Young Asia Publication,New Delhi, p.1
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