Notes On SMEFD Project
Notes On SMEFD Project
Notes On SMEFD Project
Partner Institutions
Small Industries Bank of India (SIDBI) is the implementing agency and Ministry of
Finance, Government of India is the nodal agency for the project.
The project has already been implemented in Kanpur- leather cluster, Fruit and
Vegetable Processing cluster, Pune and Coir Cluster Alleppey in the first phase.
Tirupur Knitwear Cluster is one of the clusters identified for implementation of
the project in the second phase.
Diagnostic Study
To understand the problems and issues which MSMEs in Tirupur Knitwear Cluster
are facing, a study was undertaken by meeting 75 firms across the value chain
right from knitters to exporters and other service providers like inspection and
testing agencies, logistic providers, bankers, buying houses and technical
institutions in the cluster.
Recession has affected the industry very much. The industry is unable to face
the competition on account of price. Stringent quality norms of buyers,
insistence to follow various standards, delayed delivery schedules are affecting
the industry very much.
Reasons for such problems have been identified on the following broad area
1. Inadequate Human Resource (HR) Skills both at shop floor level and at middle
level manager.
2. Attitude of the workforce and their behavior at workplace.
3. Gap in the communication at inter firm and inter departmental level, due to
absence of proper system for co ordination.
4. Absence of system to improve productivity, quality and to minimise waste.
9. Promotion of Common Facility Centres (CFC) and Training Centres for textile/
garment printing units and Designing Centre in the cluster
Since the cluster is working in the international environment, it has been felt that
members in the industry should be informed about the developments that are
taking place in areas of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Environment and
Energy Conservation and its impact to the industry to make them prepared to
face the challenges on those areas.
Action Plan
Activities have been proposed to overcome the problems; the cluster is facing on
the above areas. Thrust has been given to four important areas (a) Developing
HR Skills (b) Improving the organizational efficiency by introducing systems to
improve productivity, quality and delivery (c)Introducing system in the
organization and reduce the overhead through increased adoption of
information and communication technology (ICT) (d) Promotion of closer
industry- institutional cooperation, during the first year.
Activities relating to (a) Product diversification and development of designs (b)
Raising awareness on Energy Conservation, environment and intellectual
property rights (c) promotion of Common (brand) label (d) promotion of Common
facility Centre (CFC) and training centre for members of TEKPA are proposed to
be taken in the second year, while continuing the activities undertaken in the
first year for wide spread adoption of systems by large number of firms in the
(b) Identifying the skill gap and providing training at the shop floor itself.
(c) Wide spreading the adoption by other firms by mobilizing support from
other government schemes.
(a) Closer coordination with NIFT- TEA Knitwear Fashion Institute to upgrade
the capacity of the faculties and the students.
(d) Providing support to the faculties to undertake project from the industry
(c) Providing training to adopt ICT to support their decision making skill
(c) Training for the middle level managers to adopt Lean Manufacturing, Six
Sigma , SQC & OR Techniques
(a) Intensive support to TEA- E RC to design and implement all the training
programmes mentioned in the earlier areas for middle level managers and
(b) Support for introduction of “Resource Exchange’ in the TEA Portal and
search optimization.
(c) Validation of data available with the industrial associations for reliability.
(e) Support SPV for the promotion of ICT to introduce uniform ERP system in
the industry.
(b) Support for ‘Tif-f-lab’ and NIFT-TEA Knitwear Fashion Institute for getting
fashion trends from other fashion centres like Milan, Paris, New York.
(e) Raising awareness among the members about the need for developing
own design.
(c) Collaboration with other programmes for wide spread adoption of the
(b) Support for preparing the ‘Project Report ‘for getting financial support
from appropriate scheme of the Government.
(c ) Establishing necessary linkages with other technical institutions.
(a) Identifying members who are interested in the renewed interest of the
(b) Extending support for the preparation of ‘Road Map’ and ‘Project Report’.
It is aimed to achieve the ‘vision’ of ‘improving the market share of the cluster,
by empowering it to overcome the issues it is facing at present, in the areas of
production, quality, delivery, human resources skills, and design and product
development; by empowering local institutions, establishing strong industry-
institutional linkages and though increased adoption of Business Development
Services at the end of implementation of the project.
Under MSME financial & development project, support is provided for training the
human resource in various management and industrial principles. The
developmental activities provided at all three level viz.
1. Owners / Entrepreneurs
2. Managers and Supervisors
3. Shop floor employees and labourers
The forms for registration for all these schemes are provided and hence we
request you to kindly register for the same free of cost.
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