Kashmir Insight Magazine, July 2017
Kashmir Insight Magazine, July 2017
Kashmir Insight Magazine, July 2017
I call upon India and Pakistan to find a peaceful solution through engagement and dialogue to
resolve the Kashmir dispute. I am already engaged in bringing about a dialogue between India
and Pakistan to resolve the Kashmir dispute through my meetings with the prime ministers of
the two countries. I met three times the Prime Minister of Pakistan (Nawaz Sharif) and two times
the Prime Minister of India (Narendra Modi). For someone accused of doing nothing, it is quite
a number of meetings.
destroyed by the troops during a General Bipin Rawat, the Farida Bahenji, Shabbir Ahmed
crackdown operation in occupational forces were treating Dar, Muhammad Ahsan Untoo,
Kakapora area of the district. occupied Kashmir as a hunting Bilal Siddiqui, Zafar Akbar Butt
Later, a civilian, identified as ground and were ruthlessly and Javaid Ahmed Mir in their
Tauseef Ahmed Wani, was killed killing whosoever came in their statements also paid glowing
after the troops fired bullets and way. He said that the sacrifices of tributes to the martyred youth.
pellets on protesters who had Kashmiri martyrs would not be They appealed to the interna-
gathered in thousands in allowed to go waste and their tional community to take
Kakapora to attend the funeral mission would be accomplished cognisance of Indian state
prayers of the martyred youth. at all costs. terrorism in occupied Kashmir
The authorities also imposed The Chairman of Hurriyet and impress upon New Delhi to
restrictions and suspended forum, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, in settle the Kashmir dispute in
Internet services in all major a statement in Srinagar said that accordance with the Kashmiris
towns in south Kashmir soon the Kashmiri youth were aspirations to mitigate their
after the killings. sacrificing their lives for a sacred sufferings.
On June 25, Indian troops cause. He said that it was the The killing of innocent people in
martyred two Kashmiri youth collective responsibility of the occupied Kashmir by Indian
inside a school building during a people of Kashmir and the troops is not a new thing as such
violent cordon operation in Hurriyet leadership to take the killings have been occurring
Pantha Chhoke area of Srinagar. ongoing movement to its logical since 1947. However, the
The troops had phenomenon saw
killed the youth in a an alarming
vindictive action increase during the
after the killing of an last three decades.
army officer and The rigidity and
injuring of two other stubbornness of
personnel in an India is the only
attack in the area. cause of this
On the other hand, bloodshed in
Hurriyet leaders Kashmir. Kashmiris
paying glowing want to live a
tributes to the peaceful and
martyred youth said prosperous life but
that killing of the key for estab-
innocent Kashmiris at the hands conclusion. lishing peace in Kashmir lies
of Indian troops would continue The Chairman of Jammu and with India. The criminal silence
till settlement of the Kashmir Kashmir Liberation Front, maintained by the international
dispute in accordance with the Muhammad Yasin Malik, in a community and world human
Kashmiris aspirations. statement said that India had rights organisations on the
The All Parties Hurriyet turned Kashmir into a killing happenings in occupied Kashmir
Conference Chairman, Syed Ali field and a big prison. He said has further emboldened India to
Gilani, in a statement issued in that the worst kind of Indian continue its brutalities in the
Srinagar said that the oppression state terrorism could not stop the territory.
against the youth in Kashmir was Kashmiris from carrying The world community particu-
part of Indian policy. He said that forward their freedom move- larly the UN must put pressure
Indian oppression in Kashmir ment. on New Delhi to stop its state
had been going on for last several Other Hurriyet leaders including terrorism and take steps towards
decades and the rigid policies of Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Agha Syed settling the Kashmir dispute in
Indian rulers were aggravating Hassan Al-Moosvi Al-Safvi, accordance with the Kashmiris
the situation in the territory. He Mukhtar Ahmed Waza, aspirations to prevent further
said that after the recent state- Muhammad Yousuf Naqash, bloodshed in occupied Kashmir.
ments of Indian Army Chief, Yasmeen Raja, Zamruda Habib, Humayun Aziz Sandeela
The rights activists On June 17, Shameem Shawl held that the women in occupied
acknowledged the role of female a meeting with David Kaye, the Kashmir were the worst victims
students in the occupied territory UN Special Rapporteur on of the atrocities of Indian troops
in leading the freedom freedom of expression and and police personnel and human
movement. Ahmed Quraishi opinion, and apprised him of the rights defenders were under
deplored that instead of continued ban imposed by the attack by the state forces.
appreciating peaceful protests by Indian government on social He said that occupied Kashmir
women, worlds so-called largest media and Internet in occupied was one of those territories
democracy responded to Kashmir. She also briefed him where people were being
unarmed women by using brute about the gross human rights humiliated, disappeared,
force. violations and brutalities tortured and killed by the
Hassan Al-Bana said that schools committed by Indian forces in occupational forces to punish
and universities were the biggest occupied Kashmir and them for raising their voice
demanded that the UNHRC against the Indian rule.
victims of Indias assault on
young men and women in teams should visit and take stock Syed Faiz Naqshbandi said that
occupied Kashmir. Amnesty of the situation prevailing in the freedom of expression and free
International has conducted a territory. assembly had been completely
research on this snatched by
i s s u e a n d Indian forces in
the occupied
concluded that
territory. He
New Delhi is
s a i d t h a t
t a r g e t i n g
p e a c e f u l
K a s h m i r s
protests ware
y o u n g e r
generation under brutally by
an undeclared indiscriminate
policy, he added. firing of bullets
He said, like other and pellets.
parts of the world, Thousands have
Kashmiri youth been seriously
undoubtedly are injured and
very talented. hundreds have
Unfortunately, he lost eyesight
said, the space permanently
On June 19, Syed Faiz due to the pellets, he added.
they need to grow and work is
Naqshbandi addressing the 35th
being squeezed and narrowed. He said that Hurriyet leaders,
session of the UN Human Rights Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar
Hassan Al-Bana stated that the Council drew attention of the
young boys and girls of todays Farooq, Muhammad Yasin
world community towards the Malik, Shabbir Ahmed Shah,
digital world are great admirers gross human rights violations
of social media but Kashmiri Mukhtar Ahmed Waza and
perpetrated by Indian troops in others were continuously
youth are deprived of all these occupied Kashmir. detained, curtailing their free
facilities as the Internet is being
He said that the Vienna movement.
suspended in Kashmir day in
Declaration confirmed the Syed Faiz Naqshbandi urged the
and day out by the Indian
universality of the human rights. Council to uphold the principles
He said that the plight of women of the Vienna Declaration and
Altaf Hussain Wani said that the in the conflict situations Programme of Action, and send a
civilian casualty rate in World especially in the territories under fact-finding mission to occupied
War II was five percent, but in occupation including occupied Kashmir to bring forth the real
occupied Kashmir it has reached Kashmir needed the attention of situation on ground in the
up to eighty percent. the Council on priority. He said occupied territory.
JULY 2017 27
December 18: A report
published in an influential
Argentinian daily, Buenos Aires
Herald, says that a team of experts
from Argentina jointly working
with the UN on the issue of
disappeared persons in conflict
areas had visited occupied
Kashmir on a secret mission to
investigate the surfacing of mass
graves in the territory.
December 19: The veteran
Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani,
addressing a seminar in Srinagar
says that Kashmir is not a border
dispute between Pakistan and
India and the Kashmiris will not Hurriyet Conference reveals that established. Media reports say
accept anything short of right to at least 165 civilians received that the bunkers are established
self-determination. He says that injuries due to pellets fired by on the 14-km stretch from Pantha
the Kashmiri people will Indian troops and police Chhowk to Parimpora on the
continue their struggle till they personnel against protesters in bypass road.
are given their inalienable right
the past four years. The data December 20: The pro-India
to self-determination and the
shows that of those injured, 118 National Conference leader, Dr
Kashmir dispute is resolved in
were admitted to Soura Institute Mustafa Kamal, says that the
accordance with their
of Medical Sciences and 47 to the resolutions adopted by the
aspirations. Syed Ali Gilani
SMHS Hospital. The records of United Nations on the Kashmir
deplores that India is using
Soura Institute of Medical dispute several decades ago are
cultural aggression in Jammu
Sciences also show that 14 relevant even today and that's
and Kashmir to strengthen its
persons are visually impaired in why the office of the United
illegal occupation over the
Nations Military Observer
territory. He deplores that Indian one or both eyes.
Group in India and Pakistan
troops have been given a free Indian paramilitary Central (UNMOGIP) is in Kashmir for
hand to kill, beat or humiliate Reserve Police Force sets up at the past over six decades. In a
anybody at their will. least 18 new bunkers on the statement in Srinagar, he says
A report issued by the All Parties Srinagar bypass road in last one that Kashmir dispute is a bone of
week while more are about to be contention between Pakistan and
India and its resolution is
imperative for ensuring
permanent peace in South Asia.
Indian police start installing a
network of Close-Circuit
Television (CCTV) cameras in
Poonch and other areas of the
territory to keep a watch on the
movement of Kashmiri people. A
senior police official in Poonch
district says that 16 CCTV towers
have been erected in Poonch and
other areas and cameras will be
installed within two months.
Compiled by: Showkat Ali
To be continued...
JULY 2017 28
Beauty Thy Name is
Letters to Editor
Indian Criminal leadership If General Rawat had things his achieving their right to self-
Dear editor, the news stories and way he would order to shoot determination, but despite all
videos emanated from occupied every Kashmiri protester he sees, hardships, the Kashmiri people
Kashmir before the imposition of and perhaps even much worse. firmly believe that the sacrifices
ban on the Internet services in the While Narendra Modi-led of their martyrs would not go
Kashmir Valley have depicted an government cannot be expected waste and they would soon get
extremely cruel Indian to say anything, international rid of Indian bondage. I believe
occupation that has exceeded human rights groups are India's brutal tactics will, in no
even the strongest prohibitions speaking up. way, be able to break the resolve
in the laws of warfare. The Executive Director of of the Kashmiri people to carry
It was always assumed that the Human Rights Watch, Kenneth forward their struggle for
brutal actions of Indian troops in Roth, in a statement called securing their inalienable right.
occupied Kashmir - from using a General Rawat's support for Thanks
Kashmiri youth as a human human shields as criminal Saleem Gilani
shield by tying him to the bonnet leadership while the Amnesty Srinagar
of a jeep to the use of pellet guns International has called upon the Kashmiris' genocide
to blind peaceful protesters - Indian government to stop using India has been committing
were the acts of individual pellet guns as they offend global genocide of the Kashmiris for the
soldiers and commanders caught standards of policing. past almost seven decades in a
in the heat of battle. It was Despite this widespread planned manner. It is muzzling
thought that the regular Indian condemnation of its actions, the the peaceful voices of the
Army held itself to the standards Indian Army is being told by its Kashmiri people through its
of decency and proportionality leadership to continue violating military might. Killing of
enshrined in international law international law in occupied innocent people, custodial
that are upheld by all Kashmir. disappearances, extrajudicial
professional armies in the world. Saud Khan murders, rape of women and
However, the recent statements Peshawar destruction of the public
by the Indian Army Chief, Remembering martyrs properties by Indian troops and
General Bipin Rawat, indicate Dear editor, it was on July 13, police personnel is a routine
that these actions are directed 1931 when twenty-two unarmed matter in occupied Kashmir.
from the top as a policy matter. peaceful protesters were gunned Indian forces' personnel are
It was a shameful day for the down by the forces of Maharaja committing the worst kinds of
armed forces of the so-called Hari Singh outside Srinagar human rights violations - in fact
largest democracy of the world Central Jail while they were crimes against humanity - with
when General Rawat not only demanding release of one Abdul impunity due to the unbridled
personally awarded with the Qadeer, who had dared to powers given to them under
commendation card the officer condemn the autocratic ruler of draconian laws like Armed
who ordered the use of a Kashmir - the Dogra Maharaja. Forces Special Powers Act and
Kashmiri youth as a human Therefore, July holds a special Disturbed Areas Act.
shield but also openly advocated place in the hearts and minds of The world community needs to
the use of such actions in the the people of Jammu and realise the fact that peace would
future as well. Kashmir. In this long struggle for continue to elude South Asia
He has publically stated that I emancipation, hundreds of until the Kashmir dispute was
wish these (Kashmiri) people, thousands of Kashmiris have settled as per the aspirations of
instead of throwing stones at us, rendered their lives and others the Kashmiri people. It must take
were firing weapons at us, then I have been forced to become steps towards resolving this
would have been happy, then I captives in their own land. Since dispute to save the Kashmiris
could do what I want, the partition of Indian from Indian brutalities.
displaying his disdain for rules subcontinent in 1947, over Thanks
and regulations and his desire to 100,000 Kashmiris have been Salman Saif
kill innocent Kashmiri youth. martyred in their struggle for Rawalpindi
"I can only repeat what I endeavoured to put before you when we met. Our object is to
give freedom to the people of Kashmir to decide their future in a peaceful way so as to
create no upset, as we said in our joint statement...
"Therefore, I had suggested that the plebiscite should be for the State as a whole and
the detailed result of the plebiscite would then be the major factor for the decision to be
taken. The detailed result will give us a fairly clear indication of the wishes of the
people not only in the State as whole but in different areas."