SGS Recovering Refractory Resources EN 13 09 PDF
SGS Recovering Refractory Resources EN 13 09 PDF
SGS Recovering Refractory Resources EN 13 09 PDF
The advantages
that Gold Fields
BIOX offers are
very project-
specific, but the
company says
that it has seen
improved rates
of gold recovery
refractory gold ore is gold- There are four common pre-treatment investment and operating costs (OPEX).
containing ore that is resistant to options for refractory gold ores: roasting; These processes are all expensive and
recovery by direct cyanidation pressure oxidation; bio-oxidation; and economic considerations have traditionally
and carbon adsorption processes. More ultra-fine grinding. weighed heavily on the final process
In the past specifically, it is an ore that has a gold In roasting, pressure oxidation and decision. Marcus Runkel, senior process
two to three recovery rate of less than 80% when direct bio-oxidation, the iron sulphide minerals engineer at Outotec, says: The economics
cyanidation is applied to it. are oxidised to create sulphur dioxide are driven by the gold recovery rate. The
decades, Dr Chris Fleming, senior metallurgical (SO2) gas in the case of roasting, or pre-treatment of refractory gold ore should
gold consultant at SGS Minerals, says: In the sulphate ions in pressure oxidation and increase the gold recovery rate in the
recovery past two to three decades, gold recovery bio-oxidation. The iron component is cyanide leach process by 30-40% in order
from refractory ores has received an oxidised to the trivalent state and forms to be economical
from increased amount of attention due to a solid compounds such as haematite Large operations tend to choose
refractory higher number of orebodies failing to (roasting), basic iron sulphate or jarosite roasting or pressure oxidation, while
respond adequately. (pressure oxidation and bio-oxidation) and smaller operations tend to select bacterial
ores has Refractoriness (the degree of resistance soluble compounds such as ferric sulphate leaching, says Dr Fleming. Other
received an to standard recovery methods) is (pressure oxidation and bio-oxidation). factors, such as gold and silver recovery
increased generally due to total encapsulation of Ultra-fine grinding is a strictly physical rates and environmental regulations, also
extremely fine gold particles by a host process and there is no chemical change determine which process will be used.
amount of mineral that is impervious to the cyanide to minerals in the feed. However, environmental regulations
attention leach solution. As a result, refractory ores Mineral concentration steps, such as can sometimes outweigh cost and gold
require physical or chemical pre-treatment sulphide flotation, often precede the recovery. It is very difficult or even
for adequate gold recovery to be pre-treatment processes. By reducing the impossible to get a permit to build a
achieved through traditional cyanidation volume of ore going in to the pre-treat- roaster in some countries, adds Dr
and carbon adsorption processes. Pyrite ment process, the size of the equipment Fleming. Other countries will not allow
and arsenopyrite are the most common needed is also decreased. arsenic to be handled in any way other
host minerals in refractory gold deposits. The infrastructure needed for than pressure oxidation. While there isnt
Recent introduction of hydrometallurgi- refractory gold processing varies one set procedure for refractory gold ore
cal pre-treatment processes, such as depending on the method chosen, says processing, SGS looks at every situation
pressure oxidation and bacterial leaching Rachel Bridge, metallurgist at Hatch. The separately, to evaluate which option is the
(bio-oxidation), has given mining process steps common to each method best fit.
A sample of vein companies more options for treating are crushing, grinding, gravity concentra-
gold from refractory ores, says Dr Fleming. In many tion, intensive cyanidation of the gravity ROASTING
Timmins Ontario cases, these new technologies have found concentrate and all refinery processes Roasting is generally applied to sulphide
mining camp favour over traditional roasting practices. downstream of carbon-in-leach (CIL). minerals and refractory ores. It involves a
Dr Fleming comments: It is important thermal gas-solid reaction during which
to note that no single pre-treatment sulphides and sometimes organic carbon
process provides the best economic and are oxidised to SO2 and carbon dioxide
environmental outcome for all cases. Each (CO2) at temperatures between 500C
process has strengths and weaknesses. and 700C. Mr Runkel of Outotec says:
Often at SGS we evaluate all four Roasting plants can be designed with a
pre-treatment options during feasibility throughput up to 5,000t/d or higher per
studies to ensure the customer gets an line, depending on the ore composition.
economically viable solution. Dr Fleming says: Prior to the 1970s,
The decision on which method of roasting was the only process available to
refractory gold recovery to choose is metallurgists for treatment of refractory
usually based on the economics of gold ores and it was applied in most of
SGS autoclave the gold-producing regions of the world. then it will generally have to use oxygen
set-up for gold The reactor types are: bubbling fluidised as the oxidant and the CAPEX will be
processing bed (FB) or circulating fluidised bed (CFB). higher. This can be offset by acid sales.
A FB roaster operates at relatively low gas However, roasting will not provide large
velocities, with the particles kept in savings if an oxygen plant, in combination
balance against their own gravity. Ms with comprehensive scrubbing of the
Bridge says: A CFB roaster operates at gases, is required to meet stringent
higher gas velocities, and is used to modern standards for discharge of toxic
evaporate residual moisture and roast the elements in the gas phase. Roasters also
While gold flotation concentrate, oxidising 98% of the have to recover arsenic trioxide (As2O3)
recovery by sulphide and 65% of the carbon. and SO2 from the gas very efficiently to
Gold ores are typically pre-concen- meet environmental standards and the
roasting is trated through a flotation process prior to CAPEX of gas capture can be expensive.
high, the roasting. For ores that do not respond Ms Bridge says: While the gold
higher well to flotation, recent technical recovery by roasting is high, the higher
innovations in roasting have made it CAPEX and OPEX requirements needed
CAPEX and possible to treat whole ores. This has also to comply with environmental standards
OPEX have allowed for the re-evaluation of deposits have caused roasting to be less
previously thought uneconomical for economically attractive in some regions.
caused exploitation, such as those found in the high gold recovery and the potential for a Concerns over the potential for
roasting to southwestern US. slight capital cost (CAPEX) advantage environmental damage have made it
be less Mr Runkel adds: The removal of over alternative methods of treating difficult to obtain an operating permit for
impurities such as arsenic and mercury in refractory gold ore. The roasting oxidant a roaster in a number of countries.
attractive in particular can be done very effectively in a can be air or pure oxygen, so there may Another product of the roasting process
some roasting step, which is always designed in no need for a dedicated oxygen plant, is haematite (Fe2O3), which is made by
compliance with the environmental which will lower the overall CAPEX, converting the iron in pyrite and
regions regulations. Another factor is the explains Dr Fleming. If air is used, the arsenopyrite. This is a desirable product for
production of sulphuric acid and heat SO2 that is generated is generally too thickening, filtering and storing in tailings
recovery in the form of high-pressure dilute to make acid, so it is scrubbed from as it is dense and compact. It is also
steam, which in special applications can the gas phase and neutralised with chemically inert, eliminating the possibility
improve the economic model. limestone. If the plant is going to produce of release of acid or heavy metals into the
The advantages of roasting include sulphuric acid as a saleable by-product, environment. However, when the feed
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contains arsenopyrite, the process can ment, such as an oxygen plant, making
become quite complex, as the roasters the overall CAPEX typically higher than
have to be operated in two stages. bio-oxidation or roasting. Also, a
When implementing a roasting plant, workforce with technical expertise is
the longest period is typically in the required to operate high-pressure vessels.
concept stage. Mr Runkel explains: Pressure oxidation is not well suited for
Roasting test work and finalising the feed materials with high levels of silver, as
design basis should be done within a year. the silver often reacts with iron in the
For a lump sum turnkey roasting project autoclave to form a silver jarosite
including the roasting, gas cleaning and compound that is resistant to cyanide
sulphuric acid unit, the timeframe from leaching. Expensive measures have to be
start of the contract to mechanical adopted to liberate and recover the silver.
completion and start-up of the plant can There are some environmental concerns
take 2-3 years. about the technology. Traditionally, only a
small percentage of the iron in pyrite and
PRESSURE OxIdATION arsenopyrite is converted to haematite
Pressure oxidation, or autoclaving, was during pressure oxidation, and the majority
originally developed for processing base ends up as jarosite or basic iron sulphate. beneficiaries of the reaction, allowing Gold Fields
metal concentrates. In the last 30 years, it These compounds can cause metallurgical them to multiply. BIOX technology
has been adapted for processing challenges in downstream precious metal Bio-oxidation enjoys lower CAPEX than is in use at
refractory gold ores and concentrates recovery and both have the potential to roasting and pressure oxidation, and has a Eldorado Golds
where gold is trapped in sulphide release acid and heavy metals to the slightly lower net present value (NPV) than Jinfeng plant in
minerals, such as pyrite or arsenopyrite. environment. pressure oxidation, so it often produces China
During this process, the sulphides are To meet environmental regulations in the best overall economics for smaller-
oxidised by pure oxygen at an elevated most gold-producing nations, the tailings scale operations. The process uses air to
temperature and pressure in an aqueous from a pressure oxidation plant may have oxidise the sulphides, so no oxygen plant
slurry. This breaks the sulphides down to a to be deposited in a lined tailings pond. is needed. The process is simple to
solution phase consisting of metal sulphate Creating a tailings pond will result in an operate with limited expertise required,
compounds and sulphuric acid. The gold increased CAPEX for the project. so operators can be sourced from local
locked in the original sulphide mineral is communities and trained.
completely liberated, allowing very high BIO-OxIdATION For the bio-oxidation option,
gold recovery to be achieved when the In bio-oxidation, certain strains of bacteria alternatives in various design details can Bio-
product is treated with cyanidation. are used to accelerate the natural process be investigated to reduce CAPEX and oxidation
The use of pressure oxidation has of sulphide oxidation. These bacteria OPEX, says Ms Bridge. Also, bio-oxida-
become common in the past 20 years as a metabolise energy from the oxidation of tion designs are exceptionally well suited designs are
result of better gold recovery efficiency ferrous ions and sulphides. The by-prod- for incremental expansion to accommo- exception-
when compared to roasting, and an ucts then report to the aqueous phase as date a mine plan calling for a production
inability of first-generation roasting plants metal sulphate compounds and sulphuric ramp-up over time.
ally well
to meet increasingly strict environmental acid (similar to what happens in the Bio-oxidation has a lower environmental suited for
controls on sulphur and arsenic discharge. pressure oxidation process). Gold impact than some other technologies. incremental
Advantages of pressure oxidation recovery is very high and is similar to what Toxic elements such as arsenic and acid are
include: high gold recovery; and sulphide is achievable using pressure oxidation. generated in solution and are easier to expansion
minerals break down completely into Bio-oxidation is a reasonably well-estab- contain and stabilise as environmentally to accom-
solution, allowing the gold locked in the lished technology with several plants benign by-products. The sulphide minerals
sulphides to be fully liberated. Pressure operating globally. break down completely into solution.
modate a
oxidation is also capable of handling a The largest interest in bio-oxidation is However, arsenic is converted to an mine plan
range of feed rates. Dr Fleming says: focused on high-grade concentrates by amorphous ferric arsenate compound in calling for a
Pressure oxidation gold recovery rates treatment of finely milled solids in stirred the tailings, which is not as stable as
are a minimum of 10% better than those tank reactors. Dr Fleming adds: An scorodite. Amorphous ferric arsenate could production
of roasting. important characteristic of bacterial create issues when attempting to meet ramp-up
Toxic elements such as arsenic and leaching reactions is that the bacteria are environmental regulations in some regions.
sulphuric acid are produced in solution, autocatalytic; ie, the bacteria, which are Bio-oxidation is best suited for
over time
rather than in the gas phase as in roasting. the catalyst for the reaction, are also smaller-scale operations due to the long
These by-products are much easier to residence time required for oxidation of
contain and stabilise as environmentally the sulphides. Dr Fleming explains:
benign products when in solution. Arsenic Residence time for bio-oxidation
is converted to ferric arsenate (scorodite) processes is typically 4-5 days, compared
in the autoclave, which is as stable as the with roughly 1h for pressure oxidation and
original arsenic sulphide mineral and can less than 30 minutes for roasting. The plant
be disposed of to the process tailings footprint will, therefore, be much larger for Gold Fields
without further treatment. The acid is bio-oxidation than the other alternatives BIOX uses a
converted to gypsum, a stable and for a given ore throughput capacity. This mixed population
environmentally benign compound. becomes an issue if space is limited. of bacteria to
However, the technology has some Cyanide consumption can also be a break down the
disadvantages as well: it has a higher problem. Cyanide consumption is typically sulphide mineral
throughput and requires larger equip- 10-20kg/t, versus a maximum of 1-2 kg/t matrix
REBgold says that for many operations, project-specific, but the company says
bioleaching technologies are now the that it is generally half of that required for
treatment method of choice, due to the pressure oxidation.
lower costs and environmentally REBgold says that the technology is
responsible practices associated with the very good at managing toxic elements.
process. BACOX is well suited to a variety The company says that it handles arsenic
of locations, even those in remote areas. and iron as part of the ore composition in
A reasonable quality of water is many projects; the bacteria make the
required together with a good source of arsenic and iron soluble, and a benign
local limestone, which the company says stable waste is produced by neutralisation
are usually readily available. REBgold has of this solution with limestone. The
built a plant in a desert region where the precipitate produced as part of the
A REBgold REBgold says that the separation water was mildly saline, and says that it process binds the arsenic very strongly
BACOX plant in technology achieves in six days what works well. The process maximises water into a matrix, meeting US Environmental
operation would take 20 years to occur in nature. It re-use to minimise discharge require- Protection Agency (EPA) or equivalent
also says that the tailings created are ments. regulations for safe disposal.
Thermophilic benign and there is no risk of environmen- The timeframe for implementing the REBgold is currently examining a
bacteria used in tal damage. The typical gold recovery rate BACOX process is project-specific. number of projects for the possible
REBgolds is 90-95%. However, REBgold says that getting application of BACOX in a variety of coun-
BACOX process The BACOX process can work at a permits for projects is often easier with tries. It is active in Finland, where there is
variety of scales. Concentrate treatment BACOX processing due to the products a mixture of prospects from conventional
rates vary from 30t/d to 1,000t/d of being environmentally benign, and that non-refractory gold resources through to
concentrate, which is generally equivalent lead times can be shorter than with other sulphides where use of the technology
to between 200t/d to 5,000t/d of ore. The technologies, as no specialised equipment may become appropriate.
companys largest installation processes is required. The company believes that there are
200t/d of concentrate, which is roughly Test work protocols are well established more projects in Europe and South
equivalent to 1,000t/d of ore. The process for taking projects from a conceptual basis America where the technology could
is modular, making expansion at a later through to commercialisation, so it can provide an advantage, as well as an entry
date very easy. take as little as one year from test work to to projects by economic participation, as
The process can treat a variety of ore engineering, design, construction and REBgold not only provides the technology
types through the life of a project, from commissioning, depending on permitting. but also help to secure funding for the
transition ores to fully refractory ores. The capital investment is also very right project.
Case study: AngloGold Ashanti Ultra-fine grinding is when grinding is used
to reduce the particle size of the host
MINERAO conversion of SO 2 to sulphur trioxide (SO3) mineral so that part of the gold surface is
AngloGold Ashanti has a number of mines that once dry, the SO2 contained in the gas needs exposed, allowing contact with cyanide
feature refractory gold. For example, the to be converted to SO3 with the aid of a catalyst solution. A benefit of this technique is that
Minerao mining complex in Minas Gerais, to enable the absorption of the reaction to the host mineral is not destroyed in an
southeastern Brazil, uses the roasting process to become thermodynamically feasible in such oxidative chemical reaction, which avoids
treat its refractory ore. operating conditions; and the resulting problems of how to treat the
The company says that the roasting process was absorption of SO3 the SO3 produced in the reaction products.
chosen because it is the best match to the type of previous step is absorbed by dilution water However, such fine grinding is
ore at the mine; the choice was made based on the contained in the sulphuric acid circulating in the increasingly energy-intensive with each size
process that would provide the best metallurgical interpass and final absorption towers, which reduction step. Dr Fleming explains: Gold
efficiency. The roasting process promotes the leads to the production of additional sulphuric particles in refractory deposits are
release of the gold contained in the ore concen- acid (H2SO4) molecules. generally less than 0.1micron in size and it
trate, and thus increases the metallurgical recovery is impractical, if not impossible, to grind
of the gold treatment process. It also allows the Anglogold sulphides to a fine enough state to liberate
production of another value-added product sul- Ashanti the gold particles.
phuric acid. This way, AngloGold Ashanti can uses bio- He continues: Ultra-fine grinding, if
maximise the mineral resource mined at its mines. oxidation successful at liberating gold, provides the
The roasting process used at AngloGold Ashanti at Obuasi lowest CAPEX and OPEX of the four
is the single-stage FB type. In this process, the pulp processes. Unfortunately, it is very seldom
concentrate at a typical particle size (80% passing effective as a technique. However, because
through 400-mesh, or 38 microns) is fed by 12 of the favourable economics, ultra-fine
compressed air feed guns. The slurry inside the grinding should always be tested and
roaster reacts with the air blown from the bottom evaluated during project feasibility studies
of the furnace, which has a dual function: it fluidises ObUASI for the rare occasion that it proves to be
solids and provides the oxygen required for the Gold Fields BIOX process is used at the Obuasi beneficial.
various sulphide oxidation reactions. plant in Ghana. Different treatment routes were
The ore is processed at the Queiroz and Cuiab evaluated in 1991, and the choices were narrowed Maelgwyn Mineral Services
plants. The Queiroz plant roasting process can treat down to pressure oxidation and bio-oxidation. The Maelgwyn owns the Leachox process,
848t/d of concentrate, which is equivalent to company says that it chose bio-oxidation for the which was developed by combining its
5,000t/d of ore, bearing an average gold content of following reasons: experience in gold processing with its flota-
7.5g/t. Therefore, the Cuiab metallurgical plant there was the need to move away from roasting, tion technologies to modify the Imhoflot
has the capacity to treat 37.5kg/d of gold (13.7t/y which had caused environmental pollution pneumatic flotation aerator. This allowed it
or 440,000oz/y). through emission of arsenic trioxide; to be used as a highly efficient mass-trans-
Infrastructure required included a power supply, bio-oxidation was perceived to provide a cleaner fer device to introduce oxygen into slurry,
water and a site to build the processing plant and operating environment, as arsenic compounds which is combined with ultra-fine grinding
tailings dams. It took 3-4 years to proceed from are safely neutralised and impounded to of a flotation concentrate.
initial test works, studies, and assessment of conform to EPA requirements; The concentrate is then fed to
metallurgical processes alternatives to implementa- the relative simplicity of operation and control Maelgwyns Aachen reactors to provide
tion and plant start-up. The capital invested in the for bio-oxidation when compared with pressure low-pressure partial oxidation of sulphides
roasting plant and sulphuric acid plant was US$35 oxidation; and combined with high shear to remove
million. the low CAPEX and OPEX. passivation of gold surfaces often
associated with other oxidative leaching
CRREGO dO STIO The BIOX plant at Obuasi is made up of four processes. The shear action facilitates the
The ore from the companys Crrego do Stio mine, modules; each contains six stainless steel reactors thinning of the diffusion or boundary layer
also in the Minas Gerais region of Brazil, is highly that are each 895m3 in volume. There is also a 25th around the mineral particles, while also
refractory, and therefore requires a more intense reactor that is common to all of the modules. The enhancing kinetics and reduced cyanide
oxidation process to achieve high recovery. In this plant also has four counter current decantation consumption. The typical recovery rate is a
case, after metallurgical tests were carried out, (CCD) thickeners, a neutralisation circuit made up function of the ore mineralogy, but can
pressure oxidation was chosen. It works at 230C of six tanks, and ancillaries such as a cooling tower, often be in excess of 90% compared with
and 36bar pressure by injecting oxygen to attain blowers and a nutrient mixing dosing facility. 30-60% without Leachox.
oxidation. This plant began operation early this It took two years to conduct the pilot test work, The Leachox process is very flexible
year, and is currently in the stabilisation phase. No design and construct the plant, and it was and so the circuit can be modified to
by-product is produced in this particular process. commissioned in 1994 with a capital investment of handle any required tonnage, says Steve
The investment made in the pressure oxidation US$25 million. Flatman, general manager at Maelgwyn.
system was US$25 million. The BIOX plant was initially designed to treat While Leachox and other competitor
The process for treating SO2 uses double 720t/d of concentrate, and the capacity was processes are generally associated with
oxidation and double absorption. The process increased to 1,050t/d with the addition of extra refractory gold treatment, the Aachen
comprises three steps: reactors in 1998. reactors themselves, which are the core
gas drying removal of all moisture (water The waste stream from the process, which part of the Leachox process, are
vapour) from the gas. It is accomplished by contains soluble arsenic, is precipitated as insoluble increasingly being used on run-of-mine
recirculating the 96% sulphuric acid stream in ferric arsenate, which is considered stable, and then (ROM) circuits to accelerate leach kinetics,
counter-current in the drying tower; disposed of on the tailings storage facility. or in a pre-oxidation mode where a light
pre-oxidation is required.
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SGS column The efficiency of Leachox is not a own in-house ultra-fine grinding mill.
function of grade, so it is not limited to just
leach pilot set-up Thereafter, the Aachen reactor contains
high-grade flotation concentrates. This can
in Chile no moving parts, with the flow through the
enable mines to increase their flotation reactor provided by a feed/recirculation
mass pull, albeit at a lower grade to pump. Mr Flatman concludes: Due to its
enhance flotation metal recovery. inherent simplicity, the Leachox process is
Maelgwyn says there are a number of ideally suited to remote locations.
advantages to using Leachox. Mr Flatman Maelgwyn has extensive laboratory
explains: Firstly, Leachox is generally facilities in South Africa, through its
Leachox is significantly more cost-effective than subsidiary Maelgwyn Mineral Services
other refractory processes from both a Africa. The amount of test work and the
generally CAPEX and OPEX viewpoint. This is timeframe required is a function of how
significantly essentially because the process is flexible much test work the client has already
done, says Mr Flatman. Normally,
more cost- and is able to combine a number of
Maelgwyns core technologies to scouting work would be needed to narrow
effective formulate a bespoke solution for a down the process options, followed by
than other specific orebody, rather than trying to more detailed confirmatory work. A
make the orebody fit the process. timeframe of six months is typical.
refractory Secondly, the flexibility also extends to guidelines, again through using its Aachen Thereafter, another six months for
processes recovery, where the number of passes reactors. manufacture and installation/commission-
through the Aachen reactor can be tailored An oxygen supply is the major ing should be allowed.
from both a to achieve an economic recovery, as requirement for Leachox. For remote The Leachox process has been used
CAPEX and opposed to maximum recovery. plants this would typically be a pressure commercially at both the Galaxy Gold
OPEX The only chemical that Leachox uses is swing adsorption or vacuum swing Minings Agnes mine near Barberton and
oxygen, so the process is very environ- adsorption (PSA/VSA) plant. Imhoflot Transvaal Gold Mining Estates operation
viewpoint mentally friendly. Leachox also reduces pneumatic flotation cells would then near Pilgrims Rest, both in South Africa.
cyanide consumption, particularly when normally be used to produce a flotation A Leachox circuit is also being installed at
ultra-fine grinding is required. While not concentrate. Depending on the mineral- a west African gold producers mine.
strictly part of Leachox, Maelgwyn can ogy, ultra-fine grinding may be necessary, Additionally, several mining companies
also incorporate its cyanide destruction requiring an ultra-fine grinding mill. have committed to incorporating the
Mining World 1.2 which reduces
pg 2012 22/5/12residual cyanide PageHistorically,
15:21 1 Maelgwyn has used vendor process into their planned operations
levels to below international cyanide mills for this, but has also developed its pending funding finalisation.