The Daily Tar Heel For July 26, 2017

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Serving UNC students and the University community since 1893

Summer 2017 Wednesday, July 26, 2017

More fame, same Luke Maye Spring

miss the
Womens lacrosse and
baseball suffered
similar losses.
By Chapel Fowler
Senior Writer

Every team has those losses

its players and fans would rather
not talk about.
At North Carolina, a few
recent ones come to mind easily.
Members of the UNC basketball
community have done their best
to purge the memories of Austin
Rivers in 2012 and Kris Jenkins
in 2016 from their minds. The
football team's controversial
loss to Clemson in the 2015 ACC
Championship Game will always
be a sore spot.
This spring, there were two
more losses to add to that run-
DTH/CHAPEL FOWLER ning list. And since time heals
all wounds, it's time to take
Luke Maye wraps his younger brother, Cole, in a headlock. Cole,who plays baseball at Florida, insisted they switch roles for the next shot to keep things equal.
another look at these defeats
from May and June.
Halfway through 2017, Maye and his family are unchanged The North Carolina women's
lacrosse program has been a
long-standing model of con-
By Chapel Fowler thing I almost never do. As this mas- delegated the spot to my younger to my left. Luke Maye's life has been
sistency and success. Since its
Senior Writer sive white SUV cuts through foggy siblings and short-legged friends. very different ever since he spotted
roads around the base of Grandfather But today, it's my turn. And the seat- up just inside the arc, caught a Theo 1996 conception, UNC has only
LINVILLE - At 6-foot-3, I feel Mountain, I'm sitting in a middle seat. ing arrangement makes total sense, Pinson pass and let go a shot that's missed the NCAA Tournament
dwarfed. The general rule for the middle considering the two passengers on already cemented in North Carolina twice in 22 years. And under
Evergreens and curvy hillsides pass seat is that it goes to the smallest either side of me. head coach Jenny Levy, the Tar
by me, and I realize I'm doing some- person in the car. For years, I've A 6-foot-8 national champion sits SEE MAYE, PAGE 7 Heels have appeared in six Final
Fours and four championship
games since 2009, with wins in
2013 and 2016.

UNC releases NCAA Athletic facilities see

After an ACC Championship
and first-round bye, North
Carolina tore through Virginia,

major renovations
23-12, in the round of 16. Those

correspondence 23 goals set an NCAA record for

most in a tournament game. So
when a surging, unseeded Navy
team came to town on May 20,
The documents include an Tom Hosty, sent the enforcement
written reply and statement of the
there weren't many nerves.
The game quickly turned
outline of UNCs upcoming UNC-NCAA case to Chancellor
Carol Folt on July 17. The document
into an upset alert as the
Midshipmen led, 8-7, at half-
NCAA hearing defense. outlined what the case was about, time. The second-half score
refuting UNC's claim that the cours- remained tight, but it became
es were academic and therefore not clear the Midshipmen were out-
By Rebecca Ayers and Rachel Jones in the NCAA's jurisdiction. working the defending champs.
Senior Writers
"The issues at the heart of this They won key draw controls
On the afternoon of July 25, UNC case are clearly the NCAA's busi- and key controlled ground balls
released correspondence between ness," the document stated. "When as a throng of alumni in Fetzer
the University and the NCAA fol- a member institution allows an Field's bleachers became the
lowing UNC's release of their academic department to provide loudest group at the game.
response to the NCAA's third Notice benefits to student-athletes that are A 16-14 Navy win blocked
of Allegations on May 25. materially different from the general UNC, the tournament's No. 2
The correspondence, which was student body, it is the NCAA's busi- overall seed, from reaching its
released as a response to a public ness. When athletics academic coun- seventh semifinal in nine years.
records request, includes a request selors exploit 'special arrangement' North Carolina's players walked
for Roy Williams, Sylvia Hatchell classes for student-athletes in ways off the field dismally as Navy's
and Larry Fedora (the head coaches unintended by and contrary to the fans stormed the field and joined
of men's basketball, women's bas- bylaws, it is the NCAA's business." the team in its fight song.
ketball and football, respectively) The NCAA also highlighted that "You can have belief, do
to attend an NCAA hearing sched- it is equally important to recognize everything in your power and
uled for August 16 in Nashville, what the case would not be discuss- take care of all your details and
Tennessee. ing. sometimes it doesn't work out
Vice Chancellor of University "This case is not about so-called the way you want it to," Levy
Communications Joel Curran said in fake classes or easy courses. The DTH/GABRIELLE PALACIO said after the loss. "And that's
a statement that the coaches would institution acknowledges that life."
Fetzer and Navy Field are both undergoing heavy construction this summer.
attend the hearing. although the courses at issue did not The Tar Heels didn't play
meet its expectations for academic an awful game - the defeat was
"The hearing is the next step in
bringing closure to this longstand- rigor, the institution did not deem Track and field, soccer, We will break ground in August,
next month, on a new field hockey more confusing than anything
ing issue by allowing us the oppor- the courses to be fraudulent. Nor
is this case about NCAA review of football, field hockey and stadium at Ehringhaus Field. We are
just completing a field renovation at
else. It was supposed to be a
tune-up for the Final Four, but
tunity to address the Committee on
Infractions and present the facts," classroom curriculum. The institu-
tion continues to argue that the
lacrosse will be impacted. Kenan Stadium. While the football Fetzer Field's final game ended
Curran said. practice complex is under construc- up being the site of an absolute
"The NCAA has requested cer- NCAA enforcement staff should not Mike Bunting serves as UNC's tion, the team will have to prac- stunner.
tain individuals from the University judge academic rigor or revisit class- associate athletic director for facility tice, as well as compete, at Kenan For North Carolina's baseball
attend the proceedings. It is stan- room decisions." planning and management, which Stadium. And we have just com- team, it was a double dose of
dard practice for the current head The NCAA argues that though the means that he's currently very busy. pleted two new grass practice fields hurt. These Tar Heels started
coaches of programs referenced in proportion of student athletes in the Summer editor Rachel Jones spoke for our soccer and lacrosse programs off in a very similar situation
a notice of allegations to attend. courses under review was not a tech- with Bunting about the extent of his at Finley Fields as well. as their lacrosse counterparts
Therefore, Coaches Larry Fedora nical violation of their bylaws, the ongoing projects and what they'll - a No. 2 overall seed hosting a
"dramatically high student-athlete DTH: Are those programs going to tournament home game against
(football), Sylvia Hatchell (women's mean for the future of UNC athletics.
enrollment" is still significant and practice on the fields this year? a red-hot underdog.
basketball) and Roy Williams The Daily Tar Heel: Can you go
(men's basketball) will accompany shows "preferential access." MB: For the coming school year, The Davidson Wildcats made
"The proportionally small uni- through what renovations are taking headlines as they entered Chapel
University representatives to the the two soccer programs will practice
verse of student-athletes could not place this year and how they're going Hill, as any team making the
hearing." at Finley Fields. Women's lacrosse
have enrolled in such high num- to impact athletic programs? NCAA Tournament for the first
Managing Director NCAA Office will practice at Finley Fields. Men's
of the Committees on Infractions bers absent the preferential access Mike Bunting: So in the middle of lacrosse will practice at Hooker time in 115 years would. But
Joel McGormley requested the Crowder provided them through campus, we're underway on a soccer- Fields. They practice early in the UNC had its own rallying cry.
presence of Fedora, Hatchell her relationship with (the Academic lacrosse stadium at Fetzer Field and morning, so they'll be out before One of college baseball's best
and Williams, along with Lissa Support Program for Student- an indoor practice facility for football campus rec and LFIT programming programs through the 2000s
Broome, faculty athletics repre- Athletes)," the document stated. and all of our field sports. So the starts. had missed the cut two years in
sentative, Athletic Director Bubba Supplementary material to indoor practice facility will include Field hockey will practice in the a row. Now, playoff baseball was
Cunningham, Senior Associate UNC's response from an interview two outdoor practice fields, one syn- Eddie Smith Field House, and they back at Boshamer Stadium.
Director of Athletics/Compliance with Deborah Crowder, who for- thetic, one natural grass. And at that will also practice and compete at In front of a huge crowd on
Vince Ille and Associate Athletics merly served as the Department of practice complex, we are underway Duke in their field hockey facility. Friday, June 2, the 47-12 Tar
Director for Compliance Marielle African-American Studies' student on a new track complex at Finley Both lacrosse programs will com- Heels got an absolute dud of a
vanGelder. According to the email, services manager was also released. Fields, the outdoor track and associ- pete in Kenan Stadium for their performance from pitcher J.B.
the hearing is expected to take two This is a developing story. Please ated facilities. That will also include 2018 seasons. Soccer for this fall, Bukauskas, who was later picked
days. check our online coverage for two synthetic practice fields for our
NCAA Director of Enforcement updates. soccer and lacrosse programs. SEE FACILITIES, PAGE 7 SEE SPRING SPORTS, PAGE 7

You miss 100 percent of the shots you dont take.

2 Wednesday, July 26, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

The Daily Tar Heel
Established 1893
ACC players talk NCAA rules
124 years of editorial freedom By Will Bryant, Brennan
Doherty and Chapel Fowler
RACHEL JONES Staff Writers
BRINLEY LOWE knows the bureaucratic mine-
FEATURES EDITOR field of NCAA regulations like
REBECCA AYERS the players themselves. At this
BREAKING EDITOR year's ACC Football Kickoff,
LEAH ASMELASH we asked 13 player representa-
DIGITAL EDITOR tives of the Atlantic Division
JENNI CIESIELSKI what they thought the single
OPINION EDITOR pettiest NCAA rule on or off
the field was. Here's what
they thought:
DESIGN@DAILYTARHEEL.COM Jaylen Samuels, senior all-
purpose back, N.C. State: I'd
say the knee pads. I like wear-
KAREN STAHL ing my pants high, so I think
COPY CHIEF the knee pads over the knees
is a petty rule.
Mail and Office: 151 E. Rosemary St. Derwin James, redshirt
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Rachel Jones, Summer Editor, 962-4086 sophomore safety, Florida State:
Advertising & Business, 962-1163 Targeting I'd take it back to
News, Features, Sports, 962-0245 the old days, how Sean Taylor
One copy per person; and them used to hit. I wish I
additional copies may be purchased
at The Daily Tar Heel for $.25 each.
could hit like that, man.
Please report suspicious activity at
our distribution racks by emailing
Lamar Jackson, junior quar- terback, Louisville: Sometimes
2012 DTH Media Corp. you're broke, people want to
All rights reserved
offer you a mil and you can't
take it But, hey, it's the
CORRECTIONS NCAA rules. And I know I
want to play football, so I fol-
low them.
Due to a reporting error,
the original version of Coal Bradley Chubb, senior defen-
plant on campus is here to DTH/CHAPEL FOWLER
stay said that UNC had post- sive end, N.C. State: The kid Clemson junior and defensive tackle Christian Wilkins talks to the media at the ACC Football Kickoff in Charlotte on Thursday.
poned its goal to be coal-free from UCF that couldn't have
by 2020 to 2050. The goal to the YouTube channel because sophomore quarterback, a parent can't do this or can't sive end, Boston College: The Wendell Dunn, redshirt
be coal-free does not have a he was getting paid for it I do that or doesn't have that targeting rule. I mean, if a
new end date, and UNC aims think that's messed up. He's Florida State: Intentional much access to their kid who senior defensive lineman,
to be greenhouse-gas neutral receiver is coming across the
just trying to be a regular kid grounding, probably. I like to
by 2050. The article has been they're sending away to col- field, and they're about to Wake Forest: The knee-pad
and a football player. You're throw it away. lege I think parents should
updated online to reflect this catch the ball, it's not like I rule. I don't understand why
change. just taking away from the Jon Baker, senior offensive have more access to their kid can catch them and lay them it matters. Your knee pad has
The Daily Tar Heel reports any student-athlete part of it. So and their game-day experi- down like I'm tucking them to cover your knees. The first
that is kinda messed up. lineman, Boston College: I ence should be a lot better.
inaccurate information pub- in goodnight. You want to try time, they'll take you out. The
know they basically own your
lished as soon as the error is Eric Dungey, junior quarter- name, which is interesting, to Zaire Franklin, senior line- to knock the ball out. second time, it's a penalty.
back, Syracuse: It's the NCAA. say the least. That's what I'll backer, Syracuse: Not being Tyrone Crowder, redshirt Jaire Alexander, junior cor-
Editorial corrections will be
They're going to get what they say to that.
printed on this page. Errors able to roll up your jersey. senior offensive guard, nerback, Louisville: Either not
committed on the Opinion want. I think (the YouTube Christian Wilkins, junior What does that really have being able to have our shirts
Page have corrections printed channel controversy) is one to do with playing football? Clemson: They shortened the out underneath our jerseys - I
of the most ridiculous things. defensive tackle, Clemson: A If you're going to hurt your distance (a lineman can be
on that page. Corrections also don't like that one. I don't like
If you're being successful off lot to do with the parents. I downfield eligibly) from five
are noted in the online ver- stomach, you're going to hurt having to cover up our cleats.
the field they're student- think it's ridiculous how par- (yards) to three-and-a-half.
sions of our stories. it whether your jersey's there @chapelfowler,
athletes. So why bother? Why ents' experiences cheapen I'm not a big fan of that. On
Contact Summer Editor Rachel or not. You don't wear a pad @brennan_doherty and
stop them? I don't think there should be play action, you've got to
Jones at managing.editor@ over your abs. @WillDBryant
extreme benefits for parents, make it look like a run. That with issues Deondre Francois, redshirt but the little nuances, where Harold Landry, senior defen- was a dumb policy.
about this policy.

A lifelong journalist, In lieu of flowers, dona-
Bob worked as a sports tions can be made to the

reporter, section designer genomics and cancer re-
and copy editor with The search training program.
Twin City Sentinel in Win-
ston-Salem, The Charlotte OBITUARY POLICY
Observer, The News & Re-
cord in Greensboro, and The Daily Tar Heel and
Southern Neighbor accept

the Southern Neighbor, a obituaries, death notices
community tabloid that he and memorial notices from
co-founded with his wife, funeral homes or crematory
Bonnie. DTH Media Cor- services.
poration now publishes The deadline to receive
Robert Douglas Bevan III Southern Neighbor as the obituaries for Friday publi-
sister publication of The cation in The Daily Tar Heel

Robert Douglas Bevan Daily Tar Heel student is noon on Wednesday; the
III, known as Bob, passed newspaper at UNC. deadline for Southern Neigh-
away on Friday, June 30, bor is on the 20th of the
his birthday, at his home Funeral arrangements month. Obituaries may be
in Chapel Hill. will be handled by Rich submitted online at www.
Bob is survived by his & Thompson Funeral and
Cremation Service in Bur- The charge for digital-on-
wife, Bonnie Schaefer Bev- ly obituaries is $75; printed
an, and her two daughters, lington, NC, and on July
obituaries are provided at
Anne Maness Whitney and 29, after an hour visitation
a rate of $8.50 per day for
husband Robert Whitney there at 10:30 a.m., there up to 25 words, and $0.15
of Oakland, Calif., and will be a memorial service per additional word, with a
Caroline Maness and hus- at Christ United Method- $2.50 fee for photos. Ques-
band Andrei Tsygankov of ist Church in Chapel Hill tions? Please email obituar-
Atlanta, Ga. at 2 p.m.

Downtown Chapel Hill 942-PUMP

106 W. Franklin St. (Next to Hes Not Here)
The Daily Tar Heel News Wednesday, July 26, 2017 3

Past student-athletes adjust at UNC

Many high
school star
players drop
varsity sports
in college
By Natalie Short
Senior Writer

Given that UNC is often referred

to as the University of National
Champions, it's no surprise that
much of its student body were pre-
viously sports stars in their high
school careers.
Like Adam Cosgrove, a junior
communications major, who was a
two-time all-state soccer player at
the Community School of Davidson.
Or Anamay Viswanathan, a junior
political science major from the
United Kingdom, who chose coming
to UNC over pursuing a professional
cricket contract.
Viswanathan had played cricket
since he was 9 years old, and played
for the under-17 national team in
the UK. But his university choices in
the UK were a bit too close to home,
and a desire to buck expectations led
him to UNC.
"It felt very much like I was hav-
ing my decisions dictated to me,"
he said. "You know, this is where
you have to go, this is where you
play cricket, this is what your future
looks like. And so I guess it was me
being a little bit rebellious."
Cosgrove received offers from
division one and division two DTH/GABRIELLE PALACIO
schools to play varsity soccer, but Two-time all-state soccer player Adam Cosgrove is a junior communications major and is a player and brand manager for UNCs club soccer team.
decided he would rather receive a
degree from UNC and try out for the of his teammates went on to play at York, was on her way to playing var- "I was really taken with a lot of sports, but said he still misses base-
club soccer team. He's now a player Alabama or South Carolina or Notre sity soccer at a division three school, the activism on campus and so this ball, especially when he goes to watch
on and brand manager of the UNC Dame, he won the offensive MVP but decided two weeks before going is where I thought I was really going UNC's team play. He's even seen a for-
club soccer team, and though it was award on the team. But he decided to away for preseason that she didn't to develop as a person, rather than mer player from his high school travel
tough to leave behind his varsity end his baseball career to attend UNC. want to play the sport anymore. playing cricket in the UK," he said. league on a smaller school's team
hopes, he's happy with his position "Early on, in my high school career, "It wasn't going to be fun for me," Cosgrove recently started an playing against UNC. He remembered
on the club team and playing pick- there was the lure of getting recruited she said. "It was going to be a job, an internship working in social media for outperforming that player at a camp,
up soccer on campus. and going to play," he said. "But once obligation, something that I had to do,, something he said would and realized that that could have been
"It's not a direct replacement for I got closer to it, I had to sit down and not something that I wanted to do." have been more difficult to do if he himself out there on the field.
varsity, and I didn't expect it would think, 'Is this what I want to do with For most of these athletes, the deci- had decided to play at the varsity level. "There's definitely a little bit of
be, but I'm playing with a bunch of my college experience?'" sion to not play a varsity sport and "It was a tough decision, but I've regret, a little bit of nostalgia like
guys who have similar goals, we all DeGolian ultimately decided the realization that they had more come to terms with it and it's not bad, what could have happened, where
want to win," he said. that he wanted to do things that he free time was both a liberating and I like what I do now," he said. "And could I be," he said. "But at the end
Robert DeGolian, a junior adver- couldn't otherwise do while playing a difficult adjustment. Viswanathan especially with being a board member of the day, I've had a great time at
tising major from Atlanta, Georgia, a varsity sport. He ended up joining volunteered on Bradley Opere's 2016 on the club team and working for soc- Carolina. It's an incredible experience
received eight offers from division one a fraternity and the Clef Hangers. student body president campaign,, it gives me an avenue for my and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
schools to play baseball. In high school, Sarah Calire, a senior communica- worked on a start-up with a friend passion other than just playing the There's just that kind of mystery of
he played for the 6-4-3 DP Athletics tions major and social and economic and teaches cooking classes at the highest level of soccer that I can." what could have panned out."
travel baseball team, and though some justice minor from Long Island, New Community Empowerment Fund. DeGolian now plays intramural

Offensive line suffers major losses to graduation, draft

Seven starters (six in ater production.
In some cases, it's not all
Hollins, Ryan Switzer and Bug
Howard. To put those losses
best season (1,463) in UNC
history. He's also tied for
and R.J. Prince, UNC will
at least have an experienced
of USC, and the line looks to
be a bright spot for the Tar
skill positions) need that bad. Take the 2016 North
Carolina football team. It lost
into perspective, take a look at
the UNC record books.
third in single-season rushing
touchdowns (17) and tied for
offensive line group to build
Heels, regardless of who's tak-
ing snaps.
to be replaced. its starting quarterback but Trubisky cemented his name sixth on career rushing touch- "I like to think that the With all the new faces
replaced him with an under- among UNC royalty in a little downs (29). O-line is the backbone no mat- on offense, it may be tough
By Will Bryant study who had been waiting over one full season at the UNC loses its leader in ter what," Spain said. "I think early on for the unit to find a
Staff Writer in the wings for three years. helm. He comes in at sixth all career receptions (244) and that we have a challenge this rhythm, but the offensive line
2017 is a different story. time in passing yards (4,762), career receiving yards (2,907) year to kind of carry this team, knows their efforts will play a
CHARLOTTE In college "I've never in all my years, first in single-season pass- in Switzer. The shifty slot but I'm really confident in our vital part in the offensive status
sports, rosters are like revolv- I think it's around 18 years of ing yardage (3,748) and first extraordinaire sits with depart- guys that are gonna be able to of the Tar Heels.
ing doors. running this offense I've in single-season total offense ing teammates Hollins and step up." "If we aren't doing well, the
Players come and go over never experienced this," head (4,056). He adds the fifth most Howard among the top ten in Spain (13 starts) and Prince skill guys aren't going to be
four year spans, doing their coach Larry Fedora said. "It's a passing touchdowns (41) and career receiving touchdowns. (12 starts) were the part of able to do well," Spain said.
best to mesh with teammates little bit unknown for me." the most single-season touch- Top this off with Switzer's a line that allowed 20 sacks, It won't be easy to form a
that are changing, too. In When the Tar Heels take the downs (30) in Tar Heel history. return abilities his seven which isn't ideal but isn't awful cohesive unit in one offseason,
limited time, they try to get field on Sept. 2, their offense On the ground, Hood is punt return touchdowns are an either. Their strong finish but behind the staple of UNC's
and stay on the same will be a redone unit. Seven among UNC's best. In three ACC record and just one shy landed North Carolina among front line, the Tar Heel offense
page. The success stories can starters need to be replaced, seasons with North Carolina, of the NCAA's and you've the top 30 teams in the country should have ample time to fig-
produce well-oiled machines. including six skill-position he propelled himself to ninth almost got a full-blown turn- for least sacks allowed. Add in ure it out.
The failures can be as poorly players Mitchell Trubisky, all-time in rushing yards over for the Tar Heel offense. graduate transfers Cam Dillard @WillDBryant
executed as a children's the- Elijah Hood, T.J. Logan, Mack (2,580), including the second- Almost. With Bentley Spain of Florida and Khaliel Rodgers

Mens basketball team will feel the loss of seniors

Meeks, Hicks and Britt Seniors Kennedy Meeks, Isaiah
Hicks and Nate Britt also gave their
Down the stretch of the NCAA
Tournament, Meeks played some
occupied key roles in the spiels in front of the crowd. But, of
course, they couldn't linger another
of the best basketball of his career.
He peaked in the Final Four against
lineup. year if they wanted to. Oregon, going off for 25 points and
In effect, life without Jackson 14 rebounds, including an iconic
By Alex Zietlow North Carolina's best rebounder, most one-handed offensive rebound snag
Staff Writer efficient post scorer and most capable that cemented UNC's win. Against
ball handler behind Joel Berry II Gonzaga, Hicks notched a season-
Less than 24 hours after the 2017 was already being imagined. And once high nine rebounds along with 13
Tar Heels tied the nylon that once Jackson and first-year forward Tony points including the go-ahead
hung from the rims at University of Bradley declared for the NBA Draft, shot with less than 30 seconds
Phoenix Stadium to the plastic snap the replacement of these key gradu- remaining. North Carolina never
closures on their national champi- ates turned into an afterthought for relinquished that lead.
onship hats, Justin Jackson stepped many North Carolina fans. There is no replacing Meeks
up to the microphone. The reality is, though, the depar- and Hicks' impact immediately.
He stood on the Smith Center's ture of Meeks, Hicks and Britt will Even if Bradley would have stayed
makeshift stage, preparing to spur just as many if not more and joined forces with first-years
address the delighted fans welcom- questions for North Carolina this Garrison Brooks, Sterling Manley
ing the triumphant Tar Heels home. season as Jackson and Bradley's. and Brandon Huffman, the void
But before the ACC Player of the After all, the Tar Heels won't know would still be noticeable. DTH FILE/SARAH DWYER
Year could look back on the season exactly what to expect from their If substitution trends stay the Seniors Isaiah Hicks (left) and Kennedy Meeks (right) celebrate with Tony
that so-famously redeemed the 2016 frontcourt or their No. 2 point guard same, head coach Roy Williams will Bradley (center) during the senior night ceremonies before the game in March.
squad, the crowd voiced what it for the first time in two years. want Seventh Woods to be the pri-
wanted for the future. First, the big men. Meeks and mary ball handler when Berry isn't overs in 7.7 minutes per game. Last year.
"One more year!" people chanted. Hicks led the most formidable on the floor. While the returning year, Britt could be both the guard Each season is new, and every
"One more year! One more year!" rebounding frontcourt in all of col- senior has proven that no in-game that replaced Berry as well as play team is different. That said, the inex-
The junior flashed an ear-to-ear lege basketball last year, as North responsibility is too much for him to alongside him, even if his on-court perienced North Carolina frontcourt
grin, taking his audience's sugges- Carolina ended with the most offen- handle, averaging over 30 minutes production wasn't eye-popping. The and its back-up point guard will have
tion to stay for his senior season as sive rebounds and highest rebound- a game with two sprained ankles in potential is there for Woods, who a lot to prove come the first game of
a compliment. Unsurprisingly, he ing margin in the country. They the NCAA Tournament, Woods has had his fair share of highlight-reel the season and that would've been
didn't talk about which jersey he both averaged double-digit points yet to prove he can be the Tar Heels' tomahawks and spin moves last true no matter if Jackson and Bradley
would wear next while he addressed in their final seasons, combining for reliable second option. season. He will have to unlock that were still Tar Heels.
the fans. He left the speculation to 962 of 1,425 points scored by North The Columbia, South Carolina completely if he wants to be as posi- @alexzietlow05
everyone else. Carolina's post players. native had 49 assists to 42 turn- tive of an addition as Britt was last
4 Wednesday, July 26, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

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The Daily Tar Heel News Wednesday, July 26, 2017 5

Student section still misses the mark

By Emma Boggess it allows students to not be
Staff Writer as committed; they sign up
for it, almost like a routine,
Every UNC student dreams without actually knowing if
of painting themselves blue they're going to make it to the
and cheering on the Tar Heels game."
from the risers in the Smith Kelley suggested a dif-
Center as a game-winning ferent ticket distribution
shot is taken. But that dream process that would require
isn't always a well-realized students to be more commit-
reality due to the structure ted, and would reward the
and size of UNC's student most dedicated with better
section. seats.
Compared to the amount Reegan von Wildenradt,
of seats in the Smith Center, a writer for Men's Health
the size of UNC's student magazine, ranked the top
section is small. Most of the seven men's basketball stu-
courtside sections are owned dent sections this March.
by Rams Club members, She said commitment and
and of the 21,750 seats, only organization is what makes
3,000 to 6,000 are dedicated most NCAA student sections
to student tickets, depending stand out.
on the game. The additional "The aspect that makes
standing-room only risers student sections unique, to
can hold approximately 200 me, is how well-coordinated
students. they are and how much
"When the Dean Dome enthusiasm they have," she
was built, the donors were said.
essentially given lifetime seats "For example, the Cameron
behind the bench," said Gerry Crazies have a huge camp-
Lajoie, a senior assistant out for tickets, and this year
athletic director in charge of they had to take two written
ticket operations. exams, which showed their
Sophomore Hugh Kelley commitment."
was part of the student sec- In her ranking of the top
tion for many games last seven NCAA student sections,
season. He said he was von Wildenradt included
"pleasantly surprised" by Duke's Cameron Crazies,
the passion and excitement the Michigan State Izzone
he found there last season, and the Virginia 'Hoo Crew, DTH/EMMA BOGGESS
which was better than sea- which was named the 2014 Sophomore David Brewer says that having a student section near the court would improve the atmosphere at the Smith Center.
sons before. Naismith Student Section of
But despite the fun experi- the Year. All the programs which is super famous." are together, which allows "Generally games are pret- the court would improve the
ence, he still doesn't think that made the list had one Some students argue that more passion and excitement ty exciting, if you're in the ris- atmosphere during games
that the student section is thing in common: a long- the amount of student seating to surge through the arena," ers especially, because you're and have a more positive
where it needs to be. For standing and unique tradi- isn't the most pressing issue, he said. standing the whole game effect on the players. He also
Kelley, the issue begins with tion, name or chant fondly and they're more concerned Lajoie said there are no and there's a lot to be excited thinks this would enhance
the lottery ticket distribution given by generations of stu- with improving quality. plans to move UNC's student about," he said. UNC's image on TV.
system. dents. Kelley said that there could section. "But if you're in the back "Right now, no one looks
"The lottery is great "They had really creative even be fewer student seats, David Brewer, a sopho- of the student section, you're hype at all," Brewer said. "If
because it allows a decent things they came up with, as long as they were in a bet- more journalism major, said pretty far away from the the lower section was filled
percentage of the student even if they weren't the oldest ter location. that the vibe during games court, so it's harder to get with students, it would make
population to get tickets," he student sections," she said. "Schools like Duke, which is hindered by the loca- hype." Carolina look much better as
said. "Of course, Kansas has the Michigan State and Maryland tion of student seats needs Brewer said that having far as fans go."
"The biggest downside is 'Rock chalk, Jayhawk' cheer, all have student sections that to improve. the student section closer to

Papuchis keeps much the same as defensive coordinator

Chizik left behind a plays that helped the Tar
Heels reach the 2015 ACC
defense schematically, though
Fedora said the Tar Heels could
more excitable; two different
people, two different person-
UNC won 19 games over the
past two seasons. But unlike
his front seven could make
improvements against oppos-
solid foundation of Championship. Last season,
opponents averaged just under
"expand" the defense under
Papuchis, after a back to basics
As far as the Xs and
recent times, the Tar Heel
defense is expected to take
ing ground games.
Much of that starts on the
experience. 25 points per game against approach in 2015 and 2016. Os go, senior cornerback on a greater onus because of defensive line, where UNC
UNC, as the Tar Heels ranked "We were more basic with M.J. Stewart, a 2016 ACC UNC's lack of experience on brings back an experienced
By Brennan Doherty No. 43 in scoring defense. what we did the last two Honorable Mention selection, offense. That's a challenge he group, including senior
Staff Writer Now, with Chizik having years," Fedora said. "Now couldn't detect much of a dif- and his defensive teammates Dajaun Drennon and junior
resigned to spend more time those guys understand the ference during spring practice are up for, Stewart said. Jalen Dalton. But UNC's line-
CHARLOTTE Following with his family, the Tar Heels base. So now it's J.P. being with Papuchis leading the way. With 17 defensive letter- backers especially seniors
the 2014 season, North are once again tasked with able to expand it." "I haven't really been able men returning, they have a Cole Holcomb and Cayson
Carolina football head coach breaking in a new defensive Fedora said Papuchis was to tell," he said. "They're both good foundation to build off Collins, and junior Andre
Larry Fedora knew his coordinator. This time, it's already heavily involved great minds, they both know of in Papuchis' first year as Smith should be the center
defense needed a change. John Papuchis, who was with the decision-making a lot about football. Each of defensive coordinator. Despite of attention.
After watching the Tar Heels UNC's linebackers coach the processes on defense prior to them have told me personally, somehow recording only one "That group in the line-
give up 39 points per game past two seasons after serving this season, as Chizik, who just taught me little things I interception as a group, UNC's backer position ... really can
that season 119th nationally as defensive coordinator at hadn't been a coordinator can use in my game to help me pass defense rated relatively be the strength of our defense
he brought in Gene Chizik, Nebraska from 2012 to 2014. since 2006 prior to taking be a better player. I can't really well last season, but getting this year," Fedora said.
the former national champion- The change is one of many over in 2015, readily relied on say what's the biggest differ- better against the run has The defensive coordinator
ship-winning coach at Auburn, in Chapel Hill this season. Papuchis for input. ence between them right now." been a point of emphasis dur- change in 2014 was needed,
to become UNC's new defen- While the attrition on defense The biggest difference The Tar Heels are still play- ing the offseason after giving and it was expected. While
sive coordinator. isn't even close to being as between the two might be ing with two high safeties, up 227.3 rushing yards per Chizik's departure definitely
And while Chizik was no overwhelming as it is on the their personalities, according willing to sacrifice efficiency game last season. wasn't needed or expected,
miracle worker, he implement- offensive side of the ball, UNC to Fedora. at times for protection against Stewart said Papuchis has his heir seems quite capable
ed pragmatic changes name- will still have to get used to "Gene was very calm, col- big plays, while the 4-3 for- been stressing the importance of handling a group that
ly a switch to a 4-3 scheme Papuchis being in charge. lected the way he talked, mation has remained as the of becoming more physical needs a huge year.
from a 4-2-5 and a greater However, many things are the way he did things with the base defense. That strategy when pursuing the ball car- @brennan_doherty
emphasis on limiting explosive expected toEMERGING
stay the same on LEADERS
team," he said. "J.P.'s a little has been effective recently, as rier, while Fedora believes


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Secondary looks for interceptions

UNC was last in the It wasn't like we were getting
burnt every play."
I decided I wanted to come back and end on a
NCAA to record an He's right. All the other bang make people remember who I am.
numbers proved UNC's sec- M.J. Stewart
interception in 2016. ondary rock solid. The Tar Senior Cornerback
Heels allowed the fewest pass-
By Chapel Fowler ing yards per game (180.8) and can be if they hold on to a few season, he could've gone in
Senior Writer fewest touchdown passes (11) more balls. the third or fourth round
in the entire ACC. Nationwide, "It's definitely a big goal," and fulfilled what he called
CHARLOTTE The one they were No. 1 in fewest Stewart said. "We work every "a childhood dream." But he
number commonly associated touchdown passes allowed to day after OTAs and every day stayed - and his team's lack of
with North Carolina's second- wide receivers, surrendering after summer workouts, going picks was the biggest factor.
ary is far from a compliment. just three in 13 games. out with the receivers and "I didn't want to end my
It stands out in the media It's an awkward situation quarterbacks, catching balls, college career after zero inter-
guide like a sore thumb. Next to be in. These defensive getting a feel for the ball and ceptions," he said. "I decided
to now-graduated safety backs excelled in plenty of making sure we look it all the I wanted to come back and
Dominquie Green's name, the categories, but they almost way in." end on a bang make people
single digit serves as a con- went an entire season without Green and cornerback remember who I am."
stant reminder of the single punishing a quarterback for Des Lawrence, both usual Hard hitter and fellow
interception UNC recorded an errant throw or success- starters last season, are gone. senior Donnie Miles will take
last season. fully jumping a route. But with the youth in line to the safety spot beside Dorn. As
The Tar Heels didn't get That's not the worst pos- replace them, the losses won't for a second corner, there's no
that interception until Nov. sible thing, since intercep- be too devastating. The entire clear answer. Four-star recruit
19, 2016, against The Citadel, tions are a sexy stat. Any NFL team seems high on Myles Tre Shaw could definitely play
their 11th game of the season. defender with five or more Dorn, who had 32 tackles as his way into the spot early
They were the very last team is basically a lock for the a first-year, as he slides into a on. There are plenty of other
among all 644 NCAA football Pro Bowl. They're the first starting safety spot. options for starting or rota-
teams, regardless of division, number to appear next to a "Myles should really have a tional spots in Corey Bell Jr.,
to do so. The sole positive cornerback's name when he's huge year for us," head coach Patrice Rene and K.J. Sails.
of the situation was a fluky drafted. And while they're not Larry Fedora said. "He's a The Tar Heels need as much
stat since Green took the an automatic way to make a long, 6-foot-2-and-a-half, 215- help as they can get, especially
ball 58 yards to the house, defense great, they sure do pound safety that will hit you early on in the season. And if
UNC was the only team in the help. They're turnovers and and that can roam the field a hungry secondary can turn
country to return 100 percent momentum-changers. really well. We really look for deflections and drops into
of its interceptions for touch- UNC had a surprisingly him to take off this year." catches, turnovers and maybe
downs. strong season with just one Stewart is a lock at starting even some points, the team will
"It seems so simple," senior turnover through the air. This cornerback after flirting with get just that. PHOTO COURTESY OF SARA D. DAVIS
cornerback M.J. Stewart said. year, players are wondering entering the NFL Draft. After @chapelfowler UNC senior cornerback M.J. Stewart addresses the media at the
"We were always in position. just how much better they a 66-tackle, 11 pass-breakup 2017 ACC Football Kickoff in Charlotte on Friday, July 13.

UNC Center for Civil Rights faces potential ban

By Nic Rardin provide as one of the top law Aug. 1 meeting of the educa- University was helping them over 30 years. She said the Wegner believes the pro-
Senior Writer schools in the country." tion policy committee meet- collect information. Center for Civil Rights has posed litigation ban is an out-
Adkins spoke at a public ing. There, they will decide "The University has been been an excellent learning right attack on the center, and
UNC's Board of Governors comment a few weeks ago, whether or not to recommend working through a group tool for her students through- worries that it will damage
will vote on whether to pass an event that was planned the proposal to the board. that was established at the out her career. the law school's reputation
a litigation ban against the quickly once supporters of the Director of the Center for Chancellor's behest to answer "I usually taught first-year across the country.
UNC Center for Civil Rights center discovered the threat Civil Rights Ted Shaw said the questions that were put properties, so I've had people "I worry that if I were
in early September. The ban of a ban. the BOG is deliberately tar- before us by the Board of from the center come in and a student in college want-
would prevent the center "It's been an ongoing battle geting the center, aiming to Governors," Shaw said. talk about issues that poor ing to go to law school, I'd
from representing clients and for us," she said. "We found incapacitate its presence by Law schools across the minorities face all the time," worry whether or not UNC
acting as legal counsel to any out that this was something taking away its ability to liti- country including Columbia, she said. "Having people from was a good place to go to law
party. that the BOG was going to gate against North Carolina Harvard and Duke have pro- the civil rights center come in school," she said.
Student Body President do. We signed up to speak organizations. grams that allow students and talk about their research The Board of Governors
Elizabeth Adkins sent a letter the public comment at what "The attack on the center's to work alongside profes- and then having students go has the legal authority to
to the BOG, asking them to was almost an emergency ability to litigate is an attack sional litigators. Shaw said in and participate in their vote on a litigation ban, but
allow the center to continue meeting. Thankfully we were on the center for ideological this teaches students a lot, projects is a wonderful learn- Wegner thinks it lacks the
its work. She said the ban able to get a spot, and basi- reasons," Shaw said. "Even providing them with a strong ing experience for them." moral authority to make such
would cripple the center and cally what I wanted to do though they claim that the resource which lets them gain Wegner said the center pro- a decision. There's also a
take away a serious asset from was elevate the voices of the center has no business suing experience. vided good hands-on experi- national petition from clinical
the School of Law. students. It doesn't really the entities of the state, but "This takes apart the center ence, but first and foremost it researchers around the coun-
"The reason that they affect undergrads, but this that's inconsistent with the as it was created," he said. "And provided her students with a try to stop the litigation ban.
should be able to litigate is was about grad students, par- reality that clinical programs the legacy of Julius Chambers, sense of purpose and a desire "I think all of us have a
that these law students get ticularly students in the law at any law school sue state who is one of the greatest to give back with their services. stake in that the University
experience shadowing legal school." institutions commonly." alumni of the university." "It really helps instill in shouldn't have educational
professionals," Adkins said. Adkins said she plans to Shaw said that the center Judith Wegner was dean of students an appreciation for decisions made by people
"They get access to knowledge attend BOG meetings con- was facing questions from the School of Law from 1989 how lawyers can help people with political axes to grind,"
they can't find in textbooks. cerning the proposal, which is the BOG about the litigation to 1999 and has been involved and what upholding the law she said.
That's an advantage UNC can scheduled for discussion as an work it does, and that the with UNC legal education for really means," she said.

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MERCIA RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES: Now verifiable year-major. romance. Take a new tack with a partner this
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hours per week; $14/hour. May split between
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able. Contact via or 919- Help Wanted launches a year benefitting home and family.
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CHILDCARE NEEDED Mature, reliable sitter need- $12/hr. 919-933-7533, 919-260-5645. Today is a 7 -- Things may not go as Today is an 8 -- Teamwork binds like
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The Daily Tar Heel News Wednesday, July 26, 2017 7
MAYE usual route home from UNC's
campus to Huntersville, at a
*** Rising 10th-grader Beau, the
third youngest sibling but
He caught the ball and rose
up without hesitation. Luke
and show people that we don't
need to fail at something in
FROM PAGE 1 perfectly legal 70 miles per The Mayes are there for the confirmed tallest at just backpedaled to half court as order to get back as well."
history. The junior forward's hour in the middle lane. When one another regardless of the under 6-foot-9, describes his his shot swished, barely mov-
Elite Eight game-winner he decided to merge to the circumstances. golf game as "getting there." ing the net. ***
against Kentucky in March right, he didn't see what was Cole took an 11 a.m. flight His older brothers are inching It didn't beat his Kentucky
sent the Tar Heels to the Final next to him. the day after a Florida week- closer to stealing Mark's title shot will anything? but it With to-go boxes in hand,
Four. In Glendale, Arizona, "I didn't look in my rear- end series to watch North of best golfer in the family. On secured a victory for his team the family walks around two
they redeemed themselves view mirror, and I hit the Carolina's championship this day, Cole edged out Luke in the "former versus current" long tables of food in alumi-
against Gonzaga on the big- tractor trailer on the front left game, and he was back on through 18 holes. But Luke game that's become a staple num-foil trays. As Luke finishes
gest possible stage. bumper," Luke said. "And he campus for class the next insisted that score be taken at head coach Roy Williams' filling his Styrofoam container
To my right is, well, another kind of spun me out." morning. Luke couldnt make with a grain of salt, since he summer camps. The 71-58 and steps to the side, an ele-
national champion. Cole Luke's vehicle hit the it to Floridas championship had a three-hour car ride and win came against a squad mentary-school boy who's been
Maye joined the University of shoulder, went airborne and series, but he weaseled around no warm-up. featuring household names eyeing Luke since he walked in
Florida's baseball team in the completed a couple of 360s summer school and practices "I took no practice swings, like Marvin Williams, Kendall decides to make his move.
spring after graduating high before landing upside down. to get to two earlier College buddy," Cole quickly added, Marshall and Joel James. He's a little hesitant at first.
school a semester early. Passing The car came to rest on its World Series games in June. denying any advantage of his There was a rematch the The boy's father shakes Luke's
on his senior season, spring roof in a grassy bank on the "The most important thing earlier arrival. following week, and the hand and introduces his son,
break and prom proved to be side of I-85. It was totaled. for me is how they pull so "You walked around," Luke alumni added even more tal- whos mostly hidden behind
the right choice. The 6-foot-7 "The door was already hard for each other," said countered. ent Raymond Felton, Tyler Dad's leg in embarrassment.
lefty pitcher traded all that in popped open," Luke said. "So Aime, the boys' mother. Friendly trash talk like this Hansbrough and Isaiah Hicks. But when Luke starts talking,
for a trip to Omaha, Nebraska, I just unbuckled and crawled "Cole was coming to that is a given when it comes to any But Luke and company held all of that is gone. The boy
where the Gators beat out. Had a little scratch on my game. Same with Luke type of competition. Luke kept their own, winning 71-65. gradually steps out into the
Louisiana State University in knee, but, besides that, I was there's just no question about quiet after his national cham- With a mostly empty cam- open, laughing and convers-
two straight games to win their fine. Very thankful for that." whether they're going." pionship, though, because he pus at their disposal, Luke ing with Luke like a long-time
first-ever College World Series. In the state highway patrol Everyone in Huntersville knew he might not be the only and the rest of the team have friend. He leaves the encounter
Two championships in a report from the scene, Luke pulls for the Mayes, too but Maye with that title in a few found plenty of time to bond. with an uncontrollable grin
three-month period and the was cited for an unsafe lane sometimes, people aren't sure months. When Cole did end up There are bowling trips and spreading across his face.
attention that comes with them change and an expired regis- which one they're talking to. getting his own ring, there was movie nights most recently "Sometimes I'll look over,
haven't knocked anything off tration. The truck driver, who After all, Luke and Cole are more joy than anything else. "Despicable Me 3." And when and somebody will be look-
balance, though. During this had promptly pulled off the just 15 months apart in age. "I didn't really think it was Luke moves off-campus this ing at me and then look away
Fourth of July weekend, the road to check on Luke after the Confusion has only grown bragging rights at all," Cole fall, he'll room with Kenny real quick," Luke said. "At the
Mayes are visiting Margaret collision, received no citations. as Cole has caught up to his said. "We were just so happy Williams and new teammate cookout over there, having little
Sockwell, the boys' grand- "He walked back and was brother in height and, to Luke's for each other." Cam Johnson. kids come over and look up to
mother, in her mountainside very apologetic," Luke said. strong approval, facial hair. "And now," Luke said, Luke knows he'll be more me and being a role model for
vacation home. They're headed "But it wasn't really his fault." Back at home, Cole has already "we've got something on every involved than ever for UNC them that was pretty cool."
to a community cook-out. Within two hours of the been congratulated on his bas- other family." this season. He's penciled in If there's one thing to know
wreck, Luke was back on the ketball success a few times. as the starting power forward about Luke, it's that he has
*** road with his father, Mark. "I usually play it off," he *** and will also see time at cen- time for everyone. The most
He still made it to youngest said, laughing. "It's fun to be ter in small-ball lineups. eventful spring and summer
On June 8, a gray 2014 brother Drake's eighth-grade back." As the defense collapsed on "I think it'll be a really good of his life haven't changed
Ford Expedition cruised graduation and spoke at the When the Mayes arrived at Brandon Robinson, Luke was year for us," Luke said, "just that. And nothing ever will.
down Interstate 85 South. fifth-grade graduation at his Grandfather Mountain, they already drifting back toward because we have a lot of guys @chapelfowler
Luke was inside, taking his old elementary school. went straight to the golf course. the line. who really want to get back

FACILITIES hockey stadium, we antici-

pate completion for all three
longer, because we're relocat-
ing the track to Finley Fields.
have public restrooms for the
first time. (Currently) we have
I think is worth mentioning,
these projects are going to cre-
ics has had theirs. And what
we've realized is our primary
FROM PAGE 1 of those projects in August The fans will be much closer to open Carmichael and Eddie ate some additional field space programming needs for ath-
2017, will compete at Wake of 2018. The track complex to the field. We'll have seating Smith restrooms for our fans for all of our sports programs, letics are in the afternoon
Med soccer park. Men will that's underway should finish on all four sides of the field on event days in Fetzer. We'll but they're also going to create hours and campus rec's pri-
play at Wake Med, but they in the spring of 2018. Our tar- instead of just one. We'll have have much-improved rest- some additional field space to mary needs are in the evening,
also will compete at Elon and get is April of 2018. a new team building, with rooms, much-improved con- be used by campus recreation and we are going to make all
in Greensboro. offices and locker rooms for cessions, many more points of and the campus community. of our synthetic fields available
DTH: How is Fetzer stadium
both soccer programs and sale then we've had in the old All the artificial fields that for them in the evening hours.
DTH: When do you antici- going to be different?
women's lacrosse. New LED stadium. we're building, we're going And for the campus commu-
pate these projects finishing MB: The soccer/lacrosse sport lighting, new video to share the use of those with nity at large in the morning
up? stadium? It's different in a
DTH: Is there anything else
board, restrooms, concessions. campus rec, and that's a new hours, when athletics isn't
you think we should know
MB: Fetzer, the soccer/ lot of ways. It's a whole new Do you know that in the cur-
about these projects?
model. We haven't done that using them.
lacrosse stadium, the indoor stadium, so the field won't rent Fetzer Field, there's not a before. Campus rec has had @notracheljones
practice facility and the field have a track around it any single toilet? Not one. So we'll MB: The other thing that their facilities and athlet-

SPRING SPORTS and was a huge reason North

Carolina found itself in an
wins to set up a rematch
with the Wildcats two days
like this," senior Adam Pate
said afterward.
was there. But getting out of
the regional round wasn't.
spring. And considering what
the basketball team used as
FROM PAGE 1 8-0 hole in the fifth inning. later. But playing the same Seeing Bukauskas and With frustrating post- its motivation on the way to a
15th in this year's MLB Draft. The Tar Heels mustered a team yielded the same result. teammates Logan Warmoth season losses leaving bad 2017 national championship,
Bukauskas, the 2017 ACC small comeback and ended Davidson won, 2-1, and, just and Brian Miller get drafted tastes in their mouths, both that may not be the worst
Pitcher of the Year, lasted up losing, 8-4. like that, an incredible regular among the top 36 only rubbed the baseball and women's strategy.
just 3.2 innings. He gave up a Facing elimination, UNC season went down the drain. more salt in the wound. The lacrosse programs will have @chapelfowler
season-high six earned runs pulled out two more regional "You don't expect it to end talent was there. The depth something to play for next

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auto accidents?
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Bad and Bushy

Whats even better than
Luke Mayes eyebrows? His
down-to-earth atitude. See
2015 The Mepham Group. All rights reserved. pg. 1 for story.
Level: 1 2 3 4
Stay Centered
UNCs Center for Civil
Complete the grid Rights is feeling very
so each row, column
attacked right now. See pg.
and 3-by-3 box (in
for story.
bold borders) contains
every digit 1 to 9.
Thats Offensive
Solution to UNC lost a lot of talent
last puzzle on its offense, but theyre
optimistic for the fall. See
pg. 3 for story.

Use the Facilities

Except you cant, because
all of our fields are under
construction. See pg. 1 for

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

(C)2012 Tribune Media
Services, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Across 57 Issuer of nine-digit 11 The Razors Edge 39 Its not new

1 Actress Kaczmarek or ID nos. novelist 40 Asian citrus fruit
Krakowski 58 Cephalopod wizards 12 Mad men? 43 Gettysburg Address
5 Friends abroad game? 14 Flood feature
9 Resigned words 60 Tale spinner 18 Raise a stink? 44 Let me repeat
13 Chihuahua cheers 61 Sport whose 20 Aetna rival myself ...
14 Point of view champions are called 23 Lou who stole 938 46 Graph paper design
15 Creep yokozuna bases 47 Like a mosquito bite
16 Woodshop tools 62 CoverGirl competitor 24 Sweet! 48 Raspy
17 Know-nothing swine? 63 Car rental giant 26 One working at a 50 Adam Bede novelist
19 Conan channel 64 Suckling spot base 52 Here, Ill do that
20 Baja vacation spot 65 Come off as 29 Kin of gov 53 Non-shaving razor
21 Co-owner of the 66 Formally relinquish 32 Molecular particles name?
Pequod 33 Up to, briefly 55 BlackBerries, e.g.
22 Puppets desire to Down 34 __ firma 58 Former JFK lander
manipulate Shari 1 Elbow ones way 36 Org. with body 59 French landmass
Lewis for a change? 2 To Kill A scanners 60 Fond du __,
25 Yale founder Yale Mockingbird setting 37 Tiny Bubbles singer Wisconsin
27 Come to light 3 Ones turning in stories 38 Farm sound
28 Cry of fright 4 Small opening?
30 GoPro product, 5 I was home alone,
briefly perhaps
31 Before thou knowst 6 Myopic Mr.
32 The teensiest bit 7 Roadside retreat
34 One filling in 8 Knock it off!
35 Sass from a young 9 One bit
lion? 10 Hockey advantage
38 Conceal
41 Piano recital
piece, e.g.
42 Marine
45 Lead-in to roll
or spree
46 Molls leg
47 Fast entry
49 Mink relative
51 Lazy ladys
54 Long Island
airport town
56 __ Domani:
Italian wine
8 Wednesday, July 26, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

EDITORIAL CARTOON By Jenni Ciesielski,

Rachel Jones Tyler Fleming

Summer Editor Editor in Chief
Junior journalism major from Ayden Senior history major from Randleman
Email: Email:

Lets give it Support

up for the Tar Heel
girls Baseball
t had been a long day. ou may not know this, but you can
Approximately 5 hours after I get Bojangles on campus during
went to sleep on the night of the the spring semester at UNC.
National Championship game, I woke EDITORIAL Youre not going to find it in Lenoir

Stop recruiting madness

up at 7 a.m. to pass out copies of The Dining Hall or even anywhere on North
Daily Tar Heel. I had then been promptly Campus youre going to have to go to
bombarded by a line of over 500 people a Carolina baseball game.
for two hours while I ran between the Pit Now I am well aware that going to a
and the Student Stores parking lot to pick
up more and more bundles of the paper.
Harassing high more exciting than having a
good team.
Knox would die. Several
tweets were so intense that
baseball game brings up mixed emotions
for most people. Since its my favorite
After that, I attended two of my three
classes (Data Journalism and Media Law
schoolers isnt OK, But making a sport out he briefly deleted all of his sport, I only have a positive connotation
with the game. But Im not so naive as
of recruiting can go too far. social media apps. Sure,
made the cut, Feminist Literary Theory regardless of talent. While theres constant debate some of it was in good fun.
to think everyone shares in my positive

did not) and then went to the DTH. feelings many of you think baseball
It was packed that day we had a line
e all know that over how student athletes But a lot of it wasnt, and games are a tired, boring experience.
outside of our office that wrapped around March Madness behaviors should or shouldnt Knox isnt the only teenager If youre in that camp, this column is
the building and stretched all the way to really begins way be monitored on social media, to be on the receiving end of for you. I am going to make the case for
the corner of the street. While I passed before March 1. theres far less talk about the this. why you should support UNC Baseball:
the line and went in to read with a couple For super fans, it begins behaviors coming from the Talented high school To start, our team will need your
of equally cranky and tired writers, I before incoming players give spectator side. athletes like Knox often get support next spring. This past season
knew the real work hadnt happened yet. their verbal commitment. Take Kevin Knox, the put in the national spotlight was ended in tragedy. We went to
After an hour at the office, I left with With the rise of tracking 6-foot-9 heavily recruited before they even get their Davidson College twice in the NCAA
the other assistant on my desk and the exceptional high schoolers forward, for example. As drivers licenses.There are a tournament and did not advance past
City editor to the Smith Center to hand on major networks and social any basketball fan read- lot of perks that come with the regional round of games. Its hard
out papers at the welcome home cer- to come back from an embarrassing
media, people are now able ing this probably knows, he athletic recruiting, but at
emony for the basketball team. defeat, something that anyone who
to watch the class of 2021 was recruited heavily by top the end of the end of the was here for the 2016 NCAA Mens
I had thought the line at the Pit was
bad it was nothing compared to this. and beyond religiously. The basketball schools such as day these are kids choosing Basketball National Championship
While the students and faculty that recruitment process has Duke, UNC and University where theyll spend the next game can attest to.
morning had been polite, the pushy fami- become almost as much of a of Kentucky, Along the way, four years of their lives a I believe in the returning players lead-
lies and entitled alumni filing into the pastime as March Madness Knox was encouraged to choice thats stressful enough ing the way. If we as a student body can
stadium were anything but. The paper itself. put it lightly to come to without your Twitter notifi- get behind the team, I have no doubt we
was free, but we could only hand out one This isnt an innately bad UNC by legions of fans with cations filled with 40-year- can win the College World Series.
copy per person. I had to argue with ele- thing its fun to make pre- some form of carolina or olds telling you to tear your Even if each of you only go to one game
mentary schoolers, dads and grandmoth- dictions, maybe make wagers goheels in their Twitter ACL. you otherwise wouldnt have, that would
ers to make sure I stuck to that rule. Less with your friends, and the handles. Of course people have still be a large increase in support for every
than 30 minutes in I was sweating bullets process can give you a look at game. Our increased support carried the
When he committed to the right to post how they
as I tried desperately to keep up with the basketball team to a championship, we
how talented your team will Kentucky this May, many of feel on social media, but can do the same for the baseball team.
crowd forming around me.
I started handing out papers robotically,
be in one, two or three years. those encouraging tweets the least any of us can do is Honestly, as a side note, supporting
not bothering to check who was on the Any UNC fan who was in turned into straight-up not be the person who acts our fellow students, regardless of the
receiving end and only snapping out of it Chapel Hill or Phoenix, Az., harassment. His mom told like a drunk Red Sox fan activity, is always a good thing.
when someone tried to fight my one-per- the night of April 3 knows the Herald Sun that one when harassing 17-year-olds Another reason to go is the stadium
person rule. I came to as a tall blonde in that there arent many things online commenter wished online. itself. Some of my best college memories
front of me blinked, paused for a moment, are sitting in the Bosh, whether its by
spoke in a voice that I recognized from a myself or with friends, on a warm spring
press conference, of all places. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR day. The experience itself supersedes
the game. Even if you hate baseball, it
Can I actually , Taylor Koenen
started. Support businesss rights Whether or not you agree also exhibit deep emotional is relaxing to be surrounded by fellow
Take as many as you want, I said, sure- to nonviolent protests with the political views associ- attachments, complicated social Tar Heels under a Carolina Blue sky I
ly eliciting groans from the sea of argyle ated with BDS, nonviolent polit- hierarchies, and an impres- kind of hate myself for writing some-
around me. I didnt care. She deserves this. TO THE EDITOR: ical boycotts have a long and sive ability to solve puzzles and thing this cheesy, but its true.
I covered a womens basketball game North Carolina legisla- illustrious history in the United tasks, but we dont see them You can even study at the stadium
that semester for a sportswriting class. tors recently passed a bill States, and have been repeatedly that way. Rather, we distance while youre eating Bojangles. Just
It wasnt pretty. UNC lost 71-95 against that would ban the state from upheld as lawful expression. and detach ourselves from these watch out for the foul balls that some-
Duke on Senior Night. I dont think doing business with any com- The US Supreme Court has animals in an attempt to keep times land in the student section.
that the Senior Night part mattered too pany that engages in a boycott held that peaceful political boy- our purchasing habits as theyve Last, baseball has something for
much there was only one senior on of Israel or its settlements, cotts are protected by the First always been. We willfully ignore everyone. If you like numbers, baseball
the team, and she had retired from col- or endorses the Boycott, Amendment. the statistics given to us by those has no shortage of statistics for you to
lege ball early to try and save whatever Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Thus, this bill constitutes a we write off as radical activists learn about.
worn-down knee joint she has left. movement. Governor Cooper frightening, unconstitutional, who try to guilt us into not eat- My favorite part is how watching
Theres a lot to be said about the rec- has until July 30 to veto the and unacceptable double stan- ing meat. I should know, I did it the game connects you with a long his-
ognition of non-revenue sports and their bill or it will automatically dard that will punish those for years. tory, one that often reflects the best
athletes in general, but nowhere is it felt become law. If he does not, who employ legitimate means The videos of cruel factory and worst parts of America: if you go
more keenly than UNCs womens basket- NC will become the 22nd state to express their beliefs. I urge farms we mark off as outli- to you can see
ball team. You can deny it all you want, with such a law on its books. DTH readers to voice their con- ers. We chalk up the torturing the box score for games going back to
but that program took the fall for the First, a little about BDS. cern by contacting Governor and maiming of animals at the 1886.
NCAA scandal that rocked the Tar Heels The movement started in 2005 Cooper. hands of their human captors You can see what North Carolina
in 2012. Roys boys wouldnt have been with a call by a wide array of as an isolated act of evil. We native and hall-of -famer Buck Leonard
able to cut down those nets in April if it Palestinian civil society organi- Zaid Khatib desperately ignore the fact that hit during the 1934 season for the
wasnt for Sylvias girls the ones who zations for boycott, divestment, Senior pigs have the intelligence of Homestead Grays, or how UNCs own
stayed, the ones who didnt, the ones who and sanctions against Israel Global Studies a 3-year-old human child, or Andrew Miller did in the last years
are slowly trickling back through recruit- until it complies with interna- that cows are able to remember World Series against the Cubs.
ment to form a laughably youthful team. tional law and universal princi- Think about all animals faces over many years without North Carolina has a lot of baseball
ples of human rights. BDS rep- seeing them. And as we play
And if it wasnt for the scandal, Sylvia
resents a nonviolent means of
as if they were your pets history to be proud of, and UNCs team
Hatchell might have had a championship with our dogs and cuddle our is just one way to engage with it, a way
welcome home of her own. UNCs class of pressuring Israel to conform to TO THE EDITOR: cats, we forget that the total thats free for students. So this upcoming
2017 was good. Theyre still good, theyre three precepts of international Over 36 percent of American number of animals killed in spring semester, choose any Saturday
just at different universities, running as law, namely: ending its military households own a dog, and 2015 for food alone was 9.2 bil- and go to the Bosh.
fast as they could from visions of AFAM occupation and dismantling about 30 percent own a cat. lion. Being the editor of this paper, I
classes and lost scholarships and NCAA the wall; recognizing the rights Cats and dogs, second only to But hey, theyre just animals, wont have a whole lot of free time to
sanctions. The rest of womens basketball of Palestinian citizens of Israel fish, are the most popular pets right? visit games my senior year. So Id like
was bad this year UConn lost in the to full equality; and respect- in the U.S. They are intelligent to finish with a thank you to Carolina
Final Four, for Gods sake. ing and promoting the right of and capable of complex emo- Shawn Gillooly Baseball. I look forward to reading about
So Im sorry to the grandmothers of Palestinian refugees to return to tion, and therefore they are seen Junior all you accomplish.
UNC, but Taylor Koenen gets as many their homes as stipulated in UN as an integral part of the family. Political Science and
newspapers as she wants. Shes taking Resolution 194. Oddly enough, animals on farms Communications
a chance on us. Shes taking a chance to
rebuild. And in a couple years, we might EDITORIAL STAFF
News: Rebecca Cooper
know her as well as a member of the
mens team. She put up a career-high 11 QUOTE OF THE DAY FEATURED ONLINE READER COMMENT Ayers, Nic Rardin,
Will Bryant, Brennan
Photo: Gabi Palacio
Opinion: Jenni
D oher t y, Emma Ciesielski, Rachel
points in that Duke game. And by the
time a proper senior class is restored to
Weve got something on every Make tobacco illegal obviously. Cant we start Boggess, Alex
Zietlow, Chapel
Jones, Tyler Fleming
Adviser: Erica Perel
Fowler Printing: Tr iangle
Carmichael, maybe well be able to give other family a war on tobacco? Then make alcohol illegal. Copy: Karen Stahl,
Madeline Pace, Grant
Web Printing Co.
Distribution: Stacy
them credit for all the good theyve done.
Luke Maye, on his brother also winning a Then sugar in foods illegal? Masini
Design: Brooklynn
Wynn, Nick and
Sarah Hammonds national championship this year. JWJ, on dealing with North Carolinas tobacco industry. EDITORS NOTE: Columns, cartoons and let-
ters do not necessarily represent the opinions of

The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials reflect
the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel editorial board,
which is made up of board members, the opinion
editor and the summer editor.

Out with the old, Right on target Hop on over Goodbye, Old friend SPEAK OUT
And in with the... pizza? Franklin After months of construction When it comes to fries, Sup Dogs Chapel Hill just got a little less WRITING GUIDELINES
Street is currently going through and blocked off sidewalks, might not be top dog for much windy. Last weekend, Old Chi- Please type: Handwritten letters will not be
a lot of changes, and Target has finally longer. Hops Burger cago served its last
Sign and date: No more than two people
we have mixed feel- opened its doors. Bar, TripAdvisors Chi-Town Trio and should sign letters.
ings about it. Dont Were psyched, and best burger joint in closed its doors. Students: Include your year, major and
get us wrong, were not just because of 2016, is adding a While theres an phone number.
thrilled the construc- the cheap swim- location on Franklin abundance of plac- Faculty/staff: Include your department and
tion is almost done and that the suits we can buy. Students and Street where Lime Mexican Grill es to fill the pizza void, well be phone number.
building that used to be Jasmins Chapel Hill residents will no lon- used to be. Hops not only has mourning the loss of the craft Edit: The DTH edits for space, clarity, accura-
will no longer be a barren waste- ger have to rely on a car or drive several types of burgers (two your own mac n cheese for the cy and vulgarity. Limit letters to 250 words.
land. But even we as college down to Carrboro to pick up types of veggie burgers? Count next few months. Maybe if they SUBMISSION
students have to wonder, do we groceries. Never have we been us in), but also is home to 11 hadnt raised their $2 pizzas to Drop-off or mail to our office at 151 E.
really need two build-your-own so jealous of Granville residents, types of fries, including nacho $3, things wouldve gone dif- Rosemary Street, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514
pizza places on one block? who get to be just steps away. and parmesean jalapeno fries. ferently. E-mail:

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