Magnificent Ferengi
Magnificent Ferengi
Magnificent Ferengi
A Divine Treasury of Ferengi Character Options for CODA written by Steven A. Cook
Career Paths - Ferengi for ICON written by Dan Gurden with Stephen A Cook
Consolidated and Expandeded by Owen E. Oulton
Table of Contents
2 Table o f Contents
3 Introduction
Profit, the M aterial Contin uum, and the Afterlife
The Great Material Continuum
The Divine Treasury
Vault of Eternal Destitution
Ferengi P rofit Marg in
4 Encounters
Career O verlays
Ferengi Accountant/Bureaucrat
Ferengi FCA Auditor/Liquidator
Bar Owne r/Host
5 Career O verlays, cont d
Dabo Girls
Ferengi Merc hant Priest
6 Career O verlays, cont d
Ferengi Privateer
Ferengi Eliminator
Ferengi Your Overlay
Character Creation Packages
Early Life Packages
Advanced Training Packages
7 Characte r Creation P ackages, co nt d
Professional Packages
8-10 The Rules of Acquisition
The Complete Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
11 Stages of Acquisition
The Original Series
The Next Genertaion
12 Eras, con t d
Deep Space Nine
Locator Bomb
Energy W hip
Mind Control Spheres
13 Sample Characters
Dai Mon Bonk (Eric Rush)
14 Sample C haracters, co nt d
Liquidatror Queeg (Steven Cook)
15 Sample C haracters, co nt d
Quark (canon)
Grand Nagus Rom (cano n)
16 Sample C haracters, co nt d
Lieutenant Nog (canon)
Ishka (canon)
18 Sample C haracters, co nt d
Brunt, FCA (canon)
19 Ferengi Ships
Small Ferengi Pod
Large Ferengi Pod (Quark s Treasure )
20 Deck Plans
`Welcome to our home. Please place your imprint on the legal Treasur y.
waivers and deposit your admission fee in the box by the door.
Remember, my house is my house [cringe].
`As are its contents.
When a Ferengi dies, his spirit goes before the Registrar of the
Family Business, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Divine T reasury, who decides w hether the Fe rengi deser ves to
enter. This involves much
Introduction cringing, bribery, and obsequious groveling. If the
Registrar is imp ressed by the Ferengi s actions, he is
The easily duped pirate, the swindling merchant, the power
allowed to enter the Div ine Treas ury.
hungry DaiMon, the cowardly gunrunner all are Ferengi
stereotypes seen repeated ly on the various Star Trek shows.
Once inside, the Ferengi bids on a new life under the supervision
They are useful to the Narrator as adversaries and enemies, but
of the Blessed Exchequer and Celestial Auctioneers. If the
are they decent player character archetypes? Probably not. Not
Ferengi has acquired enough profit in life, he pays for a new one
until Star Trek: Deep Space Nine did we see well-developed
and is reborn, earning the chance to gain yet more profit. If
characters o n screen wo rthy of the mon iker Player Ch aracter.
theFereng i did not earn enough p rofit, his bid fails and his spirit
is banished from the Divine Treasury and locked in the Vault of
This netbo ok expan ds the optio ns available to players desirin g to
Eternal Destitution forever.
create Ferengi characters for the Star Trek Deep Space Nine
Roleplaying Game!" . Included are expansions to the Ferengi
Thus, a Fe rengi gets only o nce chanc e at a profitab le afterlife. A
species description cove ring eras, providing sample ch aracters,
prosperous Ferengi gains a second life, and if he earns enough
new pieces of Ferengi technology,including the locator bomb,
profit again, a thir d, and eve n a fourth. Fer engi myth pur ports
energy whip and the mind control sph eres and the Ferengi shuttle
that the richest, most powerful Ferengi throughout history the
Grand Nagi are sometimes actually reincarnations of Gint, the
first Nagus and creator of the Rules of Acquisition.
Profit, the Material Continuu m, and the Afterlife
Profit is at the co re of Feren gi culture. Som ething isn t worth
Vault of Eternal Destitution
doing unless there is profit to be made. To the Ferengi mind,
An afterlife in the Vault of Eternal Destitution is the worst
why would yo u give away so mething for fre e when you c ould
possible fate. Every Ferengi banished to the Vault becomes the
charge a price for it, and therefore gain something you didn t
property of a Vault Auditor. The Auditors form a council called
have a profit. For Ferengi, this is just the way life and the
the Regulation Committee, which is lead by the Desecrated
universe works. Greater profit equals greater life and a greater
Auditor the most powerful and influential Auditor. The
Committee oversees every aspect of business and life in the
Vault. These policies, known as the Laws of Destitution, are
The Great Material Continuum
The Great Material Continuum governs all aspects of Ferengi
life. This belief system posits that all societies exist in alternating
The Auditors charge outrageous accommodation expenses, high
states of having and wanting, and is metap horically seen as a
income taxes, service charges, and strictly regulate transactions.
great flowing river comprised of material acquisitions. If wanting
Painstaking financial audits and fines await Ferengi who break
gains dominance over having or vice versa then the great
the Laws.
river churns and overflows, becoming dangerously unstable. And
Thoug h it is possible, few F erengi ever m anage to b ribe their
as the river go es, so does society. Instability is no t prospero us in
Auditor to overlook transgressions. Fewer still gain enough
the long term.
wealth to buy the title of Auditor and get to own slaves
A Ferengi in financial trouble often finds himself tossed to the
shores of the great river by a wave of inflation. Similarly, he
To scar e their children into behavin g, Ferengi m others recite
might run agro und on a sh oal of hard ship and ha ve to swim to
stories of the D emons o f Despair. T he demo ns are evil spirits
safety. Finding his w ay back on to the river req uires a Feren gi to
from the Vault of Eternal Destitution Ferengi who were
seek financial consolidation, a realigning of his investments, the
generous and cha ritable, unconcerned with pro fit, or otherwise
selling of his property, or even a loan.
heretical. Legends say that the demons take shadowy forms and
escape the Vault for a time, stealing latinum and other valuables
To stay afloat on the river, a Ferengi carefully navigates by
from miscreant children.
balancing profit and loss, acqu isition and liquidation, while also
keeping an eye out for opportunities farther along the river s
Fereng i Profit M argin
course. O ne who de ftly navigates the gre at river can, in effec t,
Profit is the driving force of Ferengi culture. All Ferengi seek
steer the river s course toward opportunity. The skilled
it whether it s latinum, property, jewelry, starships, or other
Ferengi one with the lobes for bus-iness earns great
material possessions. The more profit a Ferengi has, the greater
prosperity, and a second chance to pursue profit in the afterlife.
he is respecte d and envied by his peers. A lso greater is his
chance o f influencing fellow F erengi.
The Divine Treasury
The Divine Treasury is the sacred palace of the Ferengi afterlife.
Ferengi cha racters have a Profit M argin score (or simply P rofit)
The walls, furnishings and doors and everything else are
which gains them enhanced benefits and is based on Renown,
made of gold-pressed latinum. A sign above the entrance to the
replacing Courage as does Klingon Honour. W hen making
Divine Treasury read s, Please have your pro fit-and-loss
Influence, Intimidate, Negotiate, and Persuade tests involving
statement ready for inspection before entering the Divine
other Ferengi, a character automatically gains his full Renown
Administration (Audit) 2 (3)
modifier to the skill test. No recognition test is required.
Intimidation (Bluster or Interrogation)2 (3)
Culture (Ferengi Rules of Acquisition) 1 (2)
For instance, Nilva, the chairman o f Slug-o-Cola, probab ly has a
Law (Ferengi Commercial By-Laws) 1 (2)
high Profit Margin marking him with high favor and influence.
Computer (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Convers ely, Blog, a F erengi who publishes P akled love poetry,
History (Ferengi) 1 (2)
probably has a Profit of 0 a lobe-challenged fool of uninspiring
Language s; Ferengi 1
potential and influence (with horrible taste in literature).
Security (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Bargain (Bribery) 1 (2)
Streetwise (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
The Ferengi are one of the most well traveled species in the
Contact +1, Shrewd +1, Wealth +2
galaxy. Ferenginar, the Ferengi homeworld, is located in the
Arrogan t -1, Greed y -1, Rival -2
Bajor sector, and Ferengi are often encountered in this region of
space. Fe rengi also trav el througho ut the Alpha a nd Beta
quadrants, especially along the valuable trade routes near
Cardassia n and Fed eration spa ce. They c ommon ly ply their Bar O wner/H ost
wares in the Gamma Quadrant too, although traders have focused
on systems ne ar the Idran e nd of the B ajoran wo rmhole. R eports
indicate that entrepreneurs have even found their way to the
Delta Quadrant, likely via unstable wormholes or other similar
Character Overlays
Ferengi Accountant/Bureaucrat
The Ferengi acc ountant is designed to fill one of the most
important gaps in Ferengi society, a profession of prestige and Tending bar is a career of some esteem among the Ferengi, and
trust. It is only the most skilled and most efficient accountant that often a living exa mple of the 7 th rule of acqu isition - Keep your
manages to proceed up through the ranks to tha t of 'Liquidator', a ears ope n. Bartenders across the universe are renowned for
rare honour indeed, but usually one that is deserved after many being a friendly person to talk to, but few pay as close attention
years of hostile negotiations and other less scrupulous 'hands-on' as a Fereng i barkeep . Many dr eam of retiring to the life of a
methods o f job prom otion... barkeep, but amongst the Ferengi the barkeep is seen
as a path to a Latinum filled retirement. He is as skilled at
Administration (Accounting) 2 (3) mixing complicated cocktails of flavour, from a Finagle s Folly
Bargain (Choose Specialisation) 2 (3) or a Risan Sun rise to Romu lan Ale or Klingon Warnog, or even
Culture (Ferengi Rules of Acquisition) 1 (2) something as simple as Slug-o- Cola or Terran Root Beer , as
Fast Talk 1 he is at managing those peo ple around them. A good suit is also
Law (Ferengi Commercial By-Laws) 1 (2) part of the unifo rm, but be c areful to reme mber the 4 7th rule
Computer (Research) 1 (2) though - Never trust a man wearing a better suit than you
History (Ferengi) 1 (2) own.
Intimidation (Bluster or Interrogation) 1 (2)
Language s; Ferengi 1 Charm (Choose Specialisation) 2 (3)
Persuasion (Negotiation) 1 (2) Fast Talk 2
Wealth +1, Con tact +1, Riva l -2 Merchant (Bar) 2 (3)
Culture (Ferengi Rules of Acquisition) 0 (1)
Artistic Expression (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Gaming (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Ferengi FCA Auditor/Liquidator Languages (Choose) 1
One of the most fearsome and powerful people in Ferengi Persuasion (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
culture, the spe ctre of a visit by FC A Audito rs strikes terror in Sciences, Physical (Chemistry) 1 (2)
Streetwise (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Wealth +1,
Code of Honour (Bar Tenders Code) -2, Rival -1,
Empathy Edge +1
New Trait
Code o f Honou r (Bar T enders C ode) -2
the hearts of all go od busine sses and ho rror stories ar e told to "Look A fter your custom ers; they are you r biggest asset.
little children of their ruthless punishments on the poor "Don t get involved in trouble, stay ne utral in any disagr eement,
businessman. These individuals serve as the policing agency and try not to hold an
within Ferengi territory ruthlessly scrutinising business opinion so strong that you disagree with your customers, even
transactions a nd taking their c ut. when they are clearly
Charm (Seduction and Oo-Mox) 2 (3) (3)
"Any trouble - Make sure it goes outside the bar.
Gaming (D abo and Cho ose Specialisation) 2
(3) and (3)`
Dabo Girls
Sleight of Hand (Gaming Cheats) 1 (2)
Artistic Expression (Choose Specialisation) 1(2)
Fast Talk 1
Languages (Choose) 1
Merchant (Bar) 1 (2)
Persuasion (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Streetwise (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Sexy +2
Obligation (Employer) 1
Ah, Dabo, the game of kings. What s that? You don t know how
to play? W ell, allow m e to introdu ce you to my assistan t Alicia
here. First spin is free & Ferengi M erchant Pr iest
Many Ferengi entrepreneurs go into the hosting trade. It is often Ferengi bu siness mod els are so clo sely attuned with th eir
said that while there are many different words for rain in the mysticism that it should come as little surprise
Ferengi Language, there are also no streets without a bar on that on Ferenginar there exist mortal guardians of the divine
Ferenginar. One of the key secrets to the hosting trade is to keep treasury. Adepts of the Divine Treasury and guides upon the
the custome r occupie d and intere sted while you ply them with banks of the path of the G reat Ma terial Continu um, for a suitab le
Synthohol. A key part of that are the bar games, offering fee they will teach and advise Responsible for the teaching of the
opportunity to keep the customers mind of the bar prices, give most sacred text; the rules of acquisition. And available for hire
them an oc casional cha nce at winning (afirm favourite to to bless business transactions, and to arrang e marriage contracts.
encourag e repeat cu stom, just rem ember the odds M UST remain Ferengi hav e also taken to making pilgrim ages to Ea rth's Wall
stacking in the house s favour), and something to look at the Street, which they view as a holy site of commerc e and business,
Dabo G irls. and then speculate on where Earth got it all wrong since then &
Name: Quark Prior to opening his bar on Terok Nor, later Deep Space 9,
Position: Owner, Quarks Bar Quark se rved as an a pprentice for a sub-nag us, and app arently
Assignment: Starbase Deep Space Nine was set for a golden future in the Ferengi business world.
Species: F erengi, Ge nder: male Unfortunately, he forgot the one hundred and twelfth Rule of
Attributes Acquisition ("Never have sex with the boss's sister"). Disgraced,
Fitness ; Strength -1; Vitality +1 he was fired and had to start again from scratch.
Coordination 3
Intellect 3; Logic +1; Perception +1 At some point, Quark served for eight years as a cook aboard a
Presence 2; Empa thy -1; Willpo wer -1 Ferengi freigh ter. Despite b eing a coo k, Quark c ommon ly
Psi 0 carried a d isruptor pisto l with him at all times, b ecause (in
Skills Quark's words) "every member of the freighter's crew thought
Athletics (Running) 1 (3) himself a food critic."
Bargain (Bribery) 4 (5) Appearance and Personality:
Marketplace Haggling (5) Height: 1.6m
Computer (Data Alteration/Hacking) 3 (4) Mass: 65kg
Craft (Bartending) 3 (4) Complexion: orange, Hair: bald, Eyes: blue
Culture (Ferengi) 2 (3) Even though he engaged in numerous shady ventures, by Ferengi
Dodge 2 standards Quark was a compassionate and generous man who
Fast Talk 4 proved his worth and loyalty to nearly all DS9 crew members
Gaming (Tongo) 4 (5) throughou t the years, gaining th eir well-earned respect.
History (Ferengi) 1 (2) Based on the character played by Armin Shimerman
(Federation) (3)
Language Grand Nagus Rom
Ferengi 2
Federation Standard 2
Law (Trade Regulations) 2 (3)
Merchant (Bajor Sector Market) 4 (5)
Black Market (5)
Personal Equipment (Ferengi PADD) 1 (2)
Planetside Survival (Swamp) 1 (2)
Security (Security Systems) 3 (4)
Shipboard Systems (Flight Control) 2 (3)
Streetwise (Locate Contraband) 3 (4) Name: Rom
Vehicle Dperatlons (Shuttlecraft) 1 (2) Rank: Grand Nagus
World Knowledge (Ferenginar) 1 (2) Position: H ead of State
Traits Assignment: Ferengi Alliance
Contact (Orion Syndicate member); Contact (Grand Nagus Race: Ferengi
Rom); E xcellent He aring; Ma thematical A bility; Telepa thic Gender: male; Age: 51
Resistance; Wealth (cash: ownership of Quark's); Greedy; Shady Attributes
Fitness 1; Strength -1; Vitality +1 away from Ferenginar. Rom never quarreled with her over her
Coordination 2 lifestyle, nor resented her for earning more profit than him. Ishka
Intellect 2; Logic +1; Perception +2 was his "Moogie." He supported her against both Quark and the
Presence 2; Empa thy -1; Willpo wer -1 Ferengi Commerce Authority. When he admitted to being
Psi 0 somewhat uncomfortable with being in Ishka's newly clothed
Skills presence in a private discussion between them, she disrobed, but
Administration (Ferengi) 1 (2) "only for him".
Athletics (Springball) 1 (2)
Bargain (Marketplace Haggling) 2 [3] Quark exploited and belittled Rom all of his life. Growing up,
Charm (Choose Specialisation) 2 (3) Quark often teased Rom about his smaller lobes and about
Computer (Simulations/Modelling) 1 (2) supposedly being adopted. He worked in Quark's Bar for low
Culture (Ferengi) 2 [3] wages, and was cheated out of his share of the profits. When
(Ferengi Rules of Acquisition) (3) Grand Nagus Zek visited Deep Space 9, Q uark made Rom give
Diplomacy (Negotiation) 2 (3) up his quarters for the Nagus. When Zek appointed Quark to be
Fast Talk 3 the new Grand Nagus, Rom conspired to kill Quark, and may
History (Ferengi) 1 [2] have succeeded if Zek and Odo h adn't arrived at the last
(Federation) (2) moment. Quark later praised Rom for his treachery. At first Rom
Language did whatever Quark demanded. But as time went on, Rom began
Ferengi 2 to resist his brother's demands. Rom became less afraid of Quark
Bajoran 1 and confronted him over many issues. When Quark dropped
Federation Standard 1 Rom's share of the profits from 14.3% to 12.5% (from
Law (Ferengi Commercial Law) 1 (2) one-seventh to one-eighth share of profit), Rom left and joined
(Bajoran Militia Regulations) 1 (2) Martus Mazur in opening a rival bar. When Martus began
Merchant (Stocks and Futures) 2 (3] treating Rom even worse , he returned to Quark's wh ere he cou ld
(Bartending) (3) at least "be c heated by fa mily." He o pposed Quark o ver his
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 2 (3) treatment of the ir mother, who against Feren gi law earned profit.
Planetside Survival (Jungle) 1 (2) He refused to allow Qu ark to stop h is son Nog 's admission to
Shipboard Systems (Operations) 1 (2) Starfleet Academy in late 2371. The following year, he
Social Sciences (Political Science) 1 (2) single-handedly organized a union of Quark's employees after
Systems Engineering (EPS Systems) 1 (3) Quark had cut their wages. He defied his brother and Liquidator
(Replicator Systems) (2) Brunt, who the Ferengi Commerce Authority had sent to resolve
(Holodeck Systems) (2) the situation. After the wages had been restored, Rom made the
Vehicle Operation (Shuttlecraft) 1 (2) final break with his brother. Rom joined the maintenance crew
World Knowledge (Ferenginar) 1 [2] on Dee p Space 9. But, throu ghout all the co nflicts with his
Traits brother, he and Quark loved each other very much. This was
Advantages evident whe n he becam e jealous o f Quark's relation ship with Pel.
Contact +1; Excellent Hearing +2; Mathematical Ability +3; Rom exposed "him" as a female during a visit by Grand Nagus
Political Rank: Grand Nagus; Telepathic Resistance +4 Zek in 2370.
Greedy -1; Romantic Attatchment: Leeta (wife) Rom became sick due to being overworked. He became angry at
Other Statistics the working conditions in Quark's, and formed the Guild of
Courage : 3 Restaurant and Casino Employees. Brunt arrived at the station
Renown: 55 and threatened Rom, when this failed he had Quark beaten and
Aggression: -10, Discipline: 10, Initiative: 20, Openness: 10, threatened to kill him. Rom ended the strike when Q uark secretly
Skill: 5 agreed to his demands. He followed this up with an application
Resistance: 2 to join the station's Bajoran engineering crew and joined Chief
Relatives O'Brien's maintenance team, initially working in waste extraction
Father: Keldar, Mother: Ishka, Stepfather: Zek, Ex-wife: as a Diagnostic and Repair Technician, Junior Grade. Rom
Prinadora, Wife: Leeta, Brother: Quark, Son: Lieutenant Nog re-calibrated the deflector beam at O'Brien's request. O'Brien
Background Notes: was ordered to do this by a Pah-wraith who had taken over
Birthplace: Fenginar Keiko O'Brien's body and had threatened to kill her. Rom
Birthdate: 2332 informed O'B rien that the recalibration would send the deflector
Early Life History: Mercantile Upbringing beam into the wormhole and kill the aliens inside it. O'Brien was
Professional Packages: Bartender, Starbase Operations able to rig the beam to hit the alien and save Keiko. As Rom kept
Professional Career: Grand Nagus O'Brien's secr et safe until Keik o was no lo nger in dang er, this
Rom's mother, Ishka, loved Rom very much and protected him. endeared Rom to O'Brien, who promoted him. He was further
She saw that he was a good man, unsuccessful in commercial promoted to Maintenance Engineer, First Class in mid-2375.
ventures, but with a good heart. Ironically, she saw Rom as being
more similar to his father Ke ldar, whom Quark m istakenly A se ries of ev ents thro ugh the y ear s all con trib uted to R om's
idolized, although he too was a terrible businessman. Quark, elevation to nagus. In 2375, Rom eventually became Grand
conversely, was more like her. Ro m and Ishka were ve ry close Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance. At first the Nagus Zek ignored
when he was a child, and they remained close when Rom moved Rom, believing him to be of poor business sense and not very
intelligent. Zek disagreed strongly with many of Rom's choices Material Engineering (Structural/Spaceframe) 1 (2)
concerning his son Nog. Zek did not like the idea of Nog (Personal Equipment) (3)
attending a Human school, and was opposed to Nog entering Persuasion (Bluff) 1 (2)
Starfleet. But events and Ishka would influence the improvement Physical Sciences (Mathematics) 1 (2)
of Zek's attitude to ward Ro m. Rom h elped resto re the nagus to Propulsion Engineering (Warp Drive) 1 (2)
the Ferengi ways after the nagus had been influenced by the Shipboard Systems (Flight Control) 1 (2)
wormhole aliens. He helped restore Zek as the Grand Nagus after Stealth (Hide) 1 (2)
Brunt had deposed him. Rom became the perfect choice for Streetwise (Ferengi Underworld) 1 (2)
Nagus b ecause he h imself had ne ver been a traditional Fe rengi. Surveillance (Observation) 1 (2)
Zek believed that he would be an excellent successor for the Systems Engineering (Power Systems) 1 (2)
newly reformed Ferenginar. World Knowledge (Ferenginar) 1 (2)
Appearance an d Personality (Bajor) (2)
Height: 1.68m; Mass: 65kg Traits
Complexion: orange; Hair: bald; Eyes: light blue; Distinguishing Contacts (Capt. Sisko, Miles O'Brien, Grand Nagus Rom),
Marks: none Excellent Hearing +2, Famous Incidents (several), Asset
Rom is an average -sized Ferengi with a receding chin an d less- (Wealth) +1, Medical Problem (Missing Leg) -2, Medical
than-impress ive lobes. H e seems cau tious and unfo rceful in his Remedy (Biosynthetic Leg) +2, First Ferengi in Starfleet
speech an d manner isms, but when his mind is mad e up, it is Other Statistics
made up! He is deep ly in love for his be autiful Bajo ran wife, a Courage : 3
former Dabo Girl at Quark s Bar. He deeply respects and loves Renown : 5
his Moogie, who remains one of his primary ad visors. Aggression: +2; Discipline: 0; Initiative: +1; Openness: +1;
Based o n the cha racter play ed by M ax Gro dnch ik Skill: +1
Resistance: 3
Lieutenant Nog Backgro und Note s:
Birthplace: Ferenginar, Birthdate: 2355
Father: Grand Nagus Rom, Mo ther: Prinadora, Stepmother:
Leeta, Uncle: Quark, Grandmother: Ishka
Early Life History: Mercantile Upbringing
Academy Life History: Starbase Duty (DS9)
Cadet Cruise: Starbase Duty (DS9)
Tours of Duty: Starbase Duty (DS9)/Starship Duty (USS
Appearance and Personality:
Name: Nog Height: 1.5m, Mass: 65kg
Rank: Lieutenant Complexion: orange, Hair: bald, Eyes: violet
Position: Engineering Assistant, Deep Space Nine/USS D efiant Distinguishing Marks: Biosynthetic leg
Race: Ferengi, Gender: male, Age: 25 Based on the character play ed by Aron Eisenberg
Fitness: 2 Ishka
Vitality: +1
Coord ination: 4
Intellect: 3
Presence : 2
Empathy: +1
Willpower +1
Psi: 0
Athletics (Running) 1 (2)
Bargain (Marketplace Haggling) 1 (2) Name: Ishka
Business (Appraisal) 1 (2) Position: Advisor to Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance
Charm (Seduce) 1 (2) Race: Ferengi, Gender: female, Age: 120
(Influence) (2) Attributes
Conceal (Cache) 1 (2) Fitness 1; Strength -1; Vitality +1
Comp uter (Hac king/Data A lteration) 1/2 Coordination 2
Culture (Ferengi) 2 (3) Intellect 2; Logic +1; Perception +1
Energy Weapons (Phaser) 1 (2) Presence 2; Empathy -1; Willpower +2
First Aid (Wound/Combat Trauma) 1 (2) Psi 0
Forgery (Documents) 1 (2) Skills
History (Ferengi) 1 (2) Bargain (Marketplace Haggling) 2 [3]
(Federation) (2) Charm (Seduction) 2 (3)
Languages: Federation Standard 2 Courtesan (Wife) 2 (3)
Ferengi 2 Craft (Cooking) 2 (3)
Culture (Ferengi) 2 [3] Distinguishing Marks: facial wrinkles
Fast Talk 3 Ishka is a Ferengi woman of mature years. She is protective of
History (Ferengi) 1 [2] her "Zekkie" and her sons, and has a will of steel. She pionerered
Instruction (Child Rearing (2 (3) Ferengi females' right to wear clothes and to earn profit. A few
Knowledge: Stock Markets/Futures Exchange Etiquette & Lingo years ago, she went to Vu lcan to have a lobe-lift.
2 Based o n the cha racter play ed by A ndrea M artin and Cecily
Language s: Ferengi 2 Adams
Federation Standard 1
Merchant (Stock Market/Futures Trading) 3 (4) Brunt, FCA
Service (Housekeeping) 2 (3)
Social Science (Economics) 2 (3)
Streetwise (Ferengi Underground Investing) 2 (3)
World Knowledge (Ferenginar) 1 [2]
Excellent H earing +2 ; Mathem atical Ability +3 ; Telepath ic
Resistance +4; Wealth +1
Greedy -1 Name: Brunt
Other Statistics Position: Liquidator
Courage : 3 Assignmen t: Ferengi Co mmercial A uthority
Renown: 100 Race: Ferengi, Gender: male, Age: 49
Aggression: -5, Discipline: -25/+5, Initiative: 20, Openness: 10, Attributes
Skill: 15, Luck: 20 Fitness 1; Strength -1; Vitality +1
Resistance: 2 Coordination 2
Relatives Intellect 2; Logic +2; Perception +1
Father: Adred, Husbands: 1. Keldar (deceased) 2. Former Grand Presence 2; Empa thy -1; Willpo wer -1
Nagus Ze k, Sons: Q uark, Gran d Nagus Rom, E x-Daughte r in Psi 0
Law: Prinadora, Daughter in Law: Leeta, Stepson: Krax, Skills
Grandson: Lieutenant Rom Administration (Accounting) 3 (4)
Background Notes Bargain (choose Specialisation) 5 (6)
Birthplace: Ferenginar, Birthdate: 2260 Computer (Research) 1 (2)
Early Life History: Household Upbringing Culture (Ferengi) 3 (4)
Advanced T raining: Wifely Duties Energy Weapon (Phaser) 1 (2)
Professio nal Career : Stock M arket Tra der (cove rtly) Fast Talk 2
Ishka was married for many years to Keldar, a Ferengi who History (Ferengi) 2 (3)
unfortunately d id not any gre at skill at business, an d bore him (Ferengi Commercial Authority) (3)
two sons, Q uark and R om. Qua rk left home e arly and ma de his Intimidation (Bluster) 1 (2)
own way in the galaxy, while Rom stayed at home with Ishka, Language
whom he fondly called "Mo ogie". Ferengi 3
Law (Ferengi Commercial By-Laws) 2 (3)
Where Keldar did not have the typical Ferengi lobes for Merchant (choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
business, she did, and after his death, against Ferengi tradition Persuasion (Negotiation) 1 (2)
(and law) she began to dabble in the Stock Market and Futures Security (Security Procedures) 1 (2)
Trading . She mad e a great de al of latinum, bu t was eventually (Security Systems) (2)
found out and was forced to return her illegal earnings. With the Streetwise (Ferengi Underworld) 1 (2)
help of her son, Rom, she actually only paid back a third of the World Knowledge (Ferenginar) 1 (2)
real sum. Traits
Bold +1; Contact (Zek) +2; Curious +1; Excellent Hearing +2;
Soon after, she became involved with then-Grand Nagus Zek, Guileful +1; Mathematical Ability +3; Position: Liquidator +4;
and quick ly became his primary finan cial advisor a nd de facto Shrewd +1; Telepathic Resistance +4; Wealth +1
power behind the Ferengi throne. Zek began to lose his faculties Argumentative -1; Arrogant -1; Competitive -1; Coward -1;
and she was kidnapped by the Dominion, forcing Quark, Rom Domineering -1; Greedy -1; Power Hungry-1; Prideful -1; Rival
and Nog to recruit an unlikely group of Ferengi to rescue her. (Quark) -1 ; Vindictive -1
Although financially cunning and rapacious, the Ferengi band Other Statistics
was less than suited for this task, but managed not only to rescue Courage : 3
her but capture her Vorta kidnapper. Not long after, Zek decided Renown: 20
to retire to Risa with Ishka for he alth reasons a nd named Rom his Aggression: 5; Discipline: 0; Initiative: +5/-5; Openness: -5;
successor. Ishka remains Rom's financial advisor. Skill: 0
Appearance and Personality: Resistance: 2
Height: 1.63m, Mass: 55kg Backgro und Note s:
Complexion: orange, Hair: bald, Eyes: brown Birthplace: Ferenginar, Birthdate: 2331
Early Life History: Legal Upbringing Power: [8]
Advanced Training: Mercantile Assistant Weap ons Skill: 3
Professio nal Career : Law Enfo rcement Defensive System s:
Brunt s parentage is not a matter o f public reco rd. Fereng i with Deflector Shields
whom he has had professional encounters sometimes opine that Protection: 20/30
his mother was the result of miscegenation between a Nausicaan Power: [20]
and a Klingon Targ and that his father died of shame when he Description an d Notes:
was born. The Pod was seen TN G s The Price and again in VGR s sequel
Appearance an d Personality: episode False Pr ofits.
Height: 1.7m, Mass: 70kg
Complexion: orange, Hair: bald, Eyes: brown, Distinguishing Fereng i Shuttle
Marks: none, though his lobes are less than generous The Shuttle has a crew of 3 - Pilot, Flight Engineer and Master.
Brunt is a stereotypical Ferengi - annoying; officious; obseqious The Master sits on an elevated chair overlooking the helm.
and very, very greedy. He is mean, in both senses of the word, Consoles flank the Master s chair. Aft of them are a small head
and vindictive. and a water -based sho wer. The Master ha s a cabin with a double
Based on the character played by Jeffery Combs bed, while the other crew share a double cabin. Both cabins have
food replicators. Aft of the cabins are a pair of cargo holds, and
Ferengi Ships flanking the rear hatch are a pair of engineering sp aces.
(18 metres)