Archbishoppilarczyklrr B 1
Archbishoppilarczyklrr B 1
Archbishoppilarczyklrr B 1
two questions. The first question is, Why was Jesus tempted by
the devil? Wasnt he the Son of God, of the same substance with
the Father, God from God, light from light? Why should Jesus
Well, Jesus was tempted by the devil for the same reason
His time. He didnt need the remission of sin as the others did
who came to John for Baptism. Jesus was sinless, but he was
Every human being has been invited to turn his or her back to God
and walk the path of self-indulgence and arrogance that Adam and
inviting him to provide bread for himself from the stones. The
devil tempts Jesus with easy success, urging him to throw himself
down from the temple and everybody would admire him. The devil
tempts Jesus with power. He offers Jesus all the kingdoms of the
earth if Jesus would give himself over to the devil. And Jesus
resists them all. It was a time of danger and threat for him, in
the midst of the wildness of the beasts. Yet, as the text says,
him in the desert just as the Israelites in the exodus has been
fully human like the rest of us, though unwounded by sin. Thats
Jesus every year on the First Sunday of Lent? One would think
that there might be some other aspect of Jesus life that would
be more appropriate for the beginning of the penitential season
perhaps His Baptism, or Jesus teaching about the need for loving
during Lent, we are supposed to do the same thing Jesus did; that
is, we are supposed to go apart from our ordinary life and face
that the devil is after us and that we need to respond and react
Jesus, but Jesus temptations and ours are basically the same.
We are all tempted to comfort, not the ordinary comfort that God
well as the evil that afflicts us from inside. Unlike Jesus, we
our condition, we will remain detached from the life that the
We are all among the wild beasts like Jesus was in the
he endured.