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Wizard’s Spell Compendium Volume One Credits Design: It is impossible to list all the creators of the spells cataloged in these volumes, but credit goes to everyone who created a spell in a module, boxed set, accessory, hardbound book or magazine article published in the last 20 years. ‘Compilation: Mark Middleton Development and Editing: Jon Pickens Additional Development: Richard Baker Creative Director: Steve Winter Interior Mlustrations: Glen Michael Angus, Ken Frank, and Arnie Swekel Graphic Design: Shan Ren ‘Typesetting: Nancy J. Kerkstra Art Director: S. Daniele Acknowledgements: Richard Baker, Brad Bolas, Ed Greenwood, Bruce Heard, Miranda Horner, Julia Martin, Mark Middleton, Roger E. Moore, John Rateliff, Steven E. Schend, slade, Keith Strohm, Mark Welch, Skip Williams and David Wise. And of course, James M. Ward, who smiles a lot. A Summons One Dares Not Deny to Dweomerdoom, Khelben’s ‘TABLE oF CONTENTS Introduction. ........... How to Use This Book . . . Spell Frequency. Starting Spellbooks . How New Spells are Acquired A Guide to Spell [cons ....... vom> Fir Printing October 198 TSR, ne Tk, Lu 201 Sheridan Springs Drive 120 Chute ad Lake Geneve (Chery Hino Wa sst47 0186 ‘Cambridge, CBL SLB USA ‘United Kingdom |ADAD, ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AL-QADIM, BIRTHRIGHT, D&D, DARK SUN, DRAGON, DRAGONLANCE, DUNGEON, DUNGEON MASTER, FORGOTTEN REALMS, MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM, MYSTARA, PLANESCAPE, POLYHEDRON, RPGA, RAVENLOFT, RED STEEL, SPELLIAMMER, the TSR logo, and WORLD OF GREYHAWK are registered demarks owned by TSR, ine MONSTROUS MANUAL, PLAYER'S OPTION, and ROLE PLAYING GAME ASSOCIATION are tademark ound by TSR, fe. AITSR characters character names, sell macs, magia item names, monser same, unique plac locations, and the distin: Lenesss thereof we trademarks ‘ne by TSR, Ine. LANKHMAR ia trademark owned by an under hens fom Fitz Leiber Rendor Hout nd its afiite companies ave worldwide ceibution rights in the book ade for English language products of TSR, le. Disubuted the ay nd abby trade by regional disibutors. Distributed othe book and hoy trade i the ited Kingdom by TSR Lx This work s protested under the copyright ws ofthe United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use ofthe materia or artwork presented hoain i protibtod by aw without the express writen porision of TSR, Ie. o-7869.0436-4 2168 (©1996TSR. lnc All Rights Reserved Made in the USA.a Introduction If you are familiar with the ADVANCED Duncgons & Dracons* game, welcome! This book contains a wealth of ideas you can use. If you are not familiar with the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game, be aware that this book is a collection of material that expands the game rules found in the ADvNcED DUNGEONS & Daacons PLAYER'S HANDBOOK. That work (or the Introduction to ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS boxed set) will explain the basic concept of role- playing games, and define the special words that have been created for use with the game. A short summary of the most important of these can be found in the last volume of this series, For the uninitiated, this is not a book of “real” magical spells. In a fantasy game world there are characters like Merlin the Magician, who can create marvelous magical effects with a wave of the hand, This is a book of marvelous effects that can be used by the good guys (and the bad guys) in the course of @ game session. The key is, as always, the decisions made by the players (heroic or otherwise), and the impact those decisions have on the plot line of the game, New spells are fun, but it’s even more fun fig uring out unusual ways to use them. This book is a compilation and distillation of the efforts of a whole generation of role-players. All have contributed to the ongoing development and success of our favorite game. For over twenty years, creative and imaginative minds have been fasci- nated with the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game; and are still having a lot of fun with it, In pethaps no area of the game are the players and judges more creative than in the development of new and unusual spell effects for the magic- using classes. Whether these are mighty earth- shattering pyrotechnics of cinematic proportions, or the flamboyant flourishes of the traveling showman, or the subtle shadowings of the most mysterious movers of campaign events, one of infinite number of possible styles and approaches employed by the wizards in a campaign world is sure to appeal to everyone. So, after many years of continous play, experi- mentation, and refinement, it is time for the vast body of official and semi-official work dealing with the mage class to be organized and pre- sented in an easy-to-reference format. You are holding the first installment of that work. How This Book Came to Be Several decisions were basic to the way we put this book together. First, the need exists for a general reference work that contains details of the spells that have been created for the AD&D* game system. As the game has expanded, it has become ever more dif- ficult to remember exactly which magical effects have been integrated into the game, and at which power level they have been introduced. The chances for duplication and contradietion are ever-present, and as the game is (at least so far) infinitely expandable, some means is needed to know what has already been done, Also, as earlier works become scarcer, the material in them becomes more difficult to find. Second, up to this time, lists of spell effects have been keyed to spell level; that is, relative spell power. In other words, if all a gamer or Dungeon Master knew was a spell name, each level’s list of spells had to be checked, Although this series will include level lists (and lists by race, and by spe- cialty), the primary organization is alphabetical. ‘The point will be covered in greater depth in the section How to Use This Book. Third, the materials included in this book needed to be presented in the most up-to-date fashion and consistent fashion possible. This is a great challenge in a game system that continues to grow and develop, especially as the game has continued to evolve aver the last 20 years or so! ‘The basic format of the AD&D 2nd Edition rules was our starting point, and the earliest material has often been updated to bring it forward to the current state-of-the-art. Finally, the decision was made to concentrate on the classic magic system, sometimes referred to as the “Vancian” magic system, which was inspired by the “super-science,” mathematically-based magic system postulated by the science fiction writer Jack Vance in books like The Dying Earth, Rhialto the Marvelous, Cugel the Clever, Eyes of the Overworld, and others. To this day, no better introduction to the general concepts of spell “mem orization” and “spells available per day” versus “spells collected in a spel! book” can be found than the short stories collected in The Dying Earth. (The book is also good for recovering a sense of wonder about the magic system after the players have thrown one firebal! too many.) Such variant systems as the rune magic of our Viking setting historical reference book; the realm- evel magic of the Brxriuci* setting; the psionic Dragon-King magies of the Dark SuN* setting; and the very rare, pure-energy spellfire of the ForGOTTEN REALMS* campaign are all beyond the basic scope of these books. The emphasis here is on those magical effects that any magic-using charac ter might find useful in the course of an adventure. fhOe About This Book This book is the first in a series that will cover the spells of the AD&D game system from 1975 to 1995. The first volume covers spells starting with the letters A through D. The goal is to create a definitive version of the game rules for wizard spells for players, judges, and designers. The basic organizational scheme is alphabeti- cal. For spell names that include a wizard’s name, for example Zenser's floating disk, the primary entry will be under “T-” A reference to the main entry will be found the second word of the spell name; in this case the entry would read: “Floating Disk, Tenser’s.” Be aware that many spell names are irregular compound words, and that standard alphabetical order follows complete words. Thus, fire shield will appear before fireball. If you can’t find a spell, try looking for it as a compound form. Some spells will have multiple names; or sometimes the name of a spell has been changed, either to avoid confusion with a better known spell of a similar name, or to better match the spell effect. For example, double, which replaces one damaged animated skeleton with two undam- aged ones, was renamed double undead to distin guish it from spells such as double steel and the various double wizardry spells. Every renamed spell has an entry under its original name Spells associated with specific campaign worlds will be marked with a special symbol so they can be easily recognized. See page 19 for a summary of these symbols. Also, spells that are associated with a specific monster or nonhuman race (such as dragons, elves, and so on) will be noted; the race name separated from the spell name by a dash. Generally, spell names and secondary game effects will be italicized. For example, the emo- tion spell has a secondary effect called hope. ‘The PLaver’s OPTION™ books have been inte- grated into this series as far as has been possible. This means that rule clarifications to the Players Handbook and Tome of Magic spells from the PLAYER'S OPTION: High Level Handbook have been incorporated into those spell descriptions. The spells from the PzarEr’s Opriow: Spells & Magic book will appear in these volumes, even though they had not been published when the compilation phase of this project ended. Further, in addition to the standard “schools” of magic outlined in the Player s Handbook, the newer and option schools from the Tome of Magic and the PLAyER'S OPTION series have been added to the spell descriptions in this series. The earliest spell source used was the Ist Ed. Advanced Player's Handbook, which contained a few spells that did not make the jump to 2nd edi- tion, such as the push spell, which will be in a later volume of the Wizard's Compendium. The earliest DrAcon* Magazine articles with AD&D spells were in the low-40's; spell material before that was much more primitive “D&D* Variant” material. Indeed, some of the earliest spell descriptions ran as little as two lines! Mining such hoary archival materials for redesign (for no less will do!) is, sadly, a project for another day. However, the series will include spells updated from their original appearences in DRAGON Maga- zine (articles and variants), DUNGEON® Magazine (prepared adventures and storylines), POLYHEDRON Newszine (newsletter of the RPGA* Network— the RoLE PLAYING GaME AssoctaTIon™ Network for the active hobbyist), and even IMAGINE Maga- zine, a TSR hobby magazine that was published in the United Kingdom and not distributed in the United States. How To Use This Book Each spell listed in this book is organized along the same general lines, Each spell is listed by its ‘name, school, and a number of statisties that govern its use such as Level (of power), Range, Casting Time, and so on. Then the game powers of each spell are described, along with any special rules that govern its employment, how the spell target can avoid or counter its effects, any limitations on how the spell can be used, and any special prepara- tions or materials that needed for a successful cast- ing. The details of any reversed form the spell might have given next. Finally, a section called Notes has been appended to each spell; this deals with the spell’s recommended rarity in the cam- paign, and notes any special restrictions on who (or What) can use it, Having covered the field briefly, a more detailed look is in order: Name: This is the name by which the spell is generally known, Although we have tried to ensure unique names, this has not always been possible. For example, create shade, a useful shelter from the sun in the arabian deserts of the AL-QaDiM" setting, is very different from create shade, the evil spell that turns someone into a dangerous shadow monster from the Plane of Shadows, a monster known as (you guessed it!) a shade, Where two spells have the same name, the most general version is given first, while variants cast by other races, or found most often in spe- cialized campaign settings, will be given later.el School: Each school governs a type of magic, according to the type of energy its spells employ and the special practices and methods used by its wizards, The basic schools are: Abjuration: Protective, warding, or banishing magics Alteration: Magic that changes physical prop- erties of an object, creature, or condition. Conjuration/Summoning: Calls or brings objects or creatures from elsewhere. Divination: Uncovers what is lost or hidden in the past, present, or future. Enchantment/Charm: Bestows magical proper- ties on objects or influences creatures magically. Ilusion/Phantasm: lusions create and alter appearences; phantasms affect the mind. Invocation/Evocation: Channels and shapes magical energy to create an effect or object. Necromaney: Magies working upon life energy, including the negative energy of the undead. Optional Schools: These include two groups of schools beyond the original eight. ‘THE ScHoots oF EFFECT Dimension: Magics that affect dimensions, or access extradimensional areas. Elemental Magic: Subdivided into Air, Earth, Fire, and Water specialists. Arabian and oriental cultures have similar divisions, Force: Magics dealing with fields of pure cohesive magical cnergics. Shadow: Magics that deal with shadow and darkness, including the shadowstuff of the Plane of Shadow. SCHOOLS OF THAUMATURGY Alchemy: Uses powders and strange reagents to achieve effects Artifice: Uses items and devices to focus spell energies, Geometry: Uses diagrams, symbols and com- plex patters to channe! magical energy. Wild Magic: Shapes dangerously uncontrolled raw energies; subject to unpredictable surges. UNIVERSAL SCHOOL OF MaGic A special list of spells to which any wizard can have access (see page 9). Reversed Form: An entry of “Reversible” means the spell can be cast with the opposite effect. For example, the flesh to stone spell, a petrifying attack, can be reversed as stone to flesh, provide ing a way to recover a character otherwise lost to a petrification attack. Usually, a wizard must memorize the exact form of the spell he wants available. Level: This is the relative power level of the spell, ranging from Ist level (weakest) to 9th level (most powerful). A king’s wizard who can create potions, magical scrolls, and magical items with expendable charges will generally have access to a 6th-level spell, a few Sth-level spells, and an increasing number of 4th- through Ist-level spells each day, Range: The distance from the caster at which the magical effect occurs. Unless otherwise specified, spells are centered on a point visible to the caster and within the spell’s range; this can be a specific creature or object if desired, Most ranges are mea- sured in yards; some are measured in feet. A range of “0” means the effect is centered on the caster's person or his location; in the latter case the effect is usually immobile. “Touch” means the effect can be used on another creature or object. Components: These are the types of components that the spell requires; if the components are not present, the casting fails. “V" is verbal; that is, a spoken incantation the wizard is assumed to deliver while casting. “S” is somatic; that is, measured and precise gestures with the hands, which the wizard is assumed to make while cast- ing. “M” is for material; that is, physical sub- stances or object which are annihalated by the spell energies in the casting process. This abbre- viation sometimes signifies a focus, or device that is reusable; sometimes this is a temporary focus whose premature destruction will end the spell. Ofien the components are merely suggestive or colorful, at other times they will be a significant restriction on how often a spell can be cast. Unless cost for a component is given in the description (which means the component is intended as a limit) the cost is negligible and can be assumed as part of daily or monthly general expenses. Casting Time: This is relative time required to cast a spell. Unless rounds, turns, or a longer casting time is specified, the casting will be com- pleted in the same round itis started. A casting time less than one round is a modifier to the ini- tiative roll, and is essentially the same as a weapon speed factor. A spell that takes a round to cast comes into effect at the end of that round. Duration: This is how long the magical energy of the spell lasts. An instantaneous duration means the spell energy comes and goes the instant the spell is cast, though the effects might be long-lasting. A duration of permanent means the spell energy remains as long as the effect Tgel does; this means that the spell is always vulnera~ ble to a dispel magic spell. This is an altered usage. Many spells listed in earlier sources as having a “permanent” duration (such as cure light wounds), will be altered in this series and in future publications to “instantaneous.” Spells with a set duration (such as | round per level) must be kept track of by the player; those with a variable duration are secretly rolled by the DM. ‘Some spells can be ended by the caster at will; the caster must be in range of the center of the spell’s effect and must usually (though not always) speak words of dismissal Area of Effect: This entry lists the creatures, dimensions, volume, weight and so on, that the spell can affect. Some spells have areas that can be shaped by the caster; of these, no dimension can be less than 10 feet unless the spell specifi- cally allows it. Many areas are given as cubes to make it easy to figure out areas of effect when using map gridded into 10-foot or 5-foot squares. Three-dimensional volumes are most often needed to resolve aerial or underwater effects Unless specifically otherwise in the descrip- tion, areas of effect conform to their physical sur- roundings; for example, a light spell with a 60-foot radius centered in a closed room that is a 20-foot cube will light the room. It will not pene- trate a solid wall to light a room beyond. ‘Many areas are given as geometric shapes. Radius: This might yield a citle, hemisphere, or sphere, depending on the situation. Cloud: Usually given as a block of cubes for convenience, although it's actually amorphous and billowy. Cone: This projects outward from the caster, with the smallest end toward the caster and the largest diameter farthest from the caster. Path: This is usually a 10-foot wide line start- ing at the caster projecting away in a straight line to a specified length. Spells that affect the caster’s friends or enemies are based on the current perceptions of the caster. Saving Throw: This entry lists whether a spell allows a saving throw, and often the effect of a suc- cessful saving throw: “Neg,” means the spell is negated and has no effect; means that the spell inflicts damage and that a successful saving throw halves the damage taken; “None” means no saving throw is allowed to an unwilling subject. The result of a saving throw for a reversed spell is given in the paragraph that details the reversed form, The saving throw itself is a roll on a twenty- sided die; high numbers are generally good, Wisdom allows adjustments to saving throws against enchantment/charm spells. Dexterity may provide adjustments against spells that affect a large area. Solid physical barriers may give saving throw modifiers and reduce damage. Cover and con cealment may also affect saving throws. A creature that successfully saves against a spell without obvious physical effects often feels a hostile force or tingle, but the exact nature of the attack cannot be deduced. Unless the spell specifies otherwise, if a charac- termakes a saving throw, all items carried and worn are assumed to survive the attack. If the character fails the saving throw, exposed items must make saving throws against the attack form. An items exposed by the destruction of a covering (a parch- ment scroll protected by a bone scroll case, for example) must also save against the attack. Unless specifically forbidden, characters can voluntarily forego a saving throw and willingly accept the spell result. Even a character with a special resistance to magic (for example, an elf's resistance to a charm spell) can voluntarily sup- press this if he wants, Spell Deseription: This contains the details of what the spell does and how it works. Spells with multiple functions usually allow the caster to pick the desired function at the time of casting (for example, the emotion spell can create fear, courage, hope, despair, joy, and several other effects), Spells that give bonuses or penalties to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and so on, are usually not cumulative; only the strongest magic is effective. However, duration may be a factor, and spell effects might overlap in different ways at different times. Notes: This new section deals with the spell’s rec- ommended rarity on the following scale: common, uncommon, rare, very rare, and unique. These are discussed in detail in the section Spell Frequency. Spells of any rarity also may be restricted to certain races or specialty casters. Any unusual notes on a spell’s source, such as a game world of origin, or a specific magazine are given here. While the original plan was to include a detailed bibliographic reference for each spell; this proved impossible within the constraints of the project. As most of the older material is cur- rently out of print and unavailable, the utility of such a reference is questionable (and in the opin- ion of the editor, of dubious value to all but the most ardent bibliophiles) FOeen need ‘Monster Details: Some of the spells summon or create monsters. The standard abbreviations used for monster details given later. Not all mon- sters will use all abbreviations. AC: Armor Class MV: Movement—FI: fly (MC) = Maneuverability Class HD: Hit Dice #AT: Number of Attacks THACO: To Hit Armor Class 0 Dmg: Damage caused by attacks SA: Special Attacks SD: Special Defenses SW: Special Weaknesses MR: Magic Resistance SZ: Size ML: Morale AL: Alignment Spell Frequency FORGOTTEN REALMS players and DMs should. note that the definitions used here are differ- cent from those used in FoRGorTen REALMS products. These guidelines are intended for general world settings. The DM, as always, is free to alter them as needed for local cam- : ait Common Spell: The details and effects of a com- mon spell are generally known, even by wizards ‘who may not have the spell in their books. All spells, in the Player's Handbook are common spells. Spells listed for the basic wizard class in world-specific material (such as the Dark SUN campaign set) are common for wizards of that world, but might be rarer or even unknown elsewhere. Player characters can take common first level spells as starting spells (see Starting Spellbooks). Any limitation on spell selection—such as those for school, class, or kit—apply to all spells, even common ones. Note also that DMs may have their own campaign guidelines. For example, the DM might require every PC mage to have a men- tor wizard, restricting any “free” spells (those not found or directly researched) to spells in the books of the mentor. A DM might rule that named spells (such as Tenser’s floating disk) are uncommon spells, as well. ‘The DM always decides the rarity ofa spell if there is any question. Uncommon Spell: Wizard spells found in the Tome of Magic fall into this category. These spells are less well known, but not restricted to a race or special group like, for example, witches, dragons, or the Red Wizards of Thay. A kit, school, or other specialty might allow some uncommon spells to be treated as common spells. Generalist mages can rescarch uncommon spells, using the normal research rules. A player character cannot start with an uncom- mon spell or learn it in the course of normal level advancement (unless, perhaps, a wizardly mentor knows it). Such spells enter play when found on a magical scroll or in a spellbook, or when devel- oped as a result of research. In the average AD&D campaign, finding a new common or uncommon spell is a little more common that a fighter class character finding a +1 magical sword. Some uncommon spells may be restricted (see Restricted Spells). Rare Spell: Rare spells are specialized or hidden magic, such as those introduced in modules or accessories. In addition to spells that are just less well known, two special types of rare spells exist: 1) Spells known by a specific nonhuman race (like elven spells from the Complete Book of Elves); and 2) Spells of a specialty or campaign- specific group that is not given in the Player's Handbook (like the spells of the Red Wizards of Thay, the spells from the Complete Necro- mancer’s Handbook, or spells of an wizard who specializes in Elemental Fire magic), Rare spells are likely to be restricted (see Restricted Spells). ‘As noted in the Player's Handbook, a specialist has bonuses to the “Chance to Learn” and spell research rolls within that specialty. The specialist treats the spells of the specialty as common, unless other factors apply (an enchantment/charm spell known only to dragons is still considered BO Acd rare for a wizard specializing in enchantment/ charm magic.) Player characters have access to rare magics only as a result of campaign-specific conditions. Generalist mage research of rare magics has a base ~15% penalty to the “Chance to Learn” and research success rolls, unless the character has access to some sort of knowledge or resource that would offset this, Certain campaign-specific or storyline condi- tions might allow rare spell research at common spell chances. For example, if'a human wizard’s reward for an adventure on behalf of the elves is an elven spell, the DM may choose to waive some or all of the “Chance to Learn” roll, the research cost, and/or the research success roll (time requirements should not be waived under any cir- cumstances). Very Rare Spell: Spells that appear only in maga- zine articles, or are otherwise variant should be classified as very rare. The DM should closely con- trol very rare spells. For example, they might be available only in a single special book or tome in which they were recorded, Many very rare spells will also be restricted (see Restricted Spells). ADM who allows the spell to be researched at all rolls for the success of the research secretly and announces the result to the player. At the DM’s option, the standard “Chance to Learn” might be reduced by up to 50% and the research success chances halved, or even quartered Classifying a spell as very rare is one way for a DM to handle an experimental spell that is too powerful or one that encroaches too much on the class abilities of nonwizards. It is also possible, over time, for a spell devised by a player charac- ter to become rare, uncommon, or even common. Unique Spell: This spell is known only to its original creator and is intrinsic to the creator's campaign function. Some spells of this type might be available only to a character holding a certain position or office. Most unique spells are of the 6th spell level or higher; the creator is nearly always of 12th level or higher. Ifa unique spell can be learned at al, it can be leamed only from its creator (or in very rare circum stances, from the creator's writings). Merely having a spellbook or scroll is not sufficient, though these might count as part of the creator's “writings.” The Simbul’s spelt trigger isa unique spell. The acquisition of a unique spell or the cre- ation of one by a player character is a major cam- paign event, similar in campaign impact to the completion of an epic high-level quest, the open- ing of a fixed interplanar gate, the founding of a barony, the destruction of an artifact, and so on. Other Definitions Lost Spell: Rarely, a spell is mentioned for which no AD&D 2nd Edition game detail exists (includ- ing a few spells deliberately withdrawn from the system). No details are given for these other than the spell name. They are “lost knowledge,” included only to confirm their one-time existence for the curious. Restricted Spell: A restricted spell is barred to generalists (that is, the mage class), and to all other wizards except those specifically allowed in the spell description or by the DM. An indepen- dently researched spell that matches the effects of a restricted spell might be possible, but at no less than 1wo levels above the listed level. Starting Spellbooks If the players and DM are experienced, the DM might just allow the players to set up their own books, subject to DM review and approval. This approach works best when a player has a strong idea for a specific type of wizard. It does not work well with an inexperienced player or one who is aggressively trying to dominate the cam- paign, In such cases, a more neutral spellbook creation method is better. If cither the DM or players are inexperienced, the straight “6 starting spells” method is recom- mended. If the DM and players are able to deal with a campaign situation in which one player starts with 3 spells while another starts with 12 spells (all based on random dice rolls), then the 3d4 method might be used instead. Spells at Ist Level A fledgling Ist-level wizard is assumed to have just completed a course of apprenticeship with a ‘master of unthinkably high level (at least 6th!). Having been a relatively apt pupil, worked dili- gently, and made every effort to please the master (or mistress, as the case may be), the mentor was kind enough to prepare a special present: a book of first level spells! The following parameters gov- ern the spells available to the first level wizard... + All wizards know read magic, for it is impossi- ble to unlock the meaning of arcane magical scripts without this basic key. + Likewise, all wizards know detect magic, a basic tool of their trade. TONl + Other spells are divided into offensive, defen- sive, and miscellaneous spells. If wizards start with 6 spells, the player receives one roll on each column, with a second roll on the column of his choice. + Specialist wizards get one additional spell, cho- sen from the specialty school, as a class benefit, + Nystul’s magic aura, Tenser’s floating disk, and other named Ist-level spells must be located in play, they cannot be chosen, even if the player otherwise has free spell selection. Wild magic is ‘an exception (see Wild Magic table, page 16) + Player's Option: Some spells are Universal spells. ‘These can be learned by any wizard regardless of school or specialty. No “Chance to Learn” roll is required for universal spells, they are gained auto- matically if chosen or successfully researched. They are (Ist) cantrip, comprehend languages, hold portal, identify, wizard mark; (2nd) knock, protection from cantrips, wizard lock; (3rd) dispel magic; (4th) remove curse; (5th) teleport, (6th) enchant an item: (7th) teleport without error: (8th) permanency; and (9th) astral spell. The 3d4 Method Rolling 3d for the number of first level spells will yield widely varying results. If the DM uses this method, the player rolls 3d4 and subtracts 2 from the result (representing the read magic and detect magic spells). The remaining number is the number of rolls taken on the appropriate Spellbook Chart, Rolls are assigned as evenly as possible to the columns of the chart. For example, a player rolls a 4, a 2, and a 3, for a total of 9 spells. Deduct- ing 2 (read magic, detect magic) leaves 7, so the player decides to roll for three offensive spells, two defensive spells, and two miscellaneous spells. Using Random Starting Spellbook Generation To use the Starting Spellbook charts, roll 1420 (or 1d12) for each type of spell. If the “choose” result occurs, the player can pick freely from that list or reroll. The “Chance to Lear” rolls for Intel- ligence do not apply to the random creation of the initial spellbook. Remember that specialists receive a free spell of their specialty. Universal spell are marked “+”; specialty spells are in italics. The optional lists include spells from the Tome oF Maaic book. These tables are constructed so they can be used by players with the Player's Handbook, with a sublist of less typical PHB spells and spells from the Tome of Magic. Optional tables for the Schools of Effect and Schools of Thaumaturgy (from the Puarer’s Orion: Spells & Magic book) are also provided. The last volume of this Compendium will pro- vide spell lists organized by level, as well as spe- cialized lists by race and organization. Generalist Wizard Starting Spells (1420) Offensive Defensive Mise. Burning Hands Affect Normal Fires Alarm Charm Person Armor Cantrips Chill Touch Audible Glamer Comprehend Languages = Enlarge Apa re Hypnotism Gaze Reflection Find Familiar Light Hold Portals Identify Magic Missile Mending Ventriloquism Wizard Mark+ Taunt Wall of Fog (choose) 15+ (choose) (choose) (choose) ‘Onan Orrions: Oftreburst, fist of stone; D—lasting breath; M-—eonjure spell components, metamorphize liquids. TgA Schools of Philosophy se SCHOOLS OF PHILOSOPHY Abjurer Starting Spells (1412) Barred (Alteration, Iilusion/Phantasm) Offensive Defensive Mise. 1 Charm Person Armor Alarm 2 Chill Touch Audible Glamer Cantrips 3 Friends Change Self Comprehend Languages+ 4 Grease Hold Portal+ Detect Undead 5 ‘Hypnotism Protection From Evil Find Familiar 6 Magic Missile Shield Identify 7 Phantasmal Force ‘Ventriloquism Mount 8 Sleep Wall of Fog Unseen Servant 9 Taunt (choose) Wizard Marke 10 (choose) (choose) (choose) u (choose) (choose) (choose) 12 (choose) (choose) (choose) ‘OtweR Orrions: O—fireburst; M--conjure spell components. Conjurer Starting Spells (1d12) Barred (Invocation/Evocation, Greater Divination) Offensive Defensive Mise. 1 Burning Hands Affect Normal Fires Cantrips 2 Charm Person Armor Comprehend Languages 3 Color Spray Audible Glamer Enlarge 4 Friends Change Self Erase 5 Grease Dancing Lights Find Familiar 6 Light Feather Fall Identify 7 Phantasmal Force Gaze Reflection Mending 8 Shocking Grasp Hold Portal* Message 9 Sleep Jump Mount 10 Spook Protection From Evil Unseen Servant it Taunt Spider Climb Wizard Marke 12 (choose) (choose) (choose) ‘OtweR OrTioxs: O—chill touch, fireburs, fist of stone, hypnotism: D—lasting breath ventriloquison; M—-alarm, conjure spell components, deteet undead, metamorphize liquids. Diviner Starting Spells (1d12) Barred (Conjuration/Summoning) Offensive Defensive ‘Mise. 1 Charm Person Affect Normal Fires Alarm 2 Color Spray Audible Glamer Canirips 3 Friends Change Self ‘Comprehend Languages 4 Hypnotism: ‘Dancing Lights Detect Undead 5 Light Feather Fall Enlarge 6 Magic Missile Gaze Reflection Erase 7 Phantasmal Force Hold Portal* Identify 8 Shocking Grasp Protection From Evil Mending 9 Sleep Shield Message 10 Spook Ventriloquism ‘Wizard Marke u ‘Taunt Wall of Fog. (choose) 2 (choose) (choose) (choose) COnuex Orrions: O—burning hands, chill touch, fireburst, fist of stone; D—jump, lasting breath, spider climb; M—metamorphize liquids. A divine can take detect magic as a specialty spell and take another rol on any column, AR 10~ Schools of Pilosonby ag Enchanter Starting Spells (112) Barred (Invocation/Evocation, Necromancy) Offensive Defensive Mise,* 1 Burning Hands Affect Normal Fires Canirips 2 Charm Person Armor Comprehend Languages+ 3 Color Spray Audible Glamer Enlarge 4 Friends Change Self Erase s ‘Hypnotism Dancing Lights Find Familiar 6 Light Feather Fall Identify» 7 Phantasmal Force Gaze Reflection Mending 8 Shocking Grasp Hold Portal Message 9 Sleep Protection From Evil Mount 10 Spook Spider Climb Unseen Servant Taunt Ventriloquism Wizatd Marke 12 (choose) (choose) (choose) (Omar Orrions: O—grease,fireburs, fist of stone; D—jump, lasting breath; M—slarm, conjure spell components, detect undead, ‘metamorphize liquids Illusionist Starting Spells (1412) Barred (Invocation/Evocation, Necromancy, Abjuration) Offensive Defen: Mise. 1 Charm Person Affect Normal Fires Cantrip* 2 Color Spray Armor Comprehend Languages* 3 Friends Audible Glamer Enlarge 4 Grease Change Self Erase 5 Hypnotism Daneing Lights Find Familiar 6 Light - Feather Fall Identify» 7 Phantasmal Force Gaze Reflection Mending g Shocking Grasp Hold Poral+ Message 9 Sleep Jump Mount 10 ‘Spook Spider Climb Unseen Servant ui ‘Taunt Ventriloquism Wizard Marke 12 (choose) (choose) (choose) nurs. Orrows: O—burning hands, freburst, fist of stone; Dlasing breath; M—conjure spell components, detect undead, mete smorphize liquids, Invoker Starting Spells (112) Barred (Enchantment/Charm, Conjuration/Summoning) Offensive Defensiver Misc, 1 Burning Hands Affect Normal Fires Alarm 2 Chill Touch Dancing Lights Cantrips 3 Color Spray Feather Fall Comprehend Languages* 4 Light Gaze Reflection Detect Undead 5 Magic Missile Hold Portal» Enlarge 6 Phantasmal Force Jump Erase 7 Shocking Grasp Protection From Evil Identify 8 Spook Shield Mending 9 (choose) Spider Climb Message 10 (choose) Wall of Fog Wizard Marke i (choose) (choose) (choose) 12 (choose) (choose) (choose) Otmex Orniovs: O—freburst, fist of stone; D—audible glamer, change elf, lasting breath, ventriloquism; M—metamorphize liq- ids WAy Sehooks of Philosophy co ‘Necromancer Starting Spells (1d12 Barred (Enchantment/Charm, Iilusion/Phantasm) Offensive Defensive Mise. 1 ‘Burning Hands Affect Normal Fires Alarm: 2 Chill Touch Armor Canirips Color S| ing Lit Comprehend L: Shocking Grasp Identify* (choose) Protection From Evi Meaae choose} Shield Mount ‘OmiER OrrioNs: O—fireburst, fist of stone; D—lasting breath; M—conjure spell components, enlarge, mending, metamorphize Vig ‘Transmuter Starting Spells (1d12) Barred (Abjuration, Necromancy) Offensive Defensive Mise. 1 Burning Hands Affect Normal Fires Cantrip 2 Charm Person ‘Armor Cotmprabevid Languages? 3 pray ‘Audible Glamer Enlarge Magic Missile . ea Portal» ‘Mending Shocking Grasp Message Shea Mount ‘OmmER Orrios: O--fireburst, fst of stone, hypnotism, phantasmal force; D—change self, fasting breath, ventriloquism; M— alarm, conjure spell components, detect undead, meiamorphize liquids. SCHOOLS OF EFFECT (Optional) Air Elementalist Starting Spells (1d12) Barred (Elemental Earth) Offensive Defensive Mise. 1 Charm Person Affect Normal Fires Alarm 2 Color Spray Audible Glamer Cantrips 3 ss jump g Sleep Lasting Breath ‘Mount Kk Protection From Evil Murdock s Feathery Flyer ‘Omer Orrions: O—burning hands, chill touch, fireburst, grease, phantasmal foree; D—armor, gaze reflection, spider climb, shield; M—detect undead, conjure spell components, erase, mending, metamorphize liq~ Schools of Effect age Earth Elementalist Starting Spells (1d12) Barred (Elemental Air) Offensive Defensive Mise, 1 Burning Hands Affect Normal Fires Alarm 2 Charm Person Armor Cantrips 3 Color S| Audible Glamer Comprehend Lan; 7 Magic Missile Protection From Evil Identify+ 8 Shocking Grasp Shield Message 9 si Spider Climb Mount ‘Onten Orrions: O—hil touch, ireburst, hypnotism, light, phansasmal force; D—change self, dancing lights; M—eonjure spell ‘components, erase, mending, metamomphize liquids. Fire Elementalist Starting Spells (112) Barred (Elemental Water) Offensive Defensive Misc, 1 Burning Hands Affect Normal Fires Alarm 2 Charm Person. Armor Cantrips Audible Glamer hend Lang 7 Magic Missile Hold Portal Message 8 Sleep Shield Mount 9 = a Z Unseen Servant (Onur Orrioxs: O—chill touch, fist of stone, friends, grease, phantasmal force, shocking grasp; D—gaze reflection, spider climb, ventriloquism; M—conjure spell components, detect undead, enlarge, erase. Water Elementalist Starting Spells (1412) Barred (Elemental Fire) Offensive Defensive Mise. 1 Charm Person Audible Glamer Alarm 2 Color Spray Change Self Cantrips 3 Friends Dancing Li C 7 Magic Missile Shield “Message 8 Sleep Spider Climb Metamorphize Liquids a Spook Ventriloquism Mount OtmeR OrTions: O—chill touch, fist of stone, phantasmal force, shocking grasp; D—armor, feather fall, jump, lasting breath; M— Conjure spell components, detect undead, enlarge, erase. 13A Schools of Effect ar Dimensionist Starting Spells (1412) Barred (Enchantment/Charm, Necromancy) Offensive (1d10) 1 Burning Hands 2 Color Spray 3 Grease 4 Light 5 Magic Missile 6 Phantasmal Force 7 Shocking Grasp 8 Spook 9 (choose) 10 (choose) ul (choose) 2 (choose) Defensive Armor Change Self Dancing Lights Feather Fall Hold Portale Jump Protection From Evil Shield Spider Climb Wall of Fog. (choose) Misc. Alarm Cantrips Comprehend Languages+ Enlarge Erase Find Familiar Identify Message Mount ‘Unseen Servant Wizard Marke (choose) OrHeR Orrions: O—detect phase (PO.SM), Fireburs, fist of stone; D—affect normal fires, audible glamer, lasting breath, ventril oquism; M—conjure spell components, detect undeud, mending, metamorphize liquids. Offensive 1 Charm Person 2 Chill Touch 3 Friends 4 Grease 5 Hypnotism 6 ‘Magic Missile 7 Phantasmal Force 8 Sleep 9 Spook 10 Taunt iL (choose) R (choose) Force Mage Starting Spells (1412) Barred (Alteration; Divination) Defensive Armor Audible Glamer Change Self Hold Portal+ Protection From Evil Shield Ventriloquism Wall of Fog (choose) (choose) (choose) (choose) ‘Orme Orrions: O—fireburst; M—conjure spell components, Mentalist Starting Spells (112) Barred (Alteration, Necromancy) Offensive Charm Person Friends Hypnotism seer Phantasmal Force Sleep ‘Spook Taunt (choose) (choose) Sco wR v- Defensive Armor Audible Glamer Change Self Hold Portale Protection From Evil Shield Ventriloquism Wall of Fog (choose) (choose) Mise. Alarm Cantrips Comprehend Languagest Detect Undead Find Familiar Identify Mount Tenser's Floating Dise Unseen Servant Wizard Marke (choose) (choose) Mise. Alarm Cantrips Comprehend Languages+ Find Familiar Tdentity+ “Mount Unseen Servant Wizard Marke (choose) (choose) (Omuen Orrions: O—color spray fireburst, grease; M—-conjure spell components, detect undead. 14~ ‘Schools of Thaumaturgy age Shadow Mage Starting Spells (1412) Barred (Abjuration, Invocation/E vocation) Offensive Defensive Misc. 1 Burning Hands Affect Normal Fires Canttipe 2 Charm Person Armor Comprehend Languages 3 Chill Touch Audible Glamer Detect Undead 4 Hypnotism Change Seif Erase 5 Phantasmal Force Dancing Lights Find Familiar 6 Shocking Grasp Feather Fall Identify 7 Sleep Gaze Reflection Mending 8 Spook Hold Portal+ Message 9 Taunt Jump Unseen Servant 10 (choose) Spider Clini’ Wizard Marke u (choose) Venttiloguism (choose) 2 (choose) (choose) (choose) ‘OnieR Orrions: O—color spray, fireburst, fist of stone, friends, grease, light; D—lasting breath; M—alarm, conjure spell compo nents, enlarge, metamorphize liquids, mount SCHOOLS OF THAUMATURGY (Optional) Alchemist Starting Spells (1d12) Barred (Iilusion/Phantasm, Necromancy) Offensive Defensive Mise. 1 Burning Hands Affect Normal Fires Alarm 2 Charm Person ‘Armor Cantrips 3 Color Spray Dancing Lights Comprehend Languages+ 4 Fireburst Feather Fall Erase 5 ‘Friends Gaze Reflection Find Familiar 6 Grease Hold Portal Identify 7 Light Jump ‘Metamorphize Liquids 8 Magic Missile Protection From Evil Message 9 Shocking Grasp Shield Unseen Servant 10 Sleep Spider Climb ‘Wizard Marke i (choose) Wall of Fog (choose) 12 (choose) (choose) (choose) OruieR Ortions: O—fist of stone, hypnotism, taunt; D—lasting breath; M—eonjure spell components, detect undead, enlarge, ‘mending, mount Artificer Starting Spells (1d12) Barred (Enchantment/Charm /Living Beings), Necromancy) Offensive Defensive Mise, 1 Burning Hands Affect Normal Fires. Alarm 2 Color Spray Amor Cantrips 3 Grease Dancing Lights Comprehend Languages 4 Light Feather Fall Enlarge 5 Magic Missile Gaze Reflection Erase 6 Phantasmal Force Hold Portale Identify 7 Shocking Grasp Jump Mending 8 Spook Protection From Evil Message 9 (choose) Shield Mount 10 (choose) Spider Climb Unseen Servant ut (choose) Wall of Fog Wizard Marke 2 (choose) (choose) (choose) Orwex Orrions: O—fireburs, fist of stone; D—audible glamer, change self, lasting breath, ventrloquism; M—conjure spell com- Ponents, detect undead, find familiar, metamorphize liquids. An artificer can take idenzfy as a specialty spell and take another roll ‘on any column, E 15 ~yy Scto0H: of Thaumaturgy Geometer Starting Spells (1412) Barred (Enchantment/Charm, Illusion) Offensive Defensive Mise. 1 Burning Hands ‘Affect Normal Fires Alarm 2 Chill Touch Armor Cantrip> Color ing (choose) Protection From Evil Message ges Shield Mount ‘Oniex Orrions: O—fireburt, fist of stone; D—lasting breath, wall of fog; M—conjure spel components, detect undead, dictation (PO:SH), enlarge, metamorphize liquids, Song Mage Starting Spells (1d12) Barred (Divination, Invocation/E vocation, Necromancy) Mise. Offensive Defensive t Charm Person Altice Normal Ets Cantrips Color Spray Conprchend Languages Friends ‘dudible lamer Shocking Clp Slee; Protection From Evi nse Servant Orme Orrioxs: O—burning hands, freburst, fist of stone; D—gaze reflection, lasting breath; M—alarm. conjure spell eompo- ‘nents detect undead, enlarge, metamorphize liquids ‘Wild Mage Starting Spells (1420) Barred (None; Wild spells barred to all others) Offensive Defensive Mise. 1 Burming Hands Affect Normal Fires Alarm 2 ‘Armor i 3 Audible Glamer iypnol 0 8 Light Hold Portal Hornung ’s Guess aes ‘ ; loquism 14 Taunt ‘Wall of Fog Patternweave 15, (choose) choose) Unseen Servant (OTHER Orrioxs: O—fireburst, fist of stone; D—lastng breath; M—eonjure spell components, mctamorphize Os eS How New Spells Are Acquired Once the initial spellbook is created, wizard player characters will doubtless be anxious to add to their spell lists as quickly as they can. The DM should ‘monitor how easily spells can be acquired, making sure that the process is neither too fast nor too slow. An average wizard might add one or two spells per level. An aggressive wizard might aver- age as many as three or four spells per level. A DM allowing more than four spells per wizard level is probably being too generous, and can expect wiz- ard characters to dominate the campaign. ‘There are four ways to acquire new spells + Wizards are assumed to be doing a certain amount of spell research between adventures. As aresult, each time a wizard receives a new spell level, he also receives a new spell of that level. This “free” spell is subject to all normal limitations: the wizard cannot exceed the maxi- mum number or level of spells his Intelligence allows; and the selection is limited by school, kit, the “Chance to Know” roll, and might be further limited to the spells known by a mentor. +The character finds a spellbook with the desired spell. Once a read magic spell has been used to render the spell accessible, a “Chance to Know” roll based on the wizard’s Intelligence is made. If successful, the wizard can thereafter memo- rize the spell directly from that source. The spell can be copied directly into the character’s own spellbook. +The character finds a scroll with a spell that the wizard could memorize if it was in his spell- book. Once a read magic spell has been cast upon the scroll, a “Chance to Know” roll is made for the new spell. If successful, the wizard can copy the spell directly into his or her spell- book. This process destroys the portion of the scroll containing the transferred spell. If unsuc- cessful, the wizard can still use the scroll (that is, to cast the spell once). + The character can research a spell independently. This requires a library and a laboratory, which must be set up before the process can begin (this tends to tie the wizard to a given location). Guidelines are given in the DMG, the Tome of Magic, and Piaren's Ormion: Spells & Magie for spell research. Optionally, the DM may allow successfully researching a spell to compensate for a failed “Chance to Know” roll. Spell Maximums and Minimums The original AD&D rules specified a mini- mum number of spells depending on the wizard’s Intelligence, which simply guaranteed of a cer- tain number of spells of each spell level. A wizard who worked through an entire level list of spells from the Player's Handbook (or its campaign world equivalent) without acquiring the mini- mum number of spells was allowed second chance for spells missed in the first pass (assum- ing the wizard still had access to those spells through collected books or scrolls). With the greatly increased number of spells in later edi- tions, this rule was unnecessary and was dropped. Those wishing to use the rule can assume the minimum is half the allowed maximum. The spell maximum is a function of the wizard’s Intelligence, and is an intentional and significant control on the wizard’s ability to gain spells. Once the maximum number of spells has been gained from a level list, the wizard cannot learn any more spells of that spell level. Ever. The only way to increase the number of spells available to the wiz~ ard is to increase the character's Intelligence. Example: While the PC’s Intelligence deter- mines how many and which spells can be learned, this knowledge is by no means automatic. Nearly every spell that the character learns after the ini- tial spellbook must be found and recorded. If Reedolent the Prestidigitator (Intelligence 15) has a repertoire of 7 first-level spells and finds a scroll with another, there is a 65% chance the new spell can be understood. If the spell can be comprehended, Reedolent can record it in his spellbook (thus destroying that portion of theen scroll). Reedolent is now the possessor of 8 spells, just 3 short of the maximum number of first level spells he can know, Option: “Intelligence 19” ‘The maximum number of spells that can be known with a 19 Intelligence is 24. The maxi- mum number of spells that can be learned by creatures of less than quasi-deity status is 30 spells per spell level at a 20 Intelligence, Option: “Altering Spell Lists” The DM may, under special conditions, allow a wizard to “clear” a spell from his spell list, reworking his synapse pat- terns to allow the acquisition of a different spell. The process is time-consuming, dan- gerous, and rarely done; each occurrence is individually adjudicated by the DM. A month or more for intense concentration: and purification of the mind and body is a prerequisite. Exact procedures vary. ‘Typical regimens include: a long and uncertain magi- cal ritual with cost, material component Tequirements, and success chances equal that of researching of a spell of equal level; direct intervention of a deity-level power invoked at great expense and risk; or a dangerous varia- tion of the psionic discipline psychic surgery, requiring at least two weeks per spell level of complete bed rest and cession of all magical operations during that time, and costing a point of Intelligence if unsuccessful. Once the older spell has been “cleared,” the result is just as if the wizard missed his “Chance to Know” roll for that spell: Memo- rization of the cleared spell for casting is impossible. It is permanently removed from the wizard’s spell list (although it may remain in his books). Now that the wizard has recre~ ated the ability to acquire a new spell of the desired level, that spell can be acquired according to the normal procedures for such activity. Unusual Magical Disciplines Within the common discipline of wizard spell- craft, cach wizard is assumed to have a personal arcane script, a private symbology keyed to him- self alone. However, there are other magical dis- ciplines that are so different from each other and the common system as to require mastery of a completely different training, practice, and lifestyle. The obvious example is priestly magic. This discipline is so different from common wiz~ ard spellcraft that the followers of each discipline cannot use the spells (including scrolls) of the other. Further examples of unusual spellcasting disciplines include: + Ullusionist Magic: The illusionist specialist can- not read normal magical books and scrolls, nor can their books and scrolls be deciphered by common mages. When gaining levels, they can- not receive spells from non-illusionists and vice versa. Instead of using read magic, illusionists use read illusionist magic. (This example is from the Ist Edition game, but is still used in many campaigns. For example, in the ForGorren REALMS setting, illusionist writing is ima special language called Ruathek.) + Bard Magic: The bard’s magical writings are a mixture of magical script and musical notation. These are completely indecipherable to non- bard wizards, although the general bent of the magic might be discerned with study. Bardic spell notations are useful only to other bards, but bards are able to master read magic and its equivalents and can gain access to wizard scroll use. As noted in the DuNcEon Masrex* Guide, the results of this can be unpredictable, * Other Magical Disciplines: The above exam- ples can be expanded upon within an individual campaign. For example, in the Forcorren REALMS setting, the old magics of the Old Empires area are founded on an entirely differ- ent magical discipline. While the “spells avail- able” list overlaps with the standard campaign list, magical writings from this area cannot be accessed by northern wizards without the appropriate variation of the read magic spell, read southern magic. Likewise, saurial wizards don’t use spell books at all, but elaborately carved staves that serve a similar function. Other cultures might use intricately knotted ropes, or delicately woven feather patterns to serve the same purpose. Normal wizards cannot use these magics unless they have learned the entire alien magical discipline (the equivalent of gaining a new class) Unless Piaver's Oprion rules are being used, wizards cannot learn alien magical dis- ciplines. If the PLayer's Option character construction rules are being used, an alien magical discipline can be learned at a cost in character points equal to that of adding cleri- cal spells to a wizard character. FO 18el Finding Scrolls If the DM uses alien magical disciplines, then some thought should be given to how often scrolls of the discipline are found, Too many odd disciplines in a campaign may make scrolls con- taining their magics too rare. One way to ease this is for the DM to test scrolls in a treasure if a character with an alien discipline is present: There is a straight 1-in-6 chance per scroll that a character with an odd dis- cipline finds a scroll he can use. Magic in the Worlds Elemental magic in the traditional FORGOTTEN REALMS", WORLD OF GREYHAWK", DRAGONLANCE, and MystaRa settings is based on air, earth, fire, and water. This varies in other settings: In the ori- ental setting, air, earth, fire, and water are joined bya fifth element, wood, and wizards are called wu jens, In the AL-Qaom setting, the four basic elements are traditional, but are called the Provinces of Flame, Sand, Sea, and Wind. Also, a special type of wizard here, the shai‘, receives spells on demand from small elemental genies known as gen. In the Maztica setting, special craft magics exist, called pluma (feather) and hishna (animal) magic. In the sword-and-sandal DARK SUN setting, spellcasters are preservers or defilers, depending on whether or not their magic drains the living energy of that world. Here, psionics are as important as magic, In the BikrHRiGHT setting, bloodline abilities augment normal magies; scions of evil bloodlines are called awnsheghlien, and those of heroic bloodlines are called ersheghlien In the SPELIJAMMING setting, flying ships are pro- pelled by spelicasters using magical power sources called major and minor helms, In the swashbuck- ling RED STEEL setting, latent magical abilities called Zegacies result in baneful mutations (the red curse) unless controlled by exposure to the rare ore cinnabryl. The depletion of this ore is cause for concern. In the RAVENLOFT setting, the Demiplane of Dread, gothic horror in form of dark lords, each a godlike power trapped in a private domain, keeps adventurers on the run, looking for a way out and making special fear, horror, and Ravenloft powers checks. The PLANESCAPE setting presents new set- tings froms the inner Elemental Planes to the Outer Planes, where the gods live. Casting magic here often requires special spell keys, and the denizens are divided into factions along alignment lines. Abbreviations of Source Material PHB = Apvancep DuNGEoNS & DRAGONS Player's Handbook DMG = ADVANCED DUNGEONS & Dracons DUNGEON MASTER Guide PO:SM = Player's Option: Spells & Magic WoG = Wor. oF GrevHaws Campaign Setting AL-Qapin® Arabian Setting, Sf A Guide to Spell Icons $ Birrnricur® Setting of Kings DRAGONLANCE* Kara-Tur/The Horde Epic Romance Oriental Setting Setting ana Rep Steet" RavENLoFT® Swashbuckling whe Dark SuN* Psionic World Setting A Maztica PLANESCAPE™ Aztec/New Other Planes’ World Setting Setting a ‘SPELLIAMMER® f ahs. Gothic Fantasy Setting Fantasy Setting Savage Lands’ Setting Fantasy Space Setting "Although there is no specific setting for savage spellcasters, many worlds have area from Which these might come, This icon marks spells particularly suited to an outlond "savage" wizard or witeh-doctor, 19A Summons One Dares Not Deny A Summons One Dares Not Deny A Misrana setting spell, aka Alyssindra’s summons. Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting (Alteration, Necromancy) (Water) Level: 8 Range: 20 yds./level ‘Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 8 Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: 30-ft, cube Saving Throw This spell evaporates moisture from the bodies of every living creature within the area of effect, inflicting 1d8 points of damage per level of the caster, to a maximum of 16d8. Affected creatures are allowed a saving throw vs. spell for half dam- age. This spell is especially devastating to water elementals and plant creatures, who receive a penalty of -2 to their saving throws. The material component is a bit of sponge. Notes: Uncommon or rare (7oM), Abrasion Athasian Dragon King magic; psionic compo- hie nent renders the spell uncastable by wizards. Absolute Immunity, Sylune’s See Sylune’s absolute immunity. Absorption (Abjuration, Evocation) Level: 9 Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 9 Duration: 5 rds./level Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None This spell enables the caster to absorb and redi- rect magical energy, up to ten spell levels. The incoming spell is nullified and its energy is stored for later use. Any type of spell can be absorbed, except for the following: area spells not targeted directly at the caster, touch attack spells, and the effects of magical devices. Priest spells, any spell scroll, and any spell-like ability use can be absorbed. At any time during the spell’s duration, the caster can expend stored energy to cast a cur- rently memorized spell, without wiping it from his memory. This has a casting time of 1. For example, a wizard absorbing a feeblemind spell (Sth level) releases a lightning bolt (3rd level), has two levels of energy available, and can absorb five more levels of spell energy before the capac- ity of the spell is completely used. Unused energy and storage capacity are lost when the spell ends. If an incoming spell exceeds the remaining capacity of the absorption spell, the caster gains a +2 bonus to his saving throw for each incom- ing spell level that is absorbed, even against spells that normally allow no saving throw. A roll of 1 always fails, regardless of the total of the modifiers. The caster can voluntarily suppress the absorp- tion for a round in order to receive beneficial spells, but cannot absorb hostile spells in that round. The spell requires an amulet worth at least 1,000 gp, which must be kept on the caster’s per- son for duration of the spell. The amulet glows when spell energy is stored. It can be reused. Notes: Very rare, (Updated from PouriieDRow Newszine.) 20\ Accelerate Animal Growth ge | | Accelerate Animal Growth (Chronomancy) Reversible Level: 5 Range: 10 ft/evel Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 2 rds. Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: | animal Saving Throw: Neg, Upon casting this spell, the chronomancer manipulates time with respect to a creature of animal intelligence (1). A creature ages up to one month per level of the chronomancer. The amount of aging must be decided before the spell is cast. Aging occurs at a rate of one month per turn. The creature must make a system shock check at 85% (41%J/Hit Die of the animal, to 99%) or die within 1d4 rounds. Any actions (combat, flight, and so on) the creature takes during the process oceur at half its normal ability (attacks as if at half its Hit Dice and loses half its attacks, move- ment base is halved, and so on). This spell does not allow the creature to exceed its natural size. The material component necessary for this spell is a piece of bio-matter from the type of ani- mal to be affected. If the chronomaneer touches the animal during the spell, no material compo- nent is required \ The reverse of this spell, reverse animal growth, reduces the age of the affected creature by up to one month per caster’s level to a mini- mum age of one month. The amount of change must be decided before the spell is cast, and the reversal occurs at a rate of one month every two turns. The rules for the material component are the same. Notes: Common for chronomancers; otherwise very rare. Accelerate Erosion Reversed form, see sands of time, Accelerate Lifeline (Chronomancy) Reversible Level: 8 Range: Touch Components: V; S, M Casting Time: | rd. Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: | creature Saving Throw: Neg. This spell speeds the aging process of any creature of Intelligence 2 or greater. The creature ages up to one year per level of the chrono- mancer. The exact amount must be set to the nearest month before the spell is cast. Aging occurs at a rate of one year per turn and a system shock roll to avoid death is required. While undergoing the change, any action attempted is performed at one-half normal ability. The material component is a small piece of polished amber and an ounce of ichor from a tether beast. The affected creature must be touched, and it receives a saving throw vs. death magic if unwilling. The reverse of this spell, reverse lifeline, can- not bring back the dead, but it can reduce the age of the recipient by up to one year per level of the caster. Age reduction occurs at a rate of one year per turn, and a system shock roll to avoid death is, required. The creature must still be touched, and it receives a save if unwilling. The material com- ponents are the same as above, plus a cup of pure spring water subjected to the Demiplane of Time for one subjective day. Notes: Restricted to chronomancers; common. Accelerate Plant Growth (Chronomancy) Reversible Level: 2 Range: 10 fi/level Components: V, S,M Casting Time: 1 turn Duration: Instantancous Area of Effect: 100 sq. ft/level maximum Saving Throw: None When this spell is cast, it manipulates time to accelerate the aging of plants. This does not allow them to grow beyond their natural size. The area of effect is up to a maximum of 100 square feet per caster’s level, and the spell can affect either all plant life or be limited to only one type of plant in that area, The caster can accelerate the growth of plant life by up to one month per level The actual amount of aging (to the nearest week) must be decided before the spell is cast. Aging occurs at a rate of one month per turn. If the normal cycle of the plant is exceeded (for a sea- sonal crop or biannual flower), the plant life with- ers and dies. This spell is in high demand when carly winters or harsh summers threaten crops, ‘A material component is necessary only if the caster wishes to affect one type of plant. A sam- ple of that plant type is then required. ——————— a ve 2Accelerate Metabolism The reverse of this spell, reverse plant growth, cannot bring back plants that have completely ied, It can reverse the aging of live plants by up to one month per level of the chronomancer, the total age reversed being set before the spell is cast, Reverse aging occurs at a rate of one month every two turns, A popular use is to get second harvests, but this can be done only with plants that exist year round (fruit trees, berry bushes) The same rule on material components applies Notes: Common for chronomancers; othe very rare. Accelerate Metabolism (Chronomancy) Level: 6 Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 6 Duration: | turm/level + 1-6 turns Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None This spell allows for natural healing by speed- ing up the life processes of the subject. Life processes (sleeping, cating, healing) progress at a rate of | day per turn for the duration of the spell. The creature cannot move or fight any faster than normal. If the creature is unwilling, a saving throw vs. spell is allowed to negate the effect. Seven rounds per turn must be spent eating and drinking a day’s rations, the other three rounds ‘must be spent resting. If insufficient nourishment is provided, the creature suffers from thirst and starvation. If insufficient rest is taken, exhaustion results and no healing occurs. The creature regains 1 hit point per turn for the first seven turns (minus any penalty due to poor Constitution). In subsequent multiples of seven turns, those with Constitution bonuses receive the Constitution hit point bonus as additional heal- ing, In any case, 28 turns of accelerated metabo- lism heal an individual completely, but age the creature a week (as opposed to a day), due to the stresses of the artificially high metabolic rate. The material component for this spell is a candle, which must be lit at both ends. The candle must burn for the duration of the spell; if it is extinguished, the spell ends prematurely. The candle is completely burned if the spell runs its normal course. Notes: Restricted to chronomancers; very rare. (Updated from Da4Gon Magazine.) Accuracy (Enchantment/Charm) (Geometry) Reversible Level: 1 Range: 10 ft ‘Components: V, S, M Casting Time: | rd. Duration: 1 rd./level Area of Effect: | missile/level Saving Throw: None Using this spell, a wu jen can temporarily enchant missiles, both normal and magical, to improve the chance of hitting distant targets. Mis- siles that can be so enchanted include all items that can be discharged or thrown by a normal man-sized creature. A bundle of arrows could be so enchanted, but the bolt fired by a ballista could not. Likewise, a stone thrown by a giant is not affected by this spell nor could the boulder thrown by an individual wearing a girdle of giant strength be affected. Upon casting the spell, the missile is enchanted and glows faintly, making it easy to distinguish from normal missiles. For the duration of the spell, all range categories for the missile are dou- ble their normal range. Thus, an arrow fired from a daikyu (great bow) would have ranges in yards of 140 (short), 280 (medium), and 420 (long) instead of the normal 70, 140, and 210 yards, This improves the accuracy of the missile since the range modifiers may be less than those that would normally apply. The enchantment remains on the missile until the duration ends. It is pos- sible that a missile fired at an opponent could be fired back, if it could be easily found. The spell requires brush and ink, which are used to write a mystical character on each missile so enchanted. The reverse of this spell, inaccuracy, is cast upon a creature, not a missile. For the duration of the spell, all missiles fired at that creature are treated as if the target were one range category farther away than it actually is. Short range becomes medium range, medium range becomes long range, and a long range target is considered out of range. A thick piece of ground gla: required for the reverse of the spelll. Notes: Common in oriental settings; otherwise very rare. Acid Arrow, Melf’s ‘See Mel's acid arrow. -—ss—TS—ST—C ANSNWl [A 22‘ Acid Lashyge- Acid Bolt (Evocation) (Alchemy) Level: 4 Range: 60 yds. + 10 yds evel Components: V, $ Casting Time: 4 Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: | or 2 creatures Saving Throw: None This spell summons two teardrop-shaped bolts of flesh-corrosive force that dart forth from the caster’s hands to strike their targets unerringly. Each target must be a single creature that the caster can see and distinguish from others during casting. Once hurled, a bolt will follow a fleeing target out of the caster's view and dodge around obstacles and other creatures, even those who move to intercept it. The caster cannot aim the bolts at specific body parts, areas, or carried items. Any being struck by an acid bolt suffers 444 points of damage. Skeletal or noncorporeal undead and nonliving objects (even wood and cloth) are unaffected by an acid bolt. Notes: Rare spell. (Updated from Dracon Magazine.) Acid Bolt — Drow (Conjuration) Level: 4 Range: 200 yds. Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 4 Duration: Instantaneous + 1 rd./3 levels Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special The caster creates a continuous, straight stream of shimmering liquid that emerges from the caster’s hand, and can be aimed, using the caster’s attack roll to attain a “direct hit.” On impact, the bolt forms a 10-foot radius sphere of acid, and explodes outward in a burst of liquid Creatures in the sphere of acid suffer 4d4 dam- age and each exposed item they wear ot carry must make a saving throw vs. acid. Creatures hit by the sphere take damage for multiple rounds, unless the acid is somehow neutralized, The con- tinuing effect is an additional 1d4 points of acid damage per three levels of the caster per round. The effect lasts | round for every three experi- ence levels of the caster. Thus a 10th-level caster's ‘acid bolt lasts for a maximum of three additional rounds, inflicting 344 additional points of acid damage per round. The acid can be countered by dousing the victim in at least a half gallon of water, wine, or similar liquid, or other measures deemed sufficient by the DM. Creatures struck by splashes from the acid bolt (any creature within a 20-foot radius danger zone) take 2d4 points of acid splash damage Splash damage is only taken for the round in which the bolt strikes and generally won't require item saving throws ‘The material components of this spell are spit- tle from the caster, a dart, thorn, needle, or icicle, a crystal or glass sphere of any size, and a clear lass vial of acid. Notes: Common for drow; otherwise rare. Acid Cloud, Otiluke’s See Otiluke’s acid cloud. Acid Lash (Evocation) Level: 3 Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 3 Duration: 3 rds. Area of Effect: Saving Throw: ates | lash None This spell brings into being a vivid, purple, radi- ant line of magical force projecting from one of the casters hands. Weightless, it crackles and wavers constantly, yet always projects straight out from the caster’s forearm, like a lance. An acid lash is 7 feet in length. It rebounds from solid barriers that restrict its full length, bending in random diree- tions. This poses no harm to the wielder. The caster ‘of an acid lash cannot be harmed by it. An acid lash can be swept back and forth to strike opponents. It bends around solid bodies that it is pulled through, passing easily. Though most casters employ an acid lash against a single opponent, it ean deal damage to any number of foes—or friendly beings, for that matter—in cer- tain situations. For example, it can be held across a doorway to harm all who pass through, or thrust directly out at charging foes. ‘An acid lash has no solidity; it is actually a corrosive field that deals 4d4 points of damage (804 to undead). The lash strikes with a THACO of 14 because of the ease of striking foes with a sidewise, sweeping motion, but even if the lash is cut across a foe and back many times during a round, 4d4 points of damage is all that is dealt to a given being in a single round. The corrosive Pe 23Acid Rain A field is not hampered by armor, but as it is not true acid, it does no harm to armor, other metal, or even leathers, While employing an acid lash, the easter can- not directly wield any two-handed weapon or any item larger than a dagger (held or thrown) in the other hand, and cannot cast any spell having a somatic component. An acid lash can be ban- ished instantly by a silent act of will if the caster desires. The material components of an acid lash are at least three drops of any acidic liquid. Notes: Rare in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting; virtually unknown elsewhere. Acid Rain — Red Wizard (Alteration) Level: 6 Range: 30 yds Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 6 Duration: 1 rd /level Area of Effect: 3-ft. diam./level circle Saving Throw: % This spell creates an intense storm of burning, corrosive acid over a circle 3 feet in diameter for each level of the caster (a 12th-level wizard can cast the spell in a 36-foot diameter circle). The acid inflicts 6d4+6 points of damage per round as, long as the target remains within the area of effect. In addition, exposed equipment must save vs, acid each round that it is in contact with the spell, or be destroyed ‘The material component of this spell is a vial of strong acid. Notes: Restricted to the Red Wizards of Thay or those trained by them; common. Acid Storm (Evocation) (Alchemy, Water) Level: 7 Range: 10 yds./level Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 7 Duration: 1 rd level ‘Area of Effect: 20 ft. radius, up to 20 ft. high Saving Throw: % This deadly spell unleashes a downpour of magical, gelatinous acid droplets. All creatures within the area of effect are coated by globs of govey acid. The acid can be washed off only with wine, vinegar, or by a successful dispel magic or similar spell, The acid remains present for | round per level of the caster, then vanishes. Creatures coated by the acid suffer 1d4 hit points of damage each round during rounds 1-3, 146 points in each of rounds 4-6, and 148 points on each round thereafter. Creatures that success- fully save vs. spell during the first round suffer only half damage from the acid for the remaining rounds. When the spell expires, no further dam- age is inflicted. Acid damage can be healed through any means except regencration. ‘The material component is a drop of acid. Notes: Uncommon spell (70M). Acid Wit, Sacremon’s See Sacremon’s s acid wit. Acidic Grip, Brannart’s See Brannart’s acidic grip, Adeamozs, Cloak of See cloak of Adeamozs. Adhesion (Alteration) (Alchemy) Level: 1 Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Casting Time: | rd. Duration: 1 turn/level Area of Effect: 2 objects Saving Throw: Special This dweomer causes two solid objects to adhere to one another for the duration of the spell. The caster must touch the juncture between the objects while intoning the spell. The adhered objects can be separated by a successful bend bars/lift gates check, by means of a dispel magic spell, or by exerting a force of more than 1,000 pounds plus 100 pounds per caster level (about two horsepower at Ist level). If the spell is employed against materials or objects worn or carried by an unwilling creature, the subject gains a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. ‘The material component is a pinch of pow- dered horse’s hoof. Notes: Uncommon spell. (Updated from PouriepRon Newszine.) Advance Image Reversed form, see delay ~ Affect Normal Fitesge- Advanced Domination Athasian Dragon King magic; psionic component renders the spell uncastable by wizards Advanced Illusion (llusion/Phantasm) Level: 5 Range: 60 yds. + 10 yds evel Components: V, 8, M Casting Time; | rd. Duration: | rd/level Area of Effect: One 40-ft. cube + one 10-ft. cube/level Saving Throw: Special This spell is essentially a spectral forces spell that operates through a program (similar to a pro- ‘grammed illusion spell) determined by the caster. It is thus unnecessary for the wizard to concentrate (on the spell for longer than the round of casting it, as the program has then started and will continue without supervision. The illusion has visual, audio, olfactory, and thermal components. If any viewer actively attempts to disbelieve the spell, he gains a saving throw vs. spell. Ifany viewer successfully disbelieves and communicates this fact to other viewers, each such viewer gains a saving throw vs. spell with a +4 bonus, ‘The material components are a bit of fleece and several grains of sand. Notes: Common spell (PB). Adventurer’s Luck, Drawmij’s See Dravwmij’s adventurer’s luck. Aerial Acceleration — Dragon (Alteration) Level: 2 Range: Touch Components: V Casting Time: 2 Duration: | turn + 1 turn/level Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None Although developed by dragons, aerial accelera- tion can affect any single flying creature, either nat- ural or empowered by magic, touched by the casting dragon. This spell reduces air friction, increasing a creature’s flying movement rate by 50%, Thus, a dragon with a movement rate of 24 can fly at 36 for the spell’s duration, While flying at this increased speed, however, the dragon's maneu- verability class (MC) worsens one step, and special acrial maneuvers (for example, snatch) are impos- sible. The dragon is not required to move at the increased rate, and may slow to overcome the spell’s drawbacks. Aerial acceleration cannot be cancelled at will, but a successful dispel magic or a more powerful spell can force it to end prematurely, Dragons typically use this spell before an aer- ial battle to increase their odds of catching oppo- nents by surprise or, if things go awry, as a way to outdistance pursuers. Inventive dragons may find other uses for the spell. Nondragon spellcasters may have converted aerial acceleration to their own use, and versions unrelated to dragon magic may have been devised independently by several wizards. These spells are of higher level, for the draconic version depends heavily on a dragon’s innate ability to visualize flight patterns and air currents, ‘At the DM’s discretion, dragons who employ this spell regularly might be considered expert flyers, and thus might retain their normal maneu- verability class and aerial tactics. This should be the exception and not the rule, Notes: Restricted to dragons; uncommon. (Updated from DRaGon Magazine.) Affect Normal Fires (Alteration) (Alchemy, Fire) Level: 1 Range: 5 yds//level Components: V, S, M Casting Time: | Duration: 2 rds /level Area of Effect: 10-ft. radius Saving Throw: None This spell enables the wizard to cause nonmag- ical fires—from as small as a torch or lantern to as large as the area of effect—to reduce in size and brightness to become mere coals or increase in light to become as bright as full daylight and increase the illumination to double the normal radius. Note that this does not affect either fuel consumption or damage caused by the fire The caster can affect any or all fires in the spell’s area. He can alter their intensities with a single gesture as long as the spell is in effect. The spell lasts until the caster cancels it, all fuel is burned, or the duration expires. The caster can also extinguish all flames in the area, which expends the spell immediately, The spell does not affect fire elementals or similar creatures. Notes: Common spell (PHB). 25yAterip Afterclap (Alteration) (Chronomancy) Level: 8 Range: 10 ft/level Components: V, S,M Casting Time: 8 Duration: Instantancous Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None This spell allows the caster to duplicate the damage suffered by a single creature within spell range on the previous round. Damage is precisely duplicated in type and amount—in other words, the same damage rolls, saving throws, ability checks, and so on occur in the same way as in the previous round. The damage may have been caused by any source, not just magical attacks. For example, an evil fighter is struck by two arrows, taking 3 and 4 points of damage, parries a thrust by a ranger with a sword of sharpness, is backstabbed by a thief with weakly poisoned dag- ger (missing the saving throw vs. poison and tak- ing 15 points of damage), and takes more 11 points of damage after making his saving throw against a finger of death spell, all in the same round that a wizard casts afierclap against him, The next round, the fighter takes another 33 points of damage from the afterclap (3+ 4+ 15 + 11 = 33), in addition to whatever damage his ene- mies inflict. The material component of an afterclap is a bit of stiff rubber or gum that is pulled until it snaps back. Notes: Very rare in the Forcorren REALMS setting and for chronomancers; virtually unknown elsewhere. Agannazar’s Scorcher (Evocation) (Fire) Level: 2 Range: 20 yds. ‘Components: V; S Casting Time: 3 Duration: 2 rds. Area of Effect: jet 2 ft. wide x 60 ft. long Saving Throw: Special Upon casting this spell, a jet of flame appears at the caster’s fingertips and bursts out toward one creature or object of the caster’s choice. The target will be hit by the flame for 3d6 points of damage in the first round and 3d6 points the fol- lowing round if it remains within the spell’ s range. The target has no saving throw against this, spell, though anti-fire capabilities such as fire resistance will apply and may reduce or eliminate the damage. Other creatures in the path of the flame jet can make a saving throw vs. spell to avoid 2d8 points of fire damage. A successful saving throw reduces this to 1d8 points of damage. The caster cannot perform other actions during the second round of the spell or discontinue the spell until it has run its course. If the target moves more than 60 feet away from the caster or takes shelter behind some large fireproof object in the second round, the flame jet will remain directed toward its original target even though no further damage can be caused. Like the burning hands spell, flammable materials such as cloth, paper, parchment, thin wood, and so forth in its path will burn, but can be extinguished in the next round if no other action is taken. Notes: Rare or very rare spell. Known to be in the Zome of the Covenant. Age Animal (Alteration) Level: 6 Range: 10 ft. Components: V, S, M Casting Time: I hr. Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: | animal Saving Throw; Special This spell can be used only on animals, inciud- ing giant types and minimals. It instantly ages the animal by as much or little as the caster desires, up to one year per level of the spelleaster. The wizard must make a saving throw vs. spell when the spell is cast; failure means the wizard ages by as many months as the creature ages years. The spell is most often used to age the subjects of breeding experiments, as it has less chance of adversely affecting the offspring than less subtle dweomers, Notes: Rare spell. (Updated from Imagine Magazine.) ee 26gras Ambush, Age to Destruction — (Alteration, Necromancy) Level: 3 Range: 2 ft/level Components: S Casting Time: 1 rd. Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: | object (3 cubic ft.) Saving Throw: Neg With this spell, the ninja can age any nonliving material (of a maximum volume of 3 cubic feet) by about 100 years. An object affected by the spell makes an item saving throw vs. disintegra- tion to avoid the spell’s effect. An object that fails its saving throw suffers the ravages of a hundred years of aging, on the inside. On the outside it appears normal, but a little more weathered than before. Stone items are affected very little, but wood rots, metal rusts or corrodes through, and other materials suffer similar results. The next time an object affected by this spell is picked up or otherwise used, it crumbles into ruin, If the object is already under strain when the spell is cast on it, it gives way immediately. This spell allows a spelleaster to sabotage cru- cial objects or pieces of equipment: a ladder rung, a wooden step, the sword of an enemy, etc. A flee- ing ninja can use this spell to drop a portcullis, booby trap a stairway he has just descended, or destroy a weapon about to be wielded against him, It will not allow the ninja to sink a boat; the keel exceeds the spell’s volume limitations. (However, a hull patch that does not exceed the volume limita- tion could be destrayed by the spell.) The spell does not affect living creatures. It will not cancel the effects of a potion of longevity. Ifcast on such a potion, however, the spell per- ‘manently renders the potion useless. A potion of longevity is the only item that does not receive a saving throw against this spell. Notes: Restricted to ninja spellcasters and those trained by them; common. Agitate Wounds — Old Empire (Necromaney) Level: 4 Range: 10 yds./level Components: V, S,M Casting Time: 4 Duration: Instantaneous + Special Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special By means of this spell, the caster can affect a creature that has been wounded by an edged weapon. This spell reopens bound wounds (or causes unbound wounds to bleed severely), inflicting 2d6 points of damage. One who rolls a successful saving throw vs. spell suffers no fur- ther damage from this spell. If the saving throw fails, however, the victim suffers 1d3 additional points of damage per round until the wound is dressed and bound (or bound again, as in the case of reopened wounds), Creatures without blood, such as skeletons, are unaffected by this spell, as are those with regeneration abilities and those under the effects of a periapt of wound closure or similar magic. The material component for this spell is a pinch of salt. Notes: Uncommon for necromancers; other- wise rare, As a Forcorren Reais Old Empire spell, initial exposure requires a mentor or a read Southern magic spell. Agra’s Ambush (Abjuration) (Mentalism) Level: 2 Range: Touch Components: V; S, M Casting Time: 3 Duration: | tum + 1 rd/level Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: Neg. (when cast) ‘4 (when triggered) This spell is used against psionic opponents When cast, it creates a mental trap in the subject’s mind. An unwilling recipient of this spell is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to prevent Agra’ ambush from being set in its mind, This trap instantly discharges upon any psionic contact or attack, as well as mind-contacting spells such as ESP and telepathy. The trap causes 1d4 hit points damage, plus | point per level of the caster to the initiator of the contact, save vs. spell for half damage. The material component is some roughly ground glass, which must be sprinkled in a circle around the recipient. Notes: Uncommon or rare for mentalists and psionic spelleasters; otherwise very rare (Updated from PoryHEDRon Newszine.) a 27Aiming atthe Target Aiming at the Target Air Spiral | (Invocation) (Alteration, Evocation) (in) Level: 5 Components: S Level: 8 Range: 0 Range: 60 yds. Casting Time: 3 Components: V, § / Area of Effect: The caster Duration: Maximum 2 turns Saving Throw: None This spell is an outgrowth of the wu jen’s train- ing in meditation and his ki powers. It is cast by calming and clearing the mind through carefully controlled and strict breathing exercises. This action releases the energy of the spell. When cast, this allows the wu jen to concen- trate on a single action regardless of other actions. It is one of only two spells a wu jen can cast with- ‘out breaking the concentration required to main- tain another spell (finding the center also has this property). A wu jen could cast phantasmal force on one round and aiming at the target the next without breaking the concentration he needs to maintain the phantasmal force Once cast, it allows the wu jen to move nor- mally, receive his normal defensive adjustment for Dexterity, suffer damage, and make success- fal saving throws without breaking his concentra- tion. The mind of the wu jen is focused on the spell he is concentrating on, yet he is aware of events oecurring around him. The duration of the spell is two turns or until he stops concentrating on the first spell. Notes: Restricted to oriental spellcasters and those trained by them, Common in oriental set- tings; otherwise very rare. Air Breathing Reversed form, see water breathing. Air Elemental Guide See elemental guide. Casting Time: 8 | Duration: 1 rdlevel Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None An air spiral spell creates an upright, helix- shaped, revolving staircase in the air. It appears with one of its treads firmly under the caster's feet. The caster can choose to be at the top or bot- tom of the stair, or anywhere in between. The staircase itself can rise or descend at a flying movement rate of 9, aneuverability Class D, as the caster wills. It revolves in an area 90 feet high and 20 feet in diameter. Although the air spiral cannot move through solid objects, it can pierce all known magical barri- ers (such as forcecages and prismatic spheres), opening permanent safe-passage holes in them as large as the stair-spiral. A being on the stair could safely pass a barrier, but one clinging to the outside of the stair rail would be subject to the effects of contact with the barrier, When an air spiral strikes an immobile solid object (such as the ground or a wall), it does so gently, in the same way a feather- fall spell minimizes the shock of a landing. All beings who can reach this staircase can stand on it, cling to it, or climb up and down it. While in direct contact with the air spiral, beings can breathe underwater if the stair takes them there, and they are immune to the effects of heat, cold, electri- cal discharges (including all sorts of lightning), and all crushing or constricting attacks (including water pressure and spell or monster attacks). In any round, the caster ean work only one of these effects, and can affect only one creature. + The caster of the air spiral, whether on the stair or not, can by will banish any extraplanar crea ture in contact with the stair instantly back to its home plane. Such creatures get no saving throw. + The caster can also force any being touching the stair back into its true form, thus ending any curses, shapechange magics, illusions, and dis- guises of less than demigod power that mask the being’ real appearance. The caster can also make the magic end and the stair vanish at will, or cause it to explode in whirling eddies that occupy the same volume as the spiral, but have the following effects: * They extinguish all flames instantly. Tg 28x Airboat “They destroy any air elementals on contact, or they banish any other sorts of creatures from the Plane of Elemental Air back to that plane, and bind them so that they cannot reenter the Prime Material Plane for one lunar cycle (about a month) per level of the caster. (Such creatures ‘can travel freely to and among all other planes if they normally have the ability to do so.) + If they have not been used upon creatures from the Elemental Plane of Air, the eddies inflict 1d12 points of damage plus 1d4 hit points per level of the easter on any other single creature, and force a system shock survival roll upon all beings of 7 or less experience levels or Hit Dice. Failed system shock rolls result in death This spell is often collapsed instantly into its whirling eddies aspect by casters seeking to use it only as an offensive weapon or to extinguish flames. Notes: Rare for Air mages and very rare for others in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting; virtu- ally unknown elsewhere. Air to Flesh Reversed form, see flesh to air. Airball (Evocation) (Air) Level: 8 Range: 120 yds. Components: V, S, M Casting Tim Duration: Special Area of Effect: Creates one 10-ft. diam. sphere Saving Throw: None When this spell is cast, a stormy-blue, boulder- sized sphere of air under incredible pressure is created within 120 yards of the caster. If created in the air, the ball (which weighs about 5 Ibs.) immediately falls toward the ground. If it falls 20 feet or more, the ball breaks into eight separate blasts of wind upon striking the ground, each equal to a gust of wind spell cast by an 8th-level spellcaster (winds of 30 m.p.h.); each blowing in one of eight compass directions from the point of impact (N, NE, E, etc.). In addition, the winds stir up all local dust and dirt for 1d4 rounds, limiting vision to 10 feet in their arcas of effect. If the air bal! lands on water, the spray blast has the same effect. Ifthe airball fails to burst, then it cannot be moved once it touches the ground, remaining sta- tionary and permanent until broken. The sphere is AC 6; any damage will penetrate its sensitive sur- face and set it off, although touching or pushing on it won't do so. The spell requires one million cubic feet of air for example, a 100 x 100 x 100-foot volume. From this open air is drawn the compressed air for the sphere. Note, however, that casting this spell does not create a vacuum, Notes: Rare; uncommon for Air mages. (Updated from Deacon Magazine.) Airboat (Alteration, Enchantment) (Air) Level: 8 Range: 1 mile Components: V, $ Casting Time: | rd. Duration: 1 hr/level Area of Effect: | cloud Saving Throw: None This spell must be cast under a cloudy st caster points at a cloud, which immediately descends toward him. As it comes closer, the cloud changes shape, becoming any sort of vessel imagined by the wizard (a dragon-shaped galley, a one-man dinghy, ete.) Although the airboat is made of cloud, it feels solid and can support the weight of the caster plus ‘one passenger per level of the wizard. It can move ata rate of 21 (MC: D). The caster maintains total telepathic control over the airboat's speed and direction. While con- trolling the vessel, the wizard is able to perform other actions but cannot cast other spells. Notes: Common for Air mages; uncommon for others (ToM). eS 29~\Aitbor ; Airbolt (Alteration) (Air, Force, Water) Level: 3 Range: 20 yds. (60 yds. underwater) ‘Components: V Casting Time: 3 Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: | creature or object Saving Throw: None Using only verbal components, this spell focuses the air around the caster into a powerful invisible bolt; a concentrated blast of air roughly 3 inches in diameter, Airbolt is particularly effec tive underwater. Only one creature or object can be the target of this spell. Damage for this spell underwater is 1d6 per level, to @ maximum of 10d6 at 10th level. A saving throw vs, spell is allowed for half damage. The spellcaster blows a puff of air as this spell is cast. In the air, this bolt inflicts only half the number of dice damage as it docs underwater (round up), and it will not not work in a vacuum at all. Notes: Uncommon for Air and Water mages; rare for others. (Updated from Dzacon Magazine.) Airsphere (Alteration) Level: 3 Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Casting ‘Time: 3 rds. Duration: Special Area of Effect: 20-f, radius Saving Throw: None This creates a mobile sphere of breathable air, identical to the atmosphere of the caster's home world or land. This air can be fouled with use as other atmospheres, but drives out and displaces any fouled air it contacts for the first three turns of its existence, The air comes into being around the caster, but does not mix with the surrounding atmosphere. During the first three turns, the caster can men- tally move the airsphere in any direction, at a movement rate of 9, to a distance of 10 yards per level. Thereafter it is no longer under the caster’s control, and obeys the gravity of nearby objects. This spell is often used to aid a stranded being in space by hurling air to him. If an airsphere contacts a fiery explosion in the phlogiston, the fiery area expands to the limits of the airsphere and fouls it. Those within this expanded area of effect suffer +1 point per die of normal fire damage. The material component (broken during cast- ing) is a small crystal or glass sphere holding air. Notes: Common for spellcasters from a spell- jamming culture; otherwise rare, Airy Water (Alteration) (Air, Water) Level: 5 Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 5 Duration: | turn/level ‘Area of Effect: 10-f. radius sphere or 15-ft. radius hemisphere Saving Throw: None ‘The airy water spell tums normal liquid, such as water or water-based solutions, into a less dense, breathable substance. Thus, if the wizard wanted to enter an underwater place, he would step into the water, cast the spell, and sink downward in a globe of bubbling water. He and any companions in the spell’s area of effect can move freely and breathe just as if the bubbling water were air. The globe is centered on and moves with the caster, Water- breathing creatures avoid a sphere (or hemisphere) of airy water, although intelligent ones can enter it if they are able to move by means other than swim- ming. No water-breathers can breathe in an area affected by this spell. There is only one word that needs to be spoken to actuate the magic; thus, it can be cast under water. The spell does not filter or remove solid particles of matter. The material component of the spell is a small handful of alkaline or bromine salts. Notes: Common spell (PHB) 30~ Alamanther's Return ge Alacrity (Alteration) (Chronomancy) Level: 3 Range: 0 Components: V, S,M Casting Time: 1 Duration: 1 turn +1 rd level ‘Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None The use of an alacrity spell allows the wizard to speed up the casting of spells of Sth level and lower. Only spells that are cast within the alacrity spell’s duration are affected. Casting times of 2-5 are reduced by 1; casting times of 6-9 are reduced by 2; and a casting time of one round is reduced to a casting time of 8, Casting times for spells that require more than 1 round are reduced by 20% (e.g., an animate dead spell affected by alacrity could be cast in only 4 rounds). Spells that have a casting time of 1 are not affected by this spell. The material component is a miniature hour lass, which is destroyed when the spell is cast. ‘Notes: Uncommon spell (ToM). Alahandra’s Questing Call (Divination) Level: 3 Range: 10-mile radius Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 3 turns Duration: 3 rds,/level ‘Area of Effect: 1 mirror Saving Throw: Neg. Created by Alahandra of Waterdeep, this spell calls forth the images of adventurers who are “petween quests” at the moment. The spelicaster is not in control of what sort of adventurers the spell indicates, and the adventurers must be within range of the spell. The spell often misfires (80%), showing either nothing or scenes from another plane of existence entirely. Only the vague shadowy image of one or two of the adventurers and their approximate location is indicated by the spell. ‘The materials needed are a silver mirror, a small bell, and a candle made from beeswax. Only the mirror remains after the spell’s completion. Notes: Uncommon or rare for diviners; other- wise rare or very rare. (Updated from Dracon Magazine.) Alamanther’s Return (Alteration, Evocation) Level: 9 Range: 60 yds. + 10 yds/level Components: V, S Casting Time: 4 Duration: As duplicated spell Area of Effect: As duplicated spell Saving Throw: As duplicated spell This spell allows the caster to duplicate the effects of any one wizard spell he has seen cast— even if he does not know how to cast the spell, lacks the necessary material components, and is ignorant of even the spell’s name. The duplicated effect cannot be a magical item discharge, psionic effect, natural spell-like power, or a priest spell The damage, extent, and duration of the duplicate spell match exactly those of a chosen casting that the caster saw. The target of the return is up to its caster, and need not duplicate that of the observed casting. Should the caster try to exceed the original spellcaster’s maximum range, the duplicated spell will go as far as the original spellcaster could have sent it, and its effects appear at that point. For example, a Sth-level wizard’s fireball goes 60 yards. Suppose the caster saw it cast only 30 yards. If the caster duplicates the fireball and tar- gets a creature 80 yards away, the fireball will go 60 yards toward the creature and detonate at the limit of the original wizard’ range. Alamanther’s return cannot be used to dupli- cate any spell available to the caster. A spell scanned but never memorized by the caster or a spell the caster cast once from a scroll that then faded is not considered available for these pur- poses. Any spell the caster has researched, stud- ied, or copied into a spellbook is considered available, even if it is not currently memorized and the book it is written in is inaccessible. The dweomer allows only one casting based on one sighting; after using Alamanther's return, the wizard must sce another casting of an unavailable spell before Alamanther's return can create that effect once more. The spell is named for the mage who devised it, Alamanther of Aglarond. Alamanther was once the consort of the Simbul, before he was destroyed in a duel with a Red wizard of Thay. Alamanther delighted in using it to hurl nasty spells used on him right back at those who cast them, Notes: Rare or very rare in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting; virtually unknown elsewhere ————————————————_—————— 31Ay Alamir’s Fundamental Breakdown, c Alamir’s Fundamental Breakdown (Divination) (ir, Earth, Fire, Water, Alchemy) Level: 3 Range: Touch ‘Components: V, S, M Casting Time: | rd. Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: 1 object or compound Saving Throw: Special ting this spell, the wizard learns what ingredients and formulas were used to create a chemical mixture or magical item. The informa- tion instantly appears in the caster’s mind but may be lost if the wizard cannot comprehend it. The caster must roll an Intelligence check; if success- ful, the wizard understands the formula and retains it in his memory. If the roll is failed, the caster can- not comprehend what he has learned and the infor- mation is immediately forgotten. Ifthe spell is cast a second time on the same substance, the spell automatically fails unless the wizard has advanced to the next experience level. The caster’s level determines the type of information gleaned: + 5th Level: The type and quantity of ingredients and the preparation process required to produce a nonmagical mixture are learned. For example, the wizard could learn how to produce Greek fire or gunpowder from a sample, or could learn the recipe for something simple, like chocolate cake. + 9th Level: The wizard can learn the proper ingredients and formula for making a magical liquid (potion, scroll ink, etc.) + 14th Level: The caster can learn the formula for creating any type of magical object, excluding unique items and objects of extreme power (artifacts and relics). In all cases, simply knowing the proper for- mula does not mean the wizard can successfully create the item or material. The construction of alchemical mixtures and magical items is a time- consuming and expensive undertaking This spell has detrimental effects on the magi- cal item analyzed. Single-use items (potions, oils, etc.) are automatically destroyed; the spell con- sumes the item in the process of analyzing it. Reusable magical items must make a saving throw vs. disintegration, If the saving throw is failed, Alamir’s fundamental breakdown releases the magic of the item in an explosive blast, ren- dering it permanently nonmagical. The caster suf- fers 448 points of damage from the explosion ‘The material component is a wand cut from a 10-year-old oak tree. The wand is used to touch the item in question, and vanishes in a puff of smoke when the spell is complete. Notes: Uncommon or rare spell (Zo). Alarm (Abjuration, Evocation) (Geometry) Level: 1 Range: 10 yds. Components: V; S, M Casting Time: | rd. Duration: 4 hrs. + 4 br/level Area of Effect: Up to 20-ft. cube Saving Throw: None ‘When an alarm spell is cast, the wizard causes a selected area to react to the presence of any crea- ture larger than a normal rat—anything larger than about cubic foot in volume or more than about 3 pounds in weight. The area of effect can be a por- tal, a section of floor, stairs, etc. As soon as any creature enters the warded area, touches it, or oth- erwise contaets it without speaking a password established by the caster, the alarm spell lets out a loud ringing that can be heard clearly within a 60- foot radius. (Reduce the radius by 10 feet for each interposing door and by 20 feet for each substan- tial interposing wall.) The sound lasts for one round and then ceases. Ethereal or astrally pro- jected creatures do not trigger an alarm, but flying or levitating creatures, invisible creatures, or non- corporeal or gaseous creatures do. The caster can dismiss the alarm with a single word. The material components of this spell are a tiny bell and a piece of very fine silver wire. Notes: Common spell (PHB). Alcimer’s FI See flying fist. g Fist Algarth’s Embattlement (Alteration) Level: 9 Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 9 Duration: | day/level Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None This infamous spell is sometimes called the bax of spells. It is one of very few known magics that allow a caster to unleash more than one spell in a round. After the spell is cast, the wizard can cast ws 32\ Allisandro’s Binding Curscgge upto six additional spells (each one in the usual fashion, requiring normal material components and the like) and store them, unreleased, as part of Algarth's embattlement. Stored spells are still memorized and prevent the caster from memoriz- ing other spells in their place. For each spell stored, the caster loses 1d4 hit points that cannot be regained until the stored spell is cast. (At that time, the damage can be restored by healing or rest; the hit points do not return automatically.) Spells of any level that the wizard can cast can be stored. They can be unleashed by silent act of will at any time, at a maximum speed of two spells perround. No other being can provide spells for the ‘enbauilement to store. Note that the caster must be conscious, and for certain spells must be able to see ‘target, but need not speak, move, or employ mate- tial components to enact stored spells. The spells stored in an embattlement cannot be released or ruined by any magic short of Mor- denkainen's disjunction. They persist even beyond the death of the caster, who may later rise a5 an undead able to unleash them! If the caster outlives the spell duration without casting all of the spells, however, unused ones are lost. The material components of Algarth s embat- dlement are four drops of water and a gem of not less than 4,000 gp value. Notes: Rare or very rare in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting; virtually unknown elsewhere. Allisandro’s Binding Curse (Alteration, Necromancy) Level: 9 Range: Same plane Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 3 hrs. Duration: Permanent Area of Effect: | creature Saving Throw; None Inmany ways, this spell is an improved version of the permanency spell, adapted for the laying of curses, It permits the caster to weave a normally temporary spell upon an individual and make it permanent. Casting the spell, or even desiring to Jeam it, is an evil act. There is no linear limit to the range of this curse, but the victim must be on the same plane Sufficient magical warding may block the spell. On the Demiplane of Dread, the spell cannot affect someone outside the domain in which it ‘was cast, Casting such a vengeful spell is cause for a RAVENLOFT powers check. ‘The spells that can be used in conjunetion with this are antimagic shell, babble, bestow curse, claws of the umber hulk, confuse languages, con- 1agion, emotion, enervation, enlarge, feign death, feign undead, fist of stone, insatiable thirst, irr tation, levitate, lower resistance, Malec-Keth s flame fist, neverending nightmare, Otto's irre- sistible dance, reduce, suggestion, Tasha s uncon- srollable hideous taughuer, and unlock The wizard must cast the associated spell dur- ing the casting of Allisandro's binding curse None of these spells actually harm the victim because they are bound to him. For example, Orto’s irresistible dance does not produce fatigue, nor does it prevent the individual from sleeping (although he will present an odd sight dancing in his sleep), Malec-Keth flame fist will not burn the character's fist, but could harm him if he tries to scratch an itch. Removing this spell is most difficult. A limited wish spell will dispel the effects for one day per level of the easter. Only a full wish can eliminate Allisandro’s binding curse. ‘The material component is an item from the Victim's body (see The Casting). This loathsome spell was created by Allisandro Tsclikov, a member of the proud Vistani, several hundred years ago. When the members of his tribe learned that he had been delving into the dark secrets of necromancy and attempting to harness dark powers, they cast him out. He wan- dered, alone and broken, eventually becoming the first of Ravenloft’s darklings (a monstrous race) In his isolation, he returned to the research that he had been forced to abandon, Eventually he crafted this spell to exact revenge upon the Vis- tani for the wrong he felt they had done him. The Casting: In order to cast this spell, the wizard must have some portion of the subject’s body. This can range from a lock of hair or nail clippings to a severed finger or limb. The spell is Jong and involved, requiring three hours to cast. It is highly symbolic and involves a great deal of ritual and ceremony. The wizard must have at least two assistants who aid him in the weaving of this dark magic. Neither of them can be under any form of compulsion (such as a threat or mag- ical charm) and both must be fully aware of the act that they are involved in, The assistants need not be spelicasters themselves. At the end of the casting period, the material component is thrown into a brazier of hot coals where it is utterly consumed in a flash of sickly light and a boiling cloud of vile-smelling vapor. At that instant, the caster devotes a portion of his own life force to the spell, being drained of | point of Constitution, permanently. “ 33 ~1 sy Alter Beast / Notes: Uncommon in the Raventort* setting; very rare elsewhere. The spell can be researched only on the Demiplane of Dread. Alter Beast (Alteration) Level: 8 Range: Touch ‘Components: V, S,M Casting Time: | turn Duration; Instantaneous Area of Effect: | creature Saving Throw: None Allows the caster to modify a selected part of a living creature’s physical form. This could be changing paws into hands, giving a quadruped an upright, bipedal stance, increasing brain capacity, and so on. The process requires a laboratory and at, least a week’s preparation time. The casting inflicts much pain, so the subject must be strongly willing, immobilized, or unconscious during the casting Each use of this spell requires the sub- the events of the dream as an illusionist has over his phantasms; however, the caster must take care not to disrupt the natural flow of the dream, or else the dreamer may sense the presence of an intruder. If the caster makes only “logical” changes in a dream, the dreamer gains no saving throw and must simply experience the dream to its conclu- sion or to the end of the spell’s duration. For instance, if the image of the dreamer’s mother turns from singing a lullaby to chiding the dreamer for cheating a business partner, the dreamer senses no intrusion. On the other hand, if the dreamer’s mother suddenly transforms into a troll and attacks the dreamer, the sudden shock allows a saving throw vs. spell, Success indicates that the dreamer becomes aware of the spell- caster’s intrusion and can attempt to eject the spellcaster from the dream. The spellcaster must roll a saving throw vs. spell every round. As long as he succeeds, he can remain in the dream; if he fails, he awakes and cannot return to the dream without casting another alter dream spell. Ject to make a system shock survival roll, (using a base 80% + 1%/HD if a Constitution score is not available). Changes made by this spell will affect the creature’s genetic makeup | thereafter. The effects might be passed on to offspring if the creature mates with a similarly altered erea- ture of its own original species. Only a limited wish or full wish will reverse the spell’s effects. The mate- rial component is two strands of heavy gold wire twisted together in a double helix. Notes: Rare spell. Alter Dream (Enchantment/Charm) Level: 6 Range: 10 yds./level ‘Components: V, S, M Casting Time: | turn Duration: 1 turn/level Area of Effect: | sleeping creature Saving Throw: Special This spell acts as an enter dream spell, but allows the caster to affect the course of the dream, much as a director affects the course of a play. The caster has the same control over , er ee. | 34\ Alter Normal - In addition to acting as an enter dream spell, alter dream allows the caster to implant a sugges- tion (as the 3rd-level wizard spell). Alter dream also permits the caster to warp the dream so that, it attacks the dreamer, with the same effects as the 4th-level illusion spell phantasmal killer. However, any failed attempt to kill the dreamer automatically alerts the subject to the caster’s presence and gives him a chance to turn the phan- tasmal killer back on the spelicaster. The spell- caster must immediately end the spell or else face the phantasmal killer. The material components of this spell are a bit of melted glass and a one-ounce strip of dreamwillow bark, which the caster must steep in hot water and imbibe. Notes: Common for Dream mages; otherwise uncommon. (Updated from DriGon Magazine.) Alter Instrument — Bard (Alteration) Level: 1 Range: Touch Components: V, S Casting Time: | Duration: 1 turr/level ‘Area of Effect: | instrument Saving Throw: None By using this spell, a bard can transform one musical instrument into another of similar size and equal value. Any hand-held instrument can be altered into any other hand-held instrument. However, in order to obtain a large instrument, such as a base harp, organ, or any other instru- ment that is too large or heavy to be easily car- ried, the bard must start with an equally large instrument. In any event, the value of the new instrument is identical to the original, A golden recorder will generate a silver plated lute, a child’s drum will generate a nonfunctional lyre, etc. Bards use this spell to save both money and equipment carried. Itis a lot cheaper to buy a sin- ale instrument and alter it when another is needed than to buy every instrument that might be required. This also saves a lot of space in one’s backpack. If the instrument the bard wishes to alter is being carried or played by another character, a successful attack roll against the opponent’s Armor Class must be made in order to touch the instrument. No estricted to bards; uncommon. Alter Normal Winds (Alteration) (Province: Wind) ed Level: 1 Range: 0 ‘Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 rd. Duration: | hr/level Area of Effect: 10-ft. diameter/level Saving Throw: None This spell enables the caster to harness a non- magical wind and change its force by one rank, as shown on Table 79, “Weather Conditions,” in the DMG. For example, “becalmed” conditions (those found on a still day) can become a light breeze. A light breeze can be diminished to becalmed conditions or increased to a favorable wind The spell works equally well in an enclosed area, such as a dungeon, where “wind condi- tions” are considered becalmed. Wizards of the 9th level or less can modify only natural winds of storm force or less. They can increase a storm-force wind to gale-force, but cannot affect an existing gale-force wind. At 10th level, a wizard can alter gale-force winds, and at 1Sth level, he can reduce hurricane-force winds, The change caused by this spell is imme- diate, with the area of effect centered on the caster. He can alter the wind only once (which means by one level only). As long as a wind is shaped by this spell, subsequent alter wind spells cannot affect the same area. Other magics that change wind or weather can affect an altered wind, however, When the alter wind spell ends, the air returns to its original state. Alter wind has no effect on creatures of ele- mental air. Nor does it affect creatures that use air in their attacks. The wind cannot deflect an enemy’s breath weapon and send it back toward the attacker, for example. However, alter wind does enable the caster to move nonmagical fog, dust, or poisonous gas out of his way, negating its effects for 1d6 rounds. The spell requires a small silver tube, through which the caster blows to attract the wind’s attention. Notes: Common in arabian settings; otherwise rare. — «. — Ne 35Alter Reality Alter Reality (Illusion/Phantasm) Level: 7 Range: Unlimited Components: Special Casting Time: Special Duration: Special Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special The alter reality spell is potent but difficult to use well, It will fulfill literally, but only partially or for a limited duration, a condition visualized by the spelicaster, To effect the magic, the caster must depict the alteration of reality to the desired state through the casting of a phantasmal force spell, as well as verbalizing the desired state, before the spell goes into action, The actuality of the past, present, or future might be altered in some limited manner (but possibly only for the wizard unless the spell is most carefully constructed). The conjuration will not substantially change major realities, nor will it bring wealth or experience merely by asking. ‘The spell can, for example, restore some hit points lost by the wizard (or all hit points for a limited duration). It can reduce opponent probabilities or damage, increase duration of some magical effect, cause a creature to be favor~ ably disposed to the spellcaster, mimic a spell of Tth level or less, and so on. Greedy desires usu- ally end in disaster for the caster. The alter reality spell nearly always can be used in place of a fim- ited wish spell, if the caster is able to structure it properly. Casting time is based on the time spent prepar~ ing the wording for the spell and enacting the phantasmal force. Normally the casting time is ‘one round (most of it being taken up by deciding, what to show) Casting this spell ages the caster one year per 100 years of regular life span. Notes: Restricted to illusionists and conjurers; ‘uncommon. Alter Self (Alteration) Level: 2 Range: 0 Components: V, S Casting Time: 2 Duration: 3d4 rds. + 2 rds /level ‘Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None When this spell is cast, the wizard can alter his appearance and form—including clothing and equipment—to appear taller or shorter; thin, fat, ot in between; human, humanoid, or any other gener- ally man-shaped bipedal creature. The caster’s body can undergo a limited physical alteration and his size can be changed up to 50%. If the form selected has wings, the wizard can actually fly, but at only one-third the speed of a true ereature of that type, and with a loss of two maneuverability classes (to @ minimum of E). If the form has gills, the caster can breathe under water as long as the spell lasts. However, the caster does not gain any multiple attack routines or additional damage allowed to an assumed form. The caster’s attack rolls, Armor Class, and sav- ing throws do not change. The spell does not con- fer special abilities, attack forms, or defenses. Once the new form is chosen, it remains for the duration of the spell. The caster can change back into his own form at will; this ends the spell immediately. A caster who is slain automatically returns to his normal form. Notes: Common spell (PHB). Alternate Reality* (Alteration) Wild) Level: 3 Range: 0 ‘Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 3 Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None With this spell, the caster creates a small varia- tion in probabilities. This variation lasts only a moment, but creates alternate results for one recent event. When the spell is cast, any one event attempted by the tecipient during the previous round is recalculated, essentially allowing (or forcing) the creature to make new die rolls. Only events that begin and end in a single round can be affected. Only one die roll can be rerolled. If the creature touched is a willing recip- ient, the player can choose which roll (the origi- nal or the new roll) affects him, more than likely picking the most successful. If the creature is unwilling, he must redo the action, The second result, whatever its outcome, cannot be changed. ‘Typical uses of this spell include allowing a fighter to reroll an attack, forcing an opponent to reroll a saving throw, or allowing a wizard to reroll the damage eaused by a fireball. a 36The material component is a small, unmarked die. Notes: Restricted to wild mages; uncommon (TM). Alustriel’s Banner (illusion/Phantasm) Level: 2 Range: 10 ft/level Components: V, S, M Casting Time; 2 Duration: 1 rd./level Area of Effect: Creates 1 banner Saving Throw: None Alustriel’s banner causes an impressive fanfare to sound as a banner appears in midair wherever the caster desires within spell range. The banner is usually placed high in the air, though it can be directed to appear right against a wall or door. The banner can be of any size and appearance desired, from rigid and shieldlike to a long pennant, and can look new or ancient. The caster can also decide whether or not it glows, and can make it vanish at will. If it glows, the light it sheds is equal in maximum effect to a light spell, and, within these parameters, of the hue and intensity desired by the caster. The fanfare lasts only one round or less and can even be absent if the caster desires. The fanfare must be trumpet or horn music that the caster has actually heard at some past time, The banner’s form and any device, coat-of- arms, or rune on it must be a decoration that the caster has actually seen, Sometimes this spell is used to frighten folk into thinking they are encountering a watchful ghost or guardian magic, For example, if thieves or would- be slayers are suddenly confronted with a royal coat-of-arms on the door of the king’s bed cham- ber that they are stealthily approaching, they may think it is guarded by some powerful magic. The spell is most popular, though, as a battlefield recognition symbol, rallying device, or directional marker, Itis often cast high up in the air, by night, to illuminate a skirmish or embattled camp. Another of Alustriel’s early spells, this magic has gained favor among armies and mercenary bands all over Faern because of its battlefield usefulness. The material component of an Alustriel’s ban- ner is either a real trumpet or horn or a tiny model of one made of bone, ivory, whittled wood, or metal. Notes: Uncommon or rare in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting; virtually unknown elsewhere. Alustriel’s Fang (Alteration) Level: 2 Range: 60 ft. Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 2 Duration: 2 rds. Area of Effect: 1 weapon Saving Throw: None This spell allows the caster to fire a dagger, dart, or other piercing weapon shorter than the forearm, ina straight line from hand to target, at a foe within 60 feet. The caster must be proficient in the use of the weapon. ‘The weapon makes one attack each round, as if wielded by a wizard two levels higher than the caster, does +1 more than its normal damage per hit, and then returns to the caster’s hand, unless pre- vented from doing so, flying at rate of 12 (MC: A) The enchanted weapon is a +1 magical weapon for purposes of what it can hit, and it is not harmed by the spell in any way. To prevent the weapon's return, a target must have been struck by the weapon, must have made a successful Dexterity check to grasp the weapon, and must have made a successful Strength check to retain hold, breaking the spell, [Feither check fails, the weapon slips free and returns to the caster. The weapon awaits the caster having a free hand on its return, hanging motionless in midair as near the caster as possible if the caster's hands are both busy. In other words, it does not interrupt climbing or spellcasting. If one of the caster’s hands does not become free, the weapon simply falls to the ground when the spell expires. The material components of this spell are the ‘weapon and a pinch of iron filings. oo %Alustriel’s Improved Mantle Yel Notes: Restricted to the Seven Sisters, their apprentices, and select Harpers; uncommon or rare Alustriel’s Improved Mantle (Abjuration) Level: 7 Range: 0 Components: V, 8, M Casting Time: 7 Duration: | turn Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None This spell protects the caster or a single willing recipient touched during the casting by envelop- ing the chosen being in a close-fitting magical defensive field. Alustriel’s improved mantle is normally invisible, but can be made by the desire of the wearer to shimmer, glow faintly (in any hue and changing in response to the wearer’s will), or shine brightly. When it shines brightly, it is never blinding, but it is bright enough to read by or to allow one to see 10 feet or so in all directions in nonmagical darkness, ‘The mantle wards off all physical weapons of +1 enchantment or less. It also prevents the func- tioning of all spells or equivalent magical item effects of 4th level or less within its confines. A caster protected by an Alustriel's improved mantle could stand in the heart of a fireball that burst and crisped beings standing all around her, and escape with herself and all she wore and carried completely unharmed. The wearer of such a man- tle (which, despite its name, is a magical field, not a garment) also receives a +2 bonus on all saving throws, If any Alustriel's improved mantle ever comes into direct contact with another improved man- tle, or with an Alustriel’s mantle (the lesser spell related to this one), the result is a brief writhing chaos of swirling magic that wracks any pro- tected beings involved with horrible pain, ren- dering them helpless for 142 rounds, and deals them each 4410 points of damage as the mantles collapse. The material components of an Alustrie! s improved mantle are a gem of any sort worth 50 gp or more and a tiny glass vial that the caster has breathed into and then stoppered at least a day (24 hours) before casting the spell. Notes: Restricted to the Seven Sisters, their apprentices, and select Harpers; rare or very rare, Alustriel’s Mantle (Abjuration) Level: 4 Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 4 Duration: 6 rds. ‘Area of Effect: | creature Saving Throw: None This spell protects the caster, or a single spell recipient touched during the casting, by envelop- ing the chosen being in a close-fitting magical defensive field. An Alusiriel’ mantle is normally invisible, but can be made by the desire of the wearer to shimmer, glow faintly (in any hue and. changing in response to the wearer’s will), or shine brightly. When it shines brightly, itis never blinding, but it is bright enough to read by or to allow one to see 10 feet or so in all directions in dark subterranean surroundings. The mantle wards off all physical weapons except for those that bear a magical dweomer of any sort, It prevents the functioning of all 1st- or 2nd-level spells or equivalent magical item effects within its confines. A caster protected by an Alustriel s mantle could stand in the path of a ‘flaming sphere that rolled over her, and it would do her no damage while still having normal, effects on other beings in its range. She could also walk through a hail of nonmagical arrows or ignore nonmagical dagger attacks. Af two Alustriel’s mantles ever come into con- tact, the result is a brief writhing chaos of swirling magic that wracks any protected beings involved with horrible pain, rendering them helpless for 12 rounds, and deals them each 4d8 points of damage as the mantles collapse. The material component of an Alustriel s man- te is a tiny glass vial that the caster has breathed into and then stoppered at least a day (24 hours) before spelicasting. Notes: Restricted to the Seven Sisters, their apprentices, and select Harpers; uncommon or rare. Alustriel’s Sword of Stars (Evocation) Level: 7 Range: 10 yds./level Components: V; S, M Casting Time: 7 Duration: 1 rd/level Area of Effect: Creates 1 blade Saving Throw: None Dg 38~ Alyssindra's Summons ge This spell creates a shimmering, translucent construct of force. This construct is a cluster of winking, pulsing lights that resemble stars in the night sky, grouped in the shape of a two-handed sword of the largest size. For purposes of deter- mining what it can hit, this construct is consid- ered a +2 magical weapon, though it does not gain this attack or damage bonus. This sword of stars forms on the round follow- ing the spell’s casting and silently attacks a cho- sen target creature, It pursues, attacking twice per round at a THACO of 9 (regardless of the caster’s own THACO), and dealing 4d4 points of damage ata successful strike, until the target being is slain, the sword of stars is destroyed, or the spell, expires. The sword can follow a being anywhere on the same plane, though long distance teleports cause the magic to expire before the pursuing sword reaches its target. A sword of stars flies at a movement rate of 21 (MC: A), It has an AC of 2 and has 22 hit points. It-vanishes if destroyed by physical attacks. Mag- ical attacks of any sort have no effect on it at all, save that dispel magic or a properly worded lim ited wish or wish spell can make it vanish. The magical blade fights by itself, not requiring the caster’ attention once created The material component of this spell is any metal-bladed weapon. The weapon is consumed in the casting, so cheap daggers or tiny replicas are most often used. Notes: Restricted to the Seven Sisters, their apprentices, and select Harpers, rare or very rare. Alvira’s Stasis Shell (Alteration) (Dimension) Level: 6 Range: Touch Components: V, S,M Casting Time: 2 Duration: | day/level Area of Effect: 1 object Saving Throw: None The largest object that can be affected by this spel isa large standard spellbook, and the smallest object is the size of a potion vial. An object pro- tected by this spell cannot be affected by any force Jess powerful than a disintegrate spell, though the stasis shell itself can be dispelled. Water, fire, acid, lightning, and even dragon breath merely move along the outer shell of the stasis field. The protected object is surrounded by a faint blue glow. The object has its normal weight and can be moved normally, though it cannot be phys- ically touched or accessed; for example, a pro- tected book could not be opened. The spell cannot affect living tissue directly, though reports exist that living tissue in a container can be warded, For all intents, time has stopped for the object in the field. Alvira of the Living City created this spell to use in conjunction with permanency. She then cast it upon a copy of her spellbook and hid it where it would remain for years, just in case something happened to her original spellbook. Notes: Rare or very rare. (Updated from Deacon Magazine.) Alyssindra’s Summons (Conjuration/Summoning) Level: 9 Components: V, S, M Range: 100 mi Casting Time: 1 rd. Duration: Instantaneous ‘Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Neg. Alyssindra’s summons resembles the 9th-level wizard spell succor in that it can summon another being to the caster’s presence, Unlike succor, however, this spell brings an unwilling creature from up to 100 miles away. The caster must have an item the summoned creature has touched within the last week. The caster also must know the creature's name and have a detailed idea of ‘what that individual looks like. ‘A summoned creature failing a saving throw vs. spell finds itself and the equipment it is carry- ing transported into the caster’s presence. The spell is not exact enough for casters to control precisely where the summoned creature appears. For example, a wizard standing near a fire pit cannot summon the being into the pit—unless the caster was in there too, and the pit was larger than 20 feet across. Likewise, casters can’t call targets into shackles or restraints, If the desired target of this spell does not appear (out of range, invalid material component, successful saving throw, etc.), the wizard has a 50% chance to accidentally summon a random creature from another plane instead. This creature is likely to be immediately hostile to the caster. If the summoned target has simply made a success- ful saving throw, this risk is only 1%. ‘Notes: Rare or very rare spell. ———————————L——<~~<~<_—___— 39Amber Death Amber Death Lost spell. Warding spell like sepia snake sigil that entombs victim in a block of amber. Men- tioned in The Mark of Amber. Amberhelm, Zala’s See Zala’s amberhelm Ambush — Hishna (Alteration, Illusion/Phantasm) Level: 2 Range: 0 ‘Components: V, SM Casting Time: | turn Duration: Special Area of Effect: 3 i Saving Throw: Neg \dividuals/level This spell allows the caster and other individu- als (up to 30 at 10th level) to conceal themselves in any kind of outdoor terrain. The concealed characters must remain reasonably still and silent, or the spell will be broken, but as long as they do so they will blend in with the landseape—be it trees, short grass, even a flat expanse of sand. If a party approaches the ambush, the leading character in that party is entitled to a saving throw vs. spell. If successful, this negates the magic and the leading character has the normal chance to discover the ambushing party. Failure means the ambushers will surprise the party unless other factors intervene. Notes: Restricted to practitioners of hishna magic (the Maztica setting). Ambush, Agra’s See Agra’s ambush. Amok Needles, Drenal’s See Drenal’s amok needles. Amorphous Blob (Alteration, Neeromancy) (Alchemy) Level: 7 Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: 1 glass orb Saving Throw: None ‘The caster uses this spell to activate a dangerous amoeboid lifeform inside a glass orb. The orb is oe 40 filled with a specially-prepared fluid. Casting the spell allows the fluid inside the sphere to congeal into the lifeform, which is released when the glass is shattered. The wizard can smash the ball by hurl ing it at an opponent (treat as a grenade-like mis- sile), but great care must be taken since the easter has no control over his creation once it is released, _ The Blob: AC 6; MY 6; HD 3; hp 24; #AT 1; Dmg 3d ALN. re resembles. ochre jelly ‘The monster feeds in order to grow, and it grows extremely fast. The blob expands to a volume of four cubic feet upon its release, but on a killing attack, it engulfs its prey and gains 1 hit point for cach Hit Die of the dead victim. Every 8 hit points gained by the blob endows it with an additional Hit Die (in terms of fighting ability) and results in not only an increase in volume of 4 cubic feet, but also a cumulative bonus of +1 on damage rolls. Modi- fied damage rolls cannot exceed 12 hit points per round. For example: A blob kills 4 opponents with 2 hit points cach. It grows 4 cubic feet larger and attacks as a 4 HD monster, doing 3d4+1 points of damage per round. The blob needs only one round to grow. During this time the creature can perform no other action. Increases in Hit Dice, size, and damage are permanent and do not decrease with the loss of hit points, No known limit exists to the blob’s total volume, and if not soon killed, the creature can become extremely powerful. ‘The blob can regenerate I hit point per round, but this ability cannot bring a dead blob back to life. The creature can flow through narrow open- ings and can ooze along walls and ceilings. The blob also secretes a digestive acid that dissolves wood (ata rate of 2 inches per round) and metal (at a rate of 4 inch per round); stone and glass remain unaffected. Cold does no damage to the blob, but slows the monster (as the spell) for 2-8 rounds. Fire harms the creature normally, but lightning imbues the blob with an extra hit point for every Hit Die of damage; thus, a 6d6 lightning bolt causes no damage but endows the creature with 6 hit points, possibly increasing its size and attack potential. Mind-influencing spells, of course, have no effect upon this unintelligent creation, and all | forms of magical control are useless against it. Preparation: Preparing for the casting of this spell requires that the wizard first construct a | crystal orb filled with a swirling, gelatinous fluid. | The orb and its contents take I to 4 weeks to manufacture. In order for the orb to be madeAmplify Mystical Endeavors properly, the wizard must enlist the aid of an experienced alchemist and must build a special laboratory equipped with its own strange, tom-made apparatus, the total cost of which less than 5,000 gp. The wizard also needs to procure the following ingredients used to formulate the weird fluid: one pint ofthe spellcaster’s blood, three pints of ochre jelly, and one dram of acid from a black pudding. With these ingredients, the wizard prepares a vis- cous solution and encapsulates it in a finely blown glass ball, | foot in diameter. The wizard then holds the sphere, casting shocking grasp to prime the liquid contents. Once these procedures are completed, the wiz- ard can use the orb at any time thereafter to cast an amorphous blob spell. Should the glass con- tainer break before the spell is actually employed, the fluid is lost and the wizard must start the process over again from scratch, Notes: Very rare. Known to be in The Cryp- tichronos, aka The Book of Horrors. (Updated from D24con Magazine.) is no Amplify (Alteration) (Song) Level: 1 Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Duration: 1 hr/level Area of Effect: | source of sound Saving Throw: None This spell changes the volume of sounds cre- ated close to its center of effect. The caster moves his hand in a circular motion at the point he wants to center the spell. With the uttering of a com- mand word, the area outlined begins to glow softly. The outlined area is disk-shaped and can be as small as 2 inches in diameter or as large as 1 foot in diameter. The disk acts as a sound magnifier: Whatever sound enters the active (caster) side of the disk can exit the other side at a much different vol- ume. The volume can be increased or decreased at the caster’s mental command; up to five times louder, or softer, than normal. It has no effect on special sound-based attacks (in much the same way that an enlarge spell does not change the effect of a potion). The material component is a small cone of paper. Notes: Rare, Known to be in the Darsson's Notes Amplify Mystical Endeavors A Mrstar4 setting spell, aka double dweomer. 41me iesive Dive , Analyze Device (Divination) (Artifice) Level: 3 Range: Touch Components: V, S Casting Time: 3 Duration: | rd./level Area of Effect: | clockwork device Saving Throw: None This spell allows a mechanician to discern the workings of a clockwork device created by another such wizard, The spell is not exact, how- ever, and reveals details about the mechanical construct randomly. This can make it difficult to determine the primary purpose of the construct. For every round that the spell lasts, the mechani- cian will be able to determine one random function of the target mechanical. The spell docsn’t reveal the strength of a particular function, just that it exists. As far as the spell is concerned, there is no difference between a construct that attacks with a dagger and one that uses a great scimitar. To the spell, these are both attack functions, and it doesn’t distinguish between them. If there is an implanted spell in the construct, this spell will reveal it, but not which spell it is. The analyze device spell doesn’t reveal the number of functions that a mechanical construct has. Once it has revealed all the functions of a particular construct, the spell simply ceases to function, duration notwithstanding. The spell can also be used to determine the basic hit points, Armor Class, and THACO of a given mechanical construct, though each of these is considered a separate function. In order to use this spell, the mechanician must study the target device for a round or so, and the construct must be stationary. Thus, it is impossi- ble to use this spell on a mechanical construct that is currently attempting hostile action. If cast by a mechanician, this spell must be implanted into a mechanical device (the focus of this spell), usually a simple piece of headgear or a set of lenses. Wearing or touching the analyze device mechanical and concentrating on the object to be analyzed activates the spell. Other wizards can learn this spell, in which case no device is needed. When cast by a member of a kit other than a clockwork mage, the spell is less efficient, revealing one function of the device every two rounds. Notes: Common in arabian settings for clock- work mages; uncommon for diviners, artificers, and mechanicians; otherwise very rare. Analyze Dweomer (Divination) (Artifice) Level: 8 Range: 10 yds. Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 8 hrs. Duration: 1 rd/2 levels Area of Effect: | object or creature Saving Throw: None This spell reveals to the caster all spells, enchantments, dweomers, and magical properties present in one creature or object. One property, spell, or power is revealed each round in appro: mate order of when the spells were cast or the properties were acquired. (If the DM doesn’t know which spells were placed on the subject first, a random roll for order of discovery is fine.) The caster has a base 50% chance to discern the existence and identity of a particular spell or property, +2% per level to a maximum of 99%, The only enchantments that remain inscrutable to analyze dweomer are those surrounding artifacts or relics. Example: A 16th-level wizard finds an 42\ Anesthesigg- unknown wand and decides to use analyze dweomer to study it. The DM knows that it’s a wand of fire, and he decides that the spells enchant an item, fireball, burning hands, and ‘wall of fire were used to create the wand, in that order. In the first round, the wizard has an 82% chance to identify enchant an item: in the follow- ing round, an 82% chance to discover fireball; in the next round, an 82% chance to perceive burn- ing hands; and so on, for all remaining enchant- ments, Note that the DM could have decided that any rare or unusual materials or processes used to ereate the wand would also be revealed as if they were spells, ‘After the wizard analyzes one object or crea- ture, the spell ends, even if its duration has not, expired yet. Casting this spell is physically tax- ing; the wizard must pass a system shock check or be exhausted and unable to do anything but rest for the next 1d8 hours. While this spell is most frequently used in the comfort and safety of the wizard’s laboratory, a wizard could also cast analyze dweomer to study the magical seals and barriers on a portal, to determine just how a com- panion has been cursed, or to examine a potential opponent for defensive spells. The material component for this spell is a tiny lens of ruby or sapphire set in a small golden loop. ‘The gemstone must be worth at least 1,000 gp. Notes: Common for diviners and artificers; otherwise uncommon (PO:SM). Andrui’s Baneful Backfire (Abjuration) Level: 5 Range: Special Components: V, S, M Casting Time: | turn Duration: Until triggered. Area of Effect: 1 enchanted object Saving Throw: None This spell enables a wizard to protect his magi- cal property and enchantments from tampering by other spellcasters. The backfire can be cast on any magical item or object even temporarily endowed with magical properties (such as a char- acter who has been slowed). The backfire remains dormant until such time asa character attempts to cast dispel magic on the object. The backfire not only causes the dispel to fail automatically, but the dispelling caster loses one memorized spell of a level equal to the spell or effect he was trying to dispel. If he has no such spell, the backfire causes him to lose a spell of the next lower level, until the caster has lost one spell or has no spell to lose. For example, suppose that a 7th-level wizard is attempting to cast dispe! magic on a door that has been wizard locked and is protected by the bane- Jul backfire, Upon casting the dispel, the wizard instantly loses one 2nd-level spell (equal to the level of the wizard lock) and the door is still mag- ically sealed. The baneful backfire is not effective against a spellcaster of a higher level than the wizard who cast it, In such a case, a successful dispel magic would dispel both the ward and the spell it was put in place to protect. The physical component of the spell is a bit of cat fur and a piece of carpeting roughly three inches square. Notes: Uncommon or rare spell. Anesthesia (Necromancy) Level: 5 Range: Touch Components: V, 8, M Casting Time: | rd. Duration: 2 rds /level Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: Special By means of this spell, the caster renders the subject unconscious and insensate for a period of time. Only living creatures are subject to the spell’s effects—undead, golems, etc., are unaf- fected. While the anesthesia spell is in effect, the subject has a +10% bonus to system shock rolls, suffers only half damage from physical effects, and receives the benefits of a slow poison spell. ‘The recipient is also completely helpless and can be slain easily by a well-directed blow. The base duration of the spell is two rounds per level of the caster. The subject always rolls a sav- ing throw vs. spell. If the subject was willing, success reduces the duration by half; if unwilling, the spell ends. When the spell ends, the recipient has a penalty of 2 to attacks, saving throws, and proficiency rolls: if willing, for | round per caster level; if unwilling, for 1d8 rounds. The material component is a lotus flower. Notes: Very rare spell. Known to be in the Cyclopedia Phantastica, Vol. II, (Updated from Dkacow Magazine.) DO gg 4BAnimal Companion Animal Companion (Enchantment/Charm) Level: 2 Range: | mi. radius Components: V, 8, M Casting Time: 1 turn Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: | creature Saving Throw: Neg This spell is only effective outdoors. When cast by the wu jen, it summons one normal woodland creature that is within a mile of the caster. The creature is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. The DM determines the type of creature summoned, depending on terrain and level of the caster. The creature's Hit Dice must be equal to or less than half the level of the caster. This beast is friendly toward the wu jen. It remains with him so long as he travels through the wilderness, but will not go more than 20 miles from its home. Upon entering any large encampment, village, or other settle- ment, the beast parts company with the wu jen. In addition, mistreating the beast causes it to leave or even turn on the caster. The spel! does not provide telepathic or perfect communication with the beast, but the animal does understand the general meaning of spoken commands and gestures. The animal is still a wild beast and can be dangerous, especially if it misin terprets common situations as threatening. If well treated, the animal defends and serves the wu jen to the best of its ability and nature. Thus, a mon- key would prefer harassment and tricks to ou!- right combat, while a tiger would fearlessly spring into the midst of the wu jen’s enemies. Common animals summoned include monkeys, hawks, badgers, boars, bears, tigers, and serpents. The spell requires a piece of candy, sugar, or other tasty morsel for the creature summoned, Notes: Common in oriental settings; rare else- where. Animal Growth (Alteration) Reversible Level: 5 Range: 60 yds. Components: V, Casting Time: 5 Duration: | rd,/level Area of Effect: Up to 8 animals in a 20-ft. cube Saving Throw: None jj?r When this spell is cast, the wizard causes all designated animals, up to a maximum of eight, within 2 20-ft.-square area to grow to twice their normal size, The effects of this growth are dou- bled Hit Dice (with improvement in attack rolls) and doubled damage in combat. The spell lasts for one round for each level of experience of the wizard casting the spell. Only natural animals, ineluding giant forms, can be affected by this, spell. The reverse, shrink animal, reduces animal size by half and likewise reduces Hit Dice, attack damage, ete ‘The component of both versions of the spell is pinch of powdered bone. Notes: Common spell (P#B). Animal Magnetism (Enchantment/Charm) Level: 4 Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 2 hrs. | Duration: 1 breeding season Area of Effect: 2 creatures Saving Throw: Neg. This spell is often used by wizards carrying out breeding projects. Success raises the chance of a | successful mating by 5% per level of the wizard, to maximum of 95%, assuming the subjects are not sterile. This spell does not guarantee a viable off- | spring, merely a successful mating. It can be cast | once per pair per mating season. It fails if used on | creatures that do not have a specific mating scason. The material component is a hair, scale, feather, or similar item from each creature. | Notes: Very rare spell. (Updated from Isacive | Magazine.) | Animal Nonaggression — Bard (Enchantment/Charm) Level: 1 Range: 30 yds, Components: Special Casting Time: 3 Duration: 5 rds. + 1 rd/level Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius Saving Throw: None Upon hearing this song’s soothing tones, any normal animals in its area of effect will cease to act aggressively toward the bard’s party. The song is negated if the party molests the animals or their EN Animate Blood gee lairs in any way. This song does not cause friend- ship on the animals’ part, and it endows the bard with neither communicative nor controlling abil- ity. It has no effect on magical animals or on nor- mal animals under magical control ‘The bard must both sing and play an instru- ment to achieve this effect. Notes: Restricted to bards; uncommon. Animal Sanctuary (Abjuration) Level: 1 Range: Touch ‘Components: V, $,M Casting Time: 3 Duration: | hr/level Area of Effect; 1 animal Saving Throw: None Attack rolls and damage against an animal pro- tected by this spell suffer a ~4 penalty. This spell is frequently used on mounts, pets, and familiars Ifthe animal attacks, the protection is broken The material component is a feather, bit of fur, ora scale from the animal to be protected. Notes: Very rare. (Updated from Poriepron Newszine.) Animate Blood (Necromancy) Q i Level: 6 Range: 30 yds. + 5 yds/level ‘Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 3 rds. Duration: | turn/level Area of Effect: 1d6 drops of blood Saving Throw: None This necromantic spell is used to create small, animated beings from the blood of the caster. These creatures are linked to the caster such that he can utilize their senses as well as his own. — —. amAnimate Dead When the spell is cast, the wizard must cut himself, spilling a few drops of blood. These droplets take on the shape of small animals, which move about at the bidding of the caster. Despite their small size, these creatures can move rapidly, covering 60 feet in a single round, They are small enough to move under all but the most secure doors, and they can ooze through any crack that is not watertight (though this reduces movement for that round by half). The caster sees and hears as if he were where the drops of blood are located. He can shift his perception from one drop to the next at will. This connection is maintained throughout the range of the spell—if any of the blood drops pass beyond this area, they will become ordinary drops of blood and the spell ends. ‘This spell is often used to spy upon individuals or to see what is beyond a door. This works fine as long as the target is not a prepared wizard. Ifa detect magic spell is cast on an area containing any of the animated blood, the drops will flare brightly and become instantly noticeable to any- one nearby. Ifa spell is cast upon the drop of, blood, it will also affect the caster Evil wizards can also use these drops of blood as, an attack form. The blood can be commanded to leap at a target up to 20 feet distant, striking as a Sthelevel fighter. If the attack roll succeeds by four, the drop of blood has landed in the target's eye, ear, or mouth. Otherwise the drop has harmlessly struck armor, or missed entirely, and becomes inert. If the drop strikes and manages to hit an eye or car of the target, it does devastating damage. Every round for four rounds, the drop of blood burns like acid, causing 1d6 points of damage to the target. ‘Quenching the burning area with holy water halts any further damage. This also affects the wizard, whose own blood sizzles with sympathetic magic, causing one point of damage cach round. It should be noted that using one’s own blood in this manner is an evil act, and DMs should consider the align- ment implications carefully. Notes: Uncommon in arabian settings; other- wise very rare Animate Dead (Necromancy) Level: 5 Range: 10 yds. Components: V, S,M Casting Time; 5 rds. Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This spell creates the lowest of the undead monsters—skeletons or zombies—usually from the bones or bodies of dead humans, demihv- mans, or humanoids. The spell causes existing remains to become animated and obey the sin ple verbal commands of the caster. The skele- tons or zombies can follow the caster, remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a spe- cific type of creature) entering the place, ete The undead remain animated until they ate destroyed in combat or are turned; the magic cannot be dispelled. The following types of dead creatures can be animated: A) Humans, demihumans, and humanoids with 1 Hit Die. The wizard can animate one skeleton for each experience level he has attained, or ons zombie for every two levels. The experience lev els, if any, of the slain are ignored; the body ofa newly dead 9th-level fighter is animated asa zombie with 2 Hit Dice, without special class or racial abilities B) Creatures with more than I Hit Die. The number of undead animated is determined by the monster Hit Dice (the total Hit Dice cannot exceed the wizard’s level). Skeletal forms have the Hit Dice of the original creature, while zom- bie forms have one more Hit Die. Thus, a 12th- level wizard could animate four zombie gnolls (4 x [2+1 Hit Dice] = 12), or a single fire giant skeleton, Such undead have none of the special abilities they had in life. C) Creatures with less than I Hit Die, The caster can animate two skeletons per level or one zombie per level. The creatures have their normal Hit Dice as skeletons and an additional Hit Die as zombies. Clerics receive a +1 bonus when trying to turn these, This spell assumes that the bodies or bones are available and are reasonably intact (those of skele- tons or zombies destroyed in combat won't be!). It requires a drop of blood and a pinch of bone powder or a bone shard to complete the spell. The casting of this spell is not a good act, and only evil wizards use it frequently. Notes: Common spell (PHB). Animate Dead Animals (Necromancy) Level: 1 Range: 10 ft. Components: V, 8, M Casting Time: 2 rds. Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None 46rr . Animate Dead Monster ge | This spell creates undead skeletons and zombies fiom the bones and bodies of dead animals, specif- | ically vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals). The animated remains obey simple verbal commands given by the caster, regardless of | the language employed. Only naturally occurring animals of no higher than semi-intelligence can be ‘animated with this particular spell (lizards, cats, frogs, weasels, tigers, and so on), including mini- mals and nonmagical, giant-sized animals, These undead animals remain animated until they are destroyed in combat or turned; the animating magic cannot be dispelled. The number of undead that a wizard can animate depends on the animal's original Hit Dice, the caster’s level, and the type of undead being created, The caster can create the number of animal skeletons or zombies shown on the table. The minimum caster level limits the Hit Dice of animals that can be animated. For exam- ple, Ist-level necromancer cannot animate a dead war dog (2+2 Hit Dice). Caster Animal No. of Level Hit Dice Skeletons 1 HD or less: flevel 1 4HDtolHD: — 2/level 2 1+ to 343 HD: Mlevel 2 34+3t06+3HD: —_1/2levels 3 Over 6+3 HD: 1/4levels Caster Animal No. of Level Hit Dice Zombies 1 4 HD or less: 2/caster level 1 to 1-1 HD: Veaster level 2 1 to 3+3 HD: 1/2 caster levels 3 3+3t06+3HD: 1/4 caster levels 4 Over 6+3 1/4 caster levels Animated skeletons of animals that had ¥ to 1 HD conform to the statistics of animal skeletons (Gee “Skeleton” in the MonsTRous Manvaz Tome). Skeletons of animals that had less than 4 HD when living conform to those same statistics, with the following changes: AC 9, HD , hp 1, #AT 1, Ding 1 Skeletons of animals of over 1 HD conform to the regular animal statistics, with the following changes: Armor Class is worsened by 2 (AC 10 maximum), damage per attack is reduced by 2 (cach hit inflicts a minimum of 1 point of dam- age), and movement is reduced by half (skeletal bats and birds can fly). Animal zombies conform to the statistics for the particular animal that has been animated, with the following changes: the animal's number of Hit Dice is increased by one, AC is worsened by3 (AC8 maximum), and movement is reduced by half. Skeletal and zombie animals gain the standard undead immunities (resistance to cold-based, sleep, charm, and hold spells), but lose any nor- mal defenses that the living animal might have had. They also lose any special attacks (rear claw rake, swallowing whole, and so on) and cannot inject poison or emit fluids, such as musk or saliva. A swallowing special attack does no fur- ther damage to the creature swallowed, except to trap it within the undead animal's rib cage. Priests gain a +1 bonus when turning these undead. This spell is often a necromancer’s first experi ence animating corpses. For this to work, the ani- mal bodies or skeletons must be intact. The material components are a blood drop and bone chip from the same species as the target remains (only animals belonging to the same species can be animated per spell) Notes: Restricted to necromaneers; uncommon. Animate Dead Monster (Necromancy) Level: 6 Range: 10 yds. Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 5 rds. Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: | creature/4 levels ‘Saving Throw: None This spell enables the caster to animate one humanoid or semi-humanoid skeleton or corpse for every four experience levels of the caster Such creatures are the the animated remains of bipedal monsters of more than 3 Hit Dice and with endoskeletons similar to those of humans except in size, which must be 7 feet or greater in height. Typical subjects are ettins, ogres, trolls, — °° gs N 47tints, carnivorous apes, and the like. The dweomer empowers the caster to give any umber of direct commands or instructions that will be obeyed, up to 12 words long, much like the animate dead spell. A skeletal form will have Hit Dice equal to the asic monster Hit Dice. A zombie form will have one additional Hit Die, Animated monsters receive their normal physical attacks, but have no special attributes other than those possessed by skeletons or zombies ‘A monster zombie is turned as an undead with tie base creature’s Hit Dice, while a skeletal monster is turned as the next weaker type of undead. For example, a zombie ogre would be turned as a shadow, while a skeletal ogre would betumed as a ghoul. The material component is a sliver of bone or a gobbet of flesh from the body to be animated. Notes: Common for necromancers; otherwise rare, Animate Dread Warrior — Red Wizard (Necromaney) Level: 6 Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 turn Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None This spell, also known as animate dread war- rior of Tam, creates an undead creature known as adread warrior. It requires the corpse of a fighter ofat least 4th level who has been dead for le than one full day (any longer and loss of intelli- gence renders the warrior unusable). After the casting, the corpse rises as a dread warrior under the control of the spellcaster. A raise dead spell destroys one utterly. A res- urrection spell requires the warrior to save vs. spell, Failure destroys it outright; success restores the warrior to life. This spell was developed by Szass Tam of Thay for an invasion of Rashemen. Notes: Common for Red Wizards of Thay; uncommon for necromancers; rare for others, Animate Fire (Conjuration/Summoning) (Fire) Level: 3 Range: 10 yds./level Casting Time: | rd. Components: V, 8, M Duration: 1 rd/level Area of Effect: 1 cu. ft/level Saving Throw: None This spell allows the wu jen to control the movements of normal fire, He can cause flames to leap at an opponent, spread in a particular direction, flare up into the sky, or fall to a quiet smolder. The animated fire can be made to move in any direction the caster wishes (at the rate of 3), provided there is combustible material for the fire to feed upon. The wu jen can also cause the fire to burn with greater heat, causing twice the normal amount of damage. This consumes the fuel of the fire at twice the normal rate. The amount of fire a wu jen can animate is determined by his level. This also determines the range he can cause flames to reach from the main fire source: a 9th-level wu jen can cause a flame to reach out 9 feet from the main body of the fire. Controlling the fire requires the wu jen to con- centrate on the spell, If the concentration is bro- ken before the end of the spell’s duration, the spell disappears. The material components for this spell are a handful of charcoal, sulphur, and soda ash. Notes: Common in oriental settings; uncom- mon for Fire mages; rare for others. Animate Skeletons (Necromaney) Level: 2 Range: 30 ft. + 10 fi/level ‘Components: V, S, M Casting Time: | rd. Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: | skeleton/2 levels Saving Throw: None This specialized version of the animate dead spell produces one skeleton for each level of the caster. The animated skeletons obey the simple verbal commands of the caster, and remain ani- mated until destroyed in combat or turned by a priest; the magic cannot be dispelled. Only the skeletons of humans, demihumans, and bipedal humanoid monsters of I Hit Die or —_— 49Animate Water less can be animated by means of this spell. The experience levels of the slain are ignored; the newly animated skeletons are treated as normal skeletons (see the Monstrous Manual Tome). The material component for this spell is a drop of blood and a pinch of bone powder ora shard of bone, plus a special salve, which costs at least 10 gp per dose to produce. The wizard must rub the bones to be affected with the salve. One dose can animate a single skeleton, and requires one round to apply. The wizard can wait up to 24 hours before finishing the animating spell with a single word. The nearest treated skeletons within both the range and the caster's level limit will animate. Notes: Restricted to necromancers; common. (Updated from Dascon Magazine.) Animate Water (Conjuration/Summoning) (Water) Level: 2 Range: 20 yds./level ‘Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 rd. Duration: 1 rd/level ‘Area of Effect: 5 ft. cube/level Saving Throw: None This spell allows the wu jen to animate any amount of water up to the area of effect. The wu jen cannot shape the water, but can bid it to flow in any direction he desires. So long as the wu jen continues to concentrate on the spell, he can cause the water to move about at the rate of 6. However, the water is still subject to the natural laws of evaporation, absorption, and gravity. Thus, fire and heat quickly do away with the water form, while earth turns to mud, drawing off most of the watery body. The wu jen can cause the animated water to climb gentle grades, but walls, staircases, and other abrupt rises are impassable to it, If used for attack, the water docs I-2 points of damage per 5-foot cube of water animated, crashing in a wave against opponents. While concentrating on the spell, the wu jen can move at a rate of 3, but no other actions can be taken. If the wu jen’s con- centration is broken before the end of the spell duration, the spell is cancelled. The material component for this spell is a small vial of pure spring water mixed with cinnabar. Notes: Common in oriental settings; otherwise very rare Animate Wood (Alteration) (Wood) Level: 1 Range: Touch ‘Components: V, S, M Casting Time: | rd. Duration: | turn Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None By means of this spell, the wu jen is able to cause wooden items to move and bend, It has its greatest effect when cast upon living plants although it can be used on all types of wooden items. When cast, the spell gives the wood sup- pleness and motion, possibly allowing the item to move, grasp, entangle, etc, However, this move- ment is slow and somewhat stiff and thus ani- mated objects always strike last in combat situations. The spell does not change the form of the item. An arrow is still a single shaft, although it can wriggle and move like a snake. Likewise, the spell does not give fixed items the ability to move about, Thus, a tree cannot be animated to walk since it is rooted in one spot. However, animated items can be ordered to attack as a 0 level human and cause damage comparable to a weapon of the same size and type. An arrow could strike like a snake causing damage as an arrow, while a tree branch can club and thrash, causing damage as a club, The DM must determine the exact range of damage possible for the animated item. The item has an Armor Class from 10 to $, based on the size, solidity, and maneuverability of the object. An animated stand of bamboo would have an Armor Class of 10 because it does not move and is easily cut. A cypress tree could easily have an Armor Class of 5 because it is quite large and difficult to damage, Furthermore, the item possesses hit points (0 hit points indi- cates the item has been chopped into pieces). As @ guideline, each object possesses 1410 hit points for every 10 feet of height or square yard of area. A spear shaft has 1d10 points while an arrow has 1 or 2 at most. A tall tree has 100 to 200 hit points ifitis quite massive. The amount of material that can be animated depends on if itis living or not. A single plant of living wood (5 feet tall or less) can be animated for every level of the caster. For nonliving wood, apiece roughly the size of two arrows can be ani- mated for every level of the caster. If the material is magical (an arrow +/),a saving throw vs. spell 50as 20th-level wizard is allowed (6 or better), further adjusted for any magical plus (the arrow would save on a 5 or better). If successful, the animation attempt has been resisted. ‘The material component for this spell is a mix- ‘ure of powdered cinnabar and ground peach pit. Notes: Common in oriental settings: otherwise very rare Animate Zombies (Necromaney) Level: 3 Range: 10 yds, + $ yds./2 levels Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 3 Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: 1 zombie/2 levels, 10 ft/level Saving Throw: None This variation of the animate dead spell pro- duces one properly prepared zombie for each experience level of the necromancer. Only the bodies of humans, demihumans, and humanoids of | Hit Die or less can be animated by this spell. The experience levels of the slain are ignored— the newly animated zombies are treated exactly as the zombies described in the MonsTRous Manuat. Tome. They obey the verbal commands of the necromancer, and remain animated until destroyed in combat or turned by a priest. The ‘magic cannot be dispelled. Preparation: The necromancer must immerse the corpses in a bath of special salts for at least one full turn. The bath costs at least 200 gp to prepare, and can accommodate up to ten man- sized corpses, one at a time, before itis exhausted. The necromancer can create a bath large enough to soak two corpses at once for 400 gp, three for 600 gp, and so on, Once the corpses have been properly treated, the necromancer can animate them at any time within the next 24 hours. The material component for this spell is a drop of blood and a pinch of bone powder or a shard of bone. Notes: Restricted to necromancer; common. (Updated from Draco Magazine.) Animerge, Dulark’s See Dulark’s animerge. Annoying Poke, Drenal’s See Drenal’s annoying poke Answer, Isolde’s See Isolde’s answer. a Antimagic Aurage Anticipation (Divination) Level: 7 Range: 0 Components: S Casting Time: 1 Duration: | rd. Area of Effect: 60-ft, radius Saving Throw: None This powerful spell allows the caster to cor- rectly know what attacks and other actions all beings within 60 feet at the time of casting will attempt on the following round, so the caster can act accordingly. For each weapon attack to occur, the information gained is the type of weapon to be used, whether the weapon is magical (but not what magical power will be used), and the attacker's intended target. If the attack is to be a spell, the intended target or area of effect of the spell is revealed, but not the type of spell. For activities involving items, the precise item to be used is learned. Often this reveals the presence of hidden items to the caster. Undead beings and creatures from other planes cannot be “read” by this spell. Note that the spell reveals the presence (but not location) of invisible or disguised beings by communicating their intended activities to the caster Notes: Restricted to the Seven Sisters, their apprentices, selected Harpers, and diviners; rare. Antimagic Aura — Elf (Abjuration) Level: 6 Range: 10 yds/evel ‘Components: V, S Casting Time: 3 Duration: 1 turn/level Area of Effect: | individual Saving Throw: Neg, This spell acts in somewhat the same manner as the antimagic shell, but is intended for use against an enemy spellcaster or enchanted crea- ture, When cast, the spell creates a glittering aura of light around the target, conforming exactly to the target’s body. The subject of this spell can cast no magic, nor can an affected enchanted creature attack or use spell-like abilities for the spell’s duration. Enchanted weapons cannot use bonuses or spe~ cial powers, functioning as ordinary weapons. As with the antimagic shell, this spell is ineffective ae sl‘Antimagic Field against extra-planar creatures on their home plane. Unlike antimagic shell, the aura can be eliminated by a successful dispel magic spell from an unaffected caster, Notes: Common for elves of Evermeet; uncommon for other elves; very rare for others Antimagic Field, Thiondar’s Permanent See Thiondar’s permanent antimagic field Antimagic Shell (Abjuration) Level: 6 Range: 0 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Duration: 1 turn/level Area of Effect: | ft/level diameter Saving Throw: None By means of this spell, the wizard surrounds himself with an invisible barrier that moves with him, The space within this barrier is totally imper- vious to all magic and magical spell effects, thus preventing the passage of spells or their effects. Likewise, it prevents the functioning of any magi- cal items or spells within its confines. The area is also impervious to breath weapons, gaze or voice attacks, and similar special attack forms. The antimagic shell also hedges out charmed, summoned, or conjured creatures. It cannot, how- ever, be forced against any creature that it would keep at bay; any attempt to do so creates a dis- cernible pressure against the barrier, and contin- ued pressure will break the spell. Normal creatures (a normally encountered troll rather than a conjured one, for instance) can enter the area, as ean normal missiles. Furthermore, while a magical sword does not function magically within the arca, itis still a sword, Note that creatures on their home plane are nor- mal creatures there. Thus, on the Elemental Plane of Fire, a randomly encountered fire elemental can- not be kept at bay by this spell. Artifacts, relies, and creatures of demigod or higher status are unaf- fected by mortal magic such as this. ‘The spell does not destroy or dispel existing enchantments, nor will it affect magical crea~ tures, constructs, or undead beyond possibly sup- pressing some of their abilities. It will not prevent touch-delivered special attack forms such as a lich’s paralyzing touch. Holy water is not magical and is fully effective within the shell. Should the caster be larger than the area enclosed by the barrier, parts of his person may be considered exposed, at the DM’s option. A dis- pel magic spell does not remove the spell; the caster can end it upon command. Notes: Common spell (PHB). Antipathy-Sympathy (Enchantment/Charm) Level: 8 Range: 30 yds. Components: V, 8, M Casting Time: | hr. Duration: 2 hrs./level ‘Area of Effect: | item only or 10-ft. cube/level Saving Throw: Special This spell allows the wizard to set certain vibrations to emanate from an object or location that tend to either repel or attract a specific type of intelligent creature or characters of a particular alignment, The wizard must decide which effect is desired with regard to what creature type or alignment before beginning the spellcasting, for the components of each application differ. The spell cannot be cast upon living creatures. Antipathy: This spell causes the affected crea- ture or alignment type to feel an overpowering urge to leave the area or to not touch the affected item. If a saving throw vs. spell is successful, the creature can stay in the area or touch the item, but the creature will fee! very uncomfortable, and a petsistent itching will cause it to suffer the loss of 1 point of Dexterity per round (for the spell’s duration), subject to a maximum loss of 4 points and a minimum Dexterity of 3. Failure to save vs. spell forces the being to abandon the area or item, shunning it utterly and never willingly returning to it until the spell is removed or expires. The material component for this application of the spell is a lump of alum soaked in vinegar. Sympathy: By casting the sympathy application of the spell, the wizard can cause a particular type of creature or alignment of character to feel elated and pleased to be in an area or touching or possess- ing an object or item. The desire to stay in the area or touch the object is overpowering. Unless a sav- ing throw vs. spell is successfully rolled, the crea- ture or character will stay or refuse to release the object. If the saving throw is successful, the crea- ture or character is released from the enchantment, but a subsequent saving throw must be made 146 tums later, If this saving throw fails, the affected creature will return to the area or object.\ Arachnophobiaggg ‘The material components of this spell are 1,000 gp worth of crushed pearls and a drop of honey. ‘Note that the particular type of creature to be affected must be named specifically —for exam- ple, red dragons, hill giants, wererats, lammasu, catoblepases, vampires, etc. Likewise, the spe- cific alignment must be named—for example, chaotic evil, chaotic good, lawful neutral, true neutral, etc. If this spell is cast upon an area, a 10-foot cube can be enchanted for each experience level of the caster, [Fan object or item is enchanted, only that single thing can be enchanted; affected creatures or characters save vs. spell with a ~2 penalty. Notes: Common spell (PHB). Appar (Ilusion/Phantasm) Level: 2 Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Casting Time: | rd Duration: 1 rd /level Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: Neg, This spell transforms the recipient's face into a horrible and terrifying mask. The caster can cre- ate nearly any combination of hideous features— blue skin, parrot face, elephantine nose, or rotting tusks. The spell does not allow the caster to dupli- cate the appearance of any known creature, although portions from differing creatures can be combined to create something new. The effect of this apparition is startling to the unprepared and those of little experience. The apparition increases the surprise chance of oppo- nents by +1 in situations where surprise is rolled. Creatures with 1 Hit Die or level and less must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or flee in fright for 1d3 rounds at the sight of the horrific apparition. However, the spell does not distin- guish between friend and foe, affecting all (even the recipient) who look upon it, If the spell is cast upon an unwilling victim (to then be sent back to his comrades), the victim is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. The material component for this spell is a miniature palette dotted with paints of assorted colors. Notes: Common in oriental settings; very rare elsewhere. Aptitude Appropriater, Rhary See Rhary’s aptitude appropriater. Aqueous Column, Laeral’s See Laeral’s aqueous column. Arachnophobia — Neogi (illusion/Phantasm) Level: 3 Range: 5 yds//level Components: V, $ Casting Time: 3, Duration: 1 rd /level Area of Effect: 1 creature/level in a 10-ft. sphere Saving Throw: Neg. Upon casting this spell, a neogi creates the illu- sion of thousands upon thousands of crawling spiders. Only a number of creatures equal to the level of the caster can be affected by this illusion, and all must be within a 10-foot diameter sphere Any creature targeted by the spell must save vs. spell, success indicating that the spell has no effect. Any creature failing its initial save must save vs. spell again. Success indicates the crea- ture flees from the area at its fastest possible movement rate for 2-5 rounds. Those who fail are so frightened that they are unable to do anything except try to remove the spiders they believe are crawling all over their bodies. The illusion this spell creates is different for cach individual. It might be argued that, for example, umber hulks have little to fear from spi- ders. But when those spiders are | foot in diame-Arcane Contention ter with armor-piercing fangs, there is much to fear. The neogi tend to use this spell to disrupt and disorganize enemy forces when boarding actions are taking place. Note: Regarding the initial saving throw, DMs must decide whether the target creature has rea- son to believe that what he is witnessing is an illusion. It is not unreasonable to assign a benefi- cial modifier to the initial save roll if the target has reason not to believe in the illusory spiders. Notes: Common for neogi; rare for drow; very rare for others. (Updated from DraGon Magazine.) Arcane Contention, Mylsibis’s See Myisibis’s arcane contention. Arcane Runes (Alteration) (Geometry) Level: 4 Range: Touch ‘Components: V, S, M Casting Time: Special Duration: Special Area of Effect: Parchment or book Saving Throw: None When this power is used, an Arcane—or a wiz- ard trained in the use of their runes—can inseribe a message or longer text, hiding it invisibly within a scroll, book, or tome. The user might write a warning within a large normal or magical text, send a letter with secret information hidden between the lines, or even write an entire book within another volume. The Arcane runes spell is similar to the Ist-level wizard spell, wizard mark, but the runes do not show up when a detect magic spell is used. They can be seen with ive seeing or by anyone casting the read Arcane runes spell. The race of Arcane, spelljamming traders extraordinary, can read their runes on sight; they are the only ones who can do so without specific training or magical aid. The material components of this spell are a pinch of dried and powdered lemon and a stylus. No pig- ment is necessary, The caster must mouth the words (not necessarily loudly) as the verbal component, In longer texts, a single Arcane runes spell can be used, the casting time ending when the caster closes the book or scroll he is working on. When an Arcane uses this spell, the material component is just a stylus—no verbal component is required. Notes: Rare in spelljamming cultures; virtually unknown elsewhere. (Updated from Dunczon Magazine.) Archveult’s Skybolt (Alteration) Level: 4 Range: 10 ftlevel Components: V, S,M Casting Time: 4 Duration: 2 rds. Area of Effect: 4-fi. diam. bolt, 10 ft. longilevel Saving Throw: The spelicaster creates a luminescent bolt of energy by hurling a crystalline focus at a target creature or location up to 10 feet away per caster level. Beginning 10 feet from the caster, a skybolt 4 feet in diameter bursts into existence, flashing outward along the crystal’s path. The bolt ends where the erystal stops. A bolt will not form in water and, if the erystal has struck a barrier, the bolt will stop at the point of impact. If the crystal enters an area of magical protection that would not allow formation of the bolt, the bolt will form instantaneously to that point and dissipate immediately. Otherwise, the bolt remains in existence and dangerous through a second round and then fades away. Any creature struck direetly by the erystal (this requires the caster to make an attack roll as if hurl- ing a missile), suffers 1d6 points of damage for each level or Hit Die it possesses, to a maximum of 10d6. A saving thow vs. spell is allowed for half damage. Such a creature might try to catch and return the crystal (at success chances determined by the DM). The creature still takes damage and is allowed a saving throw, but must also make a sys- tem shock survival roll. Its throw determines the future path of the skybolt, The potential maxi- ‘mum length of the skybolt cannot exceed 10 feet per level of the caster. If the caster misses with a throw, refer to the grenadelike missile scatter diagram (DMG). Any living creature coming into contact with the bolt but not struck by the erystal will suffer 1d4 points of shock damage per Hit Dice or level it possesses, to a maximum of 104, A skybolt lasts for two rounds. Once formed it cannot be deflected, grounded, or insulated against, save by antimagic effects or magic resis- tance. Creatures and objects entering the skybolt will not affect it. The material component of the spell is a crys- talline focus that is at least 1 inch long. This may | be a faceted gem, a piece of quartz, or cut glass. Itis hurled as the caster completes the incantation of the spell. Notes: Uncommon or rare spell. Tgp 84Argaster’s Cloak of Shadows (Ulusion/Phantasm) (Shadow) Level: 4 Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 4 Duration: 1d4+2 rds. Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None This spell obscures the recipient with an ever- shifting, roiling webwork of intangible, dark shadows. Argaster's cloak of shadows veils the creature’s face, overall appearance, and precise location (although a caster using the cloak can reveal his face or hide it, whenever desired). The affected creature gains a 2-point bonus to his Armor Class (for example, AC 6 becomes ‘AC 4) and missile weapons aimed at the erea- ture suffer a —1 penalty to attack rolls. Evard’s black tentacles and web spells immediately negate and are destroyed by Argaster's cloak of shadows on contact. Thieves and like individu- als cloaked by the spell gain a +5% bonus to their hide in shadows ability. The material components of this spell are a bit ‘of cobweb and a pinch of dust. Notes: Rare or very rare spell. (Updated from Draco Magazine.) Arise Reversed form, see lullaby. Armor (Conjuration) (Force) Level: 1 Range: Touch Components: V, S,M Casting Time: 1 rd Duration: Until destroyed by damage Area of Effect: | creature Saving Throw: None By means of this spell, the wizard creates a magical field of force that serves as if it were scale mail armor (AC 6). The spell has no effect ona person already armored or a creature with Armor Class 6 or better. It is not cumulative with the shield spell, but it is cumulative with Dexter- ity and, in case of fighter/mages, with the shield bonus. The armor spell does not hinder move- iment of prevent spellcasting, and adds no weight \ Ay ge or encumbrance. It lasts until successfully dis- pelled or until the wearer sustains cumulative damage totaling greater than 8 points +1 per level of the caster. (It is important to note that the armor does not absorb this damage. The armor merely grants an AC of 6; the wearer still suffers full damage from any successful attacks.) Thus, the wearer might suffer 8 points from an attack, then several minutes later sustain an additional | point of damage. Unless the spell was cast by a wizard of 2nd level or higher, it would be dis- pelled at this time. Until it is dispelled, the armor spell grants the wearer full benefits of the Armor Class gained. The material component is a piece of finely cured leather that has been blessed by a priest Notes: Common spell (PHB). Army — Old Empire (Conjuration/Summoning) (Earth) Level: 9 Range: 0 Components: V, 8, M Casting Time: 9 Duration: 2 turns/level Area of Effect: 250-ft. radius, raises 10 soldiers/4 levels, ‘Saving Throw: None By means of this spell, the caster is able to cre- ate an instant army, which rises from the ground in the form of carth, stone, or sand soldiers. ‘The caster can summon one unit of 10 soldiers for every four levels he possesses (round all frac- tions down). The units must appear within a 250- yard radius, placed as the caster sees fit. When the spell duration expires, the surviving units vanish. At the base caster level, this means 40 soldiers will be created for 6 hours. The material component of this spell is a dia- mond of at least 5,000 gp value, which must be crushed in the casting, Notes: Uncommon for conjurers; rare for others, As a Forgorren Reals Old Empire spell, initial exposure requires a mentor or a read Southern magic spell. Soldiers: AC 4; MY 3; HD 2; THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6+2; SD +H or better weapon to hit; MR 20%. They are immune to all enchantment/charm spells; they serve only the summoner. F 55 ~Arnvid’s Unseen Limb id’s Unseen Limb (Conjuration/Summoning) Level: 4 Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Casting Time: | rd. Duration: 1 hr/level. Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None When Arnvid’s unseen limb is cast, the wizard causes an invisible limb (arm, hand, leg, or foot) to come into being. This limb can replace a missing, limb or it can be used to create an extra one, The invisible limb functions exactly as a normal limb, except that at the option of the recipient of the spell, parts of it can become immaterial so as to pass through solid objects. For example, the limb could be used to uncork a potion inside a closed chest and dump the bottle out, but it could not remove the potion from the chest. It cannot pass magical force barriers such as a wall of force, and it is hedged out by protection from evil. The limb cannot be made material inside a solid object. ‘The limb has normal touch sensations. It can be used to wield a weapon only if the limb is replac- ing a missing arm or hand. The limb bestows no extra senses other than touch, so it cannot be used, for example, to add a second shield arm in the middle of the recipient's back. The invisible limb has no hit points or Armor Class as such, and it cannot be harmed unless itis dispelled. The material component of the spell is the tail of a lizard (any type that regenerates lost body parts). This is touched to the place on the body where the limb is to be restored. Notes: Very rare, (Updated from Draco Magazine.) Arrow of Bone (Necromancy) (Artifice) Level: 6 Range: 0 Components: V, $, M Casting Time: 6 Duration: Special Area of Effect: | missile Saving Throw: Special By drawing runes of dire power upon a simple arrow, bolt, dart, or javelin, the caster changes the weapon into a sinister missile of cold, enchanted bone. The wizard may then throw or fire the weapon in the normal fashion, or he can choose to give it to a companion to use. If the wizard employs the arrow of bone himself, he strikesz Articus’s Melee Managetgge with the THACO of a warrior of half his own level and a +3 bonus to his attack roll; if he gives it to someone else, the bone arrow merely confers a +1 bonus to hit, A creature struck by the weapon must make a saving throw vs. death magic or die; even if successful, the victim sustains normal damage for the missile, plus an additional num- ber of points equal to the weapon's maximum damage (for example, 146+6 for an arrow or javelin, or 1d34+3 for a dart). Unlike the death spell or finger of death, the victim can be raised orresurrected in any expedient manner. The arrow of bone does not destroy undead or nonliving creatures outright. Instead, the arrow inflicts normal damage plus four times the mis- sile’s normal maximum (1d6+24 for an arrow, 1d3+12 for a dart, and so on), or half that if the subject creature succeeds in its saving throw. The material component is a powdered sliver of bone mixed with black dragon blood. The resulting mixture is used to paint runes on the ‘weapon. If the splinter of bone can be taken from the remains of a close blood relative of the sub- ject (a sibling, parent, or grandparent), the victim receives a ~4 penalty on his or her saving throw if struck by the arrow of bone Notes: Common for necromancers, artificers, and some Savage mages; otherwise rare (PO:SM). Arrowflight — Pluma (Alteration) Level: 1 MM Casting Time: 1-6 Duration: 3 turns/level ‘Area of Effect: 3 archers/level Saving Throw: None This enchantment can be cast onto one or more archers, to a maximum of 30 archers at 10th level. For the duration of the spell, the range of the archers is doubled for short, medium, and long ranges. In addition, the arrows inflict +1 point of damage for each successful hit, It cannot be used to augment any other type of missile weapon, including spears, slings, or crossbows. It does not add to other magical bonuses for range ot damage, noris the damage bonus itself magical. The material component for the spell is a bit of downfeather, trimmed into the shape of an arrow's fletching, Notes: Restricted to practitioners of pluma magic (the Maztica setting); common. Articus’s Devolutionary Warrior (Chronomancy) Level: 5 Range: 20 yds. Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 5 Duration: 5 rds. + 1 rd./level ‘Area of Effect: 1 human, demihuman, or humanoid Saving Throw: Neg. ‘When this spell is cast, the evolutionary clock of the affected being is reversed—its fighting ability increases at the cost ofits mind, The recipient gains 146 in Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution (maxi- mums of 19), while losing 346 in Intelligence, Wis- dom, and Charisma (minimums of 1). Nails and teeth become sharper and usable as weapons. There isa marked increase in body hair, and body changes might be noticed (longer arms, hunched posture). At any Intelligence below 5, the creature shuns weapons for a claw/claw/bite attack (1d2/1d2/1d4; iffa creature already has these attacks, add +1/+1/+2 damage). A saving throw vs. spell is granted if the subject is unwilling. When the spell ends, the sub- ject must make a system shock check or remain in the devolved state (this condition is reversible with a limited wish or equivalent). For an unknown reason, Articus devolution- ary warrior does not work on elves. Most chrono- mancers believe elves were created whole without evolution, rather than with an innate resistance. Half-elves gain 1d3 in Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution and lose only 246 in Wisdom, Intel- ligence, and Charisma, The material component for this spell is the tooth of a gorilla or carnivorous ape. Note .estricted to chronomancers; common. Articus’s Melee Manager (Chronomancy) Level: 3 Range: 60 ft Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 4 Duration: 2 rds./level Area of Effect: | creature Saving Throw: None By use of this spell, the chronomancer manipu- lates time so that the recipient gains more use out of a single combat round. The creature does not move faster, but this extra time grants several bonuses. The creature gains one extra melee 37 ~Avec’ Cloak of Protection or attack for every five levels of the chronomancer (up to four total attacks). Also, a—I adjustment is applied to the creature’s initiative roll, surprise roll, and Armor Class due to the extra attention that can be paid to these details. The material component required is a drop of mercury. This spell is not cumulative with itself or any other spell granting extra attacks, Also, it does not allow for casting of more than one spell per round or the use of more than one magical item. ‘Notes: Restricted to chronomancers; common. Aryeric’s Cloak of Protection (Abjuration) Level: 4 Range: 0 Components: V, S,M Casting Time: 4 Duration: 2 rds/level Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: None ‘When this spell is used, a translucent image of the caster appears and swells to cover the area of effect. A number of creatures equal to the caster's level plus one within the area of effect can be protected. ‘Those under the cloak save vs. spell as the caster, up to the saving throw of a 12th-level wizard (an 8). In addition, the caster can transfer damage incurred by spells from one creature or individual to another protected by the cloak. (For example, if a priest under the cloak is struck by a magic missile, the wizard who cast Aryeric’s cloak of protection ccan instead direct that damage against a fighter who is also protected by the cloak.) This can be done once per round, and damage cannot be split among the protected creatures, If the creature receiving the damage dies, the spell is instantly broken. The cloak moves with the caster, and anyone moving outside the spell’s radius is no longer pro- tected, even if he re-enters later. The material component is a strip of cloth soaked in ink. Notes: Rare or very rare spell, (Updated from PoLyiiepRoN Newszine.) Assist — Red Wizards (Conjuration, Necromancy) Level: 3 Range: Touch Components: V, S,M Casting Time: 3 Duration: 1 rd. +1 rd.flevel Area of Effect: | person Saving Throw: None ‘The recipient of this spell gains 1d8 temporary hit points. These additional hit points can exceed the character's normal total and are the first lost in combat. These extra hit points cannot be regained by curative magic, This spell also is used in creation of a potion of heroism. ‘The material component is a small vial of pun- gent herbs, the scent of which the recipient must inhale. Notes: Common for necromancers and Red Wizards of Thay; otherwise rare, Astral Spell (Evocation) (Universal) Level: 9 Range: Touch Components: V, $ Casting Time: 9 Duration: Special Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None By means of the asiral spell, a wizard can pro ject his astral body into the Astral Plane, leaving his physical body and material possessions behind in the Prime Material Plane. Only magical items can be brought into the Astral Plane (although nonmagical items could be rendered temporarily magical through the use of spells such as Nystul s magic aura if the DM allows). As the Astral Plane touches upon the first levels of all of the Outer Planes, the wizard can travel astrally to any of the Outer Planes at will. The caster then leaves the Astral Plane, forming a body in the plane of existence he has chosen to enter. It is also possible to travel astrally any- where in the Prime Material Plane by means of the aszral spell, but a second body cannot be formed in the Prime Material Plane. As a general rule, a person astrally projected can be seen only by creatures in the Astral Plane. Atall times, the astral body is connected to the material body by a silvery cord. If the cord is bro- ken, the affected person is killed, astrally and materially; however, normally only a psychic wind can cause the cord to break. When a second body is formed in a different plane, the silvery cord remains invisibly attached to the new body. If the astral form is slain, the cord simply returns to the original body where it rests in the Prime Material Plane, reviving it from its state of sus- pended animation, Although astrally projected persons are able to function in the Astral Plane, their actions do 58 =not affect creatures not existing in the Astral Plane. The spell lasts until the wizard desires to end it, or until it is terminated by some outside means (such as a dispe! magic spell or the destruction of the wizard’s body in the Prime Material Plane). The wizard can project the astral forms of up to seven other creatures with him by means of the asiral spell, providing the creatures are linked in acircle with the wizard. These fellow travelers are dependent upon the wizard and can be stranded, Travel in the Astral Plane can be slow or fast, according to the wizard’s desire. The ulti- mate destination arrived at is subject to the con- ceptualization of the wizard. (See the PLANESCAPE Campaign Setting boxed set for further informa- tion on the Astral Plane.) Any magical items can go into the Astral Plane, but most become temporarily nonmagical therein, orin any planes removed from the Prime Material Plane. Armor and weapons of +3 or better might function in other planes, at the DM’s option. Arti- facts and relics function anywhere. Items drawing their power from a given plane are more powerful inthat plane (for example, a ring of fire resistance inthe Elemental Plane of Fire or a sword of life sealing in the Negative Energy plane). ‘Notes: Common spell (PHB). At’ar’s Fire Aka sunfire. Attract Evil Eye Reversed form, see avert evil eye Attract Ghoul (Necromancy) Level: 2 Range: | mi/level Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 2412 hrs. Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: 1 ghoul Saving Throw: Special This spell summons a ghoul to act as the necromancer’s aide and familiar. The caster can converse easily with the ghoul and shares an empathic link with the monster. He can issue it mental commands at a range of up to 1 mile, receiving emotional responses—anger, fear, hunger—in return. The ghoul is willing to serve asa guard, scout, or spy, undertaking any task demanded, but in return the necromancer must keep the ghoul well-fed and provide it with a defensible lair of the appropriate kind, Should m Audible Glamer gee the necromancer fail to meet these conditions, the ghoul wanders off and resumes its normal activities. There is a 5% chance to attract a ghast, which will attack unless the caster is 6th level or higher, but which will otherwise serve asa ghoul, The summoned ghoul is an exceptionally intelligent and strong specimen, with at least 10 hit points and average Intelligence instead of low. A necromancer can have no more than one ghoul servant bound to him at any one time by this spell, and it will tend to not get along with any other familiar the necromancer might have Any ghouls created by the necromancer’s ser- vant are not under the necromancer’s control and might attack him unless he is with his ser- vant ghoul. If the ghoul remains more than 1 mile distant from the necromancer for a full week, the empathic link is broken and the ghoul is no longer bound to serve (although it may be favor- ably disposed towards its former master if treated well). If the ghoul is destroyed, the necromancer is immediately aware of the creature's demise and must make a system shock check; failure means incapacitation for 1d6 hours. The spell requires a censer full of myrrh and bitter herbs worth at least $00 gp. It may or may not succeed in attracting a ghoul, depending on whether or not one is in range; the chance of sue- cess is 10%, plus 5% per level. The attract ghoul spell is an unusually taxing and powerful enchant- ‘ment, and can be cast only once per year. Notes: Restricted to necromancers; uncom- mon. (Updated from Dracov Magazine.) Attraction Reversed form, see avoidance. Audible Glamer (Illusion/Phantasm) (Song) Level: 1 Range: 60 yds. + 10 yds./level Components: V, S,M Casting Time: 1 Duration: 3 rds /level Area of Effect: Hearing range Saving Throw: Special When the audible glamer spell is cast, the wizard causes a volume of sound to arise, at whatever dis- tance he desires (within range), and seem to recede, approach, or remain at a fixed place as desired. The volume of sound created, however, is directly a 39| A Auement Undead a related to the level of the spelleaster. The volume is based upon the lowest level at which the spell can be cast, Ist level. The noise of the audible glamer at this level is that of four men, maximum, Each addi- tional experience level of the wizard adds a like volume, so that at 2nd level the wizard can have the spell cause sound equal to that of eight men. Thus, talking, singing, shouting, walking, marching, or running sounds can be created. The auditory illu- sion created by an audible glamer spell can be vir- tually any type of sound, but the relative volume must be commensurate with the level of the wizard casting the spell. A horde of rats running and squeaking is about the same volume as eight men running and shouting. A roaring lion is equal to the noise volume of 16 men, while a roaring dragon is equal to the noise volume of no fewer than 24 men, ‘A character stating that he does not believe the sound receives a saving throw, and if it succeeds, the character then hears a faint and obviously false sound, emanating from the caster's direc- tion, Note that this spell can enhance the effec- tiveness of the phantasmal force spell. The material component of the spell is a bit of wool or a small lump of wax. Notes: Common spell (PHB). Augment Undead (Necromancy) Reversible anf Level: 3 Range: 40 yds Components: V; S, M Casting Time: 3 Duration: 1 turn + 1 rd/level Area of Effect: | undead creature Saving Throw: None This spell augments an undead creature's saving throws and ability to resist being turned. It can be cast only upon an undead creature with at least 3 Hit Dice fewer than the caster has levels. The undead is then treated as if 3 Hit Dice stronger for saving throws and for resisting turning attempts. Multiple castings of this spell are not cumulative. Casting this spell on the Demiplane of Dread requires a RAVENLOFT powers check. ‘The casting requires a piece of clothing from any undead creature, such as a zombie or wight. Itcan be reused indefinitely. The reverse of this spell, diminish undead, requires the undead creature to roll a saving throw vs. spell. It can be cast upon any undead creature. If the saving throw fails, the undead creature saves and is turned as if it had 3 Hit Dice less than its true value. Multiple castings of the spell are not cumulative Notes: Restricted to necromancers and undead spelleasters. Common in the RavENLoFT setting; otherwise very rare Augmentation I (Evocation) Level: 3 Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 3 Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: | spell Saving Throw: None This spell augments the damage inflicted by any spell of Ist to 3rd level. For each die of dam- age rolled, the caster adds one point to the dam- age total The augmentation I spell affects only one spell, cast on the round immediately following the augmentation. If an entire round or more lapses, the augmentation is wasted. Only spells that cause direct physical damage are affected by augmentation; for example, mon- sters gained through monster summoning I gain no bonuses to their damage, The material component is a pair of concentric circles of bronze or silver. Notes: Uncommon spell (7oM) Augmentation II (Evocation) Level: 6 Range: 0 Components: V, 8, M Casting Time: 6 Duration: 3 turns Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This spell functions exactly like the 3rd-level augmentation I spell except that five spells of Ist to 3rd level can be affected. For each die of dam- age caused by augmented spells, one point is added to the damage total. The augmentation affects the first five spells that cause direet dam- age that are cast within the duration of the aug- mentation H spell. Only spells that cause direct physical damage are affected by this spell. The material component is a pair of concentric circles of gold or platinum, Notes: Uncommon spell (70M). 60~ Aura Firege Aunty’s Bath (Conjuration) Level: 1 Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Duration: | hr. Area of Effect: 100 gallons/level Saving Throw: None The spell causes a water source to instantly become soapy. Unseen hands scrub bubbles upon allliving matter in the water. The hands and soap disappear when the spell duration runs out, This spell was created by the old wizard Aunty Carlys, who often found herself taking care of adventurers’ children, The children were not fond of baths, and Aunty discovered that if she lured them into a small pond on the pretext of swim- ming, she could cast this spell and make them clean. Aunty’s bath is a derivative of the unseen servant and conjure elemental spells. Aunty’s bath is especially good for washing dogs, odor- ‘us friends, and pesky water-based monsters. The material component is a bar of soap. Notes: Rare spell. (Updated from PotrHepRon Newszine.) Aura (Divination) Level: 6 Range: 0 Components: V, $ Casting Time: | rd. Duration: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 mi. diam./level Saving Throw: None This spell allows a wu jen to read the aura of anarea, determining the basic alignment and magical tendencies of most of the inhabitants and items in the area, When cast, an aura appears over every dwelling or structure within the area of effect, indicating whether most of the principal occupants are good, evil, lawful, neutral, or chaotic. In addition, areas with a high concentra- tion of unwarded magic are also revealed For example, standing on a hill overlooking a village, the wu jen casts this spell. Bach house in the village begins to glow, indicating the primary nature of its inhabitants. Thus, the wu jen is able tonote the homes of good people, evildoers, and lawful types. Temples and shrines have a magical slow because they are more predisposed to magic than other areas. Likewise, haunted and cursed areas have an appropriate aura. The aura cven appears over dwellings the caster cannot directly see—a faint glow over the treetops might indicate a hut or cave deep in the woods. The reverse of this spell, mask, hides the aura of any one dwelling from detection by the aura spell. The reverse lasts a full week. Notes: Common in oriental settin, rare, therwise Aura Fire — Red Wizard (Alteration) Level: | Range: 80 yds. Components: V, § Casting Time: 3 Duration: 4 rds /level Area of Effect: 12 linear ft/level in a 40-ft, radius ‘Saving Throw: None This spell is very similar to the Lst-level priest spell faerie fire. 1 enables the caster to outline one or more objects or creatures with a pale reddish light (a different color from the priest effect). The number of subjects outlined depends upon the number of feet the caster can affect. Sufficient footage enables several objects or creatures to be outlined, but each must be fully outlined before the next is begun, and all must be within the area of effect. Outlined objects or creatures are visible at 80 yards in the dark, 40 yards if the viewer is near a bright light source, Outlined creatures are easier to strike in poor lighting, thus opponents gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls in darkness (including moonlit nights) and a +1 bonus in twilight or better. Note that outlining can render otherwise invisible creatures visible. However, this spell cannot outline noncorporeal, ethereal, or gaseous creatures. Nor does the light come anywhere close to sunlight, and thus has no special effect on undead or dark- dwelling creatures. The aura fire does not cause any harm to the object or creature thus outlined. The wizard must make motions in the air with both hands as if outlining the body to be outlined with light. Notes: Restricted to the Red Wizards of Thay and those trained by them; common. Aura of Air Aura of Earth Aura of Fire Aura of Water See elemental aura. - — — 61el , Aura of Terror — Dragon (iNusion/Phantasm) Level: 2 Range: 0) Components: V Casting Time: 2 Duration: 1 turn/level Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: Special By using this spell, a dragon enhances its abil- ity to strike terror in creatures subject to its fear aura, See the general “Dragon” entry of the Monstrous MaNuaL Tome for an overview of the details of dragon fear. When the spell is cast, the dragon weaves an illusion that enhances its image of rage and battle experience: multiple battle scars, altered or dis- figured features, longer spine-spikes, fangs, and talons, and so on, All this makes the dragon seem ‘even more menacing than usual. The illusion can- not change the dragon’s size or species, but the spell does make the dragon seem older. Once the spell is cast, the dragon gains two age categories for purposes of determining the range, saving throw, and effect of its fear aura. Young and juvenile dragons gain a fear aura that they would normally not be entitled to; older dragons gain a more powerful aura. Because of the shift in effective age category, saving throws against the fear aura of dragons of oung adult” age and older suffer a -2 penalty, Thus, the usually unmodified saving throw for a dragon of old age becomes a saving throw with a 2 penalty, a great wyrm dragon's aura inflicts a 5 penalty, and so forth. Furthermore, the enhanced power of the aura allows the dragon to strike panic into creatures of up to 2 Hit Dice and fear into creatures that nor- mally would be unaffected (that is, those with up to two more levels or Hit Dice than the dragon), The dragon need not concentrate to maintain ‘an aura of terror and can engage in other actions as desired (for example, combat, using its breath ‘weapon, or casting additional spells). The dragon can end the spell at will Creatures attempting to disbelieve the illusion gain a saving throw vs. spell to negate the aura Even if this is successful, however, normal saving throws against the dragon’ regular fear aura still apply. Detect magic can indicate the presence of an aura of terror, and a successful dispel magic ‘an remove it. This spell is popular among younger, weaker dragons, though dragons of all ages and types. — have been known to use it, While nondragon ver- sions of this spell have yet to surface, other spell- casting creatures who produce a fear aura (such 4 liches) have shown interest in the aura of ter- ror spell. Notes: Restricted to dragons; uncommon. (Updated from Dracow Magazine.) 4 Avert Evil Eye (Alteration, Universal) Reversible Level: L Range: Touch ‘Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Duration: 24 hrs level Area of Effect: 1 object and creature Saving Throw: None This is a common and popular spell in the Land of Fate. The danger of the evil eye is ever- Present, and the wise and the cautious often seck protection from its glare, Avert evil eve protects one creature against this danger. The wizard casts the spell upon a single blue bead made of glass, while voicing the recipi- ent’s common name (or identity), The caster must touch the bead, but he needn’t touch the recipient. The bead is then sewn into the fabric of the recip- ‘ents outer clothing, or crushed and placed in the recipient's drink, Most rulers with a wizard handy prefer the latter method; the outward show of such a bead might be construed as fear, and a wise emir does not show fear to his people. As long as the bead is in the recipient's posses- sion or for the duration of the spell, if it's imbibed— any check against the evil eye is automatically effective. Further, avert evil eye provides a +1 bonus to all saving throws vs. enchantment/charm magic. It also provides a +2 saving throw bonus vs. the effects of the curse and bestow curse spells. It offers no protection against a curse wrought by other means (magical or otherwise). The reverse of this spell, attract evil eye, requires a black bead instead of blue. The target is allowed a saving throw vs. spell; if it succeeds, he is immune and the bead is worthless. If the saving throw fails, the target attracts the evil eye auto- matically, regardless of his own modesty and humility, with all ill effects as noted for this foul curse (~2 penalty to saving throws, ability checks, and proficiency checks; new encounters are “indifferent” at best). In addition, the recipient of the reverse spell suffers a -1 penalty to all saving throws vs. enchantment/charm spells, as well as a ~2 penalty when saving vs. all curses (not just those created by the spell) Avert evil eve negates the effects of attract evil eye, but only if it precedes the latter. Once the evil eye is upon the victim, only stronger magic such as remove curse or quest can remove it. Notes: Common in arabian settings; otherwise very rare. Avissar’s Bane (Evocation) Level: 9 Range: Touch Components: V; 8, M Casting Time: | rd. Duration: Special ‘Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None This spell infuses the creature touched with dia- bolic heat energy from the outer plane of Ba’ator. Avissar’s bane can be cast but once per week due to the strain it places on the spelicaster. The spellcaster must touch his victim (a successful attack roll), The spell affects any single creature, except the follow- ing: A creature that can be hit only by magical ‘weapons is immune; an undead, fire-based, or extra- planar creature cannot be affected; and the creature’ whose Hit Dice or level exceeds the spellcaster’s level will not be affected. There is no saving throw; however, magic resistance is effective. The vietim of Avissar's bane suffers the fol- lowing effects: + The creature’s hit point total is reduced to 1; thus, any wound results in unconsciousness or death. + The creature is in constant agony; the sensation is that of being burned alive, and the victim sweats continuously. * The creature is exhausted, and has attack and damage roll penalties of 4 + Each hour, creature has a 15% chance (noncu- mulative) to be overcome by pain and lose unconsciousness, only to awaken 1d4 hours later, in agony. If the creature engages in com- bat, spelicasting, or other strenuous activity for more than 15 rounds (minutes) in any sin- gle hour, this chance increases to 40%. Fur- ther, the victim has a 1% cumulative chance for death each round over the limit (1% the 16th round, 2% the 17th round, 3% the 18th, and so on), 6isa ing Weapon A These effects are continuous and end only with the death of the victim. The effects cannot be negated, save by an act of the gods, a wish spell, or by the will of the original caster. The learning and casting of this spell is an evil act. Use of this spell might entail severe alignment consequences, ‘The archmage Avissar is also said to have per- sonally devised this deadly enchantment; further, it is said that the archmage met his death on the vengeful point of a sword wielded by the brother of the spell’s first victim, ‘The material components are a drop of oil, a pinch of sulphur, a powdered ruby of at least 5,000 gp value, and the horn of a greater baatezu (cornugon, gelugon, or pit fiend). Notes: Very rare. Known to be in the Fire-Eye Scrolls. (Updated from Dracow Magazine.) Avissar’s Flaming Weapon (Alteration) (Artifice, Fire) Level: 8 Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Casting Time: | rd. Duration: 5 rds./level Area of Effect: | weapon Saving Throw: None The archmage Avissar himself created a spell that can cause any nonmagical, hand-held, bladed weapon to perform with the powers of a sword, J flame tongue (see the DMG, magical item descriptions). Thus, the weapon temporarily gains a+1 enchantment and has a +2 bonus vs, regener- ating ereatures, +3 vs. cold-using, flammable, or avian creatures, and +4 vs. undead, The weapon sheds light upon command, and its flame easily ignites oil, burns webs, and sets fire to parc ment, paper, dry wood, ete. The wizard can cast this spell on another’s weapon as easily as on his own. If cast upon weapons other than swords (cutlasses, daggers, knives, etc.), the base damage of the weapon is retained, and the magical bonuses are simply added to it. The material component is a ruby of at least 1,000 gp value, which vanishes when the spell's duration expires Notes: Very rare spell. Known to be in the Fire- Eye Scrolls (Updated from Dracov Magazine.) Avoidance (Abjuration, Alteration) Reversible Level: 5 Range: 10 yds. Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 5 Duration: Permanent Area of Effect: Up to 3-ft. cube Saving Throw: Special By means of this spell, the caster sets up a nat- ural repulsion between the affected object and all other living things except himself. Thus, any li ing creature attempting to touch the affected object is repulsed (unable to come closer than 1 foot), or repulses the affected object, depending cn the relative mass of the two (a halfling attempt- ing to touch an iron chest with an avoidance spell upon it will be thrown back, while the chest will skitter away from a giant-sized creature as the creature approaches). ‘The material component for the spell is a mag- netized needle. The spell cannot be cast upon liv ing things; any attempt to cast an avoidance spell upon the apparel or items carried by a living crea- ture entitles the subject creature to a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. en my a 64\ se The reverse of this spell, altraction, uses the same material components and sets up a natural attraction between the affected object and all liv- ing things. A creature is drawn to the object if the ‘eature is smaller, or the object slides toward the creature if the creature is larger. It takes a suc- cessful bend bars/lift gates roll to remove the enchanted object once it has adhered to an object orereature. Notes: Common spell (PHB). Awaken Intelligence (Alteration) Level: 4 ¢ sid Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 4 hrs. Duration: Special ‘Atea of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None This potent one-time dweomer gives sapience toa creature of animal Intelligence or less. If the creature survives a system shock roll, roll 3d6 for its new Intelligence score. If the creature’s Con- itution is unknown, use 70% + 1% per Hit Die to ee if it survives. Awakened intelligence may not be passed on to offspring unless “locked” into the creature's genetic makeup with the alter beast spell. The process is excruciatingly painful for the creature. Itis also so taxing that the caster can cast no spell greater than 3rd level for 24 hours afer this spell is used without also making a sys- tem shock survival check. The process might work on creatures of semi- intelligence or better; that is, an Intelligence abil- ‘ty score of 2 or more. This spell allows one reroll for Intelligence with 3d6. If the Intelligence score does not improve, it decreases by 1. The subject also must pass a system shock roll for survival. Regardless of the outcome, no creature can undergo this process more than once; the only result of repeating the process is additional sys- tem shock checks. Once completed, the effects ‘cannot be changed by any magic short of a full ‘wish. Preparations: The spell is cast at the conclu- sion of preparations that take at least one full Week, A laboratory is necessary, as well as some provision for immobilizing the subject or render ing it unconcious, The material components are a dried fish and a piece of brain coral Notes: Very rare spell. Awakening, Phezult’s Reversed form, see Phezult’s sleep of ages. Azure Flame — Paramander (Alteration) Components: V, $, M Casting Time: 5 Duration: Permanent Area of Effect: 20-ft. radius Saving Throw: Neg. The azure flame spell causes all creatures within the area of effect to burst into blue flame. A successful saving throw vs. spell negates the effect. The azure flame burns until extinguished by dispel magic—nothing else affects it—and spreads to any living thing touched. Lifeless items (including undead and constructs) do not burn, Burning creatures take 1d4 points of dam- age per round until the flame is dispelled; a sue- cessful dispel magic spell extinguishes the flame, as will remove curse. Also any priest spell above 3rd level that extinguishes magical fire will be effective. Creatures reduced to —10 hit points by the flame crumble into a pile of blue ash from which they cannot be resurrected. This spell is cast by paramanders (a very rare type of paladin/mage) acting in direct service to their deity, and represents wielding raw energy from the deity itself. Casting this spell except under the most exacting conditions of directly furthering the deity’s aims will afflict the casting paramander and none other with the effects. It is exceedingly dangerous to cast it more than once per month. ‘The material component of the spell is a small piece of azurite rubbed between the fingers of one hand while the other hand performs the com- plicated somatic gestures, The spell requires a Dexterity of 13 or higher. Notes: Restricted to paramanders; uncommon Known efforts by others to duplicate this spell have all ended badly. (Updated from Dragon Magazine.)Ee Ia ee aeBabble Reversed form, see tongues. Backblast — Phaerimm (Abjuration) Level: 3 Range: Touch Components: V Casting Time: 3 Duration: Permanent until triggered Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None This spell enables the caster to hurl back spells involving flames or fiery explosions (only; not heat alone, or lightning-like electrical energy dis- charges) at their source(s). Magical item effects and even the most powerful spells (such as meteor swarm) are affected. The spell protects a single creature, usually the caster, but it can be another touched during spellcasting; once casting is complete, the protection cannot be transferred. Otherwise, it exists as an invisible aura around the protected creature, operating without any con- centration and without disturbing subsequent spell- casting by the protected creature. When a fiery spell atack strikes, the backblast functions automatically; the recipient cannot choose to take the damage and keep the protection for later. However, the spell also prevents any disruption of casting or other activity by the protected creature and protects all flammable items on the creature from harm; they need not make saving throws against fire-based attacks. Once activated, a backblast spell works for a single round and then ends. It reflects back all fiery attacks in that round: for example, several different fireballs. A backblast will send a spell back (a delayed blast fireball, for instance) over ‘ast distances to a source who has left the scene— but can’t follow a source onto another plane. In such cases, the attacking magic is negated, Once cast, this spell continues until it is acti- vated, dispel magic is cast on the protected crea- ture, it expires after one turn plus | turn per level, ‘or until the creature dies or moves from one plane of existence to another. Notes: Restricted to Phaerimm; common. Backlash — Drow (Abjuration, Enchantment/Charm) Level: 4 Range: Touch Duration: Permanent until triggered Area of Effect: | spellcaster Saving Throw: Neg. By means of this special curse, a wizard can make another spelicaster’s magic backfire. The victim can avoid the backlash effect when it is initially cast by making a successful saving throw vs. spell. If the saving throw is failed, there is no immediate result, except that a faint magical trace of the casting can be detected. The backlash spell is triggered by one of three events, regardless of the distance or time from the placement of the backlash spell: * The subject employs an offensive spell that fails because the target creature made its saving throw; +The subject casts an offensive spell that is somehow interrupted or ruined; + The subject uses an offensive spell against a creature that is immune to it. The backlash causes the offensive spell to work with full effect upon the caster, disregarding all saving throws or immunities the caster might have. The backlash effect works only once. If a caster is subject to more than one backlash spell, only one takes effect at a time. The spell has no effect on nonspellcasters, on nat- ural spell-like powers, or on magical devices. It can be removed only by a remove curse or stronger spell; the dispel magic spell or its equivalent is ineffective. Notes: Common for drow; otherwise very rare. Known to be in The Shadowtome. Bafflement — Pluma (Enchantment/Charm) Level: 2 Range: 5 yds/level Components: V, $ Casting Time: | rd Duration: | turn ‘Area of Effect: | being Saving Throw: Neg By use of this spell, the caster can make some- one he is speaking to become confused and disori- ented, The baffled being is incapable of any rational action or conversation, and will sit quietly, mum- bling to himself. I the being is attacked, the spell is broken as soon as the first damage is inflicted. The easter and subject must be engaged in con- versation for the spell to work. The caster must make eye contact with the subject to enact this spell. Notes: Restricted to practitioners of pluma magic (the Maztica setting); common — °° © oe 67Balance Balance (Enchantment) Level: 1 Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 2 Duration: 2 rds /level Area of Effect: Person touched Saving Throw: None The balance spell enables a person (as defined in the charm person spell) to balance on one or both feet ina precarious position where a fall is otherwise likely. Thus, the person can walk a tightrope, cross a narrow or unstable ledge, or fight near the edge of a cliff without fear of falling. A balancing action requiring a Dexterity check will be passed if the individual is unhindered This spell does not modify the subject's Armor Class, fighting, missile bonuses, or climbing bonuses, though penaltics to these factors duc to poor balance are negated. If other hindering fac- tors are introduced (the being is pushed, exposed to high winds, ice, or unusually slippery condi- tions, and so on) the individual may be affected, but will have a minimum effective Dexterity for this purpose of 15 and a~+1 to +4 advantange over an individual relying on natural balance. The material component of the spell is a pinch of powdered mountain goat hoof. Notes: Very rare. Known to be in Mylsibis'$ Codex of Contention. (Updated from DRAGON Magazine.) Ball Lightning (Evocation) Level: 3 Range: 30 yds. + 10 yds/level Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 3 Duration: Special Area of Effect: Creates | to 4 balls Saving Throw: This spell allows the caster to create up to four glowing spheres of lightning at any time during the spell’s duration, The damage each ball inflicts is determined by the number of balls the caster creates. Each ball lasts no longer than 4 rounds, regardless of when the caster chooses to bring them into existence. The spell duration is 5 rounds per caster level. 68\ Ballant’s Stonestrengttygge Number of Balls Damage Four 2d4 each Three 2d6 each ‘Two Sd4 each One 4di2 The balls are about 3 feet in diameter and resemble will-o-wisps, or the spell dancing lights. The caster can move the spheres at a rate ‘f 4; a globe sent beyond the spell range vanishes harmlessly, Controlling one or more lightning bulls absorbs the caster’s attention for the round. Uncontrolled balls simply hover in place. If a lightning ball touches a creature, it immediately discharges the damage shown on the table, with a saving throw vs. spell allowed for half damage Nonttack roll is required for the wizard to move a bull of lightning into contact with a target, but ‘most creatures can avoid a lightning ball simply by moving faster. The material component is a powder of blue dragon scales. ‘Notes: Uncommon for Air or Weather mages; tare for others, (Updated from PoLyHEDRON ‘Newszine.) Ball Lightning, Nautical See nautical ball lightning, Ballant’s Stonesplit (Evocation) (Earth) Level: 6 Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 6 Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: 10-ft. cube/level Saving Throw: Special The wizard who casts this spell cleaves the next stone object he touches. The force from his fingertips manifests in a spray of light, creating a thick, winding crack that appears in the stone with considerable force. At the end of the round following the casting, the crack reduces to rubble an amount of stone equal to the area of effect. It does nothing to remove the rubble, so the caster usually must be mobile to avoid being crushed by his own spell. The spell can be countered by a successful dispe/ magic spell, cast before the stone is actually reduced to rubble, For example, a 12th-level wizard touches a stone wall 100 feet long, 30 fect high, and 10 fect thick. A.40-foot wide section of the wall is reduced to 69 rubble. The rubble fills the breech to a height equal to half that of the original wall, sloping away on each side at an angle of about 45 degrees. If the spell is cast on a stone floor, a fissure opens and the rubble settles quickly, dropping the floor 1 to 4 feet and causing 1d4 points of dam- age to those in the area of effect. If cast on a stone ceiling, the DM adjudicates any damage, but this use is limited by the spell’s range (touch), and the ability of most mobile opponents to get out of the way. The spell causes great damage to stone-based creatures, such as galeb duhr or xorn. If a suc cessful touch attack is made, these take 1248 points of damage, with a successful saving throw vs. spell reducing the damage by half. Petrified creatures are obliterated by this spell, though any magical items carried survive if a successful item saving throw ys, disintegration is made at a4 penalty. ‘The material component of the spell is a single diamond-tipped chisel worth at least 1,000 gp, which is destroyed in the casting. Notes: Uncommon or rare for Earth mages; otherwise rare or very rare. (Updated from Dzacow Magazine.) Ballant’s Stonestrength (Alteration) Earth) Level: $ Range: 20 yds. Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 5 Duration: 3 turns + 2 turns/level Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This spell causes any single stone structure, no matter what its size, to increase in structural strength by 10% per level of the caster. For example, 2 10th-level wizard casting this spell ona stone gatehouse doubles its strength (+100%). The stone becomes tougher and more resistant to chipping and cracking. Any damage done to the structure reduces the magical strengthening first, so that even if greatly bat- tered, the structure may escape unharmed at the expiration of the spell. Since this spell affects only stone, it will not affect defenses of earth or wood. If a defensive structure contains a significant amount of other ‘material, the DM can either adjudicate the effect of attacks locally or treat the magical augmenta- tion as a percentage: If a wall is 40% stone, then — °°” yw
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