Questioning Rubric
Questioning Rubric
Questioning Rubric
1. Understand the The teacher may see a need for students to develop their The teacher understands that being a questioner and a curious
questioning skills, but doesnt see a connection to how it helps learner play an important role in helping to cultivate future ready
importance of students be future ready in todays world. learners. The teacher advocates for students to grow these skills.
questioning in
cultivating future
ready learners
2. Grow a culture of
Teacher models being The teacher may share some of his or her questions, but does The teacher shares questions he or she has relative to content in
a curious learner not take steps to explore them, and or share learning the classroom, and in relation to his or her interests. The teacher
experiences with students. shares personal learning experiences and discoveries, and
connects them to new questions and learning.
The teacher connects his or her own curiosity and learning to that
of his or her students.
Instruction is flexible During a lesson, students may ask questions, but teachers do During a lesson, students are given time to ask questions of one
to allow for student not deviate from instructional plans to explore or answer another and of the teacher. When pertinent questions come up that
pertinent questions. cant be answered, students help to decide if the question can be
questioning explored at that time.
There are routines for capturing the unexplored questions and they
are revisited.
Value is placed on The teacher points out interesting student questions, but may The students are expected to be able to explain the why and the
questions rather than still focus on driving students to a single right answer. Students how of correct answers. The teacher models this, and students
may be asked to write down questions, but nothing comes of push each other to explain their thinking.
answers them.
The teacher and students celebrate interesting questions through
Assessments may be looking for correct answers, without behaviors such as: sharing questions, giving feedback to one
much explanation of the why or how. Students dont have to another on questions, keeping wonder journals, posting questions
show their work. in the classroom, and discussing questions.
Time is built in for On occasion students are given time to explore their questions Students help to establish a routine and schedule to give them time
exploration of through research. to explore their questions through researching, talking to peers,
teachers, and experts.
Emerging Advanced
3. Supports student
development of
questioning skills
so students can:
Pose both high level Students ask a variety of questions, but may not understand Students understand the difference between high level and low
and low level the difference between high level and low level questions. level questions and use both of them to support their learning.
Teachers support students significantly in developing Students regularly initiate higher-order questions.
Students craft driving / Students need support to understand the difference between Students craft complex, open-ended questions that are substantial
essential questions for an easily answered question and one that is suitable for enough for sustained exploration.
sustained exploration.
sustained exploration Students may utilize strategies such as: mapping out questions,
presearching, and using feedback to craft their driving / essential
Students participate in The teacher ask students to explain their reasoning, but only Students invite comments from their classmates during a
discussions. some students attempt to do so. discussion and challenge one anothers thinking.
Only a small number of students participate in the discussion. Students extend the discussion enriching it.
4. Use effective
questioning in the
classroom to
encourage students
to think, reflect, and
deepen their
Quality of questions/ The teachers questions lead students through a single path of The teacher uses a variety or series of questions or prompts to
prompts inquiry, with answers seemingly determined in advance. challenge students cognitively, advance high-level thinking and
discourse, and promote metacognition.
Questioning and The teacher attempts to ask some questions to engage The teacher builds on and uses student responses to questions in
discussion techniques students in thinking but only a few students are involved. order to deepen student understanding.
The teachers make effective and explicit use of wait time, and so do
Questions do not have enough wait time. students as they lead discussions.