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Animal Feed Science and Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx

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Animal Feed Science and Technology

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Evaluation of different essential oils in modulating methane

and ammonia production, rumen fermentation, and rumen
bacteria in vitro
Gabriella Cobellis a,b, , Massimo Trabalza-Marinucci a ,
Maria Carla Marcotullio c , Zhongtang Yu b
Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria, Universit degli Studi di Perugia, 06126 Perugia, Italy
Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche, Universit degli Studi di Perugia, 06123 Perugia, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Various essential oils (EO) have been individually evaluated to mitigate methane and
Received 4 November 2015 ammonia production by rumen microbiota. Interactions between EO can affect their
Received in revised form 4 February 2016 potency but such interactions largely remain unexplored. In the present study, EO from
Accepted 10 February 2016
oregano, rosemary, Ceylon cinnamon, cinnamon leaves, cinnamon bark, dill seeds, and
Available online xxx
eucalyptus were chemically characterized and then evaluated in vitro, both individually (at
1.125 ml/L culture) and in three-way EO combinations (at total EO 0.8 ml/L, equal ratio), for
their effects on fermentation, methanogenesis, ammoniagenesis, and bacteria and archaea.
All the EO and their combinations decreased production of total gas (P < 0.001), methane
Essential oil
Methane (P < 0.001), and ammonia (except eucalyptus EO; P < 0.001), but they (except the Ceylon
Rumen bacteria cinnamon-dill seeds-eucalyptus EO combination) also decreased dry matter digestibility
Rumen fermentation (P < 0.001). The EO individually decreased the abundances of Prevotella spp. (P < 0.001) but
only oregano EO reduced the abundance of archaea (P < 0.001). The EO combinations sig-
nicantly decreased the abundances of archaea (P < 0.001), protozoa (P < 0.001), and select
groups or species of different rumen bacteria to different extents. Changes in bacterial and
archaeal communities in response to several EO combinations were also shown by DGGE
analyses. Combination of EO from Ceylon cinnamon, dill seeds, eucalyptus, and probably
others, at low concentrations may be a practical approach to mitigate methane emission and
nitrogen excretion from ruminant without adverse effect on feed digestion or fermentation.

2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Abbreviations: A/P, acetate/propionate; CCB, Ceylon cinnamon bark; CIB, cinnamon bark; CIL, cinnamon leaves; CTR, control; DGGE, denaturing gradient
gel electrophoresis; DIL, dill seeds; DM, dry matter; DMD, dry matter degradability; EO, essential oils; GHG, greenhouse gas; EUC, eucalyptus leaves; FID,
ame ionization detector; GC, gas chromatography; GCMC, gas chromatographymass spectroscopy; NDF, neutral detergent ber; NDFD, neutral detergent
ber degradability; ORE, oregano leaves; PCA, principal component analysis; RI, linear retention indices; ROS, rosemary leaves; SEM, standard error means;
VFA, volatile fatty acids.
Corresponding author at: Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria, Universit degli Studi di Perugia, via San Costanzo 4, 06126, Perugia, Italy.
E-mail address: (G. Cobellis).
0377-8401/ 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Cobellis, G., et al., Evaluation of different essential oils in modulating
methane and ammonia production, rumen fermentation, and rumen bacteria in vitro. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. (2016),
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ANIFEE-13469; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 G. Cobellis et al. / Animal Feed Science and Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx

1. Introduction

Ruminant livestock production contributes signicantly to worldwide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. About 71% of
the GHG emissions comes as methane produced from enteric fermentation (especially rumen fermentation), followed by
nitrous oxide (25%) and methane (4%) from manure (FAO, 2013). In the coming years, the rapid growth of world population
will increase the demand for milk and meat by 22% and 14%, respectively (FAO, 2013). This will inevitably increase GHG
emissions from livestock production.
Numerous nutritional strategies have been evaluated in recent years to mitigate methane emission and nitrogen excretion
from cattle by modulating the ruminal microbial fermentation processes. Some promising results have been obtained from
natural feed additives (Hristov et al., 2013; Knapp et al., 2014). Among these natural rumen modiers, plant secondary
metabolites, such as saponins, tannins, and essential oils (EO), are of potential application.
Essential oils are synthetized by many plants as protectants against insect predation and microbial infection, and they
are generally considered as safe. The major compounds identied in EO include monoterpene hydrocarbons (e.g. -pinene,
-phellandrene, p-cymene, m-cymene, -terpinene, and limonene) and phenolic compounds (e.g. carvacrol, thymol, and
eugenol). Owing to the phenolic ring and hydroxyl group, phenolic compounds have stronger antimicrobial activities than
monoterpene hydrocarbons (Benchaar and Greathead, 2011; Cobellis et al., 2016). Generally, Gram-positive bacteria are
more sensitive to EO than Gram-negative bacteria, but small EO compounds, such as carvacrol, are able to interact with
cell membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, leading to loss of cell content and cell lysis (Benchaar and Greathead, 2011;
Cobellis et al., 2016). Eugenol, a phenolic compound of cinnamon EO, can inactivate some microbial enzymes (Burt, 2004;
Benchaar and Greathead, 2011). The strong antimicrobial activity of cinnamaldehyde, similar to that of carvacrol, has been
attributed to the presence of a carbonyl group, which was thought to be able to disrupt microbial cell membrane and
inactivate microbial enzymes (Benchaar and Greathead, 2011; Cobellis et al., 2016). However, unlike the antimicrobial
activity exhibited by their individual compounds, the antimicrobial potency of EO varies considerably depending on chemical
composition (both components present and their proportions), chemical congurations of components, and interactions
among EO components (Burt, 2004). For example, cinnamon EO is more anti-methanogenic than its individual compounds,
which suggests a synergic activity among its components (Macheboeuf et al., 2008). Combinations of different EO could also
bring about a greater antimicrobial efciency due to additive and/or synergistic effects that can occur between components
of different EO (Benchaar and Greathead, 2011).
Recently, many EO have been shown to positively affect starch and protein degradation, production of ammonia,
volatile fatty acids (VFA), and methane due to their antimicrobial activities against some ruminal microorganisms, such
as methanogenic archaea and hyper-ammonia producing bacteria (Patra, 2011). However, these positive effects are often
accompanied with negative effects on ber degradation (Patra and Yu, 2012). In fact, due to both the complexity of the
rumen microbial ecosystem and EO composition, the effects of EO on different ruminal microbial populations and on their
interactions with feed fermentation seem to be difcult to predict. Mixed responses of rumen microbiome to EO were also
reported in different studies with respect to methane production, fermentation characteristics, and microbial populations.
The chemical composition of EO, which affects their antimicrobial activities, is highly variable depending on many factors
(e.g. plant species, stage of growth, parts of plant, extraction method). To date, only a few studies evaluated EO with a known
chemical composition in modulating rumen microbiome and function.
In the present study, we determined the chemical composition of seven EO and comparatively evaluated their effects
on methane and ammonia production, feed degradability, VFA production, rumen bacterial and archaeal communities, and
abundance of common rumen microbial groups in vitro. This study showed that combinations of certain EO could potentially
decrease methane emissions from cattle with little or no detrimental effect on feed digestion or fermentation.

2. Methods

2.1. Essential oils and experimental design

Essential oil from oregano leaves (ORE; Thymus capitatus L.), rosemary leaves (ROS; Rosmarinus ofcinalis L.), Ceylon cin-
namon bark (CCB; Cinnamomum zeylanicum), cinnamon leaves (CIL; Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume), cinnamon bark (CIB;
Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume), dill seeds (DIL; Anethum graveolens L.), and eucalyptus leaves (EUC; Eucalyptus globulus
Labill.) were purchased from Essential Srl (Montopoli Val dArno, Italy). The composition of the EO was determined by gas
chromatography (GC) and by gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GCMC) that were controlled by the HP ChemStation
Software. The GC instrument (HP 6890) was equipped with a MS 5973 mass selective detector (Hewlett Packard, Palo Alto,
CA), a fused silica capillary column (HP-5MS; 30 m 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 m lm thickness) and a ame ionization detector
(FID). The oven temperature was programmed to hold at 40 C for 7 min, ramp to 270 C at 10 C/min, and hold at 270 C
for 20 min. Injector and detector temperatures were maintained at 250 and 270 C, respectively. Each of the EO samples
was diluted in hexane to a nal concentration of 0.125 l/ml, and 1 l was injected into the GC in the splitless mode using
helium as carrier gas. Each component was calculated by dividing the peak area of each component by the total area of all
the components detected. The values were the mean of 3 injections of each EO sample. All compounds were identied by
comparison of their linear retention indices (RI) relative to the retention times of a homologous series of C5C20 alkanes
reported in the literature (Adams, 2007) and by comparison to the mass spectra from the NIST98 Mass Spectral Database.

Please cite this article in press as: Cobellis, G., et al., Evaluation of different essential oils in modulating
methane and ammonia production, rumen fermentation, and rumen bacteria in vitro. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. (2016),
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ANIFEE-13469; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
G. Cobellis et al. / Animal Feed Science and Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx 3

Essential oils were evaluated rst individually at the dose of 1.125 ml/L culture (trial 1) in 8 treatments: the 7 different
EO and a control without EO (CTR). Because all the seven EO signicantly decreased dry matter (DM) digestibility, neutral
detergent ber (NDF), and total VFA production at the dose tested, they were evaluated in three-way combinations (equal
ratio) at a lower dose (0.8 ml total EO/L culture) in trial 2 using six treatments: control without EO (CTR); combination of
DIL, ORE, and ROS (A); combination of CIL, ORE, and ROS (B); combination of CCB, EUC, and ORE (C); combination of CCB,
DIL, and EUC (D); and combination of CIB, DIL, and ORE (E). These three-way EO combinations were chosen based on the
different effects observed in trial 1. Each treatment of the two trials was done in triplicate.

2.2. In vitro fermentations

Fresh rumen content was collected from two rumen-cannulated lactating Jersey cows at 3 h post morning feeding. The
animals were fed twice a day with a total mixed ration (TMR) composed of (DM basis) corn silage (390 g/kg), a mixture
of alfalfa hay and grass hay (350 g/kg), and a concentrate mixture (260 g/kg) (crude protein, 162 g/kg; NDF, 351 g/kg; acid
detergent ber, 208 g/kg; lignin, 50 g/kg; DM basis). The cows were cared and handled following the protocols approved by
The Ohio State University Animal Care and Use Committee. Rumen uid was obtained by straining rumen content through
four layers of cheesecloth into a bottle (500 ml) leaving no headspace. The fresh rumen uid samples from the two cows
were combined in an equal volume, kept at 39 C, and immediately transported to the laboratory within 15 min to be used
as inoculum for the in vitro fermentations. The in vitro buffered medium (articial saliva) was prepared anaerobically as
described by Menke and Steingass (1988). Inside of an anaerobic chamber, 30 ml of the medium and 10 ml of the inoculum
were dispensed into a 120 ml serum bottle already containing 400 mg of ground substrate as described by Patra and Yu (2014).
The substrate was composed of alfalfa hay (388 g NDF per kg DM) and a concentrate mixture at equal ratio by weight. The
concentrate mixture contained ground corn (730 g/kg), soy hulls (150 g/kg), soybean meal (80 g/kg), and a mineral vitamin
mixture (40 g/kg). The serum bottles were sealed with butyl rubber stoppers and incubated at 39 C in a water bath for 24 h
in trial 1 and for 48 h in trial 2 with intermittent shaking. Trial 1 was a preliminary experiment and for this reason, a shorter
time of incubation (24 h) was used. Further, in trial 2 the effects of EO combinations were evaluated in 48 h of incubation to
verify the possibility of a microbial adaptation of these compounds in cultures.

2.3. Sampling and analyses

At the end of the incubation, fermentation was terminated by placing the bottles into ice-water. Gas pressure inside of each
bottle was recorded using a manometer (Traceable , Fisher Scientic, USA) to determine total gas production. Headspace
gas from each bottle was collected (4 ml) into a glass tube that was completely lled with distilled water by displacement,
and its methane concentration was determined using gas chromatography (Patra and Yu, 2012). Samples of liquid cultures
(1.5 ml from each bottle) were collected for microbial DNA extraction and analysis for VFA and ammonia. A pH meter (Fisher
Scientic, Suwanee, USA) was used to measure the cultures pH. The remaining culture was then ltered using a lter bag
(Ankom Technology, Macedon, USA; pore size 50 m) to determine the residual DM (AOAC, 2012; Method 934.01) and NDF
content (Van Soest et al., 1991). Sodium sulphite was used in the NDF procedure without a heat stable amylase, and the
results were expressed exclusive of residual ash. The VFA concentration of the culture was determined using GC as described
by Patra and Yu (2014).

2.4. Microbial DNA extraction, quantitative real-time PCR, and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis

Metagenomic DNA was extracted from microbial biomass pelleted from each culture following the method of Yu and
Morrison (2004a). DNA quality was assessed by agarose gel (1.0%) electrophoresis. The concentration and purity of the DNA
extracts were assessed using a NanoDrop spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies, Wilmington, USA). The DNA samples
were stored at 20 C until further analysis. The abundance of total bacteria, archaea, protozoa, and select rumen bacterial
species (including brolytic and hyper-ammonia producing bacteria) were quantied using respective specic quantitative
real-time (qPCR) assays using respective specic PCR primer pair (Table 1) as described by Patra and Yu (2014). The absolute
abundance was expressed as log10 of rrs gene copies/ml of culture sample.
Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was used to prole the bacterial community and the archaeal community
in the samples collected from trial 2. The V3 hypervariable region of the rrs gene was amplied using bacterium- and
archaeon-specic primers (with a 40-bp GC clamp added to the 5 end of the forward primer; Table 1). The PCR and DGGE
conditions and the gel image analysis were essentially the same as described previously (Yu and Morrison, 2004b, Yu et al.,

2.5. Statistical analysis

All data were analysed using the ANOVA procedure of SAS (SAS Institute Inc., 2010). The qPCR data (rrs gene copies/ml of
culture) were log-transformed before statistical analyses to improve normality. Differences between treatment means were
determined by Tukeys test. Data were reported as least squares means standard error. Differences were considered to be
signicant when P 0.05, while 0.05 < P < 0.10 were considered as a trend. The DGGE prole was analyzed using principal

Please cite this article in press as: Cobellis, G., et al., Evaluation of different essential oils in modulating
methane and ammonia production, rumen fermentation, and rumen bacteria in vitro. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. (2016),
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4 G. Cobellis et al. / Animal Feed Science and Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx

Table 1
Specic primers used for qPCR analysis and DGGE technique.

Organisms Primers Sequences (5 3 ) Annealing ( C) Size (bp) References

Real-time PCR
Total bacteria 27f AGA GTT TGA TCM TGG CTC AG 55 1535 Lane, 1991
Total bacteria Eub358f TCC TAC GGG AGG CAG CAG T 60 448 Nadkarni et al., 2002
TaqMan probe 6-FAM-5-CGT ATT ACC GCG 70
Archaea ARC787f ATT AGA TAC CCS BGT AGT CC 60 272 Yu et al., 2005
Protozoa 316f GCT TTC GWT GGT AGT GTA TT 54 223 Sylvester et al., 2004
Fibrobacter Fs219f GGT ATG GGA TGA GCT TGC 63 446 Koike and Kobayashi,
succinogenes Fs654r GCC TGC CCC TGA ACT ATC 2001
Ruminococcus Rf154f TCT GGA AAC GGA TGG TA 55 295 Koike and Kobayashi,
avefaciens Rf425r CCT TTA AGA CAG GAG TTT 2001
Ruminococcus albus Ra1281f CCC TAA AAG CAG TCT TAG TTC 55 175 Koike and Kobayashi,
G 2001
Ruminobacter Ram-F CAA CCA GTC GCA TTC AGA 57 642 Tajima et al., 2001
amylophilus Ram-R CAC TAC TCA TGG CAA CAT
Prevotella ruminicola P.rumi-F GGT TAT CTT GAG TGA GTT 53 485 Bekele et al., 2010
Prevotella bryantii P.brya-F ACT GCA GCG CGA ACT GTC 67 540 Bekele et al., 2010
Prevotella spp. BAC303f GAA GGT CCC CCA CAT TG 56 418 Stiverson et al., 2011
Clostridium C.amin-57F ACG GAA ATT ACA GAA GGA AG 57 560 Patra and Yu, 2014
aminophilum C.amin-616R GTT TCC AAA GCA ATT CCA C
Streptococcus bovis S. bovis-F CTA ATA CCG CAT AAC AGC AT 57 869 Bekele et al., 2010
Megashaera elsdenii M. elsd-F GAC CGA AAC TGC GAT GCT 58 130 Bekele et al., 2010
Selenomonas S. rumi-F TGC TAA TAC CGA ATG TTG 53 513 Bekele et al., 2010
ruminantium S. rumi-R TCC TGC ACT CAA GAA AGA
Total bacteria GC-A357f CCC TAC GGG GCG CAG CAG 61 56 C 194 Yu and Morrison,
Archaea GC-RC344f ACG GGG YGC AGC AGG CGC 61 56 C 191 Yu et al., 2008

FAM: 6-carboxyuorescein; TAMRA: 6-carboxytetramethylrhodamine.

component analysis (PCA) using the PC-ORD program to assess the overall effect of EO on the bacterial community and the
archaeal community.

3. Results

3.1. Essential oil chemical composition

The EO differ in their chemical compositions (Table 2). Overall, oxygenated monoterpenes were the major type of com-
ponents of DIL, EUC, ORE, and ROS, whereas phenolic compounds were the major type of components of cinnamon EO
(CIL, CIB, and CCB). Eight compounds were identied in DIL, representing 988 g/kg of this EO. The major compounds were
carvone (389 g/kg), limonene (216 g/kg), -phellandrene (210 g/kg), and dill ether (103 g/kg). The CIL, CIB, and CCB con-
tained 20, 22, and 19 different identied compounds, which together accounted for 1000 g/kg, 991 g/kg and 988 g/kg of
each EO, respectively. Although these three EO were derived from different types of cinnamon and/or different parts of the
same type of plant, their compositions were similar, with trans-cinnamaldehyde (617 g/kg, 517 g/kg and 570 g/kg, respec-
tively) as the main component. The other signicant components were -phellandrene (ranging from 43.0 to 63.2 g/kg),
linalool (34.543.4 g/kg), and -caryophyllene (62.692.8 g/kg). The CIB and CCB contained a higher amount of -terpinene,
linalool and cis-cinnamaldehyde than CIL, while CIB contained a higher amount of -pinene, -phellandrene, p-cymene,
-caryophyllene and caryophyllene oxide but a lower proportion of eugenol than CIL and CCB. Nine compounds were

Please cite this article in press as: Cobellis, G., et al., Evaluation of different essential oils in modulating
methane and ammonia production, rumen fermentation, and rumen bacteria in vitro. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. (2016),
G Model
ANIFEE-13469; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
G. Cobellis et al. / Animal Feed Science and Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx 5

Table 2
Compounds identied in each EO.

Componenta Sources of essential oils (g/kg)b


-Thujene 3.00 1.00 4.50 1.00 2.10 2.30

-Pinene 14.4 2.10 13.0 1.70 21.3 3.70 12.0 1.20 66.5 2.50 20.6 4.40 122 5.00
Camphene 4.40 1.70 6.80 1.60 4.70 3.80 48.9 7.50
-Pinene 4.90 1.10 7.60 1.10 5.20 3.50 14.9 0.90 11.9 3.10 81.2 6.30
Myrcene 26.8 2.90 27.7 2.20
-Myrcene 13.9 0.80
3-Octanol 12.2 1.90
-Phellandrene 210 9.60 22.8 2.00 38.9 0.20 20.3 1.80 5.10 1.50
3 -Carene 15.2 0.80
-Terpinene 7.80 1.30 9.20 1.50 9.20 1.20 3.40 0.40
p-Cymene 21.5 1.60 22.8 1.80 31.9 1.80 26.4 2.80 146 2.70 17.2 3.10
m-Cymene 228 9.30
Limonene 216 3.00 87.4 3.10
-Phellandrene 46.7 1.60 69.2 1.40 43.0 2.50
1,8-Cineole 734 3.20 356 13.0
y-Terpinene 6.60 0.20 78.7 5.20 16.3 0.70
Linaool 34.5 2.90 42.5 2.70 43.4 1.80 6.40 4.30 16.9 2.80
Camphor 103 7.20
Borneol 15.2 1.40
Terpinene-4-ol 5.90 2.90 5.70 3.00 5.20 1.60
-Terpineol 8.50 1.20 8.10 1.10 8.30 2.40 6.70 3.30
Bornyl acetate 18.6 1.00
Dill ether 103 6.80
cis-Dihydrocarvone 9.50 3.40
trans-Dihydrocarvone 25.7 4.10
cis-Cinnamaldehyde 6.90 2.00 25.0 2.00 25.9 1.70
Carvone 389 6.90
trans-Cinnamaldehyde 617 6.80 517 6.70 570 2.10
-Humulene 16.7 3.00
-Caryophyllene 62.6 9.70 92.8 9.70 69.6 2.00 65.9 5.10 46.0 2.90
Carvacrol 522 18.5
Eugenol 57.8 6.50 16.3 2.60 55.0 2.20
-Copaene 13.1 2.60 18.9 5.60 13.4 3.20
-Bourbonene 6.30 0.80
-Elemene 6.10 0.90
trans-Cinnamyl acetate 31.4 7.50 12.7 2.50 39.4 1.20
Caryophyllene oxide 6.30 1.60 25.9 4.10 5.40 3.10 7.70 0.70 9.00 5.80
Humulene oxide 24.9 4.10 16.5 1.00 28.1 3.80
Benzyl benzoate 5.30 1.10 7.60 1.60 5.10 4.00

TOTAL 988 1000 991 993 997 997 997

Monoterpene hydrocarbons 462 125 189 124 257 382 416
Oxygenated monoterpenes 526 48.9 56.3 56.9 740 529 509
Sesquiterpenes 75.7 124 83.0 65.9 62.7
Oxygenated sesquiterpenes 31.2 42.4 33.5 7.70 9.00
Phenolics 718 579 691
Alcohols 12.2
Compounds listed in order of their elution from GC.
Each value (mean standard deviation) represents the mean of three GCMS runs. Sources of EO, DIL: dill seeds; CIL: cinnamon leaves; CIB: cinnamon
bark; CCB: Ceylon cinnamon bark; EUC: eucalyptus leaves; ORE: oregano leaves; ROS: rosemary leaves.

identied in EUC, with 1,8-cineole (734 g/kg), p-cymene (146 g/kg), and -pinene (66.5 g/kg) as the major constituents.
Ten compounds were identied in ORE, representing 997 g/kg of this EO. The most abundant components were carvacrol
(522 g/kg), m-cymene (228 g/kg), -terpinene (78.7 g/kg) and -caryophyllene (65.9 g/kg). The ROS contained 16 compounds
accounting for 997 g/kg of the whole oil. The main components were 1,8-cineole (356 g/kg), -pinene (122 g/kg), camphor
(103 g/kg), limonene (87.4 g/kg), and -pinene (81.2 g/kg).

3.2. Effects of essential oils, individually or in three-way combinations, on production of total gas and methane, ammonia
concentrations, and feed degradability

All the EO, either alone or in three-way combinations, decreased (P < 0.001) total gas production compared with control
(Tables 3 and 4). The most pronounced inhibition on total gas production was observed with CIB, CCB, ORE, and with
the EO combinations DIL-ORE-ROS, CIL-ORE-ROS, and CIB-DIL-ORE. All the treatments also reduced (P < 0.001) methane
production (Tables 3 and 4). The EO combinations resulted in signicant reduction (37.7%78.5%) in methane production,
but the magnitudes of the reduction were smaller than that achieved by the EO individually (Table 3). All the EO, both

Please cite this article in press as: Cobellis, G., et al., Evaluation of different essential oils in modulating
methane and ammonia production, rumen fermentation, and rumen bacteria in vitro. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. (2016),
G Model
ANIFEE-13469; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
6 G. Cobellis et al. / Animal Feed Science and Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx

Table 3
Effects of different essential oils (1.125 ml/L) on in vitro gas production and fermentation characteristics.

Parameters Sources of essential oils* SEM* P-value


Total gas (ml) 127a 109c 97.9d 83.4e 83.0e 120b 81.5e 111c 1.38 <0.001
Methane (ml) 11.9a 6.25c 3.67d 0.00e 0.00e 9.67b 0.00e 6.72c 0.40 <0.001
Ammonia (mg/dL) 22.0a 15.2bc 13.5bc 12.3c 13.3bc 17.8ab 16.1bc 14.7bc 0.94 <0.001
DMD* 0.65a 0.55b 0.46c 0.43cd 0.38d 0.57b 0.41cd 0.55b 0.02 <0.001
NDFD* 0.71 0.70 0.71 0.68 0.66 0.69 0.69 0.71 0.02 0.164
pH 6.11c 6.20c 6.43b 6.95a 6.98a 6.18c 7.02a 6.26bc 0.04 <0.001
Total VFA* (mM) 42.1a 25.0c 21.1d 15.1e 15.4e 41.5a 15.4e 36.9b 0.74 <0.001
Acetate (mol/100 mol) 55.2c 58.7ab 60.2a 57.9abc 58.3ab 42.3e 57.4bc 45.1d 0.56 <0.001
Propionate (mol/100 mol) 20.8a 14.6cd 16.3b 20.0a 20.1a 13.1d 20.0a 15.6bc 0.31 <0.001
Isobutyrate (mol/100 mol) 1.27ab 1.39ab 1.26ab 1.58ab 1.46ab 1.25ab 1.83a 1.07b 0.14 <0.05
Butyrate (mol/100 mol) 18.0d 21.4c 18.4d 15.8e 15.7e 38.0a 15.8e 32.1b 0.41 <0.001
Isovalerate (mol/100 mol) 2.03ab 1.89abc 1.84bc 2.21ab 2.16ab 1.91abc 2.42a 1.50c 0.11 <0.001
Valerate (mol/100 mol) 2.61bc 1.98c 2.07c 2.45bc 2.31c 3.38b 2.54bc 4.59a 0.20 <0.001
A/P* ratio 2.66c 4.03a 3.70a 2.89bc 2.90bc 3.22b 2.87bc 2.90bc 0.07 <0.001

Means (n = 3) with different superscripts within a row differ signicantly (P < 0.05).
DIL: dill seeds; CIL: cinnamon leaves; CIB: cinnamon bark; CCB: Ceylon cinnamon bark; EUC: eucalyptus leaves; ORE: oregano leaves; ROS: rose-
mary leaves; SEM: standard error means; DMD: dry matter degradability; NDFD: neutral detergent ber degradability; VFA: volatile fatty acid; A/P:

individually (except EUC) and in the three-way combinations signicantly decreased (P < 0.001) ammonia concentrations,
with the largest decreases achieved by CIB (by 43.9%; Table 3) and by the CIL-ORE-ROS combination (by 59.3%; Table 4). All the
treatments, except the CCB-DIL-EUC combination, decreased (P < 0.001) DM digestibility without affecting NDF degradability
(Table 3 and 4). The CCB resulted in the most pronounced (by 42%) inhibition to DM digestibility.

3.3. Effects of essential oils, individually or in three-way combinations, on ruminal pH and volatile fatty acid production

The EO supplementations, either alone or in three-way combinations, had mixed effects on ruminal pH and VFA concen-
trations (Tables 3 and 4). The three EO from cinnamon (i.e., CCB, CIL, and CIB), ORE, and the EO combinations DIL-ORE-ROS,
CIL-ORE-ROS, and CIB-DIL-ORE increased (P < 0.001) culture pH. Total VFA production was signicantly (P < 0.001) decreased
(by up to 64%) by all EO except EUC (Table 3). Among the EO combinations, DIL-ORE-ROS and CIB-DIL-ROS decreased VFA
the most, while CCB-DIL-EUC decreased VFA the least (Table 4). The molar proportion of acetate was increased by DIL, CIL,
and CCB but decreased by EUC and ROS (P < 0.001). In contrast, none of the three-way combinations affected the molar
proportion of acetate. Supplementation with CIB, CCB, or ORE did not change the molar proportion of propionate in the cul-
tures, but the other EO resulted in a decrease (P < 0.001). Among the EO combinations, only CIL-ORE-ROS and CIB-DIL-ORE
affected (increased, P < 0.01) the propionate proportion. All the EO showed mixed effects (P < 0.001) on the molar propor-
tion of butyrate, with DIL, EUC, and ROS increasing butyrate proportion, while CIB, CCB, and ORE decreased it (Table 3). On

Table 4
Effects of three-way essential oil combinations (0.8 ml/L total) on in vitro gas production and fermentation characteristics.

Parameters Three-way essential oil combinations* SEM* P-value


Total gas (ml) 147a 120b 119b 126b 129b 120b 2.43 <0.001
Methane (ml) 15.7a 9.77b 3.37c 7.65b 7.48b 8.41b 0.53 <0.001
Ammonia (mg/dL) 44.8a 20.5bc 18.3c 25.9b 22.7bc 19.7bc 1.44 <0.001
DMD* 0.74a 0.54c 0.56c 0.61b 0.71a 0.54c 0.01 <0.001
NDFD* 0.73 0.73 0.70 0.71 0.71 0.72 0.02 0.680
pH 6.99b 7.17a 7.20a 7.10ab 7.01b 7.15a 0.02 <0.001
Total VFA* (mM) 56.0a 42.6bc 46.9abc 51.3ab 48.7abc 39.1c 2.45 <0.01
Acetate (mol/100 mol) 59.0 62.2 61.1 59.6 59.7 61.9 0.57 0.167
Propionate (mol/100 mol) 19.4a 14.7abc 13.1c 15.5abc 18.5ab 13.9bc 0.86 <0.01
Isobutyrate (mol/100 mol) 2.56a 1.52b 1.26b 1.77ab 1.57ab 1.36b 0.17 <0.01
Butyrate (mol/100 mol) 12.5c 17.0ab 20.8a 18.3ab 15.6bc 19.3ab 0.73 <0.001
Isovalerate (mol/100 mol) 4.07a 2.35b 1.97b 2.71ab 2.55ab 1.81b 0.26 <0.01
Valerate (mol/100 mol) 2.59 2.14 1.78 2.10 2.13 1.63 0.21 0.127
A/P* ratio 3.05b 4.28ab 4.74a 3.85ab 3.23ab 4.61ab 0.35 <0.05

Means (n = 3) with different superscripts within a row differ signicantly (P < 0.05).
CTR: control; A: combination of dill seeds, oregano leaves, rosemary leaves; B: combination of cinnamon leaves, oregano leaves, rosemary leaves;
C: combination of Ceylon cinnamon bark, eucalyptus leaves, oregano leaves; D: combination of Ceylon cinnamon bark, dill seeds, eucalyptus leaves; E:
combination of cinnamon bark, dill seeds, oregano leaves; SEM: standard error means; DMD: dry matter degradability; NDFD: neutral detergent ber
degradability; VFA: volatile fatty acid; A/P: acetate/propionate.

Please cite this article in press as: Cobellis, G., et al., Evaluation of different essential oils in modulating
methane and ammonia production, rumen fermentation, and rumen bacteria in vitro. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. (2016),
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G. Cobellis et al. / Animal Feed Science and Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx 7

Table 5
Effects of different essential oils (1.125 ml/L) on abundance (log10 rrs copies/ml) of total bacteria, archaea, and Prevotella spp.

Source of essential oils* SEM* p-value


Total Bacteria 10.3a 9.62ab 9.49ab 9.02bc 8.91bc 10.0a 8.44c 9.75ab 0.20 <0.001
Archaea 7.89abcd 7.28cde 6.11de 8.74a 8.64ab 8.10abc 5.70e 7.55bcd 0.20 <0.001
Prevotella spp. 9.66a 7.50bc 7.04bc 8.02b 7.96b 7.86bc 6.90c 7.32bc 0.20 <0.001

Means (n = 3) with different superscripts within a row differ signicantly (p < 0.05).
DIL: from dill seeds; CIL: from cinnamon leaves; CIB: from cinnamon bark; CCB: from Ceylon cinnamon bark; EUC: from eucalyptus leaves; ORE: from
oregano leaves; ROS: from rosemary leaves; SEM: standard error means.

the contrary, all the EO combinations, except CCB-DIL-EUC, increased (P < 0.001) butyrate proportion (Table 4). The molar
proportion of isobutyrate was similar (P < 0.05) among the treatments (Table 3), except the EO combinations DIL-ORE-ROS,
CIL-ORE-ROS, and CIB-DIL-ORE, all of which reduced (P < 0.01) that measurement (Table 4). The isovalerate concentration
was lowered by ROS (P < 0.001) and the above three EO combinations (P < 0.01). The molar proportion of valerate was affected
(P < 0.001) only by ROS that signicantly increased it. Compared with that of the control, acetate to propionate ratio (A/P)
was higher (P < 0.001) with DIL, CIL, and EUC. The EO combination CIL-ORE-ROS also increased (P < 0.05) A/P ratio.

3.4. Effects of essential oils, individually or in three-way combinations, on the abundance of selected microbes

The effects of individual EO on the abundance of total bacteria, archaea, and the genus Prevotella was evaluated using
qPCR (Table 5). The CIB, CCB, and ORE reduced (P < 0.001) the abundance of total bacteria, conrming their strong antimicro-
bial potency. Except ORE, none of the EO decreased (P < 0.001) the abundance of archaea, the microbial population directly
responsible for rumen methane production. All the treatments signicantly reduced (P < 0.001) the abundance of the genus
Prevotella, which includes proteolytic bacteria. The three-way EO combinations also affected the abundance of total bacte-
ria, archaea, protozoa, and several cellulolytic, proteolytic, and hyper-ammonia producing bacteria (Table 6). A tendency
(P = 0.051) in reducing the abundance of total bacteria was observed for the EO combinations DIL-ORE-ROS and CCB-EUC-
ORE. The abundance of archaea and protozoa was markedly decreased (P < 0.001) by all the EO combinations. The populations
of both Fibrobacter succinogenes and Ruminobacter amylophilus were signicantly decreased (P < 0.001) by all the treatments.
On the contrary, the abundance of Ruminococcus albus was reduced (P < 0.001) only by the CIL-ORE-ROS combination and
increased by the CCB-DIL-ORE combination, while the abundance of Ruminococcus avefaciens was not affected by any of
the treatments.
The three-way EO combinations showed mixed effects on the abundance of proteolytic and ammoniagenic bacteria. The
abundance of Prevotella ruminicola was lowered (P < 0.001) only by the CCB-EUC-ORE combination, while that of Prevotella
bryantii showed a tendency (P = 0.08) to be lowered by all the treatments. The abundance of Selenomonas ruminantium
was reduced (P < 0.01) with the DIL-ORE-ROS and the CCB-EUC-ORE combinations. However, none of the EO combinations
affected the abundance of Clostridium aminophilum, a hyper-ammonia producing bacterium. The EO combinations DIL-
ORE-ROS, CIL-ORE-ROS, and CIB-DIL-ORE increased (P < 0.01) the abundance of Streptococcus bovis, whereas all but the
CCB-DIL-EUC combination reduced (P < 0.001) the abundance of Megasphaera elsdenii.

Table 6
Effects of three-way essential oil combinations (0.8 ml/L) on abundance (log10 rrs copies/ml) of total bacteria, archaea, protozoa and selected bacteria

Three-way essential oil combinations* SEM* p-value


Total bacteria 11.1 11.0 11.0 10.3 11.3 11.1 0.08 0.051
Archaea 8.32a 7.53b 7.47b 7.68b 7.85b 7.59b 0.10 <0.001
Protozoa 7.92a 6.23b 5.96b 5.92b 6.19b 5.99b 0.19 <0.001
Fibrobacter succinogenes 9.60a 6.93c 6.91c 7.09c 8.13b 7.05c 0.10 <0.001
Ruminococcus albus 9.20b 8.82bc 8.48c 8.83bc 9.90a 8.86bc 0.10 <0.001
Ruminobacter amylophilus 9.53a 8.43b 8.40b 8.40b 8.73b 8.49b 0.09 <0.001
Ruminococcus avefaciens 9.42ab 9.06ab 8.67b 9.80a 10.1a 9.06ab 0.23 <0.01
Prevotella ruminicola 9.54ab 9.22abc 9.06bc 8.69c 9.69a 9.00bc 0.12 <0.001
Prevotella bryantii 8.91 7.22 7.01 8.10 7.27 7.33 0.45 0.080
Selenomonas ruminantium 9.39a 8.92b 9.10ab 8.82b 9.05ab 9.08ab 0.07 <0.01
Clostridium aminophilum 8.54 8.35 8.25 8.38 8.99 8.81 0.18 0.072
Streptococcus bovis 7.85b 10.0a 10.4a 9.14ab 9.24ab 10.7a 0.46 <0.01
Megasphaera elsdenii 0.48a -1.52b -1.33b -1.34b 0.10a -1.11b 0.11 <0.001

Means (n = 3) with different superscripts within a row differ signicantly (p < 0.05).
CTR: control; A: combination of dill seeds, oregano leaves, rosemary leaves; B: combination of cinnamon leaves, oregano leaves, rosemary leaves;
C: combination of Ceylon cinnamon bark, eucalyptus leaves, oregano leaves; D: combination of Ceylon cinnamon bark, dill seeds, eucalyptus leaves; E:
combination of cinnamon bark, dill seeds, oregano leaves; SEM: standard error means.

Please cite this article in press as: Cobellis, G., et al., Evaluation of different essential oils in modulating
methane and ammonia production, rumen fermentation, and rumen bacteria in vitro. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. (2016),
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8 G. Cobellis et al. / Animal Feed Science and Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx

Fig. 1. DGGE prole (A) and PCA plots (B and C) of bacterial community. CTR (): control; A (): combination of dill seeds, oregano leaves, rosemary leaves;
B (): combination of cinnamon leaves, oregano leaves, rosemary leaves; C (): combination of Ceylon cinnamon bark, eucalyptus leaves, oregano leaves;
D (): combination of Ceylon cinnamon bark, dill seeds, eucalyptus leaves; E (+): combination of cinnamon bark, dill seeds, oregano leaves.

3.5. Effects of three-way essential oil combinations on the bacterial and archaeal communities

When the bacterial and the archaeal communities of the in vitro cultures were proled using DGGE, differences in banding
patterns were noted between the EO combination treatments and the control and among the different EO combinations (Figs.
1A 2A ). The PCA plots of the bacterial DGGE proles indicated that the EO combinations resulted in apparent changes in
some bacterial populations (Fig. 1B and C). The rst three principal components (PCs) together explained 63.19% of the
total variation, with the rst principal component (PC1) explaining 35.91% of the total variation (Fig. 1B and C). The DIL-
ORE-ROS and the CIB-DIL-ORE combinations resulted in the most noticeable changes in the bacterial communities. The PCA
plots of archaeal DGGE proles demonstrated that the archaeal communities apparently differed among the treatments
(Fig. 2B and C). The rst three PCs explained 73.97% of the total variability, with the PC1 explaining 37.47% of the variability.
The archaeal communities were separated into three clusters along PC1: combinations CCB-EUC-ORE and CCB-DIL-EUC,
combinations DIL-ORE-ROS and CIL-ORE-ROS, and the control and combination CIB-DIL-ORE. The PC2, which explained
25.03% of the variability, separated combinations DIL-ORE-ROS and CIL-ORE-ROS from the other EO combinations. Both
combinations DIL-ORE-ROS and CIL-ORE-ROS contained ORE and ROS, while combinations CCB-EUC-ORE and CCB-DIL-EUC
both contained CCB and EUC.

4. Discussion

Essential oils are complex mixture of plant secondary metabolites with highly variable composition. For this reason,
their mode of action against microorganisms or specic cellular targets is often difcult to determine and thus still remains
poorly understood (Cobellis et al., 2016). In an attempt to link differences in mitigating methane production to specic
component(s) of the EO, the chemical compositions of seven EO were determined. The seven EO differ in proportion in almost
all the component identied, including monoterpene hydrocarbons (e.g. -pinene, -phellandrene, 1,8-cineole, carvone, p-
cymene, m-cymene, limonene, camphor, and dill ether), phenolic compounds (e.g. carvacrol, trans-cinnamaldehyde, and
eugenol). As discussed below, the anti-methanogenic potency of an EO is necessarily attributable to its major compound.
Methane production was completely inhibited by CIB, CCB, and ORE individually. Because DM and NDF digestibility,
total gas production, and VFA were only partially inhibited, these three EO were more inhibitory to methanogens than to

Please cite this article in press as: Cobellis, G., et al., Evaluation of different essential oils in modulating
methane and ammonia production, rumen fermentation, and rumen bacteria in vitro. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. (2016),
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ANIFEE-13469; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
G. Cobellis et al. / Animal Feed Science and Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx 9

Fig. 2. DGGE prole (A) and PCA plots (B and C) of archaea. CTR (): control; A (): combination of dill seeds, oregano leaves, rosemary leaves; B ():
combination of cinnamon leaves, oregano leaves, rosemary leaves; C (): combination of Ceylon cinnamon bark, eucalyptus leaves, oregano leaves; D ():
combination of Ceylon cinnamon bark, dill seeds, eucalyptus leaves; E (+): combination of cinnamon bark, dill seeds, oregano leaves.

bacteria. However, the cinnamon oil from cinnamon leaves (CIL) decreased methane production to a lesser degree than
the EO from cinnamon bark. Variable methane inhibition has been reported in the literature. Several studies have reported
strong inhibition to methane production by cinnamon EO and oregano EO. For example, Macheboeuf et al. (2008) achieved
98% inhibition of methane production using 5 mM of oregano EO or cinnamon EO. While evaluating ve different EO (EO
from clove, eucalyptus, garlic, oregano, and peppermint), Patra and Yu (2012) recorded the greatest methane reduction (by
87%) by oregano EO at the dose of 1.0 g/L. Dose-dependent inhibition to methane production in vitro by Ceylon cinnamon
bark EO was reported by Pawar et al. (2014), with a complete inhibition being noted at the dose of 833 l/L. In contrast, Roy
et al. (2014) observed only slight inhibition (5.3%) of methane production by cinnamon oil (its source was not reported) at
600 mg/L. It is tempting to speculate that trans-cinnamaldehyde, which is the major compound in CCB and CIB, and carvacrol,
which is the major compound of ORE, may be primarily responsible for the observed methane inhibition. However, CIL and
CCB and CIB have similar composition except a lower proportion of cis-cinnamaldehyde (6.90 vs. 25.0 g/kg), and CIL decreased
methane to a less extent than CCB or CIB. These results suggest importance of some minor EO compounds in determining
anti-methanogenic activities. Systematic studies are needed to evaluate each of the compounds in these EO to determine
their potency to lower methane production.
The DIL, EUC, and ROS, all of which are EO rich in monoterpenes, especially oxygenated monoterpenes, exhibited much
less inhibition to methane production than the cinnamon oil and ORE, with EUC being least inhibitory. These observations
are in general agreement with those reported by other researchers, but greater inhibition was achieved in the present study
than in other studies: 47.5% inhibition by DIL vs. 12% inhibition reported by Macheboeuf et al. (2008), 18.7% inhibition by EUC
vs. 12% inhibition reported by Patra and Yu (2012), 43.5% inhibition by ROS vs. 24.0% inhibition reported by Roy et al. (2014).
The discrepancy may be attributed to differences in the source and dose of the EO used. However, the lack of information
of the source and chemical compositions of the EO used in the other studies makes it to pinpoint a specic cause for the
The magnitudes of methane reduction obtained with the EO combinations were smaller than that achieved by the EO
individually. Because less EO, in total, was used when evaluated in combination than when evaluated individually (0.8
vs. 1.125 ml/L), the decreased inhibition to methane production might be attributed to the lower EO dose used in the EO
combinations. However, potential antagonism among EO components from different EO should not be ruled out. Similarly,
synergistic effect might not be excluded because of the much lower dose used in the EO combinations. In fact, some EO

Please cite this article in press as: Cobellis, G., et al., Evaluation of different essential oils in modulating
methane and ammonia production, rumen fermentation, and rumen bacteria in vitro. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. (2016),
G Model
ANIFEE-13469; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
10 G. Cobellis et al. / Animal Feed Science and Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx

compounds, even if present at low concentrations, may interact with the main compounds, affecting their biological activity.
For example, Burt (2004) reported a synergism between cinnamaldehyde and eugenol, both of which are present in cinnamon
EO, and their interaction was thought to be responsible of the higher anti-methanogenic activity of cinnamon oil than that
of cinnamaldehyde alone. Lin et al. (2012) tested mixtures of EO from thyme, oregano, cinnamon, and lemon in ve different
ratios in vitro. They observed that mixtures containing more phenol-based EO (EO from thyme and oregano) than aldehyde-
based EO (EO from cinnamon and lemon) decreased methane production to a greater extent than the mixtures containing
more aldehyde-based EO than phenol-based EO. A mixture of EO compounds (eugenol, carvacrol, citral, and cinnamaldehyde)
was found more effective in reducing methane production (by 70.8%) in equal ratio than in unequal ratios (Lin et al., 2013a),
suggesting that proportions among different EO components may affect their antimicrobial activity. Moreover, when a
commercial mixture of EO (thymol, eugenol, vanillin, and limonene) was offered to beef cattle (1 and 2 g/d/animal), no
effect on methane production were observed (Tomkins et al., 2015). The results from the present study and previous studies
suggest complex interactions among EO components, between EO and feed, and between EO and rumen microbiota, and
additional research is needed to determine the optimal EO combination, dose, and ratio to achieve most effective methane
mitigation in livestock production and to avoid detrimental effect on feed digestion or fermentation.
The observed decrease in ammonia concentrations, with the largest decrease achieved by CIB, corroborates the study
by Macheboeuf et al. (2008) who showed that trans-cinnamaldehyde and cinnamon EO lowered ammonia concentrations
greater than other EO and EO compounds evaluated. It was proposed that EO decrease rumen ammonia concentration by
inhibiting proteolysis, peptidolysis, and/or amino acid deamination, especially deamination by hyper-ammonia producing
bacteria (Patra, 2011). Several studies showed that the effective dose of EO to decrease ammonia production was lower
than that needed to decrease methane production (Macheboeuf et al., 2008; Lin et al., 2012; Patra and Yu, 2012; Cobellis
et al., 2015). In the present study, however, methane production was decreased to greater magnitudes compared to that of
ammonia production, suggesting a weaker dose effect on ammonia production than on methane production.
The observed adverse effects of EO on feed digestion could be a consequence of a broad non-specic antimicrobial activity.
Some authors suggested that EO could decrease protein and starch degradation by inhibiting amylolytic and proteolytic
bacteria without affecting ber degradation (Patra, 2011). Unfortunately, feed additives that decrease feed digestibility will
not result in net reductions in methane emissions per unit of animal product (Knapp et al., 2014). For this reason, CCB-DIL-
EUC is the most promising EO combination as it led to effective inhibition to production of both methane and ammonia
without adversely effecting feed digestibility.
A number of studies showed that total VFA concentrations were not or only slightly affected by EO at low doses but
decreased at high doses (Patra, 2011; Cobellis et al., 2015). Combinations of eugenol, carvacrol, citral, and cinnamaldeyde,
in different ratios and at different levels, showed similar effects on methane reduction, but combinations of aldehyde-rich
mixture led to greater inhibition to total VFA than combinations of phenol-rich mixture (Lin et al., 2013a). The effects
of EO on total VFA concentrations may also depend on other factors, such as type of substrate and medium conditions.
Data from a meta-analysis revealed that concentrations of total VFA and propionate changed linearly and positively with
decreased methane production. Acetate production and A/P ratio increased linearly with increasing inhibition of methane
by EO (Patra, 2010). Unlike other phytochemicals, EO may decrease methane production by directly inhibiting methanogens
and by inhibiting hydrogen-producing bacteria, such as Lachnospira multiparus, R. albus and R. avefaciens and protozoa.
Considering the effect on DM degradability, total VFA, and A/P ratio, the CCB-DIL-EUC combination may a promising EO that
warrants further evaluation.
The observed decrease in abundance of archaea and protozoa by the EO combinations is consistent with the nding
of a few previous studies, both in vitro and in vivo (Lin et al., 2012, 2013a, 2013b). It should be noted that individual EO
markedly decreased methane production without decreasing the abundance of archaea after 24 h of incubation (except
ORE), while all the three-way EO combinations lowered both methane production and the archaeal population after 48 h
of incubation. This discrepancy might be attributable to the longer incubation time of the EO combinations and/or poten-
tial synergic anti-methanogenic activity between compounds of different EO. Archaea rely on methanogenesis for energy
conservation, and thus decrease in methanogen population is expected with a reduced methane production during pro-
longed incubation. Besides, as suggested by Ohene-Adjei et al. (2008), EO may cause changes in archaeal community and/or
in activity of methanogenesis pathway, eventually decreasing methanogen abundance and methane production. Besides,
some methanogens are associated with protozoa, and protozoa-associated methanogens can contribute 937% of the rumen
methane production (Szumacher-Strabel and Cieslak, 2010). Thus, EO might have decreased methanogen abundance and
methanogenesis by decreasing abundance of protozoa. Similarly, the reduction of protozoal abundance by EO might have
also contributed to the reduction of ammonia in the in vitro cultures.
Among the three major cellulolytic bacterial species, F. succinogenes appeared to be more sensitive to the EO combinations
than the two Ruminococcus species (R. albus and R. avefaciens). This observation is in general agreement with that reported
by Patra and Yu (2012). The discord between signicant decrease in the abundance of F. succinogenes and null effect on NDF
degradability in all the treatments suggests that F. succinogenes had little impact on the NDF degradability in the EO-treated
cultures. Alternatively, other cellulolytic bacteria might have occupied the niche left by F. succinogenes.
Only one previous study in the literature examined the effects of a few EO (EO from clove, oregano, and peppermint) on
some protein-degrading bacteria in mixed rumen cultures (Patra and Yu, 2014). That study showed that EO were effective
in reducing the abundance of P. ruminicola, P. bryantii and S. ruminantium. The present study corroborates that precious
study with respect to inhibiting the aforementioned proteolytic bacteria by EO. Hyper-ammonia producing bacterium C.

Please cite this article in press as: Cobellis, G., et al., Evaluation of different essential oils in modulating
methane and ammonia production, rumen fermentation, and rumen bacteria in vitro. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. (2016),
G Model
ANIFEE-13469; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
G. Cobellis et al. / Animal Feed Science and Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx 11

aminophilum was also lowered by oregano EO (Patra and Yu, 2014). In the present study, oregano EO was not evaluated
individually for its effects on hyper-ammonia producing bacteria, and the EO combinations containing oregano EO (from
oregano leaves) did not decrease C. aminophilum. The stimulatory effect of EO on S. bovis is in general agreement with the
low susceptibility of this species to EO in pure cultures (Evans and Martin, 2000) and with the increase of S. bovis by EO
reported by Patra and Yu (2014). It was hypothesized that the increase of S. bovis population by EO was due to decrease in
competing microbial populations.
Overall, the ndings of DGGE analysis demonstrated that different bacterial and archaeal populations had different
sensitivity to the three-way EO combinations used in the present study. In a recent study, Patra and Yu (2012) observed that
different EO, when tested individually at different doses, changed the composition of both archaeal and bacterial communities
to different extents in a dose-dependent manner. Evaluating the effects of some EO on archaeal communities in sheep rumen,
Ohene-Adjei et al. (2008) also reported varying effects on archaeal community. The authors of that study attributed the EO
effect to the effect of EO against rumen protozoa. Future research to determine the methanogens associated with rumen
protozoa will help test that hypothesis.

5. Conclusions

The present study demonstrated that EO differ in chemical composition and have different effect on the same microbes.
Different groups of rumen microbes also differ in sensitivity to the same EO. The EO effects may not necessarily be attributable
to the major component in some EO. The EO containing a phenolic (e.g., carvacrol) or a carbonyl (e.g., cinnamaldehyde)
compound demonstrated a stronger antimicrobial activity than EO that contain monoterpenes. Interactions among different
EO and different EO components may affect their antimicrobial activity. Combinations of EO at moderate dose may be an
effective approach to mitigate methane emission and nitrogen excretion from cattle with little or no adverse effect on rumen
feed digestion or fermentation. Combination of EO from Ceylon cinnamon bark, dill seeds, and eucalyptus leaves may be a
promising EO combination.

Conict of interest

None of the authors has any nancial or personal interest that would inappropriately inuence or bias the contents of
this paper.


G. Cobelliss tenure at The Ohio State University was supported by a grant from the University of Perugia (PhD research
project in Animal Health, Livestock Production and Food Safety, XXVIII cycle). This material is based upon work that is
partially supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under award number


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Please cite this article in press as: Cobellis, G., et al., Evaluation of different essential oils in modulating
methane and ammonia production, rumen fermentation, and rumen bacteria in vitro. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. (2016),

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