Magical Realism and Myth in Divakaruni's Novels
Magical Realism and Myth in Divakaruni's Novels
Magical Realism and Myth in Divakaruni's Novels
Abstract—The aim of the study is to portray that Magical however, interrupt the development process. Undoubtedly,
realism acts an important factor because of its alternative literary works in Indian Writing in English are closely knit
belief system. Women are the crucial part of society, since with most of these issues. It is quintessential for the authors
their life depends upon someone else to run their life, they to acutely concentrate on iss ues in their works in a stylistic
are fictional worlds and hence the Women Writers make him and simple way, so that the readers will enjoy through the
to enter into “real” world. Some familiar writers like Garcia language that was used.
Marquez’s Macondo were one among them. It is said that Few of the women writers in modern India concentrated on
the Magic comes naturally, as a simple, everyday the themes of Diaspora, Some of them concentrated on
occurrence. Magical realism is about mixing up things lik e environmental issues, homosexuality and feminism, while
ordinary with extraordinary, Fantasy with reality, reel with others wrote on the basis of mental disorders and social
real. Hence Magical realism engages belief systems. It sets issues of women. Most of the writers wrote in different
Magical events in realistic contexts about ‘Real’ and how it languages that were later translated to English by themselves
is exposed. It undermines our limitations we accept with or or by the others.
without any explanations. Hence Magical realist fiction is Most of the writers wrote on the basis of their native and
not “either/or but “both at once”. such writings are said to be diasporic literature. A simple
Keywords— Divakaruni’s Novels, Magical realism acts, definition of diaspora literature would be works that are
Garcia Marquez’s Macondo. written by authors who live outside their native land. The
term identifies a work’s distinctive geographic origins . But
INTRODUCTION diaspora literature may also be defined by its contents,
Literature is a body of written works similar to other arts regardless of where it was written. Diaspora implements a
like dance, music, drawing, euphony etc. However the name more neutral or even a more positive view than exile does.
literature has been traditionally applied to the imaginative Diasporic literature may be mindful of the ancestral native
works of poetry, prose, drama, novel, and criticism. All land, but the nostalgia for it has lessened, if not disappeared.
these genres are differentiated by the imagination of the And diasporic literature is, moreover, engaged by the
writer and also achieved the aesthetic excellence of possibilities of the new location. Finally, it may be written
executing. well after the Babylonian exile by Jews who chose not to
Literature is classified according to a variety of systems return. Diasporic living stops short of assimilation because
including vocabulary, culture, tradition, and history. In the the community still maintains its distinctive identity and its
early stages literature was influenced by the Western art status as a minority people.
shape. The writers of the ancient period in India wrote on Many of the women novelists made their debut in the year
their own style. 1990s. Anita Desai, wrote the novels Where Shall We Go
A considerable amount of literature has grown between the This Summer? (1975), The Peacock Garden (1974), which
North and the South Economic relations as observed became famous of its theme. Kiran Desai, was also one of
particularly at the time of the Industrial Revolution and as the famous diasporic writer who wrote the works like
obtained since the emergence of the independent ‘South’ Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard and The Inheritance of the
states commonly grouped as the Third-World. Loss, Meena Alexander wrote the works like Manhattan
Contemporary literature mostly gives importance on the Music and Nampally Road which created an identity in her
issues that is raised in the international level. They include career Sunetra Gupta, wrote the novels on the basis of HIV
different themes, such as debt, poverty, unemployment, and other related diseases and that made her different from
illiteracy, overpopulation, colonialism, religion, race, other writers. Kamala Markandeya wrote the works on the
nationalism, human resources and information development, basis of industrialization and ecological issues. Her novel
female participation, trade and so on. All these factors, Nectar in the Sieve became famous for such themes. Most of
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