Dynamo - Autodesk University - 2016
Dynamo - Autodesk University - 2016
Dynamo - Autodesk University - 2016
Learning Objectives
Understand how to use Dynamo and navigate the interface;
Learn where to find the best learning materials for Dynamo;
Learn how to create your first timesaving Dynamo script; and
Learn how to create a script to randomize a faade, and automate workset
management in Revit.
No coding or Dynamo experience required. This presentation is a grass-roots presentation to
get you started with taking advantage of the power of design automation using the Dynamo
extension. We will explore the Dynamo interface and discover where useful resources are on
the Internet to build some powerful timesaving workflows that can automate the boring and
mundane so you can spend more time on designing. This session features Revit and Dynamo
Your AU Expert(s)
Jason is passionate about design, technology, innovation, mountain biking, fast red cars, the
great outdoors and fishing. My passion for BIM and technology in Architecture has allowed me
to reach beyond the borders of New Zealand providing BIM consultancy services all over the
world including London, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Stockholm, Jakarta and Abu Dhabi.
In my spare time, I run my software company RTV Tools providing automation tools for Revit to
a growing list of international clients including Fortune 500 listed corporations.
Jasons passion for design technologies has been applied to complex projects across the
aviation, healthcare, research, institutional, commercial, and residential sectors including the
Spark Towers, Wellington NZ (5D BIM); the new Terminal 3 building, Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta
International Airport (3D BIM); Centre for Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
research laboratory, Sydney University (3D BIM); and the Spring Hill Corrections Facility (BIM in
a Collaborative Working Alliance) in New Zealand.
Page 1
Learning Objectives ............................................................................................................... 1
Description ............................................................................................................................ 1
Your AU Expert(s) .................................................................................................................. 1
What is Dynamo?................................................................................................................... 5
How can I use Dynamo? ........................................................................................................ 5
Where can I find useful resources? ......................................................................................... 6
Dynamo User Interface .......................................................................................................... 7
Nodes ................................................................................................................................ 8
Wires ................................................................................................................................. 9
Library.............................................................................................................................. 10
Program Management.......................................................................................................... 11
Alignment ......................................................................................................................... 11
Notes ............................................................................................................................... 12
Grouping .......................................................................................................................... 12
Nodes the Building Blocks of a Program ............................................................................ 13
Data................................................................................................................................. 13
Geometry Blocks .............................................................................................................. 13
List Blocks........................................................................................................................ 14
Revit Specific Blocks ........................................................................................................ 14
Custom Packages ............................................................................................................ 15
Example 1 Selecting Elements .......................................................................................... 18
Step 1. Getting Started................................................................................................... 18
Step 2. Into Dynamo ...................................................................................................... 18
Step 3. Creating our first Nodes...................................................................................... 18
Step 4. Right Click Menu ................................................................................................ 19
Step 5. Wire the Nodes ................................................................................................ 20
Step 6. Select your Elements in Revit ............................................................................. 21
Step 7. Run your Code................................................................................................... 21
Step 8. Expanding your Code......................................................................................... 22
Step 9. Adding another Watch Point ............................................................................... 22
Step 10. Select ALL Walls .............................................................................................. 23
Step 11. Selecting Walls by Type ................................................................................... 23
Step 12. Add a Watch Node ........................................................................................... 24
Page 2
Step 13. Select the Wall Type ........................................................................................ 24
Step 14. Select a Curtain Wall ........................................................................................ 25
Step 15. Analysing Sub-Elements .................................................................................. 25
Step 16. Extracting Parameter Data ............................................................................... 26
Step 17. Extracting Parameter Data cont. ....................................................................... 27
Step 18. Define the Parameter to Extract ........................................................................ 28
Step 19. Extracting Materials from Elements ................................................................... 29
Step 20. Get the Material Name ..................................................................................... 29
Step 21. Extending the Data Extraction........................................................................... 30
Step 22. Extracting the Area of Elements........................................................................ 31
Step 23. Rounding the Data ........................................................................................... 31
Step 24. Connect the Nodes .......................................................................................... 32
Step 25. Setting the amount of Rounding ........................................................................ 32
Example 2 Working with Dynamo Lists............................................................................... 33
Step 1. Getting Started................................................................................................... 33
Step 2. Into Dynamo ...................................................................................................... 33
Step 3. Making a simple Cylinder ................................................................................... 33
Step 4. Creating a Circle ................................................................................................ 34
Step 5. Draw the Circles ................................................................................................ 35
Step 6. Create the Cylinder ............................................................................................ 36
Step 6. Twisting the Cylinder .......................................................................................... 37
Step 7. Twisting the Cylinder 2 ....................................................................................... 38
Example 3 Randomising a Curtain Wall ............................................................................. 39
Step 1. Getting started ................................................................................................... 39
Step 2. Jump into Dynamo ............................................................................................. 39
Step 3. Select the Walls by Type .................................................................................... 40
Step 4. Select the Sub-elements .................................................................................... 40
Step 5. Create a Watch point ......................................................................................... 41
Step 6. Flatten the List ................................................................................................... 42
Step 7. Making a Randomiser ........................................................................................ 42
Step 8. Keeping the Code Tidy ....................................................................................... 43
Step 9. Making a Panel Type Selector ............................................................................ 43
Step 10. Creating a % of Wall Selector ........................................................................... 44
Step 11. ........................................................................................................................... 44
Page 3
Step 12. Selecting the Panel Type .................................................................................. 45
Step 13. Tidy up your Code ............................................................................................ 45
Step 14. Adding coverage Zones .................................................................................... 46
Step 15. Finalising the Randomiser ................................................................................ 47
Step 16. Running the Randomiser .................................................................................. 47
Example 4 Working with Excel Data ................................................................................... 48
Step 1. Getting started ................................................................................................... 48
Step 2. Jump into Dynamo ............................................................................................. 48
Step 3. Create a select from File Node ........................................................................... 48
Step 4. Reading the Excel Spreadsheet .......................................................................... 49
Step 5. Reformatting the Raw Data ................................................................................ 50
Step 6. Extracting what we want ..................................................................................... 51
Step 7. Create Worksets in Revit .................................................................................... 52
Step 8. Play it with Dynamo Player ................................................................................. 52
Example 5 Setting Element Worksets from Excel ............................................................... 53
Step 1. Getting Started................................................................................................... 53
Step 2. Jump into Dynamo ............................................................................................. 53
Step 3. Create a select from File Node ........................................................................... 53
Step 4. Reading the Excel Spreadsheet .......................................................................... 54
Step 5. Formatting the Raw Data.................................................................................... 55
Step 6. Filtering the formatted Data ................................................................................ 56
Step 7. Mapping the Workset Names to Workset IDs ...................................................... 57
Step 8. Separating the Subcategories from Worksets ...................................................... 58
Step 9. Get all Model Elements ...................................................................................... 59
Step 10. Removing Invalid (Nulls) Data........................................................................... 60
Step 11. Replace Zero Value with 1................................................................................ 61
Step 12. Map the Workset IDs to Model Elements........................................................... 62
Step 13. Set the Workset for the selected Model Elements .............................................. 63
Step 14. Connect to your Workset Excel Template and Run ............................................ 64
Special thanks too! ............................................................................................................... 65
Page 4
What is Dynamo?
Dynamo is a software application both stand-alone and a plugin that sits within other
applications like Revit. Dynamo uses Visual Programming to build and run processes
(algorithms) within the native software by connecting nodes (small/parts of programs) together
to form an overall process (program/script). These Dynamo processes can be used to generate
geometry, automate repetitive tasks, or to generate iterative solutions to design problems.
Page 5
Where can I find useful resources?
There are many places where you can find useful resources to learn how to use Dynamo, and
find examples of useful Dynamo Nodes and Scripts, some of these include;
DynamoPrimer.com This website provides a comprehensive guide to visual
programming in Dynamo. Includes a step by step list to each of the functions within
Dynamo and examples files. http://dynamoprimer.com/index.html
Dynamo 101 Is an introductory course that explains the very basics of Dynamo. This
course has been compiled by Konrad K. Sobon, an experienced Architect and
programmer working for Grimshaw Architects in NYC.
Archi+Lab This website or blog is one of the essential reading sites for anyone looking
to work smarter. It contains a collection of tips, tricks and other useful workflow
examples that apply to the AEC industry. This site is also authored by Konrad K. Sobon.
DynamoNodes Is a very good blog focusing on stitching together Standard, or out of
the box (OOTB) Dynamo Nodes to form productivity enhancing workflows. This site is
authored by Luke Johnson who is an experienced BIM Manager working for Virtual Built
in Adelaide, Australia. https://dynamonodes.com/
DynamoPackages Share and discover Dynamo packages and programs to extend
your Visual Programming library. https://dynamopackages.com/
A list of other useful sites that I would recommend and follow myself can be found at the back of
this handout under special thanks too!...
Page 6
The User Interface (UI) for Dynamo is organised into five main regions, the largest of which is
the workspace where we compose our visual programs.
1. Menus The drop down menus provide a place to access some of the basic functions
within Dynamo (File, Edit, View, Packages, Settings and Help)
2. Toolbar The toolbar provides quick access to key functions within Dynamo (New,
Open, Save/Save As, Undo, Redo and Export Workspace as Image [camera icon] which
is useful for capturing screenshots of your Dynamo programs)
3. Library Dynamo node library, this is where you will find the nodes that you can wire
together to create your Dynamo programs. I find the Search and Add function on the
library bar the most useful functions. Search allows you to quickly search for a Dynamo
node, while Add allows you to search for published Dynamo Packages on the internet.
4. Workspace This is where you create your Dynamo programs.
5. Execution Bar This is where you Run or Execute your Dynamo programs.
Page 7
Nodes are the objects you connect to form a Visual Program. Each Node performs an operation
sometimes they may be as simple as storing a number or more complex such as creating
geometry or analyzing data.
Most Nodes in Dynamo are composed of five parts. While there are exceptions, such as Input
Nodes, the anatomy of each Node can be described as follows:
Page 8
Wires connect between Nodes to create relationships and establish the flow or sequence of
your program. Think of them as electrical wires that carry pulses of data from one object to the
Wires connect the output Port from one Node to the input Port of another Node. This
establishes the flow or sequence of your program. Although we can arrange the Nodes however
we desire in the Workspace because the output Ports are located on the right side of Nodes,
and the input Ports are on the left side, we can generally say that the Program Flow moves from
left to right, see example below.
We create Wires by left clicking the mouse on a Port and then left clicking on the port of another
Node to create a connection between them. While we are in the process of making a
connection, the Wire will appear dashed and will become solid when successfully connected.
Page 9
The Dynamo Library is a collection of functional libraries or packages, each containing Nodes
grouped by Category. While this may seem a little weird at first, it is a flexible framework for
organising the Nodes.
Page 10
Program Management
Working with Visual Programming can be a powerful and creative activity, but very quickly your
program can become messy and complex due to poor layout of the Nodes within the
Workspace. It is best practice to manage your program by sticking to some very simple layout
rules (Alignment, Notes, and Grouping).
Once you have added more than a few Nodes into the Workspace, re-organize the layout of the
Nodes to provide some clarity to the intended flow and process behind your program.
This is done quickly by selecting more than one Node and right-clicking on the Workspace, the
pop-up window includes an Align Selection menu with justification and distribution options in X
and Y.
Page 11
It is good practice to include some plain language breadcrumbs behind in your Dynamo
Program so other users of your program can understand what your intent was and how the
program functions.
Dynamo provides a Notes Node with an editable text field to allow you to record any notes you
want to leave behind in your program.
Another usual tool for organising your Visual Program and to leave behind some useful
breadcrumbs for other users of your program is to Group the Nodes into logical function or
result. Groups can be labelled with a title and are identified with a coloured rectangle in the
Page 12
Nodes the Building Blocks of a Program
Nodes are the building blocks of your Dynamo programs. Understanding what Nodes are
available for use in your programs and how they function is key to creating innovative Dynamo
programs that will save to time and money. Nodes are groups into useful Categories that
represent their intended function including Data, Geometry, Lists, and a series of Revit specific
We need data to add to the input Ports of Dynamo's Nodes - we can have data without actions
but we need data to process the actions that our Nodes represent.
The simplest form of data is a number such as 0, 3.14, or 17. But data can also be of a number
of different types: a Variable representing changing numbers; Characters or a name; Geometry;
or a List of items (1,2,3,5,8,13,...). Data Nodes includes functions that relate to Math (Arithmetic
Operators), Logic (If this Then), Strings (Text) and Color Nodes.
Geometry Blocks
Dynamo has a rich and extensive list of Nodes for creating and manipulating geometry,
especially in Revit. Geometry Nodes cover Curves, Surfaces, Solids, Meshes, Topology, Points,
Import Geometry and Abstract functions.
Page 13
List Blocks
Lists are organize data in Dynamo, understanding how to use and manipulate Lists in Dynamo
will determine how successful your Dynamo programs will be. In Dynamo, you can Create,
Modify and Query lists of data.
Page 14
Custom Packages Useful tools for free
Bumblebee for Dynamo (Excel and Dynamo = BIM Heaven)
Bumblebee provides enhanced Excel to Dynamo functions and is a must have package in your
Dynamo Library.
Page 15
Dynaworks for Dynamo (Dynamo and Navisworks = Gone fishing)
DynaWorks is another must have packages, and provides a series of Dynamo Nodes for
interacting with Navisworks files.
Clockwork for Dynamo (Dont leave home without this Dynamo Package)
Clockwork is a collection of 360+ custom nodes. It contains many Revit-related nodes, but also
lots of nodes for various other purposes such as list management, mathematical operations,
string operations, geometric operations (mainly bounding boxes, planes, points, surfaces, UVs
and vectors) and paneling.
Page 16
Lunchbox for Dynamo (another collection of must have Dynamo Nodes)
LunchBox is a set of computational design tools for Grasshopper and Dynamo. The plugins
include new component nodes for managing data and geometry for activities such as generative
form making, paneling, rationalization, and interoperability.
With over 8000 users, LunchBox is the most downloaded tool for Dynamo.
Rhythm for Dynamo (consists of out of the box Dynamo nodes used in clever ways as they
apply to the Revit environment)
Page 17
Example 1 Selecting Elements
In this exercise, we will explore different ways of selecting model elements in Revit. After
completing this exercise, you will be able to select and extract key parameters from model
elements in Dynamo.
Page 18
Step 4. Right Click Menu
Now right mouse click on the Workspace to active the right click menu. You can use this to
search and select Dynamo Nodes from the Library.
1. Start typing Watch into the Search Bar on the right click menu.
2. Select the Watch Node. You can use the Watch Node to view the data that has been
analysed by your Dynamo functions.
Page 19
Step 5. Wire the Nodes
Now connect (Wire) the two Nodes together.
1. Start by selecting Element output port on the Select Model Element Node, and while the
Wire is dashed
2. Drag it to the input port or the > on the Watch Node.
Page 20
Step 6. Select your Elements in Revit
1. Select Model Element Node and navigate back to the Revit workspace and select a curtain
wall from the supplied example.
Page 21
Step 8. Expanding your Code
We are now going to explore selecting all the walls on a specified Revit category.
1. Right click in the Dynamo Workspace and start typing Categories.
2. Select the Categories Node from the right click menu. The new Node will now appear in
the Dynamo Workspace.
Page 22
Step 10. Select ALL Walls
1. Select Walls from the drop-down menu on the Categories Node and click the Run button.
Dynamo will now select all walls within the Revit project file.
Page 23
Step 12. Add a Watch Node
1. Now Wire the Wall Types Node to the existing Watch Node.
Page 24
Step 14. Select a Curtain Wall
The next few steps we are going to explore how to extract and analyze the data within the
selected model elements. Lets start by extracting the curtain panel elements from the curtain
wall. To keep things simple lets, go back to the Select Model Element Node so we are working
with just one curtain wall element.
1. In the Dynamo Library Search bar and start typing Curtain Panel By Element.
2. Select the ByElement Node from the Library menu. The new Node will now appear in the
Dynamo Workspace.
Page 25
Step 16. Extracting Parameter Data
Now that we have made a List or selected all the curtain panels of our wall, lets use Dynamo to
extract some key parameter data about these panels. We will now use Dynamo to extract the
Material Name and Area of each of the panels.
1. In the Dynamo Library Search bar and start typing Get Parameter Value By Name, I
prefer to use the Node produced by Rhythm as it is much more universal than the out of
the box version (OOTB).
2. Make sure you select the GetParameterValueByName(TypeOrInstance) Node by
Rhythm from the Library menu. The new Node will now appear in the Dynamo
Page 26
Step 17. Extracting Parameter Data cont.
1. Now Wire the CurtainPanel.ByElement Node to the
2. GetParameterValueByName(TypeOrInstance) Node using the Element input port, and
connect to the
3. Watch Node.
Page 27
Step 18. Define the Parameter to Extract
Now we need to define what parameter we want to analyze, the simplest way of doing this (in
my opinion) is to use a simple Code Block Node. Code Block Nodes are very versatile and can
contain all sorts of data including programs such as Python. To insert a new Code Block simply
double click on a blank part of the Dynamo Workspace and a new Code Block will appear at the
1. Type the following into the new Code Block Node where is says Your code goes here,
2. Now Wire the Code Block into the GetParameterValueByName(TypeOrInstance) Node
using the ParameterName input port and click Run to see the resulting material IDs.
Page 28
Step 19. Extracting Materials from Elements
Now that we have made a List of all the curtain panel materials, lets use Dynamo to extract the
real-world name of the materials.
1. In the Dynamo Library Search bar and start typing Element Name.
2. Select the Name Node from the Library menu, making sure it is the Element not the Family
name Node. The new Node will now appear in the Dynamo Workspace.
3. Wire the GetParameterValueByName(TypeOrInstance) Node into the Element.Name Node
using the Element input port.
Page 29
Step 21. Extending the Data Extraction
We are now going to copy the Nodes used in Steps 17 and 18 to create a duplicate program
branch to analyse the area of each panel in the curtain wall.
1. Select the Code Block and GetParameterValueByName(TypeOrInstance) Nodes and
CRTL+C and CRTL+V to copy and paste a copy of these Nodes. You will notice that
doing this also keeps the Wires in place.
Page 30
Step 22. Extracting the Area of Elements
Rename or type the following Area into the copied Code Block and add a new Watch Node.
1. Wire the GetParameterValueByName(TypeOrInstance) Node into the Watch Node and click
Run to get a List of the curtain wall panels areas.
Page 31
Step 24. Connect the Nodes
Wire the GetParameterValueByName(TypeOrInstance) Node into the Math.RoundToPrecision
Node using the dbl input port and Wire the Math.RoundToPrecision Node into the Watch Node.
Page 32
Example 2 Working with Dynamo Lists (SOURCE DYNAMO PRIMER)
In this exercise we will explore different ways of managing lists of data in Dynamo. After
completing this exercise you will be able to create, manage and manipulate lists of data in
Page 33
Step 4. Creating a Circle
Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the Circle By Plane Radius Node.
1. Wire the Plane.ByOriginNormal Node into the plane input port of the
Circle.ByPlaneRadius Node.
2. Create a new Code Block Node with 50 for the value.
3. Wire the Code Block Node into the radius input port of the Circle.ByPlaneRadius Node.
4. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the Geometry Translate Node.
5. Wire the Circle.ByPlaneRadius Node into the geometry input port of the
Geometry.Translate Node.
6. Create a new Code Block Node with 100 for the value.
7. Wire the Code Block Node into the zTranslation input port of the Geometry.Translate
Page 34
Step 5. Draw the Circles
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the Curve Point At Parameter Node. Do this
2. Wire the Geometry.Translate Node into the curve input port of one of the
Curve.PointAtParameter Nodes.
3. Wire the Circle.ByPlaneRadius Node into the curve input port of the other
Curve.PointAtParameter Node.
4. Create a new Code Block Node with 0..1..0#30 for the value.
5. Wire the Code Block Node into the param input port of both of the Curve.PointAtParameter
6. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the Line By Start Point End Point Node.
7. Wire one of the Curve.PointAtParameter Nodes into the startPoint input port of both of the
Line.ByStartPointEndPoint Node.
8. Wire the other Curve.PointAtParameter Node into the endPoint input port of both of the
Line.ByStartPointEndPoint Node.
9. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the List Count Node.
10. Wire the Line.ByStartPointEndPoint Node into the list input port of the List.Count Node.
Page 35
Step 6. Create the Cylinder
1. Click Run to create the Cylinder.
Page 36
Step 6. Twisting the Cylinder
Lets add a Reverse List Node into the Dynamo program.
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the List Reverse Node.
2. Wire one of the Curve.PointAtParameter Nodes into the list input port of the List.Reverse
3. Wire the List.Reverse Node into the endPoint input port of the Line.ByStartPointEndPoint
4. Click Run to view the results.
Page 37
Step 7. Twisting the Cylinder 2
Now lets substitute the Reverse List Node for the List Shift Indices Nodes.
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the List Shift Indices Node.
2. Create a new Code Block with a value of 10.
3. Wire the Code Block Node into the amount input port of the List.ShiftIndices Node.
4. Wire one of the Curve.PointAtParameter Nodes into the list input port of the List.ShiftIndices
5. Wire the List.ShiftIndices Node into the endPoint input port of the Line.ByStartPointEndPoint
6. Click Run to view the results.
Page 38
Example 3 Randomising a Curtain Wall
In this exercise we will explore the creation of a random faade generator in Dynamo. We will
use Dynamo to select a curtain wall, analyse the panels within the curtain wall, and to randomly
swap out the curtain wall panel types based on a percentage of coverage for each new panel
type. After completing this exercise you have a fully functioning random faade generator in
Page 39
Step 3. Select the Walls by Type
The first step is to create the selection part of the Dynamo program.
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the following Nodes, Wall Types and All
Elements of Family Type (Universal) by Clockwork.
2. Wire the Wall Types Node into the familyType input port of the All Elements of Family Type
(Universal) Node.
Page 40
Step 5. Create a Watch point
Lets create a check point now.
1. Add a new Watch Node and Wire the CurtainPanel.ByElement Node into it.
2. Using the drop down menu on the Wall Types Nodes select Glass 12mm Fixed Vert 500
Hori 500 and click Run.
You should notice that we have a List of Lists within Lists. One list for each curtain wall in the
project file, with a list of curtain wall panels within each. The next step is to reformat this overall
List to just have a single List of just the curtain wall panels.
Page 41
Step 6. Flatten the List
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the List Flatten Node, next add a new
Code Block Node and type 1 into it.
2. Wire the CurtainPanel.ByElement Node into the List input port of the List.Flatten Node
and the Code Block into the amt input port of the List.Flatten Node.
3. Wire the List.Flatten Node to the Watch Node and click Run to see the flattened list of
curtain wall panels.
Page 42
Step 8. Keeping the Code Tidy
Lets group the Number Slider and Manage.RandomiseOrder Nodes to keep our Dynamo
program tidy as well as guiding other users of the program as to how it functions.
1. Shift and Left click the Number Slider and Manage.RandomiseOrder Nodes, once
highlighted Right click and select Create Group. Give the new group a title that will help to
explain its function to users of your program.
Page 43
Step 10. Creating a % of Wall Selector
In this step we will add some Nodes to slice a given percentage of the overall List. This will
allow us to control the percentages of the panel types to be randomised.
1. Add two new Code Block Nodes, in the first type 0.2 and in the second type x*y.
2. Wire the first Code Block Node to the second Code Block Node using the y input port.
3. Wire the second Code Block Node into the End input port of the List.Slice Node.
Step 11.
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the Count Node. This will be used later to
connect the original flattened List of curtain panels to complete the percentage
calculation of this part of the program.
2. Wire the Count Node into the x input port of the second Code Block.
Page 44
Step 12. Selecting the Panel Type
In this step we will now create the actual curtain panel type selector. By using the drop down
menu users of this program will be able to define the panel type to be used in the faade
1. Add a new Code Block and type Type into it.
2. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the following Nodes Family Types and
Element Set Parameter By Name.
3. Wire the Code Block into the parameterName input port, and Wire the Family Type Node
into value input port of the Element.SetParameterByName Node.
4. Finally Wire the List.Slice Node into the element input port of the
Element.SetParameterByName Node.
Page 45
Step 14. Adding coverage Zones
In this step we are going to copy the curtain panel type selector group to create a type selectors
for 60%, 10% and one for the remaining curtain panels.
1. Select the initial Node grouping and CRTL+C and CRTL+V to make a copy.
2. Change the title of the new group, also change Code Block used to set the percentage
to 0.6.
3. Wire the percentage Code Block from the previous group into the Start input port of the
List.Slice Node.
4. Create a new Code Block and type x+y in it.
5. Wire the percentage Code Block from the previous group into the y input port, and Wire
the 60% Code Block Node of the 60% into the x input port of new Code Block Node.
6. Delete the previous 0 Code Block Node that was connect to the original start port of the
7. Ungroup and regroup and copy twice, once for 10% and once for the remaining curtain
Page 46
Step 15. Finalising the Randomiser
To create the Dynamo Nodes to select the remaining curtain panels we can remove the
percentage Code Block Nodes, but be sure to leave the List.Slice and type selector Nodes.
1. Wire the last x+y Code Block Node into the Start input port and Wire the Count Node from
Step 11 into the End input port of the List.Slice Node.
Page 47
Example 4 Working with Excel Data
In this exercise we will explore the creation of a workset generator in Dynamo. We will use
Dynamo to select an Excel spreadsheet, analyse the worksheets within the Excel spreadsheet,
and read the data stored within the Excel spreadsheet to create the required worksets. After
completing this exercise you have a fully functioning workset creator in Dynamo.
Page 48
Step 4. Reading the Excel Spreadsheet
In this step we are going to read the contents of the selected Excel file.
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the following Nodes, Excel Read From File
(you can use the OOTB Node for this) and Boolean Nodes, and set the Boolean Node to
2. Wire the File.FromPath Node into the file input port of the Excel.ReadFromFile Node.
3. Wire the Boolean Node into the readAsStrings input port of the Excel.ReadFromFile Node.
4. Lastly create a new Code Block Node and type Sheet1 into it. Wire the Code Block Node
into the sheetName input port of the Excel.ReadFromFile Node.
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Step 5. Reformatting the Raw Data
In this step we need to reformat the raw data into a List format suitable to create the Worksets
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the following Nodes, List Remove Items
At Index and List Transpose Nodes. We will use the List.RemoveItemAtIndex to remove
the header row in the Excel file. List.Transpose is used to convert the raw data from
Columns and Rows into a set of Lists of Lists.
2. Add a new Code Block with 0 in it.
3. Wire the Excel.ReadFromFile Node into the list input port of the List.RemoveItemAtIndex
4. Wire the Code Block Node into the indices input port of the List.RemoveItemAtIndex
5. Wire the List.RemoveItemAtIndex Node into the lists input port of the List.Transpose
Page 50
Step 6. Extracting what we want
In this step we will use Dynamo to get a list of the unique Worksets in the Excel file.
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the following Nodes;
a. List Get Item At Index; and
b. List Unique Items Nodes.
We will use the List.GetItemAtIndex to select the sub-List which corresponds to the column
in the Excel file where the Workset data is stored. The List.UniqueItems Node is used to get
only the unique Worksets from the List.
2. Add a new Code Block with 2 in it.
3. Wire the List.Transpose Node into the list input port of the List.GetItemAtIndex Node.
4. Wire the Code Block Node into the index input port of the List.GetItemAtIndex Node.
5. Wire the List.GetItemAtIndex Node into the list input port of the List.UniqueItems Node.
Page 51
Step 7. Create Worksets in Revit
The last step is to create the Worksets in your Revit project file.
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the Workset Create Node by Rhythm.
2. Wire the List.UniqueItems Node into the worksetNames input port of the Workset.Create
Node. Click Run to create your worksets in Revit.
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Example 5 Setting Element Worksets from Excel
In this exercise we will explore the creation of a workset manager in Dynamo. We will use
Dynamo to select an Excel spreadsheet, analyse the worksheets within the Excel spreadsheet,
and to correctly place model elements onto the specified workset. After completing this exercise
you have a fully functioning workset manager in Dynamo.
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Step 4. Reading the Excel Spreadsheet
In this step we are going to read the contents of the selected Excel file.
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the following Nodes, Excel Read From
File (you can use the OOTB Node for this) and Boolean Nodes, and set the Boolean
Node to True.
2. Wire the File.FromPath Node into the file input port of the Excel.ReadFromFile Node.
3. Wire the Boolean Node into the readAsStrings input port of the Excel.ReadFromFile
4. Lastly create a new Code Block Node and type Sheet1 into it. Wire the Code Block
Node into the sheetName input port of the Excel.ReadFromFile Node.
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Step 5. Formatting the Raw Data
In this step we need to reformat the raw data into a List format suitable to create the Worksets
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the following Nodes, List Remove Items At
Index and List Transpose Nodes. We will use the List.RemoveItemAtIndex to remove the
header row in the Excel file. List.Transpose is used to convert the raw data from Columns
and Rows into a set of Lists of Lists.
2. Add a new Code Block with 0 in it.
3. Wire the Excel.ReadFromFile Node into the list input port of the List.RemoveItemAtIndex
4. Wire the Code Block Node into the indices input port of the List.RemoveItemAtIndex Node.
5. Wire the List.RemoveItemAtIndex Node into the lists input port of the List.Transpose Node.
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Step 6. Filtering the formatted Data
In this step we will split the Excel data to separate the required Workset data from the
Subcategory data.
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the following Nodes, Get Worksets by
Archi-Lab and List Get Item At Index Nodes. We will use the Get Worksets Node to
analyse and extract the real-world Workset Names.
2. Add a new Code Block with 2 in it.
3. Wire the List.Transpose Node into the list input port of the List.GetItemAtIndex Node.
4. Wire the Code Block Node into the index input port of the List.GetItemAtIndex Node.
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Step 7. Mapping the Workset Names to Workset IDs
In this step we need to match the Workset names from the Excel data with the actual Workset
IDs. We will use List.MatchWithKeyValues to do this.
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the List Match With Key Values Node by
2. Wire the Get Worksets Node Names output port into the keys input port and the Ids output
port into the values input port of the List.MatchWithKeyValues Node.
3. Wire the List.GetItemAtIndex Node item output port into the seq input port of the
List.MatchWithKeyValues Node.
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Step 8. Separating the Subcategories from Worksets
In this step we will split the Excel data to separate the required Subcategory data from the
Workset data.
1. Copy and Paste the List.GetItemAtIndex and Code Block Nodes from Step 6.
2. Change the Code Block to 1.
3. You shouldnt need to Wire the Nodes as they should already be connected from the
copy process.
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Step 9. Get all Model Elements
In this step we use the List of Subcategories to select and create a List of all the Model
Elements in the Revit project file. You can ignore the error produced by Null values the Dynamo
program will still function.
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the following Nodes,
a. Category By Name;
b. All Elements of Category; and
c. List Sublist Lengths by Clockwork Nodes.
We will use the Category.ByName Node to create a list of all Categories using the names
from the Excel Data. The All Elements of Category creates a selection List of all the Model
Elements for the matching Category Names. List.SublistLengths is used to create a List of
the number of Model Elements in each Category.
2. Wire the List.GetItemAtIndex Node item output port into the name input port of the
Category.ByName Node.
3. Wire the Category.ByName Node category output port into the category input port of the All
Elements of Category Node.
4. Wire the All Elements of Category Node Elements output port into the seq input port of the
List.SublistLengths Node.
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Step 10. Removing Invalid (Nulls) Data
In this step we will remove any Null values and replace with a 0.
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the Manage Replace Nulls by Lunchbox
2. Create a new Code Block with 0 for the value.
3. Wire the List.SublistLengths Node lengths output port into the Data input port of the
Manage.ReplaceNulls Node.
4. Wire the Code Block Node into the ReplaceWith input port of the Manage.ReplaceNulls
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Step 11. Replace Zero Value with 1
In this step we test the List of Model Elements for any zero values. Having zero values will
cause the program to error. Using the If Node we can test the List for any values less than 1 and
replace them with a 1.
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the If Node.
2. Create a new Code Block with x=x<1 for the value.
3. Create a new Code Block with x=x+1 for the value.
4. Create a new Code Block with x for the value.
5. Wire the Manage.ReplaceNulls Node Replaced output port into the x input port of each of
the Code Block Nodes.
6. Wire the x=x<1 Code Block Node into the test input port of the If Node.
7. Wire the x=x+1 Code Block Node into the true input port of the If Node.
8. Wire the x Code Block Node into the false input port of the If Node.
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Step 12. Map the Workset IDs to Model Elements
In this step we need to reformat the List of Workset IDs to match the formatting of the Model
Elements List. We will do this using the List.RepeatItemsByLengths Node to build up a new List
of Workset IDs that matches is Element count of each of the Subcategories.
1. Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the List Repeat Items By Lengths by
Clockwork Node.
2. Wire the If Node result output port into the Lengths input port of the
List.RepeatItemsByLength Node.
3. Wire the List.MatchWithKeyValues Node from Step 7 into the seq input port of the
List.RepeatItemsByLength Node.
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Step 13. Set the Workset for the selected Model Elements
The last step is to set the Workset of each of the Model Elements in the Revit project file. For
this well use the Element.SetParameterByName(CaSe iNSeNSiTiVe) Node.
Using the Dynamo Search bar locate and add the Element Set Parameter By Name(CaSe
iNSeNSiTiVe) by Rhythm Node.
1. Create a new Code Block with Workset for the value.
2. Wire the List.SublistLengths Node seq output port into the value input port of the
Element.SetParameterByName(CaSe iNSeNSiTiVe) Node.
3. Wire the Code Block Node into the parameterName input port of the
Element.SetParameterByName(CaSe iNSeNSiTiVe) Node.
4. Wire the All Elements of Category Node from Step 9 into the element input port of the
Element.SetParameterByName(CaSe iNSeNSiTiVe) Node.
Page 63
Step 14. Connect to your Workset Excel Template and Run
1. Select the supplied Excel file in the datasets folder.
2. Click Run and switch to the Default 3D view and set the Worksharing display option to
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Special thanks too!
Konrad K. Sobon http://archi-lab.net/
Marcello Sgambelluri http://therevitcomplex.blogspot.ae/
Adam Sheather http://stuffandbims.blogspot.com/
Philip Chan http://phil-osophyinbim.blogspot.ae/
Luke Johnson https://dynamonodes.com/
Dynamo Primer http://dynamoprimer.com/
Bad Monkeys http://badmonkeys.net/
Proving Ground https://provingground.io/
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